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No. 1694178
>>1693979This is me. I used to always complain about people who disappeared once they got into relationships and now I realize that happened to me and I really don’t have any close female friends now. It fucking sucks but I’m actively working on it
>>1693548Kek what is the threadpic from
No. 1694911
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>>1694903Same I embracing the rot consuming me. Until I am no more.
No. 1694932
>>1694903I love getting older too. It’s the idgaf attitude that I embrace.
>>1694909Stfu moid
No. 1694992
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I dont care about sexualized female characters honestly, i even like some . I just wish the discourse was less ''moids stop drawing big booba women!!!'' and more ''media, please start making more stuff for horny women''. Good smile company having a whole line of figures of every female anime character remotely popular in a bunny suit, but only two male characters in bunny suit outfits is the real sexism.
No. 1695047
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Jordan Peele is pretty hot. He's funny without being pathetic and smart without being obnoxious. Also married for years to a woman his age lol, which helps the appeal.
No. 1695231
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People use Linux because they want to
People use Windows because they have to
No. 1695352
>>1695350He co-founded it with Demi Moore, who is a trafficking
victim. He did groom Mila and honestly some of the males who get themselves involved in any organization about kids, especially ones involving kids who are already traumatized, are just trying to gain access to children.
No. 1695392
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I love fermenting my own foods. Don't care if I'm doing it wrong, my kimchi is seuu good
No. 1695408
>>1695402>he touched herRight lol and I only met him once why is he touching me
>>1695404I didn’t need to assume because I know he did want to fuck me.
No. 1695410
>>1695404>>1695391>>1695396>>1695398>>1695399Stop defending him, pickme collaborator ass motherfuckers.
What the fuck do you mean "Trust me"? Was it you? Were you there? There's always some birdlike woman playing advocate for a man, even here. I'm sick of it!!!!
No. 1695436
>>1695421>He was negging her, not trying to imply he wants to cheat!It's both. Men don't put their arms around their girlfriend's BFF bcause "haha we're chums and buddies". There's other dodgy triangulation shit at play in making a joke about your girlfriend being fat and trying to get her friend to join in mocking her, too.
The only reasons to play dumb like this are either you guys are actual children, or you're exactly the type to let your friend's boyfriends (and men in general) flirt with you and pretend you're oblivious.
No. 1695446
>>1695439How? I said "there's a difference between making a shitty joke in poor taste and actually asking someone to have sex with you", which there is a grave difference kek. Oh my goodness.
>>1695442I'm not fat and my husband and I don't have any friends, thats why I've never been in this situation
KEK No. 1695455
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>>1695446>I'm not fat and my husband and I don't have any friendsLul opinion discarded
No. 1695461
>>1695432>my point is women bragging on their bf means nothing because most women can’t see when their men are trashI can agree with that and I can see that your friend is that type of person. Maybe he was trying to flirt with you based off of the WoW thing, but obviously I was just going off of the interaction that you described. I do still think it's wrong to not say anything, regardless of if it was flirting or not, if you consider her a friend though.
>>1695436>The only reasons to play dumb like this are either you guys are actual children, or you're exactly the type to let your friend's boyfriends (and men in general) flirt with you and pretend you're oblivious.This is a great example of why it's so annoying to discuss anything on here if your perspective is at all different from another anon.
No. 1695468
>>1695436>The only reasons to play dumb like this are either you guys are actual children, or you're exactly the type to let your friend's boyfriends (and men in general) flirt with you and pretend you're oblivious.See
>>1695457 where op admits she let him get away. I was right, she's the type of girl to fuck over her friend.
No. 1695469
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>>1695464Do you guys not have the passwords to your nigels phones and computers? Tragic.
No. 1695478
>>1695456>>1695453>>1695450Now you guys are mad at the OP just for noticing, and trying to make a scrote's blatant actions about "not keeping female friends". This is the type of shit so many OSA women do. If another woman tries to tell them their man is cheating (or attempting to do so), they lash out at her, call her a liar, accuse her of trying to sabotage them, say she or the other women must've "tempted" him, etc.
Since you're already saying it was nothing, I'm sure if the OP had told the friend, or does so now, the focus will be her "making something out of nothing" and ruining her friend's relationship with the poor innocent scrote.
Somehow, you've made OP the bigger problem than the man who literally started all of this. The allegiance to dick is crazy. This shit is morbid.
No. 1695486
>>1695482Are you like… Slow? She's a Stacy, of course the moid wants her and talking to her in a group setting and touching her definitely is a sign moid wants to cheat with her.
No anon, they're just delusional chronically online women who have never had men show interest in them but somehow they also believe they can be homewrecking vixens
No. 1695488
>>1695483Nothing quite as delusional as thinking a man wants to fuck you because he spoke to you.
Femcels are as delusional as incels these days, kek.
No. 1695491
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>OP calling out her friends moid in her post about his sus negging behavior
>anons decide to shit on OP and tinfoil about her also being a pick me who thinks everybody’s bf’s want to fuck her
This place is so tiresome but ever since I read the cow yourself thread I understand.
No. 1695492
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The thread is either being stormed by like three seeething cheating participants, female cucks or men. Men don't touch other women like that, especially not in that context. That shit ain't normal.
No. 1695518
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Is this as nefarious as a male teacher putting his arm around a female student?
No. 1695519
>>1695514You didn't read the thread because you were too busy posting about your husband and getting mad. Now you're posting teacher scenarios and stock images. Read
>>1695432, then go and check your husband's hard drive. If you're not lying about already having done so, keep your fetish to yourself.
No. 1695525
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She's grooming them.
No. 1695538
>>1695529Lmao can we pick one already?
>mods too lax>mods too strict>mods better than everThe mentally ill rule this website
No. 1695543
>>1695530Some anons use SO instead of husband because it's less likely to
trigger those that are terminally online and forever alone
No. 1695565
>>1695558Amen sister
>>1695559Nope, just quoting the op and being silly
No. 1695572
>>1695569 to say I otherwise agree with you kek
No. 1695604
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Anyways back to homemade kimchis
No. 1695618
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Anybody who keeps going on about it isn't going to get any kimchi. Better pipe down!
No. 1695641
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>>1695625Oh sorry nonaritte, would sauerkraut suit your fancy better?
No. 1695658
>>1695653I don't condone it, that's why I said you should've told him off. I think you're an unattractive woman who never got any male attention and that's why you assumed a hand on your shoulder is flirtatious. Anyone who had someone flirt with them would know that what happened there wasn't flirting, though for an incel/
femcel, any contact with opposite sex means they wanna fuck.
No. 1695660
>>1695502I don’t know, I’m sorry, I really don’t know why I didn’t do anything about it. I just didn’t. I was never sexually assaulted but I totally understand people who are and just freeze up without fighting back, cos that’s what I did. And I never felt I could tell anyone because it was such a grey area. It would of course be different if he smacked my ass
>>1695505The thing is, my friend is far more attractive than me, which added to my belief that I wouldn’t be believed. It’s just a scrote wanting some strange and engaging in an element of power play. I’m his girls best friend, that’s an exciting conquest.
I don’t hang with them or anyone anymore in a lone wolf now.
No. 1695665
>>1695602Incels would be saying that she's fucking chad in secret and cheating on her beta bf like
femcels here are doing so. Chronically online losers share the same mindset.
A normal moid wouldn't see it as anything serious though.
No. 1695689
>>1695680I agree,
No. 1695692
>>1695682Shut up,
No. 1695696
>>1695691literally right here
>>1695653 you putting words in other peoples mouths because they can't understand why you think the way you do
No. 1695702
>>1695674Nta but playing footsie looks a lot different from feet just accidentally touching. If I wasn't lazy I'd find a video showing it I'm sure there's some out there. Footsie is seen as flirtatious even by the most normiest of normies as far as i know.
>>1695685>>1695696>>1695697I think foot anon is different from cheesecake anon. Everyone's getting confused kek.
No. 1695726
>>1695722You forgot the third one
3. Assume every man in existence wants to fuck you and call people moids, zoomers and retards if they disagree
No. 1695727
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>>1695680Same. It always outs the poster as either a newfag from twitter/tiktok or a moid. I remember a year or two ago when we just viciously bullied anyone who used it. I wonder if the Kaitlyn Tiffany scenario from a year ago would be the same with the current infiltration kek.
No. 1695735
>>1695728Bad bitch I could be your fantasy
I can tell you have big dick energy
No. 1695765
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Definitely unpopular because I think this kid is a tiktok model but I hope Charli d’Amelio turns into an actual celebrity. Imagine how cute she’d look in full-glam in a neo-noir style film? I’d go see it
No. 1695772
>>1695764You're the one assuming those obsessive freaks are all zoomers though, you've never had them tell you they're zoomers.
>>1695765She's really beautiful.
No. 1695782
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>>1695772Her sister too. Them as 2 gorgeous, campy detectives? Yes pls
No. 1695802
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Idk how unpopular this is but I wish we used the “things we like” thread more. It makes me feel bad to see so little discussion about good things that make us happy and so much fighting about the most retarded shit ever. Like cmon let’s have fun
No. 1695892
>>1695888not sure why you want to play "the worst
victim to ever exist" here. i'm not saying your trauma is shit/didn't happen/etc but comparing things like this is genuinely shitty.
No. 1695894
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No. 1695896
>>1695878More like forcing victimhood on oneself when anons like
>>1695888 and myself and many others on this site have had to face actual assault
No. 1695897
>>1695892It’s not shitty to compare legitimate sexual abuse to what the
nonnie verbatim stated. She said he was touching her foot and she refused to be a big girl and say “stop” in front of his girlfriend. That’s not at all the same as being assaulted/raped. What’s shitty is comparing the stupid foot thing to
No. 1695898
>>1695775Sounds like a scene out of a shitty fanfic. Normally people ask for ur number where u meet at a party.
No wonder you guys think every guy is a weird wattpad love interest when you consume that media so much.
No. 1695914
>>1695904cows are not average nonas, cows have a publicly recorded history of retarded behaviour and nonas usually don't. a cow would also react in a really dumb way and post about it on every social media they have which is not the same as anonymously posting on an ib.
and i wouldn't (you can call that being not like the other farmers/a NLOF)
No. 1695944
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she's real shaken up about it, god, why couldn't i stop it?!? why?! why wasn't it me instead?!
No. 1695952
>>1695949Shhhh smelly moid
femcel do your zoomer laundry
inserts random image No. 1695958
File: 1694555307152.png (9.22 KB, 1303x106, you cant run away from yoursel…)

you think you can dirty delete on me miss?
No. 1695975
>>1695957samefag but also wanted to point out that i never see memes that are vice versa. i think its projection from the night showerer group.
>>1695964you are right kek
No. 1696011
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>>1696009My life duty is to try and destroy all Anthonies on earth
No. 1696070
>>1696040Oh he's real alright
>>1696045More like coworkers
No. 1696179
>>1695957so sleeping in your bed for 8 hours makes you dirty, but being outside/at school/at work for 8-12 hours doesn't? if you sweat at night, it must be even worse during the day when you're moving around. and then you're jumping into bed and sleeping in all the sweat and pollution that's been on your skin for the whole day. also by your logic, if putting clean pajamas at night cancels out your dirtiness, why doesn't it work the same way when you put on clean clothes in the morning? showering twice is the best of course but if you have to choose, showering at night makes much more sense imho.
>>1695632this! you know you won when the other person is inventing things about you instead of debating/proving you wrong based on things you actually said.
No. 1696330
>>1694975>>1694989Don't forget bald. Heirless AND hairless, kek
Pure projection from them as always
No. 1696336
>>1695779Idk I'm 34 and my 22 y/o bf is the only one who has actually made me cum.
He's not marriage worthy though for other reasons. If you care about that for some reason yeah, get it before 30 cause moids who are into commitment get it by then. Leftover scrotes are leftover for a reason but the primary issue is that decent women outnumber decent moids 10 to 1.
I'd say 25-30 is the best age to get a life mate though, like grad school age. Before that, you're too retarded, and after that, the decent moids are gone.
No. 1696368
>>1695987oh, my Anthony story is the same. Spent university wondering if he was gay or just into theatre (how is this even a question after the year 2000?). He was obviously gay and jealous of some other, nicer moid who was pretty chill & non-confrontational. Made gross sexual comments to me (I was a shy nerd who didn't even swear and I asked him not to say those things to me or comment on my body.)
He was proud of not having read basic literature but still managed to rip off said literature in every shitty "play" he wrote. Did I mention he was painfully gay or bi (I suggested he might be bi and that was some huge insult to him). Fuck Anthony and his retarded smirk. He really thought he was better than everyone too.
No. 1696458
>>1695964Not unless you want shitty dried out damaged skin. And no, slathering it with 50 products doesn't make up for the stress it causes it.
I actually know someone who had to shower at least twice a day because of near daily sport training and workout sessions, she developed rashes doctors thought were an extreme std case until it turned out she just damaged her skin from showering too much
No. 1696611
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I hate ''girlcore'' shit. At first i though it was only a retarded way to call female nostalgia for girls who grew up being very feminine, then i found out there are a lot of grown up women who unironically think certain things are ''girlcore'', and it's always mindless trash like legally blonde, mean girls, bratz, cooking mama, animal crossing. It feels so condescending, why cant you call it dumb retard core instead of ''girlcore'', i want nothing to do with that shit. I hate how '''malecore''' shit is always Drive, American Psycho, Taxi driver, or those power fantasy movie for men, while ''girlcore'' shit is always stuff for literal toddlers like bratz and shitty high school romcoms. So fucking retarded.
No. 1696622
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>>1696615>sillyfunfor you, who are happy to be the living, breathing stereotype of a dumb bimbo with negative neurons. I do not want my sex associated with bratz and barbie. Fucking hate this new wave of retards who justify reaffirming gender stereotypes with ''its just fun uwu''. There are studies that show this type of shit actually affects GNC women, so i hate how popular it is now with women, i though we were over the marketting brainwashing.
No. 1696641
>>1696637Imagine being upset some women enjoy stuff directed at
gasps women! Of course we're gonna love 2000-2010s feminist movies that are one of the few media that doesn't center around men or female sexualization. Of course we will enjoy dolls that remind us of our childhood. Like, what is so offensive about some women enjoying stuff like that?
No. 1696642
>>1696637She’s not mentally fragile for having a
valid criticism about how some women are making a literal porn term an aesthetic.
No. 1696645
Also, white men make up %30 of American population yet they commit %75 of suicides, very girlcore of them then, kek.
No. 1696653
>>1696636>>1696641> It's a movie centering misogyny in work and educationyeah because being a pink bimbo is soooo feminist. I am tired of dumb movies that very obviously play on stereotypes being scrubbed of
valid criticism just because they arent 100% male power fantsies. It's the barbie movie shit all over again.
>>1696637i am not fragile, i just wish that trash would be called anything other than GIRLcore. Call it pinkcore for all i care, just dont use my sex for an aesthetic about bratz, pink shit and dumb high school romcons and then get mad when i criticize it for being what it is, reinforced gender stereotypes.
No. 1696655
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>>1696639Listen I know it’s hard to accept
No. 1696675
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nonnie is probably thinking of legally blondes
No. 1696678
>>1696675Omg you're right.
Kek imagine being so dumb you don't even know the og movie everyone's talking about and still keep rage posting about it.
No. 1696687
>>1696673no offense but are you retarded,
nonnie? what you said applies to all of popular media, people are never going to post or watch tiktoks about quality art house films about womanhood (unless it's something like "look at this weird art house film")
No. 1696688
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>>1696684I like the apple head ones even though they look a little retarded
No. 1696691
>>1696675>>1696678why do you retards get so angry at anyone criticizing your shitty pink slop? i only watched the original and hated it, and i am allowed to both hate and criticize it and if you get angry at it then you should develop a personality that doesnt revolve around shitty movies with a pink coat and hollywood approved feminist messages
>>1696680why cant it be depressing? does everything have to be sunshine and rainbows because you cant fathom the idea of a movie for women actually being anything but comedy? watch ginger snaps, lady vengance, hell, even heathers is a better critique on mean girls and high school stereotypes culture
>>1696687if you think all of the movies i listed above are arthouse indie films you are a retard
No. 1696722
>>1696689Ayrt, thanks. I don't like spicy stuff but I like fermented foods so I may try it one day.
>>1696690My unpopular opinion is violent pets of any species are violent because their owners are abusing and mistreating them, so they end up stressed out and mentally unstable and act out and attack everyone because they feel threatened and in danger 24/7 and can't trust anyone.
No. 1696726
>>1696622are you on your period? I get irritable about stupid shit like three days before and after my period comes
>why cant you call it dumb retard core instead of ''girlcore''LMAO
No. 1696818
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>>1696813I won't take recommendations from someone who considers highschool romcoms great movies, no thank you.
No. 1696822
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>>1696818lmao anon, just because you felt offended by my opinion doesnt make those movies bad, go check em out maybe it will cleanse your mind out of all the hollywood slop
No. 1696828
>>1696822Your stuff is Hollywood shit.
>>1696820I watched it, was quite great and very unexpected I'd say. Though the ending was sad.
No. 1696830
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>another hour long infight that completely strayed from the original point
Someone really needs to get a grip and a permaban.
No. 1696837
>>1696830Would you rather talk about laundry,
No. 1696840
>>1696825seems like so, it's so sad. It just proves my point further. I need to start memeing these movies as femalecore or some shit so these twitterkiddies develop taste.
>>1696828lady vengance is korean. At least google them, it takes 5 second, you cocomelon brain sperg.
No. 1696862
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>>1696704you're a disgusting fuck. i hate you. and everything you stand for. go bathe you scrotum smelling nasty rank dust bunny!
No. 1696869
File: 1694631636538.png (496.87 KB, 891x498, goodfellas is a girlcore movie…)

>>1696861>hate pink because it's associated with womeni love pink what the fuck are you talking about kek. Literally the same fucking excuse that gets used every time someone criticizes retarded nobrain '''''female'''' shit, ''you only hate it cuz its for womyn, you are just an nlog''. No, i hate it's targetted at women just because it's pink nobrain shit. Pink is a great color, but just like blue it has become so commercialized and polarizing because it became gendered thanks to retards. And girlcore retards calling everything thats pink and cutesy ''girlcore'' just helps with that.
No. 1696872
>>1696871amazing argument
nonnie, changed my life
No. 1696878
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>>1696874But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
No. 1696885
>>1696861i remember being around 6 when i realized that people expected me to like pink and automatically want the pink version of everything, it made me HATE pink. im so glad i grew out of that, its okay to like pink things and liking pink and sparkly things has nothing to do with bimbos!
>>1696869then idk why you hate legally blonde because the whole point is that the main difference in how elle is treated is that she is sexualized more, and is looked down on by other women because of the way she dresses. she is not a stupid bimbo just because shes blonde and into fashion, shes a smart woman who was realizing she could do more than the path that was laid out for her. its also a movie about her centering women in her life rather than men after realizing that female friendships are much more important than changing yourself to be good enough for some worthless asshole.
No. 1696887
>>1696881Samefag, but I'm saying this to say that it's really not targeted to any particular anon so you don't have to be all like "I never said I hate pink!". I never said
you did, because you are anonymous.
No. 1696924
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>>1696917stop anon, the cringe is unbearable
No. 1696928
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>>1696924See, now you got the sillies too. You cannot resist.
No. 1697009
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>>1696722Nta but there's also non-spicy kimchi (baek kimchi/white kimchi). It's a bit harder to get ahold of depending on where you live but it's made without the chili pepper and is usually given to people who dislike spicy foods. It's very delicious, hope you get to try it sometime.
No. 1697101
>>1696402AYRT, Best age range for both woman and partner, but I agree women never expire. Just harder to find similar aged moids hence the twinkpill. 99 percent of the tolerable moids 25 and up are spoken for.
Obviously this is just for incurable straights, not sure how it goes for lesbians. But I'd imagine the the over 30s is frustrating for "gold stars" because more and more divorced hets w some moid's spawn clogging up the pool "trying to find herself after divorce" or whatever. I wish I could be lesbian so badly, but the pheromones just aren't right for me.
No. 1697103
>>1696616Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime
That's why I shit on company time
No. 1697201
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>>1697134Some of us just don't have them Becky
No. 1697283
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>>1697063Of course you do, you're not like the other girls! Fuckin bimbos, am I right??
No. 1697292
File: 1694652557745.gif (2.35 MB, 498x275, transformers-wreck-gar.gif)

>>1697245Excuse you miss but the 1986 Transformers movie is a work of comedic genius. Megatron's hammer literally goes bonk, hair metal plays at really inappropriate times, Hot Rod becomes a Prime by accident because he caught a thing before it hit the floor. It's beautiful.
No. 1697302
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>>1697299it's a single sentence and you completly missed the point, cocomelo adhd brain damage is wild
No. 1697315
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>>1697313Under the age of 21 melodramatic tiktok behaviour, it's your bed time sweetie time to log off. Brush those teeth!
No. 1697368
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>>1697365You got shid in yer cooch
No. 1697373
>>1697261Lmao all because I don't like movies. I guess that's my other unpopular opinion. I have lots of friends and we all agree most movies are shit, except one who unfortunately loves the mcu but she's cute so she can enjoy it.
>>1697301Nah I have lots of fun, I love music and I'm a singer. But I actually don't read books, comics and manga only. Movies suck though and it's rare to find something I enjoy in it, too short of a medium for it to contain proper stories and world building and character development, but too long to not make me bored kek. And I don't like when it becomes a franchise with million movies to watch to get the story, like just make a series and be consistent, I'm not gonna wait for 5 years to see a continuation of a story, I'll just forget about it.
>>1697284>movies for women are all pink and dumbWhat about the "good movies" you keep on bringing up? And all the movies anons mentioned itt? Is there good movies for women that aren't pink and dumb that aren't shilled or is there none at all? Which one is it?
No. 1697387
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>>1697378I'm only teasing you anyway
nonnie No. 1697396
>>1697377Tbf I didn't watch that much indeed, but most of the ones I watched are forgettable and generic. Tried obscure stuff and classic movies alike and neither leave an impact on me as much as a series does. Tried different genres, too. The only ones I enjoyed were "American psycho" because it was funny, "suicide club" and "noriko's dinner tabel" because they're relatable to an extent but the story never got continued beyond that, and "bandslam" because it's musical and I liked the music from it and the story was simple enough it actually worked in movie format. Other than these I genuinely can't remember any other movie I watched lol, I remember watching anime movies though like ghibli stuff but they're not that good, just watched them as an introduction to anime. Satoshi Kon's stuff are nice though. And for western animation I liked "the book of life" the most. Watched Tim Burton's stuff too but they're alright, nothing exceptional. I liked the first 2 winx club movies but that's because I watched the series and they connect into the lore. Most movies on my to watch list are "classics" and "must sees" with some obscure stuff as well but I feel like I want to watch them just because everyone else did and I feel left out, and that's why I don't actually enjoy them.
Also, I don't play music lol, I just sing, but I plan on learning and playing electric guitar and other instruments and learning production and recording to make song covers for fun in my free time, joined my university music club and I hope they have a guitar for me kek.
No. 1697495
>>1697425Nta but he's good at writing interesting stories and settings, but not at writing prose imo. Could be me being ESL but his choice of words and sentence structure is hard to grasp and it takes me a while to picture the scenes he's writing.
>>1697479Anons clearly care since they replied to my initial post about not liking movies. Glad you enjoyed noriko's dinner table though, it's a nice melancholic movie. Despite it having some stupid try hard "philosophy" attempts.
No. 1698024
>>1698015I was
just looking at that case and honestly, I agree. Kissel’s always been my least favorite of the three hosts.
No. 1698045
>>1698024Ayrt and feel like rambling some more, I’m pretty desensitized to men being clueless or casually misogynistic but every once in a while he’ll say a real record-scratcher the other two try to play off and it’s very awkward. And getting with some only fans thot was a weird fucking move and nobody should be surprised it blew up in his face. I still follow him on ig for whatever reason and he’s just a weird guy who makes bad decisions. I wanna like him but ehh.
>>1698042Just the one so far, but they’ve had eps without him before and I didn’t feel like anything was missing.
No. 1698094
>>1698015What are the allegations against Ben?
I always thought Henry was really annoying and would drag out jokes too long in the beginning.
No. 1698160
>>1697752waste bins exist
nonnie welcome to earth! and it ends up in the ocean whether you flush it or not. the government doesnt really recycle. but i never flush my baby wipes because im not a monster.
No. 1698192
>>1698184it's unpopular in every movie, tv show and mainstream media. An ambitious, aggressive alpha female leader is the only type of woman that is currently accepted. If you're anything different it's a problem. I'm dead serious it feels like its not ok for me to be myself anymore.
>>1698185I wish every porn addicted male with the porn induced tranny fetish was dead.
No. 1698202
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I think this has potential because I'm a sucker for "kids show is actually evil" stuff, but I just hate that it's centered around being gay/queer/trans and this seems to be a common thing with women in these circles. I know aidens are first in line when it comes to traumacore garbage but I'm so sick of it.
No. 1698204
>>1698193I'm not a door mat, my man knows what the hell is up. 1 example, I told him from the jump that if he watches porn, it's over. get the hell out of my house.
>>1698197thanks. I'll try to stop caring just live authentically
>>1698200uhhh. it's been trendy and cool to dunk on femininity and feminine women since basically forever. where have you been
No. 1698212
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>>1698204>uhhh. it's been trendy and cool to dunk on femininity and feminine women since basically forever. where have you beenLiterally where? What planet are you living on? List examples please because this isn't adding up
No. 1698216
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>>1698204It's been cool to hate on so-called mannish, unfeminine and aggressive (assertive) women since patriarchy began though.
No. 1698217
>>1698176This is bait, but okay? It's okay that you're kind of a loser, no one irl is going to give a shit about it, it's just no one except religious trads are going to think you're doing anything admirable. If being accepted isn't good enough for you and you need asspatts for being a good woman or something, you can go hang around those religious trads. Anyway make sure to have your own bank account with money set aside in case whatever man your going to rely on does something retarded
>>1698204>If he watches porn, it's over, get the hell out of my houseIf he's making money for both of you is it your house? If you have the means to comfortably kick him out and not have that ruin things for you because you have money elsewhere than that's fine. The reason women with brains generally don't advocate being housewives is because typically it puts the woman in a situation where she does not have the financial means to leave her husband at the drop of a hat if anything goes south
No. 1698224
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>>1698214You just sound like you spend time looking for the tiniest reasons to be offended, honestly. All popular media since forever has been full of feminine and pretty women, fashion is still like that, the "ironic" zoomers are just being self-deprecating (it's humor), and I've never seen a woman get shamed for being a housewife, being soft-spoken or liking pink. I have seen weird, racist tradthots and hypocritical pickmes who try to shill regressive anti-woman politics while taking advantage of the rights feminists worked for get criticized, though.
No. 1698227
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>>1698217If you think it's bait then why did you bother writing two paragraphs in response?
No. 1698263
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>>1698230>>1698241>>1698247>>1698252Sims 1 uses Comic Sans. If that does not convince people we are correct then I don't know what will.
No. 1698265
>>1698252What do you think of the Times offshoot version of TNR? It’s my favorite for writing. Papyrus makes me think fondly of playing with Word on the computer as a kid in the 90s.
No. 1698320
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>>1698263wizard101 uses comic sans therefore correct
No. 1698329
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>>1698247Comic sans was well designed, it's only crime was being too lovable so people used it everywhere evenwhen they shouldn't, Arial is literally just budget Helvetica.
>>1698252I like Helvetica but I prefer more geometric grotesques.
No. 1698831
>>1698794It's better on all aspects, especially the variety of weather and natural locations. I like the colder places of China, seem nice to live in. The people there are nicer, too. And the food is amazing. They have lots of walking space as well so I won't need a car. And a good apartment is cheap enough for me, but I prefer having a house than living in an apartment. Only problem is learning the language, I don't think I have the mental capacity to do that.
>inb4 oppressive regime!I live in a dictatorship theocracy and the US has more in common with it than China does, actually China has nothing in commin with where I live because all the things I dislike are illegal or censored there and that's for the better imo.
No. 1698852
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>>1697245I highly doubt that you do that and if you do, you likely get laughed at and shrink away. People are gonna enjoy fun stuff regardless of what you say. picrel is you
No. 1698966
>>1698831>I prefer having a house than living in an apartmentI think you can buy a house if you have a family.
I agree with everything you said. People like to moan about China being oppressive but if you asked them if they'd rather live in democratic India or communist China, they'd obviously pick China.
No. 1699284
>>1698953I agree with this. Libfems are always the people standing up for them. The men who coom about femboys and make jokes about programmer socks are a low percentage of men compared to the amount of women who constantly post about twans wights all over their instagram stories.
To some extent, I feel as if a lot of it is virtue signaling or just reposting whatever feels “politically correct” at the time. I have a feeling most of these women are going to realize how flawed of a concept trannyism is in a few years as it stops trending. I can only hope.
I do believe the idea of transness is still a patriarchal concept, however. People claim it has historical backing, but said backing is just weird oppressive shit like families who need a daughter to do the tasks a man usually does, or eunuchs who literally chopped their dick off to obey another man.
No. 1699338
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Bourbon is gross. I like whiskey and vodka but bourbon makes me want to puke immediately. This is unpopular because I live in Kentucky. And for that I am deeply sorry.
No. 1699376
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>>1699276>>1699311Because they have a similar population size and are in the same continent?
No. 1699394
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These types of drinks are gross. They are too saccharine. I looked at how the Ice Spice drink was being made and was disgusted at the amount of sugary slop that is in it. Are people really drinking that crap?
No. 1699514
>>1699492Hebephillia then? Because a 27 should not fuck a 15 year old
>>1699509Thank you for not seeing an issue. I just have deep psychological issues.
No. 1699526
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I feel like there's a concentrated agenda to spark off way more infighting on LC than usual lately. It annoys me when I see anons blatantly lie about site drama or admin decisions, especially for things that literally happened this year, but I realize there's no point in engaging. The entire point is to get us all to fight, spread unverified (or unverifiable) claims and throw insults so users stop coming here. It's all just…annoying.
No. 1699679
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Ethel Cain's Preachers Daughter did what Melanie Martinez's Crybaby and Nicole Dollanganger's Heart Shaped Bed wanted to do. The story behind each song working as "chapters" in a bigger picture, the way the lyrics depicted the events without giving too much unnecessary detail, the grotesque and depressing story behind it. And it physically pains me to admit this because I love Nicole Dollanganger so much and I hate that a troon upstaged her but damn, this album is so good.
No. 1699704
>>1699698No I still hate troons, I just like this album
>>1699699I have bad taste in music I know kek
No. 1700008
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Tattoos are ugly and having them marks you as a shitty person
I'm not sorry
No. 1700035
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No. 1700175
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I think Lucinda is cute. I just wish she'd get some help.
No. 1700189
Why do I hate her? Why does she make me sick? Why do I wish foul things for her? The extent she gives a fuck about what men thinks gives me anger issues but legit.
Couldn’t embed the video in a proper format and idc No. 1700873
>>1700498Preach. Any anti-Beatles sentiment has gotten me dogpiled irl, though.
Queen also sucks.
No. 1701402
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Unpopular opinion #1: Hammurabi is a scrotey piece of shit and his reign contributed to many modern society problems.
Unpopular opinion #2: But he was based for legislating that a builder be put to death if he constructs a subpar house and the house kills somebody. Wish we could implement that for modern day architects who head projects like the Grenfell Tower.
No. 1701889
>>1700957Why was this anon banned when this obvious bait/schizopost
>>1700931 stayed up?
No. 1702020
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Non weebs shouldn’t be allowed to post on imageboards (including this one), they should post on twitter like every other normie
No. 1702037
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I know this is a highly unpopular opinion, but I am somewhat thankful men are being more loud and obnoxious about their rampant hatred against women, I understand that it will affect women, young girls included, but at the same time, women are becoming more educated and graduated college on a higher scale. Sure, we have handmaidens and tradthots who are trying to defend these men, but these tradcon men are falling for grifting while only oblivious young girls believe they can emulate their "tradthot" influencer, who lives off of grifting and is behind a paywall. Men are becoming less educating and falling into more pipelines of falling for trad and "hyper masculine" grifting, and yet, women are getting better careers in the west, whilst women in the east are slowly peaking. The #1 show in Arabic countries where education is banned against women is an educational show for girls. Women and girls are becoming more against porn and are peaking about these types of men, and it's a good thing. I would rather prefer a man who is loud and obnoxious to know that I can avoid him, because at the end of the day, we all know he wouldn't ever have kids. These types of men will do nothing but be enraged, stick to their online manospheres.
No. 1702051
>>1702033Because if men could go younger they obviously would LOOOL, most girls start getting catcalled by the time they were 11. Don't be willfully obtuse,you don't need to project on a bioessentialist argument for your opinion."27% of mothers aged 15-17 years had a partner 5 or more years older. Many older men fathered children with women in the youngest age group. 40% of girls aged 15 years had a partner at least 20 years of age. Only 8% of all births to 15-19 year olds were to unmarried minors with a partner 5 or more years older." am not saying on a large scale that men will view you less attractive as you age, but the men who seek you out specifically because you are young, will view you as inferior the more you age. You can go ahead and choose those men and defend them as much as you want, but just know that most women are not retarded enough to fall for it. I am 20, and even I knew this since I was 15 years old, you cannot be so retarded that you genuinely think these men think of you anything but your age. Just say you want to fuck an older dude, you don't need to try and say it's natural.
No. 1702087
>>1702068My issue is her saying it's "natural", but I understand why she says it, she seems insecure, that an older man complimenting her makes her start saying how "natural" it is. One can easily say it's also natural for men to be attracted to teens, or physically attracted to them, but no, she applies the "oh but everything over 20 is fine", because she's in her 20's, but when she's in her 30's, I bet she's going to start then start realizing how obtuse she was being. It's all about projecting on social tenets when it comes to excusing your absurdity, but again, I am sure she is saying this out of her insecurities, instead of just admitting she wants to fuck an older dude. Idk, I have gotten attention since I was very young and grew in those kind of spaces that fixated on youth, and I realized that kind of attention is abundant and low value, I don't give a fuck anymore about what man gives me attention, because I know they usually view me in a superficial monolith. She reminds me of that anon who said she was happy of some 40 year old man paying attention to her (she was 23, interesting example anon used because its the same as the other anon in a few threads ago who admitted how ugly she was and how happy she was for a man to pay attention to her, because she's the youngest he has LOL). She got made fun of heavily in the other thread, and I wonder if it's the same one, because it's the same ages, and she was the same one who tried justifying this shit. How fucking embarrassing. I am younger than her, yet even I never fell for that shit LOL.
No. 1702213
>>1702145Yeah, I think a 20 year old, both female or male is a bit weird. However, I also think women and men differ for dating, statistically, men seek out young women on dating apps, I do believe men are more superficial for external factors, especially when it comes to studies proving that men are 3x more likely to leave women when they're sick, men are more likely to leave women when they gain weight than the other, etc.. Let's be honest, men are not as inclined to think so critically of their actions, nor as they are as passionate as women when it comes to love. Of course, there are exceptions, but let's be realistic, in most cases, men do not care as much as women when it comes to relationships. I have never seen men defend women as much as women did for them, especially when it comes to the questioning of their relationships, so I am a bit biased against it, even if I am young myself, because even I understand there is some difference. Like I said, there are exceptions, but most men would date younger women, not all, but a lot of them will defend their likings to younger women, while women generally don't give a shit about age, which is why I think older women dating younger men is not as superficial as an older man dating a younger woman. There are exceptions, but most women do not like admitting that on average, the relationships differ, because women are not ON AVERAGE as superficial as a man, especially when it comes to hookup culture. Women do not give a shit about age when it comes to that, but men do, which is why I think its absurd how women could be obtuse when they think that man wouldn't view them as less for aging when they seek out young women. Most women would not love a man less for aging even if they seek out a young partner, IMO. I understand it's an unpopular opinion, but I am biased through my own experiences.
No. 1702434
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One of the most overrated and boring mascot characters
No. 1702457
>>1702446>>1702213there probably are some
extremely rare cases of (younger) men being abused by (older) women but in general men can not be taken advantage of in a relationship.
Men lack the emotional depth to be abused or manipulated.
No. 1702462
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>>1702434Ur just jelly you can't be this cute
No. 1702465
>>1702457Men cannot be abused by women once they turn 18. They can just leave, unlike women in
abusive situations. What is an old woman going to do to a young deployment-age moid? i am a womanlet and even the weakest monster and nuggies raised 14yo male is taller and stronger than me. Men know this too, so when they talk about male domestic abuse
victims their excuse isn't ''i couldnt have left her even if i wanted i was so scared and weak!'' it's ''if i hit her back then i am the bad one wah wah''. Fucking pieces of shit i wish more women would beat their boyfriends into a pulp.
No. 1702469
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>>1702452Never bitch
>>1702462He boring, he doesn’t even worship satan like kumamon
No. 1702815
>>1702688Not in Bratwurstland it ain't. We're already getting Christmas Stollen (some sweet bread thingy made with raisins) at the supermarket here when it's still around 20 degrees outside.
But I get your meaning nonna, it's all marketing trickery to get people to buy tacky new decorations and all that jazz.
No. 1702835
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>>1702688I like both Halloween and Christmas and it's annoying that i get clowned for liking the latter far more often, why are people getting petty over seasons? just enjoy the holidays damn
No. 1703260
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I don’t care for “Asian fishing” and don’t think it’s really that cow worthy. Weebs have done this since the beginning and it’s so boring
No. 1703330
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>>1703315I don't like her but I agree. Pic rel is still funny though.
No. 1703371
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>>1702835I also looove holidays
I'd say that Christmas first, but Halloween is really 0close. Don't let the grinches ruin your seasonal spirit. Let's start decorating and baking!
No. 1703381
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I don't think being "introverted" is something to brag about. A lot of people from certain countries brag about their introversion online (Scandinavian countries, Germany and Switzerland). From the way they talk about it, it's clear they have a negative view of extroverts as southern European simpletons or loud, dumb Americans. I get the same vibe from them as I do from people who think sarcasm and a cynical world view is an indicator of intelligence when it's the other way around.
I say "introverted" because I don't mean being exhausted by socialization, I mean people who "don't like small talk" (what do you talk about with strangers then, the meaning of life? foh), are extremely asocial and really difficult to get to know and then act shocked when people don't want to get to know them as if being their friend is some prize everyone should put insane amounts of effort for. Babe, you aren't that special. I'm an introvert too but I'm still friendly and sociable because I'm not an autistic retard.
No. 1703425
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Fiber craft opinion: it's not sad to see handmade knit and crochet items in thrift stores. I think a lot of people assume these handmade items are from people who passed and their family decided to give it away. If that is the case, isn't it better for these items to go to stores where someone else can appreciate them rather than be stuck in a cardboard box in the basement or something?
Plus, I think it's nice for people to get handmade items that they may not have been able to afford otherwise. It's also nice for other crafters who can unravel these pieces and re-use the yarn. And sometimes there isn't any story behind this stuff at all. A lot of people are process crafters who make a bunch of shit they won't use, so they donate.
No. 1703566
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Men are the biggest attention whores in the planet.
No. 1703830
>>1703825According to porn: moan, scream, writhe, start vacuum sucking the dick with her vagina, suck another man's dick, give a handjob to a third male, suddenly stick it in her ass, do a handstand, do a headstand, go back to anal, put it in her vagina again, suddenly switch to a footjob, put it in her vagina again, no condom, then creampie.
No. 1703844
>>1703842They have to cope with the fact that they get 'starfished' because their partner just isn't into them
>>1703835Notice how there is crickets from them now
No. 1703941
>>1703922No. This is how I posted it. ? Wtf
>>1703927They dipped the moment they were accused of being male sooo
No. 1704055
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>>1703894male homosexuality is there to balance things out between men and women.
gay males (the number of which is much higher than you think it is) have to endure painal and aids the same way as trad women have to endure childbirth. obviously both are extremely dumb and humiliating choices to make in your life but the option exists and is completely natural, organic, vegan, whatever.
maybe we should even start shaming moids for not manwhoring themselves out to old fags the same way society shames childfree women.
No. 1704056
>>1703931personally can't stand the taste oe smell, but maybe I need to try it like
>>1704054 suggested. I've had loose and bagged versions. Ugh.
No. 1704201
>>1704200it's okay
nonny fwiw i thought you were taking the piss
No. 1704347
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Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but I don't like how on Spotify Linkin Park is grouped with bands like MCR, Sum 41 and Fallout Boy. I like all of those bands, but I don't think Linkin Park is that same genre of teen angst, I know this might sound retarded, but I think Linkin Park is more sophisticated both lyrically and musically and should be paired with groups like Deftones, The Offspring and NIN.
No. 1704370
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>>1704323In America I think it’s more about Covid and Tiktok over rap music. Extremely violent drill was hugely popular in the early 2010s. Rap is more about aesthetics now - Playboi carti fans just camp out on grailed all day and try to get leaks online to use on tiktok.
I think even middle class and upper middle class kids are starting to get the mindset that poor kids have had for a while - school doesn’t matter, ai can do my Great Gatsby essay for me, I just need to blow up on tiktok then I’ll be a millionaire influencer. If not tiktok then it’s yt vloggers and streamers. “Alternative” paths to fame and success seem more achievable than ever regardless of whether or not that’s actually realistic
No. 1704629
>>1704347Fall Out boy had it's moments with early albums, especially Folie a Deux and Infinity on High. You couldn't tell by just listening to the singles of course. I dunno if I'd call Pete's lyricism sophisticated. But it was often metaphorical, playful and full of double meanings and clever word play. Even singles have a shit ton of word play but it all went over my ESL head until I looked it up, and I guess that's what happened for a ton of people. The lyrics are deceptively simple but there is meaning behind them. Musically sure, though Folie a Deux was fairly experimental and pretty far away from what can usually be found under the emo/pop punk/early to mid 00s rock label.
As for MCR fully disagree. Do they belong in the same bin as Deftones? Probably not but to say their lyrics and sound aren't sophisticated is flat out wrong imo. There's nothing really teen angsty about MCR lyrics if you take away the fandom. Each album tells a story, with some or all songs being important to the overarching plot. The first album is loosely connected as it mostly speaks about drug and alcohol abuse, war, and just general every day bleakness of being a depressed, isolated adult with a 9 to 5. But a few songs connect it to the second album and set up the demolition lovers plot. That story continues through the second album and again the themes of war, grief, loss and substance abuse appear throughout. The sound is more refined and there's more experimentation. Black Parade was conceptualized as a rock opera of sort and it achieves it imo. The story follows a cancer patient on his deathbed, his life and regrets. Musically it's probably their best, but I prefer the second album just because it has more gothic elements in the lyrics and themes.
>>1704414I don't wanna be like AkcstChuAlly but actually lyricists of both FOB and MCR tried to commit suicide, struggled with substance abuse and have written many, many songs about their issues.
No. 1704633
No. 1704666
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>>1704660Glitter is cute and fun, It’s messed up to deprive your kids the joy of glitter just because seeing a tiny reflective spec on the table makes you reeeee. I see right through your weak argument about muh environment
No. 1704957
>>1704570I feel for them because men are nowhere near as socially conditioned to be nice and passive and therefore unless they pass extremely well most men will not accept them and will subject them to murder, rape, violence and abuse. They do not hold the power to manipulate and abuse like TIMs do and even groups that they think will accept them like gay men are very open about their digust.
Also I've noticed a lot of TIMS have intense sexual fantasies about being "forced to detransiiton" and getting off to someone fucking them while telling them they aren't a man, that they will always be a woman ect.
No. 1704975
>>1704971>being a mother and a wife doesn't equal giving up all your human rights to be a broodmare incubator who's never allowed to step foot outside the kitchenIt does actually as long as you're married to a man.
>because they are just as powerful and important as the "traditionally male" rolesNo they're not because women had to fight to have the same rights as men and were treated like property before that.
Giving birth is noble but only on your own terms, your own salary and a husband who worships the ground you walk on. Also, males get off lolcow challenge.
No. 1704993
>>1704983Of course! I just wrote giving birth because in my opinion it's one of the most fascinating and interesting things both on a biological level and philosophically. And because that is something only women can do.
>>1704985>>1704990Because I think there will always be a fundamental difference between men and women that affect the way our lives are lived. (On a biological level) And even though we don't need to rely on them for survival any more I still think they could benefit us in some ways. But that is just based on a theory and not something that should be taken as a rule written in stone, which also means that no one should be forced into a lifestyle that don't want! I just think theres nothing wrong with embracing some attributes and abilities that are biologically andvantageous to oneself.
No. 1705003
My theory is basically nothing more than that the biological and therefore also psychological differences between men and women affect the way we live more that we might think and that it might be beneficial to work with those differences instead of working against them! This is just my opinion because I think it's an interesting topic. That's it. Nothing more and nothing less.
>>1704997Of course. There is nothing wrong with that either. It's the same principle. But that doesn't mean no more babies are ever going to be born and I would hope that a different outlook on childbirth and motherhood would result in more happy mothers, caring fathers and stronger happier families. In the end who does and who doesn't choose to have children is none of my business.
No. 1705016
>>1705008>>1705015The reason it might seem that way may be because iq distribution in males is more spread out that in women which means that there are more men with a lower iq. This combined with the fact that males are often raised insufficiently leads to the problem with male violence we face today. (this is a whole can of worms that would take too long to write out but I hope you understand what I mean). I know that I probably won't be able to change your mind on this topic, but just know that when I talk about men I mean the ones who live as civilized functioning members of society. The rest I exclude because I too actually struggle with seeing them as fully human to be honest.
>>1705009That's not what I meant at all, sorry if it came across that way. I only wrote about women because as a woman that's the perspective that felt most relevant to me. I could write the same for men but since I have no lived experience as a man I don't think it would be as genuine. But also, what I wrote in most of my posts go goth ways which means that I wish both women and men had a different outlook on the things I mentioned. When I write about society I mean everyone.
No. 1705022
>>1705016>blaming male violence on low IQ and being "raised insufficiently"Anything to excuse the precious moidlings I guess. Also blaming upbringing for male violence is like one step away from claiming it's women's fault especially since you've been harping about women being the "inner family circle" and all.
>thinking that "civilized functioning" males are somehow exempt from scroterykek
No. 1705040
>>1705031Aren't we all controlled by our bodies to some degree though?
>>1705034I would say I'm more blaming the men for leaving and not fulfilling their role as a man and a father. I don't want to blame women for doing the best they can after being betrayed like that.
No. 1705054
>>1705034To circle back to my first post When I say that giving birth is the most noble thing a woman can do and that I wish more people could see that I also mean that I wish men would see that too. Because if they did they would respect and value motherhood so much more, and the ones who don't would hopefully remain childless and excluded.
>>1705043Is the difference still that great when talking about people who do no harm to others and live fully productive lives?
>>1705044Are you implying that just because I choose to not let my anger and frustration take over and trying my best to keep a neutral tone despite what I may be feeling irl I must be a man?
>>1705049Sorry if I come across that way. I'm actually trying to be polite but tone never comes across over text. I think it's natural to feel that way when reading something you don't agree with and the brain automatically takes a defensive approach. But what did I say that was dishonest? Maybe I accidentally contradicted myself? I hope there was just a misunderstanding though!
No. 1705377
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>>1705355>>1705355we discussed her in the bad comics thread, she's basically an academically poisoned libfem
No. 1705473
>>1705355if you give a shit about this kind of thing, then this
>>1705377 but if you don't, then nothing i guess but i just think it as a work of art wont really normalize homosexuality or make gay people seem like everyday boring people
No. 1705868
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She did nothing wrong
No. 1705907
>>1705903Nta but
>gets crushed to death during a jobWork place accidents happen when someone is being retarded and not maintaining safety protocols that they drill constantly and report/fire immediately if not followed.
>drafted men die in war!!Drafted men will happily piss on dead bodies of their enemies and rape the women and children left behind. If anything that gives men more satisfaction, they can bitch about muh hard labor while never having to achieve anything and take it out on society around them.
No. 1705914
>>1705898War is a specific circumstance inflicted by moids on moids, physical labour can be individually beneficial (improving physique) and it's generally a simple straightforward job while nursing and teaching requires years of studying and offers little benefits for professionals doing it.
>>1705910muh not all men
No. 1705927
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>>1705920exactly, imagine unironically having sympathy for veterans lmao. I hope OP is a retarded baiting moid and not a handmaiden who unironically thinks moids are opressed. If men wanted to stop dying in war so badly they would have protested against deployment instead of making fun of hippies to this day.
Some scrote posted pic rel on 4chan and another scrote responded
>I actually feel bad for him. Which is alien to me cause Ive watch isis beheading and degenerate porn.Idk why but I feel bad for him. Godspeed soldier.
they genuinely feel more sympathy for a faggot who raped women crying about wah wah my mentol health over fucking isis beheading videos and videos of women getting raped and degraded.
No. 1705951
>>1705925You are retarded or a baiting moid, you clearly don't realize where you are if you expect sympathy for moids from us. Again, wars are started by men and they're the ones recruiting other men, it's not a normal circumstance and being required to be a cannon fodder by government is not normal and shouldn't be acceptable in general, you didn't even bring up dying in wars in your original post.
>many women love and would gladly be a mother, nurse, teacherAnd many moids love to fight in wars and work in mines and on construction sites.
And yes, women are actually socialized to be more prone to do these jobs or become mothers, many of them end up unhappy and frustrated. That's because your shit bioessentialism doesn't work.
No. 1705957
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these kind of conversations about the oh so horrible physical labor men are put through really are a good reminder that some people honestly when they think about the word "woman" only think about young western pretty middle class women with cozy office jobs. they never stop and think that these people here for example are women too.
>>1705953fags obsessed with twitter are more annoying than twittertards at this point. do you have missourian themed tumblr account perhaps
No. 1705973
>>1704971I agree with you.
Too many mothers experience hatred from men (not surprising) but also other women calling them cattle broodmares with breeding kinks and messed up bodies. I wish people celebrated moms more. Mother’s Day should be a week.
No. 1706148
>>1706110I mean, it depends on what are you listening to, if you’re not used to vocaloids, listening to something like Melody Line or Francium will be utterly annoying.
Honestly, as someone who only loves a few Vocaloid songs (the usual ones, not the weird OCs that suddenly began appearing) I feel like you have to be quite autistic to enjoy Vocaloid in general because it really isn’t something common to like, hell, sometimes even I feel like some songs are too much for my own ears.
No. 1706157
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>>1705988Yeah, he knew what girls wanted alright.
No. 1706206
>>1706104Kek this is so true. I’m not on tumblr but I see this shit online anyway and it’s always like wow women are so powerful because we create life! We can nurture a living person with our body!
And what about all of us who never want to have kids? Even stuff anons say on here like “women are superior because we have empathy and kindness” as if that’s not a hindrance for a lot of women and stops them from doing what’s best for themselves or adds extra emotional burden and stress of caring too much with those uwu special feminine dainty sensitive feelings.
No. 1706301
>>1706206>>1706270i'm also childfree. I hate that "divine maternity" bullocks because it makes me vomit in my mouth. pregnancy and birth destroy a woman's body and the planet expects me to follow suit happily with a dumb smile on my face as my body is ripped apart and i'm chained to a shit-goblin as its slave. same thing with the weirdos who glamorize menstruation and uteruses and have boob-print fabrics and breast-milk earrings. it's just gross. i am more than a walking uterus. hell, since i take BC i don't even think about my stupid uterus, it's nothing but a vestigal organ. obsessing about a uterus isn't feminism, it's pickmeism and volunteer slavery. once a man knocks you up, you're his slave for life, and you'll be on your knees scrubbing toddler vomit out of a floor while the man gets to live his life freely. maternity is a way to kneecap women, to humiliate them and knock them down a peg, but certain flavors of feminists cope by acting like their choice to take a load is strong divinity magic. meanwhile they shot themselves in the foot and want us to join them and praise them. fuck that shit.
they give off the same flavor as "empaths" – crunchy dipshit weirdos who probably have a jar of their own toenail clippings.
No. 1706307
>>1706296Samefag, while the whole inclusivity movement was good for a lot of things, it also just created people who get offended when every single statement on earth doesn't specifically apply to them. Like why do you care if everything isn't targeted towards you? Who even said that those statements necessarily exclude you
I guess using that anons post as an example "women are strong cause we create life" doesn't mean women are only strong cause we create life? Why can't you be the person to say the things you want other people to say? Does the type of person you are only matter if you see other people praising it? I don't get it.
No. 1706309
>>1706206>women are so powerful because we create life! We can nurture a living person with our body! I bet a lot of tokophobic girls and young women are inadvertently pushed into aidenism by such arguments lol
>>1706270average lolcow "feminist" logic: everything I like is based and fembrained, everything I don't like is cringe and malebrained. that's all you need to know to understand.
No. 1706335
>>1706206Saying that normal empathy and emotional intelligence are somewhat a hindrance or a sign of you being "too sensitive" or "weak" is definitely a male take though. You're used to thinking about men as the norm, you don't realize that their lack of empathy and positive emotions are the anomaly. Being able to feel emotions, being emotionally intelligent and having empathy aren't a hindrance, it's how you are able to navigate the world and experience things like a normal human being. It's why women act like people instead of angry immature chimps, it's why we don't commit 90% of violent crimes and are instead able to socialize and interact with other people. It's the literal basis of a sane society.
>>1706301I am also childfree but thinking of your uterus as a "stupid vestigial organ" that's meant to make you a slave to men is why so many young women troon out. It's far from vestigial first of all, and the healthy way to go about it is to realize that it's simply one of your organs you need to take care of. You don't need to use it but you don't need to despise it either. Saying that it's inherently gross and that it's only there to make you inferior is just plain misogyny.
No. 1706339
>>1706335>the healthy way to go about it is to realize that [your uterus] simply one of your organs you need to take care of. You don't need to use it but you don't need to despise it either.Exactly, I actually think both of these attitudes are two sides of the same coin of overemphasizing the uterus as a baby factory. Sad that only recently it's been discovered that it has a role in hormonal regulation and it's not actually useless unless you're currently pregnant.
I have to say this also applies to breasts. No wonder so many girls want theirs removed when they're needlessly oversexualised by society but the main argument against it is "nooo they're not there for men to ogle they're there for babies to feed!" Why can't they just be for us ourselves as a part of our bodies? Why do women's bodies have to be useful to others first?
No. 1706388
>>1706335>Saying that normal empathy and emotional intelligence are somewhat a hindrance or a sign of you being "too sensitive" or "weak" is definitely a male take thoughI think there's a difference between empathy and stupidity and naivety. You shouldn't grant empathy to everyone specially not men, most women do exactly the opposite and that's why they get played so frequently. You aren't supposed to put yourself on a vulnerable situation by displaying your feelings or giving motherfuckers the benefit of the doubt because you
assume they're humans when they
ain't>>1706385Agreed. I side-eye people like that tbh
No. 1706404
>>1706385this is a popular opinion basically everywhere tbh.
>you were a child once too how can you dislike them?!I didn't like children then either, that's kind of how I learned children can be psychopaths that smother and torture living things for fun, by being in school with them. the women that don't believe kids can be fucked up and that people cant have reasonable reason to not want to be around them are walking red flags on the path to enable the next little johnny daterapist on the basis of assuming all children have beautiful pure souls instead of being tiny untrained apes that have to be taught basic empathy by their absentee parents.
No. 1706407
>>1706385Hating kids is dumb but I 100% want to a-log some parents. So many people have kids because that's what you do, or to be their little puppet they can vicariously live through and force-feed their Star Wars obsession to, or as a way to "fix" trauma imparted on them by their own parents, which will inevitably traumatize the kids in some other way since these people didn't bother resolving that in therapy instead.
And it fucking
shows in the way some kids are being raised. My mom was the latter so I was a fix-it baby. If I served in Iraq as a child I'd have less trauma. Worst of all are idiots on Reddit spinning that as a cutesy "wholesome" story as if they're not certified mental patients.
>I'm NC with my abusive mother who never hugged me, hanged me by the peepee upside down every Tuesday and called me a little bitch boy. >I had no toys growing up and got spanked for watching Pokemon, that's why I had my kids: so I can give them the love and plastic garbage I never had uwu! Here's my hecking kiddo, he's the one holding the iPad watching epic awesomesauce anime (daddy's favorite!) No. 1706435
>>1706385Avoiding them like the plague is imo totally fine because there's no one really being effected, it crosses the line when you're actively hostile towards children. I really don't think ~everyone needs to be setting an example for the children~ though, don't be inappropriate don't be weird but you don't have to be an active guide for them.
I only really see dudes being hostile towards (primarily female) children, like a weird power trip thing, I think it's over exaggerated when people act as if people are so much meaner to children when realistically, children are coddled more nowadays. (B4 any overreactions, no I do not support parents hitting their kids)
No. 1706531
>>1706385Yes, we were all kids once, and I fucking hated kids then, too. One day I'll be a corpse, am I supposed to hang out in a funeral parlor or a nursing home? Kids are annoying and filthy.
>they need guidance, empathy, and understandingwhy do I have to provide that? I'm not some obligatory nursemaid just because I have a vagina. ask men to change the shitty diapers and cook the grilled cheese and dino nuggies. Why does it have to be women doing drudgery like childcare? women are allowed to NOT be maternal. pickme ass. you know, men never interact with children, never take responsibility for them, and what happens? no one says a word. but a woman doesn't want to hold some stranger's kid and suddenly it's the end of the world and she's a wicked monster. fuck your double standards.
No. 1706599
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No air fresheners are worth buying (unless you only use it for the bathroom, and in that case why are your shits THAT stinky?) because the smell goes away too fast. Diffusers are way better and also less toxic I believe. Candles are better too.
No. 1706624
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>>1706619r u in need of assistance stinky stinkerson
No. 1706628
>>1706621Yeah. I feel like anons truly don't understand how big of slop you have to live in for you to stink enough to be noticable. If you skip dishes for a night or two you won't fucking stink. If you wear a shirt for another day or so you won't fucking stink. If you wash your sheets every other week instead of every week on the dot you won't stink I promise you. People don't actually understand how unclean majority of people are, especially those with kids. I even knew a moid that lived in actual filth (cat piss everywhere, barely showered or did laundry) but had no smell unless you were inches away from him .
Saying someone stinks has been a weird jab at women specifically for some reason, I assume because it's easy to just claim someone stinks and if they get called out they can easily pretend they just have extremely sensitive sense of smell. Like the whole "pussy stank" and hygiene Olympics among women on TikTok
No. 1706650
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>>1706632It's meant to be a Internet series about Garfield comics with some scary twists and stuff, but I won't lie, I never understood why people liked it so much. Gorefield was funny for a while but Lasagna Cat always felt too try hard for me. It has a very gross feel to it but not on a "uncanny valley" manner, more like "frat boy humor" type of way. For some reason Internet horror fans really love it.
No. 1706661
>>1706641Everyone is extremely paranoid of stinking so people no longer think rationally, like the anons who think you'll stink if you don't have a spotless house at all times.
But circling back, it's fine to be tired and to skip chores regardless of how much harpies scream about it. You know those assholes are probably living in sloppy ass homes anyway
No. 1706689
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I like animals. Some more than others, im not particularly a dog person but i still find them very cute and sweet. But something about small crusty white dogs and any breed similar to them makes me irrationally, uncontrollably angry. I'm not a psycho about it in the way that I actually wish any harm on them at all, but every time I even see one it makes me mad. They are so frustrating to look at. Their breath always reeks like tuna left in a hot car for a week. Theyre extremely unintelligent, have crusty, reddish-brown gunk around their mouth and eyes all of the time. Putrid. Even the "cleaner" looking ones make me angry. Theyre so ugly i do not understand how people actually choose to own them. I had a friend who had one of these dogs (a very poorly trained, exceptionally unhygienic one at that) and i think its what really set my permanent hatred for them off.
No. 1706820
Coming from someone who lives in an overpopulated shithole, my unpopular opinion is that (straight) couples who have had 5+kids (shit maybe even 3+ max) should be sterilized immediately—both the man and woman, I honestly don't care if it's "inhumane", "eugenecist", or "anti-poor" (which most of them are). Family planning and sex education is simply not enough, these retarded breeders are like "boohoo life is so hard, I have so many kids to feed, I can't feed them all boohoo" I can understand if they were young and uneducated and had no idea penis + vagina = baby—but when they experienced it once shouldn't they have learned not to do it a second, third, fourth, umpteenth times??? It's like they want to be miserable and live in a perpetual state of poverty. What's worse is that these so-called parents don't teach their own kids penis + vagina = baby and they continue to repeat the cycle! And then they'll blame the goverment for their own shitty decisions.
Fucking hate these breeders so much, they're the reason the place is an economic shithole in the first place—too many people combined with low resources means competition for what is little left. I feel bad for the kids too, since the parents are so poor (due to breeding like retarded rabbits), they can't educate them properly because of the expenses—so what do they do? They often force the kids to work shitty jobs themselves and/or beg, and/or give them the position of the second parent to their younger siblings. They brought child(ren) onto this world just to become their personal mules.
No. 1706827
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Bump. Some pedo bastard is lurking again.
No. 1706844
>>1706820There's 2 related things that play a huge part here and nobody seems to be addressing them ever: women's/girls' education and rights, and religion. Notice how most of the extreme breeders seem to come from some cult, oppressive religious family where it's never the man who is kept as a housepet and incubator but always the woman, or a country where backwards religions are extremely pervasive like the majority of Islamic countries.
Extreme poverty is basically the same: woman comes from a home where her education and rights were probably never a priority or were actively discouraged, she's poor so she can't get an education or do much of anything except marry another povvo to get out of the shitty household, he forces her to have 9 kids because he's male and doesn't care if the kids actually get to eat, poverty continues.
No. 1706847
>>1706820I agree, and I also think disabled people shouldn't reproduce if their disabilities are hereditary. And I'm most definitely not going to have kids for this reason, I don't want to have kids who will have to go in and out of hospitals their whole lives with no future because I have horrible genes from my defective parents.
>>1706844You're right, my family in
Morocco learned that my cousin was a schizo when he tried to kill his ex wife and himself and got him to take his meds and he does take them most of the time… but they let him marry another woman after the first one fled and they're hiding his schizo tendencies to his current wife and kids on purpose because "we're all supposed to have kids it's our goal on earth!!1!" or some similar bs. I never met that poor woman but I hope she's doing ok.
No. 1706850
>>1706820I wish surgical sterilization was free. Even better if people got paid or otherwise incentivized to do it. We have over eight billion people on the planet, any willing snip is a good snip.
>>1706847So much this. I have an extreme level of hatred for people who pass disabilities onto their children. It's imo the most selfish thing someone can do and I hate that those people are often lauded as "brave" by virtue signalling ableds who don't have to deal with the consequences.
No. 1706877
>>1706820People who hate those who have big families are miserable. Your country isn’t a shithole because it’s ‘overpopulated’ it’s because your leaders are incompetents who don’t know to run a country
>>1706832>I really think sterilization is the only way to effectively solve this issueHaving 8 children is the problem and not the poverty rate? Lmfao
No. 1706892
>>1706877Poverty happens
because of people having 8+ children. Too many people to feed + low resources (jobs, food, housing) leads to disaster.
No. 1706910
>>1706901No shit they're not suffering—he's a fucking billionaire, he doesn't apply nor is he the type of person I'm talking about. Poor people shouldn't multiply because they're only bringing nothing but misery to their children (hunger, lack of education, forcing them to work, forcing their oldest daughters to play mommy to their younger siblings when she's barely in her double digits). What's the damn point of bringing so many children to this world just to have them suffer a miserable existence? I have seen these types of shitty parents with my own eyes. It is not pretty how they treat their children—the cussing, the screaming, the guilting ("I brought you to this world yet you can't do this simple errand of buying me cigarettes?? blah blah blah"). Fuck, how can I
not hate them
and their irresponsibility?
No. 1706926
>>1706820you can't discuss this without men's sexual entitlement and view of PIV/vaginal intercourse as the only form of sex. Marital rape is real and what plenty of these women in poor areas are going through, getting raped to survive and care for their current children.
>>1706844exactly, you can't really talk about this without discussing women's rights. i'm south asian and my parents generation all had 5+ siblings in their family; my generation has one or two siblings on average.
>>1706901he's an obvious exception as a billionaire. and then look at how fucked up celeb kids turn up or how absent fathers are terrible for kids, nevermind he's an autist so more of those kids will be retarded. he probably had prenups and will use his lawyers to make sure those kids receive very little.
No. 1706932
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cp being posted beware
No. 1706934
>>1706926Yes it's true. The men impregnating are often older than these younger girls. And after they fuck off of the picture the girl is left with raising the kid and having a stigma attached to her as lust-induced idiot hussy (honestly, from what I've seen, the ones who are most judgemental are other teenage girls—they
relish being not in her position and put everything they can to feel better about themselves, condescendingly saying shit like; "guuuurl when I was your age all I cared bout was playing going outside and doing homework… but look at you guuuurl" as if that whill help with their situation. Meanwhile, the irresponsible scrote to live his life scot-free with no consequences, ignoring the broken family he left behind because "hurr durr she got herself pregnant hurr durr".
The most frustrating part in my country is that, they often see teen pregnancy as an issue being
solely the girl's fault—as if two doesn't take two tango and they somewhow magically got pregnant because of Mother Mary's magic or some shit.
No. 1706946
>>1706926>>1706844I'm definitely not ignoring the issue of marital rape, teen pregnancy, and the scrotes who do those shit. They're a huge problem here also.
However, as much as they exist—there are also Michelle and Jim Bob types here who keep popping out children becuase they took the beeble to seriously when it said be "be fruitful and multiply". We shouldn't baby these type of people (not talking about women who went through marital rape or teen mothers—they're a different story), there really are too many irresponsible people in this world sadly enough.
No. 1707338
>>1707171>This is unenforceable and a little autistic It is, I’ve seen people suggest this as if it’s a legit alternative to birth control, I’ve also never seen them think through the logistics if it, like what happens when you want to have a kid? You reverse the vasectomy and then re-do it after you get pregnant? Every single time? It sounds inconvenient. And the alternative is using artificial insemination every time but I don’t know how many women would enjoy that.
What we need is better birth control (less side effects + more reliable) and unrestricted access to abortion.
No. 1707362
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>>1707338Idk, why even get pregnant? There’s a bunch of children without parents that need help. Men need real birth control strategies that aren’t just condoms.
And while abortions of course need to be available, isn’t it quite depressing that women need to go through such traumatic events when a moid could just get his sperm transporting tubes tied in a snap? It literally takes from 10 to 30 fucking minutes and reversing it takes from 2 to 4 hours, it’s just a snap of the fingers.
If moids could get obligatory vasectomies because, in their own words “they can’t help it” whenever they see a woman/girl/baby/old lady, then it would also help moids by giving them the freedom to coom without any sort of responsibilities.
If anything, that would be such a win/“win” situation, as in moids wouldn’t need to worry about having to become responsible of a child (kek, as if they gave a fuck) and women would have one less trauma to worry about in case we have to deal with some rape ape.
It’s depressing anyways but at least it means not having to bring a child to this world knowing that it comes from a rape ape.
No. 1707908
>>1707905It's more like people get hurt over the implication that the majority of men are pedophiles, there's already pervasive narrative that single moms deserve no romantic love because they made mistakes and therefore are whores who will raise damaged children. The outrage is on behalf of the scrotes, not for the women at all.
That aside, plenty of men have hero complexes and aren't pedophiles. There are men out there who want to be seen as providers and saviours of single vulnerable moms without the mess of having to biologically reproduce with one nor help raise needy infants.
Anecdotal, but they don't make terrible fathers when one is young and dumb. I had a glowing image of my stepfather growing up and he never touched me, but definitely fucked over my mother financially and later cheated on/divorced her in later years.
Just don't take life too seriously, people are always on their own bullshit and there is no "safe" answer.
No. 1707915
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Black licorice is delicious.
No. 1707929
>>1707926It's really fucking depressing. This happened to my SIL and she won't stop with the damn dating apps. Her husband (a useless fratboy scrote tbqh) OD'd on fent laced coke and nothing of value was lost. She's now a single parent of their son and the dating scene is rough for her. I hope she learns to love herself and realizes she doesn't need a man to be happy or to take care of her. If anything happened to my nigel I'd never pursue another scrote. We have a young daughter and I'll be damned if I let some fucking predator harm her, let alone use me and set a bad example for her.
>>1707908You speak truth,
No. 1707988
Maternity leave just fucks over different workers and shouldn't exist. The company will not eat the loss on the pay. Instead they'll put out feelers for something like a 3 month contract-to-hire (contract-to-fire), where they pay some poor misfortunate soul crap wages with zero benefits while dangling a carrot of a full hire in front of their nose that they never intend to follow through on. For the person on maternity leave to get her benefits, she is robbing benefits from another worker who gets shafted to cover her. And then that temp worker, who thought they were getting their foot in the door somewhere, who was putting up with a terrible contract term with no PTO just to have a paycheck, is thrown on their ass and their resume looks like job-hopping so they are ruined for life, used and thrown out like trash.
Maternity leave should not exist. You made the choice to get pregnant, why should the employer pay you to sit at home not working, while all your coworkers and the temp to cover you get fucked over? and because of maternity leave and how much of a costly hassle and legal liability it is, employers discriminate against young women and often won't hire a perfectly qualified woman because they think, "why bother, she'll just get knocked up and cost us a fortune?" So I get discriminated against because of your choices.
It sounds good on paper, but in practice it only ruins the lives of different women and vulnerable people like recent grads and people with shaky work history who are desperate.
No. 1707997
>>170798880% of women have kids. Humans are animals most of us are going to reproduce. Making employment harder for mothers is bad for society and dangerous for mothers and children, especially considering
abusive relationships.
No. 1708005
>>1707997You say it's bad for mothers, but as it stands other people are taking the hits for them. It's not fair that other people are fucked over so one person can gain unequal benefit. And why do you bring up
abusive relationships, which has nothing to do with it? That's just whataboutism. You can't just say "
abusive relationships exist somewhere, therefore I win the argument."
>>1707999Depends on laws. I just feel put out that i get turned down from jobs i'd be great at because they assume I'll pop out babies to eat off their mat leave. If they want to start a family they should take responsibility for the cost. It's not like humans are an endangered species.
>>1708003What sexism? I don't want to be discriminated against and have my life made harder. They should pay for their baby leave themselves. It took both genders to make that baby so I don't know how this is sexist.
No. 1708021
>>1707988you can literally just put in your cv that you were covering for someone on maternity leave and that's why you were only employed for x months. also idk which country you're from but in mine (germany) it's not unheard of that employers just sack the woman who returns from maternity leave and keep the replacement, which is equally shitty.
either way, you sound like a "cool girl" turbotard.
No. 1708022
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>>1708018Sorry but kinda, yes, you might be. But do you understand why I say the temp worker is getting shafted with bait-and-switch false promises to tempt them into doing the shit work to cover the mat leave?
>>1708021HR doesn't care why. There is really no need to insult me, you know. This is the unpopular opinion thread.