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No. 1426262
A thread to discuss the disdain around dogs, their owners and dog culture in general.
Dog lovers, please see this thread >>>/ot/686457
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/686468 No. 1426327
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My nigels sisters all have really retarded small designer dogs and whenever there is a family event it's full of these stupid little dogs. One of them is some sort of spaniel with a bulging massive skull and lopsided eyes it literally looks disabled and can't even run for 10 seconds without getting out of breath.
Another one is a pomeranian idk one of those tiny fluffy orange things that never shut the fuck up and are like the size of a teacup thanks to disgusting breeding.
Naturally because his sisters are also retards, none of these dogs are from a rescue or shelter.
The only small dogs I like are jack Russell's and deer head chihuahuas. They're the only smart small dogs I've met and jack russells are pretty athletic and good for catching pests. No idea why these retards keep buying retard dogs from breeders when you can get a good Jack Russell or a mutt from a rescue and it won't be half as disabled as whatever shit Hecking Dongo Teacup Toy Inbred Pupper breed you can get.
I miss when dogs were bred for a purpose and not just so they can sit on a yummy mummy of three's crushed velvet couch and become obese within a year and then die at 6 years old. Picrel for what a dog should actually look like, not some steroid freak velvet hippo or a fat wrinkly pug.
I instantly think less of people who buy pets from breeders too. Don't care what excuses they have for it, there are so many good dogs and cats that you can get from rescues. Strangely enough, every person I know who has bought a dog from a breeder is also very unintelligent, lazy and generally selfish. I guess that makes sense.
No. 1426912
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The spoilered pic is pretty graphic.
>The older brother of a nine-year-old boy who was viciously mauled by a pitbull revealed his family’s devastation and told us: “He will never be the same again.” >Alejandro’s face was ripped apart, with his bottom lip and each of his cheeks torn off, with extensive damage near his left eye. He also suffered serious leg injuries in the attack. >The family gave us pictures of Alejandro and permission to use them which show what damage such dogs can do and the extent of Sunday’s incident. >The sustained attack by the unmuzzled pitbull - which was roaming the estate freely - was only interrupted when a heroic family who are neighbours with Alejandro’s stopped as they drove by. same dog attacked another child 4 days earlier with lesser injuries that time.
No. 1428053
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This was posted by the guy who’s dogs killed his two kids and mauled his wife a couple of months ago.
No. 1428115
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Probably. Here's another. Apparently, they were designer pitbulls from a famous bloodline called "King Lion" or something, and that line has had other dogs that have mauled people. They were bought for thousands of dollars as puppies, so you can't blame trauma or upbringing. They supposedly had never shown any aggression in their 8 years, but I'd take that with a grain of salt. In pic related, you can see two comments that make the dogs out as being less than friendly. Maybe the owners counted this as "good guarding" rather than potentially dangerous behavior. Either way, they might have shown no aggression in a child-free household for 5 years, but the owners had only recently had their first child 2 years ago. I don't really know what's worse: if they were always obviously aggressive dogs and the owners just denied it, or if they really were good until they weren't and snapped, which you hear as a recurring theme in many of these pitbull attacks. Either way, it's awful.
No. 1428179
>>1428115>>1428053I don't get what causes this borderline religious devotion to this breed in particular.
>they might have shown no aggression in a child-free household for 5 years, but the owners had only recently had their first child 2 years agoI have a feeling that dogs being natural hunters is the reason they become so aggressive all of a sudden towards kids. The way dogs deal with boredom is barking at shit and chasing people and cars, the way they deal with stress is destroying stuff. That's because their instinct is to hunt and kill, and obviously this is seen more clearly in pitbulls. It really is like having "house lions", they shouldn't even own them in the first place for their own family's safety.
>They were bought for thousands of dollars as puppies, so you can't blame trauma or upbringingIMO that doesn't really mean they don't have trauma or were mistreated. A lot of people buy expensive animals as pets only to neglect them. But I agree that this probably isn't a case of bad upbringing. In my opinion, the dogs saw the kids as prey. I wonder if dogs also get jealous of babies because they get all the attention
No. 1428200
>>1428179Yeah I just mean they don't have the "he was a rescue so he was probably abused and
triggered because of past trauma" excuse. To me, it seems like it's something even beyond a typical predatory hunting instinct. Like the posters in the previous thread were talking about, pits seem to just go into "kill mode" where they will latch on and not let go even if they are being mortally wounded themselves. This isn't seen in even the fiercest wild predators out there. It's this horrifying behavior we selected for in fighting breeds. It seems even distinct from guard breeds. Like say a German Shepard or even a Rottweiler, they will usually display typical signs of aggression like growling, snarling, etc. before attacking. Pits, though, I have seen countless videos of them running up before attacking with tongues lolling, tails wagging. I've seen a video of a pit latched onto a cow being beaten over the head with a cinderblock, wagging its tail until it was dead. There is just something seriously, seriously wrong with them.
No. 1428945
>>1428925yes they can lol, the only difference is that they cant kill you or seriously injure you like a pitbull.
There was a women who was getting her lashes done and a chihuahua literally bit half of her eyelid off……
No. 1429161
>>1429069anon stfu that woman was getting her eyelashes done by a eyelash technician and the dog JUMPED on her while she was getting her eyelashes done and bit apart of her eyelids off. How is that her fault?
are you seriously using the same
victim blame logic that pitbull owners use?? hm not so different i guess mutt lovers are all the same.
No. 1429240
>>1426912Why the fuck AREN'T these dogs banned anyway?
Whenever there is a discussion about bans there is always at least a good pro-argument to be found somewhere. There fucking is none here. There is no fucking reason in this world for why someone needs a pitbull. If they want a dog they can get a billion different breeds, this breed literally only exists so that hools can brag with them.
>>1426925>Pitbulls are banned on my countryBased. Maybe someone will tell the police about that other guy and something happens.
>>1428179People who are anti for the sake of being anti are the most retarded cultic form of complete idiots you will ever find. The more the rest of society is proven right the more these nutcases will double down on their shit because they really want to be in the right.
>>1428250Dear no I don't hate Chihuahuas but they are ugly as shit imo lol
No. 1429671
>>1429172Thinking Chihuahua's are harmless does not mean I don't think they should be trained. All pets should be trained if they can be, but saying that Chihuahuas or other lap dog breeds are dangerous is plain wrong.
I don't know the story of the woman that had her eyelashes bit off but I highly doubt that the dog just jumped up out of nowhere and decided to bite her. Most likely it was already showing signs of aggression or nervousness, was not trained, was allowed to jump up and then bit her. Only Pitbulls and other fighting dogs snap out of nowhere and only big dogs really have the power to take down an adult human.
>>1429161Stop throwing "
victim blame!!" around. Let's be real, it's always people's fault because dogs are animals and can't know better. Even Pitbull were bred that way by humans and it's the breeder's fault. If the Chihuahua in question was the technician's then it's their fault, if it was hers then it's her fault. But obviously the dog was allowed to bite by someone.
No. 1429757
>>1429240 >Why the fuck AREN'T these dogs banned anyway?They aren't banned in my country but in an update to the story today. These people were living in 'local authority housing' idk what other countries call it but free government housing or very low cost housing where the goverment foots most of the bill. All tenants there have signed an agreement saying that 10 breeds of dog are banned from there. Pitbulls obvs being one of them. The owner has now left the building and is probably being housed somewhere else. For free of course. Away from any anger he might get from locals.
Years ago I lived in apartment buildings where maybe half the tenants were under some sort of free rent scheme. It was always those people who had pitbulls in a building that doesn't allow them there. I'll forever associate pitbulls with the scummiest insecure manly men who see dogs as a macho status thing. Because that is the average pitbull owner where I live. Losers who take hand outs but can't even respect a single rule in return for their free ride. They don't care about nextdoors kids or the risk posed. The appeal of the breed for them is that fear and in their twisted minds the 'respect' they get from walking around with a dangerous breed.
No. 1430876
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>>1429240They are banned in the UK thank goodness, but that doesn't stop people getting them bred illegally, or having pit mixes. There are still many other bully breeds that aren't banned that are still killing people to this day. Recently in Liverpool a poor little girl got savagely killed by an XL Bully. Picrel is the type of dog that killed her. I think they are worse than pitbulls. It made national news and I think it opened up more discussion about how dogs in general are fucking awful animals and shouldn't be anywhere near children. Here's a link to the news article about it:,the%20American%20Bully%20XL%20dog.
No. 1431674
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No. 1431688
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>>1431674>wolf mix Oh my fucking god no.
No. 1431704
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>>1430876In my country there was a huge uproar happening years ago after a dog killed two people, it was a Staffordshire-Terrier mix and I had honestly never even heard about that breed before.
Look at this shit:
>A Staffordshire Terrier named "Chico" has been euthanized by Hanover authorities after killing its owner and her son. A petition calling for authorities to stay the execution had received nearly 290,000 signatures. people that are legit brain dead. Sometimes I hope these trash dogs attack all of their owners. They protested for months, held funeral marches for that creature after it was killed and they were wearing Chico-badges and avatars on facebook. The rest of the country made fun of them which was just another confirmation to them that the world was mean to them.
Everytime you saw them on TV it was the most degenerated people you could imagine. Neo-nazis and their wives, alcoholics, crazy fat and unkempt screechers etc., the more normal looking people were actually esoteric shizos and anti-vaxxers and so on.
All of them calling the press liars because "dogs can do no wrong, humans evil, hehe, me very smart". It's largely the same fucking trash that throws a party whenever they see a whole refugee family drown in the ocean.
No. 1431710
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this happened the other day not to far from where i live and it’s just so sad. apparently the owner had a dangerous dog sign up in front of the property but it just sucks because it’s this guys job to go on properties and read the electricity meter. apparently the dogs responsible were a Bandog Bullmastiff and a Rhodesian Ridgeback. i know people want to protect themselves and their homes but i don’t know why you need deadly aggressive dogs in the city. just a horrible way to go No. 1431711
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>>1431674This is apparently what an adult version looks like lol
No. 1431727
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I love how activists try to use this as a gotcha. They claim “pit bull” is a made up term that has no basis and people label any dog they don’t like as a pit bull. When in actuality, we understand very well that “pit bull” isn’t one specific breed, but a colloquial term for a collection of related breeds with common origin and purpose in the bulldog and bull and terrier groups. Your AST is a pit. Your APBT is a pit. Your bully is a pit. Your SBT is a pit. Yes they are all different breeds. Yes they are all still pits. Yes they are all dangerous breeds.
No. 1431765
>>1431759I’ll never understand people who record their dogs
doing that. Especially if they’re sniffing a woman, scrotes love jumping on that shit either to insult the woman or make sex jokes. And don’t get me started on those weird fuckers that let their dogs lick the inside of their mouths. Dog people can be so fucking weird
No. 1431774
>>1431767Agree, I am so happy dogs are uncommon as hell here nowadays because most people are singles or live in small apartments and nobody has the nerve to rise an hour earlier than needed to walk the dog and walk it again right after coming home and being dead tired and hungry at 6PM and maybe even pay a babysitter because most dogs won't shut up if they are left alone.
Everybody buys cats now. We already have 22000000 cats here now and that's only those that are registered already.
No. 1431778
>>1431774Really? They have become less popular where you live now? When I was a kid it was like
>single people rarely own dogs>decent amount of families with kids own dogs, but they are mostly outside or trained to behave inside by staying off couches, beds, etc.>maybe only one person you know has a ton of dogs that rule the house, but they are an outlier >people keep their dogs on their property and walk them around their neighborhood daily, but that’s the extent of where they go >most popular breeds are like labs and golden retrievers Now it’s like:
>everyone by default own dogs, even young people in apartments >families have packs >people treat them like children, taking them everywhere, even in strollers >you sleep with your dog, you eat with your dog, you travel with your dog>most popular breeds are pit bulls No. 1431800
>>1431778>most popular breeds are pit bullsWow damn. But not gonna lie I think the earlier points would be similar here if it wasn't for the little apartments and lack of family ties here. People who are away from home all day cannot take care of a dog and they usually make trouble when they are alone (and it's also torture since they are social animals). Other reasons might be that they have to register them here and pay a tax and they are also forced to pick up their dog's shit when they take a dump outside or else the owners might get a fine of hundreds of euro.
All this helped, so cities in particular are almost devoid of dogs and those that still get them are almost solely Dwarf Spitz- and Chihuaha fans since these breeds are so small that everybody can always carry them with them.
My cat is like three times the size of some Spitzs I see lmao
No. 1432305
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read em and weep
No. 1432365
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>>1431817>>1431711wolf hybrids remain predatory even toward humans(they should never be considered pets) but wolves have self-preservation instincts though and natural waryness towards people, I do wonder what a behavior a pitbull wolf mix would display, whether the nature of the two would cancel each other out or somehow become even worse
picrel is a wolf mastiff
No. 1434017
>>1434009>shitty husky kills duckI hate that so much. And so many dog owners are just like 'well that's how they are.'
I hate dogs so much.
No. 1434024
>>1434009How fucking entitled! They have acres to walk their dogs but insist on going on land where they are not allowed with ample signage. That scrote is a fucking moron, he's with dogs in a area that they're not allowed in and tries to snitch on you.
I'm also over people bringing their dogs to breweries. I rarely go but last week I went to say goodbye party for coworker and a dog wouldn't stop yapping and crying.
No. 1434049
>>1434009You can tell which owners get a dog, decide to vaguely train it then completely give up. It's embarrassing when you see their dog turn around when they're called but continue to give 0 shit. And they have the audacity to keep them off leash (just because your dog decides to hang around out of his own free will doesn't mean he won't bolt out if he has 0 recall)
So many of my friends have dogs and all of them are poorly trained. Some dogs are pretty chill but that's entirely because of their own personality.
They're fucking impossible to take anywhere because you introduce the tiniest new distraction to them and they'll go off. Cue my friends acting all shocked like it's the first time it ever happens.
Dog owners are either the most delusional or hypocritical people I've ever met in my life. I've seen dogs start seriously attacking my friends' dog in parks and the other owners will be like "oh no they weren't serious they were just play fighting! They're just kinda rowdy like that but they're friendly".
Or I'll petsit for them and notify them about their dog being aggressive towards my own neighbours and they'll act shocked or tell me that never happens at home. Well it does happens at mine so why is it hard to accept that concept? At least cat owners will be like "My cat is a fucking asshole but i love him. Don't let your toes wiggle outside the blanket if you sleep over, he'll attack them tho"
And I don't even hate dogs, they're just animals doing what they were bred to do, but I'm fucking tired of seeing 100lbs chicks get a pit or pit mix cause it was trendy and they were working from home during the pandemic. Great, now your puppy is half your weight and got twice the amount of muscle, how do you plan to restrain it if it gets loose?
No. 1434137
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>>1428053Holy shit this fucking pisses me off, they have a gofundme that raised almost 120 thousand dollars to help these two retards "get back on their feet." Sorry if I sound like cynical cold bitch but they fucking did this to themselves, they killed their children with their stupidity. The people donating should be giving their money to those who deserve it. There's gofundme's for women with cancer that can't even get 1/100th of their medical bills covered but these two dumbasses get 120 thousand? Two kids are dead because of them and I hope they blame themselves for it for the rest of their lives.
No. 1434308
>>1434042Because stupid moids have convinced themselves they need "a real dog that does work and not a stupid princess dog" so they go and get a large yappy dog they can't be bothered to train and did no research on even though the most work they do is a 9-5 and waiting for their Volvo to warm up before getting Starbucks and coming back and then the dog is even more aggressive because their yard is a tiny square
Seriously though why the hell do moids go dog shopping as if they're either drug lords or farmers with 20 acres of land? In reality they're either in the burbs or live in some tiny box apartment at best and are as basic as possible. and ofc they don't want to get a small low maintenance dog because it's a girly dog even though realistically a shih tzu would fit their lifestyle tons better than a whole ass German shepherd
No. 1434519
>>1432958My aunt had a german Shepard that was an absolute sweetheart, never barked at anything and honestly kind of a weenie, she even foster momed some baby bunnies. I believe they got her from a reputable breeder though and she didn't have the awful sloped back like the show breed ones do. I have also met 2 instances of yellow labs of all things that were unstable and aggressive. One had to be sent away after randomly biting an old woman and making her bleed that wasn't even bothering her. I goes to show
any breed of dog can have a bad personality, but it's especially dangerous for large dogs
No. 1436358
>>1436265They better put that dog down. Holyshit, I hope your friend is okay. that's so terrifying that dogs can just snap out of nowhere.
I stopped being friends with someone because whenever I would visit her, her dog would HAVE to sit on the couch. It was a small loveseat and she was a huge black lab that would force her way into my area and growl if i got too close. I'm glad that dog is dead now, and I still dont talk to my friend even though she reached out to me. She never trained the dog and i confronted her about it and she got angry at me, so fuck em both.
No. 1436364
>>1436265I'm glad it wasn't worse.. I can't imagine just trying to watch a movie and I'm suddenly attacked by a dog in someone's home.
>Someone else I work with started on that bullshit where the dog sensed her negative energy and fear and attacked her because of that. Why are dog people allowed to go around victim blaming for dog attacks? I bet you that person also claims to be an empath. Why do people have more empathy for dogs than women getting hurt??
No. 1438035
>>>/ot/1438031>>1436385Please come rant nonna, I will listen.
No. 1442291
I fucking loathe all dogs. Yes, I hate your pit, I hate your chihuahua, I hate your shiba inu, I hate your labrador, I hate your samoyed, and I hate your golden retriever. I wish I could magically make all these worthless 'pets' disappear off the face of the earth and leave the owners whimpering and bawwing because they don't have precious Luna/Blue/Bella/Zeus around anymore. The only ones worth keeping around are service dogs but they should be kept strictly out of public unless performing their job. Dogs are the shittiest 'pet' you could possibly own and I automatically think you're a trashy human being if you own one. Sorry not everyone enjoys or wants to interact with your retarded, slobbering, stinking, greasy, jumping, barking, biting, child mauling piece of shit you call a pet while it goes off killing actual, worthwhile pets and shitting on your floor. Sorry you're so insecure that you need an animal to listen to your every asinine command and worship your feet in order to think it loves you. Hey dipshit, it only likes the fact that you feed it, not you as a person. Fucking hideous disgusting worthless creatures (that goes for both the dogs and the dog owners).
No. 1442793
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Truly my worst nightmare
No. 1442819
nonnie this is actually pretty serious. This pibble is suffering from a rare disease caused by a fault in the genetics of the pitbull. The gene responsible for this is called the Tesla-Babby gene. It makes pitbulls look at Tesla cars and go "hey this looks like a newborn infant's soft squishy head" and they start chewing that shit like no tomorrow.
No. 1442838
>>1442291Based. People who own dogs are worthless. Aside from service dogs and dogs they use at hospices to help dying patients, or ones that work on farms. Dogs make all areas worse with their barking, shitting and pissing everywhere.
Even if you never stepped in dog shit, I bet you were kept up at night or woken up in the morning by loud barking.
Dogs shed everywhere, jump on you and lick your face even though they took a nice bath with their genitals. Dogs are filthy creatures no matter how many times you bathe them.
No. 1442850
>>1431704I swear by god, we are the most dog-crazy country on earth. Money spent on dog >>>>>>>>>> money spent on kids.
People here literally can't comprehend that somebody does NOT love their uwu babies. Saying No when getting sniffed/jumped or even I'm scared/allergic to fur means nothing to them.
Is it allowed in other countries to take your dogs in shops and restaurants? Here they take them absolutely everywhere.
No. 1443304
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I hate my mom's dog, she has picrel. It recently killed one of her rabbits and she of course was more worried about me blaming her than the fact that one of her pets died. It was her fault tho. She lets them all free roam. I hate it. The dog jumps on me and has smelly paws and she never walks it and it's an unfixed male to boot. He behaves pretty well when I take him for walks and doesn't get aggressive during play, decent enough recall, I know she took it to a couple training classes as a puppy but obviously nothing since then and he lunges when he sees other dogs/people at a distance. Zero socialization outside the home. I'm worried about something happening to my siblings while I'm not around so I try to be involved when I am there, try to get some of that energy out through long walks and heavy play. Reality is, it's a working animal with nothing to do. Shit's dangerous. Any advice, anons? I've been trying to point out the obvious (needs rehoming asap) but she's a pretty volatile person in general and doesn't listen to me most days anyway.
No. 1444301
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You just know…
No. 1449218
>>1449201From what I read choking them is the best option when you want to pull them away from a person or an animal, you just have to cut their air supply with a belt or a leash etc. It gest way more complicated when
you're the one who's being attacked. I found some posts from people who managed to defend themselves or even kill a pitbull who was attacking them, and looks like the best option is to carry a knife. But you would have to sacrifice your non dominant arm, just to give it something to bite on, other than your face or neck. And then just stab it as hard and as fast as you can in the face and neck, especially in the space behind their ears (carotid artery) and in the eyes.
No. 1449339
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>>1449046They have a device specifically made to unlatch pit bulls called a "break stick" that works by forcing the dog to instead bite down on the stick so whatever was originally in their mouth can escape. It's crazy. I don't think people should have these dogs, but if they do, they should always have a break stick on hand and know how to use it.
No. 1449359
>>1434913Ive always heard about cats being assholes, but i havent seen much examples. I dont have a cat, but my cousins did, and she was just so sweet.
The association of cats with women is kind of weird too. Masculine and feminine traits can be ascribed to both cats and dogs. So why women?
No. 1449374
>>1449046Trying to find more about this attack, I came across no less than 3 almost identical attacks (woman owner can't control pit and it attacks golden retriever and golden's owner):
Here is more on the attack in the video:, the owner posted about it to r/reactivedogs. This took place in Berkeley (should have guessed by half the people in the video wearing cringe tshirts and girl thinking it would be so cute to take pitty to the cafe with them). The pit was being walked by a roommate and not the owner. It was eventually gotten off of the retriever by the broomstick being wedged in its mouth. The retriever had serious muscle and tendon damage but didn't lose its leg (probably). The pit was deemed a vicious and dangerous dog by the city but was not euthanized. I'll just let the screenshots of the pit owner's reaction speak for themselves.
Also, found this retarded article giving contradictory "advice" of what should have been done, including that the dog wouldn't stop attacking because the crowd was too excited, but also to stop a dog attack you should make loud sounds and yell at the dog. Also, pick the dog up, but also don't get involved silly! No. 1449470
>>1449357>armchair adminI've been here longer than you and those words don't mean what you think they mean. Posting gore is obviously against the rules and common sense not to directly post it, this includes mauled animals. I get that anon posted it to talk about it, but nonnas shouldn't be forced to look at hurt animals while they're scrolling.
>>1449359The people who call them asshole usually went out of their way to ignore cat's body language or don't give them any space/respect and then get mad when the cat becomes aggressive in return.
And I think that anon means portrayal of cats can be stereotypically "female" in general media, like in some old child cartoons for starters.
No. 1449647
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>>1449359It's really weird given the fact that cats are quite autistic (which I love), and many men are autistic, they should love cats, right? But well, most men just love slave traits too much and dogs have slave mentality so they usually prefer dogs. Women respect each other's space and a cat needs its space respected, so women and cats get along better. I think there's also some cultural association between cats and women because of witches and how society treated them back them.
It's still funny how cats have asshole reputation when dogs did so much more damage. I had people telling me bullshit like 'a bloo bloo a cat scratched me when I was a kid and that's why I hate cats'. But have you ever heard about a cat mauling a child? Or bitting its owner's face off? Meanwhile you have people who lost parts of their bodies because of dogs and they're like 'I still love doggos, don't blame the doggos, it was probably my fault or some other human's fault for provoking the poor doggo to bite my penis off!'. I genuinely believe those people are mentally ill.
No. 1452719
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Do dog owners think this kind of thing is cute wtf
No. 1452732
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the pictures are really bad. reminder that many pitbull attack statistics only count the incident if you died and not these disfigurements.
No. 1453542
>>1453517They compare Pitbulls to African Americans.
Deducing that dogs are all the same and the environment is to blame……..
No. 1454531
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No. 1454552
>>1454517Their dogs sound like they have anxiety and/or infected paws. Understimulated dogs chew their feet and paws when they are in distress. Since they have three poorly trained dogs I'm guessing that's what it is. I don't understand why people get 2-4 dogs when they don't have the time to even properly take care of one? Nobody was holding them at gunpoint and forcing them to adopt all those dogs
Also I hate visiting someone and their dog becomes the star of the show. My dogs do greet people when they come over (no jumping) then they go to their spots and sleep unless my guests continue to interact with them. Meanwhile I've been at people's houses where they let their dogs jump and claw and bite me (then they blame me for riling the dog up when I was literally just sitting there), or the dog barks so loud we can't hear each other talk, or it jumps on the tables and steals food. At that point it's like, why don't you crate it in closed room? Why are you acting like you are in an
abusive relationship with your dogs
No. 1454738
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My parents just came home with a dog. It's over. I really need to move out. It's a German Shepherd mix too. Why.
No. 1454832
File: 1671952122051.jpg (241.27 KB, 1600x1131, Boston-Terrier-dog.jpg)

not really full on hate but why did every american celebrity get this super ugly dog? it's seriously such an unappealing dog and yet dull that i can't grasp its popularity for a long while
No. 1456594
>>1454531That woman has no control over that dog; look how it drags her along. Shit animal with a shit owner.
>>1455393I thought you were wrong, but nope. That dog truly has nothing behind its eyes.
No. 1456618
Nothing wrong with big dogs, except… They need to be outside, preferably on a farm to protect the animals, if that is what their breed is for. They need to be outside and have a place outside to sleep and play safely, not inside. They need to be able to hunt, if it is part of their breed, without there being a risk of accidentally killing someone's pet bird or bunny. On a local farm they have a huge dog of basically 160cm, I don't know the weight. He was gigantic, but so so gentle toward me. He didn't run up to me or bother me. When I pet him, he didn't become overly excited, he was very focused. When the sheep got loose, he ran over to them and made sure they all stayed put. It was very amazing to see, and that's what dogs are for. I don't like small dogs, honestly. I like the one my grandparents have because I grew up with it, but I don't support the breeding of them. Dogs are supposed to be in their natural habitat (as far as is possible considering they're domesticated) and nothing more. My boyfriend has small dogs and although I pretend to like them, I really don't. They're retarded, ugly, worthless. They seriously can't do anything and they are smelly. I would never tell him this and it's easy for me to pretend the opposite, but ugh it kind of bothers me he and his family pretend they're cute and whatever. They're so boring and retarded looking seriously. They're weird Pomeranian chihuahua whatever dogs.
No. 1458526
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I’m kinda sad — I really love sharing food with my cat, but I moved in with my boyfriend who has a dog. Before I would share something from every meal with my cat, especially as I hardly ever eat meat I would try to get unseasoned so I can give it to him. It was so cute and sometimes we would turn it into a game. But now the dog gets jealous and territorial. He was always a chill dog and never begged for food until he saw me feed my cat. it’s actively making my boyfriends dog a worse person, so I have to stop.
No. 1458626
>>1458569If the dog doesn't have a kong already you should get it one it's like a binky for dogs it makes them shut up for like 30 minutes. Or a lick mat. I hate animals that beg that shit has to be nipped in the bud or it can snowball. They should have their own shit and not want human food
>>1457962This pissed me off so much. I hate how entitled some people are with their dogs. Like I have two dogs and newsflash I don't want your fucking mutt jumping on me or getting in my grill. It's just bad manners to let your dogs run up on somebody even if they are friendly. I've been involved in multiple dog attacks and it gets my adrenaline pumping I understand how you feel. I don't think I'm in the wrong for being uncomfortable when someone's dog runs up on me the other person just needs to not be so self centered. I don't know you OR YOUR MUTT from adam
No. 1460425
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White boy wit da dog, I hope there are no vetenarians around to check for anal tears!
No. 1460634
>Poor pitties, they always get abused that's why they're so dangerous humans won't let them alone :(
Yknow what could help with such a sad situation? Stop breeding pitbulls, they get abused because they're quite literally the max predator of their own species, they we're engineered to kill, their mere existence is wrong and that's why it attracts so many criminals, ain't nobody getting a golden to win dog fights
If you want pittbulls to stop suffering, at least fucking breed their deadly traits out…but you won't, right? because then it wouldn't be a pittbull anymore it would be a ~villified~ breed, just a normal dog and you won't like that, you need to "protect the beast" instead of actually helping this miserable dog and fixing their fucked up ancestry.
Your pittie will kill one day and then will get inevitably put down, and you know it, you know that poor dog will eventually act on its twisted instincts and get itself killed but you don't care, as long as it gives you validation
No. 1460672
>>1457931This shit enrages me so much. Dog owners will talk about how “look, see, the cat is the real boss here and hits my dog every day!” meanwhile their cat is stressed to all hell and desperately trying to set boundaries with a gigantic creature that is actively in hunting mode and likely to turn the cat into a chew toy if the cat doesn’t attack.
There are so many times owners let this slide because the cat always fends off the dog and escapes by being more nimble, but one day the dog corners the cat and bites.
Even if it was “safe” the cat deserves to live in peace.
No. 1460699
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>>1457682It's crazy how some of you think that the breed is bad with pits but bc you see cute videos of other aggressive, related breeds you think they're fine. Pic rel.
No. 1468477
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And here we are again. Poor little girl.
No. 1469180
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"awww look, he's smiling!!"
No. 1469366
>>1469348they even maul the shit out of other dogs but no one cares. we cant get any legislature to even be talked about without everyone screeching. I've seen the leftovers of many street cats and even some dogs growing up in the hood where 80% of dogs were pits or pit mixes. I spotted one pit roaming by my front door as a kid walking home from the bus stop and I went around to the backdoor and looked through the window to see the fucker was approaching while I was fumbling for the keys and I didnt even notice. I was so scared for my mom to come home I called her and made her wait in the car and run inside when I checked all the windows. Shes terrified of dogs but no one respects that and insists on breaking that boundary down.
always hear something about chihuahuas being "more aggressive", "owner not the breed". most people cant train their dogs to not shit on the carpet, as if theres random people all over america training their dogs to kill things after a long shift at dairy queen. its just a ugly ass shit breed and I'd rather face 2000 raging chihuahuas than ever interact with a pitbull or someone who owns them
No. 1469453
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>>1464278I have never seen a black person use this argument it’s always the woke white retards. (Also fat white bitches saying “fat phobia is rooted in anti-blackness”) what’s with them? Do they think that they sound smart for comparing apples to oranges? Hating violent dangerous beasts that kill kids every day isn’t comparable to racism at all. If anything saying that sounds more racist to me than someone saying they don’t like pit bulls. People are people, yes we come from different areas so we have different physical attributes, but that isn’t comparable to being selectively bred for the purpose of aggression. And the idiots in the comments like “ I know a pibble and he’s so sweet! He wouldn’t hurt a fly.” I am gonna carry a gun for the purpose of killing any dangerous males I come across or any dangerous disgusting pibble that even so much as comes within a yard of me because it’s just a disaster waiting to happen.
No. 1469569
File: 1673454834737.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 976x1290, pitbull horror.png)

>>1469366Pitbulls will bite, maul and kill their own siblings, it's horrifying. I've seen videos of them latching on to each other and they won't let go even when the other puppy is screaming and crying.
I almost wish I hadn't seen this picture, of a litter of 9-week-old pitbull puppies who had not only killed 3 of their siblings, but ATE THEM DOWN TO THE HEAD even though they had a a feeder still full of kibble. In the photo there's nothing left of one puppy besides some blood on the floor and the puppy's grimacing, decapitated head. Absolutely fucking harrowing.
No. 1470294
>>1469496If your bf didnt even try to protect you, he aint shit. You did nothing wrong and your reaction was perfectly
valid facing an unleashed dog. Always carry a knife or mace on you.
No. 1470437
>>1470328>It's going to have to get worse before it gets betterThey already maul and kill adults, kids, other dogs and even ate their own, daily, over and over again, the statistics are insane. I cannot even
imagine a worst case scenario, this thing is already at its peak
No. 1470512
>>1470477Akiras and chowschows are very fucking dangerous of course, the difference is that nobody's denying it or being delusional about their power unlike pittie lovers.
I bet pitbulls wouldn't be as hated or kill as much as they do if they were recognized for what they're: a dog-fighter, not a baby, then only licensed trainers would have them and maybe you would see a pitbull like 3 times in your life at most
>>1470486Apparently they were on another person's yard, that's why the owner couldn't hear them
No. 1470554
>>1469496It's just how dog worshipping culture is. If you didn't get attacked, you're a dumbass overexaggerating. If you did get attacked, you provoked it.
Either way, it all just adds another factor onto the pile of why taking a simple walk can make us nervous.
No. 1470591
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>>1470328Poor, uneducated idiots defend shitbulls and then we have big name celebs like Patrick Stewart from Star trek advocating for them, which is a big slap to the face for any
victims of these attacks. I had to unfollow him on social media because he went on a big 'these dogs just want love like other kinds of dogs. they're misunderstood' bullshit rant and he even fostered them. If he would have gotten mauled, I wouldn't have even been mad at this point, just disappointed as a TNG fan. No. 1470668
>>1470512…and why would a litter of dogs be anywhere but inside their owner's house? And anyway, how did no one hear the hellish screeching? Do people really leave a bunch of puppies unsupervised and without crates? It's insane to me.
>Akiras and chowschows are very fucking dangerous of course, the difference is that nobody's denying itThat's definitely true for chowchows, but I've seen people talk about Akitas as these noble hunters that are almost more intelligent and responsible than normal dogs when in reality they can be as retarded and dangerous as any other dog.
No. 1473206
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There's plenty of nonas here that have asked what to do to make a dog let go or how to open a dog's mouth in case of an attack. I have a piece of shit dog that I'm waiting to finally kick the bucket (which hopefully will be sooner than later) and she has to take pills every time we want to travel. Because of that I learned how to open a dog's mouth quickly and without a fail, I'm going to share in case any of you will ever need that for whatever reason. Good thing is that it will work for any breed, shitbulls included. It can however break bones on small dogs so be careful with those.
What you want to do is put your index finger on one side of the dog's skull and your thumb on the other side, preferably from bellow the dog's head. Then you push both fingers into the spot I marked in picrel, it's a small 'gap' that pretty much all mammals have. You push your fingers into that spot until the dog lets go. Works like a charm, just be careful to not get your fingers bitten if the animal is aggressive.
No. 1473382
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woman who worked as dogwalker gets mauled to death by 7 dogs and immediately the DoG BehAviorALisTs start caping
>Horrified sources have recalled the sheer terror of the dog walker, 28, who tried to keep onlookers away even as the animals - who were 'like a pack of wolves' - attacked her in the remote beauty spot Gravelly Hill in Caterham at 2.45pm on Thursday.
>There was no barking – just her screaming. She was being attacked, she was trying to sit up, but with the dogs around her and going for her arms she couldn't do it. It was a frenzy.
>She was reportedly walking up to seven dogs at the time and was attempting to wrangle the animals after one lunged at a woman and her smaller dog who were also in the park.
No. 1473420
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>>1472214kek, it's true. The only thing missing from this picture is a pitbull named Luna.
No. 1473469
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ofc it is a troon said this. other replies to this tweet are also just as sick wishing death on a toddler as if he was even aware of what he was doing and should’ve been watched by his parents. And the fact that people are acting this way after a 6 year old got mauled to death not more than a week ago by those shitbags is disgusting.
No. 1473557
>>1473469>>1473471Here is the full video seems that the kid was with his older brother? You can see them running away at the end of the video. Sure kids shouldn't be shitting animals in general, but why the fuck didn't the owner step in? And why is a shitbull not muzzled in a public place with lots of people? I just don't understand why you would take a chance on a child getting bitten by YOUR dog.
Kids do dumb things all the time but it is on adults to watch them and stop them before they get hurt. I'm just baffled that the owner let that happen, did the want the boy to get hurt?
No. 1473841
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>>1473718Every time i open this thread a pitbull does something increasingly fucked up, last time it was puppies eating their own brothers now this absolute bullshit, these dogs are committed to traumatizing people as much a possible
No. 1473858
>>1473718When I was 12 I was visiting one of my sister's friends with her and she had an un-neutered beagle who tried to mount me for 10 minutes. And all they did (including the friend's mother!) during that time was to laugh at me.
I used to love dogs but I have been scared of them since that time, why can't dog owners act normal? That thing was as tall as me when he stood on two legs, I had never been so scared.
No. 1473897
>>1473888is it bad that I have no faith in humanity and I'm thinking the worst? That some of these sick fucks just want the dog because it knows how to do this?
Who would seriously want to adopt a shitbull that did this other for that reason?
No. 1474287
>>1473718I'm going to be fucking sick
>left her two year old unattended with a shitbullI hope she lives with guilt for the rest of her life and is put in prison and forbidden from ever owning another animal. Literally shaking screming vomiting right now, what the fuck
No. 1474329
This husky just straight up murders this poodle for no reason. It doesn’t happen in a rage or anything, it literally executed it with the calmness and precision of an assassin. Doesn’t even try to eat it afterwards, just walks off and lurks around a corner. The dumbass scrote does nothing to protect the other small dogs, that tried to help and comfort the dying poodle, from further attack, even angrily shoves one out the way while it was trying to comfort its buddy in its dying moments, the culprit lurking round the corner. People just have no idea what they’re dealing with, they get dogs because they like the way it looks and then don’t bother to learn anything about it, and it’s smaller animals and children that pay the price, the ones they’re supposed to be protecting. They have no say on the other animals brought around them, you’re trapping them in a life with a potential killer that they have no hope of defending themselves from.
No. 1474341
File: 1673861933629.png (329.27 KB, 597x753, dog bites by breed stats.PNG)

>>1474329Saw this video shortly after this happened but nonna please give a warning to others before posting, this is graphic. I like small dogs but large dogs should be treated as beasts they are with no exceptions. Huskies especially, they're the biggest cunts in the dog world in terms of temperament. This poor poodle was just minding his own business and got killed for nothing. Knowing how intelligent and cute poodles are the poor thing must have been so confused. I hope the dumb piece of shit husky gets put down and that the business goes under, how can you put a notoriously batshit insane breed in with small lapdogs??
No. 1474344
>>1474131>>1474290Vidrel is an even more clear irrefutable example(NSFW), the pitbull decides to attack the work horse/mule for whatever reason, even though its being beaten from all sides it still latches on to the horse's neck and would rather die or risk permanent injury just to kill its intended prey
that's not normal behavior for any animal, It can't be taught, it's not even primal or found in nature, this is unironically a man made horror beyond comprehension
No. 1474395
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>>1474392What more of a warning could you need?
No. 1474406
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>>1473950So true, I always felt like a schizo for thinking this but those souless, beady eyes render you entirely unable to 'read' them. Huskies at least look like dogs, pitbulls are practically hairless and are way too strong for their own good.
No. 1474407
>>1474401That doesn't help when the thumbnail is already gore like several videos above.
>>1474404Why are you name-calling over anons not wanting to see animal gore unprompted, especially when just scrolling and not even entering the thread?
No. 1474410
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>>1474407wtf are you talking about lmao. if there's any gore in this thread it's spoilered. god you're annoying, just hide the thread.
No. 1474557
>>1474547Yeah. Bleeding heart pitdaddies/mommies are all like "IT'S THE OWNER WHO'S AT FAULT, NOT THE DOG!!!" but at the same time it's like… so what? Are we going to impose pitbulls bans for certain people? How would that work? That could be incredibly
problematic because y'know, like how would that even be enforced? Just ban the fucking breed. No matter how much they screech about MUH PRECIOUS PITS, the people who they say are the reason for these pit attacks aren't going to bend to their pleas and cries.
No. 1477872
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No. 1483968
>>1483921>Yes, every dog COULD, but which DO?Very good point, there's a notorious contrast between pitbulls and other dogs, hell, there are 15 fight breeds and none of them register as much attacks as Pitbulls
>even while in a situation where no one would fault the Goldie for getting aggressive it remains gentle in stark contrast to the frothing monster beside itThis is a direct consequence of their breeding. Goldens are literally not designed (physically or mentally) to fight nor kill optimally, but pitbulls are, their bodies and even psyches correspond to those of a fighting, powerful breed
No. 1487377
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Someone posted this on Twitter and the dog fags are absolutely pissing and shitting all over the fucking carpet and howling about it. No. 1487383
File: 1675211322707.jpeg (418.65 KB, 640x913, E8F41FA1-B4DF-434F-BD9A-94164A…)

>>1487377As hideous and malformed as his owner by the looks of things.
No. 1487391
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>>1487377Interesting that it's mostly scrotes screaming at her about it
Also she's right, I don't understand this need to bring your dogs everywhere. The trader Joe's I use to shop at had to put up no dogs signs because people's damn dogs kept shitting/pissing in the store.
No. 1491048
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Reminder that these babies are endangered now because “leash your mutt” was apparently too much to ask.
No. 1493268
>>1487383The dog and owner look like they eat each other's shit
>>1487384Imagine needing a walking, barking and shit-smelling beast with you 24/7? Just get a man, it's the same damn thing.
>>1487580And the owners NEVER offer to pay you back for what the dog did.
>>1493098the most undisciplined people acquire these dogs I swear. And catch them living in a place where it never snows. Borderline animal abuse (neglect?) to have a dog, made to live in blizzards and run all day, be chained to a stick in some backyard of Arizona. Huskies require so much fucking work because all those dogs wanna do is work. They want to run 8 hours a day, eating the shit of the dog running in front of them. They get fucking bored if not pulling and running. but because they look 'cool', mainly scrotes, have to have them. the dumbest fucking dogs for the dumbest fucking people.
>>1491087Had a neighbour who owned this big and stupid german shepherd he kept chained in his small ass yard for a couple of hours a day. He kicked the cat out because she had fleas but the dog could stick around? That thing would bark so fucking loud to anyone walking by and if not chained up and behind a fence, I have no doubt it would have attacked.
Another neighbour would let his poor old cat, who had a sinus infection and was frail as hell, wander around in all types of weather but keep his mean-ass cocker spaniel thing inside, safe and warm. I wish I could have done something for you, Buster. I had no money and the city's cat shelters were at full capacity and lacked financial aid themselves.
No. 1493361
>>1493268I used to have two TIF roommates who had a husky they would cage up in the basement a majority of the time.
I also recently had neighbors who had two German shepherds that lived outside, in the rain sleet and snow. There were no exceptions. Last i remember before i moved out was the dogs screaming for their dear lives more often than before.
So many dog owners are unruly.
No. 1493548
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Thank God I can vent about how much I hate dogs and their owners. Dogs are filthy, needy, loud and large dogs can be dangerous. Dog people are entitled and inconsiderate as fuck since they bring their beasts where they aren't allowed like national parks or beaches. Thanks assholes for spreading Ecoli and disrupting natural wildlife with your mutants. I especially hate big dogs since the worst people (usually pathetic moids) own Shitbulls and German Shepards, Akitas and Huskeys.
I've never been to one home where a dog lived that didn't smell like rotting corn chips or putrid eggs. Dog people must have some form of narcissism that makes them want an animal that worships them. They always say how they prefer the company of dogs over people and it says a lot about you when only an animal as dim witted as a dog can stand your ass.
No. 1493654
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One time I was walking with my sister’s family , and my son and a pitbull in a shirt burst out of a yard with a gate, RAN to us, and just started jumping at us, it was so scary, we had small kids with us.
Also one time a pitbull bit my calf when I was 13 wtf
No. 1493681
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My roommate’s dog is so shit. I like a lot of dogs, but this one just sucks. He smells like shit and is always farting, we have a doggy door so he’s constantly tracking mud in from outside. Picrel is from 4 years ago when he ate my Bijou plush that I had from childhood
No. 1498836
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I love dogs but pit mommies are seriously deranged, they gladly risk their infants mauled to death just to be able to prove a point. I don't see that behaviour with any other breed owners, its seriously so bizarre. I own a dog myself, and no matter how much he loves kids, i'd never leave him unattended with a baby wtf
No. 1499008
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>>1498836there's a scary amount of them that work at shelters too, they try so hard to shill these murderbeasts.
No. 1499054
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>>1499008>there's a scary amount of them that work at shelters tooOh yes, in fact, they're so deranged they purposely register pitbulls as labradors/other breeds just so they can fool some poor bastard into unknowingly buying these monsters
No. 1499094
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file name
No. 1499267
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They kept the fucking dog…also it wasn’t a pitbull, some type of retriever mix. I hate dog people so fucking much. Then, in later videos, she proceeds to victim blame her fucking three year old with “b-but the dog was sick” I hope this dog gets hit by a car.
No. 1499282
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Three year old was rough, and I get that three year olds generally don’t know how to play with animals. But to excuse your own daughters mauling with “but the dog felt sick” makes me want to personally pour antifreeze in both her dogs and mothers drink
No. 1499360
>>1499267>it wasn’t a pitbull, some type of retriever mixpeople always say this but guess what it's mixed with, it's always pitbull. just like
>>1499054 said.
No. 1499408
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Thinking about her…
No. 1499800
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Also samefagging, but the comments make me sick. Of course little kids and animals shouldn’t mix. And of course kids need to learn boundaries about what’s acceptable to do with an animal. But why is the blame on the daughter!?! Shouldn’t it be on the mom who left her baby all alone with an animal that can hurt her?! This thing gets worse the more I read it
No. 1499982
>>1499267This is so sad, that big cut is going to leave a scar on her sweet little face forever. The choice to get rid of your dog should be easy at that point !
>>1499835Idk, why don’t you go ask in the stupid questions thread?
No. 1502671
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>British newspapers, including The Sun and the Daily Mirror, quoted Dotty Robinson as saying: "They were good dogs, they are not a banned breed and were not dangerous… I don't know why they suddenly snapped. I can only think they turned mad in the extreme heat. It must have set them off… There's a saying about mad dogs going out in the midday sun."
>Both dogs were aged two and Dotty Robinson described Rocco as "bigger than a lion." But she said he and the female had been well-behaved before the attack and had both been raised by Robinson and Stead since they were puppies.Not saying heatwaves can't cause problems with any animal, but two is the age people are warned about as to when bully breeds start to snap. If you're supplying them with enough water and shade, dogs will nap most of the heat off.
No. 1502712
>>1499008Shelters are so bad at shilling unfit dogs. The shelters care more about putting aggressive dogs in homes, then they do about the safety of the people who adopt them.
I talk to the vet techs who work in the shelters and the experienced ones are just over it. I know that it is hard to kill a unfit dog because of the way it was born and the trauma it received, but it is your responsibility to not gamble on some naive family being fine when you're adopting out these aggressive and high prey drive dogs. They work on some of these dogs for years, trying to get them human friendly enough to be shown for adoption, and the techs suffer for it because they're under constant threat of being mauled.
Some dogs have been returned five or six times, but the shelter managers keep on insisting that the dog not be put down because she can get through to it with more training. I know one tech had to bring her union into it because the techs kept getting hurt and management didn't care, they only cared about the dog staying alive and eventually getting adopted.
No. 1502823
>>1449046I was attacked by a pitbull when i was younger. I was about 7. He grabbed my hand and it was fully in his mouth, i just shoved my fist as hard and as far as i could down that dogs throat. I went elbow deep and the dog gagged so hard he puked scream yelped and ran away.
Sounds stupid, but if youre being bit by a dog and you have an opening, sucker punch that bitch deep in the throat. Also Carry a knife and stab the eyes and/or leg tendons.
No. 1504136
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So on this subreddit you can't: talk about experience with pitbull attacks if it involved any self defense in any way or even call the fucking dogs ugly. I think a pithag must have infiltrated the moderation team. Plus you can't say pithag or pitiot anymore. Fucking hilarious. As if little things like that will make any fucking difference. Full stop the dogs are ugly as sin AND dangerous. They literally have beady demonic eyes and huge creased buttheads and are muscular like they are on roids. If you find them cute you are probably mentally retarded. OOPS couldn't say that on there either!!!
No. 1504712
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nonnie, you're just kinda retarded. That sub and its frequent posters have to worry about harassment and takedowns from crazy pitbull people so they moderate carefully and even suggest you post with an alt that has no personal information. Pitnuts do things like abuse the Reddit Cares system. It's more like Reddit itself is dogshit.
No. 1504725
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>the people on this site who irrationally hate certain types of animals for no reason are embarrassing turbo autists
>for no reason
No. 1505164
>>1504136The other Sub is slightly more lenient in calling the dogs ugly. Like pointing out that pit bulls have the ugliest mouths. The owners tend to be poor, stupid, and scummy.
No. 1505377
I love dogs but I fucking hate bully breeds. Can I post here or can we make a pit bull hate thread? My dog is under 20 lbs and she’s wonderful, the amount of shitbulls who lunge snarling at us while we try to walk in public is horrifying. Owners never fucking apologize and the shitbeasts are always on those spindly fucking retractable leashes. I hate pit bulls and I hate the people who choose to keep such horrible creatures.
>>1504712I was banned from my STATE sub just for having posting in BanPitBulls a couple times. I contacted the mods and they confirmed I hadn’t broken any of the sub rules and was banned for participating in BPB even though I was not a member of the sub.
No. 1505409
>>1505377My friend has this angelic little well-groomed Maltese who literally does everything perfectly and has no behavioral flaws whatsoever, when I think about that giant stupid beasts have lunged at her trying to maul her to death out of nowhere as she passes by them on a walk it boils my blood. They see her as a prey animal just for being small, along with toddlers, and then they see dogs their size as competition to attack, and bigger animals as a threat. Totally braindead.
I also feel sick at how big dogs like that run down garden animals and maul them for sport, not even hungry but they’ll tear apart a poor woodchuck or nest of bunnies for no reason. If other creatures are randomly ripped to shreds by these dogs simply for fun then I wish the dogs wouldn’t be bred to exist.
No. 1505639
>>1505625I remember watching a pitbull trying to maul a horse that was kicking it to death with its hooves. They literally go after anything that
triggers their violent impulse no matter if they could get killed, they're too stupid and impulsive
No. 1505796
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>>1505639>They literally go after anything that triggers their violent impulse no matter if they could get killedsince the sub was mentioned before, they actually have this automod set up to inform people
No. 1507071
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>>1487580This is one of the biggest reasons why I will never have a dog. They make you live on edge 24/7 in your own home. I already went through years and years of having to guard every single fucking thing I own, thanks to growing up in the ghetto and going to ghetto public schools. When I enter my own home I want to RELAX. I don't want to be a hypervigilant OCD PTSD fucking mess.
>>1505221Somebody on reddit posted a page from 1990's era children's book to show just how far the breed has mutated in 20 years. The crazy thing is how shitbulls have ruined non-purebred dogs in the US, almost all shelter mutts are now super wide bodied with the wide alligator butt head. Random medium to large mutt dogs 15-20 years ago were mostly slim with a slim face like a retriever or collie.
No. 1507127
>>1507071Not wanting to have to keep an eye on your pet constantly is so real.
Also you're right, and "adopt don't shop" is over because of idiots and their fucking worthless shitbulls.
No. 1507208
>live in a shitty apartment complex with tiny flats
>have a disgusting neighbour, the kind that watches cartoons for children and flies to Thailand
>neighbour has French Bulldog
>goes out with said dog for maybe 15 minutes a day
>smokes inside
>dog coughs all day, soon dies, probably a horrible death
>hope he doesn't get a dog again
>soon has a new dog, same breed
>after a year, dog is overweight, still only goes out with him for about 15 minutes a day
>dog starts barking every fucking morning between 5 and 6 am, waking me up every time for over a month now
>might have to kill neighbour or inform landlord of this, so he gets kicked out or has to get rid of the dog
To be honest, I don't care for dogs, keep them on a leash while you are outside, care for them and don't get one if you can't provide for them. But every fucking idiot in this part of town seems to have a dog, mostly inbred dogs, that need a lot of attention and healthcare. Every one here lives in a fucking small flat without a garden, directly to other people. Most of those dogs won't be on a leash when you meet them and if one of these things ever goes for my ankle, I will kick it and after that the owner. What a horrible person do you have to be to get a dog, stuff him into a 10qm room and leave him there for minimum 8 hours.
No. 1507716
>>1507127>"adopt don't shop" is over because of idiots and their fucking worthless shitbullsthis. if people all followed this, and I've volunteered at several shelters in my city, then 99% of dogs would be pit mixes within a few years.
At the shelters, I think out of 25 available cages, 2 at most would not be occupied by a pit bull on a given week. They also were the most returned by far. Yet they're the most being bred at homes.
No. 1507721
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>>1507071Unless you have a lot of experience owning dogs (so you can detect when behavior problems arise and if it's actually possible to fix them) "adopting" a mutt is playing russian roulette. And if you have a kid it's plain irresponsible. Even the most insane dognutters know this, seach for "behavioral euthanasia", they fucking know that there are hopeless dogs. Thats why they don't own any, and let clueless normies to "try to be the unicorn family", "salving the doggo from evil euthanasia", and everyone be dammed. No. 1508175
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>>1507937I think females are less violent, but I knew a female pibble who was ugly and had a head that looked like a butt, we compared her to the mutant hounds on fallout all the time. She would bark and whine all the time. She was annoying but not malicious. I still made jokes about her eatin babies
No. 1508863
>>1493548>Dog people must have some form of narcissism that makes them want an animal that worships them. They always say how they prefer the company of dogs over people and it says a lot about you when only an animal as dim witted as a dog can stand your ass.Exactly this.
>>1490172Unlike cats, dogs shit everywhere they can and don't cover it up. Yuck.
>>1479822If you want to get next level, accuse them of trying to murder you because you're hyperallergic to dog fur.
No. 1510545
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As soon as I saw the headline, I automatically knew what kind of dogs they were. So fucking sad. Imagine being 74 years old, and living a long life and experiencing every kind of love, loss, happiness and hardship, and out of nowhere, while visiting friends on a quiet day, these horrible pitbulls maul your friend (husband? partner?) to death, tearing at him and leaving him a bloody mess on the ground while you're also being ripped apart. Absolute fucking nightmare.
No. 1510562
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>>1510545Literally Hell on Earth
No. 1510593
Had a look on the website of my local shelter just because I was curious and most people here are right. There are like 90% mixed dogs with terrier in them, a lot with pitbulls. And I don't understand it, you aren't allowed to keep a pitbull here and in their descriptions it says that they will have to be rehomed outside of the city I live in, so why even have them at the shelter? Another thing was the amount of dogs that have a court order and therefore have to wear a muzzle, constantly. I also always thought that a dog that has bitten someone or even killed some other dog, has to be put down, but no, they have a handful of dogs that killed other dogs before and are therefore in said shelter. Why would you want a dog that has killed another dog, those dogs won't change and you just can't control them and I know that those people won't keep them on a leash, making it dangerous for everyone. In my city, you have to pass a test with your dog to be allowed to not use a leash in residential areas, but no one is taking it serious and if you say something it's always "oh, he is so nice, he just wants to play" while said dog is running straight to your legs and barks like he is crazy…
No. 1510758
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No. 1510885
Today in my country a Pitbull mauled three people. Apparently it escaped its enclosure, wandered around a bit and just attacked somebody. They're not illegal here so I'll often see them with their junkie owners, the worst possible people for these dogs.
>>1510628They're popular because big wolf dog and blue eyes. It doesn't matter if they're demons who are aggressive, yell, break everything and shed fur everywhere. People will still get them because pretty.
No. 1510947
>>1510923I've been in the middle of 3 pitbull attacks. Yup, 3. The first one was bad I had to pull my dog from the pitbull's jaws who was shaking him like a chew toy. I was screaming and beating the beast's head full force and eventually just grabbed my dog and YANKED and got him free. It was horrible and he had over 1k worth injuries. Second time a random pitbull pinned him when we were camping. I ran up tackled the pitbull and saved my dog who luckily was uninjured that time. Third time my bf's dad's dog got attacked and it took 3 ADULTS beating on the pitbull with full force to get it to let go. I stomped on it's spined and put my full body weight on it and it didn't even flinch. I even shoved a finger up its ass and it didn't care. It's owner (middle aged women) tried to free it's jaws and it CHOMPED her hand and it was gushing blood. It was bad it took us a long time to get them apart. My bf's dad dog was ok because luckily he's a giant boxer. Just had gum injuries.
My advice? Carry a knife. I won't detail what to do with it
No. 1511043
>>1510564I think about this type of scenario a lot, it's one of my greatest fears, getting sued for daring to survive. We already have to think about moids attacking us all the time and now dogs too.
>>1502823Isn't that what you're supposed to do when you get bitten by an actual alligator ? holy shit.
No. 1511067
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>>1510937Short of literally blowing it's head off, which is typically not an option the most effective/legal way to stop a severe "dog" attack in progress is to strangle the dog from behind with a thick purse strap, belt, cord, etc. A dead set game dog typically won't stop attacking until something stops the oxygen flow to its brain. Even if you manage to break the death grip with your hands/a break stick, the dog will often continue trying to clamp on to its target(s) until it has comletely exhausted itself. Hitting the dog with a blunt object will generally do nothing unless you manage to break its spine, which is unlikely due to killer dogs usually having very thick neck and back muscles. If the dog is attacking you, meaning you're not in a position to strangle it firmly from behind, the best place to stab it is in the throat, meaning the front of the neck. Try to cut the throat open. Again, you want to stop oxygen from reaching the brain asap. If the dog has your hand in its mouth, push your fist down its throat to choke it (as described by
>>1502823) instead of trying to pull your hand backwards, which can result in degloving (meaning the skin on your hand/arm comes off like a glove. This happens a lot.) Be aware that lifting your own dog off the ground can redirect the attack onto your arms/face. It's extremely important to stay on your feet and try not to scream as screaming excites them. If you're on the street, climbing on top of a parked car, ideally a van or truck, could save your life. If I had children, I would make sure they knew to do this. Stay safe out there nonnies.
No. 1511865
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what a heckin sweet hippo! (kinda hilarious, given that hippos kill something like 500 people a year)
No. 1511870
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That poor hen…
No. 1511915
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>>1511067I'm adding a footnote to the
blowing its head off bit for anyone considering carrying a gun for self protection against dogs. The choking method is still the safest, maybe even the surest way to stop an attack on another person/animal, even if you have a gun. Way too many things can go wrong using a firearm in a situation like that, especially if you are outside on a paved area where a bullet can bounce and strike someone. Using a gun also makes you more likely to be charged/harassed after the incident, because people flip the fuck out over dogs being shot, even if the dog is in the process of killing another dog. It's also not an exaggeration that some dogs will continue attacking even after being shot multiple times. Getting something around the dogs neck is the best plan of action whenever possible.
also I want to clarify that I'm not a psychopath who wants to kill dogs. As demonic as pitbulls may be, it's not their fault they were created by for sadistic blood sport. Ownership of dangerous dog breeds should be regulated/restricted/prohibited similarly to ownership of chimps, tigers, or any other animal capable of literally tearing a person limb from limb. This would be the best thing for both public safety and the dogs themselves. Alright I'm done sperging for real now. Stay safe nonnies.
No. 1511917
I don’t know if this is the right thread to post this in but I need advice related to getting rid of my dog that I hate?? When I was a teenager and first moved out I adopted a chihuahua puppy because I never had a dog as a kid and really thought I wanted one. I kept him for 8 years. He’s been a horrible dog, despite my best efforts. he’s always had classic chihuahua issues such as incessant barking, whining, and potty training issues like deliberately marking his territory everywhere even though he knows it’s wrong. He doesn’t care about being punished, no amount of positive reinforcement, crate training, yelling or spanking matters. He knows when he’s in trouble and hides or sometimes wags his tail if he’s particularly bored or wants attention. Every night between 3-5 am he starts barking. Doesn’t need anything, he’s just bored. I used to walk him at least 30 mins a day, played fetch with him and gave him lots of attention but it didn’t really matter. All of this was very difficult to deal, but recently had a baby and now it’s out of control. My baby is 4 months old and throughout my entire pregnancy the resentment was really building. He started pissing on new baby furniture, shitting everywhere and began acting insane. now that he wakes my baby up, dirties my floors, and is generally not even fit to be around my child I can’t stand him. I hate him, I fantasize about ditching him on the side of the road. I’ve called the humane society multiple times and they’re always full. I’ve asked people at church- nobody wants him. I’ve tried to pawn him off to friends, family members and acquaintances but nobody will take this dog off of my hands. My husband and I are positive that if we take him to a shelter he’ll be euthanized because he’s ugly, mean and horribly behaved. I really tried my best to train him and I’ve even bought him more toys, furniture and calming supplements but nothing will change his behavior. He’s a horrible dog but I don’t want him to be put down… realistically what are my options?
No. 1512590
>>1511917I'm honestly considered a dog lover and I see this thread bumped from time to time because I can deal with people not liking dogs or outright hating them, the people sperging about them are kind of funny.
And tbh, just throw the dog in a shelter, you don't like the dog, the dog has a terrible behavior, it's already quite old and will probably never get along with people or other animals. Let them put him down if that's the only way to ensure he won't get sent to some
abusive home with shitty people that will either neglect him or hurt him.
You're not going to do this to any other animal, you will probably never have another pet for a long while since you have a baby, so what's the big deal? It's a dog that could never get trained, is moody and barks a lot, and who knows? Maybe someone will like him even if he's ugly and will manage to give him a nice life.
No. 1512974
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I've always been pretty indifferent to dogs but I absolutely cannot stand these idiots who coddle shitbulls and even advocate for people, even children, to be put in unsafe environments to counter the "discrimination" against these mutts. I hate dog lovers because they always value the doggerinos over living and breathing humans. A house fire happens? OH NO IS THE DOGGO SAFE? Shitbull mauls a human? Oh no don't put it down! They humanize these mutts while dehumanizing people, even comparing the serious concerns people have with a breed bred to fight akin to actual tangible and complex social issues.
No. 1513654
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>>1513333>>1512992Pit bulls were bred by North Britons and Low-Scots and and for decades, the despicable so-called "sport" of pit bull fighting was almost exclusively their domain: very few non-white people and even other white ethnic groups participated in this barbarism
hell the image of a pit bull is still listed as a hate symbol by various white power prison gangs
Nonetheless, poorly-researched pit bull advocates like Bronwen Dickey will argue non-stop that pit bull stigma is really about being racist toward black and brown people.
She claims, erroneously and in defiance of pretty much every primary source I can find, that pit bulls were once adored and trusted as one of America's most popular family pets(untrue they were popular in the south as hunting and guard dogs but were quickly replead by more effective breeds) Her entire argument hinges on the demonstrably false idea that pit bulls were historically beloved in the U.S. and that the stigma only began in the late 1970s as urban people of color began to take interest in dogfighting.
No. 1513771
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i saw the daughter of the pitbull owners who killed the 81 year old in this tiktok comment section ofc her stupid ass is defending the demons. she said “if you knew the real them you would never think they’d do this” No. 1514877
Not sure if it's been posted before but I found a website ( that lets you search pitbull attacks by area. I looked in my area out of curiosity and holy shit. In the past five years there's been multiple maulings, human and smaller dogs, and when it's human it's almost always the elderly or children. Even more disturbing is that, in all of these cases, the pitbull just gets given back to the owner. In one case an older woman was in her lawn when her neighbours pit ran up to her, attacked her and her little old lady dog, and it took three adult men to take it off of her. She said that she's scared to leave her house, it's a miracle she and her dog both survived. You'd think that this would be enough to have the shitbull put down, right? Nope! Owners were told to have a "10 day quarantine" where they kept the dog inside. During that time the dog was let outside and escaped AGAIN. That must be enough, right? Nope! They get one more chance and then the dog will be quarantined at the SPCA for 10 days instead. Then returned to the neighbourhood like it didn't just try to kill an old woman and her little lapdog for no reason. The SPCA representative said "all dogs have bad days, especially when they've been cooped up for the winter." What the fuck? My parents dog has had 'bad days.' Sometimes she gets too wound up while playing and growls during tug of war. Or she sneaks a bite of food off the counter. A 'bad day' isn't nearly killing someone's grandma for no reason. Another case, a 9 year old girl was mauled, now part of her face is permanently paralyzed and she has trouble eating and speaking. Permanent injury to a young child should be enough to put the dog down… right?? NOPE! Dog returned to owner like nothing happened. So far I've been reading case after case about older people and kids being permanently disabled or traumatized for life. Not a single one of these dogs has been put down yet. I don't know if it's possible to alog against a dog but at this point I think someone just taking matters into their own hands is morally justifiable.
No. 1515054
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"It's the owner, not the breed" copetards never learn.
I hate pit bulls so fucking much. I was browsing reddit and I found this article. A shit bull literally raped a 2 year old boy.
"Since the attack, over 20 people have called the SPCA asking to adopt the pitbull."
Anyone who willingly owns, wants to own, or admires pit bulls is human garbage. No. 1515140
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>>1515054>"Since the attack, over 20 people have called the SPCA asking to adopt the pitbull."What the fuck is wrong with these people and why the fuck wasn't the dog euthanized immediately
No. 1515161
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>>1493098finally, a fellow husky hater. I hate those fucking dogs so much and the redditors who own them.
No. 1518075
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Ghetto person's pitbull mauls a nonprofit employee so bad she needs her leg amputated just doing her job and he blames her for not being more "aware of her surroundings". But by the women's own account the dog gave no warning, it trotted up to her nonaggressively then just latched on. Where the fuck was the owner during the attack? So trashy they just let their dog roam the backyard when they aren't home methinks
No. 1518119
>>1518075What was she supposed to do differently if she’d seen a pitbull charging aggressively with intent to maul her half to death anyway? The owner is essentially saying “it’s only your fault if you can’t outrun my murder beast” but if someone who was “aware of their surroundings” and armed and shot the thing dead it would definitely have the owner crying and shitting himself I bet, even though he claims people should just see the attack coming and prevent it themselves. There’s no winning since these fucking things run at the speed of light and won’t stop biting and mauling until they’re basically dead, but if someone stabbed or shot an attacking pitbull they’d be blamed for hurting Daisy.
After my neighbor’s kid was practically eaten by a poor sweet angelic blameless pitbull who would totally never hurt a fly according to its owners I have no idea why legislation isn’t being passed more rapidly against the breeding of these dogs.
No. 1518747
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so tired of dodo's "pittie" indoctrination. stop fucking letting these beasts near babies and kids
No. 1518764
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I'm not fond of psychoanlizing people but a lot of "pit mommies" remind me of the same women who would probably put up with a physically abusive male partner, to the detriment of themselves and their own children
No. 1518858
>>1518075I used to work at a pet store/grooming salon, and there was a dog park around the corner from my job. We had a regular customer who would come in to buy dog food, a smaller lady who walked with a limp and I noticed one of her legs was very scarred and much smaller in the calf area than her other leg.
I never asked her about it, until one day when she was in there and a group of 3 people came in the store with an out-of-control pitbull, that was pulling and dragging two of the people around who could hardly hold it with the leash. After their 30 seconds of chaos and yelling as they were dragged around the store and finally left, the woman and I exchanged knowing glances and I said something like, "Man, I just don't know how some people do it!"
And then she told me the story about how she had her leg ripped up, just at the park around the corner. She was at the dog park with her little corgi, when some people brought their crazy pitbull into the park, which immediately took off running to attack the corgi. She scooped her little dog up at the last second and the pitbull clamped into her leg, ripping and tearing part of her calf muscle off. It was a fucking horrifying story. She never outright said that she hated pitbulls because of it, but it felt like we were both in silent agreement.
No. 1519130
>>1518840I've seen people on tiktok literally saying that people only hate pitbulls because of racism and that hating pitbulls = hating black people. I'm white so someone correct me if I'm wrong but… isn't it incredibly racist to say that hating a violent aggressive dog means you must hate black people?? What's the correlation? How is comparing black people to vicious dogs not incredibly racist? Plus the idea that "black people were bred during slavery times to be stronger" or whatever is a racist myth, there's absolutely no evidence any race is more violent than another, it makes me angry to see people spreading this stuff. Dogs on the other hand literally were bred for specific things, that's why we have different dog breeds at all! And pitbulls happen to have been bred to mindlessly kill anything around them. I'm so sick of white people going "Oh you hate violent dogs? You probably also hate black people!" as a gotcha. It's so racist I don't understand how people are even brave enough to say that shit outloud.
>>1518764There have been studies done that show pitparents take attacks on the breed as attacks on themselves and respond as such. It's not like an
abusive relationship tbh,
victims will defend their abusers because of manipulation or because they know that if they don't appear to be on their abusers side, the abuse will escalate in retaliation. Pitparents on the other hand defend their precious pibbles for purely narcissistic reasons. They identify with their dogs and it hurts their self esteem to have them criticized in any way. I think this is also why pit owners take it upon themselves to be "ambassadors" for pitbulls. I know other nonas also hate breeds like rottweilers and whatnot, but with those dogs at least the owners generally understand if you're afraid of a large aggressive breed. People who own shitbulls get narc injury if you uncomfortable and will try and force you to pet Bella/Zeus even if you're clearly afraid.
No. 1521684
>>1510628>>1510903What's with retards bringing these kinds of dogs to places that can get really hot? I live in a place that gets ridiculously hot in the summer, and my neighbor had one. Pretty sure he gave it up to someone else around here because I saw him walking with a different person. Anyway, it doesn't make sense.
I'm noticing the neighbor's dog downstairs is getting skinner. My mom found out from her that they're not feeding him a lot, so they don't have to take him outside as much. This thing is aggressive as shit and throws himself at the window when there's a cat or another dog walking by our building and I only know this because this shitty building shakes with him. It got so bad that the usual dog walkers I see go the opposite way now. He doesn't belong here, and these fat people are fucked for contributing to his aggression.
In other news, while driving past the dog park I saw an overweight shitbull owner lose control of his thing when they were leaving the place and he tried running after it, but it looked like he got tired because the owner just abruptly stopped, lol.
No. 1526820
>>1523937The animal behaviour specialist found that the rape was in no way influenced by human behaviour, too. It just sodomized the toddler.
This just has me fully convinced that pit nutters are sadists, zoophiles, and rape fetishists. Why else would they defend rapehounds?
No. 1528419
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>>1528102I just wanna say guys i don’t mean it I was jus venting. I can’t believe how fucked up this post is and I want to repent since I can’t delete it.
No. 1528424
>>1528419I was going to respond to you with the song from rent (today for you tomorrow for me) that's what your frustration reminded me of
I can't blame you I joke that I want to bash my dogs head in with a coconut all the time because his bark makes me so mad. I'd never hurt him ever it's just so frustrating
I once googled "do dogs ever get tired of barking?"
>no No. 1528431
>>1528428Ok now you are reminding me of my lil bro (I posted him on here before I found his internet history full of "hate dog jump on me" "eat dog in us" "should be able to kill dog" it just popped up when I went to type something in google I was like damn lol! Like shit I get it you hate them but Christ hahaha
If I were you I'd use an ultrasonic bark detterer or something
No. 1528808
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>>1515054>>1523937>>1526820I got curious about this case because it horrified me, here's some further reading for anons: obviously can't know for sure what happened, but I think it sounds suspicious, and there's seemingly no follow-up on this case aside from the initial claims. I haven't heard of dogs naturally initiating sexual intercourse with humans (and with how long people have owned dogs, including irresponsible pitbull owners, you'd think we'd hear more about this sort of thing in the news), but I have heard of many, many cases of adults sexually abusing children, and either lying about it, or having an enabling partner lie for them. Also, pedophilia often "clusters" with zoophilia and other paraphilias, when it comes to sexual depravity.
No. 1528809
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>>1528808I did some digging, there is one named witness, Daniel MacRae. related is from the comments on another article. No actual proof this claim is true (and almost all traces of this story seem to have been deleted), but would explain some things. Lockfort is known as a low-income area with violence and drug addicts. Daniel Macrae himself was charged for drug possession in 2007, the same year this story happened: same mother got in trouble with the police for child neglect/endangerment on different occasions. Her name is Shauniqua Rodriguez, and
the more I find on her, the shadier she seems. was also charged in an act of gang violence on a woman in 2015: driving in 2019: here she is again in 2020, charged with wire fraud: If the dog penetrated the child, especially naked, there would most likely be claw marks on his body, either from the act itself or the struggle in helping him. This is going to sound fucked, but the one exception is if somebody had put socks on the dog specifically to avoid markings (and I only know this is done because of the threads on KiwiFarms about zoosadist groups producing/selling bestiality porn and doing just that). Honestly, there's no doubt in my mind that there was abuse going on in that house, and the mother (and whoever else may have been involved) seem to have gotten off scott free. People are twisted.
No. 1528849
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shitbull owners are subhuman
No. 1528858
>>1528823Kek there you go, getting all offended over a small remark I made about your cat after you made two long posts describing how much you'd like to kill (or have someone else kill) your neighbour's dog by bludgeoning its head and eating it afterwards, also going "it's a joke guys I swear!! We're all hypocrites uwu". The fact is that you're a pathetic little bitch who likes to fantasize about killing animals (rather than trying to solve the issue by other means) but gets super mad (talking about how much you wish a hypothetical dog died again) if someone else does the same with your pet. "Hurting my feewings" girl shut the fuck up.
And I wasn't saying you're a moid, just that you behave like one.
File: 1679334764873.jpeg (55.7 KB, 1080x1028, BF3DA727-9248-4E54-B26D-11D35B…)

>>1528858You know what, you’ve been rude to me and now I’m ACTUALLY going to kill the dog. It’s your fault and there’s nothing you can do about it.
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100% all the comments not making the owner claim responsibility and finding this shit funny and cute. These things are THOUSANDS of dollars. So now a genuinely disabled person who is probably already broke is now several £ out of pocket. I pray that their health insurance covers this.
Your dogs actions are your fucking responsibility so now your carelessness has left someone without a leg instead you record it like it’s funny.
No. 1531740
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I recently moved back in with my parents, and to my delight, I got to be with my sweet elderly kitties once again. And to my disgust, I have to be around my parents' little toy dog again. He's not the worst dog I've seen. But he's legitimately so stupid and cares about nothing but treats. I have to keep my door open a crack because my kitties sleep in my room, and he takes advantage of that to shit and piss all over wherever he likes. My parents take him out two or three times a day–is this even enough time? I have no clue. I used to love dogs and now I can't stand them for the most part. I see dog shit littering the sidewalks and it makes me shake my head.
Honestly, it's more of an owner thing than an animal thing, but I swear dog owners are the worst of any sort of pet owner if only because they inflict their ignorance on the public at large.
No. 1532109
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This pic sums it up perfectly a bit long winded but I love it.
No. 1532144
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>>1532109I have a Featherweight living in my neighbourhood, except the dog is a golden retriever or some other breed akin to that. The thing is fucking nuts though, and huge too. The owner is a tiny woman who can barely hold the dog from lunging at any living creature it sees, and it will go absolutely crazy at the sight of any movement and start barking and growling and thrashing on its leash. It has tried to attack me at least a dozen times when I was running, and the woman walking it never tries to command it to stop or anything, she's just dragging along. She has to walk it late at night or early in the morning to avoid encounter. The last time I saw her coming when I was just leaving my house I intentionally stomped in the stairs loudly so that the dog would notice and start barking, and when it did I laughed out loud.
No. 1532447
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My friend's parents didn't want to neuter/spay their pibbulls, so the dogs birthed a bunch of incest babies that she tried to give away. People kept asking if they were pure, which they were. More than pure, considering they're sort of inbred.
The buyers only ever wanted the male dogs, even though the female was trained and had a better personality. Some wanted guard dogs, others just didn't like the pattern of her coat. I hate pitbulls, but I think it's more disgusting how superficial and negligent dog owners really are, that they seek out dogs based on superficial stuff and fail to give their dogs the basic decency of training and sterilizing them so that they can function in society.
In the end, the parents basically abandoned the remaining puppies near a shelter so they didn't have to pay for rehoming or whatever. Very trashy.
Also, found this picture on a blog trying to find a pic similar to the puppies, lol. Dog breeders are all gross freaks.(please don't post gross shit like this)
No. 1533689
>>1426262god i fucking hate shitbulls and dog owners so fucking much. Subhuman dog owners never train their retarded fucking animals. Their was a video on tiktok with some fucking shitbull doing the usually and attacking a horse and the shitbull WAS OFF LEASH! the retard shitbull owner had the thing off leash.
No. 1533967
>>1533945>pandemic puppy boomHate this shit the vet industry still hasn't recovered. So me with my almost 10 year old dogs have to wait like 2 months for an appointment every fucking time and the service has gone down tremendously pre-covid it was much more professional and fast. They know we are all desperate for vet care so they can treat us however they fucking want
And now these pandemic pets are being returned because people can't even afford groceries for themselves. Good job retards nice forward thinking maybe you should've just got a hobby instead of buying a living thing to keep you from wanting to blast your brains out while locked inside from the coof
No. 1534093
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The 'Unicorn' owner does not exist and I'm sure this was the artists' way to keep the rabid shitbeast owners at bay, at least just enough…
No. 1534222
>>1533972>“What, you don’t like the sound of barking? Could’ve fooled me!”Kek nona, that's definitely something I would do.
>especially after my neighbors called the cops on me for my legal fireworks on a fucking holidayHoly shit that is so annoying. I bet your neighbors were like "Aww my poor little pupperinos are so sensitive!! The big scwary fireworks are making them cry, piss, and shit everywhere!!" God I hate dog people.
No. 1534225
>>1534079“A thread to discuss the disdain around dogs, their owners and dog culture in general.”
There you go lmao.
No. 1534322
>>1534079Pitbulls cause the most incidents, barely respond to training, and have the worst kinds of owners, so they're naturally brought up more.
Dogs with separation anxiety that their owner won't address are some of the worst. These dogs are usually perfect examples of Learned Helplessness without the electroshock. They really cannot be left alone in any capacity, some do not sleep if they aren't in close range of their owners. Sitters or anyone left alone with them have to deal with annoying behavior like the dog glued to their heels, constantly whining, from the very second the owner leaves until the very minute they return. Not to mention all the stress behaviors they have, such as constant licking (of itself, of random objects, of random people) to self soothe. If they're too old to train it out of them, they're better off put down the second there's another problem of any sort.
No. 1534637
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Average pitbull owner response to a video of a pitbull mauling another dog
No. 1534709
>>1533972LOL based Nonna.
>You don’t like the sound of barking, could’ve fooled me KEKKKKK
fireworks are annoying if they’re being used past 10pm IMO so as long as ur considerate i hope those stupid dogs lost their fucking shit dogfags truly deserve it
No. 1534724
>>1534322That's what I'm saying too, put that thing down already, because clearly not even its damn owner seems to care about it - she won't even bother to train it, she never walks it and leaves it locked inside as she leaves to do fuckall outside all day, she knows it makes that godawful noise and how much it bothers the neighbors, and I often hear her yelling at it because I assume it's doing cute separation anxiety (I hate this term it just sounds like a cringe excuse) things like eating and scratching her furniture or pissing all over the floor. And yet she claims it's her baby and calls it a part of her family. Why are dognutters like this?
>>1534711Exactly this. I don't get why it has to be an either/or thing, both the firework idiots and the nutters suck, and neither of them give a shit about how much the noises and the mess they make bother the people and animals around them.
No. 1534914
>>1534733>Also having fun by purposely putting an animal in severe distress (even if it's a dog that you hate) is mental illness.Do you have fun on your smart phone or other electronics? You realize it's created by using child labor in mines right? So you're putting those animals (children) into distress repeatedly because you want to have fun.
I don't care if you either get rid of fireworks and smart phones, or keep both, but don't be a hypocrite just because you're not directly looking at the animal you're hiring with your fun.
No. 1535323
>>1534093Posted this meme in my friend group discord (one person in it is a pitbull owner) gotta love how they’re fine with ‘pitbull vs toddler’ memes but the second you post a meme pointing out that they’re actually a really dangerous dog that the owners don’t have as much control over as they think they do everyone lost their shit, almost makes me wonder what they find funny about pitbull vs toddler memes anyway because to me they’re funny because it’s showing how deadly pitbulls are and how stupid people are for keeping them as pets but to them is it like, that toddlers are dying or something? Typical edgelord shit.
My favorite was one of them pulling out a ‘CATS KILL BIRD WILDLIFE’ meme (I have 7 cats) to which I said I completely agreed with it and you should keep your cats indoors which shut her up, I don’t even know what she was expecting there.
I don’t even dislike dogs (I love corgis, goldens and samoyeds for example) I just hate disgusting beast dogs.
No. 1539510
Is it weird that I hate big dogs infinitely worse than small dogs? My mom has a chihuahua terrier and she is the sweetest dog ever. I have met a total of one big dog I liked.
One of my mom's friends has a giant one year old German sheppard she refuses to train, she lets the dog do whatever he wants, including harassing her cats, trying to knock people over, shoving his head into women's crotches, humping people's legs, pissing all over the floor, stealing food off plates, I can go on.
When asked to train him, she goes all "not my baby!" and acts like it's the other person's fault for not accepting her dog being a dog.
No. 1539606
>>1538140>>1539477Man, I hate all these "it's not the poor doggo, it's the dummy owner!" or "it's just a dog being a dog!" excuses. You can and should hate both dogs and their owners, both of them suck equally. We all know that 99.99% of dog owners are irresponsible morons that should never be allowed to own any animals, especially ones that make 90 dB noise all day for no damn reason. Trained or untrained, these things bark at literally anything and can never get tired of barking, but people allow this disgusting and distressing noise pollution because "that's just what dogs get over it" (noise pollution is anything over 65 dB by the way.) On top of that we're also expected to tolerate them pissing and shitting all over public spaces, jumping on us and sticking their noses into our crotch, terrorizing and attacking children and smaller animals, etc. - because "that's their way of saying hi, they're so nice, they won't bite you, why are you so afraid of my sweet baby pupper" or some other inconsiderate shit nutters say. What other domesticated animal is allowed to do this? Pests like these should never have been allowed to exist in a civilized society.
No. 1539617
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dog fags are so unhinged
No. 1539634
>>1539617Anthropomorphizing dogs is so stupid ffs. Dogs can't smile or feel complex emotions or have empathy, the only thing on any mutt's mind is food (and mauling children if it's a pitbull). Yeah surely the dog heard that another dog needs a transfusion and went to donate blood on its own out of compassion, these people watched way too many talking dog movies I swear…
>>1539623Ah yes because expressing
>disdain around dogs, their owners and dog culture in generalis the same as wanting to torture an innocent animal that doesn't interfere with everyday human life. You can always hide threads you don't like y'know
No. 1539893
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Today on my phone's home page. Is anybody surprised? Nobody sane would adopt one, if only because it will 100% destroy your sofa.
No. 1539907
>>1539902I think crating is humane in certain circumstances, like only keeping them crated for a couple hours with beds, pads, et cetera, only crating if they're a small dog, and crating is okay if they have a bladder or kidney disorder, have to piss every couple hours, and you need to sleep.
People who keep large dogs in crates, keep them crated all day, or keep them in a crate with no bedding should be charged with animal abuse
No. 1541789
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why are dog owners so obsessed with their dog's genitals? i always roll my eyes when i see a moid or pickme walking around with an ugly big dog and its nuts are still attached. fucking freaks
No. 1541898
>>1541809we neuter them so we don't have tons of strays walking down main street, with the plus that it helps them not be as territorially aggressive. The people who refuse to fix their animals in the united states do so because they are too cheap to pay for the procedure and don't feel any urgency to get it done. In the case of men, it's also because they view it as "cruel" and would rather project their masculinity onto an animal that eats garbage than keep a neighborhood kid safe.
People in other countries do not have a similar dog culture as the US. No one tries to bring pitbulls into cafes or fakes conditions so they can take their emotional support rottweiler into a library/grocery store/university. Something I've noticed about a lot of foreigners is that they don't always remember that 95% of dogs in the united states do not serve any purpose. There are a few law enforcement/airport dogs, real service dogs, and dogs that work on a farm or with hunters. The vast majority do not work, are not guard dogs, and serve no purpose. They are pets. In a lot of foreign countries, attitudes toward dogs are that they are pests/dangerous as strays, and need to serve a purpose beyond companionship as a pet. There are likely fewer attacks in your country because either a) there are fewer dogs, b) people have a rational attitude toward not approaching dogs/bringing them to public places, or c) the dogs that are there are well trained as they are expected to serve some sort of purpose.
No. 1547355
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the child-eater is jealous, so cute and funny!!!
No. 1548136
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No. 1548641
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genuinely shocked its not a pibble. the dog looks like a dachshund/retriever/cocker spaniel mix. and apparently the wife is divorcing her husband for wanting to get rid of the dog
No. 1557437
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No. 1557507
>>1541898We have no strays in our country and dogs are almost never neutered, bc all unnecessary medical procedures such are illegal to perform on dogs, such as cropping or docking. All the neutered dogs Ive met have had bad psychological issues, with fear aggression and extreme territorial behaviour.
All of those are false. In my country there are a ton of dogs and they are mostly pets, people are dog nuts and bring them in stores and cafes. We just dont allow dangerous breeds and we have a heavy shame culture where bringing attention to oneself is viewed as a big taboo, so having a badly behaved dog is very embarrassing. We also dont let dogs off leash as much or let them greet other dogs. Nor do we have "emotional support animals" or bs like that.
No. 1557557
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No. 1558718
>>1539912It's so sad. People act like they have to have an animal, that it doesn't matter about the animal's mental health at all, that it's only about the desire of owning one. And then they leave it in a crate for 8 hours a day with no bathroom breaks and nothing to do, eat, or drink. It's torture and it's fucked up.
>>1541789We neuter them only because we're retarded and it's convenient. Multiple countries don't neuter at the rates we do, but they don't have the over population issues we do. Health wise, I don't neuter my dogs. For females, there's the risk of pyometra, but as long as you have the emergency money set aside, then that's not an issue. There's too many cruel side effects to spaying without a medical reason.
I don't think most people should be allowed to have pets, but that's because I don't want them tortured.
No. 1558875
>>1558740But the other poster said she didn't live in the US, whereas I definitely do. You need to learn reading comprehension girl.
But she probably lives in Norway or Germany, which are the two major countries that don't neuter because of animal cruelty laws. You can google this super easily though.
I'm still against neutering, but the average American is far too stupid and self centered to be trusted with that choice. Look how many dog attacks and unwanted puppies occur when we push neutering as much as we do. We have a free dog health clinic in our city for poor people, but your dog has to be neutered/spayed to use it. You should see how furious those black men get when they're told that they either have to have their pitbull neutered, or else they have to go at the for profit clinic. One guy wrecked the waiting room because his dog was on death's door and he didn't have any money, but they refused to treat it without neutering and he wanted to breed the dog. Dog was literally dying and he would rather it die than he have to live with it and it not be able to make him money.
No. 1560766
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My mom used knew this lady from a park that dog owners would meet at in the evenings to let the dogs socialize. My mom hadn't seen her for a while but ran into her the other day. Turns out the lady's sweet old lab had passed on. She then decided to adopt a Mexican street dog. Who tf adopts a street dog from a foreign country when a) there's tons of dogs in shelters here and b) you have no idea what sort of life that dog had in the streets back in its home country. I'm not sure exactly about Mexico, but the stray dogs in brazil are pretty well documented as being destructive and awful (picrel). Anyway my mom asked about the dog
>lady can only walk it in the early mornings/late at night
>because it goes berserk if it sees people/dogs
>has to keep the blinds closed
>because it goes berserk if it sees movement outside
>has to keep house very quiet
>because it won't stop barking at noise
Why. Why would someone willingly choose a life like that. I refuse to believe someone can be such a bleeding heart so as to import an insane dog that has to be kept on house arrest except for its daily walks while people are asleep so it doesn't try to fucking maul them. Again, this is a nice older lady, she's had a dog before and loved to socialize it and go for walks.
No. 1560780
>>1560766That lady and anyone who believes they can "fix" any traumatized or aggressive stray dog must read this
>>1507721I honestly believe that protecting the lives of all dogs no matter what is extremely irresponsible and a threat, not only to people but also the environment. Dogs (as well as cats) were not supposed to live in many of the places they live today, and since they're domesticated animals there's an overpopulation of dogs worldwide, since we humans increase and continue to increase their numbers for selfish and irresponsible reasons. If stray and feral dogs are forming violent packs that attack random people at night in many parts of the world (happens where I live too) we should be doing something to control their populations. These feral dogs are a nuisance and a threat to our, and other animals' safety, and they contribute nothing to the environment. But since sterilizing every single dog is hard and requires a big budget, the most effective solution is, sadly, euthanizing them.
(The same could be said of stray and feral cats but I think cats are a lesser threat to human safety than dogs. Both spread rabies though.)
No. 1561364
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This speaker in a shape of a dog has a dick and balls.
No. 1561562
>>1560780thank you for pointing me to
>>1507721it's so sad and my heart hurts for people who have to put down pets, as well as for the animal itself. But I agree that euthanasia is necessary and imo, it shouldn't be treated as a cruelly as it is. Feral dogs are bad because they hurt people and wildlife, physically speaking they can cause much more destruction than cats. I understand the sentiment of wanting to rehabilitate "problem" dogs but the reality is that they aren't a child, they are not capable of learning like a child and no amount of training is gonna make such a dog magically stop mauling small animals.
Every time I read about someone rescuing a problem dog I can't help but to think that the dog's spot in the shelter is just going to be filled by another problem dog with significant issues who takes forever to get adopted, and another after that. It's an endless cycle. It sounds terrible to say, but euthanasia is the most humane option in lots of cases and the the hatred toward "kill shelters" is ridiculous. There's millions of dogs, and ones with unsolvable behavioral issues area dime a dozen.
Also I'm still thinking about that lady and her dog. It's so scummy that dog culture effectively coerces people with time, money, and pet-ownership experience into getting poorly behaved dogs rather than elderly ones. The extra money that's wasted on training some animal that continues to kill and maim would be better used for the costs of having an elderly pet that might need some fancy vet food. Time lost to having to deal with a terrible dog instead gets to be spent providing a wonderful last few years to a normal dog.
No. 1561828
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>>1449386I'm late to this, but yeah, I've seen women who wear cat costumes for halloween, catgirls in anime etc. it's a kind of creepy stereotype because they're also sexualized by men
No. 1562116
>>1449386There are definitely retarded men who see large and aggressive dogs as symbols of masculinity (pitbull breeders for example) and cats/small dogs as signs of weakness and femininity
>>1449837Yeah but it's always a woman.
>>1561562AYRT and yep, it took me many years to accept that we can't save every single pet. But giving each and every one of them a human family, and training them until all their behavioral issues disappear, is just impossible. I try to support mass sterilization efforts for house cats/dogs and stray ones where I can, but where I live the situation with dogs often gets out of control because many dumbass dog owners are neglectful as fuck and let them roam and reproduce freely.
I think problem dogs that have been proven to be beyond hope shouldn't be picked by people at shelters. It'll only cause more distress for everyone involved. Imo people who choose these dogs over normal ones must have some sort of savior complex (way beyond just having empathy), which is often counterproductive and harmful.
No. 1562307
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No. 1562772
>>1562072Please do explain. You (and other anons maybe) posted pictures of dogs and commented on their genitals, there was even one post about dogs mating. You hate dogs so you think it's gross, that's fine. But every animal has genitals? The statuette was realistic so it has genitals too, much like human nude statues. I'd understand if it was a cartoon or a stylized toy, but it's a figure/speaker.
>>1562433I know cats are less lethal (if they're parasite-free, otherwise…) but people underestimate how aggressive and violent they can be. I was walking down a street a few years ago and saw a big orange cat up on a fence. I passed it by but after a few steps I noticed that it came down and started following me. I thought it was just looking/sniffing around/me but at some point the fucker charged at me unprovoked and tried to claw at my ankles. I had boots on so he just kinda crashed into my foot and then ran away but damn. It could have been dangerous to a child, especially because cats tend to go for the face and eyes, and their claws carry more bacteria I think.
No. 1562976

>>1562307I'm not disagreeing, cats carry plenty of diseases and their scratches and bites can be terrible. I knew someone who had to get stitches and antibiotics because of their cat. Specifically, our friend was in her yard with her cats and a neighbor who was walking their husky off leash passed by, and the dog immediately tried to maul it. She grabbed the cat and ran inside, obviously it scratched her hand a ton.
The difference is that a dog attack can be lethal, they can break bones, absolutely shred someone's limbs. A cat scratch can be nasty, but no one is going to bleed out from a cat attack. Also cats are unpredictable and they make me nervous, but I've never felt anything close to the fear I felt from being approached by a random, lone pitbull from a stray cat. There are dozens of stories of dogs jumping fences, knocking past barriers, and ignoring people physically trying to beat it back so it can continue to attack someone. There's a separate cat hate thread
>>>/ot/1438031 for this kind of content.
No. 1563332
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No. 1564192
>>1560348Don't ask questions you don't want answers to.
>>1560769>x is bad so stop worrying about yThe question was asked why people hate cats so I gave a couple of reasons.
Also you're making a big assumption that most cat owners aren't irresponsible and let their shitbeasts wander around outside to kill small animals in nature/on other people's property.
No. 1564430
>>1564192Your comment about cats was 2/3 describing how gross you found them in detail. I was just pointing out that dogs are just as gross on top of being physically dangerous.
>x is bad so stop worrying about yI literally never said that, more like both x and y are bad in their own special ways but we're in the dog hate thread so I'm going to hate on dogs. I'm not making a big assumption, I've worked at a pet store and have been around cat colonies. Overall I'm going to prioritize the life of a human child over some yard varmint, so of course I'm more upset about dogs being everywhere rather than someone's retarded cat. Plenty of dog owners let their dogs wander around off leash and on to other people's property or in nature, I've seen far more issues arise from dogs being outdoors than cats in my lifetime. Dogs getting lost (repeatedly), bit by copperheads, hurting people/animals because they're off-leash, random dogs stealing/damaging property, attacking outdoor animals (horses, donkeys), getting in fights, chasing kids. The only issues I've seen from outdoor cats is them killing voles and then inevitably disappearing at the hands of a coyote. I'm literally one step below having a fear of cats and I think all animals are unhygienic and dirty, but I've seen one (1) cat totally unprompted in a retail space, whereas I've seen and heard more dogs in retail/human only spaces than I can count. Until a cat fag releases a fucking duffle bag of feral cats at whole foods, I'm going to hate on dogs first and foremost
No. 1566077
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yes fuck dogs
No. 1566120
>>1563338I love how your response to people disagreeing with them is claiming they're guys. Do the women you know in real life never ever disagree with you?
>>1562307There's a cat hate thread, check the catalog. I personally think they're just as bad, but in completely different ways. Love well taken care of pets though.
No. 1566121
>>1562336Cat scratches can be deadly
Dogs are generally worse statistically but both are cancerous except for a few useful breeds for hunting mice etc
No. 1567790
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No. 1568730
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I am not sure if this is an issue in other countries, but in the specific desert region of my country where I live, the native dogs(pye-dogs picrel) are typically small, lean and have a soft brown undercoat, and they mostly scavenge. These dogs have evolved to survive in the harsh desert environment and are not usually a problem. However, the issue arises when rich Idiots bring in larger dogs from the West, such as German Shepherds, Huskies, and Bull Dogs. When these big dogs go out and mate with Pye-dogs, it results in bigger and more aggressive hybrids. Not long ago, there was a pack of these hybrids, likely sired by a German Shepherd, that attacked children, leading to a hunt for them.
No. 1571215
I have just started an intership needed to get my grade and the woman I have to work for decided it was a good idea to bring her huge dogs to her shop because they're scared of people (one of them even bit a man) to make them used to others.
And god, its impossible work with the dogs around, they bark at everyone, sit on your feet and lap, put their paws on your back and the worst of it: they freely jump onto the table, lay on it and lick the equipment and your face, with their owner doing nothing to stop it outside laughing. She just goes "oh, I just coddle them too much" and occasionally brings them down the table (oh, and she's the kind of person who let their dogs lick their mouth, she doesn't mind it). This is my first day and I'm already sick of it, and I can't change the workplace at this point unfortunately.
At least it will be for just 12 days, but why don't people train their pets correctly, specially if they bring them to public spaces??
No. 1571326
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I hate dog owners who infantilize their big and dangerous dogs. The dog are ugly as af too.
No. 1572324
If you live in Pennsylvania, USA and you know of a dangerous dog, you can take steps to reduce the chance that it will kill someone. The Dangerous Dog Act of 1990 is the name of the law.
A dangerous dog is one that has:
(1) Inflicted severe injury on a human being without provocation on public or private property.
(2) Killed or inflicted severe injury on a domestic animal, dog or cat without provocation while off the owner’s property.
(3) Attacked a human being without provocation.
If a dog attacks a person, the person (or anyone acting on his/her behalf), the state dog warden, or a police officer may file a complaint with a magisterial district justice charging the owner or keeper with harboring a dangerous dog.
If the judge rules that the dog is dangerous, the owner then has to:
(1) Register the animal with the Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement and reregister the dog annually by January 1st of each year regardless of when the dog was initially registered.
(2) Registration fee is $500 per calendar year for the life of the dog.
(3) Confine the dog in a proper, secure enclosure on private property.
(4) It is unlawful for an owner to permit the dog to be outside the proper enclosure unless the dog is muzzled and restrained by a substantial leash and under the physical restraint of a responsible person.
(5) Post the premises with a clearly visible warning sign that there is a dangerous dog on the property. In addition, the owner shall conspicuously display a sign with a warning symbol that informs children of the presence of a dangerous dog.
(6) Spay or neuter the dog.
(7) Microchip the dog.
(8) Obtain surety bond in the amount of $50,000 issued by an insurer authorized to do business within this Commonwealth, payable to any person injured by the dangerous dog.
Most shitbull owners will not pay a minimum $500 a year to keep their toddler killer, and if they do, it can't be outside of its completely secured fenced enclosure. So those of you with dog owning neighbors, you can file a complaint through the online portal of Agriculture. The links are Agriculture > Animals > Dog Law Enforcement > Submit a complaint or tip.
No. 1573470
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The "adorable" behavioral quirks (defects) these owners gush over are the exact red flags that show the animals are dangerous. Nobody needs an easily startled dog with spastic emotional regulation, that wags its tail desperately even while it's mauling a person to death.
No. 1573897
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Idk what breed these dogs are, but they're ugly.
No. 1573931
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>>1573908You can't be a good dog owner to pitbulls, they were bred for bloodsport. Pit mommies are basically in an
abusive codependent relationship with their pitbull. The breed is clingy, neurotic, obsessive, basically everything an abused woman looks for in a partner. But they're also randomly aggressive, prey driven (and everything is prey to them), and are pain blind when attacking. So these idiots adopt their velvet hippo/lab mix from the pound, it's fine for a year or two (if that), it starts showing aggression towards cats or children, and then the women has to defend her maligned underdog from "dog racism." She knows that her love is strong enough to turn the dog around, that her care and compassion will stop him from hurting others and herself, she just has to love him hard enough. And so children and animals die just so she can try to prove everyone wrong. But you can't love an abuser so much that you fix the broken part of their brain, they're just broken.
No. 1574422
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How can you be so brainwashed that you disregard the life of your child in exchange for a dog's?
No. 1576451
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>brother in law says he's going to breed his dog
>dog has multiple health issues such as early arthritis, multiple allergies, stomach problems, behavioral issues
>will have to pay over 5k to fix health problems if he ever gets the money
>and he wants this tard dog to have puppies
>puppies that will inherit said health issues
im so tired of this fucking retard family and their inability to care for animals.
No. 1576669
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This gives me anxiety
No. 1581448
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everyone should hate mutts. they should be kept merely for service if absolutely necessary . one good thing about muslims is not liking mutts and wanting them inside, or at every public space. i want myself and our collective living spaces to be clean, safe, quiet with boundaries that are respected. i hope soy doggo culture never comes here and that breeders get punished for their ugly and dangerous practices. i hate mutt owners.
No. 1592027
My best friend's pitbull puppy recently passed away from parvo and this bitch had the audacity to say "Nona, you don't understand the pain…its like losing a child" like giiiiiiiiirl lmao stfu. Crazy ass. I'm not even a big dog hater, but people like that are so fucking annoying. Your dog is not your child. My best friend has a whole ass son and still said that with a straight face. And honestly I think its a blessing in disguise that the puppy died. They weren't training the pit puppy at all and even encouraged it to bite while playing. Lil shit already bit tf out of my best friends Dad while playing. She lives with her Dad & her Dad has like 3 little dogs that hes taken in over the years (dogs of family members that have passed) and it was only a matter of time until that lil pitty was gonna tear up one of the lil dogs.
>>1534322Reminds me of my Grandma's pomeranian Benji. She used to have an antique shop down in the valley she would go for a week out of the month to. That damn dog is so attatched to her that my Mom was convinced he was "trying to kill himself because she left" cause he refused to eat his damn food or even human food for days! But always mid week he'd finally give in and eat a hot dog.
No. 1598672
Dogs stink so bad. I wish more people were less enthusiastic about praising random peoples' jumpy misbehaving dogs because they just loooove dogs. As in yesterday, a small woman was trying to walk 2 massive, thick, muscular dogs (idk breeds well, mastiff?) into the enterance of a dog friendly hardware store as another man and his kid were walking out, me trying to enter behind the woman. She could not handle the dogs even on a leash they easily could pull her over if they wanted, they jumped all over that man and his kid. Dogs are like 100lbs each, they are huge. Woman could not, even using all her weight on the leashes, pull them off of the guy. She just keeps saying sorry but the man said back, "its okay, I LOVE dogs!!!" And proceeded to give a bunch of pets and scratches and 'good boy!'s, riling them up while I awkwardly wait for the scene to stop so I can get my shopping done bc there is no way to get around this. I see this all the time. I do NOT want anyones dog on me yet even leashed ones keep trying. I work at an outdoor market in very hot conditions and people bring their dogs all the time. One nearly knocked my stand over last time. So mamy dogs begging to get in some shade they are clearly in heat distress. And forcing them to wear those thick harnesses with all the attachments so the dog carries the shit bags, water, pop up bowls, extra whatevers on its back like forcing it to wear a coat when the heat index is triple digits (farenhight). They make the dogs stand on hot burning pavement and yell at them for pacing. Dogs trying to dart under tables to not die of heat stroke. The massive increase of stink emitted from the dogs drooling everywhere in a huge effort to keep cool. No, you should not have an artic dog this close to the equator, fucking cruel retards.
No. 1598713
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Pitbull mommies are insane. Who endangers their child for the sake of an aggressive dog? That woman is a failure of a mother and an animal.(lurk moar)
No. 1604500
>>1604495Same here I see them all the time. They've started calling them "nanny dogs" too and claim that their pibbles are great with their babies/children. A recipe for disaster. You'd have better luck with a python looking after your children than a pitbull.
>Dog nutter culture is cancer the western world's obsession with dogs culturally has got completely out of control. In previous times, pretty much all dog breeds were used for something, even the small ones were used to catch vermin or hunt for ducks etc. Now any old retarded, obese breeder-farm dog with a crushed skull and frog legs is viewed as some sort of special angel and you're not even allowed to question the harmful breeding methods. I guess this goes hand in hand with the fact that most dog owners are obnoxious, lazy and unable to take any criticism in how to properly raise an animal. I honestly think that legally you should have to go through some sort of tests and assessments before you're allowed to own a pet.
No. 1605097
So why exactly ARE dog owners some of the most insecure people on the planet? Other pet owners can get defensive but usually not to the same level of a dog nut, although there are exceptions obviously. But it seems like at least 75%+ of dog owners take it as a personal attack if you don't like dogs. It's kind of creepy honestly. It's not healthy or normal for a mature, not mentally ill adult human being to be this obsessed with dogs to the point where if someone disagrees with them, either the dog owner will get all huffy and upset, or they'll go off the deep end and start throwing death threats, threats of violence/rape, threatening to kill other animals, attack your personal character, claim you must be the worst person alive, untrustworthy, and then they start coping with the fact that they have no ability to sympathize with other humans by saying shit like "omggg you don't know reeeeaaaaal love until you've kept a highly social animal isolated and trapped in a cage/house for the majority of its lifetime so that it becomes freakishly obsessed with you!! Now that's real love, which you'll never know because you don't own a heccin good boye pupperino!1! That's how I learned what true love felt like!!"
Wtf is it about dogs that seems to make the average person become this way? Or is it more of a situation where these types of people are more drawn to an animal that is entirely dependent on them that they get to control every part of, down to the minute that that animal gets to take a shit? It's just… weird.
No. 1611892
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How the fuck do you cape this much for a hunting and fighting dog bred by inbred English farmers
No. 1611901
>>1611892Ok I actually like dogs but saw this on the front page and laughed, this shit is so ridiculous. Why wouldn’t these people rally behind the multitude of African dog breeds that don’t regularly maul children.
I don’t even really hate pits necessarily but I do hate their owners who insist their dogs are uwu sweet babies incapable of aggression when they were literally bred for fighting and, beyond that, are terriers — bred to kill small animals. They are meant to be banned where I live yet somehow half the dogs on my street are pits.
No. 1612052
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>Average shitbull owner when a child is horrifically mauled by their bloodsport dog
No. 1646093
>>1442838Just found out about this thread so sorry. You don't need to make disclaimers for service dogs or farm dogs. Most of the times they're extremely useless. Especially farm dogs, which I have the most experience with.
Dogs have no use on a farm. For rounding up cattle and sheep, most people use atv's now. Maybe for rat catching, they're still pretty good, and that's the most I'll give them.
With this resurgence of homesteaders, permaculturists, and other such farm larpers, there's also a resurgence of "livestock guardian dogs". This is the most useless form of farm dog, because it's completely fucking fake. It was just made up one day. Every single case study on LGD's has resulted in the dog having NO effect on predator pressure, or the dogs actually killed livestock themselves.
You can't even trust scientists in this matter. Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension Center's done a lot of these case studies (, but even though every single case study had medium-to-severe failure, they still publish papers claiming that LGD's are worth their weight in gold.
For service dogs, there's usually non-dog solutions that are 100% more effective and cheaper. Like seizure dogs, blood sugar dogs, whatever.
No. 1646178
>>1646093Speak for yourself, my herding mix is really good at helping me herd my cats and she hates moids
>>1646124In a lot of states, the person can just say they’re training their service dog. In my state service dogs in training are allowed everywhere a fully trained service dog is allowed. As long as the dog isn’t being aggressive or causing a disturbance (barking, shitting, pissing, jumping, etc)
No. 1646893
>>1646876"not my nigel": dog edition
No. 1647258
>>1647166Milkless bitching is soooo much better, you're so right. Dog owners are practically all zoophiles anyway. Most are just one dollop of peanut butter away from it.
Katie Herzog,
TERF podcaster, has an unfixed male large breed dog and often talks about how eating meat is worse than bestiality. Dogpill is real as fuck.
No. 1647534
>>1647527I just don’t get why add the fact that she’s a
TERF if you’re mad at her for having a dog.
No. 1647596
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It's retarded to equate hatred of dogs with hatred of cats. People that love cats have every reason to hate dogs. Of course by dogs I mean pitbulls, since they're always slaughtering cats as their deathmonger owners look on. Reminds me of people who think misandry = misanthropy. You know, morons.
No. 1648476
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>>1647699There's only kill shelters here, but there's no-kill shelters that come here just to grab a bunch of dogs for their overfilled shelters. I foster kittens / cats and the occaisonal barnyard animal that gets brought in so I hear all the bellyaching.
There's a 4 day turn around for one kill shelter and a 7 day turn around for the other. That's how many days they'll hold before euthanasia. And it's purely bc of how many dogs are out here. Like 80% pits. I don't like the idea of kill shelters, but I can see how it's better than just keeping a fucked up dog in the shelter for 10 years holding up resources that could be used for some other less fucked up dog.
Like, I hate all dogs, but it'd be nice if we could at least have less dogs that regularly kill and eat people, you know?
Picrel, one of the shelters that "rescues" pits from the kill shelter also mislables them, lol. Yeah it's a whippet, bring it home!
No. 1648491
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>>1431727I saw yall had this stupid thing that tries to say boxers and bostons are bloodsport dogs, but yall were missing this equally, but differently stupid thing which just straight up makes up dogs.
No. 1648500
>>1648491I want to punt every single one of these hideous shitbags into the sun
>>1648490Every time I see a picture of a fugly deformed shitbull I want to a-log, all of them should be nuked without exception, they just shouldn’t exist
No. 1648528
>>1648500You're kinda already a-logging. I mean, I do get it bc it seems like ppl just have no clue about pits and willingly endanger their family just bc they have this desire to fight what they think is an unearned stigma. And it can be frustrating.
>>1648503Cats are normal animals with normal instincts, not like pits that have no flee response. But yeah they should live inside where they're not killing.
>>1648510lol the one that stands out for me is the alapana blue blood bulldog. So fake lmao. Ca do bou? wtf is that? And it just looks like a pit! All those mixed up baby words just to say pit
No. 1648542
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My apartment building has a dividing gate for big and small dogs. I was letting my dog interact with a shitbull that was on the other side of the gate. The shitbull broke through, chased my dog around trying to bite her and the owner was laughing thinking they’re “playing”. I was freaking out and was hoping the owner would stop the dog. You can’t pick up your dog if they get attacked because you put yourself in harm’s way too. Eventually the owner stopped the dog and I politely excused myself and went to my apartment. I was so fucking dumb for not yelling at her. The next day I went in on management saying that if something happened to me or my dog I wouldn’t hesitate in suing everyone. A few days later I went into the dog park and the owner and dog were actively avoiding me which was awesome. A couple days ago I was in the elevator with her and my dog and while she’s petting my dog she’s like “you and pudge were having so much fun the other day!!! Playing so nice!” What a fucking bitch. I have a bunch of shitbull facts that I’m going to read out loud if she tries with me again.
No. 1648581
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>>1648546Hideous demon beast
No. 1648609
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>>1648491I see that American Allaunt is a real bread, but that photo is just a modern roided out looking pitbull. They can try all they want to create autistic delineation of these breeds, but they've all been interbred with shitbulls in the past decade to create retarded monster dog sharks. And you're 100% going to see those same TRUE AND HONEST NOT A PITBULL features advertised on pitbulls by pitbull breeders.
No. 1649253
File: 1690744274690.jpg (35.32 KB, 640x359, puppy-DMID1-5zpfeiuy6-640x359.…) dog owner upset that actions have consequences. Somehow the dogs got out, as per usual. The dogs begin killing other animals, as per usual.
How can you be mad about someone defending their livestock, when your dog already looks taxidermied? Why do dog owners expect everyone else in the world to look after their terrible pets?
Their dogs killed 18 chickens, and this guy thinks it could have been settled peacefully. How do you peacefull stop dogs from killing livestock?
No. 1649266
>>1649253Dogs that terrorize and murder livestock literally have no place in society, that shit isn’t normal dog behavior. The only creatures domestic pets like dogs and cats were ever given free reign to kill on sight have been rodents. Any dog that murders shit besides rodents should be culled, they’re dangers to society. And before recently these dogs were culled and nobody demonized those doing the culling.
The reason dogs nowadays suck so bad isn’t just bad owners. A good dog will still be a good dog even with bad owners. The culture shift where we suddenly baby and pour resources into mentally unstable dogs is why dogs in 2023 are so much worse than dogs in 2003. In 2003 dogs like this would be put down and nobody would bat an eye, it was standard operating procedure. Suddenly no kill shelters abound (and the “No kill” part only applies to dogs, cats at no kill shelters are routinely not given a chance and labeled feral and euthanized and it doesn’t count against their no kill status). Also there’s a huge problem with large dangerous dogs being mixed with even more unstable breeds like pits. Huskies are already a huge responsibility but combine it with poor breeding practices that don’t cull vicious dogs but rather breed them further, and the fact that so many have bully breed admixture. It’s a recipe for disaster.
No. 1649291
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>>1649284That's really all you can say? Here's my last 3 cycles. Moids ovulate now? Not everyone who disagrees with you is a scrote, retard
No. 1649296
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>>1649266Huskies really are getting just as bad if not worse than pits. There's that husky that ripped a kid's arm off and didn't get euth'd bc of a petition.
No. 1649315
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moids do it too, not just women. Probably worse with moids, anyway.
No. 1649320
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>Around 8 p.m. the following day, the camera captured multiple brief videos that allegedly showed a man later identified as Matsoukas — who was naked, except for a ski mask, wrist watch, boots and backpack — masturbating near the women’s restroom and then engaging in a sexual act with a dog. The videos also showed that Matsoukas appeared to be recording himself with an iPad.
>Matsoukas’s location was within viewing distance of a road frequently used by visitors to the Alan Seeger picnic area, leased camps, Penn Roosevelt State Park and the Greenwood Fire Tower, according to the affidavit.
this guy made the news recently too
No. 1649503
>>1649353What do you think about this meme of "ethical breeding"? I see it a lot from pro-pit people, but none of them can substantiate what exactly they mean when they say it. They say people should get their dogs from ethical breeding, but most of them hoard dogs– mostly pits and pit mixes– that they somehow come across and then keep in miserable conditions. So I have no idea what they mean when they say ethical breeder. Do they mean no culling? Do they mean they don't make the bitch have like 3 liters a year every year?
I only have experience with poultry breeding, but yeah a lot of culling goes into finding the traits, behavior, and body shape to fit the standards of perfection.
No. 1649629
>>1649529Its always something like, you should have a better fence so when my dog gets out, they can't get to your chickens. Idk why they can't keep their own animals contained. Mine never get out.
>>1649580Honestly, kinda makes me sad bc it's not the dog's fault that it's owned by a retard, you know? It's just that most dog owners are genuinely retarded and won't be responsible with their dogs, ever
No. 1649828
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poor beautiful little baby boy ravaged by pitties. If my neighbours had pits I’d carry a gun
No. 1649892
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Round them up and shoot them all
No. 1650179
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>mfw sister owns a 40 kilo bull arab (officially unrecognised type of australian inbred shitbull mutt designed for "boar hunting" (see: dogfighting), genetic mystery meat with the gameness and muscle of pits and the prey drive and neurosis of greyhounds)
>mfw she gave birth to her first kid early this year
>mfw she lets the dog into the baby's space, lets the dog lick the baby after the baby plays with food, LETS THE DOG LIE NEXT TO HER WHEN SHE WATCHES TV WITH BABY SLEEPING ON HER
vent incoming.
been going to her place for dinner more regularly recently and its so so bad, multiple times ive actually had to get up and put the dog in another room because shes tense, upright staring at the baby while baby eats or when she cries. i am genuinely losing sleep over this.
sister has had the dog for a little over three years now. dog is extremely dog aggressive (oh wait, we have to say "reactive" so sister doesn't feel like she has a "bad dog") and has (at least) three times attacked other dogs in public, drawing blood once. she barks like crazy in the yard at nothing unless she has an ecollar on, but even then if she is barking at something specific (eg a possum) the shocks do nothing to stop her. she has literally ripped a possum to pieces in front of me before while being electrocuted like it was nothing. sister justified this incident as being "no different to [my cat] killing rats".
i have tried to talk to my sister about this dog ever since she got it. i know a lot about dogs (worked closely with them, frankly this is why i generally dislike them) and ever since she bought this animal home i knew it would be a nightmare and a risk to people and other animals. tried to be nice about it, but she used to drop it in my parents yard and let it bark incessently all day, so i got in her face about it when i lived there but she just got more and more stubborn and angry about me "thinking she cant handle a dog". every time ive seriously tried to give her advice or talk about the dogs behaviour in the past (first the barking issue, then the attacks on other dogs, then the time she broke offleash and knocked over a cyclist trying to bite his wheels, then the possum thing….) she just gets upset and cries about me "insulting her" and calling her dog "a bad dog" (classic dogfag projection, i dont know why its so hard to step back and think wait a dog literally doesnt give a shit how i talk about it). its like she feels this moral obligation to defend this mutt.
she and her partner have already spent so much fucking money on this animal. the usual pibble problems like food intolerances and gastrointestinal, joint and skin issues, plus of course the yes man dog "behaviouralist" who DIDNT EVEN TAKE HER OUT OF THE ISOLATED YARD to assess her behaviour and aggression, just handwaved it as "ohh shes such a good dog just a little reactive. you're welcome for that new favourite word, that'll be $2000".
but now with a baby in the mix i really feel like things are getting increasingly dire and dont know how i can possibly step in and help avert a crisis before it happens. things are only going to get more tense as the baby learns to babble and walk, the dog already watches her like a fucking hawk- or rather, like a hound watching a bait bunny. all my other family members are dogfag retards who willfully ignore body language and warning signs and anthropomorphise her to the extreme and get offended if i even use the word "aggression" in the context of the dog, tut-tutting me to use [i]reactive[/i] instead.
anyway idfk if there's even anything i can do here. sister KNOWS the dog bite stats, ive been through all of it before, but she just fucking ignores it because HER precious pupper would NEVER hurt a fly!!(previous attacks dont count cause she heard a scary sound or something who cares).
also their house fucking stinks like wet dog fur. feel so bad for my little niece. hopefully that inbred shitbull's colon explodes or something soon
No. 1650212
>>1650179I'm so tired of the meme of boar hunting being pushed as a use for these shitty dogs. Feral pigs in the US are literally here because of people releasing them for hunting purposes, they're not from farm pigs like some people say. So idk how making demand for boar hunts is gonna improve the feral pig situation lmao. Anyway yeah it's not even hunting, they put the boar in a paddock where they can't get away from the dogs, and the dogs just maul it to pieces.
I stg sometimes these pit hags have babies just for the dogs to eat, and it sounds like that's the situation here anon, sorry.
>new favorite wordkek, so true.
No. 1650659
>>1649629My parents were terrible dog owners and refused to neuter our male shepherd mix cause my dad is a disgusting scrote who didn’t want “his dogs balls chopped off” cause of projection or whatever. That dog escaped ALL the time. But guess what? He never once attacked any human or animal. Everyone in the neighborhood knew him and loved him. He didn’t jump on people or bowl children over. My parents were bad dog owners, but he was a seriously good dog. There are definitely bad dog owners in this world but even the best dog owner can end with a bad dog. A good/bad dog depends more on genetics than any amount of training or exercise.
My dog is a well cared for, spayed/vaxxed shepherd mix and she has escaped the yard ONCE because a storm blew my side gate off the hinges and I didn’t notice. She didn’t terrorize anything or anyone, she just took herself out for a run for about 15 minutes total. I was losing my mind and my partner was fixing to hop in the car to help me look for her, but just as he was about to pull out we see her come barreling down the road back home, kek. She proceeded to drink a whole bowl of ice water and then take like a 6 hour nap. Good dogs are still good dogs even when their owners make a mistake. The reason dogs are especially horrible today is because of a combo of the no kill movement, the fact that most dog owners of non-pit dogs get their dogs fixed so almost every mutt is a pit mix nowadays, and also breeders not culling dogs with aggressive temperaments.
If you ever lurk on the dog dna communities where people post basically their dog’s ancestrydna results (embark and wisdom
Panels), 9/10 mutts from North America have pit/staffie. Even the ones who don’t necessarily look like they’re a high percentage bully breed. I took a chance with my rescue mutt and was absolutely thrilled to find out she’s not got a DROP of bully breed in her (she doesn’t look like she does but you can never know by looking).
No. 1650667
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>>1650663thanks I feel much better now
No. 1651566
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>>1651557Ok dog fucker, I hope the pitbull across the street sees this.
No. 1651940
>>1651550cant- council wont do shit, might give her a citation if i call during another aggression incident, or if the dog gets out again. child services also wont do anything in this situation. talked to a social worker mate about it and she said absolutely no chance of any intervention. none of the dogs aggression history is officially documented and shes placid while in the home with ecollar on around my sister.
>>1651562i live in an old wooden house in a city so rats get in semi regularly, bought the cat in as a ratter and she does a great job! she doesnt go outside (snake incident when she was a kitten and escaped through a window scared me straight on that).
thanks for letting me vent bros, gonna schedule a coffee date with sister and try to talk to her openly about my concerns. we'll see how it goes. praying for some sense to get through the cloud of terminal dogfaggery. ill stop blogging now tho peace
No. 1657016
>>1657001I AM educated. It's roughly 360 people mauled or sometimes killed by pitbull, every year.
Which means about 360 people dangerously attacked by pitbulls…. out of 372.218.000 people.
No. 1657026
>>1657016all of those that could be prevented if it wasnt for retarded owners. people should be charged with manslaughter if their pets kill other people because of their negligence.
I hope the pitdaddy you like sees this.
No. 1659023
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pit bull owners are so weird. why do they cling as hard as they do to their violent mangy beasts
No. 1659261
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My neighbor has one of those old people dogs and it drives me INSANE. She locks it out the house all day on a leash and it just barks at everything. The worst part is its leash can reach the sidewalk and it attacks any other dog that walks passed. She goes out and SEES it doing this, sees it attacking other dogs and barking wildly, and she just goes back inside??? Boomer + dog mentality is wild.
No. 1661239
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>>1649828Watched the full video and its tragic, poor kid and I really feel for his family and what they had to suffer.
No. 1663244
This is more of a disdain for the owner of a dog rather than the dog, though the dog was gross too.
>20 something year old TIF in my circle bouncing around apartments in Southern California
>decides to get an Alaskan malamute because it was being given away for “free” despite not knowing shit about the breed and not caring that a gigantic dog with a huge fur coat in a hot cramped apartment with no AC is a bad idea to anyone who isn’t a fucking retard
>moves into said apartment with people I know
>dog is never groomed, barely walked, TIF makes roommates walk dog too
>just lays around and sheds like crazy, smelly dog fur everywhere around apartment
>dog shouldn’t even be allowed in apartment but because the retarded thing is considered the TIF’s “therapy dog” it’s allowed
>TIF doesn’t think maybe there’s a reason giant dogs aren’t allowed in tiny shithole apartments, brags about being able to cheat the system
>anytime the dog shits it gets disgusting dog shit on its fur which the TIF wouldn’t always clean properly, she would just send the dog outside to sit on the tiny apartment deck
>dog is overweight as shit, barely wags it’s tail, never plays with toys, clearly fucking depressed, nothing more than just furniture anytime I’m over there
>offer to pay for it to be groomed because I legitimately feel so sad for this thing, TIF refuses my money
>suddenly dies at like 8 from heart failure when it should’ve lived till at least 10
>retards in the group sending their condolences saying the dog lived a “happy life” k e k
I really hate these types of dog owners with a burning passion, that dog was depressed as fuck and neglected and the people I know are sending their condolences have been in the apartment and seen how nasty and depressing it was are either too retarded to realize that dog was unhappy as fuck and neglected or they’re just lying through their teeth kek
No. 1663399
>>1663244I will never take seriously anyone who claims to have a "therapy dog" and then it turns out it's a husky or a malamute. They're literally the last breed of dog you would want as an actual therapy dog, they barely obey, are high maintenance, too energetic and aggressive. It's so cringy and downright disrespectful when they go "I have anxietyyy and CPTSD and depression I NEED a therapy dog" and it's always a damn husky (self trained! because there's no fucking way it can pass an actual aptitude test) that they get to carry everywhere because of the word "therapy" on the harness (that you can buy with no problem online).
>>1663367You realize someone can hate dogs for being aggressive and hate cats for being smelly/other stuff at the same time right?
No. 1663413
>>1663399cats are inoffensive to humans compared to dogs. sorry if you're
triggered by a bad cat owner that doesnt clean their cat litter, but I would rather have a smelly neighbour than a shitbull owner neighbour.
if you're one of those people who are so worried about cats eating native fauna, worry not, feral dogs also kill a lot of wild animals too. and they are also in packs and sometimes kill humans.
No. 1664066
>>1663654Dog also groom themselves, but they still stink. Many animals groom themselves but they still fucking stink because parasite-ridden saliva isn't exactly clean.
>>1663803Nta but if you want to sperg about how animals that shit/piss in a litterbox and play with carcasses totally don't smell then you have the cat love thread. This is the dog hate thread, not the "I hate dogs and cats are the best thing ever" thread.
No. 1664307
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service dogs are a retarded solution to "problems" that aren't even real. unless you're literally blind there's no reason to have them. if you have the funds to afford a service dog in the first place you should just put that money into therapy and work on your problems instead and actually fix them, don't get a pet for tens of thousands of dollars that doesn't even do shit to fix your problems! and it makes no sense to allow service dogs in places where pets aren't allowed bc those rules are there for a reason, someone can be very allergic and whatever. so other than being fucking useless they can even pose a risk to others. dumbest shit ever istg
No. 1664331
>>1664066>>1663734>>1663578>>1663572leave or integrate newfag
>>1664307Therapy animals don't even have to be thousands of dollars. They can get any dog from the pound and be like "muh anxiety". I see old women with their shitty little dogs in supermarkets all the time. People that bring their animals around food are disgusting and I would never eat at their house
No. 1664380
>>1664307Don't be retarded, you can have service dogs that do important things, like dogs who smell allergens in food, who smell low blood sugar, who tell you when you're about to pass out. There's no need to hate on disabled people making their life easier because you don't like dogs.
The only problem with service dogs (at least in the US) is that you can lie and say your untrained dog is a service dog and take him anywhere, and nobody can deny you.
No. 1664584
>>1664066big mad
>>1664307But muh therapy peacock. I saw a woman try to take one onto a plane saying it was an emotional support peacock
>>1664517I've always wondered about those dogs. I saw one on tiktok for detecting gluten in food. There has to be an easier way kek
No. 1664660
>>1664517No it's not. Have you seen how it's done? It's incredibly time and effort efficient. Service dogs can smell allergens even on packaged food with tons of ingredients and homemade food. Some foods don't list the allergens but can have them from cross contamination, some lie, some make mistakes. Food intolerances can literally be deadly to someone. People who have service dogs usually have multiple, often severe health issues so yeah, avoiding allergens can be important, not having to manually check your glucose or be constantly on guard can improve your quality of life.
I have my own food intolerances that might not cause death, but do cause me extreme chronic pain. I don't want a service dog, but having one who could tell me if a food is safe or not would be very beneficial to my quality of life.
Stop trying to trivialize people's health issues because dogs
trigger you. Some can even notice seizures before they happen, is that sick or deadly enough for you?
No. 1664686
>>1664660you're in the dog hate thread so idk what kind of response you're expecting here, i will hate on dogs and their owners no matter how big of a munchie they are kek.
>avoiding allergens can be important, not having to manually check your glucose or be constantly on guard can improve your quality of lifedo you realize i could use the exact same argument as to why service dogs shouldn't be allowed anywhere? people can be very allergic to them as well. omg stop literally killing people and trivializing their health issues tho!!
No. 1665486
>>1665472What about those really tiny dogs that fit in a handbag?
It's hard enough getting people to leash their dogs or pick up their shit, never mind trying to get them to muzzle them.
No. 1666049
>>1665613You’re absolutely right. It makes me hate the fuck out of dogs tbh. They’re a sickness that is plaguing humanity and driving us apart from each other. There’s nothing special about them, they’re just domesticated animals with an impressive fawn response. They don’t love and care about us any more than a goddamn cat and they don’t love or care about children, yet people gift them to their children. They hate children. Even the ones who are good with them only do it as a fawn response, submissive wolves will be submissive to the cubs of the alphas and that’s what they’re doing. If they thought they could get away with it they’d rip that child’s lip off for even breathing near them. Badly trained dogs always turn aggressive and threatening, that’s their natural state.
People say that dogs are better than children but I think, while children are very capable of loving dogs, dogs would never love children. Dogs do not love or care for people the way people care for them, dog lovers would get a lot more out of life if they stopped expecting people to fawn for their approval like dogs, or thinking fawning means love.
No. 1666093
Also I've never known anyone who wasn't disabled that had a service dog. They're either blind, wheelchair bound, etc.
No. 1670487
>>1669091They judge for being cautious, but they also blame the
victim when they get attacked for “not being cautious”. Pitnutters especially all have these long lists of innocuous behaviours that “
trigger” their little angel. In their eyes, their dog is always right.
No. 1671332
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My local vet posts all the new patients every week. There are few pitbulls thankfully (pitbull owners don’t take care of their animals, that’s why). But this one showed up. There is absolutely NOTHING cute about this animal. NOTHING. It is actually hard to look at, it’s so ugly. “Pitty smile!” I see it next to all the golden retriever puppies and weiner dogs and just think women must have convinced themselves these shitbeasts are on the same level just like they convinced themselves they don’t have appearance preferences in men because thats “mean”
No. 1672681
>>1672676go away
honestly we should rename it "dog and dog owner hate threead" because i swear to god the only thing worse than dogs is their owners insisting their ugly mutt is the most precious thing ever and you can't possibly dislike it. "not my Nigel"exept with fido. fuck dog owners
No. 1672690
>>1672689I don’t know why they can’t stay contained in their dog love thread. I hate filthy felines and mangy mutts equally, I don’t understand why that’s so
triggering to these musty retards
No. 1672692
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to everyone itt rn
No. 1672817
>>1672672>her mom or dadgirl, its a dog. you own it. try actually training it so you can go about your day for five minutes without it pissing itself barking and ripping up your couch lel
i cant with dogfags and that "mom and dad" repulsive anthropomorphic language. it boggles the mind
No. 1672842
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That might explain it
No. 1672858
>>1672624Hm? It's a perfect example of Pitbull Derangement Syndrome. Strike a nerve? I have dealt with it with my own family, sadly. They all develop amnesia about the multiple pitbull attacks I've been through if anything about pitbulls comes up. What, anon, why don't you want to come to the party? Because ___ will be there with their pitbull, why do you care? Oh, well she's a sweet dog and blah blah blah blah. Like people have no empathy for dog attack
victims in general it's kind of fucked up. Because you have people taking the side of the dog over you, they think "oh well whatever she should just get over it and move on it's just a dog and plus my pitbull never hurt anybody". It's something inside them that gets twisted and demented they have this blind spot. I don't understand.
No. 1672891
>>1672858it's crazy how dog owners act woth dog atta k
victims or people with cynophobia. im both and people act extremely offended taht i instinctually recoil when a marge dog comes near. i hate the owners even more than the dogs tbh, the mutt is just retarded but the humans are vile
No. 1675618
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No. 1675649
I used to work in a shop and I got so fed up of peoples dogs pissing all over the floor, it was almost a daily occurrence. Most of them don’t even offer to clean it up, they just skulk out of the shop covertly. I feel like that’s you anon, you’d probably be so huffy and pissy about nobody wearing masks (YEARS after covid restriction) that you don’t respect us enough to ask for paper towels and clean up the piss yourself. Another thing is they had a sign outside the shop, one on a stand that we’d take in at the end of the day, and people would let their dogs cock their legs and wazz all over that. Don’t act like you’re totally hygiene conscious, you’re the one taking your pissmobile into HARDWARE stores. Leave the fucking thing at home or at least take it for a proper walk before you drag it around the shops.
Another thing: you’d have parents of actually human children and babies reluctant to push their buggies around the shop. They’d stand outside and wait for the other parent to finish, so they won’t be a nuisance, but the silly cunts with their french bulldogs don’t think twice about it. Human children are annoying, sure, but they are fucking human beings and actually have reason to be in a shop.
No. 1675750
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>>1675723But you want to force your ugly stinking mutt on others
No. 1676079
>>1675658do you not give a shit about people that are scared of dogs? Do you really believe your dogs rights are more important than other people? I don't get dog brain.
>>1675668Ah yes "I love dogs so everyone in here is therefore a moid or loves cats". flawless logic.
No. 1680204
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I’m sorry I don’t know how to imbed shorts but this woman shows her bedtime routine with her “wiener” dogs (she has almost 10 of them) in the video she shows off how they hump each other and drool all over the bed like it’s Sodom and Gomorrah for dogs. No. 1681635
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>>1681613The earth blessed us with a menagerie of powerful, intelligent and beautiful creatures. We repaid her by hunting them to extinction, or very close to it, sometimes for things as minuscule as trinkets and adornment. Then, we decided to take wolves out of their environment and subject them to the kind of forced inbreeding that would make the Hapsburgs shudder, all in order to create something with the looks and the brainpower equal to the kind of infants we used to abandon in the woods shortly after birth. The kind of thing that would get its mother burned at the stake if only the fellow villagers would see it. A wailing, faceless, stubby limbed dwarfed monstrosity incapable of even expressing its own anal glands, incapable even of mounting another abomination like itself, incapable of even breathing. While we continue to decimate wildlife, destroy the planet, even abandon our own fellow humans to the ravages of starvation and poverty, these godforsaken creatures are lavished like sultans. No wonder god has abandoned us. No. 1694421
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Please god let it happen. It would save so many people plus can you imagine the seethe and cope from dogfags whose precious angels are about to be humanely destroyed? “Nooo don’t kill the dog I use as a weapon and status symbol he’s one of the family reeee! I’m a good owner!” No. 1694502
>>1690018They have a daily pill for incontinence in dogs. It's called proin or proin xr, you should talk to your vet about it. As for the barking for no reason, that's doggy dementia. Melatonin at night to help calm him, or there's a better prescription. I think it might be called clomicalm? I might be getting that mixed up with an anti anxiety dog med though.
Either way, your dog's symptoms can be lessened or eliminated, you don't have to suffer.
No. 1698635
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>>1694229I wish I hadn’t looked at the comments, I want to a-log that fucking hideous abomination so much right now. Every single one is like this. Every. Single. One.
No. 1699178
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>>1694421It happened. Jealous of UK 'nons. Hopefully burgerland can follow and exterminate land-sharks.
Praise God for answering nonna's prayer.
No. 1699184
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>>1699178More milk. Good riddance to the world's worst dog. Can't recall the last time a corgi mauled anyone. let my country follow suit. I want to listen to the screaming and crying as the maulbeasts are ripped from their owners and sent off to the pound for their final vaccination. Although I will say it's ridiculous they're passing this off as an American dog breed when the breed was created in England and then exported here to plague us. How many people have been needlessly mauled and killed by these monsters?
No. 1699302
>>1699275Finger-pointing isn't going to solve this. There's only two types of people who create the demand for such this antithesis of animal domestication. Naive-at-best retards and sociopaths looking to profit off naive-at-best retards.
Should depraved dogfuckers be a separate category or can they fit in the first two?
No. 1699579
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I’ll take my ban for a-logging, I wish nothing but death on every shitbull in existence(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1699671
>>1699380You know, I thought I hated pitbulls as much as possible already. I was wrong.
A 2 year old needed reconstructive surgury on his butthole because his mom wanted to virtue signal with a maulbeast. Now not only are they violent and murderous, but also rapacious. That kid will be messed up for life. I hate that children always pay the price for the stupidity of their parents.
No. 1700134
>>1700065There is something about referring to pets as children that just makes me feel
raaaaage. Like, I get feeling love and affection towards a pet, but not this. That's just mental illness. No other animal would do this. They may adopt a different species as part of their litter. But no other animal, not even dogs, would ever favor
a completely different species to the detriment of their own young. It's not normal or natural a d we really need to make bullying hot again when we see this shit happening.
No. 1700555
>>1700134>>1700386And the worst is that, this friend of mine already had two pitbulls before (a male and a female). One of them died of old age (female), the other one (male) almost bit her mother's arm off bc the little shit pissed on her shoes and she started screaming at it. She wasn't even
abusive or treated the dog poorly, still, the demon attacked her.
I can only see what the results will be once the new shitbull reaches adulthood. I think my friend will only stop adopting these demons once one try to kill her.
No. 1701380
>>1700555Sorry, but that's unlikely. I guarantee she will completely blame herself for getting mauled like battered wives do when they get their ass beat over nothing. "I should have known existing in this dimension, breathing in a northwest direction while knitting was going to make him mad". She will project a history onto the pitbull that isn't real and will project human logic and emotions onto it that even normal dogs aren't capable of.
I've read too many Facebook pages of utter garbage not putting their dogs down when their children get hospitalized.
No. 1701450
>>1701380Once one is attacked by a dog, no matter their race, the end results are always the same: euthanasia.
At least here, the dogs are killed after such thing, and it can be for many reasons. As long as a dog is dangerous and a huge sign of threat to others, they will be eliminated, the exception being police dogs.
No. 1702316
>>1699178>>1699184Good. When breeders to to rename the breeds to sneak around the ban, I hope they keep banning them. It's ridiculous that breeders are still breeding fighting dogs.
>>1701450America got cursed by mega brainrot from Disney and Don Bluth films. And also from women trying to get emotional fulfilment from shitty dogs instead of building real relationships with other people, aka not scrotes.
No. 1702365
>>1702149I feel like I can't snark about this anywhere else since I'm in the childfree spaces, but "furmommies" are insanely cringe. When I see someone using a baby stroller for a dog I have to bite my lip to not laugh in their face. Let the fat little floor-shitting beast get some exercise. And I'm tired of everything everywhere stinking of dogshit all the time.
>>1702153that's sad. I didn't listen to it with sound. People were making fun of how weak and emasculated they were, but they probably were in shock, civilized people aren't equipped to deal with sudden fights to the death. Hell they don't even have normal kitchen knives in UK anymore, they have those castrated no-point knoives, what were they supposed to do against two shitbulls?
A man died because someone wanted to virtue signal with bloodsport animals. We extirpated wolves lions and bears for a reason.
No. 1702701
>>1702639And babies are only like that for like 4 years? Dog shit 3 times a day for 10+ years, then they get old and shit everywhere. You can't even go on vacation while having a dog.
I saw a page saying we should have dogs instead of kids on a plane. I get kids can be annoying but imagine a plane filled with dog dander. Guess they don't give a fuck about people with asthma and allergies
No. 1703084
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This is so fucking insane and dangerous, any parent who takes their child needs CPS called on their asses
Full article: No. 1703125
>>1694500same problem in aus, "american pit bull terriers" are federally banned but "staffordshire terriers", "bully XLs", "bully mixes" and "bull arabs" are not. absolutely international pit semen is purchased by trashy backyard breeders producing new mutts no one wants. and make up the entire shelter population as usual.
a pit by any other name will maul as viciously
No. 1703339
This morning, my husband asked me if I could clean up our dogs' hair today. I love my husband, but I desperately wish I could say "fuck you! Clean this shit up yourself! You're the one who made the executive decision to bring in TWO LARGE HUSKY MIXES when I said I was ok with ONE smaller, short-haired dog."
I don't really hate the dogs as far as temperament goes. They're pretty chill when inside the house and follow commands well.
I hate seeing a fine layer of hair on the floor everyday. I hate how no matter how often the dogs get groomed, no matter how often the furniture coverings get changed and washes, no matter how often the floor gets swept and mopped, there will always be hair and the faint smell of corn chips.
I hate that I can never be ok with our child going barefoot in our backyard anymore. I hate that I might not get to enjoy seeing bluebirds back there, either. Sure, if we had a cat, they'd be hunting birds, too. But these dogs want to chase and hunt everything that isn't a dog or a person. So that means other pets are off the table.
I don't hate these dogs, but God help me I will not be sad when they die. I'm gonna deep clean the house and burn sage until you'd never know these fucking dogs ever existed in our house.
No. 1704233
>>1703442This is not the catfags hugbox though. I'ts like two comments about how other animals also smell foul, if you're
triggered by it then you should go to the cat love thread and sperg all you want about how your cat totally doesn't smell like piss.
>>1703125The fact that people collect and sell/buy pitbull semen is beyond disgusting, I feel like fucking gagging. There is literally absolutely no need for these dogs. These are fighting dogs and no civilized person does dog fights anymore, these things aren't even good for guarding because they're often dumb as fuck and just attack anything that moves, even its owner. Why can't people just have small-medium sized dogs? Nearly every other pet is that size, it's perfect because a small animal can be controlled and can't kill you easily, it can be brought in places without being too much of a bother. But people are obsessed with big ass dogs for some reason.
No. 1705638
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>>1704247 and I’ve been accused of “samefagging” and “sperging” because I’ve posted a grand total of two whole times itt about hating both cats and dogs as a relevant response to other posts. Apparently I’m the only one expressing these sentiments because goddess forbid more than one person have the opinion. There’s no point arguing with the screeching catfags, just ignore them. Anyway, back to the topic at hand, some inbred white trash march to protect the shitbulls happened in London and the participants look exactly how you’d expect them to look No. 1705724
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I hate how much people cherry pick how "moral" their dogs are. So when a dog stops a burglar from robbing a home, that's the dog having "human-like love" to protect its owners, but when a dog mauls a three-year-old that was minding their own business, the dog is now just an animal that "doesn't know any better"? I also think it's disturbing when millenials and zoomers unironically compare dogs to children, and try to write them off as being equivalent. I'm not gonna go into great detail on the psychology of "furmoms", but it's like a fucked-up joke when they infatalize dogs, considering actual infants and small children are 51% of who gets attacked by them. Imagine being an actual mother and some socially stunted dumbass tries to equate your child to their dumb dog, even though the adult and fully-grown mutt would attack your baby in a heartbeat if it has a bad-enough day. Had to repost this mini rant because of a typo, but I think I've made my point.
No. 1706330
>>1706250the "it's the owner" defense doesn't even work because pitbulls so overwhelmingly make up most dog bites. You rarely hear of dog bites outside of like 3 breeds of dog. All I can take from that is by their logic pitbull owners are just retarded and should be banned from owning them, meaning banning the dog is still the only solution.
>>1705825I agree
No. 1706623
>>1705309It's a give and take thing. He does clean up after them, but I'm home more. He's also accepted whenever I took in a kitten on separate occasions without complaint.
The main difference is these dogs leave waaaaaaay more hair than any of our cats ever have. The hair sometimes floats up onto the goddamn
stove. It gets so bad that I think it's put me off of owning another pet ever again.
No. 1706836
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>shitbull has been at the shelter since April
Gee, I wonder why no one wants to adopt the ugly piece of shit. Seriously though, why are their nasty beady eyes so disproportionately small? I’ve never seen another breed with such tiny eyes relative to its head. Everything about these mutants is grotesque and deformed
No. 1706875
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>>1706836I hate when we’re shamed into adopting dogs while shady rescues pick up the good ones and leave the shitbulls. It’s so hard to adopt from rescues I tried a few times and they can outright reject you for dubious reasons. Ended up buying my poodle from a Ukrainian family that were leaving the country.
No. 1706987
>>1706948Let’s be real nonita, this is ostensibly a pit bull hate thread. Echoing everything
>>1706953 said ♥
No. 1706999
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>>1706948>saved a family and their little dog from an ignorant husband today.>ignorant husbandOf course it was a moid in the family who wanted a big, dumb, aggressive dog breed like a pitbull because of his "mAscUliNitY". I always see pitbulls being owned by scrotes who share their one brain cell with their dog. Why do men have such awful taste in pets?
No. 1707133
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>>1707065Holy shit, same. The aversion and general avoidance of dogs is one of the only things I'll actually agree with Muslims on. Also, the cultish atmosphere dog-lovers have about their mutts is really annoying. They unironically seem to believe that a dog following their one-dimensional, animal instinct to bark at someone nonstop is "proof" that their mutt somehow has the meta ability to clock if someone is an evil person: actual retardation. Dogs attack more than 4.5 million people every year, and almost one million people need serious medical attention for it. The most common people that dogs attack are fucking women and their children but for SOME REASON, dog-shillers STILL can't understand why someone wouldn't want to be around their dumb and ugly animal. I would forgive them more if they stfu for one second and merely said "that's fine, I'll let you go about your day" but no. Dog owners always throw a fit at the simple reality of not everyone being a canine-obsessed dipshit like them.
No. 1707188
>>1706948>so I played up how sickly and allergic that Pitbulls are. How they are allergic to everything, need special food, constant meds for skin infections, and how expensive all of this is since medications are sold by weight (all true btw). I forgot to touch on this, but the medical issues of the breed make it clear they weren't bred with health and longevity in mind. In the, what?, two centuries pitbulls have existed, no breeders have thought to fix
this much? Give me a break.
No. 1707328
>>1707320Also wanted to add, my SPCA has a big notice and warning about husky and malamute-type dogs. There's a whole sign that's like [paraphrased] "These [malamute/husky type] dogs are NOT FOR FIRST-TIME DOG OWNERS, they are VERY loud, need constant attention and they WILL fuck up your house if you don't give them attention, you've been warned and we won't accept the dog back because you didn't know what you were getting into".
There absolutely needs to be one for pit bulls, but of course, there never will be. Any cautionary warning about pitbulls is racist and classist /s
No. 1707371
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>>1707328>hating pitbulls is racist /sGod I hate it when dog-nutters unironically equate disliking or hating animals to racism. They pretty much insinuate that Asians, brown people, or blacks are just like bunch of fucking dogs by seriously comparing races to certain breeds. Do they even care about how fucking retarded and disrespectful they're being about other humans when they compare races, women, or children to dogs? Because I've seen them do all three of those comparisons, and it really goes to show how little they regard other people for a nonhuman animal that doesn't even possess half of a baby's sapience.
No. 1707650
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I don’t even know where to start with this. Peak inbred white trash hideousness, it’s actually hilarious. What the fuck has frank sinatra got to do with it lmao
No. 1707674
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>>1707650>>1707662I’m sure this specimen is the most gentle, loving, big softie nanny dog, just look at that pretty pittie smile!
No. 1707687
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as much as i love seeing the pit bull hate in here, i want to ask: does anyone fucking hate labs? A good lab is a wonderful sweet dog, but the majority i've met are terrible.
I worked in a pet boarding/day camp for a couple years and they were the most popular breed. They are so fucking ANNOYING especially with food!!! They are OBSESSED with eating. And they eat anything too. They'll eat rocks, sticks, leaves, bugs, literal DIRT. And then come choking and spluttering to you bc their dumbfuck mouth guzzled up sand.
They dig in their water bowl, they're clumsy as shit and trample their fat fucking bodies over small dogs. They shed like crazy, they steal things they know they shouldn't have and don't give them back, they slurp down other dog's food if you turn your back for a second. They're strong as fuck, they pull you like crazy on walks, they jump all over you.
There was one at my job that would jump up and try to bite your HAIR whenever you came in the camp room. Nothing worked except ignoring her until she stopped.
Idk why but labs irritate me to no end. They were by far the rudest, most problematic breed at my job. Pits weren't allowed around other dogs so they weren't much of a problem (unless we got a pit mix in camp bc staff were pit lovers. Everyone memes on the name Luna for pits but we literally had a pit mix named Luna get banned permanently from our facility bc she bit a dog badly and broke skin)
No. 1707700
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>>1707687I hate labs and golden retrievers. Similar to what you said, well trained ones are good dogs. Most people do not properly train these breeds because they believe they are magically born “family” dogs. I’ve noticed the food aggression with both. They’re also insanely jealous (picrel).
No. 1707859
>>1706875>It’s so hard to adopt from rescues I tried a few times and they can outright reject you for dubious reasons.The modern pet ownership cult is insane. On one hand we have these people who don't train their dogs at all and let them piss through a rental floor, on the other hand there are these morons who act like they're human CPS, and think it's
abusive to not get your pet dental cleanings every six months. Some of those places are obviously run by hoarders who are just looking for reasons to keep all the animals.
No. 1707885
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Came across an interview on swedish radio with a woman who keeps a pack of wolfdogs try to say so much bullshit to justify owning them. (It did make me think of Stefany Lauren though kek)
>They keep escaping only because they love me sooo much! Every moment I'm not there is agony for them, they are just searching for me!
>Other people are prejudiced against me and other wolf owners because we are different! (To say probably she meant her and her peers are rad special snowflakes not like other people oc donut steel)
>You can't 100% KNOW all the accounts of neighbours being stalked by wolves near their homes and having their pets/livestock slaughtered were because of my angels! It was probably done by wild animals, mine are just looking for me.
>It's sad that wolfdogs with a high % wolf dna are getting popular its only because of GoT edgelords. I'm not like that! I have a meaningful connection with them!
>They aren't dumb like normal dogs! They are highly intelligent beings!
No. 1707911
>>1707885That woman sounds retarded. But in my experience, there's no such thing as a sane exotic animal owner, and this includes zookeepers.
She's right about them being smarter though. Anytime you donate an animal, you decrease its intelligence. Wolves are way smarter than dogs.
I think that anyone can keep any animal, that you just need the proper education, set up, and money, but the chance of someone getting injured or an innocent creature dying for no reason are so much higher compared to animals that have been bred for humans.
No. 1707934
>>1707911For sure they are smarter than a pet dog.
The reporter did dunk on her using her own words to imply that "if they are suffering so much whenever she isn't with them, can keeping them really be justified?"
She admitted it was cruel but quickly deflected by saying so many other people are worse at handling exotic animals and wolfdog-owners aren't as bad.
She obviously keeps them so she can get a high from fantasizing about how she's just like a fantasy-storybook hero-princess, the well being of the animal is secondary.
No. 1707976
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>>1707934>wolfdogsI think it's so greedy when people purposefully make wolfdogs just to feel special for having a pet that's half fucking wolf. They dragged a wolf, an undomesticated keystone species that's more intelligent, stronger, and much more useful to the ecosystem, into close proximity for their horny ass mutant mutt in order to make a hybrid that's probably going to be confused because of the messy amalgam of insticts from its wolf and dog DNA…and all because the owner is basically bored with the fucking FOUR HUNDRED dog breeds that already exist in the world, and thinks it's cool to have something "unique" and more "challenging". I've seen a fucker on YouTube brag about "learning his lesson" with his wolfdog, because his wolfdog doesn't like to be bossed around like actual dogs and almost
mauled his ass to death when he tried disciplining it. So these fuckers want to feel all challenged, badass and more in-tune with the wild by raising an animal that's half wolf–but even with dog DNA being in the mix, the hybrids are
still too much for these owners. So the whole wolfdog creation and raising process is essentially pointless, with ego the only "reason" behind it. Wolfdog faggots always wanna be Tarzan, Eliza Thornberry, and Dr. Dolittle, when they can't even master pets that are only HALF wild animal. It's sooooo pathetic, and I can't tell if they're worse or only just as annoying as regular doggyfags.
No. 1708127
>>1707981Can you imagine a whole crowd of dozens of these twitchy mutants getting
triggered and biting each other like snapping turtles? There wouldn't even be a way to break it up, just one writhing mass.
No. 1708167
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A man in our neighborhood bought a pitbull, pitbulls are banned in my country and this is the first time I've ever seen a pitbull in my whole life, and let me tell y'all: that motherfucker is HUGE, its head looks like a big metal box and its body is muscly and stocky what the hell, it's owner is this 30-something lil twig, the man is skinny as hell and prolly a stoner because why the hell would you own such a massive dog when you weaker?
Anyways, the dumbass took it for a walk today and GUESS WHAT? the damn pitbull attacked a dog! his owner couldn't do shit to stop it as he's way weaker than his own dog, luckily the other dog survived, but like, for real? not even 2 weeks and the mf already attacked a dog? that retard better move slick, because if that pitbull attacks the wrong dog his ass will get a beating (at best) or will go to jail (at worst)
No. 1713387
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I fucking hate shitbulls. So cowardly how they always go for infants (the weak) and goes to show they're likely to pick on something smaller and helpless