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No. 1815444
>>1815428that's a bold theory because that would mean every single person would have autism, like literally everyone grew up watching tv.
>>1815436so you agree autism exists?
No. 1815489
>>1815476I’ve never had autism
>>1815481I don’t have any children that’s disgusting
>>1815479Yeah and I feel as though there’s a big difference between being genuinely retawded vs someone alleging you could be autistic and then you running with it instead of making an attempt to consciously change your behavior
No. 1815500
>>1815483I'm not at all surprised that autism and ADHD diagnoses skyrocketed, because those critera were established when most people weren't glued to portable screens, unable to watch a 90 minute movie in one go. Like you say, it's not just that autism is more prevalent (it might be, but it's not the only factor), but that we're all a little bit more "autistic" when you measure them with the same old diagnostic tools.
I think a lot of adults also get diagnosed late and are full of doubt, because after a point, it becomes a dilemma of the chicken and the egg: are you socially retarded because you're actually autistic or are you developing autistic traits because of your social retardation isolating you? Not to mention it's a loop feeding itself
No. 1815544
>>1815537Well I know for a fact from what male family members have told me that lots of young men these days are afraid of sticking up for women because they'll just get dogpiled, especially online, with calls of "simp!!!"
So conditioning and socialization do matter.
>>1815535What's he like these days?
No. 1815563
>stop saying you're autistic, you're not even if you was diagnosed by a specialist, autism isn't real durr
meanwhile normies
>umm why are you so weird? Why can't you just act like normal kids/adults? Are you autistic?
then you try to mask harder
>normies can still feel there's something off about you and you feel like you're not even a person anymore because of the superficial relationships you have with other people and being aware that they only tolerate you because you fake everything about your behavior and if you acted like a real sperg, like you used to before you started working, you wouldn't even be able to keep that job
I was almost thrown out of school for being a sperg and too overstimulated to leave my room for 2 years, or refusing to talk or take a bath or eat, and I wasn't able to socialize with other kids even in kindergarden and I would throw tantrums every time adults tried to encourage me to play with other kids instead of letting me sit alone in my corner, draw and imagine a bunch of new worlds to live in, I was always more interested in objects and imaginary stuff than in real people, but I guess it was all fake, like there's no medical explanation to why I've been like this sińce forever and it never changed despite therapy, drugs etc.
No. 1815575
>>1815573I don’t think that’s
just autism,
No. 1815628
>>1815614How do you produce men like this? Genuine question. Seems like your brother could have easily gone down the "wahh, hate all women" path given you say he has zero game and is a nerdy dork, but from what you're saying, he turned out loving and kind.
How do you create men like this? Shy and nerdy was always my type until I realized how many of them had jumped on the Andrew Tate train. Shy + nerdy + kind = perfect.
No. 1815637
>>1815632The dream:
>shy and nerdy white boy>similar background to me>not a raging misogynist>empathizes with women but not in the 'male feminist' sort of wayIt's hard….
No. 1815644
>>1815632>>1815637So you want a doormat bf that agrees with everything you say and do?
You will get bored of him and resent him very quickly.
Not saying redpill scrotes are any better than a doormat, but still.
No. 1815676
>>1815672Oh, my AI radar is bad sometimes.
Follow up question; why does the puppy getting his mouth ate's eye look like that?
No. 1815689
>>1815674Girl, stress is one of the biggest contributors to paralysis. Stress can cause so many ailments. It can cause anxiety, depression, dementia, paralysis. There's autoimmune diseases that can be
triggered by stress. If your body starts attacking functioning systems you can lose the ability to control movement. Wtf are you on about.
No. 1815690
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Anons, how much clearer does it need to be, he doesn’t believe in mental issues short of shitting your pants and shooting people, if that. This is a sentiment repeated 5 times a day on /pol/ btw.
No. 1815747
>>1815737I realize the gender shit is bullshit because I’ve been accused of being a man my entire life and I’m a biological woman. So I don’t care if a man wants to cosplay a woman.
>>1815738Trannys who are only attracted to men have been chill to be around from my experience
No. 1815760
>>1815751people’s own families shame women and girls for not being feminine. children get bullied for not fitting in with other people of their gender. maybe you’re lucky if you haven’t experienced anything like it, but there are things you are expected to be / do if you are a woman.
I don’t think I need to explain to you that a man that dresses femininely is not accepted by society, even back when it was considered “crossdressing”.
No. 1815805
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what the fuck is going on in this thread? its honestly kind of hilarious
No. 1815807
>>1815802why are you all shitting on anon? ugly women exist you know. Some men can be pretty.
No. 1815816
>>1815813gasp… bad
nonnie! bad!!!!!!!!!
No. 1815827
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>>1815812This isn’t a troon but he’s prettier than me and 99% of the women I know.
No. 1815831
>>1815822femboys/trannies are even more disgusting but k
>>1815826u sound like a tradthot lol
No. 1815843
>>1815676Holt shit that dog's eyes are being held open with staples or something.
I'm not convinced this isn't AI. The front of the muzzle is off, and why would any doctor staple open a dog's eye? Even if we bred the puppy to the point of where it's eye folds blinded it, propping the eye open would give it dry eye. Better to wait until it's older and then surgically reduce the skin. Plus, I've never see seen medical staples that small. And why wouldn't the doctor just use sutures, they have much more give and less chance of poking the eye.
No. 1815863
>>1815849Are you straight? Because all the
>he's prettier than most women reads like het lady bias.
No. 1815888
>>1815515Am I the only one who doesn't think Pam is "average"? Moids always claim this and I think their idea of average is skewed, they basically think pretty women are average.
tldr Pam is gorgeous.
No. 1815902
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>>1815848No way. I know the medical ins and outs of puppy faces, I look at them every day. That's not an eye infection, those are staples. And it's not the fact that the rostral muzzle is wrinkly that sets off my AI detector, it's the fact that the front of the face appears to be teeth made out of wrinkles, like the AI got confused about where the teeth should go. Though I admit the muzzle could just be pattern seeking. But still, I can't think of any medical reason staples would be placed in the eyelid of a puppy that young in that way.
No. 1815922
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Real Asian Beauty
No. 1815931
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>>1815915So you see the size of her chin/jaw?
No. 1815940
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>>1815827Don't bring young Hyde into your delusions. This is him the 80s or early 90s. He doesnt look like that now. Men, no matter how pretty in their youth, always hit the wall hard. It hits pretty boys the hardest, it seems.
>>1815835Hyde, the lead vocalist of the japanese rock group "L'arc-en-ciel." They've been around since 1991.
No. 1815956
>>1815952I’m pretty sure
nonnie is exaggerating and saying FFS when she just means plastic surgery on the face in general
No. 1815970
>>1815968if you say so,
nonnie, but no one is going to say Trisha Paytas is prettier than River Phoenix.
No. 1815977
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>>1815974She’s not prettier than Vincent Kartheiser tho
No. 1815986
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>>1815982Don’t kid yourself
No. 1815989
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>>1815977Audrey Hephburn was way prettier than him
No. 1816039
>>1816021the hate crystals get is so undeserved, they're so nice, varied in both shape and color and shiny
but the "spiritual" people into them are the worst
No. 1816093
>>1816088well obviously I’m talking about people who think it’s real. upon further reflection though, I guess they’re no worse than Christians. at least astrology people are kinda nice.
I’m just mad because I got the whiny crybaby one (Pisces).
crystals are pretty, I don’t care about crystal people. Give me gemstones.
No. 1816143
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Didn't see anyone mention it but if anyone was curious, those are staples on the puppy's eye in OP picture. It's called eye tacking and oftentimes sharpei puppies need their eye wrinkles sutured to prevent entropion which is the eyelid rolling inward. Poor puppies.
No. 1816243
>>1816175I don't mind the beans on an English breakfast plate.
The mushrooms on an English breakfast plate however, they can go. They're basically rubber, I don't know how anyone in their right mind can eat that.
No. 1816342
>>1815649>>1815668>>1815679Nice ad hominem, I never wrote he can't be kind or nice, if you read
>>1815553>every relationship he had he acted like a dumb simp and one of them took advantage of that for a while.You can tell he was a spinless Yea-sayer just for the sake of being a in a relationship.
That's not a relationship, you just tolerate a emotional immature man that can't stand his ground.
No. 1816365
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>>1816175Mmm I love baked beans on toast, I'll eat it for breakfast lunch or dinner
No. 1816371
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picrel did nothing wrong. just a nice lady showing her support for gay marriage in a cute and light hearted way imo
No. 1816583
>>1816567I don’t think anon is saying that’s how she personally feels, she’s just stating facts. Surrendering your body and using it to
create another human isn’t considered to be as glamorous as some teenage boy or adult man laying down his body for his home countries population.
No. 1816609
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>>1816592Most people are narcs and they believe their genes are worth passing on (most objectively aren't), they want to have little copies of themselves and self insert, they want someone to take care of them when they're old, they want to prove themselves they can be better parents than their own parents were etc. People are literally programmed by biology to think like this and most never question it. Because if they actually understood that bringing new life is evil, humanity wouldn't exist anymore, as Emil Cioran rightfully pointed out. It's much easier to understand that if you're an autist, a schizo or just deeply depressed, because then usually your biological programming fails in one place or another, and you're less receptive to societal programming too. Most people tell themselves everything is all right and cope day by day because it's literally what their parasitic dna tells them to do.
No. 1816623
>>1816618>>1816616See? Lizardbrains
>>1816617Nice arguments, read a book chud
No. 1816626
>>1816521war is only glamorous because iof propaganda; anyone who's actually lived through it will tell you it's the least glamorous thing on earth.
anything has room for intrpretation. but f course moids in the pubblishsing and film industries will push the idea that women's stories aren't worth telling.
No. 1816642
Also remember, the same women who want to have their own children and help the Y parasite to spread alao believe that there's such thing as a romantic love between a male and a female KEK even though in a case of cancer diagnosis men leave women 6 times more often than vice versa, even though men remarry within 2 years after their wife died while women often stay single after their husband dies, even though men are the leading cause of death for pregnant women, even though their husbands will always watch porn and lust after early 20 somethings even in their 50s. Women are so disposable for moids but they will keep letting them using their bodies as fleshlights and breeding stock. Holy kek this is lovecraftian horror
>>1816627What's pretentious about it? Believe it or not, but no, most teenagers in their edgy phase are not actual efilists/antinatalists.
No. 1816650
>>1816567People say this and I can't help but wonder if they know this is extremely unrealistic. You'd have to get everyone in the world to speak a shared language so they can understand each other first then you'd have to have all of the worlds governments agree to this policy (Don't know what war torn countries are gonna do) then you'd have to have a united military or legislative system to implement this across continents.
Then what are you gonna do about the governments that have minority groups they're trying to genocide, it would be all to easy to get those groups to stop reproducing with the claim that they're unfit. Not to mention where will the line be drawn? Should those with disabilities not be allowed to reproduce or should only some of them be allowed and who gets to determine that. So many reasons why this idea is dumb. I think that's why people get annoyed when they what it. It's peak r//im14andthisisdeep
No. 1816664
>>1816538Chimps going to war over stupid chimp shit raping and pillaging justifying moid on moid violence and dying pointlessly (kek) is not "taking action". I agree that birth and gestation is not an impressive feat as it's just biology, a horrible uncontrollable process but I take offense to your implication that moids solving their self caused problem is somehow virtuous lel. Retards who would argue birth and gestation is impressive are grim, I shudder to think what their opinion of infertile women is. It immediately sets of alarm bells if someone who isn't a religious pro life geriatric old man claims birth and gestation even from rape is a "miracle of god" but dresses it up in a neat modern feminist bow. Bleak. How most women can worship beings that live to rape and kill is truly disturbing.
>>1816552>but in reality the older women know exactly what they're going through a lot of the time. And I think that thought scares the young women even more than not being understood.No. Older women are usually the worst of handmaidens who shame young women for merely existing and being young. Most older womens brains are turned to mush. Generations of male worship completely ousts their psyche. Older women are bleak and just as shallow and self destructive as the majority of braindead sex positive, male-centering young women. Unfortunately, knowledge is not a given with age. Wisdom with age is a myth. Older women are generational handmaidens who aim to gas light young women and girls into dumbing themselves down for moid ego, turning themselves into sex dolls for moid ego and ruining their lives for narcissism and moid ego like they did, kek. They do so by sewing lies about males that they are protectors and providers, that they built everything in existince. They are directly responsible for the problems that persist now, you may think muh feminism but women needed to work because a war wiped out most of the moid population. Women slowly being given equal rights was almost an accident, and anomalie of capitalism. Older women play into myths of moids and would sex traffick their own daughters for a crumb of moid approval. They also are known for protecting geriatric predators, normalizing child abuse, and women being raped, since it's the correct way. They also produce the majority of creative works that brainwash the next generation of girls into male worship and lies like those before them, like a ponzi scheme whose purpose is male worship. Older women also have the added bonus of barely disguising their rampant homophobia, racism, xenophobia and retarded religious puritan shit while a portion of them are the complete opposite and the other extreme of hippy, pro prostitution, pro rape porn being the generation that invented rape porn, being a prostitute for moids, being drugged up, and resultingly like many aged pathetic trailer park, weed smoking tech illiterate gen Xers. "older" woman from gen X and beyond are no better than misogynistic zoomers who reduce women to makeup, scented candles, gestation and bad at math. I have no idea what you mean by young women "being afraid of them", but yes I agree I'm afraid of older womens retardation just as I'm "afraid" of most male worshipping ruthless women regardless of age.
>>1816653Nta unhinged. But openly showing pride at being a broodmare isn't? Anyone who's thought is vapidly about appearance when opting into fucking over all other women for their own personal vanity has mental illness. Also being a broodmare for rape apes is generally speaking, a rather popular opinion.
>>1816672Nta but this is literally an unpopular opinion thread and you're seething because someone doesn't agree with the popular opinion that
good parents show have kids, whatever that means, retard
No. 1816689
>>1816676Most of them found a new way to package women hating. They're no different from tras. Only difference is they fall
victim to the same female-ness they shame women for so they'll never openly share this views or call mothers "broodmares" to their faces irl. The two-faced behavior is what gets to me. Why do they want people they look down on and believe are harming women to like them? We'll never know.
No. 1816697
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I don't want a Tokyo Ghoul remake/reboot. I love the series, it means a lot to me despite its flaws, but I disagree with the idea that it needs another anime. While calling it an adaptation isn't proper, I feel like the series is fine already, it doesn't need to be translated again into anime. I personally don't care much about watching the fights, so maybe that's why I don't get the hype for watching them animated. Ishida did good for letting the series end and moving on, his new series didn't get the same appeal as Tokyo Ghoul but he still tries different things. So yes, even if the anime could have been better, I'd rather to stick with the manga and see the anime as a What If, other mangas deserve their first anime adaptation. Besides, I don't want a new age of Forneverworld or Chibi reviews type of shonen guys poisoning our fandom again, I beg you
No. 1816701
>>1816694Because there are good men out there, not arguing that the larger % is garbage, but it makes me sad for you that you dont believe there are good men in the world.
No. 1816703
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>>1816636damn this site really has a tradthot infestation
No. 1816712
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>>1816609Anons are gonna call you edgy and some wannabe philosopher, but your take seems somewhat correct to me. I once met and knew a guy who was depressed with anxiety and even got diagnosed with ADHD and suffered from mild sleep paralysis. He would lose weight, but would eventually gain it back into being a fatass because he kept failing to find a cope that wasn't food. Never took any advice to grow up or to properly cope with his mental issues and reactions to life, just kept swimming in his own doomerism and stuffing his face the moment he lost weight. But he told me that one day, he wanted to have a family of his own, with lots of kids. I asked him why he wanted that lifestyle. He always told me some variation of "because I just want to". But fucking
WHY though? Why would such a depressed motherfucker like him want to start a family with like five kids? Especially when he doesn't even push himself
to go outside for anything other than necessities. I didn't and still don't necessarily hate him but on the list of people I met and learned about, he's among the last that should be reproducing. He was such a manchild and he knew it, but still wanted to have like five or seven kids because…instincts? The hell?
No. 1816718
>>1816700Kek ily
>>1816701Even if there are unicorns, it's not worth it to waste your time and energy on looking for them, if you meet one it's pure luck, not your active effort. Women literally waste their lives, health, energy, time, to go through a massive ocean of shit of scrotes, hoping to find that good one.
And even with the "good" one, the heterosexual act itself will always be disgusting and degrading to me. A woman literally allowing herself to be penetrated by an object like a faggot, by a moid who has enough strenght to easily kill her if he wanted to. Lynchian
No. 1816738
>>1816724Thats fair, it just really reminds me of extremist incel moids.
I am way more sympathetic to women though because scrotes have the potential to actually kill us
>>1816725>>1816734I am curious what the context was for that conversation to have happened
No. 1816745
>>1816742What was the context?
>>1816721Did you post about your dad having multiple baby mommas before? I think we've spoken before.
No. 1816754
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It’s really annoying when people online completely dismiss women when they talk about how they don’t like how violin hips look on them. They always get hit with ‘well Bella Hadid has hip dips and she looks great’ or ‘nobody cares about that’, while posting pictures of women in yoga pants and a low body fat %. I don’t think women ‘ought to’ feel bad about their appearance but , for me, violin hips just make my hips look horizontal
No. 1816757
>>1816747>>ohhh you're just broken if you don't want penis into vaginaDidnt say this
>>NOT ALL MENIts literally not all men though
>>if you think men are bad and we shouldn't be with them and give them kids you're a schizo I didnt say this either, I said it makes me genuinely sad that you've not come across a good man. I'm meaning this from the perspective of your own sake, I dont want you to have this sweeping world view of a group of people even if their moids.
It would be hard to navigate the world if you think all men are evil vile creatures, and that makes my heart ache for you.
No. 1816758
>>1816748Your linę of thinking is seriously skewed, because I would
never want to actually befriend a woman who submits herself to men. Those women are colleagues, acquaintances and we happen to share same spaces for various reasons. Not friends, but not strangers either.
No. 1816770
>>1816756I don't think you're referring to me because I'm not a lesbian. There are more people with views similar
to mine. And also, I would never describe myself as a feminist, more like a blackpiller, BP feminism is so far removed from radfem and libfem shit that I wouldn't even consider it feminism anymore.
No. 1816794
>>1816765there's wantting kids and then there's braging about how you totally wantt 1000 of them. plus all the posts caping for men.
i replied to that particular post but it's a growing problem on /ot/ in general
No. 1816799
>>1816783You're retarded. All women are the same as each other as all men are the same as each other. Ethnicities are not comparable to biological differences. This is an argument trannies use to delegitimize biological sex and invade womens spaces.
>Not racebaiting just using that as an example.Well that's subjective I'd consider the comparison of people's races to biological sex to be racebaiting and an incompatible comparison. If it's not all men how do you explain 98% of rapes? Shouldn't it be a 50/50 split between women and men?
No. 1816804
>>1816761Yes, she believes that anything a man does to a woman, the woman deserved it for being in contact with a man. Though there is one other person on here who commonly does that, but she's far less annoying.
>>1816776I feel like I remember that comment because it was super weird and she kept going on about it. Was it on /ot/?
No. 1816818
>>1816804Someone just posted
>Well I hope your brother kills himself and some faggot morgue worker rapes his corpse and uploads it on cutedeadguys.netIn another thread where a nona said her brother is suicidal. Just sad
No. 1816840
>>1816831i think so too, but that anon was retarded for inserting her poor suicidal brother into some substandard manhate post. why would you do that?
>>1816834make me.
No. 1816874
>>1816824>>1816840It was on a vent thread, its just cruel. Since we were talking about that other nona who says awful shit I brought it up here because its probably her
>>1816831I agree but there's no point in arguing that point, I'm sure some nonas get a pussy tingle when theyre being nasty. Just cruel for the sake of being cruel. Miserable people always project it and lash out to others.
No. 1816876
>>1816873Me too
But I also sincerely believe in everything I say
No. 1816890
>>1816884Thats fair, it was dumb of me you're right
>>1816889Scroll up thats still not rape
No. 1816900
>>1816817Is not supporting birth and gestation part of the heteropatriachy? Baffling. Why discourage women from having conversations about this because it's too "brain-dead?". Maybe you should reevaluate what you actually believe and your childish game of chicken over shit we're discussing on an anonymous imageboard. No one's mad at your own pathetic contradictory behaviors.
>>1816869Dense. Women are told from day one to "be nice" since the day they're born.
No. 1816940
>>1816930Why do you think sex requires penetration?
>>1816929Rape and sexual assault are different crimes. For example under british law, women can't rape only sexually assault.
No. 1816944
>>1816929Imo rape requires specifically an unwanted penetration of a
victim's sexual organs. There are other forms of sexual assault but not every sexual assault is rape. Women can sexually assault other women but they can't rape men
No. 1816977
>>1816969I just don’t this though. Why would a penis going inside a vagina (genital contact) be sex but vulva on vulva sex (tribbing) not be? There are obviously lesbians who don’t do that either but it’s perfectly adjacent surely?
I still consider it sex if they orgasm or hell if they just touch each other, same with straight sex. I mean oral sex is literally called oral
No. 1816981
>>1816929Rape is a thing because it lets subpar parasites reproduce. It exists because males exist. Their penises evolve to rape more efficiently, and we evolve to protect ourselves against rape. No female has an appendage designed to force coitus nor does she need one.
Digital, foreign object etc. rape is still considered rape because it causes similar trauma in women. It leaves the same scars. This is why women can traumatise each other. But it's not rape.
Men are designed to be public property and sexually service anyone who desires them. They're biologically coded to never say "no" therefore they can't be traumatised the way we can. Their bodies don't reject forced coitus. Plus no woman has the power to force such a thing onto a man.
In the case of faggots, it's still not rape. It's not traumatising for realsies. It's just "sodomy" and is a type of banter between men. They're just cockfighting.
TLDR: A woman can sexually abuse another woman (just as
valid as rape) but not a man.
A man can rape a woman but can't be raped. He can also indulge in sodomy. If he doesn't, his prostate will start hurting. Men "play" dominance games with eachother by forceful anal penetration and this being legalized would end the phenomenon of men lying about getting raped
No. 1816985
>>1816974But isn't the definition of rape 'forced sex'? And in your words
>Women can't rape anyone because rape specifically refers to being penetrated by a penis against your willSo that means rape is forced penetration of a penis into a person or a living creature. But if rape is forced sex, and you're defining rape with only the penetration with a penis, doesn't that trace back to sex being defined by the penetration involving a penis? And if that's how sex is defined, how do lesbians have sex if they don't have penises?
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>>1816981>sodomy is just banter between malesI bet he thought it was so funny
No. 1817006
>>1816664anon 1:
>that thought scares the young women even moreanon 2:
>N-no!! It's not true!!!!>but yes I agree I'm afraid of older womens retardation kek you really proved the point there
but really tho you sounds misogynistic and unhinged as fuck
No. 1817112
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Conventions need to stop letting panels like this into conventions. I really hate people trying to shove in muh mental health and LGBT garbage into anime. I'm also betting very few people go to these.
No. 1817134
>>1815676>>1816143>>1815902That's so crazy, poor baby. I feel like if you need to do these things for dogs to live a comfortable life, we should just stop breeding them or at least breeding that trait out. Like pugs, their snouts are so small they can't breathe properly and some need a breathing machine.
I do agree that the front of the puppies mouth looks super weird and like they could've been AI generated, but everything in that image except for the doogs looks real
No. 1817160
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>>1817159Just because he’s fat now doesn’t mean he was always fat.
No. 1817206
>>1816818You don't get it, if you lower yourself to men's vile, sadistic level, that means you win…. Somehow.
Being sarcastic obviously. I'm gonna keep being nice to women who are nice to me and men who are nice to me and there's nothing the crazy 2Xers can do about it.
No. 1817208
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>>1817193We need nunneries back without the religion
No. 1817216
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>>1817208all-female communes would be the dream but at least we have lc
No. 1817259
>>1817242>normal age considering that women don’t lose our ability to have kids until around 50.Anything over 35 is considered a geriatric pregnancy and unhealthy, the risk of retarded and autistic (but I repeat myself) children goes up significantly over your mid thirties.
Why don't people know the most basic things about reproduction? How could you honestly think having a child in your late 40s is fine? Just look at how Chris Chan was raised by what appeared to be his grandparents
>>1817252>>1817243That's because people have been socialized into delaying having children for completely rational economic reasons, so it's the stupid, dumb, ugly, trashy women that become teen mothers typically. But I don't think it necessarily has to be that way.
No. 1817273
>>1817259Children who are actually
raised by older parents usually turn out a tenfold better than children “raised” by younger parents. Chris Chan I don’t even consider to be human so I don’t really let how he turned out affect my choices kek.
No. 1817278
>>1817259I get your point, but most people aren’t great parents that age, plus the mortality rate is higher, so it’s clearly not ideal. The people that spread the idea that the ideal age to have a pregnancy is essentially as young as possible are usually 4chan scrotes spitballing excuses for their ebephophilia.
Beyond 35 is considered a geriatric pregnancy but I doubt a 40 year old having children is much of a problem in most cases. I think a couple of studies said the most successful pregnancies/births happen at 31. probably something to do with the pelvic bone remodelling that continues into adulthood. So with both biology in mind and your career/life in mind, there’s not really a reason why people should rush into something as serious as raising a child as soon as possible.
No. 1817305
>>1817299It's so fucking gay. Being a woman with
toxic masculinity is so hard.
No. 1817308
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>>1817287Based. Imma be having me some children at age 350-400 and none of yall mfs gonna be around to stop me. Keep hating on my Stacy ass, scrotoids and teen-pregnancy-chans
No. 1817313
>>1817308Ok side note part of the reason why I feel like we need to get used to women having our inaugural child at a “later” age (which isn’t really much later) is because we’re all gonna be living a lot longer than we think. Think about it. There are almost 100,000 centenarians, and the number is only gonna go up. Do you think when you’re 110 you’re gonna be sitting in your office thinking
Shit maybe I should’ve had my baby at 18 instead wow I’m such a dumbass like no!
No. 1817352
>>1817345Yeah but we are all descendants of women who survived, hence why I said
our ancestors not those who didn’t survive
No. 1817374
>>1817259>over 35 is considered a geriatric pregnancyGrandmas and many other women made kids after the age of 35 (wether it was the first, second or seventh kid) who turned out just fine. Chris Chan's parents were both mentally ill to some degree and his father had putrid sperm at the time. At this point the geriatric pregnancy meme is perpetuated by doctors so that desperate people will shill out big bux for IVF.
>Why don't people know the most basic things about reproduction? Fam, you do realize that men can be barren and have fertility issues, right? Reminded me of a news story of a couple who tried for a kid for five years and only this year doctors started checking for the moid's sperm and to the misogynistic society here, it was a shocker that he was the problem kek. And there are many such cases in the world, but they are kept hidden, since blaming moids for fertility issues too will hurt their fee fees uguu~
Also, have you ever had an honest conversation with women who had kids under the age of 25? They are all miserable and envy the women who got to this age or even older without having a kid they weren't ready for (in my experience) kek.
Edited for typos
No. 1817411
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Fuck horoscopes, which farmer girl did you pick when you played this game?
No. 1817444
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>>1815670>>1815546>>1815902>>1817134It’s not ai generated, it’s a real photo posted by the dogs’ owners on instagram. A simple reverse image search would have answered this question for you.
I swear it’s like some of you have never used the internet before. No. 1817450
>>1817446The sprites are from Harvest Moon DS cute
Pony is from Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
Claire is from Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town.
No. 1817465
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>>1817411Always played as Pony even though AWL bachelors are ugly and annoying as sin. Thank god for DS Cute and the option of letting you romance the superior mineral town boys
No. 1817478
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>>1817465Now since this is the thread, I'll come out and give an unpopular opinion for the harvestmoonfags. I never liked Skye as a bachelor because his clothes are too tacky.
No. 1817683
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I hate Flynn Rider with a burning passion and I do not understand how so many women are in love with this cartoon scrote.
No. 1817732
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>>1817683Extremely overrated
Prince Phillip is way better
No. 1817979
>>1817911Based I can’t wait to get strapped. What piece you got nona
>>1817928Also based
No. 1817997
>>1817946I get what you mean but on the other hand the benefit of them being viewed as fathers is that it's implied that they
should be involved, therefore people have a stronger emotional reaction if a father isn't good since most people do agree that it should be taken seriously. Legally this means they have to pay child support.
If it was common to refer to them with a separate and arguably neutral/medical term I guarantee there'd be retards going "well he's not trying to be a father, he's just the sperm dispenser, he did his job and didn't sign up for more," idk when i hear that term it makes me think of a donor to a sperm bank, some role where there's no implication that he ought to be doing more for what he is
No. 1818221
nonnie nooo don't cage farmers!
No. 1818284
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I'm only on season 2, but Floribama is funny af. It can't rival the level of iconic that the Jersey Shore cast exudes, but it's definitely better than family vacation
No. 1818356
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>>1818338>banning a user for saying gay moids are pedosholy shit, are the mods really such faggots?
No. 1818364
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>>1818360>faggy mod being mad at someone saying "faggot" on snowWishing that anon good resting with prayers, it's annoying and tedious when mods ban a user for the faggiest things.
No. 1818416
>>1818373what are you even asking? Reincarnation happens after you die obviously. I'm not afraid to live and die, seems like a lot of nonnas are afraid to live if they don't want to try what life offers them. We are here to experience.
>>1818380Dont be, i will be the best parent becuase i alreadly planned it out and studied how to do it for years, i have a lot of love and whisdom to give to my kid.
No. 1818422
>>1818399Kids still aren’t raised by just their parents, most kids go to public school.
Anyway multigen households are extremely overrated.
No. 1818477
>>1818453The app-based, feed-based, AI algorithm shit is just so tiresome and bland. The only place to interact with others is in comment sections which are hive minds of yass queen inclusivity or whatever weird niche the algorithm is feeding you.
Another thing is I hate comment sections and how people put their full government names and face photos as pfps. The first insult those people go to is shit like “atleast I’m not hiding behind a fake profile and zero followers” kek like what happened to anonymity???
No. 1818517
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>>1818416>>1818363Why are all modern moms like this?
No. 1818541
>>1818453It hasn't been for a while and it's because it's the same shit being repeated over and over again. It's usually shills trying to get you to spend your money either deceptively (like those aesthetic videos or onlyfans accounts being flagrant in comment sections to bait people into subscribing to their shit) or openly, retards being edgy and offensive just for the sake of it or to engament bait, pointless drama and arguments, discourse we've heard 1000x before, AI-generated or clickbait-ey slop from some content farm in Vietnam or Russia or pornography (usually from bots or moids). Even niche communities are being infected by it and it takes all the fun out of it. I hope the centralized social media bubble explodes (if it ever does) and we can go back to niche communities.
>>1818477I hate how some people shame others for not doxxing themselves online.
No. 1818545
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>>1818534>>1818506All of these wannabe moms are extremely delusional and defensive,it's very funny.i kind of feel bad for them.
No. 1818594
>>1818506real question plz answer me
why are you still alive? do you actually like your life (wich kind of negates the constant what ifs) or do you believe you are just carrying on with misery?
No. 1818784
>>1818416Kek finger on the pulse about anons being afraid of life but
>I studied it for yearsMade me laugh. What do you even mean by this? While anons were posting in snark threads, you studied the blade….
>>1818374Actually based response I love you nona time is a flat circle
No. 1819015
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>>1818968agree, beyond all the awful societal effects I'm just not interested in it on an individual level but people get all restless and agitated over me not wanting to drink and I don't get the big deal over that. If I was an early 20th century American woman I would be one of those prohibitionist ladies kek
No. 1819061
>>1819058That's understandable
nonny, just really vet your future Nigel as much as possible. The men are rough af out there nowadays.
No. 1819081
>>1819058I feel like people don't get the actual implications of the consequences of single mothers/absent fathers. It doesn't prove fathers are necessary and they are the difference between raising a kid well or raising a kid poorly because you need a man guiding a child out of criminality or sluttiness, it just proves that people who are more likely to fail at relationships are also more likely to raise a kid poorly. It's a correlation/causation thing- a woman who has a kid with a noncommittal man is showing poor judgement and will continue to do so as a parent, a couple who are too
toxic to get along are also too
toxic to raise kids well, single parenthood is going to cause money issues which causes issues with child rearing.
But if society was geared towards single parenthood from the start, it wouldn't select for the sort of issues that drastically skew outcomes for the kids of single parents. If a single, independent woman got IVF and had a kid on her own, you could assume it's going to grow up well and not be a criminal or stripper, because she intentionally chose being single and her being single wasn't a result of poor judgement or personality problems. The kid isn't going to suffer because a man isn't around to teach him/her how to live.
No. 1819129
>>1819015People can't accept that I just don't want to drink, they want me to have an excuse for why I physically can't drink (like being pregnant) because choosing not to drink is so unthinkable to them. I just do not see the appeal of drinking literal poison that damages my brain to the degree that it impairs my judgement - and that's the "fun" part about it.
Especially when it comes to underage drinking, that causes actual permanent brain damage. I remember reading a study exposing how a ton of people who get diagnosed with ADHD as adults despite having had normal childhoods all just got drunk for the first time around age 14 (iirc), the exact same time the attention span part of the brain developed and thus it messed up that part of the brain forever by the, again, literal poison attacking it. So they weren't "true" born ADHDers they just acquired brain damage that mimics it.
There were other disorders linked to being drunk at different ages, all matched the part of the brain that should develop at that age and all it took was getting drunk once (but obviously more times made it worse). Since the brain never recovers what it failed to develop they'll never know what they "missed".
No. 1819145
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I hate that most phone manufacturers are getting rid of both the headphone jack and the SD card slot.
No one will convince me to stick literal batteries in my ears or opt for an inferior cable, the 3.5mm jack was just perfect. And even though most new phones come with 128gb/256gb internal memory, most of it will still be occupied by the operating system, system apps and apps that you install and they will expand and demand more space with each new update, not to mention that pictures and videos have better resolution and the files are becoming bigger in size and you're pretty much left with few space remaining imo. With an SD card it's like you have a whole hard just for music, meme dumps, lots of photos and videos without depending on the system memory space.
>but you can use cloud
That's what the tech soybois say, respectfully, a no from me. Wasn't there an incident with the iCloud being hacked in the early 2010's and that was memed to death back then?
And right now, the only options available are either phones like Xiaomi (and the likes of it like Oppo and Honor etc) which are cute, but quite buggy (I can say in the case of Xiaomi) or Sony, but even their low end model (picrel) is so expensive in my area and I think everywhere else kek.
No. 1819177
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>>1817770Related to this, my unpopular opinion is that for the well-being of both potential parent and child, disabled people should not be allowed to have children. I was watching this documentary called Child of our time, featuring an artist and disability advocate Alison Lapper, she was born with no arms and malformed legs, she wanted kids and got pregnant, but the man disappeared. She raised her son alone with the help of a succession of live-in care-takers, most of whom didn't stick around for very long. In a depressing end, her son had a fairly stressful childhood. He was bullied because of who his mother was and he was taken into care at 16 when his mother couldn't take care of him and herself. and he died of a heroin overdose at 19.
No. 1819195
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Most food bloggers have awful taste and their food looks vomit inducing like picrel. I know it’s all for clicks but I see more local places doing crap like this now, just piling more and more stuff on something doesn’t make it better
No. 1819227
>>1819214I really think you're just thinking of yourself.
I treat people well because it gives me my own sense of self satisfaction, its more so for me than the other people.
The same reason I forgive easy, its so I'm not carrying around those negative feelings and mentally torturing myself over other peoples actions. Within reason of course.
I'll still cut those people out of my life, but I'll forgive and move on.
No. 1819241
>>1819233True. I think the fact that women can have male children means they can never completely hate men because they see their sons in them. It’s kind of like during the Black Lives Matter era, despite many of those men were
abusive to women in their past or criminals a lot of women were still deeply effected because they imagined if their son was those black men. Women aren’t able to differentiate the feels they have for their male sons to strangers.
No. 1819250
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Pregnancy takes your beauty. Look at how beautiful Rihanna and Adrianna Lima were and then immediately after getting pregnant their looks went down hill and it seems no matter what they do they can’t get back to where they were.
No. 1819257
>>1819251Clean-shaven men are disgusting
So are circumsized dicks
No. 1819263
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>>1819250Some fag and Rihanna went from being the prettiest woman in the industry to looking like a brittle toothed grandma only within a few months of being pregnant
(samefagging) No. 1819278
>>1819250Stress is the main thing that destroys your looks as a woman. Pregnancy stresses you out immensely. Add that to the stress of being a female celebrity in the spotlight and it's a
toxic combination indeed. I think they'll both look fine once the kids are older and their bodies can actually recover, but most women always look worse after pregnancy, even when they bounce back. Nothing wrong with loosing a bit of your looks to bring forth a being you'll love forever though.
if you actually do want to be a mother and didn't just get meme'd into it No. 1819280
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>>1819278I think Rihanna will look fine but not Adrianna Lima. She’s getting tons of plastic surgery to combat the the post pregnancy uglies when she should just wait it out.
No. 1819293
>>1819287Maybe it's just polarized between two extremes. I've certainly encountered some of the trashiest women of my life on 4chan and offsite LC spaces. Another anon made the point it's more just that weebs are almost all online grooming
victims though so… I don't really know.
No. 1819295
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>>1819058My unpopular opinion is that you're right. Statistically, kids raised by single mothers are more likely to turn out worse in every aspect than kids simply raised by both of their parents. Maybe it's not inherent of single-parent hosueholds, I'm sure there's exceptionally smart or lucky single mothers who actually raised their kids to be well-rounded adults; but the general rule-of-thumb is that people coming out of single-parent (especially single mothers) households are more likely to be screwed by life because of their harsher childhoods. It's an uncomfortable truth that even lolcow users can't seem to admit, judging by the amount of cope your comment is attracting.
No. 1819306
>>1819302Let’s not forget single mothers bring around strange men to take the place of “step daddy” and he ends up being verbally/physically
abusive to the sons and sexually
abusive to the daughters. Single dads can usually find a pick me who will treat his kids like her own so that’s probably why statistically children with single dads do better.
No. 1819314
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>>1819306Samefag statistically single father households do better because they can find gfs to help him with the kids and women can’t do that because most men aren’t interested in taking care of other mens kids unless he has evil motives
No. 1819315
>>1819278>Nothing wrong with loosing a bit of your looks to bring forth a being you'll love foreverThis.
Women can make an entire new human from our bodies, isn't that fucking amazing? Of course you're gonna look different after carrying around another being inside and pushing it out. But only fools care about a new mother's looks.
No. 1819331
>>1819327You're still viewing it as you're doing something for a man.
I'll be having children for myself, the fact my husband gets to have them also is just a byproduct from me.
No. 1819333
>>1819295Thank you for drawing attention to the need for lesbian couples in raising children anon.
>It's an uncomfortable truth that even lolcow users can't seem to admit, judging by the amount of cope your comment is attracting.What's the stat where 1 in 5 girls are abused by their "fathers?". What a massive moid worshipping cope. No shit a single income will fare worse than 2 but are 2 worth it when the child is being abused? Most single mothers are from a terrible background already. What retard sees this stat and obfuscates the truth to protect male coping to enable the abuse of males? Sad.
No. 1819340
>>1819334I want a child that is biologically mine. I plan on fostering once my children are out of the house.
I was more talking about you/the nona who said she hasnt found a scrote herself thats worth the sacrifice.
Idk about those celebs because I dont keep up with celeb culture, maybe they both really thought they were worth it to give them children or maybe they had children for themselves and like me, the mens benefit was just a byproduct of their decision
No. 1819346
>>1819341>What's the differenceNTA but Genes also play a role in development. A lot of adoptive children are born to crack heads, drug addled people, alcoholics, hookers or just generally low quality people.
Wish we didn't have to constantly justify the whole idea of wanting a child that is a reflection of you: looks, personality etc.
No. 1819352
>>1819341One is biologically mine, one is not.
I want my bloodline to continue onwards because I think its cool.
The idea of sharing dna with people 100s of years ago is very interesting to me.
Also because I'm going to do the best possible things for my baby as its growing in me, hitting the vitamin goals etc thats needed for best healthy baby stuff. I cant control that from another woman.
My husband and I have already talked about what we could do if one or neither of us could have children and hes talked about adopting/surrogacy etc.
Him wanting children of his own dna is the same as mine, its just cool.
Also as other nonas have said, its a gamble to adopt other children who we have no control over their gestation or previous upbringing, which is why we're going to foster once our bio children are out of the house just incase.
No. 1819362
>>1819306Nta, but
>single dads can usually find a pick me who will treat his kids like her own leads me to another unpopular opinion - women should stop getting together with and giving moids with kids attention, bangmaid services and a chance. Moids will never have that empathy for a single mother, let alone a child that isn't his, whereas pickmes do and they still won't be treated as family by the kid and even the moid.
Edited for typo
No. 1819367
>>1819347>poeple dont want to adopt crack and meth babies.I think it's too late for you.
>>1819359Grim isn't it? This site feels like a mumsnet ovarit hybrid at times.
No. 1819385
>>1819352>The idea of sharing dna with people 100s of years ago is very interesting to me.Literally copy pasted from those trad pages.
Back to altright Twitter you go.
No. 1819391
>>1819366You can control a surrogate way more than you can control a woman who's life is going so badly that she's putting her baby up for adoption.
>>1819359Gender critical and radfem aren't the same thing. Even men can be gender critical, it's a very low bar. As for radfem, this website was never radfem. Radfems are so rare that you never get high buy in from the average women, and this site is mostly average autistic women.
No. 1819406
>>1819352I don't think any of these people have actually experienced the realities of adoption. Which is fair when you're ignorant, I used to be one of those people who pushed for adoption over biological children. If you want to read stories, go to the reddit adopted children subreddit. Again and again, I see these mothers pour their entire lives and souls into these adopted children and give them amazing lives, but the second the child turns into a teenager or adult, it's suddenly "muh bloodline" and how much they need their biological parents. They call the adoptive parents monsters for raising them when the adoptive parents should have given all that money to their biological parents so the child could stay with them instead. And that's if the adoptive parent gets a child that isn't a monster. Many children put up for adoption are so broken as to be nightmares to be raised. They attack other children or the parents with knives and even with years of the most extensive therapy known to man, they can never acclimate to being a productive member of society.
I've completely changed when it comes to adoption and I no longer advocate for it after the cases I've seen in person and how it turned out.
No. 1819407
>>1819385You are going to be buried by tradmoms anon with no rhyme or reason beyond literal trad redpill shit and borderline racist shit like
>>1819390. Genuinely what is wrong with adopting a "unwanted" Chinese baby? It was a strawman but it led to a fairly racist, cruel reality. Bleak. Just like
>>1819376 nonna says gc only extends to hating men in dresses.
No. 1819410
>>1819390oh nooooo not the ETHNIC children!!!!
not even subtle woth the tradthot shit anymore are we
>>1819385we literally share most of our genome with chimps and yet all these people believe their genes are somehow special and cool
>>1819406>muh subbredditgo back
No. 1819413
>>1819406Met a guy who was an adoptee. And putting aside the fact that he was a dumpster fire, you're definitely right about that one particular thing: they always,
always sperg about "muh bloodline, muh ReAl parents". Dude was adopted by a wealthy family, and parents with powerful careers….but still desperately wanted to know about his Irish mother who abandoned him and obviously didn't even want to meet him if she went twenty three years without reaching contact.
No. 1819424
>>1819418I explained the reasoning behind it, do women not get to make their own decisions around their bodies?
If they want to give me a child in return for money why is that an issue.
>>1819420I was more thinking along the lines of not using my eggs either but the surrogates eggs.
No. 1819425
>>1819421I'm not American but matching ethnicities of children as if they are Pokémon IS racist, retard. Are you unwanted Chinese babies anon?
>>1819423? none I don't wan kids weirdo.
No. 1819433
>>1819410>Nooo, you've used one of the most popular website on the internet! That means you're evil! That means you don't belong!Such a mouth breather take.
>>1819411Nothing is wrong with it. You just have one sperg who hates women deeply so she always starts these fights.
No. 1819435
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Before people harp 'just adopt' to women who want to raise a child themselves, women that are scared of pregnancy, people who want to have their own biological kids or use consensual, non-financially-coerced surrogacy (like women who don't feel like they can go through abortion, but don't want to raise their kid. I'm not talking about poor women who have to rent their wombs to pay rent), they should at least consider the inherent trauma in adoption. Adopted kids aren't a 'replacement' or 'second best option' to biological kids. Even if a kid is raised by their adopted parents the second after they are born
No. 1819438
>>1819424>do women not get to make their own decisions around their bodies? You can freely choose to chug a bottle of antifreeze or mutilate your body with troon surgery but people will probably try to intervene in the former. The "all my choices are
valid" liberal screed is not the win you think it is.
No. 1819439
>>1819435>>1819431all the reasoning i see is about how adopted kids are supposedly always fucked up psychologically. you don't think essentially buying off a kid right after birth might give them issues too?
man i've never been happier surrogacy is illegal in my country. bleak to see people definding it on here.
No. 1819450
>>1819413I thought it would be different, but after I saw it happen like five times among the small sample size I knew, I grew afraid that it was just innate. So if adopted children care so much about bloodline, then why shouldn't you care about your bloodline?
Plus, I worry about how it affects genetics of humans long term. I know that people like to pretend that we're not affected by genetics at all (I'm looking directly at you
>>1819410, as we've had this conversation before), that we're more evolved than that, but I know it's not true. If we consistently raise the children of people who abandon their child, or people who make such poor life decisions that they are not able to provide for children, what does it mean that those child grow up and reproduce when compared to people who are altruistic and don't reproduce because they are so caring that they adopt unwanted children?
Ultimately, I have changed my in my morals in the last ten years and I no longer stand in the way of people who want biological children instead of adopting. My exception is when people have fucked up genes like CF or hemophilia, as you shouldn't condemn a child to a life of suffering. If you've got/carrying something like that, you should either be childless or adopt.
No. 1819451
>>1819443even with unpaid surrogacy you are literally separating a kid from the mother right after it's born. aka the same thing that causes trauma in adopted kids.
except with adoption you are trying to guve the kid a family after bad circumstances happened. woth surrogacy you are yourself creating the sundering woyh the biological parents, simply for your own convenience.
all everyone is saying is that you can't bemoan the evils of adoption then defend surrogacy in the same breath.
also choice feminism is bullshit btw
No. 1819457
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>>1819425>? none I don't wan kids weirdo.We are all arguing with a woman with no children and zero child raising experience, who is shitting and pissing herself over how people decide to have and raise children. This is why I always keep this picture in mind when I'm arguing on the internet.
No. 1819463
>>1819439NTA, but we do have studies that clearly show that adopting immediately after birth is far better and the children have better outcomes when compared to children adopted at any other stage. Based on research, from least to most damaging, it goes
>giving birth to your own child>surrogate giving birth to your child>surrogate giving birth to her egg child>adoption immediately after birthThen, after that, the earlier you adopt them, the better, with outcomes worsening the older the child gets. As expected, because males are more violent and have less self control, their outcomes worsen notably faster than girls. So an adopted a three year old girl will have better outcomes than an adopted three year old boy.
No. 1819469
>>1819441NTA but it's weird to be unable to bond with a child because it doesn't look enough like you. With a grown person I kinda get it because maybe you want them to share your culture or understand you better but a child is going to learn all that from you so it doesn't matter. If you live somewhere that the child would feel really out of place because of being a different race then maybe you should just adopt your own race but generally outside of considerations to the child's wellbeing who cares
>>1819448that would definitely be some pokemon type of shit kek
>>1819450It's not just adopted kids, every person who isn't in contact with their parents goes through a phase like that; contacting their
abusive dad their mom divorced or their distant parent they're estranged from etc. etc. And they'll always say "oh boo hoo but I regret not knowing them!" even if the parent was total trash they never listen. I have a half sister like this but she just doesn't understand he was a mentally ill pedo and child abuser and it pisses me off when she says she wishes she knew him – like, bitch no you don't and your mom was right to leave him and not let him see you.
No. 1819485
>>1819470i'm not even the one who said she doesn't want kids. you're deluded
>>1819479the tradthot takeover is real
No. 1819546
>>1819530So skip the post and go agree with the trannies and retarded zoomers that think motherhood is by default oppressive.
>>1819525They did not lose 80 percent of their beauty. Please touch grass.
>>1819527God, do I hate zoomers.
>>1819539Was she not pregnant in this picture? Messing with her face with fillers fucked her over more than being pregnant.
(learn2integrate) No. 1819565
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>>1819561Nta but I feel like the violent Stacie’s would probably take control and still be
toxic. Probably not on the same level as scrotes but let’s not pretend violent women don’t exist. Women never got the chance to really explore that side of ourselves because we would just get killed so we really have no idea what we would be doing if scrotes weren’t apart of the equation.
No. 1819598
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>>1819589>you must be thinking of someone specific?Yes, the person being responded to.
No. 1819672
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>>1819664I will stay and continue to manhate. This is our space.
No. 1819675
>>1819341>I want a child that is biologically mine>Why though? What’s the difference? When a woman is preganant and gives birth her body literally changes in a myriad of ways that we don't even know all about yet (because science gives 0 shit about women). For example when a mother kisses her baby she actually "samples" the babys skin and her body will go on to adjust and produce the exact nutrients the baby needs. That's a biological bond that literally just doesn't exist with adoption. Doesn't mean they don't truly love the adopted child, but it's still not the same ancient biological bond (the father is actually also biologically changed just from being around the pregnant woman, but it's men so who gives a shit lol). And taking a baby away from that bond no matter how young actually does harm to it in the long run, it literally causes trauma in their developing brains even when they obviously can't remember it.
A lot of women will claim they just don't have the "motherly instincts" and therefor don't think they'd be good mothers - but in reality those instincts aren't activated until a woman is pregnant and gives birth. So they actually shouldn't have those instincts yet, that's normal! The hormonal and other bodily changes only happens as a result/reaction to the pregnancy itself. To think that wanting biological children (if you want them) is somehow not programmed into us as a species is absurd. Even species that co-parent to some degree (like some herd animals) still mainly focus on their own off-spring. I suspect most people who argue it's selfish and only narcs want kids are either ignorant about biology, or on lc in particular autists who genuinely lack those social parts of the brain yet see themselves as "normal" and think everyone thinks/functions like them.
No. 1819729
>>1819691My unpopular opinion is that our new mod is off her rocker when it comes to banning people for "racebaiting." I bet it's the same person who bans anyone who speaks out against the racism shown towards white people on this board. Notice how she didn't rednote the other person saying it was racist to want to adopt children of your same race, but she'll ban people who point out truths like this
(ban evasion) No. 1819733
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flat asses are objectively more attractive than diaper butts
No. 1819735
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>>1819452for those who don't know, she agreed to have a marble statue of her naked, pregnant body be placed in a public square. She wanted it to serve as an example that a disabled woman can do anything an able-bodied person can do.
No. 1819750
>>1819346>constantly justifylmao, most people won't shame you for that and would agree with you because muh special genes. stop playing the
No. 1819767
>>1819734You reported someone else. My only comment on race at all happened because of the mod's actions within the last few minutes. But I've noticed how weird she is about what she tags as racebaiting and what she allows to stay up. You can definitely tell that she has an agenda and it's very 2009 tumblr.
>>1819729That wasn't a ban evasion because the last time I got banned it was a couple of weeks ago and I served my 24 hours. This is ban evasion.
No. 1819785
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Gwen Stefani's Chola era was her best era
No. 1819803
>>1819798ntayrt but true I already have 60k and I’m only 21
>>1819801What would living in the US have to do with your ability to save money
No. 1819843
>>1819824>Uh taxes are not that extreme in the U.SExactly, not everyone is from the US, anon, some of us live in countries were we have many taxes to support our free healthcare system. Standard of living means: the degree of wealth and material comfort available to a person or community. You sound very young,
No. 1819857
>>1819853>how much people blow through money I can’t comprehend how people are capable of immediately spending
all of the money they receive. I know those people exist but it just astonishes me
No. 1819903
>>1819782If we are talking about anglophone countries, I agree. Y'all don't need Starbucks everyday, expensive beauty treatments every 2 weeks, some conusumeristic shit from Amazon to fill the void and paying for 5+ streaming services, one is fine (I saw people like that on the clock app).
On the other hand, you can't deny that the cost of living has skyrocketed in the last year, rents are shit and expensive and so is the food (shrinkflation). Like, what's up with the paper walls in the US? They terrify me.
If we are talking about worldwide (which I doubt), it's more complicated, most people are living frugally and still live paycheck to paycheck sadly.
No. 1819912
>>1819890He asked for some loans in the name of my mother (without her knowledge) and could sign as her because their marriage apparently allowed that.
>Or did they like sign over their post-mortem financial responsibilities to you?He also did this, unfortunately