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No. 1377868
fat stupid kitty cat edition, mreoww
previous thread:
>>>/ot/1365160 No. 1377869
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No. 1377889
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Kat luk at fiyer
No. 1377893
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hai nonnies whats going on in this thread
No. 1377911
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An important australian client came into work today and i randomly started speaking in a jokey australian accent to her
No. 1377917
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The new steam sign-in is so ugly
No. 1377970
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Got my teeth cleaned and they scraped the shit out of my bottom teeth. (Lot of tartar build up.) omg my teeth feel amazing now. I haven’t gotten a dental cleaning in a while because of insurance stuff
No. 1378000
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I haven't even watched this faggot's videos since last year. He became an openly degenerate coomer panderer over the years and idk, I find his voice annoying now as well. Anyway I hate scrotes and their coomoid obsession with "goth girls"
No. 1378005
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Me when the weeknd said I know there’s been stigma round me,
I know you’ve heard things about me
You sleep one eye closed, too scared to get heart broke
Heard too many lies told
Don’t make the shit my fault
I could tell why you would doubt me
I hear one time that you can’t live without me
Girl I’m just peaking, I’m just tryna be on top of you
No. 1378012
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>>1378000I strongly believe male cartoon spergs should be shamed the same way animebros are. They are equally creepy, both with women in fandoms and female characters
>Youtube don't demonetize me for making unnecesary mentions of porn in my children's cartoon video uwu>Remember Zone-tan? You may not believe it but that porn animation you must likely saw is based on this teen girl character, isn't it funny and quirky!?>This cartoon animal girl must be really popular with the furries, but don't look at me 'cause I'm not a furry you guys!Also, nitpicky but
>Frida Suarez >Goth girl No. 1378033
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>>1377970Glad you feel better now,
nonny. I've never been to a dentist.
No. 1378135
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Fuck off
No. 1378142
>>1378115Lmao nta but why are you putting her down? Trannies are freaks known for doing this kind of shit all the time. The tranny deserves to be mogged and mocked.
Stop projecting your weird insecurities on strangers on the internet. Do you have thin hair? Take some biotin supplements.
No. 1378160
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>>1378002>tfw born exactly at 3amdoes..does it really mean anything? that would explain a lot in my life actually
No. 1378168
>>1378159How am I doing that? You’re the one complaining and being condescending about someone having nice hair.
> it’s just true that it likely has nothing to do with anon and her ~natuwal butt lenf pinky pwincess hair~ How do you know it’s true? You have no way of knowing a 100% but you’re adamant like if you’re the one experiencing it. I just don’t understand why you’re being unnecessarily rude to her. You went all out and even called her histrionic. Clearly you have issues if you’re
triggered by her post.
Troons are freaks that fixate on women all the time. I’ve been skinwalked by them too and I’m unremarkable.
It’s just annoying seeing other women tear each other down for no reason. It’s obvious the troon in question is the shitty person in the situation but your knee jerk reaction to shit on anon is weird.
No. 1378233
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You know when people are like “omg [your name] would think this is sooo funny” and it’s something you would never even crack a smile at. Like full-on crickets.
No. 1378320
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I like my nonnie nonnies
We like to party party
Join in my nonnie nonnies
Come join the party party
No. 1378339
File: 1666097806042.png (269.54 KB, 500x331, 1655792488948.png)

might start shitting on posters that are obvious newfags. a lot of you have never heard of the imageboard courtesy of lurking before posting and thats why ur ass is on the line
No. 1378411
File: 1666105139857.jpg (53.26 KB, 642x644, 1665949090643.jpg)

I recently started learning how to use Blender because i wanted to make cute outfits for my husbando in the Sims 4. Started showing my mom the projects i did (donut and frogge), before, whenever i showed her my Live2D, Photoshop projects and drawings she would compliment me about it, this time she just stared and asked me when i plan to get a job, kek. She told me that with the skills i have it should be easy to get a job, but i am very particular and the only reason why i even pick up those skills to begin with it's for very selfish reasons, mostly related to my husbando. I told my only friend about it and he instantly started talking about ways to sell my models and make money off it. Dunno if it's just me being a stubborn hippie or what, but it feels like everyone is too focused in learning skills just to earn money.
No. 1378427
File: 1666106357500.png (1.4 MB, 1190x673, amou.PNG)

Really hoping Amou pivots to doing chill streams with her animals and just other non-coomer things. She seems like she could be a cool, regular streamer and I'd actually check out her non-coomer streams. Or maybe she'll just continue to cater to coomers but just titty streaming instead of full on squats in a bikini. Regardless, I really hope she'll find a good support network with a lot of the other popular female streamers and just puts out content she likes from now on.
No. 1378446
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>>1378434>>1378428she is following people who describe trannies as "men in skirts", she also refused to say "Trans Rights" as Bayonetta. Now the woke side want to buy bayo 3 in order to show support to trans people because she is a
No. 1378485
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don't know why i watched this trailer even though I've had the game since 2017, but this makes me want to make a world of bella goths exclusively in different styles and personalities.
No. 1378496
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>>1378491I started and (failed) at making bella a alcholic girl boss who cheats on cigar smoking weirdo husband with handsome sims, but I didn't finish the story line. I really dislike her husband.
No. 1378502
>>1378499you don't need ea to be
valid nonna
No. 1378526
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>>1378519can you really get arrested in the USA for pirating?
No. 1378542
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>>1378541anon you know what i mean, the bill, law etc.
No. 1378549
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>>1378530then why do i still have photoshop hehe
No. 1378582
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Post your screentime so I can be ashamed
No. 1378592
>>1378586burning my brain probably. I don’t even tweet just aimlessly scrolling between twitter and twitter hate thread
I really should delete it
No. 1378611
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>we don’t have enough mods to do another hellweek even though our mods have enough time on their hands to ban you for not saging in /ot/…
Open the applications, please god(ban evasion)
No. 1378631
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>>1378582I use tiktok on the weekends kek
No. 1378639
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No. 1378650
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>>1378611Kind of odd of you to lie about this.
No. 1378651
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My phone keeps trying to bully me into deleting stuff yet randomly installs apps I don't want
No. 1378753
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Easily one of the hardest flags of all time
I have zero welsh (or even european) heritage in me but would definitely hang this in my room
No. 1378768
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>>1378763Mr.Pizza pasta himself?
No. 1378770
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>>1378768Yes, the one and only.
No. 1378787
>>1378784Don’t worry nonna I’m watching it for you rn while having dinner
why can’t you watch it though?
No. 1378825
>>1378683My guess is it's one of those AI scanner things because it's wrong sometimes and it just thinks random pictures I downloaded are memes
>>1378694I absolutely hate pre-installed apps, every phone I've ever had came with Amazon and will not let me get rid of it
No. 1378829
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No. 1378839
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>>1378829Ok, but this bitch is deranged. She's a congressional candidate.
No. 1378872
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he looks like what i imagine you footfags look like. really greasy and kinda autistic sounding
No. 1378912
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idk where to post this i deleted my blog that i used to post all this shit on so i’ll just say it here! maybe someone will read it. i’m in a pretty awful place with my life. i’m basically lying to everyone who’s around me and just waiting to die. i don’t feel as sad as i thought i would i’m just really fucking confused about how it is. idk i’m pretty smart and capable but my mental illness made everything really hard. i don’t know how to connect with people in my immediate life without lying or whatever. maybe it’s my upbringing idk. i feel at peace thinking about death. i’m sort of happy about it. took some acid today and i’m kind of just more resolute in what i have to do. i guess i wish i had more moments of being connected or wanting to be alive actively in my life. it’s really difficult living i guess. i’m always really lonely and scared. i just hope i find some peace!
No. 1379005
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watching one of my favorite childhood idols (m.i.a) turn into a born again christian qanon facebook-adjacent schizo conspiracy theorist in real time
No. 1379010
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>>1379005this is how your 56 year old MAGA aunt be posting on facebook
No. 1379098
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I hope that Loid Forger will be shirtless at some point in Spy x Family. Preferably right after a shower so he's wet with a towel around his waist.
No. 1379171
>>1379100My personal cow rages whenever someone brings this psychologist up because she called out spiritual guru narc archetype in one vid.
Also it's funny when narcs watch narc content and go "wow everyone I hate is definitely a narcissist"
No. 1379188
>>1379157It's not you who's a dumbass so don't worry.
>>1379100>>1379113What the fuck are you talking about?
No. 1379193
>>1379100I personally can't stand this lady's content. I know it's for a good cause helping people heal but her videos reek of clickbait alarmist bullshit. What's next, what narcissists eat for breakfast?
Psychology content on youtube is a bad idea because anyone who wants to make a career off it is naturally going to have to keep up with content creation and end up churning out more half-assed videos. Thus leading to how you get the armchairers in the comments who eat all this up and don't stop to think for a second they might be the
toxic ones instead
No. 1379196
>>1378718>mildly surprised because he always seemed pretty bland and going for a more friendly brand.I also got that impression and him being "family-friendly" was one of the reasons I liked him at first. Then he started inserting more "adult" humor in his videos until he got more and more famous for covering shitty cartoons and old porny animation (that's where I stopped watching him) and now it seems he jokes about porn all the time. He used to be a brony too so it's obvious in retrospect that something like this would happen from the start.
>>1378665When I
joined the stream to take that screenshot he was ranking the little goth girl from Loud House. Disgusting as fuck.
No. 1379213
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Saw this in another thread and imagined myself being so cute and putting my own meds in this until one day I’d forget to take them until spiraling until a full on breakdown which would make me so hysterical Itd be impossible for me to work the machine and id end up breaking it over the counter in a very dramatic fashion IE go full Cyberbully Mode
No. 1379335
>>1379188You don’t wonder what the fuck she is talking about with her eyebrows bullshit?
She has those wide eyes keen and ready to kill me and that’s not being pseudoscientific.
No. 1379388
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I get PTSD every time I see the name “ebony dementia raven way” because when I was in middle school I would use a fake name for my MySpace along the lines of “Raven demona way” and everyone in my middle school knew me as that nickname so every time I see that name pop up it sends me back to all the cringey things I’ve done when I was a kid.
No. 1379421
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>>1379388>when I was in middle school I would use a fake name for my MySpace along the lines of “Raven demona way”kek
No. 1379434
I love working out but I also love junk food, especially on my period it's like all I crave is something salty and greasy. Dammit. Gotta distribute that willpower better.
>>1379429Indeed. We don't need new genders, we need more goofy looking women.
No. 1379464
>>1379398Yes. /cgl/ is shit now. There's coomer threads, feet threads, threads that clearly should be in other threads, it's completely unorganized and trashy now. If you go to the most recent thread it's literally about jerking off to a cosplayer's ass. So I'm genuinely surprised with the amount of shit that does need to be cleaned up, me calling a moid a loser is what needs to be removed.
>>1379450It was, wasn't it? Funny thing I noticed. Not once did he refute any of my accusations about him, he just completed accepted it. Sad.
No. 1379680
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I fucking Hate Boston accents!!! The most horrendous disgusting tryhard accent Ive ever heard and you can always tell the guys and girls who force it are barstoolsports beer chugging stink ass losers who never take off their stupid hats and mentally stunted @ 22 years old
If you’re from boston fuck you
No. 1379755
>>1379737 I’m not but my brother lives there and I dread visiting him because of loud annoying ass bostonians they’re always so smug too
No. 1379783
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I just saw sexworker anon call another sexworker a whore. This site is so crazy in the funniest ways. Never change, /snow/.
No. 1379808
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>>1379805Same fag, but I just googled the ‘i’ and this came up
No. 1379810
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>>1379805I only believe in bisexual and homosexual
lesbians and gays folk not the dumb transgender
garbage either pedos with a women fetish, sexual assault/ grooming victims , queer
just say your gay or questioning, and two-spirit nonsense
No. 1379836
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i regret not pirating the sims before because of the ugly clay artstyle, i found out there is a whole community of people that's dedicated to yassifying the Sims 4, bless them now i can actually be pretty.
No. 1379837
>>1379810>queer>just say you are gayThey are usually either bi or straight that want to be special.
>>1379808Lmao at the acronym, soon it is all of alphabet.
No. 1379846
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>>1379388I cringe so hard I feel physical pain every time I see this pasta because it could have been written by me in middle school.
No. 1379862
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Anorexic lady at work told me I always look good but I’m fat and I can’t stop thinking about what she really meant
No. 1379879
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>>1379846did any of you also becamo autistically obssesed with a cartoon crush? i know i did
No. 1379931
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I just saw Shayna's gaping ass on the front page. It gave me flashbacks to those Nikocado photos.
No. 1379934
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>>1379849not to sound old as fuck but i really miss the chaos and excitement/genuine fun of the old internet
No. 1379957
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>>1379937yeah even lc seems less fun/shitpost loving than this time 2 years ago- even though its just as active if not more. i just want to laugh at retards and be retarded with the girls in my spare time is that too much to ask
No. 1379966
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Speaking of sites being less fun, cc has really gotten worse recently. There's so much bait and infights on every board it's unrecognizable from just a year ago. I visited it for the first time in a while and it's like 4chan with the amount of bait and low quality posts it has now. What happened there?
No. 1379985
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>>1379980Here you go
nonnie I even cut it up for you
No. 1380001
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when the husbando is sus
No. 1380134
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>>1380121I weep for him.
I also think of flippycat sometimes.
No. 1380142
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Man, I have mostly given up on the idea that I'll ever look good, but it's really ridiculous how much better men treat me when I wear a hat–and not just a mask (I've worn one for the past three years, it just improves my confidence). I am pretty much a ghost when I don't wear a hat, completely ignored. On the other hand each time I wear a hat AND mask…
>being asked if I need help for the first time ever
>being smiled at and greeted
>being called miss instead of "ma'am"
>guy saying I can cut in front of him
Pretty much stuff I have never, ever experienced before.
Oh, also, I have an apple-shaped, unironic tranny like body with no boobs nor curves and massive shoulders. I'm losing weight (22 bmi now, the lowest I've ever been) so it isn't like I have a hot body. It astonishes me that my forehead/eye area is so ugly that men treat me better when I just conceal it. It's really retarded because…don't I look like a clown? Sigh.
Also yes this sounds mentally ill. I developed BDD after being bullied over my looks my entire youth and it took years to make some improvement.
No. 1380269
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Sugar Pine 7 was mentioned in the YouTuber thread and I’ve been rewatching their old vlogs and forgot how funny they were. Really fast paced and kinda dry which is what I like. The slumber party episode was weirdly prophetic about Cib’s relationship though but maybe there was a lot more of their real selves in their characters than I assumed kek.
No. 1380325
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FUCKING PEDOPHILES!! i hope they all die
No. 1380364
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>>1380325I basically paid to listen to a scrote talk about horrible rape cases only for him to end with that it's an attorneys duty to abuse all the loopholes in the law to get the rapist off scot-free and that it's just the governments fault for not phrasing laws better. He was rejected as a judge too (not for his views, but because of a lottery system) and keeps applying for it and I fear for when he finally gets through. I'm a fucking retard and I hate my field and I hate all the scrotes in it and the pickmes who defend those scrotes. He should be the one sent to an ethics class, not us. The only duty an attorney has is to guarantee a fair trial and to get them the sentence they deserve, not to let them get away with it, that is just a monetary thing for your reputation.
Or that time a prosecutor specialized in pedo cases visited and how his wife and daughters had to go into hiding regularly because of his work. I asked him how he copes, since he practically looks at pretty messed up evidence photos, descriptions of CP and all that all day, whether he ever goes to therapy. He said nope. The only advice he had for everyone was to just party hard. I can see why pedos are getting out after barely 2 years.
No. 1380499
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Can't believe I found him in the wild
No. 1380515
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>>1380499>you're weird as hellThey just wouldn't understand.
No. 1380537
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cp bump scroll carefully
No. 1380552
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i really wanna try making donuts, but you need expensive artifacts to make them
No. 1380557
File: 1666272883594.png (466.99 KB, 800x460, you vs the donut she told you …)

>>1380555thanks nonna, hope you enjoy eating wonky looking donucats
No. 1380567
File: 1666273319923.jpg (273.59 KB, 2048x2560, FRONG DONUT FRONG DONUT FRONG …)

>>1380559thank you gonna check if they sell those here!!
>>1380565thanks as well i will try both! never had bagels before, so i am excited
i hope this summer i can get into baking, i like the idea of making cute food for my family and friends, i already bought some cute cactus cookie cutters and i can't wait to try them out and give them to my cactus aunt friend
No. 1380571
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>>1380567you're too precious and sweet for this world
No. 1380581
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do you ever wonder what's the mosquito doing when it sits on the wall doing nothing?, do mosquitos sleep? should i blast buzzing noises so it knows what it feels like?
No. 1380587
File: 1666274541133.jpg (292.22 KB, 1600x1069, kill-bill.jpg)

>>1380581I scared my grandma accidentally the other day by hitting one on the wall dead while not looking. I'll never be able to achieve such greatness again.
No. 1380592
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>>1380587i once killed on in-between my fingers and i felt like Mr.Miyagi
No. 1380599
File: 1666275162915.png (60.54 KB, 1200x1314, 1580770190336.png)

Me: "Hey google! I want an elegant, longer, form fitting dress for my tall ass that shows a bit of skin (like a slit or off shoulders) without being too sexy or sensual"
Google: "Did you mean bridesmaid dresses?"
No. 1380607
File: 1666275374181.gif (849.95 KB, 260x176, wow.gif)

>>1380601never knew mosquitos ate sugar, wow. thanks for the info
No. 1380696
File: 1666280415413.jpg (135.49 KB, 1080x1080, 1664908765902.jpg)

>everyone here hates vtubers
>i am a vtuber
have you ever felt personaly attacked here?
No. 1380707
File: 1666281104943.png (422.52 KB, 506x697, Screenshot 2022-10-20 at 09-50…)

what a queen
No. 1380750
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>>1380741>Nyart, but I don't get the appeal of a shaking png taking 1/4 - 1/2 of a's fun to play as a cute character and there is big community behind vtubing that makes add-ons/pngs to decorate the stream and make it more fun, i also like when the chat interacts with the vtuber by throwing things at them.
> Either use a webcam or don't, it's not needed for speaking one watches no cam streamers on twitch, lol. Vtubing is way for me to stay anonymous but maintain the stream interesting, i honestly wouldn't watch a nocam streamer myself because the fun thing about streaming is seeing the streamer interact with the audience and react to the game, and not being able to physically see the streamer is a huge letdown.
> Too many avatars I've seen are standard issue weebshit created for male audiencesthere are ugly western shit ones too if cute anime girl is too misogynistic for you, or animal ones, videogame dunkey's girlfriend has a cute bee avatar.
>Also, I'm sure noone personally hates you here, anon.i know, i was talking about how the whole sites hates vtubers because of bias
No. 1380763
>>1380728I'm just being sincere. But if you already have people watching you, and you like what you're doing, then why do you feel like
>have you ever felt personaly attacked here?That? You don't have to be charming to lolcow, unless you want to become some lolcow Vtuber that talks about the cows posted in here and says based stuff. Otherwise you're just whining outside of the vent thread and crying because nobody is using creepy Vtuber gifs as reaction images.
No. 1380770
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>>1380763Why did you take it so seriously? i obviously posted it here and not the vent thread because its DUMB. I just wanted to know if other nonnas ever felt personally attacked here, like, i don't know, a nonna that waxes feeling attacked because other nonna said it's pickme behaviour, just dumb observations, it's not that serious.
No. 1380796
>>1380728Most lolcow anons are harsh to anyone and everything
It's the nature of the site sadly
No. 1380822
>>1380805>vtubers became famous because ''funny dog playing doom'' not so much for the coom aspectYou are so innocent kek
vtubers were made popular by coomers, before vtubers became such a big thing the only people I saw talking about them were turbo lolifags that frequent /a/ and talk about uohh cunny non-stop. I'll never forget that cringy "fakku fakku ugu" video of a japanese vtuber pronouncing faq as fakku and everyone fucking creaming themselves over a loli being "unintentionally" lewd.
No. 1380824
>>1380818>The fact that you’re implying collab with “males” is what makes female streamers vulgar is a certified scrote moment.kek i never said that, learn to read, i said that vtubing is moving away from being ''virtual gf experience'', and that's why holo talents are being given more creative freedom that was considered banned before because it would have made incels that only saw the girls as their girlfriends piss and shit their pants in anger.
>>1380822the first vtuber, kizuna ai, was as innocent as you can get, she was even an ''idol''. And Kizuna isn't a loli, wth.
No. 1380827
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>>1380805>yuri bait>10000 lewd compilations>lolicon is so quirky and relatable So chill and not cumbrain. Gtfo corpo drone.
No. 1380832
>>1380824>was as innocent as you can getAnd are we pretending that's not exactly what loli coomers absolutely love? Ditzy, totally pure and innocent borderline retarded girls? She was created to pander to coomer scrotes, let's not play dense.
>And Kizuna isn't a loli, wth.potato potahto, she's 16 kek
No. 1380844
>>1380827>>1380832>>1380833jesus have you never heard of anime culture, welcome to the internet i guess. I hope you don't like animu content or otherwise you are
ProBLematIC and a hypocrite.
No. 1380855
>>1380844Nonnie I've been a weeb for more than half of my life, and probably before you've been born judging by the way you write and your general lack of understanding of weebs and how coomer fueled they are. While I mostly stick to reading manga these days, there's plenty of decent non-coomer pandering anime out there, so no I'm not a hypocrite.
Vtubers have all the cons of anime with none of the pros. One dimensional fake personalities created for lonely nerds to jerk off to. Streamers in general are cancer, vtubers just make it even more cancerous and fake.
No. 1380863
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>>1380857>>1380855anime culture favour cooomer shit and otaku culture, even your most uwu shoujo romance you excuse yourself is fine because its written by a woman has creepy undertones, think anything made by CLAMP. I hate how animetards nowadays pretendend what they like is fine, when the anime communtiy in japan heavily favour coomerism and pedoshit and its literally made as scapism for japanese people that wasted their teenage years studying.
No. 1380873
>>1380863Outside of xxholic and code geass I haven't watched a lot of clamp stuff to completion but yes, I remember cardcaptor sakura having that problem. I agree with you generally speaking, but at the end of the day anime is a medium, and inside a certain medium you'll find all sorts of stuff. Anime like ping pong, 12 kingdoms, mushishi, kinos journey, dennou coil, haibane renmei, rose of versailles, kaiji, trapeze are all pedo free.
Every nation has it's ills, and japans is sadly their obsession with innocence and pedoshit.
I'm not so young anymore to restrict myself to only japanese media because of muh japanese superiority, and I've outgrown a large majority of anime but I don't like taking a completely black/white attitude when it comes to it.
No. 1380892
>>1380873> but at the end of the day anime is a mediumhave you ever heard of any mangaka speak against loli/shota? they even choose the author of Love Hina to represent the common interest in manga creators not to censore controversial content. that's my point, there is this inherent culture between mangakas that they all at the end are into otaku shit and
problematic stuff, even Hayao Miyazaki has said he wants to fuck a 12yo and the director of Digimon has pedoincest fantasies, the creator of the first mahou shojo anime was considered ''the father of lolicon''. I just think it's hypocritical to hate the most important part of anime, otaku culture, when it's pretty much the only reason why animators spend 24 hours animating anime for the price of a bag of instant ramen. So yeah, even if you hate lolishit(which is right) you are an hypocrite for consuming a medium that has so many inherent problems, there is no way to consume anime guilt-free, sorry.
No. 1380900
>>1380892>have you ever heard of any mangaka speak against loli/shota?Have you seen how many actors and directors defended Woody Allen? Have you seen how many fantasy book authors during the 80s were involved in some kind of pedo scandals? How many people were connected to Epstein? How many classics feature horrible treatment of women? How many philosophers were pedos?
Hardly anything can be consumed guilt-free, I'm sorry to say. Unless you practice a very strict female separatist lifestyle and only consume media from 100% vetted sources, you will end up reading or watching something now written by good people.
No. 1380907
File: 1666290978819.png (387.08 KB, 404x600, Chis-Sweet-Home-2-404x600.png)

>>1380863explain to me how Chi's Sweet Home panders to coomers, right now
No. 1380914
>>1380900then you agree with me, good.
>>1380907the studio that animated it did a bunch of anime for otaku and lolicons. They animated di gi charat which has a 6 yo child '''waifu''' and its aimed at pedos. Sorry, even the most ''wholesome chungus'' anime out there was either animated by lolicons, a lolicon studio, or the mangaka did some weird porn doujins before.
No. 1380920
>>1380914It’s super lazy to just be like yeah just give up on an entire section of culture because it wasn’t created perfect, it’s broken even.
In a way, this is a tactic to suppress
valid criticism and suppress change. If only those who are okay with every aspect of a thing is allowed to be in that space, then there is no agent for change or revolution.
No. 1380921
>>1380920what change? kek, i am complaining about westerners not understanding that japanese mangakas dont give a shit about otaku culture because they partake on it, good luck trying to tell japanese artists not to draw lewd highschoolers, kek. You make me laugh, there is literally a fucking senator that's a mangaka that was elected with the promise of not letting westerners censore
problematic manga content. You are so innocent nonna, thanks for the laugh.
No. 1380926
>>1380914I do, I know we're all hypocrites at the end of the day, but to get through life as a human being these days one does require a bit of cognitive dissonance. I am not doing my absolute best at every living moment, and neither is anyone here really.
And if like you said here
>>1380921, as foreigners we can't do anything to change the industry whatsoever, what's the harm in reading things that
don't have pedo content? If everything is futile, then what's the point in this conversation… This is why I don't like to talk about these things in general. Tiresome and we always end up going in circles so this'll be my last post on the matter.
No. 1380933
>>1380926i am just calling you a hypocrite, you are the ones crying about ''b-but its only a medium i enjoy the GOOD manga/anime''. You don't have to like loli/shota/moe/whatever, but you dont have the moral high ground to call vtubers coomershit when you know damn well that they are only playing one of the hundrer dispossable anime tropes which you probably enjoyed too as a ''guilty pleasure''.
>>1380932learn to read, i am just saying your beloved wholesome animu about kittens was financed by pedo's money and that it doesn't matter how much you try to paint your animu as ''good'' it only exists because otakus exist.
No. 1380937
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No. 1380950
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>>1380940>Maybe for r/anime tier where it’s just mainstream industry content. Just say you want to call all otaku women degenerates, regardless of whether or not they go out of their way search for communities where creators value female inputs.that has nothing do with what i said but it's fine, keep rt about how x mangaka is
problematic because they liked shota yaoi on pixiv, i bet they cry to sleep knowing a group of westerners that pirate all their stuff thinks they are bad for the anime community.
No. 1380958
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>>1380943Not so much anymore. I'm picky. Been reading novels and watching old adult cartoons.
No. 1380961
>>1380950You’re contradicting yourself and speaking nonsensical, you think I wouldn’t notice? On one hand, you present women with the ultimatum: to stop consuming weebshit all together because we can not change things, or, women need to shut the fuck up about the failings of otaku culture (read: criticism about your dogshit vtuber coomwaifu). But then you bring up Chie being made by a studio that produced loli anime. This makes YOU the one tweeting about
problematic creator and crying at night. Not the anons saying that women don’t have to devote their their lives to making the perfectly ethical choices (doesn’t exist), but they do still have all the rights to be critical of the subculture they enjoy and demand for the better.
No. 1380962
>>1380956But moral high ground
nonnie, if you dare to enjoy a hollywood movie you're no better than the pedos that make it!
It's like the trannies that say you're a horrible antisemitic tranny killer if you continue enjoying harry potter kek
No. 1380966
>>1380948i am using the same arguments you use for vtubers, i guess you can like your animu financed by pedos(the mangaka agreed to make the anime) money without guilt but i cant enjoy vtubers because one of the over 5k vtubers that exist said they liked loli.
>>1380961no, the debate started because you people said all vtuber was coom shit or whatever and i am just calling you a hypocrite for critizing vtubers because one of them said something you don't like(read above) but not giving a shit about anime that's pretty much financed by people making fanservice anime about lolishit.
No. 1380998
>>1380697how I feel with therapy
>>1380937>>1380958I love this show so much, might be fun for nonnies to watch together in the movie thread
No. 1381000
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The vtuber poster is baiting for the love of god stop replying
No. 1381002
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The only reason why I still have my ancient PS2 is so I can pull out my mat and play some DDR
No. 1381044
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>>1381021Love you too,
Nonnie. DDR forever!
No. 1381067
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I just love cats, small cats, big cats. I wish I could work in a big cat sanctuary, but I also enjoy volunteering at regular shelters. They do what they want, but are pretty logical once you understand them. They clearly enforce their boundaries, but small cats want to make sure you're safe at your most vulnerable moments. They can seem aloof, but obviously follow you into every room. Big or small, they both love grooming humans, we're dirty bastards to them. Incompetent hunters. Yet they like us all the same, provided we make ourselves a little useful at least!
No. 1381069
nonnie. Whenever I get overwhelmed by my love for those furry creatures I remember that crying lady and I feel exactly like she does. If God existed, I'd consider cats to be a gift from her.
No. 1381100
>>1381094if it's only about the looks no, only if there's some stereotypical (mandingo/latin lover etc) or "sticking it to the white man" (including "look at me i'm so woke for dating a non-white man") shit then yes. and yes, never ever convert to islam for some scrote, it's never worth it.
t. black woman usually into non-black men
No. 1381112
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infrequently, but sometimes i accidentally stumble upon the online relics that i created a decade ago still in circulation and realize that i'm so right about ssris and antipsychotics not working
No. 1381161
>>1381133what kind of cakes can you make
nonny? i might be willing to consider this trade if you can convince me of your cake making skill
No. 1381229
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>>1381224lmao wage cucks wish
No. 1381355
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I find the fact that Ezra is so racially ambiguous to be interesting, like sometime he looks hispanic, sometimes he looks like a white person with hooded eyelids, sometimes he looks hapa, sometimes he looks jewish, sometimes he looks like you know who too……
No. 1381360
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>>1381355he is white and jewish yet he looks so Hispanic and native
No. 1381381
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>>1381360>>1381355Also white but still "brown passing" enough to play a Native American character, his relatives in the movies were played by actual Natives though
No. 1381385
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>>1381355His presence is among us.
No. 1381391
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>>1381387I'll go back to my containment.
No. 1381544
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I feel conflicted about relationships that I’ve felt ended too early versus ones I stayed too long in because on one hand it’s better to cut your losses early but on the other hand a lot of the time it’s hard not to take wonder what could’ve happened if you actually put in the effort
No. 1381554
>>1381518NTA but it's both
>>1381526lmao what an idiot
No. 1381571
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i hope admin-sama doesn't get mad at me for posting a bunch of photos. i've never been on lc late enough to see a moid raid and now i'm scared
No. 1381630
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Holy shit I just found out a former good friends mom started a weird ass podcast. She’s a crazy ass conspiracy theorist-angel numbers-pizzagate-crystal lady, this is so weird. I kind of wanna watch to laugh at it but it also seems too brain dead to be able to sit through it.
No. 1381667
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go back
No. 1381688
File: 1666353399084.gif (469.39 KB, 600x416, prawns .GIF)

Trying to push down disturbing imagery from the front page. Please be safe, nonas.
No. 1381706
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Non-pc leftists hate boner for pc leftists is really funny.
No. 1381719
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No. 1381725
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i ain’t clickin that shit
No. 1381756
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absolutely buzzing with excitement to watch eurovision with my nonnies already several months before it will start. i cant wait for another good time. i hope to see you all there !!!
No. 1381764
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>>1381745No idea way you get redirected there. Only difference there is that the website is flipped.
No. 1381765
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>>1381764The site froze when I try to use
No. 1381795
File: 1666362222259.jpg (35.28 KB, 480x480, IMG_20210930_151314.jpg)

>mfw I'm a christmas cake OL with a shit life, a shit job, no bf, I'm a loser and into JRPG so if I get killed by a truck I'll probably be reincarnated in an isekai Angelique parody and I'll have a billion of husbands
No. 1381812
>>1378787Are they ever going to air a different set of episodes? It's been the same shit for days!!
>>1379464>Not once did he refute any of my accusations about him, he just completed accepted it. The sad state of 4chan in general, it's not just just them being males. In the old days that scrote would've been mercilessly bullied by the others for being a sensitive and pathetic
No. 1381839
File: 1666367043512.jpg (22.62 KB, 140x222, Tumblr_l_116975333527407.jpg)

>>1381820Unless it was a highly sophisticated AI(and even then there would be plenty of flaws); it is almost impossible. It would be easy to find ways around it even with simple photo manipulation such as resizing or editing colors/contrast in the image. Even the meta data of an image can easily be altered. People who are dead set on sharing such imagery on places like the darkweb or even just the surface web would quickly find ways around it sadly. We would basically need large groups of humans 24/7 manually reporting m/delete the images that the other large groups of humans are uploading. Hope that makes sense.
No. 1381841
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you think Joseph Pelling(co-creator of don't hug me I'm scared and main voice actor) aware that half the dhmis fans wanna fuck red guy and other half wanna see red guy fuck the duck(also voiced by Joseph Pelling)
No. 1381901
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I forgot picrel comes out today. I'm actually really looking forward to it!
No. 1381924
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I’m fucking terrified for my life looking at this, this is apparently that tiny cute little thing walking around your picnic food. Spoiler’d but discretion is advised nonnies, happy halloween kek
No. 1381927
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>>1381924Nona….you didn't spoiler it, but still I love you.
No. 1381938
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The consequences of your actions
No. 1381940
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>>1381924bugs are cute even the ugly ones
No. 1381998
File: 1666377181390.jpeg (158.46 KB, 1024x683, A676F6A0-BDBE-4B60-B996-0627F2…)

>>1381940Bugs are pretty, they dress up
No. 1382054
>>1381949There is an /m/ thread with eurovision general, it was pretty active, but some newfriends didn't want to post there.
other than that i usually watch eurovision with 4chan /mu/ just to see their laughable reactions (the only time i visit 4chan), but that's about it. I am no longer interested in eurovision tbh, the past years really felt like nothing but politics contests, I wish we could go back to 2011 or a bit later.
No. 1382074
i feel like i am losing my vision again and it worries me
>>1382069the goverment doesnt give a shit about cp, they have let pederasts free before because they didnt want to share HOW they found them(spying/shady software) because that could be used against their political enemies.
No. 1382097
>>1382079I agree
nonny. I enjoy music more if there are good lyrics, but I do agree that there are a lot of songs that might have dumb lyrics but are really catchy and fun. A lot of the current radio songs are cringe as hell but I like the way they sound. People that you describe seem to usually be these fandom stans, at least from my experience, or the 'toodeep4u' pretentious sadboys.
No. 1382273
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>>1381924why can't you fucking people just leave ants alone……they're all girls like us you know
No. 1382319
File: 1666392771547.png (26.7 KB, 200x202, C6E4F883-5E0D-4C73-8A20-E7FFAD…)

Reading the tinfoil thread makes me lose brain cells.
No. 1382344
File: 1666394281803.gif (508.18 KB, 360x240, D73095A4-93FC-4B26-B4D3-1A7BC4…)

How come my brother gets flowers and I don't even make friends? It's not fair.
No. 1382347
File: 1666394784478.png (12.48 KB, 448x448, 10228186_p0.png)

There is so much to do, so many books to read, so many games to play, so many skills to learn, so much animu to watch, i love being a NEET
No. 1382349
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This is what being at college feels like
No. 1382361
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why do men literally assume every female drama is related to jealousy? I could be like “Betty sue was mean to me so I don’t like her,” and if the guy was a Betty sue simp he’d be like, “you sure you aren’t jealous of Betty sue because I like her so much and you’re mid?” But if the guy liked me more he’d be like “yeah she’s just jealous because you’re so hot and smart.”
Make it make sense
No. 1382377
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I feel like such a prude sometimes, I could look at fanart of any of my husbandos and if they're in a suggestive position, or showing some collarbone I can't help but think "oh my this is so scandalous ohoho"
Meanwhile you see some porn rotted loser being unable to cum unless the character is spreading his/her legs and doing retarded faces.
Then I stop feeling like a prude.
No. 1382388
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Higurashifags finally convinced, i am reading the VN, it better be the best thing since sliced bread since it's 60+ hours long
No. 1382390
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I think the new Monster High kinda sucks but also I’ve gotten into the fandom again. Hate most of the basic dolls but newer releases are really cute. I used to be a major consoomer and it was such an unfulfilling hobby but I’m kinda having fun being on the sidelines now.
No. 1382403
>>1382388god gl
nonny i personally couldnt make it past 10 minutes w/o rolling my eyes and closing the window forever
No. 1382417
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>>1382403kek same, the internet ruined my attention span forever, but i have been trying to get back into reading lately so i will give it a go.
>>1382409i think the steam release comes with the original SOULFUL sprites, so i am playing with those, i love them dorky mitten hands
No. 1382433
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>>I see this guy in thumbnail
>>realized I watched this video while drunk
>>watch it again
>>first few mintues is intense eye contact with him, barely blinking and coming close to the screen.
>>I smile
No. 1382459
File: 1666404088274.png (1.27 MB, 1007x679, Niceguy.PNG)

>>1382455He's really seems like a nice guy but quite nervous. Last picture post, but he's in my list of "nice scrotes" along either my brothers and jesus/god.
No. 1382460
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I want these little British people puddings. I like how they rise like a biscuit. I would probably put slices of sausage inside.
No. 1382470
File: 1666405205921.jpeg (372.27 KB, 1920x3325, Jg2Ozar.jpeg)

Jisoo of Blackpink is the best singer, actress, dancer and model ever. I love her so much. Stan Jisoo.
No. 1382492
File: 1666406615703.jpg (305.32 KB, 2500x1667, 1506017532-sausage-gravy.jpg)

>>1382481That sounds really good, maybe sausage gravy would be nice in them. I don't understand why they're called pudding though.
No. 1382522
File: 1666409051955.jpeg (15.55 KB, 202x250, 3B6D0211-394F-46AA-B628-FDD64D…)

I just saw someone they/them Pyramid Head.
Pretty sure Pyramid Head doesn’t give a fuck about his pronouns. Lord they are transing the fictional characters now please lord can I have peace…
No. 1382537
File: 1666410175336.png (242.45 KB, 700x376, vlcsnap-00003-5.png)

I impulsively decided to rewatch Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit at 3 in the morning because I was coming down with a cold and my left eye was swollen trying to close up. It was fun to watch. I haven't seen it since I was a kid.
No. 1382561
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Jihyo of Twice is the best singer, actress, dancer and model ever. I love her so much. Stan Jihyo
No. 1382582
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>>1382565if I was a man I would be posting Sana or Nayeon or another popular member. Most Jihyo fans are women. I love jihyo she’s gorgeous and talented
File: 1666415375803.jpg (75.38 KB, 1280x844, rainbow high.jpg)

Can't believe they're putting K-Pop propaganda in the kids toys now smh
Not letting my kids touch Rainbow High, no daughter of mine!
No. 1382595
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Not to make it look like stan twitter in here by talking about Beyonce after the k-pop stuff, but listening to Renaissance while driving is so dangerous for me. It's unreal how crazy some of those songs get me.
No. 1382642
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can any twitter nonnas give me some tips to not get banned on twitter? i want to start a terf meme account
No. 1382675
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For years I thought Kevin Spacey was English.
Something about his accent sounded too generic to me, like someone who is not American doing the most nondescript American accent ever.
No. 1382684
File: 1666423886053.jpg (87.06 KB, 426x535, Bob_Hoskins.jpg)

>>1382675on the opposite end, Bob Hoskins was so believable as an Italian New Yorker that I had no idea he was British until like a year ago and still can't believe it
No. 1382693
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>>1382684Reminds me of the Nonna who keeps thinking Scott Adkins is an actual Russian, because of the Undisputed movies.
No. 1382721
>>1382717For two of them yes, the rest I have no clue.
>MENA peopleNo idea about middle easterns because I barely know any but for NA men they're either shorter than average, especially in my family) or way too tall (like my grandfather from my father's side who was at least 2m tall) with no inbetween, I don't get it.
No. 1382733
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I love riding horses!! Whenever I ride I become instantly calm and relaxed, no matter how nervous I am before I ride that something might go wrong, I'll mess up, etc. My friend is allowing me to ride her horse for free because she doesn't get enough exercise, and something funny about that is my friend's horse is so green that my friend (who hasn't really had any lessons, she just knows how to ride from practice) hasn't ridden her herself in months. I get a sense of superiority knowing that my friend can't ride her but I can hehe. She is very headstrong on the ground and will bite and drag you around but you can get her under control easily. Riding, she doesn't have an arena or anything to ride on so I have to take her on a trail where tourists often walk. The bad thing about this is that if there's a group of more than 4 people she'll get really excited and will speed up or sometimes stop and neigh. If she does this I take her back to the beginning of the trail until she's calm again. Also for her it's either no trot or extremely fast trot that inevitably becomes a canter, no in between. And it's hard to get her to go the direction you want her to go. But all that is okay because I'm riding! She (the horse) is going for several weeks of training soon which she really needs. Rant over, any other horsenonnies here?
No. 1382806
Sometimes I think back and remember the time we had to watch The Life of David Gale in tenth grade when we were talking about death penalty in our English lessons. At that point in time I just found it inappropriate by our teacher to show us a movie where a woman is butt naked on screen to a room full of fifteen to seventeen year olds, but nowadays I'm just thinking about how shitty of a choice that movie was. Iirc, a guy, David Gale, I'm assuming, got falsely accused of rape, but in the end it came out that it was all a plot to show that death penalty hits innocent people too, or something like that? The more I think about it, the more I realize my teacher was weird about that entire topic, too. She apparently had a former class write letters to for-life imprisoned males in the US, even though we're on a whole different continent, and kept a year long contact with one on deathrow herself, too. I never really thought about what she told us until now, but I think at one point she also said that he got put in becase he apparently killed his girlfriend, but he insisted it was an accident. This puts her in a completely different light for me, to say the least, even though I liked her a lot before that lmao.
No. 1382818
>>1382733There's something about getting to bond and get an understanding with a horse (or any other animal) that you see other person doesn't have. Kinda crazy your friend hasn't ridden in this long, is she afraid? I imagine if I had a horse myself I would spend all day in the stables.
I worked with one horse that was like what you're describing in the trails and tbh I was so worried for passersby I ended up only taking him there early in the mornings when it was the least likely to meet anyone; so congrats on having enough control that you're confident to go! Will your friend be getting an arena after the trainings are complete? I imagine it would be a bit of a waste to just go on the trails when she (the horse) learns something more.
No. 1382824
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>>1382733i am terrified of horses but I had a horsegirl bff growing up so i pretended I wasn't scared to impress her. riding them is really cool but their shift in temperment can be so scary.
No. 1382923
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Which game should I play next
>Silent Hill 3
>Resident Evil Remaster
>Lobotomy Corporation
No. 1382932
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>>1382931I support your movement.
No. 1383015
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>>1382390Reminded me how much I liked Ever After High franchise, the reasoning why it got cancelled was so damn stupid. Kid me regrets not getting any of the dolls. Even though looking now they weren't as good, but I loved the tv show.
No. 1383018
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is it just me or were east asian male actors in 80's/90's way hotter then then asian actors today?
No. 1383042
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>>1383025Did this really effect you so bad you had to call me a retard? You didn’t even explain it well.
No. 1383050
>>1382990nayrt i always remember it like affect is usually a verb, and effect is usually a noun.
>tfw you affect someone with your special effectsbut there's also the noun affect which is like how someone emotes
No. 1383087
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I hate unfit men so fucking much
No. 1383093
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>people still dont understand that getting mad at something on the internet only gives it more power
Why are people like this, its the only reason why chan newfags spam the nword, kek
No. 1383096
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>>1383041>>1383026the ultimate thing is both looked more natural and healthy, remember that the 90's was the era that ended the steroid freak in mainstream action films died, actors like act Brad Pitt, Jude Law, Will Smith, Keanu Reeves, Tom Cruise, all these men were all fit but were lean and natural and they were also young and, however thanks to the mass popularity of superhero movies, we regressed back to the era of the huge muscular steroid freaks of the 1980's
No. 1383107
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>>1383097I always laugh because hispanic people is pretty tough towards insults but get utterly offended when someone calls them latinx
No. 1383136
>>1383122If they haven't drank the koolaid and they're women, you will just get excluded and witness forced laughs. If there's a mix of moids and women, you will get laughed at or you will get asked if you truly believe in those things, then walking on eggshells because you don't know if they're into gendercult shit or something.
Just don't bring it up
nonnie, you will have to go through many social shit that hurts my autistic brain and makes me cringe.
No. 1383145
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I love the look of tiny micro braids so much, but god I don't think I could ever get them.
No. 1383170
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I'm bored at work what should i do
No. 1383174
File: 1666460647916.jpg (107.54 KB, 1153x775, 1646870461740.jpg)

English youtube users always make me laugh with their petty dramas, its always x said something against y back or x said something that could be interpreted as twansphobic, here's my 2 hour documentart about it. Englishtards will never live through the event of seeing a couple of youtuber you like break up, each one start accussing the other of domestic violence, one stealing the others dog, multiple court dates to get the dog back, the family of one of them throwing rocks at the other's house, multiple pedo allegations, etc or an anime youtuber turned nazi getting scammed left and right and talking about he and his 2 illegal inmigrant friends that live in the same aparment dont have enough money to buy a mattress or even eat more than once a day and posting cp on twitter to disprove its cp. It's such a wild ride and the only reason why i enjoy Spanish youtube, english cows are so boring.
No. 1383254
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>>1383150She's one of the most beautiful women ever. And yeah it does take a long time. I do my own hair in medium size braids that can take me a million years, which is why I won't even attempt micro braids.
No. 1383312
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>>1382818>is she afraid?She's def not afraid, she's grown up around horses and animals (lived on a farm all her life) so she's desensitized to them, she sees them every day and they're not so interesting to her. She's not the type to be afraid of animals, she's really brave around her horse even if she drags her and nips her. The thing is though she has never had any riding lessons beyond people giving her casual pointers. She learned how to ride entirely through practice. I'd say I have 6 or 7 total years of lessons. I know the specifics of riding well, while because she hasn't had much lessons she knows what you'd pick up just from casual riding. Her horse is far too green for her to ride, and when she was riding her because my friend is pretty much a beginner her horse knew she could get away with things and picked up a lot of bad habits.
>I had a horse myself I would spend all day in the stables. Me too. I live in a city and can't afford to move which is the only reason I haven't gotten a horse myself. It's always been my ultimate goal
>I ended up only taking him there early in the morningsI have to do that too, in addition I ride her on saturdays and sundays because there's way less tourists.
>so congrats on having enough controlThank you, she still is hard to control sometimes especially when she sees people and if there's another horse on the trail I have to leave altogether and come back later. She's not scared of cars or dogs though which is good.
>Will your friend be getting an arenaI don't think so, while she cares about her horse she isn't really a priority for her. My friend is constantly busy, she has sheep, rams, ducks, chickens, and a bunch of farm related businesses. I she might talk to one of her neighbors and convince them into letting her borrow their arena, but I'd understand if I keep riding on the trail. She's western so it isn't such a setback, I wouldn't be able to jump or anything with her anyway.
>>1382824>riding them is really cool but their shift in temperment can be so scary.They really only startle if they have a reason, it's not at random. Though often the reason is dumb like wind, a strange sound, a squirrel, tree branch, a smell, something on the ground, etc. They seem scary at first but if you get to know them well and understand them they're not very scary anymore and you can deal with them spooking at something. Kicking or rearing isn't as common as people think it is too for most horses.
No. 1383348
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I have to go back in time and kill the dentist who invented veneers
I was trying to watch pearl and all I could focus on were her dentures ass looking teeth
No. 1383439
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>>1383409It creeps me out how they shave the real teeth into points to fit the veneers on. Seems like a scam and a way to make a lifelong paying customer
No. 1383456
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>>1383439It absolutely is. Hollywood dentists are selling it to celebrities and for some reason they keep buying it, it’s so frustrating watching them shave off cute natural teeth into whatever is going in in the second pic
No. 1383459
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This will always be so funny to me. Do other nonnas believe Taylor Swift was on /b/ /b/efore getting famous?
No. 1383463
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Lugnut (Lugwig) aka Logwig (Lugwig) of YouTube (or Twitch???) or both? gives me rancid vibes. I do not watch him, but 5 minutes or so into Cold Ones featuring Lobby (Lugwig) he is so annoying and creepy.
No. 1383467
>>1383459I'd expect her to have more interesting music if she were a 4chan user. If I'm wrong and she
is an imageboard user and she's reading this right now I want her to know that her music is boring as fuck and no one with half a brain would listen to it voluntarily.
No. 1383470
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>>1383468now I'm more confused.
No. 1383480
>>1383479I'm at a point in Cold Ones right now where he talks about how on his podcast he discussed "a dog in a medical suit who you know, fucks white women, and goes brbrbrbrbrbrbrb"
So he basically admitted he watches bestiality porn
No. 1383486
>>1383485He just looked uncomfortable af. Also at some point Lugwog goes "can you give me a baby" to Chad, this is before context is given, and Prezoh manages to edit a short frame in that is black and white with "Ludwig is a Pedophile" in bold caption kek
What I am noticing the most is that Lubadubdub is inappropriate and brings up sex/women a lot, but without appropriate context. Like his mention of the bestality porn was very tangential. It was a story about what the CEO of YouTube may have seen in his videos, before she interviewed with him.
No. 1383494
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>>1383492None of them play along with his weird jokes, really. Because they come out of the blue so much, I think. I think I can sense even Prezoh doesn't like him given the quick black and white edits to spooky music he throws in
No. 1383533
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No. 1383542
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regret over not sleeping is settling in. it’s 5am. I have to be up at 8am. fuck
No. 1383579
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Everytime I'm reminded of Tom Mcdonald, his dank and funky looking face, and his god awful rap music, I shed a tear.
No. 1383589
File: 1666493101790.jpg (200.39 KB, 750x749, gus.jpg)

Fun little green text
> Be me
> Get IP banned from 4chan for some reason
>>> ff
> Want to post on 4chan
> Realize still IP ban
> Want VPN
> Poor
> Go to piratebay, download vpn from trusted, still don't trust the vpn and doesn't want to run it due to virustotal scan
> Goes back to 4chan
> Realizes that Torrents haves a request part to request torrents of certain things
> Realize banned from 4chan
> Post on lolcow.farms because currently coping
Fuck me I just wish I was unbanned from 4chan already( )
No. 1383590
>>1383573Interesting.. my grandmother in-law had this done back in the day. I didn't know it was common
>>1383553This is unspeakably retarded
No. 1383592
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i get stupidily happy when i see posts from nonnas from my shitty europoor country
No. 1383603
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I think it’s crazy that a stupid cunt that hates you will put so much of their energy, time, and willpower into revolving so much of their thought patterns around you. Like the problem here isn’t me.
No. 1383688
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Mom has Mypillows because she’s a dumb libertarian and holy shit they are the worst pillows I’ve ever felt. Like 4 Kleenex stuffed into the cheapest polyurethane bag.
No. 1383764
>>1383688lol I worked at a hotel and someone left one behind and it felt like a normal foam pillow, they must have cut the quality like
>>1383745 says. The way the MyPillow print all over it kinda looks like the My Little Pony font always fucked me up.
No. 1383794
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>mfw when I try to reach out to my friends for help or support with something and everyone replies with some variation of "it do be like that fam"
No. 1383804
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>>1383779homegirl said "this is sending me" like bitch where
No. 1383806
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I need to stop being so clingy and overthinking so much but it's so hard nonnies
No. 1383819
>>1382875Beautiful, nona.
Women are so strong, we can literally push a human out and then go back to normal within about a year. Our birth is one of the most painful in the animal kingdom. I used to hate my broad shoulders but now I live the way clothes hangs off of me.
No. 1383822
>>1383820moids hate the women having bigger legs think bc they also never fucking touch legs at the gym either. they just don't want to be held accountable.
most of the moids at my gym stay clear of the squat racks or anything leg-based like it has the plague.
No. 1383824
File: 1666526384077.jpg (51.75 KB, 620x660, never-skip-leg-day.jpg)

>>1383822yeah there's a reason there's the "never skip leg day" meme
No. 1383904
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>>1383822its because they think booty muscles, squatting, ass out, thighs clenched is gay. kinda like the "I've never touched my own butthole even in the shower via a loofah" kind of gay
No. 1383951
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Randomly googled sam raimi to see how old he was only to find out today is his birthday hbd sammy
No. 1383967
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Do people actually meet new people at bars and cafes? I've heard of that happening but it sounds made up, like what, do you just walk up to someone sitting alone and bother them? I'd like to meet someone new but I can't imagine it happening. Should I start hanging at cafes and pubs alone like a hipster/alcoholic?
Pic unrelated.
No. 1383981
>>1383967>that picYou unlocked the nostalgia, anon. Remember when the highest pixel for a kpop song used to be 480p to sometimes 720p.
Sm enetertainment remastered all their old videos recently for them to be 4k (over 2000p) i wonder why YG doesnt do the same.
No. 1384001
>>1383971Currently working towards that, thank you anon.
>>1383972I hate being a zoomer. What am I supposed to meet people online like a neet I'm not about that life anymore
Not responding to the rest of you so I don't get banned for kpop sperging but I still sing along to bling bling like LED.
No. 1384014
File: 1666545656663.jpg (189.39 KB, 1280x720, Pizza_Mondays.jpg)

>>1383990Planet Fitness is the last place you're going to find buff women, at least hang around a more serious gym
No. 1384020
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>>1384014But I like the hand chairs
No. 1384029
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I can't wait till Halloween is over, then we can get into real Autumn. Gonna be baking sweet potato pie and other delicious desserts all November. Thanksgiving should be scared of me. What are some of you favorite fall foods, nonnas?
November/December is the second best time of the year (Spring coming in first because I like the weather more).
No. 1384177
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I was literally obsessed with my ex to the point he had to warn me not to contact him again or else he'll get the police involved. At least I'm still sexy lmao
No. 1384185
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>ask my grandmother not to take pictures of me
>she does anyways while i wasnt looking
>she sends them to me the next day
>i look awful
>she ruind my day and possibly my week
now i gotta restart the mind cleansing program until i forget how i loook. I fucking despise when you tell someone NOT TO TAKE A FUCKING PICTURE OF YOU, and they do it anyways out of spite.
No. 1384193
>>1384184Nta, but I remember getting 4 hours in and quitting. It was very relaxing, cute (the monsters were a highlight for me), straight-forward, and honestly I'd recommend playing it if you're looking for a JRPG that isn't…how do I put this delicately…coomer-y like most of the other ones, or always wanted to play a Ghibli movie.
I'd rather go play Tales of Symphonia again or something, though.
No. 1384244
>>1384185This gives me flashbacks
nonnie I'm sorry our families had no respect for our wishes and just would go "oh you're just saying that" or whatever it's so annoying
No. 1384315
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My heart breaks for the kids of those minimalist influencer people who absolutely will not allow any color in their lives. I saw a video of a woman who threw a dinosaur birthday party for her baby and it was just two white cakes with a dinosaur on top. In all fairness the baby was like 1, but it's like everything needs to fit into an "aesthetic" and be instagram-able for these people. A kid's room shouldn't look like a doctor's office, not to mention how messy kids are.
sorry to whoever may have seen me repost this.
No. 1384381
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No. 1384398
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>>1384388i have more proof
No. 1384406
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>my favourite female youtuber emerged from the death after a 3 month hiatus to bring us a new videos
i am so happy
No. 1384412
File: 1666574238220.png (361.25 KB, 750x1334, 45DB5FF6-A309-4FAC-90E6-DAAD1C…)

was looking through my first phone and found the notes documenting my nap dreams
M was my shitty friend
No. 1384413
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>>1384412Honorable mention. (I was clearly autistic)
No. 1384414
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26 years of weekly world news is on google magazines. goddess bless
No. 1384419
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love her
No. 1384430
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okay last one
No. 1384462
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>>1384317There's probably studies about it somewhere out there, but I think so too. I don't see how it can be beneficial unless you have a special child. I always think the minimalist parents must have a secret stash of regular kid's toys that they keep off-camera, because there's no way shit like picrel (even the carrots aren't orange!) is all they let their kids play with. Anyway, sorry for the rants but this stuff is just insanity to me.
No. 1384544
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Someone accidentally sent 5 usd to my bank account, what do
No. 1384657
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Got the sudden urge to finally learn how to play the guitar on my own after dragging it around for 10+ years and viewing it as a symbol of my failures.
Which would have been nice and all if I didn't have a poor rommate temporarily moving in this week. I truly am the queen of timings.
No. 1384661
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No. 1384685
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it's night now and totally going to rain soon but one of my dumb kitties refuses to come inside so FINE, see you when you're soaked in the morning hoe
No. 1384699
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in a mix of feeling ravenous and desperate, I made pizza using a tortilla as a base. I'm not sorry italianons, it was good
No. 1384750
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Whats going on
No. 1384783
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I got the mission to the sun moonswatch and it's so cute! I also bought a yellow/gold nato strap for it because I hate the velcro one it comes with kek. It's not a very popular choice but I have so many ideas of cute and colorful girly looks that I think the watch will look really good with. I have small wrists so it's a little big, but I think with the right outfit it'll look really cute.
All of my favorites from the collection are the most unpopular ones… I like Venus (pink) and Uranus (light blue) too, but I'm just a big fan of pastels lol. I won't buy the other two though, even though they're "cheap" watches, they're more like a fun fashion accessory for me so I only need one.
No. 1384786
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No. 1384804
File: 1666626101128.jpeg (40.94 KB, 457x562, 57955E59-F946-4BD8-B50A-3B99B4…)

Is nathan fielder a national psyop? Everyone keeps forcing me into thinking he’s the funniest person alive and I gave in, I tried watching his skits numerous times yet I always end up hating them he’s just slow and unlikable and I hate his voice
man fuck nathan fielder
No. 1384814
>>1384184It actually is good, the stupid story makes it fun. Also I didn't even finish the game, there's somehow more plot after the resolution… you should play it.
>>1384193Yeah it's pretty straight-forward, though there is a crafting system and side quests and satisfying gameplay, imo. I also like that there are some secrets to find around the world. I can't wait to actually finish it though, I thought I was done.
No. 1384839
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I worked out my legs yesterday, with a big emphasis on my inner thighs, and now I feel like I'm gonna tumble down the stairs whenever I walk down some.
No. 1384849
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>>1384839same Nonna, I could barely even get out of the car today
No. 1384863
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>>1384858Ah, I see you're a woman of culture as well
No. 1384874
File: 1666630513580.png (110.71 KB, 265x261, 814a855b-6bc9-4c3b-881e-0f2be9…)

I just dropped one earbud down a bridge and can't find it so I have to buy a new pair god damn it
does anyone have recs? These ones were soundpeats T2, so I was looking for something around the same price range (60€). Doesn't have to be bluetooth, I just need good noise isolation and sound.
And as I wrote this I stepped on horse shit. I'm gonna jump off a higher bridge istg
No. 1384918
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What’s your celebrity lookalike nonnys??!! I’m wheezing at mine No. 1384922
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>>1384874How about sony headphones? Some of them are a little pricy but the bass and noise canceling system on it alone is worth the buy there’s also a $60 affordable option! Mines are the WH-1000XM4
No. 1384926
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>>1384918hurt my own fucking feelings, the women were cute but the scrotes what the fuck
No. 1384929
File: 1666635589225.jpg (243.26 KB, 1080x1133, IMG_20221024_201754.jpg)

>>1384922I mostly use them at night and fall asleep with them so headphones are out of the question. Thanks tho
I ended up buying the soundmagic E10c, hopefully the cable doesn't break in a few months kek at least I won't have to worry about the battery anymore
No. 1384934
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>>1384918matched my face shape pretty well but none of the other features, I suppose I can't be mad
No. 1384938
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>>1384918Whenever I do these I always get Heath as my male match. I never get a consistent female match.
No. 1384939
File: 1666635952948.jpeg (354.11 KB, 1920x1080, B3383674-0D0F-4668-8A53-44E7D8…)

I accidentally dressed like Howard from fresh meat today kek
No. 1384948
File: 1666636365662.jpeg (302.24 KB, 750x850, 8DEF8827-303E-4AA9-B930-2EEB32…)

>>1384918i knew i’d get alex wolff
No. 1384971
>>1384939I loved his sleep sweater and I am not gonna spit at a nice flannel
>>1384938your hand in marriage, anonita?
No. 1384980
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>>1384918I want to know how accurate it is but don’t want to give up my face so I ask my Nigel to do his. Kek.
No. 1384983
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>>1384943I'm not going to give that site my photo again, so here is a paint collage
No. 1384987
File: 1666638182235.jpg (11.8 KB, 399x399, fbOWgkvh_400x400.jpg)

>>1377029>>1377024I'm back to say I fucking survived last week. I'm still not sure what those cards were referencing though, because nothing important happened.
No. 1384999
File: 1666638697320.png (4.58 MB, 1242x2688, 59A3480D-4B9B-4AF8-B796-8205C8…)

>>1384918They def gave me lily because of the eyebrows but my face structure is more like Noah’s
No. 1385026
File: 1666640047738.jpeg (103.15 KB, 1159x647, 846C19E8-5C4B-43D9-9EBE-A3F4B5…)

>>1384983Lol nonna there’s an influencer in my country where there’s a running gag that she’s young putin do you look like her?
No. 1385035
File: 1666640626648.jpg (45.26 KB, 709x456, juaawwsshhh.JPG)

last night I watched the blair witch project with some nonnies (which was super fun btw) and I recall one anon asking at the end why "all this was about" and even when it was my second time watching it, I've never really looked behind the "meaning" of the end. So today I've googled around and I found fan theories of what happened there and it makes me really think of nonnies who said that the girl in the movie is in danger because she is with two moids in the forest, who act aggressive towards her. Turns out that most theories support the idea that it is in fact the moid josh who goes missing at first, who goes full crazy and kills both of them.
This makes so much sense imo. No. 1385038
File: 1666640697172.jpg (184.85 KB, 1080x1197, IMG_20221024_214232.jpg)

>>1384918kek at your result nonna. Mine don't look like me at all, I fucking wish I looked like alexa demie but it's not even the right race lmao
No. 1385045
File: 1666640891743.jpeg (132.49 KB, 828x1020, B5CF58D2-E2FD-451E-93DA-3B2730…)

>>1385008Do you have also chubby eyes anon? Im op and here is another of my pairs
No. 1385046
>>1384863Heck yeah
nonnie, do u want to play mermaids in the pool later?
No. 1385053
File: 1666641141667.jpeg (87.55 KB, 1170x1122, 78358687-95D9-460B-A594-434C02…)

why did i have to have a fucked up asymmetrical face, it looks like i'm doing picrel face 24/7
No. 1385055
File: 1666641221362.gif (2.78 MB, 500x288, 1645155854263.gif)

I am running for the first time today because i want to lose weight, any tips ?
No. 1385060
>>1385055Make sure to stretch well beforehand, adjust your speed every 10mins, and maintain your running form
Good luck!
No. 1385067
File: 1666641636479.jpg (53.11 KB, 676x502, bestpair.jpg)

>>1384918I'm going to scream. also these two people look nothing alike so how could I look like both? I can see a resemblance in some of the other female celebs though. I look nothing like Jenna.
No. 1385074
File: 1666642101238.jpg (294.21 KB, 1080x1049, Screenshot_20221024_210224.jpg)

>>1384918I was told a few times irl that I look like Ellen.
No. 1385075
File: 1666642107676.gif (229.15 KB, 277x480, CAR RUNNING.gif)

>>1385066you saved my ankle i was going to run with my converse shoes kek
how many months do you think it will take me to lose weight? i am not that anxious about it but i heard running is way slower than excercising
No. 1385094
>>1385052Oli Rosé Oli London can only wish he were you,
nonnie. Kek.
No. 1385095
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>>1384918i have no idea who these people are kek
No. 1385153
File: 1666647660655.jpg (69.3 KB, 1080x1265, 083a22502e3c3a8abd3164868e77d1…)

at home, alone, i think about ways i could risk it all for this man. what we had was fun.
then we meet up irl and i smell his breath. i feel bad for people with stomach issues, they really smell like shit half of the time and it's not even their fault
No. 1385171
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my cat's smelly breath is so cute
No. 1385177
File: 1666649252503.jpeg (373.87 KB, 1920x1440, 72B5FEBA-09DA-41AA-8725-F6F1C2…)

post your first car
mine was a 2006 white lincoln towncar and I miss it so much best car ever fuck my new car
No. 1385193
File: 1666650044735.png (379.09 KB, 600x457, 45799876-54332235.png)

>I tell my husband about lolcow a lot
>he saw "that cartoon character from lolcow"
No. 1385194
>>1385191Just googled it, I mean the appendix.
>>1385184>I tell my husband about lolcowIt's ok to keep secrets from loved ones sometimes
No. 1385195
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>>1385190ass hair was invented for kanye to write this verse
No. 1385197
>>1385195But that's an asshole bleach
nonny, not a ass hair bleach
No. 1385199
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>>1385177I never measured its mileage because I was an idiot but it must’ve been amazing. I drove it 20-30 miles a day 5 days a week going between school and work and only had to fill up once a month. My current car gets 25mi/g and it’s way more of a guzzler. Of course I took its mileage for granted because I had nothing to compare it to. Some years later my sister totaled it on a dark highway. rip legacy.
No. 1385232
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I wish more of the positive quotes from Bojack Horseman became as iconic as the depressing ones. There’s a lot of great tidbits for self reflection in there but everyone just wants to repeat the ‘I’m a stupid piece of shit’ monologue over and over.
No. 1385247
nothing gets easier things get worse and worse but we just suck it up and get used to it
No. 1385250
File: 1666653571343.jpg (173.55 KB, 1080x1072, 1650164017552.jpg)

>told the creepy moid that was obssesed with me to fuck off
>got two new bffs that are really cool(and normal)
>1k in savings
>losing weight
>working on several yt videos
>working on my art
>learning how to make games
for once in my life i feel like things are looking optimistic
No. 1385259
File: 1666654636506.gif (1.43 MB, 482x482, tumblr_c7c137350ca4555c617b9bc…)

I like to watch "The Comprehensive history of chris chan" while I play sims 4 at night. It's very calming to me. Im on the episode where he finally "rises up" and makes a Gorey comic agaisnt the scrotes who'd been making him make apology videos to remove the ads. I never found his comics interesting until that moment. It's like almost everyone involved is a piece of crap. Bob is also a shitty enabling parent and I don't get why he gets such a good rep. Regardless, the earlier years are pretty nostalgic. I tend to think where I was during x, y and z. Also I LOVE little Big Planet, so him play it was nice.
I also feel like if Chris just got into the Sims series he'd had a better way to deal with his bullshit. He could create his own world. All his "trolls" suck as much as chris does, but the narrative has a nice voice.
No. 1385264
>>1385250I’m so happy for you
nonnie sounds like you’re doing amazing
No. 1385279
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I am looking for one specific tweet from months ago on someone else's account but the site doesn't show me her posts past a certain point. I'm new to the site and I'm already feeling annoyed.
No. 1385333
File: 1666660200438.jpeg (7.1 KB, 248x203, 4F523175-57C1-49CE-8D70-F9ED4B…)

What does it mean when you tell your friend that you talk with other people and you get sent this emoji? I told her that I get some cute pictures from a groupchat I'm at with yumejos (because I don't want her to know about lolcow) I don't want to tell her to join the group because she isn't a yume and she kind of would notice that I'm using an alt account and such. Is she sad because I have other friends? Is she sad because I like 2D more than 3DPD? Am I retarded?
No. 1385467
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I want to like Homage Year's site design, but I can't.
No. 1385543
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this isn't what I googled but i kek'd
No. 1385555
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>>1384570I didn't know there was gonna be a new bratz game let's fucking goooooo
No. 1385584
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>>1384918Idk who is the moid
No. 1385593
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No. 1385600
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No. 1385602
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>>1385593Happy birthday,
No. 1385611
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>>1385597>>1385601>>1385602Thank you nonnas for the first hbd wishes! (2 am here)
I am going to see loved ones, go to the BEST bakery in town for a sweet treat and tonight my
bf has a date planned for us. Im so happy! Ive lost 40 pounds this year so that slice of cake is going to be a real treat! Tomorrow I am going to an art museum with my bff of 14 years. Life is good and sweet nonnas make it better. Cheers ladies!
No. 1385616
File: 1666680050707.jpg (1.05 MB, 2048x1194, Brionne by Atsuko Nishida.jpg)

>>1385611I hope you have so much fun, anon. Congrats on the weight lost too! Stay safe. ♥
No. 1385617
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>>1385600he's so funny looking how does he do it
No. 1385618
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i've been desperately wanting to share this ebay find with you guys… why? because i have no one else to share this with
isn't this cute? doesn't it make you think about /cgl/?? wouldn't this fit a lolita outfit perfectly??? is this actually a lolita approved brand? rate? hate? appreciate? what do you guys think?
No. 1385622
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>>1385618also, i just discovered this brand. it's gaudy asf and is reminiscent of what the 40yr old teachers used to wear at my elementary school during holidays… but i love it. as a kid, i used to be mesmerized by these sorts of pieces and looking at them again takes me back
No. 1385629
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>>1385626dont forget the fedora, what happened to autismos that dressed like this, did they all troon out?
No. 1385645
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>>1385641Banging on the doors to M&M hq demanding she puts them back on
No. 1385647
File: 1666682179868.gif (3.8 MB, 480x360, 1656000764937.gif)

>>1385645I miss angry reviewers, to this day i rewatch the NC/AVGN and i prefer their outdated content over the overly self aware 2 hour long essays
No. 1385651
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>>1385645The Lightbringer demands you give the green M&M back her heels
No. 1385671
>>1385642That’s still gross. Wipes are convenient but it should be something you use because you don’t have access to water. Fine to carry if you have a shitting disorder and shit away from home a lot, good to use on a baby because they shit a lot all day, but not something for healthy adults that can shit at home before they shower
Wet wipes wrap themselves up into huge ropes in the sewer system. waste treatment plants hate them, they aren’t really flushable. There was a big lawsuit over it in the news a while ago, don’t remember what municipality brought it to court but I think they just wanted companies to make the wipe different so it actually dissolves in water or stop printing “flushable” on the packaging.
No. 1385672
File: 1666684935105.png (640.87 KB, 1200x1200, happy birthday mister presiden…)

>>1385593Happy birthday, nonna
No. 1385690
>>1385632I'm honestly kind of surprised that Linkara still hasn't trooned out himself.
>>1385647This unironically, I still think old AVGN and NC episodes are hilarious and rewatch them every now and then because I always find something new about them to enjoy. I don't understand the current wave of male zoomers who are conducting 4-hour videos about how pwobwematic they are according to some 4chan copypasta and how their content quality is so bad, I'm glad James Rolfe has a family to take care of and isn't online enough to see all the autistic tard rage over his dad rock garage band he plays in for fun and Doug learned not to be so reactive to his pissy fanbase.
I'm going on a tangent here but man I miss the times when content creators had this kind of unpredictable, fast paced dark humor. Now it's all so cynical you barely see any comedy that isn't based on irony and random access memes that have a life span of about 2 hours.
No. 1385691
>>1385624You can resize them at jewelers
No. 1385703
>>1385697honestly, is there even another creator who
>uploads weekly>doesnt take sponsors>makes videos between 10-20 minutes long>doesnt use outdated memes>isn't political>doesnt stream/have a podcastScott's channel feels like such a time machine to the early 2010's, even when he talks with other creators he feels like he was criogenizated in the early 2010's and revived in 2017. God,
i envy his gf so bad, he's perfect No. 1385737
>>1385690>I'm glad James Rolfe has a family to take care of and isn't online enough to see all the autistic tard rage over his dad rock garage band he plays in for funUnfortunately, James does read the angry comments or at least some of the criticism.
I despise the 4chan scrotes who bitch and whine about him giving his family as a reason for why he can't make videos more often ("MUH KIDS" is what they say). Bunch of incel losers. I really hope they don't get to James because he seems like a genuinely nice person and responsible dad.
No. 1385768
>>1385749>so of course 4chan incels call him a "cuck"the 4fags who keep trying to force James' wife cheating on him into reality are so fucking disgusting and pathetic. Imagine being that obsessed with a dude who makes funny video game videos and movie reviews and takes care of his family at the same time. God I hate 4chan males
>>1385743>according to him he didnt even realize he was being cancelled during the 2016 drama because he doesnt use social mediaCould he get any more based? Or maybe not using social media at all prevented him from knowing what was going on on the internet at that time. But god that was another shitshow. Not only were his words completely misinterpreted by one side to portray him as a sexist POS but the aforementioned 4scrotes were using him as an epic anti-feminist, anti-SJW icon for merely refusing to watch a movie in his favorite franchise that he felt was a cash grab instead of a long-awaited sequel.
No. 1385839
>>1385834I’m so sorry anon, that fucking sucks about the dead teeth. What country are you in?Cant your dentist do just a root canal for free? Or at least just take them out if they really are beyond saving. That surely won’t cost more than a couple hundred and you can just about save that? Or borrow it? I’m sorry I don’t know anything about you but I want to help lol.
The yellow teeth can be improved with whitening toothpaste, it won’t give you a Hollywood smile but if you use it twice a day, 2 mins each time it might do
something. It only costs a little more than normal. You can also do things like brushing with baking soda. Lots of people have stained yellow teeth, myself included. They’ve gotten a little better since I’ve started caring for them properly but I know they will never be white again unless I spend absurd amounts of money.
No. 1385878
>>1385671>that can shit at home before they showerbut I can't time my shits to match my shower times, it's unpredictable. there have actually been more times i had to shit
after showering than before it
No. 1385957
>>1385930Maybe they have shit taste, I’m so sorry for you.
My roommates recently made dinner that I tried. It was a small simple chicken broccoli casserole that they used cream of chicken and mushroom in…….and an unknown amount of mayonnaise. I was assured it was a “little bit”… was a cup. Possibly a bit more than that.
So every bite tasted like a mouthful of nothing but Mayo……and they liked it and saw nothing wrong with it. Monsters.
No. 1385967
File: 1666716790516.jpg (55.09 KB, 1148x714, 8ssiczdyvjl31.jpg)

Today when I went to the local supermarket one of the employees smiled really happily at me and said she's really glad to seem me because I haven't been there for a while. It's a big supermarket, probably thousands of clients every day, I'm to timid to ever make any conversation with anyone so it was a surprise. I've been feeling really bad lately suicidal ideation level bad, lonely and completely invisible; her noticing and speaking to me feels like a sign from the universe that someone does see me. It's stupid and I cried like a retard in the fruit aisle, she has no idea how much it meant to me but it honestly meant everything.
No. 1385973
>>1385970My mom got mad when she realized I stop eating her food. Idk how you can cook for 20+ years and only get worse at cooking. I think it's because they refuse to follow instructions because they don't understand
why. There's gotta be a link between intelligence, the ability to follow basic instructions and taste buds somewhere
No. 1385980
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>>1384918Nonas I’m screaming
No. 1385995
File: 1666719563668.png (353.78 KB, 518x499, WHY.png)

>>1384918oh what the fuck
No. 1386003
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>>1384918I’m white as fuck.
No. 1386019
>>1385973>they refuse to follow instructions because they don’t understand whyThis is it. This is the root of what makes someone a shit cook. Cooking is like chemistry in a way, if you don’t follow the correct formula and process you don’t get the desired result. You don’t get the right chemical formula, you blow up the meth lab, you make a shit cake that isn’t perfectly soft on the inside or a soggy lasagne.
You can experiment along the way but as long as you understand how to deal with certain ingredients, how they need to be cooked and prepared so that they aren’t fucking shit.
No. 1386039
File: 1666721546217.png (1.25 MB, 752x1101, cl.png)

>>1384918Kek nona, laughing at Scorsese but I think you must be cute!
I always get Finn, Bette and Sasha here. I never noticed that but Finn and I do have kind of similar eyes, even though mine are light hazel, and similar cheekbones I guess? Bette's face expression is similar to mine, and I guess the proportions of my face are like Sasha's in a subtle way, plus it's also widish but not as angular.
No. 1386048
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>>1384918I did it with two pics because the Korean guy was an obvious fluke (I’m really white kek) and tbh I can’t complain
No. 1386059
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>Buy a pair of boots online
>Realise I don't want to keep them because I can hardly style
>'It's okay I'll just return them'
>Website doesn't cover shipping returns
>Shipping is gonna cost me 35~40€
Should I just keep them? The boots were 90€ and I do like them, but the fact that I can't wear them as often as I thought I would is making me want to return them even if I ended up losing half of the money
No. 1386137
File: 1666725794066.png (333.04 KB, 506x488, sdhjfjasdkdcjs.png)

>>1386039Hi fellow Finn anon. I'm
>>1385995 and keep getting finn as my top male pick in every photo I've tried though the women always switch around fairly wildly. Even tried taking my glasses off? Guess I'm just genderbent goth Finn with blue eyes? Seriously sounds like some shit corpse husband art. lmao
No. 1386155
>>1386137Anon we're twins, I'm
>>1386039 and I also get Daniella Pineda and Amy Whinehouse and wear glasses
>Seriously sounds like some shit corpse husband artlol
No. 1386178
File: 1666728454153.webm (10.57 MB, 853x480, 8da198d7aa230927.webm)

I had a dream where I invented this good tasting liquid that was sprayed on birds. This caused people to lick birds and then they died of salmonella. Due to the drastic drop in human population there were hardly any wars anymore and I won the Nobel peace prize. I woke up to my own cackling.
No. 1386223
File: 1666731783716.jpg (178.27 KB, 531x997, 1666727129909601.jpg)

No. 1386226
File: 1666732027310.jpg (99.21 KB, 684x1024, 1648148461485.jpg)

>>1386223Everytime there's a picture of Dumbledore next to the word "however" I lose my shit.
No. 1386285
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Not fitting for the MtF thread, but I watched Promising Young Woman a few nights ago. Didn't really know who Laverne Cox was, but when he first appears, he's talking to the MC off camera, and I immediately thought "what the fuck is this performance? Why is he doing that funny voice?" then they cut to him in this getup. It's pretty funny how even a rich celebrity couldn't get a decent vocal coach (or whatever they're called).
No. 1386286
File: 1666738290678.jpg (54.63 KB, 695x695, 1646463740539.jpg)

>be me
>school failure
>been getting Fs since fourth grade
>teachers told me i would end up poor or in prison
>friends always though i was retarded
>get held back a year
>drop out
>start learning things on my own
>learn blender
>learn drawing
>learn live2D
>learn photoshop
>mfw earning an above min wage salary at 20 while freelance and moving out of my parents house while my childhood ''friends'' who pity me for being a school drop out and are paying to learn art(lmao) are jobless and living with their parents
I fucking hate the school system, i am glad that most teachers in my country barely make a living, they failed me several times and bullied me in front of the class when it wasn't me, it was them and their useless archaic teaching style that sucks asssssss. I am glad i evade taxes(in minecraft) and i dont have to pay for their salary while i waste all my hard earned money on anime figurines and steam games.
No. 1386293
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>>1386290even with ai furries are still going to want their 3D sparkle dog OC to larp in VR chat and will pay top dollar for it and make me rich
No. 1386338
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>>1386286Congrats anon! I have a similar path! Got academic dismissal for having an abysmal gpa and never returned to college. Worked in shitty min wage jobs while learning pirated Adobe software through youtube and now I have a salaried graphic design job just shy of 6 figs with benefits and shit.
No. 1386475
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This trend is so dead and I’m in my mid 20s but I kinda wanna do this
No. 1386476
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Wonho announced this as his Halloween costume my body is vibrating with anticipation and soon I will be levitating and climbing up the walls until I reach full ascension
No. 1386637
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Online friend messaged me on discord asking why my tumblr profile is marked in red on shinigami eyes, kek. How about you stop being lazy and go through every single post on my profile and find out?
No. 1386731
Someone in front of a neighbor's house keeps ugly crying. I tried to quietly open the front door and get to my garage to hear more clearly just in case she was in danger. But I could only make out "I'm alone" and "he's gone". So either she was dumped by some male or a male she was living with died, most likely the former tbh. It's 4am btw
>>1386650>>1386637kek, I didn't know this was a thing.
No. 1386732
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Knowing about lolcows in depth made me a better person because any time I wanna do something I'm like "omg this reminds me so much of what (for example) Jill did were she said she was a real fashion designer while not even having any actual Industry experience. I shouldn't call myself insert profession I'm going to school for because I don't have any real credentials yet. I should do the work first. Don't be cringe like her" or "I should not tweet that, that's way too much information and I don't wanna end up like Shayna"
Before I started reading about those trainwrecks I was such a horrible pretentious, lazyoversharing person but reading about what that can lead to literally changed me.
No idea where else to post this, but I wanted to say it. Take this bat
No. 1386734
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I found this and thought of you all.
No. 1386749
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>>1386734>pinterest>>1386736It seems that the original pic is appreciated outside of lolcow as well. When I searched for the source I found a couple other iterations with other characters lol
No. 1386855
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Me conquering obstacles in my life like a champ today.
No. 1387134
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I love AO3. I am sick right now and I am reading all of the cool x reader fanfictions with my husbandos. Just me, cocoa, meds and all of the fanfictions from talented women. I always make sure to write a nice comment whenever I can.
No. 1387141
>>1387137Thank you
nonny, take good care of yourself in this flu season!
No. 1387226
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I wanted to buy a badge for my local anime con because one of my favorite artists is tabling and I wanted to buy her stuff and meet her (and give her a little gift) but it's like $100 after fees to get this badge and the badge itself for one day is only $65. I don't even give a shit about anything else, I just want to meet this artist. I guess I'll just wait until she reopens her online shop instead so I can just give her all of my money instead of paying $100 to just be allowed to shop in the artist alley kek.
I work in press and my boss said I could apply for a press badge if I wanted to and he doesn't give a shit, but the application requires links to articles of related coverage and we don't have any to submit. I was thinking of submitting any random anime con related coverage even if my boss wasn't the one to write it (since it's locked behind a paywall anyway) but there's like… none kek.
No. 1387324
nonny… I always wanted to have an orange cat! My mother would always bring these exotic cats, they all were nice. Sadly, after our last cat passed away (a bad reason too; my mother's boyfriend killed her when I moved out, as he always threatened to throw her out), I realized I still couldn't get over the fact that she was dead and I don't think I have enough responsibility to take care of a pet on my own. I am sure this precious kitten had a really good life, at least he can look after you in cat heaven!
No. 1387467
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how do i interact with people irl without the urge of killing myself increasing each passing moment
No. 1387525
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This image is haunting why is his face so disturbingly huge the iphone pro is pretty big but it looks so tiny next to him
No. 1387533
>>1387528These jubilee videos and cut button videos are my nightmare fuel, these people subject themselves to not only rejection but also that humiliation being permanently online for millions to see
Lol there’s really no way to understand why anyone signs up for this
No. 1387537
>>1387525I wish the internet had bullied him for longer. When he did his face reveal I was so hype for the fallout but it fizzled out super quick.
His face is really weird and he's waaaay too awkward and self conscious to pull off the hot twink vibe he wants to.
No. 1387567
>>1387525dream knows he has a dream works weird face, so he makes ugly cute or "kawaii" faces to offset that. So when people go-
>>that motherfucka uglySomeone will be like
>>he's making a faceOr so they can't see how truly bad looking he is. Honestly he's averagely odd looking, but the context of who he is and what he’s trying to do.
He'd look better just smiling and taking a normal picture, still oddd but not this bad.
He also looks musty
No. 1387572
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>>1387460>>1387495>>1387531I looked at that subreddit and there's not a lot of moids posting, based on when anon informed us I'm guessing it's gotta be one of these three, my bet is the middle one since he seems the most likely to be a degenerate that would want a loli harem lmao
Also I feel sad for all of the women fishing for attention there, what went so wrong in their lives that they go to reddit for validation?
No. 1387598
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>>1387525He looks so musty and unwashed, i can smell this picture, i feel bad for dream stans they really got tricked rip
No. 1387599
File: 1666829638074.png (Spoiler Image,487.28 KB, 585x714, FeLmyrpXoBYbkHc.png)

>>1387588Damn I gotta say, he's ugly.
Makes me wonder if my favorite streamer (picrel) is uglier than Dream or not, I like his personality too much to be able to tell anymore lmao
(spoiler just for nonnies who don't want to look at a male, otherwise a normal pic)
No. 1387602
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>>1387588He’s got Projared face…
No. 1387605
>>1387599Picrel looks average to ehh tbh, he has sexy eyes imo. My husbandos aren't even that cute neither so i'm not the one to judge but i just can't find something genuinely attractive about dream
>>1387602Jesus Christ on a bike
No. 1387610
>>1387599I'll give your streamer half a point more than Dream because he doesn't look obnoxious as fuck like ever pic I've seen of Dream. Dream looks like a caricature.
>>1387602Please don't ruin him for me nona…
I know it's a massive fucking cope but he is such a sweetheart on stream. He's got that kind of personality that makes me want to bully him a little bit.
No. 1387616
>>1387604I have a theory he tries his best to look uglier than normal on purpose because when he first became well known there were a lot of girls thirsting after him for some reason and he's in a relationship now; and tbh it seems to be working because even though he's more popular now than ever I'm not seeing any instagram accounts dedicated to admiring him anymore
Glad to know you nonnas don't think he's that ugly tbh, Dream is pretty appalling to me too so it's a relief to see my fave is not on his level according to people other than me
>>1387611appreciation of ancient technologies
No. 1387622
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>>1387588There's a fallout youtuber I watch who voice sounds exactly like he sounds. He did a face reveal and I think he's a weird looking guy hut his personality seems nice. He also struggled with alcoholism and took a break from youtube because of it. I don't know that kind of made me like a lot more, since I too am a alcoholic.
No. 1387626
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>>1387622What's his handle?? I want to check him out. I love RT's voice and honestly love popping on a stream to nap to lol. It's very calming.
>>1387624It's ok, I won't pretend he's not busted looking as hell kek. I do feel bad because he's aware of it too and he's said in comments that it's something he's insecure about. Just makes me want to bully him even more.
Somehow he's gotten two girlfriends before, and I'm pretty sure he's currently in a new relationship right now.
why can't it be me No. 1387628
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>>1387622oh my god. i'm sorry anon but
No. 1387671
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I swear I follow a bunch of yumejo artists and artists who draw non-ship/non-romantic art and yet I STILL end up with yaoi on my twitter feed all the time wth
No. 1387676
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This is so dumb but I can’t watch my local soccer team without thinking of Shayna because of the damn sponsor.
No. 1387695
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>>1387683>The nigel watches pornWhy are you with him?
No. 1387708
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big forehead ladies rise up our queen is back
No. 1387745
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>>1387599>>1387602>>1387622i always hated myself for having the worst taste ever and simping scott the woz since he's the most generic looking moid with glasses, now i know that there are women with even worse taste than me
No. 1387753
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Every so often I try to make pancakes (which I will be doing tomorrow), but I just fucking suck at it. I'm somewhat decent at cooking but for some reason I just can't get a grasp on simple shit like bread, rice without a rice cooker, and pancakes. I like frozen pancakes though. Those are pretty darn good.
No. 1387859
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He’s right you know
No. 1387879
>>1387859I just watched a new clip about a woman who was killed for turning down her workmates advances. Then I scrolled down too far and ended up in the sea of incel comments.
> Wow, would it kill her to just go on ONE DATE with the guy? > One date is all it would've taken to still be alive > Bet that date is looking real good now How to do scrotes not understand that dating creeps isn't a good method of self preservation either. Let me just go on this one date and then he'll turn into a sane and rational guy who thanks me for giving him a chance. Just one date!
No. 1387899
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My brain has broken since I remembered a long forgotten memory and now I cannot look at a light switch without thinking about my boyfriends MySpace page when I was barely a teenager and how he kept posting stock photos of light switches with shit like
Yuu were the switch on thee wall
in thee dark of the halll
that I’m still fumbling for
When we broke up oh my god he was a grown ass man too
No. 1387920
>>1387859Women's standards are low to the fucking ground. I remember fighting some incel on reddit who claimed to have put more effort into attracting women than anyone else ever would, lo and behold his post history and he admitted to not putting into any effort into talking to women. His only defense was "well I shouldn't have too". Seriously. If a moid can't get a girlfriend run because there is something seriously wrong and fucked up about him
As for the "girls like assholes" thing goes, absolutely not. In fact plenty of ugly actor moids have had hoards of female simps all because they played loving boyfriends in a TV show once, like Evan Peters. Men get worshipped for basically doing the bare minimum, hell women will feel like they found the gold at the end of the rainbow if they even find a guy who's not a porn addict and who doesn't cheat. Also a lot men who say this are in long term relationships with women they're ignoring or trying to cheat on (and failing). Men would kill themselves in mass suicide if the dating field was remotely similar to what it is for women, they already kill themselves if women "cheat", now it's basically expected in a straight relationship that the man is going to watch porn and ignore you, it's expected that he'll talk to random girls on discord but if you ask him to have a healthy boundaries between him and female friends you're the crazy one, hell most men emotionally cheat at the dead least but most women aren't even allowed to go to clubs without men acting like they're about to go fuck a bunch of guys behind their back. Oh and hanging one on one with male friends is out of the question at all. And then moids who lurk will read this and play mental gymnastics as to why all of this actually women's fault and not men's but at the same time will claim men are blamed for everything
No. 1387949
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Finally started reading Higurashi i am only 2 hours in and i love it, wish i didnt have to take a break every 5 minutos to google a word i dont know(ESL please andastan) also the original sprites are so good, there is something so charming about shitty art styles
No. 1387955
>>1387920 >As for the "girls like assholes" thing goes, absolutely notThese men see how common it is for women to enter into at least one
abusive relationship in their lifetime.. therefore we love abuse and we must actively be looking for assholes. That's their simplified view of how people end up in
toxic or shitty relationships. That women are in control and just choosing to walk into a mess. They can't grasp that its more common for a man to show up in your life looking like a great deal, putting on an act.. and then the mask slips later on.
Whether its abuse or just a
toxic pairing that stays together too long.. it typically takes time to get that bad and it takes time to pull away again . If they had any relationship experience they'd know that the honeymoon period is a hell of a drug and a while of being/living together can be.. a hell of a comedown.
No. 1387970
>>1387920>>1387955>As for the "girls like assholes" thing goes, absolutely notThe only people who say this are those who have no idea of what
abusive relationships are like.
No. 1387995
>>1387970They understand manipulation when women are doing it, they understand abuse when women are doing it, when men abuse women it's all about "what if she was a shitty gf though". In their mind, only women can be
abusive and if a woman is abused it's because she's too stupid to see through bullshit and leave and somehow that reflects more for women than it does for men
No. 1388002
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i wish all husbandofags a very pleasant thursday
No. 1388005
>>1387995>They understand manipulation when women are doing it, they understand abuse when women are doing it,I don't think they actually do though, because
abusive relationships largely share the same logic. If they understood such basic things as codependency, trauma bonding, etc… They would be able to if only cognitively imagine the world from the perspective of women. But they can't, which is why they deserve the abuse kek
No. 1388012
>>1387879never the man's fault for being a violent psychopath! no sir! it's the fault of the woman for not giving up her free will and setting her own boundaries instead!
>>1387995>In their mind, only women can be abusivebecause as we all know, women are the more physically powerful, violent and threatening ones lol. even if an inceloid tried to claim that women are just more manipulative, clever and malicious than men and that men are more innocent and easily manipulated, why the fuck are the overwhelming majority of politicians and people who hold all the power in the world male? why don't we live in a world where the majority of rulers are women? retarded delusional scrotes
No. 1388017
File: 1666866832494.gif (1.67 MB, 600x480, 23d.gif)

>>1388012>why don't we live in a world where the majority of rulers are women?we are approaching a new cycle of Neolithic matriarchy
nonnie. soon the mother-woman will be the leader of her children and the man she desires, should she do so. there will be a return of the cult of Inanna/Ishtar, led by female priestesses from the peaks of pyramids.
this is happening more and more every day
No. 1388040
>>1388036It honestly baffles me every time I hear about her referred as a monster and the worst, if she was a male she would barely be remembered by anyone since her kills in terms of number, violence level and circumstances/motivation doesn't even come close to what most of male serial killers do.
But of course she's so bad because she killed unsuspecting moids that just wanted to have some fun, oh so tragic
No. 1388049
>>1388030>i bet a vast majority of those women who killed only 1-2 moids were from snapping at their abuseA majority of female inmates have indeed suffered sexual abuse.
>>1388040>if she was a male she would barely be remembered by anyoneIt's because there are barely any notorious female killers but since they have to pick someone to represent women for those "top 20 worst serial killers of all time" they choose her kek
>>1388036Oh nooo those poor men who see women (and especially traumatized, poor women who live in the streets) as property
Meanwhile, incels have killed more people for having been rejected once. Or, in the case of Elliot Rodger, imagining rejection without even interacting with women
No. 1388050
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>>1388036Emma Goldman was considered the most dangerous person ever in the United States, labeled so by J. Edgar Hoover, for giving speeches and talking about wanting freedom for women kek
No. 1388053
>>1388048NTA and not murder (for the most part I suppose), but I have done some research on pedophile statistics by sex. There are, of course, less women who sexually abuse children than men; IIRC, of these women, a majority or so commit CSA as an accomplice to another person, and obviously, most of these "other people" are men.
To me, everything points to women simply not being as violent, degenerate and sociopathic as men, and moids manipulating or influencing women into commiting sexual and violent crimes more often than women act alone.
No. 1388077
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i wish there was an autistic website you could visit that would tell you how to do things. Every little detail rather than assuming you know. Even simple things like basic hygiene, social interaction, cultural things, fuck i dunno
No. 1388081
>>1388077>>1388068>(retard though we were dating for like a year kek)how does that even happen?
No. 1388091
>>1387802Long one but I've been single for 4 1/2 years after my last seemingly very stable relationship turned to shit overnight. I had smaller setbacks when I was younger and dating but this time idk how long of a break I'll need or whether I'm just done.
We lived together for years and he had just started talking to me about getting a mortgage and making more serious future plans. He brought it up. He initiated that talk. I'd barely had time to process that when he broke up with me shortly afterwards. I thought we for the long haul. He broke up with me one day and told me he needed to go on a solo break away for a fortnight to think or be free or some shit.. It wasn't a solo break. I spent those 2 weeks still totally in the dark about what was really going on and then I found out he had been staying with his mistress and using that time as a 'trial run' before moving in with her for good. He'd been off trying to impress her and her kids while I was heartbroken at home and not even aware that I ought to be fuming at him. The least he could've done is give me those 2 weeks alone to let that sink in but no. He came home and told me the moment he got back. I really spent weeks thinking it was one of those vague "look I'm just not happy" type break ups that can sometimes blindside you. Not a whole carefully planned out overnight replacement that was happening under my nose.
At first I had no idea how he even conducted the affair, he went to work and then came home everyday. He didn't have hobbies or friends so when did he sneak off with her?… he had quit his job and every day when I thought he was at work he was off taking her on dates or looking for a new job in her area. They also visited a sex shop and bought her one of those vibrators you stick up yourself and use a remote to control. That was my fave detail. Why did he bring up our future in the middle of all this and push the idea that we were stepping up our commitment? I wasn't pushing him for it. Anyway he had this seamless transition from living with me for several years to the next day living with her. Just like that. Meanwhile I'm fucked up years later. I'm done with hitching my bets on a man or my ability to mindread and tell whether he's up to shit or not. If he pulled that off so easily then anyone can. How do you learn to trust again after that.
No. 1388115
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No. 1388130
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>>1388081>how does that even happen?no fucking idea, i am as baffled as you are. I kissed him ONCE like a year ago to try and see if i like him then never again. Men are retarded.
No. 1388206
>>1388130AYRT, that's almost what happened to me. I made out with one moid a couple of times over a period of 3-5 years. We didn't see each other at all outside of those two times and we never even talked about a relationship, so I assumed he would understand that it was a casual FWB situation. When I tried to cut him off he told me that he thought I was his girlfriend. Like, how??
>>1388161>would pity him but he once called my husbando ugly so fuck himkek, based
No. 1388262
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I'm very afraid of getting married due to the legal consequences, my own family history and the fact that I generally only see negative shit in my line of work and while studying. However, sometimes I just want to get married for the loopholes, because your spouse can just say they didn't give permission and BAM, contract annulled, no consequences. Especially useful in these times, when trying to fight things in front of a judge can take FUCKING AGES and also costs a decent amount even if you do it yourself or ask your friend for representation. Or all the tax loopholes. Then I remember all the divorce horror stories, the custody over the parrot case and I just don't want to get into that clown world.
No. 1388265
File: 1666884612348.jpg (45.03 KB, 608x645, IMG_20221027_165828_629.jpg)

the name….
No. 1388273
>>1388265and it's on
terf island too, absolutely perfect
No. 1388282
>>1388262I got married when I was a naive 22 year old. I didn't realize just how young we were att (he was 24) Reflecting on it now it's crazy to me. We lasted 2 years. He left very suddenly. The most sudden and unexpected break up I've had to date. There was no blow up in advance but he sent me an email saying he'd be annuling the marriage. I scratched my head and never got answers. I tried to reach out to his parents and I was blanked. What did I do to you?? I still don't know if there was somebody else. That quickie annulment never happened tho. 8 years later we're still just seperated. We'd no assets to split so he's dragging his feet. Its this lingering thing in my mind.. like oh yeah I'm technically married. But like i said.. he left me and apart from an email. Ghosted. No pros to it in my case.
My next break up.. I lived with the guy for a couple months afterwards and he helped me to move. It was weirdly healing to have a split that wasn't just.. k bye.
No. 1388348
File: 1666888561794.jpg (229.98 KB, 794x1193, il_794xN.2936640140_o2cd.jpg)

I don't fucking FEEL like dressing normal just to go out of the house for groceries, I just want to get a cloak or robe and get my milk and if any normies ask me what I'm wearing I'll chat latin at them