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No. 1234227
Discuss the people in your life that have lolcow potential.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/925657 No. 1234232
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continuing from last thread! this is really sad tbh her arms look awful
No. 1235275
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this guy I used to see at an arcade has become a huge cow
>trying to be an uwu femboi streamer but is actually a 6'2, 36 year old office worker
>has a kink for people wearing their socks while showering, gets his twitch orbiters to indulge in this
>slenderMan proportions
>puts on uwu voice during streams, is 35
>used to be a significant figure in the UK brony scene
>made a tweet about "Japs" but said it's okay cus he wants to visit Japan
>I used to be in a Minecraft server with him where he was notoriously bitter and always greifing younger kids (he was in his 20s)
twitch and twitter is @VRCbunny
No. 1235292
>>1235275I thought that was the fucking klebold heart symbol on his arm that all the TCC girls got back in 2016. Holy shit, 35 and still rocking emo hair?
Nonnie this is absolute gold
No. 1235303
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"I'm not always an ugly troon adjacent autist, sometimes I look like a homeless methhead passed out in the ally behind a liquor store"
No. 1235519
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i still keep up with bunny alexander because she makes me cringe so bad. i saw this today.. not sure what video she’s talking about but “full time pre med student” makes me die laughing. she goes to an online college in ontario that literally anyone can get into, and she’s taking psychology 101 lol.
also she has stated that she will no longer be editing her pics. kek, we’ll see how long that lasts. she should prob work on not lying about her past and current life before doing that. she still claims she’s british and in her FAQ highlight on insta talks in a cringe “british” accent at one point
No. 1235561
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Not entirely a personal cow, but a local cow (Toronto) who I haven't seen discussed here. Has a thread on KF under the deathfats section.
Sagittariusshawty, goes by @sagshawtyyy on twitter and Sagittariusshawty on YouTube. Known for being morbidly obese, filming her tinder dates and posting them on YouTube, terrible wig tutorials, frivolous spending and being an all around BPD mess. Has a fetish for black men and some god awful tattoos.
Her life is particularly interesting to follow, and YouTubers such as Zachary Michaels and I, Hypocrite have covered some of her more interesting (and deleted!) Tinder dates.
No. 1235649
>>1235561I lived for her vids back when she was living at home and dealing with legal shit. Some of the storytimes she told around that time were absolute gems. Describing jail and her homeless adventures.
Dunno why her (admitted) bpd is as bad as it is though. I feel for her losing her mom and then that shitty sexual situation she's described but then I believe she was a young adult when both happened so that's not usually how you develop bpd. It happens younger. That part is a mystery to me. She's hinted at her dad being
abusive but then she flip flops on that..
No. 1236384
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Loey will always be a huge cow to me. I don't know if people are being sincere when they claim that she could turn them gay.
>>1235303He looks like bob from Bob's burgers.
No. 1237087
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Not really a personal cow but also not famous enough to add him on YouTube general.
So I stumbled upon this guy after he kept spamming me and other people with this video on Twitter.
Looked at his account and it was all the same shit like this, decided to go down the rabbit hole and look through everything about him and his content is traumtazing to look at,shitty humor, him talking about fucking his teddy bear and mom. Multiple youtubers have also made videos making fun of him. No. 1237089
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>>1237087Thank you, I hate it. Definitely a humiliation fetishist.
No. 1237137
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>>1237087I feel like he will troon out in a year or two
No. 1237412
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This kinda hurts me on a personal level as I once looked up to her academically back in high school. We’ll call her “Beth” to be vague.
‘Beth’ was a book-smart nerdy chick with a little bit of edge to her; music and fashion wise. Her specialty was stem-related and would often help us with figuring shit out during our integrated physics and chemistry class (IPC for short) given the chance.
Haven’t seen her much after sophomore year other than the occasional hello and that was it.
Fast forward to 10 or 11 years later when I took interest in stalking old friends, acquaintances and bullies from my past and I saw her profile pic on “people you may know” and came to found she’s another sjw; felt sad and left it at that. A few months go by and her profile shows up again so I decided to check her out again and she’s still a muh BLM/sjw sperg who is also involved with several mlms in spite of going to a top state college. Felt sad and and pity for the girl whom was very bright and seemed to have a promising future to fall so short.
I’m not her friend on fb and she mostly has her profile set to private but here’s a couple of caps.
No. 1237414
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>>1237412When asked in the comments on why she’s pushing another mlm, her reply was: “I just want free leggings!”
No. 1237486
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There's a girl in a community I'm in (FFXIV raiding scene) who recently lost her shit publicly on her (pretty popular) website for raid strats. She was on and off with a guy (who seems like a piece of shit tbh) who started dating one of her friends, so she made 3 essay posts about everyone in the community who had "wronged" her in some way. Real petty and dramatic shit. Parts 2 and 3 are particularly cringe.>Waxes poetic about her toxic relationship with a guy who SA'd her and how she still has feelings for him even though he "caused" her to attempt suicide. She took a bunch of pills and drove recklessly on the freeway and got arrested.
>"At some point near the coast, my mind was pretty far gone, and the highway was less highway and more of an urban through-way with too many turns, it was harder for me to keep my distance now. I think they laid out spikes at one point because I remember my car shaking violently as I went over something. I was coming up on a guard rail and they were coming up on my rear. They had blocked my path with more cars. They were calling my bluff.">"I tried to speed up to smash it or the rail. There was loud banging and a pop, and my car slowed down and wouldn’t move any more. They had grappled one of my tires and it had popped off, rim and all.">"I was arrested. For disobeying an officer and reckless driving. I don’t even remember disobeying them, technically they had their lights and sirens off the whole time. I’m being charged with a class A Misdemeanor and facing up to a $2,000 fine and a year of jail time. In Massachusetts my driver’s license has been suspended “indefinitely.”>"Irony, right? Blake committed the real crime.">"PART 2: BAD DRAGON VS. THE TENDER LAMB">Literally just her obsessing over a guy who left her static and didn't want anything to do with her after.
>"So when the shit hit the fan, it was only natural for everyone to flock to him. It was my word up against the big bad dragon. I didn’t stand a chance. Granted, there wasn’t actually any evidence for him to point to, but that didn’t stop him from launching a massive and still ongoing smear campaign against me.">Title is about sexism, but the post barely mentions anything sexist and is mainly her seething over people in The Balance discord server. Literally her just posting every perceived slight against her and whining.
>"Things came to a head when in a public channel she took a conversation that wasn’t about her at all and attempted to steer it to one that praised her accolades on a project. So, in turn I called her out for it.">posts pic related>"In short, she would happily ride the coattails of the Black Lives Matter movement for her own personal gain. It’s pretty disgusting." No. 1239745
>>1238433that's always the way these online friend groups go. They make fun of one person for being a retard to make themselves feel better that they're even bigger retards.
>>1237486The post this girl wrote shows screenshots of her telling this guy to stop talking about sexual stuff with her because she's not in the right headspace and right after he tells her he wants to tie her down and fuck her with different toys for hours etc. She claims this same guy sexually assaulted her and apparently she attempted suicide over it. She downed a bunch of pills and the cops rolled up on her so she drove away and wouldn't pull over and ended up crashing. Apparently, the friend group responded to all this shit by removing this girl from staff and severing ties with her as soon as she was released from her psych hold.
This guy sounds like a giant self-absorbed piece of shit that successfully "pity poor me'd" you dumbasses into taking his side because this dwarf-looking girl wouldn't e-fuck him over discord. You guys are the cows here. Acting batshit insane is completely par for the course after being raped, and women don't usually stop loving their bfs direct after they rape them. Hope you're proud of yourself, OP. You're a complete cunt and a bully for posting this shit here. it's her website and she can call you guys out publicly if she wants. Build your own website for your pathetic raid stats for your out of date, dragon slayer, baby mmo.
No. 1240627
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Jermaine Skellignton, slimbaby42069 is a personal CPS of mine that finds himself re-emerging online after running away from place to place in constant homelessness due to his violent and creepy behavior, he also was once an interesting subject on Kiwifarms that sperged when he was mentioned and created an account of his own.
No. 1240628
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No. 1241588
This guy doesn't share his cowish behaviour publicly online other than private gay fb groups so no receipts. All this happening in Muslim north Africa, not sure if cowish enough but here we go.
>Was in my class in high school, obsessed with Lady Gaga, obviously gay, ugly and a bully in a kinda catty way so not very liked but I didn't mind him
>Run into him years later, he insists we were besties in hs and invites me to hang out, I agree cause why not
>Comes out officially, hangs out with lots of gay/queer/trans people. I become friendly with most of them.
>Insists I had a crush on him back then, and that he totally passed as straight. I don't care about it and let him cope, hard to be gay out here. Also every girl can't resist him but sadly for them he is gay
>Never finished hs, never had a job and a virgin at 28
>Sad posts in fb gay groups to beg for money, with pics of him with marks from his uncle beating him to turn him straight, no idea if legit but reasons to doubt.
>Never seen any marks or blues on him irl, and his mom and older brother accept him. Father is dead.
>A gay rights group arranges for him to move to another African country more friendly to gays, he lasts a week there before demanding to be back here. Claims they were catty and mean to him. Worse than uncle beating him I guess?
>Still keeps 2000€ left over from money they sent him, a lot of money for a local here. Spends it on expensive cigarettes, eating out and clothes.
>Other gays admit they claim to all be bottoms to stop him creepily hitting on them, while dating each other secretly.
>Hits on minors regularly
>Throws tantrums cause we played a kissing game and gays would rather kiss girls than him.
>Throws tantrums when he isn't the center of attention after everyone gets tired of his sob stories
>Tries to hook up with every straight guy who is not homophic and acts friendly to gay people. They stop coming to hang out if he is around.
>Has a list of people than if we interact with, we can't be friends anymore, basically past friends who called him out and know his antics.
>livestreams to gay fb groups when walking down the street, claiming he is being followed and stalked and at any moment attacked. Litterally no one cares other than looking at the guy talking and filming on his phone.
>Wears clothes with rainbows on them, still no attacks
> Sends his nudes and lewds to the groupchat where there are minors.
>Insults and mocks everyone regularly, as I said he is kind of a bully.
> Has a breakdown where he claims we are all jealous of him and demonstrates his deep hatred for women and calls them whores for getting the straight guys. No one is surprised.
> Eventually forges paperwork to go to europe then request refugee status for being gay, ghosts everyone but not before calling us the equivalent of sand n words and saying we will rot in Africa. At this point we all kept contact with him just for the milk.
>All this time everyone was considerate of his feelings and he was treated nicely, I guess he was just mad no one fucked him.
No. 1241600
>>1241588unfortunately anon, i'm getting mad vibes that he hates himself for being gay and needs to project that hatred outward
you tried your best but some people need go hit rock bottom to find some semblance of peace with themselves
No. 1242290
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Meet Stella and Freddy, power couple of less than a year:
>Edits every photo of her that exists so people don’t think she is still 5ft and H-bodied with tragic proportions
>Fishes for attention online by whining about how society thinks she is fat
>Her ‘work’ consists of making social media posts and filming budget videos to ‘promote’ actual businesses (screenshot taken from one such video)
>Her other ‘work’ involves upselling cheap balloons from taobao (including the balloon in photo)
>Her sister dated a cop who was also good friends with Stella but he got dropped like a hot potato when they realized people hate cops kek
>Sperged about Freddy keeping in touch with his yoga trainer ex
>Was caught liking one of his ex’s ig posts while stalking her profile and was even following her with her ‘business’ account to keep tabs on her
>Claims to be a personal trainer, barista, cabin crew member AND ‘financial planner’
>Uncertain timeline of past relationship with his ex and current one but was in contact with both girls at the same time (though he just seemed amicable with his ex)
>Even now is always dining with other girls one-on-one tho
>Goes by weird fake names on fb that change whenever he feels like it
>Has an anime tattoo obviously
No. 1242811
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>>1237087He harassed some girl in ig dm's just because she told him not to spam her on twitter No. 1243303
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I present to you 1 cow and 2 calves from Miami. These are always my fave threads so I thought I could give you all some good entertainment!
I was very new to this scene earlier this year, I’ve seen all of these cows + related weirdos at these places but never really interacted. Come to follow them on IG I find out they’re completely batshit and horrible people.. Haven’t gone to another since the first few but kept lurking their socials
>Marceline ( @marcelinfsteel ,IG: marceline.steel ) is a Puerto rican LIGHTSKIN with the average “they/them” bpd sex worker sjw attitude that will do anything to seem righteous and full of herself. Only redeemable aspect is that she DJs.
>uwu im so shy and have anxiety… meanwhile just whores herself out on OF and pretty much anywhere really, wears tiny little outfits and shows her areolas with no consideration for other ppl
>I mostly don’t judge people’s appearances but this bitch is an actual fridge and then acts like she’s better than literally anyone and in her words is “god’s favorite”
>weird seemingly normie cuck bf just gets to hear how much she hates white people probably everyday and put into demeaning ‘twink’ outfits to show off for twitter, IG and god knows what else
>oh yeah only ever dates white guys and I’ve yet to see a post where she says a black man is attractive, only the “wh*te men” even tho she despises them
>has a ridiculous obsession with race stuff day in and day out, from the hatred of white people to a weird disdain for mixed people. ( even though her kids would be mixed if she were to have them lol)
>nitpicks and bullies randos on twitter probably all day lol
>don’t know if its normal to trip at Disney, but she has tripped at Disney lol
Here’s one milky thing that’s happened recently:
>This story begins with a rave ending in the cops being called on Summer (calf #1) after she physically assaults some jew for apparently saying some racist stuff ( 99% most likely didn’t happen knowing these people ).
>17 year old witness who has been their personal tattoo artist at raves ends up calling Summer ‘toxic’ because of the whole ordeal
>This leads to Summer, a 25 year old, to start talking shit about this 17 year old. 17 yo goes on meltdown because she had housed Summer for a bit, gave her a free back tattoo, and looked up to all of these older rave dj people and felt taken advantage of
> In comes our cow Marceline to chime in about how 17 yo’s older trans gf is a racist and was insulting not one but THREE black women! And saying the N-WORD! ( most likely didn’t happen either, just another lie to appease her incessant narcissism )
>Marceline starts a “safety fund” to raise $400 for Summer because I guess after getting the cops called on her she was getting kicked out of her place
>actually gets random white guilt clout chasing losers to donate like 1k
>Very next day ID vice writes a really cringe article on the Miami underground music scene that describe the raves, with Summer being the face of the ads.
>Not really sure what happened with 17 yo other than she probably fucked off from the group
Summer just aggressively rants about anyone that criticizes her, never thinks she does anything wrong. I just find it funny that this group never calls out their own people for actual fucked up shit but will antagonize anyone else. This next one isn’t as intense or milky as Summer but here goes:
>Calf #2 is a white anachan named Babeslayer.
>BS is also another awful liberal sjw and bartends most of the raves
>somehow is also an actual anti-vaxx vegetarian
>does whippets frequently but goes on rants about health and how “we don’t know what’s in the vaccine”
>possibly maybe thinks the government created the virus
>”The plan is to depopulate by 2030 so it brings me to wonder the side effects of a drug their injecting 9 years before that” “yall be eating meat which literally has live bacteria”
>doesn’t know shit about immunology or viruses lol who would’ve thought!
>thinks vaccines cause autism and cancer
>heavy metals
>HAS A KID ON TOP OF ALL OF THIS KEK. And has kept him home from school, apparently has religious exemption and a “very healthy immune system” lol. Forced him to be vegetarian too probably
No. 1243304
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Marceline's narc behavior on display
No. 1243305
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She loves to talk about he's an enby or miiiiight be.
No. 1243307
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And this is my collection of her being insufferable and going on racist rants. This is EVERYDAY, i find it hilarious. also sry if its spammy, i tried making these humorous for your enjoyment.
No. 1243350
>>1243303i'm a brown woman and i've come to realize that
poc who sperg all day about hating white people, tend to fetishize and date white people. it's not any different from a closeted homophobic conservative who hates gay people but secretly watches gay porn and browses on grindr. anyway, i wanna see more receipts on this chick. she is muy LOCA lol.
(blog) No. 1244245
>>1243305Funny bc most light skinned African Americans are the majority
victims of colorism for not being “black enough”
No. 1247418
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"Centrist" painfully white teenage boy in discord server
>Thinks there's something wrong with people who do not want kids
>Thinks that children should be free from all responsibility and fault until they make an active attempt to murder someone
>Wants to have a shit ton of kids regardless of the physical strain on the mother
>Is worried that white people aren't having as many kids as they used to
>Avoids answering when someone asks "why is it white people specifically?"
>Thinks that overpopulation is a hoax/meme
>Brings up politics but doesn't admit who they voted for
>"It was a really tough choice between Trump and Biden"
>"Jeffery Bezos is a really interesting person"
>"People who work for Amazon are free to do so, it's not like they're slaves"
>Thinks that a vagina is just an inverted penis
>Refers to wikipedia as his source
There was too much he said to recall everything but overall the conversation was a huge fucking yikes
No. 1251080
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I know she’s been mentioned a few times before here. This kind of behavior is embarrassing
No. 1253108
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My personal cow is a big part of the IG doll community, especially, within the last 48 hours.
The tranny queen of the community, Clawdeena9 was on the verge of getting canceled for cultural appropriation (aka using bantu knots), and him getting exposed as a pedo was the final straw. He's already made multiple responses, including one where he confirmed it (and blamed it on being a sexual abuse victim), one where he denied it and another where he sobbed on IG live for 15 minutes and didn't say anything.
Clawdeena's accuser, the potato-looking eah.lover, keeps crying about how Clawdeena ruined her life, but she doesn't want any drama!
Retards like BLADEZ, keep glorifying eah.lover, calling her beautiful and brave, while getting into arguments with other people. Anyone posting anti-Clawdeena content, is praised for speaking the truth. Dozens of brain-dead teens, that can barely build a sentence, make Tik-Toks, IG Lives and YouTube videos talking about how Clawdeena needs to get canceled.
Entire community seems to have forgotten all about this already, since season finale to Rainbow High got released an hour ago.
No. 1253127
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Kenzi probably reads here or has friends scouring. An anon posted this post and not even three days later Kenzi made a melodramatic post about herself and haters. Nothing had happened until then, the whole Moldovite and moving out situation happened after this. She's too unhinged and self involved to stop running her mouth so I bet we will see a thread come about.
No. 1255900
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Girl I knew in highschool.
>Spergs about Miraculous Ladybug and other cringy shows for 5 year olds.
>Gives off furry vibes
>Does some terrible cosplays
>Has a crusty neckbeard for a bf ofc
>Cringy theatre kid
No. 1255913
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No. 1255962
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before I post about them (am phone poster, shit takes energy), is anyone else aware of the tiktok entities known as 1) Kathleen, the sweetheart West Virginian schizophrenic woman who thinks she channels Marilyn Monroe and is in an astral relationship with Johnny Depp, or 2) Harmony Sapphire, a woman in her early 40s obsessed with Prince who thinks he's still alive, who lives in a hotel off of donations with her disabled 22 year old daughter?
they're both my personal lolcows but both are definitely mentally ill. I don't want to speak bad on them necessarily outside of just discussion. with Harmony tho she's delusional and got a daughter with zero verbal or social skills, and has repeatedly stated that she's got zero plans to help her daughter thrive.
picrel is Harmony and her dead husbando
No. 1256184
>>1255962anon are you me? lol i follow both these cows on tiktok. i just found kathleens new page yesterday.
harmony’s daughter ariel makes me sad. how can she be ok with the constant moving from hotel to hotel? what does she do all day? it’s really strange.
No. 1256415
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Um ew.(sage non-milk)
No. 1258443
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Have been hate listening a youtube channel called Colonel Kurtz while I unpack/clean my apartment. She's a unhinged johnny deep superfan who sounds like a 14 year despite clearly being in her late 20s at least; I personally think Amber Heard is full of shit but she is so obsessed with "analyzing" and "proving" it's like going to an old timey freak show and paying a quarter to see the lady swallow the sword. Sometimes she can barely speak coherently because of how emotionally riled up she is about some minor detail about this celebrity she will never met who doesn't know or care she exists. She's also gotten involved in the Manson truther community, tried to admonish Elon Musk for "bullying" JD and made spergy anti-Megan Markle videos. I get the impression often that she wanted to be a actress or something as a child and never allowed herself to pursue it, now she is pathologically envious of all these woman for getting to fraternize and have relationships with these famous and powerful men while she is stuck with the local retarded moids.
No. 1259290
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i normally leave people who were creepy to me when i was underage in the past but this one chick i knew is so milky i sometimes keep up with her antics even as an adult
>34 years old
>borderline personality disorder
>"bigender" she/he/they/whatever (actually was a would-be FTM and would talk about how she wanted to become male and put male on her profiles but never went ahead and transition)
>bisexual but almost entirely thirsts over male characters (she did e-date a girl who later trooned out in high school though)
>anime otherkin
>obsessed with very minor characters in fandom to the point she hates main characters and gets mad that no one else likes her weird obscure faves and ships
>constantly horny posts but confessed to me once that she's still a virgin and has mostly e-dated
>fandoms have been pokemon, osomatsu-san, dramatical murder, les miserables, the french revolution (???), phoenix wright, jojo's bizarre adventure, fire emblem
>ships mostly yaoi, likes incest, shota, etc.
>despite being a degnerate she used to really hate furries for some reason? lol
pictured is her shitty art she has meltdowns over no one giving attention, these are apparently some jojo characters but she's such a hipster i can't even recognize them
No. 1260074
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my personal cow is this local nail tech I've followed for a while. She used to just post outfits and nails and shit though now she's fully morphed into a cow
>Onlyfans Thot
>knocked up by some wannabe rapper/graffiti artist guy
>Posts covid conspiracy shit and had parties all throughout coronavirus
>Got a dog for the aesthetic and then dumped it on her mum
>posts loads of Instagram stories of her and her mates acting cringe and doing dumb shit like putting a hot tub in the living room
>got hideous fillers
I only follow her for the laughs at this point. She's always going off on her insta story.
No. 1261003
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german anons may or may not know @sodastreamfan which is a instagram meme page posting terrible sjw sharepics and memes. it is run by a bpd fakeboi who not long ago was a very feminine girl, came out as bisexual and then never shut up about fucking girls and eating pussy which she probably never did since she exclusively dated musty skaterboys. i guess „being bi“ wasn‘t special enough so she recently came out as trans and now obviously can‘t stop tweeting about how incredibly gay she is and how much gay sex she wants to have. she ticks all the lolcow boxes: bpd, eating disorder, supposedly chronically ill, art student, trans bc of sexual assault and watching too much rpdr, can’t stop oversharing on twitter, her best friend also came out as ftm around the same time she did. she is my personal case study on rapid onset gender dysphoria and why bpd fakeboi bitches on the internet are the worst
No. 1261158
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>>1260082that literally describes her to a t except she also liked these interpretations to the point she hated protagonists with some exceptions. she also liked those characters in the pokemon anime who only appeared in one episode and those one-off murderers in the phoenix wright games. she also made up weird yaoi ships involving these characters that never met (pic related)
No. 1261358
>>1261205Yeah I meant Kathleen.
Harmony is amazing cow material. She has all the characteristics: delusions of grandeur, chronic oversharer, depressing child abuse, shitty makeup.. endlessly entertaining. It’s hard with tiktok because it’s not well documented but I think with a good write up people would get interested.
No. 1261405
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>>1261234do you know how old he is?? the post she added today makes it look like his stomach tattoo says 1999? surely not.
No. 1261478
>>1261455ahhh ich habe gehofft dass jemand antwortet, sie ist einfach so eine riesen lolcow. hiermit schließe ich mit dir internet schwesternschaft anones ist schrecklich, als ich gesehen hab dass sie trooned hätte ich nicht gedacht, dass es so schlimm wird. ihr geht es offensichtlich gar nicht gut kek
ich finde es auch tragisch, dass sie eigentlich ein paar ganz gute politische ansichten hat und hatte (zu prostitution zum beispiel) aber trotzdem komplett aufm queerfem special snowflake bpd film abgeschmiert ist. sie hat mich mit ihrem privaten account als followerin entfernt und sie nimmt mich nicht mehr an, deswegen kann ich keine milk posten. folgst du ihr?
No. 1264408
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My personal cow
>First things first she's a cringe weeb who is a quarter japanese n will make sure you know it and tries to flex her knowledge of the language but it's all basic shit
>Also posts shit about Asian hate crimes n says she's experienced racism…u're white lol
>Went to high school for one year with her and she was already addicted to weed n pills
>Eventually drops out of high school to get high n hit on wanna be SoundCloud rappers
>Has a series of unfortunate hair cuts and dye jobs, currently it's rainbow idfk
>Worked at dominoes for 2 days b4 quitting
>Somehow got an apartment in a bougie neighborhood in Seattle but was kicked out bc of noise complaints
>Rich mom pays 4 it all but she acts like she makes coin
>Recently has gotten a series of anime tattoos n shitty black n white work that's unflattering on her fridge body
>Wears clothes too small for her n acts like she's uwu small Nippon princess
>Has started doing fake nails for her friends n is trying to make a business out of it
>Documents her alcoholism and weed addiction every second on Snapchat
>Spends hundreds of dollars on weed, manga, makeup, and alcohol and acts like it's her money when it's obvi her moms
No. 1268018
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>claims to be a lesbian but is dating a man
>says it’s okay bc they’re both nOnBiNaRy
>CONSTANTLY posting about sex and her bf
>had an about page where she said she supports he/him lesbians
>makes cringey bad art
Not a lot but she aggravates the crap outta me, i love it when people call out her dumbassery
No. 1271537
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what the fuck is bunny alexander’s boyfriend wearing? this legit shocked me
No. 1271701
>>1271537>>1271537Hi, I’m Bunny.
I’m usually a fellow anon on lolcow but I’ll make myself known if I’m brought up (usually only in the Victoria thread when she goes on a sperg about me) I like to think of myself as “rehabing” from my former tumblr dumbassery and cringe. I was a stupid narc teenager/20 year old with a tumblr and thought I was interesting and special. I was cringey, I got bad tattoos, I grew up and I’m just trying to find happiness in my life anywhere I can. I’m not an Internet personality, and I just want to be left alone to live my average life and try to heal and grow from my own problems and personality issues.
I’m sorry if by revealing myself in this thread I’m breaking any rules, but I’m asking human to human (or farmer to farmer if you prefer) please, don’t post on here about me. Not to blog, it’s just incredibly distressing to my mental well-being. I’m just trying to get better and live normal. Also having my sweet, kind boyfriend who has done nothing to deserve being posted on here except for having the bad luck of being associated with me is just heart-breaking.
Sorry to leave you with this dramatic cringe post, but please don’t post about me or my loved ones here. They don’t deserve it.
No. 1271748
>>1271701Girl if you don’t want people to post about you then don’t draw attention to it, I’m sure you’re aware of the creepshow situation too? I wouldn’t be surprised if it escalates because you wanted to say something “human to human” on a shit talk forum.
Sage for feeding the cringe
No. 1271863
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>>1271701You can’t stop anonymous people from posting whatever they want, if you put stuff out on the internet it’s available for public comment. Just stop visiting lolcow if it’s that harmful to your mental health.
No. 1272505
>>1271537Lmfao only bothered to even scroll up and see this shit because of her retard please stop post. God he's a tubby manlet with baby hands, beer gut and fas nipples… Yikes
The thing I hate most about her is she claims to be getting better and not still some speshu snowflake bpd narc, but every time she posts it's some long tirade about herself as if she should be different or special, trying to justify her behavior or garner sympathy. I hate when anons indulge it, too
>>1272172 like, if she's not ok over this maybe she should go back to therapy. She seems to still lack a chunk of self awareness and requires attention to this new "I'm different now!!" schtick considering I've read the same novela at least three times in the Vick thread. Legitimately fuck off and reflect on why you have such a need for a bunch of anonymous internet strangers to validate you, bunny. If you really changed, you wouldn't feel the need to protest so much. You're absolutely still a flake in your own right and for as long as you continue to feel the need to individualize yourself on here or go on about how you've "changed" (newsflash: you haven't, you've just tricked yourself into believing this new humility persona is different) you'll continue to be one.
No. 1273850
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Girl I know that I keep around for personal entertainment.
>23. BDP. Sex worker. Standard cow affair.
>Dad killed himself when she was 14 so now she has terrible daddy issues.
>Used to be successful xylophone player. Was in the national youth orchestra, won heaps of awards, went on talent shows etc. Now sucks cock for cash.
>Mother is a millionaire doctor who thinks her daughter is studying medicine.
>Tells men she's infertile so they don't have to wear protection. Also openly talks about having multiple abortions, miscarriages and 'abortion sex'.
>Constantly desperate for attention; asks everyone she meets if they find her attractive and will randomly strip off and strut around naked in front of total strangers.
>All she ever talks about is drugs, doing drugs, guys she's fucked or guys who want to fuck her.
>Has weird old man stalker who comments cryptic shit on all her Instagram posts.
>Is delusional. Very average-looking girl who genuinely believes a photographer will discover her while she's walking the street one day and make her into a model.
>Cheats on literally every bf she gets.
>Openly brags about being a 'master manipulator' who can control all men.
>Accuses every bf she has of rape so she doesn't have to feel bad about cheating on them. Claims to still be in love with them and maintains friendships with them even after they 'raped' her.
>Cries and complains about being abandoned when her bfs leave her after she cheats on them.
>Consistently stalks all her exes by driving past their houses/places of work on a regular basis.
>Cheated on the 'love of her life' with a 17-year-old kid while she was in a mental hospital, as well as a married coworker and countless others.
>All her housemates moved out at once over 18 months ago because they got sick of her shit. Bf left her the next day.
>Got fired for fucking all her male coworkers.
>Refused to get any new housemates or a job and ended up over $15K in debt for not paying rent.
>Real estate threatened to sue her but she refuses to leave because of all the 'memories' she has attached to the house.
>House is literally a crack den that reeks of animal piss.
>Started working at a 'massage parlour' but got fired for assaulting a client.
>Is currently in an embarrassing BDSM relationship with a guy she cheated on her last bf with.
>Broke his nose during a fight, then told him he's hotter now because he looks more like her dead dad.
>Holds knives to his throat during fights.
>Bf runs a Facebook meme page where he posts memes about being abused and having autism.
>Bf is now her 'pimp'.
>Her and bf were renting their crack den on AirBNB at a loss (literally paying for other people to live in their home).
>House got removed from AirBNB after customers kept complaining about how filthy it is.
>Is now trying her hand at OnlyFans but has 0 subscribers.
No. 1274199
>>1272505This. Bunny is just as insufferable as the rest of these cows. She lurks here daily (notices posts about her within minutes) and has no problem snooping around but doesn't want herself on here?? Gtfo kek. I started to really hate her when she went on a social media sperg fest about no longer photoshopping her pictures, which only lasted like a day, before she went back to filters and FaceTune.
Her constant SJW posts are also annoying as hell because you know, aside from telling everyone else what to do and how to live their lives, she does no other form of activism.
Bunny, nobody cares that much about you and all you're doing is drawing more negative attention to yourself by doing this in every thread your name is mentioned in.
No. 1274421
>>1274010This is her thot side account that she runs to promote her onlyfans with her current bf. She has a main account with about 400 followers and more photos.
>>1274159I honestly would have made a thread about her years ago if she had a bigger following. I have hundreds of anecdotes I could share though.
No. 1274767
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>>1274517I understand this perspective but she literally abuses people into submission and threatens to kill herself if they leave. They really don't get much of a choice.
>>1274530I know her and all of her exes personally. She overshares constantly because she doesn't realize all of this makes her look like a terrible person. The first thing she tells everyone she meets is that her dad killed himself (she sometimes alters the story and says she witnessed the suicide but this makes no sense) as a preemptive excuse for all the fucked up shit she's about to tell you. After the inevitable breakups, her exes always come and tell me all the dirt. I've been friends with her for years and she's too deluded to see that everyone around her hates her and is actually scared of her.
No. 1274825
>>1274767All this milk is fantastic. I would happily follow this cow, shes way more interesting than half of the shit people sound on /snow/
The funny thing about this is that around the same time you posted this, a bunch of anons in the pro ana scumbag threads were discussing the possibility of making a BPD general in /snow/.
No. 1275953
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>>1235275little bit more of this one. he's not a socials user and I can't bare to watch his streams cus of his fake kawaii voice and persona. his real life personality is basically just bitter
victim Aryan rich boy. all the making of an incel without the celibacy (unfortunately)
No. 1275970
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>>1275816Didn’t put the file but here’s the latest on how crazy she is. That’s her in the photo.
No. 1276286
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>>1274767Fresh milk.
It appears as if her and the latest bf have broken up. She has deleted her facebook profile (her profile pic was an escorting photo lmao) and her now-ex has been posting on his meme page about being cheated on.
No. 1276568
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Hope it’s okay to post my lawcow here. I don’t think this counts as doxxing because it’s all public information.
>is enrolled in graduate program>needs disability accommodations>doesn’t finish program>files bizarre case against the university alleging everything that could possibly be alleged: rape, physical assault, cyber stalking, harassment, sex discrimination, disability discrimination, religious discrimination (maybe?)> case is filed pro se, because she claims this conspiracy against her has kept her from getting a job or an attorney>files foia requests for phone , email, and video records of everyone who’s ever looked at her apparently >all filings from her are childishly assembled emails or edited word documents trying to sound professional>university responds, basically says “lol no”, smacks her down with an actual real adult lawyer>case is ultimately dismissed a few months ago because her mail gets returnedIt’s so bizarre. I think this woman is really mentally ill but incredibly milky at the same time. The best part is her delusions that everyone is out to get her in every way possible. I don’t know how the case even made it into court.
No. 1276576
>>1276574Why am I not surprised to read UofI
Champagne Urbana.
No. 1276860
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>>1276574Last post of the bunch. Her disability is…. (drumroll) IBS and being a bit slow?
No. 1277872
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i’ve been following this sperg pretty closely ever since i discovered her while deep diving into r/waifusim awhile back. let me introduce y’all to cindy, better known as u/dorkyautisticgirl on reddit and luthier is best boi on youtube.
> 21 year old autist neet girl who is “in a relationship” with luthier from fire emblem: shadows of valentia
> her “boyfriend” luthier is an incredibly minor character who barely has any interaction with any character in the game, very few lines aside from basic level up/battle quotes. basically, he is there to give characterization to his more interesting sister delthea and to be used as a mage in alm’s route, nothing more, nothing less.
the milk:
> is a frequent poster in r/waifuism, where she often shares her “art” within the community (nitpick, but it really pisses me off how she draws herself like a five year old on their first day of kindergarten when fire emblem is a medieval swords and sorcery jrpg)
> also is frequently found in r/fireemblem and r/FireEmblemHeroes, where she immediately shits up both communities by crossposting her garbage ms paint scribbling she calls art of her and luthier together, as well as going on tism fueled rants about her husbando. it seems like cindy’s entire personality is dedicated to luthier and being autistic, how boring.
> before i can get into the real milk, though, i’ll have to explain fire emblem heroes for those who know nothing about it: fire emblem heroes (henceforth will be referred to as feh) is a gacha game where you “summon” different characters from various fire emblem games and battle against other players. it was released in 2017, the game that luthier is from came out later that year. before it was released, many of the characters in that game were added to feh. luthier, as well as many other sov characters were not added in until 2021.
> in november of last year, cindy decided to shit up the gamepress feh board with her infamous autistic meltdown over luthier not being in feh. in her thread titled “I don’t think Luthier has a chance to get in anymore” she went absolutely dogshit insane, because her beloved wasn’t in the game still after three years of his original games release. many tried to reason with her, saying that not only were there other characters from sov that have yet to be added in (implying there is still plenty of time), that it was also getting close to the original game’s release date anniversary, so there was a good chance he would be added then. but no, cindy wasn’t having that. she let the full extent of her special needs show by USING CAPS LOCK AND CRY TYPING BECAUSE LUTHIER ISNT IN FEH!! AND INSULTING OTHER USERS BY SAYING THINGS LIKE HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOUR FAVE WASNT IN FEH!! then started posting about how she’s a stupid baby who needs to be put into daycare and should wear diapers for some reason?? (it would not surprise me if that cow as into abdl) that went on for awhile until cindy realized she was being a retard and apologized to the people of gamepress she harassed over something that ultimately does not matter. that legendary thread has 110 posts, and is still viewable on gamepress if any of you nonnies want the full sperg
i don’t have any more milk, but i’ll keep my eye on this cow for a bit, if not solely for the cringe.
No. 1277906
>>1277057is it even possible to be on t long enough to grow facial hair but still have an unmistakably female voice? thats so… sad
she reminds me of kayla waller
No. 1278114
>>1277057I seen the hair and the goatee and I knew.
I had no context and I still knew this was going to be hilarious.
No. 1278249
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>>1275220should’ve mentioned she constantly deactivates and re-activates her social media based on how much attention she gets
anyways, she reactivated her nsfw long enough for me to snag an example of her not knowing how to keep her own lies straight…by forgetting the orientation of her “tattoo”
No. 1279409
>>1276936>>1279342Met her over a decade ago when she was a super weeb, still annoying, but she was just dating a friend of a friend.
I know her fiance. He briefly had a thing with Jessi Slaughter (so he claims) in 2019 when she was in Memphis.
I guess he's "autistic" now too, but it's probably brain damage from the shitty MMA fighting and who knows what drugs
Dude always had a thing for broken hipster trash with short hair and ugly piercings. Was into guro and pedo shit. Before he locked his twitter I saw he was following zoo's (she even mentions in her video about her ex the little)
So fuck em. I feel for the 3 cats they're dragging around with them.
No. 1279801
So this is really just D&D salt.
>Be Z (placeholder name)
>Z is disabled and doesn't do much with her life
>Plays D&D and MMORPGS to pass the time and gets REALLY into them
>lives in dogshit trailerpark
alls fine and well, who cares
>be friends with me, play D&D for a couple years with me DMing
>Have great times trolling and making dipshit scenarios
>Enter Y (mutual friend that plays D&D in my game)
>Y wants to DM 'le dark fantasy'
>We say alright, it's not going to be too cringe, right?
>There's rape, gore, genocide, racism. Whatever.
>non-humans are enslaved or Kill on sight, especially my character, Half drow.
>I have to be clever and cuck myself multiple times to be relevant.
>Z makes a character that is human, has ties to the shit tier govt, is basically main character, gets free cookies all the time
>whatever, they don't do anything irl, fine and dandy
>Z takes over the game 90% of the time and literally just does whatever they want.
>party tries to stop her constantly from being a retard.
>"I wish you guys would stop ganging up on me all the time" and does retard thing anyways.
>This repeats and we literally have to sit down with her multiple times to tell her to stop intentionally playing an unlikable character and then bitching that no one likes her character
>nothing changes
>literally everything in the game becomes about her
>Z's character soon dies because another player kills her for being irresponsible with power (evil paladin man), and she makes a new placeholder character and conspires w Y to bring her OG main character back
>"how do I write up a quick character rq"
>"ah she was enslaved and raped so many times and had so many kids, I literally can't count how many kids I've had bc it's been so traumatic"
>Tells my SO this in game. Day of meeting this character. I dont know yet bc I was doing schoolwork
>the new character leaves near immediately, although Z wanted her to stick around so she could play multiple characters and we had a 5 hour argument about it on the spot ("she wouldn't just leave!!")
>start finding weird fey kids.
>wtf ok
>SO tells me what was said to them
Why the fuck would you put a rape baby collectathon in my d&d game?
>Game to this point has been sweaty pro play 3.5 bullshit where we almost die in every encounter with anything
>I leave and basically barely talk to them after that
Bonus meme:
>Excited about new life events
>Go to tell that friend group what I'm doing
>I wanted to go canvass in Georgia because I care about politics a lot
>Z tells me I'm the most irresponsible person she knew and that I'm going to kill my SO w covid
>I live in a worse covid hotspot than where I was going to by 2.4x.
>proceed to scream at each other for 3 hours straight
>Z proceeds to not vote in any election and then still to this day circle jerks that "the elite control everything" and "all of the government is corrupt"
This is what lost me that group of friends I've had for 7 years.
No. 1279873
>>1279614He use to hang out with edgy stoner weeb types that all thought they could play fighting games better when high. They couldn't.
I thought the guro and pedo shit was just edgelord shit for the time. Low key trashy furry too so I shouldn't have been surprised about the zooshit.
All the friends we knew together have pretty much abandoned him and moved on doing whatever. Looks like the circle of weeby cosplay friends of Beardy had back then have abandoned her too. Not surprised she's neurotic as fuck.
He cheated on his one hispter girlfriend while she was at artschool with the trashy sister of one of Beardy's exboyfriends. It was a hotmess.
They had like 5 people living in their one bedroom rental on and off while I knew them. That place was fucking disgusting. Smelled like weed, cat piss and dude funk.
We stayed FB friends for a time, he'd message me randomly asking if I wanted dickpics and to try and gossip about exfriends, told me he was in a poly with jessi slaughter and that he'd been taking estrogen. Unfriended him when I scoped out his twitter and saw he was following zoo's, but I believe all his socials are private now so I can't screencap.
I'm afraid that if I spill anymore he'll know who I am and I don't want to deal with Memphis trash.
No. 1280691
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>>1280685Ah,yeah one sec. Sorry I didn't flesh out the post well, was in a bit of a rush and accidentally sent before I was ready.
They later changed their minds on it, after recieving a lot of backlash from people in the discord they started to advocate for people to contact local unions.
No. 1282218
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They're irrelevant outside of one town in my country but Tribe Friday is a bit of a personal cow for me, I'm just waiting for the inevitable milk-fest that will come when the skeletons in their closet get dug up again.
I'm pretty sure the last person who tried to bring up their shit got sued, but its easy to guess what comes from a bunch of grown men who pander to teen girls.
(Also this weird eboy troon aesthetic kinda speaks for itself)
No. 1285402
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i think some people may know of this baker who makes intricate art on cakes, but what people aren't aware of is how much of a snowflake her daughter is. this girl posted a pic on fb with one of our mutuals and ever since i saw how uncannily edited her face was compared to everyone else she's been my personal lolcow/snowflake, lol.
>26 years old
>works as a violin tutor
>extremely insecure and defensive about her face, weight and voice (she wishes to have a "sweet e-girl voice")
>copes by baiting for likes on fb
>is always on some diet or another
>fails each time
>goes to a dietician and swears up and down she'll stick to her diet until she 'slims down'
>diet miraculously snaps out of existence just a few months later
>at some point constantly posted about playing ringfit adventure to lose weight
>not even half a year and she sold the game
>next exercise fad was dancing
>very short-lived as she complained she wasn't losing weight but actually gaining weight instead
>coombrain weeb fans meme her into thinking she's genuinely "thicc"
>posts her thighs for that sweet, sweet validation from gross old men and fat weebs
>legs looks like pig trotters (sorry pigs)
>wants to be internet famous badly but fails miserably
>only talents are buying things and begging people to buy her things on fb
>tries to become viral on youtube by posting violin covers
>takes forever to even upload a video, constantly delays it
>says she'll upload more due to lockdown
>last video posted was a year ago
>posts her heavily edited cosplays on socmed
>blocks anyone who says even anything remotely negative on fb and gets her friends to downvote those on reddit
>claims she is as good as a baker as her mom but we see 0 evidence of this
>wants to follow her mom's footsteps by selling baked goods and promises to sell animal crossing shaped cookies
>months pass with no news, then suddenly she announces she lost the cookie cutters
>tries to do art commissions for money and clout
>knows her art isn't good so she excuses it by saying she's still "finding her art style"
>hears all the praise for procreate and falsely concludes that her art would improve if she has it
>orders an ipad pro solely to get procreate
>ipad arrives
>her art literally looks the same
>starts an art account for her art
>only lasted for month before she abandoned it
>starts streaming on twitch
>claims she's not streaming just for money
>let slip that she started streaming as her cousin suggested it as a source of income since she can't tutor due to obvious reasons
>says she streams in order to interact with her fans
>plays apex legends most of the time and barely talks to the chat
>boasts about her apex legends skills on fb
>lost every single match in the first stream she did
>loses most of the time actually
>complains about the lack of growth on twitch even though it's obvious nobody wants to stick around after seeing the jarring difference between her pics and stream
>the only people that continue watching her are her friends and simps who are desperate to get with her
>noticing that her twitch isn't growing, she decided to bring out the cleavage in a stream
>claims that she felt confident and wanted to try an e-girl style
>instant regret and the stream is deleted after it ended
>claims she loves streaming and does it for fun
>looks like she's on the verge of tears most of the time
>even broke down on multiple streams crying about having not found The One and about how she's not good enough
>talks shit about her ex friends who were "toxic"
>laments on twitter wishing she was more likeable
i guess she's kind of a nobody but her mom is actually talented and sweet so it's funny to see that she's the total opposite.
No. 1285438
Girl at my job is a mix between Shaynus and Jillian in personality traits.
>21 year old, goes to culinary school
>talks like the people in culinary reality shows who want to sound like they know more about food than they really do
>only listens to classic rock because "new stuff sounds too artificial" and she's "just an old soul"
>nOT LiKE otHeR GiRLs to a T
>Trying to correct the things she does wrong on the job, takes each critic as a personal attack
>"I'll only listen to the Chef" not the employees working in the industry 5, 10, 20 years longer than her. Only the Chef.
>Every time school is mentioned its "And my professor was amazed that out of everyone in the class, I was the only one to do X correctly".
>"My therapist said that she doesn't even know how I've survived after everything I've been through" - always talks about muh trauma
>Standard white middle class girl who has her apartment and college mostly paid by parents
>Trauma is her mother is abusive and a bitch, totally the worst. (No examples given, citation needed)
>"I like my men like I like my coffee, imported"
>"I actually already technically graduated last year, I just wanted to take some other classes" no diploma, though.
>5'2 100 lbs but constantly threatening to fight anyone and everyone, will "stab you" or "break your fingers"
>Has shown she's actually a pussy and "will sue you" if you touch her
>Makes being Italian a big personality trait despite being like 3rd gen white American. "I know people in the mob, I could call them right now to take care of people"
And more. Why are so many kids these days narcissistic snowflake cows, fuck.
No. 1286656
>>1285693Again, not sure if there's much milk online since she's so milky and OTT in person. But sure. Hopefully she uploads the "documentary" because that is sure to be some content.
Instagram: 2: Tok: No. 1288616
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once again i'm submitting Tasha1 aka sexytasha1 aka sefardiprincess aka real name Thomasa.
>30 year old autistic, virgin NEET from LA.>LARPED as an Orthodox Jewish person during her college days despite not being jewsh herself. >dropped out due to not being able to afford it. >use to talk like she was choking on a thesuarus and now types like a weird homophobic "bimbo">admitted to wanting to sleep with her dad and has alluded to CSA from her mom and distant male relatives.>extremely paranoid and always thinks people are talking about her irl. she has multiple times drove away from drive thrus bc she thinks the workers are staring at her weird and will poison her food >has 1 brother who her mom offered to get him a hooker for his 16th birthday>has has several falling outs with tumblr users she thinks are sending her "hate" or from her own behavior>has had her car repossed, lost her license, massive credit card debt>takes insane pictures and does her makeup like shane dawson>got her origal blog deleted for hate speech when she was first posted to the farms>spends her day getting banned on dating apps for acting a retarded hooker>has a few orbitors that tattle to her when someone mentions herI know im forgetting a bunch of shit but if someone more knowledgable makes a thread I'll contribute No. 1288632
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"Popular" deviantART user DamaiMikaz.
>massive NLOG vibes, also works in IT amidts mentally ill scrotes so that's bound to happen
>became popular on deviantART because of her advice on improving skills and carreer, while not drawing for literal years and having poor skill
>used to constantly lick another artist's ass (yuumei)
>started drawing eventually and couldn't stop shilling her book and how much pages she wrote of it, while not explaining the story and with no intention of ever publishing it, it seems
>from what we know of the book (through translated snippets she posts together with the illustrations), it's incredibly childish and edgy, her main oc is a gary stu anime child who's more powerful than anyone ever. She's 34.
>keeps preaching to smaller artists while calling herself "a pro"
>although her art is nice now, she's definitely not a pro, but I guess she really doesn't see room for improvement and she once stated that she felt lost, since she's already a pro and there's nothing more that she can do
>the pro artist does not work in the industry, gives advice on how to work in the industry, burnt out after exactly one round of commissions and decided that she would never do them again
Not an impressive cow like some other artists, but she's so fucking preachy and full of herself for no reason. To be fair, she has some illness that didn't allow her to draw for some time, but don't give advice to people if you know jack shit about drawing professionally. She's barely active now. I'm curious to see if anyone else knows of her.
No. 1288715
Adding my and everyone I know's personal lolcow to the mix, she's too small to post the medias of but she's the milkiest person we've ever met
> cow I've known for years who burned all bridges in college because she was constantly salty and competetive, would skinwalk anyone she was jealous of and was incredibly nasty by trying to isolate and ostracise any female that she felt was prettier than her and had better art
> would cling to a new female best friend each year and bully anyone else who was friends with them, drain them immensely, and then wonder why friend of the year would eventually get tired and set boundaries
> would drop each friend for a new one whenever she got bored and use them for validation, would pander to some of the gays and be manipulative and flirt with them while getting involved with shitty tinder guys, invited a taken guy into her room knowing he was taken but still plays the narrative that she's a misunderstood uwu baby egirl
> post-college still pulling the same shit but has gotten progressively worse in her twenties, obsessive skinwalking of one girl she was jealous of for years on and off and spread rumors about and stalked, would dye and cut her hair and change her face in apps to look like her, pretended to have the same interests and would dress the same while competing pettily for likes and attention, and try to add her friends and exes
> art still inconsistent and got called out on her old account for copying so she was fake both as a person and with her artwork
> got angry again that her third or fourth remake on social media wasn't getting her all the likes and asspats she wanted so she remade again and introduced herself to teenage art twitter and tiktok as a 'smol bean artist who's starting out and needs money'
> is so spoiled and priveleged that she has an entire mansion to herself and doesn't have a job but remakes on art social media as a "new baby artist starting out" and has a similar air of fakeness to Alyssa D. Silos but uglier and slobbier
> literally anyone who looks up her name can see that this new account and persona is an entire lie and whenever she slips out of character and goes on a rage that not all of her posts get likes she bawwletes and tries to get pity
> woman in her twenties using minor artists to ger validation, they're 16, creepy af and desperate for attention
> makes incredibly feelsorryforme stories about how her mother is so abusive to her one moment but shows her off on public social media the next and pushes the narrative of how uwu strong and supportive she is whenever she wants anything, have had confirmation from a few people who know her mother that she abuses her mother but will post secretly that her mother is the abuser
> people have also added how she leaves groups and conversations with whichever friend she's latching onto to try and scare them, mildly abusive tactics there cow
> can't post a single selfie without putting eight filters on it, editing her mouth and chin so badly it shows and using those makeup filters to look like a completely different person, is average and overweight and greasy irl but wants to do an Alyssa and create the illusion that she's hot because her art doesn't do well alone to get attention
> pretended to have no means of drawing after throwing a tantrum over her laptop and cintiq being slow, but had multiple tablets and other devices with everything on that works perfectly, bawwleted after when nobody gave in and gave her money but literally pretended to have no way to finish commissions to get pity and money without working for it
> desperate to look popular somewhere so she buys tiktok followers up to 2k and makes a huge deal on every social media about how she doesn't know how she made it, follows that were about 400 a day conveniently become 2 or 3 a day
> got annoyed nobody would buy her Kofis so she bought some for herself and hid the details that show who's bought you one
> used to send herself anon hate and post it to get pity with really obvious attempts to change her writing style but spellings and tone would still slip through and she only had 50 followers so we knew it was her
> nice and uwu to everyone she sees as a threat but makes horrible narratives about them in secret
> is a twenty six year old woman who uses uwu and tries to be kawaii
> will probably get angry and delete and restart again as a new uwu artist and latch onto minors
> lost two different jobs in the past because "they were so mean to me uwu" but she couldn't handle not getting her ass pat and both workplace groups called her out for her shitty attitude, would baww about it online and act like they were abusing her
> no longer has to work because she lives in a mansion and doesn't have to pay rent but will cling to the narrative that she's a cutesy small artist like nothing else, also openly rage posts when people unfollow but she's the biggest follow for follow ever
> pretty much everything milky she deletes after to try and keep the illusion of cottagecore artist uwu but we see you girl
No. 1289246
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>>1288616>>1288674her old posts are so insane i wish she didn't get her first blog deleted. i have so many screenshots from laughing at her with my friends
No. 1291619
>>1241610Update with Arkyfox. She was fount on the NSFW fetish website 'Fetlife' parading around her public humiliation kink in a clown costume at a charity event, until it came to a creepy realisation she exposed her pie face kink to unconsenting kids at the event. Arkyfox was reported to the charity she volunteered for named Strongbones, who removed her from ever working with them again. She then removed many of the explicit photos taken, changed her username to 'Miss_Foxxx' and location to Antarctica after she got caught.
Now she claims she's 'living her life' while obsessively stalking Michael Jackson fans on Twitter, changing her username each time they retaliate, blocks everyone she doesn't agree with and claims she's 'not a furry' while boasting about how proud of a Furry Artist she is when promoting her work. No. 1291765
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I usually lurk, but because of recent events involving this chick I decided I needed to rant and highlight some of her shit. May very well just be me being salty.
>Was seeing a Therapist for approx. 5 months a few years ago, before her Therapist said she was "All Better". Leading theory is her Therapist got tired of her, and wanted to get rid of her
>Used to proudly identify herself as a RadFem( not a terf, but was always bordering on it )
>Fake Woke; Always loudly proclaimed how much she supported trans people and POC online, and then immediately said rude and degrading shit to them IRL
>Was always very proud of being a woman, and proudly proclaimed her love for women as well.
>Is suddenly proclaiming herself trans-nonbinary, claims she has dysphoria out of nowhere, and is going to start T soon
>Used to constantly tell her trans boyfriend that he wasn't actually trans, that he was just confused, that he was still a woman because she was only attracted to women and was obsessed with her Ex to the point she got pretty stalker-y. So if he wasn't her perfect Girlfriend that loved to cuddle and spend time with her she had to convince him he was, Gaslighting him through the last 3 years of their relationship( Said Ex is also Autistic, and hates touching people in general )
>Created a fantasy version of Ex in her head, and got upset at Ex everytime he acted in a way that wasn't aligned with the version of him in her head
>Constantly shat on Ex's interests, and shut him down when he tried to talk about them in any capacity beyond 'I like [Insert Thing]'
>Based basically her entire life around her Ex-Boyfriend for the 5 years they were together, around spending every waking hour with her Ex, was so completely obsessed with her Ex that when he broke up with her and cut-off all contact with her, she lost her entire set of marbles
>Claimed she's the reason Ex had any friends in the first place
>Also claimed that Ex was the reason she lost all her own friends( Real reason is we all got smart when they broke up )
>Ruined a 10-year long friendship with a person she claimed to be her 'Best Friend' even though she never gave two shits about said "Best Friend" because she only ever wanted to be around, or talk about, her Ex. Example is their highschool graduation, where she ditched her "Best Friend" to go and hang out with her Ex, who was asking about where "Best Friend" was and wanted to hang out with the both of them
>Only contacted "Best Friend" post-break up to;
>1. Try to make her Ex talk to her/communicate to her Ex through the "Best Friend"
>2. Get a shitty 2010-era Wacom Tablet back from her Ex to try and sell it( for it's original value, despite it having been heavily used at that point, worth barely 10$ ), pulling the 'My Mom Gave Me That Tablet and it Means SooOOOoooOOO Much To Me,' card to try and get it back.
>Ex and "Best Friend" don't buy it. Gave up after a month of Ex and his roommates not budging.
>Ex and "Best Friend" proceed to snap the tablet into pieces for catharsis.
>Made her "Best Friend" cry in the parking lot of an Ice Cream parlour because of an insensitive text message she sent her that cemented how little she actually cared about her "Best Friend", claiming that she didn't see how she was being a bad friend, even with her "Best Friend" laying it all out in the open, and that her "Best Friend" was actually the one being a bad friend to her
>Dropped out of Uni despite claiming Feminist and Gender Studies were her ~Passion~
>Also constantly skipped her classes
>Quit an extremely cushy job at a Liquor store where she had probably the best boss of all time. Would get good discounts, could show up late and wouldn't get in shit, could call-in last minute and not get in shit, and was able to just sit on her phone or switch all day and ignore customers without any repercussions
>Stole a 'Friends and Family' wristband for a local anime convention from family of her "Best Friend" that was on staff so her Rebound-GF wouldn't have to pay to get one
>Is addicted to weed( Often spent her entire paycheck on weed ) and is a raging alcoholic
>Lived with her mom until she moved in with her Rebound-GF, proceeded to couch surf after she and her Rebound-GF broke up
>Moved to Edmonton when she realized basically everyone from her old friend-group didn't like her anymore
>Instead of thinking critically about why, chose to run away from her problems
>Grifts off of her friends, especially now that she's living in Edmonton.
>Might not be paying rent to her roommate(s), and may very well be a NEET atm
>Got a job briefly that turned out to be a(n obvious) scam
>Uses her friends problems to make herself feel better( Once tweeted that she felt 'Good and Clear' after sitting in hospital with her friend that had attempted suicide )
>Has hurt the feelings of a good mutual friend we have on multiple occasions, and instead of apologizing, deflects, and changes the subject
>Cosplays. Poorly. If it weren't for her ex-friends she'd never have finished a single cosplay of her own
>Had a full blown mental breakdown the night before a con because she couldn't finish styling a Gerome FE:A wig, and had a friend finish it for her. Said friend also having been the one to make the entire cosplay for her in the first place. Weapon, armour, and all
>Spent 100$ on Fire Emblem: Heroes pulling for Maribelle, then complained that she was broke and tried to fish for money from friends on twitter to pay for her weed addiction
>Lacks any self-awareness
>Insists she's never at fault for any of the shitty, stupid things she does
>Constantly fishing for compliments and positive attention so she can re-assert to herself that she isn't as awful as she actually is
>Huge annoying hypocrite in general
No. 1291822
>>1291813I'm not, actually. "Best Friend" is way too nice to say anything in a public space, even on anon.
And sorry about the wall of text. Ended up barely proof-ing since this chick finally just pissed me off enough to post a stupid autistic rant about her, and her vaguely cow-like behaviour. Figured ya'll would enjoy her being a ~fakeboi~ for those beautiful hypocritical woke points above all else.
No. 1293079
>>1291822Honestly it's more funny that you defend her ex "bf" because sh- sorry,
he is definitely a real boy but you won't respect this trans kings pronouns because she only recently started talking about dysphoria and you don't like her. Tsk, tsk, not very open minded and ideologically consistent of you, nonners.
No. 1295487
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I met this one originally on twitter as "cloz". I, and many other people who knew her, believe she's destined to be a future cult leader with how manipulative she is.
clozzadreams/cloz/"Bryce Savage"/relan/rune/pizzacutter system/steel system/lorebound/L/nel/sentinel/Ember/endfawr/end/culpeo/mirrorbeing/Lori Anne Madison/(there's more, she uses so many fucking names)
Callout post from the cloz drama: video about tales from the DSM: soundcloud: (I've backed this up)
>BPD, claims to have various other disorders>uses supposed (fake) AVPD to tell people they're being ableist for insulting her in any way or talking about her in private>claims to be 160 IQ>claims to be hyperempathetic>has recently started to claim to have mythomania, that seems to be true (irony)>has previously been mentioned in the systems threads on here, as well as on kiwifarms. has been up to more since thensee:
>>1138100This will serve as a bit of a timeline, but I know there's more to the story, with her having many similar major dramas in the past that she has refused to give further details about. Sorry if I left anything important out
>created the r/systemscringe subreddit as cloz to bully people with DID and OSDD>accused anyone who acted outside of her flawed understanding of DID/OSDD of faking>was herself faking DID, her entire identity as "cloz" was fabricated>pretended that she was a real person, a musician known as Bryce Savage>at the same time she had another fabricated identity known as "relan">had multiple other minor alts with whole backstories that she would use to find out information that people didn't want to tell her, and to see if people were talking about her behind her back or if they secretly didn't like her>used these alts to find out people's trauma and used this information to include in her own fabricated trauma stories>started relationships with people under the pretense of being cloz and relan, who didn't know she was a minor at the time>has a very long history of tricking adults into dating her when she was a minor, then using that as blackmail against them>also uses alts to gather blackmail material, and threatens to reveal it if people talk about her behind her back or if she thinks they will abandon her>spread misinformation about many mental illnesses, including making up disorders, faking research papers, and attacking anyone who even slightly suggested her made up terminology wasn't true>was forced to admit these identities were fake>didn't even bother to apologise to all the people she hurt>one person still stuck by her, an adult lesbian who is majorly co-dependent on her in an extremely creepy way>just went on to make a new server and fake DID again>used her supposed (obviously fake) alter "sentinel/nel" to manipulate and abuse people, because she supposedly had no control over nel's behaviour>started a webcomic called "Tales from the DSM" which mocked mental illnesses, saying things like "PPDs are clinically usually racist">is extremely virulently racist herself lol>manipulated other mentally ill people into helping her with this project>freaked out and attacked these people for not being loyal to her when they started to leave the project due to her shitty leadership>eventually got bored of faking DID and claimed it spontaneously resolved>still continues to maintain a cult-like following>uses alts to find people's secrets and use them against peopleThis situation is ongoing, and is mostly found in her discord, 'Lonesome Liars', which can be found on disboard.
No. 1296922
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Not a full blown cow but she gets on my nerves lol
Harmony Nice/gingerferns (ig)
>Used to make videos about wicca, tattoo's and makeup
>Went on a spiritual journey about 2 years ago
>Takes a 2-3 month break from social media every other month despite it being her only source of income
>Tells her viewers to "Just take a break!" if they're feeling like shit, as if it's a privilege anyone has
>Moves in with a new boyfriend, moves back home. Every few months
>Constantly whines about being overwhelmed by social media even though her ig consists of shitty nature pics and her yt videos are half hour long rambles. She also is showered in support from her followers
This being said I actually like some of her videos but the level of privilege pisses me off to no end. Not everyone can take month long breaks from something that's barely a job to begin with. She presents herself like some spiritual guru but nothing in her life seems to last long (constantly moving in and out, new boyfriends all the time).
No. 1296933
>>1296922Anon she's not even in the least a cow she's just rich.
This is the definition of vendetta posting.
No. 1297449
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This is Charlie Avent. He calls himself a horse whisperer and 'the autistic cowboy'.
He claims that autism gives him special powers where he can communicate with horses.
My closest friend went to boarding school with him and we both lived in the same supported housing agency for vulnerable young adults (autistic, foster care leavers, mental health, ex homeless ect).
One of the support workers found him naked in the field where his horse was kept and he was fondling the horse. As a result the horse now has to be kept in a stable and he has to be supervised with it at all times.
He also isn't allowed to own certain pets like dogs.
He wrote a book called 'autism meets horsemanship' where he tells lies about his parents being abusive when in actual fact his parents spoiled him and catered to his every whim. His parents bought him absolutely everything he wanted and he could do no wrong.
To promote his book he tried to sue his own parents and as a result he no longer has contact with them.
He owns a Facebook page where all he does is rant about how much of a victim he is and beg for money. He has a following of loyal orbiters who will throw money at him and have no idea that he's a pervert who lied about his parents.
His latest skit was hiding under a car all afternoon because social care cut his support hours. The police had to come and coax him out from underneath the car.
He frequently suicide baits and calls the emergency services and tells them that he's going to kill himself.
In reality he would never do such a thing. He's just an attention whore and a perverted liar.
No. 1297597
>>1295950how do you know he was lying about his parents being
No. 1297716
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He's e begging now for money so that he can rehabilitate Auntie (his horse). He's had to send her to a ranch in Cornwall because she has a spinal injury (probably from his giant fat ass riding her). He can't afford the funds because of course he burnt bridges with the parents who used to buy him everything and he can't fund it on his welfare benefits. No. 1297753
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This is quite old (February) but this is just an example of his suicide baiting. Hoping that his loyal orbiters will shower him with money and praise. No. 1297780
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My personal lolcow is named Marcela. Now that she has a public social media platform and is trying to really make it big by being child-free, I figured it was time to post her on here.
I do know her in real life, but distantly. She hasn't done anything to me personally, but I am in shock at what a horrible person she is.
>Mormon>Dated her high school sweetheart for many years and eventually got married to him>Made him convert to Mormonism>Incredibly emotionally abusive, e.g. wouldn't let him leave the house after 7pm and wouldn't let him see any of his friends>Always mad at him for nothing>Refused to talk to virtually any woman out of jealousy and forbade husband from talking to any women as well>Does not work, so relied on her husband to live>After realizing he had been abused/controlled for years, he divorced her>Now trying to be an influencer because she's child-free in her mid-twenties, which is apparently a huge feat>Made a video on YouTube about her divorce and claimed that she doesn't know why the divorce happened because she always gave 110%>Now living in her parents' basement because she's still unemployed Instagram:'s more infuriating than anything, but she's definitely a lolcow to me.
No. 1298138
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Personal Cow of a friend and me for at least 5 years.
Melodramatic Fakeboi that has his mom take him dinner and foods because he’s too lazy to make his own food. They used to think that just dance was exercising.
There’s so much milk I could cover but the recent milk is that they’re now begging for birthday gifts on discord, Facebook and both Instagram accounts.
Oh and they’re a kinnie for like 6 different shitty characters and I think their boyfriend (or they do) kin Ferris Bueller
No. 1298139
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>>1298138Second photo, if this is boring I won’t type any more but if you guys wanna hear more I can dig up a ton of milk.
No. 1298142
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>>1298138>fakeboi>”he”>”they”C’mon, Anon.
No. 1298145
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>>1268018also forgot to add that she’s autistic and either bipolar or borderline, constantly talking about and flaunting her “mommy milkers” which she only has because she’s obese, and makes many videos crying over tiktok taking her vids down or shadow banning for sexual content. No. 1298441
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>>1298271no, nonbinary. She’s so embarrassing, I can’t believe adults are doing this shit now and it’s not just stupid teens anymore.
No. 1298658
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>>1298448It's a hairy chested moid
No. 1298659
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>>1298658bonus pic. Damn we could add her to the whale thread too
No. 1298784
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I found this wacky old broad in a twitter reply to some shit about vaccines and started reading her tweets.
She seems to be online a lot. Her favorite things to tweet about are about how no one seems to like her, how much she hates immigrants and pictures of random objects around her car/van
No. 1298817
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>>1298784Shes just posting pictures of bone fractures and a chopped down tree from a POV of herself using a tablet, I'm obsessed
No. 1299179
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>>1298988I know, right? She tweets at an average of like 10 tweets an hour. The pictures of inanimate objects with cartoon filters over them and her wacky selfies just send me. I do not think this woman gets much sleep.
No. 1303710
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literal retard
No. 1304430
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My girl Mary and her hubby got into a tiff over some ragu
No. 1304431
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>Ragu, around the world!
No. 1305277
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Alright, I'll bite.
I knew this girl from school and keep up with her antics
>in highschool she essentially tried to fit in any way she could
>when emo was cool she dyed her hair red and would publicly defile anyone she knew that dyed their hair the same colour.
>would take pictures from tumblr and photoshop them to look like her (Change the hair colour, distort the image and add the necessary piercings)
>when I posted the original photo she shooped, she promptly deleted it
>was so into American History X that she hung a giant nazi flag in her room (this is relevant later)
>would proana post on her tumblr all the time and claim an eating disorder
>only ever cut herself in front of other people
>vied for male attention desperately but no one wanted her because she was such a cunt, so made man hating a brand
>now she posts relentless pictures of her ass, which definitely does not look like pic related irl, but it's her only defining feature
>hides her bad cankles in every one of her posts
>posted a story on instagram a couple years back of her in LA (she lives in Australia) snorting coke of black men's asses.
>likes to cosplay in black culture but will NEVER mention dating a black guy
>only ever posts twitter screenshots from black twitter on her stories
>Having known her personally, she's incredibly shallow and does whatever she can for clout
>you may have recognised the photo on the right, I have my doubts it's her as she has been known to just take random viral pictures and claim that it's her (as I mentioned above)
>instagram is jasmindore
Watching her multiple attempts to grasp the attention of the masses over the years has been pretty funny tbh, she's changed her personality and looks so many times just to achieve that sweet, sweet clout.
No. 1305985
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I just remembered my old personal lolcow (later I found out some farmers made a brief thread about her 2 years ago on /w/ but she raided it and got it locked
Seems like nothing changed, her sense of fashion is still horrible, she still cries about BPD and therapy despite making no effort to improve, she's just tweeting less. Can't believe she's supposed to be 23.
No. 1306298
>>1305985Kinda cute here with the face blocked, though she has way too many accessories. Oops maybe I have bad taste.
Her style looks pretty bad in the thread tho.
No. 1306614
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Had previously posted this dude on another thread but he fits more here.
Been following this MRA dude on youtube ever since I found a thumbnail on one of his videos that had unironically "no hymen no diamond"
>mra misogynist with over 30k followers
>keeps repeating the same points over and over again how western women are used whores
>his channels keep getting deleted for some reason
>weed smoker, makes it his whole personality
>mediocre artist
>hate on women is borderline autistic
>apparently some youtuber named MattShea mentioned him in a video and he sent his followers to harass the guy
I wish this guy had other social medias linked but his community posts are already pretty milky
No. 1307932
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I have the perfect weirdo for this thread. I found her account a long time ago and don’t know if it’s still up or if she does any other weird shit.
No. 1308216
>>1307932Having pedo feelings for a pedo.
That's some next level shit, indeed!
No. 1308794
>>1285447>>1285438>>1308294Oh the cringe documentary came out
It's cringy watching this and remembering she would have a mental breakdown when there were more than 200 guests and the Exec Chef literally said he "couldn't wait to be rid of her" and the GM said "she's never coming back". Chef constantly talking about how shit the baking is and that they "really need to hire a real baker soon". And another manager saying "she's a problem" then explaining how he felt about culinary college kids all being awful.
Top kek delusional cows are the saddest. Imagine viewing yourself this highly but everyone is talking about how badly you are at everything every single day behind your back. But I guess all cows think they are the greatest? I see it in a lot of threads. Delusions of grandeur.
No. 1308819
File: 1629967663603.png (764.08 KB, 853x480, Screenshot 2021-08-26 at 04-42…)

>>1308794This is great, thanks anon. Love how she confirms basically everything you said. The "documentary" is literally just employment interview questions, up to and including "Thank you for answering all of your questions truthfully."
>[Being in a male dominated occupation] can be kind of intimidating, but then I'M intimidating to be around so it evens out>I had the toughest teachers in school and they liked me>[I've faced struggles in the workplace] because people are intimidated that I'm so much younger but know so much more than they do (randomly includes that it's a lot because she's 5'2, but she's managed to pick it up - includes clip of herself grabbing something off of a top shelf)>States she's had tons of conflicts at work, people not wanting to work with her, claims of her being sexually harassed, her "hitting back">Text reads: "She has been in school since June 2020. This is almost 2 years straight to finish her bachelors on time due to covid." (August 2021)Nice how she cleaned up her place. Trash bag is like the first thing you see kek.
No. 1308823
>>1308819It's crazy that people can be in conflicts wherever they go and think other people are the problem, not themselves. She views herself as an underdog or soemthing, like she's a hero of a story where everyone in the world has been trying to bring her down but she's actually a strong boss woman who knows more than people working in the industry for years because she's more ambitious and gifted than you. Is it possible all the obstacles she's had to overcome were…. caused by her own attitude and inability to grow and mature? No, everyone is out to get her, she's a
victim and a total badass because she "hits back".
Also thats her $1300 (if I remember correctly) studio apartment that her
abusive mommy pays for, anon. Think a kid would be grateful and take care of the place but imagine when mommy doesn't get the deposit back from the leaky garbage bags staining the floor kek
No. 1309659
>>1288715It's a shame that I can't post her @s because she's really been on a Mikan tier rage tirade recently
it's been amusing to watch though kek
No. 1310099
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So I’m checking up on a local cow on instagram, right?
(Jordanna Nicole Shank, for anyone interested. Tattoo culture vulture/scratcher, and all-around wannabe. Should go by Jordanna Nicole Skank.)
And I come across this delicious sack of cottage cheese.
No. 1310288
>>1310191I can confirm that we are talking about the same mess of a person. North of Boston.
I don't want to be identified, but I am associated with an adjacent group of friends, I have extensive access to her privated accounts, etc. She did have the pregnancy, but she aborted (or maybe never had at all?). Her new schtick is to constantly flail on and on about how it was a pregnancy loss and how she's a mom of a rainbow baby etc etc. They keep breaking up and getting back together, but last I've heard I think they are done for good… for now. I'm happy to share more, as I've been wanting to share her with an audience for years. It goes deep. She changes her entire identity with every new boyfriend. From appearance to interests to even the name she goes by, it's really wild.
No. 1310456
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She's been posted about a lot in
>>>/w/155412 but I'm yet another person who finds this girl to be a massive cow and I do not doubt that she must be sitting on a lot of hidden milk
have heard rumours that she cheated on her last partner to get with some british scrote and she's desperate for validation at all times, uploads inconsistently shooped photos and is a twenty plus doing the fake uwu rounds taking credit for widespread trends and posts the most ridiculously made up stories on the weekly
I give her a year before she exposes herself and she's involved in an actual public callout
(cosplayers thread) No. 1310466
Hoo boy, I haven't kept up with mine due to being blocked, but we were friends some years before she revealed a crazy lolcow ass:
>met her in an actor fandom. The guy is pretty niche, it's a small fandom, so we all know each other. Cow seems perfectly nice. It wouldn't last.
>first real sign was when she had a week long meltdown over someone disagreeing with her on Tumblr. The other person was pretty stupid too, but the way she cried and vagued and moaned about it was dumb as fuck.
>never worked a job despite having no physical disabilities or mental illnesses, other than mild depression.
>whined about her mother wanting her to actually get a job and move the fuck out. Cow claims this is toxic and can't seem to grasp why her mother prefers her younger sister, who actually did move out and be a productive member of society.
>frequently says awful shit about her sister.
>our friendship eventually imploded when she and another friend piled on me when I was suicidal, writing horrible callout posts for shit I never did. Unfortunately all the evidence is deleted and I didn't keep screencaps. Lesson learned.
>stalked me for months after I deleted my tumblr.
>has started drama in every damn fandom she's been in since, culminating in her being caught sending hate anons to people in the Henry Cavill fandom and called out for it.
>she's always claimed not to send hate anons lol.
>last I heard her mother kicked her out and she was living in some kind of shack. Still refusing to get a damn job and crying that if she doesn't win the lottery she doesn't know what she'll do.
Sadly, she discovered I had a new tumblr and I can't read her bullshit anymore. The shack in the woods sent my sides into orbit.
No. 1312597
This girl is probably my favorite personal lolcow. I've been following her shit for years, I hope she doesn't find this post but I doubt it since she's from Chile.
>has diagnosed BPD, is a camgirl
>started posting her links to 4chan and other imageboards
>one of these imageboards was nido dot org, a now defunct chilean imageboard owned by another lolcow (who committed suicide by train in 2019)
>owner becomes interested in her, gets in touch with her (he would become obsessed with random girls and harass them constantly, posting them on his imageboard, would ban anyone who called him out on his shit)
>she and him go on a date, he constantly takes pics of her and posts them on a thread, trying to "show off" his date.
>she posts on an 8chan board dedicated to doxxing and mocking the owner for being a pedo about how he bought her books to impress her and how creepy she found him.
>after rejecting the owner's sexual advances (but I'm sure she did fuck him once, he took pics of her after the act), he starts harassing her and posting her cam videos on his website.
>one of these videos was called "reclaiming my virginity", in which she shoved a Virgin Mary statue inside of her vagina. I've seen the video, its as graphic as it sounds, the statue goes all in and its not a small statue.
>she has other cringe videos in which she calls herself a loli despite being in her 20s
>in another clip, she is butt naked on her bed when her mom tries to walk inside her room. she runs to the door to lock it before she can come in.
That's all part of the imageboard saga. She also
>dated a psycho scrote with BPD, she wrote a callout post doxxing him which was like 10 pages long, detailing how he raped her, beat her, pissed on her, sexually abused her, etc.
>but one lie was obvious in the post: she said he forced her to become a camwhore and that he'd shill her on nido and other imageboards.
>start reading more about it, turns out she was as psycho as him.
>she would beat him on the street, start yelling shit at him.
I'm not defending the scrote, I don't doubt he actually did do disgusting vile shit to her. But that one lie means she probably lied or exaggerated about other shit as well.
>she continues camwhoring after dumping him, despite claiming he "forced" her to do it
There hasn't been more huge drama after this, she just has general lolcow behavior
>has an eating disorder, would post about bulimia and how it made her skinny again (this is a 20-something year old woman)
>barely finished high school, had the highest possible grades
>larps as an intellectual postmodern marxist on instagram, posts pictures of books she can barely understand
>used to post pictures of books in french, which she obviously doesn't know
>has pretentious music taste, bases the other half of her personality that isn't being a whore online on her obscure taste
>continues to refer to herself as a loli sometimes.
>had to go to Argentina to get into a college because in Chile she was too stupid to get into one
>when the imageboard owner killed himself, she was celebrating and still jokes sometimes about him killing himself (this would be a bit justified if he had actually fucked her over as much as he fucked over the other girls he was obsessed with, but he didn't. She searched for his attention herself, and the other girls he harassed were either sad and conflicted about it or just didn't say shit)
No. 1313093
File: 1630477949294.jpg (797.02 KB, 1199x1882, Sauve 1 April 2021.jpg)

My personal cow is a wannabe rapper named "Sauve" that went to my highschool. My only exposure to him now is from instagram, and he has gotten progressively more delusional (in the most literal sense), especially as of late. i remember from High School:
>dumb as shit. got held back at least twice.
>had sex with my 14 year old sister when he was 18 or 19
>hung out with Tyga at some point (friend of a friend I believe)
>opened for Lil Mosey
>got taken by Lil Mosey to go to Jake Paul's and Tara Mongeau's wedding
>filmed himself with Jake Paul an amount that even Jake Paul seemed embarrassed of
>did rap battle for "RapFeed," a short-lived rapthemed buzzfeed thing. his performance sucked dick, but all 3 judgesvoted for him and the dude he was battling rescinded permission for his face to appear lmfao all this, his career has completely fizzled out, and he posts salty rants on instagram very frequently. This past year, I've noticed that they've started to veer into the insane.
No. 1313094
File: 1630477991334.jpg (1.16 MB, 1557x1624, Sauve 2 June 30 2021.jpg)

>>1313093Apparently, he had been doing a LOT of drugs.
Enough to give himself a psychotic disorder, which is going to be the focus of the images I've put together.
No. 1313096
File: 1630478138015.png (2.99 MB, 1125x2436, July 20th - TURNING POINT UHOH…)

>>1313095fucked up the order already gdi.
I think something happened June 30th and July 20th, and his switch got flipped from delusional narcissism to narcissistic delusions.
No. 1313098
File: 1630478214682.jpg (968.46 KB, 1499x1624, DeSauve and his name Aug 7 202…)

>>1313096one step away from declaring that he's literally Jesus
No. 1313099
File: 1630478362393.jpg (2.05 MB, 1499x4001, SAUVE TODAY.jpg)

>>1313098Annnd a fucking insane rant from today.
>White people are descended from Satan and are half human (black) and half animal (hence their straight hair.) >but actually white people aren't evil because any white person could actually be a reincarnated black person>let me explain this with a gang analogy No. 1313100
File: 1630478560172.jpg (1.6 MB, 1593x2972, schizo recipe.jpg)

>>1313099His recs if you wanna get woke. If you dont click, its proof that you've willingly cemented your third eye shut by not believing that every story ever is based in fact.
No. 1313169
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>>1313096>>1313094>>1313099Why do so many insane black people always end up with the same "conclusion" i.e that black people were all "Egyptians" "Indians" "Native Americans" "Moors" "Arabs" and every other racial group in history except black and that white people all "stole" civilization and technology from black people
(racebait) No. 1314639
>>1313093>Had sex with my 14 year old sister when he was 18 or 19Isn't this identifying information about you? Also, how did that even happen? Do your parents not watch over her? Did
you not watch over her?
No. 1315590
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>>1291619Being into ABDL while claiming to be some sort of pedo hunter and going after weird Michael Jackson stans isn't a good look.
No. 1316088
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This “former stripper” bitch is nothing but a goddamn social climber who fucks djs for gigs and clout, then leaves them while playing the
victim in “muh abusiff relationships!”. She is constantly trying to #metoo anyone who doesn’t kiss her ass.
She also uses filters and shoops because w/o ‘em, she’s ugly af and looks like a fucking heroin addict, gross! No. 1316129
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>>1316125I’m surprised she’s no longer with that LVLR midget, he used to hook her up with doing shows when they were dating. He doesn’t even mention her kek
They play at faggot bars now on separate days
No. 1317582
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He's unable to comprehend why someone wouldn't want cheap plastic funkopop like crap on display everywhere in the house.
Or how a woman could possibly think her boyfriend's taste in badly written capeshit or similar manchild stuff is boring.
He also stereotypes the girl as being a ditz obsessed with sears catalog garbage when, except for a birdcage ornament, the video just shows her owning things that have some use, like lamps, candles, plants, a photo frame.
Those things are completely different from a puking blue dinosaur toy. No. 1317585
File: 1630992175381.jpg (401.15 KB, 700x525, room2.jpg)

>>1317582And this is how he lives. I'm not making fun of it because if he and his girlfriend are happy with it then good for them, but it's gross of him to be saying that women must love the same plastic garbage their boyfriend does or else it's a horrible relationship.
No. 1318053
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It does look bad. Anyways her main tiktok account was deleted lol, and her backup got mass reported and taken down for a while I guess.
No. 1318387
>>1318053She has so much lore. Remember when her roommate wouldn't stay anymore because she kept bringing her known to be
abusive boyfriend and having loud sex with him? And then spun the tale about how "the person supposing to be my roommate suddenly ditched me and now I have to pay for this appartment on my own I'm so mad!" Or when she said she hated her
abusive parents but a little while ago she was taking her boyfriend to meet them for her birthday because she can't live without being the center of attention? Yeah. She really needs her own thread. She would not stop crying about it because she can't bear not oversharing the most embarassing shit I've ever seen.
No. 1318491
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>>1318401No he isn't. He's insane, though.
He used to virtue signal that there's no such thing as too extreme a feminist, that feminists could do no wrong and even that shooting men was cool.
But now he writes that the Harry Potter author is an extremist who promotes rape and that if you say men commit more violence than women you're a bigoted manhater.
No. 1318513
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>>1318491>defends valerie solanas>hates women who think the male sex is more violent???
reminder that
>There are literally no feminists who actually “go too far” or get “too extreme.” There aren’t any feminists hurting people or actually trying to create policies that infringe on anyone’s rights anywhere. The idea of the extremist evil feminist is pure fantasy and every single example anyone tries to come up with is literally just a woman who said mean things.kek
No. 1326555
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An update on my personal cow. What in the actual fuck are these hashtags.
No. 1326665
There's this "transbian" I met at my old job who's constantly texting me like we're friends… I wish I could post screenshots but his social media is private, but even that can't save him from being a cow.
>complains girls never give him a chance
>whines every other week about how the girl he was totally in love with after a single date is now ghosting him
>snaps at his dates in public, yelling and whining then complaining when they cut contact
>alternates between being sad and woe-is-me about how he'll never feel like a real woman, and being angry and snarky at his dates for being bisexual and not lesbians.
>constantly posts shit in his instagram stories meant to make people pity him or fish for compliments.
>whines about "getting the romance I deserved and never got as a teen"
>says he's "like an NPC who is hostile to everyone except his girl"
>unironically calls girls he's only seen once in his life shit like "queen", "princess", "dearie", "sweetie" and "love"
>complains about his "dangerous living situation", when I prodded him for details (i thought it might really be dangerous since being trans in south america IS dangerous) it turned out he is living with two normie women whose only crime is not giving him asspats and "validation" every minute.
>says he wants to do violent things to said roommates, claims he needs to move out ASAP because one day "the abuse might be too much and I won't be responsible for what happens to them"
>it's actually the third time he's moved in the past year or so because every living situation is "unsafe" for him
>insists on speaking to me exclusively in English, doing that fake ass "female" voice that you hear on like, RuPaul's Drag Race, even though we are both from Chile, met in Chile, and speak Spanish as our first language
>calls himself a "filthy commie lesbian" even though his whole life is about consoomerism and buying clothes and makeup and merch that "validates me as a lesbian"
>whines about being broke while getting paid in USD (which is a luxury down here) and blowing it all on fancy bongs, booze, and anime merch
At first I was uncomfortable but every time he tells me about a date or a roommate or something it's like a trainwreck, I can't avert my eyes, I have to push him for more details just because it's so fucking funny how socially retarded and entitled he is. At the same time I kinda want to know more about his roommates because I'm legit scared for them
I'm waiting for the day he decides to make his ig public or make a twitter so that I can start taking publicly shareable screenshots. I hope it happens before this site dies or I'll have to find somewhere else to post it. I swear this guy is the epitome of terminally online twitter transbian.
No. 1326923
>>1326665>says he wants to do violent things to said roommates, claims he needs to move out ASAP because one day "the abuse might be too much and I won't be responsible for what happens to them"Jesus, anon. Male behaviour is in their core. I pity every woman who has had the misfortunate of going on a date with him.
>whines about being broke while getting paid in USD (which is a luxury down here) and blowing it all on fancy bongs, booze, and anime merchInb4 he sets up a woe is me go fund me like all the other trannies do
No. 1327644
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>>1326555update #2. “I don’t want the next generation to suffer so I want the current one to suffer because they deserve it for not listening to me.” Twisted psycho
No. 1327650
>>1308794This bitch quit and then 1 month later files a report with corporate that she was
>Sexually assaulted by multiple men>Was "bullied and belittled">Had pots and pans thrown at her>Had a hot frying pan thrown at her>Someone strangled her>Generally mistreated and harassed by coworkersAll of it being straight out of her ass lies. Really, she made the regional director come out to interview people for this shit. How much of an attention seeker do you have to be to LIE about what a little
victim you are and how everyone is out to get you. Her hope was to get several people she didn't like fired but it didn't work. What a fucking psycho spoiled brat.
No. 1329516
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local cosplay judge has been outted for grooming with tons of evidence of getting a minor drunk to take advantage of her since shes in with alot of con owners theyre trying to sweep it under the rug and just forgive her just wantes to rant a bit since i feel they are only getting away with it since until recently were refered to as a she
No. 1331411
File: 1632334427049.png (1.2 MB, 1109x2048, Screenshot_20210922-110909.png)

Sade Hickman has been running around again being crazy and making fake accounts to harass women she's jealous of. Her edits sould crash the entire server the SNOW app is running on. Here's the newest milk. FB searching her name brings up so much more. She's been at this for around 3 years AFAIK.
No. 1331412
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>>1331411Not the first instance of this. Gonna post more of her for the keks.
No. 1331413
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>>1331411Can't make this shit up.
No. 1332648
File: 1632448556269.jpeg (1.69 MB, 4096x3072, 31B51103-F50F-4BF3-A59B-BF5E5B…)

maybe you shouldn’t have gone against the agreement you made? Buy of course you couldn’t stand not having sex with your bf and bragging about it all over tiktok.
No. 1333775
File: 1632557523837.jpeg (952.62 KB, 1233x2015, 0D989F5D-BA5B-48BE-B112-F7A737…)

she’s more depressing than milky but I still get a kick out of her
>uses deviantart like a mom on facebook, posts poorly lit selfies, milquetoast political opinions she got from watching too much youtube and unwanted updates on her life
>uses the post feature and random peoples comment sections like her diary
>most commonly posts about how much she hates fatties and “fake” trannies, will occasionally post about cows she follows and how horny she is for older black women though
>calls women sluts, whores, skanks etc. for minor shit
>will draw furry revenge porn for minor shit
>kiwifag whose account can be found easily by looking through the thread of the autistic 16 year old furry she’s obsessed with
No. 1334274
>>1333775>Baltimoredamnit, I always pray locals stay off the internet lmao
>VHSthe.. video cassette? is that an acronym I don't know?
>social studiesKEK, who refers to that outside of middle school?
anything worth mentioning? I'm always up for local milk
No. 1334593
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I can't help but imagine the stench coming from her fat rolls, sweat and cheap lingerie combined.
No. 1334922
>>1312597FELLOW CHILEAN ANON PLEASE SEND ME A LINK I WANNA CHECK ON THIS COW OMG did she really fucked that disgusting scrote? Yiiiikes I wanna know everything!!!
Also do you have any other local cows?
No. 1335161
File: 1632692542509.png (Spoiler Image,12.52 MB, 6047x3208, god help us all.png)

This is my first contribution to the board so forgive me for my sins in advance. (main) guy has been on my radar for a couple of months, whenever I feel sad I go to his tumblr to laugh at the shitshow that he is.
>tranny gay homeless methhead DIsAblEd junkie>claims to have, among other things, austism, aspd, DID, psychosis, schizophrenic symptoms>romanticizes his addictions, literal brain damage>complains about being homeless>instead of going back to his parents house, stays on the streets and e-begs on his tumblr>when he decided to become homeless because muh abusive parents, he eneded up presumably selling all his reptiles/pets because homelesness is more important I guess>refuses to get a job because muh disabled, doesn't stop him from climbing into literal sewers>is generaly gross>whenever he convices some tumblr trannies to send him money, he uses the funds for jewelery/drugs/wigs/clothes/professional tattoos>when he manages to get a motel room, he proceeds to trash everything he can get his dirty paws on>has an ugly obese disabled tranny bf>literally talks about his homicidal thoughts>has an onlyfans, cuts himself regulary for kinkAll tumblr accounts are archived but idk how to link them from waybackmachine. I'm a retard, sorry ladies.
I missed a lot of shit because he's a goldmine of batshit content.
No. 1335173
File: 1632693166521.png (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1653x592, _pcpsewercrawler.png)

No. 1335299
>>1335161is this not literally a woman lmao
one of the more fucked ftms ive seen wow
No. 1337497
>>1253127I had to unfollowed them to. Lol So much drama every day and so negative always the
victim. they think people are constantly copying them and have to be the “first” to do something. Also how they begging for money and supplies but have 1000s$ to buy on clothing and costume prop??
No. 1337652
File: 1632949153008.jpg (135.6 KB, 521x728, hi kenzi .jpg)

>>>/snow/1219547>>>/snow/1220942>>1253127>>1337497She is
still thinking about these posts from months ago, kek. One person on a slow ass imageboard says one thing and she loses her fucking mind. So fragile. Also she decided to "stop shooping", kek. You can guess what that means. Her cosplays are getting worse, so cheap and the fabric always looks glued together or pinned. It's hard to even tell where the hell anything ends and begins because of the insane photoshop. I feel sad for her almost, you'd have to be really insecure about your face, gender and weight to do this obsessively every single day. There's literally zero candids of her. Neurotic. She needs to log off and just make her little headbands and foam backpacks for trannies in silence, kek. She complains about shadowbans and being cancelled but fails to realize she gets no interaction because she's being gawked at, not lauded. 24k followers but under 1k likes means you're a circus sideshow, not a celeb. She's too narcissistic to wrap her head around that though, she could never accept being another subpar cosplay narc who can't handle getting old and gaining weight. Tale as old as time.
No. 1337653
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>>1337652The delusion and body dysmorphia is off the CHARTS
No. 1337656
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and finally her awful Rei which is basically 90% digital painting and then she kept the remnants of her face and rearranged them completely. She looks so fucked up and warped in every photo. Note the hair showing under the wig cause she puts in zero effort.
No. 1338336
File: 1633029598955.png (509.43 KB, 2048x1318, Screenshot_20210930-121416.png)

>>1337652You were right LMAO, she must lurk here. Tbh she probably is a farmer, she has the attitude and definitely is messy enough. She's complaining like she got her own thread but nobody cares. She's so desperately going to milk this and chimp out. You found a milky one. Maybe she should worry more about her sick rabbit? Or does she think calling herself a
victim of stalking/bullying will bring more pitybux than a rabbit?
No. 1338362
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this is a very old personal cow of mine, i'm unclear about his current online whereabouts but i remembered him while reading the new troon thread & thought i'd share
>go by "bunny valentine" which is some of the cringiest most stereotypical troon shit in the world>make bad mspaint scribble anime art entirely consisting of "girls" with self harm scars and bandages;>be homeless, living with mom in homeless shelter and getting kicked out, e-beg on tumblr about it;>become not homeless via e-begging and start asking for plastic surgery money;>live in a shed that you fill with cheap pink bullshit and children's toys to validate your bimbo fantasies;>try hooking up with straight men on dating sites because you're a very real girl; / / />get into tumblr drama nonstop instead of getting a fucking job and moving out of the troon shed>when not getting into tumblr drama, spend all your time playing the sims & various MMOs roleplaying as your anime girl OC; / (basically the whole channel)>do nasally manvoice cover of an old kreayshawn song;>straight men won't date you, take yourself on a date to a video game store and "whine and freak out" because your broke lazy ass can't afford anything;>be desperate for rhnoplasty while having zero health insurance;>brag about fucking old dudes for money, "turning" men bi, and guy liking you because you feed into their pedo fantasies; />openly describe yourself as a man as a joke, have the irony be completely lost;>call actual women dykes to be edgy and quirky even though you're a delusional gay male;>be a grown man living with your dad who refuses to feed you and doesn't want you to leave your room;>become friends with 4lung, well known sex pest/troon/furfag/diaper wearer with their own thread on here; (4lung's thread: >>>/snow/743790)sorry the greentext is kind of shit, it's only the second one i've made. hope this is milky enough to be of interest to anyone ^^
No. 1339102
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>>1338336Doesn't she say shes Asian? I swear I saw her say that some people just hate her cause they hate asians who do cosplay better than them? She doesn't look anything but maybe like a white hispanic. Theres more
No. 1339105
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>>1339102she looks like every other sun-damaged white woman weeaboo in their 30's.
No. 1340645
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semendrools/swedishrefugee/iamjohanna of Tumblr
>36 years old>edgy bizarre humor blog>born to a rich businessman in a Finish-Swedish home>mother passed away in early childhood>grew up on the early internet>developed promiscuous bisexual behavior since early teenage years>had an abortion at a tender age>had a gang-bang at one point>has been caught in a park having public sex>used to get drunk with obese cousin and cousin allegedly got in a fight with cops>has had sex with that cousin (female)>developed a UTI because she put a q-tip or some kind of brush up her urethra to test out ureteral insertion fetish>developed breast cancer and had to get a mastectomy>also had a hysterectomy at some point>realized she is in love with her father>consistently sadposted about not being able to fuck her dad>openly promoted and came out as a supporter of consensual incest >decided to seduce uncle instead (father of obese cousin best friend)>sick fuck uncle (who is also married) gave in and slept with her>they had an affair for a short period of time before she was dumped/found out>family disowned her>used to be a preschool teacher but isn’t anymore>mental and physical health continue to go down a negative spiral>24/7 suicide watch Everything gathered here are anecdotes collected from her personal posts and answered asks.
Currently goes by iamjohanna.
Link to the incest milk No. 1341299
>>1334953Don't be so mean, anon is probably like me and never posts.
>>1334922Her ig account is quin queviae (va todo junto, sin separarlo, I wrote it like that in case she's lurking though I doubt it, her english is a bit broken and her biggest interactions with english imageboards were posting her camshow links on 4chan)
She's not very cow-ish right now though, she's going to college in Argentina soon and other than posting an ocassional nude and then deleting it, or going out drunk, she doesn't do much.
Another girl I used to follow who was a bit of a lolcow was emo.latina, but she's your typical bpd girl with dyed hair, lots of scars from self harm and suicide attempts. I unfollowed her because she makes me a bit too sad.
I have more but I don't remember more right now, and I feel bad because I only read your post now, lol. Hope you're still around here
No. 1348775
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Anyone else been following Liam/"Layla" @waverider_?
>instagram famous around 2014 for doing ""funny"" recreations of female celebrity outfits
>has 800k+ followers and blue check mark
>came out as a tranny called Aurora in 2018
>constantly posted about doing meth and dropping the hard r, a long with a lot of other weird shit
>got clean and blamed all the tranny shit on the meth
>come out as a tranny again this year by a different name, Layla
>still won't even shave
>threatened to kill prime minister of NZ for taking his "weed" away (it's meth)
>police showed up at his house multiple times
>said nigga again plenty of times
>claims to be "biggie in another life" and "a black maori queen" and posts shit about "ghetto gospel"
>constantly posting weird lip smacking videos of himself saying a bunch of incoherent shit and "bitch" every other word
>kept talking about getting raped by black men and calling them the hard r
>went to rehab again but got out in days
>started doing meth again
>claims to be a born again Christian despite everything and posted video of himself getting publically baptized
>always posting weird cracked out dance videos
>refuses to acknowledge any kind of criticism
>claimed to be an "occultic child icon that was abused by hollywood" (despite being not famous at all beyond instagram)
>yesterday doja cat called him "odd" on her live for telling her to pop a titty and banned him
>doja cats fans are now flooding his comments and calling him a weirdo
No. 1348779
>>1348775Holy shit I remember him, he was always on my explore.
So weird and sad to think that the goofy, at worst try hard, dude is now a full on cow and tranny.
No. 1348784
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>>1348779yep, it's pretty sad. for some reason he always goes straight to racism when he hits the meth pipe
No. 1348810
Can't believe I didn't mention her in my other post, because this one is a doozy:
>she has so many sockpuppets, but her usual and most recognisable handle is Aeltri or Aeltrileaf
>she's what's called a Cumberbatch Sceptic - she thinks his marriage is fake and his children are hired actors/dolls/holograms etc.
>has accused Benedict Cumberbatch's wife of the following: being a human trafficker, a Satanist, a criminal of all stripes who has branded Benedict with Satanic symbols (the things she pointed to were just vein ridges!), of suffering various mental and physical illnesses, lately insisting he has DID.
>she tried to attend an event BC and his wife would be at, was only stopped in her Mark David Chapman wannabe tracks by people who alerted BC's people of who she was.
>she has seriously threatened BC's wife with actual harm, so I don't feel contacting his representatives was wrong there.
>in her earlier days, she claimed BC eye-fucked her at SDCC, which seems to have been what really kicked off her obsession.
>her best friend in bonkers antics, Patty/Gatorfisch, got interviewed in the Atlantic. In a surprisingly smart move on Aeltri's part, when the journalist who wrote that article contacted Aeltri for comments, Aeltri said no. Her own paranoia saved her that time, because Patty looked an absolute fucking loon (which she is).
>Aeltri doesn't just harass celebrities! She also harasses her neighbours - she claims to have cursed them because she was convinced they hated her. One of them got in a car accident after said cursing, and she took that as proof her curse worked. Because car accidents are such a rare occurance.
>she's an actual Nazi who believes every antisemitic conspiracy under the sun. And yes, she believes in QAnon too.
There's way more than this, believe me this is a summary of the absolute insanity she spews on a regular basis.
No. 1348950
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>>1339084pretty sure his tumblr is the same username too, may have just spotted him on there right after browsing thru this thread this morning for keks
No. 1349385
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my personal lolcow is a coworker
>Trying to be a twitch streamer but failing (no one watches)
>flirts exclusively with taken guys at our job
>spends all her money on them via gifts
>I genuinely don't know why
>pretends to be into male dominated hobbies like dbz, berserk etc to get their attention
>asked her who guts was and she didn't even know
>has a boyfriend on top of all this
>almost broke up 3 couples that I know of
>For some reason she hasn't been fired yet
No. 1350602
>>1315590Now she's seething months later on her Fetlife blog about being reported to her beloved charity who banned her with actual evidence for being a fetish creep around children. She claims it's all 'lies' and that whoever reported her is a
toxic person who won't win.
Breastfeeding sissy men dressed as babies and being a ABDL nanny really is going to back up your claims that it was all 'lies' Rachel.
No. 1350704
>>1350648NTA but do you know what thread you're in, retard?
>Discuss the people in your life that have lolcow potential.Learn to read.
No. 1350715
>>1313100>>1316104>>1313093>>1243307To answer the all the questions to confused anons about why black people do these things.
Most black civil rights stuff is always focused on pointing out how black men are victimised and usually the fact that black men have ensured that black women have one of the highest rates of death by homicide rates is going to be hidden because it hurts black men's feelings and it means you are anti-black. A lot of the Egypt shit only comes from African Americans who couldn't point out Africa on a map and gravitate to Egypt because their only perception of black Africans is through seeing starving children on tv or bullying African children who come to their school for having weird accents. A lot of this we were kangz shit is essentially just inceldom with a pyramid sprinkled on top. The market for redpill and incel shit amongst is horrifically vast and booming and plenty of women subscribe to that stuff because they think it will make black men choose them. It's a whole mess. Unfortunately, only very few people are able to make it out of the brainwashing because criticism against it doesn't get as much traction as people like Kevin Samuels or Tariq what ever his name is.
In the case of Marceline, black women typically are always expected to be on the front lines of black activism, constantly proclaiming their love for black men and be door mats for them. The whole confident sassy persona a lot of black women is a facade and most of their aggressive attitudes come from the fact that black women do not get coddled the way every other race of women (no offence) do on average and are often bread winners, especially in poorer areas. The fact that she is dating a white guy when so many black guys could have pumped and dumped her right now and is that most black men are fucked up trash and deep down she knows it. Guys like that rapper are a dime a dozen, most of them never really get that much fame or go anywhere. Race loyalty doesn't work for black women. She is over compensating and of course is just crazy in general and needs psychiatric help and accept that she prefers white men. All of this bullshit and she will still be called a traitorous bedwench at the end of the day. Long story short, she is essentially being a pick-me for black men despite not dating them.
I hope i answered everything, give me my ban for race bait i guess.
No. 1352275
>>1352014>>1350700>>1349385yeah you're going to be fired from your job and possibly future workplaces.
next time don't be a "tough guy on the internet" don't shit where you eat. and possibly stop browsing lolcow because your internet persona is seeping into real life
No. 1352299
>>1349385There's always one girl like this at every workplace.
>>1352275Is this you…? Embarassing
No. 1352427
>>1352363Does she work at lolcow, anon? There's no way you'd know where she works unless you're said coworker, in which case alerting anon to the fact you saw her post was not a winning move. You just let her know it got to you.
Also you both browse this same imageboard, so I'm not sure you can take a high and mighty stance on that one either.
No. 1355896
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I know shes very known and has been posted here before, but I’m posting her in personal lolcows on the chance that she wouldnt be deemed milky enough for her own thread.
First GoFundMe: GoFundMe
Twitter: Twitter: mention of her on here: 420231
SUMMARY OF MILK (I am probably missing things as I have only known her for a year, all of the older milk is things I have seen other people discuss)
Before I start this I just want to clarify that she is 27 years old, keep that in mind when going through these.
>Tradcath larper constantly talking about her “relationship with christ” inbetween retweets of loli hentai.>Anachan larper, supposedly eats under 900cal a day, posts photos of her large fast food meals, pretends to ask for advice on dealing with a restrictive eating disorder and then replies with something along the lines of “well im getting skinny and hot so i dont really care”>”Trans” had her friends donate thousands of dollars to her GFM only to regret being trans because it’s “against christ” (and her boyfriend) >”Extremely broke and homeless” despite constantly showing off her hauls and purchases of useless consoomer shit and her bed covered in childrens bedding and body pillows. >Supposedly has an abusive mother who “throws her down the stairs” and deprives her of money. Her mother has gifted her a car and many of her anime consoomer toys. Her mother is also a very small woman while Ruby is extremely overweight, her being able to pick her up and toss her is very unlikely. Always posting screencaps of her mother being kind to her through text aswell and sending her money.>Recently has started larping that she was extremely close friends with now deceased R9K egirl Ciara Horan. Sperged on her coworker for not covering her shift because she was “distraught over her best friends death” and how she missed her funeral. Ciara died two years ago and her funeral was well over a year ago as well>Constantly brags about the men who hit on her/sexually harass her, while her boyfriend has said he is extremely uncomfortable with it>ALWAYS talking about how she looks like a child and how everyone treats her like a smol littol babie. You can see her photos yourself and make your opinion on if she does or not..I definitely missed some things as this is all current milk from the past year but she has had a big following on tumblr before. A really massive bpdcow that I was surprised wasn’t posted here before. If anyone knows about more of her antics feel free to add on.
Will be posting (most) caps now
No. 1355897
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Her (most recent) smol babie antics 1/2
No. 1355900
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>>1355896An extra, calling her younger self a loli. She wasn’t in her twenties in this photo aswell? Shes posted it many times saying she was 17-18.
No. 1355905
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>>1355896Attention whoring
No. 1355907
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>>1355896Her and her current boyfriend (old, skinnier photo of her)
She also posts lewds very frequently on her private but as it’s a locked account I wouldn’t want to post them.
No. 1355953
Ex friend is definitely an lolcow in person, doesn't sperg out online however. There's so much that goes with her and I'm slightly under the influence so sorry for any rambling.
>Prided herself for being a complete whore while in a relationship, constantly cheated on her bf of 7 years at the time. Admitted to me she doesn't remember the amount of men but in the 50+ range, this was when she was a teenager.
>Lost her virginity when she was 12, ran downstairs naked and bragged about it to her mother after the deed was done.
>Bisexual, told her boyfriend she wouldn't date him if she wasn't allowed to date women so he agreed. She got a girlfriend, then fucked her girlfriend's boyfriend behind her back.
>Kept track of sexual deeds she did and who she did them with, her girlfriend found it and found out about her boyfriend, threatened to tell that she was cheating with the proof. She beat the fuck out of her and curbstomped her, breaking her jaw. Then burned the journal, thus not being able to keep track of her encounters.
>Didn't graduate on time, was too busy getting stoned and hanging out with guys. Paid me to help complete online GED.
>Rich daddy, paid for her to go to beauty school, she decided to stay home and smoke weed. Is now liable for paying back the beauty school for not attending.
>Would tell her boyfriend that gifts from guys she fucked/guys she sold nudes to were actually from me, made me out to be obsessive and in love with her as a cover for cheating.
>Had another girlfriend, fucked her 30 year old brother.
>Got her phone taken away at 15 for sending nudes to her dealer and he was registered as an offender, she also had sex with him but didn't confess to the police and so her boyfriend wouldn't find out she was cheating.
>Boyfriend did not have a license, therefore they had to work together to make it convenient for travel. They went through 3 factories in one year, due to the exact same situation happening two times. She would get too close with a guy, her boyfriend would get mad, they fight, they get fired. Repeat.
>No job now, is an Onlyfans thot.
>Best friend died as a preteen, she constantly posts pictures of her on her "sex works" account and has a tattoo of a note with her friend's signature, which is a very unique name. She features this tattoo in her sexual pictures.
>White, claimed she could say racial slurs however because she went to middle school in the city for two years while her mother was in prison.
>Implied she has comprising photos of her ex girlfriend and her as minors backed up for blackmail
No. 1355967
>>1355953She sounds like…evil? How can you be that much of a shit at such a young age? Glad to see
ex friend you do not need garbage like that in your life.
No. 1355998
>>1355953if her mother was in prison while she was in middle school, how did she brag about losing her virginity
getting raped? at 12? doesn't middle school go from 11-13? im sure she's insufferable and all, and a lot of this is awful, but getting fucked
stat. raped? by over fifty men as a teenager will do that to you. this is kind of just sad.
No. 1356477
>>1355953>>1355990sounds like you're just as bad as her lol
all I read was gibberish. it's none of your business to share.
learn not to shit where you eat
No. 1356750
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This girl is a treasure trove.
Twitter use Joulesie has 9k followers mostly for making tweets about being an autistic lesbian. However she recently broke up with her long time girlfriend because she said she was being abused by her, and now she's dating a guy who has been her "best friend" throughout the duration of said abusive relationship. She deleted all mentions of the abuse, and now tweets up to 10 times a DAY about her boyfriend.
Can't find her old GF's handle, pretty sure she deleted her twitter account after the abuse allegations came out.
Now joulesie rapidly is losing followers and keeps thinking it's because she's out as bisexual now. But really it's because she tweets about her bf and is an internal misogynist now?? Pic related.
No. 1356751
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>>1356750There's even more of shit like this, literally tons of tweets on the daily, and she means it. Even if it was a joke, it wouldn't be that funny.
No. 1356757
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>>1356750>>1356751Sorry to dump, but there's just so much.
Dating her "best guy friend" who was friends with her the duration of her relationship to her
now abusive ex? Way too convenient. She definitely cheated and called her ex
abusive to get out of the repercussions.
And worse, she literally sees random girls doing their jobs as a threat? People are unfollowing en masse for a reason, and it's not biphobia whatever the fuck that is.
No. 1356876
>>1356866I believe a hundred or so, and yeah tbh even str8 women wouldn’t enjoy hearing someone only talk about their SO or bf. 90% of her tweets are just about him now, or about how much she loves sucking dick.
Which is strange because 2 years ago she got cancelled for saying she doesn’t like dick lol.
No. 1356891
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>>1356882>>1356751the most basic and boring looking man I have ever seen, with a receding hairline. This is who she thinks every girl in the world is after?
Also her comment section has never been drier, tell-tale sign that no one really likes what they're seeing but nobody has the balls to say anything.
No. 1356904
>>1355953My childhood ex-best friend is a lite version of this. Thankfully I cut ties with her at 14 when she purposefully lost her virginity to my first crush and I only watched her dumpster fire life unfold from the side-lines. She also experinced some form of CSA which noonas have way too much of a bleeding heart for. You hate to hear it but CSA
victims can become some of the most vile people who hurt and exploit others ten fold. And after they've lived their life that way the
victim card gets declined. No hate on you, anon I get it. Glad you got out of there.
(sage your blog) No. 1357000
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>>1356897interesting that you think he also might have cheated, because that definitely would explain why she seriously is so concerned about other girls existing near him. Get em how you lose em.
Of the photos she posts of both them, she is usually demonstrating how
uwu small she is. She did that photo when they first met. Imagine meeting a dude and already comparing heights for smol bean validation.
No. 1357199
>>1357038this but unironically
get help weird grudge-holding anon
No. 1358148
been wanting to post about my personal cow for a while, went to highschool with her.
>uses meth and brags about it, shows off her meth pipes on her public snapchat
>has to be in a relationship at all times, can’t be single. she always dates other junkies
>her current methhead boyfriend is a fat, hideous, manlet with lip piercings
>she is now LARPing as a ~goff girl uwu~
>dyed random chunks of her hair different colors, has never dyed her hair before she got with her fat manlet
>posts selfies where her eyelashes are barely attached to her eyes & popping off
>posts pictures/videos where you can see her giant dandruff flakes in her scalp, even with the heavy filters
>posts several videos of herself lip syncing songs while tweaking, thinks she looks amazing but she looks scary and twitchy
>has never posted an unfliltered photo of herself
>suicide baiting on her public social media with her full name on it
>superiority complex because she’s the Shift Leader at a fast food place
>still lives with grandma, has no drivers license so granny drives her to and from work
>blacks out on xanax regularly and posts “omggg what happened last night?!? does anyone know?? i can’t remember!”
>trades her pussy for drugs and brags about getting them for “free”
tonight she posted about wanting to kill herself “no joke”
i’m tempted to say “do it” but i don’t want to touch the poo, i’m afraid if i interact she might make her story private.
i think i’ll just keep watching her crash and burn from a distance kek
No. 1360619
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my tutor is a themlet, this is his addition to the professional footer for emails. everyone he emails sees this. he's in his late twenties/early thirties. the delusion is real, and god it makes me cringe
No. 1362332
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This users comments I found on you're kidding right's video No. 1363256
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>>1362332More lolcow gold
No. 1363750
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>>1356757this just in, she has officially lost another 100 followers in a week, and she is still almost exclusively making internalized misogynistic/obsessive tweets like this. Amazing.
Genuinely can't tell if maybe she's lost it? Like how does one become so dickmatized after making based tweets like this ? She almost got cancelled for pic related, it started a slur discourse war
No. 1364197
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>>1364184The photo in question, he also posts a lot about wanting a “thicc latina tradwife” despite sam being a skinnyfat white girl
No. 1364330
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>>1364184James especially annoys me. you're a man who gets off to woman getting sexually harassed, you calling anything "demonic" just seems like cope.
No. 1371992
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I can't help but still be morbidly fascinated by thrift thick and her sad life. between her ballooning in size, her sad dating videos, having no friends apart from her mom, joyfully showing off her fupa in her grandma-tier subscription box try ons, defending the boyfriend in midsommar because "he was soooo nice to the main character!!1!", and arguing that "demisexual is TOTES lgbt you guise!!" in her livestreams, I can't help but continue to tune in. shame her threads died both here and on gurugossiper.
No. 1373166
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>>1234227>middle aged man at my company troons out suddenly>everyone starts fawning over him and throwing multiple happy hours to celebrate>begins typing in an ~excessively girly~ style in official business channels complete with inappropriate amounts of emojis >strongly hints in his coming out announcement that his current partner encouraged him to “explore” his repressed AGP fetish… I mean his true self>named his new girlsona (apparently) after a character from an old anime he watched as a kid idk It’s only been a week but I’m both amused and terrified by the potential for milk here
No. 1374418
File: 1637681217982.png (2.06 MB, 2000x3000, tux_luka.png)

my personal lolcow is just your average discord kweer, aka a straight girl with a terrible haircut who's addicted to porn, children's cartoons and gacha games.
but her art always sends me. she thinks she's great at it. she's 28 btw.
No. 1374768
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>>1374425it's suppsoed to be some guy from miraculous ladbyug.she draws everyone with midget proportions and linebacker shoulders somehow
No. 1374808
>>1374803Samefag, contined: He's always been very nice to me and I'd say as a worker he is actually good. But he is very delusional and has written a long rant about me on Facebook when I questioned him over his male "period".
I also remember one time he told me he was going to a lesbian bar and I asked him out of curiosity if most lesbians are OK with that, he replied telling me that most are welcoming towards him except the ones called "TERFS" and I just pretended like I have never heard of what that was before.
No. 1375530
wanted to share my personal lolcow…
>lolcow's dad dies when she's 16
>groomed by boyfriend when she was 16 and he was 26
>"i need a father figure again" (FKN LOL)
>groomer comes out as a tranny after a couple years
>tranny groomer demands to be poly so they can date other girls and live out the usual troon fantasy, no girls want to date her bc she's gross
>tranny groomer continues to live off of lolcow's family and laze around, growing their scraggly hair long and learning how to wear the same supergirl t-shirt every day
>tranny groomer quits career in videogames because the boys are too mean and his personality is shitty to be around
>tranny groomer gets kicked out of canada for "forgetting" to renew his visa, lolcow follows after
>they move back, lolcow's mom has cancer and weed isn't legal there so
>tranny groomer becomes a casino dealer so gross, middle-aged men will treat him "like a girl"
>tranny groomer knocks up their now-twenty-something partner, REFUSES to abort the baby. even if neither of them are going to be good parents, all bc the tranny partner is going to losing his sperm when he transitions
>lolcow's mom dies and she spirals HARD
>baby is born
>lolcow comes out as trans herself so she has justification for letting herself go
>tranny groomer gets tired of lolcow's downward spiral since being orphaned
>lolcow becomes alcoholic
>lolcow becomes suicidal, goes to the hospital and cutting in general being a shit parent
>tranny groomer STEALS the baby to a different country, saying he's "going to visit his parents" and then "forcing" lolcow to sign paperwork legally allowing him to keep the child in the US (mostly by lying and coercement but who cares)
>lolcow tries suicide a couple times; driving an SUV into a semitruck, driving a car off the road. they go through 4 cars in a month. breaks a femur and gives herself a limp.
>lolcow sells house they bought for tranny for a million dollars, making profit of 400k
>tranny groomer tries to demand money from the house settlement
>no marriage, no money. sorry coomer
>tranny groomer continues to keep child away from the "birth mother" (jfc), is now trying to force lolcow to sign paperwork saying they will stay away forever
>the baby is definitely mentally behind and still can't speak any sentences or words at age 3
>everyone involved is a lost cause, including the poor child
>anytime OP tries to cut off contact, lolcow will offer 50K to avoid it
No. 1378510
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I’ve known too many because I always thought that I could fix people(sage your non-milk)
No. 1381779
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Ryan McGrath and Chris Gillon. Both retards actually have Kiwifarm threads about them.
Links: 13 years old I post a video of myself singing on YouTube naively thinking I was going to be "famous" or discovered lmao. Instead I got a bunch of grown men harassing me and calling me "pedobait". Chris who now goes by 'Sophie' doxxed me. Ryan who was close friends with Chris, would say passive aggressive or straight up racist things to me.
Chris Gillon was a DPRK supporter who made tribute videos about Kim Jong Il, he took advantage of a woman who had romantic feelings for him and sent her nudes to her father! He is now known for being transgender and writing long pedantic word salads about 'inferior' races or whatever tf.
Ryan is MGTOW fat NEET who makes videos that get less than 100 views because nobody gives a shit about his takes on anything yet he has like 500+ of them on his channel..
Youtube: No. 1381795
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>>1381779More evidence of how much of piece of shit Ryan McGrath is.
No. 1382055
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yet another long ass fb narc rant from kenzi shou
pt 1
No. 1384550
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>>1384353I remember breadboy too. if you google "mechaylo" a lot of shit comes up, including old undertale cosplay lmfao.
No. 1386122
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My personal lolcow is an Instagram user who believes that she is the living reincarnation of Aaron Burr, and that he often channels his own thoughts through her. For those uninitiated, Aaron Burr was a founding father of America who died 200 years ago.
>identifies as transwoman because her past life was a man
>Aaron Burr relives his gender dysphoria and trauma through her
>implies that Aaron Burr's been molested by his uncle and mentor and that she has distinct memories about it
>draws shitty art of Aaron Burr and her 'friends' from that time period
>posts memes as Aaron Burr
>Currently writing an Aaron Burr musical
>has clairvoyantly predicted the death of Burr's sister because she felt sad one day picrel
No. 1386124
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>>1386122This preceded the spam of stories about relived dysphoria and rape trauma that Aaron Burr supposedly lived through and is now channeling through the body of a 21st century woman
No. 1386138
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>>1386122kek this is hilarious, spawned from the hamilton disney fujo fandom i presume
No. 1386150
>>1386122I have to ask is she black ?
the real Aaron Burr was a white guy but she's mostly basing her ideas about him from the Musical
No. 1386157
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>>1386150No, she's basing her ideas on him from real life, hence her obsession with referencing real life historical figures that met or were friends/family with Burr. She also draws both herself and her past life as white. May have started as a musical fujo considering she wants to make a counter musical.
No. 1389811
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never making a server again. I already passed ownership onto someone else.
No. 1396600
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Any dA veterans remember humon? I was a big fan of SATW in middle school and she was my first exposure to cow culture, specifically encyclopaedia dramatica. I haven’t kept up with her or her fujo bait comics since like 2014 but god she deleivered on some good milk.
No. 1396973
>>1396681I used to love reading drama around the Fresh Epics crew.
From what I vaguely remember she was weirdly into black men, constantly whines about being fat and made like a rapist character is something like that. Wish I could remember more.
No. 1396976
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>>1396973Double posting to show you this comic she made.
Someone on tumblr is crying because she said trans people are only trans because they have a genetic disorder.
That’s all I can offer,
nonnie No. 1406279
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A horrorcow that I came across in a server years ago.
>An incel that used to post on wizchan.
>Would talk about how he wanted to brutally murder his parents for circumcising him.
>Accused people that preferred cut dicks of being pedos when he was a pedo himself.
> Had a whole bunch of disturbing fetishes (Loli, shota, scat, piss) and a Twitter blog dedicated to those fetishes.
>Claimed to be liberal but would call minorities racial slurs.
>Was a juggalo.
>Talked about how he wanted to rape women and how all women deserved to be raped.
>Used deepweb software to spy on his neighbors to see what they were downloading.
>Bragged about hacking into people's accounts.
>Wanted to shoot up a synagogue because of circumcision.
> Talked about wanting to eat human flesh.
(Picrel his Twitter fetish blog)
No. 1406379
>>1396976Cbf going back through her ED page for concrete examples that I’d have to hide behind a spoiler, but from what I can remember
>most popular work was just a lazy fujo-bait ripoff of Hetalia (SATW)>recurring theme of the Denmark character being hedonistic manwhore that everyone is desperate to have sex with (SATW) >showed massive NLOG tendencies by making every female character either an uncharitable hyper-feminine stereotype or a copy of the male version just with long hair (SATW)>wrote a comic where the white Danish MC fetishised black people, was a third in a black marriage, tried and failed to make a statement about black men and homophobia (Niels)>fetishised black people (general)>wrote a rapist pedo cult leader character as a ~fun quirky guy~, then got mad when her followers read him that way (Niels)>tried to prove this same character was a bad guy by drawing and posting a single-panel comic of him molesting his own young daughter>wrote a comic that turned a character from a foreign cultures folklore - Japanese Kappa, known for eating children and raping women - into cutesy anime girls who love butts (Manala Next Door)>wrote a comic that tried to make a statement about internalised homophobia and biphobia by pairing an alien tentacle woman with a human man who liked it up the ass (Love and Tentacles)>incredibly lazy artist who seemingly C+V’d every drawing component from a giant reference sheet>despite this, would jump from project to project and let certain comics fizzle without a warning, only regularly updating Niels and SATW>comics were either dull episodic slice-of-lifes or incomprehensible serials with new convoluted plots and characters each week>claimed to be a feminist but most of her comics had one or less female MCs>biggest examples of her ‘feminism’ were her poorly disguised femdom fetish comics>big portion of this was fantasy setting femdom with clearly unconsenting malesub parties (I remember the ED article had gender swapped examples of these comics and they were genuinely more horrifying than anything I’ve seen a male coomer of the same caliber produce)>wrote lots of cope journal comics about how glamorous women are actually total slobs in their day to day and what men really want are overweight homebody janitors>was a member of Fresh Epic, who were very milky both as a collective and individualsThat’s everything I have from memory, if someone wants to hop on her dA and ED and find concrete examples you will have my eternal gratitude
No. 1406421
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>>1396600Always hated that bitch, especially since her shit constantly landed on the frontpage. She was criminally unfunny, and it was even more frustrating since some of my friends really loved her and shilled her stuff. ED forums had a hate thread for her, so it was kind of relieving to see people being critical of her.
I remember Romantically Apocalyptic putting some of her stuff in the background (which is kind of understandable since it was also part of Fresh Epics). RA creator and his gf were also dramacows. I dropped it when it became clear you had to follow the author on about 5 different social media to get the entire plot.
>>1406299You mean this?
No. 1406554
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Kek, just remembered she also made a bunch of one-off comics like picrel about love and relationships. I still remember her caption on the original post of this talking about how soooo many hot jock guys had tried to get with her omg guys you wouldn’t even believe, and even as a 14 I could smell the bullshit. Today I think most people know her for the video memes this comic spawned like the one below
No. 1406611
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>>1390390Hahaha I literally came onto this thread to post about an Australian stripper who's been my personal cow recently
She looks haggard but I think she's only in her mid twenties, anyway:
>Horny, degenerate posts around the clock, including a picture of her vibrator and her feet post coom>Won't stop posting feet>Video of her shoving her foot in a girl's face when they were out and the other girl was clearly not into it>Likes to rub in how smart she is while also reposting tweets from 'Voice for Victoria', a conspiracy nut/right wing organisation hereThere's a couple other things here and there I've forgotten about but she does bring milk through her stories.
No. 1406654
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>>1406279Photo of cow in question.
No. 1406739
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Pictures say the same as a thousand words so here's my cow, from my friend's IRL cow experience at uni
No. 1409434
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i went to high school with this youtube star named sage tullis, she’s quite popular I’m really surprised I’ve never even seen a thread about her on here.
over a year ago she disappeared and took down her social media’s after she posted this creepy cult video on christianity and began having this manic breakdown hating on people who didn’t believe in jesus which shocked me because she never acted this way when i knew her in high school. and after receiving bad feedback she posted another video right after and used this baby voice apologizing but also appeared put a subliminal in the background of the vid of god knows what. After people kept leaving negative comments trying to hold her accountable she began taking down any hate videos towards her (but her meltdown video is still up on another channel) and also deleting comments. recently she just began posting videos again acting like nothing has ever happened kek
there’s plenty of more milk but i don’t wanna waste my time lmfao
No. 1410135
>>1409472>>1409448>>1409437not that anon but what the hell is up with people coming to this thread just to whiteknight in obnoxious ways, i.e:
>she's super hot does that get to you anon????? wow she's so beautifuli do agree the girl looks very attractive but this is the personal lolcow thread after all, obviously everyone here will have more or less a vendetta against the cows they post, isn't that kind of the point? this one seems to have real milk as well which is more than can be said about some of the others posted itt. not trying to argue i just don't understand, seems like the first thing people do when someone makes a post here is to wk whoever is being posted.
but also when someone actually has a clear vendetta no one seems to mind, like
>>1381779 who explicitly states how they were mistreated by the subjects of their post, and is now trying to go after them by posting unnecessary details like "ryan mcgrath of bristol, uk" obviously trying to make their post show up on a google search of that person. i sympathize with the anon because the shit she describes sounds horrible, and i agree they deserve to be posted, but isn't that post kind of the definition of a vendetta? it's literally someone acting out their revenge on a cow they have a personal conflict with. meanwhile in the blonde girl post the anon just says they went to high school together, not really indicating any kind of vendetta at all. i just don't understand why certain posts itt are labeled vendettas and others aren't because it doesn't really follow any logic at all.
No. 1410939
>>1410912>may or may not have been a victim of CSA but sure as hell milks it for even more oppression points>has written disturbingly graphic fanfiction about her husbandos raping both her self-insert and each other, claims it's "coping with her trauma">talked about how she wishes she had a twin sister so she could have sex with her>thinks calling her out on her coomerism is "policing female sexuality"tell me you're larping as a
victim of sexual abuse without telling me you're larping as a
victim of sexual abuse kek
No. 1411084
>>1411057lmao wtf
nonnie. more brother milk(cum) plz
No. 1411493
>I was pressuring a 16 year old to do lewd art of my OC's, and she ACCUSED ME OF RAPING HER DAUGHTER YOU GUYSWhy the fuck were you pressuring a 16 year old to draw porn? no, he's not disabled, and he has changed the story multiple times to say "SHE ACCUSED ME OF RAPING HER". He is still a sad fatass whose parents gave up on him, however.
No. 1411513
>>1411084Hey, Nonie, I hope your fingers break for making me read "more brother milk(cum) plz".
>>1411493Does their DA still exists? This post screams fake boy or autistic man and I want to see if they're stupid enough to post their ugly mug online.
No. 1411836
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>>1411084I'm sure I saw her (maybe) posts a few times all over lolcow, she isn't they type who replies so if the stuff drops thats about it
>>1411559She's clearly disgusted that happened to her. I believe refrigerators are shared among families or roommates, imagine using the same fridge when everything in it reeks cum
>>1411831gross wtf.
No. 1411852
>>1410912>only discord! my (twitter/ig/tumblr) is a big secret!Most people with discord have no other social media presence kek. Discord can be just another messenger app like whatsapp with unremarkeable people, unless you're in a certain server then it becomes an echobox. Oh wait because most of those people are either moids or internalized misogynystic girls and would avoid "dRaMA OWO!!!" on instagram and tumblr.
>homophobic "only against 3d men". yaoibois onl1!!! no stinky male-privileged pigs!Most fujos and barafags are homophobic because they know media is parodies/unrepresentative plus they're only there for the coom appeal. Just like lesbian porn fans are misogynistic amd lesbophobic.
>muh radfemmery being rightie and anti-sjwGod… how immature is she towards the political compass? Wouldn't radfems want to achieve "liberation of all women" while conservatives stabilize patriarchy by not believing patriarcy? Also SJWs aren't doing anything to smash patriarchy either.
>>1411057>men bad! o-oh wait not all men! women bad too!Kek I doubt men are truly our allies.
>men bad– guuuugh oh wait boys will be boys because they haven't taste coom! free coom to be a Real Man!Get some help
nonny, this is spacetime-level delusion from him and if he's an adult he should be convicted. He's probably the non-troon identical of Wi Spa and CWC if you don't stop him before he reaches adulthood.
New to hear from this boy/man that semen can cure male violence and end patriarchy. (half laugh half disgusted wtf) At the end it's still needing men to fight against other men as if women are back to being useless. His existence is a joke and a coomer.
No. 1411954
>>1409434I've seen that video and honestly it was super weird, I'm not Christian or anything but I just felt bad for her. She's probably mentally unstable and that video alone isn't enough to make her a cow as it wasn't funny, just very sad to see a girl who seemed all fine end up like that.
If you really know her irl, you could tell more. That video is her only drama afaik.
No. 1412129
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>>1412115Behold! A hapless
victim of the blonde oppressors!
No. 1413255
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>>1413036>deviant art bad because I was uploading loli or some shit>basically trying to SWAT MEthat’s not what swatting is….
No. 1414725
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Forgive me I haven't been on in a long time. This hoe tormented me years ago and I just found out she hasn't changed one bit. Of there's an interest I can post more about her. She locks down her socials after incidents but it's not hard to find the drama
No. 1414791
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"The 'Minxx' of Wall Street" (@wallstreetminxx on Twitter) claimed she became a millionaire specifically because of the unlisted pump-and-dump penny stock ENZC. I remember when she claimed this, it was in January 2021 before the stock fell over 80%. When it hit it's ATH in February, said she wasn't selling. The stock is still down 80% and she still claims to be a multimillionaire. She has since started an OnlyFans (minxxxydoll her pornogranic one) for $10 a month. Even immediately after the stock fell 80% she still claimed multimillionaire status.
No. 1414937
I used to be good friends with her, we didn't have contact for a while but she recently started talking to me again and Jesus H. Christ
>Self hating lesbian who thinks she's a fakeboi
>Self diagnosed DID, is probably faking tourette's as well (she says when her 'alters' switch her tics suddenly go away)
>Sends me a new list of alters twice a month, they all have their own emoji's (pixielocks style), have different ages (one of them is 'thousands of years' kek), disabilities and of course use neopronouns
>Wants to get on tardbucks for her fake DID, has no ambitions to do anything aside from sitting around on her computer and
>Is going to blow her college fund that her whole family saved for on a tranny tit chop, sees nothing wrong with this
>A guy she didn't even like gave her 50 euros for her birthday and she accepted it even though she didn't like him
>Uses people, you're best friends until she find someone she likes better and suddenly you're out of the picture (before she gets back to you saying wa waa my life is so hard I need you)
>Obviously a complete narcissist and opportunist with no self awareness
I don't know what got into her. She used to be normal and level-headed, but now she has no self image and just latches onto any trendy disorder. I'll take my ban for a-logging but once she gets the tit job I hope she gets a violent infection. She sees life ruining mental disorders as a cute and quirky personality trait. It makes me sick. I hope some day she actually becomes ill, see what it's really like.
No. 1421266
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Recent drama
>Created a lolcow circlejerk discord server, cries when kiwifarms users ended up attacking him there>Preeches "men are better than women at being trans", spergs about troons conforming to the femboy aesthetic and which sex can larp it better.>Wants to "end male violence" with his disgusting fluid>Cries about being compared to CWC>Only contact left is discord so far (and recently kiwifarms). Deleted his instagram and old discord earlier in 2021I don't know this cow in question irl, but it is confirmed this is him on discord. Posting it here only because he isn't threadworthy enough.
No. 1421366
>>1421266Try ur luck
nonny, also if it's unsuccessful it's a shit thread
No. 1421713
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>>1234227My personal lolcow is natsukigirl, who now goes by spookypixels. She has been terminally online most of her life with a massive web presence going back decades, as a google search will quickly prove. Almost every time I check in on her there's something new to laugh about.
A quick rundown of her early online antics:
>>Been in the online weeb community since the late 90's (yes I'm old and she's even older)>>Was talented at web design and made a lot of popular fansites>>Became well-known for her MASSIVE and constantly growing collection of imported manga, toys, video games, and Japanese magazines >>Gained a following among weeb and j-pop/rock circles>>Was an edgy hardcore atheist back in the livejournal/pre-social media days >>Ran a forum for anime fans to bitch about religious people>>Anti-feminist NLOG and terminal pickme who "only had guy friends">>Aggressive narc who would obnoxiously brag about literally anything under the guise of "being confident">>Insufferable know-it-all constantly trying to start debates just so she could get off on being condescending>>Claimed to have a 150 IQ and speak fluent Japanese to the point where she would "correct" native Japanese speakers>>Wikipedia profile says she speaks English "at a godlike level" while anyone who has read her shit for years knows she makes regular grammar and punctuation mistakes>>Made having ADHD a major part of her personality years before munchie tumblrinas became a thing>>Probably an undiagnosed autist with her obsessive interests, lack of self-awareness, and social ineptitude>>Had a habit of jumping between relationships via cheating or ghosting once dissatisfied>>Did this mostly for financial reasons by her own admission, openly aspires to be a stay at home mom and housewife>>Escaped an abusive relationship this way and shacked up with some asian dude ridiculously fast>>They get married, she bought her own engagement ring kek>>He was still in college and didn't want to have kids fast enough for her to justify not having a job, so she cheated on him and they split Summary of Natsukigirl 2.0:
>>Married her current husband almost immediately>>Programmer who makes good money but a massive soyboy, so basically the perfect meal ticket for her to boss around>>Has 2 daughters with him>>Did a personality 180 and became a hypersensitive SJW she/they libfem once she discovered tumblr>>Develops a bizarre obsession with transgender bullshit, more proof she's an autist>>"T*rfs are a hate group">>Still a massive NLOG, but nonbinary this time>>Always had an extremely OTT girly aesthetic and is completely gender conforming in almost every way possible>>Justifies her agender identity because she is too logical to be a woman and always identified with the male characters in all the shitty 80s cartoons she grew up on>>Doesn't identify with one dimensional girl characters written by men to sell toys 40 years ago, thinks that's proof she's not a woman>>Considers herself a logical person kek>>Claimed to have body dysmorphia just like trans people do because she can't lose the pregnancy weight >>Cucked her husband for a troon, VickiKitten >>Obvious AGP creep who wrecked his own family to troon out>>Refers to the troon as her "wife", soyboy husband gets talked into a polyamory situation>>Lets the troon move into his house and hang out with his kids instead of divorcing her ass and suing for full custody Currently:
>>The husband recently trooned out himself kek>>"Nonbinary trans femme she/they">>Literally just grew his greasy hair out>>She and the troon side piece are unemployed and completely financially supported by him>>Extremely terrified that the next milk she'll produce is putting at least one of her kids on puberty blockers No. 1422088
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>>1421987I don't doubt she would have achieved cowdom at some point if she had the ambition to put herself out in front of a larger audience. The ADHD probably saved her ass there because she never follows through with any projects.
did try to launch a youtube channel where she positioned herself as this manga expert ( but it died off fairly quickly. She was not very good at it and comes off as extra autistic on camera (picrel).
Being a NEET who spergs about her hobbies on twitter is all she really wants out of life, but she's certainly a lolcalf with some hidden potential.
No. 1424655
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Anyone remember Brokencyde? I remember drama from the efagz days 10+ years ago.
>shitty "crunkcore" band from the myspace days
>not quite as horrendous as blood on the dance floor, but very close.
>in about 2010 they had pedo and grooming allegations, which started "Mothers Against Brokencyde"
>mikl shea and seven are still making music for brokencyde, clinging to their last shreds of relevancy from 2008
>they are in their late 30s with thinning hair and receding hairlines.
>mikl gives jonny craig vibes
Last night on insta, I came across this profile "miklsheaisap3d0" while looking up miklshea. The posts seem to be from the last month or so. I wonder if it's made by someone they were creepy with 10 years ago, or if they're still trying to talk to young teens and getting exposed again.
No. 1425187
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My own personal lol cows are these two.
Instagram: xeminesiwayul
>Petrona is a MTF in a relationship with someone who is FTM
>full blown gender identity politics that make no sense half the time
>had a very real baby together
>Petrona literally hooked up breastfeeding devises to their chest to induce lactation
>recently had to stay in a hotel whilst their landlord did… something? In their property. Screamed that the landlord is a Spanish colonizer and called them out by name and profession because they had to stay in a hotel for a few days with their baby
I can only look for so long before the horror becomes too much and I have to take a break
No. 1426324
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my personal cow is this tiktok thot katya sparrow / katya granovskiy / @katyasdying on tiktok. she is the gift that keeps on giving!
>katya is a 23 (?) year old “nonbinary” girl who built a following for posting thirst traps and then got cancelled on tiktok for faking being half-chinese, including badly photoshopping 23andme results and posting pictures of some random asian kid claiming he was her biological brother
>her age is unknown because she has claimed to be 19, 21, and other ages at the same time and has posted “passport photos” with different birth years
>posts graphic self harm and pictures of herself in hospital on her insta story
>google translates chinese and claims to speak it. it became a scandal on tiktok when she got called out for saying racial slurs she can’t use and an old modeling profile of hers surfaced where her race is listed as caucasian/white, not asian
>another thing that got uncovered was instagram posts she had made on an old account @sparrowkatya where she posted pictures of herself with dead rabbits, admitted to torturing/killing animals and justified it by saying “aesthetics above ethics lol”
>has a hannibal fan account @psychoticcannibal where she posts trans hannibal domestic au smut
>also has a wattpad @katyasparrow where she posts more hannibal smut, but also keeps a mental health journal there in which she has this bizarre “trauma narrative” à la soren. she has this bizarrely detailed story that reads like a fanfiction about her supposedly being kidnapped and raped in indonesia as a child
>later she edited the story to say she survived a serial killer who killed a bunch of kids after her when no news articles exist to prove there was a serial killer operating in this area at the time that she claims
>also doxxed her mother in the same wattpad story, posted her mother’s full name and claimed she abused her and disowned her, and that they haven’t spoken in years. this can be disproven because when you google the mother’s name her instagram comes up which is covered in tons of posts of katya. she proudly posts her daughter’s tiktok’s and seems to have no problems with her attention whoring online
i have screenshots/more stuff if anyone is interested, i’ve been following her for a while
No. 1426395
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>>1426378kek okay i was going to archive her trauma narrative but apparently she got it excluded from the wayback machine (which i’m pretty sure you have to pay to do so that’s weird)
here’s the direct link though:’ll put screenshots in an imgur album or something in a sec
No. 1427410
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I've been following this personal cow troon for a couple of years now, and could probably fill an actual thread with all of his antics but can't be arsed. He's a friend of a friend, and when I peaked my friend she started showing me his facebook posts. Can't keep a job, drug addict, used to be married to a woman, used to be in the military, called himself bisexual in college, now dates exclusively men and other troons, posts disgusting fetish pictures on his personal facebook that his mom, aunts, uncles, etc. all see, has hilarious arguments with these relatives on a regular basis over their sadness at his troonery, etc.
He's finally reached his e-begging phase of troondom, and I can't stop laughing at "dressing chic is a matter of survival" to explain why he's begging and yet showing off "designer" clothing and new fetish gear on a regular basis. Thought some of you nonitas would enjoy the kek, as well.
No. 1428898
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okay vendetta-chan!
No. 1429064
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My personal lolcow is not internet famous and I have an IRL connection so I won’t use any names. But this bitch is too much of a trainwreck to
not share.
Background milk:
>>Homeschooled by weirdo fundamentalist Christian parents
>>Preach about veganism, the apocalypse, and conspiracy theories more than they do about boring shit like Jesus>>Religion is fairly obscure and considered a cult even by other fundies>>Known for their weird as fuck Bible prophecy seminars with cringe artwork like this
>>Big time science deniers, literally believe earth has only existed for 6000 years
>>Was raised to be a poorly educated, ignorant dumbass with weak critical thinking skills and a strong attraction to authoritarianism
>>Dad is a doughy, pasty white man with brown teeth>>Church elder who rants about feminism and liberals from the pulpit
>>Example of what too much soy will do to a mf
>>Idolizes her father and wishes she looked more like him>>Mom is Mexican
>>Dad met her on a mission trip, whole relationship gives off creepy white savior colonialist vibes >>Looks down on her mother for being a woman, not white, and an immigrant>>Has a cokehead younger brother who is almost as much of a cow as she is>>Became a teenage deadbeat dad ~25 years ago>>Allegedly cleaned up his act, became super religious, got married to a fellow druggie he met at Christian rehab camp
>>Rehab wife was pregnant at the same time as his first daughter
>>Became a dad and a grandpa at the same time, gross
>>Entire family radiates sleazy used car salesman energy>>Always trying to start side hustles but they’re mostly pyramid schemes and other scams>>All have failed spectacularlyPoliticow milk:
>>Anti vaxxer way before covid made it trendy>>Believed democrats were all pedophile satanists way before QAnon made it trendy
>>Hardcore conspiracy theorist and lunatic fringe retard
>>Pickme with daddy issues who parrots his delusional MRA views on women and feminism>>A self-hating, half brown white supremacist
>>Racist in general but shitty about black people in particular
>>Believes the “mark of cain” in the Bible meant god “cursed” his descendants to have dark skin>>Thinks Africa didn’t exist before that I guess>>Claims all atheist men abuse their wives>>”Pro freedom, pro gun, pro constitution”
>>Unless you’re an uppity minority, then there’s 946593841974328736 exceptions that justify cancelling your right to basic civil liberties
>>Poser libertarian (the anarcho capitalist kind) who doesn’t understand the actual political philosophy and thinks its just cool hipster republicans who want to legalize weed
>>Actual beliefs have way more in common with alt-right fascists
>>Had a bizarre, quasi-sexual obsession with former Texas Congressman and 3-time failed presidential candidate Ron Paul>>Made so many cringe thirst posts about that geriatric little scrote
>>Eventually moved on to being a full-blown Trumptard
>>Not as horny on main for obese moids with hair plugs and fake tans thankfully
Personal milk:
>>Former husband was lured into the cult while they were dating and converted >>Gave up his dream career as an Air Force pilot in order to marry her>>Wannabe tradwife who was smug about getting married super young >>Pregnancy ensues a few months later>>Realized she wasn’t getting a trophy for choosing to be a domestic servant who missed out on her youth and pissed away the opportunity to do anything interesting with her life>>surprisedpikachuface.jpg>>Bored, exhausted housewife trying to homeschool 2 kids by herself because she’s got to make sure the next generation stays indoctrinated>>Had an unplanned third kid, was NOT happy about it>>Resentful narc of a parent
>>Would yell at and insult her children when homeschooling failed to result in a single genius prodigy
>>Embarrassed of her oldest daughter with behavior issues, claimed she got autism from vaccines
>>Normal kid who just acted out because of her shitty mom triangulating her and her siblings>>Valued the son more for being male and lighter skinned than his sisters
>>Bitter and miserable but wouldn’t admit it>>Doubled down on the tradwife posturing as a cope>>All that shit was her idea, husband never asked her to do it kek>>Eventually snapped and had a full-blown midlife crisis>>Sent her kids to public school, got a part time job, began having affairs
>>Emotionally abused her husband and projected her cheating onto him>>Files for divorce and kept the house, ex had to live in an RV for a while>>Tries desperately to reclaim her lost youth by whoring it up>>Uses filter apps to larp as both younger and more white passing than she actually is (picrel)
>>Fills the empty void where her soul should be with consumerism and male validation>>Naturally flat chested as fuck, got hideous bolted-on fake tits >>Ana-chan gradually transitioning into a Great Value Melania Trump>>Still hoping to land the conservative old white moid of her dreams
>>Should really stop being a cunt and go to fucking therapy No. 1429905
>>1429064My favourite flavour of Trainwreck, thank you anon. Around her fundie days, did she you use IBLP panflets for the kids?
I'd like to know more anecdotes please anon that fundie period going to being a sexually liberated mess sounds interesting
No. 1430683
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>>1421266The irony, he does give off the vibe of an incel. Now left to kek here
No. 1432655
>>1429905She wasn't raised as the IBLP type of fundie. There are some similarities, but her religion (7th day adventism) is batshit insane in it's own special kind of way.
She's still a fundie in beliefs if not lifestyle. I don't know how she handles the cognitive dissonance, but I hope it ends in a mental breakdown kek
No. 1433273
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(newfag sorry for format) My personal cow is Ivy / @_neetgf is a 20 year old Canadian e-whore known for her beef with @seppukuangel/@empathchan. She's popular in the pathetic anime simp twitter niche. Her boyfriend(@lynndesu, formerly @boobloli) is a 20 year old autistic/adhd male who looks and dresses like a 15 year old boy.
>>constantly tweets about herself being mommy, her huge boobs, and how the anachans are mad at her and jealous of "MUH MOMMY MILKERS!!" while her health suffers from her obesity.
>>claims to be NEET for the internet pathetic princess points but actually has a job.
>>defends lolicons and is so delusional she truly believes she is a big boob anime girl with a tiny waist.
>> F cup tits from being obese that give her immense back pain but she’s too coom-brained to think about her health
>>tweets about her parental issues and how she's a crack baby and her dad left her and then posts photos of her tits for validation as e-whores do.
>>also posted photos of her 15 year old cousin in which her scrote followers were commenting sexually on her and was talking about how her cousin would be of legal age soon.
>>flew to the United States to lose her virginity to her boyfriend who calls her a "racist pedo mommy," meaning she was a virgin while whoring on twitter to appeal to her fanbase of borderline pedophilic porn sick hentai obsessed scrotes
This bitch isn’t particularly milky other than the empatchan drama so not thread worthy, but she’s so annoying
No. 1433825
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some AGP self-proclaimed 'lesbian' on a WoW server I'm in. Not a huge amount of milk for this creep but enough to make me make this post as I'm tired of this weirdo fetishizing women and lesbians:
>insanely heavy filters and editing of pictures to hide the moonface and signature male browbone and jawline. every picture of him looks completely different, ranging from moonface moid to dollarstore contrapoints to almost anime-waifu tier.
>reaps the 'gamer girl' aesthetic yet passes so poorly he will have a fit on stream whenever someone uses 'he' instead of she and then cry about misgendering.
>uses pictures of other irl women as his own profile pictures. if not that, then he will put literal futa porn animated gifs as his profile pic on discord and then wonder why many people don't approve.
>he got called out for the porn gif mentioned and got told that no one wants to see that shit, then he proceeded to blame it on a "mental breakdown", yet still hasn't changed the pic because he's an obnoxious brainrot troomer who can't understand the concept of people not wanting to constantly see degenerate porn.
>constantly goes on about how much he loves 'girls' and how much of a lesbian gamer girl he is, yet doesn't understand the fact that legit lesbians won't want to date someone like him. if not for the fact he's an actual male, it's probably also because he's obsessed with lesbian (animated and irl) porn and constantly posts thirsty coomer shit like in the pic above.
>claims to be a feminist yet there's absolutely no sign or effort of feminist thought or theory, just stuff that caters to trans people. quite happy to always tweet about being misgendered on twitch or how women won't date him, but never tweets about womens oppression or liberation. (how surprising!)
No. 1433899
>>1433893yup they're all him believe it or not, taken from the same twitter account.
youd think there would be some effort in keeping the catfishing consistent but no, he genuinely is either too dumb or just doesn't care at all.
No. 1433965
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Tiktok and Instagram: @anticistamines
Lars; the well known Melbourne malingerer, ebegger and transtrender gender monstrosity.
As of less than a year ago decided it's now got DID and changed its name of the "host" to Fern. Apparently because lars were so traumatised from being bullied online for being autigender and disabled. Anyway, it also believes that it is ablest to make fun of the infamous wonderland system. Most people I've seen discuss the wonderland system state their content was damaging and hurtful to the did community, lars does tend to like being extremely woke so who is even surprised. So far I have not found any actual proof that Lars is diagnosed with autism, did and eds despite their claims. This is very typical of lars though, despite it's identity online revolving heavily on muh disability.
Sage because nothing really new or majorly milky, just haven't seen anyone discuss Lars in a while so I thought I'd update on recent happenings
No. 1437870
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Update to
>>1373166He's a "female" athlete now
No. 1440119
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>>1411993His facebook is no longer public, but yeah, for someone who claims to be so out and proud, he's never been in a relationship with a man, and only has an interest in biological females. Wanting your shitty titty oc to bang everything that moves makes you as bisexual as a man who enjoys het porn.
No. 1446615
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shes probably the most annoying person i've came across online
>>the typical egirl uwu gawaii girl who is obsessed with east asian media/fasion>>muh i'm so smoll only 5'1>>always bragging about her tit size,"omg my tits are so big i hate them they're like a g cup!!">>claims to have anorexia>>24 yearsold womanchild
>>claims she looks 12 irl and that one time the doctors mistook her for her 12 yo sister uwu so smoll and young!!>>claims to have had cancer at 16 even tho she has never shown any pics from that time to prove it.>>rich parents that pay for her shit while she cosplays and rots on discord 24/7>>claims to be a kinky virgin girl always spamming "omg i'm so horny rn" in the chat>>changing her voice on her youtube vids but has a man voice on vc>>asian fishing hard but is arab>>contantly bragging about her body measurements even tho they're not that impressive>>she's in a band even tho her voice sucks ass No. 1446658
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>>1446615her face without makeup btw!
No. 1446750
>>1446615Oh shit I used to interact with this girl and she's dumb as hell. Got with a guy who broke his ex gf's ribs and stole from her supposed friend and was dumb enough to accidentally doxx herself. I have no proof though so take it how you want to. Just typical brain dead pick me who hangs out in 4chan spaces but still overly sensitive. I remember her always talking about her tits and found her annoying too.
>>1446658Her face does just not suit cosplay
No. 1447223
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Since the alt cows thread didn't give a fuck, I'll post her here.
> Jessica Lovecat/Myzaree/imastaythatbitch
> was a white chola from Fresno
> got big a vf
> had a kid with some schizo, drug addict D-BEAT dude
> stopped being deathrock queen to be a slutty D-BEAT chick
> posts videos of her kid having tantrums next to pictures of her ass
> posted pics of her with black eyes
> autist who cries in videos about how no therapist can help her
> posts thirst traps in the hospital picrel
> starts pedo baiting in school girl uniforms because she cant deal with getting old
> posted a video of her and a friend drinking and driving
> neglects kid to get high
> on SSI and child support and acts like she works hard for her money
> rumour that CPS got involved, but her kid is still with her, according to her
> no longer posts kid though, so either she grew up a bit or her kid
> mentally stuck in high school and thinks she's a 30 something all-girl now
No. 1451232
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>>1414725Kasey paisley/canaday/katastrophic/kata
Goes by many names fake and real
The milk:
>stalked her husband until he agreed to be in a relationship with her, promptly moved into his parents basement>hoards and breeds animals in filthy conditions>husband cheated on her so they had another girl join their relationship>he started falling in love with 2nd girl so they dumped her>moved into a house with mutual friends, proceeded to destroy house and then blame the landlord??>kicked out back to the inlaws basement>makes fake Facebook accounts to harrass ex friends, there are a lot>scams people out of money by posting fake trades or sales online>currently has a court case against her for harassment and scamming people This is all that comes to mind at the moment there's probably more. I hope someone who knows her IRL finds this and adds info. She's a psychopath.
No. 1451240
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>>1451232Sorry forgot one of the best parts, she has used her cat's Facebook to harass people as well. I still laugh about it honestly
No. 1452760
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manipulative overpaid sjw artist that is so ~politically correct~ that has always shoved her opinions down people's throat but did this shit
(drew and posted shota/cp/cub porn to e621, and tagged it as such to really make sure people knew exactly what she did. unclear if she is into it or not but i assume so. her art style screams "shota yaoi" to me.)
also extremely shitty with her money. constantly e-begging for misc reasons relating to basic needs when a most of her character designs and commissions sell well over 1-2k. where is the money going if youre in such need? youve said enough about your life over the years for everyone to know youre not the sole earner in your household. you're not responsible enough for that, despite all your claims where you talk about the different bills you 'have' to pay.
in personal cows because
1.) im too lazy to actually compile evidence for -all- of her shit because theres too much to go through on her deviantart and twitter that properly document every shitty thing she does
2.) i feel like no one really cares to notice her shit besides me/no one is brave enough to speak up because she likes to put random people on blast for having a differing viewpoint and will 10000% of the time argue any criticism in vague tweets about obviously specific people
3.) i dont really understand how to format things on this site
and, yes, the bonus tweet text i put on the image attached where it talks about her mom was a public thing she put out. i forget where to find it. it just felt a little doxxy to add that detail looking back. but, nope, its on her deviantart somewhere. if she didnt want people to know, she would've deleted it by now.
No. 1453996
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I follow this guy on insta named Greg Schneiderhan. he's very obviously mentally ill, a troon and a serial money beggar. He lives in long beach CA on a 3 bdrm apartment that he can't afford, has no job and lives off of donos and payments from his parent's estate. His previous roommates died under suspicious circumstances and Greg is very sensitive about that topic due to people claiming he murdered them. Greg is also known for sperging about any minor inconvenience, giving up after minimal effort and generally being a stubborn asshole. He lost access to his bank account after a scammer claimed to be dolly parton and asked Greg for money. I think that's about it but I'll put some links down below for anyone interested. (private account) 2 of his youtube channels. don't get much posting but they're good archives. His facebook doesn't get much action subreddit for him
I'm real sorry if this is formatted poorly, I've never actually made a post here.
No. 1454362
>>1454354because you’re missing the ‘lol’ part of lolcow, nobody gives a shit about someone you don’t like who did a bad thing. Why not go read the rules and lurk a while before shitting up the forum?
>>1451240I’m incredibly late but this is funny as shit, kek
No. 1454371
>>1454362ah, so this is more of a bullying site where we make fun of mainly mentally ill people rather than a gossip site. got it
in that case, my bad. a genuine thanks to you for giving a response that actually makes sense
(idiot) No. 1454382
>>1454371You sound like a sjw, how's it bullying if we aren't interacting with them? You missed the whole point of this site
>i feel like no one really cares to notice her shit besides me/no one is brave enough to speak up because she likes to put random people on blastThis site isn't for cancelling people you don't like
No. 1455014
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this girl i was internet friends with when i was like 14, we both liked dan & phil, blink-182, and weed kek. anyways, still have her on facebook and i looove stalking her profile every now and then. pictures i choose are from 2016, 2019, and this year.
>name koral, 22 years old
>used to be a somewhat normal but angsty pothead teenager, is now a complete crackhead
>also used to have pretty good family relationships, has not posted any photos with family since about 2018
>both of her parents had decently nice houses, now couch surfs and lives in absolute squalor
>used to have somewhat normal friends her own age, now only hangs out with ~40 year old white men trying to be hood hard while living in buttfuck washington state
>stops posting for about 3 months every 6 months, is always because she was in jail
>her returns to facebook always talk about how “she’s sober, going to stay sober, and do it right this time.” (she never does it right)
>freshly out of jail, got engaged to a guy she knew for about 1 month
>look like a furry toe wearing DC and The North Face
>calls him “her soulmate” and “her first true love”
>after about a month, makes long ass post about how dude got her back on heroin and crack, was physically abusive, and cheated on her with his brother-in-law??
>btw is straight and called him a faggot multiple times in this post
>also loves using the n word
>besides this dude, is constantly in month-long relationships, that end in her accusing him of abuse
anyways that’s about the basics. i just get some lols from her and i hope you do too
No. 1455762
I think this person i vaguely know is thread-worthy been engaged/married more times than i can count. Is only 25. One of the messiest and most rude entitled people I've met
No. 1456590
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this absolute lunatic and the whole 5D earth community
No. 1456593
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>>1456590Her tiktok is filled with insanity.
No. 1457531
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my personal lolcow is paradiseinvite. ive followed her for awhile but now i cant take this bitch anymore. tldr yet another "woke" terminally online jobless e-girl desperate for fgc gamer girl points
>follows Micky Moon; first thought she didn't know her history since she deletes and renames all the time but then it clicked
>ebegged for a gofundme for $10,000 because shes "struggling financially" but always begs for sponsors and money for food. no clue where that gofundme went
>always blames mental illness, trauma and being black for every fucking thing
>tries so hard to be woke but lightens her skin and never draws black people, including herself (picrel)
No. 1458713
I’m in a very niche community that attracts the milkiest individuals in their online spaces. I originally joined the online spaces to find the connection and information I couldn’t in person, since the community is extremely niche, as said before. I’d love to see lolcow’s take on the many, many cows that are active, but I can’t disclose which group it is because it is so small online. There are extremely few women and most of them engage in the milky antics, so I feel it would be very obvious who brought them to lolcow. There are men who have issues with a lot of the members as well, but they obviously wouldn’t be on here. There’s just so much drama and already memes made about some of the cows, but because the community is small the drama is given minimal attention by the more sane individuals whom I try to stick with. I’ve blocked the cows as well and try to avoid them for my personal safety, but I feel like lolcow would do such a good job at exposing them ruthlessly. There’s one very loud individual who is a major scammer in so many ways, there’s groomers and pedophiles, schizophrenics, hypocrites and pick-me’s abound. There’s just so much to unpack but not worth it when you have other things to do and risk being personally attacked. Maybe in another universe farmers are celebrating the 100th thread on this niche community.(unsaged blogpost)
No. 1458756
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My personal cow is our very own Pinniped-chan/Seal-chan from /m/, also known as Felis Silvestris on Discord, sadcats2007 on Instagram and @MoonxxxSad on Twitter.
>25 years old and French
>has been terminally online for at least 6 years, which is when she spent her days on /soc/ trying to find a 4chan boyfriend
>still addicted to 4chan and kiwifarms now
>whiteknights and sucks male dick all day every day
>sometimes literally, she has fucked a Neo-Nazi and didn’t regret it
>the reason for defending and fucking Nazis is that “love and hate are deeply intertwined in [her]”
>says that nazis can be attractive and that they just have some issues
>admitted to being right leaning herself, and is anti Islamic immigration and against multiculturalism
>has some Nazi themed artwork on her accounts like a black sun inspired drawing and one that implies that jews are responsible for pornography in France
>has randomly brought up people being Jewish or asked them if they are Jews
>identifies as a radfem even though there is nothing feminist about her
>is porn sick and has tried to push tradwife and humiliation fetishes onto the men she has sex with
>has made graphic illustrations of dead pornstars to pwn coomers
>wrote a comic about a tranny that gets raped by his mom so he takes revenge by killing her with the Arab man he hooked up with
>the Arab man's family calls him a “house nigger” and there are images of him talking on discord with the tranny, promising him marriage and saying things like "wallah"
>when questioned why the Arabs in her story act like this she said that its accurate to real life (she is a white woman)
>the comic ends with a "happy ending" of feminists getting killed by alt righters
>comic was a huge hit on /tttt/ according to her
>obsessed with autism, Islam, Jews, Russia etc.
>has said that she “daydreams about Islamic spirituality” by fantasizing about Arabic horses and thinking about Quran quotes in the same breath as defending Nazi scrotes
>says and does a lot of schizo and quirky things, most likely just for attention or to feel NLOG
>some examples; she refuses to call her cat by normal pronouns because she considers neutered pets as androgynous perfection
>convinced that her self diagnosed autism means she has schizophrenia because she can hear a voice in her head when she thinks
>so addicted to attention that she made her unsaged seal thread in /m/ that nobody cares about, and then once /m/ went down she kept avatarfagging and crying about missing her samefag thread on every board
>decided to draw some lolcows together in one big picture, posted it all over her Instagram and other social medias while deliberately tagging the cows so that they see it and say something
>Shayna ended up seeing it and commenting on it, just asking her why she's wasting her talent
>immediately started claiming that Shayna had a meltdown over her art and started feeling smug about it
>got the drawing made into a flag and hung it on her wall irl, took a picture of it and even uploaded it on her instagram with a seal covering her face
>posted all of that in Shayna's and Lucinda’s threads for attention, which is in fact, cowtipping and being retarded
No. 1458790
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rainelle is back on her grift but this time with a fucked up gofundme. she’s dropped the DID play pretend and the tumblr callout gig and is now going by the name luca where she can, pretending to be younger than she actually is. she makes the twitter kpop community share her grifting. for years shes bought plushies, goth clothes, anime art and pokemon games with this money, this time her story gets more gruesome and now shes hoping to score 7750$.
No. 1458799
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>>1458756can't believe I defended her once because I liked all the seal posting, jesus christ what a retard
No. 1458803
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>>1458790 locked now but her twitter, still bragging about her law degree but can’t make her own money?
No. 1458857
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My fav personal cow, minitruckmommy
>”alt” car girl with a OF>brags about her mechanic skills, will not accept any criticism >fights anybody who says anything negative about them, then suicide baits and cries victim >recently deleted her main Instagram after suicide baiting, told people on her alternate account that she was starving herself and was “so weak” and giving up >claims to be good at drifting, but her boyfriend is always driving in her videos of her car>accuses 1-3 specific people of making fake accounts to harass her, will not believe that she’s just generally disliked>she herself makes fake accounts to harass others, alternating between pretending it’s not her and calling them her “spam accounts” Social media
Twitter: Instagram:’ve been watching her antics for a few months now and she never disappoints. I have more screenshots of her unhinged behavior if anyone else is interested
No. 1458960
>>1458857A thread on her would be amusing, or even a thread for #femalemechanics that pose with cars for clout.
Her issue with all girls garage is funny since pistonsandpixydust is clearly pro lgbt and anti racist, but she's claiming in the petition agg is racist and anti lgbt
No. 1459425
File: 1646589426954.png (82.44 KB, 1161x696, felissilvestris.PNG)

>>1458756I fucking told you guys in the Shayna thread I met her years ago on /ic/. She sounded like a teen boy in VC (and didn't correct us when we referred to her as male so I thought she was a scrote) and immediately screeched about alt-right shit when we added her to our art group and got kicked shortly after. I'm so vindicated to know she is indeed retarded and not a uwu pure lolita like anons were saying, her art made that pretty clear already.
She's from Marseille btw, probably partly explains her obsession with Arabs.
No. 1459505
File: 1646596395785.png (1.41 MB, 2425x1560, FScaps.png)

>>1459462not very milky but here's some caps, turns out she stayed in that server longer than I remembered. Most of her messages in the server were her pretending to be male (one of the people who referred to her as male apparently knew her for a while and much better than we did), sperging out about turks/other ethnicities and talking about being autistic and not wanting to ever work.
This server mostly had men but I do remember she'd go out of her way to butt heads with me and the few other girls, so lmao at "not being welcome in female only spaces".
No. 1459507
>>1459505thank you so much
nonny!!! This is very interesting indeed. Weird how she hasnt changed in all these years
No. 1460852
File: 1646706818316.webm (4.35 MB, 576x1024, final_6226bbca0ad29a007fed97d8…)
My personal cow is not really harmful but just cringey and kind of entertaining to keep up with.
>Self proclaimed actor, dancer and model>50 something year old man who larps as a vampire on tiktok, making cringey videos with the worst songs imaginable who is on an eternal quest to find his “vampire queen” and all the candidates happen to be girls who seem to be half his age>Financial situation is completely unknown, seems to spend all his time alone at expensive clubs/restaurants or the mall harassing women to pose with him or employees to take cringey pics or videos of him, so it’s assumed he has money >women are always visibly uncomfortable in the videos with him, which makes me believe they are just doing it out of politeness and probably don’t even know him>looks like a greasy manlet version of Snape>Goes to the library and pretends that historical figures in books are people from his past life>posts creepy videos where he mixes videos/pictures of him and young girls on tiktok>excessively films himself trying on clothes at stores but never seems to buy anything >going through his goth phase a little too late in life >has a hideous generic clothing brand which he designed in MS paint at a computer in a public library >thinks he’s famous and that his “Sweet Vampire” larp is actually super popular and a tv show and that all the people obviously trolling him are fans >does cringey barely audible voice overs on his videos while music plays and you can barely understand him because of that, his accent and the fact nothing he says makes sense >flirts with the very young girls who are trolling him calling them his “angels” “vampire queens” and other weird shit >Honestly kind of sad, he seems to have no actual friends and is always alone and his “fans” are all obviously trolls fucking with him Here’s another gem from him if you want to see for yourself No. 1460927
she's in a server i'm on and she's insufferable, terminal autistic attention whore
No. 1462545
File: 1646873257647.jpg (92.26 KB, 900x576, portada-valeria-1.jpg)

I wish she was an anglo cow because the milks keeps on flowing with her and spanish boards are lame.
>Valeria Quer, anachan, drug addict, narcissist, self describe animal lover, actually an animal abuser and literal definition of train wreck.
>Becomes known after her sister went missing for a year and is later found dead murdered by a gypsy scrote.
>Case went viral in Spain because their from an upper middle class family and milky as fuck. Parents are always on TV and go through a very public divorce while their daughter is missing.
>People take pity on Valeria because she's stuck in the middle and has gone through a lot of trauma at a very young age.
>She starts doing drugs and getting involved with shady people.
>Starts dating a failed junkie rapper and larps as a low life baddie. Gets hideous prison tattoos all over.
>Valeria's father is an enabling retard and starts paying a flat in an expensive zone in Madrid for her and her bf just so they can do drugs all day but worth it because now my daughter likes me.
>Valeria accuses her mother of being abusive and an alcoholic. Fights her mum in front of the TV outside of court.
>Makes up with her mother and starts hating her dad instead until he buys her something expensive. Repeat cycle every few months.
>Buys a bunch of dogs (Doberman and pitbull). Neglects them, locks them outside in the terrace all day long. Dogs hate each other, always getting into fights.
>Goes on holidays and leaves the dogs locked up in the terrace. Neighbours call the police because they won't stop barking and have to give them water using hoses from their houses.
>One of them disappears from the picture and she never explains what happened. Later people find out she gave it away to a man who raises dobermans to hunt wild hogs in a brutal manner.
> "OMG please help me get my baby back I didn't know they were gonna abuse him". Dog ends up getting killed by a hog.
>Adopts two cats, neglects them even more than the dogs. Abuses them physically. Doesn't fix them so the female one gets pregnant.
>Gives away the kittens and the male cat, keeps the female and one baby who she then abandons at a vet clinic and end up in a shelter.
>Whole relationship with the junkie was a toxic mess.
>They break up every couple of days, she vague posts about him on Instagram, are back together by dinner time.
>Breaks up with junkie after he goes to jail (rumoured to be human trafficking).
>Starts dating another guy. Seems stable at 1st and she starts washing up and acting posh again.
>Turns out to be another toxic relationship. Break up, accuse each other of abuse on instagram, get back together.
>One of the times they break up she goes to the police and accuses him of abuse.
>After they get back together again, she says she made it up.
>Narc boyfriend is clearly using her for fame but she's too dumb to realise. Makes her look like an idiot over and over again.
>Accuses her of things like being a heroin addict, claims he has a video of her slashing his tyres.
>He proposes to her on a parking lot.
>Has bolt ons her dad paid for and horrible lip fillers.
>Has had an ED since she was a teenager. Rattling bones but somehow finds doctors who performs a liposuction. Wants to get even more lipos and other procedures she doesn't need.
>BPD mess, self harms by burning her arms and shows it on pictures proudly.
>Is obsessed with wanting to get pregnant.
>Massive pick me and misogynist. Had a feminist phase for a couple of months and then went back to her woman hating ways.
>Daddy and mummy enable her like crazy, don't seem to care she's slowly killing herself.
>Spends the day taking pills, smoking weed and taking half naked pictures for instagram.
>Uses her sister's murder forppity points when people call her out for her shitty behaviour.
I used to feel bad for her because she's gone through a lot, but she's lost any sympathy I had for her after being such a massive asshole.
No. 1462555
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>>1462545Samefag, her (on the right) and Diana, her sister. It's a shame because she had everything in her hands to be normal even after Diana's murder, but her parents fucked her up real bad.
No. 1462943
File: 1646914996198.jpeg (240.6 KB, 1104x978, E4C54294-7418-4321-939D-AC4C3A…)

@junodisagrees on tiktok and other platforms
chronic larper fakeboi who is constantly getting cancelled by other tiktokers and cosplayers for her insanity
>thinks having a small percentage of australian aboriginal dna makes her a spokesperson of the community
>literally looks like the epitome of a cracker, enrages whenever calls her white
>apparently has DID and a lesbian alter
>”gay uwu mlm” although dating another fakeboi who only presents as female
>makes fun of anyone who disagrees with her insane takes, calls people fat when she’s visibly obese
just the tip of the iceberg on this person honestly.
No. 1462972
File: 1646919790158.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1662x1001, E8B4936A-5C6E-42EA-93AF-553329…)

>>1462726>>1462808Sorry for the lack of photos, the spanish board is a mess and it’s super hard to find pictures because all the members do is infight or say “hi cow! we know you’re reading!”.
Yeah, she was very pretty. She’s on her early 20s now but she looks so much older because or her shitty lifestyle and fillers. Her sister used to be a model before she went missing and lucky for Valeria apparently her father is buying her a new career in the fashion world kek
more new milk since the new year:
>Goes missing from social media for less than a month. Comes back saying she has “matured a lot and is now a different person” in just 20 something days. Spoiler: she does this all the time, in a few months she’ll probably go back to her cow ways.>Seems to have broken up for good with the narc boyfriend, but he is obsessed with her and the forum. He is a whole cow all by himself and he’d deserve another thread on here.>Someone leaks chat messages of the narc boyfriend asking his friends to report comments in the forum and Valeria’s pictures for pornography.>He claims Valeria’s mother created an account in the forum and started bad mouthing her daughter and leaking info about her. >Junkie boyfriend is getting out of jail soon and someone who apparently knows Valeria says they have been in contact again. I’ll stay tunned kek>Valeria keeps trying to clean her image. >A couple of days ago some random magazine for rich people gave her an award for “Reinventing herself and overcoming her tragedy”. Quite clearly her daddy paid for it.>The magazine’s instagram account has to lock their comments on their post about her because people kept commenting what a horrible person she is. >Goes to the award ceremony and looks the cleanest she has looked in years since she covered up the shitty tattoos and washed her hair.>People on the forum tinfoiling and saying her and her dad are doing all of this because they’re want to make a documentary about Diana’s case. >She has random phases every 5 minutes. Current one is trying to be a fashion influencer.Forgot to add her social media page last night. @valeriaquer__ on instagram, she was private 5 minutes ago but just made her profile public again kek
narc boyfriend is/was @omidarko but he either got suspended or deleted his account.
junkie boyfriend is @dwantemilan but it’s locked.
No. 1463546
File: 1646966215572.jpg (2.71 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_22-03-10_18-30-35-137.…)

My personal cow is back with more milk than ever. She's beefing with an Asian artist that she race-baited claiming she was Asian for an exclusive project. Bitch isn't Asian and she admits it. She's always edited her eyes sus as fuck and I've seen posts about her bragging about being POC and how hard it is to be Asian. Well now she got put on blast and sent her cronies. Fat bitch is getting clocked like she should have been YEARS ago.
No. 1463548
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>>1463546Kenzi of course screeched like a banshee about being ripped off cause Yuele didn't link her shop despite her lying about her race and being shady with it.
No. 1463594
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>>1463546This is a 30 year old woman btw way too fucking old for this shit
No. 1463597
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Cursing this artist after she made her own grace is pretty funny imo ruined her biggest gig and alienated all possible future customers
No. 1463781
File: 1646982483403.jpeg (147.87 KB, 828x533, 4DFC9B9C-CA37-4762-A7B7-4D7AD9…)

>>1463620Before this yeule drama happened within the past 10hours this was her latest shit. It’s a new thing every week with her.
No. 1463787
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>>1463620There’s an obvious filter on this image but seeing kenzie posed next to another white woman I would not assume she’s any other race than white
No. 1463792
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No. 1463824
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I just found this on my discover page and now I’m inflicting it on all of you.
This guy has been posting comics since November about a girl he has a crush on and it might be the scariest thing I’ve seen on Instagram. He literally met this random chick working at a drive-thru and tried to make a whole webcomic about their relationship before they even started dating. His last post from yesterday is some crying about how the story has come to an end. I’m assuming the girl in question found the page and got so freaked out she cut contact. It’s like is very early Chris Chan was an Asian zoomer.
No. 1463826
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>>1463824The last post he made about her was a collection of quotes. Even the nicest ones sound super apathetic. I can remember being 17/18 and sending texts like this to guys I was trying to politely curve
No. 1463911
File: 1647003905203.jpeg (312.89 KB, 1536x2048, EEC8ECD9-A898-4CF6-9FF0-8A28E0…)

>>1463825This is the closest to an unedited photo of her I could find.
No. 1465004
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>>1463911>>1463992Lol I checked her story and obviously there’s a filter but this is pretty much as white as it gets. Out of all the races she could have claimed whyyy in the world would she try to say she’s afro-latina.
No. 1465723
File: 1647133995864.png (818.17 KB, 1079x1850, Screenshot_20220312-171121.png)

>>1465004She is SPERGINGGGGG it's fucking hilarious KEK here's the whole post
"Since I’m being harassed everywhere by her armada, long post ahead but my response to her recent post:
First off, Mecha was never her aesthetic until she found my stuff, look back at her stuff. Cyber is not Mecha. There is a difference and I will continue to preach that shit. There is no reclaiming something you did not show interest in until recently. It’s cool you show interest and want to partake in it, but you speak as if you’ve been in this shit and that you deserve to be the special one that “reclaims” it as if it is a stolen concept when literally every race and culture all over the world has been into this shit, including myself, for longer and is not dominated by just white or Asian, other
POC have a place in it too. She is using the serious situation of Asian suppression as a tool to take what she wants and get credit for it, be the pioneer for it, assuming that since Asian culture created it, it needs to be exclusive to them, but that is so forceful and wrong and separates people. That is extremism. Techno orientalism is Some thing that anyone can partake in and enjoy, the many Pioneers and artists under that umbrella would not have the popularity, finances and opportunities as well as inspiration if it was only exclusive, however although I understand that colonization still exists and western media takes advantage of these things, that doesn’t mean that you have to also take it out on other
POC or any one that you deem as “white “because of the shade of their skin. That in itself is not only ignorant but racist, Because there are many different shades in many different races and not everyone is looking to colonize. Imagine preaching about racism while also blatantly expressing it all at the same time, just to cover your one mistake that you refused to own up to which is just asking me. There are Native Americans, Russians, Black people, Hispanics, Inuit, so so many people that have similar facial structures to Asians and get mistaken for Asian and honestly God forbid that any of them like anything that has to do with Asian culture because they get crucified now by Gen x for Asian fishing even though they can’t help how they look and entitled to like what they are into. Assuming someone is a certain race and being so forceful and adamant about them being that race even though you are corrected on it multiple times, is racist. To assume that I am part of that white agenda of taking credit for an entire subculture is insanely fucked up and racist and also pulling on the strings of the white guilt that the majority of her followers in Europe feel, so of course they are going to attack me. She thinks that I’m getting people against her when people have a free mind of their own. Clearly her telling her followers not to come after me didn’t stop them from sending me racist messages so like?? I am only defending what is mine and doing what is right and respectful by me since she is not doing what was agreed-upon and promised which was give me credit for my work, that is what was the number one condition in order for me to do anything for her because time and time again Hispanic people are silenced. Their businesses are used. I made that perfectly clear and made it a point that being a
POC business owner was important to me, however I don’t let it dictate me as a person nor do I crave sympathy and have that be the tone of me making any type of money. Not only that but not once was this mentioned of being a
POC project, especially not an exclusively Asian one. That is fresh news to me, which is why I feel like having this whole situation come up is the perfect switch to having me look bad for even calling her out and doing me dirty. She knew I am disabled, she knew I am in a current life or death health situation and recently left the ER, she knows that I pulled 24 hours and had to redo her stuff in order to cater to her specific tastes even though I was not paid for that extra time spent having to trash and redo the original concept. Yes she did pay me, I never denied that, I even posted on my story but deleted it because I didn’t want to out her financial situation out there, but, I did severely under charge and even cut back just because she was on a budget and I wanted to help her make her dreams come true because apparently I was a part of the team. Using something so sensitive and so serious as the current oppression of Asians for your own agenda is a manipulation tactic. I have been contacted by people who are of Asian dissent who follow my work and they have shown solidarity and support because this is not about race, this is about one artist not showing respect to another and causing division among
POC as well as racist accusations and see the wrong in this situation. She is saying she is silenced and the Asian community is silenced, and yes, that is very true, but you assume that I am white if I’m not Asian, just because I like anime and Asian culture and use aliases under that online to protect my identity from stalkers. To assume that I do not face the same struggles is racist and hypocritical and erasing my identity and struggles as a whole. It is
POC and Artist erasure. I hate that she brought up race because it completely over powers the fact that all I asked was for credit, and she didn’t give it to me all because she made a mistake on her behalf and trying to shift the blame on me to lessen the blow on her highly intellectual and woke ego. But if we are going to talk about it,  from my experience there are levels and of course white is at the top of privilege, Asian second, we Hispanics are third, and unfortunately the black population is last. That is what I’ve come to learn and know from society and I am used to racist remarks from white and Asian, however I would have never assumed that this situation would come from someone I admired so much and thought was above this assumptuous and hurtful nature. If I were in her shoes, I would have been more responsible, caring, and delicate about the situation. However she was not, And so I met her at the level she started with, however not once did I put down her race Or assume anything about her race. It’s the fact of only crediting me one time in their stories and shouted me out one time in their gameplay on twitch before receiving my stuff and not doing so after they got what they wanted, for me. It’s the fact that we agreed-upon her giving me credit, did not mention I was Asian
POC, just
POC, for me. The fact that I’ve talked about being a Hispanic person in my stories and she has seen my stories talking about how I am Hispanic, dealing with that drama with what’s her face copying my shit that one time. She saw all of that where I mentioned being a Hispanic
POC and how owning a business is difficult. She even commented on it saying that she apologized that I was going through that shit. She knew. This is all bullshit and back tracking. And yes I will take it public, I deserve my stupid fucking tag and credit. It means nothing to everyone but it means the world to me because it helps. If you want to talk about oppression we can talk about Hispanics oppression as well, and how that was blatantly expressed by someone preaching about oppression. This isn’t the oppression Olympics because that divides us yet this recent post you made really brings an unnecessary divide among
POC and it’s irrelevant to the topic of credibility. It brings a hostile Conversation among both our supporters to the forefront In regards to gatekeeping and how no other culture is allowed to appreciate or express their love for another culture without seeming like they want to be that culture, Especially if it’s among
POC. It also brings the hurtful and
triggering topic of being performative in regards to one’s race to seem “
POC enough”. Not being able to enjoy certain things in absolute fear of coming across the wrong way and having to stay so much in a box in regards to one’s race that even eventually that’s going to be seen as racist in itself and there is honestly no way of winning either way. My name, the things I’m into, literally every single thing about me has been dissected and twisted to seem like it is Asian baiting which completely skews the actual meaning and the seriousness of that topic. This has all turned into a whole mess all because one person refused to just put a tag or at least have a proper nonhostile and accusatory conversation in regards to their mistake and their ignorance in regards to race and culture appreciation. Times are very hard and sensitive for the Asian community and I understand why it may seem some type of way when someone is appreciating the Asian culture, however, living life so hateful and exclusive in a way where you show disgust to any race showing love and appreciation for the Asian culture, Even if it’s being in to the music or a fake Elias online or using a torri emoji or using terms that are based in anime such as Mecha Musume, is fucked up. If I was lying that I was Asian, acting like I was Asian, only speaking in that language, dressing in the traditional attire, only listening to the music, only eating the food, living my life in that way, and not revealing or being proud of my ethnicity, then yes, that would be Asian baiting. However, you were wrong for this and you know it."
No. 1466552
File: 1647205697393.png (1.32 MB, 750x1334, FB7F7E99-4101-444A-80E2-7D0136…)

>>1440119Holy shit, this guy actually thinks that Amazon is actively watching his profile to steal ideas for the new LOTR show just because there’s a black dwarf in it No. 1466554
File: 1647205757400.png (259.72 KB, 750x1334, F00DBCDB-6CC4-49B5-A661-D2E433…)

>>1466552What is this schizo shit?
No. 1466589
File: 1647208571761.jpeg (203.3 KB, 750x1030, 3DD83819-AF15-46FD-B796-BBD8F1…)

>>1466552Imagine actually paying an artist real-world money to draw this
No. 1466591
File: 1647208738852.jpeg (225.06 KB, 750x969, 7142EFB8-9545-4C93-AC4C-081D0A…)

>>1466590 is just fat fetish humiliation art in disguise. Bet he beats his dick to this.
No. 1466594
File: 1647208886922.png (103.53 KB, 743x716, s3.PNG)

Sperging again on Facebook even if Yeule haven't said anything more since her Instagram post. She's the one deciding to keep going and Instead of getting over it and moving on like any mentally sane person would do, she really want the attention and play the victim until the end also trying hard to prove herself kek
No. 1467055
File: 1647241556223.jpeg (1.91 MB, 3464x3464, 29D24DC7-B1B3-40F8-95E8-A518C5…)

My personal cow right now is Jasmine Nina Grosel/@jasmineninagrosel on tiktok, a cringey, heavily filtered 24 ~traumacore~ aspiring model with BPES. She went semi-viral because she made a now-deleted video saying “Stop asian hate, white people have monolids too #stopasianhate” whilst looking like… that. In a recent follow up video she added that she has Finnish ancestry and “some people in Finland consider themselves asian” so she doesn’t see the problem, and has claimed in the comments that she has been hatecrimed bc people think she’s asian. She got a bunch of backlash for both that and calling a they/them a girl in an also now deleted video, and in response has now apparently tried to kill herself and is going on hunger strike bc of the ableist boolies (can’t forget to post a tiktok from the hospital to let everyone know though!)
She reminds me a LOT of Luna in appearance/aesthetic, and also in that she constantly appears to be high on some mysterious substance in most of her videos. She’s also extremely manipulative if you couldn’t tell from the alleged suicide attempt, and constantly overreacting to people who don’t kiss her ass in the comments. I have a feeling she’s going to delete her account soon so figured I should post her here before that happens.
No. 1467059
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>>1467055Some examples of some of the comments she got upset about, a majority have been deleted so I didn’t get screenshots in time. She made two whole videos calling the person on top ableist and accusing them of harassing her just because they said she needs to stop using massive amounts of filters if she wants to model. Bottom two I just thought the way she reacted was funny, sooo dramatic.
No. 1467060
File: 1647241744319.jpeg (1.39 MB, 3464x3464, 1B3AE396-1931-4E17-934A-36B325…)

Last post but here’s an unfiltered picture of her on the left vs. some edited ones she posted, so asian looking! Definitely to the point where she would get accidentally hatecrimed!
No. 1470262
File: 1647456085075.webm (919.14 KB, 720x1280, hopeless.webm)
>>1465518Suicide girls and "hopefuls" still exist in 2022
No. 1470437
File: 1647462325254.png (266.04 KB, 698x434, ew.png)

>very close online friend starts university in europe
>befriends girl in first week of classes, follow each other on twitter
>check out said friend
>friend becomes my personal lolcow
>cow meets ftm fattie early on in the semester, completely ignores my friend, friend is hurt about it
>cheer her up, tell her cow is just trying to find friends like everyone else who starts uni
>cow starts ignoring plans with friend, only meets up with ftm fattie, repeats whatever opinion ftm fattie has
>cow identifies as ftm shortly after meeting ftm fattie
>starts dying hair in neon colors, even dyes her weird pube stache
>wastes all her money on shitty tattoo, then begs friends for food
>self proclaimed picky eater who only eats pasta with ketchup, ben & jerry's ice cream and cake
>vegetables are icky
>has a loki tattoo but decides that she hates marvel, tells all her friends that they can never talk about marvel again to her
>frequently shittalks another classmate with my friend, then ditches my friend and befriends the shittalked about classmate
>tells the shittalked about classmate that my friend constantly shittalked her while cow never shittalked her
>is a lie, friend showed me the shittalk chats on whatsapp
>friend blocks cow and all her insane friends
>cow makes a big deal about it and claims that my friend has no life for blocking "so many people"
>cow's circle of friends is like 20 people, so only clicking the block button 20 times
>friend moves on with her life, thrives in uni, makes sane friends, graduates and lands a well paying office job
>i keep watching cow because she's hilarious
>cow constantly drops out of courses, never turns in her work, far away from graduation
>also regularly tweets about how silly her courses are and that she has a super high iq
>cow comes out to her parents after claiming that her family is so unaccepting and transphobic
>family immediately accepts her, only wants her to be happy
>cow is mad because she can't play victim like ftm fattie and all the other genderhavers at uni
>refuses to see her dying grandma because dying grandma doesn't respect her pronouns
>eventually meets grandma and plays nice but only because she wants money
>plays botw and wants to change her name to sidon and get a sidon tattoo
>eventually gets pretty boy tattooed on her throat
>repeatedly shittalks people who like anime
>gets a tattoo of sasuke from naruto with cat ears
>always plays the victim and acts like she comes from a disprivileged family
>daddy pays her rent
>parents are upper middle class
>cow always reees about issues on twitter and gets into stupid fights but has social anxiety irl and can barely speak in front of class according to my friend
>anachan phase during which she constantly showed off her unremarkable clavicles
>starting hoarding birds and had around ten budgies at a time
>broadcasts entire life on twitter so i know more about her than my friend who went to uni with her at this point
unfortunately i lost track of her because she deleted and moved twitter accounts so often and my friend doesn't care about her anymore either so i haven't had any milk about her for the past year. pic related is her tattoo.
No. 1470754
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This crazy girl I know
>Her fiancee (His name is Stathis Kirkpatrick) killed a 14 yo girl when he was 20, (now 30 I think) burning her alive because she rejected him. He is in jail with life sentence>Very public about her relationship with him, sharing everything about the relationship online >Came to visit him two times in his jail in Nebraska when she live in Canada>Going to marry him in prison>Have his full name tattooed on her arm>Tagging all of her photos with hashtag #prisonwife #relationshipgoals>Blocks and insult everybody who say something negative about him and about what he did>Told me before blocking me that she don't give a fuck about the victim/her family suffering from what he did and how "people change">Used to be obese but lost weight with a surgery and became anorexic, refuse to admit it even if she is openly glorifying ed. She will start attacking you if you tell her you're worried about her weight lossThis is an article about her bf : No. 1472010
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Star Nova, who used to have a thread on here many years ago, is someone I keep up with on and off because her unique blend of autism and clinical insanity is interesting to me. As picrel suggests, while she hasn't gone full Qtard she did go batshit during the pandemic (even moreso than before I mean).
She still has her "guardians" (aka "soulbonds" aka "imaginary friends from video games"), too.
No. 1472109
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>>1470754Not okay with what he did but at the same time replying to people that she don’t care if he took someone’s life, and delete the comments a bit after so nobody can see. How can you be aware of this and choose to be with such a disgusting human being, and how mentally ill do you need to be ? A murderer will always be a murderer. She always delete comments and block people because she is in so much denial and beyond delusional it’s funny
No. 1472927
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Does anyone know anything about Anndy Negative? My friend and I stumbled upon him recently, and he has definitely become a favorite personal cow. He gives off strong Onision vibes, and his girlfriend seems to be cow material as well.
>wannabe "punk" musician in his mid-30s, has yet to outgrow his emo phase >has been trying to get famous for 6+ years online & claims to have been trying to make it as a musician for 20 years, won't take the hint that it's not going to happen. >posts consistently all over social media with his shitty music & usually can’t break 1k views even with clickbait/using trending topics >possible furry, made a song/music video where he dances around like a retard in public in a dog costume and the cover art has furry-tier art>has a non-binary munchie “partner” aka girlfriend who has posted about pet play and dresses up as Harley Quinn to his Joker >possible troon-to-be>has onision-tier tattoos featuring original subjects such as pokemon, nightmare before christmas & the joker>has apparently written two books, "everything burns" and "post modern urban legends">writes songs about halloween, invader zim, when we were young festival, etc.>song capitalizing off of when we were young festival goes mildly viral on tiktok >the main reason it goes viral is because it is pure, unadulterated cringe & people roasting him in the comments >makes metric fuckton of videos proving to the h8rs that he's proud to be cringe>very interesting comments have appeared on his posts telling him to leave minors alone>suspiciously started hiding his girlfriend on social media after years of posting her as soon as his tiktoks gained mild traction Anndy's socials: No. 1473002
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>>1472946>genetic femalePicrel. There are two different people in that collage, the failed musician and his munchie gf.
>>1472936>absolute nobodyYou're right about that kek
No. 1473003
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>>1472927Samefag here's a sample of his instagram comments
No. 1473017
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>>1472927>ugly mid-thirties creep stuck in his cringey emo phase with shitty joker tattoos who refuses to give up on “creative outlet” despite nobody wanting what he’s putting out>”non-binary partner” who dresses up as Harley Quinn and live-streams instead of having a real job>>1473002 gross pale body posted for ???? Who exactly???
>possibly creepy to minorsKind of uncanny. Hope these freaks don’t have kids and I’m glad he hasn’t amassed a significant following.
No. 1473726
>>1470754This guy met the
victim when she was 12, and he was 18. He killed her because she, a 14yo girl, turned him down, a grown 20yo man? Dude isn't just a murderer, but a whole pedophile.
No. 1474574
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>>1472927NO fuck off anon I’ve had this faggot’s song stuck in my head for days since my friend sent me one of his tiktoks. He reminds me so much of Gurgly.
No. 1474657
>>1472964>>1472974I don't get what's special about her, she's a woke
woc who dates white guys, that's not really anything special
that's the norm really for hyper woke women
No. 1475203
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My ex gf.
I have so much information about her and she meets every criteria for a thread but idk if it would live long.
>32 yo now
>trying to be an unique uwu otaku gamer girl
>also tries to be a famous voice actor on yt and hopes to be discovered to be a real voice actor
>can't play games or voice act even if her life depends on it
>is basicly a text book definition of a fucking weeb with a obsession with Sailor Moon
>belives in magic, ghosts and everything that goes with it
>she can't remember her passwords and don't know how to use the build in password manager in her browser . Every time she forgets her password, she just creates a new one. She has at least 8 accounts on twitter now.
>can only come up with kindergarten insults and even tries to sound tougher by combining them which just sounds stupid
>still lives in the late '00 to early 10
Some old milk
>she trew away cat litter in her toilet, clogging it up. She had to shit in plastic bags, bc she was to afraid to call a plumber
>she left her ex fiance with 2k debts bc she buys so much shit online and doesn't pay for it
>left other ex bfs with a huge amount of debts
>she doxxed herself multiple times accidently
>calls everyone who disagrees with her or objectively criticizes her a stupid hater
>she constantly tries to mimic my current gf and then tweets about how gf copying her…
>if you post a pic of something that she postet 1 sec before you and finds out about it, you get accused for copying her
>she hates her mother and accuses her to be a witch that tries to make her life hell. Her mother actually tries to help her
>she refuses to go to a psychologists and stops taking her medication
more old milk but with more content in a chronic timeline
>cheated on me with a friend of her
>she argues that her mother is a witch and was jealous at our relationship
>that her mother stole half of my soul and put it in her friend so she would fall in love with him.
>after getting a hold of her friend he told me he was there to support her, bc she had "panic attacks".
>she tried to seduce him but he refused bc he knew she was in a relation ship with me
>at some point she told him that she was single and there isn't a thing between us
>he belived her and they fucked
>after the act she started bawling her eyes out and told him the truth
>I got a new gf
>still had contact to her, bc at the time I tried to get a hold of her friend and bc of the lulz
>she spams the chat everytime I don't respond within 10 min
>told her to stfu bc I'm an a date
>she went balistic and called me a cheater and other kindergarten insults.
>called my girlfriend an ugly bitch even though she didn't know her.
>says I'm just a fuckboi and not worth her time, bc she is a real lady who deserves a man who would do everything for her and shiet
>after 30 min still in my DMs calling me names and apologizing at the same time
>someday I blocked her on every sc media, but she still tries to contact me to this day
>still hadn't contact with her friend or bf by now
>get an idea
>trolled her in telling her that I'll marry my gf and start a family
>she immidiently pressures his to marry her and start a family too
>basicly talk so much shit that she makes his life hell but still no contact
>eventually get a hold of him by spamming on his yt channel with my friends
>got his discord and he told me everything what happened it that night and other shit
>someday she starded to fall in love with another dude (10 years her junior, he was 19 at the time)
>he was happy to get rid of her
>he even helps to pack her stuff and drives her over 700 km to her new lover
ffw. after she was forced in assisted living
>nearly cheated on the current bf but he broke up with her just in time
>she fled the assisted living to try to get a new apartment
>she fled to a friend who wanted to move to another apartment and tried to help her take over the current apartment
>while this was undergoing she postet a pic in which you can see a letter with her address on
>some trolls found one of her ramblings on her vlog channel and started trolling her on twitter
>they started to make up a story that she is actually paraplegic and bound to a wheelchair
>she goes balistic and rables more on her vlog channel that she isn't paraplegic and shows that she can walk
>trolls immediately argue that she is actually hung up with nylon threads like a puppet and controlled by someone behind the camara
>she goes apeshit and screech at the troll they should bully real paraplegics, bc she can walk and they don't
>unfortunately something happened that she lost all her sessions to her accounts and created new ones, losing all her trolls with it
>the landlord didn't wanted to rent out the apartment to her and she was forced to move back
>she cried on twitter how she regrets not fucking her frient to move with him to his new apartment
ffw. She gets an apartment opposite her mother
>she gets a little dog she calls Miku
>neglects the dog
>dog pisses on her bed
>someday her mother takes the dog bc she doesn't train him right and neglects him
>hates her mother even more after that
>meanwhile she does a lot of live streaming/vlogging on yt and fakes her panic attacks
>starts faking a panic attack
>immediately switches to rambling about haters
>I eventually broke up with my gf and came together with my current gf
>she found out about it and immediately tweets what a fuckboi I am and she is lucky not to be in a relation ship with me anymore and what a slut my gf is
>she herself had at least 3 new partners after the break up with me and after 4 years still thinks she has dips on me
recent milk:
>she gets a new bf
>gets impregnated by him in the first two weeks after coming together
>moves together with him
>they are mostly arguing with each other
No. 1475218
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>>1475203I wouldn't ever date her or ever let my son marry her, but I lowkey wanna be friends with her
No. 1475265
>>1475260too naive and horny and I regret it. But I learned my lesson:
Never stick you dick in crazy
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This guy Nik Thakkar aka "NEO 10Y"
>claims to be a "singer">nearly 40>trades on having a decent body/gender shit/presumably family money as idk how else he funds his "career">nonbinary of course>buys followers, likes, youtube views>has at least 8 twitter accounts where he pretends to be his own fans, @soberorgy, @patrickbaetmanx, @vegametaverse, @actuallywoke, @loveenergypop, @yourmusicbaddie, @karlismyunkle, @fkahuman are all him>uses these accounts to like/retweet his own tweets and tweet about himself with stuff like picrel>most other responses to his "music" on social media are either his friends or people just saying "lol this sucks">insanely militant vegan, equates drinking milk with raping cows>has tried a bunch of times to go viral by claiming harrassment/violence in situations where clearly nothing happened e.g.>got a billboard editor fired for sending completely anodyne "sexual messages">only time he actually went viral was for his stupid sperging when he got on some online-only tv show in the uk and said such stupid shit some youtubers made a video about him being the "worst vegan" (9:43 for one of the rape comments) No. 1476715
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Cardcaptorrr/shirdeer is my personal lolcow. Started following her on tumblr years ago. She started an only fans and has become a holier than thou virtue signalling bitch. During the pandemic she would cry about people not wearing masks/celebrating the 4th of july (because evil wypipo) and then posted pictures on the 4th of july in a swimming pool with family friends kek. She often goes on condescending rants on her instagram and tells off her fans like shayna, but they put up with it more because she's thin/"hot". She definitely has the potential for some milk. She probably has histrionic personality disorder, her self-esteem is purely based on her popularity. If that were to ever subside she would be shattered lol weak whore
No. 1478576
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I came across this profile on tiktok a while back and every now and then I will go watch lives of this person because they are SUCH a cow. Sammygirl_87 on tiktok.
She's some bogan lesbian with awful eyebrows who shares a child with some other woman named Jess. She does lives a lot where she is always just shrieking and being a cunt at everyone in the comments.
People actually give her money and I don't understand for the life of me because she is just awful and crabby to viewers. She is always having random beef with other women so going into a live is interesting because you never know who she's arguing with. She argues a lot with her partner on lives too. I honestly don't get way so many people donate.
No. 1478831
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>>1465723Kenzi is begging people to hype her work up after her death and expose Florida's shitty health care. She let her teeth remain infected for a long time but somehow that's the states fault, not to mention how many new shoes and lingerie sets she's bought with the money that probably should have gone to the lethal gum infection she claims she has. Pretty damn convenient that her gum infection escalated to "extremely dangerous and lethal" after getting blown the fuck out over trying Yeule and lying about being East Asian. I think I'll start a thread draft on her because there's so much. I can imagine the e begging saga will be milky. She will likely sop up pitybux to get more edgy Sanrio tattoos and Moeflavor lingerie, kek
No. 1479560
>>1478234Her boyfriend encouraged her to start onlyfans. It's gonna be pretty milky in the future when she gets denied jobs due to her degeneracy. She wants to go into childcare.
Shir is a total
victim who plays up the uwu smoll foreign bullshit. She acts like a complete worthless retard yet wants to be taken so seriously like she has some authority. She's a histrionic bitch who would cry with any real confrontation that's not behind her phone.
No. 1480602
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my new personal cow is this girl who constantly comes up on my tiktok fyp. her @ is dontbreakmedownn on tiktok and miaastills on insta. Her entire schtick is that she constantly looks like she’s really fucked up on drugs, does her makeup deliberately like she has a huge cut on her lip with lipstick smeared all over face, and generally acts super super manic and her comments are flooded with “are you okay?? stay safe beautiful <3” to no response from her. the whole thing is just gross to me. Reminds me of megsuperstarprincess and that other girl from new york who was really popular on tiktok awhile ago and was in active addiction. she even posted a recent video dancing in a hospital room and body checking, acting like extremely high. why do we celebrate these people (she has 68.K tt followers)
No. 1482009
>>1478576She practically lives on tiktok.
She was on today and someone said if they can get their donation thing to work they would donate and she was like 'yeah yeah people say that but don't donate'
So entitled. Plus she is back with her crack head girlfriend again.
Oh and they don't share a child. The girlfriend had a kid she lost to custody. They have dogs which they call their children.
No. 1486794
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>>1478831lmao someone I have added on facebook shared her gofundme, she’s raised over $2000 already
No. 1487030
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>>1430683Found this on KF where fellow farmers sniffing out whether he's a troon. Apparently the thread was a hate rant on a video of "stop cooming" saying it works on no male. sage for normie-tier content
No. 1487033
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>>1487031>trooning out soon soonDid he just push himself to the edge to garner more reactions? What a fucking clown Yurii.
No. 1490645
>>1478831The best part about this is, her gum infection CAN be fatal, but it may not be. I had a tooth that needed a root canal and they gave me the same spiel. I ended up just having it extracted at an emergency dentist (in Florida, even!) And it cost 50 bucks.
I followed Kenzi for the art, and soon realized what a cow she was with the pity parties she keeps throwing and the bunnies she keeps buying when she has no money to even take care of herself. Definitely a cow.
No. 1491443
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Wtf is this bio, this a girl btw. I know she’s a week but that’s literally on some gross pedo pickmeisha shit
No. 1491805
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>can't tell if internet brainrot or absurd wealth
>has spent years traveling the world and posting it on instagram
>rich white american dudebro
>suddenly starts LARPing as a warbro
>redditbro logic and behavior
>cosplays as an english monarch, soldier, and nazi
>posts holier than thou instagram infographics
>dresses and looks like a white sumpremacist
>sees ukraine as another opportunity to LARP for social media on tiktok and insta
>tiktoks become successful, so his next step is to actually join the ukrainian war
>has 35.8k instagram followers (mostly fellow reddit warbros) but calls militaria his "niche"
TLDR: rich white American who joined the Ukrainian war for clout
No. 1492678
Though it's private, here's her insta. You couldn't pay me to save any photos of her
No. 1492898
>>1492163I dont think her parents encourage it but they just let her walk around larping as a drug addict.
She's 21 and it's not like they can make her wipe all that shit off her face. I'm also wondering if she should get a thread. This girl uploads several insta stories and tiktoks a day. Lately she's cracking the shits at people saying she's faking mental illness and she's constantly getting banned from insta. Her 2nd account on tiktok is raindaycafe
No. 1493274
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>>1492898she did an anna sorokin LARP before she switched to girl interruped / amanda bynes
No. 1493366
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>>1493274Interesting. I was wondering what her aesthetic was before this weird Lisa Rowe shit was. One of her latest videos she's complaining that people compare any mentally ill girl to girl interrupted but she obviously tries to do it intentionally.
The dirty blonde microbangs, the wrists and arm bandages, the yellow and grey tops and huge fluffy jacket just like Angelina Jolie wears in the movie. She tries to do the same facials but throws in some pixar-esque/bella poarch faces in there.
Either way she seems annoyed at the comparisons so now she is wearing a ratty white wig and dressing like a crackhead hooker. Then she made a tiktok complaining that a 7/11 manager asked if she wanted to get a room. In her defence she looks younger than 21 and it's sad she just wants to make weird arts videos and encounters creepy situations like that but then at the same time if you are going to gas stations at crazy hours of the night dressed like a five dollar mentally unstable hooker dancing suggestively for your camera, people are going to assume you are a hooker.
No. 1493388
>>1493274Did not connect the dots to her new getup being Amanda Bynes but now you have pointed it out, it is blatantly obvious. The ratty wig ect.
How long til she shaves her head to Larp Britney during her meltdown phase.
No. 1493409
>>1493366via her old twitter, she went to rehab 4 times, lastly in 2020, she also tweets about wanting to pack her louboutins and prada lol - clear character switch (
No. 1493592
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My personal Lolcow is @Helenahoney on tiktok. She always pops up and I can't bring myself to block her even though she's so annoying. Her 'thing' is talking about how she healed from unhealthy relationship mindsets. She lives in LA and talks about how she can't afford it even though she's constantly buying $12 iced coffees and eating takeout for every meal. She posts videos of her with her coworkers out to lunch/dinner and you can tell they really don't like her or find her funny. Her jokes with them are always along the lines of "are you gonna pay for me food hehe you love me". She also posts videos of her drunk with her coworkers and I just don't know how somebody has such little self awareness.
No. 1493850
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Too lazy to do a writeup but this scrote is in his 30s and refuses to get a job so he is always begging for money. Used to be a pretty successful blogger too kek
No. 1494574
>>1494544I don't think it's a self post. She has been rampant on my tiktok for you page this past 2 weeks as well.
I think she definitely has cow potential. She posted like 38 posts in 24 hours.
No. 1500135
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girl what those teeth do
No. 1503140
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>>1501858Yes this, she's the biggest attention seeker
No. 1507672
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>>1503140so Lisa Rowe, right
No. 1508174
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this is someone i was briefly involved with on twitter
>they/them she/her troon mentally ill uwu
>started an 18+ group chat a few months back for adults who were into formula one (f1) because f1 twitter was mostly minors
>soon started a discord server for said group chat, more than 50 people joined, gave herself the title "ultimate grid whore" or some dumb shit like that
>thirsted over the drivers and had an attachment to max verstappen
>she regularly daydreamed about running into max somewhere in her shitty southeastern US town
>also talked about "reality shifting" to an alternate reality where she was an f1 driver and besties with every other driver on the grid
>would regularly vent about her life and stressors (she went to cosmetology school part time, boo hoo) or post lewds and simps in the discord would send her money or use their nitro to boost the server
>chronic drinker and weed smoker
>queen of awful extensions (as pictured here)
>after a few months the aforementioned discord server fell apart because a scrote was adding random people to the discord's whatsapp group and ems accused him of sending her unsolicited nudes
her twitter and tik tok are scuderiaems . there's more milk worthy shit on her tik tok imo
No. 1509258
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Nona, cows have consciousness too, even literal cows. Therefore they would get mad at us because madcow.
>>1487033Was scrolling KF Tranny Sideshows and found this, somehow. Don't know how long did he frequent /lgbt/ but his twitter since february mentioned "passoids" (chan terminology) and "malebrain/fembrain"
Now only to make him a full-fledged cow I need to dig out archives from his deleted instagram
No. 1509259
He isn't doing well on KF, other farmers shat on his profile too.
No. 1509353
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Australian stripper drama is insane. I’d love to see a thread on strippers on YouTube
No. 1510069
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>>1509258There's seriously enough going on with him tho, he's quite the scene on twitter tho
True kek he has a band of KF milkers after him.
No. 1510071
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>>1510069How old even is he to argue with a seemingly older radfem
No. 1512122
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Don't know if this should go here or the mtf thread because it's mostly personal cow sperging but this is Abigail Beck aka roguebxtch aka Saint
>was a typical autistic scrote streaming to 5 viewers playing minecraft/dark souls>always passive aggressively complaining about relationship troubles and having to afk stream because of his kids knocking at the door>spends years making bad content no one cares about ->generally acts like an unlikeable 'edgy bogan' with emphasis on masculine behaviours (belching, swearing, autism, aggression, obsession over working out, collecting overpriced gaming memorabilia)>realises he's a repulsive greasy haired nobody approaching the middle of his life>takes a break from streaming to "reinvent himself">releases a letter "coming out" as a totally real woman, one that's been repressed and traumatised since he was a young girl >still has 0 examples of childhood trauma besides orchestration by girls during school years, nothing besides typical autistic experiences>becomes "roguebxtch" who's ditched gaming and now does political commentary>doesn't know anything, spends every stream reading random articles and seething about US and UK politics >radfems from reddit start mass reporting his accounts for having a misogynistic and inappropriate username >in typical scrote fashion he's unable to understand what's offensive about a man in lipstick and a bra calling himself a "lesbian bitch">is forced into reinventing himself again, Abigail Beck is born, now almost in line with Philosophy Tubes trooning out>tries to reinvent his personality into a dinner making, dress wearing, gentle spoken mother who definitely loves and spends time with her children>signs up for uni>drops out a week later cus the website was too inaccessible for an autistic moid to navigate>starts a gofundme to get a boob job to help his dysphoria, raises over 1k, cancels the gofundme >tells his audience that he "doesn't owe them an explanation" for his dysphoria or speed of his trans journey>posts all harassment or YWNBAWs on twitter for everyone to see>seemingly addicted to sucking on the attention teet but also too sensitive to not go on 'hiatus' from streaming every second week>meets a troon 10 years younger than him>brings back his original persona, isn't even attempting to hide his male behaviours now>spends all his money on new clothes>cries every week about how the world is working against him because he's poor, autistic and unemployed>starts an onlyfans, gets almost no attention, says he'll fuck on camera, still no attention>resorts to posting cone tits on main within weeks>he seemingly forgets his children exist>quits streaming, declares it's cringe>moves to Melbourne with his gf-bf, becomes polyamorous and gets tested for aids in the same week >every tweet is narcissistic AGP troonery>starts another gofundme to help with "dysphoria">it and the money disappears again>still poor with child support to pay tho>becomes a prostitute ->doesn't seem to get a single client and within 2 weeks stops advertising himself>starts fighting with other local troons because he's a bad bottom and too narcissistic for even other trannies to tolerate>posting about wanting to do heroin and ketamine>says he'll start streaming again>almost daily "you don't know me and i don't owe you anything" posts>also claims to be mistaken for AFAB >but also says he's having mental breakdowns over dysphoria and passing >doesn't show up for stream, starts talking about making porn again>also lol No. 1512194
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it's vile, i deleted my post to add the puddle video and a bit more milk
my personal cow of 4+ yrs
>meet this scrote in college, claims to be male model and lies about his height
>constantly trying to make it big, buys followers and falls for scam modeling agencies constantly
>drives a moped around
>fails out of school, goes to another college, fails out there
>joins marine reserves, immediately gets engaged to girlfriend
>cheats on her constantly
>starts making thirst trap tiktoks
>vile stuff, spitting in the camera, letting yogurt drip out of his mouth like vomit, etc.
>finally dumps gf, starts doing gay things on OF, james charles shouts him out
>OF gets leaked, predictably small penis
>gets new girlfriend
>starts lovebombing her constantly on facebook, paragraphs upon paragraphs about missing her when she goes to class
>they get engaged within months
>they make cringe tiktoks together including vid related where they drink water out of a puddle in a parking lot and spit it on eachother
No. 1512253
>>1512194It's ok
nonnie, I deleted mine too. I'll just repost. Just seeing this guy's picture invoked a primal rage within me. That video of him getting on top of his gf and letting a long trail of spit fall into her mouth… actually puke inducing. Also his nipples are so disturbing looking? I hate the way they poke out, and how shamelessly he flaunts his little dick bulge in those videos where he's practically humping the camera. I want to die
No. 1512286
File: 1650990051438.jpg (629.83 KB, 1080x1919, Screenshot_20220426-121806_Fac…)

>>1512222yes same guy. i think he cuts himself to do those scars but it could also just be the cat.
>>1512253the spit videos are always the worst for me they make me puke. his belly button is also grotesque.
i think he's started using steroids recently too based on his sudden bulking up. he's really been obnoxious on facebook lately with the cringey lovebombing, we'll see if he actually ends up getting married.
No. 1517678
>There's a video about rumors and in it Jasmine talks about a "friend" who rumors were spread about regarding minors and although the rumors were "known to be true" the person spreading the rumors didn't know this at the time but continued to talk about it anyway>btw, Jasmine is a youth worker>Has made several videos about appropriately chatting to minors and checking furry commission artists are not minors before purchasing nsfw art from them>constant horny-posting on facebook with little regard for the fact that it's public when working with minors. Also found a fur affinity account.
There's a specific video about cub porn that got over a thousand views which is way more than any of the other ones and all the comments sounded like moids from kiwifarms. I don't know if it would be in a thread but I can't seem to find anything.
No. 1517883
File: 1651514783059.png (1.19 MB, 1435x2435, Screenshot_20220414-032257~2.p…)

Saged because this person is only mildly milky.
>An alt-right gay guy
>A Swedish guy That's always claiming he's other ethnicities to feel special
>Literally thinks that circumcision is worse than fgm and rape.
>Thinks that racism is not a bad thing
>Has a vasectomy kink
>Raving misogynist that thinks that feminists are worse than ISIS.
> Has an extremely weird relationship with his mom to the point where she took a pic with him captioned "sunset lovers"
>Is always randomly telling people how he wants to have kids through surrogacy even when the conversation had nothing to do with it.
>Is a complete narc.
>Has an extremely long neck and looks like Phineas and Ferb character.
No. 1518738
File: 1651609049697.png (2.53 MB, 1080x1580, Screenshot_20220503-064945~2.p…)

shes not exactly a cow but does anyone here follow / @musique.nonstop on insta? shes pretty publicly messy and used to love arguing with her followers and just being rude in general but a few months ago she disappeared. its strange cuz ive followed her for years and shes never taken a break from the internet and now with no warning shes abandoned her accounts. i kinda miss her kek
No. 1521055
File: 1651790974809.jpg (172.49 KB, 716x772, Screenshot_20220506_014758.jpg)

Bonniex345, hypothermia obsessed autist who thinks a thousand people are stalking her, had a thread on here
No. 1521193
>>1521055Well what a way of wish fulfilment ironically
>>1517686I forgot about the did general thread if there are any. It seems more interesting than troonfarming. But given he's a "enby" trendy disorders come hand in hand.
>>1517678Lmfao fake imitation balding. Is this a man or woman? Looks kike kikomi cosplaying a
TW No. 1521278
File: 1651804157500.png (629.79 KB, 1438x2785, Screenshot_20220504-000907~2.p…)

>>1517883He even had a livestream where he tells a 8 year old on Omegle to subscribe to his channel. It was in such poor taste that even the other retards that are subbed to him were calling him out for it.
No. 1521309
File: 1651806243702.png (300.03 KB, 597x517, Screenshot (215).png)

>>1474279Same anon, just giving updates
>Still wanting to be famous for no talent>shit art and animation unless she "references" her pictures>still with her current bf while being "friendly" with other popular guys. Note worthy is Hyun from "Hyun's Dojo">will send pictures and do personal video calls to show guys how she "works out" or other activities. Usually wearing nothing or braless >still a gold digger>still pretending to be uwu pure and innocent>if you disagree she will use her "anxiety" card>Will also tell people her friends she's depressed when she doesn't get attention>she's a gamer girl now. Still only plays tetris, but now with more tittsmore recent
>her current boyfriend (gildedguy) more than helps her with her current animations. Takes full credit. Uses her mental illness card to keep him quiet>still buys twitter likes or yells at her current boyfriend to retweet a few of her posts. Engagement will jump from 30 likes to around 1k between posts>talked about her abusive parents. Then bragged about a 3k drawing tablet they bought her>Despite being in a relationship she'll queer bait other girls only to be extremely catty with them. Because friendship means you can be a mean girl>highly insecure when another girl is getting praise. Has harped about her beautiful hair color and skin (She's white) -when people jokingly told her it was lowkey racist she freaked
>will often bring up "I was bullied in high school!">suicided baited a couple of her exs. unclear if she's doing it with gildedguy. But shows previous unhinged behavior>has gotten into a few streams on youtube by crying "Well… I want to be included">Will name drop her bf or friends to get what she wants or attention No. 1521926
File: 1651875089575.jpg (1.67 MB, 1932x2576, image0.jpg)

>>1521191That's the least unflattering photo of him that exists online. Check this out.
No. 1525585
File: 1652263026781.png (345.54 KB, 1047x744, Screenshot_20220507-212621~2.p…)

>neo nazi incel from Switzerland
>obsessed with circumcision
>Blames women for not liking him
>Claims that women have never been oppressed at all,not even in the middle east.
>Argues that men have it harder in the middle east than women do.
>Says that circumcision is mutilation while fgm is just a snip.
>Called Jews vampires and said they should have a wooden stake through their heart.
No. 1525588
File: 1652263137527.png (863.3 KB, 1403x1674, Screenshot_20220506-164416~2.p…)

Picrel his comments on jews
>>1525585 No. 1526058
File: 1652301151405.png (264.97 KB, 582x467, Screenshot 2022-05-11 20.31.03…)

Almost counts as a personal lolcow - occasionally keep tabs on shoplifter tumblr for kicks after the doxing spree 6 (!) years ago, the comm is alive and well. Particularly interested in heavenlylifter who appears to be one of the most popular and whom I think is an idiot
>easily traced to Bath UK, has lifted from named shops there such as Rossiters, Jolly's (now House of Fraser), Boux Avenue in Southgate Place
>possibly also lived in London
>was living with parents as of summer 2019
>has written shoplifting fanfiction
>more recently has done 'DNA' (did not arrive) hauls from urban outfitters
Also psychadelifts lives in or near Redruth, Cornwall
No. 1526498
File: 1652332856595.png (492.68 KB, 1421x2514, Screenshot_20220506-173456~2.p…)

>>1406279Here he is inciting someone to murder their own mom because reasons.
No. 1526544
File: 1652338803504.png (65.35 KB, 1440x309, Screenshot_20220512-023808~2.p…)

>>1406279He's also a perverted nudist from Minnesota that exposes himself in public.
No. 1526836
File: 1652377858892.png (1.18 MB, 1322x629, Screenshot (10).png)

I somehow found this dude's channel while searching fashion doll videos. He makes hundreds of videos to an audience of nobody about sex dolls, inceldom and other reddit shit.
What's more jarring is every thumbnail is him giving the same creepy pedo smile. No. 1528637
File: 1652546147621.png (2 MB, 1363x763, mecchamomo.png)

mecchamomo is a local lolcow for me.
>white girl named momo
>wants to be an idol and professional vtuber so bad but doesn't put forth the effort to do so
>runs a dance group after already running one that failed
>has an 'idol' duo that has no original music at all and mediocre stage presence at best
>desperately wants to be japanese to the point she copies hair from her favorite idols from hello!pro (also where she stole her name from)
>has an alcohol problem and has smoked weed on stream before
>can't seem to settle on a personality so she steals from her friends or people she orbits such as samiidreamin on twitch.
>lost 50 pounds from starving herself and still does
>boyfriend is a neckbeard obsessed with idols, she fills his idol fantasy
No. 1528662
File: 1652549454859.png (Spoiler Image,624.45 KB, 1556x876, ohno.png)

A milky update to
>>1373166No longer a coworker, decided to ditch his job to start a business as an unlicensed therapist with the goal to help crack all the unhatched eggs out there, kek
Claims he was inspired to do this while high on psychedelic drugs. What could possibly go wrong.
No. 1529297
File: 1652600621409.png (3.19 MB, 1440x1661, Screenshot_20220515-021445~2.p…)

>is a drug pusher and is possibly strung out on drugs around her kids
>Has a border line incestuous relationship with her twin sister where they send eachother nudes
>Is friends with an alleged sex trafficker/drug dealer.
>Draws the ugliest art ever.
>Is a massive pick-me
>Looks like a dehydrated lizard
No. 1529547
File: 1652634700431.jpeg (46.38 KB, 480x452, 8557E189-5665-4F32-8CE5-7D7A01…)

No. 1531298

Cyael Hugh Lloyd Dobson/Cyael -
do not cowtip ffs
>33 as of 2022>nigcel living in the swamp who never leaves his house unless it’s for food and walmart runs>became popular on youtube during the peak voiceover/narrator era way back in 2015-16, rode that wave for a long while>was arrested for beating up his partner, Jessie (sp?), in 2013, his dirty little secret that he has tried to hide from the world since he would like everyone to believe he is the black internet percival>gaslights his audience into believing his was this poor, innocent good samaritan who was just trying to “help” someone in a moment of crisis and that said individual “lied” on him because he is black and male>as his views have decreased, he has become more unhinged, angry, and aggressive since his primary audience now is a bunch of broke 14 year olds with no money>used to get 50-100 usd per stream back during his peak; alienated all his ex-friends from being an aggressive dick, lying, or just acting crazy>can criticize the fuck out of everyone else but cannot handle it when people do the same thing to him>goes off on tangents frequently in his streams about women and how women are all irrational, evil sluts who are out to destroy men and that nothing they say should be trusted because WAHMEN>belly aches and moans about how jewtube is for cucks, blah blah blah, and yet refuses to leave the platform or be smarter about his content>was streaming on twitch for a while, may have been banned or just gave up due to lack of reach>whines constantly about being banned for “expressing” his opinions, eg his infamous potato chip parody sing along which got him banned from youtube for a while, but never admits to being an edgelord or saying things he knows are wrong/likely to get flagged>has jumped from various trends online looking to regain some of his popularity, even though he claims that he doesn’t want to be popular (ex: tried to hop on the youtube pedo ring allegations when it was taking off on 4chan; did a brief series on lucas werner)>currently terrorizing the marvel avengers gaming community>gets into frequent slapfights with famous gaming journalists on twitter, looks like an absolute fool>everyone now knows him as the nigga that burps and farts in his streams all the time>block happy>bullies other youtubers in the avengers community out of jealousy (mostly black twitch streamers), claims they are using him for clout even though they have more views than him>obviously has the potential to be good, but suffers from dumb dumb syndrome and extreme self-sabotage + lack of awareness>tweets marvel devs like a nut, berating them for every fucking bug that they already know exists, then cries like a bitch when he (unsurprisingly) gets blocked or permabanned for being a sperg>has gone through female friends like one goes through underwear, alienates them all due to his autism>currently living with some big boobied pick-me latina named dia, who he met when she was in her teens after she started modding his streams>simps for him constantly, tries hard to be an edgy troll like her manchild boyfriend, fails miserably since she is legit stupid>had her move into his shithole of a house after his grandma died suddenly, even though he doesn’t work and can barely go anywhere>hates his mother, complains about her all the time even though she gives him money and supports him>was briefly dragged on twitter for lashing out at a popular troon, had his past dug up by @MillerSocials:
tumblr - - - (inactive) -’s twitch - (active) - - wishlist - of his cringe:
Miller tweets with screenshots: with devs over a fucking game series everyone knows has issues: of his playlists devoted to his avengers sperging: fellow youtubers on stream (Sadot the Gamer), shows up around 19:20, goes off on a tangent about cock sucking and clout chasing like a butthurt faggot: 1 of his 3 part Lucas Werner videos, brief face reveal at the end: record, includes mugshot:, if you are out there still, would you be willing to talk about what Cyael did to you? I know you were on twitter briefly, but it looks like you disappeared again. He continues to gaslight you as this deranged femoid who ruined his life even though that is clearly not true. No. 1531424
File: 1652774320005.png (579.17 KB, 1440x2656, Screenshot_20220515-053210~2.p…)

>>1521278To make things worse he has a discord server infested with pedos, Nazis,and incels talking about keeping their bloodline pure when they know damn well they're never gonna get the chance to breed.the doomer guy recently got exposed for sexting a minor despite being a "pedohunter". The subscribers probably knew how much danger he was putting that kid in.
No. 1531604
File: 1652798021199.png (281.1 KB, 593x549, mecchamomo.png)

>>1528637How typical of genderspecials, lol.
No. 1531782
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>>1531424Reciepts about metal doomer
No. 1532093
File: 1652832718585.png (1.45 MB, 1440x2609, Screenshot_20220417-020715~2.p…)

>A incel Neo-nazi that is a Varg Vikernes fanboy.
>Brags about being purely Dutch despite his mother being part Ukrainian
>Circumcision obsessed nutcase that says he would cut his GF's clitoris off if she supported circumcision.
>Said that Jews deserved to be gassed because they're pro circumcision.
>His own family members disowned him because of his Psycho behavior.
>Allegedly raped a woman he went on a online date with.
>Is an alleged sex trafficker and drug dealer.
>Says that circumcision is worse than rape.
>Claims people hating him is anti-white racism not realizing it's because he's an insufferable Cunt.
>Openly admits to taking coke, Molly, and shrooms.
>Apparently knocked up an Asian woman.
>Is a massive closet case that lusts after TIMs like Chelsea Manning and talks about wanting artificial wombs to replace real women.
>Brags about having actual neanderthal DNA from a DNA test like it's something to be proud of.
>Had a massive bitch fit on camera towards pro circumcision protestors.
>Has massive DD titties that Varg probably sucks on.
No. 1532565
File: 1652889760152.png (Spoiler Image,3.73 MB, 1942x1942, Untitled272.png)

>21 y/o 4'10" autistic bpd fakeboi
>Identified as ftm for years, now nonbinary
>Started off on Tumblr just running a typical fakeboi mlm blog. Made a porn blog to show off her wonky nipples, including a photoset with her vag out at work
>Freaked out and deleted blog when called out, remade like a day later
>Has now abandoned fakeboi mlm blog to exclusively post on her porn blog
>Uploads photos of her in cheap lingerie, makes bad text posts about her fantasies and sometimes makes audio clips of her fake moaning. Gets lots of attention from bihet scrotes and other fakebois
No. 1532785
File: 1652905611606.jpg (819.66 KB, 1080x1839, 22-05-18-16-25-22-918_deco.jpg)

Kenzi_shou who was posted earlier for gatekeepers mecha accessories and begging for money posted this recently. She's getting a tattoo while her super srs medical expenses fund is still up.
No. 1533059
File: 1652923153106.png (439.71 KB, 1440x2120, Screenshot_20220516-204630~2.p…)

This is Derek Gegner a notorious MRA.
>Gay male Nazi lolbertarian.
>YouTuber that grooms straight men. into misogyny, inceldom, and political homosexuality.
>Has cluster b personality disorder.
>Has Klinefelter syndrome
>Defended known pedo apologist/activist, James Cantor in a video response.
>Has an autistic hatred for teenaged girls possibly stemming from the fact that he's a washed up human mattress.
>Said that female rape victims need to shut up and let men bitch about circumcision and that women talking about their trauma is evidence of "rotten female nature".
>Encouraged violence against ppl that circumcise their kids.
>Is an actual druggie.
>Looks like the awkward love child of a transgender vampire and a sewer rat.
No. 1533065
File: 1652923278222.jpeg (1.87 MB, 3465x3465, 4F8F002F-05D1-48F2-A943-1E91DC…)

>Valentina Mussi @sweetportfolio / @almussi
>25 yr old clout thirsty food blogger who’s fucked half of the restaurant industry to get out of her parents dingy motel residency
>friends with Lele Pons, was featured in a few of her videos
>proudly claimed to be a descendant of Mussolini while she was at school to several people in her area
>photoshopper/FaceTune extraordinaire, can’t tell what her face or body ever really look like
>spontaneously texts her ex to kill himself even though they’ve been broken up for almost 2 years. If he blocks her number she finds a way to text him from another. This cow is truly deranged
Anyone else got any milk on Tina? I know there’s got to be
No. 1533082
File: 1652925068610.png (283.98 KB, 974x653, Alec-Cabacungan.png)

>>1532565>>1532588She looks like the guy who used to be on that shriners commercial.
No. 1533103
File: 1652927104348.png (170.48 KB, 720x972, Screenshot_20210702-223918.png)

>>1532093Him justifying the Holocaust.
No. 1533107
File: 1652927313833.jpg (100.3 KB, 1363x806, 1619838132311_3.jpg)

>>1532093More of his Nazi crap.
No. 1538712
File: 1653417874195.jpg (285.53 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220207-204244_Chr…)

Here's my personal cow.
Instagram @brittannywith2ns
Twitter @grittybritty
Has been on Chopped, Iron Chef and Top Chef
>40 year old woman who throws up peace signs and sticks her tongue out in 99% of pics
>has multiple restaurants and primarily hired white staff members. Yet, BLM happens and is suddenly a woke activist
>literally has to be the center of attention and will shout over people so she can be the focus. She has several staff members who left due to her narcissistic behavior and restaurant owners who will not partner with her
>had basic white girl style but then suddenly began covering herself in tattoos within the past few years
>just got a Dukes mayonnaise tattoo on her leg to receive more advertising dollars
>proudly says she and her husband cheated on previous partners to be together
>went to her husbands' ex girlfriends workplace to get a massage and talked about stealing him during the appointment. (She is clueless and isn't aware that the salon staff are closely connected in their small city- word got around)
>hires talented staff but claims she creates menus
(I have tons of pictures but don't know how to post them all at once)
No. 1538806
File: 1653425844869.jpeg (522.47 KB, 744x1196, 60887884-CE1D-428A-A493-7912AE…)

Hilariously fake internet Tourette’s, trans boy he/him who is literally just a woman in every conceivable way, various fake mental illnesses… I can’t believe I was friends with this dumb broad. I should have seen the writing on the wall years ago when she claimed to have synesthesia which was like the proto-made up problem for this sort of terminal attention seeker.
No. 1541452
File: 1653626126545.jpg (244.2 KB, 946x2048,…)

I could make an entire thread about this cow and honestly if anyone is interested I will. In brief:
>Goes by oddynuff on tumblr, real name is Chantelle
>Obese mass shooter fangirl with multiple shooter-themed tattoos, including knuckle tattoos reading “LANZA”
>Claims to have been accepted into Harvard University despite admitting to not finishing high school
>Alternately claims to have graduated with her undergraduate degree from Harvard and to still be attending
>Also claims that she studied at “six different universities at once”
>In a polyamorous relationship with white supremacist murderer Peter Avsenew
>Other members of her relationship include Ef, a man who she brags about having sex with his own family members
>Banned from tumblr for trying to sell murder memorabilia, remade immediately
>Brags about her shitty administrative job and posts screenshots of her correcting other employees to her murder fanblog
>Also posts screenshots of conversations with her mother showing her mothers name onto her murder fanblog
>Her mother is a cop
>No self awareness, seems to believe her own delusions of grandeur, exaggerates her own education and knowledge
>Seriously can’t stop bringing up how she totally attends Harvard; however, her LinkedIn lists her as having been a student since 2016 with no signs of graduating, no posts about course material, or generally any reason to believe she actually attends
>Frequent Luna-level posts detailing and glamorizing her own drug use
>Only other posts consist of her calling random mass shooters her blorbos and general cringy, 2015-style edgelord behavior despite being in her early 20s
>Picrel is her hand with the Lanza tattoo, plans on getting another tattoo in honor of the recent Texas shooter on her other hand
No. 1541492
>>1541489sorry for samefag but I found it,
>>>/snow/1408828Jesus christ the thought of someone sitting to write all that down about themselves is fucking sad.
No. 1541513
File: 1653633792985.jpeg (204.01 KB, 1242x909, 3A121488-7932-451B-A7A6-D578B9…)

>>1541452accomplishments kek like lying about attending Harvard and worshipping murderers on the internet
No. 1541514
File: 1653633855471.jpeg (485.46 KB, 1242x1453, AD35B1BE-3F55-4CAF-B98F-3DD61D…)

>>1541452oh the milk floweth. . . a thread PLEASE
No. 1541516
File: 1653633922567.png (1.84 MB, 1242x2688, ACD0F88A-848F-475B-807F-793696…)

>>1541514harassing literal doctors on LinkedIn. NEXT level
No. 1541517
File: 1653634121560.jpeg (364.09 KB, 1242x1382, A403EAC1-91CA-4C9F-90DF-ED854B…)

>>1541452kek Oxford. i can’t imagine this fat lard trying to act the way she does in my country
No. 1541520
File: 1653634476819.jpeg (527.6 KB, 1242x1209, E597B54A-8788-4B03-B3A1-10AF59…)

her LARPs are insane
No. 1541523
File: 1653634800043.jpeg (794.03 KB, 1242x1756, 874BDE96-D0E0-4834-A9A9-165D45…)

When she says she studied at Oxford and Cambridge she means she did one of those free online ‘courses’ that they offer to anyone
>>1541517 No. 1541528
File: 1653635716033.png (2.64 MB, 1242x2688, 0F6B7DE6-7E57-4005-B035-0DFBA6…)

>>1541452She posts constant threats to shoot up schools, god imagine you carry this in you for 9 months and shit out this complete and utter disappointment
No. 1541599
File: 1653657553615.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1524, lmao.png)

>>1541517This is her "proof" of studying at all those ivy league schools… Online courses literally anyone could take. Still no proof of ever having been accepted into Harvard. I'll make a thread tonight when I get home from work, if anyone wants to make a thread pic or help me compile some info that would be much appreciated but I'll do it all by myself if I must.
No. 1541600
File: 1653658316227.png (462.01 KB, 1080x854, harvardgal.png)

>>1541599I need to stop posting here and save some milk for the thread but holy fuck this is funny. So her timeline looks something like this:
>Pulled out of school by SOOPER ABOOSIVE mother age 10 (fifth grade)>Finished all of middle and high school by herself within four years>Or didn't because she's also talked about never finishing high school>Harvard accepted her after two years of another college (maybe the state school she posted?) so she would be 16 when starting at Harvard >But also claims that she was accepted into Harvard at 14>Graduated from Harvard with her b.a. in psychology>Or didn't since she's still studying at Harvard>Or didn't since she dropped out of Harvard Also… could random anons stop cowtipping please, she'll just drag her plump self over here and get another ban again.
No. 1541625
>>1541599participation trophy Pokémon
gotta audit ‘em all!
No. 1541685
File: 1653669262655.jpeg (271.3 KB, 1242x1096, FC5E708D-CA88-48E0-8B23-78A974…)

>>1541452wow can’t believe people are questioning your totally real~ fake degrees anyway how’s about that child murderer we worship?
No. 1541833
File: 1653680497074.jpeg (7.08 KB, 168x300, download (1).jpeg)

my current personal cow is wolfgirlfanpage on tiktok. she's almost 30, from the UK, and posts about having been trafficked for political elites as a child, and now lives in some kind of mental instutution or government housing.
when she first showed up on my feed i was blown away that thousands of people believe her claims, they're really egregious and she sounds like one of those people who unironically thinks she was programmed by MKULTRA. she's currently writing a book about her "experiences" with homelessness, child trafficking, and sexual abuse. and while those things do obviously happen, the shit she says is so dramatic. she "can't talk about the details or the elites will have her silenced" but makes hundreds of tiktoks about it.
she is obviously mentally ill, and was probably actually homeless and even taken advantage of because of it. in a lot of her videos she is covered in self-inflicted wounds, usually on her face. i think that she does genuinely believe the things she says are true. i also think it is possible that she was abused as a child or pimped out while homeless, and that these delusions of being a child sex slave for the government elites are some kind of cope, but i could be giving her too much credit.
here are some of her claims, just from scrolling through her page for a few minutes;
>she was used for child porn
>she was told she would "cost less because she is black"
>while these things were allegedly happening, she was told to tell her mother excuses such as she "missed the bus" (even though signs of abuse to this degree would be incredibly obvious)
>her teachers and classmates also somehow never noticed anything
>one of her teachers was sent to prison for raping her and his wife told her to "stop sleeping with her husband" (which somehow did not result in any further investigation of abuse?)
>she has been "locked up" in some sort of mental health facility for six years, yet still has constant access to a phone and internet access
>claims to have DID, PTSD, anxiety, constant seizures, some kind of eating disorder, psychosis, and autism
>"can't legally talk about her abuser yet" (while constantly talking about how many people abused her)
>spent 2,500 pounds on an alpaca? like a real alpaca?
>the mental health system is failing her (but also entirely supporting her lifestyle)
>says she was part of an "online cult" at age 11
>set her rapist's house on fire and this is why she was detained and is now in a care facility
>her mother gave her an "incurable neurological disorder"
>her dad kidnapped her (and also has 18 other kids)
>used to do heroin
>started being trafficked at age 9 (while still attending school regularly)
>says the mental health system has traumatized her more than being trafficked as a child. yeah, sure, a real victim would definitely say that
>police offered to pay her off for not inestigating her abuse
>was sexually assaulted by a family member's boyfriend at age 5 and hid it from her mother
>drank bleach to prove she was already dead and it couldn't hurt her
>was groomed by a police officer, moved in with him and his mother
>her accent changes due to her DID
>has a psychology degree and had a job for two years as an assistant psychologist
>her victim support worker has to peer review her tiktok comments
>talks a lot about being violent towards her care workers (and of course always justifies it because its a trauma response guys!!)
>claims to have been diagnosed with DID for ten years
>had a back alley abortion (once again, "paid off" to not talk about this)
>her mother was physically and mentally abusive
>is totally gay but also attracted to men who have done time (as a trauma response!1!!!!!)
>was assaulted by a 14 year old boy when she was 8
>wants to be murdered so that she doesn't have to kill herself
>was sold to a judge with a necrophilia fetish who made her hold her breath
>was still in contact with her child traffickers until earlier this year (for what reason? you are pushing 30. lie better)
>worked with the TV show Intervention
>has a child sexual abuse trust fund (kek)
>was abused by her catholic step-mother
sorry if this post is kind of long but this person is fascinating to me. she's a professional victim - somehow every single person in her life has abused her, nothing is ever her fault, and she gets reinfocement that those things are true through her gullible followers. tiktok at its peak.
also sorry for the shit quality image, i can't download her videos due to her tiktok settings (if there is any way around this please let me know) so it is a thumbnail.
No. 1541841
>>1541833This one is tragic, probably is some kind of cope for repeated abuse (some women think they are clones and all sorts of weird shit to cope with it or explain it to themselves)
Sad post, the alpaca bit had me laughing out loud though so I'd be here for updates
No. 1541850
>>1541841yeah i realized while writing it that she's def more sad than funny. seems like she's dug herself a hole and will probably be in some kind of mental/legal care the rest of her life, she was supposed to get out last december but that never happened. she says she has plans of moving to another country so she can't be targeted by the elites, which is a bit funny since she shares every detail of her life right down to bragging about any time she eats/drinks anything.
i will update though if she ever actually publishes a book, i wouldn't buy it even out of curiosity though considering she seems like a bit of a grifter and there is a good chance it would be a bunch of insane, unfounded ramblings like her page.
No. 1543546
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>>1541452jesus this woman is such a manipulative cunt to her Mum. can pretend and lie about getting into Oxrbridge and Harvard but can’t pretend to show your mum basic respect and decency
No. 1546406
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>>1510220Weird he posted on the Rachel thread in kf because "lcf is a
No. 1547642
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@/jessesulli on tiktok/insta
>31 year old ftm who came out 2 years ago; up until that point was an openly lesbian influencer
>jesse got pregnant as a teenager and currently has a 13 year old daughter named arlo
>she treats her daughter more like a best friend than a child; all of their posts are just the two of them hanging out like friends and neither arlo nor jesse seem to have any age-appropriate friendships. jesse took arlo to coachella and drinks with her
>in 2016 jesse in a relationship with this woman teela, they were planning for a baby and everything then they broke up and a couple years later jesse came out as trans
>jesse and teela raised arlo really heavily into lgbt politics and were "queer mommy influencers"; arlo was according to jesse identifying as genderfluid at the age of 7 (??) before jesse herself came out as trans
>recently under the influence of her "trans dad", arlo has trooned out and is now a trans boy. jesse is planning to start arlo on hormones and they talk abt getting top surgery together
>they blew up on tiktok for the gimmick of being a "trans dad with a trans son", regularly pull in 1m+ views per video. they shit out tens of tiktoks per week that are all about trans related topics, "trans family topics," "transition goals for me and my kid"
>general cow-worthy presence with constant tiktoks, jesse's cringe "hello fellow kids" thing with her daughter and trying to appeal to teenagers on tiktok, and the fact she is insanely egotistical and thinks her tiktok activism is "changing the world" in her words
>jesse and arlo have gotten some mainstream media attention, including magazine interviews/covers and jesse is in the documentary "my transparent life"
>jesse is currently in a relationship with francesca farago who was a model on too hot to handle
No. 1547653
>>1547642what the fuck. i watched their most recent video and the lyrics in the background are the weeknd's "i'll fuck you straight"
No. 1548324
>>1548262ayrt and i would be interested in a thread on them, i think there would be interest from others here too based on the responses your og post got. so i'd say go for it!
and as far as the rules go,
>>1548285 raises a good point. the parents are always the real cows anyways
No. 1548801
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No. 1548802
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No. 1549800
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Found this 'autism mommy' on tiktok. Uses her kid for clout and posts really disturbing videos like this one. Apparently her kid watches horror shit and she just lets her do it and the kid somehow got obsessed with horror MLP shit. She claims the child tried to stab her with kitchen knives because she wants to be 'monster pinky pie' so what does she do? Continues letting her kid wear mlp merchandise and put the knives up in a cupboard with a literal label saying knives.
She's currently e-begging for a service dog for her little psychopath but honestly after seeing that video I'd be terrified of that kid stabbing the dog or something.
TLDR-Woman raised an ipad baby and basically blames all the bad behaviour on autism while exploiting for money and internet points.
No. 1549876
>>1549852There's a lot of shit she's clearly way too old for but you just know the mother's excuse is going to be 'but she has autism'
I get Munchausen's vibes from the mother. Probably won't allow the kid to grow up properly and will continue babying her into some weird ipad dependent degenerate.
No. 1551919
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Found this screenshot out of context on tumblr while lurking, can anyone find this person and confirm whether they're serious or a troll?
No. 1551962
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>>1549800Apparently the family owns a dog who she calls a service dog. The dog doesn’t have its working harness. Seems weird
No. 1552746
>>1551962Technically in the USA (and. Ifind this very strange) service dogs don't have to wear identification/vests.
But isn't this in their home too? Even my friend's guide dog doesn't wear his uniform in the house!
No. 1553117
File: 1654703501654.webm (9.45 MB, 540x960, batshitlady.webm)
you nonnies seen this sinister fucking horrorcow ? her name is tammy sepetis. her voice. her crazed eyes. her demented fucking expressions.
she's also an old lady lipsyncing to trendy teen music and voices on tiktok, and i sould have been relieved and laughed at her retardation but i just got the impression she was so absolutely empty inside yet so filled with pus and malevolence and it made her even scarier.
i am creeped out of my fucking mind lmao
No. 1553334
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Where do I even begin with this bitch? She used to brag around at my workplace and act like royalty, online she's even more of an embarassment, a fake lesbian and thinks she's queen of the entire town here. Worth a laugh at and the facetune on her profile pictures is laughable, even Mel B sees through this cow, she's a pick me girl and cannot go five minutes without bragging about how entitled she is. She was on X Factor and I feel so sorry for her parents with how much they spoil her and how she clings to having one moment of fame over half a decade ago. Enjoy: don't feel bad sharing her real Facebook because she has everyone on it and posts semi nudes and airs all her dirty laundry.
Bonus cringe: No. 1553336
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>>1553334Photos other people post VS her entire insta
No. 1553458
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I found this slut while browsing Facebook this week she's the most pathetic pick me I've ever seen.
>a female MRA
>Constantly posts thirst trap posts parroting MRA talking points for validation despite being married with a kid.
>Posts weirdly sexual pictures of her breastfeeding her toddler (I have nothing against breastfeeding btw but still).
>Says circumcision is worse than rape.
>Claims that all feminists are anti woman.
>Is a lolbertarian
No. 1553635
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>>1553458More of her posts
No. 1553657
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Her insulting feminists
No. 1554209
>>1553635That shirt is hilarious
This woman is a retard
No. 1554251
>>1553635God I'd kill to find that shirt in a thrift store.
Too bad she hasn't been active on Facebook for like 3 years, she's milky as hell. Her last post is about some freeze peach platform so might do some digging
No. 1565196
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This thing deserves its own thread IMO but this seemed like the most appropriate place to post it. Just the tip of the iceberg here.
>nonbinary queer disabled alt cow
>wanna be influencer
>on its way to deathfat status
>chronic victim of sexist doctors
>chronic victim of evil men
>claims stalkers break into home to unscrew bottle caps and move remotes
>mother was a high priestess and father was a cultist
>constant begging
>abused by literally everyone
>advice is abuse
>knows more than you about all things always
>kept three cats in a van in the Arizona desert over the summer
>will call you out (aka lie)
>asking for evidence is abuse
>collects labels like Pokémon
>flirting = sexual assault
No. 1566304
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>>1532093He's even sent creepy messages to this Haitian girl I know despite being a literal Nazi.
No. 1566869
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>>1566843Here's more. This one gave me chills.
No. 1568234
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Bit of a niche and weird personal cow to have but whatever, she's enraging to me because I care about the value of literature for children. Alex Brown/@queenofrats/bookjockeyalex
>High school librarian in California, 39 years old
>Also "sensitivity reader", very influential on school librarian twitter
>Most of the nuance and humanistic appeal of literature seems to escape her; exclusively deals in hyperwoke YA lit circles in the capacity of her librarian job
>Case in point, on her blog she recommends 'summer reading' for 16-18-year-old students; 100% of it is tokenised 'marginalised voices' YA fiction and mass-market romance
>also see picrel, regularly misses the point of classic literature or critical reading and treats classic books as interchangeable
>Claims To Kill a Mockingbird is racist and should be replaced with 'more relevant' books
>Brags about cutting 1984 from school curriculum
>Doesn't understand basic concept of literary influence or continuous canon - "Gonna start blocking everyone who insists we must read the old racist, sexist, queerphobic shit in order to understand contemporary works", countless other anti-intellectual lit takes
>"aroace", identifies as queer
>Kink at pride discourse (she's pro) on her Twitter account which is attached to her real name/librarian job, also openly airs that she reads m/m erotic romance
>Currently sperging out about radfems, petitioned for removal of JKR portrait from library, calls her 'that f*cking TERF', claims you cannot 'support trans kids' while doing anything at all Harry Potter related in a library
>My favourite take 'Children will be harmed if you celebrate Dr Seuss's birthday'
I don't know how she's like this, she comes off as a gleeful policer/narc type and it's genuinely disturbing that we put these people in charge of children's libraries
No. 1574504
File: 1656423451370.png (80.02 KB, 720x678, 1640168970814.png) else recognize this tranny and can post more milky sperg-outs from him?
I posted this in the /2X/ thread some months ago
>I hate to say that I know this guy, he added me from crystal cafe. Maybe my creepdar was poor but he seemed nice at first, albeit a little autistic and weird, until certain discussion subjects were brought up (basically anything related to feminism or incels, he had his own wacky conspiracy theory beliefs on how the world is run by "feminine people" and LCF and CC contribute to "AMAB genocide") and it all went downhill from there, I had to unfriend and block him and change my discord tag. Real freak.I will also add that the "
abusive being" he talks about in picrel is literally me but he's seriously twisting the truth.
He did add me from Crystal Cafe and we did talk on discord for a couple of months. He actually skirted around the question of his biological sex at first until he admitted he was actually male but "preferred me to imagine him as a female".
What he calls "verbal abuse" is most likely just me telling him things like women being a globally oppressed group and presenting proof of it (LMAO as if it was ever needed), or "psychological abuse" not justifying physical violence, or even no one giving enough of a shit about LCF or CC that even the most "extreme" man-hate on these imageboards could possibly encourage actual authorities to systematically oppress men (or what he calls "AMAB people").
The "unwelcome sexual attraction" part is just weird because I literally never ever expressed any kind of attraction towards him or any real life "AMAB" for that matter. I did flippantly mention some video game husbandos being attractive, but that was AFTER he was the one who mentioned weird kink shit (but "totes not sexual" since he's "totes asexual and cripplingly dysphoric and sex repulsed") like vore and furries and slime first so I figured out a bit of suggestive talk was acceptable between the two of us.
I never called myself a lesbian OR asexual to him, I just said I like 3D and 2D women but only 2D men and have no interest in getting in a relationship with an actual real life man. He was the one who tried arguing that I sounded like I might be "demisexual" or something.
I did delete our discord convos many months ago because reading back it was some uncomfortable shit when I was at quite a low point both mentally and emotionally so I didn't pay attention to all the red flags. Never ever talk to online men, ladies.
No. 1574630
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A friend of a friend I sometimes have to hang out with as a group is driving everyone else insane, most of the people in the friend group are normal so this girl really sticks out
>21yr old terminally online twitterfag
>constantly trauma dumping on everyone
>brings up her "abusive" mother all the time
>the mother is "abusive" for wanting her daughter to get a job, making her pay rent and trying to turn the internet off at night so her daughter isn't yelling at 2am
>"jokes" about wanting to kill her little sister but actually really hates her and has hit her several times
>had a nonbinary phase but used she/her
>socially stunted from being terminally online cannot read a room ends up making people uncomfortable all the time
>is a munchie claims to have COPD but vapes and smokes weed
>"SJW" personality tries to call people in the group out for dumb shit like accidentally using the wrong pronouns, watching "problematic" shows/youtubers and general twitter shit but legitimately gets angry about it so she'll start insulting the person if they ignore/disagree
>major trans handmaiden rants about it nonstop
>has a weird vendetta against my chinese friend because "how can you be asian and not like kpop??" and "why don't you speak your native language if you really are Chinese??" and other weirdly racist shit, he hates her for it so she ignores him in group settings
>when people call her out for it she starts trying to play the victim by claiming it's because she's "sheltered"
>faked being pregnant for 3 months to stop her ex breaking up with her caused a huge amount of drama with him and his family but will bring it up randomly to joke about it
>Mpreg/pregnacy and Inflation fetish she had a deviantart under the same name as the username she uses everywhere and friends found it on top of that she constantly makes fujo tier jokes to our male friends about them fucking eachother and how it'd be "hot"
>NLOG said to me "I normally don't get on with other girls but you act like a guy" shits on girls who like feminine things
>has called other girls in the group "bitches" and accused them of being catty for not wanting to hang out with her
>unironically says the "im just like the boys not like these bimbo barbie girls" type of shit
>constantly shit talking anyone and everyone DMs me multiple times a day to complain about some random BS or to trauma dump
>when a friend of ours was in a bad breakup(abusive Ex) and was venting to us about it in a discord call Twitterfag starts DMing me talking shit about her in the middle of the call
>was hitting on a girl in the groups boyfriend when she wasn't around and doesn't understand why they both now avoid her
>keeps trying to "make it big" on Twitter reposts her own tweets accross multiple discords/groupchats and gets annoyed when people don't respond
>met a guy online immediately became obsessed with him so she got his address from voting records and showed up at his house unannounced while he was at work and flipped out on people who pointed out how creepy/insane that was then when he ghosted her she acted like he was the bad guy
>also obsessed with the "quiet friend" in the group keeps trying to hit on him and made him and her have a family in the sims, showed it to him whilst using a sex mod to make them fuck in a sex dungeon she'd built, he gets so uncomfortable he doesn't show up for a week and them makes a major effort to avoid being in the same call/hanging out when she's with the group
>only really gets on with like 3 people in the group basically ignores anyone else
>always bringing up politics literally yells over people to rant about it multiple times a day
>thinks using a soundboard to spam years old meme sound effects all the time in calls is funny
honestly I wish people would buck up and remove her, Im genuinely surprised she hasn't been yet with all the making people uncomfy though it is funny to watch
No. 1575257
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>23 years old from Canada with a strong hick accent
>bigender and bisexual, has a boyfriend
>no job, on disability benefits
>spends her days making countless tiktok videos that get less than 10 likes each
>airs out personal drama constantly while calling people out by name
>implies her friend is a predator for having sex with an 18 year old while she’s 21 and blasts her for having unsafe sex
>says ex friend baby trapped the 18 year old because she chose not to abort the baby
>makes fun of the ex friend for naming her daughter dakota
>posted a video of her feet completely caked in black dirt just from walking around her house
>also posted a video of her nephew and niece playing in a disgusting, messy house
>got in a fight with stranger things fans for insulting the main actress and saying her tattoo is disrespectful to jews
>was told to shower by said fans, cried ableism and said that she can’t bathe due to mental health problems
>makes public videos debating helping her addict sister and saying she doesn’t want to
>complained that people weren’t responding fast enough in group chats even though all the other women have kids and are busy
>cooks heinous meals in a nasty kitchen, pic related
>tries to do makeup and fails so horribly it looks like a three year old broke into their moms vanity
I just find her oddly fascinating. She obviously has no friends so she posts constantly for the validation of a few people liking the video, why the need to share so much about your sisters addiction?
No. 1576488
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This is a random intactivist incel I came across online years ago.
>It Goes by fauxskin on Reddit and forestonks on twitter.
>Hes obsessed with circumcision to the point where he goes on antisemitic rants and talks about how Jews deserved the Holocaust.
>Accuses other people who are for circumcision of being pedos when he literally watches lolicon, collects and distributes CP with other intactivists in their discord servers, and drew nude art of an underage character stretching his foreskin.
>Has made multiple terroristic threats.
>Has a whole bunch of disturbing fetishes.
>Bragged about getting a hooker to piss in his mouth and claimed that drinking her piss gave him more estrogen.
No. 1576689
>>1576683Also she would constantly talk about having Netflix shows lined up when she was just a background actor? I don't know why she kept lying to me because we did the same job and I'm not really someone to impress but she would constantly talk about stuff she had going on- and then would never remember when I asked or tried to followup.
And the last time we hung out she proceeded to interrogate me on if my shoes were real which was the last straw because we were literally going nothing and she kept asking who bought them, where, when, why, how much. Etc.
So competitive for NO reason. I've never come across another girl like that. Maybe it was because we are young (early 20s) but idk nonnies.
No. 1577480
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This is a furry Troon that's notorious on 4chan, it's name is pupperdogs.
> Furry Troon that's into feral cub porn
>Hates women and associates with known pedophiles like chrishop.
>Draws some of the most degenerate furry art.
>Is a massive attention whore that's terminally online.
No. 1579565
File: 1656871334197.jpeg (Spoiler Image,155.8 KB, 1169x1178, FD98D0E7-E090-4889-8751-6162F4…)

Discovered her today lin watchorn/greencow. Her content is just her being a pick me, probably to make up for her subpar appearance. In one TikTok she even refers to herself as a pick me. I discovered her through a suggested video that consisted of her replying to a woman saying the woman should be happy her boyfriend wants to hug her after ignoring her to play video games five hours. Saying there isn’t a pause button and that the bf is sweet for wanting to give the woman a hug and the woman is a bitch for being angry.
Before judging I wanted to see if she was always this much of a pick me and discovered that yes she is. Most comments are positive which makes me wonder if she’s either not popular enough or deletes negative ones.
No. 1580102
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My personal cows are the collection of shizo spergs on ovarit for whom every woman they see is a secret tranny in disguise sent by Big Trans to psyop women into bending the knee to men in wigs. They hold regular circlejerk slapfights arguing if a random model they saw in a fashion ad is gasp a tranny who got snuck in on purpose to confuse their daughters (but especially their sons since most of them are brainfried boymoms). Picrel is the standard daily agonizing over smelly troons tricking them into embracing shenis into their lifes. They even have threads asking for confirmation that whatever female youtuber theyre watching right now is in fact a real female. I'm transphobic too but there has to be a limit, and that limit is to not let trannys rule your mind in a way where you avoid random deep voiced women like the plague because they must be evil apgs sent to kill you
No. 1580230
>>1568234kek this is killing me, are you certain this isnt an elaborate satire?
>claims to kill a mockingbird is racist>brags about cutting 1984 from school curriculumlike this is actually gold.
>>1569659probably because of his ww2 (?) anti japanese propaganda art
No. 1581501
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>>1234227this is my personal lolcow. Her and her fake boi boyfriend believe they are irl hazbin hotel characters. She also is super into Tearzah and actually drove out to meet Tearzah and “Baily”. I have known these guys for years now. They always have milky stuff to post and I live for it. Cycoriot also claims to have been a sex worker from a young age and used to have an instagram dedicated to Tearzah and believed she was kin with her character Ash. It was so cringe. Glad to see she’s still just as cringe.
No. 1581779
>>1576683>>1576689Sounds like undiagnosed BPD or some other personality disorder with her need to always paint herself as a
victim, her grandiose lies, and the need to be the center of attention… I can't stand those types of people, ugh.
No. 1585061
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This random French DID youtuber The Peculiar Club. Weird whitewashing filter on every pic/video, obviously rich parents given the huge jfashion wardrobe and house, the usual DID shit like spawning a new alter every few months from unbearable trauma. What really kills me though is that unlike most DID fakers she doesn't even bother making her alters act different. They vaguely have different style and have different sexualities and that's about it, her voice or mannerisms never changes even a little bit.
No. 1587618
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She's a cosplaying faildaughter who got influenced by the internet into converting because is based and has aesthetic iconography. I have no idea when she converted but she still has thotty cosplay and bikini pics up on her profile. Truly a modest woman of God on her way to sainthood.
No. 1588554
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idk whether she's a cow but i do follow her a lot, i found her on tiktok
>extremely vain despite being plain, printed merch of herself (posters, coasters, beer can covers) bikini-clad in a lascivious pose and plastered these all over for a party she hosted.
>obsessed with finding her husband in college. while in college, partied nonstop and couldn't even graduate
>overshares cringe stories of rejection by dudes who wanted to sleep with her and nothing more and being lonely, and how she invited 30 ppl over for her birthday but 2 came.
>classic cow money management, whines about having no money yet constantly goes to bars, the hairdresser, nail tech, injections. mooches from her parents
>obsessed with pete davidson of all celebrities
>her most viewed tiktok is about how women and men should be required to shave their armpits
also, not her doing but still funny
>someone took the time to send her a printed letter that just said "stop posting tiktoks"… and she showed it
she's my insight into normie sorority-type middle class american girls, i find her really interesting
No. 1588706
>>1588647that plus she just came back from a long home leave and closer to discharge from glasgow.
that just screams how attached she is to that place and people and doesnt want to leave
No. 1593083
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My personal cow is a 20something year old lolitalarper who has an obsession with being sm0l. Bodychecks all the time and is proud of her 'abs'. Nonbinary for popularitypoints of course. Doesn't really do anything wrong, just annoying because of the constant bodychecking lmao
No. 1593757
I doubt he’s my personal lolcow because he’s done so much shit at this point, but Meradorm/Sevastian Volkov
> BNF in the smallest fandom imaginable, wrote what used to be the only english fic, thinks he’s hot shit
> serial racefaker
> currently pretending to be irish, previously claimed to be ‘east asian’, tatar, middle eastern, NA indigenous, etc etc etc.
> has grandmothers for every race, all with trauma stories they barely escaped
> latest is ‘I had uncles locked in the engine room of the titanic’
> he’s 34 and assuredly did not have uncles on the titanic
> should have led with this but he raped a teenager
> got caught fucking her on the beach in lockdown by a cop
> claimed not to know there was a pandemic
> she starts crying and begging for the cop not to tell her parents
> turns out she’s 16
> he was 32
> claims he was too mentally ill to notice
> posts on le reddit about how she lied to him, she’s the real monster, etc etc
> they keep dating anyway
> says they’re waiting for her to turn 18
> immediately break up when she turns 18
> 1000 posts about what a horrible nightmare person he is
> probably abused the shit out of her
> she’s vanished from socials forever
> possibly she’s under his parents patio
> continues to post about how he’s fleeing across the country
> definitely mental illness not pedo charges lol
> writing a ‘children’s book’ as a vehicle for his self-insert porn
> has written a LOT of porn for this ‘children’s book’
> claims he wants to introduce children to real issues
> won a writing prize then got rejected for publication
> continues to be rejected
> probably because of all the porn
> or the pedo shit
> or because he won the prize while claiming to be asian
> sometimes posts about how he nearly killed a man in cold blood (his orbiters go wild for this one)
I’ve been following him for a while now and every month there’s new drama. He has a bunch of flying monkeys who love egging him on so the milk never runs dry. I should unfollow for my own health but I just can’t look away.
No. 1593952
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Aw man this bitch.
>Live in upstate NY
>Start homeschooling kid with some dumb christian homeschool program
>Suddenly start living off the grid in a tent with said child
>Seems like the kid has no interactions with kids his own age and little contact with the outside world.
>Where's his Dad? Fuck if I know.
>Oh currently squatting on someone's property without their knowledge
>Thinks that if she gets found out the owners will be 'grateful' since she's been 'taking care of the land for them'.
>Gets Wine Drunk on the reg and freaks out at 'trolls'
>Other general crunch cringe
>Also…just look at her. How could you say no to this face?I present to you Christine Blue, AKA Appaloosamama (inactive)
No. 1595501
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This artist I follow only really to laugh at
>DID faker
>Deleted the post but did artwork of their (I don't know what they are actually) serial killer edgy alters in a "meet the alters" post
>says they're trans but because one of their alters is too feminine? they can't commit but is on some form of HRT
>goes off at people claiming whoever it is "pissed off their alters"
>obsessed with creepypasta characters always drawing them
>has public drama every other week with an ex that "groomed" them posts about it constantly but anytime they've made a callout post with the "evidence" or posted screenshots they delete it
>spammed their story about the GF of the "groomer" guy including her account names and her full legal name
>always vague posting about other artist and does story polls getting people to vote if they should make a callout post but never do
>almost always in drama of some kind
>any time they open commisions they'e always "Emergency" commisions
>has deleted comments and blocked people who have commissioned them asking where/when they'll get the art
>constantly Ebegs to the point of every other post on their story being a Ebeg
>Ebegs for things like wifi bills not food or essentials
>Ebegged to move out of a "tranphobic home" got funded and moved out of the home
>lived with their fiance and a roomate but had drama with the roomate and couldn't budget so they moved back to the "transphobic" home with the fiance
>roped a bunch of big artists in the new Ebeg to move out again
>gets instagram shadowbanned all the time because of the Ebegging spam and uncensored gore they post but doesn't stop even when they get directly warned by instagram just complains about it on their story instead had old account deleted due to this
>Friends with an artcow Gutmouth who draws incest, age gap and women being beaten on her account whilst also posting her young son on the same account
>currently ebegging to move out again
No. 1595507
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>>1595501The current Ebeg, not sure how they'll keep affording the place without randoms funding it since that was one of the reasons they moved back last time and they've lost a huge amount of followers when they started Ebegging to move out again
No. 1595984
File: 1658647415197.jpeg (68.42 KB, 960x540, worlds creepist car deco.jpeg)

well he is not really a personal cow as he is posted sometimes in the lolita thread on /w/ and relentlessly mocked on /cgl/ (known as sainte the pedotroon) but last time milk was posted on him on /w/ he started having a huge meltdown and ban-evading shitting up the thread so I'll post here where he hopefully can't find it kek
anyways he is a pedophile male tranny who was moderator of a 4chan grooming server for a bit, supposedly dated an underage girl while in his mid 20s (this one is not proven), larps as a lesbian on /cgl/ to try and get women to meet up with him irl for sex, harasses women on a lolita dress buying auction site called lacemarket, posts about incest stuff with his cousin, and is constantly posting insane schizo-tier ramblings on his personal accounts and on /cgl/
he is obsessed with underaged anime girls and has decorated his room and shitty ricer car with posters/stickers of them - pic related some of the stickers he has (or had?) for his car
he also has tons of alt facebook and ig accounts that he uses to talk to himself with to make it look like he has friends kek
he also larps a ton - he larps as an alchemist and his most recent larps are pretending A$AP rocky and tyler the creator are his cousin and his best friend, along with larping as french despite being vietnamese-american
No. 1595987
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>>1595984here is his newest public fb meltdown (he liked this post too on one of his alt accounts kek) about him finally realizing he is unlovable, and baaawing about being "bullied, slandered, and defamed" all because he got outsed as a creepy pedo groomer on here and /cgl/
No. 1595988
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>>1595987one of his more recent weird larp posts (he is a neet and obviously does not have money for a rolls-royce)
No. 1595992
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>>1595988and here is an older photo of him before he trooned out from one of his public alt facebooks, he is wearing chiaki nanamis hoodie since he is extremely obsessed with her and wants a "chiaki nanami gf" or some shit
this wasn't posted on /w/ or /cgl/ yet surprisingly so I thought I would share here
I know the photo itself isn't super milky but seeing this is what the man behind the screen actually looks like that does all this insane shit makes me kek
pretty much everything he posts lately can be considered milky so I will just leave it at this for now
No. 1597778
>>1597602the first thread he was outed in is
>>>/w/207409 if you search through the thread you will find tons of milk on him
evidence of him being moderator in a groomer server is here
>>>/w/222341 plus he also admitted to it himself in one of the threads along with on /cgl/
and there is some milk in the newest lolita thread on /w/ but it's just more of his tardbabble facebook posts - looks like posting about him and him constantly being made fun of has driven him into hiding for a bit at least but he will probably come back eventually since he has been doing this for over 10 years
No. 1598317
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My current favourite cow is the user JayTawndre on the Britney Spears fan forum Exhale. He is truly something else:
>Gay narcissist that believes he's someone special and should be famous after seeing "Fake Famous" on HBO Max>Huge Britney fan, so much that he claims meeting her changed his life, posted a video about it (haven't seen it)>Parents dead, moved to Los Angeles, currently residing in Orange County, doesn't want to move back. Always homeless, never his fault>"Struggling all the time", permanently losing jobs, never his fault>Is obsessed with Exhale and creating "hit threads", especially about his own music>Shares his whole personal life on the forum, creating tons of threads - his birthday, getting a job, losing a job, releasing singles, "statements" to the forum, and so on>100% sure he knows Britney's alleged user names on Exhale>Mediocre music producer, has been exposed to use samples, messy meltdown>Thinks he has realistic chances to produce Britney Spears' next album >Posts tons of demos, cringy dance rehearsals, music videos no one's watching on Youtube>In general loves to post messy explanation/apology videos, sometimes drunk and high>Wanted to go to rehab, teased it for months to get pity points from forum users, finally goes and then quits early>Recently made some kind of docu series about himself he talked about for months, flopped, users slowly but surely are getting sick of himThere's so much shit he's posted I havent even covered 50% of it. Sometimes I really wonder how he hasn't been covered on LC or KF yet, but maybe it's because Exhale is a cesspool of
toxic gay men kek. See for yourself, these are only the threads he opened up himself and they're full of milk: Unfortunately you need an account to see everything on the Exhale forum plus users can see when you visited their profile, I think.
Social media: (using both) $jizziejames4
Gofundme his mother's best friend made after her death: gofundme: No. 1598319
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>>1598317Here's one of my favourite pics of him kek
No. 1599045
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>>1308794i'm late, but i love her, thank you for sharing. i took a look at her insta and look at this profile picture. why are her breasts so insisted upon when the rest of her is a silhouette ?? and lol at her handle, every time i see someone describing themselves as "controversial" they're insufferable
No. 1599432
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>>1599386>I almost got kidnapped yesterday. I was out in my slit leg dress and my stilletos and this van pulls up, rolls down his window, and I shake my head. So this guy drives up the street, flips a uTurn and pulls up to me again! Well at this point I'm speed waddling because my heels have just become handcuffs on my ankles. So I'm waddling as fast I can and my heart is racing because I didn't bring my brass knuckles to my business meeting in my purse and I make it into the light and people start coming out into the lot so thankfully he gave up
Bonus pic of the troon in question
they have it on their twitter and ofc they're a vtuber kek No. 1600888
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>>1595501How do you end up like this as a person
No. 1602031
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>>1532093Here's evidence of him being a sex trafficker
No. 1603925
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This isn’t a really a personal lolcow more of a lolcow I discovered on my morning scrolling through Tumblr.
Let me introduce you to cosmicanger/adultspider/patchworktextiles. A Tumblr troon who complains and whines all day long about “non-black” people and how everything and everyone is “anti-black”
>schizo-posts every hour, sperging on how “non-black” people are ruining this world
>steals content and reposts it on their blog
>harasses other tumblr users on the daily
>loves to “call non-black people out because no one else will do it”
>uses the same terminology over and over again making their arguments redundant
>has a whole tag page dedicated to another tumblr user harassing them (clearly said tumblr user ignores them and could care less what cosmicanger has to say)
>enjoys stirring up drama for that sweet tumblr clout
Scrolling through their blog made me lose a few brain cells but it was hilarious to what them meltdown at every little thing.
No. 1609727
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I've been following this menace for months and i feel like she could have a potential thread.
>19 year old retarded nonbinary themlet who thinks being racist and misogynistic is "based" also draws shitty fakeboi male manipultor art. self hating TiF>dating another fakeboi>nazi and necrophilia fetish>hates women with a "passion" even though surprise surprise, she's one herself>romanticized serial killers/school shooters and drew stupid furfag porn shit of them >went so far as to threaten to shoot up her school and kill irl peers>thinks being an r9k lurker and gore addict count as personality traits>sent gross shit like corpses and furfag porn to literal minors >animation memer >made fun of her ex being raped/abused, on top of that stalked her for years and continously harassed her>has "alters" and is part of a "system" AKA faking DID, including a child "age regression" alter which she heavily sexualized>borderline pedo>"kinned" jeffrey dahmer at one point>dug up a classmate's dead kitten "out of curiosity" without his consent>blocks anyone that brings any of this up or sends her goons to harass them >blames ALL of the above on mental illness when in actuality she's just a piece of shit who shouldn't be anywhere near a computer current social medias:
https://sgt-roach.tumblr.cominstragram: defunct) youtube channel: twitter: (private)
No. 1618079
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ive gone down a bit of a rabbithole with this guy tbh
his names joey nigro, and he posts a lot on this forum i visit and generally makes himself a nuisance by asking for free inappropriate art of various characters. 'caillou with his legs cut off' comes to mind as one of his requests. anyway, he has a website where he seems to make his own 'educational' games (, and he posts goanimate animations to his youtube channel. the latest one is literally titled 'Caillou violates a belt sander and gets grounded' ffs
honestly i get that he's probably just very autistic and a massive creep, but i feel like theres more to uncover with this guy
No. 1618108
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@rootcausepsychology / on TikTok
>”why do beautiful perfect sexy people like me have to suffer, I’m going to destroy suffering by spreading love. Not that gay shit though”
>thinks he’s going to get a 50k loan to hand out to “losers” and connect them with rich people to help and enlighten them
>got a third eye tattoo because the tattoo “enlightens you” and “for his inner child”
>hallucinated that he was tortured and raped by his mother while on MDMA and says that’s why he’s like this
>believes people should be sympathetic towards rapists and pedophiles because they’re actually children in adult bodies
>wants to open a “school” for sexually abused children where he just gives the kids money
>fantasizes about beating and raping children but it’s okay because he “forgives himself”
>calls that desire a kink but says “dw guys I don’t do kinky sex shit like that anymore!!”
>admittedly delusional and narcissistic, but can’t be manic because he’s “built different”
I’m sure there’s more but this was just from watching a couple of his more recent videos post-forehead tattoo. This man is actually insane, and scrolling his account feels like watching a train wreck.
No. 1618130
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>>1618079Ok this made me laugh
No. 1620608
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I assumed you could only post 18+ subjects here but apparently not. Here is a girl I discovered recently, she's interesting to say the least
>very proana despite claiming to be in recovery
>interacts with loli stuff on twitter. Also obsessed with touhou.
>Had an entire youtube channel devoted to sharing what she would eat in a day as an anorexic
>Curently makes videos about doing heroin and getting raped whilst speaking like a 10 year old
>Orbits dollieguts
>Badly shoops herself thinner
>begs for money, despite having a job
There's probably more but I'm tired. She creeps me out honestly
No. 1620710
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>>1618079I found a ton of short videos from different accounts all making fun of him. It seems like it's one guy doing all of this, it's weird.
No. 1625290
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This is a predator that prowls the pro black sectors of YouTube. He goes by The Atlantic Creole/atlantic_creole/Beige pill/Kyle Griffiths.
>Pretends to be pro black but has called black people apes and slurs.>Has a rap sheet of stalking and sexually harassing both men and women.>Has doxxed multiple people and made death threats.>Has allegedly exchanged nudes with a 13 year old boy and has a collection of CP. Falsely accuses other people of being pedos despite this.>Bragged about molesting his own father once and how he got away with it.>Acts like an intersectional feminist but calls women he's jealous of whores and thots, especially mixed women.>Tries to get women harmed repeatedly.His YouTube channels: Twitter No. 1628235
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> Ginny Gaddis/Ginny Munera is a 36 year old scammer who poses as a scientist on Facebook.
> definitely a confessed ex heroin addict but evidence in the past year suggests she has continued to abuse drugs
> Scammed a bunch of autistic MBTI saps out of thousands of dollars by posing as a homeless goth chick with a sick baby brother. Somehow carried on this fraud for years before being spectacularly exposed in Facebook groups. She even got reported to the FBI for identity theft and numerous incidents of fraud
> Variously claimed to be a scientist/astrophysicist/physicist employed by the University of Tennessee, yet no record of her ever being employed by the university exists and the photos of stars and comets she claimed to have "discovered" were found to be stolen online using reverse image search.
> has at LEAST 20 alt profiles on Facebook, that she uses to boost her own likes on her pictures, comment compliments, or keep tabs on various groups and people she fixates on. The true number of alts is much higher and must take hours of daily management. But that's okay because Ginny is unemployed and has no custody of her children.
> HEAVILY photoshops and edits her pictures to be younger and more attractive, yet hilariously her mugshot for SHOPLIFTING can be easily found via Google images that shows her true age and lifestyle.
> stole the identities of three people whom she would either use to ask for money or pose as her fake scientist "colleagues" who addressed her as "Goddess Ginny" and claimed she had taken a picture of the entire universe.
> Very nearly appeared on an Episode of MTV's Catfish after she was caught stealing an identity in order to pose as a tattoo artist
to secure deposits from people wanting ink done. Receipts for this were unearthed at the same time she was busted about working at UT and posing as a homeless woman.
> Along with claiming to be a scientist she variously constructed scams and lies around raising money for cancer, pretending to have a 150 IQ and knowing philosophy, having a street named after her, selling t shirts on Bonfire under false fundraising claims, being proficient at martial arts, and overall being a cringe post wall attention seeker
> after being exposed in Facebook groups, Ginny went dark for about a month yet returned like nothing happened. Has continued to post astrophotography pictures claiming she took them, her own deeply filtered and horsey face, and her obsession with raccoons and skunks that eat trash in her yard. (Namefag Newfag )
No. 1628657
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>>1531424Too make things worse about his JwilleAndrew server, it has minors in it and they are sexually harassed and groomed by the nonces in there.
No. 1640579
File: 1662543023065.webm (3.12 MB, 576x1024, alison.webm)
not a cow per se, but still entertaining. statisfies my Rachel craving and has a weird mouth just like Pixielocks
Alison Laurel Haymaker / buckyandalison
>dumpy fat activist, with the defensive fake confidence that comes with it
>really weird cadence and crazy facial expressions
>sped working on a biology-adjacent phd, i suspect autism
>disney adult
>badly sings disney songs on a yt channel with the same name as her fucking linkedin
>empty life and weird obsession with her cats
No. 1640580
File: 1662543101666.webm (1.64 MB, 576x1024, talented.webm)
>>1640579here she is weirdly intense and angry
No. 1640628
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>>1640617i was going to say she was doing a legit biology phd, because i was under that impression, but her linkedin says otherwise. sounds like chemistry was too hard so she switched to some bullshit humanities thesis (no hate whatsoever to humanities students or enthusiasts, it's the ideology-infested departments i'm wary of).
>>1640603she seems quite lonely yeah
No. 1643211
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part of me honestly thinks at this point that the line between lolcow behavior and troon behavior is very much blurred, but here goes. I knew this person for a couple of years.
>starts off as a typical 4chan browsing scrote that based their personality off of anything they saw on /tv/ or elsewhere.
>massive weeb and said some pedophilic shit in passing. "yeah i'd fuck an underage japanese schoolboy"
>hates women, jews, non-whites, especially hates gay people, SWers and troons.
>incredibly hostile and avoidant of any women that hung out with us and would actively try and exclude them from events.
>utterly hopeless at functioning, dropped out of uni and smoked weed all day, completely unemployable and antisocial.
>eventually they started dating a girl, she was really nice.
>the relationship was good and all until he started straight up abusing her, this ranged from following her home, going through her phone, forbidding her from hanging out with men, hitting her, etc.
>someone in the group that was close to the gf started telling everyone about the abuse, the entire group slowly distances themselves from him.
> he and his gf break up after he found notes in her phone about a coworker she had a crush on, this ended up in him following her home, breaking into her house and smashing up shit in her room before sobbing on the phone for her to take him back, she refuses.
>shortly after he starts identifying as a "femboy" and doesn't shut the fuck up about how horny he is in our group chats and posts screencaps of him being rude to people on grindr for no reason.
>group starts to seriously distance themselves now, he still hasn't figured it out.
>eventually over time he troons out, changes his name and abruptly leaves, only staying in contact with the only two girls in the group.
>both of the girls tell him to fuck off and one of them gets on his Instagram live and taunts him about being abusive, his equally retarded troon friends defend him and he abruptly ends the live.
Starts parroting left wing "woke" shit on twitter about "muh womens rights and black lives matter" despite his history of hating women and minorities.
>apparently since then he's become a "sex worker" that does porn, and a drug addict that's been on and off homeless for some time.
>last thing i heard about them was they almost OD'd, had serotonin syndrome, flushed their drugs down the toilet and started drinking the toilet water for any remnants of the pills they flushed. They have no friends and let their narc behaviour run rampant.
i'm pretty confident that they'll be dead in the next 5-6 years.
No. 1645530
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i don't know if this counts as cow behavior, but i've been bothered by this youtuber for a while now.
>gets big off of criticizing low hanging fruit i.e onision
>but let's be real, she only got popular cause she's a hot goff girl
>has no discerning personality outside of being uwu goff and gay uwu
>plays up the goff part to a ridiculous degree just for attention (srsly, look at her older videos compared to now)
>got a sphynx cat because of the bingus meme
>has a furby son because quirky
>defends troons like her life depended on it (hates "TERFS", of course)
>did i forget to mention she's quirky and gay and goff?
No. 1645901
>>1645530The whole needing a purebred kitten bc
aesthetic thing pissed me off so much. This bitch lives in Toronto. They are overrun with homeless cats. You want a cat? Walk around long enough and you'll find a free cat.
No. 1645956
>>1645530just watched one of her videos for the first time.
her voice is so squeaky and scratchy, and it annoyed me how she can barely read out loud. she was really struggling to read the tumblr posts she was trying to criticize.
No. 1645982
>Baseball Discord Admin who threw me under the bus when he appointed two kids who constantly bullied me in said server as mods.>Is incredibly vain and brags about his life while posting selfies of themselves on Twitter and Instagram.>Trooned out because he has an obsession with Taylor Swift to the point where his trans name is Taylor.>Hangs out with the trans community is Brooklyn. >Bullies various fanbases on said Discord and even made an Astroworld Moshpit Killings joke when the Houston Astros lost the 2021 World Series.>Defended pitcher, Matt Harvey for his involvement in the drugging and murder of Los Angeles Angels pitcher, Tyler Skaggs simply because Harvey was a Met one time. No. 1646049
>>1645901but anon, it's a funny meme cat!! she has to have the funny meme cat so she can pande- i mean because she's so quirky and gothy and aesthetic uwu
this bitch reminds me of shoe with how obsessed she is with aesthetics and being perceived as such
No. 1646070
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>>162060At first I felt sorry for her, but when watching the video about her step dad it feels like she's trying to impersonate dollieguts. I don't understand why anyone would be so open about that kinda things? I don't believe everything she says, how does a 14 year old girl apparently go through heroin addiction, rape, abuse, eating disorders and fuck knows what else. She reeks of BPD and I get the vibe she's a very manipulative and cold person deep down
No. 1646499
Meet Alishabobisha_, formerly eboyalisha on tiktok. I knew her in middle school and I think she's gotten worse as she's aged. (I'd gather screenshots of our fallout but I'm not even sure they're still up)
>Tiktok attention whore. Got famous for being a 'weird girl' but made fun of organic weird girls for their weirdness.>Constantly has the worst hairstyles (nitpick, I know, but they truly have to be seen to be believed)>Might still be pro blue lives matter, not really sure. Said ACAB except for her mom during the 2020 police brutality protests.>Called my lesbian friend a dyke multiple times, says it's okay because she's bisexual.>Upon being called out by said lesbian friend, another friend and I, she proceeded to play the victim and act like she did nothing wrong.>Later made a bunch of videos saying she didn't care what we had to say because we're jealous of her tiktok fame. She left up the earlier videos throwing a hissyfit, kek.>Said something about how fat people are promoting obesity by… existing I guess?>My friend supports Amber Heard and made a story about her treatment. Alisha swiped up and said, 'wait, I thought we hated Amber?'>In general, plays at being holier-than-thou, virtue signals, bihet, handmaiden, makes/made thirst traps, is just generally fake. No. 1647464
This thread reminds me of someone I went to middle school with, who in retrospect, sprung up a lot of red flags. It was only until I brought her up to a co-worker who had been friends with her since childhood, (and had recently cut her off) that I found out the chick was certifiably, shit-house rat insane. Irl, She was non-verbal and very anti-social. Bit her finger nails a lot, a bit slow as well. From an outsider perspective, The general consensus was that she was a weirdo. I feel kind of bad for saying this but people joked about her being a candidate for a future school shooter, and my opinion on that hasn’t changed. She had poor manners and was abysmal when it came to interpersonal interactions. Online was where her freak persona really popped out, though. Mentally ill, autistic, DID, gender fluid, hyperactive, attention-seeking, kinning, k-pop, just about the most insufferable and undesirable profile of characteristics you could put onto a person, and that was her. She ran the gambit from posting self harm scars online, to vent posting about “muh mentals”, her home life, and begging for validation from her “””mutuals”””. She was getting into drama with random people, constantly “popping off” her “hot takes”, and running smear campaigns on artists she disliked with conspiracy-theory-level analysis on their artwork, where she would try to accuse the artists of in some way, promoting pedophilia, abusive relationships, incest, etc… she might’ve had more potential, but I think the reason behind her actions must be severe mental illness, not good ol’ fashioned, light-hearted lol-cow eccentricity.
Still, the juxtaposition from a shy, withdrawn, autistic girl to an online screeching bpd banshee ruining your favorite hobby with her schizo ‘hot-takes’ is fascinating for sure
No. 1653028
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This is a particularly pathetic personal lolcow of mine. She goes by mizzmm/Mindy Madison/biracial lipgloss/bratmindy online.
>52 year old Canadian camgirl/dominatrix with a history of drug abuse.>Was diagnosed with NPD.>Does a whole bunch of disgusting fetishes on her pages like scat, pegging, and spitting.>Is always virtue signalling about racism and misogyny but says all black women are men and monkeys.>Tried hiding the fact that she was a cam whore when she made a YouTube channel to Trad-LARP but starting falsely accussing a bunch of people of sexually abusing her for exposing her.>Has a deformed looking flat ass that had shit stains in it.>Actually crapped her pants during a cam show.>Bragged about getting her ex boyfriend to kill himself.>Called CPS on other YouTuber for making fun of her ass.>Has doxxed men for rejecting her advances.>Tries grooming young impressionable women online to become sex workers and onlyfans thots.>Blackmailed a mentally ill teenager.>Is allegedly a Tranny.Her twitter: YouTube channels: twitter: porn/camwhore websites: now deleted tumblr:
https://findomprincess.tumblr.comHer shitty SoundCloud: No. 1653042
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>>1653028Proof she crapped her pants during her cam shows
No. 1653508
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>>1653050I have no clue, then again she does scat stuff on her page
No. 1653584
>>1653028I wish her youtube was still up, it probably was milk central.
>>1653515Same here, imo they need to kill themselves along with the scrotes that support them. There's not redemption at that point.
No. 1653967
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you know what i'm finally ready to share my favorite personal cow with the world
>Chan Ma/United Koopas/LAB9, 20 years old, lives in Canada
>sexually attracted to koopa troopas
>has extensive lore for each of his OCs, his favorites include Concord McSubway and Carter Again
>makes degenerate inflation/mpreg/ageplay porn of these koopas, but only uses these shitty stock assets to do so with minor alterations in MSPaint
>autistically documents every moment of every day in his discord server, taking pictures with his concord mcsubway plush wherever he goes
>constantly sperging on twitter about hating certain characters in the game Mario Kart Tour, but i believe he's gone private and is focused solely on cooming for now
>makes koopa edits to commemerate tragic events like 9/11,the atomic bomb droppings, and his grandfather's death
>obsessed with public transportation, has fictional koopa airlines and transit buses, and frequently details fictional accidents with heavy death tolls that occur on them
>got kicked off a public bus for filming women without their consent
i've been following him for like 3 years and though his socials are mostly inactive now i cannot hold this information in my head anymore it is too funny not to share. i have tons of hilarious screenshots if anyone is interested
No. 1654170
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i'm glad to see the interest! if he was more active i would make a full /snow/ thread for him but he shut down most of his social media because he was upset people like the character drybones
>>1653986i found him in the replies section of a mario kart tour tweet sperging about gold koopa troopa, and checked his page and the art was absolutely abysmal, and the captions were even funnier. he used to have a youtube channel with tons of content but it's now gone sadly, but he autistically archived almost every tweet and deviantart post he's ever made in his discord server
No. 1654175
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he also has this autistic tier list and if you like any character below the top two rows he will sperg out and have a meltdown
No. 1654258
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>>1654170>shut down most of his social media because he was upset people like the character drybonesim fucking dying this is S rank autism. if you did not mention he was 20 I would guess hes 12 by his writing alone. could ghostwrite for sonichu comics, what the fuck.
No. 1654338
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>>1654170>OH SHOT!why the fuck is this so funny omg
No. 1654355
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>>1654294i'm glad there is so much interest! if enough nonnas would like it, i can archive all his greatest hits in a googledoc, i have probably a hundred or so screencaps that are all very funny
>>1654350i thought so at first too but sadly it is not, just heavily autistic and ESL
No. 1654359
>>1654170this is one of the best personal cow i've ever seen
nonny. the level of autism is through the roof, it's amazing. keep it coming if you want kek.
No. 1654371
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i've never seen that pasta before, but he adapts pastas sometimes for his koopa roleplay, he also draws family guy versions of the koopas. if he is trolling then he's been consistently churning out koopa porn and koopa roleplay for over 3 years straight and never broken character once, which i find really unlikely. he also likes to capitalize on current events for his koopa lore (adding a character called levi the brown koopa for black lives matter, making the koopas fight over toilet paper and get covid, etc) so it wouldnt surprise me if that particular pasta tickled his ESL mind. he's a cambodian immigrant to canada, i think english is his third language.
No. 1654466
>>1653967>>1654294For real, there's not enough cows like this anymore with this sort of Sonichu levels of autism, this guy's behaviour is hilarious
>>1654417Dying to see more of this kek. I almost think this guy warrants his own thread if there's really that much material, if only because it would make for a great read on its own.
No. 1654750
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for anyone more interested in united koopas, i've made a google drive link with around 100 or so screenshots. these are just from 3 of his channels on ONE of his discords LOL. just a warning there is one not safe for life pic of a koopa mpreg abortion. besides that, there is no other koopa porn in this folder. if any demented
nonnie wants to see it i will soldier through the pain for you to add it. No. 1654819
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>>1654750Thank you Nona! God I'm still not past Concord McSubway
No. 1654839
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>>1654750stealing this to use as a reaction pic
No. 1654844
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>>1654750are they fucking watching the buildings go down
No. 1654859
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No. 1654869
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I found his FurAffinity account, Pintrest, Twitter, Deviantart and I really don’t think this is a troll.
The FA account is full of Koopa fetish art, like Koopa feet, vore, diapers, and inflation
>You’re gay or what?
No. 1654905
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Spoiler for vore.
No. 1654935
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i'll keep updating and put the koopa porn in a nsfw folder if you guys really want it. he puts it all in a age restricted channel so i have to wait to get the role back to access it
No. 1654980
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Since the animation ''meme'' community is sperging out about a degenerate, AKA Foxi Boxi dating a 13 yr old and sending NSFW to her 14 yr old cousin.
I've knew her personal coomer shit for 5 months.
>Scammed people who had commissioned her around the same time shit hit the fan, and it's unlikely she'll return the money.>Makes dogshit animations on her youtube that no longer exists.>Has put little to no restrictions on her NSFW coomer drawings (didn't even bother privating her 18+ twitter until getting called out.)>Has supported and bought from Bad Dragon, an online store brand that sells animal dildos, and one of the owners is a zoophile.>Made a very generic apology, and tries to blame others but not herself for what she's done.>Has she/they/flower unironically has her pronouns.Since most of Foxi's social media is basically deleted by her, the only one I know that still exists is her Deviantart. (INACTIVE)
No. 1655563
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Th koopa posting reminded me of luigiyoshi2210 on tumblr,a small, personal cow of mine. I don't ever really see them getting into drama, but they post these delightful squidgame versions of luigi and yoshi being fags. I have no idea if they're just some fujo who's wrapped up in her husbandos or what, but the clear amount of time put into the drawings really makes me smile.
No. 1657281
>>1541833MKULTRA is real, there's even some declassified documents on it. There's precious few self proclaimed
victims of government sponsored mind control/torture, though, according the extreme abuse survey that was associated with the therapists who saw these people.
Like so few that there's no way you'd come across one at random like this. Plus, the original experiments happened decades ago. All the
victims are middle aged at the very least now.
No. 1683385
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>>1421713Update on my personal cow: husbando nuked his socials and she doesn’t list him in her Twitter bio anymore. Drops a tweet implying a divorce; looks like she and the troon are moving to Texas. Good for you, ex husband.
Eager to see how this perpetual NEET and autistic libfem idiot handles being a single mom in a red state. Will she cuck the troon next, or will she have to suck it up and become the breadwinner?
Thankfully she can’t trans her kids as easily over there, hopefully they’ll be safe for now kek
No. 1687564
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>>1532093It's seem that our buddy Steven barendregt of Indiana has ties to atomwaffen and is in a server full of atomwaffen members.
No. 1687567
>>1687564Atomwaffen, for those that don't know is a pro pedophilia Neo Nazi group that is heavily investigated by the FBI. that Stevie boy likes troons and lolicon, it's not surprising to anyone