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No. 1291099
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I swear people are DYING for any sort of attention now. I wish you could embed yt shorts
No. 1291136
File: 1659735650808.png (778.94 KB, 720x1165, Screenshot_20220805-164031.png)

Porn is just being shoved down everyone's throat now. Is everyone that mad most people are choosing not to be porn addicts anymore? Christ
No. 1291166
File: 1659736444988.png (673.64 KB, 720x1254, Screenshot_20220805-165310.png)

>>1291145Did this and still get inflated with shit. Only watch cute animals? You get a girl with bolt ons and a bra playing with kittens. Are you in the medical field and watch stuff relating to your career? You get TikTok nurses stuffing their bra into oblivion and shoving themselves into tiny scrubs giving out fake sex facts. Work at a restaurant/ watch cooking vids? Boom hooters girls dancing. Are you a mom? Boom incest coomerbait and breastfeeding close ups. Porn is inflating everything now and it's driving me insane
No. 1291353
>>1291324Definitely. I remember the trend of "my family and their problems" and it's like oo aunt Mary is an ex drug addict cousin shelia got cheated on by her husband johnny has 5 baby mamas etc. It's also funny when people can't keep their lies consistent.
Shit tier parents keep getting spammed. I also keep getting spammed with these awful ass paintings that look like they've been made by a 5 yr old, the "artist" keeps making fake Karen story content to promote as if anyone is buying this awful ass shit. Comments are spammed with people supposedly it but I feel like I'm taking crazy pills kek. Lazy ass abstract art is better than this eyesore
No. 1291354
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Forgot to attach pic
No. 1291396
>>1291166that's because the tiktok algorithm doesn't filter out
all irrelevant content. it prioritizes popular videos first and sorts them out if they're vaguely related. and users tag the videos themselves so even if you filter out most content it goes off what they tag, what you watch and what others who watch the same videos watch as well.
No. 1291491
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This thread was much needed. I was just ranting with my bf about how I despise tiktok and its content creators as well as its users because of how annoying they are. How can one not get mad at that stupid AI voice and silly soundtracks? Don't even get me started on the fucking dance moves, not to mention the disservice when it comes to mental illness talk. So many people became autists thanks to it all of a sudden, so I guess physicians aren't needed anymore since you can just follow the next numbnuts person like picrel for a proper diagnose. The content is abhorrent and I wish natural selection would do its job and wipe these people off the Earth. Sorry if it isn't the place but I needed to get it off my chest.
No. 1291505
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I absolutely loathe those Andrew Tate YouTube shorts that keep popping up. He is so ugly too. Bald and chinless trying to compensate.
No. 1291563
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Not super cringe but I watch a lot of baking channels so I keep getting this woman named Bake My Day Mimo popping up on the Youtube Short recommended. Her videos always have really whiny sob story titles like
>This Karen customer REFUSED to accept this cake I slaved over for 5 days
>They didn't even pay their deposit
>insert random made up hater comment here
Don't even know or watch her but from the self pity alone I never want to. Just let me watch cake videos without you whining about your life
No. 1291615
>>1291563Same. I keep getting spammed by every business using the same fake Karen story to promote their shitty product and act as if they're top tier business men
>>1291535Well yes. Most men just use leaks or free porn as porn now so the days of buying magazines, tapes, etc is over. Girls try to get into porn and get out real fast since even onlyfans markets are being over inflated so you next to expect literal pennies. Most whores posting themselves with balls up their shirt and a waist filter on are just promoting their own content
No. 1291711
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Anyone getting this muslim youtube couple shoved down their throat? I've never watched any islamic or religious content so there's no reason for the algorithm to think I'd like this. All of their videos consist of them campily explaining how terrible, sexist, and oppressive islam is to women but with upbeat tiktok music and a sunny disposition while they show how this man can essentially do whatever he wants while the woman has to wear 50 layers and not have any freedoms and can't even show her face to her own brother. It truly feels like a dystopic psyop to push their shitty religion onto the gen z kids. At least people seem to not buy into it as they argue a lot in the comments. and it shows how truly awful muslim men are because they start out defending their religion in the replies with these sickly sweet comments littered with happy face emojis and then pull a 180 and call western women dirty whores who can't think for themselves when they don't immediately agree with them lol
No. 1291792
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I get recommended "sigma" male shit all the time. No matter how much I click don't recommend.
No. 1291824
>>1291792Not to tinfoil but there is probably a reason/agenda why tiktok keeps shoving things like that on us.I mean they have the money for it they could fix the fyp and algorithm but instead i think they prefer it like this.
I only follow,like and comment on edits,art,BL & fashion accounts and videos yet on my fyp its mostly sigma,alpha,andrew tate, alt-right, political, trauma-baiting, animal abuse and porn.
No. 1291827
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I am so fucking sick of youtube pushing this over-botoxed bimbo pick me's shorts. Her views were finally tanking until youtube introduced this format for people to get an easy million views off these short little clips. This trad wife larp she's pulling is hilarious considering she slept around her whole twenties, did drugs, got herpes, got knocked up by some random Russian one night stand, flew to Romania to be Andrew Tate's fuckdoll for a night. And now that she's married to some young blonde haired blue eyed dumbass she sits on this pedestal with her bolt on's and tranny makeup shitting on everyone else for doing the exact same fucking shit she did. Fuck you Mikhaila, and your crusty perverted dad. I feel so sorry for her daughter and the terrible lessons she's getting driven into her head.
No. 1291841
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>>1291827Samefag but I forgot to mention she finished this statement with "but men get more attractive as they age so they have time that you don't have." Yes Mikhaila, because life for women revolves around whether disgusting old men can get hard to our appearance. She is so headfucked I can't believe there's women who actually find this garbage motivational.
This was one of the top comments, some old cunt sounding a little too relieved his wife died at 46 so he could go out and knock up some younger women. He's an idiot for marrying a woman who didn't want kids while thinking he could somehow change her as if she's broken in some way, and now blames her for "being too old to play with his young kids." He sums up those 17 years as a "waste." What a pathetic shriveled piece of shit, hope he dies of colon cancer. No accountability whatsoever but that's pretty typical of men.
>>1291833>She’s slowly killing her father with that high-cholesterol carnivore dietGood.
No. 1291847
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>>1291844>>1291845What's wrong Nona's you don't find this droopy washed out greasy haired crooked toothed fuck attractive? kek
seriously though it's fucked that she and her dad put womens sole worth into being fErTiLe and aTtrAcTiVe as if that's all that we're good for, fucking pisses me off especially coming from those charlatan hypocrites No. 1291851
File: 1659793334259.jpeg (124.42 KB, 726x414, 378A49FE-27D4-49C9-85A7-38A025…)

>>1291847Btw that old decrepit shriveling faggot finds an ED aryan bimbo on sports illustrated more attractive than his own wife. He also wrote about having a sexual dream about his own grandma and her pubic hairs, srsly look it up
No. 1291865
>>1291857I think its because alot of them are incels or failures at life so they feel like theyve acomplished something at life if they convert or they use it to have some sort of control.
You should take a look at kanadajin thread in w/ she is a former weaboo who became a convert.
>>1291861Do you think only nordic people are whit?
No. 1291885
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>>1291883you’re just jealous you can’t wear a cute modest burkini anon. inb4 you fat europoors be like “how can they wear that at the hot beach!?” well for one you can’t be a fat europoor running on the gentrified indian processed diet of tesco’s and second the cloth enables proper ventilation
No. 1291908
>>1291905did you read my post, I was clearly mocking the religion of the arab pedophile
>>1291906I am a brown person(actually I am even darker then brown)
No. 1291918
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>>1291851>>1291847I'm reminded me of vanessa vokey claiming that Jordan Peterson was a smart man and that feminists were unfairly attacking him, kek
No. 1291923
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>>1291918samefag don't think vanessa is a tardthot though, her "type" is common on radblr and radfem twitter, their talking points are a mixture alt-lite, FDS and whatever special ideology they've chosen at that period, they jump from pagan socialist to greek orthodox feminist to stalinist atheist 5 times a year
No. 1291957
>>1291711god, me too!
constantly women who are supposedly so independent and totez happy while walking around not even showing the space between their eyes
and next to them you have your typical big tittie girlies or creepy closeups of female athletes asses
and that totally doesn't affect the children watching at all…
No. 1291960
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anyone else notice Bella Porch’s hairline clinging on for dear life lately?
she’s still hot so good for her.. but jfc she needs to stop with the Jojo Siwa ponytail. it’s doing her no favours
No. 1291973
>>1291966sorry about your bad hairline wk but Bella’s forehead has doubled in size from that slick-back super tight ponytail she wears every day. She’s not ugly by any means but, like I said before, that ponytail is ripping her hair out and doing her no favours. It’s not just a bad hair day, she’s doing it to herself
>>1291968I wish she wouldn’t make it worse by wearing her hair so tight. She’s really very pretty but her massive 5head is so distracting
No. 1292012
>>1291827I'm personally sick of the way you all insult women you don't like by saying they are botoxed, botched, or any other insinuation about surgeries. Don't get me wrong, a Kardashian can't tell me she never got surgery. But more and more, i see women on the internet saying that random normal looking girls they don't like are botched. This is unhinged. I don't care about Mikhaila but she looks exactly like her mother.
Stop spreading rumors about women's appearance like that when they look completely normal, shitsack. I'm sure if you saw my lips and didn't like me you'd say i'm an over-botoxed bimbo kek, this is insane.
No. 1292028
>>1292012I didn't call her botched, I said over botoxed. She's admitted to the botox and the filler, that's not a rumor dumbass. The fake boobs are obvious based on how she went from A cups to whatever she has now and the photos of them during the healing process before they dropped a bit was undeniable. I'm pointing that out because of her hypocrisy, this is all stuff she used to say was essentially beneath her. And now she's turning her attention to insulting women for sleeping around or doing mdma and cocaine and partying, again; all stuff she has done as well. She calls women who don't want kids and don't want to marry "losers." She calls Andrew Tate "a good man." She's a pick me, through and through.
Also no one's fucking talking about you, why are you trying to inject your hypothetical assumptions into the thread you weirdo? I wouldn't call you over botoxed unless you actually were, retard.
No. 1292053
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>>1291883You have a source for that? I want to read more about it because this specific reason doesn't seem linked to profit, and usually when online services use algorithms to push a specific content to a specific audience to influence them, it's driven by profit, even when it's indirectly. I'm an ex-muslim and cannot stand guys from my ethnicity, I never used dating apps in my entire life and would have immediately deleted everything if I did use them and only had this sort of profiles shown to me. That would be the exact opposite of what I want. I'm in Europe and I'm also curious as to whether all of Europe dealt with this or only specific countries. I see dating apps the same way I see clubs and bars that give free drinks or free entries for women only, the female users/customers are only here to attract male customers who will be the ones who will spend money… But do dating app have paid services?
No. 1292173
>>1292153>>1292156no, I believe you. Most of the groomers in the uk were pakis, and nafris in france and germany were doing a lot of terrorism for a while.
I was thinking more about it, and I think it's because america is stricter when it comes to immigration than europe.
europe is closer in proxomity to north africa and the middle east, so it seems easy for a simple village scrote with a 14 year old bride to migrate there. but our muslim immigrants are wealthier.
No. 1292214
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>>1291151Is that Anfisa from 90 day fiance lol
No. 1292222
I haven’t gotten the Muslim stuff on my YouTube shorts but mine is nothing but girls dressing up and thot rping Marilyn Monroe despite the fact that I’ve never looked at anything related to her, all i watch is fine art and craft videos
>>1292012You’ve memed yourself into thinking they look normal, delete insta.
No. 1292233
>>1292173>europe is closer in proxomity to north africa and the middle east, so it seems easy for a simple village scrote with a 14 year old bride to migrate thereYes and no, it depends on each country and their respective histories too. For France, where I am, the reason why there are a lot of north africans, me included, is because we come from former colonies and France straight up asked and encouraged Algerians to come to France to get a cheap workforce for construction work in the 50s and 60s and the ones who accepted needed the money badly. Most of the north africans you'll see here are born and raised in France as a result. Same thing for black people, they're often from former French colonies in Africa, or from Guadeloupe, Martinique, etc. I think it's the same reason why there are so many Indians and Pakistanis in the UK, right?
>nafris in france and germany were doing a lot of terrorism for a while.No idea about Germany but here there has been less cases because of security being higher as a result of big cases like what happened in Paris during that one rock concert in the Bataclan. Nowadays, terrorists are more often caught before they can act and there are more far right white supremacists getting caught than before because they get caught by purchasing a lot of weapons illegally right before they can do anything with them. It's either one extreme or the other.
No. 1292243
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>>1292202I feel the same way! There's some weird caretaker fetishy thing there I think. It makes me uncomfortable and I don't quite know why. I kinda felt the same way when that guy with cerebral palsy Zach Anner had a normal-looking able-bodied girlfriend, but he's (I feel weird saying this) better looking than the Shane guy and he's actually pretty hilarious
No. 1292357
>>1291711Blegh, I have these two show up on my IG reels all the time. The nicest thing I can say about them is that they look like they stink. The algorithms greatest flaw is that it thinks all watching is enjoyment and not someone looking on in baffled awe of what they’re watching.
For me my recommended reels went from general bridal > Desi bridal > Muslim bridal > Muslim weddings > Hijabi converts bragging about how enlightened they are now that they’ve given up bikinis for burqas. It honestly feels like a psyop at this point. It’s gotten the the point I get vent reels of hijabis crying about people being mean to them about their fashion/their weight/their education, with the big reveal that most of the negativity comes from
gasp fellow Muslims. Hopefully a few of them will wake up and realise that the calls are coming from inside the house and walk away before they’re married or pregnant.
No. 1292587
>>1291914Kek I never like to tip delivery orders using my card because I'd rather do it in cash so it's guaranteed in pocket. But I always leave a not saying I'll tip in cash cuz I'm afraid of some entitled zoomer pulling one of these if they see "no tip". Just in case they actually
do pull this.
No. 1292650
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>>1291099This woman's channel made me so sad. Her husband is basically third wheeling her in their own marriage, what does she think is going to happen when her husband and his girlfriend have kids and she's just left on the sideline as his first wife who couldn't get pregnant and is just a part of the "throuple?" She's going to be the odd one out watching her husband raise some other woman's kids. This honestly made me so sad for her I hope she dumps him and finds some other guy to have kids with, either adopt or get a surrogate but this is so unfair to her.
No. 1292675
>>1291827>>1291841>>1291845sage but I am so fucking sick of this whole "older men are attractive" thing being shilled SO hard to Zoomer girls
like Jesus Christ, you do know women have eyes? old men are fucking gross, no amount of money can cover up that smell either
No. 1292681
>>1292665Nta but you're right that it's just as likely with any man. Although men of certain religions that "excuse" that poor behavior are a lot worse. I live somewhere with a high muslim immigrant population and they see western women as "lesser" and treat us as such. I've been screwed over or taken advantage of in some way by about half the men I've had extended contact with that were either white/brown/black that weren't religious. But almost every single man of islamic faith has treated me like I'm subhuman or something, seeing their behavior at nightclubs is the worst. Their religion essentially tells them women dressed with a lot of skin showing are worthless and almost deserve to be abused. I've been pushed, spat on, kicked, followed, screamed at, shoved out of a lineup, called a whore/prostitute/dirty bitch, groped, had my hair smelled, had my hand grabbed and placed on a bare dick. And the last one the man didn't even see that as sexual harassment because I was in his words "dressed like a prostitute" so I must have been asking for it in some way. On that same note I used to be friends with a guy who was raised muslim but left the faith and he was fine, one of my closest friends for a while. And the stories he told me of what happens to the women where he's from is beyond fucked up, and how many friends he dropped when immigrating because he saw his closest friends and cousins start treating the western non islamic women around them like garbage because they don't even see them as human. It is the religion, the culture, piss off back to the outside world and gain some insight how these men act, dummy. And don't fucking put women with experience with islamic men in the same category as pol fuckers.
No. 1292691
every population that touches the
mediterranean is considered one, including the arabic ones. I thought every med knew this
No. 1292746
>>1292741Nta but see
>>1292681 in my muslim majority country Muslim men rape and kidnap thw handful of the small non Muslim population, they do not anything morally or religiously weong with this, they believe to rape kafir women is a holy act, that's difference between the religion of the arab paedophile, it is a belief of superiority and ownership over non Muslims that nothing can rival
No. 1292749
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Wtf is this? Did she shove grapefruits in her shirt ?
No. 1292783
File: 1659863094057.gif (7.43 MB, 320x320, cream soda float by momoslimes…)

I used TikTok to watch art/toy related stuff, it was fun, but then the algo started showing me alt zoomers jiggling their breasts/butt, women showing their nipples with their baby in frame (happened three times, all different women. I did report, but TT would tell me the videos had no violations), men/teen boys making toxic jokes about beating/cheating on their gfs, and I even saw a woman riding a dildo (the lights were off, but she had it lit to where you could see what she was doing. Also reported, but it didn't get taken down.)
I mainly use Instagram now. I watch slime reels because they're visually pleasing and they sound nice, and I watch crochet related ones. Now all I get back are Japanese pet accounts, art, and my other interests.
No. 1292808
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>>1292783Same with the slime reels, I never grew out of the slime phase a couple years back or so kek
No. 1293450
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can social media please play the "stop using thots for view farming for 5 minutes" challenge?
No. 1296227
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Oh nyoh don’t lewd grown ass men you’re literally worse than men
No. 1296247
>>1296227Type of chick who says "innocent til proven guilty" when her fav greasy musician catches allegations.
>>1296241Exactly. He's already going on shows farming views from it.
No. 1296262
File: 1660084566065.jpg (7.35 KB, 247x250, 1650750271574.jpg)

TikTok feels like the old 'wild west internet' to me in how it allows you to stumble across random niches except more dangerous on many orders of magnitude including but not limited to how it:
>spreads social contagion and destructive/antisocial behavior
>accelerates extremism (not even necessarily wrt social issues and politics) because edgy content = more engagement
>effortlessly connects pedos to children
>effectively it spreads pretty much every genre of mis/disinformation imaginable
>culturally encourages twitter-level bullying and witchhunts
>reduces attention span (likely permanently for those exposed in early childhood)
>promotes misconceptions about authenticity that encourage people to lie about and do horrible things
>is designed to promote addictive pure consumption, thus exposing countless people to hours of complete brainrot a day
>is likely gathering valuable userdata for the Chinese government
It might very well be the most destructive social media platform ever spawned. I can't believe so many people are sleeping on this
No. 1296273
>>1296227Might have been sympathetic if she was talking about sexualizing young boys like the Stranger Things boys when they were kids. But no it’s another doughy white man who sings about hoes and money, how unique.
>>1296262I wish Trump had nuked it fr fr
No. 1296501
File: 1660104945925.png (226.39 KB, 720x1236, Screenshot_20220809-231439.png)

Short about how women need to give hard working men massages and food, was expecting the comments to be filled with pickmes but was pleasantly surprised at women calling this out. Funny how so many women can handle working two or more jobs while going to school and raising kids and maintaining their relationship, meanwhile men will work a basic 9-5, not do housework and act like they're some martyr who deserves the world to be sucking their dick
No. 1296557
File: 1660109285844.png (18.97 KB, 720x252, Screenshot_20220810-002740.png)'s a video of two drunk people confused on why they are at the wrong house. Why are moids so paranoid of the idea that all men are somehow being flooded with false rape accusations? What reality do they live in where this happens?
No. 1296620
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They're infiltrating chiropractor videos too. Ofc they'll cry "you're the one sexualizing it" if they get reported but come on now you mean to tell me this shit wasn't obviously made to attract coomers?
No. 1296627
>>1296620Tiktok as a whole reminds me of the lowest common denominator section of YouTube. Click bait, tits/ass thumbnails, coomer bait, useless and bizarre content with a strange sexual undertone, shock value bait etc. If you've ever been on the YT trending/front page you know exactly what I mean. It's the cheapest low-effort type of content and it gets millions of views.
What makes tiktok especially vile though is how this "content" is very deliberately produced by grown fucking adults, who KNOW that this app is overwhelmingly used by children. And they know they can get away with it. It's creepy, it's immoral, it's predatory as fuck.
No. 1297008
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Quality is kinda bad but this is how I imagine how all they/them/he/him/himbo LARPer girls look and sound
No. 1297358
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Is this a Nigel?
No. 1297786
File: 1660200994917.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1170x2391, B581643A-CB81-4931-BBA8-1B9CAC…)

This account provides me endless laughter because of how delusional and ridiculous it is. Whoever runs it is dead serious about becoming out of this world famous; it’s not satire.
No. 1297880
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>>1297358He's a potatoe-faced tub of lard and his expression says he doesn't want to be there with her. Or maybe I'm reading too much into a tiktok video. Still though, she could do better
No. 1298014

Does anyone here watch the food short tubers? Like Lisa Nguyen, Doobydobap, JeanelleEats, Senpai Kai etc. I personally find basically all of them obnoxious except for Lisa. I feel like Lisa comes off as quite natural and likeable. I don't watch all her videos but I like how they're all about the food usually and not clickbaity. I think part of it is she's more of a food vlogger with emphasis on the food rather than vice versa.
Some thoughts on the others I mentioned:
> extremely privileged Korean girl who went to boarding school, then Cornell, got an Audi, lived in the UK solely to follow a boy, graduated with a food science degree and couldn't get a job because of COVID so she made some videos for fun and got a career out of it.
> has extremely hilarious tone deaf videos where she talks about not being as rich as her friends. The fun part is she considered her family 'working class' because they both worked… They're doctors.
> That being said I think she's quite good at filming aesthetically pleasing videos. I'm not a big fan of her editing style with the subtitles and her sense of humor makes me cringe sometimes.
> Currently she isn't talking to her parents because she's dating a Danish chef and they don't approve of her dating an actual working class man.
> I am quite interested to see how that romance works out, I'm sure they'll come around but it is sort of awkward that she's open about the fact that they're fighting. I guess she's just venting.
> Won't stop mentioning she grew up in the Philippines which got on my nerves.
> I really dislike her. I find her extremely fake and I despise how she doesn't take viewer feedback into account when she makes a video with an error. I know there have been at least three instances of this, one of them was her claiming that 'sashimi grade' fish is a marketing gimmick. Another was very recent where she brought BOILED EGGS as snacks for an international flight. Both of these videos have people rightfully calling her out on it.
> To add onto that last point, I don't think there's anything wrong about making errors but she doesn't have the humility to take down the raw fish video (actually fucking dangerous and I don't think many people read comments on shorts) or make a note about how inconsiderate it is to eat eggs on flights. Although I am mixed on Dooby I do appreciate that she has the capacity to own up to her mistakes (sometimes).
Senpai Kai
> I used to dislike this guy and thought he was going to be accused of pedophilia in at least 2 years given his appearance + name. He would also do gross shit in his early videos like hold phallic shaped things (e.g. salami) near his thigh to show it's size. He has stopped doing that as far as I can tell.
> I have since come around to appreciate him. IIRC he worked in a Michelin star restaurant so he does have a lot to offer. His videos don't seem so perverse anymore as well and I enjoy them from time to time.
No. 1298111
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Don’t know where to put this ss but it’s so true
No. 1298423
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>>1298115Me too. And I'm ESL on top of that. I want to go back in time and physically prevent my past self from studying English as hard as I did in middle and high school.
No. 1299295
>>1298014Dooby definitely gives off a snobby rich kid vibe. This is a retarded nitpick I know but half of her (already short) videos are clips of her eating and it gets on my nerves for some reason lol. We do not need 15 out of 30 seconds to be mukbangs. Seems to be a trend on tiktok though.
Lisa seems genuine and down to earth, I like her as well.
No. 1299527
File: 1660317910338.jpeg (Spoiler Image,200.88 KB, 908x1623, E65DFA47-2DD8-40AB-9CE1-8B36CC…)

tw: rape
No. 1299555
>>1299529Pinned comment is her backpedaling and saying it’s a tRaUmA rEsPonSe. I’m a csa
victim and the thought of wanting to look like a prepubescent to rapists has never crossed my mind
No. 1299557
>>1299555So tired of idiots thinking that if they say it's a 'trauma response' they get off the hook. No it's not. You sat there and made an incredibly crude and uncomfortable joke just to get your 5 minutes of fame. SA
victims can be attention whores too, you aren't exempt.
No. 1299765
Can't stand women who pretend to be feminist just to get defended for being a hoe says equality like pandering to men and pushing your tits together to brag about catcalls. Really helping out women who are tired of hookup culture and getting harassed by men
No. 1303213
File: 1660538120768.webm (6.31 MB, 576x1024, 012.webm)

been following bamarush again this year, and this fucking moid popping up on my fyp makes my blood boil, especially the supportive comments. did he really think he was gonna live in a sorority house? absolutely delusional. makes me want to vomit
No. 1303215
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>>1303213also not to mention, if you click thru the people commenting, everyone is a bunch of millenial/middle aged women. wtf?
No. 1303255
File: 1660542407370.jpeg (106.89 KB, 591x1280, D3FAF4F0-58F8-4C94-867D-E60782…)

Why are people mocking this girls outfit? She is a high schooler dressing like a kid her age but people are having a problem with it for some reason. Euphoria really did a number on people
No. 1303308
File: 1660548784797.jpg (368.94 KB, 1080x1907, IMG_20220815_093352.jpg)

This guy obviously trying to bait views with ridiculous intros and biting into seaweed is so obnoxious, he has multiple shorts where he removes parasites from shrimp but calls the shrimp a celebrity name to pop up on more feeds
(Can't embed shorts) No. 1303332
>>1303213He's an HBO plant. They're filming a documentary.
>>1303215The amount of middle aged women creeping on these teenage girls videos in general is so bizarre. They treat them like characters in a tv show. Guess they're vicariously living through them.
No. 1303587
>>1303572Ah yeah, there were few follow up posts 6 days ago. We shall wait for anon to wake up then
>>1303579That was so Earthist of me, apologies for the ignorance
No. 1303949
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>>1303255Al of this euphoria shit had me missing the days of ugly-charming tween/teenager fashion with the bright colors, combat boots, baggy pants, millions of hair pins and bracelets, mixing and matching of patterns and pieces. It looks so shitty and natural because it’s almost like high schoolers still don’t have a proper taste or good color coordination, they expect every teen to be some fashionista who wears $500 dior with off their mom’s 50k salary kek. I don’t know what to call this style but it’s like kids tv network aesthetic from the mid 2000s-2010s. God, I miss it so much
No. 1303967
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>>1303949reminds me of the height of stores like justice which basically catered to 9-14 year old girls fashion with the purpose of being colorful and bright
No. 1304990
File: 1660659099013.jpg (201.42 KB, 1117x1427, 20220816_011048.jpg)

Tiktok just changed its function when now everyone can change their display name to whatever they want.
Picrel for example.
No. 1305198
File: 1660673753186.jpeg (469.75 KB, 640x1000, 861A33C0-BD0E-4BBB-AA8F-FEB177…)

Can anyone help me understand what this lunatic is trying to say? She reminds me of myself when I get drunk alone and ramble nonsense to myself in the mirror whilst eye fucking my reflection. No. 1305215
>>1305198I speak fluent libfem retard.
She’s saying
>>yes of course with things like identifying a table or chair in the normal sense. They just are a table or a chair. They don’t feel like anything. They just are, but in social and emotional classes like sexiness there isn’t that clear distinction. You feel “sexy”. Not that you just are “sexy”. So if you feel sexy you are sexy. Then if you feel like a women you are a women. Uh huh then why even if you felt crazy sexy would most people being given a lap dance in a big bird suit not find it sexy? She’s also ignoring and dismissed phenotypes. Saying phenotypes don’t mean anything. You can do things to be closer to the ideal for the phenotype. Um no? You’re female or male. Intersex people exist but they’re still phenotype male or female. There’s no both or swapping and if you’re that phenotype regardless. She’s confusing secondary sex characteristics with phenotypes which are based on your pheno. She fails to understand the beginning basics of her argument.
No. 1306790
File: 1660787988005.jpeg (212.8 KB, 828x1443, 001411D3-D22E-428A-94A2-421A96…)

idk if this is relevant but this gnc little boy who was popular for wearing dresses (i only know him from that video with those old gays wearing dresses that made rounds on social media) trooned out. he’s a child/autistic so we know who’s actually making the decisions here.
No. 1309794
File: 1661017719146.png (3.41 MB, 828x1792, A953ECAD-AB9C-403D-B996-902E4D…)

>>1306790Wow, it finally happened it was only a matter of time. She was already dressing him up in girls outfits since the beginning of their channel i believe. Oh my god i feel so sorry for these kids. She has a couple more kids other than Evan, all of which are disabled in one way or the other. she exploits the absolute fuck out of their disabilities especially with Evan. I thought they were the average family vloggers, oversharing, exploitation, etc until she started manipulating an adolescent with autism into trooning out & filmed a tik tok when she believed her other son was going to die due to a severe seizure. EVERYTHING evan says or does especially if it pertains to his “gender identity” is posted on her shorts/tik tok. (I don’t know how to add a video but if you go to the mcleod youtube channel or tik tok page you can see for yourself almost all of their shorts are “autistic son does xyz” or “my son has autism but he did xyz” she takes the exploitation to a new level and it’s so weird. In this case, their were better off with the state (they are all adopted)
No. 1309856
>>1309825All the comments are like "omg such a nice dad haha so funny he's so progressive!" just because he's wearing a skirt, even though what he's doing is fucking stupid (berating the mom in front if the daughters for not sitting a certain way specially)
People's brains are brainrotted if they find this "progressive"
No. 1310824
File: 1661100926271.jpeg (224.03 KB, 828x1792, D84AAFFE-D5D9-43A0-B391-C3C172…)

Nothing of substance but this stupid bitch looks like a california raisin
No. 1310825
File: 1661100978222.jpeg (174.09 KB, 828x1792, 5FE9C9C5-52E0-4E87-9159-0D504E…)

>>1310824Shawty melanoma’d asf xd
No. 1312091
Same anon
>>1312081>>1305198You can embed YouTube shorts. Just change “/shorts/“ to “/watch?v=“. Used your video as an example.
No. 1312869
File: 1661230767312.webm (1.59 MB, 320x690, can you imagine using this .. …)

dumb pickme defending andrew tate whilst doing covert thirst trap
No. 1312909
File: 1661234527173.png (4.75 MB, 828x1792, 29F3690E-7D33-407E-B0EB-6C3EDC…)

what the actual fuck is up with the blonde brow trend? i think it’s dyed (kek) down a bit but even celebrities are/were getting in on it. i saw this girl on my fyp and she had cool makeup so I went to her account and I see this. all i can say is yuck.
No. 1313483
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>>1291087saw this girl on my fyp lmfao, the comments are gold
No. 1313708
File: 1661298263311.jpeg (42.14 KB, 1047x235, 4DADA731-B83A-4CEC-8824-E8BB6D…)

Andrew Tate literally owns a porn site wtf is this dude on? The comments are brain dead moids “bro is so full of wisdom” he doesn’t just say controversial things he’s literally a pimp No. 1313805
File: 1661304584154.jpeg (115.76 KB, 827x907, 73D4175D-50C7-4016-8943-409E27…)

I like that there’s more backlash on calling strangers mommy lately
No. 1314024
File: 1661320395953.jpeg (198.66 KB, 960x1470, F42E5E2A-E6C0-4EC8-85B2-8537FD…) moid crying about people body shaming Elon Musk
No. 1314070
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I refuse to believe people actually have thoughts like that
No. 1314084
File: 1661330079516.webm (942.15 KB, 576x1024, vorUaQClGgZtZj.webm)

>>1314078>>1314070nta but I think it's one of those "I'm a
WOC who married a white guy and I'm shocked that my baby came out as white passing" tiktoks I have seen
No. 1314146
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>>1314084samefag looked up the account and yeah that seems to be the case
No. 1314494
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>>1314477>>1314458what are you on about, these women only ever seem to begrudgingly accept the fact they have white children or sometimes just refuse to accept the reality and claim their white ass kids are actually black or mexican
No. 1314839
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>>1314496They literally write whole ass articles about defending their child's inerrant black identify No. 1314881
>>1314497not really
we'll have to see him grow into his features, but all babies have similar play doh bone structure
No. 1314908
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>>1314893honestly I hope transracialism becomes a thing, not cause I believe in it but cause it genuinely has more ground to stand on then transgenderism and even enby shit
No. 1314916
File: 1661371756912.png (540.33 KB, 800x800, Herman.png)

>>1314908I posted this story a couple times before already, but this is a man named Herman Lehmann, he came from a German immigrant family, when he was a child he was kidnapped by Apache natives, taken as a slave and later assimilated into their tribe, rising all the way to the rank of petty chief. He fought in multiple battles with the Apache against Texas Rangers and eventually fled from the tribe after he killed a medicine man in revenge. He was later accepted into the Comanche tribe and eventually adopted by a head chief Quanah Parker, most white people thought he was an Indian as well, his skin had become so tanned due to frequent exposure to the plains that he was "as dark as an aborigine" the only thing that revealed his white heritage was the fact he had a beard and had blue eyes, him and his tribe were eventually captured by the US government and forced on a reservation, even after the revelation of his heritage the US government identified him as an Indian rather then a white man
so here's my question if this man who was 100% white could pass as plains Indian and lived as an plains Indian, does not that prove transracialism has more basis then something like transgenderism
No. 1314946
>>1314943Culture is more nurture than nature, many people don't realize that.
>>1314908This will never, ever be a thing, Rachel whateverthefuck got in huge trouble for it and ever since I never heard about any othe recent cases.
No. 1315025
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>>1314916reminds me of olive oatmans story
No. 1315068
File: 1661379800133.png (3.51 MB, 3000x3000, sweethome.png)

When I clicked on that reel I certainly did not expect a comment section full of incest apologists, incest babies and incest practicers.
No. 1315389
File: 1661400338427.png (750.02 KB, 939x1304, Screenshot 1.png)

>>1315095>>1315152In most cases I'd agree but these are specifically hyperwoke
woc who make race their entire identity, these women are literally incapable of not obsessing over race
>My husband is white and I am Black. When we learned we were having a daughter, we quickly set goals for how we would raise her: She should be strong and happy. She would love books and reading. And I wanted her to feel confident in herself ― and her natural hair.>With these goals in mind, I waddled my pregnant self through Barnes and Noble on one of our frequent trips, excited to check out the brightly colored kids’ section. I was overjoyed to see several books on Black hair. Books that would have been useful for me growing up as I often struggled to force a white standard of beauty onto myself. We picked up books filled with Black characters sporting Afro puffs, locs and box braids. As we added these books into our baby’s rapidly growing library, I felt confident that my child wouldn’t struggle with the same issues I did.>In the weeks leading up to baby’s arrival, l followed several mixed-race families on social media, trying to learn how they dealt with raising their families. Sometimes I’d look at pictures of mixed babies and try to envision what my daughter would look like. For all my daydreaming of my child, there was one constant: I knew she would be brown-skinned like me. It would obviously be lighter, but she and I would be brown. Melanin is the stronger gene, or so I thought.>After Luna was born, I told myself she would likely darken with time. Most Black people I knew had some shift in their skin tone as babies. But as the weeks and then months passed, that didn’t happen. The brown-skinned, kinky-haired Luna of my daydreams didn’t exist. Real-life Luna is pale-skinned with gray/hazel eyes and loosely curly blondish-brown hair. (Hair that eventually grew in after what I affectionately call her “Bernie Sanders phase”).>My mom told me if I wanted a Black baby, I should have married a Black man. I married the man I love and who loves me in equal measure. But that didn’t ease my inner turmoil. I looked at Luna and saw my husband. I didn’t see me in my child. I felt othered in my own house, a feeling I had fought my whole life.>Growing up, I struggled to feel comfortable in my own skin. In a family of headstrong, assertive Black women, I wasn’t any of that. I was always quiet and sensitive. Content to hide away with a book or lock away in my bedroom with a Sailor Moon marathon. At times I looked at my Blackness as something I wanted to outrun. I thought if I were anything other than Black, people wouldn’t make fun of me for liking anime or loving rock music. Back then I thought I didn’t fit in because I wasn’t white.>It wasn’t until college when a professor commented that I should embrace my own culture that I was able to open my eyes to a lifetime of consciously and unconsciously equating Blackness with badness. I was “weird,” I was “different,” but I still was, and always would be, Black.>I opened myself to loving my race, loving my identity, loving a massive part of me. I thought I had laid that internal struggle to bed until I gave birth to Luna. No. 1315435
>>1315389You have to be insane to write all that shit about your own daughter and post it online so it follows her for the rest of her life. I know moms need to vent somewhere but she even posted irl pics, there is no way this wouldn't backfire someday.
That woman has a lot of issues and it's already projecting in the baby, because even if it's written in woke semantics the only message that transmits is "i'm jealous of my baby because if it was as white as her people would leave me alone",and it's sad.
No. 1315620
>>1315576NTA but can't a
nonny share something interesting from history? I've never heard of his case before
No. 1315679
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>>1315658I'm phone posting, I hope it'll work. It's not the best pic, but the text is hilarious, it's about how, to her, cousin marriage is OK because it has always existed but gay marriage (or gay anything) is bad. Look up Christine Boutin if you want to see more of her.
No. 1315713
>>1315389>The brown-skinned, kinky-haired Luna of my daydreams didn’t exist.First of all, what's up with all these crazy mothers naming their child Luna? Snowflake ass name. Second, jesus. If any other person said this, it would come off as weird and fetichizing. Like, imagine a white mom marrying a black guy saying this. This would turn fucking sour so fucking quick but somehow this is okay? Damn…
She just wanted a black girl to insert her insecurities and internal problems onto. She's not you, she's her own person. She's not here to fix you or ~help you heal~ or whatever. This is not how motherhood works. If you are so insecure and mentally unwell to the point of bitching about your daughter's skintone on a public website, maybe being a mom is simply not for you.
No. 1315910
File: 1661433332406.jpg (1.35 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20220825_145301.jpg)

This shit is so sad.
No. 1316382
>>1316318It's funny how they said most of the prostitutes were (illegal) immigrants, but they didn't interview any of them.
Or say how much of that 100 mil went to the prostitutes vs the brothel owners. Or that the brothel owners were undoubtedly all men as they always are.
No. 1316678
File: 1661469335198.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1170x1840, E201F516-1908-4438-ADBC-F8EFC6…)

have any of you stumbled across this woman on youtube shorts? she calls herself mama cusses and makes videos on “gentle parenting.” at first i thought she was kind of based, but i saw a couple videos where she calls her 13 year old a bitch and tells her that “at least her two younger siblings have a father that loves them” as playful put downs. i don’t have children and maybe i’m just sensitive but it puts a bad taste in my mouth.
No. 1316998
File: 1661489951569.png (35.45 KB, 865x198, huh.PNG)

>>1315389So I decided to google this lady's name
No. 1317189
File: 1661501468155.jpg (131.2 KB, 660x450, Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh.jpg)

>>1317181 stated, it is likely Islamist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood or Jamaat-e-Islami, you'd be surprised how organized and well funded these groups tend to be, they can shut down entire cities, as well as spread propaganda in subtle ways No. 1317192
>>1317147Afaik it's because they've been taught that hiding your whole personhood as a woman is the only way to be safe, both from men and from hell. So it's like if you live in some post-apocalyptic world and you go "I finally received my radation-suit, it feels really empowering that I can go outside on my own now".
If you're not allowed to be seen at all, then hiding yourself in a glorified trashbag can feel empowering, because at least then "you're safe" to go shopping by yourself. It's so backwards and extremely sad.
No. 1317279
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This is so embarassing.
No. 1317329
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No. 1317435
File: 1661527994660.png (5.17 MB, 1070x3838, 789898009232.png)

I get some fake this. But the comments say otherwise for this one. Well maybe faked the video but recreating shit that happens frequently. She's 100% okay with him sleeping when he should be watching the kids because "He works so hard" at his job.
instagram/tiktok is full of moms trying to convince themselves that motherhood was a great choice and they totally aren't regretting it now.
No. 1317514
File: 1661532146001.png (9.71 MB, 1170x2532, 973827AA-F2E7-4596-ABCB-9F5986…)

i cant deal with the amount of pickmes i get on my fyp. i follow a lot of gym content and usually gymrat women are super based and feminist, but the odd retard seems to appear. this particular cunt recently started doing anti feminist type gym content, all of her recent videos are shitting on women. the comments are legit 99% men (boys) hyping her up, calling her a 'W female', no wonder there are so many pickmes when braindead Y chromosomes fall for it this easily.
No. 1317527
>>1317416>>1317329Hate to be that anon but, modern Asian arranged marriages are not what western people think. I know a few people I grew up with who had arranged marriages. Both of them had an auntie who had high standards for any potential matches- behaviour, no man whoring backgrounds, high education, respecting women, good family with good reputation etc.
I know for two of them they had a year "courting" period before they got married. One of them rejected one of the first of her aunties choices after three meetings due to his bad disposition.
Of course there are actual forced marriages, but most of the arranged marriages are these days more of family filters for shitty scrotes to not get included. Most women in cultures with arranged marriages can reject the aunties services these days.
No. 1317531
>>1317514This type of shit literally took me from probably 6 hours of YouTube down to 30-1 hour a day the last week or two. Every thing is just
>> commentary by someone with no education or training who also didn’t develop critical thinking skills so this video will have no point >> reacting to shit someone else was reacting to or madeOkay I like two people. I want only their reactions that’s 2 minutes of content or one 15 minute video.
>> men get raped too! Yeah by who? Other men?
>> if a women talks back I’ll hit her. Hit me and you get mace to the race and steel to your loins. I’ll scream fire and call the cops. No such thing as a fair fight. Don’t start one I’ll send you to jail.
>> thrist trap Did you forget your an object!!!
>> Shitty unsafe DIY or misinformation. Some dumbass said one of the four horsemen was conquest. She forget pestilence. Ffs
No. 1317533
File: 1661533823454.jpg (324.87 KB, 2048x1365, Rehana-Manier.jpg)

>>1317514>i follow a lot of gym content and usually gymrat women are super based and feminist, but the odd retard seems to appear. this particular cunt recently started doing anti feminist type gym contentfrom my own experiences it can really be 50/50 with women who work out seriously, most are normie tier feminists(not really libfems or radfems) but you will meet many who are republicans or out right fascist supporters often dating/married to equally RW meatheads, you can actually meet women who unironically listen to Joe Rogan basic theory on why the fitness world is more RW is these people who form their identities around an aesthetic and self worth around an ability to meet that aesthetic can have a harder time accepting the reality that folks who don't meet their idea of prime form and expression can also flourish and succeed.
people who place morality on what they eat, how they dress, being natural/organic tend to judge those who don't by othering them. They also have a short step to being anti-vaxxers too. Not wanting "chemicals" in their bodies. When you're living in that ecosystem you're more exposed to those concepts.
No. 1317619
File: 1661539267258.jpg (29.67 KB, 499x304, patsoc feminism.jpg)

>>1317589Feminism was based until fatsocs like dworkin and other members of her kind took over, it got infested with women whose body betrayed their natural inclination to degeneracy, these women weren't fit to breathe the same air as regular women and yet somehow they were leading thinkers of feminism in the late 20th century, that's what ultimately ruined feminism
(derailing ) No. 1317681
>>1315389>>1315680I have been studying a lot of black women who hate white people but sleep with white men phenomenon. The thing is, they don't hate white people. They are just over-compensating for the fact that they feel neglected by other black people either because they "act white" or mainly find themselves in environments where there is rarely black people. She probably knows in the back of her head there is a reason why she didn't date a black man. Either because she couldn't find one to date because most of them at least on her level tend to be obsessed with white women and actively shove this in black women's face to purposely lower their self-esteem. In conclusion, she just has horrible self-esteem and constantly feels like she owes the world shit when she needs to stop giving a fuck about other people and be honest about her decisions and understand the black community is largely
toxic to women like her and she needs to stop thinking about them.
No. 1317697
File: 1661543175571.png (1.57 MB, 762x1280, Screen Shot 2022-08-26 at 12.5…)

it's a facebook short but i figured it fit here. i hate this shit. the non-disabled child sitting there dancing while the others are put up for show.
No. 1317740
File: 1661546427052.jpg (131.15 KB, 720x897, 1579272222515.jpg)

>>1317701Black people who bitch about whites, but basically suck their dicks are such clowns. If they're so upset with whites, why do they marry and have children with them? It's almost like what they're really after is validation from whites, and their cries about racism are actually cries for pity and attention. I don't know how it is with the other races, but I always kek when I see these activist black people marrying and procreating with whites despite their tangents.
(bait) No. 1317889
File: 1661558998358.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1170x1980, 88B207158C-1.jpeg)

weird af
No. 1318059
>>1318057What the fuck is the spaz sperg? And no. I’m just tired of pwecious pwincesses getting
triggered over moms expressing how hard being a mom is.
No. 1318751
>>1318721Are you lost
No. 1320648
File: 1661814347489.webm (2.98 MB, 720x1280, Are you wearing Hijab correctl…)

i'm so sick of this blatant insane brainwashing, you can delete your history and you nevertheless will immediately get this shit recommended
most comments call it out but some radicals go
>if you don't wear it, then what will you tell allah when you stand before him hm?!?!
>pls remove the music!
No. 1321925
File: 1661919865085.png (720.71 KB, 713x1269, Screenshot 2022-08-30 211714.p…)

>>1320648 these types of videos keep being posted on here I thought this one was pretty funny. What's the point of hiding hair and wearing layers when you're going to wear a lacey corset top and put your hair in fake pigtails lol.
No. 1321934
>>1320648>8. It is not worn for fame (to show off)Does anyone else find the discordance insane with these niqabi attention whores? This is literally all they are doing on a platform for secular music (banned in Islam) where all kinds non-mahram men can view them that itself keeps promoting them. It's on so many layers of contradictory insanity
>>1321925what the fuck
No. 1322016
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>>1321925wait a minute, can't they just wear wigs if men aren't allowed to see their actual hair?
No. 1323103
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>>1321925literally picrel
No. 1323654
File: 1662081935543.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1170x2019, IMG_103E2B4B2351-1.jpeg)

do gay moids resent trannies as much as we do?
No. 1323756
>>1315068it's always the same people who will call white southerners sister fuckers lmaooo
sweet home arabia
No. 1323857
>>1323654They do but they just don't get backlash for it because people pretend gay gcs don't exist and focus all their energy on the white
terf Karen strawman instead. A gay content creator I follow made a whole ass video about how he's not attracted to FTMs because they don't have a dick and nobody reacted to it because it's not women saying no to dick.
No. 1325717
>>1323857This is what I’m tired of. Gay men are allowed to be very vocal about their (completely
valid) genital preference but occasionally straight males and especially women who say the same thing are dogpiled to an alarming degree. It’s really sus that no one attempts to unpack this or even
pretend to ever extend the same regard to transmen. Transwomen are women but transmen are another third thing that absolutely do not matter to them because they have a vagina. I didn’t notice this until last year or so, but it’s pretty straightforward.
No. 1325936
File: 1662236102295.jpeg (955.69 KB, 828x1628, 5F7F43E8-F3FB-4B39-8CD0-B8CFE4…)

ik this isn’t milky but this account has been brought up a few times mostly commenting on how it seems like this girl has a fetish for caring for her severely disabled husband and this just confirms it.
the video: No. 1326684
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>>1325936>>1325946I think its most likely an attraction based on the power she has over him, if she had married a regular guy and had a kid then she'd definitely be an overbearing narcmom, that's just the type of person she seems like
No. 1326755
nonnie, I know she likes to get attention online but she's still a caregiver. Unless she's mind fucking him behind the scenes this is such a reach. The amount of ott narc diagnosing online is getting too much.
Dude needs care.. she provides care. She's annoying for sure but come on.
No. 1326917
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>>1325936She probably just loves the endless praise she gets for taking care of him. She puts up with picrel and everyone thinks of her as a saint. Cause let's be real, most others wouldn't. Especially romantically. Let's not kid ourselves, people know he's not attractive in the slightest and this also fuels more praise for her. No one will say it but it's one of the more obvious elements.
>>1325939 is right. Straight relationships have this dynamic all the time. Just this time, the guy is truly dependent on her. If she was with a normal guy, yeah she'd be getting no praise.
Is she genuinely happy? who knows. I mean, they appear happy. But social media isn't a true basis of reality. I bet they have days where she's ready to lose it but that's probably from general caregiver stress.
No. 1328843
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>>1328821he says no and hannah says no, that they were dirt poor before and so broke etc. her family comes from money for sure but idk about his. this is one of his exes. like fucking how, this shit just depresses me for other women if he isn't paying them
No. 1328844
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>>1328843his other ex. i'm sorry but if they are not getting paid, cute girls need to stop this insanity
No. 1329332
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>>1328981Tbh it works.
While usually these guys are rarely assholes up front, they end up able to slip in bad behavior soon enough, normalize it, so a woman is in a state of neuroticism. So, she's actually not very happy in a relationship but also gets a high from him being nice sometime or feels the need to virtuesignal or overcompensate.
For example think about being with a guy that is just perceived as a low-status, unfortunate creature (but actually isn't). Wouldn't people get weird if a woman started feeling uncomfortable and wanting to leave or bring up issues publicly?
Easily, that shame could be held over her to keep her complacent and appeasing.
There's also women that are just dumbasses that actually like the idea of being "not like the other girls" so they get off of dating the worst men possible because they fetishize the idea of underdogs (bonus points if a guy isn't actually an underdog).
No. 1329418
>>1312869the way she arches is ridiculous
>>1315679je pensais pas tombé sur la christine sur lolcow
>>1317697parents will put their disabled kids on social media for sympathy points but child free women are called selfish ?
>>1318319venting publicly is dumb
No. 1330613
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me when i lie
No. 1330617
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>>1330613nevermind. i see it now
No. 1332000
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Did not expect to see a video of a man slamming his gfs head into his stomach repeatedly but there it was
No. 1332468
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>>1332000Reminds me of this pair of freaks. Can this please not become a thing
No. 1333835
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No. 1334597
>>1334586its the martyr complex, she probably feels like she is seen like a good and charitable person for showing that she is dating him because women from a young age are taught that they have to sacrifice themselves or be martyrs for people, especially men.
I see rich women who wouldnt benefit from money also chose to date these type of men so they can feel like a good person who is doing a good deed in the world, alot of these women are the personal caretakers of these men and some even wipe their asses.
Hell i saw a tiktok of a violent obese homeless man attacking women and then a week later i saw a tiktok of a woman who chose to let that man live with her and get pregnant by him………….
No. 1334610
>>1334597>she probably feels like she is seen like a good and charitable personWomen who live with men are good and charitable, you have to be in order to perform the thankless domestic mommy acts of service so many men demand from women (on top of having a full time job and giving them half the paycheck) nowadays.
Women are also genuinely more empathetic than men and we care about our relationships. Meanwhile men leave their wives of decades when they come down with an illness such as cancer.
I don't agree with attractive women settling for goblins, but I wish people weren't so harsh and would question men more about why they're not being better.
No. 1338316
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It's not youtube, but it feels related enough; I made a new Instagram account and had this on my explore page. It is in Dutch but it's basically a "rap music newspage" but the post is about a guy who keeps postponing his prayers, and then regrets it when he gets leukemia.
It seems like a blatant shot at trying to convert people.
No. 1341167
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holy shit. lmao. the us military are recruiting bpd egirls via tiktok
I checked her account and she’s doing the whole bimbo/lobotomy-chic grift that’s popular with zoomers online, the cherry on top is that she’s posted several times that she’s psychological operations specialist. you really cannot make this shit up
the true question is why are women still willingly signing up for these bottom tier military bases where gang rapes occur weekly? I’m not even american but everyone is well-aware of these horrific mistreatment of women in the military that gets swept under the rug
No. 1341665
>>1341167>women can have loose braids in the Army nowI'm pissed, my hair used to be so damaged because I had to put it up in a bun every morning while it was still wet.
>why are women still willingly signing up for these bottom tier military bases where gang rapes occur weekly?Enough women get in and out unharmed, with free education and healthcare assistance, and their experiences are enough to meme other women into joining. It's the whole reason anyone joins, aside from truly retarded baby-patriots with Republican parents. Especially women who are NEETS/failures with nothing to leave behind and no prospects (like I was).
No. 1341672
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>>1341167>why are women still willingly signing up for these bottom tier military bases where gang rapes occur weekly?free education and you can get certified degrees in practical fields without paying for anything, granted I'm not american and the military in my country is quite small but it worked well for me and my husband cause we used it as a tool and didn't actually believe in the message, we got in and got out as quick as we could after acquiring the skills we needed
No. 1347089
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No. 1348632
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Xiran must be an expect at online marketing or something because it's insane how much popularity she got from her Mulan video/s that have catapulted in her book getting picked up for a media adaptation. I saw it coming a mile away when at the end of her first Mulan video she talked about her book. I just couldn't believe that someone would make a one hour video ad but this really is just online marketing 101, I saw her book in my local bookstore. It's admirable in a way.
No. 1349677
>>1348632Meh her parents are stupid rich, they bought her a house/mansion in Vancouver.
Saw something about that in the YouTuber general thread.
Not surprising that she has connections to get it made into a movie.
No. 1351284
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anyone else getting sick of seeing these bored housewives' home organisation and decanting shorts???? holy shit they literally have no lives outside of consuming and organising household products, "amazon essentials" and restocking food and products. what the fuck. get a job woman
No. 1351378
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disgusting. I hope she’s lying
No. 1351465
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>>1351378Reminder that all western whores glamourize sex trade and if they say they don’t they’re gaslighting you. This account has hella followers and all young girls eating it up in her comments. Dismantle the “survival sw” bullshit myth now.
No. 1351487
holy shit, this thread is enraging
>>1351465i have no idea who this is but deep down we all know she's miserable.
No. 1351499
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what an insufferable group of subhumans
No. 1354335
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>>1354146she's got the fujotroon phenotype, best bet she'll troon out before she turns 20
(Pakichan aka (C)rapchan) No. 1354449
>>1351465Just to add to the conversation, this girl has been on two podcasts i watch on Youtube lately, and she talked extensively about how much she loves anal.
She met her homeless boyfriend (yes, you read that right) when she was working at a homeless shelter he was at. The first time they fucked, in a car, they did anal. Without any lube. And she loved it and since then is obsessed with anal. If this isn't horrifying enough, wait.
When asked if she orgasm from anal, she says yes… and then describes the most atrocious experience that has nothing to do with any sort of physical sense of pleasure for a sane woman. Basically, she says the feeling (read; pain) of anal is so intense and overwhelming that your body can't focus on anything else, and she loves this. This is what she calls an orgasm with anal, your body being in so much unbearable pain that every cell in your body is basically sending you messages that you should stop. She says she loves it because for her pain is linked to pleasure. So she admits it's really nothing physically pleasurable, it's only psychological because she's damaged, but she insists on still calling this an orgasm, which makes other dumb impressionable libfems think that anal feels good and that they should try it.
There are not many things i find evil in this world, but this propaganda is really the epitome of evil. This is insanely wrong, because of her and others like her, women get brainwashed into it and coomers think that if we don't want anal because we simply don't want to subject our body to extreme traumatism, we're prudes. Anal is extreme, and any man willing to do it to a woman he "loves" should be castrated.
She also loves eating ass, of course, doesn't care that it's dirty, says that when she's horny she could eat the ass and suck the dick of any scrote no matter his age and appearance because the horniness takes control of her. And this is normal behavior, behavior to celebrate even? This is crazy, and women like her hurt every one of us, because women with zero respect for themselves and zero standard like that make moids expect every woman to be that way. They love nothing more than women who hate themselves like that, and instead of trying to heal themselves those women fuck us over, they really fuck us over beyond belief. I hate it.
No. 1354486
>>1354471I do feel for her and whatever happened for her to be that way, in my heart, but in no way does every woman who gets abused come out with this kind of propaganda. Sometimes they hurt themselves, but they don't try to brainwash other women into it, and this is the behavior i don't forgive, no matter what she went through.
Though, i'll also add that she says she had a perfect childhood, has a good relationship with her parents, and she even was on her way to become a doctor before deciding to whore herself out, so she would have had money, she had a future for herself. She says she's never been abused, so i don't know. Maybe she's in denial and coping like you said, or maybe she doesn't want to talk about her traumatic experiences, which although i very much understand wanting to keep traumas private, when you're doing sex work and especially degrading stuff like that, i think you have to be honest about where it stems from. Don't want her to overshare about her trauma i know it can be difficult, but you can't say everything was fine and suddenly you just love being used like an object, because this is harming other women. You HAVE to be honest about where those desires come from, i'm sorry, you just have to. I know it's probably controversial to say but this is my honest opinion on it, you can't hide it because there are things bigger than just yourself at stake.
No. 1354489
>>1354449This is why I'm terrified for women that get hypersexual because of some past trauma, they just go and retraumatize themselves. If prostitution came with some warning like cigarette packs, having labels like "you're just about to take advantage of a CSA
victim", men would still just shrug and say "none of my concern."
No. 1354588
>>1354486I get you perfectly, you understand she could be troubled but her…"coping mechanisms" are harmful and she shouldn't promote it to vulnerable people like young girls, that's truly evil
>she even was on her way to become a doctor before deciding to whore herself outEither got hooked up on drugs or an scrote manipulated her into it (or the two at the same time), there's no fucking way
No. 1354607
>>135458716:10 is the anal discussion since it won't let me embed with a timestamp
NTA went into the first podcast and she talks about it here too. Just before the timestamp she discusses eating her homeless bf's ass for months before seeing it under indoor lighting and realizing it's fucking crusty. I'm pretty sure she's on some kind of revenge mission against her rich parents that pushed her to learn and become a doctor like her father. Like when nobles became absolutely fucking deviants because they were so bored with their comfortable lives.
No. 1354619
>>1354587Sure. Beware that this is (of course) a libfem podcast so they think doing sex work is fantastic. In this one, she also talks about the sex parties she attends in LA, full of old voyeur scrotes, where she gets fucked publicly. Terrible.
The other anon linked to the second podcast i was talking about; that other one is the one where she claims anal leads to orgasm if i remember correctly, and how she has no standards for men and could be degraded by anyone as long as she's horny.
>>1354588Yeah perhaps it's her homeless scrote, hard to know because like most libfems she acts as if doing porn just came naturally to her one day.
No. 1354646
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>>1354449>>1354619she's literally this meme
No. 1354913
>>1354831>some women do get physical pleasure out of anal stimulation when they are masturbatingSo close to getting it, yet still so retarded. Yes when a woman touches her vagina she experiences pleasure, that has nothing to do with anal "stimulation" (more like anal pain). It's like saying if a man fucks your eyeball while you masturbate, this is "eye stimulation" and you experience pleasure out of it. No. Only insane people associate pain with pleasure like that.
Fucking hell, even here out of all places you have retarded handmaiden to tell you anal feels good.
No. 1354945
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>>1354758>You're supposed to feel good with the in and out motionOk? Go take a shit then. Women who "enjoy" anal sex are so childish. They're like that kid from the "pooping back and forth" scene.
>i wike it when it goes in and out and in and out No. 1356106
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>>1356069It shows an error message like this
No. 1356228
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>>1355989Let me guess. This girl was also "bullied" by "racist" classmates for bringing lunchboxes to school that smelled like shit and she's traumatized by it to this day?
No. 1356261
>>1356242People aren't an ass about it and these kids still feel like
victims. Try being called a sandn*gger by your primary school teacher because it's september 12th 2001, or because they suspected you of cheating because you had better grades than your white classmates. If that girl had to deal with shit like that maybe I can handle her weird rant about her mother yelling at her for not tying her hair in a bun.
No. 1356602
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>>1355989She is so fucking retarded. I just don't see the point of hating white women for no fucking reason. It's really not that hard to find a
valid reason, just go after the pick-mes who are actually racist pieces of shit and bring all women down. That way you would actually be making the world a better place in some kind of way. In fact, if you go onto pinterest and search this aesthetic, plenty of non-white women will show up. It's honestly a nice aesthetic and is cosy even if it very normie. I just think she needs to drink some green smoothies, light a candle and shut the fuck up.
No. 1356647
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>>1356645alternatively, here's the explanation:
>just change the URL from "shorts/" to "watch?v=" No. 1356661
File: 1664422732641.gif (1.67 MB, 292x164, fcc0d5234af1714179afd225db4d66…)

I just want a green smoothie.
No. 1356742
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black baccara rose
No. 1356848
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No. 1356861
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men should stop lying to themselves, unless you look like pic rel you are fat moid. less nuggies and watching anime trap porn and more lifting
No. 1356878
>>1356861based and true there is no reason for a man to be a twig or fat, if they choose to not do manual labor or workout they should be put down.
>>1356870get better taste
No. 1356884
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>>1356870the type of skinny men you like are still fit, men think they are ''skinny'' when they are a blob without definition and we must not let them feel comfortable by being lazy pieces of shit
No. 1356895
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>>1356861I hope I'm going to make it.
I wish there were more female fitness rolemodels who didn't just focus on looking hot for Nigel or are obviously actively trying to avoid growing "unfeminine" muscles. Sorry for acting scroteish. No. 1359127
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Can someone else check her ig reels I feel like this lady is trolling how is this 17 weeks pregnant? her posts are weird and autistic
No. 1363566
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why does every woke WOC dating a tall bland white guy have to post tiktoks like this, like you aren't special or quirky(Pakichan aka (C)rapchan)
No. 1364249
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>>1363566>>1363721>her skin is actually a lot darker and it seems she's using make up to lighten her skindamm, she looks like a completely different person
(Pakichan aka (C)rapchan) No. 1364264
>>1364249No she doesn't what the fuck.
>>1363735No, you are jealous of non-white women taking all your men and knocking you off your pedestal. Stop being so fragile.
No. 1364400
>>1363566why do white-chasing Asian women act like they're so oppressed for it? other white-chasing
woc do it too, but to a much lesser extent that Asian women do.
(Pakichan aka (C)rapchan) No. 1364419
>>1364415As the second
nonnie you quoted, I was clearly being sarcastic.
No. 1365278
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Why the fuck do YouTube users always seem to assume the best of men and the worst of women
>Woman wants to buy a supra (mind you, this is a cheap car even if you buy it brand new, and she was wearing scrubs so I assume she makes a decent income and is using her own money)
>Boyfriend demands her not buy it and says he'll break up with her if she does, for no clear reason as to why she shouldn't other than "you'll turn into an idiot who spends all their money"
>Comments act as if she's blowing every last penny she has on stupid shit and her boyfriend is a smart and stable man
Honestly I would've thought the supra price would have been the price of a Ferrari or something with how commenters were acting lmao. Men FLIP if you point out spends hundreds each week on vidya is a bad financial decision. I actually remember a woman complaining about how her boyfriend quit his job and was draining his savings just to play video games all day and comments were all about "well it's his money why does it matter to you". Men seriously get defended no matter what they do
No. 1365780
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What the fuck is this and why is it seen as wholesome?
No. 1365791
>>1364264No one is taking our men projection chan, dont project
woc thirst for white dick onto white men. They almost exclusively marry white, asian women on the other hand prefer white men to their own.
(bait) No. 1366014
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Hoping this doesn’t sound like racebait because that’s not my intention, but what is with the trend of black people on social media claiming to originally be green? The same ones believing this also think they all come from Egypt and that only black people have melanin. When people try to educate them they just scream about how white people are evil subhumans and science books are wrong.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1366025
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>>1366014a lot of black americans(and increasingly a large amount of african dispora) genuinely believe they have been lied to by the white man and every facet of history is just white propaganda, this has been ever increasing trend in black academia since the 1960's and it has only gotten worse, also they have a massive inferiority complex cause pretty much everyone has conquered them at some point
(Pakichan aka (C)rapchan) No. 1366030
>>1366017As long as her parents ruled out any health issues causing it
chewing ice can sometimes be a symptom of iron deficiency, who cares if she wants to chew ice?
No. 1366219
>>1366217By other people, not by themselves. Black women USUALLY don't care about race when it comes to dating, maybe in examples such as
>>1366213 or at worst they'll just have a preference but not make a huge deal about it like men usually do
No. 1366335
>>1364400They dont want to be transparent about how hungry they are for white men and try to frame it as if it were the opposite, as if asian women dont want white men much more than white men want them.
Its the same with black men and white women.
No. 1366817
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anyone else this think this is super tone deaf(as the most generous interpretation) and incredibly insulting, I just don't get this western liberal attitude/belief that using "comedy" will simply strip away the power of an oppressive power and make it a joke, when there's so just so many tragedies involved in this that I can't imagine a decent human being deciding to make something like this, a 16 year old girl was tortured, raped and killed by the morality police, a 12 year old has his head bashed in and countless others who are being bled, imprisoned, beaten and murdered and I cry at the thought of that, one of my mother's relatives took part in a protest against the dictator of my country in the 80's and he was captured and beaten for months, when my mother's family managed to get him released he was left crippled and half mad due to the brain damage, idk somethings can't ever be jokes
No. 1366889
>>1366871I get that her point was to make fun of him, but she's too ignorant to know anything, so she forces some really terrible "jokes" that don't land and are just baffling (why does he tweet if twitter is banned? obviously for foreigners, same reason he has an English and Spanish twitter - again, I get that it was supposed to be a joke but when the actual answer is so obvious is becomes embarrassing instead of funny).
Putin is a similar example to Khomeini, but people organically make fun of him, so there's genuinely hilarious jokes about how he looks like a monkey, is extremely short, had tons of plastic surgery, his desk is 10000 miles long etc, those are funny because they reveal what a ridiculous, cowardly sped he is, and they contrast so hard with the state propaganda portraying him as this genius super macho man.
I assume an Iranian could make something like that about Khomeini, but she can't, and she did it anyway and we suffer because of it.
No. 1373356
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Anyone keep up with tiktok shitty musicians who try to go viral.
This ki person makes horrible music that reminds me of gabbie hanna, almost all of their videos are them talking about doja cat and trying to bait doja.
Now they went viral for that Zebra song so they are milking it.
No. 1373388
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>>1373356Try not to cringe.
No. 1373390
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>>1373356Doja doesn't even know she exists.
No. 1373533
>>1373480The way tt works is purposely creating “bubbles” aimed to maximize use time. You might not see much push back on the incel videos because most people just immediately scroll past and or flag that content as undesirable. So not only the algorithm will stop showing you that stuff, it will be less likely to show up on fyp of the people who have similar preferences as you.
And like, most women just can’t be assed to interact with dumb as fuck scrotes, it saps your energy while the moids thrive on female attention. Most tt users just prefer to be in their own comfy echo chambers and only engage in palatable “discourse” when someone else aka content-farmers bring to their attention.
No. 1373559
>>1373533Their algorithm doesn't work like that, i wish it did though. People constantly get the same shit on their fyp no matter how much they scroll or ignore. Tiktok really needs to fix their busted algorithm.
just opened tiktok and i got a andrew tate videos.
No. 1373879
>>1373509I think it has always been like that. At least before people we're just upfront and said they hated women now people are trying to disguise it as progressive.
If a woman calls a man out for his creepy behaviour people start sperging about purity culture and say she is the sole reason for the rise in fascism.
If a man acts like a creep he is breaking conventions.
There was a small period between 2013-2015 when pop culture feminism was at it's peak where more women seemed to be aware of men acting like creeps. I'm not saying that pop culture feminism is good or productive but at least more women seemed to be aware of how shit men was back then No. 1374728
>>1373879nta but in regard to your spoilered part, I'm pretty sure this current wave of womanhating "if you don't suck my figurative dick you're a
terf" and women falling over themselves to crawl up men's asses in case they get "canceled" is a direct response to the feminism wave of the early 2010s. Men started getting uncomfy with women wising up and speaking about their experiences, so we got gamergate (insane manifesto about a girlfriend of three months who cheated on him) and the ball kept rolling from there. This also lead to the rise of onlyfans et al, gotta prove you're the wokest most progressive woman and that you don't hate men by making porn for them.
However I think the feminism is still going, just underground as such, sometimes a thread on here will be like attending a feminist conference. We know we can't speak publicly about men without getting an onslaught of angry incels, but women are still wising up in their own spaces.
No. 1374775
>>1374024I was a teenager back then. Stuff like libfem tumblr and buzzfeed where popular amongst my classmates at the time. I don't think the feminism on there was ideal but it's easy to digest for teenagers and where the reason a lot of us became more aware of how we interact with boys. We started focusing more on our female friendships and we would call boys out when they made run of a girl's appearance.
I maybe worded it wrong and made it sound like it was a huge cultural phenomenon but there was something subtle that did affect girls at my age. Not only at my school but also other girls I have talked to Roman other places.
Compared to when I talk with my older sister and her friends. Their experiences as teenagers did priorities boys more than my experiences
No. 1375152
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>>1375146NTA, but I got laser treatments as a toddler, not for hair though.
No. 1375479
>>1375138According to the mom the girl asked for it. She probably gets bullied for it. Kids are ruthless.
And then again not having an unibrow is basic self care. I wish my bf was thought to care about his disgusting neanderthal unibrow so I didn't have to shave it for him like a child.
No. 1375833
File: 1665873346258.jpeg (207.27 KB, 828x1073, 8AF9BE2E-27AE-47F4-B4DA-410126…)

why are moids like this
No. 1375844
>>1375515It really does. Bitches really be out here wanting to be perpetual
victims to society and its ~expectations~ when in this case the "revolutionary" action is to literally do nothing and let the girl be.
No. 1375916
>>1375833They aren't even bothering to hide their blatant degeneracy anymore.
>>1375138I feel really conflicted tbh, i get protecting her from bullying but I think she probably did it more so because it was bothering the mother rather than the girl. I wish she at least shaved it off rather than waxing so it wouldn't hurt.
No. 1376972
>>1375479>And then again not having an unibrow is basic self care.I understand not finding a unibrow attractive but this sentiment is really fucked up. There's nothing inherently wrong or unhygienic about being hairy. Like when people act like women shaving all their body hair is "self care". Beauty rituals =/= self care. You don't "have" to shave your boyfriend's unibrow. That is something you choose to do. Don't blame it on anyone else.
>>1375833Everyone is those replies should be castrated. Idc if they're joking or not.
No. 1378444
File: 1666107352913.webm (5.83 MB, 480x852, ssstwitter.com_1666106875889.w…)

finding drawn cp disgusting means your simply weak minded, zoomers are doomed(paki-anon posting bait)
No. 1378736
File: 1666121983734.jpg (616.96 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20221018-212920_Tik…)

This dude needs to sterilize his cat ffs.
No. 1380234
File: 1666232311381.jpg (887.86 KB, 1079x1947, Screenshot_20221020_031412.jpg)

this just popped up on my fyp, this channel IntersectionalAdoptee who apparently believes adopting children is exploitative? she seems like a bit of a lolcow herself by the way she's just aggressively going off on all of the commenters who are (rightfully) confused about her stance. also vidrel where she's shitting on pregnant women for considering adoption. it's so fucking weird that it borders on satire
No. 1380271
>>1380234I have actually seen a couple cows like this, "
POC"(usually always asian women) raised by white parents and blaming all their issues on their white step-parents
>>1380264these people aren't against adoption, their against specifically white people adopting "POCs" cause they think it literally destroys their entire identity
>SCHELLONG: But Nolen says transracial adoption should be a last resort because it creates feelings of grief surrounding the loss of one's own birth culture. Nolen grew up in a household that did not celebrate her heritage. And when she went back to her birth country of Colombia, visiting made her feel more estranged.>NOLEN: I can't speak my own language. I don't know their traditions. I'm an outsider everywhere.Her heritage is that of the family and community in which she was raised. Same as everyone else. There's no magic essence to which she was denied access. Her own language is the one she grew up speaking, same as every other person on earth. Suggesting otherwise is insanity. Harmful, hateful insanity. No. 1380274
>>1380264I can't stand her, but kind of feel pity towards her at the same time after doing a deep dive on her account a few months back.
Apparently, she was an adoptee herself and when she got pregnant at 18 while still in high school, she also put her child up for adoption, presumably because she and her adoptive parents decided she wasn't mature or financially stable enough to raise an infant, which is a totally reasonable and normal course of action. She describes her childhood as "idyllic" and says her adoptive parents exposed her to her birth mother's culture (which makes what
>>1380271 describes as her issue even weirder), but simultaenously implies her adoptive mother was
abusive and went no-contact with her adoptive family. She's also widowed.
I think she has extreme attachment issues and difficulty controlling her emotions. Her theater kid-esque, NPR podcast host tone is incredibly condescending. She never provides coherent arguments for more ethical, alternative options to adoption. She rehashes the same points people make about privitization and adoptive/bith family relationships as everyone else and picks fights with adoptees who say they love their adoptive parents in the comments, attacking random well-meaning kids. She's demented.
No. 1380402
File: 1666254059891.png (251.45 KB, 357x436, Fe_N8kpVEAA3V_i.png)

Does TikTok literally have nothing to offer…
No. 1380564
>>1380524There's alot of it on here lately. They get real defensive about the fact that they have no friends or outside contact beyond their bfs. Say they don't need anyone else. Act like that's not a crisis waiting to happen. They've moved across the country or to another country to be with him alot of the time. No back up plan, no other supports, no fallback if something happens tomorrow, just banking on their relationship with nigel to stay reliable forever. If you act even a lil bit concerned you're told you're jealous. Then theres vent posts where nonnies have been suddenly dumped and left stranded. They think their whole life is over.
By all means, take his income right now but have a back up plan. Don't become isolated or risk ending up stranded and unemployable if you break up. Small steps now can save you alot of panic later on. Take a course, make a friend, work a lil part time job. Do something that's insurance for yourself and your own future
No. 1380588
>>1380234I can't stand this shit. Yes, there are problems surrounding adoption that should 100% be addressed but these people act like it's an inherently evil thing to adopt a child.
>>1380271I've seen a lot of these adoptees on tiktok say something along the lines of "yeah I had a great childhood, my adoptive parents treat me like their flesh and blood, pay for all my shit BUT they are white and never exposed me to my birth culture which is literul abuse!!1". It must be such a slap in the face for their parents.
No. 1381537
File: 1666333991871.webm (1.9 MB, 576x1024, lesbianflagemoji.webm)

I'm cringing so bad help. He's so ugly. And why tf is this her username? Anyway, I can't believe people willingly upload shit like this. No. 1381539
>>1380975While I think this was a bad move all around to have someone freshly grieving on a podcast, this guy is David Choe and he’s talking about Anthony Bourdain’s suicide. Yes saying that suicide is selfish is definitely not helpful it’s also probably just him trying to process the grief. People get irrationally angry at death, it just happens. Bourdain also had a very young daughter at the time of his death and now she will have to spend the rest of her life without him. Suicide doesn’t come from a selfish place for the
victim but that doesn’t mean there aren’t major consequences for the living.
No. 1381712
File: 1666356216317.jpeg (532.16 KB, 2316x2126, 82DEFF1B-AACC-42E7-9813-FEA0A5…)

These people need to 1) get a grip 2) stop lying to themselves 3) stop lying to other people
No. 1381815
>>1381712tiktok is proof to me that people hate ugly women or discriminate against them.
Because when i see a ugly/weird or disabled male on tiktok most of the comments are defending him or they are less mean compared to the ones ugly or disabled women get which tend to be very brutal and malicious.
No. 1382048
>>1381815Don't be stupid, that's just the algorithm. I never get videos where women get told she's ugly. But I do get a lot of videos where women shit on men, and tell their gfs they're doing charity work.
Your tiktok thinks you're a pick me or a moid.
No. 1382391
>>1382048Nta but you don't be stupid (and try not to be a condescending bitch either.) It can't tailor videos to the user that perfectly and when I had tiktok before I deleted it I would get videos of tiktok girls doing those dumb dances, polished looking men showing off their abs, surgery before and afters, andrew tate vids, those disgusting pimple popping videos. And the only videos or accounts I followed were horror related, animated creepy/weird videos, and dreamcore/nostalgiacore. I never did anything to curate the shit tiktok would throw at me, sometimes it was 13 years olds with like 15 million followers. Tiktok is just like that, it was even leaked that tiktok will push the accounts of attractive people and bury the one's of not attractive people. She's not the stupid one, you are, and she's right.
No. 1383403
File: 1666479118118.jpg (644.86 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_2022-10-22-14-05-03…)

As if these cleaning toilet cideos aren't dumb enough,they really had to do a request a of a "ukraine flag" video,put a sad looking scrub daddy in middle of the toiled and then clean it. Hope someone called this shit out
No. 1383412
>>1382391Eventually if you use it enough it does get really good at showing you content you want to see. This shit literally reads your search history.
It sounds like it was showing you the standard shit it shows most new users. So it didn't have enough information on your habits. I have not seen any dumb dancing videos in years, and like I said I never get videos where the women get criticized, but get tons making fun of moids. So yeah, it is the algorithm and the app itself spying on you.
No. 1383732
File: 1666512540670.webm (16.31 MB, 720x1280, ice.webm)

this trend of "stocking" shit is getting out of control. imagine having two huge drawers for fucking ice
No. 1383934
>>1380564Kek you called it anon
>>1383785Depending on a man is a mistake no matter what
No. 1386935
File: 1666794585177.png (60.2 KB, 647x369, 6f.png)

while I agree overall with the message, I wish people would understand that tikok is based on algorithms, for e.g there is also a huge flat-earth community on TikTok as well. If you were following these individuals, you'd believe that the "truth" of flat-earth would be universally accepted in a few short years. its the same mindset with troons and progresiisve
social media distorts your perceptions of how popular opinions are held by the general public, it’s why twitter is always so shocked when right wing governments get elected when everyone seems to follow your exact brand of progressivism online
No. 1387000
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The reaction to this account is fascinating to me. She does nothing too bad yet she's getting an insane amount of hate just because she's not attractive and is aware of it.
She's making everything ten times worse by giving the harassers attention, but I like that she called out all those fake supporters that make backhanded compliments. Still don't know what to make of it tho No. 1387535
File: 1666826026118.png (13.32 KB, 470x480, 272835.png)

>>1386935Seems like tiktok has already peaked, for adults at least
No. 1387750
So glad you girls noticed the weird coomerbaiting in the thumbnails of these shorts. Youtube shorts is fucking disgusting with this shit. Youtube always preached that porn wasn't allowed but every time I look at the front page, it's full of women clearly being sexualized. So disgusting how children are watching this even ipad babies. And youtube demonetizes creators for swearing because "think of the children" but I guess it's ok to expose children to scantily clad women in obvious porn positions and objectified women.
>>1387666Exactly. I'm very good looking and it hasn't gotten me a damn thing other than scrotes turning their heads (who will turn their head at anything, let's be real) or being treated nicer by some people. Blogpost but I've been used for my looks without knowing until it was too late. Gross.
No. 1387783
>>1387000>The commentsWhy are they lying to her to make her feel better? I won't hide it, she's ugly, but what's wrong with that? If I looked like her seeing people tripping over themselves to reassure me that I'm "beautiful" when I'm not would make me feel horrible. The comments are talking down to her like she's a child needing to be calmed down. As
>>1387391 said why do people need to be beautiful?
No. 1388059
>>1388033The difference is she's aware that they're blowing smoke up her ass, while ugly scrotes actually believe it when people give them
please dont become a school shooter compliments.
No. 1388098
File: 1666873260440.jpg (74.17 KB, 506x902, Dylan_stan.jpg)

>>1387000Her looks aren't the problem, I'm sure many clients find her nonthreatening and unintimidating and if that gets them moving, great. She's doing the same guilt tripping every other Pilates instructor does, because the classes are expensive af and the results are overhyped, so that doesn't make her special. She is however a Dylan Mulvaney stan and I cannot stand for that.
No. 1390562
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No. 1391705
>>1291824i was thinking ab exactly this the other day. im not even a conspiracy theorist or any of that cringey shit, and a dislike most who are. But there is seriously something deeply weird about youtube reels to me. pretty much all i watch is video essays ab art/sometimes literature, book reviews, game playthroughs, random innocent shit like that. sometimes ill watch a feminist video here or there, but thats really the only political thing i watch, and its not often. yet all of my reels is regurgitated r/askreddit posts and comments (A LOT of which are in the vain of MRA content. "Dear men of reddit who have been abused by WOMEN, tell us your story, u matter too uwu" "Dear men of reddit, what are some double standards MEN have to deal with???" you get the gist. and its funny bc ive never seen a single one where they ask women the same questions), shitloads of softcore porn videos, weird islamic videos, and more than anything, MRA, MGTOW, PUA, and generally extremely misogynistic and alt right content that i dont engage with at all but still plagues my reels.
No. 1391741
>>1363767>>1364264ive seen shit tons of
woc dating white men make extremely weird remarks about "taking their men", or shitting on white women specifically to get white mens attention. This isnt "ooh whyte wahmen r so jelly of da brown wimminz stealing their men", its about them being creepy pick mes. you can tell they get turned on by the concept of "stealing somebodys men", which is some cringey shit moids would get off too.
No. 1391759
>>1391748>youre a brown/asian pick me getting mad about being called out and resorting to proving our points that yall like the idea of "taking white womenz" men more than you actually like white menDivestment/fds culture is
toxic and their number one enemy is "white women". We don't even hate them we just think they're cringe and annoying. If you have to prove constantly how you're so much better than another race of woman than aren't you reinforcing the idea that're actually not? Stop seeing other women as your enemy I wish the best for every woman regardless of race.
No. 1391784
>>1391756My two sentence reply to your post doesn’t “stir up envy.” Both sides are goofy as fuck. There are also plenty of black women who are vocal about those types of women and how goofy and foolish they are. Acting like it’s some sort of one-sided battle where you’re a
victim is silly.
No. 1391798
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>>1391748>>1391784here's the thing its very common for MOC to "brag" about getting a White women, its like a huge deal for them and they often put down the women of their race, I think these are women are trying to apply that complex, but really doesn't work like that, regular people who aren't obesseded really don't care about this shit
>>1391794its really common for loser men of all races to sexualize asian women above all else, honestly feel really bad east asian women who have to deal with that No. 1392118
File: 1667142892231.webm (3.61 MB, 234x426, hR3X-pglv-E0Gb9F.webm)

got recommended this on youtube shorts, nothing like some childhood guilt tripping and brainwashing, this was being praised in the comment section btw
No. 1392413
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>>1392376you think that's bad, that's regular muslim middle class parent behavior, vidrel is a whole another level and still very common in our societies, so a couple years back a hindu temple which had been destroyed in an attack was being rebuilt, now hindus in pakistan were themselves were paying for this, however according to Islamic law, it is not permissible to build new non-muslim places of worship in a Muslim state, and muzzies got mad
>>1392405>What is he asking the kid to say?I don't love Imam Hussain anymore
No. 1395206
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This isn’t actually hate I just wanted to share that I snorted at some empty headed himbo referring to pushing himself around alone in a shopping cart as ‘hoodrat shit’
No. 1397789
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She actually pans to the little girl in her bathing suit from behind.. clueless or evil? Like leave the kid out of it
No. 1397983
File: 1667574515210.png (1.82 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221104-160545.png)

Keep getting this recommended to me and it makes me feel like I'm watching some raceplay softcore… It's all about her being black and uwu smoll and him being white and big… The entire relationship feels so performative, and the comments just add to it.
No. 1398102
File: 1667583140707.jpg (8.98 KB, 300x222, m-9.jpg)

>>1397789Filming little girls while talking about their bodies… she knows exactly what she is doing and what kinds of people this will attract
No. 1398160
>>1397993Pardonfuck? They're doing
what now!?
No. 1398312
>>1398300Yeah the reason why I was always kind of anxious was because I was bullied in primary school for not being white and for being poor, same shit in middle school except classmates were way more passive aggressive about it so I was always told that it was all in my head. The I remember it became trendy to use
skyblog, French anons will understand and I found my classmates' blogs without them knowing where they posted about their real lives and shit talked their classmates and "friends" behind their backs, posted pics of themselves or their streets, their houses, personal shit in general. Nowadays it's the same shit but way worse because at least at the time not everyone had a computer, a phone or a webcam and smartphones having a camera wasn't the norm, it was a more unique features for the most expensive models, the iphone 3 wasn't released yet. Knowing I could be filmed against my consent because some retard wanted to make fun of my hair or clothes or body type or face, or because I had the misfortune of staining my pants on my period "just" pisses me off but back then if that were a more common thing I would have been 100% a hikikomori from that shit.
By the way, not directly related, I'm seeing more and more retarded kids and young adults in my city filming themselves going up to random people and asking them random shit, and I'm always so annoyed when they come anywhere near me. Makes me want to beat them up and throw their phones in the nearby river.
No. 1398319
>>1397790>everyone was telling me that novody gives a shit about you outside and nobody will talk about you behind your back because everyone has better things to doAnd is such horseshit too, most people
do give a fuck cause people, again, love gossiping and criticizing all the fucking time, if you think no one is staring or talking shit behind your back think twice, people are two-faced and miserable
No. 1398430
>>1398300>>1398312thought i was the only one who had these thoughts.
i became a hikki after highschool because im terrified of some rando taking my picture and posting it somewhere to make fun of me.
i never post pics of myself online but im no longer a hikki now and enjoy dressing in unique fashion but i just want to be left alone. i saw someone take a picture of me recently and my mind has been just schizo central since. i hate this age of the internet
No. 1400334
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No. 1400401
>>1400400samefag, or does POTS
make you gay?
No. 1403440
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What the fuck are they even talking about anymore
No. 1403495
File: 1668104945320.jpg (1.81 MB, 3403x1385, IMG_20221111_022229.jpg)

>pick me seethes over two girls who are simply stating that a moid watching anime is a negative to them
>proceeds to insult the way they speak
>spergs about how they both probably havent watched ~anime~ as if moids who watch them is anything worth defending
>"I would love to have a boyfriend who watches anime with me and cuddle. BUT OF COURSE thats just my preference"
>those smug facial expressions and hand gestures kek
No. 1403552
>>1403495The tiktok turned twitch thots whose entire image is cultivated around anime and weeb culture are painfully obvious desperate pickmes who grew up ugly but had a glow up and now will bend over backwards for the tiniest bit of male attention
I can instantly name 10 girls like her they’re indistinguishable from each other same style same look same speech same mannerism it’s crazy, also really weird how the weeb-pandering girls are always asian..? You’d think they’d be disgusted at the fetishization of their race by anime moids but nope they play into it anything for white dick I guess lol
No. 1403962
>>1403495men constantly rag on women for completely harmless shit they like or hobbies they have, and men mostly nod in agreeance and join in on making fun of them. Meanwhile if a woman says that she finds ANY mostly male-oriented hobby as a turn-off or "red-flag", shes instantly dog piled by both men and women, and tons of women rush in with their "well IM a woman and LOVE
insert hobby, FUCK that bitch!! Im a COOL girl!!!"-esque responses.
No. 1406229
File: 1668251425794.jpg (518.36 KB, 1892x2048, EI.jpg)

This is South Asian level of emotional incest, at least in South Asia women have the excuse of being stuck in their homes all day and not having freedom, so they project all their romantic desires towards their sons but this woman lives in the west, she has no excuse to make her son a surrogate husband
No. 1406258
>>1406253looked up her account and your right, its a joke/parody channel, and it appears the "gf" is actually her daughter and she plays the character of a
toxic obesseded boymom, should have known better then to take twitter screenshots at their word
No. 1407074
File: 1668297805016.webm (15.08 MB, 576x1024, 00cf68536e0c7a2a56b9f31711ccd1…)

I can't believe they shill this shit to children. Imagine having to dilate every single day or you die.
No. 1407096
>>1407074>it looks barbieSo absent?
>>1407080He sounds like an AI, and also like a faggot
No. 1409933
File: 1668518312336.webm (5.97 MB, 320x568, hcYPKEG5zVkFMOM2.webm)

This is aboustetly terrifying
No. 1409950
File: 1668519885596.webm (3.99 MB, 576x1024, tiktok_1668519212362.webm)

What is going on with young moids lately, do new gen parents not even care anymore.
No. 1409959
>>1384174My Mastiff loves them especially after being outside after playing in the park.
>>1407074I'd just get the surgery and never dilate again, but muh barbie vagina so…
No. 1409961
File: 1668520533135.jpg (55.39 KB, 750x529, ipad-baby.jpg)

>>1409950>do new gen parents not even care anymore.pretty much, my parents leave my sister and brother unintended and let them play on tablets on smart phone all day, I mean at least they tried with me and older brother but for my younger siblings they don't care as long as they aren't annoying my parents, my baby brother's account was literally being followed by some creepy dudes and I was the one who had to deal with it and parents everywhere seem to be doing this, like I truly am worried for the next generation
No. 1409968
>>1409950I would eat glass before I would let my kid talk like this to me. Notice how his insults sounds like reddit tier memes… these kids are literally raised by the internet
>>1409933Why is she bragging about doxxing someone? LC is a shithole don't get me wrong but at least we discourage stuff like this
No. 1410037
File: 1668524654577.webm (4.81 MB, 480x600, xAAIF1_K1JIR7wEq.webm)

I don't understand some people, like in this day and age, where people like
>>1409933 exist and can track you down and dox you, why would you say risk saying shit like this in front of a camera, like these two girls are obviously joking but terminally online retards won't get that
No. 1410045
>>1409961this irritates me to no end and whenever you try and speak about it you always get "muh struggling parent" excuse. wtf do you think parents did before tablets? they put their kids outside to play or paint/draw or play with toys, it's just lazy sticking a tablet or phone in front of them. I was at a restaurant with family and one of my cousins would shove an ipad right in front of the toddler any time he would even start to kick up a fuss about something. Boy couldn't even speak or walk properly yet and they're already shoving technology in his face instead of letting him process things normally like a growing child.
They don't even take kids outside to calm down anymore, it's just here you go Jayden-Leigh enjoy your 10hour jumping gay fruit youtube video that's played at full volume in a quiet restaurant. Kids do not even have a chance these days, I'm expecting a wave of attention-span issues to crop up in a few years. Anyone who relies on phones or tablets for their children is a terrible parent and doesn't deserve to be one but you'll never hear the end of how these degenerates are the "best mummy/daddy around and love their kids".
No. 1410074
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>>1410045I think its cause often times these parents themselves are phone addicts, my mother had not done a single day's of housework for past six years now(since my father got a well paying job) we have a maid that does everything, all cooking, cleaning and basically raising my siblings but unlike a parent, a maid cannot really discipline the children, my mother on the other hand is on the phone all day, watching old tv dramas or chatting with friends, my father is at work(he works at a remote region that takes 4-5 hours to reach) and cannot have a day off cause he is the head of security for his company, so I only see him like 2 hours a day and yeah that is the situation my family is right now, thankfully my younger brother loves football and playing with his friends, so he's fit and active but my sister is sadly is at home all day and hot gotten quite fat by my nation's standards and kids at school make fun of her
No. 1410109
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>>1410107i currently cant find the video but this was the account
No. 1410127
File: 1668531985357.png (43.64 KB, 578x362, kij.png)

>>1410111tbh the comments on that account are weird because the majority of the comments on all of the videos are just people talking about how handsome/beatiful/cute he is and fangirling , he does seem like a nice person especially for having autism but idk i just get a bad vibe from some of the people commenting.
No. 1410149
>>1410109they deleted a video but there are people who duetted it so it can still be seen on other accs.
The vid is a bit weird, she shouldnt have uploaded it because it does look weird and sexual to people who dont deal with non-verbal autism.
No. 1410229
File: 1668535290734.png (178.59 KB, 765x1316, Screenshot 7.png)

>>1410190>>1410190its gay men sexualizing an underage boy, not a new phenomena, I do feel bad for him of course and I think the mother should delete the channel if she truly cares for him
looking at some of the comments from the videos I'd say more then half seem to be coming from gay men and the rest are mostly young women from LatAM
No. 1410414
>Don't make your pfp an actual image of you, even edited/cartoon>Don't publicly talk too much about your life, where you live, etc - lie, maybe?>Don't have people you know IRL follow you on accounts you don't want to be tracked on/throughAny other tips to stay safe?
No. 1410500
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No. 1410555
>>1409933I can't even be mad at her, it sucks that he was technically exposed by other retards in his life who felt the need to have their full government name on the internet. When will normies learn to stop doing that fucking shit? It's also why i have literally no sympathy for when people get fired for their jobs for writing something offensive online under their full identity like fucks sakes you were asking for it.
>>1410107urgh, i saw their videos on youtube and people were talking about how handsome and beautiful he is. I think he attracts even more predators because he is considered vulnerable and easily exploitative. I appreciate non-verbal autists getting some representation but this account is just a bad idea.
>>1410500I have absolutely no words for the nonsense either.
No. 1410565
>>1410414>>1410435most of all
>>1410450> don't share birthday (even zodiac), don't let people wish you a happy birthday on your Twitter or whatever> obviously don't share name, location, photos, etc.> things like the weather can also be used to narrow stuff downreally, if you have an online presence enough and someone is determined enough, they'll find you though, see: every e-celeb thread on Kiwi Farms. so it's either not have that presence to begin with or stay discrete and not piss people off, but that doesn't account for the general creepiness of moids though. the internet was a mistake.
>>1409933 is a queen though, I like her style.
No. 1410578
File: 1668554139673.jpeg (774.9 KB, 828x1547, E1A8A4B0-49B2-4B16-9462-11EC81…)

the vid was taken down l think but this fucking scrote took pictures of random muslim girls (who were obviously all covered up except for their faces) and made sexual anime styled porn of them exposing their boobs. women just aren’t safe from moids & their predatory gaze it doesn’t matter if ur covered head to toe. the original tiktok got 100k saves
No. 1410591
>>1409968This is great content, sure seems unhinged but will open the eyes of many people to how easy it is to find someone and how important it is to be really careful.
>>1409933>Why is she bragging about doxxing someone?That person challenged her in the message we see in the beginning of the video saying "I feel invincible if you only have my tiktok", I would assume that counts as consenting for this investigation
BTW did she remove her tiktok account? I cant find it
No. 1411467
File: 1668633608379.jpeg (240.24 KB, 1169x1599, DFABF250-6559-4131-A0A5-DEFB25…)

Why would you willingly waste money on a man - especially an autistic manchild.
No. 1411490
>>1411470Voter registration, probably, depending on the state, and if not that, then there are data aggregators you can subscribe to to look up people based on various databases mostly sourced from advertising companies. Much of that even is available without charge. It's pretty easy tbh. If you have a name + birthday + general location that is more than enough to specifically find someone which is why I always tell people to
never share the birthday in particular (there might be more than one person sharing the name, but exceedingly unlikely to share the birthday and location.)
No. 1411780
>>1411467ot but im so fucking tired of this "men are sOOooOOoo simple" shit. I've seen so many men use this to pin male shortcomings on women. He cheated? Well she MUST have not have been sleeping with him and MUST have been withholding sex from him to manipulate him or had just been a starfish in bed, not doing anything kinky because us men are just SO simple and easy to please there's simply no other way a man would ever make such a horrible and desperate decision!!!
Also notice how men are the simple and easy going ones while women are the catty, complex, needy, emotional overthinkers. But when it comes to intellectual capabilities, suddenly men are actually the complex ones, the only ones enlightened enough to understand religion, philosophy, and so on, while women are just these bumbling hive-mind idiots with no innovative or original thoughts of their own simply put into the world to pop out babies and fuck.
No. 1411933
>>1411467my bf does the same for me with giant puzzles lol
it's nice to encourage an hobby, you definitely don't want the kind of person who has no physical hobbies and is either on a screen 24/7 or wants you to entertain them all the time
No. 1412137
File: 1668701704655.jpg (799.89 KB, 1892x4096, A12.jpg)

This is what happens when you take FDS/Male manipulator aesthetics seriously, also 1 million likes the fuck
No. 1412414
File: 1668716856039.jpeg (131.62 KB, 828x1557, B6F75B73-0137-4919-8AE5-BE71C3…)

No hope for women
No. 1412420
File: 1668717150483.jpeg (201.76 KB, 1284x1881, 1658779300835.jpeg)

>>1412414oh its her, here are some of other room temperature takes from the Plastic Surgeons thread
>>>/ot/1277296>>>/ot/1277296>>>/ot/1277296 No. 1413530
File: 1668803187523.jpeg (104.76 KB, 1125x1389, DDD6DBA1-5F6A-4BFE-AA9B-4246A0…)

Can someone explain to me what this means I don’t get it
No. 1417335
File: 1669089365511.jpg (187.09 KB, 720x1243, Screenshot_20221121-204738_Ins…)

This is uncomfortable all the people in the comments like "don't judge them!" They look horrifying, he's so fat and grotesque and she looks like an eighth grade horse girl.