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File: 1743008002226.webp (11.83 KB, 350x113, rsz_2003_06_15.webp)

No. 475053

Post and discuss examples of art from artists or media changing over time. Possible discussion topics include analyzing how the art has changed, linear art progression, if you prefer the old or new art, progression stagnating, how to evolve your own art, etc.

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Bad art thread: >>>/m/460862
Art styles you hate: >>>/m/472261
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No. 475054

File: 1743008275476.jpg (42.74 KB, 640x480, fatpikachu.jpg)

I think fat Pikachu was cuter

No. 475055

File: 1743008388922.jpg (37.78 KB, 533x327, tumblr_87d330a174b4215b7b88f2c…)

can't discuss art regression without rcdart or puppychan

No. 475058

both are cute

No. 475103

I'm almost starting to feel bad for Rory because her art style is so similar to the garbage Disney and Pixar are currently making

No. 475143

File: 1743020124887.jpg (542.86 KB, 3072x2171, nzja15g15sq61.jpg)

anime style evolution

No. 475147

Rory was ahead of her time

No. 475148

File: 1743020740032.jpg (716.59 KB, 1462x3421, 1742588611603.jpg)

Bl manga artstyle evolution

No. 475153

80s and 90s is objectively the best
2010s is the best

No. 475155

I like 00s the best

No. 475157

80s and 00's are the best to me. The bottom two look like shit

No. 475169

Nothing beats 70s and 90s for me. I will always despise 00s and 10s.

No. 475181

File: 1743024767420.jpeg (143.54 KB, 605x680, CBLy_aOUgAAd3Pt.jpeg)

An example of an shoujo manga artist's art evolution, Yabuuchi Yuu. Check out Mahochuu! btw, it's very cute

No. 475182

The prominence of the ahoge is interesting

No. 475185

90s is the ugliest to me, it makes me understand why all those "learn to draw manga" books looked so shit, that was just the style at the time kek
I prefer the newer ones, though the 80s one is cute too.

No. 475195

The last 2 are so overtly polished they lost any kind of charm the older styles had. 80s-2000s weren't afraid to use bold shapes. It's way more expressive. I know the 2000's bug eyed moeblobs get clowned on a lot but it had so much more charm than the soulless husks the 2010s and current day styles have.

No. 475198

File: 1743026041226.png (2.27 MB, 1920x1080, kanon2002.png)

No. 475269

Damn, the 90s were just peak, weren't they?

No. 475288

File: 1743045108336.gif (6.9 MB, 854x480, Tumblr_l_6305001520245735.gif)

90s and 00s will always be dear to me.

No. 475290

I've always hated yaoi but i ain't gonna lie, it might be just the ugly, corny, exaggerated artstyle i was used to see back in the 00s as zoomer. 90s looks so pretty and well done i cannot even hate it

No. 475317

No. 475333

>likes "draw women, call it a man" 70s art
>hates 2010
Tasteless. The only thing you got right was hating on early 2000s junjou style slop

No. 475469

File: 1743089581653.webp (91.41 KB, 1000x550, Image_2022-06-02_120907435.png)

No. 475470

>draw women, call it a man
Fujos falling for anti-fujo rethoric is sad to witness. God forbid women like pretty men.

No. 475471

early snoopy is so so cute

No. 475476

File: 1743090738770.jpg (124.14 KB, 1080x779, 1705872291811198.jpg)

I didnt know it was possible for coomslop to become even more soulless, but alas

No. 475477

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No. 475478

File: 1743090865251.png (1.81 MB, 2400x1244, 1682446256618265.png)

No. 475479


No. 475482

because of the image over it I thought the right was steven universe

No. 475495

it looks so much worse on the right

No. 475508

File: 1743092429926.jpg (Spoiler Image,540.41 KB, 2880x2880, Khyle.jpg)

So soulless

No. 475515

File: 1743093408807.jpg (397.87 KB, 1270x1280, 1000011274.jpg)

I miss 60-70s manga art so much. I hope artists try to revive the style like popular 80s inspired artists and Ganbare Nakamura-kun for example

No. 475548

File: 1743097745229.webp (106.09 KB, 800x395, cnjbo7qdwrrxdb03ciqf.webp)

No. 475549

File: 1743097773745.webp (242.42 KB, 636x357, 1483549891277781314.webp)

No. 475551

>2005, 2006 and 2007
This is the one and only "nostalgic" anime art style I don't miss.

No. 475553

kon really was the patient 0 for the soulless animu look. I hate it more now.

No. 475555

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No. 475556

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No. 475557

File: 1743098122732.jpg (90.38 KB, 460x668, avnLLe5_460s.jpg)

No. 475559

File: 1743098212305.jpg (73.19 KB, 600x533, e112b9f90908ac704e6eaafee9e380…)

No. 475560

the 90s were the only time anime had actual adults in it

No. 475564

File: 1743098392515.webp (104.25 KB, 1200x1200, w3k15rgizyf91.webp)

begging them to bring back color and shadows

No. 475565

File: 1743098450818.webp (131.81 KB, 1080x761, which-art-style-is-your-favori…)

No. 475566

It looks like someone is taking a picture of the show on a TV while the sun is hitting it

No. 475568

The peak will always be 1980s for me, but manga was good until '05. Almost everything from 2010 on, that wasn't a continuation of an older series, is complete garbage. No storyline, characters whose entire personality is a recycled trope, their designs are washed over like beige track homes, meant to be appealing to the lowest common denominator. It's going the way of Disney.

No. 475573

File: 1743099174308.jpg (141.06 KB, 1400x700, 6.jpg)

Western cartoons are also suffering from pedofication (of female characters)

No. 475574

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No. 475579

>anime now
That show came out over a decade ago.

No. 475581

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No. 475585

Peridot was so beautiful and threatening when she was first introduced, she paralleled Yellow Diamond. I loved her height and aesthetic of her limb enhancers, as well as the representation of people who need tools with handicaps (She's a gen2, smaller from lack of minerals, like an infant born with disability from lack of nutrients in the womb). I loved how competent and knowledgeable she was at her job, that it gave her center. Her worldview is based on that. She's very by-the-rules. She was an exceptional representation of autism…. and then they nerfed her. I get that adapting to a new world, without enhancements can be a great learning point and challenge to develop her character, but she just hit a point where she devolved from versatile, to infantile. She became a negative stereotype for someone on the spectrum AND the worst part is she's basically an "ugly to beautiful" or "nerd to prep" trope. They beat her autistic traits out of her. Steven told her that her inate, rule abiding, literal interpreting, intellegent self was bad. She needs to throw out all of her healthy coping mechanisms and risk the equivalent of sensory meltdowns on the regular to be like his carebear self and make OTHER PEOPLE comfortable. Her eroding physical appearance goes with it.

No. 475587

i presume that image was made sometime around when the anime first got released.

No. 475591

Its just so much "kyoani this, kyoani that", the people involved are probably dead now.

No. 475595

there's more emphasis on her ass in the new style

No. 475690

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No. 475694

Someone should add the new chicken scratch styles where half of the characters look like women

No. 475742

File: 1743117368093.jpg (73.07 KB, 600x433, 66.jpg)

Togashi can't decide how to draw his own characters. He emerges from each hiatus with a different style kek

No. 475744

Everyone just looks like Elsa now regardless of age or race

No. 475769

File: 1743122240844.jpg (97.77 KB, 1280x823, recent hetalia.jpg)

I seriously dislike the wobbly eyes and mouths Himaruya does now. Looks silly.

No. 475773

Did he developed parkinsons? why the fuck are those mouths so weird

No. 475794

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No. 475823

they tried horrific experiments on 2003 girl for two years and what came out of the lab was 2005 girl. i understand now

No. 475843

This pic is so old lol
My favorites are 4 and 5 but I also have a soft spot for 1.

What the fuck is this? Damn.

I'm assuming this is KyoAni? It also depends on the animation director for each series.

No. 475849

modern anime producers idea of compositing is blurring the linework and adding a screen overlay. The worst part is young artists are looking up to this shit and trying to replicate it.

No. 475852

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No. 475855

Cataract simulator

No. 475856

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No. 475858

File: 1743140257266.webm (3.89 MB, 852x960, 1689040409740.webm)

rebuild sucks

No. 475859

File: 1743140373653.jpeg (2.27 MB, 1920x2160, IMG_1134.jpeg)

No. 475860

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I'm not an artfag, so can someone explain to me why digital animation has to look inferior?

No. 475861

File: 1743140543295.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1920x2160, IMG_1143.jpeg)

last one

No. 475865

I suck at art but I think the values are more samey if you put them in grayscale plus the black outlines makes the shape of the Eva pop. Someone better at art than me pls analyze this kek. It's like all of the soul was drained out of the drawing.

No. 475866

File: 1743143284235.jpeg (402.18 KB, 1536x2048, GgoXSr6WcAAxrt2.jpeg)

everything must be Elsa

No. 475867

I'm honestly not sure, but the obsession with bloom filters and pale colors certainly doesn't help. So many modern animes look like a memory because everything is so god damn blurry.

No. 475868

File: 1743144409601.jpeg (107.35 KB, 2048x693, IMG_7169.jpeg)

That dragon makes me so sad. It could've been so beautiful. Picrel for redesign someone did, it makes it really obvious how Elsafied she was.

No. 475869

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No. 475870

Man. God forbid a female DRAGON actually looks cool, monsterly or somewhat threatening, instead of having a pretty Disney princess face.

No. 475873

god past like 2015 she loses what made her look so unique the artstyle just looks sterile and samefaced like every since other anime girl

No. 475884

File: 1743147421169.jpg (162.13 KB, 710x900, 4a61400f5836c83b40be0692ffb3b8…)

I love the earlier animation style so much, it was so charming and I liked that they weren't afraid to go off model a bit during action scenes (for example the hair could behave like actual hair and change shape with movement). Late Z style is edgier but the colors, textures and animation quality was still nice, same for GT even if it changed a bit again (I'm a fan on the colors though, they work so well with the setting). Then for super it just turned into literal slop. You'd think with digital you would be able to have better animation and colors but it's the opposite.

No. 475888

Oh my god, I love the GT style so much.

No. 475889

File: 1743149025133.jpeg (94.98 KB, 885x432, Summer vs Winter.jpeg)

Washed out colors and a more distinguished color palette.
A red is a real red, the colors are more saturated in old anime its like somebody turned the saturation up by 500%.
You could also call it the Summer vs Winter aesthetic.
Like in Summer, everything in older Anime seems to "pop" more and everything in shadows seems too be dark.
While modern Anime looks more like a snowy day where everything is covered in snow.
You can observe a reverse of this in >>475858 where the cockpit liquid is much darker in the new one, overpowering every color in the scene, while in the original its much more gentle on the colors.

No. 475904

this genuinely pisses me off. i cannot believe how they butchered her design, why do they always change up the style around the mid 2010s to the same goddamn face they give to every single anime girl that gets pumped out nowadays? i am unreasonably mad about this.

No. 475917

Every anime has this weird blurry glow effect now that looks so ass. It makes it look lower quality, like artifacts

No. 475931

Right? Fanboys hate it because of retarded reasons but I think it was so well-done. The retro sci-fi setting, the ochre, beige, dark red, magenta, lilac and teal-leaning blues make by brain go brrrr. It was a very interesting evolution style-wise, a little less sharp with the shapes with more ""realistic"" proportions, and more brownish colors with strong accents here and there. I also like that they made Goku's skin a bit tan and gave him the blue and yellow outfit, way better than just literal recolors with stupid rainbow hair.

No. 475937

You guys I miss the look of old cel animation so much. I love the bright and unique colors. Is there any animated show (cartoon, anime whatever) that properly mimics the look of traditional animation? I know there was that one cuphead show a while back but I've heard it's trash and I don't think it does that good of a job anyways.

No. 475939

Idk if this counts but Zevo 3 was released in 2010-2011 but has a late 90s-early 2000s art style and look to it rather than flash animation or digital art animation. There isn't enough info about it online so idk if it's hard drawn or not, and if it was actually produced in the 2000s but released in the 2010s, so take this with a grain of salt. The fashion and trends referenced in the show are a mix of 2000s and 2010s though.

No. 475965

File: 1743166458309.png (948.09 KB, 960x720, vlcsnap-2022-01-04-00h25m28s99…)

>You guys I miss the look of old cel animation so much.
Me too. I was just looking through my LoGH screenshots folder and thinking about this. The digitally(?) re-animated shots they added in re-releases are extremely jarring. Visually, it's like you're watching two different things. In some cases, the original shots were better, I even downloaded the original versions just to see the differences. Hell, even when Japanese animators fucked up back then, it still looked better and kinda charming compared to digital. Animation fuckups may have looked funny and ugly before, but it's straight up soulless now.

>I know there was that one cuphead show a while back but I've heard it's trash and I don't think it does that good of a job anyways.

I remember watching an episode once, and it was obvious that they were using modern digital tweening techniques. Not only that, but the characters have a very "modern" feel to them in their expressions and movement, even the camera movements make it obvious that it's not a classic cartoon. The art style is too heavily influenced by current era cartoons as well, and it seems that some Cuphead fans actually noticed this and didn't like how different from the game the characters looked. The lines are too clean. I could go on and on.
I don't know a lot about animation so forgive me if I'm using these terms wrong, but the timing/spacing of the characters' movements also failed to capture the feel of classic cartoons.
Though, to be fair, it looks like they tried really hard to mimic old cartoons, by using tweening as little as possible and adding a lot of effects to emulate animation cel textures.

One thing people often forget is that the camera, color process, etc. had a huge (and I mean HUGE) impact on the final result. Many photographers and videographers try to achieve a film look as well and regularly look for methods to replicate it; this isn't unique to animation.

AYRT, my favorite was Z, but I like the other old styles too. And to be honest, when I was little I couldn't get into GT (doesn't help that it's not canon, or is it? It's confusing). But there's something about the art style that makes it look so polished and almost cinematic, it's undeniably pleasant to look at. Gives me OVA/film vibes. It also had warmer or darker colors, which adds to the nostalgia.

No. 475967

File: 1743167270476.webp (35.51 KB, 1200x675, IMG_2379.webp)

The Day the Earth Blew Up did a really good job, maybe there were some noticeable doesn't-quite-know-how-this-worked moments when trying to mimic older cartoons, but the characters and movement looked pretty great anyway. It was a really good time seeing it in theaters too.

No. 475971

I like the new style better honestly

No. 475974

File: 1743168737890.jpg (1.6 MB, 1959x1086, little nuns.jpg)

the art stagnation in little nuns is pretty sad but its to be expected when you churn out finished pieces on a bi-daily schedule

No. 475975

It looks like the style is becoming flanderized

No. 475991

imo the thing that makes dbs's chosen art style worse is how much nicer looking the dbs broly movie looked (and moved)– they could regain a lot of the charm of earlier dbz styles if they wanted to, but they don't for whatever reason

No. 476004

File: 1743175318068.jpeg (1.86 MB, 1433x2157, 2lwm4n3agb9c1.jpeg)

cel vs digital with western cartoons switching in the late 90s and early 00's. Dragon Tales art kind of slaps.

No. 476007

File: 1743175620352.webp (40.74 KB, 700x529, do-you-like-the-cel-animation-…)

It's hard to get this feeling with digital

No. 476010

I love the watercolor painting backgrounds. A wish of mine is to one day own a cel from an old cartoon/anime I like and frame it. It will probably stay as just a wish though because they're all really expensive kek

No. 476023

File: 1743177921489.jpg (396.34 KB, 2560x1642, elusivesamurai.jpg)

I think the issue is the colors being so washed out, not so much what her face looks like
That's definitely a thing but there are still some that don't do it. I thought the colors in Elusive Samurai were good for example and that's a recent anime.

No. 476054


No. 476058

I actually like the rebuilds just fine (not as much as the original, but I like them). However the weird denaturation of the colors is definitely a problem, the color grading on the rebuilds looks like I'm watching it through frosted glass.

No. 476082

my boy has always been so cute

No. 476149

damn this looks far worse than I remembered

No. 476150

They're morphing into the hideous Komi Can't Communicate characters

No. 476208

Oh man; the fact people were DEFENDING this shit and making poor excuses for the boarders when Rebecca just stopped caring about the quality of her show.

No. 476211

I used to think the bottom segment was fake because it looks so bad

No. 476231

I'll be honest, I don't mind digital in super stylized, cartoony cartoons for children like these that much. When I was a kid I preferred the colors in the digital seasons of PPG and Dexter's Lab.
But for adult animation like The Simpsons, I definitely prefer the traditional look.

I wish I knew how to get one of those. How expensive?

No. 476236

cells can be pretty inexpensive depending on the show

No. 476244

I checked some online prices myself and it ranged from some 1500 yen to 50000 yen depending on the pose and character.
Though I realized that I wouldn't be looking for anime cels but rough sketches, key frames and character model sheets since the anime I'm thinking of is digital.

No. 476957

They somewhat tried in the DB Daima Flashback, tho the series itself is made in Akria Toriyamas modern style(2010s) + digital colors.

No. 477083

They tried in the first episode and then never again kek, and it still has that stupid blooming effect and lacks the texture of hand-drawn animation and backgrounds. I really dislike Toriyama's late artstyle too, everyone looks dumb and chibified.

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