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No. 351253
Discuss celebrities with cow potential/cow like behaviors or celebrities who abuse social media, both past and present.
Previous Thread:
>>334208Continuing topics from last thread:
>Tesla is suing Elon for his "lmao $420" tweet>Azealia Banks will possibly be subpoenaed, going on a social media sperg as per usual: “Elon will learn very soon who is more powerful of us two">Elon changes his twitter pic to be similar to Azealia's>Azealia is a furry> CupcakKe threatened suicide, is now ok>Madonna's terrible butt implants>R Kelly's gross pedophilic history is in the news again thanks to "Surviving R. Kelly" docuseries, suddenly everyone cares.>Somewhere in the world Ariana Grande is probably doing something we will criticize>Amanda Seyfried's disgusting hands No. 351283
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Speaking of Ariana Grande, Lindsay Lohan is desperately trying to cling to relevance. Imagine a haggard LL pretending she's a high schooler in the music video next to a bunch of young hot relevant girls, kek.
No. 351343
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>>351283jon bennett is 37 and looked good as a high schooler… lindsay is 32 but looks older than him…
is this a result of plastic surgery? or drug/alcohol abuse?
No. 351359
>>351343Hm, good question. I always assumed it was the drugs/partying that made her that way. But I'm sure she's had ps since then to try and improve her haggard-ness.
>>351283>they probably couldn't get in touch with methis is so sad and cringey, it makes me feel bad for her that she's that deluded….especially since it makes no sense for her to think she could have possibly been in it anyways? like none of the main character actors from those movies are featured, that wasn't the point of the video. Why does she think 1. that she should have been in it 2. that they wanted her in it but there was a miscommunication?
No. 351375
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Reposted from the last thread but why the hell is she in China???
No. 351538
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This is the best OP so far. Glad that Amanda-chan gets a honorable mention and that Ariana is not in the center of it (though the Ariana spergs will come back).
>>351269Elon vs. Azealia will be soo milky. I'm also curious about Grimes' role in this feud. So far, she hasn't really commented it (apart from leaving social media for a while), but Azealia is really trying to drag her into it. She recently posted their convos in her IG story again (the ones where Grimes plans on getting pregnant) and said that it's actually Grimes Elon should sue. She really despises her.
No. 351553
>>351253>Azealia Banks will possibly be subpoenaed, going on a social media sperg as per usual: “Elon will learn very soon who is more powerful of us two"She's actually very done with the case, isn't going to show up in court if she can help it, and is saying they should just subpoena Grimes instead, since all AB really knows is what Grimes told her about a drug lab (and the weird, mildly funny but also scary threesome anecdote).
Musk is watching her like a hawk, though. He even had her phone confiscated by his lawyers and deleted a bunch of text messages. She's legitimately scared to do drugs anymore, since she's worried he's paid off her dealers to give her shit to make her overdose.
Bonus tea: Supposedly, Grimes and Elon have also gotten Hana (the collaborating musician on Grimes' We Appreciate Power) and Niki Takesh drugged and involved in threesomes.
This is all from her Twitter, which I no longer have access to, so no caps. Sip or spit.
No. 351594
AB why do you hate grimes so much?
>>351553>Bonus tea: Supposedly, Grimes and Elon have also gotten Hana (the collaborating musician on Grimes' We Appreciate Power) and Niki Takesh drugged and involved in threesomes. this is what AB wrote on her twitter or where did you get it from?
No. 351600
>>351538Banks is usually cringe as fuck but I support her in this. Muskrat is the one who should take the Fall but I hope Grimes-The-Nervous-Woman accidently brinngs him even more troubles.
>>351553also really congrats to the drug dealer that managed to convince grimes and musk that their lsd came from spacex labs kek
No. 351602
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The account is public now, time to screencap.
No. 351603
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No. 351604
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No. 351639
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“I’m happy watching rockets and having sex on the floor at Tesla” lmaoo
No. 351662
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>>351623She doesn't want one kek
No. 351676
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>>351625>Get him, AzealiaSeconded. Musk and his pandering to certain internet crowds ("I'm actually cat girl uwu") is embarrassing and his relationship with Grimes is weird. This whole situation made me hate Musk, love AB again and feel sorry for Grimes somehow. I wish AB wouldn't hate on her so much because she talks a lot of truth in the tweets anon posted
No. 351679
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>>351538>the ones where Grimes plans on getting pregnantcaps/more info on this?
>>351602bless u anon
Look….I'm no lawyer but….is it wise to go on a twitter sperg like this when you may be involved in a legal matters? This seems like something that could have legal repercussions. Certainly shows how crazy/unreliable she would be as a witness, unless that's her plan (
inb4 Azealia whiteknights herself in this thread saying how brave and smart and beautiful and honest she is). I'm surprised Muskyboi hasn't come at her with defamation charges at this point. It's probably in his best interest to just interact with her as little as humanly possible at this point though.
No. 351689
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>>351679>caps/more info on this?see attached image.
No. 351692
>>351676Agreed. I don't know Grimes' side of things, but I wish she and AB hadn't fallen out. It honestly sounds like all this was mostly Elon on his bullshit.
I'm going to be so annoyed if Azealia does that collab with basic, washed-out Poppy and Tits. Her music is too good to be wasted on those simps.
No. 351693
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No. 351699
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>>351679I don't think she cares anymore tbh. There was this article where Elon's lawyers defended him accusing some guy of being a child rapist with "his over-the-top insults are not statements of fact.", and she was like "Ok so can I use that excuse too", but the post is gone now.
No. 351702
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No. 351703
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No. 351722
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I saw this when I was at a magazine stand, I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. We all know how big of a celebricow Angie chan is from the last thread
No. 351741
>>351702lmao shut up were fucking desperate for that threesome back when it was on the table and absolutely frothing at the pussy for fatass Elon. nice try though.
>>351689this ss always cracks me up because while Grimes bad interesting dirt AB is just going on about some crackhead invisible world shit.
No. 351776
>>351640Why the fuck is AB sort of making sense, wtf. Is she on meds at last?
I fully think that the age gap combined with wealth is too big of a power imbalance between Claire and Elon so all this rings true. Older men that are immature are the fucking worst to be with especially if you're weak-minded like her. Negging her looks and sex skills is hilarious (and textbook) considering nobody held a gun to his bloated head to date someone over a decade his junior. Maybe get a woman your age? But no, they're TOO OLD and ugly eh? Men are the fucking worst.
People are doing themselves a huge disservice bc getting into these completely imbalanced relationships with people that aren't even close to being their peer isn any facet of life. They have nothing in common other than immaturity and that is a flimsy thing to have in common.
No. 351780
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>>351665Looks like AB is in luck! Although he might be a little more than 70% ugly
No. 351794
>>351776i think the reason people want to like AB is because she has rare moments of lucidity where she's spot on, but the other 90% of the time she has zero attachment to reality or boundaries. i dont know why ANYONE confides in this bitch, because they have to know she will, at one point or another, smear it all over social media because she's two faced as fuck and has 0 loyalty to anyone. i actually feel bad for grimes. she seems so naive for a woman in her 30s.
>>351780he looks like a fucking superhero villain lmao.
No. 351843
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>>351835grimes has always been a cringy internet cool girl
No. 351854
>>351841well, i think the issue (and i agree w ab on this point), is that musk had the balls to bitch about grimes' clothing and her looking crusty, but expect her to change her clothing and style for him, on her dime. if he takes such an issue with it, he should finance it, imo. if you're not willing to foot the bill, don't make your partner feel like shit about their clothing and style. it's just rude. granted, she chooses to look crusty, but that's not the point. if you're not actually willing to do something about it and you're just looking to talk down to your partner, you're gross.
>>351843fuck that's gross. wow. i had very little respect for her, but this completely sunk what i had. i still feel bad for her. i feel like she's a less deliberately malicious and malignant shoe0nhead now. this is top shelf coolgirlism.
No. 351969
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>>351689>I'm like a very fierce protector of children and I can see them in the invisible world>we can be pregnant at the same timeChrist no wonder Grimes' is out here writing busted fanfic, they're both out of their goddamn minds. So much milk potential between the three of them, I miss it.
No. 352081
>>351827>implying intelligence is something you can spot on the outsideI bet you think well-spoken people are the most intelligent people on the planet.
Also why would Elon Musk (I'm pretty sure his IQ isn't low) settle for a dumb person.
Please learn the difference between intelligence and social skills.
No. 352086
>>352081Because dumb people are easier to manipulate and control, which he has a history of when it comes to the women in his life
Also, vocabulary does tend to reflect a persons intelligence pretty well, galaxy brains are pretty fucking useless if you’re so socially inept you can’t articulate any of your ideas or knowledge
No. 352091
>>352081I like her, but she is not a smart woman. Talented? Yes. Creative? Big yes. Socially skilled enough to become a celebrity and do this
>>351843 at parties? Y-e-s. Intelligent? No, or she definitely wouldn't have done certain things (like collaborating with Poppy, a bitch she couldn't even Google to make sure she wasn't, well, a bitch before working with her - or, indeed, some of the things we've seen from her personal life. This is how an 16-20 something year old acts, not a 30 year old woman).
No. 352103
>>352086>Because dumb people are easier to manipulate and control, which he has a history of when it comes to the women in his life ok you do have a point there but so does
>>352090Most intelligent people aren't very well-spoken or socially adjusted though. Take programmers for example, smart people but quite autistic.
>>352091Could be that she's just very naive and childlike wich is not the same as intelligence.
>>352093>taking AB's word for itlol
No. 352108
>>352093Azelea is an insecure freak projecting her fantasies on to Grimes. If Grimes is this known enticing tramp why are all her past boyfriends garbage tier looking inbreds.
Azelea is so deranged she's publicaly jealous of a pair of geeks getting off together and being rich. She's made it clear she wanted to tap into his millions by shagging him.
She's utterly insane.
No. 352113
>>352103>Could be that she's just very naive and childlike wich is not the same as intelligence.She is a grown woman. Infantilizing her with words like that is not helpful. Call a spade a spade.
A 30 year old woman working in a very cutthroat industry being "naive and childlike" enough to be publicly humiliated and take so many Ls in public and private is, well, dumb.
No. 352115
>>352105well that's an entire different discussion but what I was just trying to say is that people shouldn't just call people dumb just because they seem a bit goofy. I've met plenty of smooth talkers who are dumb as fuck and on the other side also really smart people who have no idea how to handle themselves in a social situation. (sure there are smart smooth talkers and dumb socially inept people too)
Personally I think everyone has their own strong points. I know a guy who scored really low on his IQ test but in understanding people I think he's the smartest guy ever.
I'm not denying what she did was dumb but it doesn't mean she's a dumb person
>>352113>30 year old should always be dead seriousI feel for you, anon
No. 352116
>>352103Grimes doesn't strike me as childlike. Immature, yes. The rest of her pathetic bullshit concerning Elon is 100% low self esteem. This is someone who has struggled with anorexia for like 2 decades. She obviously has little confidence and no self-respect when it comes to sex and dating.
She's not a double digit retard. She's probably of perfectly average intelligence. But she needs a fuckload of therapy.
No. 352119
>>352115>>30 year old should always be dead serious
>I feel for you, anonI literally never said that. If you think anything I've typed equates to "A 30 year old must always be serious", you may be just as foolish as Grimes has proven herself to be.
Her ED, in combination with all the drugs she does, very well may have fried her brain. This isn't even a joke or an insult. It is not cute, naive or childlike. It's sad. I'm glad her creativity hasn't been taken at this point, but with the path she's going down, I worry that's what will happen. I hope she gets some therapy and sobriety, because she's almost approaching Cardi B bird levels.
No. 352158
>>352143tbf millenials in general look younger than the previous generations.
Probably thanks to better skin care and less sun (better sunscreen, more indoors activities, suntan is no longer popular)
No. 352168
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No. 352182
>>352175>"I want to smell you"I'm screaming. What the fuck. Imagine Lex Luthor looking-ass Bezos inhaling a big
>SNIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFon Sanchez. It reminds me of that one copypasta.
>snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff…oh yes my dear….sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff….quite pungent indeed…is that….dare I say….sssssssnniff…eggs I smell?……sniff sniff….hmmm…yes…quite so my darling….sniff….quite pungent eggs yes very much so…..ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff….ah yes…and also….a hint of….sniff….cheese…..quite wet my dear….sniff…but oh yes…this will do nicely….sniff…..please my dear….another if you please….nice a big now…. No. 352197
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>>352175>>352182kek, richest man in the world still can't keep his private gross texts from getting out….maybe there is some justice in the world? (not much, but a little bit)
either way hope his wife takes all his money and gets herself a nice young gold-digging lad.
No. 352240
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kek, this one got me
No. 352315
>>352115>Guy scored really low on IQ test but is the smartest guy ever IMODoing sort of poorly or whatever I understand bc there is a 5-15 point margin based on many variables… but scoring really low? C'mon. No.
You seem to conflate intelligence with skill and/or knowledge. You can be very skilled and well-read about a topic and still be unintelligent in the grand scheme of things. Sorry autism-chan but most autists are also low intelligence, there are stats on this. Those programmers that are excellent worker bees that do one thing really well but can't understand a joke or manage a bare minimum vocabulary? Also not smart. Intelligence is a broad mix of things but being severely deficient in some of those areas is indeed a sign of someone being stupid.
Smooth-talkers aren't even the people anyone here is putting on a pedestal. There is wit and then there is caveman-tier communication skills. If a child is properly socialized and educated but still comes out acting like a retard, I can guarantee you people are dancing around the obvious truth that their brain is just not very normal.
Not that intelligence is the only important thing in life but stop acting like intelligence is completely impossible to observe and identify.
No. 352400
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Yikes, his wife is way cuter than this over-botoxed abomination.
Also "I love you alive girl" homeboy has NO game but I guess you don't need game when you're a billionaire.
No. 352405
>>352402something about this is so cute LMAO
tfw no pathetic beta bf
No. 352516
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She's style, she's grace.
Why do most rich people like to dress like crap?
No. 352613
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I used to see Grimes around in MTL (more than 5 years ago I think). The only time we "engaged" was at a show, I was in one of the opening act and she was with some dudes from a band. During their soundcheck she kept staring at me for a very long time and I got extremely uncomfortable (dont know if she was being an asshole or she wanted to fuck??? that was weird). It doesn't seems like she had a lot of female friends. Anyway this is a dumb blogpost but wtv, this a pic of what she looked like at the time.
No. 352868
>>352857>Wait so celebs are angels and regular people are basically non-human npcs? Yikes shows how she views the public.And her stans are praising this viewpoint, proving her point. Honestly, when you have people constantly worshiping your every move and WKing you, and your drugs/lifestyle have made you as "touched" or "special" in the mind as she is, it's kind of hard
not to see regular people as NPCs.
No. 353094
>>352868No no anon, only POP celebrities specifically. Not even other musicians or artists get the privilege of being an ‘art angel’
Pft, non pop star plebs
No. 353141
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not sure if misplaced but MBB's parents have to be so damn vile and greedy. She is way too exposed, sexualised and over-worked for a 14-year-old. Nothing new really but still sucks sometimes to watch play out in real-time
No. 353142
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>>35314113 at the time and hanging out with Drake at this event
No. 353171
>>353141ughhh this! I feel so weirded out by the way she presents herself/is presented. She looks like a (admittedly beautiful) grown woman and I think the people she interacts with treat her like an adult, too, because of her looks and wit. This is very unsettling, especially knowing the history of other child stars like Drew Barrymore.
Both Millie‘s style and make up both are pretty, but her styling also tends to be sexy-ish and that is absolutely inappropriate for someone her age. Also, I feel kinda gross for googling "Millie Bobbie Brown 12 years old" to check how she looked back then.
No. 353279
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do any of you watch football? im a big premier league fan and so many of the players are messy.
a couple of years ago a football player cheated on his gf of 7-8 years, got exposed and apologized by getting a tattoo of her on his arm (kek). she accepted the apology and tried to trap him by getting pregnant. it didn't work though, right before christmas 2018 he dumped her (and his 18 month daughter apparently). it gets milkier though; apparently his ex gf's family used to work for him, so now all of them are out of jobs.
>using your in-laws as workers
No. 353391
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>>351709>Also, what's this theory that she's a farmer?It was a combinaison of her being a huge gossip hen and loving drama between other celebrities and providing us some insider info while being a lolcow herself, her being really creative with insults, especially when she called Elon Musk all these names, behaving like an absolute shitposter who just happens to be famous instead of having social media accounts for the sake of marketing and promoting her music/soap business and behaving like some farmers do on /snow/ and /pt/. Some farmers said they liked her or that they agreed with her on some points as well so some of us wouldn't even be surprised if she were also shitposting here. Other said that she looks like the type to post on lipstick alley as well or that she could be a closeted weeb and a furry.
No. 353470
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>>353421Fucken great, I can't wait to see how this unfolds. I love the richest man in America being destroyed by his idiot dick, and no amount of money in the world can stop it. Amazon workers all over much be rejoicing at the existence of karma.
No. 353485
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>>353483and he's still going to be filthy rich and will continue to be filthy rich
No. 353488
>>353485>>353486To be blunt, you don't seem to get how rich people view the world and their assets. Think of it as a never-ending, non-stop competition to make the most you possibly can. Nothing is ever enough, and there is no such thing as too much money.
Now, imagine a person who thinks like that losing half of the accumulated wealth they're so terribly proud of, all because of an extremely personal and avoidable mistake.
I repeat: Jeff is seething and will be for a long time.
No. 353497
>>353470Why are people acting like he's going to be destroyed? It won't even make a dent in his pocket. Maybe his ego will be crushed (even though he's moving onto a new woman and didn't bother getting a postnup when I'm sure his lawyers advised him to ages ago, so probably not), but he'll still have all the money he needs to accomplish anything he wants to do.
The divorce sounds perfectly amicable so for all we know he might think his wife deserves a portion of his fortune. It's telling that he didn't get an agreement written up even when they separated.
No. 353500
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>>353498because your relatives are not the richest person in the world by a huge margin while continually getting absurdly richer every passing minute
No. 353610
>>353601The system is insane.
No one should find themselves to 140 billion dollars just for being someone's spouse.
It just elucidates how much of a freakshow family court is.
No. 353612
>>353610The system is insane.
No one should find themselves to 140 billion dollars
No. 353624
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azealia sperging out rn
No. 353625
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No. 353647
>>353642She was doing so well, too. She opened up about her abusive childhood just yesterday, and even her political takes were actually kind of interesting. She sounded so clear and ready to heal.
Right now, she's making weird sexual tweets about liking when "daddy" massages her feet and eats her out. After that angry, keysmash-y meltdown. Like…did she just need to have sex? Is that why she was so aggro?
Do we know if she's bipolar? Borderline?
No. 353651
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>>353628Confusingly enough, her gay fans are agreeing and supporting her. I don't know if they're mocking her on the sly, or if they know she's not talking about them since they're her supporters, or what.
Her rants would give Charli XCX gays a heart attack for sure.
No. 353654
>>353624Nooooo Azealia! I really had hope for her this time, I liked how she handled the Elon drama recently, she was spot-on about some things and her bashing of him was hilarious because it was so over the top and witty. However, whenever she attacks other females or gays it is just so nasty and inappropriate. Also, she was happily "cooking" raising cinnamon swirl with huge amounts of butter on Instagram earlier today, what happened?
>>353636Some disputes involved her using slurs towards gay (and sometimes straight) men who did not take that very well, like Perez Hilton, Zayn and an unknown flight attendant. However, she often features gay guys on her Insta stories and was really supportive of them using her weird butt soap for bleaching their buttholes. The last thing I have heard was that some gay icon she was supposed to perform with in Brazil (?) did not treat her like she expected it. They made her the opening act for him and she complained about not being respected enough and also started fuming about gays again. I think it might be connected to her upbringing, race issues (she despises white gays the most) and her being crazy.
No. 353662
>>353654Azealia has a warped mind because of her narcissistic abusive mother. She was taught to hate white people from a young age.
But I do agree with her about gay men. They can call women "fish", sluts, bitches, hoes, cunts and nothing happens but the moment you call one gay man a faggot the entire world stops and she doesn't respect anyone. Do they honestly think she's gonna worship them just cos their gay? LOL.
No. 353664
>>353654I only remembered the racial slurs towards Zayn, but I'm not surprised she would insult him this way too.
>she despises white gays the mostHonestly the way she talks about "white gays" makes me wonder how it's like in the USA because she's making it look like white gay men and gay POC are completely separate, idk.
>>353662From personal experience gay men are either exactly the way you're describing them or way more respectful of women than average, so I'm not too surprised if she's speaking in extremes because of this. I feel like most of the time she's trying to say things that make sense and she's not even being wrong but she has no idea how to express herself so it leads to misunderstanding and her ranting even more online and making a fool of herself nonstop.
No. 353665
>>353654Not that Azealia but how is it nasty and/or inappropriate to attack fags (online)? Do you get
triggered when people attack other men online too? Lol
No. 353672
>>353500nta, "world leaders" are not counted in forbes richest and that leaves a rather big sum of people out.
The Rothschild & Co. alone has a net worth of 400 trillion US dollars, discounting the misc. shareholders and board members.
The Windsors (british royal family) have a net worth of 1.2 trillion pounds.
No. 353674
>>353668Well, simpletons have always worshiped the boots of their masters without ever looking up and realizing that it's on their head.
Anon is just another mindless Amazon consumer. Maybe they should try working for ol' Toe-head in one of his prestigious Amazon
slave shops factories to help him get his money back.
No. 353687
>>353665>Not that Azealia but how is it nasty and/or inappropriate to attack fags (online)?I meant to say that the way she attacks them (females and gays) is inappropriate. She comes up with the funniest insults when she goes against white men like Elon, but then calls Cupcakke a "Gorilla" and calls gay men all kind of slurs. That's just lame. I agree with
>>353662 and think gay male culture can be horrible and mocks women. But Azealia always goes into full sperg mode and just embarrasses herself every time she brings that topic up imho.
No. 353765
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>>351709>>353391Adding to this: I capped a bunch of these at the time (Celebricows #1 maybe? I don't remember, couple months ago though.) because it was so sus to me, but for a while any mention of AB's behavior (such as slaughtering chickens in her apartment closet, her long history of offensive sperging/lying, literally physically assaulting people, etc) was met with insistence that she was not crazy at all and was in fact the most beautiful, honest, smart, talented person and that we had already discussed AB at length in previous threads and had all collectively come to the conclusion that she was not crazy and therefore there was no need to ever discuss her again. I couldn't find evidence of any such previous "in-depth" conversation about her other than a couple of
>lol azealia is crazy, whatever>unpopular opinion: she's beautiful and a genius!!!here and there. I welcome examples of that if anyone can find it tho.
Obviously not definitive proof, but pretty convincing to me.
(Timestamps aren't accurate at this point because I capped these forever ago.)
No. 353766
File: 1547402801153.jpg (Spoiler Image,51.68 KB, 306x469, 3BB8166400000578-4076642-image…)

>>353765For reference: this is a picture of what Azealia’s
chicken slaughtering closet looked like (when she was finally cleaning it (and posted a video on her insta showing it). This is what “anons” were claiming wasn’t even a big deal and “fake outrage”.
My personal favorite comments on the matter:
>What is wrong with killing it in her apartment? Do you have some special chicken killing room in a farm?>She killed them as part of her african religion and she ATE everyone. How is that any different to moslems slaughtering their special halal and fat fucked christian cunts eating their Mcnuggets. Actually I'd argue buying your chicken live then slaughtering it yourself to be the most normal and environmentally friendly of them all. >FAKE OUTRAGE! No. 353769
File: 1547402915552.png (583.01 KB, 1410x435, kooks.png)

>>353765>>353766Bonus: here’s comments made in the Kiki reveal thread from
2 years ago, before any of those defensive posts. So, AB clearly has a pattern of this type of behavior.
No. 353775
>>353766>>353766i remember arguing with these fucked anons about this and them acting like it's totally nbd because they eat chicken or something and that you have to be vegan to find this shit totally fucked and for her to be a tryhard loser. a modicum of searing commentary on musk or some other white dude every so often doesn't undo the fact that she's a total tryhard edgelord that does not want to be healthy or normal. and this has nothing to do with african religious shit that they claimed was supposedly sooo part of her ancestry (it's not).
i honestly don't believe they're even all stans, or that most of them are ab. i think some part of the lolcow userbase tries hard to shill for any kind of "our girl" as long as she's 'biting' enough. ab is embarrassing and so is anyone that tries to shill for her. she's a milk catalyst and that's all she's good for, but she's complete garbage.
No. 353814
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>>353805Sure, if this was the only odd thing she did but this is like 1 of 10,000 insane things she's done. Not gonna spoonfeed because it has legitimately been discussed in other threads and google is ur friend, but she has a record of assaulting (spitting in the face of, biting) literal strangers in public as well as a long history of using slurs (again, publically on twitter) against peers and just POC/etc in general. Then there's the whole "selling skin bleaching soap when she has a history of slurs/racism agains black people" thing and specifically selling soap marketed to bleach gay men's assholes AND asking gay men to send her before/after pics of their assholes to prove it. (More discussion and caps of that in
>>314606 )
But people pretend that's all excusable/sane bc they liked 212 from 7 years ago, or whatever.
No. 353818
>>353805This. I wonder how many of the anons making a big deal of the Brujeria stuff wept fat tears for xxxtentrashion. It's gross, but she's not some sort of chicken Hitler. It's really not that deep.
Pro-tip: Almost all the celebrities you like are either into Santeria/Brujeria themselves, are Luciferians, or cringy goffik self-proclaimed witches/Wiccans/Pagans. Ask Lana Del Rey and her embarrassing posts about spell-casting, or all the famous people hanging out with Marina Abramovic. Even Beyonce reps Yemaya, who AB also calls upon, kek. They just don't show off the ugly parts (except Marina) because freaking out normies is bad for popularity. AB doesn't care about that, though.
No. 353832
>>353814She's not mentally stable or angelic, but neither are Courtney Love, Angelina Jolie, Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, literally every single male musician (especially rockers, metal musicians and rappers), America's favorite reality TV show star turned current president, Hailey Baldwin, Kanye and the other Kardashians, everyone in the cesspool known as LA, etc. That's Hollyweird. It's typically not a place for healthy people. A lot of them are psychotic and/or racist degenerates and druggies, most of them just keep their meltdowns private.
She just doesn't have a filter, which is often her own downfall. If anyone here can look past someone like Courtney Love's outspokenly shitty, disgusting comments and actions all her life, I don't know why it should be different for Azealia Banks.
No. 353965
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>>353612>>353617revolution when, anons?
No. 354141
>>353805ummm that's not even her actual religion, it's just some tryhard shit and it's very worrying for a celebrity to intimately slaughter animals in their closet and brag about it for sociopathic edgelord points. she's literally no different from the cows that do stupid shit like this and brag about it on 4chan. it's bad and embarrassing, and it does not say good things about her. asking for butthole pics and insulting gay men is less worrying for me, imo. the chicken closet is incredibly, incredibly bizarre.
>>353818none because we're not retarded. no one on lolcow was saying anything positive about xxxtentacion, before or after his death. lana del rey is not slaughtering goats in her mansion and bragging about it solely to seem unique. please. i wouldnt let ab around any pet for fear she'll boil it and post pics on the internet for cool edgelord pts. she's absolutely in another realm of pathetic.
No. 354203
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Not sure if he's considered a celebrity, Tim Tebow is an NFL athlete, so they're basically celebs.
Anyway, I legitimately thought this was an Onion article. Mega virgin 31 year old Tim Tebow.
No. 354226
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>>353832>She's not mentally stable or angelic, but neither are Courtney Love, Angelina Jolie, Nicki Minaj, Cardi BLiterally no one here is defending any of those people? No one even brought them up, what the fuck are you talking about? Are any of these people selling ass soap or getting their twitter shut down multiple times for threatening people?
>A lot of them are psychotic and/or racist degenerates and druggies, most of them just keep their meltdowns private. >She just doesn't have a filter, which is often her own downfall.It's like you don't understand how any of this website works. There's no point in any thread on this website if you're going to apply that logic.
>If anyone here can look past someone like Courtney Love's outspokenly shitty, disgusting comments and actions all her life, I don't know why it should be different for Azealia Banks.Again, no one is even talking about Courtney here let alone defending her. If you want to talk about Courtney Love, then bring some milk. You really sound like a tumblr sperg here
>I can't believe no one's talking about this!!!!! No. 354244
>>354203Thats actually really cute. Wish more men were like this tbh. Gives me hope.
>>354205 Agreed.
No. 354267
>>354226Chill. The point is, not everyone has a hate-boner over AB, because everyone in Hollyweird is a degenerate. She's not some big villain.
How am I a Tumblr sperg for saying if one isn't a big deal, another isn't? All the shit you're talking about is from years ago, too, practically ancient. Bring some new AB milk if you want us to be as buttblasted about this woman as you clearly are.
No. 354286
I don't get why so many people on this site stan AB. I guess her music is pretty good? Also I guess a lot of people look up to her unhinged behavior and want to vicariously live as her. Celebrity worship is weird to me in general.
>>354241A lot of black people can't seem to tell the difference between Indians and Arabs. I remember reading a book about an Indian grad student going around the Chicago ghetto for research. He got captured by gang members who called him Ay-rab.
>>353470The money should go to the workers.
No. 354326
>>354267The point is that basically no one on LC can express distaste for her w/o anons excusing it and trying to normalize it, no matter how fucked up it is. When the milk is fresh, it's almost immediately excused, no matter how shitty her behavior is, despite her being legit 100x worse than any celeb posted so far. She's way worse than Ariana or Grimes, but Ariana and Grimes are shit on to no end. She's not any more tolerable than Grimes or anyone else just because she can toss out some decent insults every now and then. She's way weirder than most celebs (though most of it is obviously done on purpose). And afaik (though I'm not all that well verse in Courtney Love's bullshit, not really sure why you brought her up specifically) Courtney Love is just a BPD-ass attention seeker? She's nothing wonderful nor is her behavior excusable, but she's nowhere near as bad as AB. She's just manipulative and thirsty and puts her foot in her mouth and is a dumbass. She doesn't go on huge tirades about Bill Cosby's accusers lying and pick fights with literally 14 year olds, literally go on racist tirades for weeks, or slaughter animals in her closet to then boast about on snapchat. Idek how you think they're comparable, plus, she's high all of the time, whereas, as far as I know, AB is sober. AB is worse than literally any of the celebs you mentioned but for whatever reason, gets a pass on everything. If Ariana did any of the shit AB did, we'd never stop hearing about how she's the worst ever.
If everyone just said the same shit about every celeb that's mentioned, that most anons seem to
only say about AB ("eVeRYoNe iN hOlLyWeIrd iS WEIRD!! wHo cArES???") wtf would be the point of the thread??
No. 354329
>>354317>>354323>>354326This is far, far too long for a subject as dry and milkless as Azealia Banks is at this point. It's been years since anything interesting happened, besides the Elon/Grimes stuff. The thread goes to boring, nitpicky shit when Ariana is the main topic, too, but at least she and BPDete supplied us with a steady stream of content.
Azealia, on the other hand? All we got last is a drunken Twitter rant about the gays, ffs. It's dead, anon. Just let it go.
We can talk about her again when it's revealed that she sent Grimes anthrax in the mail, or it comes out that Donald Trump paid her to put a root on Jeff Bezos to destroy his marriage and halve his income.
I just want to read/see gossip and scandals about big names. Laugh or log off.
No. 354366
>>354359Were you really not shook about her closet that's covered in shit and blood? Santeria is barbaric shit to begin with but the fact that she did it inside her own home without fixing the mess???
It wasn't offensive, sure. It was disgusting.
No. 354371
>>354366NTA, but I was shook. The issue now is it's just…old, and in the grand scheme of things, not so consequential. Santeria is a form of witchcraft practiced and/or respected by many in both high and low social circles, though it's typically kept private. Witchcraft isn't all the sanitized media stuff about lighting candles, buying jewels off Etsy, wearing clothes from Killstar with "Hex Your Ex" printed on the front and talking about "hexing Donald Trump uwu".
As for the hygiene, it was nasty, but at least she was cleaning it up at that point, I guess? Glad that wasn't my home, lmao.
No. 354380
>>354378I've seen two anons say it's not her religion, but I haven't seen anything that would point to that. She used to talk about it in-depth on Periscope, and was into it before it was even "cool".
Didn't the Twitter CEO try to get her to bless his beard trimmings so he'd be protected from ISIS, kek?
No. 354388
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>>354380no, she didn't. she has like no actual knowledge of it and gets basic stuff wrong that like, intro to santeria crap dispels. practitioners of santeria are very careful to not call it or associate it with witchcraft. santeria isn't witchcraft but she keeps calling herself a witch/witchcraft/talks about becoming a witch through santeria, getting lots of shit wrong about the process of becoming a priestess, obviously lying about going through certain initiations/practices that would require her to basically completely give up her career and entire life for over a year, literally avoid all physical contact with anyone outside of the faith, only wear white, etc. she didn't practice anything before it was cool, anyways. based on her tweets she just associates it with witchcraft and edgelord shit.
No. 354404
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I've been trying to post this for days. I feel so bad for her bc she was turned out at like 14 by her own mother.
No. 354436
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>>354268>>354267Well first of all the closet pic clearly wasn't posted as a current example of milk, it was posted in reference to the theory that AB is a farmer, yall are the ones who keep trying to argue about it (if you learned to read the OP you'd see that). Second, this shit gets rehashed because people STILL keep coming in here trying to argue wether she's a cow or not.
>"slaughtering chickens in your closet isn't even that crazy calm down">provide just a few of multiple instances of her overflowing milk over the years>"well that's old so it doesn't count and I don't want to hear about it just move on already"honestly lurk moar on Azealia so we can just talk about the new milk and don't have to spoonfeed the info every single thread and it'll stop being brought up over and over again. Same thing with Ariana. If you're that upset about people talking about her, go to another thread? What are you doing here?
It's like if someone went to the Onision thread and went
>"I don't get it all he did was cut down a couple of trees? Everyone cuts down trees some people are just better at hiding it and it happened like a year ago you guys are reaching lmao" No. 354441
File: 1547511684803.png (72.68 KB, 774x334, beard.png)

>>354380Yep. Seems like it's 90% coming from her though, and she's known for telling elaborate stories. I think it's so funny that she tries to spin it like
>this guy sent me his hair to protect him from ISIS can you believe it?but then in the same interview says she's a REAL witch with REAL clients and she's going to use the hairs to hex him and steal his luck. They just both come off looking insane.
No. 354497
File: 1547521810836.png (735.22 KB, 710x1370, ariana-grande-pokemon-tattoo-1…)

No. 354516
>>354497This looks like something a middle schooler drew while bored in class. wtf
>>354511A lot of times it's because it's edgy
No. 354519
>>354516It's not that bad. It is a tattoo of a cartoon after all.
You all nitpick too much lmao
No. 354520
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>>354518neither ariana nor miley have acting careers, though, they're pop singers. and miley's arms are pretty much covered in little tattoos at this point.
i think it's probably just a case of "oh one small one won't hurt" "well another small one is easy to hide" until they just fill up with stupid impulse tattoos.
No. 354524
File: 1547526960312.png (438.44 KB, 1432x858, Screenshot_2019-01-14-22-35-20…)

Ariana got a new song coming out called 7 Rings. She's still making bank off her exes, she's basically the next Taylor Swift.
Also kek at the Japanese characters uwu
No. 354525
>>354520Goddamn those are hideous.
But yeah I mean, they did both start in tv series, then there's ads and music videos and things where you wouldn't want a really big, obtrusive tattoo showing depending on the aesthetic. No doubt plenty are impulse driven, and I think aside from that there is probably a proper trend for it. Like those horrid face tattoos rappers are getting.
No. 354533
>>354519I don't think I am a big tattoo nitpicker at all. I just don't think that is the best art of Eevee available, probably because the eyes look off to me. It does really look like what my friends would draw in middleschool.
>>354524Does she want to look like she knows Japanese?
No. 354547
>>354519the lonnger I look the wonkier it gets. It’s not terrible (and it’s new, so that’s adding to the weirdness) but for how much money she has there’s no reason it should have any amount of wonk
sage for no1curr
No. 354554
>>354542yeah, it's sad. she's a very good actress too. too bad no one actually looks out for or protects child stars.
>>354549seriously, celebs have the money to get the most beautiful tattoos from the best artists the world has to offer. why get some shitty cartoon that looks like a stick and poke?
No. 354582
>>354524I thought that's Selena Gomez, but with bad hairdo.
>>354537She then said she bought another two rings for her mom and grandma making technically 9 rings.
Bet 7 rings will be about how she had one from each ex
No. 354596
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Ariana's new album will include a song called "Break Up with Your Girlfriend". Might be about getting with Pete while he was still dating Cazzie Davids? Or about getting with Big Sean while he was engaged to that girl from Glee?
No. 354656
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>>354608I have a soft spot for her too. She seems relatively down to earth at times but she is wrecked emotionally and personality-wise by the abuse she's endured. Reminds me of Britney kinda. What the fuck is up with Courtney's "music" tho?? She is off her rocker.
No. 354765
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>>354497She also got a shitty Japanese letter one. No idea what it says but I wonder how all her sjw fans on Twitter and Tumblr are gonna rationalize it. Most people will probably dismiss it because she’s not a basement-dwelling cheeto-fingered 300lbs man, but I think it’s extremely cringey nonetheless.
No. 354809
>>354765Holy shit it's like every celeb is a cringey weeb. Katy Perry, Avril Lavigne, Ariana, Gwen Stefani
No. 354986
>>354900NTA but
She's referring to
>>354286>A lot of black people can't seem to tell the difference between Indians and Arabs. No. 355089
File: 1547639793228.jpg (17.67 KB, 300x300, nkjk.jpg)

>>354806>Justin Bieber's tattoosKill me.
I think Justin Bieber is just one example of "good breeding"/"genetic stock" absolutely being a thing that exists.
He's talented and good-looking, but he came from a trailer trash, bummy sort of family line rife with poverty, trauma, mental illness and drug abuse. Even if you try to polish someone like that, raise them "right" and give them millions, chances are they'll just end up following the "code" they've inherited. They don't really have too much choice. Drug abuse, white trash tattoos, bad taste in everything, and drama will just follow them.
In stark contrast, I've known people who have been homeless, but carry a sort of refined/dignified air about them. More often than not, it turns out their family had some sort of wealth or social importance in the past, but things went south for whatever reason. Sage for mild OT, just interesting.
No. 355150
File: 1547654011809.jpg (393.65 KB, 800x967, 20190116_075329.jpg)

>>354911I'll keep an eye out for juicy/milky posts she makes.
Just wanna clarify I'm posting pic related for the caption– not trying to bash her figure or anything.
No. 355166
File: 1547657664062.jpg (421.98 KB, 798x1028, 20190116_085027.jpg)

Sage for non-milk but does anyone else find Vanessa Hudgens extremely obnoxious in all of her Instagram posts? I feel like that kind of narcissism is necessary for Hollywood actors and that's why they're all fucking douchebags.
She also posts homeless people on her stories mocking them. Stupid rich cunt.
Speaking of which have you seen Jared Leto in the new Gucci ads? God what a prick. He's super rapey too so no surprise ~Lana Del Rey uwu~ has no problem rubbing elbows despite her ""feminist"" image. It's all bullshit
No. 355169
File: 1547657767531.jpg (2.88 MB, 2000x1284, Watch-Lana-del-Rey-and-Jared-L…)

>>355166Gucci ad
I just don't give a fuck about Azelia Banks guys sorry.
No. 355236
File: 1547665680840.png (126.6 KB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20190116-110725.png)

Oh yeahhh it was a woman with bad makeup or something then a homeless person
Sage for negative milk
No. 355279
>>355169Ew why would they choose Jared Leto of all people, he’s going to make them lose sales.
And lol I don’t care about AB either, glad I’m not the only one.
No. 355291
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>>355278Ikr? I feel like it's one of those "hahaha out in the open" thing that famous and powerful sexual predators like to tout. R. Kelly much? This pic is pretty rape-tastic too. I always hold my girlfriends' hand for support when making out with a man! So relatable~
Fucking YICK burn it all down to the ground ffs
No. 355296
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No. 355302
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Idk if blind items are ok but I've seeing a lot of them hinting that Chris Pratt is into some sort of Christian cult that beiber is also in, seeing how his Instastories have been more and more hardcore Christian than years ago I can believe that
No. 355309
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>>355302I don't think it's just a blind item, other places are reporting that he's a member as well
>The pair, who met through Schwarzenegger’s mother, are both professing Christians. Although raised Catholic, Schwarzenegger has regularly attended Hillsong Church with Pratt over the last few months. (kek)
No. 355313
>>355166I never liked her, good to know my gut was right.
>>355169Jared Leto is such a creep. He's basically a good looking version of Onision who actually made it. Both him and his brother have an history of fucking underage groupies to this day and hopping on to date every freshly 18 model in sight, and he sounds like a narc everytime he opens his mouth. I used to be a 30STM fan but nowadays I can't even look at him without shuddering. Sure, he's handsome, looks much younger than his age etc, but a polished turd is still a turd.
No. 355317
File: 1547675636137.jpg (402.88 KB, 800x1131, 20190116_135410.jpg)

>>355312Riiiight she ~lived in a trailer park~ guys, remember?? She's totes uwu poor Americana white trash
>Grant began working as a Grey Group executive copywriter. After working as a major executive, he began investment in web domains in the late 90s, and as a result became a self-made entrepreneur.Source:
Her father is rich as sin. Also peep pic related about Ariana Grande. Not that we thought she came from humble beginnings or anything but still interesting
No. 355320
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>>355313>good to know my gut was right.For real go to her instagram and watch like 2 videos and you'll see what a freaky narcissist she is. She tries way too hard to be charming it's sickeningly fake. She's a terrible actress too, I feel like you can actually see the crap acting skills thru the pic (from the film Gimme Shelter [2014])
I watched that shit movie bc I thought surely since she is so famous she must be talented, no? Nope. She prolly just sucks a mean dick and lets powerful men degrade her to keep her place in the spotlight. Tinfoil alert I guess but I'm pretty sure that's how Hollywierd works
No. 355328
File: 1547676731990.jpg (Spoiler Image,173.07 KB, 1251x2048, evj0uy65qua21.jpg)

Is this real?
No. 355336
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>>351343I honestly feel with Lindsay the drugs and alcohol made her too lazy to give a damn about wearing sunblock. She is a pale ginger and a well-known yacht girl which is already not a good idea. Add in the plastic surgery to save face (literally) and that's why she looks like this. Such a shame.
>>354497Lol. She also has a Spirited Away tattoo on her arm.
No. 355358
>>355336Ooo, I'll be yoinking this Ari pic for my
Don't Compare Yourself to Others folder tyvm anon
She looks fine btw, not saying she looks awful. More like… realistic
No. 355414
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Can't wait to see Azealia show up to court in whiteface or some equally crazy shit.
No. 355437
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Omg yesss I have been waiting to post shit! Incoming dump.
Did anyone else see this? Miley's allegedly pregnant?
No. 355438
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Speaking of Miley. Wow that's really deep girl. ~wokeness~
No. 355440
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More Courtney Stodden sad realness
No. 355441
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Beta kitten programming (kek) Danielle Brigoli or w/e
No. 355442
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>tfw foundation matches original skin color >>355436I don't even need to watch this to know it's bullshit. How is this relatable or approriate at a time like this with the economy im shambles and everyone struggling to make ends meet. Dumb shit
No. 355452
>>355437probably the reason they finally got married then
>>355436another soulless shitty pop song about being rich, wow, original
No. 355460
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Truly I am sperging out with all these posts but whatever I hope someone else enjoys this shit too
Old as fuck and purely speculation but I was browsing a 90's nostalgia instagram (@capsule98) and does anyone else think they both look sad as hell? I shudder to think what these girls endured. I think they (only mk? Idk) suffered eating disorders, dress the way they do in a non-sexualized manner, and always look pissed in paparazzi photos because of the terrible things that probably happened to them at the hands of Hollywood moguls and casting directors. They wanted nothing to do with fame after a certain point. I'm in here a lot tinfoiling about this type of shit so ignore me if you don't agree I guess.
Of course they could have just been badly acting/posing for the pics and have not actually had the light sucked out pf their eyes by that young age but…. idkidkidk. Sage for old/non-milk.
No. 355462
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Lastly in my torrent of posts is this creepy ass photo shoot Britney did at age 14 or 15 by David LaChapelle (I think; too dick to actually look it up)
Wtf is that photo on the left? Btw that is her little sister next to her. Wtf at the man on the ground with the remote control? Jesus fucking christ
Again saged for old/non-milk. This concludes my barrage of posts, ty ty.
No. 355463
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>>355317Not everyone has CEO/millionaire parents, Ariana.
What a spoiled little bitch.
No. 355467
>>355298On the Hillsong cult.
They have their own universities and elite/wealthy ppl use it as a match making service for young “Christian” teens.
My parents are in it (I escaped in 2015) so I know ALOT of fucked up things that happened (plus a few documentaries)
The cult leader gets tax breaks and a lot of perks from the gov No. 355471
>>355463Honestly it's probably purposefully
problematic to get people talking. No exposure is bad exposure, right?
Gross. I hope there is a massive change and we all realize how retarded celebrity culture is and one day we look back at how obviously contrived it is and it becomes antiquated. But who am I kidding…
No. 355475
>>355467Any more info you're willing to speak on? I'm fascinated by cults. I'm glad you got out of it anon, it must have been difficult for you then and still.
Of course it's a tax thing. I wonder what kind of government and political movements they're pushing and supporting…
No. 355480
>>355460Geez, they kind of do. They’re pretty private these days, I wonder if anything really traumatic actually happened. I wouldn’t be surprised at all.
I think I’m gonna look into it a bit.
No. 355483
File: 1547794002399.png (2.85 MB, 1280x4000, 2019-1-17_22-44-0.PNG)

I couldn't make it past
*My wrist, stop watchin', my neck is flossin'
Make big deposits, my gloss is poppin'
You like my hair? Gee, thanks, just bought it
I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it (Yeah)*
Yep keep everyone dissatisfied with themselves and what they have and wanting for more material bullshit. Great message from our feminist queen Ariana Grande.
No. 355484
>>355475Top 3 creepy things that they balantly do
They put jailbait girls with Hillsong signs at the front, I’ve witnessed several teens being singled out as “the most devoted”.
Also they ALWAYS are some bright eyed sheltered girls that come from money/ blonde and blue eyed.
There was that time that a pastor fiddled a kid apologised and that was it on the subject.
They go hard on propaganda and have summer camps for teens
If you have any specific questions about the cult just let me know
No. 355489
File: 1547794333411.jpg (546.01 KB, 1500x1194, 20190117_225111.jpg)

>>355480Report back if you find anything! Bob Saget is a huge piece pf shit who made jokes about his baby daughter being fingered so that tells you the character of the people their parents thought it was a-ok to surround them with as babies and young girls. Also some of the promotional photos for Full house are really inappropriate with the grown men kissing and holding them. Yick. Pic related (I had to creepily scratch her out bc of the minor rule here)– who thought this was cute? What the fuck.
>>355481I know. But still. It's the principle!
No. 355494
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>>355484Wow. So who runs the men who run this? That's the question.
Do people have to give up their income? Ty for the info anon. Did anything happen to you or your family that you are willing to tell? Do people get crazy-punished like in Scientology and their slave camps?
No. 355495
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>>355490Justin Bieber, Hailey Baldwin, Vanessa Hudgens, AnnaSophia Robb, NBA stars, models, fashion editors and It kids have been hitting the same spot on Sundays, church wasn't the first place to come to mind. But that's precisely where they've been gathering, and not inconspicuously. Many of them have been posting to their various well-followed social media channels, such as Instagram and Snapchat, from inside the services. Consider them missionaries 2.0. No. 355496
>>355490You're probably right. Sorry! What would be a better thread? I can't think of any off the top of my head.
>>355493Hahaha yeah, whatever. I'm not gonna go back and delete. But you're not wrong kek
No. 355513
Thread about cults is
>>178735 so let's move the Hillsong discussion there
No. 355514
>>355501This video sucks anon. This guy is annoying as fuck. The only semi-relevant part is after about 16:00
>fan club "Fun Club" got twins mixed up on promotional materials and spelled names incorrectly; was apparently a scam money-grab with terrible management
>cruise in which you can go with MK and A– "Sail with the Stars"
>child actors; had no choices of their own until they were old enough to stop on their own. have no desire to be famous
>they will never be capable of living normal lives
>they themselves said they wouldn't wish their childhood on anyone
>an interview from when they are like 5 and they say they like to work
>every decision is made by parents to make money off the cuteness of their kids No. 355517
>>355513Ty based anon
>>355512Well, if you have had a traumatic childhood and/or are predisposed to mental illness, you're probably gonna be really detached from reality. Which probably in turn creates more mental illness and dysphoria.
No. 355518
>>355462It's still creepy as fuck, but she's more like 16/17 here.
>>355463I don't dislike ari like a lot of you seem to, but this is in really, really bad taste.
>>355473 is also where my mind went as soon as I heard that lyric.
No. 355523
File: 1547799058384.png (430.6 KB, 920x688, bad.png)

>>355522I don't understand how people can still be spouting this "Ariana is a FIERCE badass feminist kween" narrative. I mean, for someone who claims that her exes are the hung up/obsessed ones, she sure is writing a lot of songs about them. Seems like Pete at least tried to address it head-on and make a weird uncomfortable joke about it on SNL and move on. Not these passive-aggressive subtweets of songs.
I'm not a fan of Taylor Swift by any means, but I have to wonder how her career was basically just a running joke about how needy and crazy she was for writing about breakups, but Ariana is lauded for this shit. Is it just because Taylor is the whitest of white girls and Ariana has tricked everyone into thinking she's poc?
Also I can't believe this article picked a pic of her on her hands and knees looking like she's in a glory hole room to represent how BADASS she is.
No. 355528
>>355523Imagine going through an experience with a terrorist attack and instead of coming out thinking "there's a lot of bad in this world. With the ressources I've been given I could truly make a difference by donating and attracting attention to important causes " you… talk about how hot and fuckable and rich (because your parents paid for your start in BROADWAY and PRIVATE SCHOOL and NICKELODEON) you are
Truly the most important feminist activist of our time.
No. 355636
>>355545Seems like she's trying to edge her way into soft rapping (is this a thing? Hopefully you know what I mean) juding from the new video so this is actually a good observation even though
>>355547 &
>>355563 are right too
No. 355644
File: 1547830024664.jpg (81.74 KB, 464x768, 5d7875c7a2632028406bf2e96334de…)

>>355462This and many other shots were for the Rolling Stones Magazine. Britney was the main topic in that issue and therefore she was on the cover (the famous one with the bra and the teletubbie). That's her older brother Bryan on the floor in their living room. Her parents "didn't know" that the pictures would end up like this. The one with the push-up bra and the dolls was shot in her own room while she was alone with David. She was 16 at that time.
No. 355691
>>355441This is SO sad. That girl is obviously cringe and cow-ish etc but she got famous when she was 13, she was already having sex with older dudes. She's either aduled either made fun of but no one seems to comment on the fact that she is so clearly taken advantage of. This girl is underage, she should be going to school and not hanging out with adult men, having her pictures taken in this outfit/poses.
>>355545not defending rappers on that one, i find taking pride your wealth always cringe as fuck however with rappers, they mostly come from poverty. Ari comes from money.
No. 355703
>>355691Any proof that Danielle was sleeping wit older men before fame? She def. gives me a trauma victim vibe. She touches her friends and is touched by them in weird ways on some of her ig lives that I've seen.
Also, good point about Ari coming from money in the context of rapping about it vs. actual rappers doing the same.
>>355644They were alone in her room together….. jfc. No wonder Jamie Lynn got knocked up by Dan Schneider (allegedly).
Reminds me of the parents who were interviewed in the R. Kelly documentary that just came out. I can't believe these sell-outs actually showed their faces. "B-but her mother or me [father] were always with Daughter when she travelled with R. Kelly! Oh except when we sent her out with her sister who was promptly kicked to the curb and left [other daughter] alone and trapped. Surely her also young but uglier sister would've been able to protect her!"
No. 355704
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Also her veneers are too big imo. It's easier to see in motion but I tried to get screen grabs and pics to illustrate my point. Whyyyyy do celebs always get these huge ass teeth. Reminds me of when Hilary Duff did the same thing.
No. 355715
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>>355644Just watched the american meme on netflix today and it seems paris and nicky hilton had a similar thing with david lachapelle, who flew them out as teenagers to do a photoshoot. Didn't care much about the other people in the documentary but it's a good watch for Paris and I didn't know much about her before watching it.
Has this guy really not been outed as a creep? This is suspicious as fuck
The other pictures of Paris topless: was 18 or 19 but Paris said Nicole was only 16.
She didn't speak badly about him and the photos were the original reason she blew up.
No. 355717
File: 1547841072633.png (660.4 KB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20190118-114947.png)

>>355715Oh yeah! I saw that too. Gross.
Pic related: Damage control? Delusional?
No. 355782
>>355523t swift peaked in the early 2010s, when tumblr was gaining popularity. a lot of people hated her because she was "dating" (some of her relationships were obviously botched pr stunts) their celebrity crushes. why she thought "dating" harry styles was a good idea i will never know, but like 90% of his fans turned against her. i can still taste some of the salt from 2012.
taylor's obvious whiteness also played a big part, as the extreme tumblr social justice mess peaked at the same time as she was popular. people used to think she was a republican kek. now people seem to praise her because she has gotten "thicc" and came out as a democrat last fall. a lot of people think ariana is latina and aren't aware of the fact that she, like tswift, started out as a white girl with money and connections.
No. 355805
File: 1547846961352.jpg (254.77 KB, 800x1144, 20190118_132742.jpg)

Troons: not one time
This is from Ariana's release party or listening party or whatever tf
To be fair Ariana put a stop to it
No. 355807
File: 1547847022991.jpg (585.27 KB, 800x1155, 20190117_221426.jpg)

Topanga nooooo
To be fair tho she seems like a nice person.
No. 355813
>>355794I have to admit, I noticed the similarities.
I was singing a bit of 7 Rings earlier to myself, then messed up and started singing "It's mine, I bought it". "Big" pop stars and the people who write for them often have no originality, nothing new.
Hope Princess Nokia's ready to get attacked by a horde of rabid Ariana stans, though (especially gay, male ones).
No. 355823
>>355717I just can't get myself to like Ariana.
She's unbelievably pretentious and her hypersexual baby thot persona makes me want to fucking vomit. Like girl…you
know that 95% of your fanbase are underage, little teen girls. It's so disgusting and I hate how you can't criticize this because you'll immediately be brushed off as a ''feminazi prude'' or whatever
I can't stand female singers/rappers who think…this
>>355523 is in any way ''empowering''.
No. 355844
>>355501I love Drew, but this video has no relevance to the thread? He doesn't deliver any milk, he just make observations about old videos and stupid shit they sold for shits and giggles. But I do feel bad for them for saying they don't wish their childhood on anyone.
>>355611Honestly, it's such bullshit I am actually surprised anon believed it? Like, for them to know the sex of the kid, she'd be sporting a big belly.
>Taylor Swift>"thicc"oof
>>355805Disgusting as fuck.
No. 355860
File: 1547853252721.jpg (60.68 KB, 558x800, taylor-swift-instyle-and-warne…)

>>355852Wouldn't call this "thicc" by any means but the few extra pounds looks good on her. I always suspected her of being ana in the past. (Pic is from the Golden Globes a couple weeks ago.)
No. 355866
File: 1547853509259.jpg (226.34 KB, 545x969, 20190118_225108.jpg)

Ariana knew exactly what she was doing. Feminism my ass lmao
No. 355867
File: 1547853603099.jpg (184.11 KB, 800x579, 20190118_151610.jpg)

>>355852Has she? I googled it and can't find any relevant pics can you post some? Ty anon!
Pic related:
>tfw you have no ass but ass is in style Also why does the 7 Rings video start out with "ghetto" noises like sirens, dogs barking, and helicopters?
No. 355870
>>355867bottom-left of this pic shows her bottom half more than the golden globes one
>>320386did she get bigger implants recently?
No. 355883
>>355870Still wouldn't call her thicc, and body suits make everyone look like they have big thighs. Everyone in that picture looks like they do. Either way I'll miss her skinny trophy wife phase but she does look healthier with some weight on her. Had no idea she got implants.
>>355866I guess that's one way to feel better about yourself. Girl is overcompensating HARD for the bad PR she's gotten lately over her love life. I miss when she actually did sing empowering songs instead of this trashy baddie thot shit.
No. 355940
>>355169Jared Leto? Rapey? Something happened recently?
Only thing I’ve heard along those lines was some drama over a rape fanfic written by a girl or something years ago.
No. 355943
>>355807I don’t get it. Are they a bad organization? Or just the fact that she looks too botoxy in that pic.
Either way, her dog is cute
No. 355961
>>355460bob saget is apparently a huge weirdo irl so i wouldnt be surprised
there were things posted somewhere about how the guys on full house would do fucked up shit while the girls were around, making sexual jokes constantly etc and im pretty sure some of the jokes involve underaged girls in bob sagets stand up
No. 356008
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>>355320never found her charming once
this thread reminds me there's probably nothing worse than being a celeb imo
No. 356020
File: 1547880851517.jpg (51.47 KB, 780x439, intro-1522265165.jpg)

>>355715>>355644Thank you anons for the vintage milk!
What bugs me about the Millie case is just how off guard it caught me to see her exploited and sexualised by stage parents.
In the series, she's this super cute and super shy kid coming from abuse and being rescued by friends and good adults and of course herself because she is such a badass. It's a dark but also hopeful story. Reality feels a little reversed.
While I understand enjoying and celebrating fame as a teen, I feel she is being pushed too much. Where is that shy, innocent side of hers? Where is that completely unsexualised, tom-boyish kid side of hers? In this decade, you can let your childstar daughter be a tomboy and still make bank on her.
Idk Millie herself seems to enjoy the ride and defends herself all the time (on insta and such). I get that she enjoys it and I don't wanna deny her her sexuality. I don't wanna speculate too much about what could be going on or could happen and demonise her parents and say they don't love her (in a potentially fucked-up way). What I don't get is why they're instrumentalising her teenage desires and pushing her and taking risks by over-exposing her. They wanna make sure she becomes a mega star by molding her hard and it just feels wrong for me. Especially when it's so damn off for her nature. But that's Hollywood for ya I guess
No. 356026
File: 1547881319166.jpg (81.75 KB, 708x1024, Millie-Bobby-Brown-Stranger-Th…)

>>356022recent premiere of season 2 of Stranger Things
She doesn't even remotely look like the character. You just know someone behind the scences decided "neEds mOrE sexY"
No. 356029
File: 1547881404818.jpg (242.29 KB, 1368x2052, f2a127ac7bb6bb0d93eb550fda8e7d…)

>>356027congrats, you made her look like Victoria Beckham/an old woman with that horrible outfit and make-up
No. 356042
>>355867>Also why does the 7 Rings video start out with "ghetto" noises like sirens, dogs barking, and helicopters?It's a sugary trap song. Do you need an explanation on the genre she's appropriating?
>>356027MBB is being styled so horribly wew. The black one is always dressed in some tryhard Met Gala wannabe shit and it doesn't do a damn thing for the poor guy. The ginger girl and the syndrome kid look pretty age-appropriate to me. I'm not totally mad at the faggy Carl Sagan look they did for the one on the right either. Kid on the left looks terribly gay in a bad way.
To be fair it's not their fault they all look stupid, it's adults that dressed them this way in the end.
No. 356126
File: 1547897236420.jpg (176.26 KB, 1470x2209, Winona-Ryder -Stranger-Things-…)

>>356027She looked the same age as Winona Ryder at this premiere. I can't understand how who dressed her like that thinks it looks good.
>>356045it's the shoe type that make them look huge.
No. 356144
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>>356026>>356027>>356029For comparison, this is Sophia Lillis (played young Beverly Marsh in IT). I think she was also 14 on the far left.
No. 356173
>>356029>>356027>>356026Honestly, MBB just has an older face (especially in comparison to the girl from It). Even as Eleven, I was surprised at how quickly people could tell she was a girl in S1. It's probably the lines on her face (I have the same thing, minus the nasolabial folds, before anyone says I'm dragging a 14 year old).
The dresses and heels are definitely on the stylist, but otherwise, I don't think she can help it. Any makeup at all makes her look like a woman in her mid to late 20s (and I'm sure she naturally has an interest in makeup/glamour, or she would've repped that tomboy look in
>>356022 a lot longer, especially on IG). Ariana Grande looks younger than her at times, ffs.
It's sad that the adults in her life seem to be capitalizing on her mature looks and budding puberty to mold her into the next Natalie Portman or something. I just hope she's not being groomed.
No. 356194
File: 1547910358000.gif (2.77 MB, 540x270, tumblr_inline_p2gdfdwLo31s3tay…)

this is so fucked up
No. 356196
File: 1547910438928.gif (2.66 MB, 540x270, tumblr_inline_p2gdfpJQCs1s3tay…)

>>356194>>356195and of course her 15 y/o costar is allowed to be a goofy kid and not a pedobait.
No. 356210
>>356207It happens to all of them. It's happening to her boy co-stars too, guaranteed.
>>356042>It's a sugary trap song. Wow thank u for the clarification anon
No. 356245
File: 1547914040427.jpg (2.78 MB, 2881x1920, inCollage_20190119_080537720.j…)

>>356203Yeah this is fucked
Pic related what a mess. I wonder how much Ariana actually contributes to the songwriting/beat making etc. I'm gonna go ahead and guess almost nothing.
No. 356246
>>356210Yes, Finn Wolfhard does get a lot of male attention too.
MBB is having drama right now because a couple of days ago she defended the murderous stalker protagonist from the show "You" on her instagram stories.
She said "He's not creepy, he's just in love with her so it's okay".'s showing every single red flag of child grooming/child abuse, it's really concerning.
No. 356255
>>356210Ok I was a bitch to
>>356042 in this comment but for real why tf is she singing about opulent wealth while portraying a trap house? I mean I know the answer but it's so fucking transparent and retarded and an obvious attempt at pandering. Oh well I guess that's pop music for ya. Saged for retardation
No. 356256
File: 1547914424431.jpg (287.05 KB, 1228x940, 1510841502526.jpg)

i feel so bad for millie. shadman drew this shit, brought it up to her and made her fucking sign it.
No. 356262
File: 1547914685448.jpg (328.03 KB, 800x843, 20190119_081426.jpg)

>>356256Fucking disgusting. Like once I realized that parenthood is not at all sacred to some people this Hollywood pedo child actor thing seemed a lot more plausible. Some people treat child bearing as another result of bodily function, not as the creation of an individual human life.
I posted once before about Jenelle and no one cared but MTV is trash for capitalizing on this. Not that Teen Mom/16 & Pregnant was ever anything
but that…
No. 356264
>>356246Holy shit someone get her off social media immediately.
>>356256The fucking nerve of this douchebag. It's making me physically sick.
No. 356277
>>356246Poor Finn, he's a handsome boy and will be an attractive man one day but the sexualisation is disgusting. He's a child. Let him grow up!
She's a stupid child, plenty of girls her age have those fucked up ideas about romance due to lack of imagination and experience and consuming thrashy media that romanticise abusive men (not saying You is like this, Joe is clearly meant to be a villain protagonist).
Weird that she has so little perspective while being in a public eye, I can see her getting her own Joe pretty soon. I pray it does not happen to her (if it had not already).
>>356256why did she sign it… poor. should have thrown it in his face and call her bodyguards to remove him
No. 356312
>>356210yeah finn actually dropped someone in his entourage because they had been accused of assaulting someone i think
these poor kids
No. 356383
File: 1547927621955.png (258.13 KB, 480x607, mac throwback.png)

She posted this and tweeted "miss u." It was his birthday today. Bet she will always regret acting like crap after his car incident.
No. 356395
>>356383tbh I think she was totally justified in defending herself after his car accident.
What I would regret more is moving on so quickly/ talking about how my bf/fiancé of a couple months was "totally the love of my life all along guys!!! the guy I was with for two years up until a week before mr. big dick?? dont know him lol!!"
But like, standing up for herself in the face of Mac Miller's mistakes/addiction was totally understandable, imo.
No. 356531
File: 1547942303763.jpeg (824.39 KB, 1200x1598, C0AF6ED3-D258-4115-83E0-68BA44…)

>>356383came here because i was inspired to make this pic collage. is this a joke????
they must pay mad money for the articles shining her in a good light
No. 356557
>>356020>Where is that shy, innocent side of hers?>Where is that completely unsexualised, tom-boyish kid side of hers?>In this decade, you can let your childstar daughter be a tomboy and still make bank on her.>Especially when it's so damn off for her nature.Anon, that's her character on a fictional TV show, not her real life personality. Playing a shy tomboy doesn't mean she's one in real life. Her "nature" may very well be the 14 year old girl who's having fun looking pretty and wearing makeup and she might WANT to not look like her tomboy character all the time, have you considered that? Usually 14 year old girls don't want to look like boys, especially when they're in the show business.
That's not to say her parents aren't creepy and I don't like the sexualization either, but she's being a normal teen, you're just confusing her with a TV character.
No. 356568
>>356020this is such a creepy post.
>I get that she enjoys it and I don't wanna deny her her sexuality.deny it. she's 14
No. 356578
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No. 356579
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No. 356590
to think her gay male sycophants call her “eloquent”
No. 356594
>>356579She's not educated enough to be having this conversation. She's "woke" for PR reasons not because she actually cares. That's why she calls regular songs like 7 Rings woke and feminist even though they are clearly not. Her PR team buys her streaming numbers and Spotify playlist covers (several artist do) and tells people to call her a pop princess when introducing her but then a lot of peoppe cant name more than two or three songs from her. Or they just don't like her or only know her from Nick. Everything about her image is forced and fake moreseo than it ever was for her and between the botox and this "praise me I'm woke" nonesense as someone who used to be a fan I'm tried of her and can't wait till she she's forced to go away like burned out popstars typically do. I wouldn't be surprised if weird whiteknighting for her started happening because her PR team has around 4-5 here known workers for her on LSA (they post about her the most and talk about how she's the icon of this generation and blindly praise her) and they often Google her and defend her on sites like these.
Trdl: she's uneducated, fake "woke" and her PR team is the most vicious one I've ever had to endure in action.
No. 356606
>>356572What thread is that? Sounds interesting
>>356582She is probably drunk af. She has been drinking heavily lately. her face looks so bloated lately
No. 356639
>>356579oh my god
stay in school kids lmao
No. 356720
>>356069>>356072that is not a sexy outfit. it's up to her knee, her arms and chest are covered. her heels are not even high. it's cringey as fuck that you see it that way.
the redhead girl has a dress the same length and sleeveless and you say nothing about it?
No. 356727
>>356720I do think that she just happens to look more mature because she's grown out of the awkward tween looking phase faster than the other kids. She looks a lot older than the others when standing next to them. I think the only tasteless thing about her appearance is how shitty her makeup looks but that's her stylist's fault.
They're kids, they're gonna say and do and think stupid shit. Hopefully it's not indicative of any abuse that's occurred but it's probably naive to think that. I wish anyone in Hollywood gave a shit about child actors beyond how much money they can make off them.
No. 356805
>>356597Wait, Kris Wu??
Since when did she have beef with him?
No. 356841
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No. 356917
>>356805Kris was number one on iTunes and she was only number two. She and her manager got pissed and accused him of bitting and had him removed. She's been number one for awhile now but that's because no one else has really released anything so I don't really take that as a win. Her fans were saying things like some "chink" couldn't be number one and kept making go back to China jokes and she would like a bunch of the comments. When she got caught she went back and unlocked a bunch of them and her manager kept going after Kris even after he got removed. Apparently they never proved he had bought he's spot but he still got taken down anyway. So basically her fans are bragging over a fake win since this is he first #1 without a feature in her entire career and yet they had the audacity to compare her to Mariah Carey.
I don't like Kris Wu but I don't like her faking to be woke and then low key liking her fans racism.
No. 356968
File: 1548007172391.jpg (46.65 KB, 382x349, uhhh_what_the_hell.jpg)

>>356203truly there is nothing worse than being a child star in the digital age. everyone should know by now that pedos are rampant in hollyweird and we're surrounded with evidence every day, these poor children are being exploited into making money and their childhood and innocence is snatched from them before they even get a chance to experience what being an actual kid is like. and yet no one can really do a damn thing, because the pedophiles are the ones with the money, making more money off these victims.
No. 356974
File: 1548007485240.webm (3.41 MB, 639x1136, haileybieber_2019_01_20_16_57_…)

I began to notice from Thank you, next that every time AG releases another song there's this trend of posting it on insta stories. Ok we get it, you're in the hip and trendy wave lol
No. 356992
File: 1548008095189.jpeg (105.73 KB, 640x1009, image.jpeg)

Azealia stan bringing you her newest maybe-fake-tea-maybe-not.
Honestly don't think Azealia would fake screenshots like this. I'm so looking forward to their trial and hope the investors fuck Elon up.
No. 357026
>>356841>>356846>>356863You'd think the music business would be filled with creative people who can actually come up with their own ideas, but apparently not.
Also, what was the point in selling bootleg vidya? Surely he knows scammers only get away because they do it anonymously and can dissolve the company immediately when caught?
No. 357072
>>357032grimes definitely lost with these ana-chan comebacks
aT lEaSt iM NoT FAT!!!
No. 357086
>>357062You're right they were in China recently, oops.
Grimes resorting to ana comebacks really shows how much her brain has atrophied from the adderall and starvation. I thought she was intelligent with interesting taste from her Tumblr days but her latest ideas and drama have just been cringey. Her 30s aren't a good look for her…
No. 357111
All these years I've been supporting Grimes because she started out as a local artist around here signed to a small local label. She attended the same university as me and the same music program as so many of my friends. She's almost a decade older than me but nonetheless, when she broke the mainstream, doing vogue covers and high fashion campaigns I felt she represented our city's youth to an extent, and the fact that she did it all as an indie artist who slowly grew her following online was impressive considering how uncommon that was in 2010-2013 when she was up and coming. As tacky as it is to admit, most of us 90s kids grew up as weebs influenced by anime & kpop but also listened to experimental underground EDM garbage, dyed our hair terrible colours, probably went to a few too many raves and looked a bit too grungy during our teen years. As much as people around the world seem to hate her, I always thought 'meh I have no reason to not support her, she's one of us'.
But I was not impressed with her aligning herself with banks, she fucked up big time, she fucked up with elon musk as well, ruined his business ventures, probably ruined his family (poor kids), then has the nerve to continue enganging with the woman who is mentally ill AND throws lowest-hanging-fruit type insults at her? Grimes is fucking 30 years old now literally looking for drama with other grown women to project her own internalized misogony and self-hatred. I would be worried for Elon's daughters if he had any (looks like he only has boys), but Grimes is trying to get knocked up and I will be seriously concerned if she has a daughter because she will fuck up that little girl with her pro-ana stance and other issues.
No. 357121
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No. 357147
>>357139You literally said she ruined his business ventures lol. He might've made stupid business decisions that fucked him over to impress her but it's not her fault. And she might be a homewrecker but he's the one who opened the door.
Everyone involved in this shitshow is embarrassingly idiotic. The drama these 3 have belongs in high school.
No. 357153
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these are posted to Ariana's insta
damage control
No. 357162
>>357147Ok, I meant it this way:
If you were to date someone who has 5-6 kids and owns multiple business ventures across the world, and you noticed that he doesn't seem to have integrity and is incompetent both as a family man and a businessman, you'd back out of the relationship if you had any self-respect right?
But unfortunately she's equally trash so instead of seeing the warning signs of her 40-something boyfriend being a mess, she chose to have a serious relationship and is even trying to get pregnant. She's accountable for her own stupid mistakes regardless of Elon also messing up his own life.
No. 357165
>>357032>He wants me..babeYeah, sure, AB. We saw how it went.
But seriously, Elon Musk is such an idiot can you imagine the damage if he dated Azealia?
No. 357171
>>357162>self-respect>grimespick one
>>357153wow, she's embarrassingly transparent. someone needs to take her social media away before she wrecks her image for good
No. 357202
>>357153This is a mistake. She needs to stop pushing this "I am your woke queen" image. The women's March is always getting critized for promoting feminism meant for solely well off white women like her (look up them screaming over Angela Davis and a bunch of other crap that makes the women's March "
problematic" I don't wanna get OT). She claims to be "down" with black women but her actions show that she clearly isnt (I know the March isn't all bad and that it's not just white women there but this is the image the March has now so many celebrities stopped going or talking about it). She's gonna expose herself in a way one day that not even her PR team can cover up and it's gonna be worse than the donuts.
No. 357211
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same old AB… it’s all about the skin colour.
No. 357227
>>357211It probably was. "Narc" isn't that heavy an insult, especially when you date Elon Musk, but she kept spamming it.
No way of knowing either way, though. Maybe AB said at some point she hated when people called her a narcissist since that's what her mom is? We'll just have to wait and see.
No. 357246
>>357239She's very artsy tryhard weeb, it just manifests differently from Grimes' ways. She and Ninja are inspired by anime/manga like Tekkonkinkreet, going by their IG.
The white trash thing is very fake, too. She went to a nice art school and comes from a wealthy Christian family.
No. 357252
>>357219"Narc" to me has always referred to:
noun, informal•North American
noun: a federal agent or police officer who enforces the laws regarding illicit sale or use of drugs and narcotics."
I took it to mean Grimes being pissed about AB snitching to the SEC?
No. 357259
>>357246She is every bit as pretentious and embarrassing as Grimes. Similar backgrounds and influences. Sorry.
>geniusSure, if you're like 14 and new to performance art, anon.
No. 357261
>>357260See: Her body of work and social media posts.
I can't believe Die Antwoord stans still exist in 2019, holy shit. Waifufag elsewhere already.
No. 357269
>>357261What? I was just wondering. Calm down and read posts properly before you think people are attacking you. I don't even like them as indicated twice in my initial post.
Also who cares if people like them. You sound crazy…
No. 357278
>>357269>getting this snippy over a band that hasn't been relevant since 2017Chill out. I never claimed to be attacked, but you're clearly been feeling a certain way over a small, offhanded comment ever since
>>357253. I'm definitely not the one who's crazy here, kek.
No. 357292
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Yolandi might be a shitty Grimes-tier artist but she's cute af
No. 357293
>>357272Lol retard. Learn to read while you're at it.
Anon clearly said she doesn't like them and called them shitty but the anon sperging out about Yolandi being a "twyhawd weeb" sure sounds like she knows a lot.
No. 357302
>>357295You are painfully transparent, and the only one sperging. You didn't call her shitty until your weird thirst post, either. Not everyone has to like what you like (or like your ironic rap/rave zEf music). Goddamn.
No. 357324
>>357318You're the only one who's mad to be calling people trashy drug addicts for making a simple post comparing her to Grimes, lmao.
Take your own advice, please, or at least stop subjecting people to your psychosis.
No. 357331
>>357327You are trying so hard. Go to sleep, you're cringy.
I really wonder if you are Millie now.
No. 357336
>>357333>>357327NTA but shut the fuck up and stan Die Antwoord on /mu/ or whatever.
Nobody here cares.
(the anon) No. 357338
>>357211Wow the self-hatred is strong in AB. Not that that wasn't already overwhelmingly apparent.
Also are you guys done with your tit-slapping itt? Jesus
No. 357375
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uhhh anyway let's talk about how Ariana is fat or something
No. 357380
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Batshit insane Yolandi sperg aside, I noticed Babygoth was mentioned in the Soundclout thread. Posting caps of her shit in a bit, and a video on her that's been going viral.
No. 357381
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grimes is ugly. it's no wonder all her recent instagram posts are shopped to hell and back.
No. 357393
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>Lied about her age (claims to be 20, is 27) >has a husband and two kids>Hid the fact that she was a basic wannabe Melanie Martinez starting out>plagiarized her debut song>tried to do damage control by deleting shit, didn't work No. 357395
>>357393This is the video about her being an industry plant. She just kind of randomly popped up among the likes of Lil Xan and Trippie Redd with no build-up, so people smelled BS.
Her IG is babygoth, while her old IG is darth_bria.
No. 357396
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Is this blackface lol
No. 357401
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>>357395Some milk from an anon who seems to have personally known her.
No. 357422
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>>357415She's a normie musician signed to a major label. I wasn't the one who first posted about her, but finding out she wasn't actually about that Soundcloud life and is a grown-ass woman with two kids and a husband was interesting. Also, the face tatts like
>>357408 said made it extra funny.
Feel free to post better milk if you have any, anon. I just want this thread to get back on topic and be interesting again.
Her bitching at people who ask about her kids.
No. 357436
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People are saying Katy Perry's new shoe line contains blackface, pic related. No. 357450
>>357436The design is so ugly I'm almost mad about it. Who executed the design and greenlighted this product? Atrocity. Not even people who enjoy the tackiest of fashion styles would like this.
Also does she really need to use that egyptian all-seeing eye thing in her logo? Like celebrities know by now they're accused of being in secret cults and shills for the Illuminati. At this point she's just trying to be edgy or knows she'll continue to be talked about because of it.
No. 357463
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>>357462Him on the right.
No. 357467
>>357458>>357459>>357462This breaks my heart, but she should have left him on blast.
I truly hope she gets some help and doesn't take back again.
No. 357472
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Riley Reid (pornstar) raping a young British boy and admitting it.
Anyone hear anything about it? Not much backlash, from her fellow peoples.
No. 357474
>>357472>not much backlashWell it's kinda hard to shame someone for something they publicly admitted doing. 99% of rapists deny their acts or truly believe they didn't do anything wrong, if they're self-aware, they're usually recovered.
(don't know who she is though)
No. 357482
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>>354444Oh shit poor folks in Mykonos hide yo keeds!
No. 357489
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>>357481This tweet seems sketchy to me, I agree that they use it for shockvalue.
Thanks anon btw, I don't really like porn as much, she's pretty vocal about what she does. (Even to the point of insisting that her asswhole makes more then mother's kek)
No. 357520
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>>357084>a pathetic slapfight between two mentally ill moronsVery apt description
>>356992Also the timestamp on those texts says August 2018 did she post those today? Wild either way, is it that hard to believe she could be a farmer when you see how she acts/talks?
pic related, Azealia doing anything
No. 357550
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No. 357600
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tbh I'm just excited to see what Azealia wears to court for the Elon shit. These are my Top 3 "Azealia in Court" outfits.
No. 357601
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Conservathot Tomi Lauren tries to bait CardiB and then cry victim No. 357613
>>357605I doubt she's conniving or anything, Grimes is just a dumb woman with an eating disorder. I think she has genuine love for art and even though her shit is super basic it doesn't change that she's honestly into the shit she makes.
Befriending AB is very confusing but she's never been a good judge of character or talent. Remember how she aligned with Poppy and still is friends with the ever-so-edgy Nicole Dollanganger? I bet she gets approached with the "the media lies n fans are so mean i just have haters boohoo" bullshit and buys it like a retard.
No. 357653
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>>357601I liked her second reply a lot.
No. 357763
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What's with her and airplanes?
No. 357898
>>356938i mean okay but what about princess nokia ? I dislike Nokia as a person but 7 rings is a literal ripoff "Mine".
>>357165i would love that to happen. Can you imagine the milk ? Azealia would legit ruin his life, he would go absolutely crazy. Amazing.
No. 357970
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>>357600Azealia's lawyer, desperately trying to contain the crazy before she walks into court
No. 358115
>>357946looks like Ariana is just going to get away with this just like she gets away with everything. The majority of people will never even get to know who princess Nokia is. (most people in my country have never heard of her)
Benefits of being filthy rich
and white No. 358181
>>357763>In her lengthy Instagram story, she said: "The lady is like… asking me some questions.
>"And since I didn't have an answer for her she went a couple of seats over and she's just like staring at me."
>She added: "She goes to the captain of the plane and lies and says that I said 'Oh don't stare at me, I'll sort you out'.
>"I'm like 'what the f*ck you talking about. I'm from New York City, I don't say shit like that, I don't use that kind of slang."
>She also said: "I've worked too hard in my life to be cornered by some ugly Irish bitch. Like, all these ugly Irish women here."
>She continued: "Then all these security n* come over treating me like a wild animal. They tried their hardest to get me to do something or freak out."
>However, now a fellow passenger on board the flight has come forward to claim that the stewardess involved in the incident was confrontational from the off and was the one who lead to the drama.
>Speaking to MailOnline the passenger, who was sat in the row directly behind Banks, revealed that the incident was sparked Banks attempted to get something out of her luggage, causing her to stand in the aisle and prevent other passengers from boarding in the process.
>“Then she turned to the hostess and said, ‘Are you staring at me…’? Why are you staring at me? I didn’t fill out an Air Lingus form to be stared at.’”
>“The hostess was being quite confrontational. She said to her, ‘I need to know if you are going to cause more trouble on this flight? If someone’s rude to a stewardess, it is something we have to ask. It’s protocol.’”
>“Azealia said something to her friend about it being a power play. She said, ‘I am on this flight and I am famous.’”
>“The hostess said, ‘I don’t care if you’re famous.’”
>The passenger claims that at this point, Banks contemplated getting off the flight, allegedly telling her friend and fellow passenger “‘I don’t want them to spit in my coffee.’”
>The rapper eventually did remove herself from the flight, resulting in a delay of well over an hour for the other passengers travelling to Dublin while her bags were unloaded.
>Speaking anonymously, the source described staff on the flight “a bit aggressive and confrontational” in their handling of the situation.
>“They were asking Azealia if she was going to be trouble before we had even taken off, which only escalated the situation."[Banks] said the attendants were harassing her and I think they were a bit heavy handed."
No. 358273
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Abuser who received absolutely no punishment goes on to abuse more women. Amazing. How does this piece of shit still have fans, why do people not care about female victims and continue to support disgusting scumbags
No. 358346
>>358327NTA, but another passenger corroborated that the attendant was being a bitch to her, lied about being threatened and called security for nothing. It was wrong to say Irish women are ugly (though Brits say it all the time, so I don't know why some people are trying to pull the race card over it), but she peacefully disembarked the plane after being treated rudely.
I'd do the same thing if some stewardess mouthed off at me about "causing trouble" just for getting something out of my luggage before the plane takes off.
No. 358367
>>358346so some crazy bitch going
>Are you staring at me…’? Why are you staring at me? I didn’t fill out an Air Lingus form to be stared atat someone looking in their general direction isnt threatening and confrontational?
No. 358379
>>358367It's snippy, but not "threatening".
She asked why she was staring, she replied with "Will you be causing any more trouble??" (so I doubt she was scared or worried for her safety, lmao), then she went off to the captain and claimed AB threatened to "sort her out".
No. 358383
>>358379well she also said that Elon Musk wanted to make alien orgies so I wouldn’t really trust what AB says.
No she’s stepping back saying it’s all lies created by the media and that she loves Ireland.
No. 358389
>>358383This time, another passenger corroborated her side of the story, so I don't doubt it. Staff on planes can be complete dicks, glad I never dealt with any mess.
And honestly, the things she says about other celebrities almost always end up being true (even the Russel Crowe thing, RZA admitted he did spit on her years later).
No. 358464
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>>358379>so I doubt she was scared or worried for her safety, lmaoWhy wouldn't she be tho? Azealia has a history not only of assault, but specifically of assaulting both passengers and flight attendants
>On September 22, 2015, Banks became involved in a confrontation with a fellow passenger and the flight crew while attempting to exit a Delta Air Lines flight that had just landed in Los Angeles. According to witnesses, Banks was attempting to squeeze past other passengers to disembark the plane more quickly, when a French man blocked her path. Banks reacted by spitting in the man's face, punching him, and clawing at his shirt. Subsequently, a flight attendant stepped in and demanded that Banks calm down. This resulted in Banks forcefully arguing with the flight attendant, in which she at one point called the Delta employee a "fucking faggot"I mean, if anyone knows better feel free to correct me but people don't joke about airplane safety, people have been removed from planes for lesser things. Wouldn't she have a permanent red flag on her flight record as someone to keep a close eye on?
No. 358486
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Ariana's releasing a new album next month.
>Breakup With Your Girlfriend, I’m Bored
No. 358501
>>358464didn't she also bite a flight attendant's boob?
blocking the aisles during boarding is a no-no and i'm sure AB was acting like an aggressive hood rat as soon as the flight attendant told her to sit down, because that's how she reacts to literally every confrontation.
No. 358519
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>>358501It was a security guard at a club that she bit. Close enough, though.
Azealia "they treat me like an animal!" Banks
>slaughters live chickens>spits in stranger's face>bites people>slashes her sisters neck with a box cutter>starts fights with anyone and everyonecan't believe they treat her like that :((((
No. 358523
>>358521>alibiwhat the fuck are you talking about? she was literally on the plane
azealia, sage your shit
(hi cow) No. 358652
>>358646Right! There's been a lot of posts about Millie, who's currently 14, so why would a 19 year old celeb's publicly posted childhood throwback video (from long after she started appearing in TV shows and movies) suddenly be an issue?
I figured the no minors rule was more for people who are currently underage, anyway, otherwise we wouldn't be able to mention anything about a cow/orbiter/etc. from before they turned 16.
No. 358675
>>358652I'm the anon who posted that tidbit initially and damn if you wanna see a child acting sexy so bad go to her ig and find it yourself
>otherwise we wouldn't be able to mention anything about a cow/orbiter/etc. from before they turned 16.It's not
mentioning minors that's an issue. It's posting pics. Better to err on the side of caution. Someone go rind the post and post it and see if you get banned kek
No. 358683
This is old curdled milk but what do you guys think of this? It's sort of convincing but idk. Leann Rimes is apparently a cow from the recently necro'd copycat thread in /ot/
I made a collage but there was a typo in my original post and I deleted the pic so just go to that twitter
No. 358813
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this is a screenshot of a screenshot so pls excuse the shit quality but lollllll
the only thing is there's no date so idk
No. 358875
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>>358613>>358584no one thinks you’re fucken “amazing” for being kicked off a flight for being an asshole azealia holy shit
>So, the flight attendant was a fan in disguise anxious for a news-worthy moment? That'd make sense.>fan in disguiseThe only thing news-worthy about it was that you went on a huge sperg on insta after. No one would have given a single shit if not for that.
yall seein this shit?
No. 358881
>>358875I'm not Azealia, and I'm also only one of those anons, lmao. It's just funny to think some random attendant is privy to 5 year old milk about her being insane on a plane, considering her irrelevancy nowadays outside the Elon/Grimes thing.
She was rude as usual, but even a passerby confirmed that the flight attendant was the aggressor and the one with the problem. Now chill out. Were you the attendant, or someone on the plane? Is that why you're so pressed about this non-event? She didn't even fill many seats for the Ireland concert, IIRC.
We need some actual milk ITT, anons are going overboard.
No. 358928
File: 1548276880128.png (355.2 KB, 402x376, 67968209-2cad-4970-9b25-818126…) is kinda old now, but it popped up in my explore.
What do you all think? Everyone in the comments are defending it saying it's okay because "she's hot, so he probably wanted it" and because it's a woman, and shit like that.
Even if he doesn't look bothered it's still disturbing af. And it seems this hasn't been talked about as much, I never knew about this.
No. 358934
>>358928It's gross but she's 19 and he's 15 in this image. Not sure I would call this "predatory" but it's still weird.
I know some people think it's "wrong" but I had an 18yr old bf at 15 and nobody batted an eye, we were both in high school.
No. 358954
>>358928he's 15 and looks 11
its disgusting
No. 358989
>>358934i think it is wrong, but i think these kinds of things tend to be motivated by different things when the girl is older. demi likely was not taking advantage of this kid (realistically, why would she? women don't often have a weird thing for this like men do, and just look at the kid).
when i was like 17 my bf's younger brother had a crush on me and my bf asked me to kiss him on the cheek to make him blush or whatever, and i did it so he'd feel happy. it's not like i was attracted to his brother or that it was a sexual thing. tbqh it's likely he was into his hot costar demi and someone suggested he be given a kiss for his birthday by his super famous crush. if that's the case, it really is very different. yes, this is a mouth kiss, but i will almost guarantee it was meant to be innocent. intention and context matters. if this was a female teacher preying on a male student or demi forcing him to fuck her for roles, that's fucked up shit and totally inexcusable, but i highly doubt this situation was her trying to prey on him and take advantage of this little dweeb, c'mon
No. 359004
>>358989Look at her though. It doesn't seem all that innocent and she kept insisting on that shit.
And a kiss on the cheek is not the same as a kiss on the mouth. You don't find it weird when a parent kisses their child on the cheek, but if it's on the mouth it's weird. It's the same thing here
No. 359051
File: 1548288279629.png (Spoiler Image,306.72 KB, 332x612, 78564657890-.png)

Speaking of Noah Cyrus, wtf is this in her instastory??
Is this a dead dude or am I just dumb? She wouldn't go this far for edgy points, right?
Spoiler for possible disturbing image
No. 359075
>>358989Are you retarded? Are you really trying to claim that women can’t be pedos? Yeah, it’s a 4 year difference, but developmentally she’s miles ahead of this kid and they live in completely different world.
Sure, there’s not as many female pedos, but let’s not try to pretend that women can’t also be utter scum
No. 359082
>>359075Exactly. It's one thing a 4 year difference in a, say 18 to 25 range. But he was JUST turning 15, so he was literally a kid.
>>358989Also I know adult women who are into young teen boys. Pedophilia is not a men exclusive thing
No. 359092
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Old convo but here is more information on what Ariana Grande's team does when she messes up on social media. They spend more money on her PR than anything else.
No. 359120
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Bryan's response
No. 359121
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Authors' response
No. 359125
>>359075>>359075> Are you really trying to claim that women can’t be pedos? not at all. you jumped to that weird-ass conclusion. what i was getting at was that without context whenever these BOMBSHELLS about women come out, they tend to not be sexually motivated or necessarily predatory in the same way. there are female pedos, of course, but i highly doubt demi is actually a pedo because she kissed a dweeby teenage boy on the mouth on his birthday. it's very possible that she was told to kiss him or it was suggested that she kiss him as a gift, etc. male culture does not see 'hot' older girls kissing younger guys or boys the same way we do, especially back then. i think the intent and context matters. this isn't the same thing as male hollywood movie moguls trying to get 15 year olds to 'consent' to sleeping with them in exchange for fame. it's often MRA reactionary bullshit that is hyped up because men need a scapegoat. it's like momokun. she did what she did not for the same reasons as men do it. it's not at all the same, but there was a huge shitfest about it as if what she did was just as malignant and disgusting. it is gross, but it wasn't lecherous and rapey the way men do the things they do, and one is much, much worse than the other. they're not actually parallels. there ARE female pedos, but the situations surrounding these bombshells are often very different than the ones they're compared to, and the picture alone isn't enough information. i highly doubt that this is the other side of the coin to the men in hollywood preying on young girls or young boys.
there's obviously a chance she could be a pedo, but the picture alone isn't enough information. there are definitely veritable female predators and pedos out there that are 100% comparable to male pedos, but there usually seems to be a reach when it comes to famous women or e celebs and stuff.
No. 359144
>>359125It's not just a picture. There's a link to a video in the post.
And saying that it's not the same just because she's a "bombshell" and "famous" is dumb af
No. 359154
>>359125NTA but i feel like people have more of an issue with demi because she went on to date ashton kutcher who was a lot younger too
yes, he was legal but to me its no less creepy when an older woman is slithering around with men half her age than it is when men do it
despite any sort of ~power heirarchy~ males have, its still weird af
i think if a male had done what demi did in the video, there would be a much bigger hooplah over it but society is still YASS QUEEN'ing when women date younger guys and WOW SO FUCKING HOT WHAT A LUCKY KID is typically the male response to a situation like that too despite the fact that young males can be just as much victims of rape, sexual assault, and age preying as a female can
No. 359354
File: 1548339725693.jpg (54.89 KB, 750x445, 848326.jpg)

>>359225She doesn't even look like her second face anymore. Right pic is after the rhinoplasty (circa 2016), left pic is recent. She's only 22.
No. 359359
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>>359354It is absolutely absurd how similar to Carla Bruni she looks.
No. 359360
File: 1548340830687.png (2.31 MB, 1288x972, bellahadid.png)

>>359358Doesn't she date the weeknd, whose entire personality/image is drugs? Clearly she's had work done, but she's also lost a
ton of weight
No. 359379
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>>359356I don't think she shaved her jaw, jaw shave isn't a thing in the West unless it's for medical reasons. It looks more like a buccal pad removal and maybe masseter botox + cheekbone fillers to make them more prominent, lip fillers and probably a brow lift too. She should've stopped right here in pic related imho. She had her own thing going on looks wise, instead of looking like a gaunt copy of another model.
No. 359382
>>359354>>359379nose job. lip + cheek + forehead fillers. smoothed undereyes. maybe sculpted chin. but I don't think she shaved her jaw.
she looks 40 tbh
No. 359421
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>>359386>doughyI think she looked fine. She was also a teenager in that picture so her face had to be fuller.
I saw Bella irl a year ago, she looked less emaciated than she does in her selfies, she wasn't wearing makeup (or maybe very little) and looked more fresh faced and younger compared to her pictures. Less fake, too. Maybe her fillers had dissolved and it was before she went to get more, because she looked more similar to her older self.
It has to be said that it's only recently that she went really ham with the cosmetic procedures, pic related. Sad!
No. 359661
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lol did she really enter the country via ferry after getting kicked off the plane
No. 359750
>>359688Oh, for sure. It would be nice to not have to have to keep explaining her history of milk and why she's a cow to azealia/idiots that come on here and don't know how to google sperging "she's not a cow no one wants to talk about her!!"
I'll try and come up with a comprehensive history of milk (there's honestly so much) and make the thread in /snow/ if yall are down.
No. 359754
>>359751(I literally just said I could do it
>>359750 just gimme a little bit to gather all the info)
No. 359787
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Azealia Banks thread:
>>>/snow/771485I'm honestly exhausted. There's just too much milk for her.
No. 359791
>>359789I am honestly happy that she got her own thread on snow already. I can't read and see anything about her here anymore because she
triggers me so much
No. 359891
File: 1548433878778.jpg (347.56 KB, 800x791, 20190125_083021.jpg)

What a sad ass. It looks like she's clenching.
No. 359924
Fuck you're right. I forgot she's only 15. Should I kms
No. 359965
>>359421her mom just came out and said she and gigi have no fillers why do celebrities lie about this shit?
No. 360101
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That's …nice, I guess? Why is she doing something normal? She's insane so I have to imagine it isn't genuine. Major tinfoil here but I wonder if she's doing it for good pr or to show social workers she's a ~good mom~
>"I’m not sure why God chose me to tell this story but I have to fulfill my calling: A couple months ago I went to the dog park and saw Angelina Jolie selling organic dog treats."
>"I know now that Angelina’s kids knew I was taking that photo and I wasn’t getting anything past anybody, but I’m still glad I took the photo and I’m sorry that’s their lives,” she said
Idk if I should've saged this bc it's kinda mundane but …it's Crazy Angie
No. 360104
>>360103Go here
>>>/ot/334208 and ctrl+f her name
No. 360112
>>360101This just seems like such a waste of time to me. If Jolie wants to donate for a good cause then she might as well donate some of the millions of dollars she already has or volunteer her time for a charity event.
>>360108That would make more sense. But why are all of her kids there?
>>360001Why are you blaming Elon for this? Grimes is probably just revealing who she really is. Idk why people here think women are victims 100 percent of the time. It's kind of insulting.
No. 360114
>>360001>elon totally ruined, she was always an obnoxious wannabe loli girl. tbt to her posing with stuffed animals and saying she wishes she was asian.
just because she made vague statements like "some producer wanted to sleep with me" doesn't make her vocal of how women are treated in the music industry kek.
No. 360122
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>>360101The treat sales benefited @hopeforpawsrescue.
>>360112> she might as well donate some of the millions of dollars she already has…She does and she's well known for it. She is constantly doing humanitarian work.
She's beautiful, philanthropic, and an excellent mother. Take that you nasty rodents.
No. 360125
>>360001I liked her, too, and I still enjoy her music/aesthetics, but I doubt Elon "ruined" her. She probably was never really "genuine" except in the sense of having a creative vision.
She just went with what people wanted her to be, personality-wise. In the past, that was the Tumblr/art degree/weeby/raver kids she surrounded herself with. Now, she's with Elon, and her MO has shifted into going with what
he wants her to be. He's an old, rich fart who wants to feel young again with a cool, artsy, smart internet gf to go on wild benders with. The problem is, he doesn't understand or fully appreciate the culture behind that persona of hers, so he complains about it, and she's stuck trying to LARP as his stupid, vapid idea of it.
Figuring this out is honestly what soured me on Yolandi Vi$$er and all these other female celebrities from well-off backgrounds who make a killing off of being "artsy waifs". It's like all their personality exists solely in their art, while the rest is just drugs and endless pandering to whoever benefits them most to pander to. They aren't strong female art icons making their fame their own way. It makes me kind of sad because I grew up looking up to them. The only possible exceptions I can think of right now are Bjork, Janelle Monae, Mariko Goto and Joanna Newsom.
No. 360144
>>359891thats actually..a normal ass..?
not to mention she's underaged
not every woman feels the need to inject their body parts with silicone or spend hours a day doing "squats" for no reason other than to make their ass look unnatural
get outta here with that sexist bs
No. 360153
>>360144It was an unflattering pic by celeb standards but y'all are right to roast me.
Brb killing myself
No. 360243
>>359821and then Sam Taylor-Wood promptly had him cosplay John Lennon, the object of her obsession and focus of nearly her entire career to that point, in her film.
The whole Aaron Johnson saga is strange as hell to me.
No. 360264
>>360260Agreed. He must have intense mommy issues. She basically groomed him, I think he was actually around 16 or 17 when they first met and she was the director of the film he was acting in. When you consider that power dynamic as well it's fucked up.
Also one her kids from a previous relationship is only like 3 years younger than him. It must be wild to have a hot step-dad that could literally be your boyfriend.
No. 360284
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guys they got lana
No. 360345
>>360238It isn't 100% confirmed, but there are many clues pointing in that direction. Everything he spills comes out to be true, so he's legit in the Hollywood biz. When asked about himself, he revealed that he was once a mess and nearly destroyed his Hwood career, but he sobered up. He's also confirmed and denied some blind items about RDJ. Lastly, he named names in a list of Hollywood people he considers "good", and the majority of them are people that 100% have come in contact with RDJ, including Iron Man's director and Susan Downey, RDJ's wife.
I think it's really him.
No. 360358
>>360101”Mom how long we have to sit here”
”Stop whining, Lacoste. Paps need a good photo so keep that smile”
No. 360367
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>>360237I though the same thing. In the other celebricows thread there are screen caps of her doing this exact thing. It's delicious milk
Apparently Wendy Williams' husband beats the shit out of her regularly. This has been speculated about for some time now. He uses her for money and openly has a young side chick. Explains why she feels the need to keep blowing him even when her son walks into the room. Control and dominance probably.
>Wendy Williams has been hospitalized and won’t be returning to her daytime talk show anytime soon>Williams, 54, has “suffered horrendous physical abuse at the hands of her husband from hell, according to a former employee’s lawsuit!”>The tabloid claims Hunter, 46, attacked his wife, “choking her, kicking her and punching her in the face!”>Enquirer also alleges Williams has helped her husband cover up the abuse.>The day after Wendy appeared on camera slurring her words while wearing a sling, Hunter’s mother spilled the tea about witnessing her son attacking his wife.>“I saw Kevin choking out Wendy! Another time, I witnessed him kicking the s–t out of her and pushing her down the stairs” >she fractured her shoulder in December. She was originally supposed to return shortly after the New Year but pushed it back to Jan. 14. The return date was delayed again to Jan. 21 to give her time to heal. No. 360369
File: 1548516886760.jpg (150.05 KB, 800x552, 20190126_073122.jpg)

Blowjob info referenced in last post because I know someone is gonna ask about it.
Her husband bought his mistress a house right down the street from his and Wendy's home. With Wendy's money. Mistress is also allegedly pregnant as of December.
I don't watch her show but this is some wild shit.
No. 360371
File: 1548517172761.jpg (2.38 MB, 2400x1920, inCollage_20190126_073751378.j…)

pic of the young lady reported to be the mistress, and another unrelated photo of Wendy looking like she jist got her shit rocked. She looks scared. Of course a photo is only a split second in time and can be misleading…
No. 360381
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All I can think about is how her ponytail must absolutely wreck the man sitting behind her during the ride. Lmao.
Also conspiracy tinfoil but it's been alleged that MKUltra victims are often taken to Disneyland to be able to dissociate. Come at me idc
No. 360408
>>360238There are four Himmmms, one for each m. That's how it was explained to me, anyhow. RDJ has always been suspected to be one of them.
RDJ is also a closet Republican. He has donated money to Dems in the past to cover his ass, especially in Hwood where it's important to go along, but he's a fairly conservative guy.
No. 360427
>>360371I feel bad for Wendy. She clearly has mental issues but no one around her seems to care. Her husband clearly uses her for her money
Also could he not get a better looking mistress? ffs….
No. 360516
>>360427seriously, how do you get a young mistress who looks objectively WORSE than your 50 year old wife?
I also feel awful for her, how can domestic abuse be such an open secret amongst celebs and no one does jack shit about it.
No. 360812
>>360702It gets worse because she placed him at the head of her business. Not only is he the executive producer of her talk show, she also made him her fucking manager.
No easy way out even if she decides to sever things.
No. 360872
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No. 360882
>>360872terry crews is a gem.
>anti-porn>tries to help men overcome their porn addictions>vocal about sexual assault and sexual harassment >publicly calls out famous scumbags>talented actor, speaker and athlete>stands up for what he believes init's sad how the people he called out are going to have rabid fans who attack him and most likely won't face consequences for their gross behavior and disrespectful "jokes".
No. 360928
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>>360663>mad if we make separate thread to discuss Azealia>even madder if we talk about Azealia's hereChrist, thank god a mod has finally said it, the infighting was going on far too long here. She's now a mod-approved cow™ so everyone can shut up about whether or not we're allowed to talk about her because anyone who can read can see she's nothing but a never-ending supply of milk.
No. 360994
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>>360367this ugly as fuck demon is over here publicly cheating on her, abusing the shit out of her, putting her life at risk in so many ways, etc. look at this ugly trash. she's better looking, is the one raking in the dough, and still these fucks think they're entitled to abuse women. FAMOUS women who have all eyes on them, mind you, and they think they're above the law and above being caught. sick. this guy has no reason to think so highly of himself, holy fuck. he looks like a fully stuffed garbage bag made of human skin
No. 361081
>>360943people call gina shady because:
when the black panther movie was announced, she tweeted something like "oh that's cool, but where is the latino representation?" it came across as her being dismissive of black panther and how significant it was to black people. normally her asking for more latino representation in the media wouldn't be an issue, but people felt it wasn't the right moment to be like "b-but latinos!!!"
there was also a moment where gina was doing an interview with a black co-star, and the interviewer asked the black co-star how she felt being a role model to black women. gina interrupted and said "all women". people thought it was shady that she seemed to have a problem with the question being specified for black women, and again it was very dismissive
in reference to her wage gap comment that
>>360951 mentioned, the discussion was about the wage gap issue in hollywood, and gina said something like "white women get paid more than black women, black women get paid more than asian woman, and asian women get paid more than latina woman." while that statement may be statistically true for the general wage gap, in terms of the film industry/hollywood it's a load of bullshit. people were more angry at her for trying to make it seem like latino actors are making way less than everyone else which isn't true at all. the statistics she was referring to did not include the entertainment industry so she looked kinda dumb trying to apply it to the conversation when it wasn't relevant
tl;dr: while it's a stretch to call her racist, she has a habit of taking moments where other minorities are in the spotlight and making it about herself/her community instead of addressing those issues when it's more appropriate
No. 361091
>>361081Basically this. I wanted to say this, but I was scared it'd start a fight, lmao. She gets weirdly passive-aggressive about black media being successful and is always like "ok but where's
She also didn't do what she did with Black Panther with Crazy Rich Asians, which means she must know on some level that this behavior isn't appropriate, but it's like she just can't stop trying to compare her own race to black people, as if it's a competition. I don't know if she's racist (and I've never watched Jane The Virgin, so I can't say I know/care much about her before these "controversies"), but I think she'd be wise to just keep other minorities out of her mouth when talking about her own. The comparisons are just messy and unnecessary.
No. 361094
>>360367>>360994I remember seeing an interview with Wendy Williams and Howard Stern years ago, before her show and back when I barely knew anything about her. They were talking about how her husband cheated on her while she was pregnant with their only child. She made a bunch of excuses for him because she said she got really big and had to be on bedrest during her pregnancy. From my memory Howard seemed really sympathetic towards but she made excuses for her husband even though she looked hurt while talking about it. So Kevin being a dirty cheater is nothing new and he probably felt emboldened to keep cheating on her because she wanted to keep her family together. Also he's her manager so her business and finances are tangled up with his shitty behavior. I tried to find video of that interview but I couldn't, here's a post from his site about that show with Wendy:
>Howard mentioned Wendy's husband cheated on her while she was pregnant, and he wondered why she took him back. Wendy responded that she didn't condone cheating but understood her husband's actions because of the amount of bed rest she required at the time, as well as the fact that she had gained 103 pounds because of it.>Wendy went on to say she overheard her husband talking to his mistress on the phone, which was how she found out about the affair, and confronted him about it. Wendy then said since her husband wasn't "a bitch ass" he acknowledged the affair instantly, and added she was confident he has been faithful to her ever since.>Gary proceeded to say Wendy was married prior to getting together with Kevin, and she said she left the man without telling him after he went to work one morning. After hearing this, Howard wondered if Kevin's former mistress was attractive, but all he'd say was she was "the exact opposite" of Wendy, although he also revealed he met the woman at a bank and had sex with her in a hotel room. However, despite his indiscretion, Kevin said he never considered leaving Wendy.And why would he consider leaving, he gets to cheat and have full access to Wendys bank account.
No. 362208
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>>360824not really proof but soylent come on… also this is kind of a reach but on her tumblr if you go back a bit, there is a ton of gifs/pics with anime characters eating a shit ton, fat animals etc tagged with "MEEEE" and so on
No. 363518
>>363060There hasn’t been much recent milk from this dude other than “publicly unsubscribing” from Ultimate Guitar over a published story they got from Blabbermouth and Axl Rose is still bitching about Donald Trump/the Republican Party note: gingers don’t age well
No. 363521
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This might be why Banks is always going off about "getting her money" from White people. Wonder if her witchcraft is helping at all with her court case and unpaid debts No. 363525
File: 1548744393192.jpg (307.87 KB, 1070x1387, Avoidingsummons.jpg)

>>363521Found this on her public case filing. As recently as December, Banks has been MIA avoiding being served her court summons for credit card debt. Rich guys better watch out, she's probably on the hunt for a payday to save her from this mess
No. 363528
>>363517How dare they… Nardwuar is a gem.
>>363520BMTH is such a random band to collab with in2019, even for Grimeth. Didn't even know they still made music lmao
Also is AB still going to be talked about here extensively? I like her milk but not sure if having two separate threads actively talking about her is appropriate at this stage.
No. 363532
>>363521>>363525>>363526this would probably be good to put in the AB thread:
>>>/snow/771485>>363520wow BMTH sounds…different these days…
No. 363568
>>363537>Being a weak doormat is just what makes you human uwuOh, piss off.
This is literally a step above the "naive and childlike" nonsense someone used to defend her last thread.
She's a woman in her 30s who spent years projecting a very false image of strength/female empowerment. No one expects her to be perfect, but we're allowed to be disappointed to find out everything she stands for is the exact opposite of who/what she is.
If we can criticize Beyonce for supporting feminism/being a strong independent woman while staying with a man who cheated on her multiple times, we can criticize Grimes for being phony as well.
No. 363865
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Apparently Miley's brother DMed this to some girl who commented “gross” on a pic he posted of himself choking his fiancé. No. 363943
>>363868okay i know this is a perspective illusion but all I can see is a tiny midget hand on a normal-size looking woman lol
I had never heard of him before but it sounds like he might provide us with treasures of salt and autism if we just listen a little closer
No. 363956
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No. 364172
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No. 364173
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>>364172She deleted the insta post + these tweets.
No. 364186
>>364172>>364173im speechless. this girl is a fucking moron.
>>364181swollen from the tattooing process, maybe
No. 364234
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>>364172It makes even less sense knowing the music video has the correct writing of "7 rings" right at the beginning.
No. 364438
File: 1548874292763.jpg (485.06 KB, 1440x1894, Screenshot_20190130-133724.jpg)

Ariana Grande's PR team slipped up and admitted that they use these forums to clear her name. She got pissed because people were saying they were no longer fans of her so she went on a rampage and ranted about how Ariana grande is the most famous pop star out right now and has millions of fans and that she doesn't need any of them. She also got pissed at the mention of her label buying Ariana's sales.
No. 364445
>>364438Shills aren't even trying to hide themselves anymore, huh?
And since we know LC has some LSA crossover, from now on, I'll be wary about certain people dedicated to WKing celebrities in these threads.
No. 364449
>>364438>>364438seems legit lmfao
I can't believe y'all actually take some random person claiming they work for ariana grande's label at their word… you're fucking idiots jfc
No. 364451
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>>364438I'm reading through their posts, and it's not even the first time this particular person has discussed having "connections" casually.
This is about Drake.
No. 364457
>>364450what's more likely?
>the record label that represents ariana grande, who has millions of stupid teenage fans who will defend literally anything she does, sends employees to forums to attempt to "clear her name"
>a LSA-browser larps as an industry insider for attention and internet pointsi can say i work for republic records, handle ariana grande's accounts, and i've known drake for 7 years and it means literally nothing, because i'm anonymous and didn't provide any proof. why do you believe this chick?
No. 364462
>>364457The difference is, celebrities and/or their PR actually pay attention to LSA. It's been like that for a while. People have had "tea" threads about some celebrities mysteriously locked/hidden/removed, been punished for posting mean comments about specific celebrities (something that would normally be allowed), insider gossip that was posted there first often turns out to be true (like Nicki Minaj marrying the sex offender), etc etc.
People there even had screencaps from AB's private Twitter way before she opened it to people, and before we had them.
No. 364472
>>364468It's like she wants Vigilant Citizen to do an article on her and her video, lmao.
This video gives me similar vibes to Sia's music videos for "Chandelier" and "Big Girls Cry", with a hint of Lady Gaga's video for "Bad Romance". Everything that made those videos engaging has been sucked out of this one, though. I actually like Billie's music and her videos, so this is kind of a letdown.
No. 364487
>>364450It wouldn't surprise me, lolcow has been spoken about on LSA (it's been branded as a racist white girls website and so is GG). Also you have to be a fucking moron to not know that PR reps do shit like this in those big forums. Millions of rabid teenage girls who dont even truly like their idol and are just projecting onto them aren't enough. Several celebrities have referenced LSA and some went on there to "defend" themselves.
Keisha , candacemiami, CM's sockpupet account and several new accounts on LSA are rushing into any thread about her to clean.
The stuff about Ariana being banned from the memorial concert for Mac Miller by his family got burried.
Some of these people don't seem to understand how PR works and look at celebrities as incable of using the internet or having a team that does because they are "busy".
No. 364539
>>360474Kate has come out and firmly denied it (it had been weighing on her hard)
sage for being one of six whole art students
No. 364593
>>364468Eh, it looks like it was made by a 17-year old edgelord girl….which is what she is. I can't really be mad at it.
I don't mind her music, but I more so just think she'll be interesting to watch and see how she handles fame given her backstory and all.
but also
>Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'ConnellOk Billie's parents, calm down.
No. 364914
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she just keeps on trying lol
No. 364921
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>>364914>Slightly better. Thanks to my tutor for helping me fix and to @kanenavasard for being a legend. And to my doctor for the lidocaine shots (no joke). Rip tiny charcoal grill. Miss you man. I actually really liked u tutor must hate her
No. 364923
>>364914>>364914LMAOO it reads either
>barbecue finger <3or
>circle <3 seven, fingereven if you read it the way she wants you to, it's missing a counter after number which makes it grammatically incorrect
No. 364936
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No. 364954
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No. 364955
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>>364173>>364172Kek, seems like the tides are at least slowly turning. People are starting to get tired of her shit.
>>364935>>364936She's such a spoiled brat she literally can't take any criticism at all. Can't wait to see how many fans she's going to alienate by putting her foot in her mouth over and over again. She should have been taken off social media a long time ago, she's only damaging herself at this point.
No. 365037
File: 1548971989110.png (694.81 KB, 798x452, ag.png)

>>364172>>364914I laugh everytime a weeb tries to get a deep meaning chinese or japanese tattoo only to find out they spelled it wrong or means something completely different. Ari chan should give up on her cringey kawaii uwu tattooes we all know she's gonna get them removed in a year or two
I'm pretty sure ariana is gaining weight so she can get ass surgery inb4 her next come back she magically has bigger tits and ass and says IT'S BECUZ I'M ITALIAN~
No. 365076
>>364627I just gave it a listen and holy shit that is so fucked up.
Kanye did this shit years ago…
No. 365084
>>365080Literally the whole song
>I'M SO RICH I CAN BUY ALL MY SORROWS AWAY LOL! If you could "buy" your problems away then it wasn't much of a problem to begin with. One second she's the uwu super victim and now she's trying to be a bad bitch flexing her money when she just looks like a tryhard cringefest weeb with money.
No. 365132
>>364954Why did this person tell her it was fine??
Like what’s the Japanese take on this?
Also seriously how much could it have hurt for her to not be able to take another kanji?
No. 365164
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Haaaahah, someone give that TMZ employee a raise
No. 365194
>>365172>>365185>She seems so sad and I wish her parents would take her out of this but she's making money so you know they won't do what's best for her. I mean, she's been pretty open about her tourette's, if that's what you're talking about? She's a 17 year old girl, she's just acting like a dumb edgy teenager. I don't know how her parents are pushing her to do this for money when she just became famous recently, and accidentally at that. iirc her real interest/training was in dance. Her brother was the one that pursued acting and has a band and was on Glee and shit.
>Idk where I read it but someone mentioned she has terrible stage parents. I tried googling it but of course nothing came up.That's probably your answer then. Everything I've read/seen has been about how she's super close with her family? Like she writes with her brother and her family tours with her.
No. 365199
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Hopefully these are readable. My tablet did some weird shit when I tried to rotate and stitch these together, apologies.
No. 365203
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No. 365212
>>365199They're just lyrics from the song linked upthread sis.
I'm sure she has many cringy feelings but these are just song lyrics and they're pretty good ones.
No. 365355
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>>365199>>365212>>365221Yeah, I mean, I just have a hard time seeing it as milk in any way. It's a little "spooky edgelord!!!", but again she's a 17 year old sadgirl who's obsessed with horror movies, it all seems to check out there.
Tbh I still think it's a little much (the syringes are still a little too tryhard for me) but it's stuck with me. I think it's got some really interesting choreography and visual ideas. It kinda makes me nostalgic for when the Bad Romance video came out and it was just so weird and artsy and nonsensical no one knew what to do but everyone was obsessed with it.
No. 365397
>>365199nO mOM it'S noT A PHasE thIs iS wHo I aM
3edgy5me, she'll grow out of it in a couple of years (hopefully)
No. 365482
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No. 365485
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[Hell naw.]
No. 365515
>>365491>>365493technically shouldn't be telling this cause HIPAA, but i used to work for the insurance company her mom's health insurance was on and we had gotten a call for her brother's med from hollywood and i put two and two together and checked the plan and there she was. her birthday, age, her siblings and mom's birthdays and ages matched up, and she's from my state so it was all obvious.
so she had genital herpes, and was taking the medication for it, which is kind of ironic to me given her whole image but that's whatever. she was abusing a lot of adderall. she had 4 or 5 prescriptions at once from different doctors, this was while she was in hollywood. she's a total munchie, constantly used her insurance for therapy sessions, popped to different therapists every few weeks, there must have been 30 people on there over a short period. she also had seen atleast 5-6 neurologists and had 9 MRIs on record over the course of about 3 months or so. the therapy and neuro visits were all coded for diagnostic, so she was going through doctors like crazy. but she only ever had the herpes meds, birth control and the tons of adderall, no medicine for any neurological or mental health disorders at all. there was also a pretty high number of visits to emergency or urgent care facilities in a short time, which falls in line with the munchie shit. those were coded for bizarre non-emergency things like migraines or insomnia.
honestly, i wasn't really supposed to be in her file, so i didn't report the adderall (we were supposed to) so i have no idea if she's still on it, but she's a definite munchie and i'm thinking she wants some mental illness diag or something.
>>365513you're right, i don't work there anymore though and there's no way to trace it back to me since the place i worked didn't monitor their systems very well at all. i won't say what insurance it is though.
No. 365524
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>>365485this is the funniest thing i've seen in a long time
No. 365526
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>>365525>>365522>>365515Since literally Rule #1, you fucking idiot.
No. 365533
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>>365530>so this isn't really that big of a dealuh huh, sure
No. 365541
>>365537You're a fucking idiot. It has nothing to do with morals, it's literally illegal. if a tabloid posted it than the tabloid would be in violation of HIPAA, and they would be the ones facing a $250,000 fine and 10 years of prison.
>they can't prove I did an illegal thing therefore it's not illegalChrist you're stupid. HIPAA laws were created because of dumbasses like you.
No. 365546
>>365540yea maybe you're right. but in my opinion, if the company gave any manner of fucks about hipaa violations then i wouldn't have been able to access her file anyway. if anyone had been monitoring it, i would have been in trouble because it looked a bit suspicious imo.
>>365541boo fucking hoo. i don't see you in the druggies thread bitching about them doing cocaine and acid when they are literally illegal. you should go to /meta/ and demand the mod report all of their IP addresses to the police!
celeb gossip comes from this manner of illegal shit. privacy violations, illegally recording, HIPAA violations. any kind of proven milk from tabloids or whatever is technically illegal in the US.
No. 365554
>>365482her entire persona, the music, her style, everything just pisses me off
so i'll hate watch ofc
No. 365573
>>365570plot twist that HIPAA anon is actually meghan trying to get me to take the post down
tbh i'm considering taking it down anyway because i don't want anon to scare admin into locking the thread.
No. 365581
>>365573Too late. You're 30 minutes are up.
>Admin would lock the thread because anons reported me for breaking a ruleNice deflection.
No. 365594
>>365592ty~ (idk if i am getting banned or not tbh)
>>365590sorry for shitting up the thread so long! i'll accept your guys' decision.
No. 365598
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Justin Bieber released a clothing line House of Drew and it sold out immediately (duh). But people seem mad that it's boring and overpriced. Ngl it is very mash-potato-esque to me. But that's what every celeb does. Also I wonder if it has Kanye potential. Thoughts?
>>3655922nded lol
No. 365604
>>365588I am not that anon. Why would I have posted
>>365581 if I was? Admin would not lock a thread because one anon broke a rule.
No. 365631
>>365604i thought you were the pissed off hipaa anon, sorry. i'm the one who posted it and i'm not sure if admin would lock the thread like what happened with kelly jean thread and old admin. i have no interest in taking it down tbh.
>>365608np fam. i feel the same way, she probably got pumped and dumped by pieces of shit when she moved to hollywood since she was pretty young at the time.
No. 365689
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>>365172>>365301Yeah she's not sexualized in a really overt way, but some of the stuff she says and does on social media is a little questionable for a teenage girl whose parents seem to be really close to her.
Everybody shat on Timothy Heller for tweeting about it a while back. And while you can feel however you want about her wrt the whole Melanie Martinez thing, i don't think anything she said was that off base.
No. 365691
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>>365690Some of the sexual innuendos she's referring to
No. 365706
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>>365691>>365692>>365693I mean, yeah def disgusting, but she also dresses like this all the time. So obviously she's maintaining some control here, she couldn't wear less sexy clothes if she tried.
No. 365785
>>365733I think that's just her face?
She has tourettes as another anon said and I think she kinda overcompensates for the ticks by being super dead in the face when shes not spazzing. Also its so fashun to have no expression.
She's definitely growing up really fast which is always a shame to see but 17-year-olds being sexually active and expressive isn't some scandalous concept even if it's super tryhard. She's not posting nudes or anything visually sexual so it's not a huge deal imo. The creepy dudes that hang around her are awful, though.
No. 365844
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>>365515Kek this doesn't surprise me at all. It's an open secret that nearly all people associated with Hollywood have genital herpes. It's called the 'herpes celebrity tree' and starts with either Derek Jeter or Paris Hilton - both are proven to take Valtrex which is a medication for genital herpes. No. 365857
File: 1549109094518.jpg (50.8 KB, 749x1171, IMG_20190202_130226.jpg)

Now people are joking that Ariana will collab with omocat, and with this quality I won't even discard that option.
No. 365887
>>365857fucking KEK
i'm ready for the slimegirls collab
No. 365995
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>>365706I think she's dressing that way to hide her stocky body.
I really don't know much about this girl but boy do I hate seeing billie threads spammed on /mu/, they seem to have a hateboner for her, emphasis on boner ofc. Anyways, she seems like a total clout chaser and her music is boring. Foot is confirmed to not be hers in pic related.
No. 365999
>>365995that's x in the middle left, right? i don't want to be hard on a teenager for grieving over someone's death but seeing her idolizing an abuser is saddening.
vid is her talking about x
No. 366002
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>>365995It's honestly kind of uncomfortable seeing her hang around all these grown male rappers.
They might just be friends because she's naturally tomboyish, a perfomer and into hip hop, but I dunno, it just doesn't look right. Maybe I'm sexist, but it'd probably be way less skeezy if it was other girls/women.
It reminds me of seeing Skai Jackson hang out with and flirt with rappers, except Skai looks even younger, so it's creepier IMO.
No. 366027
>>365931You're reaching.
>>365995Now THIS is really creepy and shouldn't be happening. Billie has a mature face but as soon as she opens her mouth both her voice and the things she says give away how much of a baby she is. The men that hang with girls like her need to be cancelled.
I agree that she dresses that way to hide her chub. She's really thick.
No. 366106
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Thoughts? I agree with parts of it but also think she could've gone about it in a less "woe is me way" (what does anxiety have to do with being accused of cultural appropriation?)
No. 366110
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No. 366113
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No. 366138
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>>366110>i have crippling anxiety lolWhat happened to not weaponizing mental health? Or does 'everyone' mean "everyone except me"?
No. 366150
>>366113Externally: fuck the haters they're so dumb and don't affect my life
Internally: I'm going to stop doing this really minor thing I do once a week because some people might judge me slightly even though i could very easily continue with no consequences
No. 366151
>>366113Externally: fuck the haters they're so dumb and don't affect my life
Internally: I'm going to stop doing this really minor thing I do once a week because some people might judge me slightly even though i could very easily continue with no consequences
No. 366184
>>366106I can't stand this bitch. If you love and appreciate the culture so much, the words you want tatted are LITERALLY AT THE START of your music video
AND you have a Japanese tutor how do you still manage to fuck it up? Is she actually retarded? I can't fathom how this happens.
"I legit wanted to move there one day" My weeb senses are tingling
No. 366208
>>366168they're already gone lol
every time
No. 366234
>>366113this is so overdramatic and kinda manipulative like
sigh im so sad i guess i won't ever learn japanese EVER AGAIN!!! oh it's fine it just brought me joy and i have CRIPPLING anxiety :(
If it bothers her that much she should just stay off social media for a while until her tour but we all know she can't stand that despite being so uwu cute and rich and living her best life!
No. 366265
>>366253female celebrities are so gross
they'll slurp up literally anyones sloppy seconds for 5 minutes of more fame
so fucking gross man
No. 366466
>>366253Why would such a beautiful woman stoop so low for an ugly BPDfag?
Kate wyd
No. 366887
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>Rapper 21 Savage arrested in Atlanta area on Sunday morning by ICE officers
>Star, 26, is being held in federal immigration custody and could be deported
>Fans in shock as they believed that he was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia
>But appears that he arrived in US legally aged 12 but his visa ran out a year later
>ICE spokesman said: 'His whole public persona is false. He actually came to the US from the UK as a teen and overstayed his visa'
>Birth records show he was born in Newham, one of London's poorer boroughs
No. 366994
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>>366976>twitter makes memes>bullies her when she laughs at themIt's like when the entire group stops laughing because the weird kid no one likes joined in. Is there even a reason why people hate Demi so much? First it's making fun of her overdose now this.
No. 367008
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Kek Rihanna calling out someone who's staring at her on her flight
No. 367034
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>>366976Lmfao what a retard
No. 367041
>>366994>Is there even a reason why people hate Demi so much?Have you ever heard her talk? She sounds incredibly dumb and obnoxious.
Plus she's openly a druggie, despite having a fanbase of children. And she got zero punishment for owning and consuming drugs just because she's a celebrity, which is not right or fair.
No. 367047
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people are starting to see the light. they have stopped treating ariana like she is made of glass and can do no wrong, kek.
No. 367064
>>367034didn't she get salty about the poot lovato memes too back in the day?
>>367048waiting for her pr to fabricate some bullshit to make her look like a saint again. "Ariana was offered the role of empress of Japan, but she turned it doen stating only Japanese people should be emperor"
No. 367090
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>>367064Weebs and kpop stans are making a lot of memes about her tattoo, but generally it's been silenced and people are defending her as usual.
The clothes she's selling tho.
No. 367097
>>367096because she exclusively fucks black men and white men who think they are black
pretty sure theres not an ample supply of that in japan
No. 367124
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>>366994I saw a verified account coming at her asking if she finds someone's freedom funny. if 21 Savage is some sort of savior of rap music, and not another rapper with shitty behavior.
No. 367131
>>367124not to wk, but 21 savage has done
some positive things compared to other rappers. not that the bar is very high, but at least he has supported his community and made some social commentary.
demi and selena are the girls who peaked in middle school. both are extremely uncharming, but what i don't understand is how demi still has fans. selena has a huge amount of fangirls wanting to wear her skin so they can date justin bieber, even though he's married kek. demi is just your average washed up child star who, because she's rich, faces no consequences whatsoever for breaking the law.
No. 367159
>>366106>>366110>>366113Why is she so goddamn whiny? She made a mistake that made her look stupid, it's not that serious. If Ariana went with the joke and laughed it off it would've probably made her seem much more likeable. This fake-deep pity party shit is annoying and manipulative.
I guess this just shows how inflated her ego actually is.
No. 367366
>>367353It's twitter. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Her entire agenda has been "uwu stop bullying, depression is serious" and she was virtue signalling about illegal immigrants being deported and how it's wrong. Now she's laughing about an actual celebrity in america being deported an where did her "save the immigrants" blubbering go? Oh, he doesn't count. Ok.
Also she shouldn't be one to talk since she has children as fans and does hard drugs.
Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.
No. 367375
Watch her start another PR stunt crying about bullying and people "not caring about drug addicts" is terrible. You didn't give a fuck until you overdosed.
>>367372She and every other celebrity virtue signals about immigration when they give NO FUCKS. If she's sick and tired of Hollywood and the celebrity life she can stop. No one forced her to come back.
No. 367430
>>367372demi is being a little bitch. people are forever going to bring up her drug abuse now that they know it genuinely upsets her. she should have stood her ground and ignored it, or just deleted the tweet and moved on. she'll forever be known as twitter's very own crackhead from now on.
kek, people on twitter don't care about logic or how hypocritical they might act. they care about "roasting" others and gaining clout. demi messed up and became an easy target.
No. 367439
>>367436>thinking anyone would have said shit if it was a white personlel
if anything americans would be yassss queening it the fuck up if a famous white person got deported
stop trying to act like race isnt relevant when its directly related to the matter at hand
(racebait) No. 367561
>>359155>>367366>Now she's laughing about an actual celebrity in america being deported an where did her "save the immigrants"Yes, because that is a totally logical equivalency and the poor, destitute 21 Savage was merely seeking refuge from the war-torn city of London, England. You're a fucking idiot, anon.
And on top of that, she said she wasn't laughing at him being deported, she was laughing at him being secretly British like everyone else on Twitter was.
No. 367930
>>367923the disabled people bought their tickets with the understanding that they would be accommodated by the venue and the performer, and they weren't provided with that accommodation. this type of thing that happens frequently, and it's honestly really fucking disheartening reading shit like
>the disabled outcries about how they were discriminated against are so tumblr snowlake it's so cringeWe aren't all on the level of the hooligans, sorry not sorry if asking for really basic accommodations, like being able to look at a stage are ~cringe to you.
No. 367939
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>>367928>>367930yeah fair, I understand that, guess I got really
triggered over the person being interviewed in the video coming across as very tumblr disabled qweer, my bad.
additionally I think it's a stupid layout to put the wheelchair spaces at the back but that's a different issue
No. 368051
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People says:
“Kate’s not looking to get serious with someone. She was really hurt after her marriage with Len ended. She wants to have fun with guys and date around. She loves the attention from the younger men she dates. It makes her feel good about herself too. She doesn’t care what people think.” No. 368099
>>368096>And a week later they were engaged…and a week after that she kicked him to the curb LOL!
Pete's a 10inch walking BPD-dildo that women dispose of after they've had fun!
No. 368321
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>>367984I saw the headline for this in some long-winded post about ridiculous news articles this morning, and I thought it had to be some fake shit from The Onion, lmao.
No. 368367
>>368361>I can't imagine someone like her getting engaged after a month and plastered with shitty tattoos Yeah. That will never happen.
>magic dickHe is packing a 10-incher.
Isn't that magical?
No. 368402
>>368321this actually made me laugh out loud.
thanks liam, now we know how to cure racism
No. 368413
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>>368377>hate crimeHe didn't act on it and literally nothing happened.
Where was the crime involved?
No. 368420
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>>368413People act like they've never had inappropriate thoughts before!
No. 368422
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>>368420All ya'll bitches are human beings too!
No. 368435
>>368051how is he pulling this kind of pussy?? first Ariana then Kate?? I guess Ari turned out to be trash but Kate Beckinsale, really? he looks like a corpse and is about as funny as a dumpster fire, is a horse dick really that good?
>>368420I feel like walking around with a gun and intention is 1 step beyond an intrusive thought but whatever, nothing ever happened so what is there to say about it? where tf is Liam's pr, this is a mess.
No. 368462
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>>368435>intention is 1 step beyond an intrusive thought >>368447>>He walked around with a gun for a week with the intentHe didn't DO anything! He should have kept his sperg-out to himself and not opened his big stupid mouth!
No. 368503
>>368462you know that planning a terrorist attack is a crime even if the attack doesnt happen? Would you still consider it a "thought crime". Also its not because he didnt actually commit a crime that he's a decent human beings. Laws dont always reflect morality.
guess you feel attacked because you also randomly fantasise about murdering people!
No. 368579
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>>368503>planningIt was never down on paper. Was it?
>its not because he didn't actually commit a crime that he's a decent human beingWhy is he not considered decent because he didn't act on shit?
>Laws dont always reflect morality. His "plans" weren't put down on anything concrete and he didn't follow through. Are you and others going to call 911 on him for his verbal diarrhea and lack of anything substantial?
>you feel attackedI don't but nice assumption.
>you also randomly fantasies about murdering people!Great assumption! Tell me more about myself!
I want to hear it, anon!
No. 368600
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>>368591>intendedNo one picked a fight with him and vice versa.
No. 368665
>>368664>planWhere were his plans anon?
When did he say he was going to lynch anyone?
No. 368797
Idk if anyone is interested in royals but a few days ago 'queen of our hearts' wannabe Meghan Markle left messages like 'you are brave' on bananas for some sex workers. This charity is meant to be a good thing for sex workers since they offer hot showers and food. But they were disgusted by her messages and complained rightfully so.
I think Meghan is stupid af. Didn't she know that bananas are a phallic symbol and that her messages on them will
trigger those poor sex workers? If anyone wants to read the article (I love the comments btw kek): No. 368809
>>368361Now that I think of it, Kate has always only been with men way below her league. She had a baby with Michael Sheen… Michael Sheen, that ugly dude.
But at least in her past relationship you can think "Well, maybe he was really charming/smart/sweet"… but BPDete? He's got no redeeming qualities aside from the supposed big dong, and even then you can just buy a dildo and it will be much better than having to deal with a BPDfag.
No. 368822
>>368797>>368798>>368808Lmao wtf. How condescending and plain weird. I'm dying over the encouragement of the messages, might as well have written "Great job!", "Hang in there!", "Someone's got to do it!"
>>368809Aw come on don't diss on Michael Sheen like that
No. 368918
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>>368797> 'queen of our hearts' wannabe Meghan Markle left messages like 'you are brave' on bananas for some sex workers. >>368798WTF! That is so fucked up!
No. 368923
>>368798this is so fucking funny
like you'd think a former thot like her would be a little less tone deaf
No. 368925
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>>368923It's a possibility that she's well aware and is playing dumb. If that's the case, she's a grade A cunt!
No. 368929
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>>368798She should have thrown in a condom for every banana! Really drive it home!
No. 369104
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>>368925This. She's a very calculating person because yesterday her team released a story on People magazine, what a great person she is and how modest and relatable she is. Damage control at its finest.
>>369092Meghan copied that shit from a school lunch lady who went viral with this idea. And indeed it was a cute idea because children need encouragement and they have their whole life in front of them.
Meghan probably thought that she's so creative and woke but a sex workers shit on these empty words because they have seen and experienced all the nasty of this world.
No. 369185
File: 1549590055127.png (351.53 KB, 657x644, ariana.png)

Our uwu weeb princess is no longer learning Japanese due to the backlash from her shit tattoo. It's her fault for not listening to her teacher and thinking she knew more about the language than the goddamn person teaching her.
She learned Japanese for 4 years and it's still shit tier anime level lol.