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No. 1417602
A place full of attention seeking, bra stuffing, body filters, fake stories, elsagate spamming, fake doctors and coomer bait, cringe fuel etc. Anyone else find this side of the internet to be particularly cancerous?
Previous thread
>>1291087 No. 1417609
File: 1669119034982.webm (1.7 MB, 576x1024, 1669116796395.webm)

Is this…supposed to be attractive?
I keep seeing women on tiktok duetting him saying how hot and handsome he is…but i just dont see it.
I must be blind, because i think he looks goofy and ugly. And his attempts at ''siren eyes'' just makes him look like some creep at the gas station.
No. 1417635
>>1417609Burn this video with fire. What the hell is wrong with his hair?
People that find him 'hot' are just stuck in high school phase where they think 'he acts just like that asshole from my romantic school movies'.
No. 1417658
File: 1669123361364.jpg (287.29 KB, 680x1137, 1652608943624.jpg)

How to embed youtube shorts
>change the URL from "shorts/" to "watch?v="
Webm always
No. 1417662
File: 1669123833086.webm (2.82 MB, 480x852, et96CzTZP-37tVGr.webm)

Very hard to not be judgemental of how people process their traumas on tiktok
No. 1417703
>>1417693>>1417685I can imagine the killer in his cell thinking how pathetic his life is, but then smiling to himself knowing he has changed the lives of dozens of people with his murder and caused untold misery to his
victim's loved one's
No. 1417712
File: 1669129319030.png (74.42 KB, 205x225, no.png)

What an ugly bastard.
No. 1417715
File: 1669129453002.png (818.14 KB, 886x1068, CAPTURE.png)

>>1417662surprising no one's talking about her username, its literally "the singing widow" and looking it up the first result is her website and various social media account, like she has created an entire online personality and brand, based on the fact that her husband was murdered
No. 1417720
File: 1669129638077.jpg (98.39 KB, 975x600, DD0SjC9WsAIZHLw.jpg)

>>1417710no fucking way, and then men say women have it easier. This creepy looking fucker that looks straight out of a PSA for stranger danger gets millions of likes and female SIMPS?! I get the Danofagging, i get the banned men fagging, but this diddler looking fucker, i do not. He literally looks like the pedo uncle from Its Always Sunny.
No. 1417765
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>>1417759The comments……wtf.
No. 1417769
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>>1417765i am dying wtf. I am hoping they are just making fun of him, but i doubt so
No. 1417899
>>1417662This trend of people posting their deeply traumatic life stories while smiling and dancing is all over tiktok and it's fucking disturbing. Not to use a twitter zoomer term but why has "trauma dumping" become so normalized? I'm truly sorry for what you went through, but I don't want to see your horribly detailed CSA story on my page especially without warning and accompanied with a cutesy dance. I just don't.
>>1417765>giggling and kicking my feet rnWhy are they like this
No. 1417954
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>>1417922i cant get over the fact you can see his bald spot, lmfao.
No. 1418418
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I was looking up choachan and this popped up. How old are the users there? I remember when the kpop critical threads where around and seeing this shocked me a bit
No. 1418420
File: 1669165947057.webm (1.54 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_1669165609243.webm)

Here are some of the popular videos
No. 1418421
File: 1669165991176.webm (1.56 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_1669165569385.webm)

No. 1418422
File: 1669166014100.webm (1.4 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_1669165529156.webm)

No. 1418460
>>1418425>>1418434Cp still gets posted there despite the captcha. I started going to that site recently. There was cp posted just yesterday and when I posted in a thread to bump it and warn people not to scroll, someone responded by critcizing my typing style, which is a good summary of the site. Seeing blunt criticism of idols/music is nice and refreshing, because most kpop fans will blindly accept anything their favorite group has to offer, but the site reminds me of 4chan 10 years ago when I still went on it, where people think the ruder they are, the cooler they are. Maybe not all the users are like that, but there's a lot of silly nitpicking about idols and other posters
Given how often users talk about breeding guys, and other gay stuff, I think there's a decent amount of gay men pretending to be women, or the fujos there actually want to have a penis. Using feminine terms (princess, waifu) to refer to cute, feminine guys is one thing, but the extent to which it happens there makes me think that any woman trying to integrate would end up trying to act like men who are trying to imitate women.
No. 1418477
>>1417609He looks like balding rat.
>>1417663This video is pure chaos.
>>1417765Female hetrosexuality is a mental illness holy shit.
>>1418418A lot of the users are most likely people who were kicked off lolcow when they banned the kpop threads for sure.
No. 1419590
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No. 1420470
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I don't even have words for this, this is just straight up dystopian
No. 1420735
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>>1420518>>1420575not 100% related, but this reminds me of something about I read about the Pinochet regime. that they would torture and many times kill student protestors and activists, but if they were pregnant, they kept the women alive and in good health until they gave birth. Then murdered the mothers and then "gave" the babies to Pinochet's generals' and political allies. like imagine being raised by people who you think are your parents only to realize that your real parents were protestors who were brutally tortured and murdered and the people who raised you were collaborators No. 1421394
File: 1669413506454.jpeg (776.45 KB, 1170x1046, 779A0C13-7F42-4986-96E0-D6888C…)

How do you turn grooming into something quirky
No. 1421819
>>1421816Doubleposting. Would post the comment section here but I can't find the clip after reporting it. Here are some examples I distinctly remember:
>Gotta teach 'em young>She still has a lot to learn >Hear me out…>Netflix: are you still watching? Me:>When she says "I've never done this before":>Me after getting my math test back:>twitter/OF?>She's gonna be a good girlYou know this girl probably has a tiktok account herself and now has to see this. Anyone who says shit like this about a child deserves to be beaten black and blue, I don't give a fuck if it's a "joke". Very funny. Now kys.
No. 1426947
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Nabokov I'm so sorry
No. 1427047
File: 1669822335040.jpg (75.22 KB, 700x736, angry-kittens-105.jpg)

No. 1427442
File: 1669843464658.jpg (155.04 KB, 1242x1547, 1669724110425157.jpg)

No. 1428856
File: 1669921819682.webm (4.4 MB, 406x720, wtf.webm)

if this was satire it would be funny but it's not
No. 1429427
File: 1669953262310.webm (Spoiler Image,1.47 MB, 576x1024, IMG_5990.webm)

why is she doing that with her tongue
No. 1429552
File: 1669964608210.jpeg (699.5 KB, 828x1228, 725E8F86-4010-49C5-838D-4E3E01…)

right and these are the same moids that start crying and say “not all men”
No. 1429630
>>1429614True but as someone who was raised Christian it just
triggered bad memories and made me roll my eyes. Half of the time (at least in my experience) you will get shamed for liking a lot of music that isn't even particularly anti-christian. I remember getting crap for liking Three Days Grace and other mostly benign buttrock. Made the mistake of watching a Paul and Morgan video a while back and they were saying how they don't listen to Taylor Swift because her music is "raunchy" now. Like yeah some of it has innuendos but calling it raunchy just seems dumb.
I remember stressing out and feeling bad about a lot of the music I listened to, even stuff like Phantom of the Opera. Visit the website Plugged In if you want to see what I'm talking about.
She's being really vague about all of this though which is good. I think she seems kind of funny/cute but clearly lacks self awareness.
No. 1429730
File: 1669983575229.jpg (379.48 KB, 720x1612, Screenshot_20221201-195544.jpg)

This cooking account and it's…"audience". Basically, this boy gets posted doing cooking fails, seems innocent or even silly, but the more he gets posted, the more he gets hurt (from "purposely" pouring flour onto his eyes and crying to cutting his fingers with knifes) and the more he gets hurt the more hate he attracts, to the point people duet him just to claim to enjoy his pain or to scream at him and comments are filled with the same kind of sentiment.
I do wonder: Where are his parents? Why are they allowing this kid to use knifes so he gets hurt repeatedly? They do read the comments, are they creating this content and setting this kid on purpose? Weird stuff
No. 1429748
>>1429649I'm so sorry this happened to you anon that's so fucked up
Men will act like wives beat their partner as often and as violently but no women could ever beat up a man and drag him on concrete for hours
No. 1429782
>>1429740Men were the vast majority of pedo-tier comments and reactions, in fact. XY are a disease to humanity.
>>1429749I thought the same thing immediately, only that monkeys served as "dummies" for the actual thing: children
No. 1429823
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>>1428856she looks like a female patrick bateman
No. 1429839
File: 1669993351055.png (189.88 KB, 336x264, me reading the tinfoil thread.…)

>>1429823You like The Bible? Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Proverbs 18:21 came out in Tranny-Janny BC, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole book has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the verses a big boost. It's been compared to the Quran, but I think The Bible has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
No. 1430055
>>1422926>a short I saw on the front page of reddit of a 12 year old girl on one of those practise horse riding machinesI saw it too and didn't even read the comments because I knew what they'd say. Even if it had 0 sexual comments, you'll see a lot of these posts with little girls really have no reason to get fucking 50k updoots and shit.
There's a very popular reddit clip where a little girl is playing a game with her dad. He tricks her into sitting on a water balloon or something, and it pops under her making her all wet. Tens of thousands of upvotes, and you know damn well most moids weren't sending this shit to the front page because it was wholesome or whatever. Then there's gymnastics girls with those tight bathing suit things, moids will give that shit 50k+ updoots and comment "waoww! she's talented hehe!", dude I know damn well you watched that shit on a loop for approximately 3 minutes.
No. 1430974
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>>1429730>>1429740I generally feel there's this open attitude of thinking its alright to make fun of children's appearance, especially children of people deemed "bad" in mainstream liberal discourse
No. 1431028
>>1431009oh you're for sure right about that, they look bored as fuck kek why do they force their kids to watch their dad sign papers
i remember trumps victory speech, where he brought out his son to stand through the whole thing in a suit and tie at 3 am, using their kids for wholesome family guy points like that should fall under forced child labour imo
No. 1431167
File: 1670087445393.webm (1.19 MB, 576x1024, 756c25194b45eaac2a8ab1ecd26fe2…)

Gay jabba the hut calls woman a breeder and all the faghags are laughing in the comments.
No. 1431205
>>1429730Maybe you don't know this but there are hundreds of parent-run "child influencer" accounts on Tiktok and Instagram where parents sell their children for profit. And the comment sections are filled with pedophiles asking for photos, saying the kids are hot, ridiculing them, laughing at them, etc. Some parents even sell swimsuit photoshoot sets.
So yeah, his parents are profiting from his pain and are very aware of the comments/duets.
No. 1431433
>>1431429I dont think thats true, most people bitching about shadow bans are average looking people who are bland af and not pretty or ugly.
Actual ugly/weird/disabled people go viral on tiktok all the time and get thousands of likes where people are watching them like a circus animal
>>1431421i busted laughing, i love this.
No. 1431624
>>1417609Update: His main account got banned on tiktok, he also got exposed for making racist and misogynistic jokes, abusing his past girlfriends, pretending to be gay, he also tried pretending to be another person when he got called out for his other content which he also got exposed for.
(too lazy to post caps, but you can find the caps by searching ''strangek3vin'' on tiktok)
No. 1431795
File: 1670124516611.jpeg (1.14 MB, 3072x3072, 8C85C92D-2D39-4EBF-A98E-C09109…)

>>1431624I saw this, a girl came forward claiming this fugly scrote has a fetish for making women cut his initials into their bodies and of course the top comment on tiktok was defending his ~kink~
No. 1431958
>>1431795Omg the comments
>Nothing wrong with a man wanting women to cut themselves so he can get hard, it's just a kink yallZoomers are fucked, society is so goddamned degraded
No. 1432011
>>1431795This is what happens when you pull the freedom lever on society for too long and we lose a sense of what's right vs wrong.
7-10 years ago if you heard a grown man say shit like this he'd rightfully be called a nonce and a danger to girls and women. Now it's suddenly just
muh kink and apparently no-one can criticise it because porn has infested every corner of our society.
No. 1432018
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>>1431795he is so fucking insufferable, all his tiktok lives make me gag and the fact he tried to do a ‘bit’ when he was called out for his posts and acted like it was another person and said it was because hes gay and arabic? someone needs to knock this moid down a few pegs.
i can already tell hes going to play all his cringe up as satire because thats what you do when you’ve got no other excuse
No. 1433396
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No. 1433397
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No. 1433432
>>1433415males make video games so un-enjoyable as someone who plays league of legends (please no bully). I'm pretty sure if they banned all moids then the game would lose its
toxic reputation. you can always tell who's a man because they start seething for no reason. I've had moids throw games because their ego couldn't handle that they weren't the carry. I wish I had women to play this shit game with instead of queueing up with random autistic moids
No. 1433443
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No. 1433444
File: 1670257968780.webm (1.99 MB, 576x1024, 1624314304154.webm)

No. 1433446
File: 1670258003299.webm (2.32 MB, 576x1024, 1630318116887.webm)

good for her
No. 1433452
>>1433446this one is fake though he used the facetune filter on his girlfriend to make her look older, she is the same age as him.
Pls dont post fake stuff without context.
No. 1433455
>>1433452 is correct, these
>>1433446 >>1433443 are fake and just using filter, probably as a dumb joke
>>1433444this however is sadly real
No. 1433758
File: 1670276019603.jpeg (172.27 KB, 1290x1628, C91900CC-FA65-4524-9EB4-5FA278…)

I’m not taking sides in this but why would you willingly waste money to study the history of Israel
No. 1433762
>>1433758Historians are so fucking weird they always end up worshipping the country they study the history of, even if it's fucking France (derogatory)
Who cares if they had great architecture ?
Free Palestine
No. 1434567
File: 1670338500743.webm (1.88 MB, 320x568, kales_0.webm)

This is what pure online saphic brainrot looks like, a taylor swift stan saying that they (the gaylor truthers) were like Ukraine and Taylor Swift saying that rumors about her own romantic life were weird was akin to her handing Russia a nuclear bomb to end said gaylors.
No. 1434706
File: 1670348663285.webm (1.48 MB, 364x640, 4Kg7Hn4cZiwwQI3A.webm)

>man almost kills his girlfriend by throwing her off a balcony.
No. 1435336
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samefagging bcs i figured i’d move this from /pt/ since its getting clogged and i cant find any active snow threads this could be posted in, see link for more milk on this whore
>>>/pt/899854her account is back up and shes back to full on pedobaiting and posting her ugly fucking filtered baby face for these copy and pasted lolicon accounts w full on lewd lolis as pfps.
listen to link for her gross as fuck larp child voice dude i cannot bear this No. 1435543
File: 1670393112108.webm (4.2 MB, 576x1024, tiktokdownload.online_16703929…)

>>1434917>Is this that girl who was obsessed with Jojo Siwa's relationships?Yes, she's also recently gained an obsession with Jenna Ortega
No. 1435662
File: 1670405417668.png (449.07 KB, 469x720, yt.png)

Why is everything so weirdly gendered? Female friends watch youtube too. Everybody watches funny youtube clips.
No. 1435815
File: 1670423437227.webm (4.05 MB, 720x1280, 1649508380274.webm)

I hated that trend just as much as regular fakebois
No. 1435863
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>>1435815reminds me of this
No. 1436224
File: 1670438769784.jpg (1.55 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20221207_193635951.jpg)

This makes me sad this disabled couple and the guy's account get hate all the time. Even though they are harmless.
The bullying culture in tiktok really is something.
No. 1436420
>>1436078They're insufferable. We have two sides of NLOGism in our current social climate: fakebois and coombrained spicy straight pickmes. "Yes mommy milkersss I'm looking respectfully omg step on me spit in my mouth YAAAAS i love it when women-" Shut the fuck up. This is fucking creepy.
They post this shit under videos of women doing completely mundane stuff too which makes it extra malebrained. I have yet to see an actual SSA woman doing this much. I guess this is the outcome of non-stop sexualization of women in the media & porn culture. Sad
No. 1436722
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People so disrespectful to fast food workers for no reason.
No. 1437217
File: 1670503659746.webm (6.75 MB, 406x720, why_are_men_not_washing_their_…)

Can't touch your asshole, that's the the gayz do
No. 1437861
>>1435815It's funny because they're proving that this is a phase
Though it is worrying to see how many of them went the tomboy/trans phase change into that weird hyper sexual feminine phase
No. 1438659
File: 1670600796899.jpg (2.68 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20221209_164439154.jpg)

Are people running out of asethetics or things to claim to feel special on tiktok.
No. 1439450
File: 1670645114683.jpeg (1.23 MB, 2418x3398, 7A729A40-94C2-4DBA-BDB8-57C70F…)

i’ve been coming across this trend on tiktok where women are posting this imaginary concept of that their exes are still somehow thinking about them to this day and loathe their wives because of them it’s genuinely pathetic
No. 1439469
>>1439450This is unbelievably pathetic.
>>1438659>>1438682I'm tinfoiling this being true.
>>1437854True. It only takes death for some women to learn.
No. 1439487
>>1439450This is so funny, is there a hashtag for all these self-owns?
>your wife is high maintenence, not a whore and prettier than meYeah should have kept that one in the drafts
No. 1441466
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No. 1441732
File: 1670797880459.jpg (449.25 KB, 1200x1448, Grant_Wood_-_American_Gothic_-…)

>>1441466ive seen her before
No. 1445967
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Psychopathic ass eyes
No. 1445979
File: 1671051565187.jpg (58.65 KB, 736x736, sanpaku.jpg)

>>1445967I thought the same thing
No. 1448070
File: 1671181626995.png (178.44 KB, 838x521, Fj6nortVIAMRNfr.png)

well I knew this day was coming at some point, but looks like Tiktok is finally being banned, I wonder if people will has nostalgia for it like they did Vine
No. 1448073
>>1448070Interesting to see the US attempting this before the EU. I hope the EU follows if the US is successful.
What are the chances that tiktok will just rebrand again or pull whatever legal trick to keep it online though.
No. 1448096
>>1439450Imagine being this delusional, as if any of their exes will ever gaf about them.
She's 'ugly and boring' yet he still picked her and not you lmao.
No. 1449542
>>1448088it's less about competition and more about the tiktok algo being set to show only dumb and negative content to westerners esp.Americans
not that american social medias don't try to shoehorn american point of views down everyone's throats (it's so blatant on european twitter what gets trending and why)
but they don't want foreigners to do the same to them lol
No. 1452456
>>1452415You just got an unfiltered fyp. Depending on what content you engage with is how your fyp is going to look later. All my tiktok consists of is funny cat videos, silly memes and feminist/manhate videos. On the rare occasion I get a tranny I block them and say not interested to their tiktok.
All things considered the algorithm is pretty good
No. 1452636
File: 1671452278391.webm (2.53 MB, 540x960, 1671247652153489.webm)

I really hope this is fake
No. 1452975
>>1452415Yeah, douyin strictly shows educational, cooking, and art videos to kids and censors any weird content that children might come across.
There was recently an American who made a video about it claiming the different between China and Western content using it as “ideological weapon” when in reality China is just enforcing censorship on their citizens, albeit claiming it’s for their own good. Americans would still lose their shit about it if it was applied here, muh freedom etc etc (don’t ccpfag me please this is just an observation)
No. 1453093
File: 1671479331387.webm (1.75 MB, 320x568, 18E65qGTAgZk44EE.webm)

I don’t understand the issue, if she is in fact the writer of these stories why is it a bad thing to insert for to her to insert preferences into her writing? That’s literally what writers do, also this video skipped over the other Asian love interest in never have I ever
No. 1453186
>>1452975>>1452420Western tt is full of CCP propaganda too. It’s super obvious from fresh off the boat chinese and immigrant kids whose families are obviously well off because CCP bootlick. They always position themselves as biggest
victims in the world, warcrime’d by koreans and japs, C-pop and Chinese food isn’t popular because everyone is so racist! They never answer when you ask how they feel about Taiwan/HK or general genocides.
No. 1456875
File: 1672260081062.jpeg (66.4 KB, 461x679, FA71D1A9-FF31-482C-92C7-4493B1…)

I came across this unholy demon and her baby girls “skincare” routine, including holding her still so she can rub ice on her face, jade rollers, eyebrow gel and q tips in the ear. No. 1456988
>>1456875this is heartbreaking. Why push this on a child so young?
>>1456981I don't speak Korean but isn't the point of Gangnam Style to criticize frivolous lifestyles? Anyway kinda bleak that men are into this
No. 1457287
>>1453607Kek the cope and projection
Black men seethe and sob in rage when they see black women with white men, especially if she's dark skinned.
No. 1457552
File: 1672327196603.webm (4.65 MB, 576x1024, CYHLdru-g9I-oMh4.webm)

I'm so tired of this shit. Many young girls fall for this bullshit. Make it stop!
No. 1459630
File: 1672530660595.jpg (322.19 KB, 946x1534, IMG_20230101_050632.jpg)

I hate moids and their shitty tryhard sense of 'humour'
No. 1462574
File: 1672805956437.jpg (256.92 KB, 1225x2048, FhYDYTjXoAEVvwL.jpg)

I thought passport bros was for laughs on TikTok but there are really adult Black men showing off their new passports they got for sex tourism because women in the US don’t want them, lmao
No. 1462600
>>1456988Yes, Gangnam is a rich district with high end stores, many celebrities live within their and major companies have offices there. It's not all rich, mainly certain neighborhoods are. This is also where hundreds of cosmetic surgery clinics are located. So you will see a lot of obvious done faces, expensive items and cars, and businessman, it's all kind of shallow. Those woman are called gangnam sisters, but trust me men get work done too.
Ironically psy is rich as fuck, but his commentary really reflects Korean society as a whole especially in Seoul, and in Gangnam.
No. 1462853
>>1453649They’re the opposite of radblr it’s kind of ironic. Best of both worlds.
For many “radical feminist” isn’t associated with terfism/gc/anti-trans in most spaces . It’s just used as a “look at how feminist i am!”
No. 1465562
File: 1673064216187.webm (1.07 MB, 400x720, zhjl8h8QedOcriyB.webm)

What is wrong with coomers(of both sexes), like I even saw some women being upset over this
No. 1467425
File: 1673219716996.png (532.37 KB, 680x510, media_2FFl5_N4WXkAMcgqA.png)

New trend is commiserating over growing up in a household where their parents didn't stock processed garbage like chips and fruit roll ups for snacks.
No. 1469288
File: 1673411389132.webm (4.31 MB, 414x720, 1670851458026.webm)

what are your favorite ads that you get on Shorts and Tiktok
No. 1469386
File: 1673426748012.jpg (517.69 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20230111-134221_You…)

Wow… what a fashion icon…. this looks like her family said show no scantily clad clothing and she did this
No. 1469423
File: 1673436074341.png (422.45 KB, 510x572, 172829.png)

>>1466431If by that definition then everyone else in those photographs is also autistic. The human race has advanced to the point of diagnosing people with developmental disorders based on mere photographs, I'm simply amazed.
No. 1469514
Actually, is the OP reminiscing about her childhood because if not, why is she making this video? Just to be So Relatable? This is clearly her fridge. She can stock up on many simple ingredients to have as a snack.
No. 1470832
File: 1673552072513.jpeg (535.27 KB, 781x939, 3AB002AA-0539-4EFF-BC6B-FE7D00…)

No. 1470874
>>1470832Hmmm I wonder what was the reason.hmmmmm
All the mucking channels have at best 20 years to live or less kek
No. 1471696
File: 1673615440769.webm (1.22 MB, 220x480, trim.0986D76C-B29F-4A5A-9D57-7…)

Is this edited, cause he looks like the product of generations of gangu inbreeding
No. 1471923
>>1467914>>1467463>>1467425But this is exactly how the fridge looks like if you grow up in a poor household who only buys processed garbage.
It's the 20th, wallet is empty, everything is eaten up and all that's left in the fridge is expired eggs, ketchup and a pickle jar kek.
No. 1473744
File: 1673812022350.webm (3.62 MB, 720x1280, Snaptik.app_704964964951423718…)

A homeless woman in japan went viral on tiktok after multiple people kept filming her having mental breakdowns or crying and uploading it to tiktok.
You can find more videos about her by using this tag #あおいちゃん
No. 1473776
>>1471696I keep seeing these "protect ___ or low gas prices" videos, one of them was gay marriage I think. It's so fucking retarded because the two things have nothing to do with each other, you can easily stand up for both. You know it's just a way to get people to say controversial things. If I saw this midget irl I would probably accidentally step on him and not even notice. Also kek at this little faggot being covered in tattoos and caring about "biblical roles"
>>1459630>In her stomachAh yes because that's where the fetus grows. Men being totally clueless about female anatomy once again.
No. 1476975
File: 1674159490185.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1170x2001, 2BBB0360-3974-4FB9-A263-A98BE7…)

this is a facebook reel (which is why i couldn’t figure out how to download it) but still. why would you admit that you’re getting internet clout for being a bitch to your kids??
No. 1481404
File: 1674665079339.jpg (190.13 KB, 720x1294, Screenshot_20230113-152107_You…)

I keep getting recommended this since I watch some cosplay content.but how is this supposed to be hatsune miku? Beside the costume this looks like as if it were man dressing up as miku(she's a woman).
No. 1481678
File: 1674681608740.webm (3.03 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_718854621712569476…)

This has probably been discussed in this thread or past ones, but I’m so damn tired of these type of vids. So fucking everybody is autistic at this point. Yeah I guess this was supposed to be a humorous tok but still, and tiktok keeps showing me these “neurodivergent” vids. Fucking stop. It’s shit that most people do, I eat my burger this way, am I autistic, adhd, neurodivergent? Fuck no. I’m a damn normie, neurotypical. I’m just so tired.
No. 1482865
File: 1674769646336.jpg (61.46 KB, 439x549, tards.jpg)

No. 1482866
File: 1674769779391.jpg (104.53 KB, 795x400, simp.jpg)

Moid jealousy lmao
No. 1483046
File: 1674788919820.jpg (167.46 KB, 720x983, IMG_20230126_235952.jpg)

Video of a confused girl is full of tifs in the comment section pushing her to transition, and joking about her being in denial, you can call me sensitive but this makes me feel horrible.
No. 1487556
File: 1675232294347.jpeg (710.38 KB, 828x1045, 05A13916-BB94-4973-9958-FDA76C…)

she can’t be serious.
No. 1487567
>>1487556It's just the libfem pickme version of reeing about muh western roasties, same as leftymoids version of feminazi is to call women
terf. They hate women and just want a class to hate, one because scrotes hate that they can't own/control women anymore and they will face social shame, and the women to attract male attention they otherwise can't receive naturally kek.
No. 1487573
>>1481943I fucking hate the TikTok ADHD community. It fucking sucks to actually have ADHD, it's not cute or quirky, it's not an excuse. My life and who I am as a person is embarrassing and sad and pathetic, I don't ever tell anyone my diagnosis (kek I'm taking about it on lolcow), forgive my self sperg but I'm so angry at all this trying to make it a cutesy thing. It's crippling and I've been ruining my own life since I was a child no matter how much I try I'm still a loser piece of shit. I can't even get my goddamn medication now because of people like this and the stupid pill mill online services, they literally ran out of Adderall. I want to fucking a-log myself, this shit is embarrassing as a full grown adult woman and I know deep down it's my own fault.
I'm sorry nonitas please feel free to call me a lazy retard for posting this here I understand completely
No. 1487631
>>1487556Wow so feminist and woke to suck white dicks. I’m sure it’s the Karen’s that are killing
WOC. This brand of handmaidens almost disgusts me more than just straight up “boys are less drama” pick-mes. The way they are so fucking blind to how scrotes of every respective race don’t give a fuck about their own women but still expect women to fight their battles for them against other scrotes. Meanwhile benefiting none from it.
No. 1487666
>>1487556I understand that sometimes we have differences, but women are generally way,
way more harmless than their male version, is she that desperate?
No. 1487671
>>1487626>I suffer from very bad OCD and i thank the lord every day that this disorder isn't trendy yetThey
tried to make it trendy, but unlike ADHD, OCD symptoms are somewhat harder to larp at long term. With ADHD you could easily justify shitty attention span caused by endless TikTok scrolling, but OCD requires you to be obsessive/neurotic with daily "routines" and that's way too much of a hassle
No. 1489421
File: 1675413698461.jpg (121.93 KB, 1062x780, gymcreep.jpg)

I can't post the original video because she had to make her account private because of all the harassment she has been getting but this pisses me off so much. This woman records some old guy being creepy in the gym, in plainclothes just staring at people. Of course some scrote takes issue with this and makes a big video about how judgmental she is, how maybe he needs help or he's lonely- which give me a fucking break he can ask the staff or join the lions club.
No. 1491210
File: 1675567028157.jpg (8.1 KB, 250x245, 1646674046283.jpg)

what is wrong with some parents, I was going through my brother's youtube account(see if he wasn't getting recommended inappropriate) and in his youtube shorts appeared a video of a young girl(maybe 10-12) "dancing" and when I went through her account and most of her top viewed videos were of her and her doing brother doing tiktok dances, her mother was also taking part in these videos, like she has to know that pedophiles are the one's watching her children and sexulizing them
No. 1491684
File: 1675625943073.webm (488.2 KB, 320x568, 6uBBs2eCma6fFc3c.webm)

This caused a lot of discussion within radfem twitter, apparently these two are about the same age but people find it a bit creepy and personally I can see why, like i'm not the type to accuse couples of fetishizing pedophilia when the guy is significantly taller than his girlfriend but this is a lot more then that, she looks like a 12 year old next to him
No. 1491788
>>1491768There's no and, she looks like a grown woman with a petite grown woman build, the video is retarded and nobody is denying gross men like that exist. It's just that she doesn't look like an child and most who see her won't think she's a child. If anything I thought she was a midget.
Nobody is denying anything, just that she doesn't look twelve
No. 1491963
>>1491684I don't think she looks like a child. Personally, i would feel very threatened by a man that much taller than me. But in the situation many things can be true. It could be a weird ddlg thing, it could be that she has a thing for tall men and was stoked to be picked by him or that she is easy to dominate. It could be nothing at all.
Like anon here said
>>1491693 men who would be considered a more "appropriate" height usually have a complex about being short and are usually very deranged. Naturally, my ddlg blinkers were going off because i have seen it glorified so often, but idk how terminally online either of them are. It's hard to judge just from one video.
No. 1492306
>>1492078>it's not like they're in some DDLG gearKek come on anon, you cannot be this gullible
>>1492281Nta but who said that? You're taking this too personally
No. 1492472
>>1492469for anyone who doesnt know what lashgate is.
(Mikayla made a tiktok promoting some mascara by loreal, the issue was that she didnt disclose the fact that it was a sponsored video, she also applied false eyelashes and pretended those were her real lashes after applying the loreal mascara)
No. 1492535
>>1491684shit like this is why I will never be a radfem
they claim to be feminist but then shame girls who have unusual physical traits, like being short, having a "masculine" face, having big shoulders, having small hips (and no I dont mean troons)
No. 1492542
File: 1675718246570.jpeg (51.21 KB, 499x385, 7C080C98-D73F-494A-A3F8-D8A65D…)

>>1492499Saw an article talking about how pillow face skyrocketed to fame because of her authenticity and all I could think of was picrel
No. 1492573
>>1492535its pure projection and insecurity of tall women who take their anger out on short women.
Also ironically enough alot of popular pedo-baiters tend to be on the taller side (over 5'6) especially with belle being like 5'7
No. 1492580
>>1492469>>1492472A lot of people are on edge because of all that morphe codes bullshit and governments claiming they will start finning influencers for not disclosing their ads. Personally, why even trust a tiktoker for beauty content? You literally can't even see if the product works because there is no wear tests, they don't really do close ups and everything is filters like mad. Personally i do think she is scummy as hell, but most influencers are which is why i don't really listen to any of the major ones and stick to the smaller ones. I don't really care if people want to pile on her because she honestly seems like a fucking bitch anyways, especially after she made a video saying how her high paying job consisting of reviewing bullshit is sooo haaard because she has to go to a meeting that is long every now and then. She has people defending her like mad saying all reviews are fake so hers are ok and all i can think is literally as a viewer what is actually the point of watching this content then? People watch these tiktokers because they expected honesty and when they didn't get what they were promised, they got upset.
>>1492535Much like the radfems who are making a big deal over the video, you are definitely reaching about all radfems shaming ugly women and probably need an excuse to feel better whilst on a website literally built off shaming a fat woman.
No. 1492724
>>1492573I'm 5'4, not even a tall woman, and I too think this shit is creepy. She's like a third his size, it just doesn't seem right to me.
>>1492535Which radfems are shaming the girl for being short? If anything, I mostly see the male partner and her relationship with him being criticized for, as other nonas said, resembling a DDLG fetish relationship.
No. 1493193
>>1493178I mean she has been defending
>>1491684 for like 2 days straight, I think she feels identified
No. 1493451
File: 1675803048638.jpeg (325.03 KB, 1170x1984, 4195DF75-E023-40CA-8C48-945F67…)

Not even a fakeboy just a retard
No. 1493757
File: 1675830938346.jpeg (183.94 KB, 735x1273, 9FBAE882-3F6E-4214-8150-936513…)

Lol women on tiktok will really do everything but start dating women
Too many of them claim to be bisexual yet always date shitty awful guys and just project idealized fantasy on him, these green flags mean nothing absolutely nothing he's still a piece of shit
No. 1493764
(responded to the wrong post my bad)
>>1493757>has sisters that means nothing if he treats them like shit
>sings out loudthat makes him annoying as fuck why would you want that
>asks to wear your chapstickwhy can't he get his own? lazy loser
>is weird/off putting literally a red flag wtf
No. 1493778
File: 1675832368792.jpg (13.53 KB, 441x302, WHEEZE.jpg)

>>1493757>plays an instrument>sings out loud>math/scienceKEK WHAT I can't believe she's serious
No. 1493788
>>1493757>>1493770That's what bugs me too. I really feel like a moid saying this, but thinking moids can live up to this fantasy is just setting yourself up for disappointment. I think dealing with
abusive and nasty moids in an inevitable part of being a hetrosexual woman unless you become celibate. It just sounds like she will be fucked over by some soft boy on a guitar who makes misogynistic music and has bpd. More women really need to give up on dating.
No. 1493831
>>1493453I don't get it, is she saying women with pcos are the same as trannies because they need a certain medication to manage the pcos symptoms? And I'm so sick of everything being referred to as a community just so losers like her can try to find little microaggressions and reasons why they're ~
problematic.~ Have pcos and wish to lose weight? Well now you're a fatphobe, congrats. So dumb.
No. 1493915
>>1493897Most anons that call lana fat are wannorexics who are chunky themselves so I don't think your logic is that strong.
>>1493878Shaming a woman for being short is out of jealousy, shaming a man if he's infantilizing his gf is out of concern.
No. 1493972
File: 1675850857385.jpg (43.77 KB, 602x400, 117c83825d.jpg)

>>1493931>>1493929>5'4>short 5'4 is above slightly average height for most women in the world, its weird for anyone to consider a 5'4 woman short other then maybe Scandinavia
No. 1493976
>>1493972>5'4 is above slightly average height for most women in the worldmy ass sitting here like: huh but that's so short!
>other then maybe Scandinaviamy blonde and blue eyed ass: ah
No. 1498387
File: 1676268179965.jpeg (195.32 KB, 720x1558, 3C06A86C-C0C2-4EA3-8357-624B6B…)

The gucci belt and prada bag (substituting for a birkin) are killing me lmao these people have never met a rich person in their life
No. 1498445
File: 1676275855495.webm (8.86 MB, 576x1024, fetish shit.webm)

anyone else fucking tired of mukbang/what i eat in a day shit?? a lot of the times its super obvious feederism shit like in this video. i cant stand it. its watched by either unhinged ana chans to argue or obvious moids asking for more food content to jerk off to. this shit cannot be good for the developing brain of the userbase.
No. 1499100
File: 1676322997143.webm (2.35 MB, 540x960, Indian Joker webm.webm)

Indian Joker is looking healthy
No. 1499481
File: 1676352303655.jpg (148.14 KB, 921x981, i said the real jokar.jpg)

>>1499100I prefer the real Indian Jokar
No. 1501613
File: 1676550139903.png (966.36 KB, 644x1028, KAM.png)

She's visibly afraid and he laughs, men have no compassion
No. 1502439
File: 1676615367219.jpeg (193.22 KB, 941x1343, FA3EE81F-E328-4C27-ACD7-76377F…)

goth self-proclaimed yandere egirls on tiktok are editing newsclips pictures of themselves as murderers lmao really funny in retrospect when you remember most zoomers can't even make a phone call
No. 1502441
File: 1676615434836.jpeg (178.2 KB, 1241x1693, EAA2784B-0F9F-4882-8A13-2D259F…)

>>1502439quoted from twitter
>youre not a yandere you need to do your homework kek
No. 1502519
File: 1676621298991.jpeg (990.73 KB, 1179x1952, 1676342266821.jpeg)

>>1502439Some girl from ed twitter that's involved in this weird yandere "community" recently stabbed her tif girlfriend 11 times, the girlfriend survived but seems to be very casual about it. I saw it in the pro ana scumbags thread. I feel like weird aesthetics like these really water down the seriousness of domestic violence for zoomers who are already a little bit headfucked to begin with.
No. 1502531
File: 1676622346136.jpeg (90.72 KB, 828x1792, C4F19E92-09AB-4A1B-A0A6-C5B995…)

>>1502519I'm crying I totally forgot what these ed/gore edgy twitter girls look like behind the saturated snow app filters and cutesy anime girls profile pics this bitch straight up looks like a school shooter lmfaooo this is rough
No. 1502830
File: 1676661710943.webm (751.63 KB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_720093717737778717…)

>>1502827slight nudity. Almost a million likes.
No. 1502849
File: 1676662770488.jpg (Spoiler Image,18.45 KB, 338x323, thottery.jpg)

>>1502837her oldest video is 2 days old and all her videos include her showing her naked boobs. She is also promoting her link to her porn in her tiktok bio.
No but seriously wtf is tiktok doing, why aint her acc banned yet, one video (the one i linked) literally has half a million likes.
No. 1502855
>>1502830>>1502832Do you know if this is still up? I am shocked this didn't get taken down because i've heard tiktok is normally really good and taking nudity down. Her nudes are straight up out.
>>1502849I am shocked this is still uploaded and managed to survive even an hour. I swear to god, sex workers are such a plague on tiktok.
btw i just updated my post No. 1502862
File: 1676663256991.jpg (129.86 KB, 1437x837, Screenshot 2023-02-17 204632.j…)

Majority of the comments on her tiktok are people being weirded out and saying they got flashed and the other half are all comments by gross middle aged men fapping over the video (i bet those men have wives).
>>1502855yeah its still up lol, i immediately made this post after seeing it on tiktok like 30 minutes ago.
No. 1502896
>>1502884you're confusing youtube/insta algorithm with tiktok. Its common for random shit that you never interact with to end up on your for-you-page.
I never interact with these type of video but sometimes they end up being shown in the for-you-page and we dont know why.
Also is there anyone here who uses Douyin? The difference between content on douyin and on tiktok is so huge that its weird….theyre both the same thing but douyin is so much more normal yet edgy,cyberbullying, right-wing, onlyfans content is shoved in your face when it comes to tiktok….
Andrew tate being famous is also tiktoks fault, since he was being shoved on everyone's for-you-page for some strange reason. Weird.
No. 1503072
File: 1676680662522.png (213.01 KB, 285x448, js.png)

Scrotes live on tutorial mode when it comes to being internet famous. All of his videos are the exact same, which is stitching other people's videos and saying "don't film people at the gym".
No. 1505345
File: 1676954158997.png (8.73 MB, 1170x2532, AC8AECB7-77B1-458A-B205-20A55A…)

Just found zoomer caroline calloway kek they look identical
people are mad that she's currently selling $20 thrifted clothes for $250 on depop
No. 1505429
File: 1676963515635.png (4.45 MB, 1170x2532, 90885113-8FDF-43BB-8C82-169278…)

This disgusting tranny makes so many videos about “plain janes” which to him are just women that don’t wear makeup, get cosmetic surgery, etc. basically women just existing in their natural state, and even calls them ugly. He says women against that kind of stuff are just “misogynistic” and hate femininity. Even told a biological girl that if she cut her hair off she’d look like a boy. I don’t even know why he cares so much if women don’t want to do that kind of stuff, he’s delusional and thinks all the “plain janes” are jealous of him of his looks and don’t want to hear the “truth” so he has an excuse to be misogynistic to natural women. So much trannoid cope and projection. Look him up cause idk how to post videos.
No. 1505948
>>1505429He's jealous because he wishes he was a woman. Anytime a tranny barks on about how women suck and he's so much better because he has bolt-on's or a rot pocket is because he's suicidal over the fact he's not a woman and never will be. That's why people like him try to imitate women like Kim Kardashian and call that traditional femininity, because he knows deep down no matter what he does he will never be a woman so he tries to imitate what men deem as the most feminine type of women with the makeup and plastic surgery.
Btw if you want to post videos you just save the tiktok and then convert it to a webm format with a site that converts videos. I use this one here: No. 1509838
File: 1677416643787.webm (1.48 MB, 320x690, fLSZjLCNIrjdBuaY.webm)

so I know humour is subjective and all but Who the fuck thinks this is funny? this has nearly 80k likes
No. 1509840
File: 1677416834908.png (471.37 KB, 340x608, Capture.PNG)

When a alleged groomer and weirdo's like this, Brittanya Razavi, Post stuff like this about a fake face tattoo saga that show's one of the girl's she allegedly groomed into doing OnlyFans content because she's in her late 30's and these women are barley 18 years old and they all allegedly live in her house have their own rooms, She owns allegedly all their social medias, InstaGram pages, and onlyfans pages, Lexi2Legit, Along with the other's, Val2legit, Kaylie4Keeps, ETC, Pretending to get face tattoos for clout, It's disgusting to me, Because she's a alleged groomer and is exploiting these women, To top it all off, They actually did get the, Brittanya Tattoo's, Just NOT on their face
No. 1509936
File: 1677424473495.jpg (9.33 KB, 275x183, download (27).jpg)

Police and Military TikTok, Is so cringe honestly, I think that and Boujee Lifestyle TikTok are the worst
No. 1509954
File: 1677425672957.jpg (145.71 KB, 1170x1610, FpX.jpg)

>>1509838This man is 30 btw
No. 1511406
File: 1677586762200.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.82 KB, 518x877,…)

Ok so tiktok really needs to do something about this problem of onlyfans whores going on tiktok and flashing themselves. Also not the first time this has happened, another anon posted about the same thing
>>1502830 a couple of weeks ago.
Tiktok allowing content like this as long as it has alot of views and likes but at the same time taking down smaller creators for nothing will absolutely be the downfall of that shitty app. Its very obvious by now that the people working at Tiktok are okay with porn , racism and gore being posted on their platform as long as it has alot of views.
No. 1512690
File: 1677726221645.png (540.43 KB, 451x744, jessicablair.PNG)

this cow always comes up with the most horrendous outfits and deflects any kind of criticism with the whole "it's fashion, look it up", when she is wearing fucking belts as chokers. I just don't get why would you want your obese gut out all the time.
No. 1512693
File: 1677726335272.png (586.76 KB, 442x748, JessicaBlairr.PNG)

>>1512690fucking scarf as a belt
No. 1512694
File: 1677726468114.png (503.58 KB, 434x674, jeansasatop.PNG)

This shit just looks retarded
No. 1512697
>>1512695She is always talking about how much of an unbothered queen she is while 95% of her content is her talking about how
other people can't accept that she's a hambeast who dresses as a special needs kid
No. 1512703
File: 1677727040417.png (585 KB, 426x721, beltchoker.PNG)

I thought she deleted the one with the belt choker, and it is yet another video of her addressing hate comments about her body. But she doesn't care about the haters and is just living her best life, guys!!
No. 1512717
>>1512690I remember her being posted in another thread a while back. The mini skirt outfit has to be her absolute worst. If she was skinny she would still get hate because a lot of her fits are clearly unwearable and uncomfortable. What does anybody get out of her videos? I doubt any plus size girls are looking at her for inspiration if that is her goal because there are others who do a better job. I hate that you can't tell a fat fashion influencer that their particular outfit sucks without it being about fatphobia because now am reminded of some ex-fat positivity influencer
i say ex because she has lost significant amounts of weight and has comdemned fat positivity now who wore a dress that looked like an oversized ikea bag who was accusing everyone of body shaming her for saying her dress was ugly, even in a polite way.
No. 1515346
File: 1678022572660.jpg (55.53 KB, 339x603, tumblr_a3467978dcb4e27d55d7b69…)

No. 1515370
>>1515346i agree with the anons saying she probably shouldn't have posted this but she did say they're intrusive. tbf i too thought i was the worst person in the world for having equally as horrific thoughts in my head that i didn't want to have, until i saw that people talking about how they've experienced the same.
>intrusive: causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcome or uninvited.>Intrusive thoughts are unwanted thoughts that can pop into our heads without warning, at any time. They're often repetitive – with the same kind of thought cropping up again and again – and they can be disturbing or even distressing.and yes they're common. it's not like she said she likes or welcomes the thoughts? it is weird to post but it's not wrong, i honestly think it's good to bring awareness but like that other anon said maybe it would have been better if she posted it in mother groups instead.
No. 1515453
>>1515390>>1515370Don't intrusive thoughts also come with postpartum depression, especially for mothers who were already mentally ill? There's also a lot of mothers who are forced to wean off or change their medications when pregnant to avoid harming the baby.
Agreed she shouldn't have posted it though
No. 1515575
>>1515564Nta but people have horrible intrusive thoughts about literally anything and everything. They are called
intrusive for a reason. They are not
wanted thoughts. Retard.
No. 1515661
>>1515535women letting their daughter get sexually abused when they know about it is probably going to be due to pickmeism/siding with the
abusive male.
>>1515346this is what mental illness looks like. it does come across as weird and creepy on a social media entertainment site to be trying to have this discussion, but that's more the fault of the current state of the internet and the new norm of everyone being on the same 4 apps. everyone suggesting therapy groups, men don't raise their kids lots of women probably wouldn't even be able to get out for an hour weekly to attend them.
No. 1516130
File: 1678114196037.webm (9.28 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_1677934173799.webm)

This guy is so totally a pedophile
No. 1516166
>>1516130I'll cop a ban for a-logging if it means I can say I want to murder this pedo in cold blood. but watch him suffer first, maybe film some tik-toks about it.
redtext away, everyone agrees with me.
No. 1517405
File: 1678219671442.jpeg (569.49 KB, 2468x1946, 99329D7B-C0D9-4F56-8244-7AC798…)

I don’t think upcycling is inherently bad but it looks like she tried too hard to make it “sexy”…
No. 1517443
File: 1678222906456.jpeg (17.5 KB, 400x400, 1668764207113.jpeg)

>>1515535what the fuck are you talking about? people with violent or taboo intrusive thoughts aren't ticking time bombs ready to snap at any moment. intrusive thoughts are just, well.. thoughts? they don't reflect a person's secret subconscious desires or something. the entire thing about intrusive thoughts is that you
dont want to act upon them and thats why they cause so much distress
No. 1519005
File: 1678366965321.webm (2.13 MB, 576x1024, CNIrjdBuaY.webm)

>"Looks prettier than most girls"
The absolute state of libfems
No. 1519612
File: 1678409900007.jpeg (1.08 MB, 828x1419, A3D12A2F-3E08-4C0D-AE3D-A58EFE…)

this girl pops up on my fyp all the time no matter how many times I click not interested on her videos. Every day it’s a new video of her forcing her kids to stop and do a fit check with her, always with whatever audio is currently trending among teens and adults to get the most views. Poor kids can’t even go get a fuckin happy meal in peace.
No. 1519766
File: 1678425545198.jpeg (24.76 KB, 400x400, FkKdyMgacAAulzc.jpeg)

>>1519005Broccoli-head looking ass. The reason moids go bald so fast is because they don't deserve hair at all, judging by how retarded most of their haircuts are. I'm glad the mother nature took care of this, otherwise I'd be the one grabbing a razor and shaving these fuckers bald one by one.
No. 1520913
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>>1517415>>1517405>It was also important that it didn't look like a Selfie dressand yet…
No. 1520988
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What the hell did Bella do to her face??
No. 1521569
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I really have no faith in humanity
No. 1521631
>>1519005idk this seems like one of those girl with low self esteem tactics. Like, she got made fun of for her looks and is now trying to make up for it by claiming other women are ugly in comparison to her faggot friend.
>>1521606Most likely a power thing. Moids are obsessed with things that they cant have or don't have access to, ESPECIALLY if women can.
No. 1522510
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There is something so deeply sinister about the reflection of ring lights in a person's eyes
No. 1522519
>>1522510I agree. Takes me right out of the video.
>>1516130I used to follow him on Vine when I was a wee thing and I thought he was just gay. I can't believe this is how it all turned out.
No. 1522531
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Pakistani tiktok is just something else
No. 1523058
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No. 1523113
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>>1519005I hate watching girls, especially teen girls tell gay moids in bad makeup that they look so much better than them. It’s honestly no wonder why trannies/fags have giant egos
No. 1523116
I was going to post this in the Things You Hate thread but I found this one first.
I fucking hate the way people in TikTok videos move when they're explaining shit. There's something particularly retarded and enraging about it that flips a switch on in my brain that makes me cringe physically. Like in these videos
>>1417662>>1417759>>1428856Or when someone is explaning some topic or demonstrating how to use seomthing and the way they move and go from pose to pose seems super exaggerated. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
>>1427814>the fact that some women memed themselves into thinking this gay, fat fuck is "female gaze"-y This is exactly it, unsurprisingly there's a lot of women and especially girls on social media who have no idea that they've been told all their lives what to like, so their tastes and perception of beauty are very easy to manipulate. If they had never watched a single video by that clown they would now be thinking that he's creepy. And with how women are conditioned into being nice and people pleasers, and libfemmism trying to portray men as better than they are and of course helping scrotes more than women, there's an incentive to memeing oneself to find creeps like him attractive and to think his "kinks" are normal and good.
>>1431795Yes it's a "real kink", doesn't mean it's ok just because he's serious about it. If someone were serious about murder and rape would you try to justify that too? What a fucking retard
No. 1523226
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No. 1523663
>>1523058I literally thought they were actually fucking on stage, unfortunately i've seen something like that on tumblr a couple of years ago.
>>1523113He's literally average looking as fuck and the hair took him to the ugly territory. If you are going to hype up a fag for wearing makeup, as if that is an actual novelty in this day and age, at least pick one that doesn't fucking do shane dawson tier makeup.
No. 1523770
i just don't understand how people can watch videos where people are staring fixedly into the camera the entire time. that seems to be the standard format of tiktok video too. it puts me on edge like nothing else.
i feel like eye contact is supposed to be a powerful feeling. like, when you make eye contact in real life, it's a really close interaction with someone, whether positive or negative. it can and should activate every social part of your brain. so i think when people watch video after video of someone making, shall we say, "parasocial eye contact" with them, but who they can't actually interact with, it fucks you up. it makes you feel like a fish behind glass.
i mean there's a reason that most tv/movies dont have someone staring right at you for very long - and when they do, it's to scare/unsettle the viewer. i mean i guess newscasters look at the camera but they're usually way back behind a desk, and clearly not interacting in a personal way, so it doesnt seem quite the same. and i think everyone does find a giant foxnews talking head on a flatscreen staring at you creepy.
i just don't understand how watching videos shot like that doesn't make people feel sick. it's different from how typical youtubers/streamers used to shoot things too - they were talking "into the camera" but it was more like a normal zoom call or w/e, they would look away and do other things and basically act normal. the tiktok/shorts thing where the creator literally just stares fixedly into the camera, while the camera is close in on their face, i can't stand it for a second.
No. 1524493
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people really need to stop airing their mental illness on tiktok
No. 1524562
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>>1524518back in my day they sent in a postcard to frank, now they record themselves with alligator tears vying for likes and follows
No. 1524731
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>>1524678Meanwhile we sit here complaining about wap lmao. Praying for Brazilian nonnies.
No. 1524734
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>>1524678>>1524731Never heard of her but her Wikipedia display image is cracking me up
No. 1524755
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>>1524597Bunch of fucking known troons in the op
No. 1525147
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woke south asian disporas are always funny to see(especially the the hindu one's who are upper caste) Indians like her oppress Muslims right now and their own people with the caste system and yet she's ranting about white people(specifically white women) while being a licensed therapist and university lecturer
No. 1528297
>>1528179If I understand correctly from what the scrotes in the comments are saying, the joke is that he's going to get pegged. Basically he wanted to fuck the first girl but ends up getting fucked by the second and that's his punishment or whatever. The way of the scrote is certainly mysterious.
>>1525147This one sounds so unhinged to me kek. She's describing social behaviors that are super common in countries like France and the US. It's literally just cultural difference in the way we bond with others. She'll just have to cope and integrate, sorry.
She's so fixated on her white people thing, she's taking completely normal stuff and acting like it's insane as if every other country doesn't have its own behavior that is considered weird by foreigners.
No. 1529419
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why would you reveal this? tiktokers will tell you shit for a couple thousand views that you couldn't get out of me at guantanamo bay
No. 1529426
>>1525962I've been seeing a lot of this lately, girls belittling women who fought for them to go to school and be independent. It's not women they should be blaming it's moids at the top making college extremely expensive, it was moids who thought common core was a good idea and enforcing an unrealistic amount of homework. Moids caused the economy crash too. It's not impossible to find a man to financially support you and have you be his housewife. The issue is that those moids tend to be very
abusive, cheat, and everything else. I think these women know this which is why they go out and get an education and career instead of waiting home to be married off.
The biggest issue with these sorts of videos is that actual misogynists who want to oppress women and basically take down the advancements of human rights in society, use these types of things as "gotchas". I always see these posted on things such as womenpostingLs or other misogynistic pages, usually following with moids,pickmes and tranny's demanding women have their rights taken away or just women hating in general
No. 1529444
>>1529429I didn't know I stumbled upon an Andrew Tate forum
>Muh it's so embarrassing for her to talk about things out of her controlGet outta here and go back to TikTok whining about women or something
No. 1529456
>>1529447>she's a nurse? her whole hospital knows loland we know nurses are pretty no bullshit and brutal. if he lives in the area he better find a better hospital or sisters might fuck up his meds or let him bleed longer than he has to.
hell hath no fury like a woman (and her friends) scorned, I hope he is fucking squirming.
I think this shit is cathartic surely but I hope the immature straight-to-tiktok-for-my-trauma trend ends soon. everyone is going to look back and cringe at these sort of uploads, and if they don't they are still cringe.
No. 1529475
>>1529419I've said it once I'll say it again.
Men cheating is worse than women cheating
No. 1529686
>>1529595It's so weird to me you think her posting a story about getting cheated on, something plenty of people do mind you, and claim she should be embarrassed and not say a single thing about the moid being ran through by uggos while having a pretty and rich wife.
Although this makes me wonder. There's plenty of these sorts of videos out there, why do you use her in particular? Why not pick from the millions of moids posting about the same thing? Are you the moid she was talking about?
No. 1529695
>>1529475>>1529524I agree 100%
It's a red flag to me when moids seem to get cheated on frequently. 1 relationship sure but if he had claimed all or even most women he dated were cheating it's just a reflection that he we neglecting something in the relationship.
I dated a moid like this who'd always talk about his exes cheating, one of those moids who essentially built a personality around being cheated on. I couldn't figure out why until I started dating him. He was a BDSM fag with terrible grammar during sex. Very very emotionally neglectful, if I showed any sort of emotion at all instead of being happy 24/7 he'd get upset and distance himself from me, or claim I'm "acting off" and then use that to distance himself from me for days. Porn addict, very controlling but instead of being honest about what he wanted he would attempt to manipulate me out of it "do that then, but don't be surprised if you don't see me again". Would demand nudes and then ignore them or point out if I lost or gained weight
One thing that struck me if that he mentioned a few times his ex attempted suicide twice and then claimed "it was so bad for him because he felt useless". It didn't occur to me until now that he likely destroyed her mental health himself and then made her poor mental health all about how bad HE feels
Now if a moid talks about multiple exes cheating or attempting suicide, having bad mental health, etc. All I can think about is how fucked up are these abusing these women to make them do that
No. 1530169
File: 1679456687371.webm (10.36 MB, 576x1024, skxjwo(1).webm)

This persons whole account is just talking about pretty and ugly people and hating on average looking aka ''plain jane'' women.
Someone really needs to humble this person. Them larping as this gigastacy is embarrassing considering they themselves are kind of average.
No. 1530218
>>1530169>>1530169Troon trying to bring down women for not getting dangerous procedures or extremely expensive beauty maintenance? Color me shocked
Also "plain Jane", Iowa 10s, etc DO make it in LA. Emma Watson, Kirsten Stewart, Miley Cyrus to name a few. Most Disney stars and actresses involved in a lot of content targeted towards kids and young adults are natural and attainable. It's ugly tranny's that get turned away because they are basically required to have loads of surgery to look remotely not-like-eye-vomitish. Also kek at the idea that women's goals are getting into clubs or something as "making it" and a "reality check" over their appearance. I also feel like these sort of people never actually been to LA. LA, San Francisco, etc is full of normie women, flat, fat, bad acne, natural everything, etc. Hell even just the amount of poor women there in general who could never even dream of getting a single manicure because they're too busy trying to pay 3k rent for a one bedroom. What's with tone deaf weirdos lately trying to convince us that LA is mostly giga Stacie's and not women, college students, homeless, etc ?
No. 1530229
>>1530218honestly if it was just this video i wouldn't care but their whole account is literally dedicated to only talking about things like this and talking about ''plain janes'' and how their husbands don't want them etc etc.
Idk if it a troon but they seem very obsessed with pretty/ugly women and lookism.
No. 1530237
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>>1530169>>1530218It looks like he is trying to cope with the fact that men reject him or ghost him by saying its because ''he is a perfect 10'' and that men feel intimated by pretty girls like him.
No. 1530779
File: 1679528019642.png (249.85 KB, 720x1152, Screenshot_20230322-182936.png)

>see this
>Comments are full of people saying stuff like "you're the most beautiful girl on this earth""you're drop dead gorgeous"etc when making something pertaining to their appearance/men being attracted to them
>Confused because there's thousands of girls that look way better than this and get ripped apart if they talk about men's attraction to themselves
>Check profile
Ofc it's a troon. Only a troon would be allowed to be this ugly or mediocre and have no one trying to bring them down. They truly have free pass for feeling happy about they're appearance and actual women don't
No. 1530951
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people on tiktok are shaking, crying and throwing up over this, accusing this woman of being racist and saying she invented a new slur
No. 1530952
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>>1530951The original video.
No. 1531097
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>>1531078I tried to find the exact comments I found but I can't anymore. I saw this thread though. It's full of people who don't know how to cook and who use soap to "clean" their chicken, with some replies showing how to properly clean your chicken before cooking, some racists because it's twitter so of course, people not knowing about this until now, etc.
No. 1531130
>>1531037Ayrt I see. What a weird thing to get outraged by, like… there's legit nazis on tiktok and twitter and they get mad at some woman who didn't even say anything racist? Someone please explain to me why.
>>1531097This is not only stupid but highkey unsanitary. They're splashing all the bacteria everywhere around that sink and I would not trust that sponge to clean dishes ever again.
No. 1531156
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>>1531130I think its because she's challenging something a lot of black americans feel racial pride in "supposedly having better food then white people" so it hurts them.
No. 1531167
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>>1530951>>1531037I have never really understood, If “white people food” is bland and unseasoned, then all food that appears(to americans) to be bland and unseasoned must be “white people food.” And if that is true, then the logic follows: “Non-white people food” must therefore be well-seasoned and incredibly spiced, this is a traditional meme in my mother's dark brown ethnic community and my father's ethnic food is even blander(as his family are from cold mountain valleys)
No. 1531170
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>>1531154Apparently they do exist, for example my mom. I don't do that shit though. My aunt washes vegetables and fruits in soapy water too
No. 1531187
>>1531166Cooking it in boiling water does the job better without having to spill bacteria everywhere
No. 1531189
>>1531137everytime after cooking chicken? I'd rather not use soap on it, sounds weird, sorry
No. 1531195
>>1531187Nonna washing meat isn't messy enough to get all over your kitchen or the counters and you just clean up after, the same way you clean any utensils and dishes you used to prepare the chicken. Idc if someone doesn't wash meat because I understand it's a cultural difference but you guys make it seem a lot more difficult than it actually is, and also seem to think you're supposed to use soap which isn't true kek.
Also, I feel like washing and cooking perform two different functions. You don't wash to remove bacteria from raw meat, it's just to remove impurities. Again, like veggies or fruit, you don't rinse to remove bacteria cause that is obviously impossible but just to remove things like surface dirt. I'll stop now but I just hate seeing people not use common sense when it comes to this topic lol.
No. 1531199
>>1531170You are supposed to wash vegetables and scrub them with soapy water though
>>1531167It's weird but I don't think it's just a "white people's" issue, but more of a "some people eat bland food and don't know how to season" thing, which could either be laziness, ignorance or just their own personal taste or even diet requierements. Idk, it should not be something to bully others on, it's not even that funny to begin with.
Whenever I watch american television or shows that feature european food I never think "that looks unseasoned!" like, ever. It looks fine. When it comes to food network stuff, things might even look overly spiced to me. My best guess is that people think all "ethnic food" should be super spicey or whatever, but I come from a latin american country and the way we spice things with herbs, onion, garlic, etc is way different than just rubbing those pre-made powders onto things. I'd even say that rubbing those powders might be just another lazy solution to cooking, to each their own though.
I think what that woman did was appropriate for the meal she was making, rubbing more things onto the chicken would had overpowered the taste of the own meat and you already had tomatoes with herbs and garlic in the dish. I'm guessing the people who are annoyed at her have never seen how things in a kitchen restaurant are seasoned, not all restaurants use those powders, specially not the ones who have formal training as bougee chefs or whatever
No. 1531202
>>1531195Trust me
nonnie I want to believe you but here's what I've known forever…
No. 1531216
I’m losing my mind, what’s wrong with westerners. In Asia people wash some meat but not all, and you do not leave fruits or salad near the sink.
>meat that is washed: bone-in with exceptions
bone-in thigh/quarter/wing, whole bird, ribs, broth bones, viscera like hearts, intestines, external parts like tails, feet, ears, shellfish/mollusks still in shells, whole fish, squid/octopus
>meat that is not washed
filleted chicken, stew meat, ground meat, steak, fish fillet, shelled seafood, bone-in steak or chop
Overall I’m quite sure that most meat is already blasted by a powerwasher before being sold. The main concern is the crosscontamination of your kitchen and not that there’s something wrong with washing meat itself.
No. 1531229
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>>1531199>You are supposed to wash vegetables and scrub them with soapy water thoughthis is a shitpost, right
No. 1531245
I think the practice of washing meat comes from getting your meat from a butcher at an outdoor wet market where it easily comes into contact with mud, dirt, and literal shit. Packaged meat from the supermarket is already prewashed and is fine to cook immediately.
>>1531199Not with soap tho…
No. 1531255
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>>1531229>>1531232>>1531233>>1531236In mexico you wash vegetables with soapy water and then rinse said soap off. You use the same soap as dishes. You also have to use chloride based disinfectant for stuff like strawberries and lettuce. You also wash your hands before and after in some cases. It is recommended by the government. Some countries have different standards to others. We do this because we know food carries pesticides and might have been raised with water that wasn't fully treated. I have had contact with americans irl and they never wash their fruit. They eat their strawberries out of the container. It would give you diarrhea in Mexico. Pic related is made by an official government source.
No. 1531281
>>1531255I am American and I do not eat berries straight of the container or any fruit. Strawberries especially have lots of pesticides on them. For berries and like grapes I use a salad spinner and fill it up with water, swish the berries around vigorously, empty water, repeat 3 times total. Then fry them well with paper towels or clean dish towels.
I don’t use SOAP or vinegar but if I’m eating apples or using lemon/lime zest I rinse them under hot water and scrub them with a brush. I rinse and dry off anything I’m cutting open before I cut it open, like a mango or something. I have a pretty iron stomach when it comes to food poisoning though and could probably eat stuff off the ground and be fine kek, it’s more pesticides I am aiming to rinse off, I’m not really trying to kill any pathogens.
No. 1531326
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>>1522510I'm really put off by the way influencers advertise products. Shiny product-filled face, puffy botox lips, dead, droopy eyes with harsh reflections. Super zoomed in like they're right up in your face. It's unsettling
No. 1531496
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>>1522510is it this woman?
No. 1531784
>>1530951I think I might've saw the original video ripped to yt shorts and people were saying the exact thing as on tiktok. The worse part is when someone challenged these people as to what they considered seasoning they would just say salt.
We are literally so retarded that we only see shit like dried herbs and powdered veggies as "seasoning" aromatics dont count.
And all the people online who complain about seasoning have shitty bland food in the first place, that only tastes good because they put so much salt to stroke you out in it.
Americans are not food connoisseurs. We dont have century long dishes that we have passed down for generations. Unless you went to some sort of culinary school or have ethnic heritage in which you have familial dishes from you are going to have basic ass cooking skills.
I grew up poor. My mother is a child of generational poverty, her parents were poor, as were their parents etc. She does not know how to season. She tells me all the time the extent of what she ate as a child was things like potato soup, beans and cornbread, and macaroni and cheese. I'm literally the same way. I could understand the season police coming for someone like myself but even then I find people mocking you over something like that incredibly pathetic. We were taught that way because that was all we had. Not because we were white.
No. 1531800
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>>1530991I now understand why anons hate burgers
No. 1532316
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>>1530991Oh look it's the cool white ally
No. 1532540
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Goddamn at this point just get a diary
No. 1533133
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You are barely conscious at that age if she actually "killed" her sister it was because of her parents neglect. Because children that young shouldn't be unsupervised at all unless they are asleep even then parents should check on them occasionally. I bet it was some ghetto shit like letting a 6 year old bathe with a 2 year old and the baby drowned or something
No. 1533304
>>1501613OH my fucking god this just awakened an abuse horror story from my last relationship.
>took my ex-scrote to the fair>he insisted I go on a ride that I KNEW is too scary for me>refused, he started angrily storming out the fair>i went on the ride and cried and begged them to stop the entire time>it was COMPLETELY fucking humiliating, people looking on in horror and pity>refused to talk to me after, said i humiliated him even after telling him my limits and him refusing to listen>accused me of acting that way to punish himMen really could not give a fuck about our boundaries. It's sad!
No. 1533305
>>1531222Ngl I’m a white American and I use a ton of seasoning on stuff and honestly comparing it to other cultures foods that are far less “flavorful” I think the overuse of sodium and powders in food is so incredibly American. The only culture I’ve seen that really really loves spice and flavor is Korean food which I love as an American because everything we eat here is so over flavored. I have African friends and their food rarely uses those powdered spices and uses more natural spices than using powdered crap to increase sodium. It just feels like these crappy powders are being wrongfully claimed by primarily black Americans as “culture” when it’s just a poor American people thing as a result of temporal and financial limits. Plus the over flavoring in our food has been a cultural staple for while now so I think American palates are not used to natural foods. I’ve seen black Americans do the same with other obesity causing American foods (like seafood but DRENCHED in butter and powder creole seasoning) and it’s kinda bewildering because how can we enjoy seafood if it’s mostly masked by butter and powders? I’m not judging because my own palate sucks, I hate fish and do rely upon butter to enjoy shellfish. My white dad buys those powders in massive sizes from Sam’s Club which I’m sure lots of white families do.
If anyone has any suggestions of how to pivot away from these packaged seasonings and gradually make my palate less reliant upon unhealthy (and probs cancerous) flavors so I can enjoy normal food I would appreciate it a lot. It sounds really dumb to non Americans I’m sure but I do wanna be able to not have to use these powders and salt to enjoy foods. I myself am slim but it feels like Americans never really had a chance with all the processed garbage and the methods of preparing foods here—our palates were hijacked by obesity and heart disease from birth.
No. 1533321
>>1533305Same anon but if any other American wants a reason to pivot from the packaged seasoning, the topic of food fraud is primarily an issue with powdered spices and oils. They talk briefly about turmeric and how random ingredients are put in the powdered packaged version just to make it more orange. Whatever is within these packages is not what’s on the label, esp if you typically do not buy the high dollar organic options and are the cost minimizing to buy Great Value options like a lot of families are.
Sigh, another day in burgerland I suppose…
No. 1533324
>>1533305>wrongfully claimed by primarily black Americans as “culture”>(like seafood but DRENCHED in butter and powder creole seasoningNo offence, but this is a terrible example. That specific dish you're talking about
is a regional/cultural dish.
Also regular bottled seasonings are "natural", it's literally just dehydrated vegetables and seeds that have been ground up and I'm pretty sure most of those don't have added salt/any sodium. The seasoning mixes are just mixtures of those herbs/dehydrated veggies/seeds and sometimes salt. You can just use the regular versions of what they're made of (or don't? your complaints are confusing..).
No. 1533341
>>1533324> no offence Leave it to some non burgerfag (probs European which just makes me more annoyed) whose country’s FDA-equivalent most likely has safeguards against the thousands of unregulated chemicals in burgerland foods in place to try and explain black American culture to an actual American and then say I’m complaining because American food products are actual addictive trash. Im aware that black American food is indeed cultural as an actual southerner who eats the same black American seafood I criticized which is also undoubtedly being affected by the amounts of butter and seasoning that Americans put on it but the overindulgence of flavor and sodium is totally American. I’m sure you on your high horse probably recognize we have an obesity problem here no? Go stick your nose in some American food additives.
>>1533331If you had actual reading comprehension, you would understand exactly what I wrote that I grew up using these powders on foods like other Americans. Way to put yourself and show that a majority of non-burgerfags just listen to black Americans on Twitter and have no idea how the average person (regardless of race) in America really eats. I swear anons on this site actually buy into those retarded takes rather than listening to people who grew up in the country to tell you that excessive flavor with addictive chemicals is an American issue and not some race thing (which you all seem to be strangely obsessed about as people who aren’t even race obsessed burgerfags).
No. 1533351
>>1533341Kek wtaf. First ayrt, I am American, both a black and southern one at that
hate that I even have to post about my "identity" on LC of all place. I don't even think someone who's not American would've even known enough to point that specific part of your post out. If this is because I spelled offense/offence with a c, I switch between both because that's just how I type. I wasn't even trying to be rude in my post, I was more confused than anything and I even said that you could just use regular veggies instead of the powdered versions since you wanted an alternative. You did not have to be this big of a sperg.
>then say I’m complaining because American food products are actual addictive trashYou did voice complaints about seasoning powders. And yes American food is addictive but I wouldn't personally consider dehydrated garlic to be one of those things.
No. 1533375
>>1533351Sure ok. Plenty of people lie about being various races and heritages on here for whatever reason but I’ll just take your word for it. I suggest that if you’re not mad about the current state of food ‘regulation’ in America then look into comparisons of global food products sold here compared to their European versions. Then try some actual non Americanized foods in Europe for instance and you will realize what myself and others mean when I say “bland”. I’m not blaming you for being unaware as it is so common here to just trust what is on the label without thinking. Sure am overzealous half a cup of seasoning on chicken probably won’t give you cancer directly but the chemicals that are not banned here have research to back them up as addictive so that you consume more.
Also the simple spices you speak of would not be an issue if they actually existed in America aside from being sold in organic grocery stores (and who is even to trust them with the current state of regulation?). The dried garlic and onion powder can have listed ingredients in that product can either be misrepresented or outright omitted if the percentage is low enough.
Anyway if you don’t recognize that food on average is over flavored with sodium and garbage compared to basic food pretty much anywhere else then idk what to tell you. It affects your palate and makes it difficult to enjoy actual food from other countries that isn’t filled with preservatives and sodium; not all of us wanna live in ignorance for the rest of our lives and actually want to enjoy foods from other cultures that seem “bland” because the FDA has been poisoning us from day one.
No. 1533388
>>1533375>Anyway if you don’t recognize>I’m not blaming you for being unaware>not all of us wanna live in ignorance for the rest of our lives and actually want to enjoy foods from other culturesYou are cuckoo. You're making a lot of assumptions and arguing against stuff that I didn't say or even believe in
I even said American food is bad in the post you're replying to. I don't think you actually read it.. You're not enlightening me you're just being weird. Stop smelling your own farts, anon.
No. 1533614
>>1531199Normally when people are talking about white people online, they aren't talking about Europeans in any capacity, especially not white people from the Mediterranean. Americans tend to view Europe as one big foreign blob a see them as the "other" no matter what from what i have observed.
My mother would season the shit out of a lot of the food she would cook for us but she would also purposely overcook the living fuck out of everything which would completely ruin the meal every single time. I'd rather eat something with minimal seasoning rather than something that i need to drink 10 litres of water just to swallow. Personally, i don't understand why people are crying about dry spices. I am biased because I used them all the time, but most of us aren't fucking gourmet chefs and we aren't about to take a whole fucking course on herbs and shit. It's still better than eating freezer food or fast food at the end of the day. People need to stop bullying others for their taste buds, let people eat their bland food in peace and don't eat at their house is their offer you.
No. 1536336
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maybe it’s the wrong thread to post but whatever.
this is about bad bunny, i dont listen to him or that type of music but for real did people really think he was being progressive and “empowering” women?? so dumb
No. 1536340
>>1536336yes. In latin america our people believe he's a feminist because news articles told them so. I'm not an avid reggaeton hater or anything of the like but I once got into a heated discussion with someone because I tried explaining to her why reggaeton isn't feminist no matter what the news say. Even though she called herself radical feminist she insisted that the lyrics were amazing.
These are some bad bunny lyrics translated.
>Tití me preguntó:Ey, auntie, asked me if I have a lot of girlfriends, a lot of girlfriends
Today I have one; tomorrow I’ll have another,
hey, but there’s no wedding,
Auntie asked me if I have a lot of girlfriends; he, a lot of girlfriends
Today I have one; tomorrow I’ll have another
>Yo perreo sola (the one everyone insists is feminist):[Verse 2: Bad Bunny]
She has a
problematic friend
And another one that almost never talks (No)
But the three of them are bad (Prr)
And today she is wearing a miniskirt
She keeps her Phillies in the Louis Vuitton
[Bridge: Bad Bunny & Nesi]
And she calls me "papi" (Papi, keep going, yes, yes)
She's really hot like Natti (Ah)
Drunk and crazy, she doesn't care (Woo)
Let's twerk, life is short, ayy (Hoo)
And she calls me "papi" (Papi, keep going, yes, yes)
She's really hot like Natti (Ah)
After twelve o'clock she doesn't behave (Ayy)
Let's twerk, life is short (Woo)
>Ella es CallaitaShe went to bed early, tomorrow she has to study, huh
But she called her friend saying she wants to hang out (Hehe), huh
She has a little ass there who just texted her, huh (Jah)
But she has a low profile, she doesn't like to brag (Hey, hey)
[Chorus: Bad Bunny]
She is quiet, but in sex she's daring, I know
Marijuana and booze, enjoying life as it is (Wooh!)
She is quiet, but in sex she's daring, I know
Marijuana and booze, enjoying life as it is
[Post-Chorus: Bad Bunny]
She wasn't like that, she wasn't like that
I don't know who harmed her
She wasn't like that, she wasn't like that
I don't know who harmed her, but
No. 1542486
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kpop and it's consequences.
No. 1542514
>>1542491you should be linking this thread
>>1118867 instead, since it’s more active.
No. 1544097
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anyone seen this guy? hes cringe and constantly makes videos responding to comments about how is $6000 hair treatments arent worth it. he also dyed his maltese pink and acts like a coke addicted fag. because he is. so many of these sassy homosexuals end up as annoying overpriced hair dressers for new money e celeb tards.
No. 1544170
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>>1544097He looks like an Oblivion NPC
No. 1544666
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Gabbie Hanna's most based moment.
No. 1544850
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Why are IG reels comments absolutely unhinged and full of the most miserable Gen Xers finding a problem with everything? This is a comment under a reels video of a deaf mother introducing her toddler to a deaf newborn
No. 1546144
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Well this made me slightly homophobic.
No. 1546152
>>1546144The absolute state of faggots
>>1546145The absolute state of faghags
No. 1546496
>>1546281>there are definitely bi guys pretending to be gay to be more likeable and seem harmless to women.I always thought this wasn't a thing (because it doesn't or didn't make sense) but recently… his weird aggressive grabby hand motions while talking about a womans body are so so creepy… Lil Nas X also seemed super gay and now went back on it. I wonder if this will happen more often in the future…
Also kinda proves that being a gay man in the US/Europe nowadays is easy and safe af, if they even claim it just to get close to women.
Anti-gay moids manifesto anon, where are you? kek
No. 1547129
File: 1681306273964.webm (Spoiler Image,959.56 KB, 576x1024, f2bf86a2b459a52b856.webm) the fuck I've seen people on this app have their accounts suspended for less but this is fine?. I clicked on her profile and the other videos are just as bad if not worse. On her knees ass facing the camera legs apart twerking in her underwear.
No. 1547267
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Its always so annoying when people are quite obviously making money under the table/sex work and trying desperately to hide it. This girl claims she made millions from being a hair dresser and then is always weirdly vague about how she made all the money, same with financial bros. "it's all just stocks" sure buddy okay. Call me bitter but obviously a lot of people are hiding something
No. 1547280
>>1547223To be honest these aren't even the ones I was talking about. I think there are definitely popular accounts which fake or try to come across as being trafficked or kidnapped. Girls with bruises, crazy expressions (being on the verge of tears, absolutely distraught, then forcing a smile or deranged laugh when they get a donation), creepy looking man appearing on camera "by accident", looks like it's shot in a dungeon -I think they do this stuff because it creates a lot of engagement (a million comments and shares saying OMG WEAR YELLOW IN YOUR NEXT VIDEO IF YOU NEED HELP) and excitement for children/mentally disabled people. But that's just my tinfoil. Tiktok is fucking insane. The ones that look trafficked to me are like that one up thread, the girl looking completely disinterested or on drugs, shot in a kind of blank space, extremely explicitly sexual. The women who do this stuff independently seem to put a lot of work into creating a persona and a decorated work space that compliment each other and seem to play a character more, as well as acting more like regular popular women on social media, engaging and talking with their audience and linking to their other social medias.
No. 1547451
>>1547365I think at least half of gay males were molested by other males as a kid and their latent coombrains fixate on it during puberty as they struggle to reconcile being dominated or used by another male so they either cope for the rest of their lives (being a top) or being the eternally pathetic bottom.
This is unlike gay women as 98% of a gay male relationship is about sex and meeting up for sex. They are usually not even monogomous if theyre "out", and many are under the radar and have wives so they can have kids and be respected by their family. I moderated chat lines at night around 2010 and the gay ones were full of the most disgusting shit you could imagine. We had to ban one guy for explicitly asking for minors to meet up with and eat the shit out of their ass, and the kicker is he was "DL" and had a wife in the next room which he explained in his greeting as being the reason he was whispering.
No. 1547492
>>1547451Aren't like 90% of gays bottoms? At least that's what gay guys say. It makes me think bottoms are the ones raped or molested in childhood and the tops are rapists. You don't really see the 14 year old
victims being the tops when they date those 20+ year old homos.
>>1547483It is not common knowledge in say Burgerland, but doctors and scientists have been trying to find proof of male homosexuality being innate and yet they fail to find anything concrete. You still hear people saying that others can be born gay though.
No. 1547575
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>>1547492>>1547451I mean, I believe there might be a few epigenetic factors with men being gay, but the openness of CSA in gay male communities is concerning, along with many prominent gay male figures such as rupaul and george takei admitting that they "discovered" they were gay when they were children and were groomed and abused by adult men.
No. 1547630
>>1547575I know this sounds like pol bullshit but I always thought this too. So many gay men have a story about being taken advantage of as children, being exposed to sex at a young age or having an older male relative (that they end up idolizing) abusing them. Maybe it's just the fact that adult males are very frequently pedophiles/abusers and their
victims just happen to be gay young men/boys that will end up gay, but I can't help thinking that they're gay because of their upbringing. Their sexuality is riddled with degeneracy and fetishes that homosexuality may as well be another one of their fetishes and some gay guys seem genuinely attracted by femininity/women/female bodies to the point they almost skinwalk them. And they're OBSESSED with the idea of older men specifically.
No. 1547644
>>1547575Its such an uncomfortable topic but I've known gays irl who have bragged about doing shit with adults at 12 or 13. At no point even later on do they start to see it as maybe fucked up. They liked it in the moment. 20 years later they still see it as a fond memory that gets them off.
All I can think is if you see it that way.. whats to stop you reversing the roles and doing that to teens yourself?
No. 1547652
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Also Prezoh, gay editor of Cold Ones and a streamer on Twitch, as well as a popular Twitter-er(?) constantly tweets and makes comments about wanting to have sex with vaginas, and how he is really straight (jk!!! im a silly fag) and he uses a genderswap filter on himself to pretend to be his own girlfriend in pictures. Yet he's so gay guys. He might troon out, but maybe he should just bathe and come to terms with being straight.
No. 1547847
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And for the victim award of 2023
He claims society is against fatherhood, when court is putting more boundaries against him he angrily insists he the perfect father and it's evil women that brings him down, etc
Meanwhile his house is a beat up old box he keeps a mess and likely has pee all over the floor. God knows what atrocities happen to his kids for courts to be so determined to get kids away from him. I'd bet 10 to 1 he never even tried and just wanted to play victim as last minute
No. 1547875
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Literally the worst part of every MRA subreddit bashed into one. I have a gut feeling there's a very very fucked up reason why he's not sharing his name or anything. He likely has a crime record
No. 1547877
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Btw this was his response to women saying men commit most violent crime. Anything but holding themselves accountable
No. 1548102
>>1547267farmers are quick to accuse women like this of sex work, but i believe the majority of them are just lying. same with the moids who do this, and sell ‘workshops’ on penny stock investing. fake transactions/deposit lists, renting cars, taking videos in hotels, buying fake birkins etc. you never see them buying houses, theyre always single, and they only hang out with other obscure scam artist micro influencers. i can’t understand why they’re like this, its such a specific type of person, id bet money its an undiscovered personality disorder. alytuh could fit into this category, if anyone remembers her thread.
No. 1548553
>>1548547This sounds like an argument troons would use,
nonnie. That’s life, if you’re different you’re gonna get asked questions about it. Honestly if you can’t handle that or if it’s super crazy upsetting to you, you should probably smoke weed more often and/or get on psych meds. Children asking questions about innocent stuff like hearing aids is such a fucking non issue and being so upset you make a video chastising parents about it is so fucking self absorbed.
No. 1548560
>>1548540the comments all agree with you too,
nonniejust wanted to say she's ugly af
No. 1548576
>>1548560Of course the comments all agree with that
nonnie, zoomers are all troon supporters so of course a troon tier take would be the most parroted.
No. 1548582
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This was in reference to a tiktok about some guy's dad having sex with his 15 YEAR OLD girlfriend, and most of the comments are saying she should burn in hell and also go to jail for "cheating" (Using that very dubiously considering she was groomed) rather than being mad at the pedo dad. Fucking sick, men really have no empathy and will always blame the woman, even if she's a 15 year old who was groomed by a fucking 47 YEAR OLD man. Do they really think statutory rape of all crimes is a victimless crime?
No. 1548626
>>1548582The idea that the adult man or maybe post-wall zoomer high school moid typed
>fr wanted daddy sausage frproves that active tiktok users have brain damage beyond the capacity of repair.
No. 1548744
>>1548690>but how the fuck do you find curls hot when they are just on the top of his head I know this is a joke post but -
You may notice I specified the boyfriend was much younger. That's because guys my age don't have enough hair for that haircut, and they start losing it at the top.
See now why having luscious locks on top of your head is delightful to me
No. 1548803
>>1548582fr tf fr tf fr like nooooo cap bruh shiiieeeett like fr
No. 1549190
>>1548870I remember I ran into posts about young girls discussing about how they've had unnecessary breast exams and vaginal related procedures when they where children and have medical trauma since medicine finds it unnecessary to give women pain relief options after some of the worst pain to ever happen to the human body. Cue moids calling us weak, running their mouth about how moids have it harder because they work labor jobs, etc
Seriously when did this become a thing? Blue collar moids are just the adult version of student athletes. They think the entire world needs to be sucking their dick because they do the job they signed up and get paid for
No. 1549305
>>1549293I love watching documentaries about various countries and the moids in the comments never manage to not make it about western women.
>miner gets up at 2 am to get sulfur from a volcano and his wife makes him food>"meanwhile western women never…"…maybe because you don't literally kill yourself slowly to earn money for me..?
>indian prostitute talks about getting raped at 11>"meanwhile western women complain…"this is who you're upset about now? not your subhuman fellow moids who did that?
No. 1550016
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men will post shit like this and then complain about how they’re soooooo lonely and can’t find a girlfriend
No. 1552169
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Found this video with almost 500k likes, and so many comments of young women asking for advice on how to start an OF, etc. This just gives me strong piramid schemes vibes
No. 1552196
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>>1552169I know it's preaching to the choir on lolcow but OF genuinely functions in the same way that MLMs do. There's more financial incentive to recruit others into joining than there is by making normal sales, so you have a bunch of women online trying to pretend they live some kind of glamorous lifestyle to lure in girls using social media to use their referral link. A similar thing happened on Tumblr in the 2010s with women glorifying SW to dumbass teenage girls. It's actually fucking crazy that few people outside of this site recognise it as grooming.
No. 1552544
>>1549774>>1549335Moids also conveniently forget to mention that women ARE growing in blue-collar work first of all, second "blue collar fields" also quite literally includes jobs like warehouses, delivery drivers, or even triple A drivers. Most blue collar jobs require equipment so they're not even actually doing heavy lifting or anything majority of the time (which would explain why they're so damn fat). Most workplace deaths would have easily been preventable if they had followed OSHA, which they laugh off, especially if a woman points out what they are doing it not safe. The actual most dangerous jobs that include deaths that do not involve employees not following safety protocols is actually retail workers, hospitality workers, restaurant workers, etc. All because of moids need to rape and murder poor innocent workers.
Even if for some reason women did do like 50% of blue collar work, I can bet most moids will still piggy back off of other moids in the past just because they will never admit to themselves they aren't the
victim No. 1553708
>>1553664Same. I remember seeing a TikTok about a woman who's university took down women's restrooms and turned them into inclusive restrooms but men still had their own and women called it out. I feel like TikTok itself isn't actually that
toxic but platforms like YouTube shorts, Instagram reels, etc are the ones that moids will throw a shit flinging fest of misogyny for some reason, likely because they're too scared to actually say their bullshit to the woman herself
No. 1556399
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I just came across this guy's tiktok account and it made me cringe so hard I couldn't resist posting him here. He does those acting prompt things where people are supposed to duet it but his acting is mid and he just makes these weird faces at the camera like he thinks he's hot shit. The necklace, flannel and way he styles himself makes me think he's trying to look like Dean Winchester. The smirking and squinting he does is so embarrassing, I can't believe the people on tiktok are gassing up this weird faggot with a tiny Elliot Rodger looking bird mouth. The bar is so low on there for men it's crazy.
No. 1556646
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The shit people do for views
No. 1556748
>>1556646instant regret clicking this
>happyhealthybabedoubt it
No. 1556814
File: 1682171021658.webm (18.27 MB, 406x720, retardscrotethief.webm)

>scrote buys stuff at dollar tree
>walks back in & around the store with his items acting suspicious
>another employee asks him wtf he's doing and accuses him of stealing
>he throws a mantrum because she took an item out of his hands to check if it was stolen with the og cashier (he has no receipt)
>posts it on reddit and all the scrotes say they'd beat her up or insult her for working at dollar tree
I hate this shit
No. 1557543
>>1557461She did, says on her account.
Sage for no contribution
No. 1558796
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There's this girl on Tiktok who made a post about how 'all my confidence disappeared' after girls were laughing at her while she was taking live photos. People on TikTok doxxed the two girls for being 'bullies' and got them fired from their jobs. I'm getting second-hand embarrassment from the original poster and the two girls in the back. Retards Tiktok are so selective when it comes to giving a damn about bullying on the platform. A lot of weird power fantasies going on twitter about the situation as well.
No. 1558807
>>1558796sorry for sounding like an nlog but this looks a sports event and who goes to a sport event dressed up to take pictures for social media? I get the impression that those two girls didn't want to be filmed. As a person who does not want to be filmed in public by strangers, even if I'm only in the background I kinda get where they are coming from but the way they mocked her was so cruel. But it's also insane to doxx them over this.
>all my confidence disappearedclearly not if she still posted this. I don't want to blame the poster for this because how could she predict that the girls would get doxxed, but what was the goal with this video? just to get some quick pity points? I know it come off as I'm defending the two girls, which I'm not they where needlessly mean but this whole situation reminds me of why I hate social media and I wish I was born before it was widespread
No. 1558810
>>1558796Those girls in the back seem like huge losers. She probably should've been more careful about capturing strangers in her pictures, but it's still such an immature and unnecessary reaction to give. And people doxxing them (not an appropriate reaction to the action) is probably making her feel worse about it.
>>1558807>who goes to a sport event dressed up to take pictures for social media?She was probably going either way and decided to wear something cute to take photos considering she's an "influencer". It's not like you can't take pictures at sports events.
No. 1558818
>>1558796I love how doxxing is seen as perfectly normal when normies thinks the person deserves it, yet when it's disgusting troons on kiwifarms being doxxed it's painted as a horrible hate crime. I know this it's not a good comparison but those girls don't deserve to be doxxed and losing their job because they hurt someone's feelings and were assholes. Are they shitty? Yes, but if we must do this why don't do this to the people who truly do shitty things?
I just don't get how this works I guess, I've seen normies form rings of protection around dangerous/fucked up people,
>they are a bad person but please don't dox them, I don't support doxxing!!!Maybe I'm just retarded and heartless
No. 1558900
>>1558796What a overreaction kek. Thought they were going to be bigger assholes but they're basically just goofing around with each other, yelled 'lame' and pulled out their middle finger a few times, is it supposed to be some kind of severe bullying now? And to the point they deserved to get fired for this? Maybe this could be an unpopular opinion, since even some nonnas think they were being too mean, but I don't see how it's such a big deal. People in the background of pictures photobomb and pull out their middle fingers all the damn time. Posting their faces for the entire internet to see seems like a bigger asshole move, at least to me. Besides, I've seen plenty of times when moids record women taking selfies (especially if they're doing it in sport events that they love to gatekeep) and say a lot worse shit about them than these two retards, but they never receive any bashing, are declared bullies, or are doxxed. Somehow, everyone suddenly has a 'sense of humour' when it's a moid doing something.
No. 1559173
>>1558796first of, is it even possible to not laugh when you see an influencer influencing irl? kek
secondly, her first reaction was to turn her head away, they didn't want to get recorded and then changed the tune to mocking her.
and lastly, this is a sports game, how high was the likelyhood of them already having had a couple beers? plus if you left the camera rolling i'm 100% certain you'd see moids yelling much worse things at the players and referee…
ironically in china people would be on the side of the normie girls, she is a public nuisance. and in my country somebody taking a pic of you without your consent is even a crime. america needs to get some laws that prevents people from just shoving cameras in everybodys faces.
No. 1559177
>>1559173>Cardi B tweeted, "I would (have) put that ring to use," alluding to the massive ring Jackie was wearing in the video.samefag but god, who does she think she is? is her swearing around and beating her rivals somehow not bullying..?
bullying is defined as something going on over a longer period of time, somebody being mean to you once doesn't make you a bullying
No. 1559195
>>1558796They shouldn't have been doxxed, but they were being assholes. If they didn't want to be recorded, they could've moved, or politely asked her to do her shoot somewhere else.
It's also not the original woman's fault that they got doxxed. They put themselves on her camera making faces and flipping her off. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Another woman was there in the background, and she sort of glared at the camera in annoyance, but she didn't get doxxed and pretty much no one noticed her or anyone else in the background. This is specifically because she chose not to make a spectacle of herself just to "make a point" and (ironically) do the exact same thing they were mocking the woman for - intentionally trying to get attention.
No. 1559204
>>1559199kek you think "government and large corporations watching and influencing you at all times" only happens in places like china?
besides i's not so much about privacy as it is about expectations of public behaviour. you know. manners.
No. 1559209
>>1559204That's not what I said. I'm saying it's retarded to be mad that you're in the background of some random influencers social media post in the middle of a public space, but turn a blind eye to actually having your privacy infringed upon 24/7. At least in the west, they are not hypocrites about it and most people don't give a shit, while in the example of China, "Wahhh I'm in a surveillance state but it's so bad of you to remind me". It's ridiculous lmao.
If you're not actually being harassed and someone is just taking a photo or video of themselves, it has nothing to do with you. Move out of the way, or ask them to do so if it's so serious. That's part of existing in a public space.
No. 1559222
>>1559217The UK, the US and China are all countries that track people and admit to doing so, but someone's trying to argue that China good because people seethe about random influencers. Don't be
triggered when these things are pointed out, kek.
No. 1559228
>>1559222>The UK, the US and China are all countries that track people and admit to doing so, but someone's trying to argue that China goodsis literally all media is usa good china bad. we're supposed to hate china for spying on us yet the usa hasn't apologized (and likely not stopped) spying on my country either. the us is like an
abusive moid who wants you to be grateful for protecting you from other moids.
No. 1559243
>>1559236They put themselves in the frame and deliberately tried to get attention, though. If they were worried about their safety, they would've gone somewhere else, or just said "Hey, sorry but could you do that elsewhere?" (in which case, yeah, she would be crossing the line and rude to ignore them). I don't think they cared that much, they just stupidly wanted to have a laugh at her expense, and it backfired. Like, they know what a camera is for, they knew they were on it while they gave her the middle finger, and they know that within reason, whoever owns it can post whatever was filmed.
No. 1559252
>>1559244She focused on them after they started trying to be noticed. If they had done nothing or gotten away, there would've been nothing to worry about.
>I say that as an ex muslim, if someone caught me eating bacon this way it could put me in danger.Yeah, but you probably wouldn't be eating a bacon burger and purposely fucking with someone taking a selfie at the same time, for obvious reasons. No one was meant to notice or pay attention to them, they were obviously meant to be in the background in whatever set-up she was doing.
No. 1559258
>>1559252Why did she film them even more when it's obvious they reacted like this because they didn't want to be filmed? That's even worse when you put it like this.
>Yeah, but you probably wouldn't be eating a bacon burger and purposely fucking with someone taking a selfie at the same time, for obvious reasonsYou're so naive it's insane. I wouldn't do that but for that situation to potentially happen, someone would have to shove their camera to my face beforehand. Which means it would already be too late. This dumbass who filmed them must be so sensitive given her reaction, I bet she would have filmed them just as much even if they were just rolling their eyes and sighing for half a second and she would have described the situation in a similar way. This is reminding me that shitty brats are starting to run to others and film them to ask retarded questions downtown and I always managed to avoid them but who knows how long it's going to last.
No. 1559259
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>>1559252>She focused on them after they started trying to be noticed.Pic is when they noticed her filming and before she noticed them watching and them starting to mock her. They were always clearly visible.
No. 1559261
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This is how the picture was meant to be. They feasibly could've covered their faces. They didn't give a fuck about their privacy, they are not ugly to be bullied and I doubt they "felt" ugly (probably). They just wanted to have a laugh. It went badly for them because she was also petty, and probably didn't anticipate anyone actually tracking them down. Shit happens. This should be a lesson to everyone.
No. 1559263
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>>1559259She clearly wasn't going to post that one, but
>>1559261. This is also from the same TikTok, they are barely visible there. All of this could've been avoided.
No. 1559280
>>1559258>Why did she film them even more when it's obvious they reacted like this because they didn't want to be filmed? That's even worse when you put it like this.Because they were antagonizing her on purpose? They could've asked her not to, but they instead chose to flip her off. What's so difficult to understand?
>I wouldn't do that but for that situation to potentially happen, someone would have to shove their camera to my face beforehand.And that's not what happened here. They were in the background, got annoyed and started acting out. If you wouldn't do the same, it's not relevant because you have common sense. And if they had only rolled their eyes and minded their business, then she would be an asshole to upload the video. As it stands, that's not the case.
>shitty brats are starting to run to others and film them to ask retarded questions downtownYeah, this is wrong.
No. 1559290
>>1559283>just go somewhere elseThey were already in their seats.
>and go on with their dayCrying about it on tiktok is the opposite of going on with your day.
No. 1559305
>>1559236Nta but taking a loud phone call I. A waiting room is pretty fucking different from silently taking selfies.
If she was pointing a camera directly at them I would agree it was wrong, but they're in a public area (I feel like people are bound to take some pictures at sports games) and she was just taking selfies. If someone recorded the game and you were seen on the bleachers, would it be an issue). If someone took a photo of one of the athletes and you ended up in the background, would you complain? That's how I see it imo.
No. 1559315
>And I call bs that she wouldn’t think anything bad could happen, you would have to be brain dead to be an influencer and not know about doxxing or just stans being dicksI've seen tons of cases where influencers were like "Omg look how mean people are to influencers, I got stared at insulted", and those who were being mean didn't get doxxed. This is an exceptional case when it comes to this sort of thing, most people only doxx for full on harassment or slurs.
No. 1559321
>>1559312Anon, regular people (not "influencers" or any type of online creators) post pictures of this stuff to the internet too.
>>1559313Literally never said anything about family albums.
No. 1559325
>>1559322shit like
>lol look at that girl in the black tshirt…is so common on any influencers stuff
No. 1559485
>>1559470>why did it workBusinesses don't want negative publicity. They are about money and only money. Someone attracting attention from the entire internet like that is a liability. They don't want their name associated with random immature drama. "Immature" is not a big deal to you, but a big deal for a business' image, which is trying to appear as trustworthy as possible.
And they want to discourage other employees from acting out in public. They're showing other employees they have zero tolerance so nobody else does it in the future.
Businesses NEVER make fair decisions, they only make profitable decisions.
No. 1559486
>>1559471nta, I don't get why people here keep saying "they're in public, if they're not happy about being filmed they should have just left". These two girls look like they're in a sports event, where you pay for tickets and a ticket is for a very specific seat.
>Also somewhere I read THEY should've asked not to be filmedI agree that they shouldn't have to do that in the first place because they shouldn't be filmed in the first place. But we all know that retards everywhere think it's normal to film others and posting them without even blurring their face somehow. So yes you should be able to ask that if that happens. It sucks but that's how it is. I suddenly remembered that twitter post going like "lol I saw this lady at the airport using her own tube of mayonnaise to put on her eggs in her salad, that's sooooo weird!!! here's a pic but I yassified her face for anonymity though" like bitch don't take pictures to begin with! The post would have meant the exact same thing without a picture and yet.
No. 1559519
>>1559490>If they had asked her not to film them, she would've probably stopped and moved.kek what planet do you live on? these influencer retards are always inconsiderate pricks who think public spaces belong to them
they throw a fit when museum workers ask them not to climb on a roman statue for a selfie
No. 1559565
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Anyone remember that "trend" on TikTok a few years ago where zoomers were cosplaying as holocaust victims, while somber music played in the background?? I'm not sure if they were just so terminally online that they didn't realize how messed up it was, or if they intentionally wanted to shock people and being subtly anti-Semitic
No. 1560156
>>1560095Because they're emotionally and socially stunted autists, same goes with the ones who overly identify with the self absorbed "
victim" in this case. Keep in mind there is an entire generation now nearing their 20s who grew up with the internet nonstop in their hands, from the crib onwards, without being able to seperate it properly from reality. The result is exactly what you get in the video. The two insecure retards who feel immediately personally attacked when another retard happens to have them in the background without any ill intend and somehow think it's an easier and better solution to do all that stupid rude shit in front of a camera than just literally saying one polite sentence. And the spineless retard who equally can't fathom that the people around her are sentient beings and not props, who might not want to be on her videos or pictures and chooses to make a sobstory for internet likes out of the whole ordeal.
No. 1560173
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>>1559259I hate all three of them tbh
People visibly filming tiktoks are annoying as fuck and she's acting like that wont attract attention to them(it will), and the two tards in the back are making asses out of themselves
No. 1560210
>>1560155This isn't real, they made a video together. I will just link both of the videos, I've tried to upload them here multiple times but they absolutely will not post and there's no point in even posting them when WEBMs barely even fucking play anymore. I'll try to post them again later. You can watch without an account girl on the right's voice is annoying tbh. To sum up the video, they basically say that the video was edited, that the creator's husband (I don't think she's even married, but that's besides the point), and that they weren't working at the businesses that people found (so no they didn't get fired).
No. 1561546
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Deep fake porn is going to get so out of control in the next few years, people aren't ready. This girl is being harassed by a weirdo who put her face into a deepfake ai porn generator and who then paid to get the watermark removed so he can distribute her fake nudes and torment her. No. 1561778
>>1561549>>1561682It sucks that we have to "hide" from men. I said it once and I said it again, I agree with
>>1561627. We should do it to the moids who use it and we should then spread it to their employers and everywhere in public.
No. 1562444
>>1562299That's right. Why don't they ever go after men? Shouldn't
they have some accountability too? But since women are expected to be always nice and self-sacrificing we are judged more harshly for refusing to be like that. We all know moids hold more power and are richer than women on average.
No. 1562557
>>1562299I see a lot of "karen" videos where it turns out later the moid was just instigating and harassing the woman. Moids who harass should be s
* on sight.
No. 1562560
I wish women would collectively stop babying men
It should be the opposite. Expect more from them. Make the moid do the work! Moids grow resentful when their life is made easy, no discipline learned.
No. 1564694
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Why is it suddenly considered socially acceptable to make the lives harder of minimum wage workers. I've noticed this first started happening in 2017 and now it's considered funny and socially acceptable for minimum wage workers to always be pranked or some other dumb shit
No. 1564697
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No. 1566074
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All my sympathy to this woman for having two kids suffering but I also find it really gross and weird to make a spectacle of it online. I’m purposely cropping the username because I don’t agree with her sharing it.
No. 1566151
>>1566138>might as well tell people to lock their door and shut the windows when they leave, ridiculous!!You can't stop going outside but not posting your face online is a very simple no-effort, no-risk, no-negative consequences security measure you can take for your personal security.
20 years ago parents still had common sense regarding the internet and told their kids not to use their real name on the internet online but telling people not to post their face online because of vastly increased security risks is somehow ridiculous.
No. 1566155
>>1566140Nice try, nonna. Male hands made the original post too. That solution is akin to saying they were asking for it when they get assaulted.
>>1566151It's not going to stop creeps from taking unwarranted pictures of women rl and doing creepy shit with it. You make it sound like it's the women's fault for having any appearance on the internet in this day and age of social media.
No. 1566169
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>>1566050I've never heard of this before in my life and now I'm falling down a rabbit hole of entertainment, thank you for the cringe content nonna
No. 1566171
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>>1566169Samefag but holy shit, it's like these people mixed 2013 beauty guru youtube with a splash of fag twitter and made it their whole personality.
No. 1566194
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How, why and where do the "bisexual sitting teehee" jokes come from?