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No. 1555655
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>>1555653Doesn't contradict the sociopathy
No. 1558247
>>1555663idk about quitting
nonnie but for me what helps is ambient music or like those ASMR ambience videos because it helps me read or pray. i try at the very least to say a few prayers when i wake up and when i go to sleep while also trying to be mindful during the day
No. 1558257
>>1555628I grew up as a Christian and I still consider myself one but hate a lot of stuff people do "in the name of religion". When I was a child I also had this surprising idea that in the future maybe I should try out all possible religions or learn as much about them all to see which are the closest to truth.
I believe in afterlife, I'd prefer to spend that time with a certain person from the past I feel drawn to rather with my family though. My family is awful and they traumatised me through the childhood (nothing connected to religion though, just emotional abuse).
I'm very interested in learning about religions, mythologies and so on. I like to investigate motifs and beliefs. I feel like there's a lot of stuff people aren't aware of or got it wrong. And still like that in that idea from childhood I mentioned, I believe a lot of religions/spirituality systems have some valuable things in them hidden.
Dreams are very important to me and I had some weird experiences associated with them. Premonition dreams, learning about things from the past I didn't know of (they turned out to be real). I have lucid dreams sometimes too and I like reading on this topic although I don't really train to have these, I enjoy non-lucid dreams too and don't feel like pursing LDs at all costs.
There were times when I wondered about solipsism-like models of the world. Sometimes I just feel as if I wish that after death I could go to some happier places and situations I know from dreams.
It's crazy and I won't share details but this person I feel drawn to, I had some synchronicities in life related to that person and really want to meet after death. We are so similar and I think I could find a happier life with someone like that.
No. 1558265
>>1558257sage for replying to my post, I'd share some ideas I had about it all, maybe someone could relate:
>reincarnation is possible but not compulsory; some souls might choose to move on or they might choose to reincarnate to change something or do what they want to; alternatively they reincarnate until they learn something or become better, being ordered by someone but idk>there can be an individual heaven, an afterlife existence related to anything someone considers the best and most comforting >there is one God/Source and various deities from religions all around the world and spirits might be just manifestations of this one being or some beings that work for the highest one; there can be more cooperation than people think or more conflicts>there can be different realities existing due to ideas about them appearing; they might exist at some point on another level or cease to exist if they're not needed; this is like a dream>everyone is a sort of universe meaning their can be less or more unconscious figures within us, a world of imagination or something more; for some it's merely like a psychological tool but maybe if someone wishes it can be a bit more substantial help in the inner world, to interact with these inner figures (which are ultimately parts of one's self)>maybe the God/highest being is also someone who has all these inner figures and we are all in the imagination of that being>dreams can be used to recall super deep memories but I don't mean it on some "satanic panic" mumbo-jumbo way, based on my experiences dream can help to relive some moments of our lives or see what they could be like to us (for example I went to places I was in years ago) or recall things we heard of but it was so long time ago we don't remember or barely remember (I recalled a title of book series I heard of over 10 years ago and haven't heard of again)>I believe in the possibility of telepathy, maybe not to that extent to have detailed dialogues with someone but to sort of be connected and think of same images, emotions, etc.>in one if the theories all souls might serve as a matter for the "structure" of God/highest being; this being would have both some individual meta-mind but possibly all individuals might act on their own if needed >humans aren't the only creatures that have souls, animals do have these for sure (and I believe you can be with your pets in Heaven/afterlife) No. 1558269
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I believe in the soul and consequently soul sickness. Same with God versus Godlessness. I.e. when I was in awful jobs, awful relationships, addicted to various thing, I felt sick in my soul and far from spirituality, a "godless" way of living. I found ways to get better and live better and no longer feel so godless even though I'm not religious now per se. I also believe in an afterlife and Samsara. I can't really adequately summarize my beliefs internally let alone outloud but that's the essance of it.
No. 2191157
>>2191145I’m glad they have, God is a sun-war-saturn god and a fucking faggot who can’t stand not being worshipped and praised by large groups of people, hence why we have monotheism. God isn’t the only god, he comes from a pagan background with other gods who contributed to the creation of humans and earth. There is no purpose on worshipping or liking something that forces or tricks you to either obeying or rebelling, still keeping you in its grip by the very idea of sin and karmic matrix, that is typical saturnian energy Saturn is the planet of the task masker and tester, just like Satan. God is Satan, because he will track down and find deranged edgelord trannies and funfems who try to escape his grip and test their faith by making them larp as satanists and atheists when it’s just a saturnian test. God is the reason for faggot worship, god is the reason why so many of these people claim that it’s the Christian thing to accept gendie shit and misogyny in the churches, why would Gen Z be interested in that when they are already in the new next shiny thing which is just neo-paganism revival, which is just another test/task from God to test people’s faith in him, it’s honestly ridiculous. I think they should just stop the labels and constant desires of identity and remove themselves from all religion and spirituality, there’s clearly no escape from this overarching retard in chief god who keeps claiming he’s all powerful. New Age is just the same “faith testing” shit that deity pulls whenever people try to pull away from his worship and honestly worship of all his avatars, remember that moment where people were very critical of Christianity and then it gets crushed completely by this new interest in witchcraft, paganism, etc. I don’t know how anybody could worship that dude, he seems exhausting to devote yourself to, that’s probably why his energy comes off as psychopathic to people because it’s extremely heavy and tasking.
No. 2191215
>>2191181You were dead before you were born too.
same shit happens, you just wake up again.
The eternity after that your death will pass in the same way as the eternity before your birth - 14 billion years, and that's just what we can deduce.
if I was born once, I’ll be born again. Maybe not as myself specifically, and maybe not even in the future, but the past.
No. 2191223
>>1555628My life hasn't been doing so good so recently I've been unironically hoping that the isekai afterlife is real.
As far as afterlife go, aren't those pretty nice?
No. 2191244
>>2191215That’s the naturalist theory of reincarnation (basically that if the universe popped out of nothing and so did we that it could all easily happen again) certain strands of Buddhism believe in a similar idea. It’s definitely one of the more convincing arguments in favor of reincarnation since I’ve even see quite a few atheists say they believe in it. And yeah the universe only seems to be older and older the more we find in it and that’s discounting the idea there may have been a universe before the Big Bang or even an idea in Jainism that it always existed and always will
>>2191223I got big into reality shifting back during early this year, honestly I remember really wanting to try shifting to FNAF or MLP or something like that. In terms of the afterlife I believed in the whole “reincarnation exists as a pick up where you left off” but idk how much I believe in the concept now, it’s the ideal form but not really logical when you apply it on an eternal scale but who really knows what’s true about the metaphysical planes if they exist. I really liked reading about the CIA’s docs about parapsychology and fully believed it but now I think it’s more than likely just Psyops or lucid dreaming that Zoomers do to escape the BS of everyday life
No. 2191279
>>2191244It’s definitely an idea I find very comforting. The idea of being born once in this universe and then being lost to oblivion depressed me for a while. It does make me worried about what torturous lives are in store though.
I wonder if there is a meaning in being born and dying so many times, or if it’s just a normal function without any special metaphysical properties. I don’t think it’s suffering or whatever eastern philosophies say. I love living, for the most part.
No. 2191310
>>2191279If you follow new age / new thought circles they say Earth exists as a cosmic school of sorts and reincarnation and having so many lives is usually to either collect experiences for knowledge or otherwise learn spiritual lessons. Maybe just for fun. It’s kind of a first world sort of mindset really, it’s easy to say “I love life and can’t wait to be reincarnated” when you’re living comfortably in a first world country, they never usually say that in 3rd world countries surrounded by war. Usually there’s no end to it and the cycle goes on forever and some believe you have infinite past lives as well as infinite future ones or are on some kind of non-linear time between lives. Some say the end goal is to evolve into an angel or higher spiritual being (sort of like Eastern religion but also not really). There’s been an uptick in “new age to Jesus” testimonies so idk if the belief will last. My main fear with reincarnation is getting incarnated into a third world country or some shit, or even worse getting incarnated as a rapist or something in the advent that incarnation is pre-determined.
Personally I used to be an atheist (now I’m agnostic) and even as someone who has issues with a lot of religion, I think much of the so-called “Reddit Atheism” is just harmful. The shaming and berating of anyone who believes in a higher power or any kind of afterlife is why so many people don’t like atheists and why they’re the subject of so much scrutiny. Trying to pull out big incomprehensible numbers to scare people away from believing in a Heaven cuz “it will get boring” is just gonna end up making people more miserable. For me personally all it did was make me fear no afterlife and an actual afterlife and I already struggled with fears of both, it only got worse when all this trans humanism stuff started coming out cuz it pushes it to the fore front of your mind.
No. 2191565
Personally I’m agnostic but my family is basically all Catholic, at least on my Dad’s side. He got married to my Step Mom in a Catholic Church, I went to Sunday School as a kid, got communion, basically every room in my Grandpa’s house has a cross or a crucifix. My Mom’s side of the family is mostly the same but she also has books about communicating with angels and went to a psychic last year and stuff. I think she may be Christopagan or Christian/Catholic but just ok with Woo Woo Stuff cuz she owns a cross and Holy Water and has biblical statues. My oldest sister I’m unsure of her religion but she has tarot cards and my 2nd oldest sister is a major new ager. She’s read tarot, she has crystals, she bought books about witchcraft and “connecting to the universal mind”, and recently she got a book about manifesting by Joe Dispenza and an Eckhart Tolle book. She got a Bible recently so maybe she’s also Christopagan or just got it as a gift (Grandma on my Mom’s side is deeply Catholic). I think my Grandpa on my dad’s side once said he believes in Eternal Recurrence though. I’m basically the odd one out in my family, I pretend that I fully believe in Catholicism to make my Grandparents happy, especially my Great Grandma, but in reality idk what I believe in. I have an interest in the paranormal and parapsychology and all that and seeing if there’s any reality to it but due to the hyper new age nature of the conversation around it I’m a bit pushed away from it on instinct honestly.
No. 2193310
>>1555628>Do you believe in god(s) or an afterlife?I do. I converted to Catholicism in college and am a married woman in my mid-20s now. I converted because of my college classes actually. I read philosophical and theological arguments for God and found them very convincing. I started to attend a PCUSA church in my college town but didn't take it too seriously. I acknowledged the existence of God but it didn't affect my life much.
I became more devout once my social circle changed. My friends early in college were YDSA/queer people, and some of them really hurt me. Namely, my nigel at the time tried to pressure me into polyamory with a bi girl who had been a close friend of mine, and she stopped respecting my boundaries. She continued to come onto me and it made me really uncomfortable. Eventually, my bf dumped me and they started dating. A lot of other nasty social dynamics occurred at the time, and I shifted my friend group to Catholic people.
These people were often married older couples, and I started to rapidly mature. I kicked a lot of my bad habits and worked through a lot of my emotional issues. Out of college, I got a great job and met my husband. Today, I'm really happy that I have a tight-knit community of stable adults that support me.
>Where do we go after death?Heaven or hell – this is immaterial, timeless of state of existence. After the final judgment, we'll be resurrected with either glorified or broken bodies to live on the New Earth.
>Do we have souls?Yes, but not like how they're portrayed in media. In media, it's more akin to Casper the Friendly Ghost, where its a wispy substance that detaches from our body and that controls our body like a machine. The Church sees our soul as more akin to the 'function' or animating purpose-driven principle of the body. It's a concept that's not really disconnected from biology, but I won't be tism about it.
>Do you pray or meditate?I do! Not every day, but I pray. Mostly for others. My life is very good and I don't have much to ask for, but there is so much suffering that people deal with, and I pray for them.
No. 2193527
>>2193103>men can be witches too!!!This pisses me off to no end
Were you burned at the stake too? Tied and drowned?
Historical women's struggles are just a fun character for you to assume
No. 2193528
>>2193527I don't think men should be witches, but yes, they were. Historically, women were 90% of
victims in witch hunts, but men were hanged and burnt too.
No. 2195805
>>2195772She was mentally ill and a covert narcissist with the maturity of a 13 year old. She also treated me like a toy and only wanted to interact with me when she was bored and to fulfill her own needs.
>>2195786>I just wanted some sort of encouragementI really relate to it, even if there was no teacher for my music skills I would have probably kept up with playing on the keyboard if there was some interest. But my family either discouraged me or showed no interest at all.
No. 2195842
>>2195831As someone with an
abusive narcissist mother as well, where’s your karma though? How are you helped after having your life ruined?
No. 2195849
>>2195842I became a magician as a result so I guess that's kinda a good payoff. It's pretty crazy where I ended up because of my shit family.
>>2195843Thanks, she is dead.
No. 2195916
>>2195913You can use them yourself, the knowledge is available for free.
>>2195914It has been like that for a very long time though
No. 2195919
>>2195912Wdym nonna
>>2195908I believe that tbh, it would explain why so many of these artists’ music videos are full of occult and esoteric symbols and references. It’s probably why so many of them sacrifice their families in order to achieve their own destiny, they’re practically sacrificing another person’s fate for theirs. Ex. Jennifer Hudson, Mariah Carrey, Jackson family, etc.
No. 2195922
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>>2195882Being observed in this cruel world (just read the news stories thread) only makes sense if it's by the Demiurge. In Gnostic belief, the Demiurge is typically seen as a lower, imperfect creator god who fashioned the material universe. The Demiurge is often contrasted with the perfect, transcendent God who is pure spirit and perfection. The material world, created by the Demiurge, is viewed as flawed or even corrupt.
The Demiurge’s motive is often seen as misguided or arrogant. It believes it is the ultimate creator and ruler of the universe, but it is actually ignorant of the higher, true divine reality. It's creation of the physical world is viewed as either an error or an intentional act to trap spiritual beings in the limitations of material existence.
The Demiurge creates a world full of suffering and illusion, seeking to keep human souls confined in material bodies. The Gnostic path involves awakening to this reality, seeking hidden knowledge (gnosis) to escape the Demiurge’s influence and return to the true, divine source.
No. 2195931
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>>2195923She had her destiny stolen because many people wanted it.
One of them was Beyonce but normies and her delusional stans don’t want to hear this tinfoil No. 2195939
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>>2195928Sabrina Carpenter’s aunt who was the voice of Bart Simpson is in the Church of Scientology kek. I know it’s a meme church but there’s a lot of clout and money funneled into it. I also get a sneaky suspicion that Chappell Roan has family into Scientology as well
No. 2195976
Why do men think they were created in the (failed) image of anything but women, walking around with nipples.
>>2195953The difference is one of those is a money making organization seeking power
No. 2195979
>>2195976AYRT and I was saying Scientology’s core
beliefs are the same as the others, not that the others do the same cult shit
No. 2195995
>>2195969I believe we have a soul, which remains the same but can change and grow just like we do in life. I think we reincarnate through our bloodline, so you follow your descendants and watch over certain ones until eventually you decide to reincarnate when a child is born. I think a lot of the guidance and protection the give is just to get their descendants to do what they want and reproduce to continue the line, they don’t necessarily care about anyone’s well being.
>>2195973Same, my sister was the favorite too and she was shielded from all harm while I was physically and sexually abused and psychologically tortured. Then she turned out like our parents so our guides decided that I’m the favorite now, after they used me to shield her throughout our childhoods. They want to use one of us for something and thought it would be easier to use her if she wasn’t traumatized. I’m not sure why they decided she was the favorite in the first place.
No. 2196022
>>2196009I had to cut off contact with my sister because she’s a truly terrible person. I still love her but I’m extremely jealous too. I went through my childhood being grateful that I was taking all the abuse instead of her, but now I’m genuinely suicidal about having been scapegoated all that time, and there’s nothing I can do about it. My life was wasted because of it, and just to find out that it was all intentional because she was the favorite and I wasn’t loved.
>>2196011I’ve heard a lot of weird stories about elderly people dying and seeming to be reborn as a baby in the family
No. 2196087
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This comment explains it better than I can, spiritual psychosis is a bitch and a half
No. 2196317
>>2196197>>2196204The Baha'i faith is the fastest growing faith in the world currently
New faiths that have the most success are those that build up on existing faiths and accept aspects of them. That's how they easily attract new followers.
Christianity built upon Judaism and accepted their scripture, Islam built upon Christianity and accepted it's prophets, Baha'i built upon Islam and accepted all that came before it.
Baha'i will definitely keep growing in the years and decades to come.
A truly novel faith has little chance of success.
No. 2196341
>>2196197I with ancient egyptian religion could come back, the animal headed gods looked cool. For real though the world seems stuck on the same religions, mainly the abrahamic ones and buddhism towards asia. All the attempts at new religions are by psychos trying to make cults to fuck women and get money.
>>2196317I did not know about Baha'i faith, thank you for mentioning it anon!
No. 2196532
>>2193510Okay: maximum tism provided: the soul is the substantial form of the human body.
What does this mean?
Well, a substance is a particular fundamental thing. It exists independently and supports attributes and undergoes changes. Me and you are both human substances. We both have different attributes (like I have brown hair and blues eyes). We both undergo change. We are substances, the 'blue' of my eyes is not a substance because it doesn't exist independently, support other attributes, etc.
So, when we say substantial form, we are talking about the form of the substance in question. i.e., the soul is the form of me.
So what is form ?
Forms, for the purposes of this post, is equivalent with essence. It is what defines something. Me and you both have the form of 'human', because, fundamentally, we are humans.
But forms are also the principle of things, enabling them to perform their characteristic functions.
So human has certain things that essential to defining it, like rationality, animality, materiality, etc.
But these essential definitions also support our functions, such thinking, moving, and existing.
Form and matter work together to create a complete being. Matter provides the physical substance, while form provides the structure and direction. For example, the cells and material that make up the sponge are the matter, but the form is what organizes these materials into a living, functioning organism.
The form explains the patterns and tendencies that these material realities fall into.
The form is not just the shape. It is more akin to the 'function'.
We grow and develop essentially according to a plan (baked into our DNA) that supports our functions in accordance with our defining characteristics, and better yet, this function is good for us and our flourishing.
The form also allows the thing to function as it should. The form is responsible for the animal's ability to grow, reproduce, take in nutrition, and respond to its environment. These activities are not arbitrary but are essential to the animal’s nature. Without the form, the matter that makes up the animal would just be a collection of cells without any purpose or direction. The form (for humans: the soul) is very close to what biologists talk about when they say an alien animal can maintain homeostasis.
No. 2196599
>>2196532So when we die and lose our form, our soul dies too because it is the form?
How does this factor into your belief in the afterlife?
No. 2196827
>>2196599Insightful! Yes. This view comes from Aristotle, but the Catholic Church has adopted it. Aristotle did indeed believe that once we lose our form, the soul fades. The matter is no longer called a body, but a corpse. After all, it is no longer maintaining homeostasis.
Before I explain how the soul survives, let's examine the nature of form a bit more. It will be important for later.
Me and you are both different substances, because we are different organisms that exist in different places in space and time. We are particular things. We have our own matter. And yet, we share a form, don't we? We're both human. We share an essence. We share a nature. We have the same capabilities, functions, and goals. We are both rational animals that desire to flourish and be happy.
How is it that we can say we're the same type of thing even if we're completely different with respect to our matter? Isn't that weird?
This is because forms are universal and cognizable.
I will now explain both of these terms.
Forms are universal in the sense that they are not tied to any particular instance of a thing, but instead capture the essence of a type or kind that can exist in many instances. For example, the form of "triangle" applies equally to all triangles, regardless of size, color, or material. The triangle's form remains the same whether it’s drawn on paper or carved in wood.
Material things are always individual and occupy a specific place and time. Forms, by contrast, apply universally to all instances of a particular type (e.g., "human" as the essence of all humans) without being bound to any one particular piece of matter.
The universal nature of forms means they transcend particular instances, suggesting that forms are not material themselves because material things are always particular and changeable. Literally, think about science and "states of matter". Material liquid can change to be a material solid, and become a gas, and degrade, and mix with other compounds to become a new thing entirely! The matter that makes up me and you will decompose and become a tree in the future. Matter is inherently changeable, whereas forms are eternal. If forms were material, they would be subject to the limitations of matter—bound to particular instances and unable to apply universally. Since forms are not bound by such particularity, they must be immaterial.
Forms are also cognizable, meaning they can be grasped by the intellect. When we understand something, we are able to grasp its form, or essence, in a universal way. For instance, when we understand the concept of a "human," we aren't thinking of any particular human but of what it means to be a human in general. This universal understanding of forms happens through our intellect, which abstracts the form from the particular material object.
Material things are perceived through the senses, which can only grasp particulars (this color, that sound, etc.). Forms, however, are grasped by the intellect, which allows us to understand the essence of a thing without being tied to its specific material characteristics. Forms allow us to unify sense-data (like sounds, colors, tactile sensations, tastes) into cognizable thoughts.
This ability of the intellect to abstract the form from the material object shows that the form itself must be immaterial. If forms were material, the intellect would be limited to dealing only with particular, concrete things, as the senses are. The fact that the intellect can understand forms in their universal, abstract nature implies that forms are not dependent on matter.
So, the soul, which is the form of the human body, is instantiated in each particular human, and united with the material body, but it is distinct from the material body. The soul is not the body, even if it is united with the body. When we die, the matter in our body will cease to be human and will become a corpse, and then soil, and then a tree, etc.
So how does the soul survive?
Well, whereas some parts of the soul are animalistic (they support nourishment, growth, movement, etc.), other parts of the soul are intellectual. The rational soul performs functions (like thinking and willing) that do not depend on bodily conditions and particular bodily states (unlike things like genes and hormones and emotions, which do). This means that there is a potential for survival. Because the rational soul's functions are not dependent on physical processes, it has the potential to continue existing after the death of the body. The soul, having an immaterial nature, is not subject to physical decay.
Now, I will note that Aristotle thought that the soul did not survive after death. But the Catholic Church teaches that it does. But the part of us that survives is very weird. When we're immaterial souls in heaven before the Final Judgment, we will not sense anything, we will not emotions, we will not be subject to chemicals or hormones. We just only be able to grasp universals and will either good or evil. It will also all happen outside of space and time, so it will be like an eternity and an instant… at the same time. Utterly bizarre.
Once we are reunited with our bodies, things should be more normal again.
No. 2197194
>>2195814I believe gods only love certain followers. I know many ex Christians friends who went through horrible traumatic experiences but never got their prayers answered meanwhile my mom gets spiritual dreams and seen spirits many times in her life (she is not mentally ill).She is a very religious christian. I think entities and spirits have claims over humans they want worshipping them and discard humans they don’t want. Entities get the energy they need from you by you worshipping them and offering things to them. By picking certain followers they get the people who would best serve them. This is why new christians can get instant results from praying only a few times while people born and raised christians may never get a response ever.
Does anyone have an experience that may support this theory?
No. 2198724
>>2198131But troons don't act like women. At all.
I can buy that homosexuality is a form of intersex to some degree, and thus maybe HSTS are intersex in some way. But they'd still be intersex male. Intersex doesn't make you an in-between sex; you're still male or female. And all TIMs are by definition male.
>>2198179Real. The Catholic Church says that our bodies are sexed and our souls are not. Because our bodies are material, and sex is material: genes, genitals, chromosomes, hormones.
No. 2198909
>>2198724Who gives a shit about what the Catholic Church says??? Do we know what the Catholic Church was doing for like the past centuries? I don’t trust the Catholic Church. They tell people that the afterlife is nothing to be afraid of when it’s being uncovered that there’s possibly dangerous things beyond that nobody has ever thought of before, what makes you think they truly believe that? I think souls do have a gender or sex identity, you can call me some liberal/tranny whatever I don’t know what those are but that’s just my opinion. The soul and spirit can be material and can be expressed through the body, it’s material because it’s also used as a resource by other beings and humans. Quite honestly there probably is no difference to the astral realm or afterlife because it mirrors the illusion of our own “material” world, there is no difference to what’s happening here right now and what’s happening on their time. Your soul is just filler, who even knows the truth about what a soul is, how it’s made, how it’s contained, the Catholic Church doesn’t concern itself with those questions because they’ve been hellbent on keeping people in the dark about questioning aspects of our universe. Souls are probably sexed/gendered, which makes womanhood and manhood meaningless especially if you’re just reincarnated into a body of the opposite sex. It makes the entirety of feminism meaningless, it makes the existence of women meaningless, it makes the existence of men more meaningless than it already was, our souls and bodies are just compartments to tie us down into this matrix.
No. 2199148
>>2198909>you can call me some trannyAre you a tranny or handmaiden? Are you sympathetic to troons?
>who even knows the truth about what a soul isWhat do you think of these explanations of the soul?
>>2196532 and
>>2196827It's intimately connected to the body and matter, and yet, by definition, immaterial.
>Catholic Church doesn’t concern itself with those questions because they’ve been hellbent on keeping people in the dark about questioning aspects of our universeGirl, you really don't know a lot about general history, the history of science, or the history of philosophy if you think this. Catholics are well known to be the most studious, autistic, and philosophical branch of Christianity by far.
>Souls are probably sexed/gendered, which makes womanhood and manhood meaningless especially if you’re just reincarnated into a body of the opposite sex. It makes the entirety of feminism meaninglessHave you lurked here? Surely you realize that your ideas aren't going to be popular. I don't think that the majority of board posters will buy into the idea that feminism is meaningless. Have you lurked? Are you a TRA?
No. 2203883
Nonas, has anyone here came back to Christianity?
I have been praying out of nowhere, had a "call", if you might, and things in my life started to change drastically. I won't share much here for obvious reasons, but one of simplest ways I got responses was that whenever I felt like some people in my circle were either possessed, or it was, as Christians describe it, Satan using them to cause shit, I started to pray and things shifted immediately, in ways that I cannot brush off as coincidences. And it's just the tip of the iceberg.
I never thought I would ever get to this point ever in my life. Christianity on itself being a patriarchal religion was always enough of an argument to me, but as I'm praying and reading the Bible, I'm somehow realizing and seeing that even patriarchy itself is vain in its nature in the context of spirituality and doesn't even ultimately matter, it was all just revealed to humanity in concepts they understood at the time, but pretty much everything church does and agrees on is also a worldly matter… I was traumatized by Christians, another reason why I never considered the possibility to ever even look in direction of anything Christian, but I come to conclusion that this was a wrong way of approaching it altogether, as salvation isn't gained through random people regardless of their labels or what they tell you to do or think you should do.
No. 2205236
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>>2205122No, I don't ignore it. It really sets up the necessity of the new testament and there's so many thematic links, motifs, etc
I felt better about the OT when I understood it better as a series of demonstrations of "this is why we can't have nice things", why people can't just white knuckle their way to heaven through good behaviour.
It's not meant to be all endorsed behaviour. If you just look at it line by line it sucks but when would you ever try to understand literature that way? It has to be understood as a whole.
Genesis: humans live in perfect paradise with no suffering and they can't fuck it up because they don't know how. Problem: they're just God's lap dogs. They have to be given the ability to make the wrong choices for any of their choices to be meaningful, but that means living with the consequences. The rest of the book is going to try to solve the problem by finding out how to have free will but also live in paradise.
Yahweh then calls on a series of shitty flawed people to get human moving glacially slowly in the right direction. They're not just shitty by my modern standards, the biblical authors actually leave in details they could have left out to let you know that Abraham is a coward who doesn't trust God, his wife is absolutely horrible to her servant for selfish reasons, Noah is an embarrassing drunk, Moses is a cranky diva… Because it demonstrates that you can still be loved as a piece of shit and you can even still be useful as a piece of shit. Through the power of God, pieces of shit can do anything, rainbow emoji.
Through them there are a series of failed attempts to set up an ideal society, just to make sure everyone's clear of how completely incapable humans are of doing that solely through obedience. Each phase in this part of the OT is like "what if we did it like this" followed by a full demonstration of why it didn't work or why it was a horrible way to live, and how instead the Israelites got bored and made a golden calf and invented polygamy.
Every so often a prophet pops up to remind god's people how shit they are while foreshadowing that the only thing that will work to resolve the problems of our existence once and for all is for God to finally send someone who isn't shit, who could lead people to paradise on earth without taking away their free will. But who? Season 2 of the Bible will return in December. Up next on BBC2, it's Masterchef.
No. 2205332
>>2205308Sometimes I swear I remember drowning or suffocating as a child but it's probably
100% a fabricated memory.
No. 2205344
>>2205308Spoiler for long blog, don't open if you're afraid of drowning.
When I was a kid, we went on a family holiday to the seaside. I was "the sensible one" and a really good swimmer/diver, so as long as I didn't wander too far, everyone trusted me to go into the water by myself. Unfortunately I got bored and ended up drifting near this rocky area which was, weirdly, deserted. Later I would find out there was a huge sign on the shore above me warning about strong currents but ofc I didn't know that. It looked kind of like a tumour growing out of the cliffside. I got excited and began swimming over to climb it, when suddenly, WHOOSH.Imagine deafening silence and a roar in your ears at the same time. I didn't even know what was happening except that something was pulling me face-down over the seabed, I could see sharp stones whizzing past inches away from my face. But just as the shock faded and I started to really panic - the water just. Spat me out. Just like that. Like, I blinked, and suddenly I could move my limbs again and was paddling in the exact same place I'd been when I first saw the rocks. For some reason I wasn't really upset or scared or anything, I was just like "oh well, can't go there again" and turned around to swim back to safety.But here's the weird part. To me, it felt like this all happened in 15 minutes at most. When I got back, though, everyone demanded to know where I'd been. Apparently I'd been gone for almost an hour. I know for a FACT it wouldn't have taken that long to swim there and back. You could literally almost see the outcrop from our place on the beach. And there's no way I would have survived underwater for that long. So what gives?Oddly enough this didn't traumatise me at all kek, I was obviously more careful afterwards but I happily went right back into the water without much thought. In hindsight, though, it was a fucking weird experience in ways I can't really describe. I remember it so clearly and it's like I teleported out of the current back to my safe starting point. Not saying it was supernatural or has no earthly explanation, but there's been a few events in my life which make me wonder, and this is one of them. No. 2205356
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I've never bothered to try and learn or feel connected to religion until this year. I've always had the opinion that while it's not for me, I understand that others follow these things for a sense of comfort, responsibility and community. I've definitely always believed in "signs" from the universe though, but never followed any specific religion mostly due to nearly all of them treating women and girls like shit.
I don't know what God exists but over the past month or so I found myself praying and believing in something more and feel myself closer connected to something, whatever that is. I've spent the last year super stressed out and anxious about my living situation/lack of progress/lack of money but even that feels so selfish to be constantly stressing out about myself. It felt like I was obsessed with myself. My situation hasn't even materially improved yet but ever since I started thinking more about some sort of God or something to pray to and ask for help, my mind feels a bit clearer in the sense that I'm just accepting the shit happening to me right now. Not as in I'm accepting because I'm ready to end it all, but that I cannot control many of the things happening to me. I'm trying my best and that matters for something, anything else beyond that is out of my hands.
I know there's probably a mental health related reason as to why this has happened but I don't care, it does feel nice to have faith in something beyond myself, and that if I carry myself as a person who is trying to be good to myself and others, then that counts for something. In a world where I am constantly force fed massive amounts of information and media and exposed to things a normal human mind shouldn't be exposed to, it's very comforting to focus on something that I'll never really see or know about or just wonder about.
The only downside is I haven't told any of my friends or family about this because I think they'll just look at me like I'm retarded because none of them are religious in any form. Not even spiritual or anything. They rely on things like drinking, smoking or other addictions to cope with the same sort of issues but apparently looking for faith in something higher than yourself is just cringe and too far.
No. 2205778
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Does anybody else notice how much browsing this website especially certain threads make you feel sick, nauseous and drained? God it’s like a concentration of darkness you can’t handle, it’s completely different from the energy of trolling/baiting that feels very frenetic and fun it’s just straight up energetic slop that feels like sour cream and black mold growing in a very dark cellar. vent thread in particular makes me feel like something is choking me or something about it feels very suffocating, like energy vampires posting their garbage toxic waste for someone else like me to pick up and I fucking hate it and no im not an empath just energetically sensitive like a lot of people you probably know. If I could explain my energy right now, it feels akin to a hospice patient slowly dying and succumbing to a disease, it tastes and feels like utter madness.
No. 2205957
>>2205778Stay off the site anon, or at the least hide certain threads
There's several I don't read because I know it's bad for me, find an alternative way to waste time
No. 2206666
This tarot reader is confirming my belief about ancestors, not all of them want to help you and some of them are bad people just like they were when they were still alive. They choose favorites and help them while ignoring or even harming the descendants they dislike. Their favorites aren’t necessarily good, nice or pure or anything like that, just like in real life sometimes narcissistic parents will favor the child who is the most similar to them. They also think they have the right to control your life and put you in the path they want for you, not what you want or what would be best for you.
it would be like if you want to have a career and an ancestor is a misogynistic piece of trash who thinks you should get married and become an incubator for multiple children, he wants you to reproduce and continue the line and doesn’t care about what you want. He’ll watch as you get traumatized during your childhood and put stumbling blocks in your path while not protecting you or helping you, and might intentionally try to trigger you. All he wants is for you to give up and have nothing, and that way you’ll be set up to be financially dependent on a man with no other options and will end up churning out children for him. It’s just one example, but your ancestors don’t necessarily love or even like you.
No. 2207157
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I want to believe in God and I know of many stories of people who were at the lowest point in their lives or in highly dangerous situations hearing Gods voice, but why havent I? I was so depressed last year after the death of my sister and my own personal health issues, but God never spoke to me. Looking back, I never even prayed for them but like I said there were actual atheists that claimed to hear/see/experience God. It makes me not believe in God at all. I just need something from them, literally anything.
No. 2207973
>>2207157I never encoutered god when I was at my lowest points. Maybe in these times you need to help yourself. I did see god when I was doing good or at least semi good. You want to belive so my guess is you are like a seeker? I always seeked to communicate with something that's not human and that led me to have a lot of paranormal experiences and in these last few years even god experinces. Took me a long time to get here though and trying out multiple techniques of consciousness expansion. If you really want to meet god you have to try everything and not just wait for god to come to you. At least that's my experience. It needs to know you want ot be friends.
>>2205778Yes I left most of the threads because a lot of nonnas a fucking draining you on purpose. Troon energy honestly. Just like 2 years ago it didn't feel that bad to me. Couple of threads are nice though and remind me of the old days in fandoms so good nonnas still exist on here.
No. 2210531
>>2207157Idk, I particularly found God looking for good things in my life when i was at my lowest. Like, anything good, even tiny things, come from God if they're good because God is the very essence/definition of goodness. Very corny, i know, and probably not an strong frame but it helps me to appreciate the little things and keep my depressive tendencies away.
>>2209245Maybe catholic Byzantine if they want proximity to the church they know but don't go to that one
No. 2210624
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People should start worshipping the Minoan snake goddess again, since the Minoans were a matriarchal society that kept men in their place as second class citizens. No one has been able to really decipher the Minoan language but they know she was associated with the underworld, death, rebirth, renewal, fertility, and protection. She shares a lot of qualities with Athena (the Minoans were to ancient Greeks what ancient Greeks are to us kind of). She’s better than the creepy Canaanite war god that abrahamic religions worship. She also has a cat on her head.
No. 2212536
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Youtube just recommended me some kind of a "vegan budhist" who was ranting on cavemen, how they were unhygienic and stupid meateting brutes ho only lived like 30 years and that we today are much more evolved and should behave better. I hope i'll write this in an understandale way i struggle with converting thoughts into words lol.
This idea that he put out is like a 100% male idea. I always hear men speak about how evolved we are and how much better and different to cavepeople we are. It never seemed true to me. I come from a town that was inhabited since 30 000 years ago and the whole culture of the town is built on enthusiasm and learning about cavepeople. The way they lived, their art and connection to nature is amazing. They were just as conscious as us and i belive even more so because they didn't have to live in this overcomplicated society with taxes and goverment offices and shit. Yes they had to hunt and harvest fruits but that doesn't take as much time as working for money especially when you're in a tribe. They had free time to just sit and enjoy nature and god all around them and don't ever let anybody meme you into thinking they didn't. That's a psyop.
As a woman seeing our ancestors same as us on a consciousness level is very easy to me because i'm a life giving creature. Life and death flows through me. Modern men are disconnected from all of this and so an "enlightened" surfer dude in a budhist clothes thinks he's the wisest person out there because he's not like cavemen, while the cavemen are the enlightened beings because they don't film a rant video on youtube. They knew they are the deer they hunt and one day they'll be hunted by a tiger which is also them. This isn't something you evolve out of, this is something you accept and understand to be free.
Overall i feel like men are so lacking in spirituality because they don't have the life and death connection, nature connection. Of course there are exceptions but even with my own friend group guys can't ever reach such a connection to god or communicate to light beings like some of the women can when we're tripping on shrooms. Women are just more of a god than men could ever be. I hope you can find the god in you.
Picrel is just a sweet local mammoth figurine
No. 2212542
>>2212536That's all nice but disease and parasites
In nature, everything wants to eat everything. People today have a romanticised view of nature because our ancestors enabled us to shield from it.
I don't want to be connected to nature I want to be protected from it. This is also how my ancestors thought.
>Woman blah blah >Man blah blah It's all worm food
No. 2212569
>>2212542Yes parasites are part of nature, that's all fine. People didn't live as long as we do because of them but they lived much more than we do. No time was wasted. I would trade my life for an cavewomen's life in a hearbeat, it's an experience much more worth living than this to me. Pain is also part of nature and life. I don't think there's romanticizing going on. I have a incurable condition right now, i would have it back then just the same and no modern technology can save me from it, that's life.
>>2212544They were the same as us, some people were bad some people were good so yes and no, just like today. If you want your tribe to prosper you have to treat women good. Women could easily just kill the rapist's children and then he would kill them and suddenly he wouldn't have a tribe and died.
No. 2212576
>>2212569>I don't think there's romanticizing going onI know for a fact that my life is a million times better than just my grandmother's life, and a million billion times better than my great-grandmother's life
People high on mescaline have a better grasp on reality than you
No. 2212589
>>2212582How do you think we got to 8 billion people in the modern age while staying at the same low level when we lived in caves?
Obviously the system is working for most.
No. 2214663
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Daemons in Greek paganism were fragments of greater gods (like Zeus) who were placed with each human from birth and acted as a guide for that person, and is an intermediary between humans and the gods. It would be kind of like a lawyer who speaks for you since you don’t necessarily have a direct connection to the gods, and while the gods don’t pay attention to each individual person they can find out everything about you by communicating with your daemon guide.
Once the abrahamic religions became popular and more powerful, they were able to convince everyone that demons are pure evil and untrustworthy, which cuts people off from their daemon guide and keeps everyone blocked
No. 2215717
>>2210624I tried to get into(neo)paganism like a year ago, the main thing that killed it for me was that there’s literally no evidence for any of these gods or goddesses, or for astrology or anything like that.
>>2213780You may be into pantheism. I agree with you a lot though. I’ve done lots of existential pondering and I’ve begun to just believe that either we’re insignificant and nothing we do really matters or it does matter but not in any way that we would care about. I don’t know how many of you are into googology but when you see how big numbers can get and then realize how that’s still 0 in terms of infinity you begin to realize just how insignificant it all is. Sure it’s also possible time is non-linear or non-existent but even then who knows if our personalities go on forever. It would be nice but virtually every supernatural report I’ve seen (psychedelics, people who flatline, astral projection) all state that your current life means less than nothing and will be taken back into the melting pot of some higher consciousness to endlessly reincarnate. Admittedly it sounds like hell and many beliefs will tell you that it is. Honestly our current lives/personality mattering on some grander scale and being able to last forever and matter would be nothing short of a miracle at this rate
No. 2215935
>>2215392I’ve never made a post about this before
>>2215717Interesting, in my experience there is proof because pagan gods will actually respond to you while the Christian god does not. There’s also proof that astrology is real, but you have to understand more than just your sun sign, and if you don’t believe in Greek paganism then there’s really no point in you trying to use it
No. 2215951
>>2212672You are the vampire
>>2205778 was talking about.
No. 2217503
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Maybe this is just derealization and existential thoughts speaking but does anyone else think time just…isn’t real? I don’t believe in the simulation theory stuff because admittedly a lot of the evidence is shaky and there’s quite a few holes with it but I really feel like time isn’t real, at least not in the linear way we think it is. We know time greatly differs depending where you are in the universe (1 day on Mercury is almost half a year on Earth for example) and we don’t fully understand infinity as a concept, plus large numbers basically break down after a while. This isn’t to say anything of time dilation or even time not existing under stuff like psychedelics, eternalism, Buddhist philosophy on a cyclical time, a possible higher realm where time isn’t real, etc. I really think time and ideas like numbers going on forever are fake and exist to make us feel powerless and hopeless when faced with infinity so that we nihilistic and hopeless. The idea of “we lead a finite existence which means nothing on an infinite scale no matter what” killing both the idea of our lives having significance and the idea of a life after death to bring significance the “Heaven would get boring as you eventually do everything” that hardcore atheists push, this isn’t a worry in practices like Buddhism and such because Nirvana, Gnosis, and the like are outside of time. Just a massive brain fart I’ve been having, anyone else think this way?
No. 2217774
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>>2217503Much of this is not spiritual and is just retarded waffle. Time differs on mercury because the measure of what we call time is determined by the length it takes to orbit the sun and the earth takes longer because of its size and proximity to the sun. That's it, it's not deep. Biological processes are still subject to "time" e.g senescence, whether you want to call it time or not. Anything's infinitely deep if you're not educated in it and that goes for everyone, I'm not very educated in physics either. Time is relative due to relativity. Light travels faster than sound but not fast enough to escape strong gravity like that of black holes. I didn't major in physics but you'd look into relativity if you were curious of this. In saying this anecdotally time dilation actually has a weird qualitative correlation with brain waves during REM sleep for example that can be detected using an EEG. As delta waves flatten and narrow their peaks people report having dreams that felt like weeks to years sometimes when they only slept 7-8 hours, this is a common phenomena of REM sleep but this is all conjecture and obviously not quantifiable. It's also worth mentioning that sleep occurs in phases that are cyclic, it's a cycle and is repetitive so similar to psychedelics it just fucks with the brain chemistry enough to make time seem different only to you. It doesn't permanently alter time and space, that's just what pseudoscience wafflers and junkies say because they lack any STEM education and have fried their brains on drugs till they believe solipsism and experienced de realization/ego death. You saying shits infinite may be true. Information isn't ever destroyed but changed according to the second law of thermodynamics, but this is a very literal interpretation. Black holes may support this theory but this is attaching pseudoscience waffling to real physical phenomena.
No. 2220616
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I found pic related and I’ve been on the edge of an existential meltdown cuz of it. If you don’t wanna unspoil it’s an iceberg of the largest numbers that have been created by humans, I spoiled it because of the existential dread it gives me. I don’t know if this is the right thread to ask this but how do any spiritual nonnas cope with existing even beyond this amount of time? I’m scared of nothing after dying because it feels so bleak but I’m also scared of if there is something like reincarnation because imagine all the BS during lives you’d experience during this, it also makes everything feel so pointless and it feels so incomprehensible. Is there any spirituality that touches on large numbers like this and how to manage?
No. 2220622
>>2220619Fair but at the same time Apeirophobia is still a
valid concern when it comes to spirituality and is a reason many fear any spirituality. There are numbers that exceed the size of the known observable universe and that’s still basically nothing. Any anons have any kind of spiritual experiences or anything that might be able to challenge the idea? I’m honestly horrified at the thought of living through trillions of hellish lives of torture and having that still just be the beginning, especially if there is some higher consciousness that doesn’t care how long the suffering your human self/selves go through, it feels so nihilistic
No. 2221029
>>2220963Same anon as
>>2196022 and
>>2195995I guess this means I’m hated by the divine and being tortured for fun? Why though. My sister is a narcissist and has never had any serious injuries nor has she been abused, my mom has never broken a bone and she has NPD too. Why is my sister the favorite if she has NPD and is a drug addict and prostitute, exactly like our mom was.
No. 2225123
>>2225115I mean yeah… I’ve even been forcefully victimized by a male deity but I guess it doesn’t matter because I would be viewed as a schizo even though I felt it. It wasn’t actual human touching or spirit touching, it was clearly manipulating my body sexually. It stopped when I told him (I know now the name of this deity because I got it confirmed by a psychic witch and a really good tarot
nonny here who stopped reading) he was a rapist. It was a strange thing that kept happening, it would even happen when I would go into the bathroom randomly. I’m a spiritual person, delve in somewhat spiritual things and hold some spiritual beliefs and not schizophrenic and I definitely don’t have hallucinations of any sort so it can happen. The male deities just like male humans are super weird and aggressive, sometimes extremely mean
for some reason Hermes is really rude to me No. 2225186
When it comes to past lives something I wonder is if we’d end up living the same life after some immeasurable amount of time, it would kinda suck but at the same time it does kinda seem like all that would make sense if you really think about it. Maybe if something like Theosophy is true that could be a way around it but otherwise reincarnation sounds kinda like Eternal Recurrence with extra steps. Also at some point you would probably live as your own siblings or parents or something like that, unless you (as in your body/personality) can’t be replicated and can’t have another soul/consciousness placed in it. Obviously no one truly knows so I guess maybe this is pointless question to ask unless the cycle isn’t infinite and there is some end to it (ie reaching Nirvana, ascending to an angel/godhood, etc.)
>>2225146I mean the Greek Gods were basically written from the ground up to be assholes and the stories with them are pretty unapologetic about showing it so you’re certainly not crazy for thinking that
No. 2225354
>>2225326They’re both called the morning star, lightbringer, light of the world, and the son of god
>>2225317Isn’t satan used in those contexts to describe evil or bring against gods will though? It’s not supposed to literally be a specific demon
No. 2225400
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>>2225384Kekkk yup. Their thought process is basically picrel, if they save this one person who could be potentially useful for their big sky-war boss then why would it matter if a bunch of people get raped, are starving and facing genocide? It’s all you humans faults!!!! God is perfect in every way. They always revert back to their god bootlicking programming when you question them. It reminds me of another video I watched from a pagan witch where she rightfully challenged her guardian angel who was Raphael and instead of the angel being understanding into turned into one of those angry biblically accurate forms, they’re like a bunch of giant monstrous babies who have no autonomy just like those nephilim they bred.
>>2225387They don’t and it’s creepy whenever they pretend to care or want to come in with soft energy, it’s like a psychopath trying to integrate in a suburban neighborhood pretending to be like everybody else. I actually hate all of my spirit guides and the deities that are constantly around me, they practically harass me with their energy and their only advice is “your suffering will be for the betterment of-“ blah blah I’ve been suffering since childhood, it’s clear as fuck they’re stealing negative energy away from me just like they do with everybody else
No. 2225423
>>2225299No but in Gnosticism the Christian God is the same as the devil because he made the universe to endlessly torment us. Technically Jesus is still the son of God there because we all are, it’s just God is the most infinitely
abusive parent that could ever exist. Jesus isn’t the Devil there though, it’s the Christian God
>>2225392Actually Jesus was friends with prostitutes and encouraged women to be openly sexual if they wanted and said moids should just leave women alone and gouge their own eyes out and rip off their hands Instead of harassing them
>>2225382In spiritual circles it’s considered ok to be raped / tortured / murdered because it’s finite suffering on Earth compared to infinite bliss in whatever Heaven exists. The new age community pulls this too and says that because your soul/higher consciousness is eternal that it doesn’t matter if you live a bunch of shitty lives and because ego death and oneness or whatever that being eternally spiteful is bad and the whole “infinite hatred for a finite action” thing. On the one hand I get it because they are technically right that immeasurable amounts of shitty lifetimes doesn’t mean anything in an existence that lasts forever, on the other hand it’s nihilistic and lowkey sociopathic
toxic positivity and is just spiritual bypassing / gaslighting and I doubt any of them actually believe with how obsessed they are with not getting bad Karma in their next life or not being low vibrational kek
No. 2225471
>>2225439I’ve seen a lot of pagan women saying “Ares is the protector of women!” yeah and look at the world, women are still getting victimized and Ares is a useless god that loves swinging his ghost dick around. It’s the same crowd that gets horny over a fellow “women respector” leftbro kek
>>2225465Why would any human choose a shitty life????? Especially since you have access to way more knowledge on the other side than you do on earth, that theory is so retarded I hate when people say that, they’re too scared to admit that there’s a lot more players in this universe than just “God” and we’re likely tricked into being reincarnated. But exactly it’s absolute hell, it’s even more fucked when you realize like you said women just reincarnate into men and then our souls just rape other women and then the horrors is recycled. What is even the point of feminism if you’re going to be forced to be a male in your next lifetime because you dared to fight for women’s liberation and the controllers don’t like you fucking with their scripts? Lovecraftian horrors
No. 2225489
>>2225471Yeah idk, the Mormon church / Latter Day Saints say kids choose their lives as well. The thing with the “having more knowledge” is that they say that when you consider eternal life that bad lives don’t matter because at the end of the day you do
eventually go back to infinite/indescribable bliss. It’s weird how the “love and light” language is used too, so you’re saying that infinite love/intelligence = torturing each other for fun? Wtf? Even if that’s true it’s more existentially horrifying like you said. This doesn’t apply to all people who believe in reincarnation, and who knows maybe it is an infinite process but we don’t end up doing everything because, hey, we don’t fully understand infinity so how can any of us make claims for certain, but the ones who do use it are just gross. It’s like nihlistic Reddit incels saying that since they don’t believe in any divine accountability that they can just sexually harass women and be a freak at will. God only knows what we’ve done in our past lives already or what horrors we may end up doing in other planets and universes. Don’t know if I believe we’re tricked into reincarnation but I can’t rule it out, regardless if our human selves do get a choice in choosing whether or not to reincarnate I’d rather skip round infinity. Let me and my friends just make our own little bubble and manifest our fictional crushes into existence or whatever lol
No. 2225917
>>2225423>No but in Gnosticism the Christian God is the same as the devil because he made the universe to endlessly torment us. Technically Jesus is still the son of God there because we all are, it’s just God is the most infinitely abusive parent that could ever exist. Jesus isn’t the Devil there though, it’s the Christian GodIn Gnosticism, this is specifically the God of the Old Testament, the Hebrew God Yahweh. They refer to it as the Demiugre, who creatd our specific plane of existence. The God of the New Testament, God the Father, is a separate entity, the 'true' source of all creation extending far beyond our known existence and is still believed to be inherently good. In their belief system, Jesus Christ is the son of God the Father, come about to expose the ancient evil Demiurge and show us the true path to escaping this reality. Excuse my autism but just wanted to make that distinction.
No. 2226389
>>2225894On the topic of SB how would you all recommend responding to it? Beyond just telling the person in question to KYS or something like that? I’ll admit I struggle with that because a lot of the people saying this have some kind of personal spiritual experience (like doing psychedelics) and I have no idea how to respond to that honestly
>>2225917Yeah idk if I believe in Gnosticism but it’s super interesting. I’m pretty it was actually one of the first religions (at least one of the first ones that is still relevant today) to talk about reincarnation and do so even before Hinduism and Buddhism. IIRC Buddha was actually agnostic wildly enough
No. 2226429
>>2225436Not years but weeks. Which was odd because normal dreams feel like they last 30min max for me.
I was living in a lake surrounded by mountains. For sleeping I would climb up to a cave. The rest of the time I would just swim in the lake. I had no thoughts or desires to be somewhere else, I was perfectly happy with that life. Very tranquil. After waking up I was disappointed my real life is so full of BS.
No. 2235326
>>2235210Indifference. Yep, exactly this.
You realize that the most good seems to happen to shitty people because they are never crushed by the weight of their actions or who they fucked over because they do not care for one reason or another (re: narcissists, sociopaths, men).
No. 2235797
>>2235777Never discount your own personal experience, ever. Don’t even try to listen to people trying to call those people “charlatans” because it’s not always love and light or these spirits having genuine intentions for them. They will pick and choose who gets priority and who doesn’t, they will allow others to scurt by while you’re basically drowning in the most spiritually valuable thing in the world - your mental health. It’s like a degradation of the soul and spirit whenever you’re swimming in that trauma and sadness and you have every right to feel as angry and upset about it. It is indeed true and I am seeing that same situation (not the explicit abuse but guides/ancestors providing more to terrible relatives) unfold in my life and I know for a fact it’s not entirely mundane. I almost feel like a crazy person whenever I tell or even urge people to look at this because a lot of the times it feels crazy but it can be sometimes only mundane but then very spiritual or both at the same time, mostly a lot of times there is no separation between the mundane and spiritual at all because the astral is just the underlying mechanism for our material world so it makes no sense to separate them - as above, so below, it makes the most logical sense. They try to separate gods and entities from human action while these gods and entities are very much known for influencing our material world and regulating it through their domains (death, life, money, love, sex) so anybody who tells you the opposite are retarded and don’t really care about the personal trauma you went through only just trying to defend their spiritual positions and their little invisible friends who are neutral to plain shiftiness and that makes them shitty as well. I highly advise for you to really get into some cord cutting techniques and spells and very strong banishing and protection, I’m not going to be vague you can do a lot of easy and repetitive protective measures and the very easiest one to do is wearing some kind of talisman that’s been charmed/charged with another protective substance as a ward to further ward and shield from this but before you do that you need to expel and banish all of that energy and return it back to where it came from, this can be accomplished with specific baths and showers I see a lot of people who like showering or bathing with Florida water and other expelling ingredients. I’ve also see people incorporate these stuff into their hair care or wearing it in their hair, even veiling. I’ve even seen a lady put a bunch of protective/banishing ingredients in a hot mop bucket and moping her floor and doors with it. Research about wards, banishing, handful magic and make sure to keep up a repetitive schedule on these things and the wards are very important and be specific about who you will allow through it. There’s also the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram.
No. 2235824
>>2235202If the abuse was for your own good, bless them with the same shit. You're not cursing them with anything, no! You're tenderly giving them back the gift they gave you, tenfold, and with the full knowledge that they want it. If your brothers were protected all this time they're severely behind on their life lessons and development, and they're big boys now, they can take it. Their guardian spirits will understand.
Work on healing yourself, but never let anyone make you feel bad for gloating over their fate. If curses don't work, blessings will. Bless them with the free outdoor camping experience of homelessness, and remove the curses of paying bills and doing housework. Bless them with unemployment and remove the curses of domineering bosses and unfair pay. Bless them with tough love and the knowledge that their parents and grandparents bootstrapped their way up and they're following a family tradition. Bless them with all your heart.
Whenever someone's on a pedestal they don't deserve, it's not a bad idea to build a bonfire around it. Let them learn.
>>2235777As someone with narcissist relatives, the second anything goes slightly wrong, it's the end of the world for them, and the more they've been protected from consequences, the further they'll go to make themselves feel better. Ignore everything your sister does or says, she's nothing but a drain on your energy. Let her dig herself into a hole that nobody can pull her out of. Narcissists are very stupid, please remember that. Your sister and parents will never admit they were wrong, unless they're trying to get something from you, and they'll fuck up their lives just fine without your help.
I know a narcissist moid who was filthy rich and he's now unable to pay his rent because his little narc brain made him spend thousands on plastic surgery to make him look younger and the rest on hookers in Dubai who told him that if he didn't take them on shopping sprees everyone would think he was poor. He was also protected from consequences his whole life, it didn't help him in the end. No matter how protected your sister was, nothing can protect her from herself. Block, leave, move on, work on healing from your suffering; narcissists are shit people by nature, even if she'd taken the abuse alongside you she wouldn't have been a good person.
No. 2235846
>>2235797Thank you anon, I’ll try cord cutting and the other rituals you mentioned. I hope it will help
>>2235824I’m currently no contact with her because she went way too far with
victim blaming and defending our parents, and basically said it’s not her problem and she “shouldn’t be forced to care” (about serious abuse like CSA and almost dying from a head injury they gave me when I was a teenager, and other worse things). You’re right about her being her own worst enemy, her life has gotten pretty fucked up and it’s just from her being who she is. It’s difficult because I still love her but I’m extremely bitter now.
No. 2236214
>>2235893Why would I put that same garbage inside of my body? Most of my “depression” is caused by my circumstances and environment, it’s not a fault that exists within myself that has to be medicated out of me. I sound whiny as fuck but I’ve been there, done that, both therapy and psychiatry is predatory, highly gaslighting and almost feels like you’re being mind controlled whenever you go to the sessions or appointments. I even had my own bad experiences dismissed because the other person who caused my distress was excused because he has a disability and clearly people with disabilities can’t do anything wrong and they can do whatever they want hahahaha clearly!!!!!!
despite him knowing how to hurt others but yeah he doesn’t know what he’s doing sure. Thank you nonna for the suggestion and sorry for blogposting as well but it doesn’t work at all, I just need better circumstances in my life and I would finally be able to genuinely smile and even then all of the damage done to me can never be healed. It sucks knowing people go on about “healing” I personally think it’s impossible, your brain just learns to cope with it just like how DID is a form of the brain to cope with extreme trauma by compartmentalization. Mental illnesses are not defects, it’s our brains last resort to function properly when under constant stress and
triggers and tries its hardest and then mentally ill people decide to pass on this damage to their offsprings and people call it “generational trauma”… it’s all around fucked. I don’t even think I want to be happy either, I just want to be dead.
>>2235899Is it like a spiritual book or nonfiction fantasy?
No. 2251173
>>2250008I did that. Didn't grow up with a religion though. Just eventually got to the point that I couldn't see a point to existing or any reason that right and wrong mattered even though I felt very strongly that they did. Decided to go back to first principles: the basic assumptions that you have to start with because you cannot deduce or derive them. You cannot prove or disprove God's existence, so you are free to simply choose to believe and make it a first principle. I figured that if an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent being decided that life is good and matters no matter how much it feels like it sucks, then what can you say? You can't argue with that: there's no evidence you can bring it hasn't seen, no argument you can make it hasn't considered. So I decided to believe in God.
I picked Christianity as my chosen faith tradition because (in no particular order), I wanted my God to be omnibenevolent because otherwise it's might makes right; I wanted one God because it seemed easier; it's undemanding; it's easy to convert to; its underlying moral principles made sense to me.
Belief follows practice, so I read books about Christian beliefs and the Bible, read the Bible, and followed a daily devotional. (I didn't start all of that at once; I started one thing at a time, a few months apart, in that order.)
It took about eight months for my belief to become genuine and not something I'd just decided to believe. I really do feel so much better now, it's very comforting.
No. 2253396
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>>2250008Doesn't Christianity literally teach that the world is evil and you have to abstain and detach in order to get rewardz? It's not about toppling governments and stuff. The whole point is that those evil people get theirs in the afterlife. Just look at how desperate and crazy rich old ppl get when they realize they sold their soul to get rich.
No. 2253875
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Thoughts on sex solely for reproduction like some religions teach? It seemed like a good idea, to not force women to constantly be poked by their husbands, but ofc just turned into "have as many children as possible until your wife literally can't get pregnant anymore". Where is my autistic husbando who eschews all physical pleasure.
No. 2262267
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Anyone doing meditation?
What works for you?(ai shit outside of containment )
No. 2262280
>>2250008Believe in people.
It's the hardest thing to do, which is why most turn to imaginary beings, unsubstantial ideologies, or just plain nihilism
But it is the only true hope. And we all need it.
No. 2269744
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Anyone had a freaky sexual moment with a spirit? The god that came through was doing that to me for a few weeks, he kept coming in very sexually aggressive and it was the funniest thing that’s ever happened to me. I would randomly start feeling sensations around my lower stomach and my pelvic area and I would actually start moaning and stuff and it would actually keep going me it felt soooooo good, so much better than sex with human moids. I remember one time when it started happening randomly again and I went into the bathroom and I literally fell to my knees because that god kept doing it to me. I know his name, it was confirmed twice, I even did personal readings for myself and everything lined up. It makes me sad because he doesn’t do it anymore and I feel like a schizo but I want it to happen again… it felt like pure bliss especially the time where I was just laying on my bed and it kept happening and the sun was hitting in my face, I still dearly remember it. Another male god comes through like that but it’s not like the other one, it feels like it’s more of his energy coming through but also to annoy me kek
No. 2272646
Put this in the tinfoil thread but it fits here too I think. Really weird near death experience video I found on TikTok where someone saw a tree (Tree of life from Kabbalah?), fell through the ground and ended up in a dark pit. According to follow up vids the pit feels endless and like there’s no escape and lots of people had similar near death stuff happen to them in the same place where they flatlined (though idk if that means they were all in a black pit or not). The creator of this vid says they don’t follow Christianity after but yeesh this is some bad existential anxiety. Not like all those new age-y love and light ones you usually see
No. 2272660
>>2272652>>2272652Why would I get medicated for shit posted in the spirituality thread? Simply leave the thread if you don’t want to read weird shit like that kek
>>2272646The matrix has an end, unfortunately it’s kind of like the inside of a computer’s hardware, it looks super confusing and highly detailed especially if you’ve never tinkered with or fixed computers. I would advise you to not be so frightened or scared and I would highly suggest you start learning astral projection and astral traveling to prepare you for the afterlife
No. 2277366
>>2272891there is reason in terms of patterns and flows. and there is real evil and so there must be true good.
but its more like a yin/yang kind of balance. what you experience in bad, has a "good" effect for others, i think ultimately it looks for homeostasis in its core and humans are part of it.
we have to add to a good balance. but if something bad happens, it does not specifically care for the individuals. its only when others care for others, that in turn aids to the total good.
>>2272853i like to believe, that once you are in afterlife, a you does not exist anymore. the witness can wander, but there is no prey and no subject anymore. its only when you enter life, that you make yourself an object that can be used.
No. 2286123
I never really fully understood gnosticism until maybe now. I don’t subscribe to any thought forms, religions and schools of thought including Gnosticism but I think they spread grains of truth everywhere to make them seem unrelated when they really are. I think at one point, women used to be able to create on their own and that includes reproduction, parthenogenesis must have been possible at some point but only for women. I find it interesting is when sexual dimorphism is developed is when everything gets entirely downhill: women’s strength, durability, and previous ancient abilities (who knows what knowledge about this has been destroyed or is being currently hidden away from the public) have dwindled and now a woman needs a partner in order to create, which is where we get the dualistic set of mother goddess and father god in every single religion. The general fact is that every single person utilizes the female archetype our female energy for nefarious selfish purposes:
>gay males, drag queens, trannies all used to be sacred eunuchs who would assist in the “sacred prostitution” (aka state-sanctioned raping of women) that likely had something to do with reproduction and fertility rites, you see this same kind of bullshit being repeated with these groups dressing up as us, imitating embarrassing stereotypes and behaviors and renting out women’s bodies to create for them because they can’t create themselves, only imitate
>this has nothing to do with any divine feminine/divine masculine bullshit: both mother goddess and father goddess have set you up to be raped and have trannies with more state and religious power than you and as your ancient babysitters
>with women needing males to procreate with there is literally zero to minimal chance of full female liberation
>this begs into question on what the real biologically driven behaviors are behind what many people perceive as “feminism” because whenever feminism starts remembering back on a woman’s natural state, her natural state of rebellion, curiosity and singularity without anything else is when it’s set back to start one where women are always needing males to, guess what? create even though they are capable of creating on their own
>there might actually be a biological/spiritual war tugging between women and men more than I thought I didn’t want to believe it because the word “warfare” has heavy implications but it really is close to it
>a blog I read has explicitly stated that males make sure they replicate their genes to produce more males and with more males there’s more of them to continue to the energy-sucking rituals
>female liberation and female separatism are not feminism at all because of this
>feminism(tm) is just ancient sacred prostitution/rape rituals/patriarchal practices so no wonder feminism celebrates the genderspecial LGBT crowd with impunity thrown towards detractors who see the bias for what it is
No. 2286437
>>2239831Personally, I take delight in exactly that type of thought.
I don't want to be remembered or admired because that way you are also inevitably setting yourself up to both disappoint other people and be disappointed yourself.
>>2269744This feels like it's going to have massive consequences, at least for you.
>>2286123>feminism(tm) is just ancient sacred prostitution/rape rituals/patriarchal practices Then what would you consider to be the true female liberation?
No. 2339512
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>seeing the retards in /g/ talking about their fictional and nonfictional crush
>me knowing i could learn to astral project and meet my crush in the astral realm
>already having so much weird dreams with him despite me barely knowing him/completely out of character for my dreams to be dreaming about people like him
god i love being a schizo
No. 2388010
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this is by hildegard of bingen, a german abbess and mystic who had visions of god. In her book scivias, she describes her religious visions and this is her vision of the universe
No. 2389041
>>2388935Iirc God doesn't work in people time no? Pretty sure somewhere there's a part where they told Mary's grandma that it'd happen in a few days (Angel time).
It was also seen as an incredibly heavy sacrifice on her part (I think. Haven't been to church school in decades).
No. 2394067
>>2394026the universe will never end, and if it does end, it will just be born again.
also reincarnation means you can be born in the past.
time doesn't necessarily have to be linear. think of it as a circle instead of a straight line.
No. 2394109
>>2394067>the universe will never endThere are like 3 hypotheses for how it will, one of them does include a cyclical model though
>time doesn't necessarily have to be linear. think of it as a circle instead of a straight lineSee what I don’t get about this idea that’s promoted in every reincarnation belief system is that even if it is a circle doesn’t that mean you can go around it a certain amount of times? And is it not just a bit disorienting to think about reincarnating through sextillions of cycles of the universe and it never getting remotely close to being over? The only version of it that makes sense is the Hindu version where the Yuga cycles end when everything ultimately becomes back together. And reincarnation into the past sounds like a nightmare itself, imagine being born in the slavery era or being reborn as a dinosaur when the asteroid strikes, wouldn’t that also mean we have no free will as our actions in life are set before we’re even incarnated? I wanted to believe in reincarnation but there’s just a lot messy with the idea, and living sexdecillions more lifetimes and losing my current one in the infinity of lives still to go is so disorienting, I don’t think spirituality considers how unbelievably vast an eternity would be
No. 2394174
>>2394145Well if reincarnation is real it’s a
valid question. The Earth certainly won’t be around in a trillion years (that’s long enough for the Earth to have existed and been destroyed nearly a hundred times over). This is what confuses me about new age spiritualism and 5D ascension believers too. Why treat the Earth like it’s so important when most likely it’s just a pit stop on some endless reincarnation journey? The Starseed stuff just adds another can of worms since it’s apparently so tough to help this planet but according to that crowd this has been done lord only knows how many times before.
No. 2394293
>>2394109>And reincarnation into the past sounds like a nightmare itselfthis prison planet is the punishment. every religion reached the same conclusion on this. most christians forgot how to read and get angry when you point out the dozen or so bible passages clearly stating it, or when you remind them literally all of the early christians believed in reincarnation until rome decided to take over christianity by cherry picking "trusted experts" to establish the nicean creed and the catholic church. gnosticism is the go christianity and supports reincarnation.
>there is a material and immaterial world.>the material world is a distorted reflection of the immaterial world and got created either by mistake or out of malicious, selfish intentions.>the creator of the material universe is a deranged, cruel entity and keeps humans in the material cage by forcing them to reincarnate in the material world>the immaterial (divine) permeats everything material: humans as well - we have a divine part (divine spark/spirit)>humans can unite with the divine part and break free from the reincarnation cyclein the early times of christianity there were plenty of gnostics but they were deemed as heretics and were persecuted. around 4th or 5th century they virtually disappeared.
sethians, manichaeians, ophites were some of the main sects of gnosticism.
No. 2394335
>>2394293>every religion reached the same conclusion on thisTo be fair most religions that believed in reincarnation and escaping the cycle also basically had the message of “women bad”. Buddhists says women can’t be monks and said women can’t reach Nirvana unless they are reincarnated as men. Gnostics blamed the existence of the material world (hell) on a woman because she dared to think for herself. Branches of Islam that believed in reincarnation said the only reason women exist is because men were evil in past lives and got bad Karma. The neo-Gnostic / Prison Planet community is somewhat of a place for women to talk about their bad experiences in spirituality circles but mostly it’s men bitching about horrible it is that they have to get out of bed in the morning and work a job. Any pro-women religions that may have spoke of the idea have been buried under religions made to appeal to men and their desire to always be above women in some way
>>2394296Lowkey good because the reincarnation thread was filled with stupid new age shit, besides is the belief not a part of many religions and spiritualities?
No. 2394427
Yes, I believe in one true Lord. The fact that we have imbedded hierarchy in us is not limited to only this world, but it ventures out to beyond our universe. The hierarchy of this world tells us that the hedonistic oligarchy dictates all, but it just has to be more than that. There is a divine diety that rules over us and dictates all, and has already predetermined our destination before our existence was even brought to fruition. I follow the strict teachings of the Quranic scripture, not invoking the name of any other being, like the vast majority of other so-called ""muslims"" which worship the Prophet and the manmade doctrine of the Hadith; I follow strictly the purest form, leading my life to the way God has dictated so in my Holy Book. There are mathematics to it, called code 19 (founded in around 1974 using a computer algorithm, the number "19" used as God is infinite, with 1 representing beginning and 9 representing end); this is extremely unlike any other religion, and I being a mathematics enthusiast with a seemingly purposeless existence accepted immediately.
As a child I grew up as a normal Muslim and I hated it, nothing ever made sense to me, stupid and senselessly violent freaks who patrolled women and their bodies using the disgusting man made creation known as the Hadith, a false indoctrine that 99.99999% of Muslims seem to worship, disregarding any of the true Quranic teachings. Highly probable that I will be mocked here but I don't mind at all, this religion changed me and my mindset is extremely different from when I was a rabid fuming Sunni pig.
Btw all the pedo and retard moid shit was from the filthy hadith if I ever get caught saying this I'll get stoned to death
No. 2394626
>>2394621well the hadiths (written by people who were close companions of mohammed) said that he said hell is mostly full of women
it's such a shit religion, thank god it never reached europe in any large manner
No. 2394801
>>2394589pure males dont exist in this world, they are extraordinarily rare. heaven is filled with women that were just and righteous from this world, all the moids go to hell. why do yo uthink in 90% of verses, God warns the males and tells them not to keep committing atrocities that women wouldnt do? thats why in heaven God will create otherwise non-existent pure males.^ [55:56] Their beautiful mates were never touched by any human or jinn.
never specified the gender, nor is it specified in any other verses.
No. 2400146
I was abused in catholic school as a child and for some reason recently I can't get the memories out of my mind. I stopped believing in god at the age of 5 and stopped believing in anything spiritual whatsoever at the age of 11(which actually did help my mental health a lot, I remember around that time people used to walk up to me and ask why I was suddenly so happy and giddy all the time but this was in the bible belt so I couldn't tell them). For most of my life ignoring religion and spirituality as much as possible has worked to help me avoid these horrible feelings but now for some reason I can't, it has become too much. Maybe its Trump, people and society have got more religious recently I fear, which makes me wanna throw up. A part of me wants to become baptist or evangelical protestant maybe because those people seem really sweet and happy, even when they talk about their religion, which is so weird to me. How can religion make you happy? It seems like such a disgusting horrible thing, I don't understand it. Sometimes I try to believe in god or spirituality and I'll be ok for a little bit but then something reminds me of my past and I feel so ashamed and angry and horrible and sad all at once that I feel like my body can't handle it and I'm going to vomit. Have any of you ever felt nauseous or afraid because of your religion? I heard once that some kinds of buddhism don't have any gods, I feel like that sounds really nice, but I don't think buddhism lets you be lesbian so IDK if I wanna do that. I feel like such a reddit atheist when I try to talk about my feelings on religion and how much it hurts people sometimes, I wish it was more socially acceptable to talk about that. I think if I could talk about how religion made me feel to people more openly I wouldn't feel like this all the time right now. It probably sounds silly to the mostly very spiritual people in this thread but being an obnoxious reddit atheist who hates on religion all the time and calls jesus "sky daddy" and shit like that is the only sort of thing that has ever given me any sense of peace in life. There are entire industries dedicated to promoting religion and saying that it is awesome and making a million christian movies and nobody cares, but you can't ever talk about how religion hurt people or makes people do bad things sometimes without adding a million disclaimers and saying "Noooooo, this person is a bad person for a different reason, its not their religion nooooooooooo" or else everybody gets assmad and it pisses me off. It also pisses me off when people say that the only reason it happened to me was because I'm catholic, and that other religions are all nicer and better like I've seen the things ex-muslims and ex-buddhists and ex-hindus and ex-protestants say about their religions of birth and its all just the same story in a different font. When will they create a religion that doesn't abuse women and children and lgb people, is that even possible? Or does the mindset of being always obediant to god, to your 'soul' to what is essentially your base instincts and impulses, without thinking, and without truly feeling, in the case of those who those who follow strict doctrines, always cause untold harm and suffering to the innocent and defenseless. I'm supppper drunk right now so sorry if this makes no sense.
No. 2427934
You can decode some weird stuff through your name. Try going to and put your name or full legal name and it will reveal some odd things
Things in my name that came out
>brinjarries This is apparently indian. I’m not indian in the slightest but it’s connected to a nomadic tribe called the Banjara.
>ninjas >finjan An arabic teapot/coffee cup?? Kek
>jarina South American palm tree or apparently in Sanskrit, an adulteress
>farinaOats and grains
>jacanas Some kind of weird bird
>cajon Peruvian musical instrument