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No. 1706
Excuse my autism, but I've noticed posters sometimes seem to mix up the following terms. I see this on other websites, too. This is understandable, since the terms are vague and not widely known.
These are subjective to some degree, but here is how I personally define them.
This is a general term for deceptive posting. It can mean the following things:
- Taking on more than one persona in a thread to make it seem like your view has wider support than it actually does. This is also called sockpuppeting. May involve replying to your own posts agreeing with yourself, or significantly changing writing style to make it seem like a different person is also giving similar positive or negative remarks. Particularly dedicated samefags may try to use a different IP address as well.
- Making multiple posts back-to-back, without obvious indication they were all made by you. This is not always deceptive, though is often annoying.
- May also apply to general false or omitted self-identification. For example, if the subject of a /pt/ thread started secretly and anonymously posting in her own thread to disagree with people or defend herself, this may also be called samefagging. There may be a better term for this, but if there is, I'm not yet aware of it.
Posting about yourself in any way, whether anonymous or self-identifying. For example: posting a picture of yourself, linking to your own profiles, giving excessive details about your life, etc. Self-posts are completely acceptable in some threads and some contexts, but they usually are frowned upon otherwise. You shouldn't try to make yourself stand out on an anonymous board. Valid spellings also include self posting and selfposting.
Vendetta / vendettafag / vendetta-posting
Posting about someone as if you are a random person who happens to dislike them, when in reality you have some sort of personal connection or grudge. Often involves samefagging. Generally has no relation to self-posting, except in cases of self-victimization. In cases where you present the chan with an implicit or explicit "call to action", to further your vendetta, this is also called a personal army (PA) request. It often involves misleading or deceptive information.
An example of a vendetta post would be arguing with a girl on social media, and later posting a thread calling her a whore. Asking people to send things to her parents, or falsely claiming she's violated some site's terms of service and requesting people report her, or including her address and phone number in the post, would be a vendetta post as well as a personal army request.
Self-victimizing / false flagging
Anonymously posting negative remarks about oneself while pretending to be other people. A rather humorous combination of self-posting, samefagging, sockpuppeting, and vendettafagging.
Other terms
Derailing means causing a thread to go dramatically off-topic, often intentionally. It does not mean merely disagreeing with the OP, others in the thread, or the premise of the thread. That kind of disagreement is perfectly on-topic. Derailing is off-topic and distracting.
Please do not send reports just because someone is taking a stance opposite to most of those who've been posting in the thread. This is not against any rules. People are allowed to disagree.
If you think there are valid alternative definitions for any of these words, please discuss them. Also feel free to submit definitions or suggestions for any other terms, acronyms, or jargon.
No. 2188>>2193
>>2007wow, I didn't know that. I thought it was sage, as in the ritual, in which you burn sage (the herb) in your home to clear the bad energy.
speaking of sage. can someone tell me honestly HOW to sage? people keep yelling "learn to sage!!" then never telling anyone how to. then making fun of the people trying to figure it out. thank you.
No. 6184
He's also vented to me and forgave me and her struggles, and still happens from time to time.
>>2007So, what's the output?
No. 10841
>>10147The length of the ban varies. The wording of the redtext has nothing to do with the length. Sometimes the redtext tells what the ban is for (blogpost, nitpicking, self post, etc).
Also: Not all bans are redtexted.
No. 19875
>>19873canyon is the implication that the poster is Canyon, a cow here.
as for pt and snow, you'll need to just lurkmoar and pick up context clues. It's not difficult if you understand the site a bit more. Keep lurking and lose the newfag status.
No. 19878
>>19873Since it took me a while to figure out pt, pt is pixyteri = famous cow and inspiration for these kind of sites, therefore the highest cow status for the worst cows. Snowflake is a cow-in-training, not a fully fledged cow, may be salvageable as a person (usually it goes downhill for them though)
w is for weeb snowflakes.
No. 21805>>21976
>>21778>>21791On 4chan, when someone replies to your post, it appears (you) by the side of the number.
>>637893 (you)So it just means you've been acknowledged.
No. 21997>>22285
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>>21976Usually when someone says (you) it's in response to a post they feel like is bait. It's just like, "here, here's that attention you wanted so bad". Picrel is the best example I can come up with.
I'm not really an imageboard user, so I hope this answer makes sense lol No. 22553
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>>22550To be clear it's Janet after the artificial intelligence named Janet in The Good Place
No. 22654>>22658
>>22598The current admin isn't known.
>when i was last active null ended up buying the siteWhen the fuck did that happen
No. 22658
>>22598>>22654>>22603Anon's reality in which Null was an owner of lolcow clearly merged woth ours. It's the Mandela Effect! 100%
No. 23950>>23956>>23967
>>23946Minna is a Japanese way of addressing a group, so it's like "everyone,", but you should report them for being weebs
>>23944Nonnie/Nonna are cutesy versions of Anonymous and the mark of a newfag. When a word turns red in a comment, it means Admins have addded it to a word filter to shame people who use it. (e.g. twitter slang like "
oof" or "
No. 23956>>23957>>23965
>>23950lmao stop being salty, I use
nonnie and variations because it's endearing and I've been here since 2016. Stupid, ok; but not necessarily newfagish.
TERF and
abusive are also redtexted and I don't think they are inherently Twitter lingo.
No. 23957>>23965
>>23956Same with the word
victim lol, I guess the news media need to stop using twitter lingo
No. 23965
>>23956>>23957I never said
Victim twitter slang, I said twitter slang was an example.
Victim was added the Onision saga where everyone who ever talked to him was declared a
victim by newfags.
TERF was added because everyone who comes here to complain about Terfs will have a rude awakening. But keep showing off your newfaggotry,
Nonnie No. 24087>>24102
A term used to describe one expressing disproportionate levels of hatred for someone, often including wishing them physical harm, usually for perceived "crimes" that they are "guilty" of.
Anthony LoGatto was A-Logging Chris when he said, "What Saddam did in the Gulf War was potatoes to what Chris has done." No. 24743
>>24741You put two asterisks beside the text
like this (without the spaces, obviously). I think three asterisks gives you bold and italicized text.
No. 24765
>>24745it doesLike anon(s) said above, one asterisk for
italics. Two for
No. 59009>>59010
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Can someone enlighten a newfag? Who is the poster who has the little robot stamp of shame?
No. 60375
>>60368necro means you're doing necromancy on a thread i. e. posting unsaged in an old thread, which will bump it.
bringing an inactive thread back to the front page is only allowed of there's new milk. if your post doesn't add anything or if you're posting on an old thread when there's a more recent active one, it's a necro
No. 63589>>63590
>>63588It's supposed to be an abbreviation for some finish word that you use to sign off letters/emails. You use it like this
Goldfish are orange
>t. have a goldfish. No. 63654
>>63590it's short for "terveisin" which means "regards"
t. binn egsbert
No. 67813
>>67755You're thinking of a snowflake vs a cow. Calves have to have sprung from other cows or flakes.
>>67725 You got it right the first time.
No. 70787>>70869>>71833
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>>70724Three admins working together. Derived from Cerberus.
No. 72342
>>72282>>72338thank you both. I was genuinely confused at seeing it used here towards other farmers (with no indication otherwise that the poster was calling them moids). I'm not on twitter so I must have missed the change.
Sad though, malding for male anger was such a funny image, it used to make me smile.
No. 79675
>>79440Not as I understand it. You get the (hi cow) ban if you reply, like, "Hi, Jill." to a post in Jill's thread because you think it's Jill selfposting. you are not supposed to say
Hi, [cow], just report the selfposting if you suspect it, that's why the ban. I admit to thinking it was what you said when I first came here and I wonder why a farmhand never banned me for using the report system wrong (thanks farmhands)
No. 81267
>>81259you can either embed them (if it's a tikok or youtube video) or directly upload them.
simply posting a link in the body of your comment gets you redtexted
No. 83656
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What do mods mean when they use that word?