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No. 1531303
You probably are not alone in your opinion.
Previous thread:
>adhere to site and board rules>do not respond to bait>report and ignore trolls or obvious maleposters instead of replying like an idiot No. 1531338
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I don't get why Kate Middleton is considered a style icon. I get the whole simply and classy thing and it works, but a good majority of what she wears ranges from lukewarm/boring to ugly and it's not really enough to be an icon. I'm not British so I don't know all of them, but I think the last time the royals had someone who could really dress was when they had princess Margaret.
No. 1531345
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>>1531338Samefag, if we really want to talk about royal women who can be classy but still interesting, I say queen Rania is pretty good at it
No. 1531573
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>>1531545nta but think about it… put on your male-vision goggles and rewatch a couple scenes in your head
No. 1531582
>>1531545There's an entire scat and multiple vore scenes in Spirited Away, think about it
This isn't the full scene or extent of it btw
No. 1531599
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This is so cute
No. 1531601
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>>1531588Accidentally deleted thIs
No. 1531612
>>1531605Let me guess
>white girls make drinking white claw their personality!!Or something weird when this just seems like cute fun/funny shut.
No. 1531619
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>>1531606>>1531607I saw this go somewhat viral on Twitter a few times and people were making all sorts of assumptions about them.
No. 1531663
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>>1531573>>1531577>>1531582Nonnas he literally said he was against and disgusted by lolicons who sexualise his protagonist. I understand being always on edge while watching movies made by men though.
No. 1531698
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Modern Conservative Women fit in more with Suffregettes than modern women who label themselves as Feminists
No. 1531700
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relationships between cousins arent wrong or gross. first off, i was molested by a sibling as a child, so don't come at this and tell me i dont think incest is traumatic or i don't understand the harm. i do. nothing i'm going to say applies to FIRST DEGREE relatives, only cousins or further. second off, no, i am not interested in any of my cousins and i have never had sexual contact with any of them. with that being said:
>cousin relationships are wrong because there's a higher risk of birth defects
1. not really, the risk is only about 1.7% higher than normal.
2. we don't decide who can have children based on whether their children would be disabled. even when the risk is much, much higher and the disability is certain to be life ruining or life ending, we don't stop it. but 1.7% increase of risk for any slight disability is enough for it to be entirely wrong? lol ok
3. not all couples have children, there's always adoption, couples can go to genetic counselors and find out if there's any serious risk.
in conclusion, the likelihood of birth defects is highly exaggerated, and we don't control how people reproduce in any other situation so we shouldn't here.
>power imbalances will make these relationships exploitative
this is where it gets different from first degree relatives. if you're raised with someone you will never be able to have an equal, neutral relationship with them. there's a reason why people who have sexual contact with siblings or parents end up in therapy for the rest of their lives. so the prohibition on first degree incest makes sense. even if hypothetically there could be a one in a million situation where there would be no exploitation, 1. the risk of birth defects from first degree incest is literally 50% and 2. the greater good requires having a total ban on these relationships because again, 99.99999% of the time they ARE extremely harmful and traumatic.
now, compare this with cousins. you aren't raised with your cousins. you might see them only a few times a year. if you are in a situation where (for example) you have an older cousin in a position of power who molests their younger cousin, then that's wrong because of the age difference and abuse, not because they're cousins. "being cousins" is not enough to make 99% of cases abusive like "being siblings" or "being student and teacher" are. the power imbalance and opportunity for abuse is just not inherent in the cousin relationship, at least not to the extent where we need to have such a huge taboo against it.
>ewwwww sweet home alabama gross cousinfucker ahaha
at best, these jokes are 1. not arguments and 2. small minded. there are countries where more than 50% of marriages are between cousins. pick virtually any historical figure from before the last 200 years and there's a 99% their spouse was their cousin. the cousin relationship taboo is extremely new and very localized to western nations. it isn't based on the harm that these relationships cause in the form of disabilities, and it isn't based on the inherently exploitative nature of these relationships. it's based on literally nothing other than HURRR DURRR POOR PERSON HAVE SEX WITH COUSIN HURRRR. you can't change my mind but you can try.
No. 1531821
>>1531619sucks to see women like this get dunked on because I worked as a glassy/bartender/door girl and the most catty and weird girls were the photographers and djs, never the floor staff or promo girls. promo girls were paid to be happy and lively and personable and PRETTY. most of the time they'd come and sneak into the door-booth with me, sit behind and chill with me until enough people were in/they were required for promo. we'd complain about men, life, feeling objectified (spray tans, hair/nail appointments, late night travel expenses etc., sexual harassment etc.)
these girls work hard, and they pay a lot to look good. and in my experience they are some of the sweetest people ever. if you're crying in a bathroom, guess who has your back? if you're vomiting, they're the ones passing glasses of water under the stall door. they deserve some credit.
No. 1531839
>>1531834Betty Boop being based on Baby Esther is a misconception that stems from when Helen Kane sued Fleischer studio for copying her the court showed footage of Baby Esther to prove that Kane was not the only singer who sang in that baby voice and used boop sounds in her scat singing. Betty Boop is just a caricature of what was considered trendy/cute for young women to look like at the time so she has different elements from different female performers. If I do remember correctly Baby Esther was performing in Europe when all of this happened and there was very little recorded footage of her so Fleischer Studio only ripping her of in order to create Betty Boop is weird.
It's just one of those weird internet rumours that people cite as a fact if you look more into the situation you will discover that there is more nuance to it. There where cases where white artists stole from black artists and those cases deserves more attention but this one is just an internet urban legend
No. 1531840
>>1531835They could focus on her learning scat at such a young age and her talent she had if I remember correctly I read somewhere that
Esther toured Europe around the late 1920s-30s and was the highest paying child artist.
But regarding the whole "boop a doop" thing lots of women at the time were scatting and making baby sounds in their songs. Helen Kane used " Poop" instead of "Boop" and "Poo" there were many of voice actors who built Betty but Mae started forming who Betty was later.
No. 1531867
>>1531700>2. small minded. there are countries where more than 50% of marriages are between cousins. pick virtually any historical figure from before the last 200 years and there's a 99% their spouse was their cousin.Yes and thats why they have an average iq of 70 in those countries and an aburdly high rate of birth defects and infant mortality, and why all royalty has mad schizophrenia and are ugly as fuck and retarded.
Anecdote, I know someone whos parents are first cousins amd he is a retard with conjoined toes, underbite, autism and picks his nose and eats it in public and doesn't understand that peopel think its gross. His brother is the same way so it wasnt just a random thing.
No. 1531901
>>1531853this is the first time i've ever posted about the subject so… no.
>>1531896this line of thought was
triggered by a convo with a friend and we're both women kek. not everything you disagree with comes from men.
>>1531867this… isn't true lmao what the fuck. no brown people from third world countries don't have an iq of 70. people will literally post shit like "all pakistanis are retarded and allergic to cheese" and i'm somehow the messed up one for not hating something that is in literally every single one of your genealogies.
No. 1531911
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>>1531857>>1531893South Asian and I can confirm this, my mom's family have been married to each other's cousins for generations and I have so many cousins with health issues
I've had at least 4 cousins and 3 nephews and nieces who died before they even reached the age of 3, I have relatives that suffer from heart conditions, asthma, deformed ears, mental retardation, I even had a cousin with extra fingers on both hands that were surgically removed
My dumbass Mullhah cousin has had 5 kids in the past 9 years, 2 of his kids are well "slow" and his eldest daughter has a abnormality with her colon and yet he believes that God will provide for him and his kids
Its depressing to see, especially with the kids cause they never had any choice in the matter
No. 1531919
victim of the cheese touch
No. 1531952
>>1531700Are you my cousin who tried to score with me recently, despite me not being into men and certainly not a relative? Kek.
I can see where you're coming from philosophically. Eg. If two same sex or two infertile cousins in their 30s had sex there should be no moral qualms.
However, some of us just don't want to do that. I lose complete attraction to anyone who looks too much like my mom or dad's side of my family, for example.
No. 1531955
>>1525298Since everyone apparently agreed on this, I would still like to say that having had only one brother, I would have preferred to have a larger family, especially sisters. I think it also has some playful or practical advantages growing up, of helping each other (in an idealized case, of course). I was very often bored in my youth and always wanted to play board games, card games or even multiplayer video games, but it would never happen. I assume having friends can also help with that, but I did not have many. I also have a small extended family with only one cousin and I envy large families in that regard. Recently I met an Asian woman who has a very large family and they all help each other with brothers, sisters, cousins, parents and grandparents. I'm sure there is some drama once in a while but it seems better than being almost alone to me, especially whenever you require assistance. On the other hand, this is somewhat related, but I am also envious of neighbourhoods where neighbours are supportive of each other and get along well. I lived in a neighbourhood for over 20 years without ever talking to a single neighbour.
No. 1531964
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>>1531834Why are there images of two different women that people are claiming are baby ester? Kek
No. 1531983
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>>1531964She was a child and you can see her actual picture on wikipedia No. 1532101
>>1532055I'm a doomer, what's the worst that can happen if ticktok is banned in the US?
Probably more shorts on YouTube, or youtube removes it shorts entirely.
No. 1532163
>>1531906I shouldn’t have laughed at this but wtf
>>1531919Laughing even harder
No. 1532232
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Fundas are worse than fujos. They’re moids fueled by the coom and are more likely to make their fetish a reality. I’ll forever laugh at TIFs who think they’re just like gay men. They don’t have the audacity of a moid to go this far. An obscene amount of them are into shotacon.
No. 1532423
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I see a lot of communists and leftists on twitter, really romanticizing artwork and photographs of revolutionary women with a rifle in their hand and yes these images are really powerful, in some ways beautiful as well and inspiring in a lot of cases, but I think westerners really romanticize and fetishize these images, men especially "oh this is the type of woman I want" and there's never any consideration that the situation they were looking at should never be something aspire to really, historically women have went to war when there's no opportunity to leave, the nation is in dire straits and most of the proper soldiers are dead, something like that is actually really dark and I think men shouldn't have to do it either but they are better deposed to be doing that, it's just how biology shapes what we can do. If there was a war and I had a son and daughter, I'd be heartbroken if any of my children were conscripted but I'd rather my son go off to war then my daughter. It wouldn't be that I wouldn't love my future son it's just that I'd know he'd be more capable in a war.
No. 1532484
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>>1532423I feel like I'm crazy because I have a genuine historical interest in communism and communist countries. And online I just get gaslit coming across far leftists and communists. It's not just contemporary ones that bewilder me, like, I have no idea how white, college educated westerners got so infatuated with Mao's Little Red Book in the 70s. Go pick up a copy sometime and read Lin Biao's introduction, it's like you're reading a Jehovah's Witness pamphlet or some excerpt from the Moonies church.
On the topic of pictures. This one from the Chinese Cultural Revolution I love. It's a propaganda picture, for sure, just based on the proud, defiant poses from the young women at the front…Except if you look further in the background, and look across the faces, you just see a bunch of tired old men and women who look exhausted and want to go home kek.
No. 1532519
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No. 1532556
>>1532519I agree, Star Wars is boring as fuck, both trilogies (I don't count Disney movies as real Star Wars), and there were better bands in the 1960s than the Beatles.
On this subject I fucking hate the song Imagine, the lyrics are horrible, the music is sleep inducing and John Lennon was an asshole. I'm wary of anybody who has that song in their favorites.
No. 1532582
>>1532562It's true. Most of these surrogate babies have absent parents who don't give a shit about them, they only exist in the world to be property for their parents. The bond between an adopted child and an engaged parent will always be more
valid than blood ties.
No. 1532684
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>>1532542I disagree but one thing I will say is that certain radfems who are bring up that study of "sperm created from bone marrow will make men obsolete" are as delusion as troons who think womb implants are possible, the crux of this argument comes from one study from a decade back performed on rats, see bone marrow, can be differentiated into sperm LIKE cells, but the differentiation isn't fully complete. They're sperm-like, but they're not fully differentiated, meaning they're not fully differentiated functional sperm. and have no functionality, and no fertilization was performed.
see each egg and sperm gets a random set of half of the parent genome. So if you have the genome Aa Bb Cc, your gametes will have random genomes like Abc or ABC or aBc or abC… the offspring will get two randomly chosen halves it won't get the same combination the parent had….for example it might wind up with aa BB Cc.
so even it possible with large mammals, the odds of doubling up on nasty recessives would be be near impossible.
No. 1532920
>>1532909i dont think you get to play the sexism card when your line of defense for taylor literally is ''she is not a complete thot'' because that sounds like a moid-tier backhanded compliment.
Also her fans were teens like maybe 5-10 years ago.
No. 1532949
>>1532519The first two star wars movies (IV and V) are the perfect movies for 12 year old boys, just going by how my little brothers got obsessed with them. It was sort of cute at the time watching the movies with them every year when it came on public TV.
They grew out of it though and moved on, but all the men in their 30s still obsessed over star wars to a creepy degree confuse me a lot.
I have a lot of loving nostalgia for the series for the aforementioned reasons but I don't really want to see new iterations of it anymore or come across weirdo adults obsessing over it.
No. 1533039
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This will be a rant but it's been on my mind for a while. I know people will seethe but oh well!!
Koreaboos don't make sense to me. South Korea is so boring compared to China or Japan. The only interesting places are Gyeongbokgung (which would get old very fast if you visit more than once) and maybe Bukchon Hanok Village (there's a reason why 99% of the pictures from there are taken on same street). That's it, two landmarks. When American missionaries started working their magic in SK, the Koreans destroyed a ton of ancient shrines and temples because they associated it with Satanism.
As someone who traveled to both countries regularly, it really boggles my mind how Korea is so fucking popular, especially compared to Japan.
Korea is empty, superficial and cultureless. It's an American clone with Asian features. No striking architecture, history is utterly insignificant outside the Korean War, culture is nothing but plastic surgery, skincare products and shallow western sounding pop music. Even the food is more boring. Seriously, what do they have? Kimchi and fried chicken?
Japan on the other hand is strikingly beautiful, gorgeous castles as well as old traditional style buildings and homes but built with modern standards. Cool history with samurais, geisha, shrines around every corner, and deeply rooted authentic traditions. Going to Japan is like going to Greece or Egypt. You can just FEEL the deep rooted history there; whereas going to Korea is like going to America, it's just a country that cares about empty superficial bullshit and narcissism.
No. 1533040
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The AIDs crisis was a shitpost of the Gay community's own making, people of the San Fransico Gay community were told they were spreading a "gay cancer" before it was specifically identified and they willingly continued their hedonistic lifestyle spreading it to the drug community and the rest of the US population.
It's sucks for the 3% that got AIDs from deception and intentional infection but a vast majority got it from their own shitty choices.
No. 1533198
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>>1531316Late reply but I don’t mind heroin chic being in again. I’m skinny as shit naturally, my whole family is, and I’m happy it’s going back in style. It’s not like the previous trend of huge ass and tits with tiny waist was much more achievable or healthier (implants and BBL aren’t that great) unless you were genetically blessed.
I mostly see heavy girls (no hate here, just a description) reeeing about the new trend being inherently unhealthy and it’s ironic to me that after all the body positivity those same accounts were pushing, they can’t help themselves and shit on skinny people being unnatural, bones showing being hideous and inherently anorexic. They are mostly shitting on skinny body figures instead of simply criticising body trends or diets. They can’t imagine skinny people exist naturally just as fat people do and that it also feels really bad to hear how disgusting your body type is. Fuck them honestly.
No. 1533203
>>1533198i just want for clothing brands to stop with the crop tops and bubble pants shit, which started because of the whole bbl craze and hasn't abated. please. not everyone wants their tummy hanging out, even if you have a perfectly flat stomach. i feel like that only looks good when you're going to the club or are 17 years old, which i am not.
also i wish i could find a dress like this, i have a figure similar to twiggy's here, just with a slightly larger bust and i know this would look so cute on me.
No. 1533213
Suck Punch is a good movie.
>>1532232I think you mean fudanshi? I kind of agree but I avoid them as much as possible. Some of them have the exact same tastes as the typical fujoshi but they seem rare.
No. 1533236
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The movies did not do a good job of selling these twos relationship. It felt kinda shoehorned.
>That what I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that.
No. 1533319
>>1532864I mean the implication was negative
>>1532919I don't know the first thing about kpop because I've never listened to it so I couldn't shit on it if I wanted to, weird assumption.
No. 1533342
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picky eaters are subhuman. idc.
No. 1533357
>>1533342true, I hate when people start whining about food
but I won't eat anyone's head, head parts, genitalia or anus, that's just gross
No. 1533415
>>1533342By choice, from this list, I wouldn't eat only gizzards and brussels sprouts. A few other things only because they would make me feel bad if I didn't mostly avoid them. Not from this list, absolutely can't stand aspic, blood sausage, milk soup with pasta, horseradish, and kissel as a drink.
Also this
>>1533357 No. 1533438
>>1533198Reminds when my coworker told me "oh fuck the skinny body type is trendy again" while I'm myself naturally underweight. She's not even fat or anything, why does she feel concerned?
>>1533342I'm vegetarian, does that make me a picky eater? Otherwise I can pretty much eat anything.
No. 1533693
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>>1533691lol wtf? I'm cackling, this is such an over the top reaction to an innocent reply
No. 1533705
>>1533697Are you also adverse to change, like puberty as a child, or signs of advanced aging like gray hairs or facial wrinkles? Oh and how do/did you view your parents/other adults in your childhood?
I genuinely want to know if there is a common connection for women who are adverse to producing offspring.
No. 1533732
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>>1533342Funny how you never hear of picky eaters being a thing in actual poor countries.
No. 1533760
>>1533342I’m picky about how things are prepared but I’m not really picky about what things are, if I went to a fancy restaurant I’d try at least a bite of whatever was put in front of me. You feel me?
I’ve never had liver and I’ve never had gizzards, but I would not be opposed to trying them if they were well prepared. I used to think I hated lobster and a lot of other seafood, turns out I just hate poor quality and/or poorly prepared lobster/seafood.
No. 1533768
>>1533705Nayrt but I share that nonna’s sentiment on pregnancy. It’s icky to me. I went through a phase in my early 20s where I was terrified of aging but then I when I got my first white hair I was actually super happy about it. I was always excited to grow up as a kid and would sometimes put balloons under my shirt and pretend to be a grown up. I never got big boobs, but I was an early bloomer and got acne and pubes and reached my tall for a kid but average-short for an adult woman height at a young age.
Taking care of one human, that human being MYSELF, is already a full time job. I’m no expert at it either, it’s not a well funded situation kek. I literally cannot imagine raising a child of my own even if the kid was adopted. I’m self aware enough to know that being a mother to a human child would send me to the loony bin post haste, I’d never sleep, I’d just worry about the child all the time until I lost my mind. I’ve literally gone to the ER when I was left to care for a KITTEN (not even a bottle baby like a 6 month old kitten I just had to give dewormer to everyday for a few days) because I was so stressed out I didn’t sleep for multiple days and was crying and not eating. They triaged me immediately because my heart rate was like 200+ and did a bunch of tests and it all came back clear so they gave me IV Ativan and that finally lowered my heart rate enough to discharge me. I also don’t know how to drive and have no desire to learn, cause I’m self aware enough to know I’m too neurotic and jumpy for the heavy responsibility that comes with operating heavy machinery.
No. 1533933
>>1533907It's probably also not discussed enough that a lot of these 'depressed' celebs suffer years of substance abuse. I'm sure most of them put their families and loved ones through hell.
Amy Winehouse for example. She got clean a few times and just complained of boredom. In various videos she complains that she's bored in recovery. There was nothing stopping her releasing more music taking on more projects, finding productive stimuli. And now she's remembered as some icon.
No. 1533951
>>1533907he is known for playing wholesome(and kinda cheesy) characters so that's why so many have so much attachment to him. He also just seemed like a someone who was fun to hang out with.
I feel like after his death he reached some sort of untouchable state where you were you arn't allowed to critise any movie he is in or character he played without people taking it personal. I know that suicide is a sensitive subject but it kinda sucks you can't even discuss a movie without taking the actors lives into consideration
No. 1534121
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>>1534116Most vtubers have been doxed, especially big ones. Idk about you, but I would never pretend to be mentally 5 and gugu talk to middle aged men.
No. 1534122
>>1534109Success breeds jealousy.
>no 20+ year old should talk like thatA professional and talented entertainer playing a role should, especially since it obviously works and has led her to success. Seriously all the bullshit about vtubers and loli is just jealousy and grifting. Vtubers are the most talented women out there and it made professional legacy media female entertainers realize they simply can't compete, so they attack them while hiding behind meaningless moralfag gibberish.
No. 1534133
>>1534121>Most vtubers have been doxedthere is a difference between being doxxed and being a public figure. The shark girl can fuck off at any time with her millions and live a comfy normal life. Venti is forever stuck being the pet woman streamer of horny alt right moids. It's probably impossible for her to get a normal job since her name is attached to being a retarded alt right nazi incel online.
>>1534124I am not even defending Gura, i am just saying that Venti is the exact same shit, probably worse because the shark girl at least isnt siding with actual nazi incel moids and she makes the safest most harmless content you can think of.
The only reason why Venti didnt jump in the vtuber bandwagoon its because she spooke shit of gura early on, otherwise i can assure you she would be a another vapid vtuber to chase clout off of alt right moids like that sperg Pippa.
No. 1534270
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>>1534122>Vtubers are the most talented women out thereGet an education
No. 1534276
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>>1534205No, just a fan. The basic point is vtubing is the only truly female dominated and female created culture where the males are just an appendage, and unlike in legacy media vtubing is highly professional, highly competitive, and meritocratic. A girl wins or loses based on her personality and effort, nothing more and nothing less. A good model helps but it won't save you. In Hollywood, Netflix and Western legacy media be it as writers or actresses the bar is non-existent. It's all nepotism and SJW's hiring other SJW's. Actresses are just mannish and unfeminine or just eye candy with tits that can't act, the writers are hacks who are both painfully uninteresting, unfunny and just plain fucked in the head, and most importantly the whole industry is just incestuous. There's no quality or effort there. It doesn't matter if we're talking cartoons or movies or whatever else. It's all just dead. There's nothing as cringe as female standup comedians for instance.
Because of anonymity vtubing allows the girl to be herself, to win or fail based on who she really is, and her IRL looks play no part in this. And she can't casting couch her way into being a success, or do the ''We went to the same school tee hee gimme a job'' grift etc. Women like Venti and generally women who shittalk vtubers are legit just angry it isn't enough to have a tits or a vagina to garner attention and money, or a diploma, or by sucking the right cock. They're angry because they've been utterly defeated by other women based purely on who they really are.
You can bitch and moan about Pippa, Gura, any and all vtubers and invoke any and all deities, moral systems, politics, whatever - it's all just a tool to try to bring the other girl down, the girl who tried, the girl who won, the girl who has what it takes. Vtubing is the ultimate equalizer and the ultimate battle ground. Nobody gets privileges, everyone starts on equal footing. And many women just can't deal with that because they've been told their entire lives that being physically there and having a pulse is enough for getting whatever she wants. The prettier the girl the greater this delusion. This doesn't work in vtubing because vtubing requires you to be an actual person. And many girls just can't deal with that.
No. 1534330
>>1534276I'm sorry
nonnie but this is so pathetic and sad. Being an entertainer behind an avatar who more often than not panders to men, or men attracted to little children, does not signify any particular talent. Of course #notallvtubers, but at best they're just anime girl streamers and what they do isn't any deeper than that. Men are desperate and they'll attach themselves to any vtuber who gives them a crumb of attention, I've witnessed so many weeby dudes I met online through video games fall into the vtuber trap because they fit a perfect niche, a loli that talks with them kek. And guess what, all of them give me the same spiel you just did. They're so talented and cute and funny, they can sing and dance and entertain for hours, how inspiring and amazing!
I don't blame the girls for hustling, just how I don't blame the streamers but neither is really impressive or worthy being jealous of, aside from the small percentage that makes good money out of it. This is nothing worth aspiring to, there's so many professions, trades and art forms I'd find myself being jealous of for not being able to do before even considering being jealous of a vtuber. I'm not denying it takes certain skills to be one as is the case for any calling on the planet but it's a far cry from vtubers being the most talented women ever.
No. 1534334
>>1534287I never had to deal with stans because I don't use social media, but then I started going on lipstick alley. The Beyonce and rihanna stans ruin every fucking thread, they sit aroung arguing for pages.
some of them are grown ass women with kids, who will go on for pages and DAYS defending their "Fav". Rihanna stans believe it or not are the worse on there though. They are front page every single Beyonce thread, constantly making threads about her, "My fav is a billionare! My Fav is this or that!"
So I can imagine how horrible they are online. Oh and Selena Gomez stans, I didn't even know she had a large fanbase until now, I never even heard a SG song
No. 1534624
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The shit women have to go through to fit the beauty standard is low key morbid and shouldn’t be normalized
No. 1534714
>>1534624I would agree but atleast with plastic surgery its as elective as it gets so “
have to” is pushing it and due to costs it naturally keeps away anybody besides the desperates who would willingly put themselves on bedrest (and can afford to do so) to appease their insecurities over something a lame moid commented on.
No. 1534779
>>1534778honestly i wish Tra's were actually smart or witty because this would be their perfect chance for them all to start claiming this is a hoax or a psy-op so conservatards can finally get a taste of their own medicine.
But tra's unfortunately are too retarded for that…
No. 1534929
>>1534922Did that
trigger you scrote?kek Come up with better race bait. Scrotes make it too obvious when they race bait because their baiting never makes sense or is realistic so it’s obvious when it’s you.
No. 1534979
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>>1534939>>1534878it really feels like idiotic /pol/ scrotes lurked here for two days, saw us talk about how retarded and annoying it is when twitter moids (their cousins) post insults about "white women" and get away with it (plus they use it as as a proxy to bash all women), and because their brains are so fucking concave, they've started trying to reinvent the shitbrained male wheel by doing the exact same thing, but by saying "black women" instead of "white women", expecting us to co-sign misogyny because you can't help but project your rape ape race wars onto women.
No. 1535325
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The only good thing that will come of AI will be when they completely digitally erase kevin spacey from House of Cards and replace him with probably Brian Cranston, and I can watch it again.
No. 1535577
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This will piss off lurking moids to high heaven
I find western women the most beautiful out of all the other nationalities
Anyway because I know someone's gonna say it
>BuT fAtTiEs
Kek many European, African and even some Asian and south American countries and catching right up to Americans obesity rate if not surpassing it already. America isn't even in the top 10-15 anymore and most of the obesity is from old people anyway
Here's some reasons
>American women are so much more diverse. If you ask an American to pick out some of the most beautiful women in their area, unless they have a very specific preference, they'll likely choose beautiful black women, beautiful white women with all sorts of diverse features, beautiful latinas or Asians and so on. If you ask people in most other countries to pick out beauties they'll likely just pick a bunch of copy and pastes
>America or western countries in general has some of the most hands down diverse personality types I've ever seen. You can find women who like to party, you can find women who'd rather stay inside and paint or garden, you can even find outdoorsy women who'd rather build a cabin. Too many western men are brainwashed to hate their own women so they don't truly appreciate the diversity the west has to offer, and then they go to Japan or some other country moids go to coom and are surprised and disappointed all girls there are very similar
>Western women typically groom themselves better
>I feel like westerners focus much more are actual facial features instead of just skin, hair or eye color, this leads to them picking more flattering things instead of bleaching the fuck out of their skin, frying their hair or putting some creepy Chinese knock off eye contacts in
>Better teeth, which can really make someone look put together
>I find typically 20s-40s American women are more likely to work out in a way that flatters their body type, where as a lot of countries women will just starve and get breast implants and hope for the best or insane looking bolted on bbl diaper asses and retardedly large lopsided breast implants (racebait)
No. 1535584
>>1535349I don’t like how the tone of this post exalts and assumes the reader is rustling their jimmies to impress a man who would consider a woman inferior for any reason and constantly tell her about it in a relationship.
I understand the context of the post/thread though.
No. 1536016
>>1535989>what double standardIt's okay when men have one-night stands and so on, but it's not when women do that because it allegedly means they're "used", they're sluts, "easy", etc. For some reason, it doesn't make these men sluts, and surely they can never be used, because man is a subject, and woman is always an object. That's how world works when you look at it through misogynistic lens. And btw, moids from Eastern European countries or Russia don't respect their women for being less "available", they hate it that they have to put some effort, call these women prostitutes, and go to actual prostitutes.
No. 1536051
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>>1535196Kindergarten food was the worst fr I can't stand fine-grain rye bread because they wouldn't let us leave the table unless we ate it all so I always had half-chewed bread in my mouth that I tried to spit out of the window instead of swallowing it…literal torture…
I love macaroni milk soup and kissell tho I have to admit I'm a sicko who looooves milk skin so idk what my opinion on that is even worth. For kissell there isn't really a recipe since it depends on what fruit you use and how thick you want it to be BUT if you don't like the sliminess then put in more fruit and that way you won't have to use as much potato starch to make it thicker. A classic red kissell with berries is good but I really like rhubarb+strawberry as well since it's not too sweet.
No. 1536244
>>1536166She said that women in other countries are same-y (which I don't agree with), but there's nothing in that post that says they're easy or that men think they're easy.
>women of colorIt also didn't say this either lol. The Op literally talks about beautiful American women of different races so it wouldn't make sense to then go and call them "easy".
No. 1536251
>>1536247You can literally scroll up and read the post.
>they go to Japan or some other country moids go to coom and are surprised and disappointed all girls there are very similarAgain, I don't agree with the idea that people from other countries are similar but what you're saying isn't true. Anon didn't say other women are easy,
you said that about American women. The argument there was that American women were better because there's more diverse personalities though, not that they're less easy. Your literacy sucks anon.
No. 1536271
>>1536183I just feel like you judge American women for being "easy" or something, and all I wanted to say is that it doesn't matter what men think and how they perceive us. I think women can do whatever they want regardless of what men expect, judge, despise or admire.
Also the type of Russian scrotes I'm talking about doesn't prefer "easy" women, they just want to have all at once like any other stupid scrote: have lots of sex without any effort, have
guaranteed sex in case of the smallest effort, and date totally pure but somehow sexually experienced virgin that'll do anything they want in bed. They go to actual prostitutes because they think they're "at least more honest." Despite not getting free sex, they still think they're surrounded by whores. And there've always been stereotypes about Eastern European women being prostitues too, they'd be called natashkas and so on. Russian moids just seethe that Russian women are allegedly more willing to "give" free sex to men of color or other nationalities. Whatever you do, you'll always be objectified and demonized by some retarded moids. It just seems to me sometimes that some anons here internalized moidy worldview based on viewing women as objects and sex as something that's inherently degrading for women. The fact that some scrotes perceive it like that doesn't make it objective reality.
No. 1536453
>>1536271>have lots of sex without any effort, have guaranteed sex in case of the smallest effort, and date totally pureThat's any men, you retard. That's why foreign men do sleep around with American women but usually never marry one unless they want citizenship. It's also why those stupid girls who date Korean, Arabic or other guys from different cultures always get dumped when it's time for him to marry even though up to that point, the American girls argue that the man loved them more because they're better than arabic/asian/etc women. I've seen so many American women do this, date a guy from another country, look down on women who are from his country and then realize that they just got used and he tricked them for easy sex.
Having sex isn't anything to be ashamed of, getting used by men for sex is though. It's like a man spending money on his gf or getting used for his money, there's a difference and anyone who's stupid enough to get used should be embarrassed
No. 1536544
>>1536520You have to be retarded to think liking coffee is equal to being addicted to drugs.
>>1536485I'm not talking about how men see you, I'm talking about how foreigners see Americans as stupid people to take advantage of which Americans certainly are. I %100 support foreign women who scam stupid American men and I don't care about American women who get tricked because you guys are the same as your men, you think you're superior to any foreigner even though everyone sees you guys as jokes. Imagine a first world country that has banned abortion yet still thinks they're good and sexually liberated. America sees women as wombs and whores, your politicians agree.
No. 1536551
>>1536546Okay I’m the addicted
nonnie. Honestly you comparing it to coffee was kinda helping me out. But I just googled and although it is the same withdrawals the thing with weed is you feel the withdrawals for like a month whereas coffee you withdrawal for like a week tops. And you can always substitute it with healthier options like tea and still get the caffeine you crave. There is no healthier alternative to weed and that’s what scares me. Also I went without weed for like 3 days and I could not keep food down without vomiting to the point where I thought I was pregnant. And don’t get me started on the headaches and racing thoughts that won’t go away at night. Coffee the most it ever did whenever I would stop is make me irritable during the day at work and tired. But weed It’s debilitating in a way I was not prepared for or told about. There’s a reason why so many stoners keep coming back. I know I should’ve done my own research but I was dumb and fed into the stoner meme
No. 1536588
>>1536547NTA but
> Bran chemistry altering substancesAnon you’re a fucking retard LMAO. How is coffee not a brain chemistry altering substance. I can’t stop laughing
No. 1536623
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>>1536242>>1536245Please respect Eastern European cultural dishes (it's just macaroni in milk kek).
No. 1536639
nonnie this just unlocked a deep memory for me… my babcia used to make this for me but with spaghetti. with the sweet milk it actually kinda slapped
No. 1536650
>>1536631it's not about the money, but time and energy is finite and has a cost. everyone has their own price I guess, kek
hoping your guy appreciates that yours is verryyy cheap, and gives an equal amount of love in return (probably not though, since men are incapable of very deep feelings like that kek)
No. 1536658
>>1536051>fine-grain rye breadIs it a kind of rye bread that's a bit sour? We had it too, ugh
>I have to admit I'm a sicko who looooves milk skinOh wow, yeah, you're a rare kind, hehe. I have to admit I really like buckwheat with sweetened milk tho.
I suspect they wouldn't cook kissel but use a flavored powder or something. It was slimy and too sweet, maybe just a little bit sour but with no distinct flavor of fruit or berry. So I think I never actually tried a real kissel after all.
Oh, and they used the cheapest macaroni of course, it just never occured to me I could try it with better kind.
No. 1536662
>>1536651Most anons admit to being severely mentally ill, don't take anything you read here seriously and don't get affected by it please. If this site affects you negatively take a break.
>>1536660You're proving her point, a lot of anons are bottom of the barrel retards and she's right about that, calling her a whore won't change anything.
No. 1536671
>>1536607Men don't ever make you pay if they like you, you're doing the right thing, he doesn't deserve your effort, time and energy if he's not reciprocating.
But a lot of anons not only pay half but pay even more for men. Check out relationship advice thread, a bunch of anons admit to paying more, buying a gifts but not getting any in return, etc.
No. 1536805
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I think the before internet part is wrong. Those people would just do it in private and if they moved to a city they somehow still found each other.
No. 1536840
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I can't tell when people are blushing. Their skin looks completely normal to me.
No. 1536882
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If men can use the rough sex defense to get away with beating and choking their gfs to death then the hide and seek defense should fly as well. Fair is fair
No. 1536917

>>1536882Sarah is a retard who fucked up.
The difference between men who claim the "rough sex" defense after murdering women and Sarah is that men generally aren't stupid enough to record themselves doing it and leak their own evidence of premeditation to authorities. Sarah was such a fucking drunk that she used her personal smartphone to record (mistake #1) and then fucking forgot that she had even recorded (mistake #2) and then sung like a canary to investigators without a lawyer (mistake #3).
Btw I 100% believe she was abused and she wanted that scrote dead. I don't blame her for those feelings because fuck abusers and that fact explains her cold indifference in the video. Our "justice" system, however, is tough on dumb criminals who get caught.
Jodi Arias did the same dumb shit. Caught on store surveillance buying gas cans and took pictures with Alexander's digital camera that showed premeditation and placed her in proximity to his house during the timeframe of the murder.
These women relied too much on having a sympathetic jury who will care about their abuse and self-defense claims in spite of the evidence. Society doesn't even care about our abuse when we are innocent and our abusers are free roaming the earth! Don't play stupid games.
No. 1536929
>>1536917I got banned for saying this one time, but I feel If I ever hated someone enough that I wanted to kill them for whatever reason, I could get away with it.
like I feel only morons ever caught
No. 1536940
>>1536929I'll say this much anon: Most murderers think they can get away with it but the majority don't.
In first world countries it is extremely difficult to get away with murder. That's why you can bet that major serial killers and mysterious deaths are likely linked to collusion and corruption at a high level. Alex Murdaugh is a great example of how even if you are a lawyer with multiple corrupt authority ties in your pocket spanning generations, you will eventually get caught. It doesn't take much.
No. 1536994
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>>1536658Yeah, it's the rye bread that's light brown/greyish with the chewy texture, instead of the darker kind from coarse milled flour (which I love). And kissell powder really is just sugar, starch, and like. Red food coloring…nothing comparable to the real thing! Definitely suggest you try it with real fruit.
Usually in a friend group there's at least one person who eats licorice, or the pickles from a burger but I've never ever met a fellow milk skin enjoyer kek. Funnily enough tofu skin is considered a delicacy in Japan and I do like it as well, although it is kind of bland. I guess that's my next unpopular (?) opinion, that Kyoto cuisine other than desserts is bland and overhyped. Everything they're famous for, another region in Japan does better, just with less hype.
No. 1537167
>>1537149I believe if most peoples
toxic bf or gf turned into someone nice and not
abusive the abused person would eventually get bored and leave or become
abusive themselves
No. 1537212
>>1537167Yes, that's because almost every single woman over the age of 21 in an
abusive relationship is complicit in the abuse, in that they're actively choosing to be with a man like that, they like men like that and they get off to men like that.
The amount of people I see that just leapfrog from one
abusive relationship to the next is just crazy. And it's not just other women, there's really motivated, successful guy I know that just bewilderingly bring chaos into his own life with some BPD bimbo that takes relationship drama right to his place of work.
No. 1537252
>>1537167Victims aren’t doomed to repeat the cycle but I do think if most people’s
toxic SO’s use the drama to hide the fact that deep down they’re boring. Some of the most
toxic men I dated were extremely bland once you sifted through all of their bullshit.
No. 1537260
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Pic related thinks she’s so nymphette being married to an old man but definitely will come back crying in 20 years that she was groomed like all old men fuckers do when they age out. It’s always funny how the “victims” conventionally start crying about grooming in their 30s…you were 22 girl, not 11 cut it out kek
No. 1537448
>>1537440Those posts about them becoming "invisible" make me laugh so hard
"Men don't kowtow at my presence anymore and sometimes.. I'm not the most fuckable woman in the room.. woe is me.."
No. 1537575
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>>1537568Btw this is a response to a woman talking about how she likes her husband's receding hairline. All the comments are raging, ripping apart her appearance and conspiring about how she's a single mom with onlyfans (she's not), she's a tranny, etc. "Men never get complimented and when they do it's super special!" my ass
No. 1537618
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>>1531958Sorry I'm replying to this a million years late, you're definitely right about Kate dressing very matronly (I actually think a big part of Kate's image seems to rely on her being seen as a mature, traditional woman who doesn't rock the boat) but I actually think that recently she's been doing the matron stuff less and trying to be more modern and daring. She's wearing a lot of suits now too. It's like her team realized they were making a mistake trying to visually prepare the public for being queen when she still won't be queen for a long time. I like her new style despite it having a lot of misses, but I still don't think it's "style icon" status. Especially not when a hallmark of her style is all those awful coat dresses.
No. 1537905
>>1537618Sorry if this is uninformed, I don't keep up with royal drama in-depth. IMO everything that went down with Harry and Meghan's drama has made me appreciate Kate's strength more. The tabloids were so cruel to her for no reason and nitpicked her more than they ever did for Meghan. Kate never gave the tabloids additional fuel for their vitriol and kept her head down. It must've been hard to be the first one to "bag" the princes; she got the full brunt of being criticized for not being good enough for a prince. She deserved to be "pitied" so much more than Meghan for how people criticized her whole being but never once did she pull the "woe is me" card like Meghan did. At the bare minimum she should be respected for being sensible (at least on the outside) and not contributing to the vulture tabloid system like Meghan did. I don't care about the royals' reputation at all, but Kate's handling of the press was a great example of not giving in to the standards that tie all of us down.
I'm glad it seems like she's exploring her style a little more, but if she wants to dress modestly and maybe a little matronly? WHO CARES. Good on her for not giving in to the whole carnival.
No. 1537955
>>1537905My post(s) is about Kate's style and nothing about Meghan. Everyone's need to drag this dumb-as-fuck "Kate vs. Meghan" shit into everything is actually concerning.
>but if she wants to dress modestly and maybe a little matronly? WHO CARESFirst, I never said there's anything wrong with being modest. Secondly, I care because I like fashion and many people also care about how she dresses. Kate's fashion is perhaps the most notable thing about her. She's considered a style icon and whenever you see anyone or anything talking about her, somehow someway her clothes will most likely come up. I'm pretty certain that she and her team know this and also care a lot about how she dresses and what message her clothes portray. It is important to her image.
No. 1538651
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I’m surprised about the amount of people thinking this kid is acting like a narc or that what the dad did isn’t ‘problematic’. Like, tf are you giving a teen alcohol for? Especially since ppl in the tags are like ‘well my parents let me drink when I was 10 and I turned out fine’ or ‘we’ll it’s legal where I live so idgaf’ since there’s strong evidence to suggest that starting drinking at a young age, especially before the age of 15, is associated with alcoholism in adulthood
Maybe it’s because I grew up in an environment where literally nobody would drink outside of working class white British people or Eastern European immigrants that would act trashy af so I just kind of think getting drunk as being a gross thing. From my pov parents giving teens alcohol is either a ‘white upper-middle class leftist parent who desperately wants to be the ‘cool mom/dad’ ‘ or ‘poor people on government benefits acting like bad, trashy parents’
No. 1538712
>>1538700wayback is the worst of the archivers
if you archive articles incriminating celebrities or political figures, their teams or bots or fans will have all of them taken down in a whirlwind. you don't see the site scrambling to do the same thing with porn though
No. 1538785
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>>1538700Well I care if it gets shut down, I’ve been using it to listen to an old radio show and I will pull my hair out if I can’t listen to them anymore.
No. 1538796
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>>1538786I've literally never seen that, wtf? In any case, I think that means they need moderators to delete any fucked up shit, not that we need to lose literal decades of web history because of moid degeneracy.
No. 1539110
>>1538651this is a tranny moid looking for attention, guaranteed. The dad probably feels guilty that his son turned into a tranny and feels responsible somehow, like maybe he wasn't around often enough. So in an attempt to bond and break the ice "man to man" or whatever moids do, he offered him either a sip or a single can of beer after dinner while talking.
When I was a teenager my parents who NEVER drink allowed me to try a sip of wine at dinner once, I hated the taste and didn't have more but I felt very "grown up" and happy that my parents thought I was mature enough to taste it, kek.
So dad is over here trying to bond with his son, who runs to twitter
>uMmM i'M LiTeRaLlY a ChIoLD?? I actually agree with this tumblr poster, high schoolers these days are such fucking dorks
No. 1539135
>>1539121Confidence is definitely the key, I think. I'm what most people would consider ugly, fat and plain, but I have worked on myself to the point that I have a neutral relationship to my looks and know that being unattractive doesn't define who I am. I find that once I got to this point, my overall happiness and attitude changed and I have an easy time getting along with and befriending people.
Pretty people are more confident in general which is probably why they are also more pleasant on average, but I firmly believe that having confidence is what really matters and most people will be drawn towards your personality and not your looks. In my experience the ones who treat me like crap for my looks are moids, anyway, and I'm lucky enough that I don't care about their opinions.
No. 1539211
I don't think this is an unpopular opinion in general, but it may or may not be considered unpopular on lolcow. I think being in a romantic relationship can be a valuable learning experience in and of itself, even if you are a boring hetero who has to settle for a moid, provided he's a half decent one.
I was a late bloomer with some level of arrested development and didn’t get my first bf before I was 25. We stayed together for five years and I grew tremendously as a person during that time. He suffered from some of the normal scrote tendencies like inflated ego, but I still learned many valuable life experiences. Being with him provided me with a safe and loving environment to discover myself, becoming more at ease with myself, and getting better at interpersonal relationships, for example asserting boundaries but also respecting his. It also made me more aware of what to look for in future partners and where I'm willing to compromise. Maybe achieving these skills could be possible being single too, but in my case I probably would still have struggled a lot socially if he hadn’t been my rock for those years. In the end our relationship went south and it was the best for both of us to split, but I am still grateful for the time we had together and look back at it fondly.
I think human beings are evolved to be social. I don't want children, so I wouldn’t mind remaining single now for the remainder of my life granted that I have a strong social network to substitute for a partner, but I don’t think friendships can fully provide some of the things you learn through having had a romantic relationship with someone. I recommend trying it at least once.
No. 1539212
>>1539211In no universe is this an unpopular opinion
>on lolcowIt's an imageboard, it's going to be full of edgy shitposting. It's idiotic to take any of it seriously
No. 1539222
>>1539220They performed at a really specific point in time - at the height of radio and TV's reign. Nobody prior to them could reach that many people with their music, and these days there is no centralised media like that.
So the Beatles phenomenon woyld have been impossible in any other time frame. The Beatles are purely a symptom of their times.
No. 1539234
>>1539219>You could've done all that self-improvement on your own, he deserves no credit for what you didThat’s what I think is interesting tho. Your take seems to be very in vogue on lolcow, but a major portion of the userbase here seem to be either very young and inexperienced, or developmentally stunted 30 y/o turbovirgins. Many posters seem to be mentally ill, insecure way beyond what’s normal, and high in narc traits. I think self improvement alone is def possible to some extent, but I also think as social beings we are dependent on feedback from each other in order to grow. Yeah you don't need a relationship for all of it for sure, if you have a loving family or close friendships etc. I guess for me being in a relationship gave me a sort of safe space I felt I needed and I'm very grateful for it. I'm also think it knocked down my own narc traits a few pegs lol.
>>1539217>when my sister got dumped by her bf of 7 or 8 years soon after they got engaged you can already guess why it was seen as a waste of timeomg I can see how that would suck. Thankfully I don't live somewhere that places a lot of value on marriage any longer. I hope your sister is doing ok.
No. 1539237
>>1539234Not to mention you discover yourself through interactions with other people.
A lone person is like a lone chemical element, you can know your own atomic weight and a few other characteristics. It is through interactions with other people/elements that the magic happens. Some combinations are explosive, some are extremely stable, some are valuable, some worthless, but only through them you see the full range of what you can be and do.
No. 1539320
>>1539310Nta but in my mother language, amygdala is the word we use for tonsils, so now I have this mental image that being around moids inflames your tonsils.
>>1539315Okay, but now we have reduced it to less than 10% of the male population.
No. 1539350
>>1539290I still have trauma from my first sexual experience. I was 14 and my “bf” was 18. I told him I wasn’t ready once after we’d been kissing and doing heavy petting and he threw a fit about how I’m a mean evil tease if I really am not gonna have sex with him, how he’s waited 3 months and men need sex and blue balls are literally tortuously painful?! And how since he’s not a virgin it’s not fair to make him wait so long.
I gave in. His dick was too shrimpy to break my hymen in missionary, he accused me of lying about my virginity and then told me I should start saving for a labiaplasty cause my “pussy looks perpetually beaten up” - he did break my hymen when we had sex again doggystyle, and thats when he came clean that he was a virgin too and he sobbed and said he was sorry for lying. But never apologized for basically telling me my vulva is disgusting and deformed and never apologized for manipulating a minor into sex aka raping me.
My vulva is beautiful. I am bisexual and I prefer women with “outie” vulvas if I was pressed for a preference. They look like beautiful flowers and are more fun to eat out ime.
No. 1539616
>>1539447Many straight men are gay or bisexual, that is your real answer. You would be surprised at the amount of men who have been intimate with another man or jerked off to gay/trap/trans porn, the thing is most of them keep that as a secret.
This is why you never try to look pretty for a srote because he will have high standards for how you should look but then he will go and jerk off to a witch-faced femboy he found on the internet.
No. 1539625
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>>1539447It’s basically establishing the social dominance hierarchy. They are extra retarded with testosterone at that age and acting like deer in rut or dogs play-humping each other.
No. 1539626
>>1539618>which is why you have moids arguing that eating pussy is "gay" but literal gay sex is not gay if you're topping and the bottom is effeminate enough.Ive seen men with this exact mentality both in real life and on the internet.
Also can we talk about the fact that men are more likely to eat ass than they are vagina? Like men would rather put their mouth on their female or male partners ass but then those same males are too disgusted to give oral to a vagina (which is way more cleaner than a ass) it's just weird.
I've seen this trend lately about men talking about ass eating but like…..when will you give your partner vaginally stimulation?
No. 1539643
>>1539350This makes me happy why I never dated in high school because so many girls were in
abusive relationships with their older boyfriends.
No. 1539645
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I feel very little sympathy for detransitioners.
People who tend to become trannies already have narcissistic attention seeking tendencies in the first place, and although they are no longer trans, detransitioners retain those tendencies, which is why so many detransitioners fall down the troon-to-conservative grifter/tradwife/religious pipeline instead of just becoming normal human beings. Also, if you willingly choose to take a hormone that is known to make you bald and infertile and then you get upset that it made you bald and infertile, it’s not society’s fault that you didn’t read the fine print.
No. 1539794
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I'm not a proshipper or whatever the autistic twitter term for it is, but I really don't think there's anything wrong in enjoying RPF and incest ships including fictional parent/child. People who act like edgelords about it are lame, though.
No. 1539799
>>1539794people get too invested in real-people ships, as if they're not real people but just a character that lives in the fan-creator's head. but that comes across as psychotic in the real world because there's a real-person person in the real world that has a life. it feels like lying about a real person's life.
luckily it's usually extremely low-quality and easy to laugh off. but it's still weird.
No. 1539929
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all the /pt/ cows are boring as fuck
No. 1539974
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With eyeshadow just using your fingers and these for details/smaller areas works so much better than using brushes. Your fingers make it blend better, the colors are way darker/brighter and you don't have to wash any brushes. Brushes are a scam if you only do basic eyeshadow.
No. 1540002
Terminally online.
No. 1540138
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>>1537539they don't even require a pulse. several times a year there is news of men, sometimes gangs of them, digging up female corpses and raping the bodies
No. 1540191
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>>1536519I have quit. I was a big stoner. I dont suggest this, but I got pregnant w my daughter and quit the day I figured out I was. Try making a schedule for the withdrawal time and find things to do out of the area you use pot. If your environment stays the same, you will too. Try a longer project, maybe reorganizing/redecorating. Maybe go out places to get out of your typical using space. Go to the library, its free. Pick somewhere youve always wanted to go. Take yourself out of your using mind.
No. 1540265
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>>1539655ok mrs. 'i started using imageboards three years ago'
No. 1540435
>>1540408You're not wrong. My mental health combusted during the most social, productive, and brave period of my life because I put myself out there.
I have a deformity alongside social and speech disability. I used to think I was totally normal, too and maybe that's why finding out the truth hurt so much. One of the 100s of bad experiences was one in which people secretly filmed me and posted me online. Someone I knew - a dormmate - showed me the post and 100s of people were going on about how I looked like a demon and should kill myself. I wish I could have protected kid me from becoming this, but I'm almost 30 so…is there really much chance to change? I've been half-neeting for years and selling stuff online which is ok money.
No. 1540436
>>1540435how do you survive by neeting. Do you have family or a org backing you up.
Western neets really do live life on easy mode. Raising taxes for parasites like you.
No. 1540625
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there is no /ot/ culture. when you boast about never browsing """cow""" boards you sound retarded.
oh, so you don't call shayna fat? you go on celebricows and call lana del ray fat? my god what a stacy! fuck off you're the same as everyone else just born on 1999.
No. 1540697
>>1540625Yes and no.
There is an ot culture, but yes, anyone bragging about not visiting cow boards is pathetic. /ot/ is definitely the most judgmental board towards farmers themselves.
No. 1541292
>>1541158I don't think it matters
that much. Imo Chinese/Mandarin (not sure what the proper term would be) doesn't sound that nice but they still managed to get popular, at least in America, through media and food.
No. 1541703
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Anyone who wants to have kids should be aware of the possibility that their child might be an objectophile with little to no interest in sustaining a healthy romantic relationship with another human being. I feel like most parents aren't ready for that scenario.
No. 1541706
>>1541703I will welcome my chandelier son-in-law with open arms
There will always be a place for them in my high ceiling home
No. 1541857
>>1541482Charities are also infested with white collar criminals, it's actually per capita the most common in those organizations. Every second charity has "managers" using charity funds to get a new company vehicle every year that they use for personal errands.
A lot of it is straight up legal too, so even beyond the white collar crime the scum are getting their cut. Just sub-contracting part of the charity operation out, and paying someone to work from home for $120,000 a year doing "consulting".
No. 1541876
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She was right
No. 1541882
>>1541876I could say the same about anyone I find ugly but I just decide not to. Jus because she is a
terf doesn't mean she is a good person.
No. 1541912
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>>1541876She has such a way with words it really doesn't matter if she's right or wrong, I believe her
No. 1542102
>>1542100Nta but I think although all women receive unwarranted sexual attention, attractive women receive it more. When I was in highschool there was a super smart super pretty girl in my class and after getting violently harassed by two guys, her academic success went downhill and she failed college entrance exams.
Men hate beautiful women who don't want to be with them to the point they'll literally harass them this much. After seeing that I was thankful for my average looks.
No. 1542115
>>1542112It was just an example. The original post was talking about privilege. I'm trying to say that being pretty doesn't give you as much of a priviledge as you'd think, as
>>1542087 said. The different treatment you get is not necessarily possitive, because you're still a woman.
No. 1542129
>>1542119kek although I am conventionally attractive I often feel disgusted at myself whenever I dress up. I also absolutely cannot take pictures, my self esteem has been completely destoyed by others and I hate how I look in pictures. Legit one of my biggest fears. It's not that different
nonny. I'd say self aceptance is mostly about luck and not what you look like.
No. 1542144
>>1542087I experience both as someone who looks way better dressed up and ugly when not and I agree with you. Yeah men will wanna fuck you more but you get less respect, are assumed to be dumb, get harassed
way more and some women will be hostile. I go out looking like a hobo by choice lately and it’s more comfortable.
At some point in life I think looks stop mattering that much, especially when you don’t really care about men anymore. Being academically blessed is where it’s at. Looks will absolutely inevitably fade anyway, we will all end up ugly.
No. 1542150
>>1542147This is the way
Bringer of Laughter
Brughtening up the world one smile at a time
No. 1542262
>>1542258wow shonen moid manga that is horror being torture porn or too gory…..what a surprise.
Me tying to find a manga reader with a iq in the triple digits.
(infighting) No. 1542368
>>1542152Humor is best correlated with good mental health and verbal intelligence. There's probably nothing inherently funny about what we find funny, on like, a metaphysical level. It's just an evolutionary trait that we have to draw ourselves towards confident, happy people.
Up until I was about twenty I was always praised for my wit and able to effortlessly make jokes in social situations. But now that ability seems to have entrophied away over the years as my mental health went to shit.
No. 1542372
>>1542367>If your father is a good one, can you tell me what makes you say that?even though he worked a lot (my mother couldn't work because mental issues, she basically did nothing at home and we had this lady come three times a week to clean up) he spared some time to play with me whenever he could and was genuinely interested in the things I did at all times. I understand he couldnt put more time in doing things to actually raise me like making me food, cleaning my laundry, etc but he was working hard to make sure I had a roof and could afford to have a comfortable childhood. if i asked for something, he wouldn't just give it though, because we weren't exactly rich, but he would try to give something to match (i.e. when I was a kid I really wanted a ps1 but then he found someone selling a SNES. he got that and we played it together a lot). sometimes my mother would scream at me for random things but he just tried to explain to me in big people words what I did wrong and that was way more helpful than shouting.
I am pretty sure there are thousands of mothers out there doing way more than that but he was a good father to me and I have nothing to complain about.
No. 1542376
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>>1542368>Humor is best correlated with good mental healthMust be why so many professional comedians also moonlight as life coaches.
No. 1542384
>>1542368It definitely isn't correlated with good mental health
nonnie, a lot of the most successful comedians have serious mental health issues. Look up the sad clown paradox. Although I definitely agree that there are symptoms of poor mental health that can make it impossible to be funny (I experience that myself). I do think it's a skill that you learn and aren't born with, and growing up in an environment where you can practice the skill makes you way more funny, like having at least one parent with a good sense of humor. But you do have to have innate intelligence as well. I think I read that a lot of comedians grow up in a difficult environment and learn to use humor as a coping mechanism.
No. 1542389
>>1542367While my dad wasn't very good at picking his words right, but he was very perceptive for when I was hurting. He was extremely supportive during the times I just wanted to dig myself into a hole and die. It didn't matter if I turned off my phone and cut off all contact with the world, he found me at my worst and did his best to help me during those times. My mom was a verbally
abusive deadbeat who claimed she deserved more from life than she ever put the effort in to get. In a sense I learned from my dad how to be, and from my mom how NOT to be.
No. 1542391
>>1542384>>1542376The outlying professional comedians don't disprove the general rule. Being a full time stand up comedian is different than just being a funny person that gets by in life alright. For one it's a job that they put a lot of effort into it, for the other they're just making acute, humorous observations during lunch break.
It's like how the smartest engineers are often reclusive obsessive autists, but most autists are shut in NEETs on their way to diogenes syndrome.
No. 1542412
>>1542389nta, but my father is like this too. My mom is a crazy BPD-chan and is an
abusive piece of shit, but my father is very empathetic, sweet, and loving. He always supports me unconditionally even if I royally fuck up. I know I have my dad to thank for not growing up to be like my mom. I consider my dad one of the rare ones because almost everyone tells me I have a very good dad and they wish their fathers were as present and caring, which is really sad…
My dad was a middle kid in a large latino family and was always served 'respect women juice' so maybe that had a part in it? idk. He's honestly really empathetic for a man and it always surprises me because he's the only man I've ever known that has been, even other men in my own family are shitheads.
No. 1542477
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Jerma’s current girlfriend creeps me the fuck out because every tweet she’s made since they started dating has been about him. I know Grotto Beasts is her baby but it’s only appealing to a niche emotionally stunted market and also doesn’t fit with Jerma’s brand at all. Jerma is funny but I doubt he can fully function in a real adult relationship so they probably make it work because of that. Also new gf is a massive downgrade looks wise from Kim but Kim seems like an all around miserable person to be around.
No. 1542836
>>1542825Nearly every time I've heard of an adult talking about how they were homeschooled.. theres some set of lifelong lingering social difficulties that comes along with it, that or they had an
abusive household and the homeschooling was a form of control or a way to keep that abuse a secret. Well rounded home schooled kids don't seem to be all that common.
No. 1542853
>>1542825I've been occasionally "tutoring" a child who is homeschooled and I feel like people really underestimate how much work it is. The kid is in a a private online school, so there's some stuff that it's already comes prepared, eg lessons are already structured, there are activities and homework, but even then, just accompanying him through that is already 3 to 4 hours per day easily. Everytime I see people criticizing homeschool, they say things like "put they won't have friends" or anything along those lines, with the kid I'm tutoring in particular, I wouldn't worry about that at all, he's extremely sociable by nature. The problem is that making friends inst all that socialization is about, you also learn that some classmates are better than you at something or that some of them struggle more than you and sometimes you have to be empathetic and be the one accommodating others, etc.
Also, if it is good from an a academic point of view, why aren't unhinged overachiever asian parents homeschooling their kids?
No. 1542883
>>1542847Nta but I've also heard a lot of people who got homeschooled talk about it as a stunting experience at best and
abusive at worst. Though take into account that most freaks who say they plan on homeschooling their kids online are NEETs that don't go outside and most likely will never have kids.
No. 1542886
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You can be a fujo and not want to troon out.
No. 1543012
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Gay men purchasing babies from women should be considered child trafficking and is dangerous for the woman and abusive towards the child.
No. 1543308
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I’m really supposed to believe Ezra Miller, a gay man, is interested in a hideous, obese teenager who calls herself ‘Tokata Iron Eyes’ kek the entire thing reads like a fan fiction
No. 1543332
>>1543308Ezra is bi and opportunistic
queerbaiting is marketing choice and also bait to attract women to make him appear as non threatening
and it worked
No. 1543338
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If you need to do extensive work into getting pregnant, then I honestly think you should stop and consider that you will likely pass down your unexplained infertility. So many women with PCOS and uterus/ovarian problems seem obsessed with birthing their own blood born child that it feels selfish. You have 37290201 health problems and more reasons to not reproduce. If you can't maintain a pregnancy, take the fucking hint and stop trying to birth somebody who will suffer the consequences of your stubbornness. Your daughters don't need to deal with your shit genetics. Endo and PCOS can be passed down and they are lifetime diseases. Consider adopting ffs???
No. 1543339
>>1543338Give this same energy to old men who knowingly give their kids autism or birth defects instead of women with gyno issues, retard.
1/8 women have PCOS in their teens so it's not a super rare super life altering illness that means those women shouldn't ever have kids.
I thankfully dont have that condition but I have friends who do and acting like it's a birth defect is stupid when it's a very common phenomenon between young girls.
No. 1543368
>>1543344Mental health services help people become or maintain their role in society and benefits their
health, IVF and fertility treatments literally fuck up a womans body just so she can have a minimal chance of passing her shit reproductive genes unto the next gen who will be just as dependent on medical intervention to even conceive a child. Its like comparing cancer treatment to HRT, one saves lives, the other takes lives away but the patients are willing to risk it for what they consider the “greater good”.
No. 1543468
>>1542368Nah I’ve always been mentally Ill or at least had ridiculous trauma growing up and I’m funny as fuck. People have told me to do stand up. I was voted as the most humorous in my graduating class etc. All while dealing with homelessness and a dead mom during that time. when I did improv my teacher cried at how good I was (made me quit tbh lol).
The funniest people are the most depressed. Also I feel like the more knowledge you gain the more mentally Ill you become. That’s why it’s better to be stupid and unfunny cuz at least you aren’t having an existential crisis every 3-5 business days thinking about the state of the world
No. 1543495
>>1543489I've researched this once but I only found that kids conceived through IVF had higher average iq, probably because their kids were wealthier than other group they were compared to since IVF is expensive but yeah IVF isn't as risky as some pretend it is. I have a lot of friends who are IVF babies and most of them are smart. I'm not an IVF baby so I'm not biased.
On the other hand mentally ill men or women passing down the illness and mistreating the child because of the mental illness is way more common a mentally ill people shouldn't have kids unless it's very mild and something they can easily control.
No. 1543604
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>>1543600Metrosexuality - we know this one
Retrosexuality - being attracted exclusively to your exes
Petrosexuality - wants to fuck oil wells
Jethrosexuality - want what's under that cod piece
No. 1544772
>>1544231I wouldn't say "most" but I'm wary of people who say they were bullied after my friend in high school told me about her "bully" in elementary school, she was literally the bully in the story and didn't have the self-awareness to realize it. I couldn't look at her the same way after that lol.
>>1544770I love opinions like this because they literally make no sense, your mind is amazing.
No. 1544814
>>1544809here only blacks and mexicans/ricans have dogs, or wealthy whites and east asians (ugly inbred doodle things or tiny white mopheads).
because the former doesn't care about their care and live in trashy neighborhoods, and the latter can afford their care and a place to live that allows them.
No. 1544821
>>1544777It definitely feels like the case for people who decide to dramatically alter their look.
>>1544779It baffles me that some people can be very fashion conscious about clothes and accessories that complement them, but completely oblivious to how tacky tattoos can look on the same body. It's pretty much an accessory you can't remove, only hide.
No. 1544846
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>mfw a tattooed man with a racist female dog enters my cone of vision
No. 1544847
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>mfw a tattooed man with a racist female dog enters my cone of vision
No. 1544849
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>mfw a tattooed man with a racist female dog enters my cone of vision
No. 1544851
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>>1544834tbh i dont mean like tattoos rooted in cultural practices, i mean people like luna slater(picrel) who think tattoos make them look cool or give them some sort of deep 3edgy5u personality
No. 1545115
>>1542119Oh my god, yes and then they tease you when you complain about it “I’m not harassing you, who would want
you?” Anyways what’s with all The pretty vs ugly debates , I don’t know where I stand on it personally because I’ve been called super cute by both men (probably just wanna fuck) and women (probably pitying me) and such but I’ve also been teased for being ugly af.
No. 1545247
>>1545168I was reading that more people die from avalanches than rock climbing each year, but the real fucked part is avalanche rescue is dangerous and the efforts can accidentally kill the rescue team because they have to dig you up out of unstable terrain. I don't think rich people need to climb or skii on fucking mountain peaks, especially if it's going to possibly kill them, other civilians, or a team of people trying to save their retarded asses. they should just go fuckin skateboarding or waterboarding, but I guess that's too pedestrian for these exhilaration-fried darwin-award winning inbred fucks?
>wtf I couldn't take a 70 degree slope down a fresh layer of pristine snow at 60 mph without bringing down the mountain on top of me and my family? >MMOMMMMYY come pick me up I almost died from the repercussions of treating nature like a toy!! use ur tax dollars to pick me up so I can go zoomies again!!! also caving deaths are usually mildly scary but mostly amusing to me. you crawled your fatass in a cave, what did you think would happen? that the cave would be naturally designed for human fatasses to fit? you wedged your dumbass in a house for eels and bats because you thought it was a McDonald's playplace for grown men? 100% deserved.
No. 1545319
>>1545242They're probably neets who can't make friends and instead of realizing the issue is their personality and trying to fix it, they act like they're getting ignored because they're ugly by the evil stacies.
>>1545235People don't care about friends looks unless there's anything romantic going on.
No. 1545338
>>1545335> want to take cute group selfies and TikToksI know a lot of pretty ugly and average women in the same friend group who do those things. Just because you get jealous of pretty girls and hate being around them doesn't mean everyone's the same.
>>1545330I don't understand why she thinks it's that big of a deal, she really sounds weird and petty. I'd hate to be her friend at that situation like imagine flirting with a guy and your weird friend is there super fucking annoyed at you because she didn't get the attention she thinks she's entitled to. Weird.
No. 1545340
>>1545335I can tell you're terminally online. Most normies aren't thinking about TikTok and free drinks when they make friends. They make friends with people who have similar interests to them.
You're describing clout chasers.
No. 1545355
>>1545343You really must have mental delays because you left off the second part of my sentence.The
when they make friends part really makes a difference. No one's going "this girl is hot, if I hang with her I'll get free drinks". Outside of a clout chasing leech.
Also, as someone who touches grass on occasion and sometimes goes to bars and clubs, no… None of us really think about that. We'll joke and say "you're so hot someone will definitely by you a drink tonight" but none of us are actually looking for that. Moids are annoying and entitled and they think spending $13 on a watered down vodka cranberry entitles them to your panties
No. 1545366
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God, the women you put on this earth to shitpost about cows are having their 100th infight about pretty women and ugly women instead.
No. 1545368
>>1545355>>1545357Maybe it’s the people in my environment but most straight women I’ve went out with act super insecure if no one’s offering to buy drinks. I don’t think they actually want to date these men they just want the validation of a man offering to buy them a drink and they also will judge you if no one’s buying you a drink. That’s why I prefer going out to bars alone or with women on my level physically. The only time I’ve met women who feel annoyed by the attention they get from men at bars or clubs have been lesbians. Most straight women get upset if no guys talk to them at all.
>>1545363I’m in my 30s so this is probably why the zoomers here can’t relate to this mentality kek
No. 1545375
>>1545370That's also pathetic. Bar scrotes are the ones you avoid eye contact with in the wild. The cat calling construction workers. The weird guy in your 11th grade homeroom class who got caught jerking off in the library. Any woman with self esteem who's over the age of 23 would be disgusted with bar scrotes trying to pick them up with watered down booze.
The type of dude you'd want to hit in you and buy you stuff is most likely not going to be at the bar.
No. 1545380
>>1545372Yeah, you sound insecure as hell tbh. Only a woman with low self-esteem is going to feel actually flattered and validated from getting attention from a drunk horny bar scrote who may or may not live in his mom's basement. I could understand a young (18-23) woman getting excited if a scrote hit on her and bought her drinks at the bar
ive been that dummy, but once you go out often enough or just grow up and experience life you realize it's a very low bar. And also if you go out often enough there's a chance you or your friends have accepted a drink and got roofied, so now you're actually scared to accept drinks from bar scrotes.
It's your choice to befriend whoever you want too, but your reasoning is shallow and insecure and honestly I'm starting to feel bad you didn't grow out of that phase.
No. 1545382
>>1545378Yeah, they'll be
okay with it. But you're missing a few key points.
A. Most bar scrotes are not the ones who start respectful conversations. Most of them think buying you a drink means you have to suck his dick in the parking lot, and will act accordingly.
B. Most dudes hitting on chicks in bars are not decent looking or decent men. Like I said, they're the social rejects looking on someone drunk and insecure for their next lay.
C. Even men know that the woman you met in the bar is 9/10 not the woman you're going to take seriously. Therefore, the likelihood of a bar scrote having civil conversation with you is slim to none.
D. Most straight women will be
okay with it. Just like most straight women will be
okay if no one talks to her at the bar. Because they didn't go with the intention of getting scrote attention. They're there to have fun with their friends.
No. 1545388
should be. But immature grown women exist and I guess I should have phrased it like that. A mature in the mind woman will not give two shits if random moids approach them with the intent to stick their dicks in a warm hole. That's all men buying you drinks at a bar amounts too and usually once you turn 25 you start to realize that.
>>1545383That's why I think it's pathetic to care and want to feel desired by these types. They're 8/10 scum who'd fuck a big Mac if he got horny enough. His validation is actually worthless and a mature woman would recognize that. If you need a quick fix of validation you're better off downloading a dating app to watch the likes and matches go up. It's much safer and you don't even have to reply.
No. 1545398
>>1545393Seriously, in all my years of living and knowing and being friends with both beautiful and average looking women there has NEVER been a time where they or I have judged each other for not getting scrote attention?? The fuck?? Like I have never had a female friendship where we have been competing for male attention with each other, EVER. Not even the
toxic friendships, not even the friendships with attention-seekers. What kind of fucked up clown world are they living in because it sounds like hell and I hope to never move there.
No. 1545412
>>1545398I smell a freshly minted 18 year old or just another scrote larp.
The only two groups who would care about women judging other women based on the men and drinks they do or don't pull.
I remember caring about this shit when I was an insecure 19 year old trying to fake confidence.
No. 1545449
>>1545442You're poisoning yourself because you think normal friends compete with their sexual desirability for bar scrotes and give each other actual shit if no scrote buys them a whisky sour. That's a
toxic way to view friendship. Like I said, befriend who you like but the reasoning is very off and not healthy.
No. 1545457
>>1545442You have a very limited worldview in your bid to reject swathes of people first before they have the opportunity of possibly rejecting you after getting to know you.
It's an avoidant and antisocial behavioral pattern, which is why you find aggressive nonsense like 'women judge others when men won't buy them drinks' to be sound social logic.
No. 1545460
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>>1545289>>1545314I'm sorry native speaker-chan
No. 1545467
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>>1545460And I'm sorry, ESL chan.
No. 1545473
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>>1545467>a place one frequently visitshang out refers to the act of hanging out with someone. Hangout refers to a location TO hang out. How can you be so close yet so far
No. 1545488
>>1545480Like I said, befriend who you want. You just come off as extremely insecure with your whole bar scrote rants. We can put two and two together. You avoid certain situations and people because you're insecure and self loathing. In one of my OG posts I said people tend to befriend those who they relate too. Most average looking women relate to being average in looks and naturally gravitate to other average looking women. Not a problem. The issue is stating you
avoid friendships with women you deem more attractive than you because it makes you feel lesser. But I'll leave you to it. You don't have to justify shit here I'm just some anon on the internet
No. 1545504
>>1545499It's sad that even 30 year old woman is weird enough to not interact with women just because they're more beautiful, fat, or have children.
A lot of anons really are out of touch and heavily mentally ill. It's like most of you haven't gone out and interacted with real women in years which is creepy but kind of explains the weird infights that always happen.
Anyway for a boost just download tinder. You're obviously hungry for male attention even though you won't admit it since you wouldn't get so traumatized over your friends getting approached by men if that wasn't the issue. You'll see that you get the similar amount of attention on dating apps and it'll probably fix your insecurities a little. Delete the app later.
No. 1545507
>>1545503>you want me to feel like shit to benefit othersKek at your
victim complex over being insecure in your appearance. I doubt you even have friends considering how shallow and insecure you are. You probably drive people away. I sincerely hope you get picked so you can stay away from other women.
No. 1545511
>>1545504I don’t want to be friends with obese women because I like to be active and go out for hikes and I don’t want to be friends with women with kids because children take up too much of their money and time. I won’t be friends with men at all unless I find them sexually atttactive(I truly don’t get women who befriend men but that’s their life)
>>1545508I’ve tried getting out there and putting myself out of my comfort zone and felt worse. I feel happier limiting who I allow into my life and the point of life is to be happy for yourself. I rarely meet beautiful women anyway so it doesn’t make a difference.
No. 1545528
>>1545523Designated ugly fat friend.
And girl, same. Glad self loathing ain't contagious unless you hang out with like-minded individuals irl
No. 1545534
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>>1545528it's funny how I watched the movie where the protagonist is a "duff" and she's not even ugly
No. 1545555
>>1545550They're not your friends and if you stay friends in spite of knowing that terrible system (and having s problem with it to the extent that you do) then you are enabling the dynamic.
They call you ugly and a killjoy not because they see you as a nagging mother figure getting in the way of their dick, they do it because they despise you, and they'd say the same if you were a prettier girl trying to be a good friend to their hateful asses.
Holy shit, do you not understand this isn't typical socialization? If this was ever you then you were duped into settling for this "friend" group.
No. 1545558
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>>1545553She was also characterized as nerdy and awkward. Her outfits weren't that bad. The aspect I appreciated is her two "hot" friends weren't stereotypically mean.
I don't think everyone who gets shoehorned into the duff role is necessarily catching flack because their hot friends pick them and tote them around for their alleged ugliness on purpose, sometimes you just end up in that position on accident.
No. 1545588
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I took and a nap and came back to the stupidest infight in the world
No. 1545617
>>1545550I think you're the one who doesn't hang around normies or have actual friends because your experience is not normal. Those people were never your friends and should have been dropped accordingly. If someone doesn't like you, they will treat you like you're disposable.
>>1545577>Same fag and your friends blaming you for the lack of men coming around is a real thing in normie friend circlesThose aren't friend circles, those are frenemy circles holy shit. People who like each other genuinely don't act like this.
No. 1545678
>>1545550>and they do make comments and act out when you become the reason they don’t have people go up to them.I'm gonna be honest, I'm 100% sure that's why people completely ignore me when I'm with my friends and talk to me way more often with I'm alone or with other people like coworkers. And I'm not talking about men flirting with me, but everyone in a very general sense.
>Even I get called paranoid for saying its a bit weird to go home with scrotes immediately after meeting them at a barI agree with you on that, it is strange. I'd be way too worried about being raped and killed by a random guy I followed to his place in the middle of the night, especially if nobody I know knows him at least a little. My guess is that I need to stop watching the news and crime documentaries so often and seeing cases like this.
No. 1546051
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Pretty girls, ugly girls, male attention, normies, getting bought drinks, Pretty girls, ugly girls, male attention, normies, getting bought drinks, Pretty girls, ugly girls, male attention, normies, getting bought drinks
No. 1546121
>>1546114NTA but them being programmed to defend men from harsh criticism does not equal them being worse than the average farmer. A lot of them are less bitter and more pleasant to be around than any of us, and they can (and want to) also talk about things that don't involve men or troons. Women are much more than their relationships to men, reducing them to just that is pretty misogynistic.
Also plenty of normie women accept criticism towards moids and even join in if it's more subtle than "all men are rapists". You have to understand that they're just not used to hearing those things so saying that to them all of a sudden is going to make them see you as an unstable psycho. If you never go outside and talk to normal people you obviously won't get it. If you want to convince anyone to be a radfem you need to develop people skills.
No. 1546183
>>1546147Literally this. I think lots of nonnies mistake casual acquaintances who don't think much of them as friends, and project their shit all over everyone. No one that likes you is going to tell you to have kids with a bum, or get mad that you're scaring all the scrotes away at the club, lmao. Most normie women find the average dude annoying, but they have male friends and family members they like, and most women are hetrosexual so they won't go all /2X/ like some of our more NEET friends here will. My TikTok is even full of girls joking about getting too manhaterish in public. It's not unique to LC or radfem Twitter, y'all just actually need to go outside and interact with women who actually like you.
Lots of normies women are pickmes but there's also a good chunk of women who are waking up and getting sick of scrotes and their shit. They're not even hard to find.
No. 1546236
>>1546139just because some people out there give you retarded advice because they have issues, doesn't mean you won't get equally retarded advice here. Nobody here will tell you to date a bum but some will tell you to do or think other stupid shit, probably something that will make you hate your appearance. And visiting lolcow too frequently does definitely make you find certain things about normies more irritating than usual. It can make you more and more bitter towards them to the point that you won't even be able to interact with people in real life anymore because farmers won't shut up about how everything normies do is stupid. In other words, you adopt this dumbass black-and-white, paranoid, neurotic mentality and become ridiculously intolerant to relatively harmless things that no sane person would ever pay that much attention to. There have undoubtedly been posters whose everyday lives have been affected for the worse because they spend too much time on here or similar sites. Taking breaks from the internet and interacting with normal people is important.
>>1546177Also based post, especially
>echo chambers (which is what this site is at times which is what makes you lose touch with reality)>it turns out that most women I've met totally agree with me>It's easier to pretend you're more aligned with anons online because you can't see what else they post that you'd otherwise consider absolutely retarded No. 1546237
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Any ideology or political philosophy that refuses to allow its self to have mass appeal is a waste of time for everyone involved.
No. 1546254
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>>1546190Honestly you do you, I think your approach is unsustainable and will give you unnecessary anxiety but if it makes you happy, it's not like anyone can put a gun to your head and ask you to befriend certain people.
I kinda get it though, I also refuse to befriend certain types of women. It has nothing to do with male attention (I am gay), some of them just act like they would've bullied me in high school and use their looks/popularity to get what they want.
It's not who you may think, 'hot' high maintenance girls are usually very sweet and will stick up for other women. But I run the other way when I see uwu egirl types and 'dorky' nerds whose entire personality are their quirky interests. Like clockwork, they always turn out to be extra conniving and will throw you under the bus for a crumb of male attention. Any girl who tries hard to be adorable ends up being a snake.
No. 1546263
>>1546254Sorry anon, lc's not working and won't let me delete that mistake post but I agree, in my experience alternative girls/not like other women have been way meaner and snakier than the conventionally attractive normie girl. 1 of the good friends is a 10/10 Stacy and she's like the sweetest person to everyone, idk why she's even friends with an ugly retard like me.
sage for blogpost.
No. 1546392
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If Evangelion was genderbent, it'd just be a story about one vulnerable girl surrounded by retarded and/or abusive males and a giga pickme mother.
No. 1546756
meeting new people during dating is more fun than dating a scrote for a long period of time unless he is hot, good at sex, rich and generous. that is hard to find. meanwhile during dating new men, you could have one very expensive cool date with a rich guy, a blissfully passionate night with a himbo, a potential romance blooming with a hot guy who has a life that inspires you, and none of them feel like deadweight, sucking the life out of you. every relationship eventually ends with the scrote sulking when you don't "give him" sex, him getting bored when you stop doing your makeup and hair, and at very worst the revelation of his shitty nonsupportive slut of a nature when you go through a hard time (death, depression, accident) and find out he has been thirsting over photoshopped models, his workmates, his friend's cousin, his ex from 2 years ago, random porn star, twitch thot, etc.
No. 1546845
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>>1546756>enjoying spending time with moids>MULTIPLE moids>moids you don't even know who are statistically way more likely to be awful or evil than amazingI mean I agree relationships are unappealing but the only thing worse than putting up with one male is putting up with many of them.
No. 1546851
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>>1546845Here we go again
No. 1546975
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The Whale was not good. I am the fraserfag who posted detailed erotica of myself fantasizing about him and my hand to prove I wasn’t a Scrote cause I said he has a theoretically yummy duck. I have a shrine of 90s Brendan but I thought the movie was really just predictable and had loose ends not tied up. Brendan has such sad, innocent eyes and I want to hug him so bad. Yeah it was sad but it was really melodramatic like I mean of course I’ll pity the fat dude about to die. Also I would do a 3 way with Brendan and his non autist sons. The redhead is sexy.
I preferred everything everywhere all at once. Also I think he’s a little funny looking which adds to the appeal and makes him seem attainable.
No. 1546984
>>1546177this is a good post
tbh I'm getting tired of this site due to the constant infighting and negativity that seems to be getting worse despite our new mods' efforts. I feel like that's saying a lot since I consider myself a terminally online autist who enjoys her hugboxes. I find myself scrolling less and less and just using the vent threads to post in. There's also some questionable lesbian anons who sperg at any scent of heterosexuality and type some shit I'd read on 4chan. it's unironically creeping me out. and any criticism of anything is met with "moid poster!!11 ur trying to tear this site apart!!" sometimes it's true but most of the time it's genuinely an unhinged woman in my opinion. Guess I should feel lucky there's not much here for me anymore
No. 1547021
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This woman is a breath of fresh air. I don’t get women who say they don’t like her.
No. 1547039
>>1547016not saying you're wrong but I've seen lesbo nonnies say shit like "I could treat her better than any moid" and some variation of thinking women choose heterosexuality and they should choose said
nonnie instead.
No. 1547091
>>1547039and how can you be so sure they're all lesbian anons and not baiting larpers? i'm not saying
none of them are but i highly doubt
all of them are.
No. 1547100
>>1547091i am not saying they all are either, but a woman's typing style is pretty obvious and i've come across lesbians that act like incel 4channers on other sites as well, as well as verified female only discords. it's not an out of this world thing I figured they just adopted a very
toxic mentality from this site
No. 1547108
>>1547106>other countries in the USAlol
also what about non-Americans, is there a point in them traveling? is there a point in the traveling to the USA?
No. 1547139
>>1547039I'm not a lesbian but I jokingly say this so women know they're worth good treatment, I've seen a ton of straight women say this to straight girls. Like how they deserve better treatment from their bfs etc.
>>1547100>>1547123I'm not saying they're all men, I'm saying some are 4chan addicted
femcels, aka crystal cafes userbase who migrated here and can't fit in. They even admitted on crystal Cafe that some of them used lolcow a few days ago and got bullied and banned which explains the sudden change of userbase.
No. 1547203
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Ok, I don’t think Ariana Grande looks bad at all. Considering the fact that she could afford (and continue affording, for the rest of her life) to throw her career away and become a methhead or something right after she saw all of her fans get murdered - she looks pretty good, considering she could’ve just killed herself or gone totally off the rails after. However I saw this picture under a post about Ariana grande looking old for her age, and this made me laugh my ass off because I love JK rowling but that’s not even a recent photo of her kek. She’s beautiful, but she looks like an almost 60 year old woman.
No. 1547228
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>>1547203Context here’s the post about Ariana that the JK rowling post was under. Honestly, this is not the worst looking 29 year old I’ve ever seen. She’s doing quite acceptably compared to some
No. 1547344
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I love insects and think they're adorable! I'm going to get a PhD in Entomology just because I adore these silly little creatures and think they should be studied more.
No. 1547464
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>>1547456I can't believe you'd say that about the moths as well, like the other guy I can understand he is not for everyone, but this thing is like a stuffed animal what is wrong with you????
No. 1547475
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>>1547464I want to crochet a fluffy moth, I think it would be so cute.
No. 1547892
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>>1547814I didn’t think she looked like an Instagram model she looked like a gay pride model or something
No. 1547918
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Using a fork for meat is retarded af. Meat has a grain, just maneuver your fork and you don’t need a knife retards.
No. 1547977
>>1547973>>1547974I see the anti-knife agenda is strongest in people you'd have the most desire to stab
No. 1548028
>>1547876the multiverse concept has been done a million times now. it was a fresh concept but absolutely not the best film of the year by a long shot.
it doesn't need to be pretentious, it just needs to be funny beyond some faggot reddit garbage and something emotional beyond a YAS QUEEN storyline
>>1547892kek accurate
>>1547973why should i unnecessarily try cutting my medium rare steak with a fork on a nice plate instead of just using a knife. I don't want to eat a fancy dinner with elbow grease like a neanderthal
No. 1548077
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TardThot behaver is more of a reaction(though heavily misguided) against the capitalist reality. Fact is Human beings shouldn't have to live like laboratory rats in cities, constantly juggling papers and decisions on what to sign and what not to, all for the sake of avoiding a ruined life.
No. 1548080
>>1548077Actual conservative and traditional women work part time jobs no problem before their first pregnancy and after their youngest kid enters middle school. While Tardthots online are leeching childless NEETs that only glorify the baking and lounging around the house aspect of the lifestyle.
Try to find an actual traditional religious woman that's not working, not studying and not dating. Sloth is considered a sin in trad circles and tradthots would be shamed like fuck if they lived in orthodox communities.
No. 1548134
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>>1548096That's not Hannibal
No. 1548162
>>1548155I hate this stupid picture because it implies that ugly people are that way because they deserve it. There's a few spergs on lolcow that keep insisting how ugly/unconventional people (not just in looks but also fashion) are awful and deserve to be hated when that's not even the case.
Roald Dahl himself didn't look particularly bad or mean but he was still an awful piece of shit, which disproves his own kindergarten science theory. There's uggos, fatties, trannies etc of all sorts out there that may look off but aren't bad people, and oodles of conventionally attractive 'Stacies' (lol) who are really fucking disturbed and sadistic, this site hosting a good deal of them. You can be ugly and insecure without being mean, and you can be pretty and popular while still being a vile human being. Narcissists are scientifically more likely to be charming and popular so this dumbass opinion holds zero truth.
No. 1548167
>>1548162I think you misunderstood the actual meaning: with ugly, they mean "ugly energy" as the two ladies are unconventional, yet one of them has such bad vibes it even affects her appearance
further, while the kind lady, though very awkward looking, has more of an endearing vibe
No. 1548171
>As someone who traveled to both countries regularly, it really boggles my mind how Korea is so fucking popular, especially compared to Japan.Japan is a much more popular destination than Korea.
In 2019, 33 million people visited Japan while only 16 million visited Korea.
No. 1548264
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>>1548257Just use this to eat your steak
It's the proper way
No. 1548445
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>>1548125Did you read my post? Our brains aren't built to handle all this constant stimulation. We're bombarded with information all day, every day, and we're always being told we need to work harder and do more. It's like this whole culture is designed around this idea that we always need to be grinding and pushing ourselves to the limit. But the truth is, a lot of that pressure comes from the patriarchy, and the way society forces women to conform to these impossible standards of success. It's like, "sure, we're supposed to be equal to men, but we're not getting the same support and opportunities they are and It's nonsense - this whole "grind culture" is
toxic for everyone, natural human instincts don't align with this artificial rat-race.
No. 1548480
>>1548425I've read so many psychology books, it must be in the 100s now, those aimed at the general population and practicing psychologists, and honestly it's nearly all useless. If I read the biographies of these great men with such a great understanding of human psychology and how x or y affect us it always turns out they couldn't even help themselves and destroy the psyche of their wives and kids. There's the ones everyone knows like Freud and Jung (he didn't even know which kids are from his wife and which from his mistress or what their names were) and more recently I read the biography of R.D Laing written by his son, i used to think his writings are so good but he couldn't even help himself or control his ego enough to not fuck up and abandon his family.
I've never found therapy helpful, changing my environment and habits, diet etc works to some extent, but talking to the average psychologist is a waste of time, the field attracts the most fucked up people that are somehow blind to their own issues
No. 1548535
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I can't say this without sounding like a pickme but I do not understand the retarded reddit-humor-tier obsession with dress pockets. The gaping waist holes look bad from the outside, they ruin the skirt silhouette from the inside, and worst of all, what the fuck are you putting in there? If it's something as heavy as a phone, it'll drag down one entire side of your garment. Why not just get a wristlet or something?
The only excuse I can possibly see for this is people who are socially anxious and need to stuff their hands in their pockets (in which case find a better coping mechanism tbh) or people with medical devices that need to be kept near.
No. 1548637
>>1548633Tbf TikTok is a special brand of brainrot as far as social media goes, the entire layout is designed to be extremely addictive in a way other social media sites could only dream of being. I stopped using TikTok about a year ago and my self esteem and mood improved immensely. Even if you try to curate your fyp there’s just so much weird shit that can slip through, it’s more
toxic than lolcow overall tbh
No. 1548662
>>1548633Not using tiktok is a smart move so good on them. As
>>1548637 said, it's on another level of addictiveness that they probably don't experience on other forms of social media.
No. 1548741
>>1548723you're right, my mistake
that's don clamm
No. 1548877
>>1548875Just FYI swerf is a slur just like
terf, made up by the same troons.
No. 1548884
>>1548875>SWERFfucking lol
>For radfems to just completely disregard these women's rights to legal and safe work.We’re not the ones denying them that, the nature of prostitution is. There will never be ‘safe’ prostitution, so long as there are men wanting sex for money, women will be abused, trafficked and raped to fulfil that want, legal prostitution does nothing to curb sex trafficking. We should work towards abolishing prostitution altogether, it isn’t going to be an easy thing to do and it likely won’t happen in our lifetimes, but anything is better than throwing up our hands and not doing anything at all.
>I don't think a lot of the SWERFs I see ranting have actually spoken to a single sex worker their whole lives.Most ‘sex workers’ (useless term btw) don’t actually have sex with men for money, they sell nude pictures of themselves online. They have nothing in common with the average prostitute that ‘works’ in a brothel or on the streets; so no, I’m not going to listen to what they have to say. I’m not going to put the hurt feelings of ‘sex workers’ over the physical safety and dignity of prostituted women.
No. 1548904
>>1548875Sex work proliferation is definitely a unbridled capitalism thing. It's not that there wasn't any prostitution at all in communism, it's just that it was recognised as inherently exploitative.
As an oldfag who grew up learning about Marxist feminism I find myself disagreeing with both libfems and radfems as neither take into account the huge role of capitalism and class.
The libfems straightforwardly play into the hands of the capitalists, the radfems do too but not so straightforwardly.
Radfems are deep into identity politics, which just serves to extinguish class consciousness and insert strife among the working class. Notice when identity politics stuff began appearing - just after Occupy Wall Street. It keeps blacks fighting whites, women fighting men, cis fighting trans, label A fighting label B. Too busy fighting each other to go after Wall Street now.
No. 1548925
>>1548875Most women caught up in prostitution want to exit it, but face too many difficulties. They don't want or need it to stay "but without the stigma/discrimination", they literally want out. They're stuck in the sense that they can't leave, not that they just don't want to go because "muh individualism". Ideally, the Nordic Model would peter down the demand for prostitution as supply decreases, and would come with good exiting programs. In the School for Justice, prostituted girls in India are taught to become lawyers, for example, but different career paths should be made available. That's the solution IMO. Prostitution can never be "safe". When it's legalized, trafficking has actually been shown to increase in countries.
The "sex workers" telling you "It's all the stigma!" are the sorts of privileged women who
do have options, they just don't want them, and think it's their right to talk over women who are struggling. They are an extreme minority.
No. 1548929
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>>1548875Amina is that you?your talking points about sex work sound familiar
No. 1548932
>>1548922They're hating on individual trannies, instead of going after the pharma complex, for example
That's a hugely successful redirection
No. 1548933
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>>1548932Amina? You probably aren’t her but I know she posts here and you sound like her