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No. 1598175
You probably are not alone in your opinion.
Previous thread:
>adhere to site and board rules>do not respond to bait>report and ignore trolls or obvious maleposters instead of replying like an idiot No. 1598206
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I think a lot of conflict in the world right now is due to bad communication, and a large part of it is the fact that we can't smell eachother's pheromones anymore, thanks to deodorant and clothing covering everything up. I think we could benefit from slowly transitioning to a deodorant-free society. There's nothing wrong with washing yourself, but deodorant is absolutely a psyop.
Also, this is going to sound "gross", but I genuinely don't think it should be so socially unacceptable to check eachother's "stinky" areas (like feet, armpits, asses, crotches). It can create good bonds, and could potentially save lives if you know what smells to look out for. I wouldn't mind smelling an elderly person's genitals if it could save their life, and IMO, good pheromones would do away with a lot of (seemingly) natural trepidation around it. We are social animals, and many other social mammals use pheromones and scent (and even the act of smelling) to lubricate social interactions. Dogs can even pick up on emotion/stess through scent. I think that's why COVID did such a number on socialization. It took away a lot of people's acute/sensitive sense of smell. Things like body odor are so strongly linked to diet and health that we'd almost automatically become a more close-knit society if we were all in the know about each other.
In general, I also think clothing should only be used to protect ourselves from the elements. Personally, I'd much rather walk around with a parasol than clothes (at least when it's hot and sunny out haha)! If you're in a comfortable and/or temperature-controlled space, there's no reason it shouldn't be normal to strip down at least to your underwear if you want. Again, we are animals – social ones at that. Additionally, we could strongly benefit from companies/outlets being mandated to modify clothes for better breathability and comfort (for example, holes for calves in pants, or maybe armpits in tops). The only reason people don't want to smell each other is because industrializion and mass-scale colonialism have turned us into a low trust, paranoid, antisocial society.
Lastly, fat people will have fewer copes, so they'll be forced to lose weight due to social ostracization. I would be shocked if anyone could offer a fact-based argument argument against anything I'm saying. Remember, nonnies: Follow your nose. And yes, I did shower and use deodorant today - that has no bearing on the weight of my argument.
No. 1598231
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>>1598224>deranged scrotes from the past said it was a paraphilia, so it is!!This is midwit nonsense, anon. Being attracted to an attractive person's smell is a "fetish" in as much as breathing is a "fetish". Open your eyes. You're literally so disconnected from your fellow humans that you think basic functions and natural attractions are fetishes. Bet you accuse normal people of having "breeding kinks" as well.
>Notes>John MoneyThis is the pro-pedophilia man that trooned out a pair of twins to legitimize transgender theory, google "David Reimer". He did not offer anything good to society, and the same goes for Sigmund Freud.
>>1598225Not everything considered taboo is inherently sexual. Do you realize that you're pathologizing something as basic and human as being able to smell other humans (something most of our ancestors have done)? What's next, eye contact is inherently sexual and perverted? We've all been made so distant from each other and it is honestly freakish.
No. 1598241
>>1598237Nta, but everyone has a ""breeding kink"" dumbass it's literally your instincts. People like you cannot view human connection without the lens of kink
OP definitely has a smell fetish though
No. 1598244
>>1598206My issue with this whole thing is that smelling other people is quite the breach of personal space. Would you be able to smell everyone if that was the law? Even that random person you don’t really know? Would you feel comfortable knowing that someone can just suddenly be like
>hi!>puts nose in your crotchOr is there some protocol or rules to follow? Plus I wouldn’t even let my hypothetical children leave the house if I know that some other children or adults would be able to just sniff them.
I don’t know, the sense of smell is very personal in humans for a reason. I still want to know what you think would be a good course of action if this way of socialization was somehow implemented.
No. 1598250
>>1598237>>1598242>>1598247So, you go along with moids pathologizing basic aspects of personhood (down to the point of reproductive urges), and even do it to yourself? That's very sad.
>>1598241>OP definitely has a smell fetish thoughNo, you're just used to thinking that if something is pushed into the shadows, it must be "kinky" and somehow wrong. An entire dimension of human senses has been socially cordoned off and artificially made "dirty" or "embarrassing", and you wonder why we are sick, mentally ill and antisocial? This is insanity. They've turned existing as a living organism into something shameful.
>>1598244Good question! I feel that the act of a random stranger smelling you or your child would be about as weird as them randomly talking to you/them. Ideally, it'd be something most generally wouldn't do, and would be frowned upon without good reason.
I don't think it'd be considered
as personal if we were all used to it (again, beccause our current system is very anti social), but I think the natural desire for a degree of privacy would maintain lines.
No. 1598252
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>>1598250>even do it to yourself? Huh? Anyway, tell me how this photo makes you feel. Does it light a fire in you?
No. 1598258
>>1598252>Huh?You literally described yourself as having what is called a breeding kink. Don't go along with that "kink" BS.
>Anyway, tell me how this photo makes you feel. Does it light a fire in you?It's just anti-smell propaganda to make us paranoid about natural human scents (and by extension, our scents). "Oooh green lines, nasty!! Body inherently gross, icky, dirty!!! (buy our product)". I swear, some people are just like moids freaking out over periods.
No. 1598269
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>>1598263I still advocate for basic hygiene, not covering your entire scent with deodorant, dumbass. Also, people don't get rancid BO unless they're sickly, fat or eat nothing but junk food.
Why would anyone think it's a good thing that we cover up the side effects of our lifestyles with shitty aluminum salt, instead of actually fixing them?
No. 1598277
>>1598273Have you ever considered that big industries are suppressing actual human biological science? Dig further, you are being lied to. It's not just the gender stuff.
No. 1598282
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PLEASE STOP CUTTING YOUR CUTICLES!!! PLease…please just stop… I don't care if Russian manicures are all the rage now. What your cutting isn't your cuticles, it's the proximal nail fold and if you give yourself false nails then it's very important for the health of your natural. Im so sick if seeing nail tech cut their clients cuticles. It's live skin. If your cuticles look dead, 9/10 they're not and they're just dry. It's normal, just use cuticle oil everyday. You don't need to cut them. You don't need to cut them for pretty nails. Just push them back. You need to leave your cuticles alone.
No. 1598297
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>>1598282I watched some pop sci video that said the role of cuticles is protecting the nail from infection and should be left alone. So I tried leaving my cuticles completely alone, not even pushing them back. Big mistake. As they grow too big they split and produce hangnails, it's painful and a total failure at keeping infection out as now you have small open wounds.
No. 1598340
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>>1598206ok Jean Baptiste Grenouille, I see ur evil plan…
No. 1598361
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>>1598206I would live in your stinktopia, anon
No. 1598679
>>1598671What if I have more cat friends than people?
I can't trust people enough to be close to them anymore.
No. 1598684
>>1598206This is such an interesting topic of discussion.
I don't have the genes that make me stink, so I don't ever use deodorant. I also think it's
toxic and bad for you. If you want to be clean there wash it, remove hair, exfoliate the area, and moisturize. If it smells your body smells and you need to clean it. You know like how everyone sweats and has an odor, but it's hard to smell in the armpits if you are clean, especially for those lacking the gene. The only time it has ever smelled is when I was starving, because your body sweats and you become nauseous and all of that comes out, and the pits tend to be a closed bacteria building area, most people don't have their arms up or out all the time. Even then it stops as soon as I ate something. I showered this morning with body wash, dried off and applied lotion, went out in the sun, walked around, ate little, have been back home for a few hours doing activities, same shirt, it doesn't smell.
No. 1598689
>>1598684Usually you can't smell yourself unless you smell very terrible. Senses of scent are the fastest to grow "tired" or "used to", that's why after you use perfume although you can't smell it on yourself other people can smell it better.
Unless you're Asian you probably don't have the gene and you're just smelling bad but unaware of it.
No. 1598696
>>1598688usually what makes people stinky is not using deodorant after shower but tbh deodorant doesnt really work when my pits are hairy because the hairs are soaked in pit funk.
>>1598693open your mouth
No. 1598702
>>1598688It's science anon, not hard to understand. The hair itself does not smell, but growing hair releases sebum that combines with sweat glands and bacteria. Removing hair makes this harder to happen, and why hygiene is important. Sorry you smell I guess?
>>1598689Genes are not unique to one conglomerate of people, you know that dna has mixed a lot with early nomadic people, and ethnic differences are often adaptions to the environment. Additionally there were still nomadic people during this time, and still are now. And if I did smell bad, people would say so, especially all the people who have been physically close to me. I am very hygenic. Maybe just clean yourself better instead of being mad at me for not smelling bad? I don't even know what to say to you, I feel like you are about to schizoid freak out on me, I know the schizos are in here lurking and waiting
No. 1598718
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we need to refrain our language usage immediately, now more than ever we need to call shit for what it is. saying "eew that's weird teehe" when in presence of absolute degeneracy isn't accomplishing your intent of "making fun of it in order to meme it into stop existing" it just makes you sound like a retard, plainly undermining the weight of said depravity. Alike when woman use the word "creepy" to describe indisputable sexual predatory conduct such as "he kinda tried to rape me so it was like creepy teehee". He is not creepy, he is a sick perverted evil nefarious heinous perverse vile criminal abhorrent and disgusting individual. Regardless of this being their chosen coping mechanism it needs to stop so we can make gateway to publicly execute these undesirables.
No. 1598724
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Just watch the spiderman movie today but I couldn’t help but feeling a little bit let down in general. The movie got a lot of praise and I was looking forward to it so much yet after watching it I couldnt help but feel like it was rushed and the movie was treated like a trailer for the next part.
No. 1598726
>>1598702NTA or OP, but I think there’s a difference in having a BO and being stinky. I think my bf smells so good, I love wearing his used t-shirts. I’ve posted previously about only washing my hair with water these days and my hair honestly smells so good, kind of like a fresh cat. Your BO depends on what type of bacterial flora you have on your body, because it’s mostly the bacteria that produce the stink. Recently read a book about how cleaning too frequently with soap may cause our skin flora to change, inadvertently contributing to increased stink and reinforcing that habit.
We don’t start producing BO until we hit puberty so it’s very possible that mate selection is one of its functions. I generally think we’re a bit too hysterical about personal hygiene these days. Like, wash your hands obv and groom yourself daily, but be aware being overly clean can cause bacterial imbalances, allergies, maybe even autoimmune diseases etc. Can highly recommend the book Clean by James Hamblin on this topic.
No. 1598742
>>1598733"white people" is not an ethnic group with one matching set of dna, that's why they are wrong. there is a difference in prevalence of the gene but it's not "100% of asians" and "0%" of non asians. In fact the most common group is ethnic Koreans, and it's not all of them either, not are they the entire makeup of "Asian."
It's so easy to look something up if you don't know but they won't do that because they aren't really interested in discussion, they just want to be angsty online.
No. 1598748
>>1598727Took the words right out of my mouth anon. Another point that I want to mention is how they introduced way too many characters for the sake of the movie about the Spiderman universe, this really put them into a bit of a pickle because the storyline put focus on a lot of characters at once and they don't know how to properly and smoothly handle all those interactions yet. They wanted or were trying to bait us with the miles/gwen but istg compared to the first part this is so out of place, just let them be teens. I had high hopes for this movie because I was such a big fan of the first movie and waited 5 years for this.
I don't know if the next part is going to be worth watching though.
No. 1598767
>>1598712>I totally have the gene only a small population of people have because no one was rude enough to tell me I smell to my faceDelulu. Have you never seen how asian people complain about the white tourists that don't use deodorant and stink up the public transports? It's ok to accept that you have body odor, I don't understand why you're lying this hard
>>1598749>only Nordic whites have a gene(odorless sweat) that's obviously evolved for people in hotter climatesKek. Nordic whites smell the worst, sweat the most and burn the hardest in hotter climates because they're just not fit for those. Sure no one would smell in Nordic countries but it's because the countries are cold, not because they're white.
No. 1598768
>>1598702>Genes are not unique to one conglomerate of people,No offense nona, but are you in high school? Because there absolutely are genes that are only found in certain conglomerates. That's how we're able to trace lineages and give timelines of when certain peoples were invaded.
>>1598724I feel like that's every major movie today. No actual plot arch, just a two to three hour set up for the next installment in the series.
No. 1598818
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I can't believe that we are still arguing about bo and deodorant.
Anywho, remember to wear your deodorant or get a health checkup when you notice something isn't right.
No. 1598835
>>1598824What was the og post
>>1598833Read the rules, also there are non carcinogenic products.
No. 1598837
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Messy eaters deserve death
No. 1598852
>>1598840You do know populations have mixed over time and no ethinic communitys DNA is ”pure”?
>>1598833There are countless different formulas so surely there is something you can use?
No. 1598860
>>1598859Deodorant is not necessarily lol
How many times can I say this
No. 1598935
>>1598930You sound like those scrotes that think because an study shows that rape is a common DEVIANT fetish amongst women that means every woman wants to be raped.
>>1598932BO smells bad, there is no good BO smell.
No. 1598979
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>>1598976No, you must have actual brain damage to be derailing every conversation to be about fetishes. No one's talking about your grimy, stinky scrote.
No. 1598980
>>1598925I agree.
Men smell absolutely disgusting once they start to sweat. I recently had ride in the same elevator with a guy who just came home from the gym. I nearly died. I don't know how straight women handle it.
No. 1598988
>>1598977You sound like a foul-smelling moid trying to stop women from acknowledging that attractive, clean people naturally smell nice and don't actually deodorant, cologne or perfume. Instead of eating healthier or investigating your health so you might be able to smell nice too, you'd rather insist everyone must be rancid or a fetishist, so we'll all be pressured to use shitty chemicals.
This is exactly like when samurai in Japan used to force other men to shave their heads so that baldness would be in fashion. You are genetically deficient and your bloodline ends with you.
No. 1598997
>>1598989you can vent on me if you know what I mean
t. lesbian with smell fetish
No. 1599013
>>1598988Imagine being a crunchy kek. Imagine believing in that fake new age bullshit about how chemicals are all terrible or bad for our health when
water is a chemical called oxidane, come on now.
No. 1599020
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>>1599016nta, but are you saying it's irony and not coincidence? Really?
No. 1599024
>>1599016Use Google instead of getting passive aggressive just because you spent the thread losing arguments,
No. 1599033
>>1599028It's also easy to figure out when you consider 1. consumerism 2. medical business. Beauty products are hygiene medicines where they convince people they need them to get their money. If you look at what ancient civilizations used, one will realize humans do not need that much in our lives, and a few things are more of convenience. A good diet is also essential for this so what so they do… pump the food full of toxins as well. There are chemicals not meant to be in our bodies, there are chemicals meant to be in our bodies, learn what should be there and consume them only.
As I say this I still can't break my candy habit, sometimes I just need some chewy candy and I know it's pure sugar but it's the texture that I like, not just the sweetness, and no food can replace it for me. But I digress
>>1599020Honey, no…
No. 1599037
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>>1599033Just admit you're wrong lol
No. 1599040
>nonna resize the imageNo, it needs to take up your entire screen so you can fucking learn
No. 1599065
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It was wrong for Lana Del Rey to have ever been a "glam" or "coquette" figure. She should've kept the dark, grungy white trash aesthetic. She's literally still dating cops and meth-addicted men who make out with their male relatives and are into roadkill. This song should've been titled "Tardfucker", she should claim to be the reincarnation of Kurt Cobain, shout out Alabama, and she should've admitted to hiding crack rocks and heroin in etc
No. 1599505
>>1599128I had a friend who literally admitted this, she said she gets bored when the guy is too nice and prefers
toxic moids (despite complaining about them when it turns sour) and she is
toxic herself to guys.
No. 1599799
>>1599795Samefag and I assume it’s super addictive for people who like
toxic relationships to date love bombers because one day they will be praising you to high heavens, buying you gifts etc and then the next minute they are ignoring you for 2 weeks and come back and love bomb you again.
No. 1599804
>>1599801I think it’s about it being fun for most people on a subconscious level because most people are in
toxic relationships until they are just too old and tired to deal with it anymore. It’s like how scrotes say they prefer crazy hot girls who will key their car or a girl who is totally in love with a man who only texts her once a week and makes her fight to the death for any attention. They like the excitement in their boring lives.
No. 1599814
>>1599804It is not about fun. It’s draining, damaging, and potentially life-ruining. People will joke sometimes like “haha I love crazy chicks/complete assholes” but it’s a cope.
Toxic relationships come from being raised by or exposed to people in
toxic relationships. Some people are even aware of it but still can’t stop getting in to these situations. But they’re not doing it because it’s “fun.”
No. 1599815
>>1599804Tbh I think the word
toxic is just a way of downplaying what people usually mean.. which is that its
abusive or even mutually
abusive. When you call it what it really is that makes it harder to pretend like its just people having fun or loving the drama of it all.
No. 1599818
>>1599814I think saying being attracted to
toxic relationships because you grew up in a
toxic environment is a cope. I was raised in a
toxic environment and I like calm peaceful relationships. I’m not even the type to argue with men I just block them.
No. 1599828
>>1599820Most people who come from good homes end up in
toxic relationships too. In most relationships the dynamic is abused and abuser, it’s very rare to find relationships where both parties have an equal amount of power.
No. 1599840
>>1599233>>1599505>>1599112Kek at you thinking this is for "people under the age of 50" or that these sorts of people stop once they hit 50.
You don't even realize what boomers get up to, probably because you are young. This is just a BPD person thing, and it never fucking ends, unless they get help.
No. 1599857
>>1599843Lol I broke my nose as a kid and literally could not breathe out of one nostril, so I had it corrected. It was crooked and ugly looking so the doctors straightened it out. Cue everyone I knew bullying me for getting a 'nose job' and being 'vain and insecure'. Even if I was, why are they so angry about something I did to my own damn self?
The kicker is that neither of my parents have big noses or cute button noses, just regular ones. It was extremely obvious that there was something wrong with mine, both by just looking at it and by not being able to sleep right for years so I wheezed/snored all night at fourteen.
No. 1599878
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>>1599875There’s big foot erotica.
No. 1600018
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Bald men with beards should wear mandatory burqas and/or go to jail.
No. 1600061
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The Black Lives Matter campaign did more harm to the world than good
No. 1600284
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Cats are the cutest animals on the planet and if someone doesn't like cats, and doesn't have the excuse of being allergic, they're probably a terrible person and should definitely be avoided at all costs anyways
No. 1600365
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>>1600284It's crazy how cute they are, their mannerisms and movements and little faces… also crazy how the big versions are so similar but so dangerous too
No. 1600390
>>1598724Agreed 100%, I still liked it but was disappointed as a whole.
>>1598931I don't like BO on other people, and prefer my husband to not have stinky pits but I also like the smell of his stink. Idk why. I definitely dont like random people's stink though. I feel like maybe because we have been together a long time and are compatible.
No. 1600562
>>1600547The blackpill is more doomerish/hopeless about the state of both moids and women and thus more
victim blaming and very NLOG tbh.
No. 1600587
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>>1599939>why is this internet website full of people who spend too much time onlineyou are the outsider here
No. 1600590
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>>1599939>Why are the posters on a site dedicated to making fun of weirdos full of weirdos?Really makes ya think now don't it?
No. 1600829
>>1600284Agree. Especially if they’re men. I’ve seen too many videos of retarded males recording themselves kicking cats. It’s disgusting.
No. 1601118
>>1601100Heh anon, I think it's really subjective, I'm personally jealous of dramatics and flamboyant naturals for pulling off certain looks I'd most likely look ridiculous in, and I'm not a fan of what's typically recommended for soft gamines, for example (I'm not one). Either way, agreed with this anon
>>1601109 it's not that strict. Only a few things or colors can be absolutely unflattering on a person, and everything else that's not recommended would be just meh or slightly off in the worst case, which not a lot of people even notice.
No. 1601231
>>1601226What are you a
victim of? A male friend confessing that he likes you isn’t rape.
No. 1601477
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>>1601468I like fizzy waters and will burp as loud as I fuckin want
No. 1601861
>>1600975I hate the choo but I hate when people pronounce a T at the end of words in music at all. Just soften it, it sounds bad
I can'T handle iT
No. 1601947
>>1601816I dislike this movie and the book for that and because of how it treated Sophie. They make movies about males doing all kind of heinous shit and getting away with it, about male serial killers that glorify and a just 'watch this man murder and torture a bunch of people, mostly women, and get away it", but women are always punished for thier sins. So of course she's in an
abusive relationship and commits suicide leaving her story for some lame moid to tell.
No. 1602728
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I saw this on twitter and it's so true. AGPs make good music. HSTS don't.
No. 1602743'm annoyed by shit like this where people applaud not using filters/makeup and having a natural look, but then the person is always someone with unhealthy shit skin full of acne and blotches.
I'm sorry but that's not natural, and while I agree with ditching makeup and filters and have never used them myself, it's also wrong to pretend everyone has shit skin without them.
These people have unhealthy skin and that should not be normalized either. Kids will watch that and think it's normal, and won't attempt fixing their shit diet or whack hormones or wash their dirty makeup brush or deal with whatever is causing those skin issues because they'll think it's ok. It's not.
No. 1602758
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>>1602754They used to spread this image on tumblr saying it's Gvcci Hvcci and "RIP" but I'm a Gvcci Hvcci truther!!! He had one set where he got a female to do the vocals too. I think it was just a fun witch house side project.
No. 1602759
>>1602749I wouldn't mind if it wasn't
always someone with unhealthy skin in those vids. Why would people with a skin condition be the main face of the "normal and natural look" when they're abnormal, genetically or otherwise.
No. 1602793
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>>1602779Yeah that came out as a "comeback". Here's a blogpost from 2018 describing the theories and other info about who Gvcci Hvcci might be. I lean towards #2's a kinda infamous tumblr post about it
sorry I'm kind of a witch house head and miss this era so much lol No. 1602813
>>1602806oops I forgot to link the blogpost in case you wanna read more about it.>I wonder why Gvcci Hvcci never revealed their identityImo I think it's because the creator did other music projects and this one naturally fell off? Not sure. Thank you for the cute convo ♥
No. 1602878
A lot of people are really delusional, or deeply insecure and in denial of their incompetence. I just find a lot of bitter jaded people with bad intentions and are greatly ingenuine people. They don't know what they are doing professionally, unorganized, bait and switch on people and do everything to avoid paying them or crediting their work. All the people who think they can start some business endeavor and it falls apart but the blame is never on themselves. I have witnessed a "business" owner of a rather shit hostel get upset because her one volunteer cleaner wasn't working efficiently and one of her long term guests who paid to stay there wouldn't clean up for her. In her own words "I don't understand them. They are already there why can't they just clean?" About a guest. So she doesn't pay people to work and expects guests to pick up the slack. Another one took a home and put up fake shed walls to make "rooms" which are essentially closets, and charges people for the bed in them. She won't fix the bathrooms, but will charge a fortune for all these "rooms" She will cook at all odd hours but paying guests should be out of the kitchen. Yeah she lived there and every week brought her bf over to have crazy loud sex. Another one promises a staff room and then puts staff on dorms with guests. Won't let workers sit down during their shift. Makes them carry laundry upstairs to the roof, outside, where there is a huge pig, and have to fight off the pig with a stick so it doesn't bite you while you do laundry. If you found another job to actually make money in your free time they kick you out. Another place expects people to carry bags of laundry to a laundromat, carrying bags down the street or onto the subway across town instead of using the laundry machine they already have there, or offering their car to help. None of these people offered any salary. I honestly ponder how the fuck these shitty people exist everywhere and continue to think this is okay.
No. 1602902
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>>1602885Remember Epic Meal Time and the bacon craze? Also liquor in everything
It was so popular but looking back it's cringy
No. 1602909
>>1602902Just the other day I recalled how there was a time when people would put bacon in everything, even cakes and milkshakes, kinda try hard.
>>1602885YouTube keeps recommending me this Korean channel that cooks the unhealthiest food, like cooking ramen in melted cheese instead of boiling water, I watched like it was a trainwreck.
No. 1603222
>>1601100>Kek, also very interesting and telling that you basically never see Kibbe girles who are dramatics or naturals (the tall and thin/fit types).I think the dramatics and naturals avoid Kibbe communities because they're always called big manly men lol
t. tall
No. 1603584
>>1603559>>1603554I knew this is going to be about Taylor. I was totally ok with her until she started popping out
everywhere and became impossible to avoid. Then I tried blocking keywords about her, clicking "not interested", hiding news about her, but all of that in vain. As her unwanted presence grew longer and stronger I started hating her more and more. Like you hate an unwanted intruder, a stalker you told to fuck off a million times already.
Anyone hogging my attention against my will gets HATE, deserved. Stop doing shit against my will and I won't hate you.
No. 1603601
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Should be one of the final bosses of boymoms of media. Yes, I have ptsd
No. 1603616
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I don't like leon's tramp stamp mod.
No. 1603618
>>1603601Seriously it made me eyeroll hard in the theater
>I hope she doesn't hurt him!>Oh she's calling us by our first names, that's cute…Stfu.
No. 1603777
>>1603666That's true. I was just saying that if someone decides to own a dog simply because they like them or they have a need for them (working dogs), adoption isn't always the best choice.
>>1603675Good breeders will avoid taking the puppies away too soon. Backyard breeders who have no idea about what they're doing will take them away after a month to make money faster, then the dog will have behavioural issues and will get dropped off to some shelter where they'll hide the fact that it's aggressive and potentially endanger the new owner.
No. 1603966
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Raising your kids on suburbia because "muh space" and "muh backyard" is just plain selfish.
No. 1603984
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Most people (in the western world anyway) don't realize what obesity looks like. My clearly obese colleague just said "at least I'm not obese" about her own size and I was forced to smile and nod along to not offend her. It's not a moral failing to be obese but it is objectively bad for you and society that everyone is so fat now. Obesity starts at a way "smaller" size than people think, people think you have to be so large you struggle to walk to be obese and have belly fat hanging down to your knees but in reality all the negative health effects starts hitting from a relatively low weight (comparatively). Compared to picrel my colleague is easily in the morbidly obese range but thinks she's not obese at all.
No. 1603995
>>1603984My best friend is also in the morbidly obese category but I would never tell her. Being obese is better than having an eating disorder and I know she doesn’t have a binge eating disorder she’s just extremely short and the only way she will lose weight is if she eats like 1000 cals a day and counts everything which would just make her spiral into ED. she’s still gorgeous and adorable and the weight doesn’t detract from her beauty imo.
Being obese isn’t healthy but it’s also not nearly as inherently unhealthy as people like to make it out to be. My mom’s been obese for decades and her blood work is better than mine and she doesn’t have high blood pressure or anything. The biggest dangers to obesity would be eating a lot of food that causes inflammation but not all obese people are even doing that. Once you get to a certain weight esp as a short woman it’s hard as fuck to lose and I honestly think focusing on the “obesity epidemic” is just a distraction and a way to place blame on individuals for something that is a systemic issue caused by multiple factors, very much including food corporations and the shit they do to our food. All the hormone disrupting chemicals were exposed to every day also fuck with our metabolisms in terrible ways
No. 1603998
>>1603984Completely agree. People don't even recognize their obesity as a problem or just think they're stocky. I would never be a dick to a fat person, but it looks terrible and is terrible for your health.
Every time I see a post on social media about being fat, I always see comments about how diet culture promotes muh eating disorder to deflect any conversation towards promoting healthy eating. It's such a cope. Pretty sure that 75-80% of Americans are overweight and 1/5 kids are pre-diabetic.
No. 1604016
>>1604005I had some friends in my neighborhood as a younger kid but they pretty much all moved out by the time I hit high school. It was really nice having a whole bunch of kids literally within 1 year of my age in my neighborhood as a little kid, we played together all fucking day, would just randomly show up at each others houses, randomly decide to leave one family’s house and go chill at another. Used the whole neighborhood as our playground for hide and seek and cops and robbers. There were probably about 10 neighborhood kids I played with regularly. My mom has some pics of all of us running a slushie stand we started one summer. Random sleepovers. Running across the street after school and knocking on the doors to see if so and so can play. Really good times and I’m super glad I got to experience this as my childhood even though a couple of the kids bullied me.
High school though? Yeah we had to get driven to our friends houses. I did have one friend in high school who lived across the street from another friend and about a half a mile from another friend from school, so it was fun to go to his place after school for that reason. A lot of times we’d get picked up by someone’s mom and driven to their house and then their parents would come get them at night when they got off work. For kids whose parents worked and there was no other option for transport the kids took the bus to/from school.
No. 1604059
>>1604050In my city there are buses in the downtown area, but they don't go to the suburbs. Plus they're dangerous and dirty. There's lots of violent homeless people on public transport that harass passengers, do drugs and piss everywhere. Even as an adult, I don't dare take public transport after dark or alone. I definitely wouldn't let my kid ride the bus.
>>1604055yeah that sounds miserable. Cyclists just ride on the main roads here, it's unsafe and drivers hate them but it's not like they have an alternative kek
No. 1604061
>>1604043>>1604059(Sorry stupid thing. Thought I had posted too many times)
Interesting nona. US random stopping and starting sidewalks are like UK bike lanes. It's why UK has so few cyclists compared to mainland Europe. It's too unsafe. Casual, around town cyclists ride on pavements when they shouldn't but determined commuter cyclists will take a long, mapped route through woodlands, estates, jump fences, carry the bike on the road for a bit on the more dangerous bits then dodge lorries and shit for the remainder. It's a mess kek.
No. 1604066
>>1604056My parents basically let me be wild and free starting at around 13-14. My best friend in high school had a single mom who was an alcoholic party girl who was barely ever home and we basically got to hang out at his place unsupervised all the time. We would walk around and smoke weed. I went to a weird ass school for a while that had a party bus that would drop kids off at the mall after school. It didn’t go anywhere else, just a party bus with leather lounge seats arranged in a circular manner and a light up ceiling and badass sound system. The school was a free charter school and the bus was free. Technically you had to be signed up by your parents to ride the bus but they didn’t care and anyone whose parents weren’t gonna be mad could ride the bus to the mall after school.
Good times of hanging in Panera bread and eating all the free bread samples, playing truth or dare in the very dead luggage section or curtain sections of the department stores until we were asked to leave. We were never destructive we just sat around department stores shooting the shit cause nobody was ever up there and it was more private than the cafes. We’d generally get about 30-45 min before employees asked us if we could not be there please kek.
No. 1604069
>>1604059Men cycle on main roads but women and children generally don't. They will cycle in small towns or suburbs because it's not so bad. I see more women squeezing onto tiny pavements when they shouldn't be, they clearly don't feel safe.
Vidrel is our better infrastructure too lmao. Some cities have dedicated bike lanes, but most of the UK is as I describe.
No. 1604300
>>1603995>>1603998Honestly I do believe any kind of weight loss solution that focuses on losing as much weight as fast as possible is inherently unhealthy and does promote eating disorders. Healthy weight loss is more gradual and about adjusting your eating habits and relationship with food on long term, if not the rest of your life. It's also good to tackle the reasons
why certain people overeat in the first place.
No. 1604339
>>1603646there aren't any street dogs where I live, or at least they are rare (I have no idea how that came to be I assume it's an issue that got taken care off decades before I was born). So that means rescue shelters aren't overcrowded with dogs so the shelters gets to be selective of who gets to adopt from them. While strays are rare here there do exist shelters that lets you adopt stray mutts from other countries but the shelters will only allowed the experienced dog trainers to adopt from them. Since they are mutts their temperament is unpredictable, and since they are strays they are traumatized and therefore extremely aggressive.
american pitbulls are also illegal to own here but that's not stopping shitty backyard breeders from breeding themIf someone is going to get a dog from a breeder they should get a dog that has a pedigree so you are sure it's not inbreed and you know that the parents don't have any diseases. Also get a dog from a breeder that doesn't take the pup away immediately from the mother otherwise the pup will be aggressive and it will affect the mother. Whenever it's ethical to own dogs is a whole other discussion
that honestly needs to be more public imo but if you are going to get a dog from a breeder it's super important to do research. Also people seriously need to research what breed suits their lifestyles. Don't get a husky if you are a fucking couchpotato
No. 1604341
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>>1604232Fuck off with this shit. Loli/shotacons of any kind are not welcome here.
No. 1604343
>>1604340From your description I'm guessing you're Finnish.
They aren't aggressive, most of them are just strays who got chipped and neutered. I adopted two lovely ladies from Romania through one of these rescue organizations and I'm so happy that I did. Most dogs I met when going to pick mine up were just normal dogs, not aggressive or anything, some of them had been injured by humans but were just as cuddly and nice aside from a bum leg or missing ear. These countries just have a lot of strays that keep breeding, they're not there because of aggression.
No. 1604353
>>1604309I don't understand why they would be surprised by finding lesbian ""pedophiles"" LMAOOOOOOO. KEKKK.
Sometimes the men in the husbando thread look way too young for their age too. Kekkkk.
No. 1604375
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>>1604367nta but this lad
No. 1604378
>>1604300I also completely agree. I think the reason so many diets fail is because people view it as a "lose X in X days" thing instead of a permanent lifestyle change. There's a lot of people I've met as an American who talk about going back to eating whatever they want after losing X number of pounds.
If we worked less and made it more of a social norm to make your own food, that would really help. That and the walkable city meme but only if there was a lot less crime
No. 1604385
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Speaking of Barbie, the soundtrack sucks so far. So far Karol G, pinkpantheress, and Dua have released their songs for those who don't know.
No. 1604388
>>1604362I'm a secret
terf and a troon can't stop me from seeing barbie, I'm just gonna pretend he's a drag queen and is there as a joke the whole time. He's the Ken doll dressed up in Barbies clothes just for shits and giggles because that's how kids play with dolls. In the future when he detranses and admits to being a man after the whole trans cult has fallen that's what it's going to be seen as anyway
No. 1604389
>>1604362I'm a secret
terf and a troon can't stop me from seeing barbie, I'm just gonna pretend he's a drag queen and is there as a joke the whole time. He's the Ken doll dressed up in Barbies clothes just for shits and giggles because that's how kids play with dolls. In the future when he detranses and admits to being a man after the whole trans cult has fallen that's what it's going to be seen as anyway
No. 1604394
>>1604232This you?
>>1604354Why are loli/shota supporters on here such crybabies? Every time the rest of us call you out for being creepy pedos you go cry about it to another thread because it upsets you too much when your disgusting fetishes aren't validated kek.
No. 1604409
>>1604388You're still supporting troons if you see the movie. Money talks. I wouldn't consider you a
No. 1604432
>>1603556Tried to get into Mitski but her music just bores me, sorry. Her annoying fans don't help either really but I don't care too much about them anyway.
>>1603554Taylor Swift is just fucking insufferable and her adult fans, especially those who actually believe she's secretly a lesbian feminist leftist are absolutely braindead.
My other unpopular music opinion is that Radiohead are also really fucking overrated and pretentious and their music really bores me to death.
No. 1604435
>>1603576Based. I always had a weird feeling about her, she had a trying too hard to be creative and different vibe to her. I like her voice but I dislike her singing technique as a singer myself (hobbyist though) and I really dislike running up that hill as a song, it's so over the place and trying too hard to be creative somehow by doing "unconventional" writing and song structure, and the last chorus with the additional adlibs and background vocals doesn't blend well and sounds like a mess ans sucks so hard and actually ruins the entirety of an already not very good song make it not worth listening to at all with such a shitty climax like that. I didn't know about her anti-feminist stance though, thanks for informing us, nona.
Diamanda Galás for the win, best singer and composer to walk the earth, she wrote and composed and played most instruments on her music and produced it as well and did the art direction and more. She's amazing in studio and live. I don't know much about her political opinions but she was an aids activist pro-safe sex after losing her brother to aids. And she talked about a genocide that happened in greece by the turks back in the ottoman empire days because she has greek ancestry. She does have some lyrics in some songs that seem feminist but I don't want to put words in her mouth, but she's obviously sort of man hating and she's iirc still single at the age of 67 so she's a based Stacey in my book.
No. 1604440
>>1604436There’s more to life amd friendships than political opinions
>>1604434What trans organizations etc is the movie funding?
No. 1604443
>>1604048Of course they do. What kind of question is this? Also this is the unpopular opinion thread lol
So I guess my unpopular opinion is that if you have to ask a really general question about an entire country as if it applies to millions of people and you get your information from tv or social media, you are really lucky you can function with that little of a functioning brain.
No. 1604452
>>1603650>>1603717Nta but, I guess my unpopular opinion related to this is that I think just applying the same disgusting hypersexualization tropes that are usually reserved for female characters, on male characters, is as unarousing as it gets, and is proof that a lot of sexualized outfits for women are actually retarded looking, but we don't realize it until a male is wearing the same clothes because we've become so used to seeing women wear them. It's not sexy, it's stupid and unappealing.
Also the womb tattoo shit is extra retarded because moids don't have wombs so it makes no sense for them to have the same kind of tattoo on that area (maybe if it pointed to his dick or something). But they're gross and retarded either way.
No. 1604461
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>>1604452Good point, never thought about this way before. But I personally like crop tops on both men and women as long as they're fit and have abs to show off or at least are slim enough. Pairing it with a nice pants, shorts or a skirt makes it look so cool. Like picrel.
No. 1604481
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People who feel the need to overstate and emphasize how much prettier, cuter, and nicer they are than the person they hate or who've done them wrong are extremely shallow and nine times out of ten just as ugly, if not more, than the person they hate or way uglier on the inside. It gives off vapid, shallow, unstable, delusional, and mentally ill vibes and I cannot trust a thing they say anymore. You are not innocent or uwu, you're a mentally ill hinderance with emotional problems and insecurities who needs to take his damn fluoxetine.
No. 1604490
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Fair enough, retard.
No. 1604535
>>1604527you will hardly find a person working in a school setting who doesn't understand that.
doesn't mean that they'd ever do it, just understand why those cases exist, despite those teachers knowing that it causes them to lose their livelihood. before i started working i also thought that this is so dumb, just calm down and don't lose your job?, but now i know that some kids try to provoke you endlessly.
No. 1604749
>>1604036The public transportation system is a joke in most of the US, especially if you live in the suburbs. Growing up, the closest city bus stop was like 5 miles from my house (and yes I did walk that distance as a teen a few times, but it was dangerous and dirty and hot outside). And like other anons said, it's dirty and unsafe on the busses themselves the majority of the time. In my state a lot of people who are homeless, mentally ill, and/or addicted to drugs spend all day on public transport because it's the only free place with air conditioning. And it's not just one person here or there, it's 2 or 3 or more per bus. If your family can afford it, many teens get their own car when they turn 16.
>>1604462This doesn't even make sense because well, duh. That's the point. Black people aren't just the feautres present in blackface such as dark skin and pronounced lips, etc.
No. 1604766
>>1604749Nta but features you are born with are pretty fucking different from items that you have to purchase. Makeup, eyelashes and dresses are not inherent to being a woman
and acting as if they are is pretty reminiscent of a certain group of people Just find a new term for it. Drag isn't the same thing as blackface, and calling it the same or "womanface" makes both people who don't like blackface and people who don't like drag look ridiculous.
No. 1604773
>>1604772Paranoid about what?
>unclench Sorry, I forgot that you're seething if you disagree with someone on lolcow.
No. 1604788
>>1604773Paranoid about trannies
>Makeup, eyelashes and dresses are not inherent to being a woman, and acting as if they are is pretty reminiscent of a certain group of peopleAnd throwing in unnecessary aggressive language. Relax kek
No. 1604791
>>1604788I didn't call anyone a tranny if that's what you trying to say. I said it's
reminiscent of. As in that's what acting like things like makeup and dresses are like natural features reminds me of. And I didn't use aggressive language unless you're offended by fucking.
No. 1604847
>>1604840I have not seen Euphoria except "I have never been happier" and the trailer but it gave me the same vibes.
TW is like the hurt fuckboi with mommy issues, I've senses this since his start but the music was poppin so I kept listening. Funny I met a similar male irl, and decided to psychoanalyze him. They are so easy to read, and they don't even realize it, but they never change, they just sulk in the abyss. Always talking about how his mother doesn't care and criticizes him, his father hit him, his ex cheated on him, all his friends are fake, emotional outburts, puts so much importance talking about sex and size and performance, acts uninterested in public but mad if you don't text him all day long, at one point he told me to please send him many messages everyday; and icing on the cake he majored in psychology.
No. 1604897
>>1604880Agreed any man who loves you won’t care if you don’t want to work.
>>1604847>>1604840Euphoria is way better than the Idol because at least there’s a comedic tone to the way Zendaya’s character narrates shit. The idol is cringey af and things that would warrant a close up of Zendaya’s face or a sarcastic narration of the event unfolding if it were in Euphoria are just portrayed as totally serious in the idol. The weekend is an ugly fucking weirdo and his character is so offputting and idk how anyone finds him hot. I also don’t understand how anyone likes his music though, it’s so fucking bad. But I’m an indie bitch who likes The Format and shit so
No. 1604940
>>1604921Women can be supported financially by their men without being financially dependent upon them. She never said anything about financially dependency and never encouraged women to quit their jobs. But realistically it’s just deeply ingrained in the vast majority of men to be “providers”
I stand by this 100%, you’ll know when a man is actually serious and devoted to you when he, on his own, gets the desire to provide for you. When a man is in love with a woman it’s like a switch flips and he strongly desires to provide for her
No. 1604947
>>1604921Nta but I have lots in savings that I never plan to tell a man about just for this reason. You're only as dependent as your options. Yes I hate working 9-5 and no I don't feel bad about a male being eager to work instead of me.
No. 1604980
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I've watched so many home renovation videos and I personally feel like painting the walls white makes it look apartment like. Boring, dull, and depressing.
No. 1605083
>>1604840i'm still not over how when maddy's "first time" is narrated, it says that despite her being 14yo and losing her virginity to an adult she was the one in
control. it's all there, the promotion of porn, sex work, pedophilia, all with underage characters and it's watched & romanticized by teenagers. bleak af. (i really like maddy tho, but it's probably because of the actress)
No. 1605231
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Romanianon is cute and relatable. Do not come for me saying "she's a molester" or "she killed a cat" unless you are replying with proof of both those statements. And I'm not excusing that behavior even if there is proof, I'm simply saying she is cute and relatable.
No. 1605301
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I think Anisa is cute. Anons are hard on her looks for no reason and knowing there are idubbz fangirls in the thread makes me ignore their opinions so much more.
>>1605231She is cute, I hope the girl gets some help.
No. 1605304
>>1605294Girl I've never heard anything she's said other than this tweet and "the horrors are endless but I stay silly" and maybe one other funny anecdote. Don't get mad at me for not knowing the lore and requiring evidence for it. That's not cherry picking that's literally just saying I'm not going to believe anything without proof, whether it's from her or anons. And I'm not voting her into congress I'm just saying she's cute so it really doesn't matter all that much.
>>1605289Well then you're cute as shit nonna, I'm jealous
No. 1605347
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I do not like Jerma at all. He’s not funny and all of his skits are spergy and ADHD tier that apparently only Aidens can laugh and relate to. My youtube recommended is FILLED with his ugly fucking shoe faced mug all because I like tf2 and oneyplays. It also doesn’t help that he reminds me of an ex of mine that would practically skinwalk Jerma and thought I wouldn’t notice. Nothing against Jerma nonas on here in fact they’re the only reason I can tolerate him for a bit but I’m so tired of seeing him everywhere!! Especially on my feed being pushed by tifs who draw him like an anime boy and not the 37 year old he is
No. 1605361
>>1604479AYRT, I would think a gay moid made that mod lol. Of course many women liked it, but we've also been bombarded with porn tropes on the internet for years now, many of those women have clearly absorbed male taste (not saying they should stop liking what they like, though)
>>1604461I may like crop tops too, or most clothes really, but in the right circumstances, otherwise they'll just stand out and look stupid, which is my problem with the one Leon is wearing in the pic kek.
No. 1605504
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i honestly really like the "karen" style on middle aged women. especially when they wear a lot of bronzer, shimmery eyeshadow, lipgloss and either the huge glammy Y2K shades or thin cat eye glasses. or thin long ones like that big red feminist meme. it's so sexy to me. i also like the accompanying bitchy attitude. when i think "milf" i picture this kind of woman and not some tender, sundress wearing, soft spoken mommy type (although i guess that can be sexy as well). sorry if this post comes off as too horny.
No. 1605592
>>1605304Why do you need proof for something she literally just confessed here? You want someone to dig up those posts for you?
>>1605311I genuinely don't give a fuck if she killed a cat or not, that's not what's it about whatsoever
No. 1605595
>>1605592>Why do you need proof for something she literally just confessed here?Because I wasn't here for that?
>You want someone to dig up those posts for you?No I'm simply saying I'm not going to engage in an argument I know nothing about.
No. 1605701
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>>1605537Kek I knew one of you was going to post something passive aggressive. Anons just think she’s cute, not that she never did anything wrong.
No. 1605706
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I like thinned ends on long hair way more than a blunt cut. A lot of people say it looks bad and unhealthy but imo if you have the style to go with it it looks so ethereal.
No. 1605728
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My unpopular opinion is about bpd. Doctors hand out this diagnosis (in my country at least) like fucking candy at Halloween to women of almost any age, race, class etc who are mentally unstable/attention seeking/angry. If you look at the ratio of male-female diagnosis it's fucking retarded. 75% female bias ( )… We need to purge male doctors and psychiatrists who have vulnerable/traumatised/(often undiagnosed) autists/whatever other kind of emotionally damaged in their care. They'll look at a woman who has been abused/taken advantage of and immediately slap the label BPD on, decreasing her credibility and ability to stand up for herself, especially within institutional settings. Oh you don't want to take this anti-psychotic intra-fucking-muscular injection? Well guess what you don't know what you're talking because you're a hysterical BPD female. In conclusion: male doctors & psychiatrists should be slaughtered like dogs in the streets for the amount of promising young women's lives they've wasted by locking up adolescent girls in institutions and pumping them full of medication that turns them into revolving door inpatient irl lolcows. This has been my most dearly held belief ever since I stayed in a few psych wards as a teen and met so many GIRLS aged 13-17 who had just become dribbling retards dependent on the doctors that administered their daily meds/gave them asspats for not smashing their head on the wall that day. It disgusts me to my core that they are allowed to get away with this.
>inb4 "some bitches do need locking up" yeah for sure but there are so many that were simply emotionally unstable teens who would've gotten over it in a few years.>inb4inb4 "are you a bpdchan lol" no just an autist whos fine now (by some miracle) No. 1605762
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Rick and Morty is funny
No. 1605822
>>1603556I don't get why Nobody gets so much praise. It's an ok song but the instrumental isn't anything to write home about and the lyrics are meh. The line that goes
>Venus planet of love was destroyed by global warming>dis its people want too muchbothers me so much. It's not a bad line but the song is very straightforward and honest. The lyrics are just her venting/describing how she feels in a very raw manner. So its jarring that she uses a poetic and abstract line so early on in the song and then never does it again.
However I did randomly stumbled upon her song Eric and instantly felt in love. It has a kinda eerie feeling to it and her voice sound so pretty in it. I have no idea of the song is frequently discussed amongst her fans but I have never heard non-fans mention it [spoiler]if any mitski fans could recommend me any other song she has made that sounds like Eric then I would be extremely grateful[/spoiler
>>1604432>Radiohead are also really fucking overrated I heard a bunch of men and nlogs call Creep deep and haunting because it's relatable. The lyrjcs legit sounds like shit a 12 year old girl would write in her diary. when girls express emotions like that they get shunned but when adult men does it it gets praised as a masterpiece. If creepwas written and sing by a woman society would had call it a shit song, which it is
No. 1605865
>>1605797AYRT never thought i'd say this on lolcow but ty for the blog lmao. it's comforting to know I'm not the only one who's had this experience. if i was dictator of the world men would be banned from nearly all medical professions. zero empathy and zero authority to make decisions on women's health.
>>1605812>>1605820yeah that guy sounds like a fucking quack, Rorschach tests haven't been used since like the 90's or something. but yeah mental health is an industry now, especially with the zoomer love of labeling every single personality trait/negative experience they have as 'mentaw iwness'
No. 1606015
>>1605728I got a BPD prediagnosis even though the doctor didn't know shit about me or my life, and my parents disagreed that I had the supposed symptoms the doctor (a scrote) told them I had, or the symptoms that they found online. I do not fit the BPD profile at all. I have never been abused (so they're even diagnosing women withOUT serious trauma as well), I'm not aggressive or masochistic, I tend to avoid confrontation, I'm not very social but I can socialize normally with people, have friends and I've had normal relationships, I'm just kinda weird and suffer from anxiety. How in the hell is that BPD? It seems any woman with anxiety and who isn't perfectly mentally or socially stable gets labeled BPD these days. Hell, it might even be any woman with a weird personality that the doctor isn't personally familiar with. You're different from the average? You must have BPD!
I used to know a weeb girl, she was younger than me at the time so a teenager, who told me she had BPD (that was the first time I heard about it but didn't realize it was the same thing until they told me I have BPD too) She wasn't particularly strange other than having strong opinions about music on Facebook sometimes and not finding the energy to reply to people's messages often. Is that an incurable personality disorder unique to women? Don't a lot of moids have the same "symptoms" too? The internet and bad habits seems to me like the cause for a lot of so-called "disorders" and if young people stopped being addicted to digital devices and detoxed, said disorders would "magically" disappear.
Psychology and psychiatry are so fucking full of bullshit. Thank fuck I have a dad that is so skeptical of them because he scared that doctor off of telling me to take unnecessary drugs. He didn't threaten the doc or anything, he just looked skeptical as fuck with his arms crossed as the doctor gave his shitty quack speech to us and then started questioning the doctor when he brought up drugs
No. 1606107
>>1606097Your teeth are yellow, they're covered in mold, you're only fourteen you look a hundred years old
When looks were handed out you were last in line, your face looks like where the sun don't shine
No. 1606123
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I’m glad thin brows are coming back I look terrible with thick brows kek
No. 1606228
>>1606097Stop being insecure retard ffs it’s just a song
You’re probably not ugly and I doubt most farmers are
No. 1606313
>>1605896Idk why my mind first went to that title being about body count for women, sad that I even heard this bs before.
But anyway realizing trauma is stored in the body is such a defining moment, because then you can work on it.
No. 1606369
>>1606294yeah, there are different flavours of AGPs, some get turned on by imagining themselves having actual female bodies or being "irl futas" while others only fetishize the performance of stereotypical femininity
>Transvestic autogynephilia: arousal to the act or fantasy of wearing women's clothing>Behavioral autogynephilia: arousal to the act or fantasy of doing something regarded as feminine>Physiologic autogynephilia: arousal to fantasies of female-specific body functions>Anatomic autogynephilia: arousal to the fantasy of having a woman's body, or parts of one>There also exist biological males who report being sexually aroused by the image or idea of having some but not all female anatomy, such as having female breasts but retaining their male genitaliaAlso AGP and gynemimetophilia (fetish for men who look/act "like women" so basically chasers) are very often co-morbid, many chasers do end up trooning out themselves. Even trannies point this out when trying to "hatch eggs"
so yeah the woobification of "HSTS" is retarded because they really are no different from the other trannies, it's a fetish for all of them even though it doesn't always manifest the same way
No. 1606409
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Soft batch/chewy cookies are WAY better than those crumbly, dry ass crisp cookies FUCK OFF
No. 1606513
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>>1606502Samefag but also, even when I was an atheist, I would read the Bible for literary reasons; pretty much any thought or idea you can have is already mentioned in there. Including that there’s nothing new in the world (The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. - Eccelsies 1:9). I love that! Even 2000 years ago, people knew that time and culture were cyclical.
Picrel is just a story I like about Jesus. He just finished trashing the Temple and chasing out the merchants, decides he’s hungry, and then just does this. Lol like dang, Jesus. Maybe the tree just wasn’t in season.
No. 1606591
>>1606502>>1606513This is going to come off more confrontational than I intend it to probably, but I mean this as a genuine question. What exactly does someone who studies and follows the teachings of the bible think of the following verses? Because although I know the bible has plenty of good messages, I do not trust any book that claims to be the moral word of god and also contain the following verses at the same time.
Genesis 3:16 – To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.”
1 Timothy 2:11-12 – Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.
1 Corinthians 14:34-35 – The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.
Ephesians 5:22 – Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.
Titus 2:3-5 – Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.
1 Corinthians 11:3 – But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.
No. 1606598
>>1606586If you take the story literally, yeah lol. But Jesus was a walking parable, even his parables had parables. The purpose of this passage is mainly to show that Jesus had the abilities of God, it also calls back to previous parts of the Gospel where He teaches that good trees bear good fruit, bad trees bear bad fruit, and trees that don’t bear any fruit go into the bad category too, because trees (fruit trees at least) are meant to bear fruit. “You will know them by their fruits,” - a person’s character can be shown through their actions.
Or maybe he was just hangry, surface-level interpretation of the Bible is usually quite silly. I love the one where Jesus is going to cast 30-40 demons out of these people and there’s a field of pigs nearby, and the demons are all like, “No, don’t cast us out, put us in those pigs over there instead” and he does so. The demons-as-pigs then run off the side of a bluff and die. Wild, not sure what that one means yet.
No. 1606604
>>1606591Not confrontational at all! I struggle with a lot of those passages myself. The thing I’m loving about faith and Bible based Christianity instead of Church led, is that it’s okay to confront and struggle with scripture. God wants you to think about it.
I don’t think this is the place for in-depth Bible discussion, but to be somewhat succinct, a lot of the passages you quote are from the Old Testament. Everything that God spoke of - all those rules and rituals - were part of the first and second Covenants with man; aka “you do this, you are saved”. When Jesus was born, crucified, and resurrected, it began a new Covenant with God that said faith in Him alone was enough to save oneself. That’s how I reckon a lot of liberal Christians interpret it.
The other part of it is, you have to view it through the lens of a nomadic desert culture from ancient times. Back in days when a man’s physical strength was actually needed; and back when you’d have like a dozen kids and one would survive, not to mention Old Testament Jews were constantly at war and exile, so the survival of their race was tantamount.
There’s also the idea that really early books, like Genesis and Exodus, were borrowed ideas from Sumerian and earlier cultures. Oral folklore to explain the world around them and how it came to be.
I’m still really really new to Bible study, though, and probably really muddling these concepts.
No. 1606653
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>>1605892NTA I get what you’re saying, but it’s a fact that people in the obese category weren’t common a few decades ago, they were literally monstrosities as they should be considered. Being that fat, although common, is abnormal. I also don’t hate fatties, but it’s beyond retarded that being obese is normalized instead of looking at all the things that are wrong with modern day diet and lifestyle.
No. 1606655
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According to the bible a woman is impure after giving birth, and is impure for twice as long if it’s a daughter, yes what a great, noble, loving religion.
>>1606616> People have been debating this book for literal millennia, so it seems silly to take anything at face valueWhy would you believe in something that no one can apparently even agree upon? If you’re not taking anything at face value and just making up your own interpretations, couldn’t you just do that with literally any book?
No. 1606662
>>1606655What’s the point of trying to debate me when you don’t even read the things I post. Leviticus doesn’t apply to Christians, that’s Jewish law. So go take it up with the Jews.
Do a lot of “Christians” use it like a cudgel to oppress? Yes. They aren’t Christian.
I didn’t come here to prove God exists to LC, all I was originally saying to that one anon was that believing in God improved my life.
No. 1606671
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No. 1606779
>>1606680Get back to me in a few thousand years and we’ll see, I guess.
>>1606681It’s not just that it’s ancient, it’s that it has endured. Why do people in 2023 still believe Christianity and not, idk, whatever child-sacrificing gods the Babylonians worshipped?
Remember, early Christians were even more persecuted than Jews in Roman times. It wasn’t until Constantine converted, 200 years after Jesus’ death. Before that it was pretty much a constant stream of people being martyred for their faith. If it was all made up, why did it gain such a following even before it was adopted into the mainstream?
No. 1606783
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>>1606680Get back to me in a few thousand years and we’ll see, I guess.
>>1606681It’s not just that it’s ancient, it’s that it has endured. Why do people in 2023 still believe Christianity and not, idk, whatever child-sacrificing gods the Babylonians worshipped?
Remember, early Christians were even more persecuted than Jews in Roman times. It wasn’t until Constantine converted, 200 years after Jesus’ death. Before that it was pretty much a constant stream of people being martyred for their faith. If it was all made up, why did it gain such a following even before it was adopted into the mainstream?
No. 1606878
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All of the Atheists in this thread need to take 5-10 minutes to read pic related
No. 1606880
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There should be a board called "Killing Floor" where anons can sling it out about religion and politics, no holds barred
No. 1606887
>>1606783 Christianity needs a rehaul where women aren’t breeding machines and property. If that can happen then cool have fun, but until then it does not sit well with me. I had to grow up with it, saw it used for evil and suffering and I lost tolerance for it. I hope you don’t subject yourself to too much cognitive dissonance trying to reconcile the misogyny with the good messages.
Not anyone you replied to, btw. I’m also assuming you’re the person who started talking about the Bible being fun to study (which I’m sure it is) but I might have lost track.
No. 1607239
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>>1606887I’m OP Bible anon and yeah
>Christianity needs a rehaul where women aren’t breeding machines and property. Absolutely, and there’s no reason why this can’t happen. It already is in a small scale.
>I had to grow up with it, saw it used for evil and suffering and I lost tolerance for it. Same, grew up around a lot of conservative Christian republicans didn’t realize what a corruption of Jesus’ teachings they were. Religion wasn’t pushed on me as a kid though so I was able to form my own beliefs. At a certain point, atheism’s explanation for my existence just wasn’t a satisfactory answer anymore.
>I hope you don’t subject yourself to too much cognitive dissonance trying to reconcile the misogyny with the good messages. Thank you and God bless for your kindness.
>>1606880I’d love this kek my family says I converted just because I’m an argumentative goblin.
No. 1607364
>>1607311I went through a Buddhist phase, a Wicca phase, a Satanist phase, even a Unitarian phase (aka “COEXIST all religions are
valid”) as a teen before settling in to 10+ years of existential atheism.
Christianity was the most coherent theology. It’s the only one that promises salvation through faith alone. Contrary to popular belief it doesn’t actually forbid a lot of things, the idea is that belief in Christ will naturally lead you away from things like drugs, promiscuity, etc, that you may do because you feel empty or broken otherwise. The idea that nobody is too far gone to be saved. Christ was fully God but also fully human. I don’t know, Jesus really does just fill my heart with love. That God decided to come to earth in human form, to walk among us who he created from the smallest atom (Adam?!) and what does he do? Does he zap lightning out of his fingers and kill the nonbelievers? Does he preside over us as an earthly king? No, Jesus spent time with the dregs of society, with tax collectors and prostitutes, and he spoke to them as their equal. He spoke of love yes, but also told people why their lives sucked and how to fix it. He challenged the existing power structure (they did not like that)
It’s really easy to mock Jesus because today everything he said sounds so milquetoast and obvious, but consider how it would have sounded to a beggar woman in a 1st century world.
>>1607326Why do you think I’m gonna suddenly go full tradwife just because I believe in God? I’m unmarried and childless and I plan to stay that way.
No. 1607379
>>1607364I’d look into omnism
nonnie. You can still believe in Jesus without subscribing to the nonsense that is Christianity and falling for the farce that the evil god Yahweh was one with Jesus Christ (he absolutely was not).
No. 1607406
>>1607379I sort of agree with omnism…but not. I absolutely don’t believe Islam is
valid, and Orthodox Judaism is oppositional to the gospels. And miss me with the human sacrificing primal nature religions. BUT! I do believe that the entity which they place power into is the same one as the Christian God. And of course I don’t hate people for being Muslim or Jewish or atheists, of course. Part of the attractive thing about it for me is that if someone chooses not to believe, when shown scripture, I can leave it in God’s hands. The atrocities committed in Christ’s name, they were and are heretical acts directly against Jesus’ teachings. So is using Leviticus as a weapon to oppress women and gays.
No. 1607449
>>1606878There are so many things wrong with this kek.
Look, if your ultimate point here is that "something must be causing everything to change and it sure ain't us", then I'm only willing to believe the nature of the universe, the nature of matter, whatever, is a "god". It is not THE God you believe in, and there is no God giving magic powers to anyone, but if there is an "omnipresent" force in the universe that moves sub-atomic particles and energy, it's just nature. I don't think there is an ultimate power out there planning anything.
No. 1607452
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>>1606878I read it and left some interesting notes I thought while reading it.
No. 1607461
>>1607449When u play the sims do you think they also believe this?
>>1607452This is funny tho well done
No. 1607529
>>1607449>There are so many things wrong with thisWhich points of the argument do you disagree with?
>then I'm only willing to believe the nature of the universe, the nature of matter, whatever, is a "god"In what sense are you using the word "nature", as in a characteristic?
>It is not THE God you believe in,Why not?
>if there is an "omnipresent" force in the universe that moves sub-atomic particles and energy, it's just nature. What do you mean by "nature"?
>I don't think there is an ultimate power out there planning anything.So how do you think matter and the laws of the universe, and the forces of the universe came to be? Just by random chance?
If there are any points in Aristotle's argument that you disagree with, explain why you disagree with those points.
No. 1607546
>>1607529Not the Abrahamic God, or a god as a humanlike figure or with a humanlike mind or humanlike emotions. In my opinion, it's pretty narcissistic to just assume an omnipotent being would resemble us.
What I mean by "nature" is simply the force that allows the universe to have matter and energy. Where did it all come from? Our existence is a mystery. It may be explained by some higher being or force bringing the universe into existence, but also, where the hell did that being come from?
If a god actually created the universe(s) then it just created the foundations and doesn't intervene in the way those basic "materials" end up mixing and creating more complex things.
We cannot know for sure whether a god or gods exist, or what it is like. Humans as a whole may never know. That's why I'm an agnostic, and me personally choosing to not believe in the existence of deities means I'm an atheist as well. I don't have a problem with people who choose to believe in a god or gods, as long as they don't try to tell me their belief is 100% right and proven, because we can't know the former and the latter is false.
No. 1607557
>>1607546>the force that allows the universe to have matter and energyAnd what do you believe causes such a force?
God was never created because God always existed.
>If a god actually created the universe(s) then it just created the foundations and doesn't intervene in the way those basic "materials" end up mixing and creating more complex things.How can you be so sure of this?
>We cannot know for sure whether a god or gods existWe can, there are many proofs for God's existence. If Aristotle's proof did not convince you, can you tell me why?
>me personally choosing to not believe in the existence of deities Why do you choose not to believe?
>>1607545>non-religious people accept that they don't know But yet you choose not to believe in God, as you said, what made you choose such a decision?
I asked you the question because you stated that God does not exist,
In you choosing atheism, you make the assertion that no God(or gods) exist, the only logical explanation for how the universe exists is because God created the universe exist, as Aristotle's proof shows there must be a being who is purely actual, who's existence does not depend on any other being, for the universe to exist, the atheist view on the nature of the universe is false. Of course I'm not forcing you to believe anything, I'm trying to explain my position.
No. 1607577
>>1607557nta, but if there was a god he'd be nothing like you think. he wouldn't love you, care for you or watch over you. your existence would be like what an amoeba is to us, small and insignificant. your existence is also a millisecond at most, what you think and feel and go through doesn't matter and earth will be swallowed by the sun in a second and he does not care for he made it so.
>But yet you choose not to believe in Godnot directed at me, but do you believe in santa? if not, why did you choose not to?
My country has been atheist for generations already and I don't think people who grew up with religion fully understand that you can live without it, it has 0 impact on your life, it's not replaced with anything else, people aren't misguidedly worshipping satan or being sinful and evil. You just live your life, free of that thought that consumes your whole life for no reason.
No. 1607580
>>1607571> All religions claims to have definite answers based on blind faith, science is taking all knowledge and trying to figure things out, admitting things get wrong and that we don't know everything but trying to get as close to the truth as possible while always updating it to the most plausible answer. The poster you replied to did not claim that religion and science are identical, but that they can co-exist, in that on doesn't disprove the other, and that is true. Science deals only with the "How's" of the universe, science merely describes the universe as it is, science doesn't try to answer questions about purpose.
>>1607577>he wouldn't love you, care for you or watch over you. your existence would be like what an amoeba is to us, small and insignificant. your existence is also a millisecond at most, what you think and feel and go through doesn't matter and earth will be swallowed by the sun in a second and he does not care for he made it so. What makes you think so?
>do you believe in santa?No, as there is no evidence for Santa's existence. There is ample evidence for God's existence, including Aristotle's proof which i posted here:
>>1606878, I recommend you read this proof and see if you disagree.
No. 1607599
>>1607594I gave you Aristotle's proof, this post:
>>1606878, if you disagree with any of the points in the proof explain why.
>>1607595I don't "blindly believe" Aristotle, I read his proof and I agree with him.
No. 1607604
>>1606878>>1607580My problem with this way of thinking has always been, ok let’s say god exists because something must have created all of this, but what created god then? In my opinion it doesn’t really solve the problem, anything existing is just as bizarre, as is the idea of nothing existing. If god is just the origin of all things, life is still as surreal and nuts as if it was the big bang or whatever else you believe in.
Personally I prefer believing things that can be measured. I can understand humans need to believe in something greater and bla bla, but I think organized religion is always an excuse for controlling people. Also think most people who follow a religion are hypocrites who cherrypick the stuff they like. If you're gonna be a dumbass who believes in an oppressive old book at least be consistent with it, that I can at least kind of respect however moronic the teachings are.
No. 1607607
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No. 1607627
>>1607621I've not made any claims about in this thread about which religion is correct, I have only claimed that God exists.
>>1607626So you disagree with the proof? Can you tell me which line in the proof you disagree with? Do you disagree with the very first line of the proof, which is that "Change is a real feature of the universe"?
No. 1607634
>>1607557>But yet you choose not to believe in God, as you said, what made you choose such a decision?Sorry, I should have mentioned that I wasn't the anon you replied to, it was my first post about this. Anyway, I don't believe in God because there's no proof that it exists. I'm also not saying "I know for sure it doesn't exist", but a lot of religious/magical beliefs have been explained/disproved through science, so I wonder what leads you to think that the
only logical explanation for the universe's existence is God. I'm sure in the past people thought that the only logical explanation for the existence of thunder was the presence of an angry god in the sky.
No. 1607657
>>1607633>I disagree with all of itYou disagree that change exists?
>It's fallacy at best and delusional at worse. Which "fallacy" and which "delusion"?
>Things exist regardless of a God existing.Matter cannot ecist by itself, the strong nuclear force hold the nucleus of an atom together, the forces between quarks hold neutrons and protons together, and those forces themselves must depend on another actualizer to exist, which might depend on another actualizer, this series cannot be infinite and must end in God(who is a purely actual actualizer).
No. 1607660
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>>1607657NTA. Idk if you're trolling at this point kek. I think point 39. and onward is where he loses me. I don’t think they knew enough about natural sciences back then, but he fails to prove why whatever the Origin of the universe is, is necessarily intelligent or has an intent. Just because we all exiss from the same origin and matter, doesn't mean the concrete "form" we take must be preexisting withing the Actualizer, if so he doesn't really explain why. I think this is why Christians feared Darwin.
No. 1607683
>>1607660>>1607661Ironic how you question Aristotle's scientific credentials, since not only was aristotle one of the most intelligent people to have ever lived, he was also a scientist, a philosopher, and so crucial to the establishment of>>1607660
the natural sciences that the word for the science of "Physics" comes from his work on Metaphysics.
>>1607660>I think point 39. and onward is where he loses meWhy do you disagree with the "proposition that the purely actual actualizer is the cause of all things"?
>he fails to prove why whatever the Origin of the universe is, is necessarily intelligent or has an intent. Where else will the forms and patterns in the universe come from? Matter in the universe could have been distributed in completely random ways but this isn't the case since wr can identify distinct patterns and forms in the universe, and if you claim that the universal forces caused thoae patterns, those universal forces are not purely actual, and themselves depend on the purely actual actualizer.
>>1607669>>1607674No one created God, God always existed, read what I typed here:
>>1607612>Aristotle's claim isn't that anyone or anything must have a creator. No. 1607685
>>1607669Nta, I particularly like to think that when the universe was created by chance, as in, particles began colliding with each other, God was created during the first collision and then he created the rest of the universe.
I don’t know about theology and stuff though, it’s just what I like to think how it worked, so don’t expect complex shit from me.
I think that religion is just something that people analyze individually and that, while some people may find coincidences between other people’s considerations, in the end it’s just the way in which each person finds a meaning for things of many kinds, like how things look or how something feels and such.
No. 1607691
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>>1607311>ancestral pagan religionskek please tell me you're joking
No. 1607693
Everywhere I go there are immigrants and "refugees" and I am so tired of them. I am tired of being harassed. I am tired of the vile shit they say and do, of being followed, of being hollered at on the street, of feeling unsafe, all because "I have a wife and kids back home and I am here to make money and bring them over" goes to strip clubs, bars, constantly harassing women type of fuck. I am tired of them being used to fill up the population, of coming here to contribute nothing but form gangs and cause crime, and not being able to say shit because "nooo u r raaaccccissttt" Families displaced by war is a lot different to hoards of foreign men with a fetish pouring into a country they can offer nothing to and endlessly harassing all the women there, local or foreign. It's hard enough to deal with local men but then you have people who have nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no sense of morals from a place where women are below them having free reign to do whatever the fuck they want. I am fucking tired.
No. 1607710
>>1607696>It’s not the proposition, but the conclusion I disagree withThe conclusion follows from the proposition, you cannot accept propositions and then reject the conclusions, as that would be illogical.
>can also be explained by probabilityDo you believe that matter has a certain probability to compose any form?
>As long as there exists more than one possible explanation for thisSuch as?
No. 1607713
>>1607712you should go to heaven NOW
i mean that with a 100% with a 1000%
No. 1607730
>>1607707anon, religious nutjobs who believe in a skydad sound less crazy than you…
somehow devout atheists always manage to reach religious extrimist levels of lunacy
No. 1607740
>>1607734NTA. Why does it need to come from anything? Why is believing there is an intention behind something easier to believe in than coincidence? It's still unfathomable, whether you believe in Santa's eternal omnipresent spirit or not.
>>1607738I think his reasoning is wrong. I did point out to you where I thought it was wrong. He uses it as a fundament for later arguing that god is intelligent, while I'm saying it's not necessarily so, there is more than one possible explanation. You can cause all things to happen, without having an intention behind it.
No. 1607746
>>1607740>I think his reasoning is wrongHow? Which fallacy(as in the specific name of the fallacy so I can understand your view better) are you claiming Aristotle committed?
>there is more than one possible explanationSuch as?
>coincidenceI find it hard to believe that quadrillions and quadrillions of conincidences, starting from the big bang, supposedly explain the existence of Humans, and the wider universe.
No. 1607755
>>1607710also sorry to doublepost but
>you can't accept the propositions then reject the conclusion if the propositions are correctthis is why you need to do actual symbolic logic and not just rhetoric. let's say my argument is
>grass is green>gravity is real>therefore, i am the queen of englandthe propositions are true and i accept them, yet the conclusion is not. note that there's none of your precious "fallacies" here either… i'm not strawmanning or slippery-sloping or anything else you would hear about from a youtuber talking about rhetoric. logic is not nearly as quick and simply as you think and your retarded logic skills are how you can make arguments like
>the world exists>the world is really complicated>therefore the world was made by a big strong powerful super smart guy who loves you ♥ No. 1607760
>>1607746>39. The purely actual actualizer is the cause of all things.Assume this is true
>40. So, the forms or patterns manifest in all the things it causes must in some way be in the purely actual actualizer.Why? We are all made of the same matter, but why must the forms or patterns this matter takes be in the purely actual actualizer? They don't have to be as a consequence of the first statement. I do believe there is a definite number of possibilities in which something can happen dictated by laws of nature. There is more than one possible explanation.
No. 1607761
>>1607755>the propositions are true and i accept them, yet the conclusion is not. note that there's none of your precious "fallacies" here eitherThere is a name for that fallacy:, the conclusion not following from the premises
No. 1607768
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Socks with sandals would be considered a nice idea if tabi socks were more common. They’re comfortable and they look pretty cute even. Just look at pic related outfit, it’s comfy and cute.
No. 1607776
>>1607769There’s nothing to infight about,
nonnie. I mean, socks with sandals are just very cute, most shoes are very chunky nowadays, like orthopedic level of chunky, so wearing socks with sandals is a great way to keep a very consistent silhouette that won’t make you look ridiculously short or weirdly proportioned.
No. 1607784
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>>1607776i think bright socks would look really good with picrel. i think the reason people get mad at them isn't because of how they look, it's because "why would you wear sandals AND socks, doesn't that defeat the point of sandals." but i like sandals for being quick to take off and on and in fall it's warmer to wear socks under. and sometimes my socks are really cute and i want people to see them.
No. 1607785
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>>1607781Nta socks with sandals used to be a very dorky dad thing, but yes I’ve noticed even my younger sister wears them sometimes nowadays.
No. 1607956
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I miss the culture for the first hornyposting threads. Nothing against the nonnies themselves, but the long winded romantic stuff and the questionnaires would be more suitable to the vanilla husbando threads (that now are abandoned) than the hornyposting thread, plus I think it's a bit stupid to be "3DPD!! SPOILER THAT", considering that you could post it before as long as it was a horny shitpost.
No. 1608027
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>>1607940Things that I've to worry about while posting there:
>Getting accused of being an avatarfag/summerfag/nemu>Posting too much and anons getting tired of you>Posting too little, the thread becomes slower>Being too harsh/too vanilla>Being too degenerate/too prudish >"Your husbando is old/ugly/mid/weird/from genshit/a tumblrman/a literal cartoon!!"Fuck this shit, you guys need to relax how tf I'm supposed to post like this? I be stressed as hell
No. 1608029
>>1608027who's attacking your genshit husbando
No. 1608100
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Its fine it was during a weird peak for Yakuza posting and I made the mistake of posting anyone from that series kek. We have a rgg/yakuza series thread on /m/ but since anons loved calling it moidshit and causing infights a good majority left
No. 1608206
>>1608100There are weirdos on /m/ who call everything moid shit or complain it's
problematic, and want to ban eveyrthing except what they personally like. Ignore them all.
No. 1608385
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I don’t get why everyone online gets mad when a bi woman calls herself a dyke but no one cares when a bi man uses the word fag
No. 1608693
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I kinda of hate the IRL husbando thread. I have nothing against anons that post on there and I'm happy that they have a space for themselves. But I guess it is a little weird to me to see anons thirst over a complete stranger and I hate para-social relationship shit that happens with any public figures. Also because the types of men they talk about sometimes end up getting discussed on here because they're always doing something crooked like cheating on their wives, pumping and dumping fans, or exchanging nudes with minors. It just makes me a little worried.
I can understand the appeal with 2d husbanddos that none of them are real and you don't have to worry about any of that. You can do what you want with them and no one cares.
No. 1608888
>>1608876I'd get your point of people were discussing various different tinfoils, but they're not, they're coming to the tinfoil thread to shill the same prevailing mainstream mantras that are bored into everyone's skull at every corner
I go to the tinfoil thread to escape the snail gunk rubbing normies, but they follow me there
No. 1608953
>>1608888oh no not the mainstream! not the normies!
yeah your thread is one hell of an echo chamber. ffs i'm against the cosmetic industry too but imagine getting this
triggered over sunscreen
No. 1608968
>>1608953Look they can rub snail glop into their own face as much as they want to, but they just have to shill it like the useful consoomer idiots they are
I wouldn't complain if they kept their retarded practices for themselves but they want to push it on everyone
Imagine me wanting one single thread on the entire Internet that is free of cosmetics shills. How dare I! Bad consumer, bad!
No. 1608978
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>>1608952Agreed, there’s elements in them that I like (mainly aesthetic stuff in Kiki) but they’re honestly mostly mediocre.
Only anime films I’ve gotten really into are perfect blue and EOE (if you count that).
No. 1609091
>>1608968Snail goop has done wonders for my skin
I stand by it lol
No. 1609097
>>1608952at this point this isn't unpopular
>>1609083>lolcow poster telling other people to grow uplmao
No. 1609410
>>1609105and why is your gripe with women in aprticular? moids like cartoons and superhero shit and anime too
tbh i think people who like nothing but children's media exclusively tend to be boring
but there's nothing wrong with enjoying cute things as an adult woman
No. 1609652
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I hate when there’s some video or post about a celebrity going through addiction and then all the comments are retards (always moids) going on about their war stories of rehab and drugs and “being clean”, totally detailing to get internet circle jerked. Such a specific nitpick but I see it under any video even tangentially related to addiction etc.
No. 1609723
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I hate squishmallows. They are not cute. I'm tempted to call them hideous but such a strong word would suggest they have any degree of character whatsoever. They have no personality or charm, I do not understand how they could have any appeal to anyone older than 10. I genuinely think less of and look down upon adults that collect these soulless consumerism mascots.
No. 1610553
>>1610532People in my city's sub are always complaining about the property market, saying it's a human rights violation that they can't afford to own a home. But you spend a bit more time reading and you realize it's not that they just want a roof over their head, they want a detached house in a nice suburb - an apartment in a lower socio economic area is unacceptable to them. In the end there's only so much space near the CBD and the beach, wtf do they expect? Either you live in a less ideal location or you tolerate apartment living, the rest of the world seems fine with it.
I bought my cheap little apartment in a shitty suburb that they look down on for being a poorer area, but now it's almost completely paid off and I'm unaffected financially by interest rates and rent hikes. The area is also getting nicer over time so I'm glad I was never that snobby and was realistic about my finances.
No. 1610618
Saged cuz don't know if that's just me being old or not but I'm tired of people who don't know proper fucking etiquette in specific settings.
Went to see a classical music concert with a very famous piano player yesterday evening.
My seat neighbor, a student who works 30-40 hours at my workplace, came in the concert hall room late, at the same time as the orchestra entered the stage.
Being late at something like this, when he only had to show up (the tickets were leftovers we didn't need to pay for) was in absolute poor taste.
AND the student wore a baseball cap at the classical concert for two hours straight, when you ought to remove your hat when entering a building, especially a concert hall.
Browsing the room, I also saw another man older than the student with a baseball cap, which proves it's not just an age thing, it's a proper etiquette thing. You don't wear a fucking sun hat or top hat at the movies either, you'd bother people sitting behind you.
People think they can behave the same way they do in their private environment even in special places nowadays, it shows how little people consider people surrounding them.
No. 1610810
>>1610618>the student wore a baseball cap at the classical concert for two hours straight, when you ought to remove your hat when entering a building, especially a concert hallThis doesn't affect anyone else at that concert.
>it's a proper etiquette thingWhat's the purpose of such a clothing etiquette? The men's hats weren't affecting your enjoyment of the concert, baseball caps aren't tophats which could block your field of vision if you were behind them.
No. 1610818
>>1610815Then he should try harder.
>gay hands typed this >recommends you get men to wear a strap-on?Yes. What's the problem?
No. 1610856
>>1610832If the guy has an average to small cock it’s not worth it, I’ll give you that 100%. I’m just a big cock lover, what can I say? 20% of the dudes I’ve been with have been so blessed with their top 1% cocks, and I never even demanded dick pics beforehand. I guess I mostly attract that big dick energy. I wanna get my cervix beat tf up by giant raw cock everyday. However every guy with a big dick has been super open to getting snipped and none of them want kids, one of the dudes was already snipped. Maybe I’m just lucky.
But yeah skin on skin contact is always going to be more intimate and hot than getting fucked with a strap on. I can fuck myself with a dildo. I don’t like my pussy eaten for more than a little bit at a time and I prefer vaginal orgasms, I’m capable of multiple, and it’s awesome. But it DOES require a large raw cock, I can’t cum vaginally without those pre reqs being met. Little/average cocks don’t do it and are never worth it. But when I do get pounded by giant raw cock it’s like, indescribable. Like the only time in the world my mind goes blank and stops thinking about 2000 stressful things at once. No thoughts head empty shit. It’s addictive and incomparable for me.
No. 1610861
>>1610852Nta but you know most women care, justified or not, because they can't have a (faithful) male partner if they refuse to have PIV but of course that makes them doormat cocksuckers in the eyes of lesbians and radfems.
>>1610854This reads like you stole it directly from moid written erotica
No. 1610865
>>1610856Why does it have to be raw? Also, are all women lying when they say they prefer average?
t. lesbian anon who doesn't like penetration
No. 1610867
>>1610856Really sounds like a man who regularly listens to sissy hypno wrote this.
>I wanna get my cervix beat tf up by giant raw cock everyday.>But when I do get pounded by giant raw cock it’s like, indescribable. Like the only time in the world my mind goes blank and stops thinking about 2000 stressful things at once. No thoughts head empty shit. It’s addictive and incomparable for me.Yeah, I'm convinced.
No. 1610875
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I always get called a moid when I profess my love for big raw cock. Some women enjoy the feeling of cervical stimulation and others find it uncomfortable or even painful. It’s funny to me because I like to neg moids by telling them they’ll never satisfy me unless they’re 8 inches plus and it really drives them crazy, even moreso than saying you only wanna date tall dudes. There are a lot more dudes who are 6 ft+ tall than there are dudes with 7.5 inch+ cocks.
No. 1610915
>>1610911I like how you think.
>>1610912Nta but you're either baiting or completely naive yourself.
t. Had a boytoy who loved the smell and taste of pussy and would eat it happily
No. 1611039
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For the past few months, this thread has been like 80% baits from moids, troons and retards, and 20% actual unpopular opinions from nonnas. This shit's just tiring. Moids really should do this world a favour and kill themselves.
No. 1611114
>>1610856>I wanna get my cervix beat tf upScrote fingers typed this. It hurts like hell when moids poke at your cervix. I almost threw up from my one ex insisting on it. Shit made me scared to have sex with him because he wouldn't listen when I said "this hurts".
The older I get the more repulsed I am by hetrosexuality. Cervix beat up? Tf, if I said I wanted to rip a moids dick off with my tight pussy he'd rightfully block me. Can we bring back passionate considerate lovemaking or did I get born in the wrong era?
No. 1611163
>>1611159Theyre a teen. You're bragging about humbling a teen. Also
>little jawGoddd you're creepy
No. 1611235
>>1611214because you're literally lying.
>>1611217that's cool and all but you're still supporting a larp, for what? because you're mad an anon said it's creepy to brag about fucking a barely legal teen? brain damage actually.
>>1611230of course it always has to be about male attention for some of you. quite the projection.
No. 1611314
>>1611286How am I talking like a male? Because I'm not jealous that some anon accidentally fucked a trailer trash rapist? I'm asking wtf is there in that story to be envious of to justify calling it bragging? Because I didn't feel that at all, but
>>1611235 is very sure the op was "bragging" about something,
and felt the need to defend the honor of an "innocent" 18 year old scrote she doesn't fucking know.
Stop calling everything scrote just because someone disagrees with you. Christ.
No. 1611400
>>1611114Ayrt. Usually my Nigel and I start with super slow lovemaking, and this is only after I get a long sensual massage. It only goes into the hard pussy pounding later on and that’s honestly more because I love it than him. He could be fine with the slow stuff. I realize I’m
In the minority but yea women who enjoy cervical stimulation exist. I do not enjoy cervical stimulation with a condom on a dick nor do I enjoy it with sex toys.
No. 1611409
>>1611402I went to bed and now I’m awake
nonnie just continuing where I left off
No. 1611434
>>1611214>You got defensive because you were probably getting groomed and abused by scrotes my age at 18NTA but this is a horrible thing to say: ‘if you disagree with me it’s probably cause you were molested.’
>>1611210 >Not all anons are gullible newfags Sadly it seems like there are more and more of them. And I agree, that story sounds like something you would see on AITA, just so obviously fake and written for asspats.
No. 1611487
My unpopular opinion is that i hate these type of posts
>>1611214Writing about how you were fucking an 18 year old and writing fantasies
her post is very fake to me idk, maybe it's bait about anons getting abused by older scrotes its weird
>>1611167also these ones
>going to prison a year later for sexually abusing a 6 year old.Hate some anons habit of writing specific posts like these, there are PLENTY of anons who describe hate and violence towards moids and a-log (altough i know it's a bannable offense) without talking about the rape of little children. Touch grass and stop thinking about that jfc
No. 1612512
>>1612025Food prices are going up drastically but food hoarders are making it worse which is why companies have no issue charging an arm and leg for things if more people are buying them
I do blame American regulation processes for not being able to give us high quality food so people have to pay more to have food that isn't covered in sodium, at the same time I can easily make meals less than 3 dollars where I'm at. But no people don't want white rice because of whatever crash diet they're on, bread isn't keto, fresh fruit and vegetables only then despite that they end up getting multiple cases of brand name soda, Doritos, little Debbie's, etc. If you're struggling with food stop running to McDonald's or buying expensive options to food. Get some canned or frozen veggies, cheap rice or potatoes, and some sort of meat or protein and you can you got dinner covered for the next few days for less than $15
No. 1613310
>>1610810You know what a hat is for, right? To protect from outside weather conditions.
Why would you need a goddamn hat to protect yourself from weather conditions in a closed concert hall building?
This is as dumb and inconsiderate as leaving your umbrella open above your head in a closed building, because fashion statement.
Like I said, it's proper etiquette, and would we not have been sitting in a row below a filming crew (so only cameras were in our backs) it would have disturbed the neighbors in the back row, especially since there were also families with children attending the concert.
Most people who keep their hat in those conditions (I've already seen that at another concert at the beginning of the month) are just doing that to conceal their bald spots, as if the public cared about anything but looking towards the stage where the show happens undisturbed.
No. 1613428
>>1613310>You know what a hat is for, right? To protect from outside weather conditions. Some people wear hats for fashion reasons.
>This is as dumb and inconsiderate as leaving your umbrella open above your head in a closed buildingHow is wearing a baseball cap indoors inconsiderate? You're not affected in any way.
>and would we not have been sitting in a row below a filming crew (so only cameras were in our backs) it would have disturbed the neighbors in the back rowHow? You do know what a baseball cap looks like, right? Your view is not affected in any way by someone wearing a cap in front of you.
>Most people who keep their hat in those conditions (I've already seen that at another concert at the beginning of the month) are just doing that to conceal their bald spotsAnd they have every right to do so if they wish, what they choose to wear is none of your concern as long as you are unaffected.
No. 1613661
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Genuinely don't understand why people are hyping this man up as top tier husbando of the year. He's mad ugly.
No. 1613769
>>1613661I like him but the hype is only happening because it's a really popular movie and he's the only newly introduced buff male character that isn't possibly a minor, in the same way that people shipped Noir and that pig because there was no yaoi couple kek I'm just waiting until someone drops a hot take about how
problematic it is to fetishize brown men and then it'll stop
No. 1613833
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I'm currently watching season 9 of The Walking Dead (don't spoil anything upcoming pls) and holy shit it sucks!! They turned Rick and Michonne into whiny little faggots, Carol and Ezekiel have no chemistry whatsoever, Morgan is out of the show again, none of the shit the characters do makes sense in regards to how they acted in the series before. And this shit with the saviors is so boring, it's been like 3 seasons of the same shit. Rick is literally a personification of the shocked pikachu meme, keeping bad people alive mingling with their groups, getting shocked when said bad people do bad things, and still keeping the bad people around and even catering to them. The only characters still likable at this point are Daryl and Maggie. Hopefully Eugene, Rosita, Aaron, Enid and Tara are still likable but who knows, barely seen them all season and I'm halfway through. They killed off all the good characters and gave us annoying cry babies like Jesus and Siddiq. And they ruined Jadis, she was a bad bitch and they ruined her. Gabriel too, his character was growing on me but now he's just as annoying as the newbies.
No. 1613903
>>1613661Why do you think he's ugly? I genuinely don't get why that's the reason you're mad he's popular, he looks just fine to me. I get being annoyed by everyone talking about him but the same could be said of any flavor of the month character.
Tell us nonna, what kind of character do you think should be popular instead?
No. 1613941
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i hate that the majority of dolls sold these days are all teenage fashionistas. I'm bias because as a child I preferred playing with princess and fantasy dolls but I don't see them sold much anymore(I count Monster High as fashionista dolls not fantasy dolls) and those that are look low qualityit looks like only Barbie that is making fantasy dolls and modern barbie dolls are just ugly. I don't think that there is anything wrong with fashionista dolls and play but it sucks that children who likes dolls don't get many options.
Also I fucking hate picrel they literally just slapped a baby face on an adult body it looks so fucking silly. And I'm not exaggerating btw LOLdolls started as baby dolls then they took the heads and place them on adult bodies. Speaking of LOLdolls, they have always been awful. I hate fashionista baby dolls. I hated them when I was a child(Bratz baby was popular when I was growing up) and I hate them now. I get that it's all pretend but I can not come up with any fun play scenario that requires a fashionable makeup-wearing baby
No. 1613964
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I know goodbye volcano high is tumblr tenderqueer bait, but i think it's corny how 4channers made a waifu bait dating sim parody of their game while scrotes acted like it was the most revolutionary thing ever. they did this to some cartoon shows too and it is so lame. Not everything has to be a waifu fantasy
No. 1613967
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>>1613954aryt I like both Monster High and Ever After High but they still feel fashionista-y to me since their fashion is pretty contemporary. Monster High has some really creative designs though but the games you can play with them has to take place in a fantasy world that feels modern. When I prefer dolls that has a more fairytale-like feeling to them. I don't think doll clothes should be historical accurate but I prefer when it's more fantasy and history inspired which to be fair Ever After High sort of is but it still feels very modern.
A lot of tie-in cartoons for dolls also takes place in a modern setting. They also did that when I was young but the Barbie movies at least had a fairytale setting. I have no idea what the newer Barbie movies are aboutbut looking up their description it seems like most of them takes place in modern times too instead of some fantasy realm
No. 1614367
>>1614363You're so right. People who are determined, whether or not society or social opinion agrees with it or not, will go onto achieve their greatest feats. Most people, are in fact, not special, whatsoever. I don't get why that person is insulting nor have I read their original reply and probably never will since they seem not intelligent. I get what you're coming from just from reading this. I agree with you 100%
People who are determined to achieve their dreams are exceptionally rare.
No. 1614458
>>1614455Ok.then I will.
>>1614141 You are a retard
No. 1614488
>>1610618Glad to know I'm not the only one. I went to watch a theatre play and the boys in front of me got up from their seats right when the play began and then they came back 5 minutes later while the play had started. Leaving your seat during a play is not only super distracting for the rest of the audience but the actors too. The boys had even showed up early so they easily could had done the thing they needed to do before the play started. I'm also sick of people who don't even turn off their smartwatches when they attend a theatre. You're in a dark room of course everyone is going to find it distracting.
Then there are the assholes who don't turn their phones off which has become such a huge problem that theatres are starting to announce trough speakers that you need to turn it off. Don't even get me started on the people who show up drunk. Luckily I have only experienced it once that an audience member was drunk(and it was super annoying) but I have heard it has become a huge problem after the lockdown.
A theatre is a shared experience and you need to show respect to your fellow theatre goers and the production crew. If you can't do that then just acknowledge that theatre isn't for you and go the the cinema instead. Yes, being quite for 2 hours can be hard for some people but you know that that's what you do when attending a play. So people who do all these things have no excuses they know what they agreed to when they got the tickets
No. 1614839
>submarine thing trending>iron lung game trending right under itI don’t like rich people either but this shit is so autistic
>>1614577Same I feel bad for any kid in a situation because of the retarded adults in the room.
No. 1614844
>>1614577There's irony in paying a quarter million to become a disaster tourist to gawk at a ship wreck only to become part of one yourself in the meantime.
Anyway they found parts of the wreck so I bet they were dead in minutes tops.
No. 1614880
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Akira isn't that good, at least not as good as people make it out to be. Visually it's very nice but that's about it, I found it kind of boring
No. 1615136
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I dont give a single fuck about that submarine
No. 1615149
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I dont give a SINGLE fuck about that submarine
No. 1615156
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>>1615149you aand me both
No. 1615482
>>1615478People are being obtuse and weird over this
It's an exceptional piece of news. No ones saying its the best or saddest news. It's strange news. It's first of its kind news.
People try to be the first to make jokes out of situations. Twitter etc got dominated with jokes. People are not creative or as unique as this news so the jokes were played out and tired. Also eat the rich. My favorite tweet about it was twitter and People would care if the people were trans.
People also like to conflate the migrant crisis for some reason to it. There's daily patrols along the med and the coast guard are out every day, the sub retrieval took no resources from that. It was all unmanned and different equipment.
Retards are just trying to justify the bad taste of being jovial over a bunch of people that imploded.
No. 1615958
>>1615951Yes. And its beautiful.
>>1615566YUP! Being overly familiar, rude, and thinking your opinion is not only valued but formatting it in a CNN news anchor style self-masturbatory mess and holding your breath hoping this will be the one that takes off is an insufferable way to structure your entire brain
No. 1616047
>>1615557I think pets really add to your life but it shocks me just how common it is to have one. How do so many normal people with jobs and lives manage to be good pet owners? This applies much more to dogs than cats, but unless you're retired or live on a farm, how do you spend enough time with them? There are so many popular breeds which are high energy, working dogs, hate being alone, need a tonne of mental and physical stimulation/training, need a backyard rather than an apartment etc and I just can't fathom how average people meet their needs. And that doesn't even cover the amount of money you should have on hand just in case they have some catastrophic medical issue that costs you 10 grand.
I really want a cat or dog and can afford one easily but I'd feel so guilty leaving them at home during my long work days, and I don't know what I would do while on holidays because I'd feel guilty leaving them at a kennel or burdening others with their care. I think pet ownership is a bigger responsibility than most people acknowledge and shouldn't be the default. I feel the same about children.
No. 1616173
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The twin towers seemed overrated. I noticed in old media about NYC they emphasized the twin towers way too much compared to other buildings/areas in NYC that are more interesting.
No. 1616858
>>1616706idk if im just not a kid anymore, but i never play new horizons. when i was younger i would get on for maybe an hour or 2 every day to 2 days and i loved it so much, but even new leaf the engagement was fading for me. i like the diorama building aspect as
>>1616713 said, but theres something big missing. maybe its just too much of the same thing and the island setting isnt enough of a change + for me doesnt really have the forest vibe enough i think? i really cant explain what the franchise has lost other than to say its soulless which kind of feels like a buzzword now because most everything is these days.
No. 1617359
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""PEOPLE"" who drink black iced coffee are miserable and deserve to be CULLED….
No. 1617411
>>1617227young men are not going to leave a relationship with an older woman traumatized. They are just going to brag about how they totally banged a MILF. While a young woman leaving a relationship with an older man is going to reflect over how she was taken advantage off. There are exceptions but
alot of men don't care much about emotions and deep feelings when they enter a relationship and just enjoy the feeling of saying they have a girlfriend.
Also in many cases where older women date young men it's because she just happened to click with a younger man. It's not because she wants to take advantage of his lack of life experience or finance
No. 1617630
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>>1617620Not if you die first, motherfucker. Now empty your wallet!
No. 1617767
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I think the Oye Primos drama is fucking stupid and being blown way over proportion. I don’t think it’s really that bad and just another plain cartoon Disney show. Some anons in the western animation thread need to chill lmao
the thread is full of Hazbin hotel fags so I know I shouldn’t expect much
No. 1617775
>>1617767that thread is so retarded. instead of discussing the cows it's 99% hazbin autists discussins the cartoons.
they're bleeding over to /m/ too. some avatarfag uses it or heluva whatever as threadpics
No. 1617789
>>1617775>>1617767But Vivzie is such a prominent western animation cow. How can you not talk about the current Kesha drama? She is perpetually online and Twitter posting as well so there's so much material. I also like how you ignore most the thread is mostly about the TIF animation industry cows.
>Oye Primos drama overblownAre you latam? That's such a gringa opinion.
No. 1617819
>>1617799I agree honestly. But I kind of wonder if she's worthy of that long-term.
After Helluva (I have no idea how many seasons there will be), there will be Hazbin in a month. I think Hazbin will be dumped all at once due to streaming. Then what? I kind of feel like she might fade into obscurity quickly if she's not perpetually putting out something, but I don't know.
No. 1617826
>>1617775I stopped following that thread for this specific reason, every time I opened it it was the same tired old asspained "vivzie is a hack I hate helluva boss/hazbin so much her designs are ugly" rants, I don't give a shit about her and the "milk" was so dry and bitter you could choke on it. As was the endless talk about Noelle being a troon or new Netflix show X being "woke propaganda", I just couldn't care less and some of the posters have a very signature male /ic/ poster way of addressing it. Sometimes an industry professional or someone who actually follows the scene popped in to drop interesting lore but it always gets drowned out with more seetheposting about how vivzie's yaoi sparkledogs personally offend anon and she felt inclined to blog about it for the fifth time this week.
>>1617789If there was so much "material" about her then why is it never posted? Nobody ever offers receipts, it's always nonnies making their own retarded reaches and assumptions about her based on her cartoons. It genuinely sounds like anons being jealous of her success or just annoyed that people like her creations so much which is some high school contrarian shit especially when it's clear a lot of anons complaining about her still religiously follow whatever she does despite apparently hating her work.
No. 1617832
>>1617767Using bad grammar for the title was an extremely stupid decision and it shouldn't had been promoted as representation but I agree the backlash is way overblown. The creator based it om her own life and yet people are calling it unrealistic. I also hate how everyone in that thread are saying how you should never base your work on your own life. What a dogshit opinion. I don't care for semi biographical cartoons either but it's not like we lack modern fantasy cartoons(Steven universe, the frog show, molly McGee etc.) as everyone in that thread claims.
The western animation thread has a tendency to be way harder against women. A man in the industry can be rude towards his coworkers and fans and have several reports of how awful he is to work with, plus his work can have misogyny written all over it but the anons in that thread will defend this because they like his work. A woman in the industry can do something in poor taste and they immediately start sperging about how she is an ebil sjw or a fujo or pickme.
>>1617826I never got the Vivzie drama even before she made the Hazbin franchise. She is not any worse than any other prominent internet artist
No. 1617846
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I think June can look very cute and pretty, especially when she has her eyeliner on her outer eye and not close to her tearducts/with those insane lashes on. if she'd just watch ONE makeup tutorial catered to her unique (but imo not ugly) features it would help so much.
No. 1617871
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Autism and ADHD don't co-occur as frequently as they say they do.
Whenever you google "autism" and "ADHD" you will often see researchers say that they are comorbid and that they have a lot of overlap. But from my perspective, having had many interactions with autists, adhders, and the comorbid ones, i am starting to believe that they rarely reoccur together. When you look at brain scans and other data it almost seems impossible that they occur together. I feel that the very small overlap ADHD and autism have come from different motivations and/or regions in the brain. I am not smart enough to explain myself properly on the matter, but maybe there are others here who feel the same. Just because a person with autism is hyperactive or has trouble focusing, doesn't mean they have ADHD. Throwing these diagnoses around so frivolously has become ridiculous and honestly harmful to the ones who do suffer from these neurological conditions.
No. 1617875
>>1617871I mean, you're talking about an industry that thinks chopping off tits is a good solution to certain issues
Anyone who uncritically accepts what they say is an idiot
No. 1618239
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>>1617799>>1617819Because she's not perpetually milky enough to warrant her own thread, that's the issue with cows who don't attract specific autists like Shayna, when cow thread split they both usually end up dying in most cases.
>>1617826see point
>>1617775 you sound like that one fujo who was insistently defending Viv cause you thought criticism against her and here writing were "homophonic, misognystic and anti-fujo" when most were complaining about her blatant misogyny in her writing.
No. 1618260
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>>1618250ntayrt but I'm obsessed with him and here's my autistic conclusion. He's James Sunderland
No. 1618281
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>>1617846I think she started looking her best after breakup with Skeptic (or shortly before it), even the tacky lashes were better than this retarded cateye eyeliner. I don’t think she is that ugly but her face is specific and it looks cutesy at best, and there’s no denying that she resembles JoJo from Horton kek. On the other hand, I’ve always thought she has very nice body and anons sperging about it and her boobs in her threads always annoyed me, there were many other milky things about her. Picrel is my favorite styling of hers.
No. 1618301
>>1618258me too
nonnie, i drive high 90% of the time and i've never been in an accident and have done some pretty amazing defensive driving to avoid retard drivers
No. 1618344
>>1618339>The "criticism" against her are reaches based on anons' own biases like what
>you being mad about your waifu being ignored in the show belongs in some general Hazbin thread, not the "Western animation cows" one. are you really framing being infuriated by the lack of agency of the female characters as being "mad about waifus"?
>Imagine posting about an industry filled with predatory sex pest scrotes profiting from nepotism and instead having a hyperfixation on some girl whose biggest crime was making her cringe deviantart OCs into an indie show and posting edgy teenager shit on Tumblr in 2010.whenever there's a well known animator abuse incident, its usually posted and discussed, but those topics are dark so you can't make funny commentary about it, so its easier to talk about something that is bad but not like awful behavior, like the guy from PPG inserting himself into the show.
No. 1618608
>>1618450Show these female creators actually sexually assaulting kids or being in possession of IRL child pornography (i.e. not some drawn ship fanart) or stop calling them "pedos". Even the absolute worst didn't "hit on" the teenage boy or interact with him at all, she was just sperging on her tumblr how obsessed she was with the aesthetic of this teenager she saw at a fair. Creepy and retarded yes, but that's not a pedophile. John Kricfalusi fucking a 13-year old intern and getting away with it is a pedophile.
>Nobody ever sympathizes for the real kids and victims of grooming in these situations.Yeah because ironically enough people are more invested in digging up female creators' old tumblr accounts' ship art and screaming pedo at them. Fuck, people are even more interested in sperging about Vivziepop's """pedophilia""" and """misogyny""" than the aforementioned Julia Vickerman case which you barely even hear about unless someone needs a convenient female creep example amidst victimizing themselves over Rebecca Sugar's infamous Ed Edd and Eddy fanart.
No. 1618671
My unpopular opinion is that Kirbyanon shows how pornsick shippers and people into fandom are these days. She's a very, very extreme version of what normal shippers do: they see an innocent, non-sexualized character or relationship and immedately think of how to justify drawing or writing them fucking each other. They're all fucking
obsessed with sex. They're incapable of seeing one man and one woman, or two men, or two sentient balls in the case of Kirbyanon, as mere friends, rivals, enemies, or even family or just a normal child-adult situation. No, if they interact at all, "THEY'RE TOTALLY FUCKING!11 B-B-B-BUT TEH SUBTEXT!!!!11". I wonder if people like these are even able to have normal relationships in real life (in general, not just romantic) without making it all about sex and sexual tension and chemistry or whatever. It's not normal or healthy to be so obsessed with making every fictional character fuck each other. It is obnoxious as fuck and resembles pornsickness too much so it can't be all that harmless.
Occasional and casual shipping is fine, couples are teased all the time on TV after all, it's people who only get into media because of shipping (insane amounts of it), or can't enjoy anything without shipping, that I have a problem with, especially those who watch something for any normal reason but their shipper goggles force them to see ANY meaningful relationship as romantic and/or sexual, no matter age or actual blood relation or any other disturbing component. What the fuck is wrong with them? Why is this behavior considered the default?
>>1618662>the real flex they should be using is that while the majority of men are pedos, only like .0000001% of women areNTAYRT but agreed, calling out the few women who are pedophiles or defend attraction to children is not the same as claiming women are bad as men or defending male pedophiles. That's such a retarded argument and I cannot understand why female pedo defenders keep using it as a gotcha. The fact that men are 99% worse doesn't mean we have to excuse the few women who really are creepy or straight up bad. And just because we are talking about some pedo women right now doesn't mean we never ever go after pedo moids, or that we think these women are worse than the men, what the fuck is that stupid logic?
I genuinely think anyone who whines about female pedophile discussion/criticism must be a fan of those women or feel targeted themselves by the criticism because they're into the same creepy shit or literal pedophiles. Otherwise I don't see a reason why somebody would come up with such retarded, childish arguments and comebacks that are flimsier than a cardboard house (this includes counterarguments such as "you must be mad that Vivzie isn't giving attention to your waifu", they're either delusional or underage or just trolling).