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No. 998509
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc use the vent thread. For minor annoyances in your very personal daily life use the annoying thread. Thank you. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues. Keep the borzois in mind.
Previous thread:
>>971272 No. 998530
File: 1639849512398.jpg (23.66 KB, 1076x94, okretard.JPG)

Anons with either zero reading comprehension or interpreting posts in the worst way possible on purpose to look good in comparison instead of arguing against actual points.
No I am not against CP only because it's illegal, go fuck yourself for ever thinking and posting that
No. 998547
>>998545Yeah I forgot to add the text "fantasy" at the end, my bad
You're all still degenerates though
No. 998548
>>998432>>998343Is it the same person doing the fujo hating every week, give it a rest. Only fujos I've seen into shotas are dumb kids who like to self insert or scrotes.
>>998432>rapey and unironically abusive most of otome stuff is towards the female protagonist anyway. But those disgusting fujos need to be stoned! I don't get the superior attitude pretty sure it's some scrotes trying to stir up shit, woman degens usually just stay in their circles and leave eachother alone.
>>998488Definetly a scrote, "ok bc it's legal"
No. 998576
>>998564What the fuck did that have to do with my post?
I wish all cp was destroyed, including hentai shit.
No. 998581
>>998564>Doesn't it get tiring to propaganda women to seem just as bad as scroteshow is wanting women to keep doing better than men ever did "anti-women propaganda"?
>Women will never be as pedo and depraved at menpedo and depraved women are the ones enabling and helping depraved pedo males though so
>>998570ok libertarian
No. 998584
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No. 998586
>>998570I strongly believe in the fact that women liking shota, no matter how depraved and horrible, will never be as disgusting as scrotes enjoying it. No matter if you're a yume or a fujo, there's a 100% chance you're not an IRL child abuser unlike men who are into loli/shota porn. And as a retarded disclaimer I don't like shota and find it disturbing myself
because the overwhelming majority of it is made and enjoyed by scrotes and not women you fucking idiots but I'm also not a retard drawing false equivalencies. You can't get upvoted on an image board so no need to pretend like women are just as bad as men here kek
No. 998588
>>998570You're (kind of) right, but people won't like that fact, and it's also just easier for most to fixate on cartoons than to try to stop the real shit. I kind of get it, literally no one wants to ever be exposed to actual CP or deal with it (except pedos or people who are paid by the government), while seeing a drawing is gross but less mentally damaging and easier to "fight". You just click "report" and don't have to deal with it in your mind and that's that. It's kind of a paradox, because drawings are harder to stop at the same time (people will always be able to draw whatever), while jailing actual child rapists is more immediately difficult, but also more possible when it comes to stopping abuse as a whole
Idk, I wish these people and this level of passion were around when I was actually getting groomed tbh lol. At the same time, some of them are creeps in hiding themselves, I can't imagine obsessing over that shit daily
No. 998591
>>998577Ideally, loli will be banned (because of reasons
>>998551 mentioned), but as long as shota is around, scrotes will use it as reason that loli should be okay even though the average scrote is way more degenerate and can do more damage than a pedofujo could ever do.
>>998580You could say that about a lot of things. Specifically harmful how? You have to give me examples, anon. That pedos will use it to groom children? That pedos will consume tons of it and then end up touching real kids?
>>998581>pedo and depraved women are the ones enabling and helping depraved pedo males though soI can see how this could be true, I can agree with that.
I honestly just want a real discussion on this without resorting to the usual name calling or retarded snark that comes across as a handwave dismissal to cover that you don't have actual arguments. I'm open to changing my mind, it's just that whenever this comes up, it just turns into shit flinging, and people who are deathly against shota without giving reasons sound like twitter retards, which I imagine fuels the fujopedo's anger even more.
No. 998594
File: 1639853073005.jpg (520.08 KB, 1920x1280, washing-brussel-sprouts.jpg)

I hate brussel sprouts. There is nothing you can do to them to make them better. They're the worst and I don't know why people force themselves to eat this fart vegetable and try so desperately to tell themselves it doesn't taste awful.
No. 998599
File: 1639853293548.jpg (117.48 KB, 1300x957, portrait-middle-aged-man-beard…)

I hate men that look like this
No. 998616
>>998612You only
think you like brussel sprouts, you've been internally conditioned since birth to
think you like brussel sprouts.
No. 998617
File: 1639854017245.gif (1.69 MB, 500x350, ezgif-5-21b5002a47.gif)

>nonners explaining how adding salt makes their garbage more delicious
No. 998626
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>>998613You're right, I don't think this is the right place for it either.
To contribute to the thread, I hate coriander. It doesn't taste like soap to me, it's simply a shitty subpar herb.
No. 998630
>>998626I agree,
FUCK coriander.
No. 998634
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>>998617Since we're on this topic
No. 998640
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>>998614Are you sure you didn't just eat rotten ones? I heard certain countries with a high percentage of burger-fans aren't too serious when it comes to fresh vegetables.
>>998616This, but regarding disliking them.
>>998626For me, it's peppermint.
No. 998644
File: 1639855351865.png (1.82 MB, 1440x1440, mark-forster.png)

>>998599>>998600for me it's young men who look like this.
No. 998645
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Don't fight everybody the truth is some people have taste buds that can taste the bitterness of some compound in brussels sprouts, those people won't like them. And others can't taste them so they can like them.
No. 998646
File: 1639855386581.jpg (3.74 MB, 2725x4088, IMG_4168 (1).jpg)

I hate cake. I don't hate ice cream cake because it's not even cake. Cake sucks.
No. 998655
>>998646Which cake hurt you,
No. 998733
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>>998644I can't even escape him here, fuck you nonita
>>998650Of course he is
No. 998783
>>998733kek sorry
nonny. also why does he look like stromberg in that pic, i'm even more disturbed now.
No. 998816
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No. 998820
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i hate the moral purists in fandom these days. if you're gonna get pissy at me for wanting the dmc brothers to fuck then you need to get mad at everything else "bad" too kek
No. 998837
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>>998820>wanting the dmc brothers to fuckQueen of good taste.
No. 999034
>>998645how glad i am that i cannot understand those diagrams and don't need to to get by in life. are those letters atoms ? why one or two bars ? what do these funky names even indicate ? questions i like unsanswered.
chemistry is one of the limits to my curiosity and me not needing to concern myself with it is a blessing that makes life beautiful.
No. 999045
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>>998990pic related. it's by winston rowntree
No. 999182
>>999172I wonder if
nonnie knows what a punnet square is
No. 999194
>>999172no, i live in a country where you specialize 1 yr into highschool and i went the literature and math route so no chemistry for me
mayyybe i heard about it in middle school but thankfully the memories are almost gone
sorry anon, i know it's hard not to sperg about your favorite subjects you're nerdy about, i can barely restrain myself when an occasion presents itself with linguistics lmao.
>>999182nope lol
No. 999258
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I hate the fact that the word "man" will forever most likely be tied to the male human sex, cause originally is was gender neutral and refereed to a person, this distinction between sexes was through prefixes before -man
then the Norman Invasion fucked the entire English language, I just want the term to be neutral again cause man just rolls off the tongue better imo
No. 999424
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>>999346Reminds me of this, I know Koko was sweet and never hurt any kittens (that I know of) but this pic gives me anxiety because what if she accidentally gripped it too strong and strangled the poor thing. Same with handing small animals to kids even if they don't mean to hurt it I'm always afraid they will grab and squeeze them too hard
No. 999464
>>999258it's still neutral in normal, not politically-infested contexts, like mankind, snowman, no man's land.
i too want it to be neutral again and so i've been using it this way.
No. 999674
>>999589I agree with your point, but
>something as tiny as adhddepending on the subtype and severity, it can wreck your life when undiagnosed and/or unmanaged
No. 1000932
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I fucking hate cosplayers like this. I get pushing the boundaries a little bit but if I have to see this ugly shit at cons, I’m going to scream. I would rather have people using their real hair with pre made costumes than this garbage.
No. 1000967
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>>999424i agree with you. koko was so good with those kittens though, to a degree i'd not think possible. poor koko. poor kitties. i know one of the cats escaped and got hit and her carer said she was inconsolable for months. apparently she would try to nurse the kittens to her chest. monkeys and gorillas are very different though and i think the tempermentality varies wildly from individual animal to animal, even w gorillas. koko was so beautiful tho
No. 1001049
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>>1001036I fucking hate the way the avatars move and make faces, something about them jittering, bouncing and making the same kuhhwaee faces combined to the sounds the VAs make is so immensely punchable, they're already visually annoying even when you don't get into the full retardation under the surface
I always thought that people who hate draw gore to troll the fans of characters were unhinged (I still think so though lol) but I feel like I understand them maybe a little bit better these days
No. 1001070
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is this chick just a turbo autist or why does she talk about herself like she's an alien life form or some shit No. 1001091
>>1001084Idk why YouTube shorts always shits out the same Asian cooking shorts channels. They can be cool, but why always boba fried noodleshit? Where’s the fish curry, the jambalaya, the plov, the dauphinois? And I find myself scrolling just because my monkey brain says new info feed=dopamine, next thing you know I’m watching ‘Instagram Mirror Poses’ or shit I don’t care about. And if I wanted TikTok, I would’ve downloaded it.
I’ve been cutting out all algorithm based media from my life in favour of cozy magazines, movies and books. Occasionally I still get sucked into YouTube, even though it’s pure trash. I say ‘don’t recommend me news’, and it’s recommended, I get TikTok style stuff, ads for two second videos, the dislike button is gone. I am going to go cold turkey on YouTube and I hope other people do, may their platform fail once and for all.
No. 1001680
>>1001572>I'm so fucking triggered by the recent trend of traditionally straight female gaze pretty boy characters being interpreted as "femboys"Fuck yes I agree, I appreciate male beauty but I can't even have that in peace, either its brain rotted who have to feminize a beautiful male and have him get fucked or degenerate gay/bi males who just pedophilic and creepy towards them
Fuck Fujoshis and Faghags
No. 1001830
File: 1640172329715.png (26.69 KB, 727x178, 27312a9bac5f0799ad8a74812c899d…)

i like defamiliarization and thought it was funny when people on tumblr said shit like "ugh my meat suit needs nourishment in the form of dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets" but god do i hate it now when people talk about the flesh vessel or whatever. we get it, you're terminally online and completely disconnected from your physical body and have deluded yourself into thinking you're a he/him anime boi.
No. 1001833
>>1001830Going off this, I hate when people essentially LARP that humans are empty robots in general. I see some people go into full denial mode because it's too
triggering for them to acknowledge that the female body isn't just an oven and pregnancy/abortion does take a mental toll. Some of them think they're being great pro-choice activists by acting that way, and I don't understand where that roachbrain line of thinking comes from
The mental effect of carrying a child you don't want is extremely painful, and having an abortion isn't fun or meaningless. That's literally the reason abortions should be available, because nobody actually wants to birth a child just to drown it or beat it to death. If you spam "The body is a machine" and sperg out at people for pointing out brain chemicals are real, mental states do have an effect on the body's overall state, and you can't have a child and have it all "be nothing" just because you signed a paper, you are delusional
No. 1003010
>>1002342This advice actually works. I wash my hair 2-3 times a month and it only starts looking greasy around 7 days.
I don't get split ends after I've started washing my hair less, so I think not washing your hair frequently is healthy for it.
If you think about it, shampoo is a modern invention. We've survived for thousands of years without it. It's just another product for you to consume.
No. 1003023
File: 1640289824869.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.25 KB, 550x413, Plica_polonica_CM_UJ.jpg)

>>1003010NTA, but let's say it can work for everyone. How did you start not washing your hair? Were you walking with dirty hair for a week? Is using dry shampoo permitted? Asking because I may give it a shot.
People in the past used to be fucking dirty (picrel was shilled as a legit hairstyle among aristocrats, though it first formed in peasant's hair due to lack of care), so I am not sure shampoos weren't needed.
No. 1003032
>>1003023I wouldn't recommend using dry shampoo. I'm biased because I never used it and I don't know how it works though. If it makes contact with your scalp, don't use it. If you can get it to only touch your hair strands, maybe you can try it to help with your transition. Ultimately the less processed products you use, the better.
For me, I was able to start due to my shitty job and mental illness kek. I worked in a warehouse so I had to wear my hair in a bun all the time, so it didn't matter how it looked and no one could tell if it was greasy or not. I was also depressed so I didn't do much outside of work. I'd wash my hair once a week after my work week was over. Over time, I noticed that my hair wasn't really getting greasy.
I will tell you though that without a job that you can roll up looking like shit in, this is a very long, hard process. It takes a long time, your hair will get a lot worse before it gets better, and it will feel gross. But if you can stick it out, it is worth it.
When you do wash, use super hot water. When you brush, use a boar bristle brush that also had plastic bristles so you can actually brush your hair (all boar bristle brushes are shit if you have long hair), and make sure you are cleaning your brush and pillowcases at least weekly.
The thing with not washing hair is that it's not for lazy people. It requires some work and dedication. You should take time to massage your scalp, scritch and preen so you can loosen your natural oils and distribute them down your hair shaft, and keep your tools and pillowcases clean.
No. 1003043
>>1003032Some people use corn starch as dry shampoo. Never tried it because it seems too messy, but it's all natural, so maybe it would be ok?
>I will tell you though that without a job that you can roll up looking like shit in, this is a very long, hard process.Thank you for being honest and realistic, kek. I knew I couldn't do it in elementary school (when my problem started) because I just looked disgusting.
>The thing with not washing hair is that it's not for lazy peopleThe irony of it kek
>It requires some work and dedication. You should take time to massage your scalp, scritch and preen so you can loosen your natural oils and distribute them down your hair shaftI'm worried as it sounds like something that I could fuck up easily. But I'm sure there are YouTube videos about it, so I can watch and learn (hopefully)
Thank you for taking the time to reply to me and share your experience and advice, I really appreciate it ♥
No. 1003155
>>1003124I had that job for about 4 years so it's hard to tell. I also didn't go full cold turkey and still used shampoo once a week. I'd say I started seeing progress after 6 months, a year?
>>1003127Sometimes it takes people 3-6 months. 30 days isn't enough, unfortunately.
>>1003150This is a great point. The hardness or softness of your water is a huge influence. Hard water has minerals in it that makes the grease in your hair waxy. If you have hard water, you have to wash with hot, hot water. If you do warm or room temperature water, your hair will look even dirtier. It's easier with soft water.
But I have hard water and start by getting really hot water on my hair and manually cleaning my hair while standing out of the stream of water. Then I'll use warm water to actually wash and massage my scalp, and I'll end the shower with a cold water rinse. I take the showerhead down and flip my hair so the cold water never touches my skin.
Again, it's a super long, hard journey. But in the end it's very rewarding to have extremely healthy and natural hair. Good luck to any nonnys who try!!
No. 1004335
File: 1640394136418.gif (1.78 MB, 300x300, spongebob bald gif.gif)

Bald men. I think men only look good when they have a good head of hair, I can't stand the cope online from males (and some women) bringing up male celebrities who are bald, those scrotes are all ugly too. There's no way to make up for the lack of hair imo. A moid with no hair is a moid with no value.
No. 1004397
File: 1640403017693.jpg (254.07 KB, 1038x1280, crystal healing uwu.jpg)

new agers need to grow up and get another hobby so grifters have less of an incentive to butcher perfectly good rocks and minerals. seeing pictures of ''''altars''''''' with baked, dyed, etc minerals makes me want to rip my fucking hair out. just collect your own goddamn quartz it's literally everywhere you morons.
No. 1004603
File: 1640434209892.png (482.38 KB, 641x630, 1640432112612.png)

>They/Them pupygirl with her master who looks like he smokes meth after their night shift did we do to deserve this reality
No. 1004619
These 2 are clearly nerd commers who happen to look moderately attractive and so get a pass for being total losers
No. 1004651
File: 1640441111254.png (254.47 KB, 760x587, Screenshot_20211225-080044.png)

>>1004619>>moderately attractiveMichael cera and picrel thank you for that generous comment
No. 1004866
File: 1640472969080.jpg (34.25 KB, 394x197, Why.jpg)

People who simp for Josh need a tutorial on self love. Even as a joke it's kinda pathetic.
No. 1004894
>>1004724How dare you! That is Brooke from the critically acclaimed motion picture
Ice Age: Collision Course.
No. 1004924
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asmr sluts. they only exist to appeal to the lonely coomers. the sole number of these undignified rats has almost completely tarnished all respect for the art.
No. 1004951
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>>1004866>>1004933It gets even worse
No. 1004975
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>>1004924And their thumbnails are always so, so gross
No. 1005027
File: 1640491116102.jpg (198.08 KB, 740x1000, 7.jpg)

I hate the holidays. Has anyone mentioned this one yet? In 2018, my grandmother died and nothing has felt okay or right since then. I avoid funerals now, and cry on every holiday that passes. I still feel so alone and empty, even though I think it's been long enough that I should be "getting over it?" Anyway, bah humbug.
No. 1005397
File: 1640527143123.jpg (145.8 KB, 720x919, IMG_20211226_215158.jpg)

Memes with this kind of doodle and text on them
No. 1005500
>>1005482Most recent case was a 50 year old, he was old enough to be a granddad himelf if he'd gone down that route in life.. like at what point do you stop being the bitter kid and pick yourself up?
He killed his dad, I think the dad was already widowed so no mommy murdering this time.
No. 1005693
>>1005670Because people are retarded, and think the female body is just a machine where nothing could possibly happen if you shove things in or pull things out. Normalized depersonalization/dehumanization masquerading as progress. It's an actual belief that as long as a surgeon is accepting money for something, it must be safe, and people in the industry in general wouldn't just do things for money, without care or to keep people coming back
Most people who defend breast implants probably also think the uterus is useless except for birthing children. In general, they seem to secretly believe women's physical forms are just to please men anyway, so there's nothing wrong with it. Even if you inform them of BII (breast implant illness), they'll probably ignore it and go on thinking that way. That's why we have doctors doing shit like the "husband stitch" (google it) with no consent too. It's sad
No. 1005726
>>1005718I agree with you on most points but the lest point "awkward dialogue, often lacks the charm found in western written character" is somewhat inaccurate
the reason Anime tends to have weird sounding inaccurate is cause its all based on a translations of language and writing system ridiculously far removed from English
No. 1005741
>>1005724Fair point nonna chan, I watched shounen because it was popular at school, and it is guilty of most of the points I made, more than other genres. And having tried others, there are good ones out there, but I still see bland, polar characters too often. Now what I can say I like in anime is the artistry and eye for beauty. Animation is an art.
>>1005733Same, this site is anonymous for a reason, and that thread could jeopardise the anonymity of those who post there.
No. 1005882
>>1004952I hate cats because I have not been able to connect with a single cat, even ones I lived with, and nothing about their facial structure (or features that people give cringe names to like “toe beans”) sparks any sort of tenderness or emotion in my heart at all. Dogs, birds, reptiles, even close ups of spiders—all other animals have faces that warm my heart and make me want to protect and cuddle them. I dont feel anything at all when I look at a cat’s face, and I disagree that they all have the same stereotypical cat personality, but I equally hate all of their various personalities.
All of that being said, I would absolutely protect and care for a cat if I needed to and I would probably love it and become attached to it eventually, if it came down to that. All animals deserve love and care.
No. 1005888
>>1005718I mostly agree with that. Not sure if those will not be
>philosophical Chinese cartoonsto you, but how about Utena, Haibane Renmei (also liked Niea_7 for the occasional realistic outlook on student life) and Paranoia Agent? Maybe there were some newish good anime, but I'm an occasional manga reader nowadays. I would also recommend Paradise Kiss and Nana, but only if you like drama, romance, and fashion. Doesn't fit the definition of what you hate and I genuinely like it, so I thought I will mention.
>>1004952>>1005809>people who say they hate cats tend to come off as unhinged and obnoxiousI do not intend to fight you two, but haven't you seen lolcow's resident dog haters? Accent on haters. Absolutely unhinged. I think both groups are shit
No. 1006046
>>1005875Your perception of the show has been tainted by moids, the show on its own is inoffensive* and charming, it's not the girls' fault that moids ruin everything.
*I will admit vaguely remembering a plotline about a perverted teacher who tries to take pics of the swim classes, I blame the retarded Japanese character trope for that.
No. 1006065
File: 1640572936621.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1242x2088, 1599675120977.jpeg)

>>1005905>>1005896i found this cap of the original post.
No. 1006083
>>1005882I like cats, but a lot of them I meet are little soulless vessels who are only driven by food and pets. Ones that people would call "nice cats" but are really just looking to get affection for their own gain.
I know I sound like
that petfag but my cat seems to be pretty emotionally intelligent and humanlike. Lots of eye contact, talks back, little sighs when he's bored, lays his head on you when you're sad, does things for the amusement and praise of others (eg, only scratches his post if someone's watching to act entertained by it), goes on hikes with me without needing to be restrained.
So many of my friends talk about their "best cat ever" and then its just a little dumbass with dead eyes who wants to be stroked, I can totally get why you haven't connected to one.
No. 1006096
>>1005882Op here. I agree with your last paragraph. Yeah we must treat every animal (that is not about to kill us) with respect and care, no matter our feelings. Your reasoning for hating cats is bizarre. It's not logical to think you're going to feel something just from their face. A cat's personality usually reflects the owner. I trained a cat since she was young and she has taken care of me anytime I'd feel bad, by purposely purring (a cat's purr is to comfort and has shown to help humans in pain) and making sure I'm okay. Cats are capable of love, or at least enjoying their owner's company. My point is that people who hate any type of animal are just weirdos.. the animal does not care or even understand hate, and aren't even on our intelligence level. They live on instinct. Don't we humans know better than to hate a creature that is just trying to live, no matter how different they are from us??
>>1004955So an animal has to show emotions to earn your love? What animal on earth has the emotional range of a human? Why are you asking so much from these beautiful creatures?? They're just animals, and my cat cares about me. She has purred on me to make me feel better. Idc if she'd eat my face if I die bc animals have strong instincts and who are we to judge them for it??? Get off your high horse, judging creatures just because they're different from you.
No. 1006219
>>1005670If I wouldn't hate beauty surgery I would do breast implants. 100%
It is not for the male gaze, I have zero interest in dating. (and I know men have no standard and would have sex with everything, so I don't listen to the typical "B..but there are men who like woman with small breast too uwu" bs)
It is for me to look at me and feel like an adult woman, not a like a child. I know that bigger breasts don't equal beautiful woman. But to have at least more than disappointing mosquito bites would be nice. It would look better in clothes too.
But I do understand your hate.
No. 1006321
>>1006188Dog haters are also the ones posting literal photos of dead dogs and dog gore in the dog love thread. I don't understand hatred of any animal, especially pets, but the "cat haters" never have a hate as visceral as dog haters do. Their dislike of cats is more similar to what
>>1005882 is describing while the dog haters are psycho level schizos talking about how dogs and dog owners should be shot on sight and all the "slobbering mutts" are disgusting and vomit-inducing.
No. 1006936
>>1006321>Dog haters are also the ones posting literal photos of dead dogs and dog gore in the dog love threadthose were moids looking for a reaction. If we wanted to post gore we'd probably show some of the kids disfigured by dogs.
dog hate is socially very unacceptable while cat hate is understood, despite dogs being extremely disruptive to everyone who lives around you, and they're fucking everywhere irl and media. I dont wanna kill them, but it would be nice not to see makeout sessions with them in media, getting made fun of my my neighbors from running from their loose pit, and not seeing shit baking on the sidewalk every 4 steps when I walk around the block.
In short, let me hate you and your mutt in peace
No. 1006967
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Apparently some retards here have barely interacted with people outside lolcow. Irl I have literally never encountered someone who was a dog hating sperg, I've only seen that attitude on lolcow and r/dogfree, never anywhere else. Meanwhile I've encountered multiple proud cat haters irl and on various places online
>>1006321You must be really sheltered kek, I've seen "dog lovers" seethe hardcore over cats, but rarely the reverse. I said this in another post but I've seen multiple moids online proudly brag about training their dogs to kill cats.
>>1006936>dog hate is socially very unacceptable while cat hate is understoodRight?? This is what I don't get about the argument other anons are making. Maybe there's a cultural difference at play? I'm a burger and people here
worship dogs, and if you don't care much for dogs (not even full on hate) spergs will accuse you of being heartless or evil or whatever the fuck. Meanwhile I've encountered unhinged people start exclaiming how much they hate cats when you mention that you like cats or you have a cat(s), and somehow this is seen as socially acceptable. This attitude is very prevalent in the media as well.
No. 1006979
>>1006936Thanks for proving the point, schizo.
>>1006967In my experience the people who hate cats on an unhinged level similar to the dog hate you see on lolcow are psychos who hate all animals to begin with, not nasty mean old dog people who treat their disgusting mutts like royalty.
I honestly don't understand anons' obsession to "prove" how dogs are "worshipped" and everyone who doesn't like them is burned at the stake. It all sounds like the perception of someone who's hyperaware of their surroundings because it makes no sense to be so fixated on this issue that shouldn't affect anyone's life ever. You can't exactly exact revenge on nature for adding so many dogs in TV commercials. I get being terrified of breeds like pitbulls but that's just common sense, even other dog owners want them banned to protect their own dogs. But hating domesticated animals is psychopath behavior be it dogs or something else. It really makes no sense to be so vocal about it.
No. 1006981
>>1006188>dog haters on lolcow are the ones who also invent reasons to fight in every single thread possibleThis is so true. Even after the containment thread was created
because they wouldn't stop ranting about dog anal glands, they still post their shit outside of the thread. It's fine to not like some animals, but straight up hating them is just gross.
No. 1007219
>>1007136This. People once fetishized pregnant bellies, fat pale women, feminine pretty men, and even today there are multiple countries that see borderline obesity as an ideal for both sexes, it was never about health or even visual "proportions" like incels say, beauty standards are extremely random and depend on the social context.
>>1007208Anon this is not an attack on you, but there's nothing good or ~exotic~ about meaningless beauty standards imposed to women. Women don't have to feel insecure so a culture can be ~zomg inchresting~.
No. 1007230
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>>1007219a consensus is needed for what is considered beautiful to the members of the culture so that the iconography can make sense and you can feel aesthetic pleasure looking at a painting and the people around you feel the same. that's the way you feel belonging which is maybe the most meaningful thing there is in life.
of course, it has to be one type, or a few types of beauty, which by definition is discriminatory, but it's not about tearing ugly people down. it's really not even about people themselves, it's about celebrating a sort of beauty whose enjoyment everyone in the culture can take part in : everyone prefers looking at beauty rather than plainness and everyone like to say to themselves, wow, this picture is more beautiful than i personally am, but it represents me in a way. it represents human beauty as we see it in our corner of the earth, and every corner of the world used to find meaningful beauty in a different way, which is really interesting. it tells you the heart of a people.
it's okay and normal not to fit the ideal, and ugly people do face discrimination (i would know). the best you can do is appreciate the value beauty has while knowing it's not the only one there is, and cultivating your other qualities.
the real pressure however and what we suffer from really isn't the existence of a beauty ideal, but the importance society places on beauty and innate qualities rather than character and hard work. that's why there is insecurity and a feeling something is imposed. it's also the normalization of cosmetic procedures etc that elicit supernormal stimuli of course, but i'd categorize that in the "commodifying human beings" drawer.
No. 1007616
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>>1007533it's not a straight up bingo but pale skin check, hourglass check, doll face check. from cartoonshateher.
No. 1007620
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>>998509Balding young men that shit is so fucking gross, when they are 20-30 and already dont have half of their hair and it's all greasy anyway, ughhhh. Balding men are physically repulsive, the small strands of hair and the skin peaking through their hair… barf
No. 1007639
>>1007616lmao right??
Anyway sorry but conventionally attractive women who claim to feel so pressured by by changing beauty standards just need to… get over it tbh. Slim and healthy will ALWAYS be considered attractive and desirable in western culture at least. Thin women will never be short of attention and praise for their body, they still make up the majority of celebrities and models. If one is suddenly uwuing all over the place about not having the requisite huge tits and ass or whatever they see getting likes on instagram, they're not worried about being considered unattractive - they're worried about not being considered the absolute peak perfection like they usually are, they're pissed that someone else is getting the limelight. They feel sorry for themselves not having the most followers, and they can get a little humblebragging in while they whinge. Enjoy what you've got ffs.
No. 1007689
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>>1007533>>1007577ebony dark'ness dementia raven way?!
No. 1008057
>>1007747the jumping on the post to blog about her life for 3 lines, the overabundance of descriptors for herself (despite this being an anon board), the oxymoron "averagey doll features", the fact she had to go back and add the y to average because "average" felt modest enough when she wrote it but too unremarkable to describe herself when she proofread (just like "fleshy but skinny" instead of "skinnyfat"), repeating 3x "one minute… the next minute…" which is annoying and exaggerated and tells us she thinks (or wishes) people constantly commented about her and her appearance as if she were the main character in a movie about a girl realizing she's beautiful
anyway this reads like a mini copypasta and it's really funny to analyse lmao
No. 1008568
>>1008373i saw one with a shirt that said "ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH TO TRY"
try what white boy? drink milkshakes and pick stuff up?
No. 1008592
>>1007616Are you kidding me? Where I live fake tans and stuff always seems to be forced down my throat and I get told repeatedly to tan. I have a combination of "doll" features and average features and what's wrong with having an hourglass? At least I'm not like anons in 2014 lolcow claiming to have 43-23-46 proportions. Not all hourglasses are extreme or anything
>>1008248Venus is a good example of what I mean. Doll like doesn't necessarily mean fake or artificial/unattainable looking, it doesn't even have to be "pretty" to a lot of people
No. 1008881
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zoomers combining pickmeism and "adulting" memes
No. 1009328
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>>1008373Do they wear t-shirts that say "ouch" by any chance?
No. 1009373
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When people switch accents mid-sentence to sound quirky
No. 1009414
>>1009391I mean, beaner certainly sounds like a racial slur to me, just not quite as heavy or stigmatized as some others. Or are you just annoyed that people are calling it the b-slur instead of spelling the word in full?
They'll have to pry retard from my cold dead hands though, no other synonym for dumb has such nuance and impact.
No. 1009606
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whatever this is
No. 1009625
>>1009606watch her become an actual "
terf" in a few weeks… or whine and moan about actual radfems being "too mean!!"
No. 1009751
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>>1009409> it definitely isn't harmless nor respectable. It's disappointingtrue! sometimes I think we forgot how far we have come. Men won't be able to see that it's a joke and I hate it. I don't think a working women who just entered the workforce in the 80's would ever make this type of joke for exemple, same with calling themself "bimbo/slut".
No. 1009756
>>1009629Kinda related to this, I know women who don't have alot of money to spare, who could really do with saving in some areas to improve other areas of their life… and yet they spend on nails and lash extensions and various other treatments that last about a month and need re-doing. Then it becomes the standard and they can't live without it or they feel.. less presentable I guess.
Like I'm all for doing what you want with your own money but when they're your friends and you know they constantly complain about money being tight? I don't do any of that stuff myself so I'm opposite land over here and I don't know what to say when I see it and hear the money vent that soon follows. I don't get it. You can't afford to go anywhere or do anything but your lashes are strong, like why would you sacrifice being able to go out and have experiences just so you can stay home looking ever so slightly better?
No. 1009779
>>1008881>write a 10 page essayLmao poor widdle student!
She'll beg for these days back when her parents/loans were paying her way in order to bitch about having to write a simple paper.
Life only gets harder after graduation and there's only so much blane you can push on other women.
No. 1009971
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Men who grow beards that can't connect
Seriously it just looks awful and you can't grow that much facial hair in the first place so why do you even bother
No. 1010005
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>>1009990bimbo is such a funny word, its so cute lol
pic related is the bimbo bread company which apparently was named to be a combination of the words "bingo" and "bambi"
No. 1010253
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men with hairlines like this. just shave your fucking head
No. 1010491
>>1010484Agreed, we should all defer to
>>1009074 when anyone gets fussy
No. 1010539
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I don’t hate women but I hate this very specific type of woman. Women who indulge that stupid bimbo porn pedo edgy ~*aesthetic*~ are a cancer and I hate seeing them on Pinterest and on tumblr.
No. 1010544
>>1010469/ot isn't even funny anymore unless you're a
toxic bitch, just a bunch of endless infighting
>/g/ is the pathetic and sad type of retardedimagine feeling this uncomfortable around female sexuality No. 1010574
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>>1010544the average /g/ sexuality everyone, and that's not even getting started on the sick fucks posted in the unconventional thread, especially nullfuckers
No. 1010581
>>1010574I suspect at least 90% of posts there are either scrotes or bored anons making shit up who want to get a reaction out of people
hell I made a post once about being into piss play just cause
No. 1010599
>>1010597I hate most UK slang.
I hate when they say 'dead' instead of 'very' too.
No. 1010615
>>1010610I swear to God some of them will mock women for their heterosexuality, but also get
triggered when someone says she wishes she were a lesbian. Is the hettie supposed to wish she was an asexual to not offend lesbians? Ridiculous
No. 1010709
>>1010615>some of them will mock women for their heterosexuality, but also get triggered when someone says she wishes she were a lesbian.How is this some sort of an incomprehensible paradox? Lesbians who "mock" women for being straight mock them for having the entitled, clueless heterosexual attitude blind to their own privilege, not for being attracted to men. And heterosexual women "wishing they were lesbians" come from a place of "gosh I wish I had a cute talented pussy eater gf to bake cookies and pick flowers with instead of my
abusive Nigel uwu" putting lesbianism into the category of super secret politicized female club for femaleness instead of a natural form of sexuality that's largely oppressed and attempted to be erased. Something a person of the mainstream sexuality is entirely oblivious to because they don't generally have to live in the fear of being disowned for their partner or beat up on the street for kissing them.
No. 1010782
>>1010745I really enjoyed tempcow. It was more dynamic, more chat-like than posting on the boards. It was also amusing how you could see the process of typing.
The only bad thing about tempcow imo were the Laineybot spergs. OooOo look at her eYeBroWs
No. 1010813
>>1010802At 18-22:
>Call every woman over 25 a haggard granny to feel better about yourself, brag about how dada loves his lil girl, expect your issues to just all magically work itself out as you ageAt 23-27
>Realize you're still a fucking mentally ill degenerate and your issues and depression just stay there, but your beloved kinky dada is starting to move on to younger girls because you hit ~le wall~ at 25, panic over losing your only conceived value (your adolescent youth and neotenous teenage features)At 28+
>Attempt to hastily try to become a little girl again, lie about your age, photoshop like crazy, filter your selfies to look like you're 16 again, end up being ridiculed by a new generation of 19-year old nymphlets who took your dada and are now calling you the haggard granny they think they will never becomeAt 30+
>Get the first man that accepts you and make babies because your life depends on being adored and admired not for your skills and achievements, but your value as a woman in the eyes of men. Stay unhappy and bitter forever with kids that you neglect and either a cucked husband that you cheat on all the time or one that sends dick pics to teenage girls and sits on his ass playing video games. No. 1010838
>>1010709>Lesbians who "mock" women for being straight mock them for having the entitled, clueless heterosexual attitude blind to their own privilege, not for being attracted to menAre you new here?
>putting lesbianism into the category of super secret politicized female club for femaleness instead of a natural form of sexuality that's largely oppressed and attempted to be erased. Something a person of the mainstream sexuality is entirely oblivious to because they don't generally have to live in the fear of being disowned for their partner or beat up on the street for kissing themPretty sure everyone, including those women you complain about, know about it and don't think it's okay. See
>>1010610 No. 1010847
>>1010845I didn't say that heterosexual women are just as oppressed, but keep reading bullshit I didn't say into my post. Its just that it would be nice if lesbians didn't say shit like "lel what did you expect" to abuse
victims (yes I've seen it happen, even here) or "just go celibate, idk what's the problem". Both sides have their unique struggles and should have empathy for each other. You mocking heterosexual women for their awareness of men being oppressors is what I am talking about.
No. 1010855
>>1010847NTA but I feel like "lesbians" who say that shit are just low-empathy political lesbians telling on themselves. Some of them really do see being a lesbian not as a sexual orientation, but a sekrit political club, and they'll balk at you if you remind them of the truth because they know they're LARPers. I've seen it happen here. Lots of straight women with zero sex drive and bisexuals in denial trying to "pass" as a group that's actually like 3% of the planet. They don't love women (and that's why they
victim-blame and attack them), they just hate men
If you're an actual sexual minority, thinking or saying "just don't have your sexual orientation anymore xD" whenever anything bad happens is the most low-IQ thought you could ever have in your head. Think gay scrotes say that to straight incels? No, because males haven't politicized being homosexual like neurotic women have lol
No. 1010928
>>1010846I don't have any delusional beliefs about how dating a woman would somehow be perfect, or that it would even be slightly better then dating a scrote
however at least I'll have a guarantee that my partner can't ever physically beat me and I couldn't do anything to stop them or that they have just one bad day and beats me to death
that's the most important difference, Its not about how men act or behave or any other shit but the fact that in any Hetorsexual relationship the male partner can just waste the woman If he wanted too with his bare hands, Its a biological reality
a lesbian might be a shit partner but I don't have to be physically cautious around them like I would be men
No. 1010981
>>1010974 + you're objectively less at risk of abuse at hands of your partner if she's a woman. No one can deny men are significantly more agressive than women are.
No. 1011092
>>1011072Because when women sit or lay down with a heavy flow the blood travels up the front via the labia or to the back via asscrack. The length compensates for surprise blood gysers in anyplace that's not directly below the vaginal opening.
That was my struggle before I said fuck it and started using tampons.
No. 1011537
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can’t stand the current mainstream female rapper aesthetic…ugliest thing i’ve ever seen. majority of them are eye sores, their makeup is troonish, the colorful wigs are so tacky and always feature those crusty baby hairs, they try so desperately to have fashion moments by shoving their silicone asses in pvc and poorly made latex superhero costumes & it’s legitimately hideous. not the mention the constant prostituting they promote to young black girls… we are doomed
No. 1011561
>>1011537Shit, you're right. They're giving off drag queen/tranny prostitute vibes with the shit makeup and sad excuses for outfits.
The hairline on the third pic is unintentional comedy.
No. 1011596
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I didn't find an active thread for decoration, so I'll just post this here instead. I hate how minimalist decoration is white. Just because you're not a consumerist, doesn't mean your house has to be boring. If you don't want to buy useless decorative objects, than make the essential products interesting instead. Bitch, paint these walls. Buy furniture with pretty or fun designs.
No. 1011622
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I hate songs where there's some guy singing about/to a random "she" character. It just makes me uncomfortable to listen to that. This might be autistic but whatever.
No. 1011754
>>1009406Wow your post actually made me think of something I could post on here!
I hate children's shows nowadays and how they've become total brain rot. A lot of the shows I watched as a child were so wholesome and sweet, the animation was quite pretty and they generally have good little lessons in them which I think is good for the brain.
I'm talking things for toddlers btw, young kids. If you're going to plop them in front of a screen while you regain a small semblance of peace the least you could do is put on something that's mildly educational and has some heart and soul breathed into it.
I don't know what's on TV now but from what I notice most parents put things on from youtube and it's this gaudy soulless shell, some eye candy for the child to watch. It feels dystopian tbh. Do people realise these kids brains are growing and need to be nourished mentally with the things they watch and interact with? No?
No. 1011755
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No. 1011760
>>1011686I'm not a radfem doomer, I'm just acknowledging the physical reality of being with a man
Its not about their attitudes but the fact they can kill you
No. 1011781
>>1011760Any able bodied adult can kill any other adult using a knife or when they're asleep. If a woman who was close to you was really set on killing you, it wouldn't be difficult for them to do so.
Men are indisputably more violent than women, but it's mostly a disposition problem. The fact that they're physically stronger amplifies the effects but the root cause is that they're largely incapable of controlling their emotions. Look at dogs - very large dogs like saint bernards and great pyrenees hypothetically have the greatest ability to overpower and kill a human, but they're very unlikely too compared to the smaller but more aggressive pit bull.
No. 1011792
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2020s+ weeb culture is a mockery of its earlier versions
It's so performative and shallow
No. 1011811
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>>1011792Everything is an AeStHeTiC now. None of these TikTok weebs give a fuck about anything but cooming and being coomed to
No. 1011823
>>1011537It's not even the aesthetic that I hate the most. It's the hypocrisy. Female rappers will rap about being the baddest bitch and the next second the scrote they're featuring shits up the track about how he leaves her with the bill if she won't fuck, how he fucks around and clowns his woman. Then she leaps back in the track and continues.
It's a dissonance beyond comprehension.
No. 1011826
>>1011537No wonder girls flock to the waifcore aesthetic as a form of rebellion if this is whats promoted in mainstream media
and the real question is what type of Subhuman male is attracted to these types of women, like said person must be a literal untermench in every conceivable way
No. 1011878
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People who make this stuff up, can they even keep up with their own pronouns if someone called used it IRL?
No. 1012001
>>1011880>>1011883>Dog owners are narcissists who see dogs as extensions of themselves, so god forbid you take issue with itGo back to your shitty containment thread, you absolute spergs. I can't wait until someone claims here that supposed cat haters (which I'm not even sure exist here) are obnoxious. On lolcow it's always the retarded dog haters trying to shit every thread and pick up a fight whenever possible, even if a dog is only tangentialy related to a discussed issue.
I hate you psychos (regular people who are neutral toward dogs, aren't interested in them or dislike them without blaming the animal or seething about all dogfags: this isn't about you)
No. 1012310
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No. 1012529
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I hate shit like this. Like just let the woman die in peace, she was 99 and probably ready for it.
No. 1012601
>>1012593Nah, it sounds like you got lost somewhere. It's teenage to glamorize those things, yes. Now, could you look back at my post and show me where I glamorized them? It just seems like you misunderstood what I was saying somehow, and got angry about nothing.
Also, I'm sure you already know, but Lolcow was literally made to observe and gossip about mentally ill people, most people don't come here solely for (or through) /ot/
No. 1012608
>>1012601Samefag to add that you mentioned most teenagers will grow out of it. The people I'm talking about aren't teenagers. They're adults, and one has two children, according to the thread. The whole "scene" and its proliferation are disturbing all around, an "NLOG" defense just isn't
valid here
No. 1012648
>>1012601>show me where I glamorized them?But I never said that and that's why I'm confused. Literally where the hell are you getting that from. I'm saying it seems like a teenager thing to glamorise hikkineet shit and why care about what randos glamorise?
Of course I know why lolcow started but more anons than you'd think only visit for the non-cow boards. The thing is, lolcow is irreplaceable. True female only spaces with little to no trannies are so uncommon that I'll cling to this site despite not caring about cows. CC has too many scrotes.
I really just don't get why give a fuck.
No. 1012654
>>1012648 As I said, they're not teenagers. They're grown adults, some with children, and that's why it's fucked up. That seems to be where you're lost, you assumed things without knowing and went from there. You and
>>1012262 and the anon who posted the drawing seemed convinced this was about "being the OG" or "only true" whatever, like you think I find those things pleasant or good somehow. It makes no sense, because there's nothing good about any of it, and I never said there was
>why care This is Lolcow kek. People can care about things you don't care about, it happens all the time. There's no reason to get upset or aggressive about it, either. If we follow your line of logic, why do you care so much about what a "rando" cares about? Just ignore it like other things you don't care about, and enjoy this space.
No. 1012676
>you can't say people anymoreYou absolutely can
nonny. I don't understand your issue with it, it's a regional/dialect thing.
No. 1012704
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I'm devastated that the 90's/early 00's aesthetic of fun, slime, neon, crazy art, loud music has ended. I really don't enjoy this new 'minimalism' trend everywhere with all these goddamn succulents at every corner. Everything has seemingly become so flat.
But what I'm most sad about is cartoon culture. If I have kids one day, I know I won't be able to just turn on the TV, because it's either filled with 'woke' shit or just shit design in general. PC culture has killed all fun, and all artists and cartoonists are now just enbies or filling some bullshit 'representation' quota which means that there is less focus on stories and art. My heart feels like it's slowly and sadly swaying on the swing set.
No. 1012763
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>>1012704I hate the extremely sterile minimalism we have now and it's offshoots (like modern farmhouse and shit) too but things left over from the 90s/early aughts in terms of design and architecture don't look good either. Picrel is from 2017 at Epcot in a building that hadn't been redone in a long time. I agree we need to go back to brighter, fun, and overall happier design but it needs to be updated. We look at the stuff from our childhoods with too much love lol Agree completely with the cartoons though
No. 1012776
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>>1012704Reminds me of corporate art and how much it sucks. I also hate modern computer animation, I miss hand drawn. Quite tragic how it will never make a comeback and how it is now considered as "vintage" lmao wtf
No. 1012779
>>1012686Just come over to the juice side
nonnie. It’s liberating to go into the bar and order a big glass of banana juice.
No. 1012784
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>>1012310Um, ok poser, give me the names of 5 /r9k/ tripfag then? Have you even ever made a shitty psychological horror using RPG maker? Yeah, that's what I thought. I officially changed my name to Yotsuba Lain Tomoko, you can't beat me. Currently typing this on my blackwidow Razer keyboard while wearing my Nevada-tan sweatshirt. Keksimus maximus shadilay ratioed, nonner.
I hate edgy weebs, fuck them all. People are always shitting on the True Crime community women while moids have been doing that sad shit for at least a decade. Women who are into it are all sad nlogs who's only achievement in life is having 100 discord orbiters No. 1012790
>>1012776>>1012763I find it funny but sad that the corporate memphis stuff is a throw back to the 80s and 90s, but it's so soulless in how it does it. And we have so many reboots too. Hollywood is trying to milk 90s nostalgia for millennials, and yet it will never be the same. Everything is sterile and blatant pandering. Very sad.
I sure miss being able to watch shows without ridiculous rotoscoping sequences.
No. 1012818
>>1012506Honestly I kind of assumed it's the same person seething. If not, that doesn't change anything since it's the exact same bs… maybe except that anon sounded like she believed every 30 years old woman into yume nikki is only pretending to have been groomed or into creepy weeb shit
>>1012522reverse image search exists. also if you see those ugly things, you can be like 96% sure op didnt draw them unless they are lolcow specific
>>1012529>>1012532>>1012538I see both sides. Those takes are cringe but also a bit funny.
>>1012547Nobody wanted to force her to live despite immense suffering (like if a doctor pulled a plug on her and the public revolted), people are just sad that a cool person is out of this world. Because we don't know what's exactly going on in their lives, it's easy to be comforted by your favorite famous person still kicking. Once they are gone, it's over.
>>1012654Please show us those hikkineet adults so we can see what you were talking about. I'm especially curious about especially moms.
>inb4 it's some cow on /snow/I mostly follow some classic ones, group snowflake threads are incredibly boring to me
>>1012808>I hate when I’m watching a show and they mention COVID, I avoid the news to stop hearing about this pandemic.Kek and tinfoilers think there are no covid romcoms because it's not the agenda Illuminati wants to push rather than a risk of it not selling well due to people using entertainment to escape the shitty reality
No. 1012841
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I hate the picrew wojaks. I hate that western politics and memes have turned into these stupid rejects talking. I hate that people are fucking ATTRACTED to these things.
No. 1013440
>>1013384I’m 18 and 19 soon, I am an adult mature woman. I think you’re very lucky to be born 6 years before me, as you could have been in your teens in a much better time, before all this political and internet stuff. Everyday I wish it was 2013. And I guess 24 is a weird in between generations age, but at least you got a cooler childhood. Like imagine being 18 in 2015 compared to now, I’m seething so hard.
There are I guess, plenty of ‘nonbiney’ girls my age, consumers, vapid girls, ana-chans, and rich girls. I can’t exactly talk for guys as my school (presents as co ed) is gender segregated, like different buildings so boys and girls don’t interact. I left three months ago and there are plenty of solid people, often they’re normie girls who want to study and have father figures, muslim girls that literally barely get to use the internet, and rich but cultured/educated girls. I think it’s a total mix, as are millennials. The variables are internet usage, family structure, character and cultural background.
I am a hypocrite though. I liked to make fun of millennials for being
>smol doggo soy vegan pinterest harry potter oh my science mental health day twitter updoot adulting exposed brick wall crotch goblin raisedbynarcissists coachella tinder barcade dive bar yikes oof brunchEven though that’s completely untrue, and millennials are just people who happened to be born in a year. Stereotypes are fun,
>>1013393 made a stereotype I would laugh at.
So apologies, stereotypes are fun, I like to stereotype, make fun of us zoomers all you want and we will make fun of you. I don’t hate anyone, I just want to have a giggle.
>>1013387I guess we are the new cringe. Like a torch being passed between generations. I promise to you that I will come on here in ten years to take the piss out of generation alpha, who will probably be brainwashed by Cocomelon, sterile, constantly receiving dopamine, and addicted to ‘medicinal crack’ to help them through their shifts at amazon.
No. 1013680
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Woke WOC who call their white partners "colonizers" or some shit
seriously its just so fucking cringe
No. 1013707
>>1013440not trying to sound mean, but i think you are definitely still growing. your twenties are different, so you saying "i am an adult mature woman" sounds funny kek of course you would think that at your age though (i felt kinda like that, but still saw myself as a kid).
you are correct! i think i am lucky for the timing i was born and everything, though just like any other teenager faces, there were diff problems at that time too. no matter what theres problems. my childhood was fun, but since i didnt have any comparison to consider, i didnt think about that ever and just saw my life as "just how life is"… the internet is like x, babies are like x, adults are like x… simple views and now i see how much things have changed and look back on how funny it was that i really didnt think things would change. funny to see you say 2013 though, i often think of 2009 as one of the best times because thats when shugo chara was out, i got deeper into anime, etc.
overtime, your views on people of all groups will grow even more for sure, might be similar-ish but sometimes you look back and its weird thinking that you kind of had things figured out a bit, but things grew some more.
to your millennial point: just like kids nowadays, that lingo was popularized online and so people just spoke like that lmao i think that cant be assigned to a generation especially because i have seen people of diff ages speak like that. never heard of some of the things u mentioned also, but many arent generation specific and idk why people talk about harry potter all the time, that was only pivotal for people who were big fans of that, otherwise its a franchise like any other which people of any age get attached to.
i dont think anyone is mad except the zoomers though tbh like i dont know what generation i am, but when making fun of them
>>1013694 this all applies and i am pretty much the same. ive only seen people lately complain about "zoomer hate" so idk what to say to people who are mad, time to grow a spine and shut the computer maybe kek (not an attack on you)
No. 1013725
>>1013680Is it still cringe if you say you’re going to colonize
No. 1013728
>>1013725Yes it is, don't bring up historical colonization in a relationship
also what If the guy was Irish or polish
No. 1013734
>>1013732>>1013729I'm the last thing from woke but literally what about this is Woke, why would even you bring up colonization in a relationship
also its likely his ancestors weren't even colonizers or anything
No. 1013743
>>1013739I mean yeah it just seems like something people twitter say to be quirky and they probably have a normal-ish relationship IRL
Its still cringe, especially the way anons here acre acting like
>>1013725 >>1013729
No. 1013757
>>1013744Even incels say there's no such thing as a femcel (to them women can have sex no matter what, they do not seem to acknowledge the existence of unattractive women). People want femcel to be a thing so bad to excuse incel or ree when women don't give a shit about moids. To be a femcel on the same level as incel, a woman would have to hate men, consider them retarded and hateful, but also want to fuck them, and think they should have their rights taken like the ability to learn or have a job beyond homemaker, be turned into sex slaves, provided to women like a natural resource to be owned and divided to prevent collapse of society, to get rid of/punish all Stacie's, and the age of consent to be lowered/abolished, and younger men, like YOUNGER men (minors), are the most pure men.
No. 1013818
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This woman and anyone that does the same type of “comedy”. Triggers my flight or fight every single time it’s so viscerally unappealing.
No. 1013853
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>>1013757Well that's pretty much my beliefs in a nutshell lol. So no idea why do you think women who possess that sort of worldview don't exist. The world is pretty diverse you know?
No. 1013864
>>1013757nta but there are some radblr radfems who somewhat fit your description
like they hate men but also wish they had a bf who loves them
Its sad really
No. 1013871
>>1013757Well, yes bingo for me, apart from the "punish stacies" and the minors fixation. These two are imo inherent of the male brain/the products of how most of them are socialized to be bitter narcs with pedophilic tendencies.
I'm seeing the word femcel becoming mainstream though, especially in places like edtwt? I don't mind it, even though it's performative. Even if it's a phase to them, I'm not going to cry about women taking the pink pill kek, when you're a rad movmt you take what you can get
No. 1013886
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>>1013877nta but I've never seen that, it's almost always the weird zoomer hate obsession. I'm 24 so I'm technically neither and both, but I can definitely see millenials becoming the new bitter boomers, the cicle never ends
No. 1013903
>>1013886Oh lol the Socrates quote again. And saying you've personally never seen it therefore it doesn't happen isn't really a good argument.
I'm only technically a zoomer myself but you're crazy if you think the current woke, aesthetic, twitter, tiktok dance, consumerist, sorry mommy kids are in the same league as millennials liking books about a wizard school.
Someone else said it before but millennials had no social media and nowhere to sperg out aside from forums and MySpace, and while there was still degenerate content out there nobody had their whole identity accessible online unless they had a death wish. Plus the gross shit was still somewhat contained and you had to know where to look for it.
Now there's a million and one gross incel subreddits about torturing women, Twitter accounts retweeting woman torture "kink" content, and until some years ago Tumblr as well.
Plus all of the internet is thoroughly sterilized and made into a perfect advertising platform where everyone shills everything at all times.
I don't blame younger people for being annoying but they are legitimately annoying lol. I don't even want to know how bad Generation Alpha will have it, but I'm guessing they'll use the same Socrates quote for us too, if their attention spans can handle it by then.
No. 1013918
>>1013903Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Reddit demography primarly millenial? Tumblr as well?
To me, TikTok + Twitter = zoomer hubs but the rest is millenial
No. 1013921
>>1013378> I know when I enter my 20s I won’t judge those the next generation based on annoying tiktokers.kek
see you in 4-5 years
No. 1013925
>>1013918By Tumblr I meant mostly how most zoomers were in their early teens and pre-teens when porn was still allowed on there, which will affect you more than seeing it in your late teens and adulthood. Also, the Reddit userbase differs between subreddits.
>>1013922This is exactly what I'm saying if you'd read the last paragraph?
No. 1013929
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>>1013926How isn't it true? Boomers hold literally all of the wealth with Gen X running behind them. Most of them are probably even investing overseas and liquidating their properties before death to live a fat pensioner life so millenials aren't getting shit.
No. 1013930
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>>1013886Socrates hate thread when?
No. 1013955
>>1013950I would say that misogyny was much worse back then, especially since plenty of women participated in it without recognizing wtf they are doing. I genuinely think that the social awareness about sexual assault,
toxic relationships, mental health etc. has become better.
>inb4 scrotes don't mean itIDC, just happy not to have to read vile comments while browsing music reviews
No. 1013964
>>1013959We really didn't know any better, I had so many captions on my photos like "surprise hug rape!"
I'm glad that's unacceptable now but it makes me so uncomfortable knowing that I could be cancelled if someone finds the things I posted when I was 15
No. 1014054
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Can we make this dog the next borzoi
No. 1014110
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>>1014087nta but bull terriers are genetic monstrosities as well, just slightly below pugs
a dogs skull is not supposed to look like this
No. 1014144
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>>1014054both are cute, don't you dare !
No. 1014189
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I hate ugly men
Their existence instinctively annoys me
I saw picrel while casually scrolling on pinterest and it ruined my mood
No. 1014246
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>>1014054It's not the dog's fault it's face is fucked up. I still think they're cute. That's subjective so don't get all up in my ass about how you think they're ugly, it doesn't matter friend.
No. 1014263
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Anyone who buys or breeds these dogs is evil.
No. 1014482
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No. 1014597
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>>1014265Men's bodies are built for labor and service.
No. 1014706
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I hate classical European art and aesthetics, fugliest than anything on this planet yet dumbfuck feminine~ anons and tumblr users eat that shit up like bread and butter. The art looks like really bad and pretentious bible fanart that would be posted on Deviantart
No. 1014714
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>>1014706Agree, I prefer when euros were making fanart to goddesses of war and victory, not old balding scrotes.
No. 1014729
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I hate Quora
No. 1014774
>>1014751NAYRT and I'm not even invested in this argument but
>jojo>baraanon…are we looking at the same jojo
No. 1014940
>>1014706t. retard with no taste who ruined art for themselves because they're annoyed by a fleeting and admittedly shitty ""aesthetics"" trend
>>1014716t. tonedeaf anime hating retard complaining about hating anime on a website with weeb roots
>I know b-but it's been years! we must move on from the retarded weeb history!Think whatever you want but image boards have always been and likely will always be seen a niche weeaboo thing.
Anyway, I hate when normieanons complain about hating anime and weebshit on lolcow, kek.
No. 1015737
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I hate grandpafuckers
No. 1015864
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Pornstars on TikTok literally interacting with minor posts..
No. 1015939
>>1015897Everytime I see scrotes claim that they love young women so much and anyone who says it's predatory must be a jealous older woman, I just reference the fact EVERY single relationship in relationship advice pages that involve a much older man and much younger woman is always a shit show from the man's end
They will have their ~ideal~ of a young submissive girl who is desperate to be with them but every single post relating to this is ALWAYS the man causing problems, the man acting disinterested and messing around with other girls, the man ignoring the young girl he begged for, and the girl sitting around trying to make things work. Surely if you loved 18 yr olds so much you wouldn't cheat on them so much and deprive of them affection in a relationship?On top of that it's funny because when people pull the "jealous older Karen" card, I've been against age gap relationships for the longest I can remember and I'm 22 kek
What's even the point of getting in an age gap relationship if you just ignore her, nitpick her looks and bitch the entire time? So much for "younger girls are better!" I never understand men
No. 1016223
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Cards against humanity.
Lame and crass at best.
Scrote brained and pitiful.
I feel like hell is an eternal game of cards against humanity with people who find it hilarious.
No. 1016634
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Whatever the hell this is
No. 1016724
>>1016708If there are ugly old men, there also must be handsome ones, though the last ones are rare. IDK some people have a good facial structure and it shows for a long time
>old men will never be conventional no matter how much you try to meme itI'm not trying to meme anything, it just makes sense to me
No. 1016759
>>1016753I'm not even the original anons you were replying to, but you type autistically like a scrote. People don't like anime because it is cringe and for children. If you don't like others' opinion, stop whining like a little bitch baby male and move on.
A lot of anons here don't like it because it's sexist. You're a dipshit enabler and a loser who farts while you wish you were 12 year old Himeko-chan. You're extremely new and retarded to boot.
No. 1016769
>>1016759>>1016760I barely said anything and you guys are just ripping me apart for it. Why don't you just fucking calm down? Like holy shit, I only made that
one reply but you're assuming I'm one of the other anons! What is with everyone lately?
No. 1016781
>>1016774nta but
>sheepkek liking anime doesn't make someone unique and different
No. 1016800
>>1016759I don't like all anime either.
>>1016775You never watch any series or movies ever? Everything can be generalised the same way as sexism/dumb simply by cherry picking the bad examples.
>>1016781Yes? I didn't claim otherwise. Like
>>1016785 said. Generalising does sound like you've never actually watched anime. Some anime sucks and is coomer shit but not all.
No. 1016814
>>1016793You're a miserable cunt, leave anons alone
>>1016803>it's like you're proud of how you actbitch should be embarrassed of being this psychotic, she's for sure a newfag from twitter who is excited she can finally shit on everyone with no consequences
No. 1016833
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>>1016808Coof thread has alot of sheep talk.
No. 1016889
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when nonnies are not getting along
No. 1016903
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>>1016894I guess you just don't have as big a personality as she does
No. 1016969
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I hate these nasty bitches so much
No. 1017051
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>>1017036She hates Naruto anon.
It's fish turned into a fine paste and then steamed No. 1017052
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I hate that there are people (I guess mostly children) that think Jinx in Arcane is 14/15 years old, like, she doesn't look remotely as a child? (A writer said on twitter that she is 17/19, which makes more sense)
It makes me feel like teenagers really have no idea how they actually look like. Same with Ekko, they are saying the same thing and I swear he looks like he is in his early 20s
No. 1017079
>>1017051Believe it!
Nta btw
No. 1017140
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sorry for being southern. forgive me, y'all.
No. 1017170
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I hate whores, and I know some anon is gonna reply to me telling me how I have internalized misogyny I don’t give a fuck. I hate them, they make me uncomfortable to see in public and online and I hate pornstars only fans thots. Obviously I have pity for third world prostitutes who were forced into that life, but random ethots disgust me. Maybe I’m jealous. I still hate them! Fuck em
No. 1017186
>>1017170Same, especially ones who pride themselves on getting attention from rando lady's husband's and then claim "WeLl tell your husband not to stare!" like bitch he's not staring at you because of your floppy deflated tits you just put 3 cutlets in he's staring because he's wondering why the fuck this bitch is walking around Disney world in a bikini kek
Anyway, I don't care if people dress slutty but I hate when women dress slutty around places they know kids and families will be
No. 1017192
>>1017034I somewhat relate to this. I used to hate anime/weebshit but then I got into for a couple years through the influence of my sister. It's been like 3 years since I left it all behind and went back to my previous state of despising anime/weebshit tho and I constantly feel extreme shame, embarresment, and regret over the time I wasted on that shit. To this day I'm still recovering from that phase of my life.
How long where you into it and what kind of long term damage has it inflicted on you? And how do you cope with it?
No. 1017227
>>1016903>>1016894>>1016887>>1016882Animefags can't realize that there are different people arguing with them. Retarded tbh. But this is what chinese cartoons do to your brain. Also
>>1016879>complain about infightingLol never. I am the one causing it. This is so much fun! Why would I ever complain.
(idiot) No. 1017231
>>1017203What if I told you they became stubborn edgelords
because they were rejected for their autism, and edginedss only came out as a byproduct
No. 1017306
>>1017292Their sons xy cells literally invade her body and stay there even after he's born. Boymoms might as well be scrotes to me, they can never be trusted bc they always pick their son over other women no matter what. I swear most women just marry to have a son so she can be his life partner, not her hubby's.
No. 1017310
>>1017276my least fave are people who ask for money as reparations or because theyre a
poc. why on earth does that mean you need money???
No. 1017435
>>1017170Whoring wouldn't be the profitable nor attractive option if it didn't work. It must suck for you to feel that women are getting ahead with sexual merits that you find invalid.
What you actually hate are the men who encourage this behavior and the societies that enable it, but you choose to attack the women because you're weak and covertly as competitive. Only insecure biddies think about whores and let the subject bother them as much.
No. 1017600
>>1017540Nta but based opinion and
>>1017536 is right, a lot of normies have undiagnosed mental illnesses and personality disorders that make them insufferable because they hide their bullshit under a veil of normalcy. You wouldn't imagine how many of them carry the retarded "let's bully the silent kid who's not giving me attention" high school mentality far into their adulthood or generally treat other people like garbage if they're not exactly according to their own tastes. A lot of normies lack legitimately empathy and are ridiculously judgmental and shallow, it's just a fact.
No. 1018058
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Cope posts like this. Having to imagine somebody with a whole different eye color just to try and "downplay" their looks is miserable
No. 1018061
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>>1018047>>1018052Should have hidden their name, reposting for that reason. While I feel concerned about their mental state, the comment reminded me how much I hate that everything experienced needs to be -core. I remember stressing out about not everything I like fitting the image of a subculture I belonged to. The whole aesthetic thing is this except to the nth degree, and kinda worse since it puts look before everything else
No. 1018182
>>1017446NTA but lolcow isn't just a gossip site. That's what it started as and most of it is yeah but am I wrong in thinking that's simplifying it? For those of us who don't care about the gossip there's still no replacement for a mostly female only
TERF anonymous imageboard. No CC does not count and never will.
No. 1018192
>>1018190Let me guess, you have brown eyes and are butthurt?
It’s okay anon, most people dont care about eye colour, its just an extra oompf.
No. 1018453
>>1018441>Also "integrate better" is stupidI don't understand this. every site has it's own etiquette and rules for various reasons, I don't think asking people to follow them is stupid. another reason is that this site is anonymous and when people type in a really distinctive manner it's easier to identify them which goes against the point of an anonymous board. twitterfag and reddit behavior are annoying but I also hate it when people type like facebook boomers (ex: he looks so stupid in that hat…. LOL!!! XD"
all that being said I don't think saying "y'all" is exclusive to twitter and shouldn't count as not integrating
No. 1018456
>>1018453People are weird and you'd be surprised at how many people can go from sounding ghetto, sounding like white trash, Tumblr, or a Facebook boomer all within the same week. A lot of peoples typing style can dramatically change as well, I have friends I text whos text style changes within the day. I feel like anons who try to investigate which users are which really underestimate how many people change their typing style a lot.
It is realistic to ask people to integrate better but some anons here consider something they just don't like to not be integrating, which blurs the line for a lot of anons of if they truly aren't going along with the culture here or the fact anons are batshit crazy and will use one liners that make zero sense (saying no1curr to a post that got 5+ replies, calling people scrotes who say nothing close to what scrotes would say, claim "tinfoiling" and "strawman" over things that aren't remotely that)
No. 1018458
>>1018441it's not your fault
nonnie you own it, but if some anon calls you out on it she will assume you're one of those girls that have nothing to do with southen culture but still use "y'all". There's a very annoying type of individual that says y'all without growing in the south
No. 1018949
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I found a new thread pic for you guys
No. 1018956
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No. 1019084
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No. 1019128
>>1019084I don’t get these types of prostitutes that just do it for the “easy” money, they will get doxxed at some point and their lives will get ruined, unless they already have an extreme amount of money to fall back on.
Something tells me that she used to get bullied and now this is her “payback” some people surely never grow up.
No. 1019453
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No. 1019489
I hate the comments in all police dispatcher videos. While I do think some can be rude or it sounds like they don't care, I can't imagine putting myself in their shoes or the callers shoes.
I just have sympathy for them and I feel like people don't understand what they are trying to do. They can't be crying and freaking while they are trying to get information. I notice with kids they do tend to change their tones but how are they supposed to sound?
IDK maybe I'm wrong but I feel like people constantly try to put themselves in the Dispatchers place not realizing that their emotional response may not be whats best for the person in need either. Theres def. some shitty inexcusable PD calls out there though.
I hope this makes sense.
I hate the Sim community. I hate how there's people in it who just sit around all day shitting on Sims 4, buy the new DLC just to shit and whine about it some more. Or the people who don't even play Sims 4 anymore but will always be in sims 4 discussions like, "Thats why I play Sims 2/3"
Like okay those games are better, go play them. Make a thread or Reddit post talking about it. Stop shitting up every single sims space bitching when you don't even play the game. I hate people who act like they HAVE to buy the new DLC, "I've been playing the game since launch it's so boring, ugh I hate EA, ill just buy this new DLC in hopes it'll make my game better". Then whine about how it didn't.
I also hate how people who have thousands of hours in the game, brought it years ago and act like they haven't gotten their money's worth. Like you've been playing since 2015. I'm pretty damn sure you've gotten your use out of the game & DLCs unless you just buy them to NOT play them. Stop giving EA your money.
Sims content creators who just recolor EA Meshes or slightly alter them and then want you to pay for them on Paetron.
The Sims community is such a shitty place and always has been IMO. I don't even get into discussion anymore. It's full of negative weirdos. The sims youtubers all go through the same cycle of "New thing WOW, New Thing FUn! Let me make 20 videos milking every single feature of it and then!" then a month later it's like, "Maybe New thing wasn't as fun as I thought?"
Yeah, you being burnt out on a game you play for views and sometimes base your WHOLE channel around is going to burn you out.
Fuck EA and Fuck the sims community.
No. 1019907
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I hate alt hair colours. It’s a pain to maintain and lots of people just let it fade to a disgusting puke colour.
No. 1020084
>>1019788pls share a playlist or something nona, I'm not very knowledgeable about that kinda music but I want to sexy stuff to play in the background while I
draw lewd stuff with my favorite characters No. 1020099
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>>1019907>Pain to maintainI have a collection of such styles
No. 1020115
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>>1020104Yes I think it's very cute, looks like hard mode maintenance, so I admire it for that
No. 1020209
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I hate "somebody's daughter" memes like picrel; I know it's just a meme but somehow this one makes me so annoyed every time I see it, the choice of words make it seem that the point of the joke is that another man's property is getting defiled, so disgusting
No. 1020250
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True feminism is having deep hatred for James Charles
No. 1020271
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I hate 100gecs. They were a funny meme for like two seconds but it's just hot garbage tranny noise. Bonus points that every tranny "wow literally me"s about the lead singer
No. 1020383
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>>1020250I think I posted this already but one of the most egregious things he's done imo was normalizing facetune, and actively encouraging his teenage fans to shoop their pictures. being constantly bombarded by heavily edited pictures of women has a profound impact on young girls, he's a man so for him it's just a game, he can take the makeup off and those beauty standards he's setting for others don't apply to him anymore
No. 1020532
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>>1020250>>1020340James Charles also has a predator scandal towards young straight boys every few months but yet still has a “career”. It’s fucked.
No. 1020665
>>1020532Men are so evil when it comes to them trying to "own" people who reject them/feel uncomfortable with their advances. No idea of that drama in specific (and experimenting doesn't automatically turn you bi, you have a lot of women who larp as bi, try it, then only date men afterwards bc it wasn't for them), but this made me think of a gay photographer who groomed all of his male subjects who he deemed "gay" (Carlos Müller), forcing himself on them and then telling them they were gay bc they were inexperienced and shy about being molested by a man. A lot of them ended up being gay and breaking up with their gfs. No kidding it was so bizarre to read, but it was noted how muller
insisted on making them feel they were truly homosexual. Sage for random&autistic sperging. Seeing charles insisting just like him truly paints him in a darker tone in my eyes.
No. 1020677
>>1020622Same, I even saw a drama channel using it for their intro/outro
Like Fuck off already.
No. 1020703
>>1020683Goes to show you, any cute masculine guy you know may be secretly masturbating himself into wanting to be a woman.
Name one tranny who isn't addicted to porn
No. 1020726
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>>1020340>makeup fag who rose to fame for no deserving reason other than being gay I guess >is shit at makeup>was on Ellen show, lied about bringing a ringlight to his prom photo that went viral >harasses straight guys, had explicit convos with minors >is very ugly My own reasons is that I fucking hate gay men with flaming assholes and no talent that waltz into the makeup industry and think think they gets to teach women about makeup
No. 1020787
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>>1020735He does troonlarp all the time in an attempt to pull the straights
No. 1020884
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I hate Shodan's redesign. She looks like an instahoe. All the menace she had in SS2 (and SS1 to an extent, her appearance here is just not as iconic as the one she has in the sequel) is gone. They have also made her a caucasoid for some reason, she looked asian before.
No. 1020892
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>>1020884For comparison this is her in SS2. I think if they simply removed the brows from the new version it would already get 100x better. Shodan is not supposed to look humanlike, quite the opposite - she must have that uncanny valley look. Removing the brows, exaggerating facial features and giving inhumane expressions is the proper way to design her.
No. 1020953
>>1019084There was an escort-anon like this
She said something like "I'm fucking all your husbands and boyfriends and there's nothing you can do about it", but then said she "respects other women". Like pick a side lol
No. 1020975
>>1019084Why are people more angry at a mentally ill woman getting validation from the wrong places than the men in committed relationships paying to fuck other women?
If men weren't pathetic and awful then prostitution wouldn't work.
No. 1020989
>>1020984>don't pull this overused deflection lolNo, I'm going to quote bullshit when I see it.
>this little pickme blatantly takes glee in essentially collecting worthless men that she knows are local in order to hurt her uwu big mean booliesThey seek her out and pay her. Maybe the b00lies should thank her for opening their eyes to the fact that they're with worthless men. The pickmes are the ones acting like other women are worth attacking over the scumbags who actually betrayed them.
>>1020979>but they're not on the ones on the video in question braggingNo, men prefer to brag to their peers on places like 4chan and r9k where an anon upthread said she wants to browse now. By all means, leave.
No. 1021083
>>1014285>>1014292Sage for a-logging and late but I once got kicked out of a woman's group on facebook because there was a thread where they were frivolously talking about breeding, what breeders are out there in their area, etc and I just said that there's really no ethical way to breed animals when there's so many animals out there, and if you really wanted a pet for pets sake you'd just go to a pound and adopt one. Cue seething soccer moms and
>nooooooooo but I breed my doggies and they alll live on a nice faaaarrrrmmm and have a goooooood lifeeeeeee reeeeeeeeMissing my point entirely, idk why breeders need to die on this hill. You're literally forcing birth on animals for profit, when there are animals out there who need loving homes. There's no way around it. Regardless of if you have a 5 star hotel for them to get pampered in, the practice itself is inherently unethical
No. 1021167
>>1021083you know why breeders want to die on that hill. the $$$ will always be more important than the animals or the truth for these people. they want to sit on their asses and pump out babies while perfectly adoptable animals are being put down.
what is REALLY concerning are breeder capers who allegedly "love" these animals so much. the "b-b-but it's
responsible breeding!!! they aren't making them rape their sisters or mothers!!". the bar is so low that they're really out here acting like anything outside of incest/inbreeding is ethical, while tons of dogs and cats face disease and fatal hardship. i can't with the capers who have no actual skin in the game and don't even have the profit motive. just admit you don't truly care about all dogs or cats and go, liars.
No. 1021627
>>1021167AYRT and based take
>>1021186touché anon, I mostly only know about cats.
No. 1022152
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>>1020892>>1020884Sage for unrelated. I decided to redact pic to look it as I wish she looked like in the new game. The fact that my photo editor doesn't recognize any faces on this pic is a very good sign kek.
No. 1022533
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I hate tiktok and I can't wait for 2030 when it is seen as cringe and cheugy like Facebook is now. It's so cringe and narcissistic. I hate the mkultra tier text to speech voice. I hate the pick mes and whores. I hate how people either do the absolute most for a crumb of dopamine or just film themselves face fucking themselves in the camera with the most milquetoast, bland generic statements and opinions. Tiktok really ruined a whole generation. Nothing on there is impressive or entertaining. It's really sad seeing people try so hard.
No. 1022579
>>1022533This is such an accurate post. It really is try hard without anyone being entertaining. It's like instagram had a video baby and everyone wants to look like a retarded pickme ho bag. It is very narc, and I don't see why these teens who are more than old enough to know better, aren't embarrassed posting the content that they do and making themselves look like fools. I've never once felt the need to download this pile of shit.
Unfortunately by 2030, I'm sure a worse flaming pile of horseshit will come out and you know that generation will be more insufferable than the last. Isn't TikTok from China? Who would feel comfortable dling an app from China anyway? People are extremely ignorant.
>>1022549>I hate the exaggerated facial expressions and erratic movementsIkr? Looks like they have a severe mental handicap. It's sad.
No. 1022640
>>1022533Tiktoks are like those awful clickbaity YouTube video thumbnails except it's the whole video and with equally annoying sound to match
I lose IQ points looking at Tiktoks and Instagram reels, they're just disgusting and cringe
Everyone who films themselves and posts it on Tiktok seems to be eyefucking their reflection too
No. 1023232
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We are reaching mental illness beyond our comprehension
No. 1023236
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>>1023232And one more, can't believe that we reached a point where people don't even want to show their faces in public, as a social species this can't be good for us
No. 1023259
>>1023236Okay to be fair
nonny this isn't everyone just a select person on tiktok you sound pretty paranoid
No. 1023265
>>1023232>>1023234>>1023236…says the person who is wearing a mask in their TikTok PFP. Be more careful next time not-so-anon kek.
Something I hate is tranny-tier pink hair
No. 1023290
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Anyway, here on topic, I hate that you cannot delete posts after 30 minutes, it should be 1 hour at least, come on (don't mind me, I just can't believe that I'm this retarded. Running on adrenaline right now)
No. 1023627
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This made me sad.
No. 1023643
No. 1023678
>>1023460Kek that thread was always shit
Anyone obsessed with celebrities is a bottom feeding retard
No. 1023759
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>>1023750Well what if I….popped a wheelie
No. 1023870
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>>1023333Glowutismo go away
No. 1023880
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>>1023781So chemistry can finally take out all the y-chronnies? What the fuck are we even waiting for, let's coagulate the mfs.
No. 1024212
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Hero Hei and his stupid ass YouTube channel. If most of his 'fans' were dumb teenage boys I'd think whatever but the fact that he's a grown man and so are most of his fanbase is embarrassing. He unironically thinks he's a hero of the internet and makes a living off of criticism and reporting on Twitter drama. He and his fans just seem to love ""triggering"" people and owning da snowflakes!!1! And it seems that most of his fans like self inserting as him too, as some kind of misunderstood hero. He's constantly searching up criticism of himself on Twitter to make content of. I can't explain fully why it gives me second hand embarrassment. I guess it's how he makes his money but past a certain age most people just ignore that shit. I never like people who get a rise out of baiting or pissing off others. His thumbnails and titles are all clickbaity but he covers up every criticism with h-haha it's just ironic bro!
And this is a petty nitpick but I hate his voice. It's hard for me to watch channels where I just hate the person's voice. If you're going to speak in your videos at least sound nice.
No. 1024325
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Whatever breed this thing is
No. 1024339
>>1024325falkor looking little freak
>>1024338>I hate any mansame
No. 1024345
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>>1024338>Seeing women talk about how their boyfriend chokes them and how they love it so much make me cringe.Same. Imagine having so little self respect you actually let a man degrade and hurt you… then act like you enjoyed it. Absolutely pathetic. Even if I was into that I'd pretend not to be just to preserve my dignity and avoid giving an undeserving man an ego boost.
No. 1024367
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This GoPro mouthguard
No. 1024369
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this guy
No. 1024487
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stop showing up on my youtube recommended you fucking slob and go suck on some dick
No. 1024593
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I hate it. The bubbles are shit.
No. 1024619
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I know were only at 1100 but I'm just gonna dump my thread pic suggestions now and if nonas like them whoever makes the next thread has somewhere to look if they don't have one in mind already!
No. 1024665
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>>1024621I love this one. But I also suggest pic related.
No. 1024916
>>1024815>You're contributing to the death of sites like this because you're pushing away the userbaseYou're right anon. I thought the influx of newfags (from the Creepshow stuff and Celebcow threads
and probably some from the COVID and conspiracy theory threads too) would actually be ok because they could learn how to integrate, but it seems like they're just fucking up the site. Obviously this site has always had infights and snarky assholes, but now you literally can't go in any thread without someone being unnecessarily rude or baiting.
No. 1024930
>>1024918Idk how you can agree with this while calling random people faggots and cancer. It’s not that serious
No. 1024931
>>1024815idk, i sometimes love that this is the one place you see nobody holding back. some other times i think it's sad we can't have more constructive conversations, but they do happen and if we had a be nice policy attention seekers and low quality posts wouldn't get shut down. right now every idea good and bad gets criticism.
what bothers me more is the hivemind, or maybe there isn't one because you can't really assess that on an anon forum, but there's definitely very dominant opinions expressed like fundamental truths (like "of course she's retarded, she likes this author"). i feel like KF is more diverse (or at least was, i don't read there like i used to), even though since people have a profile there there's more autistic theatrics as opposed to the raw thoughts posted on here
No. 1025030
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>>1025020Focal length, you're cute nonna
No. 1025058
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>>1025030holy cow annonette, thank you. You are cute too.
No. 1025159
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>>1024212Same. I fucking hate guys that still base their whole ass personality around calling others "
triggered snowflake SJW". Every once in a while youtube tries to recommend him to me and I can't even click the video cuz just the titles makes me die of second hand embarrassment.
And a lot of times these people are so defensive about anybody saying anything negative at all about their "scrote wish-fulfillment for NEETs" anime of the season that they're the ones that should be getting called "
We seriously need to find a way to kick these people back to 2016.
No. 1025197
>>1025159>And a lot of times these people are so defensive about anybody saying anything negative at all about their "scrote wish-fulfillment for NEETs" anime of the season that they're the ones that should be getting called "triggered". True. Moids who are obsessed with "owning the snowflakes" and calling them
triggered are usually the ones who throw the worst fucking temper tantrum over someone calling them out for being a braindead small dick coomer with shit taste. Call their waifu shit or make a joke about men and they completely lose it and start playing the
Also your picrel is based as fuck
No. 1025352
>>1025336>“woke casting” and “woke media”American media
>The gazillion anime/manga with a generic male protag and his harem of hot girls is fineJapanese media
0 correlation
No. 1025370
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you’re not a 12 year old boy in 2009 stop using this
No. 1025399
>>1023236Lol to be fair
nonnie I was on the phone to my eastern european grandma the other day and she said she envies muslim women because they get to cover themselves up and don't have to worry about what to wear in a niqab so I don't think this is exclusively the opinion of zoomers.
No. 1025458
>>1025352This isn't technically the same thing but you could sorta apply this to women triying to analise anime from a female perspective (if you extend "media" to include youtube).
When Noralities made some videos criticizing certain genres of anime a ton of animebros immedeatly jumped on making a bunch of video rants against her.
Just saying, but if a guy made a video absolutely shredding on Sailor moon I do not think he would have women making a billion rants calling him a stupid dumbass on the same way animebros do.
No. 1025898
>>1025804>She’s not a scrote just because she likes a sci fi story. Sorry you’ve never read anything deeper than fucking komaeda yaoi smutShe isn't getting called a scrote for being into sci-fi but for
>Thank you, Adam DancyLess Komaeda sperging, more reading comprehension.
Having said that…
>>1025622>>1025639>>1025743>>1025804I feel like it's some joke that goes over our heads. I googled Adam Dancy and didn't find a person with that name working on Terminator/The Matrix
No. 1025901
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>>1025898unless it's him, but he's hardly known person? Correct me if I'm wrong
No. 1025904
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>>1020383I hate gay men
Most of them are so cluelessly misogynist.
the way they think they like feminine things but only the male gazey scrote's projection of them. Make up, bimbo aesthetic, superficial female popstars etc They just love that shit BUT WHY if they are not even attracted to femininity? I guess misogyny's gene is just incorporated in the y chromosome.
No. 1026518
>>1026345The only scizo was the person replying to them, and apparently you since they didn't "shit up the thread". They made one comment and we're repeadly called a scrote and just defended themselves, and their main point wasn't even about all doctors being pedos, it was just an example of doctors being corrupt. It would have been less cringe if the replier just moved on instead of trying to infight over literally nothing. And not a single soul has ever said "all doctors are void", it's just that there's a middle ground that most people think don't exist, the fact that you think that we should question doctors somehow means all doctors should be voided is a good example
I did say this in the thread though and I'll say it again, scrotes are usually militantly pro-doctor, pro pedo, if a scrote was truly in the thread he would be attacking her for making a "false" accusation and defending doctors as being right and something no one should ever question.
No. 1026754
>>998525It's time, wake up
nonnie let's do this!