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No. 171019
>>171014I'm 5'10 and I both like and hate it. I like it because I'm very androgynous/butch and my height helps confuse people about what gender I am (which is endlessly amusing to me). I also like that people are intimidated by my height.
But I've had other lesbians think I'm a trans woman or drag queen because my height and masculine features which makes it much harder to find a girlfriend.
Oh, and whenever I wear high heels, I have to duck through doorways.
No. 171026
>>171025same. my friends are all 5'1 or 5'2 (one is 5'4) whereas im 5'7
i always feel like a giant. not to mention i have big feet (9 us)
No. 171029
>>171014OP could you stop posting these stupid memes? this is the third time you're posting these emoji memes. Stop.
anyways I'm 5'7 and even though I'm imo not so tall I still get called an amazonian for some reason. I wish I wasn't a khloe kardashian.
No. 171033
>>171014We dont care about height, only manlets get insecure about a girl being too tall and why would you be interested in a person that unsure of himself anyway?
A few of us even have a fetish for it, so relax and worry about more important things like your career, friends and family
No. 171042
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>>28295then post pics or leave bitchboy
No. 171043
6'6" master race.
No. 171048
>>171014Do you bitches even know how many /fit/ guys crave tall amazon qt's?
Just lift weights when you are tall and don't be a skinny bag of bones.
No. 171051
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>>28302You look absolut shit, how can you even think for a single fucking second that your body looks good?
Delusional disgusting DYEL cuck
No. 171052
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Height is just a meme, the only guys who'll care are the ones who claim to be 5'10" when they're actually 5'7" and you don't need them in your life
No. 171054
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>>171037>>171028I knew it. I thought I was just insecure but I always feel like all non-fat, non-ugly tall girls are smug and look down on me for being a shitty genes womanlet.
I feel like a total piece of garbage if someone has a taller bf than mine, too. I also get my bf to call me a womanlet and make fun of me because I find it hot. I used to not even care about height even for men. Fucking 4chan.
No. 171055
>>171054I dunno anon, I'm 5'0 and in my area being shorter I guess is better - girls around here that are 5'6 tend not to wear heels and such. I like that just about any guy is fine with a shorter girl, compared to how many guys are okay with a taller girl. When I say "I don't want a guy shorter than me" it has a different vibe than a girl 5'7 saying it.
Why do you care about mens' heights now? Do you find taller men are turning you on to a large extent just based on their height? Or are you in a relationship for awhile now and have started to pick up on the little things that were 'meh' before, and now have become legitimately irritating?
No. 171056
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The oppic reminded me of this.
Not really an original idea.
No. 171059
>>171058Both sides have pros and cons but 'tall woman' has more stigma against it. I think guys care more about height than girls do overall, but some people are crazy and 'refuse' anyone not in certain categories.
Think about how you can wear flats with skirts or jeans and not look dumpy? Or how far you can see that shit is underrated - I'm 5'0 and just been piggy backed I was like…christ, I can see everything.
No. 171061
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Is anyone else both on the short side of average (like '5.4.5") but inexplicably lanky. Like my arms almost reach my knees and I have long knobby legs and massive feet/hands. I think I was meant to grow much taller because now I look like an ugly kingdom Hearts character
No. 171062
>>171061man fuk u, I just realized how weird my limbs are.
oh well, least I have nice legs
No. 171065
>>171014I'm also 5'10 OP.
I feel small around men, I just feel big around women. A lot of girls tell me I have the perfect body so I'm not really sure what to make of it.
The only guys who have said they wouldn't date a tall girl around me are dudes I'm not even attracted to anyway. They tend to have an inferiority complex. Most guys who have been into me have been my height or shorter as well.
One plus: I like that I can eat more than the average person and not get fat. I don't have to watch my weight as much as a tiny person does and my fat distributes well.
No. 171066
>>171028>>171054but short girls are so cute
I just feel less feminine when hanging around a bunch of short girls
I do feel superior when hanging around manlets I don't like though
No. 171067
>>171052I know it's a troll but I have to
>harder to maintain aesthetic bodyweighthow is it harder? tall people can eat more calories without gaining extra weight
>unattractive waist-to-hip ratioit's usually the short girls that seem to have short stocky legs or something
>excessive desire to compalin about height-related problems on the internetfor every tall-girl-problems complaint, there's a short-girl-problems complaints
No. 171068
>>171052I know it's a meme but
>tall woman are less fertile, get cancer easier and will die earlier???