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No. 40641
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please take your meds
No. 40644
are you an anon who hasn't checked in for a while? Wondering what is going on? Well, for the past couple of days, a schizo pedo troon has been having a major episode here on lolcow, mostly on /meta/, /ot/ and the MTF thread. If you have witnessed any of the following:
>sperging about "UH", "Kuz", elaine, and kiwifarms
>CP/monkey torture spams
>anime avatarfagging
>random youtube music links
>complete wordsalads
>complaint about jannies and radfems
>laughable larping as an oldfag and misuse of lcf lingo
>running gayops on himself like doxing his own family members in hopes of framing others
then you have just spotted the schizo pedo troon. If at any point you see anons arguing with each other over something absolutely incomprehensible and are wondering if you've missed anything important, fear not. That is just the schizo pedo troon samefagging again to try to sir up concern amongst the uninformed. Thankfully, now you are informed. So next time you see any of the above, do your duty and ignore it.
If you see other anons acting confused, copy and paste this Public Service Announcement so that they too, may be informed.
/////This concludes the Public Service Announcement./////
(REPORT AND IGNORE, don’t feed the troll etc)
No. 40650
A comprehensive long list of things the rapist pedo schizo troon says and does (feel free to add onto it):
>mask off
>pedo ring/pedo jannies/jannies posting cp/admin is male/jannies are male (basically any raging hatred and accusations regarding site staff)
>admin is being blackmailed
>pretends blaine and erika are different people
>links to other imageboards and sketchy websites
>shits on fire/sites fucked
>talks about elaine/rachel/null(josh)/michael or other irrelevant kiwifags
>you're going down
>I will expose you
>refers to himself using the wrong pronouns (calls himself she or they despite being male)
>complaining about kuz and soyjak
>something real is going on
>this is insane/crazy/huge
>random youtube song links and/or random lyric dumps
>anime avatarfagging (usually with pedo anime characters, sometimes with final fantasy ones)
>misuse of sites lingo
>asking or demanding to be a mod/janny/admin
>replying to one of his posts with the same lingo and typing style (samefagging)
>posts cp and then is immediately around to complain about cp he posted
>threatens to kill/rape people
>asks to be unbanned
>mentions his vpns
>refers to himself as erika
>posts ugly pic of his thighs and covered bulge
>spergs about porn and his creepy fetish stuff
>tries to get people to post hand pics
>larps as being a csa survivor
>randomly talks about his sister
>posts /pol/tier nazi and pepe pics
>conspiracies about blackmailing, abuse, pedo rings
>constantly mentions kiwifarms
>I proved it/here's the proof
>you're killing this website/this website is dead because of you/this website is dying
>pro tranny/pro scrote posts (trannies have always been welcome/men can post here if they want/etc)
>schizobabble about being a witch/magic spells/hexes
>says he is a tranny not a troon (and other weird tranny infighting stuff)
>uses sexist insults (calls women whores, cunts, bitches, roasties, etc)
>complaining about jews and nonwhites
>refers to women as "natal women" or "cis women"
>god complex spergouts
>hates on radfems and gcs
>says he is gnc
>talks about his ugly troon dick
>sniffed out
>it was rigged/I rigged it
>I win/I won/I'm winning
>mentions flamenco or undefault or naught
>bbc spam
>bought off janny/paid off janny
>this is why people never use this site
>whines about "transphobes"
>says he is doing damage control
>talks about owning guns and/or threatens to use them
>weird obsession with russia
>pretends he has some greater plan
>randomly counts down (ie 6 days left, 6 hours left)
>so much proof
>look at these connections/all the connections
>you're screwed/it's over
>pressed/keeping you pressed
>I timed it/it was timed
>pretends he's doing this to waste someones time
if you see posts that contain any of these it's the ban evading pedophile tranny, do not reply to him, simply report and ignore
No. 40652
>>40650Expansion on the long list of things the rapist pedo schizo troon says and does (feel free to add even more to it)
>Always use hyphens (de-rail and -Chan / sama)>pats himself on the back for bringing "content" (said content is his schizo ramblings and male piss)>thinks anyone actually reads his posts>posts/mentions the simpsons>obsessed with larping as an oldfag/imageboard veteran >keeps mentioning cc (crystal cafe) >when called out says "everyone here does this" (no we don't troon) >links to posts he made on other boards saying "you let men use this site why not trannies">defends himself on almost every post making fun of him >weird inconsistent sentence spacing >takes silence as agreement while also saying that women are being talked over /silenced by moids>does not actually care about women at all>says vile things about himself like he deserves rape, doxes his own family, blames it on Russians>tries to get women to nurture him as because he is a uwu victim >moments later declares himself the defender of womankind>lusts after Black men; posts racist screeds hours later>laughably bad attempts at astroturfing that he is popular>changes his target every few days (Rachel, EFM, kuz, jannies, anuscabbage)>tries to repackage site gossip he's heard on /meta/ (moid owner! absentee admin!) as him having an inside scoop>posts memes using the same style, format and font>implies there is an army of fans behind him>random autistic edits of anime like bleach, HXH pedo character, dated tiktok anime e-boy, anime girl he larps as >edits drooling Elsie into pictures with his anime girl larp character >thinks he's a woman>thinks he's one of us>violent rhetoric meant to sound protective or supportive>avatarfagging>mansplains female socialization>has to wait 30 sec to post his spam and samefagging like a loser>bertha >the sites about him now (referring to himself)>going against the narrative >calls himself pet tranny >Rachel references because that thread was as close to acceptance by natal women as he'll be ever get>anyways anywho >reverse psychology >this is what he wants >read my posts I'm not insert name here>internet boogeyman>this was my plan all along I was only pretending to be retarded>You’re all scrotes>oh you’re all women? You’re all (sexist insults making him no better than other scrotes)>thinks being terminally online and spending every hour, minute, second, day of his life fighting people online is “advanced 5d chess trolling” >even more pathetic a 30 year old man in his mind, is fighting “children” instead of having any fulfilling hobbies or friends>edgy nonsequitur references to WW2-era Soviet Union and Nazi Germany>le epic troll maymays to get people (women) to see the light>WKing or alogging Elaine/Rachel/other lolcows depending on how the mood strikes him>mooks >adhd >kids/kiddos/kiddies/children/girls (pedo obsession with children and referring to everyone as one)>riddle me this >silly nonsense >posts horrible shit then says "I didn't post that", believes women will believe this gaslighting>FIC>he has help/someone is helping him/theres more than one >post it to kiwifarms/kiwis can help/kiwis will dig into it >you are on his side >you sound like him/you are the tranny >weird quote usage/formatting>using no quotes despite seemingly responding to someone(himself)/yelling into the room>calling others newfags for not being able to follow his schizo storylines>dick chasing/mentioning male genitalia/tranny chasing>”youre just jealous” when his ugly male appearance is made fun of >STILL posts in /meta/ to talk even though NOBODY does that normally unless it has to do with actual complaints in threads and boards >self admitted to horny posting in /w/>pls post about me please >goes on racist tirades (hates indians, blacks, etc and racebaits/makes racebait threads) No. 40679
>>40678he's samefagging and posting his hideous balding male face in /ot/ vent thread too
and the cp he posted in /m/ is still up, where are you mods?
No. 40680
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>>40679Yeah idk why he hates indians so much myself I think he just hates everyone
No. 40770
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We're currently going through the process of updating the site and are trying to decide on a date to briefly go offline before things go live. We have been prioritizing the development over moderation, and so I apologize for that, it is not on the mods who volunteer their time here. We are still understaffed and will probably open applications after the update so that new mods don't have to learn two interfaces instead of one.
In the meantime new banners can be submitted and we are inviting our artistic anons to come up with a site logo for the front page. The file attached is a template.
No. 40771
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>>40770Holy shit, it's Admin-sama! Let's fuckin' goooooo
No. 40796
>>40795I doubt he has a job considering he's terminally online
Also, not only free VPNs should be banned, a lot of popular VPNs should be banned too
No. 40798
>>40793the alternative is having to deal with the daily schizo tranny spam, cp, gore, misogynistic racist scrotes, etc because of how easy they make it to ban evade
>>40797this seems like a fair compromise, or maybe only banning the free vpns but not paid ones (if that's possible)
No. 40801
>>40800Trannies, schizos, male autists and trolls always lie and pretend to work on IT from home so he checks those boxes
He's probably a neet living out someone else's money
No. 40816
>>40810tyvm nonna, I was worried the jannies did in fact become trannies and what would become of lc
>kpop summoned actual adminkek
>>40811Trust me for what? Tbf I wouldn’t trust me either
No. 40830
are you an anon who hasn't checked in for a while? Wondering what is going on? Well, for the past couple of days, a schizo pedo troon has been having a major episode here on lolcow, mostly on /meta/, /ot/ and the MTF thread. If you have witnessed any of the following:
>sperging about "UH", "Kuz", elaine, and kiwifarms
>CP/monkey torture spams
>anime avatarfagging
>random youtube music links
>complete wordsalads
>complaint about jannies and radfems
>laughable larping as an oldfag and misuse of lcf lingo
>running gayops on himself like doxing his own family members in hopes of framing others
then you have just spotted the schizo pedo troon. If at any point you see anons arguing with each other over something absolutely incomprehensible and are wondering if you've missed anything important, fear not. That is just the schizo pedo troon samefagging again to try to sir up concern amongst the uninformed. Thankfully, now you are informed. So next time you see any of the above, do your duty and ignore it.
If you see other anons acting confused, copy and paste this Public Service Announcement so that they too, may be informed.
/////This concludes the Public Service Announcement./////
(REPORT AND IGNORE, don’t feed the troll etc)
No. 40877
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At least go shower and brush your teeth if you're going to camp here.
No. 40895
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lol every day you wake up as a man. that must suck.
No. 40897
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