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No. 1698871
let out all your problems nonnies
previous thread
>>>/ot/1687969 No. 1698889
>>1698887This isn't going to do shit.
>>1698876Tell them not to give any credentials via phone (scams) or clicking sketchy emails links. It's hard but the biggest security threat is always going to be human error. I have a friend who got banned from his bank for responding to a scam and handing over all his banking info and they didn't believe he was scammed. He's around my age so it doesn't just happen to boomers, zoomers are even more tech illiterate.
No. 1698899
>>1698876Linux Mint. It won't stop them falling for scams but Linux is secure enough by default that it stops most of the weird shit that happens to windows. Mint is a beginner distro that's easy to use and comes with it's own software repo that works like an app store only everything is free. They might even prefer Mint to windows because the UI is much cleaner compared to steaming dog shit UI that's part of Win10 and Win11.
>>1698895Croatia is probably in a better state than the US or Western Europe at this point.
No. 1698957
This faggot at my university is literally the most insufferable attention-seeking loser I’ve ever had the displeasure of having classes with. On top of being an ugly fat fem (think nikacado) who genuinely believes any straight/masculine guy who gives him attention will fuck him, he’s straight up a liar. He lies about his ethnicity (he’s 100% white telling one group of people he’s 2% indigenous and others he’s 40%), lies about his health, he lies about boyfriends and who he’s had sex with. He fakes trauma to one up women in our class. Everybody hates this man but he keeps wriggling his way into every fucking party and event forcing everyone to awkwardly listen to him lying about having cancer, having an estranged son with some girl who raped him in his sleep (lol?) or the time he had sex with a fashion week model who’s never even set foot in our country before.
I never liked his energy. He was close with most of the women in our class because he was charismatic until one of his now ex-friend’s connected the dots and called him out on the lying and now everyone just keeps their distance except his only friend who is just as insecure and pathetic as he is. I talked to him the other day out of curiosity and it only took 3 sentences for him to randomly trauma dump about some random straight guy who queerbaited him (he was polite while holding a reasonable amount of eye contact, and told him he was straight). Then he started ranting about how his ex-friend was a homophobic slut, how he saw her boyfriend on Grindr and how he can’t wait to fuck him. I asked to see the profile, and it was not anyone remotely close to the boyfriend. The guy had the same name, but the age was much older, the man was showing bulge and the body was jacked even though the boyfriend was a twiggy, introverted type who wouldn’t even take his shirt off at a beach. The guy he sent messages to had not even responded after 4 days. Genuinely deranged.
I wish nothing but the worst for him in our industry.
No. 1698972
>>1698963The culture did shift I think, and There was a farmhand post in /meta/
>>>/meta/63136 alluding to some anons just coming here specifically to infight. You might have also grown out of LC, I don't know you like that lol. When it comes to retards trying to fight I'd just ignore them.
No. 1698994
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Went through my first heartbreak/breakup at the start of June and I’m still not okay and pretty fucked up from it. The relationship wasn’t healthy, I started going to therapy to try and process everything in order to move on, my therapist thinks my ex was a narcissist.
Since we’ve broken up 3.5 months ago he has smeared my name to anyone who will listen and has had me blocked everywhere. I don’t know why it still hurts. I know I wasn’t in a great place mentally and I know that I did things that were probably hurtful but I don’t hate him, I don’t know why he still hates me or why i'm even bothered that he does. i knew him for 5-6 years prior to dating him (we dated for around 1 year), idk how to get over the fact that we will probably never speak again.
No. 1699013
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Can the hungry hippos pick up the god damn phone? I know for a damn fact they are discussing amongst themselves what food to eat for the whole gaggle. At this point I have been waiting on the line for over an hour and im ready to walk up in their clinic to pick the damn phone for them. I NEED MY RESULTS. DO I HAVE CANCER OR NOT. HOLY SHIT PICK UP. Every single time I am there, they are talking about food or candy. I know they see the phone ringing and I completely understand why they do not give a shit, but I am at my wit's end. Also fuck my doctor for not responding, it's been over 72 hours. It's been a whole ass week trying to get into contact.
No. 1699044
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I’m about 75% positive I’m going to kill myself tomorrow while Nigel is at work. He usually works from home but works from the office as required on a regular basis. If not today then likely soonish, before next year chance goes up to like 99%. Currently in the middle of smoking a joint and feeling better about staying alive for the time being. Well, not giving a shit is more like it.
I’m really going to miss my cats and my dog. My dog is going to take it the hardest and I feel the worst for her tbh, but at least she’s a senior dog so she won’t have to live like forever like Hachiko missing me. The humans in my life will 100% be better off without me barring a couple female friends who actually will be hurt by this
I know they don’t read here but hell if they ever do, K I’ve known you since we were in 5th grade and I love you. Please make sure my puppy dog finds a loving mama and I’m so sorry for leaving her, I know you didn’t want me to leave and you’re worried about my soul but we have diff beliefs regarding that I think, if you ever wanna try and to make contact my spirit/soul symbol will be peacocks esp albino/white ones but all peacocks. A, I have known you for a long time but not as long and I love you too, I know you and your man are gonna get what you need and deserve in this life. I’ll be watching both of your families grow and protecting you guys if that’s like a thing.
My mom pretty much just told me she hates me and how much I make her wish she was dead and how much she hates visiting me and seeing me. Always knew my dad felt that way about me but I guess my mom was just good at hiding it kek. Fuck you, yes you’re a bitch, and if you were half as kind and patient with me growing up and K and A are with their girls I wouldn’t be in this sad fucking situation. And K and A would never let a man like my father be around their girls to bully and abuse their whole lives. You’re such a fake phony ass bitch. I knew it, I fucking knew it in my gut. Go bitch to me about my dad he’ll take your side and run way far away with it you guys can despise me together.
My Nigel’s family hates me so much and we cannot afford to live in the house he bought anymore. Why, cause we have a mortgage and don’t own it outright and homeowners insurance is insane and we were already barely making ends meet before it quadrupled in price this year. As did like everything else it seems. His rich evil family is letting him live in a bigass place they have at cost (they own it outright so just maintenance fees and taxes+utilities, aka wayyyyy cheaper than current costs for our much smaller home in a much less prime metro). The caveat is I can’t live there with him despite us having lived there together here for nearly 5 years and dated for way longer. They hate me because I’m disabled and don’t come from a well off family and no this isn’t some Hindu shit it’s just classist burger bullshit, and they hate that im disabled with health conditions, they literally just tell my Nigel to replace me. That’s not on the table for him but we have to have like plans in place for when they visit for how I have to hide in a closet in a big dress container(?!) or in a trunk or hurry and get dressed and fuck off somewhere anytime they pop by to visit. I am someone who gets chronic migraines and the mere thought of having to do any of that on a migraine attack day (yea I have rescue meds but I still feel pain and need to be in a dark quiet room laying down and need to generally take 2-3 of the rescue meds over a 6-9 hour period and I feel awful both before and after they occur) makes
Me wanna be dead. I’ve already almost died from a suicide attempt before. My first attempt was a total dud (you’re only dying from benzos and alcohol mixed if you’re like, super unhealthy or also doing opiates or have some health condition, even tons of benzos and alcohol mixed doesn’t kill the average healthy 20 something even if there is no medical intervention besides friends making sure no vomit gets aspirated). However a Wellbutrin OD will fuck you up even with medical intervention you could die especially if we’re talking high dose like a 3 month supply of 300 mg xl yeah you a ded bitch even if you go to the ER. Anyway I’m done typing my joint went out gonna re light and take a nap and reconsider what my life or end of life should look like
No. 1699063
>>1699044how does your Nigel defend you from your shitty in-laws, how can he choose to live with them when they treat his girlfriend like this? how the fuck did it get to his partner hiding from his family, is he a fucking baby? what a spineless bastard. monsters-in-law are a real phenomenon and if you need to leave him because of his family, do it.
you mention Hindus, is he Indian and you're not? As a desi woman men (and women too tbh) in our cultures are raised to put the family first and regularly face pressure not to marry outside the ethnicity/culture.
if you need money or financial help please consider asking friends or trying one last time to access state services. fuck your family and his family and consider going no contact, but you are right it will devastate your friends and make them wonder if they could have done anything. i'm not going to make a "please you have so much to live for" response but please try for yourself and those who actually care about you to manage the problems making you feel suicidal, and then considering it.
No. 1699067
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>>1699061I am physically disabled unfortunately and literally can’t even work 5-6 hours a week at home. My mobility is limited (inb4 fatty I’m bmi 19) and grabbing a bottle of pills and downing them before tying a noose around my neck and leaning forward on a doorknob is something I can do but standing on my feet all day or being in an office 3 hours a day 2+ days a week isn’t and wouldn’t pay bills. Tried sex work got traumatized fuck that shit. Even if I managed to work like 20 hrs (never have and I’m nearing 30 years old) it wouldn’t cover any expenses. Literally there are no other options. I can’t even drive due to my disabilities, my medicine makes me unable to drive safely even if I knew how, in a state with no public transport to speak of kek. Idk I’m no fucking catch and I need a caretaker and my parents sure as fuck can’t/won’t and I’ve applied for SSI but won’t know what’s up with that until next summer and will probably need to get a lawyer to appeal and that’ll take like 2-3+ more years and also would not be enough to live in even a roommate situation with. And then there’s me needing a gluten free cooking space cause I’m celiac and needing low temp 72 degrees no hotter cause heat sensitivity I’m a piece of shit to live with who is going to accommodate my ass nonnies asking in all seriousness frfr
No. 1699075
>>1699063Nah he’s just another white dude his family are just racist classist ableist white people and I’m a lower class mentally and physically disabled white person. It’s funny, his mom literally drunkenly murdered a man and showed 0 remorse and blamed the man she murdered for being on the road. They paid millions for her to serve no time and my Nigel remembers her making him blow into the breathalyzer attached to her car to start the engine when he was in fifth grade. They looooove her but I guess the difference is she made a mistake whereas I AM a mistake. His family are stone cold psychos tbh. The casual racism that gets thrown around is enough to make me wanna run for the hills and then they constantly take him aside to tell him ableist shit to get him to leave me, like while I’m in the bathroom. he says he knows I have problems but I’m his best friend and he loves me and it doesn’t matter to him and they just kinda like go mmm disapprovingly.
I’m sobbing writing this but I tried asking my family and friends for money and they are all either dead broke and super sorry they can’t help or they were really straight up mean to me and called me an entitled brat for asking nicely (literally just asking and explaining the situation not demanding or begging). I have applied for SSI which is the only state service I can really get and it takes years to obtain. I just don’t know why it has to be like this. I’ve always wanted a mom and dad to love me more than anything honestly and it’s something I’ll never have and it breaks my heart.
No. 1699078
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>>1699073If we weren’t struggling so hard and not going to have to move out of the house he has a mortgage to I’d say psych but sadly it true. We’ve been living off credit for bit now. We’ll be able to make a profit off selling this shithole he’s paying so much a month for and also save money by paying so much less and living in a metro with way higher salaries for him. It just feels precarious af for me and I just wanna be accepted by his family fuck
No. 1699080
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>>1699075Oh btw Samefag but bitch blew a .27 when she was pulled over which is over 3.5 times the legal limit
No. 1699083
>>1699078>I just wanna be accepted by his family fuckhis family literally has a murderer and they defended her
they sound evil and self-centered, looking for acceptance from a family like that doesn't seem worth it for you.
>I’ve always wanted a mom and dad to love me more than anything honestly and it’s something I’ll never have and it breaks my heart.oh poor
nonny, this is such a natural feeling. i'm so sorry, but everyone reading this and you too know you cannot get this feeling from your family or his. mourn it as you deserve but please don't go chasing their approval. i think reading about narcissists and radical acceptance may help you. plan for your nigel and you to get what you can (materially, socially, etc.) out of your and his relationship to them but don't be seriously emotionally invested.
it sounds like your boyfriend really does need to defend you better, you shouldn't have to hide every time they come. but if you want to avoid them for your own sake, cutting off contact with them and avoiding them when they come doesn't sound like the worst idea.if selling your house should make you a profit, try to keep going and see what that brings your financial situation, okay?
No. 1699088
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>>1699083Thank you so much for your response. I agree with you. I finished smoking my joint, chilled out. I gave my dog belly rubs and cuddles and a snack. I gave all my kitties snacks and kisses on their soft little heads and carried around the little one who enjoys being carried and snuggled and now I’m cuddling her in bed for a nap. I wanna stay around for these sweet companions animals and my girl friends and I hope my Nigel gets a good enough job and/or that his grandparents hurry up and die and leave him the house in the will so they’re not a worry anymore and ties with both families can be cut cause fuck em both.
No. 1699094
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I'm not sick, I do not feel sick, I had my last fever in Jan 2022, I do not ever sneeze or cough, my belly never hurts aside from menstrual pain, my joint don't hurt, I can breathe perfectly, perfect blood oxygen, no ashtma, no allergies, my heart is perfect, I never have headaches, my lymphonodes are never swollen and yet my anxiety tells me something's very wrong. Yes I got "organically" checked. I cannot afford a therapist before November and I want to cry because I don't want to live with these constant thoughts for two more months… Please nonna tell me I'm stupid and I'm healthy, it's just my head that's fucked.
No. 1699102
The other night my boyfriend was yelling at me and asked me if I was retarded. I asked him if he called me retarded, and he said "a little". I slapped him, I immediately regretted it, but the night before that he has been yelling at me regularly. He knows what that word means to me, I told him that ever since I was a child my father used to regularly scream and remind me that I was retarded due to my constant panic attacks at 10. I had so much insecurity about my intelligence and that word specifically, even my mom and her boyfriend would question me, he knows how I feel about it, and he knows what that means to me. I have been trying so hard to get better, I have been going to therapy, but the past few nights it feels as if he has been yelling at me more and more, and I just brokedown and lashed out. I know what I did was terrible. I got reminded of my father and did it. I feel terrible. I feel like I am an abusive piece of shit. He told me that he said it because he was trying to hurt me, and we both forgave each other, but I still feel terrible. I don't know why I act this way. There was another time where I hit his arm when he kept yelling at me. I'm going to tell my therapist and ask her how to get better, because I don't want to be this way anymore. I feel like I am a horrible person. I don't know if I'll ever stop being so childish. I don't know why I react that way when I get told those things, I wish I could get over it.
No. 1699127
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i feel like im stuck in life because of my family. i recently turned 18 and i feel desperate to try to start my life. my family is very strict and religious and not to mention we're pretty poor. im not allowed to do anything, enjoy anything, have interests at all. music, movies, videos, games, basically anything that isn't hypereligious is considered the devil.
i can't drive to get anywhere. I don't have a license because my parents won't teach me and i don't have the money to pay for lessons. im not allowed to get a job even though i would be able to pay for the little things i need and would take my dad a couple weeks to work for. i want to make a bank account so i could maybe get a job anyways but my dad has all our papers locked away. i feel like im trapped. they're even trying to control what im studying (my dad has a grand idea of me being an english teacher at an islamic school in saudia arabia). i thought i could at least get through college and then leave but im slowly going crazy, it would be a miracle if i don't kill myself before the end of this year.
i don't have any friends and have been socially isolated for so long because my parents have always told me that friendship isn't real. i try to talk to people but i just can't keep a conversation and sound like a nervous child about to have a breakdown. i feel so far away from being normal and defunct of any personality. i don't know anything about anything and am too retarded to talk to others. i just want to live a normal life, i want to celebrate my birthday and go outside and do stuff but i don't know how.
i wish i had a different life with an average normie family where i could go outside and do stuff and not feel like im going to die. i want to cut off my family and run away or move out (with what money…) but the guilt of leaving my parents on their own with their brady bunch number of kids is eating me alive. but stupidly enough, the fact that im surrounded by my large family despite being isolated from the outside world is the only reason i think i haven't started harming myself. i don't know what to do.
No. 1699132
>>1699102He purposely dug up your trauma to hurt you, yet you think you're the
abusive one? You didn't do anything wrong nonna. Your boyfriend is actively malicious, what a miserable person to be around
No. 1699139
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>>1699129thank you nona… ily…
I hope to get back to enjoy my hobbies and distract myself with them, lately I've been here a lot due to me being afraid to annoy my nigel, friends and family, I feel safe when I speak here, thank you. I also have a bad habits of googling shit like "what are the symptoms of (various bad diseases)" to see if I check any of them sigh.
For now I'll try to focus on my job, my kitty and getting myself little treats, since I finally have some money and I like to feel I am my own princess…not a consoomer, I just like some nice perfumes to spray on my pillow before sleeping and silver jewelry…I hope that taking care of me helps a little….
No. 1699152
nonny. I cannot imagine being in this situation. I'm so sorry. It sounds like a nightmare. Hopefully college will allow you to naturally make distance from them and then start your own life but it's not guaranteed. You may need to do take actions they call heartless. If that's what happens, do it. This is your life and we don't live forever. You've been living for your family for eighteen years. You have to live for yourself. I believe in you.
No. 1699160
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>>1699152thank you nona.
i do want to start living for myself. i am going to try to find my papers and open a bank account + get a job. i've always been terrified of going being behind their back due to their abuse and because i don't want to lose my family and be alone forever. there is still so much i don't know, (embarrassingly basic things i think might be programmed into the everyday person) so i'm not very confident on my ability to survive by myself. i feel happy knowing i can still talk to you guys here (take that mom and dad >:-D) so im not completely isolated.
(>:-D) No. 1699171
my awesome grandpa died last month, very draining physically and mentally, massive funeral, hundreds of people. during this my online best mate just dropped off the face of the earth. typically we’ll fill eachother in with our lives and how we’re going, send memes. for a good month and a half it was radio silence. i was understandably upset and getting mad at them, when they finally replied. their grandpa had died as well. of course i felt bad for pestering them but i felt like we could have helped eachother with our grief, i’ve known this person going on 5 years. then yesterday i found out my grandma (other side of family) is dying too! i cant help but feel selfish in a way, i know its awful but i’ve lost so many friends, ive always supported this person, and at our lowest when we could have supported one another they ghost me. the day after i get an explanation from them, my fucking grandma is dying.
No. 1699197
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it seems the universe is playing its own fucked up mind game with me. right after posting this my parents told me that my siblings and mom are moving back to their home country (a third world war torn shithole) so that they could learn their religion. and worst of all im being left her with my stupid dad and my sister who is undergoing hospital treatment. i wish i could at least have my mom by my side even if she does side with my dad for everything. i thought i would be able to finally live my life but there is no chance of that being alone with my dad. what's even worse is the fact that my parents told me that i would be cooking and cleaning for my dad, basically taking my moms role and playing housemaid. what did i even do to deserve this. my only distraction were my little siblings. as much as i want to be free and get away, im scared of being on my own. i've never been (almost) by myself and i don't know how to live or interact with the outside world. how do i get out of this now?
also im so scared for my siblings, why would my parents think to sacrifice their future is 1st world country to be forced to learn a religion they don't care about?
>>1699158im from the US and a couple of years ago i called the cops because i was being beaten a lot that night. they told me that since they were my parents, they had every right to beat me and so i've never trusted them again. i want to steal the papers and hide them with myself. i don't have any money to my name and don't receive any from my family but i will look into places i could go.
>>1699158im scared of talking to other people about my situation, what if gets back to my parents? i tried calling the cops and that only aggravated the situation and made my life worse.
>>1699166i want to go to you nona.
No. 1699303
>>1698876If they don't respect you, you can try sending them links to videos/articles by someone else that explain how to watch out for that stuff. Like men who work in tech I guess. Some police, government, and library websites also have pages about looking out for scams, so that could work too.
I know off the top of my head that in the comments on scambaiting youtube videos (like Kitboga and Mark Rober), there's always a bunch of boomers blogposting about how the creator's videos taught them the red flags. Those videos are more for entertainment although they do usually devote a section to explaining how the scam typically plays out.
No. 1699355
I don't know what to do. For the past two weeks I've been sleeping for only like 4 hours every night and I'm constantly exhausted. I hate my work and I hate working abroad, I want to go home but I'm scared. One of my coworkers invited me for a trip and I agreed although I wasn't sure how I'm going to feel when the time comes. There's 4 other people. Yesterday I was supposed to book a museum visit, everyone was supposed to book their own visit for the same hour, I didn't do it, one of my coworkers said I didn't look too enthusiastic about the trip and maybe it's better for me not to go than to go and ruin everybody's fun. I knew she was right but I still felt like shit. Also we had more work than usual and we were understaffed. I had a breakdown in the bathroom and I just sat there on the floor for like 15 minutes and cried to the point I got petechiae under my eyes. I was late from my break because of that but I also didn't want anyone to see I was crying. After work so around 00:00 I found out one of the guys also booked the visit for me, and they also moved the schedule of the trip 2 hours forward so I wouldn't have to wake up that early after second shift and we would go at 10:00 instead of 8:00. And I thought ok that's super nice of them I will go. But I woke up at 3:00 at night and I couldn't sleep anymore. It's 7:00 and I still can't sleep and I had another breakdown and cried again. I just want to go home so bad, I don't want to be here anymore. And I don't know what to do about this fucking trip, I will feel like an asshole if I won't go when they moved the schedule especially for me and one of them booked shit for me, but if I force myself to go and I won't be able to not act exhausted and sad, I will ruin everybody's fun, like my coworker said. I don't want to go and force myself to act like I'm fine for at least 7 hours, when I could use this saturday to rest and get some sleep, especially that I also work on sunday. But they already did stuff especially for me and I don't know how to refuse. Both options are bad.
No. 1699372
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I stalked the discord servers that my ex used to be a part of and seeing how she interacts in a group setting, I have just come to the realization that she was actually a pretty insufferable and whiny person which I never saw during the relationship. One was a small server from 5 years ago. She would perceive situations to be more negative than they really are and would cry in #general how no one cares about her, throw a self-pity party, and guilt trip every member how they aren't "true friends" because they're not comforting her. I read through the drama unfolding on one of the channels between her and the closest friend she had on there at that time. This friend was apparently stressed out from school, work, and other irl stuff so you can tell she was growing tired of my ex's constant emotional demands, even despite this friend's constant reassurance that she loves her and how she's still her friend but just tired. Actually, you can tell from the chat that even other members there was growing tired of her shit. It's funny because it reminded me the time before we broke up where I was constantly stressed and tired from school, preparing for interviews for internships, part-time job on top of a 4 hour commute every single day. And then she would guilt-trip me how her "emotional demands" aren't being met. And when we went through some petty argument which I didn't feel like getting into, she thought I was "stonewalling" her and how I don't care about her and how I'm being abusive etc, when I'm literally just so fucking tapped out from everything else. Like that was 5 fucking years ago and she's hasn't changed at all in that time. I understand that she's just a very lonely and mentally ill person… but like chill out for once, people don't actually hate you, it's all in your mind for christ's sakes! I used to think clingy girls were adorable because they just "wuv you so much and they want to be with you 24/7 uwu" but now I realize that clinginess is actually a bad thing, because expecting one single person to meet all your emotional needs is really unhealthy, and the relationship with a clingy person is ultimately doomed to fail. There's also another discord server she used to be a part of fairly recently and it's insane how she just made the chat more awkward by instigating conflicts and fights with other members over politics no one but her cares about. Like it's a fucking gaming server, people there just want to shitpost about vidya not talk about how republicans and their policies are fucking awful (she doesn't even live in the states). She also harassed one particular member over his views in his DMs while other members begged her to just leave the poor man alone. Anyway, going through these servers is giving me a sense of closure and peace over the breakup, and it feels like I've finally taken off the rose-coloured glasses where I idealized her too much. The relationship was doomed to fail from the very start and there was really nothing I can do to salvage it. I'm not perfect either, and I don't have the emotional maturity nor intuition to handle the emotions of such a high-strung person, so I lash out sometimes out of frustration. I sometimes wonder if she has some bpd-like traits but I know she's too self-aware and empathic for that. Her traits actually remind me a lot of picrel though. I think she was just high in trait neuroticism, and I mean that as a real thing not a a "women be crazy amirite fellas" kinda thing. Maybe the relationship could have worked out if she had worked through her mental issues but she's still the same even after 5 years. I think these types of mentally ill people with depression and anxiety expect their partner to be their emotional support animal 24/7 and expect you to solve all their problems when they're the ones who can only look from within and solve it themselves. Even when you have all the traits ticked off in their "perfect partner" list, they will never be truly happy.
No. 1699373
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Took a few weeks break from lc, come back to make a single post and someone tries to bait an infight within minutes.
No. 1699398
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I hate Tinder dating. I hate meeting people from Facebook or from Discord. They never listen unless it is for manipulation to lay me faster, they only rant about themselves and expect me to be their cheerleader while I barely know them, they don't make effort to look good and if they do, they are absolute players who just enjoy the attention. They have attachment issues, weird rape tier fetishes, long history of broken relationships. BPD, ASPD, narcissism, all untreated of course. Why do I keep meeting these types? Am I shit? Why can't they recognize I also have feelings and interests? Is it because I am shy? Is it because I am not rich? Is it because I am not popular? Am I too ugly? Too boring? Many say the opposite yet I get treated like a toss away toy, only strung along to keep me for their benefit before I figure out they're lying. I can't even be myself anymore because they make me feel hopeless and worthless. Why keep doing my hobbies if they never see me for what I do? Why take care of my looks when there is someone more beautiful to seek out? Why try studying when only connections matter and all of them gatekeep? I check their social media and see beautiful and rich people. Professional photos, fancy vacations, big parties with big friend groups. Professions in the most nonessential bullshit fields, still in success and without worry about money. I wonder, do they treat these women better? Do they play them like they did with me? Is it because I am nobody, that I deserved their manipulation? I want to give up. I want to disappear.
No. 1699406
>>1699392>You still spend most of it working.A very depressing thought but how much have you tried to improve your work situation, or at least give yourself some hope? Aiming to FIRE is a big way to alleviate the suffering for most people, it's not realistic for all but it's something to work towards. You can try jobs with alternative rosters - I have 4 days off every week and still do close to full time hours, it's insane how much it improved my quality of living. I used to work 5 days but did 7am-3pm at an office 10 mins from home which was nice because I had a long afternoon to relax.
Other ideas - working part time hours, WFH or working close to home helps, having early/late/night shift depending on when you like having free time or sleeping, working jobs which are lax/easy/fun even if they aren't high paying. There's no obligation to do a 9-5, Mon-Fri office job with an hour commute, you can try to find alternatives to abject wage slavery.
No. 1699430
>>1699428At this point, I've learned that if someone says they're a terrible person they aren't playing coy and they aren't 'overtly worried and compassionate uwu', they really do usually end up being a terrible person. If you're looking to become more self aware it would be something to think about, I really don't think normal or even anxious people have thoughts like "I might be a covert narcissist" unless they embody the traits associated with it. I would imagine CNs are very good at viewing themselves as
victims or be completely oblivious to their own conditions their entire lives.
No. 1699451
>>1699430That's not really true. People with anxiety have anxiety about all sorts of retarded shit they can't control. And both "normal" and anxious people will be worried about having
abusive traits if they've been told they have them, whether the person saying it is being truthful,
abusive, or manipulative.
>>1699428Just look at the way you treat people around you. If you're treating them like shit and manipulating them for your own gain, you're being a bad person. If you want to stop being a bad person, stop behaving like a bad person. Obviously it isn't like flipping a switch, it takes work, but by continually stopping yourself from doing fucked up shit to other people, that's about where "not a fucked up narc" is. The key part is "stopping yourself from doing bad shit". It doesn't count if you fuck people over and go "oh nooo I fucked someone over" and then tell yourself you're being self aware.
That's pretty much it. While taking action is hard, the logic really is that simple.
No. 1699470
>>1699197Of course, a past experience like that is likely to make you feel this way. I am sorry as I am not from the US but you could try to look into local or even national or even international charities that support with this sort of family abuse.
You have to think, they'd be knowledgeable about this type of situation and know how to support you whilst protecting you from your family. You could even get look up your college's confidentiality policy, they should have it online and it'd detail what they do with your information and if a student discloses any concerning information.
No. 1699478
>>>/g/348868I made this post and I forgot how dead that board is. I’m really insecure about my glow up. And the older I get the more I hear from women both single ones and taken ones that they want to be modest and classy. Pls be kind to me. I’m not a
victim but I need therapy and reassurance.
No. 1699522
>>1699428With this realization, what are you doing with it? Are you going to work on how not to feel like you fit the points of a narcissist? I think it's a good initiation of being a narcissist or not is worrying and that feeling like you need to do something about it, or feeling you fit the points and go "that's just how my brain is wired and I can't do
anything to fix it." Like really sit on it.
No. 1699716
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Nonnas, I have something to confess to you guys. Things have been difficult and I have been unemployed for a little more than a year.
It's like no one is actively hiring and if there were jobs that fit my career path, they are always something wrong with it like a super long commute time, low salary, or just simply they just have high requirements that I can't meet…and the list goes on.
I feel like the biggest loser yet at 23 with no prospects, career, or future goals. I have been (embarrassingly and comfortably) living off my parents and thinking about a career switch after finishing my degree. I am at my wits end rn anons, I hate myself so much.
No. 1699731
>>1699725if she's retarded then she's probably misrepresenting her situation to the psychs. it's common for domestic abuse
victims to return to their abusers unfortunately. if the animal hoarding is severe call the cops or authorities on her.
No. 1699758
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y'all i have the biggest incel fetish and when i tell you right now my dreams are coming TRUE. i found a moid who's
all he does is play map games, scroll through social media and argue on discord. i met him on /soc/ while pretending to be a guy. he genuinely believes he's going to kill all the jews and muslims one day. he is VISIBLY brown and already balding. i'm in fucking heaven. what are the chances that he's a virgin? there's no way he's not. i'm planning a trip to serbia atm. can't wait to make him renounce his entire belief system for the slightest chance of pussy. i'm going to save him. i'm going to save him and he's going to let me peg him EVERY night. pray for me girls
No. 1699771
>>1699758>scroll through social media and argue on discordthat's just sad and retarded
>already baldingare you a hair transplant surgeon?
No. 1699792
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>>1699758nonna I've known several people with an "incel fetish" and they all really just had cripplingly low self esteem and internet poisoning kek. I promise you could get a sane, not balding moid who doesn't hate you if you wanted. That's what you deserve. Incels are literally the cesspit of the gene pool that should never reproduce, it's ultimately better for society if they goon in their parents' basements and die angry virgins
No. 1699809
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Looking through the liked posts of my TIM ex on twitter and the posts are nothing but other troons seething about "AFAB wombyns", girldick, how trans women are superior, and the occasional yuri art. I feel so disappointed and disgusted of myself. He's basically a stereotype of other transbian twitter troons now. I cannot believe I used to date this loser, Holy shit.
No. 1699816
>>1698997update and a general thank you to the nonnas responding. i’m gonna do an update every few days for my own sanity.
side effects:
some calf weirdness, went away
neck weirdness, currently away
ear clogged? not sure
still very very scared and anxious, i don’t want to go blind.
No. 1699860
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Being at home again is awful; my mom's style of living is wholly incompatible with how I want to live. I get tired of arguing with her, it makes me feel guilty and terrible after the fight is over, but it's either this or homelessness.
>Stop arguing with her
It's not that simple. She will grumble out loud for hours and hours over the tiniest, pettiest things while making snide remarks about me where it hurts the most – me taking six years for a four year degree (Covid fucked me hard), my suicide attempts, etc. – and I can't help but to blow up at her. It's just so bad for my mental health, and hers honestly. I love her but I really do need to get out of here. I wish someone would hire me. I'm waiting for a job to call me back and I'm praying that I get it, because this is not fucking working at all.
No. 1699867
>>1699860Oh…and there's the issue of outside interference too. I'm in this weird period of my life where I'm relying on people way more than I thought I would be, at
24 (by this I mean, my distant uncle is kind enough to teach me how to drive, because I never bothered to learn until now – I initially left home at 17 and had lived in a big city with good PT for the past seven years
and I miss it so fucking much – so now I usually spend a few days at his place so he doesn't have to drive back and forth between my mom's house and his). I truly thought I would be living on my own right now and not struggling through what feels like a particularly nasty adolescent phase. I really do despise this idea people have that I'm just lounging around and relaxing…I am not. I hate this. I just don't want to slave in a factory or do retail again, that's why I went to uni in the first place…to avoid that shit.
No. 1699872
>>1699725Do you know what a lolcow is? What’s up with anons being hostile to
victims of abuse so suddenly? Are you guys scrotes or is this a zoomer trend I missed out on because of the le negativity vibes is bad meme
No. 1699924
Does anybody else feel like it's impossible to form genuine friendships past the age of 25 or so? I don't know if I am just too dead inside or if all of us are or if I simply disconnected from people too much within the last 10 years. I remember how some friendships have saved my soul and motivated me like hell but now at best I find someone to "talk to" and the dialogues are always superficial.
Maybe it's just because I cannot find anybody I genuinely share an interest with. Maybe I am too childish or maybe the overabundance of content and possibilities has made people drift apart. Even when I join fandoms online I cannot really connect since people always prefer different characters, different things about a story, different pairings and different headcanons.
>>1698876For me it was easy because they don't even get as far. The only thing I managed to teach my mother is how to use What's App and a news app and she's happy with this. My father once tried but never got far with PCs. He was the typical dad you see 4channers parodying that shouted "NOOONNNNNA I THINK YOUR GAME IS SLOWING MY PC DOWN" even though it was just installed, not even running kek
Tbh I don't use phones much so I sadly cannot help. For PCs having an adblocker alone is already preventing most issues but phones mainly work with apps, not browsers.
No. 1699944
>>1698895I mainly see this coming from certain types of US-American people on tumblr and twitter. Basically every place that isn't the US and maybe some central and northern Euro countries (aka GER, ITA and FR + Scandinavia) is a crime-ridden hellhole and borderline medieval. Croatia seems modern and incredibly pretty to me (good cuisine too) and correct me if I am wrong since I am not Croatian, but the negative parts aren't crime related (at least do I doubt that it has more crime than other modern places) but that many barely make enough money to live and bad job perspectives in some regions, which is why many are immigrating.
Serbia is even more extreme in that regard, but it's still a super nice place to visit with friendly people and unlike my own fucking country (Germany) they have super fast w-lan in every bus I used, every tram and every restaurant. Same with Romania. I was residing in a very rural area near the Bulgarian/Romanian borders for a few weeks last month. When I went to Naples once I also chose the Spanish Quarters, a place tourist guide warn about. And again super nice people, easy to make friendships (well if you speak Italian at least) and random strangers will help you instead of ignoring you (unlike where I live). I explored the quarter at night to find its hidden churches, their fancy Maradona graffitis (don't ask) and the private holy corners with Virgin Mary and offerings + photos of dead family members.
The quarter warnings were either based on problems from the past that are long since solved or they are simply prejudices. I myself live in a city of which the name alone is making other people cringe and even here I can walk around peacefully at night (thought mostly without w-lan access). And I am pretty sure that neither Croatian towns (especially not the tourists places) nor most of the other Euro cities are as bad as my city and its weed-fog and arrogant bankers, aggressive geese and rich fags.
No. 1699953
>>1699929In a way it makes me feel better because I was rather isolated all my life, felt like an alien and everybody was angry at me for being awkward but one year of less social contacts and even the geniuses of socialization act like autists. Still a bit mad though because they are getting pitied for it but I only got shat on which drove me to further isolation.
That said, the disconnection the other anons mentioned isn't covid related or at least not caused by it IMO since it happened to me too way before this. You are probably right with the eggshell part. This and the social standards that dictate that adults need to act adult, the laughing at people with unrealistic dreams, the irony culture and adults generally being more jaded and suspicious has killed friendships.
How many times have I been enthusiastic about a thing only to get a bored "hm" from others? Or realised they didn't listen. If you genuinely like a story and say so people will call you stupid, if you have fun speculating about aliens or futuristic cities people will call you dumb even if it's just a thought experiment. People all monetize their hobbies, making them less hobbylike and them more likely to consider others as rivals instead of fellow fans of the same thing.
>>1699949This. They talk and talk and you never say anything. Once they are done they go. They never listen, they interrupt and if you tell them about problems you have they don't care, usually they don't even reply, make fun of it or try to outpity you by telling their own stories. I had a friend like this. Few years ago I made a test. Whether she would notice that I didn't say a single sentence the whole day. She didn't. 7h-8h hours together, grilling at least, but no dialogue. I was so disappointed. She even repeated some long stories multiple times to have something to talk about but didn't care I didn't say shit.
Maybe it's socmedia. Unironically. Socmedia are platforms for people to present themselves and make posts for an audience. I dunno.
No. 1699964
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It's 1.20am and the neighbour's dog has been barking NON STOP FOR MORE THAN ONE HOUR STRAIGHT. I just want to fucking go to sleep.
No. 1700145
>>1700077I noticed this too, I think it's fried attention span and/or
cocomelon brainrot.
No. 1700188
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i'm going monk mode (isolating myself) again. everybody minimizes my problems or interrupts to talk about how much worse theirs are. i just want some fucking reassurance and encouragement to help myself.
>joints in back hurt from work
>tell mother, she says "uhm it's just your posture, pay attention to that and it should be fine"
>i work for 9 hours and it's impossible to avoid it as i'm moving shit around
>tell guy i'm dating, he says "i started drinking because of my back pain…"
>tell another guy i'm dating, he says "how can that job be so bad? you know what i'm lifting everyday?!" as if men and women are the same…
>tell my brother and father, they don't react or say some generic shit like "that's life"
really, i'm not even 30 and already have back pain. the most concerned person was my manager because they were afraid i would sue the company for injury. i did not go to the doctor yet because i am afraid they will tell me it's something awful. i am scared to go alone or even make an appointment because everyone in my life is minimizing this or doesn't have problems like this at all because they sit down and edit pictures of coffee. i am so alone i might as well stay alone and not listen to any of their bullshit. i don't want to meet anyone for at least a month. if i get crippled in my 30s it is my body that will hurt not theirs.
No. 1700206
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>>1700199thanks anon. i might go but i would rather switch jobs or be broke. i am constantly tired and barely save anything anyway from being too tired to cook. friends encourage my overspending on takeout and drinks. family holds me back from quitting this backbreaking place. i am not even going to the gym anymore i am so tired. thanks again.
No. 1700255
>>1700231Nonny, contorting yourself into something x person likes is never going to make them love and respect you. At worst they will think you're pathetic and desperate, at best you'll be frustrated and start to resent them.
What unironically worked for me is unapologetically being a walking hot mess of a person. I really have it all: twice divorced, childhood trauma from living in a third world shithole
and have mommy issues, was bullied at school, unemployed, can't dress myself, ADHD. At some point I just got tired of it all and decided to live for myself. I made peace with dying alone and being single and friendless for life because I'm hard to "get". Somehow I landed a great bf who didn't care about any of these things, he genuinely loves me for me. Once I was free of fucks to give, friends started coming too. Just embrace your goblinsona and be free.
No. 1700298
>>1700255Sorry anon I wasn't really talking about being a guy's first choice but more so about friends. It just seems that despite how I've overcome severe social anxiety and how my social skills now blend in with everyone else's through hard work, no matter how fun, sociable and sponaneous I've become and how I now have people around me with whom I hang out with, I'm still not anyone's first choice to hang out with or whatever when it really comes to it. I feel like just kinda "there" in my social circles, fun enough to be around but not really that important to anyone. I guess I want to actually matter to someone.
Thanks for sharing your story though, I'm glad for you and I hope it'll work out for me somehow too but that seems to be too good to happen to me. idk.
No. 1700307
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people trying to make me feel bad for rejecting a hairy ape-like spanish guy who smells bad and is ugly and doesn't have his shit together, just because he's such a nice guy. They have the guts to tell me that they think I'm attractive. Why do you want me to sleep with a monkey then? Honestly I feel disgusted just being next to him, but the thought that there are people who would see us together makes me feel even worse. I don't think of myself as beautiful but I'm definitely not on his level, I'm slim, I have blone hair, blue eyes, full lips and nice skin and my face is quite proportional and neotenous, I fit the standards of a conventionally attractive white female. Sure I'm not a stacy but I'm not ugly. My self esteem has always been pretty low because of my traumatic childhood and I have no ability to defend myself, so instead of facing them directly I can only ghost people who try to take adventage of me, and they try to do it probably because I seem childish. But this, this makes me feel so fucking low and ugly. It makes me biblically angry. You really want me to fuck a hairy, smelly ape. What did I do to deserve this?
No. 1700427
And isn't all feminism liberal?
No. 1700446
I'm so fed up with this 'friend' I have. She's always so rude to me when we hang out and I feel like there's too much to explain in a single post but essentially
Her, her boyfriend and my room mate are friends, my room mate worked with her bf and i met her through work so we all know each other. They're older than both of us and we're in our mid 20s. Since I've met her she's always been a sperg and will die on any hill she sets foot on. I'm quite passive and agreeable which I hate and it's kind of what kept us hanging out so whenever she was mean to me I'd just take it.
Tonight she invited myself and my room mate out and I brought my bf out who just moved here after a year of long distance. She'd never met him and her bf and mine got along really well. He's lovely, they had a lot of common interests, I was so glad she was in a good mood and the night was going well. Then at one point we're at their place (me, my bf, her bf, my room mate) and as I was chatting to her bf and she was chatting to mine she leans over to her bf and nudges him to fill up her glass without saying anything. He asked what she wanted and she said the conversation she was having with my bf was boring (within his ear shot) and wanted a refill on her wine. Both her bf and I were kind of shocked at it and he just topped her up. My bf looked so hurt and I just didn't know what to say.
When we had a moment alone I apologised. I prepared him for her so he wasnt too annoyed by it but I still think it was quite mean.
The cherry on the cake though was toward the end of the night when her bf and I were having a conversation that the whole table was listening to, and in her drunken state she turns to me and says "(nonnie) can you shut up?"
That….. really pissed me off. I talked back to her and asked why, that I was just having a conversation, that what she's doing is rude. But she was drunk and she didn't care, and was being really sassy with all her responses. This feels like the end of the line for me, but with how tied in my social circles are (and given her bf is offering my bf a job) I just feel like I can't break out of it.
After we left both my room mate and bf commented how awful she was to me. rm has seen it before and hates how she treats me and has stood up for me before, and she diffused the situation tonight. Bf didn't want to intrude because he didn't really know either of them. But I'm at a loss. I don't want to be her friend. I never message her and according to her bf she considers me her CLOSEST friend. But she treats me like shit and palms it off as a joke when it's clearly not. She tells me it's autism but I'm autistic and I never speak to my close friends the way she speaks to me. I genuinely don't know what to do here, I feel like this would be a big bridge to burn given her bf is best friends with my best friend, he's wanting a friendship and offering employment to my bf, and I get along with her bf well.
I hate caping for moids but I feel he needs to leave her and stop apologising for her behaviour. But they've been together for so long its not ending any time soon.
Idk where to end this rant but I've just come home frustrated and needing to get out how done I am. But I'm stuck, and too much of a door matt to really do anything about it.
No. 1700451
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I've been applying for McDonalds jobs all day and none of them have responded with a follow-up email for an interview
No. 1700506
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The current World Memory Champion is a mongolian girl, but they just had to put these noname scrotes in the middle of the photo and make them larger.
No. 1700517
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it kind of bothers me when people talk badly about GFE asmr youtubers and vtubers. you see, i'm a GFE tuber, and i've received multiple messages from viewers telling me i'm the one thing preventing them from committing suicide. one of my subs is unable to get a girlfriend because he is poor, lives at home and is always caring for his sick father. my streams help him get through the days. i honestly do feel like i'm doing an important service to the world, stereotypes be damned. i bet i'm even preventing mass shootings.
No. 1700519
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My thighs are getting fatter…But Mcdonalds is so tasty…Why Mcdonalds so tasty why
No. 1700521
I was about to pass a man who looked visibly drunk, or something, and once I passed him he made a sexual comment towards me, kinda quietly, but I hear him very clearly. I completely lost my cool I started shouting at him, and then he tried to turn it around on me, asking me if I am mentally unstable and in hysterics. Nonnies, I am so fucking angry right now. Can someone explain why I am not allowed to carry pepper-spray? So fuckers like him can feel safe? What about me feeling safe when I was groped at 13 or harassed on the street so many times? Am I allowed to feel safe? What about all the other girls and women who dare to walk alone. Funny thing is I wasn't even alone when the first few incidents happened. I am wearing an oversized t-shit and loose, couple size bigger pants so I don't want to hear it. I was having such a good day too, and while I was out walking my phone died so I couldn't listen to music anymore, if only it didn't die, I wouldn't have heard him and I would be just as happy and content as I was just an hour ago. If there's a heaven, it will wait for me will all weapons of choice, and free range on all men that ever wronged me.
No. 1700527
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>>1700519pic unrelated. i had to report a scrote on tinder for being an abuser. this retard tries to scam people online and get girls pimped out with his friend from jail. they use a fake contract for a room, then when you are there they ask for deposit and first week's rent. after that the guy will imply creepy things and tell you to smell a towel behind you, to show that his laundry detergent is very nice and you could use it. i swear the scam must only work on really stupid people but they still don't deserve it. i pretended to smell it, then he went out of the room and came back with his t-shirt off telling me i should work if i want this house. i was legitimately confused because i had already told them i had a job. then he said, but your friend (first guy) doesn't, so you have to work for him. i said then he should look for a job as well. then the guy saw i was not complying and had my phone so he was scared and let me go. the guy i reported was looking for sympathy in a flatting group, saying how his mental issues and disability make it difficult for him to find a flat, and i sympathised and offered my help. he wanted to flat with me. later he messaged me that he found a place, and sent pictures and videos of it. i was encouraged to check it out. the guy there was saying things too good to be true, and i was just thinking about an excuse. this was that place. later on le disabled guy is threatening me with violence for lying and calling me lazy for not wanting to work, and seeking pity for how he is always so alone and nobody wants to work with him, and we could be rich. disgusting and terrifying. i am still in the process of reporting to the police.
No. 1700548
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i need money badly…being poor is absolute hell and i hate the rat race but i want to run it so i can get some cash coming in
No. 1700656
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>>1700531Happy birthday anon! I'm sorry you're having such a rotten time lately, sometimes we just go through shit but the bad times won't last forever. I wish you well.
No. 1700728
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i lost a good friend last year from my own stupid bullshit actions and his mom came into the store i work in and said she'd tell him she saw me. it drudged up a lot of shit i've been trying to not think about. i wish i could tell all the people i've hurt in the last 3 years why in part this all ramped up so badly.
No. 1700738
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Every day I wake up disappointed I didn't die in my sleep. My cat died the first week into the year, my health has gone to shit and my family is having health scares as well. I'm tired of my dead end job but I don't have other options. Inflation is making things harder and harder to live and I'll never get a halfway decent place of my own. A lot of my essential belongings need to be replaced but I can't afford it and need to save money for bills and another potential medical emergency. Our car broke down at home and now my boyfriend's car got broken into and destroyed. The little things I enjoy, I either can't have right now or lost interest. I'm fed up. It was one thing when I was simply depressed but now I have more to deal with than that. I'm ready to clock out of this life.
No. 1700772
>>1700758bpds are odd for sure but i don’t want to hate them because it’s not their fault
t. had a bpd made ex best friend
No. 1700800
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How do you deal with people blatantly disrespecting and mocking you in public without going insane? I went outside with short sleeves today (I’m covered in old self harm scars) and these two teenage boys passed by me and started making fun of me and singing “cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort.” I try to laugh it off but it kills me to know that I’ll always be a mutilated freak and I can’t even talk about this shit to anyone because they start laughing too
No. 1700864
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Some of this gore being spammed looks like AI generated shit lmao, they even got lazy trying to find real sources
No. 1700949
>>1700941For my case, the whole jumping into moving in and living together thing terrified me because we had talked about it a lot even before meeting each other. Not that I wouldn't want to do that with her someday, it just gave me a sort of anxiety that I couldn't quite explain. Like I was afraid I was more in love with the fantasy of being with someone than actually being with
HER? I never once doubted my feelings for her in the first place but deep down I don't think you can really know someone until you've actually met them irl which is why it's so important for LDRs to meet each other asap. Also in my experience, successful LDRs tend to be between women probably because lesbians have such a small dating pool and women tend to be better communicators.
No. 1700956
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I've been waking up with panic attacks more often. It freaks me out for a minute and then I feel a low level of annoyance because the feeling of my heart racing takes a while to calm down. My emotions are fucked up because while I know I should feel more, I just don't see a point to. I'm not completely numb, I still feel things, but the best way to describe it is that it's switched down to low instead of at baseline. I've felt like I've been outside of my body for longer than I really care to admit. It honestly would be nice for all of this to just end because the fatigue of it all is taxing.
No. 1701018
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Saw my neurologist, got a question relating to my home situation (the norm and done every meet) aaand I just burst into tears. Jokes on me for spending the bus ride in lamenting my lack of a relationship with the family I happen to live with. As expected there was no response past "uh… maybe see a psychologist" which was simultaneously comforting and aggravating. C'est la vie.
No. 1701040
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my ex is a useless shit. he lovebombed me for one month, then strung me along for 3, only to come to the conclusion that he just wants to fuck. i hit him up with a bootycall because his dick and head is the only nice thing about him anyways, and this twat declines, saying he is too tired. get the fuck off my messages then. if he only wants to be a dick, i will treat him like the dick he is.
No. 1701064
>>1701058Literally happened to me. I could've had the boyfriend I deserved and I would've been happy with. I was only surprised by how oddly….. asexual he seemed.
Turns out he has micropenis due to a genetical condition.
Let me tell you. It sucks.
No. 1701068
nonnie you're right, it'll make matters worse and it wouldn't be fair for him. i'll drop the idea, thank you
No. 1701103
>>1701081noted anon, ive been thinking of an exit plan for awhile now even though its only been one month
>>1701083yeah he knows its his own problem and is trying pretty much everything, changed his diet, working out daily, horny goat weed supplements. i keep telling him to see a doctor and he hasnt yet but i understand that seeing the doctor means accepting it as a real physical issue and thats scary. it pisses me off mostly but i keep thinking if i can just dose this man with viagra i'd be pretty happy
No. 1701180
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just dropped all my chicken flautas to the ground, now i only have 3 left. im going to fucking kill myself
No. 1701371
nonny, you are right. I feel silly that I let it get to me, but it really stings when you try to be vulnerable and then get treated like this… I am better now though
No. 1701423
I wish I could just separate myself from the trans movement in my personal life for my own mental health, but I can't stomach just seeing people get sucked into giving themselves all these permanent medical problems and issues from being lied to.
I went through medical malpractice and got PTSD from it so it kills me inside when I see young trans people doing this to themselves and snapping at anyone warning them about the side effects as a terf.
In general I can't deal with it. I already struggle with lack of a social support system. Then every other online person my age (especially autistics) is getting sucked into these problems and I can't even save them. Like I just saw a donation post from some 20 something person with breast cancer. I clicked on their profile and they were a trans man who had been taking testosterone for 6 years.
I have another friend who's pro trans, and I tried explaining that testosterone will cause breast and ovary cancer, so FTMs have to get a double masectomy and hysterectomy after 5 years, and they immediately started arguing with me saying that that's rare and not always necessary. Even trans activists acknowledge this.
The thing that drives me insane is that I'll sit and explain to this friend how pharmaceutical companies don't give a shit about patients, they'll agree. I'll explain hospitals are run by sociopaths, the medical industry in general selects for sociopaths, they'll agree. I'll point out how it's not ableist to say a psychiatrist is evil for giving some teenager klonopin for years, they'll agree. Then I'll point out how transitioning has certain bad side effects, they get defensive.
I already struggle enough with mentally coping with my own medical issues, and they're nothing compared to what these people go through. I don't even hate trans people but I am so horrified for these people.
No. 1701624
Nonnas I think I had a seizure. Idk what happened, I just kinda blanked for a bit, dropped the phone on my face, and twitched uncontrollably for like, 45 seconds. I tried to stay still but I couldn’t, I even accidentally kicked my cat cause I couldn’t control my body.
I’m worried. I can’t even find the time to take showers with new baby, no less go to the doctor. Plus my wife needs my support, she’d crumble into dust without me. I know I need to get checked out, but I’m also on my parents health insurance and the seizure scares before all came back negative. I don’t want her to think I’m faking it
As of now, I’m afraid to hold my baby. This happened so fast, and it was just my phone and cat this time. If I have something else like this with my baby, I couldn’t live with myself.
No. 1701683
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>>1700517>you see, i'm a GFE tuber,can't believe i'm sharing a site with someone like this
No. 1701720
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>>1701716Thanks for inspiring me
No. 1701772
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I understand anon was a kid and this was posted in the celebricows thread which is notoriously unhinged, but sometimes I get genuinely sick reading some post here and I'm tired of pretending this type of shit is okay just because it was a dog. This is just plain cruel and not funny at all, why would you post about chasing an old, blind, probably very weak animal until it peed like it's some hilarious joke? Disgusting
No. 1701774
>>1701772Never work or volunteer in vet med. I ended up leaving the field because apparently you can get ptsd just from people describing the torture to you while you work on the
victim and that's what ended up happening to me.
The way that people casually mention the horrific and torturous things they do to animals will leave you permanently broken and wishing you could erase your brain.
No. 1701777
i hate visiting home i only go back every 2 years or so, mom turned our childhood home into a hoarder house after i left for uni, its a really expensive apartment in a prime location but its completely rundown inside because mom never bothered to maintain the house and instead spends the little money she makes on lip fillers and botox after her and dad got divorced 15 years ago. None of the doors have handles, glass panel of the bathroom door is broken so you have to put a towel over it and leave it ajar even when you're showering. Shower doesnt work so we use a bucket to take showers, dishwasher doesnt work there are piles and piles of dirty dishes in the kitchen, my grandma who lives with us very obviously has advanced alzheimers but mom refuses to acknowledge it and there are dried shit stains all over the toilet and the bathroom floor because my grandma is incontinent. I asked my brother to go on a trip to europe with me during my annual leave and he gave me sass about not visiting home. I dont have a room anymore, mom and my bed bound grandma sleep in my old room on this piss bed (its a big house so they spend all their time in that room to save on heating). I don't want to go home because my mom will bitch about my dad and the fucking divorce issues that has been ongoing since I am 13 stressing me out, i will have to feed and clean my demented grandmother who starts nonstop screaming at the top of her lungs if you leave her sight for 2 seconds. i picked up the habit of having headphones on at all times in the house because of her. i sleep in the living room everytime i visit and have a difficult time trying to fall asleep because the pillows smell of piss, everything smells like piss and shit in that house. everything is broken, everything is dirty. im sick of talking to lawyers everytime i go back, im sick of going to the notary. I geniunely think mom is an astonishingly stupid woman, i dont know if she has always been this way or the divorce fucked her head up but i started realizing this when i was 18 and she told me she resented me for thinking i'm smarter than her (i never outright said she was stupid to her face or to anyone else). The way she sees the world, how irresponsible she is with her money, how irresponsible she is with her work, her priorities in life, her living environment is so abysmal im starting to think this is something beyond stupidity and she might be mentally challenged. I called her for advice the other day, i work in healthcare and seeing death, misery and lonely old people all day takes a toll on me and i'm just burnt out. I was ranting to her about this and she very seriously suggested that i take care of the lonely old people at my own house. First of all thats something a 5 year old would suggest and secondly for her to suggest that when i'm talking about being overwhelmed its like she doesnt even comprehend what im saying. I cant relate to her and she cant relate to me, everytime i ask for advice she gives the most useless stupid childish reply it makes me feel like i'm her mom and she's a 5 year old child.
No. 1701784
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Just when I thought my dysphoria finally went away (or became more manageable) it creeps back on me. Literally a video game character triggered it lmao
No. 1701795
>>1701787I don't care about being an "ugly" male, I just wish I was one. No matter how much I take care of myself or exercise, the male physique will forever not be within my reach and neither will be their strength. Besides, there's more to that. Like the way society values men and them being less hindered by biological inconveniences that burden women.
>>1701792It won't change the fact that I'm not a biological man. I'm a shut-in for the most part but sometimes when I get out, I see regular men that I wish I could skinwalk so it's not just vidya/anime cool characters. Besides, there's lot of cool women too both in media and irl that I admire but for some reason, I just wish I was a man still.
No. 1701812
>>1701776Most don't know they're torturing them, but I also don't understand how, because what they do is awful.
Some of it is overt, like multiple owners have held their dog down while it screams and burned off its nipples with a lighter because they thought they were ticks. It else they cut them off with razors. Owners decline treatment just because they don't want to deal with it, dogs bleeding and in agony but they decline the simplest of antibiotics and pain killers that would help. Then there's the more subtle stuff were owners leave dogs in tiny kennels for 16 hours a day, sitting in their own waste with no toys or even bedding (because the dog tears it up out of boredom) for day after day, year after year until the dog goes insane and chews off it's own flesh. At least fifty percent of owners give their pets no stimulation or toys. An endless line of customers like that, and it just caused me to go insane when I think about how many animals are being tortured in every home I walk past. So I left and now after spending the first decade and a half of my career making my "dreams" come true and becoming one of the best in general practice, I don't know what to do.
I just never want to hear about the things people do to their animals again. I want to live in complete ignorance of what is happening to the animals in people's homes.
No. 1701854
>>1701841>>1701831>>1701812why even are there so many dog haters on here? i've seen a lot of love for cats but so much unbridled schizo rage whenever dogs are mentioned. seems exhausting to hate an animal so much.
some anons mentioned liking cats because in their heads cats=women and dogs=men, but it can't be that surely? nobody is that much of an imbecile right?
No. 1701856
I used to wonder how men could date women when they think so little of them, and now I feel that way about men. I am currently dating a man, and I think I've just come to the point where I have so little respect or trust in men that when he fucks up, I almost pity him because he can't help being a chromosoid. That isn't to say I put up with bullshit - I trust him, he supports me and I support him, he respects my boundaries - but it's just such a lower level than what women put into relationships. It's worth it for me at the moment to stay in this relationship, and I love him, but I'm realizing loving a man fundamentally entails loving something that is never going to be as ascended as you are.
Even if he's "one of the good ones" - as in, I trust with my full heart that he would never abuse someone - men are just so defective biologically, morally, spiritually, and emotionally that I would pity them if they hadn't made themselves so undeserving of pity. They live shorter lives and are more prone to health problems. They are more inclined to violence, and are so hedonistically absorbed that they are much more likely to develop addictions and ruin their own lives pursuing pleasure. They can't even see colors as well as we can. They get fat and bald and hairy. There are more male geniuses, sure, but there are also more male retards. And both ends of that spectrum come with severe emotional disturbances. Women as a whole are smarter, healthier, more stable emotionally, more socially and spiritually inclined, more aesthetically lovely, and better at handling adversity.
Developing this outlook has made me feel a lot happier in my relationship. At this point in my life, I truly and genuinely believe that men are inferior to women. This makes sense from an evolutionary perspective - men are only supposed to be around to breed while still young and then die while still young, protecting their tribe/family. Once a man reproduces, he has no reason to stay alive. This is why men are so much more likely to have cringe midlife crises. They have had no evolutionary incentive to develop morally, spiritually, emotionally, or socially. If my nigel ever finds out I think this way, he'll probably leave me, but it's also a defect on his part that he's incapable of understanding how true this is. No one wants to accept their inferiority. Men's ego blinds them to this truth. I wish I wasn't attracted to men, because I am fully aware of their inferiority.
No. 1701869
>>1701862Clearly you don’t read the thread just get
triggered by the title. Sage and hide.
No. 1701888
>>1701854Y'know I've noticed that my self too. There
is a noticeable bias against dogs and for cats here. Like as
>>1701858 said. There's a noticeable difference in the severity in which people will react in how cats and dogs are treated by cows or others. It's fucking weird if you ask me, especially when you see the dog hate thread and the sheer autistic schizos saying the most disturbing things like dogfuckers or shitbeasts but if you said anything similar about cats you'd have twenty people jumping down your throat. I honestly think it's just pure unironic autism from some of these people.
No. 1701893
>>1701888I think it’s just because when a dog is bad or annoying it becomes
everyones problem but if a cat is an asshole it’s really only gonna affect the people who own it.
No. 1701901
>>1701897i'm in my mid 20s, his girlfriend is… i won't say. their situation is messy and i know it's weird to defend a moid on this website but this mess is only partly his fault and i got involved unwillingly. while he hasn't done anything heinous, during conversations he just mentions his shitty experiences as a kid and for some reason her brain has her thinking that he enjoyed it, twisted his words to ME and is using that as blackmail toward his teaching job. i feel as if even the simplest accusation could fuck things up
i know this should go on the mental disorders thread or the BPD thread but i'm really tired of her shit and she has done nothing but hurt me. used to be a real good friend and am just conflicted.
No. 1702045
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Feeling like this at the moment
No. 1702178
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I always want to prove to normies that they're wrong and I'm right. I hate the fact they talk about worthless shit and that they can be happy about meaningless stuff, you can call me petty or miserable but they're they ones incapable of any deeper thought or empathy, just listen to what most of them think about the poor or mentally ill or low wage people or just people who were less lucky than them in general. I'm not poor and I'm financially stable and when I mask well I can pass for a slightly eccentric normie, at least for a while, but I will NEVER feel like a part of THEM, especially when they show me their ugly thoughtless unempathetic simpleton side. I fucking hate them, I can never connect with them, I also hate the fact I'm not capable of being like them, my life would've been so much easier. I'm so angry I can't cope. All my fucking life, pre school, school, now work. The same shit every fucking day, I have to be around those fucking aliens who have nothing in common with me and who have it so much easier than me because they happened to be born as normies. Some of them even 'like' me. But it's only because I mask to survive in a normie filled workplace. They only like the surface of 'me', which is plain and easy going. They like plain and easy going. They don't like to think and question things. Sometimes I want to grab them and scream at them. You fucking pathetic normie YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S STUPID! YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE WORLD AND YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING
No. 1702186
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excruciating. Exhausting. Why can’t I be normal.
No. 1702191
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It's embarrassing to admit but this type of stupid ass anime memes really help me cope. I'm not doing so well mentally. Sorry.
No. 1702300
>>1702184This happened to my friends and I too. I swear every woman had changed in their menstrual cycles due to the COVID vaccine.
>>1702243Phone posting should be discouraged imo.
I found out that my boyfriend's former friend made comments about finding me hot one night while they were drinking a few years back. I find it weird and strange that he didn't tell me but he said he didn't want to make it a big deal and that he kept an eye on him ever since. It explains him being aggressive towards this guy since they're no longer friends anyways but I wish I had known because he would send me weird apologies for his behavior towards other women.
No. 1702338
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I just found out I've forgot to renew my vehicle registration this year and I've also been driving with an expired pink slip for over a year (still insured tho). With my insurance company I can't do anything online so I have to wait a few days for the new slip to come in the mail and in the meantime since I have work and public transport isn't an option for me I'm just going to leave the expired slips at home and plead dumb if I get pulled over. It's illegal to drive without insurance where I live kek I can't fucking believe I accidentally skirted the law like this for so long. I'm sweating anyways I hate being poor
No. 1702364
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I can't stand living in such a loud and obnoxious house. So many loud little kids running around screaming whenever they're not at school. I already posted itt about my strict family situation and being trapped at home, so I there is nowhere else for me to go. I have 0 friends and I spend a lot of my time talking to people on Omegle. But I can't even truly talk to people there either. I have to worry about my loud ass family echoing in the background & making it hard to hear, my siblings bursting into my room (shared), and needing to talk quietly so my parents don't hear me. I've always held a grudge against my parents for having so many kids despite us being poor. It's not a good thing no matter how much they insist that it is God's will. I want to run far far away from here to just be alone for a least 24 hours. Sometimes, I feel so driven to murder them all, set them on fire in their sleep or something, but I would never do that.
I recently started to talk to someone, I think my very first friend since grade school. He isn't mean about my nervousness or horrible conversation skills and I don't think I have ever talked to anyone else about what I tell him. I'm scared the friendship will disappear just as it has started because I can't find anytime to talk to him since my family gets in the way. It might be stupid to care about some internet stranger this much but I seriously haven't spoken to anyone outside of my family and professors and doctor/dentist in maybe 3 years. This is a once in a lifetime chance and I can't loose them please.
No. 1702401
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I will starve and eat ice, crackers and pepper packets just so my daughter never has to attend public school. It's a lost cause.
No. 1702437
>>1702427I don't fucking get it either? If you decide to breed at least have the fucking decency to be nice to your child. Evaluate if you'll be a good parent and fix your mental issues. I have a retarded mother too, and same story with the parents favoring the younger child and giving the "freak daughter" absolutely nothing. I'm really glad I don't contact her anymore.
Also, I've just realised that I'm now past the age at which my mother decided to have me. Feels a bit weird, especially since I'm not planning to breed, ever. I hope this won't change, my genes are especially shitty (pretty hardcore mental issues and mild physical illnesses) and I'm a genuinely awful, traumatised, fucked-up person.
No. 1702444
>>1702437>favoring the younger childI never understood this because I was always treated like the afterthougth and my older brother is the golden child that could always piss and shit and get everything he wanted. Maybe it's because he's male so he's still favoured because of that. My mother would be verbally
abusive to me even as a child but the fucker could call her whore and bitch and she would just let him do it.
No. 1702453
>>1702444yes, probably because he's a moid. i am the ayrt and my younger brother who was favored since birth is an autistic moid.
if i talked back to my mom like he does, i'd get beaten. but he gets away with all of that.
he also gets away with eating quite a lot (he was obese when i last saw him), something my mom hated whenever i did it because vanity/beauty standards for women/competition reasons.
No. 1702464
>>1702455i'm glad you didn't have to deal with the XY sibling hell. sounds like you wouldn't really get good attention either way since you've described your mom acting in such a cruel and
abusive way to you.
has any of your sisters come up with the same realisation of abuse as you? kinda sounds like none of them did (judging from your first post) though.
>>1702456i remember her berating me for gaining a kilo and calling me all sorts of "fat/pig/hamplanet" type insults but she completely excuses the brother's food habits because "he's MALE, he NEEDS to be STRONG" (being a fat lard doesn't mean strength, you could've taken him to the fucking gym if you wanted him to actually be strong. don't you know that, you fat asshole who's struggled with weight for life?)
i can't say i didn't get an ED from this, sadly. maybe the genes played a role too
No. 1702502
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Pretty sure I have PCOS, not a single doubt about it. Going to a gyno on Thursday to start the confirmation process but gah damn. Hope and praying it’s the kind that makes me infertile.
No. 1702539
>>1702453>my younger brother who was favored since birth is an autistic moid.if i talked back to my mom like he does, i'd get beaten. but he gets away with all of that.
I think I would probably give a fake-heartfelt speech like "I know you love my brother more than me and wish I was more like him, so I'm REALLY going to do my best to act like him" and then do all shit he does and talk back exactly like he does and every time I'm called out I'd be like "ugh fine I can see it wasn't enough for you, so I'll try harder to be like him so you can be proud of me like you are of him" and just double down on it.
No. 1702573
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>>1701772Genuinely what the fuck is happening to this site? Why are there so many instances of anons admitting to torture animals? What are the chances of so many
women doing it? Is it the moid/ tranny influx? I'm getting worried, things used to be deranged in a fun way but between the random vitriolic anons, crackheads, shotafags and cat/dog abusers it's getting disturbing hella fast
No. 1702593
>>1702427>>1702437Nonna I will tell you something that I wish I knew when I was a kid. Don't feel bad for not being nice or good, and especially not for your parents' standards.
I was the nicest goodest bestest kid ever and it still wasn't good enough. There was no prize, no pat on the back, nothing. No acknowledgment from them that I was good whatsoever. Just mental illness, more beatings, higher expectations and people pleasing tendencies. It's like that in adulthood too, nobody will congratulate you for being nice, just do what you want within reason.
Might as well have taken advantage of the fact that I'll always be bad and
really tested some boundaries since I'd be bad anyway, then just have it excused as silly child stuff. Sadly I didn't have a scheming bone in my body so that opportunity was lost.
Don't be me, go and fuck shit up.
No. 1702604
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>spend teens being mentally ill and ugly
>spend early 20s being mentally ill, ugly and poor and stuck living with a sloppy moid, get only degree i could given the circumstances
>spend late 20s working, then go back to university because the industry and ex-moid made me suicidal
>turn 30
>poor but look cute, no longer mentally ill, happy
>"where baby???? where ring?????"
Damn bitch do I never get to enjoy the fruits of my labor or what?
No. 1702702
>>1702684Sheesh anon. I'm sorry. I've lived in a household like that.
There's nothing wrong with you. You don't deserve to be treated like a pet. I'm guessing your personality just doesn't mesh with the rest of the family, and they're self centered people that don't give you the love you deserve. Because having a family that accepts you, treats you like a human, is just the bare minimum. I'm really, really sorry you don't have that.
I hope that you find your own crowd, people that are like you, and will appreciate having you around, and make you feel understood. As much as you may feel like that it doesn't exist right now, it does. Your people are out there. You are not inferior, maybe different, but VERY worthy of love. Please always tell yourself that, write down things you like about yourself, validate your emotions, say NO to things that you don't want to do, and stop giving energy where it's unappreciated. I know one day, you will find your crowd, and get into a space where you can be yourself.
No. 1702738
Nonas, has it happened to you that you tried to talk to the girl who has 0 friends, because you feel bad, and then you end up realizing why she has 0 friends? Well that happened to me, except I dated her and tried to make her part of my group of friends. Worst mistake of my adult life. She alienated most of my friends, made up a bunch of lies about guys she slept with, made my best friend hate me, and overall lost my mental sanity over how much of a bad girlfriend she was. I feel so fucking stupid because I genuinely felt bad for her, and I still do. But then I start wondering if any of what she told me about herself was even true, and that she probably made it all up so that I would end up feeling sympathy for her. I feel like a fucking idiot, and I feel so alone since I was left with 0 friends. And there's also the fact that since I broke up with her she started saying a bunch of lies about me to other people. I just feel so alone and so fucking stupid, can't believe I ruined all my social circle over one single girl.
No. 1702751
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My special someone is terrifyed about me killing myself because he wants to grow old with me. But I always wanted to die when I'm 45 since I don't want to continue living past that due to already having had a bad life so far. This is a dream of mine since 15.
I'm in my late 20s and he's really scared of me putting an end line to my life because of how he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Maybe I'll live past 50 but then he'll die and leave me alone. Maybe I will have to take care of him and change his diapers when he's old and feeble just like my mom did with my dad when he died of kidney failure. Maybe I'll kill myself after he's gone. Maybe he'll get tired of me eventually and leave me.
I don't know anymore. I'm sad and scared. We had an argument about this yesterday and he almost broke up with me because he was tired (lack of sleep) and now I know things are better but I'm still feeling like shit. I'm not a good person.
No. 1702761
>>1702751>Maybe I'll live past 50 but then he'll die and leave me alone.You don't even know if that's true. Average lifespan is like 80 in the US
>I always wanted to die when I'm 45 since I don't want to continue living past that due to already having had a bad life so far. You also don't know this, you can't predict if life will get worse.
I don't think you should focus on the very far future and try to take life one day at a time with your partner who loves you. If he's that scared that you'll hurt yourself then you have someone who cares about you and that's a lot more than others.
No. 1702764
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I got some devastating news that are going to negatively affect my life. At first I was hyperventilating but Im sorta calm now. I'm just phonescrolling while screaming internally. I have a heavy feeling in my chest and im unable to concentrate on anything but I'm not crying or showing any other signs of panic. I'm always calm for the first few hours when I recive bad news, but after a while I will have a complete meltdown so I guess it's only a matter of time before I start crying
I'm still kind of denial tbh. A part of me is convinced that I can fix this so there is no need to worry. I know ignoring it won't solve anything, but on the other hand there isn't anything left to do… it's too late to fix this now so panicking won't help me either. I feel so powerless right now and I have no idea how to process all this
No. 1702771
>>1702751you need to chill out. if this is the main contention in your relationship this is bizarre. a lot can change in that time, this self-suicide pact due to fear of old age is understandable but you can deal with these issues when you get there. Your fears around health issues are not irrational but seem overblown. I wonder if you two are codependent, maybe breaking up would be good.
>But I always wanted to die when I'm 45 since I don't want to continue living past that due to already having had a bad life so far.This confuses me honestly, if your life gets better than why kill yourself at an arbitrary age for things having once been worse?
No. 1702774
>>1702751Why do you need our approval to live out your sadgurl bby dreams? If you've decided to die at 45, go ahead, nobody gives a shit except your pet moid. If he's codependent on an attention-seeking BPD-chan that's his problem.
>>1702764What happened nona?
No. 1702797
>>1702774I don't have BPD though!
>>1702761>>1702771Thanks for the comments.
No. 1702816
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I have to take birth control to get my periods back, but what if I die from the long 82920108374782991919+ list of side effects? Can't remember what it was like last time I took them for a month. Either way I am going to act out so hard and get away with it all by blaming it on the evil pills.
No. 1702867
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>Sperging about how much you hate white women
>Pewdiepie fan
Yeah, okay
No. 1702873
>>1702850I'm sorry you have to witness that, it's completely normal to feel traumatised. I hope the guy is recovering well.
You shouldn't feel guilty for "not helping". You made sure at the time he was being assisted and, right after that, you started to panic, which is totally fine and normal in a situation like that.
If you had been alone or the only one that could help him, you would have done that, I can assure you that. We have more strength than what we think we have.
So don't feel ashamed or worried because you would have been able to help if needed.
Maybe you can talk to the neighbours that were that night and ask them if they need something, they are probably still thinking about the accident. Also, it will make you feel good to help someone else, even if it is just a little.
Take care nonna!
No. 1702885
>>1702871I’m sorry, nonna. I’ve been there many times before. If this is the first time that’s happened, you can lie and say that your bank didn’t process it correctly.
When my rent check bounced, it was the only time that happened. My landlord didn’t even notice it right away. I called the bank to see if they could process it again, and they told me they couldn’t. They mentioned something about how they try to process the check twice, just in case the first attempt doesn’t work. Something about how they didn’t do that this time for some reason, it was only processed once. I told my landlord that and he believed me, cos I was never late or anything before.
If it hasn’t happened before, I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
No. 1702903
>>1702863Mild dizzy spells are normal if your blood pressure is lower. I get them too, especially when I'm tired or hungry. I get up, stop seeing for a bit and gave to kneel down. My blood pressure is just a bit lower, it's not even out of the normal range plus my iron levels are good. I recommended buying a supplement though, most people lack enough iron, especially women because of menstruation.
Only my vision goes black, not white. If you start fainting or if it gets worse or way too frequent you should get it checked.
No. 1702908
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All of 2023 has been one big joker moment for me
No. 1702914
>>1702871Next time just send in a money order sweet nonna. Also, check your lease- sometimes there is a bounce check fee. I do office management/book keeping for a local landlord and he just charges the bounce check fee the bank gives him.
Hope your finances get sorted, and if anything else just clear communication with the landlord helps.
No. 1703066
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Okay, bitch.
No. 1703076
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Met a cute moid at a show. I started texting with him and everything had been great. He seemed like a sweet laid-back dude. Except the other day i asked him what he was up to and he said "i just took a shit" and i was so taken aback by it. What the fuck? We hadn't even been talking for a week straight and he just said that? No class. I started to kind of back off from him and talk to him a bit less. Then today he was like "i need to tell you a story". And he tells me a story about a childhood friend he had whose entire room was covered in animal feces, because he let his reptiles loose in his room and didn't clean up after them. I was so confused as to why he was sharing this story. Why are men like this? Why can't they just be fucking normal? The bar is literally in hell and yet… why do some of them just always bring up flatulence and excrements? You are 23 years old and act like this? Depraved.
No. 1703079
I hate being a fucking autist and a pushover, I don’t know what to do, I’m so fucking tired of having to beg for simple services, of getting scammed and of being seen as less than a human.
I just want to send my fucking papers to the university so I can fucking graduate already, I won’t be more of a human anyways, but at least I will have a piece of paper that says that I cam read and that I’m not entirely retarded.
Like, I’m always getting ignored when I’m interested in spending my money for a service, or when I want to ask someone a question about anything.
Is it because I’m ugly? Or maybe I’m too fat to be asking questions? I just wish I could have a business or something so I didn’t have to depend on anyone, so I could instead be the person that everyone wants to ask questions to, instead of begging for a crumb of information.
And it’s even more infuriating this whole thing because everyone just sees me as a lesser being, I can feel it in my bones, idk if it’s because I don’t look like an European painting or if maybe I should start showing more the money I have.
So now I will have to go back to my highschool and yet again beg for them to sign my fucking copies of my bachelor’s degree and my grades, because I need them to do this shit before this fucking friday or I may not be able to fucking graduate this year, which means I would have to wait even longer to get a fucking job because the retards of this country think that we have fucking structures, no bitch, this shit is all about connections, every country is all about somehow talking to some other retard that somehow has power over other retards.
I just want to get a job or fucking die.
No. 1703086
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my ass is going to get doxxed if troons find out ive written and drawn a effeminate man who outright says he isnt a woman but a man whos just girly.a full on arc with him seeing and saying how ugly he looks like a woman and isnt comfortable with the ideology and shows how the troon community reacts when he outright tells them he isnt a woman ,i have some comebacks prepared if they do come for my ass like this is exploring le gender and shit and the context of the story matters or you are being non binary phobic!! thank fully the chapter is obscure so ive hidden it behind a veil of exploring the gender shit and not outright saying troons will never be women, i wish there were more ways to hide terf ideologies without me being fearful what the coommoids will do to ruin me
No. 1703105
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why is there no new shayna shit i work full time and everyone hates me my old "friends" only pity i havent had sex in 2 years and im never gonna be in a relationship again cause im so unlovable and ugly and i dont even get to read shayposting after being out for 12 hours???????? whats the fucking point then??? cant i have ANYTHING? also fuck autism why THE FUCK would my parents have a baby at 40+ years old my god man i never had a fucking chance
No. 1703177
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I kinda have a chubby stomach even though I'm not overweight. I've lost like 10 lbs trying to get rid of it and all of the weight came off my butt. I still have the same round stomach but my ass is GONE
No. 1703188
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I kinda just want to die doe
No. 1703394
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We drank way too much with my friend and I througly fondled her tits at the club (she asked me to). Good lord I need to stop drinking, this is so embarrassing. Pretty sure people we know saw it too.
No. 1703403
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my upstairs neighbors are assholes so i pretended to be an FCC agent "over the phone" and hearing them move everything and start whispering is cracking me up. "i have all the tax information!!!"i almost feel bad but they suck they just whispered "OH SHE IS A REAL FCC AGENT" and i said "I AM" lmaoooooooo
No. 1703409
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Has anyone here cured vaginismus on your own? Literally one finger is uncomfortable I hate this I just want to be normal.
No. 1703444
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Someone who I don't want to speak to but I have to just contacted me.
No. 1703487
>>1703477Yeah, she's an only child. I don't know if it's creepy per se but I think it's really weird.
>>1703485It's just pictures at the mall and regular stuff but I avoid people younger than me like the plague, I don't know anyone who doesn't. I mean they're still in school and she's graduated college already, what do they even talk about? I probably shouldn't worry, if it was sketchy she wouldn't be making it obvious.
No. 1703493
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both shrinks i tried told me to "just research my background" when i was a self hating teen of mixed races because it just made me hate my other side even more than i already did before reading up on it. even now the effects of doing that i still feel all because of that garbage ass advice and i don't even like the act of hating oneself i think it's one of the most pathetic things you can do in adult age it makes me feel disgusted with myself because it's not something anyone can change, it's childish to pout about it and it's even worse if it starts moving towards hating entire groups of people due to deep insecurity which i will never ever do. but ugh i just don't like my other side. and i wish i could separate myself from it completely but the irony is that i ONLY look like i'm from the side i don't like belonging to. it's not about my features or looks, i honestly don't think i'm ugly due to my race or even really that unattractive at all, it's more of the connotations and knowing all the bad things people are attributing to me by looks alone. i don't really know if i would feel better if all fetishizers just dropped dead or disappeared off the face of the earth. i'm afraid i'll just be permanently feeling out of place because even when i go there i stick out like a sore thumb and the people isolate and exclude me even more the second they were aware of my birth kek. it seems i will be stuck being this pathetic for life but hopefully something will just click in my mind in the future and i won't be able to even give a fuck anymore. it's not that serious but it really, really feels like it is sometimes.
No. 1703496
I think I have a case to report my ex to the police. I have suspicions he has been looking at illegal porn throughout our relationship, even before we met. He's not so much of a social media type person, but his mind is so engulfed in Internet activity, I suspect his long showers and wanting to be alone is because he's on suspicious onion sites and other obscure sites to see what can get through legalities (this is what I've found, ""legal"" AI generated stuff). However, if I present this case now, I have a risk of myself being harmed. He's still on my lease. I want to speak to his exes to see if I can build a stronger case, if they were aware of anything illegal from him, but they've been known to try to harass him and people he knows when they find out something relating to him, so I don't want his exes impulse to harm me either before this case is reported. I don't know what I should do except wait until the rest of my lease is up and I move to an apartment and he doesn't know the address. Is this the safest way? I wouldn't trust the law to protect me either, they can easily give him a slap on the wrist, so that's why I'm hesitating bringing this forward now.
No. 1703510
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We are 4 people in this group assignment, so HOW THE FUCK did I end up doing 75% of the work?
No. 1703514
>>1703493Sorry to hear that
nonny. I can relate since I'm half-Romani. People really don't like them and I've heard really, really nasty things like
gypsies should be gassed, aren't people, it's in their culture to beg on the street and steal (it isn't and it's not just one culture). I mostly pass as white except when I tan, I tan really deeply and look like a completely different person. I just lie about being Italian kek. It's not worth being a "good example" because you'll catch abuse anyway and having to listen to racist bullshit gets to you after some time. Luckily I haven't dealt with fetishization at all, but it's mostly because people think they (we?) are disgusting so I also feel ugly.
>it's more of the connotations and knowing all the bad things people are attributing to me by looks aloneFelt that.
No. 1703580
>>1703545It was delegated evenly, however there was one part we had to finish together before everyone did their own parts for the project and I tried several times to get them to focus on that instead of zoning in on theirs immediately to the point of almost nagging so I pretty much had no choice in doing it myself. One went MIA the second day (haven't even seen him in class so I wonder if he dropped out without saying anything), one sucks at communicating no matter what we try and has barely been in class during the project and doesn't respond when we ask for updates. The third one I actually give credit to for actually communicating actively and really trying but visibly struggling, been giving him some pointers when he asks for help but in the end he has to learn on his own if he is going to get anything out of this.
Idk what else I could have done except trying to figure out where the other two live and drag them out by their hair, and I refuse to hand in a half-finished project and have my grades suffer just because I ended up with retards this time. At least the teacher will be able to tell which parts are mine.
No. 1703620
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I was always destined to be a nun. tfw born in the wrong era
No. 1703659
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>>1703630same nonna same they seem like they had fun being manuscript illumination trolls (nsfl monk art under spoiler)
No. 1703706
>>1703701you don't know how bad I wanna punch my BPD mum in the face. He's spent the last 7 years in his room, day in and day out. free reign on the computer. she couldn't care less what he does. as long as she get's to drink and do whatever she wants. He has 0 friends irl because my mum took him out of school to spite another family member. My mum says he has "friends online" so it doesn't matter! he has friends!
I hope she dies.
>>1703704I'm so scared, I don't know.
No. 1703724
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>>1703697idk what to tell you cause my family knows i am hardcore against tranny shit. told my younger brother idc if he turns out gay but if he turns out tranny we are cutting him out. his friends laugh at tranny memes and all find them gross. maybe you should start with texting shit like this pic.
No. 1703787
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I got one of these (electric nail file and lamp) and it's super cute but it takes so long to charge, doesn't stay full for long, and loses battery even while it's not in use. Grrrr. But it was free so I really cannot complain.
No. 1703817
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>walking down the stairs
>lights are turned off so i cant see very well
>notice tiny dark smudge at the bottom of the stairs
>poke it with my slipper (thank god i wasnt barefoot)
>it makes a wet squishing sound
>turn on lights
>its mushy cat shit
>its on my slipper now
>smell finally hits me
sometimes i regret having cats
No. 1703872
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>>1703856It's slowed down like this before when moderation went to shit like it has recently. A bunch of new farmhands went full retard with redtexts and pissed off a lot of nonnas. They'll likely come back in time once the hands are suspected of fucking off or at least being better trained. I saw some pretty retarded redtexts myself and don't blame them. Me? I'll go down with the ship. I'm here forever.
No. 1703930
>>1703917And you’re still with him? Fucking ridiculous how women just accept this treatment and let the male continue to use their body for sex or domestic labor.
My vent is I can’t relate to other women because of this pattern specifically. They make their lives revolve around a man who doesn’t even care about them past what she can do for him. I can’t relate to it and it actively disgusts me and it’s absolutely nearly every woman I get to know. I guess you could say I’m blackpilled, not that I want to be. But I give up, the world is too bleak to even try to be involved in, and apparently I’m the odd one out for not accepting this treatment pattern as normal.
No. 1703936
>>1703930i am in an
abusive relationship you fat faggot tranny
No. 1703952
>>1703930Jesus faggotfucking Christ let the woman vent about her life you immature pricklet.
>>1703917Nonna I am so sorry you went through all that. Sending hugs your way if you want them
No. 1703984
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>>1703972I was digging for a construction project once and I kept saving beetles from downing in the water at the bottom of the ditch, I’d set them on the grass and blow their bodies dry. Then they’d march back into the water and die. I eventually gave up. Story unrelated. But yeah no I agree with you mostly, I clearly wasn’t designed to live in this world.
No. 1704009
>>1703697look up Sasha Ayad's work and the Wider Lens podcast, they also released a book that may be helpful. you're not the parent and probably can't be that influential. if it is fetishistic especially so, even if social contagion was part of why he developed the identity. Angus Fox wrote some articles on boys transitioning you might find helpful. should not have to be 100% affirming but being too harsh in trying to get him to stop may completely destroy your relationship. You have to think of this like he is in an
abusive relationship/in a cult and what matters is maintaining your relationship more than your differences. Hang out more, improve your relationship. How open can you be with each other?
No. 1704018
>>1703951Of all women who are murdered by
abusive partners, 75% of said murderers killed them right as they tried to leave. Do you think nona is in that relationship because she likes being abused? She has probably can’t leave even though she wants to.
>>1703917I am so sorry you had to go through that alone. Miscarriages are one of the most miserable things a woman can go through, physically and mentally. You deserve care, nona. Don’t let that asshole convince you that it wasn’t a big deal or that you’re unreasonable for being upset
No. 1704182
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i've been unemployed for 36 days and it's the first time in ten years i haven't had a cystic pimple. i might be entering my neet era
No. 1704183
>>1704179it's definitely the antipsychotics
>which i need to stay onare you really sure? at least maybe ask your shrink for a med change, not all antipsychotics are the same in terms of side effects, especially weight gain. some are extreme and some are mild.
No. 1704190
>>1704184i've been on risperidone and i got very bad hyperprolactinemia from it, that certainly is one of the causes of very fast weight gain.
>i don't want to try another med because this one works so wellthen sadly you'll have to deal with the side effects, extreme appetite on antipsychotics can't really be managed, sorry.
>>1704186that's absolutely horrible nona, no wonder you're feeling so shitty. mental wards are abominations.
>would have to go inpatient to get my meds seriously adjustedi'm dealing with the same shit and i just went off meds completely kek. the horrid apathy isn't worth it to me. (i was prescribed haldol/haloperidol, also in a ward)
>i could maybe see a "med manager" but apparently the waitlist is so long i couldn't get on it beforeplease try to do it regardless, living like this isn't a way to get better
No. 1704195
>>1704190i can't believe they prescribed you haldol, i've always read thats a last resort for if no other meds will work. the side effects of that one seem awful. i'm sorry you also have had to deal with that shit. it sucks having psychosis. i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. also i do think my body is making too much prolactin, i lactate like crazy on this med. but again i'm too afraid they'll try to take me off this med and i like the med. i actually did bring the lactation up to my doctor before years ago the first time i was on it (i went off it for two years) and she tried to say it was normal and then just talked about her own titty discharge (shes kind of crazy and self centered).
>>1704189thank you anon. you are very sweet. both my partner and my mom have been making comments about my weight, saying i "shouldn't gain anymore" and that i'm "tubby" so its been really hard on my self esteem. especially when i've dealt with an eating disorder in the past and that was the only time i was happy with my body.
No. 1704197
>>1704195>i've always read thats a last resort for if no other meds will's the cheapest one and will certainly calm down (turn into a vegetable) literally anyone so they decided it's good
>she tried to say it was normal and then just talked about her own titty dischargekek wtf, how did she even get the qualification to work? probably a paid/nepo degree
sending you love nonita, we'll get through this
No. 1704231
>>1701204next time it happens, go outside and find a big, nice rock that you can throw. stick a note on it saying something like 'stop blasting your fucking porn!' and destroy his window.
sounds unhinged i know but in your place i'd probably do it if i was fed up enough. he asked for it and you'd be doing a service to your neighbors ad well. as long as he doesn't see you you're good.
No. 1704254
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this is why women absolutely need to stop using tiktok and social media
No. 1704265
>>1703612You're not stupid, you're a good mom who's literally trying to save your kid. Try to cut off the addiction now nona, ipad babies have less white matter in their brains and have lower life long IQs compared to babies not given screens. I don't know your relationship and its nuances, but you should consider going nuclear over this. Talk to your lawyer who will be able to petition the courts to change the custody agreement to forbid screens under a certain age. Because of the dangers associated with screen time, a knowledgeable judge will take this as seriously as if your husband was exposing your child to cigarettes.
Here's a quick link to a study outlining some of the dangers, but the more evidence you gather to give to your lawyer, the better. No. 1704285
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Not super serious stupid little baby vent but. I hate that this girl makes my friend laugh really hard, stop it only I’m allowed to do that. I feel so jealous and sad, it’s that stomach dropping and full of dread feeling, I only hate when she does it because I don’t particularly like her. Blegh barf urrrrg i feel so bad.
No. 1704293
I hate meeting new people. I just don’t understand how people work. Why go on and on about how we should do X and Y together and how “omg we have the same tastes, I’m so glad we found each other” but later show no interest?
Then I accept that okay maybe I just wasn’t special, that’s fine! That’s part of meeting others. Maybe Im just too socially stunted I didn’t know people do that to everyone new they meet — but why then later RANDOMLY tell me we should do a group cosplay? Hype it up? even offer to drive me there & let me borrow her props and make-up, but then when I try to schedule it, it’s all dry replies/stop answering altogether?
Con is tomorrow and it’s like she just forgot. I brought my outfit and shit for nothing because she’s only hanging out with her actual friends. Which okay, fine, I’m not meant to be close to about everyone I meet. But then, why?
What am I doing wrong? I can take someone not caring for me, but when the random “lovebombing” and plan proposal starts, only to then act like I’m not there, I’m left feeling so confused. Am I just too socially inept? Can someone please chime in?
No. 1704372
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I fucked up my beef stew that was otherwise perfect taste wise by adding too much corn starch, all that time and energy wasted
No. 1704408
>I'm pretty sure they're jealous of him or something because he has mentioned that there were multiple girls that his friends liked that ended up having crushes on him instead of said friends.Forgot to specify that this was in high school and everyone's been out of high school for about six/seven years now.
No. 1704435
>>1704406Bring it up to him (in a way that won't make you come off as an unhinged girlfriend trying to isolate him from his friends).
>"Hey boyfriend, I noticed in group settings your friends seem to say a lot of putdowns towards you that appear to be more than just bants. Do you ever feel a certain way about that? What draws you to them as friends and what are they adding to your life in terms of friendship?" Let him explain it. Don't make it about yourself because he may just see the solution as not inviting you to these gatherings anymore and the bs will just continue behind your back. If he's never really given it much thought then maybe asking him the questions will make him think and realize that he can do better.
No. 1704489
>>1704477it sounds like you would benefit from meds short term while working with a therapist, but while trying to do that you could try lavender oil pills. you can read up on Silexan (drug name) they're otc and can help with anxiety.
Trying to get rid of intrusive thoughts completely doesn't work, you have to learn to tolerate and accept them to move in. No. 1704499
>>1704486And so what if the doctor says you're faking it? Then you go home and the doctor has forgotten about you before you've walked out the front door. So what if you act stupid or disturb someone or act awkward? You're not important enough for anyone to give a real shit about that. I genuinely don't mean this in a mean spirited way but realize that you're just you, one insignificant stranger amongst a mass of strangers and just one patient amongst a stream of patients every single day, 5 days a week. None of these strangers you may meet at the clinic nor the doctor you'll be talking to will care or will be thinking about you at the end of the day when they get home and talk about their day to their loved ones.
I know anxiety fucking sucks, been there and I've overcome it so I know what it's like, but you have the choice to either go and face the doctor for a completely justified reason or you can continue to live paralyzed by fear. You're allowed to request help from your doctor and you're allowed to be amongst strangers at a clinic as a flawed human, just like everyone else.
No. 1704502
Spooky, I came to post pretty much
>>1704477 and my fears are
>>1704486. I’m sorry to see you’re also struggling, Nona. I hope we both find the courage (?) to get the help we need.
No. 1704524
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Got sick with a virus and I'm feeling insecure about my weight, I'm a naturally slim person but as I'm shitting every 3 hours a day I lost some weight and it triggers me, I'm very insecure about the way I look, people always tell me I got no ass/ boobs/ I'm too boney and it just got worse, I feel like a fucking stick figure and feeling myself is strange as my bones are sticking out a bit, god I wish I was fuller in general
No. 1704543
>>1704524there is always time to gain or lose weight
nonny. but i'm sorry, body image shit can be so hard. wishing you recovery from your virus and lots of peanut butter, olive oil and healthy weight gain in your future!
No. 1704561
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I asked a girl I have a crush on if she wanted to go get coffee with me this weekend and she said yes. I'm worried that she's only doing this out of courtesy because she seemed nervous when she said yes and she's only dated dudes before. I feel like I should be happy but I'm overwhelmed with anxiety
No. 1704565
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I'm getting my hopes up high because it feels like this time it can actually work out but I'm so afraid to get hurt again. The "issues" we had these past months are no longer there, we've been spending a lot of time together lately and he's no longer making me feel like I'm a burden for wanting to be with him, the opposite actually. I just don't want to get my heart broken again and much less by the same guy kek I'm trying to taking it easier this time, but fuck. I'm so in love with him, I really want it to work out
No. 1704581
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I dyed my hair platinum blonde for no good reason and I look like fucking Bleachella. Also I forgot I don't look like Jessica Chastain and my features are even more trollish now.
No. 1704603
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My boyfriend called this drawing "rancid" and said it was cringe "dd/lg e-girl" content with "pretty princess points" meme vibes because of the pink/white color scheme with the blood, the rules on the mirror, religious decorations from different denominations of Chrisianity (the artist is a Japanese woman), and the photos of her with the taller/older male figure.
I disagreed with him on everything but the "e-girl" vibe, and said it's just dark, edgy, pretty/pastel vent art about being forced to do ballet. Tbh I think he just doesn't understamd. Spoilered for nudity/blood
No. 1704608
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>>1704603We looked through other stuff on the artist's account, and he took the last drawing in this set as as "evidence" it's dd/lg, but there's literally nothing dd/lg here. I don't get it.
No. 1704619
nonnie stop you can’t be more coomrotted and less based than a man please this is embarrassing
No. 1704712
I hate living with family. Everyone has that one thing that you’re disgusted by. One thing that makes you gag and almost puke. For me, that’s filthy bathrooms. I’m not a snob, I can live with it if it’s just drain hair or something I can easily scrub off with water, but deep disgusting filth makes me want to vomit.
My family invited a bunch of moids to stay, and they fuckin made the shower disgusting. Dirt, hair, random objects stuck to the floor that water won’t get off, I can’t fuckin be in there. It makes me want to vomit. I haven’t showered in 5 days because I try to clean, but I can’t control the gagging and I end up puking. Nobody else wants to clean it, and my parents won’t let me use their shower. I’m si tired, I’m disgusting, and I just want to feel clean
No. 1704713
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had to fight my older sister because she is a raging self centered cunt. how tf do you live with ME at MY place sleep on MY couch use MY internet, balcony etc but have the NERVE to be like "give me my charger or ill punch you in the face". I am not even that type of person. I don't mind offering my place up. But don't take and take from me and the second I take one thing thats yours suddenly i have to give it back when you are having a bad day. All this because i said im tired of cleaning up after my sisters mess. its to the point where i havent cleaned my room in months because i am always cleaning the bathroom and kitchen because NO ONE ELSE DOES IT. so by the time I finish cleaning im too tired to clean my room. I am so tired of these bitches getting me out of character its annoying. I hate cursing people out because I go the jugular every time. But she really had the audacity to say don't touch her stuff while using all of my shit FOR FREEE. she never offered to pay rent, the most she's done is given me $86 for the internet this past week. Not because idk she has lived here rent free for the past 5 months but because SHE needs the internet to use HER phone. I told her I wish she went through with her suicide attempts. I dont care anymore. Now that i think about it my whole life she has been nothing but rude to me. Gave me so many insecurities. I remember i was about 5 years old and i was playing on a lamp just swinging around in a circle like a kid. And she said i am going to grow up and be a stripper. I was 5. When she worked at urban outfitters back in the day she was raving to my brother about how he should work there. When i jokingly said what about me she told me wiht a serious face that I would only be allowed to work the back of the stores when i was about 15. This is after she just got done telling my brother only ugly people work the stockroom. Constantly called me fat to the point where I have an issue going into the kitchen to get food. Literally in the middle of the argument she said im a fat bitch because i eat all the food. I am literally not even fat. and never have been a day in my life. That's not even the point it's just funny and showed that she was losing the argument. she is mocking me for eating up "all the food" But also the food won't get eaten if i don't eat it. I have thrown out thousands of dollars worth of food waiting for these bitches to eat it. Have thrown out weeks old leftovers she "forgot about". Literally have rotting avocado and plaintains sitting on my kitchen counter as i type because she doesnt cook. She just buys shit and lets it go bad. But let me decide to eat it before it does and suddenly im a greedy fat bitch. Of course she wouldnt know how much food gets wasted in this apartment because she has NEVER LIFTED HER FINGER TO CLEAN ONCE. Had the audacity to brag about leaving and living somewhere else like maam we wanted you gone since july! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DONT LET THE DOOR HIT YA WEAR THE GOOD LORD SPLIT YA HOE
No. 1704786
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Everyone in my house is so angy because their jobs suck and I get it but they need to stop taking it out on other people who aren't doing anything to them, like I'm just sitting here. What the fuck did I do to you?
No. 1704809
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Manic narcissists are always emboldened when they think they have someone they can hurt and abuse consequence free and then the moment they realize they are threatened in any way with the consequences of their actions (which they often aren't until it smacks them in the throat like a shovel) they start fucking raging and bawling and sobbing and threatening to kill themselves and they go through this cycle over and over again. They are always convinced they are going to become famous too which is crazy. You are going down before you ever happen you freak.
No. 1704832
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Lately whenever I see toys for children or pets, I want to cry. The world is too cold for the defenseless little creatures, with their simple innocent joys. I can hardly even breathe from terror if I allow myself to think about it.
No. 1704864
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bro i hate everything
No. 1704866
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why is it so hard to be a woman trying to have a relationship with another woman?? there are like 10 of us in this city and half of these are my exes and the other women who ghosted me. i cannot believe people romanticize being gay or think its cool. this dating pool is the same group of people fucking each other every couple of months i cant stand it please i want to be loved…
No. 1704872
>>1704862Yes, narcissists spawn more narcissists and schizos spawn schizos.
Romanianon is a prime example.
No. 1704922
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I hate how women are psyop'd into turning into old ladies spiritually after they reach the long term relationship milestone with their bfs. Heck, even old ladies have way more fun than this type of women.
Me and a friend wanted to organize a bigger party (we are a big group from over the years) and someone had to object because her bf doesn't like big circles and she's one of our closest friends (who's the opposite of her bf). Not only that, but there are other little things that irk me from other of my friends in LTRs like:
>"oh, i will stay in today with my bf" (despite the fact this couple lives together and i barely see my friend, maybe 1-2 times/month),
>"i won't be able to arrive on time since i have to cook for my bf and he'll be alone for 2/3 days" as if he's 5 (arrives like 3 hours late and in the night too and i had to go to work in the morning)
>"sorry, today I'm hanging out with my bfs friends"
>carrying their bfs like some emotional support pet even when we explicitly said "girls' night" and we can't talk anything when they are around
>this "no fun allowed" attitude that you can smell from them
>trying so hard to act all mature so that their bfs and society here will approve. This one is cultural too since people see maturity as acting like (I hate to say this phrase) NPCs. Basically becoming kinda lifeless in a way (?)
All that and they are not even married yet and we're in our early 20's for fucks sake. What are they going to do in their 30's? Plan their places in the graveyard?
Now, me and a few other friends who don't coddle their men have other friends too, but these couple ones were really close to us and it kinda hurts to see us drifting apart like that…
No. 1704978
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>>1704940When posting online make sure your account and following is always stated to be 18+ only. Also thins out the crowd if you admit outright that you aren’t a handmaiden but if you’re an artist/content creator trying to make money just keep yourself as closed off as possible. The moment you respond to any sperg or follower they think its okay to talk to you or harass you. Hope you don’t get anymore hate nonna!
No. 1705001
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If I could get non-lite mode lc back I'd be so happy.
No. 1705017
nonny, i dont wanna go outright 18+ logo because i dont want to imply i do nsfw stuff(i dont), but i will start soft blocking every minor that interacts with my stuff
No. 1705047
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>>1705025There isn't anything like that, the update just broke lolcow for me and a few other anons. Apparently cerbmin wants to work on it but I'm impatient, still.
No. 1705062
>>1704922God I hate this type of woman too. There’s being a uwu introvert and then there’s just giving up on life altogether. Unless it’s hanging out with their boyfriend’s friends,
then suddenly they’ll expend the energy.
No. 1705066
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>>1705047first I'm hearing of this, sorry shit's broke for you. Just to be sure, did you try looking a little bit higher than your screenshot shows? The blue bar can take a few seconds longer than the rest of the page to load.
No. 1705096
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>>1696770Replying to my own post because I don't know how to behave anymore. I was indeed avoiding him a little bit because the whole thing makes me uncomfortable, also he referred to me with "my lady" like two times which was cringe, I don't care if it was a joke or not. I thought that maybe it's better to talk to him less because moid logice seems to be like "she talks a lot to me, even if it's just about video games = she likes me = I have a chance"
I don't get it, he just said he doesn't want to talk about it on whatsapp and in the same message he asks me this question. I'm so annoyed
No. 1705105
>>1705096If you're able to take a deep breath and shake off the awkwardness of everyone "shipping" you with him (not your fault, they're the ones making it weird), could you simply reply to him and say something like
there are office rumors we should become a couple and I would like to put a stop to that so I am professionally keeping my distance. blah blah I want to keep work and personal separate moving forward because the talk from coworkers trying to pair us up was becoming uncomfortable blah blah something like that? but tailored to your situation.
No. 1705113
>>1705062Nah, 'cuz they are doing everything to appease their bfs even when they don't like his friends that much. I remember this girl i used to hang out in hs with who stopped hanging out with us the moment she got a bf and he didn't like us.
The saddest thing is that no scrote ever will go to these lenghts even when his friends are really shitty people and their gfs don't approve them for a good fucking reason, they just don't care. Paradoxically, women are expected to isolate themselves for an unwashed sperg
No. 1705136
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My "family" is so fucking depressing and fucked up. If I ever fell in love with someone I will never introduce that person to my family because I'm just too ashamed to be associated with them. The funniest thing is they probably think they're normal. I never liked them, but living in another country and analyzing my adolescence and their dynamics from the distance made me truly realize how fucked up they were. I'm so glad I escaped, I remember my aunt wanted to take my apartment from me after my mother died because she thought I'm too stupid to be able to support myself financially. Now I can fully pay my rent and she can fuck off. I know she was always jealous of my mother, but how could you want to do something like this to your niece? And my uncle was literally hitting on me after my mother's death. Just like he was hitting on my mother when she was still pregnant with me and he was already married to my aunt. Just thinking about them makes me want to puke. I want to cry when I think that I don't have anyone in my family I can count on. Strangers are better to me than my family. It shouldn't be like this. My therapist is surprised I turned out the way I did given my fucked up background
No. 1705338
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I cannot get a read on my work friend anymore whatsoever.
> be me, diagnosed with autism, several years at really good job
> be this other girl, start job, initially seem promising and managers are supportive
> fast forward a year later
She clearly hates this job and she's getting so pressed that people here do not give her what she wants, which is essentially to be paid to do absolutely nothing, but what's worse is she has yet to be diagnosed with autism but as soon as she cannot be fucked to come in and work she calls sick, fakes stomach bugs, says she does not have the energy, and when she is in, she takes it out on me, is callous and passive aggressive.
It really sucks because at first I thought she wanted a genuine friendship, but over time I've just seen more and more red flags and today is the one I'll vent about.
Our manager, who is also a friend, has been trying his best for over half a year, to basically help her not get sacked. He has gotten her referred to therapy which she wants, he has tried to adjust the timetables, but we have annual reviews and he was dreading it but he had to sit down and tell her (softly but firmly) that some changes need to be made and that her behaviour towards colleagues and customers has been downright apalling. Prior to this she'd always drunkenly insist she had him around her finger, but she's been on a vendetta since then, trying to get him done for workplace bullying, but it has gone nowhere and she's just shooting herself in the foot. A couple months ago, despite me already actually knowing what went down and how much said manager was dreading approaching her because he knew she'd cry, she sent me an essay about how ~abusive~ he is and it was one of many times where she'd expect respect of "energy" but then she'd traumadump on me and she never seems to consider my own energy. Outside of work she expects me to drop everything for her, at her beck and call, but she'll cancel and flake on me when it suits her.
I asked her if she could kindly talk to said manager herself and that while I'm happy to listen, this was a topic she needed to go to him for, and she backed off, but I have since found out that instead, she has gotten close with another colleague and meets them all the time to drunkenly bitch about how perfect she is and fuck all men, except her fiance, who she really really wants to cuck, but he's monogamous. She reeks of privelege all whilst maintaining that she is SO disabled and troubled, despite the fact that her fiance does everything for her and she is throwing tantrums now when the real world doesn't work like that.
Now I get to the vent. I lost my dad years ago, and my mother has just been told she may have little time left because she isn't well, I am in my twenties and my parents are not old at all. She wants me to come over and reunite with her fiance and her so we say Saturday, today. Last night she messages me saying how she is just soooo burnt out from her two work shifts and can we reschedule for Sunday and I say sure and she always knows how understanding I am about energy, but after my shift today, I bump into her and this other colleague in the supermarket on the way home. She looks awkward and I realize she lied to me when any other friend would just say hey, can we reschedule, I overscheduled, but now I'm seeing that since I stopped letting her be entitled around me and bitch about people, she's clearly got her preferences.
What I hate is that she messaged me all soppy saying thank you soooo much for understanding energy and now I don't even know if I should bother tomorrow or just flake on her, considering MY energy levels are genuinely low and fuck does she know what that actually feels like, nonnas.
I feel like she's going to spend her thirties losing friends and potentially even her fiance if she keeps being shitty to people but I feel like my patience, actual autism, understanding and general kindness has been grossly taken advantage of. I will just remain above it and if she does mention it (she won't) I'll just smile and say there was no need to lie.
Made me wonder what else has she lied about besides to me and about my manager. My best friend and partner both do not like her, anyway, thanks for reading. I hate liars lol
No. 1705412
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Why can't things just be okay? Why can't things just go right for once? There's a fenced off mining area nearby where I live, but it's easy to get into. There's a huge cliff that leads right down into the mine and I might just make the jump tonight.
No. 1705533
>>1705519>>1705521Im talking about things like
>waking/sleeping at the same time every day>journalling instead of letting my thoughts race>going outside even if only for 5 minutes>looking at pictures of my favourite things>singing along to favourite songs>eating when hungry>showering when stinky>remembering how lucky i am to be alive, physically safe, financially supported, etc.Very basic choices that instantly improve one's quality of life. Obviously these things in isolation won't solve all of my personal problems and definitely won't fix the world so EVERYONE can be safe and happy, but they make a difference for me. I could do any or all of these things but i dont
No. 1705566
>>1705143>>1705151>>1705188I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots, honestly. I blame on my stupid gaming hobby. I wish I could find nonnies in the wild but all I find are scrotes and pickmes. I hate Discord and Twitter so fucking much, I already deleted my Twitter years ago but I'm about to delete my Discord too. Being into videogames and anime while not being a pornsick retard is a curse.
>>1705156That's what the moids that I snap on usually say, either call me BPD or fatherless, I don't have BPD but I would emulate their toxicity just to ruin your day and make you feel miserable.
No. 1705567
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i hate the whole queerio shit in general but there's something especially annoying about self-proclaimed demisexuals and their constant larp of being so unique, special and misunderstood. they see a character from a poor background who's fighting for her life so she can continue to provide for the only person she loves (her sister, only begrudgingly also her mother) and all they read is omg demisexual kween! dumbasses.
No. 1705605
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I wish I had one single person that cared about me at all. How the fuck am I supposed to break out of this shit hole I call a life. Really hurts to see other people making progress and being successful, sometimes I think about finding someone on craigslist to kill me, really what am I staying alive for, it’s over
No. 1705611
>>1705605nona nooooo don't give a retarded moid the satisfaction. im struggling too and my parents think im a huge disappointment because i got injured at my job and am on disability
im an only child so it fucking blows Stay strong, there are nonnies cheering you on from behind their screens.
No. 1705643
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>>1704713still not over fighting my sister. i wish it never happened im mad at myself that i allowed her to get me to that low point. When she threatened to punch me I just freaked out and thought she was going to so i instinctively kicked her away but the way i was angled on the bed my foot kicked her face (not hard i didnt use any real force) which obviously got her mad and she started kicking and punching me. I honestly wasn't even kicking her hard because she is still my sister but she was trying to really punch me with all her strength. I just wanted her out of my room. I ended up apologizing today because I hate what I said but im pretty sure she's blocked me. I dont know why but ever since I was little I never got along with any of my siblings. We always end up physically fighting whether its brothers or sisters. My lttle sister choked me a few years ago because I didnt give her my debit card because i didnt like her attitude when she asked. (basically was like "im going to groceery store give me your card now" just rude lol. I dont know why but no matter what people always resort to violence when it comes to me. Its why i try to keep to myself and not talk to anyone. Every time i talk to someone I always end up saying something wrong and having them threaten me with violence. I understand saying "give me my charger or ill smack you in the face" vs PUNCH! I know im wrong and my post was very unhinged. I'm in despair by my actions and need intense therapy.
No. 1705656
>>1705647thank you
nonnie i dont know its like eveery time i stick up for myself it leads to a fist fight. It's why i never stick up for myself and im deathly afraid of confrontation. I dont know if i have a sign on my head that says "beat my ass". But it's like my siblings get mad at me for having a backbone. It's not even my siblings this has happened with friends and even relationships. It's like I'm not meant to be anything other than agreeable and a pushover. I still feel horrible for telling her to kill herself. Thats just mean.
No. 1705694
>>1705656Rough. It’s really nice to have sibling when the chips are down so be aware if that’s something you’re giving up but if they wouldn’t even be there for you (not to feed some Npd shit but sometimes we’re not blessed with such a family) then don’t feel bad for standing up for yourself. It’s hard to weigh in on stuff in an anonymous imageboard but if you’re struggling with a bad family situation I pray for you, that’s some hard shit and the work or creating a circle of people to rely on outside your family is honestly grueling unless you’re super duper lucky and fall into it. So I wish you the best either keeping your family in a healthy way as much as you can or going out and finding one.
Yes I’m projecting a little but really wish you the best
No. 1705700
>>1705670You need to make it clear to her that you won't support her and she has to get a job/be frugal. Fuck her culture, it doesn't sound like she's been a good enough parent that you'd look after her purely out of love and gratitude. I'm sure you wouldn't want her out on the streets but you should at least bluff and maybe she will get her shit together. If she doesn't, you can ultimately still help her but you should still try to avoid the situation.
I really hate entitled parents, they chose to create life and they owe their kids far more than their kids owe them.
No. 1705716
>>1704713I have an older sister who hates my guts for no reason as well. She doesn't act as direct or as violent as yours but she definitely picks fights with me over nothing. I cant even talk to her stupid ass because she takes a chance to misconstrue everything I say to pick a fight with me. In the past decade we have never had an actual conversation without getting into an argument. It's not even me, she has just always been this way. She 100% has mean girl bully energy, but never became a bully to anyone but me bc she was raised in a poor
abusive household and so was a
victim to bullying. She is fake as fuck and clings to superficial people to seem interesting. I honestly think that shes ashamed of her family to the point that she outright rejects all of her close family members, and that this mindset grew in her childhood. And she used me as an outlet for all of her frustration because I was the most meek of our siblings as a child. But unlike what she was expecting I stood up for myself when she would pick on me so it pisses her off. She now has a such a deep seated hatred for me she can't have a healthy relationship with me even as an adult who's moved away from all that shit. She talks shit about me to other family members behind my back, and plays mean girl bestfriend to her favorite sibling (our eldest sister), who's I'm not allowed to have a relationship with in her eyes. I realize now I was deprived of friends as a child partially bc she didnt want me to have any. She told me in high school that I just "lived to annoy her". She rammed a chair in my fucking nose when we were arguing as kids and gave me a massive nose bleed. I'm pretty sure my nose is all crooked bc of that. She threw a book in my face another time when we were arguing as teenagers and I told her she was the spawn of satan. I'm not allowed to have good news or woes. If shes feeling nice she'll give me a meager compliment to seem friendly, but otherwise ignore me. She tried to make it out like my min wage cleaning job wasn't difficult compared to her being a stahm to her only child. Which, bitch, I didn't even say your life wasn't fucking hard I was just sharing my woes about my life but I'm not even allowed to do that.
No. 1705723
>>1705643Nonnie, it sounds like you come from a very violent household. As someone that can (unfortunately) relate, it's so hard to unlearn not resorting to violence. Another thing is, as long as you are still living with your family, and they are also still resorting to violence, sometimes it's unavoidable to defend yourself. You may have done something that was 'technically' immoral, but you also have to defend yourself. I don't wanna presume stuff about you, but if your family is like mine, your parents are also violent. Really, the blame should be on them for raising your siblings to be like this to you. I wish I had good advice for you, but the best I can say is to limit contact with your family so you have less confrontations. My heart breaks for you. It's a hard place to be in.
No. 1705820
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Still one of my favorite gifs to grace the site kek
No. 1705828
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>going through small comment section on a video that's a thrist comp.
>most comments are from obvious minors
Wish I could rat them out to their parents. Dumbass kids shouldn't be watching that or posting themselves on the internet.
No. 1705829
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Why did I have to be born at the worst time to be heterosexual. The men i like(porn free) havent existed for at least two decades. All i want is a cute porn-free dork. 20 years ago it would have been dead easy to snatch some heavily sheltered moid who didnt even oogle at a playboy magazine, and mold it into a perfect husband, now it's impossible to find a man that doesn't have an outright porn addiction. All of the anti-porn men i have meet are also disgusting, they need daddy peterson to tell them porn bad, but not bad because it's abusive to women, it's bad for the poow poow moid's mental health. I feel so defeated, I wil go draw men getting raped and beaten to calm down.
No. 1705884
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I am severely mentally ill about a topic I made an online friend about and I need to go cold turkey on the topic for my own well-being (because I am actually for real unwell and unable to just enjoy things normally) but I don't know what to say to the friend. We're not close and she's very very nice but we haven't ever clicked outside of this topic so it's not like this is a relationship that has any chance of continuing but I feel bad just ghosting her (especially bc she knows another account I have and remain active on). What do I do? I want to tell her I can't talk about our topic anymore and bid her an apologetic farewell but it would make me look incredibly mentally disordered and
1) that shits embarrassing
2) she doesn't need to be subjected to that or know how unwell i am because we're just acquaintances
But I can't think up any other lie to cover for my real issue. Seriously, what do I do? I don't want to be an asshole but I also don't want to be TMI.
No. 1705930
I can't help but think that my friend has had it very easy in life. Her parents are still together after many years, she has siblings who care about her, it is as if she had lived in a bubble and that is reflected today in her personality. She is an extremely stubborn and proud person, having a disagreement with her is ending up arguing with her.
When she has a different opinion than others, she is not able to accept that there are different points of view. In almost 30 years of life, she continues to depend on her parents and does not realize how lucky she has been, she always tries to sell the story that she has had a very bad time and has suffered a lot. The other day she began to test the waters with the possibility of having had depression, saying that she had never been diagnosed but that she was almost certain that she maybe there was something wrong with her in the past.
I have tried to commit suicide twice. If you "believe" that you have a Problem, if you have that power of "decision" about whether you are depressed or not, I think that speaks for itself.
It's tiring. It’s tiring because she does not realize that she has grown up as a person with no capacity for self-criticism whatsoever. She doesn't have long, stable relationships because people get tired of her arrogance, but she is convinced that it is never her fault.
The day her parents are gone, she will be hit by the reality of having a little girl mentality in an adult's body. It pisses me off because I had a pretty hard life compared to hers but she’s incapable of admitting it. Every time I tried to talk to somebody about my past, she brushed it off and told me I’m just rejoicing in my pain.
No. 1705937
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>>1705829Idk what advice or encouraging words I would have for this because I don't have any viable one.
The few porn free men i know are either christians or alt righters who will justify other ways of abuse of women through muh vALuEs aNd muh tRaDItiOn and my gut feeling usually tells me that they are coomers in secret so there is no winning at this point.
>they need daddy peterson to tell them porn bad, but not bad because it's abusive to women, it's bad for the poow poow moid's mental health.Also waa waa, makes your dick not work anymore waa waa. At least it shows that they don't care about women at all and we're fully justified to not want them near ourselves i guess.
No. 1705994
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I have got to stop lurking on social media because I get my feelings hurt every single time. I haven't felt this envious in a while. Also happen to be in my luteal phase so I'm feeling extra fucking crazy. I just want to sleep for the rest of the year.
No. 1706067
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I am so tired of writing emails. I am a socially incapable autist who already has a hard time doing small talk with friends, writing formal emails is a herculean task for me. Every single time I have to write one my brain goes in fully paranoia mode thinking that I might have made a grammar mistake, I accidentally wrote something rude or that I made the content too short or too long. Every time I have to sit down and write an email it takes me like 40 minutes just to type like two short paragraphs because I am constantly overthinking whatever I write. And then, whenever I actually get the courage to stop overthinking and actually send the damn thing, I spend like ten minutes dying of anxiety while praying to whoever is out there that the person receiving it won't get a bad opinion of me for some reason. I cannot do this anymore. I hate bothering people with my existence by sending them emails. Sometimes I find myself wishing I could become a hermit just so I don't have to deal with this kind of stress anymore
No. 1706068
im giving it one last shot. and because its a last shot, that means it doesnt have to last forever, i dont have to do it all my life.
if it goes wrong and i am rejected and or cause horrible pain to another, well thank fucking god, i dont have to do this shit my whole life.
if it goes right and now im in love again getting laid, i wont have to give it one last shot ever again.
ive been avoiding eyes, keeping silent, minimalizing and only projecting the best side of me. i want to show them i am human, and i am fucked up, and i am only asking for very little, i know i didnt ask for it before today, but now i am asking for very little, do you feel the same? can you hear me?
No. 1706080
>>1706061Also I feel like if you dont fit into a certain box that they’re used to they quietly shun you
Instead of being direct with what they dont like they just ignore your existence with false niceness
No. 1706113
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I love long hair. Everyone else loves long hair, too, and the women that have it are considered feminine and beautiful. I want to have long hair as well. Long hair is easier to style and care for.
Except I was cursed with facial proportions that make me look like a frumpy Mennonite horse girl and founding father at the same time if my hair gets anywhere past my shoulders. Even a very long bob (idk what they're called, a Robert?) looks worse than a regular one.
Tell me why my berries and cream arse grew out hair for years and years coping with different hairstyles, trying not to look like a Victorian schoolmarm, being mistaken for a 'mature student' in my spring years, and STILL didn't cop on to the fact that it just doesn't work. When will I learn? All those years wasted on looking dumpy, I hate myself.
No. 1706117
>>1706080I feel like this. How do I stop feeling like this? Yes I'm an autist and have never had proper friends
However, the illusion of moid "friendship" has shattered so I have to actually deal with this feeling now
No. 1706136
>>1706122It's actually quite thick and straight. I don't know why short bobs and voluminous curls both look good on me and not anything else, but when my hair was long it lacked volume and overwhelmed my face a lot. Updos also looked kind of limp and matronly. I looked really ugly and plain, my facial features really popped as soon as I cut it. Maybe the Kibbe girlies have a point.
I don't really know how to style my hair and it can't hold a decent curl either so the bob really is the easiest option.
No. 1706360
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I'm so tired of going into every fandom space, whether it be tumblr or twitter, for my interests and seeing it filled with nothing but troons. I wouldn't even care as much if they weren't so obsessed about their girldicks and other degenerate tranny shit. This is no different than going on male spaces like 4chan and seeing all those retarded moids talking about their dicks, how much they masturbated, and how much they want to fuck this anime girl, etc. It's all so tiresome. I wish I can meet normal people on the internet for fucking once. Unironically wishing picrel was me.
No. 1706382
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my mother is so hurtful. we got into a massive argument because i told her the clothing in our apartment was starting to smell of smoke (we arent allowed any smoking in the apartments). she got very defensive and began insulting me, telling me to prove it and have her sniff the clothing items which of course as a smoker she herself could not agree. my boyfriend recently visited and went home with all of his clothing smelling of smoke. i told her this which was a huge mistake…i didnt think she would take it as bad as she did. she started insulting him about his homelessness and being on food stamps as a college student lol and said he was dirty (she is very OCD. he left a few dishes in the sink after he cooked and did not clean them up immediately, to her liking)…i asked if maybe she can smoke outside because people will be too polite to tell her she smells of smoke. she says nobody says she does, im a liar and i need to move out by october 1st. she said she hates me and doesnt want me in her life, that nobody will allow me to move in and she'll be laughing that im homeless. she said im a scummy daughter and should be ashamed and try to live without her. i feel bad for even engaging with her. i recorded her secretly and she caught me. i didnt send it to anyone but i was hoping i could show how she acted when she calmed down. i cant rationalize with her. shouldnt have done that. deleted them promptly. my boyfriend finally proved to me i wasnt crazy when he visited and she pulled this over something else, but god i feel like i am. i feel suicidal because it hurts terribly for her to tell me she hates me, wants me gone from her life, just because i told her it smells of smoke! i love her but i cant take the way she acts and she does not even SEE it! she always pulls the mental card on me because ive tried to kill myself before and struggle with ptsd/depression but im in therapy. im medicated. i seek help. but she can do no wrong. its everyone but her. and i pay 500 a month in rent which she tells me im very lucky to do. she mocks and laughs at me for being in college full time and only working 4 days a week, because it is childish and not as much as an adult should do. but then other times she tells everyone shes so proud of me for being in college and will always be by my side. which one is it anymore?
i just wanted to have a good day. but she says i ruined her day, that shes better off without me. i should have kept my mouth shut. im trying to be strong but sometimes i want to regress, i want to cry, i want to just kill myself because im scared of putting on my big girl pants. i drove to the library to focus on my studies but i dont know if i can keep repeating this when she flips her lid. its not healthy, but i cant afford alternatives. my boyfriend is living on campus right now so id have to find a roommate situation but how can i afford that? do i move states? do i try to keep holding on living with her? i feel so trapped. i feel like sometimes its me and my fears, but other times its because she makes me feel so bad about doing anything. even taking up a dogsitting job…she said i wasnt allowed to because i need to help her watch our dogs the days she work, which i always do, but then why complain about finances when i try to make some money? she makes me feel like i need her and im tired of it. i love her but i want to be with my boyfriend, or even myself, even if its scary and i struggle. i dont want to keep fearing the world or being hurt like this. am i strong enough? or is she right? that i am weak and need her always? im so scared nonnies. i love her but i dont know if this is worth living through again and again–right when i feel strong enough to leave, she acts sane for a little while and i thinkits going to be okay. i dont know if i should file paperwork to transfer on campus, move to a new state and find a better paying job? i feel stuck. but there has to be more to life than this, no?
maybe this contributes to my bad days subconsciously. im tired of the daily anxiety i get from having to make sure everything is spic and span and spotless so she edoesnt yell. im tired of just…too much to even type. i just dont know what to do. where to go. where to start. im scared to deviate from the comfort but it feels disgusting and i want to know in my heart even if i need a roommate for a while my boyfriend andi can still find a place one day.
No. 1706447
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can't even escape the tranny shit in a south asian inspired fantasy book written by an islamic author
>I can't marry any man. I know women do it. But when I think of being touched like that… of being made up as a bride… I cannot do it.
okay cool the character is a lesbian, love to see it!
>MC then goes on to describe a well-worn pamphlet showing people crossdressing in said character's room and that she prefers to wear men's clothing
>The world is not kind to women…u-uh I mean those that are RAISED as women
If I had known this TIF shit was in the book I wouldn't have started it kek it feels offensive that a woman can't be gay and/or gnc without someone trying to suggest that makes her trans
No. 1706456
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>>1706213Patiently waiting too.
No. 1706472
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>>1706382wondering if maybe its time to just off myself kek
No. 1706546
>>1706472No, please don't think that. I'm really sorry you're going through this, nonna. What you said to her wasn't unreasonable regarding the smoke smell, but her reaction absolutely was. Your mother is
abusive and what she's saying isn't who you are at all. I sincerely hope you'll be able to get away from her soon. You deserve a life free of that toxicity.
No. 1706557
I’m partially deaf because of the flu that’s kicking my ass and jesus, I know that losing your senses must suck ass, but I also can’t help but feel extremely disoriented with just half of my hearing capacity, I usually have a great hearing, like that girl from Encanto kek, and I’m used to being able to listen to everyone and everything in my house, so not being able to hear most things feels really fucking weird.
I can’t wait to get better and regain my bat-like sense of hearing. And now I feel even worse thinking about deaf people, it must be so hard not being able to hear everything, because I usually just can get ready for whatever happens, from getting ready to go out, to knowing who is coming home and whatnot.
No. 1706563
>>1706363How was
>>1706067 making it other people's problem?
No. 1706575
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No. 1706576
>>1706382nona, stay strong and have faith that things will get better. your mom is out of line and acting horrible to you. my dad is pretty similar in how inconsistent he is like your mom is - telling me im his karmic punishment, im a lazy piece of shit who'll become a homeless old biddy after he disowns me, im ugly and fat, im going to die alone, i should just self-harm already etc… and then he'll turn around one day and tell me i have so much to be proud of and that im doing well and there's a day when everything will pay off for me. it's so fucking hurtful when the people we're supposed to trust the most keep jerking us around as they feel like it. you're doing ok nona - you're doing MORE than ok, working a job for 4 days a week while being a college student AND having a relationship is a lot to handle and you're doing it, on top of having to deal with your mother's lashing out. you're doing a lot better than i did ngl lmao under harsher conditions. you're doing wonderful nona, its just hard to feel that in such conditions. im really proud of you, even if your mom isnt.
maybe you can move in w your bf, maybe you can unofficially move in and be "that roommates girlfriend who's always here", or stay with a close(!! and understanding) friend if they have a couch to spare or something. but in the meantime maybe this article can help too: hope nona, it's only your 20s, there's much more happier times for you yet
No. 1706597
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I look like shit in photos and I can’t delude myself much longer that I don’t actually look like this IRL.
No. 1706618
>>1706581Kek we share the same brother (except mine does this on a
regular basis what the fuck he eats the same normal food that I do)
No. 1706679
>>1706474i already do, i resent almost everyone
but i want to care about someone deeply and share my love and be loved too. no one ever wants to do that with me, even if i try my best to understand and show my care
No. 1706790
I’ve been using hinge for a few weeks now and the moid fatigue is setting in. Idk what it is today but I got triggered by a fat, ugly, balding, unemployed ginger leaving a comment on one of my pictures. I wanted to puke. I feel like dating apps are designed to devalue women. I feel so disgusted. I continuously and consistently get likes from the ugliest fucking moids to ever walk earth. What’s even more impressive is that they are all either unemployed or work low skill jobs. You get 8 likes a day and Hinge shows me moids just to piss me off: they’re either balding or bald, ginger, fat, old, short. All qualities I find repulsive. These moids are in my likes thinking they have a chance. Where the fuck do they get the confidence from? Where are the alpine, dark haired, clear skin, beautiful men? Why are they only showing me bloated, out of shape, short, posing with a beer disgusting moids with ginger freckles who work as garbage pick up creatures? FUCK OFFFFFFF. I’m so fucking disgusted. I hate Hinge so much. Yesterday this 44 year old disgusting XY gave me a like. All his pics were of him bumming on his sofa with his android camera 2 inches from his pig face. I want to jump from a building.
No. 1706816
>>1706814There's nothing complex about being the typical retard who capes for
abusive moids while harboring hatred towards the woman who gave birth to you.
>>1706815I'm a moid because I think it's despicable that she adores her POS dad and has no empathy for her mother? I think it's more moid-like to be a misogynistic shit who capes for
abusive moids, but whatever.
No. 1706849
>>1706771Sending you lots of love,
nonnie. I hope you feel better soon
No. 1706887
>>1706546>>1706576thank you so much nonnies. sometimes it is hard to not just regress and feel like my only way out is something irrational and permanent, like shes right, i cant exist without her as she says, but deep down i know that isnt true and is wildly unhealthy. i cannot move in with my boyfriend yet due to the student housing situation of his, but i’m going to do my best to work toward what i can and just keep working and focusing on school and taking up some side jobs. hopefully by next year we can find some roommate situation where he is and we’d be fine between working and student aid and food assistance. im so lucky to have him by my side, and so lucky to have sweet nonnies to smarten me up. i imagine things have gotten better for you
nonnie 2? or so i hope. but have a lovely day
nonnie 1 and
nonnie 2! i really needed that strength.
No. 1706909
>>1706899Like men are only becoming more and more rabidly misogynistic to this insane degree and at the same time consuming massive amounts of really fucked up porn
It's starting to feel like young men as a group are just chomping at the bit to punish, enslave, rape and kill women atp
No. 1706915
>>1706897That's normal until your early 30s. I used to get new glasses every year and then my eyesight stabilized and I got LASIK.
Do you suffer from dry eye a lot? Get eye drops and use them regularly as that can also affect your eyesight long term.
No. 1706957
>>1706816It's like you didn't read the post at all. Think in whatever retarded signal virtuing black and white mentality you want though. Blaming people for their own
abusive upbringing is vile.
No. 1707003
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No. 1707005
I feel awful ranting about this, because none of this is my friend's fault. Sorry for this huge wall of text with a lot of waffling back and forth in my emotions.
I have a friend that has a habit of talking about herself a lot, even when uncalled for, she's on the autism spectrum and I know she mostly does it to show that she at least on some level relates to whatever you're going through but kinda loses herself in it so you have to help her steer the conversation back to the original subject. She is very kind and caring, and if you know her you can tell that she doesn't mean to be egotistical in any situation, she's just kinda bad at directing herself back to what you originally talked about.
However, lately this behavior has increased but it's been things that are legitimately bothering her and understandably so, so I can't blame her for bringing these things up when she gets the chance even if she's being tactless. She is studying to become a nurse and the future for that profession is looking increasingly vague with the talk of AI entering the medical field, she has to study full time while also work during weekends to support herself and her tranny sibling, the stress is taking it's toll on her mentally and she is also starting to worry about possibly having a brain tumor (the doctors at the local hospital doesn't seem to be taking her seriously, but she has some odd aversion to getting it checked somewhere else for some reason so she is instead making excuses not to go, and we live in a country with cheap healthcare), among other things. All things that are very understandable that you bring up to get it out of your system when you get the chance but to also ask for support, which I'm doing my best to give her by holding her when she cries and alleviate some of her burdens by helping her with food from time to time. But for the last few years it's always been one negative thing after another happening, so almost every time I see her I have to hold her hand as she cries - sometimes about some random stuff she just made up in her head - so I think I'm starting to feel a bit burnt out from our friendship on top of me starting to lose some respect for her because she is always standing up for her troon sibling no matter what uneducated bullshit she spouts (like she fully swallowed most of the hogwarts legacy smear campaign and would just shut you down if you brought up any counter arguments) and when she feels cornered she starts crying and brings up something barely tangibly related that she needs to be comforted over. We also celebrated a friend's birthday last week and she wouldn't stop bringing up negative things or turn a lot of subjects into something negative, but again it's obvious there are a lot of things eating at her so it's not exactly anyone's position to tell her to brighten the fuck up so we let her speak but always end up directing the conversation to something else to not bring everyone around down.
I love her, but I'm also so tired of her, and I feel awful for feeling so done with always having to be there for her. Most of what's going on in her life isn't her fault, she is doing her best with what she got. But I just…I don't know. I guess it was kind of the final drop when I talked to her about how a really close friend of mine,close enough to call my sister, recently got diagnosed with cancer and I kinda tried to lighten the conversation (and my own mood) by going "well, after that 8am phone call I wasn't sure if I needed any morning coffee, or perhaps even more than usual haha" she started talking about her suspected brain tumor, which she at the time had never even hinted at before, so I had to put my own feelings aside to comfort her and I think that is probably what is making me so tired of always having to be there for her. But I don't want to feel this way towards her either, what if it was me that was having a rough few years so would need any and all support I could get? She is probably aware that she is oversharing her burden, but she shouldn't be alone with it either. I wanna distance myself from her but I also don't want to leave her alone. I respect her for her strength and intelligence, but I also am starting to have a hard time looking at her without hearing all her brain-dead TRA takes in the back of my head making me feel disgusted.
I know I'm making it sounds like she never gives anything back, while she isn't always the best emotional support in conversation she is usually one you can count on to help you with handiwork needing to be done in your home or help with anything that needs sewn.
No. 1707015
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This ugly bitch makes me skin crawl every time she pops up on my instagram grid. Her husband looks suicidal in literally every photo. I’m not saying that I feel bad for him but ugh she’s just so fat and disgusting and annoying…like this is what having babies does to women. It makes us retarded like this.
No. 1707017
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>>1707015She’s also an alice stan KEK so her children are probably suffering badly
No. 1707019
jk nonnie, I hope you have fun. Let us know how it goes please. Good luck and stay safe!! No. 1707021
>>1707015>she's fat and uglySo she's a looksmatch for that fat and ugly scrote, cool.
>this is what having babies does to womenAnd men enter that situation knowing damn well what they sign up for. He's lucky he won't die a genetic dead end. He should try a cheerful disposition, be thankful for what he's got, and be told to smile more–like what they say women who look miserable should do.
No. 1707045
>>1707037I’m a woman with over 3 years of post history. I’m allowed to call whoever I want a fat and ugly annoying bitch, including
you for calling me male just for using my vocabulary.
No. 1707101
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Here’s one of her being autistic on purpose. It’s not allowing me to embed it so blame the shitty administration who can’t update the software on this website instead of myself. No. 1707118
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Its so fucking weird how lots of women online nowadays will use cutesy brands usually meant for children to act sexy (in a “cute” way)
I blame japan for this shit
No. 1707161
>>1707110This is so awful and you have my empathy anon. Genuinely, what do you have to lose in confronting him head on to ask why he's in such a shit mood on your anniversary?
Doesn't he realize how much you love him and want the best for your relationship, to the point where what would make your day is a lunch and a few hours alone together?
Idk how men can look themselves in mirrors everyday, they come across as so ungrateful.
No. 1707194
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I just saw how League of Legends started a womens only league and they had a video interviewing the players on it and the whole thing was just a bunch of troons. Even they were commenting like "lawl biological women are so bad at video games that we gotta show them how it's done teehee" and I'm just so annoyed. I don't even play that shit game anymore but the scene I'm in now is overrun by trannies too. I'm gonna put in the work to get really good. I'm fueled by hatred
No. 1707201
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my bf can't understand why i want to drink his piss, but think rimming him is gross. he's very clean and shaves his ass, but it's still gromss. i've done my research; if you drink enough water, piss isn't actually unsanitary. whenever i bring it up, he just says if you clean your ass, rimming isn't that bad.
No. 1707209
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>>1707201Nonnie please. No.
No. 1707233
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I'm going off the fucking deep end and I fucking hate it. I have severe BPD amongst many other disorders. My boyfriend of five years broke up with me the same week I informed him that my cat of 20 years passed away, two weeks before my birthday. This was two months ago and I'm still in shambles. I live with my now ex boyfriend, we still have to share a bed due to living arrangements, for a slew of reasons I cannot move out but a big reason is that I could not take the dog I basically take care of and who is basically bound to me (she never leaves my side.)
I just got home from my first internet-met hookup (we've been talking for about a month now) that indulged me in all the sexual shit my ex never was comfortable giving to me/just wasn't good at giving, plus genuine holding me, caring for me, just hanging out with me and enjoying my presence. I feel wrong for doing it when I'm still so fucking hung up in a horrible pathetic bpd way over my ex, but I don't regret the hookup, and want to see them again, but I feel like it's just going to fuck things up more, but I also can't stand being fucking alone especially having to sleep next to the man who told me he stopped feeling romantic love for me years ago but was afraid I'd kill myself if he broke up with me so he just kept the relationship going. I'm gonna snap.
No. 1707282
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>>1707257>Lolcow is a mostly lesbian websiteI hate newfags SO GODDAMN MUCH
No. 1707284
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No. 1707357
>>1707349she molested you, you never have to like, forgive her, or want her love. if she's miserable i bet a lot of it is her fault for being a shitty person. it's normal for abuse
victims to have complicated feelings towards their abusers, especially if it's your parents and especially if it's your mother.
No. 1707410
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Stop interacting with posts that are meant to upset you. Just laugh at the absurdity bc what the fuck
No. 1707423
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Why have I not seen a wine cooler in 13 years?
No. 1707436
>>1707433>s-s-schizoI'm not going to go back in the thread where you posted your gross ass hand and essentially went "omg does my boyfriend need to pull out the pussy stretcher aha im a real woman u whores". We all remember it, you're literally called "speculum-chan" in a few threads. Now you're admitting you don't even have sex, probably because you were an incel from the start.
You are a creepy man obsessed with women's anatomy. You will never have to worry about what we do with our reproductive rights or vaginas, because
you will never have one.
No. 1707438
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>>1707436Listen I’m not trying to insult you, you’re obviously you bleeding in your brain because the word “pussy” was mentioned 4 times but not during the argument about abortion, the words “dilator, stretcher, and dilated” were never used, and nobody ever mentioned sex toys at all during Unpopular Opinions #66…you have to be thinking of a different interaction you had - because it wasn’t during the argument you had in that thread. You can cry all you want that I’m not a woman, but that doesn’t really change the fact that I have XX chromosomes and female reproductive organs. Cry into your pillow, schizononnie!
No. 1707446
>>1707438Damn, you're seething so hard that you chose to samefag. Pathetic.
>I-I didn't exactly say dilator! N-No uNo actual woman randomly brings up speculums to discuss being female. Look up what they do instead of trying to dodge around your fetish posts using weasel-words. Or just cry harder about how child rape
victims are "whores" (something else other anons have mentioned you said) all because you have to lie online about having a boyfriend, a husband and a cervix.
Also, I've never argued with you, but I did see your deranged posts in multiple threads since 2022 and how much you got banned for attention whoring and derailing. This is my first time speaking directly to you because you're at it again after a full year. I know you like projecting your loneliness and mental health diagnoses, but you need to stop and think about how much you've shown your ass here. Shit's not normal for anyone but a tranny with disorders.
No. 1707447
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You’re having hallucinations. I was banned after I posted my hand, and infighters kept running with the original post. If someone insinuated that children who have been raped are “whores” (?) it certainly wasn’t me because I was a victim of child rape. You’re trying so hard to be right and you’re not even taking the effort to go back and fact check. You’re literally suffering from schizophrenia.
No. 1707451
>>1707446>I know you like projecting your mental illness - Schizochan, who cannot seem to resist derailing after having his weird fetish thoughts proven wrong multiple times…
Are you gonna let it go? If anything,
you sound like a man constantly bringing up disgusting sexually deviant thoughts that nobody was speaking about. You’re the only scrote here, old man. Stop crying at actual women for having thoughts of our own, stop coming into lolcow and shitting up the threads with your psychotic fetish posts, and stop acting like you know everything. You’ve already made a fool of yourself, so bow out gracefully faggot.
No. 1707453
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>>1707447>>1707450How many screenshots have you taken of the exact same thread OP? You're having an absolute meltdown, take your pills and/or 41% already.
Btw, anyone who doubts what I've said thus far can look up "speculum" and "trannyhands" using the search function to see him being discussed in /meta/, his posts in dumbass shit, unpopular opinions, etc. Trannyhands can sit and insist "she's" innocent and didn't say nothing and all the anons must be lying forever, but people are annoyed by this poster for a reason.
No. 1707455
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I don’t really have to vent, but I just want to blogpost.
Got a stacked week ahead of me mostly, new job orientation tomorrow, movie on Wednesday, medical appointments lined up, then another movie possibly to hopefully get my (suspected) PCOS diagnosed.
It’s all good mostly. Bought myself a secondhand Kindle and it’s braindead easy to pirate books on it, very good purchase as I’ve wanted to get back into reading.
No. 1707460
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ok so tl;dr Blaine came into a thread (doesn’t look like it was UO66) and apparently shitted it up full of his gross abortion fantasy posts a day or so after the roe v wade argument? So…you accusing me of being a troon with an abortion fetish absolutely doesn’t hold up super water tight if you’re simultaneously angry with me for being a wannabe tradwife who’s against other women’s choice to abort. Also, Blaine has been raiding this site for years. I don’t know if he’s still in jail or what but it sounds like things he would say, really. Me saying “I’m not going to post a picture of the inside of my vagina” was a crude joke that I didn’t expect an autistic website to laugh at from thousands of miles away.
No. 1707467
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I can't stand my nose. I feel so ugly today I could cry. I posted a pic of my nose somewhere ppl could comment about it and no one said anything about it. They just liked other ppls pics instead. So now I dont know if my nose is somewhat normal and ignored for that reason or it's really ugly so no one wants to say anything. I don't know how bad it looks or if Im actually ugly because if it. I feel like it ruins my face. And maybe because of it, that's why I attract such ugly men.
I just want to feel pretty for once in my life.
No. 1707481
>>1707467I hated my nose for years. Dreamed of the day I could get surgery to correct it. One day, I scrolled through the plastic surgery subreddit and saw that people were altering themselves to get my nose. Apparently the same nose that got me teased in middle school is now the most desirable shape.
The desired look for women changes every ten to twenty years. What you consider ugly today is the most envied feature tomorrow. Keep that in mind before you make an permanent changes.
If it does bother you enough that it causes distress, find out how to balance it. Go to a stylist. Not just a hair one, a real one. Someone who will show you what colors to wear with your skin, what cuts to flatter your body, and what hair styles to emphasize certain features and down play others. Also, you may want to consult an oral surgeon. Many woman's noses can look too big because they've had bone loss in the jaw and it is receding. This can lead to TMJ and chewing problems and so should be fixed as a medical issue.
No. 1707488
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>>1707379>>1707353>>1707290>abortion hands sperg is also another annoying spergnow that's a twist i didn't see coming
No. 1707495
>>1707494It’s not about bashing women at all it’s about realism. You don’t need an abortion if you don’t have sex, and you don’t need to give birth because there’s 9 billion other people already. Get over yourself. Nobody’s trashing you, you’re not a
victim of me saying the most mild shit in the world kek
No. 1707500
>>1707499All of this inaccurate reverting back to my reproductive organs as some kind of own in an attempt to get me to sperg out the way Blaine does really just makes you sound like a pornbrained scrote, and it makes you sound really tone-deaf. Women are allowed to have differing opinions, and like I’ve said a million times before - it doesn’t make me any less of a woman. Assuming that a
nonnie on this website stating “don’t have sex if you don’t want an abortion” and “childbirth can result in life ending injuries” can
only be a male is not only sheltered as fuck but simply untrue kek. Take the face out of the phone and go have a conversation in the real world, nonnarina.
No. 1707520
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>>1707509>Had to have been a LARP as moi.wots all this then? Also calling women whores is shaming women regardless of why
No. 1707525
>>1707524The same thread
>>1707504 was from
No. 1707531
>>1707520This person has said so much shit, and is genuinely upset at being held accountable while
still drawing attention to themselves and barking at random posters. They jump between saying "It's Blainee noot meee I only ever posted in one thread", and admitting to it while demanding it "doesn't count" with flimsy excuses. It's 100% a mentally ill pickme or a troon.
No. 1707536
>>1707531Can none of you read? I said that I did state that women who use abortion as regular
BIRTH CONTROL are whores because I do feel that way, but I was arguing in Unpopular Opinions. Jesus some of you seriously need to get your faces out of your phone and work on your reading comprehension.
No. 1707545
>>1707541There’s a difference between calling all women whores for no reason, and calling women who purposefully choose to get pregnant and then use abortion as their birth control method of choice whores. The latter are who I have been calling whores, because apparently you can’t understand that very well.
>>1707542Because I need to keep re-explaining simple concepts to you aspie fucks
No. 1707556
>>1707545Women who get abortions don't get pregnant on purpose
>doesn't deny being the ana-chan husband poster (who was arguing in the dumbass shit thread)interesting…
No. 1707581
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Has this been a thread pic before or can it be the next one?
No. 1707594
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Everyone’s talking about how they wanna fuck trannies in dumbass shit