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No. 1257659
Previos thread:
>>>/ot/1071635nonny nonny nonny nonny nonny nonny nonny nonnyPlease help us host the upcoming movie nights!nonny nonny nonny nonny nonny nonny nonny nonny
>What is movie nights?On certain nights of the week (usually weekends, although it depends on the host), we hold a "movie night" where we unite and watch movies together that have been suggested here in this thread.
These movie nights are usually scheduled at 8PM GMT.
Important check your timezone here:
Northen Emisphere Summertime: Emisphere Wintertime:
>Where? We have a dedicated room for Moovie Nights here:
>Rules1.Be nice!
2.Don't spam/no sperging/no infighting
3.Users can be ignored right clicking on them
>Where? We have a Cytube room for Moovie Nights here:
>When?We have decided to not use a spreadsheet to shedule anymore and instead announce any upcoming movie nights on this thread.
Similarly, you might play anything you want in the cytube room at any time.
>What is tunesday?Tunesdays are days where we listen to tunes, sometimes according to a theme. They are often held on tuesdays, but you are free to hop in whenever and organize yours!
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR UPCOMING HOSTS>I want to be cool and host a movie night, can I do that?Yes of course! You can host whatever you want whenever you want.
Hosting responsibilities appplies to the hosts though, such as:
>Announcing which day your movie night will be held at, at what time, and what movies you'll be showing>Posting any content warning if appicable (Optional. You can use for this)>Telling anons when the movie is going to start with at least 60 to 30 minutes of anticipation>Being on time>Having your links ready and working>Not disappearing in the middle of a movie night (without a valid reason)>Banning any scrote or troll>etcQuestions>Which media platforms does Cytube Support?You can find a list here: added using Google Drive require the Tampermonkey script to be viewed, which you can get here: Browser Method>A user is bothering me/the chatYou can ignore a user by right clicking their name in the list and pressing 'ignore', spammers or spergy users will be banned and removed by mods/admin
>Can we show more movies/videos besides the scheduled ones?Yes! Outside of scheduled events, use the room whenever you'd like to stream anything you want!
>Can you show [X] movie?You may suggest any movie(s) in this thread, a kind host will maybe pick it up and show it (altough this might not always be the case).
We encourage you to be a host for your own movies if you want to make sure they're shown!>About the schedule The schedule is dynamic and it can be changed according to anons needs. If you don't like the movies shown or the timing of the viewing, suggest your own movie night and help organize it!
Everyone is welcomed to participate. Weekends are usually the time when most anons are likely to come in.
>Who is the host?Anyone can host! There is a guide on how to use Cytube in the room banner, anyone can add videos to the queue.
>I don't like x thing and I don't like x movie, aaaaaaa!!!!!You must be 18+ to use this website, and we encourage everyone to act like adults and have critical brains.
Have fun ♥
No. 1257731
>>1257706>>1257714Alright, here's what happened nonnies, I beg your comprehension:
Nonnienonason is currently going through a very hard transitional period of her life, and unfortunately she won't be able to host any movie nights anymore. She wanted to stop coming to lolcow too, so she deleted everything including the spreadsheet, kosmi guide, and her cytube account. She wants to focus on her career and irl life. This is part of her self discovery journey, nothing bad or ill intentioned happened here. You might remember she posted something similar to this some weeks ago.
One of nonnienonason's wishes was to not keep a strict schedule, instead opting for everyone posting their own movie nights here. Which is true, it became demanding to her and this is why she got overwhelmed and burnt out, and I understand her. She just didn't want to deal with this responsibility anymore.
We could make another spreadsheet and customize the cytube room again (that also went away when her account got deleted) but I don't remember exactly how the spreadsheet was constructed and I have no idea how to code. I would need help for this if someone wants the spreadsheet back. Meanwhile, we can keep announcing the movie nights here.
Today's movie night will be a special one, because we'll send off Nonason with a farewell. She helped me a lot these past months when I had too much anxiety to come and host. She made everything pretty and organized. I don't want her efforts to go to waste.
These news came out of nowhere and a bit rushed today, but I honestly don't mind so much. Her life is more important than a imageboard imo. In any case, please don't make this into drama. Let's watch some nice movies together instead.
No. 1257770
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Nonnienonason did a lot for us and I'm glad that she is getting her live together and is happy. I would like to thank everyone that has been hosting movie nights, tune Tuesdays and moomin nights. Thank you for being so diligent with hosting movie nights, tune Tuesdays and moomin nights, however I agree with not having a strict schedule like before as burnout is not a fun thing to go through and I would rather have sporadic movie night then another farmer suffer like Nonnienonason and completely quit lolcow.
Nonnienonason while I didn't know you very well I could tell that you cared about moovie nights as you had more often then not always been at the cytube room when I peeked in and watched a movie or two with you guys along with a few other whom I won't name for safety reasons, I just want to thank you for going the extra mile and organizing everything basically building this from the ground up as I would have never believed that something like this and the drawingboard would ever exist here as there always been talks about doing something similar which has never come to fruition expect now. Thank you and I hope that everything will be okay for you in your life and that you'll be the happiest then you have ever been before and keep on being happy.
No. 1257923
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>>1257877>>1257897>>1257794Nonanonason sent me a file, I uploaded it to google drive and thanks to that some of the spreadsheet was able to be restored:, some of the info and formatting seems to be missing. Right now I have it set to "anyone can edit", so please if you remember anything or can help me out fixing the spreadsheet, please go ahead and edit it, it would help me a lot.
As for me, I think I'm going to postpone the movies I had planned for the rest of the month to a later date. I'm not sure when exactly I'll come back, but I'm also feeling pretty overwhelmed with everything that has happened (it's nobody's fault, I get overwhelmed very easily). I hope to come back to host in august (I'm not so sure yet), meanwhile, please feel free to use the movie night room to your liking. I like watching movies with everyone, even when I try to use lolcow less and less everyday (productivity measure). I already have the movies on my computer!
We also need someone who can code so we can make the cytube room look pretty again. If you can code, please reply to this post, it's very basic customization, the room uses HTML3 I think.
No. 1258129
If I don't come back to host, please I ask you to forgive me. I hope I can host in the future sporadically. I'm sorry. I love the movie nights too. Things just turned sour to me as well as of sudden. I do see / did see nonason her as my right hand, and the announcement was very sudden, but like I said I understand her and don't blame her. Everyone has their own life, she needs hers back.
I'm going through similar things to nonason in my life. We agreed we want more anons to participate and host. I also need to start thinking about my career and my life as a whole. I think just like her, I've also outgrown similar things about lolcow. One thing is though, I really do love the movie nights and the anons who attend. They make me happy and I'm very grateful.
All in all, I think I want to return to this thread and host once every so and so when I truly feel like it. If no one will host Eurovision I will, Eurovision in Lolcow will never die unless this website dies. I love Eurovision with the nonas too much. But anyways, please feel free to use the cytube room while I'm not here. It's your space, our space, everyone has made it cozy and fun together. Please appropriate it and make it yours. See you soon everyone. I hope this rut of mine doesn't last that long. If not, see you again in some time. I'll host something fun some other day. I hope you can forgive me.
No. 1258470
>>1257923>>1258129Take it easy nonnas, movie nights aren't supposed to feel like a job or a burden, it's just for our enjoyment. You can host or join whenever you feel like it.
That being said, thank you for uploading some of the spreadsheet!
Anyone remember the theme for tomorrow? If not, any suggestions?
My vote would be on Melancholy/Sad songs.
No. 1258621
>>1258481To be honest, I don't love this theme. I like listening while doing other stuff and feeling like I'm with anons. This feels too close to a movie night type of thing if that makes sense because the focus is looking. But I'm still looking forward to it and I bet we'll all have a lot of fun!
I love the genre days, like I'd love an R&B night, a female rap night, and maybe another goth night. I don't think it's so bad to repeat some themes with the Tunesdays. I'd also love a terrible trashy swag hip hop early 2010s/late 2000s night (like, Kreasyshawn, etc.).
I think a Midwest emo night might also be fun, as would an 80s punk night (Black Flag, X, etc.). Maybe a nu metal night as well. of course, if people would prefer other genres, I'd love to listen to those as well.
No. 1258909
>>1258854Anonitanonny here
I don't think nonnienonason wants to do it anymore, but I will do a tunesday tomorrow. They're fun and easy so that's that!
Please propose a tunesday theme for tomorrow and let me know which one sounds better for you!
No. 1259675
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Tunesday starts at 7PM GMT tonight!!Today's theme is:
favorite songs! Share your favorite tunes with the nonnies!
As always make sure to check your timezone here: No. 1259780
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nonason to anonita come in anonita contact me right away you silly goose this is a demand not a request
No. 1260124
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Come and add your very favorite songs to the list!! Or just come by and chill with us ♥
No. 1261156
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Hello my lovely nonnies. Now that the admins have left and we have new ones, we have been discussing some makeovers to the movie nights. We are thinking of moving the Tuesday Tunesdays to a weekend night instead, preferably a Friday, and carrying on with movie nights as usual on the Saturdays. The drawing board room are proposing a game night on the Sundays, so depending on if nonnies would prefer to do that we are leaving Sundays blank for now. We also want to introduce a way that nonnies can vote for movies and themes the week before they're due to play, playing the most voted ones, instead of leaving suggestions and going through those one by one. We're also planning on having weekly announcements on this thread instead of leaving the schedule on a separate doc. We may also still do streams in the middle of the week, for example we were thinking of doing a Women's Wednesday where we only stream music or media made by women. I would like to know what you nonas think, please feel free to add any suggestions.
No. 1261331
>>1261156This sounds great!
I especially love the vote system. We could also use a randomization tool, we give in all the movies we would like to watch, and the algorithm chooses a random entry? And if there are two screenings the 2nd one can be chosen in relation to the first one?
No. 1261985
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>>1239965Hey anon, I hope you're still here. I know I said I would host on Kosmi for you, but since some fixes for cytube have been proposed since then I want to ask if you're still not able to watch on Cytube? If not that's perfectly fine and we will watch on Kosmi, I just wanted to ask
No. 1262311
>>1262284I just rewatched not long ago and the high school arc made me really sad. The site I use is it has TONS of cartoons and anime, video quality is not always the best though.
No. 1262430
>>1261156Due to the admins leaving but not removing their accounts as admins on the farm movie room, we have had to make a new one instead. Movie nights and streams will now be hosted on (note the s at the end). The old room is still available for now to redirect any nonnies. No. 1262706
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since no one is going to use the old room again, I deleted it alongside my account, so anyone calling themselves anonitanonny from now on won't be me. Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you all have fun and awesome times in the new room! Cheers!
No. 1262729
They're not hard to customize though
No. 1262765
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FRIDAY 15TH JULY>Youtube NostalgiaWe will be playing videos from early 2000 and 2010s era of Youtube, whether it's funny videos, or favourite Youtube songs from that era. Some videos may be blocked for other users so I highly suggest using a VPN if that's the case. Will be hosted in the new movie room: No. 1263317
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TODAY AT 6PM GMT>Youtube NostalgiaWe will be playing videos from early 2000 and 2010s era of Youtube, whether it's funny videos, or favourite Youtube songs from that era. Some videos may be blocked for other users so I highly suggest using a VPN if that's the case. Will be hosted in the new movie room: No. 1263823
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Sunday 17th July - 9PM GMT/ 5PM EST
Death Buy Lemonade (2 mins)
>main course
Heathers 1988 (103 mins)
>A razor sharp black comedy about high school politics centers on Veronica Sawyer (Ryder) who joins an exclusive clique of popular girls named Heather (Walker, Doherty, Falk) and plays along with her new boyfriend J.D. (Slater) in a series of pranks which turn into a series of murders made to look like suicides.
Fuelled (9 mins)
No. 1264648
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i just mentioned it in the movie thread, but i think we should watch home on the range since it's about a group of cows!
No. 1264896
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!!ATTENTION ATTENTION!!School of Rock starts in
30 MINUTES!! you there! No. 1264927
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Can I suggest Big Fat Liar and Agent Cody Banks?
No. 1265127
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>>1264426OK nonnies we're gonna take an intermission and listen to some epic rock n roll tunes in the meantime, Tenacious D will start in 40 minutes!!!
No. 1266153
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Heathers 1988: starting now, sorry for the time delay, first time hosting so figuring stuff out
CONTENT WARNING: depictions of a violent relationship, suicide & drug abuse
No. 1266368
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>>1262864The poll has now finished, picrel is the results. Thank you nonnies for voting! We got over 45 responses!
The results:
>Tuesday 19th July will be 'favourite remixes' with 17 votes.>Friday 22nd July will be 80s night with 25 votes.>Saturday 23rd July will be Kiki's Delivery Service with 27 votes in total, and Spirited Away with 21 votes in total.Next time I make the poll, I will change the way we vote for movies by having 5 options for option 1, and 5 different ones for option 2.
Thank you for your participation! I look forward to seeing you nonnies at the upcoming events!
No. 1268030
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Tonight's theme - favourite remixes
>Add any remix of any song that you like
No. 1269291
Hey nonnies, please vote for upcoming events below: has already asked to host some movies on Saturday, so it's just the Tunesdays for Tuesday the 26th and 29th that are available to vote.
The movies being hosted on Saturday are Life Sized and Harriet the Spy on July 30th.
No. 1272328
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80s night!!!
>Share any of your favourite tunes from the 80s!
No. 1273153
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>>1272790Still streaming!
No. 1273889
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Kiki's Delivery Service (1989)
>In this anime feature, 13-year-old Kiki moves to a seaside town with her talking cat, Jiji, to spend a year alone, in accordance with her village's tradition for witches in training. After learning to control her broomstick, Kiki sets up a flying courier service and soon becomes a fixture in the community. But when the insecure young witch begins questioning herself and loses her magic abilities, she must overcome her self-doubt to get her powers back.
Spirited Away (2001)
>Ten-year-old Chihiro and her parents end up at an abandoned amusement park inhabited by supernatural beings. Soon, she learns that she must work to free her parents who have been turned into pigs.
No. 1274441
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STARTING IN 30 MINUTES!Kiki's Delivery Service
- Intermission -
Spirited Away
Watching relaxing Ghibli footage in the meantime, see you there! No. 1274622
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Moovie night continues with
Spirited AwaySTARTING NOW! No. 1276668
>>1276447Nonnas i appreciate all the effort, I just had the the misfortune of being at work (restaurant work on the east coast usa) but its ok! Is there an option to watch the same movies, but after hours? Would the links still work?
I do appreciate the work and effort put into this!
No. 1277142
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The poll has now finished, picrel is the results. Thank you nonnies for voting! We got 33 responses!
>Tuesday 26th July will be emo night with 18 votes.
>Friday 29th July will be songs with a name in the title (e.g Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac) with 15 votes.
There is already a scheduled movie event:
>Saturday 30th July will be Life Sized and Harriet The Spy
Thank you for your participation! I look forward to seeing you nonnies at the upcoming events!
No. 1277652
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Anonita pls come back, yer silly goose.This is an order!
No. 1277698
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Tunesday starts tonight at 7PM GMT!Tonight's theme:>EMO NIGHT!Share your favorite emo songs and guilty pleasures!
Make sure to check your time zone here: Northen Emisphere Summertime: Emisphere Wintertime: to see you then!! No. 1278073
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>>1277930Someone please blast it extra loud for me while i work and lament about missing the best night of my life
No. 1278074
>>1278073Turn up the volume
nonnie!! We've added so much MCR to the list!
No. 1278116
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>>1277907We're still jammin'!
No. 1278268
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Wednesday 27th July - 6PM GMT/ 2PM EST
500 Days Of Summer (133 mins)
>Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), greeting-card writer and hopeless romantic, is caught completely off-guard when his girlfriend, Summer (Zooey Deschanel), suddenly dumps him. He reflects on their 500 days together to try to figure out where their love affair went sour, and in doing so, Tom rediscovers his true passions in life.
Little Miss Sunshine 2006 (102 mins)
>The Hoover family – a man (Greg Kinnear), his wife (Toni Collette), an uncle (Steve Carell), a brother (Paul Dano) and a grandfather (Alan Arkin) – puts the fun back in dysfunctional by piling into a VW bus and heading to California to support a daughter (Abigail Breslin) in her bid to win the Little Miss Sunshine Contest. The sanity of everyone involved is stretched to the limit as the group's quirks cause epic problems as they travel along their interstate route.
content warning: minor drug use
No. 1280348
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>Metal night!Share your favorite metal songs of any subgenre and language with the nonnies!
Please check your time zone here:Northen Emisphere Summertime: Emisphere Wintertime: you! No. 1281796
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>1. Life Size
>2. Harriet The Spy
Will be on cytube.
No. 1281879
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Theme is: songs with a name in the title
See you there!
No. 1282257
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>>1281879Starting in 30 minutes!
No. 1282494
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Still jammin' to songs with a name on the title! No. 1282574
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>>1281879Still streaming!
No. 1282949
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1. Life-Size
2. Harriet The Spy
No. 1285518
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The poll has now finished, picrel is the results. Thank you nonnies for voting! We got 41 responses!
>Tuesday 2nd August will be theme music from video games with 16 votes (it was very close!)
>Friday 5th August will be City Pop (Japanese 80s music) with 19 votes.
>Saturday 6th August will be The Truman Show (28 votes) followed by Moonrise Kingdom (24 votes).
Thank you for your participation! I look forward to seeing you nonnies at the upcoming events!
No. 1286052
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Wednesday 3rd August - 6PM GMT/ 2PM EST
Miss Potter (93 mins)
>The story of Beatrix Potter, the author of the beloved and best-selling children's book, "The Tale of Peter Rabbit", and her struggle for love, happiness, and success.
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (91 mins)
>Guinevere Pettigrew, a middle-aged London governess, finds herself unfairly dismissed from her job. An attempt to gain new employment catapults her into the glamorous world and dizzying social whirl of an American actress and singer, Delysia Lafosse.
>(content warning: nudity)
No. 1286280
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TONIGHT AT 7PM GMTTuesday Tunesday - Music from video games!
>Share any song or music from any game that you enjoy! No. 1286315
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>>1285518Love how almost half of us voted for citypop hell yeah haha
No. 1286790
>>1285518Manifesting it now that I won't be late for this movie night! Lol
Also which ending of the butterfly effect were we talking about? The normal ending or the one with the womb? Bc that affected my answer
No. 1287354
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Manifesting Nacho libre in the future
No. 1287643
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>>1287354Samefag nonna if we have Nacho libre lined up could it be any night of the week of the 14th? I won’t be able to participate next week
No. 1287657
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Hey nonnies, please vote for upcoming events below: closes on Monday.
Please note the movie descriptions have now been added at the bottom of the page.
No. 1288080
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Miss Potter is starting now
No. 1289240
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Now StreamingLITTLE BEAR!
Come chill in the room. (Some nonnies may need to use a VPN, Opera has one built in if needed) No. 1290266
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TONIGHT AT 7PM GMT>City Pop night!Play any song from the Japanese 80s era. Look forward to seeing you nonnies there tonight! No. 1290905
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>>1290841>>1290266Starting in 5 minutes!
No. 1292074
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Starting in one hour!
Moonrise Kingdom
>Set on an island off the coast of New England in the summer of 1965, Moonrise Kingdom tells the story of two twelve-year-olds who fall in love, make a secret pact, and run away together into the wilderness.
Cute, funny and cozy! See you there nonnies <3
No. 1292415
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we're having a good time tonight
No. 1292809
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Starting @ 8am ESTSunday morning cartoons! ♥ A stream of a wide variety of cartoons from the early 2000s era will be playing this morning in the movie room! Some of the shows included in the stream:
>Yu Gi Oh>Fairly Odd Parents>My Life as a Teenage Robot>Hey Arnold>Stickin' Around>Danny Phantom>Chalk Zoneand soooo many more!
It will be a cozy morning stream to have on while you start your morning. See you soon nonas!
Check your time zone here: No. 1292883
may be blocked in your country, so consider using a VPN! Opera browser has one built in. No. 1292959
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We're streaming cartoons!Currently Playing:
>Fairly Odd ParentsCome and hang out with the nonnies! ♥ No. 1294138
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The poll has now finished, picrel is the results. Thank you nonnies for voting! We got over 36 responses!
>Tuesday 9th August will be Psychedelic Rock with 20 votes.
>Friday 12th August will be 70s Night with 17 votes.
>Saturday 13th August will be It Follows (24 votes) followed by The Butterfly Effect (14 votes).
Thank you for your participation! I look forward to seeing you nonnies at the upcoming events!
No. 1296691
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TODAY AT 4PM GMTRest In Piece Olivia Newton John
>We will be playing a master stream of her songs in memory of her. No. 1297595
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>>1296939praying for parent trap to win one of the nights, i desperately need to see the parent trap with you guys!!
No. 1297902
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>>1296939Manifesting Nacho Libre winning. I remember adoring the style and comedy in this film. I’d love to watch it with you nonnies
No. 1298008
>>1297959>>1297902I’m the og nacho libre
nonny I’m so happy people want to see it
No. 1298570
File: 1660251195851.jpg (1.41 MB, 1507x1810, Tumblr_l_1384903136932.jpg)

No. 1298575
File: 1660251310885.jpg (1.77 MB, 2000x2000, Tumblr_l_64316226084688.jpg)

No. 1298589
File: 1660251483555.jpg (469.59 KB, 1266x1036, Tumblr_l_12498546075022.jpg)

bump and report
No. 1298591
File: 1660251508857.jpeg (46.86 KB, 564x548, DD823574-83DD-468D-BDD5-5BD9F1…)

bump 4 dick pic
No. 1298594
File: 1660251561196.jpeg (47.73 KB, 500x500, FD26E206-E084-4F22-84E3-20C9C1…)

No. 1298616
File: 1660251895801.jpg (60.72 KB, 1175x900, tumblr_pauk0nzmXt1x9zqg6o1_128…)

Since the moid is having a mental breakdown again, do we wanna watch something in the meantime?
I'd suggest how to catch a predator to stay on topic kek.
No. 1301502
File: 1660412611357.jpg (131.18 KB, 1151x720, thumb2-makima-grunge-art-chain…)

Get that outta here!
No. 1301505
File: 1660412695572.jpg (72.99 KB, 828x575, 01d618948351525e6fb60ccce0accc…)

remember to click (hide) and you won't have to see it anymore
No. 1301544
File: 1660414621193.gif (1.68 MB, 500x281, it-follows-gif-2.gif)

Starting in 45 minutesIt Follows will begin the
first stream. Movies will re-stream around 7PM Eastern / 4PM Pacific!
No. 1301879
File: 1660431305191.gif (915.81 KB, 498x258, butterfly-effect-movie.gif)

Second Showing STARTS IN 6 MINUTES!It Follows
The Butterfly Effect! And please let me know if you like the option of having a 2nd later showing!
No. 1301968
File: 1660438571657.jpg (88.22 KB, 900x600, ButterflyEffectGb270312.jpg)

Come join in!!
No. 1301973
File: 1660438780077.jpg (30.71 KB, 340x461, shedevil.jpg)

Have we watched She-Devil yet? If not I would put it up for consideration.
No. 1302044
>>1301954i've never seen this but reading about it, it sounds really cool! definitely would watch w you guys
>>1301973i'm not sure
nonnie but i love that movie. i'd assume we probably haven't, it's a bit niche i'd think, and i don't know if it has reached "cool cult status" but it's a great movie. i'd like to watch it with you all as well
No. 1302417
File: 1660482219648.jpeg (83.63 KB, 426x607, 70037989.jpeg)

Showing Today!BRATZ ROCK ANGELZ2ND BRATZ MOVIE - VIEWERS' CHOICE!7PM Central European / 5PM GMT / 1PM Eastern
(about 4 hours from now, check your timezone here:
Poll in cytube room will run during Rock Angelz so vote for the 2nd movie while you watch the first one!
See you there!
No. 1302721
File: 1660501461001.gif (1.35 MB, 444x236, bratz.gif)

Get in,
nonny! We're watching our poll winner: Bratz Passion 4 Fashion Diamondz! No. 1302865
File: 1660510091748.gif (7.56 MB, 1280x720, 90d3f5a45c93543b85892e08b3ceb9…)

Bratz Fashion Pixiez playing now! No. 1302921
File: 1660514520030.jpg (414.41 KB, 1024x926, 4609607476_4d090e113b_b.jpg)

Bratz: Girlz Really Rock playing now! No. 1303479
File: 1660568612764.png (203.26 KB, 854x1372, Screenshot 2022-08-15 at 14.00…)

The poll has now ended, picrel is the results. Thanks for your participation nonnies, we got over 52 responses!
>Tuesday 16th August will be Electronic Dance Music with 24 votes.
>Friday 19th August will be Japanese Rock with 23 votes.
>Saturday 20th August will be Nacho Libre (31 votes) followed by Matilda (29 votes).
No. 1304101
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No. 1305140
File: 1660670887286.gif (250.08 KB, 400x228, edmcats.gif)

Starting in half an hour!!Tuesday Tunesday EDM night! No. 1307831
File: 1660859079883.gif (259.35 KB, 200x200, 200 (3).gif)

Hey nonnies, please vote for upcoming events below: it's later than usual. Poll closes on Monday
No. 1308959
File: 1660941270397.jpeg (82.28 KB, 474x769, 18CBF0C7-0637-4BE0-9480-25D0EB…)

Suggesting Hackers (1995). I think it would be fun to watch with the nonnies
Reasons why we should watch it
>sexy shaggy
>great costume design
>lots of weird awkward moments and lines
>campy hacker scenes
No. 1309034
>>1308959Johnny Lee Miller? Call me in.
I finally found a copy of "Hard Candy" but I have no spare gmail account to use its drive to host, I got it from Odysee but it has been deleted since then from the og uploader, otherwise we could've used that link.
No. 1309042
File: 1660945531551.gif (4.41 MB, 760x428, LazyBriskItalianbrownbear-size…)

>>1308793We are still rocking on with jrock night!! Join the fun! No. 1310714
File: 1661094182265.gif (2.73 MB, 540x290, animesher.com_gif-boy-a-silent…)

starting at 6PM GMT/ 2PM EST
A Silent Voice (130 mins)
>Naoko Yamada directs this anime feature adaptation of the manga by Yoshitoki Oima. Nishimiya Shoko (voice of Saori Hayami) is a high school student who struggles with her hearing impairment. At school, she is often bullied by Ishida Shouya (Miyu Irino) and, as a result, decides to change schools. After having many years to consider his actions, Shouya, now a grown man, seeks redemption from those he has hurt.
CODA (111 mins)
(this might not air depending on if the encoding/uploading is done on time, apologies!)
>Seventeen-year-old Ruby (Emilia Jones) is the sole hearing member of a deaf family – An English-language remake of the 2014 French-Belgian film La Famille Bélier, it stars Emilia Jones as the titular child of deaf adults (CODA) and only hearing member of a deaf family, who attempts to help her family's struggling fishing business, while pursuing her own aspirations of being a singer.
No. 1311619
File: 1661145059124.png (215.44 KB, 834x1406, Screenshot 2022-08-22 at 06.07…)

The poll has now finished. Thank you for voting, we received over 31 responses! The results are as follows:
>Tuesday 23rd August will be Jazz & Blues with 13 votes.
>Friday 26th August will be 60s Night with 16 votes.
>Saturday 27th August will be Twister (19 votes) followed by Children of Men (17 votes).
No. 1312217
>>1311619NONNY NONNY NONNYTunesday themes have been swapped!
That means:
>Tuesday August 23rd is 60s Night>Friday August 26th is Jazz and Blues Night No. 1317823
File: 1661553908295.gif (637.56 KB, 200x200, 200w.gif)

>>1317253>>1317634We're still streaming!!
No. 1318084
File: 1661579644344.png (1.81 MB, 1264x938, Screenshot 2022-08-27 at 06.52…)

TONIGHT AT 8PM GMTTwister (1996)
>Ben, a storm chaser, and Jo, a meteorologist, have to put their impending divorce on hold to battle a series of violent tornadoes that are destroying Oklahoma.Children of Men (2001)
>In 2027, 18 years of human infertility have left society on the verge of extinction. When one woman miraculously gets pregnant, Theo, a bureaucrat, must transport her to safety. No. 1318626
File: 1661633546740.gif (3.41 MB, 468x250, AliveComplicatedAntarcticgiant…)

>>1318084Children of Men streaming in 15 minutes!
No. 1318744
>>1318084NONNY did you miss the first stream? You're in luck! Twister & Children of Men are showing again in 30-40 minutes!
We're watching chill videos in the meantime, see you there! No. 1319046
File: 1661675847937.png (1.22 MB, 946x638, adventure.png)

TONIGHT!The Mummy (1999)> The film follows adventurer Rick O'Connell as he travels to Hamunaptra, the City of the Dead, with a librarian and her older brother, where they accidentally awaken Imhotep, a cursed high priest with supernatural powers.Jumanji (1995)> A magical board game unleashes a world of adventure on siblings Peter and Judy Shepherd. While exploring an old mansion, the youngsters find a curious, jungle-themed game called Jumanji in the attic. SHOWTIMES1st Stream - 6PM CEST / 5PM BST / 12PM ET / 9AM PT
2nd Stream - 11PM CEST / 10PM BST / 5PM ET / 2PM PT No. 1319050
File: 1661677107910.jpeg (601.03 KB, 1667x2500, CCE540A1-E8E3-4311-8F09-3806C9…)

May I suggest a night where we just watch random YouTube videos?
No. 1319219
>>1319046Starting in 1 HOURThe MummyAdventure awaits tonight,
nonny! See you there! No. 1319977
>>1319050>>1319070>>1318165>>1318100Hi nonnies! thank you for the suggestions! we typically include these in upcoming polls.
That said, if you don’t want to wait for this to be voted for and scheduled, Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays are typically open for you to put any of these nights on! Music nights are especially easy to host, just let nonnies here know what your theme is and when it starts, then add some YouTube/Dailymotion links to the playlist over on Cytube! and speaking from experience, impromptu nights are often the most fun ones we have!
No. 1320005
File: 1661760784284.png (2.15 MB, 1190x887, thegirlsarefightingggg.png)

THIS THURSDAYShe-Devil (1989)> A surprisingly resourceful housewife vows revenge on her husband when he begins an affair with a wealthy romance novelist.Death Becomes Her (1992)> When a fading actress learns of an immortality treatment, she sees it as a way to outdo her long-time rival.SHOWTIME8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1320279
File: 1661790053119.png (206.63 KB, 842x1408, Screenshot 2022-08-29 at 17.19…)

The poll has now ended. Picrel is the results. Thank you for participating, we received over 44 responses!
>Tuesday 30th August will be 90s Night with 20 votes.
>Friday 2nd September will be Grunge Night with 22 votes.
>Saturday 3rd September will be The Royal Tenenbaums (26 votes) followed by The Parent Trap (19 votes).
No. 1320418
File: 1661799151576.gif (931.43 KB, 470x262, ezgif-3-195c03335c.gif)

How would I go about submitting series/movies? I'm totally down for a Metalocalypse night or a sing-a-long Doomstar Requiem if anyone was interested. I'd be up for hosting but I'd have to figure it out first.
No. 1322995
File: 1662013515585.gif (2.82 MB, 600x600, giphy (15).gif)

Hey nonnies, please vote for upcoming events below: it's a little late. Also please note that the movie section now comes as movies in pairs. Poll closes Monday.
No. 1323303
File: 1662051539677.gif (429.22 KB, 300x290, she-devil.gif)

>>1320005Starting in 1 HOURSHE-DEVIL SHOWING3AM CEST / 2AM BST / 9PM ET / 6PM PT
No. 1323516
File: 1662067893360.gif (2.1 MB, 498x275, burn.gif)

>>1320005SECOND STREAMShe-Devil and Death Becomes Her
starts in 3.5 hours!
She-Devil has become a fast favourite of nonnies in the 1st stream, be sure to check it out!
No. 1323586
File: 1662074249890.gif (1.97 MB, 540x400, tumblr_nq0r73wmIW1tzqospo1_r1_…)

more cartoons when
No. 1325132
File: 1662185617169.png (1.93 MB, 1162x904, Screenshot 2022-09-03 at 07.11…)

TONIGHT AT 8PM GMTThe Royal Tenenbaums and The Parent Trap!
>The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) - Three siblings, gifted in their own way, have experienced success but are distant from each other. Their family has to reunite when their estranged father announces he is dying.>The Parent Trap (1998) Identical twins Hallie and Annie are separated after their parents' divorce. Years later, they discover each other at a summer camp and decide to switch places in an effort to reunite their parents. No. 1325778
File: 1662229738875.gif (3.49 MB, 720x405, ArtisticRareDarwinsfox-size_re…)

No. 1325969
File: 1662237855451.gif (1.56 MB, 498x348, tt.gif)

>>1325132The parent trap starts in about 20 minutes after a short music break! you!
No. 1326533
File: 1662276749242.gif (3.33 MB, 498x379, salem-cat-salem-sabrina.gif)

GET YOUR SH!T TOGETHER SEPTEMBERMONDAY> Co-work with nonnies! Using a pomodoro timer, we'll all work/study for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break to chat! Come and go as you please!GROUP YOGA> Take a yoga class with nonnies! Stick around after to chat.THIS WEEKMonday Co-working - 4PM CEST / 3PM BST / 10AM ET / 7AM PT
(timers will stay up for awhile, don't worry about the start time)
Wednesday Yoga - 8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1326754
>>1326533yes yes I need this
I'm writing my dissertation and have tried to get people to do group write/study before and they never understand how it can help!
I'll come nonnies
No. 1327083
>>1326733would you nonnies rather queue up music during the co-working session or have me queue pomodoro timer videos with rain/lofi type stuff?
I was planning on the latter so no one would need to worry about adding music, but I'm open to the preferences of the group! I have a poll running in the room if you'd like to share thoughts that way: No. 1327496
File: 1662357857340.png (190.27 KB, 932x1152, Screenshot 2022-09-05 at 07.01…)

The poll has now ended, picrel is the results. Thank you nonnies for voting, we received over 37 responses!
>Tuesday 6th September will be Non-English songs with 21 votes.
>Friday 9th September will be 90s/2000s Nostalgia with 21 votes.
>Saturday 10th September will be Atlantis: The Lost Empire followed by Treasure Planet with 18 votes.
No. 1327594
File: 1662369859060.gif (1.59 MB, 1200x675, study.gif)

> Work or study with nonnies! Pomodoro timer videos that have only light ambient noise (gentle rain, candles flickering) will play in the room so nonnies can listen to any music they choose in another tab/app. (Want music recommendations? Ask in chat!) We'll have regular chat breaks as well.
We'll begin @ 4PM CEST / 3PM BST / 10AM ET / 7AM PT
No. 1329676
File: 1662546377791.jpeg (830.4 KB, 2560x1618, B63E2009-6F0E-463E-82FB-E10FC3…)

> take a yoga class with nonnies, then stay and chat after! beginners welcome!
No. 1330138
File: 1662582347820.gif (52.81 KB, 220x220, lets-vote-speech-bubble.gif)

Hey nonnies, please take the time to vote in the poll for upcoming elections: closes Monday.
No. 1331263
>>1330849believe me, we also like this idea! however, the polls are for voting for movie nights and not series. a
nonny may show it at some point, but it will be separate from Saturday movies.
on that note, we want to encourage more nonnies to host and bring their great ideas to life, so here are a couple of guides to clarify the process! if anything isn't clear, please ask questions here or in the moovie room. we were all new to this once, so we're happy to help!
How to host a Music/YouTube Video Night: to host a Moovie Night: No. 1333671
File: 1662774263253.gif (258.05 KB, 400x267, giphy.gif)

We're still going!
No. 1333703
File: 1662777138235.png (314.14 KB, 537x463, Pumpkin Spice Catto.png)

I made the the pumpkin spice apple cat emote we were taking about last week. Can't wait for Autumn themed movie nights
No. 1334151
File: 1662808299275.png (3.24 MB, 1586x1152, atlantisplanet.png)

TONIGHTATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE (2001)> An inexperienced young adventurer becomes the key to unraveling an ancient mystery when he joins up with a group of daredevil explorers to find the legendary lost empire of Atlantis.TREASURE PLANET (2002)> A restless teen journeys across the universe as a cabin boy aboard a spaceship.SHOWTIMES1st Stream - 9PM CEST / 8PM BST / 3PM ET / 12PM PT
2nd Stream - 3AM CEST / 2AM BST / 9PM ET / 6PM PT you there! Come see the new emote in action
>>1333703 No. 1334615
File: 1662833798932.jpg (118.51 KB, 900x650, 016e0h84.jpg)

>>1334601Pray for me that I finish this dumbass postmodernist article discussion in time for the movie, my poor keyboard needs a break from violence and I've never seen Atlantis
No. 1335593
File: 1662897042588.png (811.31 KB, 2612x1374, octcal.png)

THIS OCTOBERNONNY! We have an absolutely stacked lineup of spooky movies and shows for you! There's something to watch
every day in October!
Announcements will be made for each showing, including times and other helpful info, as usual!
Please be aware that because of this schedule, polls for movies will not be posted during the month of October. Schedule is subject to change. (Though we will work our hardest to avoid this!) No. 1335636
File: 1662900924246.jpg (64.91 KB, 500x333, tumblr_m83sv1skYU1r8vo7wo1_500…)

>>1335593LOVE this! Especially hype to watch Blair Witch Project with nonnies!
No. 1335797
File: 1662912089904.gif (2.73 MB, 498x380, halloween-pumpkin.gif)

>>1335593I love you all nonnies! I can't wait to bring out the spooks
No. 1336501
File: 1662959840642.gif (719.51 KB, 500x420, study.gif)

Monday Co-working - 4PM CEST / 3PM BST / 10AM ET / 7AM PT
(timers will stay up for awhile, don't worry about the start time)
Wednesday Yoga - 9PM CEST / 8PM BST / 3PM ET / 12PM PT
No. 1336525
File: 1662961974455.png (169.03 KB, 878x1094, Screenshot 2022-09-12 at 06.53…)

The poll has now ended. Picrel is the results. Thank you nonnies for participating - we received over 45 responses!
>Tuesday 13th September will be Dream Pop with 29 votes.
>Friday 16th September will be Songs About Food with 15 votes (very close!)
>Saturday 17th September will be Being John Malkovich followed by Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with 24 votes.
No. 1336826
File: 1662991139948.gif (1.11 MB, 498x278, studytype.gif)

>>1336501Co-working starts NOW!!
A few reminders:
- timer videos will play in the room, prompting productivity and break windows with beeps/chimes (25 minutes focus, 5 minute break)
- these videos will have only light noise, so please listen to your own music choices in another tab/app
- this runs for several hours. come and go according to your own needs!
- chat may be quiet or slow during productivity windows as nonnies are working No. 1337117
File: 1663008330507.jpg (27.88 KB, 900x506, FcddH5-XEAEoXoX.jpg)

Is there any interest (and possibility) to watch the nintendo direct live with nonnies tomorrow?
No. 1337698
File: 1663051406351.gif (991.47 KB, 500x293, tumblr_mi1snoPGtg1qbm479o1_500…)

TONIGHT AT 7PM GMT>Dream Pop Night!This is a particular genre from 2010s+ era that incorporates psychedelic, neo-soul and smooth jazz/rock tones. Think of bands such as Men I Trust or Crumb. No. 1338275
File: 1663099020715.gif (1.76 MB, 498x269, wolfwalkers.gif)

After the Yoga session on Wednesday the 14th:
Three movies under the theme of werewolves
heralding the coming Halloween season next month
Wolfwalkers (103 mins)
>In a time of superstition and magic, a young apprentice hunter, Robyn Goodfellowe, journeys to Ireland with her father to wipe out the last wolf pack. While exploring the forbidden lands outside the city walls, Robyn befriends a free-spirited girl, Mebh, a member of a mysterious tribe rumored to have the ability to transform into wolves by night. As they search for Mebh's missing mother, Robyn uncovers a secret that draws her further into the enchanted world of the "Wolfwalkers" and risks turning into the very thing her father is tasked to destroy.
Ginger Snaps (108 mins)
>The story of two outcast sisters, Ginger (Katharine Isabelle) and Brigitte (Emily Perkins), in the mindless suburban town of Bailey Downs. On the night of Ginger's first period, she is savagely attacked by a wild creature. Ginger's wounds miraculously heal but something is not quite right. Now Brigitte must save her sister and save herself.
content warning: animal abuse, drug use, cutting, gore
Never Cry Wolf (105 mins)
>Research scientist Tyler (Charles Martin Smith) is sent to the desolate Canadian tundra to find out whether the local wolf population is responsible for decimating Canada's caribou herds. Helped by Ootek (Zachary Ittimangnaq), a local Inuit native, Farley manages to establish an observation post and, while braving the harsh climate, begins to study a family of wolves, as well as the caribou. He eventually determines that the greatest danger to the caribou doesn't move on four legs.
content warning: nudity
No. 1339176
File: 1663141888720.gif (1007.36 KB, 498x498, yoga.gif)

TONIGHTYOGA> Take a 30-35 minute yoga class with nonnies, then stay and chat after! Beginners welcome!After yoga, please stick around and check out all the amazing
wolf movies listed here!
>>1338275SEE YOU ON THE MAT!9PM CEST / 8PM BST / 3PM ET / 12PM PT No. 1339744
>>1339176>>1339660Yoga starts now!! (we have a few minutes set aside to settle in and set up)
Please stick around after to rehydrate and enjoy some great movies!!
>>1338275 No. 1339969
File: 1663190972555.gif (499.94 KB, 500x240, ginger-snaps-gif.gif)

Ginger Snaps starts in 5 minutes!!
No. 1340087
File: 1663197816257.jpg (148.67 KB, 640x350, Never-Cry-Wolf-playing-for-the…)

Never Cry Wolf starts in five minutes!!
No. 1341727
File: 1663323225812.gif (1.14 MB, 500x375, 2EGZ.gif)

TONIGHT AT 7PM GMT>Songs About Food!Play any song from any genre as long as it has a food/drink item in the title or is about food itself! No. 1342876
File: 1663585172954.gif (921.53 KB, 600x340, 247C6E73-FD8F-4E7C-AD8D-F6E979…)

Co-working session!!
> timer vids with light music during breaks only will be used today!
Hostess note: please be aware this will start later than usual this week, apologies for any inconvenience!
No. 1344036
File: 1663645883298.jpg (1.15 MB, 2500x1810, movies.jpg)

SUNDAY SEMPTEMBER 25TH, 7 PM GMT>1. NOPE (2022)Two siblings who run a California horse ranch discover something wonderful and sinister in the skies above, and the owner of an adjacent theme park tries to profit from the mysterious, otherworldly phenomenon.This is a horror movie and has scenes that can be disturbing to some.>2. Frank (2014) Jon, a young wanna-be musician, discovers he's bitten off more than he can chew when he joins an eccentric pop band led by the mysterious and enigmatic Frank. No. 1346047
File: 1663750013305.png (133.92 KB, 796x1016, Screenshot 2022-09-19 at 09.45…)

Oops sorry nonnies I posted the results in the wrong thread:
>Tuesday 20th September will be Folk Night with 15 votes.
>Friday 23rd September will be Animated Music Videos with 15 votes.
>Saturday movie night will be Cruel Intentions and Chasing Amy with 16 votes.
No. 1346048
File: 1663750086137.gif (64.56 KB, 400x400, AlarmingPointlessHoneyeater-ma…)

Please vote for upcoming events below note there are no movie nights to vote for as we already have events scheduled for the month of October.
Poll closes Monday.
No. 1346051
File: 1663750605511.gif (791.32 KB, 540x540, yogaskeleton.gif)

TONIGHTYOGA> Take a 30-35 minute yoga class with nonnies, then stay and chat after! Beginners welcome!SEE YOU ON THE MAT!
9PM CEST / 8PM BST / 3PM ET / 12PM PT don't forget to vote for next week's events!
>>1346048 No. 1347381
File: 1663834673475.png (1.86 MB, 1318x966, twibeau.png)

TONIGHTTWILIGHT (2008)> When Bella Swan moves to a small town in the Pacific Northwest, she falls in love with Edward Cullen, a mysterious classmate who reveals himself to be a 108-year-old vampire.BEAUTIFUL CREATURES (2013)> Ethan Wate longs to escape his small southern town. He meets a mysterious new girl, Lena Duchannes. Together, they uncover dark secrets about their respective families, their history, and their town.SHOWTIME8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1347934
File: 1663877617635.gif (2.9 MB, 513x250, beautifulcreatures.gif)

No. 1350338
File: 1664002628063.png (2.09 MB, 1318x935, cruelamy.png)

TONIGHTCRUEL INTENTIONS (1999)> Two vicious step-siblings of an elite Manhattan prep school make a wager: to deflower the new headmaster's daughter before the start of term.Content guide: CHASING AMY (1997)> A comic-book writer stumbles upon the love of his life, only to discover that she is gay.SHOWTIME8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1351051
File: 1664049254724.gif (5.17 MB, 400x259, amyy.gif)

No. 1351154
File: 1664055665341.jpg (30 KB, 534x300, 92d6468b-99c4-4c22-8c72-111431…)

Just wondering: would anyone want to watch the new series of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared? I can probably stream it tomorrow if there's any interest!
No. 1351158
>>1351154When were you thinking about streaming it?Because we're gonna watch these
>>1344036 at 7PM GMT.
No. 1351161
File: 1664056146952.jpg (779.24 KB, 2639x2134, movies (2).jpg)

TOMMOROW, 7PM GMT>1. NOPE (2022)Two siblings who run a California horse ranch discover something wonderful and sinister in the skies above, and the owner of an adjacent theme park tries to profit from the mysterious, otherworldly phenomenon.This is a horror movieand has scenes that can be disturbing to some. >Frank (2014)Jon, a young wanna-be musician, discovers he's bitten off more than he can chew when he joins an eccentric pop band led by the mysterious and enigmatic Frank.These movies will be played from Google drive! Use this handy dandy guide if you have any trouble. No. 1352920
File: 1664191291126.gif (2.18 MB, 314x249, study.gif)

Co-working session!!
> timer vids with light music during breaks only will be used today!4PM CEST / 3PM BST / 10AM ET / 7AM PT
Hostess note: please be aware that this may wrap up earlier than usual to stream Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. (
nonny who posted here
>>1351154, please post your announcement to confirm!)
No. 1352954
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TONIGHT Don't Hug Me I'm Scared >Join Red Guy, Yellow Guy and Duck as they learn everything there is to know with the help of some friendly talking objects, in this comedy-horror puppet show.SHOWTIME 9PM CEST / 8PM BST / 3PM ET / 12PM PT No. 1353122
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Requesting that we stream Over the garden wall for October
No. 1353134
>>1353122It's already on our october schedule
>>1335593 !
It'll be hosted on october 1st (so this saturday).
No. 1353309
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Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
There's still an hour of co-working left!
No. 1353558
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The poll has now finished. Picrel is the results. Thank you nonnies for participating, we received over 35 responses!
>Tuesday 27th September will be Latin Music with 19 votes.
>Friday 30th September will be Autumn Theme Night with 28 votes.
No. 1353682
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>>1353558This fall is going to so freaking cozy my nonnies
No. 1353986
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THIS WEEKSpooky Month activities begin this week! See below for this week's schedule. Posts and reminders for start times will be shared on the day of, as usual!
> Latin Music NightWEDNESDAYHellboy 1 and 2
THURSDAYInterview with the Vampire
Bram Stoker's Dracula
> Songs that feel like autumnSATURDAYOver the Garden Wall
SUNDAYGoosebumps Marathon No. 1355298
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TONIGHTHELLBOY (2004)> A demon, raised from infancy after being conjured by and rescued from the Nazis, grows up to be a defender against the forces of darkness.HELLBOY 2: THE GOLDEN ARMY (2008)> The evil Prince Nuada is hell-bent on bringing the Golden Army to life and conquering the world. Hellboy and his team join forces to defeat the callous ruler.SHOWTIME9PM CEST / 8PM BST / 3PM ET / 12PM PT No. 1356049
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No. 1356140
File: 1664398642269.gif (1.24 MB, 498x264, prince-nuada-hell-boy.gif)

No. 1356784
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TONIGHTINTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE (1994)> Born as an 18th-century lord, Louis is now a bicentennial vampire, telling his story to an eager biographer.BRAM STOKER'S DRACULA (1992)> Count Dracula, a 15th-century prince, is condemned to live off the blood of the living for eternity.SHOWTIME8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1357020
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>>1356986It will be hosted on the 26th! Pls make sure to look at our plan for this month
here >>1335593 No. 1357303
>>1356784Interview with the Vampire begins in
1 HOUR!!And reiterating what
>>1357020 said, we have a few places to check the upcoming schedule!
We have something
EVERY DAY in October (hence no polls)! You can see an image of the schedule here
>>1335593 or in the cytube room banner.
We'll also share announcements weekly reminding you what is scheduled for the week ahead. Happy watching,
No. 1357393
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No. 1358134
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> Songs that feel like autumn! Share music that reminds you of this wonderful, cosy season.8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1358629
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>>1358134Friday Tunesday starts
NOW!!!Come share all the songs that remind you of autumn! No. 1359307
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TONIGHT at 7PM GMTOVER THE GARDEN WALL (MINI-SERIES)> Two brothers find themselves lost in a mysterious land and try to find their way home.SHOWTIME8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11PM PT
!!BONUS!!(Restream)>Hell Boy (2004) & Hell Boy: THE GOLDEN ARMY (2008)(All file issues from last time have been fixed! The movies will be streamed after Over The Garden Wall) No. 1360834
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TODAYGOOSEBUMPS (TV SERIES) MARATHON> An anthology of stories about tweens and young teens finding themselves in creepy and unusual situations, typically involving supernatural elements or the occult.The marathon will end with the classic episode The Haunted Mask!
STARTS AT4PM CEST / 3PM BST / 10AM ET / 7AM PT No. 1361384
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>>1361048Goosebumps Marathon rolls on! THE HAUNTED MASK starts in 15 minutes!! No. 1361553
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STARTING IN ABOUT 45 MINUTESWe're streaming Freaky Stories!!
>Twisted tales show ordinary people experiencing spooky, gross and bizarre events.Weird animated show from the 90s that is full of nostalgia and spookiness!
PLAYING NOWMore Goosebumps! No. 1361929
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TONIGHT AT 7PM GMT!COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG (TV SERIES, SEASON 1)> The offbeat adventures of Courage, a cowardly dog who must overcome his own fears to heroically defend his unknowing farmer owners from all kinds of dangers, paranormal events and menaces that appear around their land.We will be streaming one season of Courage The Cowardly Dog
every monday from the 3rd-24th of october (4 seasons in total)! Today we'll start with
season 1!
SHOWTIME8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11PM PT No. 1361934
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THIS WEEKSee below for this week's schedule. Posts and reminders for start times will be shared on the day of, as usual!
MONDAYCourage the Cowardly Dog, Season 1
Announced here! >>1361929TUESDAYTunesday!
> Vintage Halloween musicWEDNESDAYBattle Royale
FRIDAYAre you Afraid of the Dark Marathon (daytime)
> Themes from horror movies and showsSATURDAYMad Mad House
SUNDAYHalloween Specials No. 1363505
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>>1363039Vintage Halloween starts in 1 hour!!
No. 1364353
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TONIGHT AT 7PM GMTBATTLE ROYALE (2000)> Forty-two students, three days, one deserted Island: welcome to Battle Royale. A group of ninth-grade students from a Japanese high school have been forced by legislation to compete in a Battle Royale. The students are sent off to kill each other in a no-holds-barred game to the death, until one survives - or they all die. (1999)> A widower takes an offer to screen girls at a special audition, arranged for him by a friend to find him a new wife. The one he fancies is not who she appears to be after all. CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11PM PT No. 1364860
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>>1364353Movie night starts
in an hour and a half!
No. 1365670
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TONIGHTHOCUS POCUS (1993)> A curious youngster moves to Salem, where he struggles to fit in before awakening a trio of diabolical witches that were executed in the 17th century.CASPER (1995)> An afterlife therapist and his daughter meet a friendly young ghost when they move into a crumbling mansion in order to rid the premises of wicked spirits.SHOWTIME8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1366659
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TODAYARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK (TV SERIES) MARATHON> A group of teens calling themselves "The Midnight Society" spends each episode sitting around a campfire swapping scary stories.STARTS AT9PM AEDT / 6PM AWST / 12PM CEST / 11AM BST / 6AM ET / 3AM PT
NOTES- This will run for approx.
7 hours! Come and go as you like. We'll have a break before Tunesday starts!
>>1366613- Nonnies in the US or its territories: you may need a VPN to watch. Opera has a free one built in. No. 1366736
File: 1665136838216.gif (1.72 MB, 430x322, midnightsociety.gif)

>>1366659NOW SHOWING: ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK!!'t forget to check out Tunesday after the marathon!
>>1366613 No. 1366795
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>>1366736We're about halfway through! Still streaming AYAOTD! No. 1367065
>>1257659I wanted to suggest this nonna's idea
>>>/m/245353 for a night in November, I think that would be a lot of fun watching a scary youtube video playlist
No. 1367164
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No. 1368690
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Movie came out a couple days ago- who wants to hate-watch it lol
No. 1369494
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THIS WEEKSee below for this week's schedule. Posts and reminders for start times will be shared on the day of, as usual!
MONDAYCourage the Cowardly Dog, Season 2
> Goth/darkwave/post punkWEDNESDAYTreehouse of Horror
Practical Magic
> MetalSATURDAYFrankenweenie
Corpse Bride
SUNDAYHalloween Specials
Gremlins 1 and 2 No. 1369498
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TONIGHT AT 7PM GMTCOURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG (TV SERIES, SEASON 2)> The offbeat adventures of Courage, a cowardly dog who must overcome his own fears to heroically defend his unknowing farmer owners from all kinds of dangers, paranormal events and menaces that appear around their land.SHOWTIME8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11PM PT
Courage will be played from
Google drive! It will require the Google drive script to run (see top of thread for instructions). No. 1369525
pspspsps >>1335593 we have something to watch every day this october!
No. 1369623
>>1369620We already have themes for every tunesday this october! See here
>>1369494. The themes for each tunesday will be announced mondays when we post the weekly schedule! Also
no polls this month!
No. 1370467
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TONIGHT'S TUNESDAY> Goth Night! Goth, darkwave, and witch house all welcome!8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1370990
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No. 1372757
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TONIGHTTHE CRAFT (1996)> A newcomer to a Catholic prep high school falls in with a trio of outcast teenage girls who practice witchcraft, and they all soon conjure up various spells and curses against those who anger them.PRACTICAL MAGIC (1998)> Two witch sisters, raised by their eccentric aunts in a small town, face closed-minded prejudice and a curse which threatens to prevent them ever finding lasting love.SHOWTIME8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1373972
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TONIGHT'S TUNESDAY> Heavy Metal Night!8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1375061
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TONIGHTFRANKENWEENIE (2012)> When a boy's beloved dog passes away suddenly, he attempts to bring the animal back to life through a powerful science experiment.CORPSE BRIDE (2005)> When a shy groom practices his wedding vows in the inadvertent presence of a deceased young woman, she rises from the grave assuming he has married her.SHOWTIME8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11PM PT NONNY PLEASE READ NONNY NONNYPlease make sure to check out
this month’s schedule for an overview of the movies/tv shows that will be hosted
here >>1335593 ! There's something to watch
every day and the posts and reminders for start times will be shared on the day of! A short
overview of what’s to come for each week will be posted
every monday (see
here >>1369494).
Want to watch a spooky movie/tv show that’s not on our schedule this month?Please consider
hosting! It’s easy and everyone can do it! Check out our
guide here: . You can host any time before the scheduled movies/tunesdays take place on any day of the week. Please note that our regular hostesses won’t be able to stream around the clock due to irl responsibilities, so we would appreciate you helping out.
No polls this month, as the movie choices and tunesday themes have been decided on already. We're keeping to the
schedule as best as we can and there are no plans to change it at this time unless a major issue comes up!
No. 1376034
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Halloween Specials Re-Stream!
Stream will play until the Gremlins showing!
No. 1376153
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TONIGHTGREMLINS (1984)> A young man inadvertently breaks three important rules concerning his new pet and unleashes a horde of malevolently mischievous monsters on a small town. 2: THE NEW BATCH (1990)> The Gremlins are back, and this time, they've taken control of a New York City media mogul's high-tech skyscraper. CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11PM PT No. 1377154
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TONIGHT AT 7PM GMTCOURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG (TV SERIES, SEASON 3)> The offbeat adventures of Courage, a cowardly dog who must overcome his own fears to heroically defend his unknowing farmer owners from all kinds of dangers, paranormal events and menaces that appear around their land.SHOWTIME8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11PM PT No. 1377470
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THIS WEEKSee below for this week's schedule. Posts and reminders for start times will be shared on the day of, as usual!
MONDAYCourage the Cowardly Dog, Season 3
> Supernatural songsWEDNESDAYHalloweentown 1, 2, 3
Queen of the Damned
> Songs about DeathSATURDAYWickerman
SUNDAYGinger Snaps
Blair Witch Project No. 1378133
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TONIGHT AT 7PM GMT>Supernatural theme!Add any song that is about the supernatural, be it witches, ghosts or vampires, or anything else like that! No. 1380514
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NONNYTONIGHT!NONNYBlade (1998)>A half-mortal, half-immortal is out to avenge his mother's death and rid the world of vampires. The modern-day technologically advanced vampires he is going after are in search of his special blood type needed to summon an evil god who plays a key role in their plan to execute the human race.Queen of the Damned (2002)>Follows the legendary vampire Lestat, who has reinvented himself as a rock star in the contemporary American music scene. His music wakes Akasha (Aaliyah), the queen of all vampires, and inspires her desire to make Lestat her king.SHOWTIME8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1380852
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No. 1381418
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Requesting Videodrome mostly so I can watch a man fuck another man's torsovagina
No. 1381549
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TONIGHT'S TUNESDAY> Songs about death!8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1382641
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TONIGHT AT 8PM GMT>The Wicker Man (no - not the Nic Cage version)>MidsommarThe Wicker Man>Sergeant Howie (Edward Woodward) arrives on the small Scottish island of Summerisle to investigate the report of a missing child. A conservative Christian, the policeman observes the residents' frivolous sexual displays and strange pagan rituals, particularly the temptations of Willow (Britt Ekland), daughter of the island magistrate, Lord Summerisle (Christopher Lee). The more Sergeant Howie learns about the islanders' strange practices, the closer he gets to tracking down the missing child.Midsommar>Dani's psychological trauma affects her relationship with Christian, her lover. However, when they visit their friend's ancestral commune in an effort to mend things, it changes their lives forever. No. 1383715
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TONIGHTGINGER SNAPS (2000)> Two death-obsessed sisters, outcasts in their suburban neighborhood, must deal with the tragic consequences when one of them is bitten by a deadly werewolf. BLAIR WITCH PROJECT (1999)> Three film students vanish after traveling into a Maryland forest to film a documentary on the local Blair Witch legend, leaving only their footage behind. CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11PM PT No. 1384611
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THIS WEEKSee below for this week's schedule. Posts and reminders for start times will be shared on the day of, as usual!
MONDAYCourage the Cowardly Dog, Season 4
>Spooky InstrumentalsWEDNESDAYWhat We Do in the Shadows
Shaun of the Dead
>General HalloweenSATURDAYScooby Doo (MOOK)
Evil Dead 2 No. 1384613
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TONIGHT AT 7PM GMTCOURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG (TV SERIES, SEASON 4)> The offbeat adventures of Courage, a cowardly dog who must overcome his own fears to heroically defend his unknowing farmer owners from all kinds of dangers, paranormal events and menaces that appear around their land.SHOWTIME8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11PM PT No. 1385598
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TONIGHT AT 7PM GMTTuesday Tunesday! - Spooky Instrumentals
>Play any music that has a spooky sound to it, as long as there are no lyrics! No. 1386685
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TONIGHT AT 7PM GMTWhat We Do In The Shadows
>Viago, Vladislav, Deacon, and Petyr are vampires who share a flat. Deacon's servant Jackie leaves her ex-boyfriend Nick inside. Petyr turns him into a vampire and he soon joins them as a flatmate.Shaun Of The Dead
>Shaun is a salesman whose life has no direction. However, his uneventful life takes a sudden turn when he has to singlehandedly deal with an entire community of zombies. No. 1388108
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TONIGHTBeetlejuice (1988)> The spirits of a deceased couple are harassed by an unbearable family that has moved into their home, and hire a malicious spirit to drive them out.Coraline (2009)> An adventurous 11-year-old girl finds another world that is a strangely idealized version of her frustrating home, but it has sinister secrets.SHOWTIME8PM CEST / 6PM GMT / 1PM ET / 10AM PT No. 1388583
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CORALINE will be
restreamed in 15 minutes! First movie to be shown again will be Beetlejuice, followed by a 13-minute break and then Coraline! NONNY NONNY No. 1389284
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TONIGHT AT 7PM GMTFriday Tunesday: General Halloween!
>Play your favorite Halloween tunes with us! 8PM CEST / 7PM BST / 2PM ET / 11PM PT No. 1390941
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this is the one with the hex girls right?
No. 1394589
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Petition to bring back study nights now that October is over, if there is any interest from other nonnas! I can help host too if needed
No. 1394590
File: 1667318733737.gif (1.44 MB, 498x280, mario-dancing-mario-dance.gif)

>>1394589seconding this i need it
No. 1394617
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TONIGHTTUNESDAY> Dad Rock - music for dads to rock out to8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 3PM ET / 12PM PT No. 1394844
>>1394753I LOVE THIS
No. 1395640
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I would really like to watch the Pride & Prejudice miniseries. It has a total run time of 6 hours across 6 episodes so maybe in 2 or 3 parts. Would anons be interested in watching it with me? I can probably host it myself if there's interest.
No. 1395927
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THE POLLS ARE BACKHey nonnies, please vote for upcoming events below: closes Monday.
No. 1398119
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No. 1398716
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TONIGHT - CINDERELLA NIGHTCINDERELLA (1997)> Cinderella (Brandy) chafes under the cruelty of her wicked stepmother (Bernadette Peters) and her evil stepsisters until her Fairy Godmother (Whitney Houston) steps in to change her life for one unforgettable night.EVER AFTER (1988)> This updated adaptation of the classic fairytale tells the story of Danielle (Drew Barrymore), a vibrant young woman who is forced into servitude after the death of her father. Danielle's stepmother Rodmilla (Anjelica Huston) is a heartless woman who forces Danielle to do the cooking and cleaning, while she tries to marry off her own two daughters.SHOWTIME9PM CET / 8PM GMT / 4PM ET / 1PM PT No. 1400566
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NOW SHOWING: BREAKING DAWN PT 1 & 2Twilight party continues! There will be a short break between the two movies. No. 1401309
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The poll has now finished, picrel is the results. Thank you nonnies for participating, we received over 56 responses!
>Tuesday 8th November will be Progressive Rock Night
>Friday 11th November will be Is nonny ok? (songs about how a nonny is feeling that day)
>Saturday 12th November will be Muriel's Wedding & The Castle
No. 1402151
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TONIGHTTUNESDAY> Prog rock nightSHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1402436
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Meme videos are still playing, join us! No. 1403336
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Will we do another Moovie Nights calendar for Christmas? October was so much fun, I miss looking forward to different events during the week!
No. 1406120
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TONIGHTMURIEL'S WEDDING (1994)> A young social outcast in Australia steals money from her parents to finance a vacation where she hopes to find happiness, and perhaps love.THE CASTLE (1997)> A working-class family from Melbourne, Australia fights city hall after being told they must vacate their beloved family home to allow for infrastructural expansion.SHOWTIME9PM CET / 8PM GMT / 3PM ET / 12PM PT No. 1408019
>>1406887the feeling is mutual
nonny my beloved
No. 1408706
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The poll has now ended, picrel is the results. Thank you for participating nonnies, we received over 30 responses!
>Tuesday 15th November will be working out music with 16 votes.
>Friday 18th November will be songs about animals with 15 votes.
>Saturday 19th November will be Titanic followed by Revolutionary Road with 13 votes.
No. 1408942
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Study/Co-working session today!
Anything you should be doing today nonna?
Then join us today as we study or get tasks done!
Starts 4pm GMT/5pm CET/11 ET/8am PT
*we will keep it going for as long as we can throughout the day.
No. 1409752
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TONIGHTTUNESDAY> Workout songs! Share music you like to work out to.SHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1411349
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Hey nonnies, please vote for upcoming events. There are limited choices due to the events taking place in December. We're hoping to have brand new choices to vote for in January. Poll closes Monday. No. 1414313
File: 1668874756157.png (2.07 MB, 1484x1020, Screenshot 2022-11-19 at 16.16…)

TONIGHT AT 7PM GMTTitanic (1997)>James Cameron's "Titanic" is an epic, action-packed romance set against the ill-fated maiden voyage of the R.M.S. Titanic; the pride and joy of the White Star Line and, at the time, the largest moving object ever built. She was the most luxurious liner of her era – the "ship of dreams" – which ultimately carried over 1,500 people to their death in the ice cold waters of the North Atlantic in the early hours of April 15, 1912.Revolutionary Road (2008)>Frank and April Wheeler always see themselves as far-removed from the conventionality of suburbia. Yet that is exactly what creeps up on them when they buy a house in Connecticut. He toils 10 hours a day in a job he hates, while she, as a 1950s homemaker, yearns for fulfillment and passion. Rebelling against the torpor of their lives, the couple plan an escape that may push them to their limits. No. 1416312
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STUDY / CO-WORKING SESSIONCome be productive with nonnies! We’ll continue as long as we can, come and go as you please! No. 1416523
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>>1416312>>1416486STUDY / CO-WORKING SESSION IS STARTING IN COUPLE MINUTES There is no bg music on the pomodoro videos, so you can listen to music or watch education videos etc at the same time! No. 1418202
File: 1669151267660.gif (3.35 MB, 275x206, giphy (2).gif)

Yay! Glad it's working! Hope the host feels better soon!!! Thank you guys for all you do!!!!
No. 1419754
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TONIGHTBLACK SWAN (2010)> A committed dancer struggles to maintain her sanity after winning the lead role in a production of Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake." Content guide: (2021)> Diana Spencer, struggling with mental-health problems during her Christmas holidays with the Royal Family at their Sandringham estate in Norfolk, England, decides to end her decade-long marriage to Prince Charles. Content guide: be advised that both of these movies contain frightening or intense scenes as well as depictions of eating disorders.
SHOWTIME7PM CET / 6PM GMT / 1PM ET / 10AM PT No. 1420090
>>1419553It's okay
nonnie, we didn't like the ending of Paprika either.
No. 1420895
File: 1669364836354.gif (4.06 MB, 422x345, girlspleasestopfighting.gif)

TONIGHTTUNESDAY> Tonal whiplash! Add two songs that are different in toneSHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1421858
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>>1421150I liked it. I think too many people watch it for an inside look to royal life when it should be watched as a story about a woman who copes the best she can amidst chaos. She is forced to participate in behaviors and to take on roles that she does not agree with but despite that she still fights for every bit of freedom she can have. Her volatile behaviour is a result of her surroundings and is constantly seemingly met with indifference to her struggles.
Diana is painted in a sympathetic light throughout the movie, playing into her possible depression and eating disorder.
Spencer is more of a horror film in my opinion. I do think that it is fitting for the way the movie is structured.
Many find it to be melodramatic but I think that for the regality of the setting it fits.
I think that to really enjoy the movie you need to relate to Diana on the experience of being a woman and just how poorly we are treated in this world, no matter your standing inside it.
Also kristen stewart was amazing in Spencer her hate definantly comes from twilight but she shines more brightly in this movie. She practically melts into her role as diana.
No. 1421881
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>>1421858Love seeing the movies we watch being discussed. I'd like to see more of this. I too thought Kristen was outstanding in this movie and throughout the film I couldn't believe it was her. Happy to see that she's being taken more seriously as a serious actress.
No. 1424106
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STUDY / CO-WORKING SESSIONWork on projects, study or do some chores around the house with Pomodoro 25/5 videos. Come and go as you please! No. 1424412
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>>1424106CO-WORKING / STUDY SESSION IS STARTINGThe videos have no background music as usual, so you can listen to your own music.
No. 1424532
File: 1669660324293.jpg (58.84 KB, 800x450, schleeb.jpg)

>>1424412Co-working / studying still going!
No. 1424767
File: 1669671609272.gif (5.63 MB, 800x520, studying.gif)

>>1424106>>1424363>>1424412>>1424532It was nice studying with you nonas, I actually got some work done!
No. 1426130
File: 1669756219373.gif (2.73 MB, 480x368, LiquidShockingHaddock-size_res…)

>>1425254Soul rock still going!
No. 1426274
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>>1426130Still streaming!!!
No. 1426688
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Calling all yeehaw girlsTONIGHTTUNESDAY> Country music!SHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1428035
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TONIGHTHOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS (2000)> The Grinch lives in solitude just outside Whoville. He hates the townsfolk and despises Christmas. Cindy Lou, a six-year-old girl who believes in the spirit of the festival, sets out to reform him.ELF (2003)> Buddy, a human, is raised amongst elves at the North Pole. When he discovers that he is not an elf, he travels to New York to search for his biological father.SHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1429163
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HAPPY DECEMBER!Grab some cookies and hot cocoa, we're coming back with another great schedule this month! There's something to enjoy
every day in December!
Announcements will be made for each showing, including times and other helpful info, as usual! At the start of each week, we'll share a post reminding you of the schedule for the week ahead.
Please be aware that because of this schedule, polls for movies will not be posted during the month of December. Schedule is subject to change. (Though we will work our hardest to avoid this!) No. 1429542
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TONIGHTTUNESDAY> Wintery Mix! songs that have a wintery/chilly vibeSHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1429683
>>1429398Im putting it on the list
No. 1430720
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TONIGHTSILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT 2 (1987)> When a psychiatrist forces him to recall his troubled past, Ricky Caldwell triggers murderous impulses inherited from his brother Billy.BLACK CHRISTMAS (1974)> It's time for Christmas break, and the sorority sisters make plans for the holiday, but the strange anonymous phone calls are beginning to put them on edge. When Clare disappears, they contact the police, who don't express much concern. Meanwhile Jess is planning to get an abortion, but boyfriend Peter is very much against it. The police finally begin to get concerned when a 13-year-old girl is found dead in the park. They set up a wiretap to the sorority house, but will they be in time to prevent a sorority girl attrition problem?SHOWTIME9PM CET / 8PM GMT / 3PM ET / 12PM PT No. 1431264
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No. 1431948
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TONIGHTTHE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS (1993)> Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, decides to spread Christmas joy to the world. But his well-meaning mission unwittingly puts Santa Clause in jeopardy and creates a nightmare for all good little boys and girls everywhere! Who will save Christmas?KRAMPUS (2015)> When young Max and his family have a argument on Christmas he unknowingly summons a Yuletide demon, Krampus, who comes not to spread joy but to punish non-believers. Now Max and his family must fight back against Krampus.SHOWTIME9PM CET / 8PM GMT / 3PM ET / 12PM PT No. 1433017
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TONIGHTHOME ALONE (1990)> Eight-year-old Kevin is accidentally left behind when his family leaves for France. At first, he is happy to be in charge, but when thieves try to break into his home, he tries to put up a fight.HOME ALONE 2: LOST IN NEW YORK (1992)> Kevin accidentally boards a flight to New York City and gets separated from his family who are on their way to Miami. He then bumps into two of his old enemies, who plan to rob a toy store.SHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1433104
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THIS WEEKSee below for this week's schedule. Posts and reminders for start times will be shared on the day of, as usual!
MONDAYHome Alone
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
> Classical ChristmasWEDNESDAY8 Crazy Nights
Adult Animation Christmas Specials
THURSDAYChristmas Cartoon Specials
> non-English holiday songsSATURDAYChristmas Vaction
The Santa Clause
SUNDAYArthur Christmas
The Grinch (1966) No. 1433147
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STUDY / CO-WORKING SESSIONLet's do a bit of studying or work on stuff before the movies. Starting an hour earlier than normally, but come and go when convenient for you! No. 1433323
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>>1433147Study / co-working in about 30 mins!
No. 1434278
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> Classical Christmas! Come and join us for sugarplum fairies and intense violinsSHOWTIME
8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1434723
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No. 1434787
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No. 1435808
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TONIGHTEight Crazy Nights>Davey Stone(adam sandler self insert), an alcoholic with a criminal record, is sentenced to community service under the supervision of an elderly referee.Adult Animation Xmas Specials>Futurama, King of the Hill, Bobs Burgers, ATHF, Superjail and many more not shown! You can even suggest shows during the stream!
SHOWTIME9PM CET / 8PM GMT / 3PM ET / 12PM PT No. 1436398
nonny don't piss on our parade just because you don't like it.
No. 1436516
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I like The Wedding Singer tho
No. 1436561
File: 1670451373531.gif (2.02 MB, 498x229, merry-christmas.gif)

>>1436480Animated adult cartoon specials still playing! No. 1437596
File: 1670523610801.gif (2.05 MB, 498x371, sonic-and-tails-christmas.gif)

>>1437402We're still streaming Christmas cartoon specials!NOW PLAYING:
>Sonic Christmas BlastUP NEXT:
>Adventure Time No. 1437916
File: 1670539302539.jpg (170.83 KB, 450x1039, tumblr_ogt7w5qbaW1vakv0po1_128…)

We're still streaming Christmas cartoons!UP NEXT:
>Charlie Brown ChristmasFINALE:>The Care Bear Nutcracker Suite No. 1438235
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here's one for you thnks
No. 1438251
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Dis site be a magickal place, fren!
No. 1438541
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TONIGHTTUNESDAY> Non-English holiday songs! Not limited to Christmas. December holidays old and new are welcome!SHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1438816
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No. 1438856
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No. 1439523
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TONIGHTCHRISTMAS VACATION (1989)> It's Christmas time and the Griswolds are preparing for a family seasonal celebration, but things never run smoothly for Clark, his wife Ellen and their two kids. Clark's continual bad luck is worsened by his obnoxious family guests, but he manages to keep going knowing that his Christmas bonus is due soon.THE SANTA CLAUSE (1994)> When a man inadvertently makes Santa fall off his roof on Christmas Eve, he finds himself magically recruited to take his place.SHOWTIME9PM CET / 8PM GMT / 3PM ET / 12PM PT No. 1440008
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No. 1442392
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THIS WEEKSee below for this week's schedule. Posts and reminders for start times will be shared on the day of, as usual!
MONDAYChristmas Cartoon Specials
> Favourite Christmas songsWEDNESDAYThe Polar Express
A Christmas Carol
THURSDAYMuppet Christmas Carol
Emmet Otter's Jug-band Christmas
> Christmas RemixedSATURDAYBalto
SUNDAYBatman Returns
Eyes Wide Shut No. 1443134
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>>1442594Christmas Cartoons still playing! No. 1443790
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LAST STUDYING / CO-WORKING SESSION OF THE YEARLet's work on those last school assignments before school is over for the year, work on projects or do chores. Starting an hour earlier like last time because of Tunesday. Come and go as you please! No. 1443826
File: 1670925979650.gif (5.85 MB, 480x480, Mariah Carey.gif)

> Favourite Christmas songs! Come and join us for Noddy Holder’s shrieking, Bing Crosby’s crooning, and much more!SHOWTIME
8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1444018
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>>1443790Studying / co-working in 1 hour!
No. 1444061
There's no music in the pomodoro videos so you can listen to your own music, like this Animal Crossing winter music mix for example hehe No. 1444376
File: 1670964293923.gif (1.91 MB, 480x360, Christmas in Hollis.gif)

Favourite Christmas tunes still going! No. 1446522
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TONIGHTMUPPET CHRISTMAS CAROL (1992)> Scrooge, an old miser who dislikes Christmas, is visited by spirits who foretell his future and share secrets from his past and present, which helps change his view on life.EMMET OTTER'S JUGBAND CHRISTMAS (1977)> A poor otter family risks everything for the chance to win the cash prize of a talent contest for Christmas.SHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1448034
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TONIGHTTUNESDAY> Christmas Remixed! Remixes to seasonal favourites, lo-fi, creative reimaginings, and more!SHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1448536
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>>1448034It's cold outside,
nonny! Come to Tunesday!
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TONIGHTBALTO (1995)> Balto, a wolf-dog hybrid, fights his rival Steel and embarks on a treacherous adventure to avert a deadly epidemic from spreading in Nome, Alaska.KLAUS (2019)> Jesper, a selfish postman, is forced to relocate to Smeerensburg by his father. However, he joins hands with a reclusive toymaker, Klaus, to spread joy in the dark and dreary town.SHOWTIME9PM CET / 8PM GMT / 3PM ET / 12PM PT No. 1449663
Losing my shit here anon
No. 1450967
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> Having defeated The Joker, Batman now faces the Penguin -a warped and deformed individual who is intent on being accepted into Gotham society. Crooked businessman Max Schreck is coerced into helping him become Mayor of Gotham and they both attempt to expose Batman in a different light. Earlier however, Selina Kyle, Max's secretary, is thrown from the top of a building and is transformed into Catwoman - a mysterious figure who has the same personality disorder as Batman. Batman must attempt to clear his name, all the time deciding just what must be done with the Catwoman.
> A Manhattan doctor embarks on a bizarre, night-long odyssey after his wife's admission of unfulfilled longing.
Content note: contains sexual themes, nudity, and un-based takes. Watch at your own discretion!
8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT
No. 1451820
File: 1671392240284.webm (6.05 MB, 1280x720, JFK Jr.webm)

Schizo anon here already watching Batman. Allow me to post two tinfoil short videos related to EWS.
No. 1452567
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THIS WEEKSee below for this week's schedule. Posts and reminders for start times will be shared on the day of, as usual!
MONDAYIt's a Wonderful Life
Little Women
> vintage Christmas musicWEDNESDAYMiracle on 34th Street
White Christmas
Love Actually
> general ChristmasSATURDAYRankin Bass Movie Marathon
SUNDAYThe Secret World of Santa Claus
All Day Christmas Marathon No. 1452599
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TONIGHTIT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE (1946)> When a frustrated businessman, George Bailey, becomes suicidal, an angel from heaven, Clarence, is sent to him. To his change of heart, she shows him what life would have been without his existence.LITTLE WOMEN (2019)> While the March sisters enter the threshold of womanhood, they go through many ups and downs in life and endeavour to make important decisions that can affect their future.SHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1453012
File: 1671474909635.webm (11.22 MB, 1280x720, Every Frame Is Exactly the Sam…)

>>1452092Here you have, plus one extra.
No. 1453013
File: 1671474938095.webm (5.4 MB, 1280x720, Ziegler's House.webm)

No. 1455555
File: 1672044402090.png (1.16 MB, 1220x864, coldnight.png)

TONIGHTANASTASIA (1997)> When her family is killed, Anastasia barely makes it out alive. Later, with vague memories of her past, she travels to Paris with two cons who want to portray her as the real princess and get rewards.FROZEN (2013)> Anna sets out on a journey with an iceman, Kristoff, and his reindeer, Sven, in order to find her sister, Elsa, who has the power to convert any object or person into ice.SHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1455565
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THIS WEEKDecember is about to come to an end! See below for this week's schedule. Posts and reminders for start times will be shared on the day of, as usual!
> Holiday HangoverWEDNESDAYNativity!
Get Santa
The Shining
SUNDAYNothing scheduled, room is open No. 1456403
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> Paul, a primary school teacher, is asked to produce the year's nativity play. Hilarity ensues when Paul lies to his opponent that a Hollywood producer will be turning the play into a movie.GET SANTA
> After crashing his sleigh and coming to the attention of the local police, Santa Claus asks a father and son for help to round up his reindeer so he can return home and ensure that Christmas is not ruined for all. No. 1457247
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TONIGHTSNOWPIERCER (2013)> When the earth is frozen, only a few survivors of the human race are left and they board a train travelling the globe. Curtis leads a group of people wanting to control the engine and the future.THE SHINING (1980)> Jack and his family move into an isolated hotel with a violent past. Living in isolation, Jack begins to lose his sanity, which affects his family members.SHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1458091
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TONIGHTTUNESDAY> Cow Radio! Play music and music videos from your favourite musically-inclined lolcows!SHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1458979
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TONIGHTTUNESDAY> NYE Jams! Party music to ring in the new year!SHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT, please note that starting tomorrow through 8 January, the host team will be on a break, so there will be no regularly scheduled content that week. See you all soon!
No. 1459395
File: 1672513194352.gif (1.88 MB, 498x270, fireworks-firework.gif)

>>1458979Come ring in the new year with us
Hi nonnies! Reminder that the host team is taking a break this week, so there will be no scheduled content.
During this time, we'd like to gather your feedback about the moovie room! We have a short survey to learn what you're most interested in and how we can improve. All feedback is anonymous! Looking forward to a great year with you all! No. 1468606
File: 1673353133645.gif (1.41 MB, 498x498, 1BF0ED9A-D4DD-438A-B9AD-936787…)

TONIGHTTHE SIMS TUNESDAY> Play your favorite OSTs, remixes and other iconic tracks from The Sims!SHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT You can add songs to the playlist queue on cytube. Click on the + icon underneath the video player, paste a youtube video URL and click queue last to add it to the playlist.
No. 1470205
File: 1673487863202.gif (114.25 KB, 200x150, 200w.gif)

Hi nonnies! The polls are back! Please vote for upcoming events below: closes Monday.
No. 1471629
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TONIGHTTUNESDAY>Animal Crossing Music!Share your favorite K.K. Slider songs, remixes and OSTs from any Animal Crossing game!
Please feel free to add songs to the cytube playlist by clicking the "+" icon underneath the video player, pasting the youtube video URL and clicking "queue last"!
SHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1472686
File: 1673680869783.png (2 MB, 1224x868, wong-kar-wai-night.png)

TONIGHTDirector Feature: Wong Kar-wai
Tonight's movies are directed by Wong Kar-wai. Both incredibly stylish and moody, they capture a sense of nostalgia typical of his work.
IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE (2000)> Two neighbors form a strong bond after both suspect extramarital activities of their spouses. However, they agree to keep their bond platonic so as not to commit similar wrongs.CHUNGKING EXPRESS (1994)> Two melancholy Hong Kong policemen fall in love: one with a mysterious female underworld figure, the other with a beautiful and ethereal waitress at a late-night restaurant he frequents.SHOWTIME9PM CET / 8PM GMT / 3PM ET / 12PM PT No. 1474301
File: 1673854223090.png (99.35 KB, 772x980, Screenshot 2023-01-16 at 07.25…)

The poll has now ended, picrel is the results. Thank you for participating, we received over 30 responses!
>Tuesday 17th January will be songs with aquatic themes. (14 votes)
>Friday 20th January will be songs and their samples (play a song that samples from another song, along with the original). (14 votes)
>Saturday 21st January will be Hook followed by Muppet Treasure Island. (13 votes)
No. 1477969
File: 1674275506148.png (1.94 MB, 964x966, Screen Shot 2023-01-20 at 9.04…)

TONIGHTPirate adventures await!
HOOK(1991)>When Captain James Hook kidnaps his children, an adult Peter Pan must return to Neverland and reclaim his youthful spirit in order to challenge his old enemy.MUPPET TREASURE ISLAND (1996)>The Muppets are back in action as they sail the high seas in their own twist.SHOWTIME
9PM CET / 8PM GMT / 3PM ET / 12PM PT No. 1478502
File: 1674327763253.gif (763.81 KB, 245x136, hookgif.gif)

No. 1479732
File: 1674454752624.png (92.71 KB, 772x984, Screenshot 2023-01-23 at 06.15…)

The poll has now ended. Picrel is the results. Thank you nonnies for voting, we received over 29 responses!
>Tuesday 24th January will be 70s non-english songs. (15 votes)
>Friday 27th January will be 80s/90s house music. (17 votes)
>Saturday 28th January will be The Princess Diaries followed by Ella Enchanted. (14 votes)
No. 1480390
File: 1674543259107.gif (1.93 MB, 484x389, 70sindia.gif)

TONIGHTTUNESDAY> 70s Non-English songs! Any song from the 1970s not in English. To find songs to add, look up what music was popular in the 70s in different countries!SHOWTIME8PM CET / 7PM GMT / 2PM ET / 11AM PT No. 1480703
File: 1674586770916.gif (5.31 MB, 659x500, 70sdance.gif)

TUNESDAY STARTS NOW!!Come listen to 70s non-English jams and add your own selections to the queue!