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No. 3344
So, Town Hall tonight was full of epic milk spilling, and there is a sincere need of the events being summarized for anyone who was not present.
The most unexpected event that took place was the visitation of a certain former-Admin whom we asked to help uncover a few answers to some of lolcow's unsolved mysteries.
1st PointRegarding the Onision/Billie drama:
It turns out that in a pretty remarkable turn of events that the entire drama involving Lainey's Twitter was actually STAGED by one very dedicated, very persistent, and very ambitious troll. This happened to be a long-time poster of lolcow who made the effort of doctoring caps using multiple methods as well as using specific proxies to appear as multiple legitimate posters. She was also the sole Billie impersonator. It sounds completely far-fetched but with OG Admin's help we were able to get a confession from anon and the user has been permanently put to pasture.
She did, however, express a lot of remorse for how much trouble her trolling had caused the Onionsphere. Apparently the entire effect was not intended but rather a series of well-planned maneuvers as well as a bit of accidental luck.
Unfortunately the troll went far enough that it has made ripples off-site, so we may be dealing with clearing some of that up in the future.
2nd PointIt was also revealed that posts made about the Internet personality That Poppy in the following threads
>>>/pt/250072 and
>>>/snow/107133 were done in a viral marketing attempt by Poppy's management team and boyfriend/pimp, Titanic Sinclair. The same people then returned at a later time to copyright claim any posts that were made involving Poppy's former identity, the less mysterious Moriah Pereira.
3rd PointThe biggest reveal of the evening was most likely the biggest event in lolcow history. More will be discussed on the matter, I'm sure. To sum it up:
Kiki Kannibal is Spergchan.
Just let that sink in.
More details about this will be forthcoming.
4th PointWe are doing a major staff upheaval and currently working on a skeleton mod crew. The rest of the Farmhands are being re-assigned for the time being so that a very limited number of people will be able to see IPs.
We also took some polls and discussed what should be done with /manure/ and /cream/. It was the general consensus that /manure/ can essentially be done away with and /cream/ will be used more frequently and improved.
Also, many threads from /snow/ will be re-instated in /pt/.
Hopefully some caps will be posted from the Town Hall, and any questions can be asked/answered here.
No. 3346
>>3344No questions, but thanks for recapping (I had to leave for work before anything really big got announced). It's disappointing the entire Billie thing was a troll (I figure Lainey's tweet was one so I guess Billie had to be). And the paranoid anons who said Kiki was Spergchan were right after all… what a vindication.
I'm glad you're making mod changes. There's definitely been some conflict of interest between farmhands wanting to put their own points across in a thread above all others, while also moderating said thread. The results have not been good.
No. 3350
>>3344I just wanted to crosspost this from the Onision thread as I think it may help in the future.
I'm actually really impressed with the extent the troll went to stir up some shit, although I believe them for not expecting it to blow up like it did; I think we can learn something from this here…
Maybe in future, it would be wise to keep any independant conversations about Lainey x Billie out of the Onision threads unless they DIRECTLY relate to him - like, if someone really wants to discuss Lainey as a lolcow in her own right; the best thing to do would be to create a thread about her in /snow and discuss her activity there.
The same goes for Billie, who has her own thread in /snow.
Otherwise, we're not only derailing the topic of Greaseball, but inviting in anyone who has beef with Lainey and Billie… and it just involves everyone in there and makes us more open to shit like this happening in the future.
No. 3353
>>3351Thank you for the reply! That's all I wanted to know.
But yeah I agree with
>>3352I didn't even realise he was a dude until I read something in /meta/ way back like when we were discussing site mascots or something. I don't think he's wrong about stepping down if the girl stuff was causing problems but if people were offended on premise of his maleness that's just dumb. And this is coming from someone who likes to troll/act like a radfem who wants to see all men euthanized, so yeah.
No. 3358
>>3354Oh damn, I've been here since almost the first day and somehow totally didn't know he claimed to be gay. That kinda changes shit, yeah.
Anyway I wasn't trying to say he was the best or better than current admin, just that he was fine/acceptable with what I knew about him at the time. Also I don't know if I'm the only one but I enjoyed the new heavy handed modding, dunno why others didn't unless they were the ones getting warnings.
>>3356DAMN IT WORK! I said it in an earlier post but I missed out for similar reasons, sucks.
No. 3359
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Can we shut the fuck up about ex-admin? Some of you seem to be grasping at straws to try and start shit. "He put redirect on for FEMALE ATTENTION!!!" no idiot redirect was on to garner attention from all users for the announcements. And he probably joked about being gay to prevent excessive flirting from users trying to get on his good side.
Who even cares?
I just want more details about the Kiki / Sperg-chan reveal since that's the real milk that was dropped.
No. 3361
>>3358I never once claimed or implied I was gay, not even jokingly. I don't know where that anon is getting it from. I was occasionally asked about my sexual orientation but I never gave any answer. And this has always just been my natural writing style.
>>3357Decisions I made about threads or the site were not the result of friends' opinions in any way. In fact, much internal drama ensued because they often disagreed with a lot of things I did and wanted me to do many things I didn't do. Please don't assume my intentions.
However, it is true that my judgments during the last two weeks were very much in error (other than banning Berry and anorexic threads, which I should've just done early on), including the threatening to ban people, and were a result of my volatile state at that time.
It is mostly true that the last 3-4 townhalls did not result in significant site changes, but keep in mind I did not intend for them to be absolute referendums or something. My own lack of action in those last 6 months was mostly out of disinterest towards the site from myself and much of the rest of the staff. There were also many things I initially wanted to do that never came to fruition. I apologize for not giving away the site sooner.
It is also true that the very last townhall was not remotely productive. I made it because I was simply bored and had nothing better to do, and for better or worse I was tired of the site and various chains of events that indirectly resulted from running it. I should not have redirected people to that one especially.
I absolutely understand the allegations that I supposedly sought ass kissing or female attention, but that was not my intention. I liked talking to various users and enjoyed doing so in every townhall from the first to the last; there were no ulterior motives.
The inherent issues of a heterosexual man running a site like this combined with the fact that I didn't care about the site anymore are why the new admin is much more suitable than me.
No. 3373
>>3358Actually I want to take this back, I would be fine with it except people who rage and sperg the fuck out over small shit while other seemingly less severe posts get bans.
>>3361Welp, sorry adminsan, now I feel like an idiot for taking the gay remark at face value. It's not fun to have people just assume shit about you like that. But again, I thought you were a fine admin for most of your time here (until you lost interest etc) so thank you.
>>3359How 'bout you calm the fuck down? There's nothing to talk about regarding Kiki in this thread until admin posts more info. You can read Kiki's thread until then.
No. 3379
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No. 3382
>>3371I think a big issue was that heaps of new mods were brought in right near hellweek. So they sort of learned that the sort of moderation that's appropriate during that period is how it should be all the time, and it kept up to some degree.
>>3380Because those wrong people shat up all other threads with conversations about the persons looks, or if they were skinny or fat, it wasn't even discussion of anything the cows actually did, just bitching about their looks, or if a meal a cow ate was over 20 calories, or any other amounts of unrelated to the actual thread MPA shit.
It wasn't that they were a circlejerk, it's that even when they all got told to keep ana stuff in one thread because /snow/ was more threads about wannarexics or people with actual eating disorders than anything actually interesting, they still turned up all over the site.
Since there was just a blanket ban on those sorts of threads, most have disappeared. There's still some, but it's so much better than it was.
I feel like it was a really good decision to ban it, and the cows who were related to eating disorder stuff but were actually interesting in other ways have mostly been allowed to stay.
No. 3385
>>3384No, it was a very basic 'girl shopping her face on tumblr and insta' thread as far as a I know. It being banned is still kind of baffling.
The only thing I've heard is that conspiracy theories were being proposed, but honestly that's pretty much the case for any active thread.
No. 3387
>>3380>>3383Berry's threads were full of vendetta-chans nitpicking her shoops, tweets and alleged lies about being a rich college student. She was a special snowflake but not interesting enough to warrant 12 whole threads.
A lot of farmers and admin were sick of seeing her dumb threads cropping up. I find it was enough of a reason to ban discussions about her.
No. 3394
>>3391is berry going to be the
trigger topic for the new spergchan?
No. 3395
>>3394why would anyone bother, there's already so many threads on irrelevant intsawhores and youtubers to sperg over.
kiki being spergchan was the last interesting thing to happen since ex-admin rage quit forever (or rather, when he said he was leaving 5ever but came back and had a town hall to force people to talk to him, and then said he was leaving again but came back to this thread).
No. 3397
>>3387>A lot of farmers and admin were sick of seeing her dumb threads cropping up. I don't get this logic, if you don't like a thread just scroll past it..
>>3388Yeah and besides if the threads that were mostly nitpicking and stuff most of the threads here would be locked.
No. 3399
>>3397I agree. There's a few threads I don't care for and I have them hidden because that's what that function is for?
(Crap, reported my own post instead of deleting it. Sorry farmhands if it still notified you.)