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No. 1553987
Discuss dreams/nightmares you've had, recurring themes or symbols, lucid dreams, your interpretations of other anons' dreams, etc.
previous thread
>>>/ot/932175 No. 1554028
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>>1553987Last night i had a dream the killer from
Red Dragon abducted me and was taking me away. I remember the puncture of the shot and the feeling of being drugged as I fell asleep on his shoulder.
I woke, but in dream still, to being in a jungle. The nature noise were so loud, and i was tied to a hammock high up on the trees. I knew I couldn't call anyone I love in fear they would be hurt. I could hear records playing and cooking noises below me.
No. 1554101
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I had a dream a downloadable single-player version of petpet park was available for $62.50 and I was so excited because of childhood nostalgia. I know the game probably wasn't really that fun or good but I really liked it
No. 1554102
>>1554101The game was both fun
and good and I miss it
No. 1555125
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I had a nightmare with Brendan Fraser. Sorry if this is chaotic but I want to write it down when I remember it. When Brendan was young he became a husband to an alien woman, she wore human skin but she was an alien, and they had thousands of tiny alien babies living in the walls, they wanted to be left alone and they lived in a big house in the suburbs with no close neighbours. I was in the police/military squad specializing in exterminating aliens because although they were innocent as kids they might be a threat to the whole humanity when then grow up. I killed all of those babies, all of those fuckers, blood was everywhere, I was covered in their guts and it was disgusting. Brandon could not forgive me for killing his children and he was chasing us across the country, I think he started thin but he ended up fat, almost like in the Whale, but he was still able to walk normally. He became rich too. He was too fat to get us so he set up some kind of huge competition, an obstacle course, you know like in Total Wipeout, and I don't know why but I took part in it, there was probably some scheme behind it but I didn't know what exactly, I know that the winner was supposed to get a huge about of money, and Brendan and I got to the finals despite him being so fat. He wast too fat to get through the last obstacle so he came to me and said I won, he started crying because he wasn't able to avenge his alien family. I pitied him, I said ok, but I didn't want the money for myself so I gave it to charity. We settled down and decided not to fight again, Brendan went back home to his wife
No. 1556766
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Been rewatching it lately in the background so it's the second or third time I see new episodes in my dreams or partially participate in them. I don't mind.
No. 1556919
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>jump off the washington monument, to my death
>wake up climaxing INTENSELY
…nonnies please someone interpret this
No. 1557383
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There was a book fleematrket in my driveway and i found a book called Lonely Baphomet by a female autor and then i found another and it was her manuscprit with illustrations of the lonely Baphomet, it was really cool. I though i'll sell it for big money it was an artistic masteriece but then my cat rav over me and woke me up, she always steps on where it hurts the most.
No. 1557490
>>1557425>>1557426Anons I'm terrible at interpreting dreams (you probably should know broader context for this, like what's happening in person's life and so on) but iirc babies represent something that can be "born" figuratively speaking, like an idea, a plan, things like that, just anything new coming up in your life, maybe some parts of your character that are developing. But if you're afraid of getting pregnant that's might be just it.
>I give birth to a baby I don’t want and I realize I’m going to be miserable for the rest of my lifeI had the same dream once, that was AWFUL. The worst part was that it was probably also some kind of virgin birth because I couldn't remember how it happened and I couldn't understand how I didn't notice it earlier or just didn't do anything about it, and was totally confused and terrified.
No. 1557511
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>>1556919Yknow that family guy clip where they show the washington monument and then the obama monument? I think you know what I’m alluding to
No. 1557593
>>1557490Maybe but what could I possibly be planning? Is it someone's plans for me? Why is it always straining then? Sometimes I'll wake up with bruises like I've been kicking or thrashing. The actual details are more extensive, I usually am carted to a hospital while in labor first
I find myself petting a long haired calico who somewhat resembles my dead cat, and she rubs up against my belly. I'm somewhat confused as to why I'm pregnant. the babies are overactive, and their limbs protrude under my skin. after petting my cat for awhile, I hear a knock at my door, and there stands a man who resembles someone I'm very scared of. he with unsettling strength tears down the door and grabs me, dragging me out by my heels. I fight him on the way down, usually slamming myself into a wall or object, and he braces me back into his grip into a black panel van. the road in front of us unfurls into a swerving wasteland, stretching into the middle of nowhere until we happen upon a pastel painted hospital. the nurses are adorned in equally cheery scrubs. the babies kicking becomes more violent as the unsettling man forces me onto a gurney, my water breaks in a green ooze. the staffers all have gasglowninan smiles and never break their cheerful cadences, as they wheel me into a florescent colored operating room. I start shrieking even after they administer me anesthesia, the creepy man is the entire time by my side in "reassurance", but his voice only sends deeper revulsion down my spine. each baby I spawn is more painful than the last and I'm left breathless, the dreams with 5 babies are the worst. I wake up usually after the birth of the last with the man cooing over me that I'm a "good girl", my chest tight. No. 1557594
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>>1556919Do you perhaps have autism?
No. 1558759
>>1557594OP of 'Washington Monument climax' dream. Yes, I am indeed autistic. I didn't know that OSOR was a thing, and no, in my waking hours, I do not feel attracted to the Washington Monument.
>>1557612Potentially, sleep magnifies my autism, like a signal amplifier.
>>1557603Are you genuinely into the CN Tower? Well, all I can say is good for you. I hope there's someone out there autistic enough to make anthro of your CN Tower.
>>1557511Scrote detected
No. 1561415
I thought farmers would appreciate my dream last night
>be at a random halloween party
>different rooms are viewing anime like at a convention
>go to basement, an idol movie is playing, think its going to be something like love live
>movie is a bunch of idol girls in the car with manager and one girl wants to quit, everyone else is giving her a hard time
>suddenly realize movie is weird tranny porn fantasy, the idol trying to quit is the only actual girl. the other idols are all bullying her for not being a tranny essentially, she then leaves but ends up at a bar also full of troons where they harass her
>realize everyone watching movie is creepy troon except me
>get mad, say they shouldve warned us the movie was a weird fetish hentai
>go upstairs, angry
>the creepy pedo tranny Jeffrey Marsh from tiktok comes over and starts lecturing that im transphobic and that porn is art etc etc
>i get angry, tell him people should be warned before viewing something explicit, theres kids at the party
>at some point my old friend group is there and theyre all calling me a terf kek
>i leave the party
>creepy tiktok troon follows me, chasing after me
>start running trying to get home
>i see him kidnap nina dobrev from vampire diaries and put her in a sack
The dream gets foggy after that but he turned into a serial killer taking out my family and bugged me so I couldn't call for help, it was fucked up
No. 1564322
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kind of on topic, but this happens to me every so often why i’m falling asleep.
also sometimes my leg just kicks—like a soccer ball. it’s like reflexive reaction my brain just decides to do when i’m dozing off, which i think is linked to when i used to play soccer growing up, or at least i think so cuz immediately when it happens i thjnk of when i played socce
No. 1564395
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Had a zombie dream again. I love those, i remember them very well. I was on a massive bridge that had huge buildings on it, the tops were in a mist and it was almost night. It was some kind of a hospital with many backrooms like rooms. I was hiding from the zombies walking around that hospital. At one point i was pretending i was a zombie so the one zombie with bulging eyes wouldn't attack me but he found out and chased me through all the rooms. I'm not even scared at this point i just enjoy the epic architecture and futuristic vibe my zombie dreams always have for some reason.
No. 1566607
>>1566594Kek. Maybe it's a sign,
No. 1566803

Dreamed that I went to a movie theater at night, but they were having some issues so I got scared and left. Decided to go shopping instead, there was this weird area in the mall where they sold gadgets and random stuff. Initially I wanted to buy seafood but changed my mind and bought a clone of my phone instead. Then I go home, a little lost as usual, and as I was walking I noticed the sky was bright as if it was day even though it was supposed to be night. I keep walking and a fucking missile flies across the sky in the same direction that I was walking, I turn back and run, boom explosion, I fall (unharmed), vidrel starts playing. Eventually I find a hut, turns out that a celebrity lives there. He wouldn't let me in at first but I ended up staying there somehow. The next day my parents pick me up and the asshole tried to steal my stuff but whatever
I also had a dream about the russian invasion a day before it actually happened btw, polish nonas beware
No. 1567543
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Today i dreamt i was getting a moongoose
>>1567540never tried it and i think i never will, but i think it's different for everybody. My friend killed herself in her dreams reagulary but she didn't woke up at all, instead she saw herself being dead and couldn't do much
No. 1569200
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I had this dream on Thursday were I was at my old middle school and I was looking underneath the building. There were these kids that were homeless and would go there to live after school. It was weird because you could see light shining these openings to the bottom of the school and I saw shit smeared on one the one in front of me. I called up my mom to see if we could try and pick these kids up later to help them and she agreed. While I was making this call I had a Fictional family member that kind of looked like picrel and had an English accent. The differences was that he was wearing black square glasses instead of the ones in the picture and a slightly different shirt. He was a bit lankier and his sleeves were not cuffed. His pants were not as high and he didn't have a tan.
He was standing behind me and he said something but I don't remember what. It was something related to the children who lived underneath. The dream then cuts to me being in my bedroom and him coming to pick me up. He tells me to clean up my mess before we go while he looks though my closet. I didn't know what he was looking for and assumed it was for shoes. I got off my bed and looked under it to clean up my mess and I had these little blues clues toys and a toy boat. I scooped up the blues clues toys and put them into the boat. We then we go into the living room and he gets ready to leave. He asks me "are you ready?" and then says something else I can't remember. It was something causal and then I responded. Then the dream cuts to us being on a Highway. He was the one driving the car and I just sat there absorbing the orange sky and taking in the warmth. The interior of the car was black besides the ceiling due to the lighting. I see this car driving on one of the Median barriers and we get really close to this one car and I say "are we gonna-" and then stop what I'm saying because we didn't bump into the car in front of us. The dream then cuts again to us driving in a parking space in front of a convenience store and we see that same car but with weird pipes and attached was this big ass industrial fan. I point it out and then we both start laughing about how dumb it looked.
>tldr: muggle harry potter is a family member of mine for some reason and there are children who smear shit at the bottom of my old middle school.
No. 1569214
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Had a dream of running into Die Antwoord somewhere in England and they took me to an abandoned playground to hang out. The vibe was so uneasy, like a fever dream. They din't say anything but one guy was with them and he started laughing because I spoke Dutch not Afrikaans. It looked like the baby's on fire video, weird shit. The train ride was weird too, there were no tracks.
No. 1569433
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Had my first LC dream I think ever last night. I dreamt there was another raid, but instead of anything typically degenerate, the site was spammed with hundreds of threads with Nostalgia Critic pictures and edits. It's so stupid, but in the dream, I was so genuinely scared that I was squinting super hard as I was scrolling through /m/ so I didn't have to see his face clearly in case he popped up. I've never felt so much visceral terror browsing LC like that. I woke up and wasn't even sure if it was actually a dream or not.
No. 1569439
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>>1568096wtf this is common for me too, except it's usually the bathroom at school or in the gym locker room. It's always filthy and when i need to go there's always too many people coming in or the stalls aren't tall enough or don't lock properly or something. Once the toilet was filled with fake eyelashes
No. 1569501
This night i was a boy with a Tokio hotel styled look and i was in a big building with a lot of people. They told me we are guarding something locked in the building so it won't escape. So i was walking around the building trying to find the scary thing, but i found out the thing they are guarding is me and I was Satan. I didn't know i was Satan because they made me feel like i'm a guard so i don't feel like a prisoner and won't escape.
>>1569439i don't these very often but if i do they are pretty vivid. It's either a giant decaying hall full of showers and toilets or a school with a toiletstall maze.
No. 1569587
>>1569567Nta but right after my brother died, I had a dream where we were loading laser guns and putting on equipment outside of an arena. He apologized to me for being a shit head and kept joking. We talked for so long and he hugged me.
Now my grandma is ill, and she tells me every time I call shes dreaming about my brother, care taking and joking. One time he had a nerf gun, and he kept asking grandma where I was hiding because the “game isnt finished”.
I dont know, maybe they do get to visit us. Maybe its grief looking for closure.
No. 1570136
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Weirdly enough I am also going to share a dream I had about a dead loved one, although mine is a little smaller; my cat.
I think this is the first proper dream I had about her since she died a little over a month a go.
It was like she never had died: she was meowing, purring, asking for food (even eating it), being pet, being hold. But only by me. Nobody else could see her, only me. They could see her interacting with objects and when she walked by their legs and nuzzled her head against them, like picrel (although her body wasn't transparent like that at all, she just looked normal to me) they could feel a light breeze. Even though they couldn't see it, nobody contested it. I think some believed me and some were just humored me. But it was so heartwarming, it really just felt like she never left, she was just a little lighter, and she mostly ate out of gluttony rather than necessity. I remember thinking "So it is true after all that pets stay around in their house for a while after they die. And I am just lucky enough to see it! Ghosts are also real, this is so cool"
I wish the dream was real anon, I just woke up and I kept crying while writing this whole post. I miss her.
No. 1572008
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I had two annoying dreams.
In one I woke up late to school, so I got ready and put on my gala uniform which somehow consisted on dress pants, a gingham shirt in a very cute yellow, dress shoes and my hair braided. I was like “it’s not like they will notice that my shirt isn’t white” as if I also didn’t have to wear a skirt, and then I was at school, no one noticed actually, but I wasn’t at the school where I had to wear a gala uniform, so I guess my brain scrambled those memories a bit.
Then I dreamt that I was too late for my internships, like really really late, and I was telling myself that I was an irresponsible bum for not waking up at 4 am like I used to do.
I fucking hate these types of dreams so much because that happened to me once, and I still can’t believe it happened.
No. 1572106
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I had a dream everyone got mad at me and left me including my bf and parents thank God that will never happen cuz I'm so lovable..
No. 1573604
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During my nap I dreamt that my newly applied nail polish got all chipped, it was bubbly and my nails also broke for no reason. I felt so sad, maybe I had this dream because I had to get my gel nail polish fixed.
No. 1576331
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I need help interpretating a horrific dream I had last night.
Read at your own discretion because it's gorey and gross.
>someone who hates me inside the dream (for a reason I forgot) throws something at me
>my tongue and the roof of my mouth are now stabbed with needles
>I have to keep my mouth open really wide so that I don't push the needles further in
>I'm in a bathroom witht two sinks and two mirrors next to each other
>I stand in front of the one on the right and a man (friend?) stands in front of the one on the right
>I try to remove the needles while the man talks to me (I think he's trying to help me but I don't remember it well enough)
>no needles come out but now my tongue is ripped in half from the needles and I begin choking
>my tongue falls down to my chin connected by my spit (it's very thick and gooey)
>I try to get it back inside but I keep choking and barfing more saliva over and over again
It was the most disgusting and graphic dream I've had in years. I could feel everything like it was real and I felt scared and was aware of how serious this is during the dream which doesn't typically occur in my dreams even when I get hurt or die. I'm used to being hurt or mutiliated in my dreams but they're never this gorey and don't cause me emotional distress so I'm really puzzled by this. I can usually figure out the roots of my dreams and connect them to things that happen during the waking hours but not this time.
I don't watch any gore videos or graphic horror films so it's not related to anything like that. I'd really appreciate some help, anons.
No. 1576373
>>1576331I don't think it's so straightforward as the needles representing a certain fear or waking memory. Some people tend to have vivid and fucked up dreams, especially those with other sleep problems.
IMO the only person who can accurately analyse a dream is the dreamer. What do the emotions of the dream call to mind? What do you personally associate needles, unhelpful bystanders, choking etc with?
No. 1577213
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i was so upset about käärijä losing that i dreamt i took care of him in a big house kek
No. 1577251
>>1577213Can someone tell me what the finnish ":DDDD" meme is about?
>>1577248I want to see him live so badly, hope he makes a full and very succesful album.
No. 1577255
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>>1577251I could be wrong but I think it's just part of the spurdo spärde meme which started as older imageboard users making fun of younger users who stereotypically used a lot of smileys.
No. 1578220
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A young man resembling young Johnny Depp in Sleepy Hollow or Dead Man went to the cemetery and found his dead mother (and little sister?) in a pile of bodies wrapped in washed-out pink cloth. There was his father at the gate and he instantly knew he was the one who killed her (them), but his father reached to his gun first. Nevertheless, he made a couple of crappy shots, didn't even injure him, turned around and ran, "Johnny" took his gun, too, but he wasn't a great shooter either so the dad got away.
I was looking for my cat at that cemetery, I knew he ran away because he was going through some kind of crisis. I wanted to ask a woman that worked there if she saw him, but she was busy talking to some people that asked about gravestones. She was friendly to them, but as soon as they walked away she rolled her eyes and blew a raspberry, because they were kinda rude. She wasn't just a regular woman but more of a harpy, only she was a half-chicken. She had a body of a big grey-and-black chicken and she would cluck sometimes. I explained to her that I really needed to find my cat because he was depressed and I didn't know what he was going to do. But I woke up before I've found him.
No. 1578296
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Think this, except I never left my old job last year, and instead of Carl (or whatever this guy's name is) it's a Vet.
Recruiting people for the army to fight against Russia.
Dodged a bullet there, I guess. :D(:D)
No. 1578599
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I fucking dreamed that I had a pisschair
last night
I dreamed that I was so far gone, I needed to piss, but I didn't want to leave my room so bad, I just went and pissed in this like lazy boy recliner
like just lettign the piss absorb in the chair
it seemed very real, I woke up liek how am I going to get it out of here, I have pissed in it so much, it was finally just dripping out on the floor underneath and their was sticky orange puddle there
and then I was like wait this is the garage
I don't have a recliner
nordvpn auto charged me even though they don't even have my current card number and I did not sign up for the auto charge 3 years ago and the bank said they couldn't cancel the payment because it was legit and I'm retarded for thinking nord wouldn't just find my bank account
No. 1584428
>>1584276I think the high school part is fairly obvious in speaking to my deep seated insecurities and fear of rejection, I have versions of that dream pretty regularly. Once I had one where some girls stole my jeans and bleached “whore” and other names into them lol (no one was even particularly mean to me in high school, oddly). I do have quite a few dreams that are straightforward metaphors like that
The rest of it, I don’t know how to interpret! That men are terrible is the only thing I can think of kek
No. 1584897
Today I dreamed I fought with my roommates and I told them everything I disliked about them and all the issues I had with them. They were, of course, mad at me and went to my room to take away all the things they had gifted me when we were still friends.
Then, I don't know why but I appeared inside a… net café that was also some kind of pub/underground club filled with genderspecials. It was still daytime, and I was reading scanlated manga on a computer with another person, while the uploader/translator was sitting literally next to me, translating everything. I complimented the translator for their work, but since that person looked androgynous I fucked up and called them the wrong pronouns. So I freaked out because I thought everyone in the net cafe were going to realize I was a secret TERF and I almost started crying, apoligizing over and over again, kek. The genderspecial said it was fine and informed me he/she was non-binary or whatever.
Then, fast forward… now it was nighttime and the place turned into a club filled with trannies, junkies, goths, punks, etc. And I don't know why or how, but they realized I was a terf, so suddenly trannies were coming to the table I was sitting at, trying to threaten me in order to make me leave. At one point, one of the trannies came up to me with a dinner knive and held it in front of my face and I kid you not, I pulled up my sleeves so my self-harm scars were showing, I took the knife from his hands and started rubbing it against the skin of my arms saying "this shit can't cut, bro, trust me I have tried it". The tranny was so weirded out he took the knife and walked away without saying a word. KEK.
I then started to wander around the club, looking at people that were doing weird shit, but at the same time I was trying to get my dream self to sit down because I was conviced that if I kept walking around, I would be subject to more threats and bullying, so I went back to sit down at the previous table.
In the end, there was one fedora guy (he wasn't fat tbh and he also seemed well groomed, but he dressed like an autist moid that thinks he's dressing classy but in reality looks like a grandpa) who was sitting next to me. I had talked with him previously and he was nice and funny, to be fair. He was looking at me with pity and he started searching for something on his pocket. He brought out two white small packs filled with… some type of drug? that had to be put inside an ashtray with a lid and then inhaled. A few people in the club were using it. He tried to give the drug to me, being careful so nobody in the club noticed he was interacting with me, but I rejected it. I think I almost cried again at that part, because I realized he was the only person in the club who was on my side and didn't hate me.
I sometimes feel sad when I wake up from these dreams because those people don't exist. I wish I could be friends with autistic grandpa guy, he was funny and laidback.
No. 1586225
I keep having stressful dreams about the aftermath of me killing somebody and stressing out about the police. In one dream i killed my coworker in a fashion shop and i had to pretend i had a sister who i was visiting that day to have alibi. I hired a man and i had to pretend my sister was trans in front of another coworker… but then i realized that it's sunday and the cops will probably come on monday so i was okay for the day kek.
>>1586180love it
No. 1586931
I dreamt that I was with some new people I met, they looked like teens, and they thought I was cool for having common sense so they too me to one of their homes.
It was a really fancy apartment and there was this huge couch-bed in the middle of the living room. From the windows you could see the river and part of the sea depending on where you stood.
Then the kids told me to smoke, I think it was crack, I don’t know, I don’t like drugs.
So I smoked crack and I felt literally nothing while the kids were high as fuck, I thought they looked silly so I decided to leave like the very responsible adult I am.
Then I got caught by the older siblings of one of the teenagers. And I should stop watching shadowhunters because they were shadowhunters, and they gave me or I somehow had shadowhunter powers.
I ran away from them and saw two teens running around a house, one of them had Angel wings and white clothes and the other had split wings and clothes in black and white.
The Angel was trying to take off the other girl’s clothes so I stopped her and told her “girl wtf leave her alone” but the other girl changed her clothes for all white stuff.
Then the older sister of the girl in black and white appeared and she was wearing all black and told me that she just wanted her sister to be pure again???
So I left because I was weirded the fuck out and went back to the other house because I didn’t know where else to go.
The teenagers were gone but I was butt naked when I got inside the house, like my clothes just disappeared. So I told them “lol what the fuck is going on?”
And they told me that I was a shadow hunter and that now I needed special clothes for some reason, even though they don’t wear special clothes in the series.
I ran outside naked and got in a random person’s car that was trying to save a child from a kidnapping and they were like “hey look, she’s here, perfect, now you can help us” it was a police officer and two women, an older woman, and a younger woman, now he had me too, he would take us up some hill to attack the dudes that kidnapped the child.
After somehow saving the child (I had woken up) I was given some clothes and they took me back to the house where the shadowhunters were living at and I told them “just so you know, I don’t want to do drugs with any of you, first off they do nothing to me, second I don’t want to know what they would do to me if I tried them for long enough”.
And then I woke up. Maybe I should stick to watching the moomins so I stop having weird ass realistic nightmares.
No. 1589061
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Had my first lucid dream today, everything was really blurry and it didn't last very long but the moment I realised I was dreaming I experienced such an intense body high I almost jumped out of my bed it felt like I was on shrooms
No. 1590872
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Let's just say he's right.
No. 1590888
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>>1589880You astral projected
No. 1596477
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I had this dream a couple weeks ago but I eventually forgot to post it. Basically lolcow was a physical library and all the books were threads. There were multiple people at different "books" reading them together. There were a few scrotes that for some reason weren't kicked out, they just lingered around with others reading threads. It didn't seem like anyone really talked but their was definitely talking in the background. It was so cozy, it had nice warm lighting and wooden chairs. My perspective was sort of aerial overseeing everything, kind of like the perspective of animal crossing. Unfortunately, the library started getting infiltrated by some people and everyone just silently left one by one.
No. 1596673
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Last night I dreamt that I went to therapy for the first time. It was in this inflatable dome in a foresty park near the city. After my session I realised it was the same therapist a few of my friends frequent and one of them was waiting outside for his session. I went really pale because I was absolutely convinced that he was eaves dropping on me. Also I found and ate an expired but unopened KitKat in an abandoned shopping trolley on the way home.
No. 1600762
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“There is no escape—we pay for the violence of our ancestors.” -Frank Herbert
No. 1601580
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i had a dream that me, my brother, an my dad were on vacation in Rome, but Rome looked just like suburban america. We entered a taco bell and sat down at a booth, and while waiting for our order, that streamer guy Critical or whatever sits down in the open seat next to me.
>I asked, "what are you doing in Rome?"
>he said "I'm here to get plastic surgery on my eyes."
>I said, "why? your eyes look fine."
>he says "i don't know, it's just something I always wanted."
We all ate burritos and then he said he was off to surgery. Then the dream teleported me to the hospital, and he walked out of the operating room with giant cartoon eyes (picrel, artistic rendition). I said "this is probably gonna hurt your brand" and he said "I don't care, i've never been so happy in my life."
No. 1601690
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I had a lucid dream and it could be perfect, but there were annoying details out of my control. I had a regular dream and suddenly I felt like I could say anything, and then I got horny, and I've never been a big fan of young Brad Pitt but he arrived in a car and he looked like he did in Meet Joe Black. I said that I could give anything to him, well, because I was omnipotent, but could he give me something nice first and what it would be? He said he could give me head. I was a bit surprised but satisfied with the answer. The problem was that all the places were crowded and people would bother me so it didn't happen and I guess I wasn't omnipotent after all. My lucid dreams are mostly like real life, I can control myself, I can control my surroundings just a little bit but usually everything and everyone else are out of my control.
No. 1611061
I went to the American Museum of Natural History. I was somehow roped into explaining to a tour group the concept of soccer nets. I also went into the gift shop, went past the kids’ stuff to the area I expected to be more all-ages or adult-oriented, but it just contained aisles and aisles of wine.
I was hungry, and in the dream the museum now had a food court. There was a place that sold Indian fusion food and smoothies. I saw them making a sandwich that sort of looked like a vada pav, and decided in my head that I wanted that. However, before I could place my order, the woman working there said “so that’ll be two falafel samosas.” I just went along with it and said sure, but internally, I was thinking that even though I like both falafels and samosas separately, a falafel samosa sounds really dense. It was okay, but like I predicted, dense.
No. 1612342
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Not a busterfag but I had a dream about him. He was a guest star on some daytime talkshow, somehow still alive, just very very old, (like 80-90 something years old) and also the only person still in black-and-white form. So as he's introduced he's acting normal and friendly, you know shaking everyone's hand and all, at one point he does a silly bit where he acts like he's walking in the wrong direction then goes the correct way, but before he goes to sit he suddenly turns towards the camera, flips the middle finger and yells "FUCK YOU", then goes on an angry rant about some medicine that made his eyesight invisible (he specifically says "invisible", not blind idk). Then the dream cuts off.
No. 1613808
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Popular products of their time are just another bullet dodged..
No. 1617074
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I had this dream again some days ago, I posted maybe over a year ago about dreaming about lc. We had this big building, each set of floor was dedicated to a board. Top was the meta, bottom was ot. I got up to the media board floors, There was this huge cafe full of plants with nonnies sitting around tables discussing random stuff. I walked to a little library full of vintage manga and picked some to read. Last year my dream was interrupted by some moids invading the building and being violent, but this time I just chilled and drank coffee while reading. It was good.
No. 1617520
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I dreamt of some scrote a while back who ghosted me. I has 2 dreams of him in about a week. Wtf? Everything on my heart wants to text him but he clearly isn't interested. I scared him off or he got a girl or something. Nonnies hold me back. AH.
No. 1617995
>>1617545nta + saw this too late but yes nonna, don't text him kek
have you considered finding another scrote who isn't ghosting you
No. 1624430
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Americans and Floridians feel like two different people with the shit they've had to deal with..
No. 1624444
>>1624430Wrong thread
No. 1627659
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i had a dream my ex who isn't/was never really my ex from when i was a teenager e-mailed me ( because we went ghost on eachother years ago and it was realistically the only way she could have contacted me in ) to tell me off about how she found out "i" was posting anonymous shittalk about her that i can't even remember what it was but probably something angsty and stupid on some type of website and that it was "so obvious" it was me. and her proof was that she tracked the post's ip address that showed her that it was made in my country, whole time none of the posts were made by me and i knew i wouldn't do that. but somehow in the dream for a while the e-mail brought me more peace and almost joy of being contacted by her again than i was freaked out or even offended by it, if anything i was just scared because i really didn't want her to think that i would do that. something like that did actually happen to me without the contacting part or the person posting from my country. i snooped on her account about a year after our separation to find that she posted screenshots from that website of posts she thought were likely made by me, none of which actually were and i wouldn't have even thought of it myself then kek. i didn't know how to formulate a believable response to explain myself and i didn't even know where or who would post something that specific that from my country and why. to frame me? why? i don't think i know now or then anyone who would do that. i mean i would believe it if i were her tbh i am a spiteful person afraid of actual confrontation, it tracks. the misunderstanding made me feel so sick i woke up in cold sweat kek
cringe juvenile dream i should have had when i was 16 but i was too numb on antipsychotics amongst other medications to give a shit about or even be aware of what was going on in my life. totally transported me back to high school and resurfaced memories
No. 1635325
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No. 1635435
>>1553987Anyone care to interpret, I keep having a re-occuring dream where I'm being driven in a car, sometimes I'm in the passenger seat, or in the back, there's other people the car; it's either some sort of generic red sports car or a red truck, we always turn on a street; we're late for some type of doctors appointment for me, the car crashes, either into another car or some sort of wall/tree, it flips, and we're all stuck in it; only myself and the driver survive, the others pass on the way to the hospital, the driver is always romantically involved with another person in the car, after the wreck we end up together with a kid they had somehow, it's either I was a surrogate for them (hence the appointment we were going to) or they had the kid already/ after the wreck somehow
No. 1636208
This one for all the older weebs out there.
Today I had a dream about Hetalia getting it's "the end" movie and everyone on the internet were like "maybe you are not into Hetalia for more than 10 years now, but you NEED to watch the ending scene, it's fantastic". So I searched all of the YouTube for the ending and as usual in dreams, my phone kept slipping out of my hands, the app crashing, etc…
So, I've finally found it and was blown away. It was a high production music video with crazy visuals that change art style with each pov character. I especially loved Germany, he was so handsome, but he was nothing as I remember him, cause he was very loud and friendly (I guess it was implied he was drunk???). I found him so pretty that I kept rewatching his scene over and over again.
So, the weirdest thing is that forgot about Hetalia a long time ago. Like, I didn't touch it since 2012 or so. And I never liked Germany, cause he never was my fav. But now I need to browse for some APH fan art.
No. 1640299
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>have a dream where I beat someone to death
>wake up shaken
>go back to sleep
>have a dream where I stab someone to death
No. 1640342
>>1640299i often have dreams of stabbing people to death. most of the time it's a complete stranger that either is following me and wants to hurt me, or someone i offend and then they want to hurt me. i always tell them to go away and that i will stab them, but they keep coming anyway and they never say anything. i always stab them in the neck over and over, and then i feel bad and comfort them as they die, and tell them i didn't want to do that but they wouldn't listen.
No. 1641118 that it
doesn't deserve to be in shitposting either)
(absolute retard) No. 1648125
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I was Brienne of Tarth and i was trying to wash myself in an old victorian mansion's bathroom. The room was tiled even with a tile ceiling with multiple tiled tubs and toilets. Some sleazy gypsy guy with a pitbull hit on me and it annoyed me because i just wanted to have a bath and go away from there.
No. 1649021
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last night i had a dream where i was a young man getting kidnapped by some gangsters, they bought me to a mansion and showed me all kinds of torture methods they gonna do to me, i sneaked on a truck and escaped. then the 2nd dream started, now i was a little girl, got kidnapped by the same gangsters, escaped again, but it was a bit harder, i had to run on foot and hide in a rice field. it was like a criminal action movie
No. 1653466
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I was in a zombie apocalypse trying to transport 2 cats and 2 kittens to safety with another woman and i think 2 children. We went through a dark city full of zombies and i was choking them and cutting away their heads from their bodies just with my hands. It was pretty stressful because there were a lot of zombies at one time. Then we went throu a building and suddenly we were in a mexican village. No people around. We were walking slowly and quietly but then we heard that a lot of zombies are on the move so we tried to hide in a bunkbed covered in blankets. There was a zombie skeleton in that bunkbed and we switched places with him in a way he didn't saw us.
No. 1662915
I had a dream that when I was taking a shower, I noticed my clit grew (not a lot, but just enough to make it more visible) and then it switched to a wet dream where my crush was licking it but then before it got really good, i woke up. And I was so sad when I realized none of it was real, kek.
This one was surprisingly normal for me compared to my usual crazy ones, and on that topic, does anyone else get really crazy "wet" dreams that are complete nonsense you would never be into irl? And usually never go anywhere? I usually have such story-like odyssey dreams with plotlines and emotional drama like a movie, but when it comes to horny ones, my dream generator malfunctions and runs on 10% power, kek. I can't lie, I'm a little mad– I finally got one with a good premise, but the duration issue remains. I will never stop holding out hope that one day I'll get to experience a normal wet dream.
No. 1669568
I had such a weird dream last night.
I was with my dad just hanging out with him at a mall, I think it was some sort of Father-Daughter cute experience that we paid for, because we were at a theater watching some play, I was wearing cute and comfy clothes, nothing too fancy but not basic either.
And then the play ended, and they announced that they would present the play of Swan Lake, but that they needed some actresses, so they told us to wear a fancy dress (if we paid for it) so my father told me “go wear something fancy” and gave me a really pretty dress, it was actually the dress I wore for my confirmation but it was prettier.
So I went up the stairs of the stage and they told me to get changed with the other stars.
The issue is that the theater was in a huge mall, and the changing stalls for the stars were place somewhere that anyone using the escalator would see everything.
I tried to show as little skin as possible but someone saw me changing my clothes, I only noticed by an instant.
When I got out of the stall, I noticed that my shoes were too frumpy, like sneakers level of frumpy. So I grabbed a credit card (I don’t know if it was mine or my father’s, it was probably his) and bought some silver shoes because I wanted to look great while being Odette.
That’s when I noticed that someone was following me.
I tried to run away and even considered changing my hairstyle at the hair salon but I somehow didn’t have money? So I ran back into the theater.
Then shit got bizarre.
Two of my husbandos were actually seeing the whole thing with the dude using the police to chase me around the mall, so they decided to help me out.
But during the play, I was dancing with the very handsome prince and that’s when the weird ass dude caught me with the help of the police.
My father was furious but there was nothing he could do.
So they even kicked him out of the mall.
I somehow got raped by the weird dude that kidnapped me? It was weird as fuck.
Then shit got even more bizarre.
I was trying to get back on the stage, some people were singing something in a language I haven’t heard before, I managed to see some weird people in suits all high as fuck, dancing in a circle, and behind the curtains of the stage there were a bunch of people naked, the dude that tried to kidnap me was in the middle and they were getting ready for something.
So I tried and tried but I couldn’t get on the stage, there was a weird door, I knocked on the door a bunch of times and demanded them to let me go and to leave me alone. But everyone else that was sitting on the seats of the public was laughing and telling me that I could just leave.
And I could physically leave the place but it’s like I was telling them to let go of something of mine that they got when I got raped by the dude?
I managed to get on the stage and that’s when I noticed that I was dreaming so I changed things a bit to my favor after all.
No. 1674542
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J'avais un sommeil tröp bizarre (que presque s'etre cauchemar):
Il a un show de disney channel d'etait sur…le famille du Malefica (o peux etre qu'est d'il personnage du Susan Sarandon d'Enchantado) et…Groucho Marx poignarder le neveu d'il même personnage, dans un sofa…
No. 1674764
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I had a super vivid dream last night that my sigma male coworker finally snapped and shot up a health retreat. It was a corporate event so we had to get the whole team out without him knowing and I genuinely felt like I was going to die. At one point he caught me and lay hands on me and I had to talk him down. And then I had dreams of corporate meetings about how we were going to deal with it in terms of PR. What does my subconscious know about this guy that I don’t.
No. 1680359
I was looking at this girl who was writing stuff in a classroom, and then I was her, I thought I just wanted to get over school and graduate, so I avoided talking to people in general and tried to focus on my studies.
I was trying to finish copying the class so I could copy the exercises for an exam.
The thing is, that the exam was in this huge and weird bathroom/locker room with people getting changed and everything.
I went between these stalls and there was a wall made of rock with a whiteboard with some mathematical stuff written that I was copying.
Some girls got mad at me because they wanted to copy my work, but I told them that I didn’t want them to copy my stuff.
So I tried to hide, but then a guy tried to attack me because I shouldn’t have told them I didn’t want them to copy my stuff.
Then there was a growl, like I felt that growl, it was loud and deep, so I froze, everything shook like there was an earthquake and everyone got crazy.
A bunch of people, even those girls were trying to make me drop on the ground.
I hid from them but then the guy who tried to attack me found me and tried to take off my clothes.
Then I woke up.
No. 1682629
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You dont wanna know…(ಠ_ಠ)
No. 1684408
>>1684292Dying is so weird.
A few months ago I dreamt of the sun fucking died during my graduation party, it was so bizarre, I saw the sun just extinguishing on its own, I felt like when something pushes you really hard and makes you kind of bounce on the ground because of the impact, and then I couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t even panic because I thought that there was nothing anyone could do because it was the fucking sun dying and taking us with it.
No. 1684489
>>1684401I walked it back to my neighbors house and they were like "Oh yeah she does that all the time."
No. 1686397
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I have a shit ton of mangas and realized some weeks ago I can't find that one three-volume series anywhere because I don't remember in which random-ass box I put it when I cleaned up the last time. I dreamt I found it, but when I went to look for it irl, it wasn't there, so I'll continue hoping to randomly find it again some day…
No. 1694680
I had a dream I was pregnant and my bf and I planned the baby shower giving birth etc
Then the baby comes out white af and my bf is suspicious about it and he is mad but I’m like babies just look different colors and I convinced him that he helped with the pregnancy and whispered lullabies to the baby while it was in utero so he’s still attached even if it’s not his biologically, so we raise the kid and years later the kid is like 9 but bigger than me and severely mentally retarded. My bf loves him like he’s his. He looks normal but he can’t speak and just walks around and babbles and screams and wobbles.
Were at the zoo with him and he scares some people cause he’s a huge retard and screams randomly. and I tell my sister I have been thinking of putting him in a home, my sister tells this to everyone. I get “cancelled” I get comments on stuff about how im evil, a bitch, stupid etc. on social media so I get a biological test done on him and find his real dad and this makes people even more mad at me including my bf who said he forgave me for my infidelity but didn’t want me to talk to him again, I find the guy who is a Swedish immigrant doctor, (he is like way tall like 6’5” and handsome and I guess we used to be a thing) he says he wants custody I say he can after I get to know him we exchange numbers and then I say goodbye and My bf is waiting for me outside in the car. He just glares at me and is cold to me
I come back to find my son sleeping he looks so peaceful and beautiful but he is difficult and it hurts that he’s like this. The guy texts me and asks how the baby is. I explain he’s not a baby, he’s a big kid, and he says oh and I walk out to the living room and my bf is sitting in there with his family and they are angry at me and the room is tense. My bf’s brother talks about how I’m a whore and evil and he has someone whisper to him from a closet. I look closer it’s my sister, she has been telling people I wanna get back with that kids dad and I’ve been cheating with him all along. I start to cry and then sit and eat with some other relatives, I say I don’t even really remember giving birth. My sister (not the one who slandered me) says she is exactly the same and doesn’t even remember the first year. Then I remember I never even slept with that swede. I get a DNA test and the kid is 100% Swedish and like he’s not even biologically mine,
No. 1697825
We were in my home country and my cousin was telling us she wanted to go to a hostel but wasn’t allowed to because they washed the place and the grandma didn’t allow her to since it meant that covid could pass easier. I was so pissed off I said it’s wrong. Some relative came and she started throwing money on the ground and we picked it up, she moved around the rooms and and I picked money up, there were these 200 notes and I picked them all. Then there was a discussion with my sister and I went with her to this hotel and she went downstairs, downstairs had these people that would sort of walk on the carpet like it was a runway and then go down again. My sister wen down with this girl so I sat around with the girls brother. We were sitting for a long time not saying anything (the place looked beautiful, right now as I try to remember I think of the mirror palais runway) after it had been a really long time I asked him if he wanted to go get his sister, I decided it was best if only one of us went (because in my head it was some spiritual dungeon down there) so I asked him if he loved his sister and he said yes but there was something weird in there so I asked if he meant it in a brotherly way or a romantic way and he smiled really hard and said it was very complicated. I went down stairs and they were having a competition everyone was shirtless for whatever reason, I asked the person hosting the competition if I could look for my sister and she said no I couldn’t because I wasn’t participating so I went outside from the glass door and I noticed all the food that was there, there was everything you could possibly think of and that’s where I found my sister and that girl and I told them we need to leave. They were being hesitant saying no they still want to try this one food but I was also stubborn and I said no we need to leave I am getting bad vibes from this place so I forced them up the stairs and the brother saw me and he smiled again (he looked like Jacob elordi) and said he was thankful. For some reason I had a strange vision, it was either that or, there was something playing on the TV and my memory is very hazy from here on because I cannot remember if the brother had been dead all along or if he had killed his sister in the bathroom of some hostel. But regardless, I had heard that and my first impression became that the downstairs was the land of the dead. Me and my sister were sitting upstairs when a “model” went downstairs but on her way we asked her to get us some water. She laughed slightly and said she can’t mingle and we laughed as well. After that we left that place and we’re walking around the “mall” (?) and we came across this Japanese couple on the phone and I took their phone from them and I was video calling their son who was downstairs. Then we went into a jewellery shop and again i did this, just talking to everyone I could about the downstairs. And then I woke up.
No. 1697843
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In my dream I figured out why anime appeals to autists. Autists have a hard time interpretting facial expressions, social cues and norms, predicting how a person is feeling, and how sincere they really are, etc. In anime, the expressions are exaggerated, the motives explained clearly in monologues only the audience can hear, visual cues via colors and lines represent the character's personality traits, intentions, emotions etc. When angry a person might look a bit more intense, focus their eyes more, slight retraction of pupils, slight crease in the forehead or furl of the lip. In anime, anger is shown by that symbol on the forehead ( like 4 "c's" in an inverted radial pattern idk the the name), the eyes will show all the whites and maybe eliminate the pupil/iris entirely, the mouth falls off the face or takes on an extreme grimmace with teeth showing, fists in the air, extreme hunch in the back like they are about to attack..who could mistake that for anything but the character being pissed off? Anime gives autists a sure sense of understanding the human condition and full spectrum of human emotion. They feel emotionally connected for the first time. Autists dont usually lack empathy, a lot actually are very sensitive and actually have way too much empathy. They just cannot recognize those emotions and experiences on other people. Anime gives the autist a doorway to experiencing the spectrum of emotion on other people in a way they easily understand.
No. 1700385
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I'm not gonna get too into the dream, mostly cause I can't remember enough to describe it well to other people, but I was in a strange little town and working as a babysitter for a family. Something started attacking the family and they all died, but then my husbando showed up and saved me. We watched a movie together and then his body was opened like a plastic easter egg to reveal tons of cum spilling out of him, but the cum had the texture of elmers glue. I just rationalized it as him being backed up so all the cum just built up inside him.
Anyway, picrel is me with my husbandos internal glue cum.
No. 1700438
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I had this weird dream that I was in bed and Doja Cat in this red bloody get up was on top of me trying to rape me and then she possessed me.
No. 1702217
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I had a weird dream about Shayna. While i am a Shaytard, her thread has been dead and I haven't been in it.
Last night I was watching Fallout New Vegas of all things before bed, and I had a dream of shayna.
>Shayna came over my house with a woman with curly black hair, who I did not reconize but apperently in my DreamLand I knew her.
>I tried to get on my phone and type, "omg nonas shayna is at my house right now!" on lolcow (kek)
>Didn't work
>Shayna tells me she knows I use lolcow and that I'm trying to get a picture of her to post to prove she's here.
>"Actually I'm done with sex work, if you want to post a picture of me and tell them it's fine"
>I say okay
>"And we are related"
>I don't remember what I responded with, I just know i felt bad after that and believed her kek
>I take five pictures of Shayna's face, all are blurry but it her, she poses for them smiling hard
>My house is in the background and I keep trying to find one that doesn't show my house
>I open my laptop to upload the pictures
>For some reason there's a Opera Tab open, with pictures of Shayna on lolcow on it. One is of her ass.
>Shayna sees it and her and the curly hair girl laughs at me
>I feel ashamed and try to explain that, "No I don't do that!"
>Shayna laughs and I take another picture of her
>I'm trying to type, "Shayna is at my house!"
But you know how in dreams whenever you try and type/write/or dial it doesn't work? That was what happened.
Then I woke up and for like 2 seconds I was like, "Damn I could've dropped some big milk"
It's so weird i dreamed of Shayna because I haven't really been in her threads or anything lately.
I literally spent last night drunk, watching fallout new vegas and playing Game Dev Tycoon on my phone.
No. 1706840
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I had a dream someone made a celeb thread and I was posting in it. I woke up to check if it was real and.. nothing. My brian fooled me.
No. 1706907
>>1706840>dreaming about lolcoryou’re too far gone
nonnie…im sorry xx
No. 1707348
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I had a dream last night that I went to live on this like ranch/vineyard run by really strong no nonsense but fun older women (it was like they were different people from who they are IRL but Jane Fonda and Reba McEntire were there kek) and we had a little trattoria on the property to recoup money and we rode and cared for horses and I was a single mom raising my daughter there and it was so magical and sun-drenched and the vibes were so good I was legit sad to wake up kek. I want it to be a real place I want to go to there. There was fresh mozzarella and good sourdough bread and strong female bonds aplenty. Why can’t it be real.
No. 1710147
>in my dream I lived in a decrepit, bleak, and eerie looking neighborhood. even my house looked like shit
>i needed to grab some chicken breasts, but the usual butcher was closed
>walk through the shitty neighborhood street full of dead leaves with empty houses left and right
>one of those houses has been used to keep live chickens, with a guard dog and two women working there
>women were shitheads to the chickens and dog
>i had invisibility power and scared them in return
>still no chicken meat and i now had to walk through the worst area
>it wasan empty, dark, forested area with tall ass leafless trees which branches covered the sky. some of them grew "cursed wood" which made a portion of their stem twisted and convoluted into resembling faces of the tortured.
>after leaving the area, i saw a crowded house. There, adult souichi (junji ito's character) was selling the cursed wood to unsuspecting rich people. he put it as if the wood is a panacea and talisman. i shook my head and walk on.
>reached the second butcher shop but it was closed. there were two litters of kittens near the store, all fat and cute.
>all kittens hisses at me, one grey kitten jumped and bit me (i genuinely felt that) as i backed off. i need to made it let go roughly. it hurted a lot but i didn't bleed.
>i walked back home because the vibe was getting more uncomfortable
>the second house was now empty. adult souichi greeted me and said it was a shame i missed the sale. i just laughed dryly knowing well the wood can kill people horribly.
>he showed off his new custom suit hangers and a display stand for his expensive watches. those looked good so i praised them and we cracked some jokes together despite me being terrified of him for the whole interaction.
>he gave me a wooden home deco item, it was cute (in the shape of white gerbera) and it has no demonic energy in it. i came home content despite not getting chicken and being bitten by a kitten.
No. 1713289
Anyone else have giant lake dreams with giant like vehicle sized gators? I get them reaccuring
>>1708130I've been having these kinds of dreams over the years since my breakup too.
But whenever I have dreams of my ex being like you've described, I kind of feel like its my brain trying to heal. I can wake up angry too but overall, I feel like it is the brain processing and coming to terms with how i should have been treated?
I'm not sure about your context, but for me I feel like it is my brain wanting to feel closure too, since things ended with a lot of abuse, I want to see the opposite.
No. 1718104
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I dreamed that the identity of Banksy was revealed, and it was Azaelia Banks. Everything in the world then made sense.
No. 1718106
>>1717750No, the only thing I can think of is that I'm really picky about fruits and vegetables lol, strawberries are one of the few I like and even then I'm picky about if they're too mushy, I hate that lol
No. 1724131
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I dreamed I was still with my shitty ex who's deeply enmeshed with his narc mother. In the dream, we'd been together for years and his mom built him this gigantic, tall garden where I couldn't see over the walls and wasn't allowed to enter it. I started to feel sick (nauseous, achy) after a while of him cooking with herbs from the garden.
We went to his parents' house and I got into an argument with his mom, grabbed his gun, and ran out of their house with all of them following me. At some point, I ran into my other ex that I've seen IRL a few times since moving, and shortly after that I shot the garden ex's mother dead, wavered on if I wanted to kill his dad before deciding I had to, and spared the garden ex for some reason before going on the run with the other ex that I bumped into. I remember spotting a cabin before I woke up.
No. 1724243
I had a really fucked up feverish and extremely vivid 18 hour "nap" and here's one of the dreams from it. This one makes me irrationally angry.
>In a digital electronics class with two of my irl friends
>Mostly normal, except we're grouped up and I'm put with my two friends
>Get happy to be with my friends in a group project
>Professor announces that for our group class activity we'll be making a simple LED circuit as fast as we can
>Ok cool, easy. The power source is 5V and we get a standard red LED and one of those crappy pushbuttons
>Instead of a breadboard though, we get this weird maze-box thingy that's all white and has tons of little holes and crannies
>Wtf I say, professor says we'll be using this as our breadboard and we have to use it
>I turn it around in my hands. See a few places we can put the pins in and stuff, so at least it looks usable
>Find the red LED inside the box and show my friends. Piece of cake, right?
>Weird tiny blue goblin man about 5 cm tall or so wearing nothing but a ripped tan loincloth pops his heads out from one of the corridors in the box maze
>Goblin has a shiteating grin. I call out to the professor and he says the goblin man will sneak around and try to bite us, but he can't leave the box
>My friends are annoyed, but I pawn the job off onto them because I don't wanna get bit. They pull out a 999 Ohm resistor which isn't the right amount but whatever
>They also get a 10uF electrolytic capacitor which serves no purpose for this and they even install it backwards
>They finally get the resistor and button in and connect it all to power and ground which is randomly placed within the cube maze
>My group finishes first so I raise my hand and get ready to share with professor. I have to push the button since I didn't help with anything else and I manage to just barely push the button and jerk my finger out before the goblin man bites me
>Filled with relief until the professor smugly points out that our button needs to be connected to a debouncing circuit because the oscilloscope says that there was a brief period where the button was rapidly switching between on and off
>He breaks off a 555 IC for me to use from this weird block of various ICs. A chunk of the 555 is literally broken off and it has another chunk of a completely different IC stuck onto it but the professor refuses to help
>My friends say that now I have to install the debouncing circuit since I didn't help before
>Stupid fucking goblin peeks out just to snicker at me
>I genuinely try to install the circuit without getting bit but the goblin is too fucking fast and I don't have enough parts or time to complete it anyway
>All the while the goblin is dashing around the cube maze, cackling and shrieking, shaking his ass at me, even randomly goes quiet and hides for a while to trick me into thinking he's gone so he can ambush me
>My friends are pissed at me and everyone is completing their projects before I can do anything
>I just fucking give up because I saw that the goblin man bites down really hard and I don't wanna risk losing a finger or getting an infection
>My whole group gets a zero on the assignment
>At least my friends forgive me because they agree the professor and the tiny blue goblin were assholes but we still got a bad grade and it wasn't even a fair assignment
No. 1731037
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What the heck I dreamt last night I got banned on lc for “how dare you rush a woman” because I replied to someone’s post to hurry up about something
No. 1732962
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Last night, I had a borderline nightmare that I woke up married to one of the losers I once dated. He was wealthy, had a kind of ripped body but still had his dorky glasses, and we both lived in a big ass house all to ourselves and like three labradors. I was nine months pregnant, and this made the dream worse because the loser IRL once told me he was against abortion. He had a whole trophy room that was lined up with awards and guns, and it made me uncomfortable. He was very focused on getting us both ready to have a date at this fancy restaurant with his family. We took a ride in his big, fancy Jeep where he only played country music. I don't remember exactly what his parents, siblings, and cousins said, but I do remember them being passive aggressive. At the end of the dream, we were in the truck riding back home and he told me he couldn't wait for the baby to be born but that he still wanted some sex when we got home. That dream helped me remember that moid and thank fucking God I broke up with and never spoke to him again. Was my dream what tradthots really want? They're clinically insane then.
No. 1734281
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I had a dream last night where I went into this church and there were all these people there including my ex friends and my parents. Instead of having one big square of seats, they kinda bordered the room like they would in a courtroom. People kept going up to this piano in the middle to sing some pretty innocent songs. I wanted to sing this angry song I wrote, but it was too busy and I didn’t have any backing prepared anyway. I get out of the church and check up on this discord server I’m not active in and see that the “all pronouns” anachan that doesnt like me keeps calling me a retard in like, so many messages. Ok, I get I was an asshole but holy shit.
No. 1738949
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>having surreal dream where I'm Asuka from Evangelion
>fall in love with a guy who's playing the role of Shinji (doesn't actually look like the character but is ostensibly supposed to be him)
>however we are rivals in a deadly gladiatorial game show and thus cannot trust each other
>repeatedly mock/tease each other over the course of the competition, tension is high
>I'm striving to outperform all other competitors not only to survive but to spend more time with him
>at one point I tell him that I hate him and we start fighting (physically wrestling on the floor)
>he suddenly kisses me to catch me off guard
>stop fighting
>just keep kissing now
>I secretly resolve to sacrifice myself so he can live in the next competition
>it turns out he had the same idea
>wake up
>realize that I'm in real life
>realize that the "shinji" in the dream is my real life boyfriend and we aren't being forced to kill each other
>realize that I've literally never watched evangelion and have only peripherally seen images of the characters
>look up the show to see if they are a couple in canon
>can't get a straight answer
So disoriented right now
No. 1741102
>>1738949This is so fucking hilarious
nonnie, than you for sharing. To answer your question they weren't a couple but they were forced to be one because of the plot. Incoming messed up details and spoilers
they hate each other at first because Asuka considers Shinji competition and he's taking the spotlight from her as a pilot, so she hates him and teases him and argues with him all the time, and they live together with a legal adult guardian. He on the other hand, while arguing back, has a thing for her, sort of a hate boner, and finds her hot and Rei as well. And his sexual desires overtake him with time. She kisses him at some point for some reason then slaps him. And he later on in the series jerks off to her while she's in a coma in a hospital bed because he tried to wake her up in denial of her condition because he feels lonely without her arguing with him all the time, and when he was rocking her back and forth her hospital clothing comes undone and shows her boobs ofcourse, so he just sits there and jerks off to the view until he comes. By the end of the show in the movie she wakes up and pilots her eva one last time to help him defeat Rei who became a monster thingy. And at the end all of humanity dies and only he and she are still alive. And they're the new "adam and eve" basically who shall give birth to all humanity all over again despite hating each other. But it's not clear if they realize and agree to do that because they have no other choice or if they just die together spending their last moments together resenting each other. No. 1742059
I had a dream last night where I went to a gynecologist appointment and they had to do an ultrasound on me for some other reason, but she discovered I was 3 months pregnant, which was weird because I’ve never had sex before. I was happy about the news and so was my mom even though we literally had no idea who the father was, and I just assumed that maybe I sat down on a surface that had a little bit of sperm on it (can’t happen but this was the only explanation) or that I was like Mary or some shit. I decided if it were a girl, I was going to name her Thea, and I don’t know what I wanted for a boy. Then I went to class, and my friend was coincidentally also pregnant.
Also, my mom was unsure if I was actually pregnant and continued to run tests on me, but I still was.
I have no clue how, but I wasn’t worried about being able to take care of the baby or who I would raise it with, I was just happy I was having one. I didn’t want to abort it or give it up for adoption or anything. Even when I began to wake up, for a little bit I still refused to roll over or anything in fear of having a miscarriage, but then I checked under the sheets and there was no small bump and realized it was a dream. I still kind of miss it.
I’m having baby fever too early. I work at a retail store and I see cute kids walking around all the time and it makes me want one.
No. 1744669
Had a 3 act dream. It was super fun and realistic a bit so I thought I was in real life living that kek, until my alarm sounded.
Act 1: I came back from university earlier, I have an online class at evening, so I took a nap.
Act 2: in evening my uncles visit and we sit outside in the yard to enjoy the cool wind and starry sky, but it starts raining. My brother's car gets swept in the flood and I go after it to… it with my bare hands. I meet him midway with a friend of his and tell him about his car so he and his friend goes after it. I go strolling around instead, in the middle of the flood, as one naturally does. And I meet an acquaintance in a shop there and say hi.
Act 3: I meat some Russian deathcore singer Alex Terrible, spoilered because not everyone here is gonna like the way he looks, and his twinky friend my brain made up and his younger brother my brain also made up. I go on a ride in his car and we play music and have fun eating out. Then while driving he gets hot, so he takes his shirt off, and so does his twinky friend with blond hair and beautiful blue-gray eyes. Once the ride is over he drops me at my university so I ride the bus back home and pretend I had classes or something to explain why was I late to my parents kek. And I kiss his hand for some reason to thank him for the ride???? I go on the bus and one of the bus staff starts rambling about his past as a student who used to cheat and failed because of that and I arrive home too late for my online class, but I get to sneak through the window and pretend I was asleep the whole time and never went on this ride kek.
All of this because it rained yesterday and I listened to a song by the Russian guy's friend this morning.
No. 1764151
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I woke up from a dream where I felt so touchstarved, I was terrified lying in bed on my stomach, waiting for ghosts to drag their nails across my back. I was so scared as one whispered to me in a male voice but waited anyways.
No. 1765994
I had a dream last night where I was hanging out with my parents at this restaurant and this blonde woman came up to me and was like “hey wanna hang out” and im like sure. So then we go to this empty beach with a forest next to it and start walking. She wants to walk on the forest part but I want to walk on the beach, until we get to a very steep part of the forest. She tells me that the beach is crappy. Also, my parents are still there, very far in front of us. Then, she sits in this gazebo thing thats flooded with water. There are rules posted on it. It was the typical rules youd see at a beach. No littering, no swimming after a certain time, etc. What was really unusual though was that there was a rule that said “no sex” and another that said “no acts of a sexual nature such as stuffing flowers into your bikini”. I then randomly started thinking about my crush doing that. Suddenly, my parents are gone and the girl in front of me is her with small flowers tucked into the top of her bikini. I start making out with her, but she still tells me she doesn’t like the beach. Then my dream cuts to the next scene, I’m on Google Earth and I’m looking at Biloxi (near where her gf lives), thinking about taking a vacation there because it has prettier beaches than where I live. I begin zooming in on random parts of the city. Inside a mall, there is a man selling purple goth clothing. He kind of looked like a Sim. Then I zoom in on one of the apartments. Tomodachi versions of her and her sisters are inside. She is talking and is clearly a bit upset about something. One of the sisters turns her head to face me, as if she can see through the screen. Her face is covered in bandaids. I get off Google Earth. I begin to try and explain the entirety of my drama with this friend group to my parents, but they’re a little fed up with me, stating “if she’s treating you like this, clearly you were never friends in the first place”
No. 1767292
>>1765994I made a poem out of this (I changed some of the specifics, though)
I walk across a flattened plane
Of social sand unbroken
Your feet make markings in the ground
And I remain unspoken
The trees are strung across the sky
But we should just remain here
For there’s much steepness in the hills
And I don’t want to tread there
The water tides into the shore
And fills a white gazebo
You sit upon its wooden seat
I strip myself of ego
Wearing a tight, yellow bikini
You bear eyes with golden flecks
Rules are placed upon the wall
No smoking, and no sex
I lean in for a passioned kiss
Of love and lust and anger
I finally feel a drop of hope
With me, you want to be here
I put my arms around your waist
And raise them to your chest
And quickly, you are fantasy
And I have nothing left
The world is in my hands now
Watching beaches from above
I find one that is longer
One that you should thoroughly love
I zoom into the city
With my fingers spread out wide
And one thing that I notice
Is the city has its gripes
In a large silver apartment
With a small, dim litted window
You’re sitting with your family
Using bitter, ugly lingo
Eyes approaching towards me
As your sisters beg for more
You’re ranting about life
Because it’s something I adore
We’re chewing on our dinners
With our mouths we use to lie
You notice me
I notice back
You’re just plain terrified
No. 1777418
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I had a dream we sat in the snow together and I listened to you talk about all kinds of things I dont care about at all, but it was nice to listen. I was just smiling and staring out over the frozen little lake. Kind of felt sad waking up. Got over it and moved on. I was holding my hands up and moving their joints because I was cold and you told me to put them under my knees. Mundane things I miss
No. 1779256
>>1779243If you think about him or interact with him everyday in any way even if so mundane and simple, you'll dream about him.
>>1778981 and I dreamed about Frankenstein because I was thinking of a song about him that got stuck in my head. I dream about everything or one specific thing I thought about before sleeping or during the day, or anything and anyone I interact with. Even if I make plans of doing something I'll dream about doing these plans. Your brain stores that stuff and sort of reviews it in your dreams. Hence why you dream about them. I dream about waking up and doing the work I have to do and having breakfast and a normal routine whenever I'm stressed out about doing work kek. Then I wake up and discover it was a dream and I didn't finish any work which is frustrating af. I also heard frequent dreaming is a sign of vitamin deficiencies though.
No. 1779259
nonny not the vitamin deficiencies, I have super vivid frequent dreams now you’ve got me worried
we talk most days so that’s probably it, generally he tags beside me in my dreams like a fallout companion
(sksksks and I oop) No. 1779287
>>1779266oh it's absolutely not nostalgia kek school was awful for me, i try to forget about it. i don't even think about it before sleeping.
>I even got to dream about my husbando because I think of him before sleep keki do this too with my own husbando and even create elaborate fantasies yet he only shows up once a year at most
No. 1779687
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Yesterday I had a dream I was essentially tasked with like babysitting Jared Leto and it was borderline a nightmare. I dont know why I dreamt that because I don't like Jared Leto and do not go out of my way to think about him either. I was driving him in a van and we were trying to get somewhere by a certain time. He kept getting out of the van as im driving and making these random pointless stops, it felt like a video game side quest. At one point he sees this house and hops out, goes in, and it's two pregnant women gushing at him and they're in some sort of polycule and im stuck listening to them. Im like dude we have to go and he kept saying oh hang on one minute. He finally came outside and it was only to grab something from his bag in the trunk and go back in. He was trying to decide if he should tell them he's breaking up with them. I'm standing around outside and finally grab a giant rock and am considering busting out the window to get the spare key from his bag and just leave him stranded. He comes back out and we leave. Then he kept getting out while im driving AGAIN to cheer woohoo free at last. I was not having it. I told him I'd leave him here, he gets back in. He said something like if you loved me you'd take me to such and such house I was like dude I don't even likeee you. He was TIRESOME. At one point he gets out and starts drinking from some random dogs water bowl and I was pissed at him. He just started crawling around like an animal with that stupid smug look on his face where he bugs his eyes out and thinks he looks cute asf. It was dark at this point and I was like getchooo ass back in the car NOWW. Just livid. Then as im driving i look to our left and he looks enchanted and starts cheering really loudly at some dudes in dark black klansman robes that were army-crawling around the grass of the cemetery and I was like wait a minute, should we cheer? We don't know what they're doing, what if they're still the kkk under there and at this point I was so confused because one started doing a cartwheel and I woke up. God I hate that man. By the way he forgot his wallet and I had to pay for his scrambled eggs at one stop like I was ready to drive that van into a body of water worst dream ever.
No. 1788888
I had this dream where I moved to a swamp town to search for someone that went missing, I think there was a heavy implication the woman was dead and I was trying to locate her body and there was a serial killer about. The thing is that when I went to sleep in this dream I'd dream of previous victims last moments, like I could see it from the killer's eyes. Thankfully it wasn't graphic at all, guess my brain just knows I don't wanna see that shit. Either way I'd wake up and try to find these women and got close to finding the killer but nowhere close to finding the woman I was originally looking for. I think she was related to me in some way, like a girlfriend or a close friend idk…
So when I found these women's bodies, I'd see their ghosts but they behaved like ghosts from cheap horror movies, they'd wait for me to blink or look somewhere then appear right in front of me looking all scary. I got jumpscared a few times until it got old, then I was just tired and started talking to them, like whew, can't you do something else? Seen this trick before.. and then they started answering me which I didn't expect to happen but it was nice. They were so angry because of what happened to them and talked about their last memories and their family, and then they'd ask me that I either talked to their family or did something they didn't have the opportunity to finish. They sounded much better after I did whatever tasks they asked, like normal people instead of horror movie ghosts, and then they'd disappear.
It was a bit weird, it felt like two movies that got edited together to make one single movie, I was hunting for a serial killer and getting jumpscared by angry ghosts then suddenly it goes all dramatic with sweet moments as I deliver messages to the living from the dead.
Oh and for some reason I had a pig to help me finding the women instead of a dog kek, it was a cute pig, went with me everywhere, it was pink with black spots.
No. 1798533
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My entire dream I was just looking in the mirror for hours. Then I said to myself "there are many men alive in the world today". Everything faded to black, the dream ended, and I woke up.
No. 1798714
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Three dreams from this week (that I happened to remember)
>1. I'm walking home along a route and someone offers to drive me home, but every time I try to get to the car it drives away from me. After running for a while, I managed to get into another car with another person.
>2. I'm being chased by a big brown ear for some reason, mostly in a classroom, but also my childhood home
>3. I'm swinging from vine to vine, I'm being chased by a monkey also on the vines. This chimp is eyeless, and part of it's brain is exposed with pus. he chase gets faster and faster and eventually the chimp gets itself strangled and the vines pop the head off and then I wake up.
Weird week.
No. 1801553
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I sent a message to Trevor Noah like abs it was really sexual and then he responded. We were sexting. I was excited to meet up with him and I couldn’t believe he wanted me. I don’t even have a crush on him or find him all that attractive or like his comedy but maybe this has awakened something in me
No. 1811504
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Had and heard a non existent awesome 80s pop/gospel song with a saxophone intro my brain made up in my dream only to not remember how it sounded anymore.whyyy must my brain make cool music only to be quickly forgotten??whyyyu
No. 1811785
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I probably had the most coherent dream I've ever had. It was about playing an JRPG about a group of kids in a small town where things start getting weird. In the end, we have to fight the soul of an evil witch, who inhabits the body of our grandmother. The final boss battle takes place in the old train station, and just as I was about to finish the boss and save my grandma, I was abruptly woken up by my brother. I was actually so mad at this.
No. 1817937
I’ve been taking a lot of prescription pills lately including anti sickness tablets, that have been making my dreams increasingly frightening and bizarre, and last night I conjured up a lovecraftian tier beast that would make any sci fi director shit a hole through his canvas chair. It had the powerful sleek yet muscular body of a panther, jetblack hairless and shiny like a beetle, powerful back legs for jumping, enormous front paws and claws for pouncing and gripping, it’s front claws stuck out in front of it for over a foot, a huge square head, enormous red eyes with no pupils and it was able to dislocate its jaw and open up its mouth extremely wide like a snake, and inside this mouth, along with rows and rows of sharp white teeth, was a second beak like a kracken surrounded by lashing tentacles that also had their own mouths. It made a screeching sound like nails on a chalk board. I can’t remember exactly how big it was. It was much bigger than a bengal tiger. It was long and low, very cat like, huge shoulder blades, so I stood higher than it but if It were up on its back legs it would be more than twice my height. It chased me through my dream all night, screaming at me the whole time, and I’ve woken up with the aching limbs of a marathon runner and drenched absolutely in sweat. I had to peel off my pyjamas and put my bedsheets in the wash. I really wish I could draw, even badly, but if I attempt to draw this thing it will not at all translate to how it really was in that dream and how scary it was. That thing from stranger things has NOTHING on this beast, nor the creature from alien or predator, no amount of sci fi monster can ever measure up. I’m almost proud of my creation. If people could see what I saw they’d shit and piss and vomit all over themselves.
No. 1821124
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Had a dream i got sexually harassed by some creepy scrote. i hate my brain for coming up with this shit. genuinely disturbed
No. 1824026
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I had a sex dream with Robert Smith, it was very nice at the start but somewhere in the process his hair got flat and he looked like a completley different person. After that he told me "Don't admire what i am, admire what i do" which is wise, i know i should be less obsessed. My subconsiouss is pretty sick of me being obsessed with people i guess.. since it called me out like that.
No. 1837778
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Dreamt that I was having a weird lil chat with a disembodied voice
>You were meant to pass in the womb
>You were meant to pass AWAY in the womb
>You weren't meant to be born
Yeah cool. Why are you telling me this?
Then I woke up
No. 1838745
i had a dream where i was on the train sitting next to some guy who i guess was a friend of some kind, i felt attached to him. i never saw his face though or if i did, i don't remember it. and then we went to my house so i could go to my room and grab something before going back out again and he was waiting by the stairs. and he said something like "so uh do you wanna come down and have sex?" and in the dream this played off like a charming flirty joke and i was giggling and then my dad was there and he was disgusted by the guy and said "do you think that's funny? saying that to a child?" and i was confused but chalked it down to my dad refusing to accept me being an adult. and then i "woke up" into another dream which i thought was reality, and i kept thinking about the guy from that dream and how i wished i'd stayed sleeping so i could have been around him more. and then i actually woke up and was just disgusted thinking about the dream guy? and his weird sex joke is so gross to me now yet it completely charmed myself in the dream within a dream.
>>1837835 KEK
No. 1841753
dreamt that i was in a very remote part of a cold, forested part of my country for an art show (that i was supposed to have been included in but didnt finish work in time for) put on by the graduating class of my alma mater. there were two themes, something about houses/the home, and the other about "the battle of the sphinx". i spent some time talking to the artist of one installation (a kind of amalgamation of real life and online friends in the way dream people are) which was set up like a living room. it featured these hugely long rolls of film or colour slides hanged up above, moving somehow in a loop and catching the overhead light so that the ghosts of images were projected down onto the visitors like stained glass. in the room there were scattered about pieces of defunct, broken technology (hand crank film cameras, old record players, broken old commodore monitors, that sort of thing) and smashed glass covered the carpeted floor. in the centre there was a partially-collapsed fireplace with a stone lion's head in the centre of the crumbling mantelpiece. the inside was tiled brightly but the tiles were smashed. there was no fire.
for some reason this artist was very interested in my opinion on his work, so i stayed at his "pavilion" for a while, until i decided i wanted to see more of the works. my abdomen began to hurt and i started sweating and had a bad sense that i needed to get to the little rural medical centre asap, but i wanted to go around to see more of the art on show. there was some element of obligation, like i had promised i would see the work of some friends. aside from the main installation i remember a tower of screens upon a small mound of landfill waste, playing a looping video of a man (the artist) hanging himself (with some shibari flare which i rolled my eyes at). there was also a performance work of a woman chipping away a hole in a rock wall, which other attendees were discussing as "a triumph of maoist aesthetics". there were a few unfinished fibreglass sculptures of dinosaurs which seemed not to be a part of the exhibition but a feature of the town. i cant really remember any other works, the rest blur together.
awards were apparently being announced and the pain in my abdomen had gotten much worse, and deep bruises had started to spread over my shoulder and hips. the spot where it hurt in my abdomen was swollen kind of like a hernia and blue. i was panicked. my father (who was there and not there) examined my abdomen kind of in the way one does for aneurysm; putting his hands in a diamond shape around the swollen part and lightly pressing. it pulsed and he told me to go to the hospital immediately. i felt very weak and tired and at the little hospital there were all these self service robots i had to fend off to get to the triage nurse. i explained what i thought was happening and she had a little robot scan me, showing that i was bleeding into my abdominal cavity. i suddenly became aware of my mouth being full of swollen blood blisters.
my dear friend who i have loved silently for years was with me and was distressed about what was happening, demanding to stay by me. however, i had to surreptitiously ask for her to be removed so i could tell the treating team that this was actually all the result of a suicide attempt and they had to reverse it in a specific way, and that i didnt really want to die in pain and afraid like i was. i knew through dream logic that my friend was infuriated that i would push her out.
i woke up very stressed and had bitten into my cheeks and lips in the night.
No. 1842116
The night after breaking up with my bf, I dreamed about having really nice sex with him. Not like wildly and passionately… but just comfy, fun, naturalistic, and extremely vivid and real too. It wasn't just dreaming about "having sex" as a general action, I could actually feel the small slight movements.
I've never had good sexual experiences irl since I likely have vaginismus and I'm not really attracted to men at all, it's always been traumatic or disappointing. I've never even been able to imagine what other women ostensibly feel. So it was fantastic (in both senses of the word) to experience how things are "supposed" to feel, like wow, there's a way for something to feel indisputably like penetration but good instead of agonizing? I slept for like 14 hours and had swollen and bruised eyes when I woke up btw. After that I just laid there for a while replaying the memory in my mind until reality kicked in and I felt cringy about the idea of penetration again, and remembered that I broke up with him because he's a batterer.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm normal and just overdramatizing my issues with sex, but this kinda hit like a big confirmation that there really is a way for things to be better that I'm missing out on.
No. 1842286
>>1842130I've had a few hypnagogic (or whatever they're called) dreams lately before I'm fully asleep. Like right on the edge. I'm always tempted to post them because my regular dreams are few and far between but these hypnagogic things are so vivid the memory really sticks with you afterwards. I stopped myself from posting before in case people don't know what that is and start calling it schizo.
I've had a man with a sinister face too, smiling with huge teeth. I've had really detailed intricate lace appear above me and slowly move closer til it felt like it was draped over my face. And I saw a big 3d model of a womb with a baby inside. It appeared in front of me at first but like the lace it moved closer til I saw inside it.
No. 1863422
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Octavia Spencer was my coworker and she was really mean but also really sensitive so I was walking on eggshells so Octavia spender didn't get triggered for peace and harmony purposes. Except she still got triggered regardless of what I did so I gave up and would just listen to her bitch like the old work granny that hated everything.
No. 1880464
I had a dream about my best friend in high school, she got caught scamming and had to go to jail. I had her phone and it was an old school flip phone, but on the phone were high definition pictures of her living her life.
Her hair was modern, what she was doing looked like it was being done in modern day, but all on a flip phone.
Then I read her messages with her boyfriend/baby dad, and he was so sweet, and I broke down in my dream like, "nobody will ever love me, nobody will ever love me". I kept looking through her phone and found a picture of a room in a house.
With a caption like, "A place everyone knows" and that shit creeped me out so much I forced myself to wake up, and then I went into that weird sleep paryslis shit where I can't move, and I'm in a mixture of sleep and awake.
I'm still depressed thinking about it, "A place everyone knows" but it was an familiar looking room.
No. 1881534
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I had such an annoying nightmare.
I was in my room getting ready to go to sleep, I have a dog, so my dog in the dream was also getting ready to sleep on his bed.
Then I heard a squeaky sound and looked at the place where I put my shoes, and there were like three rats, they weren't even ugly cartoon rats, but they were still rats, so I was worried about them biting my dog and giving him rabies or something.
So I was panicking there, unable to move while my dumbass dog was getting close to sniff the rats, then I remembered that he's a schnauzer and I freaked out because I didn't want him to kill the rats.
Then my room was somehow huge and my house was in a mall? So I had two huge doors and holes in my room where the rats were coming from, and I freaked out even more because how the fuck did I somehow managed to turn my room in some weird ass base operations for rats, rats were coming in and out of my room, my dog was barking and borking.
So I proceeded to grab perfume to spray it all over the bedroom, and that's how the rats left.
So if you ever have rat problems, spray some miss Dior perfume and call it a day, in my dream it worked.
No. 1881691
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I rarely cry now and I never cry in front of other people but sometimes I just bawl in my dreams and that's insane, the recurring scenario usually goes like this: I'm going around the combo of two schools where I studied and suddenly I lose all my strength, and I just sit or lie in one particular spot and have a total nervous breakdown (it feels horrible and awesome at the same time). Sometimes I feel so powerless in my dreams that I keep falling asleep and I'm on the verge of tears the whole time. I also yell at random people I know. I'm not even remotely this dramatic irl kek
No. 1884977
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i dreamt i went into a shop woth two of my friends bc one of them was picking up this figurine he'd ordered. except it was the very same vader figurine i've been wanting for years and can't afford.(picrel) so i was reduced to glaring daggers at hi" and calling him a rich fuck behind his back (he is in fact rich).
hate that im a broke ass even in my dreams
No. 1887228
I dreamt I was watching a horror movie with my friend. Sometimes I would dream from a character's POV, but I still knew it was a movie.
The movie was unsettling, truly, and I commented on how well-made it is.
It began with rowdy teenagers walking through some hotel/dorm building at night, and the light sensors in the corridors sometimes didn't work. It was very arthouse, included some psychological horror, and was a "well made" movie, but that doesn't matter. Skipping ahead to the part that matters.
It got to a point where they found a gory corpse. I remember saying "wow, that cheapens the movie". Mangled face, Asian man laying on the floor. The girl shines her phone light further, and it pans to a mask laying next to the corpse. It looks like a theater mask, red, big cheeks, smiling, big nose, honestly now that I think about it, it looks like the devil mask emoji but without the eyes. It has sharp sheet metal teeth. The girl screams as horror music begins playing, and there is a jump cut to the mangled man laying on that same floor and… passionately making out with the sentient mask. He's really into it, desperately tonguing its sharp teeth and cutting his mouth on them. It's almost pornographic. The mask bites his face while the man screams in pain but seems to be enjoying it. The mask sucks out his eyeball and that is when he begins to scream in horror.
Another jump cut. Grainy footage of a nature documentary. Grey day, a sea, a gull and some other animal. As this happens, the music gradually was becoming dreamy, nostalgic, romantic. It was Eric Satie, or something similar. I remember the music vividly. The gull was pecking at the other animal, which was writhing in almost sexual excitement. It was pecking away at its flesh. Another shot, this time some long-beaked bird shoving its beak into another animal's anus, plucking at it, pulling out its intestines. Mind you, the dreamy soft music is playing the whole time.
Everything was very graphic. Very realistic. When I woke up at this point, I was confused that I wasn't watching this for real.
No. 1887946
Broke my cardinal rule of once I’m up, I’m up and went back to sleep.
1st dream, thought I was actually awake and went to the bathroom where suddenly I got light headed and started passing out. No problem, slowly start laying down in the bath and banging on the walls as much as possible to get my husbands attention that somethings wrong. He comes running in just as I pass out. Wake up still in bed.
2nd dream. Think I’m awake again! Swear to god my fucking eyes were open and the view is exactly what I typically see in the dimly lit room, my blankets, my husband the tvs flat black screen but again I can’t breathe! My mind instantly says, “well you’re dreaming, open your eyes” so I actually open my eyes and sit up to get my breath back, awake again!
3rd suddenly unable to get any air, fuck this. Pull myself instantly from sleep and I’m awake again and not going back to bed.
I hate that my brain takes so much issue with me oversleeping, sometimes I can get away with it but always the fucking nightmare shit! At least it wasn’t the dreams about something leaning over me that I can never see!
No. 1894025
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spending so much time in celebricows must be affecting my brain because this motherfucker showed up in my dreams, at MY house doing traditional drawing sketch commissions for random people. I am not a cillianfag get out of my home
No. 1894400
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>>1894025This was me when I dreamt I had to take Jared Leto on a mission in a van and he kept making stops and stressing me out. I fear him appearing in my dreams now. Part of me feels like his character was so uncannily accurate that he accidently Astral projected into my dream instead of whatever 16 year old girls he was trying to enter instead
No. 1895062
I dreamed that I participated in an Orwellian/dystopian-styled LARP hosted by a local college. Me and two other women were decoding a written historical timeline (I suppose to look for inconsistencies?) I thought the other two ladies were teamed up and working way faster than I was, but later learned that they were both about as behind as I was until we all worked together. One of them hugged me for what felt like twenty minutes straight before we got back to work. It was cool, we got to climb up on a fake building-inside-a-building to look for clues, while other participants distracted the overseers and guards.
After we made what felt like no progress decoding the timeline, we were all called outside, where it was nighttime and chilly out. One of the overseers, an energetic smiley short lady who looked like a young Jane Lynch, came to examine all of us and 'fixing' some of our outfits to look less conspicuous. She got to me and was appalled that I wore a scarf tied in a bow (she said something about it appearing above my station and not how a good comrade would dress), and untied it while it was still around my neck. All I saw was a bunch of sheer fabric flying over my face, and then I woke up. Wished it went on longer, this was such a cool dream and the kind of event I'd love to do in real life.
No. 1900855
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I dreamed that I bought shorts from Kim Kardashian but when I tried them on they were black sweat pants that were way too big for me and I could pull them up till they were under my armpits. But the leg part only started on my knees so I could only waddle around. Then I put on a robe, and threw my hair into a messy man bun and went to a star wars convention because I was convinced that I looked exactly like Qui-Gon Jinn (I didn't)
No. 1900888
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>>1896669i noticed bridges tend to show up a lot. I've neevr liked them irl (im always afraid they'll collapse from under my feet). when they show up in dreams they're often unsafe, broken or incomplete and i have to swim across or some shit. always very unpleasant.
took me years to realise that it probably had to do with the fact that as a kid i spent a lot of time near avignon and its famous broken bridge (picrel)
No. 1900914
>>1900888The few dreams I remember from my childhood involved going across a bridge that suddenly breaks, but I wake up before I hit the water.
I haven't dreamt something like that in a long time though.
No. 1901583
>>1900888>>1901557The only thing I know from dream symbolism is that water symbolizes emotions and subconscious, so your dreams probably mean something… I'm so bad at this stuff kek.
>>1896669Huh, I also have weird elevator dreams sometimes, they're not nightmares but they're kind of tiresome. They're usually new and spacious but they don't go where I want to as well, sometimes they somehow end up outside of the building (yeah, like Willy Wonka ones), sometimes something weird happens there. Funny that just like bridge anon I've only just remembered certain experience from my childhood: I was at my grandparents' - they lived in a nursing house but not exactly, it was an aparment block where they had a flat and only had to pay for communal services if I'm not mistaken, and sometimes they would receive shipments from Germany with various food, candy, and some other random stuff - so that one day they took me to the first floor to receive their box, but there were a lot of other people and they lost me lol, so I would go up and down in this big elevator with other people until my grandparents found me. It didn't take them too long and I don't remember being scared but who knows, maybe it did make an impression on me.
No. 1901586
>>1896669Elevators and bridges are common in my dreams, not really in my nightmares, but they always have something weird about them, like elevators that go sideways or travel with the door open or just go way beyond the number of floors; with bridges they usually are broken or alive… I had a few dreams where the bridges had faces and talked to me giving me directions or just telling me to stop stepping on their faces kek
But when it comes to nightmares it is always pools, schools and abandoned buildings and trains. I get pools and schools (can't swim/bullying), and abandoned buildings seem like a common fear, but I have no idea whats up with trains, I kinda like them, so I'm guessing it's just the dark tunnels and trains are just a bonus. Oh, also clogged toilets are always in my nightmares for some reason, kek the horror of needing a bathroom but it's unusable
No. 1901596
>>1901586>Oh, also clogged toilets are always in my nightmares for some reason, kek the horror of needing a bathroom but it's unusableI once read somewhere that unusable toilets in our dreams is our brain protecting us from peeing ourselves in the sleep kek, I love this thought but I actually also had
very vivid dreams about peeing which made me wake up in panic, and surprisingly everything was dry, so I'm not quite sure about the good intentions of the brain
No. 1902349
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Today i was a lawyer of prince Harry and i had have a shit on my shoulder. It was part of my job. So i had that little shit on there and always had to explain to people passing by that it's there because i'm Harry's laywer and they understood.
No. 1905776
>>1905772i wouldn't want to do that though… it's someone I love who I shouldn't love. just picturing the shovel thing makes me sad kek that's how much I love them when I shouldn't which is why I'm trying to forget, but my brain keeps sabotaging me.
I also considered learning to lucid dream, but if I became conscious in my dreams it would harm 95% of the rest of my dreams, because random dreams are the only times where I don't remember what happened (with the person I shouldn't love) and they serve as a break from fighting my thoughts when i'm awake
No. 1905793
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I had a dream where I published a yume doujin of GI Joe characters, painstakingly finding each guy a girl character from the cartoon each with a romantic angle before the smut (this was just mentioned by me to someone when holding the book as the backstory) but Hasbro was mad I put it out and it did better than their comics so they kidnapped my dog (I don't own a dog irl)
No. 1911299
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I had a dream that me and an old friend from high school were sleeping in the same bed and fondling each other under the covers. Wtf. I never liked her that way and I still wouldn’t like her that way now. But for some reason in the dream I liked it and it made me really excited, and I wanted her to touch me more, why??
No. 1913625
Last night I was going down a loophole of remembering how I almost drowned in the ocean and I really wanted to stop thinking about it so I decided to fantasize about relationships. I fell asleep and in my dream there actually was a boyfriend, and it was kind of weird. He was following me around and never spoke (good thing.) I checked his phone in the dream and he was marking everything we done together on an app and it was really cute how he subtly admired me like that. It kind of ruined my day because it'll never happen to me and I really hope I can dream about him again. At least it's another thing I can day dream about while at work.
>>1911299I've had dreams like this too. Where a person who I, sometimes, never spoken to in a romantic context. It makes me develop a half crush on them and I wonder if they might've manifested it or was thinking about me too much.
No. 1919275
I had many vivid dreams last night but only came to remember some when I woke up. In the first dream, there was a typical yaoi couple with an effeminate, elf-looking yk with pale skin and pale eyes and white hair. I don't remember the seme all that much but he was definitely buff and had black hair. The uke got pregnant and had a baby, but every time he touched the baby it would disappear from sight. Then in my second dream, I was on top of a very high snowy mountain while it was very sunny, and everyone was skiing except for me, I didn't have skiis. Everyone on the mountain was male and I was reciting some feminist spiel about how it doesn't matter when men die in war, because women know how to feel remorse for them already and they choose war out of their own volition or something. Also, I was descending the mountain by hopping down small descents and would avoid very steep hills. Then I remember being in a dollar store. Then I went to another store, like a grocery store, where there was a whole aisle dedicated to cake mix. I was looking for a rainbow cake mix because I wanted to make a rainbow cake.
No. 1926947
The weird rape nightmare I had last night was like this: I was at some apartment that was kind of dark, I think it was winter, my family and I were on vacations and we decided to stay in a room in that apartment that we had to share with a bunch of people.
It had like 3 rooms, very big ones, so my family and I stayed in one room.
For some reason I was talking to some dude that looked a lot like a moid that used to bully me in school and who died at like 21 years old, I was feeling very uncomfortable.
Then I was supposed to kiss him and shit or we would all get kicked out of the apartment? And suddenly my family wasn't on vacations, we were actually living in that apartment with the other bunch of people.
Then the moid that looked like that bully was taking off my clothes and I was panicking.
Luckily(?) The landlord appeared and said that he was going to kick everyone out of the apartment and he said, literally "I close the apartment" then my brother, who was in another room with my dad was like "um, that's illegal because -insert legal stuff-" (he's not a lawyer I don't know law terminology lmao).
And the dream ended because I was about to throw up my heart in real life kek.
I hate these weird dreams, they always involve that dead faggot, I should exorcize myself or some shit.
No. 1926965
>>1926960Definitely lots of blue, emerald green and some burnt orange colors. It was pretty dark, like all of the curtains and blinds were shut with just some tiny stripes of light coming from them.
It was honestly weird how only my brother and my dad were there, and they were so relaxed too, just like when we're at home.
No one actually realized what was going on, I felt very anxious when I was talking with the moid and panicked when he was taking off my clothes, at first I was like "oh nice, vacations" but it it was when the dead moid appeared that I began to feel very anxious.
No. 1927118
Woke up from a dream where I was in a city that looked like a mix of tall buildings and small bazaar alleyways which was pretty busy. One time as I'm walking, I'm seeing my youngest sister from afar, we cross paths and I ask her about a cease fire. I stumble over my words and try to explain she doesn't have to forgive me but if she could at least understand where I come from. She replies that we're both better off not doing anything of the sort, that the family is composed of hurt abrasive people and that we're all better people away from one other. We split, I continue my way though some bazaar where drying peppers are hanging everywhere. Some fresh green ones are also hanging and in that line of peppers some are in a more advanced drying state. So there's a hue of color change from green to yellow and red, to deep red and dried. I take pictures of those peppers and I continue on my way on a familiar way I think I've gone before. Next, there's an altogether fruits and vegetables bazaar stand that's not far from a bridge over a busy street. I wanna shortcut to the bridge by climbing on one of the tables from the fruits and vegetables stand, but there's no way, and as I vocalize this, the lady from the stand smiles at me and confirms that there's no possiblity to shortcut to the bridge that way.
And then I woke up.
I didn't get much sleep the last 48 hours and the week at work I had was exhausting, I think all of that weirdness is the reflection of my week in some way kek.
No. 1927224
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>>1926947>>1926965Here is my interpretation. I don't know you very well, and the dream is incomplete, so parts may be off. This is just my personal analysis. Sorry if it's not the best written, it's late and I've wrote this in between studying for my course. I'm going to first break it down into all the parts that I am analyzing:
Subjects of the dream:>Brother and fatherThe father appears in dreams usually to signify authority, in this context I believe it is reflective of a longing to be accepted or for approval. The brother can often symbolize a need for protection, or a desire of support reflected by a masculine energy.
>Dead scrote [i.e., ghost]In your dream, you describe the person that undresses you as
looking like a dead person you know, but you switch from saying he looks like him to it
being him, which to me signifies tht it's a ghost of him.
I'm not saying that his ghost is haunting you, just that in this dream it's not so much a person, or subject, but a ghost, or memory, of a subject. In dreams, ghosts often symbolize things from the past of which we cannot let go. Something, like an experience, emotion, or event, that is unresolved. In your dream, the ghost attacks you, which suggests a certain air of defeat, or surrendering, to the unresolved issues of the past.
>Crowd of othersYou mention that you're sharing the apartment with others, but they don't seem to make an
appearance in your dream, it's just understood via dream logic that they are there, unseen. This may be symbolic of a fear of being negatively judged or perceived, especially by the Other. In your dream, perhaps you are anxious to be judged by them for being undressed.
>LandlordThis is a common figure to appear in dreams involving anxiety or fear. It's a figure of authority, control. In your case, the landlord enters the apartment which reflects a crossing of boundaries. In your dream, he enters and the assault ends, reflective of the unconscious belief that figures of authority can hold more power over you in situations like these.
Dream Colours (they can mean many different things, but in the context of this dream I believe them to symbolize):
>BlueEmotional coldness, fear of feeling, a state of being far removed from the other or the self.
>GreenNatural state of being, innate relationship with the world and the other, being in tune with yourself.
>OrangeWeak desire, burnt-out passion, inner fire that's grown dim.
Dream scenarios:>VacationUsually a dream about a vacation symbolizes a need to break from routine, or a desire to escape. In your dream, the vacation ends up going wrong. This could reflect that you feel unready or unprepared to change your routines, or unable to let go of responsibilities. It can also represent a wariness to change.
>Shut blindsShut blinds can be indicative of secrecy or fear, and they commonly reflect latent desires for privacy, control, or even protection from what is outside the metaphorical window. In your dream, the blinds are shut tight and only a bit of sunlight gets through, to me this suggest you're undergoing a situation where you feel as though someone else is exerting control over you against your will.
>Appearance of the ghostThis is when the anxiety starts in your dream; as I said early, the ghost symbolizes something in your past that has been left unresolved. That unresolved event is what brings you the anxiety you feel in your dream, it's symbolic of the weight of that event on your unconscious and your unconscious refusal to address it in your waking life.
>Being undressedClothes can be symbolic of the self; or at least the self that we present to the Other. Nudity is often a symbol for vulnerability, or feelings of being exposed or defenseless to criticism. Undressing in dreams can reflect a need to confront the true self, or to let go of inhibition and the fear of judgement, but in your dream it's with discomfort indicating a fear of revealing the vulnerability of nudity.
>[The landlord's thread of] Being kicked out, or evictedA common situation of powerless or vulnerability. In your dream, it's the
threat of eviction [i.e., exposure to the outside world from the safety of the home] that halts the assault. Perhaps this is symbolic that the thing that has been left unresolved has been left that way because of fears relating to rejection.
>DisagreementSymbolic of conflict, especially conflict that has been left unresolved in waking life. It is a clash of perspectives, an invitation to look towards other ways of thinking.
Phrases of the dream:>"I close the apartment"I'm focusing on the verb
to close and the symbolism of
the apartment. It's when the landlord enters and speaks these words that the ghost's assault stops. If the vulnerability of nudity is forced by the unresolved conflict, then perhaps the appearance of an authority figure highlights the fear of rejection for that vulnerability.
>"Um, that's illegal -"The self-doubt expressed by
"um" followed by a strong indication of unlawfulness, wrongness, or even self-preservation.
Look over all of those interpretations and see if any strike true to what you're going through in your waking life, try to expand on the symbolism and ideas if you're able and connect any dots. The main emotions I read from your description of the dream is: shame and guilt: feelings of inadequacy and fear of vulnerability: a sense of unresolved issues that were perceived to be out of your control. Using the symbolism and meanings aforementioned, the dream becomes something like this:
>You enter a space shared with the judgemental Other, wanting approval but unsure if you'll receive it. Something unresolved forces you into a state of vulnerability, potentially even revealing your defenselessness to the Other. Another figure of authority transgresses boundaries after this revelation, confronting you with a sense of powerlessness. This authority is expelled with hesitant yet righteous conflict from the perspective of protective energy.I don't know you well, or your situation clearly, or have knowledge of your other dreams, but if I were to go on a limb and interpret the meaning behind this dream it would be something like:
>Something has gone on in your life in the past that has left you feeling vulnerable or ashamed, something related to your inner [or personal] life that you want to keep private so that others don't know about it, or something that you try to keep secret. Perhaps it's affected the ways that others view you, or you're afraid of how others may think of you if your secret is revealed. This event may have been outside of your control, but you believe that you could have changed it somehow, or you blame others for this event and resent that they didn't protect you from it. You're upset by the consequences of this event, especially in regards to how others may view you now; or, you fear the consequences of a secret being revealed so that it keeps you from revealing it. You want to finally resolve this through direct confrontation with what has affected you, regardless of how the Other will react.If you want to stop having dreams like this, I recommend that you reflect on the following:
>Is there something that you've been keeping from others, even those close to you? If so, is it right to keep it a secret? What would happen if they found out?>Is the opinion of others important to you? If so, how can you alleviate feelings of shame or guilt that's brought on by their opinions?>Do you feel in control of your life, or do you feel as though you answer to some authority? If so, how does that affect you?>Is there anything in your life that you'd like to change; a new mode of living, a new belief, or a new perspective? What's holding you back from achieving this? Is it inside of your control, or outside of your control?I hope this helps nona. Sorry it's such a long post, I wanted to go through everything that I could to help you. I know that dreams of assault can be frightening. I believe that dreams are the unconscious trying to answer the problems of the conscious. Therefore, if we can understand the meanings of our dreams we can work towards solving the issues that they reflect in our waking life. The symbolism of dreams can be so all over the place that it takes some self-investigation and self-reflection to comprehend the meanings behind certain things. I hope that my interpretation can help you.
No. 1928575
I had this dream when I was like 5-6 years old, I'm 28 and I still vividly remember it to this day. I was in a room with two sleeping people, probably my grandparents, I woke up in that dream and I saw the room getting filled with smoke. Then some kind of a demonic entity emerged right beside my bed, and grinned at me. I was scared for a second and then the fear just disappeared, I almost shoved my face into its face and I said "I'm not afraid of you", which caused it to stop smilling, it looked surprised. In that moment streams of light started to fall from the ceilig and the "demon" got scared and vanished. I heard a voice telling me that I will always be protected and to have no fear. As I said, I still remember it to this day. I didn't pay attention to religion as a kid and I was an atheist my whole teens. The moment I started getting genuinely interested in christianity around 19-20, after a short period of peace I started experiencing nightmares. I had night terrors and sleep paralysis and feelings of "presence" in my room, that went away after a prayer. Now it doesn't happen as often, no sleep paralysis, just unpleasant dreams.
No. 1929147
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I dreamed that the ugly saltburn moid was voted "Scrote of the Year". Not "Man of the Year", Scrote of the Year.
No. 1940294
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I got sent to an expensive psych ward that was a big Victorian house and all of the rooms were like smaller rooms within a big room (kind of like picrel) that were all clustered together. there was an opening in the ceiling where you could climb out. I got to bring my cat with me and I was alone until I got some roommate who I had to share with.
There was a huge library area on the floor underneath the rooms where everyone hung out all day and read and chatted. They were all really close with each other and the staff who were older women. There were muffins and snacks every day that they forced you to eat. Everyone was teenaged and there were girls and boys but mostly girls. They had all been there way longer than me and all of them drew comics about each other and the staff. One girl took me outside to the driveway and told me about an entity that comes to the rooms when nobody else is around and broke the legs of two girls off. She said that you can prevent it by always being in a group, not wearing braids to sleep and not sleeping facing the wall. She made me practice running down the long driveway. I remember everyone wanted to go to the beach and I didn’t really want to but they told me the entity would be there if I stayed back alone.
No. 1941482
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I dreamed that I was sitting on my bed ugly crying because "I can't believe I'm dating a fat man!!" kek
No. 1943520
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i wonder if nonas have killed in dreams. i did once, it was a hobo scrote i stabbed by a bank at night
mind you, i was in my edgy blacker phase kek
also saw on yt that killing in a lucid dream fucks you up because of how real it can feel
No. 1943554
>>1943520I've had dreams in which I killed people, just regular dreams, not lucid dreams. It really did feel disturbing. One time I dreamt I got in an argument with a tranny and he said he was going to tell everyone I was a
terf and ruin my life, we started fighting and I ended up pushing him out of a window. It felt so real, I was uncomfortable for days. It almost made me worry, like, if I'm capable of doing this in a dream, does this mean I could do it in real life…?
No. 1943555
>>1943520ive dreamt of being killed countless times(men chasing me, being shot,being pushed off a ledge,
running away from a rapist moid) and have dreamt of stabbing someone i still remember being so disturbed by it i didnt sleep well for a week, lucid dreaming is a slippery slope sure you can relive your best moments but one intrusive thought and it goes downhill. I've stopped initiating lucid dreaming infear of reliving all that and making me question reality
No. 1943785
>>1943520I was physically assaulted by my brother multiple times and my parents did nothing about it. He had anger issues and it would usually happen when my mom wasn’t home. I remember one time calling for help from my dad and he ignored me. When it was over I told him what happened and he actually blamed me, then threatened to hit me.
Anyways, that’s just to give some context. I would have many dreams about smashing my brother’s head until he died, choking him, drowning him, stabbing him, and dismembering his body. He would annoy me and harass me in my dreams and that’s what I would do. Waking up, it did scare me a little that I dreamt myself doing those things. They were really graphic. I knew I wouldn’t kill a person because I don’t want to go to prison and ruin my life over them, but it did make me question if I would ever get to a breaking point and do that. I tried to be understanding with myself because the dreams likely stemmed from how much hate I felt towards him and I wanted control.
Now that I’m away from that dysfunctional family and living on my own, I rarely have those dreams. I’ve only had one dream since moving away and it did catch me off guard and I felt weird about it, especially with my boyfriend sleeping next to me. Felt like I was bad for having an uncontrollable dream like that. I still have some anger about what happened and I wouldn’t care if he died from other causes, but the dreams about killing aren’t regular anymore.
No. 1944670
>>1943520I did multiple times, a few times it was with scissors and it wasn't easy, I had to push harder and harder. The majority of times when I kill someone in my dream I feel determined and psychopathic, but I don't have such dreams often and can't remember the last time I had.
Probably the most disturbing dream I had was about a lanky guy in a bowler hat that went around killing people, and eventually some people and I managed to catch him. I questioned him and he just stared with a little smile but admitted he killed simply because he enjoyed it. So these people and I were deciding how to punish him, and they would propose something really weird and harmless. I wanted to keep him alive but make absolutely helpless. So somehow we turned him into a very small wooden toy locomotive. I saw it going around and wasn't content with it still being able to "live", so I grabbed it and smashed against the windowsill, it broke apart and I could see meat inside. This part with a toy locomotive was pretty fucked up.
No. 1952847
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>>1946564Kek I had a similar dream one time, that a group of randos were making a Paul Blart tribute movie called "Paul Blart: Walmart". It took place inside a Walmart and they also called it that because the original Mall Cop movie was "Gucci", and theirs was the "Walmart" version.
Also, Billy Gibbons is known to be one of the scrotiest moids in country rock, so I won't be surprised if your dream manifests itself into reality, but with the actual band kek
No. 1953018
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Some months ago i saw a video where a guy was talking about these dreams where you are in a "dimension of numbers". I've been in that dimension when i was kid in my dreams. It's a white 2D space occupied by thin black numbers. I always had that dream deay before i got a flu or similar illness. I was in that white space and a black line drew itself before me, on that black line number 1 appeard, it stayed there for a while giving off calmig energy of order. Then suddenly the line and the 1 Got smushed togerther in swirls full of crazy moving lines and numbers and it gave of violent scary energy. Then i woke up and had a fever. Anybody else remembers this dimension from their childhood?
>>1943520Many times. I usually killed demons by ripping them apart with my hands and teeth. The demons were always from this rubbery material so they couldn't be killed by choking or stabbing. It took me a while to figure out a way to kill them. I had dreams about demons about 5 times week when i was a teenager. The most recent dream where i killed someone was more about me killing some coworker of mine but the story was more about trying to escape from the police and think of alibi.
No. 1954497
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I keep having dreams with my father, talking, hanging out like we used to. He's been in the hospital after suffering from a stroke since last year, and it feels so painful to be able to talk to him in my dreams, but not irl. I hate this so much. I just want him to be okay.
No. 1956920
I had a dream I went to my best friend's house while she wasn't home to drop off something, her husband was there filling out some spreadsheet of things his wife and him made for future goals. (In real life, him and I are close where we can spend hours talking about philosophical ideas, so it wasn't an odd situation to begin with) Then, her husband threw himself on top of me and asked me to have sex with him. I told him "No, I can't. You're married." "Why not? It'll be okay." I thought this was some weird sort of test for him to trick me and if I gave in, he'd tell his wife. I said "no" again, but this time I also started to hold my hand up to his head to also signal yes, I think to give in to make him stop. He then looked over at my hand and said something along the lines of "You're no good. Look at that hand!" While pushing it away. He told me to get out and I was panicking asking him repeatedly "What do you want me to do?" Something about the outdoors, and he followed me outside ordering me around, I think at some point I order Popeyes for him. The dream starts to become random, but that moment was really standing out to me.
I guess this dream could tell me how loyal I am to my best friend, meanwhile men in general will maliciously try to test you and manipulate you into doing something you know is wrong?
No. 1965503
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I had a dream there was an ai feature that could directly replace people's text messages, like if you didn't like their response you could simply ask ai to give you a better or different response. I don't remember most of the dream, but in the end there was someone asking support from their ai husbando squirtle, and needed to use the text cover-up ai because squirtle wasn't helping them, because it's a fucking fictional animal that can't say anything else but it's name. The new ai message said something along the lines of "Squirtle will always be there for you." and it filled me with such incredible sadness for some reason it woke me up from my masturbation induced coma. Now that i'm looking back on this dream fragment it's barely squirtle, more so a fatter and uglier bulbasaur with squirtle-like theming.
No. 1970695
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Had a dream that I was stuck in a white box, and the only thing besides pure whiteness was a white concrete sidewalk, followed it to the end just to find more whiteness. I tried recreating the dream with ai, it's kinda similar if you remove the window, and the box was huge, like a planet.
No. 1971348
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dreamt i found 3 twitter peek devices hidden on a mountain, i snooped through them and found that the devices belonged to 3 dead influencers (i had no idea who they were though). so rather than clocking that this was hidden evidence i decided to steal them for myself with intentions to start using them and rake in free money.
No. 1982071
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i dreamt i was travelling and somehow ended up having an undcheduled stopover in vienna. i just had time to run into the city and back, it was a tight fit but i really wanted tp get some books on prince eugene bc they are hard to find outside of austria. i grabbed some rando off the street to tell me where the nearest bookstore was, found a place near a metro station and managed to navigate it until i found the right section. i got a book, paid for it and woke up right as i left with my purchase.
and now im awake with no book. very frustrating
No. 1991064
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I had a dream I lived in Pompeii and wound up escaping the mount vesuvius eruption with a young foreign traveling merchant’s assistant played by my celebrity crush, who in this dream was 15 years younger to make her my age and had passed herself off as a teenage boy to get the job. It was so exhilarating running away from the city holding to each other’s hand through the falling volcanic ash until we hit clear sunlight. I was so pissed off when I woke up and realized it was a dream and I wasn’t actually about to embark on a new life in a small Italian town with a handsome & cute new lover who was just my type. Instead I have to go to work on Monday in a dingy office and do data entry. Fml.
No. 1991840
Had this dream last night. I was back at "school" I guess, art school it seemed and we were doing studies on different drawing materials. I was top of the class, ahead of most others, but not like anyone would know, only my teacher would know. So he wanted to see my notes and stuff so he could teach the other students what they missed, he was looking for one special note and I was going through my sketch book trying to find it for him. My drawings were amazing, they were realistic but with my own, recognisable style. The subject behind every drawing was horrible and disturbing, but damn, I was so fucking good and my teacher was really nice, kek.
>>1991144Maybe three times, it was, interesting, I would say. I would know what to do with it, how it feels having an orgasm having a penis and yes, it felt different from my own body parts. I don't know how my brain works out such things, but maybe it wouldn't be really that different to have a real life penis compared to my dreams.
No. 1992053
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I had a dream I was being forced to ride "Australia's longest looping water slide" while Matt Smith sung me a jaunty song about hot dogs and how hot dogs are a source of national bonding for Australians. I was in a panic and kept inhaling water at every bend of the water slide, it was extremely fast and violent and super high up in the air. I think Matt Smith had the ability to hover in mid air or fly because he kept chasing me to sing it through his megaphone close by no matter where I was on the giant water slide loop, the song was childish but his intentions were malicious, I could feel it. I'm not sure if he was the one who put me in the waterslide, or how I got there, but there was no escape. My brain made up a bunch of fake british slang that was used in the lyrics, and yes I understand I was in Australia, but Matt Smith is British and i think he was the one inventing the song. It was like
>In Australia, everyone loves a good old billy-wibbly dog, a jolly hot and brimbly dog, one for breakfast, one for tea, one for you and one for me
I can only compare the vibes of this dream to the vibes of the first Spy Kids movie, the one with that evil children's show host who sculpts people into deformed monsters while kiddy music plays. I guess in this scenario Matt Smith was the deformed monster. I don't know who was puppeting him.
No. 1994340
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I had a dream where i was at the stage at a comedy club like seinfeld, everyone was already laughing so i assume i spoutted some bangers before, but all i remember is this single joke that goes like this
''what do dinosaurs listen to?….THE OLDIES'' and then everyone started laughing super hard and i woke up snort laughing
No. 2002015
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Dreamt that picrel rawdogged me and ate me out. Note that I haven't watched TWD in a long time and never considered myself a fan of this guy…
No. 2006500
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Dreamt that somebody on here wrote up a long, serious as hell post about how Pee-Wee herman was the best example of good autism representation in media.
No. 2021053
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I had a couple very weird dreams yesterday, one where my ex boyfriend from a decade ago kept giving me drugs and one where I "woke up" into another dream, and a raccoon popped out of the ceiling and kept biting me and my cats. The most interesting dream I've had lately was one where I was hanging out with my nephew in a city in the desert, and these weird seeming guys came by. I told him to hide and then they kidnapped me into a cult. The leader reminded me so clearly of an ex even though he looked like the youtuber Elvis the Alien. I remember accidentally calling him by this ex's name and he laughed at me and asked if I was damaged so I pushed him over and said "at least I don't look like Elvis the Alien." At this point I gathered all the other women in the cult and we escaped together. We walked for a long, long time, through forests and abandoned cities. I don't really remember the end of the dream. I always end up having weird dreams right before I get my period, dreams that make me feel like my life is ending or ruined.
No. 2023964
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I love my brain. Had a dream today that my asshole ex from another country suddenly decided to visit mine and meet up. We planned to meet in the evening, at 9:30PM. But on my way to him, I got distracted by highly realistic promo for a new horror movie, where you have to go past various monsters undetected, just like that, on the streets of your city, in the darkness. The monsters were dark themselves and blended into environment in a way that made them hard to notice, some of them were like giant insects or sea creatures. I think it was real but it was still a promo. I'm not sure how risky/deadly it was, but it was very interesting because you had to know or somehow figure out certain "rules" that would help you to get past the scary monsters. It captivated me so much I forgot about time: I was already late and it would take time to get to the destination point, and it was very little time left to hang out. I called him and he sounded very annoyed, and I didn't even feel like rescheduling this meeting. So happy I didn't have to see him even in my dream.
No. 2028749
I had a nightmare that was playing out absolutely like a horror movie. I was somewhere in Italy with a friend of mine who works in the performance arts, so she'd work but also show me the coastal town we were at. And somehow in that town there were four people, two young men, two young women, dressed in white from top to bottom, with only a black shadow of a face on their white sweater that were eerie, moving a bit like the eight limbs of a spider would but as separate individuals, and basically trying to provoke anyone young like them or a bit older than them. Mostly by being in their face and not giving them space to get away, following them around, laughing creepily sometimes, very rarely through words however.
My best friend said basically to ignore them and not let yourself get roped in, as this was what the town people usually did. But somewhere along the way as we were getting back to the hotel in the evening we would stay at near the coast, an acquaintance of hers (probably not from that town) decides to protect us, while we're heading to our hotel room with balcony and goes to them on his own as they are trying to find whoever they can provoke next on the beach.
And as we see the guy that wants to help while the four are on the seashore near some rocks, the beach promenade still being lit l, from the balcony I see one of the two girls pull out a knife, and later the three others join in with their own knife, and doing a weird dance of death, stabbing and/or attempting to stab the acquaintance and eventually them not being clever enough to retreat fast, they kill him.
I attempt in the nightmare at the end to call the police and report what I saw in my poor Italian skills, but that's about where it stops for that part of the nightmare.
There were vaguely other moments in the nightmare in the middle, where I was not in there but the four figures were attempting other provocative maneuvers on a somewhat fragile neurodivergeant guy and another recluse younger girl, and I saw one of those two in like an alternate demonic universe with those four people, after they managed to "get them IRL" trying all they could to corrupt them, doing different violent or violating things to them. There was also a moment where I'm at a performance of my friend and I'm trying to lose the four people in the venue of the performance by mixing up with the crowd/performers, it was just really unnerving. I really didn't like this experience.j
No. 2028889
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I didn't see Eminem or think about him in a very long time so I have no idea why but I saw him in my dream today (his young version) and it was kind of sexual. We were in some sort of hotel where people would hang out wherever they wanted, not just in their rooms. I went up to him while he was sitting on a chair, from the back, leaned forward to him and said something, maybe touched his shoulders. It felt intimate, even though it wasn't my intention, and Em suddenly became very interested and moved to a couch so we would continue our conversation there. We were lying there and he caressed my arms with this dumb aroused face where the eyes almost look in different directions, so I said I didn't really want anything at that moment, but still ran my fingers over his arm sensually, and suddenly he started squirming and moaning and came into his pants. It was so fast and so unexpected I was just lying there with a facial expression of a brick and he seemed pretty embarrassed.
Then I dreamed I lived with Peter Steele and it was just lots of mundane stuff but it was nice.
Needless to say I'm ovulating.
No. 2031811
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/ot/ and /g/ were both removed and replaced with /n/.
It was a truly shit board with nothing but soyjak-tier zero effort posts. Except for this thread, which in the dream I had created but which is a REAL post (not by me) that my brain dredged up from the food thread.
No. 2031855
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>>2031826It already did happen!
No. 2036790
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second night in a row where i dream of ski aggu of all people wtf. i don't even like him. they haven't even been like romantic or weird dreams i'm always part of the staff working for him like, in my first dream i was some kind of supervisor or camera assistant in an interview video he was shooting where he was the one conducting the interview, and in the second idk but he had sent me a bunch of private messages for work maybe (???) while i was on a trip with my friends. why do i keep dreaming about this man KEK this is so absurd
No. 2043558
Dreamt a long time ago that I was underwater where a legacy of great sculptures and buildings like roman/greek coliseums (made out of chalk?) were left behind but they were all covered in algae which protected them from being worn away by the ocean. Still remember it. Don't know why.
>>2043540Wheeeeeeeeeze just getting curb stomped but lemme tweet something nonsensical real quick
No. 2046445
I had a dream that I wrote a book called, "Tyler Perry Vs. Madea, where Tyler Perry becomes Madea and he can't stop being Madea and he battles with his true imagine but then it turns to a horror story. One day he puts the madea costume on but he can' take it off.
In my dream I was writing it, then like 2 mintues later Tyler was at my door telling me he loved my story. That he read it on a website that I posted it on (I wrote it in a notebook, so that made no sense). He offered me 2 million for the story, he wanted to make it a movie.
Of course I said yes, and of course I left with him. I got into the car with him and he started driving really fast, and then we were at some cornerstore. He told me to get out and buy a lottery ticket, so I did.
He then pulled off as soon as I got out, and I patted myself down and the notebook was gone. I started crying and screaming and my dad (who is not in my life) came out the store and started yelling at me,
"Why the fuck you let him get the notebook Nona?" and I started screaming back at him. Then I walked home and a group of men at the corner, started laughing at me and calling me ugly.
When I got home, my mom would'nt let me in the house, saying that I fucked up and we could've been rich, I asked how she knew she told me she called Tyler Perry and told him about my story.
I told her he fucking scammed me, and I woke up so fucking mad. I still was thinking about how fucked up it was that I GOT my shit stolen and I'm getting hate for.
I think the dream is a manifestation of my aniexty and my potiental to think of great things but smarter people take them.
I don't know.
No. 2051560
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I had a dream today about a movie animated in the style of old Disney movies about dogs living in the slums and doing bad human things (e.g dealing drugs). The dream opened with three female dogs (including the main character) about to get arrested, but something made them decide to flee and go on a cop car chase. They got crashed and got caught anyway, they got split up somehow. As the main character dog is getting arrested, a puppy comes up to her. She decides to take care of the puppy and they both get thrown in jail. One of the dogs was a madame and platinum blonde, a cocker spaniel like Lady but skinnier and taller and more curly haired.
Anyway, that was actually a cool dream. I never ever have nice dreams.
No. 2052707
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had another nightmare wherein i am in a relationship with a moid ( this time it was a boyfriend not a husband ) and he gets sick of waiting for me to put out and tries to pressure me into doing it which makes me freak the fuck out. oddly enough it was different this time because i would later find out in the dream indirectly that my "boyfriend" turned out to have a pussy in the end, so idk why guilted me so hard for not wanting to even suck her "dick" so badly kek. i felt relieved but confused enough to not calm down even after waking up. i'm not straight btw but i keep having these dreams that genuinely make me wake up in cold sweat and heart palpitations kek. dicks are the scariest most disgusting things in the world to me to the point where i have unironically had recurring nightmares about them in almost the exact same way. been a while though but considering recent events and current points of pressure in my life i get why this is happening to me again
No. 2064185
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Lately I keep dreaming that I'm playing this incredibly shitty porn game that I used to like but can't even remember the name of anymore, and when my dreams start to break free into actual adventures, it's still formatted like the shitty porn game where I have to read the text and click on my next choice. I haven't played it or anything similar in years. It's not even erotic either. What does this mean?
No. 2069941
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I had a dream last night that I was at a ball/party and everyone was dancing but me and a couple other people. A girl came up to me and said we should dance, so we did. We were having fun dancing, talking and laughing, then she said I should kiss her on the cheek. So I did, and some glitter from my lipgloss stuck to her. We thought it was funny and kept dancing. It was cute.
No. 2072227
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Does anyone else get really stuck in their dreams and can't stop thinking about them all day? It almost happens to me everyday. Maybe it's because I try to analyze them when they seem meaningful, to be mindful of my unconscious fears or desires. I get flashes of places where I was in my dream, dialogues pop up, and it's even worse when I dream of a person that I haven't thought about in my awakened life for a while.
Why did they popped up that night? What did they represent to me in that instance?
Today it was even worse because I dreamed of a guy I used to have a crush on and who clearly knew, but rejected me because I was underage and he was older (thankfully). Haven't seen him in years and don't think about him, except that it's the second or third time he popped up in my dreams in a year or two. One time it was an erotic dream too. I know it's not that big of a deal and I shouldn't obsess over this but my mind can't stop reminding me of it and dwell on the past, trying to find an answer as to why he popped up now and what it means to me and my psyche. It's like a riddle I need to solve but can't be certain of the answer.
No. 2074140
I was living with three people who were supposed to be a mom, a dad and a grandma in a tiny two bedroom apartment. I slept in the bathroom inside the tub. I'd gotten home late from work and was trying to eat cup soup on the couch but the mother kept trying to put a cat on my face. I knew it was my cat so I couldn't be angry but she was shoving it to sit on my neck and onto my shoulders which made me spill the soup which was frustrating even though the cat was cute. Everyone decided to go to bed but I wanted a snack to I tried to toast some pitas. When I'd put a slice of pita into the toaster it would disappear so after trying a few times I gave up. I was going to go outside and stand in the snow to chill out because it turned into such a crappy evening but didn't have much time since the mother set the security system at night so if anybody was walking around the apartment it would go off (even dream me realized this was stupid). At this point I woke up irl but it was only halfway through my nap so I went back to bed.
I think it's supposed to be the next day when I'm home from work. I don't want to talk to anyone so I go to my sleeping tub and go on Lolcow. There were nine boards all together, including the ones we actually have right now. The first new one was /rf/, Real Facts, the only things on it were a thread where anons posted facts about female biology and a thread for "moid statistics" (I didn't click that one). The second one was /hs/, Honest Shit. The admin message underneath it was different, it only said "Blocking is allowed on this board", so an anon could stop another person's posts from showing up for them by blocking their IP if they checked a box. I don't remember what sort of threads were on this one. I scrolled /ot/ for a bit, it was adorable because an anon I'm actually friends with kept responding to posts about fried cheese in Mundane Shit because she seemed to think they were my posts, she kept warning these random anons that weren't me that we were going to "have a chat about the cheese next time you're online". I really wanted to tell her those posters weren't me but it was too funny.
I never have vivid dreams like this but I've been horrendously ill and on a lot of meds, is this a sign that my brain is shutting down.
No. 2074297
I keep having a reoccuring dream of having a relationship with a teacher in hs, It feel so familar, it makes me wonder if I'm repressing some relationship I had, because it doesn't just feel like a silly dream.
I'm always having dreams of high school, and ACTUAL people I know. So having this dream of a high school teacher grooming me in a school I actually went to, but i have no memory of it. It's fuckin scary at this point.
It's every other day at this point.
Another dream that I have is
>I'm in my room and my window is open, every single time I look out the window theres an endless line of people walking by, like it never stops.
When I close the window, they try to break into the house. I'm agoraphobic, so I guess i can explain that but not the teacher dream.
Have you ever have a reoccuring dream of something happening, to the point you wonder, "Holy shit did something like this happen to me and I repressed it?"
Am I mind tricking myself?
No. 2075573
>>2074297I've had a couple of dreams about my childhood friends brother suddenly coming onto me or that we're an established couple. He's an adult in these dreams (last time I saw him was a short visit years ago), I met him when he was a teenager though and was kind to me.
We were never alone either growing up, always him me and my friend or him and another adult. He isn't even my type lol. It's like every couple of months these dreams occur and it leaves me confused wondering if he wants to talk again, or if maybe something occured while in front of others but I never realized that it was abuse.
No. 2099305
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>wish for an interesting or sweet dream to grant me a small break from the misery and hopelessness I experience in my waking life
>dream of dragging severely disfigured and decomposed bodies of men, women, and children from a flooded field during a war somewhere in southeast asia.
>Wander in shin-deep water looking for heads that barely surface from the water
>when I roll them over, almost all of them have head and facial trauma, caved in faces and skulls, hematomas just under their grey skin, all waterlogged with grey-brown, murky water that mixes with congealed blood and drips out of the cavities caused by the injuries and back into the water below when I lift them up
Why. also, this was so fucking vivid I feel like I received a memory from a real person who lived through a real war or genocide because I've never seen anything like this in my life so I don't know how my brain could have put together the imagery in such realistic detail. I think maybe it was the Cambodian genocide but idk
No. 2104043
Just woke up from a dream. It was about a book about a young girl (who had something special about her, although I'm unable to remember what) who was an aspiring singer. She tries to achieve her dream accompanied with a sick, young, (probably like 13), mute boy that has a tube in his nose and a man that looks like Valhallen from Dexter's laboratory (aka tall, buff, long blonde hair). The book also has occasional interjections from the author although I'm not really sure about what. Anyway, in one of the scenes they're all in a car with some other man, the girl and blonde dude are pitching the girls music to him. The girl is playing with her earrings, which look homemade and stapled together. In her narration/head she says the blonde man is her brother and something about (not liking?) her mother. Then a small stapler slides to the floor of the backseat, the girl picks it up and remembers that the blonde guy ISN'T her brother, the small boy is and he made her those earrings.
Then, the next scene is the girl and the boy on a school bus. The girl somewhere in the front of the bus and the boy is in the back. The boy is trying to nap on the seat, and another boy starts messing with him/his tube. A fight starts and eventually the boy has some sort of off-camera transformation where he hulks out and destroys the entire back of the bus. Honestly, during this part of the dream I felt like I was having a seizure but then I woke up and I was fine so I don't think I was. Anyway that's all I can remember.
No. 2104874
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I got pissy black out drunk on some $.9.99 vodka last night, but even through all that shit in my system this dream woke me the fuck up.
So it started with me on my laptop but it's fucking HUGE, listen in real life my laptop screen broke so I use a flat screen. Anyway, I'm on my laptop talking shit on lolcow, I got to Shay's thread and I make a comment. I move on, and then i realize holy shit, instead of sage i put my actual email with my real name.
So I legit start crying, I email and then I end up doing a fucking ZOOM call with the admins. The Admin is some lady with black hair, She's telling me that theres nothing she can do, then shayna walks into view. She's naked and crying, she starts screaming at me and saying my real name, going, "We used to be friends in HIGH SCHOOL!" and all I can say back is, "No i'm black, I went to (blank) high in (Blank town)" And then I run away.
I can't drive but I get into a car and the car is just driving fast, I don't know where i'm going, then i go to my grandma house and I tell her everything and she curses me out like,
"Thats why people been calling me? What the fuck Nonnie-" and I'm crying now and so Ashamed. I go on lolcow on my phone (which is also huge) and I see users mocking me, in the shayna thread, shayna is posting and everyone is shitting on me.
I woke up fucking shaking because it's legit a fear of mines on mobile that click "email" and it's my actual email address.
No. 2123142
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I dreamt that I lived in a neighborhood with a shitton of stray cats and (human) criminals, but both groups could combine themselves like Voltron to create either a massive cat or a massive human and they regularly went to war. The part of the dream I remember most clearly is running through a jungle gym-type structure while the huge cat tried to swipe at me through the netting.
No. 2124006
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i find a door frame on a stormy beach and go into a trance, crossing it from one side to the other. then go talk to a dude and he points at it, i see my own corpse on one of the sides.
later policemen wake me up in an abandoned car back seat, and the corpse of rosalias cat is between my thighs. while imprisoned by my hands being trapped in 2 holes in a wall by those men i see a wavy flickering ray of sunshine that makes me happy and makes me think of my dog
No. 2133832
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I had the weirdest ovulation dream today. Mike Ehrmantraut and I were in love. But it was a budding romance, we were shy and hesitant about it. We only caressed each other's hands. It was oddly sensual. He involved me in some scammy business, something like selling fake lottery tickets.
No. 2149897
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I first had a dream I was a tall old man with a long white beard and when I shaved for some reason I was back to being myself except with a bob. My second dream involved trying to find an old thread on lolcow and cerbmin responding with "Ah who cares. You'll be awake soon anyway" before my alarm going off. I was a little spooked when that happened but I realized how absurd it was. Cerbmin was also a cow in a lolita outfit.
No. 2151066
had a nightmare that i had a baby again. then i see this video. jesus christ.
No. 2152058
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Last night I had a dream where Jim Carrey was somehow in my town, and walking around he would pick some girls by shouting "WOW" at them. Then he would offer them drinks or expensive gifts.
He did it to me at some point, and while being dragged around by old fart Jim, all I could think about was "Fuck you, Carreyanon, this is all your fault".
Unsettling dream.
No. 2165555
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In one of my dreams tonight, had this guy (named Francis Dolarhyde cause I recently read Red Dragon), who was really really beautiful (something like Aaron Taylor Johnson in picrel, but no facial hair) down on his knees and with his head on my lap literally begging to me to let him eat me out. His body was amazing as well, he could easily lift me up but he was just there kinda pathetic. I didn't say anything at that moment because I was too embarrassed, but the I waited outside of his workplace (I think) until he left. He didn't see me at first, but looked back when I called his name. His face was a mix of happy, surprised and smug. I remember my body also going really hot from the excitement and embarrassment. We got as fair as going to bed, but I woke up before anything happened and I'm still frustrated about it. His desperation, yet no violence, was so hot.
No. 2171730
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Had a dream there was a moovie night where anons were just posting fan edits and clips of men acting slutty and gay set to random music. The song titles said stuff like 'juicy' and 'faggot' but in weird bold font with a bunch of symbols kekk, it sort of looked like captcha letters like $$$JUÎCŶ$$$ something like that. None of the men existed in real life though, they were like a mash up of traits.
No. 2172891
>>2172555this is true, i can also read in my dreams so i always thought the "you can't read in your dreams thing" was weird.
you're right, people will just kinda say whatever
No. 2179971
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In the dream I was in a mall and it had very large glass capsules (the kind with bubbling liquid inside, hat do you even call those?) with aliens inside. It was like an attraction/decoration thing where customers can look at dormant aliens. They looked like picrel except way larger, hairless and a face like baby Groot with bigger eyes. They looked cute but suddenly there was an intercom warning about how the capsules stopped working and the aliens would break out in minutes. This was apparently very dangerous because despite their cuteness, they were very dangerous (intercom didn't explain how so I assumed they were toxic to the touch or something). Everyone was evacuating in total panic and I accidentally ran the wrong way, opposite to the exit. Then the mall got emptier and emptier and the power started going out. One of the aliens looked at me and I commented on how adorable it looked to pacify it, but that made it follow me so it could get a hug. It's hilarious to imagine but I went in a full panic running from that cute thing, ready to break windows to escape. I woke up before it caught me.
No. 2180006
i keep dreaming of the same scenario which goes like this
>i'm doing something mundane>a lost pet appears out of nowhere>i take it in>care for it, bond with it>it runs away and gets lost>i spend the rest of my dream searching for it>never find it>wake up>>2172746based
No. 2182479
I had a weird dream days ago, what I can remember is me arriving late at some class. wooden stairs, deep dark red/brown? Wooden door, heavy. As I open the door to enter the class, it is a small room, yellowish tiles, some desks, people sitting.
I am about to look for my seat when the view changes, I see myself in third person from behind and everything just closes in on the "teacher", a woman (just my type in a way) blonde, older looking, the "camera" zooms in on her calling me out for having dandruff in my hair and pulling me out of my room. I don't remember what she said, criticism/insults/recommendations regarding my life as we were talking or hugging outside.
An advert then plays in another part of the dream I remember, it was old timey styled, like a PSA, a drawing of my hair and a crude animation of cutting it(?) and basically stating that I need to cut my hair to prevent something.
This was uncanny.
No. 2187677
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Had a dream with Hozier where he was doing an art presentation at my old college. Funny enough, it wasn't about music but rather painting - I don't remember the specifics but it was about paiting something figurative without much construction and based mostly on intuition and very few strokes but still have it look good. He then would paint on top of his art a new white layer and ask for people to come on to the stage and paint the next thing. Some work friends of mine called me on stage because they knew I was a huge Hozier fan, so I went there wearing the ugliest green gingham dress imaginable and he was still kinda flirty? Which was unexpected, but very nice. I was surprisingly collected as well. I was painting a scene of a city skyline during sunset, with a skyscraper collapsing with some nice composition because I wanted to impress him. Never got to finish that painting…
No. 2187680
This is a different society, people that have freckles can turn into animals and when they do, they have powers (it differs depending on the animal type.. some get super fast some super smart etc) people that don't have freckles don't have this ability. There's a young girl in school, maybe high school?? Not sure. But she's doing a school project interviewing different kids, the non animal kids she asks "do you ever wish you were an animal kid?" "Do you think you're just as talented as the animal kids?" Etc… Pretty much all the answers are the same thing in different variations: of course I wish I was an animal, no I don't have any talents etc. The questions she asks the animal kids are like.. "do you ever wish you weren't an animal kid?" "Do you ever feel like you're unfairly accomplishing something?" Again the answers are all the same.. "i would never want to be normal.. yes I always win but I don't feel bad about it.. etc" until she meets a boy who has freckles, so he's an animal kid but he's never transformed into his animal form, in fact he doesn't even know what animal he is. She asks if he would ever use his powers and he says no, he doesn't want to superficially get accomplishments, he's perfectly capable of doing that without his powers. Even if he was in battle, he said he feels confident enough in himself that he wouldn't need to transform. This makes the girl look at the whole project differently, this boy is the only one who's THOUGHT about being an animal. The animal kids automatically transform at the slightest moment… They're having a race on the playground? Transform. They're at a sports game? Transform. They want to woo their crush? Transform. They have a test for school? Transform. And the non animal kids just wish they were animals, they don't think "hey I got this good grade or accomplishment all on my own" they just feel bad about themself.
At the end, the girl is in some kind of imminent danger. This is where the dream gets blurry but I'll try to fill in the blanks. So there's a group of animals that are against/mad at her and are trying to hurt her, maybe this is part of a larger battle going on in the society. She's pushed off a roof.. this is when the boy who's never transformed first transforms. To save her. Turns out he's some kind of bird (maybe like a raven because that sounds cool) and he swoops down and saves her
No. 2189286
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I discovered my nose had, somehow, split into two separate ones, each flat on one side and with a single nostril. The only reason I hadn’t noticed is because there was a thin piece of skin covering the seam.
I had to use a q-tip to clean between them, and was worried because a nosejob is very expensive and I couldn’t really afford to get my two noses joined.
No. 2189509
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I've suffered (experienced? idk if it's suffering but it can be scary) from sleep paralysis all my life, and have lucid dreamt from within a dream a handful of times or I've dreamt about lucid dreaming (this more often, and different than actually lucid dreaming). During my sp, I oftentimes will scream for help and it's audible (I sound genuinely retarded). Last week I experienced what I can only describe as a slight astral projection, I was still too in my physical body but I was screaming and making noise (but couldnt move my body cause I was paralyzed) but "I" kept trying to get up out of my body, sit up about halfway, and fall back into myself again. It was the strangest experience. The next day I read a "lucid dream tonight!" guide because that felt more doable in recreating than the way ap felt, and that same night I did indeed lucid dream, while falling asleep rather than it happening mid-dream. It happened just as the guide said: I kept my mind awake by doing math, ended up feeling this wooshing sensation and gave into it, and 'rolled' out of my bed and onto the ground. Slowly 'opened my eyes' and felt around my dreamworld, paying close attention to the textures of the items I was touching. I even put sand in my mouth and felt the grains. Also did dream checks like looking at myself in the mirror and my hands (both are usually moreorless normal) but the writing was glitched and unreadable, as that usually is. I tried to fly but could barely get off the ground and I tried to rip portals to travel but that wasn't really working either. I did write a decent melody but eventually I slipped into a normal, unmemorable dream and woke up. Every night since I've been trying to do it again but can't get past the keep mind awake, body asleep step. As the guide says could happen, I do experience the sleepy thought of "I'm bored it's easier to sleep now" and end up doing so. I know something is there for me to see and explore, I've had intense and vivid dreams alongside sp my entire life; I have worlds and cities that I frequently visit that I would love to experience in a lucid state. Whatever, I shan't give up!!!!!!
No. 2191807
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>>2191783Good news everyone.
No. 2195358
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I just woke from a dream where tomie was chasing me. 7/10 scared me a lot
No. 2201567
I had a very weird dream last night, I can remember most of it.
>I was a ‘character’ i.e. not me, she looked nothing like me
>the basic background of the dream was I had grown up with a boy as a childhood friend
>as we got older he had developed romantic interest yet I, the character, was oblivious (yet my dreaming conscious was aware for narrative reasons)
>it got to about late teens early twenties and we had a friendship group
>for some reason in the dream some young people have developed the powers to manipulate things, and those that do suddenly gain glowing green irises
>I had ended up with the ability to manipulate death, I could bring things back but in a mindless zombie like state
>my friendship group had developed their own, the childhood friend could turn invisible (I think)
>somehow a mysterious antagonist group got wind of my power and for some reason it was deemed special enough that I had to be captured or killed, so my friendship group sought to protect me and we fled
>we met about 3 other young people with powers and absorbed them, one of which was a handsome guy (plot relevant)
>as time progressed, I became interested in the handsome guy and him in me, this caused the childhood friend to become jealous
>the antagonists would send person after person with different powers in an attempt to kill me, and each one is dealt with by the friendship group teaming up and using the powers together
>at some point for narrative reasons my dreaming conscious was aware handsome guy had just had a dream where he was holding me, kissed me and as he pulled away I had turned into a zombie and as he panicked, and stepped back, zombie me asked him what’s the matter in a gravely sarcastic tone then laugh at him, this causes handsome guy to question whether due to my weird power was it a good idea to pursue a relationship
>we meet a weird old lady who gives a prophecy ‘he will leave the feet’
>my friends think it would be a nice way to chill to relax by visiting a zoo we are passing
>just prior we were joined by a former bad guy who is just a bit pathetic, he doesn’t explain why he joined us and claims he doesn’t have powers yet I point out his glowing eyes and he still says he doesn’t have powers
>we walk around have a nice relaxing time at the zoo, I then begin to realise the pathetic guy can manipulate music coming from nearby radios, if he is happy it is happy music, if he is sad it is sad music
>as we walk around the zoo the music starts happy buy as I laugh and bond with the handsome guy the music from radios turns sad, my dreaming brain for narrative reasons knew that this was because the pathetic guy was in love with me and had joined us because of it and he was sad to see me bonding with handsome guy
>all of a sudden an alligator’s eyes start to glow green and it chases me around the zoo, we realised that it is being controlled by someone
>once it is dealt with, there is relief, however unbeknownst to us all (my dreaming conscious was again aware for narrative reasons) a venomous snake with glowing eyes was approaching me from behind and just as it lunged…
>the sister of they boy who has been controlling the animals stops him as she doesn’t want me dead as I am just an innocent person, and she doesn’t want her brother to become a murderer
>the snake just falls to the ground it was just and inch or two away from biting my rear
>the chase split us up, with one friend going missing, some of my friends are outside in the nearby area and the see an art exhibit, mannequins behind the wheels of stationary cars, they find this funny
>all of a sudden a mannequins eyes start glowing green and the car races off to my location, the car smashes through the zoo gates and causes chaos
>I flee down a maintenance tunnel, and the car is just small enough to fit scraping both sides
>I manage to dive out the way just as the car crashes, the car crashed into a giant snake totalling the car and killing the snake
>as my friends find me and we observe the scene, we are saddened to find the trainers of our missing friend with the bloody stumps of his feet next to the snake, it had obviously ate him and the feet were the old lady’s prophecy coming true
>we flee the scene in our red convertible, as we drive we are about to pass a village and we see a man frantically waving his arms and see smoke and hear screams
>”my mother lives in that village” I scream and we stop and run to the man
>as he is explaining the antagonists have arrived with a large group of henchman to grab my mother (not mine irl but the my characters) as she is somehow related to the cause of the powers and she despite being old has powers herself
>as he is gesturing the man is killed by henchman and we have to fight them to rescue my mother to uncover the secret of why some young people have developed powers
>we rescue my mother but at the cost of me being captured by two men, now these two men were not mere mooks, the had a lot of character design these were clearly meant to be antagonist characters who play a role in the story, one had an eyepatch and beard…
>the handsome guy sees me being dragged off and just runs up behind the two unnoticed and quickly stabs them both killing them and freeing me, he then fights a bunch of henchmen becoming bruised and bloodied
>he takes me back to my friends and as the handsome guy and I have a moment where I am dabbing his wounds with a handkerchief, gazing into his eyes and expressing my thanks…
>the childhood friend starts mouthing off about ‘what are you doing’, ‘how can we trust this guy’, ‘we should just leave him’ etc etc, pathetic guy is just moping in the background
>I respond ‘how could you say that’, ‘he just saved me from being captured’ etc etc
Just after this I realised I was dreaming, I thought ‘great now I can lucid dream’ then I panicked thinking what if I accidentally lucid dream something scary so I woke myself up
I have no idea where any of that came from
No. 2209173
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I dreamed admin was one woman who got tired of managing lc and decided to open lc's base to us. We all traveled to a european country and there were a few rooms on the ground floor of a business building. Admin let everything open, and we were all looking around and having a mix of fun during discovery, but sadness it was going to end. The feeling of looking around and meeting other farmes was also very weird. I felt upset that I never posted on the FF thread even after being on lc for many years.
The rooms had a bunch of random stuff. My mind kinda imagined parts of boards and threads as real places. The general decor and admins room had lolita dresses and some cosplay stuff, but she wasn't there. For no reason there was a music festival going on too, maybe it was going to be out last movie room session with some music then a movie at night, except with real bands and a huge projector. I looked around and saw a bunch of weird men in the hallway and got super scared they were some incels trying to hijack the event or kill some of us. I told everyone about them, and we all punched and kicked them out kek.
This is like the third time I dreamed of lc as a real place. The first time it was a big building with many floors, the second it was a mansion with escher like arquitecture full of rooms, and now this. Every time I worry some men will come be violent and disrupt things. Other times that I've dreamed about lc, it was just me typing in a box and reading replies.
No. 2210626
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I have oddly frequent (every other week to every few months) dreams about having sex in public or somewhere I could get caught. It's always with my boyfriend and it's never in the same place. Some of the places/scenarios:
>on a mattress in the middle of a side street in the city, with only a thin blanket covering us
>in an office conference room, where he stole my pants afterward and I had to sit through a meeting trying to hide my lower half under the table so no one would see that I wasn't wearing pants
>in an outdoor shopping center against a wooden post (for some reason he was a teenager in this one but I was my current age)
>in the middle of a crowd of people, while standing
>on a sidewalk against a road divider that was just on the sidewalk for some reason
>in a house we were touring to rent or buy, while people were in other rooms of the house
>in a bowling alley
Picrel for general scenario, not body types kek
No. 2210735
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This dream is several weeks old and I've been needing to talk about it but there's a part in it that freaked me the fuck out that I can't talk about in polite company and I completely forgot about this thread.
>the dream begins with three adult siblings, two older brothers and a younger sister, waiting at a train station. (I'm not involved in the dream, I'm merely the camera.) They seem to be very close and they're all joking with each other and making pleasant conversation.
>A older man approaches them and greets them. Apparently he's their old history teacher and they've travelled to meet him here.
>The siblings follow the old man to a waiting bus and they go to what looks like a abandoned (but still in good shape) apartment building, which is the object of their vist. They drink tea with the old man as he signs some paperwork to give to them and they chat for a few hours.
>The old man has to then leave and asks if the siblings have anywhere to stay because there's something wrong with the building that needs to be fixed.
>The youngest of the brothers tells him that he's sorted that out. They then part ways with the old man and walk to where they're lodging.
>It's starting to get dark and very stormy, evidently this area is very rural as there's nothing but open fields and a muddy grassy path. They finally reach their destination after a while, and its a dilapidated shack.
>The eldest brother is pissed off at the younger for choosing such a shitty place to sleep and the younger just tells him to fuck off in a cheery tone.
>There's only a bed, a couch and a table and a very cramped and dirty kitchenette in the shack. There's a single window with cracked glass that's dribbling rainwater.
>The sister makes tea for everyone and tries to calm the eldest who is still really pissed off and he does.
>They then settle in for the night, the younger brother and sister sleeping in the bed while the elder is on the couch.
>The elder wakes up to the sister and brother excited about something, they somehow managed to get the news that their father just died, which makes the elder go into shock
>They start making out with each other and undressing, which the elder completely ignores until the younger tries to make him participate in a incest three way and groping the elder's crotch, which makes the elder freak out for obvious reasons and pushes the younger away
>he starts screaming at them to stop and then accuses them of killing their father
>he tries to leave the shack but the younger stops him and then
>the elder is now narrating
>we're in a grey field with just one of those spinning swing rides in the middle, with various objects on the seats
>he says "we all got sick in the shack that night", a grey sneaker swings by on a seat
>"they said it was the rain and cold. I got the sickest.", empty seat swings by
>"they said it got into my brain, that all I had was a brain fever which had made me fall and hit my head", a grey horribly disfigured head with a giant dent like a overripe mushy apple that oozed out jamlike fluid, there's a obvious chunk of brain which had been torn out from the head swings by
>cut to the elder brother staring at himself in a bathroom mirror, his head dented like the one that was on the swing and swollen, too big for his neck which is twisted weirdly
>he looks like a harlequin baby, skin all cracked and irrated and veiny and leaking that clear pus that people with eczema get and his eyes are red and swollen almost completely shut, his eyelids semitranslucent, and his nose is almost nonexistent
>he goes onto explain how he knows that his brother did this to him but the doctors and the police don't believe him and that because parts of his brain are missing that he's just demented
>he lost his job and his wife and children have abandoned him because he's in a constant state of confused and angry hysteria and the dream ends with him saying that he wants to kill himself and he presumably does
Anyways I think this dream is directly because I watched David Firth's Sock series earlier that day but christ I don't have any dreams about sex ever and the weird incest shit still disgusts me
No. 2212827
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This dream stressed me out at the time but now it just makes me giggle like an idiot. I remember it so clearly too.
>Takes place place in a spooky Halloween world, like a setting you would see in a cartoon, and everything seems to have a purple-orange filter over it
>Keep switching between my real appearance and a version of myself where I have anime-esque grey hair
> Dream starts, I'm living in a shack with my family, sitting at the kitchen table and feeling horribly depressed
>Can't even remember what I was so sad about but I was moments away from crying
>Suddenly a group of stoners wearing hideous 80s fashion march into the room
>One of them is wearing the drinkholder hat
>They all try and fail to cheer me up, eventually one grabs my hand and says "come on, we're getting you out of here!" The next thing I know I've been kidnapped by this group and am following them through the spooky town
> We go through dark alleyways lit by gas lamps, feel incredibly creeped out
>Stoners are unbothered
>After what feels like hours of travelling, we come to a college, which ofc looks like a big spooky Halloween castle
>The stoners cheerfully inform me that they've already enrolled me here and push me inside to give me a tour
>I'm fucking furious because I never agreed to this
>Suddenly I'm getting a tour with the stoners and some other kidnapped newbies. The tour leader explains that the college has integrated the backrooms (yes, the actual backrooms from the memes) into its architecture so they can have unlimited storage and classrooms
>Nobody seems to care
>But it's not all bad, there's a VERY cute woman in the group and she's striking up a flirty conversation with me
>We flirt with each other in ways that are frankly unfitting for a public space as we follow the group
>I chimp out and ask everyone if they saw where she went, nobody knows what I'm talking about
>Sprint through the backrooms and go on yet another long adventure through a variety of landscapes
>At one point I emerge in a shipyard which is so realistic I can actually smell the water and feel the chilly air, and some of the ships are sailing upside down in the sky, but my waifu isn't there so I turn around and keep searching
>Hours later I've missed all my classes for the day except the last one and I still can't find her, so I give up the search and go back
>Absolutely devastated, my waifu could be anywhere after all
>There's like a brief nightmare sequence where a monstrous looking teacher chases me through the college's drama department and I have to hide behind theatre props?? I don't remember this part very well tbh
>Shrug it off and get to my last class unscathed
>Wait…could it be? THE PRETTY GIRL IS THERE! I happily skip over and sit next to her, saying that I'm so relieved she's okay
>She's absolutely furious with me
>To my horror I'm informed it's been days since I ran off and she's only just found her way back, she's sulking because I didn't find her and rescue her fast enough
>What the fuck
>Try to explain that I searched everywhere for her but it's no use, she won't even look at me
>Professor is an old lady with a witchy aesthetic who lectures the class about random stuff, I can't concentrate because I'm trying to patch things up with my waifu who is acting like an angry emo
>All of a sudden the professor holds her hand up and the whole room goes silent. Most of my classmates are the stoners who abducted me, I just copy their reactions and go quiet since they seem to know what they're doing
>Until this point they'd been butting into our domestic argument to be like "nooo don't break up you're both so sexy haha"
>Professor says that we're going to sing a song
>"The lyrics are inside your class textbooks"
>It takes me a minute to realise what song everyone is singing. Once it finally dawns on me I legit feel like I've been gut punched
>It's fucking hell of a life by kanye west
>Even in the dream I know this is nonsense
>I whisper to my waifu that this college is a sham and we need to gtfo
>She sighs and turns to me at last, then casually tells me that it's impossible to leave because "all the outside is locked"
>"I'm not angry anymore anon but I don't think we should be a couple, sorry"
>At that exact moment, the rest of the class sings the "that's one heeeell of a liiiiife" part from the final chorus in perfect synchronization
No. 2219179
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I dreamt I was being rescued by Leon Kennedy. There was some sort of cruise ship that had mysteriously overturned by the coastline that I could see through a window off into the horizon. I was not myself but I was married to some man that had started behaving very strangely and dangerously (probably some T-virus bullshit). I suppose Leon had been called in to investigate. I was hunkered down in some narrow, abandoned house and off in the distance relatively nearby I could hear cultists but they were like, weird American Christian Nationalist cultists and they were having some sort of creepy party. There were parts with Leon where I wasn't there but it was really creepy/scary.
Leon had reunited with me in the house and shit was like really bad apparently. Ada and Ashley had showed up and Leon wanted us all to get out of dodge and was giving us instructions about how to do that and where to go in case things didn't work out well while he went off to the boss fight/kill my husband. Leon was extremely hot but it was very scary nonas.
No. 2219205
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I dreamed that I was Asuka from Evangelion and that I was fighting off the Covenant aliens from the Halo series while infighting with Shinji. It was in a sci-fi facility in a huge ancient fantasy forest with a massive tree in the middle. We started losing but we found a secret tunnel with a portal, I went in the portal and got sent back to the forest as it was 1000 years ago, when it was untouched and safe. My mission was to take this chance to figure out a way to win but I just frolicked around naked for a while and then got lonely and missed Shinji and Rei (is that her name, the blue haired girl) before I woke up.
This is the second vivid dream I've had about being Asuka. I've still never watched a single bit of Evangelion nor do I have any interest in it. I think I posted my other one in this thread before
No. 2221084
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Just had a dream where Kurtis Conner was doing a video pretending to be a dog for a week for some stupid reason thinly veiled fetish? and for some even stupider reason I was around (not necessarily helping, just around) and I remember speaking Spanish with someone that was actually helping him to just hit him, and I thought it was hilarious that he couldn't understand spanish. He said he didn't know I could speak it either and asked where was I from. I said I was brazilian and told him that spanish is not our native language either so he should just try and learn it, because it was useful. He was flabbergasted during the whole ordeal.
Later when we were alone, he if I wanted to fuck him??? Why can't my brain do this featuring men I'm actually attracted to, fuck. He kept kinda playing it off as well, like he wanted to have his cake and eat it too.
The mullet and pedostache are too much mang
No. 2221556
Had a weird dream when I unintentionally took a long nap with full bladder. In that dream I went to my university restroom to take a piss. First of all, I couldn't stop pissing - the stream was never-ending. Second of all, the stalls were all fucked up in sense that they barely shielded me. Most of them left either my upper body or lower body exposed, and none of them were big enough to cover my face. I would go into a stall, start pissing there, then notice that the stall is barely doing it's job and go into another one while I was still pissing(?). I kept going from stall to stall until I found the one that covered most of my body, but my head was still out in the open. Third of all, shit ton of people would just barge into the restroom and try to talk to me while I was in the stall. Some of them were real people from my university. Most of them barely resembled their real selves, but my mind still was like "fuck, that's her/him". I dind't exactly think that the dream was 100% reality, but I still felt so uncomfortable and I was seriously wondering how am I going to face all these people after all this. None of them were rude to me, but by their faces and their subtle ways of speaking I could feel how disgusted they all were. For some reason, they still kept pestering me with small talk tho. After what felt like an eternity I thought to myself "this isn't normal, am I dying?". Then, an old woman with a ceramic cup materialized out of thin air and was like "drink this medicine sweetie, this powder is really good for you, just trust me". In real life, I'm extremely reluctant to take meds because I'm scared shitless of side-effects, and my dream-self was also like that. I wasn't conviced by that old lady, but I still took the cup and drank some kind of yellow(kek) liquid. I regretted my decision instantly and started berating myself for drinking god-knows-what. The hag didn't tell me the name of that medication, but I randomly went "that's it, i know how it's called, I will google it now". Finally, I stopped pissing and teleported somewhere else. All I could see was my computer screen. Turns out, that medication is supposed to make your heart muscles stronger or something like that. Of course I became angry at the old hag for giving me this, since everything is fine with my heart. My problem was with my bladder. I was like "okay, now I will have to worry about possible side-effects from drug, and I didn't even need it". And then I woke up and rushed to bathroom, relieved.
No. 2224363
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Last night I dreamt that I was watching a bunch of old ladies beat the shit out of each other.
No. 2224392
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I had a dream where, after a series of loosely related events, my sister got trapped in a magic mirror, Gravity Falls-style, and to get her out of there, I had to put back together all its pieces. I didn't care that it'd take me months, I had some chocolates in my pockets in case I got hungry (probably because I've bought snacks before pulling all-nighters at work IRL).
My brain forgot about that quest when I realized that I basically got trapped behind some walls. Someone sent a Terminator to destroy a wall to get me out of there, but I got so scared that I subconsciously turned the Terminator into a sexy, young, fully naked, semi-long-haired, mute Arnold Schwarzenegger who, for some reason, got lightly sprayed with hoses by a couple of men whose only job was to make him wet. So Arnold was clean, naked, and wet, and then he gave me a big hug, which felt really nice, as his skin was damp and smooth and cool to the touch, as if he had just showered.
I have a knack for avoiding nightmares and turning scary dream scenarios into horny scenarios.
No. 2224962
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Don’t know if I was really dreaming because this was sort of “in between dreaming and being awake” but I kept waking up and falling asleep this morning and in between one of them I was thinking existentially and had some weird dream where I was told AI would cause some kind of ripping the universe apart where I saw rifts of light tear in it. I also didn’t feel like I was doing this as an internal monologue and felt like it was someone else (God?) or something speaking to me. Weirdly enough I remember being Anne Boonchuy from Amphibia in this dream. Then I didn’t wake up but still had my eyes close and imagined Anne falling in this void, this felt like less of a dream because I was actually aware this part wasn’t real and I was more awake. All things considered it was probably just a manifestation of existential anxiety plus I was watching Amphibia on Disney the other day cuz I loved the show when it was still airing and watched the clip where (spoilers) she dies and meets what is basically God in that universe also I think about AI and what would happen if humans achieved some kind of Sci-Fi immortality a lot lately and have thought “what if it causes a spiritual paradox and rips the universe apart” so this was probably just sleep paralysis or some shit but it still felt insane and I feel like a crazy person describing it but I just had to get this off my chest
No. 2225485
>>1570136What a beautiful moment, to re-experience being with a loved cat who passed away, even for a moment.
Before I share my dream, for context: my 2 cats passed away from cancer, the younger unexpectedly before the older cat. For a while, I was caring for the older cat with cancer and assumed I would have more time with my younger cat. I brought my younger cat to a vet appointment, but the scrote vet didnt even mention the possibility of cancer. So all that time, because the scrote vet misdiagnosed my younger cat, my younger cat suffered in silence and pain, not much attention beyond food and water, while my younger cat was there for me and my oldest cat through difficult times. I wrongly assumed my oldest cat would pass away soon, so my older cat is where my attention went.
Okay, now the dream I had was this: both cats were alive and with me, and my oldest cat was being a sweet baby, getting attention. I actually felt happy like I havent in a long time. But my younger cat was out of my vision, even though I could simply look slightly to my left and see her, but I kept putting off seeing her. I ignored my youngest cat for at least the 2nd time in my dreams. My feelings were to only focus on the happy oldest cat, and avoid addressing my guilt and shame and sadness toward my younger cat.
I feel terrible, guilty, and like I betrayed my youngest cat yet again. I wish I could make it up to her.
No. 2231506
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Dreamed that I befriended him and we slowly got closer and closer, and at some point we were hugging and touching and kissing (not on the lips though). it was so sweet, I miss it already.
No. 2231574
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I scared the shit out of my mum this morning because of the dream I had kek. I dreamt that I had a child brother who ran away in the night, and we found him behind a church (I think? It looked like one) holding a little black dog. I was like "well we can't just leave the dog here" and picked it up so I could carry it home myself. Once we got home, I took the dog to my room, climbed in bed while I was still holding it…and then I woke up with the dog very much missing and was confused as hell. Cue me running disoriented into the hallway going "??? WHERE HAS THE DOG GONE???" kek
No. 2231598
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Once I dreamt that I was back in my childhood house (I was also a kid again), went downstairs like normal, but the bottom floor was absolutely COVERED in kittens. Like, so covered you couldn't see the floor. I distinctly remember that most of them were orange but there were a few which were, like, bright purple and other such unnatural colours. I somehow managed to get to the living room and found my whole extended family there, happily informing me that they'd bought some extra pets for the household (no shit.) In the dream I was happy to see all the kittens but I still knew this wasn't a practical arrangement, so I gave them a pep talk like "come on, we can't keep ALL of them" which somehow evolved into "we need to put the kittens away, let's get them back into the Box." There was a cartoonishly huge cardboard box in the middle of the room where I guess the kittens were spawning. My family was a bit sad about this and I was like "don't worry, we can take them out some other time if they take turns" and then I woke up kek
No. 2231688
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I dreamed of a woman named "Jessica Nielsen", or something along those lines (her first name definitely started with a J, and the last name sounded very German/Scandinavian?)
She was attacked by a murder of crows while hiking with her husband. I remember seeing (and feeling?) her injuries vividly. She was bleeding from her skull and was rushed to the hospital. She died after a few days.
Apparently, she was an important and beloved member of her community, maybe a writer or a journalist. I remember many people mourning her. She didn't have children and was about 35 years old.
The dream was SO vivid and painful to me, I woke up nauseous around 2AM and immediately googled "woman attacked by crows" and "Jessica Nielsen" but found nothing that seemed to match.
I'm curious to see what nonnies think of it.
No. 2235678
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i just woke up from this one 5 minutes ago. it’s 5am
>the memory is fading as i type kek
>i am a mid 20s, i can recall walking behind some busy woman walking 3 dogs, twins in a stroller from a baby daddy, and her boyfriend who she discovered is married
>this is all announced in my head, exactly like a movie trailer
>im suddenly in a coffee/ice cream shop and there’s a customer laying dead on the floor
>the scenario is presented as real life but when interacting with the other ppl in the dream i can tell that this is some acting rehearsal
>can distinctly remember that the “dead” customer had ice cream all over her neck as if it was blood
>i checked her pulse and despite clearly seeing her move, i look up at another woman (my coworker(?) and declare that she’s dead while saying to her “you didn’t even bother to check correctly”
>while this customer is “dead” i and another coworker are holding glasses with wine(idk) in them, everytime i look away and look back the glasses change shape and morph into some AI nightmare,
>me and this coworker cannot stop giggling about it
>i woke up slightly smiling and sort of laughing
No. 2270940
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another teeth dream bros… in this one i just remember looking in the mirror and seeing that all of my teeth had been worn down to bloody little nubs from me grinding my teeth so much, and i was just crying and trying to call the dentist but my bathroom was like the weird alternate dimension in cat in the hat and the phone (an old landline) kept transforming into useless objects
No. 2279721
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I had a very weird dream, I moved to a new mansion with family. We are in the driveway and we hear a noise and send my little niece to go check it out, she runs to open the front door, and then looks and comes back to us, "It was a horse" The mansion is a bit run down and dusty, but we all got a good deal on it and the lights and water work and it's otherwise huge and a nice place so we get settled in. And I do a photoshoot for my sister and her bf, they also moved in, Later I go on a weird website for weaboos with fetishes like fetlife or something, and I see the photos I took of my sister's bf on there, We let the horse stay there, because it's kind of cool to have an animal in the house, the dream cuts to me making out with a qt (that is like the same height as me) lightskin black dude who reminds me of Prince in the mansion, we're pressed up against a wall, rubbing up on eachother, talking in between swallowing eachother, He tells me he can't come with me later when I leave the mansion, I ask why and then he tells me he's actually a shapeshifter spirit and insists not evil, but he is a mischevious trickster and his default form is the horse. Unfprtunately I woke up before I rode that horse cock in that dream. I just had a flashback memory to all the times the horse was walking around the house, not saying a word. And then I was making out with it.
No. 2282005
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I had a dream the other night that I posted a vent with an anime pic and got made fun of by other nonnys for liking anime. I tried to defend myself by saying that I use LC so of course I am a loser who likes anime what is their problem. But they wouldn’t listen to me and said I was ruining site culture and I ended up getting banned for being a personalityfag since I was the only person who liked anime on LC anymore.
No. 2284039
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Had an absolutely insane dream where nonnies were in an auditorium where they were watching a Japanese game show some nonnies were participating in and I was one of them. It was a torture kind of show, I had to go through many nasty things (I only remember being branded in particular) and I was then wrapped up in a straitjacket almost and had to not snap at the moids around me. I broke free somehow and started to use whatever was around me as a weapon against them, it was very gory. Then I got out of the game show (I was unscathed now) somehow and wandered around until I found said auditorium, sat down and scrolled back on the thread to read what nonnies had posted about me (because despite being in an auditorium there was still a thread being posted on)
Pic unrel.
No. 2291775
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I had a dream that I was ratsitting this man's three male rats. They were very sweet and attentive little rats, and the alpha leader rat was a very lean, muscular brown rat with white spots. Then he became a very handsome human male, and I went to feed him a small portion of a basil leaf, then I laughed and went "Oh haha I forgot you're a human now… here" and hand fed him a whole basil leaf and he ate it like a rat.
No. 2293666
>>2291802>>2291811These responses are so funny because I wasn't expecting any responses at all
>>2293660Not the rat but the man-rat, sure. His rat form was so cute, though. I miss owning rats.
No. 2293770
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I fingered myself while crying, then took a depression nap at 2:30pm during work hours and dreamed i was using a babydoll's arm as a dildo.
No. 2294123
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I dreamt I went to the right dude's appartment and he made me really good spaghetti, then the one on the left said "wait a minute I have to take my wig off!". It caught me off guard so bad and then I did the dishes and took my bike back home.
No. 2294289
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Celebricows was seething because ET married its nigel, a Xenomorph
No. 2296929
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Beavis and Butthead yaoi thread on /m/
No. 2307658
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>>2307648>treesomWhen we said love the trees we didnt meant it like that
No. 2308723
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had a very long and vivid dream last night where i held a casual party for people at my apartment, and the attendees were mostly old nursing school classmates (which would never happen bcus i'd be glad to never see those ppl ever again) but the unfun-for-me, fun-for-everyone-else party clears out and i start cleaning up. THEN i get a text from one of them that was like "KEEP YOUR DOOR OPEN, COMING BACK RIGHT NOW" so of course i go to the door and anxiously wait bcus it sounds like something bad happened and they're coming back because they're unsafe? so they stroll back in and eventually are like "yeah we just had nowhere to stay" and they weren't rude per se but def not acting like people that you've let stay the night out of the goodness of your heart. they start picking up my stuff and looking at it and asking questions about innocuous shit like body lotion. they were still treating me like an weirdo outsider IN MY OWN HOME wtf. for some reason, the fact that there were 12 of them was repeated a lot. just a really strange and kinda out of nowhere dream
No. 2308855
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I was in an underground maze with a bunch of people doing some kind of hunger games thing. There were 10 dragons in the maze and depending on if they liked your vibe they would attack you or be your friend. One extremly long brown dragon chased me around while i was trying to solve the maze and eventually i got into the middle of the maze with a giant tentacle monster thing holding some of the people in the tentacles.
No. 2318185
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I had a dream I was headlining coachella. I performed multiple songs, but the only one I remember in Haunted by Beyonce
No. 2319063
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The year is 2003 and Nintendo is responsible for countless divorces after releasing the Gameboy Advance SP due to the implemented backlight and the resulting lovers quarrels ensuing in the marriage beds as party A loses sleep because of party B playing Pokémon, Golden Sun and Mother 3 in the deepest dark of the night. Nintendo gets sued but wins, because of course Nintendo wins.
No. 2325420
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I started at a new high school, which for some reason was built in an underground cave system, and during lunch when I couldn’t figure out where to sit, Dasha, a fellow student, pulled me into her table next to her. I recognized her, and immediately felt nervous but felt like I couldn’t escape the situation. It was clear she was the ringleader of the bunch of guys and girls at her table and I knew I was about to get bullied somehow but I was determined to play it cool. She takes something wrapped in plastic wrap out of her pocket and puts her hand on my shoulder
>hey, I was eating this sandwich on the way to school this morning, but I started throwing up, so I just barfed inside the sandwich. See? It’s a vomit sandwich. What do you think?
Out of the corner of my eye I could see it was like 1/4th of a whole grain sandwich with pinkish orangish vomit in the middle, it was making the bread soggy and the vomit smell wafted over to me immediately. I was determined not to let her win though so I refused to look at it and just told her I wasn’t interested and started eating my own sandwich. Somehow this impressed her and she switched her appraisal of me to positive. She kept throwing wacko questions or statements similar to the sandwich thing at me to test me and I continued to act nonchalant which unfortunately only made her like me more. When the bell rang for the end of lunch and the masses of people started funneling out of the cavern cafeteria (remember we are underground) I thought this was my chance to leave but she pulled me back into her group. I realized she decided she liked me and now I was stuck in her social group. This was so unsettling that I woke up.
for context, I don’t read the thread she’s in so my brain had no actual information about her to construct her dream form with. Is this accurate? Picrel is just an egg sandwich, but it looks pretty close to the vomit sandwich in my dream
No. 2327026
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>>2326983license and registration for that dream maam?
No. 2327049
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I have this recurring nightmare about entering a house and being suddenly trapped inside, with all the windows and doors disappearing into solid walls. This time, I was running through the hallways trying to find a way out while a monster followed behind me constantly asking questions that I didn't know the answer to. It was terrifying because I could tell it was getting angry about my responses and the house was very claustrophobic, so there was nowhere to hide. Everything was illuminated by horrible orange LED lights. I woke up covered in sweat.
No. 2327079
>>2327076Probably just reflecting what you consumed right before going to sleep
I always have nightmares if I eat eggs before bed and dramatic dreams if I drink alcohol before bed
No. 2327320
I have so many vivid dreams. I never sleep through the night, so in one night I had a dream that was like a bad goosebumps episode/true-crime show.
>woman with blonde long hair in a pink dress, she has three kids. She turns them into "Dolls", i'm there for some reason but also theres some narration going on like it's a story. She comes downstairs with one of her kids, who just has fake eyes over it's real eyes. The other daughter is like 8. She's telling me how her mother turns them into "Dolls" and that the third baby is in the bed dead because the mother slept on top of the baby. I go upstairs and the baby is flat like a deflated balloon but crying. I wake up.
I get up and watch some Jerma Vods, then go back to slep.
>Dream 2- I'm walking down the street, i'm in a very tight two piece and scrotes keep cat calling me. Then I'm at a concert, i'm in a balcony seat, the seat is literally like a long wooden swing. As the person preforms some rap/rnb song that I never heard before (probably a mixture of songs I heard), my cousin jumps suddenly down to dance with "Big Sean" and he's cool with it at first but then a bunch of security comes.
>What happened next is a weird mixture of stuff I actually had happen, but with different people. So two of my high school friends (who are reoccuring characters in my dream, even though we weren't friends that long, I don't get it) come back and start yelling at me. They are telling me I should've went down there to help my cousin after she was grabbed by security for running on the stage with Big Sean. I say something like, "Why? I don't want to get in trouble". Then we all get back on the swing/seat. One of my hs friends starts rocking the seat back and forth while she's dancing, and I'm afriad we are going to fall.
>I tell her to stop, she doesn't. I look out into the crowd and find my mom, and two of my siblings in a section labeled with our last names, they are dancing. So I'm like, "I'm getting off this swing, because I'm afriad i'm going to fall". So I get down from the swing, and as I'm getting down I very gently bump into this woman.
>the woman looks at me and hits me in my leg, and i'm like, "Why you do that? Don't hit me" and I'm scared but I hit her ass back i punch her in the thigh.
>She gets up and all i can think is, "I can't get my ass beat at this concert" but she's bigger than me, and we start fighting. Then the security comes and grabs me.
>I have my hood up, holding onto a track of my weave that had gotten pulled out. I'm thinking about what I'm going to tell my mom, like, "She started it with me!".
>but then I go backstage, suddenly theres a robot, think Fallout Secritons but it's black and looks like a calculator. It grabs my arm, and I'm trying to dial my mom's number as it brings me to an area with a bunch of people. I look over and see another person trying to call someone but their phone keeps mixing up the numbers no matter how much you press. I'll dail 123-34- and it'd always change the number up or not type.
>Then I get dragged to a cliff, still trying to call my mother and the numbers never working. In the pit it's like hell, a bunch of people screaming for their mothers
and then I woke up with a headache, I cannot name one Big sean song, I don't even know if he sings or raps. I just know him becuase I follow gossip. This is the second dream (i can remember) I had about me being at a concert even though i've never been to one.
No. 2331880
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I keep having reccurring dreams about cheating on my boyfriend with Hasan Piker and I'm not even a huge fan, some of his takes are great but others make me cringe. In the dreams I know I'm cheating but I end up doing it anyway. I feel really bad but my bf looks sort of similar and I've been following Hasan's coverage on Luigi so maybe it's my brain melding worlds
No. 2332027
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>>2331653Can't help you with the rest of the interpretation but mochi cookies do exist, they're usually cookies with a mochi filling like in picrel
No. 2332839
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>Making breakfast with my family. It's a full English. I'm making crepes, they aren't part of of it but I'm not complaining.
>Sit down
>Phone rings
>Some nonsense noise
>Wake up
>Wait whut
>This hasn't been my bedroom for ages
>This isn't right, I must be dreaming
>Did I just kick myself into lucid dreaming?
>Try fly or do something
>Oh shit, oh shit I'm kinda floating
I really wake up and it's been a delivery van trying to reverse into my street. It has to be done but that small amount of lucid dreaming was amazing. Deliver somewhere else at 7AM! It's been like 12 hours on now and I'm still very pissed off and feeling dumb for caring about something that doesn't exist.
No. 2342387
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I keep having nightmares where I'm just pulling whole fucking pencils from my gums. Then afterwards there's a gap between my teeth and I can taste blood. I have so many teeth and mouth related nightmares that when I wake up I'm surprised and happy to know I actually have all of my teeth, because I'm so used to losing them in my dreams. But why the pencils? Is it residuals from the trauma of having to pick popcorn kernels from between my teeth?
No. 2342425
>>2342387You might be grinding your teeth in your sleep. I used to have a lot of teeth falling out/dental disaster dreams until I started wearing a mouth guard to sleep. Now I never have those dreams (and my teeth don't get little chips in them anymore). Could also be related to anxiety (my dentist said a lot of teeth grinders have anxiety). You don't have to get a professional guard, a cheap at home one has worked perfect for me. Just clean it regularly & it'll last for a decent amount of time.
I'm sorry you're having reoccurring nightmares though, I hope they go away for you & you can find their cause!
No. 2343832
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It's the second time in a few months that I've had a similar dream, a dream that I never had before. Each time I was going (or breaking?) into my friend's home while she wasn't there, and spent a considerable amount of time there. It's a simple, one bedroom apartment, and I would just go through her things and observe everything. The first time I was there to water her plants, as I had gifted a few to her - some were in bad shape, some were still alive and very pretty. I felt a bit of anxiety since I spent more time there than I was supposed to, and was being a bit nosy with her things. I did some dishes and chores to help her when she would come back. The second time I don't remember a particular reason for being there, only that I was there for quite a long time once again and also analyzed every tidbits of the apartment, looking through the drawers, at pictures, and imagining her living there and how it felt. When I went out I saw one of her neighbours and he asked me why I was here since it wasn't my home, I felt a bit awkward but don't remember my answer.
I'm not really sure about the symbolism of this dream, since I don't recall having a similar dream with someone else before nor having dreamed about that friend ever. I don't have any problems with this friend, she's an amazing person, very positive and great to be around. I only have a bit of anxiety sometimes because she's so social and nice to everyone that I feel like she's more of a friend to me than I am to her, since I don't have a lot of friends. I haven't seen her in six months as she moved out of my city, we were supposed to meet in december but she didn't reach out (understandable, she was there to see her family) and I didn't ask her again anyway. I wonder if it's related to all that, or if someone has an idea of other meanings.
No. 2344988
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I don't remember the "storyline" of my dream last night, but here are the most cohesive parts:
>the local McDonald's hired giant elemental creatures made of stone to serve orders. My whole family was there, in the car park at sunset, sitting in white convertibles which we sadly don't own irl kek. I was friends with one of the giants and we had a pleasant chat before he went back to work. Somehow they could go inside the building despite being the size of skyscrapers.
>I was in a fancy-looking garage with Gi-Hun from Squid Game. I wasn't actually "me" during this part of the dream, I was a different woman with light brown hair. Gi-Hun was charging around a black car in a frenzy, pleading for my help to break into it so we could drive away "to safety." I think a different type of monster was outside the room trying to break in, because this part of the dream felt creepy. We were both wearing formal clothes.
>Suddenly it's the early morning. I was in the car with Gi-Hun, but he kicked me out on a random foggy road in the countryside and gave me "a gift" before speeding away. I remember feeling very sad about this. Also, I was back in my own body wearing normal clothes. I unwrapped the gift and it was a bowl full of gemstones, but it had a weird kaleidoscope effect where the contents were constantly changing? All of a sudden, the bowl turned into a massive hole in the ground which I fell inside in slow motion. I remember thinking "oh no, I was supposed to take all these gemstones home, how tf am I gonna do that now?!"
And then I woke up kek
No. 2347100
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>vacation to korea with my parents
>feel someone moving stuff in my backpack
>some korean middle aged woman tried to steal from me
>accused her of stealing
>she calmly explains she didn't steal
>very polite
>accept it as a misunderstanding
>offer to carry her stuff cus I feel bad for accusing her
>for some reason she is carrying a lot of itens with no bag
>parents leave me home and give a lift home to the korean lady
>while parents out I search for videos on how to twerk
>wanna impress the koreans with my booty and dancing skills
>realize I have untwerkable physics
>give up
>hear a car pulling in
>not my parents
>car looks like a tank
>there are 2 other cars getting in the house
>a voice in my head says I should get out
>"they're terrorists" the voice says
>I hijack one of the tanks and ran over the terrorists
>a guy appears out nowhere to help me
>it's keanu reeves
>the voice tells me I am a secret agent and keanu will protect me cus I'm a valuable asset and keanu works for free
>won't elaborate
>terrorists coming in droves shooting everything
>tell keanu we need to go back because I need to clean my history
>keanu says no as he shoots more terrorists
>I shot keanu with my bazooka and he drops off a bridge with the terrorists
>still alive so it's all good
>go back home to feed my cats that appeared in the dream just now
>forget to delete my history
>terrorists now know I can't twerk
No. 2348076
For some reason, planets, satellites, moon, sun, and stars are reoccurring themes in my dreams. Along with dreams about new construction projects happening right beside or in front of our house. And in all these dreams I'm scared of the possibility of either the celestial entities or the new buildings to fall on our house. Yesterday, I had a dream that combined both, where they were building a fancy hotel way too close to our house, with a statue of Jupiter that's way bigger than any house in the area and looks like that star wars metal planet. And I could hear and feel the vibrations of the construction work in the dream because the thing they use to dig the ground is so gigantic, way bigger than it is irl, and is freaking me out through the dream where I'm on the rooftop watching it all unfold and helpless.
No. 2352157
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I had a nightmare that was too real to my liking, so I'm excited about going to the movies today with a friend, but I dreamt that I was too tired and took a nap, which is something I hate to do, and I was like
>It's only 11 am, it will be fine
And I woke up at 6:30 pm even though I had to go watch the movie with my friend at 3 pm, I was crying in the dream and it felt too real, it was seriously awful.
I woke up all worried checking the date and time, thinking that I was actually napping on Saturday, I was so relieved when I saw that it was only 7 am, but then I had trouble going to sleep again.
No. 2356116
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I have always had realistic, reoccurring dreams. One was set somewhere in my home country, in a mishmash of places I've been to, and I pass people I've known along the way. This dream was depressing to wake up from, because it's much nicer there than where I live now. I have had similar dreams several times per year during the decade since I left.
Almost a year ago, I went back to visit my hometown, and the dream hasn't appeared since. My mental state about the topic is different and more resolved now.
Last night, I had a dream that I think is beginning to replace my 'home-coming' dream. In this one, I am at an unfamiliar and busy hub such as a train station or hotel, catching up with more relevant friend(s) while on my way to somewhere unspecified but far.
I hope this is a good sign, not a harbinger of more useless angst or anxiety to come, now that I've finally made peace with letting the past be the past.
No. 2356230
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Has the wildest most horny lolcow approved dream ever. A new restaurant is being opened somewhere fancy I can't even recognize, with great nature and weather, and the restaurant had beautiful white and turquoise blue decorations and paint, with a bit of classic or traditional interior design and architecture. Very refreshing to be inside. Something like picrel but brighter and with no roof, so it's lit by sunlight. The gimmick of the restaurant was all the workers and waiters are hot fit young males, and the restaurant takes female customers only. The hot waiters are dressed in slutty fashion to accentuate their hotness, and they flirt with and perform for the female guests, and they can have sex with a customer if she wants them to. I for some reason work in this restaurant and I'm the only female staff member, and I end up being the consultant for what women like and stuff so they can keep improving the service. Then I end up in an affair with a pale skinned black haired fit waiter, and we go to the storage room to have sex early in the morning right after sunrise and before the restaurant opens everyday, and never get caught. Then for some reason, probably jealousy and possessiveness over him, I suggest to the management that we cut the sex with the guests out for legal liability reasons, so we don't get sued for a female customer claiming to be raped by one of the waiters because she was drunk and didn't consent or something, or get sued for sexual assault. They think I have a point and they do stop doing that. The end. Sorry I ruined this paradise. Funniest part about this was those male waiters had 0 thoughts beyond pleasing the female guests, they dedicated their entire lives for this work and take it very seriously. If an anon can draw this idea it would be great.
No. 2358858
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Said I was going to explode Musks head with telekinesis and then had a nightmare about him. That hog is so disgusting I wish azealia would sacrifice a chicken to end his existence. I'm tired of having to look at this toad
No. 2365227
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I dreamt that a restaurant got a HUGE amount of shit on social media because the managers bought a "cake" for their employee's birthday, but it was actually just a paper sculpture with noodles/meat inside which the managers stole and ate kek. I was watching the video on my phone but suddenly remembered "oh yeah, I need to get to class!" Because I was at university. Half of the campus was on a submarine and the other half was on land. I went up and down a TON of stairs before getting roped into main character shenanigans with other students who needed my help (I think I somehow drove through the submarine in a car at one point??) so I didn't make it to any of my classes that day. And then a huge group of us decided to drive to my grandparents' house, which took us along this beautiful wintery route where we could see rabbits popping out of the snow. When we finally got to my grandparents' house, everyone else suddenly decided to be a bitch and go "nah we don't wanna meet your family anymore, bye" so I walked up the hill by myself, but couldn't get inside the front door because a HUGE cat was guarding it and being super, aggressively territorial. I woke up as I got into a fight with it kek. I've noticed that driving and animals come up a LOT in my non-nightmare dreams.
No. 2365408
A lot of weird dreams today…
In one of them, one of my bosses basically went insane and was trying to rape me. It was so weirdly realistic too, in first person pov and all. I remember just freezing and trying to hold in my nausea as I felt his boner against my butt. Just writing it out makes me a bit queasy. He felt né a lot but never penetrated because he got distracted with another woman with big boobs and went after her. I remember just staying there for a while, fully disassociating with tears in my eyes.
When I finally came back to my senses and left (I was running away on top of roofs, so I wouldn't be detected) I saw a huge, huge gothic meets alien architecture tower, and in the dream I knew that that was actually a type of entity (or controlled by one) that made people go insane, either like my boss was reacting or like insane/die from the revelation, in a cosmic horror kinda way the more you looked at it. I think it affected me a bit, because instead of doing the sensible thing of keep running away on the rooftops, I decided to go down and enter one of the houses, only to reveal even more sinister shit inside, like human flesh hanging from a ceiling hook.
No. 2368984
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I had a dream last night that I kept getting redtexted on mundane shit for posting giant calico critters because it wasnt mundane enough.
No. 2369758
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I dreamt that I was a 10 year old kid again, back in school, and our class was chosen to take part in a science project which required us to be filmed 24/7. All of my classmates from the past were there. The inside of the school looked like picrel, but with intense, dark red lighting. As a reward for taking part in the project, we got a yellow machine installed in the playground which functioned like a mix between construction equipment and a fairground ride, but after a day we were told to disassemble it. At the end of the dream, though, my friends and I overheard this girl (who I used to clash with) get scolded by the supervisor, who threatened her and one of the boys with getting kicked off the project. All of us were angry and I remember saying "they're pieces of work, but they're OUR pieces of work" (or something with that sentiment) before I woke up.
This dream made me pretty sad because I haven't thought about my primary school class in years, but everyone was there and I could remember their faces/names so clearly, and it makes me wonder what could have been if I'd tried harder to keep in contact and what happened to the girl I argued with. Also, my childhood friend who passed away was there. In the dream I couldn't remember that, but I was still so happy to see her when I arrived at school. Maybe she came to visit me.
No. 2372249
>Helping a ginger clean up her suite in preparation for her boyfriend moving in with her
>It’s bad, she’s been too depressed to clean and also has a physical disability
>While I clean we talk about piano lessons she’s taking that she's excited about
>whole time she’s just kind of just limp sitting on the ground, back against the wall, it’s hard to look at
>I go out and get her food, come back, help her eat
>Eventually get the suite is clean, my job is done
>Go out on patio for some air and reflect, think about how nice the patio is, that it’ll be a shame she won’t use it much because she doesn’t like going outside
>Go back in, her boyfriend’s arrived to start his move in
>The boyfriend is a reality TV star IRL who’s a sociopathic fuckboy extraordinaire
>in my dream he’s also MY ex-boyfriend
>I'm stunned to see him, not hurt or angry but caught off guard
>His friends who are helping him move in take the ginger outside for some fresh air, so me and him can have a private moment to talk
>I tell him i’m sorry our relationship was such a trainwreck, things just didn’t work out which sucks, but that i hope the best for him. sappy stuff
>he asks me to give him a hug, i agree
>we hug, break away, then he looks me dead in the eyes and says “i love you”
>i try to correct him by asking if he meant he loveD me, because that would make more sense
>he says nothing, just keeps making intense eye contact
>my dream self knows what a nightmare he is as a boyfriend and thus registers “i love you” as basically a threat coming from him kek
>i don’t know what to say or do so i just give him another hug
>start making my way to the door ASAP after that and think about how i have to stay away from him completely because he's still looking for chances to fuck up my life some more
i was reading posts about the reality star not long before bed so he was on my mind, and there’s a scene on his show where he has a similar interaction with his ex-girlfriend. My actual ex is the same person in a different body so some of my actual feelings and thoughts got mixed into the dream. Nothing really profound but it stuck with me and is still on my mind a couple of days later.
No. 2376113
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I don't know if it's from spending all day on LC but I had a dream where I owned a herd of cream-colored cows and they were very sweet and tame, but one of them kept escaping the fence and I'd have to gently guide her back every time. I miss my cows nonnies…
No. 2376311
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>>2376113This is so cute.
I also dreamt about having a cow a couple years ago. It was so vivid, my parents gifted her to me when she was just a calf, but for my eighteen birthday they made Hamburger with my sweetheart, I was so heartbroken I woke up from the dream. She looked exactly like picrel.
I think about her from time to time.
No. 2376467
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>>2376311May we all be reunited with our dream cows some day
No. 2378048
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I just woke up from a dream where I was in bed being cuddled by someone and when I turned around and saw who it was, it was bob duncan. Reminded me of when bob was everyone’s husbando back in 2015 kek
No. 2379107
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I had a dream I was in the bottom floor of a tropical resort and the weather was quite stormy so the tidal waves in the beach were strong. I opened the door to the balcony which wasn't fenced off and a particularly large wave sent 2 old men who were floating in the beach plummeting straight into the hotel room and crashing into the dining table where me and my family were sat. The event was so absurd it became a dream within a dream where I recollected these strange events and planned on describing it later while inside the dream.
No. 2379964
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I had a dream where Queen Elizabeth and my late grandmother were fighting to use a chicken coop that was torn down in my childhood but when I went inside the coop it was a McDonald's play place and I got trapped in the ball pit
Pic almost unrelated
No. 2385734
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The setting was apocalyptic. I was one of Earth's few survivors after a disaster (I can't remember what) and we were all crowded together in a giant, rickety building…but every other survivor was a character from children's media. Peppa Pig was there, Elmo was there, the Muppets, Miffy, Pikachu, 80s Rainbow Dash, and waaaay more that I've forgotten. There were also a lot of generic nameless puppets. Our "community" was being run by Willy Wonka, but he wasn't whimsical like in the original movie. He was overworked and stressed. As I walked through the hallway, it was chaos, the characters would all be swinging off the fucking rafters and singing at top volume, so I had to chase them and make sure they didn't kill themselves by falling down 20 flights of stairs. Even the canonically chill ones were acting like they'd inhaled bath salts for 14 hours straight. I guess I did something to annoy Wonka because the dickhead ordered me to leave and scour the wasteland for supplies.
AS SOON AS I left the building, the entire atmosphere of the dream changed into a horror movie. I teleported into an abandoned hospital and had to hide from these terrifying Slenderman-looking monsters, but then I teleported again and they were chasing me through…I think a supermarket?? Clearly I'd covered a lot of ground for Wonka kek. Luckily the door to the safehouse appeared in front of me when I escaped, so my trip was a success. Once I got back inside the atmosphere went back to ADHD special ed classroom but I was like "I'm never doing that again" and went to Willy Wonka's office to complain. He was sitting there with his head in his fucking hands. We started arguing about my jobs in the community, but we didn't get far, because Timothy goddamn Chalamet appeared in his Wonka get-up and started singing over us. He was drawn like a cartoon but I could still tell it was him. The original Wonka started SCREAMING at him to get out and Timothy responded by talking in whimsical riddles. I was like "you dickhead, you weren't even concerned if I died" and was having a one-sided debate while he was just screeching at the top of his lungs at his reboot self?? I think Timothy tried to give me something but the original Wonka blocked him with his body and refused, which pissed me off even further. And then I woke up.
No. 2386301
Had a really fucked up “bugs where they shouldn’t be” kind of nightmare. Spoilered because gross. I was goofing around and rolling down hills in a park with a friend, and rolled over the head of a zombie. A piece of maggoty zombie flesh ended up in my mouth, but I didn’t realize it. After getting home, I tried going to bed but felt nauseous and had acid reflux. I went to the bathroom to puke and out came clumps of still living stinkbugs, all clinging to each other. They were all floating in the toilet bowl water. My brother and father were there and went to get help while I tried not to freak out and sort of… kept reaching in my throat, pulling out clumps of wigging stinkbugs, and the more I pulled out the less intact they were, like they’d been crushed by the pressure of my esophagus. I remember trying so hard to not freak out externally because i was afraid that i’d crush more of them by panicking and the idea of having more dead bugs inside me made me feel like i was about to go insane. i had another dream afterwards and in it i remember getting mad at people for not being more patient with me since that whole thing had just happened. Like no, I’m not going to help you find your charger, leave me alone, I woke up in the middle of the night vomiting stinkbugs, find it yourself!
No. 2386334
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I had a long stressful dream about trying to get out of hospital campus, trying to get a car parked on a roof under a giant
toxic smoking chimney or something but what i remember the most is that sometime before this i was in the hospital room and somebody visited me with their pet Guinea pig/rat hybrid. It was SOOOO CUTE. It was bigger than a guinea pig, had long brown hair, rat tail and it could walk on it's hind legs like a little dinosaur. I was like i didn't know it's possible to breed these things together i gotta get one too!!!
>>2386301oof>>2386326Sounds like a sign.
No. 2386563
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My latest college assignment was to watch a 16 hour long YouTube video about an autistic cat. There was some kind of tracker built into the laptop so they'd know if I took breaks or went on other tabs. I had to list all of the autistic cat's comfort blankets, toys, the turtleneck sweaters it wore, its favourite food, its "anti-angry medication", etc, and I had to write live commentary as I was watching. It wasn't a documentary or anything it was just the owners vlogging. However, we all had a loophole where we could use splitscreen to type in the class group chat. Everybody in it was roasting the FUCK out of this cat by calling it ugly and retarded. They were also raging about the length of the video, cursing its existence for being forced to watch its dumbass routine for its mental health. I couldn't type anything because I was frantically trying to write things down in my notebook, but the group chat was going INSANELY fast, like "Twitch streamer just said a slur" fast, and every time I closed it the window would just appear on screen again through the power of raw spite. At one point the cat shit on the floor and the group chat collectively lost their minds.
No. 2386576
>>2386563Forgot to mention that the owners kept trying to prove their cat could solve puzzles, but the cat kept getting the answers wrong and the same person would just
rage in the group chat every time like "OH MY GOD, THAT IS
No. 2394576
Had a dream that I was on some futuristic ship (water ship, not spaceship) with a bunch of other people and there was some sort of disaster happening with the ocean. We survived, but somehow we ended up in the water and another group overtook the ship. We killed them and resumed living our life. The ship was like a little town, with different services and shops and stuff. After we took the ship back, I went on a shopping spree where I bought clothes, sushi, and a mango strawberry (or mango lemonade? not sure) smoothie. There was also a wax lady, and as I passed by her shop someone warned me that she doesn't do Brazilians because people were asking her to "go a bit too low"
Anyway, the only sad part about the dream was that I had a pet that I ended up losing in the water. There were multiple times in my dream where I tried to go back out to find it, but my brain wouldn't let me. Other than that, I hope I have more dreams like that.
No. 2397244
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I went to the city and ordered a strawberry matcha latte at a cafe, I’ve never had one in real life. I run into my ex inside the cafe, he seems a little standoffish but happy to see me, I feel the same. We begin to talk and walk around the city and I invite him back to my house where we talk about nothing particularly interesting. I feel the need to sneak him out when we are done, but my brother sees me with him and looks at me very strangely. We begin to walk and talk and as we part ways he smirks and asked for a good bye fore head kiss. I hesitated but obliged and in that moment I realised that he had become a very old man, pretty much unrecognisable. I immediately felt disgust and quickly left and found a short cut through an art installation where visitors had to wade through mud, animal carcasses and dead bodies in just socks. I was at first disgusted but in the end I had made peace with how dirty my feet had gotten because I just wanted to get out. I exited near a dam and woke up
I hope he dies honestly
No. 2402803
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I had a dream there was actual war on American soil. Like, actual tanks in my city with their cannons pointed in our direction. Me and my friends were all doing that “duck and cover” thing they did in the 50s and joking about how we were all going to die.
Then Trump “called for a ceasefire” and somehow ended things. But people were suspicious that he instigated the whole thing just so he could be the one to bring an end to it and be the big hero.
I also dreamed Melania left him and somehow that’s the least realistic part.
No. 2403302
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I had a dream that Bernie Mac was my great uncle. It actually reminded me of a dream that I had before where there was some sort of event being hosted at his home where people would train and prove themselves in a series of tests to ascend into some sort of fantastical, higher being. I think I chose to become a guardian angel.
No. 2403363
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I had a "trapped in a windowless/exit-less house" nightmare again, but this time Freddy Fazbear appeared and chased the other monster away. What does this mean.
No. 2403851
>>2403302Maybe Bernie Mac is
your guardian angel nona
No. 2405523
The world went to war and divided into two sides, with the exact same amount of countries on each "team." My friend and I got conscripted, but we somehow got stuck in enemy territory and our boss was like "great, you're spies now, find out their secrets and stay alive." We weren't happy about this but we figured we had no choice and went to infiltrate the Russian army. Everyone in the dream was speaking English which was convenient kek. We wandered through ghost towns thinking "where is everyone" until we learned all the countries had gone to a huge convention, where everyone was showing off their planes, ships, guns etc and having one last meal together before the fighting started. Practically everyone on Earth was in this room but most of the people I met were in military uniform. My friend and I found our boss and she immediately just berated us for slacking off, telling us to get on the other side so we could keep spying (the room was divided in 2). So we ended up sitting at a table with a Russian woman, who was very friendly but was also the only person in the entire dream to question my accent (my friend got away with it for some reason). We told her I was from a village on the Russian border and she believed us. Suddenly, we learned that everyone on the enemy side was obsessed with this cream called "1/28th" (after the ratio of its ingredients). The Russian lady got some and smeared it all over her arms and face, telling us we needed to buy some too. My friend found a jar of it under the table, so I went wandering to find more info. I bought some cream from some random country with a pirate ship and he was like "you do know what this stuff is capable of, right?' and I laughed it off like "haha yeah" even though I was secretly shitting bricks kek. There was also a "subplot" that my POV kept switching to about two puppets getting a divorce and arguing over who kept the furniture.
No. 2405742
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>Wake up
>Go back to sleep
>Have fever dreams
Every time. This time, I had a really weird dream that I was hanging out with Taylor Swift. I was also a wizard. I got invited to LA for my talents with magic and met a bunch of celebrities at a party, but a guy in a suit pulled me aside and practically threw me into a booth with Taylor. We started talking, and she was friendly, but there was this weird undertone that I was being interrogated and analysed the whole time. I gave short, safe answers to all her questions. Suddenly we were in a clothes shop together. She was venting to me about never being happy in a relationship, mostly because she was always pressured to be in one by her family/PR team and didn't know who she could trust not to be a gold digger. Like, she was full-on raging about it. I was still very conscious of my budding career and giving generic "wow I'm sorry, that sucks" answers. To cheer herself up, she stole a pair of crocs and forced me to run away from security with her, crackling like a madwoman the whole time. Unfortunately, she tried to go down a very steep escalator and our trolley full of goods went crashing down.
I was legitimately upset about this because I'd bought all my favourite snacks, so I used my magic powers to salvage what I could as I cleaned up the mess, but most of it was irreparable. Just then, ANOTHER wizard appeared (an old guy) informing me that I needed to gather my family and help him with a complicated spell. I was distracted because I couldn't find half of the items we'd bought, and after what felt like ages of searching, I finally gave up and was like "okay, whatever, let's go." I was actually so sad about the missing food kek. Taylor cut in like "hold on, you can't go yet, our day isn't finished" so we went to watch…some kind of show? Taylor was ranting at me again because she'd gotten in a scandal for saying something vaguely terfy. I consoled her by informing her she was right and shouldn't feel guilty about her beliefs. However, I suddenly got the feeling she was collecting blackmail material, and quickly left the theatre out of fear. The wizard guy was waiting outside. He bitched at me for taking so long to ditch her before we left.
We arrived in a huge field with ruins everywhere. It looked like something out of BOTW. My family was there, except it wasn't my real family, it was a random couple and two little kids. Two teenagers I wasn't related to were also there. The game's "interface" changed to look like a first-person video game. The wizard tested me by giving me puzzles to solve with the teenagers, who wandered off and disappeared halfway through but nobody cared kek. Eventually the wizard was like "good enough, you're ready" and made us all sit down in a circle. We had to sit very close together for the spell to work. Taylor reappeared at some point to watch the magic happen. My "dad" in the dream was super nice, giving me hugs and telling me the spell was gonna be fine. I can't really remember the spell itself but there was a lot of blue light. Suddenly, an "ending screen" appeared (as if I was playing a game again) describing the outcome…and it was a bad end. It had a horrible, mocking tone, somehow, and this is where the dream got creepy. I was back in the circle with my family, but our bodies slowly started getting closer and closer to each other until we were literally folding into a human pretzel. I immediately knew we were gonna fuse together into a big, melted mass. I screamed out to Taylor for help, but she was so horrified that she just bolted. The wizard was desperately trying to undo the spell and help us. Nothing was working, though. The dream cut straight to the aftermath (this time I was a spectator, watching myself from above) and this huge, meaty monster came staggering out of the ruins. It wasn't screaming anymore, it was totally silent. The wizard tried to run away, but the monster recognised him and got so angry that it lunged and started attacking him. All the while, he was just begging for a second chance to save our family from his mistake. I somehow didn't realise how morbid this was until I woke up. I was just looking down on the scene with a completely neutral feeling.
No. 2417943
>>2417936Samefag, I just read the news and the police was pepper spraying and beating protesters today
Well not for long. My dreams are prophetic, they'll be investigating themselves soon enough
No. 2426872
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Had a dream I went to my parent's house finding out nobody cared for my rabbit. He didn't have any water, food and the cage was filthy. So i cleared out another cage a set it up for the poor guy. I miss him and i'm sad i was a dumb kid, i should have cared for him better than i did.
No. 2428089
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Dreamt about visiting Blur. Theay had a big house and every member lived on a different floor in a room tucked in the maze of this house. I checked out everybody's room and went downstairs to Damon's room. Then we had sex and it suuuucked, it's like we weren't compatible and towards the end he started looking really creepy and not like Damon at all. Then my yoga ball started deflating because there was a hole in it and it made me angry.
No. 2428104
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>>2428089I love crazy house-maze dreams. This is what ghost are imo, like drunk astral projections. You probably just Lilith'd a mid-western scrote and he will have a new fetish without understanding why
No. 2428110
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>>2428108I said you should go back to sleep, you look tired
No. 2428305
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>be me browsing lc in my dream
>see funny post
>reply to that nonna
>get reply back
>she tells me she can tell from my typing style that I'm smelly and have no friends
I was so offended I woke up lmao
No. 2429925
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had a dream i was invisible and could phase through walls like a ghost. if youve ever played minecraft, it was basically just spectator mode. so what did i use this newfound power for? to watch my crush shower. god i hate my brain KEK besides that, i people-watched which was quite fun… and a lot more normal…
No. 2431198
Had a dream where a woman with a pet tiger is my neighbour, and she has some telekinetic powers I'm initially unaware of. She exercises her powers by controlling a specific TV program which airs around 6 PM. Everyone who watches this enters some sort of trance. Both my father and brother watch this program and forbid me from doing so, and precisely because of this I make a point to watch it multiple days. I watch the program from my computer. On maybe the third night the wood of the secretary desk behind the monitor starts to dissolve and burn, first in tiny spots, and then growing into mold-like shapes that glow bright orange on the edges. I turn away from the screen and, even though I'm alone, I know she's watching me.
This would be a normal dream for me in terms of images but I'm disappointed because I've been trying to lucid dream about my parasocial online crush kek
>>2429925i would've done the same tbh
No. 2440701
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Had a dream I found out a colleague of mine was a Rika pokemon yumejoshi, I found her online account and blog and everything. I also remember her self insert oc looking like yancy from pokemom b2w2
No. 2442875
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I've been having lots of dreams lately where I need to fight my way out of situations. I wake up in the middle of scrapping with my bedcovers while my cats stare at me for being a retard.
No. 2448834
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Today my dream was that Ariana Grande (not current Ariana, but "bad girl" Ariana) was about to go on a date with a guy named Dustin (dark hair, actually pretty cute) but he wasn't wearing a suit. She invited him inside but suddenly her retarded, neon pink, horse sister made an appearance. She tried to keep Dustin from seeing the retarded horse sister but eventually she got loose and Ariana's "dad", a humanized Apple Jack from MLP, had to wrangle the retarded horse with a lasso.
No. 2453351
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My flesh was sloughing off the bottom of my feet. I was trying to hide it from everyone except the doctor, who was being weirdly judgemental and condescending about it. After the appointment, I was very upset and went to find my sister, who was standing on the edge of a grassy cliff, passive-aggressively ranting about the people she hates while a storm brewed in the distance. Then we both looked down to see blood gushing out of my shoes.
No. 2453469
This was a weird ass dream.
At first I was at some family gathering with a family that wasn't mine but that I thought was mine, and a hot guy appeared and just hugged me a lot, he was really happy to see me.
But then I learned that he's actually married and has kids, so I decided to walk out of the gathering.
Everyone was looking for me, specially that hot guy that liked me, but I blended in with some people that were in a college party.
At first I didn't know anyone, but suddenly I did know everyone and everyone was bullying me. It wasn't regular bullying though, they actually wanted to torture and kill me, so I, again, ran away.
Some people were following me around, pretending to be friendly and I kept pushing them away and sneaking around to get away from them but they would always find me.
Then I noticed that they left me alone if I stuck to an ugly ass professor, so I did what anyone else would do in that situation and jumped off the roof of some stable, hoping it would kill me.
But that didn't kill me, so he helped me and I stuck to him like a fat tick.
It was seriously disgusting, I felt miserable with him, when he basically asked for me to fuck him because he was "protecting" me, I actually felt how much that hurt and I couldn't stop thinking about the cute guy, but he never came to save me, I had to had sex with that ugly fucker or I would get killed.
I just want to dream of my husbandos, wtf was that.
No. 2456743
My dream after waking super early and, after having attended to my cat, went back to sleep:
>I heard a woman’s voice. Mix of English and Spanish. Dad was talking to her. And mentioned her own kids, Jonathan? Nathaniel? A third one too, another son. I had been reeling after seeing my maternal grandmother lie dead on the street with my aunt and an unknown person next to her. As i came across the scene while on dad’s truck, dad was driving, on my way to, where? I was reading a newspaper, and I read a bit about my maternal grandmother, getting scanned by a named person? I told dad, I told him to stop driving. He parked next to the scene. I walked up to the scene, asked my aunt what had happened; she seemed sort of indifferent. According to her, she had eaten some bad gelatin, bought from a store that was nearby. I ran to it, bawling on the way.
>This mystery woman and dad, they were talking and laughing. I got up from wherever I was, a room, in this strange house that looked more like, an empty house, this was not my house, my dad had been talking about, 18 pounds on this mystery woman, she was talking about how well some clothes fit on her, I went to the hallway, at the end of this hallway, was a door, one of those, business type doors, with the metal push thing in the middle to open, and a window to the outside, the mystery woman was right in front of it. This woman, she was dark skinned, short haired, plump, and very confident in demeanor. She smiled as soon as she saw me, I started shouting angrily, dad came into the picture, I don’t remember what he was saying, but he clearly didn’t care. The woman laughed. I called my dad a faggot. He laughed, he was fucking a whole woman, all woman. The woman laughed too. I ran, to where? I confronted my brother who was also here, I told him about all of this, he seemed very indifferent. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, shortly after I woke up.
This all started, I remember, few snippets, out of order, as I can’t really remember:
>on a ride to a fancy restaurant, packed, a man and a woman, the driver, and a passenger, we were all from this same group, of what, I don’t know, an organization? The man asked me a question, I answered, it was conversational talk, the woman next to me, I was sitting in the middle, she joined in, the man on the other side of me seemed much more engaged in speaking with her, I offered him to switch positions so he could better talk with her without me awkwardly in the middle. He agreed and we switched. I stared out the window, feeling dejected. It was nighttime, busy downtown.
>As a group, of students it felt to me, we visited a shop at nighttime, it felt and looked at times like a dollar, general store, but also as a small grocer, there was a section with meats. I would go to the candy section, and specifically sought out chocolate covered raisins, my favorite. To no avail.
>Somewhere, someone asked me about chorizo. I explained to them what it was, ground meat by-products, with spices added. Originally from Spain. I added that it was very delicious.
>As a group, we were at what felt like a gift shop. Few clothes offerings; I really liked a grungy, punk-ish blouse, but they were all small sizes. Beautiful dresses as well, but all sizes that didn’t fit me. They had a clearance shoe rack section. I looked over, hoping to see some mules; I thought, if I found some, I will buy them.
>While being driven to some destination I cannot remember, I remembered that I had abandoned my heels, to put on some more comfortable boots without heel. For some reason I had removed these boots, and I was now only in my tights. As we drove past a dirt road, I could see where I had left them; on the side of the road, along with a boot remover helper, I’m not sure what those things are called. I made a mental note, but then I remarked, this is a dream, I can just will myself those boots or something else when I arrive. But I had to will strongly enough, because sometimes, it doesn’t work.
>I was in what seemed like a busy shopping mall. I could see my mom around the crowd. She was having fun. I think, she was calling out my name, or was she just mentioning my name? I sneaked up to her, following her to what seemed like a shoe shop. I don’t remember much our interaction. This shoe shop was also packed. I do know the interaction did not go well; she was indifferent and laughed at me. I felt sad and defeated.
>As I was in this bus, it was early morning, the bus packed with people from my same group or organization, we were on what felt like a concert or festival. The road was just dirt, beige, rocky, not actual dark soil, I don’t know how to describe this or the correct word for this. On the road, there were many parked vehicles and vehicles heading to the same direction. The road was narrow, and it was on a strange, edge, there was a danger of falling over to the nothingness below, the nothingness was light, foggy. There were a few dead people on the road. Some people sat next to them, some attending to them. There was one that had a pile of three dead bodies.
No. 2460742
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>>2460659It actually made perfect sense in my dream, I made a drawing to help you understand better. From left to right: shaved, bush, eyebrows. Basically, would you trim your bush in an eyebrow shape so your vagina-eyes can have eyebrows.
Literally when I was sleeping my brain just kept repeating this over and over. It's actually a really good question,
No. 2460793
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I dreamt that I lived in the universe of the Hunger Games and the Capitol released this new technology in the form of woven yellow patches. They released POTENT enhancing drugs into the bloodstream of whoever wore them, making them crazy but also much stronger/faster. People were debating if this actually made the games better or if it was a boring cheat. Suddenly, I became a tribute and was teleported into the Arena (it looked like a big stone dungeon), along with an Asian boy who was supposed to be my childhood friend from the district. He'd gotten a patch from a sponsor and wore it on his face, but it was making me nervous. I gave a speech to him and the other tributes about how everyone had a fair chance and we should all team up against the Capitol, but my friend gave me this evil-looking smile and said "some chances are fairer than others." Then he slowly advanced on me with a spear as I backed into a corner.
No. 2460800
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>>2460793Nona wants to quit something but it will be very challenging for her. She associates this with smoking and nicotine patches. This addiction has great power over her and she knows the battle has only begun