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No. 1785215
Confess, my child.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1782034 No. 1785430
>>1785393I see so many drag queens saying “Its not about looking like a woman it’s about looking like a
drawing of a woman” and they still look ugly as shit in their Bettie Page cosplay
No. 1785512
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When I was a teenager,I stopped liking MLP FIM entirely because of bronies.I still can't like or think anything of MLP without bronies putting their gross hands on it.
No. 1785904
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i have scrotoid looking hands. they're not huge, but a bit calloused and veiny from doing manual labor. probably not in as sexy way, but in a please moisturize way. i also keep my nails as trimmed as possible at all times and my watch is kinda moid adjacent. i was suspected for being a moid when my friend took a photo of us where you could only see my torso and hands. i like my hands, but it hurts when anons call me a moid, because i know my hands will never be able to convince them that i am in fact a perfect goddess
No. 1786007
>>1785904Post you hands
nonnie blease
No. 1786177
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I am so baby crazy right now! I am in a long term relationship and today I thought of having a baby around the holidays and feeding them mashed potatoes with a little rubber spoon and how they would laugh and wiggle.
It made me cry so hard WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!
(And no I am not rushing motherhood)
No. 1786476
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>>1785512I was having fun and I didn't get traumatized because I was careless but also avoiding everything weird, like picrel. Sadly I got Pavlov'd into developing a specific fetish. People who put their fetishes in cartoons are evil, like those excessive fart, feet, vomit, inflation and other weird shit jokes.
No. 1786566
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A former friend of mine trooned out before completely cutting contact with me and other mutual friends. I found out his Reddit and I've been checking on it from time to time and I've been both disgusted and entertained with what he says. I don't know if I should keep checking his Reddit cuz I feel in the long run it's won't be nice seeing someone you called a friend go down the pit of degeneracy even more. I guess I keep checking cuz I'm still dumb enough to hope one day he'll say "trannies are stupid, I'm done taking bootleg estrogen" but alas, I know that won't be the case. I really need to stop checking his Reddit and just accept my friend is dead and just a gross autogynephile is remains.
No. 1786652
>>1786642>It’s certainly not the sex ( cant make me cum during sex) or love lmaoWhat the fuck,
nonnie. Just jump out. Get out of there. There is no point if the sex isn't good and you don't love him. Just because you're 30 doesn't mean you hit the wall and can't get a good man. Damn, my 31 year old friend is with a
24 year old. You are worthy of so much more than a broken house and a bum. Tell him you're going through some mental illness and say "it's not you, it's me" if it hurts your feelings so much on breaking his heart. Come on.
No. 1786655
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>>1786642You know what to do,
nonnie. Do it.
No. 1786664
>>1786660Stop trying to find a man who will take you to ballets and plays and musicals… find friends. Then you won't have to settle for a terrible scrote just because he might
one day put a baby in you that he'll no doubt leave you to deal with on your own.
No. 1786668
>>1786660I also just want to go on record that for our anniversary i bought him a ring, and heee bought me a mug and a stuffed animal off amazon While i went to a bouji boutique in new york and bought him a ring carved from titanium but what the fuck ever i guess.
OH i guess ge did buy a $1 button pin with a sexual innuendo on it too because he thought of me…. Ha.
No. 1786678
>>1786669This. And she lives in NYC? Girl, go live your life. Find some meetup groups or just start going alone. I got out of a similar relationship and I felt so bored and empty so I actually started volunteering after a decade of hermitude and I'm now building a local social environment with people I actually have shit in common with, unlike my ex or other fair-weather buddies. I googled "volunteers theatre new york city" and now I wish
I was there. Do it Anon
No. 1786682
>>1786660Where do you live, somewhere along the Appalachian mountains? If pickings are slim and some sort of career is important find some government worker like a mail man. Just an idea. In poor areas they make good money even though they constantly bitch about the salary and in a recession they won’t lose their jobs suddenly.
It’s kinda retarded to pick based on a specific job obviously but damn they gotta have some kind of job, and I’m just spitting out ideas here
No. 1786727
>>1786449those nerds don’t deserve you
It's getting hard to believe it when you're invisible to regular people kek, and the nerds only want me because they see me as a Cool Girl™ who is into the same shit as them.
No. 1786896
>>1786683I totally understand what you mean anon. I don't mind the idea of 2 men being in love and dating. But when I see irl gay men or the ones online, I just get so disgusted. I was ok with lesbians mostly until I started using lolcow and noticing how many of them hate straight or bi women and make fun of them for being attracted to men and act like they're the ~real feminist~, and it kinda made me dislike them. I saw an anon here who claims to be a lesbian and thinks you can only be truly attracted to women if you find butches only attractive, and aren't attracted to feminine women/lesbians. What? Isn't that just emulating being straight? Weird. I don't have anything against the idea of 2 women finding each other sexually attractive and having sex, but again, it the way they act and talk about their sexuality and their superiority complex that bothers me about them. And for gay men it's their perversion and proving the "molested child to gay man pipeline" true, and how they hate women because they're not attracted to them, and how they mock women by dressing up in exaggerated ways and mimic their behavior in a gross oversexualized way. And it's worse when straight normal women copy them or support them. The attraction itself isn't the problem, but the way it's portrayed and how they associate some behaviors and fashions with it. And by extension, media containing gay/lesbian characters end up as a reflection of how the annoying ones irl act, so it's impossible to watch. They're never normal people, they're always annoying sjws. While in manga and anime it's mostly written as fetish shit with no real representation or actual relationships. Except chinese manhue for some reason, they take it seriously kek. And for bis, it's mostly just used to make a character seem cool, and most bis online fake it or think they're genuinely bi but they aren't. But in all honesty, seeing that kind of people made me question my own sexuality and if I'm truly bi or am I extremely horny and narcissistic so much so that I want both sexes to fuck me for validation. I've always found female and male characters attractive as a chind, and fantasized about both, but not equally. Male characters got more of my attention than female ones, but I noticed I get more attached to a character if they check the looks boxes and the personality+sad backstory boxes. And it's rare to find perfect overachiving female characters with a sad backstory, so maybe that's why I didn't have as much crushes on them as male characters. But even when it comes to celebrity crushes, I like both. But seeing the fake bis online makes me doubt myself, only way to find out is irl experience I guess.
No. 1786945
>>1786896>What? Isn't that just emulating being straightwell no because masculine women arent male or male like.
>>1786683this queer stuff is the fault of heterosexuals. the ideology, grooming, most trannies are heterosexuals especially the TiMs, the people funding them are straight etc. so its odd you're specifically taking it out on homosexuals. but then again you and the other anons that agree here are bisexual so its not surprising that you're punching down
No. 1786946
this is regular homophobia, sister.
No. 1786957
>>1786937Nobody's idealogically pure, we're all susceptible to pressures from society unless you have astonishingly thick skin. As long as you aren't defending it as an empowering feminist choice (like a lot of girls do about makeup etc) I think it's fair enough. Feminism can be a work in progress, we get more confident in ourselves over time so maybe one day you won't be bothered with the hair at all.
Hair removal is my achilles heel too, I already have the stigma of being terminally single/celibate, unmarried and childless so meeting bare minimum beauty standards is like a defense mechanism for me. I'm not made of stone, I hate being judged, I don't want people to think I live this way because I have to rather than because I want to.
No. 1787021
>>1786945First anon, yeah fair enough. But I still don't understand why that anon insisted only liking masculine women is true ssa. I find a woman attractive if she's naturally good looking regardless of femininity or masculinity, but I understand having a type if that what she meant.
>>1786946How is what any of what I said homophobic though? Asking genuinely. As I said, I don't care about 2 people of the same sex falling in love and getting in a relationship or married, or kissing or holding hands etc. It's more the weird fashion, behaviors, opinions etc. that seem to come with it but to me seem inauthentic and more forced and learned. Rather than who the person truly is. Like, I don't think being a gay man makes gay men speak in that high valley girl accent naturally because of genetics lol. It's obviously put on. Or how some 'lesbians' online talk about how they're 'u-haul' lesbians and it's their culture blah blah balh. And that kind of people are the ones represented in media unfortunately. Not that the media representing them is good anyways kek. It's rare for modern media to have a gay/lesbian couple that speak and behave normally like responsible adults, they always have to stand out like a sore thumb instead when it comes to the writing of these shows. And I think lots of young gay and lesbian people absorb that and try to emulate it thinking they definitely have to act and talk that way to be true homosexuals, it's just strange to me.
No. 1787023
>>1786945I never actually said I was bi, I only think I might be but that's something I'm not about to solve with anons here now. And this anon
>>1786896 sounded a little unhinged to me too so don't lump me together with her.
No. 1787058
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>>1785278most of my reactions pics are on my phone, so yeah
No. 1787061
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As someone who grew up in a Muslim household, my favorite indulgence is marshmallows in hot cocoa
No. 1787073
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>>1785975>>1785990TERFS are nothing but reactions to the shitty climate created by submissive spineless libfems . I've moved away from radfem stuff but I will always hate libfems and trannies. They're the ones who created this in the first place.
No. 1787198
>>1787067I was genuinely wondering. I didn't think about the socialization angle tbh, though. But why do they think they should act that way because everyone else does? If it's socialization doesn't that mean it's not their true selves? I think I'm bi but I live somewhere where being gay/bi is punishable by death (and so is being straight out of wedlock but that's another can of warms) so I can't truly act on my sexuality and figure it out properly. But I never developed any behaviors/fashion choices that align with bisexuality that I see people talk about online. Like cuffing jeans, wearing flannels etc., and I think it's weird people equate that to being bi lol. I am slightly gender non-conforming and androgynous though but that's a mixture of my nature and the trying to be contrarian to the culture I live in, and I don't believe it's a manifestation of my sexuality. Despite not shaving and not wearing makeup, I still like dresses and feminine girly stuff, sexy womanly stuff, and some 'manly' stuff, or alt stuff etc. I don't limit myself to certain interests and looks to prove my sexuality, I just think it's weird when people do that. I don't limit myself to be attracted to a certain type of people only to prove it either, and I think it's silly when people say you're only x sexuality if you're attracted to y type of people only. (Masculine vs feminine and stuff). Maybe it's because I never grew up in an lgb community so they never imprinted on me, and the ones online didn't rub off me either.
No. 1787299
>>1787294Samefag but:
>A radical political movementOh, you think that's what the rad part means and think everyone who calls you a retard is a radfem, not just someoneon who realises you're wrong. You're one of those people kek. Psyoping doesn't work you realise?
No. 1787304
>>1787297You're embarrassing, I'm not that anon. Learn how to discuss like a normal person
>>1787299What the hell are you talking about? Like, really?
(infighting) No. 1787333
>>1787067But anon, they do not identify as homophobic! Therefore they aren't even though they shill the same 'if you hate men you're trying to turn women into lesbians/a lesbian' stick that scrotes believe (not suspect at all kek, not strange it's only ever about radfems and not knowing what the word even means kek). I assume it is the same samefagging retard who cries every month in meta about trannyhate and manhate and tries to pretend it's because they're a 'real' feminist
>>>/meta/63479 ,
>>>/meta/63475 ,
>>>/meta/63442 ,
>>>/meta/63424Anon said it best
>>>/meta/63440 No. 1787372
>>1787327The """anons""" thinking every random anon who shits on men is a lesbian. It's a common cope for tradfags and scrotes who shit up the site to deflect responsibility for mens behaviour causing women to feel this way, gay, straight, or bi
>>>/ot/1217948 ,
>>>/ot/1217854 . Only men think pointing out male degeneracy and the resulting hate makes or turns someone gay and assumes all anons are gay or trying to larp as gay because they post manhate (because they do not see sexuality that stands in the way of their desires as real or see men as a superior option to women). I'm straight and manhate is based. Nor does hating men mean anons are a radfem. It comes off as reeing about their pet hate they blame for why they can't get a date. It's why the tranny used to spam the same thing.
No. 1787378
and then immediately tried to shill allowing mtfs to join the site because we allow ftms.
No. 1787399
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I just want to habe a bunch of babies, a whole litter even. Tfw you will never be a cat mom nursing her young
No. 1787407
>>1786896 and I don't remember saying hating men makes you lesbian? I just said that I saw some anons saying only way to be lesbian is to like masculine women, and liking feminine women isn't "real" ssa. And said that some anons who claim to he lesbian here hate on straight women for being straight. How did you turn all of this about man hating=lesbian/radfem? Unless you're mistaking me for another anon. I posted
>>1787021 and
>>1787198, and
>>1787204 only. Whoever you're tinfoiling is the same person, isn't me.
No. 1787408
>>1787333Nah I think she’s a little confused (maybe because of the culture she said she grew up in, being gay being a crime wherever she is implies to me she probably hears a lot of lies and bullshit about it) but in a way she’s actually onto something about the way popular media portrays gayness and it getting memed by people. In a really roundabout/horseshoe way she might be onto something lol. But that’s a thing in every culture not just the gay subculture so unless she’s gonna look at herself and her affectations and beliefs and other subcultures and all the little things that make people act the way they are and not like their “true selves” it’s not really a revelation.
Also you seem a little crazy because you are talking about things I didn’t see her say and linking like 10 other posts I’m not gonna click on to see what the fuck you’re talking about sorry
No. 1787446
>>1787408I finally get what the other anon meant now that I read your post. I genuinely think I act the way I truly and naturally am. I've been acting and thinking the same way since I was a young kid until now, similar interests and tastes and behaviors, just slightly tweaked to be more appropriate and fit in society. But people consider me different and strange wherever I go kek. Irl, on lolcow, on discord, on reddit etc. So I guess I'm doing something right and being shamelessly myself? I didn't get to socialize that much growing up except in school and online, other than that I'm looked at home 24/7, so I have no one but myself's company and sometimes, my family. So I never imprinted on anyone afaik. Sorry for the blogpost. And yeah, you got my point, guess I just delivered it in a retarded way kek.
No. 1787466
I’m ashamed to admit this, but I really have no female friends, or any IRL friends for that matter, but I really desire having a female connection again. I turned 18, and am still living at my parents house and I’m basically not allowed to go out or do anything or have any friends as long as I’m under their roof, but I still feel desperate to reach out to people to talk to. I only really have my boyfriend, were long distance for now though unfortunately, and I get to see him in a few months, but I crave to have female friends again. I hate having to make friends with men, just because of the spaces I occupy usually online. It makes me uncomfortable. Especially since I have a boyfriend. He’s not against me having made friends at all, but I just don’t like the idea of it. Whenever I befriend a guy, it’s always he catches feelings for me and I stop talking to him out of shame. I’m glad I have my boyfriend in my life, as he’s super supportive and I just never wanna lose him, but I’m just so tired of not having anyone who can relate to certain things around me that women can relate to… it really hurts a bit. I feel rejected even though I haven’t made much of an effort to go out and make friends.
No. 1787483
>>1787478nta but the only post i found mentioning polilez was
>>1787194 which wasn't about manhate
No. 1787489
>>1787475I genuinely still don't get what was wrong with what I said, but I think it's better to drop the topic to not derail the thread any further. I'm too retarded to get this.
>>1787476This anon, I didn't get her point about affectations at first.
>>1787067 No. 1787809
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Wiggers are grosser to me than white nationalists. There’s something hypocritical and slimey and fake. I think it’s cringe and disgusting when I see a spoiled white American brat brag about marching for BLM or their “love” of rape music. You make my skin crawl. I have bile in my throat. Spoiled brats who can crawl back to mommy and daddy in your suburbs when you get bored.
No. 1787815
>>1785215 (OP)
Found this site
Saw a boatload of useless unnecessary rules
Never coming back here
No. 1787872
>>1787846>>1787846I know people like to compare their countries racism with americas but it’s not the same black people came here and we were seen the same as literal cows if not worse cuz animals get treated with more respect in this country. They really had to make a bill to distinguish if we were human ducking beings! Do you know how nuts that is! And you know the solution they came up with!? That we were 3/5ths a person! What does that even fucking mean!? Maybe white people aren’t inherently evil but to be fostered in an environment that at its core is built on racist ideologies and politics and how it STILL shapes every fiber of this country and the majority of white people refuse to even ACKNOWLEDGE its existence let alone try and help remove the system entirely is evil itself imo. How can you learn that even something that literally no one likes or asked for like credit scores were invented simply to further discriminate against black people and still not be peaked that this whole system is corrupt and needs to be eradicated. Like we are at the mercy of our credit scores because of racism. We have to pay for school because white propel didn’t want black people at theirs (and still don’t!).
But of course black people just like to complain but do the research and you’ll see the reason why we have to do anything a certain way in America is because of racism. YOU CANT STAND IN CERTAIN AREAS BECAUSE OF RACISM LOITERING LAWS! How does that not peak white people idk but I’ve grown tired trying to convince people to care
No. 1787895
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>>1787846>"white people will always hate black people"IMO, the uncomfortable truth is this: Some will, and they'll happily try to deprive themselves/their whole country of good things just to harm "the blacks". On an interpersonal level, you can't exactly know who has that sick mentality until it's too late, so I understand the sentiment, even though I don't personally subscribe to it. It's likely easy to downplay it and pretend it's not happening if you aren't black. What country are you from, nonna?
No. 1788034
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>bf says he’s worried I’m going to cuck him
>the thought literally never entered my mind before he brought it up
>now having dreams about it practically every night, sometimes about guys I know
No. 1788096
>>1788067Last year, I made it my new year’s resolution to not snoop on anyone from my past online. I haven’t checked their social media since last year. It gets easier with time. I don’t have any easy advice to follow other than you just have to be disciplined. Delete the apps if they’re making you want to snoop.
nonnie, you aren’t helping.
No. 1788110
>>1788067Tbh it should be normalized for mothers not to post their kid to public social media.
Maybe she privated her kid's pictures but kept her bf's pics public.
You're going native, anon. Do not look. The past is the past for a reason.
No. 1788351
>>1787846It's definitely hyperbolic on here, not literally every man is a raping violent psychopath but misogyny is definitely very real, but it's more invisible than racism because it's so ingrained that it's easy to get gaslit into believing it's not even there. Women got the right to vote 40 years after black men, we've still never had a female president, men will throw a fit if a female character in a video game isn't portrayed the way THEY want her to be, people perceive women as talking more in a conversation than a man even if she actually talks less, and people perceive the amount of women to men in a TV show being 50/50 if only 20% of them are women, and will say there are more women than men if the ratio is actually 50/50. This stuff wouldn't happen if culture wasn't misogynistic as a whole
>>1788289What the fuck side of instagram are you on? I haven't seen this once and I go on there pretty frequently. Mostly I follow interior design and fashion accounts though and those are mostly women and I noticed women don't seem to have the weird fixation on race that me do
No. 1788492
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My mom lost 40 lbs on ozempic and it feels weird to hug her. I’m glad she finally lost the stubborn pounds she has hated her whole life. But I’m surprised I even have a mental/physical image of what a hug is with my mom
No. 1788524
>>1788506He is good-looking but his personality is trash
>>1788521All rappers are gay or bisexual kek
No. 1788560
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I’m so unbelievably bored without a fandom or a ship. I’m a khv loser and I just moved and have almost no friends.
I hate being left alone with my thoughts. At least fanfic filled the void.
No. 1788563
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>>1788536>feminine pretty Huh? Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.
No. 1788633
>>1788588Partly it was because I had never wanted children and was afraid of getting pregnant, partly it was out of medical necessity. I was trans (left that whole mess behind now) and taking testosterone for years gave me intense uterus cramps that had been increasing in frequency and severity. You pretty much have to have a hysterectomy if you've been on it long enough.
It's a confession because many people think women regret getting hysterectomies so young, I've seen comments on here that it's dangerous and stupid to get it done, I've seen a lot of detransitioners say they regret it, and I've told people I regret medical transition (although not that part specifically).
No. 1788800
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I posted the last two things in the old thread on accident and I dont feel like copying and pasting them, kek
No. 1788983
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everyone is always saying she looks horrible and so ugly in her threads and I don't comment bc I'd be accused of white knighting but I think she's really sexy aside from the extreme spoopiness. I check up on her threads just because I like to look at her pictures
No. 1789144
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I used to inhale the smell of this as a child
No. 1789238
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I love shotas and have been a shotacon since i was 10 or so. I don't have any trauma i could attribute to this i'm just a degen and don't give a shit. Disgusting, but this is the confessions thread.
No. 1789297
>>1789238I'm not a shotafag, don't get me wrong, but picrel isn't really a shota
>>1789246Neither is this
No. 1789300
>>1789246I personally grew out of my shota phase when I was around 22 tbh. I mean you are only 18, and many "shota" characters are like 16, I don't think it's that insane. I remember having Waver from f/z as my husbando (he's 19), and for some reason they usually depicted him as a shota in almost every doujin I read. First and last time I saw a 19 year old shota, kek.
As long as you don't mix fantasy and real life or don't eventually grow out of it, I don't think it's that terrible. (And I get that maybe right now you don't think you'll ever stop being into it, but trust me, I was the same).
No. 1790082
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>>1789994Your dental hygiene is not just about how other people perceive you. Poor dental hygiene can lead to serious issues that won't effect other people but cause you a lot of issues. Please take it from me, I did not brush as often as I needed to as a child and I'm still dealing with the repercussions. Weak enamel, receding gums, abscesses, more cavities than I can count, 2 teeth missing because they rotted so bad they had to be removed, etc… These are painful and directly threaten your health since your dental health is directly connected to your heart health. It's easy to be like "I can't be assed to brush" now but you'll regret it when your face is throbbing in pain 24/7 from an infection that you may or may not have the money to fix. 2 minutes out of your day to brush twice a day is not a lot of time.
If the actual task of brushing is what bothers you, perhaps consider trying miswak (picrel) or some alternative form of brushing. I'm pretty sure all you do is chew on it, I'm sure you could do it while sitting at your desk on your computer.
No. 1790157
>>1788351I’m not on any side of instagram I get all sorts of things in my feed, it’s a huge issue that others have even acknowledged
No. 1791178
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Knowing that there's a possibility my 3D husbando could have fucked nasty old men for roles has killed all my attraction towards him. It's not actually confirmed in his case, no proof, no rumors, nothing, but the fact that nearly every other actor does it means he's probably no exception either. This sounds very silly but I feel heartbroken in a sense, like it's messing with me emotionally and I don't know why because it's not like I really know him.
No. 1791615
>>1791378I have had rats
5 nonnie and some of them just AREN'T affectionate. Its not all that bad, some just won't bond no matter. I had a siamese rat and she was very unfriendly, even with other rats I had she was pretty standoffish. Just try to give them plenty of roaming time and frozen veggies- pet them as they please (toothbrush if they bite). Kind of like a fish- give them the best you can and do not worry.
The other option is to rehome them but depending on their age and how they are with you, they might just like your prescense or might need someone who has experience with aggressive rats. No. 1791650
>>1791564I’m glad you got away from that loser
nonnie. I love that for you. I’m hoping I can do the same with my moid who I hate and I tell people I do
No. 1793336
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I'm still having sex dreams about a man that I hate and it's driving me crazy because I know we will never fuck. Nor should we.
No. 1793661
>>1793377never have sex
>>1793385thank you for doing god's work
No. 1795805
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Sometimes I want to get back at my ex by fucking a guy he hates. He’s really hot but the only problem is that I hate him too kek. He’s so desperate for any approval from anyone it’s a major turn off. I love my ex still but I want to hurt him too. I want to make him feel as horrible as I’ve felt this past year.
No. 1796615
>>1796559This is devious and I support you fully.
Not sure if available where you live but they make non-alcoholic liquor now that mimics the taste of real alcohol. If you can get it and you want to go full gaslight…it’s an idea.
No. 1796724
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>>1796712I think one or both of those girls is trans now. Almost spoils the memory for me.
No. 1796748
>>1796738My best friend slept with one of her good friend’s brother and it exploded her whole friend group (not me, I wasn’t part of it but most of her other friends were) so maybe just keep it to yourself? Although it seemed like the whole group was a bit “
toxic” so maybe it was for the best, she’s honestly happier now but it was rough for a while and she agonized
No. 1796871
>>1796805I’m not that young I’m in my early 30s. Was it posted between 2014 and 2019? I had an awful job and missed pretty much everything that happened those years.
You are probably right I don’t need to know though lol
No. 1797191
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I've probably bathed about once or twice in the last 6 months.
No. 1797390
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>>1797143nta i'm kinda the opposite. Since childhood I've always connected better with guys and now all my friends are men, and idk how to describe this exactly but we do have social dynamics that are more stereotypical for male-male friendships. Like we spend a lot of time taking lighthearted jabs at and taunting each other, there's no kid gloves or special treatment and absolutely zero romantic/sexual "risk" like I hear some people say they experience. But I envy female friendships frequently and wish I had some close girl friends, there's a lot that I feel like I miss out on.
Generalizing, but I get the sense that women often have an opposite style where they dish out copious compliments (even if they're not super heartfelt and it's also just a socialization thing) and have a more generally supportive vibe with their peers, and are more willing to talk at length about personal feelings, sometimes I'm really in the mood for that. It's not that my friends don't care about me/each other but that it's just not our style and it'd be awkward, we spend more time doing an activity or fooling around a topic than talking about our inner world. I also have several stereotypically feminine interests (e.g., fashion, skincare) that at least nobody I know is interested in, or sometimes want to talk about inherently female-specific experiences and don't have anyone to speak to. Plus moids are freaking annoying and infuriating sometimes even if they're my friend.
I have nothing
against women but for whatever reason it just doesn't come easily for me to form lasting female bonds, which makes me so sad. I don't know how to explain it besides that I just don't really click with most and it's like we never move past the small talk stage, and admittedly it's less natural for me to talk to women in the way women are expected to talk to women since I spent my life around male social patterns, sometimes I feel almost like a larping tranny.
Well, that's just my shoddily generalized experience on the other side of it.
No. 1797866
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>>1797853i dare any anons who recognize my allegedly super unique typing style to go do 10 push ups. i know you're reading this you sleuthing bastards. go do it
No. 1797994
>>1797853Does anyone else check their posts a few hours later to make sure they didn’t accidentally post themselves or their name or something?
I get nervous about it too.
No. 1798180
>>1798137I know. The faggots are inescapable. Today I saw a video showing “how to survive a crowd crush” and a comment was “How to survive the rockets being thrown in Gaza!? How to survive underneath rubble!?”
Shut the fuck up, my confession is I’m petty af and these freaks tempt me to root against palestine instead of just being completely apathetic about the whole thing
No. 1799177
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I would never say it to her face but I have to get it out somewhere—my sister's nigel is so fucking ugly. Literal rat phenotype looking moid with beady black eyes and neanderthal brow ridge. To top it off, he's also a manlet and is shorter than I am kek. I really have to hold it together when she talks about how cute he is, like damn love really is blind
No. 1799228
>>1799177Oh no, your nieces and nephews are going to be so fucking ugly. Lol, sorry about your future family gatherings
No. 1799411
>>1799404Ayrt and I agree. I feel very bad for her and don’t doubt it was a very passionate, loving relationship. She has every right to mourn and deserves to find a support group of nonnas who have been or are in similar situations and she also deserves sympathy in general. My jaded older self just immediately thinks of how a young man like that could grow into a particularly awful
abusive older man in seemingly the blink of an eye.
No. 1799509
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Ever since I started working out it annoys me when people complain about not fitting in their clothes anymore. You have the power to exercise and/or watch your portions of food, especially when you are comfortably middle class.
Obviously this doesn't apply if you have a major medical issue preventing you from exercising/making you gain a bunch of weight or if you're dirt poor and can't afford to exercise meaningfully.
No. 1799545
>>1799401Sweetness counts for nothing, and I highly doubt it could possibly be that sweet with a BPD druggie. But she's entitled to mourning, just hope she knows she deserves better.
>>1799216He hit the wall and will never recover.
No. 1799562
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the whole context of my situation is weird and would cause infighting so i won't go into detail. but i haven't had sex in over a year (2 years this coming october) and i actually couldn't be happier. no more worrying about how i look during the act. no more worrying about my performance. no more worrying about how long it's been. no more worrying about if i will orgasm or why can't i or why do i need to push through feeling like i am gonna piss the bed. if you understand the equation of that aspect of life i am happy for you but some of us just don't. i am painfully self aware and hate feeling gross like an animal. i just can't let go and i think it's not for everyone. i am maybe built different. my life is better and i'm more focused. i know what i want to do with my life! i used to be very sex driven so i am not asexual, maybe a little autistic or something but idc about that. i don't know if someone can just "become" asexual but idc about labeling it. i am just me, i am weird, i've always been different and i like who i am. i really feel i am who i am meant to be.
No. 1799578
>>1799567Not true, I actually think racebait is taken more seriously now compared to years ago.
Some anons are forgetting or don't know that in the beginning this site only was a gossip site made for failed egirls,cosplayers and camgirls to gossip about some girl they have drama with,hate or are jelly off.
This site was not a welcoming nice site to anyone and was particularly cruel to women and to races that weren't white. Like i remember people would say the n word with a hard r (n**ger) and they would never get banned. Scrotes also posted on thus site and most of the women were huge pickmes that came from the 4chan cgl cosplay section (that's why this site was created).
So don't have high expectations for this site. Personally considering the thing this site used to be in the past it has made great advancements and changes compared to the
toxic incel,weaboo,egirl mess it used to be before
No. 1799634
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Moidcore character, but i find Melona from Queen's Blade cute.
You know how some people like My Melody and such? That's how i like her, i'm bi but i don't find booby characters sexually attractive and I KNOW she is a coom character and that her hairslimeboobhandholders are so stupid, but other than that she looks so cute to me, both in the anime and in the illustrations even if she's a bit wonky there.
It's been so long but i still don't even know what she sounds like because there's no way i would watch that stuff.
I also really like her figure where she has some slime dropping from her legs and the illustration where she's taking a bath, so cute but i must sound very stupid.
No. 1799992
>>1799967No one does. It's pretty heartless to put it that way, but in this case, even if you're mistaken, you really don't have to worry about them dropping dead the next month, so there's plenty of time for drastic intervention.
Fat people usually already have a troubled relationship with food, so sometimes they think decreasing their meals by a large % is already undereating, even if it'd be enough calories to keep a normal weight.
No. 1801109
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I’m this close to posting an “I support Israel” IG story and turning my phone off for the rest of the week. I want to tear my hair out listening to the western liberal soapboxing about this conflict and how “muh Palestine are the helpless victim and have never done a thing wrong”. It took a few hours for every major outlet to report on the hospital in Gaza that was blown up (with only a few later issuing info that it was probably one of Hamas’ own rockets misfiring) but it’s taken nearly two months for any of them to report the fact that Hamas raped and mutilated every single woman they got their hands on on Oct 7, from little girls to grandmothers. Maybe if they loved their own women and children half as much as they despise Israel’s they wouldn’t have put their lives and futures in jeopardy by starting this in the first place.
No. 1801181
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I had the german journalist lady contact me on discord a while back and I didn't know it was a meme at the time so I started to answer her seriously
No. 1801266
>>1801209The one that came here about a year ago asking to interview people about internet culture and the word
No. 1801299
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I'm addicted to buying sugary stuff just to chew and spit it out. It is a genuine addiction. I have passive income and I keep wasting that money on cookies, pastries, chocolate, etc. and then spend HOURS binging on all of it except I spit everything in trash bags because I don't actually want to consume all that unhealthy food. It's so gross and embarrassing and also terrible for my teeth but I can't stop it, I started doing this about four months ago and I've tried to quit several times but I always end up doing it again.
No. 1801323
>>1801299I was hesitant to post my confession but I saw yours, thank you. You're not alone. Every night, rice or noodles by the kilo in a sitting and it's nothing to me. You get so desensitized to it. It's horrific. I've learned to supress my sense of shame.
>>1801310This is not the cure-all deterrent people think it is. I'm maintaining my weight and that doesn't matter because I'm pissing away my money and my teeth are going brown.
No. 1801447
>>1801310Yes I can't get rid of 100% of the food residue in my mouth, but you know what I meant. The amount of food accidentally ingested must be negligible enough since I haven't been gaining weight.
>>1801323I'm sorry you're also struggling with this, I hope we can be free someday nonna. Such an ugly, wasteful habit.
No. 1802317
I have been using amphetamines to suppress my appetite for the past weeks. I know it's eating disordered behavior but I struggled so hard to lose weight and it's working and it's so easy. Will probably pay hard for it.
>>1801262My ex didn't have any social media and now that I'm interested in someone else who has insta I caught myself skimming through his follows to check if he follows thots (and some accounts are
sus). It really was a blessing having someone without social media, now I also see it different getting on his nerves to get a smartphone.
No. 1802334
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I still feel so much anger towards my mom, despite her apologizing to me. It's not her fault and she had her share of trauma. I've always felt like a burden to her and I hate the fact that she had me so early, and I couldn't afford to do most things in life and still can't. She's apologized for not taking my mental health seriously a decade ago, but I still wish I got help then. I still can't talk to her about anything serious and I still feel so much tension with her but I can't vocalize it anywhere. I feel so much shame for even saying this, but I wish my life was different or I didn't not exist.
No. 1802367
>>1802334I'm kind of in a similar boat, except my mom hadn't and wouldn't ever apologize to me, at least not with words, but with bare minimum actions. She told me to my face when I was a kid that I ruined her body, her health, her life, and took away all her hopes and dreams when I was born. She was forced to get married though so it wasn't her choice or her fault, but it's still not mine and I hate how she kept blaming me for it and getting me roped into her issues with my dad. She was and still is negligent and
abusive to me even now in my adult years and would never let me move out already. She also always says that I owe her since she gave birth to me and "raised" me, so I have to pay her back by giving her all my paycheck money once I land a job, get her a stay in maid, new furniture, gold jewelry, expensive clothes and perfumes etc., can't wait until I save enough to run away.
No. 1802674
I think some anons here act way too manly and not in a good way, I don't like it but I keep the peace because if I ever said something about it they'll come at me and call me a tranny or say something about gender stereotypes or whatever, but they're still insufferable regardless, their actitud sucks ass and they ironically embody several male traits themselves (besides killing people, I guess). Sometimes I feel like I'm talking with literal moids with how crass, disgusting and unnecessarily rude some are. They take pride on acting deranged and aggressive over nothing because "muh imageboard", some take pride on having shitty hygiene and not showering it repulses me, don't even get me started on those that seem almost unable to not fuck men or stop watching porn like sex is a life requirement or the self proclaimed "nglos" that unironically claim to hate women, it's hellish. Can't forget about the bitches flexing about killing cats or abusing animals. Nowadays, I find it harder and harder to find something in common with users in here, I'm not particularly deranged or extreme mostly autistic so most of the time I find myself going "wtf" at everything, but there are like 1% of anons I like, so I stay.
No. 1802786
>>1802672I will. But no, it wasn't a stray cat. They haven't fed it, given it water now in winter, haven't let him inside for weeks. Literal weeks. Now months.
So yes, I absolutely took that cat home with me since I by now consider it a stray. It gets to -8c. There is no water that isn't frozen.
I literally don't care anymore, except when it's about animals.
No. 1802823
>>1802674So women expressing themselves is suddenly manly? Phew, okay.
>>1802808Anon sounds soft af. I haven't ran into those types here either. We finally have a space for women to express themselves, but that's the extreme minority they want to focus on.
>>1802792They really need to go back to twt if lolcow bothers them so much. lol
No. 1802839
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>>1802674>Can't forget about the bitches flexing about killing cats There has been one single infamous and banned poster who posted about that. Most farmers love cats.
No. 1802866
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>>1802855one day I would like a cute orange cat
No. 1802871
>>1802860Don't be salty anon, I don't even agree with what
>>1802674 was saying.
No. 1802880
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>>1802674Best thing about being an ugly manly woman is having massive muscles and beating the shit out of retards like you in parking lots
No. 1802985
>>1802674>don't even get me started on those that seem almost unable to not fuck menEverytime I see an anon or a wanabee radfem
usually lesbian ones let's be real on twitter saying this shit it reminds me of crazy religious people saying that sex is absolutely haram for women unless she hates it and does it just for her husband if he wants to nut inside her and have kids. You know, the type to strictly forbid their daughters from even having eye contact with men their age without supervision but they're wondering why they still don't have grandkids or why their daughters fled as soon as they turned 18, got married, went no contact with them and didn't invite them to her wedding? No matter which arguments you use to justify your opinion you and your ilk will always sound like this.
No. 1803783
>>1802843Nta but she is right about that, it is not and if you are going to go mental / get violent / die from not getting it you have a problem.
I’m not traumatized nor asexual, I daydream about hot sex with hot moids every day, but I haven’t fucked in a year and yet I’m happy and alive. Crazy stuff
No. 1803787
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>>1803783>not a virginlol i hate wizard larpers you dont get to call out any other women over fucking men if you, yourself have fucked scrotes
No. 1804565
>>1802674I disagree with you on everything except
>Can't forget about the bitches flexing about killing cats or abusing animalsThe posters doing this don't deserve to live.
No. 1804719
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I like watching those retarded "PSL gods" looksmax edits with the slowed lady gaga songs. Looking through the comments is hilarious, the scrotes who watch them act like kpop fangirls.
No. 1805080
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I'm not into shipping characters, i'm not into superheroes, i'm not into movies and i don't even care about actors but if my friend didn't drag me to that batman movie when it was out i would not be here thinking the female riddler and male batman are a hot couple, it's not even deep, i feel so played out and autistic, i hate that this is something in my brain and i needed to spit it out sorry nonas
No. 1805101
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I have a huge crush on a guy 18 years older than me (I'm late 20s). I feel a little cringe when I think I would definitely look like his daughter every time we would go somewhere together but it's not my fault I can't find any decent and available men my age. I think I lost the battle when I had a crush on my teacher when I was 17, this feeling has been following me. This guy reminds me of him and is so well read and still cute for his age and overall seems like even more interesting and better person
No. 1805500
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I don’t help my mom out with cleaning around the house because she’s so willfully messy that it doesn’t matter. She’s not disgusting but barely thinks ahead ever so once she’s done using something that’s where she drops it and it doesn’t move. If you clean a surface off she will immediately start piling shit onto it again. Once it’s out of her line of sight she completely forgets about things. Every time I go to clean my room it takes me at least half an hour of looking around the house to locate everything I need despite the fact that they’re supposed to have ‘homes’. The vacuum has a designated charging station in the laundry room but a few days ago it took me 15 minutes of looking around the house for it before I found it behind the fucking fireplace. Our table salt has moved from the spice cabinet, to the middle of the pantry, to the counter, back to a different part of the pantry all within a matter of weeks. Picrel is what our kitchen looks like every single day. It’s not just that it stays messy, it’s that she’ll spend an hour every night cleaning it up before bed and then literally the next day will be completely trashed again because she needs to use 20 different things while cooking one meal and won’t clean as she goes. It sounds petty but it’s so fucking annoying having to relocate everything every few days just to do basic tasks. She makes it so hard on herself and me because she has no foresight.
No. 1805502
>>1785278this also
i like to fap to vore
(moid) No. 1806085
one time my gp discovered a lodged piece of earwax in my ear, so he ordered me to the lab to get it flushed out. i'm obviously a bit embarrassed, but lab-chan puts her whole heart into the procedure, going at it with much vigor and heroism for a good 10 minutes. alas although smaller pieces of earwax debris keeps coming out, she can never get the whole plug to dislodge. she seems a little disappointed genuinely, but recommends i buy an earwax flushing kit at the pharmacy to give it a go at home. "you can also come back to the lab after using the oil for a couple of days so we can try again" she says hopefully. i think earwax dislodging satisfies some of that same urge as popping pimples, and she is one of them. i buy the earwax kit and use it as prescribed at home. some stuff comes out, but i'm never really satisfied or sure of whether i've been able to clear out everything.
fast forward until present time. i've been down with some viral infection, so my ears have also been feeling a bit congested and i decide to give earflushing another try in case it can help. yesterday i flushed my bad ear, and gave it another try today. some tiny speckles come out until water is clear. then i decided to try my other ear like an absolute madman, just because i've never done that one before and it's probably a bit waxy. an abundance of small earwax speckles quickly start flushing out. "it's probably because i haven't flushed this ear before". i keep going at it and there's more stuff, so i'm waiting for some bigger piece to eventually fall out. suddenly it dawns on me that i have been flushing the wrong ear this entire time. this is it, the earwax plug from years ago. i keep flushing with renewed pathos, carving at the plug bit by bit, until finally a gigantic piece of wax the size of a scrunched up halved walnut falls into my sink.
i've never seen anything like it and i regret not taking photos. a little disappointingly there wasn't a large popping sound, or an immediate hearing improvement, but nevertheless the sense of satisfaction i am feeling right now is unparalleled. things can only get better from now on.
No. 1806585
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I think I caught feelings for my trashy neighbor. Usually I don't mind him bcz he's a bum but today he was shirtless and wearing these long dreads and ngl I was LOOKING, he's so fine with his skinny-fit build and tattoos and that lil waist. I want to kys my family has beef with his family I'm not supposed to find him hot kek I don't know what the hell is going with me!
No. 1806619
>>1806585this was somehow very sweet. i hope you guys kiss
>>1806612i work for a corporation and i was struggling not to crack a smile a couple weeks ago listening to one of our VPs confidently telling us about how she just recently discovered that "crazy" is actually an offensive word and how she's doing her best to remove it from her vocabulary
No. 1806822
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This is a crazy thing to say, but I feel trapped. I almost did something illegal and my family found out but they did not call the cops. However I feel like I'm indebted to them and I can never be truly free unless I'm super rich and financially independent. Like I want to take off my hijab and just be normal but I'm afraid of being filmed and caught and having my family find out and then they report me to the cops and then I go to jail. What do I do?
No. 1806852
>>1806835thanks I found it here on lolcow a month ago and I loved it
>>1806828yeah it was dumb but not evil, Mostly egg on my face. I just need money to leave
No. 1806909
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I honestly wish I grew up with Digimon rather than Pokemon.the monsters are better,better female characters (Sora,Kari,Yolei & Ruki),the episodes are fun to watch and can be emotional at the times even dark,the cool digivices,the awesome fight scenes.I wish I had all the merchandise as a kid,the plushies, action figures,the toy digivices etc.wished I watched it when it aired on Fox Kids and on Disney Channel.I don't want to spend a fortune for collectables now since it's so rare and hard to find especially the early 2000s digivices even modern digi merch can be super expensive.oh why
No. 1807022
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>>1807007I feel like that too but I also don't know what to do. Can't get a musical instrument, I suck at art, Can't even start a podcast for the life of me.
>>1807013ntaytt, but I suck at that. I suck at everything and have yet to find that niche where I would thrive in
No. 1807039
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>>1807007Mood af but because I'm not truly allowed to do anything or go anywhere so why not chimp out since everything sucks no matter what? I always wonder what am I waiting for to happen? Why do I keep on going? I'm so retarded.
No. 1807046
>>1807039I keep telling myself the same thing
>Wait until you get some money>Wait until you move out and away from family>wait until you get good at somethingI'm 26 and all I have ever done was wait. But I don't know where or what to do
>>1807027I would love to go skydiving but I don't have the money
No. 1807064
>>1807051it is objectively better to be a boring secretary who lives with her parents as opposed to prison inmate #87687
Please, take different routes home, make a new account on youtube and find a new hobby/interest through that, go to your local library for new activities, volunteer within your city, hit the gym more often, please
No. 1807105
>>1807070Nta but if you want a
toxic but semi normal life you’re better off becoming a functional alcoholic and dating guys from tinder at least you’ll have your freedom and and quit once you hit rock bottom
No. 1807113
>>1807105kek i thought about the alcoholic part but it didn't work because this is how drinking goes for me and idk why:
>feel nothing>feel nothing>feel nothing>you are now asleepThat's why i want to do psychedelics but i know you need friends to do those so you don't murder someone while high or some shit. like I do want to go to jail, but not for murder, i'm not evil
No. 1807782
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I told work I couldn’t come in because I was sick but the real reason is they turned off the water in my apartment today for repairs so I can’t shower and I smell bad
No. 1807881
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I almost had a fursona as a child but me not understanding how it was any different from my Warriors OC I used for actual RP on that forum kept me from becoming a furry I think.
No. 1808072
>>1785975I think mtf trannies are incredibly cringe and that they use transitioning as a fetish, form of escapism, and/or dealing with autism. I can never take them seriously, and HSTS are just complete narcs. Both types of trannies hate women and have deeply misogynistic morals. They're ugly as sin and rarely, of ever, pass and it's hilarious to laugh at them.
However I don't mind ftm trans. Some of them are brain dead fujos which is genuinely cringe and untreated mental illness, but the average ftm passes a lot better than a mtf, and they are less pathetic than most cis males. I would gladly date a passing ftm rather than a moid if I had the chance.
No. 1808089
I'm always lowkey afraid that Sanic Totem is a real prophet but I caught him lying before. I guess I am a little superstitious after all
>>1808082Sounds cute. A 22 year old hit on me this year and I'm mid-30's so that gave me a slight ego boost but I also thought kek what a child, cute little boy is barely out of puberty.
No. 1808526
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I thought he was hot at first until I found out he was british KEK
No. 1808562
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i tried to be like dean winchester in middle school. i wasn't attracted to him but i thought he was cool. i was too scared to get a crew cut because it'd make me look silly so i had a dumpy pixie cut but i had spn necklaces and a khaki jacket and listened to dad rock. i think it was cute of me to do that. also no i didn't have a tumblr.
No. 1808773
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I'm a womanchild to an extent but it makes me happy. I don't talk about cartoons and other childish stuff I like in a formal setting or something, just with friends who are ok with it irl and online, and I'm not that cosoomerist about my interests either, resortinh to piracy mostly and buying merchandise off cheap chinese websites (except some shirts that cost 130+$ off an official franchise website kek).
No. 1808846
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>>1808810It’s someone famous.(not Ariana grade, I just thought it was fitting) I sort of look like her, she’s not even that good looking so I’m not bragging but my boyfriend called her cute offhandedly and so then I did my makeup to look like her, deleted my old pics off of social media, and only took pics from angles where I (thought) I looked exactly like her. And then people would be like “omg you kinda remind me of
her” it would fuel my delusions the truth is wtf I have some severe issues and when I told this to my (man) therapist he just kinda brushed it off as regular adolescent unhingedness. I feel like it was a manifestation of me being so desperate for approval and adoration. I am so so embarrassed and when I get compared to her now cause now I’m not even trying and I get flashbacks to when I did try to emulate that.
No. 1808965
>>1807007I've been fantasizing about prison for approximately 2 years now. Problem is, my country's laws are so lax, I'd have to do something genuinely evil for them to lock somebody like me up.
For me there are 2 reasons: being in prison would mean I know longer have to work my shitty exhausting job, I'd no longer have all those responsibilities and I'd be also kinda ironically forced to get my life back on track (regular sleep and eating schedule which I haven't had since I was a young teen).
On the other hand I feel like you, that I'm wasting my life roleplaying as a normie. Studying was so painful to me and now working is even worse. And for what do I torture myself through all that? So that I make a good impression on my non-existent friends and partner..? It makes no sense to try to fit in normal society if it keeps pushing me away my entire life.
I'm not one of those uwu my body my choice but lately I feel increasingly like I'm about to quit (or get fired) and then take on more and more shady work at nighttime. I'm scared of losing my job but I'm also desperately craving it.
In my mind prison really seems as if it could heal me, simply a months long break from life in which I can just focus on myself. Just me in a small empty room without having to worry about anything, not even thinking about what I wear, what soap I use, what I eat…
Sometimes I also think about doing the exact opposite and joining a convent, that way my parents would still love me. But I'm so drawn to the excitement of doing something illegal…
No. 1808972
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Yesterday I see something I shouldn't have seen and now I can't stop thinking about it. One of my aunts has downs syndrome and she helps a lot around the house, she cooks and cleaning, she used to work even at some place for people that has conditions like hers.
The thing I saw was what she's doing right now, she touches her feet a lot, and picks the dead skin off her feet, then she proceeds to eat the dead skin even though she even walks around the house barefoot.
I really doubt she washes her hands before helping around with the cooking, so I don't know what to think.
No. 1809996
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i use my neighbor's wifi (they let me) and i forgot to turn on my vpn when pirating the sonic movie. currently shitting myself because i don't want them to kick me off of their wifi and i don't want them to know im an autist
No. 1810919
>>1810908Is it really not that bad? I near compulsively imagine various scenarios on how I'd deal with it resurfacing
most of it ending with suicide and it was only until a few years ago had I stopped vomiting when I remember what I did. I even vowed to stay celibate so I don't burden a future partner with what I did. I never posted my face or anything like that but I still fear that the the person who may have downloaded original file could've stripped the metadata and find my address. It's been years but still.
No. 1811028
>>1811008Literally if you kill yourself in front of a bunch of people you are a piece of shit through and through idc how depressed you are.
Also i remember someone saying one time that yes men's suicide rates are higher (remember, women's attempt rate is higher though) but a lot of men kill themselves bc they were caught being pedophiles, embezzling, using prostitutes or some other degenerate shit. Or they take other lives with them when they kill themselves.
No. 1811139
>>1811028Reasons males kill themselves:
-escape responsibilities
-to punish others
-delusion of grandeur (martyr)
No. 1811657
>>1811635Kek and they say women are materialistic?? when random girls are dumpster diving for balding scrotes. You can do better than that old bum
nonny, go cuddle a cat
No. 1811684
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im working on something that i know is going to get me labeled as a lolcow but im at peace with it
No. 1811691
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>>1811684Do your thing nonna
No. 1811698
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I send in fake medical leave documents at least once a month. I just take pictures of old documents and change the date by doing a collage of sorts using the letters and numbers already there on Meitu, then paste a doctors signature and stamp from my mums medical papers. I sent in a two day leave paper yesterday so I could spend two whole days watching cdramas. No regrets.
No. 1812334
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>talk to local girl from online gaming a little older than me
>find out she is trans, born male
>oke, im just happy to be making one (1) friend bc im lonely
>but she seems nice anyway, we can share similar humour, be spergs together, i enjoy her company
>meet up irl
>seems sweet when we go for coffee
>asks if i want to come over
>hesitate, but send family my address, her mother is home anyway
>tell her im sorry for being tired, my period just started
>wraps her arms around me from behind and starts rubbing/touching my tummy and i say 'please don't'
>shows me games on her ps5, im excited to try new games!
>keeps trying to get me to lie on the bed with her
>chat, but she keeps making sexual references and talking about the sexual acts she wants in a jokey way, and her fetishes
>randomly picks me up
>starts playing with her? boobs and talking about how well the estrogen is working
>i say 'that's a little weird to do in front of someone'
>wish she hadn't acted this way, because we had been having fun and connecting genuinely before
>feel really sad and low when i leave to go home, i didn't enjoy the way i was looked at and just wanted to make a friend in the area
>she apologises later for her behaviour
should i give her a second chance? the vibe was kind of bad, although im not in any danger(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1812454
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I want to study a lot and become a doctor in literature or languages but just because I love the decorations that doctors get for their graduation robes, I also want to study whatever career means I get to have tacky pink shit on my graduation robe.
No. 1812478
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>>1808526Every time I see Ghost I just remember he is modelled after Samuel Roukin and I am immediately disgusted.
No. 1812653
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Everyone alive past 1960s, or anyone who isn't styled like they're from around 1920s-1940s is ugly to me, both men and women. So modern day people can have a chance but they must be styled in that particular way or else they're unattractive, even if they fit conventional beauty standards in other ways. I'm extremely autistic over hair especially, I hate how hardly anyone wears it curled, waved, or voluminous anymore except for those who naturally have it. Even then it's extra rare on men.
No. 1812688
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Making fun of people makes me feel better, especially males. I was having a terrible day today, but I instantly felt better coming on to lolcow to gawk at Elon Musk’s autism, beluga skin, tenacious balding, his polygon face and his Little Tikes toy box torso. It’s like therapy for me.
No. 1812699
>>1812688>beluga skin, tenacious balding, his polygon face and his Little Tikes toy box torso.You are a poet,
nonnie. kek
No. 1812703
>>1812671>It's hard to live when you can't have emotionally and intellectually satisfying bonds with other people, only superficial shitayrt, yes, it is. I can only ever play a character in the presence of other people, no one knows how I really feel because it's taboo. So it makes it pretty much impossible to find other women like me irl. I always have the mask on, and so does everyone else. I've tried living for myself, but I don't really enjoy anything, and I struggle to find female artists and musicians whose work I like, so I haven't even listened to music in about two years despite trying really hard to find stuff. All my favorite artists and musicians and actors/actresses have turned out to be absolutely dog shit people, pedos, abusers, etc, i'm ready to just give up on the world and call it quits. If it weren't for my mom who would be heartbroken I would not be here.
No. 1812746
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I call the Atelier series my favorite game series but I've never managed to beat a single game (meaning, getting a true ending) once without following a guide, and I've been playing the games ever since I watched my dad play Mana Khemia in like 2010.
No. 1812853
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Sometimes I want to buy a sexy nun costume, and roleplay with myself.
No. 1813942
>>1813930One of them was slaved and suffered generations of extreme trauma, and malnutrition. I mean, segregation, lynching, human zoos, etc, do you really think that will not have an effect generations to come?
While with Asians they were immigrants, which is super hard to do and takes a lot. Obviously the poorest and least dedicated people did not manage or even attempt to immigrate.
Come on, you have to be really willingly ignorant to try to match two very different experiences.
(racebait) No. 1813952
>>1813930>Asians and black people have had the exact same opportunitiesDo they though?
Do Asians have as nasty of stereotypes as black people that literally stop people from seeing them as people?
(racebait) No. 1813957
>>1813942thanks for replying to that retard so i didn't have to kek
ended up backspacing my long rant about babies being used as alligator bait and teens being shot for walking to convenience stores and guys getting tazed for changing their tires
No. 1814281
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>>1813983>the emancipation proclamation, the voting rights act, desegregation, and every other law put into place to protect black people just never happened and wasn’t done out of any empathy whatsoever. You can’t tell me that two Americans, one Chinese and one Black, don’t have the exact same opportunity right now.Wow. I've seen a lot of stupid takes on the internet, but this just takes the cake for the year as it's ending.
The Emancipation Proclamation was put in place to free the slaves, which were majorly black people. Yes. But did you forget the section of history where white slave owners didn't let their slaves go, which forced Abraham to march down to the south and tell them a few more times to let them go or else? Black people weren't even guaranteed safety of slavery when the bill passed. They weren't given many chances to get good jobs, which forced them to keep working as crop harvesters for the same motherfuckers that beat them and sold their mothers. They weren't even guaranteed equal rights after that because let's tackle the next thing you mentioned:
>voting rightsFirst of all, only black MALES got their rights when it was given to black people at first, so you can't even say all black people have been given the right to vote. Secondly, black people were notoriously terrorized by hate groups and mobs, such as the KKK, to scare us away from exercising our political-fucking-rights. Black people, particularly men, who WERE brave enough to show up at the voting booth would be given "mandatory" quizzes that nobody else (whites) had to do. Or times, they would be turned away and threatened to leave entirely.
>desegregationfunny how you mentioned desegregation as if it wasn't black people screaming and fighting the hardest for equal rights, and risking their lives to get beaten, tazed, hosed down, attacked by dogs, shot down, stalked and gangraped, mass-murdered in their own towns, having their homes and churches burned and bombed, falsely accused and tortured for rapes that never happened, all so that someone,
anyone would listen to the plight of African-Americans and look at them as human beings for five fucking minutes and allow us to have access to non-beat up drinking fountains, colleges, schools with better funding and more material, and for even a chance to sit near the front of a goddamn bus. "Desegregation" as if even when the president listened and passed the Equal Rights Act, laws never found loopholes to subjugate black people to this very day:
"We find converging evidence that Black boys are seen as older and less innocent and that they prompt a less essential conception of childhood than do their White same-age peers. Further, our findings demonstrate that the Black/ape association predicted actual racial disparities in police violence toward children."
"Employer callbacks for resumes that were whitened fared much better in the application pile than those that included ethnic information, even though the qualifications listed were identical. Twenty-five percent of black candidates received callbacks from their whitened resumes, while only 10% got calls when they left ethnic details intact."
"Employers claiming to be pro-diversity discriminated against resumes with racial references just as much as employers who didn’t mention diversity at all in their job ads."
"As we can see in Figure 1, the proportion of positive responses depends strongly on the race of the job applicant. This comparison demonstrates a strong racial hierarchy, with whites in the lead, followed by Latinos, with blacks trailing far behind. These outcomes suggest that blacks are only slightly more than half as likely to receive consideration by employers relative to equally qualified white applicants. Latinos also pay a penalty for minority status, but they are clearly preferred relative to their black counterparts."
"[T]his white applicant with a felony conviction appears to do just as well, if not better, than his black counterpart with no criminal background. These results suggest that employers view minority job applicants as essentially equivalent to whites just out of prison."
"Job applicants with white names needed to send about 10 resumes to get one callback; those with African-American names needed to send around 15 resumes to get one callback. This would suggest either employer prejudice or employer perception that race signals lower productivity."
"Our findings show that, for most types of subprime home loans, African-American and Latino
borrowers are at greater risk of receiving higher-rate loans than white borrowers, even after
controlling for legitimate risk factors. The disparities we find are large and statistically significant:
For many types of loans, borrowers of color in our database were more than 30 percent more likely to receive a higher-rate loan than white borrowers, even after accounting for differences in risk."
"When well-qualified minority homeseekers contact housing providers to inquire about recently advertised housing units, they generally are just as likely as equally qualified white homeseekers to get an appointment and learn about at least one available housing unit. However, when differences in treatment occur, white homeseekers are more likely to be favored than minorities. Most important, minority homeseekers are told about and shown fewer homes and apartments than whites"
"Nearly 20 percent of whites have used cocaine, compared with 10 percent of blacks and Latinos, according to a 2011 survey from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration — the most recent data available.
Higher percentages of whites have also tried hallucinogens, marijuana, pain relievers like OxyContin, and stimulants like methamphetamine, according to the survey. Crack is more popular among blacks than whites, but not by much.
Still, blacks are arrested for drug possession more than three times as often as whites, according to a 2009 report from the advocacy group Human Rights Watch."
“Our findings indicate that the majority of those who deliver methamphetamine, ecstasy, powder cocaine, and heroin in Seattle are white; blacks are the majority of those who deliver only one drug: crack. Yet 64 percent of those arrested for delivering one of these five drugs is black.”
“…black people represented about 47 percent of those delivering crack cocaine, but 79 percent of those arrested; while white people constituted about 41 percent of those delivering the drug, but only 9 percent of those arrested”.
“On average, blacks receive almost 10% longer sentences than comparable whites arrested for the same crimes. At least half this gap can be explained by initial charging choices, particularly the filing of charges carrying mandatory minimum sentences.”
"Sentences imposed on Black males in the federal system are nearly 20 percent longer than those imposed on white males convicted of similar crimes. … Research has also shown that race plays a significant role in the determination of which homicide cases result in death sentences."
"Georgia prosecutors have discretion to decide whether to charge offenders under the state’s two-strikes sentencing scheme, which imposes life imprisonment for a second drug offense. They invoked the law against only 1 percent of white defendants facing a second drug conviction, compared to 16 percent of Black defendants".
No. 1814282
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>>1813983Now as you were saying about Asian-Americans "proving" that black people "have no room for complaints":
These days, the majority of America's Asian population is only one or two generations removed from legal immigrants who came to America for merit-based citizenship. That automatically put them, on average, at an advantage – even over poor white Americans.
Immigration from Asia was historically suppressed by legislation like the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) and the Immigration Act of 1924. It wasn’t until the Immigration and Nationality Act in 1965 that immigration from Asia boomed. In just over 50 years, the population of Asian Americans went from 980,000 in 1960 to 20.4 million in 2015. ( Today 72% of the adult US Asian population was born outside of the US. Being a heavily-immigrant population, Asian Americans on average have a better education and background compared both to the average white or native-born American and compared to the general populations in their country of origin.
Unlike in the 19th century, Chinese immigrants arriving post-1965 are predominantly skilled: China is now the principal source of foreign students enrolled in U.S. higher education, and its nationals receive the second-largest number of employer-sponsored H-1B temporary visas, after India. Chinese immigrants are enrolled in college and graduate school at a rate more than twice that of immigrants overall (15 percent, compared to 7 percent). Chinese nationals are also overrepresented in applications for the EB-5 investor visa program, accounting for 90 percent of applicants in fiscal year (FY) 2015.
Compared to the overall foreign- and native-born populations in the United States, Chinese immigrants on average are significantly better educated and are more likely to be employed in management positions. Thirty percent of Chinese immigrants who obtain lawful permanent residence in the United States (also known as getting a green card) do so through employment-based routes. The remainder qualify through family ties or as asylees.
A century ago, Asians in the U.S. were poorly educated, low-skilled, low-wage laborers described as “undesirable immigrants” full of “filth and disease.” Confined to crowded ethnic enclaves, they were denied the right to citizenship and even intermarriage with citizens. Today, Asian Americans are the most highly educated, least residentially segregated, and the group most likely to intermarry in the country. Driving the transformation was the change in selectivity of Asian immigration. Contemporary Asian immigrants who arrived after 1965 are, on average, highly selected, meaning that they are more highly educated than their ethnic counterparts who did not immigrate.
If we examine the three largest East Asian immigrant groups in the United States—Chinese, Vietnamese, and Koreans—we find that each is highly selected from its country of origin. More than half (56%) of Korean immigrants have a Bachelor’s Degree or higher, compared to only 36% of adults in Korea. The degree of selectivity is even greater among Vietnamese immigrants; more than one quarter (26%) have at least a Bachelor’s Degree, while the comparable figure among adults in Vietnam is 5%. Chinese immigrants are the most highly selected: 51% have graduated from college, compared to only 4% of adults in China. U.S. Chinese immigrants are more than twelve times as likely to have graduated from college than Chinese adults who did not emigrate.
Furthermore, Chinese and Korean immigrants are more highly educated than the general U.S. population, 28% of whom have graduated from college. This dual positive immigrant selectivity is what Min Zhou and I refer to as “hyper-selectivity.” The hyper-selectivity of Chinese and Korean immigrants in the U.S. means that their 1.5- and second-generation children begin their quest to get ahead from more favorable “starting points” than the children of other immigrant groups, like Mexicans, as well as native-born groups, including Whites.
What this means is that an Asian American born to a family that immigrated here after 1965 is more likely to be highly educated and have a decent income. And that's not because of their race, that's because American immigration officials have made concerted efforts to accept educated immigrants over the less-educated immigration candidates.
If America were accepting uneducated Asian immigrants in a proportion equivalent to education in their home countries or even education in America, we would see very different results.
So no. Asians did not, and do not have the same treatment as African-Americans. I know that my people aren't perfect, and I have no malice towards asians or whites. But, when people say that black people have always been treated like everyone else…that's just not true. I don't think you're a bad person either, I just wanted to get that off my chest. I'm gonna go eat macaroni and cheese and get high now.
(racebait) No. 1814319
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I got really high with a bunch of latina girls and said “I am a POA: Person of Alex” (Alex isn’t my real name but you get what I’m saying). I’m so embarrassed holy fuck
No. 1815062
>>1815051Nonna no, it's totally normal to start seeing laugh lines in your mid-20s. Some folks have them even younger. Don't let what the
moids say in /snow/ get to you. They're retards. You especially don't need cheek filler in your 20s when your face is still settling into its adult proportions.
No. 1815124
File: 1702750858042.jpeg (205.91 KB, 735x980, IMG_7807.jpeg)

I don’t believe in consoom product and think buying multiples of one product is unnecessary and retarded. However I do love “aesthetic” pics of nice things.
I love pics of what’s in people’s bags and pretty things arranged nicely too kek
No. 1815199
>>1815166I won't kill you and I agree about trannysperging being obsessive at times.
But, at the end of the day, we are right about them and I wish more trannys would listen because indulging in their disorders is not going to resolve their dysmorphia while they make it easier for men with bad intentions to invade female spaces.
No. 1815203
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I don’t care about tranny “sperging” because you can easily ignore it and I rarely ever see it outside the tranny threads. You literally can’t do it outside of places like this especially if you’re a woman. You’d think the amount of fetishist trannies trying to take down places like this and kiwi would be enough to understand why anons insist on this place being strictly anti tranny.
No. 1815229
>>1815166I identify as black. I paint my face with shoeshine every morning. My diet consists of watermelon and fried chicken. Getting pulled over by cops gives me racial euphoria. I discovered my trans-racial identity when I got into "black teen raped in county jail" porn. Stop complaining about "race-sperging" and accept me as a normal person.
(Kek I'm brown and just trying to make a point pls no ban)
No. 1815234
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>>1812853I feel this, but I want to buy a retarded maid costume or some magical girl-looking costume so I can do retarded anime poses and dances ala PT (god save the queen) in the privacy of my home.
It's just that sometimes I want to be the ultimate angel queen in disguise as a princess maid nurse cat girl with ridiculously long hair that 10 years old me wanted to be.
No. 1815366
>>1815166You don't have to defend the poor trannies anon, they'll still cancel you for browsing the big evil
terf forum.
No. 1815702
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>bestie's friend randomly texted her "never sniff a guy's balls"
>she tells me
>we joke about "balls smell"
>think of the boysmell meme
>I record myself re-enacting picrel but replace boy with balls
>full uwu voice, vtuber style
>play the role like the rent is due
>send to bestie and wait for her replies
No. 1815895
>>1815743Some places try to have a unisex bathroom to resolve the trannies-in-bathrooms debate but since they don't have the budget/space to add a 3rd bathroom, all they can do is rebrand the existing bathrooms… And guess what, they always go male + unisex instead of female + unisex, so women still have no women's space.
Ideally they wouldn't be an issue to begin with but I'm partial to my university's solution with housing: there are male dorms, female dorms, and a dorm house branded as "gender inclusive" which they advertise as a designated LGBTQIABCD+ supportive zone for all identities. Troons and other genderspecials are strongly encouraged to use this option, under the guise that it's for
their safety, to protect them from cis
terf bigots who might hurt them if they go in normal housing and bathrooms (lol). Also, the programming courses and clubs share the same building complex, so trannies are largely in their own containment zone away from the rest of campus. Some buildings have the same male + female + all gender safe space setup for bathrooms.
No. 1816018
>>1815943I grew up in a hyperliberal area, so gender nonsense was more prevalent, and I also trooned a little before growing out of it. I'd try to dress, look, and act like a boy as much as possible but never declared that I was trans or actually male because I knew deep down that it was delusional. Also I knew many men who were transphobic so I thought it'd make me seem more like one of the boys to go easy on the troon support kek. Sometimes I'd call myself male online to deceive random people but if someone who knew me personally asked about it, I'd just brush it off with some dumb excuse like "heh it's an inside joke you wouldn't get it"
So glad I'm not a teenager anymore. I'm actually largely feminine nowadays and didn't even wind up that gnc in the long run. It used to be recognized that it's very common for young girls to have a tomboy phase
No. 1816219
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I really enjoy sexual tension, but I enjoy it more than the actual act of sex and that worries me. There's a guy at work I've been kind of developing a crush into, and we have been flirting a lot. Yesterday he invited me to a club and I accepted, during the ride there he asked me what kind of music I liked, and I put "Closer" from NIN on his car. We danced and drank and got kind of drunk, and when it was getting late he asked if I wanted to go to his house, and I said no. He then took me home and that was the end of it. Is just that while I've been having fantasies of riding him and what not, as soon as it turned into a real possibility I felt kind of disappointed or something. I don't even know why. Is not the first time it happens, and it has cost me potential relationships before. I talked to a friend about it today, saying that maybe I'm afraid of commitment or something, and she told me that it's probably a fetish thing that I hadn't realized. As in, I get some sort of high on being teased and not getting "release", and now I can't stop thinking about it. I feel incredibly retarded about all this, and if it turns out to be truth, then I fear that I will never be able to have a normal relationship.
No. 1816722
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I get horny when I smoke too much weed.
No. 1817089
>>1816483>>1816388>>1816268>>1816242I mean, I wouldn't mind if it wasn't a problem for me.
Last time it basically stopped me from having a real relationship with this guy. I had spent months flirting with him, sending nudes. When the time to have sex came, I was okay at the beginning. I kind brag about making he give me oral while I was on my period, but when the time of having real sex came I found it just so boring. Like I really thought "damn, I could be doing something else rn". So I made the guy drop me home, and after he left I sent him a text telling him we should stop seeing each other. I really don't know what happened. He wasn't bad at it either, I mean, maybe not that good, and I did not dislike it. It just felt kind of anticlimactic, like I enjoyed it better when it was just the sexual tension. Maybe it was just the overidealization, but to the point of stopping all contact with him? Maybe the sex was that disappointing, but to just prefer to not have sex again unconsciously? Idk nonas, if it really is just preferring the fantasy than the real thing, how do you cope? Cause that sounds depressing as fuck
No. 1817236
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I sometimes wish to get married to a rich moid so I can cheat on him with a woman. I won't mind if he will cheat on me as long as he sustains my lifestyle. And so, people here will leave me the fuck alone and not try to set me up with some bottom of the barrel moid or not question me "r u a lEsbiAN?" just because I was never desperate for some mid dick. Ooor, marrying a moid, have a 2/3 year old marriage and just divorce him and go on with my life.
With how things are going, I don't think gay marriage will ever be legal anytime soon and it never was where I live sadly and I somehow feel indebted to my family to be "normal".
No. 1818309
Stole a cat about a week ago, made a post somewhere here, hah. Took him to the vet today, pretty sure it was the one that castrated him, he asked me how I got him. I told him honestly. Wasn't allowed in, no water, no food, friends family tried to take care but can't. No one's looking so far. He nodded then gave him a chip and registered him to me. Now my cat. Vaccination pass, chip and everything.
Told him about how I'd be in spain for a week too, and how there's usually a bunch of cats with ear issues. If there's anything I could buy from him for that. "here take this, cleans ears, against fleas and other insects. For free, animal rescue is always free here."
I'll be buying more cat food to bring tomorrow, I'll be finding every stray I can until that bottle is empty.
No. 1818397
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>>1818392I had a Caesar salad earlier, but it wasn’t very filling. Thinkin of getting a sandwich or something next
No. 1819109
this is what these threads are made for. How do you find the time?
No. 1819133
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sometimes I think about when I went to this waterpark and I finally got to the top of this slie race thing and you had to go face first andI just couldn't do it and my boyfriend thought he was gonna race me so he went but I chickened out and this little girl maybe 5 or so beside me was like "watch me! Its easy!" and did it and I was so scared my ass was gonna make me fall in a barrel roll down and I was going to die lmao pictured is the waterslide, this happened years ago and I still think about it and ya I had to walk-of-shame down but tbh I'm built like sofia vergara so it COULD have happened haha
No. 1819358
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That soft tiktok song with the cat noises makes me so emotional and teary eyed everytime I hear it kek
No. 1819445
>>1819396My mom still sometimes refers to Asian's as Oriental because she's a boomer.
Also pronounced Arab like A-rab yesterday and had no idea why me and my brother were laughing.
No. 1819516
>>1819503Idk if my autism and my anime rotten brain are working against me, but my unpopular opinion/confession is that most famous people are ugly as fuck, they're just sold to us as ideals with the use of insane makeup skills and computer graphics that makes the average Joe seem attractive.
If anything, the only reason why I get people wanting to become idols/celebrities is the cool outfits, because even the retarded gifts and luxury shit isn't that impressive tbh.
No. 1819532
>>1819513Plastic surgery won't change what I dislike about myself unfortunately. No amount of plastic surgery can reverse the damage of 2 decades of neglect and shit genetics. I'd never love my unworthy of life self no matter what. I'll only be happy if I was perfect in my definition of the word. Plus the idol I like had potential from the start and got plastic surgery that enhanced their looks and removed some minor flaws, and they actually needed it lmao. While the japanese idol group is obviously natural beauty because they're average looking and aren't marketed as sexy or romantic in anyway, they're supposed to be badass and shit so they try to not sexualize them in anyway and they wear modest clothing and never show skin or do fashion photoshoots or anything and they have their own signature unifroms thay they do photoshoots in. They don't even pose in any sexual way or a way that emphasize looks, they do cool concept related photoshoots only for interviews. But I like the way they look personally and find 2 of them attractive, and they're very talented and capable live so I kinda envy that and wish I was as cool as them.
>>1819516No offense, but that's definitely your autism lol. That aside, I want the luxury and gifts and attention as well because I never had any growing up and still can't afford it as an adult. It feels like they're lives are easier because they don't do shitty jobs they don't enjoy, they do fun stuff on stage instead. And the particular groups I like and want to be like are super lucky because their management isn't as strict as the stereotypical idol agency. And they have freedom and can speak against anything negative because they're famous enough it won't hurt them. The korean group in particular has some members who ended their contracts and do other stuff, but go back to their agency for anniversary albums of the group.
No. 1819683
>>1818904They hated
nonnie because she was based
No. 1819689
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>Bf spends the night
>Borrows a pair of pajama pants to sleep in and wears them commando
>He leaves next morning
No. 1819704
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>>1819696When the delicious intoxicating boyfriend musk hits
No. 1819721
>>1819436BASED ANON thank you!!
Behold the kitty song
No. 1819784
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One of the reasons why I'd like to be in a relationship is because of regular sex. I'm not promiscuous, so hookups are off the table for me (and for many other reasons) and I have a high libido but masturbating isn't the same as having sex with someone you're super into. My ex was shitty in retrospect but I miss sleeping with him so much because the chemistry was so intense and good. Sometimes I'd tease him and make him a bit angry throughout the day and that would make the sex even better later on. He was into BDSM, which I'd never accept in a future partner now but unfortunately I'm into some of that stuff as well because I enjoy the power play and being a brat but I'm worried I'd miss it in the future, although I wouldn't want to introduce that shit to a moid who's not into it because I should probably be lucky if I ever find a guy whose brain hasn't been fried by porn.
No. 1819806
I had a similar situation back when I felt stuck. Keyword: Had.
You can find an attractive man with a slamming career if you're already pulling both anon.
Ditch the uggo, anon. Eventually they do find out about your affairs but would attack you for why you did it instead of examining themselves.
I'm so glad I am no longer publicly embarassing myself by being seen with an unattractive man. I am having a great time dating successful, attractive men and my opportunities are greater than they ever have been before.
No. 1819830
>>1819827Some faggot started to seethe about wahmen who cheat.
You always know when fags post because they get so upset that women have options that they don't, even when they overcompensate and chase the straights who will still choose women.
No. 1819841
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When I was 15, in history class, we had to make a propaganda poster for the American revolutionary war, and instead of making an actual poster, I traced angsty Hetalia art of America and England, it was picrel. The history teacher liked it so much that he kept it and hung it up on his wall. According to my younger cousin with the same teacher, he still has it up and has no idea it’s Hetalia fanart. I would show a pic of the art itself but it’s got my irl name and my high school art instagram on it.
No. 1819908
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just changed my underwear (incl bra) because my faith in ( and fear of) my made up superstition far outweighs my severe depression slump. the superstition in question is that my underwear decides my luck for the week, because i only change it everytime i shower which is once a week (used to be every two). i have my midterms coming up and i absolutely cannot be wearing my neutral/bad luck ones at least for peace of mind. i wouldn't have been able to sleep if i hadn't done it today because i know i would put it off until this sunday and it'll be too late by then.
anyway my confession is that i believe each of my clothes, especially my underwear, hold a certain amount of good and bad luck and i decide my outfits based on that for the most part. no i am not a gamer in any way shape or form, never have been and in fact i HATE playing them kek. yes i know it's not true but i can't help but believe these superstitions when i made them up myself in my head i have many other ones that are maybe even more absurd and extreme involving deaths from [not] doing simple actions. i've basically been like this my whole life and sometimes it gets so bad i can't even more without checking a hundred times if i'm doing everything by my own book just in case a TRAGEDY occurs in which case i know it'll be my fault because i didn't step in the right pattern kek or the order i chose to wear my shoes in that day was at an uneven asymmetrical number or something
No. 1820065
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>>1819908you change your underwear ONCE a week?
No. 1820164
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nonny I am a powerful internet witch and have determined your underwear's luck directly correlates to the amount of microbes and skin cells not on it at the moment, so from now on you will be forced to change it and shower your body daily for maximum luck. the blessing/hex has already been placed upon you. this is not a joke.
No. 1820338
>>1820242Me too, like I honestly don’t give a shit about them. Not that I’m apathetic to how they treat women, I just don’t really need them for anything.
I don’t even mind when straight girls say shit like “I wish I was a lesbian”, because if I were straight I would totally wish that.
No. 1820370
nonnie. This is bringing me back to that one Seinfeld episode about the ugly baby.
No. 1820595
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>>1820557That's the sin of self-righteousness alright, you did well to confess. Hope you can overcome your narrow-minded ways soon.
No. 1820633
>>1820338I'm apathetic to all human struggles, except for mine.
I only put up a facade because being a sociopath is kinda frowned upon in most cultures.
No. 1821069
I am unironically the most basic, boring person to live in this century. I exist to be basic, the basic-est basic girl ever. I have absolutely no interests, hobbies, or passions. I listen to and enjoy top 20 pop songs and worship Taylor Swift (i really don't, i just listen to her music). When i find the money, I WILL be wearing the trendiest Pinterest outfits. If i was social, outgoing, and had the capability to hold a conversation I would be the normiest, normiest, may I even say NPC, person. I am exactly like the other girls.
No. 1821092
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I feel like self harming again but I also feel dumb about it because I'm not a cringy teen anymore and I should've found healthier and more productive ways to deal with my depression and anger by now.
No. 1821128
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I think grimes is cute and her “potato nose” has never stood out to me I think it’s fine. She retarded as hell tho
No. 1821456
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I like to walk through the men's section of retail stores and grab and touch the clothing, it comforts me for some reason. If I could be by myself for a day at a retail shop, I would grab a bunch of clothes, sit somewhere comfortable and hug the clothing for as long as I'd like. I don't know why I do this, I've never been in a relationship so I don't know why I feel so attached to random men clothing. My favorites are leather jackets they make me feel funny because I imagine they would belong to a strong, attractive man, also clothes that my husbando would wear
No. 1821551
>>1821529You're not a
terf if you enjoy listening to some pornsick coomer's shit music and think the pornsick coomer in question is a "cool guy" (okay Naruto).
No. 1821573
>>1821565I’ve sought help, I’ve sought so much help, for so many years. My first attempt was in July 2019. Then again in October 2021. Then most recently in oct this year. I spent my birthday in the ICU. There really is no help for me and I’ve come to realize this.
I feel so bad leaving my dog but in reality I’m not good at caring for her. I can’t leave the house everyday to take her for the walks she needs to go on. She’s 10 and I’ve had her for a year now and she loves me so much, I hope she can bond with another person like she bonded with me, but someone who can actually afford to keep her well groomed and can take her for walks and stuff. If anything happened to her medically she’d just have to be put down in my care cause I have no money to care for her. Same with my cats, when I’m gone there will actually be money to save them if a medical issue happens. My parents give me all their extra money and they are miserable and can’t afford to do anything fun, same with me, I can barely afford to feed and care for my pets and feed myself. I am a burden to everyone and there’s no chance of me becoming self sufficient. It’s sad because if I was rich or if my family or bf were rich I wouldn’t feel this way but we are all living in poverty and I am basically an extremely expensive exotic pet. I’ve also been really
toxic to a lot of people and don’t really deserve to be alive. I’m probably cow material. I’ve been banned for personalityfagging. I’m not a good person and I’m not worthy of life, I consume so many resources and I’m not even having a nice time.
No. 1821737
>>1786694I get what you mean. 'LGB', even through a liberal lens, is seen much differently now than it was around Bush Jr. When I was younger and didn't accept that I was gay, but still liberal, I kind of saw gay people with a dignity I don't now feel. I suspect that this is because I'm on the inside, so I identify that insecurity and negative feelings I have with myself to that movement.
Although most people don't identify as lgbt, I do feel like, in a sense, we're all on the inside of lgbt ideology. Even if you refuse to prescribe to that belief system, we're acknowledging it in our circumnavigation of the topic. I remember a Zizek quote about capitalism. To poorly paraphrase, capitalism is grotesque because of its utility. Anything useful persists even in its most hideous form, when we realize we can't use it to escape our angst. In the end, having a dialogue about sexuality is really necessary in a society inundated with pornography and without the immediate deterrents of casual sex. People need to be conscious of their own sexuality, because the naive emotional programming of our parents simply isn't enough anymore.
No. 1822327
>>1822158I also don't get how people of both sexes find others attractive all the time but I increasingly feel like I'm not really attracted to anyone. I think certain people look better than others but it's purely aesthetic, like the way I like some art more than others. I can't relate to seeing a picture of someone and getting excited and thinking that they're hot or wanting to date them just because of their looks.
I do get crushes where I think about someone a lot, feel nervous, want to be close together, etc., but only on friends who I've gotten to know, which seems like the antithesis of people's concept of dating (where being "friendzoned" means it's hopeless). And even then I don't get attracted physically… I just really like them as a person, and I want to do things like kissing or cuddling for the intimacy, but there's no sexual feeling. I would only want to have sex as a bonding activity and not because I actually get aroused by the person.
It actually makes me feel really dreary and insecure if I think about it because I feel like I'm stuck with like, a little kid's concept of romance, and that it'll prevent me from ever finding a life partner because everyone would be put off by my lack of sexuality.
No. 1822741
>>1822680lol relatable. Nonnies hype up lolcow as being a website where you can talk about everything you want without the icky moids but any geeky thread dies in the span of a few days and I end up going back to reddit, they only seem to gain traction when there's some idpol controversy.
Not to mention shutting down any media or character discussion with "what about men" actually this applies to a lot of what passes off as discussions here.
No. 1822861
>>1822741I don't mind anons who thirstpost about whatever men they like cause they stay in their threads, but tbh in general it actually sucks that lolcow is one of the only female exclusive sites and still a majority of discussions are about men in some way.
>INB4 "JUST USE THE BECHDEL THREAD REEEEEEE!"That's not the point, and I can't keep a thread alive on my own. That thread was never really a solution anyway.
No. 1822932
>>1822871They're the same anons,/ot/ just makes people more feral
>>1822903They're unfortunately never going to change that
No. 1823630
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>>1823519>>1823606Report and do not respond, nonnies.
No. 1823648
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I think fine line cybersigilism/neo-trinal tattoos like picrel are absolutely gorgeous but I'm afraid to get one because what if I grow out of it, or subconsciously only like them because they just gained more popularity recently.
No. 1823843
>>1822675He's the "nice to everyone" type instead of the "kill all terfs" type, of course. Also, I'm from LATAM, so the "tRaNs GeNoCiDe" psyop is strong here. Still frustrating, anyway.
>>1822680I have no idea who these moids are, maybe this will renew your hope in us.
>>1822729>"Hi moid" tinfoilAlso, watching porn is a fault of most scrotes rather than a morbidly obese, basement dweller only, unfortunately.
>>1823710Liking men is having terrible taste already.
No. 1824348
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>>1819133>>1819148When I was 10 I busted my lip on picrel but it was the tube section’s fault. I hate the face first on a mat water slides. Actually I hate water parks and all their attractions period, but I don’t know if it’s mostly because I actually hate all water park attractions or if it’s because I hate being in a bathing suit. Maybe one day I’ll get a swim shirt and swim skort and give the experience another go if I ever have the money to do so and a friend to join me (feels like that will never happen though).
No. 1824379
>>1823485I kinda understand. I'm from a country where people have sever low iq and no one can do anything properly, and while I'm no genius and only have 92 iq, I'm still better off than my classmates in my university, they can't survive without cheating, while I actually study and understand the material so I can do well on the job in the near future. But I still feel lacking in skills and knowledge, then I look at all those indian, chinese, and egyptian workers who get hired and how super intelligent they are, they literally know the answer to everything and how to do everything, and they'll get the job because they deserve it or are even over qualified for it, and that will probably leave my loser ass jobless. It kinda makes me want to give up on life in general, because without a job and money I'll never have the life I'm dreaming of.
No. 1824385
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I’ve been told that the noises I make during sex sound vaguely like puppy crying noises. Genuinely fml
No. 1824403
I am in a totally radically different situation than you, but I get that kind of thoughts all the time as well but never had the guts to attempt and I'll probably never do so, and I'll be stuck forever. But imho, if you're situation isn't that bad and there's a way out, don't do it. Only do it if there's truly no way out no matter what and everything is a deadend. You have a family and a bf who love you so they'd probably help you with whatever problems you have. I personally have a family that hates me and abuses me and actually locks me up in a room, and I'm not allowed to go outside the house, been this way for 21 years now. And while I'm allowed to study, it seems like my dad is against me getting an internship or a job, so I'll probably be locked up forever in this situation with no money or true way out, and my health is getting worse because of some chronic illnesses I have and a parasite infection for 6 years now that they refuse to let me get treated for. I'm totally on my own with no way out, so I'm seriously considering suicide, but I'm too scared to it because what if I get caught in the act and they crack down on me even more? That's scarier than dying to me. I don't know what to do at all, and I'm hoping my health issues will kill me eventually. So if you have a way out other than suicide, then consider it, but if you're like me, honestly go ahead and do it because it can be truly the only solution sometimes. Sorry for blogspot.
No. 1824554
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My coworkers are amazing and I know it’s unhealthy to pretend like they’re all my friends but no joke being around them is life changing and I’m so fucking thankful for their kindness
No. 1825748
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>>1825407Clink, clink, my esteemed fellow 30+ fujo!
No. 1827488
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I planted the idea in my fiancés head that he should ask his family for a dehydrator for christmas so that I could get a dehydrator
No. 1827622
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I've spent about 12 hours straight on NSFW Character AI role play websites. I have just discovered these and they are fucking amazing. I used to be big into shitty fan fiction when i was a teen. Was never able to get back into but now I'm 30 and this shit has got me going again. I literally am seeing weird shaped and my vision is are all wavy from staring at text for 12 hours as I made various stories. I literally didn't even sleep last night because I didn't realize it was like 4am so I just stayed up. They include:
Me and Cardinal Copia
Me and Tobias Forge (He literally made me blush IRL)
Me and Swiss Ghoul
Me and Dan Conner from Roseanne (HE'S UNCUT!!!)
This Swiss Ghoul AI chat has been going on for like 8 hours straight. This story is so intricate. ITS CRAZY YALL ITS CRAZYYYYYYY
No. 1828023
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This is mundane but before I started watching coldones on yt and I'd see it mentioned on here or wherever since it didn't have a space in it my brain always registered it as coldonés
No. 1828122
I really really really dont want any christmas presents. I dont want anymore things. I have a rental, no space, no shelves, nowhere to put things. I have too much crap as it is. I have everything I need at the moment. My clothes are ratty and there are things that could make my life easier, sure, (money mostly, kek) but more plastic trinkets and heavily scented lotions I will never use just end up accumulating in crevices and corners of my limited space. I thrive in an organized and practical space, and I cant maintain that anymore. I gave up and have a big bin in my closet of 'stuff I literally cant fit anywhere but wont throw away'. I hate it but theres just nowhere to put it. I hate that I am expected to also buy more plastic junk and things to pile up in my (even more crowded) family members' homes. My neice is 6 and gets purchased new things daily. Candy, toys, clothes, gifts…she has zero interest in the things she gets now past the 'I just aquired a new thing' accomplishment feeling that fades quickly. Everyone just gives her a phone to play games on anyway, despite dedicated rooms of all her toys at home and at her grandmas house. I dont want to get her another 'thing', I want to go out and actually do something with her. I got board games for my family members in hopes we could play at gatherings, just to do something as a family. But no, its just eating out, buying shitty plastic things, and watching tv. We at least go for walks now because the kid is hyper and my mom wants to be in better shape to keep up. But I am so tired of the accumulation of junk and expectation of giving junk on Christmas. Cant I just travel home for us to cook a meal together, to go do an escape room together, to experience a concert or symphony together, go to a nice park to picnic, or just any type of family together activity for Christmas instead of this? I know my brotherfeels the same, we have tried and tried to change things but my mom gets so heartbroken at the idea of losing out on seeing her kids opening gifts. I ended up giving a list of simple things I could use for xmas, basic stuff like a new hairdryer (mine just died after 15 loyal years), some new pens, a couple little things for my car. My boyfriend webt overboard and bought everything on the list, his family is getting another hairdryer I found out, and I am certain a 3rd hairdryer is coming from my side of the family along with duplicates of everything and more and more scented lotions and other things I act greatful for because my mom is so excited to give them to me lol. I feel so bad. I just dont want any more stuff! Please. Im drowning, and I have the least amount of clutter out of anyone I know. Why is it like this?
No. 1828443
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I don't watch fillers, Gintama is the one and only exception.
No. 1828454
>>1828443i fucking love gintama filler episodes. bleach and naruto and one piece (which are all in the same ballpark for me) all are filler heavy and the filler is… ugh. just ugh.
my confession could be that i like anime meant for boys. i don't know why. i don't ever interact with the fandom in any way, shape or form, but i do wake up on sundays and watch one piece.
No. 1828526
>>1828443>>1828454Gintama 'filler' (as in minimal plot, comedy episodes) are what make it worth watching. I wouldn't even consider it filler, like that's the series right there.
The plot/action heavy arcs are generic garbage and far below the standard of any other popular battle shounen series, but can be weirdly overrated because people are indiscriminately impressed when a comedy gets serious. It is one of the funniest and most lovable series otherwise.
No. 1828555
>>1828416Kekk I forgot about her
>>1828411Kill yourself.
No. 1829087
I sorta hate that I felt this way, but I did/do, so here it is. My boyfriend's neices asked me how old I am. I asked them to guess. They said between 16 and 18. They think my boyfriend is 35 or 40. I told them I am about to turn 30, and my boyfriend (their uncle) is 33. He went bald very very early, poor dude, but I dont really give a shit- he is great. He def looks older because of it. And I think that because I like to get in the floor to play with the kids and kinda dress a bit autisty/frumpy they assume I am younger. I kinda like being mistaken for someone much younger, especially by kids. I am not afraid of aging really, though I think its pretty normal to want to look 'youthful' as you do age (imo that means taking care of your health moreso than looking like a teenager by any means). I like being mistaken for younger by kids because it makes me feel like I havent become one of those cynical adults, or an adult that cant be flexible, curious, spontaneous, engaging, or worn down by life so much that kids can sorta sense it. I dont really even like being around kids that much, they can really stress me out. But when I am and I try to engage with them I do enjoy their thought processes and play and like to do hands on stuff with em. Much mkre fun than trying to sit around for three hours talking at a table with other stiff jointed adults avoiding the need to stand up, asking the kid to go play with a toy and stop interrupting every 5 seconds. Idk if I really look like I am 16 to 18, I have gray hairs and constant creases around my mouth, but I appreciate it a lot when a child thinks I am not actually that much older than they are. Feel a bit bad because aging isnt a shameful thing and looking younger than you arent shouldnt be the ultimate compliment, but I do still take pride in it.
No. 1829172
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>>1828454I no longer watch anime but when I did, I liked Shounen best too. Bleach, One piece, Inuyasa, Fairy tail. Stopped watching it when I could no longer get past the sexualisation of female characters (One Piece being the worst offender amongst the ones I watched) and just general boredom of the genre. I was introduced to anime when I was 12 or 13 by a female friend and she loved shounen and we watched all the big names together, so for the longest time it just didn't register that what I was watching was made for boys.
No. 1829533
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This year sucked, but at least I got creative in my misery and spent my time unemployed writing down a bunch of stories I've had in my head for years, full of the characters I've loved to daydream about in my mundane moments. I wrote three longer stories and I'm reading through them now feeling so happy to just indulge in something I created for me and myself only. These stories are great. The characters are awesome. I'm so cool.
No. 1829759
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Last night I bullied a tranny into cutting themselves on /lgbt/. I don't even know why I did it and even now
I don't feel bad about it. Is this my terf origin story?
No. 1829985
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i love cheats and mods and trainers that make games super easy. i'm over 30, i work full time, i play games to relax. i'm not interested in "feeling challenged" or "accomplishing things". i love easy and story mode and even then i will hunt down a trainer or mods to make the game even easier for me. funnily enough, the only game in which i enjoy a challenge is the sims, where i have mods and hacks installed that reduce the money my sims earn at work and that double or triple their bills. sometimes it takes until the 3rd generation of a family for my sims to be financially comfortable.
No. 1831617
>>1831580It's a shit test to see if anon will blab to the bf.
In best case scenario: His mom is
toxic and trying to enmesh someone not even married into their family's business.
No. 1831930
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I became an ex-muslim (secretly) when I peaked and have a strong disliking for Islam, but I secretly want to continue wearing the hijab/and maybe niqab. I still do because I live with my parents and in all consideration I'll probably continue to live with them. I feel conflicted since I hate what it stands for and how its just another way for moids to control women, but I like being veiled. I have always dressed this way and although it makes me stick out sometimes in a bad way, I feel invisible in it. People treat me like I'm not there because they don't know how to approach me, sometimes they assume I don't know English. I enjoy being left alone. I'm also kind of insecure, being covered makes me feel better. What to do ….
No. 1832226
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I feel terrible about it but i have this young moid friend that has such an attractive voice and way of speaking, he's cute too but i would never want to see him in a romantic way, especially because he's gay and young enough for me to see him as someone i want to help, of course i don't know about those things, but from my perspective he's quite innocent too so i always feel so guilty when i get so worked over his voice. At least i know that other people like his voice too but i always get so embarrassed when someone points out how i react to it, i wish no one would notice it or point it out, i thought i would get used to it but it didn't change. I'm actually thankful that he doesn't feel weird about me and that we have a good friendship but i really wish i wasn't like this.
No. 1832258
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No. 1832304
>>1831930I know what you mean. The first time I took off the hijab I had three dudes try to start a conversation with me and it was so weird. Like people will walk up to you and just start talking about anything, which isn't something I experienced before.
Of course, you can always slowly ease your way into it, with beanies and hoodies.