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No. 1640537
You probably are not alone in your opinion.
>adhere to site and board rules>do not respond to bait>report and ignore trolls or obvious maleposters instead of replying like an idiot Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1622345 No. 1640841
>>1640816It’s just racism directed at an acceptable target
nonnie, they pass as “white” so it’s ok to some people to shit on them.
No. 1642389
>>1641474No it's because some women want a son thinking having a boy to control will give them male privileges or at least get better treatment from their husband and his family. There are misogynistic women.
Also mentally ill and unloved women usually treat their sons like pseudolvoers because it's the only boy that's showed genuine love towards her and treat their daughters like competition.
No. 1642490
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OP was right to get upset at that reply, it was insensitive and not funny but I guess mocking Italians is "normal" for other white people? Slightly ot but the way some people talk about the British/Italians is way too reminiscent of racist sentiments and it makes me uncomfortable, I'm sure most of it its just healthy banter but yeah
No. 1642504
>>1642500I see, I'm just not very sympathetic and see it as a non-issue since straight women are the 98% majority in reality it's easily dismissed and shut down on sight because they obviously know that's not true, naturally.
>Inb4 not this lesbian shit againKek sorry. I won't get into it further. I'm sorry this is happening and a phenomenon, anyway.
No. 1642559
>>1642490I agree with you. Racism is being masked as edgy humor even in leftist online spaces. Italians and the british are just acceptable targets for them.
>>1642496Not everyone is born in countries where organized crime is seen as cool and trendy. Everyone has touchy subjects and italian-italians don't joke or glamourize the mafia for a reason. At least they're not completely cucked by the Yakuza like Japan is.
No. 1642564
>>1642490>but the way some people talk about the British/Italians is way too reminiscent of racist sentiments and it makes me uncomfortablegirl there's hardly a country on earth who didn't suffeer at the hands of brits, meanwhile the worst you ever got was food jokes, are you genuinely trying to play
victim now..? kek
No. 1642565
>>1642556You have my deepest condolences, nona, although I can’t relate. I am a sucker for the male allure. I’m in a great relationship right now with the man of my dreams, but still think about scrotes around me from time to time just for the fun of it.
>>1642562I used to be vagina repulsed, kind of like some homosexual men report being. I hate saying this because I have one myself and it sounds so hateful towards females and my own body, but I had no problem having fun with own, I just didn't wanna look at other women's vags. It has sort of mellowed out as I've gotten older and I'm not instantly icked anymore. Cocks on the other hand have always made me go a little crazy. Idk what to tell you, maybe I have too many neanderthal genes or something.
No. 1642573
>>1642564>girl there's hardly a country on earth who didn't suffeer at the hands of brits, meanwhile the worst you ever got was food jokes, are you genuinely trying to play victim now..? kekAll I did was say the british are an acceptable target and you magically assumed I'm one. No, I'm not british and I genuinely can't stand them nor the grip they have on pop culture and language (english words have been infesting my own language since the 2010s,and I feel bad for all the countries and people who have had their language colonized).
You don't have to like the british to notice they're an acceptable target and that people can get genuinely mean towards them. It's not coming out of nowhere and it's not completely unwarranted, but at the same time you can get genuine mean moidy racism among the jokes about shitty english "cuisine".
No. 1642578
>racismit's not. no one's bashing them just for being white. at worst, it's their culture being mocked lightly. no one's facing racism because someone made a "haha scones and tea" joke. brits don't even have a proper slur, lmfao.
No. 1642582
>>1642571it makes sense to me, but you can also point to australia which also has many rural communities and they prohibit gun ownership for self-defence, directly due to laws passed that tightened gun regulation after violent attacks there. it feels like to me (im not american so i do lack cultural context), many americans automatically jump to the idea of firearms when you mention self defence, and dismiss other methods of making your home safe which are common in other countries. if a household has always had an old hunting rifle in the basement for 'self-defence' for generations upon generations, why would someone question it as anything other than natural?
anyway ill be the first to admit that i don't have good suggestions for how america can fix its gun problem, but i do get annoyed specificslly when i see leftists online who are the loudest and most annoying about representation, trans rights, pronouns in bio etc but when it comes to guns they start with the self defence muh rights rhetoric & i don't think they realise that for anyone outside of the us w/ 0 cultural context they just look aggressive and weird
No. 1642585
>>1642576You don't see north americans mocked as widely as the british, for example. Maybe only the french are mocked on the same level, but I feel that one is far more warranted because they're pedos who house pedos.
>>1642578I understand that racism is not the right word, especially because it's not even about race here. Everyone jabs at others' cultures and stereotypes but sometimes online it goes too far.
I've seen so many progressive twitter-tier leftists treat their acceptable targets as barely human and I find it both hypocrital and telling of their true character. They're extra annoying when they're white self-hating americans.
No. 1642586
>>1642579it's the same in my country, brits are just as in your face as america but they're sooo educated and superior that you somehow have to allow it. especially in school you learn all about britain.
plus it seems like half of hollywood and the music industry is actually british, so they're powerful and influential when it comes to this too.
at no point somebody was ever able to even remotely oppress them, they should be glad that people are content with just making some lighthearted jokes.
No. 1642588
>>1642490I don't think it's wrong to make mafia au or like mafia movies but I don't blame people who lives places where the mafia is dominant for wanting nothing to do with it. It can be really traumatic growing up in a crime-heavy area. Specially since organized crime is involved in trafficking.
white italians and brits cant experience racism but I think we just need to have more empathy for each other. Americans are so quick to make Seth McFarlane-tier jokes at Italians who says they don't find mafia stuff cute. And then the same americans turns around and complains about artists who samples gunshots in their songs because it can be
triggering to some.
It's the hypocrisy that bothers me really. You can't use police sirens in songs because it will freak people out, you can't make art of anime girls being in girl gangs because youth gangs are fucked up, but if italians has any fears relating the Mafia they need to suck it up and stop being babies. Like I have followed several americans on social media that has said all these things. Many of them framed themselves as good people with high empathy who respected others trauma but they did not give a crap about the emotions of people in other countries, unless it was related to situations that happened because of fucked US foreign policies and military and British or French colonialism. Because then they could virtuesignal about it
No. 1642608
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>>1642605wtf is that zoomer shit
No. 1642611
>>1642591i have no doubt that rural people in australia still keep guns for self defence, the same way that many rural populations here (uk) often have old hunting rifles and stuff stowed away. the difference though is you can't just go out and buy a gun in either of these countries and cite self defence as the reason – im not well versed on licensing laws but theyre a lot stricter, most people here would not dream of owning a gun bc… what would be the point?
>Americans were once at war with their own governing body which is why gun rights are enshrined in their bill of rightsit circles back to the problem of america still clinging to constitutional rights that should have been updated with the changing of times. mass shootings would not be such a long standing problem if people could acknowledge that 'the right to bear arms' is an outdated relic of their countries history
No. 1642673
>>1642571I live in a country with a very high population sparsity i.e. the majority of people live in rural communities yet the gun control is very strict and there are no stand your ground laws that would allow you to shoot any trespasser on your property. You would absolutely go to jail for doing that. If the US would spend even a fraction of their military budget on social services they wouldn't have such a high crime rate to begin with. It's outright dystopian to fight crime by giving civilian people more guns to carry around.
>>1642591Those laws were made during the time guns were barely functional, applying them to present day when you can walk to a supermarket to buy an automatic assault rifle is insanity.
No. 1642679
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>>1642559>Racism is being masked as edgy humor even in leftist online spaces. Italians and the british are just acceptable targets for themSometimes I see them posting weird stuff about Italians and British and i can't help but feel they would express the same way towards my ethnicity/race if they were allowed to, it's very strange and it seems it's a noticeable phenomena. They even post those weird ass caricatures categorizing different types of "undesirable" phenotypes and it's so unsettling
No. 1642706
>>1642611What you need to understand is that it can’t be changed, there are hundreds of millions of guns in this nation and a lot of culture here is built around guns. Regulations exist but aren’t regularly enforced, enforcing regulations would certainly be a positive step forward though.
To suggest though that constitutional rights are a “relic” is kind of offensive especially when your monarchy is part of the reason those laws exist, have a little cultural sensitivity. It’s an imperfect situation but changing the constitution like it means nothing is a violation of rights as far as people here are concerned. It’s not really even possible because you need 3/4ths of states to agree and that’s after the senate puts it on the table, so not really a realistic ask.
Really what should happen is women should be the only ones who can have a gun for “self defense” purposes, since most gun violence is perpetrated by moids it makes the most sense for public safety.
No. 1642709
>>1642691>>1642686Maybe you should just try being a normal human and treating other people like humans instead of a direction-brained autist.
Slavery is when black people were treated like animals, in case you forgot. Stop with the endless fucking histrionics and/or projection of your own racist feelings.
No. 1642715
nonnie be real. Cultural shifts don’t happen that fast, there is no magical social service button that fixes things instantly like you’re suggesting. It’s not your fault you’re ignorant of the reasoning or naive about cultural differences. Unpopular opinion but American culture deserves as much consideration as any other nations cultural norms.
No. 1642717
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Men think they can neg/humble women into fucking them. Which why there's a trend calling margot Robbie average and how they called anuhea of all people mid. Women should not engage with men when they try to bring other women down, regardless of your opinion on said woman’s looks
No. 1642776
>>1642673My state has what feels like zero gun laws. learned about them in a state government course and I think we enforce about two of them. I've seen so many irresponsible gun owners who are annoyingly braggy and proud of their ability to own one, or two, or five. Theyre not someone who's a responsible hunter, or buys a pistol for self defense, they're a reckless, mentally unwell redneck idiot who doesn't know how to use the thing they own.
This year a mass shooting happened close to me and I was only a wrong decision away from being there. About a month prior area colleges statewide had hoax calls and cops went bursting into the campuses thinking it was a real threat. I don't have a lot of friends I admit, but I remember how upsetting and tragic both were for the community. One local republican politician who was at the shooting, although at the federal level they are spineless eels, said being there changed his perspective. People are all gung ho about it until it happens to them.
No. 1642784
>>1642779The ones on a state level where I live are paid too much NRA lobbying money to care, although we're pretty sure our
zodiac killer senator is clinically a psychopath
No. 1642802
>>1642792I'm trying to get out within the next couple years.
Godspeed, may another tree fall on Hot Wheels
No. 1642813
>>1642593A lot of mafia media makes the mafia look cool and trendy and Italians generally don't like that. On the other hand japanese people are totally okay with 3 billion yakuza games and manga.
The world is weird.
No. 1642838
>>1642826Nta but you're seriously going full retard now, don't accuse other anons of being moids just because they disagree with your point of view
No. 1642849
>>1642831>she is not talking about jokes that bring up harmless stereotypes like "I eata da meatball"nah op is exactly about softass shit like that kek
>>1642833it's not racism retard
No. 1642852
>>1642826>I don't know, have you ever heard of the concept of punching down? Alright then only ethiopians can joke about italians and about how they get butthurt towards mafia media.
I hope you realize how retarded that sounds. You don't need to sugarcoat your humor with excuses like ~punching down~ to make fun of groups you don't like.
The truth is that we italians are laughing stock due to the silly side of our culture but we have no pride or backbone to own up to it properly. That's why random k-poppie girl 273638292 wrote I cooka da pasta to defend her precious dancey scrotes group, because our stereotypes are funny and can be used to shut us up (it's not like the average italian k-poppie has the guts to bite back properly anyway).
No. 1642878
>>1642870i could have bet a 100 bucks that you would reply to me in italian to show me kek
still not racism, mario
No. 1642884
>>1642881>a cartel awareness postyou're acting like people talked about murder
victims or something, but it was just a dumb kpop tweet
No. 1642923
>>1642891Spoken like someone that’s never met a right wing nut. They are prepared for civil war should their gun rights be threatened. It’s considered a fundamental right, it’s the second one!
Your ignorance is showing. People are working towards restricting guns, removing them, etc and have been for a long time. As to healthcare and education, yet more ignorance. Most people here want those things (obviously without the indoctrination and forced vaccination) but the corrupt government, that can in this situation click their fingers and change those things, refuses to. Which leads to… people refusing to have their guns taken away because the government is corrupt and only interested in how much money they can make or political capital they can gain. Congrats on living somewhere with a functional government, your trophy is in the mail.
No. 1642935
>>1642923"Most people" this and that while multiple states are banning abortion and targeting birth control next, not to mention threatening schools not to ever mention gay people completely ostracizing children with same sex parents and Florida rushing towards banning of teaching about the history of slavery in schools. Your country is regressing fast and having some people who recognize it but remain completely passive doesn't change it. Sure the government is corrupt and rotten to the core but you calling free healthcare meant for disease prevention "forced vaccinations" and whatever you mean by "indoctrination" is being a part of the problem
No. 1642947
>>1642940Samefag and this made me kek
>>1642945Wtf when did I even mention slurs? Projection from twitter-chan as expected
>>1642937Thank you, I have no problem with people mocking Euros bc I do it all the time, it's just cringe to see the mental gymnastics that they do to justify it in their twitter brain
No. 1642950
>>1642833>>1642852now that's a spicy meatball
here, your daily oppression. take it to your therapist and have a good cry about the "racism" you've gone through kekkkk. self-victimizing crybaby
No. 1642966
>>1642935Alright, I’m going to stop being adversarial for a moment because it’s not your fault you don’t live here and it’s always fun to discuss things with others who are outside this paradigm. I’m not American firstly, I agree with the no gun policy secondly. My stance is based on living here and my natural cynicism and distrust of authority.
No one is trying to get rid of gay people except righty fundamentalists and they’re always doing it, they’re following the age old tradition of eurofags and playing the long game. Most people just don’t want porn being taught to their 8yo daughters, which a lot of leftists agree with.
And this gets into something important, most Americans don’t vote. Most Americans are apolitical, their opinions aren’t based in political dogma. So when you hear someone say 50% of voters, they’re talking about probably less then a third of the population or trying to call on tribalism for an emotional response. Don’t buy into it.
Secondly forced vaccination was a thing here, if you didn’t get vaccinated you could lose your job which is a big deal when 70% of the population lives pay check to pay check. Ignoring adverse effects for a second the government should never be able to dictate to you what you put in your body for any reason. If you think they should then you wouldn’t be bringing up abortion right? Because if the government can decide for you your medical care why shouldn’t they be able to decide women can’t abort a non viable fetus?
On to abortion. Welcome to the fun world of political football! Where your rights are just a fun shiny trinket politicians can kick around endlessly. Dems, who claim to love bonus holes, could literally codify (make permanent) abortion access but they choose not to. Do you know why? Because it’s fun for them, the dems can now run on the promise that they’ll consider womens rights so long as they get in next term and wouldn’t you know it, those rights are attached to mens rights to peep on women and invade our spaces.
It’s difficult to understand when you don’t live here, I had the same problem. It blew my mind! But the longer I live here the more I get it and the more confused I am about countries that are so trusting of their governments. You think our government is corrupt, it’s because they say the quiet part out loud, yours have just learnt to keep their peace.
No. 1642988
>>1642966>No one is trying to get rid of gay people except righty fundamentalists and they’re always doing it, they’re following the age old tradition of eurofags and playing the long game. Most people just don’t want porn being taught to their 8yo daughters, which a lot of leftists agree with. And this is where you buy into the narrative that they're just "thinking of the children" when they're doing nothing but bigotry. The bill is specifically worded so that it can be left for interpretation i.e. a teacher can be fired for mentioning her wife or telling the class that Susie has two mommies and that's normal because it can be classified as "instruction on sexual orientation in the classroom". Saying it's "to shield children from sexualization" is a cover-up for what they're really going for, which is the erasure and denormalization of gay people.
>And this gets into something important, most Americans don’t vote. Most Americans are apolitical, their opinions aren’t based in political dogma.I know this. That's why they're regressive as a nation.
>Secondly forced vaccination was a thing here, if you didn’t get vaccinated you could lose your job which is a big deal when 70% of the population lives pay check to pay check.It is absolutely justified for health care workers (since they were legitimately the only ones this rule even concerned) to be required to have their vaccinations in check and it's a routine policy around the world, some diseases require a 90% vaccination rate to prevent break outs such as measles and even regarding vaccines that don't 100% prevent the disease, it's still to protect workers from contamination and to prevent them from spreading the diseases to patients. It's completely reasonable and if you don't believe in modern science then what the fuck are you even doing in the medical field? I would never trust a doctor who wasn't vaccinated.
The rest of your post is just a weird ass rambling blogpost about muh demmycrats being evil so I'm not even going to dignify it with an answer but
>You think our government is corrupt, it’s because they say the quiet part out loud, yours have just learnt to keep their peace.Lmao, lol even. I paid pocket money to have a terminal disease treated in public healthcare and I have 0 student debt despite having an university degree so even if my country's government is secretly super corrupt illuminati enjoyers then at least their citizens are benefiting from it as well. Also it's hilarious that you do that "actually I'm not even American" but keep saying "us" and "our government" which a fresh migrant wouldn't even do so kudos for integrating into the system I guess, gun laws and all.
No. 1643034
Unpopular opinion but if you move to another country with the intention to live there you should integrate and adopt the social culture/norms otherwise what’s the point? Just stay home.
>>1642988 I’m just going to ignore all of what you just said because that level of smug is suffocating and you’re only interested in talking about how superior you are. Trophy still en route.
No. 1643038
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>suddenly everyone is italian
No. 1643278
>>1643136I try and make mine walk on the grass for this reason. She has naturally strong paws from walking so many years (1-3 times a day, around 1-6 miles, because she is my spoiled brat) but she hates the summer as a fine haired double coated dog.
Very glad one of the parks has a dog water fountain to accommodate the pups because it really does reach a feel of 120°f around here. The cruelest thing is that so, so many people have longer haired dogs like huskies down here, poor things must be dying
No. 1643432
>>1643400That's a myth peddled by homosexuals. Early on when it was first detected, doctors noticed it was concentrated in the gay community and specific to major population centers. That's why it was identified as the "gay cancer". They couldn't work out what was causing it, and the gay jewish doctor in the late 70s/early 80s (forgot his name) who basically first picked up on it, theorized it was due to the immune system being overwhelmed due to unsafe sex practices. He specialized in treating homosexual men for STDs and was sympathetic to their plight. When he first spread the word and went "uhhhhh, maybe you guys should stop with the blowback orgies" they all turned on him viciously and defended their right. You hear some gross shit reading up on this, like how during treatment for STDs gay men would casually talk about their intestinal parasites like it was an everyday thing.
When the crisis spread and became severe. San Francisco petitioned the bathhouse owners to shut down to save lives, and they got told no. They later went in and forcefully closed them, and the gay community had a hysterical meltdown. The same was seen in New York with bathhouses like the mineshaft. Everywhere you look you see the same pattern of the government trying to act, and then being prevented from saving lives by the homosexual community.
The same was happening during Monkeypox, the outcry was just "You have to do something, but you can't stop us from having massive orgies"
Nobody really gave a shit about gays in the 80s, that's more the problem. Left to their own devices they all commit collective STD suicide and it's only anti-biotics that save them.
No. 1643701
>>1643640I think it's a massively retarded and impulsive move, she's going to lose everything she worked for
over a decade by insulting the people that supported her, it gets even more retarded when you remember all of this was
triggered by
her creepy moid No. 1643745
>>1643315Nah bro Rupaul has the saviour complex of saviour complexes but without the self harm aspect. You could be like oh I'm not high energy today so i'm feeling a bit down and he'd go on a 10 minute spiel about energy and believing in yourself. He absolutely loves the whining UNLESS it's a very specific issue he can't love yourself his way out of, then he gets uncomfortable.
Love his house.
No. 1643825
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Only women should be allowed to have short hair, men should have long hair and if they can't pull it for whatever reason they should repent by shaving and/or abandoning society.
No. 1643894
>>1643843Did you not hear her? She said the ones that can't pull it off will be shaved/exiled.
>>1643825Based and real
No. 1644224
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I think Wendy Williams could have played Barbie in the new Barbie movie. She just has that vibe tbh
No. 1644253
Mine is eurofags need to shut the fuck up about America once and for real, it’s crazy to me how comfy these people are with criticizing the hell out of a country they more than likely have never even set foot in, like you don’t know shit about shit lol reading what Americans say on the internet isn’t actually equivalent to living there in terms of understanding how things actually are and doesn’t give you license to put your two cents in about how we’re actually retarded and irrelevant
And they do it on our own goddamn websites, too! I don’t speak a second language particularly well, but if I did, I wouldn’t dream of going on, say, a French website to talk shit about France, a country I’ve never been to, with only the news headlines and internet comments I read recently about what’s going on there as a frame of reference, like where do you guys get off? if we’re so terrible maybe you just should use your own social media websites with global rea— oh, what’s that? You don’t have any? Fuck you
And finally, fuck off with your bullshit comparisons to your (it’s always Nordic) countries! Denmark has 5 million people, Sweden has 10 million, Norway has 5 million, Finland has 5 million, the US has THREE HUNDRED MILLION, you stupid fucks. Compare us to countries of comparable size, like China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Russia, Bangladesh … oh look, suddenly we aren’t looking so bad, are we? Like I certainly hope you guys have shit straightened out in your tiny, ethnically homogenous countries that have had literally 1,000 years to straighten shit out! We’ve not even had 300 yet, you dumb bitches, leave us alone to figure it out!
And even if some dumb American wants to say this is the best country in the world, why does this trigger euros so bad? Like just let them think that literally who cares lol as if I see someone on the internet saying Sweden is the best country in the world and bust in with “ACKSHUALLY, it isn’t, and here’s why!” God, you guys are annoying
No. 1644306
>>1644295What does population density have to do with it? How does that change anything? I mean if anything, that should make it somewhat easier to govern when compared to a very spread out population imo
I’m sorry I called you or another anon a stupid fuck, I’ve reflected and I feel badly for that
No. 1644323
>>1644318Thank you anon!! That’s what I think, like if we aren’t actively self flagellating about america on the internet it’s like we’re automatically saying we’re the best or something, I dunno where it comes from
the US is objectively incredibly diverse, both in people and geography as well as flora and fauna and that is a really cool thing, I love my family and friends and they’re American, I love many American musicians and writers and filmmakers as I’m sure lots of us farmers do, so by default yeah I kinda love America lol but that doesn’t mean I think it’s perfect and that we’re better than everyone else
I think the absolute best and worst of humanity are present in every country and we all have our strengths and weaknesses and so on but just like… why bother snarking on a country you don’t need to think twice about because you don’t live there, it’s just odd and genuinely kinda offensive to me lol
No. 1644339
> haha muh universal health care> haha muh free tertiary education > haha muh low crime rateSo you admit it? You’re talking from a position of privilege and talking down to Americans? Eurofags like to gloat about how good they have it and if American just xyz but they never talk about other countries that struggle with gun violence and crime. Is that because it would be socially unacceptable for an extremely privileged group of white people to talk down to poor people that don’t look like them? Absolute privileged rich white people shit, like they did something to deserve it rather than just being lucky to be born in the countries they were.
No. 1644346
Climate Change as a form of doomerism is popular because of its superficial similarities to organized religion. Releasing carbon is the sin, taxes on pollutants are a form of indulgence, the apocalypse being always just 10-12 years away resembles how Jehovah's Witnesses always go "any day now". People mock Q-anon nutters for going "Two more weeks", but climate change fanatics have been at it for over 40 years.
The apparent crisis depicted is down to people being weak minded as well. With the advances in crop yields and durability due to the Green Revolution, it will be superfluous to maintain food supplies if the climate changes. If certain areas become uninhabitable, then people can move and concentrate, Egypt gets along fine even though all their population lives in a narrow strip down the Nile. What, it's just a coincidence that after the Green Revolution happened and countries like India became net food exporter, suddenly the narrative became "Ummmm ackschully, 90% of the world will be desertified"? To me that's when they gave the game away.
Dumbshits are rightly suspicious of climate scientists, but can't really articulate why, which is why they default to the "conspiracy" argument. Their suspicions are correct, but it's not so much the backdoor dealings they think it is. Climate scientists and others in the natural sciences that are facing declining job opportunities just want more money and power. The Climate Crisis instantly takes your PHD biologist struggling for a lab position and gives them the potential to be a climate commissar with wide prerogatives. It's no coincidence that the STEM engineers and techies are indifferent to climate change, they're pretty content with the wages they have already.
Nobody really calls these types out on their obvious coveting of power. You seen it during the 1950s with the Technocracy movement, where big brained scientists stroked their own dicks and went "everyone is stupid but us, we should control everything". If you just listen to the rhetoric coming from them, you find it dripping with cerebral narcissism. The more fanatic the climate nutter, the more they deprecate everyone that disagrees with them as being stupid.
No. 1644376
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>>1644366Nah, I'm literally 100% right about everything. Always have been.
Pic related, Paul Ehrlich, one of the most famous environmentalists that's always harping on about malthusian concerns and climate change…And always being wrong, being wrong since the 70s. Yet being wrong over and over again doesn't stop him or make him humble, he just starts again with "10 more years bro fr fr".
If we followed his sound scientific advice and limited growth back in the 1980s, hundreds of millions more people would still be living in poverty and millions more would be dead.
No. 1644445
Husbandofagging is avatarfagging that originated from the kpop critical threads and it's obnoxious as fuck. It's not just rancefag who needs a time out. This behavior, with everyone pining to be the fag of the week like leonfag, rancefag, kirbyfag, scoutfag, the way they refuse to keep it contained, the spam, did evolve from those kpop hell holes, with a dab of waifuist moid behavior because provin' girls can do it too will sure sock it to them. "B-but better 2dqt than 3dpd rapist!" Ya know what? A lot of these anons have nigels! Some talk about them, they're on /g/ on and off all day ffs there's an overlap. It turns out someone mentally ill enough to use an anon board as their spergout island of choice would probably be down to chase after multiple sources of validation. Nothing wrong with liking a character, or liking gore porn of a male character or whatever, we've all been there. Just make a tumblr, or a DA, or a discord if you want to be an attention whore asserting your personality built around a fictional character onto everyone around you. Anywhere that isn't anonymous.
Husbandofagging annoying and the kpop threads were our 9/11. KPC dust may never leave our lungs.
No. 1644528
>>1644445>Ya know what? A lot of these anons have nigels!Gasp!
>>1644457Maybe you are the one who doesn't understand the anonymity. I am pretty sure there is more than one scout and leon fag, you are the one assuming it's one single person. Other than rancefag who purposefully has been avatarfagging I don't see them around as you say, besides their containment threads. They might be making a lot of anon posts and you wouldn't know.
No. 1644554
>>1644484>tbh i think most of them aren't intentionally doing it purpose, it just looks that way when the board is dead.That would be a good point if it were about an anon keeping a thread alive with milk that everyone could see was the same person, but when their posts are the same recognizable edgy shit on /g/, /ot/, and /m/, it's different. If you're rapid firing pictures of some guy you rub it to maybe think to yourself "I think it's time to stop because this is a dead board and I'm making a spectacle of myself." Don't keep on until you make a name for yourself out of it, but they want that. Rancefag was a bipolar nutcase, it isn't a stretch to think the others have problems too. Playing dumb about the leaks and the samefagging problem being a tinfoil were the same thing the kpopfags and depressing 2x rape/femicide/pedo statistics doomers used to do before they were exiled, I smell poopie.
>>1644490I wasn't talking about her as much as the others, she had to've had real autism. I instinctively read her posts in a monotone sperg voice in my head.
>>1644540Can you link me some? I don't go on /ot/ a lot, it would be fun to unionize with anons who share the same opinion. We're overdue for an anti thread about it, we can include waifufags too.
No. 1644712
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humans put far more effort into saving stupid endangered animals if they're cute, even if they are terrible at living
see: pandas (idiots, one baby per litter, restrictive diets) and monk seals (snort eels up their noses)
No. 1644738
>>1644712movies stared by panda characters - 1
movie stared by
nonny - 0
No. 1644790
>>1644734please save the panda instead
I don't deserve to be saved
No. 1644804
>>1644780It would've been cool if they named some of the other female and male characters after Barbie and Ken's friends, they did have canonical names. It's weird they kept Midge but there are like 10 other Barbies
What about Kayla and Teresa hello
No. 1645030
>>1644927what insect species,
nonny? just so i know where to put my money
No. 1645138
>>1644445>with everyone pining to be the fag of the week like leonfagThis is retarded, there is no Leonfag, he simply has multiple fans on LC. If you look at the hornyposting containment thread you can see that quite a few characters have more than one fan posting about them.
>>1644554>when their posts are the same recognizable edgy shit on /g/, /ot/, and /m/What are you talking about? I haven't seen this behaviour outside the containment threads currently and I'm here a lot.
No. 1645163
>>1645138I think it's clear whoever is posting these baits wants to summon rancid or kirbyfag, only reason they're trying so hard and creating threads and shit, they want to
trigger an autistic meltdown again but those two left already and the others don't even give a damn
No. 1645206
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>>1645199I think she's mostly right. If you have an hourglass or pear shape, being a little overweight doesn't look bad. (overweight, not obese, going by modern western beauty standards). If your chest is large it can help too. If a guy is overweight it's unlikely the fat is going to be aesthetically distributed. Some people are into fat guys but like a specific type of all-over fat. 99.999% of the time a guy just has a fat belly and it's not a good look, they don't carry weight well.
picrel; he has what I would call very fortunate fat distribution and clearly has muscle underneath so he hasn't lost his "male" shape. I think he looks more fuckable than the model to be honest. But most modern men don't gain fat like this and they have no visible muscles and a big belly with weak legs and chest.
No. 1645237
>>1645212It's perfectly legal to get pregnant and have children if you have HIV. It's not even 100% you'll give it to the child, it's more like 25%. With treatment and special care chances of passing it to the child are <2%. HIV is not the same as a genetic disorder.
I'm a little out of my depth with genetic disorders but that woman has Neurofibromatosis and the gene for that is dominant which means she has a 50% chance of passing it (much higher chance than HIV). Still not 100%. But she can do genetic testing for the NF1 gene while pregnant and make a decision based on that. Also not everyone with the NF1 gene has it bad like her, some people don't show any signs, she's just very unlucky… so if you're mad at her mom, I don't think her mom knew it would be like that for her.
No. 1645284
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>he has fortunate fat distribution and clearly has muscle underneath so he hasn't lost his "male" shape
>he looks more fuckable than the model
thanks to blind tardlets like this we will never advance
No. 1645319
>>1645237nta but even 25% is way too high. I have a way more rare disorder that's easy to treat nowadays as long as your diagnosed when you're young enough and even if I'm considered cured it still has an impact on my health and my social life and always will, even if it's minor. And even then I will directly blame my family for reproducing with so many risks for several disorders, some of which are far more dangerous than what I have and one of them is chronic.
>>1645284You're not supposed to take anything into account if it's from someone who's sexually attracted to bald men tbh.
No. 1645366
>>1645163>summon rancidAppropriate autocorrect.
No. 1645388
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Johnny Marr is the real talent of the Smiths and his guitar riffs with the dreamy effects were always the true standout of the group. Shoegaze for life. Idgaf about Morrissey and his antics.
No. 1645719
>>1645684Totally agree. I feel for people whose parents aren't tolerable to live with, but partying and sex seem like such weak justifications for setting yourself back like that. I moved out at 30, by that time I
>bought my own apartment and rented it out for a few years>paid off half the mortgage>renovated the whole place>had plenty of disposable income for travel, shopping, hobbies etc>stayed extremely close with my awesome parents and spent a tonne of time with them>matured enough to be a naturally tidy person who values a clean home >became knowledgeable on nutrition, fitness etc and knew to prioritize my healthPeople act like if you don't move out early you'll become a man/womanchild who can't look after themselves, and that it's part of growing up to have a hot mess struggle period when you're young and on your own for the first time. But living alone has been completely smooth sailing for me because I'm old enough to have my shit together. I didn't want to struggle and fuck up my life for 'character development', I wanted to be 100% ready.
No. 1645802
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>>1645785And astrology is also real and accurate
No. 1645807
>>1645802This is for people who actually take the quiz and not classify themselves as a rarer personality type because they want to seem so edgy and different. Astrology is BS.
Myers Briggs can give you insight about yourself but the bigger benefit is understanding how others around you think and operate.
No. 1646475
>>1646435I think it's definitely a fun show, the episodes are also short so makes for very easy watching. The show also tends to I've found appeal to parents since not only the kids are main characters. So I get the appeal.
I DONT understand the grown people who buy Bluey merch, partake in Bluey fandom stuff, and make youtube content with the same enthusiasm as kids do.
No. 1646764
>>1646748мужик уходи с лолкау обратно на свою двачепомойку
>>1646756this, not to mention the vast stigma of being even remotely feminist
don't forget chechnya
No. 1646775
>>1646766how is bringing up rape in response to "western women don't have it that bad" not fat and privileged? imagine being so privileged that the mere mention of rape is a gotcha. i imagine that's how rape
victims wish they felt. your fat ass is in no danger though.
No. 1646787
>>1646748>>1646758Idk how anons aren't realizing this is a troll. Posts like these
>>1646783 >>1646758 >>1646748 are so telling. This is obviously infight bait, anon's not even coming up with arguments they're literally playing the hostile retard.
No. 1646800
>>1646773True, however I would say that the reason autists gravitate towards kink is because they can't get good looking partners they are genuinely attracted to… they have to do all this mental gymnastics to try and force arousal. This also works in reverse, women with low self esteem think being kinky will make them more attractive.
It's like polytards, they can't get one good looking person and think 3 uglies will make up for it.
No. 1646803
>>1646773100% truth. The psychopath sex pests eat autists alive in that scene too. Every autist I knew in that scene either got into a clearly
abusive relationship without being able to see the signs, or picked up abuser behavior from others in the scene. Often both. They never change unless they leave because the group encourages what they're doing.
No. 1646833
>>1646823diversion? you saying
>You firstwasn't a diversion? bfr lmaooo
No. 1647011
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Yellow is literally the most beautiful color in the world.
No. 1647072
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>>1647011Based yellow enjoyer. It was myf avorite color as a kid, I don't know why it's not now. Maybe I need more yellow in my life.
I always loved warm, orange-yellows.
No. 1647186
>>1640816Literally every mixed race person gets this not just wasian mixes are you wasian? In fact my unpopular opinion is I think wasain are the mix that gets put on a pedestal the MOST! due to eugenics and peoples white supremacist mindsets they truly believe that wasians are the superior mix of all mixed race to race mix. Because people truly believe that asians and white people are the superior race like down to their bones they believe it. It’s insane how people so easily are manipulated by eugenics.
Honestly though this happens again with every biracial person in America due to racism and white supremacy minority races that are mixed with white are automatically pedastalized in their nonwhite community for having white DNA. Others who aren’t mixed but are the full minority group might peep that and be envious of that obvious pedestalizing and call it out and maybe that’s what you’re seeing. but it isn’t always the fault of the mixed person but the fault of society for putting white DNA on a pedestal and now due to kpop and anime and it being popular being asian American (East asian of course cuz colorism) is now lucrative and a powerful thing to be especially online. How many videos get millions of views online by simply mentioning the word “Asian”
Also also when it became a trend on tik tok to post your mixed race family dynamic when wasians started to do it people largely noticed that most wasians come from predatory dynamics where their dads were basically white sexpats. People ran with that stereotype and made fun of them for it which I don’t condone or find funny, and say that wasians with an Asian dad white mom are superior to Asian mom white dad mixes. but again this happens with black and white mixed race people too! There is a saying that black dad white mom is the worst biracial child to have because blaxk men are largely absent and anti black when they are around and white women largely still uphold their racist beliefs and pass it on to their children. While black mom white dad is supposedly superior because black women largely keep their culture still instilled in their child. I’m not saying this to say which one is better I think both are case by case. BUT I used this example to say this happens to all biracials with a white parent lol. Maybe biracials do need their own group because y’all all talk about the same shit in different fonts and I’m tired lol.
No. 1647195
>>1647186These dynamics usually have stereotypes. I'm half slav, half middle eastern and whenever I say that everyone assumes my mother is a Russian sexworkers(which is disturbing because I hate Russians) amd my father is one of those arab sexpests while in reality my mother is the middle eastern one and they're just both normal people.
Though I do know a guy whose mother is a Russian ex-sexworker and his father is a middle eastern cop who committed a crime which made him lose his job so I guess the stereotype does exist. He's severely mentally ill and very ugly because both of his parents are bottom of the barrel criminals. I'd be ashamed of my family if mine was like his so I'm thankful it's not.
No. 1647197
>>1647196They are easily
triggered kek.
No. 1647198
>>1640816A lot of the white men who go for asian women in vulnerable situations tend to be unattractive old men and the asian woman is usually also unattractive and poor/unsuccessful in her country's standards. The end result is a child that looks unattractive and got raised in a weird dynamic in which his father was most likely only with his father because he had a fetish. Elliot Roger is one of those sons, they tend to be mentally ill even if they look ok by luck because of the weird predatory dynamic the white father usually projects on both his wife and children.
Also, fuck white men who prey on vulnerable nonwhite women. It always ends up with the child having an identity crisis because the mother in question is usually ashamed of her culture/heritage and the father is still lowkey racist to his child.
How would you feel knowing your father was a loser who couldn't get any woman in his country so he ordered one overseas and only likes your mom because she's a certain race?
No. 1647203
>>1647200Why did you ignore my post detailing the issues women have in the workplace which were totally
valid and jumped to the one thing you can easily dispute?
You're so stupid, instead of wasting time here go study so you can flee your country before your parents marry you off to your cousin.
No. 1647204
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>>1647200How does it not affect me and other women when the men around us are porn addicts and see women as commodities? Even young boys are being introduced to porn, willingly or unwillingly. Not to mention the rise of "sex work is real work!" Why is it that if it does not
directly affect
me specifically, it isn't real? Just go back already.
No. 1647205
>>1646810>personallyOkay, let's get personal.
1. Discouraged from learning math by parents, not allowed to practice physics experiments with boys by the (female) teacher.
2. Almost died because the doctors concluded I'm "anxious like all the young women" and "it's psychosomatic".
3. That one rape attempt.
4. Multiple cases of groping and harassment.
5. Every single car service tries to swindle me.
No. 1647207
>>1647200Nta but yes we do they're just not as big as the problems of women in a lot of other places. That doesn't make them not real.
The only reason you're even complaining about Western women complaining about patriarchy is because you're going out of your way to visit the English side of the internet where people who live in different circumstances discuss their lives, "spoilt" Western Anglo women haven't asked you to be here and read their conversations and discussions. Go back to the Indian internet or wherever you're from if you're that fed up with Western Anglo women discussing things relevant for their situations in their native language on their own websites.
No. 1647238
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>>1647200hi, third worlder here.
i will personally hire a large man to rape you and eviscerate your tight asshole. while you are weak and bleeding, he will grab your worthless, unused dick by the scrotum and chop it up with the rustiest knife available. you will be mouth-fucked and humiliated on camera, the video will be shared in cartels. hopefully you're white with a fat ass, they like bitchy little well-fed gringo men.
you subhuman pieces of shit moid will learn to stop weaponizing our suffering to justify making women in your countries suffer. you visit our countries too to rape women and children legally. there is no way you can run a country without oppressing anyone, you block abortions because you are a failed abortion. the noose is waiting, you worthless bitch.
No. 1647323
>>1647230One, you're literally wrong. Slavers actually bred for certain traits like strength or speed. So humans being line bred has absolutely happened in history. Two, why do you pretend that humans aren't animals? We are just as susceptible to genetics as any shitbull, and depending on how widespread, traits determining behavior appear in families and in larger genetic lines. Next you're going to claim that just because they've never been line bred, that wild animals never show specific behaviors that they've never been trained to do, like birds of the same species singing similar songs to their fathers, even when removed as eggs.
>>1647237Humans are animals, genetics affect us, die mad about it.
No. 1647492
>>1647464Nta, it’s not traumatizing, but it can lead to some very shitty moments. Because if you date a moid and he acts like he needs to be served first, and you complain to your parents because, maybe one day you felt hungry and ate first, and he got mad at you. Then they will tell you that you should’ve just endured it and served him first, that you’re being unreasonable because he works and he’s coming tired from work, and so on.
It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but shit relationships are built from tiny little moments like those, and when you ignore them and think that they’re not an issue, they turn into a big issue.
Maybe it’s because I have a brother that I have to baby because my family thinks it’s cute, even though we both are almost 30 years old. But those little issues, like not serving a moid first or always making sure you pick the plates after him and you do all of the dishes because “he’s too tired”, those things are tiresome as fuck, just plain unnecessary, and keeping those “traditions” alive only shows how the moid you have to serve sees you as an inferior being that has to do as he pleases, because “that’s how it’s supposed to work”, “he’s too tired” “you’re the lady of the house”.
It’s not cute, it’s not just something that happens or a tradition, it’s just a way to control women.
No. 1647513
>>1647323I Hope you and your entire bloodline dies in a horrible fire where you couldve been easily saved but no one thought your lives were worth it!
I am so tired of racists bastardizing my ancestors history for their own sick disgusting reasons. Its disgusting! If thats the case white people just inherently have shitty DNA because they needed to go to a whole other continent to exploit and murder literal babies, women and men for some damn cotton among other things. The racist shit yall say is 9/10 projection and it makes me laugh.
This leads me to my unpopular opinion 99% of racist shit people spew about black people is just projection and once you have that epiphany racism is just funny and sounds largely like envy LMAO.
>>1647513The increase in racism both subtle and blatant here lately has been so alarming, good on you nona
Fuck racists
No. 1648022
>>1647552Seriously it's all over the fucking board, mods need to wake up. Every fucking thread gets sniped by racebait multiple times a day.
No. 1648573
>>1648557it's not animal hate, it's just dogs. I don't know why ppl can't separate the two. Ppl can hate dogs and love other animals lmao
>>1648568Actually sounds really nice…
No. 1648790
>>1648780>unless you disembowel a shitbullChrist, I don't even care for them (or any dog/cat breed for that matter, I actually quite dislike most pet animals) at all but calm down. Moid tier behavior
No. 1648792
>>1648790That's definitely not a "
nonnie", kek.
No. 1648806
>>1648801Also not included are the dozens of elderly adults who have been mauled to death by pits. Or the thousands of other pets mauled to death or severely maimed by pits. It’s not just kids, these beasts literally cause carnage and wreak havoc upon every living thing. They’ll even tear apart CARS if there are no toddlers or cats or old people to rip up. They will LEAP THROUGH GLASS WINDOWS to maul other creatures. They also tear apart wild animals and livestock. There’s no limit to their savagery, much like their creators.
Pitbulls are a perversion of nature created by and for violent scrotes. They were and still are bred as BLOODSPORT DOGS. Supporting them is psychotic at worst and pure ignorance at best.
No. 1648826
>>1648817just fyi the best way to stop a pitbull attack without resorting to that level of violence is actually to choke it with a leash/belt until it loses oxygen to it's brain.
>>1648819Do you even have a fucking dog? Do you walk it?
Anyways I'm deleting the picture of all those kids because they don't deserve to be immortalized on this godforsaken website. Also I'm drowning myself, bye.
No. 1648836
>>1648833NTA but Literally I think you’re a scrote gaslighting and purposefully trying to
trigger women with trauma related to your favorite breed of dog
No. 1648843
>>1648836>>1648838I posted
>>1648827 and suggested therapy for OCD. You're typing like an actual newfag/scrote while accusing me of being one, so I'm going to assume this is massive projection on your part to try and make it seem like it's "normal" to post fucked up shit that is actually
triggering to anyone who's faced trauma.
If you've ever had trauma, you'd know it's not fun or enjoyable to write detailed shit about what hurts you. It's creepy, nasty shit. Since you're a scrote, you don't get this and want to weaponize pain against us to manipulate us. It won't work.
No. 1648849
>>1648847Nothing in the vent thread is on the same level as what I'm referring to. Nobody goes on about disemboweling people or dogs. I'm aware now that I'm replying to a baiting moid who gets off on accusing women of being moids and trying to manipulate with posts like
>>1648846, so I hope the thread moves on.
No. 1648860
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Dogs and cats are disgusting creatures, the pure and elegant snake is where it's at. Now, can I get a "hiss hiss" from my ladies on the farm?
No. 1648867
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>>1648865Even this one? They're like frogs to me.
No. 1648928
>>1648921I feel like this is a stereotype that isn't all that common irl. I know plenty of girls and women who're in relationhips with men and none of them are with those men for money or purses and all of them have jobs or are studying to have jobs (again the specification of purses is so weird, I know very few women who're really into the steretypical girly stuff like fashion or makeup). It's like you think all women are secretly golddiggrs who want them designer purses even though the vast majority of women has diverese hobbies and interests.
How many women do you know, personally irl and not on some podcast, who're being taken care of by a man or trying to be anyway? That shit isn't even economically feasible on a large enough scale anymore to make a "most women in the west are like that" blanket statement about. The average middle class woman has no choice other than to work whether she's in a relationhip or not and that's what they do.
No. 1648945
>>1648921>most women will fold for a shiny purse and moneyThis isn’t any more true for women than men and the men who believe it is don’t want to respect women. They create evo psyche then try to manipulate society into matching it. Men will double down on these notions even as women risk their lives to get away from those narratives.
>most women will get sexism thrown at them in a manosphere podcast for money.Not true and they are hired because bringing normal women on as guests will ruin the show. Most female degradation requires grooming and desperation. Men as a group haven’t just stumbled upon random gold diggers but rather instilled the sentiments to make the easily influenced behave like one.
I don’t disagree that western women aren’t as liberated as it’s purported. There isn’t much difference between western reality and the stereotypes of foreign attitudes but that’s just how patriarchy manifests here. Convince women they’re so well off that nothing needs to change and conveniently absolve misogynists of uniquely ill intention.
No. 1648966
>>1648921>I don't know if men would degrade themselves for cash Nope, got it the wrong way round, nobody wants to
pay men to degrade themselves, they already know men have zero morals or honour, but paying women to degrade themselves is a challenge. Hence the onlyfans phase where they groomed young girls to "empower" themselves (degrade themselves and ruin their futures because porn is the most immortal media form and they will exist on men's harddrives for another 100 years) for a pittance of money.
100% of men admit they would escort and do porn if there was any demand, but like 80% of men struggle to secure one date a month as clearly there is none. The others either are in relationships or sleep around, still for free because nobody will pay for that. Men already know within their own friend groups that the bar is in hell and a man will do anything, however dangerous or degrading, so there is no incentive to pay another man for it.
Also you must not actually live in the western world and simply view it online because all western women work and are independent, literally never witnessed a western woman "getting that bag" outside of sexwork (which, see above, is exploitation for male amusement and not representing the lives of the majority)
It's worrying that people view clickbait reactionary fake shit online and think it represents the real world. Get some life experience please.
No. 1648969
>>1648961Men think it's creepy if you care too much because they think it means you're fucking insane, since any sane woman knows he is simply a rape monkey and must be treated accordingly. Always remember a beautiful older woman I studied with, who when asked about her husband would simply say "he's a man"
Delusional women who think men aren't worthless are scary, that's a seperate issue to the fact everyone does indeed want to be loved and cared for. But nobody wants a delusional freak with insane expectations and demands based on some imagined version of you (Heather explores is an example) and that's why men find it offputting if you care too much.
No. 1648997
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>>1648969>Always remember a beautiful older woman I studied with, who when asked about her husband would simply say "he's a man" The woman:picrel
It's not funny or cute. It's sad that she's dating men despite knowing they ain't shit. That's humiliating as hell to willingly slave away for someone who you know hates you. I don't find those heterosexual stories cool, it's fucking horrendous. She's not baddas
No. 1649022
>>1648972Moid hands typed this, a lot of men do think like this though. I was talking to my ugly male friend and he told me he didn't feel anything for most of his gfs yet still led them on and fucked them because he probably knows the only type of woman he can love would rather kill herself than date him.
Anyway, no one loves ugly men and all women either cheat or leave you, if you're an ugly man ropemaxx
No. 1649030
>>1649022I’m not a moid. I was just raised an autist, poor and a
poc in the early 2000s so I know how men actually feel about women when they aren’t trying to impress them so i got a realistic peak into male sexuality so I’m less retarded and delusional about men than the average woman.
No. 1649044
>>1648961>>1649030If you give ugly men a chance, they'll become delusional, let it get to their ego and try to cheat on you, no matter what.
When it comes to men, it's really not worth looking past their looks. Unlike women, they're incapable of comprehending that level of humanity, all they see is their own narcissistic nature, and they want to punish you for it. In their minds, you dating them either means they're actually handsome and have a shot with other women on your level or better, or that the notion of you actually caring for their personality and them is impossible (which is true, because 99.9% of men have no decent personality to speak of, women are just trained to make excuses for crappy behavior). In the latter case, they think you must just be doing them some sort of charity or "using" them in some way, and they'll feel so disrespected that they'll look to cheat to build up their self-esteem. Everything is a numbers game of compensate/replace/strategize with them.
Additionally, this is why imported Thai bride types are often very miserable, and either divorce the scrote when given the chance, or have to keep up the retarded tradthot game, and might even antagonize western women online. They feel like they're in constant competition, and they don't realize it's not because American women are looking for passport bros and creepy old men, but because those men are thirsty rejects who literally never stop sniffing.
No. 1649049
>>1649030I don't think you sounded like a male but I am confused why you think you understand them because you're autistic/poor/
poc/grew up in the early 2000s. wtf does that have to do with anything… make it make sense lol
No. 1649054
>>1649049Because men always larp as either third worlder or autistic women to put down other anons.
Either way, you're not better than normie women when it comes to understanding human interactions.
You're an autistic(socially stunted), old and unattractive woman whose sole information about relationships comes from redpill podcasts you admitted to listening to. You're just like your male counterparts who are also old ugly and autistic which is why you share the same beliefs as them and think men can use women easily because women are stupid - yet somehow fail to get even one woman to date them.
No. 1649055
>>1649049>you sound maleIsn’t it sexist to assume someone’s gender based on how they type?internalized muhsoggyknees much
>>1649044I think women date ugly men because most of us really don’t have a choice especially after the age of 30. It’s either you’re going to date someone ugly or be single because most men are unattractive and age horribly. The only way women can avoid what you’re talking about is by sitting down and really getting comfortable with being single forever but let’s be real most normie women will never do that. I haven’t seen a man I thought was really cute in real life in like 6 months so I get why straight women date ugly men because what choice do we actually have kek
No. 1649060
>>1649055 Most people look average and id say only %10 of people look either very attractive or unattractive, long as you date an average person, you'll have a better relationship. Ugly people are usually miserable regardless of gender
>>1649057Because an old unattractive person who has a disability hindering their social skills can't possibly know more about dating than an average person, I'm not insulting you, I'm explaining why you can't be superior to other women.
No. 1649064
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Since I know some won't listen without public figure examples. Pictured, an ugly man and the woman he cucked. Shoe0nHead tried gimpgirlmaxxing. She insisted this man was handsome, accepted being cucked, and engaged in threesomes, BDSM, etc. She also made 10x more money than this man and "buxxed" him. She ended up getting abandoned at 30. The man cried to some other pickme that she somehow "abused" him, and it worked for a while, until she realized his game and dumped him. He made suibait and depression posts after that.
Don't give ugly men chances.
No. 1649090
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>>1649064For those who care about celebrities: Another ugly moid and the woman he cucked. The women in pic related, Lilly Jay, knew this short, strange-looking man, Ethan Slater, for 10 years and dated him from high school. She's a psychology researcher, and an anti sexual assault advocate who spoke at the White House. He played Spongebob on Broadway. They got married in 2018, and she had a child with him in 2022. This year, he proceeded to cheat on her with Ariana Grande, a celebrity with a history of sleeping with men in relationships, cheating on her own male partners, heavily unresolved trauma and a possible eating disorder.
This man was willing to throw away 10 years and a child with a stable, responsible woman for the validation of another woman who likely won't keep him. It's something that seems so simple that you almost want to disregard it, but just don't give ugly men chances. It's not worth it.
No. 1649100
>>1649071Probably thought he could do better
No. 1649148
>>1649090There's a picture of her gazing adoringly at him that accompanied some of the announcements and my first thought was
this is why you never admire/adore a moid like the shame, the embarrassment, to be gazing at literal irl spongebob like he's special when he will go on to have what will be a very short lived affair with Ariana, who has very clear relationship issues of her own (imo she doesn't understand fidelity and relationships becauss she's been escorting for her whole life, as most celeb women do, so for her cheating and stealing men is her freedom and emotional exploration versus the assigned johns. I get it but the amount of lives she's fucked up, even has a death toll, women's standards ard the only thing keeping moids in line so if you hit a woman who doesn't respect/understand relationships all hell breaks loose)
Anyway they will have broken up by the time filming ends and that's his real wife of 15 years and new baby child thrown in the trash for a brief, very embarassing affair. Men, everyone.
No. 1649149
>>1644253no, fuck off
usa has been spending millions and millions to influence other country media about how its the best country in the world and the one who is right when it comes to politics
people were fed lies about how usa was the promised land and now they are waking up and making fun of what a meme shithole you are
my grandma was right, everything bad comes from usa
latest example: tranny propaganda - it surely did not come from poland, lmao
(integrate) No. 1649159
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>>1649142How about pickle and cheese? Bit of a Britbong/Eirebong thing but a nice cheddar with some pickle on pepper crackers is amazing.
For me, cheese-wise, it's gotta be Cashel Blue and Brie, maybe Dutch cheeses after those.
No. 1649182
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this movie got too much hate. Teenagers are super insecure so it's not unrealistic that a girl would feel like an outsider for being tall. The "it's much harder to be a poc/gay/disabled" criticism was stupid im a lesbian so i know its hard but other people are allowed to talk about their insecurities
No. 1649287
>>1649148>she's been escorting for her whole life, as most celeb women do,?
Don't they already have enough money or is this tinfoil?
No. 1649304
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I didn't care much for those "oh! if that character is shown not to be into men she's lesbian coded!" headcanons, i thought some of them made sense but a lot others i didn't care.
But the "ermmm well akshually she's obvs aroace!!" is annoying to me, and it's always a straight woman saying this, i'm straight but being aroace is not fucking real and they're never sure/in agreement about what the actual definition is!, NO ONE cares about your stupid fake ass label and the characters you need to annoyingly project onto omfg
No. 1649309
>>1649303Escorting goes on but it's not some cabal thing
I'm gonna need the collective internet to stop politicizing and over complicating Hollywood corruption so much. It is complicated. It's just not complicated in the way you think it is. Using provocative political bullshit just makes the entire brainless Q movement and all its adjacent streets feel like a psyop in itself to further stupefy people as to what's actually going on.
Also, most moids who fall for this and people in general aren't capable of the critical thinking necessary to understand what's actually going on behind the scenes. They want to make everything out to be this greater boogeyman than it is, but they don't care to do anything about the people being harmed
No. 1649399
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normally I don't make such observations especially because I'm in no place to talk (I've never liked a real guy).
but honestly some women genuinely deserve to be roasted for their tastes in men.
I've seen so many women call a guy with perfect skin, pleasant features, nothing busted, great hair, etc. gross and that's fine, but sometimes it's random because a guy seems so inoffensive. Why even say it?
In the meantime Mads Mikkelsen, who has probably millions of fangirls, looks like every unwashed and stinky weirdo creep I've ever seen irl put together into some busted homunculus. there's not even a "well his personality is nice" argument because most men in hollywood are basically the same. Also, it's a given almost none of these women would find the female twin of ugly men good looking because apparently the appeal is dick-havers that look like a roadkilled molerat kek. also the worst part is that Mads is far from the worst one with armies of fangirls. There's another very ugly, chinless male celebrity with a long history of doing creepy shit to women that has an army of fangirls - even on lolcow - that claim they like him because he's nice and soft. oh and I speak as someone who's never had a celebrity crush. I genuinely feel like so many women have coped with the lack of genuinely attractive men by hyperfixating on weirdos and then feeling like their weird looks genuinely make them have more character when that isn't at all true.
No. 1649410
>>1649399>I genuinely feel like so many women have coped with the lack of genuinely attractive men by hyperfixating on weirdos and then feeling like their weird looks genuinely make them have more character when that isn't at all true.idk, i've been like this forever except it used to be weird looking cartoon guys instead of celebrities. a lot of times it's because the characters they play were more interesting rather than how the man is irl. however i sort of agree that sometimes ugly/weird looking (and many times very old) ones are pushed as more conventional by the media and magazines while normal looking guys aren't and that's kind of confusing.
>chinless male celebrity with a long history of doing creepy shit to women that has an army of fangirls - even on lolcow - that claim they like him because he's nice and soft.dano? (he's the only one that fits chinless i think kek) i'm curious what did he do?
No. 1649423
>>1649416obligatory to post this
(but yes, I completely agree, "weird" men are just more appealing, I think my brain is broken?)
I kind of agree with the sentiment that an anon posted here another day that much more conventionally attractive men, well, at least the dumb ones, seem empty because they've been fed compliments all their life and can lack personality… while average, weird, ugly, or attractive but deranged guys have to work harder to seem "appealing" to women. which is funny considering moids still live life on easy mode compared to us. and that's nothing that the media has fed me, it's something I have observed. also, some of the nerds I've dated would've been attractive if they'd taken care of themselves better, but they had some pretty bad issues
No. 1649436
>>1649416if it's some 2d/fictional guy I don't mind, kek, because at least their character is set. What you see is what you get.
Again, that part is purely biased but almost across the board "weird" real men tend to be similar to other men.
I knew someone that fawned over a dorky looking, but still social/interesting pasty white dude who was completely surprised when she learned he was a fuckboy. Another hyperfixated on a very ugly dude with a deformity only to learn he had 4 other women on the hook. I knew he was shit immediately but she felt like he had some sort of special character, kek. It mostly IS about looks, it's just the weirdness is what's fetishized and seen as a proof a man is inherently more interesting. It also lures in women that are used to men being super ugly so they feel as if they could be picked by one of them.
No. 1649441
>>1649423weird deranged guys don't magically develop more character. if this was widely true then there'd be 10000000s of less incels in the world. the additional effort they put in mostly tends to be arbitrary, much like how incels screech about how they're nice guys because they held open a door for a woman or paid for a date.
My point is that "weird guy" is an aesthetic of its own that baits women and makes them believe a dude is deeper than he actually is when the majority of them function like most other guys, it's just they usually lack the same opportunity to fuck around as more attractive men. There's a tiny minority that pursued their passions, don't care about looks that much or what men in general think, etc, that are kind of different. However, these tend to be already far more popular than the majority of actual "weird guys" out there. They're conventional and not actually that weird.
There's also research showing how unattractive women are actually more likely to work harder to be attractive to men than unattractive men are to women. I'm surprised this isn't obvious. I only ever hear "haha ugly men try harder!!" which is probably due to people holding men to lower standards. Hell, there's also more signs showing how ugly/disadvantaged men are more likely to be violent and misogynistic. I find it very strange they get armies of women going on about how they try much harder than actual normal-looking or attractive men because it almost feels like a fantasy more than something they'd find in reality. Case in point: you dating weird men and them having many issues, as if you expected to fix them somehow. Your entire idea of their character revolves around them "trying harder for the sake of getting women" which…yeah, that's very fake and insinuates that they'd change when they're able to fuck any woman they want to get. And tbh I think a huge part of it is based off the idealization of either fictional or idealized men. Jughead is fucking weird but dudes like him barely exist in real life. He also is kind of good looking. I am not surprised some women project him onto real guys that remotely resemble him.
No. 1649462
>>1649436but what if he's both live action and fictional. besides i don't think it's possible to be picked by someone famous since they have their own social circle and wouldn't date a random stranger.
i spent decades trying to push myself into liking normal looking conventional celebrities and i always lost interest quickly, i don't know what's wrong with me anon. some ugly features make me horny i guess.
No. 1649474
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Adult Bulma was at her prettiest with long hair
No. 1649480
>>1649462I have much less issue with that too? I'd rather you like them than some fakeass celebrity dude or borderline incel, kek. My rants mostly come from the idea that it's a bad idea to see unconventional men as automatically having much more character and trying much harder, which doesn't just involve celebrities.
Also it isn't like I'm totally innocent of the ridiculous fake stuff. I'm pretty sure I almost crushed on Severus Snape in the HP movies when I was 15. I was so excited by him for no reason but I didn't like the actor that plays him. People are free to judge me over it I've accepted my retrospective hypocrisy.
>>1649474Is this really unpopular?
No. 1649501
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>>1649499It's hard to tell cuz I'd imagine more people than not would like her long hair v. shorter hair, it's just the primary reason why your opinion would be unpopular here is that short hair is rare and often wrongly vilified in women. The majority of people usually prefer longer hair still. Picrel just looks awkward imo and I hate admitting it but I really do prefer how she looks classically, even her outfits are more iconic.
No. 1649537
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>>1649501She looked good in picrel and it gave her a mature yet edgy appearance during the end of Dragon Ball/Saiyan saga. During the Buu saga/Super, she just gives the snobby/too good for her friends vibes but then again, she’s with Vegeta lol
No. 1650028
>>1649934I don't mind some good cheekbones, but if your whole head is just the skull without any fat or muscle, the definition is pointless. already looking as if you've been in the grave for a few years ain't cute.
As a flip side, I hate when others have flat, nondefining faces, looking like a rolled out ball of dough where the eyes/mouth/lips etc. could have ended up anywhere and no difference was made. It weirds me out. Very rare, plus no offense, but this carries into a weird uncanny valley feel for me. Too similar to a Mr. Potato head you can attach features to in any place.
No. 1650300
>>1650264My anti psychology friend made me want to commit die because she thought all mental illness was made up and curable with the same methods
No girlypop, I literally have a broken brain, it does not function the same as other people. No two peoples brains function the same. They need different methods of treatment. But denying the existence of those disorders won't make ur life better
No. 1650670
>>1650301I don’t think my thighs have grown much because I found a pair of XS VS pink undies that I literally had only worn like twice and then lost them for over a decade. Those fit great. It’s like I’m losing my mind.
>>1650123Glad I’m not the only one, yeah it feels like I’m fucking losing it. I’ve been literally ripped the seams of the thigh holes just so they aren’t uncomfortable so all my undies look mangled. My thighs aren’t super thicc at all I’m a size 0-2, I don’t fucking get it. Also not to mention the fact that undies currently are all hideous patterns/colors and/or it’s damn near impossible to find cute cotton ones. I want my vag to BREATHE I don’t want to suffocate her with plastic. Ffs I wonder if they’re using troons for the body measurements for ladies underwear’s these days?!?!
No. 1650674
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>>1650026They sell these cute stickers that are meant to be put over zits and can actually help them heal. They have clear ones but they now also have cute pink and blue ones in cute shapes like stars and hearts, I recommend them nonna. They stick well without being irritating.
No. 1650686
>>1650679Ayrt and I don’t think they’re a waste of money. I use the plain Hydrocolloids at home and I just don’t think they blend in well at all kek, they’re very obvious on me and look like weird bandaids basically. So that’s why I keep the cute ones for when I go out and don’t wanna cake makeup over a zit that won’t cover well anyway.
>>1650680The ones I linked are $4.50 regular priced at ulta and are eligible for their $3.50 off $15 coupons as well. Once I saw them on sale but one get one 40% off.
No. 1650742
Society heavily discriminates against stupid people. Stupid people are probably the most oppressed demographic. The way society and culture so callously mocks the stupid is beyond cruel when it's pretty congenial.
But beyond that, what's funny is a lot of this pressure for wunderkinder comes from completely mediocre mothers kek. It's like, who the fuck is an unemployed single mother to expect their kids to be cerebral geniuses?
These mothers fry their brain watching House, The mentalist, Young Sheldon and the Big Bang Theory and just start equating raw intelligence with economic success and dominance to an absurd degree. They watch shows like House and see some smarmy genius callously putting others down while people just… squirm and take it for some reason? And they start imagining their kids could be like that. Bourgeois kids that don't meet that expectation get an ADHD diagnosis to justify away them being mediocre and not smart. Because that's what ADHD is to these parents really, a way to temporarily justify why their kid isn't in the top 5%. Not temporarily embarrassed millionares, but temporarily embarrassed geniuses! If only that pesky mental problem didn't cloud their obvious true potential.
They literally don't give a shit about all the piano playing, the high grades or any of that other things beyond what it gets them. They're after the goodies of the tasks in the form of their kids being socially dominant and economically successful, and them being able to flex on their friends with that. And when this doesn't come to fruition in the kid's late teen years, an emotional shedding process takes place and they rant and rave about how their kid squandered all that amazing potential (That they helped nurture, of course).
No. 1650840
>>1650742It's because parents without accomplishments want to live through their child and they'll literally never realize that their partner and their intelligence determine the intelligence of their future kid so they always have weird ass expectations.
I remember a doctor telling me how a man accused the doctor of being faulty because the child's iq came out low when the father was literally mentally disabled himself.
No. 1650842
>>1650097The anon you're replying to and I also agree with this. I have overweight friends who struggle finding clothes that fit them BUT I always see some average looking stupid anorexic wannabe complain about all clothes being too big for her and blaming vanity sizing like, girl no you're literally not even skinny.
And fastfashion brands have only started making plus size cute garments in the last few years so shopping as a bigger size has always been harder and anyone arguing otherwise is looking for excuses to satisfy their anorexia.
No. 1650843
Continuing the vanity sperg, this is the average person that spergs about vanity sizing
>>1650100 and wrongly buys garments too small for them because they dont understand that some garments are supposed to be comfort/loose fit.
No. 1650858
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eyes are harder to draw than hands
No. 1650915
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>>1650908anyone can draw a flat ugly eye but very, very few artists can actually depict a three-dimensional eye that's expressive. Outside of kishi and yoshinari i cannot think any other artist who's genuinely good at drawing eyes. I think the reason why most modern animu is so ugly is because the eyes are so soulless too, they are all sparkly and shit but completly devoid of fundamentals which makes them boring at best and soulless at worst.
No. 1650922
>>1650854My unpopular opinion is you can’t learn about the history of America and NOT hate it and be embarrassed to live here. Only people who are proud Americans are people that don’t know americas history for real or they do know but benefited from that history and continue to benefit from it greatly so of course they have pride. My ancestors did not benefit from being forced coming here and it’s largely a myth about the American dream. The American dream only works if you are already affluent. Even if you aren’t if you are from an ethnic group deemed beneficial to America you can come here with ease and your dreams will come true. But for Americans that had 0 choice being here and had our whole ancestry wiped out I’d say hating this country is
valid and honestly more Americans need to wake up and stop aligning themselves with a country that don’t even care enough about them during times of crisis. This country is fake america is a fake country it shouldn’t even exist. Why would I have pride in a country that was built off the exploitation of slaves and the actual natives of this land. Hope America blows up in Jesus name amen
No. 1650965
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>>1650915Well I suggest expanding your horizon beyond anime if that's the issue, anime isn't known for the most anatomy accurate faces. Even oldschool anime had flat 2d eyes, I feel that wasn't an issue back then because the rest of the art style was also very flat and simplified, so it got along the flat eyes. When they make hyperrealistic bodies with the big flat anime eyes, then it looks completely off and weird. Also, who is Kishi?
No. 1650996
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>>1650976>either anime or disney blobs nowadaysHow so? I feel nowadays we got a nice variety of artists out there with different ranges of styles and unique takes. Wish you luck finding more artists that fit your criteria.
>>1650978KEK, honestly I've never watched it, I just like that artist, she worked at this animation, but I find it kinda hideous. It's supposed to be inspired by Ayami Komjima's work, but I don't see it.
That voice acting… No. 1651015
>>1650996Yeah it's dorky.
I think the art of the new CV series looks pretty, and hopefully the writing will be better. Edgy groomer moid Warren Ellis (now fired) made everyone swear every 5th second.
No. 1651199
>>1650840I heard similar stories with parents trying to sue doctors and nurses for giving their newborn an APGAR score of 8-9 instead of 10 because that's what made their babies not an A+ student
Like wtf?
No. 1651798
>>1651728i think it should be fair game as long as it's saged though
you can hide it if you don't want to see it, i don't see how nitpicks are worse than your regular saged discussions
No. 1652800
>>1650922I used to understand this but now I just have neutrality towards being American, because I did not choose it but I also would not exist if not for being American. My ancestors fled persecution in their home countries to be here and I am actually grateful that I exist. If not for fleeing their countries my ancestors would have died.
Also just saying that America’s not the only shithole when other joke countries like Germany and Canada exist but somehow don’t nearly get the same ridicule that burgerland does. It just feels like America is the worst because it’s the one everyone constantly talks about. And yeah our country sucks and guns are out of control but in a lot of Euro countries women aren’t even allowed pepper spray and are prosecuted for self-defense against moids.
No. 1652975
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German sounds better to me than French. Whenever I see someone speaking French, I just want to give them a glass of water because… idk, it sounds a bit 'rough' as if they've been coughing for the last 3 hours. German has a softer tone imo (and it's also hotter, especially when spoken by women with deep or husky voices), although I've seen people call it aggressive or say that Germans sound angry all the time, I've never really got that vibes. But to be fair, I don't speak either of these languages kek, so I'm just judging them blindly. However, French isn't straight-up terrible, some French words are prettier than German words.
No. 1653002
>>1652975interesting topic ! i can't for the life of me find any suavity or beauty in the way french, italian, spanish are spoken though anglophones always go on about them. i find spanish aggravating and dramatic.
german sounds OK, i don't see the authority either, but swiss german is really funny. i don't speak dutch so i'm annoyed by what i interpret as german pronounced in a weird english way but that's just my retarded brain. i really like how russian sounds. english is eh but my favorite is the liverpool accent, the throat rattling thing goes very well with the rooled rs !
also i once listened to a greek acquaintance calling her brother and thought i was having a seizure, to my ears it's a very unique blend of sounds.
No. 1653027
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>>1649064Adriana Limas ex cheated on her and we’ll look at them
No. 1653055
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>>1653027The thumbnail makes him look like the Canadians on South Park, just a big head and two black dots for eyes. Bleak.
No. 1653182
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the deuce did a better job of presenting the different waves of feminism and how they impacted women's lives than the barbie movie
No. 1653948
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Wearing lingerie is humiliating. The one time I’ve done it for my ex I felt like a present being opened. I could barely even look my ex in the eye because it was so fucking cringe and embarrassing. I judge [mainly straight] women who spend a ton of money wearing these sets for men who ain’t shit, who shouldn’t even be getting in ya drawers to begin with! Like what are you doing?
I can admit ofc that there are some beautiful lingerie sets/looks (not picrel lmao) but the experience of wearing it before sex has really made me swear off of ever wearing it again. Ever. That being said I do like pretty underwear and bras that are comfortable enough to wear on an everyday basis, like Empreinte or Simone Perele. But just not wearing lingerie as a treat for my mans to enjoy because it’s fucking stupid and feels objectifying as fuck.
No. 1653985
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>>1653948i have always found lingerie so comedic looking and not attractive at all. specially when they have garter belts and those weird things that goes over the stomach like picrel. I genuinely cant comprehend how its suppose to be hot its not highlighting curves or anything it just awkward strings placed awkwardly over the body. Even classy lingerie looks so goofy. Thongs also looks goofy. Regular bras and underwear with cute patterns can be sexy but lingerie feels like a psyop i think everyone is lying when they say lingerie is hot lol
No. 1654471
>>1654433Agree. I didn't know this was unpopular opinions.
But if I made my post have relevancy…I got so sick of this shit with feminism I ditched the term around 2019 and refuse it outright every time some ho has to be all "if you believe in XYZ then you MUST be a feminist." If you're saying this, I can almost guarantee the person you're telling it to wants you to fall down a well. I want nothing to do with feminists.
No. 1654535
>>1654501The main issue I have with leftists including radical feminism. There's some tradthots that LARP as radical feminists but I don't expect them to understand politics or history very much because obviously their IQ is not very high. Radical feminism is a movement born from leftism and it can be traced back to Marxism so tradthots appropriating radical feminism which advocates literally for separatism for women to separate from men socially just because it now has some anti porn retoric is insane. How can you be a feminist when the political movement you are part of is anti abortion? Kek 0 fucking sense.
Also, my main concern is the PRAXIS in the sense that leftist/humanitarian movements should be mainly about making an actual change in the world. The lolcow radfems and just general radfems do Nothing to change society for women 0. Although, some of them have power and they could do a little thing. A lot of them sacrifice themselves for moids even if they call themselves radfems, they are obsessed with fujo porn.
I don't know… I take these movements seriously because they are centered around human suffering and they should be used to make a change but people just use these labels to get together partake in a rethric and it is like a surface level thing that is used by people to get together but the people within these movements or that label themselves as these things do not even have integrity
No. 1654536
>>1654471Isn't feminism just thinking that women deserve the same rights like voting, being able to have a bank account, earning the same amount compared to men, not being blamed for when we get harassed sexually etc.
Why do some anons proudly admit they're against feminism just because they disagreed with one woman? I understand that most of the antifeminist anons are unemployed so they don't know how sexist workplaces can still be and they don't talk to many women aside from their own family but it's still weird.
No. 1654539
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>>1654501And I say this unironically, LABELS ARE FOR SOUPCANS
No. 1654555
>>1654539Go laugh at Luna, shayna, Venus, apologize female sex traffickers because men Made them do it and apologize all the abuse women have inflicted on other women historically and blame it on muh patriarchy when women could literally take all the power immediately but they choose to be servant to moids and hurt other women.
I'm tired of all of you mother fuckers radical feminists on here are just like Hasan Piker is to socialism.
>>1654550They hated her because she told the truth
No. 1654632
>>1654572So, if I understand the point of radical feminism which is that it should cause a real change and that radical feminists should partake in praxis but that ultimately any humanitarian or leftist movement gets diluted and turned into a mere facade in our consumerist world and that the women that get together in the radical feminist groups don't do anything for women but just use feminism as a way of identifying themselves within a group.
Just as socialists don't do anything REAL against capitalism or anything for the working class and they just use the movement as a way to identify in a group
But that is not the purpose of leftist movements those that partake in a certain movement should focus on having a real impact within society.
Sorry, I'm not good at explaining this I'm just trying to say that socialist/leftist movements or any political movement is dead and the movements are just used as facades for people to identify into groups.
I hate all left wingers, right wingers, radical feminists all of them because none of them has real integrity towards the movement they partake in. They just associate with it to become part of a group WHICH IS A HUGE ISSUE.
Sorry I am upset nobody is taking political movements seriously
No. 1654645
>>1654634I actually tried to express a coherent point of view that has depth but I probably expressed it in such a bad manner that nobody understands…what I am expressing is actually intelligent I just can't formulate it well. The idea that most people that align themselves with a political movement or ideology fail to actually align with it and even if in the beginning the ideology does serve its purpose then it is just watered down and it turns into a simple tool that people use to identify themselves within a group while the people within the group have nothing to do with that this happens with Christians, right wingers, left wingers, radfems etc so on.
For example, take into account Christianity most people that call themselves Christian and associate themselves with this label are not actually Christian because even if they go to church and they preach upon others. They take the perspective of the moralizer they say people that are not Christian are immoral and so on they preach upon others. But ultimately they do not truly practice Christianity. Only a few Christians in history have truly practiced Christianity. To actually be Christian it takes a certain amount of dedication and the capacity to restrain oneself because Christianity presupposes asceticism but most Christians have sex, indulge in addictions, consume media and so on then they preach morality to others. There is no real allignment with the doctrine. It is merely used as a tool for them to identify themselves and to feel like they have moral authority.
It takes quite a lot of dedication to align yourself with the principles of the movement you think you are part of.
I love Andrea Dworkin!
No. 1654704
>>1654689Did you read my post or are you purposefully gaslighting me? This is exactly my criticism that people that associate with ideologies do not partake in them but just use them as tools to identify with a group. What are you doing to liberate women or what exactly are you doing to make the lives of women better?
Usually people involved in doctrines just identify with that doctrine and then don't do anything to align themselves.
You literally are using what I said against me. Are you insane? How am I stuck inside of my own head like men are. A woman that analyzes politics objectively is like a man?
What are you doing for women? Nothing. You've never done anything pragmatic anything that could make a change. You use it as a tool to integrate socially.
No. 1654769
>>1654765Kek I am laughing so hard. Aren't you aware of the irony? I'm literally laughing my ass off
>She got groomed into sex work out of a mental hospital>She was manipulated and abused by a mentally ill scrote LARPING as a woman off lolcowWHAT A STUPID SLUT HAHAHHAHA!
ME? Nah, I am the feminist.
If you cannot see the irony in this then…. I am shook.
>mentally ill woman that was born in an incredibly bad living situation and was groomed into SW in Eastern Europe>was abused by resident scrote on lolcow that later went to prison for literally groping a man on the street after I warned all of youShe couldn't have any rational thought in her head she is a slut!!!!
ME???? No I am not a LARPING radfem the eastern european sex trafficked woman she is a SLUT!!! She is dumb like slurs are. Manipulated and abused women cannot be smart or have rational thoughts.
Me? I am the feminist.
The rapist that groomed me off lolcow (your imageboard) honestly lolcow should get shut down for this because you are not taking things seriously. Steven, the man that groomed me off lolcow that has been an active user for 3 years also groomed and emotionally abused a 17 year old autistic girl that was browsing lolcow. Yet, when I posted about him (5 months before he molested a woman on a jogging trail) you all shifted the blame onto me the abused woman because you are feminists. This is what feminists do. You have a hate boner for me so you blame me for all the abuse that has been inflicted on me like feminists do.
Do you realize how paradoxical your statements are? You are harassing a sex trafficked woman who's life was ruined forever and you are indirectly siding with the man that groomed me and a 17 year old girl on lolcow. When I warned you about him you began abusing me and shifting the blame on me. You literally completely ignored Him and chose to shift the blame on how evil I am and to demonize me. When I posted him. After 5 months he molested an innocent woman.
This place should be shut down forever and you have done so much harm even 1 year ago when I posted about him because as feminists you chose to abuse and harass the literal mentally abused woman instead of focusing on the man that has been hiding on your boards for 3 years creeping on you that is now in prison for raping a woman and that groomed a 17 year old into sending him nudes off lolcow.
If you don't realize how retarded you are… And how you are literally being the most hypocritical beings on earth. I don't know what else.
No. 1654777
>>1654769>>1654765Lolcow should be shut down. Steven groomed a 17 year old girl that he emotionally and sexually abused After he did it to me because you retarded pieces of shit when I posted about him you chose to do what you always do which is blame shift and emotionally abuse me instead of placing the focus on him so I had no credibility.
This shithole shitshow should be legally shut down. You hosted a dangerous rapist and groomed and when a woman warned you about him you chose to focus on how the woman in question is evil, jealous, a slut, after money, lying, a molester. You called me a molester for being an 8 year old abused girl, yet you almost ignored the man that 5 months ago raped and traumatized a woman just to throw shit at me as usual
You aren't feminists you are sociopaths….
You hold responsibility for this shit. This place should be shut down. You should have payed fucking attention. Is there a way to report this????? I want to report lolcow to the American authorities. I have screenshots of the posts from back then. When I posted about Steven 1 year ago and warned you all about him you almost entirely IGNORED how fucking dangerous he is and just literally almost made him evaporate and you proceeded to harass me for like 40 minutes instead on focusing on him. Then after that he still kept adding girls from the friend finder thread because you encouraged him by bullying me. He added an autistic 17 year old from the friend finder thread and he groomed her and made her send him nudes and she told me after she found out he went to prison for raping a woman. Maybe if you didn't bully me the literal abused woman and focused all the hatred and rage you had when you called me a child rapist and an animal killed for something I did at 8 years old, maybe if you focused that anger on the man that abused me off this shithole he would have been gone.
No. 1654789
>>1654765Like fucking clockwork. Props to
>>1654573 you got it in one kek.
No. 1654898
>>1654778Girl you kept it hidden that you were dating a man on there so he wouldn't get banned, you were an adult when you unfortunately sent nudes to your discord bf. You did get taken advantage of and you do deserve the help but you can't blame us for willingly keeping in contact with someone after you learn they're a man and then moving on to date them.
Please go offline it'll be the best for you.
No. 1654902
>>1654883>Internet was not made for the mentally ill to breakdown on.Me watching the meltdowns in the burger thread rn. When will the jannies come to take them away (haha)
>>1654895No, 100% do not bother. I didn't even trim. Just make sure you're well washed. My gyno is there to collect cervical cells, I'm not on a date with her kek
No. 1654907
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don’t care if this gets me called anti-woman she needs to be lynched(alog)
No. 1654916
>>1654900I was talking about this post from her
>>>/ot/851777After that she made up her whole "trafficked by this ukranian girl from a mental asylum in romania(?)" story, just so that she had a reason to post the girl in the camwhore snow thread.
No. 1654939
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Brown is the best colour, no other colour even comes close to it.
>inb4 'poop colour hehe'
Chocolate, caramel, coffee, almonds, wood, soil is also brown. I will not tolerate any hatred, blasphemy, or 'jokes' against such a beautiful colour that radiates so much warmth, just because your poop happens to be brown.
No. 1655005
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I miss when lolcow used to be 90% weebshit and weeb cows! it could never work in today's internet culture, but it was my favourite era of lolcow. Jessica Nigiri used to be THE white girl low effort boobs cosplayer and it was a big deal, but now tiktok is full of onlyfans cosplayers who will show eveything for $5
I don't think a cow like PT, Dakota or old Venus could ever exist now. They would be cancelled within 2 seconds and the milk would stop instantly. All the egirls edit even more than dakota did and its 100x easier with apps and AI
Other anonymous weeb places like BTB and gyaru secrets are defunct, cgl sucks
I know that most of lolcows' population hate /w/ and hate any mention of weebshit but remember your roots
RIP weeb lolcow, i made a memorial collage of some cows i can remember off the top of my head
No. 1655060
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>>1654939BASED, i love coffee and caramel colors
>>1655005I'm a zoomer, but i used to be a super fan of dakotakoti and venusangelic as a kid, so i do remember this era fondly, the site feels alien to me nowadays and i still have issues fitting in frequently with the new demographic
No. 1655123
>>1654901He is in jail. He went to jail 5 months after I posted him to lolcow for trying to rape a woman on the street. You still deny it and the gaslight me and tell me I don't keep my stories straight. Incredible! There's articles about him! 5 months after I posted him to lolcow he raped a woman and went to jail but he groomed another girl from lolcow that is underaged. I am talking to the girl and trying to convince her to go to the police and confess what has happened to her because of lolcow. I also screenshotted all the harassment you put me through one year ago when I said that Steven is dangerous and
abusive and instead of focusing on him (a man that is currently in jail) you began harassing me and focusing your hatred on me instead of focusing it on the man that was soon to be in prison for rape and that groomed a 17 year old off the friend finder's thread.
I am actually talking to the girl right now and she will report it to the authorities. I also have screens hots of the when I posted Steven before he groomed the underaged girl off lolcow and before he raped the woman. When I posted him to warn you instead of actually telling him off and holding him responsible you began harassing me and focusing the hatred on him so instead of leaving he groomed an underaged woman off the friend finder thread.
Honestly I don't want to be associated with this negativity anymore but the extreme sociopathic abuse you put me through that broke me mentally. How you have blamed me for Steven, a predatory scrote that has been on lolcow for years and I warned you about him and that was asking for nudes from minors and when I told you about him you began harassing Me encouraging him to stay. The actual Ukrainian sex trafficker.
You keep saying that I am lying and that I am in the wrong but literally Steven went to jail for rape 5 months after I posted him. It is mind boggling to me how you sided with a literal rapist. How you called me a child molester for my childhood abuse. How you are calling me a whore and telling me I am dumb for being a
victim of sex trafficking and suffering the aftermaths of severe childhood abuse and adult interpersonal abuse. It shocks me…that you still think you are feminists.
>>1654894I sound like a teenage munchie because I am upset you enabled a rapist that has been on lolcow into staying here by harassing me instead of heavily harassing him and mocking him which made him groom a 17 year old from this shit hole? Or I sound like a muchie because I suffer from severe physical illness and was born in extreme poverty and suffered extreme neglect which worsened my condition but I have been trying to get better and it doesn't improve. I thought a munchie was like that girl chopping off her legs
>>1654898None of the shit you say makes any sense… I kept it hidden so that he wouldn't get banned? I posted it and then you began harassing me and because you fought me instead of him it made him add more women off the friend finder thread and he made a 17 year old underaged girl browsing lolcow send him nudes and the girl reached out to me after she found out he went to jail for raping a woman on the street.
>>1654883You keep saying I am a liar but everything happened. Literally I warned you about Steven and then he went on grooming a 17 year old off lolcow and going to jail for rape, you're also calling me STUPID for being sex trafficked at 18 literally what a radical feminist move… I made a post saying I have doubts towards radical feminism and you just prove it. Self fulfilling prophecy. You call me a whore. Say I shouldn't have an opinion literally take anything that I say out of context then accuse me of lying when everything is true…
It's mind-boggling. You cannot stand anyone criticize your cult then you go on raging against actually disprivileged women. You told me that I am a whore and stupid and thus I cannot hold an opinion.
What have you done to liberate women great radical feminists of lolcow?
No. 1655282
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>>1655008I wish that were true, but the top threads in /snow/ and how slow /w/ is shows the trends of current day lc users. Actually, there are a lot of weeby cows out there, but no one talks about them so they're left sadly undocumented
I've also seen a lot of replies complaining about weebshit on snow and ot, but you're probably right that those are coming from the tourists or baby farmers
>kids these days don't even remember dakota's tv face reveal>>1655009Dakota was actually pretty good with photoshop and aftereffects in hindsight. She was mostly flawless and consistent in her video editing. Her biggest mistake was changing her shooping style so often and agreeing to go on TV kek
In current day apps do all the editing and face tracking for you automatically
>>1655060I'm a techincally a zoomer too
nonnie, and i agree
My first cows were these girls and i find it hard to care about tradwives, youtubers and OF hoes
Really feels like normies have taken over a lot of the site sometimes
No. 1655287
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The very first few tinfoil threads were good and insightful, there was a lot of discussion of Hollywood with little derailment meanwhile the current, newer threads are so extremely low IQ and deranged that I don't want to read them anymore. There has been an influx of christfags as well and while the majority of tinfoil spaces are occupied by Christians, a lot of them can contain their sperging to a minimal degree when explaining tinfoils but not here. There are sooo many posts which read like
>My tinfoil is that fast food was created by the devil!
and which always end in infighting.
On top of that there are weird libfem posters like the sunscreen sperg.
The early threads were very factual and each tinfoiler provided logical reasoning and/or evidence for their claims, most of the tinfoils discussed real persons. Now those barely get any attention or get derailed like what happened with the Oprah post which immediately caused an off-topic sperg out.
No. 1655304
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>>1655123ain't nobody reading that
No. 1655664
I don’t think ‘white woman tears’ is a thing (I’ve heard this term thrown around on reddit)
I think it’s moreso ‘pretty woman tears’ a pretty woman in general will get more help and sympathy for her problems, I’ve seen this in action so many times. not racebaiting, just observing like an old, unfuckable woman who is upset is a nag, a harpy, a ‘karen’, but an attractive woman is allowed to be a diva. Honestly, I think it’s a scrote narrative used to gaslight and silence women. And I do understand that people of all races look out for their own in general, which means that minorities in some places may receive less police attention when they need it, unfortunately. Just a pretty woman in general will be more empathised with, regardless of race.
No. 1655688
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Disney studios should only make movies with female protagonists meant for women and girls, they already have Marvel and Star Wars for the boys and everyone else tries to appeal to them so they could embrace the people who actually like their media and products instead of trying to get male audiences to care.
No. 1655690
>>1655664Isn't white woman tears when some white woman tries to paint herself as a
victim to justify her racism? Like saying she feels unsafe when she's with asian or black people for example to paint herself as a
victim but its just blatant racismn?
No. 1655895
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Why don't men just stop committing crime if they don't want to be arrested? Are they retarded?(global rule #7)
No. 1655950
>>1655943But even 4chan probably has less schizos compared to here. I haven't seen abortion sperging or gangstalking believers on 4chan as common as I see them here.
Check the selfcows thread, most anons are nonfunctional NEETs who depend on a man for financial needs at best and pedos or seriously schizos at worst.
No. 1656030
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Caroline Vander Stichele demonstrated that the narrative of the Whore of Babylon follows many of the same patterns of the personification of capital cities as women who commit "prostitution / whoredom" and/or "adultery" in the prophetic books of the Hebrew Bible. These capital cities, representing the states they govern, are alleged to have committed various sins that have rendered them sexually promiscuous, and therefore they will eventually be annihilated through various well-deserved violent punishments sent by the Israelite God Yahweh.
No. 1656039
>>1656018>>1656030Zheani's a great musician.
In all seriousness, anon, yes, you're right. Ancient incels writing bullshit.
No. 1656050
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>>1656018That's a fact, not an unpopular opinion. I'm sure the reason why it was always a thing is the same reason why almost everywhere in the world men came up with marriage and imposed their family names on their kids despite paternity tests only existing for a few decades: they want to control the means of reproductions and think they should get to decide everything. If a woman decides to have sex with a guy out of arranged marriage? Then that means she's the one deciding who her descendants will be and that's a big no-no! And now a few millennia later we have a shit ton of inbred severely disordered people all over the planet because diseased XY chromosomed old farts decided that natural selection shouldn't apply to them and that their defective genes should produce more miserable people.
No. 1656057
>>1656039It seems that radical feminism is used as a tool to persecute women that are involved or have been involved in sex work and it is used by other women to hold moral superiority over certain women but I guess I am the devil for posting a literal sex trafficker and some women that literally use radical feminist rethoric to take a morally superior position over women that do sex work like Belle Delphine which is not actually doing any harm. There's a difference between being an independent western sex worker and working under a pimp in Eastern Europe and grooming innocent women into sex work directly and signing them up for your pimp's camming business.
There's a huge difference between a sex worker that posts referral links or does her job and a woman that literally goes to mental hospitals and prays on vulnerable women for the business of a pimp she's dating but I guess that I am just lying, jealous and a whore.
I've seen content creators on the internet that browse lolcow like certain female streamers with dubious political affiliations that immediately picked up on the radical feminist rethoric and they use it to hold moral superiority over women like Belle Delphine and call them whores or degrade them although they do the same shit they are just not signed up under a sex work platform. They do off brand sex work through Twitch and YouTube by using their body and opinions to pander to scrotes but yet they bash women that do it fully.
I'm actually fully aligned with my belief system.
>>1656050This is why I think sex work is not inherently bad as long as it is consensual and the woman has full control over it. I hate how radfems overly generalize sex work. Yea, it is an
abusive industry but women historically have been demonized for having sexual desires and have been forced to cover their bodies and repress their sexual needs.
No. 1656078
>>1656057Sexwork is bad though. I know several women who got the stds from their husbands visiting prostitutes and I've seen a prostitute harass an old woman in her 60s irl. Seeing a half naked drug addicted prostitute with bad lip filler is also unsightly to anyone but pornsick men.
Prostitution is a predatory sector and most of the women in that industry end up getting several stds, some have to get illegal abortions, others get unsightly plastic surgery to appeal to their customers, and worst of all some feel the need to take drugs to numb themselves before seeing clients.
No. 1656086
>>1656078Yea but the problem is that you are overly generalizing a very vast industry. Some chick that chooses to sign herself up on Onlyfans is not like an actual prostitute that sucks dick for 5$. Again, this is actually a very complex topic.
>>1656084I guess not for me.
No. 1656092
>>1656084A lot of people were abused, only few choose to work in an industry and spread diseases because it earns them money.
>>1656086Onlyfans is worse, not for anyone else but for the girls that work there. Most don't make much but their pictures will forever stay on the internet if they get leaked, most girls also show their faces so that's even more dangerous for them.
Making less than minwage(most onlyfans girls don't earn anything) while agreeing that your nudes showcasing your whole identity will stay on the net forever is a bad deal. And again, most women who sign up are 18-21,literal teens who can't make informed decisions.
No. 1656097
>>1656092Yea, but again this is the most negative outcome there's hundreds of thousands of female artists that use Onlyfans plus you have control over that outlet. It isn't like with actual porn industry or real life hooking. You choose what to post and your boundaries.
>>1656092Yea, sure blame the woman.
No. 1656101
>>1656095You'd hate them if you had thousands of Russian prostitutes in your city and hiv became a common disease because of them. Also you've probably never spoken to one of them if you don't feel anything negative towards them.
Just last week in the news I saw a woman walk in on her husband in an illegal massage parlor and the prostitute tried to beat the wife up, only the men nearby stopped her and threw her down so the prostitute ran away. You know what she said before running away? That her husband wouldn't have came to a prostitute if his wife gave her anal sex like he wanted.
No. 1656104
>>1656098You're strawmaning me but yea ok whatever I guess.
>>1656101Jesus, this shit hole is beyond repair…
No. 1656127
>>1656095They've probably never met one or been in a compromising position themselves where they've ever thought about selling their bodies to earn money.
Even the amount of young women I've talked to who've been tempted by the idea of selling feet pics on OF to make ends meet is staggering. At least in the case of OF, you're not beaten and raped by a pimp. It's sad how the cost of living keeps rising and women turn to sex work either because they don't value themselves, or more often because they need the money
You'll Never Make Love in This Town Again which was about Hollywood sex workers really fucked me up. I've also read my fair share of horror stories and watched documentaries, including some anons linked on here
No. 1656144
>>1656114Omg right makes me so mad. I've even seen them say they're better than the women here because they have blonde hair(bleached) and have better sex(anal hence the hiv). They're literally getting ego trips when they sleep with married men and then they come here and expect sympathy from women, wtf.
I'm not talking about the ones who were trafficked or started working when underage obviously, I'm talking about escorts who are known for doing degenerate stuff men's wives won't do for them with rich business man/tourists.
No. 1656152
>>1655950No, 4chan definitely has more schizos.
>Check the one thread where the handful most deranged posters confess their milky qualities, it totally represents the entirety of lolcow because it makes me feel better about those evil terfs posting hereJust go back.
No. 1656153
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>>1656146why a small female imageboard? what do we do to deserve this kind of brigading
No. 1656166
>>1656161I have my suspicions and it's not glowies
Of course it could just be summerfag kids or moids and this place is irregularly mentioned on 4chan, but perhaps it's just one trouble making moid who won't shut his fucking pie hole, maybe he should go do something productive with his life
No. 1656292
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My honest opinion is that I don't get why people are so hostile to Romanionaon and hate her. I watch her streams though and she does spend hours saying the same things worded in slightly different ways, but this is just indicative of her circular thinking and mental unwellness, and I think it's weird to hate her for that. Plus her lived experiences and insights are interesting to read about.
No. 1656303
>>1656276i'm a
femcel whose sexuality is suppressed by lack of having sex which i would only do in a committed relationship with someone who loves about me and cares about me. i don't see how i have to support promiscuity or any form of prostitution, even onlyfans where she's choosing to do it.
>>1656057 here you said there's a difference between choosing to do something like OF vs actual sex trafficking. yes there is a difference but i don't want to support either.
>This is why I think sex work is not inherently bad as long as it is consensual and the woman has full control over it.well i disagree, i think it's a bad choice.
No. 1656329
>>1656326see my older post
>which i would only do in a committed relationship with someone who loves about me and cares about mei want that, i don't judge women who masturbate at all whatsoever and i know what i like. i like the connection with another person.
No. 1656332
>>1656329So you have had sex before? Then 1) you're not a "
femcel" (who uses that term) and 2) you know your sexuality.
No. 1656333
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>>1656303whats up with anons self identifying as "
femcels"? wtf does
femcel even mean at this point? I even see this shit on pinterest.
No. 1656335
>>1656331we don't all have the same sex drive or desires i guess
>>1656332i know i don't use it right, my situation is complicated and it feels bad
>>1656333lmao at pic
No. 1656336
>>1656333I swear no one was on here calling themselves a
femcel a few months ago… I used to see anons use it on crystal cafe, maybe they migrated here? I missed why exactly it got redtexted during hellweek but the redtext isn't helping lol
No. 1656339
>>1656336i've never used CC because when i started using this site 5 years ago the general consensus was that CC was full of trannies.
>>1656338hmm… yeah you don't get what i mean by complicated. i don't feel like going into it. i'm just gonna close this thread for now
No. 1656342
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>im just gonna close this thread for now
No. 1656344
>>1656303I am not doing Onlyfans but for certain women it becomes an outlet of expressing their desires and repressed sexuality and they use that money to further fund their artistic endeavors. There's a lot of female artists that do Onlyfans and those women already post promiscuous pictures of themselves on the internet because this is how they are integrating their sexuality. We cannot exclude sexuality from artistic expression and through Onlyfans many female artists fund their lifestyles or even use the money to seek further artistic expression or fund their artistic pursuits. You can do performance art for example and that requires the female form or female body. What I am trying to say is that it isn't so black and white. Plus sex work is an umbrella term that encompasses actual prostitution, the shady camming business and western women that do Onlyfans. Ultimately, if you are not coerced into it, you have control over a platform and you can use it to express yourself as you want. Again we cannot really separate art from sexuality. I see many Instagram models and alt girls that I consider artists do Onlyfans and a lot of them probably don't even do explicit work. I consider them to be artists.
>>1656335>>1656313How can you say there is something with her confessing a problem or desire. I think that it is completely normal and admirable. A lot of mental illness stems from repressing anger, frustration, abuse, sexual desires.
>>1656338She said that she wants to have sex in a committed relationship. That's different from just hooking up. I think she craves the intimacy and personal connection that stems from a relationship. It's different to satisfy your sexual needs when love is involved than just hook up. I get it because I am experiencing the same thing. I want a relationship and want to form an emotional bond and satisfy my sexual needs but it's difficult because I struggle advancing socially and I have communication issues and generally people reject me. So, I totally get it.
No. 1656356
>>1656347I'm not advertising OF was just simply stating what I have seen and my observations regarding sexuality and art. Art is tied to sexuality and there are so many ways of expressing that. I told you that there are many instagram models that I consider artists That do Onlyfans. You're just taking it out of context and making insane claims as usual. Sorry, I forgot it is all black and white and we are not allowed to express nuance. It is either wow sex work is empowering and refusing to discuss the abuse that takes place in the industry and the grooming or sex work is evil and all the women that do it are like some prostitute that beat the wife of a man. It's just black and white thinking and I am the one being told that I need to take my meds. This is also the unpopular opinion thread. It's actually unpopular to have a nuanced view over sex work. The industry is incredibly exploitative and I think real life prostitution should be banned but simultaneously I see how female artists benefit from Onlyfans and use it as an outlet or a way to fund their art.
>>1656350How can you say that kek? The female artists that do Onlyfans that I follow on Instagram are from Western Countries and most of them are happy and doing well. I'm not schizophrenic but of course you continously accuse me of the most insane stuff. I cannot do that because I don't have an internet following and I am too ill and have lost my looks, so I can't really be a public figure.
No. 1656364
>>1656362 but:
>How can you say that kek? The female artists that do Onlyfans that I follow on Instagram are from Western Countries and most of them are happy and doing well. How are you not trying to sell doing OF?
No. 1656369
>>1656358That's not what I am saying kek those women pursue art through sexuality and they integrate that within their work. They aren't selling themselves to fund their hobby their artistic career implies expressing their sexuality already.
>>1656360You completely took it out of context if you carefully read what I said it isn't like that at all but ok I'm just too tired to express myself again.
>>1656362Take the case of an independent musician that already uses their sexuality in their work. She becomes independent by doing sex work and funds her music and has COMPLETE control over her work. That's much better than becoming a sex slave to the music industry that exploits female artists and turns them into IRL prostitutes. It is much better to have complete control over your work.
No. 1656370
>>1656359some are already doing that
meanwhile, the "sex is a NEED" message that goes hand-in-hand, is being used by govts to give money to disabled men and even violent criminals so they can go rape prostituted women. it's all so bleak.
No. 1656374
>>1656042That's not what happened at all, you blog posted about random anons being rapists because you sent nudes to a moid you knew was a moid you met through lc and tried to prevent him from being banned
>>1655123 . You are delusional and seethed about camgirls being ugly whores in the camgirl threads.
No. 1656384
>>1656333I thought a
femcel is what scrotes called female incels or maybe I’m retarded
No. 1656390
>>1656380Nonnie I am tired and can't really convey my point properly. I agree that it shouldn't be normalized and a lot of exploitation takes place in this industry but if you are an artist and you know generally artists express their shadow or what is not socially acceptable through their art or integrate their sexuality that way. For example take the case of a woman that is a musician and she comes from a poor background she can become independent and fund her art through Onlyfans rather than becoming a prostitute to the music industry and being singed under a label by an
abusive scrote that has control over her art…
No. 1656404
>>1656393But there are women that enjoy that because they are hypersexual and art can be about integrating your shadow or repressed desires and darkness. Nahhh I'm over this shit but just so you know that there is a certain amount of mysoginy in censoring women and not allowing them to go insane with their sexuality and cash out on that.
But it will again be turned against me RoMaNiAnOn SaId FeMale ArtIsts ShOuld do Onlyfans ShE Is TrYing tO normalize sex work. Nah, I never denied how exploitative it is. I am just trying to convey something different but whatever. The world is complex.
>>1656394Nah, I don't think you understand the difference between having complete control over your career and even your sexual boundaries and some scrote raping you and controling your career.
>>1656396I am sorry and it shouldn't be normalized but you should just accept that there are women that enjoy it, want to do it and benefit from it and no, those women aren't fucking other women over. The world is much more fucked up. A woman finding artistic expression through Onlyfans and integrating her shadow, sexuality, agressivity or using her public persona to get rid of her childhood trauma isn't fucking other women over nor normalizing it. The world is already fucked up but you're missing my point.
>>1656402I am not thinking about that. I have actually accepted the fact that I will die in the near future because of social rejection isolation and my mental illness making me unable to properly express my thoughts thus form connections with people or stand up for myself resulting in me having no social authority, influence or freedom. But it's OK I got used to other people deciding my reality for me.
No. 1656416
>>1656404This is all cope and you must know that. You can't agree that it's exploitative and then also argue that there are women who can meaningfully benefit from their own exploitation. Hypersexuality is, in general, a trauma response, so if you're seriously arguing that it's acceptable for men to pay money to further abuse already traumatized women, I think that's far more misogynistic. And yes, it DOES hurt other women to pretend there is ANY scenario in which this benefits women. It doesn't. The sole beneficiary of this is men. I promise you there are no men out there going, "Aw, shucks, I wish women would stop getting naked and showing me their tittes." Be serious. This fantasy where there are women who enjoy and benefit from being treated like meat, who enjoy knowing that their tits are more socially valued than their brains, having their funds cut into by e-pimps, and that this all somehow alleviates her trauma rather than contributes to it is exactly that, a fantasy, and a fucking dangerous one at that.
No. 1656419
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Romanianon we want you to do better and not sell your body even though I understand your underlying reason. I am scared and wish to leave my situation too and can't afford it. I've thought about and considered sw, ultimately I think I'm too unattractive and traumatized to do it. But I've thought a lot about it. Other women I've known have too. There are other means of making money, even when you think you're dysfunctional and broken. It may take time and I know you're on the mend, but there's so much more you're capable of in this world. I leave this site, then I frequently come back like a bad habit, but one day I'd like to leave for good.
I had my life ruined by a moid (multiple, but also one special moid presently) and nobody believes what he did to me. My parents were also abusive. I struggle day to day with mundane tasks. Part of me will always be shackled to this era of my life and all the ones before it that rooted my misery. All I can do is try and move on, because the man who caused me to fall to dilapidation is too powerful. I can't punish him myself. Revenge won't be sweet, I want to pursue retaliation until my veins burst and I have an anyerism, but I can't. It won't bring me any solace. There's no guarantee sex work for any amount of money will bring you solace either. There's no safety in this world but the internet is forever and when there's enough of a piece of you on it in a negative light, there's no easy way out of that. you can choose not to be online and escape the prison of blue light. Im trying to do the same. do have sympathy for you and I think you deserve better, as someone who's kinda cowish myself. And sometimes it's okay to mentally break down and cry on the floor when it suits you, or come back and sperg, or go off and do something impulsive we all have our days. There is surely a way you can utilize your talents and make them work per what other anons have said. Your dysfunction can be either a bullet to your head or a badass gun you tote and shove in everyone's faces
No. 1656425
>>1656408I have nothing else to do because I am stuck in a loop. I don't have access to any resources. I have severe symptoms that make it hard to keep up with anything catatonia/thinking loops/panic attacks it's hard to keep up with work when you literally lose the capacity to talk for 10/20 minutes. Also, I have chronic physical illness. I sort of have accepted my fate. For 13 years I did my best to improve my situation. To get help. I was in therapy for 3 years and took a shit load of meds but I was still stuck in my life. It would be much easier if I had actual fulfilling friendships or if I was surrounded by like minded people and the relationships didn't feel degrading but 99% of people reject me and also twist my reality around. My symptoms and my life are weird…
>>1656413My mom. Also, I inherited a lot of my misfortune from her. The exact same thing that happened to her is happening to me. She was an incredibly intelligent and beautiful woman, she could speak 5 languages. She had a Chemistry degree an was a teacher for 10 years but they treated her unwell and she became insane. She gave up on her job, ended stuck in her apartment and she couldn't form meaningful relationships with others or get a husband. I witnessed her die… For years and the pressure crushed my soul because I couldn't help her.
I would go to school and constantly think about how my mom is dying…when she killed herself she was malnourished. She was probably 40 kg because she couldn't afford food. She lived without electricity or water for 5 years before ending her life. I would visit her but it was too soul crushing. Sort of the same thing is happening to me but I tried really hard for 13 years believe me. I went to doctors, took meds, I tried to work, to form meaningful relationships with others, get a boyfriend. Ultimately, nothing works and I never have any power or authority I just feel endlessly abused and I am 24. I know what I wanted my life to look like but nothing works out for me so…I gave up.
>>1656419I am not selling my body. It's just that I was thinking about something entirely different. Like female artists that are doing it and it works out and recently I became obsessed with Freud and Jung and the ID and Shadow and I've been bottling up rage and frustration for 13 years…that I'd like to take out somehow. Don't do SW out of a bad situation. It's a horrible idea to do it if you feel coerced by your circumstance it cannot end up well. Usually, all of my bad features and good features get turned against me and people turn me into a caricature that doesn't represent me. You have no idea the mental torture people put me through.
No. 1656434
>>1656425>Usually, all of my bad features and good features get turned against me and people turn me into a caricature that doesn't represent me. You have no idea the mental torture people put me through.Actually I was harassed and subject to a smear campaign myself online where the narrative was skewed constantly. My face was never leaked, but everything I did was purposely misconstrued by a very vicious entity, a few of them, actually, mostly men. I was stalked. My communications were likely monitored. it hurt several friends I had as well. Discovered some of those "friends" backstabbed us or worked for the man the entire time. I blamed myself for everything.
Many people distanced themselves or cut me off entirely based on the way it drove me into reclusion. That was the goal of the people who hurt me, and it was all to protect some petty, manchild, egotistical bitch. I relapsed over 20 times and there are ugly scars on my skin that people will mock me for. What am I supposed to do? Lie down and die? That's what he wants me to do.
This bled from last year into this year. I still live in fear of the stalker. I'm working on a DBT book and trying to reduce my screen time, which is a hard cope. For the longest time I kept poking and prodding trying to punish what targeted me. dwelling on it. I'm slowly freeing myself from the way it concerned me. I can't change what happened and what was done, the fact that this
abusive piece of shit who wanted to watch me suffer exploited my past as a survivor and mental illness, milked months of pain out of me, and watched me writhe and scream. I can't punish him, but I can hold a middle finger up trying to do what I see as better by myself. Rise above, reading more books, trying to jot my intrusive thoughts down on paper, printing out dumbass pictures and turning them into deranged vent collages. Just anything not to think of what was done to me, or to vent it out without hurting myself. It can be done. I believe in your ability to stop the cycle, or reduce it, or find a way to favor it. Life is never getting over trauma, it's learning to tend to its wounds and pat it on the back. You will never be unbroken, you just have to find a way to make those cracks beautiful to the rest of the world
No. 1656438
>>1656429Belle Delphine did and it worked out for her and now she seems to be doing well and she's taking out her childhood trauma through it and making her own art. Belle Delphine is not from a poor family. Again, stop over generalizing. Generalization is a cognitive distortion and an argumentation fallacy. My mental illness does not make me struggle with my logic.
Again, idk how we got here I was trying to explain something entirely different. NO I'M NOT DENYING HOW EXPLOITATIVE THE INDUSTRY IS IT'S HORRIBLE but it works out for some women.
>>1656434Dude anon. I don't want to die either believe me and I read DBT and CBT too but people do this shit to me everywhere and even if I did weird shit it's nothing compared to what other people do. People do this shit to me everywhere, isolate me, talk about me and my life like I am a fucking object, harass me, take all of my beliefs out of context. How the fuck am I supposed to live if this happens to me everywhere. I am becoming deeply afraid of people because I'm turned into something I am not everywhere I go, rejected and isolated and I cannot….i just can't. I go insane ultimately but thanks your post is written beautifully. For me, if I reduce my screen time there is nothing left. I cannot get friends or form relationships, I cannot write or do anything because I Cannot focus. I don't have access to any resources.i just am endlessly stuck in a room alone and absolutely all human interactions frustrate me beyond repair and I'm so underneath my real worth. I genuinely think I'll die soon.
No. 1656440
>>1656438>Belle Delphine did and it worked out for her and now she seems to be doing well and she's taking out her childhood trauma through it and making her own art. Romani-chan, it's clear no one can say anything that will help you and you will just go in circles. This is mental illness and in line with
>>1656405 .
No. 1656442
>>1656440See, it's like her latest streams from a month and more ago where she goes in circles constantly and cannot stop.
>>1656438Belle Delphine makes porn. Not art. It's consumed by the lowest of the low males in society. You never addressed this clear fact. Don't sell your body, Romanianon.
No. 1656455
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>>1656438I've been off my medication since 2021. I am really
struggling through this but it's the most effort I've put in in a long time. I have a talking therapist and that's
it. I have very few friends left.
I understand what it feels like to get up and have your body heave everyday under the weight of your fear and then find yourself staring at your devices for hours, page after page, not bringing you the peace you want or need, just a habit. old habits die hard and you're stuck in them, I'm kind of a hypocrite because I too encircle back around to my old haunts, but what is life without imperfection? I don't have a lot of resources at the moment myself. People hate me. People hate me because I apparently smeared part of their childhood on the ground and offended a powerful person who can't take criticism. But unlike me, that powerful person, despite all his money and prestige, is miserable. I am somehow less miserable than him, and that makes me, in my mind, not powerless. Someone chose to waste their time and their resources on me, therefore I'm not powerless. I am more powerful than someone who has the world, mentally, to be able to withstand their fragile ego and inability to take criticism. In my mind I won. I'm not worthless and though I feel like I'm gonna die sometimes, the toll this took on my body and mind, I continue to exist and he won't kill me yet.
This is an example of something minor I did recently to try and take myself offline. I have an old planner from last year. It's my new medium. I'm gluing things into it and filling, drawing, whatever pointless thought or image pops into my mind at the moment. I'll edit fake Polaroids illustrating my pain, in very uncomfortable ways like picrel. It's a slow process but it's something I want to try and dedicate myself to. and I stash it where nobody can see. Just something to do, even if it won't make me money I so desperately want and need, to recover.
No. 1656476
>>1656451>>1656440No, it isn't mental illness. It's just having nuance. You're gaslighting me. That's what gaslighting is saying that something completely reasonable a person is saying is due to mental illness.
>>1656442I am not selling my body but she still is an artist, has a successful career, didn't turn to sex work because of poverty and ultimately she is not harming other women. Those women would have ended up in similar situations with or without her. No, I am not glamorizing it, or trying to normalize it, or excusing the horrible shit that takes place in the industry. I told you that I think IRL prostitution should be banned. I just have nuance in my belief system and I see reality as it is. Also, this entire thing began from me posting about the whore of Babylon and how women have literally been persecuted for being sexual and how it is healthy to integrate repression and integrate the shadow or ID which are about pleasure and sexuality. Ultimately, it is mysoginistic to censor women and not allow them to express themselves or be "whores" or sexual or try to gain power. That is it. Again, no I am not excusing the horrors of this horrible industry. I am just seeing successful artists do it and I understand certain things about the human psyche such as how the shadow works.
>>1656451>>1656446Her dad left her. We can process trauma through self expression, allowing repressed desires, thoughts, ideas out in the world.
>>1656455Hey! Don't post your SH! I never actually posted myself nor did I want to be identified or be a trip fag I just got targeted because I disagreed with anons over radical feminism and found them hypocritical and this happens when I disagree with people they do everything in their will power to ruin my life although disagreements are natural and healthy and ultimately I allign myself with radical feminist views too and I am against porn and prostitution but simultaneously I can see how it benefits certain women, it helps them cope with trauma, it gives them an outlet, gives them freedom,power over men. Generalization is just a thinking fallacy. I see both sides but of course my entire thinking system will be reshaped by others and my completely fair thoughts will be labeled as mental illness.
I don't want to clog this up any longer. If you want you can give me a way to contact you and we can be friends.
No. 1656486
>>1656479Just as expected kekkkkk. I just can't…
>>1656484You don't understand human psychology.
No. 1656504
>>1656500Samefag, like how does that heal rather than just be what
>>1656405 says?
No. 1656618
>>1656336>>1656333We literally used to make fun of everyone who calls themselves
femcel, just look at the kaitlyn tiffany threads. That wasn't even 2 years ago..
No. 1656627
>>1656359This has already happened in Germany with unemployment benefits.
>In 2004, however, the job centers issued a voluntary regulation that women who refused job offers as prostitutes would not have their unemployment benefits curtailed. The fact that they had to change the rules so it doesn't happen is proof that sex work is not a job like any other.
No. 1656656
>>1656618Anyone referring to themselves as a
femcel unironically I assume is some larping coquette who found the site and wants to portray the disaffected ballerina-waif-girl trope they covet.
No. 1657642
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The teenage mutant ninja turtles movie wasn’t that good. There are some bits I enjoyed like the fighting, the villain, the artstyle and most characters but the scene where the black girl vomits was really weird and dragged out. It was so gross and knowing that so many animators are perverted freaks certainly doesn’t help this kek.The tranny flag on the pinboard in the high school was annoying too, especially since there was already a paper with LGBTQ+ on it. But of course they gotta focus on trannies.There was also so many popular songs, celebrity names mentioned, snippets of live action videos/Ferris Bueller, and they even talk about attack on titan. I understand they were trying to appeal to kids but the pop culture name dropping crammed into it was annoying and felt so forced maybe it’s just more annoying to me because Nickelodeon has a bad habit with trying so hard to appeal to kids to keep the network alive. Also I hate Seth Rogan and I’m betting that disgusting scene was his idea.
No. 1657887
>>1657879I know they have internet access too but the majority of people who post here are first world users.
Anyway I just find it funny that being fat is a stereotypical burger thing they always get accused of as if obesity isn't a global problem.
No. 1657891
>>1657860It really depends on where you live and what's the average. So while you're most likely correct from your point of view, I can tell you from personal experience that thin, short women who have a hard time finding clothes their size aren't always lying. It depends on budget, on brands, on the style you're looking for too, if you have a lot of physical stores nearby or if you have to order online without trying clothes first.
As a teenager I had a very hard time finding anything because I was poor and once I stopped being poor I still had trouble finding clothes my size but I managed to add a lot of things in my wardrobe thanks to trends being less retarded and to stores that opened at the time. Now I have more issues because what's trendy in my size looks way too frumpy for my office job and only teenage girls wear that shit, and the stores that have more neutral, business casual stuff make clothes for taller women with boobs but no ass. A lot of women my size look perfectly healthy and have my issues as well, the ones my size who don't care are teenagers and young adults who aren't forced to follow a strict dress code yet.
No. 1658067
do care, but people have their own lives and feelings and problems just as complex as yours. No one is supposed to, or can, save you. You have to save yourself. The people around you are there to just give you a hug when you need it and if you can't even get that you're just not communicating with the right people. No one is going to cure your depression and depression isn't something that can be cured, you learn to live with it and balance it through mindfulness and giving your life structure and meaning that genuinely resonates with you.
No. 1658324
>>1657860I'm a thirdie and my country has a severe obesity problem, so most if not all clothes (imported and national brands) are L or M on average, people don't even make smaller sizes anymore
>>1657876I'm starting to think I should hit the teenager's sections because damn, I cannot find anything on women's stores, but I fear the designs could look way too childish on me, I mean, I'm still a grown woman. Any suggestions?
No. 1658363
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Small upturned noses are hideous I might be coping but I had sex with a man with a cute nose and he looked like a pig while he was above me ew
No. 1658447
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>>1658428Been a while since I opened the threads I mentioned, but the entirety of the nerdy guy crush thread are ugly ratmen. That one actor lots of women here like, I don't know his name but he looks like a goblin in most roles he plays and has very few long hair sort of like his hair is falling/he's balding, the guy from that manga where women furry monsters(?) absue him and lots of women here find his drug addicted underweight look attractive, Cillian Murphy and his filler addicted look, I even found someone claiming that the guy Arian Grande is dating now who played spongebob is hot just because he works out, even though he has an ugly disgusting face. Sorry for the lack on names but I'm really bad with that. Also the fictional husbandos sometimes are like literal animals or children/look like children, some are monsters or vampires with no real human features, therefore also the cod(?) character who wear a mask all the time and no one knows what he looks like but so many nonnas here think it's hot? I guess it's a mask fetish or something I don't know. The kind of men I like are ones who work out and have sharp defined harmonious features, like Christian Bale back in his 20s, Leon with his pretty boy face and no facial hair, and picrel, his name is Yuki Kimisawa, a Japanese voice actor I think, he has a perfect balance of everything imo, can't fit more pictures but you can google him. I know you're probably gonna claim the examples I gave of good looking men are actually ugly out of spite just to win the argument but you do you, at least I know what I like is beautiful.
No. 1658457
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>>1658451I missed the note I guess. But he is hot shen he works out and takes care of himself, he has a cupid bow lip which is attractive, and a tall straight nose and nice eyebrow shape, as well as a nice jawline. Ironically, I found people here who find him hot when he was underweight for a certain movie. Funny how that works.
No. 1658459
>>1658447>some are monsters or vampires with no real human features>also the cod(?) character who wear a mask all the time and no one knows what he looks likeWomen who have these guys as husbandos are always the biggest Stacys lol.
You really are pearl clutching over dumb shit.
No. 1658462
>>1658398>They probably think they're being quirky or not slutty and horny by liking ugly weird looking men but it actually makes them look worse than a woman who's into hot men who doesn't shut up about it.that's such a weird strawman to get mad at husbandofags lmao. There's nothing "slutty" about liking characters/men independent of how they look
It's not like their constantly comparing themselves to women who do like attractive moids either but for some reason anon always love to compare them
No. 1658465
>>1658447>Christian BaleOh it's you again. Proving my point, as if
>>1658457 isn't ratfaced
No. 1658470
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>>1658457he looks like what men consider ''attractive'' aka super slightly above average looking men that have ''obtainable'' attractiveness so men dont feel threatened. He's objectively mid at best and definetly not handsome. I like both ratmen and hot men, but i consider something like pic rel or those vogue models to be hot.
No. 1658479
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True male superiority
No. 1658523
>>1658516i'm pretty sure christian bale was posted there before without any backlash
>either way I stopped looking at the /g/ threads in generalwait so what's the problem then if you don't even see those other men anymore?
No. 1658548
>>1658542Love you, too,
nonny. I probably don't because I care about faces the most when it comes to attractiveness.
No. 1658614
>>1658546As much as I would love a hidden board just for husbando and horny sperging, it would be better to just make an entirely new imageboard just for all the yumes. But it shouldn't be made by the complainers because they'd definitely abuse their power to harass anons based on their preferences, kek.
>>1658535>Nobody posts to be unique, they do it to find like minded anons and to bond over itThis. It's no fun if you're the only one who posts about it, and it's super nice to find likeminded husbandofags who aren't terminally online zoomers or grew up on Tumblr/Twitter instead of imageboards like you.
>>1658462>that's such a weird strawman to get mad at husbandofags lmaoYeah, they seriously act like they're being persecuted just because they see posts about things they don't personally enjoy. None of those husbandofags are thinking of pissing people off or about how they're better for not liking conventionally attractive men, they just want to sperg where they won't be judged and will be understood, the husbando threads are the closest thing to that. The true NLOGs are on places that are full of males, there's no need to virtue-signal and protect men's feelings here, so those nonas don't have an incentive to act smug for having unconventional taste in men, in fact they know they're gonna get shit so they even apologize for it. They like what they like, and that's it. They don't do it to disgust some sensitive snowflake to tears, but said snowflakes seem unable to understand that others are allowed to have different tastes than theirs. I wonder if they're just autistic or young, or maybe they had bad experiences with NLOGs before. Or, they're projecting their desire to feel superior onto the women they criticize, see
>>1658398>They probably think they're being quirky or not slutty and horny by liking ugly weird looking menThe husbandofags these posters complain about are never the ones to start these fights. It's always these people strawmanning the fuck out of other husbandofags like everything is a competition to them. And they don't even bother distinguishing between having a couple of unconventional traits and being straight up disgusting-looking, any 2D or 3D male who doesn't appeal entirely to them is vomit-inducing and liking him is mental illness. They don't even realize that different people associate different traits with different things and that's also a big part of why we all have such diverse tastes, it's not all because of trauma or NLOGism. People also find different things ugly so calling Miguel O'Hara or the TF2 mercs objectively ugly is pretty retarded when so many people who aren't even attracted to those guys don't think there's anything wrong with them, other than a bit of cartoony stylization (ironically, you rarely see anime boys being criticized for this).
This is such a non-issue, imagine autistically psychoanalizing people whose preferences don't align 100% with yours, and writing an essay about why your favorite male is actually the best looking, whenever you stumble across a woman with different tastes. If seeing pictures of random people and cartoon characters that you don't deem physically perfect
triggers you so much, maybe there's something wrong with you.
No. 1658625
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this thread doesn't pass the Bechdel test
No. 1658649
>>1658643As long as nobody's hurting anyone or demanding they be attracted to them I don't know why anons get so pissy about other anons husbandos
Then again, I remember the days when I was into 2d men who weren't popular with the fandom and felt horribly alienated, now it's weird looking 3d men, and I will never understand why people give others shit in such a rude way. The amount of times I do remember being questioned for my taste, not on lc alone but in general just irked me
a husbando just some guy. A moid. 2d, 3d, fictional, real, a stupid moid. no need to dwell too long too much on moids
No. 1658655
>>1658614The reason why so many anons have a problem with husbandofags into unconventional features is that they can't do it without being smug bitches about it, for example
>>1658472 needs to put down a conventionally attractive man to brag about her broadened tastes. It's intertwined with the fact that women are expected to have below zero standards and find any ugly ghoul attractive while being into genuinely handsome/beautiful men is seen as vain and a sign of shallowness so anons take offense.
No. 1658662
>>1649399>I genuinely feel like so many women have coped with the lack of genuinely attractive men by hyperfixating on weirdos and then feeling like their weird looks genuinely make them have more character when that isn't at all true.I think a lot has to do with that unattainable attractive men have competition and they're just "too good" for husbandofags who
really get into the husbandofagging stuff i.e. want loyalty and devotion from their moid of choice. So they go ahead and pick the ones that aren't as objectively handsome to make their fantasy feel more real to them, as they can pretend the ugly husbando wouldn't be so desired by other women and would instead be flattered by their attention in particular.
>>1649436Yes, the ugly men "having more personality" or whatever is a whole ass cope. Think about ProJared, the man looks literally like a worm yet he's a major fuckboy who went ahead and cheated on his wife and exchanged nudes with his female fans.
No. 1658664
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>>1658662>I think a lot has to do with that unattainable attractive men have competition and they're just "too good" for husbandofags who really get into the husbandofagging stuff i.e. want loyalty and devotion from their moid of choice. So they go ahead and pick the ones that aren't as objectively handsome to make their fantasy feel more real to them, as they can pretend the ugly husbando wouldn't be so desired by other women and would instead be flattered by their attention in particular.What if I just like how the character is written
No. 1658680
>>1658655>they can't do it without being smug bitches about it, for example >>1658472 That anon is basically saying all 2D men are always better than 3D men, nothing about how physically attractive they are. And the only reason she said it was because you guys started shitting on other people's taste first.
My point still stands. It is an unpopular opinion to say conventionally attractive men are inferior to unattractive ones, or that women who like attractive men suck, yet I haven't seen many posts like that on here from husbandofags, if at all. It's almost always the opposite, even though the opposite is not an unpopular opinion. Most of the infights about this pointless shit are started by anons who can't stand other women having unconventional tastes and take it too damn seriously.
>being into genuinely handsome/beautiful men is seen as vain and a sign of shallowness so anons take offense.Where? I have never seen any husbandofag on here claim something like that or openly shit on conventional taste. It sounds to me that you're just imagining it because you've seen some TIFs on Tumblr or Twitter act like NLOGs and assume all husbandofags with unattractive husbandos are like that.
No. 1658686
>>1658680>Most of the infights about this pointless shit are started by anons who can't stand other women having unconventional tastes and take it too damn seriouslyNta, I think it's the same anon who constantly brings this topic up, the arguments and typing style are always the same, she just starts venting unprompted about "ugly husbandos and their NLOGs" despite the so-called NLOGs not being there in the first place.
And again, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, I've had one of my husbando called an uggo and a sex god in two following posts lol, I've never seen truly ugly shit like the cockroach man from Man in Black.
No. 1658709
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In feminist spaces online there is too much time spent bashing leftist men and not right wing men. Everyone before knew right wing scrotes sucked and leftist scrotes got away with their misogyny for too long, so I understand why that discourse happened. However over time the threat of right wing men and their extreme misogyny became underestimated.
No. 1658754
>>1658745>Adult Children that are fucked up (even just extreme depression or adhd) should never be expected to work, leave jobs for people who can actually excel at them or at least find some form of joy in doing their job. LOL nah, lazy NEETs need to go to work and earn a living. Tons of people with mild to severe mental illnesses work for a living. Your parents won't be around forever and neither will their money, and then what will you do? People with neurotypical minds don't enjoy work either and not every job that keeps society civil is the fulfilling, entertaining kind.
If you're a retard, yeah, your parents certainly have an obligation to help you past 18 because you literally cannot help yourself.
If you're a "loser" then get off your ass and try at least instead of acting like a baby bird.
No. 1658763
>>1658756>Multi million dollar life insurance policies are very cheap if you get them when you’re under 30.That's not how life insurance works.
How old are you?
No. 1658776
>>1658765I see this shit all the time everywhere from zoomers, this is what happens to a mollycoddled generation who thinks a depressive episode is an excuse to perpetually stay home and be responsible for nothing.
How did we go from "We should be compensated fairly and treated with respect in a non-hostile work environment" to "I don't want to work, pay me"? Holy shit.
No. 1658831
>>1658411why is it bad though
>>1658457>>1658470>>1658479disgusting vomitfaced chimps
No. 1658839
>>1658479I don't think he's good looking but who is this? All I can think is that he looks like a cleaned up version from one of the nasty moids from Nightwish
>>1658470Now this I like
No. 1658842
>>1658764This post is true. People make a kid for selfish temporary reasons and then get angry (at the child) when they have to sit around raising a child (thus traumatizing the innocent kid). babytrapping was romanticized by so many movies and the masses soaked that programming up without further thought.
>>1658776zoomers might be retarded but it's true that the US has no worker's rights
No. 1658877
>>1658871Sis I've been in the workforce over 5 years. The zooms might be stupid but they're right on this one. Workers rights are not an entitlement–they're a basic ask for an environment that isn't actively hostile to them while they're just trying to work and earn a living. The US has issues with job instability (frequent mass layoffs, at will employment, shenanigans, firing for retarded reasons, the proliferation of contract jobs even in white collar degreed labor, retaliation against whistleblowers and women who were harassed) and lack of benefits (no guaranteed PTO, healthcare, sick leave, or anything else.) The US are some of the most overworked people in the developed world. People cannot be expected to lead a healthy life on rotating contract gigs with no PTO or maternity leave and no job security. This is something that harms all of society.
We need unions. I want to work and not deal with bullshit and an employer constantly trying to screw me over. That isn't entitlement, that's common sense.
No. 1658878
>>1658820No I believe that title belongs to you. Do you even think about things before talking out your ass?
If people could easily get a life insurance policy that pays out 'millions' for next to nothing then everyone would, granted there wouldn't be a bunch of conditions and redtape to meet in order to satisfy the legal requirements to actually be granted the money.
You're completely delulu about how insurance works lol.
No. 1658896
>>1658871How does that boot taste,
nonnie? Is it worth the licking? As a nonmerican living in a country with actual unions looking after workers' rights I'm fucking speechless at my American friends and how shitty their working conditions are.
No. 1658897
>>1658882I'm sure you have a thorough understanding of how these policies work in reality when people actually need to claim and collect and not just believing what you need in order convince people to buy them /s
I don't care that your mommy used to be an insurance agent and now you think you can larp as one based on hearsay, it's bullshit.
Even if a person could somehow manage to acquire some magic, multi-millions life insurance payout policy that covers any kind of death over any condition and circumstance, I doubt that person would have the few grand a year to fork over to keep it active because they'd be too busy trying to financially support their resident potato or deadbeat adult child lmao.
No. 1658911
>>1658851Extremely true. There's even a recent study that supports this: the key to success is having affluent friends who support you, introduce you to better opportunities and help you move up on the social ladder. "Self made" higher status people talk about their "hard work" and "ambition" all day long yet never disclose how lucky they got by being in the right place at the right time and having their gambles pay off by pure coincidence. "Hard work" alone is enough for mediocrity at most, not high class.
No. 1658930
>>1658915Was I bitching about suffering?
This is apparently about people with ADHD/Depression who think they shouldn't have to do shit to earn a living and are angry at their parents for not giving them money.
If you can shitpost on a computer for 8 hours a day, you can work.
No. 1658931
>>1658911What drives me crazy is when they make self made their entire persona and start giving motivational speeches but then constantly refer back on their life when they were oh so poor and decrepit. If you're so interesting and engaging then why is your only personality trait dwelling on your tragic past? Then their actual stories and anecdotes pale in comparison because they're so obsessed with the fact that they used to be poor and will never get over it.
I get that it's traumatizing but no1curr after you've repeated the same mantra 10,000x except maybe if you're a celebrity, fans or normies who haven't seen you speak about it yet. But for now, if you live comfortably, let the poor people who haven't made it yet be cynical. 99% of it was luck. You were lucky. We can't all be lucky.
No. 1658936
>>1658929Ok, everyone can have a basic income but therefore people who have to do the jobs you don't wanna do (re:"suffering," apparently) should be compensated for much higher on top of the basic income they shall also receive. And you still won't like that system because it won't put anyone on top financially just because they exist and have problems like others.
Don't you see what a leech notion it is to contribute nothing to society yet you demand people basically do the "suffer" shit for you so that others can sit on ass? Who collects the stinky rotten trash? Who stays up on third shift to produce the utilities? Who stands at the window for your convenience foods and registers for shopping?
No. 1658944
>>1658842When ever I ask my friends why they want kids it always boils down to trying to get a scrote not to leave or trying to use the kid as some kind of meal ticket. I’m sure most women wouldn’t even be interested in kids if no scrotes were involved. Scrotes just see kids as a thing to mark off their bucket list of things to do before they die. Parents know this is true this is why most of them get so
triggered by the thought of having to be responsible for their children after the age of 18.
No. 1658963
>>1658958I can't wait till more people decentralize men because holy shit am I tired of both men and women insisting everything we do is to either attract or keep a scrote. If we only did it to keep men around, much more women would be getting abortions once the scrote chimps out and says "he never wanted to be a dad anyways". But no, most women in those situations still carry to full term and proceed to be single parents. The human race would have probably died out if most women only had kids to keep men around, because we all know that shit doesn't work. There are women who babytrap, but it's not as common as you'd like to believe because having a baby is a lot of hard fucking work. Especially in modern times where it's normal enough to be a single parent.
And you're not mentioning that men also use babies to anchor themselves to women, which is odd.
No. 1658987
>>1658961> women for it when our biology and societies have literally set it up that way. >our biologyspeak for yourself. my biology tells me to avoid children like the plague. nta
a lot of people are arrogant and think theyll be a great parent and have a hallmark movie family. few of them succeed. same thing in the adult survivor of child abuse space, they think they are so innately special and different than their abuser that they can end the cycle and be the bestest parent ever and have a loving family, but most end up fucking up and perpetuating the cycle of generational trauma. most people suck, and most of these sucky people end up having kids.
unpopular opinion but mothers are seen as faultless benevolent saints who can do no wrong, and this actively harms abuse
victims and silences them. we need to be more parent critical and admit both mothers and fathers commit abuse. media has no problem portraying an
abusive husband/father but they refuse to open a dialogue about
abusive mothers.
No. 1659029
>>1658987Agreed with nonna.
Saged for blogpost but I remember reading an interview or biography about the Scottish actor Robert Carlyle and he had a shit mother that didn't give a fuck about his existence. He's legit one of the few known people who's spoken about the topic of non-maternal women in reference to his own life and I wish there were more people being honest about that.
No. 1659047
>>1659029This is why Jennette Mccurdy is a precious gem and I love her
"but you can't hate her, she's your mom! it doesn't matter what she did, she tried her best and she loves you, because that's what hollywood movies tell us!" it's so disgusting
No. 1659142
>>1658939Absolute retardation. This is why I stopped reading those threads way back.
>>1658948Yep. Straight out saw anons saying this shit how fraternizing with misogynist right wing moids was a good call because "they give us a platform". No they don't.
No. 1659185
>>1659164>>1659166A lot of those things (anime, dramas, Star Wars, pop music, etc.) are meant for either various or all ages though. When I read
>>1659124 I was thinking of Disney or Harry Potter adults who just re-watch/re-read stuff literally meant for 12-year-olds and under and seem repulsed by the idea of being well-rounded. You can also like cutesy kiddy stuff without being infantile or obsessed.
No. 1659226
>>1658958>Most women have kids because it makes it harder for their husband to leave or they do it because society tells them they should.It's literally the opposite. If men wanted kids for any reason other than societal expectations and locking down their wife, there wouldn't be so many hands off/deadbeat dads who don't do any childcare. It's actually horrific how they act in a divorce, their main priority is always avoiding child support while the mother is terrified of giving any custody to a man who is unwilling to look after his own kids properly.
I think women want kids for many reasons, up to and including what you've said. But it's far more of a male trait to not have any genuine positive feelings about becoming a parent.
No. 1659255
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>>1659227I agree with your message but you worded it so fucking obnoxiously that I genuinely can't tell if you're being serious or mocking
No. 1659345
>>1659185Genuinely what is wrong with having "infantile" interests? What's so great about being what you call "well rounded"? These people aren't hurting anybody with their "obsessions".
>>1659147She's already doing all of the correct "adult" things, but that still isn't good enough for you since her hobbies aren't "mature" enough?
Why so judgemental about harmless hobbies?
No. 1659401
>>1659393K pop is really strange and manufactured in a way that I have a hard time listening to at times–they have no idea what they're saying and can't even enunciate it correctly a lot of the time so it's like watching someone oblivious read from a script what they
think hip hop sounds like. On top of that their treatment is inhumane, they're extremely racist and sexist, and these women/young men are treated like objects for consumption with no other purpose. I like that they look cute but it's a bit difficult for me to seperate the beautiful visuals from the reality.