File: 1659912156820.gif (547.4 KB, 600x300, camping car by qmffnaowlr on D…)

No. 1293637
>>1293619Camping in a tent off the back of a motorcycle is based as fuck, you have awesome dreams
nonnie. Wish we could have women-only routes and trails.
No. 1294071
>>1293550This is what I'm ultimately aiming for too, although I want to combine it with a part-time job for a secure income. I don't think I'll ultimately be looking for 100% self-sufficiency. I'm still a student so I'm using these years to practice gardening and food preservation.
Btw there's lots of books on self sufficiency and homesteading, lots of good resources!
No. 1294806
>>1294418You sound like a joy to be around
>>1294772What kind of place are you going anon? I recently came back from camping trip to the coast, it was so relaxing.
No. 1295827
File: 1660064686103.gif (1.65 MB, 582x446, childhood friends _ hyunin.gif)

>>1293516comfy comfy comfy
No. 2195852
>>1294862Cycling through Australian deserts.
>>1293605Pepper spray and knives.