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No. 1683414
This is gonna be real unpopular on lolcow because of the high autism per capita numbers but…I think it's really stupid and ridiculous when an autistic person acts like them not "getting" something means the thing itself sucks. Ive seen so many farmers say shit like "this is not funny, i dont get why this is funny, im autistic btw" or getting really mad at the whole "if you get it you get it" thing. Look, the "if you get it you get it, if you dont, you dont" annoys me too because it's so typically zoomerish and tiktokish but people get mad because they don't get "it". Like if you're autistic and generally don't "get" jokes and things, then that's on you. I have several autistic online friends and an irl one too but at least they never do that shit. I feel like autists on lolcow often forget that they're actually retards. Like you are actually retarded, you are slow. I can communicate directly, I just chose not to most of the time. But if I want to, I can. Meanwhile, you can't "get" me no matter how try you hard… and thats supposed to reflect on me?
No. 1683500
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>>1683482I agree
No. 1683537
>>1683534I could be wrong, but that looks like Pixel from the account pixelandsophie. He is a Cornish Rex cat.'t have an instagram account so I can't get their profile for you, sorry for the tiktok link kek
(this is an imageboard) No. 1683541
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>>1683534>>1683537Unless the owner is photoshooping every single pic of this cat, it really seems to have a permanent smile. What a cute cat.
No. 1683551
>>1683541Thanks for the instagram screenshot, nonna! I wonder if he has some kind of jaw defect, it might be why his whiskers always seem to be missing, too. You can see the stubs in this pic.
>>1683545Kek I love him, too. I found him via a repost of this video. (How the hell do nonnas download tiktoks to post as video?) No. 1683552
>>1683524I agree.
t. raised by single mother
No. 1683601
>>1683524I don’t think anyone is ever satisfied with their childhood
>wahhhh my parents stayed together instead of divorcing and they hated eachother and should’ve just broke up>Omgg my dad walked out >blah my parents divorced There’s just no winning with these kinds of people.
No. 1683712
>>1683700It's usually how fatherless people or people with
abusive fathers cope, they blame their fathers hatred towards them on their own mother and say she's the one at fault for their father not loving them when it's obviously the father's fault. A lot of men don't show their
abusive/cheating side before a woman gets pregnant or gives birth aka gets tied to him so she can't leave as easily.
No. 1683715
>>1683700True but the average single mom house hold isn’t
toxic and fucked up because the father left, they are fucked up because the type of woman who ends up a single mother would be like that anyway. It’s not fair to claim that women can’t be good mothers on their own.
No. 1683728
>>1683705seethe harder defected xy
>>1683712I agree, though I hear fatherless moids doing this more often.
>>1683715Most women would become some degree of
toxic if they had to do both the parenting and financial aspect of raising a kid alone, on top of getting stigmatized and punished by society for it.
("hi scrote") No. 1683730
>>1683717She didn't say all men, she said "a lot". You don't need to misrepresent what she's saying because you are mad.
>>1683712>>1683728Do you think this is the same anon from yesterday who was saying women who end up with
abusive scrotes should know better? I was giving her the benefit of the doubt, but this shit is crazy kek
No. 1683738
>>1683717Well duh, abuse usually takes place behind closed doors and
victims are too embarassed to talk about it.
No. 1683868
>>1683738I have never met a scrote who is normal become an
abusive dead beat over night they are generally always like that and I don’t consider love bombing to be normal behavior. I think people confuse love bombing with being normal.
No. 1684041
>>1683900>i just dont get why most people hate polyamory so muchBecause they try to blackmail normal people into joining their lifestyle by calling them
toxic instead of just living their life quietly
No. 1684075
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>>1683900anyone who thinks this needs to have a look at the poly thread on /snow/
No. 1684156
>>1684048It’s such a L to get dumped for being too old by a literal
old dude as will inevitably happen to those girls. I (22) had this old (mid 40s) guy hit on me and I mean he was buff and took care of himself and had hair so I’ll give him points for not being too physically repulsive, but he still grossed me out as he was friends on Facebook with girls my age probably hitting them up too.. his last girlfriend was 26, he started dating her when she was like 19.
I get grossed out and secondhand embarrassment from girls who call old crusty expired shitbag moids dilfs and daddies. Keep that to yourself, THAT will always be more shameful than an anon on Lolcow saying she likes em barely legal.
No. 1684160
I don't think people should be getting exotic pets at all and also things like hamsters that are bound to become miserable. You can have dogs, cats or domesticated farm animals. I don't see the point in holding tropical birds hostage instead of raising pigeons or chicken. I guess people just want to stay "above" anything resembling farm work, kind of how people would rather waste water on a completely useless decorative plant not even meant for this climate than grow food or at least something suitable for where we live because it feels less dirty somehow. Also people who live in flats need to stop acting like they're entitled to pets.
>>1683405Used to hate my hooded eyelids, then my eyelid roll deflated in my 20s and now my big eyelids looks very overwhelming on my face and I look sleepier than before. Really depends on your features I guess
>>1683418I would agree if the cat population was smaller but also I enjoy the existence of birds so I kind of disagree
No. 1684172
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>>1684127Thanks for the info, nonna! I saw the Cornish Rex wikipedia page had an image of one with full whiskers (picrel) so I thought Pixel was abnormal. I think I understand your friend's cat being kind of a freak, I was also under the impression that whiskers were essential to how cats navigate the world.
No. 1684221
>>1684216Men are clueless as to what to do because women don't need them anymore and most men don't know/don't want to improve themselves to find a partner. The standards are not "he has a job" anymore like it used to be 50 years ago. Women are slowly waking up to useless and
abusive moids that request everything from women but bring nothing to the table.
No. 1684256
>>1683883>I wish it was socially acceptable to mock themAs if they haven’t been the butt of every single joke and the scapegoat of every wrong in society since they closed the fucking mother and baby homes that they were being forced into barely 50 years ago? Like barely even 40 years ago couples were giving their kids up for adoption because they had them out of wedlock, that’s how hated single mothers annd “bastard” children not legally attached to an scrote are. It doesn’t matter how hard they work or how much they fight for respect because you’ll still lump them all in with the absolute dregs.
I don’t think you’re a moid. I don’t think nonnys here realise just how many uppity self righteous women exist.
No. 1684267
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I don’t think shoplifting is anything horrendous. I’m alright with people stealing necessities like toothpaste, diapers, etc. recreational shoplifting is a bit of an asshole move and a ‘dumb teenager’ thing to do though but I don’t think it’s a big deal. Idk but when I worked in retail I don’t recall any of my coworkers getting in trouble when stock went missing or if a shoplifter got away iirc
No. 1684279
>>1684216>assuming men no longer ask women out>assuming all women blow hundreds of men (which I guess the women also asked out?)Kekeke.
Femcels and incels really are separated from the reality. Men not asking you out isn't a widespread issue, men beating, hurting, abusing and sabotaging women is.
Femcels are not entitled to men's love just like incels aren't entitled to women's love.
No. 1684323
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>>1684263Single mother hood is a two way street. Men shouldn’t leave their kids but ya also shouldn’t fuck men who ain’t shit raw. Would you look at a situation like this and think mommy is a poor innocent woman when she had a baby with a dead beat and then met another dead bet and then moved out of the state to go to the military and left her daughter to be tortured and murdered? A lot of single moms are just dumb which is how they end up messing up their kids life. Nothing is wrong with being a single mom it is just the type of women who end up single moms that are the problem.
No. 1684360
>>1684349I feel you
nonnie, I feel you. I've tried but he won't go past rubbing my legs kek
No. 1684369
>>1684335I'm with you nonushka. Yes, social conditioning is a thing and smart women make decisions that don't seem rational because of a myriad of reasons, including manipulation and social pressure. That said you have to get off the retard train sometime. My tolerance for helplessness and wilful ignorance is low. If you as a woman can't do that for yourself after being given the common sense information and fair opportunity, you are a retard and pathetic, and nobody should give you excuses. I'm as radfem as they come but the fact is we need to be holding women accountable for their painfully stupid choices or shit will never get better for any of us. My roommate was one of these women, I tried to pinkpill her but I knew right away she was too stupid to grasp anything to do with women's liberation. Sure enough she ends up hooking up with some scrote from tinder who did some freaky BDSM shit to her tits during sex (at this point she is 100% a
victim and not to blame) that hurt and scared her, and right after telling me this she tells me she's going out with him again next week. I told her not to because he's clearly dangerous and the sexual encounter was awful for her which she admitted, but she dismissed all this. I dont have sympathy for that behavior. Past a certain point you are plain stupid and I don't give a shit about muh socialization or muh wamenhood solidarity or whatever the bleeding heart excuse is. No, you're stupid as shit and you care more about dick than your life and the safety of women/your kids around you. I don't give a shit about such women. Sue me.
No. 1684376
>>1684369Thankfully in this case she didn’t get away with being a complete retard and leaving her daughter with an
abusive pedo she got 18 months in prison because the judge considered this lack of common sense to be child neglect but I really feel like she should’ve gotten life.
No. 1684453
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>>1684323This poor baby girl. I fucking despise women who let their daughters down in this way as much as the scrotes who abuse them. I don’t care what they’ve been through in their lives. There’s no excuse and they should be strung up right next to him.
No. 1684460
>>168445621-24 isnt super young. Just because you met a scrote in his 30s and he was an asshole doesn’t mean he’s a pedophile who groomed you, he’s just
abusive and would do that to women his age too.
No. 1684473
>>1684466Why do you always ignore questions or get upset at them? First it was about an anon asking your age, then one asking if you genuinely think you look 18-21 at 24 years old and now how you found this site.
Why are you so aggressive and stressed? Did your older bf fail to get it up because of his erectile dysfunction?
Just tell us where you found this site from
No. 1684478
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>>1684469If someone is unable to take care of their disabled children, they can either consult an organization for disabled kids or leave the child for adoption which are both way better than what most people do which is either neglecting or abusing their disabled child.
No. 1684487
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I always preferred getting grouped with the lazy kids when having to do group projects because that usually meant I got to decide everything.
No. 1684505
>>1684422I'm a certified autist and if there was a way too see that the fetus is 100% sure to be an autist I still think aborting it is fine. Just like I think aborting a fully healthy fetus is fine. Literally any reason to abort a fetus in your own body is fine.
My own unpopular opinion is that organizations that are about curing/erasing autism are in general fine and are trying to help autists. They do not bother me in the slightest, but if you tell an online "autist" that they flip a table and act like you support genocide. Unless the "cure" they're advocating for is straight up murder or torture then it's fine that they're looking for alternate methods to help autists. It's possible some of them advocate methods that don't work, but there are also plenty of "autists" online who are advocating for things that make life harder for autists as well. The social media "autists" have done a lot more harm and spreading of misinformation to autist than any organization has.
No. 1684513
>>1684473Why are you rewriting the thread, kek. You asked her about her age like three times while calling her an aged out hag, and then when she answered, you went "omg this confirms you're a bitter aged out hag!" Sorry you're coming here to fight and then point and cry infighting, but you're way more annoying than anything she's been saying. tactics can be used on "vulnerable" adults, but she never said anything about that. Her op only said 21-24 year old adults who claim grooming after a relationship goes south because the man is older. That's it.
Grooming is a specific phenomenon, lying you were groomed because someone is older than you so you can pretend they're a pedophile is stupid, and pretending she's advocating for gross old men to take advantage of young "18-20" adults is retarded. Anybody who has been online for 20 minutes knows the exact annoying losers she is talking about; some of them have threads on this site! You sound like you're insecure about having done the exact thing she's talking about and taking it out on her.
"Just tell us where you found this site from!!!1!" Christ I'm almost embarrassed for you. Newfag pretending to be an oldfag behaviors.
No. 1684550
>>1684524Ugh you're right nonna, lol. I even have a low functioning autist cousin who is so overweight because he only eats chicken nuggets and beats his dad up when he can't control his temper. He's stunted at like 10-12 years old. I just totally forgot about that kind of autism because if we're being honest, those aren't the kinds of autists terminally online activists want to protect. Advocating for "anti-eugenics" is because they get personally offended at the idea THEY may have been aborted. My stance is "you can abort whatever you want if you don't want to raise it, but once someone is here they are entitled to a quality of life" aka you can't take your autistic cousins out back and shoot them kek. And of course "quality of life" means everyone, so if someone's mom is constantly being beat up by them, she should be able to surrender her autist child safely to a place that cares for him where he won't be abused.
>>1684538Yeah, I agree, autism can definitely be exacerbated by traumatic childhoods. But it can also be helped via exposure therapy like anxiety (for autists who aren't retarded). A lot of online losers talk about "masking" and how it's so hard to "keep up the act!!!!" And I'm always thinking "what act?" Smiling at someone, making eye contact for 5 seconds at a time, and not raising your voice at them while on a run to the store before you go back to your NEET cave and spend 14 hours on twitter? You're a joke.
No. 1684590
>>1684550>A lot of online losers talk about "masking" and how it's so hard to "keep up the act!!!!" And I'm always thinking "what act?"The theory is always shit, we are all wildly uninformed and the current "community" is a circlejerk that would rather write fanfic about itself (feeling ostracized is a gender actually !) rather than actually reflect on why they do things. So most of us have no idea of how we even work.
The explanation behind the whole "masking" thing is that we always have an "absolute" frame of reference when judging things. To you mundane politeness is not a lie because you judge truth and lie in a way that is calibrated to your environment. To an autistic person everyone is full of shit all the time because we judge based on an absolute definition of honesty where everything that goes through your mind comes out. That's why the maladjusted ones came up with the idea of "masking" to describe the very normal act of keeping your thoughts to yourself. The truly based spergs just pretend they are spies on a mission kek
No. 1684591
>>1684513Oh it’s you with the exclamation points, you’re very very annoying
stop typing like that, girl!>>1684544Yeah I see fatties at the gym all the time lifting a ton and I’m like “Jesus what a waste of strength and muscles, they’re just buried under all the flab. I will admit some chubby people look alright if they have muscle underneath I think some BMI 25-27 women look ok, like
i think shaynas body would be attractive if she started weight lifting and didn’t lose that much weight but just toned up No. 1684617
I had written this in the "retard shit-post" thread as a "joke", but to be honest, I genuinely think it would be cool and a total DREAM if a super cute scrote ended up having his limbs lopped off or blown off, with his beauty intact. Maybe an eye missing or he lose his voice. Just nubs, a fit cute body he'd somehow maintain, etc. I can dress him up how I like, and if totally necessary we can begin the process of getting prosthetics which I can yank off when he misbehaves.
Anything else seems like a crapshoot. Most able-bodied men will try to cheat at some point, and be degenerate in some way, expecting you to clean after him etc. You'll end up caring for your husband most likely IF he doesn't just walk away at some point. Cleaning up after him, etc, so why not cut to the chase? If he acts up and yells at you, one swift kick and he's reminded of his situation.
He can't hit you, walk away, and would have a pretty hard time meeting up with and fucking other women. You can still have fun and hang out with him.
I think about this, often.
No. 1684624
>>1684590I am autistic btw, I know first hand what "try to pretend you're not a severe tard when talking to the cashier" is like kek. I guess that's what annoys me so much about them, they're acting like they're these sad little
victims of society and it's like. I saw your last tweets, you just went to buy weed and then came right back to blog about how none of the neurotypicals in the weed shop could ever understand your struggles KEK
That isn't to say people don't abuse autistic people. I just know most of these specific people are NEETS or leeching off their families in some way, so they aren't even getting out of their house for more than 5 hours every few days max. I'm sure a lot of them aren't even autistic.
No. 1684658
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>>1684048They really think that shit is cute too lol
No. 1684663
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>>1684658Samefag but give her about 5 years and all those men who are 25+ that she dated and she will suddenly claim they molested her
No. 1684695
>>1684544Having a greater muscle mass burns more calories. So gaining strength through exercise even without calorie restriction will eventually result in weight loss. That said I don't recommend it because gaining muscle through physical activity requires adequate nutrition so if someone's only eating junk food, they would start suffering from nutritional deficiencies. Becoming healthy requires diet and lifestyle changes.
>>1684601How are those two connected?
>going to the gym without dieting is pointless = tradthotWhat the fuck are you even going on about?
No. 1684706
>>1684630I used to be the fat girl on the treadmill and what made me just the girl and not the fat was walking, no gym, no crazy diet. Just walking.
I can't say because I don't CC but my diet probably did improve calorie wise, I can't say 100% and I was the classic "lived in Asia for a bit and lost weight" situation.
No. 1684767
>>1684758>>1684757These are the anons who swore Sam Hyde is funny and had me go look him up only to find weird deranged shit that just.. isn’t funny, just unpleasant af. Just remember that this site has a broad userbase and you might be replying to someone who is like Custardloaf or Shoeonhead levels of pickmeism, in fact I might even go as far to say that it’s like 60% of the site.
Look up Sam Hyde’s Moms video, it’s just them verbally abusing these women and making one of them cry.
No. 1684823
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My most controversial belief is that the gender binary is an illusion, not because i’m an SJW but because i think that everyone is a man on some level and some people are just less male than others. When I started really paying attention to the behavior of heterosexual woman it blackpilled me. It’s crazy how a huge portion of straight women are basically female autogynephiles whose entire lives revolve around making themselves into the perfect fuckdoll for men and they’ll openly post about their rape/DDLG fetishes for all the world to see, feeding into the moid belief that all women secretly want to be raped. I don’t care if they’re victims of the patriarchy who have been socially conditioned to be like that, at a certain point it’s not internalized misogyny anymore, it’s externalized. It really doesn’t matter who the misogyny is coming from when it ultimately has the same effect. Both autogynephilia and autoandrophilia are malebrained fetishes BTW
No. 1684885
>>1684882I wonder how do the prostitute-anons who vendetta post about shayna feel when they see those type of posts about hating whores lol.
It's basically a well known open secret that most posters in that thread are failed e-prostitutes who had drama with shayna and use that thread as vendetta and there is actually proof of this since I remember there were multiple posters in her threads who got their identity exposed and it turned out most of them were obese/ugly with a failed sex-work carrer.
Her thread is basically 50% prostitutes who hate shayna, 10% random bored anons who hate her and 40% males.
No. 1684906
>>1684855>Shayna threads - 100% female usersI agree. Most of the people in her threads are either SWERFs, soon to become SWERFs or are former whores. Sometimes there might be a lost moid or I'm sure people that interact with her in real life come to thread to shit it up.
While Shayna is a popular cow on LC, she's a very niche cow and following her hasn't caught on anywhere else. She has a dead thread on KF because moids just don't find her interesting enough to be worth discussing.
No. 1684954
>>1684823I swear I've seen this exact same post before, if this isn't copypasta then
>>1684844>>1684855There are lots of leftypolfags in the Leftcow thread btw. They have (or used to have, idk haven't been there in years) an internet drama thread and it was one of the most active threads in the whole site. The people who posted in that general had a lot of overlap with the Leftcow thread.
No. 1684977
>>1684906>SWERFs, soon to become SWERFs or are former whoresAre you lost
Only TRAs use this retarded acronym.
No. 1685013
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>>1683900Worst opinion ITT
No. 1685025
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>>1684048We just did this last thread
No. 1685111
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>>1684855related to this, Rancefag is very obviously a baiting moid.
>How do I know this? He must go through like a dozen VPNs a day with his posts (which is very obviously something only a dedicated bored troll would do).
>But what about the photo evidence? There are tens of thousands of people online willing to take naked photos with text written on them for as little as 10 dollars
No. 1685113
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>>1685111you know this is gonna cause more nudeposting again anon…
No. 1685177
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HOLY FUCK for the last time YES younger guys look better than older anyone with eyes know this. and older women have been saying for years that the older they get the MORE younger guys flirt with them! I saw it with my own two eyes with my mom! She was in her 40s and would get hit on by dudes in their late teens and early 20s. If you listen to older actresses they talk about it too! Either way idc anymore date who you want as long as it’s not illegal and shameful and you can fall asleep at night with 0 regrets!
No. 1685214
>>1685177Also based.
>>1685212Yeah that's why it's ok for 35 year old anons to date men in their 20s.
No. 1685245
>>1685239what should an underage
victim do to earn sympathy
No. 1685260
>>1685239>only uneducated girls are groomed/rapedretarded moid-tier take + misinformation because in the US white is the second ethnicity with the lowest birthrates for teenagers. sounds like you're not in a position to lecture other women about their intelligence and education
>>1684823>a huge portion of straight women (…) openly post about their rape/DDLG fetisheswhat doomscrolling on tiktok does to a mf. these women are advertising their OF account and like a moid you think that they're representative of the average woman
No. 1685299
>>1685291ayrt thank you for this! makes me feel better eating my low effort-dinner (or what the zoomers decided to dub (as they do) "girl dinner")
this counts as a vent cause I feel like everything I try to eat makes me feel sick and I'm actually mad. PMDD is literally nauseating reeee
No. 1685438
>>1685220You might not be a pedo but you’re definitely a loser. Why you would want to date a retarded emotionally volatile 20 year old scrote who still has acne and has spent his formative years on Tiktok is beyond me. Like we all know you’re not pulling anyone worthwhile.
>inb4 but I can train him to please meThis is literally the exact thing men say when they date younger women. You are no different.
No. 1685441
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>>1685339Hard agree, picrelated was far superior
No. 1685448
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>>1685438bait used to be credible back in my days
No. 1685450
>>1685438Butthurt “finely aged” scrote take.
All moids are shit, old ones are ugly on top of being shit.
No. 1685458
>>1685438As opposed to a retarded emotionally volatile 40 year old scrote who has children and spent his formative years learning misogyny directly from boomers?
All moids are retarded, it's in their defective Y chromosome.
No. 1685469
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>>1685438Back when I was 21 I had a suggarmoma 30.
She bought me a ps4 for sex and I apreciated it.
No. 1685594
>>1685441Better singer yes, but not better looking. All the grunge guys were ugly, only slight exception is Jerry Cantrell sometimes. He had a pretty boy look to him with long hair but it didn't last long enough.
>>1685431Nooo alice in chains are good. Maybe sound garden and pearl jam sometimes, the rest can fuck off. And while I'm not a drug addict, I can relate to the feelings of frustration and depression and
suicidal thoughts in these songs so they have a special place in my heart. Singing grunge is also very fun and it helped me with learning harmonizing since alice in chains have 2 vocalists.
No. 1685607
>>1685554Why do you think so? Are you a singer or voice teacher? Because ime it can be the other way around but imo it has nothing to do with gender but with musical abilities, vocal range, experience, talent, vocal skills, the vocal folds, and voice health and so many other factors, it's way more complicated than just vocal folds.
t. a hobbyist singer and voice science enthusiast
No. 1685633
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I find netflix One Piece unironically better than the original. I thought it's going to be shit and started watching it ironically and I kinda cringed throughout the first episode (although it gave me one genuine laugh with the naked Buffalo Bill dancing with a sword), but then to my surprise, the immersion kicked in and I got more emotionally invested that with the original (that I wasn't a great fan of in the first place). The way the characters act feels more natural to me and Luffy isn't as annoying. But maybe it's just Oda being shitty at drawing convincing human-like facial expressions? I don't know. Anyway, it's a pleasant surprise because I was sure I would hate it and I was fully prepared to hate it. OP was never "deep" like its fans like to claim, it's a kiddie shit with some more serious momments and moral lessons here and there, and I was always annoyed by the way characters act, the style, the facial expressions etc. With this show, I can get the same shit as with the original but also with more convincing, natural and human-like behavior of the characters, therefore it's better in my eyes.
Also as expected I still want to fuck Zoro
No. 1685682
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I think the "human zoo exhibit" part of the new Adventure Time episode was in poor taste, considering actual humans have been made into public exhibitions for zoos and had their "primitive" lifestyles made into spectacles for the people that trafficked/kidnapped them and their children. I get that it's supposed to show how sad Simon's life is, but it's clearly played in part for (dark) humor, and it's mildly off-putting. It's not hugely different from having an antebellum-tier slave character and making jokes about it. I doubt they'll get "canceled" for it or anything, since this is a part of colonial history a lot of burgers don't know about. I'm just surprised that a show from progressive CalArts "they/them" types would include something like that. All their espoused politics are very performative and fake, so I guess it tracks.
No. 1685697
>>1685633Mihawk is hot, Zoro is hot, Sanji is hot. Damn this show…
>>1685672Oh now I see
No. 1685766
>>1685418I don't care about Nirvana but
>general lack of sex appeal to the musicIs that supposed to be a bad thing?
No. 1685878
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>>1685864This is really true for both genders in my opinion. Unfortunately if someone isn't in optimal physical shape they generally look stupid dancing. I do think women have way more leeway though because there's more ways for them to be sensual or whatever, I credit them for that. But I would never watch a man who wasn't physically peak dance.
No. 1685896
>>1685518That's not blackpill. Blackpill is like the evo pysch, pessimistic version of radical feminism. Just accepting the society we live in is a natural by product of human nature. Blackpill is NOT justifying misogyny or saying that women shouldn't aim to make life better for themselves. It criticises women and men because both are complicit. This would be a blackpilled take:
>>1685768I don't think it's sexuality. Imo the real reason is that women are very risk/conflict averse and always taking everyone else's reactions into account. The carefulness and diplomacy of it all. We also punish other women for not being selfless/conforming enough like its the moralfag olympics. Women waste too much time and energy nitpicking and making themselves more palatable for others. Men prioritise success not honesty/humility/wellbeing of others. A lot of scrotes are faking it til they make it. Dig a little deeper and sometimes you find they aren't any more competent than their female counterparts, just more assertive.
No. 1685911
>>1685896Blackpillism always
triggers a spiral into self hatred, newfound internalized misogyny, inferiority complexes, and depression. It's an extremely unhealthy mentality but unfortunately it's more or less the natural progression for many radfems. That's why /2x/ is like… that. They hate to hear it but they sound just like ftms in the final stages of gathering up the courage to kill themselves. Fucked up emotionally detached edgelords.
>>1685795There are some autistic fujos but there are no normal yumejin. If you're over 13 and still making ocs in preexisting fictional worlds specifically to self insert as because you want to fuck a character that badly, you gotta be on the spectrum. You tell someone you do that, they'll never look at you the same way again. And the tism makes them love to tell people about it and be completely oblivious to how weird it makes them come across. Telling someone you think two guys would make a cute couple wouldn't be that weird in contrast, you'd have to follow it up with 1D Larry truther esque sperging to compete.
No. 1685918
>>1685911It's completely natural to get "
triggered into depression" by the grim reality of male biology and our position in this world kek. Only women who want to live with men deny that.
No. 1685973
>>1685955>if blackpills aren't going to kill themselves over itIt's not the suicide olympics. There are many vent threads on this site across boards and that thread is one of them. Also you are a piece of shit for shitting on and egging on mentally ill women be they hypothetical or not. I'd argue not being a monster completely desensitized from the male brain rot of the internet doesn't make one a moral fag; it makes one superior as a woman to recognise this and have humanity. You won't get accolades for being inhuman depraved shithead here, you'll potentially get some for being a catty meangirl though. It also makes one superior by applying critical thought about issues related to women outside of trannies but most of /2x/ devolved into meangirl tranny sperging and pettiness.
>what's the point of repeating the most misogynistic, self-hating and depressing bs all the time? Depressing I get, BP is always bleak but misognistic and self hating is debatable. Recognising reality for what it is edifies you. Living in denial doesn't. There are few forums on the internet and irl for discussing this bleak shit with other women since being female is a performance 24/7 of sympathy and empathy for those with no critical thought. All political spectrums hate women and the world hates women. You say you see no point to the misogyny in that thread but I see no point with the catty "your a TIF" meangirl shit when every political spectrum hates you for something that you have no control over as a woman.
>>1685953 Anon hit the nail on the head with this. If you see recognising reality/bp opinions from other women as "women hating" and misogyny maybe you have internalized problems with misogyny yourself. Arguing every BP is a TIF is just lazy and wrong and yet again more mean girl othering of women continues here. As with most women based political forums like the /2x/ board most women are only there to complain about troons as it's one of the only issues women have a consensus on here. Actual unpopular opinions are swept under the rug and buried under catty infights, pettiness, hatred and mockery of mentally ill women. That's an unpopular opinion of mine, far too much energy and effort is put into troon mockery than actual discussion about being a woman here.
>>1685959I'm curious what others opinions are personally, are the stage 4 radfems here? What stage is everyone here? It seems popular to be vaguely anti Libfem here and vehemently anti troon as if trannies are the biggest problem on earth and not the actual interactions, abuse, assault, retardation and upkeeping defending and safeguarding this behavior. When does one evolve into stage 5 BP? Trannies are not even comparable on the scale of an issue compared to how women are unwilling to discuss the fucked up nature and socialization that feeds Inhuman male nature. Another thing that baffles me is people defeatist mentality acting as if discussing this unpopular shit is a waste of time
>>1685924 or "should I kill myself". No, being defeatist and suicidal is not mutually exclusive with being BP about things.
No. 1686002
>>1685973reading your post, one would expect intelligent and compassionate discussions about how to be a separatist or whatever in the blackpill threads but it's just exhausting infights about straight women, cock sucking, random tiktoks/reels or even fujos. even less useful than discussing gender ideology in sum. let's be honest, what makes bps different is not that they aren't "completely desensitized from the male brain rot of the internet" because most of lc isn't desensitized to it, it's the fact that bps are the only ones insisting on the use of moid-tier insults, degrading generalizations about women as a whole, and a sense of superiority over other women (which you've demonstrated perfectly). like you said, there are many vent threads on lc, but other anons manage very well without talking like hateful nlogs.
>Also you are a piece of shit for shitting on and egging on mentally ill women be they hypothetical or noti have to say you're bold for using this in defense of blackpills who are shitting on literally everyone else. isn't it one of bps' favorite arguments to say that too many women hide behind their trauma/mental illness/socialization/abuse to justify their behavior? i only brought up suicide because another anon said that it was normal to be depressed considering human nature, which i don't even disagree with, but if you decide to live then you should probably avoid rehashing the same hateful/suicidal thoughts in a way that isn't helpful.
No. 1686032
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>>1685688 Idk if you know this
nonnie but most sci fi is an allegory for racism. Most sci fi books, movies and shows get all of their plot points from actual marginalized people. But they learned (or always knew) most white people are willing to empathize with an alien creature facing subjugation than another human with a different skin tone facing subjugation. Once it’s another human empathy no longer exists. That’s why sci fi is popular among white people. And such a racist genre ironically
No. 1686034
>>1686028It's because they're annoyed of anyone who has different views and since zoomies obviously have vastly different views that the older gen, the older gen can't handle "children" not listening to them and lose their shit.
Also a lot of anons are chronically online and see how some zoomers think of the older generations negatively(such as millennial having so much casual sex or supporting bdsm, sexwork etc while zoomers are prudes compared to them) so that also fuels their hatred.
No. 1686046
>>1686042No they don't but the millennials online do, which is why zoomers disagree/dislike them. I've seen several anons also post about how they saw millenial men complaint that the new generation wasn't sexually liberated aka zoomer/teen women didn't wanna fuck the millenial men so they ended up calling zoomers prudes.
Since zoomers are usually teens and they get harassed by millenials over these, they generalize all millenials and bully/judge them.
The zoomer hate thread is mainly used by anons who are mad zoomers don't wanna be their friends or talk to them positively online. You can see how most of the complaints in the thread are about zoomers being rude to 25-35 year old anons who to be honest shouldn't have been speaking to zoomer teens online in the first place. I'm 21 and ever since I stepped 18, I stopped interacting with underage kids online to not make them uncomfortable
No. 1686078
>>1685766A general sensuality to the music and adult themes and topics like Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and Alice in Chains.
Nirvana were just immature and ironic.
No. 1686133
>>1686102Idk if this is unpopular but I feel like using aliens robots blah (which I understand using back when racial issues on a human level wouldn't be greenlit to be made) never really works because they're never just oh hey it's this alien it is exactly the same as humans but looks different, they've always got powers.
It's kinda like that Zombies movie and how it tried to be like humans v zombies is like racial segregation but the zombies are inherently murder machines when around humans and have to wear tags that can be easily broken to stop them literally killing humans violently. Like the comparison doesn't work.
No. 1686200
>>1686149This tbh. I always hated shaynons. Shayna, munchies, anachans, and anisa and pnp when they were at their peaks are my top 5 for worst cow threads we ever had and the saddest part is that yea, all those were tacofests. Shayna did turn out to be a cow but before shit hit the fan for her, her thread was all failing camwhore on failing camwhore crime. Most of those crazies from back then are still there too, now even more fired up after being vindicated by her milk surge. Looking at how most kiwi threads are on male subjects makes it a little easier to digest: girls gravitate towards girl cows and guys gravitate towards guy cows. Gothic King Cobra is their luna.
>>1686070>if you said 'they just self insert in stories' (this is something most people do) they probably wouldn't think soIs that what you think? Some of the most prominent self inserters are literally people like CWC and Tommy Wiseau. It's a more common butt of a joke in media and almost never used in a positive light by onlookers. Mary sues/gary stus are a trope everyone is aware of. Sure, most people do it to some degree but there's something to be said about someone getting so into it that it's deemed necessary to acknowledge it outloud, if that makes sense.
No. 1686216
>>1686149There are only a few obsessive posters as
>>1686215 said. I don't have the screenshot anymore but an anon admitted to making most Shayna threads and said she'd stop now because she had to take care of her kid(wtf)
Effine is similar, there are a few racist anons and a few self hating muslims who keep her thread alive and try to make it seem like there are more people posting than there actually is. One of the retarded anons who have a vendetta against effina even posted her ugly bf in /g/ in one of the thirst threads and they always bring up how her much uglier bf deserves better in her thread as well.
A lot of the unpopular cows who end up on the front page on /snow/ do so because some jealous failed tradgirls or sexworkers vendettapost in their threads nonstop
No. 1686241
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I love fat women they are very pretty and especially the ones who accepted their weight and embrace themselves. I think they are very beautiful inside and out. It’s hard to accept yourself especially when you’re at a size almost all of society deems is unacceptable. So when I see big girls not afraid to be fashionable, wear makeup and be seen it makes me happy. Also I’ll always defend the fatties because they’ve always been there for me and never judged me. So why should I judge them. Food is the worst addiction to have because you literally need to eat it to survive.
I say all this to say some people are just born to be fat and that’s fine. Some people just look better with meat on their bones. While others look best with it off. I wish we could just accept that. I’ll also just never hate on fat women because THEY are the only ones who seem to get shitted on when weight loss is being talked about. Meanwhile fat disgusting pig scrotes get defended by both men and women alike and skinny women even pity them enough to date, marry and procreate with them. Meanwhile fat women don’t get any ducking grace in this world so me personally I never want to be the cause of another woman’s insecurities. It’s also stupid to make fun of someone for being fat because being skinny isn’t a guarantee. All it takes is one Illness that puts you on a pill that makes you gain weight and it’s all over for you. So be careful how you talk to fat women you’ll end up joining her sooner than you think. And I still think you’ll beautiful
No. 1686242
>>1685896>>1685918Stick to your own blackpill thread where you prove how evil men are by… Calling every woman cockwhore sluts while cringe about how dysphoric you're about your body? Yeah. As that's what you guys did in your thread until no one had interest in it anymore.
>>1685920No. Just because blackpillers post about how life as a woman is meaningless or something because they're butthurt doesn't mean that's true. Don't buy into their doomer-esque beliefs.
No. 1686244
>>1686241I'm a skinny girl and I'd never even befriend a fat man because they tend to have very weird double standards and always put down chubby/average women when they're much fatter themselves.
I also feel happy when I see chubbier or fatter women dress up and feel good in their bodies. Fat women can also be pretty while I feel it's impossible for a fat man to ever he attractive.
No. 1686251
>>1686249Not based. Ugly men don't deserve respect and women not being thin doesn't make them ugly, saying this as a thin woman myself.
No. 1686257
>>1686235I used to think this way but honestly after experiencing bad things in life, finding my way and learning to focus on improving myself as a person and create things I just don't think about physical appearance all that much anymore. Yeah getting stared at and mocked by young sociopathic moids sucks sometimes but
nonnie, the pretty girls who take 100 selfies so they can show off to some mediocre moid will have a meltdown when their youthful teenager looks fade and they'll believe they're now an ugly old hag (they're not actually ugly, they just think they are). I'm already ugly, I already look like a hag so instead of wasting time worrying about selfies and looking beautiful I get shit done. Also growing up I realized how disgusting male attention feels to me so I have no need to be conventionally beautiful to attract moids.
No. 1686290
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i hate the pokemon thread here because it's eitehr talking avout hiw everything sucks and nothing has been good since gen 1/2/5 /whatever
or just thirsting over the human characters
i just want to talk about critters and battling but i guess im too autistic even for this place
No. 1686295
there's no reason for 90% of straight women to be agonizing about men not treating them like they treat their "prettier" friends. i really don't understand how some women almost seem to think of themselves as these ugly untouchable freaks of western society or whatever just because they don't get a certain type of male attention. i get it if it's a minority woman talking, because racism goes beyond fuckability and seeps into things like employment and general quality of life, but in other cases, it just seems dumb.
most of the women who do get attention IRL aren't naturally flawless goddesses or whatever, either. they wear makeup, dye their hair, tan and get lip fillers. nothing is stopping the average middle class white or ashkenazi jewish "femcel" from doing the same.
>but my nose, my skull, my eyes are too far apart, my skin's undertone is bad, etc
memes pushed by other women, fashion houses run by gay men and makeup companies. straight men are practically face blind.
No. 1686320
>>1686306>I think because men know most women get an ego boost from shit like this this sadly.most women get an ego boost from seeing their
friends made to feel like garbage? get better friends. most likely men are shit and can't even pretend to be decent people around women they aren't attracted to
No. 1686372
>>1686364i'm really glad i'm not dumb enough to think things like this. that anon's post was so straightforward, someone would have to be mentally 12 years old and easily
triggered by any mention of race to take "bubuh u hate me bc i'm ytpipo" away from it lol
No. 1686530
>>1686353>>1686357In fiction, sure, but in real life they won't do a mutual, long term relationship with outspoken women who don't understand normie hierarchy. DIY fringe artistic sadgirls with indie film filters are not the same as IRL autists with glasses and no "inside voice".
They do love taking advantage of autistic women's gullibility for the ol' pump and dump, though.
No. 1686546
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>>1686526Basically gas stations smell reminiscent to A butthole since eating ass has become increasingly popular but the amount of people willing to partake has stayed the same. The people who want to get their fill go to the gas station. The government looked at the trend of ass eating porn and the demand for gas. Seeing this they decided to raise the price because they noticed people were showing up to gas stations horny
No. 1686554
>>1686547Not trying to be rude but when you think so negatively it’s no wonder your life is so miserable. I hate “
toxic positivity” but this self pity is strange like of course no one wants to be with someone who is depressed all the time. No shit good men want someone who has their life in order and can socialise
No. 1686569
>>1686554We have defitely reached a truly abysmal Era of terminally online when trying to avoid internet misery and
abusive circlejerks and move on with your life is often referred to as '
toxic positivity'. Anything that involves not partaking in being negative and logged in is considered
toxic positivity.
No. 1686594
>>1686554I have my life in order but I can't socialise. It's sad that the only choice for women like me it's either dying alone or be with an
abusive shitty scrote, but well, I can't change my genes. I'm preparing myself for loner's life and accumulating resources.
No. 1686620
>>1685671I was actually also gonna post that men should be the focus of ballet instead of the prima ballerina. They are a lot more interesting to watch. Not sure if it’s because they’re just better or because there’s too much focus on the fetishizing of the pointe shoe for the women’s parts.
>>1686039I agree with that too. Women are way smarter.
No. 1686677
>>1686620Fetishization of pointe shoes, wtf are you on about? It's a fundamental part of ballet and one of the few physical activities that are limited to and perfected by women so it's telling you immediately turn it into something sexual to shit on women.
Men are wonderful in ballet, they can jump high as fuck and lift people, but they don't need any more spotlight than they already get in every other sport.
No. 1686679
>>1686608I'm not a pickme for admitting that some men find me hot and I never had any trouble getting a boyfriend, it's just an objective fact.
>>1686606I mean it's your life. I was on both ends of the spectrum, being liked by men (as relationship material, not as just a fuckpiece) usually means you're liked by women too and are just a nice person to be around. And I prefer having friends over being lonely and miserable and pitying myself for having autism.
No. 1686757
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>>1686290>or just thirsting over the human charactersKek me.
I don't really care about the games that much, I just like the bishounens like Volo.
No. 1686987
>>1686757NTA but it would be appreciated if you kept your shipping and husbando sperging to the many respective threads.
>>1686290/vp/ is also full of coomers, you're not the weird one nona. Instead of calling yourself autistic think of yourself as being a more real fan since you actually play the games.
No. 1687014
>>1686547>>1686594>>1686679>>1686825>>1686980Beyond just good looking, I think
>>1686597 likely has an insane 11/10 "dummy thiccc" body and is likely very young still.
No problem with any of it though, not discounting her experience, just saying she's probably the exception that proves the rule. Not picking a fight, just tinfoiling.
No. 1687090
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facial hair stubble is so disgusting I cannot imagine wanting to get anywhere near it. I remember my dad kissing me good night as a kid and hating it so much because of this. And women willingly make out with someone that has that stuff on their face??? Grown out facial hair is better by a small margin but still gross. Men should be required to get it all lasered off. The only type of facial hair I think is occasionally good-looking is a tasteful goatee but then the problem is everywhere else on his face is still covered in stubble. Even "clean shaven" is still just micro-stubble. It actually makes my skin crawl thinking of touching it. Every man's lower face looks like Homer Simpson and women are making out with that. Sometimes I feel i must be broken for being so freaked out by it. It's actually one of the reasons i'll never pursue dating. Waking up next to a face full of stubble… oh my god. like finding a spider in your bed. Faces are NOT supposed to be prickly it's just not right.
No. 1687101
>>1687096like one an Italian vampire would wear idk. i'm not saying i'm a big fan it's just the only one that doesn't illicit an immediate wail of disgust.
>>1687099POO???????????????????????? what are you talking about how would poop get up there.
No. 1687105
>>1687103you're telling me men get poop on their hands when they wipe?
>>1687104how CLOSE is his face to the toilet for it to spray INTO A BEARD?
No. 1687109
>>1687106ok i mean you're right that it's a lose lose situation no matter how you cut it
>beard: full of poop and usually ugly>shaved: like a cactus and always uglyDoes it bother you guys when you have to feel your bfs stubble/facial hair? I'm trying to gauge how unpopular my unpopular opinion actually is, or if most people secretly hate it but tolerate it. And if so how do you not get turned off when making out?
No. 1687247
>>1687090Aesthetically I like stubble more than actual facial hair because it's not too feature altering. My own unpopular opinion is that a beard or a very weird hairline looks far more "deforming" than clown facepaint kek.
But yes, if you're even slightly autistic about textures, stubble is like a mountain of needles and I hate it. I don't hate the male skin texture otherwise but that shit's unbearable. Same reason why shaved sides and super cropped haircuts were a mistake even if they're not prickly like facial hair, they just feel bad. I don't wanna have to put on my gardening gloves to make out with a moid.
>>1687244Agree with this. They hate unattractive women for being like a stain on their pornified delusion of a worldview.
No. 1687351
>>1687346She was complaining about getting ignored by men in a bar, kek. That's not "respecting women", do you think those men are chatting up her pretty friends because they respect them? No. Those are men who want to take advantage of those girls who anon is jealous of because… They have men trying to get them drunk.
>If you're ugly, you should accept that you'll never be pursued for your looks and either stop caring or try to better your looksI said "either stop caring" aka accept how she is, ugly. It's not a disease to be ugly but neither men nor women will be interested in ugly women or men without getting to know them. If you're ugly, you won't have people ask you out without they get to know you and find likable things about you.
No. 1687356
>>1687349Stop trying to play games lol
>"I am treated badly because of my race and made to feel ugly in my small town. People make a show of trying to make me feel unattractive and undesirable">"Ummm?? That's fake??? You're just entitled and ugly, stop thinking you deserve attention. Work out and take care of yourself"Either you didn't read the anon's post, or you're trying to make her doubt her own lived reality that other people have also gone through. You either cannot read, or you're attempting to gaslight. Go to bed.
No. 1687358
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>>1687355Samefagging, stop deleting your replies if you're gonna accuse others of gaslighting.
No. 1687367
>>1687358>>1687355Now I know you're an insufferable newfag. Reposting to fix a typo ("an" vs "and") is gaslighting, but what you're doing isn't?
Here is what the anon said originally:
>>1686306>I’m not ugly but I am dark skin and just plain but I remember I was out with my ok looking white friend and the men had to make it known that they weren’t buying me any drinks and they only wanted to socialize with my friend and it’s not the first time that’s happened. I can definitely understand why women feel uncomfortable in these situations because it’s dehumanizing because men just can’t flirt with your friend and act normal they have to let it be known that you’re garbage too. I think because men know most women get an ego boost from shit like this this sadly.Once again: Read before replying 2023, or quit
No. 1687371
>>1687367>racebaiting nonstop>accuse everyone of gaslighting when they disagreeThis isn't twitter.
Also her race is irrelevant. Her friend is probably prettier. I'm an arab myself and I had an ugly white friend who like her seethed whenever I got a bf and she couldn't because she thought she looked better than me. It's not a race thing, it's a matter of delusion. You can be delusional of your own looks/beauty regardless the color of your skin.
No. 1687377
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>>1687371Race isn’t irrelevant in the real world you flaming retard. This is what I mean when girls instead of listening to other women’s experience the second men are brought up they suddenly have to go out of their way to come up with their own anecdotes of how another nonnies lived experience couldn’t possibly be true because they “the oh so beautiful
nonnie” from insert race here actually never experienced race discrimination so it can’t be real!! Go to hell.
No. 1687379
>>1687371I didn't racebait, and we already covered you didn't "just disagree". You either lied, or you're lost in thread. You're projecting your own experience to try and block out occam's razor that yes, some women are treated badly on the basis of their race - Arab countries can be especially bad about this to black women, but I'm sure you don't need to be told this. It doesn't have to have happened to you personally to be true. I'm honestly surprised I have to state something so obviious.
Everyone else can see how this discusssion has gone, so I'm going to assume this was some low level bait and move on. If OP is still here, please try to leave that place because it's probably full of small-minded people. It's not good for your mental health.
No. 1687383
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My unpopular opinion: women will never come together if we can’t even come together to discuss how race and womanhood impact us all differently but also in similar ways . Instead of trying to discredit others true lived experiences because you were the exception to the rule. It’s very male-like behavior. But women will never come together because a lot of you are racists like your daddies and revel in it.
No. 1687391
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Lesbians who seek out straight women should start getting together with bi-curious women and make a dating app. That way the lesbians that are obsessed with straight women can get their fill by dating a straight girl in order to turn her out and the bi-curious woman can also get their fill and recognize if this is a relationship worth pursuing. I think less feelings will be hurt this way
No. 1687406
>>1686547Anon, I don't know if you need to hear this or not but sorry if you don't like it in advance, but you don't NEED to be in a relationship. It's not the end of the world to not have one. I'm not autistic but have sever childhood trauma which can cause autism like symptoms, I used to be able to love people genuinely and connect with them to the point of crying over losing them but with age and trauma brainrot I legitimately lost the ability to do that and can't genuinely love someone or care about them anymore, but I don't mind. I just got used to this state of being despite experiencing the opposite at some point. You've never experienced these feelings so you won't feel like you're missing out on anything as much. I think relationships have too many compromises and restrictions to be truly good and worth it and I'm too selfish for it
as a coping mechanism because of my trauma, which is apparently a healthy reaction to that according to psychology, as well as shutting down emotionally and being
cold and distant, so I prefer being single and "dying alone" over it. You'll be alright. But the virginity thing is something I understand, I'm frustrated with my own as well, but I don't mind the 'pump and dump'/hookup/causual sex thing so I'll probably graduate from being virgin one day. I'm also bi so doubt the chance for me.
No. 1687441
>>1687377Men not buying you drinks isn't racial discrimination, kek. This is like those currycels saying white women dont wanna fuck them because of muh racism.
>>1687435Based. They should at least be judged for their looks the way they judge women.
No. 1687536
nonnie. Hiphop is my favorite music, rap is not hiphop.
No. 1687568
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>>1687435>Ugly women can existyay
>though as long as they don't look like men because of how ugly they areoh
No. 1687851
>>1687618it’s literally what
>>1687243 and
>>1686680 said, anon is trying to soothe her own ego by trying to dunk an ugly women on an anon imageboard.
No. 1688076
>>1687974I'm not dark-skinned, but tbh, I've given up and I'm just going to lighten my skin. I've been told I'm "pretty for a black girl" and had men of all races go between treating me like a fetish and negging me.
There's no point. You can't even talk about bad treatment without some idiot chiming in to say you're lying or delusional, it's your fault, nasty sexual comments and harassment were just "compliments" and you should be flattered, or you're making it all up. If it's negative, you must just be ugly, how dare you risk making random strangers uncomfortable by mentioning that your race may have played a role. It's actually bizarre seeing some people copy stereotypes of black women, but bash us and project the negatives of said stereotypes on us too. Either the goal is to make us kill ourselves (because how we were born is clearly a sin in their eyes), or force us to live as a permanent underclass. For the latter, they need us to stand out at all times. I'd rather just blend in and live my life in peace without having disgusting stereotypes launched at me, being expected to be some kind of social justice mule, or people blaming me for what others have done like I'm part of a hivemind. I just want to be treated like a person.
No. 1688103
>>1687974I have several white male friends who exclusively date brown(indian, middle eastern etc) or black women. Stop trying to make black or brown women into an unattractive category when there unfortunately are a very large group of white me who fetishize black and brown women.
There's a reason why the "never ask a white supremacist what color his gf is" meme exists. Men who pretend they're superior for being white(to compensate for their insecurities and actual self hatred) usually prefer nonwhite women.
No. 1688193
>>1688190This is so autstic because no one cares if someone is ginger or not in white-majority areas. Where do you make up these fake
victim complexes from. If it was a white person with black hair and dark eyes I would understand because those type of white people do get treated weirdly and like they are "foreign" by other white people.
No. 1688202
>>1688193Ginger families in the UK have had their homes destroyed. Ginger children are always getting bullied. They get abuse in the mainstream media. Maybe you need to be in the UK to see it.
Ginger, very white skinned people are treated like dark skinned people are treated in other races.
Every race does it. It's inbuilt self hatred.
(bait) No. 1688210
>>1688193You're stupid for taking the bait and thinking brown haired brown eyed white people get teated worse when that's majority of whites.
>>1688203You're replying to bait.
No. 1688222
>>1688203What because you haven't seen the news reports or remember the horrible things people said to people like Nicola Roberts(girls aloud member).
It's the same sort of thing dark skinned people get especially dark skinned women.
No. 1688264
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Black women are not ugly because of their skin color, they're ugly because of their facial features. If they had white skin, they would still be ugly.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1688318
>>1688259A man only dating black women doesn't make him a racist just like how a black woman only dating white men won't be racist, try again.
>>1688264Shes pretty. If she had runway-tier clothes and makeup, she'd pass as a model and we both know it. You can be pretty or ugly and it's not related to your race at all.
No. 1688354
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>>1688267NTA, agreed. It's actually crazy that that person picked Ethiopian Hamar women as examples of "ugly", they're striking. Also, I get that the goal was to
trigger black nonas ITT (who are highly likely to be African-American), but that's almost like trying to attack Italian women's looks by posting pictures of Bulgarian women lmfao. I understand racebaiters aren't smart, though.
No. 1688383
>>1688235I asked my mother recently if she would loved me if I killed someone (not that I plan to, it was just a stupid question in random conversation) and she said no and a moment later changed it to 'I don’t know' and idk, it hurt me? I feel like I would still love my children even if they committed heinous crimes, the exception being rapey or
abusive scrote for a son of course.
No. 1688396
>>1688383I think most mothers unfortunately still love their rapist sons. There was a case in my country where a man killed and tortured his gf as a sexual ritual, his sister, mother and father helped him hide the crime until it somehow got leaked onto the news and people rioted to get them arrested.
Recently his sister sent a picture of their family sitting on the sofa her brother raped and killed his girlfriend on
No. 1688416
>>1688373>hoping to lose weight by going veganlmao, lol even. wait until they learn about nuts and go crazy (/"nuts") on them because their eating habits didn't change at all. or caloric soft drinks which are mostly vegan too.
>>1688398vegan leather is mostly made from recycled plastic, and also i don't think anyone is getting hurt or tortured in the process (maybe besides other humans - sweatshop labor). can't say the same about animal skin, but with animal skin you're massively hurting animals, ecosystems and the same sweatshop workers.
No. 1688464
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>>1688448I believe it's a combination of many factors, chief among them being our poor diets, highly homogenized beauty standards, a lack of independent film projects where up-and-coming actresses could shine, as many actresses, particularly those from developing nations or without big connections, began with independent films and expanded their repertoire from there, as well as the overabundance of untalented nepo babies and meme internet celebrities.
No. 1688484
>>1688235Unconditional love can still have boundaries, like you can love your shitty kid and try to do what’s best for them without being an accomplice to murder or something. If it doesn’t have boundaries then it’s just unhealthy enmeshment or codependency.
>>1688225Totally agree, at least with regards to mood disorders.
No. 1688507
>>1688373That's the biggest thing that gets my goat, when people are hypocrites. I think that if you eat meat, you should be willing to kill the animal yourself. If you can't stand to look a cute animal in the eye and kill it, then you don't deserve to eat meat.
But vegans also need to learn about harm reduction and how make hard choices. If a product saves a hundred animals now, but over the time of its existence kills ten thousand animals, then they need to make the hard choice and choose to kill the hundred animals now.
No. 1688614
>>1688554Male/female sex comes with a lot of inherent risks for woman, and one night stands increases all of them. There's always the risk of pregnancy, let alone with a man who's name you might not know and who you haven't evaluated as a possible parent. The risk of catching a expensive or deadly STI since you don't know his testing status and he may be lying. And the threat of violence. Because you are so vulnerable when having sex, if you have sex with a man, you must truly trust that he will never commit any violence, or that if he does, that you will always be able to persuade him to stop. This should be someone you trust with your life.
Plus most women don't orgasm from one night stands yet men almost always do, so what do you really have to look forward to?
No. 1688730
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2010 fashion is not cringe it’s cute not “cheugy”, the big accessories are my favorite thing. It looks really fun
No. 1688815
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>>1688784It's also way harder as a woman to get a boyfriend that isn't just a sex opportunist. Sure it may be "easy" to have sex with any moid that asks for it, but that shouldn't count as a normal and healthy sex life. It's much harder as a woman to find a moid who is capable of offering a real relationship. Even the most grotesque moids can find a girlfriend, they just like to reject girls they don't think are 10/10. Tell me this and be honest: remember back in school those nasty fuckers who would bully and harass girls and were super sexist? Didn't they have at least one female orbiter who defended them at all costs? Males could so easily find a dedicated girlfriend they just filter themselves. For women it's almost impossible to find males willing to even be friends/friendly, let alone actually compatible and a safe option for dating. This is my uncommon "opinion" (FACT). And yes if I am still a khv by 30 I will probably kill myself unless by then I'm working a good job and have money to distract myself with hobbies. No I don't call myself a
No. 1688872
>>1688516It's not as if there are no wild animals being killed rn thanks to industrial agriculture. Idk, in any other situation, whether it involves humans or non-farm animals that people think it's wrong to kill (pets), we always choose the solution that causes the least harm, so I don't really understand this mindset that since there will always be some animals dying we should keep killing tons of them in the most cruel manner.
>>1688782You're not required to increase carbs and fat while decreasing proteins though
No. 1688907
>>1687465I believe it's a shitty evolutionary thing in the style of "That little freak can get bullied as much as needed if that keeps the group tied together and everyone keeps quiet, if they dare to retaliate and rock the boat then they're disrupting the group and need to be shamed and corrected into not fighting back."
The group tries to gaslight the sacrificial lamb into thinking that they have their best interests in mind, when in reality the group only cares about preserving itself and will always throw them under the bus if that's the use they designated for them.
People love to look the other way when someone gets bullied but when the bullied person does something unexpected suddenly everyone turns their heads like something bad happened.
This sounds like an unhinged rant but I cannot think of any other explanation on why teachers decide to be such fucking snakes to bullied kids or why individuals retaliating against aggressors are so looked down upon in general.
No. 1688967
>>1688418i think its the shea butter. idk if this particular tribe uses it but i know in a lot of african countries they swear by it.
>>1688455Boy mom's scare tf out of me and I always think its a curse if you only have boys. like you were a terrible at being a woman so god smited you with you a gaggle of XYs to protect a future woman from your pickmeisms.
>>1688730as a 10th grader in 2010 nobody dressed like this. Everyone was wearing leggings as pants and oversized shirts. Or skirts with leggings underneath it and flats. If not that then the tightest skinny jeans known to man and something from Abercrombie and fitch, hollister, hot topic, forever 21, or like delias. The only accurate thing is the giant purses as backpacks lol. Basically for all of the zoomer nonnies they were trying to bring back the 80s in the 2010s. It was really neon. Also lots of crosses on everything due to tumblr. And dyeing the tips of your hair. Basically if you want to know how people dressed in 2010 don't look at tv shows look on tumblr or like lookbook. That's where us teens were getting our fashion inspo from back then. (well us chronically online ones).
No. 1689003
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Nudes of cows shouldn't be allowed to be posted here. It attracts too many disgusting scrotes and boring nitpicking
No. 1689034
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>'former gifted kid here'
You are not a 'former gifted kid', you are an average adult. Most kids are gifted to some degree and have infinite potential to flourish. It is not a special title. You obviously weren't that gifted if it didn't carry over, using it to like excuse yourself from trying harder and wistfully reminiscing about how supposedly brilliant you were as a literal mungbean is just the woman version of 'I could've gone pro'.
No. 1689050
>>1687465Teachers, like police officers, always go the path of the least resistance. So violent, bullying and dangerous people get to do whatever they want, and gentle and passive, decent people are punished for standing up for themselves and not tolerating it peacefully enough.
Also I kind of hate teachers. As a child from ages 9-10 I was literally bullied by a teacher, she made me into a pariah and after months in her class I ended up with no friends because she made out I was some sort of evil conniving demon. She’d take everything I did or said wildly out of context in order to paint me as a bad, nasty child and she’d humiliate and degrade me verbally in front of the class. She ridiculed me for being bad at maths and handwriting. Every thing I did became an excuse to drag me in front of the class and humiliate me. If there was conflict between me and another child, no matter how minuscule she’d blow it well out of proportion. Other kids exploited this fact and if they ever wanted anything I was using all they had to do was approach her and lie and she’d make me stand in front of the class and yell at me. My mum actually went into the school to talk to her but it made it worse, her new insult was “don’t go crying to your mother”. Eventually she did stop when my mum went to her
again and threatened to go to the headteacher and then she did a 180 and started acting like I was her favourite all along, again talking about me in front of the class but this time praising things I was good at and kind things I had done. “I just want you all to know anon helped a younger child in the playground! You should all be kind like anon”
“Anon knows so much about animals!”
I also resent my mother for not believing me or not doing enough. She should have just gone to the head teacher right away instead of talking to her directly. To this day we still argue about it because she let me down very badly, it had such an affect on my schooling that lasted well into secondary school. When I first started telling her she refused to believe me or even listen, and only believed me after reading my diary behind my back and seeing me mention her in there.
Idk why this post turned into my life story but there’s a reason a lot of kids inherently hate teachers.
No. 1689071
>>1688797>>1688872No, you need to LOWER the carbs and fat and INCREASE protein
And good luck doing that without at least dairy and egg whites ffs
No. 1689163
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>>1689155No probably not in actuality, but I don't know if I'd be able to handle it if people started giving me a hard time for becoming a wizard. I don't want to be the only person in my life who is a khv, eventually at a certain age I won't be able to relate to people if everyone around me gets married, for example. I'm already the third wheel everywhere I go.
No. 1689172
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>>1689163i hope you know that it is becoming increasingly normalized that people are entering their 20s never being kissed, hugged or having sex. The numbers are only going up as the years go by. Honestly wish i waited to lose my viriginty. I was 19 and meme'd myself into thinking that being 20 and still a kissless virgin was the worst thing i could be. Turns out the worst thing is losing your virginity to a scrote who slaps you in the face right after. So yeah honestly wear the fact that you've never been kissed or had sex with a badge of honor. most women'll tell you they wish they waited and or that they would've never had sex to begin with. Sex fucks you up and changes how you view scrotes in a messed up way. And forget about the first person to make you cum or go down on you. It alters your brain chemistry and makes you feel like you are in love with a useless scrote if you arent mature enough to differentiate between love and lust. save yourself the trauma.
No. 1689193
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>>1689034Is this about this post? Kek
No. 1689233
>>1689221I tried vegetarianism for years because I was engaged to an angry vegetarian scrote who thought he was the pinnacle of selflessness because he didn't eat farm animals but treated all his pets like shit.
The only thing I'll say is I thought out of the essential amino acids needed some only derive from animal protein. I'm back to eating meat. I prefer not making a chore out of meals and just eating balanced. Humans learning to cook food such as meat has contributed to our evolution. If you can be healthy from supplements good luck to you it's very ardous.
No. 1689337
>>1689208>The majority of meat eaters are ignorant to their nutritional deficienciesAYRT. I agree but for meat eaters, not knowing about the amino acid profile of what they're eating isn't necessary knowledge because meat is a complete protein. It doesn't matter if they're aware of it or not, they're getting the essential amino acids they need.
>>1689221>If you want a complete protein from plants, you only need to combine grains or nuts or seeds with a legume. That's it.It's more complex than that. Each plant protein contains EAAs in different proportions and vegans need to be aware of what exact combinations that make a complete protein. This is without mentioning vitamins and minerals some of which, such as B12, are only naturally found in adequate quantities in animal products.
No. 1689400
>>1689168I don’t expect on telling strangers kek also don’t worry that isn’t what an NLOG is. I just don’t want like any burden of friends trying to hook me up or pitying me. I guess I could lie and say I’m asexual if it ever comes to that.
>>1689172Thank you for the perspective. Did he really slap you??
No. 1689448
>>1689172I’m really sorry that happened to you.
I didn’t know kissless virgins were rising in number though, it seems like the complete opposite. I’m 22 and don’t know anyone else who’s kv. Even all the other gay women I’ve met are way more experienced and I’m always the token naive absolutely 0 experience woman in the group, and I’m not even the youngest… other women find it cute I guess, but it’s really easy to get insecure over it.
No. 1689489
>>1689034I agree
>>1689046It's true I was tested twice. I hate when the conspiracy thread (I don't browse it often) gets derailed by 'gifted' kids who swear they were experimented on and are tracked by the government; meanwhile they are NEETs posting on the lolcow conspiracy thread.
No. 1689533
>>1689034I'm the exact opposite of a former gifted kid. They did those tests with us in high school and I later found out I scored very poorly. I'll never forget the look on the counselor's face kek, she seemed so sorry for me.
I ended up going into IT and graduating summa cum laude but I don't think I would've pushed myself and tried nearly as much as I did if I thought I was "gifted". My terminal tard diagnosis ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me.
No. 1689605
>>1689580I know this feel. And tbh, it doesn’t matter in the end how you dress because I’ve seen moids unironically drooling over women wearing denim pants and hoodies, saying that it’s really sexy. Like what? It’s supposed to be the ultimate moid repelling outfit (because Hijabs, burkas and Abayas are already sexualized by moids of many kinds) but they always somehow find a way to sexualize shit because of coom.
At this point I think that as long as you don’t try to say that it’s empowering or feminist to dress in bimbo or sexy stuff, then I don’t see what’s the issue with wearing what you want.
No. 1689715
>>1689045>>1689046>>1689047Solidarity. It's such a weird way to describe yourself.
>>1689533And I gauruntee you are doing better academically and professionally than the scores of self-proclaimed former gifting kids who make 60 tweets a day and think they're a shitposting genius for staring at their laptops all day
No. 1689746
>>1689448nonnie i feel for you im also gay and at 24 have never slept with another woman
my experience with sex is being raped by men. its something i feel really insecure about tbh im in the mindset of it being joever for me wrt sex and relationships
No. 1689927
>>1689409I mean more with misogynistic right wing ideology rather than the entire bag but I get you. More on the perspective that an incel will have right wing ideological views of women specifically, even if he doesn't subscribe to it in his other politics.
The unique hate men have for women so much that they ignore any semblance of logic or their own morals is insane sometimes.
No. 1690079
>>1690072Samefag, to articulate my point further: you can identify with both races, but you can't identify with both religions.
I've seen people claim to be, for example, both Muslim and Jewish, but it doesn't make sense from a theological point of view, and they're usually shunned by members of the two religions.
Whereas you can identify as both White and Black, altough in an American context those people tend to just call themselves Black.
No. 1690216
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>>1690107>you know that bi men exist right?Reeee I was trying so hard to forget
No. 1690219
>>1690189same ngl, nobody used to come here but now we're on the map and have people in hollywood we are finally considered. come to upside-down land azealia you will be worshipped here
>>1690199ayrt funnily enough as a teen my 3 best friends were gay boys (2 at school that hated each other and one online) and more than a handful of family members. they were always catty and misogynistic, and I thought it was me being bad at being a girl or women, until I figured out they just hate women. since I went full
terf my gay family members (males obvs the lesbian ones have 0 idea or problem lmao) have all disowned me. feeling more weightless than ever.
tl;dr no, but did without knowing, shan't ever again. that way lies madness.
No. 1690233
>>1690214ayrt fair observation I didn't really elaborate, I did mean men predominantly my bad. I usually slip into saying "them" and not men, I did not mean women. most "bi" women are just experimenting or being pickmes whereas male bisexuals are genuinely dangerous like
>>1690221 said. apologize for not articulating properly I think I was lost in the seethe
(bisexual ex bfs, found out too late, still clutchin') No. 1690345
>>1689608Are you saying this because of what's going on in France? I think they should be banned in schools but it's obvious it's just going to be a pretext for the entire school system to harass north african girls who wear normal long dresses or long vests or large clothes in general even if they're maybe not even muslim. It's already happening, I've seen a case online of a teenage girl being told to go back home and change her clothes because she was wearing a baggy pair of jeans and a long vest that didn't even look like an abaya at all except for the cheap synthetic fabric, same with a bunch of girls going there wearing maxi dresses like their teachers except showing way less cleavage.
And about wearing abayas regardless of this ban, I've never met any woman wearing one who didn't smell absolutely rancid. I assume it's because they're so long the bottom gets dirty all the time and they sweat a lot because it's always made in 100% polyester. A former coworker of mine was allowed to wear it and the hijab and she smelled so bad all the time I suspect she thought that since all her abayas looked the same she could get away with wearing the same one for several days in a row without watching it.
No. 1690436
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I freaking hate how prevalent "daddy" calling is in fanfiction, fanart, social media etc. What the fuck is your problem? Why do you find this erotic? If a moid would get hard from being called daddy, I'd call the police.
No. 1690462
>>1690454all high speed internet porn has done is prove once and for all that male sexuality is literally a bottomless pit
the degeneracy will not stop. the ride never ends. nothing is safe, nothing is sacred, once one thing is corrupted it's boring and it's on to the next
sometimes I wish all men who watch porn were castrated, honestly No. 1690545
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I'm sorry to Dworkin-nonnies but was frankly awful
So I haven't read any of Dworkin's other works, but if all of them are like this, I don't get how she got popular in the first place. The first part was actually interesting, but it relied too much on anecdotes and her own takes that we are expected to take as fact. For example, she mentions the Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust being the biggest killers of Jews, women, and homosexuals. The latter is true because of the sheer scale, but like the Inquisition is mentioned simply because it's more well-known. However, I stopped reading around the section about how the entire world hates Jews and women, and the only reason people hate Jews is because they are considered effeminate. This is the one and only reason according to Dworkin.
I can't take this seriously because most of it was blatantly untrue, and I don't understand how anyone could take it seriously
No. 1690551
>>1690545She was a retarded self loathing woman who had a few
valid points, so people overlooked her issues and flaws. Wasn't she the pedo apologist one or was that another radfem type?
No. 1690591
>>1690548"blaming" anybody for being religious is so retarded, the vast majority of the world is religious, religions have existed since millenia,
not being religious is abnormal
No. 1690632
>>1690545she gets crazyyyyy in Woman Hating too. The first 2 parts are ok/good and then in part 3 and 4 she starts claiming faeries were a real race of medicine people who got hunted to cultural extinction, homosexuality is basically sheep-fucking, and that incest could be empowering. The last two examples was in a blatant "throw shit at the wall and see what sticks" chapter and she kind of acknowledges that, but I still treat her writing like thought exercises and as if I was grading an essay.
It's interesting, she's a good prose writer, she definitely makes people engage with the text instead of passively consuming it, but she's hardly the paragon of radfeminism that some ppl make her out to be. I liked her speech 'I want a 24 hour truce in which there is no rape' but her longer works seem to suffer from trying to run mostly on her pathos and wordplay.
No. 1690656
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>>1690635yeah sure, I was also gobsmacked when I read it too. 1/4
>>1690642no clue, im not well read about her personal life, more just hearing from other online ppl abt how she's a polilez and used her Jewishness as a shield when actual lesbians got angry at her for being a fauxbian
No. 1690661
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>>16906562/actually 3 bc i cant count oops
this one's her using intersex conditions as a cope for how males and females are biologically equal and technically hermaphrodites, where she later continues to argue that biologically we are equal. and then she also later argues that to become equal, we need to become biologically equal in practice, which means women have to ~transcend~ femaleness, which is basically what TIFs are saying now
No. 1690665
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her pro-beastiality, pro-incest sections. I double-checked if her use of the word 'erotic' had a different meaning within that context but it didnt…
No. 1690714
>>1690158Partially agree but I definitely think bi women are mostly straight and bi men are mostly gay. And I can't believe it's suddenly "biphobic and sexist" to say it because "you're implying everyone is more into dick regardless of their sexuality!" Like… yeah, I guess agree that's sexist but that doesn't make it less true? Straight women after 2 vodka shots get more girl on girl action in one night than a "bisexual" woman obsessed with calling herself gay wlw on social media will in her whole life. And bi men are clearly just opportunistic gays who don't mind having sex with a pussy to have another slutty anecdote to add to the tab, but don't seem to prefer it or be that attracted to women at all. Their horniness is reserved for other men and with women they'll be like "oh she's so cute! Love her shoes". It's like that infamous Troye Sivan tweet thats like "being bi means when I see a hot girl I don't know if I wanna do the do with her or paint her nails". Gayest sentence on earth, if you're thinking like that there's zero chance you actually want to fuck her. Jeffree star is gay as fuck and he admits he'll fuck a woman or have a threesome with one just because he's a living STD hub and likes having the story to tell.
Bisexuals have to be the most annoying sexuality after trannies, they have endless get out of jail free cards about how they don't need to date anyone of the same sex to be bi, how they can be %90 attracted to men and %10 to women and that still makes them bi, etc. All so they can rave about how queer and gay they are online without having to ever eat pussy. They all seem perpetually stuck in 2013 Tumblr where your sexuality was the coolest thing about you and all your jokes had to be about having cuffed jeans and listening to sweater weather.
No. 1690715
>>1690656Well the church
did hate any women who practiced medicine on their own terms so why is the first part highlighted? No idea where she gets the idea that fairies were real.
No. 1690731
>>1690656>>1690715I shouldve clarified - only the blue highlights are exclusive to the bullshit-pointing. The yellow and text is just my markings when I actually read it that I kept for picrel bc I didnt want to chance ruining my pdf notes for lolcow.
But yeah she just drops the fairy bomb and moves on, and then keeps bringing it up during the chapter. She doesn't really use sources aside from her own experiences/thoughts that she takes to the furthest conclusion.
No. 1690807
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Lila Moss is cute.
No. 1690991
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>>1690656She's talking about homo floresiensis(a dwarf human ancestor) I think but I don't know if they're related to paganism. Perhaps other anon was right and dworkin mixed up the scientific stuff she read about this discovery and the pagan stuff she read.
No. 1691049
>>1691028This is about only looks right? Because I mean I agree to an extent, an ugly man who is genuinely nice can have the world. An ugly woman who's nice has… the fact that she's nice. Relationship wise.
But it really depends on who you are, all the attractive women IK who are certain types (really into makeup and fashion and reality shows and sports and being a nurse) are with attractive men.
All the ugly men I know are in relationships with women who are more attractive than them but I don't think I'm a good judge of that since I think all men are ugly.
No. 1691099
>>1691050dump him, that's fucking disgusting of him to say
>don't play up my features enoughew
No. 1691244
>>1691199My childhood best friend was a terribly insecure girl and was always being groomed by older men on Xanga and YIM.
One of the real shitty things she used to do was post embarassing photos of myself on her blogs. These were physical photos so she went through the trouble of scanning and cropping these to post online. I was like 12/13 at the time. I wouldn't mind if these photos were just for our personal laughs in a photo album someplace, but in hindsight she posted this shit to show her male groomers what a chunky, dorky girl I was compared to her to make herself feel prettier. Worst of all it did make me want to compete and take sexualized pics of myself to prove I wasn't so fucking hideous. I remember breaking down and crying over a really egregious picture she posted and she played dumb and pretended not to understand why it hurt my feelings. She's lucky these men she entertained never found us or did something dangerous.
Definitely gave me a firsthand, empathetic experience of posting pictures online of children without their consent. I could never do that to my kids. Parents these days don't even think about how damaging and dangerous it is.
No. 1691342
>>1691172that's insane, that's more than i make
>>1691075i don't tip because i heard people who work as servers bragging about how much they could make in a shift, and it was way more than a typical office job paid. why the fuck am i being brow-beaten to give free money to people who make more than me? servers are only "poor" because they work part time. if i worked part time i'd be poor, too. fuck them. don't harass anyone under age 40 to give you a tip, you retarded fucking jackasses. none of us have money and that shouldn't mean we can never afford to eat a meal out. for fuck's sake. in every other country eating out is affordable and normal once in a while. but in the US a meal out will cost you $150.
No. 1691397
>>1691199Thats awful. Why do people post
everythingtraumatic extra fucked up because it is her daughter it’s like attention whoring by proxy.
No. 1691420
>>1691362Ah of course the primary violent demographic of rape ape. As we all know Gay men are known to rape and beat women and girls the most of all males.
Please, sexual orientation doesn't exist in males anon cope. Sexual orientation is a larp for males who switch paraphilia from pedofile to fag like a light switch. Rape preference isn't a "sexual orientation". Pickme/tradthots who defend "straight" males are cancer.
No. 1691634
>>1686295Very true and I was one of those
femcels. I isolated myself due to low self esteem issues I had been carrying since middle school and that alongside terminally online extremism really made me believe even the ugliest scrotes refused to settle for anyone who wasn't a perfect ig baddie with double Ds and a BBL. Started putting myself out there more and surprisingly, attractive men who were just my type
did look my way and my hideousness was all in my head. Same way the internet convinced me all men would be repulsed seeing body hair meanwhile I've never even gotten a comment about not shaving my legs. Hate to sound all #notallmen-ish but it just harms your own self esteem as a woman to feed yourself these false narratives.
No. 1691780
>>1691756I'm this anon
>>1691691 and it seems dumb to call him bi when he's only ever been attracted too and been with men, he calls himself gay and acts somewhat repulsed by women. But he's not gay because he tried to fuck me once when we were 15 and still coming to terms with who we're attracted too and he was shitfaced drunk? Kek, that's like saying lesbians who had sexual experiences with men before realizing they're lesbians aren't really lebians and just bi.
No. 1691846
>>1691780i don't think she meant yours but ones like
>>1690714 No. 1691866
>>1691864Yes. You can be critical of gay misogyny and just how harmful and yet strangely protected it is without making yourself look delusional and unhinged. You can say "gay men harm women and need to stop thinking they are allowed this just because they take dick in their pooper" without adding some fairytale fanfic about how they want to have sex with you. They are repulsed by you to the point that they compete with you, degrade you, find your humiliation hilarious, and obsess over your looks while villainizing you and worshipping men and ignoring their faults–they do not want to have sex with you and saying so only aids them in looking like
victims. I swear if I have to hear "telling gay men to stay out of women's business is homophobic!!!!" oneee more time…
No. 1691881
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My unpopular opinion is that most fiction is lame and cheesy and predictable
No. 1691914
>>1691900Defending straight rape apes through omission and/or gas lighting yourself into relationships are several examples of posts here kek.
Women being quick to defend themselves as not "faghags" for not criticizing fags hard enough yet no one is defending themselves for being masochistic, pickme handmaidens for "straight" men. Which is a bit curious.
>>1691455>>1691631>>1691684"Gay men are just as likely to beat and rape women". Sad
>>1691898What's your post then nonna? most of these posts reek of rape ape pickme defence. Whether it's people here projecting their sexuality on imaginary male sexuality or not the point still stands that it's idiotic to treat males like Pokemons of least to most valuable. It's obvious that fags are not as big of a threat as "straight" or what I prefer "primary female rape preference" males.
No. 1691932
>>1691914You have severe mental illness and presumably schizophrenia because you're injecting fantasy arguments into these posts
>>1691917Probably. Regardless they're lacking basic reading comprehension and are clearly stewing in their own misery and bitterness.
No. 1691942
>>1691933A simple "No that wasn't me" would suffice.
>It follows logic that you'd defend "straight" moids if you are invested in it like the stockmarket doesn't it?I didn't defend any moids at all, I hope they all die tbh. But you sound retarded and your arguments don't make any sense, again you're just making weird conflations and assumptions.
No. 1691962
>>1691945>>1691911>>1691932>>1691946>>1691939Kind of interesting and telling the only responses I got from thoughtful posts are gas lighting and petty meangirl shit kek. Must have really struck an honest nerve with some. Not wanting to address the actual content of posts and just shit fling cattily isn't an argument. I know for sure it's an unpopular opinion now.
I have another unpopular opinion. People don't have good arguments here and have shit critical thinking skills as a whole. It's become far more common to shit fling and attack others character without providing substantive arguments and I've never seen anons complain about "essays" before on this site until recently. This site has gotten more catty, retarded and dumbed down as time has gone on and it's a combination of shit mods who ban for idiotic arbitrary reasons more obsessed with Reddit spacing and arbitrarily what they deem infighting rather than the actual content of what posters are saying. Combine this with poor quality posts and a culture that fosters catty behavior over critical thought and discussion and it's clear to me that no one here wants to have critical discussions about shit that may offend them and or they disagree with, they only want to shit fling. I always thought this site could go beyond being a catty meangirl gossip site because it's one of the few places on the internet where woman can speak honestly about troons, rape apes and reality without being heckled, gas lit and beaten into subordination by male internet moderation and acquiescent matyr complex women and moderation, if not retards in real life.
No. 1692099
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i do not get the male gaze vs female gaze autism because i think scrotes would find women who are consideres female gazey attractive too. i think this whole thing only really applies to men men find attractive vs men women find attractive
No. 1692107
>>1691966>>1691973Thanks for proving my point fantastically. I'm going to no longer bother responding to you, this is not the catty meangirl Olympics kek.
>>1691973I recall the community here not being so mentally deficient enough to read a post over ten words. Now it seems most of this site is populated with catty meangirl types who've the attention span of a gnat lel.
>>1692099The "female gaze" is just not humiliating/degrading women afaik. Neither of those images of conventionally attractive women are "female" or "male gaze" as they both appeal to anyone who finds attractive women attractive.
No. 1692159
>>1692118Female gaze is "proper" women who naturally fit almost impossible beauty standards, male gaze is any woman who shows her body and bleaches her hair blonde, gets overly done plastic surgery.
They're lowkey both damaging in different ways.
No. 1692165
>>1692159Just no it isn't though, that's not what female gaze or male gaze is. That's the simplified "I've never read any literature on media" idea of what it is.
Male gaze female gaze is suffering at the moment from too many people who don't know how to say "sorry I don't know enough on this subject to speak on it".
No. 1692184
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"Beards" (facepubes) should be illegal because you're willingly subjecting people to harmful bacteria. The intentional spreading of diseases is a felony.
No. 1692334
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>Male gaze vs Female gaze shit
No. 1692354
>>1692352Frantz Fanon's defining moment of European racism was Italian women refusing to dance with him and preferring to dance with local fascist soldiers and bw writing a book about hooking with a white guy(mind you he would later marry a white woman) and Edward Said was just bitter he never made tenure and blamed in on racism
these two men are basically the founder of post-colonial theory
No. 1692395
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This painting is just fine. I've seen so many people say it's the best they've ever seen, like the shadow thing is cool but of all the paintings ever made there's no way this is the best.
No. 1692465
>>1692459i'm enough of a napoleonfag to tell you this illustration of Napoelone at military school in Brienne is by JOB and comes from the 1910 book "Bonaparte" (a classic) which describes his life prior to becoming Emperor.
i'm sure your average r/history fanboy would think it's a great "painting" but serious napeoleonfags know their iconography
No. 1692540
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>>1692508Have you considered going outside recently?
No. 1692545
>>1692518It's been becoming more and more like this for a while now. At first it started with the childfree crowd subtly slipping in digs at mothers here and there
no, I'm not saying all childfree women are like this before anyone gets mad, and then it became gradually more overt with less and less mentions of the damage deadbeat dads can do. Now we have an environment in which people just say that shit loudly and proudly. People will cry moid, but I guarantee you that it's just a very bitter woman. A woman who never got over being bullied and/or alienated at school and now talks like a comic book villain, saying vile shit to get back at the world that spurned her.
No. 1692552
>>1692473aw thanks. sorry about the typos i'm on mobile
valid interpretation tbh
No. 1692556
>>1692508Weakest bait I've seen today.
>>1692545I agree with you. A lot of loser women here will blame mothers for everything because somehow, misogyny against mothers or motherhood is widely accepted and even praised, especially by men. I've seen so many posts made by fatherless anons shitting on their own single mothers yet none of them ever judge their father who chose to chase pussy instead of care for his kids.
No. 1692567
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>>1692550>Men will get filler to get buttchinsI'm so glad that they are beginning to understand what the ideal man looks like.
No. 1692581
>>1692508>"Birth rates" are an indicator of just how severely women are being retarded cattle.exactly and i'm tired of breeders pretending that high birth rates = good
>I don't care much for accidental mothers forced by law to have children either because if it's not rape well they consented to the risks of having sex tooi disagree with this though, the infection can very well happen even if you use combined methods of protection. it's sometimes just a lottery.
>I wish I had the privilege of being maleyour opinion on this would be worth absolutely nothing if you were a moid
No. 1692594
>>1692589it's more homo than troon though
trannies themselves are obsessed with reproduction and they seem to LOVE it:
>impregnate lesbians with my "girldick" - mtf>seahorse dad - ftm>"breed them" memes by tranny coomers, referring to unprotected piv, sometimes even pia - regardless of sex/gender No. 1692620
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>>1692508Ya they’re so retarded for being unintelligent animals that reproduce and you’re so deep and misunderstood I mean I bet you they’ve never read nietzsche‘s works and theyre Christians
gags No. 1692645
>>1692545You're absolutely right. I wonder if it's because of the overlap with edgy antinatalists since they say similar shit (but they're totally not depressed you guys !!)
I worry a lot about how this is bound to polarize the views on abortion in the near future. In the same way that the opinions on tranny issues became a Alphabet Soup Gang VS Vintage Misogyny gang with no in-between, except instead it will be Eradicate Mankind through Abortion Gang VS Insane Prolife Fundie Gang. And again with every reasonable opinion getting witch hunted by both of the main ideologies.
No. 1692699
>>1692508The replies you're getting makes me want to start a Female Antinatalism thread on the hidden board.
There's really no excuse for breeding for the truly pinkpilled. And don't even get me started on the absolute cancer that is boymoms.
No. 1692933
>>1692892Stating that breeding is a terrible idea and pointing out that it does not and cannot benefit women in any way, is not "hating moms".
If anything I feel sorry for them. They were duped by scroteciety into perpetuating the misery cycle.
No. 1693055
>>1693046Don’t pretend that you have ANY worldly experience of ANY person. You’re probably not even in your 20s.
>>1693052Yes and then they wait 10 years and marry another woman and try again. Why would they do that? They already ran from fatherhood once. They can only be hoping for a better result.
No. 1693057
>>1693054Not like your mother could tell you if it was rape, thatd traumatize you. I couldn't bring myself to tell my child they were a product of sexual assault even if they were.
>>1693055They hope their children won't be fucked and the new wife will be even more of a slave, especially if she's easier to trick or more gullible. I've seen a man marry 4 times and all of his marriages failed, he was 3 kids from 3 women yet he's still blaming the women and saying he will try again. It's so evil.
No. 1693063
>>1693057Often the next kids are even worse because his sperm is even more curdled.
Has anyone noticed the phenomenon of men abandoning their own kids and going to shack up with another woman who already has kids, and being a present father for those kids but not his own? I’ve seen a few kids who were the product of fathers like this and they were BIG MAD at their step families, but not their piece of shit fathers for some reason.
No. 1693076
>>1693058Nta and I just got here but
>I’ve never seen this situation where a man is a perfect sweet angel and then up and left his wife and small children 8 years into the relationship.Just say you have no life experience and go, this is not that uncommon
No. 1693088
>>1693062I was talking about rape.
And didn't you admit your father left? Why are you trying to make it seem like we're single mothers when you've been seething about daddy not loving you for hours? My father has always been around and he would support me even after I reached old age, I'm sorry that you'll never have that but you still have your mother who raised you although she probably regretted having you ever day of her life.
(infighting) No. 1693090
>>1693076Tbh I've see normal presenting men even literally murder their whole families so I doubt them leaving is super fucking impossible.
That anon just seems like a fatherless moid who's mad his mother chose to fuck and have kids with an attractive man who wouldn't stay (seen on his post)
>>1693051 instead of an ugly man(like himself) who he tries to market as a more loyal choice as if he wouldn't cheat if he wasn't too ugly to do so. Shame he couldn't get his fathers genes I guess.
No. 1693106
>>1693100True crime cases are the most wild and weird ones, kek. You seriously can't be telling me that you know all about men because you obsessively love watching criminal docuseries about
abusive men. Fatherless-chan, you're even more mentally ill than I first thought you were.
No. 1693120
>>1693114Maybe. I was actually thinking the same thing because just as she(?) was making posts about her father leaving in this thread, someone made one post about how women are the ones to dislike each other the most and jealousy is the culprit.
I still think it's one singular fatherless porn addicted man or again a fatherless sexworker(sadder scenerio) whos been baiting, that'd explain his obsession with claiming were jealous of an exploited woman.
No. 1693144
>>1693140No I didn’t argue anything. I don’t even know who Sydney is kek wtf are you talking about?
>>1693142I don’t need to tell myself anything because it’s a fact that I know
No. 1693148
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>>1693146Judging by your logic you're just jealous I'm hotter and younger because women can only hate another women if they're jealous of her, right? Is that why you're obsessed with zoomers? Jealousy?
No. 1693156
>>1693051 it's a fatherless anon whos been attacking single mothers because he thinks his mother is the one responsible for him growing up without a father. See his
>>1693041 post where he blames women for deadbeat fathers
No. 1693158
>>1693155 You admitted to being the nonsaging celebricows poster and even explained why you don't save in this post
>>1693124 didn't you?
No. 1693177
>>1693170She never accused you of being male? She just said it's said for someone to just argue with anonymous women just to annoy these women.
>>1693162I thought you've been here longer than we've been able to use bathroom?
>>1693124 how can you be so bad at integrating if you've been here all along?
No. 1693182
>>1693179You only sage in the celebricows thread, you don't have to sage in /ot/. This proves you're new though so thanks for the info.
Where did you find out about this site? R9k? Reddit?
No. 1693197
>>1693191It's an r9k
femcel behavior pattern. They'll(usually femanons but can be male too) go on and make posts to get attention there and then tell the the repliers they're not important because deep down they know they want irl friendships yet have to stick to online validation because they never go out.
So practically this
>>1693193 this post explained it better than I could. I'm sure she came here instead because the attention she got on other imageboards are much more annoying than here and if she's not willing to send nudes, no one would pay attention to her on a male oriented site
No. 1693205
>>1693201Nta but
>Sometimes people come on anonymous sites just to talk shit and not be noticed.Yeah people that don't want to be noticed don't try so hard to bait everyone into an argument, if you weren't here to be noticed and truly didn't care what anyone thought of your opinion you'd say it and ignore the replies
No. 1693220
>>1693217Please stop replying to the
femcel. Just ignore it, it's whatever.
No. 1693221
>>1693220We have moved on from me being a scrote to being a
femcel? Progress I guess.
No. 1693227
>>1692508The replies to your post speak for themselves; short catty irrational spergs and/or schizo accusations that you're somehow defending moid fathers. You're right nonna but you need to keep this post in the antinatal/pinkpill or blackpill threads in /2X/ lest you conjure the wrath of /ot/. There's a breeding thread in /ot/ afterall, dozens of women here confessing that they willingly want to be assaulted and dehumanized in the confession threads/relationship threads and most women are horribly in denial about male violence in general here and will bend over backwards to slander you to shut up until you stop. Mothers are stupid, not because they are female or any other strawman moid reason but because of the reasons you stated; they trust males and are willing to cripple their bodies for the sake of pumping another
victim to be used or rapist out.
The mainstream thought on this site is pretending to hate males performatively to other women calling them moids, rapists, coom addicts and sick because of how dehumanized women are and things like porn existing while also decrying about male paraphilia but then turning around and dedicating your entire life to them paradoxically by ignoring all this and still breeding with them to create a new
victim or rapist. I see no counter argument at all to your post, only catty snide responses. There is no counter to this hence the one anon that had to strawman about how your post is somehow defending fathers and attacks on character despite the fact that we are all anonymous here.
>>1692518>You're just like Andrew Taint! Andrew Taint literally wants woman to become broodmares so they can make more rapeape males and go back to having no job prospects instead of out performing men in academia so that they are brain-dead once again and reliant on their husbands. Did I miss the antinatalist content of Andrew Taint where he tells women to stay in school, foster their own development and put themselves before men and children? Did Andrew Taint argue men are rapists who should be starved of the vital sexual resource of woman and the nurturing of mothers?
(baiting/infighting) No. 1693231
>>1693227What about where they said women can always tell when a man is going to be a bad father or that women can always tell when a man is going to murder his entire family? That's just naive
victim blaming, not very pink pilled at all to say women should just know when a man is going to suddenly murder her one day, if that were true no women would get murdered ever.
No. 1693246
>>1693240Isn’t calling women fatherless because they act a certain way scrote tactic? Anon could be a woman from a good family with a great father who just sees how people outside of her circle acts. The rich and educated judge shitty parents more than poor people do. Poor and uneducated people are too dumb to see the red flags to know what’s happening is
No. 1693247
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>>1693244Samefag, you deleted your reply because as I said before, you again retracted something (being fatherless) in a new reply and then remembered you admitted to it before in this thread.
No. 1693254
>>1693045>>1693046>>1693048>>1693049Retard misognists defend misognistic slander against single mothers by using the "daddy issues" defence. The definition of irony.
>>1693231>That's just naive victim blaming, not very pink pilled at all to say women should just know when a man is going to suddenly murder her one day, if that were true no women would get murdered ever.I don't know what post you're referring to, you should link it. But deciding to play chicken with potential predators is unwise. Of course no one is a mind reader but we all are socialized the same as women and girls, we all know men are an omnipresent danger past the age of adulthood onwards. I'd also add that you can't be "
victim blamed" if you don't interact with predators in the first place and refuse to make yourself a
victim. Many children and women are
victims, a woman who is attacked at random while jogging and a child who is assaulted by their parent for example, but comparing fully consenting women to these
victims is insulting and purposefully infantilizing. It's goal is to purposefully muddy the waters so that men are more accepted for their socialized "
toxic masculinity" rather than acknowledging their overt rapist biology. Call me "
victim blaming" but playing chicken is not the same as this clear uncontrolled victimhood and I refuse to follow the logic of liberal feminists on this idiotic shit who want to put victimized women and children in the same boat as regretful women who hate fuck rapists. Women need to be peaked on male biology so they don't end up
victims not make up elastic excuses for keeping "rape culture" alive and well.
No. 1693259
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anita bryant was unfairly demonised
No. 1693265
>>1693264That's not what I'm talking about, read her post and read my response. We're talking about rape
victims not single mothers. The reading comprehension here is in the gutter
No. 1693270
>>1693265Most of the anons are talking about consenting women. Of course we aren’t talking about rape
victims. Be forreal.
No. 1693274
>>1693051>My dad was a jobless asshole with no highschool diploma. No shit he would make a terrible father but he was blonde with a nice tan back in the day so I can see why my mom fucked him. She could’ve used a condom tho.>>1693085>I mean yeah obviously. trashy people tend to end up single moms and dead beat dads who won’t pay child support so that make sense right kek. I’m definitely not around old money or educated people.>>1693089>I mean yeah of course my dad wouldn’t support me because he’s a dead beat but he’s always been a dead beatYou admitted several times to your father not being around and you being grown up in a very poor and trashy environment. Why lie now? Why are you acting like
>>1693246 is right and you didn't already admit to being raised in a trashy environment without a father?
No. 1693280
>>1693270Here's what I said
>That's just naive victim blaming, not very pink pilled at all to say women should just know when a man is going to suddenly murder her one day, if that were true no women would get murdered ever.And here's the anons response
>I don't know what post you're referring to, you should link it. But deciding to play chicken with potential predators is unwise. Of course no one is a mind reader but we all are socialized the same as women and girls, we all know men are an omnipresent danger past the age of adulthood onwards. I'd also add that you can't be "victim blamed" if you don't interact with predators in the first place and refuse to make yourself a victim. Many children and women are victims, a woman who is attacked at random while jogging and a child who is assaulted by their parent for example, but comparing fully consenting women to these victims is insulting and purposefully infantilizing. It's goal is to purposefully muddy the waters so that men are more accepted for their socialized "toxic masculinity" rather than acknowledging their overt rapist biology. Call me "victim blaming" but playing chicken is not the same as this clear uncontrolled victimhood and I refuse to follow the logic of liberal feminists on this idiotic shit who want to put victimized women and children in the same boat as regretful women who hate fuck rapists. Women need to be peaked on male biology so they don't end up victims not make up elastic excuses for keeping "rape culture" alive and well.I commented about
victim blaming with rape and murder, and she responded about rape and murder. We're not talking about single mothers right now, keep up or but out of the conversation. Not everything is about whatever you're currently obsessed with
No. 1693294
>>1693289It goes underreported when it's by a stranger because they usually can't catch strangers. If we believe stats legal firms provide, since most women couldn't get their rapist/assaulter arrested, probably less than %1 of women have ever been sexually harassed their whole lifes but we both know that that number is far too small.
Kids are less likely to be able to tell on a stranger who has abused them once and if it comes out later it's impossible to find that stranger while if the abuser is a family member, they're more likely to be caught and even if the child reports later on, the family member can be found.
No. 1693323
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>>1690675Are you me!? I had an acting teacher stop me after class tears in her eyes telling me I have a gift and I should never stop. I stopped then and there! 7th grade Math teacher told me I was naturally gifted at math and put me in honors. I told him dude I just like the way you taught it. He puts me in it anyway. And I almost didn’t graduate on purpose. I don’t like being praised it messes with my head and makes me feel like I have to live up to an expectation I didn’t even know existed. I’ve been trying to push my family and friends away so that I can feel less guilty about ending it but I feel like humans sense that shit and cling to you more! It’s sick just leave me alone. Im a failure who’s too afraid to try.
No. 1693345
>>1693334Moids in close proximity to those vulnerable with control/power that doesn't come with strangers = more instances of rape and abuse. This is noted across the board, in different cultures and countries, while your "It's all strangers and everyone just didn't know how to report" hypothesis isn't.
Since this whole discussion seems to stem from the parent sperging from someone who admitted they don't respect women if they reproduce and wishes they were a man, this shit was probably bait from the start. Just wild seeing this sort of confident stupidity in the wild.
No. 1693382
>>1693377A lot of people will be nice to losers or slower kids out of pity. Teachers tell kids parents that they have super great potential but they're wasting it when their grades are shit as a way to comfort them.
Most "gifted" students are just autists who won't survive in college unless they're actually gifted enough to do projects and stuff on larger scale. Gifted and different are nicer words people use for kids with aspergers, adhd, etc.
No. 1693503
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>>1693490oooh you’re engineering the beems?Good on you queen actually you specifically should stay in school
No. 1694407
>>1693392Nta but See
>>1693257Daddy issues Is not a argument.
>>1693370What do you propose is the solution to this problem? Strengthening laws will not stop males from raping women in this way.
>>1693260>Oh fuck off, you clearly have never known a woman who was abused or raped by her significant other The sad thing is I do. I volunteer at my local battered women shelter and homeless shelters and have met women who go back to their
abusive partners multiple times even after their family members beg them to stop but it's so thoroughly in them to torture themselves. It's nothing short of masochism to watch women do this to themselves. It's exhausting hearing excuses made for rapists by the
victims and incredibly bleak, I refuse to enable it anymore. I've had my sympathy eroded by this cyclic behavior, it's like a nurse having to deal with terminal cancer patients suffering in palliative care. Men will never see women as human so all women can do is take their autonomy and power and remove it away from men as much as possible.
>You are the worst type of people to happen to feminism, you can warn women of dangers and potential risks without blaming them.How do you propose woman are peaked on male violence then? I want to be clear that these are consenting women who consent to their own abuse, and put themselves in dangerous situations with predators. It's a horrible cycle of violence how many times do I have to tell you?