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No. 1530442
what ails ye
previous thread:
>>>/ot/1522675 No. 1530445
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I’m really going thru it rn with the self-hate cause I have been thinking a lot about how so much of my attention-seeking behaviour as a young adult was due to the fact that I never had family members who were emotionally available to me and I was mostly sidelined for the more important sibling. I spent like the ages of 17-20 being a disgusting vile human being and terrible partner because I cared more about having someone want to pay attention to me more than the person behind the attention and it makes me sick. I’ve been improving things w my dad a lot lately but then all of a sudden we find out hes sick.
Also i want a baby in me ASAP i’ve been w my boyfriend for 4 years now and Idk if its just cause im worried my dad will never get to see a grandkid but also im scared that because of my mom never respecting my boundaries and I dont want to be that kind of parent so like I’m just so fucked up rn goin thru it such a mess fuck my life bottom text.
No. 1530450
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It feels like lolcow is deader than ever. The threads I frequent are moving at glacial speeds, to the point I’m now just hopping around boards I don’t even care for. How are we supposed to get new users? Anons sperg out whenever this place is mentioned elsewhere online, which I understand is because of potential male/genderspecial invasion, but how tf else are potential new users supposed to find this place?
No. 1530463
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>>1530460Upload a picture of mountains, clouds, Tom from myspace…
They don't care.
I've been through this process.
Don't delete that fake account because you're just going to do it all over again.
Fake name. Dumb pics. You're set. Calm down. Ain't nobody knows that it's you.
No. 1530466
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and then when your account is set, switch the email to something you use. No. 1530467
>>1530418That's fucked also reminds me that it's fucked voter addresses are public. Makes me want to move then never vote again after an estranged
abusive family member sent me snail mail a few weeks ago. I know that's the only way he could've got my fucking address. What are you dealing with is way fucking worse though I hope you will be ok stalkers are such wastes of space. I would give you advice but I'm sure you've already done all you can the laws are so fucking unfair around this shit. Menacing you like that should be grounds for jail time
No. 1530469
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>>1530463Ok, I just uploaded a picture of the microsoft background. They said it will take a day to review. If this doesn't work, screw Jeff Bezos.
No. 1530483
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>>1530469Yep. You're fine. That's why I won't touch my Facebook burner account THIS TIME AROUND cuz they really amped up the bullshit and ain't nobody got time for that!
No. 1530486
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i'm so pathetic, i recently reconnected IRL with family who said they's be in touch with me and i've been frantically refreshing my inbox waiting on a response to my e-mails and it's killing me
i'm so not used to having good caring older male relatives
No. 1530491
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Going through the same as nonnie in pic rel, but I know the guy better. These mfs don't even care to get to know you. Be attractive, and have some kind of fantasy appeal he's looking for (mommy figure/submissive that makes him feel manly/manic pixie dream girl etc), and he'll suddenly just decide that you're the love of his life. Most married women are walking around thinking their husbands chose them because they were THE ONE, but they were really just "there". You were available, you were somewhat cute and pleasant enough, and his pee pee needed sucking.
No. 1530492
>>1530418Did the flowers come from a company or were they just a random store bouquet? If you could prove the source and that he purchased them, I think that would violate the restraining order.
Honestly anon, if someone bothered me for that fucking long I think I would snap and do everything to destroy his life.
No. 1530504
>>1530493She's a retarded moid-coddler. Drop her ass.
>>1530492Calling the company the flowers were delivered from and explaining the situation can help, especially if you get the police involved. Also, get cameras. Outdoor ones, and indoor ones facing windows, the sort that look like pens or photo frames or clocks. Paint and decorate them so they don't look obvious. Change the passwords frequently in case he tries to hack into them, and get the ones without microphones in case he does hack into them.
No. 1530516
>>1530486You're not pathetic, honey.
"Family" is important(biological or not). Us humans are social creatures, we crave connection and need it- it's a basic human necessity.
No. 1530526
>>1530521This. The only reason she would invite him and disregard your experience is because she likes him more than you OP.
Do with that info as you will.
No. 1530527
I picked up my dog from the hairdresser and he looks so different. I don't like his new look. It's the dumbest thing to complain about but I hate to look at him now. It's like going through a bad haircut I got myself last year again.
>>1530517That's the hardest toughest almost-unattainable thing to do. People here are too busy with their husbandos. I wish I could shift realities too. AP is impossible when you sleep with a fat cat.
No. 1530531
>>1530520I will try to do this, I'll ask her when she's free.
>>1530521>>1530526she's been his unlicensed armchair psychologist for a few years now so maybe she found a diamond in that shit mound?
No. 1530532
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Stop trying to fucking grope me when I'm unwell.
Stop trying to fucking grope me when I'm unwell.
No, it doesn't make me feel cute or desirable "in spite" of my current condition. Just makes me resent you and think you're a self-centered coomer brained retard. I swear to everything I'm sooooo close to just giving up and becoming a cat lady hermit with my daughter in the woods. I fucking despise men and no matter how wonderful a nigel can be, they're still fucking scrotes at their core. Ugh. This is what I get for wanting a baby, who I adore with every atom of my being. Scrotes should be relegated to hard labor and sperm donation.
No. 1530535
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>>1530527>I wish I could shift realities too.Another anon shifts into a nightmare reality dimension.
Anons don't know how to make wishes.
No. 1530539
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>>1530534lol but I hope you're doing better now, sweetheart.
>Mental illness is a helluva drug. No. 1530541
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God, I'm so glad that I'll be roommate-free for several months. I loathe my roommate so much. She has her boyfriend over almost every goddamn day, is loud, and stinks up the whole apartment with her shitty cooking.
Then the fucking neighbor that always has loud sex and makes other banging noises against the wall nearly all day.
The shitty thing is I'll have to come back. So I'll be living with that…again. For 5 more months. FUUUUCK. I was so looking forward to being free for good. I need to be roommate-free and neighbor-free ASAP or else I go batshit and I'll beat the shit out of all of them. Fuck living with other people. And fuck living near other people.
No. 1530552
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I know they only mean well, but hearing "You sure you wanna keep doing [thing I'm getting trained for] in a few years? You not studying [related thing I could study but have absolutely no interest in working as] is such a waste, think about it yadayada" and the like from every side, even from my teachers training me, again is getting real old. I thought I finally escaped the pressure to study that one thing after starting my training at that place lol. I'm in my early 20s, I've still got a good 60 years ahead of me, let me figure it out for myself ffs.
No. 1530554
>>1530529I'll think about it, maybe something in pink?
>>1530532I'm very sorry you're in this situation, nona. I know how awful it feels when your partner does shit like that. I hope you manage to get away from him with no trouble. Life's been much better after I left the scrote I was dating. They just don't respect us.
>>1530535I still want to shiiiiiift
No. 1530579
>>1530565Amen, nonna. That's fucking creepy and gross. If he's watching that it's a near guarantee there's other shit he's not telling you. Scrotes are like brain damaged horny Billy goats and have zero impulse control. They use their "needs" as a crutch for their degeneracy. I'm sad you had to go through that and he tried to touch you after expressing your very
valid feelings on the matter.
No. 1530586
>>1530532I pray you can escape soon
No. 1530622
>>1530586Thank you, sweet nonna. At least I have you all for inspiration and support.
>>1530587The only pads I found that work for me are the Cora overnights, extra long ones. The cotton topsheet is the only one I have found that doesn't make my skin break out plus excellent leak protection.
No. 1530709
No matter how much I prepare for an interview it's like there's always a question I'm completely unprepared for and I turn like a deer in a headlights. Also I prepared all day yesterday and all weekend for this interview but it only took 10 mins long and the guy who interviewed me didnt know anything about the field. I hope they bring me in for an in person interview because I just didn't have much chance to showcase my passion, ethusiasm, and qualifications for this role.
>>1530678I feel you anon. I'm also in the job hunting circus act and it's just so demoralizing.
No. 1530717
>>1530688When were you diagnosed nonna? Fellow celiac
nonny here. I got dxed a couple years ago. Tbh I don’t think I’d ever feel safe if I didn’t live in a gluten free household. I rarely ever go out to eat, and when I do it’s from one of the few places that have high ratings on the findmeglutenfree app. And I still feel guilty having to ask for special treatment.
I’m just super thankful for my bf, he makes it so much easier. He happily went fully gluten free the second it was determined to be celiac. I’m really sensitive to cross contamination and man it sucks, the only other person I trust to cook for me is my mom cause she has food allergies and is super fucking careful. She makes me gluten free batter fried chicken cause I hate frying food and never eat fried food these days.
Fun fact if you’re ever in the American south but chick fil a uses dedicated fryers for their hash browns and waffle fries so they’re fully gluten free.
No. 1530718
>>1530569Stay strong,
nonnie ♥
No. 1530728
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>inb4 oooohh edgy cutter just kys
It is absolutely dumb and I do do not revel in it, I just have no one else to talk to right now. If I don't vent I'm afraid of relapsing. Don't worry, I hate this shit. I'm just a regular woman living a regular life.
Does it count as full relapse if I just hit myself, bite myself, and scrape my skin without blood? Or is it up to me?
I've been so tempted to start cutting again. A situation with a friend and a separate one with my mother have set it off, though if I'm being honest it's been on my mind lately anyway. A few weeks ago I was lamenting that I didn't do it deep enough back when I had the chance, or that I took too much care to help them heal faster, because then my scars would be more obvious.
Perhaps it's because my five year mark is coming up. I can't fuck it up now, I really need to try my hardest to get a hold on this. People's feelings need to stop affecting me.
No. 1530746
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Is it normal for me to feel rage and revulsion whenever I see these fucking things? Grown adult males cooing over them make me want to vomit. It makes me want to stab my own uterus out to ensure I never breed with a man.
No. 1530753
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I feel so empty and directionless to the point where I don't enjoy anything or want to do anything. I can't even express myself so I just feel like a dark cloud floating around aimless
No. 1530758
>>1529821What THE FUCK is this LC thing of everyone only ever dating
abusive and obese disfigured gamers with the personality of paint on the wall smeared with fly-drawing shit and broken shitdicks? Is this a meme? Is everyone here a worthless dipshit masochist?? WTF
No. 1530762
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I can't wait to cut off the rest of my family and some "friends". Just one more month and I'll be free!!!!!!!!
No. 1530773
>>1530754Oh yes that’s very recent. It becomes easier and easier as you go along. I’m not much for social media but I braved Facebook to join some celiac support groups that were really really helpful when I was first starting out, I recommend it. Not going out to eat is definitely for the best especially when you’re still in such an early recovery period. Would recommend joining one specific to your geographic region cause GF offerings and brands vary so wildly. One brand that’s consistently available most places it seems is Schär, they’re an Italian brand. Their frozen croissants are really great, I love their gluten free breads, the schnacks cakes are really good, the hazelnut wafers are really good. Only Schär stuff I haven’t liked have been their bagels and their GF Kit Kats.
I’m sorry about your hair falling out - that happened to me too, and I lost a crazy amount of weight. I had been slightly UW my entire life but suddenly lost a bunch more weight and looked like hell, so skeletal and frail, lost a bunch of hair. It’s been almost 2 years for me now and I’m at a normal weight for the first time in my life, I have a nice butt and I look great. If I get glutened I lose like 10 lbs in a week, it sucks ass and I feel like hell. Zofran helps the nausea but I basically don’t absorb nutrients for a week+ after being glutened so everything I get down just goes right through me anyway. I’m sure you’re familiar.
And yeah munchies do love to claim celiac which is wild because it’s such a shitty thing to deal with. But most people are so unaware of the lived experience of celiac that they can’t tell when someone is lying. Fakers just make it harder for people who actually have celiac disease cause when others have only encountered fakers they don’t understand the gravity of the situation. Cross contamination is no fucking joke.
No. 1530777
>>1530737>>1530742Thank you for your kind words, anon. I will take it day-by-day and even minute-by-minute when the urge comes.
I'd like to reach 10 years of no hitting, too. Starting today I guess.
No. 1530784
I don't hate trans people at all. I've never cared or minded them, even have supported them occasionally but a friend came out recently. A male friend started questioning his gender and now they are trans. At first I didn't care. I've had trans friends before who were MTF and fine. But not this one. Lately they've been skinwalking me, this friend. Its creeping me out. I wanna distance myself from them I feel so dumb for letting it get this bad. I wasn't even very close with them but I think because I'm their only girl acquaintance they've attached themself to me. I've got a pretty big group of friends (we're all college students) and they're only in the group because they're in the same class as one of my friends. the group is mostly guys. There were only 2, now 3 girls. I don't understand why they attached to me out of the 2 of us. At first I did not mind until they got really annoying. For example if they see anything that looks even slightly sapphic they yell "AH MY PEOPLE" and its not a funny joke its just repetitive and kind of offensive if you do it every time you see girls holding hands. Like me and girl 2 will have our arms linked and they'll go "You guys having your lesbian arc??" WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? It's just plain strange. Or I'll wear some kind of shirt they like and they'll try to ask me where I go it so "We can go twinsies". I always just say I don't remember where I got it. The other thing is how they add "ie's" at the end of so many words. "Eaties, workies, sleepies" it's not cute but really annoying. The abhorrent use of "UwU's" and anime girl chibi gifs in the group chat was ridiculous but then it turned into cats when they realized I only used cat reaction images. "Me and Nonnie could literally be sisters" Is something they said after seeing a reaction image I used, apparently our tastes are so similar…yeah, because you're copying me. I literally can't even stand it anymore. They make random sexual innuendos and laughs about how "We're too innocent" because no one indulges them. They are still a kissless virgin! I don't know why they suddenly started thinking they are some kind of sex guru. I also am really into skin care and now all of a sudden they love skin care too. Like they never cared about it when they were identifying as a guy now they love it and are always asking me if I heard of just random products and stuff. At first I thought it was just because they wanted to learn hygiene but now I know that is not the case. They pretend to "squee" over cute skin care stuff. I will tell you now, this person always smells weird. Their interests are D&D, Nintendo, and flavor of the week coomer anime (Dragon maid). They don't care about this stuff. Anyway, Me and Girl 2 are freaking out over cute Harry Styles pics on her phone. We are all at lunch and one of our male friends said "Psssh, look at them, couple of girls" as a JOKE. and this person (skinwalker) is quiet for the rest of lunch. We leave and later the friend who said that texts me privately that they had asked him if next time he could say that about them too so they don't feel left out. That's so cringey and uncomfortable. This friend felt really weird about them afterwards. Next time me and Girl 2 were talking about Harry Styles they actively FORCED their way into the conversation with "I know right, his hair is so cute" and awkward misplaced "squees" followed by weird jumping around. We both found it really annoying. One day they cried when we were hanging out at them mall. They had INSISTED on coming to the store with us to get swimsuits and when we walked into the store everything made them feel "SO DYSPHORIC" and they started crying and people were staring. The employee clearly felt really bad but didn't know what to do and we didn't know what to do either. Finally the lady gave them a bikini top and some generic trunks and then they were all fine and ready to go eat somewhere. They spout weird lines like "Ooh I know this little place nearby they've got the cutest silverware". I didn't have any fun shopping. I was beat and not happy at all that we let them come. We were just trying to be nice and paid dearly for it. Everyone seems over it but if you try to call them out even a little bit they get intense and defensive so it gets clear that if you keep going they'll lose it or think you're being transphobic. So I'm just trying to slowly remove this person. I made a new group chat minus them where me and my friends can go out without telling. Only issue is they follow our socials and if we post pics comment "I didn't know we were going out Friday! :(". I just want for them to lose interest and find friends more like them and then we can resume our usual lives. I did not think trans people like this were real outside of twitter, I really cant believe how annoying they are.
No. 1530789
>>1530784Take it from a FtM tranny. They are very, very real. I cannot fucking STAND tucutes they are so fucking annoying. Those are the ones that think that dysphoria isn't needed and all you have to do is "identify" as something.
I know most nonnas hate trannies, whole cloth. I just hate certain types. He likely doesn't have dysphoria and is acting out because he felt not included when he was "comfortable" as a man. Or he has a fetish & is trying to pretend he's dysphoric so he's taken seriously. If he was truly dysphoric, he would have never spent a moment past 18 as a man, either. Plus skinwalkers are the type to jack it in women's underwear, be they their family's, or their lover's. Watch yourself, nonna.
No. 1530796
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It is absolutely impossible to find a person who would be on the same page with me
I hate it, I hate dumb opinions, stupid takes
Just why talking about something retarded with a great confidence
I am so full of hate it's unbelievable
I need a companion to share my disgust with the world, please
At least I am glad I have you nonnies
No. 1530803
>>1530746fumos are blunt rags
I am a touhoufag but I hate fumo
Well, not 'hate', rather find it so… nothing?.. it is so not cute and not even memeable, despite how memeable they try to push it
No. 1530807
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How can I tell my friends that I'm going to stop trying to strike up conversations when it's clear they aren't enjoying it? Like I text them good morning as usual and get the most rancid vibes in return. There's a sick feeling just underneath the surface level politeness, and that's assuming I even get a response. I'm the sort of person who would appreciate this kind of communication (i.e. "I am going to speak to you less for X reason") so quietly withdrawing is not an option for me. If people would just tell me they're tired/bored/have some issue (including issues with me personally), I wouldn't waste time wondering what I've done wrong (if anything) and how to fix it. Seriously wishing they would just be up front with me. But, be the change you want to see, right? So I am genuinely asking for advice on how to communicate this idea respectfully and tactfully. How to say, "it's very painful for me to reach out to you lately because I feel like my attention is unwanted and unreciprocated. I feel rejected and hurt. I'm going to stop messaging you first. Of course whenever you feel like you want to talk to me, I'm still here. Im not mad at anyone or trying to blame anyone. I'm sure you have your reasons for feeling the way you do. Right now I just want to protect my own feelings, and maybe even spare you some trouble. Just remember that I'm your friend and I'll be here for you when you need me. I'll never stop loving you guys." Does that sound stupid? Should I phrase it differently?
No. 1530824
>>1530807Your message sounds a little over dramatic and manipulative to me because you don't need to write about being in pain or loving them forever to ask why they are messaging you less. I would put it in a more neutral way. I understand the anxiety and desire to make your emotions known, but I'm not sure that much good can come of that if they already have a reason for distancing themselves. I feel like you would get a better response from a less emotionally-charged message like
>I feel like we haven't been messaging as much as before, is there any reason for that or anything I can do? I value your friendship a lot and I hope we can catch upBut please note this advice is coming from an avoidant with autism so take it with a big grain of salt kek. If communicating like that is normal in your friend group then maybe what you wrote is OK. And maybe you could look into the DBT skill "GIVE" and the other skills.
Also is it normal to text your friends good morning? I feel like that's something you do with a spouse. No. 1530832
>>1530807I agree with this anon
>>1530824especially in the part as coming off as emotional which may be interpreted as "manipulative"
Been there before when I made my emotions explicitly known when I had a conflict with my ex but called me manipulative instead.
No. 1530848
>>1530817Thank you for the suggestion to include specific events! We've talked before about the distance/weird vibes so I don't think I need to rehash it but for anyone else reading this is solid advice.
>>1530824You're right, it's definitely dramatic. I have a bad habit of writing a lot to try to explain myself while also reassuring the one with whom I'm in conflict. The point was that even if we're struggling now, I really value these relationships. I'm not pulling away forever, this is not abandonment, etc. I'll try to tone that down because I don't actually want this to be a big deal. I don't want to cause them any more trouble then I already have, so there's really no benefit to sharing my emotions in such detail. I am very much into emotions and feelings but there's a time and place kek. Thank you also for the DBT recommendation, I'll definitely look into that
>>1530832Thanks for your input. I think your problem was that you were dealing with a man: a soulless being that will never see reason or feel compassion for another living creature. I also think that there are lots of reasons why people see honest expressions of emotion as manipulative— one reason being a lack of "I statements" that the first anon mentioned. Also people tend to have boundary issues and might feel responsible for another persons emotions, so if you say "I'm upset" they take that as a personal failing. ATP I'm just rambling oops sorry. Thanks everyone who chimed in. I'll try to talk to my friends tomorrow.
No. 1530860
>>1530855In past relationships this is exactly the advice I would have needed. In this case though, these are my very good friends– people I seriously love and trust that love and trust me in turn– who for reasons beyond my control/comprehension have suddenly withdrawn from me. They're not openly rude either, we're still polite. I can tell that we all love each other. There's just something going on right now, and I don't want whatever that is to destroy the friendship we've cultivated. That means protecting myself from feeling rejected/disappointed while also letting them know this doesn't have to be the end.
But I'll keep what you've said in mind. I do appreciate that you took the time to respond to me. Thank you.
No. 1530893
>>1530865I'll take that into consideration. I guess I was thinking of what I'd want from my friends if I was on the opposite side of the interaction, and what I'd want is emotional honesty and communication of boundaries. But you are right. I'm not going to make any hasty decisions. I'll sleep on it and maybe tomorrow decide whether or not I want to have this "confrontation" or just wait it out.
>>1530877I did say that those are things I'm wondering about, but it's not actually what I'm looking to get from this communication. My core message is "I am going to speak to you less for X reason." I didn't mention it in the OP but I have already asked why things were weird/why they've withdrawn and they said everything was fine kek. I take that to mean that if there IS a problem, they're not willing to tell me right now. I have some suspicions on what might be wrong, but there's no recourse unless they want to talk about it. It doesn't look like that's going to happen, so I'd rather just temporarily withdraw– and clearly state that that's what I'm doing.
Also, I understand what you mean about it sounding like a guilt trip. That's why I was very careful to not use blaming language or make any demands. My emotions are my own. I don't expect anybody else to manage them or solve my problems. In the same way, if I say "I feel hurt" and my friends get upset, that's THEIR issue to deal with.
No. 1530910
>>1530820thank you. yeah I understand that, my brother and I are all we have and I can't imagine his grief. it sounds weird but I feel like i already processed my trauma? like I don't think about it anymore and don't really care about it. like acceptance and I've gone to therapy for awhile to self reflect on
toxic traits and all that shit. when I was younger I was angry but I'm just apathetic now and people tell me they're surprised I went through all that because I don't seem like it and I'm so well adjusted (lol). I'm glad you understand this feeling though. i wish i could tell my husband this but i know itll just stress him out and he wont know what to do. take care nonna
No. 1530985
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Zoomers are so irony poisoned and fake now, there is no going back. Even when they try to reclaim ''cringe but free'' it's still rooted in irony. Everyone is so fake now. I am at fault too, i stopped talking to all my friends because our conversations were just spoutting memes, it was impossible to have any form of real interaction with them. I hate it, i hate modernity, i hate irony culture, i hate cringe culture, i hate phoneys. I feel so fucking lonely. I cant stop watching old convention footage, old documentaries on weird stuff, stuff like RAw TiMe, Josh's movie review. It makes me so angry that i just cannot find anyone to connect with. I would say the decline started around 2014's, and it's getting worse. Every creative space is filled with these people, people that lack any form of passion and honesty. Only non-poisoned internet personality i can think off is Scott The Woz, and it makes me so sad there is no way i can find someone like him, he was probably the last of his type before going extinct. I am so angry that i will never be able to find a bf, all of the cute unironically cringe men i liked are long gone, replaced by vile coomers/troons/misogynists. I feel so lonely and hopeless, i just want friends, real friends who i can talk to about my husbando, sperg about anime and things i like without having to stop to make a sarcastic remark about how ''i am totally aware guyz this is autistic haha''. I am going to die alone and a pariah, but at least i promised myself i wont hide my real personality anymore.
No. 1531001
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I really hate my face, I hate everything about my face but especially my mouth, I have severe midline discrepancy and it's affected the symmetry of my whole face shape and appearance, I hate looking at myself in the mirror and in pictures and I can't really get braces because I'm broke so I can't afford it but I feel like time is slipping away from me, I don't like to go outside because I don't want people to see me and I certainly won't be able to date or have friends any time soon and it's already too late I'm losing hope on ever being happy all because I was cursed with this face that belongs to a beast.
No. 1531009
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It feels like things are going to collapse on a grand scale at any moment, everyone knows it but almost everyone looks at you like you're a schizo if you allude to it.
Maybe I am a schizo but every day it really feels like society is on borrowed time. When people go out and buy new cars, start studying towards degrees they wouldn't graduate until 2027 or some shit, or the council undertakes years-long building projects I'm just like why? Why is everyone keeping up the charade? When do the riots really start? Why are we still going to work? And WHY are people still having children.
I don't fucking get it and no I won't take my meds.
No. 1531016
>>1530698very true
I once had a guy who liked me get scared and do a 180 when I cried and show emotion
instead of appreciating you letting them see you as vulnerable, they label you as "emotionally unstable" kek
No. 1531019
>>1531009it really is like that
>>1531018I miss the wild wild west of the internet back in the early 2000s, it's so shit nowadays
hell, I actually MISS old tumblr
everything is fucking centralized on a few websites
i fucking hate reddit too
No. 1531020
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I really hate piscis people, they're too emotionally retarded, theatrical, they hide their emotions and then make it your problem. My brother is a piscistard and I've known so many piscis who are literally insane but larp as happy unbothered beings of light or some other cringe fake shit. And then they cry so easily when their already fake self image gets shattered. And they're always onto some delusional shit, like they're trying to be grander than life or something. They also love being perpetual suffering victims and love hiding their true feelings. Two faced mother fuckers kek.
Say whatever you want to say about zodiac signs but only piscis and virgo people are constantly shit everywhere I go and I don't even care about the zodiac that much to begin with.
No. 1531021
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>>1531019is anywhere comfy anymore?
lolcow and sometimes tumblr but I have limited patience altogether, like opening my computer is no longer an escape.
No. 1531026
>>1531020I'm a virgo zodiac and I'm not shit
nonny, you will find correlations in things if you look for them.
No. 1531030
>>1531021>opening my computer is no longer an escapeyou described this perfectly
nonnienowhere seems to be comfy anymore
i remember geocities, the random personal website hosting sites, searching something on yahoo search (damn memories) and opening the floodgates of the internet, forum communities etc , everything is dead now
everyone wants their 5 minutes of fame, social media was a huge step in the wrong direction
the saddest thing is living through those blissful times because i know they are never coming back, being a teen in the 2000s was fun, the people/communities are not the same anymore
I sigh heavily when I think of all the forums,communities, games i've played and people i've talked to in the 2000s , everything was FUN
now fun is CANCELLED because it
triggers twatter idiots or fuck knows what other idiots
just take me back to early/mid 2000s
one of the few fun things i do is make pinterest boards based on my hobbies and explore foreign (japanese/korean/some chinese) websies
No. 1531040
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>>1531030AYRT and glad i'm not alone, thanks
nonnie. We sound about the same age. I'm glad I experienced those times in the 2000s-early 2010s but it's over now and it's hard to fill the void.
No. 1531045
>>1531040yea it's something kids these days or 20ish year olds will never understand, I can't imagine growing up with instagram and social media, it blows my mind
people who are nostalgic about early/pre internet days have a reason and a good one
related to your picture, it's insane how smartphones became an extension of our life and i speak as someone who used to love technology
i can't stand it anymore when i'm in a bus or at a gathering and i'm one of the few if not the only one who doesn't mindlessly stare into a screen
people are so busy trying to SHOW how they live their life and are driven by that short term gratification dopamine hit that is likes and the such that they forget to actually enjoy the moment
gotta take a pic of what you eat,what you do at the gym, what concert you go to etc
some people i talked to legitimately couldn't process why i didn't take pictures or why i DIDN'T POST THEM on social media
you can live your life without exposing it to everyone else
nowadays every person is just an item companies can profit off of
while i'm grateful for all the information we have at our fingertips, we live in dystopian times where everyone's brain has been fried by dopamine and degeneracy, and few are those who choose to remain somewhat pure in this digital polluted society
bit of a rant i know,but it is a vent thread
No. 1531049
>>1531044>thinking humanity is above natureYou’re so close to realizing how fucked humanity is,
nonny. We are witnessing societal collapse as we speak. We will be lucky if any of us live to be old biddies.
No. 1531051
>>1531032I still feel like I shouldn't have any interest because I think it would only make me look autistic or pretentious, I am trying to socialize online as a start but I get ridiculed (primarily by men) online for anything, I get called names, and I haven't made any real friends despite trying for four years now and my interests only become another bad trait of mine unlike when someone more attractive does the things I get made fun of for they'll be quirky only.
I feel selfish but I don't want to live this life forever, I have suffered my entire life and I do deserve some betterment but I can't when I look the way I do, I really just want to feel good about myself and have suitable living conditions.
No. 1531053
>>1531049>>1531049No nonas, I could have worded it better but you did not get my point. Humanity is not above nature but anon above was taking specifically about our communities and human societies, not about collapse of nature. I don’t think we’re all experiencing a “society degradation” that’s something mgtow assholes love to say - because women “sleep around”, have rights, gays aren’t stoned anymore and so on. No, our society is better than it was for most people.
On the other hand nature collapsing is what we should be worrying about instead of freaking out about some good old days where society was better that never even existed.
No. 1531060
>>1531053How old are you,
nonny? Society has been degrading for about a decade, but if you’re under 24-25 you wouldn’t really have the necessary first hand real world experience to notice. It’s not degrading for the reasons MGTOWs and incels say it is, but the decline has been rapid and extremely apparent over the past decade. Life in 2013 was infinitely better and less convoluted and polarized than life in 2023.
No. 1531061
Long rant incoming. I'm trying to make the best of the situation while waiting for my new apartment to be available (just a few weeks now) so I can break up and move out of my boyfriend's apartment. Over the past few years he's become a judgemental, grumpy asshole, and lately he's been doing down a depressive spiral because he's tired of working and just wants to sit around doing his hobbies. I can't blame him for it. I want that too, but bills gotta be paid and I've come to peace with the fact that I have to make the best out of the free time I have.
It's just a massive problem when that free time also includes living with a guy who, even when he's not working, is so angry about the idea of having to work that he can't relax and cool down afterwards. I hate coming home to a place where I can just feel his anger and resentment filling the air. He will always reassure me that his anger isn't for me, but like most men he sure loves to use any opportunity to snap at me . I was in a work meeting yesterday and couldn't answer the phone when he called. He wasn't able to find his keys and wanted to know if I was home so I could check if he had forgotten them. He called me 20 times in the span of 20 minutes. I answered the phone apologizing right away, and he just snapped at me and let this ruin the rest of his day, and never apologized even when I said that I was hurt by his attitude.
What irks me the most is that even though he can go for an entire day acting as if I'm nothing but an annoyance to him, he still wants to be cuddled and have his head scratched in the evening because he says it helps him calm down. This morning he seemed to be in a better mood. He vented a bit about a task he needed to do at work, but when I misunderstood some part of his explanation, he immediately shifted to a condescending tone and became so bitter that I just broke down crying and begging him to please stop being so fucking mean to me.
He's put on headphones now and ignoring me before he leaves to work. I try to not let his mood get to me, but I've always been really sensitive of the mood of the people I live with, so it's hard. I can't wait to live on my own so I don't have to let someone else's shitty attitude affect me anymore.
No. 1531064
>>1531060I was in HS around 2012-2013 and had a nerdy friend group that I loved to death, until they slowly started sipping the woke kool-aid and became insufferable. Where once I could talk about things normally, everything became offensive and politicized. I complained to my parents and bf at the time, who brushed it off and said it's just "an internet fad, it'll pass". 10 years later and it's everywhere.
I don't even disagree with most of the talking points on their own, it's just that the wokest people are usually the biggest hypocrites and often use those same uwu talking points as a bullying tactic.
No. 1531095
>>1531009I feel like I'm going crazy too. Everything is obviously going to get worse from now on but nobody seems interested in resilience and being prepared to face crisis situations. All I see is people in denial who think bad stuff only happens to other people, crazy moids whose first thought when they hear the word "collapse" is committing crime, and antinatalist doomers or whetever you call them who think we should just sit here and die.
I'm not too concerned about children being born, I'm far more worried about them not being raised in a way that will let them face the future.
Also, I always had to maintain a full awareness of how dependent we all are on each other because I am somewhat misanthropic and need to keep that at bay, but it's hitting me hard realizing how many people think they're "floating" sort of. City people especially seem to live in a simulation, like the things they eat are items in a videogame and not produced by someone else and the basic infrastructures of civilization are as much of a natural permanence as gravity and the setting sun.
No. 1531125
nonny, same. I’m sorry, but I’ve opted to just let and watch the world burn. I have no hope for the future.
No. 1531136
>>1531106I hope you find the gal to make you happy one day,
nonnie. No more crying.
No. 1531139
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>>1531125There is still beauty in this world but there is just a lot more atrocity to tune out. I like to picture I'm riding a crumbling gravy train of serotonin right to the bottom until the figurative biscuit wheels fall off and we truly in a madmax style wasteland. At which point I don't really know if I'd want to survive anyway much longer than whacking a greedy parasitic boomer without consequence before I die.
No. 1531223
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Too depressed for therapy. Don’t want to talk just want to sleep
No. 1531228
>>1531192NTA but what the hell is skull fucking?? Is it as degenerate as I think it is? Hope your okay
No. 1531244
>>1531181he's not ready to have sex for whatever reason. he doesn't have to share. you are allowed to end the relationship over this if you aren't close enough to work through it. he might be better on his own for a while anyway, to work shit out.
would pretty much give the same advice if genders were reversed.
you could ask yourself if you did anything unusual during sex that could have
triggered him…? I assume you would have mentioned that though.
No. 1531261
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Get good grades, attractive, nice. Always either had a job or been in education. Saw a girl who does none of these things go on a vacation her boyfriend paid for to Japan during the sakura season. Losing faith in being a good person. I will never know love or happiness like that.
No. 1531291
>>1531228>>1531238Ugh it was awful but not as awful as you nonnies are imagining I don’t think thankfully.
>>1531253 >>1531252 are right. Really fucking traumatizingly violent blowjobs. Thankfully he was a dicklet, it could’ve been worse, but I still have nightmares about choking and puking.
No. 1531301
>>1531291That sounds awful,
nonnie. I'm glad that freak is your ex. Stay safe.
No. 1531422
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Everywhere I look I see shitty two faced people… aka normies… succeed, and meek and quiet people being trampled over, and I include myself in that group but I'm not the only one, and it's not just about work and the double standard and how you're invisible if you're not chatty, even if you work just as fast as others, but every other aspect of life, people who received almost everything on a silver platter from their parents and then their partners get even more and more lucky as their life goes on and gain more stuff and more attention and better work opportunities and house and everything, meanwhile I, no matter how hard I try, just can't get anywhere, because I'm alone and I can't socialize as well as them. I know this is how society works and I understand that, but at the same time I feel so hurt, like it isn't fair, and it just makes me feel like it's not even worth trying to get anywhere in life, sometimes I just want to off myself, I have no motivation to get out of bed, I walk like I'm in a dream, I'm like a zombie at this point
No. 1531489
>>1531422I feel you,
nonnie. I'm quiet and don't socialize much; I find it draining and and I'm not particularly good at it anyway. The amount of energy it would take for me to try to fake my way through would be so high, it doesn't seem worth it. I'm constantly torn between being frustrated about how unfair it seems that other people don't have to work so hard, vs. wanting to get out of the rat race altogether.
No. 1531549
I'm on the home stretch of my university degree and have 2 and a half weeks left of classes. On top of keeping up with my coursework and applying for jobs and preparing for interviews, I am just so fucking done. It doesn't help that I have been missing classes because of circumstances I can't control.
>>1531483I feel this nona. I hate living in a car-dependent society especially when you don't have a solid support system that will let you practice learn or you have $2-3k to spend on a driving course. So many times when I had to turn down a job because I didn't have a license.
No. 1531747
>>1531744Holy fuck anon I am so sorry you are going through that
What a fucking disgusting creep and I hope he gets jailed eventually. this is a fucking predator.
No. 1531767
>>1531732I think the same thing happens with other weebs, especially those from other language speaking backgrounds. They learn how to speak the language but accents sometimes show up, and if they try to enunciate in another language/country to present more natural. It's good but at the same time 'weird', as you said.
Plus Natchan started doing other (stuff) and changed up persona/music style so that adaptation doesn't help.
No. 1531775
>>1531744as someone who has been in a similar situation, I think you should consider that CPS is almost certainly better than the current situation. they're not that powerful unless you can prove physical abuse but it's not bad to have them come around and shame your dad unless he's gonna serious isolate you in retaliation… wait I'm back in my old mindset. you should complain about him to your therapist, there's a good reason they called CPS and you don't have to hide things because of that. also kill him like this nona said
>>1531752 – I wish I'd done that, I had a great opportunity too.
No. 1531777
>>1531774I'm in a politically mixed state, it's fucking hard for me because unless I go down to the state capital several hours away, most people in my city are openly extremely homophobic and anti LGB, let alone T. Technically speaking, I am a TiF but people usually pick up that I'm a butch lesbian and threaten to hurt me and women tend to give me the side eye since I'm in one of the deepest red areas of the state. I've been told by several people that I should have a husband & be his slave. Generally, I'm pretty uncomfortable with both libfems & radfems, but the radfems here are wonderful people and occasionally I feel like going on a feminist rant to the men in town who see me as an object "disobeying" them. I grew up in a very notoriously blue state so the absolute vitriol I've gotten in this city is frustrating.
I typically hate TiMs, too. They're insufferable. I can't relate to the majority because they are usually doing it for a fetish and not actually suffering from the same mental illness. I do, however, get along with most respectful men. They're just hard to find when I'm a shut in due to my horrifically sexist neighbor
There's a gay/lesbian club in town but I'm only 20 so I'm unsure if under 21's are allowed.
No. 1531806
>>1531792I really like the women here and learning their point of view! Part of me also hopes nonnas here can help me learn to manage my dysphoria without HRT, at least for the meantime. I know most of them don't understand the extreme panic and anguish it can cause, but I really hope I can improve otherwise. Hence why I feel the suffering is important for them to know that like 0.1% of trannies are genuinely suffering and not doing it for a fetish. Those that do understand it, but still hate trannies or at least what they do are really cool to me. It's only the ones that refuse to understand it that irritate me.
I also announce myself because I feel like, as long as it's not OT, different points of view from women could help anons see multiple sides. I'm probably annoying people, if so I apologize profusely, but at least to me it's beneficial to see how everyone here thinks about things and maybe learn a lot.
Maybe I'm just a mega autist too eager to learn, I don't know.
No. 1531880
>>1531790I lived in Portland Oregon and used public transit / went outside regularly for over two years recently and in that time I only came in contact with one trans guy at a volunteer thing and had one they/them girl as a coworker. I would argue that Portland is one of the most "big progressive city" cities out there. Lived in a less progressive city before that for over 6 years and met one TIM at a dive bar. Maybe you are actively looking for them which admittedly I don't do.
>>1531797I love weeb bookstores and shopped at an asian grocer weekly and never saw what you're describing, just parents with their nerdy children and asian people.
Now I feel like I'm arguing with you which I didn't mean to. I just really have not experienced the modern trannyscape so many nonas talk about.
No. 1531891
>>1530789Honestly as someone who used to be gender dysphoric much in the same way you describe, I get it. I would look in the mirror and literally be incapable of seeing myself as a girl, but the thing is your brain is plastic. The more you keep feeding your delusional thinking the more it cements. Do you think you would have "identified as" ftm if you were born 50 years ago, or if you lived isolated on a deserted island with no other human beings? I believe gender dysphoria is real, but how can you know what "feeling like a man" feels like?
The only thing that kept me from transitioning in my younger years was that I thankfully am capable of some critical thinking skills and I knew even if I went on hormones I would never be a man. If I had grown up a couple of years later though, who knows. Maybe you are luckier than me genetically. Maybe you are tall and have better bone structure, whatever, but at the end of the day you are still a woman. I think being straight also saved me. I knew in my heart that I would never be capable of feeling sexually attracted to a ftm, and it was delusional of me to expect gay men to be attracted to me if I transitioned. I think very little about gender these days and for the most part I am comfortable with myself as a gender non-conforming woman, but I still sometimes get a pang of jealousy towards men. I remember watching the documentary "The Vow" on HBO. When cult leader Keith Raniere describes women's bodies as clumsy little children, it
triggers me. Wish I could be stronger, leaner, less vulnerable, but at the end of the day it is what it is, there's nothing you can do about it except take synthetic drugs that we don't know the long-term consequences of but likely will mess up your body in more than one way, and keep living in delusion, trying to bully the rest of the world into upholding your life lie because you are so emotionally fragile your world falls apart if anyone calls a spade a spade.
No. 1531892
>>1531886Thank you! If psychedelics really can help me feel at peace, maybe I'll find a way to have shrooms. I know they're legal a couple states away, where I have family. My grandmother wanted to do shrooms with mom & I as they both thought that we'd benefit. Considering both of them were hippies at one point and have done everything under the sun in their youth, I trust their judgement. My entire maternal side is super into psychedelics kek.
That aside, I'm extremely happy about that advice, and I've noticed thinking with a biological lens has made me at some level of peace compared to a few months ago. Much appreciated!
No. 1531894
ive vented before about my homophobic ex who has continually strung me along since high school but the past few months have been a living nightmare. shes been dating this guy (were early 20s, hes 30) for 5mo, 4mo ago she cheated on him with me after we got drunk together (incident was never acknowledged). by the new year she was spending most of her time with him, we weren't talking that much.
2~ weeks ago i tried to end it because of a bunch of other horrible stressful things going on involving study and career and just feeling like a fucking failure, needed surgical repair on my wrist and have damaged a nerve. while im being held in the acute psych section while they go through the script with me she texts me to tell me he's proposed and she said yes. bout a week passes and the shock and pain wears off, she texts me that shes pregnant. shes terminating it tomorrow, which i was surprised by, cause shes going overseas for a year next week (not with fiance).
im trying to be a good friend and be here for her because i know this is extremely hard for her, but today she asks me to get coffee and brings her fiance along (because i hadnt met him, she wanted me to meet him since theyre engaged and im her "best friend", i had been declining offers to meet him because… obviously). im just so wrecked and tired. the only course of action is to stop talking to her finally and assert boundaries but i havent been able to because shes already under so much stress and i dont want to make her life worse… idk what does anyone in here make of any of this. im exhausted and i honestly want to kms.
the part of me thats her ex is destroyed by all of this, the part of me that is her friend is unbelievably concerned about her safety and i hate myself for being so angry about all of this. i just hate myself so much. i wish i wasnt gay its a fucking nightmare
No. 1531897
>>1531891Yeah, I'm a lesbian and know I'll never be male. I think the main catalyst for my dysphoria is not that I'll never be male, but that my body expects male features, and I don't have any sans the height, large skull, and broad shoulders. I get confused for a 12 year old boy a lot, but I've stopped trying to "correct" people about being a troon or my age.
I noticed that I can be attracted to FtMs and women as a whole (not just FtMs), but not MtFs or men in general. I feel I may be happy without HRT if I can do voice training and get a breast reduction rather than a chop, as well as find a way to guarantee infertility and not having a period without damaging my health.
Honestly, I think my voice and average breasts, as well as being called feminine terms are my biggest gripes. Otherwise, I think I'm a typical stone butch. The mental illness aspect just makes my brain panic at female features, that I cannot change, especially not at this time. OCD makes that even worse. So the severity is amped up only because it's a constant thought and I can't be normal about it.
Unlike other troons in my general age range, I knew I could never be male. Biology was never my strong suit, but I find genetics very interesting so I know changing them is completely impossible, and would be catastrophic if it ever was. That also helps a bit, so I guess we're similar like that.
No. 1531900
>>1531897AYRT. You seem like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders and are capable of thinking for yourself. Gender dysphoria is a bitch, but I think what’s most harmful about trans ideology is the expectation that the rest of the world will deny objective reality and adhere to what’s essentially one person’s delusion. I don’t get the feeling you think that way, so that’s good. I’m sorry you’re struggling with dysphoria, but like some other anons are saying, a lot of women do, regardless of whether it’s gender related or not. Altering your body for any essentially cosmetic reason is not ideal imo, but from what you've described it could be worse. With your OCD tendencies I'm worried it could lead to a slippery slope though, where you'll never feel it's enough.
I hope you agree the world needs gender non-confirming women as well. I feel like the current gender obsession is narrowing the window for what is consider acceptable in terms of being a man or woman. Wish you the best of luck.
No. 1531902
>>1531894would really appreciate any words of wisdom from any older nonas about this. honestly its really hard to summarise my relationship with her concisely because shes my closest friend and i love her more than ive ever loved anyone, but also i am unbelievably angry at her because i feel like she has permanently wrecked me, not with these recent incidents necessarily but over time. for context this isnt the first time shes cheated on a boyfriend with me, she doesn't recognise me as an ex (see: homophobic, deeply ashamed of our high school relationship and when pushed refers to it as silly experimentation which it definitely wasnt from where i was standing. we broke up because we were outed. to this day she refers to gay people as "deviant", "aberrant", and considers it impossible to have a normal or fulfilling life while openly gay), all of our mutual friends no longer talk to her and those im closer to regularly tell me explicitly that im being abused.
i really want to be happy for her because this is the life she wants and shes gotten it, and a part of me is proud of her for that… but also, i think even if i wasnt blinded by my love/hatred for her and the complicated nature of our friendship, id be extremely concerned about her and i dont know if id be thrilled about her decision even if i was in that position. her family relationships are very turbulent and im deeply worried that shes rushing things in a desperate bid to get away from her father (who shes tied to via property (he bought her her car) and profession (he got her her job)), but im so fucked up idk if im just coping.
also i hate her fiance for impregnating her so carelessly, he's a 3oyr old doctor and should have known better, and now she will suffer for his coom and i actually want to fucking castrate him
i know these rants come across as completely insane and i definitely dont seem stable
No. 1531907
>>1530807Yes it does sound stupid. Go low-contact if you want to talk less, don't flounce like that. If you don't like the relationship anymore then quietly withdrawing absolutely is an option unless you are an emotional vampire.
Or maybe you should stick to in-person interactions for a while since you are spiraling over messages and interpreting vibes negatively. Your confidence in your relationships is in shambles over
vibes, I would be insulted if I was your friend and you thought so little of me that "surface level politeness" was perceived as malicious and you sent me a long ass message like that about it. I would also be worried about you if this was the first time I was hearing you were unhappy because you sound a little crazy.
>If people would just tell me they're tired/bored/have some issue (including issues with me personally), I wouldn't waste time wondering what I've done wrong (if anything) and how to fix itInsane. You should keep in mind that people aren't always gonna unroll all their emotional baggage of the day on you and tell you exactly why they are feeling a certain way (especially over text message) and it's not all about you.
Also your post belongs in the advice thread on /g/, it's not really a vent.
No. 1531912
>>1531902You need to sit her down and tell her everything you wrote in these posts and then accept whatever decisions she is making with her life. Even if you love her, it sounds like all she is doing is make you miserable while she is playing house with these random scrotes.
Cutting people like this out of your life is really, really hard at first, but it's sometimes necessary and you are going to so much more happy when you can finally focus on yourself instead of being in this mindfuck of a relationship with her.
No. 1531925
>>1531908>>1531912thanks anons. im just so scared. over the years shes made me feel like im nothing without her, that no one can ever understand me like she does (the latter is something shes pretty much said to me, but in less explicit emotional abuser phrasing). it hits really hard because i actually am very socially challenged and find it very hard to relate to other people (sperg). its so stupid because all the ways she makes me feel are textbook, i know how and why its like this, but it doesnt stop me from feeling like im never, ever going to be loved or wanted by anyone but her because im retarded and stunted.
im just relieved shes going to be in another hemisphere for the next year. maybe i can slowly untangle myself
No. 1531928
>>1531925to further the vent, im also worried because if things implode with her fiance she will be completely alone and without support. she has normie friends but refuses to talk to them about stuff like her complicated family situation or her
abusive father. through last year multiple times she had to stay at my place because her father or sister got into violent altercations with her, and when i was out of the state and things blew up again i had to book her crisis counselling because she was too distraught to and spent hours on the phone with her trying to convince her to please just tell one of her friends so she could stay with them and get away from her family's anger for a couple weeks, but she refused. she has always treated me as a dumping ground for her issues, but the last time i seriously talked to her about my problems she told me that she wasnt my psychologist. last time i cried in front of her she blew up at me for manipulating her with my tears. honestly writing it all out makes it look so black and white… its nearly funny how battered-wife it makes me seem to say that when she's good, she's really really good, but it's true. fucking hate myself
No. 1531933
>>1531925>>1531928I had a relationship basically exactly like this when I was around your age too, so I'm speaking from experience: Once you cut her out, you are going to have a gaping void in you for a short while but you are going to find ways to fill it with happier things eventually. You'll meet new people, you'll find a great girlfriend, and then you are going to forget about this girl and at most look back at this time with regret because it took you so long to let her go. I've never looked back fondly at my ex even though she used to mean the world to me and I knew her for years.
It's sad to see someone you care about destroy their life, but that's unfortunately just how things are sometimes. You've tried your best to help her, but now it's on her to figure out how to deal with these problems. I'm sure getting some space from her
abusive family for a year is going to wake her up in many ways too.
Going no contact while she is in a different country is going to make this entire process a lot easier, so don't worry too much.
Keep your head up anon, you sound very sweet and caring.
No. 1531942
>>1531900Thanks nonna! GNC women are absolutely needed, and it's so gross that trooning out is portrayed as the first and only treatment, when permanent things such as that, it should be a last resort, for the most severe cases, and only for grown adults who have undergone years of therapy, if at all.
I wish other solutions were researched and pushed instead.
>>1531894To me, it sounds like she's got either bipolar or some form of personality disorder. I've dealt with BPDchans, and most of them weren't anything like the stereotype only because they sought DBT and medications. Unmedicated, they do brash shit like this, but so do bipolar type Is. It's hard to say since I've never met her.
No. 1531961
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>log on to tumblr
>new dm
>hey gurl let's be besties my name is and i'm years old and fun fact my uncle raped me when i was 6 what's your childhood trauma? do you have discord?
i love making friends but these are the kinds of people who force it so hard then expect you to create some kind of friendship out of nothing and no common interests or anything at all. i'm awkward as fuck what am i supposed to do with this information? now i'm pressured to entertain you
No. 1531965
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>>1531961That’s literally the dm?
No. 1532008
>>1531946are you me? somehow i am simply wired to attract needy people and no matter how long it's been going on it still upsets me and makes me more inclined to withdraw when people send 7 fucking texts in a row nagging and nagging for my attention and energy and getting anxious about how i'm refusing to reinforce people's chaotic codependency.
sorry, i don't really have advice but i relate to it.
No. 1532092
>>1532073>>1532074He's awful. Get this.
>had a fwb situation with another girl before they started dating>she is friends with this girl>she finds out that her bf and this girl have been in contact AGAIN for a few months, after they have been dating>he told her in an offhand comment>she asks if he's mentioned her (the girlfriend)>he says it "hasn't come up naturally">apparently all they ever talk about is "video games and her (ex fwb girl's) cats>YeahFuckingRight.jpeg>seemingly intentionally hides his off work days from her>once she asked how he was doing, he implied he was at work, she later found out a few days after the fact that he had the whole day off>doesn't take her to meet his family>doesn't bring her around his friends>was a total "vibe black hole" at her birthday party, things just felt awkward and weird and she really only talked and hung out with me, our other friend, and my boyfriend for most of the party>he spent the party sitting quiet and alone>she's a themby kweerio (literally just an alternative autist girl) so she's already easy to manipulate>he broke up with her once because he felt they were "better as friends">mfw they randomly get back together and she never brings up the break upI worry for her specifically bc of the autist thing. She's frustrated with him for obvious reasons but she can't see the bigger picture and she always says " I don't want to be a crazy bitch but he [some weirdo shit]". I've told her that he's weird as fuck and that he's being concerning in withholding important information from her but she's still with him and kimd of glosses things over. I fucking hate his retarded idiot ass he's such a stupid fucking cunt. I hope she wakes up soon.
No. 1532133
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>>1529102Turned out this guy belongs to a communist party in our country, which has like 300 members overall kek. And he asked me if I would like to go with him to a political cafe where they're going to be taking about the creation of the Soviet Union and Marx and other shit and this is so funny to me for some reason. It's just very rare to meet an open communist in the wild. I was once into marxist theory and I'd like to see and hear something like this out of pure curiosity, but it's in another city and I don't own a car and I would have to take a bus and a train ride, which would take like 2 hours overall, and it's on sunday, and I think I'm too lazy for this. Anyway, we were talking about it at the canteen at work today and some people were just like openly staring at us and it was so uncomfortable?? Even my team coordinator stood next to us for a moment and stared at us in a weird way. Idk if it's because it's rare to see me talking to anyone, or is it because he was openly talking about communism, or because they think he's a weirdo or all those combined. Anyway, I really enjoy talking to him but the way people react to it makes me very uncomfortable. I also told my coworker/colleague about this guy and his proposition and he also gave me a weird stare and tried to imply to me that this dude wants to fuck me, of course. I just can't have friends with similar interests can I?
No. 1532148
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My contract is almost up at my job and I'm moving cities soon, now all of a sudden I've developed a crush on a guy who I barely know, never really talked to, and can't see even attempt to talk to because of the circumstances of my job. I only hear about him from other people kek now I'm all heartbroken about leaving. The fuck is wrong with me
No. 1532159
valid but to be honest I would never in a million years trust a man to take a contraceptive. never ever no way.
No. 1532225
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i wish i was smart but i was born stupid
No. 1532226
>>1532221No! We're university students, and two of these people are sober. The others smoke weed, which I personally find gross but it's legal. I have had good friends who smoke it sometimes.
The two who molested kids are from isolated communities, which I know from my own experience contributes to this sort of behaviour.
The others are just men, of course.
I hate that I've had fun with these people. What the fuck.
No. 1532233
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>>1532225a guy once told me i should play osaka in the live action adaptation (actually he said it more than once)
No. 1532249
>>1532242>>1532234In my 30s as well. The class bully girl had a 20 year old bf when she was 13
i may sound petty but i'm glad she looks like a mid 40yo now, she ballooned up like a whale, used to be the poster girl for the mean skinny bitch archetype
I was the last in my class to get my period (I was 15) and I felt like my freedom ended lmao, I remember that day so clearly lol.
I did notice a thing, the girls who were the sluttiest/ not so smart are the ones who got married the fastest and already have at least 1 kid, having the first when they were 23-24
No. 1532279
>>1532249I was the first to get my period at 10, and god, the smell was revolting. I was often soaked in my own blood because it was severely heavy and painful right out the gate, and the school nurse thought I was exaggerating the severe pain as well, so that wasn't fun.
I was bullied for having a full figure, but not fat, from 12-16. I'm 20, and skip to the end of the pandemic I was smirking so big because the head cheerleader Cholla was a minimum of 170lbs. I was still bigger due to at-the-time unknown BED, but the catharsis was well worth it. The mean skinny bitch getting a taste of her own medicine was like. The coolest shit to a 17 year old me. I got on the front page of the newspaper at graduation, too, so that was also a nice little one-up.
So trust me nonna, I get it. It's the best shit that can happen.
No. 1532290
>>1532288AYRT. My pain never went away, it only got worse. Nothing helps, it's horrible.
I have MDD so the depression is constant with occasional breaks, sadly.
I'm glad your pain got better, though
No. 1532296
>>1532208Thanks anon, it's a first time in years when my period is so bad, it's really tiring to handle it emotionally.
Thanks for taking your time to write this post with these tips, I will definitely try them.
And I ate these cookies and you're right, I shouldn't be so hard on myself and just let myslef enjoy something sweet from time to time.
No. 1532308
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I feel so alienated. I desperately want more friends or a sense of community, but I can't seem to connect with anyone. Part of the problem is that I don't like anything that has a major community. I'm too weird to get along with normie girls and I can't get into nerd culture either, in the past I've forced myself to try and like anime and DND so I could join some clubs at my college, but at the end of the day I have zero interest in it. I don't like any major video games. I like reading and writing a lot and I joined a women's book club near me but it was all older women who were similar in age to each other but distant from me. I have no idea how to find people like me. I lived in a college town and I would see a group of sorority girls walking together, laughing, obviously going to a party, and I'd just get so depressed and resentful about the fact that I can't seem to fit in. Man, I just want so badly to belong…
No. 1532320
>>1531762Thank you
nonnie. My one brother is 16 and has become a clone of my dad and is pretty insufferable to be around, he wouldn't want to come with me even if I could take him. I have a brother over 18 as well but none of this family stuff seems to bother him that much. I think he's planning on moving out with some friends soon. And for my mom… I think they're only together for financial reasons? It seems like she hates being around him. At this point I really feel like it's their problem, and they should probably get divorced. I really just have to think about myself in this situation
>>1531752I agree kek, unfortunately my parents had me and my siblings really young so my dad is still in his 40's. When he gets mad he likes to proclaim he's going to drive into the guardrail on the highway. A little part of me wishes he would. It's so complicated because on one hand he's my dad and I'm supposed to love him but on the other hand I really struggle to feel any kind of emotion for him.
>>1531775CPS has come to our family's house before because I talked to my therapist about physical abuse that happened 10+ years ago, they had to be called out of precaution. Basically nothing happened, she just tried to talk with my parents about de-escalation strategies with arguments and stuff. I also had my therapist talk with my dad directly about touching me without my consent. He seemed to kinda get it, so he doesn't try and touch my ass anymore but he'll still try and lay on me or grab me from behind. I won't have to deal with this soon but this last month or so is a fucking drag
No. 1532321
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I’m come to realise I actually don’t get along with a good friend at all, which wouldn’t be a problem if we weren’t living together this year. We met in first year uni and have been friends since, but since then we’ve started going in different directions. She’s started hanging with a super obnoxious group and inviting them around without telling the rest of us. Like right now I’m in my room with the flu, and she’s downstairs drinking with a friend the rest of us can’t stand and her weird brother, pregaming for a daytime street festival that they said they were leaving for three hours ago. This is all on top of her ambushing me two weeks ago saying I was lazy for not pulling my weight around the house and a bad friend for not reorganising the date of my birthday to accomodate for her, even though the reason she wouldn’t be there was because she would be on holiday overseas with her friends from highschool. Idk, sometimes it feels like I’m not destined to have friends, I’m too weird and self conscious for normies but too stuck up and judgemental for everyone else.
No. 1532324
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I had the worst day, started with getting locked out of my car, work started bad and got worse, I have a lot of personal stuff going poorly rn, I missed bidding on a dress I really wanted, and for some reason the final straw was my nigel telling me he had a long day as well, a headache and needed a second nap in response. My friends made me feel better and acknowledged but I just want to cry and break. At least I’m still not Shayna. Hope everyone here is having a better day and that the good energy was with someone else here instead
No. 1532333
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My thermostat is not working and I need cool air conditioning NOW. What's worse is that I live in an apartment and I can't get maintenance to potentially fix it until Monday, so now I have to suffocate in my sleep.
I'm calling it now, they won't be able to fix it and will have to call in someone else.
No. 1532378
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I am actually happy I have self awareness because I would probably have multiple threads made about me. I hope I can be normal one day as I am working on myself.
No. 1532393
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>On a waiting list for therapy for 2 years
>Finally get a call
>"Oh I'd prefer in person appointments please"
>Get put on another 3 month waiting list
>Get a letter in the post today
>'Your first appointment will be via video and in May'
Do I call them and ask if only the introductory appointment is by video?? I fucking hate the NHS
No. 1532402
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>>1532330try looking into diatomaceous earth. i used it when we had ants and it worked really well, but i did go full scorched earth and used a fuckton of it kek. even though i may not have needed to. i didn't notice any health problems but yeah just a disclaimer.
No. 1532405
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>>1532212tbh it's really hard to tell. my life has been bad for all kinds of reasons so that's probably why I'm not well in general, but that one day I got a good sleep I was so full of joy and, hell, I was even able to….TALK TO PEOPLE? I was capable of thinking of stuff on the go and felt alive the whole day. I'm normally so flatlined.
still gonna try something but I genuinely feel like the same problem would happen with another study. that night, I think a huge part of it was also that I was so, so desperate. a few hours in I was about to sob from frustration and anxiety. also, I was ALREADY sleep deprived more than usual so that I couldn't even sleep is ridiculous. I don't know if I should take some sleeping pills if I try again because even slightly bad data is still better than nothing.
also, thanks for the compassion,
nonny. the data for the 30min/hour I slept should come back in a month or so and I think there is a chance they might recommend further testing.
No. 1532425
I somehow started dating the fucking guy of my dreams, I’ve never connected with someone like that, we have so many obscure interests in common and on top of that he’s gorgeous, long curly hair, super androgynous, talented, popular, charismatic, everything I needed in a partner. Well, as it turns out HES A FUCKING TRANNY. He came out to me months ago and I’ve sort of been coping but it’s starting to hit me. He’s getting back on estrogen soon. What kind of sick plot twist is this?? Is this some kind of cosmic retribution for being on here??? I should have guessed. Men can’t just be feminine, they have to troon out. The worst part is I’m still in love with him. What the fuck is my life right now.
No. 1532446
>>1532425No man is that good. If he seems like the man of your dreams then he has to have some secret sexual deviation or
abusive behaviour. In your case it was the former since he's a tranny. Leave him nona, he's going to make your life miserable.
No. 1532457
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Me and my moid have both gained weight a lot. I’m fatter than Shayna and he is literally starting to look like Nikocado.
No. 1532539
>>1532538Nona I’m proud of you pf doing something new!!! Tell me about your favorite parts of your trip!!
Nevermind those who can’t appreciate the positive parts of new experiences and feel the need to ruin them.
No. 1532552
>>1532548Well, have your parents done anything to hurt you financially? Like, stopped you from being able to gain wealth or have taken your earned money away from you or you're aware they are financially unstable due to their own faults? Tbh it isn't the most terrible thing for you to do. I'd do anything I could to not give my parents money, and if they took any away from me, I'd find ways to gain it back.
I've ran straight to my bank to get money my mom forcefully took from me, told the management what had happened and they agreed I deserved to get the money back. One long email of her complaining I put her in the negatives and she knew to never mess with me again.
Keep those boundaries you feel you need and keep them secure. Best of luck.
No. 1532560
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No. 1532571
>>1532538Maybe the reason why you're so depressed is that you have a mother who robs you of your joy over something innocent like having a picnic by yourself.
My mom was the same type of person. My mental health got much better after I moved out and went no contact.
No. 1532609
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>tfw you hear some nurses shittalking how retarded and trashy you look
i mean they weren't wrong but they didn't have to be so blunt about it damn. i didn't have time to doll myself up it was an emergency situation
No. 1532631
>>1532609You should've reported them,
nonny. That's unacceptable.
No. 1532672
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Ive been with my partner for five years. A few weeks ago I went on a family trip and when I returned he announced that he thinks he might be trans, wants to get on Hormones and wants to get active in the local trans community as quickly as possible. When I pressed him for details he said he just "doesn't feel good in his body, just neutral" and that he wants to feel pretty. I have been trying to explain to him that he can change himself without transitioning and that I am personally very against taking hormone supplements in like 99% of the situations. I was hoping to one day have a family with him and I do not wanna sacrifice all we have worked for the last few years just because someone on the internet probably influenced him into thinking his life could be soooo much better if he became a woman. He says he is still very attracted to me, 100% straight and just wants to like himself more and care more about himself but I do not understand why he has to take hormones for that? We had a big fight yesterday night where I told him to stop torturing me mentally by bringing this shit up nonstop when I'm just trying to enjoy my day and that I am pretty transphobic because I do not understand how he can call most trans woman he looks up to (Laura Les, Sophie etc.) Goddesses, Goals and all that when they literally look like they do even after heavy Photoshopping but can call normal woman wearing makeup ugly and vain. He told me I am not allowed to bring this up to my family or my friends because it would embarrass him, meanwhile he's getting worked through this by his best friend who is "an open trans ally" and is herself dating some non-binary dude. I have told him to go to therapy, just in general, to maybe talk to someone professional about his obvious self image problems but he refuses to talk to a non-trans friendly therapist and most of those are booked until like next year. I literally feel like I'm about to go crazy, sorry for this huge block of text
No. 1532674
>>1532657I'm glad you're okay,
nonny. Rest well.
No. 1532687
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Sometimes I like to imagine being a yassified queen in my head because irl I am the exact opposite around people - a meek, softspoken beta that would apologize if someone so much as stabbed me. I hate women like Nicki Minaj but goddamn do I wish I had their IDGAFness.
No. 1532728
>>1532680>>1532697>>1532698>>1532700>>1532701>>1532708I break up with him when this
>>1532711 happens latest, sucks because I do love his family & the cats we have (which he will 100% take if we separate) but I'm not that much of a doormat
>>1532715 I swear to God if he had been like this from the start I wouldn't even have bothered but we both used to be on the same boat when we started dating. I just lost him somewhere along the ride I guess
No. 1532741
>>1532728>Claims to feel "neutral">No dysphoriaYeah, its either a fetish or he got manipulated into this. He's either going to detransition or kill himself.
You should tell him, straight up, you are terfy and refuse to be with a troon. His reaction will make which one it is blatantly clear.
No. 1532747
>>1532744right like
nonnie nooooo
No. 1532774
>>1532767That's the first thing I asked her but then she went through some mental gymnastics that so-called feminists are anti femininity and that women like her are the true feminists. We stopped talking shortly after because I didn't want another fight.
>>1532748Yeah, it's the reason I left as well. I'm even surprised it took my mom this long.
No. 1532780
>>1532765Some people are actually very selfish or shallow in some ways and find it hard to conceptualize the importance of others’ feelings; they want friends to be entertainment and not fully fledged human beings who may at times need true love and support. The common term for it is a fair-weather friend.
In some recent cases, people also take stupid crap they read on social media as an excuse to be terrible friends and will espouse dumb opinions like that sharing your struggles with friends is “
toxic trauma dumping.”
It’s a shame though. I’m sorry you had to find out this way that they are so unempathetic. It shouldn’t be hard for people to tell a close friend that they are sorry and that they care and that they want you to survive and find happiness. I feel this way towards you and I don’t even know you, I just know that life is hard, that we all need a helping hand or just sympathetic company at times, and I hope that one day our futures are kind to us.
No. 1532788
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>actually, i don't need to be skinny, my life does not revolve around my looks, my job does not revolve around my looks, my weight has no impact on my daily life, i can live a healthy and fulfilling life without focusing on my weight
>sees a skinny person
No. 1532797
>>1532615To be honest people are very impressionable when tripping, and since you said the picnic was nice it sounds like your mom turned it into a bad trip.
On my bad trip I hated all men. It's not unjustified and I do know where I'm saying this kek, but it was like the weight of all the things men have historically done to keep women down and are still doing it today, I sort of envisioned that evil embodied in every man I passed by on the street. To be honest I'm not sure if I wouldn't have harmed one if I was given the chance to do so without repercussions.
On another trip I looked inwards and realised I don't need validation from anyone else and I deserve to be happy which did wonders for my self esteem.
Please work on moving out nona, the freedom is such a breath of fresh air!
No. 1532798
>>1532672I'm being DEAD serious here but how come so many nonas have history or end up with men who want to troon out? It must be higher than the average population, right? I've never come across this situation in my social circle. And by the time anyone I've known became trans (maybe 3 people?) they had long since left my life and even when they were in it they were peripheral because there was something off about them (sexual deviants, "woke" misogynists) so I would avoid.
Do TERFs have this weird sort of push pull thing going on with trans people?
No. 1532799
>Anon, if you don't start now you'll never get a boyfriend, you'll only have work in mind
>You can't possibly plan on living alone, anon, not as a woman
>If you don't get married in your twenties by the latest, anon, you'll have missed your chance
>How do you expect to find a man if you can barely cook, anon?
I'm 21 and my family is exhausting, please help. I thought these kinds of talks wouldn't happen for another decade or so. Bless my mom for always being on my side and telling me to do what I think is right and fun, and saying she supports me preferred it even if I chose to be single for life, she's a real one.
No. 1532842
>>1532699I'm ayrt and you're right. I've managed to do similar to you on several occasions. One was with a coworker that was trying to get me to admit I was a virgin by asking me if I've ever given a blowjob. He went "Man, I bet you've never even seen a dick before" and I just went "Well, I'm talking to one right now, aren't I?" Felt pretty satisfying hearing all my other co-workers go "OOOOH!".
>Some self centered jerks will throw little shitfits about it and act shocked when you don’t bow down and kiss their feetThat's exactly what he did. lmao He kept telling people that I got really mad, then asking me if I was mad, when I was pretty monotonous with how I said it.
The thing is I can only count one hand I've actually stood up for myself like that, or at all, for that matter. Yet I still feel like I only keep going backwards on the self-esteem train somehow.
No. 1532856
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This might sounds troony but I just want to be a young, cute rich girl who tons of guys find attractive and kiss my ass with family that cares about me but instead I’m 30, poor and I have to pray a guy doesn’t ghost me after a booty call.
No. 1532883
I've read the waves of kpop idols are getting younger and younger and skinnier and skinnier but what in the actual FUCK
No. 1532888
>>1532876Life isn’t an anime cartoon, anon.
When is everyone going to learn that, no, you don’t use moids, even when they let themselves “get used” they’re finding ways to make you look like the villain and you will always end up being the bitch or the loser.
Like seriously, stop giving a fuck about moids, they would say vile shit about you even if you were the youngest, richest and somehow sexiest girl in the world.
Just literally think about other shit.
No. 1532890
>>1532889> women are also nicer and go out of their way to befriend pretty womennot that anon but no fucking way
nonnie, I was the cute attractive fit (and back then,nice) girl and women fucking HATED me and always made snarky comments, acted bitchy and tried to cause me trouble because they saw me as a threat
No. 1532895
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>>1532586It hurts so much, I keep getting out of my room and thinking she'll be sleeping on the sofa or her box but I'll never see her again. I miss her so so much. She was such a joy in her grumpy little way. She was walking around and enjoying some pork meat three days ago. I have lost other pets before but she's the one who stayed the longest, since I was a teenager. My dog died at 11 y/o and I had my cat to console me. Now that my cat died at 17, the house feels absolutely empty. She was so cute. People wouldn't believe her age an year ago, but it kept deteriorating this year onward. I know she's not suffering anymore at least, but it hurts so much. I keep having crying spells throughout the day. I wish she was still purring on my bed with me.
No. 1532898
>>1532894I experienced it at work too, it's the worst along with the bf's/husbands of other women finding you interesting (because you can talk about something else besides netflix,shopping and celebrities) , you're kicked out without a word, they just stop inviting you
I ended up switching jobs because I was sabotaged, when they can't separate personal from professional it's so fucked up
No. 1532902
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anyone else get these random bouts of rapid heart palpitations and extreme fatigue but not to point of fainting? it's so annoying. i literally feel like sinking to the floor with how heavy my chest feels like the gravity is on physically dragging me down even when i lay myself on the floor and i have almost panic attack tier breathing, i can only breathe slowly to calm myself down. it feels like i am going to die, i get kind of lightheaded, feel my joints weakening immensely to the point where i can't get myself up, and physically feel my heart beating fast and hard.
it's so random, i don't even have caffeine but i thought maybe it was something i was eating that had a strong concentration of it? but no. didn't exercise for a month and a half and it still happened to me so it isn't that either. i'm so annoyed because i wish i would just faint instead
No. 1532910
>>1532883But it's nothing new? Sulli and Taemin, for example, also debuted in similar age.
And being skinny is also nothing new in kpop.
No. 1532974
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I've been vegetarian for years and I won't stop for this ofc, but I really want to eat chicken flavor instant ramen because it makes me feel so nostalgic, ugh I'm sad. chili and soy ramen are ass
No. 1532977
>>1532917Same nona. I don't post in the dog hate thread for that reason, but I'm deeply terrified of them. They're ugly, they smell like death, most are untrainable and those that can be trained are still utterly disgusting and irritating. They're dirty. They're legitimately the most disgusting looking animals. They are a blight on the world. I can count on one hand the amount of dogs I have liked for any reason, and only one was a big dog. I love cats, though. I have a giant 10 year old one, and he's not as smart as my late cat born in 2011, but he's very loving in a way that no dog has ever or can ever be.
Animal abuse is not okay, but jesus christ does it piss me off when they refuse to fucking take care of or train or fix their mutants.
No. 1533007
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I wish I was smart. I was capable of creating beautiful things. I wish I was able to move people. I wish I was different
No. 1533069
>>1533064After a year of dating people tend to know how serious they want the direction of the relationship to go.
I would follow up on it anon.
If you have goalposts for when you'd like to be married, then it isn't worth trying to convince someone who doesn't want that. At best it will waste your time.
It's going to be an awkward but necessary conversation, you just got to be ready to set him free if his needs don't align with yours. Good luck.
No. 1533080
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why are hyper-masc lovers always so loud? "ohhh i HATE boys i actually only enjoy 6'7" MEN with chiseled jaws and ten pack abs" very cool. did not ask. and why are you so retarded that you can't understand what stylization is.
and if i bring this up i get side-eyed. okay girl
No. 1533085
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This is so stupid and childish, I am 26 but.
>Wear dress from obscure-ish brand to a party once
>Everyone in my circle really likes it
>Fastforward a few weeks
>Friend wearing the same exact dress with an ugly cardigan
>Everyone praising her for it and claiming they've never seen anything like it
I feel so annoyed and I have no idea why. It isn't as if I made the dress, I didn't even buy it it was a gift, I have nothing else from the brand. But holy shit. You bitch. I wore it first and I wore it better
No. 1533143
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>little sister goes on a cruise because of a school trip, comes back with covid because duh, it's a fucking cruise
>I avoid her all week long to avoid catching covid
>everyone in my family acts like it's nothing, despite me nearly dying from it in 2020 and my mother getting pneumonia-like symptoms from it last year
>I unfortunately live with these retards
>I come back from hanging out with friends yesterday night
>mom says that my father also caught covid and is very sick, the man who willingly showers once a week and never washes his hands
>they sleep in the same bed usually but whatever I just need to avoid them all some more
>I arrive home and see my bed is undone
>"oh btw anon I took a nap in your bed after your dad has been diagnosed with covid teehee. why are you so concerned? calm down lol we all have the same genes anyway"
>sleep in my bed for the night because I have no other choice, woke up this morning with my throat hurting
Well anons… If I die, I just want you all to know I love you girls and I'm glad I shitposted here for all these years.
No. 1533209
I started a relationship with my boyfriend when I was pretty young, I was his first girlfriend and he was my first serious relationship too.
Basically he’s shit at communicating and I have anxious attachment so it was pretty rough from the start. Also, he’s as closeted as he can be about his feelings and very, very selfish. I can say he’s an abuser, for sure.
But I grew up loving him in the most toxic way, always feeling dependant, guilty about everything and to this day I always feel like I’m the wrong one, no matter what I do or what I say, I always feel like I did something wrong.
Right now I got to a point where I’m always feeling anxious, even when things go “well”. I’m always afraid of the moment when it will go wrong again (because it will always go wrong, I know for sure.) I’m afraid of the things I say, of the things I do, and the things I think or feel. He manipulated me for so long that even when I know I’m not guilty for this and that, my body starts to panic and I feel dizzy, nauseous and my stomach starts to give me pain, it’s an automatic response.
I know I should break up with him. But I have anywhere else to go, literally. I have no more family. I have no friends. I have no money. I have nothing else. Even the entities where they can help me in my country are just offering some kind of temporary help while I’m supposed to get my life together but it’s so exhausting just thinking about it.
Sometimes I wish he could hit me so I would have some kind of excuse to tell my messed up brain that it’s the final straw. I can’t stand it anymore.
No. 1533223
>>1533209I know I sound like a bitch but you know you can look up shit online, right? Get a WFH job and try to do some therapy worksheets while you get your shit together so you can leave him. You know he's
abusive and manipulative, that's a good start, now you need to work on not believing anything he says because he is a liar. Do you have a bank account? If not, open one, doesn't matter which, and DO NOT TELL HIM ABOUT IT. Get a job that lets you stay online all day and doesn't need you to speak to people so he thinks you're doomscrolling instead of working. Be as depressed as you like around him since that's what he expects, but work on your mental health.
It's going to be hard but your only other option is wringing your hands and sighing your life away because you decided you're useless.
No. 1533226
>>1533209You should start hitting him. Like really beating his ass. You could also cheat on him (in tandem with beating him) and he might leave you entirely which would be a blessing.
Sorry for the ridiculous advice but normal advice doesn’t work on codependents, I’m just trying to jostle your brain a little. If you don’t do something your life will be exactly like it is now until you die, I’ve seen it happen.
No. 1533254
>>1533211>nothing in that post sounded hateful or moid-like
>that people learn to get over in their mid-late teensThat part does, it's bitter, cold, naive and childish. People are not factory made automatons that get over shit at specific arbitrary teen years. Trauma can hit anyone at any age and anxiety and chronic depression are lifelong conditions for many, the expectation that these people are failed and are expected to have gotten over shit is pretty fucked up. This is a cruel thought process that will only lead to a positive feedback loop of cruel self reflection and projection on others. It wasn't jumping to conclusions at all, this anon has proven their childishness in their cold assertion that everyone must get over things at an arbitrary age.
This reeks of the same moidal logic that moids spew, I shouldn't have to explain why comparing yourself to others and having unrealistic standards are absurd. This logic is also self defeatist like moids. But there is a insidious nature to this thought process, it isn't just an insular depressed person venting, it's a depressed person projecting their issues on society and society treating them cruelly. Rather than recognizing the cruelty of society and breaking from it they wish to uphold that cruelty and hold others to that same standard as well. I have no sympathy for depressed people who push their depressive ideas on others. Obviously the best course of action is not to antagonize a depressed person, but neither is positing on an online forum rather than seeking actual aid. Likewise, blind empty support or coddling will not break this cruel ideology either so it's best to point it out.
No. 1533298
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>finally finished all my basic requirement courses for Uni so now I just have all the fun art classes left
>even though I haven’t taken any classes the head of the art department asked if I could submit a piece for their show and the deadline is in two weeks
>I work full time and haven’t made any art in over a year because my job is a total shitshow combined with the night classes
>noticed I missed the window for a couple cool summer programs at other schools I was interested in
Nonas I’m so burnt out from constantly working and taking classes. They’ve taken over my life in the last two years and I’m starting to realize how much stuff I miss out on because I’m always working. I’m looking forward to the fall but right now I feel like shit
No. 1533424
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FUCK I separate my cats into different rooms to feed them, I forgot the other cat into my bedroom for 2 hours behind closed doors
No. 1533441
I feel so shit at everything, unsuccessful and guilty. My health is dogshit, despite me actively trying to exercise and eat well, I seem to just be so unlucky. I'm pretty sure I have a prolactinoma brain tumour, because my prolactin levels are high according to my blood tests panel. I just cancelled my gym membership because I've barely even been going to work out because I cannot leave the house and walk there/anywhere without feeling like I'm gonna pass out. I haven't been consistent, ambitious etc in years thanks to my shitty health and other life stresses going on. I feel so embarrassed of myself on top of feeling like shit. My periods are getting heavier to the point of me potentially becoming anemic, and I just cba anymore. I just want a clean slate, I want to be able to go to the gym again and not feel like I'm about to pass out. Please give me a fucking chance. I want to make money, be healthy and look healthy, and I want to go to bed feeling good about myself. Please give me a fucking clean slate, I don't want these problems and I never asked for them. Why me. I just want to live a normal life.
No. 1533472
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A guy in my friend group just became a father and the first picture I got from him of his newborn daughter is him pouring formula into her mouth from a shot glass with the text "teach them while they're young".
No. 1533475
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I actually got the fabled "We're concerned you've had so many jobs on your resume in a short period of time, seems like you will take what you need and leave us," copout after spending over a month interviewing for this company via an agency on contract that would be life changing money for me.
Here's my oh so numerous work history and the reason why it changed:
>2019-2020 Company #1
>kept me on a 3 month rotational contract during a global pandemic so I never knew by a month and a half if I had to start looking for a new job or not which I find insanely heartless and tonedeaf
>never offered to hire me even after agency promising and good performance
>left as soon as I got hired full time permanent to Company #2
>2020-2022 Company #2
>left after two years because I got runaround for a promised promotion, my supervisors were shitty, and I was underpaid for all that I did
>took on second part time job at Company #4 to offset underpay
>left as soon as I got full time contract to Company #3
>3 Months in contract in 2022 Company #3
>left because I got promoted to full time manager at Company #4, and this job didn't want to offer direct hire or counteroffer in any way
>2022-Present Company #4
>went from part time supervisor and got promoted to full time manager
>like this job but the pay could be better
>my boss literally confessed I am paid $10k less than other male managers
>the job I was interviewing for would have meant a 30% salary increase
The company I was interviewing for demanded supervisor references from company #1 and #2. #1 was just an agency contract so I had no "supervisor" to give them, and any managers from #2 have all left the company themselves and did not favor me anyway because I wouldn't let myself get completely bullied by them all the time. I tried asking one bitch but she blew me off twice (couldn't even tell me "I can't do it sorry," instead of her dumb little excuses bc she's that kind of shitty passive aggressive).
Obviously I had no supervisor references and so I lost the opportunity.
Maybe I should have lied or paid someone to pretend to be an ex manager. Maybe it was a sign because the company I was interviewing had red flags like "We are like family," and had an incredibly small team.
I don't feel like any of it is my fault. I am literally being penalized because not allowing a company or agency to take advantage of me for years is a BIG THREAT to poor widdle defenseless capitalism.
Won't you all please feel sorry for rich people?!
No. 1533481
>>1533468No, they’re actually not “just as much of a person as anyone else” because they’re incapable of doing the only things that every person is born to do. Those things being: reproduce healthy offspring and work a job. It’s too common these days that healthcare professionals will either not inform the parents of a child’s developmental abnormalities and wait to inform them until after the child is born,
purposefully to prevent them from ridding the child, and thus imposing a massive lifetime medical bill upon those parents - forcing them to be customers to the healthcare system for the rest of that dumbass sloth looking fuckers life. Retard lives don’t matter.
No. 1533489
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I need to get dicked down animal style
No. 1533500
>>1533495Currently there’s a pretty equal ratio between people who do reproduce and don’t reproduce, also just because all your classmates work dumb jobs doesn’t mean that the
majority of the world does.
No. 1533582
>>1533571watch and observe ladies.
We can see a male is furiously typing out in his crusted keyboard while raging, after being done here he will go and spend his free time looking at questionable content and then crying why he is such a ugly waste of life whose parents despise him and no one would touch him.
No. 1533611
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>>1533603lol you are the same faggot racebaiter from another thread. your inbred bloodline ends with you!!!!!!!
No. 1533612
>>1533603i recognize you, you are that male who used to spam the amber heard thread, your lesbian obsession makes it obvious which poster you are.
>>1533611he did the same shit on the amber thread last year.
Im guessing he is coping with rejection by thinking those women are lesbians and not because he is UGLY and insufferable
No. 1533615
>>1533603then go breed with your
abusive nigels, you don't have time writing here, you should be busy with sucking cocks now right? then turn off computer and get to work hoe
No. 1533626
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Why did my mother have to be so selfish and give me mouth herpes? She's a nurse. She knew kissing her babies with an outbreak would set them up for cold sores for life.
I had to warn my SIL not to let her kiss my nephew too.
No. 1533649
>>1533603>People haven’t been scissoring since the beginning of time.Actually yes they fucking have.
>PeopleJust say you support trans people.
No. 1533672
>>1533498what ai chats
anon tell me
No. 1533719
>>1533668Cry abt what I said I like it
>>1533677What’s dysphoric mean
No. 1533728
>>1533719'Dysphoria' is a synonym for Gender Identity Disorder, or at least the extreme, severe malcontent with their body and how they're referred to from said disorder.
Despite the name, one doesn't need to be a troon to have it, props to the people who do and don't troon out, unfortunately there's nothing known that fixes it and it's painful to see and experience.
No. 1533740
>>1533738that's some
toxic positivity if I've ever seen it
No. 1533752
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My trichophilia and desperation for other metalhead friends keeps making me nervous over a guy who's face I've never seen for more than 5 seconds. I sit in front of him and his hotter really short haired friend, and have never spoken a single work to either one of them. I've left my phone screen-side up to show album covers when listening to music around people, I've dug up my denim jacket from storage and dressed in my band shirts. My outfits vary day to day by what I feel the most comfortable and easy to slip on, but my default is almost always dark/gothy. That and hoping someone hears my music and starts up a conversation is the only way to signal to other people in my subcultures but it rarely ever works or catches attention, and has never resulted in conversation or interaction. I have Anxiety so I'm not delusional expecting or wanting others to fawn over me, but I always try to compliment and connect with other "alt" people. I get over it for a few days, then the sense for connection takes over when I see a long-haired guy or goth girls. Nonnies please help me get over this male whos face I don't even know other than the fact he has a dumb little mustache and lower back length hair. Hate how much I sound like I'm back in hs again writing this but this is the only time I've ever been around long haired guys for more than an hour and a half in concerts.
No. 1533777
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this is so fucking dumb and cunty and makes me feel like an actual smoothbrain but sometimes i wish that men would sexualize me. men tell me that i'm pretty or cute or beautiful not infrequently which makes me feel like an absolute jackass because why can't i just settle for the fucking compliments but like,,, it feels like even if men find me attractive they don't view me as a sexual option? men never call me hot or sexy and i feel like i'm having my manny santos moment rn but man my friends will tell me about the shit men DM them and literally that has never happened to me. i've never received an unsolicited dick pic, dudes don't really flirt with me, they just… compliment me and walk away??? like deadass i'll be in the parking lot of a fucking panera bread and a dude will hit me with "btw you're really beautiful" before getting in his car without another word????? what the fuck is that, what does that mean
i feel like the absolute biggest dipshit pick-me, i should be relieved that men are basically always polite to me but instead my dumb bitch brain says "wow guess you must be a real uggo huh" what the fuck is wrong with me
No. 1533790
>>1533785i think that's part of the cognitive dissonance for me; i grew up crippled, fat, and ugly and became so used to the fucked up way that people treat you when you're not conventionally attractive that it's incredibly difficult for me to believe that i am not still that person that children barked at and adults shamed. i have BDD which i know makes things worse because all i see when i look in the mirror are the worst parts of me and i guess not being able to see what anyone else sees makes it hard to accept that other people aren't just being nice to the retard before telling everyone how disgusting and pathetic i am later. and i guess my mental gymnastics end up equating to "well, people will compliment cripples for no reason because they pity us but people don't express sexual attraction because they feel sorry for someone so if nobody is doing that then it must be everyone else who is lying"
i also feel like i have to compensate for being disabled by being as attractive as possible because who could love someone like me if i didn't have something to offer them? like i'm always going to need some level of help in my day-to-day and so i feel like i have to be hot and good at sex if i ever want to stand a chance at being with someone who doesn't leave me for being a burden
No. 1533796
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Spoilers for A Good Person if you haven't seen it already gahhh just need to vent because my bf is an asshole.
The main conflict in this movie is that Florence Pugh's character gets into a car accident that kills her future SIL and BIL, and the ensuing pain from her injuries and emotional guilt brings her to be an opiod addict as she makes choices that spiral her life in the gutter like moving back in with her mom and ending her engagement with her fiancé.
The movie's narrative pushes hard that she isn't taking true accountability which is why she becomes an addict cause she is ashamed and wants to run from her problems instead of confronting them–that I can get on board with. However, when me and my bf were discussing the movie afterward there was one detail about the accident I don't agree with the movie's narrative on. My view is that she is not entirely 100% responsible for the accident and therefore doesn't deserve to feel the level of self-hate and guilt that she did.
The accident goes that she was on the Jersey turnpike going 60mph when she glanced at the map app on her phone, and when she looked back up a construction backhoe suddenly entered her lane and was too late to swerve to avoid it.
Morgan Freeman's character is an ex-cop and rehabilitated alcoholic who plays the father of her ex fiancé and the SIL who was killed. Him and Pugh's character have a fallout towards the end of the movie and he confesses that he looked at all police reports and is angry that her skid marks reveal she had 30ft to react to the backhoe pulling out in the road but because she was distracted she did not react in time therefore it is all her fault.
So first of all: 1)Dead stopping from 60mph on a freeway with only 30ft is not a lot of time to respond even for a non-distracted driver, 2)Even if she was able to have reacted quicker there is no guarantee she would have not still hit the backhoe and the SIL/BIL may have been dead anyway, and 3)Even if she had successfully avoided the backhoe they still may have been hit and killed by other drivers-statistically, also distracted-who could not react in time to her sudden stop either.
The movie is about fate and how to accept it.
I am not saying Freeman's character is wrong to have resentment, but how is this accident not partially to blame on a fucking BACKHOE that entered a busy ass turnpike?! Had the backhoe not done that, this wouldn't have happened.
My bf disagrees with me, he still 100% blames Pugh's character.
Here's the thing, if the movie wanted me to be convinced that this was 100% her bad for distracted driving, then it should have actually made her an asshole. Lose control of the vehicle or go off the road in a horrific crash because of her phone.
Don't make a backhoe drive into the road and then blame her character for not reacting in time. And do we get a guilt/redemption arc for the backhoe driver who pretty much caused the accident? Nope. Just her, the movie wants us to tut at her character only.
I just wanted my bf to have a nuanced understanding of that situation but he didn't. He escalated the conversation about the movie into a fucking argument. He yelled that I probably wouldn't take accountability for an accident even though that wasn't what I said. He spun it into a personal attack.
So you know what I said?
>"Fine, but I know you and billions of other people have operated a moving vehicle while glancing at your phones to look at a map, changing a song, or grabbing your coffee to sip. The difference is that billions of you get lucky until one day you aren't. We all have drived 'distracted' no matter how brief, so if you're taking this as seriously as you said, then next time I see you changing the song on your phone or doing something relatively innocent that shouldn't cause an accident under normal circumstances, I am going to treat it like you have drafted our death sentences. Fair?"
He was livid. He tried to turn it around and acted like I was attacking him when all I was doing was ~holding him accountable~ which he made seem was so important to him.
People sure do talk a big fucking game.
No. 1533806
>>1533796he was a rude pissbaby and i'm happy you said that back. haven't seen it but from how you described it sounds more like the point is everyone is hurting and looking for reason or logic where there is none, but all of the blame is on her even though she's a
victim as well and also dealing with the repercussions? also a backhoe dead stopping on a highway is def more at fault and he can cry about it
No. 1533819
>>1533752Haha, I used to do the same thing. Beautiful long-haired metalhead guys are rare where I live. The only two times that wearing a band t-shirt in public helped me befriend someone over metal, the first time I never saw the guy again but he did recommend me some good music, and the second I had to talk to him first, he was listening to one of my favorite bands with his earphones on, it was so loud I could identify the song, but sadly he just had a crush on me and I was more interested in making friends who were into metal than fucking him (not my type either, and certainly not an attractive long-haired metalhead). All the other times I had metalhead friends, I was the one who talked to them first, curious about the music they were listening to - weirdly, it never happened the other way around.
You won't have much luck meeting other metal fans or goths if you just wait for others to talk to you. You gotta show a bit of initiative too. Most people aren't as socially anxious as you or I, they're not as hyperaware of their surroundings as you, so it's less likely that they'll notice your music or fashion. And some just won't care even if they notice, because not everyone is that desperate for friends with common interests, since they probably have those friends already.
As for that guy you saw once, you'll probably get over it in three years, tops. You could make an OC based on him or something like that to try to kill your obsession with the real person, at least that's what I did, kek.
No. 1533946
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I got myself some boba, and thought I would save money by putting in my own boba balls from a jar I have at home. The lid was super tight and when I got it open I accidentally tipped the jar over and 2/3 of the boba balls and syrup ended up on the counter and floor. I had to scoop it to the trash with my hands and now they are yellow from the food coloring. I put some of the ones in the counter back to the jar, but now I realized all of that is contaminated now with bacteria my asshole cat leaves on the counter when she jumps on it even when she knows she's not allowed. The tea wasn't even good, I wasted too much money on
No. 1534027
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>>1533684I have to pace in a room for at least 2-3 hours a day while listening to loud music and making scenarios up, or I can't stay sane during the day. In my heart I know I wouldn't be happy even in my fantasies, but I can't stop.
No. 1534034
>>1534027I need to stop doing this
Is there an antidote? I've tried my best but I can't
No. 1534038
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Everything hurts today I feel so old
No. 1534044
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>>1534034Only thing that worked for me is to limit yourself to a few hours per day, slowly giving yourself less and less time, until you get to 0. I'm currently on 2-3 hours on my worst days.
Keep yourself busy, do something creative with your scenarios (I'm an artist so I usually draw things I fantasize about), fantasize only while you're in bed falling asleep.
It's not easy when all you want is to escape and live in your fantasies, the world is so dark and grim, and you feel like everyone hates you. As long as it doesn't affect your daily life too much, it's not a dangerous coping mechanism, you just need to learn to control it a bit more.
>>1534039>>1534043When you need to be in a dark room daily, pacing back and fort and listening to the same songs for 6-7 hours, while making intricate scenarios in your head, it's not perfectly normal. Daydreaming while walking or before sleeping is super common though, but that's different.
No. 1534048
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>>1534027same but for me it's specifically eight hours. if i don't walk at least 8 hours i feel physically ill and filled with actual dread like i am going to die.
i've always talked to myself out loud even in public though i try to move my mouth as little and talk as quietly as possible kek. i think i have some form of maladaptive daydreaming because more often than not i don't do it consciously but i don't care. my family tried to get me to stop talking "to myself" since childhood and still does, i never grew out of it and i don't want to, i much prefer it this way even if i feel almost constantly blacked out kek
No. 1534059
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I noticed a trend with my boyfriends family where they pawn stuff off onto him. Everything from ugly home decor and furniture to junk food and used hair care. I brought it up to him before because it kinda annoyed me. But now his sister is trying to do it to me too. His dad just dropped by our place and brought 2 pairs of boots that the sister doesn’t want. They are just sitting in the hall cluttering the place up and annoying me. I am thinking of asking bf to make her take them back next time he sees her. Idk what’s a good way to handle this because I want to shut this shit down STAT
No. 1534104
>>1534100Why are you being such a bitch to donation-chan, geez.
>>1534059OP, you should talk to your boyfriend about this. Doesn't it bother him to have to deal with old junk, too? He should be talking to them first before you do, it's his family. If he's scared, make him grow a pair lol. Is this a bigger issue of him not standing up to his family in different situations?
No. 1534134
>>1534059Ah I had this problem. If you really don't want to waste any time on it, bin the boots. Then tell them yeah they didn't fit right so we binned them. If you want to be less aggressive yes take them back (your bf should) and explain sorry but they're not to your taste. If they dismiss you (common reason: oh i'm sure you can find someone else who'll like them), then yeah bin them. They put their burden on you, it's not on you.
I mean, I have family with 2 hoarders who love a bargain. And the first thing that comes out of their mouth when they realise it's no use to them is "I can give it to someone". That someone is a scapegoat who unfortunately accepted a shitty item of theirs in the past. I think they just want an excuse for their overconsumption and it's perfect that they're doing what's usually seen as a nice thing, but it's selfish af.
Sorry I have so many issues with that behaviour, because it's so disrespectful but somebody not in the know would just call you an ingrate.
No. 1534168
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After all that pain you caused now you live happily?
I always dreamed to go to Japan but now you're gonna visit this country? Even though it was my dream for all these years?
All the pain and suffering you caused, you don't remember aren't you?
I'm suffering to this day and try my best daily to crawl back on my feet, yet you're living the best life, stepping on me.
There is no justice.
God is dead.
But somehow I'll get back on my feet and I will do it myself. You're all worthless. I will show you what I'm made of.
No. 1534216
>>1534210I hope so, it's just tiring.
The pain he caused means nothing, no one want to know, everyone put blame on me in the past and then forgot about situation.
It feels lonely.
I'm just tired.
No. 1534232
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I've been having a style crisis for quite a while now, I wish there was some sort of stylist online I could send my picture to so I could get some help figuring out what kind of hairstyle/color and makeup I should go for because I feel like a mess and not sure what types of outfits I fit in anymore. I love taking inspiration from different kind of styles so I have a pretty varied wardrobe, but it also means I have long periods of "I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO WEAR" because I am incredibly insecure and forget how to create outfits from time to time because I feel too ugly.
No. 1534282
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sorry I just need to vent
>mom dies suddenly, basically in my arms, while i'm visiting my parents over thanksgiving
>in shock for months, and still haven't processed it
>still have to deal with her estate, autopsy, bills, etc because my dad is having a meltdown and can't cope
>rest of family legally can't help me deal with stuff
>take a few weeks off work but have to go back
>can't get anything done because my stupid desk job feels so unimportant in the grand scheme of things, my boss is really understanding but I have so many responsibilities that no one else can do so it's stressful
>bleeding money until I can get $ from my moms estate because of bills, attorneys, etc
>my dad is convinced he's dirt poor despite the fact that I know he's well off and can access my moms accounts, he won't give me any money, I legitimately can't afford to eat towards the end of the month sometimes
>according to the will, I will get everything, my mom didn't leave anything to my dad, but I tell him I will of course let him keep the house, cars, etc, and also remind him that he has a good job that pays well (many times over my salary plus he has savings, 401k, etc)
>he continues freaking out and accuses me of plotting against him
>tells me he doesn't think i'm reacting appropriately in the wake of her death, I defend myself by saying I had no choice but to power through and be strong to deal with everything
>basically implies that i didn't love my mom and that he should be entitled to money from her estate since he cared more about her
>complains to the rest of my family about how I haven't done anything to deal with her estate and that I am doing this purposefully to make him more stressed, and flat out lies about things i've done and said
>every time I talk to him on the phone he complains about how stressed he is when I am the one who has been dealing with literally everything this entire time
>accused me of treating my mom's funeral like a "party" because I suggested we should wear her favorite colors instead of black and invited 2 of my closest friends for moral support
>now claims to be religious despite only going to church once a year and threw a fit when I questioned why he was so adamant that her service be held at a church
>he demands to be able to speak with my therapist and have her tell him what I talk to her about in therapy
>my dad is basically rewriting his relationship with my mom saying they were so close and in love when in reality I know they fought all the time and slept in separate bedroom for at least the past decade, and he is telling people that she died in his arms
>have never had a close relationship with my dad (i was super close with my mom) but now it's like he's purposefully making it as bad as possible, feels like i'm probably going to basically lose him too as it's becoming impossible to even talk to him on the phone without him getting mad at me or insulting me
>only person I can talk to about any of this is my therapist because I don't want to burden my friends
>and this is only skimming the surface
i'm just so fucking tired
No. 1534288
>>1534282Anon do NOT give anything to anyone. My mother passed away as well and my father acted similarly, blaming it all on me and threatening to kick me out because I cried. He's manipulating you, please take your time and don't give anything to anyone, you obviously need the money more than they do. Get psychological help when things calm down, you might not think you need it but you definitely will as grieving is a very hard process for anyone when it comes to sudden losses like yours.
I wish I was there to hug you and help you through this because I didn't really have anyone by my side aside from a few friends when I went through a similar experience.
No. 1534340
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I'm watching Gilmore Girls and I want to strangle this fucking bitch
she is such an entitled "pick me" piece of shit who thinks so highly of herself and her bratty daughter, takes EVERYTHING and EVERYONE for granted and thinks no other women is better than her
holy fucking shit i am so fucking mad, it's incredible and she's an incredible actress
No. 1534383
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>>1533504its ok
nonnie, let your frustrations out. give in to the chaos demon and let the anger flow through you and release it. extreme anger is not moid exclusive.
No. 1534417
>>1534409Not to mention her parents are rich and not
abusive but she acts like they are the worst people ever just because they are rich but she’s also upper middle class
No. 1534435
>>1534371probably cause it's on netflix too
my 16 year old self would still dislike both her and Rory, who is literally the "peaked in highschool" girl
the best things in this show are Paris and Kirk
it feels so fucking cathartic when Lorelai and Rory are called out for their shit
>>1534417but they're eMoTiOnAlLy
aBuSiVe No. 1534437
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Honestly, i just want a hug. I spent weeks being sick and still working on my main art project. I finished it and i still need the other party to fix their sloppy job and finish it. It drove me insane as after i finished working on it, i started working on my own frame to frame video. I've got so much work and i do all of that alone, and nobody seems to care enough to check on me. The amount of shit i do alone is so exhausting.
No. 1534441
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My coworker randomly telling us that her dad died, in the middle of dead silence, in this zoom call
No. 1534512
Sometimes I am so fucking sick of my mother. I've had a nasty skin condition on my legs and arms for more than 2 years. At first I thought it was some kind of ringworm or other fungal infection, and I did everything I could to kill the fungus, washing my clothes and bed sheets regularly, taking the mattress out to the sun, and being more hygienic in general. I even tried taking sun baths and rubbing vinegar. But the symptoms didn't improve, none of the lesions have ever healed, and it has been slowly spreading. I asked her to take me to the dermatologist about 1 year in, but she refused and demanded I keep trying those remedies. When I didn't get any better, she blamed me for not trying hard enough. Afterwards she just kept buying me different kinds of soap, some specifically to kill fungus and others that had "natural oils", soap for babies or regular soap but "pH neutral", none of which seemed to cure anything. Since nothing seemed to be working, I became depressed and indifferent. But the more I worried about my skin not getting better, the more I scratched due to the anxiety it caused me, especially since I have to be in front of the computer all the time to study. I don't really care about people seeing my scarred legs and arms, it's not like I'm feminine or worry about "beauty" in the first place, so I am comfortable wearing shorts in public, but it's still pretty fucked that I don't know what is happening to me and that it's only getting worse.
So fast forward to about 3 weeks ago. My aunt who works at a hospital (she's no doctor but knows more about medical stuff than my mom) told me that I should see a dermatologist and that she recommended an antifungal soap in the meantime. So I asked my mom to take me to the only store in the city that sells it. At first she refused because she thought I hadn't been using it daily the first time, so again blaming me for not healing (even though she's the one who wouldn't take me to a doctor to find out exactly what's causing this). The people at the store also told me to see a dermatologist ASAP, but they also thought it's psoriasis, which I had already suspected (my grandma has it). They asked me whether I was an anxious person, which I obviously am. My mother bought me the soap plus an ointment that my grandma uses.
Of course, like always, my mother blames me for my own anxiety. Her personality and mine have always clashed a lot, sometimes she's a total insensitive piece of shit to me and often doesn't take me and my worries seriously. She thinks I worry too much about things that I shouldn't care about. And maybe I do to some extent since I'm very neurotic, but instead of helping, she only makes me feel worse. She seems to think she can bully the anxiety and neuroticism out of me, and that taking any of my concerns seriously will only make my behavior worse, but it only makes me feel more isolated, desperate and misunderstood so I have to come here to talk about it. I am literally afraid of venting to her about certain things because I know her response will be to scoff at me and blame me for being so weak. I have other issues in my daily life that I think may be caused by some form of ADHD or something that looks like it, though I try really hard to change my horrible habits (which has led to me finding a job), but she clearly has run out of patience. I can't blame her for that, though.
A couple of weeks ago I also got a skin rash different from this other condition. I don't know if it's an allergy or bed bugs or a skin infection, but I tried everything to stop it (before even telling anyone), which hasn't worked so far. It has only made my anxiety worse. Last week I told my mother that I'm not healing from the original lesions and in fact it's spreading, which seemed to FINALLY convince her of taking me to a dermatologist. She told me of two she knew, a male and a woman. I asked her to get me an appointment with the female doctor because I also have a bit of both the lesions and the rash in my crotch area and under my breast, and I obviously would rather have a woman take a look at those. I was very explicit about it, yet today she told me she's taking me to a male doctor. I didn't say much but was clearly angry at her disrespecting my wish to be seen by a woman, so I just asked her why a man, and then just accepted it and kept cooking myself breakfast while thinking about it. Of course I appreciate the fact that she got me an appointment at all, she's doing what she can. But she always seems to want to win an argument with me instead of admitting her mistake and moving on (sometimes she does, but after a fight). So, instead of just leaving, she kept asking me angrily what's wrong I realize that this might make me look entitled, but mine is a very real concern, which is not how my mother sees it. She thinks I'm being irrational for preferring a female doctor over a potentially better male one. I had already explained to her why I wanted a woman, and she brought her up in the first place so I thought she'd just get the appointment with her and that'd be it. But she changed plans without even consulting me first. Since I don't have enough money of my own for a consultation (yet) I have to rely on her for medical stuff so I can't complain much.
No. 1534513
>>1534512But she demanded I tell her why I was in a bad mood and I told her exactly why, which started a huge argument because she got all defensive about the decision that she took without me. I have a feeling that she was just looking for an argument because I purposefully kept my thoughts to myself until she asked about it, then kept blaming me for being irrational (because I prefer a female doctor even if she's not as good as the male one) and for accusing her of "disrespecting" what I had told her (which she did, didn't she?). She obviously doesn't think that a male doctor being likely to be a porn addict and a creep towards his female patients is a big deal. She kept questioning my logic, asking me what I think about my aunt's boss (the family gynecologist who btw is a massive porn addict and manslut himself), whether an older male doctor would be better in my opinion (lmao) and how I could be so progressive/liberal (forgot which word she used) in some ways and not in others (what fucking retardation is that? So not trusting older males because most of them are porn addicts and sexist and don't take female patients' concerns as seriously as male patients' is somehow unprogressive?? Not wanting to, in her words, "spread my legs" for a male doctor to examine me because I know there's a high chance of him being a disgusting pervert somehow contradicts my progressive ideas??? What kind of libfem bullshit is that). She not caring about male porn addiction or degeneracy and me caring a lot, as shown all the previous times we have talked about it, is why I did not bring it up as the reason I preferred a female doctor, because I already knew how she'd react, she'd call me irrational (again) and wouldn't take it seriously (again). She was probably offended and hurt because I didn't thank her for getting an appointment and instead got kinda mad, but let me remind you that I tried to keep it to myself and when she said "well I guess we're gonna cancel that appointment with the male doctor then" I told her it wasn't necessary. My god, can't I just be disappointed that she took a decision I didn't agree with behind my back and that she ignored my preference? And afterwards, she sent me a link to the female doc's bad reviews (apparently she makes her patients buy her products). Ok and? She did not know about this before taking that decision and only brought it up to make me shut up and win an argument. I already know she's not as good as the other guy, that's why I didn't want to cancel that appointment and why I didn't want to say anything. Then she kept asking me to stop fighting over it, even though I did not want to fight and she started it by annoying me to tell her what I really thought in the first place. She always does that, even when I'm not mad and just have a serious expression on my face, it's so fucking annoying, especially when there are guests or we visit someone and I don't even notice I look serious so it's not like I'm trying to ruin anything but she'll get mad at me for not smiling all the time even though she knows that's just my normal face, and she'll scold me over nothing, ironically ruining the entire day for both of us, which is also one of the reasons I hate visiting her friends since I never know if or when I'll accidentally set her off.
I hate it when her reaction to being hurt, offended or annoyed by something I didn't mean in that way is to get extremely aggressive and defensive. She seems to treat us like children all the time and think screaming at us and ridiculing us for our ideas or worries or reactions will "fix" us. Yet she wants us to "act like adults", which I do to the best of my ability, but it's hard to be mentally stable when your parents treat you in such a condescending way, and she's got that mixed up with being childish.
Nonnies, I swear, I can't wait to move out. I love my mom, but living with her is only hurting me psychologically. She and I are simply incompatible and have always been. It's not just this kind of stuff, I'm also a tomboy with no interest in hyperfemininity and she's the opposite (seeing her in bed healing after her weight loss surgery and boob job has scarred me mentally) and this has only made me feel guilty because I feel like I couldn't be the girly daughter she clearly wanted. Even worse, I've taken a decision not to marry and have kids, which she apparently respects, but she does not accept my reasons to not do any of those two things, therefore I still feel guilty about not wanting to give her grandchildren. A lot of times throughout my childhood and adolescence it felt like she was trying to force femininity onto me. For example, I told her I wanted shirts, but she always "corrected" me and said I wanted blouses. She bought me a shitty flimsy blouse that she deemed acceptable for me. I obviously appreciate her wanting to give me things, but I hate that sometimes she forces her decisions onto me, which I guess I should expect when she's the one with the money (for now).
No. 1534520
>>1534478>GIDHave you come across any non-troon copes
No. 1534539
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I recently took a job moderating content for a game thinking it would be easy (and the pay is really good, ngl), but it's been two days since we started moderating images (we just did chat logs and usernames) and I can feel my sanity slipping away with the amount of CP I've had to see IN TWO FUCKING DAYS. I just cannot comprehend why would anyone would put that shit online on a kid friendly game/server, I'm getting sick of that shit.
I thought I was strong enough to take this garbage, but it's starting to take a toll on me, and I'm in no position to quit just now.
No. 1534569
>>1534539How much did they pay you?
I didn't know discord mods can get paid, I always thought they do it for free
No. 1534573
>>1534512>>1534513Nonna are you me wtf? I’m just in a similar position. I have eczema all over my body and my mom drives me insane because she thinks is due to my diet and controls my food. Yes, it was partially my diet, because I would binge eat and eat processed garbage, but I’ve already cut down on those two. Now it’s just absolutely anything I ingest she has to tell me how it’s bad and how I should stop eating it. No rhyme or reason to it either, just flip flops and could be all for one food from something as simple as spinach or nuts to then hating it the next. She just reads shit online and then tells me I clearly don’t care because I don’t do my own research (because I disagree with the food shit). She tells me I’m allergic to shit I’m clearly not, because if I was, I would either be dead or carrying an epi-pen. It really wears me down because I’ve already cut out so many different foods and then having to hear another thing I can’t eat is so annoying. She knows stress is such a big part of this, and doesn’t really try to ease that at all. I’ve been like this for a year, kinda on and off, until February this year where I could barely move and it finally spread up to my face. It was only recently that my mom (but not my brother who wants me to “suck it up”) budged and considered a doctor but nothing has come of it of course. I still love her a lot, but I have serious dependency issues and she and my brother have stunted me in a lot of ways. She really crushes my spirit a lot.
I don’t want to piggyback off your vent or compare each other, but I thought I was pretty alone. The whole derm situation sucks, but I hope you can find some answers nonna. A direction somewhere is better than just stumbling in the dark, so I hope you can find that.
No. 1534578
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Never thought that moving to a Southern state and making a fuck ton in tips at Hooters would sound like a good option but here I am
No. 1534626
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My brothers gf indiscriminately adds ALL his friends regardless of if she has ever known, met or interacted with them, including any new ones. They’ve been together weeks.
…EXCEPT his female ones.
It strikes me as grubby, possessive behaviour, what sane woman would do that.
(He has 400 friends and she has over 250 mutuals with him: deficit is comprised of his female friends who she won’t add)
I fear this is to make it harder to break up with her, ie ‘i’ll tell ur friends xyz’
How do I bring this up with him
No. 1534638
>>1534607>thirstpost about young males with childlike physical traits>get called a pedo>complain society wants you to be attracted to old men instead of boys as if those are the two choicesI'm getting tired of seeing this exact argument unfold repeatedly on lolcow, it's basically just bait at this point.
if you can't see why you sound like a pedo then you must be a child yourself.
No. 1534641
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>>1534638Liking legal adults does not make me a pedo.
Plenty of most men in their 20s are cute and skinny unless they are drunks or drug addicts.
No. 1534649
>>1533226Kek as a former
victim of violent abuse this made me laugh because the way I got out was by finally turning back on and beating my abuser over the head with a sheathed longsword until he fled in fear for his life and then I left and he never bothered me again. It makes me laugh sometimes to think about hitting him with the sword and how he went from strangling and spitting on me and dragging me around all the time to suddenly looking afraid and running in fear like a little kid. If that other anon is not actively being beaten obviously I don’t recommend it, my case was 100% self defense mid being attacked (I grabbed a nearby object to fend him off which luckily was a ridiculous weapon kek) it would be a terrible move in any other case of course. But kinda funny still.
No. 1534659
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So today I had the 'pleasure' of getting the fifteen thousandth lecture on why I should be happy for someone who actually tried to murder me. But it's a moid and I'm not so I guess my actual life is worth less than his feelings. A moid was the one lecturing me too, classic!
So yeah, nothing like getting told I'm feeling the wrong emotions because constantly resisting acting on them isn't enough, I need to not feel them at all. God. I can't win unless I'm on my knees begging for forgiveness from a man who's never once sincerely apologized for the hell he made my so-called childhood into.
No. 1534694
>>1534687Kek, almost all of them are not capable of complex emotion and when they do attempt to express more complex emotions than horniness, violence, envy, and bigotry, it becomes tiring and the mask slips. They are permachildren incapable of feeling happiness for others. I experienced the same after going through a lifetime of abuse and poverty and only females were ever happy for me when my life was no longer as tough. Even males who had the goal of getting married to me were angry over the fact that I became more privileged than them over time after experiencing suffering they hadn't ever gone through. I don't even use my privilege for anything but charity and they still get angry and salty because they can't sit on their asses, buy tengas and play switch games like I theoretically can.
As a woman, your lot in life is to suffer, cope, and Mommy the main characters (men). It's incompatible with their entitlement and worldview that they should be the ones not receiving constant unearned praise, benefits or accolades.
No. 1534696
I was involved with this guy briefly who had a "crazy ex girlfriend". We were working on a project together, ended up getting closer than I meant to get with him, lots of sexual tension. He opened up to me a lot about the hell his ex girlfriend put him through, said she constantly cheated, lied, was abusive towards him. I really empathized with him, having just gotten out of an abusive relationship myself. We bonded over our exes nearly breaking us
We never officially dated but we had a "thing", I had no interest in actually dating him because he was kind of a mess. I helped him get off drugs but he was still a little volatile. We were close friends before anything else, constant contact all day every day, planning vacations, joking about a future with children together and retiring after our project took off
One day, I get a message from some random calling me a dirty whore, demanding I call them so they can get some answers from me. It was his "ex". He had been dating her the whole time, living with her for the past month, and she was pregnant. I told her the truth about everything because I was so hurt and embarrassed I had been played to that extent. She confronted him with all of the proof I gave her about my involvement with him, showing I wasn't the instigator and he lied. She confessed to me that he was physically abusive to her a lot, and that cheating on her while she was pregnant was the final straw. She broke up with him and kicked him out of her house. His response to it all was to drain our business account that had all of my cut of our project in it, and ghost me. He bailed with all of the project work I had done, left me with nothing
Fast forward a few months later and I find out that he's releasing our project, with MY work, under his own name. I start trying to expose everything he had done, and in my attempts to do that I find out his dumb cunt "ex" was still with him and was helping him fuck me over. He started threatening to dox me and send people to my house to hurt me, all while his girlfriend sat idly by and did nothing. It was one of the lowest points of my life, I was terrified of what he would do.
So I gave up, I didn't know how to combat someone unhinged threatening to send his felon buddies to my house. Police were no help. I went on with my life, dealing with his occasional vendetta attempts to scare and harass me over the next few months. He never let it go, he felt like I hurt his relationship by telling his girlfriend everything and kept harassing me over it for so long. Then one day I get a message from his girlfriend
It's a half-assed apology, she tells me he hit her again and caused her to miscarry. He apparently stole a bunch of money from her too. She was asking me to press charges against him in court. I declined, I didn't want to be involved with this bitch or her rotten baby daddy ever again. I would've given anything to have both of them out of my life forever.
As far as I know she did press charges against him, got a restraining order that he immediately broke. He fled the country to avoid the warrant. She's still pining over him on Twitter though. She tweets about "my ex" all the time, and how she's moved on and is a boss bitch with no need for a man. She's posting half naked selfies all the time with tags she knows he follows, so desperate for his attention even after everything. I hate them both so much. I still check his profile every now and then to make sure he's still out of the country, and when I do part of me hopes he's gotten back on drugs and OD'd
No. 1534731
>>1533209It takes an average of 7 times to leave an
abusive partner. Start earlier than you think you need - you already looked at some possible sources of temporary help, you can do it nona!
No. 1534766
I'm prone to nervous breakdowns every one to two years. I'm perfectly fine in the time between breakdowns, I'll get stressed or burnt out and be back to normal by the next week. But every 12-18 months I have a solid 4-8 weeks where I can hardly function. I'll skip classes and assignments, and some minor issues that I normally just completely ignore come out to bite me. It's pretty clear that my nervous breakdowns result from bottling things up, which is they happen at regular intervals, but I don't know if I even ought to do anything about them. Things have a way of working out for me, not "luck," but maybe good fortune? Whenever things go awry, things align in a way that there's not any actual problems that arise. I know how common and debilitating mental health issues can be for other people, and that a lot of people with my issues do find it hard to function, and I find having a 1-2 month long breakdown every few years to be a relatively decent trade off for otherwise being very happy. Even during my breakdowns I'm not sad, I feel fine other than getting stressed about the parts of my life that I'm neglecting. I was searching to see how redditors described nervous breakdowns and one person described it as "if you've ever genuinely needed to scream, it's the feeling you get right before you let out the scream." That is how I typically feel during my breakdowns, just a solid few weeks of feeling stressed, neglecting school, relative social isolation, and letting some of my issues out of containment (for instance, I have a sleep disorder that I otherwise manage and manage well). Everyone else described much more emotional distress and disassociation. I've always been fairly emotionally stable and I think my pattern of having things work out for me makes me a lot calmer when faced with stuff that would otherwise be very upsetting, so it's as though I'm even fortunate when it comes to my textbook nervous breakdowns.
I guess the problem is that I don't view my nervous breakdowns as having much of an impact on my life, but I know deep down that there has to be some sort of consequence from them. I've always suspected that I'm probably going to die young-ish (like 50s) from something relatively unfortunate but not unrealistic, like cancer or a car crash. I'm seriously not trying to be morbid, again I'm quite a happy person, it's just how I've personally come to think of my fortune and its consequences (both the consequences of the things that would have otherwise happened had my fortune not bailed me out and a more general "karma" consequence for having good fortune in the first place).
I would like to not die in my 50s from cancer or cars or anything. I feel like I'm a victim to my own good fortune, to the degree where even during the 1-2 months every year or two where some amount of karma catches up with me, I'm protected from any real and permanent consequences again and again. How do I even begin to break the cycle? I don't know if it's the fact that I'm at the tail end of a breakdown right now that's making me think about all this and I don't know if it's absolutely deranged to see a connection between my breakdowns (my one consequence) and my fortune and that fortune running out. I just want to stop the breakdowns (they do still suck), and learn from making mistakes.
No. 1534774
I fucking hate my uni. I wish I didn't have to return there for one day more. I can't make any connections between ppl there, both profesors and the students are annoying to me. Like even with the women I can't in my shithole country where feminist values are gonna get you in hot water but our troon tim collague is fine and dandy and quirky and definitely not giving serial killer vibes. Somehow everyone is fine with him except for me, he randomly went from being intimidated of me and tripping to get out of my way to being mean and passive agressive when I speak up. Also can't even make a single fucking joke without those crybabies crying I'm some golddigger or "poor mens!". Literally jokes about how men have it so hard are okay, I joked but ironically because it's retarded concept to begin with (they were talking about how gyms should have men only sections because apparently there is a lot of women who are sexually harrassing poor moids with their tits and asses or smth). But when I joked I need to upgrade my nigel because they told me their programmer bf's salary I'm suddenly getting scolded how could I say that, because the bf salary is his not hers. Like ffs. Good for you Jessica for being 5-6 years with your moid, earning 2/3 oh his salary at best, sharing an apartment, but god forbid if you share the money. Nooo, have to go 50-50, hope he goes 50-50 on pregnancy for you and carries half of it kek.
My professors are shit too, one year I had porn obssesed old scrote who was supposed to be an art professor but all he ever shown in class was somehow ALWAYS naked women. I think there were like 3 naked men total, and 2 of them were with women and one was covered by shading or smth. Claimed himself a feminist too kek. This year I have one that made fun of me for the way I paint tits. Yeah, you read that correctly. Like he straight up asked entire class to come and look at those drawings while he shat on them. Not to brag nonnas but I'm pretty fucking good, I took reference obs, but I guess drawing smaller breasts, breasts that are far apart or slightly tuberous is no-no. He didn't have problem at all with my drawings that had balloon tities (had to draw them like that for a job gig ugh). Also the above mentioned pickme joined him in on shitting on my art?? She finished art school but I guess she need to go to another because first time wasn't enough kek. Anyway, still it was weird she even dared to join the critique when she herself can't draw something unless it's coping the photo and even then it's well..
No. 1534786
>>1534735>>1534736Don’t care, druggies always lie and try to make you the bad guy when you call them out. Case in point
>>1532538 >How dare my evil bitch of a mother call me what I am! Why won’t she let me fry my brains on shrooms while I’m living with her!!
No. 1534788
>>1534786why are you insisting she's a druggie when she said she's only done it once?
>"This was my first ever time doing something like this"if you've fixed a car once are you suddenly a mechanic? you're so retarded
No. 1534978
>>1534977you need to eat more fibers nonna
or take some probiotics
No. 1534987
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I seem that I just can’t heal from all the pain that my ex caused me and that I caused him. I was never able to process it, it’s been 5 years. I’m in a healthy relationship now and a different person, I really couldn’t care less about him but I still can’t play videogames without being scared that I will be screamed at after a tiny mistake.
I want to heal.
No. 1535021
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im freaking out. my throat has been feeling scratchy all day. please please please dont be due to sickness. Im going on vacation soon and i have been looking forward to this for months since i have to visit somewhere which was on my bucketlist. if i get sick i cant travel and then i might actually kill myself
No. 1535036
>>1532538Coming from someone who has done LSD dozens of times in crazy places (all 4 Disney theme parks, Busch gardens, before I boarded a cruise) and smoked weed everyday for half my life, shrooms suck. I’ve done them 3 times and each time was a thoroughly awful experience. It’d start out fun and then all of a sudden I’m pummeled with extreme emotions and just cry my fucking eyes out for hours.
Shrooms are an emotional trip more than a sensory one, in my experience. The sensory trip you get from LSD is amazing and at higher doses the emotional part of LSD is easily dealt with and enlightening, in my experience. Vs shrooms where it’s just violent uncontrollable sobbing l.
No. 1535037
>>1534696Ew both him and his gf sound disgusting.
>It's a half-assed apology, she tells me he hit her again and caused her to miscarryThat's the only good part, there won't be any baby to be subjected to these druggie retards.
No. 1535043
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Don't scroll down. Why are all men so gay even when they're straight? Seriously any gaggle of men together quickly gets a little gay.
No. 1535062
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i feel like my only options are relapse or suicide? i am completely sober i have been in therapy tried medications since i was little but it feels like ill always fall into a bout of depression and obsessive thoughts and detachment from myself even when exercising sleeping going to therapy going to work doing what is right. what do i do? is relapsing better than suicice? i am maybe going to try new medicine but im terrified. please i wish i knew the answer but i keep trying only for it to feel so awful i cant live this way. i feel trapped in my own head. meditation exercise i love but itdoesnt help when im so deep in this again. i was doing so well. do i start smoking cigs again or vape? dont want to take ativan makes anxiety worse over time. im so trapped. please a cry for help lol. its getting so bad i cant function properly? i lost my grasp on my mental state had first anxiet attack in monttths today. do. igo on an snri? what if it makes me worse and zombie?
No. 1535071
>>1535061nonnie where the fuck do you live and how old is that thing? can't you move out?
jfc some of the horror stories I read here make me glad I live in my country and have a boring life
No. 1535082
>>1535061How can someone embody every level of hell at once!? You might just have to call an exorcist at this point, don’t look him in the eye
No. 1535156
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Idk if this is the right place to talk about this but I just have been feeling more hopeless about being a woman than ever lately, I think I’m peaking in several ways but I just feel sad and empty from it. Most of my friends are more libfem and even my feminist mom is much more traditional I think than me, and just tells me to move on when I need to rant about creepy moid shit I have to deal with. So I’m not like able to really talk about this stuff irl, and I’ve been browsing lolcow for years but never really had the inclination to post until now lol. But what hurts is that despite how much he seems to, bf doesn’t get it, and I really thought he did. I should have known better bc no matter how nice ur nigel is he never will truly understand what it’s like to be a woman, but I thought he was different somehow, but idk he was watching this shoeonhead video about tiktok tradwives and ofc she was defending the lifestyle and demonizing any criticism of it, and I was trying to talk to him about how promoting that lifestyle online is dangerous and literally glamorizing the patriarchy, it’s not subversive at all like they claim, it’s entirely the status quo to submit to your husband, and we got in an argument about it bc he thinks it’s just their way of escapism and a fun hobby for them as if it exists in a vacuum, and I genuinely feel like I can’t trust him as much anymore after this. I know it’s probably really dumb but I’m just in the other room crying, realizing that I’ll always ultimately be seen as subordinate to all the males in my life, even the “good ones”. It makes me feel like a fucking schizo when no one else seems to care about stuff like this irl.
No. 1535182
triggered you? I sometimes get
triggered and get similar thoughts.
No. 1535186
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Trying shire brand adderal I got from my sister and it makes me feel so good, normal and capable I want to cry. I’ve only got one week of it and then I’ll be back to normal — zero emotion, zero motivation, everything is insurmountable and my life back to being a mess.
No. 1535198
>>1535156I'm so sorry nona, betrayal like that always stings especially when you thought they understood you before. I would also say please dump him bc he doesn't respect you or your intellect and lived experiences. Feminism is just a thought exercise to like literally all men, if they can even understand it in the first place.
I also empathize with the feeling of helplessness. It sucks to feel so isolated on it even from other women. Engaging in things (even other things) that bring you a sense of community can help relieve it a bit. I tell myself whenever I'm feeling doomed and hopeless that hope for women exists, and that we are the hope. Keep your walls up and your heart soft.
No. 1535230
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>>1535192im sorta blackpilled on the mental health industry
nonnie, but psychiatry in practice is bullshit in most cases (save for like actual psychosis). for your situation it could have literally been that they didn't think you looked "ill" enough. in my situation, they had me on 3-4 different psych drugs and kept changing them up when i didn't magically get happier bcus my parents didn't magically stop abusing me. they were about to prescribe me lithium when i cold turkey stopped everything, i'm not bipolar and never have been. just because someone got a degree and passed boards to be able to prescribe medications doesn't keep them from being retarded.
No. 1535247
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I wanna keep reading but aside from a few breaks I've been reading since 11.30 (and it's 11.30 again) straight, my mind can't comprehend letters, let alone entire words or sentences, anymore.
No. 1535250
>>1535233Funny how you blame capitalism for manipulating people into wanting more productivity yet in the same breath you tow the capitalist line of "druggies" causing the supply chain problems and not the greedy companies and the goverment's retarded ingredient quotas.
Quit reeeing and educate yourself, and please don't respond to this trying to talk out your ass.
Google a few news articles explaining why the shortage is happening (hint: It isn't druggies)
No. 1535254
>>1535192you don't want benzos, nonna, I've met so many women being addicted to them and having to go to rehab just to have a fucking life again. Still, I get what you are saying, if you are a pretty functional mentally ill person, no one will take you serious or you get a diagnosis that won't fit. Personally, I should have gotten help a long time ago, but everyone around me that self harmed instantly got the bpd diagnosis and I didn't want that to be part of my file, because I don't have bpd, I was and probably am very depressed. And like nonna
>>1535230 wrote, what can change if you still have to go back to your
abusive parents after therapy, you are still horrible unwell and mentally ill and every move forward will be taken away by the people surrounding you. I've been to university with future psychologist, all of them were horrible people that thought if you aren't well and don't get well, you aren't trying enough. I know that getting help is important, but it's so fucking hard to find someone that is really helpful. Hope you both find the help you need without people ruining your life even more.
No. 1535289
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My boss asked me how I stay skinny and I just nonchalantly replied, "Oh I just don't eat enough" and she got all quiet. What the fuck why did I say that why do I gotta say the first thought that pops into my dumbass head
No. 1535301
>>1535289I'm fat but if you told me that I'd take no offense to it. In fact, I'd probably laugh and joke about how much I eat.
If she got hurt, you can of course apologize, but don't panic about it! I'm sure she'll be fine.
No. 1535302
>>1535270It's not about my phone, specifically. If I don't have my phone/laptop I can spend days just doing nothing. Literally nothing, just sleeping, eating, staring at walls.
>>1535277I'll try doing one thing anon. How did you find the motivation? Or I guess better question is how do I force myself to do things? To start something? In theory I want to do things but I just procrastinate into eternity. Social stuff scares me. As much as I want and need new friends, I think I got a thousand times more socially retarded after the pandemic.
No. 1535322
>>1534880That's 99% myth to 1% reality. I was surprised to even see this boomer BS thrown around again. lmao
>>1534898>Recreational drugsmy sides
No. 1535327
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so im going through something. Depressed suicidal etc. you know the usual cocktail of bullshit. And I literally just punched a object. Sometimes when I wake up I have a moment of pure delusion, like i"ll think about my life and go, "bitch do it, do something end it" or I'll wake up from a dream about having like $50 and go, "Damn I should've just spent it on so and so".
So today i woke up, for a few weeks I've had this box of picrel on my dresser. Everytime I woke up I'd stare at it. Are these animals fucking real? NO? They enrage me, I'm depressed i'm ugly then these uncanny animals on my fucking dresser.
Something about this pictures awakens some kind of fucking acient rage monster, because I don't like it? Are they real of fake?
So I woke up today with an extra amount of self hate and anger, I looked at the box and fucking punched it so hard it flung into my tv and some of the powedery shit flew out of it. Now my tv is ruined (Which is fine I have another one) but it's still a problem, becuase the box is intact, on my dresser and it's like no matter how I turn it the fucking cat and dog is lookign at me. I'm going crazy
If one nona reads this I'll be happy becuas ei'm fucking losing it
No. 1535329
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>>1535327same anon-
like oh there's a secret aside? What the fuck is it asshole? The fucking fake animals on the box? How this shit is really expensive and smells nice, so i can't just fucking throw it away, instead I let it sit on my dresser and harass me? Every fucking day and when i move it, I need it, or walk past it and see these animals. I'm so fucking tired of lie I swear It's like everyday is a piss scented nightmare perfectrly created for me and whenever i speak out I get told to shut the fuck up.
No. 1535330
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>karen is a slur!!!
>cis is a slur!
>trannies are doing womanface!
why do i find these so cringe like i roll my eyes whenever i see someone say this
No. 1535332
>>1535329It's just expensive baking soda.
Maybe you're enraged because you overpaid for the simplest shit, I would be
No. 1535334
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2-3 weeks ago, I ordered some prize plushies that I wanted and luckily found at a good price on Ebay but the stupid USPS returned them back to the seller TWICE because of an "unknown addressee" even though the package was already in the city where I live in. I didn't use my real name because of privacy reasons and that it shouldn't matter as long as it goes to the right address. I use my family's po box so there's no way they fucked up the delivery when it's labeled under the post office address with the "Unit #" or "PO Box #". My brother orders on Ebay with the same address with no problems at all so I don't know what's the issue here. Is it that my fake name has no matches or doesn't exist? What if someone outside of the family wants to order under our po box? It's so infuriating and incompetent of them that I have to share my real name to the seller, fix the address, and have to call USPS to resolve the issue. This is my second purchase under my Ebay account so far since I always rely on my brother's. My first order went through with my fake name and the po box but it's stuck in the "PACKAGE RETURN NOTICED" even though I already picked it up so I don't know what's going on with USPS. I want my plushies already. This was my lucky chance to purchase them at a good price.
No. 1535338
>>1535335no anon clearly vents thinking certain radfem complaints are not real vents because this movement is untouchable
No. 1535366
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trying to explain that racism is still real and that you experience it to your white(passing) mom is seriously one of the most infuriating things on earth because she is just so painfully obtuse and narrow minded clearly nothing that hasn't happened to her is founded in reality or is in any way frequent enough to be relevant because she hasn't experienced the same. she could see me getting beat up and she'll be like well it's only happened once this is rare it's just the odd one out ! and no matter how much i explain she refuses to understand she legitimately cannot understand unless she lives it which she never will. she can't get in through her head that there is no solution and it can't ever be helped. it's not solvable and racists do not give a fuck about being right much less being corrected and i would look like even more of a laughing stock. like honestly how is she so clueless when she married a foreigner was she blind all this time, or was she really expecting me not to go through a similar experience if not? it's completely incomprehensible
No. 1535375
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My new manager keeps targeting me for some reason, im only 3 weeks into a new job and she just got transferred a few days ago and she keeps bugging me if I'm helping a customer when I clearly am and bugging me to do tasks I'm already omw to… Idk if she doesn't know I'm new bc she just transferred or if she already has some impressions of me but I'm busting my ass more then my senior coworkers…
No. 1535382
>>1535330karen is an easy way to call women bitches without calling them bitches. I see women critiqued by men for no reason called karens, even if they are doing nothing wrong.
No comment on cis but i cant stand trannies. like drag queens, they are making women out to be caricatures.
No. 1535387
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I was going to think it’s over and I ruined everything myself by a small detail but I won’t, I am gonna gaslight myself
Everything I feel with my gut is true at the end, and I don’t want this to be true, I refuse - this one and only moment, I refuse
So I am going to think this is all good and promising and I think everything going great, this will inevitably happen, because everything is going this way. Actually, I was planning it this way so yeah. It would be like this anyway, so it’s okay
No. 1535462
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This doesn't belong in dog hate/love cause this is a vent about my bf is a fuckhead.
Bf has his dog, I have mine.
Bf insists his dog can do hardly any wrong and that my dog is "stupid" and apparently less trained even though mine objectively is better adapted than his. He has a pibble so there is an excuse for its behavior every time. Granted his dog loves me and shadows me everywhere, a fact my bf resents deep down, but it is just not a well trained animal and my bf cannot admit it.
Note all the below behaviors my dog does not do.
His dog compulsively sneezes all over my walls which means I have to clean snot off my house biweekly lest it looks like there's an autistic kid smearing boogers on the loose. The dog sneezes in excitement so it will take corrective training to stop the behavior. My bf gets mad whenever I scold and insists that all pitbulls sneeze naturally–they don't.
His dog barks in the house at any noise outside.
His dog pisses on its own paws.
His dog jumps unprompted.
His dog can be aggro and humps other dogs at the dog park.
His dog doesn't respond reliably to recall and has high prey drive.
His dog pulls the leash constantly even with a corrective collar.
His dog doesn't know tricks beyond 'sit' and doesn't understand fetch.
His dog looks very serious, and is a pitbull, so he gets very upset when people like my sociable, adorable, and better behaved dog more.
He treats it like a competition and is in such denial because then he'd have to admit that he failed in some respects as a pet owner. Yet because he thinks he "disciplines" re: scares his pitbull, that he is a great owner. I am so sick of it, my dog isn't perfect but he is leagues above that bs because I treat him like a little soul. His pitbull can adapt too I just wish he wouldn't insist shit is fine when it could improve.
No. 1535467
>>1535462I like dogs, this dog sounds awful and your boyfriend is a jerk for scaring it and failing to give it the training and socialization he needs
>strong>no leash training>aggro, humps large dogs, would kill small dogs>barks uncontrollably>pisses on itselfI would not want to be around a piss-covered beast like this, it sounds like a disaster waiting to happen
No. 1535534
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I wish I could escape my household but I have my cat who I love dearly and she's bonded to me and that's my biggest hurdle. I've had her for 9 years and there's no way I can leave her here. My mother tries to control everything I do unless it's acceptable to her and manipulates me into feeling guilty. I can't live my life at all and am always walking on egg shells. I'm 22 and she treats me like a 5 year old. She's supportive in some ways but so over protective and anxious that I'll die the moment I step outside that I can't stand it. I'm not the daughter she ever wanted me to be either and I feel guilty for it. I don't hate her, but I cannot fucking stand living with her. It destroys my mental health so much. There's no way I can leave my cat. I have places I could technically go, friends that can help me out and enough money to get me out, but my cat is my world and I don't think I could move her out with me in the end if my decision was to run away. Plus I'm a student with a full-ride state scholarship and I'd have to drop out if I ran away from here, forfeiting all the money I've been given by my state. So now I'm just stuck here until I can figure out a way to get my cat out with me or I graduate. Every day is a struggle and I dread waking up, I hate my life and wish I was born to a normal mother who just wanted me to be happy.
No. 1535665
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I don't have a single friend. I've been at a dead end in my career for a while now. The two family members that have contact with me view me as their own personal servant. Housing and food leave me broke every month. My driver's license was taken away due to my sleep disorders. I feel incredibly trapped in the life I currently have. I'll turn it around though, even if it means uprooting and removing myself from everything I know.
No. 1535687
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Yes, it's creepy when an ugly guy flirts because he's ugly
No it's not creepy when a beautiful man does it
Dumbass moids
The duality I have is that I simultaneously despise unattractive and entitled men but I love to serve at the cock of a hot man
Thinking about how incels cry about this is so funny to me
Cry harder losers while the hot men fuck all the hot women
I'd literally rather be a concubine to a good looking man than be a wife to a guy who's league I'm out of
If I end up single after rejecting 80% of the unattractive or just idiotic male population, I don't even care, I'll keep having sex with attractive young dudes as there are perpetually a copious amount of them who are into older women
I love knowing that my mentality makes them seethe
But I obviously keep it to myself in male spaces because I know they're psychotic enough to literally try to murder or rape me for being a pretty girl who knows it and has standards to match
Truly nothing entitled men both love and hate more in the world than a hot girl they cant have
No. 1535697
>>1535696>TwinkyI don't think you know what that word means. He looks like he's pushing 30.
But yes you're absolutely right about his face being butt ugly and him only getting buzz because he's relatively lightweight.
No. 1535726
>>1535697This, I don't get it myseflf, I have seen that word used for any man isn't obese or a muscle freak, and also the word twink its self has a pedophilic implications/origins
just say fit or trim guy
>>1535696what the hell is an upturned nose, I googled it and still can't find a clear description
No. 1535767
I fucking hate how everything became so political. I didn't notice it before all that much, but it's crazy how every mundane thing is now needs to be about politics. And I'm talking about both sides. I was very into Star Wars as a kid and lost interest in it after a while. Lately, I watched Andor and was like "wow, it's a nice show, never knew that Star Wars can be something more than a space fairy tale". So obviously I wanted to talk with people online about it. What can go wrong, right? Well, guess no, cause every fucking community goes apeshit over politics. Either you have reddit that can't shut up about "owning bigots" and SW being "so deep political commentary you guyz". And fighting fucking straw men over every mundane thing. Like how every SW community went ballistic over Kenobi, because apparently you are a racist and sexist for hating this show. No, it's just piece of shit story, having black woman as one of the main characters has nothing to do with it. But every criticism of their beloved franchise is reflected by saying "uhhh, you are racist if you hate this and that" over and over again.
Then, there is alt communities made by people who hate that sort of climate. You would think that they are better, right? Hell no. It's all killjoy right wing types who shit on everything and everyone. A show has a black character in it? Star Wars ruined FOREVER by woke. Women exist and do something except being an eye candy? Feminazis ruin everything. Like, chill, dude, stop having an aneurysm over a black man appearing on the screen. How people can be so fragile? Just watch the fucking show and shut up. And if you don't like modern woke media, why don't you watch something else? There is other studios beside Hollywood, you know, and they make stuff that you might like.
And you can't discuss your favorite show with those types either. They will bitch and moan about women and minorities all the time instead of actually discussing the story.
It's like every nerd hobby is just an excuse to sperg about politics. People don't even watch movies or play vidya. They just sit in their echo chambers and bitch about alt-right boogeyman or woke lesbians who will ruin their precious franchise. It seems like people don't even like that sort of media in the first place. They maybe grew up with it, but now just follow the news on their favorite franchise and just bitch about politics without watching the show. I fucking hate it. I like SW because it's whimsical shit that looks cool, so I just want to talk about my favorite ships (as in, spaceships, not yaoi ships. But why not both?). I don't care about your opinions on presidential elections or the state of modern civilization.
No. 1535804
>>1535767Ugh, I feel this so much.
Why can't you just dislike a sudden and unnecessary race change without all the implications that come with it.
Why isn't there any middle ground? And not just in fandoms, but overall. I usually just end up in the middle, hated by both sides if I don't keep my mouth shut.
It's my life-long pet peeve. Seriously, why are you always expected to subscribe to all points of ideology or get reed at by everyone.
No. 1535808
>>1535386its annoying but its insulting to call it a slur. its not a slur lol
>>1535504seems insulting to actual racist caricatures. basically all those complaints sound like "white feminism". when you say slur i'm thinking of the n word or other things you can't even type unless you want to be banned. i never got the womanface thing because femininity =/= female.
No. 1535845
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normal people don't know how to handle psychosis and paranoia and it shows
keep losing friendships because if i'm crazy in private they're mad at me for distancing themselves and if i'm cray cray to their face they lose all sympathy for me immediately unless they actually understand mental illness themselves or are accepting. and most people aren't
most people don't want to hear about what may or may not be delusional thoughts that put you in imminent danger so why have fucking friends? at this point the thoughts have been going on for so long that I actually don't think I'm crazy because the feeling is entirely different and I still can't mention them to a soul who's not my therapist
I'm about ready to shove a pointy toed black boot up someone's ass
No. 1535903
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This morning bf went off sperging about a movie. I was listening quietly while browsing my phone and occasionally making eye contact. I turned my eyes back on my phone for a moment. Bf accused me of rolling my eyes. He always does when he's upset I don't give him my undivided attention over any mundane thing. I said no I did not roll my eyes and that I was just looking at my phone. He insists I did in a back and forth that went on for 5 minutes. I finally had enough. I got upset cause I am tired of having to defend myself and not being trusted that I am telling the truth. I pointed out it doesn't even make sense that I would have rolled my eyes and esp cause I know how he gets triggered about it. He escalated and said I am being negative and that I have an attitude. He's right, I had an attitude at that point but him accusing me of copping one right off the bat over the situation is a lie. I was patient until it was bullshit to keep being so. I am a human and I am allowed to not be perfect when I feel browbeaten. He insisted because I was upset about the accusation that it meant I had actually rolled my eyes.
I told him about my trauma and frustration of constantly being accused of rolling my eyes by my narc mom and bullies in the past and I had enough of not being listened to just because he is insecure.
Like I couldn't believe I was being scolded for eye rolling and tone as an adult woman! I should be able to browse my fucking phone in the morning. I was cuddling and kissing him earlier so it's not like I gave him no attention today. I was listening, only perhaps not in the way he wanted me to be.
He went from being antagonistically smug that I was the one with the upset tone, to screaming and yelling at me because I called him insecure. Hit the nail on the head, I guess. He screeched that I was correct about his insecurity BUT that actually made it more my fault for not being extra sensitive. I am supposed to be able to automatically know his reasons for why he mistreats me and to readjust my reaction to his mistreatment accordingly. Clown shit! He yelled how I was ruining his morning. I told him to go in the other room to calm down cause I had to get ready for work. He followed me into the bathroom and kept trying to stir up the argument because he was crying and angry. He does the same thing my mom used to do where he keeps coming back again and again cause he just cannot let the situation cool just cause he isn't. When I was about to take my call I finally got him to go away but he demanded after that I come "comfort" him.
And of course, after my phone call I go into the room and he acts contrite and how he "blames himself." Ok, that's nice, but had I not put up any resistance to your accusation you would definitely be thinking you were in the right though.
This is so stupid.
No. 1535931
I know you heard it a thousand times here but I hate normies so so so much I just can't, like I try to have some deeper conversations with them and there's silence, or when I try to ask for their hobbies, I have people literally telling me they have no interests, zero. Is this what capitalism does to people? I don't think so because me and others similar to me also wageslave 8 hours a day and we still have interests and something to say and some original thoughts. With them it's just their work, their partners, their kids if they have them, what they eat, and their cars, and eventually some instagram dramas. Like Jesus Christ. I wish I was a normie, they're so much happier than me, not only bc they know how to socialize but also their minds and totally not preoccupied with all the fucked up things around them and they don't mind them and for me it's enough to make me even depressed. Also they have zero hobbies so they don't have to worry how to save money and time for anything else than basic shit.
No. 1535933
>>1535930Agreed, this was my thought while reading
>>1535903 sounds like you need a smartphone break.
No. 1535936
>>1535864I'm not an autist either and I get this because of my eye contact issue. Was previously misdiagnosed autist and now have other issues one of which is ADHD. Every autist I've met says they know I'm not autist but non autists literally don't understand how trauma works
I'd rather just be a crazy woman without a label and just have them call me crazy because the years I was misdiagnosed autist were some of the worst of my life
No. 1535941
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Some valve pipe under the kitchen sink randomly broke and starting leaking steaming hot water all over the floor and sink cabinets. Older sis had to stick her hand in the water shutoff box filled with spiderwebs and we had to soak up everything with towels which are drying outside now. A bucket used to catch water pipe drips was only halfway full, we found green and black mold under the soaked boards, and of course a dog had to add his pee to the mass of soaked towels and blankets and my mom's dresses that were already fallen on the floor. It all happened right as I turned to walk towards my bathroom. Now I'll be going to my only class of the day and an hour-long advisement wiped down with baby wipes and in my pajama shirt. Basic hygiene and a little perfume = done, couldn't be cared to waste time to make myself "presentable" after dealing with that stress. And half of college populations wear pajama bottoms and hoodies anyway.
No. 1535981
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I'm convinced someone has placed a curse on me. the amount of bad things happening this entire month, just back-to-back illnesses is insane. it's either that or my body has turned on me and is trying to kill itself. i can't even digest simple fucking bread for more than 5 minutes. the last time i had a normal week without sleep, stomach, or pain disruption felt so long ago. i already drink all my liquids and take all my meds but it's useless, it's like i have a reverse midas touch.
No. 1536009
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I went to a small support group for lesbians and was a little afraid at first in case there were any TiMs there. Thankfully, the first hour was all women just vibing and talking about what had been going on in their lives. In the last 30 minutes this handmaiden comes in and starts talking about TiMs and how lifelong lesbians need to educate themselves because they haven’t been doing the work, then specifically says we should look up picrel Alok Vaid-Menon. Everyone got quiet and uncomfortable while the group leader tried to appease her and it felt like the handmaiden sucked the soul out of the group when previously there’d been laughter and fun and raw emotion. How can these people not read a fucking room? They ruin everything they touch.
No. 1536031
>>1534340Kek where were you when I binged this for the first time a month ago and felt the exact same. Lorelai is the epitome of an entitled boomer, but it's fine because everyone likes her for no apparent reason. Rules don't apply to her, and she acts so indignant if someone points out she just might not be more special than anyone else.
The way she treats literally everybody in her fucking life like accessories that dispense favors for her. She definitely didn't deserve Sookie as a friend, what the fuck. Like I really sat down and thought what do people actually like about her? She's never, ever nice. She does a shitty or selfish thing then might MAYBE apologise. But when does she go out of her way to do something nice like seemingly everyone else in the town has done for her?
No. 1536064
I look so weird. Everything about my looks is quite feminine, but my face profile is, first of all, huge (my head I mean) and basically I look like a hag. I don't get this impression when I just look at myself in the mirror, everything is moderate and neither too sharp nor soft, my nose is not even big, but when there are two or more mirrors or a photo depicting me from a particular side, I'm a hag with weirdly huge features. Tbh I've never seen a single person that would look similar to me. Yeah, I do share features with my parents, grandparents etc. but their faces make sense and mine just doesn't, it's like it lacks cohesion idk.
No. 1536254
>>1536163A lot of them are probably teenagers or adolescents, given how obsessed young moids in particular are with anything they see as daring and shocking and offensive and counterculture and annoying. It doesn’t occur to them that more mature people are at most just rolling their eyes at it for 1 second and moving on rather than getting upset and crying. Like they’re imagining that everyone online is the same as their little peers in school who would sooo totally be le epic pwned by it.
Given how many more young people are online now I tend to assume at least half of certain types of extremely tryhard braindead posts are made by some 14 year old.
No. 1536278
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Today was… eventful. I wasted half my day thinking i had blood in my stool because i saw long black streaks… i even had a rectal exam. They found nothing. I know i am not crazy though, but it was a very uncomfortable and cringey experience. It also gave me a new perspective on anal, like people do that shit for fun? How the fuck is this normalised in western society?
No. 1536279
>>1536254Anon, your opinion of them is too high, I remember my ten years older
online bf sharing his joy over mindless shitposting (just photo dumping of gay black men and literal shit) that was going on the imageboard he used. I actually was 14 at the time and I felt ashamed for him lol, but I'm more than sure he wasn't the only adult there.
No. 1536344
>>1536308Refundable tickets help you guys out in case you need a voluntary change or something on your end causes you to miss the flights.
Used to deal with a lot of angry customers that had that ~one thing~ go wrong in their trip causing them to change the time or date, and boooooy were they fucked up that the change fees in the multi-hundreds of dollars for just
one of their tickets.
>t ex customer relations for a shit airline No. 1536374
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>>1535334Stupid automated voice can't get me to an agent for customer service and my brother won't help me because "I have to learn and figure it out"
No. 1536381
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I had a falling out with my best friend from high school and as a result I lost contact with people from high school so I went to college and ended up with primarily male friends. I was a fucking wreck. Very unstable. Miserable. I never got with any of my male friends, thankfully.
>new friend group through college friend
>run into girl people I knew in high school knew
>we get on well
>two years pass
>at a party she mentions my ex best friend from high school wants to reconnect
>friends again!
Now that I have an actual female friend again I feel so fulfilled kek. We make each other laugh like back in high school. It's great. We can shittalk moids and we can talk about girl things. I cannot understand how I survived with mostly male friends. I was barely living lmfao. Literal zombie NPC mode. I cannot wait to hang out with her again and watch trash TV and laugh our asses off!!!!!! Never have male friends it will kill you.
No. 1536401
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went to a bar out of town on a first date with a moid. go to use the restroom and there are two of them, both labeled with this bullshit. already feel fucking uncomfortable seeing that but have to pee so what can i do. push on one door, it doesn't open. push on the other and there's a fucking moid inside. and apparently these bathrooms are fucking single stall. he appeared to be washing his hands, i'm just flabbergasted that he wouldn't lock the fucking door, i've never been to this place and i'll never return. why wouldn't you lock it? if i would've come in 10 sec earlier i could've seen his penis. i felt so massively uncomfortable, embarrassed, like i'd done something wrong. it felt so wrong. why can't we just have mens and womens rooms?
and ofc i walk out skeeved as fuck. i tell my "date" what's happened and he's like "well that's on him for not locking the door." i'm like "why the fuck do they not have gendered restrooms? is that normal in this town?" and he says "well i think its for the trans and nonbinary folk." and changes the subject immediately. i feel so creeped out idek how to explain it
No. 1536407
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>>1530442i got out of a
toxic relationship recently and ive realized every man ive been with hasnt been good to me. theyve all been good learning experiences though and im taking a break to be single for a while. i sometimes question if im a lesbian and ive been going for men as a form of self harm. i dont find men very attractive and i havent found any to be good romantic partners. i would like maybe to talk about this to someone but i dont have many friends
No. 1536414
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this is ticking me off but idk if im being unreasonable
>find a 'kink meme' on livejournal for a fandom im into. basically people post (usually nsfw) fanfiction prompts for a fandom, and writers fulfill the prompt requests
>see a request that catches my eye, tell the commenter ill try to fulfill it soon
>30 mins later, someone else replies "do you mind two fills?"
ok. i know they didnt mean any harm but now i just feel kinda discouraged? doing this isnt against the rules or anything but i dont see the point… (this is retarded im sorry)
No. 1536417
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I uploaded a picture from
Fuck mark zucherSPERG. We ain't bothering anyone…why can't they leave us burner anons alone?
No. 1536440
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When I was about 8 or 9, my 3rd grade teacher's Guinea Pig had babies. I was allowed to adopt one and I named him Pig. I feel such incredible guilt over the way Pig lived his life. I took terrible care of him.
My parents and I went on a trip to the mountains for the weekend and left Pig in the care of my 2 older siblings. We were looking around an antique shop (I will never forget this) when my dad got a call from my brother who told me that Pig had died. It turns out, one of them (or maybe me or my parents did before we left for the trip?) put his cage outside in the sunshine and forgot about him there, and he died from heat stroke, I'm assuming.
He was the sweetest thing and I can't believe the way I neglected him in his life. I would leave his cage dirty, absolutely filthy, because I was fucking 8 years old and didn't know better. I knew I was being lazy but now that I'm older, I can see how absolutely vile and not okay his living conditions were. I was young, but I was responsible for him, and I completely let him down and his life must have been miserable. I also now know that Guinea Pigs are social animals and it's cruel to have one on it's own without a Guinea Pig friend.
He was so sweet. He was solid orange. He used to squeal up a storm every morning when someone opened the fridge because he knew he was about to be fed. He loved all kinds of fruits and veggies. He never bit me or anyone. He didn't deserve to live and die like that. I know I was responsible and frankly, old enough to know better, but I'm also so disappointed in my parents for not taking it more seriously and punishing me to teach me the importance of his care, or rehoming him to someone who deserved him. He deserved a clean living space. He deserved a long life. He did not deserve to die dirty and alone in the hot sun. I have a really hard time with this 20+ years later.
No. 1536455
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>>1536440Reading this gutted me, Nonna. I've cared for guinea pigs for most of my adult life, and they are the sweetest, most fragile little creatures and can be incredibly complex care-wise.
You're not alone in caring so much for the ones you've known, and fuck those adults who should have known better. What helps me is knowing there are rescues out there putting in the good fight.
Here's a picture of my baby Mochi who passed a year ago, I still miss him dearly.
No. 1536478
>>1536468>>1536455>>1536450Wow, thank you so much for the empathy and kind words nonnas. Your experiences are seen and heard! I'm glad I'm not alone but also my heart aches for our former mistakes and for all of the animals now that are being neglected. I also try my best to channel the pain and guilt into taking the best care possible of my current pet. It really makes me upset that no adult stepped in for Pig and for your pets too, but I try not to blame anyone too harshly.
& Mochi looks like just the sweetest little guy, I just know you'll be reunited someday ♥ I really appreciate the support and I'm sending love right back to you nonnies.
>>1536448I definitely relate. What I did was find the routine with the least amount I can work out while maintaining the physique I want. This is widely variable from person-to-person but maybe this mindset can help you too.
No. 1536490
>>1536448Just lift weights, it's the most straightforward way to build muscle compared to sports. I also find it surprisingly easy because you can rest between sets and you only need to really suffer on the last couple of reps for it to work. I wouldn't say it's enjoyable but it's not miserable either.
I find diet way, way harder, near impossible. Restriction
triggers binging for me (lose 10kg gain 15kg back kinda situations), protein heavy foods are my least favourite of all food types, and it always feels like a miserable, unfair deprivation that involves constant temptation and self denial. Exercise is just a neutral routine so I do it regularly and pray that somehow it will turn into muscles even with my terrible protein intake and then eventually I can get away with eating more.
No. 1536497
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That feeling of watching an abuser slowly work his way back into the family and being powerless to stop it and even though multiple people dislike it they are all too cowardly/apathetic to do anything about it and it's pointless anyways since all the boomers are just rugsweepers that would just get angry at them/me for "making waves" anyways so now every event just gets to be uncomfortable until he does something to get estranged again which to the boomers is felony level
No. 1536573
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I'm so sick of seeing good people facing hardships and narcissists getting everything they want from life. I'm not even talking about myself, even though I also think the misery I face is way too much, but even my coworker, she's a sweetheart and the life kicks the shit out of her constantly, her life was so hard it makes me sad, from abusive home to her fiance dying tragically, mom dying, facing problems with relationships and work because she was too quiet and shy, being forced to constantly rent another apartment because the owner of the previous one decided to sell it and gave her like 2 weeks to find something else, one time she basically became homeless, she has way more bad luck than good, also health problems. Meanwhile I know a girl who's a narcissist and constantly talks behind people's back, loves you when you do things for her but immedietely gives you cold treatment if you disagree on anything, she lived on easy mode and was constantly served by her parents and now her boyfriend, people at work love her because she's chatty and sooo interested in the work she's doing, she's so good at faking she cares for people, I constantly head about her achieving some important mile stone thanks to her boyfriend who does everything for her, like finding a nice apartment or buying an expensive car. Parents send her money if she needs them. They also paid for her private school because her grades were too bad for a public school. Now she gets ahead in work very fast and people literally love her. Like she just gets everything. For what? I don't get it. What's the point of trying? I feel like I'm getting nowhere no matter how hard I try and others get everything just for existing in their natural state
No. 1536589
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I already dragged my ass out of bed early which is the actual hard part, I'm IN my workout clothes, but my roms finished downloading I don't want to go to the gym I want to play ps2 games and rot in my chair REEEEE
No. 1536602
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I keep going to sleep in hopes of restarting my body à la turn it off and on again but it's not helping.
No. 1536738
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This is the second time I've had to piss in a cup for someone to pass a drug test because I don't do drugs and idk how to say no (or I try to say no but the begging starts)
No. 1536906
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Nonnies who’ve had to put their sick dog down - how did you know it was time? My girl has serval high grade mast cell tumors that can’t be removed due to their size and location. She eats normally and still gets excited to go for walks although she has been moving a bit slower than before. My fiancé said we should put her down while she’s still feeling normal so she won’t have to be in pain towards the end but I’m afraid of ending her life too early. I don’t want to be selfish but I’m not ready to say goodbye.
No. 1536942
>>1536906You’ll know, anon. My old dog had a tumor that I’m assuming spread to her brain. She would get really upset during thunderstorms, then she just started getting upset when it became nighttime. She had trouble walking, then I had to help her walk outside when I felt like she probably needed to go potty because she wouldn’t rouse herself. Before that she would limp everywhere, she wouldn’t walk quite right. She deteriorated like this within like a week or two, and then I knew it was time. Don’t worry, she’s happy to spend her last days with you and you’ll know when it’s time. ♥
>>1536935Can you cut contact?
No. 1536953
>>1536906This is such an american thing to put your pet down as soon as possible it genuninely scares me. Wtf. Here in latam people only put their pets down as an absolute last resort. Aka your pet os screaming in pain and will be dead in a few hours anyway. I have an american friend who commented about how EASY vets in the US put pets down vs here they do all they can to save or send home to let The pet pass naturally. Wtf
nonnie let your dog pass in her sleep. If she eats and plays, why do you want to kill her so bad?
No. 1536959
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I'm a supply teacher and I am a bit worried about the school judging me based on my popularity with the Y10-11 boys even though I shut it down with a heavy hand. My Mum's logic is that the fact they feel they are so familiar with me means I am doing something wrong.
I am very strict, disciplinarian and even have a reputation for being a tough teacher, but I use humor and praise to connect with my students where appropriate. I get excellent feedback on my behaviour mgmt.
This has only happened in the last 2 days, they crowded around me as I left the school, and at lineup, not to say anything inappropriate but just to ask how my day is etc.
When they ask my name, age etc. I tell them verbatim 'I do not discuss my personal life with students'.
I don't feel I have done anything wrong but am a bit worried about how the optics after speaking to my Mum, she says they won't offer me a perm job (which I desperately want - I love the school).
Today a Y10 boy asked for a selfie with me, I scolded him and told him that was inappropriate. I even dress frumpily and tie my hair back to counter my youth.
No. 1536971
>>1536959boys are perverts now and pornsick, so if you're young and not hideous they are going to take advantage and think they can pull shit. trying to dress frumpy if you're attractive won't do much, and the strict teacher act when you are actually a good and empathetic person seems like it might turn them on more. the selfie request is very weird and i'd keep track of which boys try to cross boundaries like this. this year of kids already knows you, but in the future dialing back humor might lower this. look up boys moaning in classroom or sexually harassing teachers, they do not give a fuck now unfortunately.
>>1536961sounds like a possible boymom in denial of what boys are like!
No. 1536972
>>1536966Uhhh they know me a Miss Anon. I do not tell them my first name because it's a professional boundary.
Am I over reacting? One boy asked me for a selfie with him, asked me to hold his hand, another boy asked if hes my favourite, asked if i missed him, asked if I was upset he wasnt in my last class.
My Mum said they are 'outrageously flirting' with me and that the fact they even approach me like that means I am doing something wrong.
No. 1536974
>>1536959I know how you feel,
nonnie, the kids at the school I went to for my internships were like that as well, I don’t know, sometimes they just want you to be friends with them because teachers tend to overshare from time to time.
So when they see you, that you probably don’t go there often, that you avoid answering to their questions, and such, they want to know more and they want to get on your good side because they think you’re interesting.
I don’t know, I think getting along with the kids is important, and I think you’re doing amazing tbh, you don’t need to be their best friend or use them as therapists to be a good teacher, so I think that’s honestly a great point for you to hire you permanently.
No. 1536975
>>1536971OMG i lose my shit when they do the sex moan, normally only year 7s do it so not the boys who are testing the waters with me.
I also lose my shit if they mention Andrew Tate and I now have a reputation as someone who will do this.
I am really, really strict and I do not share my personal life, only my professional life i.e. work experience and education because I have a very impressive background and I like to use it to inspire the kids that they can be like me too if they study hard.
No. 1536980
>>1536974They ask SO many questions. All I have told them so far is that I have a motorbike, that I studied at Cambridge university.
They ask me about mundane things i.e. about my bicycle, about the tattoo on my hand, what food I like, what shows I like and if it's harmless I will respond but if it's personal my stock responses are:
'I do not discuss my personal life with students'
'You can't say things like that to me, it's inappropriate'
'If you say anything like this to me again, there will be consequences'
Im so glad you think im doing well
nonny, my Mum is normally very supportive but she says im inviting it like wtf am I meant to do. Im already dressing down.
No. 1536983
>>1536978It's a professional boundary : I am young, pretty and will get taken advantage of if the kids know my first name.
I also do not tell them my age either.
These are important things for dissuading male admiration and boundary crossing.
No. 1536984
>>1536926>>1536942Thank you both. I’m just happy to know that she has lived a life full of love and good food. I think when she no longer wants to go out or eat will be my sign that it’s time for her to cross that rainbow bridge.
>>1536953I don’t disagree with you on how easy it is to put a pet down in the US but not all animals die peacefully in their sleep. And subjugating your pet to that amount of suffering to the point that they’re wailing in pain seems just as cruel.
No. 1536996
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>>1536992I am strict and they were not aggressive at all, just pushing boundaries a bit.
I was literally called a fucking pedo by some mumsnetter, its so retarded. For your viewing pleasure.
what the fuck is wrong with these cunts.
No. 1537026
>>1537016Oh you. Coming to a gossip forum to vent about your vent on another gossip forum…
Next stop, Kiwifarms
>You would not believe what those femcels said to me when I… No. 1537051
>>1536497Reading this made me think of this amazing news I learnt a few days ago. The crazy moid who was harassing my aunt for like… 15 years (I don't know exactly especially since I don't have all the details, I was young when it started and I did not know for years this was still going), who I saw as a child threatening us at our car window with a knife (I will remember this for life); who technically forced her to move several times, sent her threatening messages, telling her he would find her, other times suicide baiting… is finally dead! We don't know exactly why, some say it was a score with other members of his community, others that he killed himself. This is what I've heard from my mom, who also occasionally received insults from him. On Facebook, messages of compassionate tributes are pouring in, his friends say he was a good man. Of course he was. Anyway I'm just very happy that he's finally dead, he had just moved out in a town very close to where my aunt currently resides too…
You should really try to take action and see which members of your family would be likely to be on your side.
No. 1537146
>>1537048Nona, just learn what specific ingredients you need for your skin type or issues and mark them to filter out products without them on a site where you buy this stuff. Then look at the products that have reasonable price and mostly good reviews (although there are good products that lack reviews because they're relatively new or just not popular so it's not that important) and check the ingredients lists, for example, here and here to see if they're good or crappy. Personally I think you don't need a lot of products, and that's what youtube dermatologists usually say too: a wash, a toner and/or serum, moisturizer, and an exfoliant are enough (maybe also eye cream/serum if you want). It might still take some time to choose products but at least you'll have a better idea about the ingredients and you'll spend less money. Last time I was buying skincare I looked for the specific ingredients and cheaper options/discounts, and I only spent 26$ on everything I needed, it was all different brands: polish foam, bulgarian gel cream, korean serum and peeling gel, and they work absolutely fine for me, might be not the most perfect and I'll try something different next time but I see that my skin looks way better than before anyway.
No. 1537266
>>1536009I hope you realize that everyone prob went quiet because they know he’s a sick pedophile freak and didn’t wanna get into it with her. Keep going to that support group and try to make friends. I know there is at least one
terf there who will understand you nona.
No. 1537304
>>1536009I hope you realize that everyone prob went quiet because they know he’s a sick pedophile freak and didn’t wanna get into it with her. Keep going to that support group and try to make friends. I know there is at least one
terf there who will understand you nona.
No. 1537330
My fiance is pissy with me because his dad called and said that his aunt and uncle are in town, and wanted us to come over to his dad's house. I was honest and said that I didn't really feel like it, and he started getting all huffy "But-but-but you NEVER come with me when they ask us to come over!"
Which is kinda true. Honestly, I just don't like hanging out with ANYONE'S family, mine included. I like his dad, but I'm not a fan of his super-conservative, judgy girlfriend, and every time we see them they just complain about liberals and gay people and how "the world is OUT OF CONTROL!!!" the entire time and it's just tiring. Also, my own parents are very overbearing and I have to walk on eggshells with them constantly.
So in my mind "Family Time" = "Chore/Obligation" rather than something fun.
I also just started a new job, I'm exhausted today, and I just don't feel like answering the "When is the wedding??? How is your new job?? Does it pay well??" questions. And come on, if his aunt and uncle were coming to town, they could have given us at least a day's notice.
No. 1537339
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do you ever send something hoping for comfort and then get a reply two hours later and it makes things worse that there was a significant delay so you feel closed up and more useless than before?
No. 1537349
>>1537334Sanest mumsnetter.
these have got to be middle aged women whose brain is fried with jealousy at the minion of a young pretty woman, literally how frothing at the mouth must you be with envy to call a teacher a nonce just because she acknowledges her beauty and youth as a problem for her
No. 1537355
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>>1536589I love this, I wish I knew you irl kek.
No. 1537381
>>1537379this is such boymom not my little jonny logic
I assure you I’m not flattered by attention from blistering pustule covered underdeveloped rail-thin immature weak willed teenage boys. Get real
No. 1537383
>>1537379Right? We had a male teacher with a super plump peach that all the girls would comment on. I'm sure he was flattered but he was real professional about it though so you wouldn't know. Lord, I'm getting hot just thinking about him, whew let me phone down.
Anyways point is, chew the meat (the compliments) and spit out the bones (the fact it's coming from pornsick m*les)
No. 1537388
>>1537379>>1537377>>1537384Girl, what’s wrong with you? It seems like you’ve never interacted with teenagers as an adult. No one sane would find whatever they say as something positive. If anything I get why anon feels uncomfortable because they’re honestly a bit threatening when they try to circle you to get information out of you.
Like yeah, the picture is dumb but who cares? Let it go.
No. 1537398
>>1537395Teenage boys are not cute AT ALL and I’m not flattered by it
I used that pic so my post would get more attention I don’t even watch anime
No. 1537408
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>>1537405Based professor anon.
I’m teacheranon and I have been getting absolute vitriol from women on Mumsnet which makes the
victim blaming nonnies here look sane.
No. 1537417
>>1537413>>1537406This retard is the moid baiting.
No. 1537424
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>>1537420Because in the UK you can’t just swear at students it’s profoundly unprofessional.
I have already told the boys ‘You can’t talk to me like that’ ‘That’s extremely inappropriate’ ‘I’m a grown up you’re a child, be respectful’ etc
My main concern is being perceived as a ‘seductress’ by other staff and admin. I Already sent the following email to my DSL.
No. 1537427
full disclosure, am drunk,you're telling the
victim-blamer-anon to stop reading shota, not me, right?
No. 1537430
>>1536959>posting to mumsnet hoping for empathy and validation when you confess that you have no classroom boundaries Anon, I don't know what you expected from a
parenting forum, parents are so disrespectful and demanding of a teacher's job as is. Don't infuriate them more by implying their little johnnys may have the hots for you.
I will give you that this is a very serious issue that absolutely will have consequences for your career if you happen to say or do the wrong thing one day.
That's why you need to start documenting every negative reaction and taking
real disciplinary steps when the boundaries and grey rocking don't work on the worst offenders. When students think they are on the same level as you, which unfortunately getting too familiar with jokes/praise can do, they will lose respect for you.
What you're going through is not considered flattery, maybe only by those young and naive enough to interpret it as such. But what it is is actually a push against your authority by belittling you. And whether you want to be honest with yourself about it or not, the ways which you think you've been handling it have only enabled the behavior to continue. Do with that as you will.
No. 1537435
>>1537431Lol if it’s just an image board you wouldn’t be getting so
triggered by a random anon thinking you were a scrote role playing.
(bait and derailing) No. 1537437
>>1537430You are right, I will assert my authority more and ensure that this does not continue
I am already strict but some of the boys are difficult characters from complex backgrounds and it can be hard to navigate that. I want to have a rapport with those students because they tend to get left behind even when bright and capable.
No. 1537439
>>1537436‘That’s inappropriate’
‘You can’t say things like that to me, I am an adult and you are a child’
‘I do not discuss my personal life with students’
‘Do not ask me questions unrelated to the work’
No. 1537442
>>1537436Also just generally scolding them and being bossy
One of the boys with the more obvious crush on me walked right into a tiny Year 7 and I bollocked him and made him apologise.
No. 1537444
>>1537439Ah so you've done nothing actually disciplinary like sending to the office or assigning detention for inappropriateness, got it.
Good luck fixing the issue using words on teenage boys lol.
No. 1537445
>>1537444It’s far too subtle for me to actually justify sending to the principals office and since it’s done outside of lesson sending them there is not always an option. How am I meant to send them there if they’re approaching me after school and there’s 5/6 of them and I can’t remember who is saying or doing what or identify specific offenders.
Stop fucking
victim blaming
No. 1537447
yep, don’t the rules state that anons must be over 18 to post here?
No. 1537450
>>1537424im sorry nony. in america you can tell students to fuck off in those exact words once you get tenure, so long as you teach middle school or high school.
the tradeoff is you can still get fired for not bending the knee to troons, sadly
No. 1537451
>>1537424im sorry nony. in america you can tell students to fuck off in those exact words once you get tenure, so long as you teach middle school or high school.
the tradeoff is you can still get fired for not bending the knee to troons, sadly
No. 1537452
>>1537424im sorry nony. in america you can tell students to fuck off in those exact words once you get tenure, so long as you teach middle school or high school.
the tradeoff is you can still get fired for not bending the knee to troons, sadly
No. 1537454
>>1537424im sorry nony. in america you can tell students to fuck off in those exact words once you get tenure, so long as you teach middle school or high school.
the tradeoff is you can still get fired for not bending the knee to troons, sadly
No. 1537456
>>1537424im sorry nony. in america you can tell students to fuck off in those exact words once you get tenure, so long as you teach middle school or high school.
the tradeoff is you can still get fired for not bending the knee to troons, sadly
No. 1537464
>>1537457I will next time. It can be hard because they are very subtle, strategic and will only just tow the line so that they can’t be disciplined for anything explicit, I wouldn’t also then want to be accused of encouraging it and my worst fear is that the boys will say I am ‘flirting back’ or something horrible and untrue.
I have already sent an email about it to the DSL so I have been able to get my word in first before some batshit version of events from a jealous colleague makes the rounds.
It’s 5am and I’ve been up since 3 worrying sick about this, I am literally afraid to go in tomorrow after what happened yesterday, I feel not only will they not give me a job but will not use me for supply there anymore. Fuck.
No. 1537491
>>1537479I'm not going to do anything. I'm very sorry that happened to you, anon. I can't imagine how painful that must've been. Hoping you're with someone who treats you with the love you deserve.
>>1537481I don't even know. It's just that he's a really good friend, but I'm aware he's attracted to me so I just feel weird. It's more that I wish I didn't feel the same way, if that makes sense. I'm not going to wreck the marriage or encourage anything untoward, but I feel shitty for having these feelings.
No. 1537500
>>1537492No thanks, anon. I'm not going to do something that will hurt another woman. If he chooses to stray, it won't be because of me.
>>1537494Fucking hell, that's evil. I can't fathom how or why they'd be so cruel. Part of me hopes there are men out there that aren't fucking scrotes, but I'm starting to doubt it, tbh. Been encountering a lot of unironic incels lately, and it's depressing.
>>1537495I haven't told him how I feel, and I'm not going to. If push comes to shove, I'll end the friendship.
No. 1537507
I feel like this whole thread is scrotes larping tonight
>>1537502And there he is