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No. 1548948
You probably are not alone in your opinion.
Previous thread:
>adhere to site and board rules>do not respond to bait>report and ignore trolls or obvious maleposters instead of replying like an idiot No. 1548953
>>1548949Richfags just have the money to hide their flaws better
Remember, you're not ugly and decrepit and unpopular, you're just poor and can't afford PR and a styling team
No. 1548988
>>1548973I hate how you can’t say this without disapproval. You have to go to extremes to be accepted. It can’t be, “I think people shouldn’t harm their kids with genetic conditions.”
You have to say, “Oh, I think nobody should ever have kids.”
No. 1549021
>>1548929I like how she ignores that there are high numbers of anti-trafficking groups in each of the parts of the world she listed. The biggest problem faced by "sex workers" is not stigmatization, because most are not rich girls who just feel bad that their parents would be disappointed if they knew.
If she actually read on this debate, she'd realize most radfems don't support criminalizing prostitution, because that just harms and traps those pushed into it. They're for decriminalizing the sex workers themselves (including male/trans sex workers) so they can seek help where needed, while criminalizing the act of buying sex, ultimately giving those prostituted power and agency in their situations. This has proven to be the most effective approach thus far. I get the sense that she has some pickme tendencies that would make her upset at the thought of johns potentially facing punishment for their abuses, though.
No. 1549033
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>>1549008She was 17 and brandon was 21, and yeah we’ve established she was dumb as shit but the behavioral pattern of posting graphic content online > seeking out violent grown men > meeting said men in person is an unignorable trail of wanting to get yourself murdered. Also, this
No. 1549041
>>1549030It sucks
Even British "food" is better
No. 1549047
Referencing past thread becuase I wrote a long reply without realising it was full.
>>>/ot/1548932>>>/ot/1548938I agree with these, on principle at least. My problem is that just saying "radfems" is so nebulous. Like who are these radfems exactly? For example people here 100% pick on individual troons and sex workers, but LC isn't the official forum of the Radical Feminist Party, it's a weeb gossip forum, even if the amount of radfems around here is higher than in other places. Hating men and criticizing them ins't on itself a political ideology, but I am sure a lot of people label it radfem anyway, even tho I have had 60 yo, otherwise conservative ladies, tell me to not bother with marriage (just trying to illustrate that being critical of men is actually pretty common place). Anyway, I'm rambling here, but my point is that I feel really suspicious of people who say "radfems do this, radfems do that",
eeven when I agree with the point like going after pharma or being more practical and realistic with the material and economical struggles of women, because there isn't a well structured, large organization of radfems, so you can't really call them out the same way you'd call out conservatives of a particular country, so who are you talking about exactly? A handful of tumblr blogs that call themselves radfems? LC or JKR?
No. 1549063
>>1548966I feel bad for her because she must have went through some kind of abuse or trauma to fantasize about being assaulted and murdered in the first place
>>1549033. She'd still be alive if Brandon didn't use her as an excuse to indulge in his own sick desire to kill–which by the by, he killed her in a rage after she kissed another guy and then friendzoned him. Not because she had asked him to kill her.
The way people talk about this situation is acting like she chose the wrong flavor at an ice cream parlor, not that she was a
victim of a needless crime taking no bigger risks than the standard Tinder user on a date. And anyways, people are allowed to choose wrong and not receive a death sentence for it.
Fuck incels and fuck their feelings.
No. 1549105
>>1548966>>1549033But 17 is still young and the whole point of defending her is not giving that piece of shit any excuse for what he did. One thing people need to understand is that these moids would do this stuff regardless the circumstances. He didn't stab her because she wanted, he did it for himself and he would do it to someone who never said that wanted to be stabbed if he wanted. These people go after vulnerable people, and she was clearly not in the right mind judging her posts.
>At least she got what she wanted, though. What people romanticize about doesn't necessarily mean they want to actually happen to them.
You could argue she made bad decisions but who ultimately made the worst decision was Brandon, he decided to do what he did to her. He should be responsible for it and not her.
No. 1549108
>>1549105They're not trying to hear it because then that means they have to be critical of their precious moids. It's easier to blame the
victim, because that means they
caused it. The other way around means that anyone, even the goodest of good girls could lose her life to a random murder happy moid.
No. 1549120
Vomiting only once or twice on a whim because you were a stupid teen who wanted to lose weight quickly doesn't mean you've had an ED.
Starving yourself for one day on a whim because you were a stupid teen who wanted to lose weight quickly does not mean you've had an ED.
Thinking about doing those things, and never actually doing them, does not mean you've had an ED.
Teenagers do, or consider doing, a lot of incredibly lazy and stupid shit to lose weight because they're impatient, especially in the 90s when it was practically trendy to pretend to have an ED. But that doesn't mean they all have EDs. Half of the people I see claim to have EDs are literally fatties who did this but were never even underweight in their lives. It's incredibly fucking annoying. Actual people who've had EDs wind up underweight and literally starving to death, or rotting their teeth away with vomit. They look disgustingly thin and they have no end in sight for how much weight they want to lose. They obsess over their weight and use food as a way to feel control in their miserable lives. They don't just do these behaviors on a whim once and then give themselves asspats for immediately stopping. I wouldn't even say many models have EDs because, despite being really thin and having to restrict themselves unnaturally, they are only doing it because it's literally how they make money. It's the same way bodybuilders or boxers have ridiculous diets and experience dehydration. It's still unhealthy behavior to be unnaturally thin, definitely. But it's not a mental illness. So many of them return to normal bodies after retiring from modelling because they only ever did it as part of their job.
>inb4 anachan bait
I'm a normal weight and have never had an ED. I'm just tired of everyone pretending they're some super special ED snowflake the same way they're using autism, DID, or trooning out to feel special.
No. 1549122
>>1549094Okay but now imagine had you suffered trauma which may have impacted you in the way your decision making would be prone to risk taking, influence, and general social miscalculation? You might have chosen differently. A bit of empathy could have led you to this conclusion.
>>1549105>>1549108Correct takes. Imagine being dead and people saying you deserved it over your dead body for giving a scrote a chance. Clown world.
No. 1549126
>>1549122Nobody ever once said she “deserved it for giving a scrote a chance”…
She was literally asking for it by making violence her entire personality, seeking out incels on 4chan and spending her time becoming acquainted with them in discord servers, and then meeting up with older men in person thinking that nothing is gonna happen. The only way in which that would be considered ‘giving a scrote a chance’ is giving him a chance to decapitate you, which he did. What the fuck ever happened to the common sense of
don’t meet strangers online?
No. 1549127
>>1549105Gender doesn't matter in this case unfortunately. A man could go online and find a mentally ill woman that'd be willing to to murder him too, the woman would still be guilty of murder but the male wouldn't be %100 innocent.
A lot of anons who are defending her are the types that hang out in 4chan spaces and date the type of guy that stabbed her. If they don't change, they'll unfortunately end up like her. Yeah they're mentally ill women who men take advantage of but the only thing we can do is to tell them not to use those spaces and meet up with those guys. There'll always be someone who'll be willing to hurt those who seek to be hurt, it's just easier to try and heal the traumatized women so they don't seek out unhealthy ways of coping like this girl unfortunately did.
No. 1549138
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Cake with no frosting >
No. 1549142
>>1549105how many imageboard related crimes have there been? like if a 4fag autist self proclaimed as a nazi i don't have a doubt in my mind he's not actually killing jewish or black people etc or hurting them irl, and i'd assume a guy who talks about murder and killing, within the context of the spaces she frequented and the time, was just being edgy. i can't even tell you how many infamous "e-cannibals" i've seen on tumblr and outside of it post detailed crap yet have never executed any of their fantasies ( which is a good thing ). like when you've been around enough you just assume it's a surface level thing and most people are larping autists, just like no one here is actually hurting scrotes or a very very rare number anyway. when the stakes are that low in your head and especially at that age you don't seriously consider the danger beyond the naive adrenaline thrill, that and she was mentally ill so not in the right headspace to think rationally. yes she sought attention ( which is normal for her age ) from the wrong crowd and person, but i just can't blame a woman for being murdered let alone a girl still in school age…
if anything i'm shocked that vampjunk continued to hang out with the same crowd after her friend died by the hands of one.
No. 1549151
>>1549142Nta but there's a very popular known case of an online cannibal looking for willing
victims and then him killing and eating the
victim. These are two gay men with cannibalism fetishes, you can probably find it if you look online.
Though a lot of people get hurt by the people they meet on image board or such sites, I had one friend who met men on incel boards and although she didn't get physically hurt, she had them stalk her and one took her to an illegal(I think) escort place, told her he fucked escorts while they dated etc.
No. 1549165
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Chamomile sucks balls. Idk how but we need to stop it from being one of the most popular teas. And it's not even a pretty flower, knockoff ass daisy.
No. 1549189
>>1549116ntayr but I'm pretty sure that's what
>>1548986 was trying to say, there's literally no reason to complain about paying extra for unnecessarily gendered products when you can just buy the cheaper one. Although I do think some of the critique around the pink tax is more about the question of why it's the men's versions that are seen as "default" whereas the women's versions are "premium" and can have a surcharge added. The answer to that is obvious though, it's literally because women control >80% of consumer spending and men will just as soon as buy dish soap to bathe with if it's cheaper than body wash. inb4 someone posts the toilet freshner bubble bath nona
No. 1549228
>>1549012>>1549013Pink tax is the difference of prices between male and female products.
(Usually the only reason for it being higher is because it’s pink in Color.)
Anon was referring to buying the cheaper alternative if it’s available. I personally make my own reusable cloth pads to not contribute to pollution.
No. 1549240
>>1549238Tribal people in Africa chew some specific root as a way to clean their teeth. The root is not a "product" and not sold.
Their teeth are amazingly white, I've always wondered why that root isn't produced and consumed worldwide for that purpose.
No. 1549248
>>1549239how the fuck do you think people washed their hair and teeth in prehistoric times?
>>1549240because such root would stop big pharma from making them money? "hygiene" and beauty industry is literally a fucking scam, people didn't need that shit for thousands of years. our bodies are perfectly capable of keeping themselves clean.
>>1549242my teeth are good, i don't consume any sugar or processed foods at all and my hairs never been better than when i stopped washing it with chemicals (just rinse with water).
No. 1549274
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>>1549248I can smell you from here
No. 1549446
>>1549365but as a le quirky girl I like funny guys I have to admit
and it's a problem
No. 1549604
>>1549365kek this is me and my nigel. he's the serious, responsible one and i'm always running off to do random hobbies and spontaneously getting us to do things.
>>1549402describing yourself like that is fucking embarrassing and desperate
No. 1549668
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someone else put it like ‘why are womens beauty standards to look nine years old forever but we’re supposed to lose all sense of whimsy and lightheartedness so early on?
No. 1549964
>>1549120agree with most things (like considering doing it, not doing it or just eating disorderedly for a short ass time like less than a month). but you can be overweight and struggle from a restrictive eating disorder or just be too occupied with food/weight - that is a disorder.
i will get called an anachan but i've had an ED for 7 years. and tbh i was mentally more disordered at bmi 21 after recovery (i was skinny to start with) than i am now, at like bmi 16. because i was starving some days then binging the next day at bmi 21, now i just maintain by eating v little - which is much less disordered as i have 2+ meals every day. normal weight/overweight people can have a significantly disordered view of food. what they have would be anorexia but it is still an ED, even if they dont lose weight. having an irregular eating cycle and not losing as a normal weight person is more exhausting then eating a little amount to maintain your low weight imo.
No. 1549974
>>1549964samefag. i meant like they can still have a disorder or be even more disordered than someone slightly underweight. but obviously when you hit lower weights there is im not talking about the physical toll. i would say, in terms of how much my own life was affected by my ED: bmi 13 > bmi 21 > bmi 16ish.
(im only giving numbers for reference, not trying to seem like im bone rattling and being proud or smt)
No. 1550057
>>1550050It's not justified but it's in our nature, you can't do much about it. Humans will always be disgusted when we see an obese or anorexic skelly person or someone with a face filled with pimples. I don't think all cows are ugly but you can definitely see that the prettier cows, like venus angelic, get better treatment compared to the uglier cows.
A lot of anons here are mentally ill but that doesn't mean they have to find everyone "hott" as you call it.
No. 1550090
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>>1550083I think Lolita looks cute if it’s done more natural. Natural hair and light makeup. A lot of western lolita wear all these ridiculous wigs and shit that make it look tacky.
No. 1550097
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People who are constantly like: "That's a wyvern not a dragon! Wyverns have only two legs and dragon have four." are the worst kind of people. Congratulations, you've learnd a useless information and keep annoying everybody with it every chance you get. It's a dragon, fuck you, nobody uses "wyvern" it's a retarded word.
No. 1550120
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>>1550090my unpopular opinion is that I dislike k style makeup(white skin, red lips, blushing that looks like rashes) it just makes you look stupid imo. Many asian lolitas are using this plus they are also abusing filters. But I also hate the more "glam" style makeup western lolita uses. I think a thick catliner with long, dark lashes can look pretty with the right look but it looks so goofy with lolita, specially with sweet. It's distracting to see people wear all pastel go for sexy dark eye makeup.
I know jill isn't a lolita but her fashion is kawaii-adjecent and she does this type of eye makeup and it doesn't match the First time I saw lolitas do catliner I was hoping that it was just a trend that would die fast but it didn't unfortunately. I don't like following lolitas on social media anymore unless they censor their faces. Make up has become so elaborate on social media and I don't think it suits lolita. It's a contemporary take om historical children's clothing so complex make up does not fit the vibe. I like looking at old street snaps and blogs from around 2010 though, sans OTT sweet the make up and styling was more chill
No. 1550216
>>1549971blaccents aren't just southern accents. this is a really common misconception. Here's a great article about the differences that people notice but can't quite point out
>The differences between the white sound and the black sound that tip an American listener off to a speaker’s race are subtle. I am not talking here about obvious, bluesy things, like saying thang for thing or mo for more, which are patterns less likely of educated people. One difference is that the eh sound before m or n sounds a little more like ih, so that, for example, mention sounds not exactly but to a whisper of an extent like mintion. Or, the er sound is slightly distinct: bird will sound a touch like buh-urd—not in a drawly way, but enough to alert the American brain. Then there is the timbre, fine-grained differences in vocal placement and texture that analysts have yet to characterize in detail, though the ear and mind can pick them up easily enough.
> No. 1550231
>>1550217Most people with down syndrome can't even have kids, kek. I know down is probably the only genetic illness you know but let's be honest, %99 of people with down syndrome can't be independent enough to even get married or live long enough to have kids.
If anything, I'd say going against having kids with older men is more important, there are a lot of old men who cause their offspring to be disabled than there are people with down syndrome who pass it down.
No. 1550238
>>1550173i usually dont say radfem becuz of that but i think you can call yourself a feminist just like how anyone who believes anything can call themselves ..-ist without taking action. its about belief.
the only fem thing i do is that as someone who works in STEM, i make sure to shut down and call out male coworkers who are being sexist (so many of them openly say they dont think women can do this shit like they do). plus i try to not let my treatment of other woman get affected by internalized misogyny, so nothing active but at least tryna make my work environment "not hostile" towards woman. i know its not activism but to me, you are a feminist as long as you do these and dont contradict yourself.
No. 1550248
>>1549226I never had parents that would enable the neet life. I moved out at 18 and definitely had some moments where it sucked not having that comfortable 'fall back' but then overall I think it worked out better long term to have pressure on me to stay independent. I'm saying that as a 34 year old now though. I just dont know what I'd have to show for myself today if I'd had less motivaton to be independent.
Depends on different factors. I don't see it as black and white or an across the board thing but I think with my personality I would've been fucked over by too much enabling if I'd had that option.
No. 1550256
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Why do nonas (and gross ugly kiwifarmers) act like Anisa is so horrible looking? I'm sorry but next to this ugly scrote she's the least of the issue. I also don't care that she wears baggy clothes and dresses tomboyish at times, who cares? I'm sure they are shitry people but seeing kiwis talk endlessly about how they won't fuck her (I bet she's sooo offended by that) grosses me out. She looks averagely cute in my eyes, totally unoffensive
No. 1550383
>>1550219I'm in the habit of doing smaller shops lately. If I wake up fancying something in particular I buy and have it that same day
A few years ago I was living with a partner and looking back, when/what we ate was always this annoying thing where he was controlling and tried to play it off as not being controlling. Not hungry…too bad its time to eat. Want to cook something different.. gotta eat the same. Hungry.. he feels a lil unwell so we have to put off dinner for a few hours. Can't snack in the meantime because it'd ruin dinner! He'd drink alot at the weekends and that always turned into this weird expectation that I'd put my appetite on pause all day and wait til he feels good in the evening to eat a massive meal. I was underweight att and running on coffee at the weekends waiting for his stomach to say its ok to have dinner. I must've been crazy. He was obsessed with big dinners. Fasting all day and then going overboard in one sitting. He thought eating meals had to be this sort of union. Eat together, eat the same. Gets offended if your appetite is on a different clock.
No. 1550393
>>1550379Fujos are only annoying when they bully het women and pretend they're lesbians, otherwise they're just harmless autistic women.
Though there's a subset of fujos that like shota and they scare me
No. 1550537
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>>1550508Easy. I've mentally gaslit myself into viewing my husbandos as idols and not my husbands, my husbandos are cute and very very hot and their mere presence makes me happy, I am easy to please, I love shipping, I severely hate self inserting and ocs, and my husbandos couldn't physically exist in the real world. Not to mention, I'm too maladjusted to form an honest relationship anyways.
No. 1550541
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>>1550539samefag but I love this manga so much sage for ot
No. 1550543
>>1550541>>1550537kek i love this manga too
gonna reread it and hope she's released another memoir type thing
No. 1550545
>>1550458>>1550508I don't have any real life experience to compare it to so I'm satisfied with my imagination.
All the horrible boyfriend/husband stories around the internet have completely put me off of trying to date in real life and I'm a shut in introvert who doesn't 'need' companionship like some people do anyway.
No. 1550715
>>1550587OP here, I'm not a NEET and idk what being a shut-in has to do with my post. Also "getting tired of" kek like there aren't a shit ton of women who call themselves feminists. And anyway, me not saying that I'm a feminist doesn't mean I can't publicly show support for feminism. I just will not put that label on myself if I'm not actually going to take actual actions to help women around me.
>it is only an pitiable effort to gratify your personal failures in preforming affirmative action by removing yourself from any potential personal obligations you might feel.Wtf are you saying
No. 1550822
Maybe not so much an unpopular opinion on this site, but in general. It's hard to convince anyone of this and I wouldn't say it out loud, but I think the world would unironically be better if men were treated more like second class citizens or like property. It would even benefit the men too, so everybody wins. Men shouldn't be allowed to vote or own property without a woman's approval, and the word of a man should be understood to be inherently worth less than the word of a woman. I think that men should be socially obedient to women and the majority of men would be funneled into hard labor jobs like working in the corn fields. If there's one thing men are good for, it is working in the corn fields. The physically weaker men could be cashiers, cleaners, line cooks, or do basic clerical work. The more desirable men can be selected by women to own and live more comfortable lives, provided they behave themselves. The low value and aggressive men would be working in the corn fields, but they could be neutered if that keeps them in line more. Men are not allowed bank accounts, voting rights, right to hold office, rights to own a weapon, and are basically considered either private property or property of the state (the default). They would still be allowed food, water, healthcare, and 1 week of vacation time, so really I don't see why this wouldn't be an extremely generous offer for the men as well. This helps women and it also helps save men from their own poor decision making. The men would have women or the state control their lives so that they do not make poor decisions driven by their irrational brains. I don't understand how this is at all hateful to say, and it's a shame I'll never live in a world like this in my lifetime.
No. 1550885
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Daisy x Wario > Daisy x Luigi > Luigi x Bowser > Bowser x Peach > Mario x Bowser> Peach x Mario
No. 1550902
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I think the Thomas and friends institute of innovation film was snuff, and maybe clone snuff
No. 1550946
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Fat women talking about how big their tits are makes me cringe so hard
I am someone with large boobs for a normal healthy weight woman, there are very few women I see out in the wild with natural breasts larger than mine if they are a healthy weight. In high school I was known for having big tits (small school, there were like 3 of us girls with big boobs and it was always talked about) and now that I'm older and among a bunch of fatasses I've actually been told by my fat female peers that my boobs are "medium size" or normal and that theirs are soooo big and cause them sooo much pain. My breasts have never caused me pain because I am not A) overweight, therefore carrying more weight on my chest than I'm meant to be able to handle B) an outlier case of a thin healthy woman with ginormous natural tits, this is so rare that I actually can't even think of someone off the top of my head, maybe ariel winter but imo hers were "normal big" like mine, we're the same height and when I was at her highest weight mine looked the same
Another thing on the topic of boobs is I guess I feel really lucky I don't experience back pain. I constantly am told by men that my back must hurt so much, asked if I've had a boob job etc (another reason it's funny to me when fat women dont think my boobs are "big" compared to their pendulous udders)
I have never had debilitating back pain and I'm surprised so many women with what I consider to be "normal big" boobs opt for breast reduction due to this reason, I honestly think ariel winter could have lost weight and believe me her boobs would have gone down at least a cup size, but I guess it's more special to cry about what a victim you are, drowning in your massive titty flesh
I also feel bad for Asian girls who have to stay underweight otherwise their face blows up to the size of a moon and I think that's why Asian beauty standard is to be so skinny, most Asians seem to gain weight in their face first
No. 1550967
>>1550966I deleted the post after reading OP, yeah I agree with
>>1550959 now.
No. 1550985
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>>1550984Pic related, Scott pilgrim characters drinking
No. 1550986
>>1550946Your picrel looks reasonable anon, not back-breaking tier. I'm not saying they're small but it still looks somewhat harmonious for her build and she is wearing a bra cut made for "normal" boobs… It's probably inconvenient, but it's not a super disabling size either.
As one of your so-called "outlier cases" it's kinda frustrating that fat women with large cup sizes have lingerie brands catered just to support them meanwhile us hunchback moeblobs get 2 bras for a lifetime, yet instead of going to these many brands which again are made specifically for them, young fat women instead buy from "normal" more trendy brands that pretend to be size inclusive but provide shit support and the size range isn't even that good either. Like of course you have back and shoulder pain girl when your bra straps have the width and strength of overcooked tagliatelle. Though to be entirely fair to them, specialized brands aren't well distributed in most places.
Fat girls hogging all the big titty characters used to be my cosplay pet peeve back in my young weeb days kek. More specifically in Love Live cosplay groups, Nozomi was always obese.
>>1550972I think she's just stupidly obsessed with other women's weight tbh but still, it's weird.
>>1550984people wouldn't drink them if they were colorless
No. 1551005
>>1550946Is the woman in the picture supposed to be
healthy weight? She is also heavily photoshopped wtf. Anyway, I agree that fat women talking proudly about their tits or complaining about back pain because they're totally so big is cringe. Like, girl, you're big everywhere, they don't stand out or give you a better silhouette. Why don't you brag about your knee pain too? I can't say I agree on the Asian thing, 99% of Asian faces I see are heavily filtered/ had plastic surgery.
No. 1551017

Am I the only one who thinks something like this is absolutely vile and evil? Do it with adults who are willing participants, but not with fucking kids. For example, what if one of the blue eyed kids already experienced bullying for a different reason or was abused at home? That experiment would ruin them even further. I want to punch every retard in the comment section who wishes it was done to kids in every school even today. I was severely bullied in elementary school for being autistic, and I'm white and I have blue eyes. I didn't even feel like a person anymore, they throwed trash at me and spat on me, they didn't allow me to sit anywhere in the class so teachers had to basically force kids to let them let me sit next to them, they questioned my intellectual abilities and every time I got an A they screamed it's not possible for me to get a good grade, and when I got a bad grade they were happy and making fun of me, every damm day was the same, and that's just a few examples. I was suicidal at 10. If that experiment was conducted in a group I was in, it would mentally destroy me even more. It's not possible to know the circumstances of every child in the class so don't fucking do this shit to kids.
No. 1551062
>>1551054>>1551017It's quite possible that this entire experiment was entirely fabricated or at least highly exaggerated. Many well-known experiments investigating human nature- such as The Third Wave and the Stanford Prison Experiment - were later found to be severely flawed and outright made-up.
and with some of the remarks the kids made and how they all cried and hugged each other afterwards seems to confirm it imo.
No. 1551086
>>1551072I'm a traditonal artist but I struggle with digital art. Using a drawing tablet is hard as fuck(I haven't tried drawing with an ipad though but I can imagine it's easier) but I get where you are coming from. Digital art is more convenient and it's much easier to find and fix mistakes not to mention you can flip your art too. I have mixed opinions on the "is digital art real art?" debate since I can understand where both sides are coming from.
>>1551074>As long as you have the software you want and a tablet/pad that works you can do basically anything you want. Meanwhile for traditional art, you need to buy everything> I remember being dirt poor as a teenager and just drawing with a pencil and on shitty paper and seeing kids online with rich or middle class parents who gave them their own laptop, their own wacomI agree with your overall point but these two statements kinda contradicts each other. Are you trying to say that it's easier for a poor digital artist to get their foot into the professional world because a cheap wacom is cheaper than all the materials traditional art requires?
No. 1551100
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I want a stay at home husband so bad!!! I want someone to cook and clean for me all day!! I want him to handle all the bills and finances and decorate my home for me!! I want to take care of someone but my career is not lucrative enough! And most moids are not kind and gentle and stylish enough to be my housemaid!
No. 1551128
File: 1681662672610.png (96.47 KB, 515x595, 1670113111114.png)

>>1551126It's a bot, notice the use of "
tw", schizoanon type spacing, and no pic attached
No. 1551143
File: 1681664704459.jpg (17.54 KB, 228x216, s720624553216128429_p5420_i7_w…)

>>1551140i have never sought out her music but i work in the entertainment industry and so have worked a concert of hers, and i swear to the gods that every song was the same. i didn't notice any difference between them and thought it was just a really long song or medley. the only difference i noticed was the real popular one because i have heard that song played nonstop and know most of the lyrics to it, so i could pick that one out from the rest. but i agree, very dull with no discernable variety of expression. which, is great for people who love that type of music, not bashing, but ain't for me
No. 1551147
>>1551017Nah, I just don't understand the point of it at all because an all-white class absolutely WILL discriminate each other like this unprompted. Really being on the "
victim" side of this experiment just sounds like a regular tuesday in elementary school to me and I don't understand what's so "vile and evil" about it, I'm sorry to talk like a reddit edgelord here on lolcor but for real, you don't even need to ask kids to do this shit, they'll come up with it themselves. All warmongers until they get a taste of their own medicine and then suddenly it's bad and we should all hug each other.
>>1551033Go brag about being a man of culture elsewhere, this is a female website.
No. 1551170
>>1551162"double d" is tiny. if your ribcage is 26 that means your breasts are just 31" around which is proportionally small
if you have large breasts you're more likely GG or larger
No. 1551177
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>>1551155>>1551166I looked it is from Wilmington Prints the design series name is Garden Gathering, there are a few different types in this series.
No. 1551226
nonnie, you an angel
No. 1551287
File: 1681672864182.jpeg (543.96 KB, 1982x1125, 110DCCC6-AA30-4292-91AC-9208DE…)

I genuinely don’t know how people get so attached to stuff like enstars and project sekai with character and art design this dull and drab
It’s basically just feels like a bunch of sameface mannequins to me with the most default art style possible.
No. 1551293
>>1551281I used to be a husbandofag and I don't know either. It totally screwed up my understanding of reality and real men, when I became predominantly attracted to real men again it fucked up my life
I can't stand anime anymore
No. 1551329
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I hate SpongeBob. It’s not a bad show, though, especially for kids. I don’t like it because it’s literally the Rick and morty of kids TV when it comes to making watching a cartoon your personality. And yet somehow it escaped the memes making fun of this behavior, unlike Rick and Morty/The Office etc., so it’s still going strong
We even have our own example of this on Lolcow: Shayna thinks she’s nlog for liking SpongeBob as an adult lmfao. It’s so fucking obnoxious and stupid like please just watch another show lol
No. 1551334
>>1551308I translated my idiocy of romanticizing certian types of characters to real life. I swore I had a knack for being able to detect abusers from my shitty childhood but the depersonalization I experienced from wanting to fuck 2d drawings broke me
every ex boyfriend or celebrity I've loved turns out to be a piece of shit in some way. I've never had a happy romantic or sexual pursuit in my life. I've seriously just considered only dating girls, but then I'm afraid the same will happen. My reality was completely distorted by it and it led me into complete sexual and romantic dysfunction that I'd rather now just be alone and have been for the past few years. I was beginning to get over it, then the pandemic hit
No. 1551357
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>>1551329I hated it as an adult because I thought it was too mean spirited. Also for some reason it used to really gross me out when cartoons would use real stock images it would legit make me nauseous for some reason so I hated this character with a burning passion. Spongebob never played a big role in my childhood, I didn't like it but my peers who did was never obsessed with it. People would watch it but it wasn't one of the cartoons that got quoted or talked about on the playground.
As an adult I have grown more appreciate of the humour but I think adults who obsessed over it super cringey. It has reached some weird untouchable meme status where every single scene is considered peak comedy
No. 1551360
>>1551352I say I'm fine with loneliness but I'm secretly tired. I hate it, I fantasized about a relationship I was never gonna have just to cope with my own trauma and life drama
and yet I don't have the strengths to touch a dating app. I'll run the moment I see an unsolicited dick pic or disgusting sexual pickup line. neither my body or mental health is ready for a relationship right now, so why does it want one? Why do our minds contradict our bodies?
No. 1551371
>>1551366I want to be happy and successful and have some sort of a career before I ever settle down with a man as well. People would say that's asking too much. God forbid I want to succeed but also want to love someone besides myself and be secure in my finances and self
God forbid I don't want to repeat the mistakes of my forbearers trapped in a loveless marriage with children I don't love either
No. 1551380
>>1550986That's ariel winter who got a breast reduction because her boobs hurt her back
>>1551170You are the fat chicks from the post, double d is not tiny
No. 1551428
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>>1551380DD is tiny, it is only 5 inches off from the size of the ribcage. that is below average on any band/ribcage.
No. 1551438
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>>1551431Do you really need to be spoonfed?
Someone that weighs 104lb will be in a 24 or 26 band 90% of the time, or 28 the other 10% if they have a wider ribcage, or anachan tall person
pic related, what a 32DD looks like, measurements being 32" ribcage and 37" bust. No. 1551493
>>1551438im the anon that said i have double D's my band size is 32 and my weight fluctuates from 104-108. I didnt even know 26 band size was a thing lol I've never seen that size in stores ever but maybe they all sell out lmao. I do have a big rib cage though. obviously double D's are not the largest boob size and there are huger boobs but for someone with my frame my boobs look ridiculous. I was honestly in denial about my boob size until i was at least 23 (wore my b cup middle school bras for years lmao) because I believed the meme that only bigger women had bigger chests.
I know its hard to believe but some women gain weight in their ass and titties first. I am one of those women. I try to maintain a smaller frame because its really embarrassing to have chicken legs and a fat ass. Like no clothes fit right because designers assume skinny equals flat everywhere and big equals big everywhere when that is simply not true. There are so many big women who have small boobs and no ass. So why is it hard for this
>>1550946nonnie to believe that there also so many skinny women with big boobs and ass? All of it is just genetics and where you distribute fat. That anon that started this mess is crazy insecure and thinks she's better than everyone for having a body lmao.
No. 1551508
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Ngl a lot of these X is better than Y opinions sound like bots
No. 1551540
>>1551522THANK YOU!! its so cringe i'm honestly embarrassed i liked kpop for as long as i did. I dont even know how people listen to it its all bullshit no one even sings anymore and they are all children with EDs and body dysmorphia. I can't wait for Kpop's inevitable downfall and for people to realize that korean men are by in large some of the worst misogynistic incel scrotes to ever exist. I'm so mad K-dramas have taken off. This leads me to my unpopular opinion that Kdramas are just psyops made to make korean men look like decent human beings when in reality they are degenerate freaks who hate and abuse women! And most of the time kdramas are extremely corny with terrible acting.
>>1551530**no standards
No. 1551624
>>1551613I'm 5'7" and the smallest I ever got was 23" or 24". Probably about 28-30" now. Most women's waists and ribs aren't small, it's the proportion of their hips to the rest of their body that gives the illusion of thinness, curves and the amount of fat, whether they're rectangles or hourglasses. A lot of women gain easily in our thighs and hips. I've just kind of come to the conclusion that no matter what I do, I'm never going to be fond of my proportions or bone structure, and that's fine, as long as I can conceal how godforsaken short my thighs and how long my torso are.
>>1551611I swear I'm going crazy that I said I've rarely seen a 26" bra and that's most peoples waist size so glad to know I'm not batshit crazy
No. 1551748
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my theory for why a lot of white people (not all) don't use lotion and come up with weird explanations as to why they dont moisturize their skin is because they cannot physically see how ashy and dry their skin is because dry ashy skin looks white and since their skin is already white its hard for them to notice. When you have darker skin its easier to tell your skin is dry and flaky because dry flaky skin turns stark white. I know a lot of you are walking around with skin that looks like pic related and feels like tree bark. Please moisturize your bodies nonnas for your own sake and for the sake of humanity! We do not need your dead skin particles flying everywhere thanks!
No. 1551784
nonnie, that's the patriarchy holding her back.
No. 1552037
>>1552010I've had similar thoughts recently but honestly I don't think cheating is the biggest crime on earth even if a partner that's been cheated on isn't an abuser. It's always surprising to me when people get super angry about cheating in someone else's relationships. For me, it depends on various nuances too much, and if I don't know them, I just think it's not a very nice thing lol and it can ruin trust between people and their relationship, too, but in overall it's not my business, and I don't see a cheater as an incurable monster based on a mere fact of cheating. Everyone has a dark side and everyone makes mistakes, and relationships can be complicated. It doesn't mean that cheaters should be forgiven by their partners though, not saying that.
I'm saying it as someone who's been cheated on before and who's cheated in another relationships (and regretted it). I didn't really care about cheating–I even gave my ex an opportunity to admit it, without being emotional, judgemental, etc., but he hadn't decided if he wanted to stay with me or not so he started guilt tripping me about blaming him, a saint that had never given me a reason to suspect him. His behavior surrounding cheating was way more hurtful and showed his ugly side.
No. 1552068
>>1552043maybe some women have to stick with the man because he isn't physically
abusive, yet he neglects her
No. 1552091
>>1552043Ayrt, I find it a bit maximalistic tbh. Relationships can change and people might temporarily grow distant. People might not know themselves that well, and everyone's supposed to stay loyal in every sense to one person, it's kind of an unspoken rule, but I think, in reality, it's not for everyone and it's not bad, it's just not largely accepted so people tend to suppress such impulses and can't be fully honest about them both to themselves and their partners but they still want to form close relationships and families. To some people, sex isn't really about feelings or anything, but not everyone understands it, and surely it doesn't justify anything when you had certain expectations and your partner didn't meet them, and especially if they lied and were manipulative, because it shows lack of respect and that they can't be trusted in general. I don't think every case of cheating is necessarrily tied to lack of love and care, sometimes it's more about a cheater and his/her weaknesses and inner conflicts that you can or can't accept. But we most probably have different ideas about love, I personally don't really believe in idealistic love and don't crave it.
Plus, if someone doesn't
really love or care for someone it's still not a reason to condemn them as a bystander.
No. 1552110
>>1552091That sounds like a cope I nearly came too when I kept going back to a cheater because my self esteem was on the floor. If you don't want to be loyal to someone that expects loyalty don't be in an exclusive relationship. You can fuck around without commitment that's a thing that's existed forever. Relationships are a commitment. Especially more so when you start building a life together.
Just because cheating seems common doesn't mean people should just accept it. Just because I've suffered from an
abusive relationship and a lot of my friends have doesn't mean that needs to be accepted as normal. We all need to learn to respect ourselves so we can drop a mf that disrespects us because honestly what's the fucking point then. If I want a transactional relationship I'll get rich like my dad and hire a personal assistant wtf
No. 1552170
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I love this album cover, however I feel the title track is pretty damn lame and so is You and I. Government Hooker and/or Heavy Metal Lover should have been released as single(s).
No. 1552202
>>1552192i think cheating is extremely scummy but i don't think the "other person" is ever to blame in a one night stand situation. they didn't make the relationship commitment, and they're not some succubus or incubus who can turn good people evil.
they're only to blame if they really believe they're in love and want to steal the other person away for themselves. although i don't know if i necessarily blame them or just think they're retarded
No. 1552489
>>1552010I don't take cheating seriously when it's a newish relationship and there have been no serious commitments like marriage or children. Cheating gets more complicated when there are investments and binding ties in relationships where someone is bound to get fucked over should the relationship end.
Usually when I hear about women cheating, they have pretty good reasons, and not so much just because of the opportunity like what men do. People need to stop sinking their entire identities into relationships so much that it's the end of the world when shit doesn't work out anyway. It's pathetic when people act so dramatic over cheating and kill others and themselves.
I notice men who whine loudly about women cheating on them tend to be really embarassing, useless, and pathetically insecure. Like all they can do is emotionally guilt trip women into being loyal pickmes because they know they're not willing to be great partners. They're physically undesirable, low effort, neglectful, underemployed, uninteresting, demotivated, and self-centered.
It's like please show me all the unhinged women cheating on their handsome, empathetic, confident, thoughtful, engaging, and equally contributing financial and domestic partners?
Sometimes these men are cheating too but get angrier when women do it back for sexist reasons. Also men consider it "cheating" when women dump them and get together with someone else because they cannot stand that we have other options.
Call me bitter, but I play a game where I ask myself
'What would society think?' Basically if I think society would be fair towards a man for why he justifies an action, I extend the same courtesy towards women. Since society often forgives men and blames women when men are cheaters, I afford women who cheat the same benefit of the doubt.
No. 1552557
>>1552504>If you as a women sleep with a man who has a partner you're being a bitch to that woman too and disrespecting her.My post didn't touch this scenario you're bringing up. I'm not really concerned about who people view is scummier between the cheater and the affair partner–although common sense would say the affair partner is less to blame.
No one else is obligated to your relationship except you and your partner. If your partner cheats on you it is entirely on him, there is no else to blame for the betrayal except for the person who didn't keep their commitment to you.
I know this is related to your trauma from your ex (who is a veritable scumbag btw) but I don't think any of those women did it with intention to purposefully fuck you over, a partner should be able to resist temptation even if they were flinging themselves at him to make you miserable.
No. 1552558
>>1552504>If you as a women sleep with a man who has a partner you're being a bitch to that woman too and disrespecting her.My post didn't touch this scenario you're bringing up. I'm not really concerned about who people view is scummier between the cheater and the affair partner–although common sense would say the affair partner is less to blame.
No one else is obligated to your relationship except you and your partner. If your partner cheats on you it is entirely on him, there is no else to blame for the betrayal except for the person who didn't keep their commitment to you.
I know this is related to your trauma from your ex (who is a veritable scumbag btw) but I don't think any of those women did it with intention to purposefully fuck you over, a partner should be able to resist temptation even if they were flinging themselves at him to make you miserable.
No. 1552575
I don't see the problem in making adult actors play teenagers. Finding good adult actors is easier than finding good teen actors and adult actors are quicker to work with because they aren't affected by child labor laws. Adult actors also more mature and therefore can easier talk about the subject matters that are frequently bought up in coming-of-age stories, such as kissing, smoking and drinking but we shouldnt have sex and nudity scene in movies about teenagers though even with adult actors and we should not make adult actors dress up as strippers when they play teens. Just find some baby-faced, short adults and dress them how real teenagers dress and then cast them in teen roles
>>1551530kpop has done a good job as advertising itself as high talent. I'm a jpopfag myself. jpop fans in general are good to admit that most jpop idols aren't that good. I frequently see kpop idols make the exact same mistakes as jpop idols when the perform, yet when jpop idols do it kpop stans immediately rushes in to sperg about how untalented jpop idols are but they always ignore it when their kpop bias makes the exact same mistake. There are some good singers and dancers in kpop but they are the minority. And even the best kpop singers are only good by pop-standards. I like pop music and I don't think there is anything wrong with being good by pop-standards only, but the kpop industry is so fucking annoying because it wants to paint an idol as a literal god because they can do a basic dance move or hit a high note(and they never actually high note they just scream lol)
No. 1552617
File: 1681774564659.jpg (82.94 KB, 812x752, 1681768067642553.jpg)

Unless you're paying less than 25% in tax, you're effectively a slave, and most people in history would call you a slave. People from the middle ages would laugh at us for giving over 50% of our pay away. They often paid like 10% of their harvest or some bewilderingly low number.
Pic related, Germans keep less than half of their pay. They're taxhogs and many are better off being a NEET than working.
No. 1552629
>>1552620If the slaves on the plantation revolved then who would the plantation owners live off?
I know through experience that you only have to hustle one day of cash as a NEET to have the same income as a full time minimum wage worker. Minimum wage workers or those around that are like 25% of the population here.
The truth is most people cynically game the system and the PepeNEET meme is accurate to NEET mentality.
No. 1552994
>>1552951I think history will eventually re-evaluate him and soften up on him. Truth is he never wanted to run the country, it was an elaborate brand PR stunt that got out of hand, and he for the most part got towed around by the republican establishment. He will be ranked as a below average president in the future only due to the covid fiasco, but both George Bush Jnr and Biden will be ranked much lower.
>granted there hasn't been a decent one I think like ever?George H Bush and Jimmy Carter are the last two good presidents imo.
How presidents are seen is a strange thing because everyone has contemporary lenses. Reagan was hated in the same way Trump is but he's considered an above average president now (bewilderingly).
No. 1553093
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Jason Unruhe and Andrea Dworkin are equally intellectually culturally valid imo, they are the same person essentially.
No. 1553218
File: 1681830659044.jpeg (172.17 KB, 900x1260, D49B0E80-A2F9-408B-A4C7-0E65B9…)

This is considered ugly in Korea. Korean beauty standards are on another level.
No. 1553304
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>>1553218Whenever people bring up South Korean beauty standards, I think it's good to remember that this is what average South Korean people look like. There's nothing to praise or defend about these standards, because this isn't just a group of culturally high-effort, high-standard, skinny, attractive people who all either look like anime characters or make sure to get surgery to do so. They just talk a lot of shit on social media, their levels of misogyny and racism are insane, and they're obsessed with catfishing the rest of modern society by copying Japan and the USA. The place is full of insecurities, and this is true on both a local and international level. Koreaboos are complete idiots.
No. 1553335
>>1553222I hate werewolf, everyone gangs up to kill me first regardless of which team I'm on
Apparently I have a resting "sus" face
No. 1553343
File: 1681839962635.jpg (219.44 KB, 960x1440, unnamed (2).jpg)

>>1553263>half whitethere you have your answer. i also remember them calling this girl a hag because of her white features when she was like 14.
of course you will get treated better as a white foreigner than somebody south asian or god forbid black, but people still seethe about you and are passive agressive, and they don't let you into clubs, bars,..
it's pretty amazing actually, i think korea is the only country after the us and japan, that managed to brainwash the world into putting them on a pedestral.
No. 1553529
>>1553527The reason I feel this way is because I know what its like to be in a position where men try to humiliate or shame you for your sexuality or do things to you without consent and when I turned to other women for help they treated me like I was just a dumb slut who deserved it or shouldn't have put myself in that position (like I had any idea I was having sex with a psychopath that would try to ruin my life). Its awful and I'd like to see less
victim blaming from other women.
No. 1553544
>>1553523>>1553527This isn’t an unpopular opinion nonas, the entire point of being against prostitution is to protect those vulnerable women. “anti sex work” is another “
TERF/SWERF” term where misogynists create false radfem opinions to demonise feminism. Conservatives probably latch onto those boosting the narrative. Everyone here at least shares those sympathies.
No. 1553546
>>1553523Some people just overlook the fact that it's not actually normal to make yourself into an object so to say, some would say: "well, there are people who
can do that, there are people who
LIKE doing that and they're perfectly comfortable with that yadda-yadda" but it's such a delusion, it's like saying "well people are different and some actually love being beaten up so it's ok if they decide to do that for money". I feel like most (or all) people would be uncomfortable even being some kind of accepting friend for an hour that just offers an ear for money or something (not like a psychologist because there're at least certain boundaries and you're not friends), same goes for all sorts of less vulnerable and intimate interactions than sex. I'm pretty sure all of it would make you dissociate to a degree, and I'd think it's not that hard to imagine how it is when you have to please a rando and let him touch you in the most intimate way, however "nice" this guy would be, but here we are. It surely isn't an unpopular opinion here but it certainly is among people I know irl unfortunately and just almost anywhere on the internet. People would rather feel sorry for a scumbag that "has" to go to a sex worker, and I feel sick when women talk about not judging their husbands/bfs for using their services theoretically because "well it's only about sex isn't it?" and think they're so open-minded. I just recalled certain discussions and got really mad heh
No. 1553568
>>1553523I think outside of third world countries, they are pretty much all responsible in a large part for their predicament. And I think the whole narrative that they're poor and exploited engenders a sort of learned helplessness in them, "Oh I just -have- to fuck disgusting scrotes to support myself". Every single sex worker could be working a job for minimum wage and get by like millions of other women do. If they're genuinely mentally unwell, then there's SSI to support them.
That's my unpopular opinion I guess, it's not exactly hard to get by by yourself in a first world country. You have hundreds of thousands of people in the US alone that live in small town America that work for minimum wage, have their own apartments, do their shopping cheap at Walmart and support themselves. Is it a glamorous life? No, but neither is being a sex worker.
No. 1553575
>>1553544Also, the lib take that TERFs are anti-sex work and hate those women is so dumb. Like, I hate and oppose child labor, but I don't hate child laborers because they're a vulnerable group being exploited. Same goes here. The whole "sex work is real work" is beyond stupid. There are many dangerous jobs that shouldn't exist and yet they do; that's not the point of the
TERF stance! The point is that dehumanizing jobs are jobs that should not be PERMITTED in our society!
But anyhow, I feel less sympathetic towards the girlbosses who act like quasi-madams on sex sites, the ones that tout the lifestyle and endorse sugar-babying for younger women. Even then, I can't help but feel a sliver of sadness because of the circumstances that lead them to act like that. They must be very damaged people underneath. What do other anons here think?
No. 1553627
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Unpopular on lc, he's beautiful
No. 1553634
File: 1681862064348.jpg (53.36 KB, 720x1401, FYzvY3GWQAA5Gma.jpg)

this album is great, but it's slightly cringe to me. she's 41, she's a household name, she's world famous…i don't see why she has to grind and thot it up like a newer singer might have to. i don't see the point in making generic pussy pop music, i'm sorry. i know i sound cringe myself but kek
to a point i feel the same way about taylor swift. you're 33, you're widely beloved, why not move past the sad breakup tracks and the slightly juvenile "oh nooo i'm so misunderstood" shit
No. 1553644
>>1553634I was going to say “it’s what sells,” but you know, you’re right. They don’t
need to stick to a certain formula in order to make money like a newer artist would.
Then again, most of these pop artists are artists in the loosest definition of the word — they don’t write their own music or lyrics or design any of their aesthetic or choreograph their own routines. They’re literally a product designed by committee.
No. 1553645
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>>1553636she fuckin got me!!!!
No. 1553739
File: 1681874086304.jpg (20.94 KB, 464x157, 20230414_010816.jpg)

CP on main page, careful scrolling nonnies
No. 1553873
>>1553218She looks like a Twitch streamer that would be popular here in USA with OTV and 100 Thieves.
>>1553627If they edited out his beard and tattoos I might think this photo
looks good. No. 1554132
>>1554103>>1554127NTA. America is really weird, because I see so many actual racist people who openly go on about hating black people within RW spaces or among their friends, but are conversely obsessed with black music, fashion, memes, etc. I've seen a few literal Neo-Nazis try to justify their love of hip-hop with a myriad of excuses. Of course it makes sense for normal/non-racist people to like all sorts of things in a multicultural society, but I just don't understand how unironic racists justify it in their mind. It's like they're admitting they're living on sour grapes. When they try the "We do it better" thing, it just reminds me of trannies claiming they're "better" than biological women. Like…be realistic.
I guess it makes sense if you consider that the opposite of love isn't hate, but indifference.
No. 1554136
>>1554134I'm not calling white women wearing bantu knots racist, learn to read kek. I said right here
>Of course it makes sense for normal/non-racist people to like all sorts of things in a multicultural society, but I just don't understand how unironic racists justify it in their mind.Are you racist and feeling attacked? Don't hide behind normal white women who just like different hairstyles.
No. 1554142
>>1554139>fails at basic reading comprehension>gets mad and calls people stupid over their own mistakesOkay anon, sorry to have
triggered you
No. 1554145
>>1554132I mean most racists do fetishize cultures, racist white men moet often always want asian wives or sleep around with asian women for example because they fetishize them. I've also seen racist white girls fetishize black men or black culture, to them it's like a quirky thing but they still think they're superior, that's why they have no issues stealing from other cultures.
>>1554134Nta but that's not what anon said. Also black hairstyles just look bad on whites and literally cause hair fallout, that alone should be enough of a reason for white women to not use them.
No. 1554148
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>>1554131Some of the popular hairstyles are bad for black women's scalps too they just cope with the hairline migration a la Naomi Campbell. Tbh the most based thing to do is not strain the scalp at all
Pic related
No. 1554154
>>1554152Word is she was procurer of trafficking
victims for Epstein and to me that makes her ugly as shit.
No. 1554156
>>1554145You're right, but honestly
>to them it's like a quirky thing This is what I don't get. If I were some kind of white nationalist type of person, I'd feel like a retarded, embarrassing sell-out if I was as fixated as some of these people on black culture. Dylann Roof literally killed 9 black people in a church because of his insane political views, but had a crush on a black girl growing up, and would go to strip clubs and specifically ask for black strippers. I've seen racist men try to jusify that sort of thing and the Asian fetish as "colonizing", but they have to know all of this is antithetical to their entire proclaimed worldview (unless they're just being dishonest, in which case, why be racist when you can literally just be a sane human being? What fucks up a person's ego like that?).
No. 1554158
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>>1554152lmao where have you been? she's been bald since at least a decade already
to me somebody who needs wigs to look presentable, certainly isn't model pretty
No. 1554163
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>>1554152She has traction alopecia from tight braids,ponytails etc.
Alot of black women (including myself) can suffer from it but not as extreme. Now I see women messing their edges up with those lakefront gluing them down
No. 1554186
>>1554170lmao those are definitely men, when actual black women are into interracial their posts sound WAY different
>>1554181yeah and it's pretty easy to tell those apart from the white scrotes with raceplay fetishes
No. 1554192
>>1554172Slavic neo-nazis believe they're 100% white and, well,
purely slavic, and it's all that matters, and they believe Hitler actually loved slavs, the proof of which can be found in the "original" version of Mein Kampf that was allegedly heavily altered to make Hitler look bad or something kek
No. 1554199
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>>1554174>>1554172>>1554192Hitler's masterplan was to literally genocide all Slavic people's and creating new Germanic :living space", I'd argue being a slavic nazi is more absurd then being a LatAM Nazi.
No. 1554201
>>1554196I wish white women didn't
trigger you guys this much, I hope you get the professional mental help you need.
(racebaiting) No. 1554204
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ok let's give it up this is crappy bait
No. 1554206
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>>1554166kek, is this you?
but seriously are you that one anon who claimed to have dated a neo-nazi leader, I also remember you saying there were mixed arab and pakistani girls like you in their herd.
No. 1554232
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>>1554166Most neo-nazi groups are literally just poor white people gangs, I feel that's something people always seem to forget about, they function more like blood and crips then alt-right members.
No. 1554239
>>1554206Lmao wtf! That wasn't me I never went as far as pulling a nazi leader, can you link that post?
>>1554214I thankfully didn't date them, they were just into me but although I have issues with my identity, I'm not self-hating enough to date a racist who looks down own me. I don't think most women of color date fetishist men unless they're in very bad situations. And I'm also ESL so I didn't know, thanks
No. 1554254
>>1554195The discussion isn't about slavic women, no one's hating on women. Anons were just making fun of slavic neonazis, or neonazis of any kind honestly. Also I don't know what fit and fresh is but I don't think that's on topic?
>>1554245I doubt that anon is slavic, she's probably the one who was accusing everyone of hating white women itt when the cultural appropriation discussion was being had.
No. 1554273
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>>1554103a lot of you guys are completely missing my point i am not just talking about white women when i say nonblack women. when i say nonblack women i mean every race of woman who isn't black does this!! It's not necessarily about whether the style looks good on yall or not that;s arbitrary at this point. It is more so disgusting the minstrel show a lot of yall seem to put on basically cosplaying black women while actively hating us looking down on us with disgust. Distancing yourselves from us in your spaces. Making us feel uncomfortable when we are allowed in all while wearing our hairstyles, using our lingo etc etc. It's just the cognitive dissonance is unreal. It's so unreal in fact that that is largely in part why we get upset when we see you guys rocking our hairstyles and doing a poor man's impression of us. It's bizarre!!!! I need it to quit happening because its cringey.
ALSO, Black people are some of the most accepting people into our culture in fact we dont gatekeep enough!! Anyone that has a percentage of black we take in and have done for literal centuries. We embrace everyone. But the problem is yall don't embrace us. A lot of Y'all take our shit and then spit in our face time and time again. That's why so much of our shit gets bastardized and thrown to the wayside. No one listens to understand our struggles either majority of people listen to argue with us its like talking to a wall and im tired. If you hate us say it with your chest and stop participating in our shit. And if you love us also say it with your chest and stop being ashamed to admire another human simply because they have darker skin. It's stupid and embarrassing and you stink like butt
(cringe racebaiting) No. 1554286
>>1554278not tryna get banned for racebaiting (i prob will) but i will just say
im deadass
No. 1554298
>>1554294Nta but I also had no idea what that was
>one of the popular manosphere podcastsNo wonder I had no idea what that was.
No. 1554395
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it is way harder to become overweight than underweight. and then for some reason people always refer to underweight public figures like bella hadid or whatever as "unrealistic bodies". for the record i don't think either looks good or is desirable and i've worked a lot to gain 12 lbs thus making me not super underweight. but i was underweight due to being poor with a mom that would rather spend money on drugs than food and now i'm underweight due to walking everywhere and genetics. meanwhile to get fat you have to literally constantly eat copious amounts of food, with often sickeningly sweet or salty flavors until your stomach hurts. think about how expensive and pointless that is. yet people still claim that fat people are REALISTIC. i live in america now which has a reputation for being very obese and i can't stand people i know that assume that if you are skinny you must be anorexic or something kek. i imagine these retards with their victim complex traveling to thailand and complaining about how the malnourished victims of child sex trafficking are setting an unwealistic beauty standawd. when really that's just what someone who doesn't have the privilege of living in a middle class household in a first world country will look like. i hate muh thin privilege ideology so much because in order to be fat you must be more privileged than average in some way (using transportation to get around instead of walking or biking, being able to eat more than is necessary) and i also hate anorexics for this reason kek imagine having life on easy mode and then trying to get sick and starved on purpose because you are that devoid of any positive traits that the only way you can garner any kind of attention is through sympathy. especially when they are proud of it.
No. 1554426
>>1554403>>1554411Agree. I hung out with friends all weekend, we had takeout and ate snacks at their place. When stepped on the scale monday had I gained 7lbs. I know it's mostly due to salt content, but for people who can't cook at home and must eat from restaurants for at least half their meals each week you will easily pack on weight. The gain will come on more rapidly if you have an eating disorder and use food to cope with stress (as many people do)
>>1554395Junk food isn't expensive,
nonnie. This is why poor americans are so fat.
No. 1554488
>>1554445you can get big bags at dollar tree, aldi, family dollar, or walmart for cheap. fast food coupons are mailed weekly for free to virtually every home or apartment in the country or can download them in the app, etc.
do you even live in america?
No. 1554500
>>1554489But if there was a market gap for healthy produce someone would surely capitalise on it?
An individual or company could set up a distribution chain and stores of healthy food and sell them at a profit if that's what people want
>some towns are intentionally set up to have more shitty food options But people set up their own towns? Nothing stopping anyone there from opening a healthy store
No. 1554617
>>1552903Idk Korean food really hits the spot for me
Warm bibimbap, kimchi stew, kamja stew, kimbab in the park, hot soy milk in the winter, hotteok in the freezing cold, tteokbokki even if the spice burns my mouth and with some cheese on top, makgeolli… 그럼에도 한국에서 10년 넘어 보내서 내 맘속에 특별한 장소가 있음
No. 1554632
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>>1554624I like the way they look but hate the way they feel
The best heels are chunky and intimidating, like punk or high boots in picrel. I feel powerful in these types of heels
No. 1554653
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>>1554624High heels with HIGH skinny heels are definitely a psyop and a detriment to women, but a moderately sized chunky heel is pretty cute and much, MUCH easier and more comfortable to walk in than the demon shoes in picrel. Seriously I fucking hate shoes like this. You're just asking for a twisted ankle walking in these satan things. People always rag on kitten heels but kitten heels can actually be cute and they don't put you at risk for permanent disability kekkkk.
No. 1554791
I hate stoners. Weed took several friends who used to be bright, fun, quick-witted, active people with lots of talent and turned them into people who only do the bare minimum in everything in their lives from hobbies, to relationships, to their own health, to their career. My brother got into weed and flunked out of college twice and now lives at home working at dominos and coughing a lung up from his vape pen 24/7, his hygiene became abysmal and he displays viscous hatred towards the mere concept of putting effort into anything, no matter how small the task. A stoner friend of my parents nearly killed a mutual friend's cat he was asked to care for while the owners were out of town because he was too stoned to drive to feed and water it and figured in his weed haze that it wasn't important enough to bother with.
And on top of all that, stoners will claim that they don't have a problem, they're not like those other drug users, their drug isn't addicting, they're normally functioning, etc, when any sober person around them can see both of those things are not true. And if you try to help them see what is happening to their lives and the burden they are placing on others they will accuse you of just "hating fun" and "being too uptight." At least I don't need to hit a vape just to take a shower in the morning (real scenario from someone I know).
No. 1554802
>>1554395I mean yeah but once you get fat and have unhealthy habits it’s hard to go back to being healthy just cause you’ve fallen from grace. It sucks
>>1554170Nah it’s scrotes being scrotes their racism is weird and fetishistic. Remember the moid who spammed porn of white guys and black women. Disgusting people
No. 1554911
>>1554878My opinion is that replacing the drinks isn't going to make you less fat. While yeah technically not drinking your calories is going to cut down on your total calories for the day, lot of people think they can still eat shitty foods to compensate for that. When you get into a cycle of eating terrible foods you crave more of it and other sweet/salty/savory artificial flavors to replace the taste.
I think soda should be banned imo, even diet soda is like pure acid for your body, and too many people are addicted to drinking it daily.
No. 1554925
>>1554778Nta but I can definitely run in chunky heels, everyone can unless the shoe is cheap and easily falls apart.
>>1554653>but a moderately sized chunky heel is pretty cute and much, MUCH easier and more comfortable to walk in than the demon shoes in picrelYup I totally agree. Chunky heels are very cute and don't give a cheap tryhard sexy vibe stilettos usually give me. I'd prefer chunky heels over flats, flats are uncomfortable for me.
No. 1555133
>>1554996its not universal to all black people DUH this is a black american experience. seeing as you live in a predominately black country with people who look like you,it's obvious that this doesnt and wouldnt apply to you. I wouldnt even begin to expect someone like you growing up in an environment where you are the majority that you would even begin to understand the implications of growing up surrounded by in large to people that not only don't look like you but actively oppress you in various overt and covert ways due to that fact. And then when you call it out you are met with gaslighting and that we are playing
victims. Saying black people who grew up in different countries across the world arent a monolith is like saying water is wet. Thank you captain obvious. Maybe if you started centering yourselves you wouldn't be so offended by black americans pointing out racism that uniquely affects them. Run along.
No. 1555291
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>>1555283so she’s based and you love trannies? On my
No. 1555318
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>>1555283 You didn't even prove your point. Are you a tranny or a lost hand maiden? I don't blame Jk for being ~twansphobic~ at all. They threatened to kill and rape her and she's been in
abusive relationships before. Tbh all women should have some level of transphobia in them. Those men in dresses are predators.
No. 1555332
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>>1555284I think its the aspartame in it that kills you faster than a regular coke tbh
No. 1555333
>>1555289Well, yeah. I agree.
>>1555296She says there are real trans people where transitioning in the solution and correct choice for them. But she is explicitly fearful of TIMs because they’re mentally ill (true) and doesn’t actually think they’re women (also true and I don’t blame her) in spite of saying it’s right that the trans people she knows can call themselves women. Her real stance is basically YWNBAW but she muddies her own opinion by insisting it’s real “sometimes” and I don’t know why she does that unless she’s just thinking emotionally about it. The point she makes about predators using loopholes to get at women is of course
valid and real and has happened. But to broader society it means she is textbook transphobic. Saying TIMs will never have the gametes of a woman is considered transphobic in reality although it’s totally true and shouldn’t be weird to say.
I think she was right to speak up about the laws in the UK that disregarded the safety of women and opened access to predators. People had been getting crazy about it and it was ripe ground for abuse. But it was “textbook transphobic” to use the crimes of people in a group to want to limit all legal avenues for others in said group. Like… She would advocate for limiting “trans rights” in a broad way to prevent abuse by any of them and that’s considered transphobic by popular definition. In reality people abuse regular social loopholes like that just to skip bathroom lines and there’s no reason for legal protection and she was right to be like hold the fuck up you want to put this in the law? Like fuck off it’s hard enough to protect yourself as a woman legally we don’t need more hurdles. Like she was right but it is transphobic even if it is also common sense.
I don’t know. I think she should come out and say it’s mental illness (which it is) and it needs real treatment, not this public delusion. But she only says that for women who want to transition because she is understandably sympathetic to women, and sort of never brings it up for men and just repeats they’re not women (they’re not of course, but from a medical perspective the treatment should be similar across genders for mental problems like this - addressing underlying causes - so her public opinion on it looks bias and maybe it is, though she clearly has her reasons). I think the way she talks about TIFs is a little bias but based on sympathy and concern; JKR publicly states she’s worried they won’t be able to experience motherhood which gets pushback as akshually misogynistic or something because women are more that their ability to bear children but honestly most people want kids eventually so JKR is right there to worry.
It’s a complicated issue but also a simple one which means everything I or anyone else says about it sounds weird but there you go
No. 1555356
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>>1555335Most mothers just like unruly children and molding them to their liking in general. They’ll discipline the shit out of their kids into being stoic little soldiers and then get mad when they don’t do anything “fun” like threatening to destroy shit or destroy themselves. They’ll ignore them and just take in a basket case all for the sake of not being bored inside a house all day. Especially in big families with lots of relatives, there’s never a short list of kids to traumatize or fight over as the better care taker and making the kid choose
No. 1555361
>>1555354Idk. Most girl fathers I knew also did everything their daughters wanted and couldn't stand to see a girl cry but they didn't spoil their sons as much. This was the same for me and my dad, he did care quite a lot about me and did everything I wanted and my mother's father also spoiled her while her mother treated her badly and only loved her unemployed son.
Fathers usually love their daughters more and mothers love their sons more in my experience.
No. 1555370
>>1555360I disagree. I think everyone should be shat on whatever they write. Starting with you.
What a dumb thing to think about, let alone write about. I gained nothing from your post.
Tired of hearing lookism takes on here. I don't give a shit how you look, I give a shit if your posts are amusing and they're not in the slightest.
No. 1555388
>>1554403It depends on your disposition, I've noticed some people seems to have different appetites (and it weirdly seems linked to libedo). I'm more food averse and I once dated a guy who really liked food. we went to a bbq place and up front there was a guy cutting meat, and my ex looked at it and said "oh my god look at THAT" and pointed to it, looked fucking enraptured. It just looked like a guy cutting meat to me and I realized people just don't see food the same way.
>>1554411This is true if you eat fast food or pre-prepared grocery stuff. That stuff's chocked full of preservatives and salt though, honestly the calories aren't the biggest problem there
No. 1555404
>>1555398>>1555399you're both fucking hypocrite if you dont think you wouldnt treat a good looking moid better than an ugly moid in a social setting
not like you'd know because you never talk to men irl at all
No. 1555421
>>1555382pretty privilage is def real ime. I used to be dumpy when I was younger and people always treated me like shit. People always acted like everything I said was dumb or weird, anything usual I did was looked down upon, but for a while I thought it was just me. Wasn't til I got to college where I got a better haircut, wore make up, got good clothes, grew into myself that I realized how bad it is. It's a fucking WORLD of difference, men and women both want to be friends with you and anything unusual you do is seen favorably, awkward behavior is "cute". Everyone views you and treats you differently, gave me a complex for a while where I was afraid of aging cause I didn't want to go back to the way people treated me before. I'm also first world so you are right on that lmao.
>>1555402It's 100% misogyny. I've seen men go from being nice and kind flip to being openly hostile when they're talking to a woman they're not interested in. The value=appearance thing is WAYYYY higher for women than men, if you are unfortunate as a woman it's really fucking bad.
>>1555397It's not as extreme for men. you can get away with being an ugly man if you're charismatic or funny, ugly women do not catch the same break. People like Seth rogan are but ugly but no one mentions it, while kathy griffin is routinely roasted for being ugly. Female politicians get SLAMMED for their looks
>>1555404moid? women won't slam men's looks out of nowhere
No. 1555433
>>1555421I was a really ugly kid and nobody gave a fuck about me, even my parents neglected me, then as soon as I grew up into a decent looking human being even my family started treating me better, let alone my friends and classmates. Some people don't realize you're treated worse on default if you're not at least passable and grooming can only take you so far. But absolutely, the standard is way higher for women but the fact scrotes can go through it too means it's not gender-based prejudice.
>>1555424>>1555428I get it, you're both unemployed or working in a shitty warehouse job where you don't have to interact with anyone.
No. 1555434
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>Ugly girls, pretty girls, pretty privilege
No. 1555454
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>>1555448who are you talking to?
No. 1555456
>>1555438Pretty privilege is a thing for sure but it manifests in a way such as getting away with a speeding ticket every now and then, getting a discount sometimes, people being generally nicer, etc. Although there are downsides such as women being more guarded around you and misogynistic men assuming you're stupid or annoying and then nitpicking everything you do
Although I have trouble believing the women claiming that they just get everything such as groceries, good grades, etc daily. Literal models don't even get that much so I have trouble believing a small town pretty girl type or an Ohio 8/10 is just getting an vast amount of free shit daily
No. 1555460
>>1555456I think it's not about getting free shit as much as being either given basic respect to just general niceness it's reserved exclusively for people who don't look "bad", and when I say bad, it's not even being attractive only, but also people of color or disabled or fat, those people are considered ugly by society standards and treated worse on default. I think it's an evolutionary thing ultimately but doesn't make it any better.
>>1555458I think you're answering to multiple people but also you should take your meds.
No. 1555469
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This is what time talking about btw. Maybe I'm in the wrong area but I've never seen this happen or ever heard of this happening? If this was remotely true no pretty girls would ever have financial issues
No. 1555478
>>1555473Not to race bait but I think average privilege is only for white people. If you’re average and
poc in America then you automatically get put on the ugly category. For
poc women you’re either pretty or ugly no In between.
No. 1555491
>>1555480Ive had similar things (weirdly enough after I became a mother) but I've had give me those take out buffet boxes at whole foods for free and yesterday the butcher guy gave me a few prawns for free. I've had meals and drinks paid for and such but entire grocery bills? Never in a million years
I'd like to think this poster is either a coomer who thinks he lives in some old Italian film or an underaged/ ugly girl who doesn't actually socialize. I also want to believe it's a girl who looks haggardly enough to be mistaken for a homeless person and confuses people getting her food or money as pretty privilege and not people thinking she's a hobo
No. 1555507
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>>1550256Kiwicels are all ugly, porn addicted and mentally ill. In Venti's thread, they were calling her disgusting and how they would absolutely never EVER have sex with her as if they had a choice kek. Thank god none of them will reproduce
No. 1555514
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>>1550256She looks really cute there. I think people started calling her ugly during her earlier phases and just kept at it. A lot of men also loathe her because she comes across as whipping idubbbz, and men will call any women they hate ugly regardless of what she looks like.
No. 1555518
>>1555500I’m glad I was an only child. I’d pick being some weird combo of scapegoat + golden child rather than just being a scapegoat in my narc family dynamic. I’d have most likely murdered a sibling if my parents had another kid cause of shit I did as a child that my parents told me about.
>be me, 2 years old>playing with blocks>aunt is pregnant >aunt says “nonny, will you like my baby?”>I drop my blocks >stare at my aunt wide eyed, frowning>”oh no.” >aunt replies with a gasp “you won’t love my baby?”>”oh no. I will kick it. I will bite it.”>aunt gasps again “You will kick and bite my baby?!”>I reply with a calm and firm “Oh yes.”>resume playing She miscarried that baby but I honestly think I might have needed to be kept away from it. I was a very jealous child. I actually remember having thoughts that I’d have harmed/ended a sibling if I couldn’t convince my mom to not have it or to get rid of it. Really glad I’m not the character in a true crime podcast.
No. 1555535
>>1555527I agree completely.
People are also weirdly disconnected from their former selves, acting as if they were never children themselves
Yes you whining about that kid in the store, I'm sure you weren't as quiet and still as a statue at that age
No. 1555565
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>Ugly girls, pretty girls, pretty privilege, men paying for you
No. 1555597
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Ugly privilege is also real. I fucking said it. Ugly women are typically granted an NLOG status, they're more likely to be trusted as "smart" when they try to explain something, more men are comfortable befriending them because there's not as much attraction, and at some points, people will feel guilty enough about their ugliness to falsely push them as beautiful. Grimes is one such example.
No. 1555606
>>1555503I'm not sure but one was in the celebrity thread because an anon called her a chestlet and there was a few other times. She also defends small boobed girls on cc from those moids who have a fetish for boob shaming
>>1555469I feel like it's a paradox. The poster know it's uncommon, if women see that they will think they are just not pretty, but it can also bring down women who are confident because if pretty and confident women point out this hasn't happened to them, the poster can just tell the women they weren't pretty enough
No. 1555650
>>1555641Exactly this. Like I said, they know but don't care. They use being young as a sort of gotcha to older women as if they themselves are not going to age. I only care about grooming
victims when they're younger than 14.
No. 1555671
>>1555640That’s nasty. Guy’s a pedo and she’s stupid. The only way I can see dating with an age gap is if there’s also a large wealth gap. Any young woman with an old scrote who isn’t rich is selling herself short and needs better self esteem.
No. 1555674
>>1555133Black people aren't oppressed though. Historically yes many were in select states, but it's not reality anymore. Any example you want to use is explained by class segregation, and secondary to that gender discrimination. Racially just because someone watches you in a store, which happens to everyone because store owners know all ages and all kinds of people steal for different reasons, or someone comments on your hair, or calls you a word you don't like, this happens to everyone, people can be mean, but it happens to everyone and historically has happened to everyone.
Name any laws that openly discriminate against black people, meanwhile latinos of all races, but we know what the majority of latinos look like are getting locked up at the border, women are losing healthcare rights, there are many laws very openly discriminating, not a single one mentions anything about black people. The strange thing is blacks have gotten away with a lot, because the race card is so strong. Just stop.
Your feelings are still
valid, but this whole woe is me I am a
victim thing is ridiculous, like you think everyone lives all fine and dandy, and black people are all suffering due to everyone else and need saving. That mindset is why those communities have all the problems they do.
No. 1555693
>>1555597What? Men befriend ugly women?
They used to harass me and talk about fucking me with a bag over my head out loud while I was sitting right there and they would straight up throw shit at me and try tripping me and get the whole class to laugh and poke at me and insult me til I’d break down.
I also don’t get why scrotes say women are meaner because girls actually treated me like a person when I was ugly, it was mostly men who’d gang up on me, they literally think you sitting there being ugly warrants harassment. Also inb4 at least you don’t have to worry about creeps because that has been discussed last thread and men will rape anything that moves.
No. 1555748
>>1555717Yeah, it's so fucking sexual, even if it's apparently not trying to be. When any female (sometimes male) character slips&falls or is shocked or anything, she has to make an exaggerated, high-pitched moan/gasp that you would never find in other languages. It makes me feel uncomfortable. When I was younger I was also ashamed to play any anime clip in front of my parents because of it (and because the characters sound retarded in general).
Last night I was watching an old shoujo anime in the living room, and I thought I wouldn't have any reason to feel nervous since it's not hentai or ecchi or anything gross. But there were some moments that really made me fear that my parents would wake up thinking I was watching anime porn lmao.
No. 1555824
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>make hindu religion
>make yourself (priest) as highest tier of human (brahim)
>wonder why dalits (lowest tier) opt to convert
I think there's nothing more pathetic than upper caste Indians whining about how Dalits don't suffer because they get tax benefits and other affirmative action programs. Pretending that caste discrimination isn't a thing. In western tech companies, Indians practice caste discrimination, these are six figure earning white collar workers and we still have to step in and stop them doing it. They just can't help themselves.
No. 1555860
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Andrew Tate is so fine to me lmao I love a muscly man. Shame about… everything else as he is honestly a whole meal. I want him.
No. 1555902
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>>1555860>>1555883He looks like he's part of a Muslim grooming gang. Your comparison to Dano and Driver is funny because he kind of looks like if someone tried to create Driver's face using only the base materials of Dano's face. Even Driver has more of a defined, chiseled face than him.
No. 1555924
>>1555906I don't participate in danofagging but when it first started I got the impression his innocent awkwardness was the appeal for many anons, then batman brought in a bunch of new fans.
But anyway fuck hybristophiles, they're such an embarrassment. Even if I somehow found myself attracted to a killer you couldn't waterboard it out of me, it's such cringeworthy edgelord shit and just screams low self esteem.
No. 1555994
>>1555990I'm not waiting longer than a couple of minutes for a toast
the oven needs longer than that to get hot
No. 1556010
>>1555990Still I gotta ask - what are those tasty techniques
I may be willing to have my opinion changed
No. 1556115
>>1555693>scrotes "befriending" ugly womenYeah, idk what
nonny was smoking either. IF anything, a lot of scrotes will befriend ugly women and feign interest just to get laid. Once they find out your standards aren't low, they get really offended kek
>>1555650 this is such a scrote take
No. 1556227
>>1556213Blah blah muh showering that’s all you nonnies ever say. What do you shower 10x a day? You will still step in gross stuff around the house. I just mopped yesterday and walking around in my flats there was narry a mark. Boyfie comes home takes off his shoes, showers, and this morning the floor was already covered in gross smeary marks from his feet and the dog.
And if you have a cat think of all the litter getting stuck to your foot and smashed into the floor. Vomitrocious.
No. 1556295
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>>1556227That’s why people take off their shoes when they come into the house and also wear slipper/indoor shoes ya nasty
>>1550256I don’t care for her drama or for Idubbz but I always thought she was cute. I’ve cared even less for them ever since some anons outed themselves as being idubbz fangirls.
No. 1556304
>>1556295It was always known the thread is full of idubbbz fangirls to us that have been here for the origins of the thread. It started as a Filthy Gang/Cancer crew thread, it was all talk which of the YouTubers was the cutest (joji max or Ian), until idubbbz got a gf which rattled a ton of his parasocial fans.
Then it became the pearnisa/filthy gang thread where they'd dunk on her, then in the end just an Anisa thread.
First thread:
>>>/snow/188302 No. 1556315
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>>1556304The moment Anisa appears
No. 1556318
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>>1556315Anons not approving his choice.
It should have been them! Or Daria I guess
No. 1556356
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>>1555527Why did you straight up copy paste a twitter thread?
No. 1556415
>>1556308why the fuck you need your nasty ass outside shoes inside? just wear fucking slippers or socks like everyone in the civilized world. or even go barefoot, I don't care, it's less nasty than your stompers full of dog shit and soil.
>wah wah just clean itamerimutts cant even take off their shoes indoors and they're going to be cleaning their shoes everyday? absolutely fucking doubt it lol
No. 1556561
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>I’m a visual learner
It’s a cope for lazy asses who obliterated their attention spans
No. 1556585

I unironically think Kurt Cobain was the most talented untrained melody writer in XX century, which, given the fact that he didn't had any formal education in music, makes him a genius. I always thought that, I don't give a fuck about Nirvana fanbase and zoomers being obsessed with them now and how normie and mainstream they are, no amount of retarded fans will change my opinion. Just listen to that shit. In any form, be it SM64 soundfont or classic orchestra, every Nirvana cover where you can hear the actual melody and unusual chord progressions, not drowned in all that guitar distortion and screaming, it just sounds universally good but also original. Contrarians like to say Nirvana sounds like simple music for children. Many tried to replicate that sound yet no one could. Writing an actually memorable melody, with unusual chord progressions at that, is actually hard, even if it seems easy to play. And Kurt did that more than once, much more than that.
The entirety of vidrel would be amazing as a video game ost.
No. 1556725
>>1556585I don't know shit about music theory or whatever but
>Contrarians like to say Nirvana sounds like simple music for childrenThere's nothing wrong with music and songs being "simple" as long as they're good and catchy, if anything that's why so many old video soundtracks are so iconic to this day, they were simple because of technological limitations and yet they sounded great, catchy and they conveyed specific emotions depending on the cutscenes, stages, battles, etc.
No. 1556762
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With very few exceptions, the only one coming to mind right now being bananas, the vast majority of fruit tastes better not yet ripen, most notably pineapple, lychee and gooseberry. Processing fruit in any way, be it jam, cake, pastries or juice, is an utter waste I'll judge you for.
No. 1556891
>>1556884Actually, I was one of the people who showered every day and then I noticed my skin became much more soft, smooth and healthy when I took longer breaks between showers. If you never tested it on yourself, STFU.
No. 1556944
>>1556585Nothing he's done comes close to ABBA or Queen though lol
And they're simple pop music
No. 1556977
>>1556938I only care if the person is interesting or an actual trainwreck. It's always the weirdest, most insecure mfs who spend days droning on about how ugly women are online. Like they're trannies, men on sour grapes, or people who are underage (whether literally or just mentally).
Wah wah wah nasolabial folds, grow the fuck up this ain't 2014 anymore lol
No. 1557121
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I don't get why some people are so obnoxious about other people being monolingual. being fluent in a language from a young age is usually just luck regarding where you grew up, your parents, etc. I don't get it. is a literal child supposed to teach themselves a new language? even if there isn't anyone around them to speak it with? lol
No. 1557373
>>1556860My hair is curly and skin is dry, if I tried to shower everyday I'd fucking mummify. It's probably just different skin types
>>1556889I don't like you only because you probably think this behavior is based. Nobody is going to give you an award because you can't go 12 hours without a shower
No. 1557377
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>>1557373>Nobody is going to give you an awardYou're so wrong about that.
I hereby give her The Awesomest Farmer Award
No. 1557401
>>1555438The thing about pretty privilege is I've seen this take about both sides. If they deny it it's like you said, if they think it's real they're playing
victim or want to be opressed like trannies do in a way. It's kinda surreal to see these contradictory takes
No. 1557422
>>1553568Why would they choose to have less when they could have more? Most sex workers make more than minimum wage.
And posts like this make me think you're against them out of malice, you could have said they can do better in life if they want to or get an education but no you tell "just work at walmart for the rest of your life". Sorry but I think it's either malice or the crabs in a bucket mentality.
No. 1557504
Until timeskip, I think Attack on Titan was amazing. Overall it has many themes close to my heart, and as a gnostic christian, I see it as a deeply gnostic work, even if it wasn't intentional on Isayama's part. After timeskip, it was still good but the moment Isayama introduced paths, he ruined it. Ending had to be shit, but even if it wasn't, the whole premise was really ruined for me with the paths. Or he could keep them as a connection between previous Founder carriers, but without the possibility of sending memories to the past and influencing it, thus we could still keep Imir and Eren interactions, which were good imo, but take out all the woowoo with time paradoxes and influencing the past which always take the agency away from characters and ruin the payoff imo. There's so many things Isayama could do, it still makes me sad it turned out the way it did.
No. 1557552
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I don't get the appeal of gazpacho. Eating cold vegetable puree is just a thoroughly unpleasant concept to me, no matter how hot the weather is.
No. 1557561
>>1557504I have the opposite unpopular opinion, Attack on Titan was shit and average shounen garbage up until the basement and paths.
It all became much more interesting with the implication that there were no bad titan monsters and that actually it was humans being retards seeking power all along.
He could have concluded the final arch better though, it was not really clear that he even knew the message he wanted to express with Eren and the humbling. I admire the attempt to make something new though.
No. 1557583
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I have no idea what I’m doing.
No. 1557608
>>1557561Basement reveal was still in the first part so I obviously included that. We know humans were retarded before paths introduction. It was a great premise and then it got ruined. As I said, you could keep the paths in some form without the retarded memories being sent to the past and influencing people
Isayama didn't use paths to advance the story or make it better, in the end he only used it for cheap shock factor when Eren killed his own mom and forced Grisha to kill children lel
Also even before the basement it wasn't generic. There was no other shonen with that kind of aesthetics. Also there was no bullshit like "uwu you and I are the same we can't fight each other" type of rivalry between characters. It combined many elements from other works of fiction but the whole thing was like nothing we've seen in anime before
No. 1557638
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I’ve noticed this not just on lolcow but on radfem spaces and other female dominated groups I’m in online but there’s always a pattern of alienation from other women, sorting them into groups to hate on, claiming so many are pickmes and bullies and just othering them based on one fact about them. And I just dont get it. Even though im generally weird and “different” I’ve always found women have been nice and had interesting things to say and talk about. From random classmates to neighbours to shop ladies, women from all walks of life or beliefs. And whenever I’ve gone to some random event or workshop it’s always been women there that i had a nice time with and befriended.
And as a disclaimer i dont have the best relationship with my mom and had female bullies and shitty managers and all that. I’m just saying women are much more than the caricatures people make online and it’s so easy to fall into othering and misogyny when you’re stuck in your head so go outside.
No. 1557643
>>1557638Good for you but my experiences with women were mostly negative. Of course they're not as bad as men, but I've seen way more women enabling men than actually going against them. I don't identify with any group anymore, including radfems, I'm an individual and I'm way more than a label.
>>1557641Most women don't even want to get liberated lol
No. 1557652
>>1557638Friendly reminder theres alot of men larping here. One time during the shayadmin the site was down. I saw so many posts from trannies and men complaining about it on twitter.
Just ignore what doesn't serve you, as with all internet spaces.
No. 1557657
>>1557655They're not majority, those are bottom of the barrel mentally ill(autistic, heavily schizo, etc) unemployed western women who believe they'd have been able to get a husband and stay at home if feminism wasn't a thing. They also don't give a fuck about women in other countries.
Funny thing is even in the 60s those women couldn't get married and just got locked in mental asylums or lobotomized.
No. 1557709
>>1557705I am a virgin by choice (if you only understand virginity as never having PIV tho, because I was sexual with women before), and I never got with a man despite having normie, college educated men with high paying jobs showing their interest in me, and that's because I know men are subhuman and I would never sacrifice my freedom for them. And I will
never trust a woman who screams "men bad", "I hate men" and "kill all men" but still has relationships with dudes. How can you be older than 18 and live with this enormous cognitive dissonance and still call yourself a radfem? This doesn't make any sense
No. 1557716
>>1557712I'm not a polilez, I'm bisexual. In my country people usually understand losing virginity as having penetrative sex
Still, your argument says that those women are bottom of the barrel and no man wants them and that's why they think how they think (that's
totally not sexist, not moid-like way of thinking) so I'm telling you that despite getting interest from not bottom-of-the-barrel men I still decided to never fuck them and never trusting a woman who does actively fuck them. And I know I'm not the only one
No. 1557783
>>1557776You are literally what
>>1557638 and
>>1557641 were talking about
No. 1557799
>>1557789Why would you even want to make people do something they don't want? Let people live their lives and you do you, separate as much as you want.
Just drop the fake concern. Nobody asked you to look after them.
No. 1557805
>>1557799Genuine question, are you retarded? My first response that women don't want liberation was to this post
>>1557641 I'm not the one who wants to help women who don't even want help, that anon is. She believes that should me our main concern. I'm not concerned for those who don't want to be saved. I just wish women who still want to save women as a "class", whatever that means lol, understood that and stopped wasting their time and focused on themselves instead
No. 1557808
>>1557805You are extremely misogynistic, nlog type.
You believe you know what's best for women better than they know themselves. You are "enlightened", the rest need "saving". Barf.
No. 1557904
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>>1557895Mine looks like a triangle when I look in the mirror. Not like shaved into a triangle shape; like picrel
No. 1557910
>>1557887Damn, female roommates will pay my bills for me and cook and clean for me 80% or more of the time? Cause I can’t even manage to do sex work, I’m often randomly bedbound and I never know when it’s gonna happen or for how long.
I’m not questioning that you’re disabled, but you’ve gotta understand that there are different levels of functioning when it comes to disability. It sounds like you’re capable of contributing fairly to household chores and are able to generate an income to pay your share of bills. You’re lucky you’re able to do so.
No. 1557925
>>1557917Of course not, it is totally impossible for someone to be good and nice, the entire world is just misery, exploitation and selfishness
…vomit out that blackpill and smell the roses
No. 1557927
>>1557925Answer the question
nonny do you fuck him regularly or not
No. 1557934
>>1557927>>1557929I'm not the disabled anon
I'd just hate to be in your skin
No. 1557950
>>1557941I believe it's
toxic and maladaptive to always assume the worst in people. I believe in kindness. I believe the doomer blackpill mindset brings no good.
No. 1557956
>>1557950So you really believe a man would take care of a woman without having sex with her
or taking sex from somewhere else if he can't get it from her? Men leave women diagnosed with cancer 8 times more often than vice versa, but sure the guy cooks and cleans and pays the bills for chronically ill bedridden anon for free while also not sexing anyone on the side…
No. 1557960
>>1557805you say "saved" like all women have the option of not dealing with men, did you know most of us work, go outside, have families so therefore we're exposed to whatever bullshit men do to us even if we choose to not involve ourselves socially with them? you lack empathy for your fellow women but not only that, you act like women have to prove themselves worthy of your empathy.
also please tell me of this great place you live that is 100% devoid of men anywhere. I'd love to live there but unfortunately I live in the real world.
No. 1557964
>>1557956Quit trying to recruit me into your bleak worldview
Misery loves company, but you won't find that company in me
No. 1557978
>>1557970>>1557970>just waiting for some proofs for male altruism when there are many stats This is like a 4channer talking about black people
Get out of your basement and you'll see "proof" irl
No. 1557991
>>1557983My partner cared for me for more than a year when I was sick, no sex. What did you ever do for me?
I do believe you don't see all the good when you go out, if you go out, because you're predisposed to assume the worst.
No. 1558007
>>1558004I dont see
victim blaming anywhere. The debate has just devolved past its original purpose.
No. 1558011
>>1558007it's gross and
victim blaming when you implying women should just separate themselves from men when
>it's literally impossible because men are everywhere if you dont date or socialize with them>women should have the freedom to still date scrotes if they wantif you really gave a fuck about all women you'd spend more energy trying to teach other women about how to detect red flags, how to get support if they need it, not screeching MEN BAD and refusing support altogether when they refuse to be alone. you're fucking delusional and misogynist, only golden star lesbians matter to you.
No. 1558015
>>1558012holy shit I didn't know somewhere in the world men literally didn't exist!! I can go outside at night or not work with scrotes ever again if I move there? please tell me where that is, nonna!
>>1558013okay NLOG, I am sure some golden star butch is going to pick you someday
No. 1558020
victim blaming and ableism just because people don't wanna hang with you. maybe the separatists aren't interested in helping you specifically and just wanna chill.
No. 1558033
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If you only support women whose lifestyles and choices you like/agree with you shouldn't feel entitled to dictate what's "best" for them.
No. 1558054
>>1557915I’d honestly love to find these ladies, I find it hard to believe someone who wasn’t romantically in love with me would ever care for me. my mom would take care of me but since she refuses to leave my dad, having her take care of me would mean enduring his constant daily abuse. No thank you, that’s a non option.
>>1558012Most women can but personally I cannot due to disabilities and this is what this conversation is about.
>>1557958We have sex when I feel like having sex, he’s anti porn and somewhat low libido. I am a pillow princess and thankfully I’m not too disabled to lay back and relax and make love to the man I love, no endometriosis or anything making it painful for me, lube is essential because even when I’m aroused I just like the extra moisture/slip. We’ve gone long periods where I didn’t want to or couldn’t have sex for whatever reason and it wasn’t a problem and he didn’t complain or pressure me. He doesn’t want me doing acrobatics or weird porn shit we just have sweet loving sex, it feels good for both of us physically and mentally. Wild I know that some men aren’t bottom tier scum
No. 1558058
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Divergent fucking sucked, neither the movie not the book should've ever made any noise.
No. 1558067
>>1558063Kek how old are you
nonnie? You just described yourself as the quintessential late 00s-early 10s hipster. Also, same. You just sound like maybe you were still a little kid when the whole hipster subculture was big. I’m glad I had other like minded hipsters to hang out with when I was young.
No. 1558094
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They are soulmates
No. 1558284
>>1558271I still won't eat your pussy, die mad about it
>I stopped caring for women who never learn and continue to engage with shitty scrotes and then cry how shitty they areI see, is that why you're crying about straight women here?
No. 1558329
>>1558295Not really into the whole "cockbreath" thing, but I think is understandable to get frustrated at some women's incapability to not fuck people who don't see them as human and hardly make them cum, from an outsider view, you have to admit it
does look insane and pointless
No. 1558330
>>1558327>unattractive people are not atractiveBig brain here
You're right but kek
No. 1558390
>>1558388Women don't "accept" abuse. Stop
victim blaming.
No. 1558399
>>1558390There are women who stay in
abusive relationships because they are in love. How is that not accepting abuse?
No. 1558405
>>1558399do you know how hard it is to leave a
abusive relationship? How brainwashed or scared some women are of these moids? Also a lot of
abusive scrotes date certain types of women they KNOW they can easily abuse/get away with. So it's not, "he's been with women before you and treated them the same! Which means women are accepting abuse!"
It's more like, that scrote will abuse any woman he's with and/or he targets a certain type of woman to spefically treat a way. Poor women, women with low self esteem, women who were abused by their parent(s), women with mental issue, women no family or very little. Women with kids etc. etc.
No. 1558406
>>1558405That anon sounds like she has no female friends and had no relationship experience neither with women nor men. These mentally ill autistic NEET women are usually the ones who victimblame women and think
abusive relationships wouldn't exist if women weren't stupid.
No. 1558411
>>1558399imagine still thinking this in 2023 and saying that shit out loud
at least you're confident ig
No. 1558417
>>1558411>out loudI didn’t say it out loud. I said it on an anonymous website where no one knows who I am. I truly think most women should stop acting so slow in regards to men.
>inb4 but what if she’s mentally I’ll or poorRich, attractive women with good parents and stable home lives are in the same kind of relationships. It’s not an excuse.
No. 1558424
>>1558417bestie those women stay because they have kids with the abuser or are so emotionally broken by him that they can't leave. or worse yet, the scrote will
literally kill her if she tries.
trust, i've been with an abuser and the only reason i'm out right now is because he emotionally exhausted me so much i genuinely believed i was terrible and tried to kms, and then he left me in the psych ward to rot. if it wasn't for the nurses there and if he'd been only a little more subtle i don't know if it would've happened.
those people make you doubt every thought you've ever had and ik you think you're smarter than those dumb bitches but anyone you depend on has the potential to be an
abusive narc, not just men.
No. 1558428
>>1558422There are women in
abusive relationships who aren’t financially dependent. They are there because they just love the scrote and hope he changes one day, some even let their partner sexually abuse their kids too just so he won’t leave. Not all women in
abusive relationships are there by force, a lot are there because they are delusional and in love.
No. 1558431
>>1558295Tbh i kind of fall into the black-pill feminism category, but my stance is that i don't really care about helping all women anymore, i only care about helping women who are actively interested in learning more about feminism and want to live a life not overly dependant on men. I strongly believe at a lot of women have a belief that men will change and start treating them better or that there is actually something you can do about men… there isn't. If you get treated well by men, you need to consider yourself lucky, not the norm. I persponally do not participate in name calling nor agree with it, but sometimes if a woman wants to take her chance with moids, honestly a lot of women don't like to hear about how futile it can be with moids and desperately want to believe that there is something they can change about themselves or society to lower their risk of abuse and harm by moids when there is literally nothing they can do. In my opinion, it's really frustrating when the women in question will act outraged about men doing horrible things to women and children, but suddenly we are the bad guys for point out that they refuse to do anything in their life to help prevent their own chances at becoming a
victim or at least accepting the fact that they are taking a risk. Imo, i think a lot of women who oppose "blackpill feminism" tend to be overreactive and hostile themselves because they get
triggered at their life choices being criticised and their nigels being attacked even in the slightest way. They will turn around and say awww you just need to find the right dick bla bla blah but will go back to complaining about moids 15 minutes later expecting sympathy and all of your emotional energy. I just wish they would stop trying to mingle with feminists and leave us alone.
No. 1558433
>>1558424First off they are selfish for bringing kids into a shitty and
toxic environment in the first place secondly there are women who allow their scrote to abuse their children as well so leaving would be a better option anyway
No. 1558434
>>1558428I kind of agree with your point anon, but i do not think it's
victim blaming the way anons are trying to say it is. Women in relationships are desperate to have a man who thinks they are special and if they have been engaging in pickme behaviours prior to the relationship then they are undoubtedly going to endure just to prove to her partner and other women that she is special and loyal, not caring about the harm she causes on herself and her children.
No. 1558435
>>1558433Some men don’t show their true colors until after they have you chained to them through children.
>>1558428What you’re describing isn’t them being in love, it’s trauma bonding, which you seem to have no understanding of. It’s a chemical process that causes actual dependency on the
abusive person in the same way an addict becomes dependent on their drug of choice. But I’ll bet you’re the type that has no empathy for people in active addiction either.
No. 1558437
>>1558435Well they can be bonded all day and make stupid decisions when it’s just them fucking up their own life but most women bring kids into their mess and don’t care what happens as long as their scrote is there
>there were no red flags before I had kids with him!I’m sure this happens but it’s rare. Men are pretty stupid and hard at hiding their true nature. If he’s a shitty person no matter how nice he tries to fake there are always red flags.
No. 1558447
>>1558445Nta but I’m talking about women who stay in
abusive relationships because they are in love and don’t want to be single. Let’s not pretend these kind of women don’t exist because they do and not all
abusive relationships are physically abused. Most women think just because their scrote isn’t knocking their face in everyday that he’s not
abusive when he is in fact
abusive in many other ways.
No. 1558458
>>1558434I feel like a lot of women ignore their scrote being shitty because even if you are with an asshole you are still seen as better than a single woman in societies eyes. Yes your scrote might be ugly,
abusive, a pedo etc etc but you have a man and that’s really what matters at the end of the day to people.
No. 1558460
>>1558447Anon, do you have a particular individual in mind when saying this? Because saying "women (in plural, a group) stay with
abusive scrotes because they are in love" is a malicious oversimplification of issue. Well, I guess it's a malicious oversimplification of the issue even on a personal level, but even worse when we are talking about the phenomenon of
abusive relationships in a societal scale.
No. 1558469
>>1558388You’re onto something but missing the mark. Women don’t choose to be abused by men and the dynamics of
abusive relationships are not what you think they are.
Women do collectively need to stop babying adult men, we need to stop bankrolling their lives and being bandmaids who split the bills 50/50. Women also need to stop having children, no man deserves a child. If women stopped breeding for men and refused to ever split finances then we’d be in a better place as a class.
No. 1558471
>>1558383There you have a video from a woman who works in sexual assault crisis center and she's blackpilled and she does more to woman than you sucking dick will ever do for womem. We live in a sick society where exposing yourself to men and risking getting abused by them is a sign of mental health.
Women who actively live with men and share their resources with them will never liberate other women. Die mad about it, handmaidens.
No. 1558480
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Rice cookers are just another single-use waste of space appliance and I’m tired of weebs and redditors trying to convince me otherwise. You can easily make any kind of rice in a saucepan or pot, even sticky rice!
No. 1558486
>>1558471Oh wow you posted a video, you really showed that cockbreath libfem scrote aligned bitch.
No. 1558490
>>1558471Okay but what about disabled women who have
abusive scrotes for fathers and aren’t safe at home but can’t support themselves? Idk how letting a male capitalist exploit your labor for profit is so much more admirable than being in a loving relationship with someone who happens to be a male who supports you financially and emotionally and isn’t profiting off your labor being exploitated?
No. 1558495
>>1558492You just dump a plastic sachet in boiling water for cooking. You just shove the pot in the washing machine when it's done.
I don't have a rice cooker but I doubt it's easier than that
No. 1558501
>>1558498NTA and I don't even mean to antagonize you but
No. 1558512
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>>1558503I mean these, rice in packets you just put in however much boiling water, take the sachet out and open it when it's done. Minimal effort in preparation and cleaning as it leaves just dirty water.
Idk if there is a name for them in English
No. 1558515
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>>1558480I'm here to confess that I love the microwave rice like picrel because I'm weird about rice and also I don't eat a lot so this are the perfect portion. Yes it's shameful but I make most of my meals at home anyway so I deserve my microwave rice.
No. 1558520
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Pregnancy is disgusting
No. 1558541
>>1558522There are plenty of other brands that sell rice in sachets if you don't like Uncle Ben's
I don't buy that one either, I just chose that picture because it was the only one that had the sachet visible and not just the box
>>1558524Trust me, this is much easier. Can't say it's not more expensive, but that's the price of convenience
No. 1558564
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He was annoying. I'm probably a huge sperg but something about the performance the actor gave + his character didn't seem genuine?
No. 1559112
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Ethnic/Ethnoreligious mild chauvisism is the norm for most of the world. Everyone in the world thinks like more or like this except white liberals in the West.
No. 1559267
>>1559215nta but:
1) race is more of a spectrum than sex. mixed race people exist and they legit carry characteristics from both races - and it is a good chunk of the population.
2) a mixed race person or a light-skinned latino person (maybe even black) might have very similar experiences to white people and share nothing in common with their race in terms of how they are treated in society. obviously depends on socio-economic level or where they live. but they "pass" all their lives. also transrace can be like a british person identifying as german because they lived in germany their whole life. they dont look different (imo, im not western idk which ones look similar). a british guys experience in germany will almost be the same as a german guys - if he was raised there all his life. he literally has the "brain" of another race. he knows their politics, their geography, their social etiquette etc.
3) saying you feel like a japanese person because you live in japan, speak the language etc makes much more sense than saying you a feel like a woman because…? you either like a stereotypically feminine thing or you just "feel like it".
No. 1559306
>>1559292yeah, i guess you could put all under "trans-nationality" rather than "trans-race".
i dont think transrace exists but i feel like trans-nationality does make sense. either way, both makes more sense than transgenderism. to answer your question, i dont think the original anon was saying transrace is
valid. i think she was just comparing the two and saying if she was to believe one, it would be transrace.
i guess in this sense, race = sex and nationality = gender (trans ideology equivalents). so the argument should be trans-nationality vs trans-genderism, which the latter obviously loses.
btw i do agree that race, but still, mixed race people show that race is definitely a spectrum (imo), unlike sex.
im sorry if this was hard to understand, im esl so im not sure if the sentence structure is too confusing to read.
No. 1559680
>>1559292NTA, but even if race is strictly understood in terms of physical characteristics, anons' first two examples make sense. TRAs claim that sex is a spectrum and that one can be non-binary, which is not true, but one can indeed be mixed race. The vast majority of troons will never pass, or only if they surgically alter their appearance, but people can pass for another race, especially to people of another race. And the concept of race is much more subjective than that of sex. All over the world there are only two sexes, but depending on the country, people do not necessarily think in terms of the same racial divisions. In the US, it seems like it's black/white/asian/latino, but in Europe or Asia for example, people rarely think of themselves as one big "white" or "asian" group, and they are able to differentiate between certain physical characteristics (especially when their country is very homogeneous, which is less and less the case in Europe, but still very much in Asia). Even when it comes to "scientific" divisions, they have evolved with time and there are still disagreements around the concept of race. Of course, claiming to be of a completely different race is as ridiculous as claiming to be of the opposite sex, but race is still a much less "rigid" concept.
No. 1559809
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Why do het couples especially pretend that yelling at each other is just part of being in a relationship… like having arguments is normal but how is screaming at your partner so normalized? Even with friendship if you have screaming matches on any type of a regular basis that it not a good relationship in my opinion.
No. 1559814
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kill yourself
No. 1559815
File: 1682489246772.png (50.4 KB, 474x453, 1675286632687.png)

bepis posted, don't scroll up
No. 1559822
File: 1682489625500.jpg (8.74 KB, 486x110, 73b9QHa.jpg)

moid posted dickpic, dont scroll up
No. 1559828
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don't scroll up, dickpic posted
No. 1559830
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Bump don't scroll
No. 1559832
File: 1682490011180.jpeg (20.66 KB, 275x241, 1646367142892.jpeg)

popular opinion, you need to kill yourself moid
No. 1559833
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Bump don't scroll dickpic
No. 1559836
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>>1559832>>1559832I'm downloading this nonners heheheh
No. 1559839
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dont scroll up, chode posted
No. 1559840
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chode posted dont scroll up
No. 1559841
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Bump don't scroll dickpic
No. 1559843
File: 1682490333062.jpg (51.53 KB, 540x710, 1666121893996.jpg)

mutilated ugly dick posted, dont scroll up
No. 1559847
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Bumppppp don't scroll
No. 1559905
File: 1682493716958.jpeg (33.95 KB, 680x643, 1608066867477.jpeg)

we really don't appreciate the mods enough for having to deal with this scrotal bullshit constantly gaddamn it
No. 1559917
File: 1682494771938.png (77.55 KB, 542x541, g2dy4x6qv9t712.png)

>>1559905i would be thankful if THE DICKPICS WEREN'T STILL UP REEEEEEEEE
No. 1559927
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>>1559917give them some time
nonny No. 1560784
>>1560781I've never seen anyone say that about LC, I think crystal cafe is more like /r9k/. I mean, a huge bunch of its users literally come from there.
Now, LC is a lot bigger and more varied in its userbase, so I don't think it's comparable to any single moid board.
No. 1560839
>>1560814I had terrible body image before finding the farm. Still do. It’s less about how other people see me now I guess. The ridiculousness of some of the body critics here makes me laugh sometimes because everyone is too fat, or too skinny, or has an ugly nose, or wide set eyes, and those thing should definitely be fixed with surgery, but if you do that you’re a pickme sellout who ruined their natural and unique beauty.
Tbh I especially don’t understand the critique of noses and eyes. I have a very normal generic nose but personally I find longer noses and noses with that little hump in the bridge to be very elegant. My eyes are wide set but I don’t let conversations like the one upthread get to me, because like I find my best friend’s long nose really pretty she thinks my wide set eyes make me look like a fairy.
No. 1560871
>>1560814I think that if someone is a bad person, everything flawed about them is fair game. I'm probably a bad person too in someone's eyes and maybe they talk about me, I'll never know. We're all that person to someone.
Also, context. Most of these people are influencers or sw-ers or some kind of celebrity, maintaining a good appearance is part of the job, so there are higher standards for them. I'm just a normal person and that stuff matters less to me or other people. I don't nitpick normal people I see on the street lol.
No. 1561014
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>>1560814>caring what nitpicky farmers thinkI don’t know about everyone else but it’s easy to tell when anons are running out of things to talk about or obviously have issues themselves so it’s really easy to ignore them. Off the top of my head, cows like Anisa, Brittany Venti, Belle Dolphin, Luna, and Shayna get shit on for their looks but I personally think they’re cute or have the potential to look better if they took care of themselves.
No. 1561183
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>>1561014This reminded me
PIXYTERI WAS NOT UGLY my stupid teenage ass thought she was, what a fucking fool I was to think that. She was cute, she just suited a more mature style more. Hell, even her coords were decent.
No. 1561331
>>1561183HEAR HEAR!
It makes me so depressed to see Pixy living her life on her current path. She was losing weight at a pretty nice pace too, but has gained some of it back with her troon phase and her skin looks BEYOND horrible. If she kept taking care of her health and stuck to a refine lolita-inspired wardrobe, she would look so good. But no. The troon cult eats mentally ill people like her for breakfast. I keep on hoping for a Pixy redemption arc but this is most certainly too optimistic with the way she has spiraled.
No. 1561993
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>>1561829EHHHHhhh how small are we talkin?
No. 1562002
My hot take is that BPD is mostly not real and is just the modern hysteria diagnosis. Most women/girls with BPD diagnosis are just traumatized, usually from childhood but also from abusive relationships with men, and behave accordingly. Inb4 a bunch of BPDchans defend their diagnosis, it's literally been observed by mental health professionals that people will defend a false diagnosis in order to give themselves security (or excuses) so they don't have to fully confront why they really struggle and what is causing the root trauma. BPD diagnosis is misogynistic and only exists because women's feelings and trauma responses are heavily pathologized, historically and today. No woman is legit born "BPD", chemical imbalance theory is a debunked myth that hasn't gained any proof since its inception in the 50s, and there is no such thing as a personality disorder because there is no such thing as a "normal" or "standard" personality. Most "personality disorders" are hogwash, with no scientific backing, and are just pseudo-scientific ways to describe different types of shitty behavior certain abusive people engage in of their own free will, not because of any illness. BPDchans, examine your "diagnosis" and free yourself from the misogyny of the psychiatric world. (BTW I am not a coping BPD-chan, I have never been diagnosed with it or anything else)
No. 1562137
>>1562002>>1562044BPD is just a special heccin' wholesome version of sociopathy for women, because women typically aren't violent enough to get on the radar for ASPD. It's where callous behavior and mistreatment of others gets excused away with the rhetoric of emotional instability.
The commonality of BPD is callousness and lack of remorse. The only major difference between them full blown sociopaths is that they're insecure and desperately want validation from others. It's when the validation is sated for a while their true personality comes out, and they burn bridges.
No. 1562146
>>1562002Also, you know that there's lots of people that experience trauma in their lives and just don't bleat on about it? Not everyone that was molested or had an
abusive parent yaps on about it. I worked with an oldie for a long time, and it was three years in that I found out she lost sight in one eye due to her father beating her unconscious as a teenager.
But a BPD woman, you absolutely know that if they were told to go to bed early or had the slightest thing go wrong as a kid, then it was a horrifically
abusive childhood that they must always go on about to excuse their actions.
No. 1562183
>>1562002this is something i probably would have argued against back in the day but after being misdiagnosed with bpd a couple of years ago whilst i was in an
abusive relationship (the quack i was seeing at the time knew of this as well and didn't take it into consideration) and acting out as a result of it, i treat it with a whole lot of skepticism now and i kind of agree with you. once i started seeing professionals who were older and more experienced i found out i was just traumatized and
autistic and i wonder what percentage of other women who've been initially diagnosed with bpd are the same way. i don't know if i'd say it's entirely nonexistent, at the very least it definitely needs to be researched more, but i'll always recommend getting a second opinion if you're putting in the effort to get better but bpd specific treatment either isn't working for you or is making your mental health situation worse
No. 1563427
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Lions are the uncoolest looking cats.
No. 1563444
>>1562177>>1562032There are plenty of men with BPD, I have a brother with it and he does the same shit as most of them do, violent outbursts, slandering others when things don't go their way, playing the eternal
victim, straight up lying and emotionally manipulating those close to them to get their way. It may be that BPD is a spectrum but there are undeniable consistencies within the disorder. The fear of abandonment, black and white thinking (you're either with them or against them), the promiscuity because they use sex and being desirable as a form of validation, the self infantilization because they never matured mentally past childhood, etc.
>>1562002Personality disorders most certainly exist and it's not a matter of there being no standard personality. It's a disorder because certain individuals display deeply dysfunctional and unhealthy emotional patterns/behaviors that are easily identifiable and what are consistent outside of a healthy range of thinking. Your thinking is far too simplistic on the issue. Now, I do agree that there are people getting misdiagnosed all the time because there are plenty of quack psychologists out there, but that's the fault of their individual bias taking over and maybe wanting to make a quick buck.
No. 1563486
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>>1563467There are entire threads of antis turning out to be pedos lol. Cope dumbfuck No. 1563488
>>1563486who the fuck is that? give context dumbass
also one person in millions of anti was a pedo. wow you got me I guess lol
No. 1563493
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>>1563488Reverse image search or just Google "DrPizza" if you have the IQ. And the "it's just one!" is such a ridiculous cope, there's way more than one if you had the brain cells to click the literal archive link, I'd be here all day if I posted every single one for you.
No. 1563499
>>1563493This is such a hyper autistic fixation.
>a soy male online said anime is for pedos and he turned out to be a child rapist>therefore anyone who thinks it's weird to jack off to pictures of little cartoon children is a pedo>checkmate, normiesKek the autistic NEET smell eminating off of your posts is pungent.
No. 1563511
File: 1682876644841.gif (34.98 KB, 220x220, what-confused.gif)

>>1563507Samefag, but also
>shove your disgusting fetish for anime children in other people's faces>wonder why everyone doesn't like youI just don't get it.