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No. 1708225
A thread to discuss the dislike of dogs, their owners and dog culture in general.
Dog lovers, please don't come here to defend your pooch. see this thread >>>/ot/686457
please follow board rules, no infighting, don't reply to bait.
>>>/ot/1426262 No. 1708953
>>1708834It's fucking crazy how even after the last really hard kick the pitbull took, it was still going in for more. The pitbull only stopped when it's owners finally tackled it to the ground. "Tucker" was having the time of his life.
Also, lol at his shrimpdick owner swatting at him with a spatula. Yeah, that'll totally do what all those kicks to the head didn't.
No. 1709871
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I understand the need for these dogs for work in snowy areas but they are so damn creepy. Also fuck everyone in my hood who has one. We live in a fucking desert and these retards act so surprised when their $2,000 snow dogs die in the extreme heat. Just fucking adopt already.
No. 1709942
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>>1709871Holy shit, not even an actual wolf snarling looks that disturbing.
No. 1711000
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Even though the government has called for an amnesty, I really hope they legislate that all these repulsive creatures are to be culled No. 1711026
Mental illness (reposting because the embed didn’t work even though TikTok links are supposed to be supported) No. 1713388
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Shitbulls are cowards that pick on the weak and defenceless (toddlers)
No. 1713413
Pasted from vent thread but this happened again.
Dogs with abandonment and anxiety issues. Problematic dogs shouldn't be adoptable nor available, if they can be reeducated good but then they should be put down out of misery.
In the last year I've seen my friend in like, 3 times? Because she got a problematic, anxious dog. She said that the dog is loving and affectionate but I call bullshit, like of course it is when you fed and cuddle it but every fucking time now, that we have to go out, she asks if the place is dog friendly and the scenarios are:
1) if it isnt, she isnt coming.
2) if it is, then we cannot enjoy our time because she has to constantly restraint it, check on it, make sure It doesnt randomly start to cry and such. Nightmarish.
She cannot come to my house because I have a cat and that dog doesnt like cats and she can come only if her boyfriend is at home with the dog. Self made slave.
The reason why they don't leave the Little shit alone at home and don't get it used to loneliness its because It would bark and cry and SHIT all over the house.
One time, the boyfriend took the dog out to shit and piss, left it at home to get out for groceries and the dog shat all over the house like it had a second intestine where it stored an absurd amount of shit, because it was afraid that he never came back.
I hate this. I hate all of this. Obviously it's their choices but fuck shelters Who take in a let people adopt problematic dogs without training them. I know It would take a shitload of money in between each trainer but at least there were less useless creatures around.
Went out with her this weekend, we were in a bar having fun and this piece of shit just barked at everyone and then after barking, it hid under the table because it gets scared if people/other dogs react. Just how stupid can it be??
Plus it never, NEVER stops barking in general, do they never get a sore throat? Do they never get tired? They should get their vocal chords removed if they act like that, just like people sterilize them.
I used to love dogs because I never had one, now I can see why I would absolutely lose my cool with them.
No. 1714094
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Someone I know whose kids live in the same area as me, has found out that their next door neighbours who just moved in have 2 of the fucking shitbeasts that are about to be banned in the UK. The kids are only 5 and 6. I also feel uneasy myself that I live near these things. They're left unattended in the garden constantly and one day, when he was looking at the owner and the dogs in disgust, the owner went onto to cause a verbal altercation with him and threatening him. These are the types of people who get these dogs. They know how dangerous they are, they know that people are uncomfortable around them (because most people have self-preservation instincts). These owners ENJOY that. They are psychopaths.
No. 1714184
Was on the bus the other day and two dogs would have violently attacked each other (and probably people around them) if the wouldn't have been on a leach. On the bus back home a girl got into the bus with her dog not on a leach and got aggressive as the bus driver told her that she has to put him on a leach or she can walk. I honestly don't understand people with dogs, just have them on a leach if you are close to people, you can't control your dog if it gets
triggered by some shit and it's not even allowed to let your dog run free except you passed a test before. But it's oh so funny if the dog jumps at strangers or runs after their feet barking and trying to bite the shoes.
Some other news, an American Staffordshire Terrier killed a jogger and injured the owner in Austria on Monday, but they are all so cute and only want to play.
>>1714109They mostly look like their owners in my city, where they are prohibited to own, but every time I see one, the owner is a Neonazi, having the same expression as their dog.
No. 1714383
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No. 1714412
>>1714408Pitbull owners often feed them raw meat only too, I honestly think that's also why they look so muscular. I remember watching a video of a guy doing a mukbang with his pitbull dogs and there wwere a bunch of meat, organs and seafood and the dog looked fucking miserable. I see a lot of owners going the raw meat way when feeding their dogs because "It's their natural diet like wolves" but dogs are DOGS, not wolves, and have evolved to eat other things beside raw meat. Not to mention that wolves end up eating digested vegetables/grass too because they eat the (full) organs of their prey.
>>1714383That looks like a cane corso or a presa canario/fila brasileiro which are far more dangerous than pitbulls because they're gigantic and at some point were bred to take down humans. Pitbulls are dangerous but I wish people would realize that many other breeds are dangerous too and should be banned as well.
No. 1714443
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My building manager gave me $80 (two bags) worth of dog kibble last week. Is this a good brand? My dog is super picky when it comes to dog food and seems to like this stuff.
No. 1714488
>>1714412In my country (and several others) presa canarios, fila brasilieras, cane corsos, dogo argentinos and tosa inus are banned alongside pit bulls. I think most if not all countries that have banned pit bulls have banned or at least heavily restricted all those breeds, you just never hear about them because pit bulls are far more popular, illegally bred and mentioned in the media for mauling people
>>1714094Just looking at these fucking hideous shitbeasts makes me want to a log, why the fuck would anyone want to own a creature this hideous with no redeeming qualities whatsoever?
No. 1714517
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My brother-in-law was attacked by a dog when he was 9 years old. He had just gone outside to go to his friend's house, and his aunt was visiting with an attack dog (he wasn't aware of the specific breed, it was just some attack dog that according to him looked a bit like picrel). The dog went after him and bit his head. His friend's dad came out and repeatedly hit the dog with a stick to make it let go. Thankfully, he doesn't have any long-term damage, but he does have some slightly noticeable scars that are visible on his right forehead. He said that it was the most terrifying experience of his life, and I believe him.
No. 1715486
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>>1714517>>1715281and the only way they look that way is by people shredding them apart by cutting off their tails and ears kek otherwise they just look like normal boring ass dogs and many people wouldn't care about them at all
No. 1715545
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i think pitbull owners should be gassed
No. 1715619
>>1715563Disagree. Chihuahuas just take less shit and are more aggressive compared to maltese, shih tzu, or even a schnauzer. They will fight you. Dachshunds used to be way more aggressive, but either I'm having a really good run, or else they're way less so than they were fifteen years ago.
Having worked with dogs for super long, my concern breeds when I see the chart are
1)Pit bulls (and all the fake pit bulls that people claim are separate breeds)
2)Rottweilers (either fine and submissive or out of control aggressive lunatics)
3)Chow chow (because they're mad you're touching them and biting you will make you stop)
4)Cane Corso and Perro de Presa Canario (thank god so few people have these breeds, they're so big they're a nightmare)
5)German Shepherd (they've all gone insane because owners don't give them enough work and so all have stranger danger anxiety)
I dislike working with biting chihuahuas, but I can muzzle and hold them down one hundred percent of the time.
No. 1715697
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Wtf is this, has killed 2 other dogs and hasn't been put down?
No. 1716697
>>1714184kinda funny - i assume you're from Austria or Germany and I can absolutely confirm that round here either neonazis or (ironically?) arab clan gansters own this kind of dog.
No sane person wants those shitbeasts.
No. 1717312
>>1716681If I were a dogfighter, I'd be seeing dollar signs. Normies don't understand that the entire point of warehousing dangerous, unadoptable pitbulls is to keep dogfighting alive and profitable.
If pitbulls and all the bullshit mixes were eradicated tomorrow, that alone would be a devastating blow to dog culture as we know it.
No. 1717330
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Pit lovers being predictable and jumping to the defense of these beasts after an XL bully mauled another man to death recently. I hate shitbulls, but I hate their brain dead owners and lobbyists even more.
No. 1717333
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>>1717330Samefag, but there's nothing in media or in police statements that says this man broke into a house and a bully just happened to defend its property. People love to pull things out of their arseholes.
No. 1718515
>>1715619I really hate small dogs, especially chihuahuas, hideous, useless piece of shit creatures. This
>>1715467 sounds like my worst fucking nightmare, praying you can get out soon nonita. I’d say I hate chihuahuas as much as I hate shitbulls but then chihuahuas don’t maul other animals or people so shitbulls are number one on my shitlist, kek.
No. 1718849
>>1718683Such problems are the result of inbreeding, which is why boxers also suffer from epilepsy, schnauzers have skin issues, throat issues and heart issues, Dalmatians are literally insane and so on.
And you may think “well, just don’t inbreed them anymore! Mix and match the breeds!” And nope, that’s not a solution because their health issues are so ingrained in their DNAs that mixing them will only make the newer dogs turn into russian roulettes where you won’t know what trait the dog has from which breed until it’s too late. And sure, you can try to keep only the healthiest animals from each breed, but you will have to play the game and hope for the animal to not get sick by the time to find another animal that isn’t sick.
This is also a problem with designer cats from specific breeds.
No. 1718863
>>1718849>why boxers also suffer from epilepsyThat reminds me of one of my aunt and uncle's boxers that was the result of mother/son breeding (because they were retarded and didn't think of either spaying the female or fixing the male once the latter reached adulthood and shared the house with the intact female). It was a female that was very aggressive, at one point she broke through her fence because she had seen a piece of bread on the other side and years later died in a miserable way because she had a bad seizure-like episode. I actually felt sorry for her because she would only hang her head on one side and barely move/stumble around for a few days before passing. It may be unpopular here but as much as I dislike certain breeds like boxers and pitbulls, when I see them helplessly suffer because of issues created by their shitty retarded breeders I just feel pity… after all the dogs are just dogs, they don't know why they do things, they don't know why certain things happen to them.
Retarded aunt also lost the brother/father of that dog after literal years of starving it, and has now gotten a pug (of course) that has its eyes, nose and ears permanently dirty with gunk and sits still for 23 hours a day every fucking day because no one cares for it.
No. 1719120
>>1711026WTF you can embed TikTok videos on here now???
>>1709871Sorry but this gave me a very hearty kek
No. 1719752

there's a growing problem in sweden with dumbasses importing wolf dogs, aka wolf/dog hybrids. thing is, it is illegal to breed or own any sort of wild animal hybrid according to wild life protection laws, but the law is basically never enforced because the dogs are imported and also the laws define a hybrid according to how many generations separate the dog from it's wild origins, not how much procentage/"content" of wolf DNA it contains. so bureaucracy stands in the way of these retards getting punished and having their animals taken away.
this issue was discussed in a recent radio series and oh my god, i was so infuriated. for example, one american wolfdog had attacked a woman and her four dogs while they were out for a walk, killed one of them, viciously ripping it apart, and bit the owner in the face and arm. after the incident, the only repercussion for the owner was he was forced to have the dog in a leash and muzzle outside afterwards. there had been other incidents as well but people barely dare to call the cops on the owner in fear of retribution from him.
another wolfdog owner who was interviewed in the radio series was bitching about how people in the area where she lives are uwu bullying her and her super speshul lifestyle because they discuss her and warn each other about the wolfdogs in facebook groups, shit talk her irl, report her to the police etc. ofc she's some "off grid" (literally lives just outside of a big suburban city) survivalist trve viking larper who is infamous in her town because she and her animals have terrorized the neighbors ever since she moved there. the wolf dogs escape from their enclosement all the time, run into people's gardens, surround people and charge at them, attack and kill other local pets, farm animals, etc, and people literally don't dare to walk on the local trails anymore because of them. and basically nothing is being done about it. vidrel is her youtube channel, she's a huge austist and a cow. since the radio show aired she's posted to her blog about how media is totes lying and how she's going to tell her side of the story soon.
if any swedish nonnas are interested, this is her blog: this is the radio series: No. 1719768
>>1719752Just like shitbulls, we risk the lives of (usually) women and children for the sake of some retard having a TOUGH, DANGEROUS, EDGY dog.
Rip to that kid
No. 1720580
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No. 1720586
>>1720580That thing has no respect for her. She doesn’t even get room to sleep in her own bed because it’s fat hog body is taking up the whole bed. She’s trying to push it to move it over but she can’t.
There’s absolutely nothing worse than sharing a bed with a dog. They literally stink and fart all night. Pitbulls smell even worse than regular dogs and have digestion issues. Feel so bad for this little girl.
No. 1720692
>>1720580Having any animal in the house is fucking disgusting but a fucking shitbull in a child’s bed??!! Goddess give me the strength to not a-log both the parents and that fugly mutt
>>1720657There’s a pretty big overlap with neo nazis and off-grid trve viking fuckwits (case in point: Varg and his wife)
No. 1721097
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Utterly disgusting, pibbie dog worship and absolute consumerism. boasting that you can afford this much time & money to pamper your attack hound in luxury.
No. 1725121
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>>1721804>gassing Lethal injection and bill the owner.
No. 1725331
>>1725324I wish I hadn't clicked on this. I love cats so much, it breaks my heart thinking of this happening to a poor kitty.
Also, wtf
>Animal control says the owners of the two dogs now classified as “dangerous” also have to do a list of other measures, including:
>Fixing the hole in the fence where the dogs escapedGive me a fucking break. These are monsters that will literally break down thick wooden front doors and throw themselves through glass windows and keep running like it's nothing. You think fixing a hole in their shitty fence will do anything? Please.
No. 1725685
>>1725331I dislike cats and it upsets me too, no animal deserves that. I hate these fucking abominations more than anything else on earth. As soon as they attack another animal or a human, even if it’s not fatal, they need a bullet between the eyes. No mercy.
>>1725324I feel exactly the same way. They’re so fucking hideous, everything about them is repulsive. No other breed has such nasty beady little eyes. Their appearance is a reflection of their temperament.
No. 1727821
>>1726555These posts also didn't break any site rules, yet they were deleted. This place is becoming Reddit 2, or some other safe space for people offended by everything.
No. 1727974
>>1727118>be american, go to school, get–ACK!what now, england? your kids go to school and get eaten by a dog. what now?
let's face it, shitbulls are basically wild bears that we import and release into our neighborhoods to virtue signal. all that work to kill the wolves and lions and some pitmommies gotta bring them right back in. some real third world shit to go to school and get eaten by a wild animal. exotic pets of dangerous species are banned for this reason, that one nutcase's "right" to own a pet tiger does not supersede the rights of the other residents to not be eaten by a tiger. bongs need a loicense to own a teaspoon but anyone can buy a set of teeth on legs.
>>1727836nta but those are legitimately funny.
No. 1728018
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>>1727118I’m guessing he’s the owner.
No. 1739995
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I don’t hate dogs more than I hate irresponsible owners and breeders. I can see why certain breeds exist, such as livestock guardians, herding breeds, sled dogs, they’re useful in some parts of the world. But some breeds…just should not exist. This doesn’t come from a hatred of dogs, but empathy for the animal that is fated to suffer or be aggressive.
Even with said breeds that I’m okay with, they are working dogs who need to work. That’s what they’re bred for. Do you think that this husky, who is meant to haul supplies across the Siberian snow is going to be content being a normal dog in a suburban area? This dog needs to be doing what it’s bred to do, or else it’s going to act out in aggression or destruction. Same with cattle dogs and livestock guardians. These dogs are meant to nip at sheep to herd them into a gate, and you put them in an environment with children and expect them not to be bit? You give a livestock guardian no livestock to guard with no threats, and you’re surprised when it mauls someone? This meant to fight wolves to keep sheep safe, and you put it in a fucking apartment!
I do not hate these dogs for what they are, they have no choice in their existence. I do hate the people who buy these working dogs and put them in places where they’re never going to work, then act surprised when they act out because of their breed. Ultimately, these dogs are meant to do a job, and they can actually be very useful animals if provided with a job to do. I have friends with sled dogs who have never bitten, attacked, or destroyed property. I have family with a Great Pyrenees who protects my aunts farm from wolves and coyotes, it’s never attacked a human. They’re fulfilled dogs, they have no reason to lash out at humans, they have no reason to destroy property. They’re genetically inclined to do certain things, and if they are able to do those things, these dogs are surprisingly tolerable, even if you don’t like them. They’ll leave you alone if they are handled by a responsible owner.
The only breed I actively despise are pit bulls, just because they are meant to kill and nothing else. Even guard dogs like Rottweilers, Doberman, and German Shepards will stop fighting if you hit it hard or give it enough pain, they’ll back down from a fight they know they can’t win. I know not everyone who has a guard dog is smart enough to do it, but with proper training, a guard dog will stop attacking when the owner gives a command for it to do so. Pitbulls do not stop fighting until they are physically unable to, or dead. That’s what they’re bred for, and there’s no fixing those genetics. It doesn’t matter how good the owner is, it doesn’t matter how much you train it, you cannot train what is ingrained into the dogs breed.
Have you seen the picture of a Rottweiler who was attacked by a porcupine, got poked in the face, then stopped because it hurt? Normal guard dogs do not fight to the death, the dog got hurt so it backed off. Pitbulls do not do that. The pitbull who got attacked by a porcupine had hundreds of spikes in its face, because they’re bred not to feel pain when fighting, they are meant to fight until they physically can’t anymore. You can’t train that out of a pitbull.
No. 1740005
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>>1739995Toy French bulldog with a faceful of porcupine quills. In addition to being lapdogs, they must also apparently be designed to fight to the death!
No. 1740067
>>1740005This is actually very interesting, because I have never seen this pic before. I am kinda surprised, but also not? I think I should’ve said bullies in general rather than pitbull specifically.
This just adds to the bad genetics pool, honestly. There are so many lapdogs in the world who act tough, but run away in the face of danger or pain cause they’re outmatched. I’ve seen it happen in person. I never expected a lapdog to be one of the insane unable to feel pain ones, so I did some digging
Most lap dog breeds are not that way from the beginning of time; they’re selectively bred to be that way. Yorkies, for example, are from the extinct Scottish Terrier, Skye, and Dandie Dinnont. Some are ratting dogs, but ultimately not built to fight or harm anything bigger than a rat. Same with Maltese, Shitzu, and other lap dog breeds, they’re made of extinct breeds that are not particularly dangerous or aggressive.
French Bulldogs though, are bred from toy bulldogs. Toy bulldogs are small bullldogs. Bulldogs are bred for bullbaiting, they’re fighting dogs. They are meant to fight bulls, and just like pitbulls, they’re meant to fight to the death and not ignore pain. So while these Frenchies are bred for being small, they kept their “I will fight until I am actually dead” trait, which people largely ignore cause a French bulldog can’t really do as much damage as it’s ancestors or cousins.
Thanks for the pic, I actually did research cause of it
No. 1740340
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She’s back with another highly annoying video where she shows off her fancy expensive useless tools. No. 1764405
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Not really a dog hater, but didn't want to start infighting in the reddit hate thread so I'll post this here. This poor woman posted in the r/Pets subreddit about her two "labs" (have my doubts, probably lab mixes AKA pitbulls mixes) breaking into the enclosure they made for their 18-year old, blind, deaf, cat and killing it brutally. The comments are exactly what you'd expect from dog worshipping redditors. They're really trying to gaslight her by saying "w-well the cat must've done something to set them off. and besides, how can you even know for certain that the dogs killed it if you weren't even home to see it happen??" and saying she's an animal abuser by providing basic care for the dogs but nothing else other than that. Absolutely insane, I like well trained dogs and find them cute but why are most owners so retarded/brainwashed? They can't possibly fathom that a heckin doggo can do bad things. No. 1764424
>>1764405The dog nutters have serious broken reasoning for the whole
"you/your baby/ your blind old cat set the dog off therefore it's uncontrollable for the dog"
"it's not the dogs instincts/genes it's the owner, its all controllable"
Basically if it's your/a friends dog it's the
victims fault, if it's a strangers dog doing the mauling we blame them for not ""training"" them kek.
No. 1764447
>>1764405I've had a few dogs in my life and I also liked to keep smaller pets like parakeets and some rodents sometimes. This reminds me of one of my exes always suggesting I should let my dog and the small pets to play with each other, or at least put like a hamster in biting distance of the dog so we can "see how it reacts", and thinking I'm too uptight and untrusting of my dogs, after I told him the family dog in my childhood killed the family cat just because it got overly excited when we returned from a multiple day outing.
These are fucking animals, one thing in the others behaviour might set them off and they'll destroy one another before you can even react to that shit.
No. 1766663
I have some traumatic memories from my childhood and one of them is about dogs, I was like 6 years old, back then I used to only play with two kids that lived next door, there was like a garden between our houses but it was close enough that out parents allowed us to hang out without supervision as long as we were around the house/garden area. One time when we parted ways and I was going back home, a pack of stray dogs appeared literally out of nowhere and they started to chase me. I started running for my life and I was lucky there was a high fence nearby, I jumped on it, climbed at the top and sticked to it, I was so pumped with adrenaline and I knew that that was my only chance to survive this. The mutts were right below me, trying
to jump to get me and barking so loudly and aggressively this sound was ingrained in my brain for years. I don't know how long it lasted, and to make it worse there was no adult around, it felt like eternity. Eventually the mutts got bored and left. I got home and I found out I pissed myself from fear and my mom was angry at me. It still makes me weird thinking that I could've been severely mutiliated or even killed that day if that fence wasn't there. I was also lucky those mutts weren't able to climb the fence like shitbulls for example
No. 1774921
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I don't feel hate for dogs but I hate these glorified wolves so much
Everytime my neighbor would take her labradoodle to the dog park she would always complain to me about huskies or 'wolf looking dogs' trying to fight her dog and other people's dogs
No. 1774939
>>1772127Yes we kill tons of chicks and chickens for pet food (it's not all human consumption by-product as they want you to believe).
The truth is so many people are memed into having an expensive and laborious pet like large dogs and then they pay, pay, pay with money and stress for the boarding, sitters, walkers, food… whether they're living paycheck to paycheck or they're richfags who are never in town. There is a ton of industry behind this.
No. 1775321
>>1774921Huskies are labour dogs. People shouldn't get them unless they are extremely outdoorsy and I also don't think huskies are appropriate for urban places. People who have them where I live are the kinda people who live for hiking, do dog sleighing etc.
I've heard when GoT became popular a lot of Americans started adopting huskies because they resemble the direwolves, without having researched what type of breed they are.
No. 1785181
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You won't guess the reason!
No. 1785183
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The cowards can't even directly say it.
No. 1785249
>>1785183They don't usually return them just because they growl at the cats. Cats are always at the bottom of the totem pole for household importance especially with pets. Often it's after the pitty already shook one to death.
Also kek at >finding harmony
As if the creature is a soulful, meditative being who told them "I just can't in this low vibrational household"
No. 1786486
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I’ve never seen anything so disgusting in my life. What a fucking hideous and deformed creature.
Of course the 2nd woman is complaining about the way the first woman is treating it because she’s playing with it and not sucking it’s dick and feeding it peeled grapes on a chaise lounge. No. 1786636
Excuse my blogpost but I went to a shelter last week to look at the dogs there - we are looking for a dog, so I obviously don't hate all dogs, but… - and, holy hell.
My toddler was with me and we walked along the cages and it was literally:
pitbull, pitbull, 15 year old blind/deaf dog, pitbull, German shepherd (mixed with pitbull).
Um, no. Not what we were looking for.
One pibble in particular really freaked the fuck out as we walked by its (large outdoor) cage - beady little eyes firmly fixated on my toddler, snarling and jumping up on the fence. I'm not a skittish person but I grabbed my kids hand and walked away FAST. I do not understand for the life of me why such a pos dog is not put down. Who should adopt this thing?? Even a jobless, childless moid could not guarantee that this thing doesn't slip out of it's collar or takes advantage of an open door….and there will always be an unlucky kid that gets mauled in consequence.
Over here all shelters are no kill shelters and some of these dogs hold up space for years - while halfway decent dogs that have to leave their familiy face uncertain futures because shelters are always full and can't take more dogs in. It is such a shit show and I'm halfway convinced I'd rather get a cat
No. 1789059
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imagine feeling the need to one up someone who rescued a kitten “WELL MY RETARD SHIT DOG (that eats it’s own siblings, offspring and toddlers) COULD EAT THAT!” shitbull owners are obsessed with having a dick measuring contest with literally anyone
No. 1790832
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I realize that animal hoarders are insane in the first place, but dog hoarders are a special kind of batshit, because dogs take so much work, and are so dirty and destructive. Here's a news video about 40 dogs getting rescued from one property, and the crazy thing is you can clearly see that the dogs have destroyed the exterior walls to the house/trailer. know somebody could say that we don't have proof that the dogs killed the walls, but if the dogs weren't eating the walls, I think the walls would have been repaired because people enjoy having walls in the winter.
No. 1790917
>>1784007average ugly scrotoid. men always have weird complexes around cats.
>>1785181>>1786486christ, these things should not exist. holy dysgenics
>>1786636youre being tarded
nonnie, if you want a dog so bad get one from a licensed breeder you can background check who temperament and health tests every litter. research breeds that suit your lifestyle, especially with a small child. if you cant afford this (time cost or money cost) you cant afford to own a dog responsibly, period.
shelters are fucked up and corrupt when it comes to profit, dont fall for their tearjerker propaganda.
No. 1791008
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>not neutered
>previously abused
>just defending himself!
>only eight months old
Just fucking put it down already. Why are people so retarded when it comes to aggressive violent dogs? There are thousands of better dogs that would benefit more from your time and money, but these people have to save the worst examples of their species instead? Sheer retardation.
No. 1791021
>>1790961Literally half an hour ago I saw a shelter ad on tv about a "sweet, cuddly and intelligent dog who needs a home". Then it went on to say the dog is a small sized pitbull mix (looked like a regular full pitbull), not good with other dogs (aggressive) and needs a "rehabilitation journey to teach her to socialize" aka it's an aggressive unsocialized pitbull and the family picking her up will have to spend money on a course to try and fix the behavioural issues so they'll be able to take her on a walk without her lashing out at everything. How do shelters expect people to put so much effort into a dog that most likely will never be fixed because it's in its nature to be aggressive to other animals and people? I hate how they guilt trip you if you don't feel like having a
problematic dog in your home.
No. 1792905
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I really hate dog moms. They creep me out and are obviously challenged people. You know, the people who say shit like “dogs are better than people”, “if my dog hates you is cus ur evil”, “dogs will love you unconditionally while people dont”, and more. They are basically telling the world that they are filthy narc autist(and probably zoophiles kek) that can only get validation and acceptance from an animal that was bred to be obsequious. What i find even weirder is how they always seeth about how much they hate kids and dont want them but then they buy 10 dogs and treat them like human children and not adult animals kek.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1792939
>>1792905Not that I unagree that child hate is particularly immature, but if these are narcissistic and autistic people who truly cannot get along with other humans then it is infinitely better that they channeled whatever nurturing they possess into an animal that does not know better versus neglecting and traumatizing a child.
Reproducing isn't and shouldn't be the end all to every individual's existence and clearly, it's a good thing.
No. 1793078
>>1792965There’s nothing wrong with using dogs as companions
I love mine kek but there’s definitely a genre of too involved dog person who likes having extremely malleable things to control. One of the biggest bpdchans I know is now a semi successful dog influencer who is constantly doing dog training sports and shit. Considering how she treats people it makes sense she needs things to abuse who can’t fight back kek.
No. 1793189
>>1792905Agree with everything but you lost me at
>probably zoophilesYOU are probably a moid. How about that? It’s moids who do disgusting things like fuck animals and most the women in the beastiality porn that moids (you) watch features trafficked women who are forced to do it against their will. They will even force children to have sex with dogs. Then you turn around and project it on to women just because living with a man is statistically the most dangerous thing anyone can do.
If these dog mums increase rates of male loneliness and male suicide then they’re a good thing, as annoying as we all think they are.
No. 1798045
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retarded ass parents got their newborn killed by a wolfdog. those retarded hybrid "pets". the parents should be jailed and sentenced to death by wolfdog. no doubt retarded dog people are fawning over the poor wittle dog instead No. 1799098
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This way only the fucking idiots who choose to get them will suffer instead of innocent bystanders on the street. No. 1799113
>>1799098>He said large, muscular dogs such as the cane corso and the presa canario could become the next status dogs.So ban them too? Why is this such a hard concept to understand, if an animal is too dangerous to be exposed to the public, it's too dangerous for some untrained idiot to own.
Like, oh noooo, my pet lion might attack me now that I can't take him to children's playgrounds so that he can get his energy out. No, don't ask why I bought a lion without having the space for it, this is entirely how you want to hurt me by confining me into an apartment with a dangerous predator. Why are you so hate filled that you would want to hurt me so badly? Besides, if you ban lions, I'm just going to buy a tiger.
No. 1803818
>>1803121Omg I saw this horrific video once. It was CCTV from a dog cafe and the idiot left 3 small dogs alone with a husky. The husky literally stalked and hunted one of the dogs like a wolf before killing it completely unprovoked, and THEN it walked off and hid before the moronic human in charge came back. Most chilling thing I’ve ever seen, it was so intelligent and cunning in the way it did it. They are not normal dogs at all.
I’ll post the video for anyone curious since it’s on YouTube but my advice is don’t watch it. I’ve basically told you what happens.
No. 1803873
>>1803828>getting triggered over obvious hyperboleAre YOU?
And yeah, it probably is, because I’m not one of those freaks that watches gore and beheading videos.
No. 1803916
>>1803873I wouldn't call 3 words "
triggered" unless you're an actual sped
No. 1803922
>>1803916KEK you’re definitely
triggered because you’re an edgy cunt who watches gore or some shit and you’re mad that other people still have a shred of humanity left.
No. 1803933
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>>1803818Remind me of what happened to the chow chow, originally used by nomadic northern peoples in china as hunting and herding dogs, but in the modern day they get bred for their apparent cuteness rather then functionality, so now they have coats that are too big for them and actually block their vision and mess with their eyesight, constantly in risk of overheating again cause of their unnaturally developed thick coats and legs too small to support their massive bodies
No. 1804733
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>>1804048that's the thing, if they truly loved dogs, they wouldn't have them to become these monstrosities in constant pain and discomfort.
No. 1805941
File: 1702181447789.png (1.12 MB, 947x872, waste.PNG)

What a sucker. As if buying expensive steak just for a dog wasn't wasteful enough, buying it for a dog that's about to die is straight up retarded.
No. 1806929
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>"I don't like dogs"
>incoming butthurt, seething retard crying about how everyone who doesn't worship and smooch dogs are stupid psychopaths who will never be happy, should never get to talk about why they don't like dogs, and should be banned from all areas in society
This also goes out to that one particular anon who called me a "psychopath" and told me to "stay in the containment thread", and I hope you're reading this too: Shut the fuck up with your doggie asshole-kissing gummy lips, miss numb nuts. I don't like dogs that much because they always stink, they spaz out over anything that slightly moves, their kibble-based shit never gets picked up (which kills grass and other plant-life) as well as contaminating water, besides bats and foxes, dogs are the number one animal to pass rabies onto humans, and they always attack people for no fucking reason (women and children being the most common victims). Doggy dipshits like you are the first to jump up and brag about how dogs are soooooo "innocent" and "don't know any better", yet these animals have a "hunt the prey" instinct like any other fucking predator. Dogs rape and kill other dogs and puppies for dominance when they're left to their own devices, but oh these creatures are just so fucking innocent and "furbabies", right? Dumbass doghags will make the claim that their dogs always know when a person is "secretly up to somrthing", yet dogs and especially shitbulls make it a game to maul the life out of random children (including BABIES), unprovoked. Such a great idol for morals, huh? "Dogs are the best because they love you no matter what and never disagree with you" excuses can fuck off there. Imagine being so shit at getting along with your own species that you can only be happy with an intellectually stunted creature that's biologically engineered to feel attachment towards you from the get-go. That's not a flex, that's fucking sad and if your dog suddenly gained the sapient of the human, it would probably bully you just like the rest of the "SoCiEtY" you think you're better than. And speaking of "I love dogs because humans suck", can we talk about the amount of dog-autists who brag about shit like rathering to save a dog in a fire than a human baby? These worthless low-lives talk big game about how much they hate humans, hate society, and hate the world for anything to do with humans, yet gladly live in their comfy little suburban homes with their overfed lapdogs. Funny how doghags are always whining, pitching, and antagonizing their entire species for being "filled with psychopaths", even though these same "I would rather save a dog than a baby" motherfuckers are the same psychopaths they live to complain about. And if you hate humans so much, get the fuck out of the human world, get the fuck out of the internet (a human invention), and go live in the fucking woods where you and your mutt belong then. Then the doghags will try to equivalate their pets to human children, and equivalate their pet ownership to being like a parent. Every. Single. One of the doghags who do this are just straight up retarded. Raising a child is not the same as raising a dog. Children are more complex than dogs. Children hold more potential to society than dogs. Children generally have a higher intelligence than dogs. Children have more complex personalities and growth than dogs. Children have a more precious snd complex set of standards for raising them than dogs. For fucks sakes, dogs aren't even the same species. If you genuinely believe that children and dogs are basically the same, it's clear that you've never interacted with enough children or dogs before, and I'm going to believe you are genuinely retarded. Being a parent is objectively a lot more serious than being a pet-owner, and doghags need to get over themselves to accept it already. They need to stop mooching off of the glory of actual parenthood just because they want to feel like bottle feeding a shitzu is the same as raising a future human adult, because the equivalence is just an enormous cope to feel like they're doing anything serious with their lives. So I'll continue to dislike dogs and talk about why I don't really like them and annoying dogowners whenever and wherever the fuck I want. It doesn't make me a psychopath, it just means I'm tired of this western psyop to shill the fuck out of owning dogs as pets.
No. 1806943
>>1806929>Raising a child is not the same as raising a dog. Children are more complex than dogs. Children hold more potential to society than dogs. Children generally have a higher intelligence than dogs. Children have more complex personalities and growth than dogs. Children have a more precious and complex set of standards for raising them than dogs. For fucks sakes, dogs aren't even the same species. If you genuinely believe that children and dogs are basically the same, it's clear that you've never interacted with enough children or dogs before, and I'm going to believe you are genuinely retarded. Being a parent is objectively a lot more serious than being a pet-owner, and doghags need to get over themselves to accept it already. They need to stop mooching off of the glory of actual parenthood just because they want to feel like bottle feeding a shitzu is the same as raising a future human adult, because the equivalence is just an enormous cope to feel like they're doing anything serious with their livesIt is utterly insane to me when dog fags call themselves 'dog moms' and treat their dogs as children. Or worse when you have kids and a dog mom posts like "omg, but look, I dressed up my little mutt too for halloween." How are they not embarased? They are picking up shit 3 times a day for 12-15 years. Kids grow up and potty train and learn to read, write, etc etc. You dont even have to like or want kids to know anyone who makes such a comparison has worms for brains. I hate dog owners so much. Especially the ones that think their little mutt can do no wrong, even when they jump on you with their dirty ass frito paws or heaven forbid, actually bite you. I'm sorry this is a bit unhinged, but literally fuck off doghags. I am so sick of my country catering to dogs so much, and the excuses people make for when kids get hurt by them. They always blame the kids and never the viscious dog.
No. 1808120
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>>1739995i'm not into dogs in general, but my grandpa had cattle dogs on his farm that basically acted as guard dogs and herders, and holy shit it was amazing to watch them work. they weren't aggressive, but not friendly at all, and he mostly just kept them outside 24/7. because they were tools. they had jobs. they weren't pets.
i honestly appreciate dogs with jobs. they get insane and neurotic without them.
No. 1809268
File: 1702408790894.png (504.87 KB, 468x832, gfgfgrrrry.png)

When scrotes do this with their dogs I wanna puke and here's this one bragging about his "ritual" with his mutt
My dad used to do it with our st bernard it's some weird male sexual dominance thing I swear to god. Men especially dog loving men are demented
No. 1811113
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I hate dog owners. What the fuck is she spazzing out for? This woman has lower IQ than her dog and obviously didn’t elaborate what the ANIMAL did to make her have a tard meltdown like this. No. 1811123
File: 1702498833643.jpeg (234.07 KB, 1170x691, IMG_4903.jpeg)

>>1811113No, you do not get a congratulations for NOT hitting the dumb animal that lives under you in utter subservience, that you milk for fucking tiktok views, that you CHOSE to get to entertain YOU and your pathetic emotional needs. That you treat like a human child and expect it to meet your needs the way a human would, to the point you’re tard-smashing buttons when it can’t give you what you want.
No. 1811271
>>1811113This woman is such a fucking idiot. Imagine being a grown woman and getting into an actual fight, throwing a temper tantrum at a damn dog. I feel bad for the dog.
Also what is up with people getting these buttons for their pets? I see these all the time with cats too. Like… do they understand what they're pressing? I guess things like "toy name", "walk" or "treat" make sense because you can teach a pet to associate these things with words, but how can you properly "explain" some abstract concept like "confused" and "love you" (which she interprets by the pov of the dog btw, she couldn't be more wrong because the dog most likely associates "love you" with her saying it to him rather than it being him telling her he loves her)? I think the owners are all just reaching hard.
No. 1811455
>>1811113I hate when people humanize dogs, these button videos are so retarded. Reminds me of the "cute" videos of dogs being "protective" of babies, where the dog is always acting super weird like ears pulled back, side-eyeing, and licking its mouth every 5 seconds. It's so obvious something is off and everyone is so oblivious. If you're gonna get a big dog which has the power to seriously injure/kill someone including your own child the least you could do is fucking humble yourself and read about dog body language.
No. 1811805
This is so spot on. People project what they want to see on to dogs and by doing so, put their children and other people and themselves in danger. They do this with behaviour and body language.
No. 1811832
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>>1806897I'd argue it's even worse, cause you have to so much fucked up breeding for generations to create that level of messed up.
No. 1811923
>>1811811There really needs to me more education out there on children and dogs. Hugging the dogs neck (i.e choking) is an extremely threatening gesture to dogs and if the dog snaps, it's jaw is right next to the childs face.
Children also have no ability to understand the dogs body language, children under 6 even tend to interpet a dogs snarl as a smile.
No. 1812333
>>1811923And then there's the other issue of dog fuckers being unwilling or unable to accept that certain breeds of dogs weren't intended for companionship or to be kept as a housepet
at all. I would love to go back in time and ensure Mrs. Lillian Rant never had the chance to tell the NYT that pitbulls are "Nursemaid dogs" now that dogfighting had become illegal in the US.
No. 1816542
File: 1702833188514.mp4 (10.2 MB, MgBoApKEFvf1.mp4)

This is honestly so frightening. Like you could not pay me enough to deal with a mad dog running after me.
No. 1816603
>>1816588He looked like he saw the funny side but honestly, not to sound like a snowflake but that could potentially
trigger a heart attack.
No. 1836155
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I fucking hate labs. Perhaps the one I live next to is especially inbred, but they are so goddamn annoying. Instead of barking when it sees me, it starts yelping REALLY loudly and it drives me mad. It also likes the hop the fence because if it wasn’t obvious already my neighbors are retarded. When it hops the fence it always runs up to me and tries to jump on me and i have to push it off to avoid getting scratched and shit all over me. I’ve called Animal control several times and the retard owners still have not stopped it from jumping the fence.
No. 1836167
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So Britfag nonas, how are we feeling about the XL Bully restrictions on TERF Island? I personally couldn't be happier that the hellbeasts have the bare minimum imposed on them eg muzzling and neutering. Already pitnutters over here are being obnoxious and took their hounds out for their "last unmuzzled walk" yesterday as if the Gov was actually rounding them up and killing them.
No. 1836652
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Why the fuck would someone need a dog for POTS? Fakest shit ever. People with fake service dogs are fucking vermin. No. 1836655
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>>1836652Probably a staged video for attention but even so, get him the fuck out of there, he is not a service dog and doesn’t need to be there. Also get this creature away from this demented woman. No. 1837143
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seeing anti dog sentiment catch on more from twitter normies
No. 1837463
>>1837158literally what does a service dog for POTS do???? dogs cannot psychically tell a person's heart rate, how could they alert to that? even if they could, the patterns of tachycardia are pretty predictable in POTS, its in the name of the syndrome kek. if the idea is that they somehow break falls during syncope thats stupid, just added danger to the person and to the dog. i know there's a bracing task sds allegedly do, but this is a lightweight sheepdog of some sort and if she is using it to brace her weight during syncope she is undoubtably doing damage to its leg joints and spine. if its task is supposed to be alerting to falls by laying on her when she's on the ground (my money's on this one because it's the easiest fucking thing to train a dog to do, a person on the floor will always interest a dog and they'll want to get all over you) that seems pointless because anyone with eyes will see a person unconscious on the floor and know something is wrong, the dog just gets in the way again. i literally dont understand how dragging a dog everywhere is supposed to help her manage her POTS in any real sense.
on that note, the whole service dog craze is retarded to me. seeing eye dogs make sense and generally have to be professionally trained/accredited, and that's pretty much all that i can take seriously. like seriously if an anon can name one other type of service dog task that can't be accomplished significantly more easily and safely using extant technology or human intervention i'd be happy to reassess my view on this, but i seriously doubt it. even those blood glucose sniffing dogs are highly inaccurate and just seem completely unnecessary when you can easily monitor your blood glucose on an app nowadays.
No. 1837956
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Applying this retarded adopt don’t shop mindset on shelter cats or bunnies is one thing. Sure it’s obnoxious to hear if you want a certain breed but whatever, at least not much harm is being done.
But when you apply „adopt don’t shop“ to dogs it’s actually fucking dangerous.
Majority of shelter dogs are aggressive fighting breeds. Even if they’re not fighting breeds and full blooded Golden Retrievers or something they’re usually still mentally ill or aggressive.
They’re literally guilt tripping innocent women into adopting fucking Pitbull mutts that’ll leave them traumatized as a result. These shelters disgust me for putting dangerous dogs up for adoption in the first place. Have lost all my respect for animal rescues and shelters after realizing this. Seriously why are women supposed to fix aggressive dogs just bc other people fucked up by breeding or training them? How are other people’s fuck ups their responsibility?
No. 1846080
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>>1842171That kind of sharpei is also riddled with health issues. It's rare for one to make it past 10. Their face wrinkles are so extreme that their fur can rub their own cornea off, so they're blind. They can also have awful breathing issues. I've seen some that need facelifts because of the excess wrinkles. If you go look at the old sharpeis from China, they are so much more normal looking. And they don't have 10,000 health issues. Picrel, spoilered for dog.
People who like dogs don't seem to really care about their health at all. It's really bizarre. It's the same thing with those disgusting pug dogs that can barely live and are just furry potatoes. They're "cute" so who cares if it's going to spend the whole rest of its life gasping for air. So gruesome.
My semester is about to start again, last semester I had to drop a class because there were two service dogs in it. And I'm allergic to dogs. There are no accommodations for allergies, they just expect me to take medicines. Well, I don't want to. It makes me drowsy and I don't always remember that I need to take it before my class.
I don't think people have really caught up with the fact that service dog requirements are extremely loose. All you need to have a service dog is a "disability". Even something common like depression and anxiety falls under that. Then all you need is a dog that is "trained" in two tasks that address that "disability". If you have "depression" those tasks can be normal dog behaviors like being a warm body that can't leave your clutches, and licking you.
That is all the ADA requires for a dog to be considered a service animal. They are literally everywhere on my campus, it is so frustrating for me.
I have gone back and forth with our accessibility office and there's just no solution except telling me to take online courses. But there aren't online courses for my degree plan, so I'm at the mercy of munchies with "service" dogs.
There have also been two parvo outbreaks in the dorms bc people have gotten puppies as ESAs. There was a flea problem in one of them too. So glad I rent off campus.
No. 1849122
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the shitbull propaganda even makes its way into chatgpt training data. how is this even a rule for a bot kek 'don't discriminate against the ugly as fuck killing machines because people will be discouraged against adopting an animal that maims adults and kills children'
feel good social media bullshit just as bad as tranny propaganda
No. 1850717
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>>1837991British short hairs are wonderful cats, they’re so cute and they have a great temperament
>>1849666There are no words in the English language that can adequately convey how much I hate these hideous shitbeasts. This video has enraged me No. 1850894
File: 1705124688247.png (1.07 MB, 640x640, iap_640x640.png)

>>1849667Service dogs are just as bad. Has anyone seen these stupid atrocious attention seeking vests? There's a whole cottage industry of these ugly sparkledog tier "service dog" vests selling for $100+ then all the stupid patches they throw on everything.
No. 1850905
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>>1850894Then all the stupid tacky crap that munchies tack onto everything. Maybe I need to start an etsy store if it's this easy to take money off them.
No. 1850997
>>1850986Luckily a lot of women wake up from the pitbull psychosis when they actually have the kid. It's like their actual maternal instincts kick in. Like oh my God what am I doing with this awful Bloodsport dog in my house with my child. Then it's in a shelter somewhere with a sob story.
Of course, you also have the idiots who put the dog right next to the baby for cute little Instagram pictures. Checkmate atheist, my bloodsport dog has a flower crown on. Oh no now there's a blood bath. How could I know this would happen!
No. 1851008
>>1849667I think it would be best if we got rid of psychiatric service dogs and esa's. Even most of the non-psychiatric service dog tasks can be done with machines or other solutions. The blind people I know also don't use dogs. Most of them just have canes. I don't think there's really any other
valid reason someone needs a dog with them 24/7 besides being blind. I am so tired of psychiatric service dogs being everywhere…
No. 1851012
>>1851008Would be nice honestly. My mom refused to get a dog in her later years when she lost her sight. She used a cane as well. She didn't want to have to deal with the extra responsibility of walking a dog.
Did they ever prove those insulin dogs work? Or seizure dogs? I swear it's all a giant scam
No. 1851145
>>1850935This pisses me off so much. People who ascribe human emotions to animals are fucked in the head.
>>1850980Seriously though. That and/or resource guarding. Your precious Luna/Zeus isn’t being cute uwu, it’s being a smooth brained killing machine
No. 1853541
>>1708225Should every single Pitbull be euthanized? serious
Maybe we should even extend it to the owners. Most intrinsically vicious dog paired with the most retarded people on planet earth as owners.
No. 1853732
>>1853541They're always screeching it's the owner, not the breed. Let's take their word for it. If you get a pit, or one of the 300 other pitbull types, you should just be sterilized.
I guess the dog itself would kinda make sure of that too kek
No. 1853842
>>1853829Nope, we don't.
I also have another neighbor whose dog escaped and got run by a car. Not too long after, they got a puppy even though the wife of the house owner was adamant about not wanting any pets anymore and ever since, this dog has been the most annoying dog I've ever had the displeasure of hearing. He doesn't bark. No, instead he grabs his metal plate and swings it around unprovoked all day everyday and at odd hours. 7 am, 10 am, 9 pm, 5 am, it's all fait game to this loud creature. It sounds like a big metal pipe being thrown around again and again right outside my window. The owners do nothing because they can't even hear it or ignore it very well. This dog isn't trained, they keep yelling and berating him but that's not really helping, specially not because they have the ugliest high pitched faggot voice imaginable, him and his adult sons do. The way they clean the poop and hair is unhygienic as well, they simply hose down all remnants onto the street.
No. 1853869
>>1853863No one needs dogs to survive. especially in modern day. What purpose do they serve? Maybe seeing eye and bomb sniffing dogs. How long until those jobs are obsolete for dogs. Most dogs were bred over time by the extreme wealthy as a show of wealth. Look at the shitty dog shows where everyone overbreeds and inbreeds dogs to look a certain way.
I'll argue that farmers with huge properties and acres can have dogs to protect their farm, but they are completely useless in most other places. Only certain breeds make sense like shepard types. What service do pugs provide today? French bulldogs?
No. 1853917
>>1853842Omg it drives me nuts when they just keep screaming at their untrained dogs like the dog is gonna understand them. Do they think the dog is really just a little human?
The coevolving thing pisses me off bc it seems to come packaged with the "man's best friend" thing or this idea of some hunter sitting by a fire with his loyal wolf sitting next to him as they brave the dark forest in ancient europe. So larpy! as though dogs have always been beloved pets across the globe. Not like 50 years ago there was literally a job to go round up pest dogs from cities and euthanize them, dogcatchers.
Like, sorry, they were pest animals / emergency rations in my culture so idk, I don't think a whole lot of "co-evolving" happened while we ate them and called them shit-animals.
No. 1853977
The guard dog meme is also fake, there's plenty of studies showing that they're useless. There's also that vid of that woman with a dog who got attacked by that same dog when she was robbed by some moid. That's why I hate hearing from other women that they get these giant vicious dogs to protect against moids. It's like burning your house down to prevent a flood.
>>1853935Have you seen those pits they're trying to use as police dogs lol. Complete failures. Can we all just accept that they're only "good" for bloodsport. Even the people who say they want to use them for "boar hunting" just want to put three of their murder dogs in a cage with a boar. Sound like bullbaiting? It's the same thing.
No. 1854026
>>1854009What's the story behind this were they his dogs? Why is it just a group of old guys? Did the
victim survive? Seeing him so helpless and bloody while the pits just go to town is scary!
No. 1854033
>>1853911She's literally just stating a fact, no need to be so aggressive. It's true that dogs evolved together with us while also living with us basically. They were very useful in earlier societies because of their abilities with hunting (faster and able to sniff prey better than humans) and farming (conductor type shepherd dogs). It's true this didn't happen in all societies but it happened in a lot of them (and this happened with other animals too). There are african tribes who are able to hunt with the aid of dogs to this day. I live in a rural area where dogs are still extremely useful for farming, herding and guarding livestock from wild animals (however it's true they are dangerous for humans).
This is a fact and it doesn't invalidate the points other anons are making about dogs and dog owners today. Pitbulls and similar breeds especially were never useful, they were bred by shit violent men to fight with other dogs for entertainment, and no one needs that now.
>>1853922>accidentally stepping on their shitWords cannot describe how much I hate owners leaving big ass shits on the road where everyone walks.
No. 1854188
>>1853869No one needs the internet to survive either, yet here we are. That's a nothing argument.
>>1853911I mean, you could expand the defintion of "co-evolve" to claim that we co-evolved with everything, but I meant my statement more factually. For example, we co-evolved with cows because people who kept cows developed lactose tolerance within their populations to more efficiently absorb a new source of calories. On their end, cows became more docile so that their descendants could handle being in close proximity to a "predator." Meanwhile, you can't claim that we co-evolved with hawks, because there was no mutual adaptions on both ends. And no, my culture doesn't tolerate pitbulls because we're not retarded.
No. 1854202
>>1854050Maybe so, but I've unfortunately seen too many women defend pitbulls even when their own dogs are endangering their children. Some women genuinely are obsessed with "powerful" dogs probably wanting to fuck them. Like, can't you just be a horse girl like a normal person?
That said, pit moids are get obsessed with their mutants' balls.
(bait) No. 1854293
>>1854043You're had your answer like three times already, maybe learn to read idk. You can hate dogs and still recognize this basic fact about human evolution. And a sentence isn't a blogpost, pissy miss.
>>1854202>Hurrdurr women fuck dogs!!I can tell you're typing with only one hand, and it's a big fat male hand.
No. 1854304
>>1854202tbf there's men aligned women who'll support everything scrotes do no matter what.
>>1854293What sentence, there's a whole science article from factual-redditor nonna. I'm saying domestication does not mean co-evolution if you need it spelled out in plain english lmao. Humans were literally already evolved as modern humans when dogs were domesticated. Cows have a better argument of being "co-evolved" bc of the lactose digestion, but dogs have not left a lasting change on any existing human population and you're nuts if you think they have. "We used them for hunting" is such cope bc women gatherers literally fed our asses back in the days, not stinky moids and their doggos.
No. 1854733
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Shut up about co-evolving who cares. Dogs were domesticated for a reason just like every other domesticated animal. Even if they're useless now, they probably helped, idk, pull sleds from Siberia or something. Attributing the whole of society to them is also dumb though. Ok, now let's all hug it out x.
What do nonnies think about these type of articles beginning to come out of the UK? I really don't understand how these people didn't realize that bully xl breeders (and most other breeders tbh) don't give a shit about the dogs and just want to make money. It seems like everyone is just complaining about the ban instead of thinking, "hey these breeders are super fucked up. Maybe breeding any dog should be regulated for the benefit of society and dog health." BYB are bad for everyone.
No. 1855306
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>>1854733literally pic related but with Murderdogs
>>1854733The amount of vids I've seen from the US where it takes either cops with guns or someone nearby with a gun to put an end to certain breeds once they go attack mode on someone. Owners don't step in. No-one risks getting near it when shit gets real. Its step back and scream and gawk at maulsville til a bullet enters into the picture. With it often being the second or third shot before it stops. Then people cry that the person was already a goner, shoulda just let the dog tire itself out chewing on their corpse? Then it would've went back to being a sweet lil cutie pie and it's all fine.
Not in the UK but seeing that shit and living in a 'everything you might wanna carry to protect yourself, even the small ass shit is illegal' I don't get how tf anyone is meant to accept these breeds. Its an extra level of fucked to fight to own an animal that dangerous and fight to keep on breeding em when anything else seen as even a lil dangerous is banned just in case you misuse it instead of using it in self defense. What a combo. You can take a risk on owning a killer dog and nobody stands a chance if it does
No. 1855372
>>1854671Come on dude, multiple people in this thread are making fun of your opinions on evolution at this point. Surely at some point you have to reevaluate your assumptions and go read a book.
>>1854733Damn, almost like the type of person who breeds a dog that regularly kills people is sociopathic enough to kill the dog when it is no longer a source of money. Who could have seen this coming?
Also, everyone in that photo looks like the definition of white trash. I never understood the word chav before looking at this picture.
No. 1855443
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No. 1855503
>>1854733It's horrific. But the breeders who literally steal pet pitbulls from parks and people's gardens to breed them to death are not animal welfare champions. Given how vicious bully breeds are a lot of these breeders probably had massive grudges against certain dogs, the more violent the parents are the better the puppies sell after all, now they're out of a 'job' and finally have a chance to take their anger out on the dogs that probably mauled them a few times so they're going all out. Plus, these dogs are inbred to fuck, do the bleeding heart pibble champions think that this doesn't happen anyway with puppies too deformed to sell or dogs too old to breed?
I don't doubt that some of these seriously vile killings were carried out by neighbors who'd lost pets and had property damaged or kids terrorized by pitbulls. Living next door to an uncontrollable killing machine really brings out the psychopath in otherwise normal people.
The plus side is that the shelters overflowing with shitbulls finally have a reason to put those mistakes out of their misery. I know they're awful creatures but I feel so bad for them, those dogs should never have been bred in the first place and they're the ones languishing in tiny cages while their brainlet chav owners buy yet another shitbull and hope that this one won't eat them.
No. 1855536
>>1854733This article kinda rubs me the wrong way, can't really put my finger on it. It just seems really weird that people who bred these animals to sell them are now just beating them in the street. I know pits and other aggressive dogs especially attract sociopaths (literally studies on this), but this really sounds more like these dogs were involved with dog fighting, and The Sun is just using them as clickbait for the Bully XL ban controversy.
Like, let's just assume you breed dogs solely for profit. Ok, now your dog breed got banned by the government. Do you:
a) Pay the £92.40 for each dog's exemption, get a muzzle for each one as well (£60+ for one that fits, £20 for one that doesn't, we know which one they're picking kek)
b) Surrender the dogs to the government for destruction (£0)
c) Pay to euthanize them yourself (£???)
d) Set them on fire in the street? Beat them until they have broken bones? Cut an ear off?
I just don't see anyone picking d. I know I'm assuming a lot here about the ability for pit breeders to think logically, but I think they can also do the math here. The article makes it sound like paying for the exception is the only option, but you can literally just hand them over to the government for destruction for free if you're just motivated by money.
No. 1855544
>>1855362>>1855502tbh I had to stop watching vids like that specifically for that reason, had to go touch grass and get away from it to recalibrate, get normaller. What also drove me nuts is that pitiots can watch those vids and then go say something dumb as hell like "stick a finger up it's butt" or "throw water on them" to break up the fight?? like what the fuck? You're watching a pit still attack a horse after being smacked the fuck out of with a 2x4
several times ma'am, do you really think a finger up his backsie is gonna do a whole lot??
There's also a vid where some dude is being attacked by these dogs, and he's begging the cops to shoot them, and when the cops DO shoot them, he starts bawling his eyes out over the dogs that were
literally in the middle of eating him to death! Everyone talks about toxoplasmosis making people like cats, but whatever dogs have going for them is way worse.
No. 1855638
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>>1855624Chihuahuas are defensive, not aggressive. They always do plenty of demonic snarling before biting and make it very very clear when they’re unhappy because they don’t actually want to bite. They want to be left alone. Shitbulls and XL bullies don’t. They maul people like a lurcher does to a hare and they do it with a wagging tail.
No. 1855717
>>1855686I agree with you. They literally
have to be nasty and nippy otherwise nobody would respect their boundaries
at all and would treat them like a toy more than they already do. A Labrador can be manhandled by children all day and survive but a chihuahua could get a broken bone or even be accidentally killed.
No. 1858488
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People do this with dogs all the time. I’ve worked in shops, sometimes throughout the day you will just come across a puddle of piss or a lump of shit.
No. 1858590
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Dog bites security guard and is seized by police as a result. British public absolutely hysterical. No. 1858736
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Imagine losing your arm and still defending the creature. At least it was an owner getting mauled and not an innocent. The crazy thing about dog worshipping is how easily everyone reconciled their urge to eat with killing all sorts of other animals, yet the same people view themselves as nothing compared to the life of a stray dog. And yes it was a pit mix.
No. 1859081
>>1714517Old but what breed is this? This is the type of mutt that attacked me at 5 years old. Redneck trash behind my house had one of these and either 1 or 2 shitbulls too. It was tall enough to stand on its back legs and peek over our fence at me and I remember it doing so for a little while before jumping into our yard at me. I'll never forget playing by the fence and suddenly demonic eyes looking right at me. It tormented me before finally attacking me whatever amount of days or weeks later. Thankfully it was so old it couldn't do much but scratch/bite my legs while I was balled up before I escaped (think the owners were screaming at it) and ran in, but it's face suddenly popping up by me will never leave my head. Especially cause I was much smaller than the fence at the time.
I think the dog was put down, the other two dogs were then brought inside and I don't think ever left the house afterwards. I'd heard they'd been attacking the mail deliverers so the owners solution was basically to never let them out. They'd have been better off being put down. There was nothing worth stealing in their (or any of our) houses anyways. Literally 0 thefts on our street cause nothing worth taking. And rumours were these people placed newspapers on the ground for the dogs inside so at that point why suffer for the sake of keeping these mutts alive?
I can never understand dog owners acting like buying a dog means they're somehow capable of training it perfectly. If you train something aggressive and then don't keep 24/7 watch on it and give it lots of playtime to get the energy out, obviously it's going to build up on aggression and feel a need to take it out. And in the case of that dog it clearly was thinking about having it's fun with me before attacking. Shit I'd argue it enjoyed me being scared shitless every time it popped up to see me
No. 1859085
>>1714517Old but what breed is this? This is the type of mutt that attacked me at 5 years old. Redneck trash behind my house had one of these and either 1 or 2 shitbulls too. It was tall enough to stand on its back legs and peek over our fence at me and I remember it doing so for a little while before jumping into our yard at me. I'll never forget playing by the fence and suddenly demonic eyes looking right at me. It tormented me before finally attacking me whatever amount of days or weeks later. Thankfully it was so old it couldn't do much but scratch/bite my legs while I was balled up before I escaped (think the owners were screaming at it) and ran in, but it's face suddenly popping up by me will never leave my head. Especially cause I was much smaller than the fence at the time.
I think the dog was put down, the other two dogs were then brought inside and I don't think ever left the house afterwards. I'd heard they'd been attacking the mail deliverers so the owners solution was basically to never let them out. They'd have been better off being put down. There was nothing worth stealing in their (or any of our) houses anyways. Literally 0 thefts on our street cause nothing worth taking. And rumours were these people placed newspapers on the ground for the dogs inside so at that point why suffer for the sake of keeping these mutts alive?
I can never understand dog owners acting like buying a dog means they're somehow capable of training it perfectly. If you train something aggressive and then don't keep 24/7 watch on it and give it lots of playtime to get the energy out, obviously it's going to build up on aggression and feel a need to take it out. And in the case of that dog it clearly was thinking about having it's fun with me before attacking. Shit I'd argue it enjoyed me being scared shitless every time it popped up to see me
No. 1861379
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>be me
>5 years old
>spend night at best friends house to play my little ponies
>older brother has a pitbull, instantly scared of that thing even though I loved animals and was never scared of them
>whatever, it's on a chain away from us
>go home next day
>favorite my little pony missing
>best friends parents call our house
>ugly fucking shitbull mutt took my toy from my stuff, my mom didn't realize and we left without it
>favorite pony absolutely chewed to bits by shitbull
>be devastated
>resolve to hate pitbulls forever and ever
And I still do. Would smoke a shitbull anytime
No. 1863160
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>>1861379almost exact same thing happened to me but with my aunts filthy (literally they were always disgusting and ungroomed) little shitzus while on holiday with family. aunt didnt even replace the pony or offer to.
No. 1876918
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>>1876916I’m literally not even exaggerating.
No. 1876960
>>1876916Unironically this made me hate men even more than I already do; something I thought was spiritually impossible. I feel bad for the lady filming that. I bet she'll need therapy after their relationship ends.
>>1876959He definitely does know that but the spray bottle would rob him of the obvious sexual pleasure he gains out of staring his dog's shitty anus in the face and breathing in its shit particles.
No. 1876962
>>1876960She probably thinks it’s adorable and he’s just being a “dog dad”.
>>1876924>>1876931He should put it down because it’s a disgusting, defective creature that shouldn’t even exist due to how inbred it is.
No. 1877141
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Jaywick is a very anti social area so not surprised this happened. What a tragedy for this woman and her family. Terrible. Rest in peace lady.
No. 1883572
>>1876228Spring is the worst, because lazy shitheads somehow think they don't need to pick up their heckin doggo's shits when they can kick some snow on top of it, as if the snow doesn't melt away revealing all the shit that was buried underneath. Dog owners are some of the laziest retards out there. One spring I saw an article that said someone had bought a bag of tiny paper flags of our country meant for decoration and such and stuck a little flag to each pile of shit that had been revealed from underneath the melting snow. Poetic. I'm thinking of doing the same, because at least it could
trigger some crazy nationalist to clean up the mess.
No. 1894090
>>1892339Those are used to call dogs, not hurt them.
>>1893881Nice reading comprehension. It's self defense. Dogs hurt me all the time. People think it's funny or ok, but it isn't. Anyone who lets a dog jump up on someone is an asshole. I'm tired of getting knocked down, bitten, or bruised by people's overactive dogs.
No. 1908153
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when i took out the trash a fucking unleashed pit ran straight up to me and got really close because it was obsessively smelling the trash bag i was holding in my hand. its owners, a group of moids, apparently just let it roam around unleashed and were like 15 meters away from me and the dog. this happened right outside of the door and a lot of my neighbors have cats who they regularly spend time with outside (on a leash). i can’t imagine what could happen to my cat or theirs if we were to have them on a trip outside and that thing comes running. i saw a poor lady who was out with her two small dogs visibly be scared and try to move away from the moid gang and their demonic dog without gaining its attention, like she stood completely still and waited for them to walk away before she dared to continue on her walk.
No. 1911010
My sister and her boyfriend are getting some rescue pit mix from Mexico in a few weeks, she already has a very sweet and small cat whose around 5. They've never met the dog because we live in Canada, the website could be a complete scam, the dog could be aggressive, they have no idea what the dog is going to be like around cats. The website says the dog is friendly with cats but that could be a lie just to sell a rescue dog to some dumbass bleeding heart Canadians. I don't understand her reasoning, she just wants a dog really bad and doesn't want to wait until her cat passes away naturally, which could be like 15 years but like why get a cat in the first place if you're just going to impulse buy a dog? And if she is going to get a dog why not get a rescue dog in our city so she can vet it out first and see how he interacts with people and cats and return him if necessary, and why a fucking pit mix? Her boyfriend is one of those "it's the owner not the breed" retards who thinks pits are just as dangerous as a chihuahua. She's even said she never has time to play with her cat and now she's adding a dog into the mix, her poor cat is going to be completely ignored. Some of the decisions she makes are so fucking dumb I just don't understand, I'm really sad for her cat. They don't own a house they rent so if they're landlord ever gives them the boot they're going to have a tough time finding a new place with both a cat and a dog, not to mention once they breakup who's going to take the dog? She works all day she can't leave a dog alone with her cat for like 10 to 12 hours that's so unsafe and unfair for her cat and the dog will be bored out of his mind. And I haven't told her yet but I'm not going to hangout at her house with that pit mix there, I'm not trying to sound like a fussy uptight bitch, I understand the risk of it attacking is very low but the fact the risk is there at all is enough for me to feel extremely nervous around dogs like that. I'm not going to be able to chill out watching a movie while wondering if the dog is suddenly going to bite a chunk of my face off if he senses my nervous energy and panics. She can't bring him over to our parents house either, we have a cat and my mom uses a walker and doesn't want a big dog running into her and knocking her over. She's seriously retarded and I feel so bad for her cat and the rescue dog that's probably going to eventually be somewhat ignored like her poor cat. I'm just so mad at her and I know I sound dramatic but I really care about her cat and I want to spend time with her and hangout at her place but with a pit in the mix I just can't get past that, I hope she's okay with us not hanging out much for the next decade or so because I'm not a dog person and if it's a big pit I'm not taking the risk even if it is very low. Sometimes I wonder how she got so fucking retarded honestly
No. 1911020
>>1911010I know she's your sister but this shit pissed me off so bad.
>Lives in Canada but is importing a pitbull from MexicoRetarded. You'd think if her and her scrote wanted a killing machine, they'd just take one from a shelter near you instead of trying to import a living creature from 4000km away.
>Her scrote says "it's the owner not the breed!"I can tell he's a moron. We've all seen the thousands of articles where the shitbulls eat a baby and the shitbull WKs all claim that same exact line. The majority of scrotes get shitbulls just because they think owning one makes them look "tough" and "gangster" when really everyone is thinking "damn he must be dumb as fuck."
>She doesn't have enough time for her kitty and she works 10-12 hours a day.I'm honestly worried for your sister's cat. I hope she plans to keep the cat in a different room separated from the demon dog. Your sister is going to get slapped with a full dose of reality really soon when she has to clean huge chunks of dog shit every day after her long shifts and her FAS scrote refuses to take it for walks or give it any attention. Shitbulls get more aggressive and violent the more bored they are.
>I don't want to be a fussy uptight bitch, and I know the risk of attack is low.You are not sounding like a fussy uptight bitch. You are sounding like a reasonable, sound-of-mind, adult: the complete opposite of your sister. Do not engage with shitbulls. Do not be near shitbulls. Your gut instinct is correct: stay away from that dog. Every story is the same: innocent
victim is killed/mauled/disfigured by retarded shitbull while owners try to finger its ass unsuccessfully. It's not worth it. Don't trust that thing around your seemingly-frail mother either.
>I hope she's okay with us not hanging out much for the next decade.Again, sorry if this post comes off rude because I know she's your sister, but she seems like a person I wouldn't want to be around. You two can always hang out without the dog.
No. 1911044
>>1911020I know she's my sister too and I love her but I agree with you 100% Nonna, some of her choices just seem so poorly thought out and retarded to me.
>I hope she plans to keep the cat in a different room separated from the demon dog.She said she's going to keep them separate for the first few weeks and then introduce them, which worries me so much, the dog is going to freak out when he first sees the cat and realizes he's been there the whole time. And the cat is going to freak out when he sees the dog, he's never had to share his space with a dog before so I'm not sure how he'll react but I can't imagine it's going to be positive.
>Your sister is going to get slapped with a full dose of reality really soon when she has to clean huge chunks of dog shit every day after her long shifts and her FAS scrote refuses to take it for walks or give it any attention. Shitbulls get more aggressive and violent the more bored they are.That's also a worry of mine, her boyfriend works from home so she says he'll be able to care for it during the day but he works on his computer so I'm pretty sure he's sitting at his desk all day, he's not going to have time to entertain the dog either. And in the past she's always said how her lifestyle isn't compatible with a dog because she works so much, requires a full nights sleep and parties a lot. She said she can just take the dog with her when she goes to festivals and concerts but that is so unrealistic, as if she's going to want too or be able to care for a dog when she's shitfaced drunk and doing shrooms in the woods at a festival.
>Don't trust that thing around your seemingly-frail mother either.I won't, I'm going to tell her this weekend when I see her next that my mom doesn't want him coming in the house at all. And I'm going to make sure she knows if she brings him over to hangout outside he has to be on a leash at all times. I'm not risking my parents safety or my cats at all, she'll probably be mad about that but I don't care, my parents are too worried to put their foot down with her but I'm not and I'm not going to compromise when it comes to my parents and my cats safety. Her boyfriend is definitely going to think I'm a "Karen" or whatever but I couldn't care less.
>Again, sorry if this post comes off rude because I know she's your sister, but she seems like a person I wouldn't want to be around. You two can always hang out without the dog.No it's not rude at all, I appreciate you telling me how it is and the reassurance that I'm not overreacting about not wanting to be around the dog. I'm sure she has suspicions that I won't want to hangout with her dog much but I'm going to be more blunt the next time I see her and tell her that it's just not going to happen.
No. 1911673
>>1911044Oh wow, keeping a cat in the house with a dog that's bred to kill smaller animals for 10-12 hours and the dog is going to be really fucking stressed and bored. Nothing in her head told her that mayybe that's a bad idea? Like, really? A Pitbull mix alone in a house with a cat it's not familiar with? Might as well add a hamster to the mix, they're going to be best friends for sure. Your sister is a fucking moron. And she's going to bring the dog to concerts? It'll just love the loud ass music and drunk people towering over him, that won't make him even angrier at all.
>>1908156I know this is old but bear spray is a very bad advice. You have to know how to handle and use bear spray. If there's a bit of wind or you're too agitated and run towards it you're going to get it into your nose and eyes, and bear spray is VERY painful. You genuinely have a good chance at incapacitating yourself if you're not used to handle bear spray.
No. 1911711
>>1911673I think she has this very romanticized hippy view of how this is going to be, like the dog and cat will be best friends, that her dog will be a friendly free spirit that likes music and people. I have no idea how this is going to work. Honestly the best case scenario is if the dog is too difficult and time consuming and she can rehome it as quickly as possible. I feel bad for the dog but I’m sure he would go to a good home, my sister and her boyfriend have so many friends that love dogs that could maybe take him in or find someone who can.
>Nothing in her head told her that mayybe that's a bad idea? Like, really? A Pitbull mix alone in a house with a cat it's not familiar with?Well he at least won’t be alone with the cat unless she and her moid breakup, which is probably going to happen in the next couple years but at that point I would hope she’d just let him take the dog. I’m really hoping she’s not retarded enough to leave the dog cooped up in a house all day with her cat, if that ever happens I’m going to find someway to step in and really get my point across that that’s not safe or fair to both animals. She has the same mindset that most dog lovers and pit people have, that no dogs are bad dogs and every time a dog attacks a person or animal it’s because the dog was abused, and her moid believes that too. It’s so naive I just can’t even begin to wrap my head around it, I tried explaining to her once that not all of the pits that attack have been abused and that’s extremely unlikely and if it were because of owners abusing them then other dogs would be just as likely to attack as pits because other dogs are probably mistreated just as much as pits. And that even if it were only because of abuse that doesn’t change the fact that when a pit attacks it can be fatal, but she completely ignored me. I don’t understand why that’s so controversial to people, I’m not saying to euthanize all pits or that pits are evil but people act as if that’s what everyone is saying. Me and her have been around cats our whole life and she knows they just sometimes attack or scratch unprovoked, their animals and animals can be weird and angry for no reason or some reason unknown to people like just being in their personal bubble too long kek. I don’t know why she thinks dogs are so different. When a bear or cougar attacks someone no one starts shouting that it must have been abused because everyone understands that it’s an animal, it doesn’t have the same morals or reasoning that humans have. It honestly drives me nuts that people think dogs are somehow exempt from that.
No. 1925814
>>1894090I’m with you nona, it’s self defence and this should be normalised for unsolicited interaction.
>>1883829Absolutely. I hate them more than anything else on earth.
No. 1926476
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That poor baby
No. 1926528
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“ Father whose toddler son, 2, had 12 surgeries after pitbull ripped off his face warns pet owners: 'When you own a dangerous dog you're putting everyone at risk' “, not sure if this was posted here before, probably its a few months old. A group of siblings playing in their front yard attacked by the neighbor’s multiple dogs within minutes. A dog took half of the youngest child’s face.
This story blew up on TikTok. Majority siding with the dogs…
Image is NOT graphic. Shows the boy in healing recovery.
No. 1926535
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>>1926494from a similar country as those two and rich retards also buy large aggressive dogs here, now the dogs themselves are not a problem. What happens is that large European dogs go out and mate with smaller native Pye dogs resulting in larger and aggressive hybrids.
No. 1927203
>>1926912>>1926921To be fair, it was a lot of lead paint stares saying retarded shit like, "Why are you not watching your children??? I would watch my children."
Gen Z are just such fucking edgelords there was definitely some as well.
No. 1927231
File: 1710578601342.jpeg (503.96 KB, 1170x1004, IMG_0632.jpeg)

Look at its stupid fucking face I would snap
No. 1927847
File: 1710622734632.jpg (31.48 KB, 662x439, Canaan-Dog.jpg)

I hate dogs with pointy ears idk why maybe because most of them look like wolves and I don't like wolves.
No. 1929488
File: 1710742641159.jpg (25.05 KB, 500x455, just-being-a-cat.jpg)

They're totally the same thing amirite guys?? It's not like they're completely different animals right? It's not like an aggressive dog could literally kill a person.
No. 1931447
>>1929506>>1929532Seconding this, leave a review. Mention the dogs as the sole reason you're not coming back. It encourages others who have issues with dogs hanging out in cafes to speak up too.
I would never bring any pet near my food. It's a business, it needs to have hygiene standards, and dogs pissing and shitting and drooling all over the floor and tables isn't going to help the cafe maintain whatever cleanliness rating it managed to get.
No. 1936496
File: 1711225062092.jpg (88.34 KB, 1280x431, bully max.jpg)

My friend was looking up videos of pitbull attacks then gets this fucking ad. Love to know that we have a fucked up subculture that spends money on juicing up and breeding these monstrosities.
No. 1948589
File: 1712144346950.png (71.06 KB, 679x418, Screenshot 2024-04-03 12.37.15…)

Mumsnet is 50% awful women and 50% hilarious, empathetic based women.
No. 1950032
File: 1712229363806.png (2.85 MB, 2060x1737, koirs.png)

Was browsing the dog adoption pages of some local shelters because I was curious to see if the trend here is the same as in the USA etc. with pitbulls, that they are being sold as family pets and uwu-fied in their descriptions. Surely not here, I thought, but sadly, yes.
What kind of fucking lunatic mixes pitbulls and huskies anyway? And when ''Mulan'' in picrel is a mix of two crazy breeds, as wells as has ''such a strong game drive'' that she had to be returned to the shelter once already, why is the dog not considered a special adoption? At least one other shelter was responsible enough to put pitmixes into a challenging category by default where they will only be adopted out to people with both experience and resources to keep them from mauling anyone.
Also the last highlighted part is really fucking gross. The mutt ''feels great joy in its chest'' when it sees a small animal under its nose, before ''realizing no one else is having fun.'' In other words it will dismember for example a cat without hesitation. What a goofball, just like a funny lady with bad sense of humor! What the fuck?
thankfully shitbulls are not so common here, other breeds are a headache already, every now and then some hick will be caught breeding wolfdogs and in one large city there is a spanish moid who will not leash his alleged wolfdog, he's in the news whining about it every once in a while.
No. 1972629
>>1956564I hate to side with a moid but castrating dogs can lead to health complications for the dog such as hip and elbow dysplasia. Humping is as much of a behavioral issue as a hormonal one so if the dog is well trained it shouldn't matter.
Having said that, what the fuck, he's an absolute retard at best or a dog fucker at worst. There are many reasons not to castrate a dog and that is not one of them.
No. 1979183
File: 1714016614347.png (1.85 MB, 946x1412, Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 04.42…)

Pitnutters are genuinely retarded.
No. 1979450
File: 1714042486103.png (311.48 KB, 748x896, Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 11.52…)

>>1979210I found this one from the banpitbulls subreddit.
>>1979228Would we get bans for saying aggressive, psycho dogs should be pink-juiced? It's not like it's unheard of that aggressive dogs get put down. Also kek for a-dogging.
No. 1979880
>>1979450Made me laugh out loud.
In theory I can understand the appeal of getting a scary dog as a woman who lives alone but then I remember I could just buy a gun if I truly felt that unsafe
No. 1980578
File: 1714121320695.jpeg (1.53 MB, 5600x4000, vfKgjaS.jpeg)

>>1979880Also, maybe consider getting a regular dog. My family in the countryside has a mutt(looks a bit like picrel) and he's quite friendly and playful but he's capable of keeping away foxes and potential burglars.
No. 1981067
>>1979183I feel like this is satire written by someone in the very industry. Diesel and Nala are the two most used names for pits. It doesn't get more on the most than that. Pits often eat drywall because of their inherent mental illnesses (they get a form of dog OCD that when filtered through their heightened aggression, turns into a constant clinginess and resource protection of the owner. So without their owner in their sight, they become extremely distressed and start destroying things around them as a coping mechanism. I've actually had two cases where I put the dog on an anti-OCD med, and the owner noted that the dog was no longer loving and constantly clingy, but was relaxed and standoffish.)
That, combined with the dogs biting Grandma and being
triggered by eating, just makes this the most perfect stereotype I've ever seen. Of course, stereotypes exist for a reason, so maybe these people really are living like this.
No. 1981663
I wish I could understand what other people see in dogs. I do feel like the odd one our that I'm not captivated by puppies or rushing to pet the heads of dogs on my walks. I had a childhood dog who I liked, she was a very good girl objectively, but I struggled to really connect with her even though I wanted to… I just can't seem to "click" with dogs like most other people can. It makes me feel guilty to this day that I didn't love my childhood dog as much as I should have, I tried to force myself to love her more (I did like her and feel affection towards her, but not like my bond with my cats) but it didn't work. She was a really good girl, the problem was entirely my own.
Most other dogs are not nearly as friendly and well-behaved as my stand-out childhood dog (who I think I only came to appreciate through long-term cohabitation) and I have no patience for other dogs at all, their antics annoy me, the slobber disgusts me, they smell… doggy, and I don't like it when they bark or jump up on you, I just want to be away from them and leave their vicinity.
I've always had an innate connection with cats though, I've been told that ever since I was a baby cats liked me and I liked them. I just wish I could feel that way about dogs too.
No. 1987458
File: 1714596529560.jpg (565.52 KB, 1079x1794, 1000012417.jpg)

I'm sure pit-nutters would find a way to blame the baby.
No. 1989010
File: 1714728207053.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 1170x2034, IMG_1201.jpeg)

I hate pitfuckers as much as their ugly mutts, they’re so fucking unhinged. This retard posted this video of her hideous piece of shit in response to someone getting mauled by a pack of shitbulls (disregard the fact that it was Matt Walsh who posted the video she responded to, he’s a subhuman piece of shit too but a stopped clock is right twice a day). Spoilered for fucking repulsive monstrosity
No. 1989019
File: 1714728754810.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1170x1847, IMG_1202.jpeg)

>>1989010Another response to the same video. Anyone who allows their fucking infant to do this with a shitbull needs CPS called on them, these people are so fucked in the head
No. 1992262
File: 1714975930308.jpeg (120.44 KB, 775x1034, IMG_1223.jpeg)

I’ve never wanted to a-log anything or anyone more than these fugly fucking pieces of shit and their retarded owners
No. 1994097
File: 1715099369146.jpeg (24.3 KB, 214x235, IMG_7322.jpeg)

If you like this sort of dog, you’re either ugly or you have an ugly soul. Or you’re low IQ. Or all 3.
No. 2000910
File: 1715573025214.jpeg (555.08 KB, 1170x3740, IMG_7436.jpeg)

She didn’t even mention the breed in the caption but you just KNOW it was a pitbull. That poor girl.
No. 2000922
File: 1715573332762.jpeg (349.38 KB, 1170x2082, IMG_7439.jpeg)

>>2000910Samefag, confirmed pitbull. “oNlY iN tHe WrOnG hAnDs” argument debunked, it was her cousin’s dog that she played with many times before and was always sweet until the one day it randomly decided to attack without warning and latch onto her face. I hate these dogs so much
No. 2000935
>>2000922Iirc she, the
victim, still thinks pitbulls are good and fine as pets too. Brainworm
No. 2001181
>>2000926They can’t help themselves, see also
>>1989010 No. 2001380
Unstoppable force meets unmovable object
No. 2018533
The owners all look like trashy retards and they can barely control their inbred dogs even while strangling the shit out of them
No. 2018541
Actual retards acting like this is funny and cute, they have a young kid too
No. 2018973
>>2018533>>2018541All these retarded degenerates look like the product of incest, just like their hideous stinking beasts. I wish shitbulls were universally banned
>>2018709I agree, I hate them both. Disgusting, dirty, fugly creatures
No. 2019805
File: 1716638258508.mp4 (2.96 MB, 1080x1920, 1000054536.mp4)

Literally wtf is wrong with some dogs and there owners finding this funny or cute. I'd be disgusted if my pet was in the habit of eating literal shit.
No. 2021425
>>2007598Nta and kind of late but this is very ignorant kek. I keep birds in an outdoor enclosure in my garden and the neighbour's cats have tried to get inside more than once, and it's not unusual for birds to die because of the sudden sound and thread of some bastard cat trying to hunt them from outside the cage. I've heard of many bird owners with the same issue, and if my pets die for something like this that's on the cat's owner 100% because their pet shouldn't even be on my property. But they are less dangerous to people than dogs, but they're still a huge threat to local animal populations (but who cares am I right?).
>>2021306The truth is that dogs are scavengers and will get into shit (other animals' usually, it's not normal if they eat their own shit) because they sniff out the undigested food and could still get nutrition from it. The same is for all scavenger animals, birds also get into shit, birds will literally eat the carcasses of other birds from the same species. Cats also get into carcasses and eat shit-filled organs. It's how animals are.
No. 2024306
File: 1716915918818.mp4 (2.85 MB, 716x610, WDjtoVl.mp4)

This makes me so mad
No. 2025964
>>2024979>>2025039I hate shitbulls more than any other creature on earth and I believe they should be outlawed and exterminated without exception but the piece of shit mutt in that clip has a longer snout than a shitbull, though it’s probably some kind of “pit mix”
>>2025001Likewise, without hesitation
No. 2029208
File: 1717170509335.jpg (115.4 KB, 960x960, 24c-2155008665.jpg)

>>2028843God, this shit is so dirty, dangerous, and irresponsible. Even a normal cuddly dog should be kept away from babies as they have practically no immune system and dogs are constantly covered in grime. A dog that size could easily roll over and crush the baby too. All this before you even get started on the fact that its the serial killer breed of canines. If I had a kid we would be instantly leaving any area with shitbulls in it (parks, playgrounds, patio seating) 0 exceptions. These people will risk their baby being torn into until they're nothing but a red streak on the carpet rather than admit they are completely wrong about muh nanny shibble
(ai shit outside of containment ) No. 2033356
File: 1717400903009.jpeg (921.86 KB, 1170x1500, IMG_1394.jpeg)

Gee, I wonder why this fucking ugly piece of shit got dumped. “Reactive” and “looking to be a solo pet” is really selling it.
No. 2033385
>>2033356if that face doesn't
trigger basic survival instincts you are less conscious than a piece of furniture
No. 2034503
File: 1717459934414.jpeg (106.93 KB, 750x780, IMG_1200.jpeg)

>>2033376It literally looks like picrel. I hope the fugly thing gets euthanized
No. 2037094
File: 1717609884380.webp (89.02 KB, 620x682, 9820ada3-d73c-430b-a5c7-cdda12…)

>The heartbroken family of Ms Morey - who had turned 23 on the same day of her passing have invited friends to gather for a balloon release in her memory
>Ms Morey, originally from Limerick city, had been attacked by two of four dogs, ALL of which were restricted breeds.
>Gardai rushed to the scene after they received a report and upon arrival the four canines were acting aggressively.
>The Regional Armed Support Unit shot an XL Bully dog dead as it continued to pose a threat.
Her fb posts in the lead up to it were.. basically the same shite they all repeat about them being the good owner/magic exception/don't paint us all with the same brush etc. But if the only thing that stops certain breeds is a bullet.. you do not wanna be here waiting on those rare people with enough authority to wield guns to come and save you. You won't make it.
No. 2042090
File: 1717923426155.jpeg (790.42 KB, 1170x1297, IMG_7806.jpeg)

I celebrate when people like this get mauled by their own dogs. They were fine putting everyone else at risk, but they never thought their widdle velvet hippos would turn on them.
No. 2043810
>>2042215its not even an equivalence, its usually the exact same women kek
>>2042193extremely disturbing. they ripped her arm off. thats the sort of thing you only see in the worst industrial accidents and freeway crashes.
No. 2053882
File: 1718701090331.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1170x1826, IMG_1434.jpeg)

I hate dogfaggots so much, twitter is full of accounts like this, mostly middle aged white women who sperg about how much they hate China and immigrants and uwu save the dogs and cats (catfags are just as retarded). These retards value mangy mutts over other humans, no wonder the world is so fucked. Anyway, some good news, these hideous shitbulls got what they deserve
No. 2053885
File: 1718701406980.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1170x1791, IMG_1435.jpeg)

lmao good luck getting someone to take this fugly mutant sack of shit. what the fuck does “wiggly with dogs” mean?
No. 2055336
File: 1718765725810.jpeg (299.69 KB, 1117x1117, IMG_1444.jpeg)

>adopted and returned
Gee, I wonder the fuck why
No. 2055732
File: 1718782629210.png (237.93 KB, 341x480, IMG_7982.png)

>>2055724Another thing I hate about shitbulls. Their ugly fucking faces just invoke such disgust and rage within me it genuinely baffles me that people find them cute. They are the ugliest animals in the world. They just look so incredibly dumb and pathetic. This one is particularly ugly but even the “cute” ones like picrel just look horrible.
No. 2055738
File: 1718783062352.jpeg (35.9 KB, 415x739, IMG_4606.jpeg)

>>2055732did you ever see this little goblin going around? Licking its chops nervously, people saying it has Disney eyes…it’s just an animal but imagining that staring at me when I have food invokes a violent rage. I don’t think I could hurt it but I’d definitely shove it away hard enough for it to not come back.
I also hate the typical shitbull ears, and how they’re used in shitbull branding and tattoos. I get angry when I see them
No. 2055739
File: 1718783202200.png (275.18 KB, 6667x4167, IMG_4607.png)

>>2055738Picrel like this. The logo forgot the asscrack head though.
No. 2055750
File: 1718784203678.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1170x1533, IMG_1439.jpeg)

>>2055732This is exactly how I feel, no other animal makes me want to a-log. I hate most dogs and cats but none of them make me rage like these ugly fucking monstrosities do. Maybe it’s survival instinct telling me that these retarded shitbeasts are bred for the specific purpose of killing other living creatures but I just have this visceral reaction to them. Shit like picrel makes me seethe so much it’s unreal
No. 2055754
File: 1718784823977.jpeg (85.61 KB, 480x680, IMG_1446.jpeg)

>if taught GENTLY
a resource guarding shitbull, what could possibly go wrong
No. 2055760
File: 1718785456040.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1170x1969, IMG_1440.jpeg)

>>2055724They really know how to sell these pieces of shit, don’t they
No. 2055833
File: 1718795872808.jpeg (Spoiler Image,214.39 KB, 997x1647, IMG_1453.jpeg)

>>2055738I don’t think it’s the same one but it reminds me of this putrid thing with its ugly ass buttcrack head that has over a million followers on TikTok, I hate it so much (spoiler for fucking hideous nightmare fuel)
No. 2055835
>>2055787Fr. And look at the sheer fucking size of that bite, if that alone doesn’t
trigger your fight or flight then there’s something fundamentally wrong with your brain
No. 2055838
File: 1718796151354.jpeg (697.61 KB, 1170x1526, IMG_1450.jpeg)

I cannot even articulate how much rage this makes me feel. I fucking hate dogfags
No. 2055877
File: 1718800204626.jpeg (918.67 KB, 1170x1860, IMG_1448.jpeg)

>surrender for a nip
At this point anyone who signs up for this shit gets what they deserve, it’s natural selection
No. 2057039
File: 1718858324941.jpeg (923.28 KB, 1170x1519, IMG_1454.jpeg)

>returned after one day
Just look at this disgusting demon creature
No. 2057045
File: 1718858598102.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1170x1992, IMG_1455.jpeg)

No comment necessary
No. 2057169
File: 1718871574223.jpeg (168.83 KB, 1200x1176, IMG_1457.jpeg)

Who the fuck finds this appealing? Shelters are such a waste of money and resources, just blap blap the hideous mutants and be done with it
No. 2057174
>>2057045>no cats or small animals>anxious when left aloneunsocialized and will destroy the owner's house if left alone for 30min.
>>2057169>my history is a misteryit mauled an animal or a child and was given to a shelter immediately to avoid consequences.
>>2057172>provide a calm environmentthis one will maul at the faintest disturbance and the pitnutters would blame anything but the dog.
why do shelters think people are stupid? the saddest part is that I know there are people stupid enough that think they can fix those beasts when they could've housed an animal that needs to be adopted and is also not a murderous shitbeast.
No. 2057202
>>2057169>let’s brush up on canine body language!Yup be sure to recognize when I’m about to run across the room and rip your arm off because you breathed wrong!
But also people are so genuinely retarded when it comes to animal body language. I have no training, no research put in, but just instinctively I can see when a normal dog is nervous or doesn’t like what’s happening (the silence, licking, eyes, ears pulled back). It’s like an inherent ability some people seem to lack, their humanization of animals (“he’s smiling! Aw he’s crying! Aw he wants to protect (not resource guard) his baby sister!”) must override it.
No. 2057290
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No. 2057304
File: 1718882029745.jpeg (148.26 KB, 899x1600, IMG_1464.jpeg)

>>2057297They’re just so fucking ugly. Everything about them is disgusting. I swear no other breed of dog has such nasty little beady shark eyes. The replies and quotes on the original tweet are nothing but unbridled retardation from pitfaggots, other people posting similar pictures of their mongoloid shitbeasts like picrel
No. 2057668
File: 1718910092743.jpeg (477.08 KB, 1170x1404, IMG_8011.jpeg)

>>2057580Huskies have a high prey drive. They kill smaller and weaker things unprovoked because they see it as food, like how a cat would kill a mouse. No. 2057669
trigger warning for animal violence. In this video the husky literally stalks and kills a smaller dog absolutely unprovoked. It’s clearly hunting it.
No. 2058088
>>2057844This makes me so mad, I hope your granny is okay nona. I’d be getting litigious on that moid and his shitbeast.
>>2057669I absolutely hate small dogs, especially poodles, but this is just horrible, no animal deserves this. I hope that disgusting thing got put down (though because people are retarded it probably didn’t)
No. 2058089
File: 1718935904354.jpeg (338.78 KB, 1304x1322, IMG_1467.jpeg)

This is why I support the death penalty, these subhuman scumbags deserve the absolute worst
No. 2058093
File: 1718936392024.jpeg (1 MB, 1170x1876, IMG_1470.jpeg)

Pitnutters are genuinely the most retarded people on earth. I want to kick that thing’s head in
No. 2058135
File: 1718940997248.jpeg (44.49 KB, 480x360, IMG_1337.jpeg)

>>2058093She’s got a few months left until it scrapes off the half of her face like Homer Simpson’s
No. 2058169
>>2058093Forget about all the children and vulnerable people who HAVE been mauled and killed, at least HES alright. Which mean they’re not dangerous at all.
God these people are stupid and self centred.
No. 2058671
File: 1718981474241.jpeg (886.8 KB, 1170x1532, IMG_1477.jpeg)

This is so fucking irresponsible, that poor child
No. 2059260
File: 1719018296832.jpeg (827.48 KB, 1170x1596, IMG_1475.jpeg)

As if this ugly thing isn’t anxious as fuck and about to snap, this isn’t cute behaviour at all
No. 2059528
>>2058700Everyone is
victim of a psyop these days, no one is just naturally retarded anymore.
No. 2059542
File: 1719047104829.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1170x1798, IMG_1484.jpeg)

Rest in piss, bozo
No. 2059543
File: 1719047169630.jpeg (385.02 KB, 1080x1052, IMG_1482.jpeg)

Gave me a hearty kek, fitting name for these literal tardbeasts
No. 2059581
These creatures can never be reformed.
No. 2059591
File: 1719050654856.jpeg (972.75 KB, 1170x1697, IMG_1486.jpeg)

>this angel
>will kill other animals and children
No. 2059603
File: 1719051619775.jpeg (928.12 KB, 1170x1350, IMG_1483.jpeg)

>aggressive as well as ugly
What a catch. Why are these ugly mutts always called nala?
No. 2059715
File: 1719062252895.jpeg (804.7 KB, 1170x1575, IMG_1480.jpeg)

What kind of moron would adopt a shitbull that was found stray?
No. 2059720
File: 1719062864418.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1170x2082, IMG_1487.jpeg)

Great to see the xl bully ban in Britain is having an impact
No. 2059730
File: 1719063396753.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1170x2022, IMG_1493.jpeg)

>>2059641Even the puppies are fucking repulsive looking
No. 2059810
I'm not really a dog hater per se, but I thought I'd share my experiences here. I'm fed up with retarded owners and hate pitbulls though.
>2018, my neighbor's dogs break through my fence and try attacking my dog, he's a puppy
>they don't give a fuck whatsoever
>had to rebuild the fence the next day without any help from them
>new moid moves in next door in 2019
>he immediately adopts 2 pitbulls, even though he has 2 young daughters
>fast forward to 2021
>he builds his pitbulls a rope swing for them to train their jaw strength on
>he starts illegally backyard breeding his pitbulls; I start noticing he always has about 5+ pitbull puppies at any given time
>look through the gap in the fence and see the female pitbull with overused, extremely saggy teets
>also notice a younger pitbull with scars, probably a bait dog
>the dogs are constantly fighting each other or whining at his door because he locks them outside, I also hear his daughters get hurt by the pitbulls sometimes
>one of his pitbulls starts literally climbing up my fence to try to attack my dad in our backyard
>pitbulls keep trying to bust through the fence to attack my dog
>report it to my town through an anonymous letter, nothing happens
>still living in hell to this day
>2023, other next door neighbors adopt a dog that will not stop barking; it will bark for an hour straight at nothing, I can't be in my own backyard without being barked at
>they claim it's a "service dog"
>not a pitbull at least, thank god, still annoying
>visited my friends' house this month after not seeing them for a decade
>notice they have a pitbull
>immediately excuse myself and ask my dad to pick me up
No. 2059841
>>2059810I feel so awful for his daughters, holy shit. It's only ever moids with malignant personality disorders or anger issues who do shit like this. Does he have sole custody?
>>2058511I've got a husky story to share which still pisses me off to this day. I don't even think people should be able to have huskies as pets tbh, they're always SO under-stimulated, which is probably the source of their HiLaRiOuS crying.
> My teenaged-at-the-time sister is walking around the back of our house to meet up with a family member> She has our labrador with her on a leash, an incredibly sweet dog who avoids other dogs most of the time and just stays with us> Random fucking husky appears out of nowhere> It's just staring at her and our dog, whole body rigid, obviously not happy> My sister starts backing away slowly and silently, terrified of accidentally snapping it out of its trance> The husky starts creeping over> She's shitting bricks> EVENTUALLY, when the damned thing is within attack distance, the husky's retarded fucking owner strolls around the corner and THEN puts it on a leash, going "teehee come on Fido!" As if everything is fine> The husky STILL tries to pull towards my sister and growls as it's led away> Owner doesn't give a single shit that her aggressive dog who clearly wants to hunt is just wandering around a residential streetThe dog still lives about 2 streets away. Every single time you walk past the front of their house, it HOWLS. The yell at it but never put any effort into training it.
No. 2060307
File: 1719093429795.png (587.09 KB, 752x812, image.png)

Don't forget that a husky was the dog that ripped a 4 year old's arm off and ate it. Then it wasn't even put down. 110k people signed a petition to not have a dangerous dog destroyed. There was also the usual shit that dognuts do, where they blame the child for the aggressive action of the dog and downplay what the dog did, or come up with the usual apologia. Pitbulls are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to shitty dog breeds. Huskies and Gsheps are definitely there.
No. 2060392
>>2060107Fuck every person in that comment section acting like it's the reporter's fault for petting the dog on its head.
NO DOG SHOULD BE REACTIVE TO PETTING, PERIOD. We need to cull reactive dogs.
Know what else isn't going to know how to look at, approach, or touch a dog correctly? A child.
Nutters have no excuse to humanize a dog and act like people have to give it human boundaries or else.
Know what else a dog doesn't like? Not eating human food, castration, and not getting to roam as it pleases. Does this mean you give into your dog's likes? Fuck no. They're animals.
Had some little shit corgi snap and almost break skin when it bit me on the hand at a fucking park. Fucker didn't even give a signal that it did not like me doing it and had been the one to approach me. I wanted to punt the shit and discipline it, but knew the stupid bitch owner not paying attention to it wouldn't see me trying to solve an aggression problem but rather would see me as the aggressor attacking her precious babu.
No. 2060420
>>2060414It's pure ego.
1. People don't like to admit that they've been wrong and that their values additionally have caused pain and death.
2. Taming of the beast. They think they're special and powerful when their pibble hasn't attacked them or anyone…yet. Feels good for them to look down on others who suffered from misfortune and blame them for it as an easy way to feel superior when it is wholly unearned.
These people are antisocial A S S H O L E S.
(integrate) No. 2060763
File: 1719120862651.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1170x2059, IMG_1497.jpeg)

“Keeping them alive until breed determined”, any mutt that mauls a human or another animal should have its face blown off on the spot, without exception. I’m starting to think that china is actually based for having no legal protection for dogs and cats, no shitbeast is worth more than a human life, regardless of breed
No. 2061510
>>2060272>He’s also the type to let his wife get fucked by a black manWhat the fuck are you talking about? This is so moidy. We are talking about two beautiful children mauled to death and a woman mauled horribly too and you just have to bring up cuckholdry anxiety when it has nothing to do with it? And mention black dick while you’re at it (which is white male moidery)
get a grip nonna.
No. 2061864
File: 1719200730995.jpeg (Spoiler Image,779.27 KB, 1170x1284, IMG_1508.jpeg)

Sometimes the trash takes itself out. Side note but these fugly things always have owners that look like them (spoilered for shitbeast that looks like it’s dead even though it’s not)
No. 2061882
File: 1719202517653.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1170x1907, IMG_1509.jpeg)

>>2061865I swear every single post like this about mutts needing adoption is nothing but shitbulls, are there actually any other breeds in shelters? Because it doesn’t seem like it. No one wants these disgusting things, just fucking kill them and stop wasting money and resources
No. 2062898
File: 1719281966426.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1170x1992, IMG_1511.jpeg)

I’m sure this was completely unprovoked
No. 2062900
File: 1719282134641.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1170x1603, IMG_1510.jpeg)

Pitfaggots are so low IQ it’s painful. Look at its stupid ugly face
No. 2062916
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Hahaha what every pitbull owner deserves
No. 2063308
File: 1719322064840.jpeg (681.25 KB, 1170x1369, IMG_1521.jpeg)

>some of us will die today!
This guy really knows how to threaten us with a good time
No. 2063310
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I cannot put into words how much shit like picrel makes me rage
No. 2063318
File: 1719322596782.jpeg (394.67 KB, 1164x1890, IMG_1519.jpeg)

The sheer waste of time, money and resources keeping this mongoloid monstrosity in the shelter for two and a half years when it’s clearly not fit for anything besides blap blap, how is this even acceptable?
No. 2063362
File: 1719325844189.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x1992, IMG_1518.jpeg)

>>2063327Pitfaggot brain rot
No. 2063368
>>2060138The details for this attack are horrifying. Probably one of the worst possible things a person could live through for the mother. Not even going to post them here.
>>2063351Not enough I'm sure.
No. 2063374
File: 1719326263027.jpeg (951.17 KB, 1170x1240, IMG_1523.jpeg)

>dumped for new baby
God forbid humans prioritise their own children over some fucking ugly stinking mutt
No. 2063454
visited a friends new place the other day and her new roommate's dog spent ten minutes barking aggressively at me, and growling. no one did anything but tell it to 'stop barking' (lol?). this was a big dog too, obviously small dogs getting aggressive at you is annoying but less threatening. thing is some designer mix of two highly neurotic working-with-livestock dog breeds. shit just makes me throw up my hands, why the fuck would you buy a dog like that in city suburbia and proceed to let it harrass guests to your house. the owner was on a skype call with her parents and didnt get up at all to remove the thing or say anything, it was my friend who was telling it to stop barking. fucking so frustrating.
>>2063430you are right anon, i dont like dogs but its really sick how theyre just another consoomable item for people. in fact, i feel like that mindset is the root of people handwaving dangerous dogs. dogfags cant see them as living things with their own agency/will/capacity for predation and aggression, they see them as toys or at best surrogate children.
No. 2064613
File: 1719372115771.jpeg (116.55 KB, 1066x282, IMG_5254.jpeg)

>>2063005“Destroyed” is another word for putting an animal down
No. 2064766
File: 1719380821309.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1423, IMG_1524.jpeg)

“Accidentally nipped” lmao it’s a shitbull, the hideous thing is developing its taste for blood
No. 2065006
File: 1719403361445.jpeg (1022.58 KB, 1170x1875, IMG_1534.jpeg)

>>2063351>>2063359This one was
>MURDERED!lmao, pure retardation
No. 2065038
>>2065006These are not companion dogs, who cares if they’re put down. They were bred for dog fighting,
and that’s it. I automatically presume men who own these dogs to be involved in dog fighting. The women, idk. I guess they’re just retarded
No. 2065053
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No. 2066476
File: 1719453146295.jpeg (853.54 KB, 1170x1705, IMG_1538.jpeg)

Heartwarming, another ugly demon dies after being spayed, rest in piss. I wonder if the vets are doing it deliberately, based if so, they’re saving the lives of humans and other animals
No. 2066625
File: 1719456979569.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x2010, IMG_1540.jpeg)

The way low IQ white people humanise mutts like this makes me seethe, and of course every single mongrel in the video is a shitbull, isn’t the fact that they make up the overwhelming majority of dumps and strays a good indication that these things aren’t fit to be pets?(racebaiting)
No. 2066630
File: 1719457148345.jpeg (858.79 KB, 1170x1261, IMG_1541.jpeg)

All these “no cats” stipulations makes me think that the reason why the repulsive mutants have been dumped is because they’ve already killed people’s pets
No. 2067764
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No. 2067813
File: 1719530571673.jpeg (973.5 KB, 1170x1832, IMG_1551.jpeg)

>second time at pound
>no kids or other pets
I wonder why no one wants this ugly shitbeast, it truly is a mystery
No. 2067816
File: 1719530679329.jpeg (933.39 KB, 1170x1597, IMG_1549.jpeg)

>hideous deformed mutant
>no kids
>medical needs
What a catch
No. 2067825
File: 1719530831449.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1679, IMG_1543.jpeg)

>>2067590I prefer to read heartwarming stories like this, another shitbull dead from mandatory spay, vets doing the lord’s work
No. 2067906
File: 1719533749071.jpeg (1001.17 KB, 1170x1671, IMG_1552.jpeg)

That beast looks nervous as hell, for the entire duration of the video it looks like the only thing going on in that fugly head is thoughts of mauling
No. 2068446
File: 1719557598786.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1170x1857, IMG_1557.jpeg)

Made my whole day
No. 2068449
File: 1719557860905.jpeg (765.18 KB, 1170x1501, IMG_1556.jpeg)

>>2068446Especially this one with its bite history and resource guarding, the fact that it wasn’t killed on the spot is the real tragedy here. Why do these idiots value such gross, useless beasts? They contribute nothing to the planet and are of no benefit to anyone or anything
No. 2068497
File: 1719562435341.jpeg (28.13 KB, 554x554, IMG_4970.jpeg)

>>2068449Nona if all these Screencap sob story euth posts and deserved vitriol against shits have been posting by only you this whole time I just want you to know I see them and respect the grind
This is one of my favorite threads on /ot/
No. 2068510
File: 1719563927400.jpeg (78.28 KB, 1000x602, IMG_8131.jpeg)

>>2067906I fucking hate those pocket bully things. They’re even uglier than the normal ones.
No. 2068538
File: 1719565626714.jpeg (981.31 KB, 1170x1075, IMG_1560.jpeg)

>>2068510Me too nona, like why does this island of dr moreau ass abomination exist?!
No. 2068553
File: 1719567311350.jpeg (849.26 KB, 1170x1583, IMG_1555.jpeg)

>>2068544For fucking real. I HATE that “pitty smile” so fucking much, my god. Especially when it’s with an open mouth but picrel is just as retarded. How is this a smile? Dogs don’t fucking smile, theyre fucking dogs, they don’t have human emotions
No. 2068759
File: 1719582038631.jpg (55.7 KB, 720x688, 03ad0c30d05634183f43615a144663…)

Can't really hate pits tbqh they are murder machines but they were made so by the hubris of man.
No. 2069036
>>2068701I assume you don't date males then? Human male "emotions" also relate to either food or sex, much more than some animals too. Overall you sound very ignorant on how animals and humans work kek it's beyond the pit argument at this point
>>2068626>He thinks this is a good comeback A reminder that scrotes are just like pitties, but we euthanize pits and not males sadly.
>>2068930It's not controversial, it's simply ignorant. Basic emotions exist in humans and many animals, even dogs. I agree that Pitbulls and other dogs are so imbred they're basically retarded, but I was mostly referring to the few embarassing edgelords who come here with extremely stupid and moidy takes like "animals don't have emotions" or "animals are like objects".
(scrotefoiling) No. 2069301
>>2067590I don't think any animal deserves torture, even something as loathesome as a shitbull, but we can't count on shelters to do things the ethical and proper way. They should be culled en masse and quickly.
>>2066781Perhaps the retarded shitbull had a fit, started thrashing, and knocked itself in because it got
triggered by seeing a cat or small child. Either ways good riddance.
No. 2069306
Ideally shitbulls should be disposed of in a profit-making manner, i.e. by utilising their skin in a range of products. Like shitbull furs and hats.
>>2068799Nah, drowning shitbulls has only positives. 1. One shitbull less. 2. The psycho who drowned it will face jailtime when caught.
No. 2069799
File: 1719617502684.jpeg (215.26 KB, 1077x1077, IMG_1225.jpeg)

Everyone should stop engaging with the scrotefoiling dogfaggot, let her seethe into the void over our hatred for the ugly stinking retarded heckin’ doggo puppers while we continue to laugh at mongoloid shitbeasts getting what they deserve
No. 2070010
>>2068538it looks like a tumour, has such a diseased quality
>>2068813adoption fee im assuming. so for the low low price of 815 USD you too can have a filthy aggressive dysgenic stray in your apartment
No. 2070222
My neighbourhood is seeing more and more shitbulls and what kills me is their owners are always
really weak. It's either the skinniest nerd you've ever seen or a short frail woman walking around with a war machine (no leash, no muzzle, of course). I want to ask them if they have shit for brains, buying a dog they know they can't hold down if it decides to maul a kid or themselves. This is the worst aspect of the pitt/rottweiler/etc craze (alongside animal torture, another typical pitt owner thing). It used to be that only strong mean-looking guys or farmers with a healthy constitution owned big dogs. Not low T men and women who don't do any kind of physical activity.
No. 2071494
File: 1719717932396.jpeg (562.24 KB, 1170x1355, IMG_1567.jpeg)

You’ll never guess the breed of the dog…
No. 2071504
File: 1719718155612.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1170x2084, IMG_1569.jpeg)

>>2071494Yep, it’s a shitbull. In the video the person filming says “it’s one of those dogs that need to have a muzzle on them”. Shooting a loose aggressive retarded dog is the only way to deal with the situation, dogfaggots have worms for brains, truly
No. 2071588
>>2068695>Basic things like fear, anger, happiness, pain, pleasure, being itchy, whatever, it’s all the same in animals and humans.Nta and not involved but I’m not sure why anons disagree with this nonnas post? Anyone who’s been around a cat or a dog for any amount of time can confirm this. Sure a lot of it relates to food but also shelter, safety, play, comfort.
No. 2071974
>>2071894>>2071944Are you able to read this
>>2068617 or. If she meant basic she would have just said emotions without the human attached because everyone understands animals have emotions. She was miffed that people correctly don’t put her pupper’s emotions on the same level as a humans. That’s it.
No. 2072964
File: 1719791750223.jpeg (819.05 KB, 1170x1291, IMG_1573.jpeg)

>>2063374So this abomination is going back to the house with the new baby, how long before it ends up as a news story?
No. 2072971
File: 1719792319536.jpeg (244.46 KB, 1134x1600, IMG_1574.jpeg)

>only pet
>adult only home
Yeah, I’m sure this fugly, dysgenic shitbeast is going to make a great pet
No. 2072973
>>2072441>>2072971>reactive>sensitiveand all these other euphemisms in dogs always seem to actually just mean aggressive. Interesting that in cats a cat being described as reactive or sensitive would make sense because it probably means the cat runs away and hides, or hisses or something, maybe swats without claws out if you keep pushing into its space, but when it comes to shitbulls it means 'will savagely attack the nearest
victim' and it's usually not actually a reaction to anything. They need to stop using human popsci on these dogs.
No. 2072995
>>2072971>This boy is very sensitive! He will open up if you respect his feelings uwu>That creepy smile This is the same treatment men and troons expect and demand from women. They want us to accept this shit in a cutesy way just because it's presented as harmless when everyone's natural instinct is well aware that this creature is a predator and will bite your face off.
This is why women stay in
abusive relationships and this is why people keep pitbulls. They think it'll be ok as long as you juggle a monster's feelings. And society keeps telling you this is normal so they delude themselves until the inevitable happens. This is why pitbulls are some of the worst dogs, they're scrotal by design.
No. 2073003
>>2072995You're right anon, the (US especially) societal obsession with caping for and 'saving' pitbulls and reproducing them more than any type of purebred or mutt dog is just a large-scale parallel for the psyops moids and troons do on women. It's 'I can save him' mentality writ large and programmed into people with tons of media propaganda. It's 'if he snapped and did something out of nowhere, it's actually your fault, or another
victim's fault' thinking writ large. The popsci 'he's just reactive/sensitive' is the same shit they push to encourage women to be kind to and act as carers for retarded violent men with mental illnesses. 'Adopt don't shop' is basically a metaphor for how women are told to treat men: instead of picking one according to your own specific standards, lifestyle needs and what you find pretty/cute like you would with a purebred dog, you're supposed to find some basket case who no one else will take and 'give him a chance.' Now pit genetics is taking over the US dog population just like ugly violent scrote genetics has taken over society since women are told not to 'shop' for good moids and dog owners are told not to 'shop' for good dogs.
No. 2073010
File: 1719795517195.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1170x1992, IMG_1575.jpeg)

>>2072995>>2073003Fucking exactly. It’s fucking infuriating. I mean just look at the humanising language they use in situations like this too. It’s a retarded, violent mutant but we’re supposed to relate to it like a human that’s experiencing hardship, it’s fucking deranged. One thing I’ve noticed about the animalfaggots on Twitter who post this shit is that they’re invariably super racist tinfoil hat wearing MAGAtards who post the most heinous, dehumanising about non-whites for just existing. The fact that they care more about hideous, useless, aggressive scrote-made mutants than other humans is everything that’s wrong with the world
No. 2073014
>>2073010Where I live most of the pro-pitbull sentiment comes from bleeding heart liberals and leftists, but either way it usually comes from people who are happy to dehumanize other human beings. I like animals but I never trust people who are like 'omgg I care sooo much more about animals than people, they're sooo pure.' Most rational people who care about human well being will automatically see the issue with pitbulls if it's logically presented to them, so most pitbull supporters are either just people too naive and out-of-touch to know what the issue with bully dogs is, or they're people who literally see animals as above human beings.
The humanizing language in your imgrel is egregious though, I hate that more and more shelters use these kinds of weird first-person or second-person 'personal story' type descriptions of their unadoptable dogs. I can't tell if the people writing the descriptions for the shelters are retarded or if they're just psychopaths who know what they're doing and want to inflict these killing machines on unsuspecting families.
No. 2073368
File: 1719819266123.jpeg (588.3 KB, 1500x1500, IMG_8164.jpeg)

I think growing up with such an amazing dog in my childhood has made me dislike 98% of them. My dog was just perfect. Affectionate, good with kids, loving, tons of fun, intelligent, even beautiful and cute. Other peoples dogs are just neurotic wastes of space compared to her. I know some people here hate all dogs but I think a big problem with dogs these days is their quality has declined rapidly since it’s acceptable these days for a dog to be aggressive when in the past it would either be drowned in a bucket as a puppy or used for hunting or fighting. How do people have the audacity to walk around with an aggressive dog and expect other people to give THEM space? That thing should not be in public. It should not even be alive.
No. 2073381
>>2073003>It's 'if he snapped and did something out of nowhere, it's actually your fault, or another victim's fault' thinking writ large. The popsci 'he's just reactive/sensitive' is the same shit they push to encourage women to be kind to and act as carers for retarded violent men with mental illnesses. >you're supposed to find some basket case who no one else will take and 'give him a chance.' Now pit genetics is taking over the US dog population just like ugly violent scrote genetics has taken over societyThis, basically. They use shame to control the narrative in the name of fake empathy, when certain people, things, and situations just don't deserve empathy at all.
"It's your fault if your ugly sensitive moid yelled
abusive shit at you, he's just sensitive and he's good and kind hearted inside, he's just reactive and sensitive and his feelings need to be respected, how could you hurt him like this? Don't you think he deserves better?"
Ugly moids and ugly pitbulls need to be put down.
No. 2073389
>>2073381>>2073003>>2072995It hits too close to home. There's an
abusive moid in my life that my family insists on me having to forgive because "everyone acts out once in a while" even though he acts out constantly and no one can handle him. To see the same language applied to a pitbull makes everything more obvious. They never spare the same sentiment to women either.
>>2073039>It’s never his fault, he was merely reacting to the person/dog/cat!But it's the dog who did it. I hate this line of thinking so freaking much.
>>2073014>>2073010The humanizing language is creepy. The prison abolishment rethoric that this post is using towards pitbulls is skewed anyway. Some people (men) deserve to be behind bars. There's no other way to put it.
No. 2073483
>>2073419I've had a few animals and imo cat and rodent piss smells the worst, it's very acidic and it reminds me of vomit. Dog piss does smell awful when owners don't clean up (sadly it's most of them), when walking around my town I can smell where the peeing spots are because all the piss is concentrated there and no one ever thinks of pouring water on it or something. The absolute worst for me are the shits, so many shits everywhere. Big ass turds that sometimes are smeared on the road because someone steps in it. Imo you shouldn't own a dog if you're not willing to deal with their shit.
>>2073456True but I don't think I could handle knowing that every surface is littered with traces of cat pee or feces. I've seen videos of cats just suddenly barfing on beds/pillows/sofas and it's my worst nightmare. Some animals are retarded why would you shit or puke on the place where you rest??
>>2073472The oily fur is a thing of a lot of short haired inbred dogs. My uncle has a pug and the thing is always oily and smelly, even shortly after bathing, but then I've seen some long thick haired dogs that barely smell even after playing around/getting wet. Pitbulls always have skin issues for some reason.
No. 2073508
File: 1719834085481.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1170x2335, IMG_1584.jpeg)

>>2073419One of the reasons why dogs smell so rank
No. 2073539
Dogs smell fucking disgusting and they're in no way even comparable to cats. I lived with a cat for years and at worst the cat would smell like the litter sand (floral scented but because it's litter sand I associate the smell with piss and shit) but dogs smell so fucking atrocious…
>>2073508 Corn chips?? These fuckers smell like straight up doo-doo.
No. 2073594
File: 1719841824282.jpeg (983.3 KB, 1170x1613, IMG_1576.jpeg)

>so what if he bites a leash
Because if he bites a leash he’ll bite other things too, like animals and people. Christ these people are retarded
No. 2074185
>>2073607The dog does not know how to do any commands. So he does not know how to sit, lay down, walk on a leash, come, or stay down when commanded to do so.
>>2073669>how they determine the shitbeast can’t be around kidsIt's often because the previous owners will mention that the dog has bit a person, but they'll also mark him as that if he acts aggressive towards humans while in the shelter or has killed a small animal before.
>Are shelters obliged to disclose bite history?No. There is no legal obligation to tell you the truth about a dog you are adopting.
>Why not save all that money and resources These types of people are nutcases. They believe every dog can be saved, and so every dog deserves to be saved no matter what. You just need the right person or trainer or drug or whatever to turn the dog into the loving companion that he was meant to be. They refuse to accept reality, so that's how you end up with dogs that have killed multiple other animals and can't even be handled by the shelter staff without rabies poles sitting in the shelter for eight years.
No. 2074270
>>2074185>They believe every dog can be saved, and so every dog deserves to be saved no matter what. You just need the right person or trainer or drug or whatever to turn the dog into the loving companion that he was meant to be. In an ideal world, this kind of empathy could be extended to all human beings, but this is not the case. Not all humans can be saved and redeemed from their shitty behavior. Let alone some creature who is barely even cognisant.
You can't fight against nature and you can't easily change nurture. You can't change a dog's personality just because you're kind to it. It takes years for humans to get better. There's not enough years or motivation for animals to do the same. This disney-esque way of thinking is just wrong and goes against self preservation.
No. 2074295
File: 1719879498973.webp (107.18 KB, 1505x1125, anthropomorphism_option_2.webp)

>>2074273Anthropomorphizing animals can count as a way to abuse them because animals are not humans. But these people are idiots.
A dog is a dog, not a person. No. 2074339
>>2074306Agree so hard. There isnt a single good shitbull alive.
>>2074270The way people project human emotions onto animals, especially dogs is especially sick. "Oh, he bit me once, but it was a love bite. it's okay now!" hate them all
No. 2074340
File: 1719882716182.jpeg (919.26 KB, 1170x1993, IMG_1591.jpeg)

>>2074185>these types of people are nutcasesFor fucking real. Like in what world does this ugly beast sound like a good pet?
>history a mystery >”loved on my own terms!”>no kids or other animals >needs a lot of training And of course
>fucking hideous “pittie smile!”Kill it with fire
No. 2074346
File: 1719882869325.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1170x1437, IMG_1589.jpeg)

>biting bars
>but listed for best behaviour
These people are so fucking stupid it hurts
No. 2074350
File: 1719882950514.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1170x1974, IMG_1588.jpeg)

>boxer mix
This is just ridiculous, anyone can see it’s a shitbull
No. 2074469
File: 1719894110089.jpeg (502.63 KB, 1170x1387, IMG_1587.jpeg)

This is so fucking infuriating, a curse on these scumbags for making their putrid, useless mutt another country’s problem. Imagine being so enslaved to an ugly, violent animal that you move to the other side of the world for it
No. 2074474
File: 1719894534141.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1170x1992, IMG_1586.jpeg)

>>2074339This uwufied humanisation makes me irrationally angry
>calling a fugly, inbred, murderous mutant that is so unpredictable it can’t be around children or other animals a “sensitive and shy handsome lad”>”king of the manor” because he’ll terrorise every other thing in the house, inanimate objects included I hope it gets euthanised, there is literally no point keeping such an aberration alive
No. 2074476
File: 1719895201289.png (573.15 KB, 693x565, IMG_20240701_223920.png)

>>2074474This thing looks so evil
No. 2074501
>>2073508Omfg, it's pseudemonas??? That shit can give you horrible pneumonia if it colonises the lungs, and septicaemia if you get it in a wound… its a gram negative bacteria too, tough to treat. Disgusting… I was already so put off by people talking about smelling their dogs' disgusting paws and them having a corn chip smell
>>2074469oh for fucks sake. pit bulls are illegal here, how that doesn't extend to all pit bull type dogs is infuriating to me. "bull arabs" (pit bull mutts) are another common offender here
No. 2074574
File: 1719904466849.jpg (73.54 KB, 644x525, a.jpg)

>>2074572Your average shitbull owner.
No. 2074604
File: 1719906892399.png (1009.16 KB, 805x1024, IMG_8183.png)

>>2074476I come here every day to say this but wow these things are fucking ugly
>>2074340>beautiful smile No. 2074727
File: 1719921205699.jpeg (253.3 KB, 1278x1500, IMG_1605.jpeg)

Shitbulls should be immediately shot in the head for this behaviour, keeping this piece of shit alive and trying to get it adopted is so fucking reckless
No. 2074729
File: 1719921254627.jpeg (522.33 KB, 1170x957, IMG_1604.jpeg)

>>2074727Accompanying tweet, I hate these pitfuckers so much
No. 2074741
File: 1719922580767.jpeg (757.19 KB, 1170x2059, IMG_1606.jpeg)

>>2074733And if you hate pits you’re a literal racist and a literal nazi doing a literal Holocaust
No. 2074788
File: 1719925688397.jpeg (926.52 KB, 1170x1045, IMG_1609.jpeg)

lmao look at its stupid face
No. 2074807
File: 1719927954673.jpeg (72.95 KB, 750x1000, IMG_6481.jpeg)

>>2065006Kek why do dog lovers act so childishly angry and aggressive when someone euthanized some aggressive disabled animal or does something minor like pet it the wrong way. They probably think they sound so scary and tough threatening death against “EVIL PITTY MURDERERS!” But then these pitty fags are just some obese furry with themby hair kekekekekk
No. 2074826
>>2074788Nitpicking and dumb, part of the reason the rest of the site sees us as unhinged, especially with one particular poster obviously circlejerking in here with their boomer style posts.
I have a big problem with the way my neighbors dogs impact my sleep schedule and neighborhood cleanliness, as well as the overall death and disfuguration of so many people every year getting swept under the rug, and how its possible to legally kill someone with a pitbull, but "this thing looks dumb" posts cheapen any point you have
No. 2074832
File: 1719930026670.webp (112.98 KB, 1012x1040, IMG_6482.webp)

>>2074476Kek it looks like this thing from that weird dinosaur movie
No. 2074993
File: 1719939542567.jpg (306.14 KB, 735x972, rr43t.jpg)

Another day, another psy-op.
No. 2075200
>>2074861>Goldie/labs/shepherds are usually the second/third cause of fatal dog maulings every year. I wouldn't be surprised if lots of those are actually pit mixes passed off as goldens/labs tbh, but the thing is, pits are the only dogs who maul unprovoked because a breeze tickled their crusty arsehole and
triggered them
No. 2075766
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Rest in piss
No. 2075886
File: 1719987606676.jpeg (260.2 KB, 1440x1800, IMG_1616.jpeg)

I would rather fucking kill myself
No. 2075888
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I hate the dodo so fucking much it’s unreal, their aggressive shitbull shilling is completely deranged. Just look at this shit, the amount of money that must have been wasted on food, shelter and vet treatment for this ugly mutt over the past four years. Money and resources that could go towards helping homeless women or women escaping domestic violence. It makes my blood boil.
No. 2075971
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>>2075888>neither do wereally? because his adoption info surely looks like this
No. 2075975
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Jesus Christ what an evil, psychotic looking animal
No. 2076026
>>2075888I don't trust shelters anymore, because they shamelessly lie and downplay how dangerous these dogs are. They are scammer-level of dishonest.
>>2075923It reminds me of the 'women committed a serious crime' articles when it turns out it was a tranny who did it. Dystopian.
No. 2076035
>>2074727He had a mouthful of shoe while biting the kid, that's why it didn't result in a dead or permanently maimed child. It's still a violent dog. It's not suitable for homes with children or other pets, and tbh it's not suited for a home with any humans in it at all. Put the thing to sleep, give it a more humane death than the one it's going to have when it strangles itself to death trying to eat the postman.
>>2075886Kek no need, they'll do the killing for you free of charge.
>>2075966If every pit lover adopted a pitbull the world would be a better place. I get being sad that a dog is being put to sleep for a minor infraction but that's not the fucking case, the leash biting and little love nips are always indicative of something much worse that the previous owners and the shelter are trying to cover up. I've had terrifying vet visits where scrawny manlets were struggling to contain their shitbulls around the other animals, some of them needed multiple people to corral it away from cats and rabbits in the waiting room. The owners always try to pass it off as a quirky funny thing, going on about how Nala just loves other doggos and gets a bit nippy around the kitties, you know full fucking well that when the dog gets surrendered to a shelter for trying to jump through a half-open car window and maul the driver they're going to say that the dog was a bit too nippy when playing with the neighbors. Shitbulls are illegal for a reason. If these bleeding heart speds managed to put two and two together they'd understand why putting aggressive animals to sleep is a good thing for everyone involved, including the dog.
No. 2076157
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Such nasty, psychopathic looking creatures, like the only thought in their heads is to maul
No. 2076314
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>>2075886Dont worry anon I fixed it
No. 2076374
>>2075975This animal can understand “the importance of sharing resources” el em aye oh
read: tries to bite you or your other stupid animal for going near its food. Greedy shit put it down.
No. 2076587
>>2075975He's literally smiledog on cocaine kek
>>2076140>>2076420Agreed, why would you breed two retarded dogs together? why can't people just pick normal dogs anymore
No. 2077170
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How is this even legal when it has killed another animal? Anyone who makes the decision to adopt such a violent creature needs to be on a watch list
No. 2077289
>>2077256>>2077269the way you're focusing on this ignoring the message of "children are more important than dogs" makes me think you're some kind of low functioning autist
children are more important than dogs btw
No. 2077344
>>2077289I'm just pointing out if yout think this is entartainemt your taste suck. Does that hurt you feefees so you have to call people autists to feel better?
Children are more important than dogs is cool and all but cape for a psycho moid because somewhere in his ramblings is a bit of this message is sad.
(infighting) No. 2077489
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I saw this awhile back, it was an insta reel about a child who hurt a cat enough it had to be taken to a vet hospital. The child was super young and didn't understand/know what he/she was doing. Yet most of the comments were vouching for the "euthanization" of the kid since an animal would have been if it was in the kids place. There were also freak ass pitbull owners joking about letting their pitbulls "play" with the child.
No. 2077493
>>2077410I hate how pit owners refer to pits hyperactive fits as "zoomies". It makes it sound harmless when they can legitimately hurt you in that state. My step grandfather had a female pit who would get into those fits and charge you at full speed. I always feared that if she knocked someone over she would have attempted to maul them. I knew not to run when she acted like that bc it would
trigger her to chase. One day I caught her about to charge me, and braced myself as she slammed full-body into me before turning around and taking off as I didn't flinch.
No. 2077497
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>>2077492Not completely related to the thread but yeah, these freaks have a screw loose to empathize with animals but not children. I see it all the time on that shithole app.
No. 2077728
>>2077493Holy shit
nonny that's horrifying
No. 2077785
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Why do dogs do this retarded shit where they run fast into you trying to knock you out like bowling pins in a wii sports game??? Dogs are incredibly dumb and just because your dog can pop his head down to get a treat or mess with your doorknobs does not mean it’s smart or intelligent.
No. 2078100
File: 1720132767717.jpg (136.89 KB, 1153x768, FagKillsBabySwans.jpg)

Grew up near a park where for years dogs were killing swans. Then people killing them. Usually an overlap where (men) came back to kill em with weapons if their dog couldn't first. The swans had a lil island in the middle of a lake away from people. The most protective of swans with young didn't bother you or wanna come off that 'safe' lil island. It was always a going out of your way to fuck with them thing.
Googled it and this wasn't my local but how tf did so many similar cases pop up. The same themes on repeat. Wants dog to kill swans. Dog might. Dog might not. Come back with weapons and shoot the things if your ego is bruised by your 'weak' dog.
>Man, 21, fired slingshot at swans and their cygnets before 'choking' his dog when it wouldn't chase the birds
>William Sheen ordered his Lurcher to try and injure the birds while simultaneously using a type of slingshot to hurt them
>The 21-year-old encouraged his dog to enter the pond and chase the birds. But in an instance when the dog didn't, Sheen pulled it up by its lead so that it was hanging in the air, with its back legs kicking the water below whilst making choking noises in a distressed state.
No. 2078117
>>2075972Oh I got recommended that one after posting mine. Something similar happened to me at the park
>walking in park>dog comes up barking and yapping, despite having a vest saying its not friendly>I continue to walk over to the exit of the park, dog keeps barking at me by my side>As I go to exit the park the dog gets in front of me going apeshit not letting me leave>I start to have a panic attack>A woman saunters over and says "oh dont worry, he doesnt bite">Finally puts the leash on the dog and walks off>Im so dumbfounded I go sit on the nearby bench and proceed to try and get my breathing in checkThe dog was twice the size of the bulldog there, not sure if that makes it a medium? dog. I hate irresponsible dog owners, especially when they know they have a yappy little shit and let it run around. This wasnt even a dog park it was a kids park with a massive playground, and now I have seen the woman put a "no kids" jacket on the dog and still walk it there. In future I hope to get it on camera if anything happens.
No. 2078156
>>2078130He was told by at least 5 people to get his dogs out of the park but he kept sperging about how he's the exception to the rule because his dogs are the good kind and whatever while me, the baby's mother and his girlfriend repeated 'the cat is scared, get the dog away from the cat.' I don't know how I or anyone else there (especially the toddler that is potentially at risk of being kicked or knocked over if the cat starts freaking out) would have benefited from… staying to argue with a retarded dog owner who's refusing to leave? This is such weird autism, when a moid is acting like a retard and can't be reasoned with the irl good thing to do is to remove yourself from the retard's presence ASAP. It's not reddit where you get special society points for sticking around to have a lengthy shitfight with an autistic retard. (Also I assume security did remove him or he left right after, because they do enforce rules in that park).
No, he didn't say he'll bring it in until someone makes him leave, he already brought the dogs in and said 'security will probably ask me to leave soon so then I'll leave,' after 4 other people already told him to leave. Were we supposed to, idk, tackle him? Taze him? Grab his dogs by the throat and take them out of the park while leaving the cat and baby on the grass unattended? Why do retards on this thread see a post by another anon and assume 'no one said anything,' I'm guessing it's projection of their own personalities.
This is turning into a really dumb and weird infight because some anons want to talk about how well they would be able to control a wild moid in public that doesn't listen to anyone, but it's off topic for the dog (and dog owners) hate thread. My point with telling the story was to demonstrate how retarded dog owners are about their dogs, not to get in slapfights about who would have 'handled' retarded dogs or dog owners better. It's funny that on this very thread people will talk about how dumb 'it's the owner, not the breed' rhetoric is or the rhetoric of blaming
victims for getting randomly attacked by dogs with owners that can't control them, but then turn around and advise people not to remove their pets and babies when a dog is scaring them. The problem with these animals and their owners is they're basically not possible to control (as the horse video above shows pretty clearly) by talking to them or giving them commands, so it's up to other people in public to be forced to avoid them and give up spaces they're entitled to using.
No. 2078183
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>>2078016most med-to-large dog owners actively harm society. they are complete antisocial psychopaths who care about nothing but their dog getting attention and praise for THEM. they cause huge messes, disrupt people, their dogs hurt children and smaller pets/dogs.
>>2078100scrotes are always mad that their dogs aren't shit unless they pick on smaller targets. they especially get butthurt when you bring up the fact that NO dog or wild canine can fuck with a wild cat 1 on 1. wild felines are apex predators. no wild canine is an apex predator.
>>2078130you sound like that faggot upthread who was mad about people saying dogs who bite kids should be killed. you're either a huge pickme or a scrote in a bad diguise. either way your responses all have that same autistic cadence and stink of ballsack.
No. 2078191
>>2078183First AYRT and they weren't medium dogs, they were those tiny white dirty mops. I actually wasn't afraid for my cat (other than her getting stressed) because she's larger than the dogs, I was afraid the baby might be caught in the crossfire though as the small yappy dogs were out of control. Luckily I've never seen anyone bring dogs of any size into that park before (there are even people who bring leashed bunnies to the park so security there are pretty strict with dogs) but the fact that this moid just waltzed in (after being told by his gf not to, and I also saw another dog owner on the sidewalk outside confronting him on his way in) and said 'oh I'll just leave when security comes and tells me to' makes me feel like I probably shouldn't bring my cat there because people could bring in bigger, more dangerous dogs like that too. I never really saw dog owners bringing them in there because it's right next to two dog parks so I assumed they wouldn't feel the need.
>>2078184No I didn't change my story, I just told a short version of the story because my emphasis was on the dumb behavior of the dog owner moid, not an excruciating play-by-play of events. I said in my first post his girlfriend had already told him not to bring the dogs into the park, then in a subsequent post I said it was a gated park with security that enforce rules so I thought from context it would be obvious that 'I'll stay until someone tells me to leave' was his response to us telling him to leave and referred to security. But since some of you seem to have trouble parsing context I'll give the extreme play by play in minute detail to clear things up:
>I see friend with bf/dogs outside the gate, friend tells moid to stay out there and wait for her, which he initially does, while she comes to tell me she'll be back after finishing the dogs' walk.>I then see moid approaching gate with dogs, but I see another moid with a dog outside stopping him and pointing to the no dogs sign, I assume he will take the hint so I redirect my attention back to my cat and the baby since I am not a retard and know that even my very sweet/calm cat might get spooked by the unpredictable behavior of a toddler so I want to keep my eye on their interactions>Notice cat freaking the fuck out, I look up to see the moid has come in with the dogs. >His gf says 'I told you to stay outside, dogs aren't allowed here' and me and the other girl tell him 'take the dogs away, they're not allowed here.'>Moid says 'yeah that guy outside said security will kick me out if I take the dogs inside, but I'll stay here until someone comes and tells me to leave' (referring to security)>We all tell him to get the dog away from the cat because the cat is flipping out and scared shitless>He says 'the dogs are such good dogs, don't worry'>I say 'okay then it's time for the cat to go home' and grab the cat, take it like 10 feet away from the dogs and try to wrangle it into its carrier>He grabs his dog and runs up on me and the cat while I'm zipping it into its carrier, going 'LOOK IT'S A CAT!' >Gets told off again by me and his gf for scaring the cat and is told to back off>Autistically laughs and says the cat is in a bag so the dog is harmless>I leave and take the cat home >Get back to the park (he is gone, only his gf is there) and she apologizes for her bf traumatizing her cat, says sorry multiple times, etc and that she talked to himHope that clears things up!
No. 2078298
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>>2078270Yeah, I reckon I could. I don't think she likes me much, though, lol. She has a harness on her "service dog" with all these stupid patches all over, like they all do. We had a class together, and the dog kept coming over to me, and she'd snap "Don't bother my dog". Like, I HATE dogs, girl. I am NOT bothing your slobbermutt. It's coming over HERE, and I don't want it to. I told her many times. Why don't YOU tighten the leash a little bit? Duh? This was in the woodshop– also why the fuck is there a dog in the woodshop with circular saws and whatever else saws and welders? like, hello– so I'd try to move away, but somehow she'd manage to waddle her invisible disability having self over closer to me so she could whine and yap about me "distracting" her doggo.
No. 2078314
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>>2078298samefag but the whole cottage industry that's popped up around these service dogs is really fascinating to me. They spend a LOT of money on their fancy little patches to slap on their mutts. The service shitbull here with the muzzle and choke collar on is probably wearing upwards of like $300 of consoom dog slop. It's really amazing, and I always think I should start shitting out some ugly patches to sell to these losers.
No. 2078341
>>2078314That's insanely counter productive, nobody is going to see those patches and recognize it as a service dog unless they take the time to read the text. It's like if you made a stop sign pretty colours and fancy fonts instead of plain white and red, safety related signage should be instantly, universally recognized even by people who can't read.
They couldn't make it more obvious they see their dog as an accessory.
No. 2078344
>>2078314Holy shit those are so retarded and embarassing kek. Also they absolutely want you to try to pet their dog so they can have an ounce of control in their lives by saying DO NOT INTERACT HES WORKING.
I stopped going to anime conventions but towards the end there there were so many “””emotional support”””” fleabags walking around convention centers and hotels with Amazon bought vests. The fat gendie owners reel in the attention.
No. 2078357
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I know this is a dog hate thread but can we include owners too because WTF
No. 2078360
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Was looking for a threadpic for next doghate thread, and saw this. Is anyone else really annoyed that "pets" is just code for dogs now? Someone on a dating app also asked why I have so many pets if I don't like animals. Like, what? I do like animals. I just don't like dogs.
>>2078357Ugh I don't know why dogfags don't just fix their nasty animals asap. All the cope about it being better for them to delay it is such crap. 100% of the time they just want to breed them for money. Dogfags are also some of the hugest crybabies, she absolutely posted this just as ragebait to fuel her
victim complex.
No. 2078361
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>>2078314these people are so disgusting and embarrassing i see them as completely undeserving of any respect.
No. 2078368
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i know it's a dog hate thread but i do feel pretty bad for the fake service dogs. they aren't trained at all, they live a horribly empty life and get forced to wear restrictive annoying clothes/vests all day. i don't like dogs but i also don't want them to suffer.
No. 2078383
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>>2078368>>2078361Honestly don't even think dog owners LIKE dogs because they do this silly crap to them all the time. That one with a mask INSIDE the muzzle is unreal.
>>2078365Pretty pozzed, sadly. I think it's more like the ADA is insanely aggressive and most institutions are likely to err on the side of caution rather than stand up for themselves.
No. 2078386
>>2078298Next time that shitbeast comes near you give it a stealth kick, teach that piece of shit a lesson. Service dogs for anything other than visual impairment are such a crock, it’s always ugly, smelly, hambeast gendies with neon hair that have them. The absolutely retarded patches alone make me feel violent.
>>2078336The catfags are insufferable too, but at least one of them has the sense to walk hers on a leash instead of letting it run loose to kill other animals and destroy the environment
No. 2078417
>>2078100what a fucking faggot, i hate moids so fucking much
>>2078191i sympathise with you anon, last year my cat had an ocular hemorrhage one morning (she was dying of ckd and her blood pressure had skyrocketed for whatever reason) and i took her to the emergency room, i was exhausted from work the previous day and just sitting there in the cat only zone crying quietly because i knew this was really bad, and she was just tense curled in my arms shaking a little from the splitting headache she likely had, and some fucking retard scrote with a little white yapping dogs plops himself down across from me and starts talking to me and letting his dog bark at me and my clearly terrified in pain cat! i was so tired and baffled i didnt say anything but thankfully the vet staff told him to fuck off in as many words. hope his dog was euthed that day
No. 2078421
>>2078156Everyone fighting you over this is indeed autistic as fuck
>>2078386>but wuh about the CATFAGS Rent free
No. 2078426
>>2078417I'm sorry about your cat nona. I wish every vet had a cat only entrance. My last vet did, and it was so useful. But my current vet doesn't, so every time I go there I'm stuck in a waiting room with a bunch of awful dogs.
Last time, I sat in a corner away from the dogs, and someone with a pitbull came and sat right next to me. She gave me a really dirty look when I got up and left to another corner. But sorry, your bloodsport dog can rip anything apart with its mutant face and I don't trust this piece of shit plastic Amazon carrier to protect my stinky idiot cat. So at least give me a little space you know? She kept giving me dirty looks and baby talking her pibble about how not everyone likes dogs that look like her and stuff like that. I was a little anxious because I was focused on my dumb little fur ball and his stupid health issues (he's fine now), so I was only half listening. But oh my god. Why are pittie owners such little
I hate it so much. I hate going to the vet so much.
Really, doesn't it make sense that a lot of the posters here have cats? I mean anyone who actually gives a damn about their cats knows that dogs are the number one menace to our pets. I really don't understand why people get so heated about cat owners being in this type of space.
No. 2078449
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Feeling bad for that baby
No. 2078453
>>2078404Read upthread if you missed the other posts nonna. That is exactly what I did, except several other people apart from me told him to leave first too and he ignored all of them. I think dog owners sometimes just have some toxoplasmosis level brainworms where it doesn't occur to them that other people are serious when they say they don't want their dogs around, or that rules are in place in certain parks specifically because the dogs are potentially dangerous and not just because people think their dog is 'bad' like those other dogs with the 'bad' owners. Like they see the 'no dogs' sign or 'leash your dog' sign and think 'oh, that's for the problem dogs and my pookie is a good dog whose presence no one could possibly resent.'
>>2078417I'm sorry about your terrible vet experience nonna, I'm glad at least vets have the spine to get dogs away from smaller animals. I think sometimes owners of small dogs act extra entitled because they think their dog is small therefore 'harmless' and the rules are for big dogs only, when there are multiple other reasons why someone wouldn't want small dogs in a specific space either (allergies, small dogs tend to be more hard to control than other animals too, usually not in carriers like other small animals, etc). Medium/big dogs are usually objectively more dangerous but at least the owners are usually aware that they shouldn't be jumping on tables, random strangers, etc. and usually make some attempt to train them better.
No. 2078455
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>>2078394>>2078440This is the same dog, now it’s a “bite incident”. And how can it be found stray and also surrendered? It’s either one or the other.
No. 2078489
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You love to see it, ugly mutt got smoked
No. 2078600
>>2077997Cover your mouth with one hand and chuckle while the other hand points at the moid and your head is turned toward your friend. You say to your friend 'you're dating THIS?'. Pretend the words the moid speaks are unintelligable gibberish. Leave.
>>2078016Record everything on your phone and tattle the moid to the park management.
No. 2078932
>>2078449the body language in the first pic is acutely terrifying , mouth tense, ears forward, eyes locked on target. fucking hell why are dogfags like this? of course its a pit, even though theyre "illegal"
>>2078426ayrt, thank you and sorry to hear you too had an annoying dogfag experience at the vet. really all vets should have a cat only entrace/waiting area. maybe im just an adult now and more aware of it, but i feel like the average pet dog is getting held to a lower and lower standard of training too, theyre liabilities.
No. 2079313
>>2078824Before dogs became known as ersatz husbands to proto-boymom pickmes, they were "man's best friend". Naturally, "humorous" books were written about how dogs are better than cats and how to kill your girlfriend's cat or some other incel schizo shit. You couldn't mention a cat without a malding dogfag instantly materializing out of nowhere to enter an imaginary one-sided debate about dogs being "just better animals". You are not wrong to associate dogs with moid identity or the moid need for nature to be filled with groveling bootlicking simps (as well as their desire to torture and kill any life that doesn't meet their infinite need for narc supply). Horrific environmental impact of dogs aside, the above is another reason why I never believe dogfags who LARP concern for wildlife - dogfags by definition hate all animals that behave like animals and not simp-mutants.
Dog hatred aside, I will never not find it funny how ordinarily cat-directed incel seething is now commonly aimed at "man's best friend" because it evolved to be a better brood parasite than its creator. Chef's kiss.
No. 2079552
>>2078489I want these morons to be forced to say what they expect to be done with these excess animals. There aren't enough high income, low work load homeowner, no kids, no others pets households out there to support all these giant destructive animals. The new homes straight up do not exist.
>>2079313>Dog hatred aside, I will never not find it funny how ordinarily cat-directed incel seething is now commonly aimed at "man's best friend" because it evolved to be a better brood parasite than its creator. It really is amazing how quickly dog hate picked up, especially because most of the women with dogs do still date men. Even the scrotes who drag their feet for years about any kind of commitment will still seethe about your pets. How dare you have a life outside some useless cheating boyfriend who can't even set aside one evening a week for a real date.
No. 2079580
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“Played rough with resident cat” yeah, it probably killed it
No. 2079581
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Absolute brain rot
No. 2079667
>>2079634I mean, why not just stay silent then? This is discord we're talking about, it's not like this was an active irl conversation. Sadly I think many many pet owners have eaten the "nanny dog" shit up. Some even said "omg so sweet!!" and "pitbull so cutee (aww emoji)", and these are people who regularly post about their cats.
>>2079637Believe me some people genuinely think pugs and bichons are cute cute. Weird ass taste.
No. 2079670
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>>2079667Their owners do, presumably, but I struggle to believe most other people think this is an adorable dog. Pugs and those really wrinkly ones that need their eyelids stapled open are just sad to look at, I am kind of freaked out by people who find an animal's constant suffering cute. I think pits genuinely inspire fear in most people.
No. 2079888
>>2079749Frenchies are one of my least favourite dogs of all time. They’re disgusting and retarded. I absolutely loathe them to death. They’re my second least favourite after shitbulls and all their variations, and that’s ONLY because they’re too small and dysgenic to kill. They’re just a retarded toy equivalent of the other bully breeds and they make the most disgusting demonic sounds. Hate them. The people who fawn over them are all tricked in the brain and should be put on a list. If you like that sort of dog you’re mengele adjacent. Demonic. Someone who hates nature and beauty at its core and seeks to corrupt it.
I’ve known people who hate children more than anything in the world, think babies are ugly and disgusting, yet LOVE French bulldogs. They’re people that need to be banished and exiled.
I couldn’t tolerate this for more than 1 minute without launching that screaming goblin into a wall. They make me want to get fucking violent.
No. 2079895
>>2079888Lol my cat normally does not react at all to any video I'm watching but the second I turned this on the cat ran in from another room looking terrified/alarmed, wtf is that sound? Imagine trying to drive with that thing wailing 2 feet behind you.
I don't even hate dogs (I hate pitbulls and shitty dog owners mainly), but it seems like dog breeders are dead set on creating the most dysgenic animals possible, why?
No. 2079910
>>2079895Because they’re disgusting people. They don’t respect an animals strength and power. They want to turn them all into hideous brood parasites they can sell for 4k a pup instead of creating a beautiful smart healthy animal that will live a long happy life, that will be somewhat useful. People treat their animals like accessories and breeders supply the demand. They care more about how it looks than anything and for some reason favour ugly looking dogs over normal ones.
People especially love the ugly small ones that they can carry around like an infant to make themselves feel better about the fact that they’re too fat and ugly to breed.
No. 2080121
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>implying being a black dog with scars is the reason why the shitbull was MuRdErEd
No. 2080455
>>2079888>I’ve known people who hate children more than anything in the world, think babies are ugly and disgusting, yet LOVE French bulldogs. They’re people that need to be banished and exiled.I swear being a stunted chungus adult-child who likes to alog about children and babies correlates highly with being a dogfag. These people can't stand not being the biggest baby in the room, but still feel the need to take care of a 'vulnerable' thing. Special needs war machines naturally appeal to them, since they're not a filthy little human (a danger to it, even) or related to mothers in any way.
Dogfaggotry is disturbing because it doesn't rely on typical admiration for beautiful/strong animals (felines, horses, bears, ancient canine breeds, etc) but isn't about taking care of a smaller, 'cuter' animal that might need special care and protection either (reptiles, cats, fish, rodents). It's not about intelligence (people who like crows, pigs or monkeyfags). Degenerate dogs are neither cute nor clever nor weak, yet they are doted on like you'd dote on a human child. It's sinister
No. 2080524
>>2080367Unneutered male dogs are insane. They smell a female dog 1 kilometer away and they will do anything to go and harass her. Even when they're not in heat they will still try to invade her and most of the time the owner does nothing. Not to mention that any unneutered male dog is useless once he smells a female because they're brainless, so guard or working dogs should never be males. Male dogs absolutely need to be neutered because they're that fucking stupid and aggressive but the (often male) owner thinks the dog's balls are his so he decides to keep his rapist dog as he is.
>>2080381Wolves do vocalize quite a lot actually, and other canines often just fucking scream. But dogs have evolved to bark (probably a result of domestication, like cats meowing) and since owners don't bother to excercise them all they can do to release energy and frustration is destroying shit and barking 24/7. It's not even a small crusty dog thing either, you know of how loud huskies are?
No. 2081381
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In the video the shitbeast is very clearly nervous as hell and doesn’t like being touched, turning its head in the opposite direction, whale eyeing, yawning and licking its lips, that is an animal that is not fit for adoption
No. 2081384
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>best rescue!!11!!
The delusion, lmao. If this fugly demon eyed monstrosity is such a heckin’ good boi pupperino then why is it wearing a muzzle like Hannibal Lecter?
No. 2081486
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A lot of you are probably aware of this but theres loads of posts like this on reddit asking people what they can label their dog as to get around the banned dog list for rental places. Are they really gonna be able to fool anyone into believing this dog is anything but a pitbull.
No. 2081499
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This “shy and sensitive” (read: will maul you and/or you children/other pets because it gets triggered by the existence of earth) mutant looks so fucking evil, its eyes are terrifying
No. 2081506
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>>2074727This piece of shit that they were trying to pass off as a puppy when it was two years old after it bit someone got what it deserved
No. 2081516
>>2079888you're absolutely right, I love animals and have had 2 dogs that I've loved so much
Just seeing dog breeds highlights how some dog lovers are good people. And then you see shit like frenchies and shitbulls and no sane person can come to any conclusion other than that they should be eradicated
No. 2127219
File: 1723146503374.mp4 (Spoiler Image,1.66 MB, 480x854, rapidsave.com__-wplqfuwsofhd1.…)

Look at this creature.