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No. 4382
As announced here
>>>/meta/4372Relevant changes:
> Minors can be posted about as long as they're 16+ and their full legal name isn't mentioned. First names are okay.> Doxxing is no longer allowed. I know some people will disagree with this, but please consider that we never allowed or encouraged cowtipping anyway, so the information gives cows and unintegrated users ammo and invite vendettachans without being of much value to threads. Most of it can be found online anyway.
> Absolutely no more posting of family members by name or picture.I have updated the rules and put together a usage guide for new posters. I'd like to thank the many farmers who contributed to this <3
I hope this update reflects the board and its issues.
See the new rules here and the usage guide here.
No. 4387
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>>4382all I have to say to this is:
No. 4388
>>4382>Newfriend GuideIs it actually suppossed to say this?
Or was it meant to say 'Newfag Guide'?
No. 4395
>>4382>No more posting of family members by name/pictureCan I assume that, in cases like Venus Angelic, where a parent has a huge hand in the drama, that this rule can be ignored?
I know Margo has her own thread it's just the quickest example I could think of where y'all would know what I meant right away.
No. 4405
>>4396Can I get clarification for Jillian's thread? Her mother is mentioned in every other post because she's in jill's vlogs sometimes and they publicly interact on social media. That being said, she's not exactly a public figure or cow status.
I can't think of any other threads that i'm really concerned about, seeing as most cows keep their families separate from their online presence.
No. 4415
>>4413This would be a good clarification to make.
The Cryaotic thread, for example, had pretty much 100% focus on his ex girlfriend. Cry's personal milkiness was mostly in regards to letting his girlfriend walk all over him. But if we'd named the thread after his girlfriend, no one would have had a clue who she was.
There was also some focus on some inter-personal drama between the members of Cry's Weekend streaming group here and there. Not enough for their own threads through.
Obviously, this is a rare and unusual situation (especially now that the Cry thread's in 'retirement' since they finally broke up) but it is a situation that seems to be relevant.
No. 4452
What happened to the rule about not trying to gather armies to go after a cow? I know there's a rule against vendetta posting but the explanation for it is more about personal disputes and doesn't really seem to cover this.
We were just discussing it here
>>>/snow/353221 because we've recently had an issue with this happening in the Joy Sparkle thread along with the same person namefagging and self-promoting. I realize I should just report the posts when that happens but I was just wondering about the change in rules so I know if I can also report them for trying to recruit attack dogs if/when they do it again.
No. 4454
>>4452For example, this was just posted
>>>/snow/353809expecting farmers to report the cow for tax fraud…even though there isn't any indication she has broken the law or even plans to.
No. 4474
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>>4471Here's the confirmation from the new admin.
No. 4476
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>>4475Per the new admin then doxxing is now currently allowed for full names and addresses. I advise users here to be careful with information that can be traced back to them.
(no tripfagging) No. 4483
>>4470Wait but isn't this entire site basically here for "bullying/unkindness"? (I'm not being snarky, this is a legitimate question, I swear)
If comments aren't allowed about the appearance of some of these cows …. that's pretty much half of these threads gone. And if on top of that, any comments that can be interpreted as "cyberbullying" aren't allowed, I'm just wondering where that line is drawn. Please clarify, I'm a newfag and pretty confused.
No. 4484
>>4478 before you panic.
No. 4485
>>4484So there's even shitposting in the official rules threads where we come to read and get updated on the rules?
Oh, welcome to lolcow, I guess. /kek/
No. 4490
>>4478How come admins don't want to stay on here? It gives me teh sadz.
Also can we not have shitposting in official rules threads? That would be helpful.
No. 4492
>>4490>teh sadzcringe.
Why would you want Regina to stay? There's multiple reasons why she's leaving, you know. She's VERY unfit to be admin here and shady.