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No. 1484767
Life is actually atrocious
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>>>/ot/1476492 No. 1484810
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fuck my trashy piece of shit neighbors.
No. 1484815
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i'm not a hikkomori or even that huge of a failure, career-wise, i'm a social autist who works from home. i see people on discord discussing their lives and experiences and get so envious. i can't blame it on living at home still either, because some of them do, but they still have like…lives. irl shit
i keep thinking "god i'm really wasting my youth aren't? i'm 24 soon and all i do is work, play vidya, and post on imageboards" but i can't think of anything i want to do that isn't packaged with reasons why i shouldn't.
save up some cash, and go to japan? i don't speak the language. and i'd just end up drifting from place to place aimlessly. i once went to new orleans for mardi gras thinking it would wake me up but it was what my life has always been: the world moves around me and i just watch through a glass box.
should i try going to concerts? clubs? i have tinnitus though, so i can't. don't like the idea of drinking around strangers anyway.
worst thing about it all i guess is that i'm kind of at peace with myself. like i never worry about it until i see what others are doing. sigh
No. 1484819
>>1484815comparison truly is the theft of joy. there's no point in it honestly.
in regards to concerts though, it's actually recommended to wear earplugs to deaden the noise since nobody is leaving the venue without damage lol. there are specific plugs that are for concerts so they might let a little more noise in or something but frankly your standard bright yellow things work just fine.
No. 1484844
>>1484769I wish. My parents were extremely invasive and
abusive crazy from a young age so they actively sent me to shrinks from ages 8-17. Turns out the diagnoses were all wrong and they turned a negligent cheek after I reached 18.. took them years to accept I was bipolar, ashe and bpd and not an autist. Really sucks because sometimes I wish I would've been neglected. My sister was neglected and not sent to therapy, though, which I think tormented her differently.
In my case there's almost no way to hide my disorder from anyone when it gets especially bad. I wish I'd had a different childhood with better parents. Or not told them what I was as an adult because it's only made them look down on me more. There's no easy way whether they know or not.
No. 1484859
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I lost my dog weeks ago and still cry everyday. Never even cried over a boyfriend or mourned a grandparent this long
Your pet also passed a few months back, soI decided to hang so I can vent. But instead you talked nonstop about work drama and mundane shit for 30 minutes before I could get a word in. Sure, you would catch yourself, apoligize and let me speak, but before I could even begin opening up youd make it about yourself and change the subject.
You complain about how nobody cares about you and you have no support system. Truth is you have a handful of (albeit messy) friends who will call you, check in you, even do a wellness check on you. Meanwhile Im in a situation where not only am I not able to put my needs first, I can’t even get someone to give two shits about me mourning a dog.
You cry about how alone you are, live a week in my shoes and see if you can survive that level of lonliness
>>1484845Jesus anon are you me? I mean I dont want to kill myself over losing her but Ive never felt such constant, kind genuine like hers. It really fucking hurts
No. 1484877
I just adopted a dog yesterday and she is seriously an angel but I am having severe anxiety over the whole thing. She's done absolutely nothing wrong but I feel physically sick about the whole thing.
I have commitment issues and this is seriously killing me. I haven't been able to eat at all since getting her.
>>1484845>>1484859I'm so sorry for your losses nonas. Dogs are such wonderful companions.
What are some good memories of your dogs? How quickly did they settle into your life?
No. 1484911
>>1484877Second nona here. She actually started out as my brothers dog. I remember when I first saw her as a puppy I immediately fell in love with her. She was so energetic and clumsy. My brother couldnt keep her because she was too destructive so I immediately took her in.
Some of my favorite memories:
She loved car rides. Anytime i had to unload stuff or groceries from my backseat she’d jump right in because she thought it was car ride time.
She wasnt allowed on the couch. But anytime I got up in the middle of the night for water or snacks id catch her and just look at her. Shed stare right back while slowly slinking off of it until her back legs were stretched out on the couch (I could never punish her for it though she was too silly)
Oh and the ice cream truck would make her howl. Not the ambulance or police siren. Just the ice cream truck
No. 1484915
>>1484877Samefag as
>>1484911 but are you sure its not the stress of keeping something alive and cared for instead of a commitment issue?
No. 1484916
>>1484845I'm sorry
nonnie. I love dogs so much and the one reason why I'm not getting one is that I know that I would spiral out of control once it died too. I lost the dog I grew up with over 10 years ago and I'm still not over it, pet death is a horrible thing to experience and something that's completely inevitable as they don't live lives longer than we do.
No. 1484924
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>>1484922Samefag your friends shouldn’t be experiencing any difference in male attraction to them if they are in their late twenties/early thirties. Almost seems like scroteposting, “wall” rhetoric…. Picrel almost 40 year old woman. Who hasn’t had any major cosmetic procedures like facelifts or whatever
Although it’s true that some pedo men like Andrew Tate would find her to be “too old”, no one cares about or wants attention from those type of men, they don’t count.
No. 1484933
>>1484922Funny enough a nona in the reddit hate thread discussed this
>>1456771And as someone over 30 and still gets mistaken anywhere from 19-26 can confirm: moids dont understand how aging or basic skincare work
No. 1484947
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>>1484941If you look your age your doing fine
nonnie. The point were trying to make is moids like to think women automatically turn into california Raisins the second we turn 30 but its simply not true. Meanwhile moids be 28 looking like theyve been working in a dust storm and dehydrated since 2001
No. 1484954
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My weight lifting boyfriend decided to go for a run (he hates cardio) and shared he's time with me. Feel like he was just trying to one up me since I've been running regularly and started seeing some good improvement. Sure made me feel like absolute shit to know he can trump my efforts without even trying. I barely acknowledged it but I honestly wanted to slap him. Why are men such shitheads? Why can't they just be supportive instead of competitive? No idea what he was trying to achieve, I'm not impressed just feel embarrassed and disappointed in myself and him.
No. 1484978
>>1484954nonnna, my pre-teen brother can beat me at arm wrestling
a moid beating you at something physical is not really worth getting upset over
No. 1484989
>>1484954You sound like the competitive one,
No. 1484991
I was talking to someone who works at a school and they brought up how perfectionist and insecure one of their grades is. They have a hard time getting things done because they want everything to be what they think it’s “supposed” to look like or be answered as. Anyway I was browsing my tumblr dash and I’m starting to notice how many posts are like this, sometimes they have joke replies but ones like “I want to be butch but I have plushies, is that ok” just scream middle school insecurities these adults haven’t grown out of
>>1484973You can try to build your reading skills back up, start with some YA novels or short stories written by good authors
No. 1485007
so far, i like my new roommate better than the other nut i was living with, but i do have my issues with her. it's nothing serious, just more annoying. like my first issue is how much hair she sheds on a daily basis. i have never seen so much hair before in my life; even my mom, who is a shedder, does not drop as much hair as my current roomie does. it's so gross because at night when i go into the kitchen or the bathroom, i just see strands of long, black hair on the floor and she doesn't do anything to pick it up. like she knows since she warned me about it, but i didn't know it was going to be this bad. i am looking into buying a cheap vacuum to pick it up between room cleanings since we have housekeeping, but still. oh my god.
next, she's not really as introverted as she claimed she was on the survey we fill out every semester for our preferences. she's kind of loud, and i prefer being quiet, especially in my room. like in the morning, she plays music loud as fuck on her ipad while she's making breakfast and i don't want to complain because she's nice to me, but again (lol), oh my god. sometimes i just want quiet. also she claimed she was super clean, but that's definitely not the case. i had to clean up the kitchen yesterday because she left a pile of dishes in the sink and they were starting to smell since she puts a ton of garlic in her food, and it was annoying me.
i am just glad it is just cleanliness issues and not her acting crazy. i will take hair and laziness over that any day of the week.
No. 1485010
>>1484911Those are wonderful memories.
My childhood dog was not allowed on the couch either, but same as you I could never force her down or punish her. She sounds like she was a great dog.
I think it's the commitment unfortunately. I felt dreadful as soon as I had her in my car. She's a perfect dog, incredibly easygoing right now. She doesn't even make noise.
I've been wanting a dog for years but it feels like a huge mistake right now. I might take her back to the shelter, I know someone else wanted her and honestly she deserves better.
They don't open again until Wednesday though, so I'm stuck feeling like I'm dying until then.
No. 1485072
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Just what has this world come to that you can barely find anything working if you're looking for kaoani…
No. 1485090
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I hate my stupid ex and how his birthday is tomorrow and how he was apparently not over his ex almost a YEAR into our relationship but when I asked him what that even fucking meant for him all he could say was that he was scared of me and I made him uncomfortable and that he’d swing from being extremely happy with me to really scared for no reason and I’m like bitch maybe you’re just afraid of a woman who isn’t a codependent retarted like your toddler built ex but yeah project all of her suicide threats and inability to go to a minimum wage job without you managing her retard emotions onto me
No. 1485091
>>1485085I wouldn't just feel guilty, I'd lose my damn mind.
>>1485087OK can't go wrong with green tea.
No. 1485190
>>1485124oh i get you
nonnie. i think it's dopamine addiction for most people. in my case, i get tired of sitting with my own inner monologue, and the silence of my own silence, my existential dread replaced by a concession of short lived clips that are all bright and want my attention. but i know it's not right. i'm not like this every day, but loneliness exacerbates it. but yes, if someone has taken time to have a social engagement with me, she has my FULL attention. if we're watching a movie, playing vidya, or going on a wlak together, THAT'S what we're doing. it totally annoys me too.
>>1484767my mum went back to hitting me so i moved out, initially on my own money, whilst still in sixth form/highschool, and then with relatives (gap year anon). my dad doesn't love us and hurt us too, and i have no friends. i find it hard to socially 'read the vibe' because apparently i have aspergers, but i love people and getting to know them, unfortunately girls my age think i'm weird, and guys my age think i like them when i'm just interested in their lives, as i generally love people. just occasionally the terminal loneliness gets to me. i have no relationship because i only get the tingles for women unfortunately, which means im r/foreveralone, the first girl i loved took it personally when i disagreed with her life choices, you can only meet women online, and honestly most days i wish i was a non retarded heterosexual girl with a loving family. then i could fit in and know the warmth of belonging. thankfully my extended family cares about me, and i'm trying to open up better. i think the accumulative pain over the years causes me to dissociate, and it's difficult to get up in the mornings, but i keep going. one day i will get a boat and sail on it. i drink gin when things are really bad and i feel too detached. it's made things feel ok. i don't think drinking is good at this age though, but it's a great temporary fix. i never open up. i don't know why. i like helping other people because it makes me feel warm again, but i struggle to open up. i just need a hug. alcohol feels a bit like a hug though. i've been hearing voices again this week but don't tell because i don't want people to think i'm losing it or incapable. i'll be ok, today i'm getting my life together and cleaning things up, just under the influence of gin.
No. 1485201
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holy shit just rip the bandaid off and break up with him. he doesn't give a shit about you as a person, you're just easy pussy for him. it's actually pathetic.
but i'm so fucking lonely. i don't want to lose one of the few people from my tiny social circle. maybe i can just pretend a little longer
No. 1485270
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I'm feeling so stuck at 22. I don't have a job right now and I just want every single job I applied to a few days ago to contact me back NOW. I want to go to school but I can't rn because no job but I want to go to school NOW. I want to grow my hair out and I know it's gonna take a whole year and then some but I want my hair to be longer NOW. I know I have to work hard for a stable job and a good salary but I want it NOW. I know it's going to be tough to start my life and to live on my own but I just want it to happen RIGHT NOW. I feel so fucking stuck. I just want stability and independence and money. That's all I want. I want money to help my parents with their bills and I want to pay off my own bills and and and and and and I just want it all. NOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!
No. 1485312
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>>1483519>>1484030>>1484499This nonna again, sorry to sperg about my relationship nonsense but I've never been in this sort of encounter before, it's making me cry and I'm conflicted. Yeah, my bf didn't talk to me for an entire day and just broke it off, but reached out an hour ago and said "this has been my first good relationship, I really love you and I want you to prove your heart is with me and not with him, you either drop your agreement in 10 minutes or I'll break up with you. We can be happy together again."
After he gave me this ultimatum AGAIN I literally told him– I won't be happy if he leaves me and I won't be happy if I can't bring the friends together again and he was just like "Okay, so? They don't matter more than our relationship do they? A part of me believes you want to see if you have a chance with your ex." I told my ex about this and he told me that it's best I prioritize my relationship over our plan to settle things between our friends. I don't know what to do. I WANT TO BE HAPPY FOR ONCE. Should I just let him go or try talk him out of it? Say, lets stay friends so he doesn't kill himself over me? Etc.
No. 1485314
>>1485190>i drink gin when things are really bad and i feel too detached. it's made things feel ok. i don't think drinking is good at this age though, but it's a great temporary fix.It's also a good way to become an alcoholic. Watch out for that.
>i never open up. i don't know why. It's probably cause you are terrified of it. Afraid of being judged, or afraid of opening up and nobody caring, something like that.
>i like helping other people because it makes me feel warm again, Maybe try volunteering somehwere instead of drinking?
>i just need a hugCan you ask your extended family for one instead of drinking
> i'll be ok, today i'm getting my life together and cleaning things up, just under the influence of gin.Glad to hear that.
No. 1485332
>>1485235>But nothings changed. I’m still just as depressed as before, I still don’t have much of a life, and I still feel like a loser.Do you have more of a life then you had before you started doing these changes? Kind of sounds like you do, so congrats that's change and that's a success.
Are you doing the healthier behaviors more than you did in the past, congrats that success.
>And I feel like a burden to everyone that despite working so hard on myself that I’m still exactly the same pathetic person.This is clearly depression talking.
just an fyi, improving your life and managing your depression are not necessarily tied together as there are plenty of people with great lives who are depressed.
>Should I go back to pretending that things are okay so that at least I’m not being a constant downer?Are you being a debbie downer? Are you turning every conversation with others into woe is me about your depression. If not, you're fine. If so, just do it less. It's ok to talk about your depression and struggles, just not all the time.
And what you should do is bring all of this up with your therapist. That's what they are there for. It's probably just that your behaviors need to be tweaked or maybe try some different tactics to work on the depression.
No. 1485344
>>1485312Break up with your boyfriend. Not to save the ex, but because he is manipulative as fuck. This guy has been fucking with your head for weeks now, or however long this has been going on, and I'm betting this is not the first time he played games like this, just the first time he went this hard. Let him go. You've had two boyfriends, you can get another one.
Also, take a hard look at yourself, cause this entire situation, with your ex and your current, is ridiculous. Are you letting yourself get drawn into drama, when you should walk away, because of being guilt tripped and being afraid to hurt anyone? Hurting people is unavoidable. It's only bad when doing it for malicious or sadistic reasons. And guilt is only useful as a prompt to remind you not to do that thing again. Wallowing in it is useless.
No. 1485350
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Losing weight is easy, I just wish it wouldn't take so long lmao
No. 1485429
>>1485350Keep going, nonita. I've done it before and it sucks that it's really slow, but it feels amazing when you finally get to see your body at the healthy weight you wanted.
Also, really fucking angry that I was just chatting with people about feminism or whatever and some creepy he/they moid joins in and he complains about there being women's and men's bathrooms. Not even actual sex segregated ones, he wanted women and men to use the bathrooms together (ew). So I told him that as a woman I would be super uncomfortable with sharing the bathroom with a man. Then he shows me this picture of some freak with a beard, literally just looks like a typical gross middle aged dude, and he asked me whether or not I would feel comfortable sharing a bathroom with this man. I said no, and if I saw a man like that in the bathroom I would leave without saying a word. He got super fucking pissed at me then and said it was actually a brave and stunning trans lady who not only deserves to use the women's bathroom but also deserves to be around me and that I have no right to feel uncomfortable around "her". I gave him the most charitable answer I could, and he still got angry. He compared my discomfort in being in a vulnerable position around a man to someone crossing the street when they see a black person (he was a white man saying this) and I felt so disgusted at him in that moment. He was being gross and mansplaining how I, as a real woman, should feel around a man leering at me in the bathroom. I fucking hate men so much. Then another creepy nonbinary moid with stubble joins in and complains that gendered bathrooms are the fault of colonizers. Yes, he was white too. Fucking creepy racist troons. Alright, there's my complaining all done for the day.
No. 1485447
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I hate that I just can't seem to move on from this one moid. I have guys hitting on me every time I go out but I just don't want to go through this whole "getting to know someone" stage again. I felt so comfortable and safe around him and he's the first who ever made me feel like that. I don't want to be intimate with anybody else. Ugh this sucks.
No. 1485458
>>1485344Heh, thank you nonna. I guess lately I just thought to myself like "man.. I've really hurt alot of people" and figured doing this for my friends would help, even though I am just getting myself into more useless drama. It's tiring, even though I didn't make my mind up in time and he left I might forfeit from this as well. Causing pain unintentionally will happen in life but ahh it eats me up. I guess I should learn from those mistakes. Thank you though, this is really helpful… calms me down.
>>1485409Thank you too. Anyone I asked regarding this situation and if I could talk him out of this decision commented that he may just not be ready for a relationship at this stage and to go with what will make me the happiest. He broke it off with me after trying to manipulate me some more an hour ago– it stings hard yeah but ah.. it's a little relieving if I must be honest.
No. 1485468
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I'm so cringe, I'm a very cringy person and there's no era of my life were i wasn't being cringe, doing cringe stuff or causing second hand embarrassment to people around me, over and over again. It's hard to develop an actual self-esteem when you're constantly humiliating yourself in front of everyone. Even when I tried to "looksmaxx" I couldn't change how retarded, slow and autistic I am, it's so painful, even when people initially think I'm a Stacy they soon or later get disappointed by my nonexistent social skills and clumsy, aspie behavior
No. 1485474
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I use to be more high maintenance until moids called me conceited, then I let myself go and became depressed. I miss being pretty and feeling good. Why do moods have to tear us down? I want to feel good and be happy again.
No. 1485527
>>1485518That's really kind of you to say, thank you so much
No. 1485528
>>1485520I struggled with that too, you can accept it being a part of you but don't let it run your life. I hope you find happiness,
No. 1485548
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>have friend
>friend, if ever, initiates any conversation or greeting.
>if we do talk it's one-word or short as fuck conversations
>will go months and weeks without messaging me before I do
>message friend
>"Hey are we like, still friends? Also, did you hear about [insert thing related to fandom we're in]"
>send message
>a solid minute passes before I realize how clingy, attention whorish, disgusting and bpd-esque that sounds
>hear notifs meaning that they replied
>to anxious to open phone to check what they said
FUCK. FUCK, WHY DID I SAY THAT??? I feel so embarrassed. I am literally getting all sweaty thinking about that reply, I want to stab myself 10000 times over for that. I've screwed it up haven't I?
No. 1485566
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why don't i know how to talk to people? why can't i communicate about an interest of mine with others who're also interested in that thing without feeling like an outsider or a fucking dumbass, or worse, a creep? i literally fucking hate being autistic. i hate not being able to convey my thoughts and feelings like a normal fucking person. i want to be a part of a group of friends who all laugh and hang out together, i want for conversations and group chats to not fall silent the moment i give my input on something.
i'm on the outside looking in and wanting for more every single time and i cannot fucking stand it anymore.
No. 1485593
>>1485548im the same type of person as your friend. dw
nonnie, i don't usually pay attention nor is it that big of a deal
No. 1485602
>>1485332Do I have more of a life? It's kind of hard to say. I think it's been about the same as it was before, but I feel I have to try harder now because I'm out of school and everyone is working and doesn't live close to me anymore. And you're right that improving my life doesn't correlate with being less depressed, I guess that's something I should keep in mind.
I'm not sure if I am being a debbie downer. It is true that every time my friends check in on how I'm doing, if I answer honestly I'll say "not great" or that I'm struggling. I try to be open about my struggles because I wasn't in the past and that led to resentment, but now when I talk about things that are bothering me I can tell my friends don't always know what to say. So I start to wonder if maybe I'm saying too much. I'm still aware of all the stuff that's going on their lives though, so I don't think I'm hogging all the conversation necessarily. Sometimes it's the opposite and I feel bad that I don't have much to talk about when I catch up with my friends because I'm so depressed. I know that can be kind of a boring conversation to have when the other person doesn't have much going on in their lives except being sad. Anyway thanks for hearing me out! My therapist took a break for like, five weeks so I hadn't been able to talk to her. She said we could start meeting this week again which is promising. I really hope I can start to get better asap, but it's already been a year of feeling this way so it's frustrating!
No. 1485639
>>1485602>but now when I talk about things that are bothering me I can tell my friends don't always know what to sayThat's not a you problem. It's a 'most people don't know what to say when anyone is talking about difficult times' problem. Humans are not the best at providing emotional support.
Can you think about what kind of reaction you are want from your friends and ask for that? Like, "I'm not doing well right now, I could use a little encouragement that things will get better?"
If you aren't looking for anything specific, can you just say something like "I want to be honest, I'm not doing the best right now, but I don't want to dwell on it, so what's going on with you?"
>Sometimes it's the opposite and I feel bad that I don't have much to talk about when I catch up with my friends because I'm so depressed.Current events is always something to talk about. If you have the energy, check a news site, pick an article and ask you friends "Did you hear about x?" And movie, tv books are always good conversation topics.
A tip for conversion, repeat the last couple of words someone says to you with a questioning tone, and it prompts people to talk more about what they said. Like if they say, "work has been busy lately." say "busy lately?" and they'll usually go on more about work and stuff.
>I really hope I can start to get better asap, but it's already been a year of feeling this way so it's frustrating!I so feel you anon. And I'm not trying to be a debbie downer, but sometimes recovery takes a while and doesn't happen asap. I know in my case, I was depressed, and I was like, all right, I'mma do x, y, and z and that will fix it. It did not work like that. X didn't work, I had to tweak y, and z only worked after I did some more work on myself and found some beliefs about myself, that I didn't realize I had, that were contributing to the depression.
Glad you can get back with your therapist.
No. 1485643
>>1485566Hey anon, I'm not autistic but I have a friend who is and two things were helpful for her: joining a support for autistic women and having a trusted friend to debrief with after social interactions to give her feedback on anything that went sideways.
It sucks to have only superficial relationships when craving something deeper and I hope you can find your people who you can connect with.
No. 1485648
>>1485548>a solid minute passes before I realize how clingy, attention whorish, disgusting and bpd-esque that soundsIt's none of that. It's not a bad thing to want a closer relationship with someone. And it's not a bad to ask them about it.
>I've screwed it up haven't I?Not really. There's a decent chance they ignored the are we still friends question and just talked about the fandom thing. If they didn't they probably just said "Yes, of course we are still friends". That's how most people would respond to that question, even if they didn't mean it.
You want a closer relationship than your friend is giving you, but I don't think there is a social script for how to have that conversation. The best I can come up with is to come at slantwise like "Is there something going on right now? We don't talk or text as much as we used to." or make a joke about it, like "Hey, did you die? I haven't heard from you in ages. lol."
No. 1485652
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I can't take it anymore. The upstairs neightbor is making me lose my fucking mind. I have talked to her peacefully, I have left notes, I have spoken with the landlord, I have made complaint after complaint but this stupid fat ass whale lard of a bitch will not SHUT the FUCK up. She's constantly banging on the floor stomping like a maniac, HAMMERING at 2 in the fucking morning, dragging chairs and tables and other miscellaneous shit across the floor, slamming cabinets, dancing and jumping up and down fucking FATASS LAND WHALE. I have never experienced this noise level in an apartment before. HELP my nerves are shot HELP me not go upstairs and beat the living shit out of this bitch
I'm not zen! I'm not zen at all!
No. 1485673
>>1485668> I would've broken up with him a long time ago but one time I tried to, he threatened to delete his socials and leave all his friendsThe fuck? One, he's lying. He's not going to do that for long. Oh, he may do it at first, but he will creep back onto social media in a few days.
>It makes me feel horrible especially since we have a lot of mutual friends.Why? You are not responsible for managing his relationship with his friends. That's all on him, he's a grown man. And hurting people is unavoidable in life. It's only bad when doing it for malicious or sadistic reasons. And he's probably going to lie to your friends about why you broke up, and blame it on you, so get ahead of him and start telling some of your friends about his shitty behavior now.
And why would you care about hurting someone who deliberately goes out of his way to hurt you? I want to be clear about this, your boyfriend is hurting you on purpose, he knows he is doing it and he's doing it to destroy yourself self-esteem. Every day you stay with him, is a day that he will try to ruin you. Get out.
No. 1485677
>>1484969Please leave him anon. Start making plans today. The reason you feel worthless is because you are in a relationship with a shitty person. When you leave, you will fell so much better.
To shore yourself up before you leave, pick up a copy of Why Does He Do that by Lundy Bancroft. It sounds like one of the things that has you hung is why he behaves the way he does. This book will explain it to you. You can find a free pdf by googling the title.
For inspiration, this podcast has stories of women who were in shittier relationships than the one you've described and they got out and are so much happier. You can do this.
Narcissist Apocalypse No. 1485718
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I had this exact sweater as a kid and I loved it. I didn't really take good care of my stuff as a kid so if I liked something I would usually just put it away to save it. I ended up finding this sweater a couple months back, in good condition from being stowed away.
I could still fit it, although it was a bit short. So I at first decided to just keep it, and style it cutely when I wanted to wear it.
Only I started thinking about my younger sister who is still smaller than me currently and is into fashion and at the time cutesy stuff, and how she might like it and use it more. So I gave it to her.
I looked it up before i did and found out it was from the 90s, so even when i wore it as a kid it was on the edge of being vintage. I told her that it was vintage and that she better take good care of it. She promised she wouldn't ruin it. I ended up discovering it under her bed a few days later destroyed. She hadn't even worn it.
I'm so pissed about this. I'd forgotten about it but I just randomly remembered it now and I'm so angry. I could've just kept it and worn it myself where it wouldn't have gotten ruined. I would've made more use of it despite what I thought previously.
It also angers me seeing listings of it online where it's now seen as a trendy genz fashion item for whatever shitty core fashion. Screw genz for turning nostalgia into trendy "aesthetics"
No. 1485728
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I have internalized this fucking idea that I expire at 25,I feel like a fucking dumbass for falling for the meme. I turn 24 this year and I'm so scared I wasted my youth already trying to just survive and be somewhat functional after years of emotional abuse and severe bullying.
Doesn't help that I live somewhere conservative and I don't have a long term relationship, I only had that highschool love once and that's it. I'm also extremely dumb as I don't really tell when someone likes me as I've been told many times by moids they like me as a joke and the moids that like me are so crusty.
Even though I look and feel so much better than I did in my teens, I can't help being worried that I will never find love after that age, as the good guys get married early or are already in relationships.
My 2 options for that were either unaliving (which I doubt I will tbh) or marrying a rich old ugly fart.
God, I want to cry for being this pathetic.
No. 1485753
>>1485728>I look and feel so much better than I did in my teensThat's all that matters, moids are pedos who can't deal witch a women who can handle herrself. Cosmetic companies wants to make us buy more shit so they act like wrinkles are the worst think that can happen to you.
And the only people who call their teens the best part of their life are losers who peaked in HS and haven't done anything meaningfull for 20 years.
You're doing great anon !
No. 1485764
>>1485728Nonna please do not fall for the crazy moid propaganda and please focus on personal growth. Women have to deal with so much shit and now this. It is one of the ways to control you, to scare you enough to tie you to an undeserving moid.
Also maybe older nonnas have noticed, but they are constantly trying to lower the age too. It used to be that you were too old at 40 but now it is down to 25? Wow, ai kind of expect them to lower it to 21 in a few years.
No. 1485777
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I'm supposed to write a 3 page treatment about fish people and the deadline is TOMORROW because I've had a writer's block for a few days now and cannot for the life of me come up with anything interesting because I hate the setting and it's the most retarded assignment I've had in my life ! ! !
No. 1485826
>>1485819The thing is these fuckers don't even like natural big boobs, they just like the plastic surgery ones.
Natural big boobs come with the law of gravity, so they call them saggy for not being perky at all Times like the fake ones do.
Atp I think they just want so fuck sex dolls, they should get one and leave women alone.
No. 1485832
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Why the fuck did I listen to them? "Please, continue this project, next semester is easy anyways…" MY ASS! The same person who was telling me this is now giving us two large ass tasks to work on and like five days deadline, when there is other shit to do! How the fuck I suppose to work on the project, basically alone at this point is beyond me. Watch in total 3 hours of a stream and write, this whole semester is tons of writing when can i work on my fucking portfolio then? and i need to get an internship for the summer, it's impossible and when it's thesis time i'll drop the fuck out
No. 1485849
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>be me
>try to get over a moid
>constantly dream about him
>wake up from dream where we hang out with our friends and he suddenly starts making out with a girl that he brought with him right in front of me
>wake up crying
Holy shit my chest still feels so heavy after waking up 20 minutes ago. Why does it have to hurt so much
No. 1485867
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It's the end of the month and still haven't received my paycheck. Where the fuck is it
No. 1485869
Mom has always been a very loud person: loud eating, loud talking, loud steps, loud music, loud singing…everyone has to hear her at all times, when she's not around everything is peaceful, you know she's back when there's noise, it's something woke you up that was very probably her. It originates from the fact she's the last child of a large family, nobody really cared for her to the point when my grandpa developed dementia she was the first person to be forgotten by him, heavy stuff. It is very sad so I don't judge a lot, she doesn't mean no harm and she's otherwise a very sunny person. I forgive you mom, even when it looks like I'm annoyed by you, I'm also annoying sometimes too
No. 1485871
>>1485869Damn, my moms the same. You're cute and patient,
nonnie. Sometimes we forget we all have our own annoying habits too.
Mom, I forgive you for singing Flowers by Miley Cyrus for five hours a day.
No. 1485878
>>1484877I'm the first nona. Thank you for your kind words ♥ I'm sorry to hear about you and your pup, but I trust that you will do what is best for the both of you, even if that means she'll end up in another home.
I did everything wrong when I brought my dog home. The internet wasn't what it was today and we didn't have many resources. My dad just handed me some books and told me to read them and do it all, but I was like 8 and didn't really comprehend it all at the time. She came home to a very busy apartment full of loud family friends instead of a quiet and empty home. Thankfully, she settled in fine and pretty quickly. She was independent and stubborn her whole life, but I think that really made it easier on us because she never had separation anxiety (didn't even know that was a thing with dogs until I was much older) and we could leave her to free roam without worrying about stuff getting destroyed. From puppyhood to her senior years, everyone in our family did our own thing, her included. It was only during the last few months when she was no longer able to really walk or see when we basically became attached at the hip.
I liked to call her a tsundere, because it felt like she never really wanted to admit that she wanted to let you know how much she loved us. It wasn't until she passed away that I really began to accept the idea that she loved me as much as I loved her. In the moment, I always thought she was rubbing up on me and cuddling with me just to wipe her face or get some treats. That was definitely part of it, but when I look back on the videos I look, I really do think she loved me back.
>>1484859I am sorry for your loss nona.
>>1484916>>1484932I don't know if I'll ever be able to have another dog. There are a lot of logistical reasons for it (like finances and future housing reasons), but emotionally I don't know if I could handle it either. I think of how I want a dog so bad. I grew up with my dog, she's been with me my whole life. I have very few memories of life without a dog, so I feel very empty without one. But to bring in another dog means knowing that I will have to live through losing them. It'd be even worse if it was to an illness too. I was so fortunate I was able to see my dog to the very end of her life, but I know that that is something that not all dog owners get to have. Grief is the price we pay for love but right now I am hurting so much. I do not regret ever bringing my dog home, but I am really struggling without her.
No. 1485899
>>1485884Yeah. Looking back, it's insane that I accepted it. Now, my first instinct would be to call a woman who did that a retard despite having been there myself. The mindset they manipulate you into just wears you down until you have no resistance left. You're just left with "haha yeah babe..yeah..totally hehe as long as you still love me. you love me right?"
There was a pickme aspect to it though, arrogance towards other women. Like sure he's watching huge titted porn stars. But I'm special, right? There's thousands of porn stars but there's only one of me, the Good and Accepting girlfriend aka the perfect doormat. Other girls could never be as open-minded as chill as me.
No. 1485911
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Thank you nonnas for reassuring me life doesn't end at a certain age, guess I have to go to therapy or just fix this mindset some other way, it's not ok.
>>1485753Yea, a lot of moids are pedos, but it's more concerning since that sort of thinking got into moids my age.
I noticed that too with people who peaked in hs and then reality hit them like a truck in college, they seem sad too.
>>1485762It's ok nonna, you're not mean for speaking some sense into me, even though it may seem like that to someone else at first glance. I'm glad you're better off now with more positive things and changes in your life.
>>1485764Yea, the thing is that I want that personal growth to happen in seconds so I don't waste too much time on it and lose other opportunities kek, I unfourtunately think that there is a deadline for certain things and idk how to make it stop.
When I started to see this shit thought getting popular, "the wall" was at 30, now it's 25 and I see a handful of dumbfucks on tiktok and reddit saying 22/23 so this lowering is happenning now actually. We simply just can't win, eh.
Thank you so much again, wish you all the best.
No. 1486002
>>1485944I’ve never understood how people do it in the shower tbh. I’ve heard about detachable shower heads but it’s a janky gross hotel shower without such amenities and idk if it would work for me anyway since
im sensitive I tried doing it in bed while my friend is away showering but she takes such quick showers I wouldn’t be able to finish in time and I don’t want to make myself even more frustrated.
But also I think I discovered a new type of orgasm, it’s like a brain orgasm. What you do is you imagine a specific scenario and REALLY concentrate and imagine you’re there and play it out from start to finish
(usually her finish, like the face and the sounds she would make) and then your brain has like the emotional part of an orgasm. I don’t know how to explain. Can anyone else do this or am I tripping
No. 1486037
nonnie I didn't think about it but I probably am a huge Stacy at making myself come easily/quickly. Could you lie in bed fantasizing heavily and then when you're riled up enough go into the bathroom to finish yourself off? You could do it while your friend is asleep so you wouldn't be worried about interruptions.
I swear I have had a "brain orgasm" too, just from lying next to someone I found really attractive. She was doing something else and not paying any attention to me and I have a secret fetish for being ignored when I'm horny. It completely felt like the mental aspect of orgasm for me. No. 1486042
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>>1486002Holy kek sorry for the situation you're in but the braingasm thing killed me. I never thought about mentally having an orgasm but I think I know what you're talking about with the feeling afterward, like endorphins moving around.
Sometimes I feel crazy if I concentrate on the middle of my head I can feel it getting lighter like it's my third eye opening or something Hope you find someone to have braingasms with soon
No. 1486044
>>1486038Nonnie are you me? I'm the same way, except my dad will directly shame me for not knowing chinese. I got sick of it and told him it wasn't my fault- he and my mother worked full time so they had no choice but to ask my aunt to raise me. For whatever reason, my aunt chose to raise me and my cousin to mainly speak english. I told him if he had such a problem with it, to take it up with her.
My listening is much better than my speaking, but it's still subpar. I've been trying to speak it more at home but it's difficult. My friend's chinese drastically improved because she worked at a chinese office, but even she fears she's going to lose it all since she changed jobs.
No. 1486086
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I have a crush on my friend who has a bf. I'm pissed at myself for catching feelings when I'm just trying to make normal female friends. I feel like a worthless horny moid, she thinks of me as a friend and meanwhile I'm bright red, heart pounding, awkwardly trying to act normal when she leans in close to talk to me at a loud party or puts her head on my shoulder. I fantasize about her a lot and feel so guilty about it because it feels like I'm taking advantage of her kindness. This happens so often for me that I'm starting to think I can't have female friends.
Also I have a long term bf myself right now and I love him, and I don't even want to think about the implications of my emotional cheating and I'll probably marry him and end up one of those spicy straight bi women who married men but still have strong female attraction with no outlet and cry themselves to sleep every night but I'd never stoop so low as to be a unicorn hunter or anything
No. 1486126
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I overshared again. I cope by telling myself one of them has a shit memory anyways and won't remember it in two weeks time, but the other one has a memory like an elephant. She tends to overshare too, so I tell myself we're just being even now. The cope is failing hard btw.
No. 1486222
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i wish i didnt feel so lonely. i try to keep busy but sometimes it doesnt help, and when im busy i isolate, but when i want to be around people everyone is busy, they're all online anyawy. i dont mean to be this way. i remember now why i did drugs because i didn't feel so lonely. i guess i will just sleep, but i really wish i could be around someone that loves me.
No. 1486225
Random vent, I'm just remembering how, as a teenager in the 2000s in my middle class suburban city, the parents of the kids at my high school were so FUCKING mean to teenage girls for no reason and it was just accepted. Like, I remember my friends' parents making jokes and comments about girls they hardly knew, as young as 14, calling them "little sluts" because they dated their son's friend, who was a perfect special angel boy or whatever. I also remember a bunch of my teachers acting like pickmes almost, like, I vividly remember so many of my (woman) teachers favoring the boys in class, laughing at their dumb jokes, and letting the 'funny' popular guys be loud and obnoxious and break the class rules while the girls ALWAYS got in trouble for the littlest things like whispering in class. It makes me so mad to think about, I fucking hated high school
No. 1486238
>>1486111sounds like my ex. first relationships are no excuse to behave like a bpd psycho, he definitely always was one and this event just showed his true colors. document all his threats and share them with the friends you trust to be safe
nonny. good on you for putting your foot down and cutting contact. let him fester and rot in his own misery, he deserves it
No. 1486280
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anons, im in med school and theres an actual, literal retard in the same year as me. every day i wonder how the fuck he even got accepted.
he wants to practice as a cardiac surgeon in germany. all i can say is that i send my thoughts and prayers to the german people and hope your medical system rejects him before he has a chance to get within 100 feet of any patients kek
No. 1486409
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not really a vent but i am so fucking close to finishing this project for school. or at least, i'm getting it to a state of completion. it's going to be ugly as sin and missing a lot but it will KIND OF meet the bare minimum. atp that's good enough for me. very excited for my degree
No. 1486418
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Sometimes I feel like I'm at fault for my mother's mental illness since she only really developed it after getting having me. It also makes me scared to have children despite really wanting to be a mother, because I'm terrified that some mental illness laying dormant in me will awaken and I will terrorize my children.
No. 1486465
>>1486458Unfortunately she found it 3 years ago. She believes in
the plan and that a lot of celebrities that are dead are not really dead because someone on rumble said so. Michael Jackson is really just undercover fighting pedo trafficking rings all over the world along with trump. It is hell to have a immediate family member be part of the cult and exhibit cult behavior.
No. 1486523
>>1486500I don't understand why people are in """""relationships""""" like that, ie relationships that are far below the level of even casual friendship with regards to communication and mutual appreciation.
Maybe it's one of those things that people do because it's a Thing You Do. "Well, what else can I do, be single? No thanks, I'd rather live with a complete mongoloid child who is too retarded to talk about anything and who I feel contempt for. After all I'm a normal person and normal people do this." Both men and women end up in situations like that on the regular and I'm so sick of hearing them complain about it.
No. 1486537
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IM TRYING TO QUIT SMOKING AND ALL NICOTINE COLD TURKEY BUT ITS SO HARD i can only cope by making edits of fat chihuahuas on picsart to convey my feelings
No. 1486563
>>1486429kek this post made me so sad. me and your sister are living the same life
i know it doesn't help but she's probably just as frustrated with herself as you are with her. it's not a fun way to be
No. 1486576
>>1486523>>1486525What's not to understand how
toxic relationships happen?
You might find yourself in one even among family or friends.
No. 1486594
>>1486523I'm only staying with my moid because rent is $50 for me and I don't want to start over again. I've really had enough of it. From a financial standpoint, leaving doesn't make sense.
>Just be broke and be happy?Happiness isn't waiting for me at the end of that particular tunnel, just poverty. If I lose more money I'll be homeless. I can't go through that again.
No. 1486598
>>1486576> What's not to understand how toxic relationships happen?How they happen, yes. I'm neurodivergent and not a minor so I don't blindly accept social convention. Many people get together based on nothing at all beyond being single and being in the same place for a short time, and then live out shit relationships, that they could easily leave at any point, for years and years and years and even decades.
Normies can't even explain it, they say shit like "It's the done thing, why don't you understand it?" or "You're just bitter because you are single" and the people say "I am in love, we just have no physical attraction, no common interests, no common sensibilities, no mutual affection, and lots of contempt, so I will stay with him/her forever."
It's complete lunacy when you're not part of that bubble, similar to how trans shit looks completely sensible to people inside the social contagion bubble but is obviously retarded from the outside.
No. 1486685
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I hate my current workplace beyond belief and want to do something else but nothing interests me enough to train myself in it and I also lack faith in myself whether I'd actually be able to switch careers. I think I just hate working, period. I loved studying, learning new things and didn't mind writing essays and I think I would have been happy being a student forever. I don't see myself returning to school though unfortunately because I'm broke and live paycheck to paycheck. I feel like as long as I'm working I'll be feeling miserable
No. 1486693
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So I live in a shitty country and we’re having really bad weather at the moment and I told my gf about a flash flood warning in my area and she just said ok and hasn’t really mentioned any concern despite having said I’ve gone through lots of flood destruction in the past.
No. 1486710
>>1486696Yeah, it really shocked me, specially cause the moid in question admitted to doing it while fishing for sympathy on camera "wwwaaa I'm sorry I paid for deepfakes waaaaah this is not me I swear", lame and pathetic.
You couldn't pay me to be a public figure as a woman nowadays, shit sucks ass and is only going to get worse
No. 1486716
>>1486696It's the classic "male feminist" thing. There's plenty good men, but every single card carrying "male feminist" is a creepy predator.
It's bad enough he looked at it, but the fucker even paid real money. That's a level of coomery the average person cannot dream of.
No. 1486915
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My life feels at a perpetual stand-still. I have a job I really like now with a lot of flexibility, but I’m still living at home in the same town I grew up in. I see the same neighborhood everyday, the same sights. I feel stuck and useless. I got a dog 4 years ago that I love, but he’s big and chatty, so finding a place that allows him is already hard. I’ve dropped out of community college countless times cause I have no concrete academic goals. I only talk to a small group of people, and most days I feel pretty misanthropic. I feel like I don’t exist and I never will. I smoke weed to try to ignore it all but then I just feel bad that I smoke weed and shut my already fucking stupid brain off. I’ve started lifting weights at home to just keep myself occupied and to feel like I’m in control of my body. But I’m still here, with the same surroundings, in the same shitty small town, with no real progress in my life. I hate it so much. I really want to get out of here. I really need to. I feel like I’m never going to feel okay if I don’t. But I don’t just want to move just to get a mentally-unsustainable job at a shitty fast food place or something. I don’t qualify for anything. I don’t know. Idk idk idk I want to scream. I feel so alone and useless.
No. 1486926
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Wished my ex Happy Birthday like a fucking clown and I still haven’t heard anything back. It’s possible he’s still sleeping cause he can pass out for long periods of time but still. I’m a retard and miss him and he’s probably moved on to some BPD mess that he can pretend parent.
No. 1486930
>>1485566but im a creep
im a weirdo
No. 1487064
>>1487017>Mood stabilizer or antidepressant etc depending on the person normally at first to take the edge off. >DBT >Cognitive after DBT The idea is the med helps keep you steady. The DBT teaches you not to self destruct or lash out etc.
cognitive then teaches better thought patterns.
No. 1487120
>>1487102nothing wrong with being a
terf nona but that's no nigel, that's a troon fucker
No. 1487135
>>1487110Fine whatever my fucking boyfriend then sorry I
triggered you
He just walked out on me too like we are actively fighting over this shit because apparently trans people are more likely to be sexually assaulted than cis women? I don't know if that's true but all I was saying was that there's examples of people that raped children going on hormones and being put in women's prisons and he was like THAT NEVER HAPPENS and I was like lol go to
Sorry if you think this is some kind of bait I'm very fucking upset right now
I think this is the last straw and I should break up with him IDK he was like shouting at me about how JK Rowling was an evil person after I said I had seen screencaps of the original drama on lolcow and I said she even defended ppls right to transition but like… IDK
Nonnie I just don't know I compared transracial people with transgender people apparently that's wrongthink? He just said trans people face violence more than women and I was just like are we gonna start giving liposuction to anorexic people now? And I even have a trans friend and I use their correct pronouns IDC if you are an adult do what you want I'm obviously going to be respectful but idk he just compared JK rowlings Twitter account to a person saying n_slur all day and I was just saying she doesn't even use the T slur like wtf but apparently critical thinking is bigoted and defending Rowling makes me a
TERF even though I've experienced a small degree of gender dysphoria myself and like I said I am friends with trans people and the craziest part of all of this is that he even fucking agrees with me that there should be like a trans ward in male prisons and they shouldn't be housed with female prisoners and he even agrees with me that kids shouldnt be put on puberty blockers or hormones or have gender surgery but we still ended up yelling at each other and he called me a fucking
TERF for acknowledging that maybe JK Rowling isn't an evil genocider
No. 1487147
>>1487135How bad would it be for you if he went around badmouthing you for being an evil
TERF? But do break up anyway.
No. 1487150
>>1487120>>1487118Honestly I should dump him and just fucking be celibate until I can choose to be a lesbian IN B4 PPL ARE
TRIGGERED I SAID ITS A CHOICE because for me it absolutely is a choice I am bisexual but I have never chosen to date a woman simply because it was always harder than saying yes to moids
He also thinks looking at porn is normal and not bad if done in moderation despite me telling him that sex work is traumatic (I was a sex worker I would know) and talking about poverty being coercion and IDK nonnas I think I'm peaking and am gonna try to become a lesbian because I thought my Nigel was different
No. 1487171
>>1487145Yeah I think I need to get a gf bc this was the best bf I'd ever had compared to the clowns before him
I still love him I don't want this shit to be happening he said it was all lolcows fault that I was a
TERF I don't even identify with that label tbh I see a lot of dehumanizing ppl in the trans threads so I don't usually read them bc I don't want to hate on people for being trans simply because they're trans like IDK I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone like the only options are 1) handmaiden 2) evil
TERF No. 1487174
>>1487168Many such cases
Eat less, work out a bit, be healthy not anachan about it and you'll be fine
No. 1487180
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i feel like im 2 different people, from what i can gather from only myself 1 holds my memories and acts for me but acts on pure emotion so it seems to damage all good i have and this me has no fucking clue what happened whenever i feel conscious and see my damage so trying to remember what i fucking did is like pointing fingers at someone else, inb4 "avoiding to take responsibility" i want to, i want to hold myself accountable and learn but its like im being remote controlled . this is breaking me man. i dont know what the fuck this ex boyfriend is very victim to this change, and ive hurt him so much. and so many people. but i dont remember what i fucking did… these memories aren't mine or they're implanted there as a form of sabotage either by "that" me or the friends i so trusted once. i cant handle it. i want to get therapy tell them all this and how ive hurt myself over it all but i dont WANT to be thrown into a hospital. NOT TODAY ATLEAST PLEASE i want to be fucking normal
No. 1487185
>>1487166I'm almost 30
>>1487165Starting to feel like this is impossible and women are generally more good looking anyway IDK all the moids I've been with have either been ugly or
abusive or both this is like the least bad relationship I've been in so far but coming here is starting to make me realize that I need to respect myself more than I ever have in the past
>>1487160Make me, dipshit.
>>1487167Honestly I should've known this relationship wouldn't work from a lot of other things I won't get into because people are already calling me retarded so I guess no venting in the vent thread because being too angry to proofread my post like it's a goddamn substance article makes me a fucking underage retard apparently
No. 1487190
I'm on a phone
No. 1487194
>>1487183THANK YOU
I'm going to check out these links and send him screenshots proving him wrong lol fuck it I'm just trolling him at this point cos I feel like he won't change his mind
YOU SHOULD ABSOLUTELY PROVIDE MORE LINKS. I promise you I will read everything. I'm still shaking with rage. I was straight up delusional thinking this relationship could ever work TBH not going into why because it's too retardedly shameful even on an anonymous board but FUCK I am angry THANK YOU
No. 1487208
>>1487183The CDC link you gave doesn't work, not even the archive of it. I feel like I can't show him the crime rate stuff until I can prove women are
victims more often than trans people that's what his whole argument hinges on
No. 1487212
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really hating scrotes rn
No. 1487213
>>1487194You’re welcome and I’ll see what I can grab. I tend to save everything all over the place.
1 in 3 men are willing to rape: debunking the common trans one: about transgenderism and it’s pitfalls aggression:’s some more and I’ll try to post a big list later in 2x in the resources thread. Good luck nonni ♥
No. 1487228
>>1487208 news reported on it. Here and cited the study.
Look at the prison rates too. Men in for sex crimes in normal pop versus transwomen in prison. They commit higher sex crimes 16 vs 46 % in the us. UK was similar.
No. 1487231
I Knew a black scrote who'd get real mad when me and my sister would use the word "tranny" turns out he told my sister he was into troons. I'm constantly telling her not to censor herself over his shit. He's constantly telling her not to say tranny, meanwhile he says bitch, hoes, nigga, nigger, like retard shut the fuck up. She doesn't have to believe they are women or respect them because they make your dicklet hardEven if he's super woke it's a 50/50 chance he seen one he would hypothically fuck which was why he's defending it. Scrotes don't defend anything just to be "Nice", no it's personal.
No. 1487290
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reposting because picrel was badly cropped so as to not disrupt any viewing experience
i'm so addicted to working out that i'm experiencing real negative physical affects as a result such as losing my period and literally turning into a ghoul. and i still can't shake it off. if i don't do it i feel suffocated and almost claustrophobic in a sense. tbf i've always been underweight my whole life but that just goes to show it wasn't about that it's the exercise itself the motor action that i can't stop as i'm a neet or my muscles literally feel like they're tightening up and lit on fire. feel like a laziest most worthless sack of shit as well so i can't stop. it's not even enjoyable it's painful at this point and take up my whole day from the moment i wake up and finish breakfast to straight before i go to sleep with few breaks inbetween for eating. i don't have any hobbies or friends to talk to so it fills my time and mind sort of in that sense. i'm even uglier rn than i've ever been and i hate myself i'm in pain but i can't get myself to not do it at least as often as i am currently
No. 1487312
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Mid divorce rn. Benn a long time coming because its a weird situation. My marriage ended when my husband one day just texted me the word 'annulment' then disappeared and never communicated with me again. What proceeded this.. nothing? There was no fight. No red flags. No cheating on my end and.. afaik his. No mistreatment on either end. We seemed amazing. I've racked my brain for too long over this and found no clues even in restrospect. A one word text and… poof
We'd years of built up trust, future plans, were legally and financially tied to each other and had a seemingly great relationship, the best I'd ever been in, right up until that split second change. I thought he'd hit his head. I thought he was having some type of yet-undiagnosed mental health episode. It was so out of left field. I gave him space and then checked in with his parents to see if hes ok. They said yeah and closed the door on me. I've never been so perplexed by anything in my life. Idk if he had secrets. If there was someone else. If he lied to his parents (why were they cold with me?) With the lack of answers/closure this has hung over me like a shadow for years now. I never would've seen it coming. I've nitpicked myself wanting to even blame myself if that gives an answer but theres nothing. How do I trust again. I dated someone in the years since but I almost worry now when things seem too good. Because things honestly seemed amazing right before that happened.
No. 1487353
>>1487318people who give a shit who you're dating or what you're eating are fucking weird. im not talking about
abusive relationships that should be ended or ones with fucked up power dynamics, or food disorders, just a normal couple/meal. i can't eat some stuff because it would make me very sick or stop breathing but some people think it's funny to joke about or keep asking me if I would eat (thing) though. same exact issue with dating, the person i am attracted to, as long as it is even, has nothing to do with anyone. avoiding trannies, fat, insert any trait here, will never be a phobia its just personal preference.
No. 1487394
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I just got promoted at my job and now I get summoned for jury duty. Just great. I'm going to be blatant and honest about how rapists should get put against the wall and shot, hopefully that'll get me not picked.
No. 1487405
>>1487312he found someone else or got bored of you, it really is that simple. But i guess it feels better to ponder then accept that it really is that simple and lame.
Also from what you said by ''everything seemed perfect'' im guessing he was one of those non-confrontational types who always bottle up their thoughts,feeling and nitpicks and when they cant bottle it up anymore they either leave or do something dangerous.
you are not the first one who got suddenly dumped in a relationship that was going smoothly, its really common with those type of men who hate confrontation.
Also he 100% planned that months in advance too, so he lost feeling for you months before the divorce news.
No. 1487456
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ive been getting random pains all over my abdomen (my sides, below my boobs, my back) today and i dont know why. wtf. if i lied on my side they would go away completely but now that doesnt work so i guess i just have to suffer in silence.
it started when i woke up and it has progressively gotten worse ever since, send help?
No. 1487470
Have you ever had something happen to you and it makes you sad, angry, or worried and then forget about it for a while, but still subconsciously have an upsetting/uneasy feeling the rest of the day? Something bad would happened to me (like an argument, worrying over a grade, etc), and then I’d temporarily forget about it. However, I’d have such a bad feeling in my stomach or just an overall anxiousness even though I supposedly ‘forgot’ about the event. When this happens, I spend the rest of the day trying to figure out why I feel so gross, and then I suddenly remember about the thing that happened earlier and I’m like “Oh, yeah.”.
If I’m able to forget about the bad things so easily, why won’t the bad feelings go away until I remember it again?
No. 1487474
>>1487323Twitch thread on /snow.
Disgusting to read through
No. 1487485
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It's 3AM and I've had five redbulls and four cups of coffee since yesterday morning. I can't sleep and all I want to do is go for a jog or workout but I can't because it's 3AM in the fucking morning and everyone but me is asleep.
No. 1487521
Nonnie, I don't think you're whiny at all. It's really traumatizing seeing someone get hurt regardless if they're shot or killed or what have you. You said you also thought the guy trying to run into your house was the gunnman and that must have been terrifying. I can't imagine that anyone would hold it against you feeling the way you do. If you can, I would try to talk to somebody about it.
No. 1487527
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Sometimes I feel bad for trannies, mostly because I can easily clock them and they have no where to hide
No. 1487582
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No. 1487657
>>1487465I knew we had no grounds for an annulment. That's why I wondered if he'd lost touch with reality. One google search and I knew we'd need a divorce. Years later that's finally happening. He'd been impossible to track down for all those years which really dragged the process out. I think he wanted to just pretend like we never even happened. Head in the sand. Left me with the lease, the bills, no cooperation to tie up any of the loose ends.
>>1487405True. Took me a while to see it as probably being that mundane of a reason. He was non-confrontational and one to bottle things up. He vented to me about workplace issues all the time but wouldn't speak up there. Vented about his dad but played happy families. Maybe he vented about me to his parents endlessly and that's why I got a cold response from them after. But I never had any awareness of the issues in order to work on them. I'm a reasonable person so it really threw me att trying to make sense of why we couldn't have a normal face to face break up even. Now I'm older, my friends are starting to join the 'failed marriage club' and I see much of the same. Boredom, unwillingness to even try to work on it, vague reasons for leaving when a year earlier they were making babies. Sudden abandonment of them and the kids without much warning. So glad we never had kids.
No. 1487693
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ooooooh i hate landlords!
I know it's goofy behaivor to fall in love with a place you're renting but damn he's selling the apartment and I see myself living and thriving here. It has a bathtub and a glassed in balcony and i feel so at home, i walk home with a pep in my step. For the first time in my life I felt like I had a sanctuary, a place to call home.
I hope he has a hard time selling, the old wart.
No. 1487775
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I'm so disgusted. I play a very niche, relatively new videogame with a great userbase, just a bunch of casuals. I was just going about my day and what I found in the fucking Inn?: A tranny, a fucking tranny. His name was "kimeko-chan" or something, and he was wearing a color combination resembling the trans flag while spamming the chat with "owo" and "trans right". Everyone reported him but at this point I think is not worth it, the moment you see a tranny somewhere is fucking over. I'm so grossed out they're literally everywhere, flexing their fetish and acting creepy towards everyone, I hate trannies so much
No. 1487791
>>1487775Wish there would be a feature that you can not only block people in videogames so that you can't read them in chat, but that you also can't see their characters, that would be nice.
Still, I hate the whole development, in TESO they started using gender neutral terms, even for visible female characters and I hate it so much. I play videogames to escape the world, not to be reminded of it again and again.
No. 1487810
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>>1487775Sims 4 just updated on Steam and this is the base game result. What the actual fuck
No. 1487814
>>1487812It's not that's why they make the TIMS look fucking crazy and why they gave a TEEN non binary (biological female) Sim, a male frame. I promise you they are going to collaborate with actual troons and have them create Troon sims who are just identical to the sex they are parading as. Instead of the realistic
>TIm is just a male Sim with make up and a wig, maybe the feminine body type but clearly a manI wish they'd keep this shit out the game. It's fucking gross, the top surgery scars, like if you add that shut why not add other surgery scars to make other game play?
As fucking.childish and lacking as sims 4 is, it's really confusing me why they suck Troon dick so hard suddenly.
Like the game is so tame I'm some areas but oh let's add surgery scars!
No. 1487820
>>1487814Remember when they promised to "refresh" those shitty game packs and they only did one KEK. Or when they said they were going to make all bodies of water in every town swimmable? KEKKKK. I cannot believe what a shit show sims 4 has been.
They suck troon dick because it's a really easy way to make money. That's all they're concerned about. They don't give a fuck about player experience anymore. If people want their shitty token SJW shit, they'll get it because it's relatively low-effort and an easy way to rake in the cash.
No. 1487855
>>1487853Not to project on you but I was like this when I was in shock the first time I lost a close family member. I hope you find someone to vent to and work through your feelings.
Oh and idk if staff cares too much anymore but putting a # in front of the heart emojis was preferred as it's coded to look like this ♥
No. 1487858
So i have this online friend, i met her once and i've been talking to her for like 3 years now. I like her and all.. she's into aliens and it's fun to talk with her sometimes but my GOD she always has some kind of a problem and i'm at an end with my patience.
I keep giving her advice, i keep supporting her, sometimes i buy her crafts to support her financially as well, i spend multiple times a day talking to her about her problems and once something resolves a new thing appears out of nowhere to ruin the progress. She has a narcissistic mother so basically has no family to help her. She ran away from an abusive scrote, who she still pays debts for now, into the arms of mentally abusive scrote. They broke up, he said he'll change, even after everybody told her he's abusive and wont change, they got back together and he's worse than ever. She got massive cysts on all her insides because of how he stresses her, got them taken out finally and after like 2 years she's finally able to get a job… so she can save up to move out already.
Suddenly a mysterious backpain appears. Doctors didn't find any problem, it can't be from the surgery because she was just fine for like 3 months. At this point i don't think the pain is that bad. I'd love to belive her but she keeps avoiding working. And i wouldn't mind if she was a neet, but if she won't work she will never leave the scrote. I keep telling her this all the time, though i can't tell her i don't belive the pain is that bad or even real. I give her a week max in the new job and she'll quit again like she did with other 10 jobs she tried before. Back then she quit because of the pain from the cysts which was understanadable, now she'll quit because of her back. And the worst thing is, she keeps getting new pets all the time and if she by a miracle had money to move out nobody will take her with her pets so she'll either have to leave her cat with the abuser or not move at all. She's fucking stupid and i hate that i feel like this but after all the time, all the help she got, 2 years worth of goverment money she got, nothing is better. She doesn't want to help herself, she wants to be miserable i think because that's all she had in her life so she can't even imagine how good life can be.
No. 1487885
>>1487819I find it harder, but it has a lot to do with what
>>1487828 wrote. I'm in my 30s and most people I once knew have a husband and children and somehow, they want to bring their children with them, always. It's just hard for me because I don't care for children, I don't want to listen to their stories about how many hours their child can sleep and how little he pisses himself, etc.
The money thing isn't the problem where a live, I'm the one that is poor, all the others have a lot of money, so that might be a regional difference. But yes, it's harder and I don't have friends, but honestly, I didn't put any effort into finding new ones, so my own fault, I guess.
No. 1487958
>>1487949Yeah it’s miserable especially when it’s transparent that it’s everywhere now in postindustrial societies because it’s a way for people to feel unique, self-defined and in control of their identities and destinies in a world that has completely robbed them of other more meaningful, physical connections to purpose and true identity. People are living miserably at work and through concepts in their head; they aren’t touching the world, aren’t living in their bodies; they long for a community and belonging that doesn’t exist for them in the increasingly overpopulated whirring machine of the world. Working a cash register isn’t a sense of self; people go looking for it like a pilgrimage, wanting to be heard, wanting to be someone in a life they can’t be anybody in. Clock in, drag your feet, pay the bills, order doordash, watch a show, cut off your boobs, dye your hair, you’re here, aren’t you? Maybe if you looked different you would BE here. Maybe if you were shaped different everything would be fresh and new and open to you. Pay for the procedures and you can make yourself new like molded clay under the fluorescents and the ticking clock of another shift.
No. 1488041
My mom didn't take care of my teeth when I was a kid, she only took me to a dentist bc our family doctor told her my teeth were fucked up and I was 14 at that point, I had to have root canals done in two of my mollars, and deep fillings in 6 other teeth. I have fillings in basically all of my teeth now, my mollars are the worst bc they're like 80% fillings now. I constantly have phantom pain in my jaw, I can't chew anything hard because it feels like all my teeth hurt. My bite is fucked up too, the dentist told my mom I needed braces but she didn't care. She was constantly guiltripping me bc she had to spent money on me, even when I got periodontitis and I was in so much pain no painkillers could help me and I wanted to kill myself, screaming and crying from pain, all she was thinking about was money. I finally got treatment but I was so traumatized I stopped eating for some time, I was also too afraid to sleep because I remembered that the pain used to get worse when I was lying down. I'm too ashamed to smile. I'm constantly scared that one of my mollars will break or something, I know my dentist did a really good job and used good materials, but even then, on average dead teeth work for like 11 years before they have to be extracted, and I got mine for 8 years already. I'm also scared of bone loss, because that can happen too. I constantly have nightmares about losing teeth. My mom is already dead but I can't stop feeling hate towards her. I will have to pay for this my entire life. I'm saving as much money as I can, because I know one day I'm gonna need implants, and that stuff is very expensive. I'm so jealous of people who are my age and who only have small fillings in some of their teeth and never had root canals done. All of this could've been prevented if my mom just took me for a check up every 6 months, or even every year, like any responsible parent should. My teeth are my biggest insecurity
No. 1488065
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my roommate/close friend pulled me to the side last night to tell me that she thinks I have an eating disorder and/or am expressing restrictive eating habits. THis was shocking to me because I have never experienced body dysmorphia or have had a bad relationship with food. She says that me forgetting to eat or passively choosing to eat less when I didn't move all day is not healthy.
Is it weird to instinctively eat less when inactive?? It's not like im starving or am restricting myself, i just think i generally do not need 3 full meals a day when I work a remote desk job. Plus i drink green tea in the morning every morning (common in my culture) and i know that probably suppresses my appetite in the morning. She sat me down like it was a fucking intervention. She also doesn't believe me when I say i don't have body dysmorphia because (and i quote) "No girl in this society has zero body dysmorphia." I have no clue how to move forward, this feels like a dealbreaker living wise and I don't want to live with her anymore.
>inb4 she's a hamplanet who's projecting
she's not even fat. she's not super thin, but she's definitely not huge and she's never projected shit onto me before (that i know of)
No. 1488068
>>1488042tbh i also find myself saying this periodically, but every attempt ive made to make adult friends have fizzled out. i straight up don't have the energy to maintain friendships anymore, obviously i can only speak for myself but… having a small group of friends seems like hard work now to me, even though only a couple of years ago i would've killed for something like that.
anons on /ot/ are always like 'try the friend finder thread lol', i dont think any of them have actually even tried using that thread themselves bc if they did i'm sure they wouldn't recommend it. imageboard posters in general dont make for reliable friendships (source: myself)
sorry for hijacking your vent post anon, i was originally going to say something along the lines of friends are overrated and leave it at that but nvm
No. 1488115
>>1488071i didnt say deep relationships are cope lol, but i think adult friendships are often shallow bc we have less energy to put into forging deep relationships and also a lot of us are burnt out from previous fallings out with close friends. most people in their late 20s and 30s don't have a developed large friend group, usually people hang out with their s/os if they have one and one or two friends at most. ymmv but thats what i've gleaned from talking to other people online and irl. i've read so many posts from people who admit to only hanging out with their gf/bf and getting all their other social interaction from collegaues at work, and i dont think that's a
bad thing, i think thats just a natural result of getting older. anyway i have no beef with you anon, i'm sorry if i made you feel worse about things
>>1488100honestly i admit to being part of the problem. but i've had people add me from that thread, send one line like 'hey how are you!' and then never respond ever again lmao. i get the struggle but it makes me kek that so many of us are dogshit at making friends
No. 1488118
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One of our roommates is starting to annoy my boyfriend and I. He's so fucking irritating lately. Something about a person's energy when they force themselves to speak to you is so uncomfortable. Why do you have to enter the room and loudly announce what we're doing every fucking time?? "OO HO HO PLAYING SOME CYBERPUNK?" FUCK OFF JUST COME INTO THE ROOM AND SAY HI LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. And why the FUCK do you have to set up your laptop out in the living room when we play a single player game??? I want to play in fucking silence if it's a single player game. Stop. I so badly want you to move out ugh
No. 1488125
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My body is fucking fat and stupid, finding pants that fit is so difficult. Please i just wanna know if anyone else shares my measurements? Fucking hate how all my fat builds up in my stomach and nowhere else, im like that meme of wide torso on thin legs
No. 1488146
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I'm so mentally exhausted from how simulatenously predatory yet incompetent colleges that I can't take it anymore. I'm going to owe my school money back now because of several people's complete misinformation. I was told one thing by one department, then another by a different department, basically being thrown around from one place to another, and completely neglected to be informed about what is slapping me in the face now. Just when I think I fix things and get told it's ok, the college comes back to say something different and give me another problem. It's been a vicious cycle for the past two weeks and now I'm praying I don't lose my job due to my situation. No department in college actually does anything. They just want to take, take, take. I hate them so much I hope when I graduate I can get to a point I don't know them a single dime ASAP. And that that Biden debt relief passes. I should be preparing to enjoy my time in another country for the next several months now but this just keeps giving me endless amounts of stress.
No. 1488166
>>1488151Who the f cares, 30 year old scrotes parade with their disgusting funkopop collections and no one cares
I have similar interests and I'm a little older than you, I also had more "adult" hobbies as a teen, but they didn't require buying anything, I could download all the papers I wanted to read online, but after I started working and saving my own money I was like "hey now I can buy all those cute toys I couldn't have a kid" so yeah I'm gonna enjoy my calico critters and ponies and little clowns
No. 1488173
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>>1488166Anyone who thinks it's immature or a recent phenomenon for women to collect and display little animal and clown figurines is an idiot. It's a tradition passed down through generations. Your female ancestors would probably support you in your calico critter habit, and I thank you for preserving our heritage.
No. 1488182
>>1488177Nta but interests just change over time
nonnie. It doesn't mean you'll never like those past interests ever again, you just moved onto something more interesting for you at this time. I bet you will probably start picking up those past interests again some time in the future. It's all good.
I used to be really into classic film and old hollywood and now the only movies I have any interest in watching are the old Barbie movies lol. I still like old films but I just don't feel like watching them now. My old movie interest is just on the backburner at this time. No. 1488184
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>>1488173This anon is redpilled
No. 1488206
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>>1488184Thank you. I'm here every day.
No. 1488342
>>1488339This used to piss me off when I worked in an office (way before covid). I'm an Amerifag so I know our time off/sick days are a joke, but my super-martyr-workaholic coworkers would constantly come in sick and hacking away, sniffling and coughing nearby. People would 'joke' "haha you should probably go home, maybe you could take a sick day?" [Translation: HOLY SHIT stay the fuck home I can't afford to get sick either] and the sick person would always be like "OhHhHh but i cAaAan't, there's just TOO MUCH work to be done
cough cough wheeze" God, I'm unemployed and looking for work right now but it pisses me off just thinking about the workplace
No. 1488420
>>1488419Also never ignore that men just like to brag.
I dated an alcoholic who would get so drunk he'd forget I was with him and he'd start talking about all these girls he'd fucked. And I'd obviously knew of some and like personally I wouldn't brag but apparently any holes a goal and worth a story.
No. 1488457
>>1488436Yeah that's why I wouldn't do anything "kinky" with a dude I cared about, he'd just think of you as someone he used because men know doing that stuff means the woman probably doesn't have self respect and let's him take advantage of her.
>>1488450That's a redflag and not normal at all.
No. 1488511
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The algorithm has won. I believe the best way to make friends now would be to get matched up with others in the same "algorithm bubble" as you. My family all have completely opposing views and interests, and I now realize it's because of the damn algorithms. We have pretty much the same lifestyles, but we're viewing different versions of the internet and reading entirely different news. How tf are we supposed to truly understand each other when we're part of completely different worlds? It's just online, but we spend several hours there every day.
I used to use all this anti tracking stuff, now a bitch is logged into Google 24/7 and watch Youtube Shorts. Fuck you I don't care anymore, just feed me the bullshit content you know I want to see. Sometimes I get these Google news articles on my phone, and holy hell they fit my brain so well. I look at the headline and think "fuck you, you just KNEW i'd love that article". I feel like a baby being bottle fed! And when the content I consume is really fucking good, I think, why socialize? This right here is exactly what I want to hear, see, learn. It's custom-made just for me. So why sit through conversations I don't care much about? I can go online and find other retards who agree with the exact same retarded stuff I do. But they might not even be real people, even. I try to use Reddit and A LOT of threads just strike me as cold as if there are no real people there. I still participate in discussions and get replies that seem bot-like, and not long ago I actually had to ask myself do I care if they're bots? Does it matter that it's a bot, if they're making sense and we're having a productive discussion? I feel like nothing is real sometimes.
>inb4 touch grass
No. 1488548
i wish i wasn't so naive, i wish i didn't assume everyone was like me and has the same intentions as i do. but i don't like to think about what kinds of agendas other people might have. i get tired of being cynical all the time, always being suspicious of others, questioning people up front what they want from me and why they want to be my friend. i honestly feel violated. i feel like people just get close to me because they just want to snoop through my personal life. they see my family's wealth and suddenly they're all up my ass asking questions about my life. a "friend" i had from last year that i met on campus stopped talking to me after i found out that i pretty much didn't exist to her unless she needed something from me; her own fucking friend outed her and you could see on ex-friend's face that she knew she fucked up. and this other girl who lives in the same dorm as i do i had to start stonewalling, since she is buddy buddy with my shitty old roommate and her little clique and has probably been gossiping (again) about me to them behind my back.
this is why it's easier sometimes for me to be a loner. i know my family wants me to have friends and people think i am strange, but the older i get, the more and more i find human relationships more trouble than they are worth. i have had a few very close and intense relationships in the past, but all those people are gone now. it makes me sad, too, because i think sometimes i push people away because i've had a really fucked up life, with a sad childhood, and i try to be honest about this straight up so that people know they are dealing with someone who has trauma and therefore, doesn't react the same way as a normal person. but it's like they still don't understand.
No. 1488549
>>1488489I'd appreciate this but honestly, no.
for context, we’re living together and basically engaged. he agrees with me and the only reason why she is mad is because I was too truthful. this has been over a 12+ year period of knowing him and a 2+ year of knowing his mother. about 6 months of her actively randomly hating me. I can pinpoint the moment, and I didn’t do anything wrong. it's a super weird situation with her holding a lot over our heads and trying to split us up, and I guess she won.
I'm not a random woman and she's pretty fucking
abusive to all of her other kids from other men also. including the autistic one(s).
abandoned all of them literally, is pushing back into their lives because she's all of a sudden suffering from all her awful narc choices.
here to vent btw, meet you in the advice thread later maybe? kek
No. 1488551
>>1488511I feel the same way. Although I don't think its due to an almighty algorithm.
The problem might simply be you have a hard time relating to or having meaningful things in common with the people around you. I have the same problem. Computer algorithms give me things I care about, learn from and are tailored to what I watch, that are relevant to me, but I don't share those interests with any irl people I know.
It's definitely an isolating feeling to have, when like you said, every person you personally know practically lives on another planet.
No. 1488578
>>1488511Its not that deep, just log off and detox. You believe in an algorithm controlling your feed, so obviously its all designed to get you constantly engaged in the content. You are fucking with dopamine receptors and the cycle continues.
Social Dilemma on Netflix. It helps explain why its important to detox, from a psych point of view.
No. 1488596
>>1488588Years ago I posted about a guy I was dating who blew up at me similarly cause I didn't want to watch shonen jump anime with him but he was blatantly physically
abusive which is how I justified leaving.
I'm convinced that the majority of men are selfish and immature but I'm trying to decide if this sort of shit consitutes abuse.
No. 1488653
>>1488489Maybe, not that anon but boy moms have a reputation of being
toxic and delusional. I'm tired of these weak ass society being too afraid to call out wrong shit when they see it and wonder why everything is falling to shambles.
No. 1488729
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>>1488660Slay. I work from home min wage and don't give a fuck to do anything "more". I feel so fucking good not dragging myself to the train station or spending money on gas. Get to use my own damn toilet and work wearing comfortable clothes. If I lose this job I'll do everything to find another WFH position.
No. 1488784
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>anyone can get a man
>anyone can get sex from men, no matter appearance
>Men hit in everyone, all the time
>Men are easy to figure out
>Men have no standards at all
>Even "ugly" girls can get it
>Even "ugly girls" are on relationships
Deadass how I'm supposed to feel about all this? Not saying is not true but its definitely not my experience at all, allegedly everyone gets into relationships and gets attention and dick 24/7 easily but me, and is starting to make me feel like I'm an extreme outlier and that there's something wrong with me, it's like I'm living on an alternate reality and everyone is trying to convince me otherwise
No. 1488799
>>1484969>How can you treat someone who you love like this? It doesn’t make sense. Exactly nona…sorry.
As a codependent I think I know how you feel. You want him to see your value again, to snap out of it but I'm sorry, he won't.
For me, after so much fear and talking myself out of it for a year I broke up with my ex, even though things weren't bottom of the barrel, just mid as usual. I did it impulsively, 1 hour between deciding I'll do it and telling him face to face it's over. I hurt a lot but it was always crystal clear to me that it was the right thing to do, just like I can see in your post you know too.
1 month on and instead of waiting to be appreciated by him I've formed 2 friendships with women based on mutual hobbies and I can only see it looking up from here. Women who think I'm cool and interesting and express a desire to see me, to listen to me and the feeling is mutual. I feel like your self worth has been worn down but things can be SO GOOD if you just have the strength to let go and start anew.
No. 1488801
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Only ugly creepy moids give me attention. I want cute shy bois to give me gentle affection, not inceloids who are post-wall trying to speak to me!
No. 1488817
>>1484767i had FOUR possible job options in various stages of interviewing, and i've been waiting on my ass too stressed to study for finals only to get rejected by all four "because the chose someone else/I didn't' have the right credentials"
i just want a job that doesn't kill me inside but nooo, let's reject this piece of trash
i'm not even that incompetent (the jobs I had in the past I was able to keep and got good feedback on, i just ended up quitting them over the years for various reasons) so what the hell am i missing???
it's double fucked since one of my biggest complexes is that i don't feel i'm worthy/enough to deserve happiness, so this feels like the universe affirming this spiral
why can't i just get a job when there are so many moids who are praised for existing
No. 1488821
>>1488801Same, I'm sick of getting told everyone attracts ugly creepy moids because I attract them disproportionately and I would like to know
why, why the fuck is this happening to me??? This cannot be normal! No, I'm not ugly/fat/visibly retarded/femcel/visibly mentally ill
No. 1488824
>>1488821I think it is just that everyone attracts creepy moids, especially if you
aren't fat/ugly/visibly retarded/visibly mentally ill/femcel. Creepy moids are the most likely to put themselves out there with no shame, I guess. I personally just ignore them and don't respond or respond very tersely. It's not like I'm getting spoken to in an environment where they can openly be nasty, so that's good.
No. 1488838
>>1488784Same here, I never understood how people would just get confessions/relationships at the snap of a finger. I don't think you're an outlier at all, for me it felt like I was invisible since I would always tie my hair and I have a severe case of manface (when I used to be thinner I looked emaciated and now I look like a handsome person).
I think an aspect of it is the standards I have for people and the fact that I'm dense af when it comes to sussing out people who may be interested. If a person is jealous or pulls some stunts my attraction is instantly gone, I don't even see them as a person of the opposite sex - maybe you are similar? either way, not an outlier. We see you.
No. 1488894
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I finally met a great guy, a moid who's way older. His appearance, not so great. But I'm still attracted to him and find him charming. Then he showed me what he looked like at my age (late 20s), and he was really handsome. And I realized the attraction I felt towards the current him and the young him are way different, and that I'm getting the scraps. Like the man's molding, and now he's like "hehe ready to settle down now!", with fungus and dirt slowly covering him. Like he's grasping after me while gasping for air because he knows it's over. You fool why did you have to show me those pictures! It's like he was proud and showing off the fact that he used to be good looking.
No. 1488897
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aw shit, my boyfriend alluded to having children with me today, i hope he didn't really mean it because i'm not having any with him.
No. 1488904
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can't find the charger for my tango and it's driving me nuts. my apartment's not that large. i have had a few visitors but i can't conceive of a reason for them to have taken it. maybe this is fat pushing me into deep-cleaning my room – usually i just tidy – but fuck i do not feel like that.
i have my other vibe but it's a cheap one from amazon and absolutely buzzy
No. 1488936
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>>1488729>feel so fucking good not dragging myself to the train station or spending money on gas. Get to use my own damn toilet and work wearing comfortable clothes.based ESPECIALLY THE TOILET PART. I want a WFH position so bad, I hate driving and being near other people.
No. 1488964
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Been on lisinopril and birth control for ten years.
Got a new gyno today.
She told me that you can't take lisinopril and BC at the same time because it causes heart attacks, strokes, and other blood clots.
Told her I've been on it for ten years and not a single doctor has ever said anything about it.
She said she has this conversation at least twice per day, and I'm lucky I didn't die before she could tell me.
She also couldn't find my IUD.
I went on dual birthcontrol because I literally would bleed every single day of each month, and at the five month mark, I begged my at-the-time gyno for help and he said no big deal, we'll put you on the pill in addition to the mirena.
So I'm gonna start bleeding all over the place again and getting those painful fucking cysts again, and she said in two months, you can talk to the doctor and he'll decide if the pain and bleeding are too much and may put you back on the pill even with the risks I just told you about.
All just great.
We don't clearly and obviously hate women at all.
No. 1488974
>>1488965Thank you nona, but I already recently got hospitalized and they denied me insulin for over two days, and I kept telling them "Hey, I am obviously in DKA and dying," and no one would listen, and then by the beginning of the third day, my eyes were so ry, I couldn't close them without using my fingers, and they could not get a needle into any of the veins they tried, and when they just simply could no longer deny that they had allowed me to go into DKA, they just fucking discharged me without paperwork and there's no record in the patient portal that I was there, which to me seems extremely clear that they're just trying to hide what they did.
So I have been in contact with four different law firms, and was told in no uncertain terms that I have no case unless I can prove that they do that to multiple patients weekly.
prolly not, tbh. prolly not. They put me on pravastatin instead of rosuvastatin for years as well even though I'm not even 30. (pravastatin causes stomach cancer after years of use where rosuvastatin doesn't)
The midwest is a shithole, do not ever live in the flyovers.
No. 1488984
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>>1488979thank you nona, seriously. it's a huge relief to just have someone say they're sorry it happened instead of telling me surely I must just be misunderstanding every single bad thing that ever happened
No. 1489001
>>1488992It's bad enough going to the endo four times per year, if I had to get mystery calls from some stupid healthy cunt reading me a script of babby's first type one tips, I would fucking blow my brains out on live stream and blame the medicine industry in the chat
I hate non-diabetics. I really do. I don't care about them or how they feel anymore. If it was up to me, they would all eat fucking grass and dirt and shut the fuck up about it.
No. 1489096
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Sometimes I come across the dumbest articles. If "Amy" is now a woman, why would he come as a "best man"? Imagine marrying a woman and then choosing your tranny friend's feelings over your wife and her family's feelings. What a joke of a marriage.
No. 1489110
found out the girl who was homophobic to me in HS and a trump/abbott voter is she/they-ing it now and i'm certain it's because of the dumpy TiM in all her pics and not some change of heart. and sephora definitely straight up changed the expiration of my coupon to yesterday when it was supposed to be through today, wtf!
>>1489101it's a bit of a reddit meme at this point but msg is really fine for you and has ~30% less sodium than regular salt. it's not a total salt replacement but it can definitely make less salty foods taste better, especially primarily veggie stuff
No. 1489157
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Not sure if this belongs here or in the annoying thread but god I fucking HATE IT when I talk to women about fitness and they say "oh nooo, I don't want to lift… I'm afraid of getting big!" You stupid bitch, stop acting like lifting 5lb weights is going to get you massively jacked. I lift heavy and I would love to get bigger but it's not that easy! Does this figure look like an accident? Like she just woke up and did a couple of deadlifts and then BAM she is now ripped as fuck? That shit takes deliberate effort and training. No one's getting bigger from some casual lifting.
Also the idea of just wanting to stay small and dainty… for what? For men? Disgusting. Men will objectify me no matter what but I do not want to be their uwu dainty waifu. I want the strength and the power to fight back and kill them.
No. 1489158
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>>1488964Holy shit holy shit oh god holy shit, I started thinking about it, and it just seemed fuckign impossible that not a single one of my doctors, (diabetic, lots of doctors), would
never in almost a decade notice that I'm on a purportedly fatal combo of drugs, so I googled it, and fuckign nothing came up. I could not find any results for interactions between lisinopril and hailey fe.
So I called my pharmacist to ask him and he said there aren't any known interactions between blood pressure medication and oral contraceptives.
So I called the gyno's office and told them what happened, and they redirected me to three different people who I had to re-explain the story to each time, they all made comments that what I was told is untrue, so I told them well this nurse also told me that she has to tell people this at least twice per day, and she told me at least five stories of women she's done this to recently, apparently. And the lady on the phone made a noise like the end of drowning and then said I am so sorry but I'm gonna have to call you back, it's going to be awhile.
Feeling pretty fucking nervous about the scan she ordered for my IUD now. Was she telling the truth about that? Or is she going to tell me it needs removed early? She didn't offer me any other birth control options as replacements.
I'm in Illinois, I didn't think they were coming for us
No. 1489164
>>1489139i'm with you anon, i just got the most painful zits on my back out of nowhere after being clean for a couple of months
>>1489157unfortunately because of patriarchy, women just aren't informed enough about lifting or fitness in general and are told lies about it a lot, so they often come out with that BS. it's not intentional on their part, we just don't really have many people teaching us stuff unless we choose to seek it out. and if they really want to be dainty for whatever reason, there is a thing called toning.
No. 1489189
>>1489163>>1489164>>1489171I feel like in my rage in op I sound like a massive pickme who's mad at girls who can look cuter and more feminine than me kek. But I want women to reap the benefits of lifting and strength training. God knows when we grow old and "undesirable" all we'll have left is ourselves and I am NOT about to struggle with brittle bones and creaky knees and back pain while hauling my groceries up my walk up apartment that I live in by myself because I'd rather kill myself than settle down with a man.
I used to buy into that idea of being small and feminine but now I'm just grossed out by it. I'm tired of letting men dictate how my body should look- I'm too fat, I'm too skinny, oh there's a pouch there that's not cute, etc etc just for their viewing pleasure. God I want to castrate all men.
No. 1489215
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>>1489171>but you just know most of those women want to feel uwu small and feminine next to a pathetic moid who probably gets a power trip from dominating someone weaker than himreminds me of this
No. 1489240
>>1489191There's something off about burger men, they're obsessed with the thadthot thing and really aggressive. They're all
trigger happy too.
No. 1489247
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I noticed that one of my cats has been acting apathetic. I'll take her to the veterinary. She already is 14 years old and cats tend to die around this age. I'm so afraid that she will leave this world soon, anons. She's my everything.
No. 1489249
>>1489247I'm sorry
nonnie, but she maybe just sick.
No. 1489251
>>1489247I know that feel. It's something we all have to accept.
And holy fuck I just realized my cat is around 10 years old now. Fuck
No. 1489264
>>1489247Does she still seem to eat and drink water normally and use the bathroom a normal amount? Old cats can just get very tired and low energy, but if the appetite is still good then it’s a good sign. Wishing you and your cat well anon.
My poor girl died very early in life from terminal cancer but the signs were very extreme and obvious, tons of sudden vomiting, blood. Wasn’t subtle at all. I miss her all the time. But looking back I have the comfort of knowing we truly cherished one another and I did everything I could to make her happy. I’ll always have the memories of her being my beautiful happy baby. To know you’ve done well to make your beloved little friend happy in life is one of the most precious things in the world.
No. 1489278
i hallucinate every now and then and it is completely ruining my social life. i can not be sure what is real. sometimes i replied to things nobody ever said. it's super embarrassing. i gave up socializing for years but now that i am trying again the hallucinations come back and nobody wants to hang out with a weirdo. all they see is the hallucination and think of me as crazy, they refuse to see that even though i hallucinate i never act out, never force myself or ideas on anyone else, never yell, i like to make people laugh, i have a positive mindset, i exercise, keep myself hygenic and attempt to look nice, am considerate of people, i know some interesting facts from traveling around, i have many interests and am open to trying many hobbies… no, it all means nothing once a person sees me hallucinate. these shitty fucking hallucinations are not even something cool like a fucking unicorn or i don't know, only people saying things they did not really say. it pissess me off.
No. 1489334
>>1489333I'm like what I paid 89 dollars for it shes like but she put it as 40 (the shipper) I'm like that's not accurate and so now we have another problem. She's like.. "what is the problem exactly". I go wtv just file it I'll ask the shipper about it later. So she does and obv nothing is going to result from this cause CS is a sham.
I message the shipper on etsy and I'm like hey! the package delivered to the wrong house she (language barrier) goes it says it delivered here is the proof. I'm like yeah but its not MY house that's the issue. She kept saying that it's impossible for that to happen and I was like literally no it's not. And she deadass said she didn't believe me……… I'm like just open a case it costs nothing and does nothing to your business PLEASE and she's like no cause its impossible it delivered to the wrong house. I sent a pic of my doorstep to her to show it's not the same as the delivery proof pic and she's like… I mean I still don't know if this is a real picture but ok I will. ?!??!?!?!?!?!??! and I said she put it as 40 dollars worth of shipment and she just kept saying "I don't understand, it is worth 40 dollars"… YOU CHARGED ME 89, SO IT'S NOT WORTH 40.
No. 1489341
>>1489334Ugh, that sounds like a nightmare
Nonnie. I've had to make similar frustrating calls delaying with banks and money in India. One time I was talking to a guy for 40 minutes before he asked to speak with [My Exact Name]. I wanted to cry.
No. 1489345
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I hate my mom for giving birth to an ugly sperg, then expecting me to do something with my life. I'm useless at socializing, which means no friends and no relationships, so why the fuck should I work so hard? There's no prize at the end. Money? I don't care that much. I've overheard her get all awkward when her friends ask about me and how I'm doing.
No. 1489372
>>1489334I had a similar problem recently. Etsy apparently do give refunds for non delivery even if tracking says delivered, so keep pushing it as you should get your money back. Otherwise you can file a chargeback with your credit card or paypal, but as far as I know etsy do honor refunds for tracked "delivered" non delivery. Seems like a very common problem these days where delivery guys either steal stuff or just don't gaf, I think sellers need to realize this and not blame the customer or assume they're lying.
(in my case it wasn't etsy, but I got a refund by sending a tracked return of my invisible item, literally mailed an empty envelope to the seller)
No. 1489381
>>1489374I haven't tried to get a refund via etsy, but there should be an option for you to open a case as item not delivered, since you've already contacted the seller, if it's 48 hours since then the option should be available to you (there's a time delay to give sellers time to negotiate before a case can be opened)
I wouldn't bother with fedex anymore since they are basically stuck as soon as it says "delivered" - hence why they were so useless (very similar situation with me going through several customer service people before I realized it was literally impossible to get a refund that way)
You have to work with the system but I'm pretty sure you'll get your money back No. 1489435
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Anons are incredible at maleposting. I almost feel bad for moids because they’re absolute
Shit at hiding their posts.
No. 1489438
>>1489422are you the nona who complained about the first art class you were instructed to paint the mona lisa?
Either way you're funny as fuck kek
No. 1489441
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I just feel so stuck at life, I have a worthless degree that I loved studying for but has little worth on the job market. I've been working at random paper pusher office jobs that I truly truly detest and want to switch jobs but I don't believe in myself and lack the drive to change. I started doing random IT courses but never finished any of them and nothing truly interests me. I feel fucked, truly
No. 1489453
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>>1489422this was too funny not to make
No. 1489454
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>>1489453now this is hilarious
No. 1489475
>>1489407I hope that you can find your
terf-aligned frens, nonna! I hope that I can too.
No. 1489554
>>1489507True true, the clause is literally 100% beginner as if you've never even seen Japanese before but that is unrealistic especially where I am.
But they (not all of them) are not limited to sumimasenning and just anime phrases. They do try be a bit DL about how much they know since like I said they'd lose credits but I sit near them so I know. The only thing keeping me going is how nice the teacher is, constantly eto'ing.
No. 1489559
>>1489476Does he use drugs? Does he have gainful employment?
Has a job. He's a binge drinker, way worse when drunk, but punched a hole in the door sober. I don't have a job because he tells me I'd just fuck my coworkers. Then screams at me for being "useless". When I cook & clean, it seems to
trigger him when I do anything. My whole existence seems to
trigger him. I'm leaving as soon as I can get a plane ticket. I feel deeply ashamed for allowing this. I didn't sleep all night. I'm so tired.
Reading here helps me. To know that some people understand narcissistic abuse. That you've been through it. It helps me feel not so alone. I'm crying because it's not safe to cry around him. But I can cry here. Thank you anons.
No. 1489582
>>1489559I'm glad to hear that you're getting out.
It's embarrassing to have put up with abuse, but shit happens. So long as we learn from it, it's not a waste. I hope you don't try to beat yourself up over this. Learning from mistakes doesn't require you to take over the role of your abuser and do his work for him.
>>1489574I think this "all men" kinda shit gets in the way of understanding situations. Yes, in reality men do base accusations on something. It could be false interpretations of innocuous behaviour, it could be the delusions or insecurities of a maniac, like the person OP is apparently dealing with, but it could also be the truth.
No. 1489586
>>1489585no bitch, you are beautiful. confidence is what you're lacking.
and if you're that much of a butterface don't wallow about it, work on your personality and attract who likes YOU not your looks.
stop being so fatalistic. I'm sure you're young, too young for this at least.
harden up. you are beautiful. bring it out in yourself however you can and you will find love.
No. 1489589
>>1489585Standard farmer who rages about scrotes but deep down just wants to be picked by an attractive one. Not even necessarily a holistically high quality one, he could be a loser just so long as he's cute.
No wonder people mock younger TERFs as being all talk. It's sad.
No. 1489593
>>1489559Narc abuse is the most heinous shit. I found myself escaping from narc parents and it turns out my bf at the time I was with for 5 years was a narc too. The narc shit really comes out at a slow pace and you don't realize it until it's too late and difficult to escape.
I'm really sorry you're having to deal with this, hopefully your leave is swift and you'll be on to a better chapter in your life.
No. 1489598
>>1489589Anon never claimed to be a radical feminist tho. She also said she wasn't even blaming men, so what are you going on about?
Death to ugly men either way.
No. 1489606
>>1489601When I think about things I want to vent about, it's stuff like being stressed at work or dealing with an annoying neighbor. Not having a crazy mom, absent dad,
abusive boyfriend, having no friends beyond some equally crazy person on the internet.
Yall need to take a long hard look in the mirror tbh. It embarrasses me that this is the only place I can discuss cows and avoid egregiously perverted moids when most of the userbase are on that same level of social status. Genuinely embarrassing. They have another thread about us going on at /r9k/ where they're mocking us for exactly this and it annoys me because I can't counter them when you're all talking about how you're in
abusive relationships and secretly crush on onion or whatever.
No. 1489610
>>1489607>StacyThat's the thing. I'm not even that high status. I'm just… normal? I think most normal people know that dating a disgusting guy from 4chan is probably a bad idea right? Most normal people have good relationships with their parents, at least after a certain age.
This board was crushing on Joshua fucking Moon a few months back for god sake. Have some self respect. That's why I can't take these "I only like hot scrotes!" anons seriously. It's all cope.
No. 1489622
>>1489621And you missed mine. Venting about how your 4chan boyfriend is
abusive is revealing.
No. 1489625
>>1489616And you're
still reddit spacing?
No. 1489650
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>>1489610>This board was crushing on Joshua fucking Moon a few months back for god sake.That was like two people that everyone bullied lol.
>That's why I can't take these "I only like hot scrotes!" anons seriously. It's all cope.Stop the projection please, you're worrying about men from fucking /r9k/!!
No. 1489657
>>1489646There's definitely a correlation, but no actually. Tons of ugly (and broke, and mentally ill) men get women. You have to literally be deranged, walking red flag, bottom of the barrell scum beyond all measure to actually be an incel.
I just also happen to dislike hearing from ugly men lol
No. 1489663
>>1489639>The abuse didn't happen overnight. It's insidious. I want to reassure you that anyone sane and reasonable knows this. Abusers aren't pieces of shit during the first few dates and all it takes is a little bit of nuanced thought and logic to figure this out. 1 in 3 women will experience physical violence from an intimate partner. 1 in 10 women will be raped by an intimate partner. 1 in 7 women will be stalked by an intimate partner. 72% of murder-suicides involve an intimate partner, and of those 94% are female
The statistical likelihood that men are shit is just an inevitability that many women face, and no amount of smarts and so-called 'better choices' may save you from a man who decides to be violent.
At best OP upthread is an autismo
nonnie who doesn't get out much, and at worst a larping moid.
No. 1489668
File: 1675442257573.gif (500.15 KB, 909x890, 6ce.gif)

>Omg why do farmers vent about abusive moids, abusive family, and shitty friends? Don't they know they should be more like robots from r9k whose problems are pissing in bottles, being chronic useless NEETs, obsessing about the opposite sex, wishing their 2D waifus were real, and being massive selfish losers in general?????? yeah, those guys look down on farmers and i find their opinions sound. i am totally another woman embarassed of you all btw
No. 1489686
>>1489673Just checked it. One of the same worthless males from the /r9k/ thread seething about Lolcow is in here, and he got
triggered at being called ugly. He's also a /pol/tard.
They don't realize their LARPs fail because it's a small world of jannies/who knows who.
No. 1489687
>>1489683Kek no problem
nonnie. I hate hetpartnered bi women, especially when they try to pass themselves as authorities on issues gay people face
No. 1489689
>>1484767i love this thread pic lmao
guess this is one of those cycles where i have to just lay down in bed and wait for the ibuprofen to kick in. I consider myself pretty lucky when it comes to my periods but sometimes the first 2 days are fucking brutal. I'll just be lying there, sweating but cold, in fucking agony. Sometimes it's so bad that I just groan or scream into a pillow. But after 30ish minutes, praise God, the med works and I feel a lot better. Some months I only feel a little pain and don't need it at all. But others…. It HURTS. it's not easy being a woman. and I have to be at work in an hour. Anyone have that pic of Megan Markle that says "how girls look at ibuprofen during their period"? Kek
No. 1489702
>>1489701You're probably replying to a bitter gay moid, don't worry about it
No. 1489710
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I met her too goddamn late, when she'd already been dating her boyfriend in secret. I love her, I've loved her for years, I wish I was the one making her happy. I've told her if she ever breaks up with him I would date her in a heartbeat and she laughs and agrees but I'm sure she thinks I'm joking.
Why couldn't I just be straight and never suffer this heartbreak, the women I fall for are beautiful and amazing and always already dating someone else.
No. 1489716
I've been dealing with my bf's jealousy and insecurity issues. Him believing I am going to cheat with my boss or other males has been a fixture within many fights we have had recently. I hate when he makes jabs and starts shit with me, he is especially suspicious when I am on my phone in the bathroom. In spite of him being unbelieving, I am able to set healthy boundaries and my boss has told me that he is my friend and just wants the best for me professionally which he has delivered on many times. My bf has no basis to say I am a cheater and he is even traveling with me on my upcoming business trip. It's why it hurts me so much whenever my bf thinks I will cheat because 1. It undermines my actual professional success and 2. It undermines our relationship and my character.
Well, this morning when I woke up we cuddled for a bit so I thought we would have sex and he even said so. Instead he went to the bathroom, after 5 minutes of waiting I decided to take care of our pets because I had a second job interview on the phone shortly and they were whining.
When I came back upstairs he still was in the bathroom but I had to get ready for my interview. So I walked in to use the sink and my stuff as he does to me all the time.
He said 'Ahh!' in surprise but I couldn't tell what he had been doing.
He confessed he had been jerkin' it to porn. He acted so caught and contrite, surprisingly not defensive at all. Never knew he had this kind of habit, in fact, I didn't even care if he did masturbate when I am not around BUT I do know why it made me mad.
>I was available and willing to have sex yet he was fantasizing about fucking other women.
>I pointed out how this would have infuriated him had I touched myself to fantasizing about other men fucking me, and he conceded to my point.
He cried. He knew he fucked up BAD and now he cannot bring up his fucked up cheating accusations again because I will 100% throw this moment back in his face as he would deserve. It all makes sense now. His unfaithfulness insecurity, his not giving me privacy in the bathroom, etc. it's because HE WAS GUILTY the whoooooole time himself. I knew it, I knew deep down he had to be projecting to be so adamant about my cheating when I have never done shit to him but here it finally is.
Should I even believe it was porn since he freely admitted to it? People cop to things that have less consequences rather than state the truth to face major repercussions. Maybe it was more personal, like ex pictures or a camgirl. Who knows. Would explain his projections better is all.
During my phone interview I made sure he heard my triple figure salary. I don't fucking need his ass, I just want him.
Now that I think of what he said to me after I caught him, "I don't think you're ugly." Know what I said? "I know I'm not, I am a gorgeous woman." Idiot to think I would equate his porn habit to my attractiveness when I know men better than that! He's always trying to make digs at my weight or what I eat, but I know I fit a 'type' and have a cute face so I have never had a problem getting men. I can have many other men than him. Even the interviewer's 3yo daughter on the video call this morning said I was pretty which was sooo adorable.
I'm not even that angry. I just tire of the games scrotes play and THE AUDACITY they have to play them when they are in no position to be rolling those dice. It's incredulous and ridiculous. I need him for a financial leg right now while I parse co-owned property with an ex (another useless moid), but after this fiasco is over I think I should just live alone and have non-live in boyfriends. I had way more fun casually dating and getting free fancy dinners.
No. 1489739
>>1489730forgot to mention i spoke to another guy before and when i didn’t wanna take the train for hours to where he lived (ofc he refused to come see me) and he kept pushing me and i explained my family would get worried bc i’ve been fucking date raped before he responded w blushing smileys and followed up by asking if i like him, this man is in his 30s
i know i sound like a whiny tween but i feel like i’m gonna die alone at this rate and that terrifies me so much
No. 1489759
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>>1489606>they have another thread about us going on at /r9k/ where they're mocking us for exactly thisDon't care, all of the stuff they say doesn't really apply to me anyway. I'm not perfect but at least i don't live in a neverending paradox between my values and my actions like some anons here
No. 1489804
>>1489801this is the vent thread
nonny, it's the seethe containment thread. if you don't like seeing vents you might find the X in the top right corner helpful
No. 1489826
>>1489798she looks freakish and gross. guarantee she was prettier before the hemorrhoid lips.
>>1489814id be your friend anon. i want these things too but idk any women irl/my age that want the same.
No. 1489845
>>1489833ntayrt but my roommate in a sketchy student accommodation had to take the side door because waster admirers would hang around the front door waiting on her to pass by and try talk to her. Between 10am-1am there'd be moids knocking on OUR door asking to see her, and I'd always have to tell them she's out, fuck off.
I felt really bad for her, she was always super optimistic about any moids attentions.
She was just 19, eastern european, VERY good looking, not well off and it was impossible for her to shut a moid down, always "maybe" and "hmm I don't know…".
I think it was just the combination of everything. If she was better off, not from such a patriarchal country, more willing to offend (but I completely understand why not) she wouldn't have had nearly as many creeps hounding her. She was living my personal hell to be honest and I was never so glad to be the hostile uggo I am.
No. 1489858
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I miss my hamster
No. 1489862
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I miss my cat.
No. 1489866
>>1489861As an ugly girl I wouldn’t really mind the scrote attention because I still get tons of unwanted attention but it’s usually from dangerous homeless scrotes and ugly men. Pretty girls might get harassed a lot but at least 80% of them will also be hot.
The only real down side I see to being pretty is losing your looks. Like one day you’re 50 and walk into a bar and notice no one’s chasing to buy you a drink/food, no one’s smiling at you in the street anymore etc. the night and day response would be jarring.
No. 1489867
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>>1489862Beautiful kitty anon, bless.
No. 1489868
>>1489857Ugly women get raped and sexually assaulted too because scrotes have no standards. Actually males won't even make the effort to seem nice, they'll treat ugly women like animals straight up (sometimes I think about that reddit post equating sex with ugly women to bestiality) not to mention that the reality is that even prettier women often despise uglier girls for some reason and use them as a way to feel better about themselves.
I'm not saying that pretty women don't get treated like trash by men, but they're definitely considered to be "a few steps above" ugly women. Take men out of this and ugly women will still be treated as lesser people even by their own mothers and female friends, coworkers and teachers.
No. 1489878
>>1489866Not necessarily, depends on how you took care of yourself and what kind of life the nigel you married gave you, as in the wrong dick will fuck your life (and looks) up.
Moids will try to get the attention of even 50+ women so i partially agree with you. Moids can't even Tell someone's age lmao
No. 1489879
>>1489868Why don't you both understand that it's equal? As in, don't matter if you're able bodied, disabled, pretty, ugly that men are going to take advantage of it? Goofy acting bitches. Being a woman is going to suck as long as men be the way they are. Even then, most of us have shite self esteem because of systems set in place. Stop fucking arguing about who gets raped more, it's disgusting. Do you need a statistics chart, like everytime a woman reported such a crime, they should have included on a scale of 1-10 how attractive they are?
Be sympathetic to each other, find a way to fix the problem & ignore men as a whole. Straight up.
No. 1489890
>>1489879But it's not. You talk about men but it goes deeper than that and no one is comparing who gets raped more. One anon asked the downsides and people replied "sexual assault" as if ugly women don't get raped regularly.
I swear someone here can't fucking complain about how ugliness affects their lives negatively (which is a scientifically documented phenomenon) and some vain bitch as you say will come in and say that acshually that's not true!!! You have it better, being unloved by even your friends and family and treated like an animal is actually better than having basic respect and success in various aspects of life. Holy shit.
No. 1489900
>>1489281Because he's the one that got away. It never was a proper relationship. I just got a taste of what our life together could have been and all I'm left with is a bunch of what-ifs.
The whole thing was doomed from the beginning because he was married, and made very clear that he would not leave his wife. And I thought I was okay with just being the mistress, but ofcourse I fell in love anyway.
Man this shit just reads as a cheesy romance novel fml
No. 1489901
>>1489893same anon as
>>1489900 Girl don't do it, you'll end up like me. He was my professor too
No. 1489927
>>1489904>>1489920Yeah but the dick was fire though
Alright I'll let myself out
No. 1489930
I'm trying to build a life with someone I met online that I've grown extremely attached to, but I'm not even sure of it. Besides wanting to meet him, the biggest reason I'm going to all these ends is because there's a possibility of a future together. My original plans were to move abroad anyway, but I have to admit that I'm scared of being lonely in a new place with zero friends or connections. If I'm in the same area as him, at least I'll have him to help me out. The alternative to both things is staying home, rotting in my room. There aren't really any good opportunities where I am. I'm close to other people online, some I've known for years, but I don't know if I can be a shut-in forever. In general, I'm just anxious.
I don't want to lose everything over a guy, but I feel like the only other choices are just as, if not more risky and emotionally nerve-wracking. I have so many trust issues, but he's so sweet and understanding. I can't stop myself from spiralling about this. I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't work out. Nothing is clear. I'm just going through the motions, blindly grabbing at anything that seems like a hand.
No. 1489942
I know this has been said a few times by other people, but I cannot stress enough how I miss the internet of even just a few years ago. Not just on lolcow, but on other websites, too. Recently I feel like things have been more and more hostile. You can't like anything without people calling you toxic. If you don't care about XYZ you're a piece of shit. If you do this or that your garbage, basically. And it is just online and I know that I shouldn't care that much but it's just so exhausting. I miss when things weren't as serious or polarized. I mean, there absolutely were horrid things and piss baby fights on the old internet, but I honestly feel like it's nothing to today's hostility. Regardless of what website I'm on or what I'm posting about, it feels like I'm walking on eggshells. I've reduced the amount of time I've spent online dramatically in the past few months, but still, the times I DO go online, I almost always regret it. It's sad. I really miss all the stupid silly shit I used to get into as a teenager online. If I grew up with the internet as it was today, I think I would be much worse off mentally.
No. 1489951
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>tfw I memed myself into a leadership position and a graduate degree and the periphery of several active social circles despite having ADHD and ass burgers because I thought talking to people more would fix me
>have to constantly LARP as a Figaro do-everything type to pretend I don't utterly hate random conversations and having over 9000 disconnected things to do all the time
>while pretending to be the lead in an Italian comic opera is fun it also makes me feel and act a little manic
>can't turn off the LARP unless I'm having an exceptionally bad day
>on top of that my new stimulant meds also induce hyperhidrosis
>it's me, the barber of sweatville
No. 1489973
>>1489942It’s so weird because liking anything is very possible to end in you being
toxic or
problematic, but at the same time you can’t personally not like something without being a mega bitch. The internet has gotten so autistic, you can’t make a simple legitimately harmless joke. You can’t say like “chunky knits are ugly if you knit them we can’t be friends” because people will take you seriously and call you a bitch for being shallow and a bully for not liking something. Or if you say “ew hamburgers?! I just threw up in my mouth a little” because that’s food shaming or some random retarded thing that they imagine makes you evil and on par with racists
No. 1489977
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>>1489973Chunky knits aren't ugly, wtf
No. 1489981
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My hair looks like shit and its starting to destroy my self-esteem. 3 months ago I used to have very, very long hair to my waist, it took my 2 years, it was shiny and silky. Unfortunately, my grandma died tragically and I had a mental breakdown were i cut my hair into a very short, uneven bob, when I realized what I did my psychosis got worse, I realized all my hard work was fucking gone, that my hair wouldn't be back for a very long time and that eventually, I would have to go out looking an absolute mess. Its been some months, it barely grew some centimeters, and it looks dry and broken, I cannot even put it into a ponytail or hide it to forget it exists, its way too short and uneven, layers and layers of broken hair. I feel humbled and humiliated, i used to love going outside and talk to people, but my hair looks so, so bad I cannot even look at the mirror sometimes or go out without wearing a hat. Its hard to style, hard to brush, hard to look at, this is a nightmare.
I know. I try to not let retarded beauty standards get to my head, I'm more than just my hair, I'm still the same person even without it, I just hate how inconvenient it is. I also hate the fact that every time I search "cute short hairstyles" on Pinterest all I see is tomboy memes and sexualized egirls, I don't want to feel like a fetish, shitty ass algorithm
No. 1489993
>>1489981Have you talked to a hairdresser about it? When I radically changed my haircut a couple years ago I talked to mine about what I had in mind and she then helped me come up with a specific one that looks good on me.
It took a couple minutes, but I tipped her generously. Ultimately haircuts are her job, so what's a very unusual situation for me or you is routine for her.
No. 1490017
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>>1490009But you have to be beautiful in the first place for it to mean anything. For example, Tiny Harris got those eye implants and she still looks like miss piggy. Also who the fuck cares what scrotes thing?
No. 1490023
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>>1490017Tiny isn’t dark skin and her eyes aren’t real. She has the same skin tone as most white people. I’m thinking something like pic related
No. 1490047
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>>1489999>>1489993My hairdresser helped me fix it, but she couldn't do a lot cause i hadn't enough hair left, she told me to let it grow so she can do the rest, i just need to have patience. Thanks for your advice nonnas
No. 1490048
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I wish I could be honest in therapy about being suicidal without having a real plan or will to self harm but immediately I know I will be hospitalized again and lose my job if I do. What's being committed even going to do for me other than ruin my life and give me more worksheets for coping strategies? It's not going to fix the things that made me suicidal in the first place unless a doctor can prescribe me a degree and a career.
But I have no way to talk about these feelings with a mental health professional because the second you mention passive suicidal ideation you they want to know your address.
No. 1490060
>>1490031My husband told him off so many times, but his dad uses his rapidly declining health to manipulate every situation. We never call him first or include him in anything, but he suicide baits so often that we feel compelled to give in. He's a "sugar daddy", married two much younger women, divorced twice, now he pays random e-whores rent. I'm guessing one of them told him to subscribe to their onlyfans and he curiously asked me how it works in the most obvious way that he actually wants to know. Then the next call we gave in, he told me I should make an onlyfans because he thinks I would be popular. I told him that's a really gross thing to say and the conversation ended there. Then after that call, every time we decide to pick up he has to bring that shit up! We both think he's fucking gross and so is my husband's brother. I don't know why he keeps suggesting that to me, but I think it may be because im Latina and he has a weird view about it as a white boomer. We try to never speak to them, but you can't always avoid family gatherings that include them.
>>1490036 And why are you larping as me? Must everybody be weird in these trying times.
No. 1490076
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Im too much online. Spent 8 hrs on my phone not counting my time on my laptop. But I don’t have a life outside being online. I am so lonely in this country but going back is not an option, I would probably be lonely if I went back too anyway not like it matters. People my age are living their glory days and I rot in my room. I hate this.
No. 1490106
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No. 1490123
>>1490106Oh my gosh,
nonny. I heard her say "Alex!" in my mind. I miss her character.
No. 1490214
>>1489961Maybe, but I was going to move to a different country within the same general area, anyway. I don't even know. I feel like the alternative is an ultimately similar path, but on my own and just as uncertain.
>>1489936Not yet. We're always face timing and his parents know about me, but not too much.
No. 1490220
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I’m infatuated with one of the ugliest men I’ve ever had as a friend. He’s balding in his mid 20s, fat, dresses terribly, is hopelessly addicted to hentai and a total shut in. It’s screwing with my head so badly.
No. 1490229
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>>1490220Think about him shidding. That's the best way to get unfatuated
No. 1490255
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Get out of my house get out of my house get out of my house get out of my house get out of my house get out of my house get out of my house get out of my house get out of my house get out of my house get out of my house get out of my house get out of my house get out of my house
No. 1490265
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Even though I have been in a stable, long term relationship for a while, I'm still obsessed with an ex coworker of mine. I miss him horribly and I would love to meet him or just talk to him to hear his voice. I have voice recordings of him on my phone that I sometimes listen to and I stalk him on social media. I noticed he made a public LinkedIn profile right after I left the company as if he wanted me to contact him but maybe I'm just imagining things. Anyway, given that I left that company almost a year ago it would be pretty weird to contact him now so I'm just left alone with my fantasies and my suffering
No. 1490273
>>1490270See my post
>>1490271I don't think he wanted a good normal relationship with her before I stepped in either. I don't think she's like most anons here so don't self insert, you're not as stupid as her and I doubt any of you would have talked about porn and what your favorite scenes are and that kind of shit on your online-date.
No. 1490299
>>1490291Anon losing someone that abused you is such a complex situation and most would feel relieved they're finally at peace. Your mother is acting insensible but a lot of mothers unfortunately act that way when they find out their son hurt their daughter, it's weird but it's like they don't want to be hurt themselves or admit that they're at fault for failing to protect their daughters so branding you as a liar or pretending it never happened is their go to.
Please know that your feelings, or the lack of, is
valid. It wouldn't be abnormal for you to feel nothing or even feel relief at this situation, especially when you take into account that he CHOSE to die. He fucked you over and killed himself, you don't have to grieve for someone like that if you dont want to.
No. 1490308
>>1490291There is no correct way to feel. Whatever you feel, even if it's nothing, is
valid. Imo the world is a better place without him. There is a molester in my family, though he didn't molest me he molested my relatives and I personally can't wait for him to die.
No. 1490322
>>1490267Calling a hotline is a good idea, if you can't talk, there are also chats, so you don't have to speak to anyone (for example The only thing that helps me when I'm in that mindset again is videogames, something mind numbing, distracting, to just take my brain somewhere else. Hope you stay strong nonna and we will read from you again ❤️
No. 1490326
>>1490291no one can tell you how you should feel, there is no right or wrong in your situation. I've been going through this scenario in my head for some time now myself, what happens if my mother finally dies and how should I feel then? At the moment I have as little contact as possible and at the beginning I felt guilty about it cause that's just the way I was raised, always feeling guilty about everything. Now I just feel nothing and I hope, when she finally is dead one day that I will feel relief, relief that I'm free after all those years.
Its normal go through different emotional stages after someone dies, but if you are feeling nothing about it, that's the way your brain decided it should be and honestly, if you decide to open a bottle of fucking expensive booze to celebrate that you can finally feel safe at home, no one having experienced abuse would judge you.
No. 1490397
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I've been collecting ideas and sketches for my story/comic book since middle school and I'm so pissed when it turns out a similar idea or even the exact same idea already appeared in some manga that I haven't read yet, or in a video game I haven't played etc. Even when I was wrttting a damn Naruto fanfiction as a small kid, I came up with an idea that hasn't even appeared in the manga at that time, and when it appeared, I was so pissed because I knew I could never publish it and stay original because everyone would think that I just took it from the manga itself, so I dropped it. Since then I came up with lots of shit, like a year ago I came up with something that was really important for the story and the rules within the universe, and recently I read Steel Ball Run for the first time (I wanted to postpone reading the last two Jojo parts so they wouldn't influence me in any way) and a very similar idea to mine appears there. I'm so fucking pissed and hopeless, now I think I can never publish it because people would be like "dude this it too similar to that thing in SBR, someone was lazy" and I feel like I have to start everything from the scratch. I'm losing my mind over this
No. 1490423
>>1490412so wild you posted this nona, I'm literally dumped as of tonight (I'm like 98% sure) for similar reasons but he is picking his narc mum. we'd talked about how she wouldn't be invited to our wedding because she is the type to turn up in white, and now she's back in his life he's fully wrapped up in her shit again.
should have grey rocked her, he might still have a potential wife.
(and the fucker had the audacity to act all freaked and supportive when we had a pregnancy scare, told me I'm a goddess has loved me for 10+ etc. fully chased me and made me love him and feel safe but narc mum wins in the end.)I'm so fucking incredibly proud of you nona, you have the bravery and the self respect to not put up with it. you should be proud of yourself. you've unironically actually genuinely inspired me. I'm so sorry you're going through this fucking bullshit, but I'm so glad you're out.
how are you tonight, are you okay?
No. 1490451
>>1490439ayrt so glad to hear. fucking proud of you nona.
my current nigel/becoming ex is showing traits, he even thinks he has bpd kek
also idk why I'm so sad about this ending, maybe sunk cost. but motherfucker ranted at me in the past week like (not quite verbatim but) YOU SOUND LIKE A BOY FROM YOUR SOCIALIZATION BY YOUR FATHER/BROTHER and ALL MEN ARE ATTRACTED TO TEENAGERS and IF WE BREAK UP YOU WILL NEVER MARRY BECAUSE STATISTICALLY even snapping at me for stuff he supposedly fell in love with me for. why bother with moids when you can't win? No. 1490486
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I was expecting to get banned for using the emoticons but honestly it’s way funnier that I got banned for posting Drake lyrics kek. I’m not a scrote I just love Her Loss my apologies for being a normalfag y’all
No. 1490494
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>shy and hate confrontation
>only use anon imageboards bc i like being able to disappear if i accidentally say something stupid
>finally sign up for an actual forum about a thing i like
>immediately confronted by another user for posting something stupid
No. 1490499
nonnie i do the exact same thing
i hate it when i'm writing a story and halfway through i see the same exact thing in a show or book
No. 1490511
>>1490505It's a long story, I'll be dropping a document within the next month. "Drake" is a woman, a Tif. Self hating.
Anyway, I fucking hate when o get weird pimps I have one on my left ass cheek and it hurts badly.
No. 1490579
>>1490562Same fag but I’m noticing that the way straight relationships work is the woman starts off being repulsed by the male and then he begs, chases and annoys her so much until she eventually gives him a chance. After that she falls more inlove with him and then he cheats or becomes
No. 1490597
>>1490587My best advice I can give for this is legitimately look for a man who never puts anyone down, someone who thinks about wait staff during your date for example.
It's hard yes but in my experience they don't play games. Hopefully you can find a mature one soon, best of luck.
No. 1490616
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>>1490562>>1490583>>1490592>>1490597How do I chase after a moid and make him bend to my will and be mine, is it possible? Or impossible? I like this boy at work but he's the one guy who doesn't bother me; he doesn't bother anybody, he keeps to himself and is very quiet. Should I ignore him and get over it? Be nice and polite to him in a normal, professional manner? Strike incessant conversation? The last one I don't really want to do, but others have told me it would work. I do not want his penis inside of me, I want him to get on his hands and knees and pleasure me at my beck and call. I know this isn't possible, but it's what I need.
No. 1490619
>>1490580>here's a hint any man making fun of anyone else? That's not a man thats a bitch.I agree it's incredibly off putting behavior. Immedietely makes me think he was a bully in his school years. Unfortunately, there are women who enable this behavior. I have a female coworker who loves to talk shit behind people's back and then be super friendly and chatty with the same people. We got a new guy who likes to gossip about others and it immedietely clicked between them and she even told me that she loves the fact she can gossip with him and that she would consider dating him if she wasn't already in a relationship. They talked shit constantly during work. Pathetic for both of them. The worst thing is, these types are usually the most liked by people at work, because they're also very cunning and they know how to hide their worst and show their best, fake self around their superiors. Makes me mad.
>>1490604Nta, I'm 27 and during my lifetime I think I've seen literally ONE man who fit the bill, and he was already taken. So yeah, they are incredibly rare and I don't want to waste my life with looking for one, I'd rather be alone I think
No. 1490626
>>1490616Sure it is possible but is it worth it?
>>1490619>these types are usually the most liked by people at work, because they're also very cunning and they know how to hide their worst and show their best, fake self around their superiors. A bit but honestly it's more they're a cog in your machine who you can grease by blowing smoke up your ass. Whenever I was running shifts those types are the ones I'd just ignore, we don't like them better they're just super easy to shut up.
>Makes me mad.You shouldn't be since in a professional space you can't call out shitty behavior until it starts affecting the bottom line. Those two will get sexual and she will cheat on her current partner and they'll get fired for breaking PR rules. Tale as old as time.
No. 1490633
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>>1490626I'm a virgin so maybe it isn't worth it
>>1490627What do you mean by shameless? And what do you mean by resisting in degrading and embarrassing ways? That sounds hellish
No. 1490647
>>1490636It probably is different, I'm sorry to hear they get rewarded for being fake. Sounds like your manager may be the issue here however as it's one thing to drink with senior employees and other managers but it's very eyebrow raising in my line of work to have new hires drinking off the clock with you.
>>1490633I know it's scary but just go up to him and ask him, fuck it, just confidently
tell him you're going on a date and if he goes with it well there ya go you got your submissive scrote.
No. 1490654
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>>1490646>you cant make a random dude perform random sexual tasks by saying a magical sentenceI fucking wish I could!!!
>>1490648Yeah I think I'm attractive considering how many inceloids try to talk to me and how costumers seem to like me. I don't think he has an interest in anybody. He really talks to 0 coworkers. He seems painfully shy. I guess I have to browbeat into him that I like him. I usually just stare at him. There isn't really opportunities to approach him at work so I guess I should take any opportunity to bug him, huh? I have 0 relationship experience and honestly seldom find males attractive or even worthy of speaking to so this is very new to me. Maybe he just wants to focus on life idk.
No. 1490658
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I've been fooling around with this guy and he's the very first guy I've done anything with so a lot of what we do is an experiment to find out what I'm into and he looooves to play with my boobs but sadly I've realized that I don't get turned on from it. Like at all. I do get turned on when he rubs my thighs and kisses my neck, etc, but NOTHING when he touches or puts his mouth on my tits. It's like someone pinching my cheeks kek. I told him this and he was very surprised because the previous girls he's messed around with have really liked it. He was pretty nice about it, and everything else too so it's not getting me down but I do wish that I could at least feel something when he touches my tits. It does kind of bum me out because it feels like I'm missing out on something. Having them played with is like having my elbows played with or my knees or something. It's like oh, there's a hand there. Okay.
No. 1490664
>>1490662It's a very simple ritualistic spell you can attempt many ways but
must be done in secret or you may never cast that spell again or sometimes just 5-15 years.
No. 1490682
>>1490668Domestic abuse is inherently illogical nona. You're not faulty, he's
abusive. It's his nature so the best thing you can do is stay away from him. Do you understand that no matter how you behave, he'll find a reason? Please at least think about going, statistically getting choked by your bf is a good indicator of being fucking murdered by the way, did you know? Google it.
No. 1490691
>>1490682Also, even if men kill women by choking them during sex they're still defended at the court, it's just "rough sex" gone wrong only had one boyfriend and thank god there was never an actual intercourse between us and I stopped seeing him, but back then, when we were just sleeping next to each other or touching and kissing, his hands would so often wander to my neck and squeeze, one time he was so "aroused" he squeezed a little too hard and my throat hurt for the entire next day. Thank god I'm done with him and I never fucked him.
No. 1490727
>>1490712I admit that maybe I was kinda aggressive in my last post but I really don't understand these women who are immersed in a theoretically feminist community but still have this almost incel thought of "he hit me because I didn't give him a bj! im wrong!". One of my best friends lurks lolcow, has a good community of female friends but she still accepts unacceptable situations from her current boyfriend (nothing close to physical aggression like braindead anon at least). How does a woman who frequently participates in radfem environments accept that her boyfriend cheated on her because he "has male desires and couldn't handle a long-distance relationship"? And about these women having low self-esteem I even understand in minor cases like cheating but for you to normalize physical aggression like bj expert
nonny did you have to be very stupid. I know I'm going to sound a bit moid saying this but I feel like some women will never break free no matter how much they're exposed to a good environment. it's like there's something in the brain of some women that makes them inevitably turn into a handmaiden like this anon.
>>1490722>he hit me because i did not gave him a bj today but i give him 2 bj yesterday!!this is far from being an "imperfect woman". almost looks like a larping man
No. 1490733
>>1490727You aren’t helping anyone by bragging about how you’re such a feminist that you would never let yourself be abused. If you have zero empathy for abuse
victims and the fear they live in and how they are manipulated and terrorized then you have failed.
No. 1490740
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i hate homewrecking whores and scrotes so much
could you at least not have had the affair in ur own fucking home so that i didn't have to literally leave and sell the home i bought only 8 months ago?
the pain really lingers.
i think people really don't realize the damage they do with fucking someone else's long term partner.
No. 1490765
>>1490741"don't allow your bf to hit you because you didn't offer your services as a girlfriend (10 bj 30min anal 3 threesome)" is not about teaching feminism, it's literally fucking common sense. if that anon agrees with this kind of thing she shouldn't even be on this imageboard.
>>1490749really seems like a troll posting his sexual fantasies of hurting women here
No. 1490780
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the state of 4chan
constant spam
and captchas
No. 1490785
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lately my toes have been numb and now it's fine but today I an having trouble opening my left hand and the arm is numb. it shakes sometimes. look at this shit. am I gonna die wtf is wrong with me
No. 1490791
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Whenever my bf and I go out, he always complains about something, and it's usually about me. Without fail. I know he has anxiety, but he always care more about how it will look to other people than what it's actually happening or what I'd like. I'm really tired. I just decided I won't go out with him anymore. Aside from the date thing that we already had planned, no more. That will be the last one. "Oh, we don't do dates like we used to, I miss that". Gee, I wonder why. Maybe because there was a time where you were trying to make me happy instead of the imaginary judgy passerbys.
No. 1490800
>>1490795oh yeah I am definitely at a vitamin deficit at the moment, which should be fixed soon. I also did some nerve flossing and stretching today so I figure it fixed my feet problem but pinched my arm nerve. it's probably b vitamin bc I have not had meat in like a month, absolutely not my fault, and I an gonna get some meat as soon as I can.
meanwhile my hand is t-rexing
No. 1490803
>>1490782>Why after I treat him so good if next day I'm not fulfilling all his demands againyeah girl you can't fix
abusive men even if you're the best female porn star for them. Did it take a guy almost killing you for you to realize that?
>make someone happy because I like people to be happy but I can't receive the same"uhhh I'm such a nice woman! I let a guy sexually exploit me and then beat me up because I want to make him happy! you nonnies wouldn't understand…." tf if you were a really nice person who wanted to let other people happy you would help stray kittens or volunteer at a hospital for sick children and not dedicate your entire life to a moid. stop trying to justify your behavior. he is more wrong than you but with that kind of mindset you will never achieve anything.
No. 1490833
>>1490828me basically
we are all one person
No. 1490851
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I don’t like it when women spend thousands of dollars to be beautiful just to be in love with a man who is average or ugly because I know those women probably hold women to a really high standard but have 0 standards for men. It pisses me off that mediocre men can get these perfect looking bimbos made of plastic,silicone and big fucking horse teeth but I can’t even have a man who is kind of cute reeeeeeeeeeee
No. 1490866
I think I am giving up: I tried to push myself to get to know a guy I had an interest for for a long time. He is kinda okay with me, but never initiate anything, never starts a conversation, never asking me out, never asking me questions about myself - even when I talking about something and it's usual and implyed to ask further, always ends our dates himself, often just silent unless I say sometging, ask him something, keep conversation going
It's so unfair and hurts so much that he, for some reason, still spending time with me - I don't understand what for if he is not interested that much. If it is about sex - I don't see that also, he never hinted anything, never been handsy. So what's the point. I decided to stop trying to talk to him, stop asking him out. That's so pathetic - I don't think I deserve to be treated with such an indifferece, on the verge of him being straight dismissive
First I decided to reach some certain "checkpoint", then ditch if nothing better happens with him. But now I'm just. I don't know, I cried because of this several times already and don't think I would want more of those feelings for me
No. 1490872
>>1490851i like it, it's like they are beautiful for greater glory, not just to bag a moid.
it does suck though that becoming rich and/or succesful doesn't raise a woman's attractiveness in the eyes of moids as much as getting a boob job.
No. 1490889
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>>1490876Samefag, and fuck retards like this. Some small business people are soooo entitled and nasty for no reason.
>>1490782Please ignore those anons saying that shit, there are farmers who lurk in this thread just to chastise and torment women who are being abused. More importantly, I'm sorry about your (hopefully soon to be ex) husband/boyfriend. You absolutely do not deserve that treatment, abuse is
meant to make you feel like that. It's purposeful and how you feel is a result of what you're partner has done to you. Do not go back to your home unless you absolutely have to to get essentials and important documents. Please try to find a shelter. Steal some cash from him if you have to. I don't say this to scare you, but the situation has escalated too much and if you go back he could kill you. Please don't try to stay, even if you comply with his demands He while find something that makes him upset and hurt you again. I'm keeping you in my thoughts anon, please keep us updated.
No. 1490957
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I want to reread one of my favorite manga series but the ever growing pile of a backlog next to my bed makes me feel like I shouldn't.
No. 1491057
>>1491051As someone whos been ghosted by a bff of .. fuck, 13 years, im gonna say the following.
We are all on different intertwining paths. Some friends come and go, others run parallel to ours for a while too. I still miss my friend i no longer speak with, but hindsight really showed me how different our directions were becoming.
It will be ok, and you will meet other friends. Maybe one day that conversation can happen; maybe by the time it does youve moved on. Growing pains suck, and sometimes that includes friendships
No. 1491061
>>1490846Ughhh . I don’t know what it is . I’m conventionally attractive, I don’t talk too much and I’m not too quiet . I’m severely self aware to a deficit , and right when I think I’m blending in I’ll get a smirk from someone and I’ll be like …. What … and I’ll get a “nothing . You’re just funny” or “you’re so awkward/weird”. It completely ruins my mood and it happens at least once a year from people older than me and younger . In middle school I was told I was “weird in a bad way” but like I’m nothing like I was back then and yet I feel this is how I appear to this day .
It hurts because I’m never a first choice for friendship because there’s always someone more normal to choose . It has made me wonder if I was autistic for so many years and once I mentioned it to someone and they laughed and said that was an insane theory and even a slightly offensive one to actual autistic girls. But they don’t understand that like you said, it feels like people can smell something off about me , even when I think I’m being as neutral as possible.
No. 1491076
>>1491070Everyone on this app writes like nonna. So if you’re on here on a Saturday absorbing it and think that it gives femcel energy , then you’re not far off yourself and this is some weird projection on your part.
Femcel is becoming a buzzword.
No. 1491099
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I keep thinking about switching college course but I don’t want to have to start over. I’m only in my first year but it would just be a little embarrassing having to do it all over again after having spent a while persuading my family that studying philosophy was a good idea. I enjoy reading philosophy but my university’s program is really narrow and doesn’t cover a lot of the topics that I’m actually interested in (the most modern philosopher that they cover in detail is Heidegger…). Everyone kept telling me when I was applying for college that I would do really well in English Literature and I ignored them for some reason (not sure why, english was always my best and favourite subject when I was in secondary school), but after taking a closer look at the course description I think it would have suited me much better (they even study some of the philosophers I’m interested in who aren’t on my philosophy course). Not sure what to do, but I’m a little annoyed at myself for being so stubborn. I’m not even sure if my university allows the sort of transfer I would want (I’m studying history and philosophy and would possibly switch to history and English going into second year). Oh well.
No. 1491109
i’m dating a guy at the moment who runs a club I’m a member of, and it really bothers me that he doesn’t really talk to me much when the club gets together. we go out for drinks after the weekly events and he spends most of the night talking to everyone but me, including other girls. i couldn’t hold it in and asked him about it yesterday, and he replied that it’s his responsibility as the head of the society to talk to everyone and make sure they’re having a good time. i understand that but he could at least put aside 15 or 20 minutes across three hours to talk to me, especially considering that the society is very small (10-15 people at most events) so there aren’t that many people for him to attend to. it’s not like i’m asking him to dote on me all evening, i would just like to be acknowledged a little more. there were a few moments yesterday in particular where he was literally talking across me to my friend sitting beside me like i wasn’t there, and when i tried to join in the conversation he didn’t have much to say to me. he doesn’t even really greet me when he sees me at the events, and he almost never sits near me. it’s like i’m just another random member of the society and not the girl he is currently dating and sleeping with. he doesn’t even offer to walk me home, even when it’s 1 in the morning and i have to walk 25 minutes on my own in the city centre and i don’t really know where I’m going. it’s starting to really bother me and it makes me think that he’s not that interested in me beyond the sex, even though he keeps assuring me otherwise. when we’re on our own, even in public, he’s much more affectionate. i just don’t get it, it seems so inconsiderate.
No. 1491121
>>1491099>I don’t want to have to start over.>I’m only in my first yearNonnie you've barely even started. Of course you should switch if you want too. It's more embarrassing to study something you don't particularly like for years because of the perceived sunk cost of some introductory level lectures. I think there are
valid reasons why someone might not want to switch, but I don't think not wanting to start over is really a great one at this point.
No. 1491173
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I genuinely don't think I'm gonna be able to get Beyonce tickets. I really want to see her though, because I've never seen her live, I missed out on seeing her in (what was imo) her prime, and I wouldn't be surprised if she announces a partial retirement or something after this tour.
No. 1491185
Being an ugly woman actually fucking sucks, I’m white, thin, not physically disabled or have any deformities, just really fucking terrible genetics I have no feasible way of fixing unless I pour thousands into plastic surgery. I even posted myself on that one subreddit and the consensus was 4/10 kek.
>Flat, weak chin which looks weird with my mental crease (genetic) and cleft chin.
>Wide yet long face that is also angular and makes me look moid-ish
>Thick, bushy dark eyebrows which clashes terribly with my very pale skin
>Hyperpigmentation because i have a mustache I regularly have to fucking shave (this is a real thing before tranny allegations)
>Small, deep set, diarrhea-colored beady eyes
>Waifish frame, have been told I look anorexic multiple times despite never having an ED. Spoon shaped body which makes me look weirdly built.
>And the worst of all and what I think single-handedly makes me actually ugly instead of below average, my nose. My dad is a big nose polish scrote and he spread his shitty genetics to me and you can tell. Overly projected, bulbous nose with a wide bridge and thick skin on said nose which makes rhinoplasty far more expensive, my nose is fucking giant from every angle as well.
>Also looks weird at every angle because of exaggerated nose and weak chin as mentioned above
The only non shitty features I have are full lips, treatable acne, and fast metabolism. What the fuck did I do to deserve this.
No. 1491186
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if ucking hate my country!!
No. 1491191
>>1491185c'mon anon i cannot be
that bad
No. 1491233
a few months ago i learned my entire friend group in high school wanted nothing to do with me and only kept me around because they knew nobody else would want to breathe near me due to my reputation as being severely depressed (undiagnosed at the time) and annoying.
i graduated in '21 so i was robbed of a year and a half of my education, and i'm still very hurt by those two combined. i shouldn't still be an adult upset by high school, but learning this made me obsessively think of this since.
it really didn't help that in high school i constantly wore hats from the 1930s and oversized moid coats, the troons hated me, the theater gays hated me, the jocks, cheerleaders, and i got into fistfights a lot. so even if they told me to my face instead of keeping it behind my back, i'd be alone, like i was told after the fact.
sorry for being a downer, nonnas. sometimes i wish i wasn't an autist so i could have avoided this shit
No. 1491263
>>1491247thank you! to be fair, i hung around the nerdy kids and was their friend since middle school, it was a large friend group made of mostly smash-obsessed moids. which while i liked smash, definitely has a negative connotation. the girls there were very close to me in particular, although i considered one of the guys my best friend. and said best friend was the one who said that and accused me of "suicide baiting" because i attempted on campus due to being a retarded teen who had a psych that didn't care, but soon after i got the mood disorder shit diagnosed. it wasn't refined into mdd until later. i only remember this all because the day after my attempt, the school shooting in florida happened and there were murmurs throughout campus, despite being across the country. sorry if im dumping too much shit, but whereas most of my childhood is a blur, my school experiences i remember in an autistic amount of detail
>>1491253thank you! i would've loved that! i usually cycled through 4 or so hats, usually cloches or berets. i still have them somewhere but i don't know where. this helped with assignments regarding the 1920s, as my history teacher was very impressed by my knowledge on that era at the time.
No. 1491310
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dumped my nigel, rocked up with my mum to our place when he wasn't there, grabbed all my shit that I could fit in the car and stole myself a big fat tasty nug of bud and now I'm high as hell back at my mum's unpacking feeling like a fucking legend
>yes at my mums
she's actually the legend. fuck I love her. goddamn, I love my mother.
No. 1491312
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I hate how because of one dumbass bitch any stories of women being harassed at the gym are now invalid and we can't say anything
"Oh you're crazy. Oh bad gym culture bro. Are you sure?"
When for decades you have men taking photos of girls, following them around the gym, jerking off under towels or touching women without permission at the gym to "help" them.
I do agree there are attention whores and this will get them to stop making these videos. But gym creeps have been a problem at gyms since forever.
Seriously fuck you Jessica
No. 1491318
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>>1491310get it girl I hope it was the fattest dankest bud. shoutout to your mom being your ride or die
No. 1491361
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Well, it finally happened, I memed myself into falling for an emotionally unavailable guy I was only casually fooling around with. He was very clear from the start that he has no interest anything romantic and I was fine with that because I didn't feel anything romantic for him either. But we get along so well and I find myself missing him whenever we're apart. He said that he really wants things to work out and that he is scared of loosing interest and hurting me. I'm trying so hard to not get attached to quickly but his tender ways melts my heart.
No. 1491372
>>1491361>casually fooling around >He was very clear from the start that he has no interest anything romantic >and I was fine with that because I didn't feel anything romantic for him eitherOf course you were fine with it from the start, it takes time for those deeper feelings to develop. Look, mistaking something intimate as only "casual" was dumb, but there's still some hope for you
>He said that he really wants things to work out and that he is scared of loosing interest and hurting me This is already hurting you, right? Tell him you want to cut your losses before you waste anymore time and emotional investment into this. If he really cares for you, he should step up and make you guys official and give you the security you need. If he doesn't, well, it'll hurt and take time to get over but at least you've spared yourself any more emotional burden and make yourself available to someone more worthwhile. Rip the band aid.
No. 1491373
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>bought tickets to my favorite childhood band because i won't have any other chance
>now i feel bad about it because i won't be able to have a vacation this summer, now that i had to spend a lot of money on important stuff and decide to spend 100 on a ticket
Goddamit, i always end up judging myself if i decide to buy something "selfish". I just want this year to start at least a little bit happily. I know i will need to save up a lot just to travel to see my family… I feel so bad but i still know that i will regret it more if i didn't buy the tickets. Sigh
No. 1491391
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I’m out here lookin like this nigga with a cold right now. How you think I’m doing?
No. 1491395
>>1491391Despite the cold, you maintain an optimistic outlook on life with a warm smile on your face.
That's what I'm interpreting from that picture alone.
No. 1491399
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>>1491395Thank you for your kindness nonnita. It made me smile
No. 1491417
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>>1491399Anything for you, nona.
No. 1491418
>>1491407For actors; nepo babies, steroids, aging and plastic surgery.
For normies; skinny fat, smoking, vitamins deficiencies and believing the myth that men age like fine vine so they don't shit about their health.
No. 1491488
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I have a fucking beard. Well, not really a beard (i'm not a tranny, for the love of god), but i have this thick, dark hair in my chin/neck, because i was extremelly stupid and decided that it was a wonderful idea to shave this fuck just because i thought the totally innocent hair there was too much. Fuck, how would i know that it was going to turn into this disgusting shit? Even worse is that i don't even have PCOS or something like that, i just have this retardaded as fuck face hair that makes me extremelly insecure because i'm afraid someone will see i have that and feel disgusted. What do i do? I pluck that shit but my wonderful hormonal disbalance self is sure to grow the hair very fast and i have to take care of this shit everyday, and anyways it doesn't matter because i can still feel some of the hair that was not plucked and make the skin extremelly rough. I'm so so so so ashamed of that, and even more for the fact that i did this shit for a retarded moid when i was 15 or 16. Just end my life already.
No. 1491529
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I want to do my hobbies, but I have an irrational fear of making mistakes and when I sit down to do anything 'fun' I get plagued by a feeling of shame and not being good enough. So I procrastinate my hobbies to avoid feeling bad.
I can't stop thinking about doing them but at the same time I cannot do them at all. I miss being a child and having no worries about something that I made being good enough
No. 1491536
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>>1491529A growth mindset means that you believe your intelligence and talents can be developed over time with practice.
A fixed mindset means you believe intelligence, talent, and other qualities are innate and unchangeable.
No. 1491574
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>>1491407It's probably because the average moid doesn't do hard manual labor jobs anymore
No. 1491587
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>>1491583Samefag but I really just had to get rid of all dating sites because I’m tired of looking at ugly men
No. 1491614
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>be 10 years old
>eating a banana, hanging out with mom and her scrote friend
>mom goes into the kitchen, now i'm alone with him
>moms scrote friend says "imagine what that banana could be"
>be me just now
>mom tells me he died
>say "good, he was a fucking pedo"
>remind her, again, of what he told me
>she starts calling me insane, claims he's not a pedo just socially awkward, and that i can't go around calling every man a pedo
Sooo true, he was just an awkward guy. Understandable. I'm awkward myself, so if I met a 10 year old boy who was eating a peach, I'd definitely go "hehe psst kid… imagine what that juicy little peach could be". And if I was feeling particularly shy or awkward, I'd add "lick a little deeper". Maybe add a little moan too, that would definitely be a successful and good joke. I know this is such a small thing but fuck her. I know she knows it was wrong. She chooses to ignore her instincts because she liked having that geeky orbiter around for attention. That mf died alone with no friends, no family, and no pussy for 20+ years. Good! GOOD!
No. 1491629
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>>1491614To his death,
nonnie. Better late than never.
No. 1491631
>>1491624It was taken over by the people it was created to talk shit about (sjws, aka people wrapped in identity politics who use it to bully others), new!school fujos and aidens (it was created by old school ones) and by female coomer degenerates, you know, the kinds of ones who are like "anyone who thinks incest fic is gross is an evil prude misogynist who's trying to police women's fantasies"
It used to be really fun and I miss the old place.
No. 1491656
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>>1491631fucking hell well that makes sense. rip to oldschool anonmemes. i guess their "art/fic you most recently masturbated to" thread is fairly representative then in terms of the kind of posters the meme attracts nowadays. funny how coomers always make whatever degen shit they're into sound boring.
No. 1491670
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i hate it that i have fallen for a moid again. i hate how i fell for the "he is not like the other moids" meme again. i hate how i let it impact my life AGAIN.
straight nonnies how do i turn this shit off?????
No. 1491676
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I don’t want to leave my house today AAAAAAAAA
No. 1491705
>>1489471>Now the part where I'm retarded. I cannot shake the whole 'but what if I'm just being dramatic' mentality whenever I have an issue that's new. I'm frozen by this fear that I'll go to a doc and be berated for wasting their time on dumb shit. I know its not logical but here I am. You are not retarded. This is a normal reaction to your parents health neglect. Unfortunately, the shitty emotional reactions that form in childhood stick with us for a long while even if you know that it's irrational. Brains suck.
> I can't tell if I'm overreacting or underreacting. I've been beating myself up for hours while stuck in this 'don't overreact' cycle where I feel like I've regressed to a younger version of myself.If you have doctor you can trust, tell them about your inability to determine if you are overacting and then ask them about the tingling, or anything else that you are worried about. That's kind of what doctors are for.
No. 1491709
>>1489477I'm so sorry your parents are horrible and
abusive. I can't imagine what that's like. Is there any way you can move out. It sounds like living in a shithole with 4 roommates is better than that. Are they are domestic violence organizations in your country? Maybe they can help.
No. 1491710
>>1489477I'm so sorry your parents are horrible and
abusive. I can't imagine what that's like. Is there any way you can move out. It sounds like living in a shithole with 4 roommates is better than that. Are they are domestic violence organizations in your country or a counseling service at your uni? Maybe they can help.
No. 1491711
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i'm so fucking lonely, i wish i had friends
No. 1491714
>>1491632>God bless her….Is that some kind of curse? This woman is abusing her children, giving them at best probably only a lowered intelligence and at worst chronic health and mental issues and she does that deliberately and systematically. If she doesn't understand what she's doing she should lose her children.
Sorry but casual child abuse/neglect drives me nuts.
No. 1491720
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I think it's time to find a therapist, but the wait for one would be around 9 months and by then I will have moved to another city/country. Also, I can't go to female therapists, I can't pay a private one, I can't even pay the damn bus ride to one and if I would get an appointment with one paid by health insurance, who says that he is the right one for me and I won't have to search a new one and wait another 9 months. The only thing that would help would me being fucking rich, but I'm not and I'm tired.
No. 1491729
>>1490060Just hang up on him the next time he it brings up. Say "Stop being asshole." and then hang up. And then don't take his call for a week.
Also, get a spine so you can stop falling for his suicide baiting. The next time he does it, call 9-1-1 and tell them your fil threatened to commit suicide. I bet he'll stop after the cops show up a couple of times.
No. 1491731
>>1490048If possible, try to find a therapist who practices Dialectal Behavior Therapy. It was designed to treat borderline patients who threaten suicide a lot and they might be willing to talk you about your suicide ideation without hospitalization you.
Also, try suicide hotlines. They will talk to you even if you are just having thoughts of it with no plan. If your country doesn't have one, you can probably call one in another country.
No. 1491751
>>1491745I agree with the lying thing, that's something to look out for, but I think what these two need to do is communicate more openly.
Her forcing things on him he doesn't want and feels the need to white lie to get out of isn't a catastrophe, but they should both reflect on why they ended up in that situation and how to grow their relationship so they can be open with each other and know what the other likes (actually likes, not just goes along with).
No. 1491756
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>>1490494>only use anon imageboards bc i like being able to disappear if i accidentally say something stupidkek this is so real
No. 1491759
>>1491752He seems like he might be inclined that way. I don't know. I am
NOT dating a "bunch of dudes" I don't even personally believe in it. I'm probably destined to die alone but I rather die alone than risk going through a bad relationship with a moid. God forbid I let his body near mine and he isn't purehearted. I should just not think about it so much.
>>1491756>sees man ass>hide image No. 1491778
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>live in small country
>only has like two popular online forums
>the most active one is a womens forum
>after a decade+ of it being full of normie moms and middle aged women, scrotes start appearing
>"why do only women get to use the forum! where are men supposed to go!?"
>more and more scrotes gather around
>fast forward a few years
>the forum is now filled with "akthually women expire at 30", "porn good" and "men get raped too"
>moms and middle aged women start making frustrated threads asking "is that really how men think?"
>relationship and family advice threads are now worthless due to scrotes chiming in with absolute bullshit
No. 1491782
>>1491656> i guess their "art/fic you most recently masturbated to" thread is fairly representative then in terms of the kind of posters the meme attracts nowadaysYep. Like, if a media is talked about a lot on ffa the 100% chance talk about it while devolve into OOC porn tropes about the two main dudes.
>>1491671It's an anonmeme which was thing in fandom on livejournal. A anonmeme is a community journal were all the comments have to be anonymous. There were a lot of anonmemes and they all had various rules and subjects.
ffa was started after some fandom wank that went down on livejournal, when that's were fandom was. It was created because people were afraid to talk under their names about the sjws. Before the term was co-opted by conservatives, social justice warrior just meant someone who used social justice to bully people. Anyway, discussion topics branched out and it became kind of a general fandom discussion space, similar to ot, but topics are usually tied to fandom somehow. And then people started writing fics or parts of fics and posting them there as well for feedback.
No. 1491785
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Holy FUCK nonnas. I was high as FUCK last night tripping on shrooms at my local bar and I had to step away from my table for a bit because I was just out of my mind and went to the bathroom. I took a piss and when I came out of the stall there was this fucking tyranny standing there discussing these bright pink shiny crocodile boots this other women was wearing. I immediately started laughing and only stared straight at him and then I realized that it was probably not acceptable I was doing that so I just yelled I was really high on shrooms. Then magically I sobered up the moment he kept fucking talking to me and I was just in disbelief. I gtfo of there and the whole walk back to my table I was laughing hysterically. I cannot believe I finally experienced something like that. Not to mention his makeup was fucking horrible, bright pink lipstick with blue eyeshadow?? Fuck me nonnas.
No. 1491802
>>1491785ive never done shrooms but ive had some similar experiences where ive either been really high on weed or wasted but saw someone who looked absolutely ridiculous and had to stop myself from saying regrettable shit
i've never seen trannies with terrible makeup in person, though. let alone in a bathroom. there were a few when i went to high school but they did their makeup right and therefore most students didn't clock them. also kept to themselves.
but i'm sorry you had to see that, i'd probably scream bloody murder had that been me, or said shit like "hey looney troon!" and stumble away. props to you for not being a social autist
No. 1491821
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Loser incel moid at work is getting special treatment now, why? Because he treats his female coworkers like they're his personal harem and when they rightfully avoid him/are uncomfortable around him he cries to the manager and supervisor.
No. 1491826
>>1491821Samefag but it's so frustrating to see and hear him playing the
victim when he came onto me and made me uncomfortable while I was just trying to train him and make him feel welcomed… lesson learned I guess, never be nice to a man that isn't my Nigel!
No. 1491832
>>1491819doxing isn't really a big deal unless they leak your ssn or cards, or are a retard and tries to swat.
unless you dare them to visit you like drachenlord or chris chan, or they're a law breaking retard.
it's still unnerving to know someone you don't know can visit you, however
No. 1491858
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I feel like my ex was heavily in denial of how bad his last relationship was and then he took all of those feelings out on me. He didn’t mention her too often but a lot of things about their relationship were super contradictory. He said the first several years of their relationship were “great” and the last year was awful (his words, not mine), but also that he didn’t see a future with her during the alleged great years but still stayed, suddenly began to see a future with her only when they started fighting all of the time. He said they were the same person and he could tell her anything but he was so extremely conflict avoidant that I think he just acted like a lap dog during their great years and she started lashing out once he couldn’t do it anymore. Yeah you can definitely tell her anything except if it’s not what she wants to hear, right? He admitted they were super codependent but said VERBATIM “I’m not ready to admit that it wasn’t a healthy relationship”. He initiated all of the big milestones with our relationship, even to the point of meeting his parents, when he is an extremely closed off person emotionally. He would tell me very vulnerable things then pull back and hard. He kept alluding to certain incidents with her but never went into detail about them. We had a fight at one point and the next time I saw him in person he said he was relieved that I didn’t threaten to kill myself over it even though I had never talked about that??? The straw that broke the camels back was I tried to confront him on something and have an actual adult conversation about it, not just a half assed apology and we move on, and he freaked out and lashed out at me that he was suddenly not over his ex almost a year into us being together. When I asked for more info as to why he just said that despite all of these amazing things he loved about me and that I made him happy I also made me scared and uncomfortable and “he didn’t know why”. I really think he was projecting whatever bullshit she was pulling onto me and of course she’s still on the pedestal while my heart is still broken months later. I’m so angry with him but I still love him and I wish he’d stop being a coward and just fucking talk to me.
No. 1491871
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I just send a really cutesy ask to someone on tumblr but I can't remember if I turned anon on. This is going to be so embarrassing since I have never interacted with this person we aren't even mutuals. I feel like nuking my whole account now
No. 1491911
samefag, sorry. new thread at
>>>/ot/1491908my first thread, sorry if shit is wrong
No. 1491945
>>1491937Thanks for deleting it. Next time you can google crying cat or something like that, that picture looked disturbing.
Also, the new thread is here