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No. 1666717
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>>1666715Ntayrt but same kek
No. 1666732
Early this summer I managed to fuck up my back to the point I developed a really stubborn lumbago, got some exercises from the hospital that I did until I felt A LOT better and kinda forgot about because I started to focus a lot on doing pre-studying before school starts later this month (I'm kinda stupid so I wanna do some prepping and make a study sheet with the basics in case I get stuck). And I think the combo of not doing the exercises on top of sitting at a table taking notes for several hours on end kinda put the healing on pause, because I an hours ago managed to step on my cat and I must have done something while trying to regain my balance that shocked my body to the point that the lumbago came back at FULL FUCKING FORCE to the point I was on the verge of puking and my eyes started to dim, I was worried I was about to faint even. Mentioned it to a couple of friends to whine to relieve some of the mental part of the pain, but they're just laughing at me and act as if I'm exaggerating. I know the pain from lumbago is hard to imagine unless you experienced it yourself, I would probably also have rolled my eyes thinking it's like regular back pain a few months ago. It still pisses me off tho, but it could be the pain making me more irritable.
>>1666715lmao thanks
nonnie, I probably stole this picture from another vent thread sometime. I just love it so much because it's so relatable.
No. 1666755
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My only friend who shares a big interest of mine has slowly stopped responding to me. I don't think she's into the topic anymore, which is shocking to me because she was such a megafan that she reached out to me first. But now i'm very sad and lonely because this interest is so niche that there is no one else (english speaking) on the whole internet I could talk to about it. I have so much to say and to sperg over, especially as more news comes out about it, but now I have absolutely no way to let it out and no one to share my thoughts with anymore. I guess it sounds stupid but I'm really depressed over this. I have so much pent-up energy that can't go anywhere now, I don't know what to do with myself, it's painful.
No. 1666761
>>1666755what's your interest anon?
i really sympathise, some of interests are niche and i can only find solace in the fact that ive managed to find a few anons here on lc over the years to hold fleeting convos about the things i love. i doubt we'll share the same niche hobbies, but maybe if you state it itt or even in another thread like the friend finder thread you can find someone else who is also into it, and hopefully make some new friends
No. 1666763
I wonder if I'm in denial about being abused by my ex, but I feel it's too easy to tag it as such when it could just have been a regular toxic relationship. He was poly, and since my only other relationship was actually abusive and I'm raised by a mentally unstable mother, I figured (after he spent a lot of time bending over backwards in his attempts at wooing me) that since polyamorus relationships are supposedly all about communication and openness - at least from what I had heard at the time - that maybe it would help me learn to be comfortable to communicate without turning into a mess out of fear of being called names or threatened because I didn't only say positive things for five minutes and actually voice possible concerns if needed.
I went into it with the expectations that it wouldn't last very long, just enjoying the ride while trying to heal, but I didn't realize until much later that he used the fact that I don't know what a normal, healthy relationship is to make me unsure what was what so once the honeymoon phase he went from this really caring person into doing:
>could suddenly stop communicating, completely stonewall me. A lot of hot-and-cold behaviors, making my insecure ass crave his attention and validation, a trait that before that was very unlike me. When I decided to not be the one to start any sort of communication it took him two weeks to remember I exist.
>if I tried to bring up that he overstepped one of the very few boundaries, or hurt me by withholding information (happened a lot), or bring up any possible changes I would like to see in the relationship he would tell me my hurt feelings was my own responsibility or say that I felt that way because I was mentally ill.
>basically ignored me all of valentines day, despite me having talked about for weeks how important it was to me.
>didn't show up to an important event of mine because he "woke up in a bad mood".
>wouldn't invite me along anywhere, even if it was with friends we've had in common for years. If I told him it would make me happy to be brought along sometime he would just straight up act like I didn't say anything.
>would never meet me halfway or upheld his promises on anything, even though I worked hard to meet him where he put his demands.
>a number of other selfish things that I can't bother to write down atm.
I spent a lot of time questioning myself, that maybe I was overreacting and should just accept a lot of the shit he did thinking that it perhaps was normal and my feelings were unreasonable, maybe I was really that mentally ill, because I had nothing to really compare it to. I definitely a lot of it poured salt into some old wounds, making me very insecure and thus making me confused on what was what still.
No. 1666764
>>1666761im a little embarrassed about it so I don't want to say (it's not anything bad, just sort of cringe), but I appreciate it
nonnie. If only it were true that I could just run into someone else who's into it. Either that, or I wish spoke the language the rest of the fans speak. (even then it's generally a hobby for older people so there's not many other fans who use social media even in other countries kek). Sometimes I wish i could be into like, marvel or taylor swift. It's hard and depressing to fangirl completely alone.
No. 1666769
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>>1666732Okay I'm gonna sound childish as fuck now, but now one of said friends is whining about how he's having the WORST NIGHT EVERRRR because… there was a bee in his apartment that he managed to catch with his vacuum. I don't wanna compare woes and act like a child but… c'mon.
No. 1666779
>>1666764that's okay anon. im really into this one BL vn that has no english translation or even a fan translation, so not only is it hard to find other fans but it's an embarassing thing to announce that im into (it's fine here, but for normies id never even think about mentioning it).
im also obsessed with a few concept albums and it's tough not being able to sperg out about them because i know nobody else really shares the same passion for them as i do. lately i also wanted to get into kaijuu media, and i wish i had a friend who was into it so they could give me media recommendations and we could watch movies together… & im like yeah i wish i could relate more to normie interests like watching netflix or whatever, as you say, it makes life easier.
for the language thing, im planning on working hard on my japanese reading so that if no official english translation is announced for the vn i like, i can try to do a fan translation. that way i can help share the thing i like most with more potential fans – i hope we both have the drive and ambition to learn our target languages so we can achieve our goals and make friends anon!!! also sorry for totally sperging out on you, i just know the pain all too well
No. 1666923
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Ever since my mom has been dating that pig she doesn't feel the same anymore. He always has to be around us, and the few times mom and I can be with each other, she doesn't stop texting him or talking about him. My brother is starting to grow older, just a year of ending high school, and he is starting to stay less and less here, he doesn't want to go out with me anymore. It's like, I'm always surrounded by people, but I'm always alone.
No. 1667203
>>1666996i could accept that if i didn’t have symptoms that i’ve never had with my average pms
also i meant abortion pills
No. 1667404
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>>1666764>or I wish spoke the language the rest of the fans speakOk, Ntayrt but I NEED to know what you’re talking about now
No. 1667409
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My mom doesn't even try to hide the fact she doesn't give a shit what I say. The salt in the wound is her remembering everything a guy who can't be bothered to talk to her in person anymore, over a year now, and barely texts her has mentioned. It stings but at least I don't cry anymore; the empty feeling is better than feeling sad/angry.
No. 1667423
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i got suspended on twitter and i have no idea why. it was a private account and i only used it to rt/follow artists i like. what the fuck
No. 1667446
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I just want to wack off to sexy pics of Miguel O'Hara. I know it's cringe! I am aware but while looking around for pics and stuff I found myself really annoyed. Every pic with action in it is either him with a pussy or him fucking other dudes. If not it's badly drawn! Why is there so little smut for us?? Nobody draws anything for women! We have to share everything with trans people and gay men. There's never any self insertable art of a woman getting absolutely railed by Miguel O'Hara! Im sick of it! EVERYTHING IS HANDED TO MEN! Every fucking character they can dream of possibly wanting to fuck,even fucking the paper girl from gumball or any miscellaneous bullshit throw away character, there is always a plethora of art for them. Just sitting there, it may even contain their weirdly niche fetish. But we don't get any of that! Im not in any mood for yaoi rn I don't want to have to watch him get pounded up his ass! I KNOW ITS CRINGE but I'm jealous. I masturbate like once a month and I want to get off to Miguel O'Hara but I am being denied that when I know there are more than enough artists out there that could be drawing him.
No. 1667450
>>1667436the amount of energy that people put into refusing to communicate is actually so fucking bizarre and unreal that i can hardly conceive how people can do that. i had an ex-girlfriend sperging about me when i was a teen where like 10% of it was
valid criticisms of my behaviour and the other 90% was all stuff that was either never communicated to me or things i'd said that she'd twisted around to try and make it seem like i was shitting on her while conveniently missing the shit she pulled. it was a wildly exaggerated portrayal of how we were with each other and i lost a bunch of friends over it– like on one hand i'm glad it taught me exactly what a real friend is, but as an autist it pisses me off when things aren't accurate. i'm more at peace with the fact that some people only know a twisted narrative surrounding it, but i also feel so frustrated that it all had to happen anyway.
>>1667439>>1667440seriously the whole mindgame shit is so fucking retarded and i can't stand it. silent treatment especially, i've just never been able to understand it. like if you go quiet on me i'm not going to assume i did the friendship equivalent of putting a pipe bomb in your dear old granny's mailbox, i'm just gonna think you're tired or don't feel like talking. i don't even know what to call all of this, but this whole trend of not communicating and acting like you don't owe anybody shit and cutting them off on a whim is actually so fucking cringe, especially when it comes with some therapy speak hooha like "i need to protect my piece from your
toxic energy which is sapping the life force from my vagina's third eye" or whatever. like just say what the problem is so i can apologise and not do the thing that pisses you off again, goddamnit
No. 1667455
>>1667448Good taste
Nonnie,their name is Lehmann
No. 1667458
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Ngl been thinking about breaking up with my current bf. He hasn’t done anything extreme but sometimes I’m just not feeling it. Maybe I’m just irritable who knows.
No. 1667472
>>1667450I've had two BPD-chan friends use silent treatment as a form of "punishment" for so many times that I've had to teach myself not to immediately feel guilty if a friend doesn't reply to my message right away. It's terrible not knowing what you did wrong and the "Oh I just needed a bit of time for myself and I'm fine now don't worry about it" thing is understandable I guess but so selfish, you're literally leaving the other party second guessing themselves especially if it happens all the time. Just tell me so we can talk about it and clear up the misunderstandings! I get being afraid of conflict but you can't go through life without learning how to deal with it.
>this whole trend of not communicating and acting like you don't owe anybody shit and cutting them off on a whim is actually so fucking cringeI see these "self-care" tips all the time in which you're allowed to ghost and cut off people because "you don't owe them an explanation". Like fuck the decent thing to do would be to confront them about what's bothering you and allow them to fix it, not antagonize the fuck out of them when they're not even aware of the issue you're having. Good luck having a social life if your solution is always to just disappear.
No. 1667554
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When I'm nothing but a hole for him but I still told him he could come to my apartment because a tiny part of my brain thought it was realistic he could tell me he misses me and wants to come back, but all we did was talk for a bit, have mediocre sex (during which I almost started crying a few times) and he left immediately after. I feel so stupid and used lmao
No. 1667570
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Fuck I hope it's not implantation bleeding and that my period will come today fuckkkkk I can't be pregnant NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
No. 1667634
>>1667628I got bullied a lot by my own siblings and was told to be the "bigger person" every damn day by my parents who didn't give a shit. Being the bigger person is just shorthand for "I don't care, just sit there and take it because it's more convenient for everyone else that way".
It's using public shame as an abuse tactic, just like "not making a scene". It's okay for someone to hurt you as long as they act calm and nonchalant (of course they will, they're not the ones being hurt) but if you call them out you're "causing drama" and "making a scene" or "acting crazy/hysterical".
No. 1667673
>>1667446learn how to draw/write fic kek
i hate the way yumes/yurifags whine about bl and straight content existing in spades.
No. 1667702
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Girlrotting for years has broken me completely. Just got a job and I quit before my first day which was supposed to be today. I can't fucking do it, I can't be trapped with coworkers/students for 5+ hours. Whenever I try working again or going back to school it ends up in a mental breakdown, my living space turns into a hoarder tier mess because I spend all my time after school/work calming down and destressing after being around other people. I was made to rot, I'm gonna be on welfare for the rest of my life. Everything is so overwhelming and stressful and it never gets better no matter how much I practice socializing. This is where I belong
No. 1667822
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uGHHHHHHHHHH moid wanted to call me over to hook up but he got a call from work and has to go back. I've been horny for weeks and I just want to bang it out and I need life to stop putting these obstacles in my way.
No. 1667859
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Why the fuck is google trying to make me give them my number to log into my THROWAWAY email
No. 1667914
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i don't want to die, and i doubt i'll actually kill myself – but i wish i was dead sometimes. i'm 24 and i still don't have a job. i can't find anything. only silver lining rn is that i do have a lovely(ish) aunt willing to give me driving lessons every weekend so i can at least learn how to do that…but even that comes with its own suite of issues: i don't have a car and insurance costs $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (which i do not have). i hope mom lets me borrow one of her shitty old cars after she buys a new one.
really tired anons. i wish i had an office job that paid well enough to let me have a nice, small apartment in the city. that's all i need out of life right now. a living wage and my own place kek who knew it would be so hard to get
No. 1668023
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I hate seeing all those people that I used to go to highschool with on Linkedin, I thought I could escape them. I have always been a loser, but now I am a grown up loser and have no one to answer for but myself. Seeing all those people that saw me be pathetic, that would insult me, pretend to be my friends but looking back all they did was see me as mediocre is so frustrating.
Linkedin is fake anyways but it just has a cascading effect to just see those people who were and probably are still so childish posturing themselves as something or someone that they are not. Forever hiding themselves in a mask and ego of nothingness while scoffing at other who even dare to just be slightly unconventional. Everyone is just an economist, business person or engineer, nothing wrong with those professions but holy hell how are all these people such a cliche. I guess this is just my brain coping to make myself feel better at the surface I might be just like them to any outsider.
No. 1668129
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My dad is such a coomer he couldn't even scroll away from a video of a woman dancing sexually in a bikini when I walked into the room. What a pathetic loser, cant believe I once looked up to my dad
No. 1668132
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Self-expression is important to me but I’m so fucking sick of being constantly harassed and ridiculed for the way I dress. A lot of the time it’s women doing it too which feels like a betrayal. It sounds scrotish to say this but so many normie women cruise through life with an unearned catty mean girl attitude because no one slapped them and made them afraid to disrespect strangers for no reason. Every time I let someone humiliate me in public I feel personally responsible for their actions because every time you let these creatures get away with treating you like shit you’re basically telling them “yeah, you can go around treating people like shit with no consequences because they’re spineless cowards.” A group of drunk sorority girls passed by me on the street the other night yelling “what the fuck is that what the fuck is that” over and over at me and I just stood there staring at them blankly because I was attacked and punished for standing up for myself so many times as a kid that I can’t stand up for myself or anyone else now even if I wanted to and it’s so frustrating, I feel like a volcano waiting to erupt.
No. 1668133
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My obsessive intrusive thoughts about trannydom are making my life unbearable. I can’t function or do anything or focus or write because I can’t stop thinking about how I’ve had GD my whole life but nothing helped but I can’t become a tranny because that would make my life exponentially worse . I want to buy heroin to kill myself with but I’m too retarded to use the dark web, I need to go out into the city grab the nearest junkie I see and ask him where to get it
No. 1668161
>>1668145Lamo really helped me. When I still
had it, before I no longer had insurance and wasnt so poor and coping and seething about it
No. 1668235
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No. 1668240
just made a vent post on here and it was cringe I guess
>>1668235 so looks like i'm too autistic for the literal female autist site, fucking great
No. 1668254
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>>1668242sayrt, thanks for saying that, I'm retarded and sensitive
No. 1668371
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>>1668129Feel the same way, I walk in to talk to him and he doesn't bother to close the pornhub sites on his big monitor or he's trying to show me something but accidently hovers over a site that has images of ai generated naked women and I flinch everytime but he tells me to "Grow up" I just feel so helpless.
No. 1668373
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>>1667895 use the numbers further up around 30+
No. 1668390
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I either talk too much or too little and I fucking hate it. I either overshare, say things I don't really mean just so the talk will continue and accidentally talk over people (misrepresent their silence as an end of their sentence) or I don't talk much and act awkward and get hit with "you're such a quiet person".
Why am I like this and how do I fix it. I legit wanna become a hermit instead
No. 1668448
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Oh my god, I just stepped on a needle and my foot HURTS! It took like super long (maybe 15-30 seconds?) to start bleeding and it's only a tiny bit of blood so I think I'm ok. It's certainly not my first time stepping on something sharp, but for some reason I'm freaking out. And you know what the craziest part is? I didn't step on the sharp side, I stepped on the side with the eye on it and it almost felt like it made a pop noise when it came out. I keep getting fucking foot injuries, why me??????
No. 1668504
I woke up from a dream I had about a guy I once considered my best friend. In my dream, I was sad to see him happy with someone other than me but didn't show my feelings until he approached me, confronted me about it, and we ended up having an affair. The thing that bothers me about this dream is that in real life, he molested me. My feelings for him are confusing. A part of me knows that he's a creep, and I shouldn't have kept him in my life for so long. He'd ignore me when I told him I was already taken and dating a woman. He tried to kiss me constantly without my consent, corner me, hold on to me, and act crazy until he realized he was scaring me and would let go. I never stopped being his friend because he was the only friend I had at the time, but just this year I stopped messaging him because I found a new partner to settle down with. He ended up threatening me with killing himself, and he told me nothing in his life was worth living and wouldn't be good if I wasn't in it. Before he told me this, he had invited me on a trip to another country but later confessed that he planned to kill himself while on a trip with me. After a month of what happened I messaged him to tell him how I felt about what I experienced, and he gaslighted me into thinking it wasn't true and told me he didn't remember what happened. When I told my mother or family about my experiences with him when it was happening, I was told that I was "mean" and that he was just in love with me, etc. A part of me loves him. I know that he could have given me the love I always craved from another person; he could have given me the family I always wanted, but going through the things I did with him, my mind feels so confused. Not to mention, I've been molested before by multiple men, and I've even trusted him enough to tell him this, but it just angered him, and he still did what he did to me.
No. 1668531
>>1668375Annoying or pissing people off by just being enthusiastic or earnest is the #1 way to root out the miserable dickheads you don't want in your life. As long as you are taking to heart social advice from someone who means well and cares about you (and is actually socially competent kek), then what's the problem? Have you considered a counselor or therapist to talk over social situations with? This can help you make a plan for what to do next time a social situation comes up, and alleviate a lot of your anxiety.
I personally just tried my best to become aware of the effect my words and actions were having on people, tempered that with the other person's intent, and I made a good friend who I trust and is very cool with me asking them if I was appropriate in a social situation. But you have to be yourself and be willing to work on yourself to find that friend in the first place. Chin up, nonna. If you keep trying, I promise you will get somewhere.
>>1668379I find it's not "social media bad" so much as how you use it. I stopped using my big socmed of choice because I was tired of it. I read cow threads when I have a break and need to fill the time, and I spend time chatting in /ot/ when I'm feeling social during free time. I keep up with my longtime friend on the daily, and I reach out to people online I think would be fun to talk with, to see if we're compatible as friends. You can try reaching out to people in the same way, if making friends is a problem you're having.
I hope you feel better soon,
No. 1668567
>>1667446You just have to dig through the likes of fan accounts,
nonnie. Sometimes I'll find some gold that I didn't find on boorus.
No. 1668618
Sorry for the long rant I’m very upset and confused..Some girl asked my boyfriend for his number while at his job yesterday. She’s a regular customer who talks to him about business related things because he’s into marketing stuff. He then text me after that “i fucked up, I gave a regular my number because we were talking about web dev stuff, is she interested in working together???? Was I too friendly??? Did I say I have a girlfriend???” I then asked him not to interact with this girl or text her. Because the way it sounded to me she was flirting with him due the triple question mark statements he was sending to me. He said his manager was watching the incident and said he didn’t do anything wrong. I also reassured him he didn’t do anything wrong and just to tell her next time if she’s gets pushy towards him that he has a girlfriend. I wasn’t mad, I was being as understanding and gentle towards the situation because I know it sucks to be asked for your number and not knowing how to respond. He comes home and talks to me about the situation. I ask him a few questions like “how often does she come into the store?” He says not often and has seen her 5 times. He said she also gave her number out to another guy at his job and told him she’s trying to start a business that focuses on the LGBT (that guy who she gave the number to is also lgbt). Said she’s very business savvy and just finished college and is probably trying to network with people. At first after hearing about her I changed my mind a little and didn’t feel so freaked out over her. But I did tell him I was worried since they have a lot in common and he never seems interested in the things I like so I told him I felt nervous about that stealing him from me. He goes on this fucking tangent “oh I don’t like people with similar interests as me, I will get too competitive and will try to be better than them and start hating them!” Okay, I didn’t ask, could of just said “I’ll never let anyone steal me from you” but whatever..then he say he doesn’t know what to do and how he should tell her he has a girlfriend. I say it’s no big deal if it’s just business but he said he didn’t want to work with her. So I sat there trying to think of ways he could just say he’s not interested in working with her. He then says “she asked me to go get coffee with her” and I ask more about how she asked. He said she said that she doesn’t goes out around town much and it would be nice to get coffee with someone. I told him that doesn’t sit right with me. It was also bothering me how I learned this info later down the conversation. I had to go to work and I started to feel anxious so I ASKED him to just delete the text she sent so while I’m at work I won’t feel anxious during my shift so I can focus on my job. Working while I feel anxious is miserable. He deletes the message instantly and doesn’t try to argue back. I then ask him to delete it permanently and he says he doesn’t know how. So I take his phone and delete the message permanently and his mf starts shaking. I ask why are you shaking? He had tons of deleted messages in his phone history, so he shows them to me and they’re all just ads. I’m like “ok whatever” and we go back to normal convo and are laughing and having fun. I’m getting ready to leave for work and then his mood then switches up on me and he starts pouting. When I ask what’s wrong he tells me what I did was fucked to him and he doesn’t deserve to be punished. I ask how is this punishment and he said he shouldn’t have to ghost someone because his girlfriend doesn’t trust him and he just wanted to show her respect. I told him he should worry more about respecting his girlfriend instead of some random girl he’s only seen 5 times. He then goes on and on about how he deserves trust and how he deserves to be trusted to tell this girl no…he couldn’t even tell her no to giving out his number. What is there to trust? I asked him if she mentioned coffee before or after he gave out the number and he said he can’t remember. He keeps barking at me about “muh trust!!” and I tell him I can’t trust him because in the past he would do some sketchy shit on his phone. He says “oh my god we went over this stuff already!!” But I told him that doesn’t change how I feel because he never really puts in effort for me. Also, yea I was dumb enough to stay with him because it was only chat messages from what I know so I thought we could just work on things like the dumbass that I am….my bf doesn’t ease up on his tantrum and is trying to make it out like I was being a mean evil bitch during this whole situation and tried to say I forced him to delete the message. Which I didn’t, I asked him and he willingly without hesitation deleted her number. I literally asked nicely, and explained why I was asking. He just goes on and on and demands an apology. So I had to apologize for being irrational about the whole situation. I then told him where I was coming from (again), how I felt like I didn’t matter to him, how I felt distance between us and have been mentioning it for weeks without him really giving a fuck. He says my apology isn’t valid because I said all of that and he made me apologize again. I’m in tears trying to leave for work, I tell him I just wish he saw things in my perspective and be more sympathetic towards me. He sneers and goes “sorry for being dramatic” and that pissed me the fuck off so I just left work. The rest of the day and after my shift he acted as if nothing happened. I feel like shit.
I came into work crying because I was so emtonal, one of my coworkers who is like a 40 year old dude asked me what’s wrong and I told him and he also agreed that the whole situation doesn’t feel right. I’ve been thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend, I can’t handle this emotional stress and always being the bad guy. Honestly I can’t tell if I was being irrational or not.
No. 1668630
>>1668618I don't think you were completely irrational; wanting him to delete the message is a little confusing to be honest, but just how convoluted this whole situation got for no reason whatsoever for me validates all of your anxiety about it. The way it all played out, even if he didnt know what to do about the phone number, upon hearing you're not comfortable with it he should've just deleted the number and assure you that next time she asks about working together he will just refer her to that other coworker he already gave her number to.
In general, it's not easy to communicate clearly when you have this awful mix of anxiety and self doubt. If you're not set on breaking up with him, it would be good to just sit together and calmly discuss feelings without accusations - and state that in the beginning, invite him to share how he feels and why without any namecalling and putting the blame on other people; and also express the expectation of how this situation was to be handled from the beginning and what could be done now - the ideal scenario for you, and ideal scenario for him. Maybe you can untangle yourself from this weird mess, or at least gain a bit more clarity about his (and your) intentions when it comes to partner's wellbeing and relationship as a whole.
No. 1668701
>>1668630I will try to have a conversation with him like that. Also setting the tone before the convo is a good idea. We have been practicing these kinds of talks lately because we both feel like we don’t hear each other out when speaking about our feelings. We usually use the “I statement” methods which help. However when things get tense we throw that all out the window and go at it. I’m not sure how to stop that, usually I leave my apartment for a while until I calm down but when I come back to talk he’s still moody and mean and a fight resparks. But maybe he just needs a whole day or two to cool off.
>>1668636I didn’t want him to ghost her either because it does feel rude. And I was thinking of ways for him to let her down, but the way he brought up going to get coffee together well after our convo about her made me feel uneasy since that kinda showed her true intentions and I felt like he was withholding that info a little. Also I didn’t force or demand him to do anything, I asked “hey um I’m scared I’m going to get really bad anxiety over her while I’m at work, and being at work with anxiety feels brutal to me, can you just delete her text so her number leaves your phone?” I didn’t ask him to block her or anything. She could double text him and we could figure that out later. Which I also mentioned to him. He deleted it with no problem. We were both calm during this. He honestly could have told me he would feel rude and I would have thought of another solution no problem. It was just the first thing I could think of since I had to be at work in 20 minutes. But he told me his issue after he deleted it and started calling me irrational.
Also, it does hurt me he’s hung up over this stranger, I have ghosted lots of men who have shown signs they just don’t want to be platonic, even dudes who were my friends for years. I also reject giving my phone number out to many men while im out or at work.
>>1668647I thought it was weird too that she’s giving out her number to strangers for business. I never did think of it being a scammer scenario but I can see it being possibly a pyramid scheme. I honestly did want to know what she wanted but I just did not feel comfortable with it at the time since I had to go to work.
No. 1668732
>>1668528idk I assume it wouldn't have been yanked by the previous hosting provider if it was a honeypot but I hope so too…
>>1668533yeah no way I'm going to try and bait those freaks, a lot of them are openly trying to solicit cp videos and admit to having it saved so I hope the feds are taking the reports seriously, the pedos deserve jail time
No. 1668737
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>>1668703Everytime someone mentions ghosting I remember this meme. If Jesus ghosted his own mother for 3 days, it won't be me who'll be above ghosting some random.
No. 1668877
>>1668848Thank you, nonna! The lines blurred together and I misread that kek
>>1668701Anon, your problem is one of two things. Either he was just casually speaking to people who are women on his phone, and you're being a controlling weirdo who thinks men can't have relationships with women outside of their girlfriend. OR he was cheating on you by flirting with other women via text message, in which case, what are you still doing with him? Do not stay with cheaters, they will keep cheating!
No. 1668884
>>1668803I'm white and West-European (just mentioning that to place the following within a cultural context) and here it's common for grandparents to baby sit their grandchildren once or a few days a week, when reasonably possible. Many couples need two full-time jobs and day care is too expensive on a lot of incomes, so a lot of kids stay with their grandparents, increasingly so.
This is specific for my country but couples on one income used to receive tax reduction to compensate for one parents having no income but they decided that was "rewarding women for parenting full-time" so they got rid of that to force women into employment, meanwhile full time daycare is nearly as expensive as working one full time job on lower incomes, putting a lot of young parents in a difficult situation. At least day care will become free in a couple of years.
Imo older generations need young people to, pardon my words, wage slave to fund their retirement and run health care and care homes so they might as well help raise those people when reasonably possible. I guess they could refuse but don't complain when you can't go to a care home because there aren't enough nurses. It's too individualistic to think "not my kids, not my problem", society can't function like that long-term, that's my take.
No. 1668928
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There is a huge concert next to my building. I can hear people having fun. And that reminds me how lonely I am. I moved out of my shithole country during COVID and didn't manage to make any friends, let alone build any connections. I depend on my online relationships and numbers. I have never in my life went to a bar with a group of friends. My health condition is chronic, i am broke and too busy figuring my future out, or is that an excuse… Fuck do i know, really. I want to go out and have fun too instead of pretending I am outside while being in VRC and pretending that my pain is not real. I fucking hate my doctors too, never knowing what to do other than increase the dosage of the pills. At this point i will find a doctor in a different city.
No. 1668984
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I feel like i will never be able to foster a real friendship, let alone a relationship. I have quite a few friends. I am not antisocial in any way, I get contacted often by hs acquitances saying i left enough of an impact on them to be thinking about me years later, one of them even wrote me a letter saying how much she missed our friendship. But i hate this timeline, i cannot relate to anyone. I currently only have one friend i talk to daily and i cannot stand the level of irony poisoning he manages, nothing feels sincere about our friendship. I hate that when i invited some friends over all they did was watch tiktok and youtube. I hate it, i feel so isolated. I fucking hate this timeline, I hate mobile phones, I hate the modern internet. I just want to have real relationships, meet interesting people, maybe be part of a subculture. It's so stupid that not using tiktok/social media makes you so isolated nowadays as a young adult, my friend has to explain me memes because i just dont get them(nor want to they suck). All i do everyday is fantasize about living in the pre 2010s, i genuinely dont care how bad it was for women's right or wahtever, i just want one fucking genuine friendship, i want to look forward towards things, i wanna hang out with people and actually talk. It's so scary, experiences dont feel unique anymore. Everything has to be staged for a tiktok/photo. I hate it, and i hate my retard friend telling me its just my depression blurring my vision and that this timeline isnt shit, it's just me wanting to see it that way. Fucking retard you play Dota2 you are just another zoomer drone, you have discord servers with your friends where you share current memes and are an irony poisoned retard, ofcourse you wouldnt understand it.
No. 1669043
>>1669004Good advice, redtexted
>>1669007Calling out moids, redtexted. This site is such a fucking dump lol
(take it to meta) No. 1669054
like, I don't even CARE or WISH I had a muscular boyfriend, I just don't care, I love HIM, muscular or not (I guess if he got monster fat I'd be bothered by it, but otherwise, from BMI 14 to 25, I don't care)
I think it's sad that this is not reciprocal
No. 1669137
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Insomnia. Goddamn insomnia - haven't slept in 35 hours and I'm stuck in a dopamine rush from the nets. I hate it, I need to get rid of this goddamn hyperfixation consuming me. I need my sleep meds to start working. I can't close my eyes
No. 1669202
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I'm having a pregnancy scare and I am too anxious to take a test. My period is supposed to come this sunday and I REALLY hope it does because I am absolutely terrified. Please pray for me nonnas
No. 1669211
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A while ago I dated this “bisexual” girl with BPD. She obviously heavily preferred men, once she got bored of me and I wasn’t her favorite person anymore she immediately started talking to men. I would drive out to go to a punk show with her and then she’d spend the entire time ignoring me and taking to some hipster douche with a mullet and a pedostache. She’d hang out in groupchats with men I didn’t even know too. But the final straw was when she told me that we were gonna go to a show together and then she brought this random guy along without telling me beforehand. That was when I snapped and discreetly took a picture of them sitting together in the backseat of the car and posted it to my Snapchat story with a caption like “I just spend 50 fucking dollars on these tickets and my girlfriend is in the backseat of my car talking to this random motherfucker in Kiss makeup who I’ve never seen in my life”
She didn’t have Snapchat but I forgot one of our mutual friends followed me on there and she sent it to her. We broke up after that, I blocked her on everything. Maybe I should unblock her and apologize but I don’t really feel bad I just feel embarrassed
No. 1669219
>>1666728Late, but you are beautiful
nonnie and know you'll always be a woman no matter what.
No. 1669221
>>1669217Why cant you just take the cat back,
No. 1669223
>>1669221I can take the cat back. but it wouldn't be with their permission. I would then need to introduce it to my cat in my one bedroom apartment, and I'd have to bank on my roommate being okay with having another cat in the home as well. It's a mess.
So I can, but it's not simple. I guess it's not just about the cat, but the fact that I keep being gaslit by my family and treated like an idiot, and also seeing the cat be neglected while being reassured that it's not
No. 1669232
Nonnas, never get married, it’s just too much, all that women get in the end is having to take care of an old man with cancer or prostate issues.
Like, my aunt has to take care of my uncle who’s only good idea was marrying my aunt, a chain smoker, alcoholic, sedentary man, now he’s crying ever night because even my father, who also was a chain smoker but stopped it, would tell him to stop it, to get some help and stop smoking, and he said “well, I have to die of something!” And now that he’s dying because of his bad decisions, he can’t stop crying about it.
Like seriously, no irl man will ever understand the consequences of his problems until it’s too late and you’re too tired to give a fuck.
No. 1669245
>>1669223Once I had a roommate that neglected her kitten she bought on a whim. I took care of it as best i could and grew to love him, but when I discovered he had multiple terminal health issues I couldn't afford to treat and she wouldn't agree to take it to the vet or a rescue, and instead went on vacation leaving me nothing to care for him with, I told her over text
>tragically, cat passed away. he died in my armsbut really I took him to the a rescue kek. I got updates on him for a while and he seemed to be having a great time in his new "home" (was too sick to be adopted out but the lady kindly took care of him anyway, i donated like $300, all I had, to help with his care). I would have kept him and cared for him if I wasn't a broke college student. I still miss that cat, but it was for the best. Sometimes you have to step in, social consequences be damned.
No. 1669271
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I hate my retarded anorexic brain. I made some food for myself and put it on the plate, but then halfway through eating it I realized the plate was dirty, and the oil and grease that was already there on the plate seeped into my food and I accidentally ingested extra calories
No. 1669340
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I hate being ugly in public! I hate that whenever someone looks at me in public or laughs with their friends I feel like it’s about me and how ugly I look. I’m also way too old to feel this way. I’m 34 ffs, probably the crustiest old bitch here.
No. 1669392
>>1669340No adult laughs at people for being ugly in public, not even to legitimately deformed people. What you're describing is pure delusion.
If you're actually ugly you tend to get annoying pity compliments if anything, where other women think they're gonna make your poor ugly day by lying (badly) to you. I legitimately don't care anymore about being ugly, but it seems other people assume that it must plague my every waking moment, hence the occasional fake compliments. If you (general you) do this, btw, stop. The ugly person you're bullshitting is not an idiot and knows exactly what you're doing.
No. 1669450
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>>1669392Thanks nona, glad I’m not alone at least and to hear you found a way to give less shits about it. I definitely feel that moids (20s mainly) do snigger with their friends at ugly women, like I’ve had one stranger push his friend into me and say “your girlfriend” kinda shit.
No. 1669472
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Man I wanna quit my job so badly, but I currently live with my parents and won't hear the end of it if I quit with no real plan. My bitchass coworkers will complain about me as if I'm not right there in the room with them and it's so irritating, it's always about the most retarded unreasonable shit too. They want me to handle so much shit so they can kick back and chillax but they don't appreciate it at all when I do. The company is so disorganized and mismanaged, they cut employee hours and stacked the work to maximize profits and it's been a disaster. I want to neet out so bad and take a few months to fix my life but my parents won't allow it because they don't want me to become a loser… which is honestly kind of fair kek. At this point I want to quit just to get back at them because it looks like we're going to lose two of our newest staff members and if I leave too they will be completely fucked. I've overheard how the regional manager talks about staff and it's so delusional. She says the employees are easily replaceable but it's the same three people who have been working there for decades because they just can't hold on to new employees, and they very very rarely find qualified candidates that are willing to be this underpaid. It's been such a longstanding problem, even the old manager complained about it.
No. 1669529
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neighbors next door started building a house on the empty lot next door. My life is going to be hell for the foreseeable future. Moments like these make me wish I lived up a mountain somewhere or something like that. why must i bee distuurbeed like this oh god
No. 1669545
>>1669264Do it nona!!! We're rooting for you, save that kitty!
Make sure to take photos of how hurt it is, where it lives that's inappropriate etc and file those away so if they find out and try to take it back you can prove they abused it.
No. 1669605
>>1669601I really hope you didnt have a child with a man who cant do basic shit like close kitchen cabinets,
No. 1669632
Can't wait for this year to be over. At least I'm confident 2024 won't be as shitty as this year, from shitty relationships to heart problems.. God.
>>1669601Give him a stern talk or a smack in the face what the fuck. Ask him if he cares about his daughter and why he's leaving hazards around that could hurt her if he cares about her.
No. 1669650
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He told me I scare him and I scarred him emotionally. I think it's over for good now
No. 1669682
>>1669669I hear stories like this every single time I express my anxiety to a woman or a mother! Like they’ll be sooo nonchalant just saying shit like
>Yeah my daughter came out breech and I almost broke my pelvis giving birth to her ~*naturally*~ but it’s sewwwww werth it!Like if I have a baby I want to be able to be present for their whole life. I don’t want to cripple myself through the process of growing them/die giving birth. I’d like to be a mother and I’d really love to experience it someday but in reality I don’t ever want to croak on people I love. Even if they annoy me.
No. 1669709
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Everytime I want to throw away an old t-shirt mom has to automatically chime in and force me to give it to her like she has no clothes left or something, it's frustrating, she has 2 wardrobes worth of clothing, she literally took this t-shirt directly out of the trash and asked me why did I throw it?? why do I have to give her explanations to what happens with my clothes like I'm a damn kid? I'm too old for this shit, you don't decide what happens with my clothes, I do, I bought it with my money, nobody told her shit nor scolded her when she threw away a bunch of clothes she didn't like anymore but I literally have to make an old ass t-shirt "disappear" at 12 AM so her ass doesn't catch me. Psychotic bitch.
>But why don't you just give it to her anon??
It's the t-shirt I was using when I got assaulted by my ex, I don't want to see it anymore
No. 1669711
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>>1669709my sincere suggestion is to take it and burn it
No. 1669722
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2023 has been straight up ass for me, literally one of the worst years of my life and that's saying something. I went through a car crash, my best friend died out of nowhere, my new neighbors won't stop screaming, mania got my ass and then I buzzed all my hair, I got a health scare two weeks ago and I maybe fucked for real, the turtleneck I waited months for doesn't even fit me. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to be alive but damn, give me a break this is some fuckshit
No. 1669732
>>1669709My mom used to do the same thing, I just realized recently that she’s a hoarder. Her stuff isn’t dirty or anything, but she just keeps every single article of clothing (both mine and hers) from the past 30+ years and doesn’t “let” anyone throw anything away.
An outdated shirt from Forever 21 that I bought 10 years ago for $15 that now has a hole in it? “Why do you throw away EVERYTHING? This is still good, we can just repair it!” Spoiler: it never gets repaired)
No. 1669745
>>1669743Dad? I meant to say, but.
But my dad also couldn't even tell I tried to overdose yesterday or that something was off with me when he came home… so there's that. Told you nobody cares.
I could disappear tomorrow and nobody would report it to police for 2 weeks. That's the kind of family and friends I have.
No. 1669758
>>1669745i don’t know you but i don’t want you to hurt yourself and i think we could be friends if you want one
write in the friend finder and i’ll reach out to you
sorry this is weird or deranged or whatever but i don’t want you to hurt yourself and if i can help i want to
No. 1669767
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>>1669762congrats, nonna!!! your life starts now. are you still living with her until you (hopefully soon) find a new place? if yes, i hope she doesn't talk you into staying with her or something. stay safe and best of luck.
No. 1669771
>in 30s
>dating a guy in my career field
>combined we both net over $100k
>we have a lot in common but the issue concerning kids is revealing a lot
>his friend circle are childfree but the disneyadult kind and pretty immature IMO
>makes me nervous that he may have some pretty selfish ethics
>I had abortion in the past but now that I am older and have decent income I would entertain the idea of having a child with the right person
>asked him straightforward if he would want a family
>he waffled but then said he'd only want one kid
>okay I guess?
>when we have sex he tries to use condoms because I refuse to wreck my body anymore for hormonal bc
>he usually realizes condoms are shit and does the pullout method which is fine
>I never am on top because I don't want him to blame me for accidents
>I have a tracker so I'm very careful about these things myself
>a few days later, text each other good morning
>the conversation:
>replying to a pic he sent me You look sexy, good morning!
>"Ohh you gonna get it"
>"Ohh yeah unless there's some issues"
>"Well I know its personal but have you started your period or anything. It has me a bit worried to be honest. I hope that's an understandable concern right now."
>I actually started my period yesterday and you're always careful to wear a condom or pull out so I cannot imagine how it could be a possibility? What a surprising thing to say..
>"OK hope me asking that didn't upset you or anything. It's just that we both have so much going on right now…sorry its my brain."
Like am I crazy for thinking this is really unattractive?
If you're this paranoid about pregnancy, then don't fuck me! If you actually never want to get anyone pregnant, then get a vasectomy but then I am going to look for a man who has the balls to take on some responsibilities.
How can this man say shit like how he cannot see life without me, and yet a baby on a combined income of $100k would be such a dealbreaking, impossible feat? Why do I deserve this shit for all the hard work I've done to build myself into a respectable adult who can add value to other human beings, and yet other women, who don't even pull incomes or have glaring issues that conflict with their ability to be good parents, can pop out litters of kids and nobody bats an eye?! Not to mention how loser men churn out kids like they've got nothing better to do, and this guy is an engineer! It's not fucking fair. He knew that asking me that shit was upsetting or else he wouldn't have apologized. He wonders why I won't give this relationship a title, but I don't want to hurt my heart again by saddling up with some jerk willing to rob me of my prime years and emotional investment just to bamboozle me a few years down the line by giving me a line like *guess I don't want kids after all teehee~*. I'm so fucking repulsed.
And I guess maybe if he had legitimate concerns about the welfare and living situation of kids it would be one thing, but again, it just strikes me as cowardice and wanting time for empty shit like video games constantly. The state of men.
No. 1669775
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No. 1669781
>>1669771you're risking having a child with a man who thinks you starting your period is a personal topic? you know the pull out method is ineffective, right? you both sound too immature to be taking that sort of a risk. you're immature for being upset that he recognizes the actual risk you might be pregnant. and for being upset that the man who makes sure not to ejaculate in you does not want to have a baby. it sounds like you're hoping for an oopsie baby he'd magically be over the moon about, and would "have the balls" to take on responsibility for.
please just have a baby with a man who wants a baby, for both your sake and the baby's sake.
No. 1669783
>>1669771Have you both talked about the possibility of starting a family in the future (not just when he said he'd only want one but would he want one with
you ?) Also he's dumb for using the pull out method if he's that concerned about pregnancy
No. 1669790
>>1669781>>1669786I'm not immature but your posts have convinced me to not fuck him anymore (as usual, society will blame me so I have to accept this horrid fact because men cannot just be responsible for their own choices). And in fact, I think more women should do the same.
>the pullout method is ineffective!Only if the tardball you fuck doesn't pull out. Otherwise, it's at 96% which is similar to most hormonal bc methods and I have never once gotten pregnant from it. But I'm sure you know my experience better than myself, dear anons.
>>1669783Maybe I should sit him down and have a more pointed conversation about the subject, and I think the text exchange gives me a good alibi to bring it up as a prompt.
No. 1669793
>>1669771>combined we both net over $100k>combined income of $100kNona, that is not that much for a combined income.
Your whole post is giving me whiplash but you're venting so whatever. I hope you find a guy you like who wants to start a family with you when you're more secure in life. Not this guy who you don't seem to like anyway.
No. 1669806
>>1669792>>1669796Google it. It's 96% and that's not me bullshitting. My proof is that I have not been pregnant from it where I have been pregnant before from my ex's careless sex with me which I aborted because he was a dick and came inside me when I was ovulating (and Plan B won't work when you are). Why are you trying so hard to discredit my literal lived experience, idk but trust me I'm 30 and have had plenty of time to get firsthand experience lol.
>>1669793It's a fine income and I know peers with normal adjusted kids on less income, but thank you for the good intentions.
>>1669797 I make over $70k so we are pretty balanced btw. Currently applying for a job where I'd make closer to $90k. Not like we live in a high COL area either.
>>1669794How is it not blamey?
I'm being called immature just because I'm straightforward about what I want and am willing to take responsibility if the result for sex was pregnancy (it's hilarious how some anon implied I was trying to babytrap by having an 'oopsie' baby LOL as if I forced his dick inside me). I track my cycle and have been honest. Meanwhile a man who has proven to be cowardly has fucked me unprotected, even though he doesn't have legit socioeconomic or physical reasons for being so avoidant in the first place. Who should get more assigned 'immaturity' blame here? Definitely not me, sorry not sorry.
But you're right, this was a red flag and I will cease fucking him immediately.
>>1669798Why would you give titles to a man who is waffling so hard about what he wants? And I say 'alibi' because if he's this cowardly around a situation he helped create, he'd likely get cold feet if I brought it up unprompted out of the blue. I thought we discussed this before but I think other anon was right in that men are retarded and need things discussed repeatedly…even if they are engineers.
No. 1669819
>>1669767thank you so so so much, i don't think you realise how much i need human approval right now, i feel so alone
unfortunately i do, the only person i have contact with rn is my mom, and she has a cat that is not dog friendly, so yeah it's tough
i'm going to her place just for tonight to not be alone and not have her scream endlessly at me so i'm safe for tonight at least, thank you soooo much
>>1669774thank you nonna, i'm already in contact with a social worker for my previpus addiction problems so i'm sure she will help me find something, at least i hope so bc i won't handle living with her and staying separated since i'm sure she will make my life hell
thank you so much
No. 1669828
>>1669790>Only if the tardball you fuck doesn't pull out.Then why is he so worried if you got your period if apparently he did such a good job? It's just foolish to trust a moid with something like this.
Look, I'm glad you're not pregnant but please sort that shit out with him before conceiving a child under these circumstances. I can only judge by your post but it doesn't even sound like you're that into him but also that you wouldn't mind a baby either. Please find someone you actually want to be with and who wants a family with you instead of being all wishy washy.
No. 1669829
>>1669771i'm the oopsie baby nona. you have no choice but to "take responsibility" as you will be the one to get pregnant. not him. it's unfair that men can just walk away from that while women have to deal with the consequences but it nevertheless remains our reality. we have to act in accordance with our reality.
no, you aren't forcing him to have sex with you but you clearly don't care whether this results in a pregnancy. he clearly disagrees. if you have risky, unprotected sex with a man that doesn't want to have a baby, you're either using him as a free sperm donor or you're hoping he's going to change his mind.
the fact that you're crying sexism when nonas point out your own shortcomings in a situation is yet again proof you aren't ready to be a mom. yes he's immature, nobody said he isn't. he didn't post though, you did. so we're talking to you about what you can do in this situation. had he been the one to post, he would've been the one to get the "blame".
No. 1669842
I have this retard former friend who's been getting on my nerves so much recently. I've been distancing myself from her for months, and I thought I'd give her another chance last month but she's such an autist it's impossible to interact with her.
she has an obsession with "twinks" and gay men, she recently became an enbie, and she's constantly defending troons. before i started distancing myself i'd constantly ask her if she wanted to hang out and she always finds excuses to not leave the house. but she suddenly wants to meet whenever i'm busy.
i went to a festival last week and she got butthurt because i wouldn't go see barbie with her when i was going to the festival????? a festival i'd had tickets for for ages
her excuses to never do anything drive me insane - she didn't want to come to the festival anymore because it's expensive, but she has money for perfume (according to her tumblr i checked today, where she said she just bought perfume), she can't go to her co-worker's funeral because it's too far away but she's so broken about it (she could go if she really wanted)
she also only reads books about gay young men which is insane, i saw she reblogged a photo of top surgery that was romanticized, she complains about being poor but she has a retard job that pays an average salary, she lives with her parents in a big house where she doesn't pay bills, she drives her dad's car and doesn't pay for gas, so her only "bills" are clothes, make-up, and toys for the cats she hoards
she rescued a pregnant cat some years ago and now she won't stop picking up cats to the point where she calls herself a cat mom and is talking shit about every woman she knows who has a boyfriend and/or kids
she keeps saying she's happy single and that she hates kids and she never wants any kids, and is posting on tumblr about every person she knows who has a boyfriend and how she hates them because she doesn't like their boyfriends
finally she makes posts online about wanting to date and have sex, but she hasn't touched anyone in a decade and refuses to, once again, do anything about it
what the fuck
No. 1669847
>>1669828>Then why is he so worried if you got your period if apparently he did such a good job?Because he's under the same impression as you that perhaps pregnancy is still a possibility?
Which it absolutely is, but again, it makes him a coward to be having sex with me at all if pregnancy risk scares him so much. It could happen with the condoms, the pill, etc. It doesn't matter.
That's why I am not attracted to his attitude around it and inquisitioning me about my period suddenly.
But I will do anon, thank you for the encouragement. I don't think this guy is right for me cause I cannot stand his type of personality. It screams coward and I hate that in a man.
>>1669829To be fair, I have reasonable and affordable access to pill abortion if it really came down to hard decisions. My tracker has been a godsend. The fact that women are forced by default to take responsibility is why it makes me so mad when men pay lip service about being responsible to only turn around and act so irresponsibly when their actions call out consequences.
>the fact that you're crying sexism when nonas point out your own shortcomings in a situation is yet again proof you aren't ready to be a momBeing needlessly cruel doesn't serve your point. Pointing out the sexism is true regardless of my "shortcomings" (which again, I suppose that 'shortcoming' is me taking responsibility even though the man contradicts himself and I am frustrated about it?) I don't get it but you clearly have a bone to pick with me.
No. 1669873
>>1669866>no one has a bone to pick>proceeds to bonepick
>and you're at fault because you let someone like this have unprotected sex with you even though you don't trust him I trusted him up until he interrogated me. Now I don't want to give him a title because it seems like waffling in summation with other circumstantial things.
And like I said, my solution is to not fuck him anymore. Just stop.
No. 1669883
>>1669866Even if she said to be in a relationship with him and trusted him, how would it make it any better for him to turn around and quiz anon if she was pregnant after he had unprotected sex with her?
Catch a man not fucking a woman if he isn't ready for a baby! That makes him irresponsible as hell but I guess women will always catch flak for not thinking in 4D chess for poor men and their bad choices.
No. 1669887
>>1669873You asked for opinions and I guess you didn't like what some anons said. It's not that deep but good that you've decided to drop him.
>>1669883As I said, both are at fault. Don't try to spin it like anyone is defending him and solely blaming her.
No. 1669889
>>1669887>You asked for opinions and I guess you didn't like what some anons saidI vented and didn't ask you or anyone for anything, actually.
Not to mention you're wrong.
No. 1669907
>>1669898Him not using protection isn't her fault though? He's the one who is apparently afraid to have kids.
If it were reversed and a man was ok with kids and didn't want to use protection, everyone would be goading the woman into taking birth control if she was scared to become pregnant or to just not fuck. That's how it works, nobody else is responsible for your reproductive choices except you.
You don't act retarded and then turn around and blame the other person for not protecting you, take responsibility and protect yourself.
No. 1669921
>>1669898Why are you defending this man so much who ditched condoms because they didn't feel good for him, lmao? Is your bf acting similarly? Please don't let any man disrespect you and put their pleasure before your health, talk to your bf if he behaves similarly and set boundaries.
>>1669907This tbh. You can't excuse a man who lies to a woman about wanting kids and fucks her without protection just to lose his shit about the possible pregnancies.
No. 1669931
>>1669925It seems he wants the relationship solidified though? He's telling op he cannot imagine life without her.
Yet he's pulling bullshit like not thoroughly protecting himself or just waiting until he's ready to fuck with risk, and then turning it around on op with his paranoid bs.
Either way it isn't her fault. This is the most retarded gaslight I've seen on the vent thread recently, since when did farmers quit holding men accountable? Are your boyfriends gaslighting you like this too?
No. 1669940
>>1669934Why doesn't she want to give a title?
Because he's a waffler and broke her trust. Sounds like she made the right call, not blameworthy.
What we could blame her for is continuing to see him and then an accident
does happen, cause she would already know before that he is a wimp and too scared to step up.
Pathetic men.
No. 1669950
>>1669936OP isn't worried about the risk though, the guy is. Therefore, he should take reproductive responsibility and either stick with the condoms or to wait until he is ready in their relationship.
You're arguing that she should somehow get equal blame because…she can take the responsibility meanwhile he is behaving like a scaredy cat when he has no right knowing what he did?
Please address your internalized misogyny.
No. 1669954
>>1669948>But if she knows that he's a waffler and that's why she doesn't want to put a title on itDoesn't seem like that was entirely clear until he questioned her about the period.
If she trusted him before she doesn't trust him now, and she even said replies ago that she won't fuck him anymore.
Do you get off trying to baselessly blame women for the shitty ways men behave?
No. 1669960
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GREAT. I wanted to have sunday all to myself tomorrow but my mom and my aunt decided it would be a good idea for all of us to go on a fucking hike with some relatives that are in town this week ugh. I'm not even close to them and I haven't seen them in like 10 years. This is going to be so awkward and I'm not even athletic
No. 1669971
>>1669966All she said is that she'd accept the responsibility of pregnancy risk.
Why is the guy fucking her unprotected and being scared about the risk if he hasn't secured the title yet? Maybe him telling her bullshit like how he wants her in his life might have led her to believe she could trust him, whereas he was being pants on head retarded the entire time.
She's not at fault and I'll keep typing it lol.
No. 1669974
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>>1669964>dumb argument anonkek
No. 1669991
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Today I once again realized that the amount of emotional labour my mom and I have to do compared to my dad and younger siblings is huge.
Today was my birthday and because my dad for some reason was in a bad mood I nevertheless sucked it up and acted extra sweet and cheerful to not upset him further. You might say that I should stand up for myself and so on, but doing it this way is just way less stressful than talking back or showing how I really feel.
My siblings however…it feels like they stomp around on purpose. I'm doing my best to keep everybody calm despite this being "my day" meanwhile my sister throws a fit at the cinema because my dad bought her a small instead of a big drink causing my dad to get super angry in return and as a result my mom and I had to try our best to change topics etc. Yes, he is quite stingy but was that really worth it? Why does she have to give sassy replies whenever he tells her to bring him something to drink? It's 30 seconds of doing something you don't want vs a ruined lunch (or day). It's the same for my brother. I can't even remember the last time he didn't ruin christmas. Is it really so hard to smile and talk nicely to everyone for one evening per year? They claim to love my mom yet somehow still don't get that their behavior only causes stress for her (and me). It feels like I learned how to read people and behave accordingly, and that sometimes you simply can't say or do whatever you want when I was maybe 15 yet they're adults now and are still so egocentric and insensitive.
No. 1670161
>>1670112also CPA exam. Let's be depressed together I hate this profession. I suck at the math problems, mostly because they just take too long and the test is timed so tightly. I don't understand why they think you can calculate these problems in 80 seconds when on the job you would be given an hour or even an entire day.
They complain no one is becoming a CPA anymore…the test is too fucking hard!
No. 1670167
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>>1670147Absolutely do not post a picture of yourself here lol. This might sound retarded but maybe you look more manly because you're underweight and it detracts from your more womanly features both on your face and body? Because many troons starve themselves to make themselves look more uwu small so if you already have a more masculine look it might seem similar to that at a passing glance. Just remember a lot more goes into male/female sexual dimorphism than the size of your jaw and nose, probably no one thinks you're a dude especially when you talk and move… If you don't speak with a man's voice with a gay-sounding fake falsetto or walk with a man's gait (impossible for a female anyway) then you're good kek
No. 1670191
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I hate absolutely everything about my period. I hate feeling like shit during PMS and crying and feeling angry for almost a week beforehand, I hate dealing with the bleeding, I hate the fucking menstrual cramps, and I hate the horrible, sweating intestinal pain and cramping diarrhea I inevitably get every fucking month. I'm so fucking sick of this shit
No. 1670206
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Yes men are coomers, I understand that, but it makes me so mad that all these AI tools are for men to create whores. Like they don't even give me the chance to create a personalized husbando.
No. 1670233
>>1670229Spite is my greatest driver in life too, can recommend. Can't wait to download my AI husbando, I believe in you
No. 1670236
>>1670147No matter how “masculine” a woman looks you can always tell it’s a woman and not a Troon, don’t worry about it
nonny and embrace it kek
No. 1670269
>>1670179The pay really is shit though. Entry level 40k. 3-5 years without CPA is 50-60k. And that's assuming you get lucky in interviews and don't have unemployment gaps (which turn a 50k job into a 30k annual income) or have to subsist on crappy contract jobs like I've been. You can barely survive on this shit. it doesn't matter if pay in mid level with a CPA is decent if I kms from poverty before I get there. we need an accounting union. the only reason i went into this shit is because job options are flexible (remote capable, part time options) and I don't have to push a mop or deal with body fluids.
I just studied for 3 hours straight and I feel dizzy now. I'm just going to pretend to be Korean for the next month and cram like omma is holding a sandal over my head. I think the only thing that can get me to study is the thought of failing and having to retake this fucking god damned shit. i wish i was never born.
No. 1670394
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Don’t feel sad necessarily, still manage to do all my usual activities but have so chronically bored every minute or every day for like a year. There’s no relief from crushing boredom no matter what I do.
No. 1670416
nonnie you are smart… it would look kind of weird kek but not as weird as the other option
No. 1670433
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not me ordering three packs of pimple bandages because i can have perfect skin until right before i go on every long planned vacation for my entire adult life where i have to do all of the planning. every time. spend so much time taking care of my skin and just nuclear torpedo it via stress 1-2 weeks before because no one else can just add things to their calendar. why do i bother? only people who don't fuck with the entire itinerary are older female relatives. my entire face is just hydrocolloid bandages. i don't want to have to wear fucking makeup. different vent but i am so sick of zoomer and boomer aesthetic of filtering everything, fuck you all. no one looks like that. the filters are creepy and weird, how do you meet up with people when you look like an IMVU character on tiktok/insta and then someone seens you on campus? whatever please enjoy this beach answer i found today i feel better after ranting into the void
No. 1670460
>>1670449i apologize i didn't mean to negate your lack of being appreciated. them thinking that it's okay to not follow tradition because (son? i guess? they do this with the mormon church too where they pretend not following things is okay and then in-cult them, which is why i was guessing jehovah's)new member is okay! is not okay. i just want you to know it is not. they are trying to indoctrinate them into it because who the fuck wants to give themselves up to these stupid fucking dumbass religious cults unless they are coerced? no one.
you are being treated like shit. you do not deserve it. do not react because they will push harder. i have this weird thing where i click random places on google maps just to look at food, and there are always fucking LDS and jehovah's witness temples. they are cults. there is nothing wrong with you. do not let them make you feel badly. i've been stuck in mormon utah for almost three years so i'm almost typing this for myself sometimes people here are fucking creepy. i have had couples follow me in the grocery store 'complimenting me' asking for my number, ah yeah all ya gotta do is just get in good with the folks around here yea just get brainwashed. if i wasn't from here i could see why so many people fall for it, i just fart at them or have my brother call and put him on speakerphone while he pretends to be making porn
No. 1670468
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I just had one of the worst dreams of my life. Quite possibly the worst I’ll ever have. There was some terrible theme in it where I was suffering the way a child who wasn’t listened to about their suffering did. I kept having terrible, though justifiable thoughts about the things that were happening to me and then the universe gave me karmic reactions to them. I was being tortured (usually not explicitly) for thinking poorly of people and then I’d wake up, cry and whine about how terrible my dreams are and my family around me pretended they had no idea what I was talking about. I must have woken up falsely like 8 times. When I woke up in real life I couldn’t believe it. In the dream my house was fucked up beyond imagination, I was naked a lot (because I sleep naked) and it involved stuff like my house being built over with moss and grass and us living on the property but further towards the street, walls being knocked down and me being forced to sleep in the attic among rubble (again, naked), being exposed to my naked father (what the absolute fuck was that about)… it just went on. And then the worst part is I wake up and a single fucking hour has passed in the night. I Google it and it’s because I didn’t turn my air conditioner on. Fuck me.
No. 1670470
I dislike how much I miss him in spite of everything. The past couple months had been nothing but drama, and cutting ties is probably best for my long-term happiness but it still bothers me. Everything was ended on friendly terms, but we were meant to do shit like play BG3 together, but that can't happen now. I know he's playing it with his best friend instead, and it just sucks because I'd really been looking forward to us playing that together. So, I feel a bit jealous that this guy gets to do that with him instead of me. It's stupid because I didn't refrain from playing it when we were weren't talking as much, and I know it bothered him, so I'm being hypocritical. It's just that I needed something to keep my mind occupied because of what had happened/my mum had a health scare, and I wasn't in a good place mentally. I know that us not talking was the right call during that time, but part of me wonders if I had reached out instead, maybe things would be different now. In full honesty, I think it would've just prolonged the inevitable, and this would've happened again - just later on down the line.
I'll have clinicals to focus on from next week, and while I'm nervous, I'm hoping that being so busy with patients and a new work environment will be a good distraction/help me move on. I'm just unnaccustomed to feeling like this.
No. 1670540
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I feel horrible writing this but I can't fucking STAND the theatrical sighs, groans, insane high-pitched humming and tone of voice of my mom sometimes and it makes me feel extremely guilty because she's (despite her flaws as a mother) caring and nice, usually, just … fucked up I guess? but like WHY do you have to repeat the same weird moan/sigh every 5 seconds and WHY do you have to make girly "hmm!" noises when everyone's quiet just to fill the silence? like can you notice how weird it is at all. what kind of pathology even is it when you have to act like a video game NPC repeating the same sounds and lines? she isn't mentally ill or anything, it's just like she has to put on this weird (and insanely aggravating) act for some reason? I can't really describe it but it's strange as fuck and she doesn't seem to realize it herself
I can't help but feel sad and hurt when she goes back to the fake voice. just talk to me like a FUCKING PERSON please, not just when you're angry or we're having a crisis of some sort. it's probably highly damaging to always either be baby talked or full-on criticized with no in between
she had an abusive childhood (bpd mother) and autism runs in the family so it's probably some kind of coping mechanism/stim/masking or whateverthefuck but it drives me insane and it sort of crushes me to have to realize I have no normal family members I can truly connect with
No. 1670729
>>1670682I'll never understand why people do that. Blasting music so loud. It's usually black men here, (not all, not trying to racebait I promise, actually this could be the opposite in iterating that others behave similarly, however, this points towards some sort of cultural phenomena) and last time someone rolled up blaring their shitty music at the gas station, I was walking in tandem with the driver into the quick-store. gave him a weird look and said "you know that distorts the music, right?" he says "HUH?" I say "WHAT'S UP WITH THAT, YOU KNOW THAT DISTORTS THE MUSIC, RIGHT?" he goes "NO IT DON'T", I said "YEAH, it, does, I know, I went to school for audio-engineering" then he started mumbling some shit and I was just like "I can't hear you", because he left that shit on. 'Cause his speakers were so damn loud. he had a good sound system, so credit where it's due, I'd've expected something worse when it's so damn loud you're shaking the building and every vehicle around you.
No. 1670731
>>1670682brown men dont get told no in their countries, so when they come to America, they think it's okay. If you call them out, you're somehow racist.
I had to deal with having a whole buncha SEA move into my neighborhood with tons of kids who left their bikes and scooters around other people's front yards. Like sometimes 5 houses down from theirs. I dont know if that's what the norm is where they are from, but I kept having to move all the bikes back to their yard from mine. HOA must have said something about it, because it isnt happening anymore, but it was going on for a good 6 months. Wild shit
No. 1670751
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Nonnas, Im so embarrassed to admit this but I feel so sexually frustrated and don't have any means to relieve it. Personally, I don't want to hook up or be in a relationship since it's not my thing and masturbation doesn't exactly help either…
I feel like a repressed virgin, and I am!!!!!!! This is killing me so much. I feel like it's going to be like this forever and I don't want it. I'm screaming into the void rn.
No. 1670761
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I always take care of things at the last minute, there seems to be no exception in this behaviour and I seem to lack the strength to change anything about it. Right now I would like to slap myself in the face with a tree trunk, honestly, why do I have to be like this?
There is a course I'd like to take, it's starting very soon. Last week I wrote an e-mail if there are still spots left and only today I opened the reply to find out that last week there was only one spot left. So, today I applied for that course and now I'm panicking that I'm too late and the spot is gone and I hate myself. Deep down I know why I avoided opening the reply, because I'm afraid of that course. It is a very creative, look-based thing and I'm still too depressed to care about how I present, I'm fat and my creativity is gone. Still, I know that course would help me so much and I would get out of the house for once.
Please, Nonnas, scream at me and wish me luck that the last spot was still available the moment I applied. Oh, and scream at me that I do the paperwork that has been lying on my desk for 10 months now.
No. 1670774
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>>1670770show him this and ask him to explain it. If he tries to explain it instead of getting a visceral reaction like a normal person, dump him.
No. 1670821
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Nonnas I can't stop thinking of this tall and long haired hot metal dude I was talking to earlier this week during a concert. We had such a great chat and so many common hobbies but I remember talking to him and how he lives made me realize that he wouldn't be boyfriend material because he appeared not to have a stable job besides his band stuff. So I know it wouldn't be something that would work between us but this conversation and just being a bit flirty made me realize how starved I am not only for some moid attention but also have people to talk to that share the same interests as me. Sadly I live in a smaller town so the music/art scene I'm interested in does not exits so I always have to travel to the bigger city near me, which I can only do from time to time because of work. I'm now 31 and at work I have either colleagues in their 50s or "kids" in their teens/early twenties. People around my age start families, which I'm not interested in, because of that I'm often left to talk about mundane everyday shit like the weather or grocery shopping. So I'm thinking back of this dude and the people at the concert with friends who share similar interests and I get jealous and feel lonely bc I miss that shit. I'm ok with being alone but now I feel like I'm missing out and I feel like my social skills have def suffered of not being around people that much. I do not have enough concerts lined up to have always some sort of event to meet new people, so I thought to check online for some communities to join but shit is bleak as well for my area. All my former friends moved away or got into relationships, so the connection started to suffer and ended.
I hope hot metal dude has fun at this new york trip and I wished I would have asked about his bands name so I could at least stalk him online kek.
No. 1670985
>>1670927I swear, why are decent metal dudes so rare. It really felt like I found some sort of holy grail because he wasn't some obese/smelly WOW nerdy goatee dude with a tragic hair line. But knowing what band members like to do on tour, I'm def not signing up for that and the possible stds kek.
>>1670942I guess that most female band members aren't some sort of pornsick smelly mearheads that fuck are like crazy, so I would says yes.
No. 1671024
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I'm about to become homeless again and I hate it. I don't want to be homeless, I don't want to go back into sex work, I don't want to starve. I hate the fact that there's nothing I can do about it. I genuinely want to die.
No. 1671091
>>1671024>>1671029The shelters near me have time limits (usually only 5-10 days), and most of them are only for women with children or disabled women. I know I'll need to find a permanent place to live eventually, but I'm dirt poor and have bad credit so I can't get an apartment on my own
>>1671032My "relationship" with my bf is failing. I was homeless, 'working' in independent prostitution, and dealing with alcoholism and opioid addiction before I met and moved in with him last year. he offered to "take care" of me but now he's getting tired of me and I can tell I will be kicked out soon. Unfortunately I burned all my bridges with my alcoholism a few years ago, and the last few friends I had, I cut them off because I was ashamed of starting sex work. None of them live near me anyway, I used to live in a superpoor indigenous reservation but moved 50 miles away to a small town becuase I was ashamed of starting sex work and people I know buying sex from me (It really is the worst and most shameful feeling in the world)
>>1671040I'm currently looking for easy jobs right now but it's super hard because I'm a high school dropout with no formal experience at a "real" job, only odd jobs here-and-there but I'm still praying I find something before my life becomes hell again
No. 1671094
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i think have to go back to ignorance in some form or shield myself better and feign positivity because reading into the news lately and just the reality of things, while educational, and even within some of my courses i have been crying and having constant panic attacks. i used to be so naive and hopeful but i just have so much rage because there has never been a purpose to existence and evil alwasy triumphs. but i like to be good and i like the simple things in my life, i love to love and learn and explore! and i hate my job. i hate it so much, i hate that my mother and i can barely survive. and sometimes all of the love and reassurance from her and my puppy and my boyfriend isnt enough. i need to cry my eyes out because there is no justice and harmony. im so tired of watching everything unfold for what it is infront of me. animal torture, government control, pedophiles. it hurts nonnies. how do people cope? religion? food? drugs? i dont want to do that. maybe i need to release artistically. but i dont want to kill myself. i just wish it werent so. i wish it werent so nonnies.
No. 1671105
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it's over nonnas. I've officially been transwindowed by my (not anymore) gf and I want to jump off a cliff. This is the first time I've had so much pain in a breakup, she was/is my soulmate, we got along perfectly for years but this bullshit is what is taking it all away. I've tried everything nonnies, her mind is literally unchangeable from the tranny shit.
I've tried so hard to accept nonbinary and even a titchop, but having to refer to my partner as a man and he/him makes me want to kill myself no matter how hard I think about it
This feels like my worst nightmare come to life. It actually feels like my gf died and I feel like im dying from crying all the time
If any anons are available please come kill me tragically in a place she will see so she will feel bad
No. 1671131
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i posted a pic of my dog in a discord and some moid made a "joke" about how she made him horny. he was swiftly called out and got banned but i am so unsettled. i hate men so much.
No. 1671329
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My nipples are so sensitive that I feel uncomfortable, or even in pain, when I lay on my stomach. And that's my favorite sleeping position.
No. 1671421
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>>1671337Yes I am, thanks for remembering
nonnie As well as everything else she told me that she wants to be a father. Really fucked me up on mulitple dimensions and its also just sad. Literally watching the person i love the most in this world desperately trying to delude herself while throwing away our whole, several year long relationship and completely fucking up our lives
I was fully intending to settle down and be with her forever, I wanted to marry her when it became legal in our country, she's met all my family and friends and they all love her, the only thing destroying it all is gendie shit. I hate current year
No. 1671454
>>1671011Thanks nona. I'm trying to learn my lesson from it but I still have such a hard time understanding how ugly scrotes manage to be the most shallow, bitter and narcissistic
Ugly and/or autistic women are
completely different to their male counterparts
No. 1671489
>>1671466I myself am not an irony poisoned 4chan freak, as you say, so I'm not sure what aspects of it you hate.
Try looking into mindfulness, fix your diet, exercise, go outside regularly, and find some hobbies to work on (a couple of offline ones too, if you can). These will help you get healthy in general, which will then improve your state of mind. Then, try socializing with people. Joining an irl group related to one of your hobbies or an activity you want to get into is good. From there, you can observe how "normal" people interact and choose which parts of those interactions you would like to add to your socialization skill set.
I have no idea if this general advice helps, you might need to get more specific.
No. 1671512
>>1671439Honestly, compared to most nightmares from the fakeboi thread and terminally online fujos, she's being very diplomatic about it. The whole reason she wants to break up is that she doesn't want me to waste my life, and wants me to find a woman who's comfortable being a woman.
once I explained that i would be knocked on my ass impossibly searching for an apartment in the middle of a very busy year, and she would have to move to the bumfuck nowhere countryside back in with the mother who gave her mommy issues to begin with, she is being more considerate and open to options when it comes to living arrangements, but she's steadfast on the gendie shit. Will not budge a single inch, despite her also crying her eyes out and saying she wishes it was different.
We live in a country with severe stigma against mental health services and care, and transitioning is so heavily marketed as the solution to all body dysmorphia and internalised misogyny that I guess a insecure butch lesbian really has no chance
No. 1671685
I’m a bisexual woman and I’ve had some experiences with women and sometimes I “miss” having a gf but for me it’s hard because
A. Maybe I’m too “normal”? Aside from a slight alt fashion, I’m pretty normie looking and I’m afraid I don’t attract girls because they assume I’m automatically straight or some shit.
B. I don’t like butch bi/lesbians. I don’t feel myself attracted to them and, at least in my country, a lot of butch bi/lesbians act like failed moids (swearing, spitting, talking only about cars/bikes and they dress like soccer boys, casually being mysogynistic because it’s cool around their boy peers) and if I hate moids acting like that, to me women acting like that feel terribly uncanny.
I’ve had some butches hitting on me and I politely refused and they insulted me because “lol fake bisexual” and smeared me only but in reality I dont…like that type of acting out and I have no idea how to put it on the table.
Do I like femininity? Yes and no, for example I like femme fatale/quirky women but I don’t like overly feminine men, I like my men soft.
I’m also feminine? Yes, I do wear my makeup and dresses sometimes when I feel like it.
At least in my experience it’s hard to find other women like me attracted to women, because it usually drops to “overly feminine and masculine butch” and while I don’t care what people do I don’t want that in MY relationship. I wouldn’t mind a butch gf if she didn’t act like “one of the boys” and only hang out with them please tell me this makes sense because not only I’m not a native english speaker, I have no idea how to unwrap this and this has been eating my brain because the only lesbians around me are like this (yes I live in a shithole) and the bi women are bi only for threeways and clout….
No. 1671687
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i am randomly thinking of the girl i knew in hs who was a huge purityfag over fiction…very standard klancefag hailing against dead dove content, etc. she made a real stink over me casually mentioned i read my first "lemon" fic when i was a fresh middle schooler (e.g. "aaawww anon the internet's sooo fucked, i'm sorry for you, yadda yadda) anyway i look her up now and she has like ~3 kids and an OF. i'm still a virgin. i just thought that was funny
also my cousins who i often got compared to – they were largely seen as being "better" than i – have also burned themselves out on men/had some pretty dangerous experiences. funny how i, the supposed weirdo who always had her head stuck in some weird book, have kept myself perfectly safe bc i got educated on radfeminism early + understood every scrote is just a dog waiting to bite. anyway
No. 1671693
Often, when I live a beautiful moment, the voice in my head tells me : is that all there is to life? is that all life has to offer? And I feel something similar to nostalgia. It also happens when I get over something terrible.
One of my friends killed himself, and I guess I got over it. He's dead but it really doesn't matter, the world goes on without him.
When I'm bored, I feel like something is lacking. I think : how can I be bored? I only have one chance at life, I should be doing the most of it before I die. But then I remember how underwhelming everything is, how I can live, die, do whatever and the world will continue, so I kind of shrug it away and do stuff with no purpose at all.
It's a weird feeling, I don't really like it, it makes me feel like laying and rotting, but I still feel like there are certain things I have to do, like complete my degree for example, so I do them, but I don't know why. I do feel like there is something hidden, some kind of purpose, but I don't know what it is.
No. 1671703
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>>1671693Excuse me, ma'am. Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
No. 1671707
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I just wanna be good at drawing. There are so many things i gotta study and even though i dedicate all my time to practicing i still improve at a snail's pace. I hate myself for starting to draw so late, I am at least 10 years behind everyone. I just wanna be good, I just wanna have fun drawing what I like.
No. 1671708
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>>1671703if I could believe in God it would erase that feeling, I actually tried getting into it
but I know he doesn't exist and I can't go back
No. 1671710
>>1671707I keep telling myself it's too late and I don't have time to pick it up
Do you think I'll regret later on?
No. 1671734
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Feels like I'm on the verge of a anxiety attack all because my brain suddenly decided to bring up something from 4 years ago for no apparent reason, and with it came all the emotions from that situation flooding back. I just want to cry and call someone, but it would be such a stupid thing to call someone about.
No. 1671801
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I'm so stressed and I have nowhere to put my feelings. People are expecting a bit too much from me lately and I'm barely keeping up with their pace. I'm gaining weight, losing passion in my art, sinking deeper and deeper, rotting away. I wish someone would just put my needs first, not always, just sometimes. I hate myself but even I think that I kinda don't deserve this. I wanna go back to a time where I was obsessed with a fictional man and all that I thought about was him. It made me so happy just to make fanart, and the only times I cried is because he was not real. I would watch videos about him, fantasize, write and read fanfiction, and just knowing that he was in my mind was enough to make me smile. He motivated me so much to keep going, then after a big event in my life he went away, just like that. I'll always have a spot for him in my heart…as much as I loved him (I truly felt like I did) I don't think I'll ever able to replicate that with another character or with him again.
No. 1671888
>>1671719> have my grandmothers voice in the back of my head screaming that it's unnatural for humans to live so far up and that I'll get mentally unwell because of that.people have historically lived on hills and in towers
nonnie c'mon….
No. 1672033
>>1671972>i come to the funny place to become self awareNonna…stop this was literally me
I used to come here to try to self diagnose
No. 1672079
>>1672075Thanks nonna, it got so bad that my sleeping pattern was affected and I fully stopped exercising for more than a year (I used to exercise 5-6 days per week)
It seriously wasn't worth it, I'd rather have an okish paid job or even a part time job but that gives me peace of mind.
I noticed I became way more anxious and irritated than usual in the past year, I'm in my 30s but exercised and ate healthy for most my life.
Sitting in front of a monitor for 9-12 hours a day is definitely something that affected me so much, my eyesight got so bad in the last 2 years it's ridiculous.
No. 1672145
>>1672134>$10,000nayrt but are you sure you didn't mean 1000$?
10k for an AC is insane.
No. 1672153
>>1672087Like I look into the mirror and I just see the ugliest tiredest rattiest looking woman in existence and wonder why my body dysmorphia got so bad
I know exactly what destroyed me and I can't destroy it back. I want everyone who fucking made me feel this worthless dead. I know I'm not actually that ugly, but the way they made me fucking feel, I might as well be the ugliest cunt ever
No. 1672220
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Males who can't spare acknowledgement or common decency and manners deserve to be raped and killed in horrific circumstances, thank you.
No. 1672392
>>1672206We have this crappy portable ac unit set up but it barely works, it’s not good at its job like a window unit would be. We have weird janky old bullshit windows that open with metal cranks, so a window unit is sadly not possible. Without that portable unit I’d have been dead kek.
My dog and I were fixing to get heat stroke and thankfully my mom gave me some money to book a hotel room for the night. Unfortunately my dog is a loud barky breed who wants to be a watch dog even in a hotel room, she goes off everytime some people walk by. But at least we’re not fixing to pass out.
No. 1672594
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nonnie, try taking a break. Not coming by for a full day usually leads into not coming on for a week and sometimes that can lead into month or two. It's good to just take a break. Focus on a hobby you like and a show you wanna watch.
No. 1672602
>>1672589I really need to leave for like two months and then forever again, but it's like a bad habit
Just love y'all too much I guess
No. 1672611
I quit my shitty fast food job today with no notice after a month because it was ruining my will to live and sucking up all my time for little pay, but it's causing such severe panic and anxiety that I haven't been able to calm down or think clearly since I texted I wasn't coming in. I worked in an office for 2 years after 3 years of neeting before getting laid off and I just applied to wherever because I was so scared that I was unhireable and I'd have to go back to being supported by my parents. They're guilt-tripping me for it and saying that I should stay and wait until I had another job lined up, but the truth is I don't have any will to work. I have enough savings to NEET comfortably for a few more years, but I still feel so insanely guilty and miserable about it, like I'm never going to recover from this and fast food is all I'm worth and I still threw that away for something stupid like my "mental health". I'm know I'm just being an anxious faggot, but it's just so difficult to think clearly when I'm this paranoid and nervous about everything. I know I'm not unhireable, I know that I could probably get another office job fairly easily (I had a callback from one of the admin places I applied to), I know that there was no benefit to working at the fast food place, but I still can't help but feel I've made the worst decision of my life and it's a showcase of my inferior willpower and everyone knows it. I'm really hoping I get over the guilt soon, because a big reason I quit was so I could focus on my hobbies, and I'm worried I'm just going to fall into a depressive episode and avoid all of that. Sucks to suck
No. 1672641
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I’m sorry to all the people I ridiculed because I fucking hate myself and I thought that making fun of people who had gone through similar experiences to what I’ve gone through would fill the void. I wish I could blame my behavior on this website but let’s be honest, none of us would be here if we didn’t have nasty rotten souls that drew us to a place like this in the first place. I’m sorry Lucinda. I’m sorry Dylan Mulvaney. I’m sorry to the random fat alt girl who lipsynced to creepypasta songs on Tik Tok (I don’t remember what snarky comment I left on your video but I’m sorry anyways). I’m sorry to the two basic Swiftie girls who I was sitting across the train from when my friend hissed something rude about you, I tried to get her to shut the fuck up but it was of no use. I’m sorry to that evangelical Christian woman who makes ten videos a day about her husband’s porn addiction I’m so sorry and I wish there was a way to pay the karmic debt I owe the world
No. 1672743
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painful crush on someone I can’t have
kill me
No. 1672776
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Reposting because I think I should spoiler the pic. I fucking hate seeing these photos of women clearly spreading their ass cheek with their hands to make their hips look bigger. It's insane and gross, saw this on reddit and finally remembered to whine about it, it's usually done with both hands and the pic is taken from straight front so the hands aren't showing but anyone with half a brain would realise wtf is going on , I am so fucking pissy about it and my period is fuckinv killing me I just want everyone to fucking act normal wtf is wrong with people. Spreading ass for a goddamn photo aaaaAAA stop
No. 1672848
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I know a million anons have said it before, but lolcow honestly sucks to be on because of how many anons are looking for the next thing to be mad over. You could post something completely innocuous or lighthearted and here comes some bitch being aggressive for no reason. It doesn't even have to be in reply to or about anyone else, I've had anons fight with me over my inoffensive vent posts. You also can't even ever so slightly disagree with anons because they will get offended about that too (even in like, the unpopular opinions thread). I know it's always been like this, but like what is even the point of conversating or sharing thoughts on here anymore when you will likely just end up triggering some anon.
Anyway, look at this borzoi.
No. 1672856
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>>1672852It is real I'm looking right at it
No. 1672857
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I'm losing weight and because of my body type it starts with my arms and the top half of my torso. I already had more weight in my lower torso and my thighs and now I look like I'm fucking pregnant when I wear jeans. Fuck. I'm also incredibly bloated in those areas. If I lose weight and get a thigh gap and shit, can I stop worrying about stretching my jeans too much even when I'm bloated and on my period? I wish I was a white girl with the body build of a door. They gain and lose weight everywhere at the same time. Fuck my pre civilisation gatherer body proportions. Ugh.
No. 1672861
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>>1672852What do you mean? This is as real as it gets baby.
No. 1672866
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>>1672848My eyesight is shit so I asked about the anatomy on a nsfw drawing because it genuinely confused me, and what do you know? An anon called me "dick obsessed" totally unprovoked. That specific interaction stuck with me for some reason, maybe because I wasn't really looking for a fight at all yet I received such a vitriolic response, I wonder what was that anon going through at the time tbh. If you're still here anon, sorry for my retardation, I was just asking cause I'm blind as hell, I didn't want to ruin the combo
No. 1672872
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>>1672856>>1672861Wow very funny guys
No. 1672900
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>>1672895Latching myself onto this anon like a sucker fish to say there are definitely organizations in your area who will help pay for if not fully pay for your cat to be spayed/neutered in order to control the stray population and protect your cat from diseases like cancer. But to be quite honest, don't adopt a pet if you can't afford this surgery to begin with. You need to get your animal it's shots as well and if you can afford that you should be able to get them fixed as well. Pets are a full time gig, they aren't objects to look cute.
No. 1672979
>>1672857Thigh gap is for literal anachans only. Invest in better denim and learn to love your body
nonny. Keep up the good work losing weight if you need to though, proud of you.
No. 1673005
>>1672641You're sorry to Dylan Mulvaney? Fucking
why? He'd wear you as a skin suit if he could anon, I know you're having a moment (9 hours ago you were anyway) but that doesn't mean you have to lend grace to mentally unstable sociopaths to heal yourself kek
No. 1673041
>>1673034Read this when you're over him. That's pretty sad
nonnie… I used to think I was just bizzare when it came to love and all the things I would do for my ex, but then I realized he just didn't love me the same way I loved him.
No. 1673042
>>1673034>2 yearsYou seem young, time to wake up
nonnie, he's clearly using you as comfort food, if he really had feelings for you he would've visited you within months
he doesn't love you, you need to hear this
Cut ties with him and focus on yourself and finding a better person who wants to be by your side
No. 1673049
>>167304724 is young, your brain is not fully developed yet
I'm tired of seeing young people brainwashed by social media that mid 20s is old and when you hit 30 you're a fossile, lol.
No. 1673062
>>1673053 im from america and hes from austria. its pretty far but i feel like distance doesnt matter if you love each other, right??
sorry im reposting cause i forgot to reply to you directly
No. 1673094
>>1673062I would stop waiting for him. He had two years to get a passport and a plane ticket, the costs for that from Austria to you are very well savable, even if he would be, for example, unemployed. You are young, you can find someone better. If he hasn't visited you at the end of November, break up with him.
And for travelling to Austria, if you have the money, why not, it's a nice place to go on holiday, but don't do it alone if you want to visit him. And you have to tell him before you arrive that you will stand in front of his door, kek. The reaction to that would show a lot about how he values you and your relationship.
No. 1673120
>>1673051thank you nona, i'm honestly not sure what the trade school options are here but i guess there's always online? i've considered it before but i always thought trades were too physical. i'm going to look more into it.
>>1673055technically you're not supposed to but i do, it's becoming harder in a very tech-y city where it seems like a lot of places are transitioning to cashless though. and then there's a lot of things that are just easier to pay for via bank account. it's doable for right now though.
No. 1673202
>>1673186Atopic dermatitis, though things like dog hair and dander
trigger it badly too. Which fucking blows because I have to live with two dogs so hair and dander is everywhere. This is hell. It's on my face which is sensitive so steroid creams, while they work, can be too strong and make my face look good for a short bit before making my face look like someone splashed acid on it. I don't know what to do anymore. I tried mometosone on my face which worked but caused TSW shortly after I stopped using it. I'm now applying Tacrolimus but I've yet to see any changes despite using it for weeks. I can't take this.
>>1673184Does it take care of bumpiness, irritation, redness, blisters, and weepiness? I swear to God, anytime I bring this up to anyone I'm always suggested some hippie mumbo jumbo like carrot seed oil or grape oil or some oil that will inevitably make my skin worse because it clogs up my pores. I can't take this. I have to die. There's no point. I can't take the constant switch between somewhat fine skin to painful red bumpy skin. I just can't do this. It's unfair. Nobody around me understands and just tells me to be stronger and deal with it. I don't want to deal with it. Just let me fucking die already. Either give me a cure for this genetic loss or fucking kill me.
No. 1673219
>>1673206Same. It's always some bullshit homeopathy related stuff and people don't seem to understand it's not like having dry skin where a simple oil or moisturizer will fix it it's a deep rooted genetic disorder that I've had to live with for years upon years upon years since I was in kindergarten. I eat well, I stay hydrated as best as possible, I make sure to have a hygienic environment and be hygenic. I do all the healthy stuff but it's not fixed. Worst part I was recently in a stint where my face was fine, perfect even. I could finally wear makeup like eyshadow or even eyeliner, hell even a light hypoallergenic BB-cream was fine and blush. It wasn't like I wore makeup constantly either but I was just so happy to be able to wear that sort of thing. But since maybe two months ago my skin completely shit the bed and now seeing my face is enough to send me into a crying rage, even more so when I open my vanity drawer and see all the pretty cosmetics I've gotten myself and knowing that I'll never be able to wear them again for a while. It's stupid and pathetic, I know. I just hate this so much. I can't take these constant ups and downs. I just don't want to do this anymore. Thanks, Anon I hope it happens but honestly, and I know this sounds vain, if I'm still afflicted with this by the time I turn 32, I am going to kill myself. I can't take looking gross and being in constant pain.
No. 1673402
>>1672866A lot (like A LOT) of people come here looking to be
toxic. I see people calling each other men and troons over the stupidest shit. Best to not even reply when it’s like that.
No. 1673453
>>1673322Ayrt, I have no idea what you are referring to. I'm talking about someone I know in real life.
>>1673342She wouldn't have to e-beg so hard and lie about being autistic and disabled if she had a job though. I've also posted about how she went to school to be a teacher's assistant but didn't become one because she was so worried her nonbinary identity would be invalidated, so now she cams for literal pennies. Bitch doesn't really have the right to complain about how hard living is when she deliberately never keeps a job and is leeching off of a friend to house her (who literally only took her in bc said friend is having actual problems paying rent, lmfao).
No. 1673666
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I'm such a stunted inexperienced womanchild. I'm 25 and I just got a job with mostly people around 30. I talked to this male coworker today and while doing so I felt like a literal child in comparison. He had a wedding band on his finger and kinda weathered hands so in my eyes that's a Real Adult. Another 30 year old female coworker has this motherly energy towards me because I'm socially retarded so in my eyes she's a Real Adult too. She's comforting and warm and gets lines around her eyes when she smiles.
I don't even look younger, I look just like them. But I still have the energy of an awkward 15 year old and it sucks. It feels bizarre trying to interact with people my age when they're so adult. It's even weirder when we talk about something we have in common and it's like how did we grow up with the same things yet you're married and own an apartment and I live in my dads basement? How how how how. I feel stuck in a bizarre experiment. These are supposed to be my peers, but they're not. When I was a teen I thought of "my peers" as this like, team. Most of us shared similar experiences. Now, I'm so so far away from 'my peers' or people my age. What now? Do you understand how WEIRD it is to listen to someone ''your age'' talk about being married and pregnant while still wondering and obsessing over what it might be like to hold hands with a guy like a 5th grader? What the fuck is going on
No. 1673673
>>1673666Nice trips
nonnieI'm in the same position as you. I've started to do things in my personal life by myself because I'm a loner and don't have many life experiences. I figure if I venture a bit the experiences might come my way. I think the best we can do is venture out of our comfort zone a little and retreat when we need to. Maybe do things outside your home in your personal life that interest you? It could be related to hobbies or music etc. Just make sure you're still thinking of yourself and what you're comfortable with in your venture. Baby steps
No. 1673678
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I guess my ex has finally moved on. Too bad she’s a downgrade. He deserves it though.
No. 1673716
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I KNOW i should stop smoking but i love it and i don't care how much i stink and i actively just want to die 99% of the time and have no dependents. anyway, it pisses me off how much the taxes on cigarettes keep being raised because of 'burdens on healthcare' like what fucking burdens? we die early. there is no national healthcare in the US so ??? if anything me smoking will save you 500k. also maybe i want to die you fucking idiots this world is shit. how can you bankrupt women for having children, kids for having cancer, adults for just getting older? this place is so fucked up, let me have my two cigarettes a day and a glass of whiskey
No. 1673720
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>>1673716also picture attached is when i was looking up bettles alaska and i can't stop fucking laughing why is it showing me pictures of actual beetles lmao
No. 1673851
>>1673834fake a family emergency and drop out for a little while, and then do what
>>1673847 said
No. 1673857
>>1673834I'm sorry he put you in this situation
I hope he gets hit by a car soon enough Definitely don't have sex with him, as there is no guarantee he'll even follow through on his promise and you have no idea what kind of shit he wants to do with you. This could just be blackmail for you to do sexual favors for him over and over. I strongly advise prioritizing your own safety in this situation by dissociating from him as soon as possible. If you think you have to leave the school entirely then so be it. He may talk shit about you to the rest of your school if you decline his offer and socially ostracize you until you feel enough pressure to leave later on. Best to cut ties now and warn those around you that you care about.
No. 1674115
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I was talking to this Asian girl in my class and we were laughing about our high school experiences and she mentioned how she got bullied in high school for not being good at math, then clarified she was being bullied by other Asian kids. I blurted out "Yeah I thought so but I wasn't gonna say it, if I went to Hebrew school like my mother wanted me to they'd beat the shit out of me for being too poor"
I was joking but I said something racist and retarded and now I'm freaking out
No. 1674121
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Im upset, I feel like I love my boyfriend but all he ever wants to do is eat and sleep. Anytime we have a free day he just wants to sit inside all day. He just likes sitting around and playing games off of steam. I like playing games on steam too but Jesus. He likes it on another level, like if his gaming chair had a built in toilet I think he'd never leave. He said travelling is just spectacle so he's not interested and admitted he'd be okay with working at Walmart for the rest of his life. I hate when he says stuff like that. Maybe I'm just being shallow and a bitch though idk
No. 1674189
>>1674181I don't see why being good at math is a bad stereotype to have or why Asians get so buttmad over it (in general Asian Americans cry oppression a lot despite the oppression being like… told they're smart and eating kimchi).
Idk, I find it hard to sympathize with that since got told I'm a stinky dirty uggo who steals, begs and digs through garbage since I was a kid.
No. 1674208
>>1674206True based on what? Are you one of those people who say shit like begging and stealing is "just gypsy culture" despite knowing fuck all about Romani culture to begin with? Have you ever had a conversation with a Romani person? How the fuck can you know anything then?
>You don't even live in Europe as you sayI know better than to go to Europe if all Europeans are like you, I'm good.
>Why are Americans obsessed with Hitler?You share a lot of talking points with him. Romani people were the second biggest
victim group in German labour camps and you seem suspiciously okay with that fact.
No. 1674210
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I've been filling the void of my lost friendships I ended after stopping being the chill opinionless therapist friend with streamers and games. I am insane and I do imagine them being friends with me, especially streamers because they're real people that talk about their real problems and interact with other people like friends. It's hard to accept but it shifted my brain in some way, I feel like I never got out of the distant home addicted mindset of covid, and the few friendships I attempted online didn't go anywhere because after getting to know each other there's nothing to do other than repeat the same damn rants about social issues or the interests we have in common. I guess I have to be doing something new with friends to really keep it going. I'm so socially inept because I became like this right at the beginning of my early 20s and after not holding onto my college friendships there's nowhere to make friends. I spend my days as a neet online here hating on things or walking around in my room imagining those friendships. I know I'm extremely unhealthy mentally. I don't even know how to make friends. I tried to get close to some family and family friends but damn I am so quick to hate them. I also hate that all people want to do is gossip about other people but I know I'm the autistic one for being this into games and stories instead of other people. Even with streamers I usually jump around because they find a way to piss me off. I don't know if I'm something-path or just got really affected by the covid hit. I know a social life is important and I feel my brain melting from being with myself and my imaginary friendships too much (the whole day) but I'm too lazy to go out and make friends too. I have to put in so much mental energy to ignore their traits I dislike. Do I walk into a cafe and start a convo with everyone until one of them sticks? Do I get a job and try to weasel my way into the normal people conversations? There's nothing but static in my skull and I can't even bring myself to go get groceries most of the time so imagine how hard it is for me to start conversations and keep them going. I'm also from a culture that's very big on social interactions and family including extended family and those people all hate and pity me for being so autistic (I know because they let it slip what they think of me a few times lol) I don't even know where to start with all this. And if I knew I still wouldn't be able to do it because I'm so lazy. I hope cutting off these games and streamers will hit me with reality and force me out of my house to find people to talk to but what if it doesn't? What if I talk to people and keep hating them? I don't even know what I look for in a friendship. What the fuck. I'm so mad at myself for falling out of touch with people during covid. Maybe I could continue friendships with other people who didn't treat me like a therapist. One of those friends that hated when I had opinions reached out to me at some point and I ignored her, I wonder if she was also going through a breakdown like this. Still don't wanna be a friend with a bitch like that though. This is how others think of me too, I know they think I'm unpleasant since I stopped being overly nice and never opposing to the other person. Idk what to do. Maybe I'll get used to silence and ascend to a new realm without friends or imaginary friends.
No. 1674305
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it would be fucking nice for once in my life to succeed at something. I fucking fail at everything no matter what
>success takes hard work!
I know I knoooooow. Im trying my hardest im working myself to the bone, I'm pushing myself and yet i still fail. My hardest can't even pass the bare minimum.
>you fail because you have a defeatist mindset!
I don't!!!! Otherwise I wouldn't be working this hard!! Sometime I genuinely think my hardwork will pay off which makes me feel hopeful for the future, but I still end up failing.
>dont compare yourself with others! they are struggling too!
ok but how is that suppose to make me feel better? besides I can see my peers succeed when I fail. I never said that they didn't work hard for it I never said they didn't deserve it. Im happy for them but I wonder what I'm doing differently
No. 1674437
>>1674121He's a loser.
Don't waste your life for imaginary principles. If the guy loved you too then he would want to step outside his comfort zone every now and then to go outside if it would make you happy.
Instead, he wants you to be ok with his screen addiction and lack of aspirations. It's all about him.
Get out of that.
No. 1674439
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I miss my old friend group. I was so horrible and flaky while they were so understanding and kept trying to keep me in the loop when I was actively pushing them away because of ‘muh mental illness’. I inevitably cut contact with everyone I knew and moved across the country to a new city. It’s been almost 10 years since I last saw them and I’ve changed so much and just want to apologize for pushing them away and not believing that they really loved me. I’m moving back to the small town where we grew up next year and I know none of them ever left. I know it’s inevitable that I’ll run into one of them again but the shame feel too much for me to actually talk to them.
No. 1674538
>>1674288Then I take it back, you probably have low self worth. You deserve better, anon. I'm sure plenty of nicer cute men your age would be interested in dating you. Please don't feel the need to date unattractive men, they're usually the ones that'll turn out to be the most
abusive because they'll assume you're worthless because you're dating someone like them.
No. 1674590
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i wish i was dead. life is really not worth living without money. if i don't get a job by the end of this year i don't know what i'll do but i feel so insane. i am not alive. i'm just trapped
No. 1674607
>>1674590Take my hand
nonnie, if none of us can get a job by the end of the year we can run into the wild and start a death cult.
No. 1674625
>>1673964Are you retarded? You can have an ED at any weight, but if she's claiming AN she might just be a munchie. She can have other issues like binging or b/p.
Sort out your own shit because it's gross of you to see yourself as superior to anyone when you want to purge at work for attention. Christ.
No. 1674626
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I feel bad for my older brother, he's nearing thirty has never held down a job and his only education is an arts degree despite him not being the best at art. I can only hope he comes up with some kind of plan that doesn't involve going postal.
No. 1674630
>>1674627See the funny thing is that
he is a furry so you might not be wrong. Though he said he hates NSFW type stuff so.
No. 1674664
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I know many nonnies are in this situation but I feel like getting this off my chest.
I grew up as the "weird girl" in class (and I'm probably on the spectrum but who knows idk I'm starting to think that) and since I had like 2 irl friends who were nerds like me and had strict parents who wouldn't let them out afterschool because they were studying, I ended up in front of the computer a lot, where I watched a fuckton of anime. 240p, three parts on youtube, whatever, I filled my last childhood-early teenage years with anime. I used to get bullied a lot, my classmates even used to steal my manga and color them/throw them across my class and teachers wont do shit because "are you reading comics??? weird like it's normal you get bullied, you don't want to be friends with them, you only read!" yeah ok whatever.
I'm in my late 20s now, anime and manga have always been my comfort zone and I read a lot of them and I still very much enjoy relaxing in front of anime or reading in my spare time after work but the last years, esp covid and post covid era feel uncanny, from this perspective?
Zoomers are running around with t-shirts who openly say shit like "hentai" or "ahegao" on them meanwhile my age group tries to stay relevant on the internet by making cringy jokes or acting like anime experts on long video essays on youtube/pill content on tiktok, while they clearly don't know shit. I'm not saying that I'm better that them, I'm saying that it looks very weird watching my middle school/high school bullies trying to pick up girls by roleplaying todoroki on social media and having a lot of engagement just for that and seeing younger people getting tattooes of anime girls being jizzed on and people think that is cool like wtf? I know, I know, coomer anime has existed since Tezuka's weird fetish stuff but goddamn the tables flipped so fast. I blame the internet, because when nobody was chasing clout or followers, there were forums were people discussed this kind of stuff, I made a few friends and now I feel it's not possible anymore because it's like
Somebody has an opinion → their opinion gets famous/they get famous for being good looking → it's now Creator and Fans content → fans fight each other for attention.
In particular, I also blame gacha. Gacha games have become this weird flexing ground where you have to upload and flex your pulls, you have to show people how much you can spend on anime pngs, you have to get the last character…I hate it here.
I know, this sounds pissy and redunant and like arguing with a wall but I'm so sad that a comfy place I had on the internet is now filled with screaming guys/girls and random anime themed thirst traps and tiktok. I wanted to have friends who I could discuss my interests with, go to cons and be stupid adults together…
Also sorry for spelling/grammar error, I'm not a native speaker and I'm also retarded so that doesn't help me.
No. 1674750
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>Meet new person that seems interesting
>Find them on social media
>Pronouns in bio
Every fucking time without fail.
No. 1674813
>>1674800Yeah I have no excuse despite being autistic. I've always had such a hard time making friends that I fell for the cope of male "friends" for far too long when I could have been building myself up together with other women like me instead
It definitely stems from self-hatred and some sort of fear of being too weird for women (men pretend to tolerate me like I'm some sort of sick animal, it's not like they don't judge me too I've just been retarded for years)
No. 1674815
>>1674800>>1674813I think I've been so ashamed for so long of not having made real female friends that I flee from the opportunity and punish myself with moids
How do I stop?
No. 1674821
>>1674813Oh, so you fell for the meme of them tolerating weirdness. Yeah, they only do that to get pussy. They likely make fun of you behind your back and when asked why they even talk to you, they utter something about any hole is a goal.
In all honesty I think women actually genuinely tolerate weird people better than men will. We're socialized to be nicer. As long as you don't give off pickme or NLOG vibes, women are usually more accepting. The ones that aren't are usually the NLOG and pickme kind, and that can be hard to navigate for an autist because a lot of women have pickme tendencies.
No. 1674836
>>1674827Because it's easier to pretend you have scrote "friends" instead of self reflection and actually putting yourself in positions to form genuine friendships with women. Scrotes probably come up to you first, right? They're doing the hard part, all you have to do is play along, and for someone who may not even understand
how to do the hard part of making friends, it's super convenient. You don't have to worry about saying something embarrassing, or creeping them out because they're pretending that none of that matters and they like you for you. But just remember that if you're over the age of 18, any scrote coming up to you introducing himself and playing nice is not doing it because he wants to form a genuine friendship with you. At best, he wants to date you. At worst, he wants to fuck and ghost you.
No. 1674855
>>1674830>>1674841Thanks for the advice, I'm going to start trying. Better late than never, I can't take living like this anymore lol
>>1674836Yeah that was a good read of me. It truly did happen that way, and I'm deathly afraid of actually having to put myself out there and put effort into making friends. You'd think I would have learned by now that having zero boundaries and letting weird men have access to me doesn't mean I'm gaining any sort of friends… At least I'm not Shayna. But I could have become her pretty easily, I'm that much of a (mostly unwilling) nlog
No. 1674869
>>1674863Thank you
nonny. It's good to hear I'm not alone in this, I feel so stupid and ashamed sometimes. Onwards and upwards
No. 1674875
I’m going again through the same shit I went through with another coworker before, and I was hoping it wouldn’t happen.
I hate when other coworkers don’t fucking believe me! I do my shit correctly! I had to flag all the stuff she forgot to mark on our documents and I told my supervisor if she could help me by talking about it with her with me present. So we did, but I was hoping my supervisor would go through all the flags (there were a ton, and yeah she’s fairly recent, like a month in, but I keep telling her to check our “cheat sheets” and I often take it out to help her and sometimes she just says “ok” and leaves, and then I see the same errors again) but she didn’t. Anyway, she told her to at this time just highlight it, then we will review whether she marked the correct stuff. I mentioned that I already went and highlighted the stuff she missed as well. And once we review, then we give it back to her to mark it officially. Ok, good. But then once we’re out she tells me if I’m going to mark it. Fucking bitch. I already did you a favor by highlighting it, YES you mark it now! God I’m so angry, why does this always happen to me? If I’m friendly they walk all over me, if I try to show up as “mean,” they ignore me. What do I do? Or what’s wrong with me that I always get this same kind of disrespect? I do know what’s wrong with me, I’m a weirdo and possibly autistic
The new hire acts coolly around me but very friendly and upbeat with my supervisor, I haven’t done anything wrong (I think), it’s just recently that I tried being a bit more, like, stand up for myself? I even let her use my microwave (and she doesn’t cover her food when heating it up…) Maybe it’s because her and my supervisor are both asian and I’m a dirty mexican
I really really hate feeling like this. I know I’m not an outgoing person and don’t make funny quips or whatever like a normal person but I really don’t mean any ill-will.
No. 1674878
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I have had so many people tell me that my voice sounds like a troon using a voice changer. Even been told “dude we know you aren’t a girl, stop it” by randoms. Having a nasally voice that’s high pitched is such a weird thing in the first place but not my friend sending a screen recording of us playing Minecraft to a dif person they know and them asking if I was trans. I have always wondered why my voice is this way and have jokingly blamed all of the g3 my little pony I watched growing up. Even irl people say my most unique feature is my speaking voice. My gramma used to say I was like a muppet, which now that I think about it… I do kinda sound like Elmo sometimes… At least it’s funny to make babies laugh by simply speaking to them…. Not funny when I get called a troon using a voice changer…. Elmo related to current mood
No. 1674879
>>1674865You should tell them that. Best case, they'll learn and come up with sexy things to say next time, second best case, he fucks off completely and bothers someone else.
>>1674855Free yourself from the NLOG shackles nonita! Just remember you are not Shayna, Shayna is unsalvageable. She doesn't think it's an issue and she'll likely never realize it's been mainly women supporting her, while men are the ones actually abusing her one way or the other.
I think it's funny how we're so socialized to take abuse and fuckshit from scrotes, but when a woman does it people kind of just write the whole gender off as bad. Not to dump on you anon, but even you mentioned it was mainly scrotes that mistreated you, but you still felt comfortable enough to get close to new ones and repeat the same patterns, while being too afraid of women to even try making female friends.
No. 1674908
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This summer was shit. I was mostly sick, the weather was a nightmare, I can't wait for this to be over and autumn to start, rain, wind and cold.
Fuck this heat and fuck the stupid sun and scorching weather.
Cozy autumn and even winter freeze are infinitely better.
No. 1674912
>>1674884 is me just losing my shit + the video (enclosed my friend in glass)
cuz tbh its funny but annoying and i cant decide if i am upset or not. the muppet thing I am used to but the troon voice changer just….
No. 1674937
>>1674912It's definitely a bit nasally but I've heard women with a voice like that. It's okay
nonnie, I personally sound like a 12 year old boy which I found to be a great advantage when I played GTA online, I could voice without any harassment kek
At least it's not kermit tier like that one football troon whose name I forgot (Riley Dennis?).
No. 1674948
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i just realized i will probably never see a raccoon or an opossum in real life. not fair
No. 1674957
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nonny, same. Nor a squirrel. life is pain
No. 1674961
>>1674952are you trying to make me feel better? i know you're full of it, it won't work. raccoons are so polite and cute… and opossums will just play dead if you run into them
>>1674957i've seen those at least, but they're much skinnier than that fatty you got there
>>1674959i knew it. i don't like anywhere near the us that's why i made the post
No. 1674965
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>>1674948I see them maybe every few months or so. They are cuties. Raccoons can cause problems but possums are innocent babies. Never understood fear of them
No. 1674976
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Went to Alabama briefly yesterday. Never been to Alabama before. My Nigel half jokingly tells me not to get out of the car in Alabama, and I ask why. He informs me that there is a big problem with packs of feral dogs attacking and killing people/livestock/etc. I laughed.
Nonnies, this man correctly forecast a pack of wild dogs attacking us. Thankfully, they attacked us in our car on a road that was 55 mph. I couldn’t fucking believe it. It was a pack of 4 mutts and two of them lunged at our car and we had to swerve so as not to hit them, all of them were barking so damn loud. What the fuck a wrong with Alabama
No. 1674979
>>1674878If it makes you feel better, if I had to put a type of troon on your voice, I'd say you sound like an FTM, as opposed to a MTF.
I am in the same boat of having a nasally voice. I think your voice is okay though
No. 1675013
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WHY is my cat litter not clumping pee, my bathroom smells awful because the piss clumps don’t form in the litter and the piss just sits there wet. It’s ”extra clumping” and not that old, I add new litter every time I clean the litter box. So embarrassing to have guests over and my poor kitties have to endure the smell too
No. 1675123
>>1675109what makes it coquette? the fact that she dances? not everyone sits around eating hot cheetos and browsing tiktok all day like you
nonny kek
No. 1675143
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>Semester begins in 8 days
>Haven't picked up book rented to get ahead in my major once
>Stay up til 2 or 3 most nights
>No true friends
>Have had period 4 times in a month and a half, keep forgetting and am scared to see a gyno for the first time ever
>Parent constantly annoying and embarrassing me when out in public (weird noises, yelling my name across aisles, shoving phone in my face after begging and begging him to stop)
>Yelled at for getting angry and daring to defend myself against his verbal abuse
>Have to live with an unneutered shitbull for the foreseeable future
>Have to live with noisy kids in messy house, rare interaction with outside world, drunk men walking the streets and sleeping in the park
Still I hold into this delusion of a stable future and having a happy, close family instead of 5 people who barely know each other. I pirate games to fill the void and kill fomo but have 50+ unfinished games. Back to my 149 modded Skyrim grind
No. 1675146
>>1674937 I have always had a nasally voice and lowkey blame my long time issues with my sinuses. I think the only thing that would change it is if they did a serious surgery tbh. Never gonna beat the Elmo and troon accusations so might as well use it for evil I guess.
Theres so many troons with weird Kermit voices… or ones that look frogs. It’s like a genetic thing.
>>1674979This made me giggle. Troon profiling by voice……… I can see it tho. Help.
>>1675038Idk nonna. It sounds like u def should go ahead and do so instead of waiting. For your sake and his. Pets are not for everyone!!!
If anything I would do the rehome route before a shelter or recuse so it may do good to start now.
No. 1675213
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My friend has trooned into a she/her. I knew it was gonna happen as soon as they put "He/him…Maybe They/them" in their discord bio. They're so predictable,why is every person who transitions the same? I don't even mind trans people, like politically,I couldn't give LESS of a fuck about their existence. The issue is being friends with them sucks, that's why when you see a gaggle of trans people hanging out,it makes sense, because they're the only people who can stand them. The issue is this person is someone I'm going to have to see because they're my family friend. Someone who I've known basically my entire life cause our moms are friends. We bonded over Blades in the dark and other Tabletop RPG's which made us become even closer friends. This person loves, I mean LOVES the Owl House, like if you say anything bad about it they're face gets TOTALLY red and they go into a screaming match so I have to warn my friends before they hang out with him. He has, as he says, "A deep emotional connection" to the owl House. They're weirdly smug,overly politically correct but like to make digs at other people a lot, they beg to hang out with my friends because they don't have many of their own, but complain after every hang out that they've either said something slightly annoying or that they seemed a though they have bad political opinions over something so extremely minor. One time my friends were over, spending the night because the DND session went over a little longer than it was meant to. We wanted to watch a movie, my friend,she had the remote and picked "Child's play" the movie with the Chuckie doll. At first, my family friend, didn't ask,told her "Turn it off." Very plainly,and sort of aggressively. She thought he was joking and said "Don't worry it's not too scary, I can hold your hand if you want", he ignored her comment and once again, more aggressively than before, said "Turn it off!" Almost yelling. She turned it off and everyone was quiet for a minute. He then said "I have trauma from that movie,could you please respect that." And my friend,the girl, was really taken a back, I could tell. She just nodded and apologized. After that he had a shitty attitude, I had to drive him home while everyone else was sleeping over. I can tell my chosen friends don't like him but they're too polite to say anything about it. Which is fine but fucking stressful because he always wants to hang out with them if he knows they're going to be there. He can't drive and actively refers to himself as a passenger princess and can't leave his house on his own so I've always got to pick him up in order for him to get out at all. It's terrible because he feels like entitled to it? Like I'm supposed to go out of my way for him. I recently invited him to a discord server that I'm in so he can make new friends who do tabletop stuff. He does nothing but post about girl dick and how he's horny and programmer socks! It's the same every time! He even had me to take him to ikea, i thought he needed furniture,no, he had me take him, i wish i was joking, to buy the stupid fucking blahaj shark. "Every trans girl needs a blahaj UwU" that's what he said to me. And then he bought some kind of Pepsi drink cause he heard it tasted like trans girl cum. What? What the fuck? I can't stand it anymore. I think I know why he's trooned out to. Lately he's been the exact same as he always has been, personality wise, still,more male than ever, the only difference is that he thinks he's cute and quirky. I think he thinks he's a manic pixie dream girl but in reality he's a manic pixie cringe boy. Recently we went shopping at the mall and my mom gave us some money, they wanted my "girl code advice". What the fuck is that? I laughed and said there is none and they got genuinely huffy with me because I told them that. They of course bought a pair of programmer socks and an ugly mushroom dress from hot topic. They don't match. They clash terribly. They wanted to buy makeup at Sephora so we went there and they got their makeup done,everyone there was hugboxxing them so hard, dude. You've got no idea. It was insane how they treated him. It made me feel happy to see him beaming and all but the hugboxxing is unbelievable. We got in the car and he complained about how he was gonna have to hide all of it from his mom (his mom is conservative). But another thing I'm noticing is that in order to feel confident and attractive they're basically having to larp as a trans girl and people are gassing him up because they pity him. My friend is not attractive, they've never been. They've got a fish mouth, and they're extremely overweight, they're hairy and have blonde greasy hair they've grown out to be the length of a bob, they almost always smell of sweat. I don't know I hate to talk shit about my childhood mate but they're becoming too cringe for me to stand.
No. 1675222
I posted a few threads ago about how I wanted to stop being friends with my best friend. I think I've been making up excuses for her this whole time, and I keep saying "well she's not ENTIRELY bad" but no, I do think she is 100% the problem now. I do think with the first few people she had arguments and messy friendship "break ups" with were not very nice people (were always using her for things, lots of roommate issues because we were college roommates), but now it's… people who she's known for a very, very long time who are deciding not to be friends with her.
She told me yesterday that a friend she got in a tiff with recently finally told her yesterday that she didn't want to be friends anymore. When my best friend first told me they were having issues (that friend kept saying she was busy and avoiding my best friend), I already knew it was going to happen but kept my mouth shut. My best friend texts me saying she's "washed her hands of [friend]" and that "[friend] was gaslighting me this whole time and has shown no remorse and has been a bad friend this whole time." I was like woah, gaslighting? Gaslighting you over what? But my best friend just kept repeating over and over that [friend] was giving her "non responses" and "didn't want to tell (my best friend) what she was mad about so that (my best friend) could try to resolve things". I pressed her on what she was being gaslit about and you know what she says? "[friend] was gaslighting me saying that everything was fine when she was mad at me for a long time"
?????? THAT'S NOT GASLIGHTING??? LMAO that's lying at worst, or just being non confrontational.
I've already been so fed up with my best friend for years. Do I think whatever that friend is mad about is worth a friendship break up over? Probably not. I heard it was some stupid petty shit, but it sounds to me like she just wanted to end the friendship and wanted out lol. Which is the exact position I'm in.
I will admit that I'm a coward and don't want to confront her. I'm not really afraid of the fallout, we have very few mutual friends now (I was never close to any of our mutual friends) and I have a lot of my own friends. I know she will villainize me to all of those people but I… don't interact or see them ever so… it's a moot point. But just having her rant to me all the time during each aftermath makes me dread it, because I know what will happen. She'll drag it out, she'll insist on getting on a call (which everyone has denied and she gets really upset over), and regardless of whether I tell her why or why not, I don't intend on letting her "fix" it. Which she will also be mad about.
>inb4 let it fizzle out
I said in my last post that she doesn't let friendships fizzle out, even though that was an exact line she pulled during her last friendship break up LMAO. She said "it's fucking weird and rude that she had to do this break up, she should've just let the friendship fizzle out like a normal person" but I've seen (multiple times!) friends slowly pull away from her, not hitting her up as much and just doing stuff without her, and she confronts them. She'll get into argument with them, saying "you don't put as much effort into this, I feel ignored, I always have to make the plans, you're always too busy to see me, etc etc." You cannot fucking win with her. I know exactly why people tell her to her face that they don't want to be friends, because there's no other way to end the friendship. It will end terribly and the other person will always be the bad guy, no matter how gently they try to leave.
She's also been trying to get me on a phone call to talk about it but I know it's just going to be, at minimum, 2 hours of her just repeating "she was so rude! she wouldn't give me answers! isn't she just awful? she kept giving me non responses!" and I no longer have or want to spare that emotional energy on consoling her.
No. 1675232
>>1675169That’s surprising to me. My aunt had a Dalmatian when I was a kid and her dog was extremely sweet and cuddly and not even vaguely scary (I have always been scared of jumpy dogs and mouthy dogs, I hated my aunt but the Dalmatian was neither).
>>1675175Yes these are fully domesticated dogs that have gone feral. Like feral cats but these are dogs.
No. 1675280
>>1675254People always tell me
>the more you interact with others the happier it makes you! so just ~step out of your shell!~ But I'm not in a shell. I have no social anxiety. I just find talking and socializing extremely unpleasant. Random strangers making small talk at me is the worrrrssssssttttt. It's like great, now I have to pretend to be enjoying you talking to me about some irrelevant thing for a courtesy 45 seconds and smile at you while you bother me. People leave their doors open where I work and call out to me in the hallway, it feels like a speedrun in a video game trying to make it to my office at the end of the hall without being roped into morning greetings to someone I never see except for in these moments.
I was thinking today in the car that there's probably something wrong with me. Humans are social primates, but I hate socialization. My officemate keeps inviting me out to do things on the weekend and it's such a chore. She's a perfectly fine person but I'm just not interested in "hanging out" with anyone. It brings me no entertainment or joy. I haven't had any friends many years now and I wish I could say it bothers me. The only thing that bothers me about it is knowing I'd be judged negatively if people found out I was friendless.
No. 1675283
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>>1675280The best way to make people stop trying to initiate small talk with you is to be immune to small talk. Use their openings for small talk as an excuse to sperg out about something you enjoy or to rant about something that upsets you. Eventually people will either stop initiating small talk with you, or even better they’ll start telling you all about their lives and you’ll get to learn some crazy wild shit about them. I’m an extremely nosy autist and I simply refuse to engage in small talk, if someone asks me how I’m doing I tell them how I’m doing. Fuck that “fine and you?” Shit lol formalities and small talk are retarded.
No. 1675293
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I've nearly finished my autobiography but I'm afraid that someone I know who I wrote about in there is going to read it and some of those descriptions are pretty damning. I don't know what to do, I thought about claiming that it's a fictional novel and publishing it under a pseudonym but it would suck to write an entire book and not be able to put that in my resume or anything because I'm afraid my parents etc are going to want to read it
No. 1675296
>>1674959They're in the suburbs too, sometimes I see them by the train station and in my yard
>>1674976>What the fuck a wrong with AlabamaLiterally everything kek. Remember that boat fight a few weeks ago
No. 1675378
>>1675374Find me
nonnie, find meeeeeee
No. 1675422
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>>1675413He doesn't have enough power stars to enter Bowser's tower
No. 1675459
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>>1675451Actually, I think I do know why. I think it was the over-enthusiasm of the "COCK!". If it was just Attack on Cock I would've found it fine and even humorous, but they had to say "COCK!". That's not a word you should emphasize. Dick is the better term anyway. And then "y/n" was just the cherry on top. Anyway, I'm not horny anymore.
No. 1675528
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i'm leaving on a roadtrip tomorrow, and taking a route that i haven't previously so looking up food/roadside attractions/etc. holy shit there is nothing in south dakota. does anyone actually live here? all of my pins are just to stop and play the oregon trail theme song or pee in a chain restaurant. my cat just farted on me while i typed this and that is how i feel about the great plain states
No. 1675530
>>1675422i'm dying
>>1675213i'm sorry but this should be copy pasta
No. 1675687
>>1674926Yeah because not having a lot of rolls and curves (or bone showing for anachans) mean the garment won't be stretched and look as its designed to do so. All outfits look the best on average or slightly overweight/underweight people. Anachans also look atrocious irl so don't feel like you should be that thin to look good in outfits, most anachan models have to do extensive filler procedures so their hollowed faces don't look too scary and use a ton of stuff so their hair doesn't fall out yet they still look sickly on pictures when they're not dolled up with heavy makeup and hair styling.
It takes much more effort to make an article of clothing that'll look good on all bodytypes because of that. You can figure out your bodyshape and decide if you want to accentuate it or balance it. It's also down to personal preferences as well. I'm for example an inverted triangle whose chest and shoulders are the most prominent part of my body and when shopping, I pick my outfits based on that.
Tldr outfits look best on average nonfat nonskinny people but you cna still look great at your weight by choosing garments that flatter your bodyshape and fit your personal style.
No. 1675816
I had a little melty and cried today. I sheltered myself from “normal” Internet pornography, but I’m in an insular fujoshi/yume/cute anime boy community so while I am exposed to lewd content it’s always vanilla femgaze cute boy stuff. Then one of my friends linked me some hentai video since it was animated well…I watched it and it was just, really shocking. I was not prepared for the amount of rape and misogyny and exploitation I witnessed and, like I said, had a melty. I had to leave, go for a drive, think about life, call my mom. I know it sounds dramatic and I’m usually not like this at all, but it just hit me hard for some reason. It was just the knowledge that average men just jerk off to this type of stuff daily and most internet erotica isn’t just cute anime boy wearing a tuxedo and looking at the viewer wistfully. It felt like a culture shock. There was a reason I avoided porn before, and after a very long time of not being exposed to it, just having it in my face suddenly… it was too much. I feel terrible, and I also feel guilty for feeling so terrible, so I didn’t really go into detail about how much I disliked it with the other members.
Ugh, just call me sensitive and hate on me, whatever. Content like this shouldn’t be normal and it becomes really obvious when you’re not steeped in it. Why do men love rape and abuse so much? It’s disturbing.
No. 1675852
>>1674912I know several women with nearly that exact same voice. If I heard just the first 2-3 seconds of the second clip I would guess that you were either a woman or a 13-15 year old boy. But the
way that you speak has zoomer girl written all over it so you’re in the clear kek
No. 1675860
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why do I keep forgetting that some women are beyond help
>meet girl in a groupchat for my uni, she's an assistant prof here (not mine) and slightly older than me but seems neat
>she's into the same things as me, nice! we should be friends
>talk to her, get slight pickme vibes but our interests are "masculine" so I'm stoked to find a girl with the same hobbies and ignore the red flags
>she even has the same health issues as me which is a crazy coincidence, confide in her a lot about it, she shares about her life too, i'm happy i made a friend
>offhandedly mention something vaguely "feminist" one day, in the most vanilla girlboss sense
>"um I don't believe in dividing men and women uwu, I think most feminists are mentally ill"
>some girl tries to start a women's club on campus, she comments that it is "unnecessary"
something compels me to google her username and i find her reddit account, et voila:
>sympathyfishing with our shared condition, making it sound way more vague and serious than it is
>mentions her "husband" of 7 years in every other post
>posts in a thread called "beautiful women of reddit, what is the bad side of being attractive" and says she can't wear revealing clothing because guys will get too horny for her or something
>in a different post says "i can't make friends with women (ayo?) so i stopped trying, guys are just less drama uwu"
>complains how women are jealous of her whenever she's around
>"husband" is actually a boyfriend because they "don't believe in marriage" yet she calls him her hubby in every post
>flirts with reddit men and tries to be the NLOGest NLOG that ever NLOGed
no words or comments
No. 1675867
>>1675860That actually sounds hilarious,
nonny. I'd avoid her after that, though. People like that always bring drama to their own lives.
No. 1675900
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If I needed one more reason not to consider doing my PhD in econ, it's this. Basically another sheltered academic who sits in the ivory tower and devotes her research to trying to prove how ineffective sex offender registries are, so politicians can use her findings to progress rapist rights later on. says here:
> I think that’s a great question. I mean, these registries are costing millions of dollars to implement, and it looks like across several studies they've been found to be ineffective at increasing public safety.BITCH fuck YOU
And this other dumb ass sheltered woman says:
> For us, the interesting question is does violating the privacy of an ex-con, a convicted sex offender – protect society at all?So basically they think that since some murderers get off with weak sentences and 'reassimilate' into society without being on a registry, that rapists should too. Rapists deserve privacy. Won't someone think of the poor sex offenders?!
Yeah I know I'm a shit economist for letting my feelings get in the way but WHAT THE FUCK I HATE ECON ACADEMIA SO MUCH. We should not dismantle the fucking SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY. THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! And of course this is one of like 10 women who is actually respected in the field because the research she does defends dumbass econ MRA professors' agendas since they're a bunch of fucking predators themselves.
No. 1675935
>>1675904I wish I could. I would even publish a response to her paper and nitpick the fuck out of it if I could. But I've already done my Master's and learned that I despise academia so much that I think I would kill myself during the 5 years of a PhD. It genuinely depresses me to my core how these people who are so sheltered and unaware of the ramifications of their terrible ideas are influencing countries' policies. The statistics of your findings are one thing but to further use them to promote an idea like dismantling the sex offender registry or humanizing sexually violent scrotes is dangerously retarded. You can just say that you found the registry to be ineffective for victimization without suggesting that we get rid of one of the few consequences for rapists. Her other research is about criminals (moids mainly) finding jobs so she's really hellbent on promoting dangerous moids' reassimilation into greater society.
I know I'm an economist but I really don't feel like one because ime economists (who are mostly moids) are so fucking empathically defective. It makes me disgusted when my peers talk about the costs of policies (to save the government money, lmfao). They really talk about people's lives like they are nothing but observations with variables. It's disturbing.
No. 1675984
>>1675900What the fuck is with academia's obsession for rehabbing and defending criminals. I googled her and it seems like she published articles in the past too saying that it's better for society to not prosecute nonviolent misdemeanors. It would've been understandable for actual irrelevant shit like recently expired licenses or whatever and then libs went and declared theft under $900 is a misdemeanor too and now we have a theft epidemic across the country. I'm nowhere near San Francisco for example and we still have a ton of people brazenly emptying stores, stealing cars, and shooting guns at each other for funsies.
I don't like telling thieves that it's okay to steal now but at least I even kind of understand that argument that maybe we shouldn't be too punitive towards nonviolent offenders, particularly if they're someone stealing to survive or something. But for the last couple of years, it seems like this trend of babying criminals is bleeding into protecting people that are the actual scum of society. Actual violent murderers and now apparently rapists too. Even though sex crimes are literally never ever justifiable in any way.
Why are they pushing so hard for this?
No. 1675987
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I hate how unsettling my mom's fat manchild/sperg husband is, her taste in men is honestly so shit, no wonder my dumbass father noped out. Literally just stands around and paces around like a low functioning autist, repeats everything she says with no free will, watches the same sitcoms and naruto episodes over and over again, acts lowkey passive aggressive towards my pets, foot fetish according to my mom, avoids eye contact except when he thinks you aren't looking, absolutely refuses to eat vegetables or anything that won't give him diabetes in the next decade.. I need to get out of here before he snaps, I fucking hate having to leave him alone with my cats and stuff. I want to install secret cameras in my room but if I'd see anything fishy on it, I might seriously kms in disgust.
No. 1676003
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No. 1676064
I hate how fat I've become, I just hate it and if I wouldn't know that I can lose that weight again I would go insane. And don't come at me with "every body is beautiful" bullshit, there is nothing nice about being fat. I'm sweating more, it's harder to walk, my back hurts sometimes (it never did before), nothing fits anymore and if you are looking for nice clothes, well, no such luck, it's either the form of a tent or very colourful with stupid prints. And I also don't want to spend money on new clothes, I want to wear my old ones again. I can't wait to be at my normal weight again, I can't wait for my collarbones to be visible again and for my thigh gap to return, so I don't ruin my pants anymore and no, I'm not an anachan, my frame allows this all while still at a healthy weight. And mostly, I can't wait to relearn how to eat healthy, somehow I lost the ability for that. Next year this time I will feel okay with my body again and if not, I will kill someone.
No. 1676069
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>>1676064I'm sending you all the good mojo I can muster to aid you on your weight loss journey
nonnie! I believe in you, you'll get back to the body you're most comfortable in, I have faith
No. 1676100
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I don't know if any anon is feeling helpful today but I made two posts in I think two dofferent vent threads about this guy I met in college who I had a little crush on, who then went on to date another girl in the friend group and then started displaying weird gendie behavior (he dressed up in a skimpy dress during a halloween party) and anons said I dodged a bullet by never dating him.
Anyway, he went full fucking troon. He's an actual tranny now. Last night the friend group hung out and he was wearing these insanely short shorts (you could see his fucking tucking underwear MEGA BARF) and he was wearing a tiny camisole as well. Funny enough his girlfriend started talking about how himbos are great and how she likes himbos and all that… and her tranny boyfriend literally looks like picrel in booty shorts. Fucking kill me. It's so funny because I've met his dad and I honestly do not think he'd be supportive. I kind of hope his dad will be crazy transphobic, please god…
No. 1676111
>>1675984Anon I don't get it either and this is after I did my Master's and took elective classes with doctoral students. I never could understand what fucking world do these people live in that any of this sounds like a good idea? Do they just look at statistical software all day and genuinely view crime through their skewed statistics? Has this woman never stepped outside her university? I always figured people with PhDs should be able to predict the kind of agendas their research would be used towards but I may have given them too much credit and assumed they're good people.
>>1675990Ooh that's interesting. My thought was maybe that her dad or brother is a "
victim" of "false rape accusations" hence why she's obsessed with the sex offender registry and the job prospects for criminal moids.
Anyway the people who she's trying to help would rape and kill her. It's so fucking bleak, anons.
No. 1676144
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I CANT BELIEVE PEOPLE UNIRONICALLY INDULGE IN THIS SHIT NOW. I remember when this was a new thing on tumblr and not too many people really took it that seriously. I genuinely thought it would die out but here we are a decade later. I hate this shit so much
No. 1676187
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seems like i cannot fucking come down from my panic attack. i'm still just bordering on it, my heart is still beating so fast and i'm having a hard time breathing still lightheaded over something that wasn't even a big deal and that i was wrong about in the first place yet i'm not calming down at all. i'm so jittery and nervous it's so annoying. i'm fine but my body isn't and i don't know what to do i'm so frustrated. STOP this madness
No. 1676194
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>>1666709i just want to drop out. i have no motivation to finish college like i did when i was younger. im 22, im not even that old, yet i struggle to focus and do anything right. im not as quick as i used to be and my health is wonderful. i dont know whats wrong with me. i cant just off myself because i have a boyfriend and mother who love me and i need to be responsible. but god, i cant even be adult enough to finish college. i dont know what i want anymore. i feel unmotivated and unhappy again despite having things i love. i just dont want to exist in this world. how do i fix it? i cant just procrastinate and avoid. i hate my job. i hate that im whining. why cant i just focus? why am i so stupid? i want to be happy. im even on medicine now. why cant things ever be right?
No. 1676199
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>people online like me and still talk about me and my art even 2 years after me not engaging with them
>people irl often treat me like air and even forget I'm there, they forget I'm in a car with them etc.
Damn am I so boring irl or what… I still like to think the online me is the real me and I'm just too autistic and traumatized from years of school bullying to act more open and charismatic irl. I often feel like I have no personality when I'm physically among people, or like there's a glass wall between me and others and only I see them but they don't see me
No. 1676201
>>1675816>>1676162yeah agree. you're not being dramatic and you shouldn't feel terrible or guilty for thinking it's nasty. I saw the front pages of porn websites a couple of years ago and even then I was horrified, can't even imagine how much worse it's gotten since. being disgusted by open, blatant abuse of women is a completely normal reaction.
also. you should drop that friend. What kind of weirdo sends their friend rape porn because it's "animated well"? It's a disturbing and shows a serious lack of common sense and boundaries. They're either a total dumbass or someone trying to push boundaries so they can get away with worse stuff in the future.
No. 1676236
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I cant stop thinking that all I am doing now will amount to nothing. I cant stop thinking that i just dont have it in me to be a good artist, writer, entertainer, anything but a waste of oxygen. It hurts. People my age are going places but i am stuck in a constant cycle of trying to get better and failing miserably at it.
No. 1676255
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I just moved into college as a junior this year (was community college loser) and I feel SO isolated. It's only my second day, I'm on an all-female floor, and it seems like just no one is here. To clarify, I'm in a single dorm but I share a common area with 12 other women on my floor. Everyone seems to know someone. Two of the girls knocked on my door last night and asked if I wanted to watch a movie in the commons with them, and I gladly joined after 30 mins or so. There were like 4 of them on the couch.It was just so quiet and awkward. I left and said "goodnight" and they just looked at me and said nothing I felt SO FUCKING EMBARASSED I went back to my room and drank alone. I have no idea how I'm going to make friends. I signed up for some clubs but my social anxiety is so bad since coming here. I could barely eat in the food court, I was just in and out. Everyone's been somewhat nice but I just feel so ostracized and alone already I feel like I'm right back in high school.
No. 1676304
>>1676258im so sorry
nonnie…i relate all too well.
No. 1676455
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Making polygel nails thin but sturdy is so fucking hard when you're using dual forms.
No. 1676457
i sent a care package to my mom, she lives in a far away country, i’m really really really hoping the package arrives in good condition! i’m worried that i didn’t pack it well enough.
i sent her a coffee mug, some candy, chips & crackers, paint, markers, a cute journal, hand made card, and some other random things.
my mom sends me the best care packages with snacks from my home country, she’s awesome and i love her so much.
i can’t wait for her to get the gift i sent, im so anxious about how i packed the stuff and how far it has to travel. i keep checking the tracking for updates. fingers crossed
No. 1676537
>>1676527Average male "friend" behavior
It sucks to realize the person you thought was a friend doesn't consider you fully human, as is the case for 95% of men who collect female "friends", but the realization always comes eventually
>>1676147Based nona. I want the same for me, also in my mid 20s having wasted my life on male """"""friendship"""""" because I never felt worthy or even capable of making actual friends
Please tell me it isn't too late. I am severely stunted and moved constantly as a child, it feels like it was over before it began when you add autism, bullying and parental neglect (I have social anxiety and have been depressed since puberty but that goes without saying) No. 1676539
>>1676537I think the best you can get with a male is if he compartmentalizes and categorizes specific women as either “sex objects” or “real people”.
He’s consistently said he does not want to know my real name or see any pictures of me (not that I was going to give them out anyways). I suspect it’s because he doesn’t want to see my body and start imagining me as a sex object, thus ruining our friendship (since he’d no longer be able to view me as a human being).
But of course he will inevitably let it be known that he does view specific women as sex objects, because that’s just normal behavior for the male brain. Yes it makes me uncomfortable as fuck, and I don’t know how to approach it. I don’t have any other male friends specifically for this reason, but usually they’re so much worse. I thought he was an exception, and I suppose in a way he is because he doesn’t view ALL women as objects (just some), but man… it’s disappointing.
No. 1676575
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Fucking hell nonnas, this one bitch in a groupchat that's all about food keeps whining that people don't post pretty pictures but are talking about scientific studies about food, or something slightly negative that's happening the real world with food. Every bloody time there's any discussion she and her firends keep calling everybody a conspiracy theorist and bitching about people just talking to understand eachother. They form like a mean girl group and like their own posts like were're at school. 30+ yeraolds behaving like 12yearolds. I wish people could just talk to eachother, is it that too much to ask?! Talking is now a "depressing conspiracy theory". "I come here to be my safe place and i don't need to see all the depressing shit." Boohoo bitch this is not kindergarten. But the fact that a food group chat is a safe space for a 150kg midget woman is funny, gotta give her that.
No. 1676671
>>1676571He’s never flirted with me and is in a relationship, who I also talk to and doesn’t have a problem with the OF thing.
I don’t think he sees me sexually… at least I hope not. I just think he was comfortable enough to mention he uses OF and has malebrain so he doesn’t see it as weird.
No. 1676690
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Can't my father learn to GO TO FUCK THE SLEEP? Seriously, he has the gall to complain about being sick and tired all the goddamn time but will sleep only 3-2hrs a night. He doesn't even have a job that keeps him up late at the current moment so he could at least take this time to sleep more and get a regular healthy sleep schedule but no, he can't sleep because he "thinks too much while in bed, his thinking is so much that he just can't sleep at all". Clearly, this can't be fixed ever. So obviously because of this he should stay up late until 2-4am watching anime on the tv and shittoks on his phone in complete darkness with two eye hurtingly bright screens, eventually at a loud enough volume to wake me up and continue to watch his shitty tiktoks even louder on his phone and fucking One Piece of all things at an even more loud volume on his PC at 5am-6am so that I wake up later. Do you know how screechy and loud the dub for One Piece is? It is, if not, the most horrific and obnoxiously loud dub to ever be conceived. How inconsiderate do you have to fucking be to do that shit? How inconsiderate and stupid do you have to be to intentionally dobsomething that will ruin your health and complain about the consequences AND inconvenience others while doing this? He is going to hurt himself and make himself so sick doing this and he wants to get a job delivering packages on top of this. Stupid. So, fucking stupid and rude. I love him with all my soul but it's so fucking stupid. It doesn't help that getting him to go to the doctor is like pulling teeth and he's only just now making a checkup. It also doesn't help that my brothers are all jobless could-be NEETS in the making so they're alright with adopting his habits, literally one of them will wake up in the morning, brush teeth, eat breakfast and make a B-Line to his computer and spend the entire day from 10am-3am on it and will complain about being tired or his eyes hurting. Along with doing nothing CONSOOOMING twitter content so his brain hurts too. No shit it would. I hate this, I hate seeing people make such shit decisions with their health that could be easily avoided.
No. 1676735
nonnie look at this instead of thinking
No. 1676744
>>1676724thank you anon, your virtual hug helped me stop tunnel visioning and i can actually see properly again. now i just need to figure out how i can pee without having to open the car door and wake up my travel partner. knew i should have bought a she-wee
>>1676731 everything will be okay anon, drink some chamomile tea and listen to cats purring and think of all of us cuddling you up in a warm fuzzy blanket and also nothing bad can happen to you because i just said a spell from my book of shadows (wiccan spell book) that i wrote when i was 8 in a barbie diary. it is called “keep away troubles” and i won’t write out the spell because it’s fucking stupid but i’m convinced it works
No. 1676853
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Pisses me OFF how of all the hobbies, BJD gets infested with gendershit. I thought I found a corner to escape the terf witch hunt but recently, especially with Volks releasing HP dolls, the gendies are pissingcryingshidding everywhere once again.
Also, a transitioning doll is a retarded concept.
No. 1676898
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I don't know why but I just feel like I don't deserve to exist. I'm still pretty young but at the same time, I don't feel like I'll live beyond my twenties. I hate every part of me, the way my face looks too fat and ugly, with terrible pimples and bad cheeks. They way my body looks too fat to me despite me being a healthy weight by medical standards. I hate the way my body curves weirdly and the way my cheeks are, my overall facial complexion despite my mom telling me that I look nice in traditional clothes. I hate my poor academics and weird thighs. I wish I was some random white girl with elegant and pale, thin frame and good academics and nice hair. My hands look too fat and stubby despite a lot of people saying that they look nice. I don't get it.
I'm trying not to sob on a festive weekend out of these thoughts, thoughts about murdering people because I feel too scared and frightened about having to keep posture. I tried cutting myself yesterday but the kitchen knife is too dull and it barely just irritated my skin. I was sobbing throughout the evening yesterday.
I hate me, I hate my mind and body. I'm scared of the Devil, God and everything else in the way. Sorry for the post being too long. I wish I had nice skin and hair, good academics and nice hands with a thigh gap. I wish that I would not feel this way.
No. 1676903
>>1676877They're so fucking annoying, they could be talking about something tragic that happened and will include " I'm trans btw.." like no one gives a fuck
" Oh my god, she was murdered by her partner…I'm a trans female by the way!!"
No. 1676923
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I'm working on trying to let my social life mask go, and try to be more okay with myself as I naturally am.
I'm a wallflower, as in I have ZERO presence anywhere I go no matter what I do, which is ironic because I come from a very extroverted family that leaves a strong impression on people. So I've spent most of my teens and adulthood forcing myself to be this funny and energic clown, so I at least leave some sort of impression that I exist even if someone would find me annoying. But I enjoy making people laugh, so I even if I really could feel how much I was forcing it, leaving people laughing made it all worth it.
But this part is really starting to drain me now, I'm getting annoyed by this part of me that has to shine up and be all sunshine and rainbows whenever I run into someone on town even if I'm not in the mood. I want to be okay with my actual self and grow from there, leave this mask behind and allow myself to be the shy and introverted person I actually am…even if it means nobody will ever notice me or my existence ever again.
No. 1676947
>>1676933Magical thinking.
Since your job switched locations and everyone including you is sick, couldn't there be something actually wrong with that place? Mold? Carbon monoxide? Fumes?
A lot of "haunted" places turn out to have superstitions around them based on psychosomatic reactions people have had in response to very real reasons.
No. 1676986
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I'm proud of myself for not drinking but I miss how happy it made me. Will I ever be that happy again
No. 1677012
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My mom just told me she’d rather I be a drug addict than whatever’s wrong with me now (NEET), because at least I would have some motivation to get out of bed and obtain said drugs.
She’s not wrong.
I would be more motivated to work hard if I knew I was at least working hard towards something, even if it was $$ for drugs. Unfortunately, I’m an autist and a hypochondriac and I’m afraid that if I do any drugs long-term, I’ll drop dead. I’m even afraid to take an extra ibuprofen than what’s recommended on the bottle when I have cramps. I’m always googling and self-diagnosing myself with a new illness late at night when I can’t sleep, although at least I forget about it by the next day. I’m the only one retarded enough to still have those “just say no to drugs” school assemblies still in the back of my mind whenever anyone offers me anything.
No. 1677020
>>1677012Kek my therapist said something similar to me once
No. 1677025
>>1676898Wishing you the best, nona.
When I’m filled with self-hatred and don’t want to exist I try volunteering at an animal shelter (or a woman’s shelter if you don’t like dogs) so at least I’m not a total waste of space to society. It sounds lame, but it really helps.
It doesn’t even have to be coming from an altruistic place to help others, it can be your own selfish desire to not feel worthless. It doesn’t really matter how ugly you are (although I doubt you’re ugly), people still appreciate someone just being there.
No. 1677050
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I just realised I can't enjoy anyone's "sense of humour" because is all based in social media "culture" to a very deep end level, I don't wanna say terminally online way but maybe TOO online way. a religious nut subtweeting a paedophile is just… not interesting in anyway, shape or form… let alone funny/entertaining.
No. 1677065
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I am grazing!
No. 1677108
>>1677103No you don't get it, she talked to me about the ship and I told her I wasn't interested because I found it
toxic. In other words, I didn't want to indulge in her bs, and that was too much for her to bear apparently
No. 1677218
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Not having a great time, major headache, throwing up and going to the toilet over and over, when will it end?
No. 1677237
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Well fuck me. I've always been distrustful of moids but this recent one was the first one who I let close to me in YEARS and he completely destroyed the tiny bit of hope that I still had for romance. This hurts so bad nonas. I see friends and family with their happy relationships and it just makes me feel like life loves giving me the short end of the stick. Now I'm even more "paranoid" (my suspicions were right in the end but what I mean is I'll always think there's something shady going on for ever moid I meet in the future) and closed off than I was before I met him and I never thought something like this would be possible.
No. 1677263
>>1677160I hate my husband. I didn’t at first. I overlooked a lot of things such as my lack of attraction to him (except his penis which is quite nice, honestly have never seen a prettier one but he doesn’t know how to use it so it’s not even what’s keeping me in the relationship). Our communication has always been one way, with me putting in what I didn’t realize was a lot of effort towards interpreting his desires and moods (I’m a former abused child so it came naturally, not that he’s
abusive). His lack of demands felt like freedom to me because I never got in trouble for guessing wrong since he’s not actually mean or
abusive but I was subconsciously waiting for that and feeling happy he wasn’t mad (even though he doesn’t get mad and isn’t that kind of person.) It’s like I was seeing a kindness that wasn’t there —I interpreted this as him being nice when now it seems like it was indifference. It has taken almost 15 years for me to let go some of my baggage and suddenly I see he’s just been letting me so all this retarded work for him that he doesn’t reciprocate— cooking, cleaning, planning things, moving cross country twice, trying to make our sex life better or to like make myself hornier or more libidinous somehow; whatever it is I put it in motion.
No. 1677276
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>>1677266Thank you
nonny! I hope I'll get over it fast.
No. 1677311
I hate my fucking stepdad so much, it's unreal. He goes out of his way to antagonize me so I'll snap at him in front of my mom, who always takes his side. I've told him a million fucking times not to play pimple popping videos on the living room TV during dinner, and he still does it. At this point, it has to be specifically to piss me off. I had a long day at work and he pulled that shit again at dinner, so I fucking bit his head off. My stupid fucking mother yelled at me to apologize, even though I guarantee you she wouldn't let me play disgusting videos during dinner. My stepdad treats her like shit and she's kicked him out a hundred times, but she refuses to cut the guy off for real because she's pathetic and worries about being an old maid. She'd literally rather be perpetually miserable with this useless hypochondriac prick than be fucking independent. I hate him, I hate the way he's destroyed her mental health, I hate the way she coddles him. I just wish he would just leave, but he never will because he's a leach who basically gets free food and a free maid. My mother is the ultimate evil-scrote-enabling handmaid and it makes me fucking sick.
No. 1677360
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Fucking hilarious when nasty contrived people try to woobify themselves on tumblr because it's the only way they can get attention there
No. 1677395
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>>1677390Bitch I said what I said
I'd rather be famous instead
I let that shit get to my head
I dont care ill paint da town red
No. 1677425
>>1677380This is why it's funny when women: are ok with boyfriends instead of husbands (she could get a prenup in her favour, etc) he's wasting her time and gets her body and labour for free
then women being fwbs is such a waste… a dildo works better.
No. 1677468
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>>1677218I hope you're okay
nonnie No. 1677579
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Why are narcissists always convinced that everyone is jealous of them? Why would anyone look at a terminally online person with incel hobbies, incel interests, and incel beliefs essentially and think 'God I want that.' Most people that aren't like you don't look at you and seethe, what a strange delusion to feed into. Why on earth would someone want to be like someone whose entire world is and will remain sitting online 12 hours a day and only talking to people online. What on earth is desirable about that, a person with no values and no desire to be better. I don't get it! There are so many people that are admirable and someone who sits on the computer endlessly voyeuring and treating people like shit is certainly not one of them in any capacity. This is a very easy concept to understand when you actually look forward to things in life that don't revolve around the internet and wanting people on the internet to buy whatever you're trying to sell. Any random 48 year old man with an elote stand at the fair once a year is literally miles more admirable than your whole entire life revolving around the internet. Not bad bitch behavior at all.
No. 1677665
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What mental disorder causes someone to act like picrel? Basically looking for any excuse to demonize someone, keeping 'receipts' on every single thing they say that could be kompromant (taking screenshots and links if not dossiers), taking things out of context, interpreting things in the least charitable way, accusing everyone around them of being a liar, a racist, a pedophile. Basically acting like some twitterfag trying to 'cancel' everyone except this was among their friends.
No. 1677714
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Nothing like being woken up at 9 am on a saturday to the sound of these ♥
>>1677665Sounds like BPD or maybe autism plus low self esteem. Sounds like someone who wants to drag down other people so they won't have to feel bad about themselves.
No. 1677724
>>1677665The "forever
victim" breed of narc. Most annoying and most dangerous IMO because they're typically abusers and will convince others they're the
victims, strawmanning is their middle name, they always believe everyone should trust and bow down to them for no apparent reason other than just because even if they want to make outrageous claims, then demand that others need to jump through hoops to prove their qualifications on opinione that aren't what they demanded everyone to believe. they are also determined to attempt to ruin relationships/careers/etc of someone for some inoffensive reason
Example: all social media trannies. There's watered down versions of these like Tate worshippers but trannies are the scariest IMO because they literally start wanting to crucify over the most minor things (but disappear when old white guys actually wanna murder them)
No. 1677739
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>>1677468Thank you sweet nona, I slept through it and I'm perfectly fine now.
No. 1677742
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>cut-throat industry with as much retarded milk as vocaloid fandom
>want to geniunely build connections that don't end with "ill use you for clout/your skills"
>a lot of women i found lately do this exact thing
>the only people who bother actually getting close to me are FUCKING TRANNIES of all things
I am sure i will find more than 2 awesome women who i am grateful for to be around, but the fact how most of the people are simply seeing others as pawns and a threat is disheartening. I am so naive and i am so sick of trannies trying to get close to me (to later try getting into my pants).
No. 1677772
>>1676152She looks cute I guess. She's not a model or anything or some gigastacy but yeah, she's a nice looking woman. Used to be a fattychan.
>>1676097>>1676164Just for you nonnas: she's 31 and still brags online about how smol and thin she is (posted a weight loss pic where she said she was 163cm tall yet months later it became 150cm, hmm), spammed outfit and body posts in several subreddits, supposedly has an IQ of 140+ and won a lot of scholarships but is not a member of Mensa because it "disgusts her". But it's totally super hard because she struggled her whole life not to appear too smart and condescending to normies! She's also an INTJ, of course. That's all I can remember for now.
No. 1677816
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i make my own bookmarks out of shit i've had at home for years (blank flash cards from high school/college, leftover washi tape, clear duct tape) since i don't want to spend money on a piece of paper just because of aesthetics. my zoomer coworker was intrigued and thought they were cute and "sooo environmentally friendly and not consumerist!!" so i offered to make her some. she declined and said she wanted to use her own washi tape. a few weeks pass and she tells me her aliexpress order is finally arriving this week. mfw she spent 30 bucks on a shit ton of washi tape to make her own "environmentally friendly and not consumerist" bookmarks.
No. 1677819
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Why do all these fucking romance novels written by women have the most angering sexist realities in them?! Men getting away with sexual harassment, men openly talking sexist bullshit in workplace and never getting punished etc etc why is it always there? Why? Why do women create fantasy worlds and add sexism in it? Why do they write funny office romcoms and a sexist prick has to be saying the most vile shit ever? I read these to escape from the sexist reality of dating and even existing as a woman, why do they even add it to their books? Why would anyone sit down and think I'm going to add the worst sexist shit I can imagine to this book that's mostly about romance or sex and then make the mc accept it as something she just has to deal with? Why wouldn't they take the chance to not add sexism to a fictional book, to fictional characters? It's not a driving point to the plot either. Why add this why why why I fucking hate all these stupid bitches for not letting me take a fucking break from my sad reality for even half a book what the actual fuck is wrong with them to be enthusiastically adding this shit into their books when they don't add any homophobia or racism even though the mcs are always poc and always have a gay male best friend. I just don't understand and it's pissing me off to be enjoying a chill funny romance then get hit with the real pain of sexist pricks being everywhere. I fucking hate all these books I wish someone made a list of books with sexist dialogues from anyone and the ones without
No. 1677884
>>1677871>>1677819Femcel/female rage movies are knowingly depicting raging realities. You can always watch 2000s female view movies which are either super sweet or the offending man gets what he deserves. In legally blonde, she starts the law school because her bf called her stupid yet she finds out that she doesn't care about him at all once she starts studying law and realizing it's her passion. In devil wears prada, it's all about a womans rise in a female dominated yet very stressful work environment. The craft is also good and it's a bit edgier, there are bad scenes but the offender gets what they deserve and it ends up nicely.
Stop watching tiktok-tier female rage movies and being butthurt it has female rage in it, lmao. I love those movies because female characters get to show their emotions and destructiveness much more freely compared to the older media.
No. 1677912
>>1677908doublepost but i felt some lump in my boob but i don't know if it's just one of those nodes
it was closer to my armpit than my nipple but still within my breast now i want to die but my period's almost coming so maybe that's what's swollen. i'm really spiraling but i know i can be a hypochondriac, it's just that it's multiple times that i can feel slight pain in that one breast and not the other but again maybe it's just my anxiety making me hyperaware of what's going on there. i'm so uncomfortable and nervous and frightened. i know it's vain but i don't want to lose my boob or my hair or anything. but maybe it's all just in my head
No. 1677988
Am I meant to just kill myself somehow? Is that what the universe wants from me? Everyone around me fucking hates me. No matter how kind I act or how hard I work everyone wants me gone. I'm a bother, I'm ugly, I either talk too little or too much, everything I say is dumb and I'm a useless piece of shit. I get it, maybe some of them are true, I've come to accept it, but is there really no one who can love me? I'm so lonely. Maybe I'm just worthless and this is my place. I was sexually harassed as a child, I was verbally abused and berated all my life, I tried so hard to change myself so that these things wouldn't happen again but it just doesn't work. Nothing works and I'm tired. I'm so tired. I want to disappear or live in a place where at least people won't insult me non-stop or look at me as if I'm disgusting. Self harming gets me more insults obviously, trying to quietly disappear/die gets people angry and going "noo you have people loving you somewhere!" or they say I'm just wanting attention. I've been in a mental place before and even then everyone just punishes you for doing what everyone tells you to do, then you "get better" as they say and all the people who supposedly cared for you are nowhere to be seen kek. Oh yeah, I got better for a while so I could experience life and have people around me who love me! But I have no friends, no way of going anywhere and all my relatives and people I know are back at thinking I'm a useless retard who deserves nothing.
No. 1677993
>>1677988I want to hug you anon, you deserve better. Please know that it'll get better for you, even if you can't change it around, there are people who will appreciate you.
>>1677985Samefagging to add, I have nothing against you, it's just annoying to see someone derailing this much so we can't even see the other anons vents.
No. 1678007
>>1677966>good books don't need to use shocking plotlines or traumas to make an impact on the reader.That's literally what she's venting about you autistic retard, that these books include sexual harassment and sexism without her knowing there going to include that because there's no forewarning. You're trolling, I refuse to believe a nonna can be this stupid
>>1677985>NtaSuuuuure you aren't, and she's not derailing for replying to someone who keeps sperging at her.
(infighting) No. 1678052
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Fucking hell. There's this dude who's been hot and cold towards me for months and he just recently entered my life again. I used to have genuine feelings for him but now I'm just angry, disappointed and resentful. He's on vacation over the weekend. I'm gonna play all nice because he probably still thinks that I want him and that we're on good terms and I'll wait for us to meet up next week and then I'm gonna dump him and tell him all I need to say and I don't give a fuck if some of those things will hurt him. I can't to this anymore and I sure as fuck am not going to allow him to just walk away from me again. This time I'm the one who dumps.
No. 1678071
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He's gone. I feel like it was the right thing to do, but I still feel so sad.
No. 1678207
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i feel pathetic. i bought a gaming laptop to finally be able to play vidya and i realized the games i like have always been of low requirements, and also that i don't have any friends to play with. my "bf" is too infatuated with his female e-friend and their weird love triangle dynamic they have with another moid, so he obviously would never want to play anything with me. and league fucking sucks. please nonnies i need cute multiplayer vidya recommendations
No. 1678222
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>>1678207Your boyfriend is a shithead and I wish I can play games with you anon
No. 1678242
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I thought my sister wasn't home so I talked to my mother about her super secret ED rather loudly and then she bursts out of her room…I fucked up
No. 1678266
>>1678265E sex is where you use the internet to pretend to be having sex like
>ooh ooh im cummingAnd you can do it over the phone.
No. 1678278
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looking at my art from ~2017 makes me so depressed. i stopped drawing to focus on my studies – entered uni – and barely drew in the interim. maybe i doodled a grand sum of ~6 times per year, and that's a generous estimate. i haven't improved at all. i felt as though i wasn't improving back then so, that's one of the main reasons why i stopped. i figured hell, i'll never be remotely good at art – may as well focus on this stem degree, get a good job, and just be a wageslave…
now i'm 23, a fresh grad, and i really have nothing to show for anything but my degree. i wish i had kept drawing. i'm not in an environment where art is feasible rn (i don't have my own room/privacy for most of my waking hours)
i wish i'd kept at art. it's too late for me now though. and it makes me want to die kek no happiness in my life at all
No. 1678316
>>1678207You can post in this thread for recs
>>>/m/294968Nonnas are usually helpful in there, especially if you're specific on which kinds of games you like most. Sorry about the bf, I would suggest ditching him and finding a group of women to play with.
No. 1678320
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I know better that to pin my happiness to my parents / try to make my parents happy. I'm 25, I have enough years of experience to know nothing good will come from being servile, but it's so hard for me to mentally let go. It's hard for me to tell myself that just because my mother is mad doesn't mean that I should feel upset. I do try to help my parents sometimes, but I don't even know if it's work it. I always leave feeling worse.
No. 1678331
I need to remind myself more that there is strength in apologizing. I don't like who I am, I've had sleep problems and it's made me into an angry, depressed, on-edge person. I need to hold myself in more and not want to be in the right all the time.
>>1678289I'm sorry nonna. Even if life feels defeating and humiliating there will be a point where you won't feel that way. Two years is a long time and you stayed sober though all of it, try to remind yourself why you got sober in the first place. I hope you feel better soon.
No. 1678341
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I actually cannot believe the amount of cheating that goes on/went on around my circle of friends and acquaintances. It's insane. I have less than 10 friends/friends of friends and more than half have cheated. They are no longer together with the people they cheated with, but it's still fucking wild that it happened.
No. 1678353
I feel so alone all the time.
My boyfriend is pretty useless at showing his emotions so I know I can’t rely on him when I need reassurance.
My best friend is the best at making me doubt myself, always criticises everything that I do, say or think. When I get distant, I have the same problem with her.
I have other friends and close people but they’re not helping at all. I.e., I met this friend whom I have known for more than five years and the whole 4 hours I spent with her, she only complained about her love life. When I tried to talk about myself, I could sense how she wanted to turn our conversation again about her.
Today I met two other friends because I wanted to show them a movie which I really liked. I invited them over, spent more than an hour and a half cooking for them and then when it’s time to actually see the movie, they left because they were tired. Mind you, tomorrow none of them is working, no one has kids, not ever a partner who’s waiting for them at home.
One friend told my best friend how they wish they were closer to me. I send them a message and here I am, two days before, waiting for a reply to an answer which I didn’t want to ask in first place.
And I know I’m making such a big deal of something insignificant but I’m so, so tired of always being the one who has to make an effort. People can’t keep up with me because they just don’t care at all and that’s the painful truth.
I know I can’t and I won’t expect people to act the same way that I do, I can’t give people things in order to get something out of it but fuck it hurts knowing that even for people who are supposed to be my biggest supporters, I’m never the first option.
When I was young I used to care so much about what people thought of me or how they acted with me. Now I obviously don’t care that much but sometimes I think that if this is the life I’m supposed to live, I don’t want it.
I just don’t see the point in trying. I think that feeling alone being surrounded by people is way worse than being isolated.
No. 1678362
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i started crying in a restaurant because i got nervous and my parents kept bugging me. that was embarrassing im not going back there again
No. 1678392
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I work an emotionally taxing job that constantly stresses me out. Grew apart from many of my friends. Live far away from family. Never had a boyfriend or anything. And yet, I actually feel okay. It's like I just don't care anymore. I spend my free time indulging in my hobbies to ease the stress of work. The idea of being alone forever doesn't bother me. I don't constantly beat myself up and wonder if I'm a bad person for not being close with my old friends anymore. Going from wanting to kill myself everyday and crying that I can't bring myself to do it- I'm currently just being and existing and somehow it feels okay.
No. 1678405
>>1678392So proud of you
nonnie, becoming your own best friend is one of the best things people can do for themselves. Honestly it makes connecting with people down the road a lot easier and it will feel more organic, because you're not looking for it, you're just vibing with yourself.
No. 1678427
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>>1678244>>1678266But what's an e-spouse? like you're married online?
No. 1678478
>>1678471Have you ever considered that some people get scapegoated or they are constantly abused mentally or not offered empathy. Can you shut the fuck up and let people vent what they are perpetually going thru instead of turning it into gossip which in itself is
abusive towards that is constantly going through interpersonal abuse
No. 1678482
>>1678474Dog people? Uh?
>>1678476Who tf is talking with you hoe