File: 1445921544715.png (679.74 KB, 1527x1653, 1445800850611.png)

No. 1480
File: 1445929631482.png (393.17 KB, 892x988, s.png)

The worlds most kawaii farm girl loved milk with an unholy passion, but she still got the occasional craving for…beef. She treated her cows with love, gently milking them and remaining within the internet standards for cyber bullying to produce a steady steam of milk over a long period of time. But, when a cow runs dry of milk, farmer Elsie doesn't hesitate to slaughter it so she can feast on it's juicy insides. She sends the cows nudes to her parents, calls the cows school to tell of her internet shenanigans, and makes a brutal ED page that comes up whenever the cows name is searched. Meat is plentiful for all. But, alas, you can't have a cow and eat it too. The cow will then leave the internet with no fresh milk for the people to fest on. But sometimes it's just worth it for the sweet satisfaction of butchering a cow.
No. 1481
File: 1445929742168.png (357.38 KB, 1004x818, adminsama.png)

>>1476I thought simpler was better
No. 1489
>>1475I agree. I think she should have the cow-print shorts that the version that the other anon did. Or denim daisy dukes.
No. 1491
File: 1445954878469.jpg (1.71 MB, 3552x2000, WP_20151027_001.jpg)

Ignore how shitty this looks. I'm no artist, I'm just bored at work.
No. 1493
>>1489>I think she should have the cow-print shorts that the version that the other anon did. Or denim daisy dukes.Agreed. I really like
>>1462 's design
>>1481>implying admin eats oats and not Hot Pockets all day No. 1496
File: 1445971367520.jpg (381.84 KB, 1116x1579, im sorry adminsama.jpg)

>>1481shitty sketch is shitty, but I couldn't resist after seeing yours. I'm sorry.
>"Don't you worry, /pt/, I'll make sure to supply you with delicious milk…" No. 1498
>>1493I also really love the design in
>>1462 Especially with her alongside /cgl/-tan, haha.
also top lel @ all these cowboy pics.
No. 1504
File: 1446033065115.png (496.9 KB, 500x669, pedolesbianchan.png)

>height: 160 cm
>weight: 53 kg
>occupation: hikki
No. 1506
>>1505Well, she doesn't really look like she weighs 115 pounds either, does she?
It's a joke.
No. 1507
File: 1446049079935.png (209.4 KB, 753x1061, cowtan.png)

Eh, I'm pretty shitty but I gave it a bash. Terrible leg anatomy is intentional btw…other terrible anatomy isn't
No. 1508
>>1504i like it…her dress is really cute.
>>1507love that kawaii pigeon-toed weeb pose. this one is cute too.
No. 1513
>>1511Agreed. I liked the first two designs the best (>>1469
and this one
No. 1514
File: 1446056467130.gif (158.99 KB, 500x275, no need.gif)

>>1511I think people can draw the -tan however they want. We haven't decided on which one to go with. We're just throwing out ideas. Calm down.
No. 1515
>>1511Nah, I agree with you. I think
>>1462 is the best, followed by OP's design.
No. 1517
File: 1446057706312.jpg (268.07 KB, 1920x1080, efaasd.jpg)

>>1515>>1513Aw thanks guys.
Have a preview for another I'm knocking together.
No. 1518
>>1516Not to make this a big thing, but I was really just speaking in the general "we." I like seeing other people's designs. I thought this was for discussion and ideas related to the -tan.
>>1515I agree that
>>1462 is the best design as well, but it's kinda mini-skirt clad and selfie-obsessed, don't you think? She seems to me the most like a farmer.
I don't dislike the OP design but I hate the outfit and the face.
No. 1520
>>1518I'm the one that posted
>>1511 and this isn't applicable to
>>1462, because although she's taking a selfie she's not pouting and preening like a snowflake as is with some of the other submissions; she actually looks legitimately evil.
No. 1521
>>1510Sorry farmer, life has got me a bit salty recently and I was being hyper-sensitive to your criticism. I really did only mean it as a joke, like how most the people on this site are
I know my shitty drawing doesn't compare to the other art posted.
No. 1522
>>1520Alright, but there's no rule that has stated "the board-tan must be evil."
Even if we don't go with the other designs it's nice to see new stuff rather than the same shit as OP's design. Someone might draw something that people like, even if the rest of the design isn't quite right.
No. 1523
>>1521Okay now you stop that because now you're making me feel bad.
Also none of the drawings in here are bad so don't shit on yourself too hard, I just think it's appropriate that a -tan fit the overall theme of the board and most of us aren't lolitas and shit so stuff like lolita dresses don't make sense outside of /cgl/ any more.
No. 1526
>>1523I'm sorry man, I'm just trying to not be such a salty bitch all the time.
You're right though, and you've given me more ideas. I'll try to capture more of lolcow's essence on my next go.
I really like what
>>1517 has going on.
No. 1528
>>1517I know it's supposed to be a milk bottle but it doesn't look right…it looks like she's holding a used condom…
You should definitely redo the hands on that.
No. 1532
File: 1446062209301.png (665.69 KB, 1785x2227, Untitled-1.png)

I deleted my post because I felt horrible.
I have control issues, I'm sorry.
What should I change it to?
No. 1533
>>1532I think even if it were just plain it would be better.
She should really be holding the milk bottle on the actual base of the bottle. It doesn't look good this way.
No. 1534
>>1531Too obvious I agree.
Why not just draw a taco wearing a cowbell on it?
No. 1543
>>1542If you'd actually bothered to read the thread instead of foaming at the mouth upon my initial "bitch" post and feverishly hamming out a reply at fast as possible you'd see that I've already said it's because I'm a controlling cunt.
Nice try and the whole "well u do sumfin better den!" though.
No. 1545
>>1544Nope, just being a controlling cunt, like I said.
Calm down friendo.
No. 1549
>>1543I didn't realize I was the one foaming at the mouth, to be honest. I'm not sure that I'm "feverishly hamming out a reply at fast as possible" either? I think your anger is misdirected.
But hey, keep being a controlling cunt. Because as long as you admit that you're doing something shitty, you can keep doing it, right?
I'm sorry that other people's hard work isn't up to your standards.
No. 1550
>>1548Do you honestly believe that lolcow is more kawaii that it is crazy.
No. 1551
>>1549I never once said that the work wasn't upto a specified standard.
I'm no artist myself; everything I create is garbage.
You seem very intent with placing words in my mouth for some reason. Why is that Anon?
No. 1552
>>1551>>1511 is you complaining that people aren't drawing board-tan as you want them to. Not up to your standard, is what I took from it.
I think you need to back off being so hyper-critical and shit. You don't have to be control of everything, all the time. But hey, keep working on your designs, I'm a big enough person to admit that they are really great and I hope you keep it up.
No. 1553
>>1548I agree with this 100%. "Evil" ok, fine, but she looks fucking nuts and I hate it.
>>1551Sure you did
>>1510Confirmed to be you by the deleted comment referenced in
>>1530 you posted earlier where you confirmed you were the artist of
>>1517 and
>>1532 as well as the anon that anon was talking to.
Yes, I'm an autist who has been in this thread all day.
No. 1554
>>1552Hm, that's a fair point, but then we are all allowed our own artistic input. I don't mind being criticised for what it iw I put out here though, so people shouldn't be upset when they receive criticism either.
>I'm a big enough person to admit that they are really great and I hope you keep it up.They're not, at all, but I appreciate the kind comment.
>yes, I'm an autist who has been in this thread all day.It's cool so have I.
No. 1556
>>1552At any rate, forget it,
I'm being a crusty bitch because I'm travelling tomorrow and I really needed to do my washing tonight, specifically tonight, and the fucking machine in my accommodation ate my money so I've been in a foul mood all day.
Maybe I just wanted to take it out on somebody. Let's move on.
No. 1557
>>1555If you're going to criticize others then you need to learn to take criticism yourself instead of answering back with these sweeping statements that fit YOUR idea of what farmer-tan should be or what the population of lolcow is or isn't. Your original picture was nice, but all the ones after that where she's yandere or crazy haven't been as good.
I think for the most part we're just silently observing and pressing for drama and the most milk, honestly. This is another reason I prefer
>>1462 over yandere!board-tan.
No. 1558
>>1557My friend did
>>1462 so I have to agree :>
No. 1562
>>1561idk why you're taking that stance on it.
My art "is" bad, it's Tumblr-tier trash, but I know there are people on here who aren't as good with their hands so they're able to appreciate it.
Nobody ever likes their own stuff.
No. 1563
>>1562>>1560>she IS better than me>>1551>I'm no artist myself; everything I create is garbage.>>1554>They're not, at all, but I appreciate the kind comment.>>1562>My art "is" bad, it's Tumblr-tier trashBut rejecting all real criticism and insinuating that the other designs aren't good compared to yours.
Fishing. This is just the vibe you're giving off.
No. 1564
>>1562people who arent as good with their hands?
wtf are you even trying to say here, that people should kiss your ass because youve put more practice into something?
No. 1567
>>1564You seem exceptionally salty so lemme spell it out for you slowly.
When I said "not as good with their hands", what I actually meant is that some people can't draw. They can't draw. Their drawing is trash, shit, garbage, worse than mine, and they will never be good at drawing. Fact. of. life. Deal with it.
Some people aren't skilled nor talented in specific areas of life, but more often than not find that their own talents reside within other areas.
When I was a kid I thought mine was art, I got older, I realised it wasn't. I moved on.
Was that easier for you to understand? Sorry I damaged your fwagile widdle feelin's there buttercup. Now get the fuck over it.
>>1565Bish if you can't draw you can't fucking draw.
I'm in my mid 20's and I still can't read an analog clock, how many hours do you think I spend crying over it every night?
>the answer is 2 No. 1569
File: 1446076085293.jpg (24.29 KB, 400x400, -_-.jpg)

No. 1570
File: 1446076107089.jpg (69.34 KB, 625x475, chill.jpg)

Seriously. Y'all need to chill the fuck out. It's a fucking drawing of a fucking mascot, it's not that important. Drop the collective saltiness and do something worthwhile, like submitting more shit.
No. 1571
>>1569Pepe looks how I feel right now, but to be fair I did kind of start it.
Dump more submissions peep-peeps.
No. 1573
File: 1446077223501.png (1.02 MB, 1656x2227, Untitled-1.png)

Oh, for the person that wanted more Taco in the action.
No. 1577
File: 1446093684732.png (326.81 KB, 806x927, elsi.png)

No. 1582
>>1522Why not go with a shota version of that guy from the walking dead, the one with the crossbow?
Everyone says he's hot and I'm pretty sure at least a third of this site is into little boys.
It doesn't have to be female and probably would be more fitting to have a male mascot since more male centric boards always have loli mascots anyway.
No. 1585
>>1584Everybody and their dog knows what the word shota/shotaro implies, the same way everybody understands immediately what the word lolita implies.
Getting into the semantivssemantics of it is redundant, we're discussing present day meanings, so yes, sexual depictions of little boys is absolutely fucking disgusting.
No. 1588
>>1585It's not as if that anon was suggesting we have shota board-tan fucking his kawaii uguu asshole with a milk bottle. I don't think they were implying we have a sexual depiction of a little boy as a mascot. Just a cute little boy.
I think that would be cute, actually. I'm not really feeling the idea of board-tan as a girl. Or maybe we can have twin mascots, a boy and a girl, since people are drawing these drawings of Admin-sama as well. That would be cute, too. They don't have to be little kids.
>>1587Why would you assume that? We've had countless discussions about loli and shota on this board ever since it opened, and plenty of farmers have admitted to being shotacons.
No. 1589
>>1588One of the bigger aspects of lolcow is the fact that statistically it's an almost exclusively female populated board.
Having a male -tan would be a total slap in the face of everything we've built up here imo.
No. 1591
plus, if you want to draw a cute boy, just draw admin-sama. he basically admitted to being shinji anyway.
enough of this bickering! contribute or get out. stop being so critical and whining and make something yourself.
No. 1592
I actually like the spikey teeth psycho eye tan. I feel like she's a perfect example of how catty we can be. Also kind of a cute "fuck you we are catty bitches and proud" to /cow/.
I also add my vote to make
>>1481 the official admin-sama
No. 1597
File: 1446177038666.png (680.39 KB, 1260x1060, Screen Shot 2015-10-30 at 03.4…)

Gonna preface this with the fact that I have never really practiced drawing before and this is my first attempt at drawing on a tablet. Cobbled together using a number of references without real understanding of anatomy lel
But just wanna pay tribute to cow-tan.
No. 1598
>>1596Agree, replace the Kiki references with PT I think. She is our queen, after all.
>>1597I love this.
No. 1600
File: 1446199304981.jpg (386.9 KB, 1500x1080, boobitches.jpg)

I'm no good but shes really cute and I imagine her to be like this
No. 1603
File: 1446231651806.png (618.19 KB, 1080x965, pt.png)

I don't really draw anime stuff, but I try.
>>1600This is adorbs and that's a cute butt
No. 1608
>>1600perfect. she is faceless like all us anons
fuck all the other designs, you win
No. 1609
>>1603this also wins
it would be cool if you could wave your mouse over
>>1600 and her head turns and you can see her real face is like>>1603
No. 1614
File: 1446259249635.png (148.44 KB, 816x861, Screen Shot 2015-10-30 at 9.37…)

more admin-sama sexy cowboy fanart.
here is my contribution.
No. 1615
I think I now have a fangirl crush on Admin-sama
Thanks, anon
No. 1618
File: 1446267593655.jpg (18.73 KB, 463x403, 1446065502755.jpg)

>>1617I was the one who requested. T-thank you, Anon. It's better than I fantasized.
No. 1621
File: 1446328267318.jpg (3.24 MB, 5312x2988, Skketch.jpg)

I don't draw much but I was very inspired. You're all talented and lovely, I was thinking it would be cute is she could hold and admin doll or vice versa. Also what if her horns grow based on how triggered she is feeling? And if her hands morphed into hooves at will or if she wanna run around or pound the keyboard haha .
No. 1629
File: 1446346021752.jpg (267.39 KB, 850x1137, cowtan.jpg)

I got inspired looking at all the cute drawings in this thread… Please accept my humble offering.
No. 1632
>>1574Nah I like it.
Drawing anon, I didn't wanna write anything, but it really seems that people that like it are thinking the same thing and don't bother to write about it. Only people with beef have enough motive to write out a reply. But don't be discouraged, the one's that like it are just idling around like me.
No. 1643
>>1639This is a fucking gay as shit idea. The sheer stupidity of what you just said makes me cringe, I'll kill myself before I see a gay faggot cowboy board tan.
(Unless he was a shota. Male boards often have loli board tans, so ours should be a shota.)
No. 1645
File: 1446444611035.png (332.15 KB, 720x720, fat.png)

This is the only acceptable male design imho. He's a bloated belly shota who guzzles down milk in his little heels.
No. 1652
>>1600Throwing in my vote for hikki farmer-tan.
>>1621I like this horn idea! She should hold an Admin doll to illustrate how much everyone here loves Admin.
>>1597>>1629These are both very good.
In general I think the less crazy designs are a lot nicer. I do agree with
>>1638 this sentiment. We've already kind of decided on a design I guess.
No. 1661
>>1659in some sense it's more accurate that way. a cow-human hybrid drinking milk and holding a pitchfork, insecure and projecting over the traits she shares with the cows she farms.
but also
>>1660 No. 1664
File: 1446699975653.png (244.47 KB, 666x757, Screen Shot 2015-11-04 at 11.0…)

coloring in process.
I kind of always thought our board-tan would be a dark-haired, snarky little bitch kind of gal.
No. 1678
>>1664I like the idea of the hair being white because I think it stays simple and makes the design flow well.
But regardless, best design A++ this.
No. 1679
File: 1446834097883.png (425.88 KB, 1052x689, Screen Shot 2015-11-06 at 12.1…)

>>1665aw, thanks! I appreciate that.
I have a tumblr, but it's kind of empty at the moment because I'm really bad at 'completing' work.
anyways, being anon is kind of the fun part, right?
finally finished the coloring, sorry about the wait. after all that high praise, I'm nervous about disappointing y'all.
I ended up making a couple different versions of the hair. blonde seems to have already been established as canon, but hey, it's nice to have variety. my coloring isn't that great, but if anyone else wants to take a stab at it, I don't mind throwing a higher-res version of the lineart up somewhere.
No. 1692
>>1679The expression is priceless.
Judgmental, hateful, and tired. Sounds like farmers.
Farm theme is perfectly done. Looks like them boots are properly wadding through feces to milk our prosperous cows.
No. 1698
So are we deciding on
>>1664 as a mascot, but also having Admin-sama? I wanna see some banners!
No. 1709
>>1699deep sighOk, so full disclosure: I'm an idiot and apparently accidentally merged the lineart with the white background sometime during the coloring process. So I ended up making a rasterized version of the lineart. Some of the detail has been a little lost as a result, but it's available here for anyone who wants to print it out and making a coloring book or something.…there's also the admin-sama lineart for anyone who's less lazy than I am about this coloring business:…and my own attempt w/ the dark hair if nobody ends up taking a stab at it. No. 1711
File: 1447299659600.png (635.65 KB, 1200x730, colors.png)

do you guys like any of these
No. 1719
File: 1447378804442.png (281.7 KB, 633x715, Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 7.35…)

>>1714something like this?
No. 1723
File: 1447444331601.png (159.46 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-13-19-50-27…)

Yeah that "stripping" you totes did at age 17 and how you have demonstrated one gif of clinging on for dear life as at spins itself around.
No. 1742
>>1733I think she should be blonde because blonde hair pisses off sjw's most.
Also, is her height and weight the meme height and weight? Because that would be funny.
No. 1749
>>1719I like this one the most, the muted color of her hair goes well together with the rest of the colors since they're also muted.
On a side note, this thread is one of the most hilarious ones I've read in a while, gg farmers, you are the cows.
No. 1756
>>1747those arms?
>>1711Bottom left is my fave
No. 1761
File: 1447964123864.png (257.8 KB, 529x710, Screen Shot 2015-11-19 at 2.11…)

hey guys, sorry for the sloppy scribble.
i just figured that while we're still being indecisive, I might as well throw one more idea into the mix. when I was doing my initial sketches, I was kind of thinking about the possibility of having multiple 'characters' for lolcow in the same way that 4chan has multiple board mascots like /fa/-kun and cgl-chan and shit like that…so I came up with a couple different designs. I was thinking we could have a female farmhand like the one I posted above, a male 'sexy rancher' type representing admin-sama or /meta/, and then one more representing the untamed hordes of /pt/, pic related…which sort of came out as a cross between a little faceless devilish imp, complete with pitchfork & cloven hooves, & a hikikomori type in a cow kigurumi.
this way, we still have the idea of 'anonymity' in the same way that 4chan users are sometimes represented as just a guy in a green zentai suit, plus we could play around the idea in art like if we wanted to show the mascot pulling off their hood and turning into a kawaii blonde perfect ana-chan imouto, any of the above drawings ITT,
or something more like
>>1758 suggested.
idk if this will appeal to anyone else, just a suggestion. I like the idea of having a scary/cute board mascot because, let's face it, some of the arguments that happen here are downright deranged and some of them (like in /b/ or /g/) are pretty heartwarming. we're kinda bipolar like that. we're also really quick to turn on our own so I can kind of imagine a horde of these little guys going REEEEEEE and turning an organized meeting into a killing frenzy in a matter of seconds.
still lazy about coloring, but if anybody else thinks this would make a good compromise I'll work on refining this sketch later.
No. 1762
>>1760It's not shocking, it's just not the first thing I think of.
>>1761Hahaha, I think this is cute.
No. 1763
File: 1447993194223.png (44.82 KB, 235x226, taokaka.png)

>>1761>which sort of came out as a cross between a little faceless devilish imp, complete with pitchfork & cloven hooves, & a hikikomori type in a cow kigurumi.More like a taokaka rehash. The kigurumi is cute but that face is super unoriginal. I do like the concept of what you were going for, however.
No. 1765
>>1761This should be the mascot.
It's perfect.
No. 1773
File: 1448065065434.jpg (215.88 KB, 734x987, Screen Shot 2015-11-19 at 1.52…)

>>1765here's digital version.
the shiny cow udders might gross some people out, please excuse me for amusing myself.
No. 1800
I think
>>1719 is the best overall concept.
>>1773 would be cute for a banner or halloween theme or something.
I thought it would also be cute to have two board tans. One is /pt/, the more grumpy and fujoshit looking one. And then one looking more like
>>1469, very thin and cutesy representing /snow/ where she herself personifies what she makes fun of.
No. 1812
>>1773>>1719Can't decide. Farmer girl seems like as tired and bitter as the oldfags and the cow looks more like the ravenous newfags.
Both are 10/10. Cannot choose.
No. 1819
File: 1449347517778.png (628.65 KB, 588x748, blj7zew.png)

I'm kind of tired of just waiting so here's a strawpoll: related, just choose the ones you like best & vote for their letters.
No. 1826
>>1825I was kinda taking it like two separate options:
>Farmgirl with blonde hair>Farmgirl with brown hairJust because we had kind of a debate about it earlier in the thread. I think if either wins we can kind of decide specifically which shade of brown or blonde we prefer.
No. 1827
>>1819I like how my drawing is K because my name starts with a K ;u;
Thank you for organizing this ~
No. 1828
>>1819Q M A S T E R R A C E
They're all p cute though
No. 1835
>>1826Yeah, that was kind of what I was thinking, too. Since most anons seemed to like that one but we couldn't decide on hair color, I decided I'd just throw in the option of light or dark hair from the get-go and people could vote for their preference.
>>1827No problem~ it seemed as though the thread's activity had died down for long enough at this point, so hopefully everyone who wanted to contribute suggestions/entries had their chance to.
Your entry is really cute, by the way. I love your drawing style.
I figured we could let the poll make our decision & then come to Admin-sama in about a week or so with the conclusion. not sure how long to wait, exactly, since everyone ought to have a chance to vote but idk if other browsers visit /meta/ very often.
No. 2091
File: 1453076671046.jpg (282.86 KB, 768x867, Untitled-2.jpg)

Let's just go with the blonde. Speak now or forever hold your peace.
No. 2094
File: 1453092434759.jpg (85.71 KB, 500x521, tumblr_m3t9ivBym61qfig0ho1_500…)

>>1597Are you the same artist?
No. 2471
File: 1462546706943.gif (968.63 KB, 500x346, satan.gif)

>>2469you're a clever one, alright.
No. 2744
>>2723It's a shame that it's been half a year and nothing was done with the mascot while old admin just leaves.
I'd still like to see
>>2091 incorporated somewhere.
No. 2818
>>2757i'm the original artist but I'm also
>>2467 whoops haha
I'll try to make some one-liner reaction pics or something this week though if y'all would like
No. 2916
>>2822Seconding this
Do you think maybe you could do a sticky of announcement or something to bring more people in here to bring this discussion up again?
I think that'll be a good place to start
No. 2971
File: 1467998748873.jpg (347.84 KB, 680x680, vomit.jpg)

>>2872something like this, maybe?
it's kind of a slapdash redraw but I'll try to make some more over the weekend.
>>2964not sure who that is, but I'm the same person who drew
>>1679 &
>>1773 if that helps to clarify things.
No. 2986
File: 1468032910396.jpg (379.02 KB, 700x800, milk.jpg)

>>2972hopefully you'll have a chance to use this one before the other haha
No. 3497
File: 1478219720750.jpg (56.73 KB, 334x443, nice can of milk.jpg)

No. 3810
File: 1483426152213.png (202.93 KB, 631x711, milku.png)

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, farmers!
No. 3834
File: 1483863122392.png (27.61 KB, 659x542, lolcowtan.png)

Here's my my little gimp doodle. please forgive me if my flat art is too flat lmao.
No. 3848
I love seeing our board-tan. <3
No. 9104
File: 1551415311455.png (453.89 KB, 979x971, lc-tan1.png)

Hope to see this thread active again!
No. 9232
File: 1552248951470.png (93.42 KB, 318x435, boardtan.PNG)

quick one
No. 9278
File: 1552354514317.png (347.86 KB, 804x808, moo moo bitch.png)

wanted to make a contribution to board-tan
No. 10045
File: 1556235217065.jpeg (30.99 KB, 570x675, honorary t-shirt.jpeg)

>>9104>>9232>>9278Beautiful! Bless you anons for your contributions.
No. 10310
File: 1559501164036.png (1.04 MB, 800x897, boardtan2.png)

Offered up in Thread Requests for a new Complaint Thread image, but posting here just in case it can serve some other purpose.
(art sauce:
>>9232 )
No. 10755
File: 1564396277395.jpg (2.24 MB, 3264x1836, cowtan.jpg)

No. 12150
File: 1573354668096.png (486.83 KB, 850x898, gbFU36RT7.png)

No. 12151
File: 1573354822180.png (488.95 KB, 850x898, wu7t5q3g8o.png)

sage anon you dumb bitch
No. 13422
File: 1580521166903.png (130.11 KB, 414x561, Crossover_episode.PNG)

Not sure what I was going for, but wanted to contribute!
No. 13479
File: 1580999389931.png (205.67 KB, 754x548, Chick_magnet.PNG)

>>13422I appreciate the nice comments! And yes I threw in the kiwi in there just for fun.
Here's one last pic for the road!
No. 14298
File: 1585269988831.png (321.82 KB, 600x600, download20200304181449.png)

Just wanna dump some board-tan picrew
No. 14392
File: 1586014424780.jpg (759.57 KB, 1500x1500, 20200404_233224.jpg)

In my mind /ic/ and lolcow-tan have a love hate relationship.
No. 14403
>>14392Pfft they wish he looked like that.
Art is cute tho
No. 16971
File: 1603237838778.png (17.22 KB, 424x440, 1603129834105.png)

From the MS Paint thread on /m/
No. 16976
File: 1603238168736.png (113.07 KB, 1092x801, 1602058577082.png)

>>16971I'm not the artists btw
No. 17100
File: 1603299599842.png (48.91 KB, 877x630, lolcowtan.png)

>>12151since an anon brought back my long lost love for ms paint I wanted to contribute some art and was inspired by this post!
also all the recent art is super fucking cute, good job anons!
No. 17149
File: 1603304579268.png (387.81 KB, 924x896, announcement.png)

No. 17187
>>17149Ooo I love this one
No. 17235
File: 1603323448017.jpg (127.25 KB, 700x800, pulltard.jpg)

No. 17328
>>17100amazing, I love your artstyle
>>17149Extremely based.
not filling the wineglass with milk is kind of a wasted opportunity though>>17235I don't get it
No. 17417
File: 1603384716577.png (383.42 KB, 924x896, announcement2.png)

>>17328I considered putting milk in the wineglass, but I was weirdly paranoid of it being read as semen. I was listening to a pretty weird album while drawing this.
Regardless, here's a milk version.
No. 17867
File: 1604608720043.png (29.69 KB, 650x720, lolcow tan.png)

No. 23807
File: 1622952542238.png (3.36 KB, 63x84, 30A25F2F-CD92-49E4-A5EC-1219CB…)

I made a pixel of her! Had to give her a tan so her hair didn’t get washed out.
No. 23812
Even in pixel form she looks like she's judging you harshly
No. 24064
File: 1623470821218.png (560.35 KB, 1500x1125, legen-dairy sage.png)

Offering for my kween, S-class kunoichi who will protect us from summer faggotry
No. 24780
File: 1625992694408.jpg (68.72 KB, 494x370, 1625991972503.jpg)

Made by a lovely, based anon in /ot/
No. 25669
File: 1629417054974.png (250.15 KB, 561x581, pinkman (2).png)

Throwing this one in too
No. 27387
File: 1634018182788.png (382.58 KB, 1200x700, farm.png)

One more before LC is kill
No. 28158
File: 1637094993686.png (1.91 MB, 2048x2732, 594AA1C6-E38D-4A23-906E-47082C…)

Not as good as what most anons draw but I’m so excited for this year’s lolcow awards!
No. 28166
nonny I love this!
No. 28178
>>28166Aww thank you
nonnie that means a lot!
No. 28863
File: 1641683204228.png (26.8 KB, 518x784, lc-b-tan-nt.png)

i offer you a laughing elsie directly inspired by the new shayna thread pic. when i tell you i kek'd
No. 29974
File: 1645507018264.jpeg (40.5 KB, 393x1024, C3E0CD88-EF29-44D7-BEC3-3ED5BF…)

I made this little doodle in my notes app. hope you don’t like it. she’s as big as a bottle of milk
No. 30580
nonnie, this is great and deserved to be praised
shayhead supremacy No. 31775
File: 1650964817920.png (255.24 KB, 700x700, lctan-01.png)

finally contributing
No. 31776
File: 1650964891603.png (244.5 KB, 700x700, lctan-02.png)

>>31775textless version
No. 32631
File: 1652105813632.jpg (5.93 KB, 111x80, 1647537962817.jpg)

Too much work to delete the post, jannies?
No. 42664
File: 1660791477316.png (237.17 KB, 1271x1288, Untitled_Artwork 2.png)

hi nonas, enjoy my slightly drunk drawing. cow-tan 4ever
No. 42666
>>42664Please submit this to this thread too!!! maybe add some text?:
>>>/meta/41695love your art anon