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No. 1518031
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my prediction: furries and guys with mommy fetishes will say they're part of LGBT now
No. 1532271
>>1520646>after the release of hogwarts legacy, pride is more important and political than everKek.
The way gendies are so obsessed over a videogame is so fucking funny. They sound like christian moms from the 90s and 2000s and somehow they think there's nothing wrong with that. It's just a fucking game. Stop being a womanchild, Aiden. People in the real world actually have problems and people playing a silly video game is not one of them. So immature.
No. 1556538
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No. 1578731
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Saw seasonal pride merch in two different shops today both iirc with picrel flag (I think it's brave of these big businesses to add troon colours to the flag when they're currently being genocided). Like christmas, corporate pride month starts early, nonas!
No. 1578771
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>>1578745Kek I'm sure he did
No. 1581404
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Never heard of this day before but saw it everywhere. With it being so close to June it feels redundant to me.
No. 1581481
>>1581404can't believe the rainbow in the pride flag is slowly disappearing kek
which is ironic and/or redundant since the rainbow is supposed to include everyone anyways but of course troons think they're the most important in lgbtetc+ now
No. 1583392
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Dead by Daylight (game where you murder and kill people to win) has added a bunch of new pride flags that people can put on their characters with more variations to come since people right away began to complain that their super special flag wasn't announced. I can't wait to have survivors telling me I'm whateverphobic because I killed their character with a tiny pride flag on them. I've already seen people in the community talk about how they will ruin the matches for anyone who puts the "wrong" flag on a character they have deemed trans, kek, or assume someone who isn't wearing a flag is a bigot.
No. 1583799
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>>1581481Late but this made me think of a post I saw earlier.
No. 1584024
>>1583392The triangle trans flag was added to the game last year though. They always want more, more, more. It's stupid to add all of these nonsense made-up shit flags and I'm gonna hate seeing them in the game.
>>1583797For some reason genderspecials (especially aidens) have latched onto fictional franchise killers. And they all play Nea or Dwight.
>>1583799I support this.
No. 1584027
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You'd rather have straight people who have nothing to do with gay rights than a gay person who dares to question the current retardation?
No. 1584069
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I'm already cringing at the fact that they're gonna keep pushing for that shitty progress flag even harder. They started appearing here in 2021, and the same year an artist who draws satirical comics for one of the biggest journals here made picrel ("the development of the pride flag"). Fucking based, and surprisingly he didn't even get cancelled for it.
No. 1584103
File: 1684749917203.png (Spoiler Image,90.63 KB, 718x629, flag.png)

The circle on the latest flag reminds me of this for some reason.
No. 1584340
>>1580132I also actively avoid establishments that have the troon triangle, thankfully there are a few places I frequent that have the traditional and one of them is pure LGB. Absolutely it’s a dig and I love it.
No. 1586003
Target removes some LGBTQ+ items after threats to workers ahead of Pride month>Target declined to say which items it was removing, but among the ones that garnered the most attention were “tuck friendly” women’s swimsuits that allow trans women who have not had gender-affirming operations to conceal their private parts. Designs by Abprallen, a London-based company that designs and sells occult- and satanic-themed LGBTQ+ clothing and accessories, have also created backlash.>Target confirmed that it has moved its Pride merchandise from the front of the stores to the back in some Southern stores after confrontations and backlash from shoppers in those areas.Pride in May is already a shitshow.
No. 1586232
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Who cares? Pride month is literally just another advertising campaign for Western megacorps. It is only relevant to marketing agencies and terminally online zoomers obsessing over culture war bullshit.
No. 1587189
>>1586595>BDSM>Polyamory>Furries>”Queer”>Kink>Drag queen shows for children>Two-spirit>”Gender-Affirming”>Discussion on children medically transitioning>Heavy emphasis and attention on TIMs and not actual homosexual/bisexual peopleThere’s probably way more.
>>1586003Damn. I don’t think there would be much fuss if it was just stuff colored in rainbows, but Target’s merchandise is mostly focused on trannies, which is what I think makes people the most upset.
No. 1587303
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Does your pride include straight people in weird clothes? No? Then no pride for you.
No. 1587306
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>>1587303literally this webcomic
No. 1587338
>>1584697No, polycules are mostly one autistic woman orbited by multiple omega males. So it's more like a woke woman bringing her pack of ghouls to pride. He rather see that because they're his friends.
>>1587317Disabled people can be gay too!
No. 1589801
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I am very happy that Elvira’s (Cassandra Peterson) merch has no trans colors in sight. Not sure if she actually supports the “TQ+” or not, but seeing this did make me feel relieved. Most companies have begun using the ugly troon flag in everything because they would get backlash if they didn’t, but she hasn’t made that change yet, which makes me think there’s hope.
No. 1590173
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>>1586595Ask and you shall receive. Feel free to change or make it prettier.
No. 1591103
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Not sure in which thread to post but I'm so fucking disappointed with this.
Every year the pride march has a "theme" and this year it's officially troon. Except they're shoehorned and get special mentions EVERY year and most of the posts are about troons through the entire year.
The entire country has a population of maybe 3.5 milion, and no one is specifically targeting trans people. Gays (especially men) are the main target and so far the absolute majority of hate crimes has been against the gays, no one cares about the trans shot not even the homophones.
No. 1591186
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New drinking game: Drink a shot each time you see posts like picrel and you know they're wrong.
>Our First Pride was a riot. It was brought to you by drag queens & trans community…
The first pride was on 1915 and was made by LGB people and they were white. It didn't start in 1969, you dense-
No. 1591627
>>1591186>The first pride was on 1915I never knew about this at all. Which pride are you talking about?
>>1591175A bit different but I've seen some people claim "born this way" is
problematic No. 1592553
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One more day of peace before I start seeing corporations and retards on insta/twitter bending over for trannies
>>1591189Trannies really love being homophobic dont they? kek
No. 1592732
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Sage for being an OW fag but
Shoutout to blizzard for making the most shitty, low effort, Deviantart-tier ‘reveal’ for two of their characters sexualities. Totally not convenient following the controversy of them scrapping a major, promised aspect of the long delayed sequel to Overwatch. Classic thing they did with 76 a few years back after sexual assault but you know, all the Twitter peeps are lapping it up.
Same ‘mlm/wlw’ uwu crowd that get their pitchforks out at any other instance of ‘being fetishised’ will lap up what is basically the equivalent of rainbow corporate logos in lore form. Seems like bi is the new bonus label for any minority character to make them +10 zoomer value.
I’m also bi and salty that I lowkey hate our flags colour scheme idk
No. 1592899
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>>1592732Valve need to step up and add a yaoi mode for TF2 for pride month. I'm sure it will save the game.
No. 1592966
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>>1592732I'm lesbian but I actually love the bi flag because of the blue and purple. I'll trade you this ugly motherfucker for it.
No. 1593018
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>>1593015This is the one I'm talking about. They replaced all the normal rainbow flags with this shit.
No. 1593027
>>1593019wasn't the rainbow supposed to symbolize everyone non-hetero anyways? whats the point of fucking with it or adding stuff
Only 15% of that rainbow will remain next year probably once trannies and other autistic college students fuck with it more
No. 1593034
>>1593017Pink used to be colour for little boys. Colours mean what people think they mean.
Fuck all the flags that are not original rainbow, rainbow which includes sexualities such as LG and B, not mental ilness such as T.
No. 1593044
>>1592732What I hate the most about this is that the new players are the ones who support and applaud this, damn they are the most conformist who accept any garbage, instead those who stayed in the game for years waiting for new content and even a little bit of important lore of the game are forgotten
And I don't know what is worse than they accepting or ignoring that blizzard announces a new sexuality to some character when they know they are ruining the game
No. 1593086
>>1593075>something that emulates the color of the pedophile’s flag and they will say that it’s a special flag for “trans kids”.Unfortunate that this sounds like an actual possibility. There’s been so many arguments about “transitioning” (harming) kids lately. It’s disgusting.
I doubt that these supposed “trans kids” even know what is going on, and I don’t think they’re as gung-ho about their rights as these predators are. Tweens that have spent too much time on the internet maybe, but they eventually grow out of this phase. It seems like mostly adult pedophiles doing the talking. About what they think these kids “need”. The children are being used as scapegoat for bigger issues.
No. 1593519
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>>1593145oh lol last year I made a collage with some pedo logos and the tranny flag to share on facebook and hopefully peak some normies, people on 2X didn't like it tho KEK
No. 1593526
>>1592732I'm bi too but I think the bi flag is actually one of the nicest ones. That and the original gay rainbow one are my favourites but that's just personal preference. Even without taking TRAs into account the troon one is easily the ugliest of the LGBT because of the baby pink and blue
>>1593519Wrote out all the above just before seeing your post kek, looks like you beat me to it
No. 1594151
>>1593003It has roots in the lipstick lesbian flag. Someone on tumblr decided the original creator was a
terf and decided to make the flag the general lesbian flag sans the lipstick mark in the original. Then discourse happened about how feminine it was and an orange version was popular for a while as a counterpart butch flag. This all lead to the current flag with the red and orange stripes. It's also where the blue "Achillean"/mlm flag that purely TIFs use comes from.
Source: was active on tumblr during all of this. (I prefer the labrys flag because it actually incorporates lesbian symbols, is from pre-social media times and the TRAs have tried to cancel it for being the "
TERF flag" lol)
No. 1594163
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not even a day in and twitter is already on it's corny bullshit.
>>1594151Imagine how much better our society would be if tumbler or the discourse that took place on it never happened.
No. 1594198
>>1592966i hate this flag too ever since it came out. it's so unappealing to me. yes i know it's only colors and that i'm acting like a tumblrfag2k14, i'm still pissed off about them.
>I actually love the bi flag because of the blue and purpletotally agreed
No. 1594267
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also fuck trannies
No. 1594364
Like all those fucking catholics marching against women's rights to bodily autonomy?? They have literal ustaše (Nazis) marching at those.
No. 1594384
>>1592966I think this flag and the bi flag are kinda useless since the rainbow flag already covers lesbians and bi people. But I do agree the bi flag is very pretty though the colors are calming. I also do like the orange/pink lesbian flag if I have to be honest. I always liked that color combo even before the flag debuted. I'm not going to judge anyone for using those flags but personally I'm just gonna use the rainbow one since it's classic
>>1594151kek I was active on tumblr during that time too. I guess that's also why I can't bring myself to use the orange/pink one because I associate it with The Discourse.
>pre-social media timesI'm more forgiving towards the old flags soley because of this. The rainbow, labrys and bi flag predates social media so you know they weren't made to get clout. The orange/pink flag was made by some rando on tumblr who blew up because of acecourse. If it had originated from a small lesbian community and then spread trough the internet it would had been less silly but it was literally just posted on tumblr and the creator was like "hey lesbians use this" it's hard to take seriously
No. 1594404
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>>1591308>corrective rapesAnd most of the time it comes from trannies that claim "women with penis are still women or men with vaginas are still men" to get sex with lesbians or gay men. Homophobia at its finest.
No. 1594710
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jfc Levi’s if you’re going to sell dresses for men for pride month at least make sure they’re not fugly
No. 1594738
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>>1594710samefag but can you imagine how annoying the type of person who would buy any of the disney pride month merch must be?
No. 1594826
i wonder what the sexual orientation demographics of anons itt are and how many of us are detrans/desisted? i'm a bi former pronoun user (not full trans) myself and always have fun in these threads because they feel like one of the few spaces to kek and let off steam during pride month
>>1594710harry stylescore
No. 1594895
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Sure, that totally happened /s(tone tag )
No. 1594909
>>1594906and that waiter's name? albert einstein
>>1594904but kek is jsut a way of saying lol. the /s shit is for retarded oversenstive zoomies and tryhard sjws. not the kinda people you want on an imageboard
No. 1594936
Day 2 of pride and the kweers are already annoying the fuck out of me.
>>1594928I can't believe that hideous flag got memed into being the most popular flag. I thought it was never going to take off because it was made by some corps but then everyone started using it no matter how much they claim they hate rainbow capitalism. Goes to show it's all talk and so long as it prioritises trannies they'll embrace it with open arms. I hate how there's so much focus on individual flags and microidentities as well now. Tumblr mogai was made fun of back in the day but it's the reality of pride these days and all large companies are shilling it.
>>1594899>>1594909It's funny how people automatically associate /s with zoomers now because whenever I see it I think of retarded manchildren redditors
No. 1594949
>>1594945Yeah you can tell by the last sentence especially, men always think their opinions are in such high demand.
>>1594947>dumb bitch go back to 4chan or somethingOh look it's also retarded, go clean your smegma or join your sexes elevated suicide rates or something
No. 1594991
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No. 1594994
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No. 1595005
Men are the weaker sex, in every sense of the word. You can keep clutching the one cope you have of "but men are stronger!" As if that biological fact means anything aside from your sex being used for your capabilities in achieving retard strength so your government can sacrifice your body in wars for oil or other resources, even the government knows how expendable men are to the point where oil and fuel is prioritized over your lives. But what does that even matter when the men today are so fragile and testosterone depleted, none of you are fighting in wars, joining the military, the marines. Most men today can't even complete a 9 to 5 without cocaine or alcohol. Can't even make a meal for themselves, keep their environments clean, their bodies. You'll survive off energy drinks and junk food because you have no forethought to make yourself a proper meal, and then in turn wonder why you feel so awful all the time and start losing your hair at 25. Men are so emotionally immature they can't even control their impulses to rape, fight, masturbate. It's embarrassing watching men get emotional, it's like watching a toddler try to voice the reason they're upset, huffing and stuttering out nonsense and then just getting angry because they can't make sense of their distress. The men of the past who fought wars and worked all day to come home and help care for the children and finish up household tasks are long gone, they would laugh and mock the men of today. It's hilarious you're using the history of strong men to try to justify your existence somehow, when in reality they would think you were weak and pathetic. Spending your time on an imageboard for women trying to verbally "one up" us to try to get some dopamine flowing, try to get a little confidence that you obviously lack from being at the bottom of the hierarchy of men. The men of the past would laugh at you, use your existence as a cautionary tale for their sons to make sure their behavior doesn't emulate yours. Modern men can't even control their own emotional impulses, their at mercy to whatever desire strikes them at the current moment, much like a dog but far less endearing. You're sex is so ruined by porn and parasocial relationships with e girls because your kind can't even discipline themselves enough to not partake in it. Your suicide rates are so high because men aren't capable of any type of emotional regulation or self restraint, which is also why men commit almost all rapes, murders, and violent crimes. Men are the most likely to be addicts, alcoholics, gamblers. Ffs men are so stupid you also occupy the most deaths from choking, too dumb and impatient to even chew your food. My comparison to dogs is unfair actually, even a mutt knows how to eat without dying. But yes keep clutching that one cope of men being biologically stronger, I'm sure that will keep you from eating a bullet when your still single and alone in your 40's.(don't bite the bait)
No. 1595011
>>1595005>Ffs men are so stupid you also occupy the most deaths from choking, too dumb and impatient to even chew your food.lmfao
immensely based nonna ♥
No. 1595105
>>1595094I shouldn't be suprised cuz the same place sent out yoga tips for women for woman's month to "manage stress", even tho we are sexually harassed, had unprecedented attrition due to childcare covid shit, women can't even breastfeed in the buildings and can't get disability parking passes for being pregnant and shit.
Now I have to listen to my crusty nasty homophobe moid coworkers complain about homos while getting blasted in the face by slurs whenever I open my email, and just have to remain quiet and calm bc being a woman here already puts a target on my forehead. I hate it so much.
No. 1595148
>>1595137There's no pride stuff at my local Walmart either, but I live in a conservative area too.
When I lived in a big city, Target always had tons of pride merch on clearance the month after it. I seriously wonder how much this stuff sells considering its prominence in their stores
No. 1595155
Last year the local Pride organisation went out of their way to antagonise a church and they spent months afterwards sniping at each other in the local newspaper. The Pride people accused the church of homophobia because the church people complained about Pride attendees projecting that ugly progress flag onto the church’s facade without permission and of dancing sexually (twerking, pretty much) right in front of the church in skimpy kink gear. They didn’t target any other buildings in this way. It was a pretty transparent attempt to drum up controversy, “bigotry” and sympathy towards them but I don’t think it worked because this year the greasy blue-haired transbian and kinky gay male organiser are nowhere to be seen in any of the promotional material. Instead they’re centering a tiny Aiden, a woman who needs an emotional connection before wanting to have sex with someone (yes this is literally how they phrased it) and someone with a DSD. It’s like they went looking for the most harmless looking people they could find and shoved the actual LGBs out of sight in the process. No lesbians last year either, of course. Unless you count the transbian.
>>1595125Alligator Loki? I’ve never seen or read any Marvel stuff and only know Loki from the eddas so this post is hilariously confusing to read. Did he get stuck as an alligator?
No. 1595233
>>1595151>the loki show has r63 selfcest?Yes. They didn't have sex though. They might in season 2.
>Alligator Loki? I’ve never seen or read any Marvel stuff and only know Loki from the eddas so this post is hilariously confusing to read. Did he get stuck as an alligator?The show never said if he was born as an alligator or transformed into an alligator and stuck as one. They just had an (cgi) alligator wearing Loki headgear from the comics. Alligator Loki is original to the show and not from the comics, but the comics does have a Frog Thor so it's not completely out of nowhere, in comics terms anyway.
No. 1595346
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It is the first time in a long time that I see the classic flag being used
No. 1595400
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What I've always thought what was weird with all the stupid additions was the fact that the rainbow is already… a rainbow? It has all the colours in it technically so why the fuck do we add to the rainbow.
I miss how pride made sense and now I'm embarassed to tell anyone I'm gay.
No. 1595511
File: 1685757972997.png (720.58 KB, 674x677, noooo don't show us mindy kali…)

I dare one of the braver nonnies ITT to go to some kind of heterosexual troony pride event and ask the WLWs present how many have ever eaten pussy
No. 1595523
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What the hell is this
No. 1595569
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No. 1595583
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One thing I'm glad about pride month is people giving the spicy straights the cold shoulder. Esp straight people whining about the big bad gays and lesbians don't see them as valid for being poly or ace. The poly one pisses me off because it just reeks of eurocentricism, there are countries where polyamory is heavily accepted. I literally had grandparents who polygamous and know other friends who did. It's not progressive or qUeEr, it's just not accepted in christian influenced cultures (excluding mormons).Not the same as homophobia being the norm literally everywhere. Like ok you don't have full legislation privelages but do you also know who doesn't? Single parents, dual citizenship marriages and civil partnerships.
And it's terminally online BS, straight people go to gay bars and pride events all the time. The fact that these people spend more time antagonizing gays and lesbians for babysitting them, than criticizing the dominant society they try to say we're both victims of. Everytime I see these people crying about discourse i know someone is rightfully not taking their BS.
No. 1595614
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>>1593018wait till they move onto this one.
No. 1595661
>>1595621didn't you get the memo
nonnie? everything biphobic is a
terf psyop
No. 1595721
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No. 1595791
File: 1685795620498.png (177.23 KB, 681x720, 1558274784294.png)

>>1595005Nice pasta! Will reuse.
No. 1595799
>>1595721A hope a bunch of parents delete the app and stop paying for it.
Why do kids need to be marketed to for the queer agenda.
No. 1595841
>>1595676The "no condom" thing is the norm %100. I remember a gay twitter meme saying something among the lines of:
>bottom: starves, douches, shaves, takes poppers, etc. >top: condoms are republicanThey're willing to accept it among themselves but of course no one else can point it out. so we can add STD ridden to the list along with: hyper-sexualism, misogyny, hyper-aggression and straight-chasing (when they go out of their way to try and correct rape a heterosexual moid).
No. 1596104
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Wanted to post some biphobic shit because fun but some insane anon is shitting up the whole site…later..nonnas…
No. 1596132
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>>1596110If you’re talking about me (Jamie Lee Curtis poster) I’m bisexual.
>>1596123Are you the individual that’s shitting up lolcow… wtf does this mean..
>>1596109Whoever said men should be born in jail and prove the way out was based and correct
No. 1596134
>>1596123I wasn't talking about gays and bi's, the alphabet soup people are the spicy straights and trannies and such.
>You know what you're doing, don't play dumb.I'm not doing anything I was asking a question, relax
No. 1596158
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Is Jordan Peterson a terf? kek don't sperg at me this is a joke
No. 1596236
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>>1596158He's a TEHM (trans exclusionary homosexual male) currently dating Ben Shapiro on the down low. Not the ideal terven ally for sure but also not the worst I guess.
No. 1596249

>>1596158>>1596180>>1596184>>1596217Ah, newfags. JP has been hating troons longer than all of you. The reason Jordan Peterson got famous is because a video of him (linked) went viral, in 2016, where some annoying troon was interviewing him about his public opposition to some Canadian law that ostensibly would protect troons from discrimination, but he was of the opinion that it would also mandate that people use troon's pronouns. He thought that was compelled speech and said that from now on he was never going use troons pronouns on gp because he was against compelled speech. Then liberal outlets kept interviewing him, hoping to take him apart in, but he ended up bodying them in the interviews. Look up his interview on BBC with Cathy Newman.
He's not feminist though. Like, he denies that women were oppressed in the past and thinks women wear make up just to be sexually attractive and so there should be no makeup in the workplace because it's sexually provocative.
No. 1596326
>>1596309all scrites are misogynistic. all TIMs are extra misogynistic
also i used to think like you wrt TIFs but they just hate women so much it's no use feeling sorry for them
No. 1596402
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On the highway a company had a giant pride flag up. I thought it looked cool but sadly it had the troon triangle which partially ruined it. I kept thinking how nice it would look in the wind as just the rainbow.
No. 1596411
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>>1596402The rainbow encompasses the whole community, so the race triangles, intersex, and troon shit makes no sense. The former two aren't included by default, and the latter is shoving politics down the throat of the masses. Even if SSA people aren't fond of trannies, it includes LGB. For TRAs, they believe the rainbow supports them too, so why the fuck does that fugly triangle have to be there? We should have the Gilbert flag again, the purple was so pretty
No. 1596462
>>1595348And gingerbrave and pumpkin too. Frankly between this and some other stuff this game is on my suspicious list. There is a point where the fanservice starts feeling werid.
>>1595586To put it simply: envy. The envy of you no matter how well they serve other males they would never be picked in the way they wish. Every stereotype about female intrasexual competence is 100% true in faggots, with the addition that there is no «winning» because the chad of their dreams actually doesn't see other men that way, is a very miserable existence if you think about it for a second. When a gay male says something so aggresive to a woman he's saying "well, if i was born with the privilege of being the biological counterpart of males, (side note: ew) I would be happy taking dick all day and you're shitting on my deepest fantasy and life aspiration u bitch". Obviously life doesn't work that way. It doesn't work that way even for straight men. (If only faggots were appropriate replacements for male wishes, life would be so much easier for women if they could just adore and suck each other's dicks but no, sadly, faggots are useless even for that)
>>1596249He's just a male psychologist. Any male psychologist that isn't a total lib soyboy think similar to him. In fact the average male shink would make JP look like a moderate, the fact that his audience is a non-professional one forces him to tone down.
No. 1596753
>>1596481fence-sitting is normal and frankly it should be encouraged among them, too much conservatism and they would become so self-centered that they can't empathize anymore and too much shitlibism and they would end transing kids and traumatized people. At least in mental healthy matters, a sane middle ground is the best imo.
>>1596528It depends. Some truly think like that, and some fancy themselves as the Supreme Alpha Male and every women should trow themselves at him. It depends on which side of the mommy issues (everyone should treat me like mommy/i want to be mommy/i want to become one with mommy again) does he falls. Male intrasexual competition & sexuality is a facinanting topic and very usefull, because it lets you see behind the veil (o as "behind the veil" as humanly possible) and dispel the lies that male media sold to women. For starters, once you appreciate male sexuality for what truly it is you realize that the current LGTBTTTTTTP nonsense was inevitable, and that trannies and faggots are more related than you may be led to believe. It's (unchecked, unregulated) male sexuality and the confusion it brings.
>>1596541You're being a bit too harsh, at least those anons can separate their fantasies from reality and recognize that they're completely different thing from actual faggots and trannies. For many people it takes a lifetime to make that distinction.
No. 1596759
>>1596158If this image isnt extremely accurate to what's happening right now.
>>1596248it was made by some white dude in PA and yes it makes no sense. The rainbow already covered all sexuality. Why would race ever be involved in a pride flag? it's such a fucking joke.
No. 1596947
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I'm relieved that some companies are finally getting over pandering to the woke crowd, but at the same time I wonder if it's because the tranny movement is the one thing they will not bend the knee to, especially after Bud Light lost money over the Mulvaney campaign, and nowadays the LGBT community is solely focused on TRA.
No. 1596952
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Not even Japan is free.
No. 1597082
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Hot Topic has 22 pages of pride merch. These were my personal highlights.
No. 1597108
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You can buy a progress flag with the logo of any NFL team on the official NFL shop website. I’d love to know how many of these actually sell.
No. 1597168
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>>1597082These look like they were made by a group of terfs who thought it'd be fun to get drunk together and create the stupidest merch they thought troons and spicy straights would genuinely buy as a joke. If it was me the only thing I might add would be some Disney couple shirt (like Ariel and the prince) saying "straight passing bi couples are queer and
No. 1597212
>>1596248kek nona
>>1597068mte, it's so retarded. this person doesn't hate rainbow capitalism if they're scared by a lack of it. they just said that preemptively to avoid the comments calling him out for anxiously waiting for a company to change their twitter pfp
No. 1597918
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Today at Hollister: a top for people who want to wear a ton of pride and SJ pins but are traumatized from accidentally pricking themselves with the sharp part
No. 1597946
>>1597918They really just slapped all of that shit on a random black t-shirt.
>latinx >ze / zir>Lesbian lover>Pride is a movement>BLM>protect black trans lives>trans rights are human rights>Tranny logos>They/Them>plant gays>vote for our rightsIt’s silly, or maybe smart, they didn’t want to make individual shirts so they slapped everything in one.
No. 1597955
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>>1597918Latinx isn’t a real word and makes zero sense I hate fucking trannies. Latinos who aren’t handmaidens (most of them) are annoyed with it. I don’t care if it was created by the Latino community, ignoring the gendering of the Spanish language is low key denying your own culture imo.
No. 1597961
>>1597955>Latinx isnt a real word>it was created by the Latino communityKek I thought it was created by NPR
Yeah when I started hearing Latinx I wanted to have someone I could trash it with but no one seemed to think it was wrong. Later had a Hispanic boss for a job, he kept saying things like 'The Great White Hope saves the day!' Everytime a new idpol thing happened that was created by left news media and left wing politicians.
No. 1598040
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Zoomers are gonna have some interesting stories when they turn 40.
No. 1598054
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>>1598040if we even make it that far kek
No. 1598088
A straight man asked me to hang with him at a pride event lmao, he didn't even know I'm bi.
>>1598086Yeah a lot of them are young, ugly, mentally off and terminally online, so they're not connecting socially (in person and with physical contact) and actually feeling their attraction to others. Many "come out" extremely young, before they actually start getting hormonal during puberty.
No. 1598131
>>1598054What is the purpose of this? These are literal children who (barring cases of CSA) haven't developed sexuality yet.
Also, why is drag performance now the standard for anything related to LGBT? It's primarily a subculture in gay male culture. Wouldn't it be more useful to teach kids about LGB people who've achieved great things and done positive things for society? They would never force kids to attend twerking performances for black history month, but it's okay to do this?
No. 1598149
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>>1598131Liberal (mostly white) women really like Drag for some reason and insist their kids have to watch a grown man twerk in women's clothing, to own the conservatives. sSme go beyond that and have their sons(and sometimes daughters) actually perform Drag in gay bars(which I'm not posting) but there are cases of this happening and if you go on twitter you will see people, defending it with all their hearts cause they don't wanna be considered bigots and agreeing with the right-wing on any issue.
No. 1598154
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>>1598149samefag, its like shitlibs complaining about the wave of banned books(claiming that its literal book burning Fascism) I have skimmed through some of these books and the authors are just pure degenerates 99% of the time, kids don't need to know about ass-eating, or butt-play or drag queen history, also one of the contested books "gender-queer" is literally just a long tumblr auto-biography of a fujoshi who trooned out and had pretend gay sex with other TIFs.
No. 1598156
>>1598024it's the Chicano studies kids who couldn't cut law school keeping themselves busy
>>1598149Frequently encounter these types in my profession, they climb over each other to hand their children to the most obvious pervert moids at brunch and then brag about it to other women. They tend to be permanently competitive and comparing themselves with others in the same demo, they also tend to be churchgoers but idk why that surprised me like it did
No. 1598171
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No. 1598176
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>>1598131>>1598149I saw this poll a while back and I was surprised. First 25% of burgers have already been to a drag show. I thought it would be less than 10%. It became mainstream fast. Also only 6% difference between women and scrotes attending.
No. 1598179
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>>1598156>they also tend to be churchgoers but idk why that surprised me like it didIt really shouldn't be that surprising, since the early 2010s, due to cultural shifts and demographic movements, most churches in New England and California have become incredibly liberalized. It's so obvious that even as someone who's no longer a Christian, I can see the Christianity of these mainline churches isn't really there anymore. They're just places to get together and hold community meetings.
No. 1598181
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>>1598179The Simpsons have done like 3 episodes over the years noting this phenomenon.
No. 1598271
>>1598229lmao you made me remember this podcast I used to listen about serial killers and they were talking about his chilhood/family background (of a SK don't remember which) and the conversations was like:
>and his father kept images of nude models stuck to the fridge>yes that's consistent with serial killer childhood-ness or a european family kitchenand I kekd for all eternity
No. 1598362
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>the Club America women's uniform has the progress flag on it
What can we possibly do to stop this madness from getting worse in our country?
No. 1598365
>>1598362Samefag, but it's so ironic when they have the orange ribbon which symbolizes the fight against gender-based violence against women, here in Mexico.
How are you going to prevent that when you support giving males in dresses access to safe spaces for women? LOL
No. 1598489
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No. 1598571
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saw this on twatter, incredible
No. 1598579
>>1598489the implication that same sex attraction is perverted is so homophobic. why do these people claim that they are the progressive ones when they say stuff like this?
I miss that time when the word prude was only used by creepy men who wants to pressure women into sex
No. 1598590
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this retarded woman only dates hetero males and has the audacity to post this like we get it you are desperate for attention
No. 1598638
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Pride in WeHo. This was advertised as a family friendly event.
No. 1598898
>>1598676I know younger lesbians who use it because they have negative associations with the word lesbian because of porn, and are too young to have really experienced queer as a serious slur.
>>1598707This is what makes the concept of “queer” so insidious. Pride was initially about same-sex attraction but now that it’s about “queerness” it includes absolutely everything that’s not 100% mainstream boring vanilla. In a queer vs. normal dichotomy, where do you put polyamory? Where do you put crossdressers? Where do you put furries? Where do you put guys who like to get pegged by women? They’re certainly not normal, so they’re queer. They may all be heterosexual but they’re a
queer kind of heterosexual so they belong at Pride. Meanwhile a monogamous lesbian couple who have loving non-painful sex in their private bedroom without anyone needing to dress up as a horse seem relatively normal, so do they really belong at Pride? Apparently not anymore. Pride is for weirdos, not boring normies!
No. 1599067
>>1599012She's saying that pride events aren't sexual and while she knows you're joking, she's upset that you'd "reinforce stigma." Aka make it more sexual than it already is, when she is clearly ignorant to how some parades are
very sexual, probably the grand majority in all honesty.
No. 1599069
>>1598707>>1598898I personally blame HuffPo for popularising it. I remember them running an article arguing that a fiaper fetish is queer way back in the early-mid 2010s when they were still named The Huffington Post.
Nonas we're less than a week into June and I'm already so tired as a lesbian.
No. 1599098
>>1599089>Gatekeeping exists for a reason.Gatekeeping anything is white supremacy. Non-white societies were extremely accommodating with no rigid definitions of anything before they encountered white people who made rules to oppress everyone.
(this is the prevailing opinion in liberal circles)
No. 1599114
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Torrid going hard on the riot thing, also kek at the black shirt being categorized under “fangirl”
No. 1599131
>>1599118>Although white queer people share in our queer oppression, they are still beneficiaries of white supremacy — and are not above wielding that power in our “safe spaces.” In 2017 during Philly Pride, for example, the attempt was made to add a black and brown stripe to the rainbow flag. This action was met with anger from white gay men who felt the flag represented unity despite skin color — a particularly tone-deaf defense given that Philadelphia's gay bars had recently become a hotbed for racism.So we got this abomination of a flag because of a couple of shitty bars in philly?
>>1599122are you autistic? or just illiterate?
No. 1599151
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No. 1599168
>>1599119I disagree. Those shrieking “Karens” are annoying and aren’t the target demographic but their money is just as good as anyone else’s. Honestly the few times I saw party groups of straight women at gay bars when I still went to them (the one lesbian bar in my city closed when I was in high school) they kept to themselves and spent a ton of money on shots.
Pissing on someone is assault and those sick fucks should be arrested.
No. 1599182
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Try and outdrip me at the pride function. You can't. I'm going to be sexually harassing your uncles with a fanny pack full of wippits. Stay back
No. 1599284
>>1599148Because of the notion that keeping all of these issues separate strengthens white supremacy, i.e.
>>1599098. Now the idea is that "nobody is free until we're all free" but said freedom is a nebulous thing because we're all individuals living in different circumstances. Somebody like RuPaul's circumstances isn't the same as a poor gay white man in a conservative town, yet the big brains in ivory towers tell us that RuPaul's life will always be worse simply because he's not white.
To be clear: I'm not denying racism and discrimination don't exist, just I don't see how the current rhetoric is going to solve any problems. Especially with trannies, furries, pedo apologists, and kinksters dragging on the back of the LGB wagon.
No. 1599330
>>1598084Internalized male gaze.
I thought I was bi, too, once upon a time kek. Just a GNC straight woman.
No. 1599334
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No. 1599366
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>>1599313I place blame 100% on the mainstreaming of trans rights. Back when LGBT groups focused only on marriage equality and making sure gay people couldn't get fired from their jobs for simply being gay, none of this forcing kids into drag shows and all that was a thing. I remember when some people tried to make a big deal about children's books showing characters with homosexual parents but it went away quickly because the content was nothing on the level of what TRAs are doing now with explicit imagery and focusing on genitalia.
Things will only get worse for LGB people if trannies aren't removed from the equation because society isn't buying the trans nonsense that major LGBT groups are spending millions trying to push on everyone.
No. 1599412
>>1599119boohoo the poor gay men have some women in their bars, it's only right to assault them! it's not like women have to tolerate all the faggots in female communities and at the head of industries targeting women. why do gay bars let women enter to begin with? they want their money but then cry about their presence
>>1599391if someone is too retarded to make the distinction between "removing the T from the LGBT" and "removing the T's existence" it's their problem. SSA troons are of course part of the community because they're homosexual. but even for them, people are allowed to think that "transitioning" is not a solution. it's unhealthy and only furthers people's delusions which is never done for other disorders.
No. 1599438
>>1599412If you think being hyper aware of your body, and feeling distinctly like every inch of it is somehow
wrong is a delusion, you're retarded. It's being hyper aware of reality and like it's different from what they were expecting. It's quite literally the opposite of a delusion and the opposite version of body dysmorphia. Everything that helps dysmorphia, does nothing for gender dysphoria. Everything that helps gender dysphoria, significantly worsens body dysmorphia. That being said, it's more retarded how transition is the only known "way out"
because nobody has researched otherwise, and trooning out should only ever be a last resort. All we know about troons, is antipsychotics and therapy don't do anything to help, and in most cases HRT does help, at least a bit. Trannies also need to learn not everyone is going to do as they were told or asked, oftentimes just to get on the tranny's nerves. They need to learn to respect other views or shut up and ignore them if it's too hard for them. The only other thing I believe you may be referring to as a delusion is thinking they're the opposite sex. I can count on one hand the amount of trannies I have met that think that. Most that aren't terminally online don't think they're the opposite sex, in fact most actively admit to it if they're open about being troons. But I don't blame you for thinking that way at all, considering how vocal the truly delusional or fetishistic ones are.
>>1599418This is why I think radical feminists have no ground to stand on when insulting TRAs, most of you act like you're in a retarded cult and refuse to accept other opinions. It's the same problem trannies have. You don't have to agree with me, just don't jump to conclusions, nonita.
No. 1599455
>>1599437The type of woman who is so self absorbed and entitled that she thinks she's going to be waited on in a gay bar in the middle of the night drunk and demanding male attention is not one I care about at all. Reddit phrase, but play stupid games.
>>1599438>it should be last resortOf course it should, it's a very big decision to make. Working on yourself internally is always light-years more important than wanting to change your outsides, they need to promote this above all especially to children because children genuinely CANNOT consent to altering or modifying their body to any degree. They don't understand, and you can't make them understand the gravity. A 14 year old isn't going to kill themselves for not having a mastectomy if they are in a household with a support system that cares about them.
No. 1599460
>>1599438>If you think being hyper aware of your body, and feeling distinctly like every inch of it is somehow wrong is a delusion, you're retarded.i'm well aware that deep down troons know they're troons and cry themselves to sleep about it, but believing that your body is wrong because it should be of the opposite sex and that the way you feel about it - and how people perceive it - is somehow going to get better if you chop off body parts is delusional. allowing troons to chop off body parts
is furthering their delusions because it's affirming that there's indeed something wrong with their bodies and that their minds can be treated through mastectomies/breast augmentations somehow. i'm sure we can find cases of troons for which "transition" has helped but some studies suggest that it's not the majority at all. look at someone like ellen page, she is delusional and too many other vulnerable women are being failed by being sold the lie that testosterone and mastectomies will solve their issues. i agree that other forms of treatment should be explored for people suffering from gender dysphoria but no need to be a NLOG about it, even if the causes and "solutions" are different, people suffering from ED and body dysmorphia also feel wrong about their bodies in the way you've described.
No. 1599489
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At this point, WHICH charities are not captured by THEM?
> No. 1599501
>>1599438There's no need to separate dysphoria and dysmorphia, they're one and the same and only distinguished by how navel-gazey the person is.
Minimize body dysphoria via improving your mind-body connection, getting out and doing things, finding gnc women out there (or at least normie women who dont give a fuck about gender roles). Minimize ~gender dysphoria~ by realizing its all social rules and a social template that's been long-outdated and also seeking out gnc women/normies who don't give a fuck.
Being hyper aware of every inch of your body and being horrified that you're undergoing puberty stems mostly from subconsciously knowing that you as a girl will soon lose the scant protection from misogyny that being a child gives you. It's still bery deluded in that you don't realize the problem is not your body, but rather misogyny, and so you make your body your enemy. Actually feeling like there's a "wrong" way for your body to be is deluded and severely retarded, especially if your development is within the wide range of normal. I can sympathize with those w chronic illnesses, but you see so many troons larping for clout and even larping disabilities.
To say that the modern T has good/neutral parts about it to salvage will come AFTER we get LGB without the T, at least. I'm no longer willing to share space with deluded retards who want me to get correctively raped to reassure them about their niche moral philosophies.
t. Actually had and still has dysphoria
No. 1599530
>>1599455Second AYRT, I agree. Kids should never in a million years be allowed to troon out. I don't mind if 16 year olds have adults call them he or she so long as they aren't getting life changing medical decisions until they're adults, preferably 20 or older. But I'm all for adults transitioning and respecting that so long as they had years of therapy and treatment beforehand so that they are more than certain it's the right decision, because they did it as a last resort. It's always the ones who don't do therapy who end up detransitioning because they didn't check just to make sure it wasn't something else.
>>1599501I bet you've never faced real misogyny or dysphoria in your life if you think this way. None of this does anything for actual dysphoria, and in fact "improving the mind-body connection" makes them feel significantly worse and closer to killing themselves, so maybe don't be a retard and don't give advice on something you clearly never experienced or know anything about. It's a neurological malformation caused, usually, by Autism or another disorder that changes the wiring of the brain, not misogyny. And brain sex does not exist, but that doesn't mean some nerves and neurons misfire in unexpected ways. It's like how almost every person with Autism or ADHD has a secondary disorder alongside it, often times several more than one. You sound like a crunchy with all this "natural" bullshit. Plus I haven't personally come across troons trying to force themselves on SSA people in years. I'm SSA and never faced that. Much like you were probably a skelly who faked dysphoria for attention in 2014. I still can't feel any sympathy for detransitioners unless their parents forced them to troon out, though.
>>1599502Then you don't have dysphoria, unless you hate every individual second in your body and are
very close to mutilation while awake at any given moment, you aren't dysphoric and it can likely be fixed with therapy. Otherwise it's no help and we need a better way to treat it than suicide or transition
No. 1599549
>>1599493Oxfam is also full of pedos. They were one of the charities caught abusing children in Haiti. It's not surprising they side with troons over women.
>>1599530Bold of you assume that can speak for troons while dictating what women have which disorder. Why do I feel like your new around here?
No. 1599592
>>1599549I'm far from new, and I'd trust doctors over some crunchie munchie who thinks because she doesn't like her boobs she
clearly has an exceptionally rare mental disorder and can speak over those with an actual diagnosis. Say what you will about troons, but I think troons have more of a say on their disorder than anyone. Those actually suffering, anyways. And detransitioners don't count because those were the ones that never checked to make sure and lied to their doctors for attention kek
No. 1599599
>>1599530>I bet you've never faced real misogyny or dysphoria in your lifewahh wahhhh
>None of this does anything for actual dysphoriadid for mine, retard
>Plus I haven't personally come across troons trying to force themselves on SSA people in years. I'm SSA and never faced that.if you paid attention to your surroundings you helen keller ass, you would see it
>Much like you were probably a skelly who faked dysphoria for attention in 2014cope+projection
>I still can't feel any sympathy for detransitioners unless their parents forced them to troon out, got bingo on the troon handmaiden bingo board!!! congrats
nonny, make sure you pick up your pronoun pins and fursona ref sheet on your way out!!
No. 1599611
>>1599599It did nothing because you weren't dysphoric. You were dysmorphic and were whining because you hit puberty. Unless you actively tried to kill or mutilate yourself multiple times over not being male, and aren't actively suffering, you're not really dysphoric. Dysmorphia is cured by therapy, dysphoria doesn't have any positive effects in therapy. You could go for 10+ years and it would do nothing for you.
>>1599604Not an MRA, not a male.
No. 1599619
>>1599611yeah women are whiny annoying liars and trannies are the biggest
victims in the world and should be believed no matter what. because…? because you've "mostly been exposed to the more sane part of Tumblr trannies and TRAs"? that's what you call sane?
No. 1599626
>>1599612The funniest part is that I have two X chromosomes
>>1599619Stop putting words in my mouth, nonna. I never said women are liars and trannies are
victims. Hell, I hate most trannies. But hate people for reasons like being annoying not for being mentally ill kek. And actually mentally ill, not self-dx shit.
No. 1599710
>>1599694Not once did I call them
victims or women liars, especially not there. What are you attempting to do?
No. 1599725
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>>1599391>"shit like that is why they're crying about genocide where there is none">check tagged post>nothing even mildly violent to be foundThis is more easily solved by knowing the definition of genocide
No. 1599733
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This month I am being bombarded with pro-trans messaging on every website
I genuinely don't understand. When I showed my friend a compilation (the skirt spinny one) he said it's just cis fetishist men and not tru and honest trans women.
No. 1599798
>>1599789Would it be annoying for me to say it's actually
not a delusion, but a severe side effect of Autism and the way it connects neurons horrifically incorrectly? Also narcissism isn't prevalent in the majority of troons. I see it more often in a small subset of radical feminists who call themselves "rudefems" and said rudefems are why people used to joke at their expense in the 2010s. One rotten apple spoils the bunch, unfortunately. Not that any of you deserve that and I'm probably being a sperg and showing my special interests but whatever
No. 1599808
>>1599798Yes it is annoying because I've yet to see the study where autism causes men to develop 'female brains' and vice-versa. In fact, haven't TRAs abandoned the brain sex idea?
Or are you referring to some other criteria which determines one's sex that is not chromosomes or gametes?
No. 1599833
I think men understood womens rights meant freedom and choice so they had to pretend to like women, while still being sexist and desperate to express it so it feels like it came out of nowhere if you don’t consider it alongside the way women have always been treated. It’s why the modern tranny movement exists, men see it as revenge against women being free. That’s why it’s incels that transition (not to mention the $$$).
>>1599821I think they think we don’t agree with them because we have not read what they read. When in truth we have read what they read and realise it does not come to the conclusions they try and claim.
No. 1599928
>>1599313> I have started to really think that gay men and trannies are actually pedophiles But not dykes? How convenient for your world view. All homosexuals are sexual perverts.
>The future for our kids looks very bleak>If they changed their policies on abortion You claim you care about kids' futures but you support infanticide
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>>1599313I boycott all establishments with the rainbow flag. It's a Corpo religion (Corporate Pride) now - I don't want to support the Cult of The Woke and eat from meat stalls sacrificed to idols.
No. 1600080
>>1600059the problem is this is some weird Islamic shit that took place in Iran lol why would anyone trust a bunch of Mohammeds in an LGBT hating country to do anything right regarding psychology? the study is also published in 2014 and a bunch of the stuff took place in 2007, not only is it invalid die to the social and cultural bias of Iran, but it is sorely outdated
not even defending troons just the shit your linked is 100000% sussy, it is from a country that throws LGBT off roofs and regularly stones women for showing their faces and shit like why even bother linking that
No. 1600147
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No. 1600149
>>1600080Good luck getting any western scientists to do studies on the trannies that doesn't validate them. Reporting anything negative is career suicide. I remember a study on transmen from Denmark(?) that reported how negatively testosterone affected them, including lowering their IQ and overall cognition. It got buried somewhere.
>>1600126 is correct. Iran allows trans surgeries because it's used as a weapon to root out homosexuals within their society.
>Following approval from the psychiatrist, people are then referred to the Iranian family court, which reviews the case with a committee from the Iranian Legal Medicine Organization. The Legal Medicine Organization performs a number of tests, including at least six months of individual and group therapy sessions, interviews with family members, physical examinations, hormone tests, and chromosomal tests, in a process known as "filtering". Filtering is the separation of homosexuals, who are deemed "deviant", from transsexuals, who are deemed "curable" by undergoing surgery.[10] No. 1600175
>>1600140Incorrect you psyoping fed. Your claim is just some 'feelings over facts' cope. Men who hate women created this, supported and enabled it, and then turn around and cry that their actions are womens fault because they do not take responsibility for their behaviour. Retards just identify as based and anti-tranny when they both create and support them. Theres a reason why on real women run and only women sites there's tranny hate, while on mens their is pandering. It's the end result of the pornsick coom-class being in power, a world basterdised to serve male fetish.
Here's an explanation from another thread explaining how it is and always has been scrotes and they have just entered their "everything is womens fault not mine because I don't identify as retarded" phase;
>Men do not take responsibility for creating and shilling transgenderism. Men take no responsibility for their actions. There's a reason trannies can't post on this site full of radfems but posts on sites like 4chan, because ultimately scrotes created trannies and enabled them. They simply cannot accept that the coom-and-war-centric and pornsick class leads to shit like this.>Men invented queer theory, transgenderism is pushed top down by porn addict men in government and power who transitioned and big pharma companies run by men like Pritzker and Rothblat (another example of why scrotes trying to seethe that only men should be in power is retarded, men are pornsick retards willing to bend the world to enable the coom to the point of child mutilation and paedophilia), antifa fags are 90% moids and defend trannies in balaclavas with moid rage, scrotes who claim to be edgy against anti-sjws constantly hand ring about trannies and respecting pronouns, trannies appear in every culture with a huge amount of misogyny, men enforce gender roles hard and chimpout about gay people driving some people to transition to receive societal acceptance or to avoid sexism and objectification, tech scrotes enforce users to pretend reality is not real on their websites, even most tranny protests you see are filled with men (the trannies themselves). 4chan fags themselves even support trannies because they see it as the destruction of womens rights. Moids defend trannies the most out of any class. Men defend trannies because it's a cope for trying to live out their porn fantasy of being a lesbian due to breaking their dick with degenerate addiction from lack of self control, or to pretend they aren't gay because they receive backlash due to the standards men themselves set. While there are women who support tranny shit, pretending they are the majority is a cope to try and avoid accountability for men being the creators and majority of shillers for the movement. They just brand everything that people agree is retarded as done by women, even when men created it and enforced it because ultimately scrotes are the class of self identification and even in spite of their own actions, cope by identifying as not retarded. Again, why they ultimately created trannies kek. Trannies are a male mindest (I believe x = therefore x is real, and people should be forced to pretend as such). Retard class truly thinks it can identify it's way out of responsibility.>The women that support transgenderism are the scrote pandering male identified ones. And scrotes still hate the women that don't pander to trannies since they don't pander to men, when the women who pander to trannies are the ones who pander to men to the point they are willing to destroy womens safety and rights (the kind of shit coping 4fag scrotes who hate radfems or any fems encourage). They literally caused it but still seethe because it highlights their coomer mindset and degeneracy. There's a reason incels and general women hating scrotes are often caught looking at tranny porn and transition into trannies (Nick Fuentes, Alex Jones, CatBoyKami, etc). They voted for this shit. They live in backwards land must cope eternally about their retardation causing the destruction of society as it always has. Posts(>>>/snow/1841809 ,
>>>/snow/1841812 ,
The same scrotes who ree about the feminazis transitioned and reed about terfs. Seethe about the libs as much as you want, the ones who supported them most are men. Bet now that men want to try and pretend that the same incels who reed about the feminazis totally didn't troon out or support trannies, they will start trying to scrub their online presence. There's a reason the joke is that never ask a transgirl his pre-transition political leanings. The joke is because he's some flavour of neo-nazi type.
No. 1600177
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I honestly can't tell if this is a parody or not.
No. 1600186
>>1599850The explanation is in your own post, likely defending them on the ground of their being 'good ones and bad ones' when all are delusional.
>>1600059Kek. To be expected. Men are delusional narcs.
>>1599928Kek, it's a scrote.
>>1599949Because were talking about men.
>>1600030Yeah, the facts don't lie that it's a 90+% male-committed crime.
>>1600054Not all are diagnosed and doctors have diagnosed incorrectly before for reasons like pill-pushing (remember the opiod crisis?) or sterilising gays/women/the undesirables before. They use to say lobotomies would fix people. Not to mention they often practice doctor shopping, and the criteria for dysphoria focuses on the explanation being you are trans rather than considering things like previous sexual abuse, eating disorders, etc.
No. 1600211
>>1599530>But I'm all for adults transitioning and respecting that so long as they had years of therapy and treatment beforehand so that they are more than certain it's the right decision, because they did it as a last resort. It's always the ones who don't do therapy who end up detransitioning because they didn't check just to make sure it wasn't something else.There is no reason to troon out except for actual mental retardation. We need to break away from gender roles and the way society treats women especially as less than, but here we are having retards think wearing pink or eating certain foods makes them trans. It all enforces shitty gender stereotypes and no one wins in the end. Trannies are not good for anyone and the people feeding into this delusion make it worse. It moves us away from science and biology. Look at the state of women's sports and politics right now. I know too many lesbians who trooned out because they were butch and thought they were too 'manly' to be women, despite being gay.
The main issue is there is no therapy. There is just 'oh shit, you feel bad?, here's some pills. gg'
No. 1600226
>>1599530>>1599798why did this thread attract these weird type of posters?
>tranny shit is literally the same as autism!like, even if it was do you think it's ok to give people with a mental condition pills that will alter their body in fucked up ways? and just convince them that they're totes going to turn into a cute girl/boy! it's not even one bad apple at this point, social media it's filled with transgender people and it's what most companies will pander to anyways, don't get these points of
>boo hoo the poor little trannieswhile having 0 empathy for people who were induced into transition, just because they regretted, both of those posters sound like tifs
No. 1600258
>>1599438I'm going to be extremely honest, no1currs.
I'm not going to let psychotic males blackmail me into pretending their delusions are real. Especially since their delusions are erotomaniac in nature, and no male never is going to force me in his fetish, psychotic or not. "Boohoo they feel bad" thats irrelevant, all psychotics feel bad when they're confronted with reality. Again i don't give a shit, I refuse to participate in the dictatorship of mentally unsound failmales.
No. 1600259
>>1599850I'm a FtM, not a MtF or typical male. I didn't realize I passed so well over text, I'm sorry if I truly scared or upset you. I also wasn't referring to brain sex. I was thinking about how Autism can cause severe sensory issues, and Autists tend to have sensory related disorders like ADHD, Synthaesia, and such. So a sensory issue related to the body itself would correlate, especially with the statistics available. I'm sorry it didn't come off that way, I think there's a reason for everything and maybe I'm naive for it.
>>1600054You're right, it was wrong of me to accuse you of faking. I tend to forget my case of dysphoria is a worst-case scenario and the grand majority of individuals with the disorder can live a normal life. My apologies.
>>1600080Yes, I figured something was wrong even without checking the sources, if I hadn't known better I'd assume it counted British teens who self diagnosed as "systems" with Dream introjects. I know personal experience isn't everything, but the only two trans I knew who had a personality disorder was a FtM with NPD and ASPD, professionally diagnosed but said person was really enjoyable to me, and the other was a detrans lesbian with NPD and DID who blames everything on everyone else and claims to mentally be a child despite being in her 30's. She also detransitioned and became a radfem on a whim after 7 years of no negative effects and loving her transition, then freaked out when people asked if she was sure, due to how sudden it was. This could be why I had such a negative disposition towards detransitioners, but I'll try to learn more and look through it.
No. 1600265
>>1599798"severe autism" that
is psychosis. When you're that divorced from reality you're delusional, no ifs or buts.
No. 1600277
>>1600275Yeah, as I said
multiple times I go out of my way not to upset anyone but I really can't help myself when I see someone say something I know, or at least think, is not true. Aside from this subject people seem to like me because I blend, but I find this incredibly interesting and it weirds me out how some anons are so cruel about it
No. 1600291
>>1600277>>1600274I'd suggest you come off the T but it seems the brain damage is already done.
Even so, detransitioning will prolong your life. Work on that.
No. 1600330
>>1600315Nta, but maybe no one said anything because they wanted to be nice/not infight.
Also for anons who don't know, this is her thread lol
>>>/snow/1778636 No. 1600341
File: 1686189544958.jpeg (244.25 KB, 1088x816, A87C5DF5-5486-4918-8FF0-09BAB1…)

The progress flag at it again
No. 1600342
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No. 1600345
>>1600330Mega kek. Of course it's some fat retard too dumb to figure out how to use Tor of all things that cries on kf about being shit on by anons.
>>1600259>>1600343Yes, anons don't react to a girl posting on a womens only website. You realise you misgender yourself by using this place, right? You using this site proves you don't see yourself as male. Also, when you start reeing about trannies and feminazis everyone immediately recognises you are some unhinged tranny is not blending in kek. You blend in because you're a girl, a retard girl though so when you post more you get reocgnised. Didn't you also post about hating that anons immedieately recognise you too? You don't even seem male with your posting, if you were male you'd be spamming cp like all other degenerate scrote posters. Also, you prove that the people who ree about the 'feminazis' are the ones who shill trannies and transition kek. Thank you for proving anons points about women haters creating and shilling trannies. You serve as an example against your own point.
No. 1600357
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I've been seeing a bunch of places in my city and corporations using picrel which I (probably naively?) wasn't expecting because I'm a britbong. I wonder what straight normies think when they see these changes to the original flag.
No. 1600361
>>1600194people in urban areas use "y'all" and literally everyone uses folks please get over yourself
>>1600177at least they spelled folks correctly. "folx" is offensive to the eyes and ears when i hear libs purposely pronounce it that way
No. 1600387
>>1600259>I'm a FtM, not a MtF or typical male. I didn't realize I passed so well over text, I'm sorry if I truly scared or upset you. Just want to say that I am this anon
>>1600054, and I clocked you as the FtM sperg who's posted multiple times about thinking her head is on the wrong body. I said nothing, because I thought it wasn't important and bringing attention to personalityfags is just what they want.
Anons call other women scrotes/men all the time for saying shit they disagree with or that sounds stupid. Hope you don't add some moronic shit like "Even on imageboards, everyone always thinks I'm a man" to your mythos.
No. 1600415
>>1600361"people in urban areas"?
>literally everyone uses folks please get over yourselfNobody I knew growing up ever used the word folks. Prior to this regional dialect revisionism shit, the only times I heard people using folks in conversation were characters on old television shows.
No. 1600433
>>1600259>I didn't realize I passed so well over textNo you don’t lmao, anons just accuse everyone of being a male
>>1600330It’s HER? Kek oh my god
No. 1600473
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>>1600213return to superior pre-lgtv labrys
No. 1600483
>>1600473tbf dissociation with the Labyrs flag started in the 90's and it was Lesbian activists themselves who wanted to sever association with with black triangle
See the black triangle was used more as general symbol of "undesirable" people who didn't contribute to the Reich
These included homeless people, mental patients, beggars and a lot of Gypsies(In fact it was primarily Gypsies who had this badge put upon them)
the association with Lesbian started out as case of things being lost in translation and a long game of telephone, when more details about the Reich's were available, a lot of lesbian activists were horrified of the implications and gradually stopped using with the symbol. No. 1600484
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>>1600463she does seem retarded or severely mentally ill. despite being in her 20s she acts like a preteen
back on topic, does anyone else find this incredibly disgusting and racist? imagine thinking hating trannydom is anything like segregation
No. 1600487
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>>1600483Gays have no problem using the pink triangle though. Nobody tried to cancel Tagame (despite a good portion of the weebsphere being oversensitive outrage-seekers) for his only non-porn gay manga.
No. 1600495
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>>1600483>>1600473I like the triangle because it looks like ancient vulva symbols. Combined with the double axe, the old flag is a strong symbol of female power. It seems more obvious than a bunch of colours only.
>>1600484>Oh noes males are being segregated from female bathrooms, it's like racismCry me a river moids
No. 1600517
>>1598662Because they're ugly and fat so they never had satisfying fulfilling sex since no one wants to fuck them, so they develop fetishes and kinks as a cope and replacement for proper normal sex. If they had on orgasm from normal sex they wouldn't have turned this way. Ps. I hate how they call normal sex "vanilla" as a degrading term.
Another possibility is sexual trauma causing them to associate sex with weird shit and basing fetishes on it since that's a common thing as well.
No. 1600520
>>1598638I get that that leather kink was a part of the early pride parade but there are ways to pay homage to that without tying people up in public and spanking them. This is so inappropriate specially since it's a family friendly event. Just make 18+ events to these sort of things.
Was pride parades always this explict? I have heard several times that the earliest parades focus in kink but I have never seen any oldschool pictures of parades with fetish gear. but then again all the pictures I have seen a cherrypicked but you would think that kinksters would have more fetish pictures from old parades
No. 1600569
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>>1599549>>1599585Britbong charities be Britbong charities.
No. 1600615
>>1600593I wonder what Canadians 100 years ago or even 50 years ago thought about homosexuals, do you reckon they would have been closer to the majority Muslim's, and significant Catholic's, view or majority liberal Canadian's views on homosexuals?
>>1600600Canada is the country of Canadian Muslims, whether they are male or female.
>but I guess being pro LGBT is worse than being pro FGM.You can be against both, did you also pick up on the overlap between the two given your comparison on them?
No. 1600628
>>1600572>In a statement, Principal Ed Charpentier emphasized, "the views expressed by the teacher do not reflect the values of acceptance, inclusion and belonging that are so strong at Londonderry School."
>"Words matter and they have the ability to bring us together and also to divide us," he continued. "I want to assure you we are addressing the situation accordingly."lmao yeah, because you're afraid of muslim moids bombing the school or beheading innocent people as they do whenever people upset them.
at the end of the day, muslims and trannies belong in the same trashcan.
No. 1600649
>>1600628>lmao yeah, because you're afraid of muslim moids bombing the school or beheading innocent people as they do whenever people upset them.I can think of a hundred times when Muslims didn't respond to violence following religious discrimination.
>muslims … belong in the same trashcanWrong, you're mentally retarded.
(Infighting) No. 1600671
>>1600666I just searched for 'lesbian pedophile' and this is what comes up:
> paedophile, 25, who worked at Great Ormond Street when she groomed and sexually assaulted girl, 12, she had met at a football game, is jailed for six years - after being bailed to house where her mother ran a children's DAYCARE
No. 1600689
>>1600649Says the fat retard tranny who rees about the feminazis
>>>/snow/1778636 kek.
No. 1600780
>>1600572This whole thing is so stupid. Public schools don’t need to have events to celebrate religious holidays or pride month. If you are going to have them, kids should be able to not attend them since they’re not actually academically relevant. You can not go to things for any number of reasons and it doesn’t make you a bad person. I’ve never attended a Ramadan event, it doesn’t mean I hate Muslims. I’ve never been to Mardi Gras, it doesn’t mean I hate Catholics or people from New Orleans.
Just teach kids how to read and do math.
No. 1600857
>>1600820It's not a matter of who's Canadian or not it's a matter of basic respect. My guess is that conservative Canadians are devout Christians? Because fuck Christians too. Two cheeks of the same ass, really. In my country the Christian far right and Muslims don't like each other a whole lot… at least at first but they agree on a lot of things and some even befriend each other and admire each other based on how much they hate women and the LGBT so that was a terrible example.
>>1600809I don't give a fuck. I've been actually discriminated against and even straight up insulted as a kid by teachers just because they were actually racist when I was in primary school and yet here I am. They'll live.
No. 1600939
>>1600572Kinda sounds more like the teacher is a closet racist with the "go back to where you came from" thing, like she's been chomping at the bit to say some shit and thought the cover of being ~such a good, good ally~ would be perfect plausible deniability for any blowback.
That said, I'm with exmuslim nona's stance
>>1600857on this. Besides, we won't get anywhere trying to take perfect steps 100% of the time towards equality. The kid will feel hurt for a few days and then get over it. The only problem w the teacher's method is unequal application and spergyness. Fuck them kids, and all religions lol.
No. 1601183
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Like this guy?
No. 1601478
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>>1601417>But have fun feeling morally superior for defending terroristWhen have I ever defended terrorists? I feel sorry for you for suffering abuse from your family, but why do you think that abuse was caused by their religion? There are many Muslim families which have good relations between parents and children. Are you from Pakistan? I think I remember reading some of your posts from last year. It is a given that Pakistani culture is backwards, but why do you assume that all Muslims are as culturally backwards? The current First Minister of Scotland is Humza Yousaf, a Scotsman of Pakistani ancestry and a devout Muslim, he's never done the horrible things you mentioned in your post, and neither have the majority of Muslims in the world.
No. 1601488
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>>1598040Reminded me of this.
No. 1601628
>>1601478>The current First Minister of Scotland is Humza Yousaf, a Scotsman of Pakistani ancestry and a devout Muslim, he's never done the horrible things you mentioned in your postAre you for real or a troll? That fucker supports troons in women's prisons. You can't possibly be this blind, so I assume you're trolling. If not, God, you're such a fucking tool.
>Yousaf devoted almost his entire cross-examination, mystifyingly, to “defending” the massively unpopular Gender Recognition Reform bill – claiming it to be “the voice of the Scottish people” despite the people of Scotland being overwhelmingly opposed to it – and the coalition with the even more unpopular Scottish Greens.
>Nevertheless, in Yousaf’s case, this has proven to be true. To many queer and trans people’s relief, he is keen on improving queer and trans rights in Scotland. Yousaf has openly spoken about being an LGBTQ+ ally. He is an adamant supporter of the Gender Recognition Reform bill. He has promised to legally challenge the UK Government’s blocking of said bill.
>In particular, there was backlash against the Gender Recognition Act Reform. This would have enabled anyone over 16 to obtain a gender recognition certificate without a medical diagnosis.
>As the Canary previously reported, Westminster used an unprecedented veto to block the legislation. Yousaf previously publicly stated that he will challenge Westminster’s obstruction of the bill. No. 1602000
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Muslims and Christians were protesting against lgbt in Canada. Hate is one of strongest agents of unification.
No. 1602071
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>>1601385>the civilized westWestern countries fund the Islamic extremist groups creating refugees for profit.
No. 1602072
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>>1602000Those poor innocent Muslims are simply being tricked by those evil heckin Christians, cause brown and black had such magnificent queer history(
adult men raping young boys)
No. 1602187
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priDE MONth
No. 1602657
>>1600341the biggest concert venue in berlin is displaying the progress flag including the fucking intersex circle. meanwhile other establishments in the city like the public transport company or DB (german wide train company) are using the regular rainbow flag.
i myself really like that picture that circulated on radblr a while ago where the chevron was deliberately cut out.
No. 1602659
File: 1686388008823.png (75.17 KB, 591x1969, 2023-05-30-innocent-mermaids.p…)

I've stopped buying from them now.
No. 1602691
>>1601373>>1601393The anon I was responding to mentioned the conservatives in her country believed in anti-abortion and dismissal of women's rights, a pretty recognizable staple of right wing politics American conservatives share. If said conservatism was in a "different form" it didn't show and I wouldn’t have responded.
>>1602659People still want to collaborate with mermaids? Interesting
No. 1602736
>>1601478I only started posting here for a few days. I don't like saying where I'm from but it's the capital of islam and where it started, make of that what you will.
I've seen and studied islam for 20 years of my life against my will in its native language as well, and was forced to memorize the entirety of the Quran so I know every verse in it by heart and its meaning as well as the hadith and everything else. What terrorist islamic groups are doing is pure islam practiced the way it's supposed to be. It's a vile religion that make people violent.
My family were assholes to me because islam taught them they basically own me, and there is hadith that encourages child abuse and other teachings about how you should obey your parents 100% no matter what and not doing so is gonna make you go to hell. As well as interpretations by religious men about having a hobby or watching cartoons being haram based on some older texts against art and music and so on. There's so much shit in islam that makes people assholes to their kids, not only that but being in a forced arranged marriage, which is the norm in islamic societies, was part of why the abuse happened. It breaks and ruins people and makes them vile. If my parents actually loved each other and dated and hade premarital sex they wouldn't be like that or at least would be less worse, but thanks to islam, dating, romantic relationships and premarital sex are all illegal and punishable by death so ofcourse no parent out there is happy being a parent since they were forced into it. Marital rape is also the norm because the man owns the woman and she must obey so moms are usually
abusive to their children because they didn't want them. Birth control, condoms and abortion are haram too, because they're "against allah's will and the destiny he wrote", so no way to prevent or terminate pregnancies at the time of my parents marriage. Education and jobs for women weren't allowed so my mon never had anything to fall back on. Divorce isn't an option either because of societal pressure and religious text saying it's the worst thing that allah allowed. A woman's place is said to be her house taking care of her husband and not having a life, while a man can do whatever and have other wives as well, my dad's divorce of his first wife is what made him even more
abusive, he abused her and her kids, and he waa abused by his family enslaving him as a kid as well so he's just repeating the cycle of abuse because that's totally how parenting works. So ofcourse people trapped in a loveless inescapable marriage would be
abusive. It's literally the norm in the entire country, I'm not the only abused child here, some had it worse and got killed, while those who tried to escape got arrested and put into special torture prisons to "put women in their place so they'd listen to their male family members, parents and husbands". And so on and on and on. If you actually knew the religion or read a random quran verse or hadith you'd know it's depraved and the English translations don't even convey the horrible shit written in it, you'll have to read it in arabic to understand how degenerate it is.
No. 1602766
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>>1601417>>1602736I get in, a lot of nonnies(and well many western feminists from my experience) have a chip on their shoulder that they can't ever ever admit that that certain cultures are more patriarchal then others, cause they think it will invalidate the misogyny in the west. only those who have lived in nations with teachings of the Arab pedophile can understand how awful it is, you can not compare with any other religion, like Christianity at least lets you pray in your tongue, but the God of Muhammad is so pathetic that you have to pray in Arabic, and dress like an Arab and most importantly have the moral standards of a 7th century Arab
No. 1602807
>>1602796i can't speak for all radfems ofc but on radblr it's widely acknowledged that islam is the worst religion when it comes to misogyny. there was even a popular post going around that warns women from engaging with muslim men because while your regular white western moid sucks, muslim moids are the absolute worst, and that this needs to be said more often since many women are scared of speaking about this because muh racism muh islamophobia.
i hate all religions but islam is genuinely the one i hate the most for what it does to all my sisters worldwide.
No. 1602809
>>1602796They do - in at least the circles I'm in, but so many radfems do the woowoo goddess shit and need to cap for religion because of it.
You can't fully remove religious indoctrination from a person, and to that same tune that's pretty evident with how many Western progressives operate. The same people who smugly shit on anyone still going to church based on faith have the "Nawwwr I'm totally qweer with my feminine faggot energies you have to believe in me bro! You can't publish studies because they are trying to locherally kill us!!" Where you can observe homosexuality and heterosexuality in nature, and it's all very well documented.
No. 1602819
A lot of radblrs I follow are also ex-muslim, many of them from Africa or Asia. It's hilarious when white blue-haired retards storm the notes and call them white supremacists for not loving islam.
No. 1602871
>>1598171Of course Gene, who is autistic, gets turned into a tranny in this art.
>>1598590It’s already been that way for a few years now. It’s troon june.
No. 1602918
>>1602736Western "feminists" will only learn the dangers of Islam when they themselves become it's
victims. You can present them with as much evidence as you want and they will still never acknowledge reality. They're mentally deranged and think that a white man opening his legs too far on public transport is a worse hardship to the abuse suffered by women under Islam. They are intellectually deficient narcissists who are unable to empathize with other women if it violates their world view. Their concern is being "correct" and winning the argument, even if it involves defending muslim men and disregarding abused women.
(derailing) No. 1603032
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>>1603022nta and sage for OT, but Muslims are ridiculously protected by western liberals, I agree Islam will never be a threat to the west as a whole but Muslim moids are still parasites, the fact your dismissing the grooming cases that were ignored by the police and the
victims of Islamic terrorism is frankly insulting.
No. 1603069
>>1603032The majority of Muslim men in the West contribute more to their countries than you ever will. Your logic is completely retarded if you think the majority, or even a siginificant minority, of Muslim men are mass-murderers, or that knife attack in France was caused by Islam as a religion. I could post examples of mass-murders against children perpetrated by non-Muslim attackers, such as that attack on the Chriatian school by that transgender a few months ago, to prove my point that religion has nothing to do with those attacks. I get that you're angry that you're stuck in a shithole and your only way to went vent is to insult Muslim men online, but don't think anyone who isn't a retard such as
>>1603036 will fall for your bullshit.
No. 1603083
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Stop replying to bait you fags(love)
No. 1603509
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i don't understand why all the queer larpers act as if being happy and proud of your homosexuality is some how opposing to the idea that pride is an act of resistance or a riot or whatever. isn't being proud of the part of you that is shamed and marginalized act of rebellion itself, isn't it an act of protest to celebrate and be happy of being gay when the world around you usually attaches it to misery and sorrow by violence and disdain, by isolation, so to gather around with people like you to celebrate and be happy and proud of who you are is a middle finger to all that, you can try to shame and isolate us but we are together and happy? it's ridiculous, while yes there is tons of sadness when it comes to being part of a minority these tq assholes want everything about lgbt to be about that, misery and death.
No. 1603593
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>>1602659They deleted this bc they got their ass whooped in the replies kek No. 1603600
>>1603572trans and queer i thought we had homos here who would actually get the language and not just some straight assholes fighting about islam
>>1603514yeah that's kinda my whole damn point
No. 1603671
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I wasn't really sure if this is on topic or not but why are they like this
No. 1603701
>>1603630Ever since I saw multiple tangents about how all gay people are
victims of child molestation I knew to never take anything they say seriously ever
No. 1603740
>>1603630It would be better bait if this wasn't the home of our cock worshipping queen, Shay. That or the Nonna forget were they are.
>>1603671TiFs next to TiMs are my favorite pictures. I have a personal cow that goes so hard to make himself appear small. Buys super large plushies, pillows, king-size bed for backdrop, and just anything comically huge to make him look smaller on cam.
Then he posted a pic of him at pride next to a tif streamer he did a collab with and he's this 6'3" ogre next to a very petite mentally handicapped woman.
No. 1603783
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Lockheed Martin had a banner and float at some pride parade.
No. 1603786
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>>1603773It's funny that troons get used as the bludgeon when most of the handmaidens are hetero women who are so stoked they can be a spicy straight because their Nigel raided her panty drawer. Demented behavior.
In their defense, though, it's hard to defend pride when men can't form a personality outside their dick. The gays are just more open about it.
No. 1603788
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>>1603783lmao relinds me of picrel.
yeah we bombing civilians but the engineer who made the bomb is kweer! #progress
No. 1604142
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>freaks literally living life outside the law
tfw i’m too pussy to say “pedophile”
No. 1604215
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Need to rewatch "They Live".
No. 1604324
>>1603773Homophobe-chans who try to be slick about their homophobia by subverting the entire LGB rights discussion with their "b-but gay pedos exist so
wink male
wink homosexuality is a mental illness and a perversion!!!" narrative are the bane of my existence. They don't give half a shit about lesbians even if they claim to, it's exactly like when men spout blatant misogynist takes but are immediately excused if they just add "white" in front of the word "woman" because now it's just deserved social commentary. You know what they're really saying.
Also people who make retarded "you know I used to be okay with gay people but now it's gone too far and it's their fault I became homophobic!" gargles are full of shit, they were never okay with gay people or homosexuality. The only form of homosexuality they could've even remotely accepted was two completely NPC-like normie people in an asexual relationship away from their family and neighborhood so that they can pretend they don't exist altogether. And the same goes for the Not Like Other Gays SSAs who are obsessed with either being validated by straight people and are willing to throw their own kind under the bus to get headpats for being "one of the good ones" or have an entirely OSS dating history but think their opinion holds as much weight as someone with actual experiences with homophobia. In other words, the bihets who go "I'm bi myself (15 boyfriends and 1 girlfriend I had in college for two months) and even I think Pride isn't necessary anymore!" like they ever had to experience any kind of bigotry for their sexuality. Yes I'm fucking seething this month.
No. 1604750
>>1604324> Also people who make retarded "you know I used to be okay with gay people but now it's gone too far Its the straight people leading each other around on leashes for me. Forget Kia Sales Event I couldn't spot a single faggot at the "pup parade" last weekend.
Pride is useless now. It was a march with a purpose, then it was a corporate parade, and now it's just kink. Cannot blame us for wanting to wash our hands of the whole event.
No. 1604872
>>1604750Then direct your anger towards all the spicy straight kinksters treating homosexuality as a fun hobby and diluting Pride with all the shit that doesn't belong there, none of that "ugh but it's the
other gay people enabling this, not me!!" bullshit when we all know straighties have more mass and can walk over gay people and appropriate their culture if they so desired. They have more visibility, more connections, more social currency, more power. When was the last time you saw a legitimate lesbian being interviewed for any kind of pride fluff piece? Gay people don't get a say in what's happening.
It's honestly like men co-opting female spaces, you rarely can stand up against it unless you're constantly one step ahead. People acting like "the gays went too far and ruined pride for me and they're at fault" are full on gaslighting, they never supported pride, not even when the flag wasn't ruined with ugly symbols that don't belong there. Has pride been taken too far away from its roots to be gentrified into a colorful farce for straight people? Yes. Are companies using it to peddle cheap virtue signaling Rainbow crap? Yes. But are homophobes using the discord within the LGBT community for their advantage to spread bigoted propaganda? Also yes.
No. 1604905
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ulta parading around male theybys
No. 1604939
>>1604905"Everyfolx is beautiful. Just need to fix your face you ugly tranny."
>>1604872Yelling at anons for pointing out that gay dudes turned pride into shit by exhibiting moid behavior in addition to emboldening the spicy straights isn't sticking it to the homophobes.
No. 1604998
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very normal behavior.
No. 1605020
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>>1605004That's what it literally is by their own admission.
No. 1605031
>>1605020>queerificationNow that's a neologism that could come in handy, tho not to say anything positive.
>>1605021Latinx is an act xenophobia.
No. 1605155
>>1604872>People acting like "the gays went too far and ruined pride for me and they're at fault" are full on gaslighting, they never supported prideEven before the gender craze, Pride was already getting a bad rep because of gay men forcing their kinks on everyone including children. I'm not sure who it's helping to act like only homophobic straight people had an issue with it. Of course they used it to reinforce their views, but not everyone commenting on this issue is one of them.
>straighties have more mass and can walk over gay people and appropriate their culture if they so desired (…) Gay people don't get a say in what's happening. Mass is not really an argument here because look at troons. Despite being a tiny part of the population, they are everywhere and have all sorts of laws being passed in their favor. People/organizations (including LGBT ones) with power and money try to push all kinds of things like this, including gendershit and "queer" culture, and then you have younger generations and people desperately wanting a community buying into it, gay and straight. Look at drag queens for example, everyone is making fun of spicy straights for being faghags and thinking they're great ~allies~ for being into it, but they're not the ones who suddenly decided to push drag queen shows everywhere to people of all ages, and they're also not the ones participating in them and happily getting money from the straighties.
No. 1605389
>>1605368>As I said, even before the gender craze, Pride already had this reputation because of gay men.Yes, people who were homophobic always had the "Pride is full of degenerate pedos raping kids" narrative. That's kind of standard. Like said, Pride was never popular with them and that's why their "I used to enjoy it before but now it's crossed the line" claims are bald faced lies.
>It's interesting how you went from "the most prolific millionaire trannies are responsible" to "straight people are responsible" though. That's because those millionaire trannies are straight people. Opposite sex attracted men, to be precise.
>It's not they/them high schoolers and moms tuning in for RuPaul Drag's Race "who opened the doors to every degenerate when they invited themselves in" either. Or if they're responsible, then many LBG people are also complicit, because they're not all boycotting Pride, rainbow capitalism and gender bs.Did you miss the part about gay people not having the social credibility straight people have? Sure there are gay people who are complicit out of either naivety or desperation to be accepted, but they will never have a voice as loud as straight people. If straight homophobes decide that the pride parade is full of gay kinkster degenerates raping kids then that will be the main narrative, and if straight RuPaul moms decide that the pride parade is just a free-for-all identity politics festival for anyone who identifies as anything then that's what it will become.
No. 1605455
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Can’t even be a dumb nerd on Pinterest without being reminded that these sex clowns exist.
>>1605389>their "I used to enjoy it before but now it's crossed the line" claims are bald faced liesI can imagine this is true for many people but it’s not universal. My country legalised same sex marriage over two decades ago and at least in my experience, homosexual couples are relatively normalised. In my somewhat conservative and religious town nobody bats an eye when I casually mention “my SIL and her wife” or “my friend and his husband”. So it’s been quite a shock to see how many LGB people in my circle, most of whom are Very Online but otherwise sensible - I thought - are now going along with the narrative that it’s homophobic to not want to expose children to drag queens or BDSM. I’ve been hearing the argument that “you only accept us when we’re boring and vanilla!” a lot and… yeah? I wouldn’t bring my kids around an openly kinky straight couple either. The kink stuff is the problem, not the orientation of the people involved.
Plenty of this is from private conversations, so it’s not like they’re only saying it because they’re afraid of community backlash. I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming that they’ve been too immersed in Twitter Discourse and will come to their senses soon, but I can’t pretend that no actual homosexual people are involved in pushing this stuff either. Not all handmaidens are straight.
No. 1605921
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The kids are alright.
No. 1605972
>>1605389No sense I arguing with these people. I'm also very against the same stances you are probably, but a) its on deaf ears and b) this anon is right
>>1605558 none of these men would ever stand up for you.
No. 1605991
>>1605389>Yes, people who were homophobic always had the "Pride is full of degenerate pedos raping kids" narrative.I'm sorry that you think that only homophobes have a problem with gay men parading in fetish gear in front of children at Pride.
>That's because those millionaire trannies are straight people.If the "millionaire trannies" are representative of straight people, are drag queens representative of gay people? Because there are regularly child drag show performers turning out to be sex offenders Get real, both straight and gay men can be degenerates and both are part of the movement to push their degeneracy in the mainstream.
>Did you miss the part about gay people not having the social credibility straight people have? Sure there are gay people who are complicit out of either naivety or desperationDo they need social credibility to personally boycott events and theories that are supposedly only made and pushed by straight people? How come if they're gay they're complicit out of naivety but if they're straight it's calculated and out of malice?
No. 1606025
>>1605455Isn't the argument usually that kids shouldn't be at pride because it's the space people have to be stunning and brave latex clad retards? Not that I think degenerates should be degenerating in public, but I think people are usually either "kids belong in pride" or "kink belong in pride", not both at the same time.
>>1605921Cringe. Who wants to bet they are those obnoxious unruly boys who never shut up in class?
No. 1606106
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>>1606091Yes, I’m fine with that.
No. 1606111
>>1606108Fuck. I'm
>>1606105 and meant to write patriotism. Man, it's only Tuesday, too.
No. 1606132
>>1606103>>1606105>>1606108NTA but nice job avoiding the question. Those children were indoctrinated by conservatives and you know it. Maybe they're just naturally rebelling against something that's being forced everywhere that they're fed up with, understandable, but this sentiment is clearly being exploited by the right wing. There's nothing wrong with loving your country either, but ignoring the weird "patrotism" when protesting against woke shit is just being obtuse. The most vocal protestors against trannies are right wing scrotes so it's not wrong to be suspicious of these things.
No. 1606142
>>1606108 and that was my first comment in this infight. I'm not avoiding any questions and I didn't say anything about conservatism or the middle schoolers shouting "usa." I was just saying being appreciative of where you born isn't nationalism. Calm down, don't project shit onto my comment just cause you're mad people disagreed with you. I'm pretty grateful for being born in Canada, that's not nationalism kek.
No. 1606154
>>1606142Well sorry, but it's just a weird thing for you guys to focus on. We're talking about what is implicit in a bunch of kids being strangely "patriotic" when protesting a rainbow flag. No one said it's bad to like your country or being patriotic, just that it gives a different meaning to the incident.
You did not disagree with me (I have already said there's nothing wrong with patriotism in itself), you just chose to unnecessarily point something out that was completely irrelevant and took that little part out of context.
>Hey guys don't you think it's weird that these kids who are justifiably annoyed with woke shit also sound like right wing nationalists? Like why bring that up when it has nothing to do with homosexuality>AKCHUALLY it's not wrong to love your country you sensitive snowflake!!!That's basically how it went (and I'm not even the anon you all were replying to)
Also it is in fact possible for kids to spout right wing propaganda. If you can believe that wokeoid parents can make their children support trannies at school, the same is true for conservative parents and their children.
>>1606142Yeah sorry for deleting my other post but I wanted to add something and then accidentally lost the text.
No. 1606187
>>1606065>et it be remembered that the stunning and brave trannies who get propped up as Stonewall heroes were gay men who weren't even at the event in question. Marsha famously bullied a woman off stage to have a little hissy fit. Men will be men. It's deluded as fuck to go on the offense for them.could you please even get your history right if you gonna larp, it was silvia also neither of these retards actually themselves decided that they're some stonewall heroes (with marsha being dead and all) it was the retarded straight trannies of tumblr.
we know you idiots hate lesbians too fuck off
No. 1606201
>>1606187You need to adjust your reading comprehension while you suit up to WK.
>>1606173New flag should have a puzzle piece inside the big O.
No. 1606202
>>1606195fwiw the people complaining about degeneracy at pride are fucking losers who don't go outside and are making shit up, unless they're fucking losers who are
triggered by seeing shirtless men. pride parades are just happy gay people marching down the street and listening to music here too, with a lot of booths selling flag merchandise and handing out coupons. the problem with the anti troon threads is that they attract absolute braindead conservatards to this site who don't even post milk or anything funny anywhere, just constant psycho anti-lgbt ranting.
No. 1606236
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>>1606173It will be the sex worker one that looks like an inflamed anus. Furries have their paws crossed but it's not their time yet.
No. 1606281
>>1606132>NTA but nice job avoiding the question. Those children were indoctrinated by conservatives and you know it.It's not that deep. It's teens being contrarian and doing the opposite of what's considered acceptable behaviour. Right now pride, pronouns and troons = good, patriotism and conservatism = bad. A group of middle schoolers claimed that their pronouns were "USA" and this was a international news story that upset people is beyond ridiculous.
>>1606183If you think I'm a male report me instead of writing a emotionally charged paragraph long epic clapback. Criticism is not inherently negative, it's often a process of recognising that something is wrong and discussing what can be done to improve something. Criticising the presence of children at pride is not homophobic, critiquing the corporate structures that have over taken pride is not homophobic, lamenting that pride is now for straight kink instead of LGB is not homophobic, observing what is happening at pride parades is also not homophobic.
No. 1606285
>>1606132>NTA but nice job avoiding the question. Those children were indoctrinated by conservatives and you know it.It's not that deep. It's teens being contrarian and doing the opposite of what's considered acceptable behaviour. Right now pride, pronouns and troons = good, patriotism and conservatism = bad. A group of middle schoolers claimed that their pronouns were "USA" and this was a international news story that upset people is beyond ridiculous.
>>1606183If you think I'm a male report me instead of writing a emotionally charged paragraph long epic clapback. Criticism is not inherently negative, it's often a process of recognising that something is wrong and discussing what can be done to improve something. Criticising the presence of children at pride is not homophobic, critiquing the corporate structures that have over taken pride is not homophobic, lamenting that pride is now for straight kink instead of LGB is not homophobic, observing what is happening at pride parades is also not homophobic.
No. 1606368
>>1606202>>1606195Im not american and I've literally seen it with my own two eyes. Want me to go this year and take pictures for you, or are tou hell bent on denying reality no matter what. And the reality is that gross faggots with an exhibition kink are flauting their fetishes in public. Why are lesbians aalways caping so hard for perverted faggots exactly? They dont give two shits about you.
Even famous and famously flamboyant men in my country has spoken up about how pride is embarrassing for them and only makes them seem like gross perverts and clowns.
No. 1606390
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Ewwwwww what the fuck? another day I am happy I am not a burger(b8)
No. 1606426
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>>1606368They're quick to call lesbian anons LARPers when it's very suspect that their lesbian defense posting is all about moids. Smells like political lesbian in here.
Children in school should be protected from being bullied based on sexuality. They should feel safe to go to school. End of. What's happening in the US right now? This isn't protecting gay kids. Why is it so imperative to teach kids about gays and trans when they're not old enough to know how babies are made? This would have confused me more.
No. 1606444
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>>1606378pretty sure you're right. The article shows that these kids were being encouraged by their parents to sperg out over fairly innocuous stuff, picrel being an example. Like what middle schooler organically says "You know, mom, that's offensive to me, I am straight"? That's a direct quote from one of the parents of the students. This honestly just reads as a fight between two groups of attention seekers.
No. 1606449
>>1606434Yeah they shouldn't be teaching kids about faith and creationism, either.
>but are old enough to be taught about how kittens and dogs and chickens are born, seems redundant. As I said, these are kids that haven't had that talk more often than not. Is it not weird we are teaching kids about being gay before sex ed? Would that not be a more appropriate venue for this?
No. 1606522
>>1606490>where do babies come fromWhat do you say then? Because I’m sure you don’t bring up a chart and give a 45 minutes class about how to have sex and how the child comes out of the mom after 10 hours of pushing from the vagina.
You just tell the kids “When mom and dad love each other a lot, they get married and they get a baby” that’s it. Then you let the teachers tell them how it works in a formal setting during the proper class when they’re a bit older and are experiencing puberty.
A 5 years old child doesn’t need to know the details because it’s plain unnecessary, just distract them with a book about a mermaid princess and the curiosity about the topic will fade away.
No. 1606541
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The one person who deserves to be deserved to be honored most in Pride.
No. 1606542
>>1606522It's so weird to skirt around telling your child what sex is. That will only make the idea more nebulous and taboo to them, when really it's just a fact of life that can be explained very plainly. Like
>>1606530 says, you only need a sentence or two. My parents basically just said something like "When grownups love eachother they can have sex, which is when the penis goes into the vagina. This feels good for them and can also make the woman pregnant, and after she is pregnant for nine months a baby is born". Which is imo a perfectly acceptable way to explain sex to a child and satisfying their curiosities without lying or making a big thing out of it. Most kids will just be like 'oh okay', maybe figure grownups seem pretty weird for doing that, and go on with their day.
As kids get older maybe they'll want to know more, in which case you can just neutrally tell them about how sperm and eggs work. It's unnecessary to go into more detail on sexuality and desire until they hit puberty and start developing sexual interests themselves.
No. 1606560
>>1606542Nta, but also the idea that "when two people love each other" is how babies are made is a load of crock, that's brainwashing IMO. Babies aren't just made by couples who are monogomous and together. Knowing how babies are made as a woman, was really important growing up because of the horrible situations I was put in when alone with male teachers and not understanding what good and bad attention was because it wasn't some storyline on how babies are made. You can't pretend that babies aren't made by basics of how sex works. Kids aren't stupid and there are concepts they can understand and a lot of it comes with explaining in a way that also equates to understanding who is allowed to engage in that type of content with the child at hand and making sure they understand.
They are basically allowed to understand that they should stay away from strange men and you're not going to explain why? There are dangers out there that pretending they don't have to worry about their body because they don't need to know is dangerous. A lot of female children learn this the hard way based off of things are early as being catcalled at 5.
No. 1606572
>>1606522My mum said aged 2 I asked "how do you get a baby? I want one" and she said "they're for adults because adults make them. The daddy puts his willy in the mummy's vagina and the baby grows inside the tummy then comes back out the vagina"
I have no memory of this conversation no doubt in part because I wouldn't have understood a word kek, yet she answered it honestly. I don't remember thinking about babies again until I was 6 or something and asked and she said the same thing again and told me the anecdote above. I understood it this time and thought 'gross' and that was that.
I don't get the song and dance tbh.
No. 1606861
>>1606557as a person who went through catholic schooling and abstinence-only education, i learned most things through peers and the internet (not porn thankfully, just googling genuine questions). i had friends who had sex in high school and it was pretty normal for them to tell their female friends about it. in my experience the things i felt i should have been learning in "sex ed" (if you can even call it that lol) was about my own anatomy and menstruation. my mom obviously told me before i got my first period what would happen but i think girls should learn details of the entire menstrual cycle in middle school, when i took anatomy and physiology classes in college the menstrual cycle was really complicated for me to learn. and i genuinely thought the entire inner labia was the clitoris until i was 20. i think kids/teens would really benefit from a healthy balance of topics in sex ed, and ones that are easily understood by their age group. honestly, i really liked the lady who gave us the abstinence talk, she was down to earth and honest about her experiences and when i was 20 i really damaged myself by sleeping around- i think back to some things she said and she was right. fearmongering and purity obsession is unhealthy though imo, and she did not do that.
No. 1606912
>>1606897OT but D.A.R.E. was such a laughable failure.
>>1606909Many such cases!
No. 1606922
>>1606903>If an individual is gay, telling them being gay is not a thing in childhood is not gonna delete their gayAnd just for that, you want to tell the 97% of children who are heterosexual that homosexual relationships are supposedly normal, even if their parents disagree?
>>1606908Define "normal".
No. 1606983
>>1606958AYRT. I'm this
>>1606930 anon. The neutral middle ground is informing children that gay people exist because that's reality. The far left is enforced pronouns, trooning out elementary schoolers, denigration of heterosexuality and denial of biology, the far right is denial of human sexuality, sexual repression and religious dogma. Both are wrong because they deny children the truth.
No. 1606995
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>>1606989infact i am… i'm just happy u noticed me.
No. 1607017
>>1606997it is statistically less likely for someone to be gay than straight. i don't think that holds any weight over the morality of it though. not saying you are, i just jumped into the convo as i've been reading it.
i agree there's only reason to bring it up if your kid asks a question. i was raised catholic and remember as a kid a friend's younger sister asked "what if girls could marry girls?" and i just laughed bc i didn't know what to say (i was maybe 10 or 11). i think it's stupid how far left parents are absolutely obsessed with making their children progressive because it's not about acceptance it's no different than extremely religious parents forcing their kids to have the same beliefs without question. i think the best thing is to just make sure a kid knows that it's not always appropriate to make certain comments to people. i have a 6yo niece and sometimes she says shit to me that kind of pisses me off bc it's insensitive but kids literally have underdeveloped minds. so i'm witnessing that in real time. one time i was alone with her and she kept picking her wedgie and i laughed and told her hey it happens to everyone, just go to the bathroom and fix it in private. it's just small stuff that comes up where you have to be the adult and help a kid navigate things. i feel like there's no reason to bring all the progressive bs up unless they ask or maybe seem confused.
>>1606998it IS the pride thread after all.
>>1607012gay men are 99% coomers. i've never seen a lesbian do or say the shit a faggot does.
No. 1607033
>>1607014I don't think this is going away anytime soon. It's the new battle in the culture wars. Corporations have either invested too much money into it already or are too dependent on ESG money to let it go.
>>1607028>supporting LGBTQIA+ shit isn't "far left"Yes is it. LGB deserve people's support. T needs to 41% itself and Q,I,A aren't a sexuality and + means MAPS which need to die in a fire.
No. 1607056
>>1607033>Yes is it. Do you know what right wing and left wing mean? They're not defined by whether or not you support gay people or trannies.
Left-wing people tend to support these causes, and right-wing people tend to oppose them. But at the same time you can find a lot of people on both sides that hold an opposite opinion on homosexuality and transsexuality, and it doesn't make them belong to the opposite side of the political spectrum. I'm just saying your use of "far left" is incorrect here, mostly because the strongest supporters of trannies are usually liberals, who are definitely not "far left", they're politically center as liberalism is a form of capitalism.
And because of this, there are many in the radical left, though their voices are unheard, who oppose LGBTQIA+ because they know it's a liberal capitalist psyop designed to sow division and make huge profits (though it must be noted that most of them do distinguish between this and LGB, which obviously deserves support).
No. 1607151
>>1607056Tranny shit in particular can only exist within capitalism so I laugh heartily every time I see a pink, white, and blue commie.
Also to add that tranny shit is PC conversion therapy for the left and I can not be convinced otherwise.
No. 1607266
>>1606195>like somehow straight people can do shit like this yet apparently it isn't groomingthis is such a ridiculous argument to make on lc, there are entire threads dedicated to trashing degenerates/groomers, it's only when they aren't straight that it becomes controversial like itt. everywhere you can see posts about moids deserving to die because they're all coombrained pedos, but say one thing about the gay kinksters at pride and suddenly it's homophobia and "how come nobody never complains about straight groomers??!" on lc of all places
>straight people can have entire countries where it is perfectly legal for old men to fuck kids but that doesn't say anything about heterosexuality at all.straight people have their own countries now? you think in those countries gay men abstain and just watch from afar? even in the countries where gay sex was/is supposedly frowned upon, men have always made sure to create loopholes and fucked young boys under the pretense of educating/punishing them or whatever the fuck
No. 1607554
>>1607542oh shut up you retard. that's such a nice thought oh people are individuals treat them as such but the unfortunate fact is that for example women, gay people, etc aren't treated as individuals but as some sort of hivemind mass of hysterical baby incubating bitches who deserve no rights, perverted abnormal pedophiles who deserve no rights etc. sorry that fags and dykes get a little bit of attention.
>>1607266i'm an esl you know what i meant you willfully stupid retard. see the word LEGAL, there are entire countries where it is LEGAL for old men to diddle kids while gay relationships between adults are forbidden. kid diddling is so normal for hets that it is LEGALLY ALLOWED in entire countries.
also so fucking what if we have generally a bit more anti coomer mindset on this website, oh cool neets here trash degenerates that sure tells a lot about the general population's thought process.
No. 1607649
>>1607554>kid diddling is so normal for hets that… so you took homophobes' argument against the gays to make it against the straights? how clever, that'll show them!! if pedophilia is normal for straight men, it's also normal for gay men dumbass.
>…it is LEGALLY ALLOWED in entire countries.non-democratic islamic shitholes where they marry children and prohibit homosexuality don't speak for straight (or gay) people as a whole, and you know very well that these men don't respect their own rules. homosexuality was/is also frowned upon by the church yet i'm sure you've heard of boys being diddled by grown men there too. you're doing your best i'm sure but this is so very retarded.
No. 1607802
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>>1607649so you agree kiddy diddling has nothing to do with being LGB?
No. 1607835
>>1607554>sorry that fags and dykes get a little bit of attention>A little bitLGBT propaganda is at its highest right now, corporations cather to the LGBT, there are thousands ""coming out"" or trying to be some flavor of homo, queer characters get inserted in every new show or movie, we cannot even escape that damn flag
You cannot be for real, your asses are literally everywhere
No. 1607843
>>1607835So what tho? Do you
want soulless corporations to capitalize on you as well?
No. 1607855
>>1607849my posts
>>1607266 >>1607649 so maybe that was a misunderstanding
No. 1608146
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>>1608020unfortunately, yes.
No. 1608589
>>1607815sorry i don't play with your RETARDED rules that just because i as a homosexual woman stand for my own that means i have to follow perfectly certain set of rules made up by teens on twitter. so shut up retard.
>LGBT propaganda is at its highest right now>You cannot be for real, your asses are literally everywhereWHERE bitch? do you realize not everyone lives in america? open the tv or to youtube or check the news paper i am pretty sure you will see breeders like you there
it's hilarious you homophobes keep whining how you are all just talking about the homo men and shit of course you respect the lesbians and then you get to see shit like this, lgbt propaganda, homosexuality is abnormal, etc.
No. 1608715
>>1607963Because everybody should share the same opinions as you? You really belong in the
>kweeriocrowd if you can't tolerate what is 'wrongthink' to you.
No. 1610045
>>1610033Money. This didn't ramp up to a hundred until it became apparent you could create lifelong customers. There aren't billions to be made in rainbow enamel pins, but by tacking on tranny shit to gay rights you can successfully trojan horse medical dependency under the guise of being progressive.
Any mention of gays or lesbians is lip service at most.
No. 1610051
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Got cancer and decided to finally admit he's a little fruity as the kids say
No. 1610064
>>1610047Not touching "forced on kids" in the conservative sense, but it is being forced on all of us (especially if you yourself are gay). My point being you look at what exactly is being forced the smoke and mirrors dissipates.
You can blame MOGAI or whatever, but when Pride stopped being about freedom from being beaten to death for kissing your same sex partner it became marketing for the most lucrative progressive business.
This is why Pride has very little to do with being a homosexual anymore, and we have.. this.
No. 1610079
>>1610072It felt so comfy for a while there. Pride has always been politically charged, obviously, but there were a few years in there that it was mellow about it.
>issue by the GOP has really made things worse.You're so damn right, too. It's made even talking about it a minefield. Even on the small scale ITT having any sort of criticism about Pride or connected activism sends all spectrums into a fit. Not to mention you get worried about your criticism being morphed and used as a homophobic talking point because they're the only ones allowed to hold that mic. Bleak
No. 1610221
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Jk…but what if..
No. 1610409
>>1610047Agree. Unless it’s a children’s issue like education or abuse or child labor I don’t wanna hear something is about
the children —it doesn’t mean anything, it’s a propaganda tool, it’s emotional manipulation 99% of the time
No. 1610690
>>1607017>gay men are 99% coomers. i've never seen a lesbian do or say the shit a faggot does.I've never, never seen a gay man whose personality wasn't dick dick dick sex dick suck a dick sex please sex please dick please sex.
Even bisexual moids are more chill than them.
When I was younger I used to "fight" for their rights too but when I saw that they don't care about basic human decency and rights (most of them don't care about gay marriage, adoptions, discrimination, violence etc) and only care about catching hiv in dirty bars I just went nope. Fuck off.
I get that's the testosterone talking for them but thinking about sex 24/7, thirstposting regularly, begging for attention and acting like an animal in heat is insane. I don't even think they're "gay" because they like men, they're gay because men will fuck anything to std infected holes to microwaved steaks so they get their coomer needs satisfied. I never found "asexual" men, unless they were autistic.
I've never seen a lesbian wearing fake vaginas and swinging them around like faggots do with dildoes, I've never seen a lesbian invading personal spaces like they do, I've never seen a lesbian craving attention like them, that's why I hate faggots and trannies in the same way: it's about the coom. And that's why I don't go to prides, I don't want to see them and sadly they're the major demographic and everyone caters to them. I hate how Lesbians and Bisexual women are seen as a fetish and dirty when gay men will literally chase a disease virus such as HIV only to coom better and freely with everyone. Women with HIV often got it from their closeted faggot partners.
It's almost painful that in fucking 2023 I can't say stuff like "I wish there was a pride movement for lesbians and bi women only so we can stay safe and relate to each other" because some faggot/fetishist in women clothes will come screeching like a banshee about how they're not included. Sigh.
No. 1611056
>>1610422Learn anything about the 60s-80s
>>1610513No one is being racist here besides you trying to make it into a race issue. No one said it's the same as degeneracy. You're trying to compare it to that outside of the argument of it just being used to show how people get mad when a community shows pride after repression. You have to be 18 to post here.
No. 1611075
>>1611056Nonnie, I hope this is bait, truly.
Although, we haven't had a racist arc in this thread for a few days.
>>1611063Trannies cannot function if all things are not all about them. They have very little empathy for anyone else.
No. 1611647
>>1610956Anyone in power, in this case the Muslim city council, should never, ever, ever have a religious background if they want to be in office. This shit ruins the country. Any country. This is all religiously motivated as seen in this other excert
> Last year, the council approved an ordinance allowing backyard animal sacrifices, shocking some non-Muslim residents even though animal sacrifice is protected under the first amendment in the US as a form of religious expressionLike wtf. Anyone who uses a fictional damn being to justify banning anything needs to be kicked out of office.
No. 1611960
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Comments on a weekly farmers market instagram. There has been so much drama within this market which I am inclined to believe is one sided completely. This is crazy, everyone local/at the market is doing everything they can to pander to the lgbtqiaetc and no one 'hates' them here. Annoyed sometimes, in secret, because of stuff like this. In the city's subreddit the make posts like 'my trans friend got hours cut dont give business to X establishment they are trans and homophobic!!!' And its just outrage brigade over and over. I honestly dont doubt that some people have a harder time holding back their frustration with the tip toeing around but equality means equal work responsibilities too you cant just keep calling out due to disphoria or whatever and still have a job. This is crazy.
No. 1611969
>>1611056When did anyone say black people starting up businesses hurt children? What was their rationale? Can you name anyone or show examples? I've read about the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s re: black rights and I've never once heard of this.
White trannies and libs do the same thing you're doing now, always with zero source, just condescension. You can fight for your own causes without randomly bringing up black people as some kind of human shield. It absolutely is manipulative and racist to try otherwise, and then get mad when you get questioned the slightest bit.
No. 1612020
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Usually hate gay pandering ads but this was actually kinda sweet.
No. 1612062
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Every time I see a rainbow flag or the newer uglier variants on a business I want to walk in and say 'I'm bisexual. I noticed you are claiming to show support, in order to profit off looking progressive, so I'm wondering if you could actually support me and give me a [free drink or whatever]' Or tell them 'you used our symbol to market your company, so the least you could do is give me a free drink'
I figure if they latch onto our symbol and get the woke/progressive points associated with it, we're entitled to get something back, because 99% of businesses that put rainbows on things now would've never done it when it was less socially accepted.
I don't actually expect to get anything, it would be cool if I did but I want to feel like I'm raising awareness about corporate pride and how it's bullshit.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how unhinged is this idea
No. 1612096
>>1612062Level 10 unhinged behavior. Do not do this.
> I want to feel like I'm raising awareness about corporate pride and how it's bullshit.I feel like… everyone who thinks about it for 10 seconds knows it's bullshit. Even popular gay entertainers joke about how it's stupid (but they'll take the check thank you Exxon Mobile or whatever). Like anything mainstream a lot of people don't really think about it, it's like a commercial playing in the background. You would be weird to take it seriously.
No. 1612593
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>>1612020reminded me of this.
No. 1613024
>>1612020This is a UK commercial? It was very sweet but it seems like the red headed girls parents just sent her to live with a random family for the summer? Is that some kind of UK thing? When she got on the bus, I thought she was going to some kind of summer camp.
>>1612078>I'm not a burger so I dunno how burger laws work, but how does a petty council have the power to stop people of hanging flags on their property?They don't and didn't. They just said banned city govt from flying pride flags on govt property. Regular people can still fly whatever flags they want. Anyone remember when conservatives were all "Letting Muslims in will have as all living under sharia law" and liberals were like "What? That's crazy. Muslims aren't like that and would never try to impose conservative views onto the rest of us." lol. (Conservatives are still crazy though)
No. 1613386
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>>161206211. You sound profoundly obnoxious, like retards on Tumblr who demand "reparations" in the form of donations to their cashapp. What the fuck do you honestly think you'll accomplish my haughtily lecturing an underpaid teenager who has fuckall to do with company policy? Christ.
No. 1613470
>>1612076>>1612096>>1612337>>1612380Yeah sorry I was having a retarded moment, I had come home malding from seeing pride flags on businesses everywhere.
>>1613386I don't feel there's any comparison between people asking for money from individuals vs corporations who claim to be allies. People can and do virtue signal to get social capital but it just isn't as inherently impure as corpos doing it, because a corporation's end goal is always money. The goal would've been to get people to realize how hollow the supportive gesture actually is, but as someone else pointed out, other people already know.
You're right about me being obnoxious, but thanks to therapy, I am no longer obnoxious IRL, only online until I calm down. And I've calmed down and realized that my idea was a terrible one.
No. 1613612
>>1613309We might have been able to agree on that in previous years but now it’s
>children should be exposed to various forms of joyful self-expression because how else will they learn to be their true self? Would you prefer that they grow up ignorant and repressed?I’ve also heard
>there’s nothing inherently sexual about the BDSM lifestyle acktchually [working from the furry playbook, I guess?]or
>what’s wrong with kids knowing that humans are sexual beings? They see pregnant women out in public all the time and you’re okay with that!depending on what works best in the moment. The latter may turn into
>omg do you want queer people with alternative lifestyles to be segregated from the rest of society like some kind of queer apartheid?! so we’re right back to saying that same sex attracted people are all exhibitionist sexual deviants I guess. It doesn’t matter how hard you defend normal LGB people either, the forced teaming is too strong. I want off this ride.
No. 1613729
>>1613612Kinda curious how all of these are pedophiles arguments.
"How can children learn stuff about their bodies??" if they don't live in a religious household where vaginas are dirty spawns of evil, they will figure out with puberty. That's why puberty exists.
"children need to know that there are sexual people!!"
Do they? Do they really need to know? Do they need to know this when they don't have the concept of sex yet?
"BDSM is not sexual!"
Then what the fuck it is lmao, if you are getting off from it, it is. Shut up.
Exposing children to stuff they cannot fully comprehend will fuck them up permanently. It's not a bigotry thing, it's a fact, it damages them. There's no need to rush things, these pedophiles act like there's an imaginary clock following them that tells them that they need to touch kids before it's too late, because if it's too late then they will understand what's going on, how fucking disgusting.
No. 1613741
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>>1613740I'm a retarded who forgot picrel
No. 1615185
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Only valid homosexual male
No. 1615193
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It's almost over
No. 1616050
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>>1615926kek yes, it's only a couple of steps above "trans kids are
valid" or "my boy pussy is gay"
>>1615472i don't hate it that passionately but i did cringe while watching. it reminds me of fanfic-like books like picrel that are marketed entirely by tropes they use
No. 1616061
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So glad that gay men can now be proud of being openly degenerate and groom kids on social media.
No. 1616077
>>1616061is this ragebait holy fuck
>water bottle up ass to doucheconfirming that this shit is real, had an ex fag friend do that in my bathroom once. the hookup culture makes them do inhuman things i s2g.
No. 1616119
>>1616106Most doctors will tell you to not mess with your ass or anyone else’s ass because it’s a place full of very delicate nerves and tissue that will tear over nothing. Yeah, lots of moids and some women even insert shit the size of the arm of a muscular man down there, but the ass is made to excrete shit, not to receive shit.
If stretched too often it could make that person have to use diapers for the rest of their lives in a very non-kinky pride way.
No. 1616121
>>1616113nta but i agree for sure. i'm disgusted by the women who do any sort of "sex work" promoting it to minors and they think putting "minors DNI" in their bios does ANYTHING, they damn well know it doesn't. it's sick how the internet has influenced young people with porn, it's not going to help anyone with jack shit regarding their sexuality. people pre-internet were able to figure it out just fine without help from groomers. if anything, all of this shit has just confused young people more.
>>1616119yup, it's just logical to me to be against anal sex. it's painful for a reason and it's an exit only.
No. 1616445
>>1616121Its not strangers jobs online, where kids can access google and find gore and sex outside of social platforms, to be the ones content moderating other children. Parents need to be in to of what kids are looking at. DNI is a close as anyone can do. I was 10 and had Google access. Getting these people offline won't suddenly solve kids having access to porn outside of creators. Parents let their kids watch horror movies with sex scenes in them, but someone who didn't even cater to kids online is totally at fault for what any kids could
maybe see. The logic is so bad.
No. 1616481
>>1596100sadly my best friend said that she likes it KEK don't know why cause i was kinda arguing with her on this topic and she kept saying "its inclusive" (it was already inclusive). however, i think she's a closeted
terf, don't know why she "likes" the flag (let's be honest, she probably lied lol)
No. 1616492
>>1616483Trendy is what it is. It was trendy to be gay to piss off your parents and feel counterculture. When it stopped being trendy, or people got bored, they easily transitioned (kek) into their normal, heterosexual life.
Then there were those who didn't want to let go, realized they could still be "gay" and have sex that didn't repulse them (the rise of gay man to transbian pipeline in 2010s), and began shilling the new way to get back at dad as pioneers.
Except this time when it becomes boring there is no easy way to get off the train. You're fucked. You're fucked forever.
No. 1616494
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>>1598638EWW what the fuck? i swear pride is just for faggots and trannies to be public with their fetishes
No. 1616515
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>>1616486I love the player's responses kek 1/2
No. 1616745
>>1616727I'm so sorry you have to deal with this daily nonna. Speaking of cock worship I saw a greeting card in the pride section with a fucking leather daddy on it so, checks out.
I live in a very blue state, arguably the gayest state in the US, and the pride section was still very full, seemingly untouched. Do people actually buy this shit where you're from or is it also untouched?
No. 1616789
>>1616516>>1616515>>1616486yep, most players don't want or need anything like this. if i see the odd player wearing one of those pride flower crowns (it's also ALWAYS the trans one, hmmm) i chuckle and ignore. very few players even talk about doing the pride event, the ones who do it for the cosmetic gear always seem to be trolling. it's funny bc one of the Jmods said "all the rioters are NOT osrs players, they come from online homophobic groups" TOTAL LIE… riots have been in falador since the beginning, how would some old homophobic boomer know where the fuck falador is, how would they know what a dwarf cannon is, how would they know to turn on certain prayers and do osrs riot quips, plant mithril seed flowers… not to mention tons of the players are clearly a decent level at the riots (i was at one this year, and one last year) so it's fucking obviously osrs players, no one who isn't addicted to the game would want to play it that long to get to lvl 112 or some shit that's high.
No. 1616800
>>1616727>>1616745went to target a few weeks ago and walked around the whole store just to see, they had already taken down pretty much everything. there was a tiny tiny section in the front that was nearly empty but i could tell it wasn't from pride merch (lol) selling, they clearly removed everything besides like cake decorations and there were literally less then ten items there total. removed all the pride decor too besides a subtle cloud-like decoration by the pride stuff.
i do feel horrible for employees having to answer angry phone calls, do the callers not fucking work a job? it's not like employees get much say in what corporate wants the store to look like. my local target mostly employs retirees and college students just trying to make some extra cash, it's not like they're in on it.
No. 1617022
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Is going to a pride parade tomorrow worth it? With the way things are going I wouldn’t be surprised if things get violent
No. 1617170
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>>1603783>>1603788All of the big 5 defense contractors have LGBTQ++++ employee groups and perfect ESG scores for parroting some woke ideology and enforcing mandatory DEI training. It's the same as how tobacco companies can have higher social credit scores than Tesla because their CEOs aren't meanies like Twitter mean man. Ask me how I know that Northrop Grumman's been internally promoting Pride Month with maximum trannies while publicly bidding on a government contract for ICBMs.
No. 1617347
>>1616887His name is Kevin Leonardo. His channel is: Apparently he worked on Epstein Island or something.
No. 1620028
>>1615926>>1616050Lmao, might as well have edited it to say "bi lesbians are heckin'
valid uwu"
No. 1620118
>>1620033Wasn’t there a bunch of drama with some e-begging, perpetual
victim trans internet personality who turned out to have a really cushy job at Lockheed Martin? When I first read about it I fully expected it to be an AGP but it turned out to be a TIF. I guess I should’ve known it was a woman by the fact she was getting backlash at all.
I didn’t realise, but am unsurprised that Lockheed Martin is so
lgbTTTT friendly. Are TRAs arguing that arms dealing as an industry is actually heckin’
valid uwu and totally progressive yet?
No. 1620255
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Happy pride nonnies!
No. 1621156
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Today is the last day of Pride! Hooray!
No. 1621222
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>>1621156Last day? No-uh! It's pride summer all summer long!
No. 1621921
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This makes me both laugh and cringe because:
1. Putting lgb people on the same level of fetishists just screams homophobia. Fuck off with your "kinks"
2. waa waaahh wahh I love porn waaah waaaahh!! Somebody called me a porn addict waaaahh!!!
No. 1621955
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>>1621921>>1621939I fully support a hard split between “sex positive, kink positive queer folks” and normal same sex attracted people but if recent history has taught us anything it’s that the former group will never let the latter congregate or organise in peace. It wouldn’t surprise me if normal LGBs go back to hiding behind ever-changing euphemisms while the old symbolism becomes synonymous with kink and porn addiction.
No. 1638620
>>1638381Yes and like
>>1638581 I have made posts about it
No. 2042556
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No. 2042633
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>>2042574How many of these women do you think are actually bi though like but we grew up in an era where in certain online communities being "cis and heterosexual" was seen as oppressive. As a result, many young women desperately wanted to avoid that label and may have considered themselves lesbians or bisexuals
No. 2042637
>>1617347>Apparently he worked on Epstein Island or somethingWhere did you hear that from? He only mentioned roleplaying as a
victim in JE island with his partner
No. 2042651
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>>1631832I'm not even mad at homophobes at this point. All prides seem to do is give everyone else more reasons to hate it and avoid anything LGBTQ+whatever. No wonder zoomers are becoming more homophobic; these shirtless, voyeuristic predators are just teaching young zoomers that anything non-straight is something to be ashamed of. When you see pride parades with literal degeneracy as the centerpiece, can you really be mad at the doughnut shop that refused to serve a gay couple? Why did the fags pick June to be their pride month anyway? Shit sucks.
No. 2042654
There's a new Pride Month 2024 thread here
>>>/ot/1924412 so stop posting on this one