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No. 1727146
This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse, particularly that which has a twitter or tumblr flavour to it.
Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping> Ao3 Censorship and TOS> Sapphic Underrepresentation in Fandom> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads> Whitewashing vs Blackwashing> ‘[Insert Sexuality]-Coded’ Characters> Sapphic vs Fujo Misogyny AccusationsPrevious thread
>>1690309 No. 1727302
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I saw picrel getting a ridiculous number of retweets and likes, and I couldn't help but think, 'This is how you know these people are completely out of touch with reality!' Because trope doesn't even exist in mainstream media. It's purely a creation of fan-fiction, and it's mind-boggling how so many fandom types are so brain-dead that they genuinely can't even recognize the difference.
No. 1729260
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The internet and fandom culture specifically is no longer light hearted fun as it was back just a decade.
No. 1729290
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>>1727302Everyone one of these "tropes" is from fan-fiction written by autists who have never had sex.
No. 1729387
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>>1729260>>1729350>>1729353you say that, but would you really be comfortable with people like this?
No. 1729438
>>1727302These are the new deviantart bases. People take the "funny" joke and copy-paste their personal blorbos onto the base in a poorly fitting ooc mash, to be "funny." just like every single fanartist redrew that barbie jail card meme with their own characters until it was such a dead horse it was fossilized.
tumblr's brand of humor is bland shit like this, being manic pixie quirky and making smarmy quips, because any other kind of humor might offend someone. and it comes off in every other media they try to produce. so when "tumblrpilled" (if you know who I'm referring to you know) people get into the industry and have writing decisions, they fill a series with shit like this. they think it's the funniest thing ever. while the audience is internally cringing to death. which is why they should hire published authors to write their stories instead of giving reins to dimbulb cartoon doodlers–actual authors are proven by fire against the publishing gatekeepers, so there is at least some external force they are beholden to the editing opinions of, and they are not born and bred in echo chambers like tumblrites who oneitis the same bland babby first characters they scribbled out at age 14 and won't get over. at least authors are taught to kill their darlings. cartoonists drag their darlings with them like a siamese twin.
No. 1729440
>>1729290prompts is the term. it's the fanfic equivalent of bases to fanartists. so you can read the same fanfic 20 times because 20 people used the same prompt on the same series. it doesn't occur to them that people don't want regurgitation ad nauseum.
Like that "Oh.
Oh." Thing that makes me want to take a hammer to my screen. Other common prompts are 5+1, only one bed, hanahaki, wingfics, mermaids, etc. The people are so braindead they can't even come up with their own ideas. If you read it once it might have been good. But the same shit hundreds of times just makes people hate all of it.
No. 1729460
>>1729387I'd rather see dumb teenager posting about skipping school and liking MLP than see today's teenagers trying to harrass and dox normal nerds because they're jealous of their skills in art and they're pretending it's because these normal nerds are
problematic proshippers. At least the kids in your pic look like they're having fun.
No. 1729502
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>>1727146>>1729440On that note I’ve always fucking hated: ‘it’s you. It’s always been you.’ I. I. Sorry I can’t even type properly right now out of pure fucking rage because every time I fucking see it I’m already 75% through a piece of media and I IMMEDIATELY have to drop it like hot rocks when this fuckass retarded phrase jumps up my arse out of nowhere. What does it even fucking mean! Nothing! Fucking nothing! In 99% of the contexts in which it’s used it has no correlation to the characters’ shared history or their situation, nothing! It’s lazy, uninspired and braindead and the worst fucking thing is whenever I hear or see it I can just FEEL the author sitting back smugly, so very self-assured that they just caused us, the reader, to go spiralling into a well of sentimental tears. Fuck you, fuck your writing, fuck your publisher, fuck your Ao3 kudos, fuck your entire life. If you use this phrase, I’m going to need you to head over to Homebase and find a nice thick rope. Please, for the betterment of all humanity, do what must be done.
No. 1729588
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>>1729572>I feel like most weebs nowadays are just porn addicted and weird, even weeaboo women are like thatThis! Everyone is completely consumed by pointless in-fighting or centered around sex and relationship prompts (fan-fics, fan-art, and everything leading up to it). Even AU's have devolved into mere excuses for sexual situations, completely distorting the characters' true essence. It's beyond exhausting.
No. 1729689
>>1729644I agree with you even though I'm also into a lot of ships. I think it's very obvious when someone is strictly interested in ships and nothing else in a story when they write modern AUs and make the story takes place in America when that's not even a place that exists in the original setting. The only time I clicked on a coffee shop AU fanfic was with a FE3H fic about Sylvain/Felix and it was so American that the characters were basically OC donut steel. Instead of making the story about that pairing but in a modernized version of the setting you see in the game, Fodlan, the characters where in an American Starbucks 90% of the time. Which is weird because in a very short scene at the beginning you see a scene with skyscrapers even though Fodlan is basically a fantasy version of medieval Europe because one of the character manipulates time and
some antagonists come from another civilization that has more advanced technology than the playable characters like mechas so you'd think the game already has a good basis to write a modern AU but nope. It's always the US.
No. 1729715
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>>1729588Actually this point make me think of something Nona. I’m very sex positive within fandom, I’m a horny gal myself, but I also remember the days when you and a couple of online friends would go absolutely haywire digging your teeth into the meat of a character or a plotline for hours on end, drawing AUs and art pieces based off of thick, tangible, somewhat intellectual theories cracked up at 2AM on a school night. Now… well, people can’t even communicate properly. ‘I want to eat this artwork’, ‘I’m going to smash my blorbo’, ‘yaoi Friday, yuri coded’ - I’m genuinely only now realising that all this ooga booga meme speak has taken the place of genuine discussion points that require effort to conjure and converse in. That’s why even when I’ve reached out to absolutely phenomenal fic authors as of late, expecting their speech to be as gorgeously crafted as their work, it’s a hit or miss whether they’ll talk like a human being or a regurgitated tumblr funny haha yaoi bot. Even when you do happen to connect with another person who feels like they respect both themselves and you as a real human, and even when you reach for those spirals of discussion like the old days, it’s hard to do so without veering hard left into nsfw shipping territory. I genuinely adore smutty character dissections as much as the next anon, but there’s no variety anymore. If they’re a younger fan, they talk like a porn brained retard (despite hunting down proshippers for being the ‘degenerates’ kek, look in a mirror!) and if they’re older, they’re lovely at first but also. Well. Equally porn brained but hidden behind a flimsy veneer of literary depth and wisdom. Sigh. I give up! I give up.
No. 1729772
>>1729715I don't know how things are nowadays but I do remember a decade ago when some people were still sperging hard on tumblr over the hot new TV show's cliffhanger and how the big mystery would be solved in the next season, or how movie or anime adaptations of their favorite novels, comics or manga were good or absolute shit, but now caring too much is seen as cringe because of normies with no media literacy as others said. This microblogging shit can be very fun but I miss when forums were still a big part of fandoms because there weren't tiny character limits and being too off-topic or just posting short non-contribution posts could get you banned. I don't think we should get rid of microblogging websites but I wish we could have several options for everyone. Now with discord servers that shit is even more obnoxious.
>>1729742>Normies love boxes and high memebility>high memebilityIt feels like a recent phenomenon caused by the internet. I doubt normies were this obnoxious when they were following TV shows in the 90s but I was a kid at the time so idk. The mere fact that almost nobody knows what a meme is is already alarming enough. For some reason normies think it's synonymous with "joke" and it's a bit minor but when you can't even make yourself understood to others because they have such a shitty vocabulary you already know it's going to be hard to find like-minded people online. Ironically enough my irl friends are total nerds and I can have super long conversations about our favorite niche video games face to face on a regular basis unless one of us wants to avoid spoilers, meanwhile online I should be able to reach out to more people so statistically I should be more likely to find like-minded who like the same things I do but every interaction online feels like we're talking at each other and not to each other. I'm making no sense here but whatever. At that point I'd rather talk to someone who will just say "I like your favorite video game" or "I hate your favorite video game" without elaborating than to people who will just spam crusty screenshots of the characters doing stupid shit with a stupid nonsensical caption over and over again.
No. 1729787
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>>1729772Nope, I get you nona. On a similar note I opened twitter immediately after reading back both my reply and yours and was blasted away by this. And while the art itself is (let’s not beat around the bush) respectably hot, it struck me as ironic that I’ve seen this screenshot of Nanami or whatever his name is plastered on my screen as least a hundred times this week but no context of the scene whatsoever! Not a crumb! No interest in or discussion about the episode’s plot whatsoever to hook me into the series, just: Hurr durr hot yaoi fodder!!! Sure, you can have your fujo/yume bait and eat it, but I struggle to see anything on my Twitter feed these days from any fandom across the board that isn’t mostly driven by fan libido. But it feels like there’s nowhere else to go except X (porn) instagram (soft core porn, shitty art) TikTok (no critical thinking) tumblr (your favourite character is black now!) (I can say that bc I’m black kek) or god forbid, one of these new fangled sites that are somehow crawling with lolicon refugees only months after launching. Where do even I go nonas? Free me from these horned brained morons!
No. 1729792
>>1729787>it struck me as ironic that I’ve seen this screenshot of Nanami or whatever his name is plastered on my screen as least a hundred times this week but no context of the scene whatsoever!Yes me too, not on my TL but on my "for you" page on twitter. Same with that video of that guy who's voiced by Yuuichi Nakamura breathing loudly on loop
the mere fact that I recognized the voice actor without looking him up just based on that makes me wonder if I'm mentally ok sometimes ok moving on like I have no clue what the fuck this manga is about except that there are people beating each other up in the Shibuya train station or some shit.
No. 1729806
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>>1729794Ah but who cares about spoilers nona! The only warnings that matter now are tagging every possible ‘
trigger’ in existence to avoid causing some random 13 year old anti to erupt into hives at the mere sight of a fanart of two anime boys both aged 17 and 364 days boning it out on their sticky iPad screen. Oh, oh and you want to know what fucked me off bad recently? I saw an anti spoil some series by loudly spurting ‘for anyone who wants to stan X character, just so you know, they do Y bad thing later in the series so maybe mull over that before deciding to like them (oho oho I am so morally superior oho)’ as if. As if they had no self awareness that they had just blurted a gargantuan fucking spoiler on main that would have gotten then dogpiled a mere five years ago. But the replies? ‘Omg thanks for letting me knowww bestie!’ ‘Oomf that’s so grosss I can’t believe my fave was a freak ewewew’ I am going to wrangle these people’s throats with my bare hands! Count your fucking days!
No. 1729841
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>>1729826I don't feel so good, nona
No. 1729863
>>1729841they are dead set on ruining the internet and fandom
>edgyi wonder whats edgy to them, i cannot imagine having to be walking around legos while making jokes
No. 1729948
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>>1729644>Tell me about the lore, talk to me about your theories and which character you think will betray the main cast. Why does everything have to fit into tropes nowadays, like sunshine x moon, enemies-to-lovers, etc. More than that, I feel fandom humor has overall become less "fun". As I've said, besides sex, everything seems to revolve around relationship prompts and window dressing that ultimately leads to sex. I remember being on Tumblr over a decade ago, where the most popular humor involved popula characters in mundane situations or just being them being kinda goofy, and say what you wanna say about that type humour, it was earnest.
No. 1729961
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they're just men
No. 1729976
>>1729948>and say what you wanna say about that type humour, it was earnest.speaking of fandom humor, these days it feels nonexistent. what passes for "funny" are just redraws of memes, screenshots and insider references that only terminally online people would get. in other words, a simulacrum of humor.
even before tumblr, i remember back in the deviantart days (think mid 2000s) i remember the "omg lol so random xD" gag comics was the dominant kind of humor, at least in anime/manga fandoms. bonus points if it was 1) colored in with crayola colored pencils 2) manually scanned in and 3) it was drawn in a chibi style with anime expressions. yeah, it was definitely childish - because the people drawing those were most definitely underage - but at least there was a sincere attempt at originality, as opposed to copying memes ad nauseum.
No. 1730060
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>draws light skinned characters dark skinned to be inclusive
>only draws the rough masculine characters dark skinned
>feminine gentle characters remain light skinned, even makes them look more feminine than they actually do
>accidentally becomes colorist while trying to "combat colorism"
No. 1730076
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>>1730060Ah, no. That’s not it. It’s because the concept art for Wriothesley was leaked and he was revealed to be originally darker skinned. It clearly wasn’t changed due to aesthetic reasons either, since his earlier colour palette just objectively suits him more than the washed out look he has now. I promise this isn’t racebait nonas, I’d say the same if it were the other way round and pale skin looked more suitable. So yes, I’d say it’s fair in this case.
No. 1730077
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>>1730076More concept art.
No. 1730079
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>>1730077In-game canonical appearance.
No. 1730102
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>>1730081>>1729976I really wonder how much of this is a result of the influence of Korean webtoons. All of these things mentioned are extremely common in Manhwa. I used to read a lot of them when I was younger and more terminally online, and a significant portion of the humor relied on meme references. It was a bit funny the first time, but it seemed like every series incorporated this gimmick, regardless of genre. Whether it was Korean bl, slice of life, action series, straight romances, or isekais. And there was also this tendency to depict people with darker skin tones (even if they were pure Korean) as hotheaded or even animalistic at times.
No. 1730111
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In the last thread, there was somebody who said this:
>Both sides are annoying as hell
>Proshippers are people who can’t accept the fact that people on the internet find them weird so they have to make a campaign out of being oppressed or whatever by 16 year olds because someone said insulted their ship
>Antishippers are the type of people who constantly expect you to walk on eggshells for them because they cannot tell the difference between fiction and reality, that is unless they find a ship with ‘problematic’ elements that they like, then it’s fine because they say so.
>I get annoyed when people call me a proshipper or whatever for this reason, just because I like problematic ships doesn’t mean I’m part of some stupid internet argument.
Imagine how much quieter Tumblr would be if all the "proshippers" and "antishippers" quit letting the narcissistic voice in their own heads tell them to be a makeshift dictator on what gets written. The block button was invented for a reason, but the extremists of either side don't wanna use it because they'd rather start online civil wars on their high horses. When an "anti" or a "proship" is a minor and acting bossy about a media's fandom when the particular media wasn't even meant for minors in the first place, it only gets more obnoxious; because imagine a sixteen year old trying to bully thirty year old fans out of liking a movie, game, or show that the sixteen year old shouldn't even be consuming in the first place. Reposting this because I missed a greentext section.
No. 1730129
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>>1730111>>1730128Blocking what you don't want to see was the purpose of considering yourself "proship" as in you don't care what people ship, you'll mute and block as you want. But now some retarded ones are seeking out dumb teenagers online to quote and write paragraphs to. I used to call myself proship to indicate that I won't stop being friends with twitterfags if they put sebaciel on my timeline and I mute ships I dislike but now associating myself with that word feels like declaring that I'm picrel
No. 1730134
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>>1730128i have some "
problematic" ships so i do lurk on the "proship"-side of fandom. But i hate when proshippers acts like 13 year olds not liking their shotacon fanfics is literal oppression and censorship. i have seen many of them claim that
not supporting proship fanworks is setting the gay rights movement back.
I suspect that the people who say shit like that aren't even gay, they are kinky straight women and therefore selfproclaimed kweers.
I used to follow proship nsfw artists on twitter but instead of posting art they would comb trough every fandom and ship-related tags so they could argue with teenagers. I followed them to see degen art not to see them taking a made-up moral high ground. its super pathetic and annoying.
I know "antishippers" are extreme too but people need to stop engaging with them. they are more likely to doxx you if you insist on arguing with them.
Agree with
>>1730111 and the post from the previous thread. Both sides are deranged but in two different ways
No. 1730175
>>1730079The term is "brownwashing" and it's everywhere right now. Funny thing is most of my favorite characters are not even white, but the forced hamfistedness of the brownwashing approach is causing people to hate something they wouldn't have had a problem with if it was done organically. Honestly I'd rather characters be tanned up than the other modifications tumblrites make, such as making everyone a fat gay slovenly blob with a tumor for a nose, excessive body hair, and maybe a unibrow or something to be inclusive to people who don't know what tweezers are.
It's funny to see them clash with asian artists/fanbase who draw everyone paperwhite yet they themselves are "
POC" so coddled suburban white westerners are caught unable to criticize them but still seething in rage. you can see the western heads explode in real time. The same people say that anime lacks diversity before shitting their pants remembering anime characters are supposed to be asian.
No. 1730266
>>1730175So many pale asians are unbelievably racist, and the older I get the less patience I have for their bs. Ban me for ‘racebait’ for speaking the truth but they’ve gotten way too cocky after becoming the ‘hip new’ race both online and offline and think they can get away with shitting on everyone a shade darker than them while also claiming the ‘
POC’ label. Do you know what that stands for? Person of COLOUR. Person with MELANIN. They’re like White People 2.0 at this point, I wish I could call out this utter bs as an actual minority without being accused of racism for speaking the truth.
No. 1730277
>>1730273NTA, but by that metric, white people are
POC too. Be serious.
No. 1730324
>>1730076Dude seriously looks like that guy from Jooubachi no Oubou
>>1729502To continue last thread's conversation about Tumblrfags making it into the industry, I saw the vampire guy from BG3 and thought he was pretty hot, but then went on YouTube to watch his romance cutscenes and I couldn't stop cringing every time. I wasn't expecting Tumblr fanfiction-tier writing from a game like that. It's the unsexiest, most cliché shit I've read in a video game in the past few months. It's no wonder it's so popular with Aidens.
>>1729644This is what I've noticed too, and I'm frankly sick of it. This utter obsession with shipping everyone and everything leads to some really disturbing content too. It's like people are incapable of appreciating any kind of relationship that isn't sexual in nature, any and all signs of affection or complex, deep relationships are bound to be interpreted as erotic by at least one group of degenerates. I blame the normalization of porn, especially internet porn, and "sex positive" attitudes. Sex sells so it's now normal for everyone to attemp to profit off it.
>>1690512One thing I've noticed about fujos (might be shippers in general, it's just that fujos are so common and vocal) is that most of them usually don't really seem to give a fuck about either the characters or the series. It's like they see an attractive male character and immediately do everything in their power to find him a male partner, then proceed to ignore everything about him that has nothing to do with the other guy. Same with series, these kinds of fujos/shippers don't seem to care much about anything or anyone that doesn't involve either of these characters unless it serves as fuel for the ship. They could build entire shrines dedicated to a ship, yet fixate on an imaginary relationship they made up in their own fantasies (to the point their entire lives revolve around it) without even appreciating the individual characters' other traits, or even the story which they're a part of. I actually met a fujo like this, who openly admitted to not having even read any part of the story that didn't involve her sacred tertiary character ship and he was super rude and acted like she owned the place (where the rest of us actually cared about the series as a whole), so I know my theory isn't so crazy, and with this trend among zoomers of never actually knowing the source first-hand and only reading wiki articles it sounds more likely. They're not fans of the source or characters, but the hypothetical couple between then, it's stupid as fuck once you realize how empty their obsession is and it's even stupider that these people dominate most fandoms.
For the record I think it's ok to have casual fun like this as long as these types don't infest and take over an entire fandom that actually wants to discuss the source material or the characters outside of the narrow, surface-level wikifag shipper interpretation. As long as they keep it to themselves or stay in their little corner separate from the rest of us it's fine, but when they take over the whole fandom they have the potential to destroy entire communities.
And then they act like THEIR interpretation is totally canon even though the source material never hints at that. They're so fucking annoying. It's especially stupid when it's transparently obvious that a large portion of the ship's fandom is just coping over the possibility of one or both of their cartoon crushes being "stolen" by a woman in canon, because then these fujos will just ignore her entire existence and relationship with the male character(s), and/or dismiss her as having a sibling/friend/family kind of relationship with him. And of course, in the cases when it's painfully obvious they are in love with a male character, they don't even want to give self-shipping a shot, for whatever retarded reason they feel that day, so they instead ship him with another male (sometimes I've seen this happen with hetshippers too but they're relatively rare to begin with). The cherry on top is when you express skepticism at their gay ship being canon, and they call you a homophobe, even though irl gay men couldn't be any more different from yaoi gay boys and even if you're a huge supporter of irl LGB rights. I guess this is why a lot of them overlap with gendies whose preferred obsession is tranny headcanons. Fujos like these just seem very immature.
Speaking of that and Klancefags, I found this tumblr post about Voltron fandom and it made me realize that what some nona said months ago is absolutely true: this one was patient zero for these kinds of ultra shitty fandoms. The anti/pro-shipper retardation, the "fetishizing gay men" bullshit, a lot of it appears to have come from Voltron fandom drama.
(disclaimer to all fujos, I am not saying every single fujo is like this, just that this type of fujo shipper is common)
No. 1730338
>>1730111That's the thing, most of the "
problematic ships" are usually from cartoons and shonen anime and yes I do think its kind of wierd to make porn or fan-fics from those type of media.
No. 1730379
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>>1730366Sometimes I wish the author/game creators would make one of the guys in the fujo ships I like date a girl just so the shippers would calm down a little. I love when characters are created with love for each other in mind, but love can take so many more forms than romantic. People act like any friendly encounter is solid proof of some romantic or erotic shit going on. Now characters can't have meaningful best friends in their stories without all of the nuance being thrown out the window so the shippers can yell buttsex. You would think shippers would be the ones analyzing their interactions right but no, it has to be a gay coding moment or whatever they call it. I stopped posting about them publicly when I realised no one cares about what happens in the source material.
No. 1730398
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>>1730258Kind of unrelated, but god
damn I fucking hate it when tumblrites go on Ao3 and shit it up with their incorrect tagging for their trans shit. I've seen fics tagged as "M/F", but featuring one male character and a "transwoman" character, which basically made the fiction gay sex instead of M/F. The other way around happens too. I know, I know. TRAs (minors included) and trannies on Tumblr are inevitably going to conflate and misunderstand the definition and differences between female and male….but fuck, it even bleeds into
how they post their garbage, and that only fucks up the filter for anyone who uses specific tags to read what's supposed to
match the tag. It's almost funny. Just like how trannies and their dickriders will try to distort definitions to words of identification like female, male, woman, man, heterosexual, homosexual, and whatnot, they also mess up tags of identification like M/F, M/M, and F/F. It only benefits them, but it fucks up the natural balance of how filters work for
everyone else. Thank God and the Ao3 devs finally placed down the mute button so I can see LESS of those dumbass "writers" who think gay male sex is "straight" just because they transwashed one character into being mentally ill.
No. 1730413
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>wrongly tagged tranny shit
I cannot find porn of picrel with a dick. It's always untagged. At least he doesn't have boobie cut marks most of the time and has male proportions I guess. I've never seen a character get pussyboyified so much and my favourite character is a genshin twink. I'm really confused as to how literally everyone in the fandom agrees on this. I always thought at least 99% of the older women in fandoms dislike pussyboy stuff but no. A hivemind. Might be the single instance in any fandom where everyone agrees on a headcanon.
No. 1730419
>>1730380God I hate that video because of how accurate it is, it's really how tumblrinas used to write their shitty posts in 2011 and now it's in professional works like
>>1730382 said. Fuck. It's like these writers never read their shit out loud to check how natural the conversations would sound before they start recording films or voices. I don't know if that's because of how "edgy" things got rejected as too tryhard a few years ago or if it's because many swear words were deemed
problematic because they were too insulting towards whatever minority… As if people arguing with each other would thing about how ableist the word "dumb" used to be decades ago before insulting each other's intelligence.
No. 1730452
>>1730164This is my problem right now with the fujo thread. I want to talk about BL, characters, dynamics, etc. But all people talk about are their degen kinks like rape, incest, shotacon, etc. Then they yell at fujos who don't like that stuff. I have no idea when people on here became such coomers.
>>1730413It's such a weird occurrence because I've even seen eastern artists draw him with a vag too. I've been seeing it more and more, even in other fandoms. The one that shocked me the most was literally for that new Spiderverse movie. I don't know where they come up with this stuff
No. 1730461
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>>1730398the mute button is a godsend i swear. anyone that writes self inserts, reader insert or troonshite gets muted and my browsing experience has been so much better. of course there's always the ones that tag incorrectly but i mute them as soon as i catch a whiff of troon. don't like don't read 4ever
>>1730384lmao thank you. as someone who's been witnessing fandom autism since '04 it sends me to see people come in here to accuse fujos of being the source of all that is wrong with fandom. hetshippers can be equally deranged both in terms of character bashing and with interpersonal drama. the main issue with fandom isn't fujos or yumejos or whiever, it's terminally online who get mad at fanfic they don't have to read.
No. 1730462
>>1730324I really hate that BG3 dude because he was specially created in a lab to tick every checkbox in what tumblirinas love. Like, yeah, he is hot. I'm all for more thirst traps for women in vidya. But not that blatantly. I see it from time to time in media and every now and then we have some absolutely retarded male character that's created by an algorithm to be a small little bean blorbo. Like idk, I don't understand how people can fall for it. I saw it so much in fan circles it became a dead horse by now but apparently you just need a heckin blorbo with tragic backstory and quirky personality to make fan girls loose their minds.
This twink vampire is literally what you get when you combine every article in sexymen wiki but make the result less ugly.
No. 1730463
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>>1706024Moe art style literally comes from lolicon. "Bishoujo" initially referred only to girls that were young enough to be "loli" (it's in the name, shoujo specifically means girl and not adult woman), and the standard for what a loli (i.e. forbidden age) is has been getting lower and lower, meaning it has become more and more normalized to sexualize underage teenage girls in anime which was once seen as a questionable thing. Bishoujoshit used to be mostly just a middle and high school girl fetish which often overlapped with lolicon.
I don't much care if anons are into moe-looking male characters but I hate it when certain posters lie about liking shota-type characters (shota-like archetype is common in joseimuke media so it's pretty damn obvious they're meant to pander to shotafag women, everyone knows that unless they're male and/or has never consumed joseimuke) or about moeshit having explicitly pedo origins. Because either they don't know what they're talking about, or they know but are trying to fool everyone using the same tactics that lolifaggots use when they try to make it look like their degeneracy is totally not pedophilia. Oh and of course everyone hates it when these same shota spergs write 10 replies on why their flavor of retarded weeb taste is the only one that matters. These two things combined are what makes the totally not shotafags insufferable, and probably no one here would care what kind of characters they like if they stopped behaving like that. But they probably do it on purpose so the best one can do is ignore them.
>>1705633You're too high IQ for this whole site, nona.
>>1706476Funny they would say that because they're 100% straight girls too. Absolutely NO male is talking about the flamboyant villainous vampire elf with the same interest these girls are. Also that ask reeks of projection, you just know she trooned out because she herself couldn't bear the idea of her ~Gay-coded~ husbandos not liking her back in her own fantasies, it's fucking hilarious. Girl they're fictional, being flamboyant doesn't need to mean homosexual. That's a consequence of taking sexuality headcanons too seriously and treating it as LGBT activism kek. Or literal autism.
Pic related was the previous ask, for more context.
No. 1730478
>>1730471>not all of us like generic bishie designs or overdesigned husbando baiThere are only guys like this, you're more likely to find bishonen playable characters in JRPGs so avoid them if you don't want that I guess. But games like DMC5 and the recent Resident Evil games have good looking guys who aren't typically bishonen because they're based on face models who got their faces and bodies scanned while wearing the characters's costumes.
>this isn't a competition.No but with how many years it takes to develop video games now I'm not going to wait for a Western AAA game with hot male characters who are less than 40 years old to get released without playing other games. I think it's all because of how advanced technology is nowadays and how many employees are required to work on one game, just thinking about how long it took to develop that Cyberpunk game makes me dizzy.
No. 1730490
>>1730398AYRT, lul, when I found out that that het ships getting transed be gay is happening now too I laughed because now the hets know how F/F and (relatively normal) M/M fans feel. I've seen fandom troonacy and genital swapping fetish content since 2000s at least, but after 2016 it just became even more rampant. It's like they think homophobia/misogyny doesn't exist anymore and LGBs live perfect lives so we have to cater to the Ts who will threaten to kill themselves if the rest of society doesn't cater to them.
>>1730413>I always thought at least 99% of the older women in fandoms dislike pussyboy stuff but no.I always thought the FTM/TIF/boypussy stuff was some weird form of internalized homophobia. The vast majority of these artists are female and some degree of same-sex attracted, but they only feel comfortable expressing it if they draw a hyper-detailed pussy on a "male" character. I get most female characters are shallow and I rarely find fictional characters that are close to my type of women IRL, but I see fanart of male characters that are "pre-everything and still
valid men uwu" (boobs, no surgery, hormones). That's just a woman at that point.
>>1730428Whenever I see untagged trans content I get tempted to log out and leave an anon comment saying "omg this
triggered my dysphoria, can you please tag it", kek.
No. 1730503
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>>1730379> I wish the author/game creators would make one of the guys in the fujo ships I like date a girl just so the shippers would calm down a little. Isn't that already gonna happen though, in the end of every Shonen the entire main cast will be married with kids, surely they know that's coming?
No. 1730514
>>1730379>People act like any friendly encounter is solid proof of some romantic or erotic shit going on. Now characters can't have meaningful best friends in their stories without all of the nuance being thrown out the window so the shippers can yell buttsex. I think fans or shippers like that were the same kids in school who thought random peers had a crush on them just because they borrowed a pencil, or made two-second long eye contact. Drama-hungry and desperate for anything romantic or "special" to happen, but never quite grew out of it since elementary or middle school. But I'm probably expecting too much maturity from fans like that because 90% of the time, fans who try to rewrite close friendships into romantic and sex stuff are
No. 1730516
>>1730482>What's weird is that now every character is sarcastic all the time instead of some of them"When everyone is super, no one will be", characters shine bright when they're unique and bring something to the table with their interactions, when every character acts the same, no matter how interesting the trope is, it gets boring and repetitive
>>1730488>it feels like it's the writer telling you how they feel about that scene or how you're supposed to feel about the scene>the characters stop what they're doing and say out loud "haha this situation is sooo weird" and go back to what they're doingThis happens when writers don't master the "show don't tell" technique, they're awful at building up atmosphere and conveying the right emotions to the viewer so they've to literally tell you the context blatantly because the atmosphere doesn't land by itself. They're incompetent
No. 1730518
>>1730507>>1730503>>1730505The fact that this usually happens at the end of a series isn't really the same. Imagine if a shonen jump manga about autistic powerlevels and fights had almost all the important male characters already in established relationships with their girlfriends early on instead of just some hints here and there that the main guy and the main girl like each other until they kiss in the very last chapter. Some don't even confirm anything like Eyeshield 21 and Hiruma and Mamori of all people suspiciously getting closer and closer to the point where it seems they using telepathy to communicate even after they start studying in university but nothing is ever confirmed. Speaking of which I really liked that Sena's love interest wasn't Mamori at all even though it seemed very obvious and cliche ever since the very first chapter.
Legit the only shonen jump manga with guys who could potentially count as "gay representation" are Sensui and his canon demon bf in Yu Yu Hakusho but Sensui is batshit crazy and has DID and it's a huge plot point so that potentially "
he's a great villain though from what I remember when I watched the anime in middle school and Gintoki who happens to have fuck Hasegawa and Kondo in the ass while drunk in two separate arcs as a gag but the whole manga is a comedy with a bunch of vulgar jokes and it's been established that most Gintama readers are adult women so they don't mind it.
No. 1730524
>>1730452>This is my problem right now with the fujo thread. I want to talk about BL, characters, dynamics, etc. But all people talk about are their degen kinksSomething I've realized after hanging in the fujo thread for a while now: I think anons have very few common interests outside of yaoi in that thread. Wildly different fandoms and age ranges really limit possible discussion bc many people might not even know what you're talking about. The only universally loved media are some BLVNs and stuff by Harada or Nemui that everyone reads. Other than that, the only thing that unites us are kinks unfortunately,
and hating on everything under the sun but that's a different discussion. If you want to discuss lore and dynamics of a certain ship, you're better off starting a convo in a thread dedicated to whatever media it's from rather than the general fujo thread.
Or just suffer like me if your series has no thread here. No. 1730526
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>>1730258somewhat related to this, women who are included in these 'Sapphic ships' often experience an eventual backlash and a decline in popularity. cause they always be unable to live up to the idealized image that these morons have created. I recall when the Internet fell out of love with Jodie Comer (who portrays Villanelle in Killing Eve) because her ex-boyfriend may have been a Republican. However, that was only a minor backlash. On the other hand JoJo Siwa faced a much severe backlash when it was discovered that her girlfriend was a Trump supporter, who wore cornrows in a tiktok video and when Siwa did not disavow her. The entire internet turned against her, and the response was honestly visceral.
No. 1730534
>>1730490>I always thought the FTM/TIF/boypussy stuff was some weird form of internalized homophobia. The vast majority of these artists are female and some degree of same-sex attracted, but they only feel comfortable expressing it if they draw a hyper-detailed pussy on a "male" character.Meh, I think that the vast majority of fandom members are not same-sex attracted, and if they are, it is to a
very, very minor degree (hence why F/F pairings re:
>>1730258 are far less common). While I'm more of a fanfic kind of person, I think a large portion of the "pussyboy" phenomena, IME, is coming from straight girls/women who want to feel inclusive or gendyspecial by incorporating more LGB(T) plot points into their work. I think F/F fanfics tend to be less well written or less "passionate"/emotional than M/M or F/M fanfics. "Pussyboys" are also an alternative means for straight TIFs to "represent" themselves. Like, I've never seen woman x TIF pairings in the wild, while man x TIF pairings by comparison are much more prevalent.
No. 1730538
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>>1730516It's like an annoying papercut when heavily sarcastic and unserious works with barely 2000 words and no plot whatsoever get like hundreds of hearts and kudos over much longer fics where the characters act canonical, where there IS a plot, and where an atmosphere is effective to pull you in. What's up with that? Was it always like this, or do people have a lazy attention span? My heart really goes out to the engaging fanfic writers who always get out-kudos'd by a 2500 worded genderspecial cookie-cutter "sex is plot" fic that has minors screaming and clapping like seals in the comments.
No. 1730540
>>1730526They only like the idea of lesbians or F/F couples but not lesbians or bi women as actual people. That's why M/M content can be as messy as it wants but F/F can't be anything more than cute sapphic handholding because it's "bad representation". They'll headcanon straight characters whose personality revolves around men as "a lesbian with comphet" but if there is a canon lesbian or a character who can be easily read that way, they ignore that. Or if it is sexual content it's usually futa content because they're homophobic and can't conceptualize sex that doesn't involve a penis. I've also seen backlash that the lesbian actor in the Ghostbusters reboot and Barbie movie is a "
terf/transphobe" because she made a joke about not liking penis in an interview once.
>>1730536I used to be friends with a popular M/M fandom artist with secret GC views that drew trans content of the ship a few times just to get TRAs off her back. I think she transed both of them though, because she likes F/F too kek.
No. 1730570
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>look for art of favorite male character
>get hit in the face with 85998498438934 different drawings of him with titchop scars and a macro-clit (gross)
ffs. i dont know if this belongs here because im just venting but i swear to god they're inescapable. dont get into cartoons with zoomer infested fandoms please
No. 1730578
simon petrikov isn't it?
No. 1730589
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>>1730579I believe you. Thus far, I haven't come across any explicit fakeboi depictions, but I have seen many portrayals of him as a femboy or him being referred to as a pathetic man whose "lesbian coded".
No. 1730596
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>>1730589>>1730593i hate this shit too. he is not 'feminine' or weak, he's not even a twink. that is a depressed middle aged man!!!!!!
No. 1730614
>>1730540The concept of "
toxic yuri" has been becoming a trend lately but it only covers girly mentally ill BPD-chans obsessing over their favourite person because girls are so cute when they're dramatic and possessive am i right tee hee. It's going to explode all over the place now that the new Madoka movie is coming out and you know it's just going to be another Homura being a psycho bitch about Madoka for 2 hours flick i.e. the previous movie all over again. I mean I'll watch it anyway because I'm a cuck kek but I really hate lesbians being either a break the cutie aesthetic or a cottagecore aesthetic.
No. 1730621
>>1730606You're reading too much into it, I'm not accusing you personally of anything. There's a difference between whining every time you accidentally see an art style that you don't personally enjoy because it's not cookie-cutter anime shit and then shitting on anyone who does like it (which has happened more than once on this board), and just preferring bishonens or whatever which no one minds.
Besides, Jojo's got a huge fucking female fandom in Japan since decades ago so yeah your opinion is just that, your opinion. Clearly not the consensus. Suck it up, women have different tastes and there's not a damn thing you can do about it, whining about someone getting fed up with your bullshit as if you were being personally attacked is what makes you sound underage. Believe me, I don't mind your taste at all, you don't have to turn this into a fucking war or anything.
No. 1730622
>>1730610It's fine it's not for everyone, like
>>1730611 said. Just don't force yourself to read or watch it, a "friend" of mine started it when I recommended it to her and instead of just dropping it after a few episodes and telling me she doesn't like it she decided to skip every single episode that isn't serious because "they're just filler episodes" which means she skipped like half of the series, all just because she wanted to feel more legitimate when retweeting Okita/Kagura R18 fanart on her twitter. I wish I were making this up. I'd rather be told to my face that I have shit taste it's less embarrassing to witness.
I liked it long ago and stopped watching the anime around episode 210 or something like that just because the laptop I used back then became utter shit and couldn't even make microsoft windows work properly anymore and I just never had the opportunity to continue it after I got a new laptop because shit happened. Maybe someday.
No. 1730639
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>>1730632>so they either headcanon them as a uwu wholesome t4t couple OR feminize the male characterI saw something like this when I tried doing some snooping around the lore of Walten Files. Apparently one of the characters and his wife were T4T. I didn't know wtf that was, so I looked it up. Apparently the nerdy, accidental child murderer is actually a tranny and so was his "wife"?? My interest in this analog was dropped because it didn't even take the fandom to transwash any character for more genderspecial and trannoid shit to make its way in. The creator of this series is already on the fuckshit, so the genderspecial, trannoid garbage is pretty much built in and canon. And you know what's stupid? You would think that trannoids and their lovers would want to transwash characters that are supposed to be likeable and morally adjust so they can have "good representation", but then they pick the most embarrassing and clearly dysfunctional characters to stand as rep. Do they have the slightest idea how stupid they look when they cry about transsexuals "always being depicted as bad guys", but turn around and do the same damn thing?? And how ironic is it that the creator picked the autistic child-killer to rep trannies KEK.
No. 1730667
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>>1730647>>1730650>>1730652Okay, it seems that I got misled by all the faggots who straight up lie about what's canon to the lore. Apparently none of the characters are really trans (thank god), but I still think it's really weird that this fanbase wants the characters to be trans so fucking badly. But like the other nona said, it's probably the symptom of bored teenagers who think normal, "cis" people are "boring".
No. 1730723
>>1730711the difference is that male coomers are all unified, you are going to get shit ton of infight between nonnas who think other nonnas are
problematic for liking genshit twinks
No. 1730765
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I'm so glad anons are talking about the untagged tranny porn thing. Even femgaze artists are drawing random with dicks randomly in their "straight" porn now god damn it. You read a fic and boom, there's a dick too untagged. Apparently it's inevitable regardless if it's m/m, f/f or m/f. Please god, I'm not even a self inserter. But when I read m/f or f/f I want exactly what it says on the tin with no surprises. I've been petty enough to use my drawing skills to edit tranny art into non tranny art because god, I don't want to see it.
>>1730667…It's kind of disappointing that you have to walk on literal eggshells to just say you don't have any trans characters. I went looking for the tweet and it was deleted, I wonder if martin got any backlash. If you don't include certain things the tranny brigade will bust down your door about
your characters I guess. Why do retards get unironically mad when indie authors don't share their vision? Pack it up and move on. But putting my mild tinfoil hat on it's because they're projecting onto like 90% of the characters, so the author calmly and politely stating "No, sorry!" is literally attacking them personally (so basically murder to maladjusted internet shut-ins)
So then the logical next step is to harass the author, threaten them, etc etc. Schizos will schizo but it's especially bad now. I think it happened with the creator of Witch's Heart too. Autists were calling him homophobic and transphobic for "shutting down" (calmly stating that that it wasn't his vision) headcanons, because his characters were "grossly lgbtq+ coded"
No. 1730788
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I'm so tired of this discourse shit, nonnas, I just want to share my niche drawings of characters from a 25-year old video game. I've had someone recently stalk through my fucking following list and DM me like "did you know this artist you follow draws porn on an alt of these characters with an agegap?" (note: both characters are well into their 20's/30s) and I'm so tired of it, it makes me so fucking anxious that I'll get doxxed by some retard because I don't obsessively screen any person I interact with for their "moral fibre"
No. 1730861
>>1730711>>1730715fujochan is in this vein, and they've had issues with raids and other stuff to the point where they had to close shop for a while and lost content, despite being super slow and tiny.
I'm not saying this to try and stop it because I'd love more options (not everyone here is a fujo, obvs) but I'd look into the issues they had as a lesson learned. If you're serious, maybe reach out to the admin and see what wisdom she can give you.
I wish there was more alternatives, i remember people suggested pillowfort but never mentioned it again. Bobaboard is supposed to exist someday…? Until it's real and nonshit it's vaporware to me though. I would like a modern lj-style clone a lot. I think a big issue with modern Fandom is social media that doesn't let you do nice long detailed posts and replies, you can't interact properly and it incentivises slop and un-nuanced discourse. Even drama is worse because you can't easily make a long post with good embedded evidence and links, it's all grainy screenshots of discord convos from Twitter accounts that disappear randomly.
No. 1730927
>>1730633i got into one piece lately bc of the live action and im truly dreading the fandom parts for later manga arcs. yamato and that kiku-whatever kid was their nail in the break-from-reality coffin
speaking of reality breaks, i just hope sanji x nami wont be endgame bc nami deserves better… if oda makes her settle down for sanji's crusty nosebleeding ass then i'll be so disappointed. but ill also have expected it.
No. 1730937
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>>1730665>>1730596I dislike it as well, and it seems to always happen to couples who are of the same age, where the man is not an ugly, overweight, or an old man.
No. 1730940
>>1730937Why are they being snarky and acting as if they're doing something while simultaneously injecting a turbo shot of copium?
>h-hah! it's n-not a het ship you fucking i-idiot!Yes you ship the straights, cope, seethe, etc. Now move out of the middle school cooties phase already pretty please
No. 1730945
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>>1730413why do you think this started happening in the last decade? i know futa has been a thing since forever, but the cuntboy stuff started popping out very lately. What happened to women to become so ashamed of their sexuality they add veganas to fucking male characters now. Do you think it has to with how sexualized the internet has become and how everything a woman does(fashion trend, personality type, even fucking mentall illneses) gets fetishized and turned into a porn tag for men to jack, so now they cant see males as sexual objects because being a sexual object is a female-only thing? I genuinely dont get it
No. 1730946
>>1730934Tumblr has a bad reputation at this point (in part from the porn ban in part for being "that cringe place we all came from amiright haha") which is a shame because it's actually decent now, and much less used than twitter so people garner much less attention a.k.a. harassment, at least in my circles. You don't see twitterfags calling out random tumblr users anymore, which is proof nobody cares what goes on there.
It is a shame though because as you said nonna it's the last place online where you can have longform discussions other than, surprisingly, imageboards. Twitter killed any sort of nuance and tiktok is killing it even further, the future honestly looks bleak for critical thinking and media analysis in fandoms.
Doesn't help that Americans already have shit education which doesn't teach them the basics of media literacy. Sorry if you're an amerifag but it's true and very obvious when amerifags go abroad. This is how you get a generation of people who learned character analysis through tumblr like the BG3 writer. Even so this is better than the nothing we have right now.
No. 1730975
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>>1730966all of the men in genshin are fucking ugly, anon. and they're so flat as characters they're only good for porn. sorry your shitass gacha husbando has the same generic manmoe face every other male character in that game has but no need to act like only fat fetishists and barafags notice it.
No. 1730990
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>>1730977Yes. daily reminder that he has to be pretty to be a bishie, nonnies. the hoes are ugly with the most basic back stories of all time.
you say I'm mean but imagine how I felt when my corners of the internet were terrorized for weeks by grim visages of this ginger and femboy hooters. eventually I went to see what all the fuss was about only to find out it was basically the new BNHA equivalent, shounenshit level slop with a fanbase that reflects the quality. I felt my brain shift gears, I will always side eye anyone who takes genshin impact seriously. if you're only in it to take advantage of the abundance of porn that comes from its popularity then I get it but that anon was so smug in her post it sounded like she was frfr deadass nocap, sisters.
>>1730987I don't hate it because it's popular I hate it because it sucks. I like other popular things. sometimes.
No. 1730993
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yeah, I remember watching every retared I knew grow a genshin impact profile picture over night. how could I forget it? it's a secret litmus test, anons.
No. 1730995
>>17309921. this is a third world problem
2. you don't understand just how cancerous it was because you like it
No. 1730996
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Nooo you cant like things I dont like! It's not popular because there's something in it to enjoy for different people, it's popular because the women on my tl are pornsick coomers! You're a troglodyke if you like genshin men! You have to like cavemen or you're a troon waiting to be pegged by ginger genshin men!
No. 1731000
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>>1730996I don't even know what you're trying to say I'm trying to say anymore but I know what I'm actually saying is making you very upset despite it being the same thing you so proundly said about other people liking the things you said
you don't like just a few hours ago, which is cringe.
No. 1731006
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>>1731003Donuts are cute though. NTAYRT.
No. 1731015
>>1731010But why did we have the discussion over cuntboy porn earlier when you all can just block and mute? it's always tagged! if you see it it must've been because you were looking for it
also the wojak you're talking about was posted by the anon you're replying to in response to my posts. I'm glad even though you don't agree with me yet you indirectly agree that the wojak post is nonsense and no one can tell what point she's trying to make.
No. 1731026
>>1731012If you're in a big city maybe you can find one. But it also depends on whether your country is considered a big market. It's been a while since I went to my usual game store but the last time I went there I picked two visual novels for my switch and the owner and the employee I see all the time recommended me these games and told me I'd love them based on the games I usually buy and that they personally loved one of them and we talked for a bit. If I talked about these games online I would have just seen spoilers, people bitching because muh fanservice, muh gamergate, muh retarded localizers making one NPC a tranny or enby (I haven't started this one so wait and see I guess). Finding nerds irl is so different from online. Usually in a good way, even when it's shonentards in anime cons. If I talk to one of my best friends about Xenoblade 2 irl we'll talk about the gameplay, story, characters, how I never got Kosmos but she got her as soon as she started the game, how Malos and Jin should just have fucked and moved on from everything that happens, how the setting and specific characters remind us of some specific FF games and about the NG+ features. If I look it up online I see shit like "nooo the adult girls have boobs ewww", "hire me nintendo~", "the game is BASED because it has moe waifus!!1!" or "if you play with the Japanese voice acting you're a weeb and you will never be Japanese lolol (idgaf about that, I also will never be a britbong so why would I subject myself to the dub? anyway)" it's super fucking annoying.
No. 1731076

so I posted this in the previous thread but I think it's still worth discussin, the perspectives, media and takes you encounter from non-Western people(including my own) whether they are mainstream media or from some random person you connect with on platforms like Twitter, Reddit and Tumblr, are predominantly by the "global rich". This is almost exclusively noticeable in non-European and east-Asian nations, although it can apply to people in other European and east Asia countries. But here, many political activist groups that have emerged in the past decade are essentially performative rather than genuinely political. They prioritize optics over substance, including adopting Western woke positions. This trend extends to our music and cultural as well. Our musicians, who primarily come from the upper middle class, tend to promote rap music, and people tend to follow along unless it goes way too against our cultural values. Even feminists, who also come from the upper middle class, often adhere to Western feminism within their own bubbles. These bubbles usually go unchallenged, except in truly unstable nations like Iraq, where people risk getting shot or kidnapped by militias.
This has political consequences, but it shapes media takes as well, cause basically anytime you see some twittertard getting mad at some piece of media for "not getting their culture right" they are from western-brained global rich-perspective, they are almost completely disconnected from their own nations(barring some shallow knowledge that anyone would know) their offence is completely performative, cause 99.9% of people in their own nation would not care.
No. 1731160
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I hate these people so fucking much.
No. 1731278
nonny, i dont play genshit but i hate when anons shit on genshin males when it's the only modern franchise who dares to make femgaze male characters. They are just angry because they cant get off to any male character that doesnt look like an overdesigned sparkle dog like jojo.
No. 1731281
>>1731253Based advice
nonnie. Changing topic, I’ve been reading about stoicism and virtues lately (yes I know, cringe, but I’m at a rough point in my life and quite a lot of the meditations have been genuinely helpful, I highly recommend) and upon my reading this morning I came across the meditation that, in plain English, those who spent all their time virtue signalling but do not actually practice virtue are, well, pathetic and lost. And call me pathetic too for even drawing the connection but like. Isn’t that a bit too on the nose for antis? What do they bring to the table? Ever? I’m serious. I’ve rarely ever seen a good anti artist or fic writer. They’re so busy preaching that they never produce. It’s like the only thing they’re good at: sending meaningless ‘I am better and more superior than you’ waves out into the internet. It’s… kind of sad. It’s like they don’t even realise how fun the process of creation can be when you don’t constrain yourself with unnecessary anxiety about how you’ll be judged for the final product. Must suck.
No. 1731283
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>>1730975i genuinely love moeface and i am glad genshit does it, i hope more franchises make men with moefaces i am so fucking tired of dorito chin, muppet face and big noses in my cute males
No. 1731287
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Here with some fandom positivity to break up all the salt: finally, a chainsaw man meme that made me laugh.
No. 1731297
>>1731264um sweaty don't u know brave and stunning
poc are immune to melanoma and wrinkles???
No. 1731364
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The QRTs of this post are interesting to me. A considerable number of them claim that Simon is a trans-girl and this his relationship with Betty is "Sapphic." a slightly smaller amount claim their T4T, while others are shamelessly indulging in their fetishes of Simon getting pegged or paired with and getting pounded by Adult Finn. The crux of the matter is that none of these retarded takes have any relevance to one another, and sometimes completely contradict each other. It's just that these people willingly choose not to accept the fact that Simon and Betty are simply a regular, straight couple.
No. 1731369
>>1731281>Isn’t that a bit too on the nose for antis? What do they bring to the table? Ever? I’m serious. I’ve rarely ever seen a good anti artist or fic writer.I've said it plenty of times everywhere all over the internet but especially here: antis are often just jealous of more talented writers or artists or even just more popular fans and they harass these people out of jealousy, all the "anti" arguments they use are just a pretext they pull out of their asses. I think I mentioned last thread how the FE fandom was pure garbage and how some competent artists got harassed online for liking Fates (all because some youtuber told them it's a shit game) and for marrying either Xander, Leo, Takumi or Ryoma (because they're related to the MC except if you play the games you'd know that's incorrect and that these artists were just self-inserting because these guys are made specifically for fanservice). It was years ago but while these artists who got harassed were posting art, making a shit ton of money with commissions and selling their products in several cons a year, the people harassing them posted shitty doodles of established characters with added vitiligo, stretch marks, 200 more lbs than in canon, simplified clothes or armors because fuck efforts I guess, etc. Meanwhile they loved FE3H, the game where the main character can marry his/her grandmother, who is also his/her daughter at the same time through reincarnation bs. But bitching about that would requiring actually playing the game yourself and paying attention to the plot. Ever since I noticed this with FE it became obvious in many other fandoms, it's just that I found it even more obvious in FE's case. God I remember reading JJBA in 2014/2015 and seing actual friendships ending over whether Jonadio was actual incest despite the two character not being brothers and Jonathan explicitly thinking about how he never saw Dio as family because of how much he bullied him when they met.
No. 1731374
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Tumblr users try not to overshare challenge: impossible
No. 1731399
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Looked a little to see some funny "proship" or "anti" takes and found this. It made me pause and think about non-American perspectives on the whole "proship vs. anti" debate. If the dislike of "antis" is really growing common among Japanese artists and fans, it feels like being overly dictative, aggressive, and "righteous" about what gets written or posted is more of an American thing. Can a Japanese, British, or any non-American share your perspective on the topic of 'antis'?
No. 1731401
>>1730918Don't use the same username across multiple websites, create burner e-mails that are not attached to your real identity, do not powerlevel (i.e. don't post any real information about your personal life), erase metadata from pictures you take (should you upload any of your personal photos, but for utmost OPSEC I'd avoid doing this as well), use a VPN (not a cheap one, and make sure to read the ToS to see if they collect data on you) or make your own, delete cookies every once in a while or use private browsing, disable JavaScript in your main web browser, etc. etc.
I probably didn't hit everything, but this is what one would do in the most anal form of internet privacy. I think, for most purposes, you will only need to do far less than what I've listed—mostly just the first points.
>>1731230Kek so much of the above. I'm also in Zoomer creatuve circles and a lot of these "lesbians" or "gays" are functionally straight and make no effort to present as androgynous or the opposite sex (when they're "trans"/"enbies") but they call themselves gay because they're dating another tranny who just so happens to look and be part of the opposite sex.
No. 1731403
>>1730945My theory: there are many very heterosexual women who can't stand the idea of anal sex in the slightest. Yes, anal sex sucks, but you would think that being a work of fiction it doesn't have to be 100% realistic and everything that comes with it could be ignored.
I also think that several of these girls with a strong CB fetish are a strange combination between yumejo, fujo and skinwalker.
No. 1731410
>>1731396Social contagion. For some—particularly for white girls—having any amount of privilege is seen as a cardinal sin, which leads to a lot of these girls/women to lean into marginalized identities to eliminate the perceived responsibility they have being in a position of privilege. It's not acceptable to change your race, and in that respect one will always have privilege, but it
is acceptable to "change" or gender, or claim a non-heterosexual sexuality, thus placing yourself in an oppressed class, and so in those situations one can at least counterbalance their racial privileges.
In other cases, it's a sort of special snowflake syndrome. I think this case can often be intertwined with the previous one that I addressed, but I think this one also transcends racial lines, since it's typically found in middle-class teenagers and young adults who have little identity of their own or want to stand out from their peers in some way.
Going to end here by saying that none of this is set in stone as it's mostly a mixture of anecdote and me talking out of my ass, but I think a lot more people have begun to notice these things.
No. 1731412
>>1731369The Fire Emblem discourse always blew my mind. I dislike Fates but it's so insane how antis witch hunted people who shipped "
problematic" ships like Corrin and Azura/Ryoma/Xander because it's incest, but they paid money and support a game that has incest in it. When Dana Rune got a callout for drawing art for a zine, I saw the OP of the callout admit that it's easier to "cancel" a fan artist for drawing "bad" ships than it is to cancel Nintendo for publishing a game that has that as an option. They're hypocrites.
No. 1731415
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No. 1731417
>>1731412Just gonna throw this in there too: same can be said for the horror fandom. The antifags act like puppydogs when they watch fictional murderers do horrible things to other fictional people, but foam at the mouth and act 'holier than thou' to writers and artists that draw and write the slashers acting the way they do from the movies kek. Antis want to have their cake and eat it too. One anti even threw a bitchfit over someone headcanoning Freddy Krueger as a pedo, even though the movies implied many times that he was a pedo. If antis hate the mention of
problematic topics so much, why are they always in fandoms for media with those
problematic themes?
No. 1731421
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>>1731283What? Majority of Enstars characters literally have dorito chins kek
No. 1731429
>>1731076As a third worlder who emigrated to Europe I thought this was a very good post and it gave me a lot to reflect. It is absolutely true that the (somewhat upper) middle class my third world country lives in a westernized bubble almost completely out of touch with local issues. Terminally online teenagers and young adults who speak English at a level allowing them to engage with online American/western European POVs, which is already a privilege in itself in their own country, become immersed in the online world and come to believe that they are also part of this first world conversation (also due to the bubble that they live in, especially in Latin America).
It's troubling as these young adults tend to not be in touch with local and national issues at all, defending causes which do not need defending in their country (trannies) and ignoring glaring issues such as their country's specific ingrained misogyny, feminicide, etc. It is absolutely true that terminally online third worlders are "global rich" trapped in their own country. No wonder many emigrate to the US or western Europe, in their mind that's who they are part of ever since they could read and speak English.
No. 1731433
>>1731426>On the other hand, proshippers support anything and everything regarding content, no matter how heinous and low quality, mean spirited, degenerate, etc.I'm sure there are proshippers that on the "free speech absolutism" side, but in my experience a lot of them are hypocrites when it comes to "free speech" or "freedom of fiction"; So many of them scream over how "
TERF/SWERFs" are the devil, certain "transphobic" authors should be canceled (but straight white male authors that are sexist get a pass), and mostly just wanted to defend their right to jack off to noncon/lolisho/etc. than want to stop harassment over fiction.
No. 1731437
>>1731415and? what's wrong with that, why are you so angry at cute faces? go play Baldurs gate if you want to see a moid's wrinkles and dry lips lol
>>1731421nah i mean junjou romantica type dorito faces, enstar style is perfect to me
No. 1731443
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>>1731283>muppet face and big noseThere's a huge middle ground between conveyerbelt sameface and fucking Kaiji, anon it isn't 2003
>>1731415Enough with the reddit memes and wojaks. Not everyone likes the thing you like, get over it. Don't shit on other anons' ugly husbandos when you yourself have an ugly husbando from a kusoge and you'll sperg the fuck out if any onlooker should remind you that he is also ugly.
No. 1731455
>>1731449you're really mad that people called genshit characters bland. they don't even have any personality and the designs are just a base plate with 20 belts and accessories stapled on. the only difference between characters is outfit and haircolor, like it was made in a avatar maker.
just admit shota makes you horny
No. 1731479
>>1731476>the only game thatthe only game that you know about you mean. otomeshit is full of your bland 14 year old bishounen to lust after. go play one. do you really think bishounen didn't exist before genshit invented them?
do only retarded people play genshit or does genshit make everyone who plays it retarded?
No. 1731484
>>1731478name one aspect of the game you enjoy other than cardboard bishounen you rub yourself to.
now you're trying to play it like i'm bashing women in general, when you're the one bashing people who aren't interested in skinny underaged prettyboys.
No. 1731486
>>1731479like i said, otomeshit isnt the same as an mmorpg. You are either actually retarded or don't know how to read.
>>1731480i dont even play genshin, why are you so angry. Recommend me a male touhou then, or a male skull girl, maybe a male senra kagura, go on
No. 1731487
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>>1731479>do only retarded people play genshit or does genshit make everyone who plays it retarded?Both, it has an option to buy gacha crystals in exchange for IQ points instead of real monies.
No. 1731492
>>1731412I remember that and they also harassed other artists of that zine. I followed Eva Smith or whatever her username was and her husbando was Xander from FE Fates so she posted art of him fairly often and at some point people were seething and posting shit like "she's
problematic because she ships the MC with her big brother and that's incest and she's Dana Rune's friend and did art for Dana's game so she's trash! unfollow her! or else!" so I got curious back then and these same people were like "ugh she thinks she's better than everyone just because she's a good artists I just don't like her and her ships" like it was so fucking weird. Like I'm pretty sure it's just jealousy because unlike these two women they can't even draw a stick figure.
No. 1731493
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>>1731486>>1731488If you don't even play the game why are you defending it so hard? It isn't all male, the vast majority of the characters are female including the strongest ones and the gameplay is bad, worse than any of the games you listed. Hell, the gameplay is a very ghetto Great Value version of a game where you can force one of the most iconic bishies ever to crossdress.
No. 1731495
>>1731493because, like i said already, i just like more femgaze content
>one of the most iconic bishies ever to crossdress.gross, is that supposed to be a selling point? i hate how they turned link into a femboy for scrotes in the last games, we cant have shit
No. 1731511
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>>1731501>weSo do you play the game or are you lying? You can ask for recommendations with pretty boys in them on /m/, there are thousands and we don't know what type of games you like, zoomerchan.
No. 1731512
>>1731511 also kek at you deleting just to post a retarded gif from the franchise with tons of cute girls and the most generic of boys
No. 1731514
>>1731417I remember having a more nuanced discussion about this topic a few years ago, about the contrast between the exaggerated slasher films of the past and the darker, more grounded slasher reboot movies we started getting in the late 2000s and early 2010s. Specifically, I recall talking about the 2010 Nightmare on Elm Street Remake. I've watched the old Nightmare on Elm Street films, and they were kinda goofy. Freddy is so over-the-top that it's hard for me to take him seriously. However, I was actually afraid of him because I watched the 2010 version first, which wasn't as graphically violent as the originals. It's just in that version, he wasn't portrayed as an over-the-top serial killer, but rather as a school gardener who abuses children, which is something that is scarily plausible. The lack of exaggeration and camp is what made it frightening for me, and it stayed with me for months.
No. 1731516
Are you schizophrenic on top of the ESL? Be fucking serious
No. 1731540
>>1731522Jack Frost isn't just from persona, he's from Shin Megami Tensei. SMT is an old series that has historically had bishounen filled casts and a predominantly female audience. Now you're really makinh yourself sound retarded.
>coombait for moids if i am not treated equally, and persona boys are uglyGenshin Impact, the game you don't play doesn't do this either, only 1/5 of the cast is male, a smaller portion than even the most waifu filled persona games, and the boy designs are even worse. I don't understand why you're fighting so hard over now multiple games you've never played.
>>1731524That's not what reddit spacing is, friend. Back to /vg/ to cry about lolcow harpies and /v/ermin ruining your life.
No. 1731557
>>1731525You're so fucking weird. I'm not going to derail the thread further so you can make me your vidya spoonfeeder bitch and shit on everything I suggest without playing it and insisting the game you're defending but also haven't played is superior. If you've just so happened to have played every other game in existence besides this one you're so vehemently defending, you should know some yourself.
>>1731545Again, how would you know if you've never played it? Really Genshin is no stranger to oneeshota and m/f pedo fanservice, and the popularity of its m/f pedo ships rivals the amount of people who want to fuck Adachi because he's not a popular husbando at all. /g/ is not the standard.
No. 1731588
>>1731578adachi being the most popular moid from persona tells you all you need to know about the franchise: it sucks.
if only people gave a shit about SMT men alike, damn.
No. 1731608
>>1731603NTA but just sit down for a moment and go take a deep breath or something, judging from the discussion it's pretty clear that she's saying that
for her personal tastes it's the only game catering to her at the moment and people are here taking it all personally and screaming about how ugly and bland the characters are and ackshually liking cute moefaces is a sign of being a pedo or whatever the fuck. It's retardation and people here have some serious anger issues.
No. 1731619
>>1731591but isnt it a little hypocritical to say all that when (i think) you were the one putting it on a pedestal and saying anons who like muscular guys should be ashamed or anyone who doesnt like genshit must like fatties and roidpigs? if it wasnt you, then the original genshin anon did and that was what caused all the infighting.
then they started the usual
>only moids think this!>posts a wojak>there are no other games that have pretty boys! genshin is the only one!>posts angry wojak you look like this wojak kekw go back!>other games have too many icky coombait girls! genshin is only 90% coombait girls which is equal pandering!and so on. talk about things you dont like all you want but dont fight about it, that goes for both sides. the genshin anon went crazy when a few anons said the same things she says about other characters.
No. 1731620
>>1731603>Nta but that's objectively not true you could've used examples, I'm not a fujo and I have 0 stakes on this conversation because even drawn men disgust me lmao. so my observations might be wrong because I'm not invested in it but what I see from mainstream games, Genshit is one of the few games serving boys on a regular basis, while most mainstream games just don't or do inadvertently. also using persona or SMT as example of mainstream game with male fanservice is extremely disingenuous because 1) only ONE persona game had a female MC that enable you to date other male characters. 2) persona/SMT games are still male oriented so you can't say it has male fanservice when it has barely anything much and female persona fans survive on crumbs Atlus throws at them and fanmade content. sure, the male MCs are fujo friendly, but it's still inadvertently, women were never the SMT/persona audiences except for that one P3 port for PSP because somehow Atlus heard somewhere PSP was the console otome gamers used. a game having attractive men doesn't mean the game is marketed towards women advertently, something the market seems to lack and not give a shit, even I, someone who is not a fujo, can recognise it.
No. 1731623
>>1731399i'm not japanese but i remember that huge drama over antis that happened a few months ago kek. the japanese made it clear they fucking hated antis.
does anyone have relevant caps from or a summary of that? they'd make a good addition to this thread.
No. 1731637
>>1731620Not sure why you're talking to me about Persona. I don't/didn't shill the games, I've only beaten 1, 2, and 3. All I did was use a Jack Frost reaction picture because he's cute. The older SMT games have lots of bishies but they have nothing to do with Persona.
>1) only ONE persona game had a female MC that enable you to date other male charactersYou can't date male characters in Genshin and there is no fanservice. Female characters have stories that resemble dates but not male ones. Most of the developers, writers, designers, and players of Genshin are male.
>2) persona/SMT games are still male oriented so you can't say it has male fanservice when it has barely anything much and female persona fans survive on crumbs Atlus throws at them and fanmade contentThe same applies to Genshin so what point are you trying to make. There are many boys, they are ugly with no personality and you can't do anything besides play as them. Like I agree with what you're saying but Genshin is no better in any of these departments, frankly it's even worse because at least some of the Persona characters feel like actual characters and not just anime cliches to be thrown in a gacha and be dead to the game after a couple story quests.
No. 1731744
>>1731545This argument is dumb, Fate also has lots of diverse and interesting husbandos yet a ton of female fans latch onto Gilgamesh who's a violent, psychotic rapist.
I don't think it's due to a lack of "good boys", but rather the fact that these characters are rare, making it so that the few that exist get a lot of traction.
No. 1731813
>>1731670I have no idea. I don't have a stand on how much porn has affected all generations, but this could also be an effect on it? It really got way too accessible over the years, tumblr was filled with it and it was hard to avoid it. Porn doesn't involve any plot and I feel they convoluted that sex is the ultimate act of love and bonding that two people can do. On one hand I used to love reading mature fanfics because source material always shied away from sex as a taboo. Sex fics were all over the place and most were bad already, from weird euphemisms and metaphors to porn like descriptions, I've read my fair share of fics that read like a cheap dumb hentai. Maybe there is a lot of porn without plot fics because that is what most people ended up consuming.
I will wear my tinfoil hat and also say the way people take part on the fandoms is widely different from years ago. When I was a kid there was a pretty straightforward way of getting into any media and it was simply watching, reading or playing the source media. Looking up extra material was a hardcore fan thing to do, the vast majority of people didn't look up interviews with the creators or took part in forums. There wasn't tiktok edits, youtube essays, gameplays or tumblr posts, but over the years we got all that and we slowly created different kinds of fans and different ways of consuming the media. I am not saying any of this is good or bad, but ultimately we have all kinds of fans sharing the same space. Take the tiktok edits as an example, I've seen people lust and obsess over characters they know barely anything about, but that doesn't stop them and a lot of them don't care about the universe surrounding the character. They still produce their own fan content and they are completely satisfied with this form of consuming the media, because it
is a new way of consuming it that didn't exist before. It's baffling to me because I haven't grown up with this, but it's not necessarily wrong. This is not a zoomer issue, before anyone accuses them, remember when tumblrinas went crazy with marvel men and the old marvel fans were appalled most didn't give a shit for the comics? Some women just fell in love with Tom Hiddleston and made Loki a way more important character than he was originally. Again, I don't think it's wrong, it's just a new way of consuming media, not one I pick for myself, but I know better than to judge them too harshly about it after being utterly frustrated with certain fans demanding you prove yourself as a true fan in the past. I'm saying all this because this could also contribute to the reason there is a lack of fan content beyond shipping and fucking. There is an aesthetic group to fandoms too, like there is so many people who like the somber feeling of silent hill, but haven't played them or know jack shit about them, like DBD brought weird James fans that seem to not know a single thing about the character. This side content to the main media became a new way to consume it, with it came new types of fans that I am still getting used to.
No. 1731918
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>>1729502I saw this post the other day and I was thinking about how Ive never really come across that phrase in recent memory but I just read it in a published book and cringed so hard I felt it in my spine
No. 1731926
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Posted this in another thread but fits better here. There are a slew of these 'Harry Potter/Percy Jackson but' books - PJ but based on Indian mythology, HP but set in a korean boarding school, PJ but based on African American mythology e.t.c. They all get hyped on BookTok. The first book does okay, and two more sequels are ordered, but literally no one cares because everyone only pretended to like the fist one. They never understand what made Harry Potter and Percy Jackson good in the first place. They only take surface-level tropes and try to apply them to their POC and/or queer characters, and they think they deserve an equal amount of fame, both Harry Potter and Percy Jackson didn't come from this mindset. The genres JK Rowling was most familiar with were mysteries and thrillers, same with Rick Riordan. When his dyslexic son showed interest in Greek mythology, he wrote a book for him by doing her own research on greek mythology and also trying to make it fun for his other children.
No. 1731929
>>1731917Did you even read the post? I'm complaining about shippers overwhelming the discussion about characters with "they're just so gay" type of dismissive arguments. I even said you'd normally expect shippers to have a better understanding of their relationship but nowadays they just don't. They even have far fetched retarded takes on the canon personalities of characters. I'm a shipper myself but these retards ruin the ships for me because they have no reading comprehension but have all the audacity to claim they're the only ones that understand the ships.
>>1731918Is it just fanfics being turned into romance novels that ruined romance? Almost every shitty overrated romance book I read can be traced back to the author's ship and ao3 cliches. I can't find nice modern romance books without obvious effects of low quality fanfic writing in it. Were these cliche cringe quotes a thing before fanfics?
No. 1731946
>>1731920Congratulations, doesn't mean that fanfiction isn't cringy.
Most of the stuff that goes on for 30+ chapters breaks down like crazy because the author doesn't reread their older chapters and runs out of ideas anyway.
No. 1731949
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>>1731944>persona moids are uggoRyoji isn't
No. 1731956
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>>1731951His bangs are just pinned up.
No. 1731958
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>>1731949I'm convinced some nonnies are held at gunpoint to say they find these characters attractive.
No. 1731960
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>>1731958he just looks like this to me
No. 1731961
>>1731958His mole and scarf is incredibly sexy and he's very tragic (I get that the slicked back hair isn't for everyone but I found it pretty attractive)
Also being voiced by Akira Ishida helps.
No. 1731967
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>>1731963To be fair his writing ain't even good (pretty typical for persona), I just like his character trope a lot and find him attractive so I like him.
No. 1731996
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>>1731984>>1731991I didn't wanna see debates about genshin characters and there was obviously someone baiting and trolling, I tried too nudge this thread to an actual worthwhile discussion but everyone was still arguing over some other twittertard argument.
No. 1732008
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>>1732002I wanna say he'd look better with glasses, but he looks like a dork with glasses on because it erases the need for him to do that hot squint.
No. 1732017
>>1732001I respectfully disagree, I find the evolution (and devolution?) of fandom psychology interesting and I think it merits a nuanced discussion (as much as you can get with farmers). Definitely not what's happening ITT. There are certainly worse threads on this website.
Hell the artfag general is almost the same as this one, chock full of microcephalic twittertards who probably moonlight their retardation on this thread.
No. 1732027
>>1732001>"this is my armchaired analysis on why fangirls troon out"porn addiction
>overplayed anti/proship debate based on hyperbolics alone or "look at this cringe mentally ill teenager I found on tumblr hee hee" mean this entire site's history.
No. 1732099
>>1732021Twitterfag is an existential state of being but I digress. If this is the state of farmers then it is truly sad. It's obvious most of the posters ITT chimping out about husbandos have no notion of imageboard culture if they can't even ignore some fucking bait even after other nonnies told them to multiple times.
I'd say ignoring bait and trolls is itself an essential skill for internet hygiene that Twitter/Tumblr (and now Tiktok, dear god let's not even get into that) have completely destroyed. Can't forget the old days of wading through a swamp of tumblr politics and callout posts, if people have gotten worse at harassing and cancelling artists in the online sphere Tumblr's influence in normalizing this moral crusade cannot be understated. Before that? Before that this shit was called cyberbullying.
And yeah, it was a retarded term back then but it was the same phenomena, only for other reasons such as being an ugly, fat or BPD woman. All built on misogyny, even today. Meanwhile fandom moids go unscathed and uncancelled as they have always been and only become stronger and more famous.
No. 1732106
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>>1732099>>1732021Okay no one here is saying that fandom culture wasn't retarded back then and there wasn't shit-fighting, but you can't deny that it's gotten worse and specifically more sexual, fandom culture has devolved into basically no creativity, just mindless indulgence and yeah there is obviously some moid/troon troll and many are falling for his bait(probably replying to himself as well)
No. 1732112
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>>1731283youd love bungo stray dogs. cute boys galore
No. 1732128
>>1731958>>1731951>>1731944>>1731283>>1730966Posters like this are so fucking annoying, why are you even arguing in the tumblr/twitter fandom thread about being oppressed for liking bishies anyway (no one even said that, someone just said Genshin is shit and its art style is bad, not that bishies in general are ugly)
You've got to be doing it on purpose
No. 1732132
>>1730952>>1732128 Goes for you too since the post was about people like you bitching that everything you don't like is ugly every time someone posts it. This thing about anons who like anything other than bishies being the ones to call your taste shit first must be something you made up in your head after seeing some tumblr girls do it on other sites or something because I swear I've never seen it happen here. It's always you and everyone knows it. Not being able to tolerate art that doesn't pander to the most basic weeb tastes and constantly calling anime characters with actual noses instead of a little dot "ugly" because you memed yourself into being repulsed by actual human anatomy
is underage behavior btw.
No. 1732163
>>1732132please shut up for the love of god. go schlick and whale at your ugly gacha husbandos and stop throwing tantrums when people call them ugly. it's been a whole day!
what level of autism does one have to reach to fight to the death to whiteknight a piece of media like this? a cheap chinese mobile game, mind you. this thread needs and exorcism.
No. 1732174
>>1732170It was more like the last straw in a series of events. 4channers took the chance and started a whole movement which bid white heterosexual males as oppressed b/c at the time, all the major videogame online publications were tumblr as hell and constantly criticized their main demographic (white heterosexual males).
All gamer gators are probably like all trannies now, anyway.
No. 1732183
>>1732170GamerGate allowed the current 'kweer BIPOC' brand of tumblrite to control the narrative now, while there were some reasonable voices from the anti-GG side, the aforementioned group of people took advantage of that and took over. GamerGate basically divided geeks on the internet and ultimately in real life more than ever before, where if you don't support one thing 100% you're a part of the enemy, for example if you don't support lolishit in video games you're a nasty SJW cuck/tumblr landwhale and if you don't blindly support fake wokeness by multimillion corporations you must be a 4chan incel. The best example of this during GamerGate is probably what happened with the Ghostbusters genderswapped movie in 2016.
No. 1732192
>>1731929>Fanfics being turned into shitty romance novelsPretty much kek. These tumblr and ao3-isms are seeping into YA too, but I think in the latter case it's just the writing style and dumbass tumblr tropes. I shit you not like two pages after I read the "it's always you" drivel in the book I was reading, there was an "Oh.
Oh." Its like these fanfic-tier writers are fishing phrases out of a hat to write
No. 1732196
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>>1732189We should hold hands and promise to not make fun of each other and only make fun of twitter and tumblrfags
No. 1732207
>>1732170I don't think you'll ever find a non-biased writeup about it because literally everyone who was involved in it picked a side and the people looking into it years later are unable to see it from the context of its time, but I'll try my best in explaining it. It was a big cultural shift moment and I wouldn't call it farfetched to even claim that it influenced the 2016 presidential elections because it essentially gave the birth to the altright movement. It wasn't "gamers rose up against le evil SJWs controlling le game industry" and it really wasn't "evil racist nazis wanting women dead" either. It was a few bad apples like Zoe Quinn in the gaming industry getting too cocky about their power of nepotism and a few opportunistic people like Anita Sarkeesian who wanted to grift the gaming community since video game violence and the lack of female representation in video games was (and still is, to an extent) a hot topic during the time, and as someone blew the whistle on them the movement became a thing to push the reasonable demand of more ethics in gaming journalism and the desire to recognize video games as a legitimate form of media just as important as movies and TV shows. That's what it was for me personally.
As the movement gained traction, multiple right wing groups witnessed all the commotion against "the lefties" and saw their chance. They infiltrated the gamer communities posing as people genuinely concerned about the state of the industry, one such example being Milo Yiannopoulos, an editor for Breitbart, who became one of the faces of the GamerGate movement despite hating gamers in private and considering them "subhuman". He was a charismatic guy really into anti-feminism, racism (or "race realism" as it was called then) and general bigotry, and he and his cronies slowly started agitating the movement to recruit more people to turn against "the lefty SJWs" who were ruining their video games with their evil feminist agenda. I think it all culminated into Ethan Ralph (the Gunt guy as he's known today) doxxing Brianna Wu, another nepo baby game developer and it started coming apart after those events, but in its wake the angry gamers who felt like they never received closure found their place from places like the skeptic community and other budding altright cells. A lot of political commentators on youtube got their first career push from the gamer gate movement both right and the left, so I think it's fair to say that it was a bunch of people poisoning the well on both sides opening the doors to every form of media being put under a political lens.
No. 1732210
>>1732170I think it was the first time I realized nobody actually wants to have an argument. If I didn't agree with some things about gaymer gate I was a feminazi, if I didn't wholly agree with anti goober gator I was an alt right incel on a sockpuppet account pretending to be a "colored" woman to get points with chuds. Any minority that disagrees with me is a sockpuppet, etc etc. There was so much racism from both sides, I distinctly remember that kek. Some chuds obviously didn't like browns but some leftists were more than happy to call any black people disagreeing with them house n words and such. I wish I had a time machine to go back and screenshot and archive all those tweets, I think some people's careers could be definitely ruined today kek
>>1732207Imo this is the best writeup I've seen? Wu still makes gamergate his whole personality, like it's actually impressive. It's unbelievable how much both sides were fucked.
No. 1732229
>>1732203To specify where it all began, it started from one game developer called Zoe Quinn who created her text-based adventure game "Depression quest" which was an interactive novel (without visuals) about coping with depression. It was greenlit on Steam despite not being a "real game" and this made people accuse her of having connections to game journalists creating artificial hype around her game for more exposure. This exploded all over the internet when her ex-boyfriend, Eron Gjoni, released a gigantic tell-all blogpost about how Quinn had cheated on him with such and such game journalist accusing her of sleeping her way to the top. This is where the term "Quinnspiracy" comes from. Looking back it's so fucking retarded because she wasn't a big hotshot gamedev at all but some gamers were really purist about games having to be skill based and not just storytelling entertainment. I had completely forgotten this up until this day but another reason this whole debacle got so much visibility was because Adam Baldwin (yes, the actor) tweeted about it and even coined the term "Gamergate". From that moment on it was a race to the top for both fringe leftist and right wing political movements to gain control of the gaming community.
>>1732210Nice to see another goobergoot veteran here kek. And yeah each side was a gigantic garbage fire back then because they made it into a right vs left question when in its core it was about video games not being appreciated on the level they should be. And to be fair, the game journalists of the time were smug hipsters who were put in their positions by publications because they were the only ones who even remotely knew how to operate a controller.
The "true gamers" were trampled over this political fighting and eventually made to pick a side after Brianna Wu's doxxing made it to mainstream media as he was rich and influential enough to break news despite his games being dogshit. During and after gamergate video games and the entire "gamer culture" became associated with politically charged incels because they made themselves comfortable there during the movement's run, before that the vidya community, at least in my experience, was relatively egalitarian.
No. 1732257
>>1732243They are, just like other nerds. But there was a big mass of gamers who had legitimate gripes with the gaming journalists because as said, video games were treated as an afterthought and the journalists covering games were barely able to even play the games and thus give it a fair review. This was during the time social media was becoming big so every section was mixed into this huge mess of people looking to benefit from the controversy. Zoe Quinn did some questionable things herself too like famously getting another female-lead Game Jam cancelled in favor of her own event and Anita Sarkeesian told half-truths about the games she was criticizing, but the hate they got was way overblown and if all the political grifters didn't weaponize the movement for their own gain it would've died out instead of becoming bigger than it was supposed to be.
>>1732230Shoe is an excellent example of said grifters, she was never a gamer but a provocateur like all the other skeptics who joined in just to whine and moan about feminists and left wingers ruining the western society to grow their own following at the expense of causing irreversible damage to the gaming community.
No. 1732291
>>1732229Hey, look on the bright side. Anyone even remotely mentioning gamergate these days is an easily identifiable red flag. Bonus if there's some revisionism involved be it right or left.
>before that the vidya community, at least in my experience, was relatively egalitarian.I miss that time so much. Every once in a while I'll see older gen x women playing wow and it makes me happy. It obviously was not perfect but imo it felt much better than today. Is it rose colored glasses?
>>1732230She really grifted the hell out of gamer gate by being the based gamer grill huh? These people need to find a better personality and claim to fame than a giant internet slap fight, but it starts making sense why that's the case when it pays their bills to this day. Of course they're going to hold on to gatorade gate like the last cock in hell.
No. 1732311
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>>1732213I tired to read Iron Widow once (couldn't even finish it), and it appears to me that most of these PJ/HP rip-offs are trying way too hard to flaunt their worldbuilding and how different and supposedly impressive it is compared to the media it obviously draws inspiration from (when in reality, it's just a superficial makeover with a name change). and the character are often just a bag of tropes, the people who write this crap just fail to grasp the essence of what made early YA book series so immensely popular. Take Harry Potter for instance, at its core it is a mystery series. It caters to kids, yes, but it remains a mystery series where the entire story functions around the mysteries. JK Rowling unlike modern YA series writers, possesses the necessary expertise in both reading and writing within this and other genres.
No. 1732321
>>1732317is there
anything that tumblr/twitter addicts have not ruined atp?
No. 1732347
>>1732317At least it gives the perpetually unemployed gendies a form of income, I wish it wasn't shitting up a whole genre in the process. Want to bet that there'll be articles about the 'male-dominated romance novel industry' cropping up once there are enough TIFs getting published?
>>1732311I didn't know the writing was this bad, it reads like autistic DA-tier worldbuilding written by a precocious tween. Isn't the author rich as fuck? Could she not have spared a few dollars to get this mess edited by someone competent?
No. 1732402
>>1732311God, Iron Widow sucked, you missed nothing by dropping it. Yet another terrible youtuber book to add to the pile.
YA has unfortunately just become a 'genre' of thinly-veiled romance novels masquerading as other genres (usually fantasy) that are written at a low reading level but cater almost entirely to women in their 30s and not the 12-18 year old bracket the demographic is supposedly intended for. I'd also argue that Twilight, The Hunger Games/Divergent, and authors such as Cassandra Claire and especially Sarah J Maas have influenced it more than series like HP or Percy Jackson have at this point.
Loads of these books (and 'New Adult' ones) wear their influences on their sleeves, to the degree that you can easily point out the scenes taken from Howl's Moving Castle, that an office romance originated as a Reylo fic, or that the story is clearly heavily influenced by the entirety of Avatar the Last Airbender, as a couple examples. A lot more authors also willingly admit to their origins of being 'fandom trash' these days, and while some authors gain a lot from practicing by writing fic, I feel like that's often very fandom-dependent (eg Twilight birthing something of 50 Shades' calibre, and then 50 Shades inspiring 365 Days and probably also After). Another problem that feels fic/fandom-related is authors approaching relationships like shipping instead of writing them out in a more organic way.
YA publishing also has some pretty nuts political retardation surrounding it, and a lot of its authors are trying to out-woke each other or the material they're writing glorified AUs of (KF had a decent thread on it, but haven't looked in a long time so dunno if it went to shit). Editing seems to be a myth, so you also get the bloat of 300,000 word coffee shop AUs and prose worthy of a fourteen year old just starting out. Fun.
Recently I've noticed the trend of trope-based marketing more and more(eg 'enemies-to-lovers' is a popular one), and I think this stems both from a consoomer mindset, where people just want MORE of the same thing (just look at Booktube/tok), and also a desire for a tagging system like AO3 but for novels, even though they've completely fucked that up if so since the 'tag' has become the marketing instead of a filter. A good example of a book iirc that was entirely marketed in this way on tiktok would be the mess that is Lightlark (can't remember if it had much basis in fandom shit though)
Also, just wanted to finish by saying that no, there is nothing wrong with enjoying a work aimed at a younger demographic than you, or that YA has gone to shit because it's female dominated– the problem is that a specific type of older female readership dominates YA that pushes for 'spicy', 'romance'-focused stories that cater to their interests, political sensibilities and idk, fear of reading anything truly targeted at adults or that hasn't been sanded down and sanitised (aside from certain tropes and smut). It's not really for teens anymore, in a lot of ways, which I find a bit sad, even though I never read much of it myself when I was that age.
(sorry for writing my own novel here, clearly have too much to say about this kek)
No. 1732422
>>1732311I was so boggled by this passage I went looking into the book itself and this is the author's own description of it she posted on her own fucking Goodreads review section:
>Under siege by monsters beyond the Great Wall like that shitty Matt Damon movie, except the monsters are Cybertronian-like sentient machines, a society that has the fashion, social customs, and beliefs of Ancient China but futuristic tech fights back by pulling a Neon Genesis Evangelion and rebuilding their very invaders into giant mecha. A boy-girl pair in their teens, because of course they have to be teens, pilot the mecha Darling in the Franxx style, except in a much more sensible position (he hugs her from behind). Under command of human pilots, these mecha take on forms inspired by East Asian myth creatures and transform like Transformers through Digimon-esque evolution lines that get more humanoid as you go on. The pilots physically embody them, so it's more Attack on Titan than Gundam. Oh, and they blast qi attacks, so the battles honestly read like a bunch of furries engaged in a Dragon Ball Z fight, and that’s no one’s fault but mine.I'm kekking into the sun. Any opinion I ever had of Xinran from vaguely enjoying her videos once disappeared instantly. She's also bitching about how she's sooo brave and stunning for writing this book despite the advice and harassment of muh haters.
No. 1732430
>>1732402nta but I totally agree with you. I don't read YA but imo it has started to influence "serious" literature too, and many new books for adults read like a shitty YA novel nowadays. Just last week I picked up a book that was pitched as "such complex" only to discover it was basically YA but with slightly non-linear narration and more edginess. Characters that were supposed to be in their 30s acted like dramatic teenagers all the time and also had super cringe anglo names despite being from my country. I read all of it just to see if it was that bad to the very end, and it was kek.
Never reading anything from the same author again, I thought it was some young writer's first novel, but no, apparently this lady has published six novels already and this one was her fifth. One of her novels is listed as YA, so I guess that explains the influence. Maybe she should just stick to writing to teens then.
No. 1732439
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>>1732402>YA has unfortunately just become a 'genre' of thinly-veiled romance novels masquerading as other genres (usually fantasy) that are written at a low reading levelSo I don't typically read many popular YA adult series so I can't if that's 100 true, but I definitely got that feeling when reading this one. It felt like a thinly veiled romance story. If Xiran intended to write a boring romance story, then why didn't she? cause these two motifs that are vital to the story(the romance and extreme patriarchal setting) don't work together. The two male leads shouldn't exist in the world she created, which is a feudal Confucian Chinese patriarchy with advanced technology. Every male character, aside from the two leads, embodies traditional Chinese patriarchal values (which is find for the story), but the inclusion of two male leads with modern sensibilities feels out of place and just doesn't make any sense. This issue also extends to the protagonist, Her contemporary feminist rhetoric and sensibilities contradict the entire narrative, especially when every other female character except her, blindly submits to the patriarchy.
picrel is a commissioned artwork she had done for her characters btw.
No. 1732444
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>>1732441I mean it looks like it.
No. 1732479
>>1732471>>1732468Now I'm curious
nonnie, do you have an example of where you think it was done well? Or at least semi-decently. I enjoy fantasy and romances and have found that it is indeed hard to find an author that knows how to conciliate the two. Though it's not a book, the only time I've liked how it was done was in the Dragon Age series (Inquisition discutable), but since it's an RPG the storytelling is obviously fundamentally different.
No. 1732482
>>1732468True, the only good fantasy romance books I've read have all had: 1) slow burn relationships where the authors take their time developing the romance and don't make them turn into sex-crazed fiends 50 pages into book one kek or 2) are focused more on the fantasy aspect and the romance is just a subplot to the main story.
The heavy reliance on tropes nowadays doesn't help either, especially with books in a series being marketed with stuff like "enemies to lovers" which inherently has an expiration to it once the character turn into lovers. Once the characters are in an established relationship it always gets kind of boring since there's nothing to root for and the authors always manage to make them insufferable kek
No. 1732483
>>1732427AYRT and I agree with you, but I'd also say that it's less so these women dumbing down their work, and more like
>>1732425 described in that this is just the state of a lot of these women's ability, and it's fucking tragic. I'm not asking for high art or intellectualism, but there is no reason for this level of quality in even 'light or beach reads'. There's this bizarre kneejerk reaction if you criticise any of this crap for being slop, as if the only alternative is to go read War and Peace or Infinite Jest or something else they know to be a 'high-brow' or 'difficult' book. These people don't like either being challenged or having their tastes questioned in a very immature way.
>>1732430I don't really read YA either, but the industry and drama kinda fascinates me and I like to listen to people discussing books, and YA is pretty much the main thing discussed so I picked up a lot from that. You're absolutely right that it's breaking containment and seeping into other areas of fiction/lit, especially fast fiction such as nebulous 'thriller' books. I'm curious, what was the book you noticed it in? Your description sounds vaguely familiar kek
No. 1732493
>>1732488Rip. I'm the same so I wasn't expecting much, but I still hope that a real hidden gem exists out there to be found.
>>1732482NAYRT and I've never read the books but that got me thinking of the Outlander series kek. It was decent romance fiction with enjoyable pining and moral dilemmas until they just started fucking nonstop and then the story became Riverdale levels of retarded in order to keep the plot going.
No. 1732502
>>1732494ayrt and damn, nona, I've already read that one and you are actually 100% right. It actually reminded me of
the Fenris romance with Hawke in Dragon Age 2 which I was extremely obsessed with. I'll keep coping that C.S. Pacat is only pretending to be a gendie so she doesn't get the J.K. Rowling treatment and avoids being raked over the coals for being a fujo.
No. 1732511
>>1732439Between this and this
>>1732422 greentext she sounds like she has such a cow potential
No. 1732659
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>>1732439Holy kek, is this from the actual book? Straight up taken from the Records of Ragnarok anime/manga, though it was also a meme around 2 years ago so I guess she took it from that.
No. 1732929
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>>1732502>C.S. Pacat is only pretending to be a gendieshe wrote a sports BL series where one of the main side characters is a non-binary male, so looks like she's genuine
No. 1732988
>>1732483The novel was REC by Marisha Rasi-Koskinen, so in Finnish originally. I felt so dumb when I realized about 50 pages in how stupid it was, but it started by narrating the MC's childhood, to which te naive style suited better I guess.
I love snooping on book industry drama too. I try not to judge other people's tastes but I definitely do judge the industry for churning out and promoting low-quality crap. Also not trusting reviews anymore, since this is like the 10th time a book praised as complex by reviewers turns out to be shit.
No. 1733018
>>1732402Going a little bit into what
>>1732427 mentioned. A lot of the current booktok books or whatever you want to call it are essentially those smutty trashy books you could find at the store that absolutely everyone looked down upon. Except without (for now) that same stigma. So it's not weird so many women like it. I think for the first time they get to enjoy their simple smutty romance novels without immediately being shamed for it (unlike novels for men that also have tons of sex but those are literature like Murakami).
So I get it. Let them have the books. I'll fully admit I even own like 2 out of sheer curiosity. Don't get me wrong there are issues with how it's being trope-fied but I also kind of am glad so many women can finally read something catered to them that the industry is finally catering too instead of hushed away in a dirty corner.
No. 1733214
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Absolute fucking babies.
No. 1733233
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>>1733214…that is kind of weird though
No. 1733251
>>1733018AYRT I agree that it's fine for women to enjoy trashy and/or smutty books without stigma towards themselves– I want women to have fun and enjoy things! That's great! The problem is that, as you even pointed out, these kinds of books already technically exist for adults to read (both as those cheap paperbacks/mill's & boon-esque novels, as well as the general and romance fiction sections and other female-majority readership genres) and there is no need for them to also be the primary group catered to within YA. New Adult I could understand a bit more, but all that really tends to mean is that it's a YA-level and styled book that has sex scenes in it that got too graphic or numerous, instead of something that actually caters to people in their 20s and what that stage of life can mean.
These books are also heavily influenced by fandom behaviour and writing quirks/elements, unlike 'literary fiction' (I assume, kek), which is its own can of worms, so I thought it was worth adding to the discussion here
No. 1733288
>>1733214"wait, ew, wtf" as if moids don't sit around pulling theirs to thoughts of banging the babysitter, teacher, friends of their moms, moms of their friends, and every other woman between the ages of 2 and 200. they're basically hating on that actress and pretending she's a predator because she was playing the role she was told to, from a book written by a man, and her character in that scene is the one without a choice being submissive to the male character.
if you feel bad for anyone it should be her.
No. 1733320
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Nonnas, I just saw a thread commenting on the age gap in a ship (idk it's something like 16 and 19 who cares) and something about the thread gave me pause. I didn't feel irritated, or put on the defensive, and I wondered why… until it occurred to me that they way they had critiqued the ship wasn't from the 'you're gross and this is paedophilia' angle we're so used to hearing these days, but 'I just don't think this interaction works well in this fictional universe for X list of reasons, therefore I do not like this ship.' Then I realised that it's exactly this kind of shipping debate that has long died out in fandom due to anti/proship nonsense. I don't like, say, Ayathoma that much simply because I don't see Ayato's secret mischievous side playing off of Thoma's loyalty that interestingly, as opposed to Itto's overconfident naivety. But if a younger fan tried to express that, they'd probably resort to some one-line zinger such as 'Ayathoma is abusive because it's a master/servant power imbalanced dynamic.' You see? You can express that same point but in a way that's not annoyingly confrontational and invites debate about the draw ins and draw backs about the ship even from people who like it. And I would actually love to spend more time convincing people why I like my favourite ships, such as Zhongchi, just because I would love the oppurtunity to talk about them and don't mind polite opposition. But no, all screaming matches and doxxing and 'it's pseudo-paedophilia because it's immortal/mortal'! So boring! I don't mind OTP haters who are happy to talk but I cannot stand the mindless incessant yapping that is modern antis. Bring back cordiality! Bring back debate! Bring back real fandom!
No. 1733343
>>1733320Nona I fully agree with your point, one of my ships was once reduced down to "
abusive because power imbalance!" and one of the characters in it IS more powerful than anyone else in the cast but no other ships with him got the same treatment, just mine. They were also shipping the powerful one with someone else, so I know there was some bias, but once it's considered
problematic you can't reason with these people anymore. But can you list your arguments for Zhongchi? I'm curious because I've never been able to see it. Zhongli seems like a sexless autistic old man and Childe barely interacts with him. I know the latter is the norm for genshin writing, but even if I try to imagine it I can't understand, they have no chemistry
No. 1733345
nonnie you're so based I could kiss you. GOT is such hot garbage that ruined Fandom in so many ways. Now that the show is over and everyone hates the ending, people kind of forgot how for almost a decade GOT was unignorable and really blurred the line between Fandom and normie
>>1733288Nta but that's actually one of the really gross changes the show made imo. In the books he's not a teenager that she sexually seduces, hes a 7 year old that she gains the loyalty of by giving kittens and toys to him. The rapist coombrains who made the show couldn't conceive of adapting that plot in any way that wasnt a hot older woman seducing a teen.
No. 1733357
>>1731949Out the 2 guys in your picrel you pick the ugly one KEK
He looks kinda cute in the manga and he's a sweetie in the FeMC route though, but looks isn't his forte
No. 1733396
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nonnie… you have tempted me… (I'll try not to derail the thread too much but it's technically on topic anyway since this ship is so hated online that it is pretty 'discoursey' lol).
Zhongchi to me are like yin and yang. One godlike, one an abyssal beast but both with qualities secretly of the other. Zhongli is old, patient and mellow, whereas Childe is all but; youthful, energetic and brimming with violence and chaos 24/7. Zhongli is celestial, Childe is literal hellspawn. But Zhongli too has a streak of mischievousness (Re: Rex Incognito novels), and Childe himself has a gentle, slower side (fishing/Teucer). Morax will always and forever be the god of martial combat, will always have blood on his hands, will always carry that streak of a war-hardened veteran until he dies, just as Childe will always carry Ajax with him, the soft, shy Morepesokian child who fell into the abyss and clawed his way out irrevocably changed. More specifically, when I envision these two interacting, I cannot help but see them bringing out these hidden qualities in each other and expose their vulnerabilities. Childe might evoke Zhongli's Dragon-like protectiveness, his dry wit, his archaic temper and his millenia-long loneliness and desire for connection. Childe would learn patience, to relax and to wholly trust another person. Through his lectures, Zhongli might even show Childe the true beauty of Teyvat beyond war, make him question his principles as a soldier and provoke real character development and depth. Ultimately they bring out the best in each other. Zhongli teaches Childe humility, patience, vulnerability and even betters him as a soldier through his own fighting experience. Childe cracks open the millenia old stone heart of the Geo Archon and reminds him that he's capable of love, of youthful passions, of petty banter and to feel like he can live a full life in spite of his inevitable erosion… and it's all thanks to this odd, mildly psychotic(?) but endearing and wholly genuine little redhead soldier from across the Teyvatian shores. The fondness I have for these two is immesurable, but if I've managed to hook anyone (unlikely, kek) then I highly reccommend 'Falling Star', 'What I Cannot Put into Words, I Offer You in the Weight of Gold', 'A Sight for Sore Eyes' and 'The Autumn Winds are Sighing' in that order. Sorry for the rant, that's all from me.
No. 1733441
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> Proshipping vs Antishipping
Edgelords vs annoying no-fun people, fiction doesn't equal reality
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
Stupid because censorship is stupid
> Sapphic Underrepresentation in Fandom
Literally who cares yaoi is better
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
Stupid zoomershit, i don't care that you have feminist dni i'm still gonna harass you
> Whitewashing vs Blackwashing
Draw the characters in their actual skin colors or fuck off
> ‘[Insert Sexuality]-Coded’ Characters
Oh my god who cares
> Sapphic vs Fujo Misogyny Accusations
What even does this mean
Mods can lock the thread now my opinions are the only right ones
No. 1733452
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>>1733439she's embarrassing her fujosisters. somebody pass me the duck tape. but not the sex kind.
No. 1733486
>Come back to the thread 2 days later>They're still sperging for/against GenshinFor fucks sake you ruined the one interesting discussion about the state of YA writing with this shit, it's like you're all stuck in a limbo repeating this same garbage argument over and over again and I say this as someone who actually plays and enjoys Genshin
>>1732929>>1732986That fencing comic was so shitty and halfhearted compared to her other work that I'm genuinely convinced that she did it just as lip service to appease possible detractors calling her out for "fetishization". I mean I can't blame her, it's a minefield for English-speaking creators out there especially for those writing m/m content.
No. 1733548
>>1731399I'm from a small country where there's no concept of "fandom". Most of the time, when we see a tv series, a movie, play a game, read a book etc we do it in our native language and share it with our friends. Since many don't speak English well, they don't engage with the US fandoms. Many normie girls are in the fandom, they'll usually make edits on Instagram and Tiktok or draw fanart. Maybe write an X Reader or a few and theories and that's it. We make group chats sometimes on Instagram and roleplay, discuss media etc. Nobody would say "don't do that, it's
problematic" because it doesn't even cross people's minds. If someone says it, I'm sure the response will be "it's not real" or everyone else ignoring them. If they continue making it a big deal we just ban them from the group.
Same goes for my friends from India and Pakistan. That's usually how "fandom" is for us.
No. 1733549
>>1733536For real, it's always
>baaaw you hate women!when anyone has negative opinions about them, kek. They should try defending their argument with some dignity
No. 1733554
>>1733548Samefag. something interesting is that there's less shipping (unless it's a romantic genre media) and the fandom and I found it weird when I discovered how much everyone cares about shipping in the US. There's still X Readers, especially in animes but that's all… Horror story? The fandom will talk about horror. Adventure? The fandom will talk about adventure. Why is there so much focus in shipping?
Also artists try to emulate the show's/book's art style instead of their own and most of the fandoms are for animes and adults shows, not cartoons. We don't have cartoons translated or subtitled often. Oh and I forgot memes and incorrect quotes are present.
No. 1733736
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>>1733714Oh, yeah. It's sapphic time. Fun fact but we're dominating animation lately. Fujos stay angry klance will never be canon.
No. 1733905
>>1731614Sooo true. Considering trying the game for him even though I’m so bad at video games.
Also I think the effects of Zhongchi is really fun to look at because it was a completely unintentional goldmine for Mihoyo and ever since they’ve been milking the fujos hard by making designated fujo bait every region since. The fujos eat it up too even though the relationships are so nebulous as to be non-existent.
The only convincingly gay one is Kaveha,who mysteriously, is a low rarity character, guess they couldn’t sell him.
I will never understand Genshin shippers though, any literary merit the game has comes exclusively from its world building. The relationships between characters in particular is a huge weak spot and it always confuses me when people ascribe detailed relationships between the cast when 99% of the cast is just amicable to each other at most.
No. 1733929
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>>1733925there are lesbians everywhere in western animation anon, lol
>CoTC>the owl house>amphibia>adventure time>shera>SUthere are probably more i dont know about
No. 1733962
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>>1733214Maybe he just wishes he'd got to kiss Nikolaj instead. I know I would be.
No. 1733973
>>1733836The thing about all the 'pantsing' (writing straight ahead rather than having a significant planning stage, for those unfamiliar) is that it mostly works for genres like action/adventure, but those styles of stories are very out of vogue right now and everyone is instead trying to write very character-focused fiction like romances or include GoT-inspired politicking. Both of these require strong characters to carry the story, but when you combine a lack of planning and weak, trope-based or single-phrase descriptor character design (eg 'hot', 'badass', 'sarcastic', 'dark'), you will get a cast of paper cut-outs with no depth or chemistry. You can get away with this sort of writing in either shorter, stand-alone romance novels or fanfiction, which has the canon to fill in the gaps for you, but not in the multi-part, 500+ page per novel series that these works end up being. Anything fantasy or sci-fi will really show off the flaws in writing like this, as pantsing heavy world-building along with everything else tends to result in a train wreck or something heavily derivative. The ACOTAR series is a good example of a lot of this, and also retcons itself as it goes (sometimes within the same book).
It's like authors these days don't do a rewrite after the first draft and instead just run a spellchecker and submit their manuscripts. I wonder how much of this stems from fanfiction writing (eg a lot of authors write, edit, and post one chapter at a time; rather than write the whole work, edit it, and then release chapters on a schedule) as well as a desire for higher output and faster production within publishing houses. Then you get to other writing-reliant things such as tv, games, and animation that are often put into production simultaneously as they are being written (which means it fucks everyone up when the story changes and has new requirements) and are also industries that are becoming heavily populated with people heavily involved with fandoms, which leads to more and more stuff feeling like fanfiction out of the gate because of the writing style, tropes/cliches, and stuff like shipping behaviour during production. 'Authortube' is another interesting place to see this stuff in action, for anybody curious.
(Also I'm not saying pantsing never works, but I do think you have to be very clever, a writing veteran, or have a particularly good understanding of people and their behaviour to be able to pull it off. Plot-heavy story concepts would also be a poor choice in comparison to character-based storytelling)
No. 1734020
>>1733905Zhongchifag nona here. I'm quite fascinated by the fact people have been dragging me for being Mihoyo's 'cash cow' when I stopped playing over 3 years ago and never spent a dime on the game. You're right. The character relationships are weak and so is the main plot, both of which Mihoyo spends all of it's time on and which makes the game seem prima facie, well, shit. It's also why I dropped it. The main events are insufferable, the dialogue is childishly formulaic and the charm lies mostly in that adventurous thrill you get on playing for the first month or so. The reason I like Zhongchi then, is not for their story-facing characters, but for their roots in the lore. If any nona cares to read what I actually wrote, a large part of what I hinted at are details that most players can't be bothered to parse through in-game: the Rex Incognito novels, the wider Honkai-Celestial backdrop, Snezhnaya's political, geographical and military arrangement and the Abyss, which no-one gives a shit about beyond that sweet 12 star primo reward. Genshin actually does happen to have a relatively complex lore on their hands, but they're terrified to explore it further lest they risk losing their coomer base and the billions sloshed on medieval thigh highs every other banner. So that's why I quit, and made sure I nicked the rag dolls I liked the most with me (incidentally the one's most lore-ridden: Zhongchi, Raiden, Kiana, Dainsleif, etc.)
No. 1734029
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>>1734020Just to add, I'm in no way denying that Mihoyo keeps trying to recreate the success of Zhongchi in every subsequent region, just that I'm defending my fellow Zhongchifags who aren't retarded enough to not catch on to their schemes. The problem is that Mihoyo fundamentally misunderstands why Zhongchi was so interesting, which is that you can wring out so much fic material just by picking up a spade and digging through the Archives for a potential setting or plotline or two. What does Haikaveh have to offer? Enemies to lovers? Not quite. Academic rivals? Ah, but it's so predictable, they already live together and act domestically. The only trend I've seen is nfsw fics where they 'finally bone it out' about ten tags over and over again. Same with Ayathoma and same with Neuvithesely or whatever it's called. There's no connection left for the player to draw, just pre-packaged fanfic tropes. Zhongchi was the first, and with little initial direction for fujo bait given Hoyo's past female-only casted gaming successes it wasn't necessarily intended to have a real canonical draw. They were a blank canvas with a few accidental ship prompts (again, these were Genshin's early days) and a large paint kit of lore for you to get as creative as you want. The others so far are like pre-assembled AI paintings, and it's because of them that Zhongchi's legacy has become tainted since Mihoyo noticing the potential cash grab. That's why I took that magic, that first spark that fans felt and fled for my life, rarely looking back beyond a disappointed sigh or two.
No. 1734044
>>1733557Late reply but yes, it happens sometimes. But it's a rare occurrence, things like "I love this character/series/etc" "I hate it" and "You're writing this character incorrectly". The reason it's rare is because 1) it's pointless to argue with a stranger on the internet, most people think it's rude to look at fanart or other things you dislike and fight with the person who made it if you don't know each other, 2) since a lot of fandom stuff is between friends you already have the same opinion about things or don't really want to argue and 3) most people are normies, so their interest is superficial or not as strong as that of someone who is incredibly invested in a series, lives, breathes, exists through that series. People who are the latter will obviously feel a bit outcastes with the former, they will want to see more content and interact more with likeminded people and will just enter US spaces, the current fandom spaces discussed here. And once they do, they will obviously try to integrate by picking up the language and mannerisms of the group they belong in, so they wouldn't stand out. Bringing myself as an example. Now, if they still have relationships with other normies and are in touch with the local culture and local matters, we just keep things separate. Internet life vs life. If they don't, they tend to do what the video here
>>1731076 described.
>>1733558I watched the video and read it, I have to say I absolutely agree and have noticed this phenomenon. Although I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to politics, I have noticed this often. It also causes a gap between younger and older people, especially those who can't understand technology. And just like
>>1731429 said, the low level of education in general which persists to this day, alongside the economy being poor and so people have to go aboard and it has lead to two things. those who can't afford education so they dont need words to define a lot of complex concepts or things outside their daily life, which is primarily seen among older people. the young people under this category have learned enough english to be able to communicate, but they refrain from using it in their daily speech because they only speak with people who share a native language with them or their english is not THAT developed. even if they go aboard to study they will still try to find communities that share their culture, so it's not like they need new words to describe concepts. and the second category those who can afford to travel, spend a lot of time online, that have to communicate more concepts. they do so in english or switch between english and the native language in their speech. generally, they're more preoccupied with foreign issues. i'm going to bring up LGBT issues as an example because it's something a lot of younger people are interested in. although we have words for homosexuality and bisexuality, most people use the english versions because they became familiar with a concept through a western lens. a lot of people talk about transgenderism as well and especially nonbinary people, even though neither of these concepts exist in this language. there's not even a distinction between sex and gender. they introduce english concepts that most people are unfamiliar with and don't translate them into english, which causes mayhem and misunderstandings, because most people don't care enough about such issues. there are much more important issues at hand.
hope this wasn't too off-topic.
No. 1734048
>>1734030> 'Why don't fans write long posts about their interests anymore? Fandom is all short form tiktok and meme content these days ffs'> Types out a couple long posts on my interest in response to nonas bringing it up> 'no1curr, genshinfag kys, fujo retard'
> 'Let people ship what they like, fandom police are retarded'> Talks about a ship I like> 'no1curr, genshinfag kys, fujo retard'
> 'People only like shipping because of smut, these degenerate trashbags'> Talks about the lore behind the ship and why I like their interactions, doesn't mention a thing about nsfw> 'no1curr, genshinfag kys, fujo retard'Genuine question, do you nonnies actually want fandom to change for the better or do you just enjoy wallowing in your hatred of other fans and hope that the
toxic culture stays this way so you can have some free evening lolcow thread entertainment? I don't care either way but at least be honest with yourself and stop lying about how you want things to change for the better. I really can't stand people who whine about the muck but spent all their time wallowing with pigs.
No. 1734071
>>1734048While the zhongchifagging does cross over to autistic attention whoring territory due to the specificity of talking about just one ship in a thread dedicated to fandom discourse, you're right. A lot of anons in this thread just complain about things that could easily be fixable by muting words and tags and not hatescrolling because genuinely speaking it feels like they're so addicted to fandom drama they keep sperging about low hanging fruit like genderspecials and
problematic ships instead of intelligent discussion about the fandom and the industry in general because they themselves don't care about contributing to the community or have experience in doing so. A lot of anons have admitted to liking something just for one husbando and the rest about it is garbage, how do you expect people like that to have anything else to offer to the discussion than "putting a vagina on my husbando make me big mad" or "why everything gay"?
No. 1734077
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>>1733441I agree with everything you just said. Seriously, you took the words out of my mouth, solved the entire discourse, and told the mods in advance to shut it down. Your hot takes bring all the nonnies to the yard.
No. 1734099
>>1733973I never considered the flagrant retconning in ACOTAR to be related to pantsing, but that makes the writing mistakes make sense. A lot of fans of the series describe it as "gripping" "stream of conscious" "fast to consume" and I think the pantsing method adds to a lot of that reaction. It reads like a first draft she ploughed through without a single revision.
Its definitely apparent in all aspects of the industry of writing, to a criminal degree. It's not that difficult to establish a story skeleton but that isn't a thing in modern TV and animation as of late… And even if a story does have a basic outline, its a derivative plot from an earlier work that tries to copy the same beats and motif when it just doesnt fucking fit. Everyone is operating on color-by-numbers writing because its fast, easy to consume shlock, I guess. I think this trend of pansting is a guarenteed way to render the work clumsy and feeling incomplete. You see it in famous authors like Stephen King who cant end a story for shit, yet everyone acts as if having this gaping flaw in his storytelling talents is fine because he work is simply so consumable. Pantsing can definitely work in specific uses but any author that says they cant plot at all because they lose interest isn't going to make a coherent plot to begin with, imo.
No. 1734111
>>1734077Samefag but I think I take some of it back. I would say I don't like 90% of yaoi or yuri stuff in fandoms, because 90% of both are just weirdies faggotwashing and lesbianwashing clearly straight characters. And yes, biwashing gets on my nerves too, especially when it's used to justify characters being OOC polywhores. Ofc, I don't give a shit about yaoi or yuri stuff when its characters
written to be that way, or OCs, or whatever. But the gaywashing of characters that are clearly written to be straight? I find it desperate, whether it's for "representation", or to get the "schlick" going.
No. 1734140
Okay, so I understand that people can have different interpretations of movies, and that's fine. But sometimes, I really can't help but wonder if we even watched the same movie, because a film will make the message so clear, and yet, people come up with these retarded takes that I genuinely can't comprehend. Specifically, I'm talking about "The Devil Wears Prada." For some reason, fashion blog YouTubers have been pushing this idea that Miranda Priestly is the real hero of the story, as if she's some kind of guiding mentor for Andy. They completely ignore the fact that Miranda psychologically and physically abuses her employees for absolutely nonsensical reasons. She is not someone to aspire to be like. Moreover, the book that the movie was based on was semi-autobiographical, inspired by the author's own experience working for Anna Wintour, an incredibly awful person notorious for mistreating her employees.
No. 1734146
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nonnitas, what are the weirdest fandoms in which you have encountered an absurd amount of tifs? for me it's motor sport. they're all obsessed with shipping f1 drivers or motogp riders like any other fujoshi, yet insist that they are he/hims. it's irritating to be in voice chat with them and having them call each other by male names (often taken from the driver or rider they are projecting on). so far i'm cruising by by pretending to be very normie but i'm waiting for the day i get ostracized for calling a he/him by female pronouns.
No. 1734148
>>1734099I generally start to distrust any praise for a book that involves how easy it is to read now– to avoid harping on about books women gush over, an author who's works are often praised as such are Brandon Sanderson's and they are some of the blandest garbage I have ever read, especially prose-wise.
You're so right. From what I understand, a lot of tv and animation's problems stem from trying to combine production elements and reduce production costs. An easy example of this is how often cartoons are 'storyboard-led', where the artists basically write as they develop the boards. This can work great for a visual gag based show, but stuff like SU demonstrate just how poorly things can go when trying to make something more plot-driven (among other things). I've also heard of live-action stuff doing things like avoiding having writers on set to cut costs, which can hurt tv shows especially because of how flexible and quick to change they can be during production. Then yeah, there's the whole issue of everything being a reboot or reference or rehash of something else before it because idk execs like money, the newer crop of creatives having fandom roots and an inability to make anything that isn't derivative, and more skilled writers who could develop these projects getting chased away by the shit work and pay conditions. Games are an even more blatant example of all of this, as they sometimes won't have their scripts written for years of development, which fucks everyone else in the pipeline over too as new ideas and requirements come and old work gets scrapped or shelved, and from what I understand this has a big influence on crunching before release.
As for why a story skeleton/outline seems to be too much to ask for, I have no idea. A decent writer should be able to hash out something workable in a couple hours easy, and outside of novels a writer's room should be able to workshop it into something more robust in a couple of hours after it being pitched– though idk how much of a thing writer's rooms even are now, I've heard some shows have writers making episode scripts in isolation, and the Disney Star Wars films are an example of a planned trilogy that feels like anything but.
>>1734113You'd think, but for some reason people have gotten it in their heads that writing is an entirely linear process where you go from A to B to C without ever looking back and revising, instead of an often circular and iterative process (eg drafts upon drafts upon rewrites as you work things out as you go, being confident enough to go back to the planning stage and rework it to the point that you have to basically start again, but now with better skills and knowledge of what you want to create and how to create it, etc). Storytelling is a distinct craft, you can't write a fantasy epic or sweeping romance or seedy crime thriller like an essay for a high school exam. I feel like a wanker saying this, but it's also a process of discovery, where sometimes you figure out the coolest shit halfway to the end and realise it matches nothing that proceeds it, so you gotta either drop that cool thing or put the work in and rewrite, not just plough ahead and pretend it makes sense.
There's also this attitude of creator vs audience that has been plaguing fiction as of late which, aside from resulting in generally shitty writing and senseless plot twists, ignores that people enjoy feeling like they're figuring out the puzzle or are otherwise being rewarded for paying attention and having a brain. A predictable plot can still be enjoyable if it and things like characters and world are executed well, and fans theory-crafting and working out where you'd planned the sequel to go is not a bad thing that means you have to subvert their expectations or whatever, it just means people are picking up what you're putting down, christ.
No. 1734210
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>>1734003>>1734012>>1734018Either way, the point is that the western animation industry is infested with perverts, coomers and fetishists who hide their perversions behind a facade of progressivism. The most outrageous example I recall is when a storyboard artist for Star Vs attempted to sneak in a "trans Marco" bait by depicting a princess Marco doll with the colors of the troon flag. Thankfully, this was prevented. However, I remember when this was revealed in a twitter post the replies and QRTs were being flooded with comments from young, naive female fans and adult male troons proclaiming stuff like "those cowards," "transgirl Marco is basically canon," and many posting rule34 of Marco.
No. 1734514
>>1733929Jumping into the combo with zero context, but picrel is grossing me out: the blatant pandering, the shitty ass designs…it's like mfs forgot how to design and write decent characters
>>1734210gross pedo shit, checks out
No. 1734537
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>>1730593>>1730596>>1731880tbf I think it was intentional, considering how many coomers are working in modern animation. I'm sure there was one or more writer who pushed Simon to be portrayed as this tailor made Tumblr fan-fiction concept of a 'pathetic old man' that you simultaneously feel sorry for and are fascinated by. They essentially turned him into a custom blorbo.
No. 1734545
>>1734540My thoughts exactly
nonnie, some people really need to go outside more and get that therapy
No. 1734604
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>>1734597Am I a joke to you?
No. 1734619
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>>1734604Idk if he got "gaywashed" or not he had a husband that got killed in 10 seconds and married some other random dude pissing every voltard off apparently. The fandom unironically deserved it for having a nigh majority of aggressive shitheads but kek
No. 1734686
>Arcane too someday
I hope CaitVi becomes canon
No. 1734692
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are there any other characters than these two that attract TIFs with extreme internalized misogyny more?
No. 1734697
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>>1734664>>1733929somewhat related to this, why are lesbian characters always depicted as being snarky and sarcastic, I have a few lesbian friends and really one of then is just slightly sarcastic, I associate this behavior more with straight women.
No. 1734877
>>1733905lol what are you talking about? Zhongchi is absolutely intentional fujo bait. Despite all the western fandom's handwringing, Diluc and Kaeya, the first two tall male characters in Genshin, who predate Zhongli and Childe were already very clear fujo bait. They fully intended on trying to appeal to every weeb demographic possible right from the start.
Reminder that ponytailed ancient Chinese man and psychopathic cheerful Russian man was one of the most popular fujo ships in China (Hetalia).
No. 1734950
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>>1734877>ponytailed ancient Chinese man >psychopathic cheerful Russian man>HetaliaOh my god, why did I never notice when I first saw that ship.
No. 1734957
>>1734519You seem upset, but it is what it is. You're allowed to racebend and change sexualities of characters, but it's still gonna be stupid to me.
>>1734523>>1734554So people have been gaywashing characters before people have been racebending them. The fact that gaywashing is an old practice doesn't really make it any less cringe. As a concept, how is it truly different from stupid things like racebending?
>>1734534I think straightwashing is bad too, so let's not put words in my mouth. I think it's cringe to change basic and clear details about a character just because you think that would make them more interesting, or attractive, or whatever. It's the same argument for racebending or transwashing characters into something unnecessarily different: if you're going to change that character into being so different, why are you even a fan of that character? It's more like you're a fan of how you think you can write that character differently and "better" but at that point, why not just make an OC?
No. 1735372
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One thing that I do see a lot and find disturbing is how many so people feel entitled to the sexuality of actresses/actors because of the roles they played in movies. Recently, there has been a reaction by Twitter Sapphics about how the majority of the actresses in the new film Bottoms all have boyfriends IRL, a few identify as queer but we all know what that means. But It's as if they genuinely believe it's a shocking betrayal, completely disregarding the fact that they are just actors playing a role in a movie
No. 1735569
>>1735372People are free to headcanon sexualities on characters but this parasocial obsession with especially actresses' and female singers' sexualities is so fucked up. Like K-pop stans believing that their favourite female idol is totally a lesbian and not in an ironic sense but genuinely believing that yes, this random living and breathing Korean woman who is
not playing a character is totes sapphic because I think she looks pretty and have caused myself enough brain damage to be unable to tell reality from fiction. I understand the desire to have more representation because lesbians are so fucked when it comes to seeing themselves in any visible positions but I doubt these fans are even gay but instead treat lesbianism as an ideology or an aesthetic they can assign to a person.
No. 1735691
>>1734957what's your issue with changing a character's sexuality? It's not like ot changes the rest of their pedsonality. you're literally just pairing them with x instead of y. doesn't mean the rest of their character traits will change.
iby the very nature of fanfiction you're bound to change a thing or two from canon. as long as the characters are recognisable i don't see the issue.
No. 1735711
>>1735709Probably anime lesbians that are made by coombrained moids who have never been in a relationship so they think that it would be hot if they had a girlfriend who was
abusive and controlling, but since it’s hard for them to imagine themselves as a man who isn’t an obeast, then they make it “hotter” by making the abused character an anime girl with no personality or a “personality”.
No. 1735750
>>1734146Sengoku BASARA. i found more tifs in that fandom than in my whole real life (where i only ever *heard one from her frog voice).
fujo spaces are infested with gendies and tifs. it comes to no surprise because they're all autistic young women and teen girls.
the opposite is true for male fandom spaces: those are full of autistic tims.
No. 1736216
>>1735807I hate that the same people who consider BL "
problematic" or "fetishistic" do not call out Bara for having a lot of the same tropes that BL does.
No. 1736257
>>1736216The amount of anti-fujo kweers I've seen promote Tagame for making "authentic fluffy gay manga" because of that one brother's husband series is unreal when he's drawing rape doujins on the side. Ironically I've seen the same people praise Natsuki Kizu (Given mangaka) too for not being a fetishizer or
problematic even though she made 18+ Haikyuu doujin in the past which all of them would consider "cp"
No. 1736386
>>1736312tbf the people defending bara rape as kweer history are spicy straight women who have no problem with yaoi. i find it more annoying how they can't just defend stuff by saying "who cares" but instead turn it into a political thing and screech about how you're censoring queer
woc feminist history
No. 1736438
>>1736312>>1736386Pretty sure it just comes from tumblr fakebois assuming bara is this deep introspective look into queer history while BL is just 'EVIL FUJOS FETISHIZING THE INNOCENT PURE GAY MEN'
in reality bara is mostly porn without plot while BL is mostly sad boy romance. Just compare the cover art of pretty much any well received BLVN to a bara VN like Okinawa slave island.
No. 1736932
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what causes someone to post this without a hint of irony.
No. 1736939
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>>1736932man, TMNT doesnt deserve such a shitty fanbase. It's either boomers who spend the day politisperging about that tranny's comic or zoomer trannies who refuse to watch anything pre TMNT 2012. I wish i could speak japanese so i could talk with the based westaboo Japanese fujoyumes.
No. 1736962
>>1736952>>1736948this, no matter how many times farmers call the term "malewife"
problematic i will still like it until it dies of natural causes
No. 1736975
>>1736965yeesh. what's next, essays about how maid boys are also a highly misogynistic concept?
>>1736966I'll call him my bitch before I call him my husband.
bitch. No. 1736994
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>>1736976I always find it so weird when terms like simp or malewife take a drastic turn in its meaning when twitterfags get a hold of them. Here's a link from some tumblrina regarding malewifes>Malewife exists as a a sort of fantasy removed from the truth of society. It’s an idea that a husband can be waiting at home to care for his wife, and in this instance it benefits the woman>Women’s wants were often ignored in favor of men’s wants, so by the malewife saying he’s going to watch his spouse play the Sims, he’s really saying “I care about her interests” and by him picking up the kitchen cleaning after she’s had a stressful day he’s saying “I have a lower stress job so I can handle that for her and make her life a little easier>I use this word to provide space for guys to be allowed to be feminine, soft, caring, emotionally present, and worth more than their monetary valueLike where the fuck are you pulling this from.
No. 1737013
>>1737011i'm 24, nona
>>1737009mr. clean
No. 1737023
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there's simply no good reason for a man to be a maid. maids are female. there's already a male equivalent: butler. are you a troon? do you have a sissy fetish? do you hate yourself? why does he have to be a maid? why can't he be a butler? tifs love maid boys. so do pedomoids. i know, you must be a zoomer who hates women.
No. 1737082
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>>1737072lmao, are you lost? i find it so funny you are in the thread to criticize fandom bullshit, but get so personaly offended at people criticizing said bullshit. You embarrassing.
No. 1737211
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Listen I think these terms are just twitter rhetoric by terminally(likely autistic) losers, no one who uses the term malewife/girlboss unironically is getting laid with an actual human being, don't let terminally online autists with no foot in reality lecture you around anything regarding society or people.
No. 1737237
>>1737194It doesn’t usually end that way, no. A lot of yuris don’t cover that much time, a lot of them are short and end at the first date after all the will-they-won’t-they tension is over. There’s an infamous one where one character is married for most of the story but it actually has a
happy gay ending… I don’t know what that nona is talking about.
No. 1737249
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>>1737211I wouldn't say girlboss is a twitter word. It was an actual term that "normie" (I hate that word) women used for female empowerment but then it got turned into somewhat of a meme. Like "Live, Laugh, Love". It's not the opposite of "malewife"
No. 1737378
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Is it true that female characters who do not like romance and kick ass are given preferential treatment over "feminine" female characters? Some were citing women from Jujutsu Kaisen as an example - while I very much despise the way GayGay handles his female characters, my problem with his female characters certainly has nothing to do with them not having a love interest or being feminine enough.
I have seen similar discourse everywhere and I have been wondering if there is any truth to this. In my own experience in fanbases, I have observed that female characters that display "masculine" traits get judged far more harshly - particularly by scrotes on 4chan and self-proclaimed soft uwu girly girls on Twitter who like characters like Sakura Haruno or are into shoujosei.
No. 1737483
>>1737391I'm not claiming that "all yuri ends that way", I'm claiming that they often feature underage high school aged girls because of Japanese attitudes towards female same sex relationships being something you don't pursue past adolescence. In the Japanese context moids have appropriated lesbianism since the 1920's portraying S Kankei as this hyperromanticized thing to be ogled at, two pure virginal tragic madonnas untouched by other men holding hands and so forth and lonely women looking for true emotional connection they can't get from shitty Nigels fell for it hard, similar to the cottagecore handholding lesbian aesthetic meme in the west. Yeah there are odd occurrences of yuri that is about adult women but the overwhelming majority of them tell a story of two female classmates (usually one extroverted and light haired, the other more introverted and dark haired) kissing behind the school because CGDCT is the only tripe that gets picked up.
And even when it's actually about two adults, it's just the author's self indulgent fantasy about their domestic life cutting vegetables and having sex on the sofa. The lack of passion for storytelling and ambition shines through way too often in this genre.
No. 1737524
>>1737494Being a lesbian I've tried giving a chance to yuri so, so many times in my life and always end up dropping the book halfway through. Every time it ends up being the same shlop. Peppy manic pixie dream girl meets quiet girl in class, they have a secret crush on each other. Repeat for literally every title on "best yuri mangas you can't miss" lists. Oh, this one has adults? What a surprise, it's a kind of quirky office romance of those two same aforementioned tropes just grown up cutting those motherfucking vegetables while you're bored to tears. Yet again. Someone calls you a liar and recommends you to read this one series that's
totally not like those other yuris? You pick it up and it's the same. fucking. thing. And since I'm an oldfag it's been like that forever, for at least two decades this genre has repeated the same story over and over. Would it kill these authors to take some chances and break the mold for once? It's not even the moid authors, so many of them are biological women too.
I'm not familiar with Korean webtoons featuring GL stories but I did read the Vietnamese comic called "Their story" (Tamen De Gushi), huge props to that one for actually making the girls feel like the lesbians I know in real life and being the closest to the "BL but it's GL" feel that I'm looking for. It's sad that despite its legendary status it's the only one of its kind.
No. 1737580
>>1736844I'm a lesbian and find it insulting tbh. Why can't you just headcanon a character like that as bi then instead of reinforcing polilez stereotypes? I get that "compulsory heterosexuality" was an actual academic concept, but the original essay argued all women go through it because of living in a male-centric society, now when I see the term online it's just self-hating bi (and sometimes straight) women who think liking men but not wanting to date 99.9% of them means they're a lesbian in denial.
>>1737328>a character in Fire Emblem Fates is a parody of that and became very controversial because of a Swedish tranny lying online about her having a convertion therapy scene with the male MC based on a badly done fan translationThis would've gotten me crucified by the FE fandom and other lesbians in 2016, but that support conversation with the male character wasn't even
that offensive, it was just OOC (on his end) and badly written. It was ironic to see an AGP transbian (who is also a lolicon, go figure) go into hysterics over it, because conversion therapy and making lesbians like dick is their modus operandi lmao.
No. 1737625
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>>1737396They are half right in the sense that a lot of supposedly progressive writers create female characters who essentially have very male characteristics. These characters are often portrayed as 100-pound waifs who are effortless badasses, but in reality, not many people like them. However, there is weird obligatory praise because some internet youtubers get mad.
No. 1737634
>>1737595>Almost every self-proclaimed "lesbian" under 25 I have come across in fandoms is like this. Same, the few actual lesbians I've found in my fandoms or adjacent circles are my age (30+).
>A lot of them thirst tweet over male kpop idols or make sexual tweets about anime boys (not even in a yaoi way), and then when anyone questions them about it they brush it off as a "comphet crush" or that the men are fictional/celebrities/unattainable so it doesn't countI always thought that was hypocritical because these same women will talk about how a female celebrity/actor or a fictional female character like Shego/Makima/Riza Hawkeye/etc. "made them realize they're gay" (not judging because I realized I was a lesbian because I liked a female character), but when they post about wanting to fuck male characters/actors it doesn't count because "it's just fiction/a fantasy/comphet". I'm in the "fiction isn't reality" camp in the sense I don't think liking "
problematic" shipping means you're a predator IRL, but you talk about how fiction made you realize something about your actual sexuality in one instance but then deny it in another. There's a difference between liking male characters in the context of a ship and wanting to have sex with them yourself, they sound just as in denial about their bisexuality as I did when I claimed to be "asexual" but obsessed with female characters/yuri in high school, lmao. You wouldn't say I was going through "comphomo" in that instance.
No. 1737673
>>1737378Kek what is that last person talking about, the only character in recent memory who was written to "represent feminism" was Barbie and that movie was unapologetically pink and girly. Reminds me of how characters like Princess Daisy now get labeled as butch for not wearing pink (but still dressing girly) and shouting
In terms of shounen, I agree with you. The shy soft spoken submissive girls are loved while the girls who speak up against the MC once or don't have a male character to pair her with are hated. The bigger the breasts the more "well written" they seem to be heralded. The more women in the series the more they're collectively treated like accessories. Moids will cop out with "Well it's a genre for boys you tourist/normie/NPC/whatever" but shounen's more of a cause than a effect imo. The worst is when they try to sound smart by saying their waifu's:
>Reserved (Submissive/quiet)>Useful (Helped the MC once)>Best girl (Endgame/Hot) No. 1737678
>>1734554Late but hi fellow Star Wars nonna! The early tumblr sequels fandom bubble is so nostalgic ,I miss it, even the Reylo fans though I never shipped it
I prefer FinnPoe. It being such a huge fandom with a large portion of female fans now keeps me from getting too far into the annoying parts like the moid manchildren and Obikin transwashers, and more recently the spergouts about Rosario Dawson playing Ahsoka because she’s a twansphobe who assaulted a poor tif. Don’t care, let me experience coonsomer joy from normies who gush about how cute baby Yoda is.
No. 1737722
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>>1734523>>1734554not really the own you think it is, the star trek fandom was a clusterfuck that pioneered obsessive fandom culture and was noted even back in the 1960's for attracting well "neurodivergent" people(to the point academia commented on it), so I can totally fathom a bunch of autistic women who have never had a meaningful connection with another human being misconstrue friendship and make it basically hetroseuxality with extra steps(star-trek fan-fiction is the origin of mpreg btw)
No. 1737762
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>>1737737not really, it's just fandom culture that has primarily unrestrained autists tends to devolve into unrestrained autism that has no basis in reality.
look at comics as as example, you need professional tard wranglers to keep writers in check, Marvel was most finically successful when it had Jim Shooter as chief editor, Marvel writers hated him and called him a Fascist, cause he wanted them to be actual writers, his decisions included things such as
>not having Jesus Christ be a recurring side character who saves Ghost Rider>avoiding frequent crossovers>keeping series within their own comics>not having female characters be near naked every other issue. No. 1738441
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I’m not a JJK fan nor do I know this character (I’m disclosing this to demonstrate I’m not in any way biased) but I saw picrel on the tl today and I thought. Wow. That is gorgeously erotic. The low lighting, the damp hair, warmed skin… everything carefully balanced in moderation to guide a gradual attraction to the subject as your eyes adjust to its dimness. It then occurred to me that the reason I was drawn to this one image, (I’m not here to debate it’s quality, I’m here to discuss my next point), is that most younger modern artists who purport to draw titillating or erotic fanart lean towards gross exaggerations to get their point across. Arched backs, blushing ears and shoulders, long lashes, red nips - all of these things are fine and work in moderation but the modern trend is to crank it up to 10 for clicks and views. It’s obviously done to get attention and subsequent likes but the pieces in question (yaoi/bl type erotica) are starting to feel on the same level of blatantly coomer as waifu pinups. First I would love to receive some recommendations for similar works but second I’d like to direct the discussion towards ugly fucking yaoi coomer fanart in general because I’m tired of it!
No. 1738483
>>1738468It is because I’m talking specifically about FANDOM artists drawing coomer style, not regular or OC artists.
>>1738447You know full well that I’m hinting at the troon style coomer cuntboy swollen tits red blush fanart popularised in every other fandom these days so if you’d consider my comment as ‘lauding’ it up then yeah, so be it. Rushing to the defence says far more about you than me nona
No. 1738548
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>>1738269Omg I forgot about rcdart doing SW art, such a classic and compared to fandom art today it’s not even bad. The Rosario thing happened a couple years ago with her being sued by a troon for assault and misgendering, everyone quietly forgot about it until more recently when there’s some slow zoomies and troons who will bring it up. You’d think that it’d be louder considering how many troons there are in fandom but they’re such consoomers that they don’t actually care that in their eyes a lead actress did a hate crime. The fans of both the dumb woke and grifter sides say they’re going to boycott Disney every other week for something but then they’re back to posting their Disneyland trips within a day. The only literal woke cancellation that that’s stuck is Gina Carano but that had more justifiable reasons than her just being transphobic imo, still though she’s just a woman who had the wrong thoughts while male actors can get away with anything.
No. 1738563
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>>1738548Samefag, I’m reminiscing over these, if only we knew how bad things could get. To specify on male actors that get away with anything, their darling Harrison Ford signed the Polanski petition and had an affair at 33 with 19 year old Carrie Fisher. Ewan Mcgregor also signed the Polanski petition and cheated on his wife. I never trust a moid actor
I just objectify them No. 1738628
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Does anyone remember Andrew Dosbson? He used to be a massive cow, somehow managing to offend everyone. He was short, overweight, and unattractive, and he fetishized lesbians. He would constantly self-flagellate himself in front of women, which only added to his creepy demeanor. There were years when people would relentlessly mock him, but he never seemed to change. If you're wondering why Dobson hasn't embarrassed himself further in recent years, it's because he had to move back in with his parents. They made him quit the internet and find a job and just like that people forgot about him, I'll say that people into fandom culture need this treatment as well.
No. 1738719
>>1738575So many nonnas complaining about others in this thread when it's obvious they're not even integrated and don't know which threads are suitable for which topics huh.
It's like this thread attracts an influx of twitter tourists.
No. 1738830
>>1738441this reminded me of a post an artist on tumblr made way back, about how most sex scenes depicted in fanart are just, an overstimulation mess. You know, impossible amounts of fluids and borderline ahegao and furious blushing over a kiss or some nipple rubbing. I mean, is not like fanart has to be realistic and I'm not saying that foreplay doesn't feel good irl but damn, having every single piece of fanart or fanfiction showing basically the same scene where everybody gets super horny over the lightest touch is kinda boring.
Also, kinda on the same vein, but I hate when in BL the top is always calm and collected and the bottom is an overstimulated mess. I thought it was a japanese manga issue, but the same happens in manwha and surpriingly in fanart. The most emotion the top shows on a sex scene where the bottom is about to piss himself, is some grunting and eyebrow frowning. One would think that, since the kids think they're so subversive and don't really have any restrictions they'd spice it up a bit, but no the one being penetrated has a religious experience everytime they take dick.
btw, sauce on the jjk fanart?
No. 1738992
>>1738966Sorry sorta unrelated to thread but you reminded me of my favorite AMV, this one is so fucking wild and has so many shitty effects slapped on top. It has the bold audacity to actually greenscreen animal characters on top of each other to make them look like they're fucking each other lmao.
Rollo (bambi) and Kovu (lion king 2), that cat from Felidae with Simba, Kovu with himself…
No. 1739304
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I am so tired of the sissification of male characters in western fandom. First when scrotes got memed into liking femboys they started turning our twinks, characters they used to make fun of fangirls for liking, into ''femboys''. Link the pretty boy became a femboy, any cute male character that isnt roided and on the brink of a heart attack is now a femboy. Then the TIFs with their retarded terms like malewife/babygirl and just refeering to male characters with female terms because god forbid we actually objectify men without using retarded tranny sissy terms. Then those TIFs again turning male characters into cuntboys. It's so tiring, i wish i could go back to when yume/fujo spaces were actually based and fanfics would adress male assholes as assholes and not ''boypussy''. Imagine being so self-hating and such a becky you can't even objectify men without using tranny words because you are too scared of offending moids and your fellow TIFs. Meanwhile i will keep objectifying my moids by calling them babyboys, househusbands, manservants, walking dildos.
No. 1739314
>>1739304I actually noticed that moids threat sissy and femboy stuff as a joke at best or as fetish fuel at worst. But if you objectify a moid while keeping him masculine, they recoil and get disgusted.
Like idk it's like there is a threshold where a moid becomes female if you sissyfy him too much. So in their book it's okay.
Like traps are strictly straight thing but masculine guys are kinda gay. Idk if it makes sense. But I was scrolling a torrent site once and decided to look at comments. Moids were disgusted with Free! boys but liked Astolfo a lot.
No. 1739316
>>1739217That was honestly the only time in my life I had fun with shipping. "Crack pairings" where you just paired up whatever would be interesting or funny were the most fun to make art/shitposts of. It's such a whiplash to see ships that were considered "the classics" in the 00s get called out as ~
problematic~ now.
No. 1739328
>>1739304you are absolutely right nonna
>manservants, walking dildos.haha based
No. 1740042
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Continuing the discussion from the previous thread, there is a concerning presence of PIV/girl!dick in a lot of recent fan-fiction of f/f ships. I remember encountering these abominations in the Supergirl and Once Upon a Time tags. Lena Luthor would make a super advanced strap-on that was basically giving her a dick, or Regina or Emma would use magic to give themselves dicks. it was beyond bizarre and what's worse, this trend seems to be spreading. Right now, there is a lot of crossover A/B/O stuff, and I genuinely fear the impact this may have on the impressionable minds of young girls.
No. 1740049
>>1740042I'm into Genshin and there's a new popular F/F ship with at least half of the nsfw content involving PIV. I don't even bother looking at "original" F/F content anymore because it's always futa/ABO/tranny shit, most of the time I stick to genderbent M/M to F/F now because there's less of it, though some people still seem to involve PIV which makes no sense to me because you might as well just write/draw hetbend at that point.
The whole thing just reeks of people not being able to conceive of sex without a penis being involved. The genital preferences discourse and onslaught of PIV "yuri" just makes me feel bad for SSA women in fandoms because you're basically pressured to be accepting of dick no matter where you go.
No. 1740139
>>1740049>I don't even bother looking at "original" F/F content anymore because it's always futa/ABO/tranny shitI used to be friends with a bi woman who does NSFW art and she told me a lot of lesbian artists in these circles are pressured to draw "girldick" and whatnot or else they'll be accused of being transphobic. One of her friends was repeatedly sent messages about if she can draw "trans wlw rep" to the point she did because her art account has over 20k followers. There's one female artist I like because she draws realistic body types/butches/etc. well but also draws transwomen, PIV, virtue signals over "trans rights", etc., but when she reblogs thirst trap photos it's all biological women. I know damn well if this was a decade ago most of these artists wouldn't draw this shit willingly outside of commissions.
>The genital preferences discourse and onslaught of PIV "yuri" just makes me feel bad for SSA women in fandoms because you're basically pressured to be accepting of dick no matter where you go.I peak transed a decade ago because one of my fandoms exploded with transbians, and that was also when the "cotton ceiling" shit started too. It's funny how people on Twitter cry over how there's so little F/F content and "where are all the lesbians?" but a lot of lesbians like me actively don't bother because femslash/yuri circles are full of straight sex.
>>1740104It's also that a lot of self-proclaimed "lesbians" in fandom (especially self-identified "sapphics" under 25) are self-hating bisexuals that drank the "lesbian masterdoc"/"comphet" kool-aid. If they're not obsessing over male characters/celebs and claiming it's "comphet", they're claiming male characters are actually lesbians, and slapping dicks on canon female characters so they can write glorified straight sex. I feel bad for sane bisexual women.
No. 1740225
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I wish most artists weren't mentally ill trannies because the female ones always have so much damn skill even with their autistic ships. This girl draws SAW pairings and they're nicely done but she identifies as a he/him transmasc aro/aspec
autistic fujoshi. I don't even know what the fuck that means and fujoshi is specific to women. I miss when autists were just autists and didn't make fictional gay sex their entire identity.
No. 1740296
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>>1740225i miss when gendies were a small subset of terrible cringy artists from tumblr that all drew in the same disgusting steven universe wannime style. Now the virus has transcended tumblr kiddies and pretty much every single western artist has pronouns, and the small minority that dont are coomer moids who draw FOTM anime girls. This is supposed to be danny panthom btw
No. 1740415
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>>1740407i love this one, since the tits are covered he decided to add an ugly non-sensical stitch pattern to the sweater to symbolize the self harm scars lmao
No. 1740420
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>>1740418the artist is a male gay/bi thembie which i assume has a TIF fetish
No. 1740482
>>1740450I know you're talking about art but imo when it comes to fic it's like
>Acceptable genitalia swap: magically changing sex, always having been the opposite sex, disguising one's self as the opposite sex for plot purposes, imagining it in a fantasy roleplay>Unacceptable genitalia swap: literally anything about 'identifying' as the opposite sex or being the opposite sex 'on the inside'Trannies can fuck right off, it's that simple.
No. 1740541
>>1740532Futanari is fucking ghastly to a person repulsed by males and exclusively attracted to females; that should be enough to tell you it's not women. I take umbridge with anyone who claims gay men with breasts and fictional "vaginas" are women, this is peak tranny. Even more male porn-brained is whittling a vulva down to a hole like a male would. If you have any lesbian friends and even bi ask them what their opinions of transvestites are and if the transvestite men in futanari are "women". 9 times out of 10 they will be disgusted at the odd homoerotic porn and by the power of female socialization chastise you for asking about weird porn that homosexual males made.
>And futanaris are fictional characters with both functional penis and vagina?A womans genitals are not just a vagina, the vagina is the internal genitalia. If transvestite/futanari are considered female than why is the opposite cuntboy if I understand(kek I'm not googling either though) a biological male who has has female genitalia considered female?
>>1740498. Also I can't think of a more homoerotic image than a "woman" or rather a womans body with literal male genitalia.
As I understand futanari are transvestite biological males "with vaginas". Cuntboys are biological males with vaginas. Can someone invested in both explain the totally not gay male cope of this? I'm failing to see the difference.
No. 1740554
>>1740541I had no idea "cuntboy" was a self own misognistic masochistic humiliation fetish term for ftm biological women, absolutely bleak. So cuntboys are just a fetish word for TIFs and not some gay fetish unlike futanari. I would've preferred if it was some silly gay fetish of biological men like futanari rather than the bleak, common self hatred of women. Lol in every fetish actual women and womens bodies are hated. Bleak.
>>1740545No amount of "magic" makes a clit a penis period, even allowing for fiction to take it's course this is peak gay male cope. But thanks for the lore anon. The idea of any woman using their clitoris "like a penis" is repulsive if it were even possible and incredibly homoerotic. This is just not how women have sex nor how womens bodies are. The abstraction of this is an impossible gay male cope to me, why entertain the idea that this is not homoerotic? It's as simple as anything with a penis is gay.
No. 1740893
>>1740450I have no problem with the kink in fiction even though it's not my thing, but the issue is it used to be a
niche and was an exception to the rule. I miss when we knew that so-called "cis" was the default and anything else was just a diversion.
No. 1740953
>>1740450from my experience, there's a big difference in the writing styles between fics that are about trans shit and fantastical hermaphroditic porn creatures like futa/cuntboys. Trans stuff will either be full of affirmation (characters cooing over or 'accepting' the others' transness0 and female-oriented fetishes and preoccupation if written by tif hands, with that being replaced with deep-end moid coomerisms and a more forceful/coercive form of affirmation ('better than a real woman' etc). It makes the whole story insipid and cloying to read even before you get to the jumpscare trans reveal that wasn't tagged for kek
I know less about futa (as in when it's tagged as such) because I skip right over that shit, but it's probably just written like every other obvious moid-smutfic. I've seen more stuff with hermaphroditic male characters and cuntboys, and I think interest in those often stem from the author having history in a fandom where that's the norm (any media involving a majority/solely male alien race, eg transformers or early on in Voltron when only the male evil aliens were shown, often have this) and then they spread it to the next fandom they move on to. iirc it was also a big thing in Homestuck for troll characters to be hermaphroditic or something, and a crazy amount of current fandom nonsense seems to be traceable to Homestuck kek
It's not my cup of tea, but I find it interesting that the writing style will usually be more tolerable compared to fanfiction involving transing characters.
(I'm in a lot of sci-fi fandoms, so I guess I just got used to this shit, but I do find it odd that it's being applied to fully-human characters, especially outside of a/b/o stuff)
No. 1740994
>>1740960This. There is literally no difference between having a futa/CB fetish and being trans anymore. I have seen people who, even if they recognize that it is just a fetish, in the end they will always give a pro-trans pilititic speech. It is no coincidence that this material is currently consumed mostly by thebys, tif and tims.
Besides, it ruins the entire shipping fandom, turning homo couples into something hetero.
No. 1740997
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So, this is already being discussed in other thread
>>>/m/330501 I figure it would fit better here, I am by the fascinated by the sudden popularity of Eltingville Club. It started off as a moderately popular comic meant to critique nerd culture and its
toxic elements. However, a part of its animated pilot episode became a viral meme on Latino Twitter and TikTok. Additionally, pre-existing fan art/rule34 depicting the characters in vulnerable situations or being abused originally from /co/ board on 4chan started being shared. This perfect combination of elements led to an almost instant explosion in popularity and relevancy, to the point where even the creator himsself are commented on it.
No. 1741023
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>>1740997I already replied to you there nonna, still i’m sorry your niche thing got ruined. Nothing you can do, even if there’s new fans who find the based /co/ anons and get scared off from them fandom there’s going to be the zoomers that larp as 4channers and even LC users (but they’re NOT gross girls they’re MALE! don’t forget that!) that remain, that’s where the autism truly starts, doesn’t help it’s all about nerd culture and making fun of it. Pic semi related of some zoomer who draws le epic 4chan lolis art, I just hate these tryhards I had to complain.
No. 1741039
>>1741035istg if you ask any of these larpers what sage means they'll be like
"ermmm urhmm ermhhh is dat a swedish word?"
No. 1741046
>>1741034She was made fun of here once and got mad about it
>>1634770. And called out for drawing really edgelord shit by other zoomies but she really doesn’t need attention for that.
No. 1741190
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>>1740997>>1741023unpopular opinion, I'm fine with this tbh
No. 1742179
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>>1742170All male characters are built to be sexualized and nerd abuse correction is just a proper reaction to these insufferable guys. I just want to beat them up until their smug faces turn into sad annoyed frown.
No. 1742289
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>>1742237i remember seeing this book and thinking his little nerd avatar was sexy. autism
No. 1742322
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>>1742289Idk why but the more simple the guy is depicted the more I want to fuck him picrel why is he sexy
No. 1742342
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>>1742179I'll just say Steve Smith, the best nerd of all, insufferable nerds are good but weak nerds are better.
>>1742237The drawing on the right is so fucking sexy, of course I would listen to everything he has to say
No. 1742355
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>>1742321>>1742332The thing is, they expect everyone to follow these impossible standards that genuinely destroy stories most of the time and make it unbearable and annoying. However, at the end of the day, they all end up reading manga or webtoons that are #
problematic by their own metrics, People on Twitter cheered when Tim Drake was made canonically Bi, but no one bought his comics. They cheered and made porn when Superman's son was made also bi. Hell News outlets reported on it, but no one actually bought or read the comics. It's a bizarre loop where media outlets and social media praise queer/diverse inclusions or changes, but no one ever buys the actual comics or watches the shows.
No. 1742367
>>1742355Basically what
>>1742362 said. The main demographic reading comics don't care about LGBT representation or whatever, they just want to see their dudes fighting. It's like the whole Bud Light situation - no, company, you do not need to pander to every group in existence.
No. 1742371
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>>1742358he had a series with Batman's son, and that series sold really well, but then instead of continuing it, superman son's was sent to another dimension and came back aged up and then wanted to focus on "real world" issues, like the environment and discrimination and media sites praised this, but in the end it didn't matter cause no one actually ever bought his comics.
No. 1742395
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>>1742376>>1742355Is is really that hard to just make a decent limited run comic series? no tie-in's, no pandering, no pointless twitter drama and cancellation.
No. 1742418
>>1742413 said, mainstream superhero comics have been in a decline since the 2000's, it really hasn't stopped and so at least with pointless woke pandering they get some praise from major news networks.
No. 1742548
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>>1742362A bit related to this, just today I saw some pro-Palestinian post(I see a lot of these and I do support the Palestinians). But pfp was from the Coffin of Andy and Leyley game and so I went through it, and the account is a shipping based one. So, it was half filled with retweets about the horrific situation in Gaza, and the other half was retweets of courtesy incest fan art.
No. 1742564
File: 1698539292015.png (514.24 KB, 693x558, 3qjirj6.png)

>>1742556Haven't played it and all of this is from what I've seen others say so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
>what's the deal with this game? What is it about?It's a new RPG horror game and the two playable characters are brother and sister as seen in the pic. The girl is some manipulative/obsessive/BPD siscon while the brother is more normal(?). There's an incest route where you can make them fuck, but aside from that it's not like incest is a requirement when playing aside from the undertones.
>What's the drama?For obvious reasons people are complaining about the incest. The creator drew picrel pre-emptively so people are also mad at that. Now there's a bunch of discourse over what horror should and should not be, whether fiction should have clear morals, bla bla bla.
>I think I saw was a screenshot from the game of characters asking for a threesomeThe threesome was about the brother, sister, and their mom but apparently it's fake.
No. 1742578
>>1742564Samefag I meant brocon, not siscon. Also there's other taboo stuff like cannibalism in the game.
>>1742571>NTA but a possessive bpd-chan incestuous sister obsessed with her nerdy everyman brother sounds like the epitome of banal coomer moid writingYeah basically. Don't know the creator's gender but the art style and writing clearly appeals to those types. I heard the game itself is pretty good though, the popular Youtuber ManlyBadassHero played it.
No. 1742597
File: 1698541260800.png (70.5 KB, 644x924, incest game.png)

>>1742578It seems like just your generic spooky low effort "psychological horror" RPGmaker indie game we've seen a billion times in the past decade but with an incest meme that made all the edgy coomers whiteknight for it, picrel is what 100% of the 10/10 steam reviews are. The artstyle looks 100% male and I'm guessing the male protagonist is his moody self insert.
No. 1742640
>>1742371>There's no plan BA middle aged white man just shot up a bowling alley again in the U.S once again and somehow the vague existential threat of climate change is more urgent. Zoomers are so terrified of pointing the finger at male crime and violence as the most important social issue out of fear of going against the status quo. Muh climate will always be a nice safe, "everyone needs to make a difference" priority.
>>1742578>Samefag I meant brocon, not sisconIncest, the term you're looking for is incest. Why are retards complicating incest now?
No. 1742736
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>>1742564>>1742556At this point the discussion on Twitter has turned into a pro versus anti shipping discourse, where people who don't even like the game or haven't even played it feel like they have to defend it and Andy/Leyley as well as the concept of Incest shipping in general, out of principle.
No. 1742742
mom/son would have been better
(bait) No. 1742746
>>1742564>>1742736This sibcest shit is cringe and anyone enjoying it unironically is nine times out of ten a genuine sign of mento illness luv. Or they're just only children.
At the same time—what do these antis gain from bickering with these degenerates? Do they think that arguing with them nonstop will magically make the incest shippers jump ship and stop doing what they do? It's literally pointless, it's like talking to brick wall.
No. 1742750
>>1742477maybe they can try the manga route. Post a few chapters online and if it's popular, make it a running series and then sell the book as an omnibus. More adult animated series as a tie-in, since westerners love adult orientated animation.
>>1742548I grew up with people doing this and yet it never makes me not cringe. Is strongly believe there is a time and place for everything. Again I wish politics and fandom had less contact with each other.
No. 1742755
>>1742564He was right for not apologizing. Necer apologize to people with no media literacy who aren't even part of the target audience. Treehouse tried to censor Fire Emblem Fates to avoid such controversies and it backfired hard because everyone still complained about the "incest" in the game but then the actual target audience got mad that the entire story became nonsensical and many people who were looking forward to the game boycotted it. In the case of that new game I've seen plenty of people going like "it's not because it's a horror game that it should be
problematic" like, they think the best horror story ever is hug me I'm scared or some shit.
No. 1742757
>>1742756They're either pretending to be antis for show/because their friends are and secretly enjoy
problematic stuff in private or can't follow a logical train of thought if truly committed to the position. They'll call things CP or claim you're a pedophile if you like [x] but will continue to watch said things and support the creators they deem pedophiles. A lot of them will justify it by saying they are "critically consuming media" as if that doesn't imply they believe cp can be critically consumed.
No. 1742761
>>1742756They're not the most
problematic media, it's just that when cultural differences mean some things in anime and manga will seem stranger to the western audience. It depends on individual series. Anyway these kids think that as long as they spam "I like this manga a lot B-BUT I aknowledge that this antagonist and this side character are bad people don't worry I don't like them! I can consume content critically see? Haha I only like the good guys because they're not bad! Here's a 10000 word long callout post about the author inserting fanservice in that one chapter btw!" they can get to enjoy their shitty shonen jump manga and nobody else should.
No. 1742762
>>1742761>They're not the most problematic mediagenuinely can't think of anything more
problematic than anime. The japanese otaku culture is very open and welcoming of pedophiles. Even Miura, berserk mangaka, made a comic defending pedos.
No. 1742766
>>1742756There's a difference between consuming something knowing it has
problematic stuff in it, and making liking
problematic stuff your whole personality
No. 1742771
>>1742762I'm talking about the media not the otaku fans. Otaku of anything in general are weird, if you check fandom autists from Western franchises they're equally degenerate. They're two sides of the same coin. But anime and manga are too vast. It's like saying American live action shows are
problematic as a whole when in fact it depends on which one because there are so many of them. What's the most
problematic between Euphoria and Astroboy for instance? See? It just depends on the series we're talking about and the target demographics. Same with game. You could argue all day long that Western games are less
problematic than Japanese games but TLOU2 had a deranged sex scene made in mocap and its fans shit on JRPGs for having female characters wearing dresses or shorts even though they don't have any sex scene at all and you know it's all just because of cultural differences.
No. 1742774
>>1742771even if you only like doraemon(which these guys dont) the anima industry as a whole is extremely
abusive and pro degeneracy, there is no way to enjoy anime with a clean conscience
No. 1742781
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No. 1742809
>>1742781It's fine to enjoy media as a canon-purist and not engage with any fan content, but it's pretty pathetic to try and argue that stance by claiming perversion. A lot of people turn to fanfic or art because they just want to see more of the things that they like (and yes, for horny purposes too), both as creators and as the audience. Is it self-indulgent? Yes. Engaging in most creative endeavors is, but that doesn't make them a bad thing or something that won't have worth to others. It can go too far, and I'd argue that a big problem with a lot of current media is that it's deeply narcissistic in its creation (easy example would be those reboots and remakes that are just a vehicle for the new creators to publish anything and push their own ideas rather than a renewal of the original) and that that does spill over into fandom attitudes, but something that these kinds of people can't seem to understand is that the average fan creator is a bit player with limited impact who just wants to have fun making and sharing what they like. They effect very little other than maybe entertaining some like-minded stranger. This person sounds kind of miserable with how they negatively frame even just daydreaming about shit, so I hope they learn to grow up and enjoy thinking about their own dumb things someday. Maybe they're just an originality-only snob though idk
(gotta love the guilt-by-association at the end there too towards AO3, as if every site isn't 'riddled with many problems', if you want to play that game. I could also argue that fanfiction does posses literary merit that is very difficult to find in original fiction, particularly due to publishing constraints and rigid adherence to certain storytelling structures, but this got long enough already whoops)
No. 1742831
>>1742781All art is self-indulgent, even original art. It's a luxury, not something you need to survive, self-indulgence is not the problem here unless you hate all fiction.
Fanfiction is bad because the people who write it are not talented or professionals, they just hide behind someone else's ideas and just change a few things, and pretend they created something.
No. 1742855
>>1742852No I shall not,
No. 1742862
>>1742855sorry i forgot to say please, pretty please
No. 1742908
File: 1698575889602.jpg (305.82 KB, 1647x1717, FKHxtlbaMAQDHaN.jpg)

>>1742564>>1742548The artstyle honestly reminds me of picrel.
No. 1742920
>>1742746We have to understand that the overwhelming majority of "antis" are underage (or autistic and stuck on a child's level of social tact) and they genuinely don't know how to properly direct their anger and frustration. A 15-year old sees something they find disgusting, they'll lash out at the creator because that's how teenagers work, they cause drama because their brain is too underdeveloped to handle strong emotions. They're incapable of just passive aggressively subtweeting about shit they don't like and moving on like adults do, they have to confront the faceless internet evil.
That said, calling the debate about this coomer game in particular an "anti/proship" question is retarded, it's a "unapologetically pornbrained male sexualizing incest for coom and to ride the wave of controversy for profits on steam" question. It's not about women enjoying fictional ships that have
problematic elements but a scrote game developer purposefully being degenerate. I guess he has the right to do so but nobody should feel obligated to defend this dogshit to gain the right to enjoy their age gap ship without feeling like a hypocrite.
No. 1742947
>>1742937I would say that since you can't control who will play your video game, at the very least avoid interacting with your potential future fandom besides some formalities. But this also depends on whether you want to earn money with it or if it's more of a personal project for fun and the profits from sales are more of a nice bonus. Because if it's a professional project then you'll need to advertise the game and that makes ignoring fans a lot harder. Whatever you do, never, ever apologize to retarded kids who are just trying to start shit with you. You can say whatever you want about the pic here
>>1742564 but from what I've seen it's the best reaction you could have if stupid kids try to harass you and accuse you of baseless thought crimes. I've seen plenty of female artists who earn quite a lot of money with commissions, anime cons and their small online shop who had the terrible idea of apologizing to these people accusing them of incest and pedophilia for liking Fire Emblem who apologized and it made the harassment even worse.
No. 1742978
>>1742937It's crossed my mind, but I try not to get too hung up on it and just keep working on my projects (which mostly contain things that tend to repel these kinds of 'fans', even if they also have a couple traits that they froth over). I guess I'm lucky that I've both nuked all my old accounts as I've moved around over the years and only posted content, so the worst anyone could do is maybe scrape an ancient comment of mine calling myself retarded on DA kek
If you cater and market to your desired audience and avoid what these people latch onto, hopefully your game won't attract too many crazies. Best of luck!
No. 1743053
>>1742937I think I've already internally accepted people are going to draw tit chop scars on my male characters and draw my female characters as mtf trannies and draw some gross ass porn of them, but I genuinely don't know what I'd do if my fanbase got cancerous. I think my comfort is that I'm trying my hardest not to aim at children or edgelords, so I'm eyeing an older more mature demographic who enjoys old obscure games, but if my game goes way off I'm so fucked. I feel like the older the fanbase the better. At the end of the day
>>1742947 is unironically right, apologizing and giving in makes the harassment worse. Don't cave in ever
I have like, okay opsec and I never use the same username, e-mail or alias more than twice. When I leave discords I nuke all my messages and leave, I've been pretty paranoid about covering my tracks since I was a teenager so I think I'm somewhat safe. I bet if someone really hated me though they could piece apart who I am based on the characters I talk about, using the wayback machine maybe? It's pretty crazy now how you have to interact with people looking 10 years in advance to see if somebody is not going to leak your worst moments for shits and giggles. This is 100% schizo behavior considering I'm a nobody, but I always assume people could screenshot or archive my messages
No. 1743165
>>1743139A dangerously based post and 100% my thoughts exactly. I can skip through a playthrough but anything that looks like
this and is tagged "psychological horror" and "dark comedy" sounds like a complete waste of my time.
No. 1743172
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>>1743170i am so tired of it. I don't know how japanese art with western influences manages to be beautiful, but everytime there is a western artist with animu influences it's an eyesore
No. 1743181
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>>1743172most western animu artists have no creativity or true passion. Most of their efforts are moreso style than substance which is why all of them blend together in some hodge podge of a attempt to draw whatever popular degenerate trend of the month there is off the top of their head.
No. 1743209
>>1743192>The discussion isn't about the game on it's own Yes, it is. Read the first post we were replying to. No one said anything about banning fictional depictions of incest ITT, schizo. If the sister was replaced with another brother,
then maybe I'd give it a chance because it aligns with the incest fetish material I can personally get into, but as it stands I'm not interested in edgy moid coomerslop trying to appear deep.
No. 1743233
>>1743209So because it's a brother/sister pairing, it's "edgy moid coomerslop trying to appear deep". But if the pairing was two brothers, you could totes flick your bean to it?
You sound like dude bros who jerk it to lesbian porn because they fear seeing a dick will make them gay. How are you less creepy and gross? Maybe you should lay off the internet and porn for…ever.
No. 1743249
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>>1743234That's fine but is it any wonder to you that this garbage coomer game got so popular when you'd like it as well with a minor tweak?
No. 1743281
>>1743192My particular issue with incest, specially in this game, is that it’s portrayed as something hot, sexy, desirable. And not as something that’s fucked up.
If the game was about a dad who wants to fuck his son, or about a grandfather who wants to fuck his grandson, or about a brother or cousin who wants to fuck his male relative, moids would /maybe/ understand how fucked up is it (except gay moids) and
then I would truly consider the game to be a horror game.
But to moids, the idea of fucking some female relative is hot and convenient, they don’t even need to leave their rooms, the tits, pussy and ass gets delivered to their rooms on their own and that’s what they care about.
The game would only be truly scary by adding the incest shit if the roles were reversed because being a girl and knowing that a relative wants to fuck you, and that you’re locked in a house with said relative sounds really fucking scary. You can’t sleep, you don’t even want to be in the presence of that person, you don’t shower, you don’t take care of yourself because you think that doing so could be considered an invitation to get raped, you wonder just when did the attraction towards you began and you feel sick just thinking about it, that’s true horror.
I honestly hate when incest is represented as something desirable, it’s disgusting, and such representations being defended is miserable, moids only think with their dicks and asses, any positive reaction makes them think that their family members totally wants to fuck them.
No. 1743293
>>1743281This is the issue I have with the portrayal. It's not a tragic story of a family relative abusing their familial relationship to manipulate someone into pleasing them sexually like incest is, but a brother x sister fetish that's sort of being played as a "creepy messed up relationship" but obviously being meant to be seen as hot and desirable and the "messed up" part is just a spice in this mix.
>>1742613 , it's 100% a scrote.
No. 1743296
>>1743287>Tbh, the creator is an obvious girl (likely an FtM tranny if she's claiming male, especially "i'm a gay male hehe"), it's kind of painful seeing people call her a guy lmaoI can't say for certain, but I do feel there's a specific edgy "NLOG" energy coming from this game and artstyle. the dialogue and setting also feel that way.
>>1743294Oh, well that explains things.
No. 1743297
>>1743294It's an edgy nlog femcoomer with a hentai addiction who probably self-inserts as the big tiddy goth gf/little sister. Even the art style is girly. Nonas must accept that the average terminally online woman online isn't really like a farmer. Many of them are just degenerates and/or pickmes.
No. 1743312
>>1742321>it's one of the reasons why I will never associate with "SJWy" left-leaning people in fandomsThat does make me wonder where are the people in fandom or hobby circles in general who are moderate or so-called "centrist"? It seems like all I see are woke communist SJWs who headcanon every character as trans and disabled or dudebro Gamergate types who think a video game having a woman wearing pants or a black person is "political correctness gone mad". I know back on Livejournal there were communities for right-leaning fandom people, but even if I hate the modern left I'm barely conservative.
>>1742355These people say "representation matters" but when they get it, they either tear it apart or refuse to support it for some arbitrary reason. At the end of the day they orbit media with predominately "straight white non-disabled male" characters while claiming to hate them.
No. 1743313
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>>1743298As if it wasn't obvious enough, I mean, seriously, who in their right mind thought a single man would ever make picrel the main male character.
No. 1743322
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>>1743313The same kind of men who would have this as their PNG avatar. Stop trying to make this into a "a-ackshually, women are totally just as degenerate!!!" thing, just go and enjoy your scrote fetish game and get over it. And stop continuously deleting your fucking posts, learn to proofread.
>>1743316>Androgynous Hero>Androgynous ProtagonistSo it's a trapfag game. Moid confirmed, everyone leave.
No. 1743328
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>>1743324Anon, look at the game. That's a crossdressing loli trap protagonist, not just an "androgynous one". It's a shota trap game, a quintessential scrote delicacy. Why are you so hellbent on trying to prove this very obvious scrote to be a woman? Why are you obsessed with headcanoning someone with very archetypal scrote preferences as a woman? So that you would feel more at ease enjoying his content or as some other form of deflection? Please tell me, I'm genuinely curious.
No. 1743339
>>1743326Seriously. I don't understand why an anon who clearly isn't familiar with tumblr/twitter fandom is trying so hard to speak on this and strawman about it. No one said "Women are just as bad as men", and only a retard would enjoy something or try to say it's good just because a woman made it.
Next, we'll have some weird ideology-obsessed anons insisting most yaoi and
problematic/ABO content is ackchually made by/for men, all for the sake of an argument.
No. 1743351
File: 1698599813540.gif (396.33 KB, 495x540, considering-consequences.gif)

Choose your next move wisely, sisters
>A.) Game is based because the creator is a heckin' yumestacy shidding on the haters
>B.) Game is not based because the creator is also a virgin fujocoomer
>C.) Game is not based because it had to be made by a scrote larping
>D.) We should put aside our biases and ridicule the game for being bad
No. 1743368
>>1743359>crossdresser girlmoding for the entire story You're literally making shit up about an unavailable game because you're so
triggered at the clear notion of it just being a cringe fakeboi. Also
>girlmodingWhy are you using /lgbt/ terms? What is happening in the thread anymore?
No. 1743378
>>1743365I've always liked his let's plays but he's been so focused on shovelware VNs with no gameplay just reading the dialogue out loud that there's just no point.
>>1743368>You're literally making shit upThat's what happens in it, the protagonist is indistinguishable from a female character for the entire story. The game is available just fine, look it up. No. 1743381
>>1742640>>1742897>>1742902Climate change shouldn't even be problem ina sci-fi superheo univer. Multiple chacters are capable of creating life, alterning landscapes and eather. Not to mention the multiple scientists and engineers of said universe.
I think some comics are incapable of moving on from 20th century allegories on social issues. You shouldn't speak on serious issues if you suck at writing.
No. 1743396
>>1743378the first screenshot shown of him itt literally shows him as dressed clearly as a boy lol. were you the same person claiming they were female in
>>1743300? if so, you are 100% a tranny or moid baiting, get out already.
No. 1743419
>>1743397I think the best thing to do is to not speculate because it could even be a normal but edgy woman as opposed to a FTM. Remember that some really famous shojo manga by women for girls and women have plenty of incest like Angel Sanctuary, Mirai no Utena (ok this one isn't famous but it's the same mangaka as Please save my earth), Marmalade Boy where the main pairing is panicking because they think they're half siblings but still want to date each other if that's the case
they're not related and we find out at the very end, etc. Anything is possible.
No. 1743422
>>1743312>These people say "representation matters" but when they get it, they either tear it apart or refuse to support it for some arbitrary reason. At the end of the day they orbit media with predominately "straight white non-disabled male" characters while claiming to hate them.these people refuse to look into their own bias and project onto others. If you like watching pale hot men beat the crap out of each other, then just say so. It's not hard, but their ego is in the way.
Politics and fandom should be separated or moved elsewhere.
>"representation matters"Only in the greater scope and with well-written characters. "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" or "modern Family" was able to make audiences worldwide love them by creating empathetic, funny, and interesting characters. Learn to write good characters and decent plots first.
No. 1743450
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>>1742741Yes, seriously. Either extreme is bad. On the one hand you have antis harassing people for shipping two completely unrelated characters because the fandom decided, outside of canon, they are "siblings" (whatever this is supposed to mean when it's so divorced from reality) so clearly this is the same as blood relations you grew up with. If you ship a couple who had this treatment the fanfics are going to start with allcaps warnings, "do not harrass me!" because the writers are attacked constantly. on the other hand you have disgusting outright perverts celebrating degeneracy, who then fuel the antis. Antis are just an overreaction to a
valid concern–they have more ground to stand on than proshipping perverts. A lot of pros also defend blatant misogyny.
No. 1743470
>>1743422>If you like watching pale hot men beat the crap out of each other, then just say so. It's not hard, but their ego is in the way.I have more respect to people who admit to being shallow and liking what they like for aesthetics/sexual preference reasons than trying to justify it as woke and forcing other people to have "progressive" fanfiction/shipping/character preferences. I miss when slash fans admitted they were straight girls who think it's hot instead of "queers" (online, but straight IRL) who try to act like their fanfic is social commentary on the lives of LGB people.
>Only in the greater scope and with well-written characters. "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" or "modern Family" was able to make audiences worldwide love them by creating empathetic, funny, and interesting characters.That's why I stopped caring about the whole "representation" thing. I'd love more well-written LGB,
POC, disabled, etc. characters, but the emphasis is on
well-written and they need to be within a story that doesn't navel-gaze about that aspect of themselves or is some misery porn. The push for acceptance was from showing that we're not so different from the majority people, not screaming over how oppressed we are. Whenever I see a media that advertises the fact that it has gay characters I'm probably not going to check it out because it uses identity politics as a sell and not that it's actually good.
No. 1743492
>>1743459I'm not ashamed to be a hypocrite. I have no solidarity with men who make taboo content. It's also worth noting that they're rarely the
victims of antiship shitflinging despite their content often being much more extreme. Antis prefer to target women because most of them are underage TIFs who are terrified of men no matter how many times they claim to be one.
No. 1743494
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I genuinely don't understand how someone can become like this, like how can a person be so removed from the source material?
No. 1743495
>>1743457it's not really loli when they're teenagers. i've been having sex since 16, i dont' view 16 year olds as lolis. that said i prefer teen rated, or if there must be sex that the characters be aged up, which is a common workaround. idk why people take the american age of consent as a global canon moral line when 18 was arbitrary to begin with.
idk i guess if it's luz and amity licking each other's 15 year old love-mounds it's kosher but make luz straight/bi and people want to kill you? there's actually a lot of hostility against straight ships, mostly in the past few years.
No. 1743500
>>1743496Exactly. Generic "horror" incest rpg is still generic horror incest rpg, no matter who wrote it. Male, female, tranny, whatever, it's all the same coomshit
>>1743459Don't bother labeling yourself. No one in the real world cares about labels because they actually understand the nuances around fiction. Don't fall for shipping propaganda shit
No. 1743509
>>1743478Where's their Twitter?
>all of his games are about loli's with something slightly "edgy" going on.I looked through his itch io, the first game is the BL one, the second one (Divilethion) is about a boy who serves demons and was reviewed by a yumejo blogger third one is a game about two female characters (though not loli) who are friends, no sexualized content, and nothing edgy but I haven't played it fourth one is some edgy game about an emo boy and a clone of himself is the only "loli" one I found, and it seems 1:1 with short, cutesy RPG Maker games made by female devs like Melon Journey and Halloween Flop there's other stuff, feel free to post it. Nothing about this person reads as "male" to me, just tryhard girl.
No. 1743513
>>1743459I lean pro-fiction but don't associate with the general pro-shipper community for that reason. Kinks like corrective rape/orientation play, raceplay, and things involving babies/very young children was always something I can't defend even if it's "not real". Obviously I'm not going to doxx and harass people who make content like that (drawing attention to it gives them more views) but I have a hard time figuring out the appeal for things like that even in "just fantasy" or if it might correlate with their beliefs IRL. That's probably a double standard but I don't care. I'm more willing to believe someone who writes fic involving shounen anime with characters in high school (who don't act or look like actual 16 year olds) isn't a pedo IRL over someone who writes/draws stuff with characters aged 0-10.
I also am more charitable to taboo content made by most women over men. I've dealt with female groomers in fandom when I was a teenager, but they were a minority compared to the men who creeped on me in those same spaces. I've talked to women who gnarly dead dove fics involving adult characters who managed to be pleasant and harmless to others, but a man who is into lolicon or something I'm more suspicious he might be using the fictional equivalent to satiate his interest in the real thing.
No. 1743527
>>1743512Anon, this is the TWITTER/TUMBLR fandom discourse thread. The OP was naming common discourse topics on those websites, so obviously it's going to use the terms they use. "Sapphic underrepresentation" is what they call it. Look at the full context instead of being
triggered because you saw a word you didn't like.
No. 1743539
>>1743501Why does this always happen kek you bring up one bad thing and suddenly it's "well men are worse so it's ok!" Sometimes I wish this was the bechdel test thread
>>1743509It's mostly the no-good Noelle that's moid pandering. They disabled the comments on all of their games that they uploaded because people were calling them out for their degeneracy prior to when the coffin game came out. He rose to popularity for the last years Winter Visual Novel jam, and I guess decided that was the new audience to pander to. And his character designs don't read as a woman who would make a BL game, but as a man who's attracted to traps because they're basically women with a dick.
>>1743495The wording of this post is so strange kek, are you esl
No. 1743542
>>1743531it's not loli. how is a teenager a loli? is a man also a woman? words have definitions. and i dont' even want to read the porn, i just think they're a cute couple, idk why you're getting pissy at me. i'm also not able to "jack off" because i don't have a dick
my actual post was about how retarded it is that fandoms decide two unrelated characters are now siblings, because feels and memes, so they lambast anyone shipping them. idk how you got so off topic but here we are.
No. 1743547
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>>1743539This (from the emo boy selfcest game) is giving me "tumblr girl who likes danganronpa" vibes, and it was made pre-fame. The Jack in the Castle game doesn't have any sexual content and looks like
Tearzah's drawings of her nonbinary "femboy"/crossdresser character from around that time period, too.
No. 1743563
>>1743547It could honestly go either way. For me, it looks like those old coomer men who would make gravity falls incest fanart but in that strange Mike Inel art style. Either way, it's your brain on porn
nonny, not all of us are like this, I promise
No. 1743700
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Pandering by saying yaoi is yucky and fetishy only to get called out for it years later is wild kek really goes to show that there are no set morals, anything can be twisted into being bad if you dislike the person saying it. And this came up again because she was mentioned in a thread for supporting israel. No proof on the initial tweet, just qrts with a bunch of upset children and weird gloating about how they always knew she was bad because saying this about yaoi makes her xenophobic and racist, so being zionist on top of that was to be expected. Apparently the proof for her support of israel are tweets from 2018 and 2020 where she expressed happiness for her book being translated and sold there btw
No. 1743713
>>1743700that's what pandering to the "everything is
problematic and fetishizing" crowd gets you
No. 1743782
>>1743769Funnily enough that's exactly how English speaking countries has always treated Japanese video games too. Now instead of saying "two bombs weren't enough lolol" when reviewing a Final Fantasy or SMT game they just say "these games are
problematic because the men and the women look good and aren't wearing a burqa. By the way there's zoophilia in BG3 please buy it or you're queerphobic against actual bears (ursidae)". And now they're doing this with yaoi. Fucking amazing.
No. 1743824
>>1743805> captive prince's first book in 2013. do you really think either of those would get published today?Why not? Docile was written by a fujo tif and published by Tor in 2020.
Docile is set in near-ish-future Maryland, at a time when people who’ve amassed debt can erase it by selling themselves into (usually temporary) slavery. Most slaves take “Dociline”, a type of drug that makes a person highly obedient and keeps them from forming long-term memories. This way, they don’t have to remember what happened to them. For Elisha Wilder, however, Dociline isn’t an option. His mom had taken it while serving her ten-year sentence, and she never fully recovered; he’s terrified of losing himself as she did. Elisha is bought by Alex, whose family invented Dociline. When Elisha refuses to take the drug, the shocked Alex is determined to turn Elisha into the perfect slave without it.
No. 1743865
>>1743828>Heartstopper literally is the western version of some diabetes inducingly sweet high school BL mangaI would have agreed with you if the art didn't suck ass so much. So it's the same but objectively worse.
>>1743845>the fact that the Japanese have legal child porn and put that shit into their games is proof of degeneracyIt's not legal anymore, although they sure did take their time to make it illegal, and it's not in video games at all.
>>1743850I just said that because of the shitty "articles" I've seen online about the game before it got released, I'm not sure which specific character transforms into a bear for some weird as fuck zoophilic sex scene. But from the screenshots I've seen I can believe you kek none of the characters look good.
No. 1743886
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>>1742321Just last week I found myself thinking that I had seen less of this lately, that maybe people had grown from this behavior kek I spoke too soon
No. 1743905
>itt: anons bitter about the dominance fujos exert over fandoms of anything with two or more men in it v. fujosI guess the anon who said we ran out of interesting topics about 500 posts into the first thread was right
>>1743886armchair activism will never die.
>we're going to free palestine by tweeting a hashtag and boycotting companies worth billions of dollars, guys! cancel your disney+ NOW!burgerfags will soon be in danger of cancelation for paying their taxes kek
No. 1743911
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>>1743465Define "normal," abbess-chan.
No. 1743912
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>>1743590>>1743562There's even this brocon character in one of her games, I'm willing to believe nemlei or whatever is female
No. 1743914
>>1743805>do you really think either of those would get published today?Yes, you fucking lunatic, I do. Today's market is even more gay-friendly, including your gei soft bishies ramming it into each other's butthole. how do you think 2023 is LESS gay friendly than 2011? publishers are foaming at the mouth trying to grab up mlm content to get those fujobux.
you've set up cardboard boogeymen for yourself.
>>1743863yes since 80% of authors are cishet women lmao. oh my god the poor FUJO she's just sooooooooooo persecuted bwwwwwwwww. dear god give it a rest. you can walk into any bookstore and find gay romance a-plenty for your fujo bean flicking needs. there's more fujo content now than ever before in history and you're acting like donald trump is knocking down your door to rip those yaoi doujin out of your hands. the only way they could be more fujo friendly is if the publishers mailed the gay books to your doorstep before you even ordered.
(calm down) No. 1744165
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>>1743750did Hetalia Fujos give men "pussies" and pretended they were still somehow male.