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No. 1166255
For discussion around breeders/kennels(backyard breeders, puppy mills, mlm breeders), exotic animals as pets, wild caught pets, dangerous breeds, husbandry, pet training etc.
General pet youtuber thread:
>>>/snow/831551 No. 1166259
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Some peak dogs from the other thread
No. 1166273
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>>1166264And the freaking "bully-cat" my god
No. 1166278
File: 1651777493428.png (1.56 MB, 1211x958, toadline.PNG)'s sick is this is some sort of like flex culture. People will spend thousands on these things, and they have this weird gangsta aesthetic to appeal to trash. What's even the point? I know thugs will get vicious pitbulls to seem tough but these things are so deformed they wouldn't be able to maul a child out of a paper bag.
No. 1166309
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>>1166273oh my fucking god that is an abomination, this asshole would have to bred deformed cat after deformed cat for generations to produce to that monstrosity
No. 1166320
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>>1166278>>1166310why don't they get some german shepard mix then, my nan had one and he was very loyal but also would be aggressive if it seemed like she was in danger, ideally if you want to appear tough but want a dog that isn't aggressive towards you, wouldn't that be an ideal option rather then these deformed frog looking things
No. 1166334
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I hate how some german shepherds look. I always see one in my town similar to picrel and it looks so uncomfortable when running.
No. 1166361
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>>1166341that's rather interesting cause a concept like that wouldn't exist in my country, I'm from a Muslim nation where dogs are hated by almost everyone in the cities, however the country folk all have dogs who are mostly meant used for either hoarding or to scare away predators, the idea of a dog for just "aesthetics" just doesn't exist, event the concepts of "breeds" are rare, breety much every big snouted dog is called a bully and some rich farmers get german shepherds and that's about it
picrel is the average farm dog here
No. 1167112
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>>1166965what said
>>1166971 here, the claim is just the bark of a dog scares away the angels from one home so Islamic societies tend to have a negative view regarding dogs, that said dogs are still a necessity for the people in rural regions, so the solution is just to love and care for their dogs like most western dog owners but never allow them in one's home and create these cool looking brick dog houses for them, my rural family relatives had like 4 or so of these dog houses made for their 4 dogs
No. 1167121
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>>1166278Forgive my ignorance, but is this standard practice?
>PUPPIES ALSO COME WITH A SATISFACTION GUARANTEE- IF YOU DONT LIKE A PUPPY WHEN YOU RECEIVE IT YOU HAVE 12 HOURS TO NOTIFY US AND THEN 4 DAYS TO RETURN It sounds so wrong to say you can just return a living animal like it's an object. I get it may be better than an animal living in a home with an owner who doesn't want it, but I don't think these particular breeders care that much about the wellbeing of these dogs.
No. 1167167
>>1166310Thanks for the explaining, that just makes me want them mauled by an actual dog more. People who teach their dogs to be aggressive or use them as fighters deserve hell.
>>1166278It's the comic sans font that gets me. Not sure whether they're cheap or trying to appeal to retards, but either way it's murder on my eyes
>>1167163My mother let her cockatiel out the door when she left it open and was too lazy to chase after it. After spending $500 on that bird or more including cage and the bird itself you think she would've cared more. Instead she put a post up on Nextdoor. When I was a kid, we had birds and she'd do the same thing and force me and my sister to chase them. I don't get her
No. 1167279
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>>1166334These are the overbred versions of German shepherds, approved my the kennel club. Bred to be deformed. Most don’t look like that, especially not working breeds and thankfully standards and opinions are changing because it cuts their life expectancy and gives them painful hip dysplasia.
No. 1167293
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>>1167282Yes. Literally. Dogs that come from working lines or ethical breeders don’t have this issue. They have normal straight backs because they’re supposed to be fit and healthy. Show breeds are bred for aesthetics and end up with shorter back legs. They are breeding all the strength and agility out of them. They would rather one of the parents be sick and deformed due to congenital diseases than one of the parents being “impure of breed” because all they care about is money and prestige. Being “impure” is a good thing because it means the dog has a wider gene pool and it’s dna isn’t being crippled by inbreeding and congenital diseases and deformities.
What’s even worse is what they do to Rhodesian ridgebacks. They deliberately breed spina biffida into those dogs and then if puppies are born without the stupid ridge, they are killed. Drowned or otherwise “humanely”’put to sleep.
It’s not just small dogs being overbred and turned into freaks. No. 1167326
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>>1167279>>1167293I can't even comprehend why people do this, maybe its my personal opinion but I really think that working/farm dogs are the cutest looking dogs, plus I have seen how well they behave towards humans and have had relatives who can attest to stories of dogs protecting their farms from wild boards and burglars
No. 1167332
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>>1167295I can't stand looking at munchkin cats for this reason. They make me want to cry. They're cute but abominations and I feel bad for them. I doubt they can jump either. I always look at these breeds with stubby legs and get scared how they wouldn't survive a moment in the wild if they somehow got outside.
No. 1167333
>>1167279I had no idea this was a thing, in my country german shepherds look normal but then again over here breeders are usually very ethical and concerned about health issues with their dogs due to the long tradition of working dogs and appreciation of natural features.
>>1167293>They deliberately breed spina biffida into those dogs and then if puppies are born without the stupid ridge, they are killed. Drowned or otherwise “humanely”’put to sleep. This is awful. How can anyone do something like this?
No. 1167341
>>1167333>I had no idea this was a thing, in my country german shepherds look normal but then again over here breeders are usually very ethical and concerned about health issues with their dogs due to the long tradition of working dogs and appreciation of natural features. I only see this shit in america and the UK, I don't know if this happens in other countries but I think most countries would usually have dogs bred for function rather then aesthetic
>>1167332not only can they not jump but they can't climb trees and can't fight to defend themselves, it would be like breeding a race of short limbed dwarfs who are helpless in every way
No. 1167348
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Rottweilers are also suffering from pugification. I love this breed, I just don't understand how anyone can look at this powerful, beautiful, functional dog and be like "yeah, but you know what would make it better? Pug".
No. 1167392
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>>1167348>>1167390reminds me of what happened to the chow chow, originally used by nomadic northern peoples in china as hunting and herding dogs, but in the modern day they get bred for their apparent cuteness rather then functionality, so now they have coats that are too big for them and actually block their vision and mess with their eyesight, constantly in risk of overheating again cause of their unnaturally developed thick coats and legs too small to support their massive bodies
No. 1167412
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I keep telling people I don't agree with noticeably deformed "aesthetic" breeds such as pugs and bulldogs and they flip out on me because "they're cute, how could you say that!!!" sis they can't even fucking breathe properly, it's cruel.
I accept some level of weird looking breeding when it serves a purpose and/or doesn't harm the dog, like how dogs with extra skin helps them not get hurt if they're bitten when they're hunting. But taking it to the extreme still shouldn't be allowed. Picrel A-C showing a typical American shar pei, and D is how the original Chinese breed looks.
No. 1167433
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>>1167428Nonna, can you shut up? I like hearing about Pakinon's culture. Don't be such a burger
No. 1167443
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I hate ear and tail docking in dogs. It literally has no purpose other than making the dog look "scary". It impairs hearing, balance and the ability to communicate with other dogs. The ears are often cut way too much and then tightly bandaged (though I've known people who just used tape) so that the ear can take a pointy shape. It's an illegal practice in a lot of countries but this doesn't stop backyard breeders from doing it themselves with some scissors or knives.
No. 1167444
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>>1167428sorry If it seemed like that, I didn't try to mention Pakistan but I was just talking about how dog breeding was done here compared to the horrific way it seems to have devolved into in the US/UK
No. 1167457
>>1167448I'm not romanianon. I'm the user from old threads who pointed out paki's logical fallacies. She literally made posts blaming romani for stuff she admitted to posting.
She also made a weird thirstpost and when called out she said we can't ""cancel"" her, whatever that means.
She also attacked American women when they spoke about abortion laws and said it's not bad for them while mocking them. She's a misogynistic tradthot who's anti-abortion.
No. 1167462
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>>1167442the image I posted was a Gujjar dude and my question wasn't whether he was white or not rather that could he pass as a local in their countries, cause gujjars tend to have a somewhat ethnically ambiguous look
I am a pothwari Jatt and am aware of the fact that I am brown, I' am actually browner then most arabs even cause my mother is sindhi, I have no delusions that I could ever "pass" for white or even arab cause as sated I am aware that I am very dark brown
like do you at all even bother to read through my posts
No. 1167464
>>1167453I'm literally not romanianon. You can check out old threads if you don't believe me, I have posts there and I'm just tired of a name-fag fucking every discussion to act like she has it worse.
Are you really defending some one who proudly admitted to supporting a nazi? Someone who mockery American women for being worried about abortion laws?
No. 1167475
>>1167465I'm not trying to stop her, I called her a whore because I was angry she was using her cutesy act again. I apologize but still, her hiding her misogynistic racist self like this and anons buying into it is annoying.
She admitted she wanted to be with a nazi. She mocked women for being upset about abortion laws. She keeps saying controversial weird stuff that reveal her racist misogynistic self but she never even owns up to it and still has her ~uwu~ so sad and oppressed personality even though she's going to live in US because of her wealthy family's connections, something most brown women can't even dream about.
No. 1167481
>>1167466he was a Gujjar not an afghan, there are some gujjars but only a small minority, gujjars are what we call gypsies here
>>1167467I mean ethnicity and race is a daily reality in Pakistan, like we are on constant verge of civil war cause our nation was founded by a bunch of anglo cronies, plus despite being both my parents being Pakistani I am mixed race, my parents are from very different ethnic groups who speak different languages and have different cultures and valuers
>>1167475hoe many times have I had to explain that I am quite literally fleeing for my life, only my cousin is helping with this and I am likely never going to be in contact with my paternal and large sections of my maternal family ever again
No. 1167492

>>1167487what if your nation is on constant brink of ethnic civil war and there were 2 period of ethnic genocide less then 50 years ago, one state sponsored and the other being mostly death squads killing other and mostly civilians(this was in the 90's)
its wondering why people in apartheid south africa would be thinking about race daily.
No. 1167493
>>1167480I'm brown myself and I hate it when brown men or women buy into white supremacy. It's retarded and sad. That's why I was so angry.
>>1167485You weren't shitposting. You were very serious but you're backpedalling because you got scared now. Please either stop acting like you're the most oppressed person ever or actually change that racist misogynistic personality of yours for the better. You're saying your country is bad for women but you also get angry when western women stand up for theirs rights, you obviously have some issues.
No. 1167497
>>1167487what if your nation is on constant brink of ethnic civil war and there were 2 period of ethnic genocide less then 50 years ago, one state sponsored and the other being mostly death squads killing other and mostly civilians(this was in the 90's)
its wondering why people in apartheid south africa would be thinking about race daily, there was an ethnic motivated terror attack like a week ago, its very common for these ethnic attacks to happen every couple weeks or so
No. 1167507
>>1167485Sorry paki, seems like you're romanianon's next
victim of jealous obsession no matter what you say. She's probably going to spam gore next and try to blame it on you.
No. 1167516
>>1167507I have no issue with her, in fact I think if we sat down and talked we would find a lot of common ground
>>1167506my country is misogynistic asf and the vast majority of women are treated like subhumans but the issues are way complicated then the way your presenting it, so many factions against each, religious groups, ethnic groups e.t.c the country is only kept together due to the many military dictatorships otherwise we'd be Yugoslavia times 100
also again it can take some time for me to escape, I'm still in the process of acquiring a work visa
No. 1167522
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me coming here because I wanted to read about pet ethics
No. 1167526
>>1167521no it won't you Idiot, name me one actual christian theocracy in the west in the last 100 years that wasn't just a handful of retards on a commune, you are not in any civilizational level danger
>>1167523I never did that
No. 1167529
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>>1167523>pro-commie>then simps for vargwtf…
No. 1167532
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No. 1167556
>>1167529I was shitposting
>>1167550it was until a bunch of vandetta burgers wanted to make baseless claims about me
No. 1167557
>>1167550report and move on
Is it rude to tell pet owners you don't agree with the ethics of their pets breed? I told a friend who had pugs (because she asked) and she was definitely offended lol
No. 1167562
>>1167556See? This is how you really think. Anyone who disagrees is a vendetta burger, when in reality you just came and screamed at women for daring to object to anti-abortion laws. You also weren't shit posting and we both know it. Now stop and go outside.
>>1167557It's rude and they'll be offended because deep down they know they're guilty of supporting that industry.
No. 1167593
>>1167443I ageee, I hate seeing beautiful dogs mutilated. Its often done on muscular, powerful breeds too, and they have such beautiful strong tails. They look retarded with stubs, not intimidating imo.
>>1167392Making the chow cuter was such a dangerous move. They aren't teddybears at all, they don't usually like children or cuddles. No wonder they are so high up on the dog aggression list.
No. 1167842
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>>1167293>Rhodesia ridgebacks have Spina bifida Holy shitttt>Yes, Rhodesian Ridgebacks have ridges. In fact, ridges are this breed's most known feature. The ridge consists of a line of hair running on their backs in the opposite direction from the rest of the coat. Discover why these dogs were blessed with such feature.This is not blessed this is fucking torture
No. 1167859
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>>1167279>>1166334Here is an Altdeutsche Hütehunde, the original dogs that german shepherds have been bred from.
No. 1169885
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>>1167392I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but the original chow chow looks so much cuter then the weird fleshy teddy beard current chows chows have devolved into
No. 1169904
So I was looking up pug health issues and I found this medium article by someone who knows how fucked up pugs are and yet still defends owning one
>On the Ethics of Loving a Dog That “Shouldn’t Exist”
>Does owning a pug make me a bad person?
>I don’t know how to say goodbye to my dog.
>I don’t know when the “right time” is or how other families decide that they’re ready to let go of their furry best friends.
>With Emmitt, things were simple. He was a miraculously healthy pug who had lived his younger, scrappier years as a stray before choosing my dad as his human. We never needed to take him to the vet for anything more than a routine checkup. Then, when his time came, he went quietly into the night.
>Things are more complicated with Bianca.
>On Easter Sunday, we had to rush her to the emergency veterinary clinic because something had gone wrong with her right eye. My mom had accidentally scratched it when trying to wipe away some of her eye gunk. The vet informed us that Bianca had dry eye, a chronic condition that would require that we regularly lubricate her eyes with artificial tears. A week later, at the follow-up appointment, we would discover that her right eye would need to be removed entirely.
>The surgery would involve a significant amount of risk. When a fifteen-year-old dog goes under general anesthesia, there’s a chance that she may not wake up again. But we loved her so much that we were willing to take the risk.
>I’m happy to report that she’s now fully recovered from her eye surgery and living a good life for a pug her age. She’s just as cute with one eye, and we don’t regret the choice we made. But seeing the difference in the general health of Emmit and Bianca at the same age range has forced me to reconsider the ethics of pug ownership—something that I’ve avoided for all my life.
>“Pugs are just walking vet bills.”
>“Oh, I could never own a pug. I’d feel too sorry for it!”
>“Pugs shouldn’t be allowed to breed. It’s unethical.”
>Until recently, comments like these didn’t bother me all too much — the condescending tone made them easy to dismiss. But coming face to face with the health issues caused by vanity breeding in my dog had made me seriously consider their stance.
>Pugs tend to be a bit of a punching bag when it comes to arguments against selective breeding.
>Pugs originate in China and have been kept as companion animals since ancient times. They made their way to Europe around the 16th century and can be seen in paintings sitting upon the laps of royalty.
>The pugs in these paintings are typically around the same size as contemporary pugs but have a more pronounced snout. They appear a bit leaner and more terrier-like than pugs today.
>Over time, humans have bred pugs to have flatter faces and wider “globular” eyes. Institutions like the American Kennel Club encourage this type of breeding by specifically mandating these traits in the “standards” for the breed.
>There are many good arguments against the continued breeding and selling of purebred dogs.
>Inbreeding is a necessary component of maintaining a “pure” bloodline, resulting in major health risks for these animals. According to the BBC, pugs in the UK are so inbred that the genetic diversity among the 10,000 pugs in the country is only equivalent to that of 50 individuals.
>It is utterly mind-boggling to think that every dog is a direct descendant of the gray wolf. Our interest in breeding dogs has created breeds like the Brussels griffon, which looks so unlike, say, a German shepherd that aliens would think they’re a different species entirely.
>It’s easy to point to pugs and call them gross man-made monstrosities for how they look. But the truth of the matter is that all dog breeds are a product of human intervention.
>People have a lot of harsh opinions about pugs and whether or not they should exist. My least favorite take on the pug issue is anything calling for something akin to a doggie eugenics program. The breeding of pugs in their current state is cruel, but surely they deserve some chance at recovering their past features?
>Certain breeders are now crossing pugs with Jack Russells to create what they call a “retro pug.” These mixed-breed doggies look a bit more like their ancestors seen in old-timey paintings.
>Being half-Jack Russell means that these retro pugs have proper snouts, smaller eyes, and leaner bodies while still looking like their pug parent. Thoughtful cross-breeding can allow greater genetic diversity in pugs and thus reduce risks of eye, skin, and respiratory issues.
>However, if there comes to be a “standard” for mixed-breed dogs, they have the potential to become just as inbred and unhealthy as any other pedigreed breed.
>Perhaps the kindest thing we can do for dogs is to push down our aesthetic preferences and eliminate the concept of breeds altogether. All dogs should be mutts. But that isn’t very likely to happen.
>The way my dog looks has a significant impact on our relationship.
>Her smushed face means that traveling with her, especially on planes, is a near impossibility. Maintaining her health was always a bit of a struggle because pugs are naturally prone to weight gain. She loved going on walks, but we had to be mindful of the time of day to avoid heat exhaustion in the relentless Texas sun.
>Being a pug owner comes with a laundry list of responsibilities. Giving your pug a long healthy life is takes time, labor, and money.
>I want to believe that I’m an ethical pug owner.
>We’ve spayed and neutered our dogs, take them to their regular checkups, and prioritize their health. On top of that, we’ve only ever adopted our pugs. But even with all of our efforts, Bianca is left with only one eye, and her pug myelopathy makes simple tasks like going to the restroom difficult for her.
>I can’t make any bold claims that I’ll never own a pug again. But when it comes time to adopt another dog, I’ll need to have a good, long think about the potential health risks pugs face and weigh other options.
No. 1169916
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>>1169904I skimmed through the text, too long, but what is she supposed to do with her current dogs exactly, put them down? At least she's adopting them too.
Picrel is the retro pug, looks so much better than the poor things most people own.
No. 1169933
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>>1169916Samefag, my pic showed a slightly chubby/wide chested retro pug, here's a fit retro next to the pug.
No. 1170094
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>>1170029i agree with you, but realistically people will never stop breeding and buying these dogs. best bet is to have laws and standards so it never comes to the extent which it has with the pug.
No. 1170458
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I wonder if Persian cats and similar have as much issues as pugs? Their muzzles are also very squished.
No. 1170617
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>>1170458they do, yeah. We had a persian from a friend who couldn't take care of it anymore (their kid developed cat allergy) and it died of weak heart, they often have heart or muscle issues. It lived to 8 years but it wasn't nowhere near of a healthy life as our mutt european cats, who outlived him and are still going healthy and playful at 12. The worst case we dealth with was a siamese though, her poor intestine fell off every time she tried to poop and she needed breathing treatments, she couldn't play because her crossed eyes ruined her focus (they were like pic rel) and she barely made it to 7 years, siamese are made by a long line of incest.
No. 1171629
>>1166255Pugs are extremely cute and people who say they look like gross abominations are cringe in the same way as people who say McDonald's tastes bad. Something can be unhealthy but still tasty, or in the pugs case, still cute. I own a pug just by chance, I didn't seek one out particularly, and I chose the one in the litter who had a less squished face. She has zero trouble breathing, no eye popping out problems etc. She's actually super athletic and healthy
All that being said… Pugs are adorable dogs and I don't agree with people who say they should just be eliminated from the gene pool, I think instead we should breed pugs ethically by only matching dogs which both have healthier features like longer snouts and normal eyes, to avoid creating pancake faces.
Also dogs like shih tzus, pekingese and some others I'm probably forgetting have squished snouts but don't get as much hate as poor pugs, which doesn't seem fair
No. 1171695
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>>1171629What's cute about this? This is the third result on google images if I am typing in "pug", so I am not cherrypicking here. (Btw the 8th result for me is a legit retarded specimen with bent feet!)
To me this is the face of suffering. The pug itself looks like it is cringing at its own sad existence. I can barely look at it because it looks like it is grimacing in pain. They absolutely are abominations and they shouldn't exist in the same way that people with severe disabilities shouldn't exist in a perfect world but they do, so we deal with it and try to prevent birthing any more by doing in-utero screenings. The dogs that are there should be able to live the rest of their lives as well as they can given their physical circumstances but we should absolutely strive to not bring any more into the world. They should be banned. While trying to breed them into versions with longer snouts etc there would still be generations of pugs with the same bad features as it takes time and many attempts to change the genetics. Do you like the feeling of not being able to breath when your nose is stuffed? No? Why would you punish a dog to living it's whole life that way then? Vets say their gums are blue until you plug them onto the breathing machine while doing surgery, only then they have enough oxygen to turn a normal pink color. The dogs do not want to get off the oxygen. What more proof do you need that they are aware of their suffering?
I wish people like you had some kind of accidents that made you brachycephalic for wanting to breed more of these poor creatures.
No. 1179419
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No. 1181930
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No. 1181946
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>>1181930This made me think about the other extreme, lc's favorite pup, the borzoi. Apparently dolichocephalic dogs come with their own sets of issues relation to their long snouts.
They're 2,5 times more likely to develop nasal tumors. Other than that, they can have other issues like the oronasal fistula (a hole at the roof of the mouth) and aspergillosis(fungus), but all dogs can develop those problems, but because they have more area there, it should be monitored more carefully in those types of breeds. Generally this extreme is much healthier, since the snout doesnt cause any direct problems to the quality of life for the dog.
No. 1185542
>>1167341> I think most countries would usually have dogs bred for function rather then aesthetic nah, people keep dogs as pets literally everywhere, it's just that that doesn't necessarily mean aesthetics at the expense of health. in my country rich people nowadays mostly keep both ethically bred dogs and total pedrigreeless adopted mutts, because our activists did a decent job shaming and persecuting puppy mills that it's considered totally low status to get unethically bred dogs, and very high status to not care about aesthetics and adopt a mutt.
one of the few instances where ~virtue signaling~ is 100% a force for good
No. 1186554
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Aw man I used to love browsing old tumblr blogs with terrible horse confirmation, this pic isn’t as bad as it gets but is a good entry level into the pure hell that is commercially acceptable backyard American horse breeding
No. 1186570
>>1186566Dog equivalent of "Not
my Nigel!"
No. 1186582
>>1186574do you think that pit bull's genetics are not responsible for their aggression? are they all raised poorly? the poor things.
i rescued a pit and i am under no delusions that, although he is sweet with me, he has and will kill other animals (birds,) therefore it's my responsibility to make sure nothing ever happens. to think that your pug is healthy because you just feel it in your heart is retarded and unfair to the dog.
No. 1186586
>>1186581i'm sure you can find more somewhere but here was her blog about him: she got a big buckskin qh colt who she thought was something special, but she couldn't really train or ride, and he wasn't. no reason for him to keep his balls but oh she wanted him to have them.
No. 1186598
>>1186582idk, i wrote 'predisposition' and not 'genetic' for a reason. not sure if it's just another myth but i heard that after dogs are bred for fights for generations, it takes a few generations of them not being bred for it, to 'clean' the aggression out of them. sounds a bit hokey pokey tbh.
regarding your dog killing a bird, dogs killing/hunting small pray isn't unheard of in non-aggressive breeds. adult male dogs are known for being aggressive towards other adult male dogs. same is with females, however it a less degree and mostly only during heat. many dogs are known to be scared/wary and aggressive towards adult men (based). problem arises when owners are negligent. always use a leash outside, don't take your dog to the park/remove yourself from a situation using judgement, simple as. so many accidents/fights can be avoided if only owners acted responsibly. i had my dog attacked by a husky in a park, because the husky's owner was shit, not cause the husky had genetic problems.
No. 1186603
>>1186594just because he has a clean bill of health it doesn't mean he's healthy. if i have cerebral palsy but i'm in good health, does that mean i should procreate and pass it on to my children?
>>1186598obviously the things we bred into dogs take a long time to breed out. the same can be said and seen with horses that have "cow sense." it is possible, but we bred these dogs to act this way. "terrier tenacity" was something that used to be shown off in the show ring. we made herding dogs herd. we made all dogs the way they are.
No. 1186628
>>1186603first time i hear about horses with 'cow sense' interesting!
well yeah i know that much is true, but again, not sure about breeding those things out of the dogs, or how long would such a feat really take. take any working breed type dog that has been only used as a pet for generations, would all the characteriscs that made that breed what it is only boil down to aesthetics, or will that not happen considering pets are usually sterilized/spayed, and the 'true and proper' specimens of those breeds continue the blood line, so you always have next generations which excel in what they're bred to do. that obviously doesn't count for fighting type dogs, as those don't have paperwork and can't be monitored in such a way. responsible owners of such dogs only adopt them, not buy, and sterilize them of course. does that mean that the aggressive type dogs will always stay that way?
No. 1186637
>>1186628it could absolutely be bred out just as it was bred in. you get aggression by breeding the most aggressive dogs; you remove it by breeding the least aggressive dogs. it would take many generations. i don't think that all aggressive dogs stay aggressive, nor do i think all aggressive dogs are aggressive due to genetics. but, like with pugs, there are things that have been bred into certain breeds that are detrimental to the breed. breed standards have been thrown to the wayside now, so i don't foresee things changing for the better on a massive scale. but again, there are good breeders, like old-type pug breeders, who don't breed squashfaced monsters. there are just too many people, and people suck, so we will keep ruining animals.
the quality of this video is shit, but it is a great example of cow sense in a horse, so neat: No. 1186750
>>1186708speaking from my experience, it's because when it's your OWN pit they're lovely. they are incredibly cuddly, goofy dogs. but they are strong dogs with aggressive tendencies and need to be trained and handled appropriately. there are probably just as many if not more poorly trained retrievers, but they are just made to do different things so their behavior is different.
tl;dr, everyone should have mutts and be forced to take a test to own them/take them to training or they can't have a dog. same with babies. amen.
>>1186745bullfighting is cruel, but "cow sense" is used for horses that are used to herd or cut cattle. basically, they are the ideal of a horse a cattle rancher would use to help keep a cow away from the herd so it could be worked with.
bullfighting is disgusting and should be outlawed everywhere. bullfighting horses are amazing.
No. 1186775
>>1186763i agree with you completely. it's like herding dogs: some have the instinct bred in, some have to be trained to get into it, and some are the oddball out. i would say cow sense is much much more tenuous in horses than herding is in dogs, though.
on your second point, is there anything sadder (i know there is) than a trail horse who has a strap connecting the bit to the pommel and some asshole slapping around all over their back, yanking on their mouth, while they do the same thing every. single. day? i feel so bad for them.
also, pivot, carriage horses. i volunteered for a rescue that focused on carriage horses and before i went there i didn't realize how terrible carriage horses lives are. if they exist around you, i implore all anons to reach out to their legislature about it. No. 1186792
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What do you anons think of wolfdogs? I am biased because my family adopted one unknowingly (previous owner we adopted him from didn't disclose and he's low content so he didn't immediately look like a wolf to us). He's the sweetest boy, he's very headstrong because he's smart but he loves being pet and is very affectionate. He has a strong prey drive but so does my malamute and he's very respectful of other dogs. I don't think they're for everyone because they're very stubborn and need so much exercise and space to play but mine is a very good boy.
No. 1186796
>>1186792shouldn't exist. dogs and wolves behave in completely opposite ways. high percentage ones are almost always very unhappy because they have a lot of internal conflict and inappropriate care, which leads to increased shyness and aggression. a lot of people also lie about having a wolf dog or get them because it's a cool flex. if the average person shouldn't own a pit bull, almost no one should own a wolf dog. there is no justifiable reason to produce the cross.
that being said, i'm glad you have a good boy. it sounds like you do a great job caring for him.
No. 1186877
>>1186603It does take a long time to breed out traits, but not impossibly long. You only need about 2 years until you can breed a new generation, so in 10 years you can already be 5 generations in.
Altough what is percieved as aggressiveness isn't always true aggression in the dog, any dog can be provoked to be aggressive, or "accidentally" raised to be aggressive through abuse. A good owner can keep an aggressive dog* calm at all times, and if the owner can't do that they're in over their head and shouldn't have that breed of dog. But to be honest the only really aggressive dogs I see in person are small lapdog breeds of owners who don't give a fuck about thier dogs wellbeing other than it being a smol cute pet lol
*Any kind of wolf mix negates this. Wolves are wild animals who don't act or think like dogs, they have entirely different instincts, ways to communicate and behave. Even lower % mixes are too much wolf to be a pet without suffering, and they're too much dog to live with actual wolves without suffering. They're sadly abominations who shouldn't exist. The only "good" thing is that people lie about how much % wolf the dogs are to gullible buyers who then breed it and unknowingly keep the lie alive, so people think thier 20% wolf dog is a half dog/wolf breed.
No. 1187026
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>>1186796His previous owners did a pretty good job socializing him, he loves both people and other dogs. The only thing that sucks is that his previous owner brought him on custom home jobsites and so he has zero fear or cars or trucks and we always have to tell him to stay off the road. Scariest thing he's ever done is bark at horses wanting to play with them or snarl at my malamute for getting in his face. She's not scared of him though, she barks and softly growls at him all the time and gets in his face to play and he's never hurt her, at most he gets annoyed and gets up and goes somewhere else.
>>1186985It's funny you say that because we adopted our boy because his owner lost his custom home job and was moving into an apartment and realized there was no way he was going to be able to keep him there. He was kept in a dog cage for several hours there and ended up being able to bend and break even the strongest dog cages. We never keep him in a cage now but I highly doubt he'd ever willingly go back in one.
>>1186997We only found out he was a wolfdog because we got our malamute/husky cross to be a playmate for him since he did occasionally get bored. We were told he was a husky but he is significantly bigger than a purebred husky (about 110 pounds) and has much bigger paws and ears. When his previous owner came to visit we flat out asked whether he was crossbred with something else out of curiosity and the guy admitted he got him from a wolfdog breeder on the west coast.
We live in a rural cold climate, yeah, we have a fenced in two acres and a horse field beside our house that our neighbours let us bring our dogs into for off leash walks since the horses are all used to dogs. He's definitely not a 50/50 cross, he's at most a quarter wolf and even that's not likely.
>>1187012Luckily it's legal to have wolfdogs here, but we still never brag about it. We just tell people he's a husky because that's what he mostly is. Zorses seem so unfortunate, people already neglect the hell out of normal horses and it's horrible to see.
Minor dox risk I guess but here's my boy.
No. 1187166
>>1186564>>1186586That horse has so many conformation issues it is not even funny. Should never be bred. From a few pictures that I saw, I spotted:
>fine boned>front legs camped under>short, steep hips and shoulders>downhill back that looks a bit too short>super short neck>tiny, short face >mjeh movement, strange knee actionHe also seems to have some splay footing it seems? I can't tell from the photos I did see.
American horses are the worst inbred disgusting things to ever exist. The worst and ugliest horses of Europe get exported there and the sellers laugh as they sell a 15k euro horse with splinters and soundness issues down the line for 45k USD. Americans should not be allowed to be in charge of breeding anything. In Europe you have to get your horse approved for breeding and for it to be in a breed book of some sort for anyone to have any interest in it, let alone to get someone to borrow their stallion for it. Meanwhile, in USA the hillbillies are proud their amazing and perfect homebred troglodyte morgan-mustang-quarter horse- shetland pony hybrid has a parrot AND roman nose, pidgeon toes, swayback, and two gaits. They also deem this horse should stay a stallion and be bred, because their owner is so proud of it not dying in the process of being in their care. They also deem this horse to be sound and have good temper, because its rearing and temper issues are endearing to the hillbilly who calls their frankenhorse 'SASSY LIKE ME, THEY DO BE SAYING Y'ALL THAT A PET IS LIKE ITS OWNER HAHAH!'
No. 1187225
>>1187048You can own many different types of wild animals in the US depending on the state I just looked up zebra horse stud and it’s very easy to find:>>1187166How do your own farts smell?
No. 1187309
>>1187225Spotted the hillbilly backyard breeder.
Fact is that USA has a lot of fucked up breeding tactics and breeders. The big lick is not real and is the result of actual torture. USA horse racing industry is based around torture, two hall of famer coaches got animal abuse charges just this year. One got caught on video whipping a horse on the ground. One of the big races winner got caught amped up on drugs attacking a ground horse and it's rider. Let's not even go into the breeder scandals that have surfaced in 2021-2022 in the USA when it comes to horses.
No. 1187408
>>1187026Yep. My sister has a pitbull/lab mix she rescued from meth addicts who use to beat the dog. Unfortunately the dog stays in the cage 12-18 hours a day for 5 days a week along with her mom's shih tzus. Nobody who lives in the house bothers contributing to the care of each other's animals which is a huge problem I've seen for families that own big dogs "oh that's x's dog I'm not taking care of it!". Don't get dogs if you know for a fact you're going to be the only one taking care of it, and secondly don't get dogs if you work most of the time and know your parents or whoever you live with won't give a shit
So glad I still have a senior small dog with no health issues in my early 20s, she's practically a cat and naps all day and I take her on walks in the morning and night. I've had ex boyfriends try to blast me for owning small dogs but like, you have nothing and if you tried to get a big dog you'd have no time or money for it. People need to stay in their lane when it comes to pets
No. 1188334
>>1187026Looks exactly like the gsd x snow dog cross I used to have. Strangers would insist he was a wolf dog on sight when I knew for a fact he wasn't. He had a lot of the phenotypes that wolf dogs are supposed to have but so do a lot of dogs that don't even look like wolves.
I tend to doubt a dog has any wolf content at all unless there's proof. Where I'm from it's such a common lie that people would have you believe the majority of dogs are 25+% wolf.
No. 1223555
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"Pitmommies" are insane and care more about proving the internet wrong about their sweet velvet hippo pibbles than their own children
also unintentionally hilarious that they call them velvet hippos, considering they are the deadliest large land mammal and kill hundreds each year
No. 1223583
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>>1223572Not really cruel but i think is stupid just to get any random small dog. I think the dog should have good genes from parents who weren't agressive. Small dogs i met that were expensive weren't agressive but the dogs that were just mutts from somebody's backyard are nutcases no matter how well they tried to raise them. I think people need to be extra careful with breeding small dogs and focus on their psyche more than anything.
Late but just to add to the wolfdogs, they are very popular these days in my country. Czechoslovakian wolfdogs, it's a breed and a lot of people have no idea how to train them, they just get them for their look and keep them in small flats sometimes. It's annoying. Insecure men get them way too often to pick up chicks.
No. 1223588
>>1223572With proper training and exercise they're great.
They usually have a strong rat-catching instinct that needs to be addressed by playing some games that simulate it.
No. 1223748
>>1223572I prefer small dogs to big dogs, mostly because it's all on the owner to train it. If it's well trained and behaved, any dog is fine. If it's a nightmare dog, the bigger ones are so much more worse to deal with due to their size.
There's also the fact that a big dog equal bigger poops, and most big dog owners in my area refuse to pick it up because they can't be bothered, even if we have free dog bags hanging on poles around every corner as an attempt to make these people, usually lazy ass men with some alpha complex, to pick up their dog's remains.
No. 1224798
>>1224390I think it's cruel to make cats run a cafe, they are bad with numbers and can't make a cappuccino without thumbs
But seriously, I think it's a nice idea but can be executed poorly. Some cats love human attention and if there's enough space and cats with a good temperament, it's pleasant. But I went to one that's a cat rescue cafe, and they apologised because there weren't many cats in the cafe area, because rescues hide a lot and all theirs were up for adoption. Apparently some people would complain there weren't enough cats? I guess for photos or something. They're not props!
No. 1225627
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Community my ass. I wish these people the worst
No. 1235874
>>1235869Favorite: american eskimo, border collie, anything but pits
least favorite: pits, anything mixed with pits
why: you know why
No. 1235881
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>>1235869I don't have any dogs myself, but I really like dobermans. They're just so beautiful and cute to me, and they're good protection dogs. I also like cane corsos for the same reasons. Won't be owning either anytime soon though.
I don't really have a least favorite. Maybe pugs? Not because there's anything wrong with the pugs themselves, it's because what people have done to them is so cruel. Their quality of life is so poor and I feel really bad for them and other breeds like Frenchies and English bulldogs. I've heard some breeders are trying to reverse what has been done to them and take them back to their old form.
No. 1235909
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>>1235869My favorite are golden retrievers. My family had a lot of them when I was growing up and they were always very sweet and patient companions. My least favorite are bulldogs (for obvious reasons).
No. 1235910
>>1235869Not much of a dog person but if I had to choose
Favorites: Huskies if they're well trained, pugs even though they're abominations and I'd never breed one, St. Bernards, corgis
Least favorite: shitbulls, chihuahuas and most yippy toy breeds
No. 1236018
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>>1235869Spaniels. Any kind of spaniel especially springer. They win IMO in looks, personality and they’re also pretty intelligent. Full of character and usually absolutely hopping mad which adds to their unique character. Very loving and friendly dogs. I could sing their praises all day.
No. 1236075
>>1235869Favourite: Border collies and other shepherd dogs (German Shepherds not so much though) because they're intelligent, patient and often very caring and sweet. I also love how rustic they look.
Least favourite: Pitbulls and mixes for sure. I'm not fond of Bulldogs either, they look so uncomfortable.
No. 1236094
>>1236089NTA but depending on where you’re from “mix” can be code for “80% pitbull with some other stuff thrown in.” My parents have a mix that quite obviously has some pit in him, probably not 80% but he’s the only dog we’ve ever had in our family with severe aggression issues. He’s sweet most of the time, but he’s attacked 2 other dogs seemingly out of nowhere, and I’m talking breaking-the-skin attack. All of our other dogs growing up have been purebreds and have never had behavior issues. When you’re buying a specific breed, you know what you’re getting. Again it is area specific
if your local animal shelter/rescue or what have you services a trailer park or ghetto area mainly. It just is what it is. I think that’s why some people are put off at mixed breeds.
No. 1236101
fav: molosser breeds, bully breeds, and mutts
least fav: little white dogs, the devil's knickknacks, molosser breeds, bully breeds
why: most people shouldn't own them, never mind breed them. i have an awesome old-type pit who loves people, other dogs, my cat. he is the most snuggly dog i have ever met. he's gorgeous.
e also is leash reactive, fence reactive, and kills any animal, including a cat, that comes into my yard. he is so much stronger pound for pound than my other dog who is twice his size. when i got him he was a year old, unsocialized, mouthed nonstop, didn't know dog body language. the rescue almost adopted him out to a family with young girls. people are scared of us when we walk, or there are always skeevy guys who ask if he's a fighting dog or if he's got his balls (no.) 3 years later he is a great dog, but it took so much work, and he still has the unbreakable terrier drive which is scarier in a pit than in a jack russell.
i'm really good with dogs. i love my boy to death. i will never adopt another pit.
No. 1236144
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>>1235869Practically any spitz breed melts my heart
No. 1236147
>>1235869Favorite: Golden retrievers, chihuahuas, pugs, terriers
Least favorite: Bully breeds and any pitbulls, yorkies or other dogs with human-feelings hair, huskies, labs
No. 1236150
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>>1235869Schipperkes, they look like insects and I think that's just the cutest thing I've ever seen. They are healthy, athletic and intelligent and their name means little sailor.
Least favorite probably pugs. I used to live close to a park where lots of old ladies would walk their pugs, you could hear those poor dogs before you could see them. I remember one who had to take a break every ten steps, the 70+ year old obese owner repeatedly had to wait for her dog to catch it's breath.
No. 1236577
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>>1236564samefag, I forgot my reason.
i like them bc they're small but not super frail and have a lively and charming personality. great character actors lol
No. 1236633
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>>1236577Omg Wishbone! I loved Wishbone as a young child and wanted a dog just like him. Reminds me of when Fraiser came on and everyone wanted a wire-hair jack russell terrier like Eddie.
No. 1236709
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>>1236633i always thought these little terriers were the perfect adventure dog! It does make me happy that they're relatively unpopular and not subjected to these freakazoid breeding mutations
No. 1236843
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>>1235869I love greyhounds, whippets, and most other types of long boi. They are very polite. Gentle and affectionate and not noisy at all. Also they give you incredible swag when you walk them and make your pictures look like noblewoman portraits but that's just a small bonus on top of them being sweeter than words can express, although mine was also retarded and gay
Besides this blatant "this was my first dog" bias, I love most spitz breeds too.
And I dislike pitbulls, like many other anons.
No. 1236905
>>1236563i called her retarded for thinking i was defending the breed when iw as doing the opposite. i'm not bragging about my dog or what he did. i'm not defensive about it either. it was one of the most fucked up days of my life. i just thought i'd give a realistic perspective of the breed but people are too virulent about it.
the cat was part of a feral colony that lives around here. i buried it in my yard and now flowers grow over him. i also put a bell on the outside of my door and ring it so any animals in my fenced in yard can get out of it before i let my dogs out. i do the best i can with what i have.
No. 1237255
>>1236101What are you doing in dog LOVE thread with DOG FIGHTING breeds?
You don't love dogs, you love the DRAMA a bully breed and poor handling them will bring, the fear of other owners. YOU are a bully.
You clearly have never thought why you are like this, and its time to grow up now and stop pretending to be a bad bitch with dog bred to KILL other dogs.
Hope your dog kills you.
No. 1237355
>>1237341its not dog fags, its pit fags.
Trust me dog fags also hate that anon, because pitbull fags always have their violent monsters go and attack other dogs too.
No. 1239702
>>1239620he was in my fenced in backyard, as he always is. he has never been loose.
>>1237355he is not dog aggressive, but i would never put him in a position where he could get into a dog fight. it's part of being a responsible owner.
>>1237255it's the pet ethics thread.
the cat was feral; i know because i do trap/fix/release for ferals in the area. that doesn't make it better. it's interesting that i've given an honest account of owning a maligned breed and the hazards that come with it yet all the nonnies can do in here is wish death upon me and my dog. i literally said i would never own another pit because of how tough of a dog he is to own, i don't think i'm cool for having him. i adopted an animal i would think was challenging, like i always do, and he is the most challenging animal i have ever had. as i stated before, they are not dogs that should be available to people outside of those doing things like wild boar hunting.
No. 1239803
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>>1235869Favorite: SHIBA INU 100% Because it has the best personality for a cat person like me. It's the perfect size and is not very smelly. To me big dogs smell too strongly of dog and small dogs smell like shit, shibas never smelled much like anything to me.
Least favorite: Yorkie and all yorkie mixes, most of them are kinda vicious and their teeth are needles
>>1236150 absolutely adobrable doggie
No. 1240474
>>1239620But the anon said that the dog WAS locked up in her own property. The cat got in and sadly the dog was able to get it. That's how things work, do you demand that people don't use cars because then may run over animals? If you live in a rural town, do you want coyotes or foxes to be locked up so pet cats can wander around safely? What if the cat gets into a yard where the owner puts down rat poison or snail bait, the cat could eat it and die, do you ban that too? If you care about your pet, don't let it get into other people's property where it could get hurt and die. And both cats and dogs are predators, both are a threat to other animals but many people refuse to keep their cats in their own houses.
Let's say I keep tiny rabbits, baby chicks or even some small reptiles as pets in my yard. Another person's cat somehow manages to get in (as they do) and eats one of them, I guess I would be justified to "shoot the little monster's brains out" like some of you well adjusted people like to say, right?
No. 1240614
>>1240474Idc about anon, I was replying to your post. You extend so much for 0 reason. I only said that if your pet cannot behave and is a total threat to others, it shouldn’t be allowed to roam freely.
I’ll stop there to prevent infighting.
No. 1240759
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>>1240757dog owners only say they’re hard to take care of because like cats they don’t necessarily like being bossed around and are independent doggies. they’re not a breed that tyrannical helicopter dog owners like but they’re so fucking cute oh my goodness
No. 1243640
>>1240757When they are younger they are a bit wilder like all dogs, but if you train them normally they are great. Sometimes people say this and that breed is hard to train… i feel like it's hard to train only for dummies. Normal sane person can train any breed no problem, if the dog doesn't have some kind of psychological problem that is.
To me shiba is like a cat because it's not so in your face like a border colie or a german shepherd would, they like their own space, are okay with chilling on their own but they still love you the same, they just don't have the need to lick you constantly. Don't know how other shiba's but mine also liked to be clean and didn't step in mud or water. And it's a very good hunter, my shiba hunted all types of rondets around my house way better than cats could. She would listen to the sewer for like a week to catch a rat. So i guess it's good if the dog has some task they can do from time to time to avoid it doing something naughty out of bordem, but i think she wouldn't be naughty anyway she was very zen, just laying around enjoying life.
No. 1244541
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>>1235869I love my toy poodle so much! My grandma and mom both had toy poodles when I grew up and they were the sweetest and smartest dogs I've ever met. But again with small breeds you really have to do a lot of research into breeders. I made sure to check the parents' temperaments and vet records before even considering the breeder I chose, Poodles are so smart and relatively easy to train if started earily. He's in perfect health and doesn't have stubby legs or fucked up back also was easy to train the barking at everything out as a puppy, if he wants something he just presses those buttons that rings my phone to take him outside. absolutely love these dogs. I also like bouviers they're not that common in the states but I've seen a few.
absolutely hate pitbulls. I was walking down the street with my friend outside a starbucks and this random old white dude's pitbull lunged without any warning or promting and bit into my leg. Took the owner 10 seconds to pry its fucking mouth off and then told my friend and I "its not that bad" lol. I hate pitbulls so much with dogs you really get what you pay for, weither that be proper breeding, expensive training classes or both. I can't imagine what would happen to my small dog if it got into a pitbulls mouth. any random mutt owner that thinks 'my dog would never its such a sweetie!' should also be put down.
a dog is a 14-18 year long commitment, you're going to be spending the same amount of time with it as a child so why would someone not be willing to foot the bill to have a pet with known pedigree and also pay for training.
No. 1244559
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Why is dog grooming so retarded
No. 1244570
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>>1235869Favorite: Mini schnauzers, very loyal (and cute) breed.
Least favorite: pugs.
No. 1244571
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>>1244559I remember reading that poodles were originally bred as water retrievers and that's why they have such puffy hair to dry off easier, & it was groomed with the puffs around the joints to supposedly keep them warmer in cold water. Nowadays though there are standard show cuts and other wacky shit people do to dog's hair. It's crazy to think poodles look like normal grey dogs under their coats though
No. 1244572
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>>1244541I think poods definitely can have temperament issues if they’re not trained well and I’m not sure how much of that is genetic, but I have known some pretty mean and pretty dumb teacup poodles that came from shit breeders. I think the more demand there is for literal teddy bear dogs, the more you’re going to get people breeding blind teacups with no teeth and collapsing airways, which is sad.
They are so cute though. They don’t even look real.
No. 1283947
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Wtf did I just find on AliExpress
No. 1288167
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what does shitbull actually refer to for you guys? I don't actually know if they're inherently more dangerous than like a german shepherd, since they aren't actually a breed but just any dog with a square head and boxy chest.
No. 1288373
>>1288367Yeah but when a chihuahua barks at me, it’s annoying.
When a big ass aggressive dog with tiger like jaws and that is statistically dangerous and rips people’s faces off barks and jumps at me it is literally scary.
No. 1288658
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Best dogs are dachshunds. I love these little hot dogs, but the community suffers from idiot breeders obsesed with double dapple genes. I want to see more of a return to the standard size instead of trying to make them smaller and smaller.
Whitney Chewston is thankfully a creme and not a double dapple. I am also partial to boxers, but thats another breed that has been bred into the ground. Its heartbreaking to see how many cancers and defects they develop, and how squashed their faces have been bred.
Worst is huskys and dalmatians. Most people who own them should not and do not properly train them. I cannot stand how loud huskys are(ironic as doxies like to bark) and find it cruel how they are kept in desert climates. Havent met a good Dalmatian, all the ones I've encountered were dumb and mean. But thats just me.
No. 1402085
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why would you create something like this
No. 1402165
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I hate reptile breeders.
They keep thousands of animals in tiny tupperware containers their whole lives and breed them into rainbow colored abominations.
I am thinking specifically of leopard geckos. There’s a deformity called enigma syndrome that fucks up their brains and spinal cords. They don’t know how to eat and they spend their lives walking in circles and stargazing.
Funny how it’s called “enigma syndrome” since all of these backyard breeders are too dumb to know they’re ruining these animals. Yeah, what a fucking mystery what’s going on.
Reptiles are just abused in general. Shit conditions, shit breeders, and they’re usually sold to little scrotes who abuse/neglect them. Literally seen a gecko shot with BB pellets, tortured until they drop their tails, and so neglected they are sad little skeletons.
I know reptiles aren’t intelligent but every living creature should at least be treated with dignity.
No. 1402304
>>1236577Unfortunately my family fell
victim to the wishbone-induced jack russell craze, but my parents were unprepared to properly keep cats (and continue to be, ugh) let alone extremely prey-driven, energetic dogs. I cringe whenever I remember how much we neglected him.
No. 1404818
>>1402165What's sadder is that typically leopard geckos are very hardy and survive in pretty bad conditions for a long time, so they end up suffering longer instead of just dying. And they aren't the most difficult to care for, I don't even know how the gecko in that pic got to that point unless they were willfully being stupid and feeding it only pelleted food.
I've thought about breeding my own leopard geckos with good genetics but the sad truth is the market is so over saturated with them already. Same with ball pythons and over breeding of morphs that give them neurological issues. I guess people don't care as long as they can brag about having a pretty animal that they slide into a drawer.
Reptiles are more intelligent than they get credit for, mine will recognize me when I go up the enclosure and look up at me (usually expecting food), and are noticeably more comfortable with me handing them than strangers. Of course they're not the same as mammals but still deserve a nice home with enrichment, any creature would go insane when there's nothing to do
No. 1421652
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why don't people like this get a hamster or something if they just want an animal that lays about at home all day
No. 1421708
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>>1421695I know the pattern.
(racebait) No. 1422031
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>>1421966The sloped backs on German shepherds bothers me so much
No. 1436228
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>>1166255and this is what bullfrogs are like in motion
No. 1436444
>>1166255I think it's worrying from an ethical standpoint that disabled pets have virtually become a trend (notice how many followers people get just for posting their eyeless or legless pet on Instagram, the more crippled the better). I don't think a cat that's paraplegic and can't fulfill its natural need to climb to higher place or a rabbit that drags its legs and can't hop is able to have a good quality of life. In some countries such as IIRC Sweden animal welfare laws prohibit dog wheelchairs as inhumane. A lot of these animals are kept alive just for the purpose of virtue signalling and tickling the owner's narcissism.
Also another thing is animal rescues letting pregnant cats or dogs give birth instead of spay-aborting. What's the point of producing more homeless animals, especially as most of these people get mad at breeders for breeding?
No. 1469057
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Look at this ugly SOB
No. 1469090
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>>1170458>>1170617Not to be that anon, but I have a "show quality" Persian I adopted at 1 year old from a respectable breeder who was retiring. He's currently 8 with no health issues or breathing issues. He doesn't even have such bad teeth which is like the hallmark of Persians, DNA testing was done to breed out kidney problems long ago in her cattery as well. Sometimes he blows snot out of his nose and makes snorty noses but numerous vet visits basically ended up with " uh, there's nothing wrong with him, except he needs his teeth cleaned"
I'm not caping for this breed, honestly it's very easy to fuck them up, fuck up their jaw alignment, fuck up their nasal anatomy. The majority of Persians people see online with weird faces are from unprofessional backyard breeders who don't know how to breed correctly and end up with owners that aren't ready and willing to take care of their grooming needs. But I just want to point the difference between Persians and pugs/bulldogs/other squishy dogs. It's basically impossible to have these dogs not to have health problems whereas with Persians and Exotics it is possible.
No. 1471285
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>>1469481Based on the records of that breeder, she has literally hundreds of cats registered on the last 10 years with CFA, pictures of large litters, and only limited breeders (When I got my cat she only had one male and 2 females that wasn't fixed).
again I cannot speak for everyone, just what I have seen. If you look at old 19th century paintings of Persians they already had short snouts/faces and big coats, if you look at paintings of pugs it's like a completely different animal just over a 100 years
No. 1828790
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Seriously, can people stop inflicting the same genetic fuck-ups we've caused to dogs onto cats as well
No. 1828838
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>>1828811wow aggro much. it's not the cat's fault is all, no need to insult it
No. 1829497
>>1402165Reptile/Amphibian owners are the the most pretentious,condescending, disgusting,sadistic,heartless people I've ever met.I agree with this 100% they see reptiles as rare collectible objects to show off rather than to treat them as pets.Reptile owners have this weird
victim complex because the pet community (or just most pet people)dislike them.if they truly love reptiles and or amphibians they would leave all of them in the wild where they belong instead of buying and disposing them afterwards in a cruel manner.
No. 2076146
>>2076125Agree, though at least some of the barking will also be due to a lack of training on top of lack of space.
In general though, I am so sick of seeing people fixate on the minimum space requirements for a pet- doesn't matter what kind of animal it is, it's a selfish mindset when it comes to getting a pet. People can be bad enough with common pets such as dogs (eg articles about 'apartment breeds' or crating them for the entire day while at work), but exotics are plagued with 'what's the smallest, most aesthetic (and therefore convenient to me) enclosure I can keep x in?' questions by people looking to get them to a depressing degree