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No. 1924
Several /snow/ threads were permanently locked today. Do not ask why, because there is no specific reason for me to give. If a thread is locked, it's simply because I consider it to be low quality; no other reason.
Do not ask for them to be unlocked, because they won't be. If there are ever significant new developments that you think truly make someone worthy of having a thread again, you can provide the evidence in /meta/. Otherwise, let it go.
No one cares if you're quitting the site.
Discussion of the individuals in those threads is not allowed anywhere else on the site. You can use this thread as a temporary refuge for any final remarks, or links to other websites.
Locked threads:
>>>/snow/134257>>>/snow/132905>>>/snow/124275>>>/snow/30618>>>/snow/140648>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/103263>>>/snow/105430>>>/snow/136289>>>/snow/140699>>>/snow/55562and more.
No. 1928
>>1926Hey sorry I'm kind of new here but can you explain why we can't talk about Emily/Ember anymore?
Can't Emily just be banned but the thread still exist?
(I'm not asking you to remake the thread or anything, just curious!)
No. 1941
>>1936I mean, it's pretty obvious why, at least for the Aly thread and the pro-ana thread.
The Aly thread has been dying. To be fair, that's not entirely our fault, since Aly herself has gotten boring and repetitive, and it appears that nothing truly remarkable will come from her. She was great and interesting at first, but she's lost it now. It just seemed like there was nothing more to see.
As for the pro-ana thread, it's pure trash. I even say this as someone who reads that thread. It's repetitive and just brings the same shit to the table over and over. People argued, "well then you bring something!" but the problem was that
there was nothing. Nobody was doing anything interesting or unique. The thread was trash and it was going to remain trash.
No. 1944
Fucking praise admin-sama for closing the proana cancer thread!!!!! Though, I gotta ask admin, why aren't Emily's posts marked like Kristen/Ember's posts were?
>>1942>>1943Can you faggots not read admin's post? Don't ask why, you're not owed a reason. You're obviously overly dedicated to a/several shit threads.
No. 1946
>>1941yaaaaaa, you are right. I was still having fun on the Aly threads tho. but, what can you do? its gone forever, oh well. maybe ill read up on other people now.
so long Aly thread, lolcow wont be as brighten without you heh
No. 1950
I won't lie, I am a little sad about some threads being locked like Micky's but overall, I'm happy with Admin-sama's decision.
>>1949The support thead isn't in snow and wasn't about any cows, plus it was for support - not encouraging ed's. I don't think there's been any locked threads in /g/ or /b/ today.
No. 1954
>>>/snow/141766>>1944>Though, I gotta ask admin, why aren't Emily's posts marked like Kristen/Ember's posts were?It's a pain in the ass for me to do. Plus, she made her posts across many different threads.
No. 1957
>>1937I take it that if other threads are locked it will also be done so at random/for no specific reason?
Would you maybe be willing to say what the criteria is for low quality, because for certain threads it's pretty clear why they were deleted and I totally get it (the pro ana thread was total garbage) but for others it isn't (like I thought the Jillian one was ok? I mean, she's no Kate, but it had some funny moments, like the Jillian fangirl who googled her and found the place). Also it would be nice to know for future reference what things to avoid so hopefully people can avoid having threads/thread subjects banned in the future.
It's cool that you are so active in making sure the quality of this place is up to par, I really appreciate it
No. 1958
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Never forget
No. 1969
>>1957I'd really like to know why the Jillian thread is being closed too.
I kind of don't care about the thread because I'm glad lolcow mods are taking an active interest, but not being told why it's being closed is a little odd. Is admin her friend?
No. 1973
>>1972micky was my favorite snowflake ;-;7
kinda fucked up admin won't give a reason as to why he decided to lock those threads other than "low quality" when basically all of /snow/ suffered from that.
No. 1991
>>1957No, admin is not willing to say, lol.
Sorry, but this admin is like, the weirdest I've ever encountered. Not giving notice, not explaining anything… Only "I'm not going to respond"… "I don't care" and threatening to ban the users who dare to ask a question the admin doesn't like. Such answers are to be expected from someone who's too young to understand that poor communication of an admin is absolutely inadequate and makes people even more confused.
>>1988>>1985I agree with both of you.
No. 1995
>>1985/snow/ is being repurposed. A thread being moved to /snow/ is not necessarily an indictment against the thread.
For example, I'm not saying the Dakota thread is "bad". I just don't consider her to be a lolcow.
A thread may be moved back to /pt/ if interesting drama or events occur.
>>1991I've given the reasoning.
And people can ask questions in here. I just don't want them begging for threads to be reinstated.
No. 1996
>>1995>People can ask questions hereCan I ask why the Jillian thread was closed?
Again, I'm not angry or anything, I just really genuinely want to know like a few others do
No. 1998
>>1996>>1924>If a thread is locked, it's simply because I consider it to be low quality; no other reason.>>>/snow/141767>If she gets involved in community-wide drama again, like with the LACE thing, then someone can ask me to re-allow the thread. Otherwise, it will remain banned.I understand that the choice of threads that are being locked may seem somewhat inconsistent compared to what threads aren't locked, but other threads will be locked and/or moved in the future.
I also understand that some people use this site specifically because they enjoy some of those threads and may disagree that they are low quality. You can use this thread to arrange other places to discuss those people. For example, PULL. Users could also create one or more 8chan boards or subreddits, if they want.
>>1997There is no specific criteria. Activity of a thread has little to do with its quality.
No. 2002
>>1985Seems like only the people still actively making fools out of themselves or staying relevant stay in /pt/, seems fair enough.
Can Micky still be discussed in the Kawaii Black Girls thread since she was included in that group when the OP made it and still had an active thread (until locking)?
No. 2003
All that's left on pt is like Kiwifarms' rejected stuff. This is all so arbitrary.
It also seems like a lot of the threads geared towards a specific section of readership are the ones that have been moved.
>>2002Eh. One could argue that Charms, Sere, and even Kooter are still actively making fools of themselves.
No. 2004
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i have milk for
>>>/snow/55562 No. 2007
>>2003Koots is basically just photoshopping herself (albeit ridiculously), Charms is slowly declining, which while interesting and kind if sad, it's not really entertainment anymore, wheras the people who remain like Onision and Margo are legitimately insane.
(I guess theres the weeb section too like PT which I don't really have an opinion on, but yeah)
No. 2009
The whole shifting things based on admin's opinion to show, and deleting things in snow, seems pretty fair given that it's admin's choice to curate how they see fit.
However, the decision that anyone who tries to bring back or mention a deleted /snow/ topic will be banned doesn't fit in the rest of the decision making, and it honestly just reminds me of how /cgl/ goes on crazed banning sprees for tenuous reasons.
If admin is happy to move threads back into /pt/ as said
>>1995 , then why can't the same be done for a thread in /snow/ if a flake starts producing relevant milk? Wouldn't it make sense to just move all of the locked topics into one containment thread or something rather than banning people who want to offer up any potentially worthy developments?
Again, just asking questions
No. 2014
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Thanks admin. Many of those threads were pure cancer.
No. 2018
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>>2016>>2017me too, i bet it's comedy gold. this is my personal favorite
No. 2022
>>2016>>2017All of the posts were already linked. Just click them one by one.
>>>/snow/141762>>2021Done. Reminds me of Princess Doll.
No. 2025
>>1995Moving threads back and forth, locking popular threads with no clear defined guidelines? Seems like a lot more work for a guy who admits to not really reading threads. You'd have to read and follow threads a lot more to be able to follow through with this new plan.
since you don't follow most of the threads, then what do you care what the rest of us want to talk about? Makes no sense. Which makes me wonder, What is your ultimate goal for lolcow??
Not trying to be rude, hope I haven't come off as such, Just curious. I really like it here, and I worry.
No. 2026
>>2025The farmhands probably read the threads and report violations
also I vote the sheena thread moved to /snow/
No. 2031
>>1998It's still weird tho that admin is getting rid of all the high visited snows like I see beckii cruel now and I'm scratching my head like why not just get rid of the old threads that haven't even been commented on for a few months there are plenty of those
No. 2036
>>2031beckii wasn't really a snowflake though. Yeah she's a bit cringey but nothing too interesting.
Could I vouch to admin that she be like Taylor and be allowed to be talked about in the British aidoru thread since she's part of their clique but isn't big enough to warrant her own thread?
No. 2038
>>2004>>2005himeka up in this bitch fam
>>1993my sides
>>2027you're not completely wrong but this sort of came out of nowhere. As users the least we could get is a heads-up. A townhall debate would probably be useless though since as a user base we can't agree on fucking anything.
also admin-kun, I just want to ask how you judge shit threads. I think I have it but idk.
for threads completely locked
>cow is active but with little to no actual milk>gets offtopic fairly quickly>is a thread that would either attract PULL or MPA> cow is either late teens or early 20s>most of the posts have to do with physical appearance No. 2040
>>2038it honestly just feels like the admin doesn't understand what this site has become. if there are this many threads that need to be banned, obviously the people on here are interested in talking about them more than the things that the admin things are ~of quality~ or whatever bullshit term she's using.
just delete this site and let someone make a new one. you obviously don't want the kind of site it is.
No. 2042
>>2041I agree anon, there are even threads with no info and only 2 replies and it's still not locked or anything has been done, he'll I saw one with no name at all and they where just bashing the person's ps skills if you where targeting threads that are like what
>>2038 start with those first
No. 2043
>>2030Not saying she isn't a cow, but saying that she's not really doing anything cow worthy at the moment, which seems to be why admin is moving all those threads. All the cows moved from /pt/ to /snow/ had some big drama like that but these days it's not as crazy. Like, the JNig thread got moved even though there was a small explosion of interest with her FTC violation and possible tax evading.
Also the Kiki thread should be moved since she's not even active online anymore.
No. 2044
>>2040what you are proposing makes zero fucking sense.
Just because a bunch of shit threads or threads of people that don't generate milk are made, does not mean that a lot of people are interested in discussing them. You will never know how many people are actually posting or samefagging in a thread, only admin knows how much traffic a thread truly generates. The Taylor thread, for example, is filled with bitter shitposting and samefagging. Should we keep a vendetta thread to satisfy one psycho?
Why don't you just move on if you don't like it? why should admin delete it if you don't like it?
No. 2045
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The only cows who're consistently lulzy are the Palmeros. It's odd to have a thread locked because there's a lull in what they're doing right now. If you lock all threads where there isn't some major drama every day, there's only going to be Margot left.
I do feel like admin would rather this site doesn't exist, so really why not nuke it and try something else you'd like to do? (I'm not even saying that in a nasty way but if you're not getting anything out of it any more, then why bother with the hassle?)
No. 2048
I mean there are loads of threads that I couldn't care less about (ie:Keemstar and his stupid neckbeard drama, actually neckbeard-related threads in general) but if other people want to comment on them, more power to them, I just hide them and move on. Why is that hard?
No. 2049
>>2043The problem with that is you can make the same argument for PT at times since she goes on and off the internet. If not having milk atm is enough to go to snow, then PT herself would have not qualified for her own namesaked section during the drought.
I think Jnig wasnt pt worthly until like right now because of the orlando donation thing which is pretty big. So it shouldnt be in snow.
No. 2053
>>2036>Could I vouch to admin that she be like Taylor and be allowed to be talked about in the British aidoru thread since she's part of their clique but isn't big enough to warrant her own thread?Alright.
>>2041>And what the fuck is with the "no talking about Taylor R." rule?There is no rule. She can be discussed in the jvlogging thread, as mentioned.
>Are people really going to have to petition Admins to bounce threads back and forth between /pt/ and /snow/ dependent on their recent drama as opposed to past accumulative drama? Because that's the way I thought it actually worked, in which case the biggest cow of all, Kirsten, needs to have her thread moved to /snow/ too.It's a mix of many factors. Having no active drama of interest is necessary, but not sufficient, to be moved to /snow/.
>>2041More threads are going to be locked.
>Honestly, I feel like all the dead and shitty threads should have been lockedThey will be when/if new posts are made to them that don't contribute any interesting content.
>>2032You're right, but she's naturally so strange and unnerving that she deserves to have her own thread based on her characteristics alone.
>>2045Fairly valid point.
There will be further changes in the coming weeks.
No. 2054
>>2047Aly isn't interesting right now because she's recovering a little. She's more of a dormant thread than a dead thread. The Aly thread was
not full of anachans - they've been contained in the main thread. I don't admin doesn't like to see the distinction. I don't mind so long as we can have an Aly thread in future when she goes to shit again.
Also I agree with the anon who said Ash's thread should be pulled. It's just newbies asking the same questions over and over.
No. 2057
>>2055>that's retarded. how many threads of "omg when is she going to die??" will you tolerate just because she's the Master Bonelord?She constantly posts in her own thread, which I find kind of amusing. But you're right, it is stale. You win. I moved it.
Also, how come no one seems to know what the word "thread" means?
>I don't see why you wouldn't just re-consolidate /pt/ and /snow/ again.This has already been considered, and it may be done in the near future.
No. 2064
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We were allowed make remarks so; Never forget the Victoria false conversion
No. 2070
>>1973>"low quality" when basically all of /snow/ suffered from thatkek
the whole site suffers from "low quality". it's fucking lolcow.
No. 2071
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I'm real sad about the Micky and Pixielocks threads. I will miss Micky's saggy tits and wide spaced eyes, and Jillian's piss yellow teeth.
I'm kinda wondering if something happened for all this to take place suddenly.
No. 2072
>>2071Probably the garbage shit posters this site attracts. This was initially started up to follow pixyteri after the previous site was shut down. People were pretty relaxed until PULL, tumblr and idiot instagrammers/pro anas found this place as a refuge to talk about their friends.
Admin had been pretty down on this site for awhile so we're lucky he's not shutting it down. I mean Admin is a 25+ dude that probably doesn't want to cater to catty gossipers that are mostly cows themselves and use "
trigger" "af" and "literally" unironically.
No. 2073
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>>2062 all the people that wanna stay up to date with Emily, I guess you guys need to go back to Tumblr :')
No. 2075
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>>2074How far we have fallen, resorting to PULL to discuss stupid bitches.
As others have said I'm 50/50 on these choices. Some of the threads probably needed locking, like the pro-ana one. But others, its just weird. Same with moving so many threads to /snow/. Every cow goes through a lull in lols, the only ones actually being constant with the milk is Margo and PT. Might as well move everything else to /snow/. Sheena is still in /pt/ and she does nothing, despite her shitty history. The thread is nothing but her twitter updates and making fun of her ears. I suppose Onion still produces shit everyday. And I really don't even know who the other twats are. /pt/ has like three people in it, lol. I agree with just consolidating them both together tbh.
Also, if we make a beauty guru/ lifestyle Youtuber thread in /snow/ would we be able to talk about Jillian in that? Or is there one already up, I didn't see it.
No. 2082
>>2075Onion produces shit but it's the same dumb shit. I guess YT changing their TOS recently will shake things but for the past few weeks it's just been edgy drama.
>>2080Either Ash's thread or the ED support group
No. 2087
>>2083Thanks. Google mobile doesn't really come up with helpful stuff about her and the tumblr search just shows on old post when I type in imskinnybeautiful2
Thanks anyway
No. 2094
Anons who're trying to get the ana thread started again in here you need to stop because it's not going to bring your thread back.
Go post on an old abandoned chan if you really need to sperg about Crocker and Whann with each other. Here's a list of chans: haven't been used for 3+ years (eg nahc4). Some of my favourite hangouts have been dumped, but jfc, I'm not about to start spamming this thread with Aly observations. Find some other place because IT'S GONE FROM LOLCOW.
No. 2096
>>2095I don't get it either. The whole point of this site (to me) was to sit back and laugh at the cows, but the EW and Crocker obsessives used that thread as if they were emailing them but lolcow gave them anonymity.
I don't think they'll flock on the Ash thread tbh. Ash is genuinely severely anorexic and so there's nothing to bait her with. The dickhead anons are pure vendetta posts.
No. 2101
>>2099Why not just do what I suggested here
>>2075 and make an overall beauty/ lifestyle blogger thread and talk about her there?
No. 2103
>>2101Okay, I'll make one if there's not one already but can we talk about Jillian? Admin said that we can't mention her outside of her locked thread or we'll be banned. Will Admin allow that? Know any other beauty bloggers? I can only think about j-fashion people like AbiPop, Kelsey Ellison, Lovely Lor and GirlyHoot.
>>2097Yeah, it's not like they could point out that one was already made when the old one hadn't been updated since March 9th. If they were really interested in shit talking Jillian, they would stay current with what she does, and I wouldn't have to show evidence cause they'd already know about it. PULL probably doesn't even care about talking about Jillian.
No. 2114
>>2113Something is wrong with
Try entering the URL without it
No. 2123
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Why did the Ellejay thread get banned in /snow/?
>>>/snow/103263 No. 2125
>>2122If you want to talk about her, add her to I'd be interested in discussing her there, especially since she's on the road to Ashleydom.
I started an Aly one there if anyone's interested.
No. 2127
>>2125What the fuck has lolcow turned into that you have to go and create a SEPARATE board over on 8chan just to discuss some individuals with documented drama?
I don't even visit any of those figures threads, never have and never will, but the entire principal of it is ridiculous. This is exactly what happened to /cgl/.
No. 2128
>>2126Yes, that's fine.
And I'll extend this thread's existence to June 26, just to give people more time to organize. It'll remain locked after that.
No. 2148
>>2147Then make one. Your entitlement is ridiculous. "OMG why do you get to decide! This is censorship." The shit posting here should be censored for the sheer stupidity of it. Perhaps we'll miss out on semi-interesting threads, but it'll keep out the undesirables and stop the influx of newfags.
Instead of making demands, make a new gossip site to talk about your "lolcows." Why don't some of you just go to PULL?
No. 2152
>>2118As opposed to deleting them and not having a reference for newfags?
Come on anons. You're arguing against facts unseen. How do you know that a thread that seemed fairly active was actually two shitposters? Admin confirmed that in the pro-ana thread.
We all praised hellweek, so what's wrong with binning threads that not even heavy moderation can control?
It's summer, and everyone who has an inkling of board culture knows what happens. Most of the threads locked contained those who can easily call their underage whiteknights to come shit up the place.
Besides, I can't blame anyone for wanting to take some pressure from maintaining a board that obviously cannot self-police itself.
Maybe admin and the mods wanna chill in their pools without the nightmarish croon of "CHECK MY IP."
No. 2155
>>2125>>2151I prefer a general Thread (2125) for these idiots. No way the E girls deserve an extra thread.
McKenzie is 41?
No. 2156
>>2154Maybe a year ago, now any semblance of chan culture is slowly disappearing with all the hugboxers coming in. Shit threads keep going on forever, nobody can agree on what is good content vs shit.
Why don't we use /pt/ for those who want to drink milk easily provided and turn snow into /pet/ for those who just want to act like they're at a petting zoo.
Cows supply milk regardless, most of these snowflakes won't do anything without some 25 cent hand fed machine kibble.
No. 2158
>>2155Rhonda is a fucking creep who deserves her own thread. Here you go: & Emily are boring fucks who need a containment thread.
No. 2164
>>2163Its really funny how people honestly believe locking some threads is just going to remove shit posting.
Shit posting happens IN EVERY THREAD. People blog, people rage, people get autistic, it fucking happens. Some of these threads were not anymore shittier than the ones still in /pt/
No. 2167
>>2163? calm down Sweetie
Too bad there is no middle finger emoji on my keyboard
You can discuss anyone with a locked thread in their respective general threads, with the exception of the anorexia people (Ember/Emily/Aly) and Berry.
>>2147I said I'd ban them for asking for threads to be reinstated, not for questioning my reasoning. Big difference between "omg pls let us talk about embers newest pics again xD" and requests for clarification (even though I've already given my answer in the OP).
No. 2205
>>1926top move captain, on such dismal displays; what message do we want to send to the rest of the world of the online 'ed-community [which at this point can only be regulated, not stopped entirely] but prehaps this bold move may 'thin' out the self posters/shit talkers and leave room for those wanting to engage in positive human communication…/b/ may become more active…who knows, it's an over stated, well circulated 'fact' that hoomans suffering for atypical an/b etc. are statistically of a higher IQ.
They need to be able to speak freely.
Ed's have been shut in cupboards, hidden, swept under the rug since they were records, unless a medical oddity was discovered, but the sudden wave of online 'proana' piss has SATURATED social media, a force which could be used for good in cases like these, but such new forms of human interaction are instead are abused by ignorant fuckwits…leading to shit like this really…
>>1924>>2212there is literally like so much milk for her thread and its killing me not being able to post.
hopefully we can get this one to open again.
No. 2225
>>2222The only thing that's really similar is using ' instead of " for quotation marks. There's some things in there that she never does, but I don't really want to hint her off, you know? Not that she'd be smart enough to change her style anyway.
(And I can't see her arguing for the freedom of speech for ED people anyway. She only cares about herself.)