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No. 1268885
Here you can talk about people in your life that you hate for whatever reasons. Not the same as the vent thread, although you can vent ITT.
Remember the global and /ot/ rules.
If the person has a milky online presence, you can post about them in the Personal Cows thread:
>>>/snow/1234227 No. 1268912
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No. 1268915
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There are so many pedophiles that I would kill instantly if I had a Death Note.
No. 1268925
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Child abusers, kids need to be protected at all costs. Everyday i pray a child abuser dies in their sleep
No. 1269029
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>>1268953Agreed. Tumblr has been bad for years but the increasing number of these people make the site borderline unusable
No. 1269033
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>>1269029Yeah, and how aidens post like, guides on how to be accepting towards ~le transfemmes~ as if troons give a shit about aidens. And anti-jk rowling shit like "lel she hasn't had a best selling book in ages" like okay, and your gay trans fanfic gets how many reads? 10? and the obvious skinwalking these girls do to random "skrunkly scrimblno blorbises" not to mention calling fat old men "baby girl" and making positivity posts about men's fat beer bellies and "men's thighs" and "as a thick-thighed man" okay AIDEN
No. 1269058
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>>1269033I know every woman is built differently but every twans “man” I’ve seen has been built like a southern grandma who makes Lard Ridden spepherds pie and marshmallow salad every church potluck and cusses a lot. The testosterone is clearly making them have birthing hips
No. 1269313
>>1269058I'm older than most on here and I remember following ftms online before the whole trans things exploded to what it is now. It was a different time with less screeching and more efforts to just get on with life and fit in. Back then alot of them probably had EDs in their attempts to stay away from having a womanly figure. Looking back too many of them were noticably skinny for it to be a coincidence. Not saying either extreme is great but seeing ftms like this makes me question how deep the dysphoria even goes. They accept their bodies better than alot of regular women. Did they just want the male privilege of.. getting fat and not having to care.
And it's not testosterone doing it.. testosterone would do the opposite. It encourages a more male fat distribution so when an ftm is bottom heavy like this.. it takes alot of over indulgence to get there
No. 1269323
>>1269037kek which thread?
>>1269038>Pinniped Chanwho
No. 1269453
>>1269323>>>/snow/1591517sealchan would post seal pics alll the time and identify herself in posts. She posts extremely cringe imageboard-themed art on normie social media, including nazi shit. Even calls herslf sealchan in insta bc her entire personality is based on imageboards.
She doesn't post as much as she used to because someone made a post detailing all her nazi shit in the personal cow thread
>>>/snow/1458756 No. 1270632
>>1270002Are you talking about Vincent Li?
Who cannibalized Tim McLean on a Canadian bus or have multiple people in Canada had this happen? In regards to Vincent Li it is extremely odd to me that he is out on a complete discharge. He doesn't have to check in with the police and the law needs no update on his living situation or make sure he still takes his meds. What do you guys think? I know he most likely acted out on a schizophrenic delusion but if he stops taking his meds what is to stop him from doing this again?
No. 1270657
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this ugly pedo
No. 1270728
>>1269033pretty sure this is a common theory, but i have this ongoing idea that aidens for the most part are that way because they feel like they can’t “win” at being “pretty” under patriarchy, so by basing their escape on their perceived “beauty failure,” they still end up worshipping patriarchy all the same. if you cannot exist as an average looking woman in this society without dissociating the woman part, then patriarchal values of disregarding you from the narrative has convinced you to disregard yourself.
“i feel more transmasc because i’m uncomfortable with performing femininity.”
it’s almost like the performance part is the problem? stop viewing every facet of your identity as something consumable?!
No. 1280962
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my best friends boyfriend because he symbolizes every bad trait she has. i always knew and accepted that she was spineless, cowardly, not wanting to be alone, staying with friends she disliked even when she had every chance to just go, not wanting to be like every girl and not wanting the average life (husband, job, kids, housework, then death), but then falling right into the hands of a man who'll only accept that. he is a country-side guy in a 2rd world country with 5 brothers and an ex of 4 years he broke up just a month or so before dating my best friend. i know these two will stay together; a woman who hates being alone because she dislikes herself and her mother never showed her what a decent man could be & a pathetic cheap bmw car owning guy finding the perfect comfort after a breakup in a girl who took him in because out of all the 100s of guys he was the nicest one.. and now he will latch onto her because a low iq man like him is jealous (his ex cheated and lied to him so he recently even stole her phone and secretly found her password just to read EVERY conversation) and possessive and primitive.
she can say whatever she wants to me because she thinks i want to hear it, but i can read between the lines. she can act like she gets upset at him, but i know she's a pussy.
No. 1280970
>>1280962sounds like you hate your best friend too,
nonniecut her out of your life
No. 1280993
>>1280970i don't. throughout the years i've come to love her the way she is; love the sinner, hate the sin type of thing.
the issue is the shit with her boyfriend and how it just keeps throwing into my face all the worst things about her; i won't tell her anything unless she needs advice, but i can't bottle it up anymore either.
hell, i love her to the point i cry, stress and look for ways out INSTEAD OF HER because i care about her.
worst was when she didn't want to vaccinate because her fam had awful side effects, but she desperately needed a certificate to go to uni. i went out of my way to look for ways, people, anything, to get her a fake certificate or someone to give her covid. she vented to me A LOT, she told me she was scared, she didn't want to do it, that it's something she really wants to escape. in the end her cowardice got to her and she just got the jab, then the side effects.
this week we're supposed to go to a metal concert fest overnight and her boyfriend's existence is ruining it because her bad traits come out; he initially didn't want to go EVER, but she somehow got him to agree to drive all of us, yet instead of taking a stance she pussies out and every time i ask her about what she + he think we should do with tents or logistics she says "maybe this, maybe that, 50/50", yet she also says shit like "oh my god, i wanna go SO bad, i am already thinking of what to wear, it'll be fucking amazing!".
why does he have to be there for her be this way? why does he, a pathetic lowlife with no future and an iq as low as the earth's core, have to be the one with her?
i hate him so, so, so much.
No. 1281815
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>>1281806I like my potatoes uncircumcised. Deal with it.
No. 1281834
>>1281817I think people do that because they want to share their shit taste with someone and connect through the videos they consume so they "share" it with the people around in an indirect way (since they're all strangers). I don't know if that makes sense?
Here on my country it's usually Facebook videos, though.
No. 1281863
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I hate theatre kids. Their whole presence makes me want to a-log out of sheer cringe and annoyance. All of them should be made to do a shit manual labour job as penance kek
I hate nicey-nicey woke liberal types, and I hate that so many women my age in my city are like that, makes it so hard to find friends.
No. 1281890
>>1281863The only theatre kid i know is a
>british "bisexual"(he is straight) LARPer that tries to act as gay as possible>built his whole personality on media consuming and stereotypes >im convinced he acts like that to get close to women>when he does that he starts gossiping and making up dramas>talks shit about womans friends behind friends backIdk what these types of people even want to do with their lives. This guy is obsessed with trying to dig into mine and my partners personal lives, i am convinced of that because he talks about us nonstop and asks uncomfortable questions.
No. 1289185
>>1289102he wants to believe he's a
victim to justify his tinydick gun carrying like most men.
No. 1290750
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i hate the wave of soldier boy apologists, they are stupid as fuck
"poor soldier boy, he's misunderstood and only a jerk that doesnt mean he deserved to be betrayed by his teammates" he abused a 15 year old and killed innocents and treated them like shit like didnt you saw the fucking flashbacks
No. 1290853
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>>1290750Haven't watched The Boys yet and I thought this was about picrel for a second
No. 1296514
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I fucking hate Dylan mulvaney’s creepy troon ass and his fanbase full of handmaidens and children. He reminds me a lot of Jonathan yaniv but if feminine hygiene product company’s sponsored him. He’s a grown ass man that looks to be in his 30s-50s crying over comments rightfully calling him a creepy weirdo.
No. 1481145
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Pretends to be trans online, pushes an eating disorder, probably doesn't lose weight because she's known to physically eat her own shit and pretends to be a SJW but is a raging racist behind closed doors
No. 1484728
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There was this guy in college, he was…deranged, and scared me a lot. He was your tipical science major: very intelligent yet incredibly socially stunted and rude, specially to me, he would act so strange and unstable in my presence, and would say and do shit you would believe he hated me a lot which didn't make sense to no one because I barely knew him, we weren't even friends as I avoided him like everyone else did. Almost every interaction with him was filled with sexual innuendos (to "weird me out")…one time he straight up told me to suck his dick and my brother had to beat his ass, weeks later I had to confront him directly about his attitude towards me, I asked him why the fuck did he dislike me so much and apparently there was no actual reason? like he was so confused I would be hurt by his creepy actions, he really made me feel like absolute shit and I still despise him for everything he said to this day, what a fucking asshole