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File: 1722736003216.jpeg (157.88 KB, 899x705, IMG_4384.jpeg)

No. 407142

ITT post shitty art. This can include:
>shit anatomy
>confusing compositions
>bizarre, autistic subject matter
>uncanny valley faces
>incompetent technique

Do not:
>Post loli, shota, or any other kind of fetish art depicting children
>Post porn or fetish material. Shitty fetish art now has its own dedicated thread ( >>>/m/166120 )
>Post AI-generated images.

Remember that there are other threads for art feedback ( >>>/m/373122 ), art trades/requests (>>>/m/383598 ), artist salt ( >>>/ot/2116126 ), and shitty comics >>>/m/390554

Previous Thread:

First Pre-Wipe Thread

First Post-Wipe Thread:
>>>/m/186753(please do not make threads before the other is locked)

No. 407180

File: 1722745274344.png (812.65 KB, 1280x1454, IMG_4374.png)

sigh guess the characters

No. 407225

Devil Man

No. 407235

Akechi and Joker

No. 407237

I second >>407235 it has to be akechi and joker

No. 407265

The last thread isn't even locked yet…

No. 407331

Yeah it's ugly but OP is weirdly soulful kek

No. 407415

File: 1722816038899.jpeg (245.75 KB, 1197x999, ndfqtc.jpeg)

That's right, have Haru

No. 407817

File: 1722984103474.jpeg (241.77 KB, 1511x2048, GTBLVMGbgAAOssu.jpeg)

Other than being coomer shit,this artist couldn't even draw the hands or the rest of the legs kek.how lazily drawn.

No. 407819

It unfortunately reminds me of those scrote sex toys that are literally just a woman’s torso

No. 407821

I think I would like this if they made the eyes look less cartoonish

No. 407827


absolutely fucking abominable

No. 407916

File: 1723021418397.jpeg (392.91 KB, 1454x2048, WoHgY7S.jpeg)

No. 407919


41% pony.

No. 407921

this is really pretty if not for the tranny shit. shame

sadly yes… and it's someone's courier. probably the ugliest courier i've seen.

No. 407946

File: 1723038250972.jpg (112.09 KB, 1280x720, kenkikun.jpg)

No. 407976

I thought this was Pixyteri fanart

No. 407981

File: 1723049576989.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.08 KB, 1017x1017, GUA-6TBXkAAYupv.jpg)

she may not be pixy but she has all the cow similarities to her kek also spoiler for the STOMACH and gross tif bulge

No. 407983

This is a fucking Vtuber?

No. 407984

yeah, heres some of her content

No. 407985

> Femboy
This is either a self-hating TIF or she's going to troon out very very shortly.

No. 407987

its a tif

No. 407995

i like how they project their fat and self-mutilated bodies onto these anime characters

No. 408004

This was drawn by a handmaid woman, if anyone's curious. She's probably never met a TiM or seen an arm corndog.

No. 408006

Oh no this breaks my heart, this is cute minus the trannoid crap.
Lolcow needs a mlp thread

No. 408008

File: 1723059025953.jpg (Spoiler Image,94.54 KB, 720x972, 1000014254.jpg)

I dont think this is a woman nonny.
Reposted because I forgot to spoiler

No. 408019

we've had one for like over a year

No. 408022

File: 1723062885884.jpg (71.84 KB, 827x465, important_class_by_hiverdose_d…)

>shit anatomy
>confusing compositions
>bizarre, autistic subject matter
>incompetent technique
Whatever this is

No. 408023

File: 1723062948021.jpg (111.49 KB, 828x1087, millie_by_rocioam7_df1p345-414…)

The thigh gap though

No. 408025

File: 1723062992245.png (2.75 MB, 1536x2048, 1000004617.png)

guess who

No. 408027


No. 408028

File: 1723064005184.jpg (123.97 KB, 827x465, 1723062885884.jpg)

kek these crack me up, you could put big tits and ass on literally anything and it'll blow up

No. 408036

South Park?

No. 408037

I'm gonna guess it's some idol group/boy band.

No. 408038

Kek I think the subject matter is literally about seeing feminine and phallic shapes in random shit. There's even an implied obsession with phallic sizing. What an insightful glimpse into the moid mind.

No. 408039

Oh shit whoops, I just realized that the person I thought was the source was actually just someone who stole the drawing and reposted it. My bad.

No. 408041

zoomer lord of the flies

No. 408045


correct.. girl are you in the lord of the flies tumblr fandom too wtf

No. 408051

>Lord of the Flies

No. 408052

Holy shit I was half joking when I guessed that

No. 408054

File: 1723068800921.jpg (234.04 KB, 1280x960, 1000004622.jpg)

No. 408055

I find it so funny that the lower half of their faces seems to be traced from photos and then the upper half just goes completely insane.

No. 408057

>Noses wider than mouths
>No philtrum

No. 408059

This kind of art style is my favorite type of bad art. The kind where you can tell the person grew up drawing anime but not really studying forms or anything but then suddenly deciding to shift to semi-realism, overcompensating for their anime past by making the nose/mouth huge. But you can still see the animu in everything else, especially the hair and coloring. I went through this phase in high school and it results in some uniquely ugly pieces.

No. 408061

Another giveaway about this specific style you mentioned is that, despite how weird/exaggerated the faces are, every character still has sameface syndrome because the artist doesn't know how to experiment with shapes/forms yet.

No. 408063

ayrt i agree but she's apparently going to art school

No. 408073

There are more of us here?

No. 408080

Hopefully she'll improve then

No. 408081

>lord of the flies fandom
if you are graduated from high school leave those lil boys ALONE nasties

No. 408084

Go moralfag on twitter

No. 408092

Holy shit you just reawakened a memory in me. Back in sophomore year of high school my best friend was fucking obsessed with that book and would post prolifically on tumblr about it. Glad to see the tradition lives on.

No. 408101

Based honestly. It's kind of whump-adjacent

No. 408105

why is there a fandom for a novel released in 1954(derailing)

No. 408106

What does the age of the book have to do with anything?

No. 408107


No. 408109

If you you watch Subway Surfers gameplay at the same time you might just get into it yourself!

No. 408110

File: 1723078951549.jpg (59.87 KB, 827x1035, yor_s_bust_by_jezkasdad_dgn3q0…)

Old ≠ irrelevant and it's a classic that most people in the USA have to read in middle or high school.

No. 408114

I don’t want to derail, I just don’t think a classic novel should have a “fandom”. You can like media without building some niche social media community around it.

No. 408118

>pls act normal about this 70 year old novel written for children/teens
wanting this apparently moralfag behavior now

No. 408119

Anon, there's a Great Gatsby fandom, there's a Watership Downs fandom. Why are you surprised that people who are already entrenched in fandom culture make a fandom about a book because they connected to it when they read it for a high school assignment?

No. 408120

agreed but i don't think it should have a fandom because it was very lame and boring. i don't get what there's to be a fan of, unless of course they enjoy britbong shota content, in which case fair enough.

No. 408121

Because it’s about a bunch of young ship-able boys

No. 408122

theres discussing something online, and then there's the declaration that you are part of a fandom for a single book that can be finished in an evening. that's unhealthy levels of obsessing over something, especially when that thing is intended for children

No. 408123

>young ship-able boys
They’re supposed to be inbred-looking children. I have no idea why’d someone would interpret them as bishies.

No. 408124

File: 1723082272915.jpeg (912.04 KB, 1179x1171, IMG_4393.jpeg)

No. 408125

Most fandoms are built around children's media, why's this one bother you so much?

No. 408126

>Most fandoms are built around children's media
That’s the problem.

No. 408127

Bram Stoker's Dracula has a fandom and that book is over 100 years old

No. 408129

>Watership Downs

No. 408131

File: 1723083446212.jpg (89.35 KB, 800x999, yzma_by_thedekumancer_dhrjgd2-…)

Can we please post some more shitty art instead of infighting?

No. 408137

File: 1723085057712.png (28.1 KB, 533x575, images (11).png)

No. 408172

File: 1723099622843.jpg (492.92 KB, 1536x2048, tumblr_af4211f1564ddaef1b435cd…)

you hit the nail on the head. holy goddamn shit is this art ugly

No. 408184

No. 408205

I don't understand why anyone's confused, most of these books were required reading in english classes. If you were a fujo back then, your mind would have absorbed them like most pieces of media and started shipping the characters

No. 408219

File: 1723117868835.jpg (32.68 KB, 500x500, alex_delarge_by_slightlytwiste…)

plenty of old media has a fandom, just because you don't personally like the book doesn't mean everyone suddenly has to agree. fujos gonna fujo.

speaking of…

No. 408225

File: 1723120834575.jpeg (320.94 KB, 1290x1532, GUb8eKKXwAAYbve.jpeg)

No. 408226

did he…shit in his pants?

No. 408240

Bad Art Thread: The videogame.

No. 408243

How did they manage to fuck up a LN title parody this badly kek

No. 408248

File: 1723124396627.png (376.45 KB, 1530x1695, 1000006375.png)

> itt: anons who watch softcore animated porn recoiling in horror at icky book fandoms
Anyway MLP is a goldmine for atrocious redesigns kek, they always turn Rarity and Pinkie into fat midgets reposted for sage

No. 408252

Course they make fluttershy into a tranny. Those motherfuckers looooove her for some reason

No. 408255

Because she's ~uwu shy~ they project their mental illnesses on her.

No. 408258

'guess the character' is my favourite game in this thread keeeek wtf

No. 408260

I kind of like this concept, I don't think we often see people diversifying their pony forms. Pinkie Pie being short and a bit tubby is kinda cute. Rarity being the only one without eyebrows bothers me to no end though

No. 408264

File: 1723128895542.jpg (154.09 KB, 1000x667, nahida_by_sakimichan_dfii4y2-f…)

I don't think it's news to anyone, but Sakimichan's art is truly so shit and somehow I feel like her art only keeps on getting worse as time passes? The characters look so waxy and weird, the background is stylistically so different from the weird waxy animu waifu and obviously the anatomy sucks in every piece she makes. Coomers truly just give anything depicting tits and ass attention.

No. 408265

File: 1723129078398.jpg (12.35 KB, 199x253, 1000006376.jpg)

Everything in her new art is so rendermaxxed that it all looks like the same texture and blends into the backgrounds. It's a shame because her old art (like picrel) didn't look this bad.

No. 408268

She sold her soul for the easy money from coomers. Stooping as low down as making really fucking weird Frozen porn. It's such a shame.

No. 408269

kek at the pawfeet. imagine if pinkie spoke patois in canon… would elevate the show tbh
pinkie and rarity would be cute if they just had normal length legs like dash. though i do prefer tall elegant rarity. not a big fan of the weird bunny ears though

No. 408271

Honestly, fuck sakimichan. She was a genuinely brilliant artist, she was drawing masterpieces in high school. But she gave up her skills and reputation for easy coomer money. She probably lives a luxurious lifestyle and detests art on a cynical level, you can see it in the slop she puts out now.

No. 408293

File: 1723140597537.png (318.73 KB, 1530x1695, horsiesedit.png)

i liked this so i edited it so pinkie and rarity arent deformed

No. 408297

Did they make a Fluttershy a mule? What the fuck is up with the ears? I can they're one of the people who make fanart of the show without ever watching an episode based on those fucked ears.

No. 408299

They're giving ponies vitiligo now too KEK

No. 408300

well horses do have it

No. 408301

File: 1723142347759.jpeg (75.6 KB, 701x438, images - 2024-08-09T043832.998…)


No. 408306

File: 1723143909260.webp (68.19 KB, 640x640, unnamed (1).webp)

I didnt know Doug Walker(Nostalgia Critic) used to draw. Its definetly something.

No. 408307

I kinda like this kek

No. 408308

Is this from the 90s? Looks like it

No. 408309

So do people, we still laugh when they slap it on characters that don't have it in canon (just like the ponies don't either)

No. 408313

same, he said hes going to upload more so i am looking forward to it
probably early 00s

No. 408349

i actually love this. it seems to be the only instance of doug walker expressing creativity.

No. 408354

NTA but they're already changing the breed of pony, it's not really that outlandish that people would also give them socks, blazes, and piebaldism- things that don't really need a condition for a horse to have, even really old horses like Arabs can have those. The original image is shit but the patches are such a non-issue compared to everything else.

No. 408441

Incredible how these minor changes have now made the drawing decent. A lot of zoomers don't understand the concept of "less is more" when it comes to character design.

No. 408484

File: 1723184900198.png (Spoiler Image,613.79 KB, 1535x2671, image.png)

Man, just scrolling through these threads caused me to see fucked up images flashing in my mind and the forms of bodies/genitals in my normal surroundings. I can't begin to imagine what it's like for people who look at the kinds of porn that are typically posted here 24/7. Anyway, here's Nathan Explosion pole dancing and farting a boa scarf for himself.

No. 408547

The bottom right is hyper textured, like she photobashed the tree trunk and ground compared to the figure. It looks strange. I don’t know this character but she looks like princess connect? I watched it on recommendation from a friend and the first character looked like loli bait and I got uncomfortable lol.

No. 408552

Nope, it's a Nahida from genshin impact. But it's also a lolibait

No. 408570

Thank you for giving Rarity her eyebrows back

No. 408660

I remember seeing this on rule34 as a teenager eons ago. I'm sure it's recirculating now since zoomers just found out about metalocalypse

No. 408675

File: 1723254118658.jpg (189.8 KB, 2000x1132, bafkreigatrlqpuybs2tqne45a4xzg…)

I mean it's not that bad but the subject matter is bizarre & autistic and also uncanny.This is from a Twitter acc that admits to simping for Mawile which is of course,stupid in every way.

No. 408676

File: 1723254167540.png (1.76 MB, 4500x6000, 615ae0e6fac8b5bb6cd5e16edac779…)

No. 408680

The second I saw this retarded character I knew there would be tons of coomshit of her

No. 408684

Reminds me of an asian twitter artist that is really good at drawing, except they only make completely over the top fat fetish art of pokemon

No. 408686

Thought this was an emo bird at first KEKKK

No. 408750

File: 1723303379248.jpg (353.53 KB, 1280x812, fallen-angel-alexandre-cabanel…)

Holy shit is that supposed to be a reference to picrel? Oh my god kek

No. 408919

File: 1723343302583.png (2.46 MB, 1115x1731, dhxre4i-ddd5da26-c760-49c4-9e2…)

No. 408938

File: 1723349218729.jpeg (306.75 KB, 1431x2048, EtkZTxOWgAUwa9m.jpeg)

No. 408939

Why did she make Ace blue? Is this a new GGG autist headcanon?
If you have more please post in the autism thread as well

No. 408941

He's blue because this is based off the PPG episode where the GGG get superpowers. And Ace has ice powers.

No. 409056

File: 1723396585591.jpeg (669.73 KB, 1170x1390, IMG_0699.jpeg)

Super late to the party but girls who draw fanart of classic high school English lit have my favorite type of autism

No. 409174

File: 1723422797832.jpg (162.93 KB, 720x1026, Mlpts.jpg)

No. 409175

The background makes this look much older than it probably is

No. 409178

wtf who? there are so many autistic moids who have insane art skills and waste it on degenerate garbage

No. 409190

File: 1723423959592.png (411.07 KB, 640x768, 9a41d14ce1fc9f53b96421722d45af…)

Sup I'm from the unconventional thread, saw your post as an excellent opportunity to post this gay shit.

No. 409193

It was posted 2 days ago

No. 409216

File: 1723426511762.png (796.56 KB, 1280x933, 1000006498.png)

> drawing the gendie as an ugly hulking moid
Unintentionally based freudian slip moment kek

No. 409219

File: 1723426771506.jpg (197.11 KB, 800x1000, 1000006494.jpg)

What the hell did they do to you Ichigo

No. 409318

I’m really not seeing it. The art sucks but I don’t get that she looks like a moid either.

No. 409502

File: 1723509105119.jpg (488.36 KB, 1536x2048, 1000013031.jpg)

This was a sponsored post on my tumblr feed.

No. 409508

Thank you for fixing the ears

No. 409517

This character would never survive a fight with that posture, that's not how you fistfight. The queers are all bark no bite, not even their characters know how to fight. How hard is it to look for references? How can they memorize their many meaningless flags but not look up how you stand in a fucking fight? Lazy ass shit

No. 409529

Black and trannifed, how typical

No. 409544

File: 1723525938359.png (1.5 MB, 4057x2809, sf223.png)

The "post your art" thread on kiwifarms is a fucking goldmine, there's people straight up posting gay furry porn with all positive updoots on there

No. 409549

link it please sounds hilarious

No. 409550

No. 409551

File: 1723527812751.png (2.02 MB, 5000x2900, sf22.png)

holy shit, its a femboy, too. This retard also posts on puppychans thread and makes cringe wojacks of her while having the same level of brainrot and art skill

No. 409552

File: 1723528026719.jpeg (513.99 KB, 2048x2732, 04837BB6-40A4-4942-8CC9-98E2CF…)

why are there so many femboyfags in kiwifags?

No. 409553

File: 1723528249861.png (779.41 KB, 1283x735, 484.png)

No. 409555

File: 1723528540122.png (134.51 KB, 1860x1050, IMG_0076.png)

Can't tell if this is supposed to be "ironic". Remember these are probably the same users calling you a foid kek.

No. 409559

File: 1723529309432.jpg (397.94 KB, 1536x2048, 20240517_115431.jpg)

there is also a guy who uses AI and kiwis are too retarded to notice

No. 409563

she's so fucking annoying, she feels the need to make every thread about an art cow about how she's better
i'm tired of seeing this coomer ass art

No. 409564

>concept art
KEK, i love when begfags refer to their crayon drawings with this sort of pop pseudo-industry language. genuinely its very endearing

No. 409566

looks like god won

No. 409567

File: 1723532110599.png (2.94 MB, 1534x2160, sf2.png)

good lord

No. 409568

File: 1723532167941.png (6.58 MB, 2504x2504, sf3.png)

i got the impression she's a woman from her posts, but who knows. im too autistic to clock people on the internet

No. 409571

File: 1723532900256.png (Spoiler Image,2.03 MB, 1788x2496, gyaru.png)

Sorry for posting nsfw, but I don't get whining about other degenerates while making this kind of stuff.(Rule 4)

No. 409572

File: 1723532966799.png (4.1 MB, 3510x1800, doodz.png)

Okay I'm done with my vendetta now, I do wonder if they're female though

No. 409576

>tif hating
>femboy pandering
>tomboy but overtly female
its a moid

No. 409579

it's honestly scary to see someone so far removed from reality and other human beings that they draw this sort of thing

No. 409591

File: 1723535261224.jpg (42.73 KB, 600x400, Amandas-Stallions-012-600.jpg)

Not to let my inner horse girl out on an old post but nonas you do know Shetland ponies exist right? Pinkie as a Shetland is cute and the shorter breeds of ponies just look chubby like that (all horses kinda do unless they're like thoroughbreds or Arabians)

No. 409595

Complete lack of self awareness on top of drawing extremely troon adjacent subject matter. Are we sure this kiwifag's a woman? I do know there are many pickmes who draw poons but this specimen draws like an XY who insists that he's a totes real woman.
If he's a she this is so embarrassing and even more unaware how much of a hypocrit she is (but again, I have my doubts).
Most of Enyclopedia Dramatica's userbase were furries, I'm not surprised history repeats itself.

No. 409596

File: 1723535789192.png (969.43 KB, 781x1000, 01.png)

One user suspected it, but then immediately back tracked after the artist gave some excuse, and said "Your art's great. The fact that I almost believed your work was AI is a testament to your skill"

No. 409601

File: 1723536819015.png (4.96 MB, 3100x2800, lz2.png)

The only thing screaming female to me is the interest in gacha life. I don't think an edgy male would want to associate themselves with something so childish

No. 409610

This one doesn't look like AI to me, it just looks kind of bad. The reason why I doubt it's AI is that you can see its construction lines make sense and its fucked up hand still has four fingers.
This one also doesn't look like AI to me, the locks of her hair all have a definite start and end and her hands look traced. None of the folds in her dress look placed at random either.
Her legs also look like they were cropped and fucked around with a transform tool.

No. 409611

Oh wow this is embarrassing, I have no words. Pickmes are on another level of copium.

No. 409630

anon i'm pretty sure a kiwifarms user named "naggot figger" who draws femboys isn't a woman. it's just a fag

No. 409635

the woman with the flower one has some odd patterns happening in the hatching, which sure could be a stylistic choice, but then why randomly smudge patches of shading? Also imo the hair has a very ai look to it in particular, and the rose (?) is kinda fucked. Maybe it's a mishmash of ai, tracing, and actual drawing though idk

No. 409647

Honestly I can believe in the mishmash theory, possibly even tracing of an AI picture, mostly because the hooded girl has completely different anatomy and proportions (shittier ones).

No. 409650

Idk if it's the same person, but there's a Kiwifarms art cow who's been posted in these threads before who actually is a woman. She's a turbo pickme edgelord who draws animu shit with bad anatomy.

No. 409653

They were supposedly drawn by the same person, but the mark-making is completely different between the two. The apparent skill level between them is completely different, too. It's AI.

Imagine being such a pathetic faggot that you lie to get upboats on fucking Kiwifarms of all places. Christ.

No. 409672

File: 1723562075596.jpg (1.25 MB, 3096x4128, 20240107_202543.jpg)

Wait wait wait, the same website that says watching anime will make you into a tranny, the same website that says everything is degenerate, the same website that had a thread right now saying all immigrants should be killed, has an userbase of people who draw stuff like pic related? And most of the time they're showered with positive reactions??? Kiwifags are fucking hypocrites.

No. 409675

>Kiwifags are fucking hypocrites.
Ofcourse they are. They hail they're against pedophiles and troons but have entire 8000s pages long threads on a loli vtuber and then dox her later kek and troonoids being referred as "she" but tifs being drawn in misogynistic ways and being raped.

No. 409677

File: 1723563685003.png (442.19 KB, 1827x1057, deletethis.png)

This has 14 updoots KEK

No. 409690

Ayrt but I think the full body is definitely some kind of AI mish mash now because her clothes look nonsensical. Not the folds, it's the weird crop top shirt on top of a dress that bugs me. Plus the complete change in proportions and skill level between pictures just points at tracing.

No. 409704

File: 1723569402088.jpg (183.52 KB, 1620x2093, image-1.jpg)

No. 409706

File: 1723569612361.jpeg (74.69 KB, 750x712, 1716211639147.jpeg)

>when the kiwifag femboy artist is better than your lolcow schizo femboy artist
Not like this..nonnas…

No. 409710

Based character choice but those hips are fucking atrocious. Drawing males with female hips should be illegal. Also, holy shit that big fat hand kek

No. 409711

This conversation reminds me there was this kiwifarms user who would redraw "sjw" art but they found their pedo dragon ball oc art. Anyone know who I'm talking about? I forgot the username

No. 409716

I mean most content involving Gacha Life is degenerate and weird so it could theoretically be a pickme who was groomed to have weird opinions.

No. 409718

The failed foreshortening what a faggot

No. 409740

trex arms, that's why he's a faggot femboy, he needs to get poked in the prostate since his hands can't reach

No. 409772

i believe her username was NoFeline and i remember she was a TiF lol

No. 409773

why isnt he doxed yet? i thought null had a 0 tolerance towards lolifags

No. 409776

its very obviously ai with a coat of paint over it to make it look legit, if you open >>409559 you can see tons of mistakes a human wouldnt make, like weird printed lines. strange hatching, fucked up clothign folds, etc.

No. 409792

that would be the case if he wasn't like 30 or 40 something. looked back in the post history and he talks about being a husband and having an infant son, bleak. i wonder if his wife is aware that he's a femboy gooner or if she is also a major pickme.

No. 409794

File: 1723587292030.png (171.73 KB, 1484x264, terrible.png)

sorry for doubleposting, forgot to attach screenshot

No. 409800

God I despise this faggot. He was shitting up Puppychan's thread with his gross femboy coomer art.

No. 409801

>draws underage femboys
>has a son
jesus fucking christ that sounds horrifying, its like kris tyson all over again

No. 409803

File: 1723589590655.jpg (101.41 KB, 850x968, __susan_test_and_mary_test_joh…)

No. 409804

Disgusting,worthless moids like him shouldn't reproduce considering the type of trash he draws.how awful

No. 409806

File: 1723589894757.png (684.35 KB, 1062x978, being into dinos is suffering.…)

God this thread is incredible, thank you for sharing nonnie. Seeing so many kiwifags drawing dinosaurs is a bit sad tho, I love palaeontology but the community is either autistic moids who get mad at feathers or gender specials who insist fossils can be trans.
I hope this is a pickme making up a story to appear like a scrote because if not fuck, I hope his wife divorces him.

No. 409812

I sincerely can't read this fucking thread it's making me cringe way too much. Like I feel like I should be ashamed for them. The second hand embarrassment is too much. Motherfuckers who keep sperging about rightwing /pol/tard shit and degenerates this and degenerates that are full on dunning-kruger perverts drawing furry fetish porn and updooting each other. Lord help me.

No. 409820

This is what bayonetta looks like to me

No. 409826

I also keked with this post because the female dinosaur was an AGP nightmare while the male dino was just a generic realistic dinosaur

No. 409877

Null's into shota catboys (and used to run an imageboard that had cp on it, and defended the soyjak one which also had cp) so I doubt he cares about the loli equivalent.

No. 409887

damn i didn't even know about the tif part. i found the whole conversation again on tearzah's thread, what a mess. she said her drawing pedo porn was a way to cope with abuse, typical excuse.
he constantly calls anime fans pedophiles despite that.

No. 409892

> i found the whole conversation again on tearzah's thread, what a mess
care to link it anon, sounds funny as fuck

No. 409894

Not to white knight that faggot or those soyjak shiteaters but lolcow has had cp and self proclaimed pedos on it. If it's against the rules of the board that doesn't mean anything, anonymity draws in freaks.

No. 409902

are you really comparing lolcow to the sharty? really, anon? one is just an autistic womanchild adult daycare and the other one is know for raiding people with gore and cp and has a loli mascot called soylita

No. 409913

Maybe anon means in the past when moids used to be allowed to openly post?

No. 409968

>damn i didn't even know about the tif part. i found the whole conversation again on tearzah's thread, what a mess
You can't just post this and not drop us a link.

No. 410026

File: 1723654923260.png (84.68 KB, 989x373, muhtrauma.png)

It starts around here. The two had some drama with each other and NoFeline admitted to having an account on a lolicon mastodon instance.

No. 410037

File: 1723657547345.jpg (716 KB, 2048x2048, Tumblr_l_8144777365943.jpg)

That anatomy kek

No. 410043

I was already a whiteknight for nona's in our "post your art threads" and now after seeing this I will never say anything bad about them again. Kekkkk rightoid males being degenerates, what a big surprise.

No. 410050

That's what I was thinking, at least anons here would get shamed if they shared fat fetish art lol. I think there's more genuinely talented anons on here too

No. 410051

Probably because it's not supposed to be loli, that's just what all of this guy's shitty anime girls look like

No. 410056

nah i doubt it because a thing like oppai loli does exist, this fucker is a pedo and i hope the baby is kept away from him and null fucking allows vtumor "cunny" posters hes a fucking hypocrite

No. 410075

That's so fucking cringe. What's with lolcows attracting hypocrits?

No. 410079

kiwifags call anything loli though. If they consider pippa a loli then i dont understand how this pedo troon drawings arent loli either.

No. 410096

Probably because it's on page 300 and something. The only people seeing it are the other artfags so the people who would sperg about it probably haven't even seen it

No. 410100

That same user complained about loli so I really doubt it. You can see all his anime girls look like that. and null complains about the vtuber thread too, but let's it stay up for "free speech" purposes. As long as they don't post loli art that is

No. 410230

File: 1723701016624.jpeg (109.1 KB, 735x1077, IMG_4968.jpeg)

No. 410284

File: 1723720158477.png (351.01 KB, 567x567, g0ZZG3m.png)

this is supposed to be a child

No. 410289

Damn moids hitting the wall at age 8

No. 410300

No. 410302

File: 1723729259771.jpg (130.53 KB, 765x588, tumblr_69d27776018e90cc8b103e7…)

Reminds me of this blog I came across recently.

No. 410303

File: 1723729420587.jpg (58.34 KB, 640x253, tumblr_pqx94ot3nJ1y69173o1_640…)

No. 410304

Jesus Christ this looks like something Junji Ito would draw.
Kekkk did the artist reference Onision for this??

No. 410310

This is so fascinating to me. The forms and rendering are really good but the anatomy and pose (and subject matter) is so abysmal and coomerish that the piece as a whole is instantly ruined.

No. 410311

Istg Western comic artists have no idea to draw children.

No. 410317

this is how i imagine tom cruise looked as a child

No. 410323

Kek when will comic artists learn how to draw instead of just tracing that shit

No. 410339

Yeah because drawing big boobs on some small japanese girl and calling her a 3000 year old dragon is so artistic and wholesome!!! dorito chin art is obviously just so heccin better than western

No. 410340

I think I understand what they were trying to do here but the execution was very poor kek

No. 410359

Oh god kek I know what this is from and I remember being horrified by the art back when I read it.

No. 410578

Is this the same guy that did that really fucked up looking captain america with the huge chest? And that apparently can't draw feet so he always finds ways to block out character's feet in fullbody panels? How do you get a job drawing like this

This one would probably look decent if it weren't for all those stupid looking structure lines everywhere.

No. 410629

They're really not even good from a fundamental standpoint

No. 410664

File: 1723829026030.png (278.38 KB, 510x311, Screenshot 2024-08-16 101908.p…)

How did you manage to make puppychan's art worse

No. 410665

kek is this from the kf 'redraw puppychan art' thread? it's shit

No. 410666

It's in the puppychan thread itself, very recent. Naggotfigger's work of course.

No. 410668

sa and i hope that faggot breaks all his fingers so he can never draw again. i hate his art that much

No. 410669

File: 1723829617000.png (135.95 KB, 1091x374, Screenshot 2024-08-16 102038.p…)

actually seems like kf felt the same way.

No. 410670

File: 1723829709337.png (83.18 KB, 908x256, Screenshot 2024-08-16 103437.p…)

oh yeah this was also funny

No. 410671

is this retard seriously criticizing pup for 'fetish artwork' while drawing lolisho art? i repeat, faaaaaggg

No. 410672

puppychan is a coomer but atleast she knows anatomy no matter how horrid that may be

No. 410674

File: 1723830175393.png (362.33 KB, 768x339, Screenshot 2024-08-16 104146.p…)

samefag. How do you look at this and go "yeah that's mint kf totally needs to see this!!" kek

No. 410675

honestly i like pup's more recent art, now that she's back to trying. not the boy boobs shit or the cursed drawings of tranny bulge and sex, but her sfw art out of context is pretty cute. her early rebrand art style was pretty neat too, it's just too bad she's terminally online and has a pea for brains.

No. 410676

how did this faggot make puppychans art look more better kekk go practice some actual anatomy than to just look at little girls pedofag

No. 410677

I really like her colors. If only she actually changed instead of going full fetish radqueer whatever fag.

No. 410692

File: 1723835470148.jpg (504.27 KB, 1080x1966, Screenshot_20240816_151036.jpg)

Looking at this and her new art, she's showing a lot of improvement in technical skill and it's honestly embarrassing for Dunning-Kruger kiwifags posting their redraws that are so much worse. Most of her thread now is just nitpicks made by non-artists.

No. 410693

File: 1723835551049.jpg (498.16 KB, 1080x2090, Screenshot_20240816_150955.jpg)

Another case where I like her original so much more than the soulless, boring redraw

No. 410694

i feel like im psyoped into liking puppychans art stop it nona no more those repulsive lolishit is making her fag art look better

No. 410696

id disagree the redraw is much better

No. 410697

this redraw is cute

No. 410720

These aren't even redraws, he's just taking those drawings and then designing a random lolishit anime girl slightly themed after them. They all have completely different clothes, >>410674 is the only that even has the same position (but it also has some random ass text behind her), >>410664 changes her personality into some tsundere/kusogaki shit, and >>410692 has those weeb anime demon head wings (that coomers in particular love) for no reason.
He just wants to draw random coomshit lolislop but he also wants to feel superior while doing it and to get headpats for le epic owning the cringe tumblrina furry.

No. 410727

File: 1723845283661.jpg (1.94 MB, 2048x1474, Tumblr_l_54186340962736.jpg)

This would be an impossible game of guess the character if their names weren't there. From Black Butler.

No. 410728

File: 1723845549401.jpg (786.38 KB, 1602x2016, Tumblr_l_54486563718945.jpg)

Samefag same thing here

No. 410735

why do I feel like all tifs have the exact same style

No. 410738

His constant seething over ibspaint is so funny. I've seen teenage girls with a finger draw way better than this guy. Puppychan maybe a degenerate but her art looks a lot better, she could give up the coom and easily make cute anthro art

No. 410740

I hope the kiwifags are calling these degens out for shitting up the thread with their porn stashes kek

No. 410748

WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO MY SWEET GIRL this is an abomination

No. 410749

File: 1723852509065.jpeg (176.2 KB, 564x1421, IMG_3761.jpeg)

I absolutely fucking hate this art style. At first glance I thought it was a Penny Arcade parody but no, it’s really just like this

No. 410751

I remember this guys used to post on memecenter many years ago. A lot of the users hated his comics because he had a really cursed way of drawing nipples.

No. 410755

> Blah blah adult only content
Based on that banner I sure hope his audience likes generic black haired women with ugly face anatomy kek

No. 410778

Holy shit I just remembered that. Didn't he draw the nipples on the dude character super exaggerated, like poking out and stuff?

No. 410779

>Is this the same guy that did that really fucked up looking captain america with the huge chest?
No, it's not Rob Liefeld. Clark's face would look like a cat's butthole if Liefeld was the one who drew it kek.

No. 410788

>"I'm slowly melting right now."
Well I guess that's why her limbs are warping and her ears are sliding down off her face.

No. 410794

File: 1723867350220.jpeg (125.37 KB, 966x1200, GN_YS9rWEAAoXxM.jpeg)

This was a commission btw

No. 410795

File: 1723867872234.jpeg (Spoiler Image,749.33 KB, 1730x2048, Fw_AZ_zX0AAo0zp.jpeg)

Ew I hate all gay bear art

No. 410799

Is this twisted wonderland yume garbage

No. 410803

File: 1723869854666.jpg (622.97 KB, 2886x3072, GTrlmk4XMAAlyk_.jpg)

bpdchan slop

No. 410804

i was going to say this was definetly a moid but the self harm scars is very bpdemon like

No. 410829

File: 1723879657635.jpeg (Spoiler Image,622.91 KB, 2048x2048, GFBXxPsXgAATgWy.jpeg)

No. 410830

File: 1723879746994.jpeg (1.31 MB, 2048x2048, GTLPwY9WAAAWEv6.jpeg)

flood detected post discarded

No. 410849

Those are self harm scars? I genuinely thought they were supposed to be cellulite lumps since they're not straight lines

No. 410854

File: 1723887738283.png (Spoiler Image,31.84 KB, 500x300, methods-techniques-of-breast-c…)

pretty sure that's breast cancer surgery

No. 410868

Everything about this is so ugly I actually started gagging nonna. Now it's my permanent art goal to never do anything that might lead me to drawing like this guy

No. 410887

File: 1723902049639.png (Spoiler Image,305.17 KB, 443x584, 1000000646.png)


Oh it's the fucked up nipples guy.

No. 411043

File: 1723950899476.jpeg (130.66 KB, 979x816, IMG_6797.jpeg)

Can’t say I’m surprised to see RidiculousCake, an open pedophile brony who draws fat/inflation shit of children, support a misogynistic kiwifarms degenerate. It amazes me that degens like him can easily get away with making an entire re-animated collab out of a scene from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory involving a real 12-year-old girl all for the purpose of jerking off to it. So much of his art is like this

No. 411045

File: 1723953790318.jpg (62.77 KB, 736x863, fa47ca6e006ca5962442be71270caa…)

Puppy shit is annoying
He couldn't even draw the trim pony without a fat ass

No. 411046

Prison gay.

No. 411048

>Gacha Life

Only literal toddlers enjoy that unironically. God, I hope they're not underage.

No. 411049

Ironic KiwiFarms started as a way to track Chris Chan and his art escapades, yet they have the same arts skills as him, if not worse.

No. 411050

File: 1723954555929.png (4.14 KB, 2560x1760, 9752342354368.PNG)

Is that a pedo flag color scheme…

No. 411051

Dude wtf, I never said anything about that. I don't like that trope either.

No. 411052

Kek at the software comparison. Is he implying that because he uses the holy grail that is Clip Studio Paint instead of poorfags' android IbisPaint, his is somehow superior?

No. 411060

yeah but the tif who made that collage probably put a different meaning into it

No. 411061

No, you're just schizo.

No. 411063

File: 1723960347073.jpg (59.4 KB, 480x620, purina-body-condition-system-4…)

Jfc this is based off of animal weight charts at the goddamn vet's office. This guy actually saw a medical diagram for dogs and thought, "I'll put my waifu in this so I can goon to it."

No. 411091

File: 1723976611702.png (353.24 KB, 552x410, 78974.png)

I just want to rant for a second, but for reals english artists' obsession with making everything ugly needs to be studied. This person keeps appearing on my TL and I can't stand it, people praise the drawings because the faces are unique or whatever but they're the most unappealing creatures I have seen. I don't know how people can like it, if the artist wants to draw ugly designs then they should watch US cartoons or something instead of destroying perfectly good characters. Stop ruining my wife, she has the cutest sprites in the series, how much I wish this person had stayed P4/5-only….

No. 411105

The expression isn't even accurate to real life, who looks like this when they're embarrassed? She looks like she got stabbed or is about to throw up.

No. 411107

what in the world this looks like a coomer hentai face kek

No. 411111

File: 1723986590488.jpg (Spoiler Image,432.28 KB, 1464x1865, IMG_20240818_160833.jpg)

Looked up her page and… barf

No. 411114

File: 1723987687857.png (975.14 KB, 980x590, x7vxv.png)

I scrolled for a bit on her media tab and looks like she is able to draw normal people, but for whatever reason she prefers to draw deformed ogres most of the time instead.

No. 411124

She looks like she saw something she wasn't supposed to and is in the process of vomiting.

No. 411127

File: 1723992113820.jpg (51.97 KB, 563x552, bc8bcc685e5ed774a968d3af55a70a…)

No. 411129

both are troons

No. 411130

kek what in oblivion

No. 411133

File: 1723996013941.jpg (51 KB, 564x564, 82a3c73d2ecbbba52d03fecdd6f6f9…)

No. 411134

Moids, jojifuku and dog/cattard shit were a mistake and the world would be a better place without any of those things.

No. 411135

File: 1723996686478.jpg (46.54 KB, 736x736, 29badbb103165ca1f41bcab6d2e28b…)

Another one

No. 411139

let me guess, it's a femboy tif?

No. 411140

File: 1723997891946.png (Spoiler Image,191.62 KB, 660x1508, 4chan artist .png)

Jesus Christ, I hate 4chan moids so much. This was posted on the vtuber board.

No. 411143

why would you even go there and then post here about it

No. 411144

File: 1723998259383.jpg (47.28 KB, 736x736, bdaae50855d0de5e55f644745f4162…)

Yup KEK her @ is korilovesanrio and has he/him pronouns

No. 411146

>why would you even go there
Because I like vtubers, and it was an OP on catalog. Simple as.
>then post here about it
Cause it's the bad art thread, hope this helps!

No. 411148

Nta but there's a vtuber thread here, use it instead.

No. 411150

I'm aware, I use both. I just uploaded a photo of bad art to the appropriate thread. I won't add context next time!

No. 411151

they're so predictable

No. 411164

>goes to coomer board that makes ai baby pictures of vtubers to coom to
>finds coomer art
>is surprised
posting from 4chan has to be cheating

No. 411210

File: 1724017337117.jpg (99.75 KB, 564x1007, ad65a3496b4dfbd19a3a3d5b4c01de…)

No. 411218

IS that his penis.

No. 411273

porn webcomics these days with their Glowing Penises..

No. 411320

File: 1724049780028.jpg (201.47 KB, 1080x1760, 1000009501.jpg)

No. 411334

File: 1724066021872.jpg (233.97 KB, 1582x2048, GVOH_6jbwAADV7t.jpg)

not even nya neko sugar girls is safe

No. 411336

KEKK korean webtoons are a low hanging fruit really, first motherfucker is a gigantic fridge with a tiny head and the second has upwards nipples and partial boobs or something.

No. 411339

I want to see them expand like a snail's eyes

No. 411341

File: 1724067044165.jpg (14.95 KB, 474x266, noooooooo.jpg)


No. 411402

This ruined by day

No. 411424

I have no idea if this is an oc or what but even if the character is originally supposet to be a pale bishie this is a good depiction of a hamplanet though. On a technical level it's not bad and the colors are appealing.

No. 411460

File: 1724100690170.jpg (139.44 KB, 972x964, 20240819_205440.jpg)

No. 411465

File: 1724101910356.gif (386.34 KB, 220x220, just fell to my knees.gif)

this actually made me gasp

No. 411470

You just know the TIF artist thought she was so quirky for this

No. 411480

>coquette shit
>SH scars
>puppy girl
Are they making these people in a factory somewhere? Someone needs to go back in time and assassinate Tearzah.

No. 411485

I will never forgive gendies for ruining dogboys. The concept is so cute but of course they taint everything with their retardation. I have a huge list of things that tims, tifs and enbys have ruined for me forever.

No. 411487

Her face doesn't look kawaii but like a retarded sped drooling kekkk

No. 411512

i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this

No. 411514

File: 1724107465230.jpg (Spoiler Image,246.07 KB, 494x861, snailkun.jpg)

wish granted

No. 411524

marry me anon

No. 411528

i am terrified

No. 411532

Genuinely the worst thing ever. Whoever made this should explode

No. 411535

>>411334 I thought it was cute till I saw the tif scars…

No. 411559

File: 1724118711978.png (Spoiler Image,822.85 KB, 1211x1214, 2858029_androjuniarto_debbie-t…)

It's dumb coomer slop but I can't get over how flat the head is vs how the rest of the body looks kek so jarring.

No. 411565

should've given her squaretits at least

No. 411566

the obsession with breast chopping is one of the worst trends of this generation. it hurts to see 12 year olds drawing their characters with tit chop

No. 411573

File: 1724122548546.gif (335.56 KB, 500x352, tumblr_inline_o1do2zKEZv1qdal8…)

It's okay, non-degenerates will always have Mr. Peanutbutter

No. 411578

File: 1724123487340.png (1.98 MB, 1582x2048, image.png)

they were cured

No. 411591

File: 1724129608722.png (6.1 MB, 4096x2002, bahbdhbfhbshf.png)

No. 411592

File: 1724129702143.png (1.39 MB, 1952x1062, ajcndv.png)

brujoari's impact was disastrous for the human race

No. 411593

Wtf even some of the lesser known characters get this treatment? Just why. Why is it never the characters I hate like Sonico or something?

Bless you nonna. You saved them!

No. 411594

You say that like it's a good thing. It's not.

No. 411596

Honestly I like this. We need more retarded ""sexy"" male drawings to equalize the number of retarded """sexy""" female drawings.

No. 411603

Guess this proves my theory that diversityfags really think dark skin=diverse/pee oh see, light skin=not diverse/not pee oh see. Despite Musa being Chinese and therefore POC. Funny how that works. Same people who claim they love winx club because it's diverse.

No. 411607

No. 411616

File: 1724137465973.jpg (207.3 KB, 2048x2048, GVZFqxSWMAArJtK.jpg)

twitter decided to bless my timeline with this person's"art" wish it hadn't. think the person goes by Ddylan_91 on twitter or something like that

No. 411619

Kek would be a nice reaction image

No. 411622

What are you even whining about

No. 411629

great job

No. 411632

angelica and naomi are hot and i would sex them.

No. 411639

>you wake up, parched, in the middle of the night.
>a muffled sound in your room, must be the cat
>groggily roll over, reach for phone
>must be playing with your laundry, piled high on the chair at the foot of your bed
>the light from the screen blinds you
>Mittens stirs from beneath your arm, purrs softly
>your heart skips a beat
>slowly turn to look at the foot of your bed, phone screen like a flashlight in the dark
>it wasn’t a pile of laundry
>your phone illuminates the three-headed beast looming over you
>there is no time to pray before they begin feasting on your body

No. 411670

Highly unlikely this got recommended to anyone - this person's drawings get likes in the single digits. I smell a selfpost

No. 411673

This looks like meatcanyon's art
Thread tax or smth (Yes this was supposed to be hxh)

No. 411693

Kiwis are just so retarded why are they so unaware of themselves

No. 411712

File: 1724160326014.png (2.65 MB, 1399x2024, GPg5_-LW4AE6Ejz.png)

No. 411717

My husbando…how could they…

No. 411719

>Lesbian flag on three canonically male characters

No. 411744

No. 411766

Why do they look like go animates

No. 411842

the little moobs on the manliest one there KEK

No. 411847

Why are half of them posing their hand up the same?
Also, Frankie looks middle aged kek

No. 411865

Lol it took me way too long to realize these are the monster high girls.

No. 411872

>making Tecna look like a tranny
Naturally, because women aren't into technology. That's only for moids and moids who wear dresses.

No. 411874


The thing that really gets me is the naming convention the artist tried to do. It's not hard to convert the Monster High Girls' names into regular names yet they only did that with one character.

Also the generic Total Drama poses.

No. 411875

what did they do to my guy leorio. why does kurapika look like HR about to fire me

No. 411878

Same here. How they hell did they go from Cleo to Maria? At least try to find a similar Arabic name if you want to make them realistic humans kek

No. 411882

also he lets up the sam hyde thread which consists of pedo apologia

No. 411884

Im pretty sure Gooseworx is friends with RidiculousCake or was his ex friend or something.I think he used to be mutuals with Cake

No. 411949

File: 1724204002692.jpg (78.8 KB, 736x736, 9571aa04b7bfd098fa9ad2512ae149…)

Plus all the other sexualized derpina photos

No. 411954

Oh god I didn't notice the button Killua was wearing. Jfc, doesn't this person think it's a little unrealistic to have literally everyone be a "lesbian" and trans?

No. 411955

I can't even tell which ones are which. I think the first one is the mummy girl, and Frankie is the Frankenstein girl, but I can't discern the rest.

No. 411956

Cleo/mummy girl, Ghoulia, Frankie, Daculaura, The Lagoon girl and Clawdeena

No. 411957

File: 1724207033441.jpeg (182.92 KB, 1127x1117, create-and-draw-any-cartoon-or…)

No. 411958

Please god don’t let this be who I think it is

I hate woke people for equating ugliness and fatness with blackness

No. 411960

Always ugly and brown? I fucking hate progressives for ruining art

No. 412010

File: 1724227664552.jpg (Spoiler Image,211.77 KB, 1080x993, Screenshot_20240820_230609.jpg)

kek, reminds me of picrel

No. 412021

File: 1724237408901.jpg (535.59 KB, 2560x1440, Rita_laying-sketch.jpg)

DAD is a goldmine for shitty art

No. 412034

File: 1724244824364.png (431.34 KB, 1000x1000, 2024-08-12_Read.png)

No. 412036

File: 1724245867133.webp (Spoiler Image,991.37 KB, 2160x2160, 5191766_176687_grayslate_majim…)

Damn the mad dog really let himself go…

No. 412038

>>412036 I can't believe some women actually find shit like this hot.

No. 412039

She looks like she's just been punched in the fuckin uterus.

No. 412040

It’s supposed to be a tif version of that character kek. Homer Simpson looking ass

No. 412042

Not sure if it's supposed to be transwashed or just obesewashed. Anyway he'd commit seppuku before he'd ever allow himself to get that big

No. 412065

NOOOOOO Majima, what the fuck did those tards do to you?

No. 412071

infinite weight

No. 412076

File: 1724259680315.jpeg (166.36 KB, 828x1250, IMG_5060.jpeg)

>discover the artist behind this amazing work of art!
no i don't think i will

No. 412085

Imagine paying to force people to look at that caca

No. 412088

What is even going on in this picture? Idk why but it looks like the one behind is sexually assaulting the one in the front kek

No. 412311

File: 1724315158665.jpg (304.84 KB, 1280x820, tumblr_a4ed841dd8f221f74423b81…)

this would be cute if they didn't have to make one of them literally obese

No. 412312

body diversity mfs can't conceive drawing diverse body types that don't include making everyone fat.

No. 412351

I thought this was an inflation drawing at first

No. 412382

these are fine if slightly hamfisted tbh

No. 412438

They probably hate Musa and Flora, hence fattening them.

No. 412454

File: 1724344899857.jpg (88.71 KB, 750x750, 526_750x750_Front_Color-Clear …)

No. 412456

No. 412458

This reminds me of simpler times.

No. 412459

cute, reminds me of the kind of art i drew as a kid

No. 412480

File: 1724352769225.jpg (526.58 KB, 2941x4096, F7iZIC1WYAAGdar.jpg)

No. 412496

I love momokun

No. 412507

File: 1724358891080.png (553.34 KB, 1656x2225, 1719902629.sergeant16bit_bikin…)

No. 412511

Lol at the lazily copy & pasted feet.why would anyone even buy this is beyond me (it's a standee)

No. 412526

File: 1724360162136.jpg (162.63 KB, 1080x1080, 7687a3a1f6edcd03290bfcb783abb6…)

This artist looks like one of those anime core people

No. 412556

File: 1724364804553.jpeg (773.56 KB, 2931x3027, LojYdko.jpeg)

guess the characters

No. 412558

Harry Potter and… idk Snape?

No. 412559

It just goes to show how desensitized I am by thread that this actually doesn't seem that bad. They made Flora way too ugly, but the rest don't bother me.

No. 412564

The girl with the glasses is cute…

No. 412568

i see harry but who the hell is the other guy? pls tell me it's not suppsed to be snape

No. 412569

Not bad

No. 412572

Clearly Snape, the book says Pociones which I am assuming means potions in some ancient magical tongue

No. 412580

I'd say fanart qualifies as bad when the characters it's supposed to portray are completely unrecongnisable

No. 412582

They're not unrecognizable. Harry potter is a book series, no one is obligated to draw uggo manlet Radcliffe. Jkr has reaffirmed this herself.

No. 412583

you'd think so, but it's supposed to be harry potter(not even genderbent harry potter) and tom riddle

No. 412585

>Ancient magical tongue
KEK nonna it's Spanish

No. 412591

i was speaking in general.
for this specific pic the issue isn't harry, it's the other character that's hard to recognise with that generic bishie face and hair. it's not bad art wrt technique but it doesn't rly do the job as fanart

No. 412603

Ancient Magical tongue.

No. 412683

File: 1724404267623.png (1018.94 KB, 1563x1749, e4kHf8R.png)

guess the characters

No. 412690

I wouldn't call this bad art so the subject has to be what makes it special.
Is it Bluey's mom and dad?
Veggietales characters?

No. 412692


No. 412693

it's obviously office-party!AU kaworu and asuka

No. 412699

I've seen this art around unfortunately. It's Alicent and Rhaenyra isn't it? Even though they made Rhaenyra look like a moid

No. 412710

correct, it adds fire to my theory that fundamentally heterosexual people can only recreate an almost heterosexual sex dynamic, even with even the characters of the same sex, we see this fujos all the time >>412556 but it can even happen with yuri

No. 412713

I don't mind fanart where Rhaenyra is masculine/androgynous (it 100% has to do with Emma, buuut young Rhaenyra was elated at crossdressing) but that doesn't look like her at all.

No. 412735

Omg that guy keeps posting his shitty porno art in that thread. I legit believe he has posted more than 500 times in there

No. 412743

>blueys mum and dad
KEK anon
very very true

No. 412756

File: 1724425750814.jpeg (231.93 KB, 1158x1556, GTl3TuGXkAA8WGC.jpeg)

some coomer artist drew this character skinny with big boobs and thick thighs and called it "chubby" so this one fat "nonbinary any pronouns!" theyfab posted this in responce. she captioned it with something like:
>here's her ACTUALLY chubby! also i guess you could say this is what a default female body looks like.
and the last part fucking killed me. how does she not notice the contradiction?
wrong thread this is good

No. 412758

File: 1724426792996.jpg (537.08 KB, 1080x1553, tt.jpg)

I just know it was dunking on this kek, everyone in the qrts is ignoring the "fit" part of that description. Kind of funny to see coomers get made fun of for their shit taste though, even if the opposition's taste isn't much better.

No. 412759

men will slap fat tits onto a female character and call it fat. Do they think women's breasts work like gynecomastia in men or something?

No. 412761

File: 1724427138731.jpg (40.92 KB, 640x464, 4f620e7b7a75a3d1fc8831f48da01e…)

kek yes it was this post.
>coomers vs sjw gendies, 2024, colorized

No. 412766

File: 1724429286499.png (949.23 KB, 1280x904, 1589997846470.png)

I miss her so much

No. 412767

didnt she come back as mr pumpking

No. 412770

No. 412771

>chubby fit
can these skinny fap bucktoothed math people stop thinking that them having a gunt but skinny arms and legs is “fit”? anyways that looks like a child with breasts and wide hips, he should kill himself and record himself doing it(alogging)

No. 412774

Before reading the post I was fully convinced this was fanart of Mitsuri as a cool grandma kek. Love how she didnt even bother drawing the hands/feet.
Also yeah, I'm 100% sure troons/theyfans see how contradictory and false their rhetoric is, but they made it their full personality and their peers encourage the echo chamber, so they decide to ignore it and continue pretending their beliefs are true.

No. 412775

File: 1724432472531.png (1.36 MB, 1008x1473, downie.png)

No. 412780

Someone mentioned some time ago, how people who used to draw only anime overcompensate when trying to change their style. Now I keep noticing it all the time. The tiny beady eyes and extremely round faces are a dead giveaway.

No. 412784

File: 1724432955192.jpg (135.63 KB, 1500x1000, 1000001033.jpg)

No. 412796

This is so factually wrong kek

No. 412797

why do all of them have the agp smile

No. 412802

>everyone in the qrts is ignoring the "fit" part of that description
It took me a while to get it but at first I thought "fit" meant outfit and it was him bragging about putting her in a bikini. A lot of those people might have done the same mistake.
In any case, I'm sure the gendies are annoying, but I support them making fun of retarded coomer moids. The only thing on that drawing that reads as even mildly chubby are her thighs, but the retarded moid compulsion to force in a thigh gap on every single pose makes it so even the thighs just read as normal. The way he draws the belly is just how you would shade an average/skinny belly on a realistic drawing.

No. 412807

>fat redistribution
KEK, yeah sure, that's why all women are taking estrogen instead of getting BBLs and lipos.

No. 412830

File: 1724438933085.jpg (38.65 KB, 400x591, 1000001046.jpg)

No. 412833

Good. Trannies should suffer and be scolded.

No. 412834

File: 1724439238164.jpg (20.79 KB, 540x360, 360_F_369569150_ju0ktS50D1v8Ma…)

The guy in red is how I would draw furries in elementary school

No. 412886

File: 1724449619731.jpg (33.89 KB, 300x300, jusjusojus_1052094434039357440…)

gotta go fast

No. 412895

>ancient magical tongue

No. 412896

Looks like Harry Potter and Tom Riddle, but Harry looks really dark skinned for no reason??

No. 412897

File: 1724451013468.jpeg (1013.87 KB, 2048x2897, IMG_5085.jpeg)

guess the character

No. 412898

Kek, spot on

No. 412899

File: 1724451035291.jpg (91.32 KB, 1080x1471, sq06b9muio901.jpg)

No. 412900

File: 1724451138902.png (1.18 MB, 1157x1200, tumblr_pigcp0qp5L1y04d2lo1_128…)

No. 412901

Another artcow I miss

No. 412902

File: 1724451278234.jpeg (208.73 KB, 1100x612, image3_orig.jpeg)

No. 412903

File: 1724451327891.webp (47.68 KB, 720x720, img_1_1724451084728.jpg)

No. 412904

File: 1724451449436.png (618.14 KB, 750x1071, 1427449062.bearclops_janeysmal…)

No. 412905

File: 1724451558247.jpg (300.47 KB, 1280x1024, tumblr_nsv6ae27ky1rfwfq9o1_128…)

No. 412906

File: 1724451616604.png (787.16 KB, 1280x951, tumblr_5d1fb483a5be6f6b59c2548…)

No. 412907

File: 1724451641731.jpg (1.62 MB, 1195x1229, dfzwvaq-f7372564-b234-456c-895…)

No. 412909

The first one is cute tbh. The other ones… no comment.

No. 412912

File: 1724452591368.png (260.3 KB, 500x555, EpA2m4BW8AIpVTq.png)

No. 412918

are there any threads these haven't been posted in

No. 412919

>i guess you could say this is what a default female body looks like
I do not want to know what the "artist" looks like if she has to inhale so much copium damn

No. 412920

is joke

No. 412934

File: 1724457090508.png (1.49 MB, 811x1081, my-little-pony-fandoms-mlp-art…)

She looks like John Pork

No. 412935

It's either some guy from RDR2 or the guy from Vampire Hunter D

Eh, the designs are a bit sparkledog tier, but it's not that bad.

No. 412938

File: 1724457794503.jpeg (99.9 KB, 750x744, IMG_0158.jpeg)

Guess the character, level (truly) impossible

No. 412939

File: 1724458059297.png (360.89 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nxlityPCxx1qe8we7o1_r1_…)

No. 412941

File: 1724458184837.png (333.45 KB, 500x692, tumblr_oujt9tZ2bC1qbtg0uo1_500…)

No. 412942

No. 412944

File: 1724458284471.png (901.63 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_6fc78da1a8d5eae4d92b8d7…)

No. 412945

File: 1724458343910.jpg (330.42 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_50a10231659046445e79254…)

No. 412946

File: 1724458392854.jpg (283.27 KB, 1280x965, tumblr_9d7d631442fce92b331fa07…)

No. 412947

File: 1724458429941.jpg (304.82 KB, 1550x2048, tumblr_ebae9b2832120513db4d6b8…)

No. 412949

File: 1724458516912.png (1.11 MB, 1280x768, tumblr_cf95b1b7cacd9f4c87f3508…)

No. 412950

File: 1724458602254.png (458.76 KB, 1280x918, tumblr_d20a68feddee7ea7f4ea81d…)

No. 412951

File: 1724458628863.jpg (84.5 KB, 735x505, bade4c426f8e17183c3b54d2a9676b…)

No. 412952

File: 1724458673900.jpeg (Spoiler Image,460.38 KB, 828x819, IMG_5087.jpeg)

these are all old as fuck and most if them have already been posted. why spam the thread with shit that's been posted a hundred times before?
nope and nope it's snape

No. 412955

File: 1724459076248.jpg (Spoiler Image,139.89 KB, 990x986, FQmLtN6XwAYL19u.jpg)

No. 412956

File: 1724459185052.jpg (100.4 KB, 724x1024, il_794xN.2665243254_dxgo-724x1…)

No. 412957

yeah of course that's why they cope with t4t as if they're excluding the cissies who they know don't want them

No. 412958

File: 1724459382713.png (Spoiler Image,252.08 KB, 652x493, 85e6f924ece3d392d084_small.png)

No. 412959

File: 1724459421655.png (Spoiler Image,553.82 KB, 652x722, 1d9a7ba73b541a39c312_small.png)

No. 412961

File: 1724459475979.jpg (Spoiler Image,122.13 KB, 652x759, ed2d3bbfb021cc43ac50_small.jpg)

(wrong thread)

No. 412963

Definitely a male character, that's for sure.

No. 412970

Tearzah's art and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race

No. 412973

Didn't this artist completely change the style to draw regular anime girls? Or was that someone else?

No. 412975

We have a bad fetish art thread, these don't belong here

No. 412980

File: 1724465889132.jpeg (Spoiler Image,298.94 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_4808.jpeg)

I kind of feel bad for posting this

No. 412982

potato goblin cosplaying as jane
this dash is super cute, pinkie could be if it werent for the hamfisted scenekid thing

No. 412985

No. 412987

Eh, it can be done right if there isn't an annoying reason behind it and the art is actually good. It's no different from genderbending honestly.


No. 412998

File: 1724472659567.jpg (200.46 KB, 880x986, race-bent-disney-princesses-et…)

These are cute

No. 413007

how is it race swap? they're fucking horses

No. 413009

>Rarity's whole thing is being a vain fashionista
>give hijab which is literally the opposite of that
Amazing, it's like satire or something but it isn't.

No. 413010

goes hard
i actually kind of like this one
>feminine, nerdy and awkward women turned into mtf trannies
>tomboys and goofs turned into tifs
every time

No. 413032

and horses have races…too

No. 413051

This is from 2012 and was everywhere on tumblr and probably one of the things that kickstarted the whole race bending thing, together with homestuck headcanons

No. 413078

This is actually cute and interesting

No. 413084

In the show they just have different unnatural colors kek

No. 413088

File: 1724511810981.jpg (4.82 MB, 3706x2055, GGF_Race5.jpg)

Yeah they sure do.

No. 413093

File: 1724512370737.png (754.08 KB, 754x1341, pZK4elr.png)

No. 413094

holy shit how do you not improve for so long?

No. 413100

Shortest members of the groyp

No. 413104

who is it?

No. 413105

Is she still online somewhere? Did she graduate from calarts? What happened to her?

No. 413114

The image that best represents how nerds have been decimated by genderism.

No. 413129

Gerard Way.

No. 413134

Genuinely depressing. The first one is what appears to be a little kids' drawing of a boy hanging out on the moon with a bunch of Wisps from Sonic Colors (hopefully he was actually a kid when he drew this,) and the second is offensive, shittily drawn fetish trash with a BG stolen from Google Images.

No. 413137

Posting RCDart is cheating.

No. 413139

Jfc, lurk moar, newfag.

No. 413140

Lesbian Applejack is gonna peak after watching all her friends troon out.

No. 413141

File: 1724529506504.jpg (72.21 KB, 600x750, happy_birthday_united_states_b…)

Shitty garbage

No. 413142

Apparently she's somehow both a lesbian and a gay man at once. or alternatively? who knows.

No. 413144

File: 1724529704657.jpg (209.81 KB, 1000x1500, 452939724_1156987145530624_916…)

I hate all Hex Maniac art

No. 413145

It's funnier to imagine that she's the lone sane person, though

No. 413146

Judging by the necklace she was having a lesbian day.

No. 413165

File: 1724533409249.png (790.29 KB, 2048x1448, IMG_5096.png)

guess the characters

No. 413167

I feel so bad because I saw this from the frontpage and thought I recognized an anons art style from the draw board. I thought this was gonna be in the Rate My Art thread

No. 413169

Same, she didn’t deserve what they did to her.

No. 413170

This is so bitchy for no reason kekk

No. 413171

my friend draws exactly like this kek let me make sure it's not her art

No. 413172

same lmao

No. 413175

Seems kinda vendetta-y

No. 413183

ayrt and no i don't know the artist, just came across it while looking for fanart and thought it looked nothing like the original ppl

No. 413184

I swear I'm not trying to be bitchy. I don't even think the art is bad, and I was excited to see an anon from the doodle board. If I really wanted to be bitchy, I would post what anon I thought it was lol

No. 413186

The +queer is so funny, isn't queer a synonym/umbrella for LGTB and similar to them? Seems redundant, it's like writing gay + homosexual.
Also someone please help Applejack, popr thing surrounded by troons…

No. 413188

File: 1724536743243.jpg (385.26 KB, 1240x1753, 5694376_779332_whit3pinkmann_u…)

No. 413190

No. 413192

I won't do that to anyone on the doodle board.

No. 413193

File: 1724537220717.jpeg (Spoiler Image,322.6 KB, 828x1094, IMG_5098.jpeg)

I grabbed that pic off tumblr, from browsing the napoleon tag. no similarities to any doodle anons wete intended

No. 413194

File: 1724537454771.gif (1.49 MB, 1500x1500, 1723117646045.gif)

Holy fuck I did not expect that I though it was elvis kekkk

No. 413197

this HAS to be one of y'all kek

No. 413202

I really hate this stupid AU and I'm tired of seeing it. It's the most random thing

No. 413227

File: 1724554756387.png (1.3 MB, 1000x1200, downiepart2.png)

imagine being paid for this

No. 413240

Wtf ship but the art is interesting

No. 413241

File: 1724559365789.jpg (156.08 KB, 850x1133, __inutade_dungeon_meshi_drawn_…)


No. 413296

KEKKKK thank you anon

No. 413316

I've seen that person on KF. He/she is insanely racist, so I assumed moid. He tried to "fix" Puppychan's shitty art and just drew her characters as a skinny white loli and femboy, kek

No. 413330

File: 1724604513583.jpeg (856.85 KB, 828x1105, IMG_5100.jpeg)

damn she only knows how to draw one face. they're fucking clones

No. 413350

File: 1724610246827.jpg (57.22 KB, 563x386, d374a6c29a07a7cae707a720268b6f…)

No. 413352

File: 1724610663875.png (1.23 MB, 925x824, intlmiku.png)

feet look so grotesque i almost feel like spoilering

No. 413354

File: 1724610906993.jpg (136.99 KB, 1542x1544, fanart.jpg)

This inspired me to make my own liberaljane OC.

No. 413365

File: 1724613727129.jpg (89.12 KB, 894x894, ayuka_and_ebony_walking_side_b…)

This is kind of grotesque

No. 413372

File: 1724616388704.jpg (438.15 KB, 2000x1807, bafkreihch3auc35dxfgt44lsaytwl…)

Her art is just boring to look at and it's the same furry,gendie cookie-cutter shit over and over.I don't get how she still has a following considering her past online.

No. 413376

File: 1724616918291.jpg (167.61 KB, 1378x2000, bafkreif5pj36qpgfdtbno3jmpgjii…)

What even is this design???

No. 413379

Whatever that special needsona is, it's not even holding the paintbrush

No. 413386

Nailed it lmao

No. 413395

File: 1724621441576.jpeg (994.43 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_5107.jpeg)

The good omens moids are so insanely ugly, even good artists end up drawing horrendous shit
perfectly accurate. those mouths she draws look so retarded

No. 413398

File: 1724621885610.png (33.42 KB, 675x540, CritterSonaFull.png)

Was looking for shark keychains when I found this

No. 413399

I can see what the artist is going for but something just isn't quite clicking with this style kek

No. 413403

File: 1724623599327.jpg (Spoiler Image,165.61 KB, 1053x540, sensorimotor-homunculus.jpg)

It's the knobbly realistic feet and hands combined with the rest of the incredibly stylized body and proportions, it gives off sensory homunculus vibes. Would've been way better if they were more simple and cute

No. 413418

I kind of resent this book getting a LA series because the actors are ugly as fuck and artists used to make really good interpretations of the characters back in the 2000s….and I can't find any of this art anymore because deviantart broke their search engine

No. 413427

File: 1724628719577.jpg (323.86 KB, 1600x909, IMG-20240815-WA0031.jpg)

Chinese artists can kinda pull it off imo, but imagine if they were actually pretty to begin with…

No. 413444

File: 1724633273685.jpg (96.63 KB, 1080x608, troonsupporters.jpg)

I was wondering why they looked familiar, and then I realized it's just the Doctor Who actors dressed up by tumblr children. Lol they really tried to keep that Doctor Who hype train rolling with this series, huh

No. 413447

File: 1724634375886.jpg (1.93 MB, 1800x1800, Tumblr_l_1696031681474859.jpg)

No. 413453

File: 1724637288251.jpg (8.84 KB, 244x286, c03aa31fc273441ca8087e448f3884…)

they look like Courage the Cowardly Dog villains

No. 413454

This is actually really good.

No. 413455

nta but anon wasn't implying it was bad art

No. 413456

File: 1724640053057.jpg (336.05 KB, 1980x1900, 2284852506216.JPG)

Got reminded of this somehow

No. 413461

Is this moebarabitch? god his art is awful

No. 413462

Pretty sure it's a tif

No. 413480

I enjoyed the book but was never part of the fandom, but man do I miss the pre-show fanart/fandom that I used to stumble across. It's not even because of the characters getting hit with the ugly stick, the general vibe is just insufferable now

No. 413492

File: 1724657249937.jpg (91.18 KB, 728x1077, 76568d736495a30bdd6021327b39a3…)

Reminds me of Hitoshi Tomizawa's art, picrel
He drew the official Yume Nikki manga

No. 413494

File: 1724657650766.jpg (54.04 KB, 371x370, 1000007106.jpg)

Giving serious Null/Laika vibes kek

No. 413497

he's a tim

No. 413503

File: 1724660533983.png (1.5 MB, 965x1292, i4sHCPF.png)

No. 413569

File: 1724676661374.jpeg (674.19 KB, 2048x1874, IMG_5105.jpeg)

it's sad to see good artists watse their talent on these ugly moids tbh.
the whole show has these annoyingly twee tumblr vibes, then again it's that hack nail gaiman. you can tell the whole show was tailor made for tumblrina types.

No. 413570

I thought it was Queen Elisabeth II in front page

No. 413606

do you have any examples anon? probably next to impossible to find any now…

No. 413608

File: 1724684627410.jpeg (409.26 KB, 1440x1920, GV2gv_8WAAAfYao.jpeg)

i don't have a horse in this race but this is objectively very ugly

No. 413616

the gay israeli flag in the background lol

No. 413639

amazing work nonna

No. 413651

File: 1724700296344.jpg (99.3 KB, 755x1029, static-assets-upload4097477937…)

She also ships herself with Angel Dust.embarrassing

No. 413661

File: 1724701074469.jpg (407.94 KB, 2048x1218, tumblr_9589457e2b3e9ffe168c186…)

I can't believe there are people who still draw like this

No. 413662

File: 1724701277953.png (605.01 KB, 1600x2400, D655433d296c40c931beb18ec7e2ce…)

sleepykinqs art has always sucked

No. 413663

File: 1724701639673.jpg (50.54 KB, 500x750, EW.jpg)

No. 413666

File: 1724701899903.jpg (408.83 KB, 2048x2048, tumblr_b006f69962f78ff0c656fef…)

Incomprehensibly terrible

No. 413668

I'm genuinely at a loss for words

No. 413674

The hilarious thing about this is that the person who drew it hadn't even been born yet when this style first became popular.

No. 413675

Egh what's with the gigantic ears?

No. 413676

This drawing doesn't belong here

No. 413679

File: 1724703888581.png (279.33 KB, 1080x1890, strange-mammon-fangirl-goes-as…)

Yeah no

No. 413708

learn to read

No. 413728

File: 1724715176847.jpeg (503.87 KB, 1750x1750, IMG_5116.jpeg)

No. 413741

took me a whole minute to figure out what this is supposed to be. it's not even interesting in any way, just confusing

No. 413750

I used to be sooo jealous of her shitty animated MEMEs when I was a kid

No. 413784

absolute kek. why is it always stuffing/gainer shit with hetaliafags

No. 413790

Kinda wanna watch some art teacher rip into this person about this being tacky and over stylized to hide their weaknesses when drawing. (And I'll fucking say it square hands on characters in animation is trash. This trend needs to die.)

No. 413926

File: 1724769953651.png (558.71 KB, 1141x848, jsjsjsjsj.png)

this has a nsfw alt

No. 413934

Reducing characters to a bunch of abstract shapes is a sign of mental illness, I'm sure of it.

No. 413936

this was to be expected from a 14 year old. But she's 20 something now kek
all the heavy criticism she received as a child made her want to improve so bad she took every cartoon art tip seriously and this is the outcome
her old art has childish charm to it

No. 413940

not even the worst of hetafags tbh. anyone else remember economic flushout

No. 413965

why do they always make America the one that gets raped kek

No. 413986

File: 1724785663452.webp (126.23 KB, 600x600, 113740151_p0_master1200.webp)

No. 413987

File: 1724785711324.png (1.29 MB, 2157x1785, dg8t4g3-09f45d27-4e53-47a2-94a…)


No. 413988

File: 1724785899373.png (678.86 KB, 753x1384, 1697748352.taigaaisaka231_garc…)

Why would anyone do this to Garchomp tho?

No. 413989

File: 1724785920102.jpg (89.97 KB, 1062x770, 03b.jpg)

No. 413990

Why are conservatives so fucking gay kek

No. 413991

I AUDIBLY LAUGHED OH MY GOD men are fucking insane

No. 413992

File: 1724786665337.jpg (87.11 KB, 850x480, sample_d80646f5212976b1ebfa15c…)

insane oc design

No. 413993

this looks so amazing i would love to see the artists other works

No. 413995

He's going to romantically shelter her from the rain.

No. 413996

File: 1724786990421.png (1.04 MB, 1000x1467, dandruff.png)

this guy is fascinating, his fetish is drawing ugly women with massive tits. And yes, that on her head is dandruff.

No. 413999

I just found a synopsis of that fic on Tumblr and I almost cried laughing when I got to the part with the tiny urethra dragon
Some kind of weird dysfunctional older woman fetish, maybe? Something about this screams mommy issues.

No. 414014

File: 1724789722456.jpg (315.94 KB, 1280x1845, jesus_christ_in_asian_cultures…)

No. 414015

File: 1724789844579.jpg (49.58 KB, 375x515, emperor_jesus_with_an_accompan…)

No. 414016

No. 414018

File: 1724791056401.png (11.4 MB, 3000x4000, ufqeamq7kvxa1.png)

reminds me of someone…

No. 414019

File: 1724791087982.png (404.81 KB, 576x768, 86i3ufw992y91.png)

They're not the same are they…

No. 414020

It's by longlongGui

No. 414024

> you after winning NNN

No. 414027

is that Jesus?

No. 414040

yes but not Asian

No. 414066

I call no way, his hands are in the dick-grip position. FAKER

No. 414067

File: 1724802428083.jpg (149.8 KB, 864x798, the psyop.jpg)


No. 414069

File: 1724802482189.jpeg (193.55 KB, 1373x1988, GWBcqoAWIAAvreW.jpeg)

No. 414072

>rare game for women where all the male characters are sexy bishies
goddam these pickmes are insufferable, go play god of war if you like ugly scrotes so much

No. 414073

File: 1724803358546.jpg (27.14 KB, 555x552, weirdcat.jpg)


No. 414076

Garu deserves this

No. 414078

The right hand tho

No. 414079

No. 414080

She can play tokyo afterschool summoners, it's more to her taste

No. 414088

File: 1724808562514.jpg (7.76 KB, 225x225, lmfao.jpg)

Keemstar is that you on the far left? kekkkkk

No. 414091

/g/ barafags find that based actually

No. 414095

I recognize keemstar, leafy, ricegum, and idubbbz getting bullied, not sure who the black guy is supposed to be.

No. 414109

>sailor uranus
At least he stopped her from kissing the moid

No. 414147

File: 1724837433962.jpeg (Spoiler Image,417.8 KB, 1511x2048, GL97kZQa0AAHPKc.jpeg)

tif art is a honeypot. i present you lady Queenie (1/2)

No. 414149

File: 1724837531133.jpeg (Spoiler Image,652.84 KB, 2048x1673, GQ33gnSaQAAYQ-5.jpeg)

more of lady Queenie, this time with some friends (2/2)

No. 414150

There's always a random black guy in these things kek

No. 414163

File: 1724850507449.jpeg (251.81 KB, 1280x997, IMG_5084.jpeg)

No. 414164

Is that supposed to be Snape and Lockhart kek

No. 414165

nah that's lucius (zika baby edition)

No. 414166

File: 1724851212831.jpg (222.01 KB, 618x800, 1000007205.jpg)

Kek, of course, I forgot about him. Here is an AU where Snape got several Korean surgeries.

No. 414176

File: 1724852624971.jpeg (469.51 KB, 2048x1534, pIuvQRk.jpeg)

No. 414180

Anthro karbby patty

No. 414230

Why?! Hes cute

No. 414310

Why do I actually love this? It's TiF art but it's kind of iconic

No. 414417

File: 1724908669860.jpg (466.28 KB, 1392x2048, tumblr_3780094533890fa046a0b5e…)

i like the "draw miku from your culture" trend in general but for some reason i keep getting whiplashed with horrendously grotesque art, its not lile they dont have enough skill to make something good, they are just too fucking retarded not to make her look like a neanderthal

No. 414481

Yeah, every single brazil one I've seen has the exact same shirt kek. And sometimes also has half her tits out.

No. 414490

File: 1724941230822.png (1008.14 KB, 1834x1963, 1dWLYVy.png)

No. 414493

Oh god, now I'm terrified to see what all the Middle Eastern ones look like.

No. 414498

It’s that reaction video guy Idubbbz started content cop on, I recognize him because of the bucket hat. He switched between a variety of bucket hats during the video on this guy.

No. 414511

Some are way better than others, i don’t think I’ll post the good ones here but I really dislike the skin darkening trend. It would feel more authentic to keep her pale skin

No. 414539

honestly they look fine, most of them are cute just certain ones (like the prev brasil miku) make certain features grotesque

No. 414540

>it would feel more authentic to keep her pale skin
this is miku… she's not a regular character, literally all her features are customiseable, people change her hair color, hair style, clothes, skin color constantly. Do you even know what a vocaloid is? kek

No. 414559

File: 1724958967858.jpg (100.13 KB, 774x1032, proyecto__20240508010247__by_d…)

0 effort

No. 414576

Gashi gashi copycat and retarded coomshit

No. 414585

You could say the same for any other character. I guess that anon just prefers more in-model art (just changing her clothes), which is understandable. I'm enjoying the world wide Miku trend and we are even making a zine of it on my country, but some designs are so derivative they stop looking like her.

No. 414587

Tumor butt ew

No. 414597

File: 1726038107664.jpg (816.07 KB, 1619x2033, 20240911_072045.jpg)

No. 414598

File: 1726038286723.jpg (64.83 KB, 692x820, 20240910_020246.jpg)

No. 414599

File: 1726038523911.jpg (576.82 KB, 1536x2048, GXBWEz8aAAA1BOH.jpg)

No. 414610

File: 1726041228103.jpg (67.98 KB, 479x600, nostalgia_critic_x_avgn_slash_…)


No. 414618

File: 1726043283749.jpeg (41.13 KB, 720x409, GWzRUvLXcAAwYBj.jpeg)

No. 414638

File: 1726052783613.png (963.69 KB, 980x980, OTP.png)

wrong thread? that's beautiful

No. 414733

File: 1726077283546.png (280.12 KB, 657x481, nya mein fuhrer.PNG)

unironic anime Hitler

No. 414739

File: 1726080811501.jpeg (1.02 MB, 2048x2048, GBdvVVcXAAA0CpP.jpeg)

this is good actually

No. 414740

File: 1726080865346.jpeg (204.89 KB, 943x1200, GAMCe3xWsAE6i2U.jpeg)

absolute gigachads

No. 414741

File: 1726080958724.jpeg (532.34 KB, 1558x2048, GJlRqr7W4AAK4Rc.jpeg)

he's about to cross the street

No. 414742

File: 1726081028270.jpeg (300.31 KB, 973x1280, GKdqo7HWEAAObTK.jpeg)

you go into your kitchen and see this wyd

No. 414743

File: 1726081101570.jpeg (890.81 KB, 1770x2048, GFQU9uGXIAAPjQb.jpeg)

No. 414744

File: 1726081123086.jpeg (533.65 KB, 1558x2048, GCl2vJfX0AANrLp.jpeg)

last one

No. 414745

File: 1726081221007.png (304.54 KB, 1006x628, qrbZdQK.png)

kek i love toyhouse autists

No. 414746

File: 1726081598302.mp4 (163.36 KB, 990x720, VID_20240911_220338_833.mp4)

>hopefully they don't steal my art

No. 414765

File: 1726088004674.jpg (201.02 KB, 1309x1239, tumblr_3db2f2d3e084a6b11ba34bd…)

Bad art thread how I missed you. Here's bad art I found when searching for pics of my middle school husbando
I like how the left one looks okayish but the right one is severely mentally incapacitated kek

No. 414766

No. 414769

File: 1726088155709.jpeg (Spoiler Image,162.58 KB, 1024x984, IMG_1849.jpeg)

Been waiting. Spoiler for underboob

No. 414772

File: 1726089568748.jpg (4.76 KB, 256x197, 1000061433.jpg)

Slaine, what did they do to you??
>middle school
Jesus, I was starting College when that show came out and my best friend and I picked our husbandos, she loved slaine and I was really into Inaho, we also shipped them to hell and back before we decided that Slaine looks better with Eldorito and his boyfriend, and inaho looks better with inko.
Art tax.

No. 414782

File: 1726091662586.png (2.79 MB, 1772x1474, IMG_5340.png)

man i missed this thread. let's play guess the characters

No. 414792

Ew why does she look like a sausage. I hate Brazil Miku so much

No. 414793

Rey and Kylo Ren?

No. 414795

File: 1726096961007.jpeg (663.47 KB, 1125x1192, IMG_6526.jpeg)

No. 414803

File: 1726100792744.jpeg (233.94 KB, 828x1576, IMG_5341.jpeg)

yup. worst part is that this is supposed to be improvement

No. 414822

makes sense that Oli London would be a slytherin tbh

No. 414824

What the fuck?

No. 414825

File: 1726108107555.png (600.33 KB, 1080x1186, bettyblimp.png)

Surprisingly,its not fetish art.artist just drew Betty Boop like this

No. 414826

File: 1726108166239.jpg (46.4 KB, 569x1024, 1724956004553309m.jpg)

From /Co/

No. 414827

File: 1726108301419.jpg (74.93 KB, 1080x1350, FB_IMG_1725376635422.jpg)

She would not look like this lmao so,so bad!

No. 414828

Who is this supposed to be?

No. 414833

File: 1726109270012.jpg (49.78 KB, 720x889, FB_IMG_1725381982170.jpg)

No. 414893

File: 1726127491495.jpg (1.37 MB, 1080x6970, 1725628788486.jpg)

this retard getting mad that shitty photoshop looks much better than his thinly veiled gooner slop

No. 414920

File: 1726134365330.jpg (699.64 KB, 1079x1505, Screenshot_20240912_113851_Gal…)

It's good art, vendetta-chan

No. 414927

she got the generic pixar girl face it sucks

No. 414931

nta but it's bad
they made her an amputee

No. 414949

The comic itself is cringe but the dialogue is also horrible

No. 414951

File: 1726146953645.jpg (299.25 KB, 1920x1080, final stardust cosmic nexus.jp…)

These are official character protraits in a fully released game kek
This is obviously the art of a Pokémon coomer autist

Why are men

No. 414965

love wins
holy kek, 17 years…. putting aside the negligible change in ability, its actually psychotic for some normie who doodles anime boys to be still dedicated to their oc webcomic concept after 17 years. kind of admirable in its insanity
lol theyre both equally bad just in different ways. top is more grotesque though

No. 414976

this is kinda cute i love innofensive spergs like this. I actually kinda like her ocs design, they remind me of SNK a bit.

No. 414977

File: 1726151491392.jpg (50.01 KB, 329x500, 118493-181559-panda.jpg)

Panda delgado

No. 414979

This isn't bad, it's awesome

No. 415003

File: 1726162299817.jpg (95.73 KB, 1234x648, caught_by_her_bf____by_superka…)

No. 415026

>It's good art
Yeah,you're blind as hell kek

No. 415030

>holy kek, 17 years…
i scrolled over that pic and thought yeah the artist barely improved, many such cases, but it didn't register to me that the time gap was 17 fucking years like holy shit lmao

No. 415051

File: 1726169932261.png (275.61 KB, 600x337, Site-community-image.png)

All of the designs from this show are ugly and terrible.

No. 415059

didn’t expect to get horny in the bad art thread today

No. 415111

File: 1726186514010.png (375 KB, 756x888, IMG_1161.png)

No. 415114

File: 1726187646243.jpg (63.99 KB, 827x662, _future__surprise_pregnancy_by…)

No. 415118

/ic/ phenotype

No. 415131

i love foreshortening fails that look like midget limbs kek

No. 415137

This show is ruined because of that wannabe mass shooter faggot's obsession with that blue haired ghost

No. 415144

I thought this was dark skinned obese Asuka in her plug suit at first wtf…

No. 415149

Generic and bland, but not bad.

No. 415156

File: 1726193967471.jpg (83.88 KB, 1400x2000, wedgiewednesday-v0-bd5evyylykt…)

No. 415189

File: 1726202461240.png (134.01 KB, 1422x800, FpyLVNuWwAAlIGR.png)

Haven't read Let's Play in years, apparently the creator quit Webtoon and transitioning to a dating sim. I know she's just tracing 3D models but she's got such a knack for making women look like yaoi bishies

No. 415193

File: 1726204327185.jpg (101.66 KB, 1080x360, 20240913_070904.jpg)

26 y/o TIF

No. 415209

File: 1726213165945.jpeg (458.23 KB, 3000x3000, MPV31FI.jpeg)

No. 415234

this is terrible, those hands… it looks like somehow the middle finger is the shortest. the expression/face. it's all bad. everything looks like a blury mess, there's not a well-defined line in sight. and i'm not the best at spotting this sort of stuff but to be honest it kind of looks like AI was partially used.
>She would not look like this
also agreed

>this is kinda cute i love innofensive spergs like this
same, i feel the same way when i come across stuff like that online

No. 415278

How are people not improving? Was this person drawing off and on during the last 6 years and that's why there was minimal 'improvement'?

There was a thread on Twitter like "show me your art at the start of covid to now." And only 2 people out of the 30ish responses improved. Everyone else stayed the same or got worse. Granted they were young but so were the two who improved.

No. 415279

File: 1726243713700.jpg (207.31 KB, 1080x907, 1000006513.jpg)

No. 415280

Kek what improvement

No. 415281

tf2 yaoi
fat markiplier sexyman
even the subject matter got worse

No. 415282

This reminds me of those "simpsonifications" where they just slap someones face into a simpsons body and paint them yellow

No. 415299

Why does no one know where a mouth goes anymore. I feel like everyone born after 2000 draws mouths and noses way too close together, making either the nose or the chin gigantic.

No. 415314

File: 1726254152526.jpg (Spoiler Image,322.99 KB, 1451x2048, 20240913_082806.jpg)

No. 415315

File: 1726254209329.jpg (Spoiler Image,238.05 KB, 2264x1652, 20240913_082758.jpg)

Not sure if these go here or in the bad fetish art thread

No. 415316

File: 1726254378774.jpg (142.56 KB, 850x1314, __hatsune_miku_and_brazilian_m…)

No. 415317

File: 1726254584642.jpg (207.86 KB, 1280x1415, brazilian_miku_by_nitoruy_di18…)

Wtf is going on with her spine and boobs?this is not only confusing but repulsive too.

No. 415323

oh god i remember this insane autist from /ic/

No. 415344

File: 1726268235789.jpeg (56.59 KB, 1080x1239, Screenshot_2024-09-13-16-35-05…)

XYs are retarded

No. 415345

Literally who

No. 415346

File: 1726268761148.png (1.16 MB, 1500x1500, PioneersAnthology.png)

No. 415348

File: 1726269959580.jpg (245.24 KB, 1080x797, 1000006522.jpg)

No. 415351

Confession: he was a guilty pleasure when he still did a lot of rendermaxxing pieces. It's a shame he deleted them because they're much better than this slop
Do you remember anything?

No. 415360

File: 1726277393360.jpeg (Spoiler Image,253.76 KB, 1195x2048, IMG_5373.jpeg)

Is Casone really a man? I thought he was a women who suffer from coom rot. I later on unfollowed him because I got sick of his barely disguise futa fetish. A shame his newer is crap, I miss his older shit like pic related.

No. 415361

You liked this shit?

No. 415370

Never once in my life did I think I would say this, but the One Piece art style looks better.

No. 415381

File: 1726289123921.jpg (182.42 KB, 678x1016, il_fullxfull.5913580327_6b0e.j…)

But seriously,who would waste their money on this?

No. 415393

File: 1726295722156.jpg (257.64 KB, 1200x937, GWmzDiiXIAAs-EB.jpg)

i wanted to like this before i looked closer. just disappointing

No. 415452

File: 1726324162880.png (54.61 KB, 800x600, 2p-Italy-jekyde-33777578-800-6…)

No pasta…

No. 415456

More… antipasta.

No. 415483

File: 1726337788077.jpg (512.88 KB, 1940x2000, bafkreiaju5durluzz5cy3hpbusl2k…)


No. 415484

File: 1726337862043.jpg (350.19 KB, 1130x2000, bafkreia553wg44n57m5fogq4am5s4…)

Unbelievably bad

No. 415485

File: 1726337905688.jpg (148.98 KB, 1273x2000, bafkreiefj3aicft22fvqst4bm5sr7…)

No. 415486

No. 415487

i unironically like the 2019 ver reminds me of old soviet cartoons

No. 415488

This better be female Terry by a muscle fetishist and not regular Terry

No. 415499

File: 1726341573945.jpg (46.82 KB, 736x603, 96302deb20da44f37639713b660096…)

yeah this fucking sucks

No. 415500

File: 1726341601217.jpg (171.23 KB, 640x640, 1868d8f3cff781d79391b36ffdb3f9…)

No. 415503

It’s cute. Just because a drawing has boobs doesn’t make it bad seriously.

No. 415504

It's coomer shit. not cute.

No. 415506

>look at reference!
Take your own advice

No. 415507

Well I find it cute.

No. 415509

File: 1726343571442.png (2.74 MB, 1407x1248, 1725266809972.png)

Don't get your drawing advice from imageboards

No. 415517

File: 1726345849477.jpg (21.27 KB, 564x698, be50a6e311b33c3e526100d63e5867…)

This is a classic example of shitty anatomy kek

No. 415519

All of these except Ippo are so fucking ugly and tumblery. It always made me laugh that ic has both a loli pedo thread and a tumblr thread filled with tifs drawing their ugly blorbos.

No. 415530

File: 1726352002695.jpeg (480.59 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_8211.jpeg)

kek ew

No. 415532

File: 1726352095144.jpg (600.27 KB, 3022x2361, 1000006545.jpg)

No. 415534

Looks like Perry Maple kek

No. 415537

Even the Ippo looks like he's made out of animal balloons

No. 415570

Idk why i typed 'he', i also assumed Casone is female but this balloon tits futa shit is making me think twice
This is one of the remaining posts, they really deleted every single good thing, but it kinda feels like their earlier work so it's a decent example (ya i'm defending AYRT, it's just that i get what she's referring to)

No. 415595

File: 1726364551871.jpeg (335.09 KB, 1448x1583, GXc-r-wXoAExaDY.jpeg)

$45 dollars for this YCH and it looks wonky

No. 415598

Creepshowart watcher turned jojo fan

No. 415601

How did so many people manage to fuck up chibi proportions kekk

No. 415603

those threads are the epitome of dunning krueger. Some of those have been drawing for years without improving because the tumblrinas and fags who use those threads are too afraid of being mean.

No. 415617

Me in the bunker threads with my nonnies while LC was down

No. 415636

TOPKEK me with this bitch who doesnt gaf about me who im obsessed with

No. 415671

File: 1726409622169.png (859.74 KB, 2048x1073, FQViYOp.png)

guess who

No. 415674


No. 415715

I'm convinced there's no way to draw leg hair and make it look good in any style that isn't hyper realistic.

No. 415716

Yamcha (I recognized by scars)

No. 415718


No. 415728

This could have been a cute OC instead

No. 415732

File: 1726430377178.jpg (1.3 MB, 1615x2281, 1726182183.wolfenstain1_dulce_…)

No. 415734

File: 1726430438506.jpg (152.91 KB, 848x1200, GXUB3gKWsAAIcoD.jpg)

No. 415742

damn fluttershy let herself go..

No. 415778

File: 1726456255756.jpg (587.16 KB, 1128x2048, 20240915_171413.jpg)

No. 415780

>boy pussy
Rainbow dash would never…

No. 415790

i hate this so much

No. 415816

i mean… shes a lesbian… so she would be into masc girls

No. 415817

File: 1726482887878.jpeg (168.67 KB, 598x989, TzBbAf7.jpeg)

No. 415819

The self-harm scars are sending me

No. 415822

i know rainbow is into girls but she would never lay in the hay with a troon

No. 415825

lumbar lordosis strikes again

No. 415826

damn this person has 4k followers, coomers really have no standards

No. 415827

Even as recently as when this show came out this would be seen as unintelligible and no one would have any idea what the shirt is supposed to mean.

No. 415829

This was drawn by a tif called birdie so not surprised they completely descimated Dash's character for "muh identity".

No. 415830

File: 1726485764412.jpg (460.85 KB, 2304x4096, 20240916_132113.jpg)

No surprise this is so hideous. She's a big lolcow TIF, she also drew pic related and apparently is her hugging her young self.

No. 415840

ill always remember birdie as that one retard tif who forced her pet (dog? ferret?) to lick her vagina , shes the most chronologically online person ive seen

No. 415896

Those fucking panty stocking hands.

No. 415898

Kek that's my favourite part too, Rainbow Dash of all ponies would never do that.

No. 415934

File: 1726509677520.png (43.56 KB, 1665x1389, 1ZCqpRP.png)

No. 415935

I actually kinda laughed at this kek

No. 415959

File: 1726516165051.png (1.7 MB, 2000x2400, 29f3d4f098df3e5e55e5.png)

This is so laughably dumb

No. 415960

File: 1726516218081.jpg (129.07 KB, 930x1200, GWe7Km3WMAAWVZO.jpg)

The more I look at it,the worse it becomes.

No. 415961

who even enjoys this kind of content? it's literally the same pose over and over.

No. 415965

File: 1726517586728.png (465.5 KB, 652x751, 2fb5c4f33de30498cfcd_small.png)

What am I even looking at?this is supposed to be a billsona of Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls.I don't even know where to focus on.

No. 415967

Brazil miku gone evil

No. 415968

>human rights
>it's an anthropomorphic animal

No. 415969

Horrible trauma (her parents took away her internet access for a year) I wish it was a joke but that's literally it.

No. 415970

Kek does she actually go around calling that trauma? I never kept up with Birdie drama so I might be misremembering, but didn't her parents only start getting on her ass about her internet drama after she posted her home address on google+ or something like that?

No. 415971

> Billsona of Bill Cipher
Isn't that a bit redundant kek

No. 415985

gen alpha baby gooners who got their first boner when playing against the demonic milf in friday night funkin

No. 416016

File: 1726539138237.jpg (610.9 KB, 850x1228, GXMzX_faoAA1XGX.jpg_large.jpg)

One of the worst Brazilian Mikus I've seen so far lmao at the pencil neck.

No. 416024

New York hotdog stand Miku is real and can hurt you

No. 416038

how do moids even jerk off to shit like this thats so removed from reality. who looks at this and says mm yes deformed rubber slug woman hunka hunka

No. 416080

>baby gooners
Yeah, that's how breasts work, we can totally balance a can on one of them

No. 416185

File: 1726598718810.jpg (913.34 KB, 2048x1768, tumblr_7cfc245d0ad47c0bea7e8a4…)

Yes, she's been my personal cow for a while now. Her trauma includes her parents being twansphobic meanies and taking away her internet access, as well as a couple of her e-rp online partners breaking up with her. She's also currently in the process of cancelling her former (as of yesterday) roommate/bff despite being super best friends and baking sweets for each other only days ago. HOW is there not a thread on her yet??? (thread tax)

No. 416186

File: 1726598792503.png (992.88 KB, 1024x643, FKNqbCq2oxLuh8URYHmu.png)

No. 416187

My Little Tweaker: Friendship is meth. They share a strong bond as well as needles.

No. 416188

eugenialight cooneyckle and sissyshy are giving creepypasta

No. 416189

Let’s all hang out in Twilight’s tent!

No. 416191

why is pinkie always fat

No. 416205

The cringe "y2k" aesthetic these people execute is such an eye sore

No. 416207

Kek they all have dogshit bottom of the barrel fake edgy music taste

No. 416229

She's loud and likes junk food, literally american-coded

No. 416240

File: 1726623447929.jpg (Spoiler Image,598.76 KB, 2048x1877, 1000044788.jpg)

Smiling Friends-sona

No. 416243

wow…. this is extremely terrible. you win

No. 416244

File: 1726627626761.png (56.23 KB, 507x973, IMG_1319.png)

No. 416249

I feel like this shouldn't count…

No. 416250

the ear nona. the fucking ear.
kinda hot tbh

No. 416256

I don't think there would be enough nonnas provinding milk for a thread of her own (especially because her highest milk point was years ago), you can just go to the art commentary cows thread.

No. 416260

i dont know how these artists never get cancelled because a lot of ”blackwashing” is just borderline racial charicature. and why the hell people just pretend it's pretty when theyre drawing the ugliest fuck youve ever seen with all types of rare diseases and features combined as if it was user named animetranny420's job to bring representation for the minority.
i fucking hate these so much, wish they would just stop and draw their white girls from pinterest again and again forever

No. 416264

File: 1726631785620.png (Spoiler Image,2.61 MB, 1710x1726, 1000007280.png)

I really hate this artist, they keep showing up on my recommendations and I wanted to share because every drawing they make looks so fucked up kek. They are truly god awful with nothing redeeming about their art. I don't understand how they get so many views and so much engagement besides coomer moids having zero standards I guess.

No. 416268

Ya the dandruff girl is cute… Too bad she's trapped in this moid's shit style and taste

No. 416270

i was gonna reply the same thing, i like the 2019 one. i love the hair. the eyes and nose are nice/ok… overall it's interesting to look at. the detail of the hair probably pulls it together well.
the other two? not so much… maybe that person should stick to traditional art kek, or maybe they're just degrading.

No. 416271

what you deserve for being a 2hushitter

No. 416282

File: 1726649623446.png (2.58 MB, 3840x2160, kiwi3.png)

Looking back on it I think anons were right when they said he might be a lolicon

No. 416283

>might be
>elementary school uniform
make that a definite. kiwiscrotes are hypocrites

No. 416291

File: 1726653289682.png (46.56 KB, 349x304, 1726649623446~2.png)

I think he might be mentally challenged too

No. 416293

File: 1726654728077.jpg (778.24 KB, 2100x2600, FoAa5fEWYAE9O-o.jpg)

Yup you're right. I'm looking at the kiwi tan thread and guess what? One of the artist who drew her is a straight up lolicon. Who's art got featured by null on one of his streams I believe

No. 416299

File: 1726660560084.png (1.11 MB, 1800x1300, IMG_3194.png)

I fucking hate the design of kiwichan everyone uses. Troon socks and a pulled down zipper looks retarded. Tried to redesign her a long time ago. If it ends up being posted here my intentions were good lol.

No. 416306

I hate it when scrote sites make their mascot-tans be cute girls.

Also, interesting that they make them girls despite them compromising of incel men. Meanwhile us and other girlchans like crystal.cafe make their mascots girls instead of husbandos. Hmmmmm

No. 416310

We had husbando versions of Elsie and 2x tan but some people threw a fit over it

No. 416311

huh when? all i remember is nonas calling out the shit a icfag drew

No. 416314

i hate this design so much i'm tempted to post mine but i feel like kiwiscrotes don't deserve it. would you like to see it nonas

No. 416315

File: 1726672444222.png (273.96 KB, 505x470, 1_2_123.png)

I feel weird posting this ITT because it isnt bad art lol. I dont think I saved any more sadly but there was definitely a 2x-kun design going around for a bit. I thought he was a qt although the idea of a male character representing 2x wasnt the most liked and I can understand why.

No. 416316

No. 416317

>Meanwhile us and other girlchans like crystal.cafe make their mascots girls instead of husbandos
girl. it was done because of the cute girl-tan tradition. this is an offshoot of 4chan's /cgl/ board, this isn't a women's shelter for radfems and husbandofags. it was created by a man, even.

No. 416319

Post it
Besides stating the obvious the fucking board is called 2x which means xx chromosomes which only women have choosing a moid persona for it would be highly insulting and retarded but I think you can have moid personas for some g threads especially the husbandofags most boards here are female centered so obviously they would have female boardtans. I personally love the butch 2x alot if Elsie wasn't dating her I would've snatched her away in a instant.

No. 416321

>Besides stating the obvious
You did state the obvious immediately after saying that kek. Also, I said exactly what you just reiterated in own my post and that I agree despite finding the design pleasant. Can't even post shit without people trying to fight

No. 416322

farmers who dedicate themselves to arguing over every little thing and always being cunts are fat and ugly(infighting)

No. 416323

kek sorry wasn't trying to sound mean to you just wanted to give specifics to any other nonna

No. 416327

The girls are cute, the music is great, the games are fun, and there is a ton of wholesome and cute art that isn't coom related at all. Lots of nice watercolor and other traditional touhou artists that I especially like. Wish there was a thread for it here, it would be nice to talk about it with other women because all the other touhou spaces online are a sausage fest and filled with soulless scrotes that only look at the porn.

No. 416328

File: 1726675965573.jpg (85.24 KB, 736x965, 1000001461.jpg)

The proportions are so different

No. 416329

I love love love his art

No. 416331


No. 416332

File: 1726676506954.jpg (513.52 KB, 1080x871, Screenshot_20240918_182046_Ins…)


No. 416333

shape language was a mistake

No. 416334

The simple 4-fingered hand with the colored palms makes it look like she has paws. This style is too cartoony to require this amount of detail. Why do white tif artists feel the need to do this

No. 416335

Wtf the world doesn't need a knock off range murata. To start with, we are probably better off without the one who is actually good.

No. 416338

Tumblr brainrot and also probably not enough skill to draw anything else. I always wonder if super cartoony artists draw that way because they genuinely like the style (which is usually ugly as sin) or because when they try drawing any other way they fail miserably

No. 416342

I like cartoony art, but it's incredibly easy to fuck up. I'd say it's both. Cartoons are a lot easier to draw, but a lot of the artists in question also aren't good at stylization. It's like they're incapable of properly simplifying anything to save their lives. They usually aren't able to draw in other styles either, and they refuse to learn.

No. 416343

File: 1726678468282.jpg (50.23 KB, 736x544, 1000001472.jpg)

No. 416344

this was drawn by the pickme who drew a coomer elsie wasnt it?

No. 416349

A Touhou thread sounds nice, I'd love to discuss it with anyone who isn't gender brainwashed or a coomer (or both)
You know what, give me a sec I'm about to make one.

No. 416356

Yes, cartoons are inherently easier to draw by design. You can't have complicated styles in animation when you need to draw them thousands of times. Even Ghibli and anime styles are simplified, though they do require more skill to pull off than western styles. If you aren't drawing comics or animation or graphic design, sticking to these simple styles to illustrate is so limiting.

No. 416359

What the hell is wrong with Cleo?dear goodness

No. 416365

File: 1726687509801.jpg (Spoiler Image,785.16 KB, 1500x1500, 5270742575282.JPG)

You mean this? Doesn’t look like the same artist, unless you meant some other drawing. Wonder where the tard who made this went. At least Elsie wasn’t drawn with huge tits kek.

No. 416370

EWWWW I want to a log whoever drew else on that fugly scrote

No. 416375

I don't think this is The one there was a animecoretard attention whore who self posted alot who drew a coomer Elsie and 4chan boardtans

No. 416380

if you are going to be a murata clone at least steal the good things about his art

No. 416381

>might be
really anon? now you realize this?

No. 416389

Why is the female character drawn like a child

No. 416400

File: 1726698902551.jpg (228.6 KB, 1436x2000, bafkreibdydbypj2wlarzbymq2lxvz…)

Oversized oranges for tits,awful.

No. 416408

I feel the same way too. Only skilled black artists should draw black people

No. 416409

He would be better for /g/, plenty of goth lovers there

No. 416411

Who's the scrote?

No. 416445

File: 1726714589076.png (1.85 MB, 1600x1400, dwZO12L.png)

No. 416458

I'm so endlessly tired of this picture getting redrawn.

No. 416459

File: 1726718295331.jpg (378.14 KB, 1479x518, totallynotaloliconhimself.jpg)

naggot figger on kiwifarms whos acktually anti lolicon guiz!

No. 416463

File: 1726719621396.jpg (Spoiler Image,105.86 KB, 736x736, 1000023302.jpg)

She means this one kek. These are personified 4chan, lc and cc.

No. 416468

oh boy the irony of this faggot saying this while drawing a loli in a kindergarden uniform

No. 416470

File: 1726722041104.png (1.01 MB, 600x900, HhAzR64.png)

No. 416476

I know this website has a hate boner for Chappell (and I don’t blame y’all for it) but this drawing is fire. It’s aesthetically pleasing.

No. 416477

Yeah, this is good.

No. 416478

>hate boner
>is on lc
although i hate the pose have to say i also like the colors of it

No. 416486

I wish the moe anime art style would die. My god, I haven't seen a single person into this style of art that hasn't been a coomer or pedophile of some kind.

No. 416536

File: 1726739799240.png (Spoiler Image,1.64 MB, 1559x2243, kiwitan.png)

per one anon's request here she is

No. 416538

this is leagues better than the first design this kiwitan i would date although i hate the leg hair

No. 416540

I love her specially the leg hair

No. 416554

make her leg hair green

No. 416562

If I had a dollar for every chronically online artist who made a pet lick her pussy I'd have two dollars, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice (the other being glitchedpuppet)

No. 416563

Don't forget, that's only the ones you've heard of. There are more out there.

No. 416576

I wish I didn't know who she was she's more of horrorcow than birdie who's just a retarded autist

No. 416580

File: 1726752675068.jpg (261.75 KB, 1067x582, kiwikini.jpg)

kek scrolling through the thread now. this is dogshit

No. 416585

File: 1726753826581.png (775.42 KB, 788x1500, kiwiboooobs.png)

all file names are original, i'm not changing anything

No. 416586

File: 1726753853220.jpg (274.23 KB, 879x1257, kawaiikiwi.jpg)

No. 416587

File: 1726753874511.jpg (721.48 KB, 915x1800, kwee.jpg)

last one

No. 416593

File: 1726754874694.jpg (109.78 KB, 1116x1200, 20240919_155731.jpg)

Why is it a tranny?

No. 416594

File: 1726755480241.png (879.34 KB, 3259x5248, kiwi.PNG)

Kiwiscrotes are so autistic. The kiwichan thread is killing me
It’s a joke

No. 416600

How is the shitty pony edit/recolor the best one?? That's sad
The cute early 2000s anime style is sacred to me. I don't want it to die but I wish these retards would stop appropriating it, they weren't even sentient when it was popular and if they were all they did was use it for porn. I hate them

No. 416612

god this design is so fucking hideous kek, the way i could actually do this design better and if i posted it many ugly ass anons would call my design “misogynistic” just because the design would actually be appealing, tasteful and cute

No. 416614

then post your own design instead of screeching like a retard in TWO threads

No. 416619

Can you stop humblebragging about being le moidbrained and either post it or shut the fuck up.

No. 416621

>good design is moidbrained
you can find a balance between ugly hairy femcel and scrotey porn bait, i dont want either of that shit retard(infighting)

No. 416622

you can’t screech on an imageboard dumbfuck KEK, you need to spend less time being immersed on the internet

No. 416623

File: 1726763800722.png (153.11 KB, 474x438, mbCxdn.png)

No. 416625

Nasty ass coomers.
Only good one.

No. 416626

Belongs itt

No. 416630

stop taking the internet seriously. her art is objectively ugly to look at, the design is bad, it’s too personalized for a website that isn’t dominated by women and will never be so i truly don’t know why we’re offended scrotes making their mascot appeal to their own tastes, we don’t run that website

No. 416632

>stop taking the internet seriously!!11
oh, the irony…

No. 416633

It has so much potential but the ass and boobs focus ruins it

No. 416635

there’s no irony, it’s ugly and i stated my opinion

No. 416637

File: 1726765100804.jpg (Spoiler Image,663.02 KB, 2169x2933, GTJsa_YXAAAQElV.jpg)

>ignore the sperg
everything she draws is so hilariously ugly

No. 416643

Elsie's design is better.

No. 416668

It’s actually funny how much better Elsie’s design and “fanart” is. Of course the moid creation is simply inferior.

No. 416677

No. 416682

File: 1726778966777.jpg (959.93 KB, 1204x1233, uwuwu.jpg)

hold on i forgot to post this one

No. 416684

i like how the legbeard filters the plebs, based nonny. We should draw elsie with a legbeard too.

No. 416686

Now draw her buying wonder bread

No. 416709

File: 1726786227986.jpeg (115.41 KB, 736x981, Artist @geowump on twitter.jpe…)

Absolutely disgusting

No. 416711

File: 1726786604969.jpeg (64.64 KB, 736x801, Howdy Pillar Fanart.jpeg)

No. 416741

File: 1726793299133.webp (Spoiler Image,96.87 KB, 750x956, 4BB324DE-A7D4-4A93-AF9C-0C5749…)

Not really nsfw but a bit risqué. All the fanart for this book series looks like this no matter the artist. I never realized how good I had it as a weeb before this.

No. 416742

File: 1726793606309.jpg (281.94 KB, 1700x893, 896521569102581760_1.jpg)

No. 416747

File: 1726794048687.jpeg (357.46 KB, 2424x2732, i-love-emberlynn-v0-7nl746jrcb…)

No. 416748

This is kinda endearing tbh.

No. 416753

File: 1726794824120.jpeg (899.51 KB, 769x1150, 700F7A74-D0C5-45DD-9D85-0008FB…)

Kek I’ll give them props for drawing the muscled meatloaf men of their dreams. I think what shocked me about this is that almost all fanart looks like this with no defined light source and shading that makes it look like those airbrush t shirts you can get at the beach.

No. 416754

i am so glad the shadman menace has been eradicated, he has such an ugly style

No. 416757

I think it's because sometimes they're airbrushing a shirtless photo with the dodge and burn tool kek. Either way, it is funny how all the fanart looks like a mix between DA-throwback digital art techniques and instagram 'yassified' illustrations/paintovers, books usually don't get consistent fanart styles like that

No. 416794

File: 1726803892566.jpeg (153.92 KB, 692x876, IMG_3231.jpeg)

The Komi manga/show really has a dogshit artstyle

No. 416797

Isn't this just one artist?

No. 416799

Genuinely grotesque

No. 416800

this is just unteralterbach…i didn't think the two games fandoms had overlap

No. 416811

I think her having the braided kiwi would look cuter but pls nonna don't give kiwi farms free labor draw our board girls instead

No. 416812

File: 1726806647808.jpg (65.69 KB, 670x1000, bafkreifnkx4xcdserq3za2kwtmoku…)

Tumor thigh

No. 416815

>this is just unteralterbach
I wrote this before but I'm 90% sure shadman was inspired by that game

No. 416817

>search up whatever that is
>second result is a reddit post calling it a loli game (and wanting recs)

Fuck, I hate being curious.

No. 416818

Poor girl. She's having an asthma attack.

No. 416819

Shadman's history goes way back compared to the "game". It's most likely the other way around.

No. 416821

I know. He's been drawing for years and had an ancient fur affinity scat account before his website. That said my theory behind this is because the game came out around 2014, just at the time shadman had began releasing Loli and drawings featuring irl kids on his website (everyone thinks keemstars daughter art was the first but before that he drew Emma Watson and Wednesday Addams). He's swiss and was known to use 4chan, so I have no doubt he would've been a kraut chan user and probably saw the game. There's a lot of similarities in his later Loli artwork to the expressions and even the humor of the game. Also shadman wasn't well known until 2016, so I doubt kraut chan would've been inspired by him though it's just a personal tinfoil I don't wanna derail lol

No. 416850

File: 1726814847257.jpg (236.5 KB, 2048x1303, 20240920_082350.jpg)

No. 416923

File: 1726829329760.jpg (221.5 KB, 992x992, 1000013173.jpg)

Poor Olivine looks like a horse

No. 416943

File: 1726835573983.jpg (337.9 KB, 2048x2047, mexicankakyoinoc.JPG)

I’m not sure what to make fun of first

No. 416944

I bet the first image was supposed to be 14 but she switched it up to 18

No. 416945

Sucks women have to wait until they turn 27 so their boobs stop being knives, we have to be really careful when hugging people so we don't stab the.lm

No. 416949

did she get her kidney stolen

No. 416952

I'd like a touhou thread too to find rl women that play the games. I'm glad theyve become more popular in refent years. My only stipulation would be to instantly ban and redtext 2hu and any pornrot moid monikers. Any porny, retard moid and pedofile terms should be insta banned already on this site.

No. 416954

KEKKK I used to draw like this in 2021. Good times

No. 416976

Better than fat black projections

No. 416978

He coasted entirely on controversy for his entire career, he was too mid to get attention otherwise.

No. 416979

Nicole and Richard look like Fanny's OCs kek

No. 416991

File: 1726845704250.png (333.68 KB, 600x700, 1623514.png)

Wasn't Synni exposed of being an weirdo towards minor audience (ex:putting nsfw art on server with minors)
Thread tax (oldie, but goldie)

No. 417055

File: 1726858680591.jpeg (290.41 KB, 2048x1778, GXtK8fVXIAAe1ZM.jpeg)

No. 417057

>covered in hair

No. 417062

Is twilight meant to be a tranny and a Muslim at the same time..?

No. 417081

File: 1726862470303.jpg (81.18 KB, 499x750, 4a1775e51ff8f1923d78c6bff933fa…)

I love seeing what happens when someone who only knows how to draw front-facing faces tries drawing something different kek

No. 417085

she looks like that deep sea fas faced fish

No. 417134

File: 1726878401305.jpeg (101.26 KB, 736x981, chop chop im thristy.jpeg)

Got this from Pinterest so don't mind the file name other than that I never understood why this pasty hambeast has fans.

No. 417135

who the fuck even is this? and zoomie women are so scared after the boolying milennials received from lusting after hot bishie vampires they default to safe horny fatsos that dont threaten men nowdays, lame

No. 417136

Jesus fucking christ

No. 417138

Bob Velseb from Spooky month believe it or not he even has his own dating sim.

No. 417145

Art is alright, I can see why its popular. I think its crazy that this oc was once kakyoin, its strange

No. 417147

Furfags only know how to draw ugly Disney-esque anthro foxes, so that's what every animal they draw ends up looking like.

No. 417149

Is the chain coming out of his pubes?

No. 417151

Did she pop out a bunch of kids between age 23 and age 27? This is not how aging works. Misogynistic ass artist thinking women automatically gain a bunch of weight after turning 25.

Maybe she had appendicitis kek

No. 417158

glad to see barbra streissand is still alive and well

No. 417159

>he even has his own dating sim.
its all so tiresome

No. 417175

Not trying to defend it, but it's probably just a vaguely slug themed non-specific generic furry species. I'd be willing to bet that those black things aren't its eyes and are actually some sort of piercing. If that's really supposed to be the eyes then I'm kekking because imagining it like that makes the characters look like Jar Jar Binks.
I think it's more ?? for there to be a random centipede in the middle for a slug themed character.

No. 417176

File: 1726892121496.jpg (156.99 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f…)

No. 417178

aside from the eyes this isn't a bad drawing at all

No. 417180

This Tif draws like a scrote

No. 417190

Why do the flags say that Applejack is a lesbian and a “gay man” (fujoshi)?

No. 417224

File: 1726908359278.jpg (13.43 KB, 236x250, 1f5ecb7e1617f03e9d714a503842d3…)

I get the appeal if he's depicted like picrel. Some of us just like big bear-looking men and the fact Bob is a cannibal makes it even hotter
The dating sim is parodic, it's not that funny but it's not terrible either

No. 417227

Yeah definitely. Why would her chest and height change so significantly past her early teens? Girls don't grow after the age of 16, or at least not that visibly.

No. 417230

I was thinking the same, she looks like a mom in her 40s. But yes, I've seen a surprising amount of women claim that we magically gain fat in our 20s and 30s and we can never be as skinny as when we were 18 or whatever kek

No. 417253

Isn't this genderbent Kakyoin.

No. 417255

Yeah, her transman rewrite of Kakyoin that she decided to label her own OC in the end (more fitting)

No. 417257

File: 1726929713437.jpg (811.99 KB, 1638x2048, tumblr_f5bd10e4b9a6aa121d0ece9…)

Hot take but being an immature weirdo and hanging out with people that are younger than you is not a crime, and posting nsfw drawings and making sex jokes in a discord server with your friends is not grooming. Especially when Synni was supposedly 18 and the minor/s in question was 15. Like come on. That's literally just how teens act, and the fact that it's being treated as traumatizing assault is retarded. I've been in similar friend groups myself and I can confirm these people intentionally turn on each other and try to "cancel/call out" each other over nothing. Imo she did nothing wrong, but if she would just act her age she wouldn't have to talk to underage terminally online retards and end up in that situation in the first place. (tax and gomennasai for the long rant blog)

No. 417265

>posting nsfw drawings and making sex jokes in a discord server with your friends is not grooming.
It is when those friends of you're underagedbut these retards say everything is grooming and seeing birdies reaction is making me skeptical about whole situation. Synii maybe be autistic but at 18 she should know better than to hang out with tweens. But expecting a speck of intelligence from the acc community is expecting sand to turn gold

No. 417267

>Some of us just like big bear-looking men
Because you've been memed into it by fatass moids who want women to find dumpy, hairy, pigs like them attractive. They expect women to micromanage every aspect of their appareances, but want to skate by doing literally no personal grooming or exercise. Wake the hell up.

No. 417268

File: 1726933967953.jpg (40.26 KB, 323x352, 1000008329.jpg)

> At night, I still hear it…the screaming…oh god, if only you could hear the screaming, if only you saw the things I saw

No. 417273

File: 1726934750227.jpeg (Spoiler Image,86 KB, 900x900, téléchargement (12).jpeg)

>want to skate by doing literally no personal grooming or exercise
Not really, that physique is a mix of fat and muscle like picrel, which is (mostly) how Bob is depicted and how he should be. That being said, TIFs built like blobs cosplay him a lot and I hate it

No. 417281

Are you telling me you're attracted to that thing. Is this real.

No. 417309


No. 417313

File: 1726940184807.webp (811.34 KB, 2048x2048, 230f932674c38865c4f4af874238f1…)

I would let fat men fuck the shit out of me and I'm not afraid to say it. Thread tax

No. 417314

you'd probably be crushed to death

No. 417320

File: 1726941892869.jpg (174.23 KB, 1280x952, EnNSfI5XUAEk5Uk.jpg)

You are brave for admitting this on lolcor. Some posters here are very autistic about others liking things they dislike, especially cartoon men and women, and they will hide behind pseudo-feminist walls of text to justify their inability to accept some users like weird, ugly or fat men.

Pic unrelated but certainly fitting for this thread

No. 417321

File: 1726941935641.jpg (155.16 KB, 735x1043, 8a4dde2d27d735d5f830dbf3f98e33…)

>posting nsfw drawings and making sex jokes in a discord server with your friends is not grooming.
ntayrt i agree that it's not grooming but it's still weird. i can't think of a legit reason to share porn drawings with minors. it's one thing when they find nsfw stuff on their own (it's not like "minors DNI" in bio would stop them) but posting it in for example a groupchat… like, why would you need to do that?..
barf i disagree but i admire your and honesty nona. takes bravery to admit this on lolcow of all places

thread tax some random tif blabbering i found on pinterest idk

No. 417323

why do they all draw like this

No. 417325

South Park has been a detriment to all online teenage girls’ art styles.

No. 417326

File: 1726942487142.jpg (187.26 KB, 1536x2048, 20240921_191354.jpg)

Finally found one for myself

No. 417327

this was drawn by a pedophile wasnt it

No. 417344

File: 1726947910387.png (809.64 KB, 1024x768, hi002y8pc1qd1.png)

Guess the character

No. 417345

i hate scrotes
musa from winx?

No. 417356

Go back to /g/ no one cares if you like some ugly fat fuck,also you should be ashamed of your absolute shit taste.(infighting)

No. 417361

that's a whale not a man

No. 417363

The mean girl fairy from the Tinkerbell movies?

No. 417374

This is a hilarious guess

No. 417435

File: 1726984519966.jpg (796.84 KB, 2048x1152, 20240917_042951.jpg)

>Some posters here are very autistic about others liking things they dislike
Yes, probably because they're insecure
>also you should be ashamed of your absolute shit taste
I'm not and will never be

Picrel is ugly merch of that one NEET gf OC. She looks retarded with her FAS face and tooth gap and is a caricature personality-wise, so it's no better than uglified SJW art when you think about it (which ironically is what the channer-type scrotes who like this OC hate). Two sides of the same coin

No. 417437

Absolutely nauseating. Get that creature out of my face.

Imagine bragging about having abysmally low standards like this. What the fuck would we be insecure about? You're the ones letting obese hairy hog men put their unwashed cocks in you. You deserve better even if you're a fatass yourself. Stop being an NLOG and love yourself instead of trying to drag everyone else's standards down.

No. 417438

No. 417439

File: 1726985599692.jpeg (129.92 KB, 1000x953, A10D0C34-D654-4719-9109-99B55D…)

I hate that trannys neet oc so much. He implies that it’s a troon but doesn’t outright say it because he knows he’ll lose whatever fanbase he built up from egirls cosplaying it. His art is also stiff as fuck when he isn’t referencing whatever slice of life anime he’s trying to skinwalk, so you get weird jumps in quality like picrel compared to his popular dogtroon oc

No. 417440

i was so dissapointed to find out this was a tranny, i was just happy an unconventional female oc became popular for once

No. 417442

File: 1726986982551.png (625.65 KB, 1260x1000, kNtMEn.png)

>You're the ones letting obese hairy hog men put their unwashed cocks in you.
Sage for blogpost but i'm a virgin (which should be obvious since i'm on LC lol)
>Stop being an NLOG and love yourself instead of trying to drag everyone else's standards down
I genuinely don't care about other women's standards or who they fuck, that's a male trait

>I hate that trannys neet oc so much
Wait, "trannys" as in it was made by a tranny or it IS a tranny? Is that why she's shaped like that and has a long face? And why she has a blahaj?
>His art is also stiff as fuck
A good way to see an artist's actual abilities is to look at the hands, because it's the hardest thing to copy off a reference. And notice how the NEET oc's hands are sloppy as fuck. There's also a dating sim on itch.io if it's free I'm tempted to try it out to see if there's anything milky

No. 417443

The creator is an mtf, his face reveal is online and was discussed in the bad comics thread here >>>/m/416251

No. 417444

File: 1726987672256.webp (19.47 KB, 768x430, Featured-image-Summertime-Saga…)

this thing makes 50k monthly on patreon
nta but no one cares, you are not opressed for liking fatties stop shitting the thread

No. 417446

>unconventional female oc became popular for once
neet "femcel" oc are always popular what are you even on? also he skinwalks a more popular "neet" woman youtuber anyways

No. 417448

>neet "femcel" oc are always popular what are you even on?
yeah but they are generic anime girls with maybe eyebags like tomoko, so conventionally attractive. Hitsuji is actually ugly, reminds me of the girl from eizokuen

No. 417458

File: 1726990707592.jpg (209.59 KB, 1490x2048, 20240922_093800.jpg)

>you are not opressed for liking fatties
Never claimed to be, but yeah we can stop posting about it

I actually put myself through the pain of trying out the NEET gf game and made a summary of the cringe (one run only, I can't handle more).
>girl's room is full of ecchi scrolls no bi/lesbian woman would actually own
>one of the scrolls has a bunny girl with "use me" written on her belly
>unnecessary close-ups of her dirty panties on the floor
>MC fawning over how she "stinks kinda good"
>creator shilled his ecchi anime OCs via poster in the girl's room and the girl spergs about the lore of that nonexistant anime for fucking minutes
>she wants a character from that fake anime to be real and "bully her" and "hold her in her arms and pet her head"
>cooks for the MC because muh tradwife but it turned out to be fucking dino nuggies
>speaks to her shark plushie like a little girl
>later her and MC watch an anime with fucking lolis and the girl calls one of them "the cutest, completely brainless, devoid of all thought"
>joke about how hand-holding is "lewder than kissing" and doing it makes neet girl pass out
>drawing of neet girl in her underwear in the save menu
>very surprisingly she is 25 instead of some creepy younger age
I'm probably stating the obvious but it feels like guys who like her just want a girl who won't go out to potentially "cheat on them", which insecure guys often fear, and who isn't "too" pretty, again due to insecurity. She's into anything a 4chan moid but no actual woman would be. The game was cringey because it was just a compilation of outdated neet jokes and you can tell the girl was written by a man, the writing was soulless. Anyways

>i was just happy an unconventional female oc became popular for once
Same but her personality is just channer wish-fulfillment and TIM self-inserting
Thread tax

No. 417466

Wow it couldn't be more obvious it's a tim. Bleak

No. 417468

He’ll crush you with his big belly kek, have fun suffocating and he’ll breath on you like a pig grasping for air. Fat men are literally disgusting.

No. 417469

it's breathe. the verb is breathe. also she'd probably be into that or something.

No. 417471

Sorry professor, thank you for the memo.
At least I know how to use you’re and yours kek.

No. 417472

File: 1727000628401.jpg (296.17 KB, 850x964, sample_b0c9db25e4e87b315a49abe…)

speaking of fat

No. 417474

Piggu piggu you can call me piggu
Blue hair ham thighs hiding in your wifi
Open the fridge anyone can smell me
Colesterol running through my veins

Piggu piggu ooeeoo
I'm thinking piggu piggu ooeeoo
I'm as big as the world because of you

No. 417476

>i'm fat, you're fat, everyone is fat!

No. 417477

this one is cute

No. 417484

>green spots on her hair makes her look like a globe
literal hamplanet KEK

No. 417492

File: 1727014304909.jpg (455.08 KB, 2048x1164, 20240920_103927.jpg)

No. 417505

File: 1727020396466.jpg (691.87 KB, 1080x1076, Screenshot_20240922_174920_You…)

No. 417506

This is how men disguise their desire for huge balls. There is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING breastlike about her chestlcles.

No. 417507

It does look like a ballsack kek you’re right, it’s probably why they obsess over “mommy milkers” and women’s asses even though women don’t lactate unless they’re pregnant or have a hormonal imbalance/pineal gland tumor and women’s asses shit out feces, even their attraction in women is very homosexual in nature.

No. 417540

File: 1727033657387.jpg (319.89 KB, 2000x1132, bafkreihotge3i5du6agwlbaayskip…)

Really ugly design

No. 417545

No. 417599

File: 1727045589712.gif (441.62 KB, 500x250, BEaqtIl.gif)

Every time a moid draws tits like that I immediately think of picrel

No. 417600

Explains the super youthful and androgynous faces which seem to be drawn almost as an afterthought kek

No. 417695

every damn time i swear

No. 417696

I vaguely remember this disgusting fucker

No. 417726

The green ones ass is in the front

No. 417728

Who made this?

No. 417730

the only reason he was ever popular was bc of his cp drawings, his art style looks like the thumbnails of those retarded elsa spiderman softcore porn vids on youtube

No. 417750

I had to reverse search the pic to remember, but I believe he's just a run of the mill coomer anti-SJW that made a lot of gross, edgy and porny "anti-fanart" years ago.

No. 417800

File: 1727107371509.png (31.45 KB, 1536x864, i posted it.png)

Must be posted everytime that weg shows up

No. 417904

File: 1727139408179.jpg (122.7 KB, 749x1070, peach_swings_into_battle_by_to…)

No. 417912

File: 1727140269067.jpg (117.96 KB, 750x1330, frye_darling_by_bluerm_dgfpzhx…)

Why would they butcher poor Frye like this?? horrible.

No. 417987

File: 1727164972175.jpg (69.31 KB, 736x1039, 1727152734968.jpg)

their legs are fucking scary

No. 418001

File: 1727168926474.jpg (69.35 KB, 736x478, 918220adcd2b47a444cf7df59067d1…)

i'm tired

No. 418002

Why on EARTH do people try to give chibi characters realistic proportions and body fat kek

No. 418004

They look like they have dwarfism wtf

No. 418013

For a moment I thought it was an OC meant to look like her.
Anyway, gross.

No. 418034

Why are splatoon fans such coomers, there's little to nothing about frye that is sexualized (except MAYBE showing some skin…) i hate this fandom
Interesting how they didn't give him realistic body fat distribution, feels like the artist is self inserting through the gf character (the i peg him is also a give away)

No. 418082

File: 1727193450810.jpg (446.63 KB, 1000x800, 7297253_orig.jpg)

No. 418083

No. 418085

A Neanderthal witnesses the miracle of a woman in parachute pants giving birth

No. 418086

There's also things like the FNF HD mod where the creator blatantly has a BBW fetish so it could be that

No. 418095

Kek what is the context

No. 418101

File: 1727199781836.jpg (115.38 KB, 828x837, silly_gals_by_sketchytodd_dhnk…)

Oh no! They're melting

No. 418124

ballsack obsession showing on the bizarre chest protrusions. latent closet homosexuality noted.

No. 418161

File: 1727214704378.jpg (63.67 KB, 422x810, tumblr_23e1929c525f91a510fea5c…)

Why tho

No. 418171

File: 1727219352518.jpeg (380.32 KB, 1536x2048, GX2TVetXUAAHR74.jpeg)

No. 418172

You know this would actually be hot if the artstyle wasn’t like that..

No. 418174

File: 1727219562481.png (96.77 KB, 1166x703, THE_COOM_MENACE.png)

TIFs latched onto Pizza Tower like flies to honey because it's gross, funny and edgy without overdoing it. Same reason why they love EarthBound (though that one also has little boys and talks about feelings so it attracts a slightly different type of TIF).

No. 418176

I thought this was a humanization of Garfield at first. It took me a second to realize this was the guy from Pizza Tower.

No. 418190

good taste poor execution

No. 418197

Istg on Reddit there was a funny response from a coomer about this, I wish I could find it

No. 418206

File: 1727228879323.jpg (233.35 KB, 1504x1351, GNfM8bqW4AIvbFH.jpg_large.jpg)

No. 418256

File: 1727241185096.png (397.37 KB, 720x1241, Screenshot_20240924-220916-101…)

No. 418295

File: 1727254352792.jpg (471.95 KB, 2242x2908, hee hee.jpg)

No. 418316

KEK this has meme potential

No. 418361

Me watching a nonita get shit on for a shit take that I actually agree with

No. 418385

File: 1727293541849.png (2.83 MB, 1769x2082, 1719268240.la-artist322_space_…)


No. 418406

File: 1727295810216.jpg (358.6 KB, 2048x2048, dexters-mom-from-dexters-labor…)

No. 418511

File: 1727314770250.jpg (92.66 KB, 1371x1751, dgxokwp-e0c4d0dd-66cb-41f8-bcd…)

Kugisaki Nobara bad art I found

No. 418512

File: 1727314809515.jpg (58.96 KB, 600x800, Kugisaki.Nobara.600.3904208.jp…)

No. 418513

File: 1727315270463.jpg (31.55 KB, 375x599, nobara_kugisaki_jjk_by_nezanek…)

No. 418575

File: 1727342538139.jpeg (499.5 KB, 2048x2006, GW_v5aoa8AAyvm2.jpeg)

No. 418576

obvious gendie art but I find it cute

No. 418591

The moobs and bulge are so unnecessary

No. 418592

This COULD be endearing if it wasn't obvious fetish bullshit.

No. 418615

I really like this one. The others are quite bad.

No. 418663

oh god I remember how ugly the sprites were (on top of the creator BBW fetish, him thinking he was hot shit because of his mod and always getting himself in trouble on twitter) in that mod

No. 418684

File: 1727389547388.jpg (323.41 KB, 2000x1290, bafkreiecoekmkg3wdupevanhufn6h…)

No. 418691

File: 1727394137283.jpg (290.96 KB, 729x1020, Screenshot_20220610-163132_Chr…)

No. 418707

This would be so cute if it wasn't dressed like that nor was it naked.

No. 418708

I like this one. Looks like a anime worm

No. 418756

File: 1727419092196.png (Spoiler Image,405.59 KB, 720x1018, Screenshot_20240926-233216-997…)

Furries were a mistake

No. 418758

Feels like what Ang Vondra's imaginary alien boyfriend would look like

No. 418765

File: 1727423729069.jpg (90.8 KB, 770x1039, why.jpg)

opened up twitter to this

No. 418766

nah thats too old for her, ang doesnt like anything that isnt a child

No. 418795

Oof that gendie is personal lolcow kek. She had some weirdo drama with MLP fan content creators and then went on this huge schizo scream fest on YouTube two years later. Some of her art is pretty okay, but she always draws them in some weird fetish gear.

No. 418847

File: 1727461868070.jpg (526.65 KB, 1968x2776, 1000007057.jpg)

Great rendering but damn that is one small ass head.

No. 418849

File: 1727461937734.jpg (323.05 KB, 2043x1812, 20240927_202907.jpg)

No. 418853

File: 1727463392786.jpg (67.87 KB, 360x576, cover-trim-no-fold-front_cover…)

Kek that reminds me of this awful webtoon

No. 418877

File: 1727470750314.jpg (1.59 MB, 3583x5098, 2167958_twilight-jester_busty-…)

No. 418881

File: 1727470928762.jpg (61.83 KB, 640x640, fandom-murder-drones-fandom-kn…)

Lazy copy and pasted shit

No. 418941

File: 1727479209032.png (Spoiler Image,755.37 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240829-223434.png)

Brazilian Miku could use a Brazilian wax

Omg, do you have any archives of that? From what I know about this person is that they're friends with another artist cow by the name of bunny.

No. 418946

I actually kind of like the way this looks, it's got that mid 2000s deviantart stank that I don't see very much anymore. It reminds me of shitty art me and my friends would draw together in middle school

No. 418970

This is absolutely revolting

No. 418975

Not the black spade tattoo.
