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No. 158993
>>158992OP here
please be over 18 when answering my questions!
No. 158996
>>158994>how does the admin knowI'm just joking lol since she basically knows what posts I made and now I'm suddenly making this really embarrassing post. Maybe I'm exaggerating about the amount of hair? I have at least more than 15 hairs on each side though. Is that a lot?
>>158995The inside of the labia majora. The fleshy part.
And I haven't visited the doctor because it doesn't cause me pain although recently it really itches even though I waxed my pubic area. Obviously I am scared to wax the fleshy part because I'm afraid of damaging the area. I hope more anons will reply before I will visit the gynecologist. But thanks for the replies :3
No. 158997
>>158996>The inside of the labia majora. The fleshy part.Yea no, i have that too.
Its normal.
No. 159004
File: 1439168928871.jpg (Spoiler Image,24.02 KB, 382x285, Bump-on-Vagina.jpg)

>>158997Really? Please look at the picture to be sure. That's where I have hair.
>>159003>this girlfuck off tbh.
No. 159007
>>159006Of course it's possible.
You can grow hair virtually anywhere on the external dermis, and a good percentage of the vagina is partially-exposed dermis so it too has follicles.
If they bother you though pluck them out. Eventually with continued plucking you will damage the follicle and they won't come back, but it can take years.
No. 159011
>>159009Yeah, you do,that or you're a mentally stunted adult.
Adult women generally acknowledge and accept our human physiology and that, as land-dwelling mammals, we posses hair all over our bodies, most it unnoticeable but ever-present.
You seriously have to be a child to go "hair, AROUND the GENETALIA!? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW XD".
Like, are you 14 or did you just have an absent mother.
No. 159012
>>159010I did that once.
It did work but.
Don't do it.
No. 159015
>>159013yeah on the OUTSIDE
The Vagina is the inside parts.
No. 159016
>>159011Jesus christ you must be one of those tumblrinas who takes selfies with their disgusting hairy armpits.
Rofl you tell em girl! Fight the patriarchy! yeah!
No. 159019
>>159018Yeah, I literally just Googled it and shit came up.
Since OP couldn't, here's a fun little Yahoo answer from your friendly neighborhood lolcow doctor; ya go. Normal. /thread
No. 159023
>>159020Huh? The vagina itself in the inside. The labia majora (sp?) is the outside where most hair tends to grow and the labia minora (sp?) is the inside lips. You can use nair not
in your
vagina but on the pubic mound/labia majora. You should not use it on your labia minora or inside. Is this hard for you to understand?
No. 159027
>>159022the logic of some of you girls really does cease to amaze me
fucking hell
No. 159037
>>159036That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying their focus should be more on the doctor. Not to mention there's better places to ask if they were trying to get serious responses. Also, they say right here they hadn't been to the doctor yet.
>>158996>>159035She says she has a hairy clitoris here.
>>159024 No. 159040
>>159037" hope more anons will reply BEFORE I WILL visit the gynecologist."
Did you read that? she was going to go to the doctor but wanted to talk here meanwhile. I don't see the issue honestly. OP is fine. I feel for her, and can see why she would be embarrassed.
No. 159042
>>159041The OP said she already googled it
>PLZ provide some sources that say yes because google says it's impossiblewhatever, it resulted in a fun thread and I got to read "hairy clitoris". simmer down
No. 159043
>>159039mostly women who strongly dislike men, preach women are amazing but they'll slag off other women ;)
ofc lolcow is mostly women stupid
No. 159050
File: 1440037195756.jpg (Spoiler Image,19.11 KB, 395x347, w3ylmiQ.jpg)

>>159047This made me laugh. (sorry)
I think they should only be like that if you are breast feeding, if you arent just go to the doctor and get that shit checked out. They don't give two fucks about your nips.