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No. 1779356

Discuss what you hate about zoomers. Their trends, behaviours you dislike, cultures, and more.

Previous thread: >>1664102

No. 1779371

I'm a millennial and I use those acronyms

No. 1779375

Why is picrel there?

No. 1779417

I genuinely don’t know, I’m confused too(I did not make this image, I just found it on google).

No. 1779833

I revived this thread because i wanted to talk about this guy because he annoys the fuck out of me. Warning: this video contains unfunny zoomer moid humor.


>makes videos about zoomed moid “problems” like “The Death of Family”, Dating, , height, and more.
>In his 2nd most popular video, He seethes about how men are starting families later(why is that a bad thing?)
>blames feminist for falling birthrates
>Hides his more controversial opinions behind obnoxious zoomer humor(a lot of them are pedo jokes btw)
>Did i mention the horrible humor?

No. 1779839

I dont like aave ebonics slang anyway, its even more embarrassing when 25+ year olds use it

No. 1779844

File: 1700494443510.jpg (65.78 KB, 606x853, wife bad.jpg)

>old married moids make ''wife bad'' jokes their entire personality
>young women catch the memo, men dont want marriage
>women start focusing on their careers, are happier without families/a husbando
>new generation of moids reach their mid 20s
>start complaining about how they cant find a wife and start a family

No. 1779852

Samefag. Sage for the autistic blog, but I am a zoomer(just turned 19) and was surrounded by this genre of Scrote during Highschool. They are insensitive misogynistic retards, they don’t pay attention and interrupt class(but men failing school is societies problem, right?), disrespect female teachers, hate LGBT but make exceptions for “fuckable” trannies and lesbians, sexually harass girls and some have some extreme political views. One even randomly came up to me freshman year to show me gore of a hand on his phone, and in another incident, one moid like this airdropped gore some girl on the bus. He called her an “insensitive bitch” for being upset. I just know he was one of them because he has the same demeanor, humor and opinions.

No. 1779861

Kek. They also like to form movements like MGTOW where all they do is talk about how happy they are single and making up revenge fantasies about single women over 30 being depressed cat ladies. Despite their claims, I have only seen men seething, becoming violent incels and killing themselves over being single, not women.

No. 1779876

>new generation of moids reach their mid 20s
>start complaining about how they cant find a wife and start a family
Is this really a thing IRL though? I feel like social media and easy insight into incel/moid communities have made this "problem" look bigger than it actually is. Tell me if this is just my area/community but the vast majority of 20s/30s women I know is either in a relationship or single but not planning on staying perma-single. If there's lots of women secretly perma-single they sure aren't open about it.

No. 1779882

watched half-way through his video on why porn addiction is bad before clicking off. I can understand why a woman might not mention morality when trying to convince men to be anti-porn because, to be quite frank, men either don't care about the ethics of it or dig in their heels and feel more emboldened to watch porn because 'feminists R bad ', but it's clear that he's just another man who thinks men are uniquely 'victims of the modern world' or whatever

No. 1779901

Just skipped to the feminism section and jfc this man is really peddling some far-right stuff. He's against even married women who have multiple kids from using birth control, unmarried couples cohabitating etc.

No. 1779928

Skimmed watched some of his video's, and honestly I would rather zoomer moids be watching him then some one like Tate or Hasan, at least he gives some decent advice.

No. 1779993

>It’s more embarrassing when 25+ use it
Nonna, aave is a dialect. You don’t have to like it, but plenty of (primarily) black 25+ people speak like this naturally instead of just when their parents are out of earshot. The “most wokiest generation ever” just soft-colonized it like they do with any (sub)culture they find cool.

No. 1780041

see women are rational and naturally think "oh you hate me? okay I'll leave" but moids are too fucking stupid to see why you'd do this. The answer to what do they want is that they think women should have to get married and that then once she is their "property" they should be free to berate her however they want. Those married moids who ree about their wives are still with them and not divorced for a reason. A wife is by default making his life better, he just feels entitled to whine that she COULD be an even "better" wife were she hotter, more of a doormat, etc etc. We weren't supposed to recognize that this is a shit deal for women and all the zoomer scrotes are mad that the bangmaid they felt they were promised for having a penis isn't appearing

No. 1780050

What's strange to me is that AAVE really is just a variation of White Southern US English (cause of course it would be). Sometimes it's nearly indistinguishable, but I bet most of these zoomers wouldn't consider the south cool by any measure.

No. 1780060

Well in your imagine that's a woman dragging her husband behind her car so based but yeah I get what you mean

No. 1780098

I used to think the zoomer hate was overblown and unrealistic but I keep encountering people who meet the exact stereotype. A few days ago I was in a room with this girl who talked loudly on the phone for over an hour and brought up TikTok like 30 times while repeating "valid" "slay" "problematic" etc. Is everyone addicted to that app now?
Also came across some guys bringing online coomer humor about "femboys" irl and making a scene over some meme in public recently.
Idk I hate to act nlog about it but as a zoomer myself it's kind of difficult to find common ground with my peers when most of them are glued to social media. Plus nobody cares about privacy so I'm paranoid about being randomly filmed and uploaded. Not sure what you're supposed to do these days if you aren't into blasting your life online

No. 1780206

Same. Even millennial women at my church or gym act shocked when I say I don’t have any social media. If someone wants to contact me, they can text me. I’m very private and I don’t like being filmed for Snapchat’s when I hang out with my best friend who Snapchat’s every second of her life. It’s so annoying hanging out with her sometimes because she’s constantly looking at herself in her phone and taking videos- as if anyone really cares that much. She doesn’t even use tiktok… I can’t take anyone seriously who uses that app. I know a lot of my peers think I’m weird. I’m kind of glad I had older parents who raised me and a lot of influence from my grandmother. I often find myself in groups of people and I’m staring at them while they stare at their phones…everyone is so boring and struggles to maintain a relationship unless it’s shallow. It’s sad

No. 1780265

>Even millennial women at my church or gym act shocked when I say I don’t have any social media
At my old job when I was quitting I had a couple people ask me what my social media handles are and I said I don't really use it. One girl my age made some condescending comment that was basically like "wooow, aren't you special" kek. Crazy that people think you're some pickme nlog if you don't sit around for hours on tiktok or instagram.

No. 1780269

>One girl my age made some condescending comment that was basically like "wooow, aren't you special" kek.
kek projection

No. 1780275

I think this guy is especially mad that women don't want to marry and start having kids at like 19, because he looked at too many stock images of laughing young white trad families on sunny fields. They want this fantasy life of the veteran generation of riding the economic high on some chimneysweeper's solo income raising 10 children and providing them all with starter homes, while this has not been realistic in half a century.
Millenial men also enjoyed partying through their twenties and then they just chilled out and are now marrying other early 30's women and having kids, and this dumb retard is mad girls his age don't want to be unemployable baby machines (while you know he also thinks he shouldn't need to pay child support or alimony the marriage falls through)

No. 1780579

I also had older parents (could be my grandparents) and a lot of grandparent influence… but my family is often on their phones too now! For example my grandma has always been a very social gossipy person and now she participates in online groups and shows me shortform videos that she finds. In some ways it's nice that she is able to connect with people (she is a widow and had trouble finding irl friends) but I worry because sometimes she sees dubious health advice or political conspiracies and doesn't notice the red flags.
But yeah, even though it's more extreme in younger cohorts, a lot of older people are very online too. Their usage isn't quite the same but they have issues too.
Yep, I had a similar experience where some guy said told me that not using social media seems like I'm just trying to be special. I guess some people don't get the point of the "if your friends all jumped off a cliff…" adage
Also there's other men who say that women who do use SM are narcissistic whores so I guess you can't win
It's retarded that they blame women when it's literally infeasible for most people to start that life even if they want to, and they think that all women hate kids because they stay in their bubble where they never actually encounter any. I do meet young women who are highly interested in family life and am myself partial to having kids, but it doesn't change that you have to work to survive and that in the mainstream normie world, going to college is highly expected of everyone, women included. Most men his age wouldn't be able to support a wife and kids even if they found a woman who was enthusiastic about it, maybe they should work on that before complaining about tfw no tradwife?
All the trad stuff is just a larp too, most of these guys are coomers who follow a modern online ideology and only have surface level values. Actual traditional people I meet aren't doing this chronically online whining but are actually spending time with their families and communities, and detest pornography.

No. 1780582

>plenty of (primarily) black 25+ people speak like this naturally
My point stands

No. 1780583

>death of family
more like the death of him being willing to form a bond with a female companion kek

No. 1780775


No. 1781181

>men finally realising women were only with men via force for the majority of human history (and were and still are treated like shit by scrotes) and when free even heterosexual women would rather just go without a worthless scrote who despises them
Men never want to be held accountable for their actions.

No. 1781187

How embarrassing and pathetic for her to be so insecure about appearing basic that she had to put you down.

No. 1782170

So glad I'm older. What do younger gen z girls deal with kek

No. 1933492

Zoomers have so little critical thought and comprehension. Every time I see a comment on insta or whatever with a valid criticism of something, they just respond with “womp womp” like wow you really owned them!!!! literally all their opinions are just regurgitated tiktok shit. They try and pathologise EVERYTHING too. Like if you eat healthy “it’s giving almond mom!!” “tell me ur fatphobic without telling me ur fatphobic”, the same retarded “gotcha” catchphrases over and over.

No. 1933500

“Imagine doing x” drives me crazy like I don’t need to imagine, retard, I do it every day.

No. 1933511

And they overreact wayyy worse. If you prove them wrong they will act like you just bombed their home or something

No. 1933536

You're right. The same fucking phrases being parroted over and over again like cancer cells dividing. Go onto the comments of any tiktok/reel and you can accurately predict the comments because everyone types the exact same retarded way with their retarded little phrases. I only use Instagram to talk to my friends but sometimes I accidentally end up on some reels and it always just infuriates me.
That 'womp womp' thing especially pisses me off. Where the fuck did that even come from?
There was one reel where some girl was saying how she was 'sick to her stomach' and some guy in the comments had no idea what that meant kek. So you don't understand age old sayings but you can understand 'womp womp' huh? Bleak.

No. 1933550

This happens to men also. Most females think that a man is weird if he doesn't have insta, yet at the same time, they cry about their bf following hot foids on ig, kek. It's sad these bitches can vote.
That's rich coming from the gender that wants to kill babies, but still feels entitled to the man's paycheck if she becomes a single mother. Fuck off.(moid)

No. 1933707

I hate zoomies because they are young and beautiful, while i'm old and ugly. I hate them harder than jews and palestinians hate each other.(bait)

No. 1933718

Young people can be ugly too retard

No. 1933812

i don't use social media but i hate how they seem to have no actual concept of individual thought. i'm sure some are out there but i'll browse lastfm and they shit up every artists page with shit "mother is mothering", "shes for the girls and the gays ONLY!" and when an artist comes out with an opinion that doesn't align with the current "correct" political opinion (you know what i mean) its swarms of "umm never listening to this artist again their music sucks anyways lol" and outright hateful or misogyny riddled statements if the artist is a woman.
been using that site for well over a decade and the influx of zoomers makes the site so hard to navigate without rolling my eyes…. they genuinely seem like NPCs. like on one hand im glad they provide traffic to the site that i love so it hopefully doesn't go down but holy shit it's genuinely made me hate zoomers so much more than i ever thought about because they say the same regurgitated shit over and over

No. 1933901

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that (white) zoomer moids are obsessed with race and gross porn?

Idk if any of you have heard of Gio Scotti (Italian girl that was made into a meme like “haha this what Ancient Greek towel boys looked like”) but she came up on my explore page on insta the other day and I clicked on her account and the comments are disgusting.

She was on holiday in africa and there are white zoomer guys asking if she’s into black men or asking if she wants to be blacked/take bbc in the comments. I was appalled. These guys aren’t hiding behind anonymous accounts either. They’re using their real names, they pics of themselves up and their high school/grad year in their bio. When did this become normal?? Isn’t this some gross fetish that men go to crazy lengths to hide?? Is it just an instagram comments something because nobody was calling them out (like they would do on twitter). Everyone was just laughing along and making pervy comments.

This isn’t the first time i noticed zoomer boys talking about interracial sex in this weird, porn-y way. Even the young right wing, groyper types make comments like these on twitter.

What the fuck is going on.

No. 1933910

Yeah, I've noticed this too. These motherfuckers are getting way too comfortable. I don't get why these moids are so obessed with black moids and bbc. They must secretly be faggots wishing they could get that bbc all to themselves or something. Fucking freaks. I hope their family members and friends see their sick comments and then cut them off.

No. 1933918

Yeah but they're not allowed to voice any real opinions. All the zoomies have social media, they can't get away from being filmed in public or in private if they live with family who also have social media addictions, they're too retarded to use fake names and not put their faces all over the internet, literally anything they do and say can be taken out of context by a fellow retard and used as fuel for a witch hunt. I'm sure that all these drooling brainlets have more diverse and interesting opinions than 'OMG DEADASS GENDER BESTIEEEE' but they get mauled by the lynch mob every time they even think about voicing their real opinions.

No. 1933919

>These guys aren’t hiding behind anonymous accounts either. They’re using their real names, they pics of themselves up and their high school/grad year in their bio.
Someone should take it upon themselves to screenshot/archive comments like these and send them to their family members, js

No. 1933950

I love being a zoomer my life is fun

No. 1933955

yeah thats what happens down the line when you give 8 year old boys access to pornography. This is something that makes me vehemently believe that children shouldn't have access to the internet. I feel like many of us would've turned out a lot more reasonable and mentally healthy if we didn't get access to the online until the age of like 18 the way that all the early millennials did.

No. 1933965

I actually appreciate how socially conscious zoomers (at least girls) tend to be and are aware of global things generations before them weren't and I don't give a shit about their slang because we had our own cringe newspeak too, but the one thing that I fucking hate about their generation is the obsession with youth. People are starting 11-step anti-aging skincare routines at 17, plastic surgery at 20 and make being young their entire identity, constantly making fun of millenial women "trying to be young" (note: NEVER millenial men) when they're just minding their own business not wearing a full on mommycore outfit. The other thing I hate is the really rancid open misogyny, racism and porn addiction zoomer moids have, you'd think that a younger generation would be more tolerating but they're porn addicted at 12 and learn their entire code of conduct from Andrew Tate and neo-nazi youtubers.

No. 1934006

i really don't want to infight, and you're right about them being complete retards, but everything you said is not solely a zoomer issue. everyone is affected by the presence of social media, lack of privacy, being filmed and being witchhunted. sure, they were exposed to it more growing up but it doesn't mean they are physically incapable of logging out or growing some sense. it might be harder for some but it's not impossible to work on yourself. i'm sure they have more opinions they're afraid to share but so does everyone. like i said i don't want to infight but everyone is effected by those things

No. 1934016

Families don't care, they think it's adorable that their little boys are calling women bitches and demanding to see tits. Send them to their employers, and when the employers don't do anything, spread all of it across social media. Boom! Both the scrotoid and the company he works for are suddenly under a lot of scrutiny, and the company will fire him because keeping him is more trouble than it's worth. Like what happened with the retards at the Trump rallies.

No. 1934120

Why do zoomie moids dress so fugly? I'm not saying 'men were way better in the 50s' or something like that, because moids were always shit and will always be shit but atleast they used to dress somewhat well before. The least they could do with their worthless existences was to be a bit of eyecandy for us but nowadays they ain't even good for that much either. And those hairstyles are vile, my god. Broccolis, edgars, mullets, fades, all trash. I was born in the wrong generation for real.

No. 1934188

I think it has to do with the leisure/athletic wear trend that started in the early 10s. It's like dressing like a lazy slob was all the rage, for men and women alike. By the mid 10s, it was normal to wear sweat pants out of the house, something I could never get behind. I think with Gen Z being teenagers in the 10s and being surrounded with that slob gym-wear style, it was hard for them to learn how to style clothes, how to match colours, i.e., how to dress nice. I have one of my mum's social studies books here from the 70s, and it has a whole 30 page chapter dedicated to how to style yourself, what colours look best together, how to make a wardrobe, how to make an outfit, etc., it was normal to be taught those things in decades past. Now we just have a bunch of people who think wearing a black t-shirt and sweatpants with boring sneakers is the only outfit that doesn't make them look "gay." It's sad.

No. 1934191

That book sounds amazing nona. Do you think you could post a few pictures of it? (maybe in the vintage fashion thread or something). I love vintage books and fashion and sometimes old advice is timeless and really great.

No. 1934194

Could you link the thread? I can scan a few pages of it. Honestly it's one of my favourite books I have, it has entire chapters dedicated to how to hold dinner parties, all these great recipes, how to dress, how to make friends, how to sew, etc., my nan kept the book from my mum's time in secondary school and I found it when I was a teenager and it honestly helped me out a LOT. When I was in secondary school, our social studies amounted to shit compared to the wealth of information contained in this one book from the late 70s/early 80s

No. 1934196

why would they? zoomer girls are the most desperate generation. Even in the 2000s moids had to actually shower, try, and court women. Now with media negging girls you see beautiful women simping after ugly fat slobs with crappy/no job.

No. 1934199

>beautiful women simping after ugly slobs with crappy jobs
It's been like that for every generation since the fall of the Minoan civilization nona. Look at the relationship advice thread on /g/ if you can stomach it for examples of what semi-normies put up with. In the 2000s it was no different, scrotes have always dressed like slobs and been retarded, it's just now clothing quality has been decimated so even the best-dressed look boring and tacky.

No. 1934204

Sure, it's >>>/g/146601
I'm glad you had an such an awesome book as a sort of guide to help you out in life, it's really sweet. It's too bad they don't make stuff like this anymore. We could all use them.

No. 1934234

even if it's not clothes at least regular haircuts, showers and not eating like a hippo was a thing. Now you can barely as a scrote to keep a healthy BMI and shower once a day without them acting like you just demanded a male model with a 12 inch dick

No. 1934311

I hate everyone who uses the retarded ugly crying emoji

No. 1934759

You obviously don't remember the 90s or the 2000s

No. 1939434

I know adults are suppose to lead the younger generation so they can have a better life than ours, but zoomers and Gen A are too infuriating to deal with.
>Every time I see a comment on insta or whatever with a valid criticism of something, they just respond with “womp womp”
Also they call you terminally online as if they don't have phones glued to their hands and eyes. I'm willing to believe they spend more time online than millennials have. Even though they have spent the same amount of time online as a World of Worldcraft neckbeard, they are biggest algorithm slaves and can't go outside of their comfort zone.

And speaking of wannabe chads, anyone who spends time online is considered a 'loser'. The old social system has never change. People who are comfortable with themselves won't care about getting called names because they have better things to worry about (or have actual hobbies). Zoomers on the otherhand will implode at the idea they are losers; they can hide their hurt with irony postings all they want but everyone knows deep down its true.

No. 1939516

Does anyone know why zoomers are so obsessed with aging? Apparently 30 year olds are hags, zoomer kids are obsessed with anti-aging skincare and if they try to offend millennials by calling us old (as if millennials were as obsessed with age as they are). They are worse than 2016 farmers being obsessed with nasolabial folds. Ironically they often look older than millennials. Aging is going to destroy them.

No. 1939529

Same, anon. Same.

I've worked with gen z since the beginning of 2020. I've noticed some are willing to learn and listen, but it's a minority. A lot of them are easily distracted and need their phone 24/7. I worked in food, and even when it was busy I would see some of them scrambling to get their phones out to text someone. It's like they can't function without their phone or vape.

No. 1939543

I’m a zoomer (19), from my subjective experience on the younger end of the spectrum and from my friends it’s honestly because of two things: the larger focus on looks, and media. Western tv, anime, tiktok etc. It feels like teenhood has the most focus so anything beyond that feels so far away and old. I’d say that this is a cause by association - the principle isn’t looking young but being young. But since this generation is also more lookist and self-conscious (especially with social media) those things tie together. I think in general we suffer from a peter pan syndrome of really not wanting to grow up too, I would say this is somewhat to do with the state of society as well. I have friends that started calling themselves old at 18, and every friend I have 20-22 has told me they’re old now. It’s kind of everywhere, I recently saw a meme that essentially said 23 year olds don’t have much time left - it’s played for jokes but a very pervasive idea and to the people above whatever age is considered “old” even if they try to brush it off it eventually gets under their skin and then they start to believe they are. I also know people who have begun to romanticise youth more as the result of the fetishism of men. Coquettes and Belle Delphine-adjacents. Obviously this is my anecdotal experience and I’m surrounded by chronically onlines but I do think the main cause is due to youth in general being more valuable to this generation, with the fear of ageing being an extension of that.

No. 1939569

Genz fetishize youth because that's literally everything they got going on for them and the thing that gives them cultural relevancy at the moment. They aren't young "personality wise": they got no creativity, energy or nothing new to share, that's why they fear aging because unlike millennials or older generations, they got no legacy or creations to maintain themselves relevant in the mainstream as the "cool" gen when they inevitably become older, their only personality and achievement is being young, their millennials idols feel and act younger than them. They don't got no JK Rowlings, Beyonces, etc and I'm saying this as a gen z myself, I was expecting some interesting stuff to pop out but nothing ig. Lady Gaga and Azelia Banks were at their absolute peak at just 23, most 20+ genz are crying about being "OLD!!" and arguing about situationships and gender at TikTok, sad shit tbh

No. 1939587

I do think it’s somewhat just a product of our time though. There are many points where other things were romanticised to the same degree, and right now that’s youth, more than before. It’s just how trends go.

No. 1939588

think about it, moids can now access porn way earlier than back in the day when they had to get a lingerie catalog from their mom's mail or something. if they have access to the internet, they get groomed into it and turn into freaks at much swifter rates

No. 1942630

Just watched a tiktok where some man goes onto a Uni campus in England full of liberal zoomers. He goes in with a fake petition in support of the Houthis (some terrorist rebels or whatever from Yemen), and he asks random people around the campus if they'll sign the petition to support them. 90% of them say yes without thinking and sign the petition and when the man asks them if they actually know anything about the Houthis, they say no…. What the fuck? I'm a zoomer myself but I have secondhand embarrassment. Their heads are completely empty and they just go along with anything. Don't know who these people are, yet sign a petition in support of them. Holy shit.

No. 1942637

That's actually scary. So many zoomers just go with the flow with doing zero research or even caring to. Reminds me of the whole 'hijabs are not opression' movement they love to hop on, while silencing actual ex-muslim women.

No. 1942647

>Uni campus in england
If they are muslim there's a chance they actually mean it…

No. 1942651

>(some terrorist rebels or whatever from Yemen)
this made me laugh a little because it wasn't really necessary to include, especially when you're complaining about zoomers not knowing anything while being one yourself. anyway you're right that they really don't research anything properly, a lot don't even do a simple google search anymore. it's good to remember to take those tiktoks with a grain of salt though because they will inevitably only include the footage that would make for interesting content. and they obviously didn't interview literally every student there. i just can't stand those videos because they're only created to get a reaction out of people, it's not worth looking to them for some representation of reality

No. 1942652

I work at a summer camp for high school athletes and I can't help but feel the boys are more retarded than ever. They are completely incapable of focusing and are super rebellious and disruptive but the instant any of the councilors get angry they fold almost immediately. Like, the smallest amount of push back causes them to go from rebellious teen to scolded five year old.
For reference the councilors are typically mid to late 20s to mid 30s while the kids are 14-18. My only assumption is that between unsupervised access to the internet (where you can say whatever you want as long as you don't self doxx) and likely having both parents working they aren't used to people imposing boundaries on them.

No. 1942673

>The same fucking phrases being parroted over and over again like cancer cells dividing. Go onto the comments of any tiktok/reel and you can accurately predict the comments because everyone types the exact same retarded way with their retarded little phrases.
Dead internet theory. I swear to god

No. 1942686

My problem wasn't with them not knowing who the Houthis were. Hell, I didn't even really know myself, until today. My problem was the fact that they just blindly agreed to sign the petition without even asking the guy for info on who these people were, what they wanted, and why anyone should bother supporting them. I would never agree to sign a petition for randos I knew nothing about. I'd read up on it first before making my decision.

No. 1942689

That seems like normal behavior to me tbh. The two easiest things to do in a situation like that is to ignore the person (which the video isn't going to show) or sign the petition in the hopes they'll leave you alone after. Hardly seems like a generational difference to me. Just another video grifter taking advantage of doing unexpected things to people in public.

No. 1948511

>english-speaking zoomers start using some new word
>start using it too in order to blend in as an esl
>fast-forward few months
>go on twitter
>WHY IS USING {WORD} RACIST AND PROBLEMATIC THREAD (1/126) by @nagitopissdrinker69
>it's AAVE
every fucking time

No. 1948516

what the fuck do airplanes have do with slang??

No. 1948533

Nta and I believe you're referring to AAVE. AAVE stands for African American Vernacular English.

No. 1948583

A lot of stuff zoomers get criticism for is stuff people said about millennials (and still do), the only change that made certain things worse is internet becoming something everyone is deeply engaged with constantly. So a lot of toxic and annoying internet trends get rapidly cycled through in a way that even 10 years ago wasnt true. Idk every generation has problems I just hate this shitting on and generalizing whole generations.

No. 1948708

I also notice gen z stars don't last anymore, they all get 15 minutes of fame and are forgotten unless they're constantly making hit music/movies/shows, which is almost impossible to get sign in deals if you're "new", which is like what, 3 of them? I guess nepotism has to do with it as well. during the 2000s and 2010s I could easily name multiple stars that were great at their job.

No. 1948745

i disagree here. i don't think everyone is hating on the generation, just specific traits of people who happen to be in it. zoomer is and should be used used to define habits rather than a whole generation, much like millenial(many millenial stereotypes are actually older zoomer ones) zoomers are hated by other gen-z as well, it's sort of telling that people only a few years older than them and their own age group hates them. i think hating zoomers in general for having more tools to make good decisions than previous generations did but using them to make stupid mistakes(like zoomer smoking trend). older gen-z and young millenials are indistinguishable from each other, so a lot of those traits get blended together. this is far from boomers thinking millenials are lazy simply because the economy is messed up. another thing is that zoomers being so visible online, and companies having to pivot to online advertising made a perfect storm of everything and anything being catered to them, which makes them more annoying due to their high visibility online and constant reminders of them.

No. 1949400

File: 1712190061884.png (9.3 KB, 578x81, zoomers.png)

>his note is so fire
he's talking about a suicide note

No. 1949411

u know what fuckin gets me
>zoomer slang
>but its some word like finna which people have been using since before most millennials were born

No. 1949496

Millennials will never admit this but it's true, and people never criticize zoomers for things unique to their generation either

No. 1950607

I can't stand when they use 'Ahh' instead of ass and that annoying sound effect they make when talking about someone with a big butt

No. 1951031

What sound effect?

No. 1953920

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So you got an offer and signed an NDA and immediately thought to yourself "I'll go on instagram and break the NDA and tag the brand directly!!". What a real dumbass

No. 1954053

probably just a marketing ploy kek

No. 1957735

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Gen X did this, too. They love to respond in one-liners. I think it’s because they both are very media-driven generations.
I agree with the age stuff. Previous generations always had their turn to complain about older generations, but with Zoomers, the age fixation is insane. They seem the most scared of aging and the most hostile to anyone older than them.
I agree, and I hope the generations after gen Z will produce meaningful art. Gen Z’s approach to life and media is kind of pornographic. I guess it’s because it’s the first generation who had access to social media since birth.

No. 1957744

>Lady Gaga and Azelia Banks were at their absolute peak at just 23, most 20+ genz are crying about being "OLD!!" and arguing about situationships and gender at TikTok, sad shit tbh
You are absolutely correct

No. 1957829

if zoomers have a "larger focus on looks" why do they dress like shit in shein crap or fake "vintage" scraps?

No. 1957922

Because they're only focused on how they look to other people. They've been fed so much tiktok garbage that they feel like they have to have the latest trend and the latest thing RIGHT NOW, no time to wait. Although a lot of younger zoomers preach social justice, like their shein outfits, the activism is just a costume. They don't care if it's plastic stitched together by a three year old in a sweat shop because quality doesn't matter to them more than their Instagram persona.

No. 1958189

>Zoomie colleague I haven’t seen before walks in
>Startled look
Why are they like this?

No. 1958194

Social anxiety, sorry
t. zoomer

No. 1958226

No. 1961263

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Younger zoomers are in for such a rough awakening and honestly, they deserve it, this is insanity.
Of course every kid suffers from thinking of 30 as super mature and of 60 as close to dying but even as a dumb (pre)teen I never thought of somebody that age as oldlooking because I always saw gorgeous 40+ actresses on tv. It also sounds as if they look down on everybody over a certain age as "lame" which is also crazy because they're likely broke and have nothing going for themselves while actual adults got money and nice things, how can you feel so superior based on nothing but your year of birth?
At the end of the day it all comes down to a total lack of respect, how will they ever keep a proper job, there's no way they accept orders from higherups…

No. 1961269

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No. 1963262

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No. 1963273

if you actually bother read the article it's about how they explout the employees and models

No. 1963309

Modeling is in exploitative industry to begin with, Brandy Melville didn’t invent that and isn’t somehow different from other brands for behaving in such manner, also do teenage employees at low grade chain stores expect to be treated in some kind of specialized way? Every store, restaurant, fast food etc job when you’re a kid (21 and under) treats you like shit kek thats just life.

No. 1963315

>21 and under
Kek what world are you living in, every job above that age also treats you like shit.

No. 1963323

So what theyre saying is basically that nonwhites and jews are fat?

No. 1963379

ok ntayrt but boo fucking hoo you have a shitty job, find a new one

No. 1963552

Agreed and that's coming from an elder zoomer. They will have a rude awakening the moment they finish highschool or college and get to the boogeyman age of 25 (or even 20 like some of them think already).
>It also sounds as if they look down on everybody over a certain age as "lame"
They do, I interacted with some of them and it's bollocks. I was a dumb teen not too long ago, but I never considered people over the age of 23 old like they do. Or how they compliment someone who seems younger to them when that someone just look their age as if after 20, you turn into dust.
I firmly believe that TikTok and the not-so-sublte pedo culture of the last few years rotted their brains beyond repair. This applies to some of my peers too - they are already panicking of turning 25 this year and "officially" being an adult (but this particular type only lives from middle school and highschool nostalgia)
>how will they ever keep a proper job, there's no way they accept orders from higherups…
This usually is the pattern of the "OMG, I'm turning 20 I'm so old hahaha" - they had less authority from their parents growing up (and I mean it in the least boomer way possible) and were allowed to do more than the elder zoomers. Basically, a lot of them do a lot of things in their teens that a young adult would've been able to do years ago like engaging in (expensive) consumerism with their parents' money, leaving their home and even town for days for example and their parents being chill about it and when they reach 20, they get bored with it all and wallow about being old and crippled or some shit.
Although I love how zoomers are calling out shit bosses and leave that shitty job, unlike our parents who endured such a workplace for almost nothing.

No. 1963569

I'm a zoomer and I disagree about the last statement. There's a lot of meaningful art but in their own niche communities. So we're more separate than equal in terms of consuming media. There is a term for it but I forgot. Also, we didn't have social media since birth that's the generation after us.

No. 1963579

Boomer ass comment lol

No. 1963586

Anti-wrinkle straw for the stanley cup kek.

No. 1963590

Women from the 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s looked cute/beautiful with only half of the effort zoomies put into their looks.

No. 1963670

Everybody from the 80s looked retarded they had trash fashion wtf are u talking about

Zoomers looks retarded with the caterpillar brows and spider lashes but men and women in the 80s had trash hairstyles and makeup

No. 1963679

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Okay maybe you're right.

No. 1963682

I find it crazy how like gnc’s and coquette girlies and other people who are totally obsessed with achieving a cohesive aEsThetic!1 are still so incapable of putting an outfit together, let alone putting on complimentary makeup that fits their face

No. 1963683

for the longest time i thought grace jones was a troon

No. 1963684

the average person got more sun exposure and looked older

No. 1963687

yeah but the 80s was when working out was at it's peak. They were fit without looking like anachans or on steroids

No. 1963701


No. 1963704

>music video ends like a /fit/ meme
I'm in tears. The memes are real even in the 80s!

No. 1963709

haven’t you met gnc’s who still wear makeup?

No. 1963718

not really, I'm gnc so I don't wear makeup or typically feminine clothes, accessories, etc. but I'm not a zoomer so…

No. 1963760

oh well i see enbys with makeup all the time

No. 1963810

nta but I don't really consider the enbys who wear makeup and girly clothes but go by they/them to be gnc tbh. they are actually quite gender conforming lol

No. 1963817

I wanted to say this but I didn't want to derail kek

No. 1963843

Nothing about the generation is redeemable. I was lucky to grow up in the 2000s because I despised the 2010s and it's only gotten worse. I cannot stand how prolific Latino club music has gotten it's atrocious

No. 1964079

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But the men used to dress so slutty and I miss that.

No. 2005593

god this glazed donut makeup trend is so ugly and just makes them look greasy, especially with all of their thinning hair from a lifetime of eating fruit rollups and mcpick 2's. imagine being only 22 and having massive lumpy overfilled lips already…

No. 2005599

Blame fish-eyed faggots like prince for ruining our slutty men

No. 2005660

File: 1715890697360.png (3.48 MB, 1170x1964, gross 2.png)

what the hell im sorry i thought i added the photo

No. 2005735

RIP to this era of men.

No. 2005748

>only 22
zoomers are truly doomed. their obsession with fillers and surgery at such a young age is so sad to me.

No. 2012185

Most zoomers are not getting fillers or surgery, these are social media "influencers". You guys need to get off the Internet and look at people irl.

No. 2012247

File: 1716307165465.jpg (112.42 KB, 1500x1000, 1000028812.jpg)

So apparently crew socks are something very millennial, and gen Z likes wearing longer socks. Lowkey makes me happy because long socks are now more acceptable as someone who gets cold easily kek

No. 2012256

>born 1995
maybe I'm a zoomer after all. I used to pull my tube socks up over my skinny jeans as a teen kek

No. 2012264

Picrel isn't a zoomer term

No. 2012266

You're not, people just lump all millennials together including the young ones. Millennials born in the 80s who defined pop culture in the 2010s are still the default millennial stereotype and I'm just so tired of being lumped in with them or mistaken for a younger zoomer just because I don't share the same Buzzfeed indie sleaze Y2K experience.

No. 2012275

Yes i hate crew socks, in boots they tend to roll up + for some reasons i lose them at a faster rate than long socks

No. 2012284

OK I actually love this because I have always loathed crew socks, right on lol

No. 2014140

Millennials were known as the most narcissistic generation but i think zoomers have taken that into the fucking stratosphere. the amount of “main character syndrome” behaviour i see IN PUBLIC from zoomers makes me want to alog. you’re not a “main character” you’re just an asshole. also i can’t imagine crying on tiktok and posting it and other such behaviour. if i were an employer and i saw someone doing that, their ass would not be getting hired

No. 2014143

i'm gen z and left looks like a boomer dad's clothing. i will never understand why girls have picked this look up. it's even worse when they roll the socks OVER their leggings. the right is way cuter.

No. 2014145

>i will never understand why girls have picked this look up
because my ankles get cold (and my feet slip out easily in the shorter ones, but mostly cold ankles)

No. 2014146

i was talking about how it's obviously a trend, not your anemic corpse body

No. 2014172

Crew socks are the name for the longer foldable socks, not the ankle socks. You all smoking crack?

No. 2014269

Thank you for saying this. My socktism was making me wanna correct them too kek

No. 2015425

Solidarity nonna

No. 2016016

“DNI if you’re 18+, DNI if you’re over 15, DNI if your fave character is X, etc.”
Like, get off the internet if you’re that scared of people talking to you, just delete your account.

No. 2017762

Why are zoomers so autistic about landlords? Yes, you have to pay to live in a place, what a shocker. That's literally how rent works. You existing doesn't mean you're entitled to a giant mansion without working a single day in your life.

No. 2017766

I can understand not wanting to interact with old men groomers, but DNI if >15 is lol, you are not supposed to be on the internet child

No. 2017768

"old men groomers" are anyone who's 18-19 to these 14-year-olds. They'll be clutching onto their minor get out of jail cards into adulthood.

No. 2017769

and? whats bad with that? seeing 18yo moids get cancelled for dating 15yos is hilarious

No. 2017771

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2017 me preparing to like a tweet from a xey/xem transmasc chicanx corpsehusband kinnie that has DNI fujoshis on their carrd.

No. 2017773

I didn't say anything about dating what, I mean when zoomers see anyone who's slightly older than them and have to go on autistic screeching about how "unsafe" they feel
Also as if that DNI would keep a real pedo groomer away? Like ah yes, if there's one thing pedo men are known for, it's respect for children's boundaries

No. 2017774

dni radfems and terfs
me and the girlies interacting with the troon

No. 2017776

if they have a 18+ dni then they arent going to talk to old men lol

No. 2017790

The zoomer college students in my street never seem to be able to listen to an entire song the whole way through is this the effect of tiktok

No. 2017873

the DNI if x+ age thing has existed since like 2008 though, it started with millennials. I don't even see any issue with it, I don't want to talk to children

No. 2017896

A few followers of mine that I’ve met irl have DNI if you’re a transphobe et al and I laugh to myself because they don’t know I hate trannies. These are mid-30’s women co-opting zommer brainrot because their own kids are being groomed as “men” too. Sad and pathetic. Sorry Kaspar/Damien/Shadow ywnbam.

No. 2017902

all my friends irl don't know i hate trannies, do i live this lie and mask for the rest of my life? apart from that i love them very much for everything else so leaving them ain't an option.

No. 2017931

Without landlords who provides rentals? The government. Aren't these kids all about freeing themselves from the government and anarchy?

No. 2018078

the left are crew socks and the right are ankle socks

No. 2019275

File: 1716621033984.jpeg (350.48 KB, 750x904, 4F8855CB-0BF7-4C58-894B-73A82C…)

I flinch whenever I hear the word “valid”. These weirdass corporate clinical sounding words being thrown around casually by the zoomers is repellent. Does it make they feel more impressive? Because it makes them sound retarded. I’m glad I haven’t encountered the usage of that word here. I will call you out. I should only see that word when dealing with my bank.

No. 2019280

kek why is valid red texted?

No. 2019285

idgaf im still gonna buy clothes at brandy melville

No. 2019304


No. 2020733

That's a valid reason, nonny

No. 2022404

File: 1716794463820.jpeg (10.86 KB, 127x159, 71673938-204A-4AAF-A34A-D7BF48…)

Delayed bcause I got fucking banned.

No. 2022624

>Delayed bcause I got fucking banned.
I thought everyone knew how to ban evade at this point

No. 2024038

Zoomers are grown up now, can we start hating on Gen Alpha? The iPad kids with -5 myopia at the age of 4 due to the screens in their face playing cocomelon, skibidi toilet and Andrew Tate YouTube content. It feels like a meme-ified natural order of life to hate on the next generations but the amount of damage Gen Alpha has terrifies me

No. 2030056

Why can't zoomers simply say "I don't like it/it's not for me" when disliking something. Why do they always have to come up with 3-page threads about how said thing is racist and problematic and evil and started from supremacy

No. 2032152

Zoomers shit on millennials for "doggo" and "pupper" yet they go on saying stupid shit like "car" instead of cat. You're no different from us. You are as cringy as the other generations and you'll get mocked by alphas and betas for it as you age.

No. 2032155

Car?? You must know more zoomers than I do as a zoomer. I've never heard this.

No. 2032182

When I hear a new phrase I simply absorb it and store it until there may come a time to use it. no need to get mad about how stupid each generation sounds, you'll be next

No. 2032197

I'm a zoomer myself and I fucking hate the terms that come out of tiktok. I'm not trying to be a contrarian or anything because I used slang just like everyone else did, but everything produced after 2020 just feels so wrong and obnoxious and I can't put a finger on it. I'll never use those terms.

No. 2032198

any examples?

No. 2032300

What the fuck? How hard are people pursing their lips around straws that it gives them wrinkles? You'd have to spend the whole day drinking from straws while buttholing your lips for months to go that to your skin.

No. 2032327

the 'r' key is right next to the 't' key so it's a common typo that people have started to embrace because it's funny.

No. 2032409

That's just confusing

No. 2032647

It's not funny, it's stupid

No. 2049182

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Zoomers are the only motherfuckers I ever saw and continue to see actually complaining about being past eighteen and in their 20s, worrying about being "old". Seriously. Of all generations, it really seems to be only zoomers that have a problem with not being "barely legal" anymore. It's like they're afraid of literally growing up. They're trying to make 20 the new 40. They will finally become the legal age to drink alcohol, and immediately think their lives are "over" and "doomed to be boring now". Every other generation would've been partying and bragging about turning twenty one, but not zoomers apparently. They're too busy complaining about not wearing diapers anymore. You know what, maybe this is why they're apparently aging faster than millenials, zoomers just don't know how to be happy with themselves. Sometimes I think maybe the previous generations are being too harsh on zoomers when they bully them, but then I see a zoomer post some twitter shit like "I just turned 20 today and I feel so old", and that's where I feel okay with millennials laughing at them. 'Cause what the fuck is wrong with zoomers?

No. 2049192

as a zoomer, at least to me is seeing everyone else succeed while i grow older barely achieving anything. Other generations werent constantly subjected to seeing people their age or younger becoming millionaires off playing videogames. Or being master painters at 20. Its why i dont use social media anymore, i used to constantly compare myself with people my age or younger who had more life opportunities than me growing up and it made me suicidal.

No. 2049358

We're going through a never-ending recession and everyone lies on the internet. I'm sure there are plenty of people your age who are making millions from shilling Bloom but the vast majority are just as fucked as you are.
Please continue to avoid social media. There really isn't anything on there that will make your life better in any way. And if it's any consolation, 99% of the child prodigies online are adults who've been working at their craft for years but pretend they're kids to get more attention. Or they're influencers who also have real jobs that bring in enough to pay the bills. Or they're nepo babies who'd be dead of a coke addiction before they hit 21 in any other generation. It's all a pack of lies, created only to get clicks and likes.

No. 2049373

I've noticed this too. It's like society is constantly trying to shrink the idea of "youth," before the 2000s, 30 was considered young, even early 40s was still young. Now it seems like zoomers think anything past 22 is old, I'm not sure where this idea even came from. They want to live these incredibly successful and lucrative and adventurous lives as 20 year olds without realizing it usually takes a person until their late 30s or early 40s to actually achieve the lifestyle that they desire through hard work and experience.

No. 2049498

Idk I think a lot of people feel weird transitioning from teenager to adult. It's scary and confusing. Life will always feel that way but just entering adulthood for the first time is weird when you're used to high school rules. Doesn't help that tiktok and stuff pushes this image of a perfect life when your young but for most people you're poor and struggling at this point in life but that's ok.

No. 2049501

Yolo swag and stuff I remember finding stupid when I was young but used it ironically as a joke, which in turn kinda normalized it more lol. Nothing worse about stupid zoomer slang if you just don't take it seriously.

No. 2049705

this. While social media can have an effect, the economy is hitting hard, people are missing out on milestones like home-buying, getting married, and getting an education is useless. Activities that use to be a fun part of adult life like going out with friends, bar hopping, road trips, etc are just becoming overpriced luxuries. and it's even worse since "not having a nice car, home, and everything else by 30 makes you a loser and failure" is still pushed with no regards with the fact the economy made this only a dream for most younger generations

I also feel like it's pushed by other zoomers too, I see a lot of obvious young people (usually women) get called old almost daily

No. 2049716

Fellow zoomer here (20), and I partly agree with what >>2049192 said (though I think it’s a good thing that people are sharing and making money off their hobbies). I feel “old” now because I’ve spent the past few years as a depressed Internet addict, and have been moving forward in age while staying in the same slump mentally.

I think Twitter may be conveying a skewed idea of how our generation feels. The young people posting about being “old” are likely similar to how I described myself above: sad people sitting online being painfully aware that they’re wasting their youth. Online communities are the realm of depressed shut-ins trying to retreat into nostalgia.

If you were to talk to happy zoomers having fun in a public place, maybe they would have a different sentiment. Take, for example, my younger brother, who has a big group of friends he regularly hangs out and goes places with.

No. 2049719

Finally someone mentions the cat/car thing. It’s so annoying (like most Instagram reels trends).

No. 2049721

"Car" for cat and "fops" for fox really piss me off and are somehow even worse than "heckin doggo/pupper".

No. 2049725

Reminds me of losers on 4ch /adv/ crying that they didn't lose their virginity when they were 16-18 and think life is "over" for them, especially when so many of them are shut-ins and never even talk to women so no shit sherlock. Can't have normal romantic sex with someone you've never spoken to once.

No. 2050098

i think it's the fear of aging and not wanting to take consequences about their actions. as an adult the money you earn now is 100% yours, so if you fuck it up it's your fault. same with uni and socials, now you can't party with randos or do dangerous things without people telling you how fucking retarded it is. it's a world where now all adults can judge you, instead of closing yourself to the circlejerk of retarded teenagers.

No. 2050470

It’s so weird how the life expectancy of the average person is higher than it’s ever been yet zoomers are more afraid of aging than any previous generation

No. 2071701

i talk a lot of shit on alfies and then I remember that I was 9 years old playing there’s my water on my moms iPhone 3g back in 2011. i’m no better than an iPad kid. i’m just older

No. 2071722

They just don't like who they are as adults. When you're 17 it's cute to be a shut-in internet addict and unemployed. When you're 23 it's less cute and the doom sets in if any peers are getting married or start a business.

No. 2071733

I’m a zoomer and just hope that some sort of reactionary movement births from this, it’s spiralling so out of control it’s becoming ridiculous. I doubt this youth obsession can last forever so I can’t wait until TikTok makes it trendy to not want to be a teen forever and shills it as cringy because people can’t fucking think for themselves apparently. The “20teen” “just a 22 year old teen girl” stuff makes me cringe to no end.

No. 2094165

i hate that my fellow zoomies have such a hard time gunderstand just how dangerous it is to post their full names, their whole lives, their active locations, their homes online. it took me a long time (8 years) to learn that i needed to stop doing that and practice basic internet safety. this usually inadvertently results in being on social media less often, or evolves into leaving social media altogether. i think if you've been on social media for 13 years (or even less) then you should consider getting off it for a while and see how your life and mental clarity improves

No. 2094849

In kindergarten we were taught to never post our full name or face or location and any other identifiers and if the education system has failed this badly I'm sad

No. 2096489

bottom gay zoomer men and zoomer women fear aging because zoomer guys are porn addicted and think any woman after the age of 18-21 is busted, gays are even worse in this department they judge twinks alot if they don't look like jail bait. This generation is corrupted by porn and hentai

No. 2096513

does anyone else have zoomer coworkers who repeat what you say if you say anything that makes them laugh?

No. 2096729

Why do you think this is? I’m a millenial who got internet safety drilled into my head as a kid, so I would always think zoomers would be even more protective of their privacy. But I have zoomie friends who put their entire name and location all over the internet.

No. 2097201

It's not just zoomers tbh. I know someone who's about my age (mid 30s) and constantly geolocates herself at the most mundane locations on FB for absolutely no reason. Like several times a day, a random pin at dunkin donuts, a brunch spot, one of the 3 dives she always hangs at etc. no picture or even even a dumb anecdote, the caption is always "hii" "brunchin bish. hii". Deadass that's all it is. Plus the nonstop selfies littered with thirsty comments from scrotes she probably never even met bc she adds anyone. Like girl wtf are you doing you're a grown ass woman literally letting every dusty in your friend list know your location at any given time. It's baffling.

No. 2098024

I hate how microcelebs like twitch streamers or musicians with 50k subs always feel the need to publicly expose whatever their tif discord e-date ex did instead of just talking it out in private. Or if it's a genuine crime then go to the fucking police. What will a bunch of zoomer they/thems on twitter do for you other than give you asspats if you truly want to seek "justice and truth" from how mean and manipulative your ex was? I find it hard to believe any kind of allegations people put on social media these days. Maybe this is too mean but I genuinely don't understand why it can't be kept in private

No. 2110281

they want to destroy their ex's reputation

No. 2110522

They probably want attention and think that airing their grievance about someone bad/wicked/devoid of morals etc. will see their target hounded to the point they quit life (when 99% of people couldn't give two shits about some random online shitflinging contest).

No. 2113813

I hate this shit so much, all of my friends were like that since we hit 20. It's hard to not let it get to you. I have been in a constant quarter life crisis since a few months before I turned 25 and even though I know on a rational level that this is stupid I have no clue what to do. Everyone being terminally online does play in to it imo. In high school you were forced to have social contacts, but a lot of people turned in to shut-ins after and it can feel like your (social) life is over even though we are just too retarded to form friendships. I only know shut-ins, "activists" and ultra normies that lead a semi-trad lifestyle. It's depressing. I want to have something to look forward to but there's nothing. I wish I had friendships with millennial women to escape this insane generation but they probably wouldn't want to be friends with me.

No. 2113847

I’m a zoomer and I never used my full name or anything. I’d attribute the reason to the pandemic and the years before that when a bunch of normies started flooding the internet, and they don’t understand internet safety because they don’t understand the consequences as they haven’t used the internet in the same way as people before.

No. 2113857

I don’t share my full name or anything, but how else do I practise internet safety if I want to start using social media regularly?

No. 2114202

Don't put photos of yourself online if you can help it. Don't say where you went to school or where you live or where you are at the moment, even if it's something generic like 'I'm out of the country' or 'I'm eating at McDonald's near work'. Don't give out information about your job or what it entails, unless you're on LinkedIn, it's easy to find out what you do and where you work even with minimal information. Don't post real time updates, even something as simple as posting a photo of your nails can make you identifiable. Never post about places near you, including landmarks, especially if you add extra information, like 'I hate driving to Costco because there's always a ton of traffic when school ends' because that tells people 1) that you live close to a Costco, 2) that it's near a school which means they can pinpoint which Costco you go to, and 3) that you can be found there, probably alone, after school ends on a weekday.
Call me paranoid if you like, but I know that this shit got people doxed before social media really took off, and these days you have kids who publicly dox random strangers for funsies and share the information with their hundreds of thousands of followers. There are a lot of lunatics who spend their whole lives taunting women they've never met and driving them to suicide. There are a lot of retarded tweens drunk on the power of having 400 followers who will do anything to power trip. The internet is forever, the best thing you can do is to literally not post anything real online at all.
Tl;dr- lie about everything and don't show your face.

No. 2114214

No. 2114217

The funniest yet most informative response kek

No. 2114283

it fucking enrages me how the internet will somehow be able to dox someone over ice cream flavors but moids "rage baiting" by admitting to child rape get nothing

No. 2114449

File: 1722472359579.jpg (188.83 KB, 1170x909, GTwXMYVW8AAugVU.jpg)

Why do zoomer moids talk like this. We need to ban their internet access

No. 2114461

what is this “ahh” thing? like “ahh! a spider!”? I’m a zoomer but ‘98 so I missed the memo on this one

No. 2114470

It's a corruption of "ass" that's used to compare or describe something. So instead of saying "this is/you are silly" they say "goofy ahh motherfucker (skull emoji)". This etymological evolution depresses me.

No. 2114476

what does this mean? I read this like errday / every day

No. 2114477

It makes more sense if you hear someone say it. Its another AAVE rip off.
"Mid 90s ass day", a day that feels like the mid 90s.

No. 2114486

How can they say this if they didn’t exist during that time? lol

No. 2114489

File: 1722475683249.jpeg (18.43 KB, 247x250, IMG_2437.jpeg)

I think it’s so stupid that zoomers have to make videos about “quitting social media or being addicted to it” because they let this internet slop ruin their lives and perspectives. It’s even more shameful that so many of them have a porn addiction and unironically need help for it. Ffs go outside you retards and turn the phone off.

No. 2115038

They mean the movie mid 90s

No. 2115042

ahh whooping day

No. 2115054

People who cry about "wah muh internet addiction wah" are always fucking insufferable. They wax poetic about their struggle as if it puts them on the same level as crackheads, but at the same time they're allergic to taking responsibility. Yes, social media is designed to be addictive ragebait, but it doesn't stop you from putting your phone down or deleting your accounts. Zuck isn't holding a gun to your head and forcing you to doomscroll. They're also likely to claim that muh anxiety and depression means they can never go outside and socialise ever, and that's why they absolutely MUST stay in toxic Discord servers which make them miserable for 15 hours a day. Because that's definitely better for your mental health than getting a real hobby kek. Sorry for the rant but I absolutely hate these whiners.

No. 2118782

Could go in the pink pill thread but the statistics of Gen Z scrotelings becoming more and more conservative while Gen Z girls become more liberal being seen as a bad thing is so sad. Zoomer moids wish their dating lives were as easy as their Gen X parents' forced marriages where women didn't have rights.

No. 2118784

>Gen X parents' forced marriages where women didn't have rights.
What? Gen X was having kids in like, the late 90s and early 20s. I don't think forced marriages were common then? I think Gen X actually has one of the higher divorce rates.

No. 2118785

Idk I'm kind of exaggerating but point is, back then women had less control and there was much more societal pressure for them to date moids and other typical old-school misogyny

No. 2118787

I have boomer parents and my older bf has gen x parents. They did a much better job than my parents although my parents are wealthier. If it wasn't for generational wealth I'd be fucked I am not competent or mentally well like him.

No. 2118788

I agree with you in the 1st part but I think your timeline is very off in the 2nd part kek

No. 2118791

ayrt you know what i mean though kek

No. 2118802

It all got fucked up because of WW2. Basically, when the G.I. Generation scrotes went to fight in WW2 they got all trauamtized and shell-shocked and fucked up from it, then when the war was over and they got shipped back home and took out all their mental and emotional issues on their wives and their kids (the Boomers). Imagine being raised by a scrote that shot 50 people dead and has to take a cocktail of benzos and stimulants every day just to make sure he doesn't snap and shoot his family. Anyway, then the fucked up children grew up and didn't have any emotional regulation skills and became egoistic because that's what their fathers taught them to be. The Boomers had Millennials, who they equally fucked up, and now Millennials are fucking up their kids, Gen Alpha, all because their retarded grandpas decided to survive the war instead of dying as heroes like God intended. I really do believe in that trauma cycle or whatever they call it, it's like that rule you hear that poverty takes 3 generations to escape, and wealth 3 generations to run dry.

No. 2125148

Just got hit with a wave of zoomer hate today. All within a single hour, too, good god I hate zoomers. Not one iota of emotional maturity. Fuck.

No. 2125150

Rent free

No. 2125153

What happened nonna give us a storytime

No. 2125154

It's ok granny i'm a zoomer and ilu

No. 2125160

Anyone else think Gen Z’s kids are kinda doomed? Gen Z is filled with teenagers who constantly are publicly breaking down on TikTok/Twitter/Instagram/whereeverthefuck about how they feel like life is hopeless and how scared they are of the future and getting older (which is like 30 because older generations made it seem like if you don’t have your life all figured out at that age you’re basically worthless), I cannot tell you how many videos of Gen Z saying how hopeless they feel everything is I’ve seen. We already saw a bit of this in the Tumblr-girl coquette era which is still going but the millennials that have had kids have become IPad parents and with Gen Z they’re probably gonna be so mentally fucker up they’ll barely be able to take care of themselves, let alone a kid. Unless it’s some sort of trad dynamic but that’s dysfunctional from the start anyways. I get this more describes Doomers than Zoomers but still

No. 2125162

I can’t speak for zoomers but after being on a cell phone from the age of 7 the only thing that helped me was getting off social media and drastically limiting screen time. i don’t really know what kind of therapy you’d have to give a chronic social media user who doesn’t know how to stop though

No. 2125166

No, not rent free. Felt it after dealing with zoomers.
Was discussing AI art with someone in this random Discord server I'm in. Turns out this someone is an artist, so I asked them to post what they're working on now. They posted it, I remarked on how their technique wasn't that good and could use improvement, the way they worked in Photoshop was also bad and told them how to work in layers properly so it doesn't bite them in the ass later. They rebutted, but meanwhile, everyone else in the server suddenly goes "oooh, fight, fight" and treat it like it's sudden drama. Except it wasn't. It was two artists debating technique. Zoomers have no idea how to differentiate people debating and defending their opinions from people screaming and calling each other names. I fucking hate dealing with these idiots. I don't care that covid made them stupider and emotionally stunted or that they'll always be the retard generation. Good. Fuck 'em. Stupid cunts.

No. 2125170

AYRT and while the internet has some stuff to do with it my point is more that the latest generations seems to be genuinely unwell and trying to cover it up with social media trends and TikTok dances. Like you see so many videos of Gen Z teens crying, actually sobbing their eyes out, at how hopeless they are, and my question is if that’s what they’re like what are the future generations gonna be like? Gen Alpha seems like they’re also gonna be their own host of fucked up but that’s a discussion for another time

No. 2125189

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I can’t fully hate them. I think it’s kinda cute how excited the younger ones get when I talk about being a young teen in 2007. Tbh I’d be depressed too if I had to grow up in this current environment where everyone and every single things is broadcasted online. Sucks to be them lol

No. 2125215


Don’t be perpetuating that incel logic because the only one who’s gonna have to lie in that bed is you.

No. 2125281

I thought I'd be annoyed seeing younger zoomers with their "scenecore" but I'm surprisingly touched by them finding aesthetic appeal in our old cringe. They're doing a decent job at recreating it, if not the culture then just the looks. It's kind of cute tbh

No. 2125793

I really fucking hate the post-post-ironic humor so popular with GenZ. The kind of stupid shit I see on music meme pages.

No. 2125839

Can you provide an example? Their humor isn't too different from millennial humor imo

No. 2125907

Didn't meant to perpetuate anything by doing light banter, ageists get the rope i love women of all ages

No. 2125939

All the zoomers at my job show up wearing ungodly enormous pants and t shirts down to their knees, they all look like they're trying deliberately to look shapeless and frumpy. Also everything is mismatched. Maybe I'm just jealous bc if I would have dressed like that in my early 20s people would have assumed I'm a sped or very, very poor.

No. 2125941

Why do older generations hate that we wear comfortable clothes so much? I've never understood this.

No. 2125943

Based zoomers

No. 2125946

Ayrt, and the answer is in my last sentence. I'm a bit jealous. The urge to just go for billowy, shapeless comfort was quashed by 00s fashion. Being a dumb young person, I thought I had to wear tight jeans and crop tops to be socially accepted kek

No. 2125950

That’s the only thing zoomers have going them tbh. Baggy clothes are so comfy

No. 2125958

File: 1723056562483.png (2.75 MB, 1170x1480, i don’t see a difference .png)

ntayrt but shit like this

No. 2126220

the average zoomer i've interacted with is usually not emotionally mature at all, yeah. i get being young and not having your values fully formed yet but they tend to have no actual moral compass beyond what the internet tells them even when they're like, in their 20s, which really shows a huge lack of emotional intelligence in general and bleeds into how they interact with other people overall. a lot of them are just selfish, close minded assholes despite how much they preach about how open and progressive they supposedly are and I hate their hypocrisy. they'll have this holier than thou attitude about how oh so progressive they are while simultaneously being too retarded to understand different povs without wanting the other person dead and completely fail to realize they're just reinforcing stereotypes, for example with gender shit. they also tend to struggle with having any sort of basic manners, understanding nuance, low attention spans and have little to no ability to engage in deeper conversations and instead hide behind le epic internet irony and buzzwords, which makes engaging with them incredibly boring and repetitive, especially online

No. 2126261

Look up pretty much any music-related meme page on Insta, particularly the more hipster-y ones. The most unfunny shit is posted there.

No. 2126263

Kek this looks like a faceboomer meme.

No. 2126270

Few reasons
>being blasted by older gens for "trying too hard". I've actually seen zoomers denied jobs if they dressed too professionally
>stupid "fashion mistakes" that you wouldnt even think of like rules on what buttons to button on a sports coat
>body nitpicking, most professional wear highlights all your flaws, now with everything being stricter towards women, more people will point out flaws you wouldn't even have known you had 20-40 years ago

No. 2126367

Fashion is cyclical, in another 10 or 15 years tight clothing will be the rage again. It's like anything else. Anyone else trying to point to specific reasons is just reading too much into it. This cycle has been going on for centuries.

No. 2126542

Punishing zoomers for doing their best has backfired like crazy and I'm shocked people don't understand this

No. 2130584

>>2125958, >>2126263
Instagram is gonna for Gen Z what Facebook is for boomers and Gen X

No. 2130593

Speaking as a 22 y/o zoomer I think the worst part of my generation is that we all suffer from black and white thinking, so many of us have eating disorders and BPD. It is really exhausting to be around others zoomers as a zoomer. Every Twitter/Tiktok slang like “tell me x without telling me you’re x”, the obsession with saying y’all all the time, etc. Everyone feels and looks the exact same.

No. 2130634

The eating disorders and BPD aren't even real with zoomers, they're just called being chronically online. At least back then people actually had bodily issues or severe childhood trauma. Now you have tiktokfags wearing shitty shein corsets and claiming to have EDs and getting upset at their discord e-dates and thinking that's BPD kek

No. 2131785

edtwt is alive and well and full of zoomers

No. 2132028

They can't even do it right kek, they'll never be the og skelly qweens of the 2010s

No. 2132033

Alt/punk/emo/scene/etc. zoomers caping for troons and fags will never not be funny to me. If you were really those things and not a poser who can only get the looks mildly right, you'd be a terven queen advocating against troons touching kids but no, gotta be inclusive and supportive all the time.

No. 2132921

they seem allergic to any kind of gatekeeping in general. they act like it's a crime if you don't want to include someone if they're a poser. really took the whole inclusion thing way too far to the point where it's just retarded and ruining every subculture and fandom, besides valuing and trying to normalize every mental illness under the sun

No. 2133059

Rattle rattle

No. 2138144

Because people are getting dumber and more reliant on technology.

No. 2138156

adding to this - they'll put their full names and faces while acting as unhinged as possible, and then in the same breath claim that they didn't get into college because their step-sister did OF or some shit. Like you think the consequences of internet footprint are so bad you're being denied jobs and education because of family members being whores but have no problem writing the millionth sperg about women, sending death threats to randoms cause they didn't like the same band as you and reposting blackpill crap? I WISH internet footprint took consequences as seriously as they claim OF girls are getting

No. 2138495

people who arent southern suddenly saying "y'all" irrationally pisses me off

No. 2138628

me too. stolen valor

No. 2138686

They stunk of piss and decay then and they stink of piss and decay now. What’s the difference?

No. 2139406

>Everyone feels and looks the exact same.
That's because you are the same. It's that idea that's been floating around on many imageboards that all subcultures that have merged together into this amorphous blob "monoculture" thanks to the internet and social media (among other things).

No. 2139468

nta but I'm pretty sure it was just a joke
strangely I've noticed more non-americans on the internet using it.

No. 2139577

I hate it when people in my country say y'all. It gives me secondhand embarrassment. I love it when a southern American person does it though. Hot as fuck

No. 2139975

I'm actually a southerner and I get told off on here sometimes when I use it

It hurts!

No. 2140313

I miss the 2000s where if you didn't like a piece of media, you'd just shrug and say "eh I don't like that" and not go on 10-page-long sperg rants about how every metaphor is supposedly a pwobwematic evil promoting bad tingz

No. 2143450

File: 1724075817772.png (10.38 KB, 946x800, 14FBD763-3DAA-4251-9039-FC2B7E…)

zoomers are really stupid

No. 2143469

How is this specific to zoomers kek. I felt the exact same when I was 14

No. 2143489

didnt every mentally ill child do this? i dont think this is specific to zoomies

No. 2143494

This comic in particular screams millennial more than zoomer tbh, at least the style of it

No. 2143991

Come on nonnie, can't you see he's just a little scrimblo?

No. 2143996

I'm 30 and I did this kek. This isn't a zoomer thing, just a mento illness thing.

No. 2144049

I don’t understand this glamorization of dying young

No. 2144055

I don't think the comic is about that. I think the first part is showing a mentally-ill teenager that's planning to kill herself, or at least of dying soon, and then the second part shows her realization at an older, healthier, state that her behaviour as a teenager left her ill-equipped for the future.

No. 2144493

Zoomers are the most entitled bunch of whiny cry-babies. So irritating to listen to them rant and rave about how the deserve the world on a silver platter.

No. 2144514

File: 1724120107216.jpg (19.59 KB, 487x394, 0debf2378b826b9e641c856c565a23…)

Hmm, I feel like I've heard this sort of thinking before, but directed towards a different group. I can't remember, think it starts with m…

You sound just like the generations that came before you. You're making the same complaints they made about you.

No. 2144519

What, you mean fair wages, better work-life balance and reasonably priced rent and food is wanting a silver platter? LOL are you faggots really that dense that you can’t realize advocating for this will improve everybody’s lives, not just zoomers.
Who knows what they are, they’re probably just baiting.
>ugh those sjw gendie zoomers are getting on my nerves with their marxism for wanting to eat and live without stressors giving them early-onset cancer!!!
>ugh those radicalized extremist zoomers are getting on my nerves being racist and misogynistic towards everyone!!!
We’re just a scapegoat for their horrible decisions they made during their own generations that ended up affecting us, plain and simple. Every day were always used as a scapegoat for everything they hate in the world, supposedly we’re lazy and expect things to come out of a magical hat but then when we don’t do anything and become passive and disinterested in anything we should have fought for futures or something. It’s honestly ridiculous, zoomer hate makes me smile because I love seeing a bunch of shitty bitter oldfags seethe.

No. 2144564

Read what this thread is called. Why do Zoomers insert themselves everywhere even when it's clear something isn't for them.

No. 2144773

Wanting what the previous generations had is a silver platter now

No. 2144781

NTA, but don't be a snowflake. No safe spaces here, kiddo.

No. 2145145

I'm a millennial and the zoomers are right to have jobs, liveable wages, a home, and a fucking future. If there's one thing they're right to whine about, it's that.

No. 2145147

Could you provide an example of what you’re referring to? This is an imageboard after all

No. 2145195

Only zoomers would click on something called the "Zoomer hate thread" and get butthurt enough to reply 8 times to 1 post that called them annoying. Seriously the most annoying toxic malicious generation. Happy most of them will never be able to afford anything in life and will die poor KEK. They're jelly if a millennial owns a home or has a job because they're losers.

No. 2145201

what are you even on about?

No. 2145214

Owning a home, mindful money management and investing, alien concepts to the zoomer. The zoomer needs it given to them tablet style, cushioned and laid out like guide arrows in a video game or it's unfair and the darn old people are being mean to them! Then their first frown line shocks them into the psych ward

No. 2145215

No. 2145216

nta but I find zoomers annoying but not how the anon described. The worst issues with them IMO is that they can't be trolled anymore because they will actually start believing and siding with said trolls, so if you try to make a stupid racist joke theyll go "actually you're right" then join the literal fucking KKK, they'll switch up on beliefs depending on how they want to use it (like how many are going pro-life now despite almost all of them being pro choice previously, not because of their views on abortion but because they can treat women as murderers), they have no awareness of digital footprint and will post retarded crap left and right and almost all of them are in intense internet fights at any given point. theyll stalk and egg peoples homes over some dumb shit like a kpop argument but suddenly disappear when theres 12 yr old "rage baiters" talk about raping babies to grieving mothers. they'll act like we need to send lynch fests to people who don't return their shopping carts because it "disrespects workers" but scream at delivery drivers, waiters, etc that they dont need to tip, clean up after themselves or act decent, etc

No. 2145217

reminder not to take rage bait

No. 2145219

They have more access to information than any generation before them, but they'd rather squander all their opportunities and whine on TikTok than actually do anything with their lives. Seriously, I've never met someone from Gen Z that acts like an actual adult. They're all stuck at age 15 and think the world is their TikTok dreamscape.
Reminder not to minimod. This is the "zoomer HATE thread." If it's affecting you so much, stop coming onto this thread. I don't go on the dog hate thread and call the posts their rage bait.

No. 2145220


No. 2145223

You care enough to post more than 3 times about how you're being bullied for being a zoomer on the zoomer hate thread. Get a grip kek.

No. 2145224

Idgaf you're desperate to infight, go back to tiktok or something if you want a reaction

No. 2145225

let's make a boomerlinneal hate thread for these old hags then, let's see how fast it gets shut down for hate speech by those hypocritical crytyping professional redditors

No. 2145231

KEK go do it then retard nobody is stopping you

No. 2145233

it's a resident samefag/baiter trying to recycle the same arguments, which is why they keep insisting apathy is "whining, entitlement, etc"

No. 2145234

>Everyone that calls Zoomers entitled is the same person

No. 2145235

no but you see, DA BOOMERS were ACTUALLY BAD but WE oldfag millennials… we're good and THESE YOUNG ZOOMER WHIPPERSNAPPERS are JUST LAZY… nobody wants to WORK anymore… no i don't sound like a boomer because that would be acknowledging that i'm GETTING OLD and becoming a privileged, senile bigot just like they were…(samefagging/integrate)

No. 2145239

All this cringe defense of Zoomers because 1 anon called them entitled. It's almost like Zoomers act entitled enough that they would click on a thread designed for talking shit about them, and then have a meltie when someone chats shit about them. Seriously what did they expect when they clicked on the thread?

No. 2145240

Normally I am fine with or even like zoomers. I work with a lot of them and they can be really cool. But there is one thing I don’t understand with them and that’s how they communicate online. We will be in the middle of a conversation and they up and leave for days without saying anything, come back days later and act like there was never a conversation happening at all. I’ll be like “so are you going to answer my question or?” and they are like “huh?” People can obviously respond to online messages later but jesus it feels so disrespectful of my own time when I think I’m waiting for them to say something and they could easily just be like “gotta go sorry bye”. I only see this with this group and it annoys the shit out of me. It’s like their brains can’t handle continuity or something.

No. 2145241

millennials are entitled because everyone treats you with kid gloves and like overgrown children by coddling your feelings even though you're literally 40

No. 2145246

Zoomers will act like being 40 is a crime against God and that if you're a woman over the age of 25 you're basically worse than Mussolini.

No. 2145247

The "answer my question" thing sends me spiraling cause 90% of the time, their question got answered but it just wasn't the answer they wanted to get

>Inb4 anons use this for any reason

This is 100% a zoomer moid behavior (I feel like most behaviors being described in the thread are exclusive to zoomer moids?)

No. 2145251

I work with a bunch of zoomers and I'm always shocked at their poor vocabulary and unexisting general knowledge, they're also always terrifed of making phone calls, to the point of being visibly shaken up and sometimes on the verge of tears at that idea, meanwhile they're showing their whole asshole on twitter and sperging out about muh ADHD / autism.

No. 2145252

No I’m saying I ask a question and they just never answer it, not even an answer I don’t like. It’s like they purposely skip over things they don’t want to read. Normally I’m asking a question for them to clarify something they said because they speak in riddles, by which I mean they tend to be extremely vague in their wording.

No. 2145258

yeah no one said that, but you don't deserve to be coddled at your big age when you're seething about young whippersnappers. grow the fuck up, you're 40 and you're already an annoying narcissistic old windbag who hates children. it's a little embarassing

No. 2145261

Ohh, I've met typically zoomer moids who will ask a question, then when you answer but it isn't what they wanted to hear they'll just claim "why didn't you answer my question?" sometimes as a "gotcha". I do notice what you're describing as well, again another zoomer moid behavior, it goes in one ear and out the other, communication with zoomer moids is useless

No. 2145264

it's like they didn't have kids so they just skipped to the paranoid agoraphobic old lady stage where they stare at teenagers through the window and yell at them for just existing

No. 2145265

>it's a little embarrassing
kind of like assuming someone is 40 because you don't like them is embarrassing.

No. 2145266

samefag but to explain it further, we will be talking and sometimes I will be like “oh what do you mean by that” and they’ll respond with a single meme that has nothing to do with anything even in context. I don’t get it. Why can’t they just be direct and communicate.

No. 2145267

Unfortunately it’s not even just moids for me. My best friend is a zoomer and she does this too and when I bring it up she says she’ll try to do better using her words but that lasts for like a day before it goes back to pure memes or emojis or just forgetting to answer.

No. 2145270

self diagnosed autism enable their antisocial behaviors

No. 2145273

I’d believe that tbh

No. 2145279

never encountered this with a zoomer girl thankfully
the autism excuse is so tiring, especially since actual autistic people were fighting to integrate in the general public and working hard to be presentable, now you have autistic zoomies demanding us accept them acting like the escaped the mental asylum just because, or even worse when they attack actual disabled and autistic people who they disagreed with

No. 2145282

first it was mental illnesses, then pronouns, then races, i think soon we'll start seeing more zoomies listing 100 different religions in their bios. muslim faking has kind of been around already so i'm expecting a lot of pagan/demi jewish/agnostic spectrum/person of faith posting soon.

No. 2145287

millenials actually think we're going to forget about their tumblr days as if their cringe SJW crap still isn't up

No. 2145289

I feel like this kind of stuff will probably get worse with gen alpha. A lot of millennials used instant messaging early on as a genuine form of communication that was closer to how people interact irl, just digitally. We had limited access before smartphones where we only used it when we came home from school or whatever. I think now the internet is so omnipresent that people easily come and go or use so much shorthand in the form of memes/emojis like you said that that even their regular friends just feel like some rando on a screen. I don’t even know if they realize they’re doing it or mean anything by it, it’s just the world they’re used to.

No. 2145303

this but the internet also allows people to act as aggressive as they want with no consequence (given, I see this affecting all generations, boomers can be super irrational online as well), while the communication sucks don't get me wrong, they also grew up in a world where you get the most bizarre consequences over seemingly normal opinions, and now you're walking on egg shells not knowing what can piss people off so you constantly stick with "safe" opinions (likely contributing to zoomers being blank and robotic) unless you're willing to act as ape-shit as others

No. 2145317

If there's one good thing that can come out of that, at the very least, maybe they will help get rid of phone calls as being the default method of communication. Fuck phone calls and boomers' reliance on them. Hate repeatedly asking for clarification on the phone when I'm making an appointment.

No. 2145329

The phone call thing I agree with unless it's an urgent thing, especially for businesses with high call volumes that don't answer the phone or have a crappy answering system. Like I shouldn't have to listen to a voice menu for 30 minutes straight with the slowest voice and most useless information possible to even speak to a person/leave a voicemail, and then when they're able to call back and I miss it's playing phone tag except they can reach me directly and I need to lose brain cells to talk to a human. Call me impatient but it shouldn't take an hour to schedule an appointment

No. 2145831

Why do Zoomers react so negatively when people remark about their bad behaviors? I remember when millennials were the punching bag, we never had melties over it. Now if you say something to a zoomer as a joke, they're crying and having a panic attack.

No. 2147009

This is old but you forget one very crucial detail anon: porn. Boomer men were the first generation who had relatively easy access to porn in the form of DVDs and magazines. It hasn't just not stopped since but it's grown to be more of an exponentially worse and worse problem. Also they lived through the sexual revolution. You can trace all their degeneracy and personality disorders to that point.

What you are describing also makes a lot of sense though.

No. 2148342

I should've killed myself at 12 sometimes methinks

No. 2157150

File: 1724801290480.jpg (164.08 KB, 568x1050, lazyjen.jpg)

Could've done it in the time this stupid ass post took. Zoomers are like this about everything

No. 2157176

This is more a generational thing tbh. I remember seeing posts like this on tumblr too. Zoomers definitely are having a hard time dealing with aging tho but that’s probably because of all the fucking filters.

No. 2157257

Jennifer looks like a 50 year old woman who abuses snow filters, not a zoomer. The name and owning property is a dead giveaway.

No. 2157732

I've owned property since I was a teen and I find it hard to tell fat peoples ages

No. 2168805

Zoomers have some of the ugliest names I have ever heard in my life. What the fuck kind of name is “Rayleigh”?

No. 2171818

This is their parents' fault kek.

No. 2179322

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So many are socially retarded. I just watched a zoomer give a play by play on discord of how scared he was to walk from the car through a parking lot to get to a store. Putting on a coat in front of people is “cringe” they’re all such massive dysfunctional cowards. Anxiety can affect all ages but these zoomers don’t have a courageous or confident bone in their body and I find them so pathetic.

No. 2180224

I don't get why zoomers have to constantly destigmatise everything to the point of completely ruining real-life stories. Like if some celebrity becomes abusive under the influence of drugs and alcohol, zoomers reporting the story will always add a little P.S. of "remember guys, abusive actions were their own doing! Don't blame the drugs and alcohol!" Like sometimes correlation does equal causation, or whatever. Also why weren't they abusive before then? Some things need to be told off on so people can take "accountability" as the zoomers say

No. 2180226

literally every single true crime video about a scrote who murders women because of his weird moid fetishes goes like this
>uwu please dont blame the scrotes who consensually strangle their partners he doesnt represent the whole community!!

No. 2180227

As a zoomer, I don’t like how it seems as though every zoomer has some kind of illness whether it be mental or physical. What the hell is up with that? Why are we so defective?

No. 2180249

Or mental illnesses. Stuff like simple depression or anxiety doesn't count. Or maybe it does in scrotes, but talking about testosterone will trigger the gendies and troons. Anyway stuff like PDs or bipolar, schizophrenia etc. Yes it's not nice to stigmatise people who are in treatment and want to change, but you cannot deny that mental illness is literally illness and will harm

No. 2180266

It's not the fault of zoomies, it's the fault of capitalism and the psych industry. Like every private industry, they want more customers, and their solution to that was to proclaim every tiny personality quirk and every reaction to one's circumstances to be a deviancy from the norm. The norm being a good wagie. Notice how the criteria for all illnesses includes "if it interferes in daily life", the daily life being spending 8 hrs a day making money for shareholders.
To drive in that capitalism is the main problem, notice how there exists such a thing as "maladaptive daydreaming" (wtf???) where they say you shouldn't be a dreamer because it brings nobody any money, but parasocial relationships are not officially a mental illness (even though it's obviously a maladaptive bond) because it brings several industries a ton of cash.

No. 2183030

> he doesnt represent the whole community!!
It's the same shit with the polyfags too.

No. 2190899

This tbh they are so ridiculously dysfunctional, only those of us nonnies that have to deal with them in a regular basis outside lolcow realize how bad they are have become at the most mundane shit you can imagine. I genuinely dont understand how many of them managed to graduate and hold a job, employees nowadays must be hiring any retards that tell them what they want to hear and are too chicken to even try to fight back when they try to take basic worker rights away (most zoomers happen to perfectly fit this description. Muh most progressive gen but can't hold the line for the working class rights the previous gens fought to obtain kek)

No. 2192976

I thought DNI lists died out as a fad but I guess not. The performative attempt at activism is hilarious. "DNI racists, pedos, homophobes uwu" like everyone knows those things are bad, you're not special. Don't get me started on "dni danganronpa fans dni dsmp fans dni kpop stans dni mha fans" grow up.

No. 2193085

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Do they actually think bad people are going to care about following those? I’ve had “TERFs DNI” people initiate conversation with me on Discord, and it’s so ironically funny because they don’t know I’m secretly a “TERF.”

No. 2193110

Exactly, what is a kid having "pedos dni" in their bio gonna do? Ah yes, a pedo would totally respect a kid's boundaries!

No. 2194247

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It’s gotten to the point where people say “basic DNI criteria” as a lazy shorthand for racists, pedos, etc. and then add all the people they personally find annoying (like fans of specific media). There are even Carrds describing these “basic DNI criteria.” Here’s a particularly obnoxious one:

KEK at
>you use the toothpaste or listerine flags
(gayden fujoshi flag)


>you think men can be oppressed for being men
(mutually exclusive)

>you identify as a fujoshi/fudanshi

(interesting how they said nothing about yuri fans…)

No. 2194248

>pro amab trans men/afab trans women
Poor Kikomi is not allowed.

No. 2194249

I hate how lefty zoomers are crybabies who need a sense of belonging so they pretend to be LGBT or become trans for attention and will cancel you for everything you do so they think they are a better person than you, while right-wing zoomers larp as edgelord nazi aryan pedos and call every black person "nigger" and have no empathy at all.
They are both bad, I'm sure leftists in 1980s were cool punks who did drugs and right wing were normal people who wanted a trad life, instead of lolicon internet addict coomers.

No. 2194281

>you think men can be oppressed for being men

No. 2194401

>right wing were normal people who wanted a trad life, instead of lolicon internet addict coomers
Right like I can't take them seriously when they claim they hate "modern white women" for being whores and having OF but then think it's based to make loli porn their whole personality and just in general be 100 times more whoreish in the way they talk about women. If you try to tell them they actually need to be respectful, stop talking about porn around women and consuming it and make money in order to provide for your trad wife and future family they all lose their shit yet they'll still call themselves trads for some reason. Especially the porn thing, like do they really expect a trad wife to be overjoyed that her husband is talking about how he jerks off to lolis or see that as normal when that's more of a libshit thing (to find porn okay or acceptable?). It's like they want all the servitude and dominance that comes with trad lifestyles but libshit values whenever it's convenient for them. As for the leftoid zoomers they're not any better either, they're all hypocrites who claim to support women all while sucking tranny cock and pretending female objectification is empowering and feminist

No. 2194428

leftists in past were men who are mad at rich men but still wanted to subjugate women (still are). leftist women either actually wanted a better world or to be counterculture. Real trads, actual right winger men want power and also women subjugated. Right wing women think female subjugation will keep them safe from male degeneracy from affording them male protection.

No. 2194546

I'm a younger zoomer and seeing literal 16-17 year olds clown on fucking 19-20 year olds online with the average insults of "girl get off social media and get a job and pay taxes, you're old" is just depressing. There's little originality but god, it's just a few years, you're not going to die the moment you turn 18, wtf.

No. 2194570

They do it because they were brainwashed by the pedo-plague and think women over 19 are "old hags" it's very weird I think it's a porn-4chan psyop, either way they are going to wake up one day and turn 18 and get upset they can't get pedo moid attention anymore. I blame shitty parenting and possibly belle delphine for this plague

No. 2194571

16 is old enough to get a job wtf they should practice what they preach kek

No. 2194573

And the cycle begins again

No. 2194574

And pay taxes too, at least where I'm from.

No. 2194580

> "girl get off social media and get a job and pay taxes, you're old
Kids who're 16 rn are gonna be heavily into the whole learned helplessness/can't do shit by myself/'it's not my fault the world is fucked!' shtick worse than the generation above them. Join the club of adults who're growing up and reaching milestones slower and slower than before.

No. 2194687

Why the fuck are zoom-zooms saying the word "Pookie" all the time in regards to their friends? You sound retarded and friendless

No. 2194705

i saw a bunch of zoomers/alpha kids debating why teenagers should have shitty exploitative jobs for the absolute worst pay possible because they’re inexperienced. wait until you get jobs retards

No. 2194725

Almost every zoomer I've talked to online is the type to talk over others and simply ignore everything that isn't about themselves. They seem to lack respect, consideration and other basic values then wonder why no one likes them. Older people are like this too but the worst ones I encounter are always zoomers

No. 2194730

you know, i actually had a great job prospect as a 19 year old and i blew it. so then i did retail for years. now that i'm in a great job again, we have young students coming in (18-22 yr olds) who also blow it or otherwise go "i don't want to do this" when it would logically be a great career choice. kids are going to make stupid decisions. better to have them waste those impulsive choices on bad jobs instead of immediately plopping them into good jobs imo.

No. 2194738

i see that pov and agree but why are kids who haven’t even joined the workforce yet debating on if they should have to do slave labour or not kek.
the internet makes them all think they’re far more advanced than they really are.

No. 2194754

As a 22 year old I hate this. Social media has genuinely fucked up my perception of age, but also this has always been a handmaiden thing as well. Girls are told from birth that they will eventually age and be ugly. moids do the same with the wall bullshit, and then social media is so populated by little kids now that they're convinced over 18 is death. To be honest though, a bit of a crackpot theory but I think the chronically online kids only think that 18 is death is because of anime. Anime rarely ever features adults and if it does it's depressing. Japanese culture's belief that life ends after high school has seeped into Western teens as well, speaking as an animefag. Sorry for the tangent though.

No. 2194756

In order for this to be effective we need to instill laws for either longer legal required care from parents/guardians/foster or some other form of programs because a lot of kids get kicked out on their 18th birthday if not shortly after they graduate high school, and then even more American kids are trying to escape abusive homes. We can just build a society expecting extreme independence at such a young age, and then continue to increasingly remove all the aspects that once allowed for teenagers to be able to support themselves

No. 2194759

I've seen girls that look like actual teenagers on TT get called old kek. Most of the age fear mongering is just people being dicks

No. 2194761

Agreed but to be fair it feels like a lot of actual teenagers are looking older and older now. Sephora kids don't fuck around and now little girls are being pressured more than ever to grow up and look mature and get into makeup with elaborate hour long skincare routines.

No. 2194765

I'm a chronically online zoomer fuck and I think it's hilarious how much these DNis have evolved over time. Things that were once acceptable now longer are. and vice versa. I remember when he/him lesbians and she/her gay men were shit on and now they're accepted. Neopronouns used to not be accepted even in the LGBT community and now they are. Being trans med used to be accepted and now it's not. These bitches change their minds every couple months.

No. 2194767

Are there any zoomers who don't care about getting older? I don't use tiktok and it blows my mind people are having melties over turning 20 years old kek. It's annoying and cowish to me. I feel like the people who are hyperfocused on losing their youth by turning 25 are people who literally have 0 prospects in life of their own volition. Like maybe develop a skill that can get you some desk job. Work on something. Get a wage job that offers health insurance.

No. 2194771

I personally always looked forward to becoming an adult. Whatever happened to that childlike wonder and excitement of finally being independent and being a WOMAN? That was never lost on me even as a zoomer. There were times I felt I was being psy-opped into hating aging but I always remembered how I was as a little girl and idolising adult women for how well they adulted. It’s such a shame that that’s being lost on younger girls because of coomers and retarded tiktok sentiments. How will they ever be happy, well-adjusted adults with that mindset?

No. 2194773

I think it's normal to have thoughts and worries about getting older, it's not really cowish imo. At 20 is when shit starts getting sorta real for most people. You're probably halfway through college, you're probably gonna start your first internship, etc etc. Even if you don't go to college you're gonna not gonna get babied by everyone anymore, there's more pressure by everyone to get your shit together and move out too.

No. 2194778

In this economy no 20 year old is getting any pressure to move out kek. They get psyopped into thinking they need to have their shit together at 20 years old when they're basically just adult children. I'm sorry but it's so retarded to worry about getting older and no longer receiving the asspats you get as a teen. Not only that but to project that fear onto other people who don't give a fuck? Cow behavior.

No. 2194783

I understand why tbh. A lot of media and culture romanticizes youth and being young, which makes getting old seem like a death sentence respectively. But getting old isn't that bad. You don't hit some age where you suddenly are ugly and everything is terrible but it takes some time to realize that. I think we need more media that romanticizes all stages of life, including being middle aged.

No. 2194789

> I think we need more media that romanticizes all stages of life, including being middle aged.
There is media about this, there are tons of movies and shows about old and middle aged people. The zoomers who are scared to death of turning 25 are not going to watch these movies or shows kek. They usually spend way too much time on tiktok getting forcefed body checks from 17 year old aesthetic girls.

No. 2194809

Is there a Euphoria or Gossip Girl but for old people?

No. 2194810

True, but I've also seen older women who objectively look younger get called old looking or zoomers claiming "she looks her age/older" when she literally does not

No. 2194823

Girl… sex and the city.

No. 2194826

Desperate Housewives? Not that the actresses were remotely old but it's set during an older stage of life at least.

No. 2194830

zoomer women don't want to get old because zoomer men are total coombrain porn addict pedos

No. 2194846

Only person I've seen who says Pookie is a 55+ year old Andrew Tate-loving man who uses it in the context of "WOMEN ARE OUT SCREWING POOKIE AND TYRONE INSTEAD OF SETTLING DOWN!"

No. 2194925

Top kek at my fellow zoomers nlogging the fuck out of this thread. I do think a lot of you are over generalising on some fronts but I enjoy this thread for the purpose of self reflection. Personally it's hard to tell if something is a common experience for all generations or a symptom of a given period and generation. For example, cognitive dissonance or general disassociation is so pervasive amongst my peers it's creepy, though it's easy to spot in others I may very well miss it in myself. A lot of my college friends act like this, on the surface they seem normal but they're hiding insane coke addiction or alcoholism and are deeply unhappy with themselves and their lives, unable to make choices for themselves due to succumbing to outside pressure, usually parents, and act out in the dangerous adult ways that are now more readily available mainly drug and drink and sex as if to prove how adult and independent they are.
I'm dying to get older personally, I'm most looking forward to my thirties followed closely by the following decades before retirement and really only because the 30s are more immediate than later decades so I get to enjoy it sooner. From what I'm told/can tell, your emotions and hormones mellow out and life might get easier the more experience I have.

No. 2195539

I’m older gen Z and none of the gen Z women I know in real life are really making a big deal of it. none of us are obsessed with skincare like anons here say gen Z is, either. I’m wondering if that impression could be coming from tiktok? “Influencers” are sent products to use in their videos, but they don’t always disclose that as they should

No. 2196220

I think Gen Z’s thing where they view being like 20-25 as old and being afraid of aging is because they sort of had it drilled into their heads that after 21 there’s basically nothing valuable about them anymore, that’s also why there’s this rush to get married so young to the point of almost being trad, because getting married in your 30s or 40s is seen as too late for you to find love. It’s also this nihilistic view many of them take, “Fuck it, I’m gonna die, so is everyone and everything else I know, no one will care and all my dreams, hopes, wants, and personal development are for nothing so I may as well just sit around and wait to die” and that attitude is why we have things like 14 year olds on TikTok teaching how apply anti aging cream, because they’re in denial of their own aging and death so they’re trying to pretend it won’t be there. That’s also why the whole reality shifting thing got big, just another attempt to escape from sad reality and go to your dream world in Harry Potter or wherever

No. 2196373

Honestly I think Gen Z thinking 21 is old is sort of incidentally self-inflicted because zoomers started dominating the internet and everything became focused around them.

No. 2196374

Getting married in your 30s and 40s if you wanna have kids is kind of late because the later you reproduce the more retarded and autistic the kid comes out, which we can see with zoomers and alfies who were born from old parents

No. 2196380

I think a lot of it is fear of adulthood, and to be fair, society is pretty bleak right now with multiple different types of shit hitting the fan. For the chronically online, there's a chance they're also afraid of the "accountability culture" they've cultivated on social media, it's gonna be jarring when people don't handwave their antics away with "oh they're just young and retarded" anymore.

No. 2196391

i just had my 19 yo zoomer sister tell me “you are 24” earlier in a way of saying i’m too old. in fact she pissed me off so much that’s why i opened lolcow kek. i was like, 24 will come sooner than you think and i’ll see you in 5 years when you become a “hag”

No. 2196414

So this is a term. Idk how to feel about it. Will the next generation be betties? I actually kinda like that

No. 2196788

You are a zoomer yourself

No. 2196909

Your 30s are absolutely not late to have kids anon. The risk to birth a kid with autism doesn't start to increase meaningfully until mid 30s at earliest and even then the difference is very minimal.

No. 2197288

tradtard spotted kek this is completely false lmfao also you can have kids without getting married and vice versa

No. 2197504

>that attitude is why we have things like 14 year olds on TikTok teaching how apply anti aging cream, because they’re in denial of their own aging and death so they’re trying to pretend it won’t be there.
Not denying that it's partially the reason but I think the biggest reason was unsupervised access to tiktok and imitating the young adult beauty vloggers. It's irritating that the parents didn't put a stop to it because they think that it's cute how young girls are now getting a headstart on being victims of beauty industry consoomerism. I'm a millennial and I remember thinking I was old at 21 because even back the idea that 18 is some magical age where you transition into a full fledged adult and was prevalent. At the same time I do think people in general were more lenient about being able to enjoy certain hobbies and fashions without being called an old hag by 25 (not saying that it didn't happen because it still did, but it's not as bad as it is today with all the "ummm excuse me, i'm a LITERAL CHILD" that 18 year olds like to pull when you try to hold them accountable lol).

No. 2199189

I hate how zoomers overuse "they". It's not proper english. They means multiple people and if you already said the subject was a she or a he then stick to it. It's distracting like shifting between third and first person.

No. 2199202

Millennial women were told "Whatever you do, don't get married young!!! Go find yourself and travel and girlboss and figure out your life first before you're legally bound to a man" (which is solid advice). Now that we're in our 30s, zoomers and boomers are shitting on us for being "old" and that it's too late to have kids or we're selfish for waiting. It's exhausting.

No. 2199252

>waaah we were told to do xyz and it was a lie
>waaaah they promised us careers and houses
I was promised a pony too but my parents clearly weren’t going to give me one kek
Congrats you’ve discovered that most human beings talk out of their asses, not sure what you’re playing victim for though. Millennials are so annoying with their whining. Did you expect mommy and daddy to always give you instructions for living your life? Some people have war in their countries.(infight bait)

No. 2199346

Did you even read her post past the first few words…? Kek, typical Zoomer attention span.

No. 2199380

I’m pretty sure the “25 is wall” bullshit comes from redpill pedos but I don’t know why younger zoomers are buying it. Maybe it’s the overconsumption of childrens media about fantastical teenagers who save the world and fall in love, combined with general zoomer retardation. It’s really funny to me that just a few years ago people were saying “zoomers will save us!!” because I don’t even know, Greta thunberg made the news? Billie eilish released an album?

No. 2199397

AYRT and good point tbh. It’s actually a bit of both IMO, Gen Z is in heavy denial about aging and thanks to shit like the Kardashians the young kids now think they need to artificially make themself look forever like teens to be considered worth anything once they get older

No. 2199419

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I noticed there's not really any “tween/teen” fashion, makeup or hair anymore, with social media it’s all blended together now. Gen Z and Gen Alpha girls are on tiktok from a young age getting their fashion and makeup and hair advice from women in their 20s and there’s no longer trends that only exist for teenagers. And also the standards have gotten much higher for what they look like. When I was in high school most girls weren’t that good at makeup and now they’re all pros with makeup tutorials and high-end products. Our “makeup tips” from Teen Magazine in the 2000s were like, a small block of text saying something like
>Use a swipe of blue on your eyelids and blend for a pop of color!
and we all just had to figure out what that meant with our shitty little drugstore eyeshadows and foam applicators, kek

No. 2199543

lmao cry harder illiterate zoomer

No. 2199736

Anime and associated interests definitely fucked over several generations of Americans, people weren't always like this. But now even the women who should have been a bit more cerebral tend to be fixated on youth and teenager~y things.

No. 2200365

Kek pretending anime is an important cultural relic or institution is just plain silly, with a capital 'S'. Anime is literally for losers it has no impact on anything in the culture or society.

No. 2201308

>it has no impact on anything in the culture or society.
Sorry nonna but that's wrong in many aspects. It may not have had any influence on your personal life, but anime has contributed to coomer brainrot, the self infantilization of many girls and women especially when it comes to to DDLG and gross lolisho shit, plus idiots who try to mimic the unrealistic proportions through photoshop and have retarded scrotes believing that their 2.5D anime waifu is just around the corner. This unfortunately affects women whether we acknowledge it or not. It goes hand in hand with creating an artificial standard to live up to, as retarded as it seems to a self aware person who isn't brainrotted.

No. 2201451

Normies used to make fun of anime but it's definitely somewhat mainstream now among people who wouldn't have watched it back in the day. I definitely think it contributed to coomer brainrot, anime and hentai becoming mainstream is what led to people doing the stupid ahegao faces everywhere, streamers dressing like little girls and pitching their voices up to sound like anime characters and scrotes imitating hentai moans and shit in public.

No. 2206976

What do you guys think about the new popularity of Victoria's Secret among zoomers?

No. 2206985

It becoming more mainstream has just made it so zoomers split into two groups too, the ones that are far left and say anything is pedophilia and want le inclusive troon representation or whatever and talk about how everything is problematic, and the edgy ones who are far right and will call you a filthy tourist despite barely watching anything themselves if you don't masturbate to loli, with the latter group also including some older creepy men in it as well. Both are insufferable and anime should've just stayed a niche thing so I wouldn't have had to witness how cringe both of these groups of people are. It 100% contributed to the coomer brainrot and should've stayed something people were ashamed to talk about in public

No. 2207130

I hate how anime is mainstream with zoomers most of them are posers and do it to fit in with internet "weirdos" but in real life they would bully the weirdos they find cool. It's weird how zoomers think being a 4channer is cool but they would be disgusted by original 4chan users, I blame the youtubers who introduced gen Z 4chan.

No. 2207433

They like Victoria's Secret? I thought VS was still using ugly and/or obese models

No. 2207885

The oldest zoomers are 29 now. We should start hating on Gen Alpha.

No. 2213409

This isn't really zoomer hate, but I've noticed that the older zoomers think they're the first generation to hate working. Also many of them will talk about not wanting to do the hustle culture thing but then also talk about having multiple income streams/just be a tiktoker and make money/etc. Now outside of the ones saying that to grift a shitty course they're selling, it's a wild mentality to me.
Also this might be more of a cultural thing, but it's insane to me how many consider getting food delivery almost daily something that's the baseline, and not the luxury it is. Same for going on vacation/holidays. But I'm also from a low middle class family so that's probably part of it too. Everyone should be able to dine out now and then, but that's also always been something special for me growing up, not something that was done more than once or twice a year.
29 would be zillennial or straight up millennial.

No. 2213438

Gen Z is 1995-2009 so if we're being specific with years, 29-year-olds are zoomers.

No. 2227221

i don't like being a zoomer i have generation dysphoria

No. 2227680

I would kill to be a milennial

No. 2227701

being a zoomer is so boring, our ''culture'' is minecraft gameplays and neopronouns

No. 2227705

And pretending that anything you can't find on Google in five seconds is fake and can't possibly be real

No. 2227753

Anytime younger zoomers tell me I'm one of them (I'm 27) I try to deny it

No. 2228338

Don’t worry too much, once shit hits the fan and there’s nothing left those of your generation, who survive, are going to create some really amazing content.

No. 2228377

anon i don't know you, but speaking as a ZTB (zoomer to boomer) transgenerational person i get the feeling from your post that you might be transgenerational. have you considered exploring different generational expressions? no one should have to suffer from being born in the wrong generation and you are not defined by the year assigned to you at birth. don't let anyone tell you what generation you belong to.

No. 2228437

Was on the bus home tonight when a group of loud zoomer kids came on yelling hawk tuah to eachother like it's the funniest thing ever then yelling THANKS SENPAI on the way off the bus…

No. 2229591

And zoomers swear up and down that it's millennials that's obessed with hawk tuah.

No. 2230590

Are you sure that wasn’t Gen Alpha?

No. 2235279

The confidence with which zoomers will assert that they are right simply because they’ve never heard a term before. Just because your context is different doesn’t mean it doesn’t also mean the other thing you’re being told it means. For a generation with technology at their fingertips zoomers certainly are the most willfully ignorant group, no wonder they have so much in common with boomers.

No. 2236500

what do you guys think about Zoomer's wanting to bring back lavender marriages?

No. 2236501

At first I was gonna say that I don't understand why people my age would want to return to hiding homosexuality, considering we've lived in an era for quite some time now where homosexuality isn't only legal and socially acceptable but also has almost in a way started to outbalance heterosexuality. But it seems like being gay has lost the spice it had 20 years ago.
>A 40 year old man picks up our son in his Kia
What the fuck?

No. 2236504

I would do it if there was a gay man willing to take the offer. At least you don't have to have sex with him.

No. 2236505

Honestly, I see it as a good thing. I have a lot of zoomer friends who are pretty much incapable of having long-term relationships due to their uncompromising personalities and I worry for them since they seem so utterly alone in life. If this comes to trend, maybe more of them will at least have a "partner" even if it's not necessarily romantic. I see no downsides, really.

No. 2236508

Are they saying that they would turn a blind eye to their son being preyed on by a gay pedophile?? What??

No. 2236621

Idk what they're on about. Lavender marriages are still a thing in developed countries, but it's mostly a thing adults from religious families do and who don't want to completely sever their ties with family (or avoid honour killings tbh). Also, they clearly don't understand what the term is actually about. Literally just call it friend marriages and don't co-opt a term that doesn't need to be co-opted.

No. 2236658

Idk if this has been said before but I’m so sick of the sooner/ social media behavior; they overshare, film people without consent, then are crybullies when you call them out.
I also disagree with their whole “muh abuse” type of shit, like life is hard, but these babies cry, too damn much.
I also hate their form of “alternative fashion” is wearing black, and being performative for troons, the metal spaces are shit now, and the local bars in my area now don’t do emo night, and now have Taylor swift, chappel roan, and Charlie xcx nights, I’m sick of them

No. 2271129

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Went to my local library to get away from my shit home and this is what I see on the desks. And no I definitely didn’t write this, the library is next to a school. If this isn’t fueling my antinatalism than I don’t know what is. I’m tired of these spatially retarded snot-filled children, they’re absolutely brainless, can’t read/write and are the most selfish, devilish humans I’ve ever encountered. I feel like this is more about gen alpha than zoomers but my god I would love a thread for gen alpha hate. Inb4 they’re just children, yeah… even the mini scrotelings know they’re monsters. They know writing this is wrong and I know for a fact this was written by a male child not a female one. God bless these young girls… seriously

No. 2271140

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That's why I genuinely don't understand people who genuinely think that children are innately innocent and incapable of hate. I remember being a child and I'll say it with my full chest that children are some hateful motherfuckers. Kids are still people, and people can be very shit and all on their own, man. Even non-human "kids" are shitty. You know baby foxes kill each other?

No. 2271156

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one of my side projects is on the concept of the malicious or evil child in earlier times. I don't want to be too specific here but there's a poem (in praise of a martyr) where schoolboys stab their teacher to death with their metal styli. (text below picrel says he was murdered by them - the poem describes them carving their lessons into his flesh)

Probably never happened but idk I want to find more examples of kids being evil. Often in pre-modern history/lit they were depicted as neutral and boring, without personality. There's at least one book on the subject but I hope to contribute more to his analysis eventually

No. 2271222


No. 2271245

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No. 2271253

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Found an interesting article on their hyperindivudalism with a zoomer interviewed. These jerks need to read "what we owe to each other" by scanlon and get their head out of their asses
Crybully is an amazing descriptor of their behavior

No. 2271255

No. 2271268

>Often in pre-modern history/lit they were depicted as neutral and boring, without personality.
Woah nonnie can you elaborate? I find this intriguing.

No. 2271306

It's insufferable omg they're dead behind the eyes and don't know how to interact irl and would rather angrily rant about their supposed superior morality and pretend they're activists. It's not just gen Z that have started behaving this way.

No. 2271520

Not exclusive to zoomers but I really hate the whole "spreading awareness" shit that's rampant in burger zoomers. Not to sound like an abusive boomer but some of them really cannot take a joke and have no identity so they vicariously live through defending communities who didn't need their defense to begin with. Eg some streamer made a COVID joke 4 years ago that was apparently insensitive to Asians? Burger zoomers everywhere screeching about it while countless Asians reply they found it funny/not offensive and then the zoomers will attack them too saying they're pick-mes and self-hating. If you really cared for COVID issues maybe do something about it, like pay for strangers' vaccines or medical bills from acquiring COVID or something that actually helps people. Oh you can't? Then shut the hell up about your "awareness". You think likes, tweets and pfps help?
Agreed we need an alfie (apparently this is what they're called kek) thread. Especially since they're growing up in the age where social media and politics and extremist ideology is rampant combined with the iPads in their faces. Cue alfie boys making rape jokes at the age of 9 to the girls in their class and the "your body my choice" shit.

No. 2271525

NTAYRT but Nick Fuentes isn’t a gen A kek, I think he’s a millennial

No. 2271530

Come on, really kek? I was talking about his followers and kids who saw that tweet and are repeating it because they think it's cool

No. 2271546

Nta and I haven't been in school for a few years but I don't imagine that making rape jokes or trying to mock the "your body my choice" meme is popular at all amongst young zoomers/older alfies, at least back when I was in high school (2017/2021) doing stuff like that could get you suspended or even expelled and I don't think thats changed at all

No. 2271559

Millennial teachers are reporting hearing it in schools right now. Also no offense but do you really think schools (especially burger schools) will do anything about that kind of thing? Teachers will assume that's on the same vein as name-calling, hell they punish victims who fight back when they're being physically bullied and send sexual assaulters off with a pat on the back.

No. 2271564

Again, I can only speak to my own experience, but back when I was a student (granted in a blue state) my school had a zero tolerance policy for stuff like that and didn't allow any wiggle room for perpetrators of sexual assault/vulgar bullying to get away with behavior like that

No. 2271567

>send sexual assaulters off with a pat on the back
NTAYRT but this just isn’t true? And if a public school did for some reason go against their own written rules and choose to instead reward bullies for sexual assault then that would turn into grounds for legal action?

No. 2271590

I mean look at this video. Sneako’s garbage has already rotted their minds. It excites little XYlings brains when their biological misogyny is encouraged and validated

No. 2271599

From experience nobody bothers with legal action either because most SA cases get attrition. It's all hearsay, SA is difficult to prove because unless you have video evidence or DNA evidence nobody will give a shit if the jock on the leadership team put his hand in multiple girls' underwear.

No. 2271708

I remember my female friends joking about rape in middle school, and I’m the same age as you. Maybe I just had very inappropriate friends.

No. 2273123

>She doesn't know old sperm is actually the one at fault for most if not all of birth defects
Lmao pedo pick me loser. Have fun wasting your 20s chasing some shitty vile moid that will resent you for making him "give up other pussy" and will traumatize you and your children cause you fell for a meme created by leftover pedo men in their 40s.

Keep getting your relationship and family planning advice from post wall red pill bros, I'm sure that's gonna work out flawlessly

No. 2273137

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Samefagging but fuck these fear mongering tradtard bitches, if that isn't a moid as per usual.

Ladies, look out for expired, low quality sperm. Date younger men if necessary. Modern men's sperm count has been decreasing over the years, and the ones they've got left are basically deformed and swimming sideways if they swim at all.

Don't reproduce with a scrote who's past 35. Hell even 30 may be too late for them (see pic related). His sperm has expired. It's a life sentence for your kids, you are gonna produce some deeply autistic kids at best and some literal retards at worst. This is part of the reason why zoomers are so fucked up and slow: many of them had older fathers cause gen Xrs and millennial moids refused to start a family until found themselves in their mid 30s when they realized they were going to die alone. Don't fall for this psyop, calling a pregnant 35 year old woman a "geriatric pregnancy" is a literal meme (that is not even an honest way of addressing a woman on that age, since the word geriatric refers to an actual elderly person) created and pushed by projecting pedo doctors during the last century that female doctors tried to fight against but got silenced. All while conveniently hiding the whole issue going on with the decay of modern men's sperm.

All men say about women, fertility and age is anything but projection and cope, as everything going on with men is.

No. 2273141

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No. 2273145

I will punch the next bitch who uses the term “geriatric pregnancy.” We’re FEMALE. Our reproductive window is already designed to keep us and our children safe. We’re not having babies at 80 like men. God already made sure we don’t hurt ourselves and others. GERIATRIC PEOPLE are 65-80 years old. No 65-80 year old is GETTING PREGNANT. There is no such thing as a geriatric pregnancy, period. The difference between a 20 year old and a 40 year old mother is almost nonexistent compared to the risks of a 40 year old father. PATERNAL AGE is the real problem. You’re a mentally ill freak trying to force women to have babies at 25 because that’s the age where it’s guaranteed to ruin your career. 20s babies are more detrimental to your life than teen mom babies. It’s statistically the WORST time to have kids. And that’s exactly why tard thots are obsessed with shaming women who have kids past 30. They’re trying to ruin your life.

No. 2273151

This is a fascinating subject
It's such a steep drop that there's bound to be multiple causes
Interestingly nobody proposes that the prevalence of porn and jacking off two thousand times a day since puberty has any effect on sperm quality and quantity. Nah, the chronic over-use and over-depletion couldn't possibly have anything to do with it

No. 2273204

I've learned about human development biology and studied biomedical science both are bad for fertility and the health of offspring. Elderly paternal age is associated with schizophrenia and autism, elderly maternal age; down syndrome and the risk of stillbirth. A dramatic age gap between paternal and maternal ages is correlated with stillbirth and premature births. A major problem with female reproduction is the number of gametes diminishes severely over time due to menses whereas males doesn't at the same rate but the male gamete has issues with chemotaxis, thermotaxis and capacitation which are the main drivers of fertilization. Another thing to consider is that the male gamete is motile and energy expending while the females are energy retaining and stationary so the mutation rate is influenced by this factor too. Cell differentiation and turnover probably has an influence on the mutation rate of sperm too. Other factors are sperm competition. I don't know much about the male "infertility crisis" but it sounds like bullshit. "Fertility" is declining in all developed countries because for the first time in human history women have a slither of human rights, and the main reason being that they can't afford it. There is no deep reason, and its not a infertility crisis in women, its a "choice of human rights crisis". Women just can't afford to have kids and the global south is catching up. Women choosing not to have kids is not a crisis. The uterus can incubate eggs and the uteruses of older women 40-50s pre-menopause are capable of a healthy pregnancy but you'd need egg donors and there's likely more complications resulting from this. It still bares mentioning since the reproductive limit of women is based around the finite and diminishing number of gametes, not the apparatus for gestation itself.

I don't agree with calling a woman over 35 "geriatric" due to mainstream pedo-culture but pregnancy is not good period, and women are more at risk for breast cancer from pregnancy, cervical cancer from STIs and ovarian cancer from birth control. The rate of say prostate cancer is not comparable to the commonality of breast cancer.

No. 2273210

I’m not reading all that. I’m never having a baby before 35 and if it’s not up to my standards I’ll drop it off somewhere and make a new one with an 18 year old male. Simple as

No. 2273353

Based and Stacypilled

No. 2274518

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Randomly remembered the weird dm Julian Casablancas sent to a young girl on ig and got chills

No. 2275457

Kek underrated post

No. 2275718

I hate the retarded zoomer phrase "womp womp". It's supposed to mean "boohoo" but it's always only used to purposely be insensitive about a topic. Some celebrity moid raped a child? His fangirls will say "womp womp the child deserved it". It's never used as an actual joke

No. 2275812

>His fangirls will say "womp womp the child deserved it".
I think it’s mostly teenage boys trying to be edgy to get on people’s nerves

No. 2277163

Ayrt unfortunately not. Plenty of unironic biological girls say this. This musician I used to like was outed for openly expressing attraction to fucking 6-7 year olds and his fangirls are all in the comments of the video saying that phrase. I want to a-log, I don't care how young and delusional they are.

No. 2284191

Request fulfilled, anon. Fuck them kids

No. 2290977

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Gen z is literally just millenial 2.0 except they havent done shit. No major movements or any political action. They just… post.. They believe anything said to them on social media. All they do is talk like millenials. "hey so um hating trannies is bad, actually!". Literally what is wrong with you, you should be shoved in a locker you dork. They don't do any political action yet constantly police eachother and split each individual hair over frivolous ragebait pushed towards them by silicon valley trumpshits. It's actually "them damn phones"!! They're literally addicted to ragebait and it runs their culture. They fell for the tradshit, they fell for shit like temu and shein, they fell for general grayness. It's so embarassing, I can't even name anything culturally significant in the 2020's other than like covid 19 or brat. Shit sucks

No. 2290989

Sorry, what is "general grayness"?

No. 2291423

You don't need any examples. Children are naturally evil (selfish) because that's the optimal mindset for something that's concerned only with its own survival (as it should be). This will be 100x more pronounced in male children.

No. 2292359

The reason for this is YouTube and social media. They all incentivised mediocrity and quantity over quality so thats the zoomer mindset when it comes to media.
There's no more reward for being a real creative. There's ONLY a reward for following the rules. Marketing firms set the trends, you follow them. End of story.

No. 2292603

I never got the outrage over the picrel. It's just showing how photography developed, but people interpret it as proof that our world is more grey now. Of course we have less red, orange, and yellow tones in photos now, because photography isn't sepia toned anymore.

No. 2293559

I'm genuinely scared of how face blind younger zoomers are to troons. An AGP could have a straight up beard and his dick out 24/7 and they would comment "OMG SHE'S TRANS? I DIDN'T KNOW WTF". I wish they were just saying that as a way of complimenting the troon but some of them are so face blind due to being spoonfed gendie shit their entire lives. The concept of biological recognition absolutely does not exist with the gendie zoomer crowd. I remember when Dylan Multranny got face surgery which did feminise him a bit but you could still tell he was blatantly obviously male and there were wars in the comments from people with bio recognition vs zoomers thinking they were pseudoscientists. I wonder if losing a biological instinct like this screws up some part of the brain kek

No. 2303378

I feel sick looking at what zoomers did to millennial aesthetics. Shit like "scenecore". Og scene was just dumb fun, quirky colours and rawr i'm so random xd and now it's TikTok teens listening to music by Discord groomers claiming "scene music" was ever a thing with 5edgy3u lyrics about grooming kids and self-harming.

No. 2303431

> There's no more reward for being a real creative. There's ONLY a reward for following the rules. Marketing firms set the trends, you follow them. End of story.
Kind of nailed it. They all seem so obsessed with defining their brand or aesthetic or what superficial and stupid rules to place on themselves to an insanely rigid degree. Obviously young people have always gone through phases or fashion moments and social trends, but you were allowed to just exist as an individual with unique interests and passions and taste 20 years ago.

No. 2303835

Tbf music made by literal pedophiles like Blood on the dance floor was popular with scene kids, and it was common to get groomed in Myspace and other early social media sites as well as concerts etc. Back then people rarely even raised eyebrows for "relationships" between teens and grown ass men. Every subculture/trend that attracts teen girls and young women will have greasy moids invading to take advandage of them.

No. 2305063

This is why the extremely large span in years for generations is retarded. Older zoomers were old enough to be og scene kids. I don't even see 17-20 year olds trying to recreate scene looks besides like 10 terminally online kids. And there was absolutely a large music scene where scene kids typically listened to the same bands that they bonded over; mostly emo and metalcore. Bands like BOTDF, Escape the Fate, Suicide Silence, Sleeping with Sirens, Asking Alexandria, Never Shout Never, etc. This was the point of subcultures, everyone having something in common that they liked and wanted to signal it to others to find a community. This no longer exists today. Scene kids were adjacent to emos just a more fun, colorful version so self harm was still very big back then. These are outcast kids who ended up participating in genuine counterculture, after all.

However, I don't understand why younger gen z has to add "core" to everything. Why are they so uncomfortable just calling it "scene"? Because it's been dead for 15 years?

No. 2310207

I don’t completely hate gen z, but i find them greatly insufferable. What i will say is i actually feel sorry for the lot of them. What i gather from most is that they really have no sense of self or any sense of belonging. They all just follow the crowd and do what they think is “safe” because of the rampant amount of black and white thinking in their generation.

My generation (i’m a millennial) spent most of our time pushing against labels and encouraged people that it was ok to be different. With gen z, they all have to fit into whatever trendy category exists. They all talk, think and act the same way. Most of them struggle with comprehension, have zero emotional regulation and maturity and often they read/listen to respond. Their attention spans are non existent, they can’t engage in deep conversation or understand any semblance of nuance without their brains short circuiting and flying into fight or flight mode.

My sympathy is limited because they’re usually so petulant, pretentious and have no respect for anyone or anything. They seem hellbent on one upping millenials but all the things they come up with, we had it first. They just add a retarded name to it and act like its a cultural reset.

No. 2310240

I mostly just feel bad for them. Us millennials were retarded when we were in school too, but social media was barely a thing back then and we had no way to document our retardation publicly online. Kids are always experimenting with their identity, but nowdays it’s so much more politically charged than just suddenly dressing goth one week or whatever. Now their every movement is put under the microscope and used as fodder against one political party or another. Not to mention most of their parents are just shitty and never should have had kids in the first place.

No. 2310309

You now know how the 80s goths and glam metal fans felt when seeing scene kids for the first time.

No. 2310330

I can’t believe current trends are so shitty that zoomers/alphas have to pick up old millennial ones. Even the school shooters KEK

No. 2310346

Scene kids were beautiful and wonderful kek

No. 2310353

Because they have no creative thought. They just pick up the preexisting trends and add core or some stupid name to it so they can feel like they’re doing something. All whilst shitting on millenial trends and insisting that they do them better.

The few trends they did come up with had no longevity.

No. 2312253

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>My generation (i’m a millennial) spent most of our time pushing against labels and encouraged people that it was ok to be different. With gen z, they all have to fit into whatever trendy category exists.
My least favorite trend is "whimsigoth". It's always just normal shit from circa 1995-2010-ish. Not even "alternative", just normal stuff from JC Penney or Big Lots.

No. 2312256

I'm fine with them recreating the looks. If a kid can puff up their scene hair with hairspray, nice. I feel like a nostalgic parent when their kid finds a toy they used to play with in childhood. But the moment they add -core and other shit to it and write lyrics like "uwu I'm bleeding on the floor I just fucked a scene slut on discowd bouncing on my cock"

No. 2312267

>Just normal stuff from JC Penney or Big Lots
Thank you for putting it into words. At most I could see the people wearing this stuff back then being called hippy-ish/boho or artsy but definitely not goth

No. 2312271

Yeah I don't get why it's got goth as a suffix. At least stuff like pastel goth (cute imo) has goth influences. "Whimsigoth" is just hippie wannabe Pinterest witch dark academia shit with some skirts and gemstones

No. 2312358

All of these commodified aesthetics are just soulless replacements of true fashion subcultures which are basically dead now. With most fashion movements starting online the labeling and core-ification is what makes these aesthetics discoverable to mass amounts of people online and purchasable with one search on shein or whatever. The internet and social media would be a great breeding ground for new subcultures but with how fast the trend cycle changes nothing sticks long enough with the brainrot generations to form a community or music or core beliefs like scene or goth etc.

No. 2313343

It's both zoomers and gen alpha and honestly it'll always surprise me when I hear about kids who were born literally yesterday (so, 2008, 2009 and above, soon we'll see kids born in 2013 commit school shootings lol) behave in the worst ways possible just because they can and they find it cool to be irreverent. There's no amount of parenting that can change a hateful kid either so parents just unleash their kids to the outside world and hope they don't do anything bad

No. 2313376

Nta but I don't get how that's even remotely the same. What's disappointing is that gen alpha and younger gen z didn't create any new subcultures. Scene was entirely new and different from goth or glam metal. It'd be more fun to see something entirely new spring up from the younger generations but since real life places to hang out are becoming obsolete and most media has been rehashes of already existing older subcultures, this will never happen anytime soon.

No. 2314040

> Kids are always experimenting with their identity, but nowdays it’s so much more politically charged
Agreed, but I also can’t blame them to be fair, especially zoomer women (I’m an older zoomer myself), given the times we live in and how moids will gladly elect a rightoid schizo that will forcefully enroll them in the army just because they hate the fact that they don’t get the lives of their grandpas and more and more women choose to opt out catering to scrotes. And everything right now is unfortunately tied to politics.
> most of their parents are just shitty and never should have had kids in the first place.
Also agreed, most of them were either very controlling of their kids or very neglectful, no in between (not a burger tho, but I don’t think there are huge differences). A good chunk of gen X women are pickmes and gen X moids are either mentally absent from the family or even left their families to be whores their entire lives.
I also noticed that they live vicariously through their kids (older gens did that too, but I think it’s worse in gen x-ers) and their kids were usually trophies to flex with when relatives and friends visited so they can validate their existence kek. In that sense, things like creativity and stepping out of line slightly was punished especially by the controlling “flavor” of gen x-ers. Can’t blame them tho, they had it worse in that regard, but man…

As for zoomers, I don’t know what they can hold onto anymore to be honest, feels like the world is crumbling at the hands of rich old farts and we can’t do much about it except for surviving (which gets harder day by day) and form some type of community but zoomers as a gen are so divided so it’s pretty hard and idk at this point.

No. 2314307

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How thin skinned zoomers are. They literally have a giant spergout if you even slightly criticize them. Even if you gently educate them on something they got wrong, they get super defensive. It’s so strange. I’ve encountered millennials like this of course but they didn’t make up most of the community. I feel like now I have to walk on egg shells and be extra nice if not my DMs will be full of angry zoomers kek. Also the whole “hot girls don’t gatekeep” thing is so annoying. Gatekeeping is necessary especially now that the competition is brutal. I’m not sharing sources because I’m an asshole, I’m not sharing because you’re literally the competition kek.

No. 2315078

i'm sure it's already said but their obsession with millenials is becoming concerning. it's becoming it's own mental illness at this point. i've never had this much beef with gen x or boomers even during my high school years. like i don't know if maybe it's because zoomers already hit the wall violently before mid-twenties or something but please relax, all that hating is bad for your skin.

No. 2315224

This could possibly because a lot of zoomers (especially older) have millennial siblings. Surprisingly, a lot of people have terrible relationships with their older sibligs especially if said siblings weren't parentified. I think it really has to do with how internet culture evolved and how it impacts how each generation balances online and offline life.

No. 2315282

I've never seen this with the zoomers I've interacted with. Feel like this is just a loud minority on tiktok

No. 2316408

Are zoomers justified for screeching autistically about age gaps? Take stuff like 19 and 17 for an example

No. 2316475

no. age gaps are sometimes an issue but it's more important to be in a similar life stage than the same age. it's more concerning when someone with a full time career job is dating someone still in schooling even if they are literally the same age. everything is contextual as well. 19 and 17 who went to the same high school isn't the same as a 19 year old you met on a dating app.

No. 2316757

Zoomers have millenial derangement syndrome for real. I get making fun of the doggo mom heckin chungus meep xD funko pop ones but like everything zoomers do is stolen from millenials and bastardized. All zoomers are the same minus the "core" like they all have the same humor, same music taste, same interests, same politics and same personality the only difference is which core starter pack they picked on pinterest to wear. They are all posers

No. 2317290

that's because they saw all the cool millenial stuff on the internet, something previous generations only were fed from mainstream media, and they are salty it all changed once they got old enough to indulge in it. that's why they are obsessed with dead millenial trends but want to claim the new shit they have is the real version. zoomers as a generation are fucked honestly. there's less opportunities for them and they became adults right after a ton of advances that won't happen for them. they're stuck as the annoying younger sibling.

No. 2318651

>Scene was entirely new and different from goth or glam metal
Completely false.
Some of the biggest bands scene kids listened to heavily copied 80s glam. Black Veil Brides and A7X especially.
Also, there is no such thing as "entirely new". Sure, scene had more to it than anything the fortnite generation has come up with but everything's derivative on some level.

No. 2318854

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I disagree, Gen z isn't completely unoriginal. There are unique fashion subcultures that come out Gen z, like e boys/girls and earthy girl styles for better or for worse. More fashion subcultures will pop up as Gen z and gen alpha move into their teenage and adult years

No. 2318877

Is the outfit you posted supposed to be an example of original fashion?

No. 2318883

>earthy girl styles
There is nothing new nor revolutionary dressing yourself in hippie/crunchy/farmer's market style. That outfit you posted is not unique

No. 2318885

>unique fashion subcultures
>e boys/girls
I don't hate zoomies but didn’t that literally emerge because they tried to dress up like 00s emos and 90s malgoths but without the diy aspects?

No. 2318899

more like 00s emos and 90s malgoths from Aliexpress/shein/Temu. I do feel bad for zoomers since clothing quality has gone down so much.

No. 2318967

The only original gen z styles I can think of are vsco girl and hentai hoodies and even those are probably derivative

No. 2319047

Have you seen any photographs from the late 60s or the 70s?

No. 2319302

I’m surprised and baffled by how fucking rude some zoomers are. We never even cared or talked about Gen Xers like Zoomers do with us, what the hell did we even do to them? It’s like they all think they’re the “funny”, bitchy/snarky main character from a Disney Channel sitcom or something with their insults.

No. 2319311

Zoomer women and girls are fine. Idc if they wanna steal millennial aesthetics, if they can pull the looks off right I'm giving them a thumbs up and my old pink bracelets out of my own nostalgia. It's the zoomer moids that are a problem. I'm glad there's a subreddit that's started to acknowledge this issue. How are they more misogynistic than boomers, I don't get it, but they are. Whining and screeching about male suicide rates and how depressed they are. They're the first generation where women have started to separate from them properly and the little scrotelings watching readily available porn on their phones can't stand that.

No. 2319343

Basically, when they were growing up they weren't watching PBS. They were watching edgy redpill content on YT because their parents were either unaware of the dangers of unsupervised internet access or they were just too negligent to care. There is a wealth of misogynistic content online that is accessible to anyone, and a majority of that misogynistic rhetoric is actually aimed at young children. Kids in the 1990s were watching Sesame Street and learning how to count, kids in the 2010s were watching shit like "LIBERAL BLUE-HAIRED FOID MELTDOWN" compilations and learning to view women as subhuman animals. The internet as a tool has been corrupted by lax laws and blind eyes, and it's gone on for way too long now. The internet is no longer a tool for transmitting information like it was before Web 2.0, now it's an alternate reality, and that's a major problem.

No. 2319350

>learning to see women as subhuman
Implying moids (or moidlets) need any help with that lmak

No. 2319367

>Kids in the 1990s were watching Sesame Street and learning how to count
I'm a medium zoomer and ah the memories of watching Sesame Street. I hated it though when it was on TV kek

No. 2319628

>Whining and screeching about male suicide rates and how depressed they are.
Maybe if they reached out to other men and made friends with them, they'd be less "lonely" and "suicidal." But no, that's too gay. Only a girlfriend/wife is the only cure to this despite silent gen and boomer men having both wives and "the guys" to hang out with. This is self-inflicted and I do hope they kill themselves over it so their inferior genetics gets weeded out

No. 2319642

Has anyone else noticed that zoomers want to say "slurs" so bad but since they aren't allowed they invented their own "safe" versions. like instead of faggot, they say "zesty" instead of fatass they say "big back" and instead of retarded they say "cringe" or "delulu" (which is the worst one) and gen alpha says "ohio" of all things. like is so pathetic its actually kinda cute

No. 2319643

Most styles are derivative to some point, I consider vsco/e-kid/hentai hoodie fashion unique enough (due to the rise of fast fashion) to be considered it's own thing. Whether that is good, well…

No. 2319721

I still have no fucking idea what "ohio" is supposed to mean. Also those retards don't realize they're creating a new wave of slurs that will later get flagged as hate speech in the future. Be free and just say faggot like a normal person

No. 2319734

>I still have no fucking idea what "ohio" is supposed to mean
I think it means 'weird' but to be honest as a zoomer I don't know either

No. 2319761

I know you guys are retarded, but you actually can't say "faggot" freely outside of anonymous imageboards without getting flagged for hate speech. Hence the censorship.

No. 2319778

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What about that horrible cyber streetwear style?

No. 2319782

i know you live online but even in friend groups with irl people or smaller online communities that are "safe edgy"

No. 2319785

Zoomie streetwear is so boring

No. 2320021

Kek the zoomer/alpha slurs you mentioned aren't slurs and weren't made to be slurs. They're just slang words that mean silly shit

No. 2320023

Those aren't supposed to be slurs in the first place

No. 2320026

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Just remembered about 'opium' fashion

No. 2320030

I like this one but they need to up the colours on it imo

No. 2320165

>Zoomer women and girls are fine. It's the zoomer moids that are a problem.
I wouldn't say it's that cut and dry. Moids have more problems than women obviously but my friends-of-friends are all pretty compelling arguments that Gen Z women are far from "fine".
A lot of it feels like Gen Z moids and their sheer vapidity and small-mindedness rubbing off on younger women. I feel like people who don't feel like a chore to talk to are rare.

No. 2320166

i really like this. i think zoomer fashion overall is very fun. the worst part about it is the shitty makeup and horrible haircuts.

No. 2320433

Zesty and Ohio are fun slang meme words plus slurs don't make you look cool, you just look like a retarded edgelord regardless of whatever generation you're from

No. 2320516

Whatever you say, fag.

No. 2320519

Thank you faggot

No. 2320522

Use the slang version of Ohio in a sentence.

No. 2320523

Zoomer women who are male-centered are a nightmare of contradictions and doublethink. It doesn't help that zoomers are pretty obsessed with finding a niche/category to "belong" to so those same women will dig their heels in about their position kek. Speaking as a zoomzoom myself though I do know a lot of women who aren't like that.

No. 2320525

Ngl I like this, and I don't think zoomer fashion is that bad. It just bugs me how they keep inventing 10000 different labels every week because they're desperate to go viral kek

No. 2320526

"Dayum the weather is so Ohio". Genuinely heard some Gen Alpha kids down my street say this.
"Can't have shit in Ohio".

No. 2320532

The first one makes no sense and the second one just replaced Detroit with Ohio. Is the joke that Ohio is super lame and has nothing in it?

No. 2320538

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The Ohio meme existed before Gen A where it was just "Ohio is a bad place" and honestly it was kind of funny, picrel. Ohio shall take over the world! Gen A just turned it into a random meme word though.
And yeah for the first one, it's not supposed to make any sense. It's often used as a synonym for "good" or something positive but note that Gen Alpha humour is supposed to be incredibly ironic and meaningless. Words are just… there. "You're so Ohio, you're so skibidi".

No. 2320539

Picrel is meant to be funny?

No. 2320540

Big back is just another case of Zoomers adopting AAVE.

No. 2320545

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Idk I will laugh at anything from boomer to zoomer humour don't mind me. It's so unfunny that it's funny.

No. 2320549

I hate how retarded zoomers are (at least the online ones, the normie ones are fine) about AAVE. They'll claim it's super offensive and racist for any white person to say a single word of it but then do it themselves without knowing, like at least educate yourself on the shit you're screeching at others about. And then they go and cancel some random ESL streamer from across the globe who said deadass 4 years ago who obviously wouldn't know wtf AAVE is.

No. 2320554

They unironically think the AAVE they are using is actually gayspeak

No. 2320559

Going off topic since it's not spoken just by zoomers but I hate this gayspeak shit, it's all just misogynistic slurs and AAVE. Serving slut whore cunt, wow soooo progressive and cool and slay queen.

No. 2320562


No. 2320567

Bazinga is unironically a better meme

No. 2320570

Big chungus, big big big chungus

No. 2320574

Don't give zoomers credit for the bigback one, i heard millenial and gen x black people saying well before white zoomers knew what that was. It's not really a slur imo.

No. 2320575

Now this shit sucks

No. 2320577


No. 2320580

Only good in the context of the actual stock exchange

No. 2320583

2010s vines were peak for me idk why. 21. What are those. Deez nuts.

No. 2320585

I hated Vine because I didn't have a smart phone and I hate when people play the same 4 second video 1,000 times in a row without even laughing. Deez nuts is good though.

No. 2320586

Road work ahead

No. 2320588

I never had the app, I just heard people say them or watched them on YouTube. Deez nutz hahah goteem.
Barbecue sauce on my titties

No. 2320589

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No. 2320592

The majority of Vines were so unfunny. I remember being over a friend's house and she made me watch them and half the videos were just males going up to women (staged) and going "do you want the D?" then giving her a giant letter "D" then laughing and going "OHOHOHOHO" or, for some odd reason, random videos of a group of guys and a girl, the guy farts and all the guys high-five him; the girl farts and they scream and beat her to a pulp. That was like 90% of Vine.

No. 2320595

Welp. I'm glad I only heard the ones everyone around me said then

No. 2320596

I've never seen those but I'm sorry that you had to

No. 2320628

I remember when people were debating whether staged street harrassment vines were ok or not. Arguing it was never gonna lead to copycats harrassing women for real.. then that happened and it was still met with 'yeah but who woulda seen that coming next??' Plenty people knew exactly where it was heading and were told to stfu

No. 2320631

as an elder of the generation I hate to see the younger zooomers adopting the millennial-esque anti-fun mentality

No. 2320642

Honestly generations don't mean shit anymore, they're just conceptualised so companies can sell fashion and merch easier. A 1998-born zoomer is going to have absolutely nothing in common with a 2009-born zoomer apart from maybe studying the same kind of maths in eighth grade. I can barely tell which type of "zoomers" (or any generation really) people talk about when criticising them anymore

No. 2320645

Shit like this makes sense when I remember zoomers were raised by Diary of a Wimpy Kid zoo wee mama

No. 2320648

The best series of all time. Zoo wee mama!

No. 2321155

I only miss vine because it took off in japan due to the twitter connection. So many fun creators and memes I haven't seen in years because of that

No. 2322144

You're genuinely retarded if you think Black Veil Brides is glam metal. Just because they were influenced by Motley Crue doesn't make them glam metal. I don't know if you misread my post or what kek. And yes, scene was a thing all on its own. BVB is more emo than scene anyway.

No. 2322147

>earthy girl styles
So…hippy shit from the 70s?
Making cosplay, sanrio, and anime your entire personality isn't a style nor was it new when they started calling it egirl/eboy.

No. 2322170

>e boys/girls
coomery hot-topic goths
>earthy girl styles
so, nothing original then

No. 2322172

Speaking of coomers this is why I hate what TikTok zoomers did to every subculture. Stuff like goth and scene and emo were supposed to be repelling to moids but now they're mainstream and moids only know of them because of porn. The "big goth dommy mommy" shit needs to have its enjoyers thrown into a pool

No. 2322182

They are absolutely not. Definitely not as bad as zoomer moids but I avoid the non normie ones like the plague. Don’t need them them trying to push their tranny hugger shit onto me.

No. 2322183

Its weird how desperate zoomer women are to be seen as sex objects to men. Even the ugly tumblr gendie death fat ones still want to be desired by men and throw a tantrum if they dont find them hot. There isnt a single subculture anymore thats about rebelling from the status quo.

No. 2322192

That's unfortunately a sickness that plagues most hetrosexual women regardless of age. No feminism in the world will free women from this condition at this rate. Most people are deathly afraid of being judged by normies or questioned for their actions, i believe a lot of gen z are far too pussy to deal with this.

No. 2322199

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>Its weird how desperate zoomer women are to be seen as sex objects to men
DA Kek I agree because I grew up watching this happen, I still remember when ddlg shit hit big on tumblr in the 2010s when I was a teenager. What I find interesting is that despite all this desperation, zoomers are still having less sex than previous generations because, unsurprisingly, when one associates sex with something as degrading as porn suddenly it stops becoming something to look forward to and instead becomes something to dread. Alas. One thing I find especially retarded is that moids think consuming and making moar porn and filling mainstream social media with it is "owning da feminists" but in reality it's just alienating women from them because they look like fucking freaks to the average woman, even the women who try to be the best coom object on tiktok don't really want a man with a porn habit because they know those men just see them as porn.

No. 2322409

Finally, someone talks about this. It's weird because i've noticed a shift on this site where if you criticize this sort of behavior you get labeled as a moralfag because apparently these zoomies whom have grown up in coomer adjacent spaces unsupervised think it's completely normal to sexualize themselves and glorify coomshit that panders to males because they associate the attention they get for it positively. It's like there is no such thing as 'in moderation' for them, they just put it all out there blatantly and tbh weren't shamed enough to discourage that behavior. It's not healthy. I'm not saying everyone has to be puritans but at least be sensible about it and don't base your entire self worth and personality on it.

No. 2322456

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The high amount of 'goth' female characters during 2000s and 2010s cartoons also had a play in making alternative fashion less repulsive to moids. Characters like those in picrel are a common childhood moid crush for zoomers. Note that some of these characters aren't really goth, but have some dark aesthetics, I think that might have contributed to simpler goth fashion today

No. 2322458

Feminism was co-opted by the CIA or something to make being a public sex slave empowering and being mean to males cringy, plus sex sells and we live in a distracting society and there’s nothing more distracting to males than their own penis, or to women than I don’t know, self esteem brainwashing

No. 2322462

God Shego is so hot.

No. 2323135

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No. 2323167

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>Stuff like goth and scene and emo were supposed to be repelling to moids
Tbf, scene was never meant to be "repellent to moids". It was always associated with young women and girls who partied, wanted fame and enjoyed male attention. MySpace "site models" were a huge thing, Kiki Kannibal being one popular one. The community was kind of rampant with pickmeism and creepy males. There was a lot of sexualized behavior within that "subculture", hence bands like BOTDF and risque photos/outfits being common. A lot of former scene girls have horror stories of those days.
This is less true for goth and emo, but even the goth subculture has/had ties to the BDSM and other kinds of fetish communities before normies ever picked up on it. I think the unfortunate truth is that most subcultures with a majority of straight women won't be overly invested in being "repellent to moids" (maybe a certain type of ultra-normie moid they dislike, but not all of them).

No. 2323172

>ember is directly responsible for the deaths of three people

No. 2323173

Not gonna lie, I understood the appeal as a kid

No. 2323183

I agree, and I think it’s really apparent with zoomers. Younger zoomers seem to be way closer to gen alpha than older zoomers. I don’t know what got put in the water in the early 2000s but the baseline for what’s considered normal for them is extremely strange, like all of them are afflicted with some undiscovered mental illness. Even the young kids are just… strange

No. 2323210

who's the girl in the middle? trying to find her on google just gives me ai slop results total techbro death

No. 2323212

Zoomers randomly doing this stuff really is annoying af though

No. 2323213

Rogue from Xmen Academy.

No. 2323215

Older zoomers read more millenial-like to me and younger zoomers are more gen alpha. Super weird

No. 2323219

My niece is a younger zoomer at 13, into gender politics. shit sucks

No. 2323222

The dividing line is which zoomers grew up with iphones and which ones didn't.

No. 2323223

It makes sense I guess. So much of zoomer culture is shaped by technology and how they interact with it as one of the “digital natives” generations. The contrast in older/younger zoomers is pretty obvious when you consider the first half could be around for the internet of the 2000’s while the latter really only know the internet within the framework of social media.

No. 2323257

13 is Alpha

No. 2325039

You're both delusional and have the reading comprehension of a 4 year old.

No. 2325391

alpha didn't start until after 2012

No. 2325457

Depends on the source I guess some say zoomers are 1995-2009 and alphas are 2010-2024. I prefer this one since it starts at the multiples of 5 and it's easier to remember

No. 2392983

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do you agree?

No. 2393079

Rather simplistic and there's a 3.0 and a before that as well but sure

No. 2395254

Nobody taught gen Z scrotes to not talk about sensitive topics with everyone. I don't care how much an hour you make stop trying to show off to me. Stop telling me gross fucking jokes. Young gen Z boys are just scum.

No. 2395275

Yeah, they'll act like you're the weird one if you don't want to hear their gross jokes. Idk how they were raised that they think that's normal to talk about with a woman (or anyone).

No. 2395289

i think all gen z no matter the younger or older gen z lean more right compared to millenials. Gen Z will be the new boomers or gen-x.

I wonder how gen alpha or beta will be like though. Alot of gen alpha boys are growing up having sneako and andrew tate as their idols + unrestricted porn access.

No. 2395294

It's very U.S.-centric, so I don't really agree with it, but the school experience with regard to covid is definitely something that likely will have a more defined impact on people who graduated post-covid in years to come

Ofc all of these categories are made up, but in the past the generations lasted longer than 10-15 year spans. The way there's such a divide between what we'd consider older-zoomer vs younger-zoomer makes me feel like maybe zoomer as a category entirely should just be shifted into either millenial or alpha because how they interact with technology seems to be the largest defining characteristic, though I think the effects of the pandemic might become more prominent.

No. 2423314

>Gen Z will be the new Boomers
The entitlement of Boomers is only matched by the entitlement of Gen Z.

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