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No. 1394926
Let's keep the retardation to a minimum!
Last thread:
>>1374405Nepotism thread:
>>>/snow/1623442>>1374414 ,
>>1374430 ,
>>1374454 ,
>>1374454 Nicki Minaj beefing with a female rapper AGAIN, this time it's Latto. She also bullies Megan the Stallion for have large feet
>>1374454>>1374597 ,
>>1374599 ,
>>1374601 Azealia Bank provides much needed commentary on the Nicki situation
>>1374456 Robbie Coltrane aka Hagrid passes away at 72
>>1374624 ,
>>1374625 Halsey releases a mediocre album and is seething that people think it's mediocre. She also has really painful looking bolt-ons on full display as her album cover.
>>1374709 Nicki Minaj reaps the rewards of marrying a degenerate rapist-murder
>>1383684 ,
>>1383686 ,
>>1383687 ,
>>1383691 She also threatens the woman who was a maid that had allegedly been raped by her rapist husband and punches down at poor people, the ones she supports, whilst she is at it.
>>1374795 Common Jk Rowling W
>>1374847 Mindy Kaling gets heat for liking Jk Rowling's tweet
>>1375209 Paddington bear actor buys 4 bananas and leaves
>>1375263 Aaron Carter continues to deteriorate
>>1375362 Elon Musk continues to exist
>>1375723 Billie Eyelish is allegedly dating a 31 year old scrote she met when she was 15
>>1375727 Jamie Lee curtis's troon son curses the world with his continued will to live; Anon makes an amazing observation about him
>>1377420>>1376459 Kanye West continues to be a loony
>>1376708 Hailey Baldwin and Selena Gomez are pictured together possible to defuse any ideas that they are beefing of Justin Bieber
>>1376884 Janelle Monae being a cringey pick-me
>>1377388 Kanye wants to buy a right-wing social media app
bonus >>1385015>>1377605 The BTS boys are being forced into battle
>>1377790 ,
>>1377801 Jason Sudeikis fears being cucked by local hetrosexual Harry Styles
>>1377809, 1378241 Ezra Miller pleads not guilty to burglary charges in a Vermont. Let's see how much more shit he can get away with!
>>1378248 (keep scrolling from here i won't post them all) Ezra-fags also lament the potential downfall of their special boy
>>1377833 Fatty James Corden gets banned from a NYC restaurant for being a cunt HOWEVER
>>1378006 The owner is a psycho who defends ghislaine Maxwell and forgave James Corden after a single phone call
>>1378177>>1378905 Kanye west gets sued by George Floyd's family.
clap if you care>>1378937 Billy Ray Cyrus' scrote brain causes him to leave his wife for a woman who is 1 year younger than his Daughter Miley Cyrus and looks exactly like his aforementioned wife.
>>1380158 Brittany shows us the goods
>>1380430 Lana Del Ray gets her music stolen and leaked for the millionth time
>>1380608 Anon kindly provides us all with a free copy of Taylor Swift's 5/10 album
>>1380839 Chance the fapper liked troon porn
>>1380858 Jared Leto sells his bottled up morb juices
>>1381256 Drake is upset
>>1381882 ,
>>1381960 Kanye mad about Pete Davidson's dick
>>1381985 ,
>>1382964 Ariana Grande and Khloe Kardashian looking weird
>>1382010 Ugly Johnny Depp, open at your own risk
>>1382098 More ugly moids
>>1382240 Kanye west hires Camille Vasquez and the Brown Rudnick firm, same ones who defended Johnny Depp
>>1383023 The Danny Masterson rape trial
>>1383094 ,
>>1383099 pathetic bulge
>>1383692 Madonna thinks she doesn't get enough credit for being daringly sexual at a time where it wasn't ok, despite the negative repercussions it had down the line for female artists later on. Cardi B refutes the notion she doesn't pay homage to her and is clearly upset.
>>1383906>>1384099 Ben Whishaw siting
>>1384434 Sacheen Littlefeather is allegedly a fraud
>>1384448 Lana Del Ray's cringey brother is a real estate agent
>>1384981 Leslie Jordan passes away from a car accident
>>1385686 Doja cat posts nudes and then deletes them
>>1385802 ,
>>1386001 ,
>>1386066 ,
>>1388302 Kanye west loses EVERYTHING and gets thrown out of the skechers headquarters
>>1387595>>1386934 Zac Efron is built like a Ninja turtle with a amish haircut.
>>1387283>>1387457 Keira Knightley Looking stunning
>>1388308 Drake makes up an excuse to push his album because he is threatened by taylor swifts selling power
>>1388579 Taylor Swift's
valid commentary on weight gets censored.
>>1389046 Rihanna releases he first song in 5 years
>>1389649 Brace yourself, doctor who is getting a burger version and it looks shit
what I did not include: sperging about jews, (c)rap-chan tier takes on Kanye West which revolve around misinterpreting his lyrics, bullying the appearance of women who haven't done anything questionable to themselves, sperging about Taylor Swifts' mid album, because who the fuck cares tbh and lastly, references to very old milk.
No. 1394947
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>>1394926Billie & her moid thought it was totally #punk #funny to dress up as a baby & an older man. This was obviously about the concern surrounding her entering another relationship with a massive age gap. She can be so confusing at times u literally wrote a song about being groomed & the abuse of power dynamics in age gap relationships why are u so pissed people are concerned for u
No. 1394954
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Megan was an anime character for Halloween. I thought this was actually very cute. Apparently the creator of this character has drawn her in one of Megan's outfits before.
No. 1394956
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Nicki was Cinderella (the ass cut out made it tacky, imo) but she also had a family thing based off of Honey, I Blew Up The Kids. If you look closely at her husband's pants you will see an ankle monitor.
No. 1394959
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>>1394943Heidi Klum as a worm, I'm in love
No. 1394961
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No. 1394962
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Janelle Monae was the White Rabbit and Diva Plavalaguna.
>>1394959Imo, her and Janelle are tied for best costumes this year.
No. 1394965
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>>1394956yh i’m surprised she didn’t photoshop it out how embarrassing. i seriously wonder what goes on in her head.
No. 1394975
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Kim Kardashian was Mystique.
No. 1394983
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>>1394975She also had her kids dressed as various music stars like Aaliyah, Sade, Eazy E and Snoop Dogg, but the most notable was North West being dressed like Michael Jackson and wearing his hat. Very creepy. Kim bought Michael Jackson's clothing a long time ago and iirc North has worn his jacket before.
No. 1394986
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Harry was Danny Zuko. This one isn't as offensive as I was expecting. I was thinking he would pull out another costume like the Dorothy one from a while back.
>>1394969Pretty sure her nails are just silver and they are blending into the background.
No. 1394990
>>1394959>>1394961I can't express how much I love this. She is a model she could easily had done a sexy costume and be done but she chose to do something goofy. I'm personally just tired of how costumes always had to be sexy so it's nice to see Heidi Klum do this.
Plus there is so much effort put into this. With a joke-y costume you aren't really expected to put much work into it but she chose to have a costume with so much detail
No. 1394993
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Megan and MGK were Pam and Tommy, Link and Zelda, and a priest and I guess a succubus. In poor taste and very tacky.
No. 1394996
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Kendall Jenner as Jessie from Toy Story and a cucumber. Both of these suck.
No. 1395001
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Lizzo was Marge and Miss Piggy.
No. 1395003
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>>1394990She has pretty crazy costumes every year but the worm is the best one yet for me
No. 1395006
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Olivia Rodrigo was Betty Boop.
No. 1395007
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Ariana Grande and Liz Gilles as Jane Lynch and Jennifer Coolidge in Best In Show
No. 1395008
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Kylie Jenner as Bride of Frankenstein and Elvira.
No. 1395013
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>>1395008Samefag, and an alien.
No. 1395016
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I guess ass-less costumes is the theme this year?
No. 1395018
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Paris Hilton
No. 1395019
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Vanessa Hudgens.
No. 1395023
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And last but not least, Keke Palmer. I really like these. I'm done posting pictures now, sorry for spamming the thread anons kek.
No. 1395028
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>>1395011I actually would have liked the dress if she didn't choose to have the ass cut out. Even if it's not my personal thing, it's a unique spin on Cinderella that fits Nicki and her style. But she had to fuck it up of course.
No. 1395039
>>1395023aawww these are so lovely. I kinda wish the nails on the Juliet costume where shorter since I don't think they fit the style but this is a extremely small nitpick an I admit expecting her to change her nail for one night is absurd
>>1395018I'm so tired of Sailor Moon portrayed in any sexual matter. Takeuchi Naoko wrote a romantic story for little girls but then the creators of the anime decided to get weird about it and now Sailor Moon is seen as sex symbol. Sorry for my off topic sperging.
Anyway why do so many celebs dress up as existing IPs? I guess they are part of pop culture so it makes sense that they are drawn to pop culture icons but still
No. 1395042
>>1394947Kek this is ugly but also wtf
I missed the original news and spotting of them togethet, I wouldve thought jesse was still with Devon and engaged or married at this point
Wonder if theyll do some angsty collab riding on sweater weather and bag guy or ocean eyes
No. 1395048
>>1395039> I'm so tired of Sailor Moon portrayed in any sexual matterI think this was the least sexualised character itt kek didn’t you see:
>>1395016 >>1394996
>>1394956 No. 1395052
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>>1395020Upon first glance he kind of looks like picrel
>>1395045I think they were just going to multiple Halloween parties throughout the weekend, but some were just for photoshoots like Cardi's. Honestly if I was a celebrity I would probably pay for multiple costumes too.
No. 1395064
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>>1395048I'm not saying it's the most sexual costume. I'm saying that it's a shame that a manga that was originally a power fantasy for little girls is only known in pop culture as the anime with the sexy girls. All because the moids at Toei fucked it up
image spoilered for being off topic but also for being gross No. 1395065
>>1394929even though i'm not a huge fan of rap or migos, this death makes me sad because based on what's circulating on social media, he was killed on accident (and maybe by someone he knew)
>takeoff and fellow group member quavo are at a party with friends>quavo starts playing dice/gambling while takeoff is sitting elsewhere minding his business>quavo gets mad because he's losing, throws a tantrum and starts argument accusing the guys he's playing against of cheating >things escalate and suddenly someone with the migos pulls out a gun and starts shooting wildly >this happens right as takeoff stands up to see what's going on and he's hit by a bullet>the other group starts firing back and he's hit a second time, one shot was in his neck and the other to his head, he dies pretty much instantly again this is based on witness accounts on twitter so who knows how true it is, but if real then he was basically at the wrong place at the wrong time and got shot by some idiot associate of his. had nothing to do with the situation yet ended up the only fatality while everyone else walked away free. it's fucked up, and now quavo has to live with the fact he inadvertently got his own group member/nephew killed
No. 1395129
>>1394929I know degen rappers aid in destroying values of the youth and adult populace but I realllly wish it was someone else instead of Takeoff. Migos is never going to be the same and Quavo and Offset will actually take this to the grave. Those three are like brothers. No, I'm not a current fan but just someone from Atlanta that used to hear their music and felt proud seeing them shout out our city.
I think the worst thing for me is that Takeoff was very tame in comparison to other pieces of shit rappers. There are so many terrible, woman-beating, rapist rappers and yet he had to go instead of them first. Sad. At least xxxtentacion died I guess? That dude was a literal fucking menace to society. He's not a rapper but I'm just waiting on Andrew Tate to fucking die already.
No. 1395179
>>1394959this is so iconic…
>>1395019she looks cute I think these are great
No. 1395217
>>1395152Oh I def agree on Kevin Samuels, his manner of death was absolutely 10/10. Thank you God for that one! It only would have been better if he had the heart attack after the woman left his place but instead he had it right after he took an erectile dysfunction pill which is still hilarious KEKKKKKKK.
>>1395188Oops nevermind I take back what I said here then.
>>1395129 No. 1395222
>>1394954I love this and I love her.
>>1394959I genuinely thought this wasn’t real when I first saw it, I thought it was a joke tweet because she always has ott costumes.
>>1395205I promise you assless chaps were not the intention for a beloved childrens character.
No. 1395325
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>>1394990>>1395014sorry nonnies but she's not as based and quirky as u think, this was her actual outfit she wore after she got her pictures taken
No. 1395326
>>1395315Right I love it so much! Black women always look really good when they do blonde or white brow/hair combos, they pull it off so well. This look is so fun.
>>1395325We’re supposed to be upset that she wore a nude bodysuit? Shut the fuck up mother Theresa
No. 1395382
>>1395330you're right anon, although i am not one of the "slut shaming"
sorry anons but obviously there had to be something underneath the outfit, she wasn't going to wriggle around and be all sweaty.
No. 1395424
>>1395352And had 4 children.
>>1395350God forbid a woman's body changes over time.
No. 1395483
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>>1394954this reminds me that she ships naruto and sasuke. She also watched black butler, megan is a based fujo i guess
No. 1395545
>>1395325meh I don't really think this is sexualised. It's a standard body suit you often see used in modelling or dancing.
And as
>>1395542 said it's makes sense that she wants to be able to move forthe rest of the party
No. 1395562
>>1395551The only two fashion options. A niquab and almost naked.
>>1395560Well since it's totally not sexual and anything else would be asking her to dress like a literal nun, then it's okay for kids to wear this? That's my point. If your answer is no, that this is too revealing for a child, and then you magically understand that trying to look literally naked and dressing in garbage bags isn't the only two pieces of clothing that exist
No. 1395563
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No. 1395570
>>1395566That's not the point… If you're not okay with a child wearing the outfit then it's probably revealing or sexual. That was my point. I don't care that she's wearing the outfit, but claiming it's not revealing or sexual is lying
>>1395567>the point that we're making is that we don't care if the outfit is sexual or revealing because she's a grown adult Then why did you butt in when I was responding to an anon saying it wasn't sexualizing and just a normal dance outfit? Did you even bother reading the comment chain? Speak for yourself, not others. (At least not without reading the comment at least)
No. 1395595
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>>1395545Come on, I'm not bothered by the costume (I like the worm one) but this is a cope. It's not much different from when Rihanna dressed in pic related, which people freaked out over kek
No. 1395608
>>1395600You got to be baiting at this point right? Let me spell it out for you
I don't care that anyone wore revealing clothes, the anon who posted Rihanna doesn't care that she wore revealing clothes. Are we on the same page?
It's simple. Claiming that it's not sexualizing is just dishonest, acting like the only other outfit options are burkas is stupid
(ok enough derailing over modesty or whatever , its not milk.) No. 1395625
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>>1395608I agree with you on the last thing you said but honestly not everything is sexual to people. There’s an difference between sensual and sexual and I just love the way she dresses idc kek. Let me spoiler it now since boobs are now shocking and horrifying to the alleged 95% female posters. More and more I’m convinced trannies and mean-mugged hunchback women love going into this thread to derail it
No. 1395626
>>1395625I cannot believe you’d post something so abhorrently sexual to this thread. How dare you.
No. 1395650
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>>1395643So what I meant to say was
No. 1395655
>>1395646When you stop thinking every anon you don't like is all the same person
No. 1395734
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>>1395665>>1394961Picrel are first concepts of the worm, makes me appreciate even more that she must've seen these and be like, no, that's way too sexy, worm it up
No. 1395882
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NBA player Dwyane Wade's ex wife says that he is forcing their son to be trans for media attention, this text is copied from the daily mail before nonnies respond thinking i wrote this:
>Dwyane Wade's ex-wife Siohvaughn Funches-Wade filed paperwork this week >She is begging a judge to intervene in their daughter Zaya's transition >Zaya (formerly Zion) came out as transgender in 2019 at the age of 12 >Since then, she has won lucrative modeling contracts and social media deals>Siohvaughn fears her father is pushing her into the decision for financial gain>She wants Zaya to wait until she is 18 before she legally changes her gender >Neither Wade nor his wife Gabrielle Union have responded to the claims>Dwyane petitioned a court in August to allow his daughter to change her name >>1395325She probably wanted to change into something easier to dance and party in.
No. 1395887
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No. 1395890
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>>1395882Samefagging with old milk, his ex wife also tried to sue Wade's then mistress and now current wife Gabrielle Union for bjing him in front of their kids. She lost the case but Gabrielle is still a homewrecker.
No. 1395912
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>>1395907she looked great at 54 and then after that she became addicted to getting too much surgery and now she looks weird.
Someone needs to tell these celebrities' about moderation and getting moderate surgery fillers.
No. 1395921
>>1395563I really hope their relationship will be "fine" (as in not
abusive) but come one now, he's 11 years older and the fact that Billie has been in relationships with sus moids makes me think that she'll open up about how
toxic their relationship is/was in a couple of years. "Connect on so many levels".. she has no idea. I really wish her well but I smell a dumpster fire. She's open about her mental health, porn addiction and insecurities and it makes her a prime target for creepy moids. First they'll shower her with love and make her feel safe, then alienate her from everyone and abuse her. Maybe I'm reading too much into this but I've seen it happen waay too often with people with such an age gap. No mentally mature moid (I know it's an oxymoron kek) is going to get with a 20-year old unless he has ulterior motives, especially if he's known her ever since she was a teen or child.
No. 1395923
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>>1395887Yikes, she is really botched. She literally has a uniboob.
>>1395912I feel like everything when to shit after madame X
No. 1396004
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No. 1396021
>>1395655Nta but when you have a distinct, odd posting style and sperg about the same topics it’s really easy to deduce that it’s the same individual because it isn’t like multiple people feel it necessary to do that here.
>>1395912She looked so good in this era, and even then people were making fun of her body.
>>1395922She is still a legend. It is kind of sad that there’s an entire generation that only knows her as the weird, bloated old lady abusing photoshop and trying too hard to appeal to gen z.
>>1395979What I want to know is why she is on her knees on the floor as an alleged succubus when they would absolutely not be on their knees on the floor for some blonde man in a toupee.
>>1396004How did he manage to stretch the entire length of his mouth half an inch on each side like a Dahlia grin.
No. 1396031
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>>1396004anton chigurh lookin ass
No. 1396046
>>1395864>born before the Soviet Union dissolvedI hope you're not implying that makes someone old.
No. 1396056
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>>1395979I am ashamed to say i was one of those people. I take back every ounce of praise i gave her, she is no better than a kardashian.
No. 1396057
File: 1667420355663.jpeg (41.88 KB, 379x640, 539A677A-6913-46AB-B871-B022E7…)

>>1396004I’m so offended. Reminder that we could have got a slightly older version of this Zac Efron but body dysmorphia ruins yet another attractive person.
No. 1396064
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>>1396056>>1395979see point
>>1395516 why do you expect anything from Hollywood celebs, their whole job is to look pretty and do whatever their bosses tell them too, I'm not disappointed in Megan Fox acting like this cause I knew she was a moron, MGK is also a moron, like all of them are good looking cattle basically, that doesn't mean I don't feel sympathy for them, but I don't look up to them, in fact I judge people heavily if they look up to hollywood celebs and pop-stars as idols
No. 1396069
>>1395979People are so weird about her. My theory is that a lot of them are millenials who hated and made fun of her during her first peak of popularity to seem cool, then they felt really guilty because that's not very girls-supporting-girls, so they projected this mysterious cool bi secret genius femme fatale persona onto her, and now they're freaking out because she's closer to what they originally mocked her for.
This whole cycle never would have happened if people could just see her for what she is, nothing more nothing less.
No. 1396101
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>>1396004horrifying. never was attracted to him but he was conventionally good looking. the man is only 35 and now he looks like he should be drunkenly arguing at the dinner table with the real housewives or something. is it like a really bad jaw implant? can he fucking take it out?
No. 1396129
File: 1667425296238.jpeg (60.16 KB, 634x1024, R.jpeg)

>>1396126picrel from 2019. The styling is obviously shit but he is still attractive. If he wanted to roid out, why did he feel the need to touch his face? His jawline isn't even that weak I don't understand what he's trying to correct in his public perception.
No. 1396138
>>1395897She literally is
>>1395483Am I the only one who feels like her liking anime is a PR move? Her favourite anime are basically the top 10 most popular anime. I know they're popular for a reason, but it seems really fake to me.
No. 1396139
>>1396126I think he just gets type casted as a muscular “hot” guy now. He absolutely wrecked his body for bay watch with steroids, diuretics, eating disorder and what not. Now he’s evidently using hgh and his face looks uncanny Due to “jaw surgery” but he got jaw surgery in a similar way to women who get nose jobs for their deviated septums.
After bay watch, he said he probably wouldn’t ever abuse his body like that again unless it’s for a special role, but he doesn’t really get any good roles, does he? He knows he’s stuck playing roles that focus on his body instead of his acting skills, and after everything he did to himself it would be sort of a waste of suffering and pain to reject them.
I mean. Does he even get normal ones? I doubt he’s getting casted very much because he is very unfortunately botched.
No. 1396152
File: 1667426993843.png (451.55 KB, 526x753, E94WOzPUUAcq55Q.png)

>>1396138I dont think its PR, back in 2020 she did a photoshoot inspired by a different mha character, she also references anime and ships in her songs pic related. Anime has become pretty main stream and like you said it are all popular animes she watched so i dont think its that far fetched
No. 1396180
>>1396129regular guy.
did his brain break when confronted with "aging"? is he one of those hollywood men that has the twink death freakout even when they're straight? i don't know him.
No. 1396351
>>1394983Ik it's for Halloween, but damn, that is so much makeup on a child.
>>1395005& She used to be the most natural looking Kardashian! She shouldn't have, would've made her look so much better than her sisters to be the one natural looking one.
No. 1396470
>>1395007This is probably my favourite celebrity Halloween costume, it’s pretty niche and way more clever than what everyone else did. I fucking despise the kardashians but kylie did look really good as the bride of frankenstein, even if it’s not original.
>>1394993I wish these two 3edgy5me white trash degenerates would go away. Megan is such a pick me piece of shit, dressing up as an abused woman with her
abusive ex husband, real fucking classy
No. 1396559
>>1396101Lorry Hill made a good video about him. The first changes to his jaw he made was already wayback in 2013. To give a summary what he supposedly done to his face
>hair transplant to change his hairline>did some work on his eyelids>multiple surgeries on his nose throughout the year, you can see the scar on his nostrill>before getting a jaw transplant used fillers on his jaw but looked like shit and bumpy>suddenly disappears, few months later returns and says he slipped on the water of his fountain and broke his jaw. During the months he was gone the fillers in his jaw disapeared>in 2021 he has gotten new jaw and chin implants which are larger. Also has gotten lip filler.>changed his jaw and chin implants again with a different shape thats less bulky. >also has gotten small cheek implants the steroids probably also fuck up his face
>>1396421He already changed his jaw before the "accident"
No. 1396569
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depp will be apart of savage fenty 4 according to tmz
No. 1396571
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>>1396569rih picked him & his segment is described as “cool & chic”
No. 1396586
>>1396101Why did it fucking stretch his mouth out like Willam Defoe
>>1396129Years of being seen as a twink pretty boy, advances from lecherous hollywood men, and constantly being the brunt of jokes for HSM clearly gave him quite a complex
No. 1396751
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>>1396569Johnny depp is being platformed by Hollywood and Amber Heard is legally stateless to avoid losing everything.
No. 1396810
>>1396571Why are nonnies shocked?
>>worked with rapper fabolous a year after he knocked his girlfriends teeth out and apologized for it, put him in her fenty show>>supports r kelly>>defended Rachel doizel>> defended that Slave Play movie>> made racists comments about Chris Browns newest victim (karracchue tran) for dating him.>> was a huge asshole unprovoked towards her fans back in the dayThen she cut contracts with two ig girls for making disgusting comments on domestic violence,but she worked with scrotes whonare violent.
No. 1396855
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sage for not the least bit of milk but Dustin from Stranger Things is dating the actress set to play Azula in Netflix's live action ATLA
No. 1396880
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>>1396875He should go ahead and step inside if he's such a bear
No. 1396904
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No. 1396925
>>1396720You couldn't pay me to understand Rihanna if you tried. She grew up with her dad beating on her mom and being terrified she would end up with a man like him, then she hooked up with Chris Brown, got beat by him, then got back together with him years later like it never happened, and now she's supporting another
abusive POS. Either she is retarded or really hates herself
No. 1396977
>>1396967oh please quit the fake sympathy. Do you know where you are? Have you taken a look at snow? If a woman looked like that you know damn well more people would be shitting on her.
He isnt even a good actor.
No. 1397013
>>1396828It's so she doesn't pay Johnny Depp and lose her assets.
>>1396833I have no clue maybe she has offshore assets or her parents have the money???
No. 1397025
>>1396964>>1396967Why does an obviously ugly man get a pass just because he's physically disabled? What's the difference between an ugly man and an ugly disabled man? They're both ugly because of their genetics and they both can't help it. If calling a disabled man ugly is cruel then so is calling a regular ugly man kek.
Big fat reminder that the girl would've never even made it into Hollywood as an actress in the reverse situation.
No. 1397028
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people on twitter are currently speculating if gwen is pregnant. IF she is in fact expecting a child with blake, then it would mean that she would become a mother at the age of 53.
No. 1397030
>>1396899Holy shit I had never seen the video but what the fuck, I thought nudity was banned off youtube? And is this after Chris Brown beat her, why would she choose a woman to play to her
victim and not a scrote? He brutally assaulted her and she doesn't make a fucking peep about it, she's such a dumb pick me.
No. 1397034
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Doja's late halloween costume. I think it's really cute
No. 1397041
>>1396569How is anyone surprised? Rihanna is notorious for supporting
abusive men. Didn't she defend Chris Brown and work with him after he beat her black and blue?
No. 1397046
>>1397043Well damn. Then again I think it was Robert Pattinson who implied a shit ton of male actors are taking steroids for their roles in action movies and he implied he wouldn't do it for Batman so I shouldn't be surprised.
>The Kardashians (and other rich people) are on some diabetes medication to lose weight, while that medication is in short supply for actual diabetics.I'm trying to hard not to alog right now you have no idead.
No. 1397049
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>>1397039he's literally in the same situation as the girl in hereditary. same disability as well. type casted because they have a weird face, which hasn't exactly translated into tremendous success. calling her ugly when she hasn't done anything would be just as counterproductive as calling him ugly, which is the difference between them and the cows in snow.
No. 1397052
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No. 1397100
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>>1397049she doesn't look like that anymore, she looks like picrel now. i kind of feel bad for her, she obviously is struggling with the way that she looks, and has decided to make herself even more ugly
No. 1397142
>>1397070>>1397137Something weird and/or quirky would've been so predictable. I was not expecting her to do something so adorable
>>1397139Like… yeah, I get it's latex, but it's in no way sexual. Girl, come on
No. 1397149
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>>1397139Oh come on nona it's a dress and stockings. What was she supposed to do wear a frumpy oversized shirt instead? She looks like the animal crossing villager but a human version, it's cute.
No. 1397174
>>1397150youre so weird are you also the one who was previously sperging over heidi klum too?
Do you gasp when women show their ankles???
STFU u are just as retarded as libfems.
No. 1397191
>>1397034I don’t care for Doja Cat and I’ve never played Animal Crossing but this looks so cute! It’s one of the best celeb costumes I’ve seen this year. I think she must have done it as an afterthought too, whatever she wore on actual Halloween had people confused as to what she was supposed to be
>>1397043> The Kardashians (and other rich people) are on some diabetes medication to lose weight, while that medication is in short supply for actual diabeticsReally? I mean I don’t doubt it but I’ve never heard about diabetic meds being used for weight loss. I’m not in the slightest bit surprised that morally bankrupt burgers would supply it to rich parasites instead of the people who actually need it. Also trying real hard not to a log
No. 1397214
>>1397028Twitter people are so terminally online two have never seen a woman that isn't on a screen. That is literally just a normal tummy bulge
inb4 "fatty"she's 53 just let her have a non flat belly
>>1397100>prideWhy do the facially unfortunate have to be some flavor of gendie? She looks like every they/them ever
No. 1397215
>>1396456Lmao anon, that is so sweet & innocent. I was a terror & my walls were COVERED in posters for a couple years in middle school.
>>1396933Right? I think Musa is prob the one with brown buns & I'm assuming Stella would be then the blonde next to her on the far right
>>1396904 but who'd they make the fat one?
No. 1397217
File: 1667510465280.png (1.32 MB, 633x948, this_was_not_the_meme_though.p…)

after "having been a recluse", chloe grace moretz's pr team digs up a 5 year old stale meme. an article claims she has been hiding because of the family guy "legs go all the way up" joke made her insecure. after claims of bullying having made her into a hermit, she says that it's just her "fuck it era", that instead of fading into irrelevancy because of thin skin or laziness, she is deliberately selective with her roles.
one of the articles posted this image of her, which is only slightly disproportionate, quite flattering actually. it is also attempting to advertise coca cola, and paint her as the "touch my butt and buy me pizza" girl. the original picture the meme was based on is of her in a black top and blue leggings, edited to look like the gondola spurdo. later there was another meme of her wearing a light blue t-shirt, with her upper body edited to look super buff. it would have been funnier if they went with that, and turned her into a bigorexic fitness influencer.
No. 1397230
>>1397028She has a great body. The dress isn't the most flattering cut/fabric imo
>>1397054 Kek
No. 1397258
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>>1397242what makes injections obvious? i think they all look very natural, and the light on the left side is coming from an angle that gives the women on that end more shadows on their faces.
No. 1397265
>>1397258i should have specified "obvious poorly done/cheap PS and injections"
all four of them have the mouth corners you get from injections (possibly in combination with lip lifts). far right looks like she might have had a nose job too but the picture is small.
No. 1397274
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>>1397232agreed. actresses already have access to stylists. picrel looks pretty. she could take inspiration from her red carpet closet. it's not that she looks extremely off, just the outfit was not flattering on the paparazzi photos. she could pull off summer dresses and those trendy cotton tracksuits in single colors.
No. 1397309
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>>1397217there are so many ways chloe could have been pulled off is she embraced herself with body positivity. that is difficult to do though when scrotes have been salivating, joking, and scrutinizing her every move since moretz was a child actress. i think she indirectly got groomed on the internet reading their retardation. she is mentally stunted from pedowood, seems to be stuck in learned helplessness. i read some article from 2019 saying she tried waitressing in dublin, and that "it was the hardest thing she has ever done", she couldn't take notes that fast. this happened around the time waitress memes went around, so it's still unsure if her own team made those shoops of her in the end or was that some scrotes doing. pedowood might be PRing her with a childish charm given these lukewarm memes and her response to them.
No. 1397317
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>>1396571>>1396569I've never cared about her shit lingerie, i'll buy from victoria's secret 50 times before i ever buy her trash. I have bought her makeup before i this is the final straw for me, I will never give her money again. Such a gross pick-me with her thug husband/baby daddy.
No. 1397327
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>>1397244no better then a moid or a moid itself or a weird skelly bitch kek. yes she has a short waist but in no way is she built like mike wazowski you weird cunts, pap photos make 90% of ppl look overweight and weird. she has a extremely normal average body type and you fags scrutinising her are literally male aligned weirdos. leave women alone and get therapy for your own deep rooted insecurities
No. 1397329
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Speak of the devil. Can’t he just leave her alone? He’s got his underwear gig with Rihanna isn’t that enough?
No. 1397332
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>>1397309hollywood makes it impossible to tell if a celebrity is being themselves, or a puppet. their whole work is basically faking things.
>these lukewarm memes and her responseif she was really a gamer then she would have ran into more toxicity than that.
excuse my sperging. i think the issue behind irrelevancy is really her sensitivity and chloe not being a big pickme, not pushy enough for this industry. she is probably being herself, taking things casually because as a rich girl she can. actresses that popped back up from hermit status have been pandering to trends on twitter and instagram. megan fox is behaving like a highschool girl in her freshman year dating a senior. it is mega cringe with the outright bdsm, but it is working.
sure, chloe tried gaming, and tweeted about it. but she did not make it her whole personality. no cat ear headsets and e-girl hair. she aged out of the teen and pedo fandom, and is not sparking enough controversy with older zoomers and millenials yet. even the quirky ice cream and pizza personality that worked for jennifer lawrence has been outdated for like 8 years now. does anyone know what actors and actresses do when they are not working on a set?
No. 1397353
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>>1394993the only time i thought this rat was hot when he dressed up as link lmao
No. 1397445
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Kanye the new Britney? #freekanye
No. 1397465
>>1397455yours need to keep you on a tighter leash tbh.
Anyway, I don't understand why people keep trying with him. Why send this to Kanye of all people and not expect him to post it when you yourself sound deranged. Also what I assume is a grown man telling another grown man to not use "cuss words" is absolutely hilarious.
No. 1397482
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>>1397445Is he a perv? He's 48, Kiernan is 22
No. 1397513
>>1397424yeah her generation is into that wisdom tooth shape, or ana-with-super-long-torso. it's weird, anything else is just grouped into "ugly".
>>1397453>>1397465trainer might be his only actual friend, and since he has no other friends and no family, the closest thing to a family member he has. kanye's a pornsick jerk but tbh he never had a chance once his mom died.
No. 1397529
File: 1667525102919.jpeg (Spoiler Image,177.14 KB, 1125x1955, 1BDDF152-E0D5-4FE2-8F4D-B096FC…)

Drake posts hentai on his Instagram story to anticipate his toxic moid “Her Loss” (ft. Future, another misogynist rapper) album dropping tonight.
No. 1397574
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>>1397529i really really really dislike "drake".
Anyway, Beyonce and her kids look cute in their halloween costumes.
No. 1397580
File: 1667526848689.jpeg (Spoiler Image,953.48 KB, 1125x1992, 509199A9-3F60-4637-9D1B-C4D3A6…)

>>1397529Drake posts even more hentai. Do you think he’s hacked or is he genuinely just this disgusting?
No. 1397586
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Abuserxfenty started trending and…yeah. Are they launching a mans line or something? Either way be interesting to see how this develops as I was surprised to see so many people mad about this
No. 1397588
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A little late, but posting for all the Anok Yai lovers itt. This was her Halloween costume, and this was at Heidi's party too!
No. 1397590
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>>1397574This made me look up more pictures of them and such a cute family minus Jay Z
No. 1397681
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>>1397500>>1397498>>1397470>>1397455>>1397453>>1397445the "trainer" aka handler is a military op, literally trained at Canadian Defence research institute.
btw, he was also mac miller's "trainer"
this guy kanye named seems to have a wide ring of influence over some very notable celebrities
(this is not the tinfoil thread) No. 1397682
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>>1397681harley pasternak's clients
No. 1397685
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>>1397529Hey, he has to figure out a way to get the snot-nosed suburbanite teenage scrotes with perms to listen and stream his album somehow
No. 1397697
>>1397687Not that anon but who are “us guys”? Don’t be shy. You know you want to say it.
>>1397688She never looks bad. Ever. That magnitude of natural beauty is fucking insane.
No. 1397701
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>>1397685It makes me legitimately sick that children will be seeing this. He’s 10th in the world on global Spotify charts…
No. 1397706
>>1397401Thanks ♥
>>1397432Nah, I find alooot of unconventionally attractive women beautiful, that’s my favorite tbh. Definitely not nlogy because I don’t have sm, it was just said that I must be fucked from instagram so I I gave the facts. I refuse to even take pics with a filter.
>>1397439>how busted you are faggot>malnutrition n hair loss skelly!!>pick up whateverWoah, that seems like that personaly offended youl. You should hit up snow I’d love to see how you react there. I think her and her body is ugly, I’m a normal sized, and happy with my body, woman with an opinion. For the love of sanity integrate, please.
Anyways referring to
>>1397445Has anyone watched the bj investigates videos on bam margera and the soft white underbelly, Amanda/Lima woman shit that’s going on? This is you if me major conservator vibes. I’m pretty sure she had a video on him already but it was less in his favor.
No. 1397716
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>>1397587Its getting real interesting now some people are trying to pull the race card/say you cannot say anything bad about riri because shes a black woman, despite the fact this thread was started by a black woman, we in for a wild ride! I doubt this will affect her sales though she has way too many fans No. 1397776
>>1397574So cute! Except for Jay-z, obviously.
>>1397034I can't believe nonas are saying this is "not sexual" kek go back to twitter. The photo set is really cute but it's clearly a sexy version of the character, don't be retarded. She's a grown woman, she's allowed to do a sexy costume. And celebrities like Nicki Minaj and Cardi B did sexy costumes in a far more tacky way, at least Doja's is cute and fun.
No. 1397782
>>1397482Whenever she’s posted it’s with some 40 something year old moid
>>1397682And she’s his client.. is it normal to speak of your clients like this or is it an LA thing
No. 1397833
>>1397829rihanna supported r kelly despite his
victims mostly being black girls. she just doesn't give a shit about women full stop.
No. 1397838
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No. 1397839
>>1397795Rappers stay behind on every trend. Just like when Coomye discovered dad rock and it was called "revolutionary".
Soon they'll start sampling anime openings kek
No. 1397843
>>1397042Lol celebrities could get ahold of anything medically, generally anyone with money can.
>>1397046Nta but she’s right. That medication is being labeled as “anti-aging” and is popular in Hollywood.
No. 1397856
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>>1397479He looks like he has a shelf that is filled with books about kama sutra and mk ultra
No. 1397860
File: 1667558498241.jpeg (Spoiler Image,251.19 KB, 1200x1600, F6AF1B8A-13F7-4912-8447-FD2E8E…)

>>1397586They’ve had ~male lingerie~ for awhile. I need her to go back to only using men that look like this.
No. 1397931
>>1397840having a round face is enough for the internet to disown you if you're a woman
it's REEEE JOWLY all the way down
No. 1397967
>>1396899Yeah I remember that video really disturbed me. The husband (played by mads mikkelsen) was the Bitch in question who fucked her over yet the whole video is focused on torturing his wife. She did end up killing mads but he's fully clothed and it's never actually shown on screen. Meanwhile the wife is hanging upside down naked from a rope, kidnapped, drugged and heavily sexualized the whole time. It's never implied that she personally fucked Rihanna over either. She's just presented as a spoiled Paris Hilton type and this makes it justified apparently.
>>1397582>>1397685Kek I keep reading this as "Hair Loss"…straight from my lips to God's ears, keeping my fingers crossed
>>1397929Yes please. Surprised "she" hasn't been redtexted yet for the emoji
>>1397942Jay is 6'2" and Beyonce is 5'7" so their kids are bound to be pretty tall
No. 1398020
>>1397059>>1397060You people are so pathetic for this loser ass bitch. Everything she does is sO cUtE, like? where????
I cannot stand doja or anything she does ffs she just pisses me off, no talent, atrocious style and appearance, try hard as fuck.
No. 1398131
File: 1667584982607.png (191.97 KB, 553x315, Capture.PNG)

Drake showing his jealously towards another woman and his hate towards women.
" “This bitch lie ’bout getting shots but she still a stallion,”"
Megan did nothing to him, like nothing. Even if it's about the thing with Torey thats weird or about her issues with her record label, Drake is such a weirdo and I hope his identity issues continue to eat him up.
No. 1398138
File: 1667585171217.jpg (43.95 KB, 416x900, 20221104_190533.jpg)

Have none of you nonnas seen Drake literally posting NTR hentai pictures on his instagram stories to promote his album? He is so lulzy
No. 1398147
>>1398138It was already posted,
No. 1398149
File: 1667585495646.png (129.12 KB, 412x149, e.PNG)

The hands say it all, YNBAM "Drake" fuck you forever
No. 1398150
File: 1667585496447.jpg (136.78 KB, 826x1146, FGqLC16XMAE8phG~5.jpg)

>>1395006YIKES! BIG FAIL!!!
No. 1398169
>>1398148Funny thing is that MTS has drama with her record label, one of those guys is some kind of thug/gangster from Houston. That same guy discovered "drake". "Drake" is very loyal to the record label guy and the guy also has talked shit about MTS on instagram all this year.
Plus "Drake" is friends with Torey Lanez. The guy that Discovered "Drake", Son was at the party thing, that Take Off from the Migo's was killed at. I believe it was his birthday party.
So the beef he may have with MTS may be multiple things. Either way he's weird and needs to stop projectioning his mental issues on everyone else
No. 1398281
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>>1398131I know it's Drake who said it, but I was actually kind of surprised at the line because 21 Savage tweeted that he was praying for Megan and wanted to give her a hug after she got shot, plus there was this photo. The people theorizing that Drake is upset because Megan wouldn't have sex with him are probably right. He also called Serena Williams husband a groupie.
No. 1398285
>>1398281i am so tired of drake and in my mind believe ftm tinfoil
nonny as bad karma towards him
No. 1398355
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Twitter removed it
No. 1398382
>>1398372its just two salty anons,
nonnie. everybody else is having a blast
No. 1398383
>>1398279Well anon, she is a model for a reason. Maybe nonnies should take their worship or her to /g/ where other female celebrities are also drooled over. I don't see anything wrong with acknowledging her beauty and keeping it at that.
>>1398281I just want lorry hill to make a video on him because i know for sure he has had work done. And still looks funny looking. Kek.
No. 1398392
File: 1667598211150.png (574.46 KB, 1420x1350, oiuhgfcdghjkljhgf.png)

What's kind of creepy about the Kanye thing is the media bias, I googled Kanye's name and that Harley guy and very few, non trusted news sources are covering Kanye's accusations of involuntary inpatient stays and medication when I searched for Harley's name. And then Kanye's name has no one covering the story and even supposedly reputable news sources like The Times, CNN, Forbes, NBC, Psychology Today, The Guardian, USA Today, etc are all just covering the stupid shit he says online. The first 4 pages of searching under "news" on Kanye's name only has one news source talking about the Harley accusations. I hate the media bias, it's like how none of the news sources covered Ghislaine's trial. It shouldn't even be about the stupid "Jews run everything" theory it should be about the power certain companies and people have and how they misuse it.
No. 1398424
>>1398408I agree but I also don’t think it’s nonnas thinking anok Yai is ugly or anything, it’s the incessant sperging followed by “let people enjoy things!” moralfagging. It’s Twitter behavior
anokfags, make an anok yai gorgeousposting thread in /g/ or something. Ezrafags, danofags, rpatzfags and dr1v3rfags were told to do the same
No. 1398438
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why is she still obsessed with him in the year 2022, im begging Sel to get a life and stop name dropping him everytime she needs clout.
No. 1398443
>>1398439she namedropped selena once in years and that was when she was talking about receiving hate from her fans.
Selena needs to stop with her Justin clout-chasing.
No. 1398445
>>1398440I didn't want to upset them. You know what happens when you mention
No. 1398451
>>1398441This. Also this thread currently reeks of moids and moids from 4chan because who else would defend kanye so much like this, there have been multiple anons who said britney deserved to be forced to be in a conservatorship just because she was a party girl in her 20's meanwhile Kanye is misogynist schizo and was threatening to kill pete and jews and that is totally okay with those people.
All the ugly hideous failed abortion XY really need go fuck off and go back to their shitty cancerous places. (and before some male gets mad after reading this and he starts spamming cp all over the place like they always do)
No. 1398458
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Megan Thee Stallion’s lawyer tells TMZ that Drake and artists doubting her will ‘look silly’ when the facts come out.
“I know the profound regret they’re gonna have when the facts and truth come out. Truth usually comes out in court rooms, and I’m confident that it will here.”
No. 1398464
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No. 1398474
File: 1667602429225.webm (1.35 MB, 1278x670, HDR04NkRDlDM65ll.webm)

when heidi klum was trying out her worm costume for Halloween for the first time kek why does it look so scary.
No. 1398525
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In news that I didn’t know was news, Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman are divorcing. Why did I think they were already separated?
No. 1398530
File: 1667606106348.jpeg (530.09 KB, 1170x1184, 6C9FA652-B376-48E7-93CA-D09963…)

Oops, it’s me
>>1398525 again, I spoke too soon. I guess they already separated during quarantine but hadn’t officially divorced, kek. Carry on everyone and apologies for the old milk
No. 1398540
>>1398418Okay. And who does the burden of proof fall on? It’s not like looney bins require proof to lock people up, look at /Antipsychiatry /TroubledTeens and similar subreddits to see many accounts of people being involuntarily locked up or kidnapped against their will, at that point the person has to “prove” they arent crazy.
Psychiatry has a literal history of locking opposition up(mostly political) and was used often by the USSR, this isnt news. No one will take anything a person labled mentally ill has to say, and this is used tactically. I mean fuck, look at what happened to Britney as a famous example.
No. 1398549
>>1398525Wow, that's pretty shocking. Why divorce after so many years of marriage and a child involved? There has to be another reason behind this.
>>1398526She's an NLOG. The worst type of woman, who will keep flocking to
abusive scrotes and throw other women and general logic out the bus for dick and validation.
No. 1398634
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Posting rage fuel for some of you
No. 1398635
>>1398403>>1398418>>1398540>>1397856>>1397479>>1397445>>1397681>>1397682Extensive thread about Harley Pasternak aka Kanye's handler: shit literally runs so deep, and no it's not tinfoil. Man was literally a military op, there's even a video of him talking about how he was able to get around real laws experimenting w/ these drugs because he worked in the military:, tinfoil) No. 1398641
File: 1667618324263.jpg (539.71 KB, 2000x3000, mymindandme.jpg)

has anyone seen selena's documentary yet? i just watched it. it seems pretty honest and i do sympathize and relate to her in some ways, but they make sure not to name drop anyone or get into any drama. iirc selena is mentioned in demi's documentary and selena does not mention demi despite demi being seen in the clip of barney.
No. 1398659
>>1398644>Insulting jews is a lot worse than anything epstien and his cohorts ever didnah i think operating a global child sex ring for the elite to frequent is much worse. but that's just me
also epstein was jewish and was conveniently murdered, for whose benefit exactly?
i'm not even gonna get into harvey weinstein.
>>1397445no sane person texts another human being shit like this. its satanic. not a peep from the media, not even TMZ.
No. 1398664
File: 1667621417985.jpg (187.98 KB, 1074x874, YLNwXoq.jpg)

>>1398661how is it a giant fucking reach when he literally threatened kanye in a text message with the exact details of what he would do? and already did DO it to him in 2016.
i genuinely don't understand how, after witnessing a case like britney spears, people don't believe in these handlers and their complete control over celebrities. this pasternak guy kanye named is absolutely on some mkultra type shit. it's not even tinfoil when the record is literally on his wikipedia page & we know devious shit is happening constantly in hollywood (e.g. weinstein, epstein)
dave chappelle talked about it when he left chappelle show and there the same thing happened, media called him crazy/on drugs. they sedate celebrities into submission and the result is often death
(not the tinfoil thread) No. 1398672
>>1398664go to the tinfoil thread,
nonnie. not everything has to do with pedophile rings, kanye is a schizo who’s off his meds and this trainer is run of the mill professional tard rangler.
No. 1398674
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>>1398672yeah bc this is a totally normal thing for a fitness "trainer" to say.
No. 1398675
File: 1667622347360.jpeg (100.75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpeg)

>>1394947>>1394951>>1395563to add even MORE reasons that this is creepy as shit. billie first met him as a fan of him when she was 15. around the time this ugly moid had released a song called "DADDY ISSUES". Lyrics in pic related. He is absolutly getting off to this grooming shit.
No. 1398686
>>1398674Literally just sounds like he’s intentionally being provocative towards a man he knows is mentally ill and could seriously believe in his own delusions that this will happen.
>>1398679Kanye being a nazi is overblown and he’s clearly having one of his yearly meltdowns, but you guys sound like qanontards
No. 1398689
>>1398686These are no speculations anymore this man already institutionalized Kanye years ago,
>>1398674 are not empty provocations and a fitness trainer shouldn't have this amount of power
No. 1398695
>>1398661>>1398672>>1398686these post glow lol
but seriously if you don't think this personal trainer who has connections to major news companies, is military trained with expertise in drugs that in his own words "the public doesn't have access too" is threatening to have someone medicated into a zombie like state and involuntarily institutionalized is at least a little bit suspicious especially in the post Epstein/media corruption era, well then you're just retarded and gobble up everything CNN tells you. and if you don't care because the
victim is Kanye fair enough I hate him too, but if it's happening to him it could be happening to a young woman that most certainly doesn't deserve treatment like that.
(''glow'') No. 1398740
File: 1667635561735.jpeg (79.12 KB, 933x1242, 253435318_4535566896520351_790…)

>>1396057crying because i had this poster above my bed during high school and college, the cope is real for us zacfags
No. 1398797
>>1398740I never forgot his stomach in that picture, ever. I kept it folded up and hidden away so I wouldn’t get my ass beat.
>>1398149Ftm drake joke is funny when it isn’t being beaten into the ground but I love the homosexuals trying to claim drake as a major closet-case most of all, like some of them truly believe it.
>>1398281Drake is a little bitch trying to do the 2edgy5me disses because he needs to get attention somehow.
No. 1398822
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>>1398510Reminds me of Chris Evans. He claims to want to settle down and shit too but there has to be some reason women don’t stay with him. It’s fishy af to me. I don’t have any personal tinfoils other than maybe he’s a big weirdo behind closed doors (and not the harmless kind) Sage for OT
No. 1399070
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>>1398664oh no the poor widdle bipolar male celebrity won't take meds, willingly acts like an imbecile in public and then expects that people won't threaten to institutionalize him? he is adamantly doing this to himself
celeb scrotes are prescription opioid addicts, cokeheads, psychedelics users and weed obsessed wackos but they won't touch psychiatric medication with a thirty nine and a half foot pole.
their problems have solutions, they just don't want to hear them. they want to remain tortured artists forever until their brains melt and they die in a puddle of their own bile
No. 1399137
>>1398710>>1399015>>1399065selena claims to have lupus, not lymes disease
avril lavigne has lymes disease
No. 1399138
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>>1398637You’re right. Her parents rented her out to a tv show at 5 months old and moved to cali when she was 6 to “further her acting career”
>career>6 years oldAnd they were rich too so they didn’t even need another breadwinner
>>1398822I always thought he was a bit gay and his face gives the same vibe a Drake to me. I’m not sure what it is, maybe the beard, lips and skin, the clean look sort of. Idk maybe some men just need to look a little rougher or it’s the cosmetic procedures (looks like botox & filler to me?) that make him look off.
Something about him is just weird to me.
No. 1399146
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Hillbilly troon to the rescue kek
No. 1399159
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Some of you nonnies need to go to porn addiction rehab too.
No. 1399166
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>>1395684She literally stripped off at the party 10 minutes later lol.
No. 1399175
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>>1398689OMG…you don’t need to have any ‘power’ to have someone Baker Acted/5150’d. Literally all you have to say is call emergency services, say you think someone may harm themselves or others and they’ll get locked up for 72 hours.
Enough with the Jews have spoopy powers BS.
No. 1399183
>>1398640Yeah it’s almost like this is all staged and bread and circuses bullshit to distract people from the real issues in the world, just like the Heard vs Depp case.
As if someone is gonna threaten a famous schizo over text and not know they’re gonna be put on blast. I genuinely can’t believe people are falling for this.
No. 1399191
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>>1399180The fact you actually typed that all out and still thought it was a good idea to press post…cringe.
(first time on a imageboard?) No. 1399201
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>>1399195Cringe. Literally wtf are you talking about you projecting manbeast. Take your meds.
(STOP) No. 1399207
>>1398540The article states the majority of sexual assaults are carried out by other patients in patients.
I’m sure predators exist like they do in every authority sector (police, religion, education, care homes, prison, hospitals etc) but the biggest threat is other male patients not psychiatrists.
No. 1399230
>>1399227this is a complicate situation where you dont know who to believe because the person making the claims is known for making fake claims about multiple celebrities for some relevancy.
This is kind of a ''boy who cried wolf'' situation because even if she is saying truth about Chyna no one will believe her because she is a known clout chasing liar.
No. 1399231
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this was a long time coming unfortunately.
No. 1399247
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>>1399235Rip I definitely thought he was closer to 40.
No. 1399260
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>>1399241He had a scandal in the 2000’s for dating Hillary Duff and Lindsey Lohan at the same time.
No. 1399279
>>1399267I dont know why and i cant pin point it but there is something about selena that gives me closet narc or closet psychopath vibes, like there is something about the way she tries so hard to ooze empathy or always strategically try to make herself the
victim of everyone or use everyone around her.
also the fact that her and her pr take down anything that makes her looks is another thing that makes me look at her side ways.
No. 1399280
>>1399231He came from a really shitty
abusive neglectful family, even a few months ago he and his mom were laughing about how she allowed lou pearlman to rape nick. Really sad life. Now Aaron's party is truly over.
No. 1399296
>>1399291Nta but other people who grew up in hollyweird don't usually do
>>1399248 tho, that's no excuse
No. 1399303
>>1398897Agreed. They’re completely feeding into their horrific treatment of women by tinfoiling it as some sort of homosexual statement. “OMG he’s sooo femme tendencies he’s just like me fr!” Okay so you’re admitting that you love to objectify, shit on, and manipulate women for fun even though you don’t like them.
No. 1399336
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>>1399231can't say it was unexpected the last big thing I heard about him was him threating to kill his brothers son and pregnant wife, I'm more surprised he didn't go out in a more violent way considering his drug abuse and mental health problems, he was constantly making threats to his own family when they were trying to get him help no wonder they all cut him off
No. 1399383
>>1399370i'm gonna be a loser here but i can't help it - lol you went to google academy, i went to nursing school and have a masters in epidemiology.
chronic lyme isn't real. sorry, avril.
No. 1399433
>>1399231It's for the best that his time is cut short.
>>1399278I agree, but he is also a confirmed schizophrenic and was genuinely mentally ill. He should have never become famous, but tbh i think there was no hope for him either way.
>>1399279The kidney transplant incident continues to rub me the wrong way. At least she sells pretty blushes… that's the only thing about her i like.
>>1399159Good for her for speaking about this tbh.
>>1398526She forgave Chris Brown after everything. Also A lot of women from her culture are hardcore pickmes unfortunately. I wouldn't be surprised if her family insisted she forgive him or she witnessed another woman in her life do the same thing as a means to not appear to be the bitter black woman. There's no hope for Rihanna.
No. 1399495
>>1399343Haha, exactly the same here. I was super into the shadowbox forum and wound up being pals with her assistant at the time. The Who Killed Amanda Palmer shit was a huge disaster but the the eventual merch was really pretty.
>>1399365Yes, she always arranged to stay with fans and local friends during tours because hotels are lonely and soulless or something. I don’t recall her bad mouthing anyones home but I wouldn’t be surprised at all. She got the idea to do this because when she was a teenager The Legendary Pink Dots stayed with her at her parents home and she thought it was super cool. I stopped paying attention to her right after WKAP came out so I’m out of the loop with pretty much anything after like 2008.
No. 1399512
>>1399470some anons found a way to get mad at this
>>1397034 they're either moids or women with moid logic. either way they need to fuck off
No. 1399524
>>1399521I guess so because it doesn't look skin tight aside from her stomach and hips. God forbid an adult woman wears an outfit that clings to her lower body on Halloween.
And those poses where her arm is covering her chest…so NSFW
No. 1399535
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No. 1399594
>>1399459>>1399571ever noticed how women who were abused as children in hollywood and women with mental illnesses still manage to not treat animals and women like shit? gee i wonder
Y why
No. 1399595
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>>1399535yikes what? nona they've been friends for around 15 years now. they met during their breakup with the jobros. they seem actually close and never made a song collab or makeup collab. i can totally see this
No. 1399598
>>1399595The yikes was in response to Francia's comment, she also unfollowed her. Sorry for the confusion
No. 1399605
>>1399600Right?? Didn’t Francia also say her life was completely fucked after donating her kidney to Selena too? Like obvs when losing a fucking organ but still I vaguely remember her saying that Selena started to ghost her afterwards
I agree w nona who said Selena has weird vibes… like I truly do not understand her fan base and why people obsess over Selena
No. 1399629
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if the blanket wasn't gucci I would have mistaken them for crackheads.
No. 1399639
File: 1667708529452.jpg (59.97 KB, 1200x800, twin-peaks-laura-palmer.jpg)

No no no, you're thinking of Laura Palmer
No. 1399656
>>1399652I think people are just looking at smaller social media stars like streamers or youtubers or straight up following politicians as celebrities
Celeb culture is gauche now that we can follow them parasocially on social media. We used to have to thumb through a magazine to get what stars "think."
No. 1399705
>>1399702I think nona might be talking about Selena here, hopefully… cause agree, Francia has every right to feel upset/betrayed after doing something so extreme like that. Despite Selena having the means to afford another donor or whatever.
But it’s wild how much many people are infantilizing Selena after her doc and how her group of friends aren’t really her friends.. but idk I’m a believer of you attract the type of people you are or like. Like one nona said, she has the vibes to victimize herself when it benefits her
No. 1399719
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Just remembered this old story. The time it was revealed that Bruce Willis spent $1mil on gifts for underage Aaron Carter.(rumor)
No. 1399843
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the kardashians dressed up as kris for kris's brirthday
No. 1399846
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Turns out bella poarch was married all this time
No. 1399847
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No. 1399849
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>>1396904i wonder if it has something to do with this.
No. 1399899
>>1399891People do drugs in the bath,
nonnie. The fact that a pedo, wife beater, animal abuser and drug addicted scrote is off the streets is a win for society. Kid never had a dad but at least now he has a chance of living a semi normal life.
No. 1399901
>>1399899unfortch the mum is also a huge mess, so i still don't have high hopes for the kid. she'll probably find a new
abusive crackhead to settle down with before the end of the year.
No. 1399911
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>>1399897Is this sufficient?
No. 1399941
File: 1667745941486.png (404.96 KB, 444x827, 166774190318183505~2.png)

The "jacuzzi" he drowned in?
No. 1399951
>>1399912>>1399911When were these taken? They are clearly two different baths.
>>1399910 may be the same as
>>1399912 but I can't tell.
>>1399941 this is also a different bath than the others.
Did he like posting stories about his bath time, or are you trying to say he was posting stories of the bath he actually died in.
No. 1399995
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>>1399970Lmao Hillary Duff tweeted about him and Lindsey Lohan hasn't said anything.
No. 1400016
File: 1667749893109.png (1.26 MB, 751x733, Screenshot_20221106-095000.png) plaster cast was taken of lady di's hand/wrist and is up for auction. Yep.
No. 1400051
File: 1667751942363.png (74.46 KB, 416x438, 166774190318183505 (1).png)
Damn, I take it that the news hasn't hit the beibs and others as of yet…
No. 1400057
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>>1400050They should re-cast that cast, carefully and make sure it's as detailed as the original and sell non-stop copies (preferably made out of unbreakable, water resistant material ect.) Hell, I'd buy one.
No. 1400097
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>>1400087She died when I was in elementary school and it crushed my soul. My parents were going through divorce, I had learning disabilities, I was in catholic school, my mother was nuts and the list goes on. YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF!
No. 1400112
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>>1400102Except for me. I wasn't joking.
No. 1400114
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>>1399535and then she unfollowed kek. The people who think selena is an alcoholic and just lying about her disease must be so happy rn kek.
Demi used to be friends with Selena for years but also said she was a bad friend and didn't have good things to say about taylor. she supported scooter braun to spite taylor i think.
Taylor and Selena just give me mean girls vibes. I will never forget Taylor seething about Katy Perry getting her background dancers and making a song all about it.
No. 1400126
>>1399846i am not surprised. Bella gives me trailer park vibes and her life is very sad
>lived in slums as a child>got adopted by army family>military dad was abusive to her>joined the military at 20>now she had a secret husbandwish her luck in her single life. glad she didn't have any kids in that relationship
No. 1400130
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Gisele Bundchen back on the runway after retiring to be a stay at home wife and cast spells for her husband to win matches. Notice how he's started losing matches again? Gisele stopped casting spells
No. 1400142
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>>1400130You know, families going their separate ways is difficult. My condolences to them all. A break up of a family.. is tough, to say the least.
No. 1400152
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>>1400114Spiteful Demi. Tard-rage incoming in 3..2..
No. 1400154
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>>1400151CALM DOWN! I will post them!
No. 1400159
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>>1400151Oh sorry, Instagram.
No. 1400169
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>>1399577>>1399600>>1399605Selena is an actual narcissist. You cease to exist once she's gotten what she needs from you and you don't have anything left to offer. Taylor will always be leagues above her, talent and fame wise so she's never going to waste that connection.
No. 1400183
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>>1400160he was huffing duster on Instagram live and drooling on himself even if you are joking I've seen many people on the conspiracy train about his death already claiming he was "killed for knowing about paedophilia", I remember I caught one of his lives once and he vomited on himself and ended the live presumably after huffing duster again, he was going to die one way or another and I'm surprised no one here has mentioned these lives yet
No. 1400210
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>>1400198Yeah, I know. He got slammed in the head too many times(HAS BRAIN TRAUMA) but I assume he STILL actually cares about his family, tbqh.
(Stop avatarfagging) No. 1400222
>>1400114honestly i know demi is a cow but selena was a bad friend to her, selena literally ditched her childhood best friend demi when demi was going through her first rehab in 2010 so she can hang out with taylor.
It seems like selena discards people once they are no use to her or have problems.
No. 1400224
>>1396039Sorry you’re off on this one
nonnie. Since it’s a n Irish Gaelic name variant of Joan (“god is gracious”) the meaning wouldn’t change. As far as spellings, of course there are many different anglicizations and other spellings do exist. I doubt they were going for the Gaelic meaning of fairy woman, so the point stands that the spelling is
valid and you’re jumping to conclusions
No. 1400229
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Trisha also showed her condolences to Aaron.
They had a short relationship back in 2019 which consisted of the two of them being on drugs and drama.
No. 1400239
>>1400097…so you want to buy body part cast merchandise that is being made and sold after her death without her consent?
Dead women dont belomg to you jfc
No. 1400241
>>1400237its the fact that selena went back to becoming a alcoholic again right after the new kidney and cut off francia.
Also Selena planned to have Francia ad her donor and guiltripped her with the doctor by letting Francia know that it was positive and francia could be her donor.
No. 1400244
>>1399843I thought Kim was a troon.
>>1400016People will always be so disgusting. Women can't rest even in death.
No. 1400323
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>>1399846It's funny seeing people say they didn't know when this info has always been out there she even has a tattoo of his name on her arm Honestly seems like she's getting a divorce because she wants to date famous men no doubt the dwindling tiktok fame got to her head but I agree that getting married at 21/22 is stupid. What I wonder though is if her husband can demand that she stops using 'poarch' considering that it's his last name.
>>1400126There's a tinfoil that bella botched and her husband have a son.
No. 1400372
>>1399943Twin Peaks was a genuine mainstream hit anon.
Source: I'm fucking old
No. 1400389
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>>1400169francia also unfollowed her on insta, but selena still follows her
No. 1400434
was until the whole cannibalism thing
No. 1400471
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>>1400389According to this twitter user, she's not been following Selena for longer than that, idk if there's any way to fact-check that
No. 1400488
>>1399943Uh okay you took my post too seriously, let me rephrase: the slogan was popularly used in context to twin peaks, as I remember there “who killed Laura Palmer?” posters. Really did not imagine my comment would garner pushback for something so slight and meaningless kek. Either way she referenced it.
>>1400016Nobody let Kim Kardashian see this
No. 1400585
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No. 1400696
>>1400609I wasn’t claiming it as a criticism either, just pointing it out as referential because it was on subject to what anon was asking lol.
>>1400672We get it faggot, you’re so aloof. You were still wrong tho
No. 1400731
>>1399847>liked and unlikedwhat a coward kek. how do celebrities keep doing this like they don’t know their liked content shows up on the feed?
>>1399849hopefully less trashy than the live action version.
>>1400114honestly they’ve all engaged in cow-ish behaviors. it’s possible they may all just be as bad as each other.
No. 1400854
>>1400585the real story here is that Selena committed an entire HIPAA violation and told Francia that they were a blood match before the doctors did. And she was the one to approach Francia about the kidney donation first.
Predatory manipulator, her stans can seethe about Selena not "owing" Francia anything. But anyone without stan goggles can see she's a narc.
Francia should sue Selena for getting information from the doctors before her.
No. 1400863
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In other news, Robert Downey Jr has really hit the wall.
No. 1400870
>>1400854God fuck Selena Gomez. Just threw this chick to the curb completely after she manipulated a literal organ out of her and now she’s physically scarred for life.
I always thought she seemed sweet but never looked into her. Puta for sure.
No. 1400902
>>1400863How old is he now?? I mean he does look better than a lot of ex addicts in Hollywood and as other Nonas said, he hasn’t (from what we know so far) isn’t a total fucking narco weirdo like depp.
>>1400854I feel so bad for Francia cause unless you’ve been friends/in a relationship with a narc, you don’t realize it till they leave you to the curb. Sucks Francia could’ve had a decent tv career if Selena didn’t completely fuck it up for her, she was good as the hot mean girl in cheesy shows
No. 1400905
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>>1400863He looks like Howie, kind of.
No. 1401072
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>>1401068Kek cold hard facts tbh
No. 1401197
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>>1401118She proclaims on her OF that she is PROUD to be on there. She is sadly brainwashed and her future looks bleak. Kate Moss being a half-sister isn't going to get her far. Neither is the $66,000 she's made since joining like two years ago.
No. 1401199
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>>1400863Kek it's like he's cosplaying Stanley Tucci or something
No. 1401251
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No. 1401285
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No. 1401295
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>>1401278either way I fee bad for him and other child celebs, honestly I'm glad my personal childhood crush cody simpson ended up alright, he's a pro-swimmer and dating another pro-swimmer
>>1401289a lot of pedos use stylized "edits" of kids, using it both as a legal defense and an aspect of their fetish, their was an actual pedo who made similar style edits to
>>1401251 where he'd use edited pics of young children next to demons or monsters, it was really disturbing
(get help) No. 1401303
>>1401273Yeah but look at the texture of the human faces and hair in the game, latex is the closest fabric that would match that texture. Also I'm not entirely familiar with the new versions of animal crossing but they're not fabricky in the game are they? In the og animal crossing the characters and layout has the same look as what I posted here
>>1397149 which was the costume she was going off of. But anyway it's been days can we stop analyzing her costume?
No. 1401310
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>>1401305I SECOND THIS!!!!!
No. 1401317
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>>1401303That's Aaron Carter (WHO JUST KICKED THE BUCKET) you fucking zoomie-tard!
>>1401340Then she can give the kidney back. Apparently, Selena literally asked her for it first, see
No. 1401386
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Knowing that Selina Gomez is such a peice-of-shit is starting to make me question if Taylor is such a nice-girl, you-know that whole guilty-by-association THING.
No. 1401451
>>1401328Not for every single little post tho
>>1401386I heard that taylor was a typical mean rich girl type in highschool
No. 1401496
>>1401364>someone and then make them think they are eternally indebted to youUh well, you kind of are. Unless they did something fucked up, I would totally feel indebted to someone if they gave me an
organ. The least she could've done is just take care of her body.
No. 1401500
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old milk but selena made a joke on tiktok about being a heavy drinker then got mad when someone pointed out her kidney transplant. she was a sloppy drunk at the AMAs even though she had to perform. I hope she finds a new spineless friend to coerce a kidney out of.
No. 1401640
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>>1401500>>1401502she drinks heavily and does Ketamine infusions for her "Bipolar" though she was in rehab for doing Ket before so I doubt it's only done for infusions (the weekend was the one who got her into it) so I don't think it's the best idea for treatment, that new Kidney won't last very long
No. 1401693
>>1401685Exposingsmg also did a weird ariana post where they said she fucked jim carrey which was allegedly later debunked by deuxmoi. I really dont know what to think of that rumor but I doubt they have an ongoing affair, he's known to pump and dump
agree they seem weirdly vitriolic towards female celebs
No. 1401701
>>1401640I remember a
nonny posting a vid of her and jb in LA known for picking up crack and other hard drugs, and some rando, not sure if it was a pap or not, recording them and they bolted when the guy kept recording. I’ll try and find it
So I don’t think Abel is the sole reason of her doing hard drugs, I just think she had easier and more discreet access through Abel than jb
No. 1401782
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Drastic lighting differences aside, this is crazy. She doesn’t even look like the same person at all
No. 1401800
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>>1401782This is horrifying. She looks like an Oblivion npc with stage 4 vampirism now. Doesn't even look human anymore and wtf happened to her nose bridge? Everything was beautiful before, literally nothing was wrong with her. I'm sure her mother picked at insecurities and that's partly why she's had so much surgery.
No. 1401809
>>1401782that first pic isn't even her pre-surgery, she's already had a nosejob there.
tbh the fact yolanda bought bella a nosejob to get rid of her arab nose at 14 makes me terrified for khai. if she inherited any of zayn's facial features or skin tone, yolanda's gonna terrorise her until she gets surgery or skin bleaching. that kid doesn't stand a chance.
No. 1401845
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Cher is dating Amber Rose’s ex/baby’s father, Alexander Edwards. He’s good friends with Tyga so that’s concerning, but she’s apparently very happy.
No. 1402015
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>>1401845Based cougar
>>1401879You don't understand jack shit about moid sexuality if you think their dick doesn't get hard to a 76 year old.
No. 1402017
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No. 1402037
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Rebel Wilson had a surrogate baby, its depressing but I feel this gonna become more and more common
No. 1402057
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>>1402037Seems a lot of rich/famous women are doing this now. Avoids taking 9 months for pregnancy and "ruining" their figures. just get a poor other women to deal with with all the burden and risk. Sad state of the world
No. 1402069
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>>1402061She was a reality TV star and was in crazy rich asians, but most of her filmography was as the token asian girl
No. 1402074
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>>1402034Seriously, they’re literal parasites. I despise everything about them. Though Kim’s original half-Armenian face was so gorgeous, I will never understand why she chose to have any work done. People say she wanted to look more ethnically ambiguous, she already looked ethnic as fuck, she could easily be one of my cousins
No. 1402097
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>>1402074>I will never understand why she chose to have any work doneIts cause we live in an age driven by capitalism without ideology, our identities are purchased and manufactured by elites who arbitrarily decide what we can like
No. 1402219
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Had this loaded up and pre written just for lolcow, if you are reading this I'm nonnie from the past, it's currently 2:05pm on 11/8 and lolcow is still down as I'm writing this.
No. 1402229
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>>1402219"Nikita Dragun left a swanky Miami Beach hotel in handcuffs … after cops say she was walking around the pool in the nude before dousing officers and security guards with water.
The transgender influencer was arrested Monday night on a felony charge of battery on a police officer … and it sounds like she was having too good a time at The Goodtime Hotel.
According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, cops responded to a report of someone causing a disturbance and being extremely disorderly at the hotel. Police say when they got there, hotel security told officers Nikita had been causing a disturbance for a long period of time and walking around the pool area naked.
Cops say security also told them Nikita ignored demands to stop causing the disturbance and at one point intentionally threw water on hotel staffers.
Once officers arrived on scene, they say they went with security up to Nikita's room, where they heard loud music being played.
Police say Nikita opened the door after several knocks, but when security explained to Nikita she needed to cut it out or she'd be asked to leave the hotel, Nikita slammed the door in their faces.
A few moments later, cops say Nikita opened the door again and asked security, "Do you want more?" Officers say Nikita then swung an open water bottle, causing water to hit and spill on both the security guard and the officer, resulting in her arrest."
He sounds so much like a man, thats what shocked me. Thought his voice would be better
(we have a thread about youtubers ) No. 1402243
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the way we just equally missed lolcow. I missed you anons.
Happy celeb milking (wait that sound dirty…)
Kisses for my insane celebricow posters
No. 1402249
>>1402243please spoiler this picture, reddit-chan. your post reeks.
>>1402229I feel like this guy will do anything just to keep himself relevant.
No. 1402251
>>1402219>>1402229THANK YOU ANON, i've been dying to sperg out about this!!! I don't care which thread he belongs in, all i know is that for a hsts who normally are good a passing, he literally looks like the standard fag with tons of filler. In addition, pretty sure the police gave zero fucks about him being trans. He's been booked as a man. I don't blame them and i don't think the police will get backlash beyond the few sanctimonious twitter users who are the type
to defend the gender identity of murderers and rapists.
No. 1402255
>>1402251>>He's been booked as a manHas he screamed about this? AGP's do the most whining and get the most "Support", so where's the "free Nikita/ Don't put her in a male jail" people at?
He probably won't see jailtime but, if he's really booked as male, kek. GOOD
No. 1402275
>>1402252anon just letting you know that unlike cc you will get banned here if you try to start shit again.
Bark like a retard as much as you want on crystalcafe but not here.
No. 1402297
>>1402292lmao im SORRY. im just used to everyone calling him she on social media, i follow alot of drama accounts and when they report on nikita they always call her a she/her.
So im not doing it on purpose i know its a troon.
No. 1402307
>>1402243 here and
>>1402279 here KEK
No. 1402344
>>1402267he is in his gabbie hanna ERA kek.
Also nikita dragun posts belong in the youtuber thread and not here
No. 1402346
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>>1402069very good flare gun themed death scene in Sorority Row
No. 1402352
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>>1402280I feel like the types of people who have nikita cancelled don't really know much about agps. I remember a while back that nikita himself calling well known agp Bruce Jenner creepy and I thought it was pretty funny. On top of that, i feel like a lot of that demographic probably see hsts as full time drag queens rather than actual women and since gay men don't get the same coddling trannies do being being a normie gay is now considered boring in 2022 the year of our lord, they come at nikita the same way. This is just a theory though.
No. 1402367
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Mariah plans to release her secret grundge album, which she recorded in 1995.
>Carey said she even did the album art — a cockroach and some scrawled lipstick. She remembers driving around, shouting lyrics to songs she wrote that nobody knew. No. 1402397
>>1402362Some HSTS do hate women(like how Nikita was doing the "blue print) but it's always for scrote attention aka "Straight men" or wanting to neg us because they know they have to settle for DL/chasers who'd never claim them and they have to expose (Like Nikita tried to do to Tyga).
But Nikita isn't liked AND he's a HSTS, it'd make more sense for a manlet gay dude like him to be the face of, "See? He has tits and he tries to look like a woman, they'll rape him" then, some unwashed child rapist/woman killer with a wig on.
Maybe it's because Nikita isn't that famous, maybe if it was Laverne Coxs people would care more
No. 1402413
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Katy got flack for voting for Rick Caruso because he is anti choice
No. 1402477
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I present Jennifer Aniston
No. 1402492
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>>1402477She was kind of pretty in the 90s but these days she truly is the most boring looking woman ever. She looks like she’d be the best looking PTA mom in the room, and that’s about it. These photos remind me of Brad’s creepy uncanny corpse photoshoot. They should get back together, they’re both equally average and irrelevant.
No. 1402496
>>1402492anon… be honest this
>>1402489 looks so much better than the uncanny mess which is
>>1402492 No. 1402501
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women > men every time
No. 1402509
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>>1402502I’ve seen her in some recent roles and she looks cuter with glasses but she’s definitely aged poorly,
her neck is very distracting No. 1402517
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>>1402509see what I mean about the glasses? they flatter her and make her look cuter
No. 1402525
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I agree Lisa Kudrow is cute then and now
No. 1402531
>>1402525lmao anon pls…Lisa looks slow and goofy and has a tall leathery giraffe neck.
Jennifer does have a huge ''chad'' jaw but she still look better.
No. 1402546
>>1402528She didn’t age bad, she just looks like she hasn’t had work done also she’s older than Jennifer and Courtney
This thread is wild, so mad when women have filler but then disgusted by a woman aging naturally…
No. 1402571
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Bbl Drake
No. 1402577
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Rest in pepperoni.
No. 1402579
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Alex Turner hit the wall.
He's 36, looks 50.
No. 1402584
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>>1402579Everyone hits the wall and I don't feel bad about it.
No. 1402586
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>>1402531Jennifer looks like Iggy Pop in drag.
Stop it.
No. 1402600
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>>1402586and Lisa looks like this
No. 1402614
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>>1402509Diane Keaton covers up hers.
No. 1402630
>>1402309Ive been here since before any of you were born
I am the nonaqueen, bow before me
No. 1402633
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>>1402413Yep! tried to post this last night lgbt twitter were really mad about it because they were stupid to believe she actually cared about them and not just their money
No. 1402635
>>1402413Her first music career was as a christian act and shes a well known member of one of those new denominations from north america though
If people are shocked by her anti abortion voting theyre just dumb
No. 1402648
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>>1402579Britfag curse strikes again. How do they age so poorly for a people who see the sunlight for only a week per year? (Kek I know he was always kind of ugly but in a way I thought was kinda cute idk)
No. 1402702
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>>1402694happens with the mountain men in my country, they start looking 40 by the time their in their mid 20's, I feel Caucasoid men just have the curse of aging faster then other races
No. 1402876
>>1402556Same, I'm tired of hearing this "poor little Bella being held hostage as a model" bullshit. Yeah her mom was a bully. But Bella wanted this more than anything, she was the typical Tumblr girl who daydreamed of being a brooding, mysterious thinspo model. And now she is. She's so rich she could retire right now.
Everyone wants to blame her mom, yet ~society~ makes her more popular the skinnier she gets. She's a mega skeletor right now and has never been more popular.
No. 1402914
>>1402614omg I was wearing something that looked almost exactly like this yesterday! Glad queen Diane approves. I still don't believe she dated Keanu tho. Their movie together was cute as hell and very inspiring. I too want a hot young bf when I'm older.
>>1402501its like they used the exact same snapchat filter for the bottom pics. horrible.
No. 1403113
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>>1402367She wrote a pro-trans song kek. Still excited for this, though. I think the album's cover art looks really neat No. 1403179
>>1403168>HeMariah Carey based
No. 1403299
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>>1403168>>1403204"Joe" is kind of based and pinkpilled
No. 1403491
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Nonnies… I saw a movie about a girl whose parents literally had her to harvest her organs to save their sick daughter… I'm thinking NIck is sick and maybe he's having all these kids, hoping he'd live long enough for a blood transfusion or kidney transplant or something. Im on to him
No. 1403713
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(Not sure to put this in emo cows or here since their music part of the alt scene a bit let me know if it doesn’t fit here so much) Tilian is being out back into DGD
No. 1403747
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No. 1403771
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>>1402579God why can't they stay cute and youthful. Or at least try not drinking so much.
Anyway, I'm glad Alex doesn’t use social media whatsoever, and we don't see his retardation/degeneracy (many other 2000s musicians can never)
No. 1403832
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No. 1403840
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I am surprised none of you brought this up.
No. 1403852
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>>1403847Okay(to each their own)but I think you're in DENIAL about people aging/peaking/hitting-the-wall. If a person dies young and never got older..then they never had a wall to hit because father-time didn't smite them in the way that he strikes those who are lucky enough to age.
No. 1403854
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>>1403847Say what you will BUT they had their day in the sun.
No. 1403860
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>>1403847Saint Angie, is that you girl? ARE YA STILL OBSESSED AND SALTY?!
No. 1403863
>>1403860lmao jennifer stans are crazy, she's just a hard faced woman, she was popular cause she is blonde with her tits out
shes not cute, not that there is anything wrong with that. doesnt make her any less valuable as a woman
No. 1403894
>>1403870ngl that surprised me because she seemed above it? Not like too good a person, more like too famous and intimidating to be so cringe and I thought she would have better things to do with her time.
I can't actually remember the details, if anyone has a link I'd like to re-read.
No. 1403901
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She is really out of touch and not getting on anyone's good side.