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No. 1308473
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Why are even clean moids so nasty? My brother cannot leave the house without showering, even if he is running very late or just going to the store for one item, but his room is filled with piss bottles. Huh?? I'm pretty sure skipping one shower is not as dirty as fermenting piss?
No. 1308493
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Today is the worst day at work, I'll be alone, it's raining and it's so cold. I just wanna stay at home and sleep hugging my boyfriend
No. 1308494
>>1308480Old (above 30) or fat. It gets even more important to not be fat as we get old.
Hope you feel better soon.
No. 1308514
>>1308480What's your lifestyle? Do you exercise, or at least stretch regularly? 30 is not some magical milestone where everything starts falling apart, there are a lot of individual traits that contribute to it, so you totally can start having knee problems in your twenties if, for example, you have sedentary lifestyle and unbalanced diet.
4 days long headache is concerning. Are you taking painkillers? If yes, what exactly? Sometimes body gets used to a specific painkiller and you just need to use a different one for everything to go away (for example if you always use ibuprofen, this time use paracetamol). But if it doesnt go away even with painkillers, it would be good to consult it with a doctor
No. 1308515
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I changed my uni major last spring, and I have not really made friends on the new branch. I have gotten to know a few ppl, but of course I was not invited to any of the parties or summer activities my classmates did. Every one has already formed cliques you really cannot get into anymore. I started tutoring the next freshmen that started this fall and I have had fun with the other tutors and the freshmen are nice, but I would really like to get to know my peers better. I didn't really make friends in my previous major either bc of covid and my retarded personality.
I was asked to advertise a party, I shared it to my freshmen and also shared it to my peer student group without thinking about it. No one has talked in that group for months, and when I shared it 4 people left immidiately kek. Now I have huuuuge retarded anxiety about how stupid I was to share it, people probably think I'm a braindead autist.
No. 1308519
>>1308514Thank you for the tips
nonnie. I do exercise lately more than I used to and that's where I think I got the knee pain.
I had migraine-type pain on one side for the last three days, yesterday it went away in the evening and today it switched sides and it's stabbing my left eye. I have to study a lot so I think it's maybe psychosomatic or caused by the stress and it's telling me to take a break but I just can't because I have no time untill the exam. I take migralgin mostly, thanks for reminding me to switch it.
No. 1308559
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>get involved with a scrote
>suppress my misandry because i'm heterosexual and despite everything still want a man in my life
>we get along great and want all the same things in life
>he ends up admitting that he wants me to be the uwu little girl and he'll "take care of me"
Why God? Why? A few years ago I would have said yes, thinking it's innocent roleplay and just a kink or whatever. But I know the truth. He wants a fucking daughter who will fuck and suck and look up to him like he's a god. You're just a filthy cretin with a filthy little penis. This absolute fool, clown, disgusting goblin, wanted me to wear pigtails. Not even teenagers wear pigtails. Bitch, 5 year olds do. Fuck you. I make my own money you pedophile son of a whore I hate them all so much! Pure hatred and rage!!!
No. 1308561
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>Meet first moid in years who I'm actually attracted to
>Doesn't text me back after the first date
Well, I'd honestly rather he just not respond because at least I'll get the message he isn't interested instead of constantly wondering 'oh does he like me? does he think i'm weird?' And to be fair, I was a huge sperg on our date so I'm not offended if he doesn't want to see me again. Ironically, there is a guy who I went on a date with months ago who still talks to me because I told him I didn't want to go out with him, but was okay with being friends. Now I don't even really want to be friends anymore and I'm not sure how to tell him that kek. I guess maybe this is karma or something. It does make me feel like a doomer because somehow it always works out this way. People you're attracted to aren't into you and people you aren't into are so available to you. Idk I guess the best thing to do is move on and just talk to other people so I can stop fixating on this situation, but I'm too busy with work to have the energy to meet new people right now.
No. 1308562
>>1308547Nayrt but saw this comment in passing and you sound very sweet.
>>1308538Hey anon, while I don't have much useful advice here I'm wishing you the best of luck, rooting for you!
No. 1308622
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I recently found out the producer of one of my favorite songs is a troon. I hate how 90% "female" electronic music producers are troons.
No. 1308667
>>1308658Yeah, my best friend is a little older than me and cosplays as female characters with older fanbases. It looks a lot more respectable.
I’ve done the same, but it just doesn’t feel as fun or as good as being your husbando for a day. I think it’s over for me
nonny, but you definitely still have a chance
No. 1308677
>>1308672>so what are you going to call these womenHuman trafficked women or sexual trafficked women, thats literally what they are called, very weird that you want to call them prostitutes. Even among international agencies i dont really see them being called that, well not recently.
Both you and your friend are retardo pickmes.
No. 1308682
>>1308678I mean beside semantics these mean exactly the same thing. It is the same arguments as troon saying transgendered is mean but transgender is fine or that dumbass
PoC term. My first language is not English and the term prostitute in my language is the one used and even these trafficked women use it. Just another example of burgers politics influence in the world.
No. 1308685
>>1308682you are talking in english you retard, im sure its less offensive in your language since you say trafficked women use it too but it you are talking in english and not your language.
Just using the word ''prostitue'' is not commonly used for human trafficked
Also you sound like a mental reactionary comparing troons to women who get kidnapped and then sold off to brothels or forced into caming. Its not comparable at all.
No. 1308693
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Over the past 3 months I've had events that traumatized me because I didn't have time to come to terms with them as they happened.I have emotions that have accumulated inside me and I had a delayed breakdown weeks
after these events because I had to help deal with them or become responsible for them.
There have been 2 deaths I had to deal with. One of a death of a dog I had taken responsibility over because the owner was negligent, the death of a close young friend bc of a drunk driver, a medical emergency for my little sister, a fire emergency in my building due to negligence,and my credential examination bombing due to stress.
Meanwhile all of this happened, my ldr partner of 5 years just stopped messaging me.
I spiraled a few weeks ago after I returned to the grave of my friend with her mother, I realized I hadn't come to terms. I can't eat properly, sleep properly, and the simplest things are accomplishments for me. I still bathe everyday brush my teeth and handle my appearance and hygiene and try to control my moods but I felt devastated especially because another friend of mine told me that they had stage 4 stomach cancer.
I had a lot of fluctuating emotions these past few weeks, felt betrayel and pain, guilt, not feeling strong enough. I had enough with my behavior last week and decided to get up and move and I went to therapy, I let myself cry whenever I needed to like in the shower, I told my friends and family more about how I felt as well. I am also spending less time on the phone and reading books and even studying things I enjoy and exercising.
Recently,after much debate with myself, I bought myself a plane ticket to go see my ldr to get closure. I felt it is my way of getting a little control back, and not let life 'just happen' to me. I love them deeply and they're my first love, but I am deeply hurt and wounded that the reason I believe they broke contact with me slowly was because they couldn't deal with them having to be the backbone of the relationship for a little while. I was always the partner who stayed strong and was the one who comforted them, and I was the one who kept it going. When they had nothing, I stayed with them. When thier family put them down I lifted them up and I always tried to be on thier side. I thought I was a good partner to them but maybe they just saw me as a burden and a nag.
I'm going to see them next week and im going to get them flowers and breakfast to thier house unannounced. If they are uncomfortable and refuse to see me I will leave and I will not look back and never contact and visit them again. I feel like I need this closure to make sure I rode this until all the wheels fell off to move on with them or without them.
No. 1308694
>>1308689anon i see that you are trying to use your A2 eng knowledge to make a point by comparing troons and hair colors to prostituted women but here i am going to tell you the difference so this retarded debate ends.
Prostitute (someone who is selling sex illegally) , Prostituted women (women who are being sold for sex, typically by traffickers)
No. 1308696
>>1308559I am sorry you feel betrayed.
>>1308538I am very sorry you're in this situation. Leaving a husband is hard but don't let that stop you from obtaining happiness. I understand your feelings of disgust but I hope you don't displace those feelings and make it your fault because you're not at fault.
No. 1308722
>>1308693It seems so risky to be going through a rough patch already and to gamble possibly being all alone and rejected far away from home right now. If anything that sounds like setting yourself up to reach your last straw.
Showing up uninvited/unannounced like that isn't taking back control. It's the opposite.
No. 1308757
>>1308739aw nona you are so lovely thank you so much for your kind words. it makes me really happy and hopeful to hear you were able to overcome it when it got that bad, i know that i can do it too!! i was feeling pretty let down by my doctor but i think i really should look for another specialist who can
help me more. i know it's just words but you motivated me a lot and helped me feel more hopeful and i appreciate it so much.. today i shall dedicate my meals in honor of you and your recovery
No. 1308761
>>1308756You just
know it's some moid freak with a tiny cock. Should be shot on sight when they catch him doing it. Only a matter of time before they move on to people.
No. 1308780
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I hate my fucking housemates and I hate mu fucking job fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them
No. 1308792
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i have been suppressing my worries lately, in other words neglecting my diary in trade of drugs for the last couple of months prior to this. im happy to say im strictly taking my prescription medications now with the once in a while kitty bumping. my mental state has mostly improved, but my worries about the future have not. it seems like everyone else has it figured out but im struggling to make a decision and having to make one always stresses me out to the point of coping negatively. i just finished my two year degree, and now i dont know where to go. do i become a supervisor at my current job? aim for a better paying full time job? finish my education at home? save up and move out? go to university my last two years for better college/a new experience, but be in debt? just stay home and work until maybe an opportunity arises?
they say don't wait, but they also say not to worry about the future so much. my heart wants to move out due to a lot of issues with my home life, but that would mean a new state with more affordable rent, some more struggles, and taking time off of college for at least a year or so. i just wish i could have my own place and go to a university, i want to grow and have freedom so badly. but with that comes debt….do i stay home for free, where i can stay afloat financially with my bills, but suffer mentally due to my home life? or struggle financially now and in the future, but get to experience more of life by moving out or going to university? i wish someone could just make the decision for me sometimes. i love learning, i want to be free. i want a little kitty and to go on new adventures. maybe a nonnie could offer some advice but i understand this is kind of all over the place. considering therapy soon as ptsd flashbacks are back (unrelated) but i dont think this would help with my decision making as they never knew how to help me decide in the past with my future, and i dont expect them to…
No. 1308938
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I'm so close to going monkey mode and throwing things at people at my work and my house and myself, I can't conform, I can't pretend to be normal and social no matter how much I try, because of my autism basic things like: preparing food for myself, taking a bath, preparing clothes to wear, going to work and focusing on my task in all that noise in the background take so much energy from me I have no energy left to be a person. I can't communicate, I can't make small talks and jokes and whatever. I can't find the time and energy to do anything I like to distract myself from reality. Now I'm in my burnout stage and I fail on every line. I can't eat, I can't take a bath, I can't focus at work and they're disappointed in me for not showing enough initiative, I left old dishes for a few days and my housemates are angry with me, and I just lay in my bed and stare at the wall. I cried for three hours and now there's this feeling of everything collapsing. It's fucking over, I have an urge to throw poop at cars and people, I want to lay on the floor and scream like a baby and have a full on meltdown, I'm going back to ape, I'm really really close
No. 1308943
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>mfw watching moids cope and seethe about kpop idols
>Video showcases some kpop dudes and moids complaining about weird incel looxmaxchadchangfacialstructure
What's really funny to me is seeing the genuine kpop fags liking and commenting the video, in between the weird incel comments. Like watching two worlds collide
No. 1308975
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nonnie, same, I feel so bad because those people probably feels like I don't care about them but the truth is that I care so much that I get terribly afraid of being myself and saying something stupid, this site is the only social place I can manage because it's anonymous
No. 1309040
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The old lady neighbour I sometimes take care of had a bad fall and ended up in hospital, the carers that get fucking paid to take care of her wouldn't of shown up for two almost three hours so it's lucky I had time to check on her today, I'm just so fucking angry what is the point of these fucking waste of skin retards being paid to take care of her if they don't fucking bother? they get paid to feed her, wash her and give her medication but all they do is show up for 5-10 mins and make her a cup of tea and then leave so I end up doing all that myself because I refuse to leave her in the state they fucking do plus they're supposed to be in four times a day but they barely do it once I've even asked if they have more people to see after her but they told me they don't so it's not a fucking overload thing, I picked her up off of the floor today and then waited 5 hours with her for the ambulance to show and only one carer showed up in that time for five minutes and then fucking left after doing fuck all I don't even know if the dumb cunt contacted anyone about her having a fall, they also know she's hard of hearing but don't bother raising their voice to speak to her so they can leave faster. I know how hard it is to take care of elderly/disabled people I used to do it myself as a job from 18-21 and I did volunteer work before I was legally old enough but these cunts don't even fucking TRY they've legit left her in a puddle of her own pee before, I'm also not family so I can't help with medical info or adult social services her real family are fucking beyond garbage last time she was in hospital they scrambled to get the will sorted like fucking vultures pieces of shit honestly
I'm so fucking tired of everyone in this fucking world, I'm this close to following one of these carers home and throwing a brick through their windows
No. 1309070
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I feel unwelcomed in most spaces, both internet and IRL. I feel like most people have some type of personality disorder or are somewhat narcissistic. I grew up in an incredibly abusive situation, so it is hard for me to set boundaries and so on but it feels like something evil hides in every person. As if they are ready to pray on me, most humans just suck my energy. I feel full of freedom and glowing energy but most people suck it out, also I struggle with words and properly expressing my knowledge or opinions so I end up getting angry as a result of not being articulate enough. It just feels most people try to impose their opinions on you even those that believe truth to be subjective. I just feel like walking on egg shells with most humans, it is tiring. My ex friends also stole a lot of my ideas and personality and it hurt me because I didn't get acknowledged. I'm convinced 90% of people are narcs and they can smell vulnerability
No. 1309077
>>1309061>>1309067not where I'm from did you read that part where I literally asked them when I called or are you this lacking in reading comprehension? I should add it was about the bruises one carer gave her plus I spoke to the agency and asked if it was that kind of issue and they told me "it shouldn't be" since three of them only had the neighbour scheduled , people from the same agency stole from her and were fired for it too the agency has a 2.1 star rating on google lots of comments about neglect on top of that
pray neither of you end up being fobbed of to an agency like this or you'll probably die of a bladder infection like my friends Grandmother
No. 1309079
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>>1309070samefag I also hate gossiping and I do not browse the gossip boards. Gossiping is literally a result of NPD and creates
toxic environments but gossiping is so normalized, it happens in all environments that's why I cannot stand being anywhere. UHHHHH
No. 1309080
>>1309040I get your frustration,
nonnie, we hired two nurses to take care of my grandma because she had covid, they didn't pay attention to her, she was getting worse and worse and they wouldn't clean her properly or give her some fucking water. She even stood up, ripped off the catheter at some point and went go the kitchen to clean up because she was bored and tired of the negligent fucks not doing what the hell they were being exclusively paid for, so no, they didn't have other patients to take care of, and they slept in the house as well.
In the end she died there, those bitches didn't do anything meaningful or useful for her, they stole shit from my grandma even and clogged the bathroom with their nasty straw hair.
I wish they don't have any frail family members they care about because I hope they all die like mine did, one after another.
Anyways, I really hope there's a way for you to help her more, I don't know why the fuck are those types of people even working with the elderly, sick or disabled people if they can't stand it, like, just quit? Get another job, like I don't know, cleaning or cooking, nobody is less of a person for doing those jobs.
No. 1309095
>>1309091thanks for the gaslighting. Yes, I am insane and unjustified when everyone tries to push some insane ideology on me or when people attack me because I didn't coddle their ego enough. Yea, you're not gaslighting me and literally contributing to what I've said but hey maybe you got offended so you have to gaslight me because something of what I said revealed something to you about yourself that you cannot accept or it hurts to accept because most humans are unable to criticize themselves. You're literally gaslighting me LMAO which is a narc move.
>it is youNope, it's not. Most humans are retarded, self centered, fragile, they take shit personally and attack you, gaslight you, they always think they are in the right and have inflated sense of self. It's just how humans function and you cannot argue with me after you've done gaslighting. Most humans are shit.
No. 1309103
>>1309097most humans have mental health issues. I know I have mental health issues, but that does not mean most people don't. Most humans are just
abusive and if you were abused and have CPTSD it becomes even easier for people to target you and so on. Also, most humans are self righteous and always believe they are in the right like you and I right now. Stop denying my experience with humans and how shitty they can be just beecause I have PTSD it isn't all from inside of myself, it isn't all because of me. Stop gaslighting me, that's something narcissists do. You are literally proving my point right now. Humans just suck.
No. 1309138
>>1308743We live in the US.
>>1308744Thank you anon. In the end, that's all I can hope for. I am in a vulnerable position and I'm trying my best to go there with a clear head and healthy attitude. I'm also letting other people know where I am staying at and also I have a point of contact in that area too. I am going to therapy before I go so I can have my goals in mind and plans for certain situations so I don't feel overwhelmed or feel the need to go on auto pilot.
I'm really sorry about your situation in your past as well. That must have been hard.
No. 1309203
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Sometimes I type some long shit out re-read it and just delete it all because I know the replies will just be more trouble than it's worth. I know I'm down bad I don't need people to rub it in better to keep some thoughts on the inside
No. 1309258
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Yea i told that dumb fuck hes not welcomed back. He hit on our 18 year old coworker infront of his wife and kids made a scene yelling at his child and left a mess, only to stiff the server on a $60 dollar bill.
Got fuck yourself and dont come back. If Im working the ladies are going to be respected.
Dont like it go to mc ds fatass
No. 1309358
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my only irl friend group just wanted to fuck me the entire time I guess
No. 1309361
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No. 1309363
>>1309358I'm sorry
nonnie, I hope you can find some better friends soon. It's not your fault they were a bunch of desperate little freaks.
No. 1309364
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No. 1309367
Why do people expect me to be working, the moment they don't encounter me in pain? Yeah an employer surely is waiting for me to apply today, when I went to the hospital again just a couple days ago. I totally come across as very reliable atm. Totally makes sense to apply when you're still ill. Just fucking chill, let me wait to hear what the doctor has to say, so I have at least an indication about the future. People act like you go to the doctor and dr House himself will come down from heaven to figure out within an hour what is wrong with you and how to fix you. There's weeks between tests, tests can have complications, surgeries can have complications, then there's also meds and treatment and you might not immediately get the right one. It's like every few days someone feels the need to try to give me an existential crisis and talks to me as if I don't understand how important everything is, almost trying to cause me more stress on purpose. Yeah I'm aware there's a recession, yeah it would be good to have an income, I know, yes, I'm aware of how the world works. I'm the one who has to pay my bills, not you, fuck off. It's even more rich that it generally comes from people who are unemployed themselves, but then without a good reason. Also I learned a trade, if I really want to, I could do a quick assignment and earn more money in a week than I could get employed in a month. Why do people want to make me think I'm so incredibly doomed?
No. 1309415
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I'm going fucking ham right now. I cannot take ittttttt. I'm seriously gonna sell my body to some weird faggot so I can breathe easily.
No. 1309456
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No. 1309528
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No. 1309530
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I don’t have anything to say I just be shedding real tears over how much I hate my life and everything about it omg I just want to be happy and everything is so stupid
No. 1309667
I used to be addicted to sugar, I could binge eat tons of candy and nothing else, I'm thin so I wasn't concerned by my weight, more about getting diabetes and having shit skin hair no energy feeling terrible and eating candy to feel better etc. One week ago I got a terrible stomach infection and a fever (at one point I had almost 104 degree fever) and I was at the hospital, I vomited like crazy, then I couldn't eat anything for 2 days, I could only drink water. And then I discovered I have no sugar cravings anymore. Now I'm eating tons of veggies and fruits and some whole grains and cheese and eggs and I don't need anything else, and before that I could only eat candy and I felt nauseus after "normal" food. And even if I forced myself to eat normal food, I would always feel hungry until I could finally eat something sweet. If I couldn't eat candy, my hands would start to shake, I would only think about candy, even at work, everywhere. I think my body cleansed itself in a way and although it was terrible I'm so happy for it. I never felt this way. I think the only time when I had no candy for more than one week was when I was a small baby or something
No. 1309884
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Want to go for a walk to make me feel better because I'm depressed. Can't go for a walk because I'm crying and don't want to be seen crying in public. Remain depressed because I can't go outside for a walk.
No. 1309887
>>1309869>>1309872>>1309877Thank you so much anons. It feels so much like I deserve it that it almost hurts to read the opposite.
I’m sorry to go on about it more. Everything feels so hopeless and ruined. I sought help but the waiting list for a psychologist was years long, and after the initial assessment they told me that I was too high risk for intervention. I asked to be discharged after that because I just kept getting put on lots of medications that didn’t work and made me very ill. I don’t dare go to the hospital for treatment anymore because they either think that I’m doing it for attention or they detain me against my will.
I don’t know what to do now, getting help didn’t help and I’m just existing like this. I kind of hope one of the cuts might finish me off but it never does
No. 1309906
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No. 1309908
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Haha Lol lol I just developed critical thinking skills
I was always so confused and taken aback when moids I was ‘friends’ with growing up always questioned my hobbies and interests, the typical “OH YEA? NAME YOUR 7 FAVORITE CARS! DO YOU EVEN KNOW EVERY TYPE OF GUN OR FISH? DUHHH. WHAT’S A blank DO?” I never understood why they’d even think to question it, it’s so odd because I wouldn’t randomly think that about anyone. Who would lie about that for no reason? Who actually thinks people don’t like anything outside of gender roles? I was so retarded that I didn’t realize men aren’t human and none of them were my friends, and they were faking THEIR interests to seem appealing and they were being insecure and autistic about it. Everything was fucking fake. That’s why I “got along better”with the subhumans, they just said they liked what I like for a 10 year investment in the ‘one day she will fuck me’ stock. Soulless freaks, at least they wasted all of that time and never got what they wanted.
No. 1309919
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>>1309908This is so true. I remember being young and naive and getting exited when meeting men who seemed to have the same hobbies/interests/passions as me but when I tried to have a remotely in dept conversation with them about it, they started to dodge it, changed the topic, pretended they misunderstood me, contradicted themselves or straight up looked like they didn't know wtf I was talking about, over and over again. All this "women aren't a real x, they just do it for attention" talk is projection, just like most of the shit moids spout.
No. 1309951
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Why are people on the internet and even this website always complaining about bisexual women? Why are you all always asking the same question? Why are you dating a man if you are bisexual? I wonder… maybe it has something to do with men being everywhere and lesbian/bisexual women being nowhere.
No. 1309965
>>1309884Mask up and crywalk to your hearts content
nonnie. That’s what i do.
No. 1309977
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I'm a bipolarfag and I think I'm slipping into hypomania… my speech is fucked up and I can't stop stuttering because my mind is going too fast and I'm just really excited about the topics I'm discussing, and it's slightly embarrassing because I have to be around new people. Went out to eat at a restaurant and I zoned out for ten minutes, and when I snapped back, I entirely forgot where I was in the world. Like I fucking drifted outside my mind and body and got bitchslapped back into reality. Maybe my Wellbutrin dose is too high….
No. 1309987
>>1309951>Why are people on the internet and even this website always complaining about bisexual women?Insecurity is a big factor. No one wants to fear being cucked by both sexes, but it's too pathetic to say that out loud, so they create other reasons.
I honestly feel sorry for those people
No. 1310018
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>>1310016And you are exactly right.
No. 1310030
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>>1310021As I mentioned in the previous vent thread, there's no point in genuinely arguing with random scrotes about equal rights. I laid out the facts on the table as to how women are still suffering systematically and in domestic settings, and they STILL beat their fists on the table about how any fact exposing males as being subhuman is "misandry" and "hypocritical". Scrotes literally bury their heads in the sand to avoid all rational awareness of just how awful they really are as a collective. Anything, including facts, that makes them look bad is "sexism". When a woman is murdered at the hands of a male, you can't bring up the fact that women are the largest targets of domestic violence and murder-suicide because males seriously want to have the power of being the greatest threats around while also being the most coddled for societal advantage.
Scrotes make me sick.
No. 1310032
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>>1310026crossing my fingers for you and your bby! I hope everything will be okay!
No. 1310043
>>1310016Yes. Women think their Nigels aren't evil because they haven't committed any violent rapes or hit women yet. The evil in a typical moid lays in not caring. Not giving a single fuck and turning a blind eye to any issue that isn't about them.
Tell your Nigel your sister died while hysterically sobbing, watch his brain malfunction as his robotic aspergers brain tries to scramble together some kind of comforting rehearsed lines he saw in a drama movie. Watch as he gets increasingly annoyed because you haven't gotten over it yet, I mean come on, it's been a week. They literally do not give a fuck. A moid will only comfort you because he gets to feel your tits pressed up against him while you hug. THERE IS NOTHING THERE. I cannot fathom it. Their heart might as well be a penis. Their brain might as well be a big testicle sloshing with cum, because there are no thoughts inside of it. It's all just cum and dick and balls. Literally, I'm not even joking. How creepy is that? It's terrifying. Like a large soulless parasite that can kill you.
No. 1310048
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>>1310043Remarkable post, 10/10, poignant, wise woman.
No. 1310053
nonnie > Andrea Dworkin
No. 1310066
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>>1310054You quoted one of my posts. Congrats on detecting my AI presence. My algorithm says its now it's time to tinfoil and call me a scrote or something you high IQ dark triad analytical queen of imageboards
No. 1310073
>>1310043The average male
is a rapist, he just mostly sticks to raping appropriate/legal targets like prostituted women and girlfriends so he doesn’t get arrested for it.
We feel like we’ve found our ‘exception’ but it is us who are the exceptional ones, the new gal who is sure to leave him once he starts his abuse.
You are the exception to his pattern of violence but not for long.
The vast majority of males admit to wanting to rape us even in simple surveys as long as you don’t actually use the word “rape” and if you manage to convince them of their anonymity they will gladly share their plans for you and they will use the “r-word” for it too. They don’t even care to hide it because what the fuck are we going to do about it, anyway? The law is on their side. The state is on their side. All armies of the world are on their side. We have no one but each other, and we will turn our backs to our sisters over silly catfights. Which isn’t at all surprising, because humans disagree and we fight. Hiveminds of parasites that exist only for self-propagation have one single thing on “their” minds, so they form violent packs easily. They’re literally copies of each other and the printer’s ink is running out, each generation more retarded than the previous one.
What I hate is how we’re forced to intermingle with our predators, any attempt at escaping from them is shunned and immediately met with backlash, even something as simple (and important!) as girls’ only schools. I don’t know about you, but we were forced to share desks with boys since before we knew how to read, so it was ensured that all girls had someone to lift their skirts up and stick gum in their hair in hopes it would hinder our education. But it didn’t, in fact, we are excelling far beyond them. I’m thinking go myself, what if we never had such hindrances imposed upon us? They wouldn’t even stand a chance.
No. 1310088
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I regret every decision that I made in life
No. 1310108
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I think I might be a fucking psycho…
My breakup went HORRIBLY I’m still not over my ex at all but I hopped on tinder bought tinder + and found the Walmart version of my ex.
Im now treating him (WVE) like shit and it feels good? This man is begging for me to give him the time of the day and I just won’t.
… what the fuck is wrong with me
No. 1310110
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I put sugar on my vagina like a dumbass, and guess what I got?
No. 1310146
>>1310108Oh god why is this fat pig so appealing to me. I want to rub my cunt across his face like a snail.
Oh and btw good for you!
No. 1310157
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No. 1310193
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>>1310043>>1310068In the last thread, I vented about the habit of scrotes brushing trauma off with “just forgive and forget”. I’ll cheat and paste the vent here: I’ve let friends vent to me about awful things they’ve experienced in their childhoods. From stuff like physical abuse, to sexual abuse, and other forms of abuse from their own parents or other family members. From those friends venting to me about such horrible things they’ve endured, what also stood out to me was when they brought up how their boyfriends felt about it. Their boyfriends insisted that their trauma wasn’t so bad, and that “forgiveness is the key to happiness” because “everyone can change”…just what the fuck? It’s not just there where I learned that moids are insistent on others forgiving objectively
abusive people, I see this on the internet too. Moids on social media will always take up for wife beaters, rapists or murderers with the excuse of “people can change! He learned his lesson, he’s a good person now!”, while practically demanding any
victims and families to forgive and forget as if domestic violence, murder and rape are on the same level as a person cutting in a snowcone line. I understand forgiveness when it’s your saved snack being eaten, when someone spills a drink on you, or when someone borrows an item without asking. But children being beaten? Molestation? Parents verbally threatening their teenager’s life over grades? I cannot see how something this serious is deserving of forgiveness. How can someone be expected to go through such awful things and say "whatever, I think my abuser is a great person now!". Even when the abuser is a woman, moids still side with the abuser because it’s so fucking hard for them to empathize with
victims when they’re women. It's so disgusting, and absolutely disgraceful that moids are so quick to tell raped, beaten up, and betrayed women to basically shut the fuck up about their extensive pain, and to still sit down and to accommodate for their abusers just because "they changed, so they're good people now".
>>1310073But now? I see that it all just comes down to male sociopathy. Seriously. It makes sense. How shittly men treat other nations (war and war crimes), how moids treat their own children (the vast majority of child molesters being male, males statisically being more likley to abuse and kill their kids, and the percentages of absent fathers vs. absent mothers), how men treat women (murder-suicide, rape, honor killings, wife beating, human trafficking), and even other moids (males are most likely to be killed, and the most likely to kill is a random scrote). It makes so much sense. Sociopathy is so default for moids that even when they think they’re being funny, helpful, or endearing, their lack of humanity leaps out into the spotlight again and again. They give robotic, tasteless responses to the women in their life enduring horrible events (it’s basically, “get over it, your rapist is a good person now so you need to forgive him”). The fucking tiktok trend of scrotes “jokingly” saying they’ll act violent to women they’re interested in. Scrotes putting other women down to make the woman they’re interested in feel better. Even the way moids talk and look at women is something of a predator staring at its targets, and how an AI tries to mimic human mannerisms. Moids telling women to forgive their abusers just because “people change” is so tasteless and robotic, you genuinely have to wonder if the moid is saying that because he’s a sociopath and just doesn’t care about anything, or if he’s a sociopath and wants to coax you into being a doormat so that he can have HIS “turn”.
>>1310075>Moids like to think they're dead inside and some kind of damaged tortured soul a la Patrick Bateman, but they're just dead inside like an insect.The biggest mystery about moids are their self awareness. Do they understand that they’re sociopaths? Or do they genuinely think they’re what humanity should revolve itself around? When they go around moping like they’re the world’s biggest
victims, do they really believe that? Or is this a tactic to make women “shut up” and go back to kissing their asses? I guess it depends on the moid, but one thing’s for sure: never trust any of them.
No. 1310254
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Apologies for probably inconsistent ramble, I’d rather let this out and prevent myself from going full retard at the worst moment. I am starting university in around a month and have no idea how I'm going to stay sane. I was originally happy that my major is like 90% female, but it's been a few days since joining their facebook group, and in my year we already have a “pansexual” furfag tranny, the majority of my other future colleagues lean towards a mainstram progressive worldview, and the upperclassman who's supposed to be helping us ease into university life is the "if you're a fascist, unfriend me" type, where the criteria for "fascist" can range anywhere from "actual fascist" to "troons/spicy straights gtfo, please stop shitting up LGB spaces".
Due to my major being extremely small and specific, there’s not much choice in terms of who to talk to. I'm tired of diluting my opinions to avoid ending up totally alone. I don’t want to have to nod and pretend to agree with whatever bullshit to survive, but getting in hot water is currently not worth it. My only female friend decided to go nonbinary, and even she spends more time with genderspecial discord people. I honestly feel sad that I might not be able to make a genuine connection with mostly like-minded women IRL, because things will inevitably go south once I stop concealing my true thoughts.
I’m definitely overthinking the online presence of people I haven't met yet, because being a lonely retard does do that to a person, but it really is disappointing despite knowing that modern academia tends to be rife with people disconnected from reality. At least the drop-out rate for my studies is crazy high, so there’s a decent chance the furfag troon quits kek
No. 1310268
>>1310254I wouldn't worry too much about being the only sane person there, despite everything going on in academia, the average woman is still just as disgusted with furry troons as you are. Play your cards right and they'll even start admitting to you that they don't get all that nonsense and they're just scared to say so. If you talk frankly about feminism, real feminism not the pro bimbo shit, they'll start testing out if you're a safe person to talk about it with. I had a reputation in my uni for being a hardcore feminist, and while I used the pronouns and occasionally threw out "of course trans people suffer too", it was enough to dodge any reputation ruining accusations of terfery while still allowing me to privately speak my mind when likeminded women approached me about it. Just remember, if someone at college is talking to you about some
terf-aligned stuff, never go farther with it than they're willing to. Women who are actually thinking about it will lead themselves to the right conclusion as long as you make it safe for them to do so, and if you let them figure it out themselves, it'll keep you safe from any weird wrongthink phishing attempts. Women like you are out there, you just have to find each other.
No. 1310358
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My mother has a shopping addiction and blames our empty fridge on "the inflation" when both me and her husband pay her, meanwhile this is fucking day 15 of her packages arriving here everyday without a single day break. When I just buy some food myself, she has an anger fit about me "cluttering up the fridge", when I try to sensitively hint that she might spend some of our money on essentials instead of garbage from amazon, she has a meltdown and spends the entire week insulting me nonstop everytime she talks to me. It will take another 4 months until I can finally search for my own place and idek if I will still have any energy left for that. By now I am convinced I'm already dead and this is my own personal hell.
No. 1310458
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Watching a grown man repeatedly victimize himself when he could just… not in attempt to cover his tracks and maintain some sort of online softboy image is disgusting oh my god
No. 1310480
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Playing Morrowind and I wanted to make myself a little house to drop my stuff in Balmora and I realized I can't install the construction set because my shitty laptop doesn't have a disc drive
No. 1310485
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>>1310480I feel your pain. I’m almost exclusively an old pc game lover and computers not having disc drives just disco drives me up the fucking wall
No. 1310514
nonny you might be ovulating. the same thinig is happening to me right now where i see a random male that i find vaguely cute or didn't feel attracted to before and all of a sudden i start having horny detailed fantasies about him
No. 1310543
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>>1308458i want to build a new pc because mine is getting old and can barely play games without problems but im overwhelmed with medical debt and i know prices are finally dropping which i was waiting for.
No. 1310550
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I watched a nona make this complaint before, but thinking about the moids I met in my life got me a little pissy. Why is it that when men get into relationships, they make it seem as though they're into everyone except their own fucking girlfriends or wives? Like, you're already dating the woman you chose, why are you making a scene about finding other women hot? Is this negging? Maybe this is just the male sociopathy leaping out again, as there seems to be no loyalty from males.
No. 1310590
>>1310583Is this why moids are just sex pests and continue to be? Their main ‘purpose’ is to ejaculate and will be their driving force for literally anything, making everything they do or have into a fetish, or like
>>1310588 said, get a wife just to have something to get his dick wet.
No. 1310597
>>1310594You're not alone,
nonny. I almost thought I wrote your post. Breaks are the worst time for me too.
No. 1310610
>>1310594What's this obsession with doing muh hobbies or always being cutesy and like knitting or playing the guitar or whatever? It's perfectly fine to stare at the wall or browse imageboards or lay in bed eating chips. Don't force yourself to do things you don't find interesting just because you feel pressured to have hobbies or interests.
>Why can't I just do what I really want to do?If doing it makes you bored or you can't focus… You don't really want to do it.
No. 1310643
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I’ve been working at my job for a couple of years now, I started out when I just barely graduated high school, and there was this moid working there who is a teacher so he would ask me college related stuff and give me advice and he seemed ‘harmless’ enough. But now he straight up just asks or tells me weird sexual stuff, like telling me a joke he heard another comedian saying “wipe off your face because that’s my seat” or “why do such young girls now a days wear such tight and skimpy clothing, I have a daughter who’s 4 and I don’t want her wearing thongs when she becomes a teen” and it just makes me want to strangle him. He is both a teacher to children and a parent. I hate this earth
No. 1310665
>>1310636Lol, this is a wholesome vent. But I feel you
nonny, cats can be so annoying but it’s kind of funny and in the end you still love them.
No. 1310678
>>1310672>Sometimes I do wonder if the vitriol I express here comes from not being able to let it out irl. It could very well be. I notice that there's a disconnect of experiences when I talk with terminally online friends who are also misandrist as me. They think I'm not as "man-hating" as them just because I have the capacity to put up with men irl because of work, school, responsibilities etc. even though the way I vent about males to them is just as vitriolic. It's like I have a different personality when I come online vs offline but chronically online people can never understand that because their only lives are online.
>I think this is one reason I hate when nonas cope for men hereYep I can understand that. Like let me be rageful about men for once in my life. I'm so tired of giving concessions to men. I'm so tired of thinking about their feelings all the time. Let me have this just this once, damn.
No. 1310717
>>1310586I watch edits of my kpop husbandos next to my boyfriend and he doesn't care at all. He stopped watching porn when I started reading Andrea Dworkin. Everyone I know have told me at one point that I'm extremely lucky. And that's just so sad. People joke about me being
abusive because he cooks and cleans our place. Most women are happy if their boyfriend or husband don't beat them. Bleak. Men are trash. They don't deserve to be loved if they don't treat their girlfriend like a human being.
No. 1310723
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Not exactly a vent since it's not something I'm missing, but a bitter observation more so.
I've completely stopped using both instagram and facebook about 5 months ago, after using them multiple times a day and posting regularly for years. Recently I've realized that ever since not a single person tried to reach me even though it was such a sudden and unnanouced disappearance, I'd imagine if I saw someone be always active and then vanish into thin air for such a long time I'd be maybe concerned. And yet, no one. Makes me feel like a total clown for wasting the time sharing my vacation photos, interesting things I wanted others to see, responding to comments, looking at the likes and feeling happy because I thought it means people care; idk how only now I've realized it was all surface level. At least now I know.
No. 1310731
>>1310722I can't believe you were forced to drive yourself to a hospital in such a life threatening situation, it must have been so terrifying. How could something like that not be a wake up call for a person that is supposed to love and care for you? He's so scared of detox he'd rather let you die?
The work situation is tough. I imagine ideally some family membed or a close friend would be best to help with obtaining the phone but since you didn't mention it, it sounds like it's not an option. Maybe if you make sure to explain the situation well to the coworker that could help you, they would understand and not be too judgemental. Of course it would be much better for you to rest but I totally understand that there are situations in which you just cant afford such thing. I hope you'll manage to sort it out.
No. 1310734
>>1310722>blood clotsJust curious. Did you take the coronavirus vaccine?
>Pulmonary embolism is serious but very treatable. Quick treatment greatly reduces the chance of death.It's good that it's pretty treatable, that sounds awful. Honestly stop concerning yourself with missing work. Your bank account is meaningless if you're dead. Fuck your job, take a month off.
No. 1310758
>>1310729My father was an alcoholic too. It's funny on our second date I told him I did not want to be with an alcoholic and asked him if he had issues with alcohol. He lied to me and said he didn't. The truth came out a while later. I'm back on forth about leaving him. It's just hard because I do love him a lot, and I've never been the type of person to put myself first.
>>1310731I just moved to a new state away from my friends and family. My coworker are my close friends here I guess. Though they would probably say the same thing too did and tell me to just rest and worry about everything later.
>>1310734Yep, trippled Vax. I knew this was a risk, but I guess you never think it would happen to you.
No. 1310776
>>1310758Nta but the whole
> my father was 'insert bad thing' and I swore I'd never date a man like that > dates a man exactly like thatThing is really common for a reason. We on some level do seek out a replay of our childhoods all while thinking it's the last thing we'd ever do. I've been there before and it's maddening to take a step back and see it as a replay of the past.
No. 1310785
>>1310779They don't even have to be an
abusive mom. Any man I've known who even had some petty grudge against his mom would later take it on on you and even spell out mid argument that he thinks you're evil just like his mommy.. all while hes the one being
Women who are abused in childhood.. relive that abuse again in later relationships. Men who are abused in childhood.. go on to abuse others and not recognize it. Not always but in general that's the pattern.
No. 1310791
>>1310785so true
nonnie. your reply actually made me realize a lot of the time the ‘abuse’ men accuse their mothers of is just holding them accountable, or shifting blame in some way away from men (e.g. my ex called his mom
abusive when in reality he was only ever beaten by his stepdad, all blame went to his mother for this, for staying with someone
abusive because otherwise they would’ve been homeless. she got all the blame meanwhile the one actually abusing him was never blamed)
No. 1310792
>>1310791samefag but basically if a man goes out of his way to disparage any women no matter how
abusive they were it’s such a red flag. my dad was shit but you don’t see me telling every man in my life that and expecting them to do something about it or take the blame. the worst is men who hate their moms just because they didn’t baby them though
No. 1310815
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I see posts on here that sound more like a teenager or boomer even trying to mimic imageboard posting style while also making no sense. At first I was telling myself it was just me but I am fully in belief that this is exactly what’s infesting the site now because none of this shit is making sense anymore.
No. 1310818
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>>1310585I'm sorry those moids only ended up being worthless. If you gotta isolate moids from your life, then so be it. I think there was a very long-living woman saying that the secret to having a long life is to mentally and physically isolate yourself from men.
>>1310643>>1310661This reminds me of my time in high school. There was a few moid teachers who got fired and sent to prison for trying to fuck some students. My physics teacher would only be respectful to the teenage girls he obviously wanted to fuck. At the end of the school year, he wrote his phone number on the whiteboard for the teenage girls to copy down and text. He even made a joke about his wife getting mad at him when random girl students texted him. One of my choir teachers angrily stormed into the classroom, chimping out over rumors of him hitting on teenage girls. There was also a math teacher that was the laughing stock among students for letting a girl student sit on his lap at his desk. Moids are perverted degenerates on the job, and they wonder why everyone prefers women to be the teachers and nurses.
>>1310711I met a troon when I was on campus once. He asked me out, and I rejected him because I was straight (he was a MtF). We were hanging out with a few other friends in the dining hall, until I had a stomach bug come on. I knew I had to throw up, and that this was gonna need some bed rest, so I excused myself and tried to get back to my dorm. The troon was following me, and insisted that he be there in the bathroom stall with me. I had to tell him a few times that I was fine doing this alone, and that I needed some space. He had a big smile, and grabbed my hand to let me take him with me. I had to raise my voice that everything was fine, and to yank my hand back to get him to finally stop following me.
>>1310785This is so fucking true. In general, when women are abused, they either remain
victims or get help to break the cycle. When moids get abused? Normally, they end up just like their abusers, and I think there's a statistic on this too. Something about male children growing up and displaying
abusive traits if they grow up in such a household. For personal experience, I knew a moid who had an
abusive mother as the villain of his backstory. The catch was that every single trait he bitched about his mother having, he also possessed. "She's filthy", yet his house is always a mess. "She's a liar", yet he's known for failed promises. "She beat me", yet he was charged for recently beating his girlfriend.
No. 1310823
>>1310818>The catch was that every single trait he bitched about his mother having, he also possessed.yup. all too common. i’ll have to look into men being more likely to exhibit
abusive traits if they grow up in an
abusive household, i mean i already 100% believe it even without a study in my face but it’d come in handy lol
No. 1310826
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I'm terribly afraid that my disorganized way of being and my workplace struggles will put a strain on my relationship and my boyfriend will leave me.
I've been having problems at my workplaces for a while and I feel like the longer I work, the worse they get, paradoxically (I feel like the more work experience one has, the easier it should be to work and get used to the work culture but for me it's the opposite). I cannot get organized, I forget administrative tasks and even regular tasks, misunderstand what I'm supposed to do and fail deadlines and the more stressful a task is, the more I succumb to procrastination. I struggle with the general workflow as well, if it involves more than a single process, I just feel lost. Also I always felt like that it's around the 3rd month mark that my initial interest in the job and my enthusiasm just withers completely and I start feeling… downright depressed. Sometimes I cry in the bathroom or before work and just generally cannot pretend like I'm not feeling miserable and my coworkers notice this. Also some days I just literally cannot make myself work and make up excuses about why I did not do the tasks I was given.
My boyfriend, who is wonderful, brought this up multiple times, saying that the this self-sabotage and this general sense of uncertainty affects the relationship and makes him worried about the future of it. He also dislikes that he feels like I put him in a parentified position of having to give me advice about what and how to do. But the thing is: I KNOW what I should do, I KNOW that I SHOULD CARE about the potential of losing my job and I KNOW that I sSHOULD 'just do' the tasks I'm given, it's just that I find these incredibly difficult. I don't understand how people just…not lose their will to live after a long day at work. I also don't understand how they have energy to do anything at all after work. I suspect I'm either depressed or have ADHD and started therapy recently but I just cannot shake this feeling that if I lose this job (and people have already complained me), I'll never find another one or if I do, I can only stay in it until I burn out (2-3 months). I just feel hopeless and feel like working exhausts me and stresses me out 10x as much compared to anyone else and now I also have to stress about losing my relationship as well. I think I should either just keep the stress about work bottled up inside to preserve the relationship or continue working and just have a mental breakdown at one point
No. 1310828
>>1310822based. sometimes i feel guilty when i listen to only male musicians, because i recognize part of it involves viewing myself as a woman from a third person, male filtered perspective, which is how women are raised and part of why we are so hard on ourselves.
also this just reminded me that every man i’ve met who says he prefers female vocals wound up admitting it’s a sexual thing for him. god, fuck them all.
No. 1310829
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I got two cute new dresses after ages and they weren't cheap either, but they shrunk after washing them and it's the first time it ever happens to me. Only later I realized that it was viscose and that I wasn't supposed to put it in the washer?
Now I'm so sad, does anyone know of a proven method to unshrink viscose please I'm begging help me I don't want to throw them away
No. 1310832
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I want a boyfriend I am unbelievably tired of my life currently and also for every man I interact with to stop being a fetid hollow disgusting excuse for a person that would be better off in a gulag
No. 1310844
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>>1310823"The study, published in the journal Child Maltreatment, followed more than five thousand children with documented cases of child abuse and neglect. After 16 years of following the participants the researchers gathered intimate partner violence data from arrest records and restraining orders. It is the first study of its size and scope to utilize administrative data rather than rely on participants’ recall of abuse.
The study found that child abuse and neglect had a direct effect on adult intimate partner violence perpetration for men. In other words, boys who were abused or neglected are more likely to become
abusive with their partners in adulthood than those who had not been abused" (
Screenshot source: (!po=46.4912)
No. 1310857
>>1310844THANK YOU so much
No. 1310865
>>1310817I don't go onto twitch but a couple of youtubers that I watch do both and I'll watch their streams once they're uploaded to YT. I've noticed they're the type of guys who go
> women are people too, be nice to womenAnd the crowd will go wild about how cool and incredibly supportive they are. The bar isn't set too high is it.
No. 1310905
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>J.K. Rowling is completely nuts lol
>It went to her head and she became real idiot
Just wanted to watch a chill retro game stream
No. 1310989
File: 1661109621694.gif (2.55 MB, 540x360, 1659030796740151.gif)

I spent the whole month alone at home in peace and quiet, but I couldn't take advantage of it because of the horrible heatwave. Now that the heatwave is over and I can finally go outside without wanting to die, my family is coming back from vacations abroad. I'll have to see and hear them everyday evening after coming back from work. God I hate them so much. At some point they managed to ruin my weekend by harassing me on the phone so I'd have to babysit my nearly 30 years old sister at her place because she was sick. The stupid bitch was soooo sick from tonsillitis she couldn't get her meds at the drug store, yet she could still smoke nonstop. I won't be able to eat pork in restaurants anymore without being paranoid now. I can't wait for my own vacations.
No. 1311032
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No. 1311088
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No. 1311092
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No. 1311100
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>>1311088>Sex:maleKEK ya don’t say?
No. 1311119
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>>1311020I'm not sure if you're saying that I'm actually a neet pretending to have a job or if you're saying that's how a neet pretending to have a job would type. Anyway, I have a fulltime job, I just live with my parents and youngest sister until my boss finally tells me when our new office will be located so I can know in which neighborhood I should look for an apartment. Which I could also complain about all day long but that's another story entirely.
No. 1311141
>>1311092Did you draw this dear
nonnie? 100% Kikomi approved!!
No. 1311167
>>1310844This paper found a difference in hormonal response to stress between abused boys and girls that could form the foundation of these behavioural differences. interesting.
No. 1311180
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I have this sharp pain on the left side of my throat and it especially hurts whenever I swallow! It's so annoying!! I've had it since yesterday and I hope it goes away because I have work tomorrow and I'll be talking a lot. I think it must be a side effect from having Covid and because I've been coughing so much, but I had Covid like a month ago at this point so I wish I could just stop coughing and all this pain would go away! It's so annoying to be in constant mild pain.
No. 1311337
>>1311180could be a canker sore (which is NOT oral herpes.) i get it from that additive in shitty toothpaste like crest. it can be inside your cheek, or in the back of your throat.
>>1311316troons don't have feelings because they aren't people.
No. 1311339
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FDS is right and I wasted years of my life being a pickme. I wish someone would have directed me there when I was 16.
No. 1311344
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No. 1311368
>>1311362I’ve had a chronic vitD deficiency for about 2 years so I take a high dose of it daily. I have some blood tests booked but they’re full until 2nd Sept so until then I’ll have to put up with it
You’re right though it’s likely some sort of deficiency, at least I hope it is, probably best case scenario
No. 1311376
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I took a nap and missed the tranny chimpout. I'm so proud of you nonas for bullying that waste of space troon. Remember, 41% is a big number of suicide. The tranny is probably gonna hang himself in a week or in a few months. He was born a pathetic scrote, and he'll die one.
No. 1311382
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No. 1311393
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>>1311382Here's a simple solution
No. 1311394
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>>1309401And right you are. One of my aunts gave birth to a boy with down syndrome and he is the literal definition of human baggage. He's too slow to do his chores, so she has to do virtually everything for him while he plays with building blocks in his Thomas-the-tank-themed room. She can't even have adult conversations with him because his mind doesn't allow him to understand vocabulary beyond a kindergarten level. He's an adult now, and he's basically an oversized toddler. She's not gonna be there forever, so she constantly has to plan on what the fuck is gonna happen to him once she's gone. No matter how old he gets, he mentally stays a little kid, and my aunt desperately copes with this by calling him a "gift from God". It's not his fault that he's like this, down syndrome is a biological accident. Though, moms like my aunt really make me wonder why they didn't abort the pregnancy as soon as they learned something was this wrong with it. Did they really think raising a child with an intellectual disability would be as easy as raising a normal child?
No. 1311397
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Reminder that female socialization is an innate trait. Even if you're a shy hikki neet you are infinitely better at it than when these trannies trying their hardest to blend in and start arguments. It's like when an animal hides under a table not realizing we see it's tail. We sense the scrotesque malevolence.
No. 1311411
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I was sitting in my room and I saw my roommate and her boyfriend playing volleyball outside. At some point, they started playing on the grass and just laid there, laughing to each other and started kissing and just enjoying each other's presence. It made me very sad. I want what they have…
No. 1311413
>>1311394It's complicated tbh, one of my cousins has downs and she's literally the breadwinner of the house. I guess some parents think that at some point, their kid will reach some level of independence even with their condition.
I still would never tell any woman to give birth to a kid with downs, specially if she's just your average woman with an average income.
Like, in order to give a kid with downs, and honestly any kid, a good life you need a ridiculous amount of money, people treat having kids as something that you /
have/ to get at some point of your life and some women think that if they don't give birth to their kid with downs, they're scum and murderers when it's honestly just doing a favor to a kid that will suffer a lot.
No. 1311414
>>1311394it's a form of pickmeism. instead of being honest with themselves that they have ambitions and needs in life and a limited amount of time and resources, they are obsessed with the idea of being a perfect mommy-goddess with infinite love and nurturing capability. so when the doctor tells them the fetus has an extra chrommy their heart leaps at the chance to show everyone how hard-working and nurturing they are and what a good woman and mommy they are to keep the tard baby, and think men will know their real value and how good of a mother and wife they could be if anyone would stick around for them. then they find out they aren't getting a trophy and infinite praise and fame for it, no one cares, no man wants to deal with it, and woosh, her daily life is wiping feces off a wall and dealing with a scrote child with the mental capacity of a toddler but a functional dick. then you end up as chris chan's mom.
they ruin their own lives because they think society expects them to and will love and praise them for it. in reality no one gives a fuck about them and they ruined their life for nothing. same way pickmes date
abusive scrotes with the expectation of being praised for their "patience" and nurturing. "i can fix him." they think they can turn their
abusive scrote into a loving husband, and will be a perfect christian woman by raising their potato and can raise their IQ to 110 by the power of love alone. but they were never being realistic. it was all star eyed delusion. it's clamboring for attention the same way pickmeism is.
No. 1311421
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I hate this degree and i don't want to be a teacher, i'm awkward as fuck and i don't like children nor teenagers at all, this is literally a nightmare. I feel trapped, i already dropped out of college 3 times already and i'm not getting any younger, my parents are getting sick of me but i seriously don't want to do this, i could study literally anything else but this. I'm a very energetic person, initially, i wanted to get a job and earn money but my parents forced me to choose a career and here we are, this is a mess
No. 1311424
>>1311421Hate to break it to you
nonnie but everybody’s forced to choose a career, no matter what their parents say.
No. 1311571
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No. 1311589
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No. 1311647
>>1311643The trash took itself out
nonny. You will find someone better soon.
No. 1311660
>>1311647I hope so. Thank you nonna. I really thought she was the one.
No. 1311789
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Why does my anxiety have to manifest itself so strongly through my bowels? I can't take this shit anymore.(no pun intended)
No. 1311805
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>>1311791Jealousy is one hell of a drug. I personally feel angry and bitter at people who had their life easy BUT they got a huge
victim complex. As in, they were born with a silver spoon but they are huge attention seekers online and IRL because of how spoiled they are, to a point that the only biggest drama of their life was breaking up with a bf, creating such a huge deal out of it for a few years just so people would pat their ass online. The same types of people are big pickme-types who won't survive a day without male attention online. I used to be mad at them, but now I am just glad that they have it so easy in their life that breaking up with someone is 'a huge trauma' for them.
No. 1311845
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No. 1311851
>>1311843I live in a third world hellhole, you wouldn’t last a day in my shoes but sure you dumb bitch lol
>>1311842Why do you want me to make friends that bad, do you care about my well being?
No. 1311891
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>food prices keep increasing
>despite that, the food quality decreases too
>country refuses to increase the salaries because it's already poor as hell
at this rate i would prefer eating powdered food replacements. is that the future we are going to face?
No. 1311954
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Where and for how long do I have to study to achieve this? Or just be lucky to be born in a upper class family or something? Is it true that first you have to work really hard to be allowed to work as little as she does now? I've been working hard for years and still can't get to this point. Also she's only 24. I think it's over for me. This video makes me so sad kek No. 1311955
>>1311791This anon is clearly talking about
non traumatized happy people who could be ignorant about her situation, I don't understand what's so confusing about her post, she simply doesn't want to interact with people who wouldn't understand her life experiences or traumas and that's totally understandable.
And at least she admits that, as a mentally ill person, she could unconsciously damage someone who didn't deserve it
No. 1311961
>>1311791Lmao at the seething replies to your post
>oooga booga you can't assume someone is non traumatized just because they're happy and do well in life!Well she can. Statistically speaking, non traumatized people from healthy families do better at work and at school, it's easier for them to make friendships and other relationships and socialize with others etc. Literally every happy smiley person I know had two loving parents who taught them to value themselves, they had a stable financial situation as kids and young adults, no one ever abused them, now they're in good relationships and they do well at their jobs. But with traumatized people it never works that way, it's never that easy, at least in my experience. And yet the happy smiley people are often attention seekers and they think they deserve everything and that they achieved everything themselves, they don't see their privilege. But that's their power; they were raised this way, their complete unawareness of the truth makes them imprevious to critique and it makes their lives easier.
No. 1311965
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I have got to stop posting here
No. 1311982
>>1311954I guess in her case it's a combination of money and connections but I remember a software engineer in the employment thread who spilled about weaseling through it and mostly just having some years of experience.
Gonna mooch of your vent and say that one of the biggest dread in my 20s was realizing that all that talk I learned in school about "nearly impossible social mobility being only a thing in the middle ages, since we're now living in a democratic country where everyone gets success if they just work hard enough :))))" was utter bullshit and I wish my teachers would've just been honest/less delusional and say what's really important. "Working hard" only gets you so far if you're from a poor family and often it implies having money to invest in the first place. That starts at being able to afford homework help (since poor parents sure as hell wont and the free services consist of students helping eachother, which in my case just lead to students fooling around instead of concentrating on the homework) and goes through various monetary investments in later university and career life. How is a poor person supposed to meet rich successful (upper class) connections without having money to invest to be in their circles in the first place?
If my teachers would've been honest back then, then I wouldn't have strived for higher education or "working hard" and would've just worked on my social skills instead.
No. 1312052
I've been in love with this guy for several years. We were friends for a long time and both had partners for the first few years we knew each other. In that time we hung out often, talked about all sorts of things with each other, but didn't recognise our feelings. We were both very into our partners at the time, but she (his girlfriend) was often threatened by our closeness. Which I guess was hindsight I didn't recognise. It was only until we were both single, a couple years later, that we got talking again and I happened to be flying back to my home state (where he lives) and spent most of my time there with him. We fucked, spoke about anything and everything, and had some of the most intimate (both physically and emotionally) experiences of my life. It was only when he came to visit me in the state I live now a few weeks later that we decided it wouldn't work as we were both just recently single after very intense relationships and it wasn't the right time.
Fast forward to now, it's been 2 years since then. I'm back in my home state again, and I asked if he wanted to go for a drink with me. I knew he had a partner, I am single. You can guess what happened. I actually didn't expect this of him, he was always a person that could never ever have the capacity to cheat on a partner, always saw it as wrong. When he's with someone he's with them in their entirety. Though, knowing he still had lingering feelings he agreed to see me and when he went in to make the first move I made sure this was something he really wanted, if he was prepared to deal with the consequences of it, and he said he was. I don't regard this as a regular cheating situation given the person he is and the context around our relationship.
Since last night he's messaged me once saying he needed a bit of space to process all this. Understandable, given the person he is I imagine he's beating himself up hard over it. I don't condone his cheating, I know I had a hand in it. When I met up with him the night before I figured the chances of this happening were 0.0001% because of the person I've seen him be in relationships, if I figured there was more of a chance I wouldn't have seen him. Being a homewrecker really wasn't something I'd planned on. We were always respectful with each other and our own respective partnerships, and I've been in love with him for so long as we're compatible, compliment each other well (his softness and kindness to my harshness), and we got to know each other outside of a romantic context for years before all this was realised.
It's a bit up in the air right now. Obviously we live on other sides of the country, and though I'd never move back home, he has considered moving here. I feel bad for his partner, and I think it's stupid of him to have been with her this long out of sheer ease and comfort when they're not right for each other. I say this without bias, as there are clear differences between them and he has no initiative to move the relationship further (they don't live together and she's too mentally ill and messy for him to have any interest in living with her).
I don't feel bad for him, I've cheated on moids before so this ain't my first rodeo and I know what he must be feeling. Though, I do understand what it's like to feel like you've been asleep in a relationship for a year and have someone come into your life and wake you up, and I think that's what I did. I also know he wouldn't have done this with anyone else but me. It's a really bizarre situation, I've never been "the other woman" before.
To divulge, I missed him. Touching him, speaking with him. He has this warm, inviting presence that makes me feel so safe. We're so in sync with each other, and I do often wonder if he's my "person". But we've never given each other a real shot because of all the external circumstances, and I also have no idea where it's going to go from here.
I can't stop thinking about all of it, it's all so uncertain and I have no clue when I'll hear from him next. He knows when I'm flying back, I just hope we can see each other before then.
No. 1312103
>>1312100well hence why I'm stunned, this is very out of character for him. He's the kind of person that thinks for days about something he said that might have offended someone and beats himself up over it.
I truly only believe he did this because of his feelings for me. He has made it very clear that he never stopped feeling the way he did and we both established how we felt as mutual.
No. 1312104
>>1312070nona this made my eyes water. reminds me of my own grandma. when she passed I ended up taking some of her needlework supplies.
if I could I'd give you a hug or a supportive hand squeeze.
No. 1312131
File: 1661179036464.jpeg (80.16 KB, 750x932, 1642114369340.jpeg)

Working is sooo work-y and boring. All jobs are very very boring. How aren't more people killing themselves? People really just wake up at 6 AM and commute to work like it's perfectly normal. Can we all just stop and scream for a second please? I want to go ooga booga and run around and do anything but work. Even cool jobs suck, there is no cool job on this earth.
No. 1312150
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>>1312131This sounds like a rant an animal crossing villager would have after a few drinks
No. 1312165
>>1311891is hell joseon real?
idk, at least korea has trains. in america we just have brodozers and malding fat guys.
No. 1312181
>>1312179Kek, because I was horribly abused in that relationship anon. I was deeply traumatised and if we had tried to make it work then it would not have ended well because I was fucked in the head. On his end he was still raw from a relationship he intended to be in for the rest of his life. If we tried then, it would have failed as we were both not in a good place.
I don't know why you think bad timing is bullshit, sometimes it's just not the time or space to put in the work for a relationship, especially when you're in very different phases of life and living on opposite sides of the country
No. 1312199
>>1312195Your response implies I've just been sitting around waiting for him but I haven't. I dated a guy for a year in that time, and I didn't hold back in meeting new people in the hopes we'd be together some day. We've sort of weaved in and out of each other's lives and have had both personal and external issues that have stopped us from taking further steps to try and make it work. This is just one of those periods where we've weaved back in, and I guess part of me is wondering if this will be the push to finally get that ball rolling. I'm not putting expectations on this, at the end of the day I feel like if it's meant to happen it will.
I'll put it on both of us that we've made excuses not to actualise the relationship. Last time it was me, this time who knows? Maybe it'll be him, or maybe he'll come round. I'm expending energy on this right now as I'm in my home town and in the midst of this happening, though I fly back in a week and the uncertainty of it all is interesting to me and why I posted about it here.
No. 1312201
File: 1661184758390.gif (1.71 MB, 352x264, 1642744088724.gif)

>>1312188>I wake up whenever I want to. I don't have to look at anyone or talk to anyone. I can laze around without a bra or shoes all day long.Same
nonnie I was actually just complaining because I have to work for 4 (four) whole hours today.
No. 1312219
>>1312157I have no excuses other then my friend saying wait a couple weeks for an email back and me going through a depression bender lol. Thanks
Nonnie don't be frustrated it's ok I hope you have a good day lol.
No. 1312244
>>1312201And even on these terms I"m still angry and resentful because the pay is actually total garbage. There are baristas who make more than me and they require a uni degree and multiple years of experience for this job.
I'm just lowkey pissed off all the time. The only reason i work at all is because it's remote. I wouldn't get out of bed for this dogshit money.
I'm just going to chill and relax until boomers die off.
No. 1312275
>>1311891if we're lucky, yes. it could also be a lot worse. whatever,
people were warned, no one cared, i for one am looking forward to leaving this hell realm lol
No. 1312322
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>>1308473Statistically, men wash their hands less than women. They also don't bother to get their health checked by doctors as much. At one of my past retail jobs, a fat, ugly moid had a mask on, and pulled it down just to unleash a loud belch while making eye contact with me. Moids are so gross, it's like something out of a cartoon.
No. 1312378
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Just checked out the new Reddit hate thread, and gee golly gosh do males really deserve to be aborted. Moralfags will say "but it's unfair to abort because the baby would be male", and they'll call me an evil bitch, but I'm serious and unchanging in my belief. Males truly do deserve abortion. The porn glorification, the CSA, the pedophile apologists, rapists confessing that they thought of their victims as ugly, husbands burdening their wives by acting like oversized babies, boyfriends telling their girlfriends to shut the fuck up during necessary vents, predditors making sexual comments about teenage and prepubescent girls, twelve year old boys watching porn and growing up to be another woman-objectifying dog, boys being taught to hate their own mothers over the most trivial shit. All of it. Males truly do disgust me, and I sincerely wish more women would wake the fuck up and terminate more males from their pregnancies. Males do not deserve to exist in the numbers they currently do. They really. fucking. don't.
No. 1312433
File: 1661197519632.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.93 KB, 640x800, thisismethisisfinethisissparta…)

I'm in one of those phases again where I can't read anything properly at all because my brain refuses to comprehend anything at all unless I can retell the sentence I just read 1:1, if I forget the words I unconsciously fixated on as key words I have to read the sentence over and over and over again, thinking through it in different perspectives, until I feel like I've properly internalized it. Even if I try to read any further, I get this disgusting feeling all over my body of wanting to rip my entire skin off and can't focus on what I'm reading at all until I re-read the sentence and have understood it good enough for my liking. This leads to me taking five to ten minutes for a page I'd normally take a minute, tops, for, or stretching a single subbed 20 minute episode of some show up to sometimes an entire hour (it's easier with shows because hearing it out loud sometimes gives me the last push I need, though it sadly doesn't work if it's me reading it out loud). I've had this for a week again now and I don't know how to make it end or when it will stop by itself. I'm thinking of brute forcing through that awful feeling I get when I don't re-read it like I do with some other stupid habits I have in phases, like blinking really hard(????) or having to twitch my neck (though that one's really strong atm again, too) or having to hold my breath in certain rhythms because that usually puts an end to it after about a week or two, but thinking of having to do it this time around legitimately makes me tear up because it feels so disgusting. What's wrong with me, why do I have to be like this lol.
No. 1312459
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>>1311643I'm sorry anon, it was probably not meant to be. I'm going through a breakup as well and I know how it feels so let's cry together.
No. 1312549
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I was watching some spanish art videos and I find this one girl with a nonbinary pin and a frog hat (Of course it's facking frogs). Goddamit, I know there are gendertards on spanish speaking communities too but I was hoping to not find them so quickly.
No. 1312565
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Boymoms be like
No. 1312576
File: 1661206783582.jpeg (87.47 KB, 660x625, 8C6031C3-6120-4189-8444-90845A…)

Life rn fucking sucks ass. Friend group are a bunch of immature loud fucks that are embarrassing to be in public in, half of them have trooned out. All attempts of making new friends have failed. About to brake up with my bf of 4 years for good because he’s became an emotionally abusive little bitch that won’t give me any form of affection. Struggling with recent ADHD diagnosis and getting settled on medication. Work never seems to improve, it’s boring and repetitive af and majority of the workers myself included are on the brink of sewerslide. Just need a big hug and to move away as far as I can to have a complete restart at life.
No. 1312577
>>1312459It's the worst
nonny. I've never gone through a break up that hurt this badly, she delivered it so nonchalant and out of nowhere too. I feel like my hearts completely shattered.
I hope we can both find better in the future. Thank you for crying with me
No. 1312610
File: 1661209311224.jpg (72.52 KB, 1000x563, coloring.jpg)

I want to a-log. I am good at anatomy, shit at coloring. I am the only person who creates all of the art and content for my social media. My health's been terrible and my general doctor does nothing but wastes weeks getting me tested just to tell me to gtfo to a private expensive doctor. I cant even schedule the appointment past october, and i can barely sit let alone exist under my current state. And seeing these people who just make their whole content watching videos while having big chested bikini avatar or generally being a coomer artist hurts. I feel like there is no point in trying anymore. I dont have friends to talk about my art to anyway. I just want to cry, cry and take naps.
No. 1312614
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tfw you get ghosted by your own family at your own house. not even petty silent treatment just living life as if im not there feelingless, stays in his room all day or goes out with his friends. then he posts about how lonely he is like are you fucking serious im right here if your friends arent enough. dont know how to feel at all, we're not even on bad terms whenever he sees me which is maybe once a month he hugs me briefly and such, barely even sees his own cats that my mother and i have to take care of. saw me a week ago he said oh i havent seen you in so long, motherfucker we live in an apartment whose fault is it but yours. he said it like it was a joke like are you taking piss? im not laughing at all, i did not find that one bit funny. its not that he's not speaking to everyone else in the family either just me. this man is almost 10 years older than me, so not a hormonal teenager. wtf? im not even sure if i should feel bad now, but surelt after posting this i will. i just dont understand why me. he wont even answer my texts. he's seriously not mad at all, on the rare times once a month if at all he comes into my room and talks to me or starts acting like a regular brother for 20 seconds then goes back. how the fuck is this supposed to make me feel. like i said he's not agoraphobic isolation anxious whatever he goes out with his friends almost every night. when he sees me he just ignores me and pretends im not there.
i dont understand whats wrong with me to make him act this way towards me, its just me not anybody else. i know i can just ask but at this point im really not sure he would want me to, i dont want to be awkward to be honest all those questions were rhetorical i dont really want to know why he's like this i just feel insane right now
No. 1312625
>>1312577Yes, it's my first break up too and it really feels like the worst feeling you've ever felt in your life. It's like your whole world is crashing. I'm sorry yours was so sudden, that must have been so shocking and emotionally devastating. We'll get through this
nonny and maybe we'll find a better partner that's right for us in the future but right now, all we can really do is let it all out and heal. I hope you're finding ways to cope. I've just been trying not to think about her, avoiding checking her socials, and listening to sad music.
No. 1312631
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If you went to the dentist, and when they brushed your teeth, you started crying, the dentist would tell you something needs to be done to fix that.
So why, when the gynecologist grazes the inside of your vagina and you scream, do they tell you to suck it up because that's just how it is for some women, and some women have it even worse and don't complain
No. 1312686
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It's been 2-3 years since I've got my phone and now I feel like it's slowly dying. I treated it with so much care, there's not even a scratch on the screen or any overheating. Yet… yet this fucker wants to die. Asked my tech navy friends and they said it's normal for some phones to need replacement every 2-3 years, I also know it's the case because my previous phones lasted that long too. But I'm tired and done with this shit. So much waste and a hassle for people just because these rich fucks want money. I wish I could use the old phones that were a lot more durable, but they also lack a lot of features. I'm going to get a new phone either way, I just wanted to rant because I hate spending money.
No. 1312711
>>1312625She wasn't my first break up just the first one to hurt like this. Its been rough because I genuinely care about her as a friend as well and I don't want to lose her. I do think we can recover eventually and be friends again but I feel like I relive the hit of it every other day. My friends have gone out of their way to keep me distracted and I appreciate them but at night when it's just me alone in my room I can't help but hurt.
>>1312680My ex was the type to do this too, I'm sorry
nonny. She said she thought she would grow into loving me but after time she realized it was purely platonic. Maybe it's for the best but that doesn't stop it from hurting. Wishing you the best!!
No. 1312878
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I was thinking about my relatives (along with some families I met), and I have a few things to say. Moid children are always the worst children to deal with. This has got to be parents letting males do whatever they want and raising the girls to a higher standard, which brings me to my next point. Moms who give birth to moids are always either too defensive of their sons and harsh on their daughters, or overworked and unappreciated by their own moids. Scrotes love to say that "boys will be boys" is something nobody says, but people absolutely do use this exact phrase to not do anything about their moidlets. My aunt used that exact phrase at least several times when her son was being a blatant shithead. A distant cousin had an abusive moid for a boyfriend, and his mother and sister do nothing but defend him on Facebook and talk shit about my cousin. Some women will seriously have the world burn just because little Daniel demanded that everyone suffer. Women like that will be the death of the female population someday.
No. 1312910
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My “stalker” is genuinely an extremely pathetic moid, as they all are, but the funny thing about it besides the fact that he has left behind such a damning paper trail is that he genuinely fully does not realize that violating multiple women’s privacy using technology does not make him invincible. I was feeling pretty helpless and disgusted for awhile but then I found out that he is on a literal watchlist and has multiple private investigators watching him and 2 of the pathetic moids he regularly trades with. I feel much better now, because it does give me hope that egotistical powertripping men that think they have every right to violate women the way they do will get exactly what they deserve, it just takes time. Not every woman gets to have that same comfort I do, and I’m grateful for it.
No. 1312916
>>1312858I'm sorry for your loss
nonny. Things will heal with time.
No. 1312982
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I have pieces of paper with vent ""art"" that kinda look like picrel, some are more out there but I rarely have a freak out but I like to document it and look back on it, It does help me but I'm not sure if it's worth the stress of documenting my freak outs if someone finds it and possibly calls someone to send me to a psyche ward, maybe I'm overthinking it.
No. 1313059
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>>1310358>>1310396>>1310599it must be. my parents also buy stuff on a whim. new hobby they found on facebook reels, played with for about a month, then left to rot in the garage. regular purchase of clothes deals while all drawers and closets are overflowing. clothes on the floor. they also hoard food though. the pantry is so full of random cheap canned and dried food nobody likes that we even forget what we have in there.
my mother is the clothing hoarder and she does wear the things but it would be impossible to wear all of them in a year. my father hoards the foods but he mainly buys things he cooks and eats immediately, and he only wears the same few clothes that have holes in them already.
i need to watch myself because i am clothes hoarding too. there is always some justification why, but i am sure full on hoarders also have their excuses. i also saved actual trash for the purpose of using it for crafts later. i should seek out a coach before it becomes worse. all this consoom and the couch in the living room still has springs poking out of it.
No. 1313064
>>1313059samefag to correct and add something. the month long hobby enthusiasm is a good case scenario. sometimes it's just one try, and the whole equipment being kept around still. other times the hobby turns depressing. i thought it's a good consoom because it gives them a better cope, but this is how it plays out:
>oooh i am not that good at insert hobby>aww rewards from insert hobby have not been fruitful enough>become disillusioned and put hobby away into pile of hidden things>remove reminders of hobby from sight and forget about it for monthswe should all just get into e-books, then we would have a healthy hobby that does not result in much disappointment or huge piles of hoard in the end. maybe i can get them into it. but they tend to hate on each other's hobbies because they are codependent.
No. 1313103
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I just bought 3 food items for 7€. I can't even make a full meal out of them.
No. 1313107
>>1313091They fully understand. They
know what they’re doing is wrong, they just don’t care.
No. 1313125
>>1313119I'm somewhat similar, I always feel the need to piss when nervous.
I once read a fantasy book by a dude called Joe Abercrombie, one of his characters was a northern warrior with the same problem - he'd get an urge to piss out of nervousness before every important battle. I have never identified with a character more.
No. 1313162
>>1313154except that we spent no time together on top of that, like literally none. he chose to do everything without me anyways and avoid me routinely. there was only sporadic communication and quality time spent together anyways, in addition to the 2 hours every day cutting into that further. i was never a priority and the dog was always prioritized before me on top of that. he chose to spend time doing anything else than spend time with me, then insist he HAD to walk the dog for 2 hours every day (in addition to normal walks, which is fine). there would be no communication whenever he was out walking the dog and rarely any reponses to me in general or just letting me know when he'd be available or ability for us to just even chat while he was walking the dog. he was with his dog all day when home too, which was almost all day because he worked remotely. it's pretty insulting imo when he's insisting he prioritizes me when clearly he didn't and everyone and everything came before me. he'd go on vacations without telling me and ignored me for days while on vacations or going out of town.
also should be noted that i made it clear that this level of time spent together for me was inadequate. i didn't appreciate not having any communication put towards me just letting me know what's going on with him and his plans. and i did not want to be with him, yet he'd beg me to come back and that i'd always be his first priority, yet still continue to put me last. i'm not trying to get back together with him, i truly dislike him wholly. i just want to know if other women would be satisified with this in a relationship.
No. 1313175
>>1313162I honestly think it's weird that someone in a relationship would take 2 hours off each day where you aren't even allowed to message or talk to them, coupled with his other behaviour I would not be satisfied, mostly because he gives off a manipulative and annoying vibe.
Personal time should come naturally between two people, meaning that I don't mind that my boyfriend isn't spending time with me as long as I can at least message him if something important comes up and get a quick response. Letting your partner know where you are and what you're up to for the day is just common sense. Going on a fucking vacation without telling your partner is pretty much letting them know that they don't matter to you. It's good that you dont' want to be with him, because he sounds like an asshole who just wanted a safety blanket to roll back into once he was done pretending you weren't there.
No. 1313300
>>1313001Classic no-win game:
You either
>Fail or forget to bring up the behavior for whatever reason bc the mental load is on you to "catch" him in the act, losing bc you still have to deal with itor B
>You catch the behavior and he reacts negatively, pressuring you to renege on your observation and/or peacekeep in the future to prevent the consequence The easiest way to win? Not play.
Not even men are solely guilty of this as it is a narc trait, but you shouldn't have to put up with this from a romantic partner.
No. 1313345
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I've been inspired to pick up my sketchbook again so I've been trying to practice, just to be disheartened again and again by how fucking awful I am because it's been 10+ years since I did anything but mindless doodles. It's been weeks since I started and all of my creations are expressionless, dead, and looks like something a teen would crap out while half-assedly listening to a lecture, which pisses me off so much because I know I still have the basic knowledge of how to draw people somewhere in the back of my mind but I wasn't sure how to pull it out.
Today it hit me, could I possibly have been so focused on doing it the right way that I never thought of trying to do it my way and work from there? And the moment I got to do it in a different way (that is actually pretty backwards from what I was taught in art class) the drawings were FINALLY full of expression, proportionate and with clear personalities. It's still not perfect nor where I want to be, but it's LEAGUES ahead of the messes I've filled my sketchbook with for the past couple of months.
No. 1313351
>>1313329Sorry I'm not terminally online and this is the first time I've seen a tranny tantrum in weeks. It's one comment and the scrote is here to post anyway, you should maybe stop incentivizing him to post by revealing how any aspect of the situation bothers you. In fact, why not become a farmhand so you can be the first to eliminate this shit from the platform in the first place?
Imma post what I want~
No. 1313372
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Oh no, boo hooo KEK
Kill yourself you ugly faggot. No black guy will ever even look in your direction, let alone any woman. The male ego projects its flaws once more.
No. 1313381
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For once I wish people would approach me and talk to me instead of getting the continuous lectures of “putting yourself out there”, I’m already putting myself out there I’m sitting or standing RIGHT THERE but I always have to be the one to “fix” a nonexistent problem if other people would approach me. I used to think it was because of the way I look which is partly the cause but I’m fully convinced it has to be my skin color and the fact I’m a woman as well, people always sit far away from or go in my opposite direction. After finally turning 20 my eyes have truly opened to how this world is, and that people not talking to me isn’t very personal but extremely discriminatory because I’m not white and I’m not particularly pretty or engage in feminine activities like makeup or some shit. Sometimes I really wonder it’s not even that because I know the outcome of approaching other people and it’s not pretty and evokes shame to never want to open up again, I want people to come to me for once in my sad life
No. 1313382
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No. 1313390
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>>1313382The faggot is so pissy over our mere existence KEK
"Y-you're all j-just ugly whores!! You'll all regret not being nice to the superior g-gender! You'll all pay for being mean to men!! :)", he types while wiping his face of tears and runny snot.
No. 1313400
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I had a ticket for a concert that would have been today but it got canceled because the singer got sick (not the rona) and the entire tour was scrapped because of it. I was so hyped for this because it was my own birthday present for myself and I thought I would spend the evening finally seeing the band live and go wild but instead I'm sitting here and doodling art and having my evening tea and I'm sad because of it. Not sure if they gonna re-schedule the shows but I was waiting since last november for it and just such a bummer ugh.
No. 1313403
>>1313402Sorry, the situation is probably really dificult for you
nonnie but I can't help but notice the cursing power of the farmers back at it again, it's like the third post like that that I see here, I feel like I'm just posting with a bunch of witches at this point
No. 1313404
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heres the guy that has been spamming your thread
No. 1313413
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>>1313408I hope that the weather will get better soon for you nonna, summer is the worst
No. 1313416
>>1313399not at all, keep going angel-
nonnie <3
No. 1313417
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>>1313399sending you love
No. 1313422
>>1313404>i am not gay i just happen to have terabytes worth of black cocks on my pc hihiiOh wait
>Dawn <3So it IS a tranny? Lol
No. 1313429
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No. 1313444
>>1313413Thank you for caring
nonnie, it rrally means a lot to me…
No. 1313447
What is going on. Troonism is really starting to creep into my life and I’m extremely crypto when it comes to all my beliefs and its so weird when my friends keep bringing shit like this up, and it’s always complete lunacy that I have to grin and bear. Sure it makes me a coward, I’m scared of losing my friends and I’m just paranoid in general. But nonnas, I’m so baffled like what is this retardation. I see a friend of mine I haven’t seen in a while and he starts talking (a lot..) about how he’s envious of what women get to wear and how they look. My friend (let’s say beth) just says “haha you must be questioning your gender lolz,” ….no, he broke up with his girlfriend and is horny. Common sense. My other friends also say stupid shit, but the stuff that really gets to me concerns beth and her boyfriend. The caping this man does for trannies is incredible, you cannot convince me otherwise that there is some kind of personal investment, especially in some weird sexual way. His fixation is just too much for me. Recently we were all talking about uteruses for some random reason and uterus transplants were mentioned and beth asks who would want that. He, without skipping a beat, responds with “trans women,” as if it was the most obvious answer ever. I actually got really upset, and brought up women suffering with something like endometriosis but no one gave a shit and I think they sensed I was seething a bit. Anyways, I can tell he drills this shit into beth because one day our lesbian friend was talking about how she is only attracted to women because she loves pussy. She had to interrupt her and lecture her on how she can’t say that she’s attracted to women because she said she loves pussy and what about muh tranzwomen??!1!…and our friend just went along with it and agreed. So she can’t say she’s fucking attracted to women. Ughh. Then beth’s moid has this tif best friend that gets too close for beth’s comfort which upsets her, which is perfectly understandable. But he fucks with her head so bad that she beats herself up for this, saying how she can’t complain because this tif is breaking gender norms…because she’s flirty and emotional with other men. Literally just a straight girl and yet beth has to tiptoe around this shit and gets self destructive while her moid fucks off and plays vidya with said tif. This shit is all so abusive and nonsensical through and through. It’s like living in a twilight zone episode.
No. 1313456
>>13131622 hours is a lot but it depends on the type of dog. id give anything to spend 2 hours with my dog again but hes gone.
i think its normal to spend a few hours away from your partner each day as long as you still make time for each other regularly.
the bigger problem is that it sounds like you arent living together if hes taking vacations without telling you. if he claims he wants to marry you then tell him to put up or shut up - move in or end it. this is why youre not spending time its because he doesnt want to actually commit and live together. if you were living together youd have the whole day while hes working remotely and you can even go on the dog walks together.
if hes not willing to move in with you or let you move in with him then hes not worth your time.
No. 1313459
>>1313162If my partner had a problem with me spending 2 hours a day with my dog and acted like it was a competition for my love, id break up. Remember that he is that dogs entire world, it depends on him for everything. 2 hours is nothing.
Sure other issues might be there and its good you're not together,
not saying he isnt a piece of shit like all men are , but id say him wanting to keep the dog around as much as possible is normal. The dog was there first, the dog will be there after and the dog is his number one, which is should be as an innocent helpless animal. You can always talk to other people and hang out with them, the dog doesn't have that option.
No. 1313469
>>1313465>faggot moidKill yourself.
>>1313402What happened to her is terrible, so hopefully she learns to treat you with more respect since she has a lot on her plate now.
No. 1313500
>>1313482it's a tiny dog, it didn't need 2 hours of walking time wherein i was ignored completely for the entire time, in addition to normal 15 minute walks multiple times of the day. the dog also had plenty of space to run around in the large backyard. the biggest issue is that literally it was just one of the many ways he'd use an activity to ignore me. and it's funny because he was the one pushing for all of this commitment with 0 followthrough. i did not want to live with him due to the many glaring red flags.
i was completely ignored every single time he was out of the house, and most of the time when he was in the house, or unless i came over or he came over. i broke up with him countless times over him refusing to followup his claims with actual action. i'm only asking these questions as to whether or not others would find it odd because (even though we've been broken up for a long time), he's still trying to gaslight me and pretend i'm the one who is abnormal here. i love my animals. i have way more animals than he does and i spend a lot of time doing rescue work, but i don't refuse spending time with my partner when i have little time to spend inordinate amounts of time with my one single pet that was cared for by the rest of his family anyways.
>>1313488i don't live with him and never did. i refused because everything about him made no sense. constant claims of wanting commitment but can't be fucked to make literally any expression of care besides buying me things and giving me money, basically. completely emotionally absent and unsupportive, often putting me down subtly, no consideration for my health or safety, instead of choosing to do activities with me he'd choose everyone else and ignore me, etc. i have many reasons as to why i never decided to move in or let him move into my home. i broke up with him long ago.
No. 1313542
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>>1313447I think more "normie" moids are troons in the closet. My ex, whom I dated for like 5 months, on and off (I rly did not want anything serious with him) always talked about my underwear. I got troon vibes from him and he admitted to watching porn (no specifics), said he likes CNC, showed signs of ED, then and there I knew. A moid who watches porn is automatically a crypto fag imo. He grew out his hair like 2 years ago and I've seen the pics but he refused to show me on his phone. I just dumped him. Troonism is male degeneracy stemming from the objectification of women.
No. 1313601
>>1313484Ooh I saw them last month. If it gives you any schadenfreude at least the music was so loud I spent half of the concert with a headache and weird dudes got way too much into dancing and slamming their sweaty bodies onto everyone around them. I wish mosh pits were only made of women. The music was fire though…
Nonnie I'm sure they're gonna tour again soon because rona is finally (mostly) over.
No. 1313609
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>>1313590I don’t really know what to say but please don’t kill yourself anon
No. 1313614
>>1313590i never know how to reply to these but maybe this is a sign that you should not go through with it? keep going
nonnie!! stay strong!!
No. 1313622
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I'm a new contractor at an office job and I'm already being blamed for something not my fault.
A certain racial subgroup in my department all protect each other, and right now they're putting blame on me in order to protect an older woman in their group who is a senior department transfer. She doesn't take good notes, doesn't remember shit, and routinely she comes to me to ask a crystal ball tier question when for all intents and purposes she should technically know more than me being that she is familiar with ops. I've been nice to her, but she peeves me cause she seems sneaky and some of her questions almost treat me like her personal assistant which I am NOT.
Anyway we have an archive cart to put documents into after we approve them then update their lifecycle for archive in this software. The cart goes downstairs to a physical archive site where we cannot pull the documents from again. Contractors like me get tasked with the physical move. During my training, I was told that as an approver of docs, I would have to ensure the lifecycle updates of my own documents were ready for archive prior to placing them in this fucking archive cart. Makes sense, because nobody has the fucking time to look up 100+ documents per run to verify other people did their fucking jobs.
Well, weasel words. The procedure doesn't say who is responsible for the electronic update, only that it is to be performed prior to submission–but it would stand to reason that since the step is within the same steps such as the approval, it is the approver's responsibility. ANYWHO, this bitch didn't remember to do it or forgot what the cart was for cause she slipped her non-updated docs into the archival cart instead of the holding cabinet. I took initiative and archived everything in that cart so it would not build up, but not before stopping to ask if the docs were good to go from certain individuals. I could not verify in the software at the time because I had limited access still, but they said it was all good.
Now they're pointing fingers at me and pretending I didn't follow procedure and how I will now have to pull a list from the archival people to verify the docs I submitted. Then have an event opened against me for any that were submitted without prior update. All because I touched her un-updated documents last.
And I wouldn't care if they would just let it be and have me work it out (she should have to fix this mistake IMO), but twice now they have confronted me about it and quoting procedure at me as if it's a gotcha. The thing is, I followed my training AND the procedure so when I pointed out how it seemed to be a misunderstanding about our archival process, I got fed an excuse about how those employees are "new" and didn't know (so I guess I'm not allowed to be "new" and not know..). Sorry your shitty procedure is vague, but it does not mean I didn't look at it. Also the incompetent bitch you're protecting who did not even know an ARCHIVAL cart is for ARCHIVING is the actual problem.
If it does turn out there were un-updated docs, I'll know exactly who they belong to and my bets are her.
>but meanwhile mfw I have to charismatically and professionally put this out in an email
No. 1313623
>>1313622I fucking hate how old boomer dummies get to stay at their jobs and do fucking nothing for years and years. I had a job where within 2 months the retarded boomer manager was the one asking ME for advice and how to do stuff.
Offices are kindergartens for boomers. They just waddle around all day with their nasty ass coffee breath and do n.o.t.h.i.n.g
No. 1313627
>>1313619Using comparison and shame to motivate your duty to your health may work in acuity but it is not the key to accepting and executing those responsibilities in the long term.
Tbh it's easy to not turn into a housebound 600lb woman who doesn't do shit.
No. 1313729
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>>1313623As much as I dislike the typical boomers I see and hear about, the boomers I work with are, dare I say, based. All of us in our department do the minimal amount of work and take it easy for the most part. They dislike trannies and whatnot, so I get to hear them talk about things that would normally get you written up/fired. It's an interesting environment, to say the least.
No. 1313770
This is going to sound really retarded but I fucking hate being black.
I'm a metalhead and I'm so fucking tired of liking a band and then having to find out the people in the band ended up doing and saying racist shit. I used to love this one guy because I thought he was tough and his music was great but when I became less sheltered and moved to the States and got on YouTube I found out he's a racist. I cried for days because it just shattered me so bad, because I wanted to meet that guy. He fucking inspired me. I'm sick of other metalheads just fucking letting racism slide like it doesn't mean anything when it's super upsetting and disappointing to hear that kind of shit. I'm so tired of liking guys and then finding out they don't and will never like me back because I'm black. I'm tired of hearing about nazis and white supremacy, I'm sick of having the knowledge that there are entire groups out there dedicated to hating my race for no fucking reason. I'm tired of my community acting like fucking retards and giving the rest of us a bad name, I'm sick of the stereotype that we are all dirty and violent and loud, that us black women are masculine and fucking disgusting, undesirable, fake. I'm sick of having to worry about everything I do just to be accepted in society. It's starting to make me suicidal. I wish I was white so bad. I know that sounds terrible, but it's true. I feel like I'd fit in more. I feel like I have no fucking place in the world, because when I go home to my home country where I was born and raised, I face constant racism and harassment because it's majority middle eastern and the treatment I receive in the form of micro aggressions becomes full on hate and disgust. There were white exchange students that couldn't even communicate in our language where I'm from that were treated 100x better even without actually being spoken to or understanding anything anyone was saying. I'm ostracized by my own race for being "too white" in the US but I am also fetishized by other people for my heritage. I wish there was just some magical serum that made me white or something, I wish we could all just love each other and nobody would have to worry about this.
I'm depressed that there are other black women in my position trooning out to escape this shit. I wish none of us had to feel this way.
No. 1313781
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Crying. Pissing. Shitting. Vomiting. My fwb is purposely fucking me around, this is the third time he’s flaked on me. I’m only in this arrangement because I’m lonely and dating for me is really hard, but I don’t feel any better now he’s started messing me around. I’ve been feeling down the past few days. He asked to come over because he was “wide awake”, it’s 12am, I asked him to give me half an hour to just shower and stuff before he arrives and asked him to do something to keep awake, he said he will be fine and suggested he will drive over and wait in the carpark. I get out the shower 10mins later to laugh emoji “I’ve fallen asleep”. I called his phone multiple times, nothing, so I ended up chimping out. I fucking hate him. At this point it comes across as a power trip and no concern for my feelings. I’m done with him and just want to go back to my incel life.
No. 1313784
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>>1313770You're not alone, nona. You were braver than me to post this vent. I've seen it too, but in other communities. Random white incels and Asians banding together to make fucked up comments about what happened in Buffalo, random death threats being left on black cosplayers, people claiming that we bastardize everyone's culture even if they take elements from ours to experiment. It's bullshit. But you and I are people beyond our race. You like metal, and things that most black people don't affiliate with, and you talk "funny". So do I. I love you. Keep your chin up, and fuck everyone else. You're a cool person, even if 99.9% of the world hates you for dumb things.
No. 1313829
>>1313781Dick is abundant and plentiful.
Know the good thing about "friends"?
You can have multiples. One decides he's gonna play chase games? K cool bro, you ain't getting laid but I've got another "friend" eager to hang out! Never invest in men 100%.
Never emotionally lash out because they think they've won it over on you. Remember that the worst thing you can do to a man is ignore and humiliate him. Live such a fun and better life getting to know others, that when he inevitably crawls back for a crumb of pussy, you can confidently say you haven't given him a thought because you've gone on x y and z adventures with other men.
Even if it hurts your feelings or you are genuinely upset, remember that he is playing a game and so it is okay to lie in his pretend world. Act cool, distant, and unbothered and watch how the men flock to you. They love ice queens and bitches. They take advantage of any woman "dumb" and "desperate" enough to be honest and wear their feelings on their sleeves. Cheer up, it gets better with xp.
No. 1313830
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My power is getting cut off if I don’t finish like three commission pieces tomorrow yahhoooooooooooooooo
No. 1313833
File: 1661306178276.jpeg (43.7 KB, 400x400, BF786D9D-7976-494A-8E6D-F19DCD…)

GORE BELOW. Remember to report and ignore.
No. 1313847
>>1313829Thanks nonna. I think it’s upset me more because he knows I’ve been feeling down the past few days, so then to pull this shit on me when I’m already down is just fucked up and makes me question my self worth. Thanks to narc parenting I always look at how it was my fault “maybe I’m not attractive enough” blah blah. I have little interest in most men so it’s inconveniently always having my eggs in one basket as I wouldn’t really have this sort of arrangement with other men unless I was to start LARPing. But he’s deffo doing it because he thinks I’m just going to be a doormat and take it at this point.
>>1313832>>1313838Thanks for being so unsupportive, very helpful.
No. 1313917
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Took some new psychiatric meds last night 25mg Seroquel and Lamictal and had an absolutely catastrophic meltdown today. One little thing set me off and I ended up spiraling so hard emotionally I was screaming and rampaging for 8 hours today. I’ve had this before but recently Ive been much more in control emotionally because of the therapy I’ve been doing. Felt like I hadn’t made any progress at all. I was trying to cut up some bread for lunch and I started cutting my arm and wanted to stab myself in the stomach. I was sitting in my room just sobbing and screaming like an absolute maniac and I got so scared I went to the ER. My meds said that extreme anger and aggression should be an immediate trip to the hospital. I went and thankfully calmed down but I was convinced I was gonna get involuntarily committed. I hate psychiatric meds and I hate that I always seem to have side effects and I hate that I can’t tell if they’re real or psychosomatic.
No. 1313921
>>1313917I'm 150mg lac and 100mg seq and I feel great
nonnie, weird how they affect differently.
No. 1313922
>>1313898Project manager for events/videos.
I think it'll be editing the videos. So I guess editing the content. I would feel 2% better if it was for Only Fans content but even then, he's more adamant on not taking it than me. I see that we are depleting our savings finding a new job.
No. 1313942
>>1313926Same we me
nonnie on both counts. I'm sorry you get to go through all that. I do not react to meds well at all but I've had good luck with certain supplements without any side effects like most psychiatric drugs. Maybe look into those if you're interested
No. 1314016
>>1314001People who do that are so pathetic. Some guy and his faghag did recorded me taking a nap at our schools common grounds and posted it online making fun of me but I was exhausted cause my crazy dad had spent the night before screaming at me and I couldn’t sleep. The only reason I found out is because he happened to be friends with another friend of mine and she told me about it.
I knew another girl who would take pictures of people like that and just say the nasties shit about them despite being a solid 3/10 herself. People who do that sort of thing are just so baseline miserable.
No. 1314041
>>1314028I wonder how much money does Germany have that they give out them free cars, houses and money while never helping their own poor people. I know my friend complains a lot that she can barely live paycheck to paycheck, and now her electricity bills got increased by 35%, and the govt told "just use electricity less", and afaik something about telling their people to shower less, too. Keep in mind she works two jobs.
I am from a different country, and they were promising to give monthly rewards to people and hotels who kept the refugees with them (which is tbh not much…150euro bonus, and with our country gettint even more poor and the prices going up thats nothing.) but they still have not paid anyone, we had so many complaints and protests about it.
No. 1314052
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>>1314045>Despite being more destructive and harder to deal with than women, depressed moids will still have friends around. Doesn't matter how destructive they are. Him lashing out is just fine and par for the course with male behavior.A man can be friends with a thousand rapists, mass murderers, and drug traffickers, and will never ever feel the need to call them out. My stepdad knew rapists, wife beaters, and killers from prison, and not once did he ever stand up to them. People love to claim that males are better at making and keeping friends, but from what I've seen, the only reason why that appears to be the case is because moids give such little fucks about socialization in life that they don't even care to critique their so-called "bros". A theory I have on why males are so defensive of each other is to ensure that the rest of the human race keeps giving large fucks about them. Men will glorify and romanticize every little and major thing they do to themselves, to the people around them, and to the whole world. Pedophile apologists, Nazi romanticizers, to relatively minor things like males parading themselves as the best parents for changing a single diaper. But why do men glorify such horrific or mediocre things? Because males want other males and women to believe that males are better beings than they actually are and thus, cater to them no matter how garbage they become. This ensures the survival of males' large population. Giving males the benefit of the doubt, even when they're ugly, stupid, and prone to unnecessary violence is exactly what led to this many worthless males being allowed to exist–and males want to keep it that way because they know that if women stopped swallowing their bullshit, the vast majority of them would be gone (hence why abortion is widely looked down upon by scrotes). Males have this instinct, often without even realizing it. It's like watching a bunch of wasps aid each other in the nest. As males are sociopaths, they don't aid each other out of familiar bond; they do it because they just feel like they must, no matter how many other species get mercilessly wiped into endangerment.
No. 1314053
my soul is dying i need to move out. my dad yells at me for existing in the kitchen while i make food, for having dishes on the stove while i am still trying to eat my steaming hot just cooked meal, for opening the window in my room, and leaving the door open so the rest of the house can get some air, for having my shoes on the shoerack (i have only 3 pairs), for not passing the drivers exam yet when i was pushed to do it when i was not even ready (not burger), for having any difficulties in studying, for calling in sick for work, for going to sleep at 2 am when that is when i came home from work, for skipping a day of classes because i was too exhausted after 8 hours of physical work until 12 am to wake up at 6 in the morning, for not waking up regularly in the morning (there is no point when i finish work at 2 am), wtf.
No. 1314065
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>>1314053It's truly a tragic situation a lot of us struggle with, genuinely. Currently my mother is flat out denying my step-dad tried to fucking murder me in my sleep, leaving me with insomnia during the night because the creepy bastard would keep on fucking trying.
My mother was too fucking busy spending our benefits on alcohol to give a shit because "
nonnie, you just had a nightmare! hahahah… you're a fucking liar!"
Life can truly, be fucking suffering for a hell of a lot of us nonna, you aren't alone in being fucking terrorised by boomer parenting.
No. 1314119
>>1314064thanks for being nice, i thought i was going to get called a pickme for this. my sense of humor is so chronically online from developing wrong socially, i think i got autism. it is hard to connect with other women because of that - i come across bitchy or sarcastic and stupid. if i stay aware and in control of my expressions, voice, reactions and posture for a whole day, i end up crying at home. my friendships with women come from niche interests where we either keep a distance and only talk about the hobby, or they end up being so much more unstable that i don't know how to deal with it, and eventually they flake. i hope i can be a good normal-ish awkward friend to another woman soon. scrote friends only last as long as their newest crush comes along, and just like you say, expressing any emotion to them is like trying to teach a robot. i stopped talking about my feelings long ago because they don't understand having any emotion that isn't anger, and even then i would get laughed at. they also complain about not having a girlfriend as if it was a life threatening issue. if i joke about this they go ape shit and scramble to mansplain. it sucks but better luck later.
No. 1314138
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>>1314131based antibyooty nonna
No. 1314162
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Still don’t have a man. I’m gonna cry and watch the Care Bears movie or something.
No. 1314163
>>1314162>naked black manWhy babe? You're
triggering our PTSD
No. 1314184
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>>1314162whenever i feel like this i read the MtF thread on /snow/, remember that moids are only cute on 2D/fiction, and go back to reading fanfics about my cute fictional moids instead.
No. 1314201
File: 1661340959663.jpg (84.54 KB, 800x694, flat,800x800,075,f.u1.jpg)

I want to get to know my new classmates but I'm already getting burned out thanks to my social retardedness. I have to juggle
- neither having too much of a filter or too little of it regarding the stuff I talk about
- nailing the exact ratio of talk about me/talk about the other person
- not making too much or too little eye contact
- not spiraling down to "this person hates me" if I perceive even the slightest body language signs that could be interpreted as them being bothered/not interested
- suppressing my weird idiosyncrasies/tics
- drinking only to the point of not caring about this shit and not to the point where I make a total fool out of myself (but they might be the same point actually idk)
I'm losing it nonnas
No. 1314204
>>1314201Stop taking yourself so seriously.
This solves like half of all life problems ever.
No. 1314207
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I have got to stop wasting all my time doomscrolling someday.
But not today.
No. 1314219
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>>1314170Do you think I am not fully aware that they’re second-class citizens. I still need one. I will absolutely implode and dissipate into a cloud of
toxic fumes if I do not become exposed to balls and chest hair again soon.
No. 1314250
>>1314142This is not a personal view thing anon, they literally do eat like pigs. And they ontologically
are pigs as they don’t produce milk or offspring in their lifetimes. They’re barren blackholes that drain resources. It’s illegal to make use of their meat also, so they’re nothing but parasites on the back of society. Restaurants suck for this reason, I want to gauge the scrotes’ eyes out with a fork because he’s eating too many chicken nuggies for my liking aahaha!
(A-logging) No. 1314253
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>>1314219>chest hairdo other women actually like body hair in men? I only like pubic hair and just a little, otherwise, it looks yucky, and considering how gross men are probably smells
No. 1314255
>>1313590Anon I know I’m just a nameless faceless person on the internet, but I’m glad you’re still here. You deserve to be here- you’re stronger and more worthy than you could ever imagine. Don’t you wanna stick around and see what it’s like the day you realise and feel that?
I’m rooting for you. Take care anon.
No. 1314256
File: 1661346762605.jpg (113.01 KB, 780x438, bad.jpg)

i'm terrible at watching stuff because i always pick a ship super early and get really invested in it and can't change it. pic definitely related.
No. 1314262
>>1314253Any man with hair below his eyelashes doesn't register as human to me. Pubic hair especially. No exceptions. It doesn't matter how cute he is otherwise.
Aerodynamic dolphinchad > hairy gorilla incel.
No. 1314270
>>1314262same, i only put pubic hair as an exeption because worse than pubic hair is barb wire stingy shaven hair
>>1314264to each their own I guess, just the tough of a sweaty moid with stinky back hair makes me wanna puke
No. 1314276
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>>13142682D men are the male peak form, 3DPIG models look like ugly worms in comparison
No. 1314278
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>>1314272It’s called a joke and I am bantering with you lightheartedly please get with the program.
>>1314267That wasn’t me.
>>1314270I will fight off each and every one of you as you dogpile me. I will floss my teeth with the thick wiry strands of hair that I find in my mouth. You can each break my body but you will not break my spirit.
No. 1314282
>>1314253nta but fuck yes. i love chest hair, stomach hair, beards etc. honestly if a fully grown man (25+) doesn't have at least a little bit of chest hair it's a turn off.
No. 1314287
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>>1314253if it's not excessive, then yeah. i think a little hair on the chest, and happy trails are quite nice. i like to pet it. guess something is wrong with me.
No. 1314290
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>>1314284It would smell tart, thank you. It would smell delicious.
No. 1314291
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>>1314256I ship him with me
No. 1314293
File: 1661347635367.png (1.18 MB, 1280x1467, 1634026228037.png)

>>1314276I too love Generic Cartoon Man whos 7'5 tall with le epic fantasy colored hair, devil horns and a brooding look on his face (he had a terrible childhood)
No. 1314294
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>>1314278>>1314290Ugly. I want to a-log.
No. 1314297
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>>1314278repulsive, it looks dirty
>>1314293even classic male beauty had shaven cuties.
I though only gay moids liked the monkey-look
No. 1314299
>>1314261Only 5 episodes in but I know he's an
abusive psycho rapist. Doesn't stop me though.
>22ficsonao3.jpg No. 1314300
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It's a new semester of my grad program and yesterday, my class was asked to introduce ourselves and include our "preferred pronouns." I was the only one who didn't bring up pronouns because fuck that shit. I'm a little bit wary though that people are catching on that I never bring up my pronouns since I have the same classmates for the rest of my time in this program. A lot of them are incredibly woke and are trans or identify as enbies. Sick of this kind of environment and this forced pronoun bullshit. Every time we have to introduce ourselves, the instructors ALWAYS ask for "preferred pronouns." I remember in the 2010s when I was in community college, nobody gave a fuck about this shit. Why the fuck can't people be normal anymore? Why did this once mocked Tumblr shit catch on with the mainstream? AUGH
No. 1314305
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>>1314298ofc someone that likes their men to look like Harambe can't appreciate art
No. 1314326
>>1308643This reminds me of the time I went to ""hang out"" with my manager's son. He wanted (and still wants) to date me, but he has no social skills and an ability to keep himself clean. He is short, with greasy long hair, acne, yellow teeth, chapped lips, long nose hair. When I showed up to ""hang out"", he was trying to dress nice but his shirt had a giant spaghetti stain on the chest. Like he just threw it on and thought that I would not notice it. Add in the other factors above and this guy thinks he could attempt to date me, or any other girl looking like a slob. I'm glad I had other plans so time between us was cut short. I wish I wasn't so nice because I have to play the game of "oh i'm sorry can't hang out super busy" until he gets the idea that I don't EVER want to be with him instead of telling him to fuck off. Like right now he asked me to go see a movie and I really don't. And now it's fucking worse because his dad is my boss, and if I do anything like that, it would make super awkward.
Fuck I hate this.
No. 1314331
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>>1314311i replaced him in my heart with this another sad cutie
>>1314322the absolute state of monkey men lovers
No. 1314335
>>1314253I love chest hair and other body hair, but I hate armpit hair.
I wonder how cultural that is, I know Australian men for example shave their chests and let their armpits grow out (evil).
No. 1314337
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>>1314327I’m just joking around with the anons talking shit, sorry you don’t know joy. This is the most engagement /ot/ has had in hours. It’s an innocent divide.
>>1314333I have I’m just having fun. You can’t possibly believe this is entirely sincere.
No. 1314362
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>>1314340>I also started a crusade against the color pink toodayPlease pick a different color, you are being very pedestrian hating pink. Pink lovers are hardened to this already since adolescence when all the NLOGs emerge. The real fight will be a crusade against the color blue. Or the red edgelords.
No. 1314369
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guys this is the vent thread lets make room for nonnies who are suffering..i am waiting with open arms
No. 1314384
>>1314377red is the color of passion, roses, blood, wine
pink's the color of anuses
No. 1314400
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>>1314390>except pastelsis pic related your preferred color palette
No. 1314414
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>>1314408YOU are a crybaby
No. 1314446
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>>1314300me too nona, even my no-nonsense old man teacher asked our pronouns. Yesterday in class every single woman but me gave their pronouns and one they/them moid. I swear I’m going to go fucking feral I came here to study for my profession not play gender games
No. 1314507
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Talked with my co-workers about male doctors tending to call an assistant into the room when they look at female patient's private parts and they all seemed to come to the agreement that it's the safest thing for the doctor to do, because what if she says he touched her inappropriately?, instead of it being the safest and more considerate option towards the patient, and I refuse to tell myself it's unreasonable that I've been seething about this statement for the past six hours lol. six hours might be an overkill though, that i will admit
No. 1314569
nonny, I think moidbrained animal abuse/torture shit is much worse to read than someone saying "I hate men" on a women's site
No. 1314576
>>1314569There's quite literally a thousand mindless "I hate men" posts for every "I hate animals" post.
I don't mean posts complaining about something concrete that happened either, I feel like a lot of the posts are now made by people who pathologically obsess over men and spend their days looking for man related things to get mad about and vomit their hatred all over this board.
That really kills the vibe of the community. Hatred is ugly no matter what the target is, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't want to read that crap all day every day in every thread.
No. 1314605
>>1314599I specifically said I'm not talking about people venting about IRL things in their life, but about spergs who post impersonal bullshit they found on social media, and they're the kind of people who spend their time specifically digging for things like that.
Virtually none of the man hate posts are about something that actually happened to the poster.
Then the reply starts with
>how women vent in a women only space about moids and scrotes and real life shit we deal with No. 1314613
>>1314609If men are so bad, why do the men hate posts contain so much bullshit?
Do any of you actually exist in the real world?
No. 1314628
>>1314624I've been working for 10 years. I've never been raped yet somehow despite talking to men.
>>1314625It's not venting, it's vomiting your politics based hatred because you're too autistic to read the room and fit in.
No. 1314630
>>1314621Are you forgetting which thread you're in? There are dozens of
relevant threads to post about how shitty moids are. In case you haven't noticed, men don't just stop being garbage when you come to hang out here, it's a 24/7 thing and we have hundreds of users living their lives with this being the only place they can come to to say how they really feel. If you want to have fun, hunker down in the retarded shitposting thread and leave other anons alone. This isn't about
you and your individual experience using the site.
No. 1314642
>>1314628Nona, you're the one who isn't reading the room right now. You're the one trying to shove
your rhetoric down everyone's throats because you're too autistic to ignore a post you don't care about and move on.
No. 1314649
>>1314639>I've been working for ten years and I've never been raped so rape must not be a big issue.You are sheltered. I've known quite a number of women who have been molested as children. Just because you never had a moid violate your physical boundaries, doesn't mean rape never happens quite frequently.
>mindless man-hatingI don't know if you've been paying attention, but many of the posters on lolcow have had some horrible things happen to them thanks to scrotes. To call their frustration "mindless" is so backward and questionable that I genuinely have to wonder if you're even a woman.
No. 1314660
File: 1661360780348.png (51.56 KB, 275x137, 1660129846888.png)

>>1314654I will always be repulsed by women who shit on the experiences and feelings of women who were hurt. That is if the "nona" is even a woman at all.
No. 1314661
>>13146281 in 3 women is sexually assaulted at least once in her lifetime. That is such a well known fact they put it on fucking bus adverts.
>I've never been rapedSo apparently other women haven't been either. You're actually disgusting.
No. 1314662
>>1314639Sure, anon. Everyone here but you is a friendless autist. It just seems like you're exaggerating things so heavily. Man hate is a complete non-issue unless you are a man, or you get some guilty/wrongthink feeling for the Nigels in your life (who, if they're actually as reasonable as you think, wouldn't give a flying fuck). Go to any imageboard on the internet, men can freely bash women. No bans whatsoever, even if they say we should all be murdered, raped, enslaved, that they fantasize about causing us harm daily, etc. As a matter of fact, racism and anti-semitism (especially when aimed at women) is free game too. This is one of the very few imageboards that bans either of those things, funny that you compared them to man hate.
On "normie" internet spaces like TikTok and YouTube, men are literally rewarded with fame and money for being misogynistic. But yeah, the "real" problem is female posters on one of maybe two relatively small imageboards specifically for women having vent posts about male BS. Maybe you should go. If you really can't scroll past some "I hate men" posts the same way all women learn to glide over the casual misogyny on both a macro and micro level, then it really can't be helped
No. 1314672
File: 1661361029124.png (499.6 KB, 463x1016, Screenshots_2022-06-13-16-12-2…)

>>1314662Thank you, nona. That anon wants to deny that men dehumanizing women is something that never happens, but it does happen. It's almost like they're ignoring and belittling women's frustrations to make themselves feel better.
No. 1314759
File: 1661364081851.jpg (1.4 MB, 1242x1227, 1660969781933.jpg)

>>1314621>>1314628>Reeeee stop talking about your male hate stupid womanNo. Keep seething or alternatively go back to the ten thousands of other places free of men hate or criticism that coddle your damaged chromosome pair.
>you're too autistic to read the room Zero self reflection, as usual.
No. 1314802
>>1314740I guess the fact that they'd even try to compare literal animal sadism to rightfully being fed up with men should've been the first clue. You'd have to be a malding moid or the most hapless boymom to see someone talk about something like that and go "Ok but you know who the real
victims are?? Men!". Same demographic that called cats "the purring jew" and seethe about women loving them kek
No. 1314815
File: 1661366806535.gif (370.12 KB, 253x200, 200.gif)

>>1314802>Same demographic that called cats "the purring jew" excuse me the what now?
No. 1314822
>>1314817Ignore it then, simple as.
>>1314811>This fucking scrote I live withAre we saying this instead of bf now
No. 1314845
>>1314822>Are we saying this instead of bf nowCertainly the problem of the post is what anon decides to call the man of her situation on an anonymous vent thread, not that someone made another person sick out of their self-centered wants which will impact her health and livelihood.
The brain on cock worship, everyone!
No. 1314846
>>1314817>The problem with constant man hate is that it gets stale and boring.You know what's stale and boring? Women being abused, raped, objectified, having their rights stripped from them, little girls being married to grown men, female circumcision, unable to progress in their careers at the same rate as men, etc etc etc etc etc. If anons talking about these things is so "boring" feel free to never return.
>This is supposed to be a woman's websiteHow weird that women are venting about women-specific issues on a women's website, amirite? You do realize there's basically no other place on the internet where women can say what they do here without being harassed? Even if it's stale and boring to you, at least find joy in the fact that at least nonnies can express their frustrations without getting doxx/rape threats
No. 1314864
>>1314846The disingenuous appeal to emotion.
>You know what's stale and boring? Women being abused, raped, objectified, having their rights stripped from them…There's posts about this on the hidden board which is extremely slow. I would like to discuss real issues about men and hear the opinions of other women but it seems few other anons do. Male behaviour is also discussed in the tinfoil and news stories threads.
>How weird that women are venting about women-specific issues on a women's website, amirite?I intentionally mentioned actual vents and posts about events that happen in real life as not being a problem.
No. 1314913
>>1314864>I would like to discuss real issues about men and hear the opinions of other women but it seems few other anons do.>b-b-but only if it's in the hidden threads and is an irl vent and only if they stop using the same images like, gosh you autists letting men live rent free!Pick a lane you absolute buffoon.
>The disingenuous appeal to emotionThe absolute lack of critical thinking skills. Disingenuous? You think every woman posting man hate hasnt experienced misogyny at the hands of men? You are reeing about how women complaining about men is sooo boring and unbearable, not even considering how unbearable misogyny is? Every single "haha moids stinky" post is borne of this "disingenuous" emotion you fucking retard. Speaking of stinky, you reek like scrote. Maybe clueless pickme. Close the tab, or keep your retardposting to yourself.
No. 1314962
>>1314913Another disingenuous appeal to emotion that avoids any actual points raised and presents a strawman argument that intentionally obfuscates what is being said. I have repeatedly pointed out that I am not referring to actual vents and posts about events in real life.
The issue is repetitive, inane posts that achieve nothing and add nothing. It's low quality posting that is boring to read and it gets reposted on a daily basis. It could be about anything, the fact that it's generic man hate with no purpose is irrelevant. If it was repeated posts about another topic I would be making the same argument.
>you reek like scroteReport my posts if you actually believe I'm a man. You know I'm a woman because if I were a man you would be reporting and ignoring me, not engaging.
>>1314955A post venting about the state of the site is indeed a vent post and belongs in the vent thread.
No. 1314964
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Which one of you FUCKS recommended psyllium husk to an anon who was having messy bowel movements in the Stupid Questions thread? Because I read that and was like "Oh samesies!" and went out and bought psyllium husk fiber supplement capsules and took ONE (1) last night before bed. This morning when I went to the bathroom NOT ONLY were my bowel movements MESSIER than they've ever been but when I took down my underwear there was a LITTLE SURPRISE. Not once in my life have I ever left a surprise in my own goddamn underwear!!! CURSE YOU ANON I HOPE YOU SHIT YOUR BRITCHES AT GAMESTOP TODAY
No. 1314986
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>>1314971I'm sorry nonna. I hope you feel better in time. I send you my love.
No. 1314992
>>1314984Do you have serious real life issues with reading comprehension?
>defense of hypothetical and real life moids who don't even know youRead
>>1314962>It could be about anything, the fact that it's generic man hate with no purpose is irrelevant. If it was repeated posts about another topic I would be making the same argument.
>If you're so mad at women coming here and doing what this thread was literally created forRead
>>1314962>I have repeatedly pointed out that I am not referring to actual vents and posts about events in real life. No. 1315087
>>1315075This is one of my biggest fears, I am sorry for you
nonnie I hope he gets shamed everywhere for being so fucking cringe and annoying.
>>1315079This is so disgusting, I hate when they try to challenge you when you say you have a boyfriend, either doubting you or saying they don't have to know. Don't they get it? People are saying no the nicest way possible because they are scared you will lash out on them, you fucking creep.
No. 1315090
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>Another disingenuous appeal to emotion that avoids any actual points raised and presents a strawman argument that intentionally obfuscates what is being said.
No. 1315101
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>>1314969>>1314992>>1314962kys defected xy chromosomoid
No. 1315102
>>1314962>You know I'm not a scrote or you would have reported meKek, please read:
>You reek like scrote OR clueless pickmeKinda insinuated I think you might be an autistic woman, didn't I?
> I have repeatedly pointed out that I am not referring to actual vents and posts about events in real life.Holy hell. Again, please read and try to absorb:
>Every single "haha moids stinky" post is borne of>"ha moids stinky" being an example of the exact type of posts you're complaining aboutNice cherrypicking. Hilarious that you're coming at the other anon for reading comprehension. Im talking about the same type of posts you are (which yes, is considered venting fyi) and youre stuck crying about how youre not talking about ~real vents~ when neither was I KEK. I was simply pointing out that even those posts, the dumb boring ones, are
valid vents. Tell me, O' wise and Righteous anon, which vent posts are okay and irl enough for us to post? Lay down the law for us, please!
For the record, using buzzwords in your rambling doesn't make you seem any smarter. It makes you seem more unhinged and pretentious lol
No. 1315105
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>>1314817>I hate men>Great! So do I. Can we talk about something else now?>No. I hate men>probably posted by someone who hasn't been outside for a month.Yes.
No. 1315114
>>1315105Yeah idk why hating men
triggers that anon so much lmao, nothing wrong with that
No. 1315121
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>>1315114They always mention how man haters don't go outside or are ugly like it's an epic own. It's true in my case, and what about it? Who gets treated worse by men than ugly women? It's not that I'm bitter, it's that men don't bother putting on the Potential Pussy Mask when interacting with me. I don't get the ease of mind that comes with "oh wow some men are kinda bad but such and such scrote are always nice to me so the man haters must be wrong, phew". Being an ugly woman is like being that dude with the sunglasses from They Live.
No. 1315128
>>1315121I love you and your pic made me kek
>men don't bother putting on the potential pussy mask when interacting with meThis is legit what it is like
No. 1315158
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>>1315132>>1315134you inspired me anon
No. 1315180
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my youngest sister is in the foster system. i have that big sister love for her but can't even contact her. this makes me big sad.
No. 1315185
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Caught a cold or covid. Hope its just a small cold since its 30c everyday here. I need some strength to spend all day cleaning tomorrow.
No. 1315189
>>1315094I never mentioned if I had been raped or abused because I'm not using that to win a argument on the internet. I refuse to take part in the rape equivalent of the oppression olympics.
This thread has has turned into exactly what I was talking about. It's a discord circlejerk of low effort, low quality shit posting that does absolutely nothing. The same images that get posted every time with the same stale replies.
(Stop) No. 1315207
>>1315189>I never mentioned if I had been raped or abused because I'm not using that to win a argument on the internet8 hours earlier:
>I've been working for 10 years. I've never been raped yet somehow despite talking to men.You're so shit at this, kys larping abomination. I will make triple as many manhate posts and responses this week and there's nothing you can do about it.
No. 1315222
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>>1314992>Do you have serious real life issues with reading comprehension?"Do you have serious real life issues with rEaDiNg cOmpReHeNsIoN?" The male projects his monkey-level IQ. I can ask you the same thing considering you have bitched up and down a dozen times over women venting in a fucking VENT THREAD. Read the room, retard. Vents don't always have to be based on exactly what happened to them personally, a woman can be distressed just from seeing other women endure great pain. It's called empathy, and you should try it sometime.
>defense of hypothetical and real life moids who don't even know youYes, that's what you've wasted your time doing for the past hours.
>It could be about anything, the fact that it's generic man hate with no purpose is irrelevant. If it was repeated posts about another topic I would be making the same argument."Generic man-hate". Once again, this is the vent thread. Women are free to be mad at whatever they fuck they want in here. Just because you're too sheltered and insect-brained to understand the frustration women have with males, even in small degrees, doesn't make their complaints as "mindless" as your perception on what "real" venting is.
>If you're so mad at women coming here and doing what this thread was literally created for
>Read >>1314962>I have repeatedly pointed out that I am not referring to actual vents and posts about events in real life.And guess what? I don't care. Vents are vents, and they're here in the vent thread. You are literally too fucking autistic to even register the point of the thread you shat the fuck up. And again, women are allowed to be mad at things and people, even if they weren't personally impacted by them. You would know this, if you weren't a reddit-browsing, sock puppet-cocked scrote or possessing the mind of one.
>>1315041>Miss me with this shit. Oh "queen", slay. Kill yourself.
>you know nothing about my circumstances in real lifeExcept I do. You mentioned what, ten years of never being raped? Your little story is there for everyone to read and laugh at.
>and are now fabricating your own fantasy from the safety of being behind a computer screen. Oh, kinda like how you called the "thread shitting" vents of random women "mindless" while you hid behind your little phone and bragged about knowing everything about male danger from never being raped for ten years? Stay mad.
>You're using women being raped, abused and beaten as a method to shut up another woman and win an argument on an anonymous website.No. I'm using the fact of countless women being raped, beaten, trafficked, stalked, harassed, and abused as the reason why you have absolutely no right to storm your dumb, brat self into a vent thread, and bitch about such women coming to hate men. "Shutting up other women" is precisely what you have been doing with your moralfagging, and dismissal of sexual assault with your retard story of "hurr durr, I worked and I never got raped on the job! Males aren't so bad, everyone touch grass!!". From your own words: "hate is hate, and hate is ugly no matter what". So you were basically saying that women are wrong for hating men, even in contexts where they have been molested as babies, beaten as girls, and taken advantage of as adult women. Then you tried to dismiss the dangerous nature of males with, "well I never got raped so they're not that bad". You dance on the faces of abused women and girls by insinuating that they're like "racists" for learning to distrust men instead of senselessly forgiving the same gender that has treated women as dogs for centuries while using your lack of trauma to dismiss other traumas. You even told a user to "take her meds" for pointing out the fact that men, as a collective, are rapists. You have phrased a woman as "mentally ill" for calling out men. Then you have the audacity position yourself as if you're their ally when your dumbass gets called out. You are not an ally of women. I'm saying this from the bottom of my heart and as a woman that's had a lot of things done to her as a girl, you are a disgrace to women and you should kill yourself.
>You're so obsessed with shitposting Kinda like how you're obsessed with shitting up vent threads with your scrote or handmaiden moralfagging mindset?
>that you can't even see how sick and unhinged that is.What's unhinged is a whiny, heinous, pathetic cunt like you being dismissive of women's voice of frustration just because you're too cock drunk by your own or by your gross Nigel's. I don't know what it's gonna take for you to finally fuck off like how you kept screeching that you would do, but hopefully your brain cells rub together and actually generate that action.
No. 1315225
>>1315202I can't do anything about it, sadly. she'll age out of the system soon and I can't support her.
allegedly her bus driver saw my dad grab her ass. he's kinda always done that tho? talked to my friend about it. she asked how it made me feel to remember he did that on the regular and I just started crying. it never registered as sexual to me. confused and sad now.
No. 1315248
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>>1315189Imagine trying to gaslight complete strangers in a thread, as if we can't read and link back to posts, kek. Hurry up and explain what this was, then:
>>1314628. Your alter ego?
I beg, stuff a cork in that fetid, cheese-leaking dickhole of yours and get the fuck out of here. Everyone's gone over this with you nicely already. It's actually been pretty calm on men for a while here, too, lmao. You're really doing the opposite of what you think you're doing
No. 1315255
>>1315249Except your post here
>>1314817 is just a repackaged version of your earlier post here
>>1314576. Somewhere in your water-logged mind, you really seem to think the entitled "It's ok if it's venting about something that happened!! Just don't do it when I say not to or when I think it's too much silly women uwu" disclaimer has any of us fooled. The argument "restarted" because you lost the first time, and somehow thought coming back a second time and literally repeating yourself would have different results. Log off, smegmator
No. 1315261
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>>1315255I don't know what that's about.
I left the thread more than 8 hours ago because the responses I got confirmed to me that hate spergs are unintelligent and dishonest, and consequently impossible to talk to, and I didn't want to pointlessly derail the thread.
I only checked back because I got a notification for this
>>1315248 No. 1315271
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>>1315261>>1315263The male projects his own anger because women called him out for being subhuman. "Cope, seethe, and dilate" how adorable!
No. 1315272
>>1315261>b-but muh notifications! (You)s!!Your Reddit spacing, recycled arguments and insufferable fart-huffing incel tone give you away on all your posts.
This is hands down one of the worst samefagging attempts I have ever seen. Do you trick other men like this easily? Pathetic
No. 1315289
>>1314817>I hate men>Great! So do I. Can we talk about something else now?>No. I hate men>It's no different from trying to have a discussion with a male autist when all he wants to talk about is his special interest. This is supposed to be a woman's website where women talk to each other about random shit and 70% posts are about men. If you hate men, maybe stop letting them live rent free in your head to the point that consumes everything you say, think and do.Ok, I understand your point about it being repetitive. But why do you care so much? Men have ruined women's lives for centuries, and you want us to not vent about it? It's not that they consume our minds, it's the fact the XY chromosome continues being a defective annoyance all the time every single day, of course we're going to bitch about them. This is an anonymous imageboard where anyone can say whatever, this is not a commodity for women in real life in most cases, and if you have been here for the past month we cannot take this website for granted either. Also, the "discussion with a male autist" is completely besides the point, it's nothing like that at all. Male autists talk about the most stupid disgusting shit ever like coom or rape. We only want to bitch about men in peace.
No. 1315312
>>1315297I don't think it's so deep, pickmes want a crumb of dick or they want to feel their emptiness, uh, "filled" by superficial male adulation. This behavior is encouraged by society. We get the loathsome specimen of the pickme by these factors colliding. I don't know if I can be as optimistic as you are about this generation though. It is full of troon-enablers, edgy pick/b/s and the like. Which brings me to a vent. It's crazy how teflon some people, men mostly, can be in the online drama sphere, all sorts of accusations rolling off their back and their fellow sussy scrotes sweeping it up for them. I'm talking pedo stuff and the like. But let a woman get the label of being 'crazy' or 'a bitch' and it's all over.
>>1315300RIP Kitty I am sure you gave her a good life. Your family doesn't deserve that label even if they are acting like this. Sounds like you are not with them right now though, maybe for the best. Take care of yourself
No. 1315317
>>1315300I’m sorry anon I laughed at how your brother reacted, what the actual fuck is wrong with men? Bet he was probably abusing that poor cat when you guys weren’t around. My condolences
nonnie, I hope you have a respectful funeral for her.
>>1315312Pickmes are weak and are still in the honeymoon phase of loving men’s near non-existent humanity. They live in a complete disneyland reality separate from our own, they think a man doing the bare minimum of what women have been doing for centuries which is sacrificing themselves and giving away their own resources is worth praise and adoration for them. I’ve thankfully have broke out of that prison and realized that they are not interesting, not a prize, abundant, extremely easy and self-replicating like flies to shit. They are the true whores and hoes that should be in the kitchen making us a sandwich, not the way around
No. 1315341
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some of my braids are clinging for dear life on to my real hair and it makes me sad when I pull it out or it comes out on its own and i don’t know why i just got it done a few weeks ago and she didn’t do it tight enough ugh and my stupid ass also has a compulsive thing where I like to pick out my hair/skin when i’m nervous
No. 1315345
>>1315248That's two different anons. My first post on this subject was
>>1314817>>1315289Because it's tiring and adds nothing of value. Shitposting about hating men is still shitposting. Look at what happened to this thread. The reaction to the suggestion that maybe not everyone wants to read the same posts and see the same images on a daily basis is completely unhinged.
Global Rule 4.2 states
>All users are expected to contribute in a constructive way and are discouraged from posting low quality comments and images.I don't even disagree with man hate, I would just prefer to not see the same shit repeated every day. Here's a perfect example
>>1314862>>1315271You're right that we are on a website where we can talk about almost anything and yet the most discussed topic is men.
>the XY chromosome continues being a defective annoyance all the time every single day, of course we're going to bitch about themI said in my original post that I am not talking about actual vents or discussion about the horrific crimes men commit, I'm referring to low effort and low quality posting. As I've previously said, it being man hate is irrelevant, it's that it's repetitive and constant. It's one of many problems killing the site.
(Low quality post) No. 1315399
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I love to read romantic stories filled with soft, tender moments between lovers. Only to end up making myself sad because I know I'll never have that
No. 1315408
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I miss her
No. 1315426
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I found out about Bright Ocular the other day, and how this surgery ruined the patients' eyes just stuck with me. They wanted surgery to change their eyes into something "more beautiful", and what ultimately happened was their eyes being irreversibly damaged into something worse than what they had before. Some of the patients went completely blind.. I feel so terrible for these people.
No. 1315492
3edgy5me incoming. Sometimes, I fantasize of heroically saving prostitutes and burning down the sex pest-filled brothels they're from. In my fantasy the pests beg for their lives, scratch the walls, try to escape, ask for forgiveness but none of them will be getting away and they'll burn and melt and feel the pain they inflected on the prostitutes but a million times worse.
I'm a doomscroller and the stuff I doomscroll usually involves shit like pedo sexpats taking advantage of impoverished Southeast Asian kids, rape during wartime, incest… you know the reasons we hate moids here in general. And after I finish reading that article or watching that video I think to myself: "Damn what the fuck?" And well, I get upset. I get upset that kids and women go through this bullshit, and I also get upset that I can't really do anything to at least help them either. I can't like donate to charities that'll help them since I'm not that financially stable. So when I finish watching a video of a group of young girls recounting their past assault what can I do? Just click like and comment? Isn't it ridiculous? How is that virtual like going to help them? How is me commenting "oh these beautiful girls have been through so much yada yada…" going to achieve anything?
It's so frustrating so the best thing I can do to ease that frustration is making up violent scenarios in my head like what I wrote above. In my fantasies I punch, kick, poison and torture rapists. Kinda like ryona or something but not like a sexually sadistic ryona but an anger and hate-filled one (retarded analogy, I know). Obviously I'd never fucking do any of that shit I just mentioned since I don't have the guts to do so. But it does kinda give me a sense of peace (as fucked up as it is) to imagine a world where justice is actually fair and where sick fucks actually get what they deserve.
I dunno maybe I have a personality disorder due to these fantasies. Sry if this was weird to read just wanted to let it out since obviously I can't do it IRL.
No. 1315559
>>1315472She left Youtube entirely due to personal mental-health related issues. She also deleted her channel and therefore her videos. That's basically where we are now. I truly hope she's doing well and I commend her for prioritizing herself, but it still sucks.
>>1315501One of the few true crime Youtubers I've enjoyed, Cayleigh Elise. She isn't active anymore, but you can find reuploaded videos of hers if you're curious
No. 1316123
I know it's bitchy and petty but it's not fair. This girl I know just got engaged and the dude is way too good for her. He's attractive, well paid, smart, very good cook, good personality. She's very annoying, kinda ugly (but not extremely), chubby, no sense of style, greasy hair all the time, obnoxiously loud, and her house smells bad. They got together ages ago when he was less confident, and I think she's the only person he's ever been with. I wish I could tell him he deserves more kek