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No. 178735
Post your experiences with religious or not cults or simply fanatism experiences with any religions you have been part of.
I'll start with some articles on Heaven's Gate since I got no experiences myself. No. 178745
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The Temples of Humankind.
At the base of the Alps in Italy there is a "spiritual community" (see: cult) called "Damanhur. According to them they have their own "Constitution, culture, art, currency, schools and technology" (i.e. full control over people's lives). Some of their absolute batshit insane claims they have made include being able to play music through plants, having invented a time machine, practice magic and heal people using spiritual healers. Pretty much every cult buzzword is littered all over their official websites "alchemy", "energies", "astral travel", "connecting with the cosmos", "hypnosis".
That brings us to the Temples which were created by an Italian man who claims that he had visions of them at the age of 10. They are carved into a hill and took 13 years to build. Each room has a theme. He was likely going to run his cult from them but the Italian government seized them and opened them to the public.
They're incredibly beautiful and it's possible to visit them. Pic is of the "Hall of Water".
Damanhur website: website:
No. 178746
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>>178745This is the "Labyrinth Hall"
No. 178750
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These guys are not really a cult but they look like one. I'm gonna share because I think they are pretty cool:
What is the Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao Do Vegetal (or UDV)?The UDV is a Christian Spiritist religion that originated in Brazil and is now practiced by over 17,000 people in 6 countries. The UDV has received numerous civic awards for its community and environmental service and is recognized as a church under the laws of the United States.
Why the controversy?The apparent controversy surrounding the UDV’s religious practice is the use of a sacramental tea with psychoactive properties that is received by church members as a form of communion within our religious services. The tea, called Hoasca, has been the subject of numerous scientific studies and found within the UDV’s circumscribed religious use to not be harmful to human health in any way.
http://udvusa.orgThe Beneficent Spiritist Center União do Vegetal (Portuguese: Centro Espírita Beneficente União do Vegetal) (…) seeks to promote peace and to "work for the evolution of the human being in the sense of his or her spiritual development", as is written in its bylaws. The institution today has over 18,000 members, distributed among more than 200 local chapters located in all the states of Brazil, as well as in Peru, Australia, several countries in Europe, and the United States.
The translation of União do Vegetal is Union of the Plants referring to the sacrament of the UDV, Hoasca tea, also known as Ayahuasca. This beverage is made by boiling two plants, Mariri (Banisteriopsis caapi) and Chacrona (Psychotria viridis), both of which are native to the Amazon rainforest.
In its sessions, UDV members drink Hoasca Tea for the effect of mental concentration. In Brazil, the use of Hoasca in religious rituals was regulated by the Brazilian Federal Government's National Drug Policy Council on January 25, 2010. The policy established legal norms for the religious institutions that responsibly use this tea. The Supreme Court of the United States unanimously affirmed the UDV's right to use Hoasca tea in its religious sessions in the United States, in a decision published on February 21, 2006.
(…) A study of UDV members by psychiatrist Charles Grob of the UCLA School of Medicine found them to be psychologically and physically healthier than average, and he has recommended ayahuasca as a treatment for depression.[3]ão_do_Vegetal No. 178759
>>178758No, most likely not.
They're probably talking about ~spells, witchcraft~ and other crap. Wicca isn't really cult like.
No. 178763
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>>178758wicca is a nature based religion with a god and goddess. when they do their coven meetings, skyclad or not, they're probably doing rituals to appease nature and their gods. then probably what
>>178759 said; comparing notes, spells, talking about future gatherings/sabbats and drinking tea. Secrecy is power in most magic based religions, so being tight-lipped about things keeps their power theirs.
Also, while sex magic is definitely a thing in it, it's not something they would do every time, it would have to coincide with something or a specific goal. for example, this shit.
No. 178783
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With the circle-jerk nature of most websites now a days, have there been any cults started recently on a blog, social media, or a forum?
>inb4 sjws or incels are a cult
I don't blame you for feeling this way. With how they attack anyone who question their beliefs. But let's keep on topic.
No. 183590
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>>178758Have you seen the movie The Love Witch? It's like that.
No. 275482
>>178758i just wanna say that i've never met a wiccan who wasn't obese white trash
make of that what you will
No. 275510
>>178745Two years ago I stayed in a small village in the mountains near Lago d'Iseo (yes, for the Christo installation). One night, after dark, there was a big congregation of people – from kids to old people – in front of one of the houses in the center of the village. Some older lady was proclaiming something from the balcony and everyone was listening, totally quiet and weirdly spellbound. She talked on for quite a while. When she was done everyone clapped and went their way, some had come by car just for that. Sadly I don't speak Italian, so I have no idea what that was about. One guy, when asked said it was a "self-help group" but he seemed a bit caged.
I'm still convinced it was some weird cult. Any insights from Italian anons?
No. 275793
Kind of an obscure and very specific one but here it is
My mom told me about a friend she had in the late 80s/early 90s (who we'll call M). They were coworkers and just good friends in general for quite some time. Then M kept talking about this pyramid scheme , how much money it would get her and how she got hired in a society nicknamed "Le Groupement" based in Fleury-sur-Andelle not too far from where they were( in France). The thing is, my mom was skeptical of it all but accepted M's invitation to one of their reunions just to make M happy. She recalls all men there being super weird, like staring them up and down while circling around them, using very persuasive language to try to enroll my mom in it, etc.. She also said the head of the reunion needed to be adressed a certain name, and was treated with a strange over the top respect. M kept trying to convince my mom after this but she was so creeped out that she told M about it looking like a cult disguised under it all. M cut all contacts with my mom after this simple remark, and she never heard of M ever again( she had quit in the meantime). It definitely left a mark on my mom because she saw how entrance M was and how suddenly it happened, despite it sounding like a simple pyramid scheme…
Fast forward to 2 years ago, the leader (guru) of this whole thing was actually sentenced to 3 years in prison with a few millions in fines, if any of you is interested (and speaks french here are some articles about this whole cultish market shit : though this is a very common story, it truly shows how you can see people losing themselves, truly a waste and a scary thing.
No. 275929
There's a cult in my hometown that's inflated in popularity over the past few years, sporting members from all over the world. I consider this church a cult for a few reasons, but mainly these: members are required to give a large sum of their income (more than tithing, from what I understand), the church leader has been involved in a couple of well-known scams in the past, church members believe in praying the gay away, they practice 'magic', they get incentives to move up through converting others, non-cult members are often cast out/excluded from businesses owned by cult-members. Their religious beliefs are pretty similar to Heaven's Gate, and I believe the leader was/is involved with Heaven's Gate, without naming any names. For a short while it boosted our economy, but now it's kind of getting out of hand. The 'church' buys up property and businesses in the area, driven up rental prices (it's almost as expensive as San Fransisco prices rn), voted themselves into city council positions, paid off police for better security for members, brought in a large homeless population, ect. Recently there's been a huge divide between cult members and people who just live there for other reasons, it's kind of tense living or visiting there and feels like something bad is going to go down soon. Feels real bad man.
No. 275932
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Rumor has it that the whole Santa Muerte scene is starting to get taken over, maybe even radicalized by MS13. Sad! That was a folk religion that I had high hopes for, something with the grassroots power of Voudoun, Santería, Palo Mayombe, etc. without all of the sketchiness.
Plus, Santa Muerte was very LGBT-friendly, could've made quite the difference for people in that super Catholic Hispanosphere. This is why we can't have nice things.
No. 275951
>>275943(nayrt) tbf I'm not even surprised, these people are so fucked up
it's probably not even the worst thing you could find on cults
No. 275960
>>275956>>275957yes, my parents left the cult when i was young which is why ive had a much better life than they did. because they were in it from birth. essentially my parents met in the cult when they were teenagers and got together, i believe when they were living together in a commune in india (children were typically separated from their parents, making it easier for control and abuse to take place). after this because they were together, my mum was allowed to come and live with my father and his parents who by that time were living in a house instead of a commune, and not in india anymore. therefore the cult had less control over my parents; the cult would send propaganda to the house but they didnt "own" my parents in a commune anymore. (communes were often guarded by armed patrols)
then it was only a matter of time before my parents got their own jobs and moved out of my grandparents house. they could then cut off ties with the cult. my grandparents followed years later.
No. 276027
>>275929Do you pretend, for your own safety?
If you do… do you think they can tell?
No. 276055
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>>276036agreed. especially considering Pope Francis' stance on LGBT people, which seems progressive compared to past popes (even if it should be taken with a grain of salt as they're still not allowed in priesthood or anything like that) + here's a link related No. 276345
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Even the midwest isn't immune. In Ohio, we have people that go around hanging flyers up in the capitol city to warn people not to listen to people who try to get them to join their new "organization"
No. 277570
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I don’t know if it really counts or not, but I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness. A lot of people know it’s just a type of Christianity, they don’t do blood transfusions or holidays, and preach door to door, but it was a lot more than just that. I was taught to not want to get higher education, because that’s time wasted that I could have spent giving to Jehovah. Plus then I’d need to work more and associate more with worldly people, and would therefore be at a higher risk of being exposed to Satan’s world. I learned that parents love was conditional. My former babysitter was disfellowshipped and her mom never talked to her again. My mom would joke when she took me door to door, saying to “use my cuteness” to get people to listen/invite us in. When we would buy things from garage sales or thrift stores we would say a prayer and keep it in the shed for a few days just in case it was demonic. You are encouraged to report bad behavior (knowing another witness did something against biblical rules) so that they could help be guided back on the right path. When my worldly dad died I was thankful that he died before Armageddon and would be resurrected during the thousand year reign and would get a second chance. I still don’t know the pledge of allegiance. The religion is literally referred to as “The Truth”. If you started questioning anything elders would come to your house and do a sheparding call, which is them reading from the Bible and trying to convince scare you into blindly trusting Jehovah’s ways. I’m pretty sure one of our elders was a pediphile who molested another girl in my hall, he was disfellowshipped but worked his way back in - they don’t believe in man made government/going to court. When I left at 17 it took me 2 years to stop being scared I was going to die. I became a bit of a compulsive liar for a while just because now I COULD lie. At 19 my mom said I could move back in with her but only if I agreed to go to the Kingdom Hall. I have to live with the fact my family believes I’m going to die at Armageddon and their memories of me will be wiped clean. My mom still mails me watchtower magazines every few months. I’m still processing a lot of it but I’m pretty normal now.
No. 277694
>>277572They don’t tell the congregation why people are disfellowshipped, only the elders and people involved know.
>>277577Thanks anon. Luckily I never got baptized so I was never disfellowshipped
once you’re baptized you can’t just leave, if you do they cut all communication including your family and I can still talk to my family. It hurts when they try talking to me about it, but I have to accept that my mom was going through a lot and being a JW was her saving grace so itd be wrong of me to be too cruel about it. I feel a lot of genuine pity for my siblings because they don’t even know how much they’ve missed out on life. I’m just thankful I started questioning and got out while I was still young.
No. 277699
>>275482Really? All the wiccans I know are rich white losers, not trashy in the like trailer park sense. Closer to Gwyneth Paltrow/Goop type stuff, basically rich white women who are bored and looking for some spice
>>275930Jesus Christ this is traumatic af to read about
>>275975I’m so curious about what country you live in, anon. Those blasphemy laws sound pretty nuts. America sucks but at least we can talk shit about Scientology on tv…
No. 277703
>>276345Wow, I’ve never heard of this but it’s super creepy.
>>277570JW is totally a cult in my eyes, anon. I have a lot of ex-JW friends and their stories are so scary. Lots of pedophilia coverups in JW too. I’m glad you’re out and get to live in the normal world now.
No. 277723
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Sit and gather around anons because this is the story about how my mom thought I was legit possessed lmao.
>be me 12yr> mom dates dude from her work that’s way below her league (younger still lived with parents, it’s semi important to the story so hear me put.) > they end up married >wtf.jpg >mom of the dude hates me and my mom but only expresses her hatred towards me when no one it’s watching>motd “anons mom! you should come to my church on Sunday” >she doesn’t want to be rude (up to that point I was raised as agnostic and heavily educated in history/biology by my mom during the holidays in the library) >mom drags me into it suddenly I’m in a church full of 25-40 something year olds jumping around to happy Christian music in English >suddenly I’m hushed away with 7-15 year olds into a room >”uni student” tells us that god is going to punish us when we die and read all of our sins in front of everyone (he studies theology inside of the same church) >come back annoyed because I know that shit was wrong >refuse to go to church every weekend >moms ex/my dad/my mom all were into metal and rock so I continued listening to the same music I did before >4 months later suddenly Daft Punk and early nirvana is from the devil as well as any other heavy artist>continue getting slapped for not going to church at 13 > mom of the dude says I have issues because I like black clothing > suddenly my mom is a heavily devout Christian despite avoiding church my entire life >they get in debt heavily as this happens of course that only strengthens her belief of being saved by god >mom continuesly watches pastor (1) with MIL every single day> she takes notes in church instead of helping me in the library with my homework like she did before church (2 year difference) >mom moves countries with dude I don’t see her for 3 years >live with very abusive dad as mom escapes her debt in Australia >finally move to Australia with mom >mom continues with bible beating and deletes my Facebook account as soon as I move in back with her > no non “Christian” friends not allowed to speak to my grandma about the church I’m going to >shoved into Christian summer camp >older Christian youth leaders add us on all social media >church posts everything in social media >”Church friends are real friends” I ofcourse had issues adapting to a new environment entirely based around the church all of my moms friends and people she knew where from church, I finally disconnect from their circle jerk by dating someone outside the church
>you will be punished if you don’t go on Friday AND Sunday to church (no phone and slapped again)I rebel to no avail and continue doing what I’m told
Suddenly it all goes even more to shit
I like a page on Facebook with art and other music from the genre I like
Facebook page changes direction and moves to a Wicca page
Mom sees I like Wicca page
I come home at 16 just to be screamed at
>anon go to your room >”your mom saw a spirit instead of you and we think you are possessed” “we are both scared of you” Mfw my mom went from a well adjusted career woman to perfect Christian waif
She was semi liberal and educated now she believes her husband is “the head of her household and always right”
Oh and the pastor (1) she used to listen to every day?
They met and he was a complete creep and made sexual advances towards her.
He’s married and did it in front of his wife when he was invited to come to Australia.
I have tons of stories if you guys are interested on shit the church has done but that’s my personal experience
On the church money laundering: No. 277730
>>277723That’s fucked up. Are you safe now? Hillsong is the one bieber belongs to I think. Very bad “church”.
Yes more stories thank you :-)
No. 277738
>>275929>There’s a cult in my hometown…This sounds so familiar anon, like I heard something similar in the news. Not that Oregon one on Netflix.
Can you tell us more?
No. 277746
>>275960That is wild. Thank you very much for sharing.
If I may ask, do you you think it has had any affect on you at all?
No. 277752
>>277750I wonder if they can sense not to waste their time on certain people and tell you to screw. Like can they tell you won’t be malleable enough?
Or are they vindictive and crazy if they find out or you try to leave. Be careful anon.
No. 277839
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>>277723 Thank you so much for this anon, if you feel comfortable sharing more it'd be greatly appreciated.
>>275793, I was scared to bring up JW because people tend to disagree on its cultish aspects.
I used to be neighbors with a JW family, who gradually became friends with my parents. They were pretty moderate. During the 9 years they lived here, they never once tried to talk us into it or tried to convince us, which was nice. They mentioned their annual assemblies, biweekly reunions, and such but only as anecdotes. I got a lot of info from their oldest daughter who was my bff at one point. I started finding stuff strange when the son sneakily borrowed my Harry Potter DS game and the three kids got grounded for 2 weeks for approaching wizardry. I had loads of magazines, one of which was named "les petites sorcières" (The little witches"). (pic related). Nothing about it was wizardry related, only the title and the occasional small character… The mother brought my magazines back and had a scowl on her face whenever she saw me for like a week after this. They never ever bought new clothes, while they had money. They all had ill fitting and generally too small clothes except for their JW meetings. They only watched news channel, and supervised bu their dad when doing so. Despite having internet, they were so sheltered it got annoying (I once mentioned Star Wars and Michael Jackson, all the kids looked at me like "wth is she talking about". Except for ponies, Littlest petshops and Jehovah, we couldn't talk about much. She told me about these "watchtower reunions" and I was so confused, still am.
Super sorry for the rant but it was all so strange from an external POV,especially when you're a kid. We still get texts from them, they seem super controlling of their kids still (except for the boy who's thei golden child despite being a quasi pedophile.) My parents seriously think they're going to try to marry my ex bff soon. Can any anon confirm if this JW arranged marriage thing still happens regularly ? Should we be worried ?
Could someone explain a bit more stuff from the inside ? I have so many questions (and again sorry for the long ass rambling)
No. 277874
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>>277794>>277842thanks anons. nowadays im much more positive than i used to be and i believe things will only get better for me and my family
No. 278048
My parents own a cottage on a secluded island in the middle of no where - you have to travel by boat, etc to get there. I went a couple years in a row as a kid and more recently as a young adult and teenager. So, imagine This, there's a massive lake with a few separate islands within the lake. We are situated on an island that faces another one, and there was always a large, white mysterious building across the way. As a kid I didn't really give a fuck but when I traveled out to it as a teenager I questioned it, and apparently it's home to a cult called the Grailians, who literally believe the holy grail is real and they were selected…its like a very strange concept, intertwined with Christianity.
I did a bunch of reading and there was an incident a few years back where a woman in this cult abused her children, kept them in cages, fed them human flesh, etc. This however took place overseas, but same cult. (Searching this up will bring the results.) Freaky stuff considering how close to home it's been. Next time I go I really would like to get a closer look at the massive white building they reside in.
No. 278317
>>277698Teal Swan creeps me the fuck out.
>>277699nta, but sounds like Ireland. There's a bunch of stuff on youtube from Irish tv stations about the Scientology centre and their rehab centre opening. It's not actually considered a religion here so maybe that's why. I think the Louis Theroux film just couldn't find a distributor. It is a pretty fucked law though.
No. 278337
not a JW, but from research and hearing stories from ex-JWs i do think it's a cult. i met a young disabled girl in school once, she was nice and we were friends. once i wanted to go to the mall with some friends and invited her along. she came the next day looking anxious about something, then asked us if we were going to ditch her as soon as school ended because that's what her mom told her, that and that we weren't "real friends." i thought that was super messed up to tell your young daughter, even if there is some truth to the idea that most people fall out of touch after high school.
i started getting really concerned when one day, when we were alone, she starts looking anxious again. she says she has to talk to me and tells me about Armageddon, saying that she wants to save me. i'm assuming she told her mom something about me that she didn't agree with, so she told this girl to give me this speech. i politely told her i wasn't interested in such things but thanked her for being concerned. she seemed really lost after that. luckily someone came at that moment, but now i find myself wondering if i should have said something to her. i don't know what i could have said or done that she wouldn't tell right to her mom, and i didn't want to risk her getting punished.
i really hope she's okay. i think any religion that tells young children that they will either die or suffer in hell if they don't strictly follow the rules is extremely messed up, cult or not.
No. 279782
>>278317Teal Swan is such a cow, I can’t believe there isn’t a thread on her. There are some other occult/new age cows who should have threads too (Sarah Wreck comes to mind, as does Tumple the meme/occult group that had a lot of drama with weird Facebook personalities although Tumple’s pretty dead. Sarah is milky as all get out)
Teal is astounding. Here are some links: tabloid primer on Teal Swan that’s pretty fun to read a member of Teal tribe comes out and says that a higher up sexually abused her, Teal denies everything and sweeps it under the rug detailing Teal’s absolute insanity
No. 279818
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Idk if this is common knowledge or not but apparently the surviving members of the cult referenced in the OP are threatening Lil Uzi Vert with a lawsuit over the cover of his upcoming album (pic related). I think the whole thing is pretty goddamn hilarious.
No. 279822
>>279785Is it very common in Ireland for these street displays? Is it only in the big cities? Excuse my ignorance, but are you not allowed to do so in other European countries?
It is legal in the US to proselytize because of freedom of speech. However, you have to be mindful where and how you do it.
No. 279824
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>>279818Kek when does that comet come back around?
>survive an hero>become litigious assholesI looked up the tm No. 279831
>>279779It started out by just being a network-type of group where people who practice witchcraft could pool their knowledge and teach each other new skills. There was no flirting or sexual content, and even when the discord server added nsfw chatrooms for photos not much was posted often (and all sexual content was kind of quarantined off in there to avoid annoying/spamming any conversations taking place). Sometime after I joined I started becoming an active member just to get to know people and learn more about various crafts. We were all a bunch of nerds who shared tastes in various book series/tv shows/videogames, so it was easy to get comfortable with everyone. Roughly a few months into me being an active member things started shifting from mostly casual conversation to members flirting with each other here and there until eventually sexual content was the focus of the group. I don't really know how to describe it, even though I was there watching it happen. The leaders wanted the coven to be a safe supportive space for like-minded people so there were unwritten yet enforced rules about interactions. You couldn't be rude, or if you did you were expected to apologize or you'd be banned (99% of interactions took place in the discord server, so some people who spoke out of place were kicked without warning). Sure being polite is important, but I feel like rules forcing people to do so might've contributed to the group's shift. I mean, if you're not allowed to shut someone down for sending a nude or trying to seduce someone, it'd only lead to people leaving while others (especially the hypersexual majority of the group) go along with it (a few people did leave, but most people were either inactive or stayed for the ride). I guess what really stands out to me is the age range of members - anyone 18+ can join but there's people from their early twenties to early thirties in there. I have a friend who watches the group and they apparently accepted a mass of young (assuming 18/19 year olds since they'd be young compared to the majority of the group that's in their early to mid twenties) members and had enough of a following to create different branches and redistribute members so that the groups stay small and intimate(probably so leadership is stronger?). I know they're not really a threat given they believe in otherkin, astral plane sex with tentacles, and worship Greek/Norse deities, but the atmosphere definitely felt like a weak cult in the making.
No. 279847
>>279838Cleansefags might as well be a religious cult.
I remember exactly who you're talking about. Jillian Epperly and "Jilly Juice"? Poop Cult? Yeah. That woman endangers people, she thinks her fermented cabbage juice will heal everything including autism, cancer, and down's syndrome if you drink a gallon of it a day and ~*~just believe~*~
>When interviewed by BuzzFeed about what keeps her going, despite Facebook petitions and bloggers working to out her as a fraud, she made it clear that her remedy is all about believing that it will work.
>“We’re using a different context in my world, and the manifestations from the salt and the accessing of the nutrients is gonna give you a different context of what the symptoms are,” Epperly told BuzzFeed. “So essentially what it is, is we’re trying to turn an atheist into a Christian.” No. 279853
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Any of you guys heard of that NatureBoy self professed cult leader? Dude had his followers go to Panama to "live off the land" and they wound up in jail. lol.
The guy is a pedophile and a sociopath abuses all the women in the harem. I don't know whats up with it now.
No. 279983
>>279831Tbh, giving my two cents about these kind of groups, this kind of people can actually get dangerous. In my country recently there was a huge scandal involving a Wiccan leader extorting members for money and sexually abusing them, and she's reportedly just like you described at the end.
Often occultists will share a bit of their knowledge, amass some following and then use their following for sex, money, rituals and whatnot. They then guilt people into staying in this freakshow and/or manipulate them with promises of wisdom and future power. The internet has made this behavior go up considerably.
Once i witnessed this when a guy who was friends with some of my friends tried to create his own little thelemite cult and raped and abused his female "followers" and incited other males of the group to do the same. He'd try to control the weight of the girls claiming they had to be "suitable" for the sex rituals and severely punished them emotionally and physically if they didn't obey. He engraved sigils in their bodies with sharp objects.
When we found out we were a little more than disturbed, since he seemed like a normal, even nice guy, pretty pleasant to be around, so we didn't mind his "out there" ideas at first. One of my friends tried to beat him up and we wanted to call the cops on his ass when it all came to light and he moved to another city and we haven't heard of him since, i honestly pray he's not repeating what he did here but unfortunately it's unlikely he isn't.
No. 280022
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>>279782Have you listened to the podcast about her? The guy couldn't come right out and call her a cult leader because he was given permission to interview her several times and she would have cut off access, but it's pretty clear what she is.
>>279822nta, but it's very common in dublin. I think as long as they have a street performance permit they can do whatever. I've seen it in a few touristy small towns as well. It's usually fire and brimstone evangelicals/fundies with American accents, but there are also some locals and the occasional muslim or mormom. The evangelicals are really loud and annoying, but the others are easy enough to ignore.
No. 280042
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>>279846>>279847 yeah "jilly juice" thanks anons. this is the article I had read before:'s so fucking depressing that people will believe this shit. they call it "the protocol" like wtf
No. 280169
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>>277699Ireland. This screenshot implies that "cults" are allowed to be criticised but don't forget that Scientology are officially recognised as a "religion" and are therefore protected, which is so incredibly wrong. From what I've seen, the law isn't really enforced unless people complain but all it takes is a few SJWs or old biddies who are offended by something they saw on RTÉ.
>>279785The JWs on the street aren't too bad, although pretty creepy when I'm getting off the train or something. It's weird to see them standing there emotionless, like a living mannequin. The ones who come to the door are the worst and that should absolutely not be allowed under any circumstance. Scientologists also sent around leaflets when they were setting up in the Victory Centre (Which I checked out before it closed down, it looked like another cult ngl. It was a big American evangelical "church" complete with a Starbucks lmao. They lured kids in under the guise of it being a "community centre" with summer camps and a games room. Apparently there are a few American-style "churches" in the area who beg their followers for money or they'll go to hell). The Hare Krishnas also creep me out but damn their restaurant is good lol.
Here's a link to a Boards thread discussing the Victory Centre: another discussing the Scientologists taking it over: might compile a few interesting things I come across when I get the time.
>>279822I can only speak for Dublin and Galway but yes, they're common in both cities. Right next to the Spire, there's usually some deranged man standing on a podium with a speaker and Bible in hand. It's right where the tourists are passing and it looks really bad. On the opposite side, there are usually stalls set up for "Discover Islam" and the JWs. The JWs set up even in small towns and villages. They're definitely targeting vulnerable people because the ones who have come to the door for me have tried to ask me if I'm suffering from domestic abuse and that they can "help" or they'll ask if I've recently experienced a loss of a family member or some kind of disaster, they don't even try to make it subtle. They also tend to have leaflets in Polish around Tallaght which again, makes me feel like they're targeting vulnerable people.
No. 280172
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>>279838I haven't heard of this but there seem to be a lot of "alternative cure" Facebook groups out there that are very dangerous. Because they're closed groups, members can say whatever they want and anyone who doesn't agree can be removed. Reporting them doesn't do anything because we all know Facebook doesn't give a shit. The most recent one I've seen was being shared as a warning on dog pages I follow. The members are being told to give their dogs "black salve" as a cancer cure, despite no scientific evidence of it working and in fact it seems to be actually slowly and painfully killing the dogs.
I actually won't provide the link to the article I read about it because it contains seriously graphic images and it made me bawl my eyes out but pic related is from it. It also contains screenshots of conversations from people encouraging each other to continue "treatment" despite the images looking like serious emergencies. It's actually scary how things like this can thrive on Facebook and how quickly the admins of these groups can become cult-like leaders, silencing other opinions.
No. 280200
>>275478My friend was approached by these people, he kind of amused it for a little bit, but they started asking more personal questions and were trying to get him to go somewhere with them. He said he got chills and started sprinting away and reported it to the police.
He was terrified mostly because the college has signs everywhere to not talk to them, then rumors spread that they were kidnapping people. Don’t know about that last part though lol
No. 320093
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maybe not the best place to put this, but Is persecution of Falun Gong/organ harvesting a legit thing? There were a ton of them when I was in boston the other day and had huge pics of exposed organs and stuff…. seemed kind of sketchy to me and I read online it's the Chinese equivalent of scientology No. 320126
>>277570My therapist once has had a young woman that was a Jehova's Witness as a patient. He talks about it sometimes in group or individual therapy to emphasise that one needs to leave a toxic environment in order to recover or one gets sucked back in and there is little chance for recovery. I think the woman left or he gave up eventually. He's a very sober man but you can subtly tell that it broke his heart. I'm certain it's a cult and I'm glad you got out.
I love you and you do you!
No. 346864
>>278213They recruit primarily around college campuses because college students are impressionable.
>>278318That's basically what I've heard. They market as a "not your everyday church" and bring people in with parties, then get super controlling and force members to move into the houses permanently.
No. 355515
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Hillsong anon come thru! Thank you again for exposing what you know. I'll repost what I did in
>>>/ot/351253>>355484Wow. So who runs the men who run this? That's the question.
Do people have to give up their income? Ty for the info anon. Did anything happen to you or your family that you are willing to tell? Do people get crazy-punished like in Scientology and their slave camps?
No. 355565
>>344924oh fuck, i've encountered this too
they said they were "theology students"
i was on campus so i thought they just meant they were students at the school
what the fuck
No. 356108
>>280169Scientologists are terrifying.
Anyone have any recommendations for articles and documentaries on them?
No. 356140
>>355707If you think all cults are leaded by men this one may interest you: it was an Australian cult leaded by a woman obsessed with plastic surgery that manipulated her followers to grant her custody of their children so she could raise them as their own. If a follower didn't follow her orders, she would make them enter a mental hospital and get lobotomies and shock therapy until they were in a suggestive enough state. Sheessed them all in the same clothes and made the kids starve and even bleached their hair so they coule be their little perfect blonde family
The children were released but the woman's still alive, she was never processed for her crimes and lives in a nursery home with dementia.
There's a better doc than the one I'm posting here but it's not on YT
No. 356182
>>356140I don't believe that all cult leaders are men, I just noticed what the ones with the biggest body counts had in common. Cult leaders tend to have similar traits (at first helpful but narcissist, controlling, prone to paranoid rants etc) and I wish more people became aware so those wannabe-leaders stop getting away with it/stop getting so many followers.
While male leaders that I have been looking up have been guilty of the worst violence, the woman in your vid seems like a real "winner" too, tbh not sure if I can handle another documentary right now after the Jonestown ones. I feel so bad for the victims.
No. 356357
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>>356108This article is horrifying. have been trying to shut up Chrissie Bixler since trying to speak up about Danny Masterson raping her. They killed her dog, tapped into their wi-fi, broke into her house, stalked them across multiple states and moved into houses nearby. Not sure if the article is up to date, but the whole family had to move again recently. I think they've relocated 3 or 4 times. I can't imagine how this has affected her mentally.