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The Lolcow Awards 2024 are finally out!

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No. 1484551

It's been a year, but we're back. A thread to collect topics/things that absolutely or mildly annoy you.


No. 1484596

im annoyed i made this thread originally years ago when i couldn't stop saying absolutely

No. 1484612

i'll never understand how these threads are different from "things you hate" threads

No. 1484659

I'm mildly annoyed when people with jam packed social lives, outgoing behaviour for years, life and soul of the party.. spend one day alone and are like
> Omg I'm suuch an introvert you guys. I'm one of those people who aactually doesn't mind doing things alone sometimes! Muh introversion?

No. 1484717

I’m annoyed by my own company

No. 1484943

Enumeration. Whenever I hear it I just get really annoyed and I have to skip it if it's in a video. It rarely happens irl so I'm thankful for that. Just the monotone voice saying each word one by one is so grating to my ears.

No. 1484968

when people use "aka" when they really mean "i.e". makes me wonder if they know it stands for Also Known As

No. 1484971

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That anything is “troon-like” to some brain rot nonnies
>female sounding name “ONLY A TROON WOULD HAVE THAT”
>liking pictures of cute cats because they’re cute/funny/whatever “TROON LARPING!!!”
>not liking traditionally feminine things or using dude/bro/ whatever “TROOOOOON”

yes I hate troons but it’s annoying that anything is tacked on as being troon even though there is obvious troon liking stuff like lolibait anime and whatever . Liking gnc stuff doesn’t make you a troon. Idk the mental gymnastics behind it is annoying

No. 1484972

Samefag i should have specified here on lc with anonymity

No. 1485956

It’s the autism

No. 1487202

I can't bring myself to play a certain game on my 3DS because I don't wanna get under a certain average hours played per session stat amount you can see in your stats, and I've been really wanting to play if for some days now but I don't have the time for such a big commitment.

No. 1487541

im annoyed by thread pic i know thats the point but its still annoying to look at
>female sounding name “ONLY A TROON WOULD HAVE THAT”
everything is a troon name according to lc. biblical names, old names, modern names, names taken for books. i feel like many farmers are so desperate to clock that they just start grasping at straws

No. 1487569

When it's cold so you put your head under the blanket but then you can't breathe and it keeps sinking onto your face. It's like an uncomfortable tent.

No. 1487748

my pet peeve are the people who chose not to sit at the window side of a train so when the train gets fuller, some seats are empty for the sole reason a person can't move their fucking body to the side. SOMEONE IS COULD BE SITTING DOWN(it could be me kek) AND THEY ARENT IT'S SO ANNOYING

hate is too strong of a word imo. i haven't written things on the hate thread because being annoyed by something is different than hating something. it's just not the same emotion

No. 1487784

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Customers who say “fine how about you” when I ask how they are PAYING, not “how are you doing?” I don’t fucking care how you’re doing I want to get you out of the line so I can get back on my phone

No. 1487797

I don’t date in these spaces, but it’s both funny and annoying at the same time how gendiespecials can use an “aromantic” label as a cheap cop-out when rejecting or breaking up with someone.

My gendiespecial they/them roommate got dumped by her TiF “boyfriend” (girlfriend) after one and a half years of dating, after meeting on a dating app. She said it was because she was “aromantic.” I could tell it was because she was just over the themby. You’re telling me someone who is aromantic would take the initiative to join a dating app and stay in a relationship for 1.5 years? It was also kinda funny to see the themby trying her hardest to stay PC while complaining, tiptoeing around the fact that the “aromantic” identity is complete BS.

I believe aromantic people may exist, but they’re not willingly going on dating apps or entering/staying in relationships.

No. 1487802

Also samefagging, I am seriously annoyed by the “how are you?” culture where I’m from in the US. What’s there to add besides “I’m good” even if you’re not? And do they really care?

It’s the worst when someone just wants a favor from me but they open with “how are you doing?” It comes off as disingenuous and I prefer getting straight to the point.

No. 1487807

If it helps some of those people probably do register what you really said but.. with a delay. Happens to me sometimes and I cringe at myself afterwards.
> Hiya
> I'm good thanks!
> fuuuuck

No. 1487808

It's just an americanism I really don't want the gas station girl to rant at me about her shift and how tired she is and how she can't wait to go home and also guess what happened earlier.. some girl did this to me the other day and I was like what the fuck (in my head) like please let me leave I just wanted a pop I didn't actually mean it. Like don't be obtuse

No. 1487825

I hate this shit too. I hate it so much, autistically so, and it's awful because I work retail but it annoys me every single time. A lot of the time if you answer, they won't even reply so I've begun to ignore the question entirely, though some still insist on asking you a second time. A stranger doesn't care about how I'm doing and I don't care about how they're doing. Just ask me what you want and go.

Kek I've been tempted to do this before. It may be custom but it's still a loaded question and people shouldn't ask unless they are prepared for the occasional crazy person to reply in this manner. That poor girl must have had a rough shift, I hope she's doing better today.

No. 1487851

While I’m at it and while people are reading this lol (I actually got stopped in the middle of this to do another one) I hate grubhub orders. There is NEVER a line in here and I can finish your transaction in ten seconds do not make me pour your coffee for you (it’s like hotel style jugs) because I’ll get distracted trying to watch the register and pour hot coffee on my hands!

No. 1487863

I absolutely hate working on something with someone watching me in the meantime. It's the most exhausting and annoying thing to do.

No. 1488006

While lolcow was down I wanted to work on my steam backlog. I wanted to start off with something that seemed short, and of course the very first game ended up being some troon coming out story lol. I had my suspicions pretty early on, but still held onto some hope, but when they got confirmed, I just closed the game and immediately uninstalled it got an achievement for doing more or less that, too. I didn't touch anything in my library afterwards, even though I knew this would be the only game to jump scare me like that, as that was one of the very few ones I bought completely blind without even looking at the reviews some years ago. Wish the devs would've put a trigger warning or something like that lmao.

No. 1488011

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someone I know will not shut the fuck up about being a "gifted" child despite not even having formal diagnosis. If anything they're probably just autistic.

No. 1488021

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Ever since the release of NH it's been next to impossible to find any turnip selling offers for NL. I only needed a few more millions to finally get the home ATM, too…

No. 1488106

When you try to use the numpad but num lock is off(or on??)

No. 1488119

taking about how much you want to kill yourself every time someone criticizes or ask you to do something is not as good as a look as you've think it up to be

No. 1488282

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No. 1488497

Unwanted magazine subscriptions. I'm not paying for this so any am I getting it and why couldn't it have been a decent magazine? I don't want to have to call them and give them all my info to cancel the stupid thing either. Maybe that's their gambit; send cheap magazines to people who hate it then harvest and resell their personal info if they cancel.

No. 1489685

I have an Hamasaki Ayumi song stuck in my head and I don't know which one it is. I have all her albums up until Guilty downloaded, so finding it won't be a problem, my issue is that I barely know any of her songs by name so I'll have to go through every single one til I find it.

No. 1489711

record yourself singing it or describe it and I bet I can find it for you

No. 1490226

that one poster in the last few vent threads who keeps bringing up white people out of nowhere and asking random anons if they're white

No. 1490371

Not gonna record myself for lolcow, and I'm shit at describing songs, but if I had to compare it to anything, I'd say it reminds me of the beginning up until the chorus (Don't leave me again, sono te wo…) of Kuraki Mais Tsumetai Umi lol

No. 1491243

That's fair, I wouldn't either ha. My guess would be LOVE ~refrain~ or Duty. If you're talking specifically about the line "don't leave me again, sono te wo" it sort of reminds me of the chorus melody of No way to say

No. 1491270


No. 1491526

Damn it really was Duty, you're amazing, thank you so much lol

No. 1492110

Glad my extensive Hamasaki Ayumi knowledge could be useful for once!

No. 1494142

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I don't want to be the kind of farmer who starts fights in the vent thread, but some of you don't know what a vent is. There are posts there that could go in the mundane shit thread but not in the vent one.

No. 1494146

I don't get the point of someone arguing over a vent. Not like what you mean. but I've noticed someone makes a post and someone else has to come in and tell that person how fucking wrong they are for feeling that way.

No. 1494154

Yeah, it's exactly because that thread is a minefield with possibly a baiter living there that I don't want to call out anons who make posts that don't belong there and further derail everything.

No. 1494983

i hate when a website takes a minute to load and the moment i click on anything it finishes loading so i end up clicking something else entirely. like when i want to go on /ot/ on here for example and it takes me to lolcor lite instead like. not what i meant.

No. 1494988

oh my gosh that's the absolute worst. also when a page seemingly loads, you start scrolling, and then it jumps right back to the top because some random video/ad/pic/etc hadn't fully loaded. totally random point too but bc the loading issue always happens on modern advertorial articles, I filter my google searches to 2015 and before, so there's more personal sites and blogs that actually cut to the chase

No. 1495064

I spend more time reading discussions online than actually partaking in them but its annoying even when you're reading a discusssion and its full of shit like
> I think that 'A' happened
> Omg are you really saying that A, B and C and D happened and then E happened and then after that F happened? You're nuts if you think that. God you're so stupid for jumping to all those conclusions. I can't believe you just said that
.. They didn't say that

No. 1495719

This is really more awkward than annoying but: when a woman is wearing makeup and she obviously put in a lot of effort and you can tell she feels like it’s on fleek but it looks like shit or is well executed but is just extremely unflattering for her feature. I always want to give them a heads up, because I would want a woman to do that for me if my makeup actually looked shitty and I was embarrassing myself, but I assume most people will think it’s rude and inappropriate so I refrain.

No. 1497252

I'm fucking annoyed by people calling male characters "babygirl"! annoying as fuck, usually coming from kin retards who want to troon these characters, can they fucking stop?? Like the whole babygirl shit with Reigen. I hate this retarded meme of mob asking "why serizawa calls you babygirl?". Not funny, cringe and ruined the scene for me. also serirei shippers suck ass, i know im a fujo retard but they are even more retarded with trans headcanons and fuckboy seri like stop i don't want to see this shit ugh!

No. 1498819

It annoys me that the best personal cows don't post in english so i could share with you nonnas. But basically i just saw a brainwashed leftie gay guy argue with trannies over the game, while the trannies called him out on his comments that child porn should be legal if the kid was ok okay with it and is now an adult. Ended up in trannies calling him a right winger, when he's the one usually calling everyone a right winger.

No. 1499234

I hate peoples whining about Valentine’s Day. It’s just a dumb holiday just ignore it if you don’t wanna participate.

No. 1499252

When people have a pointless Y replacing a different vowel in their otherwise normal-ass names. It's so fucking trashy and grossly American imo. A name like Kaytlynn has a McDonald's play place stench to it. Just fucking trashy and ugly.

No. 1499268

i vented about my mom being too touchy feely and overbearing and i got flamed hard by people telling me my mother is expressing her love and me not liking it made me a bad daughter. im sorry my mother still wanting to sleep in the same bed im using weirds me out as an adult…

No. 1499271

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Nona I didn't get to choose what my parents named me pls no bully

No. 1499348

Every fucking hair stylist at this salon I go to has this. It's so goddamn white-trash.

No. 1499531

im not from burgerland and i think some names like that are charming

No. 1503501

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Screw whining about loving both, goth and cottage core and w/e, and not being able to decide which style is "yours" now, loving different furnishing styles is where the real pain lies. Your clothes you'd change pretty much every day, your furniture though? You'd have to haul your entire room someplace else if you wanna go from monochromatic ikea catalogue to your childhood teenage weeb room to pinterest tier romantic bedroom, and that's if you even have the space to store it all. I think at least 68% of why I want a big house is because I can't decide between what I actually want my bedroom to look like. Never spent more than 15 minutes in TS2 build mode though.

No. 1503525

I hate this and also how people give their baby a name but then never call them by that name and exclusively use nicknames. Just use the dumb nickname then retard.

No. 1546414

It really annoys me when you bring something up and people say "omg i just got sent back to insert year here" and imply that whatever it is is now outdated and too old to people to actually like or whatever and that people only liked it years ago. Like older anime or games or even like certain accessories

No. 1546445

Kek I do this with the way people look. Been seeing the emo look on gen z trannies a lot recently like it's fuckin 2005. Sorry nona. Implying older media is dated because it's older is cringe tho especially if it's a classic.

No. 1546463

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I guess when others that are interested in the same topic as me don't really care as much about it and I end up looking like an unhinged obsessive autist when talking about said topic.

No. 1546649

We need a genuine ugly acceptance era like the amount of women calling themselves trans because they think they're too ugly to be a woman is fucking ridiculous and retarded. It's even more stupid that beauty is what defines a woman like what happened?? This world is dumb as fuck and im sick of how crazy the world has gotten!!!

No. 1546657

I dont think that would make a difference. The social contagion aspect of teens thinking theyre trans for the implied social currency and feeling of belonging will have to pass on its own, hopefully with very few casualties that fully transition before they are old enough to understand the permanency and sacrifices tied to their choices. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing but I do think giving teenagers the choice to have double masectomies a scary thing.

No. 1548104

Mental illness fakers are so annoying, it seriously makes me want to leave the internet because I don’t even hate them, but they’re everywhere, so they’re annoying like very persistent pop ups riddled with viruses (in this case the viruses are attentionwhoring and energy vampirism) the kind that makes you leave a website and consider a better option.
I particularly consider annoying the moids that fake mental illnesses, like bro, what could possibly traumatize you? Oh right, that one time mommy told you to wash your ass, I guess that’s traumatic.
I just want DiD to stop being a trend so it dies as a fashionable accessory and everyone pretending to have it can fuck off already.

No. 1548111

blogpost but I used to be sympathetic towards mental illness fakers. I either thought that they knew more about themselves than me so I was in no position to judge them or I thought that they had some undiagnosed issue and assumed it was something else(people with undiagnosed depression thinking they have schizophrenia etc) so they still deserved sympathy because they where well-intentioned and just misguided. Then I meet a bunch of people irl who faked mental illness and would legit claim that they didn't experience any symptoms but they still had a disorder they where just so special that they experienced it differently from anyone else. I know that faking mental illness doesn't really harm anyone besides being super disrespectful and I'm not going to lose my diagnosis just because someone lies but I just lost my patience with these guys. Most of them are attentionwhores and wants to be super special. I also hate how they hide behind the disabled movement. It's hard for me to talk about my struggle with my disorders because it gets drowned out by people who complains about meaningless thing like how they can only play video games on easy mode because their brain is too fucked up or something

No. 1548113

There is a group of 3 weirdos at my work all aged 22-23. One of them brought the other 2 in and they're all so cringe and embarrassing and use mental illness to not perform a majority of their tasks. This is their first graduate job and it's actually shameful how they get on, I just know they all cried to their uni advisors constantly because they have never been able to complete a task by deadline. They're all so lazy. I reckon a lot of their peers aren't mental they're just lazy and entitled as shit.

No. 1548114

People who think punnet squares and middle school biology explains everything about genes. Like, its just a simplified model to explain a concept, it doesnt prove or disprove paternity based on hair or eye colour. Too bad the teacher who teaches that also do not understand that.

No. 1548128

>all aged 22-23
that's the same age group of the fakers I have meet. Faking mental illness isn't a new thing but when my peers dis it it was only online and on the playground which still isn't acceptable but they never used it to get out of tasks or justify their rude behavior. It also only used to be people who where already weird or outsiders who dis it but now normies are doing it to. I think the lockdown damaged 20 year old normies and now they have a complex where they think they are the most special person in the room. I started university late so I'm a bit older than anyone else and it's so weird how they are so comfortable taiking about their mental illness but never the dangerous symptoms only the quirky ones. People rarely dis that when I was in middle and high school

No. 1548131

People who are obsessive about sunscreen because of wrinkles and aging, and especially those who obsessively smother their children with sunscreen because 'she will thank me later' or 'you'll be so jealous when I look 18 at 50'.

This is not how aging works! You are retarded! You will look older no matter how much sunscreen you slather on, because your face will lose fat and your bones will lose volume as you age. Genetics and lifestyle play a huge part in how you age and even if your mom looks great at her age, the same may not be said for you. Just be normal and eat healthy ffs.

>inb4 but muh skin cancer except you live in Alaska and wear sunscreen indoors at 5pm

No. 1548135

Won't the rubbing the sunscreen into the skin cause wrinkles and aging faster than if you were to not wear sunscreen anyways

No. 1548150

I mean sun damaged is the main reason you age. A woman can lose face fat and have a more defined face as she grows older but it won't make her look old, it'll make her look mature. However sun damage, wrinkles and uneven skintone does make people look older. I personally only wear sunscreen if it's sunny but I do think it matters.

No. 1548164

Sure, but gravity affects everyone regardless of sun damage. Wrinkles don't only appear because of the sun, they also appear when your skin starts to sag due to fat loss. Some people just have a more defined bone structure but with fat loss many will start to get jowls and marionette lines, which are the main things that make you look older.

No. 1550819

Nonna do you wash your ass?

No. 1552375

it is not, this is a widely spread myth which falls apart when you think about it for even half a second.


No. 1552405

I've seen busdrivers photos and the side that faced the sun literally looked ten years older each time so I doubt this is false.

No. 1552412

If you want to delude yourself into thinking you will fight off "80-90%" of aging just by applying sunscreen, be my guest. You'll just be sorely disappointed later when gravity, fat loss, and natural cellular processes take their toll.

No. 1552417

>science is wrong because i saw a viral picture once
lol really anon

No. 1552538

Silly anon, protecting yourself from sun damage doesn't free you from the natural signs of aging, it just protects you from having worse skin than you need to have. Sun damage is additional damage on top of natural aging, it's not the only thing that causes the skin to display signs of aging.

No. 1552591

I have to take a 3 week long vacation this summer because my work is closed and I'm already dreading it, I'll have to find something to do not to rot away in my apartment (and the city for that matter) but I hate traveling, especially for such a long time and when I'm imposed on the dates.

No. 1552611

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gross people that say "sun protection is criminal you should embrace looking like a shriveled mushroom"

No. 1552625

Looks like a man’s hands on female legs dumb dumb

No. 1552630

if the arm skin wasn't tanned, those arms and legs would literally look the same age. look how veiny, splotchy, and crepey those legs are

No. 1552640

Lol this is what my dad's skin looks like. Although not as drastic (because he's not pasty white).
Veiny skin is usually due to being pale, not aging.

No. 1552647

varicose veins are from aging. those ones are bulging

No. 1552718

Can it be summer already? Shitty cold weather has been here for half a year, give me some sun

No. 1552733

no it's too warm for this time of the year where i live. make america cold again.

No. 1553025

No yuck yuck yuck I have SAD but reversed I hate the summer

No. 1553029

No stress, no eating disorder, no pregnancy and STILL NO PERIOD. it’s been 2 months. Wtf

No. 1553033

My cat left a perfect lone gash across my wrist a couple weeks ago and it gets a lot of second glances.

No. 1553042

My sister saying she's only having a "small wedding" then it turns into her bitching about how she has to buy everything and how she shouldn't have to pay for her wedding.

No. 1553192

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tumblr mutual spam reblogging trans rights posts, guess she's about to drop another gifset that gets less than 100 notes

No. 1553204

a tranny probably stole it from you when you weren't looking

No. 1553388

My sister's cat I'm looking after is annoying. Seriously, I love cats, both of my cats are so sweet and silly, but this one is so goddamn obnoxious. It's stupid to be mad at a cat but she does that to me sometimes.

No. 1553391

Anon just go to the doctor.

No. 1557312

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I don't even think that drag is offensive to women but drag queens extremely obnoxious but why would a female artist cape for drag queens when most drag queens dont care about women? Also in the reddit thread I found this article everyone was hating on Taylor Swift even though she has nothing to do with this whole situation. Typical that the existence of a successful female artist is making everyone seethe even when she isn't doing anything but the same people will rush to protect grotesque-looking perverted drag queens. Male artists dont give a shit about drag queens and they fly private jets too and on top of it they are all sexual predators but no one was hating on them for not being activists.
This whole thing annoys me so that's why I'm posting this in this thread

No. 1557319

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saging because I forgot to add I found the same article on another subreddit and everyone in that thread was talking about boycotting the states that enforced a drag ban. I did not see the same energy and call for boycotts when a bunch of american states banned abortionno hope for women

No. 1557323

I cape for queens too because the majority of them are not child grooming demons but its true that women seem to believe it's their matriarchal responsibility to protect grown ass men just because they are homosexuals, completely oblivious to the fact that if the shoe was on the other foot they dgaf

No. 1557334

On a similar note I hate how every women’s sexual health clinic has to cape for troons and do the all are welcome spiel when men’s sexual health clinics put in zero effort in return. There’s one Planned Parenthood in my city but it’s hours are limited to 9-5 Mon-Fri which is the same time I work. Meanwhile there’s three mens sexual health clinics in my city that are open on weekends, but they specify on their websites that they don’t provide any emergency contraceptive services (even Plan B) and they only provide STI testing services to gay men, bi men, transwomen and transmen who have sex with cis men. I guess if you’re a preop transman who has sex men (I.e a woman) and you have a pregnancy scare you’re shit out of luck, because your kool n kweer health provider is more interested in excluding cis women than providing full care to the patients they do accept.
Women bend over backwards for gay men and troons and the favour is never returned.

No. 1557435

I'm kinda annoyed when people say virginity is not real, I mean I understand what they're saying (that it's not important, that purity culture is retarded…) but it's always sexyally active people who sy that shit, I'm definitely aware that I'm too old to still be a virgin.

No. 1557467

Better to be a "too old" virgin than having unsatisfying if not horrific sex hooking up with some rando moid (assuming you're straight) just so you're not a virgin anymore.

No. 1558962

When anons call a TIF artist who you can clock from artstyle and art subject alone "they"

No. 1559007

It shouldn't bother you, it really shouldn't.

No. 1559034

boyfriend smashing his keyboard
driving me nuts

No. 1562283

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My stupid brother won't wear a damn t-shirt at home, whether it's his own or our parents. He used to be a chubby, but now that he's gotten all fit and toned he just loves flaunting his stupid abs every chance he gets. He says it's more natural, but I find it absolutely infuriating. He needs to put a shirt on and stop acting like a tool. It's so frustrating, it makes me want to scream 'go to war and die'!

No. 1562343

This sounds very infuriating, anon. To have further understanding of the situation, I may need pics to corroborate, and then analyze the circumstances in depth

No. 1562352

Ewwwww, no

No. 1562372

pic or it didnt happen

No. 1562373

So much fanart by western artists is just parodies or studies of older, famous artists with characters shoehorned in. I get copying to improve drawing skills but the lack of originality is disappointing

No. 1562376

Ah, well, she tried.

No. 1562388

Gets annoying when the weekend comes around so neighbors have family coming and going all day.. and none of them can just say goodbye instead of beeping their car horns a bunch of times. I mean they're right there? They even came out to wave you off. Why are you beeping at someone who is stood like 2 feet away from you?

I'm sick atm and it woke me up twice yesterday evening when I was just desperate to sleep through the worst of it

No. 1566756

>been grey rocking a coworker for a few weeks because she's annoying me
>in a whatsapp group with her and other former coworkers
>muting the group because they are talking a lot and I'm realizing I don't like them that much in the end
>they apparently planned a dinner together yesterday night
>coworker asks me why I didn't come
Am I condemned to have to hang out with people forever just because we knew each other at some point? I don't even talk to them anymore, it's not like they were my friends.

No. 1566793

As a friendless loser I’m annoyed by what you find annoying bc I wish that was me

No. 1566797

I can't imagine being this ungrateful for people who are genuinely interested in your time. It's amazing you have any friends at all.

No. 1566798

Samefag, thanks for reminding me why I stopped coming here, this bitterness is unhealthy.

No. 1566804

going to disagree with all the other responses. if you didn't say anything during planning and didn't say you were going you didn't "not show up," you were never going in the first place. you don't have to be a part of every friend group if you don't even like the people.

No. 1566805

People enjoy social connections differently. I think it's fine if ex-coworkers want to randomly hang out like once a year even though you haven't met them in months but personally I don't have enough social juice to spend time on and remain in contact with people who I have such a weak connection with but it's social taboo to say that. Personally I had a small group of friends from my teens with whom I'd meet like once a year tops for a so called reunion. To me they didn't feel like friends anymore because of how little we met, we barely spoke online too, it felt like meetiny strangers so I ended up just saying nah I don't feel like doing this anymore. Wasn't appreciated. I don't really want the hassle of barely there social connections roaming in the back of my mind but some people do enjoy that. idk where I'm going with this.

No. 1566806

Ignore the friendless losers, anon. They are just jealous that people you don't particularly like or are close with "invited" you for something.

No. 1566809

This but also she should leave the WhatsApp group. that’s on her especially if it isn’t a very big group chat

No. 1566845

I had no idea my small vent would get these many responses, I genuinely thought it was benign.
They are not my friends, just former coworkers that I see like twice a year, I don't even think they are "interested in my time" since we never send private texts to each other. I always felt like the third wheel because the group is one guy and his gf and two people who get along really great, I always had this feeling I was invited out of pity since I give off abandonment issue vibes.
Yeah I didn't participate in the conversation at all nor was I @ed, it seemed obvious to me I wouldn't go.
It's my fault, I have to agree, to be fair I had forgotten the group chat existed since it's not very active, and I thought it would create drama if I left it during the conversation, I'll leave in a week or so.

No. 1566873

nta but this is such an odd reason to leave the site. it's just a normal vent.

No. 1566909

> had no idea my small vent would get these many responses
It makes sense if you remember it’s a thread for people who are annoyed, we have a lot of nonas who are on the edge lol

No. 1566922

Yeah but I was annoyed too, so where was I supposed to post? The vent thread is for serious shit and it's not really a confession.

No. 1566970


No. 1566974

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No. 1566976

No. 1567009

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No. 1567686

I'm playing some dumb as shit mobile restaurant game and I'm so annoyed by what they call a salad.
How is mushroom omelette a fucking salad?! How?! There isn't a single fresh vegetable in it. Worst offender by far. Baked beans are a salad too according to them. No you morons!
This game was made by some dumb fat American that has never seen an actual salad in their life and it pisses me off

No. 1567706

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>scrote shoots multiple women kills one

No. 1567711

Amber is desperate for a man.

No. 1568326

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sagefornomilk lmao

No. 1568534

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this isn't a cow board anon (and you didn't even sage anyway)

No. 1569233

File: 1683372812464.png (179.88 KB, 261x457, stupid.png)

Been seeing this reel all over and it annoys the shit out of me. I think people who got their houses bombed and had to fled their country because of war are more deserving of therapy than someone who got yelled at by their parents once or twice and think they might be ~*traumatized*~. Especially with the waiting lists, they're clogged up by people who don't feel amazing 100% of the time while there are people who can't even function, and they have to wait months longer. I get the sentiment and trauma olympics are stupid but it still pisses me off.

No. 1569324

Yeah, as someone who has lived through wartime, I hate that kind of relativisation.
Can't take seriously all the boo-hoo poor me traumatized 4 lyfe by some kids calling me names I read all the time. Get over yourselves.
Annoyed as well at how they appropriated the term PTSD to refer to their frivolous grievances.

No. 1570202

File: 1683476977966.jpg (1.43 MB, 2560x1660, 4524058-vincent-van-gogh-hokus…)

I'm reading a fanfiction that's AUing in the 1870s, and Protagonist-kun just compared Protagonist-chans looks to van Goghs Starry Night, as if it wasn't painted almost twenty years later. Get your facts straight, sensei.

No. 1570240

Whenever I witness this kind of autism in the wild I feel like I'm getting blessed. Like I'm seeing a capybara cross the road and disappear into a forest

No. 1570373

I want to see the Bulgarian mountain range, why are there humans in my nature documentary, get out reeeeeeee

No. 1570377

What planet do you live on where people go to therapy because their parents yelled at them “once or twice” because it certainly isn’t Earth. You’re getting angry at something you made up in your head.

No. 1570384

You should seriously take a long look at yourself if statement "we all deserve support and recovery" annoys you so much.

No. 1570431

I'm usually pretty forgiving when it comes to historical inaccuracies in fanfiction since the authors are writing them for free in their sparetime so of course it's not going to be the most well researched thing ever. But this one would have been so easy/quick to fact check
how is that post autistic? anon is bringing up a valid point

No. 1570484

>go to small get together with a friend and some people I don't really know
>have a fine night, have some conversations but mostly chill and listen
>the next day suddenly get a text from one of the people who were there, say something along the lines of 'was a fun night, had some good talks'
>responds with 'well I guess nobody is going to be honest, disappointing' and starts vagueing when I tell him I have no idea what he's talking about
Why can people not just be fucking upfront about what they mean and not treat everything like it has some hidden intention behind it? I legit don't get what's going on. Hate when people refuse to have an open conversation, with some people I feel like everything I say is going to be misinterpreted in some way and in exchange I'm supposed to be able to read their minds. I don't care for drama, stop acting like you can't say what you mean outright because you think I'm going to screencap the conversation and shittalk you or some deranged bullshit like that. These people are well into their thirties too, just say what you think damn it.

No. 1571308

My muslim friend boycotts Zara because they exploit Uyghurs (and i agree, i haven't bought fast fashion in years) but she just bought like 10 abayas on shein. Imagine being a musilm slave and you're forced to make halah's clothes for someone in a free counrty

No. 1571363

When the phone update fucks everything up and makes it ugly. Whoever made these new design decisions is a fucking buffoon. Yeah who wants their stuff nicely centered and organized on their phone it should be LEFT side aligned and really tiny with no way to change it yess hmmmm much better now I will go eat garbage and poopoo cuz that's what I like too

No. 1571382

I've also lived through wartime and think you need therapy. Stop gatekeeping trauma, you don't know anyone's story. If I saw you on the street I'd probably think you're a whiny, spoiled brat too. You're not special, I'm sorry you suffered and I'm sorry it was for nothing but you don't get a medal for being the most oppressed. Let people be sad.

No. 1571427

Nta but my ex was exactly like this. Had extreme anxiety, physically cannot interact with other people that isn't immediate family, very sensitive, and gets easily traumatized. It's becoming a common trait for people who are terminally online and mentally ill with depression and anxiety, but are privileged to have upper middle class parents to support their terminally online lifestyle.

No. 1571457

ntayrt but i acted like this too, long before even learning how to use a computer so idk if it's from an online thing. tho i don't visit therapists over it.

No. 1571461

Maybe you should.

No. 1571469

When I’m online shopping and the site makes you click the product listing before it tells you it’s out of fucking stock. How hard is it to put “(Out of Stock)” after the product name? Now I have to hit the back button and scroll all the way back down to where I was initially before clicking the out-of-stock product. Any Sephora.com web devs on lolcow, pls fix this I hate it so much

No. 1571472

There's obviously something mentally wrong with your ex and he still needs some type of help to become functional. You can become mentally ill without experiencing serious trauma.

No. 1571513

Looking up recipes and seeing that it only has cup measurements instead of by the gram.

No. 1571695

Opposite too tbh. Had to buy a kitchen scale because I like euro food and native recipes are better.
I once saw an American putting cayenne pepper in "Italian" seasoning I am not kidding.

No. 1571723

File: 1683605339774.webm (4.77 MB, 406x720, RDT_20230508_210408.webm)

Men who have to go through some whole ass mental gymnastics to justify their attraction to a trans woman are so annoying (picrel). Just admit you're a faggot. The actual straight men know exactly what they want and it's not someone who used to be a man.

No. 1571761

I only watched a bit
>I didn't want to fuck her (him) 10 years ago, i want to fuck her (him) now, she's fit
So fucking disgusting.I don't even get whats funny about this, as a TERF it's disgusting because it's gay mumble jumble, imagine what he says about actual women? If he sees a troon and goes, "I wanna fuck her now!!" it's not funny at all. Just gross.
Also i hate the "If an attractive woman used to be a man would you not fuck her because she used to be an man conversation?"

Why do they assume everyone regardless of gender is like them? Then if you say, "No I would'nt fuck John Cena with a coochie or fuck Megan Fox with a dick" they say, "Your lying".
Just because gentials don't matter to YOU doesn't mean everyone else is that way. Like I'll eat a off brand honey bun, but I would'nt eat a perfect replica of an honey bun made out of Clay, no matter how good it looks.

and when we're speaking on troon fake gentials, it's more like "An lump of unpainted clay, hapazardly rolled vaguely into a honey bun shape, thats breaking apart on the ends. And you only know what it is because someone placed it inside an honey bun package that was already used. Otherwise it looks like shit"

No. 1571963

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which lolcow farm are these people even talking about, where are all those pedo anons, what is this schizo shit?
i've been here for way too long and while infighting was always big, there seemingly have never been more tinhatters here than now

No. 1572344

>which lolcow farm are these people even talking about, where are all those pedo anons
/meta/, unpopular opinions thread (idk about right now but if you scroll back a week ago or check the end of the last thread yes), possibly the fujo thread from what others said (not a regular there)

No. 1572346

samefag there was also a big fight about female pedos going after real kids in the previous vent thread

No. 1572381

The word twink has been annoying me for some reason. It’s become part of coomer culture as well and when people describe men as twinks the conversation steers into fake-gay conversations similar to straight women going “omg i wish j were a lesbian WOMEN ARE SO PRETTY!!”

No. 1572393

Please watch the Eurovision semi finale w meeee

No. 1572675

When people in FB groups flood a group with the same questions someone else has asked in the past, or posts the same ad instead of bumping their previous post. There is a search function so you can put in keywords, people. I'm so spoiled with imageboards being somewhat organized I guess this is dumb to get annoyed with.

No. 1572701

>"Oooh this hair is nice"
>click link
>Goes to paetron
>Hair has been locked for 2 years
>Search sims rebels, Kemono everywhere, nobody fucking has it
>literally spend hours watching youtube videos with "Urban Hair CC folders" connected to find that hair
>Nobody has it
I hate sims 4 permapaywall creators, I really do

No. 1572718

Nonas who claim they know the exact nona they are talking too, as if they have some magical powers, OR it's simply "This nona is talking about an subject that is unique to another Nona, 5/10 chance it's her"
You can't tell who some random nona is based off vibes or period usage. You aren't magic

No. 1572723

When an anon says they "won't continue" an argument while blatantly continuing an argument. Just don't post in the first place, especially if you're going to seethe about not getting the last word.

No. 1573142

modders in other game communities makes mods that either improves or expands the game and they release them for free. Sims modders puts hair that they probably stole from second life behind a paywall

No. 1576593

I always hated those kids that whined about the kids with better grades complaining about getting an B instead of their usual A.

No. 1576667

It's funny people who actually create features/game play usually don't permalock and follow the rules. It's the people stealing hairs from secondlife, or editing ea meshes who do it. Basically everyone making cc not mods

No. 1576995

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It was getting irritating watching Gab Smolders get towards the end of Alice: Madness Returns in the last few videos of her gameplay. "She's making up more exucses", "It hasn't been confirmed that he did it yet", "She could be making this up", Dr. Bumby confesses: "Oh yea, it's tru."

No. 1576996

Did she not want to believe that a rapist was a rapist?

No. 1576998

She barely paid attention to the memories and cutscenes earlier, but when it started getitng more and more obvious I started to feel like she actually didn't want to.

No. 1577149

I remember some girl fucking crying over a B in middle school. Like goddamn, I mean she’s doing waaay better than me and I’m dying soon I hope so but like why. Why cry over grades.
Unrelated but I heard her once mention that she was getting money for being able to trace her lineage or something to some native maerican tribe. She was white as fuck

No. 1577203

> Imagine if the roles were reversed and a man did this!
Dude we're talking about a situation between 2 friends with no sexual component, the woman is being dragged to hell over what she did and if anything the whole stereotype of women being 'evil, manipilating, bpd bitches' is a large part of why she isn't getting off easy
Yeah but
> Imagine if the roles were reversed and a man did this! People would be reacting so much more!
They wouldn't though.

No. 1577234

I'm on a train but it's not moving for ten minutes now with no information… why :((:()

No. 1577235

There's more to ethnicity than skin color, it's kinda rude to discredit people.

No. 1577276

Getting bad grades was terrifying for me in school because of the abuse from my parents. You don't know why some kids were crying about bad grades.

No. 1577292

youre right, sorry nonnas i was having a bad day.

No. 1580746

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Loafers have been catching up in where I live which is cool, but everyone calls them moccasins, they aren't moccasins.

No. 1580802

Must be nice to not have psychotic parents pressuring the absolute fuck out of you for good grades kek

No. 1583336

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Hey incense stick holder makers, has it occurred to you that they're supposed to hold the ash that falls too, and not just the stick?
I have 6 incence holders of various shapes and designs and the ash always ends up on the table.
I keep buying them thinking "this one might hold it"

No. 1583350

That’s why you need a pretty tray or plate for the incense holder.

No. 1583356

try a incense box instead, that's what i've used for years and always worked fine
etsy might have some better ones compared to the ones sold in hippie shops/etc

No. 1584870

Anons always forget dubs/trips in the Sonic Totem thread mean "Yes, at a great price"
It's irritating how dubs/trips are ignored/misinterpreted far far more often than not

No. 1585050

Most don't know what dubs/trips even mean tbh, hell look at how many anons can't even figure out how the totem itself works.

No. 1585067

they newfags

No. 1596739

/g/ has such a bad reputation and gets mocked all the time but then you'll see a bunch of posts in /ot/ that could very well go there.

No. 1596741

/ot/ is truly terrible at times too. I chill in some nice threads in /g/ like the fashion threads and then I go here and see the bullshit misogyny in the celebricows and sheer wtfuckery in the tinfoil thread.

No. 1596748

Yeah, ot also mocks and looks down on cow boards while being much more similar to them than /g/ or /m/

No. 1596761

What the hell are you talking about

No. 1596787

nta but most /ot anons have a superiority complex towards /snow, which is ironic because /ot has a lot of similarities with that board specifically (lots of infighting, gets baited more frequently, schizoposting, etc)

No. 1597007

This is why I'm mostly sticking to /g/ and /m/ these days. I used to like /ot/, but recently there's so much bitterness and anger in most threads, usually over nothing. You can be like "I like cereal" or something and someone will reeeeeeeee over it.

No. 1619493

>a woman asks for female gynos in a FB group
>one woman puts her male doctor
>another comments "so I know he's a male, but I suggest-"
worms in their brains worms in their brains worms in their brains

No. 1619511

Seriously, why are moids gynecologists? They literally don’t know where the clit could even be.

No. 1619517

On related note, why do proctologists even exist? Perhaps some ailments are too unsightly to be cured, personally i think that the whole ordeal is just too embarrassing for both parties involved, its better to just let a person die with dignity.

No. 1619665

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Year 0: Oh look, a thing.
Year 1: I LOVE this fucking thing. So many other fans like me. WHY DON’T MORE PEOPLE BOW DOWN TO THE THING?!?! It will cure cancer, end world hunger and will help us colonize the sun!!!
Year 2: Ok, even the fans don’t seem to get my appreciation for the thing. I KNOW! I will create the most epic fan work of the thing and they will know how I am a deity like them because we worship the thing and all its glory.
Year 3: Almost no fans anymore (hell, the creator is even being faithful to the thing by giving me subtle warning signs)…NO MATTER! I still love the thing because it is superior to all the other things! The thing CAUSED the big bang and us few tiny remaining fans know it!
Year 4: NOOOOOOO! Other things wish to be superior to the thing! I will obliterate inferior things by creating a NanoReich and testify its power by crushing other things for trying to be better than the thing by being DIFFERENT to the thing! >:(((((((.
Year 5: Ok, I need help, BUT I STILL LOVE THE THING (even if it’s showing how empty it is compared to 5 years ago).
Year 6: I DID it! The thing is still superior thing and is still able to coexist with the mortals (even if it nearly sends me to the hospital).
Year 7: Well, people nowadays seem to like the thing the same way the US liked Hiroshima and Nagasaki, BUT I will not surrender. The thing is brilliant no matter what!
Year 8: I am a guru of the thing….wow, even the sarcasm isn’t worth it anymore.
Year 9: I mean it’s been almost a decade, and not much seems to be worth it from this “thing” anymore given how detrimental and fucking convoluted it’s become for me now(ffs, I’m calling it a “thing” because I’m THAT proud of its actual name), plus there are more animals extinct in the wild than there are fans anyway, so…
Year 10: Oh look, fanstuff I made that I regretted deleting a decade ago…yeah I don’t regret deleting it anymore, bruh. Still, they do bring back a few good times, so what the hay?
Year 11: …
Year 12 (final): Eh, one more cavalcade of fan works for old times sake. After this the Queen can have this “thing” back for all I care anymore because it’s clearly just gonna give me PTSD from here on out anyway.

No. 1619670

Can't find the vent thread but I'm so fucking sick of people making racist remarks about my boyfriend, they even act like I'm overreacting when I get angry about it too. He's one of the sweetest people I've ever met. They don't know him, see his skin color and assume he's some kind of petty criminal. It just makes me so angry, fuck off.

No. 1619706

A couple of weeks ago, some guy joined me when I was walking to the metro station and we talked a bit, and he asked if we could see each other again. I said I wasn't interested in relationships but he didn't take it seriously and started asking further questions as if trying to make me change my mind. I was a bit drunk and too relaxed to be strict and firm, so in the end I gave up and gave him my number. He still tries to reach me and I just ignore him. I kinda want to text him and repeat that, after all, I'm not interested and I shouldn't have given him my number in the first place – I think it'd be good for me to act more straightforward. I also want to word it in a way to make him understand he was too pushy, because he really was. And he is, why is he not giving up? Men are weird. Either way, it seems like such a hassle, so I keep postponing and thinking "fucking men". Why do they even do this to themselves? They see you're not eager and they try to wear you down. This type of behavior is annoying.

No. 1619741

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my mom does this weird food thing where she wants to eat something sweet (like a cake), but she will only eat a tiny bite or pick a little bit with her finger and put it BACK so when you want to eat a full slice there's like 1/2 or 1/4 left and it drives me INSANE
also she doesn't like to get up when the mailman comes so she screams my name (i wear noise cancelling headphones when i work/study) instead of just… getting up and receiving the package. today she got up to go to my room and tap my sholder when i didn't answer. makes no sense to me

No. 1619750

damn this sounds like something straight out of 2012 superwholock tumblr

No. 1619762

I can’t believe how run down my town’s library is. It’s technically not even the town library because the area is made up of three towns that originally had a library each, but they shut down two of them. The one that’s left is incredibly dated, the building needs repairs because of mold/foundation can’t support any the weight and has a single computer from like 2005 that visitors can use. I’d always go elsewhere if other libraries would accept my card, but I had to go in today to renew my card and it made me want to cry.

No. 1619821

it drives me up the fucking wall when a thread disappears inbetween pages and i have to go to the catalog to find it

No. 1619870

I feel like when you live with your parents as an adult, every minor weird thing they do begins to annoy you. Some annoying things my own mother does:
>Slurps soup and cereal instead of just sticking the whole spoon in her mouth like a normal person
>Puts "my" before literally everything, even things she doesn't personally own. Ex. "My" shows, "my" walls, "my" hairdresser, "my" birds (as in, wild ones outside that visit the feeder).
>Extremely picky eater, is unwilling to eat 90% of the things I cook
>Hides used Kleenex all over the place (glove box, coolers, jacket pockets)
>Home renovations and her unhappy marriage are the only topics she wants to discuss
>Horrible taste in music, only listens to top forty shit from like 2013
>Impulse buys sweets then doesn't eat them because of her diet and lets them expire. Gets mad if you eat them because she likes the idea of "having it there in case I want it"
>Describes dogs barking as them "crying," like they're babies
>Sucks at remembering things unless it's something you did to offend her ten years ago, then she remembers it perfectly.
>Secretly hates all of her friends, but when I tell her to make new ones, she says she doesn't want to.

No. 1619881

I think you just have annoying parents lol. I lived with mine for way too long and they actually never annoyed me

No. 1620219

Damn, you're my daughter

No. 1620223

Is your mom slavic by any chance?
But maybe that's just one of the moms' archetypes in general. Just sounds so familiar, like a particular personality type

No. 1620347

>unwilling to eat 90% of the things I cook
Same here, my father and sister will have no problem, but sometimes my mother won't eat it at all, so there's a leftover portion I shouldn't have cooked to start with, that's the worst part.

No. 1620352

my mom is a nordic single woman but besides that, do we have the same mom?

No. 1620456

File: 1688062203762.jpg (1.74 KB, 64x62, 122425.jpg)

Trust me: superwholock was 10x more wholesome…

No. 1620574

That I'm expected to constantly be productive. Whenever my mom sees me resting in bed she gets so angry at me. I'm on summer break, let me take a rest before my semester starts. I'll get my stuff done, why can't I be allowed to just lay down for 30 minutes or an hour in between?

No. 1620577

File: 1688071942051.jpg (126.07 KB, 617x800, FzzQ8_zXgAEtoai.jpg)

It truly pisses me off so bad when they lump biracials in as black. Bitch, you got a whole white mom you are not black and you will never be black. "Stop erasing my blackness!", Stop erasing your whiteness.

Pic marginally related. Thankfully Mariah herself never claimed to be black.

No. 1620579

Me neither. Hatred and annoyance are the same emotions to me..

No. 1620585

Then you have a mental problem because being annoyed or irritated is entirely different from hating something or someone

No. 1620592

File: 1688073426903.jpeg (193.33 KB, 1242x1132, IMG_2017.jpeg)

I hate this depop account I follow that “pins and rolls” every single top they sell to make it look better/more form-fitting than it actually is. Like yes anyone can roll a shirt but I’m not going around with clothespins on and I can’t sew, so how is this useful? Hey maybe just advertise what you’re actually selling instead of body checking on depop, that’s what Instagram is for kek.

No. 1620661

I always thought Mariah was white with a tan when I was younger. This also reminds me of my mother and I talking about Beyoncé recently, she called her mixed race, I don't know how accurate that is but I've never seen anyone else call her that.

No. 1620666

File: 1688080284612.png (255.95 KB, 1024x694, knowlesfamily.png)

Beyonce's mother is creole so Beyonce probably does have some other races in her (like most black people from America), but I wouldn't call her anything but black. Not even mixed. Picrel is her parents

No. 1620669

agreed, mariah carey is biracial but both of beyonce's parents are descendants of african slaves, even though one side happened to be creole/free people of color. if beyonce isn't black then i guess neither is rosa parks.

No. 1620688

You know, with that picture I kind of see where my mother was coming from. We're not Black and Beyoncé's mom looks like she could be our relative. But yeah my mother was definitely exaggerating. Maybe she meant to say she's light skinned instead? Our first language isn't English and her first language isn't mine so sometimes that can cause misunderstanding. For context we were shit talking Jay-Z the whole time.

No. 1620843

Men that aren't attracted to me making a huge deal out of rejecting me. My old pot dealer would do that and just recently this guy did it to me. You could tell he was super excited for the chance to tear me down and insisted very earnestly that I would be "totally pretty to a lot of guys!!" and wished me luck finding love. I even said dude enough already I get it you don't need to kiss my ass and he wouldn't stop he was totally getting a high off it

No. 1620968

USA has a different history with this sort if thing, it's kind of an outlier. Everywhere else someone like Beyonce would consider herself and be perceived by others as mixed race. That's why so many people are annoyed by activists importing US identity politics, it's ahistorical and arguably regressive.

No. 1621261

Men get excited and happy at the chance to reject women because they are usually on the other end of rejection. This is why as a woman you should never blatantly make the first move.

No. 1621474

i'm completely oblivious to most notorious anons on here but i get so annoyed whenever some anon mentions liking kirby. just stfu about kirby already.

No. 1622674

But hes so cute and pink and tight and fuckable

No. 1622829

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No. 1622849

File: 1688298539198.png (40.97 KB, 806x771, 1646595020045.png)

The software I use to download music doesn't do automatic name suggestions for the mp3 files like the website I used to use several years ago does, and I have to rename everything manually. It's over a hundred files, this will take like half an hour, or one…

No. 1640395

It annoys me when people write movie titles in a sentence in all capitals such as
>I just came back from watching both BARBIE and OPPENHEIMER

No. 1640404

I completely forgot I said that for 20 days until this thread was just bumped. I am sorry

No. 1640510

Finger snapping. I can't listen to those acapellas with a constant finger snap, or even a person in front of me snapping their fingers. It sounds painful and annoys me.

No. 1640513

Oh my god ME TOO, I’ve always hated it. It’s like an autistic trigger for me

No. 1640515

Just use rutracker, unless you're downloading some insanely obscure shit..

No. 1640532

Anytime I call my mom a pickme here some anon has to butt in to say "she's not a pickme, don't be mean to your mom", you don't know her, she's a military wife, ofc she's a pickme.

No. 1640807

I apparently do, that's the problem and also the reason why I'm downloading it instantly. If I don't, it'll be lost forever.

No. 1640811

I hate that ACNH has completely overshined ACNL in the turnip market. I haven't seen a single offer for turnips, not even in the two-hundreds, ever since ACNH came out. Once you make two million bells in twenty minutes, working thrice as long for a tenth of it on Tortimers island is torture.

No. 1640834

Care to reveal what you're listening to? I'm kinda curious now

No. 1642045

Really nothing special or quite specific, just sub-3000 views Japanese indie singers or touhou shit kek

No. 1642155

I'm getting annoyed and tired of this "what is modern masculinity" topic everywhere. In news, politics, social media, radio in the car and podcasts feed. Now I'm hearing that the Barbie movie is largely about it (with the Ken character), so I have to hear about this even more and I don't even want to see it anymore.

No. 1642255

the word 'bugman.' though I dislike the people it describes, those who use it come off as obnoxious and pretentious. (not really sure why, though?)

No. 1642381

It's mostly used by RW/lolbertarians moids who seethe at urbanite people (mostly women lbh) because god forbid someone wants to live in the city, of course it's an obnoxious term.

No. 1666593

People saying they're 'uwu broke' while still living at home for free and buying shit all the time. I knew this girl who never had money when we went out and always complained she was broke but blasted her 200 euro/month allowance on clothes and video games (she was a NEET but able to work). Maybe you're, you know, doing it to yourself. I don't buy excessively because I know I'll be flat broke in no time if I would.

No. 1666620

I could make this into a broad statement but I'll focus on right now, since it's related to me not being able to sleep.
People who don't understand that from 10pm onwards you're not supposed to be making a ruckus because some people be trying to sleep annoy the fuck out of me.
In the country where I live from 10pm to 6am is minimal noise allowed, and it's only the respectful thing to uphold this fucking rule.
The upstairs neighbors comes from a country where at 10pm people probably are still outside because at noon they have siesta. That doesn't mean he can behave like it doesn't bother his neighbors to have noise coming from above their bedroom, he's not in his home country, he doesn't get to make noise after 10pm and expect no repercussions.
Same with what happened not fifteen minutes ago, some fucking scrote in the neighborhood with a saxophone decided to play some jazz improv.
This shit (which is basically thinking that you're the only fucking person in the world) makes me want to slap some assholes into sense. I'm absolutely tired of the "me first and fuck the rest" attitude, and I want my fucking night's rest if it's not too much to ask.

No. 1666886

Goddamn tourists from my country can't stop whining about everything, can't you just be happy to be on vacations? I just heard a guy in the bus complain about the (low) entrance fee for a monument, it's much more expensive where we are from, dumbass.

No. 1666954

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i shop for home decor a lot and I’ve noticed this extremely retarded trend of Christmas trees being pushed onto EVERY Holiday that isn’t Christmas, like there will be trees with sham rocks and Easter bunnies and pumpkins like picrel. Christmas is already my least favorite holiday to decorate with because the colors are ugly, I also don’t know who the fuck these are for, they sell full ornaments too. Are these for people who love Halloween so much they’re going to put this out at Christmas? Or is it the opposite and idiots love Christmas so much they have to have their stupid Jesus tree in every single holiday even though it makes zero sense.

No. 1666960

i have an employee like this and it fucking infuriates me. He doesn’t make much less than me and also works full time, but I’ve heard him on multiple occasions say he can’t go to the vending machine because we haven’t gotten our bi-monthly paycheck this week. I also watch him drop hundreds of dollars on random shit like clothes and trinkets. I can’t imagine being in your 20s with absolutely zero bills or responsibilities yet still not using that opportunity to save money for your own safety in the future. Sage for blog but I lived at home during college for 4 years and worked full time and now have $25,000+ saved for my future/possibly a down payment on a home

No. 1666963

File: 1692243067955.jpeg (244.61 KB, 980x1199, easter-tree-ribbons-1644606296…)

Just wanna say that Easter trees have been a thing for a very long time, like centuries I think, thought they usually look like picrel rather than a Christmas tree shape

No. 1666967

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I want to add onto this point by saying I hate the inclusion of gnomes into other holidays. It's similar to the christmas tree, before I just saw christmas gnomes but now there are others? I can see the appeal of halloween gnomes because they end up looking like little wizards, but 4th of july gnomes? Ugly

No. 1666989

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ayrt and i completely agree, i suppose neither of us are the target market anyhow though, I found this pic on Google so I don’t know the context but this looks like the average Gen X mom that loves those types of things in her popcorn ceiling McMansion

No. 1667041

I work at a store that sells all this. The trees are kind of adorable, but I don't like the gnomes. Even my manager is like "tone down the gnomes" but every holiday, more gnomes

No. 1701925

When people online pretend that you're really invested or obsessed with something, because you disagreed with them in a reply that obviously took less than 30 seconds to write

No. 1701967

That fucking "and my man, thank you to my man" audio makes me absolutely feral.

No. 1702182

It makes me want to maul a piece of nice furniture

No. 1702185

when some miniscule hair or fuzz gets stuck on your nail or cuticle or somewhere near your fingertip and you keep thinking you have a hair stuck somewhere on your face so you try to take it off but it's stuck to your nail so you just keep tickling your goddamn face and and and

No. 1702199

When a song starts on the radio and the fucking radio hosts keep talking. I don't care if the artist doesn't start singing immediately, also want to enjoy the beat. If you're not done talking don't start playing the damn song.

No. 1703203

Looking for the right egg sizes in the supermarket and only seeing S or M sized eggs… I hate cooking with either, I can't for the life of me find L sized eggs in the supermarket near my place, and I have going to the big supermarket at the next tram stop because of all the retirees doing their hobby walk in it. I wish stores like where I'm from would put all the goddamn sizes available for customers.

No. 1778098

Not only are my new glasses uncomfortable, they make me look sad all the time. I hope I just get used to them.

No. 1806582

Stop using yumejoshi for any random het shit, yume stuff is centered around a yume's specific husbando, it has nothing to do with it otherwise.

No. 1806593

gay men

No. 1806696

I get annoyed every time someone refers to online roleplaying as larping. Do people not know that it's an acronym? The la stands for live action, so it doesn't apply unless there's a real life component to the behavior (ie someone just posting text on the internet isn't larping). I know that's a nitpicky thing to get annoyed about.

No. 1806733

Well we know you definitely aren't larping your autism

No. 1806741

Updating software. I'm such an impatient person let me use the damn device now

No. 1806811

people who act like you need a 50 studies to back up every single argument as if some things arent just common sense

No. 1807116

Gay men AND bisexual men. Bisexual men are stupid whores.

No. 1807458

When you have to wash your hair way earlier than usual, you either have to wait until it becomes gross or you have to wash perfectly clean hair. Also people who turn every argument into a court case, same type of people to chimp out over something you said 6 years ago.

No. 1807475

No. 1831932

File: 1703788874825.jpg (25.44 KB, 500x375, cxfv0.jpg)

i dont know where to put this since I don't think there's a dedicated thread for people who do online/written roleplay as a hobby, but people who overcompensate with miles and miles of incomprehensible purple prose to try and fill reply space and make their responses ~poetic~ annoy me as much as people who constantly hit you with single sentence dialogue replies. but what's funny is that the first example is usually ESL

No. 1832577

my hair. i have thick, naturally wavy semi-curly hair and it used to be so beautiful. but depression streak arose meaning no self care and after 2 instances of me cutting it myself, its default look is frizz. considering just shaving it all off but in the shitty shape i am in right now, i'll look like those fat she/her lesbians i see on the social medias. i think it'd make gymgoing and hotter seasons more bearable and i already don't care about what people think of me though.

No. 1832743

You could try just shaving the underside nonnie, if you're looking for more comfort.
I have the same hair as you and two years ago, when I had grown my hair out a lot, I cut a braid of hair on the underside of my head to donate for wigs and shaved the rest of that part of my head clean and kept my long hair on the top side.
It was very refreshing for the summer and also I didn't need to use too much hair products as when I have a full head of hair.
I never tried fully shaved because I don't have the head shape to rock it.

No. 1833154

i don't think i have the headshape to rock one either, i'll try that. thank you nonna

No. 1842887

Whenever someones writes acronyms of lolcow and crystal cafe in capital letters, like LC or CC.

No. 1864730

File: 1705960513065.jpg (409.68 KB, 680x1024, 4385894205_20680e304e_b.jpg)

A moid keeps smirking at me not in a friendly way, but in a creepy evil villain way. It also gives "I'm making fun of you" vibes. The fuck did I do???

No. 1864734

Roll your eyes girl, it will crush him.

No. 1864760

Gordon Ramsey must have an exposure fetish I feel like I've seen his asscheeks and bare chest so many different times watching Hotel Hell and Kitchen Nightmares. fucking gooner

No. 1864772

Ignore him, moids get off on attention even if it's negative.

No. 1874914

In my programming class there are 3 men who frequently disrupt the lecture by posing questions to which they already know the answers to showcase their elite knowledge of week 3 introductory programming. During class, they make the instructor look at their code, asking if "it's okay" to show off that they did something marginally more advanced than asked. Somehow, they all speak with a sassy, condescending tone as their normal speaking voice.

No. 1875655

God I LOVE when autists attempt to mold the entire class around them and try to talk like celebrity geniuses and make milquetoast jokes about thermal paste and binary code to sound smarter. Autists always feel like they have something to prove and like they need to other themselves. You are NOT rainman, bitch.

No. 2007489

File: 1716018985367.png (28.52 KB, 1508x129, everyaspect.PNG)

This is so extremely petty but I thought it was silly to praise this as some impressive feat of head-to-tail butchery. Every chicken ramen uses those parts. Imagine what kind of freak of nature chicken is composed of only skin, bones, breast and thigh meat.

No. 2007537

He's doing some reddit psyop on you while reciting a Joker monologue in his head. Ignore him completely, he wants you to be intimidated by his obvious superiority and his hunter eyes and his masculine jawline. Don't give him any reaction at all.

No. 2007554

So many normies don't know how to talk. I'm an absolute hermit and yet somehow I know how to ask questions and let other people speak. It's so weird to me, because these people don't even seem like self-absorbed types, they're extremely normal and have simple lives. It's annoying in a boring way, because they won't really let you complete your thought and they say a lot of uninteresting stuff without thinking. If they're curious about you, it's mostly something basic and they're probably just checking how "normal" you are. I've had much more pleasant and fulfilling conversations with people that seemed autistic and awkward. It only reminds me why I've become such a hermit: most interactions are shit anyway.

No. 2008295

Modern PC games. Since when did we go from quality games that all but the oldest, slowest computers could handle to over-bloated triple-A crap that barely runs even when the minimum system specs are met?

No. 2009178

The downside to drinking more water is unfortunately having to pee like every 2-3 hours.

No. 2010066

File: 1716162156071.png (110.9 KB, 275x271, 1663564389001.png)

When people steal your ideas, comments or suggestions and then get praised for it while you get ignored.
>But shouldn't you just be happy that your brainchild is being spread?
No, fuck you. Give me recognition.

No. 2010322

when married men hit on you and think you're gonna feel flattered (I'm offended)

No. 2010404

I think this too. Call it brain rot but it feels like a lot of conversations have lost so much meaning. In professional environments to literally like 90% of communication could've easily been shortened up or turned into an email, like I thought these places were focused on productiveness? But I'm so sure making me drive an hour out of here for office worker story time is fun I guess

No. 2010412

I'd be the first to admit that this is true about myself. It's a combination of autism and just innately lacking the ability to reciprocate conversation. I just don't think it's even possible to have a fulfilling conversation with someone who doesn't have your same interests or sense of humour. I have to police every single word and force myself to care about the other person because my primary concern is not to be rude, not form a connection. When i talk to people at work or in irl, none of my responses are genuine, i just say what they need me to say so avoid conflict and to shorten the interaction. It's not like i can opt out, although i'd love to be able to tell people that they are wasting their time talking to me, but that would be rude too because they wouldn't understand why i'd make such a statement even if i explained myself.

No. 2010538

people who let their pets get grossly overweight then call them things like chungus. especially when they’re cats. your heckin cuddly hungus chungus probably has a clogged artery and can’t even jump more than an inch into the air it isn’t cute.

No. 2016228

My father gets in a mood when everyone other than him goes on vacation. For example one time he was bitching, blaming my mother who works 2 jobs for not getting his passport done for him. My mother does multi-level marketing and qualifies for the vacations (it's actually just free hotels/cruise tickets & conferences) so she travels a few times a year. Either pay for a room yourself or start working the MLM so you can get the hotel stays. The pouting is ridiculous.
I don't know if this post makes it sound like I live with my parents but I don't.

No. 2021150

We're talking about different things nona, I also often struggle to engage when there's nothing in common and I wouldn't force it if I saw that another person doesn't really want to talk, I'm actually very comfortable with silence. I guess I just made it seem like I expect every conversation to be profound heh, no, it's not like that, I'm just annoyed when another person talks a lot and can't listen to you for more than 5 sec, and in addition to that, such people often dump a lot of super mundane and/or repetitive (or even worse - too personal) information with lots of unnecessary detail. So reticence + lack of interest is absolutely ok but verbal diarrhea + lack of interest in me is annoying and exhausting.

No. 2024134

>Ask boss for vacation
>Sure anon, just log in on a separate website and select the date
>Try to log in
>Doesn't work
>Dig for every password I've used for work
>None of them work
>"Your account got blocked, you'll be sent a recovery email"
>I still didn't get it
Why do they make this so complicated, just take me out of the schedule for a week.

No. 2024139

isn't it lovely that everyone's trying to "automate" work-related processes on an even more granular level when they can't even get basic shit right

No. 2024144

I don't even get why they do it, surely it doesn't take much to just scrap my hours for that week. Just let me have my one week of vacation without all this nonsense, at this point I'd rather just go to work than have a whole dispute with my boss over this.

No. 2040529

Some old lady who looked like Prince Philip driving a Lincoln obnoxiously honked at me, a pedestrian in the parking lot for not moving someone else’s abandoned cart out of the path of her vehicle. And no she didn’t roll down her window and thank me afterwards or even smile and wave. She just stared with a slack jaw. Had I known I would have just let it hit her car and then kicked it for good measure. Too old to drive it anyways. Sage bc no1curr

No. 2049781

I get a bit upset when anons say it's easy for a woman to find a decent boyfriend, are their standards low or are mine just too high?

No. 2049785

Theirs too low. Easy to get a boyfriend. Near impossible a good one

No. 2117124

Why do 99% of places in Japan have those shitty thin windows, have they never heard of double glazing? Feels like the walls are made of cardboard too since as soon as you turn the air conditioner off it's 35°C again in like 30 seconds, how can they blast it all day and night long?

No. 2117159

Their standards are 100% way too low

No. 2117291

You're wrong, anons never say it's easy to find a decent boyfriend. They say it's easy to find A boyfriend, finding a decent one is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

No. 2135642

when you're just standing somewhere and someone turns the corner and dramatically acts startled because you're there. like i live here, so.. are they overreacting on purpose and if so why? if you do this a lot, explain.

No. 2135688

2 people in my family can't stop doing this to me when I'm just making tea in the kitchen or standing at the window or some shit. i don't understand why they do it, they know i live here. it makes me feel so unwelcome lmao

No. 2135784

I blast music in my earphones and my weirdo mom is always sneaking up on me when I'm downstairs because she thinks I'm cooking up drugs or some shit and I always get a fucking heart attack

No. 2135886

i was once the only person going up in an elevator when the doors opened on a new floor to let another person on and she was so startled she screamed. i still think about this because there is no reason to react like that to something so common

No. 2135939

File: 1723667244754.png (4.87 KB, 1919x149, eat-shit.PNG)

Picrel. Just wanted to fix a typo, this time I didn't even have to repost like thrice, where I understand the flood detection, but deleted just once to repost right after. It's never just 30 seconds, either. I listened for the entirety of magnet (ver. clear x dasoku) and I still couldn't post.

No. 2139643

When you tell someone about something, and they respond with something along the lines of, "Would you recommend it?" or "Is that legit/safe?" Why the fuck would I be telling you about it if it's some unsafe scam or I don't recommend it? This rant probably seems like a one incident scenario but it happens to me all the time. The appropriate response to someone giving you some information is to research it yourself and/or ask them questions about how it works. But this response always comes from a certain type of person who asks for help for help for things they should be able to handle themselves, just so they can blame you if they manage to fuck it up or it doesn't go as they hoped.

No. 2142738

blatant newfagottry really fucking annoys me kek

No. 2142745

I agree, same with the retarded anime gif thread pics. We need more Blingee thread pics.

No. 2191757

It's so hard looking for book recs online. It's either tiktok slop, self-published authors shilling their own shit if A and B aren't the same already or books fifteen years out of print where you won't find a copy for under $50 anywhere online. 80% of all recs tend to be of male authors too, and those I tend to avoid because out of all of those I tried, there was only one I didn't regret giving a chance. But if you call for female authors, you get cried a sexist.

No. 2191868

I'm esl and when people from my country throw in random English terms when talking it grinds my gears to no end. You don't look smart you look like a terminally online retard. And then act like I'm the weird one for using "big words" aka words that are slightly above middle school vocab level.
I feel you nona, I was watching a book rec video today and I could only find one of them which was 35 euro's for a paperback. Highly annoying, I've lucked out on facebook marketplace a few times but it's rare.

No. 2270520

This fucking fly that's been in my living room for the second day straight and survived several murder attempts from my cat and my own murder attempt with Raid

No. 2276310

i put my coat in the locker, but now it does not accept my pincode. lockers automatically open up at 3 o clock at night. its icecold outside and i will get sick again.

No. 2276343

What annoys me is that the grass is always greener on the other side. When work is really slow, and I can scroll on my phone or clip my nails or something, I hate it and I wish I could just be doing whatever the hell I want. When it's busy, I pray and pray that it slows down so I can go on my phone. Really, having a job is annoying.

No. 2293337

Some time ago I got Kallaxes(?) as bookshelves and I'm questioning all my life choices.

No. 2358231

File: 1737486223471.webp (37.81 KB, 1084x940, 1000025298.webp)

>don't worry you can easily find a hot young moid who will be glad to have you uwu
Are these anons trolling or did they just get lucky and they don't realize not everybody is like them? If hot men weren't interested in me 10 years ago then they definitely won't be into me now.

No. 2358459

>factual argument
>"hurr no"
>"hurr no"
>additional examples and sources
>"hurr still no"

No. 2358480

Is this about trump's ear kek.

No. 2358482

I've seen it multiple times, it should be considered as a form of infighting/baiting tbh.

No. 2358492

It's not that serious plus it was faked.

No. 2358498

Cheer up, at least anon responds to being called a moron.

No. 2359775

File: 1737558583856.gif (845.72 KB, 480x264, 1000022504.gif)

I hate having hair that cannot grow out. It splits if I so much as look at a blow dryer once a week and grows at a snail's pace. I'll need a trim to remove the fucking ratty ends before it ever gets a chance to gain length even if I space out the trims by 3 or 4 months.
I've never had long beautiful hair that others so effortlessly achieve because it appears that its terminal length is at my shoulders.

No. 2359790

I had a problem growing out my hair until I started putting it in a protective braid. I keep the braid in front, over my shoulder, so it isn't touched when I sit or lie down. My hair is now ass length and no sign of split ends like I used to get.

No. 2359852

God I hate how bong and burger language have these minor differences that they whine about and even non-native english speakers are supposed to tell the differences. It's all fucking english

No. 2359875

This morning my cat was laying in bed with me, and he started hacking, so I tried to push him off the bed so he’d at least throw up on the floor, but I was too late and he ended up spraying puke all over me and my boyfriend in my bed (and also on the floor).

No. 2359892

Have you considered you may have aga? Especially if your hair is thin/wispy and brittle

No. 2359898

i still dont understand why ones gotta be color and the other colour its so fucking confusing

No. 2359924

File: 1737564298773.jpg (Spoiler Image,268.44 KB, 432x707, 1000022513.jpg)

Hm. I've always been told I have fine and thin hair by stylists. What do you think anon?
Also I was on spironolactone for hormonal acne. Maybe just a general hormome imbalance? I noticed my mom has thinning hair at her crown but she's geriatric so I thought it was age related to menopause.

No. 2359956

Hmm I can't really diagnose you with only a picture, you need to get a biopsy done. Your hair looks pretty strong and healthy to me

No. 2359957

It is so annoying when people who grew up poor always have to mention it. I could say "I used to play on the trampoline with my neighbours as kids" and they'd say "I never jumped on a trampoline in my life. I grew up poor in a concrete apartment we didn't have that privilege." like ok. and it wasn't even my trampoline.

No. 2359961

I have a similar hair type and noticed my hair thinning as I gained weight/ate like shit. Once I lost the weight and got proper nutrition, my hair got better. It's still fine but there's much more of it.

No. 2359982

Ntayrt but maybe they meant "fine hair," as in the hair itself is thin, not that your hair coverage is thin. Your hair does look very fine to me, but that's common in a lot of people with more straight or lightly wavy hair. Your hair doesn't look super unhealthy to me, but maybe it's because you're just showing the top of your hair.

You can always post more in the hair thread on /g/, but if your only problem is that it doesn't grow quickly, it's probably something to do with your diet. You have to make sure that you're eating a good amount of protein per day. You should also try to take a daily B6 vitamin and B9 vitamin.

No. 2360015

I feel like such a bitch but whenever I try to tell my "supportive" friends (who randomly message me) I can't talk because I'm super stressed and busy they always come back with "oh no, how can I help? What do you want me to do?" you could leave me alone and let me work in peace… They know full well they can't do my work for me so it just feels like they're taunting me by asking stupid questions like that, just so they can feel good about how they "tried" to help knowing full well they wouldn't have to actually do anything at all. And when I say "that's not even physically possible given that you're not here haha but thanks" they still just reply "just let me know" and then they keep talking about their day and shit. Like ??? I'm still busy over here, stop distracting me. It's just so annoying they force me to switch the focus to explaining something obviously stupid like that to them, that no you can in fact not help me clean this room from miles away, no you can't write my assignment that will be graded because that's obviously cheating and you know fuck all about the topic, no you can't build this ikea shelf for me because you're still miles away

No. 2361136

Anons calling threads "boards"

No. 2387843

Not wanting to sound like a troon crying about misgendering but I hate when customers at work answer my messages with "Sir", it shows they are not paying full attention to what I'm writing since my name is unambiguously feminine, and I work in a male dominated domain so they do not expect a woman contacting them.

No. 2388321

It's annoying when I see a cute video of a pet snake (or like, a jumping spider) just hanging out, and all the comments are "kill it/it should die". Like, I'm convinced people who say shit like that about something that's chilling/in it's natural habitat and not touching you have no empathy at all. I will avoid them like the plague.

I get people who don't like them and don't want to be near "creepy critters" at all. But expressing intent to want to kill an innocent animal is…well never a good sign.

No. 2388327

>cute pet snake.
for me it's the opposite whenever i stumble upon snake videos it's always some fucked up shit of some sociopath feeding alive animals to a snake or to a frog and the comments are filled with very…weird individuals getting very excited and dare i say even aroused in the comments.

No. 2388395

Algorithms/apps might be different for people. I was spurred to make a post by seeing a video of some girl with her pet snake just calmly hanging out. Or another vid of a bunch of bees at home in a hive, and someone commented they would just set it on fire. I've never seen the videos/comments you're talking about, but I would definitely consider that annoying too.

>I have pet snakes myself, but they get frozen/thawed dinners.

No. 2388534

When ESL anons don't understand context nor have reading comprehension with English and think you're attacking them when you're actually not and you're making hypotheticals or commenting on a subject they mentioned

No. 2388543

Hard agree. It makes it more difficult to be silly or sarcastic on the site.

No. 2388771

They don't understand the use of the "generic you" and start infighting because they literally think you're referring to them. It's so frustrating

No. 2467906

>t. butthurt richfag (infighting a 2 month old post)

No. 2468245

I hate when people I barely know tell me their bday is coming up. Like. Okay, that’s cool. Had some random member of a discord server I run do this and it’s like, are you expecting something from me that’s more than a “cool”?

No. 2468269

I hate that there's basically nowhere on the internet to talk about things if you're a woman who hates genderism. I long for a 4chan for girls, where you can have interests that aren't necessarily sanctioned by big Radical Feminist.

No. 2468272

Maybe Birthday wishes?

No. 2468282

that's probably because most languages distinguish between general/formal "you" and personal "you" (like french has vou and tu) english used to have "thou" for that but no one uses that anymore

No. 2468286

That's… not quite how it works. And even if it was, it should still be obvious from the context of our posts that we are agreeing with what they said.
Even non-eslfags will start infights because they're too retarded to read a chain of replies or understand what a post is saying.

No. 2469296

My mom is such a killjoy, you can not tell her anything without her adding something negative, like I excitedly told her I was going to see my favorite band live 3 times this year and she went "isn't the show the same all the time though?". Who cares, the band probably won't exist anymore in the next 5 years because the leader is a turbo boomer, I'm trying to see them as much as possible before they quit. I also mentioned I was getting a new tattoo in blackwork next week and ofc she said "yeah black is better because it's the easiest color to laser off", why the hell would you say that about a tattoo I don't even have yet? I don't think she even does it purposefully, she is naturally negative about things she doesn't understand.

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