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No. 172308
>>172306Things I can tell about you from your post:
- You cheated on your boyfriend as a teenager
- You worked in food service
- You only like unintelligent feminized "men"
>>172307That's not a reliable indication of how they would deal with other forms of stress. How do you "shut that shit down"?
( b8) No. 172314
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I avoid 'feminist men' like the plague these days.
Not the kind of feminist men you might be thinking of, though. Guys who don't treat women like a different species, respect your personal space and don't treat you like a child are the best. But my experience with men who firmly establish that they are 'feminists' early on in the date have been awful to say the least.
They are either dudes who think that it'll make up for their shitty personality and cause you to gush in your pants, or guys who expect you to be their mom and ask you to hold their hand in everything they do.
Ever drank a cola that went flat weeks ago? That's exactly how the sex feels like.
No. 172315
>>172313Yeah because an environment the parents keep fighting isn't gonna fuck up a kid.
I grew in a household with a cheater, my father cheated once, my mother forgave, cheated twice, cheated plenty of times. She kept forgiving because it could have hurt me and my brother but guess what? Knowing she forgave, knowing my father kept cheating and living in an environment devoid of trust and peace made me not trust people and fucked up as you can be.
No. 172318
>>172316So just because they don't fight in front of the kids, they should keep it as it is? Great mindset right there.
Do you know how it ended for my parents? My mother got mentally ill from all the stress and stopped trusting in people entirely and socializing altogether. When my father died, she didn't know what to do, as she was completely distressed already.
If the cheated woman wants a lot of stress, to be devoid of happiness just because "of the kids", just don't. The kids know what is going on, it reflects completely on the kids when the relationship is not healthy. Everyone wins with a divorce.
No. 172320
>>172308i would shut it down by explaining that breaking things and screaming at 3am is not a way to deal with losing at a video game. i would tell them it's a game and a violent reaction isn't the best way to express frustration. if it gets too real for them i'd ask them to step away for a moment.
coping by going from 0-60 in a violent manner over self-induced frustration, in my personal experience, tends bleed into other stressful situations.
i apply the same sort of thinking with people who are immediately impatient with small children.
No. 172321
>>172317>- If they show any semblance of feminist ideology>- Has a history of promiscuous sex>- Single mom (widows don't count)>- Speaks or acts out nigger/rap jargon and mannerisms>- Starts conflicts in publicAgreed.
>- Tattoos>- PiercingsMostly disagree. So long as she isn't covered in them. Some girls just get the odd tattoo and really are deviations from the general trend of it correlating with risky behavior.
>- Wears slut/whore clothing>- Looks like generic woman in 20XX (Cakes on make-up, fake hair, fake eyebrows, fake eyelashes, fake lips, fake tan, possibly fake body parts, wears gaudy distasteful jewelry)>- Acts like typical woman in 20XXDisagree. Most women don't want to be sluts and would prefer a low partner count, most in my experience would prefer to marry their first, if it went well.
Generic girls depend where you are. If you're part of some church group the generic girl isn't going to be as bad as you're painting.
>>172318>Everyone wins with a divorce.Except the son and daughter who grow up without a real father figure.
If you want to prove a point, fine. Most men would rather get down on their knees and beg their wife not to leave them. Most men cherish and adore their wives, at least where I'm from. Even if they mess up and make mistakes, they still think of their wife as the sweet, kind, loving person they fell in love with.
Why destroy that?
No. 172326
>>172318>Everyone wins with a divorce.You can't be serious.
In this case the man cheated so I don't care, in fact I want there to be laws that harshly punish anyone who cheats in a marriage. However in most cases of divorce, even if the woman cheats, the man's life is ruined. Again even if the woman cheats and causes the divorce, he is the one who is far more likely to lose his children, his house, half his money, and be forced to pay child-support/alimony.
Why would men settle down and get married under these circumstances? Oh wait, they're not anymore.
Then there's the children who don't get to grow-up in a normal family structure, and are most likely raised by a single mom, something that is currently destroying countries and current/future generations of people.
>>172322I'm not a robot, I'm a genderfluid human (and I identify as a female right now).
No. 172327
>>172308I've worked in fast food when I was a teen. Treating service people poorly is what a bully would do. You treat them like shit because they can't retaliate.
Never cheated on a boyfriend. I added that bit because people can do dumb things as a teenager which doesn't necessarily reflect on them as a mature adult.
Not sure where you're getting the feminized men thing from. Are you an obese redpill druggie who hits things in anger?
No. 172328
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>>172321>grow up without a real father figure.Yeah because growing up seeing cheating is def. okay. Also you talk like the father stops existing if the divorce happens. Which sadly is what happens most of the case because often the fathers just don't care enough to contact the children, sadly.
>If you want to prove a pointProving a point how? I am not even trying here. It's pretty obvious to anyone that having a "father figure" that cheats and lies is no better than having no father figure around. What you can't see it doesn't hurt apply. Esp. when you are a kid.
>Why destroy that?Yeah because only the woman being unhappy is something that has nothing going after all. Everyone is happy, right. I hope you never get married, I pity your wife, if you ever do. Having to deal with a cheating husband that doesn't even care about cheating and will blame the wife for anything the kids feel if they divorce.
No. 172329
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>>172326>genderfluid human/r9k/ is down the hall and to the left
No. 172331
>>172328>Which sadly is what happens most of the case because often the fathers just don't care enough to contact the children, sadly.Bullshit. Maybe among African Americans, but not other groups. Most fathers would give their lives for their daughters. Nothing is more dear to an old man than his daughter.
>It's pretty obvious to anyone that having a "father figure" that cheats and lies is no better than having no father figure around. He can explain to the children when they grow up why he behaved in the way he did, and why it was bad of him. He can even use it as an example to his children to not behave in that way or, in the case of a girl, to be more cautious of men.
>Having to deal with a cheating husband that doesn't even care about cheating and will blame the wife for anything the kids feel if they divorce.What you describe is exceptional circumstances.
Most men feel tremendous guilt over cheating. Even if it's a boyfriend cheating on his girlfriend for goodness sake.
No. 172332
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>mfw incels got mad
No. 172335
If you think it's a good thing for a woman or a man to divorce when they're in their 40s or 50s with kids, then I don't know what to say to you. It damages both of you financially, it deprives the children of a permanent father figure, it means the mother is more vulnerable on her own, it means the man is more likely to get depression and other forms of mental illness etc.
No. 172337
>>172335>whateverEpic argument, bro!
The lengths you go to defend a man cheating are amazing. Bros always before hoes, huh. I bet you never cheated mostly because of lack of relationships but you sure know how to behave in case you do.
And of course, living with a cheating and lying person will never harm anyone whatsoever. What are father figures, right, but someone to give you an example?
No. 172341
>>172335I dunno why you think it's so terrible for the children. My siblings and I feel great about my parent's divorce. Seeing my poor mom stay with a cheater is what would hurt us.
My dad is depressed over the loss of his marriage, but holy shit, he deserves to feel that way for cheating on his loving wife of 20+ years!
No. 172345
>>172343So be lenient towards someone who cheated and broke a moral code that could destroy any trust involving the family is the way to go?
What are you trying to prove, that men should be forgiven of cheating no matter what?
Why don't you kill yourself and try respawning around 400 years ago when men could do just about everything they wanted and get away with it?
No. 172349
>>172343Nice strawman. I love my dad but I don't empathize with his decision to treat my mom with such disrespect. He made a vow to stay faithful, he broke that vow, and now he is dealing with the consequence.
It's not like my mom has gotten away totally unscathed. He hurt her incredibly.
No. 172354
>>172350>>wishes they were a women because it's "easier"If I was a woman (even an ugly one with no money/status), I could just post a well-crafted ad looking for a husband on a dating website, select my husband from the hundreds or thousands of suitors, and never have to work a day in my life. It's THAT easy to be a female. I like being a man more simply because I have higher limits of physical strength and intelligence, I love having over 10 times more testosterone flowing through my body, but sometimes I'm jealous of how easy women have it (if they choose to).
>but expects you to be perfectThe losers you're talking about are actually attracted to attainability.
No. 172359
>>172353>worst case scenario you're a side hoe.As a cheater/former cheater I can confirm.
Would be terrified of any of my exs having seen my phone. Was always very protective of it.
>>172358What do you consider white supremacist ideology? Give me some examples in policy terms, I'm curious.
No. 172364
>>172363Abrupt disinterest in sex with you, uncharacteristically random displays of affection and gift giving (driven by guilt), vague alibis about where he was on a particular date.
The weird thing is I love women. I mean I really honestly do love women. But I have some shitty weaknesses too.
No. 172771
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>>172770What's even worse are women who consider posing in fetish underwear modeling and plaster their facebook with it. Always with a bullshit caption like "Thanks to XXX photography for the awesome shoot"
No. 172777
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>is engaged in internet culture and memes
>complains about the most inane bullshit
>vague and unreadable
>insults you heavily/afraid to playfully insult you once you get to know eachother
>watches Rick and Morty
No. 172792
>>172772Yeah I somewhat agree. Nude modelling and breastfeeding pics are annoying, but normal photos are a red flag? What's wrong with wanting a nice pic of yourself lol
>>172777>Watches Rick and MortyWhat
No. 172800
>Claims to be poor but spends money on unnecessary shit (ex. latest cell model, when he could afford a less pricey model but wants it because "w-what if someone will laugh at me?" No one cares about your phone, smartass)
>Watches 2deep4me anime (ex. madoka a best! Anohana is cry!)
>Anger issues, out of fucking nowhere
>Unable to talk, meaning he cannot discuss things and doesn't listen to others
>"Muh culture, muh religion" You're your own person, m8.
>Sweet with you but when he's with friends AND you he makes lame ass jokes or shitty attitude just to look cool
>Cheating cunt but justifies himself with "I was drunk" "I was wrong" "I can explain" and other bullshit
>Bad hygiene
>Ignores you and then "Sorry, I forgot!" but gets mad when you take a minute or two to reply because you were having a piss
>Wants to check or sneaky checks your phone. Mind your own business.
>Wants your fb password to "sleep better knowing you're not cheating"
>In general, guys with trust issues. If you cannot trust a person, don't get a relationship
>Can't bear your animals, telling you to get rid of them
>Tells you your hobbies are shit
>Pseudo-psychology expert ("Freud says that if you didn't wanted to fuck your dad as a child you're damaged! Get help!")
>Can't make his own goddamn food (Ex. if you're late from work and expects you to cook if he's already home)
>Treats poorly waiters, cashiers etc
>Goes to stores and brags about wanting to spend less on a thing to the cashier
Yes, all of these are based on things that happened to me. That's why I learned my lesson and avoid like the plague people like this.
No. 172805
>>172801>>172804All of these were a single person
D-don't bully me, I made a mistake okay ;_;
No. 172856
>>172777>watches Rick and MortyThis made me laugh because it's so specific and screams vendetta lol.
>>172770I kind of get what you're saying, I knew a girl who did a few "professional" shoots and thinks she's hot shit now (and a bunch of dudes I know fall for it LOL they didn't look at her twice before but now they keep circlejerking over how hot she is) but someone just having nice pics of themselves seems far from a red flag.
I've never been in a relationship but I've been unfortunate (or maybe fortunate) enough to witness plenty of shitty ones, so I've picked up on some red flags.
>puts you down in front of others (friend in high school was awful about this, constantly telling her boyfriend he was worthless/useless/stupid)>trying to make themselves the victims of EVERYTHING (same friend, lifted her hand to take something out of her boyfriend's hair and he flinched, and she got angry and embarrassed at him for flinching because "WOW IT'S NOT LIKE I WAS GOING TO HIT YOU". She had before.)Actually I'm just going to list all the shitty things my one friend did, she was a shitty person but a great lesson.
>Shamed her bf for choosing to hang out with friends instead of with her.>Hit him (never very hard but it's still degrading)>Hit him in front of friends, implying she thought her behavior was fine/justified>Expected him to repay "debts" (what regular people refer to as favors)>Hated and generalized other women>Hated and generalized men>Constantly flirting with other guys "on accident">Arguing in public while friends were around>Arguing in class, loudly (bonus points because I was their lab partner and it was fucking embarrassing! Hooray!)>Had no sympathy for abuse victims ("Women are stupid. If a girl is being abused, why doesn't she just leave?" IDK ASK YOUR BOYFRIEND)>dropped their 6 year relationship because "I have to be alone and find myself!" and then immediately got with another dude. Classy.I'm so fucking glad that bitch is out of my life.
No. 172864
>>172862Holy shit, my ex is same as this (except laziness).
He would always tell me how he had an internet fight on reddit.
And when we would fight, he would ask me for "citations" or "sources".
He would state that he doesn't care what other people think but then had an issue and got all butthurt because his younger brother lightly joked about being taller than him by an inch
No. 172932
>>172809>any trace of white supremacy (Latina here!)I was seeing a white Jewish guy on and off for like a year (we took a break for a few months) and the last time we got into a fight recently he said he wouldn't want to have kids with me because I'm a Latina. He literally said "I wouldn't reproduce with a nonwhite" despite telling me how much he wanted to have a lot of kids with me before that argument. He's not the only white guy ive been with that was racist, it's like I attract racist whites
Sage for blogposting
No. 172998
>>172936>dudes who actively watch and enjoy anime (I just assume they will have fapped over a cartoon which is just so pathetic I can't even respect it)You already sound like a bitch
>men who enjoy debating (or as I like to call it, arguing)There's a huge difference between arguing and debating. With debates, there's intellectual honesty, with arguments it's generally emotionally charged arguments
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>>172936>dudes who actively watch and enjoy anime (I just assume they will have fapped over a cartoon which is just so pathetic I can't even respect itDon't kid yourself. Pretty much 98% of all farmers have jilled it to yaoi at some point and I'm sure as hell not innocent in that regard.
No. 173020
>>172988Holy shit are you me?
>Smart but lazy is the ultimate red flag
No. 173024
>>172936Agree with most, but this
>musician (seems cool and sexy at first but it's a crisis waiting to happen when their band doesn't take off)Seems to be more about morons who have no plans in life other than hoping that their shitty band's going to explode than just musicians in general.
Those sorts of people are fucking retarded though, I agree, no-one should base their lives off something so uncertain.
The anime thing seems a bit petty too, you could say the same thing for videogames or anything else, what people watch or do doesn't really necessarily reflect the rest of their lives.
No. 173034
>>172988I went on a date with a guy who insisted not having a license was the future (this is in LA for crying out loud) and that it was better for the world. I really liked him but ultimately never called him back because just seeing him scramble for a ride home was embarassing. Not having a license might work in places where public transit is decent but not in LA of all places
Fuck those pussies who are too
scared to drive.
Anyway my red flag would be leaving instagram models sexual comments. Even if you're single and you do that it just screams desperate. Also any guy who likes big boobs or fake boobs is a red flag.
No. 173043
>>173039Really I don't think having a fear is okay or valid. If you have a fear of driving then you need to get over it. Go to therapy and fix yourself
And I'm saying this as someone whose had family/friends killed in car accidents.
>>173040I just think guys who are solely attracted to big boobs are immature and/or have a Napoleon complex. Like they need their girlfriend to have huge boobs in order to feel like "The Man"
No. 173045
>>173043So, you think that having any fears is a red flag and unreasonable, despite everyone having some fears, and that any guy who has a preference for big boobs is immature or has a Napoleon complex instead of just, you know, being more attracted to that?
That's pretty ridiculous.
No. 173046
>>173045Yeah I think fears should be conquered and overcome. Is that so weird ?
I mean any guy who solely prefers big boobs. Guys who like big boobs but can also get into small boobs are fine. I'm not talking about the guys who are 51% big boobs 49% small boobs. I'm talking about the 90% and above. As in, 90% of the girls you find attractive must have huge boobs
No. 173051
>>173046>Yeah I think fears should be conquered and overcome. Is that so weird ?A bit, yeah, it's normal to have fears really, I think it's unreasonable to look down on people for having them.
And I dunno, I think you're being a bit unreasonable about the preference thing. Some people just have strong preferences, would you feel the same about it if a guy only found brunettes attractive? White people? Whatever, like, I get it if they're ridiculous about it and think no-one can be attractive without big boobs, but if that's just what they're into the majority of the time, that's how it is.
No. 173054
>>173053Who knows? You can argue all sorts of stuff about why they might or might not, but people just have preferences, we don't really understand sexuality well enough to say why some people like some stuff more than others.
I don't think what you're attracted to necessarily makes you a good or bad guy though.
This is sounding more and more like a vendetta, by the way
No. 173057
>>173054Okay? Vendetta against who ? Guys who solely like huge boobs? Nah. I don't hate them, I just look at them as a red flag. It can also be applied to big butts, and big whatever. Small whatever. I guess I was too specific in that sense
As long as someone isn't an obese hamplanet I don't see why not having enough of a physical thing should be a deciding factor but that's just me. That's MY red flag.
No. 173059
>>173057Yeah, just comes across as you having had a bad experience with a guy like that is all, because it was so specific.
But yeah, you're right, it is your red flag, I just don't personally get it, I think everyone has a type, and some people are more picky than others.
No. 173067
>>173065I'm curious, how do you feel if someone just can't remember the date your birthday was?
I'm fucking terrible with remembering numbers, I barely remember how old I am most of the time, and I'll forget what day birthdays are on a lot, but do keep them stored in my phone and computer so it notifies me beforehand so I don't forget.
Just curious if it's the actual forgetting that gets to you, or if it's that they don't do anything on the actual birthday itself.
No. 173069
>>173067Like if it's your boyfriend of 6 months + and they forget it that's pretty stupid. If you don't make a big deal of your birthday I get that them forgetting is not so bad. But like if you're dating someone longterm you should just know.
Being bad with dates isn't acceptable at that point keep a calendar ?
No. 173072
>>173069Sorry forgot to mention if they don't do anything that's kinda unforgivable too unless you both accept beforehand that you're poorfags
I think the not remembering or not putting it in your calendar is the unforgivable part mainly. Not so much the material shit
No. 173074
>>173069My point was more if you asked a partner what day it was on, and they got it wrong, but didn't miss it when it actually came around, is that still a negative? Or is it just the forgetting on the day?
I keep a calendar, but am generally pretty bad at remembering anything to do with dates, and I was just curious really.
No. 173205
>>172841>addicted to weedMy #1 red flag there. Also not treating their parents/family well, not having any hobbies except "video games," and being a NEET with bad hygiene.
I'm also really concerned with how they treat animals. It's very telling.
No. 173206
>>172932You managed to meet one of the 5% of Jews who aren't subversive kikes.
I'd like to meet that guy and shake his hand.
>>173137Better than marrying them and then divorcing, like non-white men do with white women, because all they see white women as are racial trophies to show off.
Non-White Male / White Female marriages have the three highest rates of divorce out of any inter-ethnic pairing in the US.
Btw, nothing racist with wanting to have white children.
No. 173281
>>173253Uh I'm a white Mexican and I WISH I was brown or full Aztec. Like Spaniard genes suck. It's being Mexican without the big ass, full lips and tanned skin
Fuck it.
No. 173940
>>173931>Jews aren't whiteAshkenazi Jews, AKA the most common "type" of Jew, are literally from all over Europe.
Only idiots think they're "not white" lol
(race derailing outside of /sty/) No. 174027
>>173956non that anon, but you are wrong and your comment irked me for some reason. both are correct even though first is way more common.
The Oxford English Dictionary on firstly: Used only in enumerating heads, topics, etc. in discourse; and many writers prefer first, even though closely followed by secondly, thirdly, etc. First, and firstly are both correct, since first is also an adverb.
saging because this is obviously ot.
No. 175041
>>173281Good to see white self loathing idiots are everywhere. Not just Europe and America.
KYS indigenismo faggot.
No. 175047
>>175046The problem with them is they see the opposite sex as not really inherently feminine if they're in a STEM program. You just become one of the guys. I don't think most girls actually like that.
Also not to sound crude but dicklets and Asians everywhere. Ugh.
No. 175216
>>175214Literally just "you're unique and special to me".
Not like other girls = all other girls are rubbish. It has pretty negative connotations and implies that he has issues with women on a whole. Too r9k for me thanks.
Like a girl saying "You're so nice, not like other guys" would imply she thinks all men are assholes.
Also yes about the first date thing
No. 175227
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Explosive behavior over unimportant things like video games, really anything related to games or competition.
Petty argumentative behavior over things like food, what clothes their partner wears (in most cases) and more extreme obsessive behavior, like constantly checking on you, texting you
Making you feel bad for going anywhere without them or on their time. I've had conversations with my boyfriend about this and realized it was more his social anxiety and attachment issues and acknowledged it was detrimental to the relationship. If they don't budge when they're confronted and can't compromise to empathize with your situation, that is the hugest red flag.
Ummm.. obvious things like aggression towards animals, or being completely inept when it comes to animal care.
Constantly asking for money or never having money. I'm not talking about a person that doesn't want to pay for their date, but a person who wants to have the luxury of dating but never, ever wants to pay. Huge red flag, like they expect me to be their mommy or something.
Constantly pestering for some sexual thing you don't want to do. I would just leave at that point, that is unsettling to me.
No foreplay ever. No foreplay even after you kindly mention foreplay helps. Even after you kindly describe the biological functions of a woman that make sex pleasurable and how to activate that shit. If it's straight up clothes off dick in vagina every time and you never cum get the FUCK OUT OF THAT RELATIONSHIP. What a waste of time.
I guess that's all I can think of.
No. 175637
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>>175046>>175047>>175050>>175051>>175052My god take it easy… I don't have autism but I do have 3 friends who do personally and they all really struggle with sexual relationships even social interaction in general. Back when I was in the 11th grade one of them posted on a status on FB asking if anyone wants to hang out and have lunch with him because he wasn't close with anyone in my school and it wasn't even his fault that he lacks social skills, he was even willing to pay for the food too! That shit really broke my heart. I'm not trying to tell any of you to have sex, date, or even be close friends with them but keep in mind that most of them do not understand social cues and once they become self-aware of that fact, they'll sponge up any advice someone even horrible ones like anyone from the PUA community tells them to improve their social skills. Sorry if I'm moralfagging but that's just mean.
No. 175645
>>175637These are our personal red flags anon, I don't think everyone is saying OMG ALL AUTISTS SHOULD BE CASTRATED NEVER MAKE FRIENDS WITH THEM, just that it's a major turn off so they probably won't date them in the same way that being fat or wearing bad clothes is.
It's a lot of work dating someone with a different mind to yours, if you look in other threads you'll also see lots of girls have bad experiences dating bpd guys and would never go through it again based on that risk. Everyone should be given a reasonable level of human courtesy but nobody should be shamed into pity dating/friendships for the sake of being pc.
No. 175755
>>175643Like I said you don't even have to be friends with them, they're human beings with emotions too. Rejecting them is all good but shitting on them because of their autism/aspergers is pretty low something I would expect in /r9k/ or /pol/.
>>175645Like I've said you're not obligated to date them and everybody has their preferences, rejecting a autistic guy is not the issue. The issue is when you completely shit on their lack of social cues, the way how they sound, and their conversational skills, like seriously? I just saw a thread on above this about an anon suffering from mental illnesses and yet people are shitting on a symptom of disorder
No. 175854
>>175755Give me a break. Most of those guys don't have assburgers or whatever self diagnosed special snowflake status they ascribe to themselves.
I've met actual autists, including aspergers and if you did too, you would know most imageboard users are full of it. They just want to invent reasons for their failures; mom, governement, women, jews, or what have you, including autism. It's just like that meme: I'm too intelligent for <insert anything>.
And those "autists" are particularly unforgiving to anyone, always bringing up flaws in others and failing to see theirs.
It has come to a point when autism has been stretched to make ADHD kids and their parents feel better, and now any idiot and their mothers think their cretin is special. Not only that, any sign that you're introvert and less talkative draws conclusions that one is autist.
No, most guys mentioned ITT are just crybabies, entitled, egotistic walking excrements that will never, ever admit their shortcommings, so why should we have any pity on them?
No. 180619
>>180611>>180611Why would you want to associate yourself with someone who will cheat on their partner? I wouldn't be flattered, I'd feel bad for his "main" girlfriend because that's just a shitty thing to do to someone.
There's no evidence in that situation that his girlfriend is "lousy" but there's some pretty overwhelming evidence that he's a POS (who'd probably cheat on your ass, too). But hey, maybe it's just me that dislikes getting cheated on and/or having mistrust in their partner.
No. 180729
>>180660It's just a piercing anon what the fuck…
You must be really fun at parties.
No. 180780
>>173205agreed on the last one 100%. animal abusers will inevitably abuse people as well. scum
my others are
>laziness >lack of fitness>no outdoor interests>wallowing in depression>untidiness. a little messy is ok>lack of a sense of humor No. 180920
>>180904Don't worry, anon.
Multi-talented here. Far larger sense of humor than -just- poking fun. Thanks for playing.
No. 180948
>>180946It's just a vendetta post, like half of this thread.
All it means is they had an ex they're still shitty with who did those particular things, I really doubt anyone sees you liking a certain genre of music as a serious red flag.
No. 202387
>>199894>>199894all of these, especially the "unreasonably suspicious of you" part
the fetish part though, I wouldn't say all fetishes, it really depends, if a guy thinks that any preference they have is a fetish or thinks that light bdsm is a fetish then leave, however I don't mind if they have some weird piss or feet fetish, it's weird but not really a red flag, then again it might be because some of the sweetest, caring guys I have dated had a foot fetish
sage for blog
No. 202388
>>202381who are you and why do you keep trying to infight with people who you don't know if they had anything to do what /snow/ or /pt/
PS - instead of acting psycho actually go to snow or pt and splerg instead of commenting something along the lines of "hur dur you talk shit about people on the internet" on off topic or girl talk posts
No. 202389
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>>199894>right wing and "traditional">really into philosophy and thinks it makes him above the normies (these people have the craziest egos)i hate these guys. in reality, theyre pretty stupid and narrow minded.
>omg i read one nietzsche book and now i hate women and im a nihilistic super intelligent god! im better than you!give me a break.
even funnier when "traditional" alt right white guys are christian and complain about jews. shows how unintelligent and and unwell read they are.
>>202388most likely just some troll, probably even one of our own who's bored as hell lol. best thing to do is ignore their posts.
No. 202392
>treats you differently(better) from other people>treats waitstaff badly>is entitled>is arrogant >is sensitive and overly offended>has ever cheated in his life>blames everything else for his life choices>still keeps a "friend" who obviously wants cock around.>spinelessness(don't EVER expect him to stick up for you)>>172298Agree with the drug use, and calling their exes crazy.
No. 202394
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Race fetish guys are the
WORSTThey only like specific races because it can fullfil their weird ass fantasies. It's pretty disgusting and revolting. I'm Chinese and from my experience they are usually white dudes who cling hard on any asian girl. They expect you to be a submissive animu wifu and when you're not a walking stereotype they call you a slut. The ones I've ran into are also like what
>>202389 described. People like that deserve to be alone tbh.
No. 202405
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How about the guys who hate plastic surgery and prefer ~natural~ women but when they see some fake ass n tits they say it's natural and hot
No. 202411
possibly the biggest reason for my insecurity
I have a pretty average body, it seems that's not good enough and now to ever actually be good enough or attractive you have to have perky round big tits, 15 inch waist, no stomach, narrow everything except for wide hips and thighs and a big round butt, not saying exactly that of course but it seems you have to have the most exaggerated of exaggerated propotions to be seen as enough, but gOD FORBID YOU HAVE SURGERY
I swear, it's like guys will go on for days "ooo she has acne""oo her pussy is loose""oo her tits are saggy her nips are weird""her stomach is fat""she has no ass" even when a woman could be considered average, but then when she says something like "I want to get a brazilian butt lift" men go crazy and rant on how ugly plastic surgery is
tldr women with normal bodies are ugly and flawed head to toe and will never be like cam girls, insta models, etc etc UNTIL THEY CONSIDER PLASTIC SURGERY OF COURSE
No. 202781
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Like what other anons said, guys who think this kind of body is possible to obtain naturally. Hate to burst your bubble everyone, it's not other than through the means of plastic surgery.
No. 202805
>>202781"but but anonnnn girls can have perfect tits naturally why are you so in denial"
I swear it's like these guys never seen a skinny girl with naturally big boobs before, and they sure as hell aren't perky round barbie tits that are perfectly even and have small nipples
No. 213061
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-we didn't click during the 6-12 months of normal friendship I'd go through before even considering a relationship with anyone
-that's it
I think I fucked up too badly during my first relationships to ever have a 'hookup' kind of mentality.
To begin with I never understood how it is even possible for people to get together with someone who they haven't started out as "friends" with for a significant amount of time. It just feels like such a huge risk to open up 'that' area of your life to someone who you couldn't possibly have had the time to 'grasp' already.
No. 214713
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This applies to friendships as well as romantic relationships, but anyone who posts "inspirational" quote pictures to their social media, or even worse, passive aggressive quotes.
It seems harmless at first glance but I've never met one person who does this who isn't a low IQ brainlet and/or addicted to creating personal drama
No. 214724
>>214713fucking amen
anyone I know who posts shit like this is in a shitty ass relationship with a bf who they publicly shame about cheating on them time and time again but post those ~inspirational~ love quotes….