File: 1436977127528.gif (180.84 KB, 300x100, fin.gif)

No. 963
File: 1436977290976.png (24.72 KB, 300x100, 8.png)

I'm reposting banners that have already been implemented so that we have a nice, comprehensive list of them all.
No. 964
File: 1436977334555.png (51.29 KB, 300x100, 9.png)

No. 965
File: 1436977367248.png (61.25 KB, 300x100, 13.png)

No. 966
File: 1436978333327.gif (28.76 KB, 300x100, 22.gif)

No. 967
File: 1436978431947.gif (207.35 KB, 300x100, 23.gif)

No. 968
File: 1436978517432.gif (267.54 KB, 300x100, 10.gif)

No. 969
File: 1436978564101.gif (1.71 MB, 300x100, 33.gif)

No. 970
File: 1436978610419.gif (86.85 KB, 300x100, 24.gif)

No. 971
File: 1436978695037.png (52.23 KB, 300x100, 5.png)

No. 972
File: 1436978744955.jpg (28 KB, 300x100, 17.jpg)

No. 973
File: 1436978797749.gif (1006.61 KB, 300x100, 3.gif)

No. 974
File: 1436978833437.jpg (21.55 KB, 300x100, 7.jpg)

No. 976
File: 1436978872787.gif (128.37 KB, 300x100, 15.gif)

No. 977
File: 1436978909903.jpg (36.98 KB, 275x92, 11.jpg)

No. 978
File: 1436978951683.png (10 KB, 300x104, 18.png)

No. 980
File: 1436979067235.gif (281.37 KB, 300x100, 20.gif)

No. 981
File: 1436979106118.jpg (40.57 KB, 300x101, 19.jpg)

No. 982
File: 1436979162103.png (14.83 KB, 300x100, 16.png)

No. 983
File: 1436979217260.gif (90.16 KB, 300x100, 26.gif)

No. 984
File: 1436979327680.png (41.03 KB, 300x100, 14.png)

No. 985
File: 1436979384796.jpg (32.07 KB, 300x100, 6.jpg)

No. 986
File: 1436979424146.png (28.87 KB, 300x100, 2.png)

No. 987
File: 1436979507725.gif (625.65 KB, 300x100, 27.gif)

No. 988
File: 1436979557385.gif (772.84 KB, 260x100, 25.gif)

No. 989
File: 1436979620841.gif (40.71 KB, 300x100, 28.gif)

No. 990
File: 1436979701776.gif (347.64 KB, 300x100, 29.gif)

No. 992
File: 1436979746950.gif (575.31 KB, 300x100, 30.gif)

No. 994
File: 1436979930744.gif (2.88 MB, 300x100, 31.gif)

>>993Oh man I love it.
The only thing that bothers me about that one and some of the others banners though is how the address isn't aligned properly to the corner of the graphic.
I don't know why but that stuff gets my back right up.
No. 995
File: 1436979973696.png (44.57 KB, 300x100, 1.png)

No. 996
File: 1436980046124.gif (119.85 KB, 300x100, 35.gif)

No. 997
File: 1436980097974.gif (805.42 KB, 300x100, 34.gif)

No. 998
File: 1436980175525.gif (265.33 KB, 300x100, 32.gif)

No. 999
File: 1436980328663.png (54.38 KB, 300x100, 12.png)

No. 1000
File: 1436980376311.png (53.88 KB, 300x100, 4.png)

No. 1001
File: 1436980426262.gif (81.78 KB, 300x100, 21.gif)

No. 1006
File: 1436995190356.jpg (155.64 KB, 834x1200, milk-party-1.jpg)

I really want to make a banner from one of these four pages from a hentai but I can't decide which, they're all so corruptible.
No. 1011
File: 1436996108950.png (18 KB, 300x100, Untitled-2.png)

No. 1013
>>1012Pervert >:3c (me too).
But can the banners not be NSFW?
No. 1021
File: 1437015490602.png (68.51 KB, 300x100, optimism.png)

No. 1048
>>1046Yes, I have to agree. I'll add it if you censor the nipple in some way.
>>1021Added this, as well as OP's banner.
No. 1051
File: 1437275713111.gif (267.1 KB, 300x100, keekz2.gif)

As requested in the Kiki thread
No. 1052
File: 1437277007493.png (39.83 KB, 300x100, banner2.png)

>>1011Played with it a little
No. 1056
File: 1437374895268.gif (52.56 KB, 300x100, kikiPULL.gif)

Sorry for the overload of Keekz banners, she's just been churning out a lot of milk lately
No. 1077
File: 1437544265172.gif (22.5 KB, 300x100, kikiplustaco.gif)

last keekster one for a while
No. 1100
File: 1438303468331.gif (215.38 KB, 300x100, aly-banner.gif)

noticed there weren't any Aly banners yet
No. 1101
…im recovering guyz
No. 1106
File: 1438713846794.jpg (30.75 KB, 300x100, 300x100.jpg)

Not sure this is the right size but…
No. 1145
File: 1440117188660.gif (159.47 KB, 300x100, kakaprayer.gif)

No. 1146
File: 1440117890614.gif (159.13 KB, 300x100, kakaprayer2.gif)

Forgot to add the site name, here's an updated version
No. 1300
File: 1443836453513.gif (155.91 KB, 300x100, tess-genes.gif)

I thought it was about time
No. 1303
File: 1443984662594.gif (204.53 KB, 300x100, RainDrops.gif)

More OC.
No. 1305
File: 1444041055513.gif (474.02 KB, 300x100, yukapee.gif)

No. 1306
File: 1444046146449.gif (167.97 KB, 300x100, yukapee2.gif)

No. 1355
File: 1444938618544.jpg (51.37 KB, 300x100, rw.jpg)

No. 1356
File: 1444938868249.jpg (51.98 KB, 300x100, rw.jpg)

sorry, like previous anon I also forgot to add to it, here ya go :)
No. 1365
File: 1445547567070.gif (224 KB, 300x100, he his.gif)

Needs more dumblr banners
No. 1703
File: 1447191423375.gif (124.37 KB, 950x284, 1446501681162.gif)

I think it's high time for an Ember themed banner.
No. 1726
File: 1447478311537.gif (24.93 KB, 300x100, confirmedip.gif)

I've seen like 4 posts asking for admin to confirm that they're not samefagging or self-posting today, so I made this.
No. 1727
>>1703Has to be 300x100.
No. 1754
File: 1447898727701.gif (25.29 KB, 300x100, emberwhaaaaanbanner.gif)

>>1703glad you like my banner (;
Fixed to the size specifications
No. 1786
File: 1448287448662.png (18.64 KB, 300x100, lol.png)

This is a bit shit, so if anyone wants to improve upon it, go ahead.
It's from
>>>/b/47654 No. 1801
>>1786thanks for adding the watermark, whoever it was that did it!
No. 2153
File: 1454785139430.gif (18.35 KB, 300x100, bpd.gif)

Before anyone shits themselves, I also have BPD.
No. 2155
File: 1454786199337.jpg (19.39 KB, 260x336, marshalinehan.jpg)

>>2153I really love this. I also like the black and red color scheme because it reminds me of the one Marsha Linehan book I've thumbed through pic related
No. 2167
File: 1454998206094.png (61.36 KB, 300x100, margo.png)

excuse my poor banner skills
No. 2168
File: 1454998217925.png (65.69 KB, 300x100, benus.png)

No. 2197
File: 1456112904554.jpg (59.9 KB, 300x100, margobanner.jpg)

No. 2235
File: 1456273706540.png (41.17 KB, 300x100, margendobanner.png)

No. 2240
File: 1456631487240.png (40.32 KB, 298x100, dwwwwwwwwwwwww.png)

No. 2242
File: 1456632896161.png (26.14 KB, 298x100, llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll…)

No. 2247
File: 1456881088665.jpg (20.57 KB, 300x100, kanadajinsamawhitejapanese.jpg)

I figured mira needed a banner
No. 2266
>>2242This is so shitty.
>>2240This one too. What the fuck?
No. 2295
File: 1459386242943.png (68.7 KB, 300x100, 1459381794179.png)

No. 2483
File: 1462757104759.gif (19.16 KB, 300x104, sindypop.gif)

Sindy Pop has finally earned her own banner.
No. 2528
File: 1465789453786.png (55.93 KB, 300x100, alybanner.png)

No. 2541
File: 1466460841251.gif (469.47 KB, 300x100, CosplayQueen.gif)

No. 2709
File: 1466987702541.jpg (12.5 KB, 300x100, margo-banner1.jpg)

No. 3004
File: 1468256330547.jpg (50.71 KB, 500x299, image.jpg)

What do you guys think of this image for a banner? I really like it but was having trouble getting it to look nice with the banner size. Maybe someone wants to give it a try?
No. 3325
File: 1473453488757.png (57.36 KB, 300x100, 1468256330547 lolcows - broken…)

>>3004>Maybe someone wants to give it a try?Well, I tried.
No. 3446
File: 1477111919740.png (46.95 KB, 300x100, vicky.png)

No. 3564
File: 1479538713231.png (77.16 KB, 300x99, lu banner1.png)

"Sage in each field please." Good ol' Robyn (aka LifeUndiagnosed/hypermobilegeek)
See >>181656 for more on this cow!
No. 3566
File: 1479598730355.png (75.62 KB, 300x100, lu banner3.png)

Another Robyn one. "Sage in each field please."
See >>181656 for more on her brand of craycray.
No. 3716
File: 1482700824999.png (42.34 KB, 300x100, OnionLolcow.png)

1 / 3
No. 3717
File: 1482700870940.png (54.18 KB, 300x100, VickyLolcow.png)

2 / 3
flood detected
No. 3718
File: 1482700962841.png (47.79 KB, 300x100, LunaNips.png)

3 / 3
flood detected
these are my first banners ever, hopefully they are good or at least okayish
No. 3721
File: 1482714486438.jpeg (40.86 KB, 275x92, 1482711300417.jpeg)

No. 3724
File: 1482724732007.gif (227.57 KB, 300x100, gergliterally.gif)

his favorite word
No. 3725
File: 1482739123052.png (40.6 KB, 300x100, onionlolcow2.png)

>>3718last one, i s2g. yes, i was very bored indeed.
No. 3730
File: 1482754217638.gif (159.09 KB, 300x100, didyoumean.gif)

No. 3733
File: 1482762238080.gif (228.75 KB, 300x100, vegetarianbodayyy.gif)

My vegetarian bodayyy
No. 3764
File: 1482950736380.jpg (62.64 KB, 300x100, sharla.jpg)

No. 3765
File: 1482952469987.jpg (70.21 KB, 300x100, lilouvosnetflixforlunatics.jpg)

No. 3770
File: 1482991483955.gif (1.71 MB, 300x100, lolcowsgotagun.gif)

sorry for all the onion banners, I'll stop for a while
No. 3775
File: 1483012736365.gif (1.32 MB, 300x100, atruegem.gif)

No. 3778
>>3775Kek, I wish her
autist sword dance video was still up so one of you talented farmers could make a banner with it.
No. 3779
File: 1483055964814.gif (1.79 MB, 300x100, moomoochristmas.gif)

No. 3783
File: 1483085009199.png (443.55 KB, 1136x640, image.png)

Think I found Onion's rape-face for a banner!
(Please feel free to use it in whatever form as idk how to myself nor am I anywhere near a PC to do so, thank you!)
No. 3790
File: 1483110352184.gif (886.99 KB, 300x100, potcallingkettleblack.gif)

please onion, keep posting stupid shit!
No. 3793
Maybe getting rid of old banners that feature dry cows that are not relevant at all anymore would be a good idea.
>>3790>>3775>>3770Absolutely hilarious.
No. 3794
File: 1483123016968.gif (885.41 KB, 300x100, potcallingkettleblackfixed.gif)

>>3792welp, this is why layers exist. thanks for pointing that out.
No. 3797
File: 1483163119228.gif (3.66 MB, 300x100, lolscrolll.gif)

No. 3798
File: 1483187493781.png (57.34 KB, 300x100, mirandajapanese.png)

No. 3966
File: 1485295550728.png (49.93 KB, 300x100, fattestblock.png)

First attempts at making banners but we're surprisingly Asherbee lacking.
No. 3978
File: 1485602456099.png (44.69 KB, 300x100, tt so goffick.png)

dunno if i did this right but here's my favorite alt cow
No. 3993
File: 1485802054558.gif (3.06 MB, 480x270, mk.gif)

this could be a banner I guess…
No. 4003
File: 1486282332625.gif (600.89 KB, 300x100, mk.gif)

>>3993fixed it to be banner size
No. 4030
File: 1487207765145.gif (579.95 KB, 300x100, mk.gif)

>>4003>>3993last upload I swear I fixed it
No. 4049
File: 1488415269097.png (29.31 KB, 300x100, mybeautifulsexydopeprincess2.p…)

This quote had me in stitches, so here's a banner. Was gonna animate it, but can't be arsed tbh.
No. 4052
File: 1488851208514.png (48.64 KB, 300x100, momobanner.png)

A new banner for my favorite coscow.
No. 4063
File: 1489592295713.jpg (106.9 KB, 640x213, PicsArt_03-15-04.34.06.jpg)

Crush Turtle idea from >>353427
No. 4065
File: 1489597017579.jpg (70.15 KB, 300x100, PicsArt_03-15-05.47.44.jpg)

No. 4068
File: 1489597909549.jpg (14.89 KB, 300x100, PicsArt_03-15-06.10.16.jpg)

Had to reupload a bunch of times because this app refuses to shrink …
No. 4069
File: 1489600041858.jpg (65.34 KB, 300x100, PicsArt_03-15-06.45.48.jpg)

No. 4074
File: 1489639743395.gif (158.64 KB, 300x100, tVk8a7j.gif)

No. 4082
File: 1489874972513.jpg (33.22 KB, 300x100, goMeihuaTemp_mh1489874805315.j…)

No. 4083
File: 1489921089108.jpg (50.55 KB, 300x100, goMeihuaTemp_mh1489920694585.j…)

I have no life atm but have these anyway, I'll stahp lmao
No. 4087
File: 1490143997819.jpg (24.06 KB, 300x100, 2017-03-22-01-51-07.jpg)

No. 4088
File: 1490442481129.gif (678.26 KB, 300x100, venooos.gif)

>garlic garlic garlic
No. 4104
File: 1491191606911.png (70.48 KB, 300x100, jillbanner.png)

No. 4106
File: 1491193384878.png (63.76 KB, 300x100, onisionbanner2.png)

No. 4108
File: 1491197984727.gif (255.96 KB, 300x100, clownclub.gif)

wanted to make this since i saw the video, gave me laugh good old jill
>used ps and all, hope everyone gets a laugh at this, also want to make one for yumi since she has no banner now
No. 4128
File: 1491459965374.png (23.27 KB, 300x100, piercedangelbanner.png)

No. 4158
File: 1492490884194.png (36.67 KB, 300x100, ashbanner.png)

No. 4168
File: 1492916870100.gif (1.62 MB, 300x100, dashademonbanner.gif)

requested banner
No. 4171
File: 1493014557287.gif (815.08 KB, 300x100, munchies.gif)

No. 4179
File: 1493174403149.png (54.38 KB, 300x100, Untitled.png)

i-is it worthy?
No. 4211
File: 1494187032324.gif (23.17 KB, 300x100, confettijill.gif)

No. 4215
File: 1494491852000.gif (1.15 MB, 300x100, joy.gif)

No. 4217
File: 1494734040311.gif (1.09 MB, 300x100, billie.gif)

No. 4219
File: 1494885268194.gif (91.96 KB, 300x100, banner.gif)

No. 4341
File: 1497403263928.gif (360.24 KB, 300x100, banner.gif)

No. 4512
File: 1501353943739.gif (616.77 KB, 300x100, jiljil.gif)

No. 4513
File: 1501354000278.jpg (43.36 KB, 300x100, mirabanner.jpg)

No. 4598
File: 1504988963294.jpg (53.96 KB, 300x100, mooobanner.jpg)

No. 4646
File: 1506473400292.gif (1.13 MB, 300x100,…)

>>4645Aww thank you for posting my banner image, anon.
It's dimensions were a little off, though.
Here's a reupload with exact dimensions, 300 x 100.
No. 4647
File: 1506479799142.png (76.55 KB, 300x100, momokun bitch boy banner.png)

Made some Momokun banners because these are fun and I am bored
No. 4649
File: 1506480843804.gif (637.44 KB, 300x100, momokun body banner.gif)

This one isn't ad good. Had to go back and fix it, too.
No. 4872
File: 1514416142865.jpg (34.61 KB, 742x254, PicsArt_12-27-01.51.24.jpg)

I made a new Momo one.
No. 4873
File: 1514466973286.jpg (9.59 KB, 300x103, PicsArt_12-28-10.13.50.jpg)

Resized because I'm dumb.
No. 5052
File: 1517517047127.gif (185.26 KB, 300x100, lolcowtherapy.gif)

True story
No. 5077
File: 1517865880193.gif (3.11 MB, 300x100, maggotinikea.gif)

No. 5753
File: 1525909070752.gif (6.95 MB, 480x160, tit_gets_hit_banner.gif)

No. 5754
File: 1525910796316.gif (2.79 MB, 300x100, tit_gets_hit_banner_resize.gif)

>>5753Apologies, here's it resized correctly.
No. 5782
File: 1526931077970.png (35.25 KB, 300x100, hollytrainwreck.png)

I didn't create the original from the holly thread
No. 6455
File: 1536164867348.gif (1.52 MB, 300x100, shaygnar.gif)

No. 6844
File: 1539211587729.gif (208.55 KB, 300x100, regina-george-on-crack.gif)

No. 7456
File: 1543989108707.gif (432.05 KB, 300x100, juwune.gif)

No. 7462
File: 1543993438361.gif (241.15 KB, 300x100, junecow.gif)

another one just because lol
No. 7550
File: 1544236171111.gif (1.13 MB, 300x100, taytay.gif)

We need some updated banners mods, pls!
No. 7627
File: 1544466572830.gif (1.07 MB, 300x100, dasha.gif)

Having a tough time figuring out the best way to put "lolcow" in this one. Which one is better?
No. 7939
File: 1546136351785.png (64.68 KB, 300x100, gorgeous !.png)

made this on a whim but people seemed to like it!
No. 8040
File: 1546795748923.gif (576.75 KB, 300x100, B8F27881-8C83-4E9E-80B6-6E4729…)

No. 8426 looks like 4 new banners were added! Yay admin-sama! But honestly, there are so many others that should be added like
>>4211>>4341>>5754>>7550>>7559>>7627>>7939>>8040Shouldn't some of the no longer relevant banners be removed to allow space for newer ones? Not sure if it's harder to show too many banners
No. 9342
File: 1552601416572.gif (3.91 MB, 300x100, shaybanner.gif)

No. 9347
File: 1552608346412.png (471.07 KB, 700x700, Pbb5uwa.png)

Please submit any banners by tonight if you want them to be added in tomorrows bundle.
Happy farming ladies.
No. 10348
File: 1560553062361.gif (1.08 MB, 300x100, ezgif-5-f384efa45ba3.gif)

No. 10349
File: 1560632959119.gif (691.96 KB, 300x100, stillthriving_shay.gif)

>>10348this is so perfect, anon
No. 10551
File: 1562198007013.png (18.02 KB, 300x100, holly.png)

No. 10559
File: 1562245111033.gif (635.08 KB, 300x100, momokunsouls.gif)

someone in the thread asked to make it a banner
No. 10561
>>10559top kek this is glorious.
All these new banners are great. I'll add them tomorrow when I got the chance.
No. 10620
File: 1563140235888.gif (810.88 KB, 300x100, ezgif-1-f1d6dda39c5b.gif)

No. 10631
File: 1563232370198.gif (18.9 KB, 300x100, rip totem.gif)

No. 10636
>>10561Admin please, it's been two weeks and we still didn't get new banners. Can't something be dne about this?
>>10631I fucking love this one. The /meta tinfoil is also good, though I am not sure if I know what it refers to.
No. 10820
File: 1564894189243.gif (580.14 KB, 300x100, 1.gif)

been on my mind for a few months
No. 10970
File: 1565915543148.jpg (12.62 KB, 300x100, r u goff enuf.jpg)

No. 10981
File: 1566125007360.jpg (42.15 KB, 300x100, peenusbanner.jpg)

Coming over from the current venus thread with a banner. It was also asked if it's possible to replace this banner
>>2168 with the newer one bc of most recent events.
No. 11002
File: 1566337883409.gif (1.78 MB, 300x100, ari.gif)

I just can't with that picture
No. 11024
File: 1566460209751.gif (4.06 MB, 275x147, 1566428733733.gif)

someone pls
No. 11032
File: 1566586354003.gif (5.24 MB, 300x100, shay.gif)

>>11024Remade it for banner format, couldn't find the original glitter font unfortunately so I used something similar
No. 11523
File: 1568409293685.gif (502.34 KB, 300x100, lilleejeanbanner.gif)

thought i'd celebrate lillee's promotion to /pt/ by making her a banner of her very own.
No. 11551
>>11162Do I need to clean my cookies to see the new banners?
>>11523love it!
No. 11557
File: 1568505514499.gif (2.1 MB, 300x100, tnd.gif)

No. 11563
File: 1568530718839.gif (1.25 MB, 300x100, onision4.gif)

No. 12205
File: 1574124172882.png (57.52 KB, 300x100, 60474271-4258-4656-AACA-A8D4E4…)

Never done this before, hope it works.
No. 12234
File: 1574475266412.jpeg (117.14 KB, 1170x390, 34E3C4FB-7A12-4561-92D0-C931B2…)

>>12230It’s supposed to be Laur and LJ but I can’t get it to not go squiffy when I resize it to 300x100 (feel like an boomer)
No. 12350
File: 1575552295733.jpeg (20.43 KB, 300x100, AF11F3AE-CDA0-434E-B256-151C95…)

No. 12391
File: 1575843691828.png (52.6 KB, 300x100, concentratedartsalt.png)

Was the one form the art salt thread submitted yet?
No. 12773
File: 1578254204837.jpg (43.95 KB, 300x100, EHR1.jpg)

No. 12901
File: 1578659016869.gif (37.05 KB, 300x100, thanos.gif)

for /g/
No. 12924
>>12901The pink and the font made me misread this as "ddl/g/eneracy" at first.
I'm glad it doesn't say that, lmao.
No. 13242
File: 1579163882978.jpg (40.05 KB, 300x100, AliciaDay.jpg)

i tried anons. her insanity inspired me
No. 13297
File: 1579925956657.gif (563.76 KB, 300x100, bannerpixielocks.gif)

this gif was too amusing
No. 13874
File: 1581792993207.gif (945.69 KB, 298x100, 202D9B38-B389-4E8B-83A5-E46660…)

I don't want it to get submitted perse but if anyone else could make a better banner of this scene ( ), that would be great!
No. 13911
File: 1582260930961.gif (1.07 MB, 300x100, ezgif-7-f3a4d1aabf25.gif)

First time making gif from >>76060
No. 13912
File: 1582261590300.gif (1008.32 KB, 300x100, ezgif-7-fdbb7373c4ce.gif)

>>13911Samefag, adjusted transition
No. 13919
>>13911Cute cute cute cute cute
I was looking for more anime themed banners and this is so good aaa this should get submitted.
pls people make more anime themed banners
No. 14679
File: 1587821142614.png (51.81 KB, 300x100, 20200424183512_1.png)

a tribute
No. 15178
File: 1590714388343.gif (688.84 KB, 300x100, momokunmilk.gif)

No. 15215
File: 1590730267926.png (47.78 KB, 300x100, holyshitbanner.png)

lillee banner
No. 15416
File: 1591466673639.gif (456.52 KB, 300x100, momokunmilkfix.gif)

>>15394>>15400damn I am dumb, fixed
No. 15471
File: 1591944776675.gif (1.31 MB, 300x100, jillian_banner0.gif)

New Jillian gif of her doing… whatever tf this is with her blob body
No. 15771
File: 1595722048759.png (19.34 KB, 300x100, getfvefeb.png)

No. 16070
File: 1597996112648.gif (373.64 KB, 300x100, 350cleaningfeeinbound.gif)

No. 16451
File: 1602331354208.png (89.53 KB, 300x100, 1602223081552.png)

No. 16965
File: 1603237188111.png (89.53 KB, 512x198, Screenshot (349).png)

No. 17893
File: 1604803686819.gif (3.74 MB, 275x92, 1604799705163.gif)

from today on /snow/
No. 17897
File: 1604807666089.gif (1.51 MB, 300x100, envy me for my genetics.gif)

>>17893banner-chan here, i made more banners for my favorite cows.
No. 17899
File: 1604807760523.gif (1.46 MB, 300x100, WAP.gif)

>>17897okay, done samefagging. hope you enjoy them enough to add!
No. 17902
File: 1604810488381.gif (272.34 KB, 300x100, 1603821188634.gif)

No. 17904
File: 1604816239632.gif (109.35 KB, 300x100, mooo.gif)

some cute cows
No. 17924
File: 1604900018030.gif (122.08 KB, 300x100, borzoi.gif)

No. 18085
File: 1605898620934.gif (25.67 KB, 300x100, get-out-of-my-swampBANNER.gif)

No. 18397
>>18396I think its kinda cute you're taking the time to make these,
nonny. Keep them coming, even though we'll never use them.
No. 18401
>>18396like giving someone deodorant for Christmas.
Pretty based.
No. 18486
>>18396Strange how many of those quotes could reference onion’s behaviours.
Shame you missed the more cow based ones, where’s “ And lo, from the Nile there came up seven cows, sleek and fat; and they grazed in the marsh grass. Then behold, seven other cows came up after them from the Nile, ugly and gaunt, and they stood by the other cows on the bank of the Nile.” ? Genesis, if you’re making more for us, ty.
No. 18558
File: 1608611986004.png (51.19 KB, 300x100, Banner666.png)

No. 18672
File: 1608968075492.gif (3.37 MB, 300x100, tp_banner.gif)

based on
>>>/snow/1095381we need a banner for our new horrorcow
No. 18699
File: 1609148022411.png (56.84 KB, 300x100, 66.png)

No. 18743
File: 1609197782636.gif (42.02 KB, 300x100, pt hates nippon_2.gif)

69 hours in MS Paint
No. 19139
>>11523>>11002>>13874>>14679>>15416>>15471>>16070>>17893>>17899>>17902>>18085Should be added asap
>>3325this one gives me ocd every time I see it because 1. I don't know the context 2. it's ugly
and we should delete some of the wenus banners cause wenus is bad now or whatever
No. 19147
>>19139>this one gives me ocd every time I see it because 1. I don't know the context 2. it's uglyYou sure it's not autism?
And no banners are deleted because they are all part of lolcow's history, newfag.
No. 19675
File: 1611830278994.jpg (20.61 KB, 296x116, for lolcowfarm.jpg)

my first shoddy attempt, sorry.
No. 19782
File: 1612073062027.jpg (668.29 KB, 2220x740, PicsArt_01-31-08.02.58.jpg)

I think it has some niche potential
No. 19844
File: 1612161192787.jpg (43.32 KB, 300x100, samantha.jpg)

No. 19845
File: 1612162284096.png (1.2 MB, 2280x760, 28wjnw8qjsuq7q4.png)

No. 19847
File: 1612162413651.gif (1.23 MB, 300x100, 1.gif)

No. 19848
File: 1612162717475.gif (434.71 KB, 300x100, 1.gif)

No. 19855
>>19712Ty anon!
>>19847>>19848These ones are so cute!
No. 19947
Last time Admin added new banners
>>10561 nobody had heard of Covid, Señorita was top of the charts and "Storm Area 51" was a fresh meme
No. 19996
File: 1612560305978.png (74.91 KB, 300x100, three houses.png)

No. 19998
File: 1612561214989.gif (264.08 KB, 300x100, 1.gif)

No. 20005
File: 1612578782121.gif (261.95 KB, 300x100, 1612561214989.gif)

>>19998made another version
No. 20006
File: 1612578861163.png (60.19 KB, 300x100, 2.png)

No. 20061
File: 1612767738069.gif (278.89 KB, 300x100, Sin-título-1.gif)

No. 20065
File: 1612768465810.gif (258.85 KB, 300x100, pasture.gif)

No. 20294
Since Admin-sama said that some new banners will eventually be added (decided by demand), I'm posting my favorites:
>either >>11523, >>15215 or >>12147must have a LJ banner
>either >>12773 or >>12774that was hilarious and I love them both, IDK which one is better
>>17924pretty PLEASE
>>18558>>18699>>18743>>19782>>19847>>19996>>20065>>20005>>19848 No. 20298
I vote for these!
>>20061>>20062>>19998>>19996>>19848(the one above looks like it was made specifically for this site)
>>19844>>19782>>18578 No. 20371
File: 1613766929413.gif (1.15 MB, 300x100, u died.gif)

farm fresh for you pls add
No. 20928
File: 1616101199217.png (79.09 KB, 300x100, komaeda.png)

please admin
No. 20981
File: 1616384005111.gif (46.07 KB, 300x100, cow.gif)

gif version
No. 21028
>>20984Good, may it
trigger scrotes.
No. 21029
>>21028nta but how would it
trigger scrotes
No. 21103
Banners should start to appear soon but may take some more time to reflect for others. If your banner or a banner you wanted didn't make the cut it was either of poor quality or didn't meet the requirements stated in the OP
>>962Bless the mspaint anons.
No. 21215
File: 1617102563668.png (721.75 KB, 1079x431, Meme_1617098662120.png)

Why farmers can't just go vegan?
No. 21236
File: 1617232400997.gif (3.26 MB, 300x100, loricerda.gif)

Made this one, I hope it's not too late to add cause she looks super retarded
No. 21237
File: 1617232775758.png (84.42 KB, 300x100, fixed.png)

>>21216>>21215Here, fixed it for you. I think it's a great idea! Hoping it gets added.
No. 21238
>>21236>>21237Love these, admin please add I beg
the usagi kou one is the best usagi kou banner made so far because it mixes the previous ones together
No. 21239
File: 1617233271648.png (75.82 KB, 300x100, autismofarm.png)

>>19996Fixed this one too to include
No. 21240
>>21239nobody fucking wants this besides the three autistic retards that come up with these things.
And not to tinfoil but I bet y'all are either trannies or under 18, I've only ever seen troons or children be this autistic about something.
No. 21248
>>21246That anon is right though. If you saw when that pic was posted and how it came to be, you would have saw that a lot of farmers did like it. I'm pretty sure it was in a previous dumbass shit thread.
>>21245>I've only ever seen underaged people or trannies/ftm obsessing over one thingThe Borzoi/Driver/Komaeda stuff is just a running joke on /ot/.
No. 21267
>>21263Its not just that either. I said HERE
>>21249 one reason why and here's another: I've never seen women being so stupidly forceful about having their own thread for something. It was against the rules and they kept pushing. Fucking scores never stop doing that.
No. 21268
>>21263Its not just that either. I said HERE
>>21249 one reason why and here's another: I've never seen women being so stupidly forceful about having their own thread for something. It was against the rules and they kept pushing. Fucking scores never stop doing that.
No. 21274
>>21249>they were spammed in multiple places on the site not just /ot/, especially in /meta/.because it is a running joke, that's how running jokes work
Like, if a scrote had to pick a meme to bother us, do you think he would pick a doggy, a male celeb that is popular between women right now, and an anime character popular between yaoi fans? Come on. Can't you think for a sec? You're paranoid out of nothing, take your pills.
>And when an anon said "I'd love to see Adam Driver holding a puppy" to the zookeeper dag, he happily obliged and posted a pic almost 5 min later.Well and how do you know it was the OG troll and not one of us nonnies replying? and if it was him so what? Thank god he didn't post more animal porn you know. No I'm not defending him but seriously, why are you so pressed over a picture of someone's crush with a puppy? Why does it make you so mad? Are you okay, actually? Are you in a safe enviorment? Are you hurting? Do you need help? You concern me friend.
>>21268>I've never seen women being so stupidly forceful about having their own thread for somethingWell here's the thing, there's more than 800 posts on that thread right now. Clearly Adam Driver is attractive and succesful to many people right now, even if you yourself don't think so, a lot of women like him. He has a big fanbase just like Robert Pattison had in its day. This is a female board, we like gushing about our celeb crushes. Look at tumblr, look at magazines, just interact with women irl and you'll see this is normal. Maybe you aren't actually a woman and you don't know this though.
>>21267>Fucking scores never stop doing that.First of all
>scrotesDude, if scrotes come here to push something, it's CP, gore, zoophilia, and vtuber shit. Look at how much they yell and scream like toddlers because they want their vtuber shit thread back. They aren't going to make a thread about an attractive bloke, it offends their feefees and they're incels into anime girls either way. If you don't understand the komaeda/borzoi running joke, fine, but stop being autistic about it. Women also have a silly sense of humor, you know? Not everything you might not like or understand is a tranny, scrote, or whatever buzzword you might call it. It's like you
know you're male and you need to use those buzzwords to blend in and ruin the fun. The adam driver situation is debunked btw, it's in their thread and it's been discussed on /ot/, you're just being suspicious because women have to fit on your very small squared narrow standar of posting whatever the hell you have in your noggin. Seriously, your schizo rants about how these people are male are paranoid cowish delusions.
No. 21275
File: 1617327223257.png (57.73 KB, 228x221, 77e.png)

>>21274gorl are you okay?
No. 21280
>>21239Idk it's kind of played out. I vote
not retarded enough.
No. 21299
File: 1617391894134.jpg (33.08 KB, 500x350, poktm.jpg)

>>21268>I said HERE >>21249 one reason why and here's another: I've never seen women being so stupidly forceful about having their own thread for something. Pic related
>It was against the rules and they kept pushing.Nobody was pushing for it because there wasn't a need to push. Mods literally told me (in a ban for driversperging kek) to make our containment thread so that driverfags can have fun in peace without annoying /ot/ anons. And if it was against the rules, then why is the thread allowed months later? Scratch that, where in the CURRENT rules it's written you cannot have a thread on /m/ about a popular actor and his body of work? The only reason why more threads like this do not pop up is that there is no interest (hell, a few days ago someone made a thread on an Eurovision band and I think it already died, but it wasn't locked for being against the rules). I hesitated a week or two before making the AD thread cause I wasn't sure that enough anons will post because of all the 'AD is a forced meme' sperging. Seeing AD continue being posted in /ot/ despite me stepping down made me realize that I am not the only one who cares (contrary to what spergs like you say). I have to say that the idea that scrotes would roleplay horny AD fangirls for months as a psyop on a niche imageboard is hilarious.
I don't know why people like you care and bring up AD in /ot/ even though supposedly all you wanted was to stop seeing him. Why do you still bitch even though we fucked off to our own thread?
>>21274Maybe driverfags should post photos of our hands like admin did kek. Though I bet even then the next conspiracy theory would be that the AD scrotes forced their sisters/girlfriends to help them stage the photos.
No. 21300
File: 1617393866962.jpeg (31.66 KB, 225x225, 7F061DD4-DDDF-4A8C-98B6-E708A8…)

>>21274angry tranny angry tranny angry tranny GRRRRR ANGRY
No. 21313
>>21300No actual woman ree's this much as you. You might screech "tranny" all you want but this makes you look retarded and like a scrote. The other anon was coherent and listed you a bunch of things of why you are in the wrong, but here you are acting like a screaming autistic toddler.
Like that anon said,
>Why does it make you so mad? Are you okay, actually? Are you in a safe enviorment? Are you hurting? Do you need help? You concern me friend.>It's like you know you're male and you need to use those buzzwords to blend in and ruin the fun of everyone else. No. 21319
>>21240>>21245>>21247>>21249>>21267>>21268>>21300This thread was comfy and cute as hell and nobody ever complained about the shitty banners even but then you have to come here and shit on everything with your smelly smegma ridden dick and balls. Good job, you made lolcow a fucking worse place with your stupid "BUT LE SCAWWY ADAM DRIVER POSTERS HURT MY FEEFEES WAAAHHHH BAN THEM ALL WAAAHHH" you fucking insane schizo.
My heart goes to the driverposters, who are actually nice, sweet, smart, and keep their thread to themselves after actively fighting for the right to have it. They make lolcow a better, more lively place.
No. 21339
File: 1617451398864.jpg (103.32 KB, 736x676, 1611071660797.jpg)

>>21300Imagine thinking the silly fangirls who post pic related with heart emojis edited in are the same ones who post raped children and decapitated women… kek. Take your meds. There's no coorelation between the two. Liking and talking about male celebs is normal, go outside, talk to other women and see for yourself.
No. 21340
Do not want to derail further but I feel the need to say that checking this thread this morning and seeing everyone's responses to the angry tranny anon made me cry from laughter. Thank you for that! Also much love for nondriverfags supporting us from the sidelines, you are awesome girls!
>>21339also this
No. 21347
>>21340Now I want this banner more than ever just to piss that schizo anon off
>>21239also loved these
>>21236>>21237 No. 21410
>>21300kek, holy shit.
I was the original person complaining about driverfags being troons, and I stepped away from the argument because it wasn't that serious after all (like I just stopped caring and don't like getting super heated at and someone posted this as "me".
It was not me and I feel framed but whatever.
No. 21411
File: 1617802149592.png (298.58 KB, 1024x576, 9486C6C9-9A40-451C-A920-B93C43…)

>>21410GRRRRR take these
nonny No. 21412
File: 1617803117201.jpg (291.02 KB, 1080x701, SmartSelect_20210407-094515_Ch…)

nonny, these things are hard to get OTC.
No. 21415
File: 1617804177100.jpeg (184.99 KB, 1024x681, DBF2ABFB-9F48-4420-8454-E2C6BA…)

>>21414Let’s get you in the van. Mind your head.
No. 21449
Can someone turn the video in this post>
>>>/snow/1174889 into a banner? At 00:13 the cow dumps a half gallon of milk all over himself while crossdressing.
No. 21555
File: 1618263915509.gif (1.56 MB, 300x100, lolcowy.gif)

>>21449>>21495hope you like it
No. 21588
File: 1618297204016.gif (1.46 MB, 300x100, babyjill.gif)

requested on the jill thread
No. 21714
File: 1618563077265.gif (257.7 KB, 300x100, 1597996112648.gif)

>>16070Fixed it to include the lolcow part
No. 21746
File: 1618628940807.gif (2.06 MB, 300x100, lunabanner.gif)

If someone more competent wants to join me in hell and do a better execution of this, pls do.
No. 21774
Just saw one of the cute new banners at the top of the screen,
>>19848 (this one)
thank you admin for adding them!
No. 21896
File: 1619563277911.jpg (20.99 KB, 300x100, 1611830278994 (1).jpg)

Stupidly realised my banners were wrong dimensions so resubmitting correct ones
No. 21897
File: 1619563314158.jpg (8.33 KB, 300x100, 1565915543148 (1).jpg)

No. 21970
File: 1619755431188.gif (732.78 KB, 300x100, liarloribanner.gif)

hope this is okay
No. 21994
File: 1619924543324.gif (578.79 KB, 300x100, 1619893427332.gif)

No. 21995
File: 1619926703820.png (402.73 KB, 431x512, f92.png)

>>21994okay but thats really good
No. 22284
>>21994This is adorable anon!!!
I love it!
No. 22876
File: 1622086520142.gif (1.35 MB, 300x100, (2).gif)

No. 22878
>>22877Shut up it’s brilliant
>>22876Yes perfect, humiliate them.
No. 22910
>>22876I hate this
Call me sensitive but I don't want to see some males empty stare and words about how he wants to rape us all to death when I'm trying to read the cute animal thread
No. 23198
File: 1622347812933.png (34.78 KB, 300x100, lolcowbanner.png)

I'm not the anon that created this image
>>23187, I just turned it into a usable banner.
No. 23199
File: 1622347869140.png (34.81 KB, 300x100, lolcowbannerred.png)

>>23198added red for some flair
No. 23201
File: 1622348645077.png (33.22 KB, 300x100, lolcowbannerfull.png)

>>23199I felt bad for leaving out the full tranny leg, the hairy leg really sells it, so I went ahead and fixed it
No. 23227
>>23211it's making fun of people who
defend trannies you dumb bitch
No. 23266
>>23198>>23199>>23201I don't like these. It is weird having banners that pander to trannies.
1.It's very low quality.
2.Trannies are autists, they don't understand sarcasm and satire.
3.It looks dehumanizing. Is degrading women funny now? Yes, even if it is satire. Why degrade women like this?
4.Let's not pretend there aren't trannies and tranny supporters in here already. They would see the banner as a free pass.
Overall, a very dumb mistake. Not everyone who solicits a banner should be granted one.
No. 23292
>>23277The people that complained about driver and komaeda banners got shat on too, you
victim-complexed retard.
No. 23407
>>23404Well again
1. i didnt create the pic, just turned it into a banner to be nice
2. not holding admin gunpoint to use it.
I agree, trannies will probably not take it satirically but then again, I don't make banners with tranny behavior in mind or care how they'll take it tbh.
No. 23432
>>23201>>23316>>23266As the creator of the pic, holy shit I didn’t think I could make it any more obvious that it was satire. I’m honestly concerned that some of you are autistic enough to think it’s pro tranny.
Additionally, it was meant to depict admin specifically, cuz I posted it in the complaints thread in response to two of admin’s embarrassing ebil tervs posts. I didn’t intend for it to be a banner, it was just a shitty doodle I did for shits and giggles but some anons liked it and ran with it. Tbh I don’t care about it being a banner at all so can we all stop the useless sperging and infighting? Christ
No. 23476
For people making unappealing in-joke banners, remember banners are updated like once every two years. Who wants to look at these images
>>23201 >>22876 for two years? Let's keep it cute.
No. 23697
How come banners haven't been updated in so long? Seems like it happened at least once a year until 2019.
Anyhow, I vote for these:
>>21994>>21897>>21746>>21714>>21555>>20005>>19996>>19847>>19845>>19782 No. 24620
File: 1625237874713.png (169.29 KB, 720x335, Screenshot_20210702-105459_(1)…)

Isn't it way, way past time to take the Good Luck, Venaki banner out of rotation, considering everything that came to light about Venus' treating him like shit and using him for a visa just to be a pedobaiting lolita kinderwhore in Japan.
No. 25230
File: 1627764628022.gif (3.17 MB, 300x100, banner.gif)

are banners still a thing
No. 25305
File: 1628102441399.png (4.24 KB, 450x120, banner.PNG)

i thought this could be turned into a funny banner idk
No. 25496
File: 1628775624752.gif (1.22 MB, 300x100, 347D2A28-AA1A-4190-82F5-AB2A4E…)

making sheherstory
No. 25710
File: 1629567693001.png (74.18 KB, 300x100, lolcow.png)

In light of recent events
No. 26285
File: 1630353011078.png (28.21 KB, 300x100, Untitled.png)

No. 26455
File: 1631460342053.png (65.66 KB, 300x100, pencilneck.png)

In case anyone ever decides to update the banners, here's one from the pro-ana scumbags thread.
No. 26965
File: 1632283045943.gif (395.62 KB, 300x100, Elaine.gif)

Bumping in honor of admin's yandere admirer
No. 26967
>>26965>>962>>26713E here, Yes, I do like it very much. May I suggest a terminal though, preferably Kali Linux, I don’t think Instagram messages cut it, mind adding in some codery things, thanks queens
(And no, I didn’t send that email. Admins data was just sent to so many people and other cows that anyone could have emailed in as I suggested people do so. Kek) the whole issue I had with admin was not even regarding my thread alone, but more the fact there’s content on people under the ages of 16, the youngest being 12. Farmers have stated she faked her age but without evidence of her real age, this site is potentially uploading content of minors which is why I had a problem with her. If you can’t verify someone’s age, don’t post them? Cute she thinks it’s just about my thread alone. You don’t see me screaming at Kiwi Farms, there’s a reason for that. I find most of my thread amusing but mainly wanted it off the internet because in the right hand cover photo I was 14 and you could see a small part of my bra. It just made me uncomfortable. As well as the fact people got my parents’ names wrong and were harassing unrelated family members. Also wasn’t too happy that they violated my ‘scam modelling agencies’ copyright laws and stole photos of me from the website.
No. 26970
File: 1632329586171.gif (1.46 MB, 300x100, ana l beads.gif)

>>26967I have one that is more accurate
No. 26976
No. 26981
>>962>>26979> and yet you still don't have a last name, a photo, even proof the tumblr belongs to her? Where is this dox you keep speaking of?You didn’t have full identity proof I was the same person in the Chinatown video that was shared around, you assumed it was me due to the fact someone mentioned my name in the comments section
Make it make sense.
The tumblr is literally called “Ness.txt” and you still believe there’s some random Ness out here posting about owning lolcow farm?
I’d like to also state, as stated previously, that a number of McGill students were also able to confirm.
I’ve spoken to Ines directly, she doesn’t deny the dox is hers, and avoids the question.
When Regina was called out previously, Ines was the first person to laugh at how incorrect it was. Where’s that energy now?
No. 26987
File: 1632336975039.png (4.43 KB, 223x117, kek.PNG)

How can you hear back from McGill if you didn't email them?
No. 26990
>>26982> So where does the name Ines even come from?It’s literally her birth name. For those asking, I asked very nicely at first for my thread to be deleted on the grounds it violated multiple rules of the site, such as people logging members of my family, saying I should be raped (farmhands couldn’t take responsibility and pinned all of these comments on me, as usual) as well as multiple people contacting me to harass me regarding my thread.
I stated why I thought it should be deleted and even offered her money for it, I offered her $3,000 which I’m legally allowed to do under the GDPR laws of my country.
Ines consistently outed me even though all I was doing was simply asking.
My thread was created by a guy called Connor who admitted to creating it. He did this around the time of the LJ drama because he wanted to make it seem as legit as possible. This sounds far fetched but it wasn’t a random farmer as everyone expected it was.
Connor has stalked me to my home before, harassed me constantly, and even sexually at one point. I reported him to the police who are investigating the issue.
Connor allegedly has done this to multiple other girls including a girlfriend who’s house he took after manipulating her out of fear to go back to Japan.
No. 26996
>>26990This bitch is insane.
>I tried to offer a bribe to takedown my thread>admin refused so I spam gore and threaten to doxx randoms on discord It's what she deserves
No. 27001
>>26996> This bitch is insane. >I tried to offer a bribe to takedown my thread>admin refused so I spam gore and threaten to doxx randoms on discord It's what she deserves
I have never spammed gore on this site. Doxxing isn’t illegal and I never made a threat. If people have their personal data available, that is completely their issue, as I had to learn.
(elaine spammed gore) No. 27010
>>27005> So you clearly made the thread about Connor in revenge, does that mean you'll be suing each other soon?I didn’t, a friend did.
All farmhands accusing me of spamming gore should provide concrete evidence. If they have cookies, they’ll be able to bypass my VPN & proxy chain and actually locate my home address / school which are the two places I post from.
No evidence = defamation.
Considering I know who owns this site I’d say the site is walking on the tightrope of legality due to the lack of Section230 in Canada, and the abundance of cyber bullying & data protection laws.
No. 27011
File: 1632337786234.jpg (208.71 KB, 1080x862, IMG_20210922_140917.jpg)

Definitely not you Elaine. Definitely not. Why do you hate Chinatown again?
No. 27012
>>27008> Doxxing for malicious intent in conjunction with other crimes is illegal, your doxxing as blackmail to get your thread down. Do you not know about UK privacy laws Elaine. You breaking laws to prove they broke laws isnt a defense.My dox wasn’t for malicious intent. It was so I could actually be entitled to the same rights as everyone else legally. You can’t sue a site without the owner’s information. It wasn’t doxxing as admin also revealed all this herself in multiple chat logs including IRC.
No blackmail was involved, but it’s cute to watch the gaslighting tactics.
No. 27014
>>27013> You still haven't provided any proof. Drop the logs.Dropping the logs would involve outing others involved. I now abstain from collateral damage.
I’d be happy to provide full legal transparency.
No. 27020
>>26999> >retard still doesn't know what terminals are>thinks Kali is a operating system>doesn't know which terminal kali usesSo why haven't you hacked us with your powers again?
So stupid not even addressing kek. Linux is an OS.
The fact I even had to say this when its literally on Wikipedia… No. 27026
>>27024> Linux isn't an operating system retard. How about you actually read the shit you post for once.>can't greentext>doesn't know what a terminal is>doesn't know what GNU is>doesn't know what a kernel is>doesn't think laws apply to herselfI sent you a Wikipedia page to educate you and you’re still claiming I’m wrong. Why don’t you go claim Linux isn’t an OS to Wikipedia then. If you know best, do it!
GNU refers to the kernel.
>literally green texting Laws definitely apply to me and I’d be happy to take full responsibility for anything that can be proven with substantial evidence! Until then, adios
No. 27037
>>962> Nothing is stll worthless Elaine. You're nothing but an autistic child playing in its own shit claiming superiority.Strong incel vibes from this
No. 27038
File: 1632340049421.jpeg (328.76 KB, 1284x2470, 01439CA6-D5C6-40CD-8283-F85FDC…)

No. 27039
File: 1632340071875.jpeg (344.23 KB, 1284x2521, 665A422A-ABAE-4DD4-9FF0-C0DF25…)

No. 27041
File: 1632340179570.jpeg (416.36 KB, 1284x2341, 292B5598-3279-402C-909E-FD96FE…)

No. 27046
>>27045>website uses google analyticsabsolutely shocking.
idiot. The tracker was proven by Google Analytics.
No. 27061
File: 1632457762077.png (78.79 KB, 300x100, Untitled.png)

i love u lolcow
No. 27074
>>27071why do they suck? They were just pointing it out and correctly too. It's weird to use a 4chan mascot for lolcow because even though it's still an image board, they're two completely different sites.
>we have banners with yotsuba already in themI've been using this site for a really long time, there's not a single banner in use that I recall seeing with yotsuba in it… what are ya talking about?
No. 27088
>>27087The number of mangas with that type of art style, are you serious right now?
Anyways… it's one with 1/3 of the "iconic mascot"'s head. That's how I missed it. You don't even see the classic 4chan hair style and it doesn't even say her name. I rest my case
No. 27095
File: 1632719859540.gif (1.68 MB, 178x240, whatever_2.gif)

>>27093LOL okay anon.
>explain how I knew this one character that apparently has an "iconic manga art style" ( which btw that I've never read the manga but apparently I know what it is enough to say "It has Yotsuba artstyle" despite there being plenty of other manga with that art style) and knew enough to go back and find it somehow bitch i dunno??? How did you know it was her? Maybe take a look at your own history with knowing yotsuba (despite "never reading the manga") and you'll figure out why some users wouldn't know who tf that is (you said it yourself, it's unrecognizable so why would someone who doesn't even know yotsuba know who it was without the iconic green hairstyle??)
I'm pretty sure you just have more knowledge of yotsuba than me, and that's fine. I couldn't really care less about that ONE banner with her in it where she's NOT recognizable. And THAT was my whole point, but I'll reiterate for you since you got a gummy brain apparently: My point was that it's weird to use another imageboard's mascot on this one, when we already have a mascot and are not actually affiliated with that imageboard (actually it would make more sense to have a KF related avatar as a banner anyway). It's one thing if it's "unrecognizable". It's another if it's fully recognizable, which it was in the more recent attempt at a yotsuba banner. If you can't understand that, there's no hope for retards like you.
You can let this go now, because I'm done.
No. 27368
File: 1633939575122.gif (261.83 KB, 300x120, nursebanner.gif)

Made this one
>>25710>>21994>>21970Please admin add these banners before you go
No. 27369
File: 1633939601548.gif (226.37 KB, 300x120, nursebanner2.gif)

>>27368also a slower version
No. 27386
File: 1634001684787.gif (3.32 MB, 300x100, dojamilking300x100.gif)

No. 27388
File: 1634019182922.gif (202.86 KB, 300x100, 1633939601548.gif)

>>27383Here, I resized it!
No. 27527
File: 1634100213644.png (44.01 KB, 300x100, bitch you aint kawaii.png)

please add admin-sama
No. 27528
File: 1634100259020.gif (16.33 KB, 300x100, cutecow.gif)

I hope you girls like this one!
No. 27777
File: 1635273995577.jpg (33.81 KB, 300x100, kikomibanner.jpg)

I made this Kikomi-chan banner a long time ago but forgot to post it.
No. 27783
File: 1635304238059.png (61.81 KB, 300x100, 1635273995577.png)

>>27777amazing anon! (sorry I added this to be able to differentiate it from the background, hope it's ok!)
No. 27785
>>27777I love you,
No. 27813
File: 1635394553745.gif (1.33 MB, 300x100, 1.gif)

Please consider!!!
No. 27814
File: 1635395358885.gif (723.64 KB, 300x100, 2.gif)

We need more board-tan
No. 27815
File: 1635395829094.png (30.62 KB, 300x100, 3.png)

pls admin
No. 27816
File: 1635396066014.png (62.65 KB, 300x100, 4.png)

>>27783The border looks wonky, I think it looks better without it! Also just fixed the "" text so it's easier to read. Hoping you all like it.
No. 27820
File: 1635396965618.gif (177.41 KB, 300x100, 5.gif)

No. 27822
File: 1635400061859.png (58.48 KB, 300x100, 6.png)

No. 27823
File: 1635400318847.png (73.32 KB, 300x100, vefv.png)

please add admin
No. 27834
File: 1635478218134.gif (513.89 KB, 275x92, efvefgvefgvb.gif)

posting these two so admin can see and add
No. 27855
File: 1635546435736.png (75.48 KB, 300x100, husbandos.png)

one last banner for the husbandofans on /m/!!!!! I hope you like it!
No. 28110
File: 1636754589080.jpg (88.51 KB, 640x480, w.jpg)

Sorry, not a banner cuz i have zero editing skills but i thought this could be good material
No. 28138
File: 1636940537546.png (74.36 KB, 300x100, bannerrrrr.png)

>>28110did it for you babe
No. 28148
File: 1637091090048.png (60.9 KB, 300x100, dumphim.png)

for every vent thread anon ever
No. 28149
>>28138omg thank you so much
No. 28151
File: 1637092124914.gif (4.14 MB, 300x100, serenity-sam.gif)

Requested on Pixielocks' thread, her funny and unhinged yet oddly wholesome aunt Serenity Sam.
No. 28153
File: 1637093038724.png (72.4 KB, 300x100, retard diagnosis…)

>>28151Made one of the DID cake as well, I think it should be added because it is part of the cow's history
No. 28215
File: 1637350604460.png (68.87 KB, 300x100, baka.png)

No. 28405
Admin please replace this one:
>>13912No one likes it, it's like a weird fetish thing
Also consider removing this one
>>1011Can't believe we have a literal hentai manga on this thread
>>1006>>1010>>1009>>1007And if you really want to replace them please do it with this one (same concept, less disgusting)
>>28215 No. 28406
>>1001Personally I hate this PT one cause it's weirdly sexual and gross, don't we have a new PT banner to upload? There are so many others anyway
Cannot find a link ATM as I'm in a hurry, but the porkchoap one has to go. I would also delete the Shayna thriving one. It's literally taken from her porn.
I saw some unuploaded gems, not saying they should be in rotation but I wanted to comment on them:
>>5077>>4052Fucking kek
>>2242OMG this one is fucking ironic knowing that shoe Stan used to be an admin. Or was it known that a scrote was behind it?
No. 28427
>>28406>I would also delete the Shayna thriving one. It's literally taken from her porn. They all are.
>>28151Holy shit this is hilarious KEK
No. 28433
>>28426>>28427The Shayna thriving one should stay because it isn't as explicit as the hentai banners or the little pork chop one
>>28421Admin said she would remove some banners on request, get on with the times bitch
No. 28434
>>28421The other poster isn't me, the line break happened cause my phone is a mess (as I mentioned). Fuck off
>>28427Yeah but it's disgusting and clearly sexual. But I'm not a shaynafag so I don't enjoy retard lite doing orgasm faces. If other anons want it to stay, than so be it. I have nothing to say on that matter. That was only my suggestion in regads to removing porny banners
No. 28446
>>28440the thriving one is iconic and admin is a literal shayfag so its for sure staying.
porkchop needs to get the fuck out though. comparing the two is ridiculous, one is legit a close up of some forgotten girls pussy and the thriving one is just shays face you cant see anything sexual so who gives a shit.
No. 28451
>>28442I hide Shay threads and sometimes thread pics if they are especially vile (the putting the cow down one comes to mind). Used to browse her threads during the fupapa saga but lost interest in her drama and the last thing I need to see is her gross porn. I will probably block Shayna banners if possible without blocking all of them (though IDK if it's possible on mobile).
>>28446I'm not arguing that the porkchop one isn't worse, but retard making orgasm faces isn't sexual? Really? Show it to a random person and they will know it's a porn clip. Fits more some 4chan hellhole, but you do you. Point taken on shaynafag admin treasuring that putrid memento.
No. 28507
File: 1638247725403.png (65.32 KB, 300x100, Sin título.png)

No. 28536
File: 1638560357984.jpg (54.29 KB, 300x100, queen.jpg)

No. 28537
>>28536aw this is so cute
never really visit her thread bc I felt sorry for her from what I saw
No. 28538
File: 1638567947677.gif (1.34 MB, 300x100, 1638540427099.gif)

No. 28539
File: 1638568423312.png (77.3 KB, 300x100, 1638560357984.png)

>>28536you forgot the name of the website
No. 28544
File: 1638581455129.gif (1.75 MB, 300x100, 163857602369355614 111.gif)

>>28405>>28406Imagine being a newfag and demanding good banners be removed. Who gives a fuck where they come from, They're funny. Clutch your pearls any harder and you'll choke.
Anyway here's a Jillian banner. I've already made two of the current Jillian banners, she really is the cow that keeps on giving.
No. 28556
>>28553>Is this the first image board you've been on? Genuine question.I've been to enough imageboards to know this question isn't genuine and porn banners make scrotes feel too comfortable on this website.
I'm not a newfag either btw.
No. 28557
>>28553>you guys should lurk more and try harder to learn the culture here. Fuck off. Lolcow used to be much more okay with porn and other libfem nonsense (for lack of better word). Why should we have porny banners if the culture has shifted to being anti-porn? Who cares how long you've been here if you don't notice how lolcow has changed over the years. Been here for 6 years, how long am I supposed to lurk to notice the support for porny shit? LMFAO
Also why the fuck are you sperging over the issue when everyone has moved on at least 10 days ago? Seems like you truly aren't lurking enough. Nobody is taking away your ugly Shayna banner, chill.
No. 28584
>>28558I completely agree. They're outdated. And scrotes shouldn't get the idea that the site is for them.
And if someone wonders I've been on imageboards since the 00s. Growing up like that means a lot of us feel very done with porn scrotery and don't want to see that shit anymore.
No. 28650
File: 1639951621234.png (51.24 KB, 300x100, aggrebanner.png)

No. 28701
File: 1640137085701.gif (14.54 KB, 300x100, oh nonnie nonnie nonnie!.gif)

made a banner with this anon's gif
>>>/ot/973097 No. 28710
File: 1640183065061.gif (14.67 KB, 300x100, 1111.gif)

>>28704here. sorry, graphic design is
not my passion
No. 28738
File: 1640549358787.gif (2.73 MB, 300x100, ivyiufiiuiuiuf.gif)

spent too much time on something I doubt it will be added
No. 28743
File: 1640624304328.png (58.6 KB, 300x100, cyber.png)

No. 28744
There are so many good new banners now just waiting to be updated
>>28650>>28507>>28215>>28153>>28148>>27855>>27834>>27823>>28743I love these
No. 28791
File: 1641068468639.gif (927.07 KB, 300x100, 1641004992883.gif)

No. 28832
File: 1641367463068.png (58.63 KB, 300x100, elaine_gertrude_miller_lolcow_…)

No. 28862
File: 1641677876758.gif (48.77 KB, 300x100, lolcow.gif)

My humble contribution
>>28738very neat anon
No. 29079
File: 1644001833746.jpeg (153.6 KB, 514x239, 6A757B23-1451-4A18-B231-CABCCE…)

>>29076Why they got tiddies then? They’re just butch female fish. You can clearly see fish tits in the bg. This is butch lesbian erasure. How dare you.
No. 29089
>>28873>>29076didn't even think about the looks of the fish it was just for the joke
No. 29212
File: 1644636312481.png (42.92 KB, 300x100, bannergoya.png)

I had to.
No. 30011
File: 1645560041450.png (64.77 KB, 300x100, feffefeeffew.png)

bunker fever banner
No. 30018
File: 1645567316071.png (74.1 KB, 300x100, 1645560041450.png)

>>30011samefag fixed the text
No. 30439
File: 1646572193517.png (70.52 KB, 300x100, ouadhoahh.png)

No. 30682
File: 1647507839082.jpg (82.3 KB, 750x561, lolcor.jpg)

I warned you that I wanted you a great mod, you troll the janitor and you fuck the janitor I warned you that I would return here to LOLCOR by my next presence We're helpless Nothing comfortable You're doing nothing You're not doing anything You're not using anything You're not using anything You hurt us you are the worst than you are the worst I want to go home, and I want everything to be normal again, and it unleashes my hellish world, I still feel like I'm back and there's nothing yet please please please please please please please PLE Correct the eyesight I'm begging for you please give me ADD MORE BANNERS WHY DO YOU LEAVE US HALF DONE WHAT IS THIS JUST REMOVE THE BOARD IF YOU CARE SO LITTLE YOU RUINED MY VALENTINE'S DAY ALONE AND YOU RUIN EVERY SUBSEEUQNET DAY SINCE THEN CORRECT YOUR MISTAKES AND ADD NEW BANNERS ITS NOT RIGHT ITS JUST NOT RIGHT
No. 30787
File: 1647957245892.png (47.59 KB, 300x100, banner.png)

That photo was just perfect banner material.
No. 30788
File: 1647957302801.png (44.49 KB, 300x100, banner 2.png)

>>30787Here's a second version since I can't decide which one is funniest.
No. 30790
File: 1647964488215.gif (1.25 MB, 300x100, Untitled-8.gif)

Pls don't mind that this video is already around three months old, I couldn't get it out of my head as a banner idea.
No. 31382
File: 1649086562951.jpg (406.68 KB, 1600x533, picsart.jpg)

I tried
No. 31546
File: 1649624979518.png (25.28 KB, 300x100, lcf_kiki_skunk.png)

little doodle
No. 32294
File: 1651858582017.png (52.33 KB, 300x100, 118.png)

No. 33043
File: 1652236807930.png (23.94 KB, 198x110, coollogo_com-215792421.png)

>>32678I made one too kek
No. 33065
File: 1652290304358.png (58.24 KB, 300x100, banner-pt-lj.png)

No. 33294
File: 1652422110811.png (70.84 KB, 300x100, lolcor.png)

No. 33437
File: 1652701161685.gif (87.25 KB, 300x100, 1652422110811.gif)

No. 33718
File: 1653467385319.gif (646.85 KB, 300x100, RachelLeedsMinkin2.gif)

No. 33848
File: 1654004649175.gif (781.05 KB, 300x100, cheese-burger.gif)

Banner I made a while ago for the Shayna thread and then forgot to upload to the banner thread.
No. 33856
>>33437simple yet so perfect
>>33718I love it !
No. 33858
File: 1654019110257.gif (275.4 KB, 300x100, femcels.gif)

had to be done
No. 33859
File: 1654019348648.png (36.94 KB, 300x100, kait1.png)

No. 33865
>>33859love this one kek, so simple yet effective
>>33858please moderatos add it
No. 33866
File: 1654022762891.png (48.97 KB, 300x100, wer34ttt.png)

No. 33867
File: 1654025796085.gif (69.37 KB, 300x100, mencommit.gif)

No. 33911
File: 1654151463485.gif (45.33 KB, 300x100, yamete.gif)

No. 33912
File: 1654151672560.png (104.34 KB, 300x100, yah.png)

No. 33914
File: 1654152342749.jpg (88.62 KB, 800x593, 800px-Caravaggio_Judith_Behead…)

>>33912ohh, I love this one, I wish we could all replace the weird porn banner with classical art of women being creepy/dangerous !
No. 33915
File: 1654152482603.png (93.47 KB, 300x100, 42335.png)

No. 34016
File: 1654338580512.gif (32.25 KB, 300x100, 1654152482603.gif)

No. 34029
>>34024I'm the anon that you answered and I would like to thank you
nonnie! This is so cool, an I adore the medieval font!
No. 34051
File: 1654451295175.png (43.57 KB, 300x100, 95C4501E-3221-4BCC-A97F-53567F…)

Inspired by that nonna who kept making mcguirk tattoo edits, hope it’s not to autistic and ugly.
No. 34080
File: 1654536922956.png (1.52 MB, 1848x1435, 1654536886002.png)

>>34051BLESS YOU
NONNIE I love it!!
No. 34161
File: 1654644438445.png (45.45 KB, 300x100, 719ED29B-3E18-477C-8AF4-D7902C…)

very disappointed in the lack of Yotsuba banners, she loves milk and cows
No. 34163
File: 1654645024202.png (74.62 KB, 300x100, anachan_vs_deathfat.png)

No. 34164
File: 1654645073414.png (14.74 KB, 300x100, 3CC82C7E-96C2-4C95-B8BE-E2BE8C…)

I don’t know about this one but it’s such a perfect line.
No. 34165
File: 1654645224017.gif (125.53 KB, 300x100, 8F21FC33-6082-4B17-B94D-31E381…)

No. 34376
File: 1655098053371.png (49.3 KB, 300x100, Untitled-1.png)

No. 34418
File: 1655198744372.png (34.29 KB, 300x100, tomie.png)

>>34376>>34416Not that these ever get added but made one too
No. 34419
File: 1655199876864.png (65.51 KB, 300x100, the milkmaid.png)

Painting is called "The Milkmaid" by Vermeer
No. 34420
File: 1655201616833.png (44.42 KB, 300x100, milk.png)

No. 34422
File: 1655202960868.png (67.11 KB, 300x100, gfs.png)

Ok last one I SWEAR
No. 34424
>>34422Oh HELL YEAH the font is good and I love Ms. 2X
>>34369>ugly onesi hope you’re not talking about mine…sorry i just started making banners.
No. 34425
>>34369Well to be fair some ofthe old ones are horrendous too, like the cropped hentai ones lol
Also unpopular opinion but I hate the cow tit/ass pic banners too
No. 34428
File: 1655212676670.gif (172.62 KB, 300x100, ezgif-4-25e3fb2702.gif)

No. 34501
File: 1655459168052.png (16.38 KB, 300x100, bannnnnnnnnnner.png)

No. 34617
File: 1655515452511.png (16.55 KB, 300x100, iuwgguiwiguwfgiuwfug.png)

>>34501fixed it juuust a little
No. 34719
File: 1655838735829.png (71.66 KB, 300x100, elaine cocaine

No. 35029
File: 1656184356832.gif (1.68 MB, 300x100, Untitled-1.gif)

A leg for your viewing pleasure.
No. 35160
File: 1656489982310.jpg (428.55 KB, 1600x512, l.jpg)

umbrella academy
No. 36140
File: 1658736637597.png (48.66 KB, 300x100, do it now.png)

No. 36141
File: 1658736675894.gif (96.5 KB, 300x100, neighbor-story-very-famous-gif…)

No. 36142
File: 1658737598678.png (67.55 KB, 300x100, dworkin.png)

No. 36143
File: 1658739309780.png (55.17 KB, 300x100, racoon.png)

No. 36144
File: 1658739351141.gif (1.01 MB, 300x100, 3913431143.gif)

and this will bye the last banner I'll submit. Bye everyone
No. 36573
>>36422It's the troon from the complaints thread getting
No. 40138
File: 1659556111794.png (65.89 KB, 300x100, yay.png)

No. 40232
File: 1659578625493.gif (989.26 KB, 300x100, uwu.gif)

No. 41932
File: 1660349382400.png (60.11 KB, 300x100, yes.png)

one more? please
No. 42521
File: 1660587644085.png (75.2 KB, 300x100, yescute.png)

No. 42522
File: 1660587671500.png (46.3 KB, 300x100, lolcor crimes.png)

No. 42526
File: 1660593042169.png (50.75 KB, 300x100, autismo.png)

No. 42658
File: 1660770320261.gif (367.16 KB, 300x100, 1660768366779.gif)

No. 42667
File: 1660792951190.png (70.86 KB, 300x100, elsieeee.png)

No. 42668
File: 1660792985242.png (76.16 KB, 300x100, cute cows.png)

No. 42873
File: 1660945169596.gif (3 MB, 113x200, 1660944501494.gif)

Could someone make a banner from this?
No. 42939
File: 1661006477894.gif (3.13 MB, 300x100, zoomies.gif)

As requested in Jill's thread. Hope the text is legible on your monitors, let me know if the pink background is too bright and I'll darken it.
No. 42944
>>42939Lmaooo love this
Please darken the pink background on the text more! Its hard to see, love it otherwise
No. 43307
File: 1661385684009.png (54.7 KB, 300x100, 331313111313.png)

No. 43308
File: 1661386150607.gif (589.22 KB, 300x100, 1654024544568.gif)

No. 43702
File: 1662125233439.png (507.13 KB, 1236x929, 1662126313859.png)

Saged because not a banner, but I want to put foward the Runescape strawberry cow as inspiration for anyone who is better at making banners than I. She's so cute
No. 43723
File: 1662147495186.png (47.93 KB, 300x100, pink.png)

>>43722>>43702sorry, wanted to change the font
No. 43727
>>43723I submitted the strawberry milk cow and this is EXACTLY the kind of thing I was imagining.
Nonnie, you're a star! This is amazing I absolutely adore it. I really hope they put this in the banner rotation it's so perfect
No. 43743
>>43727Thank you
nonnie! I'm happy you liked it!
No. 44270
File: 1662568378133.gif (252.91 KB, 300x100, botf-banner.GIF)

No. 44329
File: 1662606750212.png (14.03 KB, 300x100, emojicow.png)

No. 44376
>>44329Kek I love this
Only problem is emojis aren't permitted, but seriously wish this could be implemented for reals
>>44270super cute!!
No. 44377
File: 1662674515912.gif (100.76 KB, 300x100, mystery.gif)

consider as a replacement for the porny banner, thanks
No. 44379
File: 1662674789669.png (77.81 KB, 300x100, elsie ewgh.png)

A classic
No. 44380
File: 1662675491878.png (62.24 KB, 300x100, queen britbong.png)

someone posted this on /ot/, decided to make it into a banner
No. 44383
File: 1662677538158.png (67.51 KB, 300x100, creepshow.png)

surprised no one has made a banner about her
No. 44667
File: 1663056765779.jpeg (118.35 KB, 1332x503, 8BECF144-56E2-4EB2-B0B1-BCDD15…)

My humble submission.
No. 44677
File: 1663077973714.jpeg (41.93 KB, 745x287, 8C1DE214-382C-4121-95B1-A44C9B…)

>>44669I tried making it smaller and cropping it.
No. 44697
>>44672Don't worry those are legendary tier kek I love them so much too
>>44270I just love how many talented nonnas are around!
No. 44725
File: 1663127642656.png (59.78 KB, 300x100, witch.png)

doubt it will get added but posting it here regardless
No. 44739
File: 1663152810252.png (348.89 KB, 866x1300, image_2022-09-14_055455196.png)

>>44738I think she's doing the "yummy yummy chef cooking" sign, not the alt right one.
No. 44740
File: 1663153830070.png (59.13 KB, 300x100, 1663127642656.png)

>>44725>>44737>>44738>>44739here, she's holding her biology book now
No. 44752
File: 1663176383368.jpg (41.8 KB, 300x100, witch-banner.jpg)

>>44747samefag i had to make one
No. 44768
File: 1663184350328.png (47.5 KB, 300x100, jkr.png)

another one I know won't be added but still made it nonetheless
>>44752please we need this
No. 44824
File: 1663263023227.png (24.02 KB, 376x127, Screenshot 2022-09-15 at 11-29…)

>>962Sorry for posting a current banner here, but I wanted to say this is a very funny nonnies. Coffin still has a meltdown if you bully him on twitter about flying an underage girl across international borders to have sex with her too
No. 44889
File: 1663330997538.gif (1.91 MB, 540x300, sailorsenshigifs.gif)

I feel like this would make a good banner.
No. 44891
File: 1663339680384.png (54.74 KB, 300x100, lcfb.png)

Surprised no one's used this wonderful life art, I hope the remake gives us more to make new banners from kek
No. 45001
>>44891I love this one! I hope admin ads it
>>44889meh, this looks more like a CC banner
No. 45002
File: 1663577950158.png (68.15 KB, 300x100, cow farms.png)

No. 45169
File: 1663676159926.jpeg (13.64 KB, 300x100, 97B0A5DE-D0CC-41F3-BAC8-121025…)

this looks terrible and I made it late at night but I’ll post it anyway
No. 45281
File: 1663714687121.png (52.61 KB, 300x100, cow.png)

anon who made the suggestion above here, i made another suggestion.
No. 45722
File: 1664245674091.png (70.65 KB, 300x100, saturday.png)

No. 46333
File: 1665337266242.png (69.32 KB, 300x100, lolcowbannerwithboardtan.png)

No. 46630
File: 1666041955862.gif (91.87 KB, 300x100, poputeam2.gif)

pleeeaseee admin!
No. 46666
File: 1666191905405.jpg (246.18 KB, 1600x533, peak.jpg)

Og pic credit to the nona from the mtf thread
No. 46947
File: 1667506148487.gif (992.38 KB, 300x100, lol.gif)

No. 46949
File: 1667506534812.png (88.41 KB, 300x100, rover.png)

No. 47025
File: 1667771634407.png (45.41 KB, 300x100, laughing-cow-pink.png)

No. 47036
File: 1667798233947.png (49.25 KB, 300x100, le_vache_qui_rit.png)

No. 47148
File: 1668060439443.png (28.22 KB, 300x100, pooh banner.png)

No. 47255
File: 1668312049645.jpg (287.14 KB, 2340x520, IMG_20221113_005742.jpg)

Not sure if it's been asked before, but can someone make a banner out of picrel?
No. 47485
File: 1668981549598.png (46.56 KB, 300x100, borzoi drinks milk.png)

No. 47487
File: 1668982357644.png (39.98 KB, 300x100, shayna cow pattern.png)

No. 47488
File: 1668982844897.jpg (20.23 KB, 300x100, Spider_Man_meme.jpg)

No. 48060
File: 1670558150935.png (71.3 KB, 300x100, shaymin.png)

if I make this very cute banner, will shaymin come back and add it? (with the rest of the banners too)
>>47261very good
No. 48438
File: 1671099719209.gif (276.3 KB, 300x100, comicsanscow.gif)

No. 48439
File: 1671100936754.gif (970.34 KB, 300x100, animu cow.gif)

No. 48440
File: 1671101021737.gif (1.24 MB, 300x100, animu cow 2.gif)

No. 48442
File: 1671108170466.gif (501.65 KB, 300x100, shaynus.gif)

No. 48443
File: 1671109025462.gif (729.99 KB, 300x100, shaynus2.gif)

No. 48458
>>48439>>48440These are so cute.
>>48442>>48443Please no more porny ones.
No. 48462
File: 1671154980971.gif (499.65 KB, 300x100, ezgif-5-73b7c3e30d.gif)

>>44889we need more cute banners !
No. 48463
File: 1671155285676.gif (486.44 KB, 300x100, ezgif-5-e1705fa9c6.gif)

>>48462i know some nonnies prefer more discret lolcow link so i made another
i'm done posting sorry for slight spam
No. 48490
File: 1671212157890.jpg (26.88 KB, 300x100, milky.jpg)

No. 48495
File: 1671226781626.gif (1.61 MB, 300x100, gifgit.gif)

oh nonnie..
No. 48503
File: 1671244922824.gif (83.79 KB, 300x100, hurtz.gif)

No. 48505
File: 1671245979292.gif (553.79 KB, 300x100, lolcow.gif)

No. 48507
File: 1671247101935.gif (601.23 KB, 300x100, cowzaspray.gif)

No. 48510
File: 1671249003184.gif (54.85 KB, 300x100, udderlylolcow.gif)

No. 48530
File: 1671295401029.jpg (374.02 KB, 3804x2142, aki.jpg)

can someone make a banner of this pic of Aki
No. 48535
>>48440>>48438>>48439so cute!!
>>48490>>48503>>48505>>48510>>48507>>48510wtf no. These are disgusting as shit. I hope they don't add these because they're very fucking gross.
>>48495>>48517If you scroll up there's already a banner with this gif.
No. 48556
File: 1671336356957.gif (489.62 KB, 300x100, lillee.gif)

No. 48557
File: 1671337711616.gif (834.72 KB, 300x100, lillee gif alt.gif)

another one
No. 48588
File: 1671411006846.gif (684.87 KB, 300x100, kitty.gif)

feel free to improve this suggestion
No. 49071
File: 1671877581299.png (311.62 KB, 628x568, 3h6cyz.png)

no one do banners ever again. They're not getting updated. Theres no point to it.
No. 49283
File: 1672205831449.gif (1.25 MB, 300x100, cowlogo.gif)

No. 49771
File: 1672781501914.jpg (465.35 KB, 1324x1194, hello milk HM .jpg)

game has cute screens but need better quality image. maybe if you find that online someone can make it.
No. 49795
File: 1672827223919.jpg (34 KB, 300x100, banner.jpg)

No. 51308
File: 1674645254974.gif (266.17 KB, 300x99, ptbanner.gif)

No. 51317
>>51313Fuck no
>>51308This gives me epilepsy
No. 51864
File: 1674795591935.gif (444.89 KB, 300x100, RaptorRachel3.gif)

No. 52073
File: 1674811456900.gif (49.83 KB, 300x100, loler.gif)

No. 53313
File: 1676898722731.gif (111.63 KB, 300x100, Cowerpuff Banner.gif)

No. 53316
>>53315That means a lot, thank you!
>seamless loopingSorry, this is my first time playing around gifs. I'll try and see if I can fix it
No. 53320
File: 1676901200284.gif (63.47 KB, 300x100, lc new banner.gif)

>>53313replaced the bg gif
No. 53321
File: 1676901256190.gif (60.43 KB, 300x100, lc new banner2.gif)

>>53313>>53320edited to make it look like the original gif
No. 53323
>>53322Thank you so much, nona! I definitely want to try making more because it was a lot of fun.
If anyone else is interested in making some, I recommend the site "ezgif"
No. 53325
File: 1676905901859.gif (67.71 KB, 300x100, Daria Banner.gif)

No. 53331
File: 1676909638962.gif (153.85 KB, 300x100, Lobelia Farmers.gif)

>>53325These last 2 banners were inspired from the posts in
>>>/m/275890This might be my last one for a bit!
Had a ton of fun even if it took me a while to make the font legible at this size for this one
If anyone has any ideas or requests, I'd be happy to help out if I can
No. 53342
File: 1676912471594.png (27.35 KB, 300x100, Azumarill Banner.png)

>>53335LC has its wholesome moments lol
Thank you! The gif may be a lil random but I wanted one featuring the Lobelia Girls and this one works pretty well for a banner
>>53331Ok, last one! I'm not so happy with this one (not many images to work with) but maybe someone can do a better job. I love the idea of Azumarill being a
TERF icon, was inspired by this post:
>>>/m/277045Sorry for spamming
No. 53350
File: 1676925802744.png (27.06 KB, 300x100, Punk Azumarill Banner.png)

>>53342Reupload because I forgot the A…
>>53343Thank you,
nonnie ♥
No. 53351
File: 1676925925286.gif (292.65 KB, 300x100, banner2.gif)

No. 53352
File: 1676926220856.gif (308.57 KB, 300x100, DON'T RESPOND 2 BAIT.gif)

No. 53355
>>53352we need this added immediately.
nonny you did so good. I love this banner so much
No. 53356
File: 1676930934933.jpg (20.05 KB, 400x400, kermie.jpg)

>>53355This is such high praise! Your words mean so much! Thank you, nona!
When I saw the gif and instantly knew it'd be perfect (exactly how I picture farmers when moids are baiting)
No. 53369
File: 1676949411189.png (48.38 KB, 300x100, cows-on-pasture-1568361294v56.…)

No. 53370
File: 1676949549912.png (337.87 KB, 900x300, cows-on-pasture-1568361294v56.…)

>>53369Bigger version (but same ratio)
No. 53430
>>53411>they’re anime gifs and that’s what ccs banners are likeThere are other anime banners that have been posted here
>edited into Elsie and other LC mascotsThat's a good idea but I don't have the skills to do that without it looking really crappy
No. 53907
File: 1677735963350.gif (127.08 KB, 300x100, ezgif-5-5e775383ff.gif)

I'm throwing mine in for consideration.
No. 54184
File: 1678147382931.png (71.19 KB, 300x100, cutestcow.png)

just a cute cow, I love how it came out so please consider
>>53352yes yes YES
>>53325lmao I like this one
No. 54186
File: 1678148746773.gif (3.07 MB, 300x100, violence.gif)

No. 54188
File: 1678148887490.png (70.95 KB, 300x100, 1678052025339.png)

not mine
No. 54192
File: 1678162765176.gif (237.9 KB, 300x100, dee dee banner - pink.gif)

No. 54211
File: 1678260430827.jpeg (16.56 KB, 300x100, 160EBF02-C47E-4991-A563-5273CB…)

No. 54212
File: 1678260507618.jpeg (16.49 KB, 300x100, E4022691-E97D-423C-839A-3ECA31…)

>>54188>>54211Wasn’t the first anon but felt like making different versions inspired by that post, I apologise though the quality in them might be too shit.
No. 54217
File: 1678292578348.png (24.53 KB, 300x100, SAGE YOUR SHIT banner.png)

the quality went to shit when i resized it, rip
source -
>>>/m/182298 No. 54218
File: 1678292747299.gif (87.36 KB, 300x100, elsie-get out of banner.gif)

made a gif of the image collection from the Board-tan Media thread
template + source
>>>/m/147409 No. 54263
>>54217>>54218>>54186admin please add
>>43724this too pls
No. 54266
File: 1678323358659.png (112.33 KB, 500x333, tumblr_o11gjmnJqk1r6o0zfo1_500…)

We have like 109309309280928 good new banners and none of them updated and now I'm scared some of them won't be added at all. I wanna do a full list like other nonnas but it will take so much time tagging each post kek so please nonnas reading this, if you like a banner (even if it's an older one) tag it in your post and ask to be added
(pic semi related, maybe good material for an elsie banner? will maybe try later)
No. 54279
File: 1678332169998.png (23.44 KB, 300x100, new SAGE YOUR SHIT banner.png)

>>54217wasn't happy with one, here's another attempt
No. 54280
File: 1678332392028.gif (126.52 KB, 300x100, lolcow.hill.gif)

>>>/m/259076old banner edit but i love the Elsie edit so much
No. 54282
File: 1678333978938.gif (234.17 KB, 234x212, Happy Cherrim.gif)

>>54252Thank you so much nona!
The edited reaction pictures are so perfect that I thought someone had already made a gif out of them. Ended up spending a long time making this banner but it was so worth it.
>>54281Thank you! I wasn't going to post it but I'm now glad I did
A huge thank you to the nonnies that created the original artworks, couldn't have made those banners without your amazing skills ♥
No. 54373
File: 1678468567522.jpg (177.41 KB, 594x511, 1678449407855.jpg)

has banner potential
No. 54391
File: 1678487119179.gif (69.84 KB, 300x100, im-gayyyy.gif)

No. 54393
File: 1678487735493.png (43.38 KB, 300x100, im gay super gay.png)

No. 54588
File: 1678721629687.jpg (12.33 KB, 300x100, banner_sharla_famichiki.jpg)

could animate the sparkles later
No. 54643
File: 1678786072773.png (19.34 KB, 300x100, HANDS UP MOID! Banner.png)

really wanted a banner of this masterpiece
original post
>>>/m/192944 No. 54697
>>54643basedddd!!! I want it… I need it in fact
>>54644omfg can you believe? we're going to need another banner thread now… kinda cool if you ask me. So many creative nonnies in this website, I love it
No. 54698
>>54643Fuck yeah.
Hope we get to finally see all the great new banners on Nu cow, btw.
No. 54701
File: 1679006737702.gif (1.48 MB, 300x100, Media_230316_224148.gif)

Bethany from the proana scumbags threads in /snow/ tweaking on drugs. Someone made the comparison between her and a cow mewing grass.