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No. 1779356
Discuss what you hate about zoomers. Their trends, behaviours you dislike, cultures, and more.
Previous thread:
>>1664102 No. 1779844
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>>1779833>old married moids make ''wife bad'' jokes their entire personality>young women catch the memo, men dont want marriage>women start focusing on their careers, are happier without families/a husbando>new generation of moids reach their mid 20s>start complaining about how they cant find a wife and start a familyWHAT THE FUCK DO MOIDS WANT
No. 1779882
>>1779833watched half-way through his video on why porn addiction is bad before clicking off. I can understand why a woman might not mention morality when trying to convince men to be anti-porn because, to be quite frank, men either don't care about the ethics of it or dig in their heels and feel more emboldened to watch porn because 'feminists R bad ', but it's clear that he's just another man who thinks men are uniquely '
victims of the modern world' or whatever
No. 1780275
>>1779876I think this guy is especially mad that women don't want to marry and start having kids at like 19, because he looked at too many stock images of laughing young white trad families on sunny fields. They want this fantasy life of the veteran generation of riding the economic high on some chimneysweeper's solo income raising 10 children and providing them all with starter homes, while this has not been realistic in half a century.
Millenial men also enjoyed partying through their twenties and then they just chilled out and are now marrying other early 30's women and having kids, and this dumb retard is mad girls his age don't want to be unemployable baby machines (while you know he also thinks he shouldn't need to pay child support or alimony the marriage falls through)
No. 1780579
>>1780206I also had older parents (could be my grandparents) and a lot of grandparent influence… but my family is often on their phones too now! For example my grandma has always been a very social gossipy person and now she participates in online groups and shows me shortform videos that she finds. In some ways it's nice that she is able to connect with people (she is a widow and had trouble finding irl friends) but I worry because sometimes she sees dubious health advice or political conspiracies and doesn't notice the red flags.
But yeah, even though it's more extreme in younger cohorts, a lot of older people are very online too. Their usage isn't quite the same but they have issues too.
>>1780265Yep, I had a similar experience where some guy said told me that not using social media seems like I'm just trying to be special. I guess some people don't get the point of the "if your friends all jumped off a cliff…" adage
Also there's other men who say that women who do use SM are narcissistic whores so I guess you can't win
>>1780275It's retarded that they blame women when it's literally infeasible for most people to start that life even if they want to, and they think that all women hate kids because they stay in their bubble where they never actually encounter any. I do meet young women who are highly interested in family life and am myself partial to having kids, but it doesn't change that you have to work to survive and that in the mainstream normie world, going to college is highly expected of everyone, women included. Most men his age wouldn't be able to support a wife and kids even if they found a woman who was enthusiastic about it, maybe they should work on that before complaining about tfw no tradwife?
All the trad stuff is just a larp too, most of these guys are coomers who follow a modern online ideology and only have surface level values. Actual traditional people I meet aren't doing this chronically online whining but are actually spending time with their families and communities, and detest pornography.
No. 1933536
>>1933492You're right. The same fucking phrases being parroted over and over again like cancer cells dividing. Go onto the comments of any tiktok/reel and you can accurately predict the comments because everyone types the exact same retarded way with their retarded little phrases. I only use Instagram to talk to my friends but sometimes I accidentally end up on some reels and it always just infuriates me.
That 'womp womp' thing especially pisses me off. Where the fuck did that even come from?
There was one reel where some girl was saying how she was 'sick to her stomach' and some guy in the comments had no idea what that meant kek. So you don't understand age old sayings but you can understand 'womp womp' huh? Bleak.
No. 1933550
>>1780265This happens to men also. Most females think that a man is weird if he doesn't have insta, yet at the same time, they cry about their bf following hot foids on ig, kek. It's sad these bitches can vote.
>>1781181That's rich coming from the gender that wants to kill babies, but still feels entitled to the man's paycheck if she becomes a single mother. Fuck off.
(moid) No. 1933812
>>1933492i don't use social media but i hate how they seem to have no actual concept of individual thought. i'm sure some are out there but i'll browse lastfm and they shit up every artists page with shit "mother is mothering", "shes for the girls and the gays ONLY!" and when an artist comes out with an opinion that doesn't align with the current "correct" political opinion (you know what i mean) its swarms of "umm never listening to this artist again their music sucks anyways lol" and outright hateful or misogyny riddled statements if the artist is a woman.
been using that site for well over a decade and the influx of zoomers makes the site so hard to navigate without rolling my eyes…. they genuinely seem like NPCs. like on one hand im glad they provide traffic to the site that i love so it hopefully doesn't go down but holy shit it's genuinely made me hate zoomers so much more than i ever thought about because they say the same regurgitated shit over and over
No. 1934188
>>1934120I think it has to do with the leisure/athletic wear trend that started in the early 10s. It's like dressing like a lazy slob was all the rage, for men and women alike. By the mid 10s, it was normal to wear sweat pants out of the house, something I could never get behind. I think with Gen Z being teenagers in the 10s and being surrounded with that slob gym-wear style, it was hard for them to learn how to style clothes, how to match colours, i.e., how to dress nice. I have one of my mum's social studies books here from the 70s, and it has a whole 30 page chapter dedicated to how to style yourself, what colours look best together, how to make a wardrobe, how to make an outfit, etc., it was normal to be taught those things in decades past. Now we just have a bunch of people who think wearing a black t-shirt and sweatpants with boring sneakers is the only outfit that doesn't make them look "gay." It's sad.
No. 1934204
>>1934194Sure, it's
>>>/g/146601I'm glad you had an such an awesome book as a sort of guide to help you out in life, it's really sweet. It's too bad they don't make stuff like this anymore. We could all use them.
No. 1939434
I know adults are suppose to lead the younger generation so they can have a better life than ours, but zoomers and Gen A are too infuriating to deal with.
>>1933492>Every time I see a comment on insta or whatever with a valid criticism of something, they just respond with “womp womp” Also they call you terminally online as if they don't have phones glued to their hands and eyes. I'm willing to believe they spend more time online than millennials have. Even though they have spent the same amount of time online as a World of Worldcraft neckbeard, they are biggest algorithm slaves and can't go outside of their comfort zone.
And speaking of wannabe chads, anyone who spends time online is considered a 'loser'. The old social system has never change. People who are comfortable with themselves won't care about getting called names because they have better things to worry about (or have actual hobbies). Zoomers on the otherhand will implode at the idea they are losers; they can hide their hurt with irony postings all they want but everyone knows deep down its true.
No. 1939529
>>1934311Same, anon. Same.
>>1939434I've worked with gen z since the beginning of 2020. I've noticed some are willing to learn and listen, but it's a minority. A lot of them are easily distracted and need their phone 24/7. I worked in food, and even when it was busy I would see some of them scrambling to get their phones out to text someone. It's like they can't function without their phone or vape.
No. 1939543
>>1939516I’m a zoomer (19), from my subjective experience on the younger end of the spectrum and from my friends it’s honestly because of two things: the larger focus on looks, and media. Western tv, anime, tiktok etc. It feels like teenhood has the most focus so anything beyond that feels so far away and old. I’d say that this is a cause by association - the principle isn’t looking young but
being young. But since this generation is also more lookist and self-conscious (especially with social media) those things tie together. I think in general we suffer from a peter pan syndrome of really not wanting to grow up too, I would say this is somewhat to do with the state of society as well. I have friends that started calling themselves old at 18, and every friend I have 20-22 has told me they’re old now. It’s kind of everywhere, I recently saw a meme that essentially said 23 year olds don’t have much time left - it’s played for jokes but a very pervasive idea and to the people above whatever age is considered “old” even if they try to brush it off it eventually gets under their skin and then they start to believe they are. I also know people who have begun to romanticise youth more as the result of the fetishism of men. Coquettes and Belle Delphine-adjacents. Obviously this is my anecdotal experience and I’m surrounded by chronically onlines but I do think the main cause is due to youth in general being more valuable to this generation, with the fear of ageing being an extension of that.
No. 1939569
Genz fetishize youth because that's literally everything they got going on for them and the thing that gives them cultural relevancy at the moment. They aren't young "personality wise": they got no creativity, energy or nothing new to share, that's why they fear aging because unlike millennials or older generations, they got no legacy or creations to maintain themselves relevant in the mainstream as the "cool" gen when they inevitably become older, their only personality and achievement is being young, their millennials idols feel and act younger than them. They don't got no JK Rowlings, Beyonces, etc and I'm saying this as a gen z myself, I was expecting some interesting stuff to pop out but nothing ig. Lady Gaga and Azelia Banks were at their absolute peak at just 23, most 20+ genz are crying about being "OLD!!" and arguing about situationships and gender at TikTok, sad shit tbh
No. 1949400
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>his note is so fire
he's talking about a suicide note
No. 1953920
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So you got an offer and signed an NDA and immediately thought to yourself "I'll go on instagram and break the NDA and tag the brand directly!!". What a real dumbass
No. 1957735
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>>1933492Gen X did this, too. They love to respond in one-liners. I think it’s because they both are very media-driven generations.
>>1933965I agree with the age stuff. Previous generations always had their turn to complain about older generations, but with Zoomers, the age fixation is insane. They seem the most scared of aging and the most hostile to anyone older than them.
>>1939569I agree, and I hope the generations after gen Z will produce meaningful art. Gen Z’s approach to life and media is kind of pornographic. I guess it’s because it’s the first generation who had access to social media since birth.
No. 1958194
>>1958189Social anxiety, sorry
t. zoomer
No. 1961263
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Younger zoomers are in for such a rough awakening and honestly, they deserve it, this is insanity.
Of course every kid suffers from thinking of 30 as super mature and of 60 as close to dying but even as a dumb (pre)teen I never thought of somebody that age as oldlooking because I always saw gorgeous 40+ actresses on tv. It also sounds as if they look down on everybody over a certain age as "lame" which is also crazy because they're likely broke and have nothing going for themselves while actual adults got money and nice things, how can you feel so superior based on nothing but your year of birth?
At the end of the day it all comes down to a total lack of respect, how will they ever keep a proper job, there's no way they accept orders from higherups…
No. 1963262
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No. 1963552
>>1961263Agreed and that's coming from an elder zoomer. They will have a rude awakening the moment they finish highschool or college and get to the boogeyman age of 25 (or even 20 like some of them think already).
>It also sounds as if they look down on everybody over a certain age as "lame"They do, I interacted with some of them and it's bollocks. I was a dumb teen not too long ago, but I never considered people over the age of 23 old like they do. Or how they compliment someone who seems younger to them when that someone just look their age as if after 20, you turn into dust.
I firmly believe that TikTok and the not-so-sublte pedo culture of the last few years rotted their brains beyond repair. This applies to some of my peers too - they are already panicking of turning 25 this year and "officially" being an adult (but this particular type only lives from middle school and highschool nostalgia)
>how will they ever keep a proper job, there's no way they accept orders from higherups…This usually is the pattern of the "OMG, I'm turning 20 I'm so old hahaha" - they had less authority from their parents growing up (and I mean it in the least boomer way possible) and were allowed to do more than the elder zoomers. Basically, a lot of them do a lot of things in their teens that a young adult would've been able to do years ago like engaging in (expensive) consumerism with their parents' money, leaving their home and even town for days for example and their parents being chill about it and when they reach 20, they get bored with it all and wallow about being old and crippled or some shit.
Although I love how zoomers are calling out shit bosses and leave that shitty job, unlike our parents who endured such a workplace for almost nothing.
No. 1963586
Anti-wrinkle straw for the stanley cup kek.
No. 1963670
>>1963590 Everybody from the 80s looked retarded they had trash fashion wtf are u talking about
Zoomers looks retarded with the caterpillar brows and spider lashes but men and women in the 80s had trash hairstyles and makeup
No. 1963679
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>>1963670Okay maybe you're right.
No. 1964079
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>>1963670But the men used to dress so slutty and I miss that.
No. 2005660
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>>2005593what the hell im sorry i thought i added the photo
No. 2012247
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So apparently crew socks are something very millennial, and gen Z likes wearing longer socks. Lowkey makes me happy because long socks are now more acceptable as someone who gets cold easily kek
No. 2017771
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>>20160162017 me preparing to like a tweet from a xey/xem transmasc chicanx corpsehusband kinnie that has DNI fujoshis on their carrd.
No. 2017773
>>2017769I didn't say anything about dating what, I mean when zoomers see anyone who's slightly older than them and have to go on autistic screeching about how "unsafe" they feel
Also as if that DNI would keep a real pedo groomer away? Like ah yes, if there's one thing pedo men are known for, it's respect for children's boundaries
No. 2017774
>>2017771dni radfems and terfs
me and the girlies interacting with the troon
No. 2019275
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I flinch whenever I hear the word “valid”. These weirdass corporate clinical sounding words being thrown around casually by the zoomers is repellent. Does it make they feel more impressive? Because it makes them sound retarded. I’m glad I haven’t encountered the usage of that word here. I will call you out. I should only see that word when dealing with my bank.
No. 2019280
>>2019275kek why is
valid red texted?
No. 2020733
>>2019275That's a
valid reason,
nonny No. 2022404
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>>2020733>v*lidYOU ARE A RETARD.
Delayed bcause I got fucking banned. No. 2049182
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Zoomers are the only motherfuckers I ever saw and continue to see actually complaining about being past eighteen and in their 20s, worrying about being "old". Seriously. Of all generations, it really seems to be only zoomers that have a problem with not being "barely legal" anymore. It's like they're afraid of literally growing up. They're trying to make 20 the new 40. They will finally become the legal age to drink alcohol, and immediately think their lives are "over" and "doomed to be boring now". Every other generation would've been partying and bragging about turning twenty one, but not zoomers apparently. They're too busy complaining about not wearing diapers anymore. You know what, maybe this is why they're apparently aging faster than millenials, zoomers just don't know how to be happy with themselves. Sometimes I think maybe the previous generations are being too harsh on zoomers when they bully them, but then I see a zoomer post some twitter shit like "I just turned 20 today and I feel so old", and that's where I feel okay with millennials laughing at them. 'Cause what the fuck is wrong with zoomers?
No. 2049358
>>2049192We're going through a never-ending recession and everyone lies on the internet. I'm sure there are plenty of people your age who are making millions from shilling Bloom but the vast majority are just as fucked as you are.
Please continue to avoid social media. There really isn't anything on there that will make your life better in any way. And if it's any consolation, 99% of the child prodigies online are adults who've been working at their craft for years but pretend they're kids to get more attention. Or they're influencers who also have real jobs that bring in enough to pay the bills. Or they're nepo babies who'd be dead of a coke addiction before they hit 21 in any other generation. It's all a pack of lies, created only to get clicks and likes.
No. 2049705
>>2049358this. While social media can have an effect, the economy is hitting hard, people are missing out on milestones like home-buying, getting married, and getting an education is useless. Activities that use to be a fun part of adult life like going out with friends, bar hopping, road trips, etc are just becoming overpriced luxuries. and it's even worse since "not having a nice car, home, and everything else by 30 makes you a loser and failure" is still pushed with no regards with the fact the economy made this only a dream for most younger generations
I also feel like it's pushed by other zoomers too, I see a lot of obvious young people (usually women) get called old almost daily
No. 2049716
>>2049182Fellow zoomer here (20), and I partly agree with what
>>2049192 said (though I think it’s a good thing that people are sharing and making money off their hobbies). I feel “old” now because I’ve spent the past few years as a depressed Internet addict, and have been moving forward in age while staying in the same slump mentally.
I think Twitter may be conveying a skewed idea of how our generation feels. The young people posting about being “old” are likely similar to how I described myself above: sad people sitting online being painfully aware that they’re wasting their youth. Online communities are the realm of depressed shut-ins trying to retreat into nostalgia.
If you were to talk to happy zoomers having fun in a public place, maybe they would have a different sentiment. Take, for example, my younger brother, who has a big group of friends he regularly hangs out and goes places with.
No. 2114202
>>2113857Don't put photos of yourself online if you can help it. Don't say where you went to school or where you live or where you are at the moment, even if it's something generic like 'I'm out of the country' or 'I'm eating at McDonald's near work'. Don't give out information about your job or what it entails, unless you're on LinkedIn, it's easy to find out what you do and where you work even with minimal information. Don't post real time updates, even something as simple as posting a photo of your nails can make you identifiable. Never post about places near you, including landmarks, especially if you add extra information, like 'I hate driving to Costco because there's always a ton of traffic when school ends' because that tells people 1) that you live close to a Costco, 2) that it's near a school which means they can pinpoint which Costco you go to, and 3) that you can be found there, probably alone, after school ends on a weekday.
Call me paranoid if you like, but I know that this shit got people doxed before social media really took off, and these days you have kids who publicly dox random strangers for funsies and share the information with their hundreds of thousands of followers. There are a lot of lunatics who spend their whole lives taunting women they've never met and driving them to suicide. There are a lot of retarded tweens drunk on the power of having 400 followers who will do anything to power trip. The internet is forever, the best thing you can do is to literally not post anything real online at all.
Tl;dr- lie about everything and don't show your face.
No. 2114449
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Why do zoomer moids talk like this. We need to ban their internet access
No. 2114477
>>2114461It makes more sense if you hear someone say it. Its another AAVE rip off.
>>2114476"Mid 90s ass day", a day that feels like the mid 90s.
No. 2114489
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I think it’s so stupid that zoomers have to make videos about “quitting social media or being addicted to it” because they let this internet slop ruin their lives and perspectives. It’s even more shameful that so many of them have a porn addiction and unironically need help for it. Ffs go outside you retards and turn the phone off.
No. 2115054
>>2114489People who cry about "wah muh internet addiction wah" are always fucking insufferable. They wax poetic about their struggle as if it puts them on the same level as crackheads, but at the same time they're allergic to taking responsibility. Yes, social media is designed to be addictive ragebait, but it doesn't stop you from putting your phone down or deleting your accounts. Zuck isn't holding a gun to your head and forcing you to doomscroll. They're also likely to claim that muh anxiety and depression means they can never go outside and socialise ever, and that's why they absolutely MUST stay in
toxic Discord servers which make them miserable for 15 hours a day. Because that's definitely better for your mental health than getting a real hobby kek. Sorry for the rant but I absolutely hate these whiners.
No. 2125166
>>2125150No, not rent free. Felt it after dealing with zoomers.
>>2125153Was discussing AI art with someone in this random Discord server I'm in. Turns out this someone is an artist, so I asked them to post what they're working on now. They posted it, I remarked on how their technique wasn't that good and could use improvement, the way they worked in Photoshop was also bad and told them how to work in layers properly so it doesn't bite them in the ass later. They rebutted, but meanwhile, everyone else in the server suddenly goes "oooh, fight, fight" and treat it like it's sudden drama. Except it wasn't. It was two artists debating technique. Zoomers have no idea how to differentiate people debating and defending their opinions from people screaming and calling each other names. I fucking hate dealing with these idiots. I don't care that covid made them stupider and emotionally stunted or that they'll always be the retard generation. Good. Fuck 'em. Stupid cunts.
No. 2125189
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I can’t fully hate them. I think it’s kinda cute how excited the younger ones get when I talk about being a young teen in 2007. Tbh I’d be depressed too if I had to grow up in this current environment where everyone and every single things is broadcasted online. Sucks to be them lol
No. 2125958
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>>2125839ntayrt but shit like this
No. 2130584
>>2126263Instagram is gonna for Gen Z what Facebook is for boomers and Gen X
No. 2139406
>>2130593>Everyone feels and looks the exact same.That's because you
are the same. It's that idea that's been floating around on many imageboards that all subcultures that have merged together into this amorphous blob "monoculture" thanks to the internet and social media (among other things).
No. 2139468
>>2138686nta but I'm pretty sure it was just a joke
>>2138495strangely I've noticed more non-americans on the internet using it.
No. 2139975
>>2138495I'm actually a southerner and I get told off on here sometimes when I use it
It hurts!
No. 2143450
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zoomers are really stupid
No. 2143991
>>2143494Come on
nonnie, can't you see he's just a little scrimblo?
No. 2144514
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>>2144493Hmm, I feel like I've heard this sort of thinking before, but directed towards a different group. I can't remember, think it starts with m…
You sound just like the generations that came before you. You're making the same complaints they made about you.
No. 2144519
>>2144493What, you mean fair wages, better work-life balance and reasonably priced rent and food is wanting a silver platter? LOL are you faggots really that dense that you can’t realize advocating for this will improve
everybody’s lives, not just zoomers.
>>2144514Who knows what they are, they’re probably just baiting.
>ugh those sjw gendie zoomers are getting on my nerves with their marxism for wanting to eat and live without stressors giving them early-onset cancer!!! >ugh those radicalized extremist zoomers are getting on my nerves being racist and misogynistic towards everyone!!! We’re just a scapegoat for their horrible decisions they made during their own generations that ended up affecting us, plain and simple. Every day were always used as a scapegoat for everything they hate in the world, supposedly we’re lazy and expect things to come out of a magical hat but then when we don’t do anything and become passive and disinterested in anything we should have fought for futures or something. It’s honestly ridiculous, zoomer hate makes me smile because I love seeing a bunch of shitty bitter oldfags seethe.
No. 2145219
>>2145214They have more access to information than any generation before them, but they'd rather squander all their opportunities and whine on TikTok than actually do anything with their lives. Seriously, I've never met someone from Gen Z that acts like an actual adult. They're all stuck at age 15 and think the world is their TikTok dreamscape.
>>2145217Reminder not to minimod. This is the "zoomer HATE thread." If it's affecting you so much, stop coming onto this thread. I don't go on the dog hate thread and call the posts their rage bait.
No. 2145247
>>2145240The "answer my question" thing sends me spiraling cause 90% of the time, their question got answered but it just wasn't the answer they wanted to get
>Inb4 anons use this for any reasonThis is 100% a zoomer moid behavior (I feel like most behaviors being described in the thread are exclusive to zoomer moids?)
No. 2145279
>>2145267never encountered this with a zoomer girl thankfully
>>2145270the autism excuse is so tiring, especially since actual autistic people were fighting to integrate in the general public and working hard to be presentable, now you have autistic zoomies demanding us accept them acting like the escaped the mental asylum just because, or even worse when they attack actual disabled and autistic people who they disagreed with
No. 2147009
>>2118802This is old but you forget one very crucial detail anon: porn. Boomer men were the first generation who had relatively easy access to porn in the form of DVDs and magazines. It hasn't just not stopped since but it's grown to be more of an exponentially worse and worse problem. Also they lived through the sexual revolution. You can trace all their degeneracy and personality disorders to that point.
What you are describing also makes a lot of sense though.
No. 2157150
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Could've done it in the time this stupid ass post took. Zoomers are like this about everything
No. 2179322
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So many are socially retarded. I just watched a zoomer give a play by play on discord of how scared he was to walk from the car through a parking lot to get to a store. Putting on a coat in front of people is “cringe” they’re all such massive dysfunctional cowards. Anxiety can affect all ages but these zoomers don’t have a courageous or confident bone in their body and I find them so pathetic.
No. 2180249
>>2180226Or mental illnesses. Stuff like simple depression or anxiety doesn't count. Or maybe it does in scrotes, but talking about testosterone will
trigger the gendies and troons. Anyway stuff like PDs or bipolar, schizophrenia etc. Yes it's not nice to stigmatise people who are in treatment and want to change, but you cannot deny that mental illness is literally
illness and will harm
No. 2180266
>>2180227It's not the fault of zoomies, it's the fault of capitalism and the psych industry. Like every private industry, they want more customers, and their solution to that was to proclaim every tiny personality quirk and every reaction to one's circumstances to be a deviancy from the norm. The norm being a good wagie. Notice how the criteria for all illnesses includes "if it interferes in daily life", the daily life being spending 8 hrs a day making money for shareholders.
To drive in that capitalism is the main problem, notice how there exists such a thing as "maladaptive daydreaming" (wtf???) where they say you shouldn't be a dreamer because it brings nobody any money, but parasocial relationships are not officially a mental illness (even though it's obviously a maladaptive bond) because it brings several industries a ton of cash.
No. 2193085
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>>2192976Do they actually think bad people are going to care about following those? I’ve had “TERFs DNI” people initiate conversation with me on Discord, and it’s so ironically funny because they don’t know I’m secretly a “
No. 2194247
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>>2192976>>2193110It’s gotten to the point where people say “basic DNI criteria” as a lazy shorthand for racists, pedos, etc. and then add all the people they personally find annoying (like fans of specific media). There are even Carrds describing these “basic DNI criteria.” Here’s a particularly obnoxious one: at
>you use the toothpaste or listerine flags(gayden fujoshi flag)
>transmisogynistic>you think men can be oppressed for being men(mutually exclusive)
>you identify as a fujoshi/fudanshi(interesting how they said nothing about yuri fans…)
No. 2194248
>pro amab trans men/afab trans womenPoor Kikomi is not allowed.
No. 2194738
>>2194730i see that pov and agree but why are kids who haven’t even joined the workforce yet debating on if they should have to do slave labour or not kek.
the internet makes them all think they’re far more advanced than they really are.
No. 2194756
>>2194730In order for this to be effective we need to instill laws for either longer legal required care from parents/guardians/foster or some other form of programs because a lot of kids get kicked out on their 18th birthday if not shortly after they graduate high school, and then even more American kids are trying to escape
abusive homes. We can just build a society expecting extreme independence at such a young age, and then continue to increasingly remove all the aspects that once allowed for teenagers to be able to support themselves
No. 2194925
Top kek at my fellow zoomers nlogging the fuck out of this thread. I do think a lot of you are over generalising on some fronts but I enjoy this thread for the purpose of self reflection. Personally it's hard to tell if something is a common experience for all generations or a symptom of a given period and generation. For example, cognitive dissonance or general disassociation is so pervasive amongst my peers it's creepy, though it's easy to spot in others I may very well miss it in myself. A lot of my college friends act like this, on the surface they seem normal but they're hiding insane coke addiction or alcoholism and are deeply unhappy with themselves and their lives, unable to make choices for themselves due to succumbing to outside pressure, usually parents, and act out in the dangerous adult ways that are now more readily available mainly drug and drink and sex as if to prove how adult and independent they are.
>>2194767I'm dying to get older personally, I'm most looking forward to my thirties followed closely by the following decades before retirement and really only because the 30s are more immediate than later decades so I get to enjoy it sooner. From what I'm told/can tell, your emotions and hormones mellow out and life might get easier the more experience I have.
No. 2196220
I think Gen Z’s thing where they view being like 20-25 as old and being afraid of aging is because they sort of had it drilled into their heads that after 21 there’s basically nothing valuable about them anymore, that’s also why there’s this rush to get married so young to the point of almost being trad, because getting married in your 30s or 40s is seen as too late for you to find love. It’s also this nihilistic view many of them take, “Fuck it, I’m gonna die, so is everyone and everything else I know, no one will care and all my dreams, hopes, wants, and personal development are for nothing so I may as well just sit around and wait to die” and that attitude is why we have things like 14 year olds on TikTok teaching how apply anti aging cream, because they’re in denial of their own aging and death so they’re trying to pretend it won’t be there. That’s also why the whole reality shifting thing got big, just another attempt to escape from sad reality and go to your dream world in Harry Potter or wherever
No. 2197504
>>2196220>that attitude is why we have things like 14 year olds on TikTok teaching how apply anti aging cream, because they’re in denial of their own aging and death so they’re trying to pretend it won’t be there.Not denying that it's partially the reason but I think the biggest reason was unsupervised access to tiktok and imitating the young adult beauty vloggers. It's irritating that the parents didn't put a stop to it because they think that it's cute how young girls are now getting a headstart on being
victims of beauty industry consoomerism. I'm a millennial and I remember thinking I was old at 21 because even back the idea that 18 is some magical age where you transition into a full fledged adult and was prevalent. At the same time I do think people in general were more lenient about being able to enjoy certain hobbies and fashions without being called an old hag by 25 (not saying that it didn't happen because it still did, but it's not as bad as it is today with all the "ummm excuse me, i'm a LITERAL CHILD" that 18 year olds like to pull when you try to hold them accountable lol).
No. 2199202
>>2196374Millennial women were told "Whatever you do, don't get married young!!! Go
find yourself and travel and girlboss and figure out your life first before you're legally bound to a man" (which is solid advice). Now that we're in our 30s, zoomers and boomers are shitting on us for being "old" and that it's too late to have kids or we're selfish for waiting. It's exhausting.
No. 2199252
>>2199202>waaah we were told to do xyz and it was a lie>waaaah they promised us careers and housesI was promised a pony too but my parents clearly weren’t going to give me one kek
Congrats you’ve discovered that most human beings talk out of their asses, not sure what you’re playing
victim for though. Millennials are so annoying with their whining. Did you expect mommy and daddy to always give you instructions for living
your life? Some people have war in their countries.
(infight bait) No. 2199419
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>>2197504I noticed there's not really any “tween/teen” fashion, makeup or hair anymore, with social media it’s all blended together now. Gen Z and Gen Alpha girls are on tiktok from a young age getting their fashion and makeup and hair advice from women in their 20s and there’s no longer trends that only exist for teenagers. And also the standards have gotten much higher for what they look like. When I was in high school most girls weren’t that good at makeup and now they’re all pros with makeup tutorials and high-end products. Our “makeup tips” from Teen Magazine in the 2000s were like, a small block of text saying something like
>Use a swipe of blue on your eyelids and blend for a pop of color!and we all just had to figure out what that meant with our shitty little drugstore eyeshadows and foam applicators, kek
No. 2206985
>>2201451It becoming more mainstream has just made it so zoomers split into two groups too, the ones that are far left and say anything is pedophilia and want le inclusive troon representation or whatever and talk about how everything is
problematic, and the edgy ones who are far right and will call you a filthy tourist despite barely watching anything themselves if you don't masturbate to loli, with the latter group also including some older creepy men in it as well. Both are insufferable and anime should've just stayed a niche thing so I wouldn't have had to witness how cringe both of these groups of people are. It 100% contributed to the coomer brainrot and should've stayed something people were ashamed to talk about in public
No. 2213409
This isn't really zoomer hate, but I've noticed that the older zoomers think they're the first generation to hate working. Also many of them will talk about not wanting to do the hustle culture thing but then also talk about having multiple income streams/just be a tiktoker and make money/etc. Now outside of the ones saying that to grift a shitty course they're selling, it's a wild mentality to me.
Also this might be more of a cultural thing, but it's insane to me how many consider getting food delivery almost daily something that's the baseline, and not the luxury it is. Same for going on vacation/holidays. But I'm also from a low middle class family so that's probably part of it too. Everyone should be able to dine out now and then, but that's also always been something special for me growing up, not something that was done more than once or twice a year.
>>220788529 would be zillennial or straight up millennial.
No. 2236500
what do you guys think about Zoomer's wanting to bring back lavender marriages?
No. 2236501
>>2236500At first I was gonna say that I don't understand why people my age would want to return to hiding homosexuality, considering we've lived in an era for quite some time now where homosexuality isn't only legal and socially acceptable but also has almost in a way started to outbalance heterosexuality. But it seems like being gay has lost the spice it had 20 years ago.
>A 40 year old man picks up our son in his Kia What the fuck?
No. 2236658
Idk if this has been said before but I’m so sick of the sooner/ social media behavior; they overshare, film people without consent, then are crybullies when you call them out.
I also disagree with their whole “muh abuse” type of shit, like life is hard, but these babies cry, too damn much.
I also hate their form of “alternative fashion” is wearing black, and being performative for troons, the metal spaces are shit now, and the local bars in my area now don’t do emo night, and now have Taylor swift, chappel roan, and Charlie xcx nights, I’m sick of them
No. 2271129
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Went to my local library to get away from my shit home and this is what I see on the desks. And no I definitely didn’t write this, the library is next to a school. If this isn’t fueling my antinatalism than I don’t know what is. I’m tired of these spatially retarded snot-filled children, they’re absolutely brainless, can’t read/write and are the most selfish, devilish humans I’ve ever encountered. I feel like this is more about gen alpha than zoomers but my god I would love a thread for gen alpha hate. Inb4 they’re just children, yeah… even the mini scrotelings know they’re monsters. They know writing this is wrong and I know for a fact this was written by a male child not a female one. God bless these young girls… seriously
No. 2271140
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>>2271129That's why I genuinely don't understand people who genuinely think that children are innately innocent and incapable of hate. I remember being a child and I'll say it with my full chest that children are some hateful motherfuckers. Kids are still people, and people can be very shit and all on their own, man. Even non-human "kids" are shitty. You know baby foxes kill each other?
No. 2271156
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>>2271140one of my side projects is on the concept of the malicious or evil child in earlier times. I don't want to be too specific here but there's a poem (in praise of a martyr) where schoolboys stab their teacher to death with their metal styli. (text below picrel says he was murdered by them - the poem describes them carving their lessons into his flesh)
Probably never happened but idk I want to find more examples of kids being evil. Often in pre-modern history/lit they were depicted as neutral and boring, without personality. There's at least one book on the subject but I hope to contribute more to his analysis eventually
No. 2271245
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No. 2271253
File: 1732227089861.jpg (210.78 KB, 741x1096, zoomerslackrespect.jpg) an interesting article on their hyperindivudalism with a zoomer interviewed. These jerks need to read "what we owe to each other" by scanlon and get their head out of their asses
>>2236658Crybully is an amazing descriptor of their behavior
No. 2271268
>>2271156>>2271156>Often in pre-modern history/lit they were depicted as neutral and boring, without personality.Woah
nonnie can you elaborate? I find this intriguing.
No. 2271520
Not exclusive to zoomers but I really hate the whole "spreading awareness" shit that's rampant in burger zoomers. Not to sound like an
abusive boomer but some of them really cannot take a joke and have no identity so they vicariously live through defending communities who didn't need their defense to begin with. Eg some streamer made a COVID joke 4 years ago that was apparently insensitive to Asians? Burger zoomers everywhere screeching about it while countless Asians reply they found it funny/not offensive and then the zoomers will attack them too saying they're pick-mes and self-hating. If you really cared for COVID issues maybe do something about it, like pay for strangers' vaccines or medical bills from acquiring COVID or something that actually helps people. Oh you can't? Then shut the hell up about your "awareness". You think likes, tweets and pfps help?
>>2271129Agreed we need an alfie (apparently this is what they're called kek) thread. Especially since they're growing up in the age where social media and politics and extremist ideology is rampant combined with the iPads in their faces. Cue alfie boys making rape jokes at the age of 9 to the girls in their class and the "your body my choice" shit.
No. 2271559
>>2271546Millennial teachers are reporting hearing it in schools right now. Also no offense but do you really think schools (especially burger schools) will do anything about that kind of thing? Teachers will assume that's on the same vein as name-calling, hell they punish
victims who fight back when they're being physically bullied and send sexual assaulters off with a pat on the back.
No. 2273123
>>2196374>She doesn't know old sperm is actually the one at fault for most if not all of birth defectsLmao pedo pick me loser. Have fun wasting your 20s chasing some shitty vile moid that will resent you for making him "give up other pussy" and will traumatize you and your children cause you fell for a meme created by leftover pedo men in their 40s.
Keep getting your relationship and family planning advice from post wall red pill bros, I'm sure that's gonna work out flawlessly
No. 2273137
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>>2273123Samefagging but fuck these fear mongering tradtard bitches, if that isn't a moid as per usual.
Ladies, look out for expired, low quality sperm. Date younger men if necessary. Modern men's sperm count has been decreasing over the years, and the ones they've got left are basically deformed and swimming sideways if they swim at all.
Don't reproduce with a scrote who's past 35. Hell even 30 may be too late for them (see pic related). His sperm has expired. It's a life sentence for your kids, you are gonna produce some deeply autistic kids at best and some literal retards at worst. This is part of the reason why zoomers are so fucked up and slow: many of them had older fathers cause gen Xrs and millennial moids refused to start a family until found themselves in their mid 30s when they realized they were going to die alone. Don't fall for this psyop, calling a pregnant 35 year old woman a "geriatric pregnancy" is a literal meme (that is not even an honest way of addressing a woman on that age, since the word geriatric refers to an actual elderly person) created and pushed by projecting pedo doctors during the last century that female doctors tried to fight against but got silenced. All while conveniently hiding the whole issue going on with the decay of modern men's sperm.
All men say about women, fertility and age is anything but projection and cope, as everything going on with men is.
No. 2273151
>>2273141This is a fascinating subject
It's such a steep drop that there's bound to be multiple causes
Interestingly nobody proposes that the prevalence of porn and jacking off two thousand times a day since puberty has any effect on sperm quality and quantity. Nah, the chronic over-use and over-depletion couldn't possibly have anything to do with it
No. 2273204
>>2273137I've learned about human development biology and studied biomedical science both are bad for fertility and the health of offspring. Elderly paternal age is associated with schizophrenia and autism, elderly maternal age; down syndrome and the risk of stillbirth. A dramatic age gap between paternal and maternal ages is correlated with stillbirth and premature births. A major problem with female reproduction is the number of gametes diminishes severely over time due to menses whereas males doesn't at the same rate but the male gamete has issues with chemotaxis, thermotaxis and capacitation which are the main drivers of fertilization. Another thing to consider is that the male gamete is motile and energy expending while the females are energy retaining and stationary so the mutation rate is influenced by this factor too. Cell differentiation and turnover probably has an influence on the mutation rate of sperm too. Other factors are sperm competition. I don't know much about the male "infertility crisis" but it sounds like bullshit. "Fertility" is declining in all developed countries because for the first time in human history women have a slither of human rights, and the main reason being that they can't afford it. There is no deep reason, and its not a infertility crisis in women, its a "choice of human rights crisis". Women just can't afford to have kids and the global south is catching up. Women choosing not to have kids is not a crisis. The uterus can incubate eggs and the uteruses of older women 40-50s pre-menopause are capable of a healthy pregnancy but you'd need egg donors and there's likely more complications resulting from this. It still bares mentioning since the reproductive limit of women is based around the finite and diminishing number of gametes, not the apparatus for gestation itself.
>>2273145I don't agree with calling a woman over 35 "geriatric" due to mainstream pedo-culture but pregnancy is not good period, and women are more at risk for breast cancer from pregnancy, cervical cancer from STIs and ovarian cancer from birth control. The rate of say prostate cancer is not comparable to the commonality of breast cancer.
No. 2274518
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Randomly remembered the weird dm Julian Casablancas sent to a young girl on ig and got chills
No. 2290977
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Gen z is literally just millenial 2.0 except they havent done shit. No major movements or any political action. They just… post.. They believe anything said to them on social media. All they do is talk like millenials. "hey so um hating trannies is bad, actually!". Literally what is wrong with you, you should be shoved in a locker you dork. They don't do any political action yet constantly police eachother and split each individual hair over frivolous ragebait pushed towards them by silicon valley trumpshits. It's actually "them damn phones"!! They're literally addicted to ragebait and it runs their culture. They fell for the tradshit, they fell for shit like temu and shein, they fell for general grayness. It's so embarassing, I can't even name anything culturally significant in the 2020's other than like covid 19 or brat. Shit sucks
No. 2292359
>>1939569The reason for this is YouTube and social media. They all incentivised mediocrity and quantity over quality so thats the zoomer mindset when it comes to media.
There's no more reward for being a real creative. There's ONLY a reward for following the rules. Marketing firms set the trends, you follow them. End of story.
No. 2305063
>>2303378This is why the extremely large span in years for generations is retarded. Older zoomers were old enough to be og scene kids. I don't even see 17-20 year olds trying to recreate scene looks besides like 10 terminally online kids. And there was absolutely a large music scene where scene kids typically listened to the same bands that they bonded over; mostly emo and metalcore. Bands like BOTDF, Escape the Fate, Suicide Silence, Sleeping with Sirens, Asking Alexandria, Never Shout Never, etc. This was the point of subcultures, everyone having something in common that they liked and wanted to signal it to others to find a community. This no longer exists today. Scene kids were adjacent to emos just a more fun, colorful version so self harm was still very big back then. These are outcast kids who ended up participating in genuine counterculture, after all.
However, I don't understand why younger gen z has to add "core" to everything. Why are they so uncomfortable just calling it "scene"? Because it's been dead for 15 years?
No. 2310353
>>2310330Because they have no creative thought. They just pick up the preexisting trends and add core or some stupid name to it so they can feel like they’re doing something. All whilst shitting on millenial trends and insisting that they do them better.
The few trends they did come up with had no longevity.
No. 2312253
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>>2310207>My generation (i’m a millennial) spent most of our time pushing against labels and encouraged people that it was ok to be different. With gen z, they all have to fit into whatever trendy category exists.My least favorite trend is "whimsigoth". It's always just normal shit from circa 1995-2010-ish. Not even "alternative", just normal stuff from JC Penney or Big Lots.
No. 2314040
>>2310240> Kids are always experimenting with their identity, but nowdays it’s so much more politically chargedAgreed, but I also can’t blame them to be fair, especially zoomer women (I’m an older zoomer myself), given the times we live in and how moids will gladly elect a rightoid schizo that will forcefully enroll them in the army just because they hate the fact that they don’t get the lives of their grandpas and more and more women choose to opt out catering to scrotes. And everything right now is unfortunately tied to politics.
> most of their parents are just shitty and never should have had kids in the first place.Also agreed, most of them were either very controlling of their kids or very neglectful, no in between (not a burger tho, but I don’t think there are huge differences). A good chunk of gen X women are pickmes and gen X moids are either mentally absent from the family or even left their families to be whores their entire lives.
I also noticed that they live vicariously through their kids (older gens did that too, but I think it’s worse in gen x-ers) and their kids were usually trophies to flex with when relatives and friends visited so they can validate their existence kek. In that sense, things like creativity and stepping out of line slightly was punished especially by the controlling “flavor” of gen x-ers. Can’t blame them tho, they had it worse in that regard, but man…
As for zoomers, I don’t know what they can hold onto anymore to be honest, feels like the world is crumbling at the hands of rich old farts and we can’t do much about it except for surviving (which gets harder day by day) and form some type of community but zoomers as a gen are so divided so it’s pretty hard and idk at this point.
No. 2314307
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How thin skinned zoomers are. They literally have a giant spergout if you even slightly criticize them. Even if you gently educate them on something they got wrong, they get super defensive. It’s so strange. I’ve encountered millennials like this of course but they didn’t make up most of the community. I feel like now I have to walk on egg shells and be extra nice if not my DMs will be full of angry zoomers kek. Also the whole “hot girls don’t gatekeep” thing is so annoying. Gatekeeping is necessary especially now that the competition is brutal. I’m not sharing sources because I’m an asshole, I’m not sharing because you’re literally the competition kek.
No. 2318651
>>2313376>Scene was entirely new and different from goth or glam metalCompletely false.
Some of the biggest bands scene kids listened to heavily copied 80s glam. Black Veil Brides and A7X especially.
Also, there is no such thing as "entirely new". Sure, scene had more to it than anything the fortnite generation has come up with but everything's derivative on some level.
No. 2318854
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>>2313376I disagree, Gen z isn't completely unoriginal. There are unique fashion subcultures that come out Gen z, like e boys/girls and earthy girl styles for better or for worse. More fashion subcultures will pop up as Gen z and gen alpha move into their teenage and adult years
No. 2319778
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>>2318967What about that horrible cyber streetwear style?
No. 2320026
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>>2318967Just remembered about 'opium' fashion
No. 2320165
>>2319311>Zoomer women and girls are fine. It's the zoomer moids that are a problem. I wouldn't say it's that cut and dry. Moids have more problems than women obviously but my friends-of-friends are all pretty compelling arguments that Gen Z women are far from "fine".
A lot of it feels like Gen Z moids and their sheer vapidity and small-mindedness rubbing off on younger women. I feel like people who don't feel like a chore to talk to are rare.
No. 2320523
>>2320165Zoomer women who are male-centered are a
nightmare of contradictions and doublethink. It doesn't help that zoomers are pretty obsessed with finding a niche/category to "belong" to so those same women will dig their heels in about their position kek. Speaking as a zoomzoom myself though I do know a lot of women who aren't like that.
No. 2320525
>>2320026Ngl I like this, and I don't think zoomer fashion is
that bad. It just bugs me how they keep inventing 10000 different labels every week because they're desperate to go viral kek
No. 2320526
>>2320522"Dayum the weather is so Ohio". Genuinely heard some Gen Alpha kids down my street say this.
"Can't have shit in Ohio".
No. 2320538
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>>2320532The Ohio meme existed before Gen A where it was just "Ohio is a bad place" and honestly it was kind of funny, picrel. Ohio shall take over the world! Gen A just turned it into a random meme word though.
And yeah for the first one, it's not supposed to make any sense. It's often used as a synonym for "good" or something positive but note that Gen Alpha humour is supposed to be incredibly ironic and meaningless. Words are just… there. "You're so Ohio, you're so skibidi".
No. 2320545
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>>2320539Idk I will laugh at anything from boomer to zoomer humour don't mind me. It's so unfunny that it's funny.
No. 2320588
>>2320585I never had the app, I just heard people say them or watched them on YouTube. Deez nutz hahah goteem.
>>2320586Barbecue sauce on my titties
No. 2322147
>>2318854>earthy girl stylesSo…hippy shit from the 70s?
>eboy/egirlMaking cosplay, sanrio, and anime your entire personality isn't a style nor was it new when they started calling it egirl/eboy.
No. 2322170
>>2318854>e boys/girlscoomery hot-topic goths
>earthy girl styleshippies
so, nothing original then
No. 2322199
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>>2322183>Its weird how desperate zoomer women are to be seen as sex objects to menDA Kek I agree because I grew up watching this happen, I still remember when ddlg shit hit big on tumblr in the 2010s when I was a teenager. What I find interesting is that despite all this desperation, zoomers are still having less sex than previous generations because, unsurprisingly, when one associates sex with something as degrading as porn suddenly it stops becoming something to look forward to and instead becomes something to dread. Alas. One thing I find especially retarded is that moids think consuming and making moar porn and filling mainstream social media with it is "owning da feminists" but in reality it's just alienating women from them because they look like fucking freaks to the average woman, even the women who try to be the best coom object on tiktok don't really want a man with a porn habit because they know those men just see them as porn.
No. 2322456
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>>2322172The high amount of 'goth' female characters during 2000s and 2010s cartoons also had a play in making alternative fashion less repulsive to moids. Characters like those in picrel are a common childhood moid crush for zoomers. Note that some of these characters aren't really goth, but have some dark aesthetics, I think that might have contributed to simpler goth fashion today
No. 2323135
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No. 2323167
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>>2322172>Stuff like goth and scene and emo were supposed to be repelling to moidsTbf, scene was never meant to be "repellent to moids". It was always associated with young women and girls who partied, wanted fame and enjoyed male attention. MySpace "site models" were a huge thing, Kiki Kannibal being one popular one. The community was kind of rampant with pickmeism and creepy males. There was a lot of sexualized behavior within that "subculture", hence bands like BOTDF and risque photos/outfits being common. A lot of former scene girls have horror stories of those days.
This is less true for goth and emo, but even the goth subculture has/had ties to the BDSM and other kinds of fetish communities before normies ever picked up on it.
I think the unfortunate truth is that most subcultures with a majority of straight women won't be overly invested in being "repellent to moids" (maybe a certain type of ultra-normie moid they dislike, but not all of them). No. 2392983
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do you agree?
No. 2395289
>>2392983i think all gen z no matter the younger or older gen z lean more right compared to millenials. Gen Z will be the new boomers or gen-x.
I wonder how gen alpha or beta will be like though. Alot of gen alpha boys are growing up having sneako and andrew tate as their idols + unrestricted porn access.
No. 2395294
>>2392983It's very U.S.-centric, so I don't really agree with it, but the school experience with regard to covid is definitely something that likely will have a more defined impact on people who graduated post-covid in years to come
>>2323215>>2323223Ofc all of these categories are made up, but in the past the generations lasted longer than 10-15 year spans. The way there's such a divide between what we'd consider older-zoomer vs younger-zoomer makes me feel like maybe zoomer as a category entirely should just be shifted into either millenial or alpha because how they interact with technology seems to be the largest defining characteristic, though I think the effects of the pandemic might become more prominent.