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No. 1830364
>>1830346I'm a euro and the fast food was consistently terrible. Chipotle was the only thing that didn't give me nausea. Subway was the worst, the meat was greasy and sweating. Maybe it's just Maryland but it all sucked.
Sit down restaurant food was pretty good though.
No. 1830384
>>1830369Oh if we're talking about US chains in Europe then only KFC, Subway and Burger King are significantly worse in the US. Everything else is about the same. They don't have Chipotle in my country but I still crave it. Very little Mexican food at all here.
I've eaten McDonalds in 4 continents and it's weirdly homogenous.
No. 1830605
>>1830601>Non-white men that get into interracial relationships have more dignity and respect than white men that do soOkay I'm not gonna sperg because I don't feel like copping a ban, but I really,
really disagree with you.
No. 1830647
>>1830601I get what you mean. Going by numbers, the average wmaf relationship sadly most likely is a "tourist" x barely legal thai girl situation.
Of course there are also 3rd world moids who try to get a visa by marrying a much older white/western woman but this is so much less common than the above.
No. 1830662
>>1830647Going off statistics, it's not just third world black and/or brown men taking advantage of white women for "status" or money. Don't play dumb. Even if you approach things from a self-absorbed standpoint, you're doing a disservice to white women who end up as statistics because of
abusive men taking out their anger, internalized racism, mommy issues and racial trauma on them.
All men take advantage of women. Stop playing yourself, stop doing "Rules for me, not for thee".
No. 1830669
>>1830662No matter which moid I'd date, I could of course always end up in an
abusive relationship too. But you have to be very dense to act as if I'm not in a much better position to begin with than the before mentioned example of wmaw in which the woman is absolutely doomed right from the start…
No. 1830929
>>1830346>>1830364>>1830369Eating fast food at all is literal pleb behaviour. I can't remember the last time I ate junk from a chain restaurant, nor the last time that was my only option over a local cafe or mom and pop takeout.
>but it tastes good!!!So does a tomato and cheese toastie from your local cafe, or pasta you can make at home. I live pretty frugally and I still don't have the need to consume preservative, corn syrup ridden takeout from corrupt companies that fuel the obesity epidemic.
No. 1830951
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>>1830566>>1830536Wow, cocker spaniels and king cavaliers look like super healthy breeds to me (especially in comparison to Frenchies and pugs) so I never would've guessed this about them
No. 1831182
>>1830154There are multiple women named Mary, this isn't about his mom but about a female follower. Fwiw I was taught by Catholics that despite popular belief that she was a prostitute, this isn't supported by anything and it's only said that she had a sinful past (which could mean anything really)
This page seems to confirm what I remember>>1830945even worse imo is when Americans travel within America and still eat the same standardized slop they already have back home. I was travelling with someone who just wanted to go to familiar chains and it really annoyed me, why not try a nice small local place?
No. 1831238
>>1831236There's an episode where a main character goes back to her grandmas house to back up her shit after the granny croaked, there's a alien/ghost man that makes her cum and she finds a journal where her granny wrote about him making her cum heaps too. She had like 4 orgasms, full sound head back.
My mouth was hanging open for the 10 mins I sat through it, how ridiculous.
No. 1831257
>>1831253You're right and you should say it. Becoming the ultimate consoomer that can memorize shit shouldn't be lauded at all, if anything it's a very lazy way to approach a hobby.
At least those into music that can actually make music are doing something with their lives, or people into acting that can actually act and so on.
No. 1831259
>>1831254Ayrt and I did watch some. I hate the way they act, they're cringier than actual cartoon characters somehow. The romance in most of these is also dog shit, and I'm a romance hater in general, but kdramas romance is a special type of annoying. Jdramas have retarded goofy romance but at least it's endearing. I watched w 2 worlds, cool concept but shitty ending where the female lead chooses to let a fictional character live in the real world over her own dad who never did anything wrong other than trying to end the webtoon he was writing which this character is from. I guess you could say she chose her husbando over her dad, but to me it's kinda weird because she had no legitimate reason to, it was just for the sake of the romance. If the father was
abusive I would've understood. The husband is super possessive and creepy and makes moves on her against her consent, he's very aggressive as well. Fight for my way was even worse. But the k2 was ok. I like "boku tachi ga yarimashita" jdrama which is based on a manga, crazy story but kinda realistic and they changed the ending and removed the sexual aspects in the drama adaptation. It was cool but at the end it's based on a manga. Haven't watched anything chinese yet though but I'm planning to one day. Only watched a movie but it's based on a horror video game.
No. 1831261
>>1831257. I don't watch a lot of TV anymore because I'm usually doing something else. If I'm going to watch something, it better have good plot/female characters and no 10000 sex scenes but apparently that's too much to ask for
No. 1831308
>>1829958It really isn’t the best way to go if we ever want it to end and not have to do it in the first place like a reluctant trained dog. You’re still playing into their delusions and making them confident about continuing to act this way. This is exactly the reason why things not only got worse, but why we can’t even speak up anywhere as much anymore. If everyone in the room has one retard they indulge, then that’s half a room of over-confident retards overpowering everyone thinking they’re right because they were never told they were wrong, and that they can make you do anything they want. Even if they’re “ignored” they don’t learn because there will always be someone who is afraid to even speak up against them even if they want to because they see you ignoring them as a sign that you’re okay with them. Why do you think TIFs are afraid to scream in a room full of men who will at the very least laugh at her? Meanwhile there’s TIMs who will ask women to suck their dick while the women just nod despite the disgust, and the TIFs see that and clap, making him think he’s totally in the right. The way they’re treated by moids versus women, and how they act in response online is a good measure of what’s effective and what isn’t. Full disclosure, I never agreed with other nonas on here saying it’s “based” to indulge in “scamming” troons out of their money by pretending to respect them. It literally sounds like the “sex work is actually female empowerment because I get paid!” mindset. I ignore every retard who copes like this here because I know they’re part of the problem. And I hate the “well, at least I’m making money by sucking gendie toes and drawing shit I feel is beneath me haha checkmate” sad-ass responses because I guarantee I, and many other friends and family I know, make more money than these copium inhalers without having to bend over to some Aiden anywhere in our lines of work. Sorry to say, but you’re literally pathetic to me if you think you have to live on your knees for weirdos who want to eradicate your rights while making you dance like a monkey all the while. If people are so miserable about it to the point they have to vent on an anonymous forum about their shitty begendered coworker, find a better job that doesn’t require you to be sucking up to gendies all the time. Find better friends even. Coping can only get you so far. We wouldn’t have to do all playing pretend shit if people didn’t indulge them in the first place. Now we have weird copium posts around here so these people with the bruised knees can pat each other on the back and validate themselves. Literally -dogs licking their own wounds- type beat. I only know some gendies IRL since my wife knew them from childhood before they trooned, but we make sure to never respect their pronouns whenever we’re forced to be around them. Fortunately though, I’m a brown, unshaven, semi-older homosexual who is very much GNC, and outspoken about not knowing “all this online white kid stuff” which makes them shut up real quick around me. Every time one of these heavy make-up caked face alt-girls go “I don’t shave because of my gender!” in the same room as my hairy-ass self, I just respond “wow I didn’t know women aren’t allowed to shave! Did they pass some law about it? Weird.” Then I change the subject to something mundane to show nobody cares, which I know makes her feel shitty about even saying something that retarded to someone like me because she becomes quiet the rest of the day. Anything to make them doubt themselves is better than indulging them making them think they’re right.
TL;DR: You don’t have to outright call gendies stupid, but let’s not be cowards too, if we don’t wanna have to do all this shit and be uncomfortable in the first place.
No. 1831381
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Vaginimus is a meme. The whole idea of not having sex can cause your pussy to tighten up is laughable. Especially when libfem “sex educators” talk about exploring or fucking as many people as possible.(retarded bait)
No. 1831384
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Backrooms videos and games are the most boring attempts at horror, because they're always just "hallway simulators".
No. 1831501
>>1831392No kidding it’s psychological, rape
victims are the ones who typically experience it
No. 1832052
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The Mac & Me alien is cute and actually looks like an alien while E.T looks like a shriveled up, wrinkled penis.
No. 1832512
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Ballet is disgusting for hundreds of reasons. Little girls are better off doing any other activity. Professionally, it's the same fucking shows every year. The worst part is the "thank me for my service" attitudes of these beat feet EDrellas.
No. 1832537
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Such an enormous cow, yet I can’t help but like her music, she could actually convey the 80/90s vibe unlike many other artists (even though she was copying Kali Uchis). I sometimes wonder if the blackfishing allegations really were true kek. In her older mvs like Cherry Blossom or Apple Pie she has one of the most beautiful faces I’ve ever seen, her styling changes from quite good to absolutely retarded but it’s still impressive how much of a chameleon she is.
No. 1832545
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>>1832512i wonder what happened along the way. why are all ballerinas are anachans now when that wasn’t the case like 100 years ago?
No. 1832568
>>1832545I think sports and performance arts just get more difficult and demanding over time, thinness is just one more thing that gives you a competitive edge
Personally I did ballet as a teen and as an adult and never felt any pressure to be thin, the secret is to not be very good at it regardless of your weight kek.
No. 1832827
>>1832818But they would have done it anyway? A cheater is going to be a cheater. Might as well be the one who gets some fun. I wouldn’t want to do that to a friend though.
Either way I think people put way too much focus on the “homewrecker”. The cheater is the main one who “wrecked” the home and most of the blame should be on them. I’ve seen some people direct all their anger to the other person instead of their spouse too, which is ridiculous.
No. 1832860
>>1832857Im 100% with you
nonnie, i dont understand it either. The moid chooses to ruin his relationship but everyone acts like the evil woman must have convinced him to do it. If that woman didnt exist, the moid would still find someone else to cheat with
No. 1832867
>>1832860Especially since in most of the cases the moid will literally lie until he's blue in the face and do things like get her drunk. I'm obviously not saying she's innocent
like infighting moid-kun seems to think but it's strange how disproportionate the hatred is when the responsibility is mostly the scrote's
No. 1832894
>>1832892what the actual word salad
anyway scrotes don't do this because they know better than accepting being some bpd woman's sidepiece
No. 1832903
>>1832898What does it matter what they look like? They're my brothers, I'm not looking to date them. The older one is in shape and works out a lot, the other is kind of pudgy. They're both amazing husbands and caring brothers.
I had all the presents I had bought for people stolen a few days before Christmas from my car and my younger brother calmed me down (I was sobbing and kinda hysterical), told me to list everything I'd bought, and went out and bought everything again, including an extra gift for me :)
(emoji) No. 1832905
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>>1832895> I felt guilty knowing the sort of stuff I've said about men being defective and scummy. embarrassing tbh
No. 1832906
>>1832900>out of all placesso tired of anons pretending lolcow is le epic secret
terf board when it never was
No. 1832911
>>1832906we have a
terf banner
No. 1832912
>>1832899Thanks. Yeah. I've noticed over the years a lot of posters here have either had bad relationships with their family, or they've been involved in things like sex work, sleeping around with men they meet online etc which can make you end up hating men.
For the record when I was younger I had similar-ish issues. Also ended up having revenge porn posted of me but my dad/brothers never judged me and just wanted to help me get better.
No. 1832915
>>1832910I don't care about how attractive my brothers are for obvious reasons but it's weird you focus on looks as the determinant of someone's morality. Plenty of fucked up attractive men and plenty of decent ugly ones in my experience. Besides, both of them have been happily married for years.
You sound like you live in a world where internet memes are reality. Good luck with that.
No. 1832972
>>1832895If your family members are good men the hateful comments don't apply to them. You shouldn't feel bad about calling out bad men just because you know a few good ones. I don't get why this is hard to understand for some people.
Way to go "not all men".
No. 1833063
>>1832895>I felt guilty seeing everything they were doing for me over the period, how affectionate and caring they were knowing the sort of stuff I've said about men being defective and scummy. I love my male family members too (because they're family!) but do you think any of them ever spent a second feeling guilty or feeling sorry for you when the reality of sexual harassment or similar anti-female crimes gets brought up? Men somehow have the ability to completely detach both themselves and us from what happens to our genders, for example 99% of all rapists are males? Well surely not me and my buddies! Every 3rd woman experiences abuse? Definitely not my wife, daughter or any of my coworkers! I never saw this, this must be fake!
They'd never ever feel any remorse because another man does something horrible (way more horrible than what we could ever do), so it's absolutely ridiculous that you're torturing yourselves because of some anti-male comment that you or another
nonnie here posted…
No. 1833087
>>1832895Meh. I have male cousins and friends and a good relationship with my dad, but I don’t delude myself into thinking they’re angels just because they’re nice to me. You don’t have to vehemently hate men to be aware that they’re disproportionately more dangerous and perverted than women. It doesn’t need to affect your everyday life, just keep it in the back of your mind the next time a brother or male friend is telling you a story where he’s supposedly the
victim in the situation, and be skeptical.
No. 1833104
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>>1833101Nta but I wonder what goes through the mind of teenage girls who get groomed because the guys grooming them are never even attractive. Like if they got groomed by someone who looks like a young Leonardo DiCaprio in his 20s ok I’d get it but that’s rarely the case. Pic related was able to groom several teenage girls and I don’t get what they found attractive about him because most teenagers are shallow as fuck.
No. 1833119
>>1833118Even as someone who was told I was ugly everyday of my life, poor and came from a
abusive home I couldn’t lay under a big fat sweaty man hoofing and puffing as he jumped on me….I would’ve been too repulsed, even as a young girl to be able to be down for that you’ve gotta be fucked in the head. I can’t wrap my head around girls who would be down for it.
No. 1833121
>>1833119>even as a young girl to be able to be down for that you’ve gotta be fucked in the head.Now you get it. The kids they pick
are fucked in the head, they're neglected, abused, desperate for any kind of adult attention. They don't get to pick between safe adults, they go for the only one who is acknowledging and validating their existence no matter what they look like.
No. 1833122
>>1833104teenage girls who are predated on by these kinds of moids usually get told their entire lives how they're "mature for their age", usually by creepy old scrotes trying to get into their pants, but also from well-meaning idiot adults who think that's a developmentally appropriate thing to say to an underage girl.
>>1833120because these days nerdy girls are, like
>>1833118 said, the ones on discord at 2am because their parents don't care about what they're doing on a school night.
No. 1833125
Some of the new banners are bad. The general concept behind them is mostly good, it's that the execution lacks even the most basic of image editing skills like keeping the correct aspect ratio and not using a ten year old jpeg.
>>1833119Same. I would have been considered vulnerable because I was neglected and abused, yet I was never tempted by older moids that targeted me.
I'm not trying to blame the girls that groomed, I'm suggesting that there is more to it than simply abused teenager = groomed by older moids. It's a contributing factor but isn't the only reason teenage girls fall
victim to moids.
No. 1833141
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>>1833139Why should I feel bad for them when this is how they usually act?
No. 1833143
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>>1832895replies are funny considering most of the (straight) women here will probably end up with a man no matter how man hating they think they are. But imo being offended on behalf of moids is silly when the only time men express sympathy for women as a collective is when they’re horny
No. 1833147
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please stop, this all started from a newfag posting her "not all men" opinion and continued because of a pinkpill post that belongs on 2X not here
No. 1833183
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>>1833125>Some of the new banners are bad. The general concept behind them is mostly good, it's that the execution lacksFor me it's the opposite I dislike the concept behind most new banners. Some of them use a very modern "meme" aesthetic that is popular amongst the female manipulator/girlboss etc crowd. I'm not against moid hating banners I just dislike that general aesthetic and when that meme aesthetic dies those banners are going to look outdated. It's not that the old banners where timeless either
many of the aged like milk (pun unintended) but they dont feature wojacks or shit like that. I also dislike the cute cow(as in the animal) and farm themed banners because there are too many of them. The occasional cute banner is welcome but too many cute banners doesn't fit the vibe. My least favourite banner is the one the John Waterhouse painting. I love this painting but I genuinely can't understand how it relates to lc culture in anyway. I guess if you squint its a moid hating banner since a man is being abducted by nymphs? But I have never heard a man complain about this painting or the Hylas myth.
But these are minor complains at the end of the day I'm just happy we got new banners and even the banners I dislike doesn't bother me much
No. 1833184
>>1833177I dunno, I've seen guys like this. But I haven't gotten to know them because I already have a boyfriend my age.
>>1833179You would fuck a unstable moid? What if he gets you pregnant? Couldn't be me.
No. 1833316
>>1833299Put a heating iron on his chest and only maintain genital contact for as long as he can manage to suffer through.
>>1833310That works as well.
No. 1833323
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I don't really think people REALLY care about old moids grooming children unless it ended in meeting up and rape, you could argue it's a new thing but stranger danger was always a thing taught to children, and now, when there are more children on the internet than ever i don't see any type of campaign or popular ads talking about how dangerous discord or twitter and whatever other shit children app
It also feels as if most "groomer" talk on the internet it's just jokes or something
No. 1833384
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>>1833323maybe I just don't see them because I'm older and I don't have kids, but it is strange there are not more internet safety PSAs everywhere considering how common it is to get harassed or scammed online. I tried to look some up and it's mostly silly vague stuff like picrel
No. 1833400
>>1833384i saw one but it was like they stopped making relevant psas for childrens safety like 5 years ago, and it really fucks me up that seemingly no one cares about little girls getting groomed.
Twitter was filled with pedophilia callouts at some point, and it was all young girls who shouldn't be on either social media or interacting with creepy lolicons for attention
No. 1833404
>>1833386This makes me sound like an anti-sex bone rattler and I absolutely am but I'm asking this as a philosopher, from a Jungian perspective and a mind-over-matter mindset. Seperate the art from the artist.
>>1833397You're so stupid I'm going to bash your head in with a rock
(a-logging) No. 1833450
>>1833386Why would not having kids after every single sex session only benefit men? I don't think women want to get pregnant
every single time they have sex, anon.
No. 1833460
>>1833375Thanks god. Took them long enough. Any apo similar to it should also be taken down.
>>1833379They should do that in America, it's probably gonna fix 80% of their societal problems kek
No. 1833508
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Women in age gap relationships are annoying because they love bragging about it until the shit hits the fan and then they wanna cry grooming
No. 1833531
>>1833495I get what you're saying but your kids would grow up with a detached father which would be partly your fault.
Both parents need to be present and helping with the child to bond with them.
No. 1833543
>>1833527Because normies don't know shit about dogs, breed-specific care/temperament, or how to train dogs. They don't understand that even the sweetest pibble is still predisposed to high energy and powerful jaws (their jaws don't lock, that's a myth, but they have a higher bite strength compared to similar sized dogs). They, like many other dog breeds, need to have their prey drive monitored and trained out of them at an early age so that they aren't a danger to other animals. Sadly most dog owners don't do that kind of training, or really any training whatsoever, and they don't monitor their dog's emotional health to make sure they aren't getting too agitated or anxious which can lead to aggression. In short, normies are crappy dog owners and when crappy dog owners own dogs they aren't prepared for, they end up with anxious and aggressive dogs.
No. 1833560
>>1833535I'd never be able to sleep at night knowing I had a child with such a man.
>>1833544Just letting you know, the "fun" parent is popular when the kids are young, but once they grow up they will resent him for never being there for them when it mattered. Fun is cool, but it's nothing like knowing your parent loves you enough that they will take care of you when you're too sick to lift your head.
No. 1833581
>>1833544The kids are going to see him as fun great parent and you as bitch nagging mother (if you even plan on doing any actual parenting) but ok.
>>1833560Does not always work out like that.
No. 1833692
>>1833104A lot of those girls have bad home situations and are desperate for a stable place to live when they're old enough to leave home. That's the issue with parents who kick out their daughters as soon as they turn 18 is that 9/10 times the girls just end up with some
abusive man
No. 1833739
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>>1833733long distance running and jogging is overrated as fuck, you can burn the same calories and workout the same muscles by taking a longer time briskly walking the same distance. spiking cortisol for no reason, getting that dehydrated sinewy look of a marathon runner is not the image of health. Runners… enjoy the destroyed knee collagen.
No. 1833741
>>1833735Treadmills seem okayish based on my experience with them, but I haven't used them much. I've literally given one a try for like twenty minutes two times.
So I'll give an apprehensive "I think treadmills are okay but maybe not"
>>1833736I get called crazy for calling it out IRL too, they all insist it's not their running that's doing the damage.
No. 1833749
>>1833739I'm surprised not many people know this, i feel like its often advertised as the healthiest thing you can do. Runners genuinely look like the panda eyes meme that the an
rct*l violence guy always pushed over time. Straight up the impact just shoves their eyes into the recesses of their skull and bounces their skin up and down like rubber bands until it sags.
No. 1833752
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>>1833749they cope by saying exercise is anti-aging, but there's plenty of ways to stay active without impacts
sauce for pic related: No. 1833786
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Goth women are the biggest pickmes
No. 1833790
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>>1833786Wait a minute, hold on anon. I know I aint a goth myself, or an alt, a punk, an emo, a scene, or anything like that. But do you mean goths in GENERAL, or do you really mean those "goth" girls who are actually just coomer-baiting egirls?
No. 1833937
>>1833786Think about it this way, basically any culture where there's a lot of misogyny there's a lot of pickme's as a cope to avoid the reality of their situation and a shit tonne of goth icons are shitty males and as a result a lot of goth males are shitty (a lot have a kinda rockstarish attitude with all of the misogyny and none of the talent) so the women need to cope.
The 'goth gf' types are self explanatory, live by a disgusting fetish and rot by it.
No. 1833983
>>1833981I like it too anon.
Sometimes I eat it raw. Idgaf.
No. 1834045
>>1834041unfortunately yes, felontok is becoming a thing. A lot of moids even think they're the
victim for being felons. I once called the cops on a moid for stealing my car battery and he had the audacity to demand money from me because he got charged from being on probation for beating his children kek. he was able to remarry, get a job like usual and even have a business
its a good reflection of how much misogyny is coming back in society. women like jk rowling are getting canceled but we're just accepting men who are literal dangers to women and children
No. 1834087
>>1833141Always acting like
victims. As if most age gap relationships aren’t
abusive>>1833508Why are age gaps more common among interracial relationships?
No. 1834117
kinda unpopular opinion i guess since more often people say celebrities, writers, politicians and so on should stay off social media and social media has ruined the distance between people and celebrities, but honestly, i love it!
inspired by this old post on angelina jolie
>>>/ot/335659 i love that even a-list actors who have all the money in the world to not give a flying fuck still can't help but come and play in the mud with us lowly proles, honestly how amazing it is that we have to opportunity to tell today's equivalements of kings and lords to fuck off. how many peasants life times ago would do anything to have an opportunity to go and tell some uppity king to kill himself?
and the best thing is that so many of them can't help but engage. richest men in the world are having retarded slap fights with the unemployed on twitter, they don't need to care but they do because they are one of us no matter how many private planes they own.
No. 1834212
>>1834199>being a cheater makes one the lowest of the lowGrow up. I think cheating is incredibly shitty. I’d never do it or help someone else do it to their bf/gf, but you can always tell who’s been cheated on when these discussions come up. Because they’ll always be so melodramatic and scorched earth about it and act like it’s the worst thing that could ever possibly happen to a person, even if the incident in question was years ago. I’d be more sympathetic if it was recent or from a good friend, but someone making it very obvious that they’re still very emotional and angry about something from so long ago (unrelated to me) just makes me feel uncomfortable and embarrassed for them.
>>1834115Is it eugenics to just think certain people shouldn’t have kids, or is it only eugenics when you actually do something about it?
Like I don’t think severely disabled people should have kids. He’ll, even more moderately disabled, depending on what the disability is (autists shouldn’t have kids). Extremely poor people should not have kids. People who have low empathy, particularly ugly people, any fundamentalist religious people, etc.
I don’t think any system or laws should be put in place to sterilize any of these people or force them into aborting, as I don’t think there’s an ethical way to do that. However, I can still think it’s immoral to have kids for certain people and wish that they wouldn’t. Does that make me a eugenist?
I don’t support the death penalty for similar reasons. Not because I have some big moral qualm with killing a person, but because I don’t trust any large governing body to be able to implement that in an ethical way where some dickhead wasn’t just trying to push their own agenda to get ahead.
No. 1834240
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Having more than 5 children is child abuse
No. 1834341
>>1834212>Because they’ll always be so melodramatic and scorched earth about it and act like it’s the worst thing that could ever possibly happen to a person, even if the incident in question was years ago.Unpopular and I agree.
The only time cheating BOTHERS me is when the power dynamic is off and literally destroys the partner (i.e. Rich moid cheats on his pregnant, co-dependent wife who was forced to not work for years and would take a massive loss if she left or worse).
I don't care that teenagers aren't good at relationships. Or that childless people in their 20s aren't happy and cheat because they still don't know what they want.
Sometimes both parties are shit and just want to fingerpoint a gotcha when the partner commits a more socially unacceptable crime to take eyes off the shit they'd been pulling up to that point.
I was cheated on–never called him out because I was 'snooping' and we all know how misogyny feels about that–but I took it to the chin as a lesson and knowing full well that anything I said would just make me lose face and my ex went on to do what he wanted anyway.
When I cheated on an
abusive moid years later I did not feel bad. He was a shit partner and was going to punish me either way for leaving him.
Men fucking deserve it.
No. 1834376
>>1834240I think takes like these are jealousy from people that are alone.
Every time I come across those admittedly cringy large family show off on facebook or wherever, the comments are always filled to the brim with the most seethe. People will hate large families more than anything else, with women in the comments just gushing on about how the mother has to drink to cope and how miserable she must be.
People don't really get angry at things to that level unless they're threatened by it.
No. 1834393
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>>1834310KEK oh my god, are anons really on here saying that not supporting Taylor Swift is misogyny?? When Taylor is the one that dated the fugly british faggot who gets off to racist rape on tape? HOLY SHIT, Swifties, if Taylor gave a fuck about feminism or women, she wouldn't date a such piece of shit moid that obsesses and uses his social media to harass women.
No. 1834395
>>1834385So I must be perpetually upset at people with kids? It more sounds like
>I think takes like these are jealousy from people that are alone.Hit a sore spot.
(infighting) No. 1834435
>>1834240So she's having/had ten kids. TEN? That's ten kids to split attention and support into. There are families with only two kids, and yet there are siblings from those families of four that go neglected. I'm not saying those kids are all going to have a complicated childhood, but I wouldn't be surprised if feeling neglected and always having to compete for positive feedback became the reality for at least
one of them. The family has got to be loaded with wealth if they can afford ten kids all in the same house, so at least they don't have to worry about starving.
No. 1834479
>>1834240The only issue I have is that you can't properly, evenly divide your attention between that many children. Some kids are going to be emotionally tended to less than others. I also don't know if most people have enough income to actually support this many kids.
To me, the best amount of kids is 2-3. I would want to have at least two because I was an only child and I think it would be cool for my kids to have a sibling.
No. 1834499
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I don't really see above AOC sibling incest as that bad. Compared to all the other evil shit in the world, a brother and a sister in their 20s deciding to have sex or live together in some furtive romance doesn't even come close to the depravity that has become an everyday thing (violent sex, obsession with underage girls etc).
And yes, I have brothers btw.
No. 1834673
>>1834261Hard agree. It's especially annoying when people
even a couple of anons occasionally believe a celebrity can't be a bad person because "well he was nice to ME when I met him!" (its nearly always a he) Actors are called actors for a reason.
No. 1834709
>>1834234What’s so wrong with that? I used the word “particularly” for a reason. If 90%+ of the population would have no problem calling you ugly, why would you want to inflict the same fate on your children? Sometimes ugly people can get lucky and get a combo of features that produces a decent looking kid. But true uggos - not plain, not awkward, straight up UGLY - usually have some kind of genetic issue or possibly even deformity. If someone is born with this, I think they should still be afforded respect and love, at least to the same extent as any other person. But if you know you have some genetic fuckery that’ll likely give your kids a whole host of issues, why would you willingly reproduce? No other answer I can understand other than an accident or narcissism.
>>1834341I don’t think we agree for the same reasons. It’s hard for me to justify cheating. Very few circumstances where I would. It’s just very obvious when someone has been cheated on because of the way they talk about it. They’ll act like it’s literally worse than murder and you can see that old anger reignite in real time. I get it on a human level, but still find it unbecoming and over the top when I come across it
No. 1835497
>>1835366I hate how literally all media glorifies the poors as being more genuine, open and welcoming while portraying all the rich as insular arrogant snobs. Poor people are disproportionately shitty and act like they're hot shit.
Pitbulls only exist and romp around in poor areas, loud music gets blasted in poor areas in the middle of the night, the police are called to deal with domestic problems in poor areas, none of this stuff has anything to do with money. Poor people are just generally inferior.
No. 1835558
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>>1835555I was eleven and therefore not paying attention to how the adult men catcalling me looked. Don't be disgusting.
>>1835554Go NAMALT elsewhere. Most scrotes would go after teenagers if it were legal.
No. 1835576
>>1835568Okay, let's say the problem is pedophiles and not men. Where are all the female pedophiles catcalling tweenage boys? Why is it most men don't have a universal experience of being creeped on by women the way countless women recall being creeped on by men when we're barely pubescent? Btw I've known guys who got hit on by adults when they were boys, but it was grown men hitting on them, not women. Really feeds into
>>1835537 saying that moids are opportunistic.
No. 1835579
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No. 1835583
>>1835566I agree with this, I think everyone here is overestimating because they’ve spent time on male-dominant imageboards which over-represent pedophiles. And even those guys aren’t exclusively attracted to children. Even if they try to neg realistically they would fuck anything.
Honestly most of the men who love underage girls are undesirable old fucks anyway, it seems like men become more pedophilic as they get older. I still think there are a lot of women who view young girls as adultlike and can “steal their man” though, but this “competition” is not as exaggerated as anons are making it out to be. Most older women look out for young girls because they know how evil the world can be to them.
No. 1835656
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>>1835652Was the anon who got dog piled in the dumbass shit thread for saying that stuff you? The one who said not enough zoomers are into Leyendecker? Are you the Leyendecker anon?
No. 1835662
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>>1835659Kek then that means you must've been the one going 1v4 against several britbongs over American vs. British artists KEK I don't know which continent has the best artists, but you stood your ground against like several anons, you're kind of tough nona
No. 1835692
>>1835688> Leyendecker and bongs relate to each otherBecause there was a bunch of infighting about how Europe has the better artists and this anon:
>>1835659 was repeatedly spamming how American art is better but only ever referenced Leyendecker kek
No. 1835702
>>1835689What's dumb in
>>1835682 ? Cuz if you knew what supply and demand was, which is basic marketing, you'd identify that what I'm saying is not contradicting
> lets players were always know for having a fanbase of children.It's adding the other side of the coin you seem to either maliciously try to invalidate, or you are invalidating it out of retardation.
It's like replying "that's dumb, everybody knows that it's winter in the northern hemisphere from December to March" to someone making the statement "in the southern hemisphere, it's summer right now".
No. 1835821
>>1835787No, she signed a petition about him being allowed to return to his country or something, and then she publicly apologized and said that she didn’t know what the petition was because the person who handed it to her lied, and Natalie signed without reading it first. She said that she doesn’t support Polanski and retracted her signature from the petition after learning what it actually was. And in her defense, she’s rumored to be one of his
victims, so I believe her when she says that she was manipulated
No. 1835910
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Tabby cats are superior to other cats.
No. 1835943
>>1835705Still haven't explained what is dumb in the statement
>>1835682You're holding on to the argument I made in
>>1835669 in response to Millennials supposedly only watching AVGN, again either maliciously or because you're an idjit.
Again to formulate
>>1835682 in other words even a five year old would understand:
If group A is the target audience of a product or service, for example limonade, aka. they are the demand, but group B is the people making the product or service for the target audience, for example they have a limonade stand, aka. they are the supply, then both groups are involved in the market of the product or service.
If you still don't fecking understand the basis that makes business what it is, then go back to uni, clearly.
No. 1836097
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Is it an unpopular opinion to think celebrities don't have to say shit about what's going on with Israel and Palestine? I learned that people are getting mad at Beyonce for being "silent" about the war…but that's fucking Beyonce. She's not a politician or anyone that can substaintially change the situation. If Beyonce doesn't want to talk about Israel and Palestine, who fucking cares? She's an A-list celebrity and a mother of THREE kids, she has her hands full, it's not her job to give a shit about politics anyway. There are regular people who don't give a full damn about the situation because they know they can't change what's happening, so why do people expect celebrities to act like social justice superheros for everything? Just because they're famous and wealthy? What would even change if Beyonce did what these twitterfags demanded and tweeted something like "Free Palestine" anyway? A tweet by a celebrity isn't gonna save lives and stop the war. So pathetic when people act like they just HAVE to hear a celebrity's opinion about EVERYTHING. why should it matter so much?
No. 1836106
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>>1836104I love lets plays cause I get to experience the game without buying it, and I use them to figure out if I really want to play something before I drop money on it. There are also games that I wouldn't want to personally play but enjoy watching (for some reason picrel is the first game that came to mind as an example lol).
No. 1836122
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>>1836107I'm gonna be thinking about this comment for days
No. 1836333
>>1836034They don’t make anywhere near thousands of dollars a day, they make a couple hundred on a good day. Most prostitutes are ugly and rough looking addicts, or else they wouldn’t be streetwalkers. Escorts/sugar babies can make more but they don’t have pimps
>>1836326The majority of prostitutes are in their 20s and 30s, the stereotype about them all being teenagers is a myth. There definitely are teenagers who are trafficked by pimps of course but I doubt that they are who anon was referring to
No. 1836338
>>1836333>The age debate in the literature focuses on determining: a) the average age of youth upon entry into prostitution, and b) the age used to define young prostitutes. First, the research identifies a range of entry ages. The Badgley Committee (1984) reported that almost half of their respondents entered prostitution before the age of 15. Lowman and Fraser (1996) found the average age of entry was 16.3 years for females and 15.6 years for males. Research conducted in Victoria, British Columbia revealed 15.5 years as the average age for entering into prostitution (Report of the Sexually Exploited Youth Committee of the Capital Regional District, 1997). In general, the literature indicates that most prostitutes entered the sex trade before the age of 18, many before the age of 16. Second, researchers have also used different ages to define a youth prostitute. The Badgley Committee (1984) identified “juvenile prostitutes” as being under the age of 20; while the Fraser Committee used up to age 18. More recently, the F/P/T Prostitution Working Group used age 18 and under to define youth involved in prostitution, citing that the Young Offenders Act identifies a “young person” as being under 18, and that s.212(4) of the Criminal Code prohibits purchasing, or attempting to purchase, the sexual services of someone under the age of 18. Notwithstanding, most of the literature defines young prostitutes as being under 18 years of age.[3]And the anon said:
>Not because they sell sex but because they make thousands a day when they’re young and give it to their pimpMost street walking prostitutes are not making "thousands a day" btw
No. 1836358
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>>1836338Sorry, but no. Over 80% of prostitutes start selling themselves when they’re adults.
>Most street walking prostitutes are not making "thousands a day" btwYeah that’s why I said that they don’t make anywhere near thousands of dollars a day, it’s usually more like $50 a day
No. 1836359
>>1836338Are you trying to do an infight about 20s being "old" when we're actually talking about prostitution? Kek
No. 1836361
>>1836358>Sorry, but no.My source used/cited by the Canadian government for 2023/2024 is more trustworthy than your 3-second Google search, sorry.
>Yeah that’s why I said that they don’t make anywhere near thousands of dollars a day, it’s usually more like $50 a dayAre you the anon? I was correcting her because she's retarded.
No. 1836376
>>1836367Uhh when did I say that? I think the ncbi gov website is more reliable than the source you posted, I never said anything about google. You need to calm down, you’re clearly just a
triggered hooker who wants to be a
victim No. 1836389
>>1836369She was probably lying and broke the entire time tbh
>>1836376Take your meds, I just said to learn to read and not think "top result = good". Argue with the government on how terms are defined instead of projecting about
triggers and schizo-ing out.
No. 1836409
>>1836389>I just said to learn to read and not think "top result = good"I never said “top result=good” though, retard. I said I think that study is better than the one you posted.
>Argue with the government on how terms are defined I have no idea what you’re talking about here
No. 1836432
>>1836338>>1836419This isn’t a good study to use, as the focus is about what causes children to become prostitutes, what causes them to exit prostitution, what their backgrounds were like, and how they’ve been treated by the legal system. The people surveyed were mostly minors, or people who engaged in prostitution as minors. It is not a comprehensive study about the average age of entry into prostitution, it simply focuses on a small percentage of people who are or were child prostitutes.
The sample sizes in the study also tend to be small and taken from groups in the same city or area as well, (for example 200 prostitutes in San Francisco, 23 prostitutes in Sweden) so your criticism of the NCBI study doesn’t really make sense. Read the study instead of skimming it, pay attention to what is actually being discussed and the sample sizes used to determine their findings. The research is not about the average age of entry into prostitution.
No. 1836436
>>1836430The discussion isn't about the ages of adult prostitutes, but what age is defined as a young prostitute. I think you're ignoring the topic at hand or misunderstanding it.
No. 1836439
>The sample sizes in the study also tend to be small and taken from groups in the same city or area as well, (for example 200 prostitutes in San Francisco, 23 prostitutes in Sweden) so your criticism of the NCBI study doesn’t really make sense. Read the study instead of skimming it, pay attention to what is actually being discussed and the sample sizes used to determine their findings. The research is not about the average age of entry into prostitution.A review of multiple studies that have small sample sizes is more comprehensive than a single study with a small sample size. More data is looked at in a general sense.
No. 1836463
>>1836436No, someone criticized the original anon who said that streetwalkers are retarded, and said “imagine calling trafficked kids retarded” or something along those lines, then someone said that most prostitutes are adults and the stereotype about them all being teenagers is a myth, then someone posted that study and said that most of the prostitutes surveyed joined the prostitution industry as minors.
>>1836439>A review of multiple studies that have small sample sizes is more comprehensive than a single study with a small sample size. More data is looked at in a general sense.Yeah no kidding. My point was that the sample sizes for each individual part of the research were typically smaller than the sample size in the NCBI paper. They did not look at many different studies and combine everything for each portion of the study, each portion of the study relied an using the research from one earlier study, which was typically a few dozen people or less. For example, to find out how prostitutes exited prostitution, they looked at the findings of a study which surveyed 23 former prostitutes in Sweden.
No. 1836470
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Denise richards is an example of what happens when you are prized for your youth/beauty and you enjoy it without preparing yourself for when it’s over. She’s now in her 50s still trying to be young and hot and going as far as using her own child to do it when she could just dress age appropriate and age gracefully but she won’t let being a young Thot go. It’s pathetic tbh.
No. 1836471
>>1836338 it was clarified that the study was posted in response to the anon talking about prostitutes when they are young, and nothing about the majority of prostitutes being in their 20s or not was acknowledged. Hence the line
>More recently, the F/P/T Prostitution Working Group used age 18 and under to define youth involved in prostitution, citing that the Young Offenders Act identifies a “young person” as being under 18, and that s.212(4) of the Criminal Code prohibits purchasing, or attempting to purchase, the sexual services of someone under the age of 18. Notwithstanding, most of the literature defines young prostitutes as being under 18 years of age.[3]In the context of prostitution, "young" does mean "underage".
>said that most of the prostitutes surveyed joined the prostitution industry as minors. Where did any anon ITT say that?
No. 1836477
>>1836471The post that you quoted literally says it.
> In general, the literature indicates that most prostitutes entered the sex trade before the age of 18, many before the age of 16.It wasn’t a good example to use, because the literature in question focused specifically on people who are or were child prostitutes. There was another post saying that most streetwalkers are teenagers but I think it was deleted
No. 1836490
>>1836488Not a zoomer for recounting a post you may or may not have dirty deleted out of shame,
nonny. Get over it and move on next time.
No. 1836496
>>1836492>the discussion turned into whether prostitutes are mostly adults or mostly teenagers (almost all of them are adults)But it didn't. This seems to be in your head, as I've explained. A young prostitute is legally classed as being under 18, and that was the point that was demonstrated. You're trying to argue about something different, and it seems like you're doing it on your own.
>>1836494Didn't care to scroll up, I also didn't say you "literally" did anything. I just repeated what you posted. You shouldn't take things so seriously.
No. 1836539
>>1836516I don't agree that beauty consists of things like makeup, plastic surgery, etc. (media/advertisers' idea of "beauty" is retarded) but I would agree that it applies to some extent since poor people tend to have worse food and live in worse areas, so they're usually less healthy
For instance I consider myself to have pretty flawed skin but when I visited a foreign country and was around people with a lower standard of living, they kept gushing over how clear my skin was because mostly everyone there was assailed by sun damage and air pollution. also I immediately contracted illnesses because the food and water regulations were looser and I guess my immune system wasn't used to that
No. 1836558
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A vast majority of girls talking about eating disorders don't actually have/had them nor actually know what it feels like.
To me they look like the classic girls who feel guilty about getting a donut/whole pizza and then cry because they go up a couple of lbs on the scale, ignoring the fact that's mostly poo and water retention. Refusing to eat fatty foods out of guilt/vanity is not an eating disorder.
No. 1836578
>>1836372I agree the retirement age should be lower, and I hate how much of our lives we have to spend working, but
>mid-30s will be the last years you’ll actually be attractive and healthy enough to enjoy your retirementYou can absolutely be healthy enough to enjoy your life (the non-work parts) into old age. And why would you need to be attractive to enjoy not working?
No. 1836584
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>>1836558By definition, what you described is an eating disorder.
No. 1836643
I think that sexuality is somewhat conditioned. Whether it be orientation or fetishes, it’s something that is cultivated. Growing up I was attracted to boys romantically and aesthetically but couldn’t get off to them so I would masturbate to women then at the last second switch to a picture of a male body/penis/face while putting mental effort into sort of “fetishising” maleness. After like a year I became sexually attracted to men as well, even more than women. Recently I’ve become more attracted to women because I only get off to the person I like, and the more I do it the more I “cultivate” sexual attraction to certain things that she has. If the same can happen to fetishes (eg men with porn addictions only being able to get off to fucked up kinks that they didn’t have before like abuse, pedophilia, necrophilia, cannibalism - even Ted Bundy wasn’t as fucked up before pornography) then why wouldn’t the same be able to happen to sexual orientation? Obviously there’s a psychological limit and we are predisposed to liking certain things, I just think sexuality is way more flexible than people act like it is. I think it’s an aspect of personality almost, the majority of people who say they’d do anything to change their sexuality absolutely could with enough conditioning just like any other personality trait, but it has the potential to be “unnatural” if it doesn’t change organically with the rest of the self, so you’d end up becoming a different person. I think it all comes down to how much mental ability you have to change yourself. But if sexuality is psychological, then, like anything psychological, it has to ability to change. And it does for some people - just not usually on purpose.
No. 1836648
>>1836645Omg this is the first time someone on lolcow has thought I was male. Ty for the milestone.
I don’t see how you could see my opinion has masturbatory at all though.
No. 1836675
>>1836654In my opinion it comes down to ability. I think if people’s sexualities can change throughout their lives for some reason or other it should be possible for those circumstances to be inducible.
>>1836670Thinking about arbitrary things is fun, a good exercise for the mind and offers new perspectives on things in life. If there’s a whole thread on /g/ for questioning your sexuality then surely this is a somewhat relevant discussion?
No. 1836684
>>1836558I'm ^ and y'all got
triggered because you misinterpreted my post. I was talking about girls claiming to have EDs online. I'm nor a fatty nor an anachan myself, but yet I so fucking now that having an ED roots in the mind as a form of control/self-harm rather than being a "omg bread makes me fat :(" teenage years drama queen. There are shittons of binge videos online with a disclaimer saying shit like "documenting my Life!!" and they reek of munchie/narcissism behaviour. A lot of girls don't refuse food for mental illness, they're just vain.
No. 1836688
>>1836677they have
valid points. you may as well lament the childfree thread too.
>the baby monkey hating moids kek most of the posters only truly despise the breed with a bad history around babies…
No. 1836689
>>1835781She doesn’t even know who you are. Are you defending her cause you see yourself in her, anon. You’re nothing like her. You’re more like one of her maids, and her maids walk in different halls from her in her own house so she doesn’t have to talk to or look at them while they clean up her house. Why do you spend your free time singing praises of her on lolcow when her PR team is doing that for $18/hr, and theyre probably not actually even doing it theyre programming bots to. She is not a good person, sure she might shell out some measly (to her) funds to charity so she won’t have to pay as much taxes. she is just rich. Won’t deny she’s pretty though.
This is the kind of celebrity worship I hate the most just say you wanna do her not that she’s ~smart and good~ that woman doesn’t even know you exist!
No. 1836895
>>1836677Once saw a post where someone talked about being sad they shared a board with animal sadists. They got a response along the lines of "Stop being such a bitch over other people's opinions and tastes!!". It was disgusting.
There's a minority of people who come to this site who should unironically never be left alone with animals, small children (because you know they always escalate - baby monkey haters were/are obsessed with the "Daisy's Destruction" video and paid someone to recreate it with a baby monkey), or anyone else that's weak. I personally equate the dog hate people to monkey hate people because I've seen them brag about killing dogs and cats, some posters sharing photos of dead dogs, AI generating dog gore, etc. All "animal haters" are just sick IMO.
No. 1836919
>>1836895>>1836677You post this every month, just hide the thread at this point for your own good.
>brag about killing dogs and cats, some posters sharing photos of dead dogs, AI generating dog gore, etc. Wtf are you talking about?
>>1836916Yes regarding actual animal abuse, but there's definitely one person who always starts posting in the vent-type threads every time the stupid dog hate thread gets bumped despite the thread itself being comatose most of the time. The vent posts are all almost identical too, so I don't get why one wouldn't just hide threads that upset you that much.
No. 1836966
>>1836865~there's some issues u need therapy~
you don't even know which posts are mine. as i said before i post about owners not dogs. you're precisely the sort of person i was complianing about too
No. 1837219
>>1837201The minute we accepted newfags bringing in 'nona' and '
nonnie' it was over for good. I also think we never recovered from oldmin making /m/ to emulate /media/. Opening too many social boards and losing the exclusive focus on histrionic attention whores invited way too many of them who consider this place theirs now. Anons get really touchy now when someone gets caught posting and admins are way too soft and absent. The shit flinging back in the day of former, more closely involved admins were way more fun. Most of our personalityfags would have their post histories outed and/or gotten doxed by other farmers by now and it's a damn shame we're being deprived of all the milk.
No. 1837221
>>1837210People are too cautious about who they reveal their autism to, which is sad for the forum as a gossip-centered forum. Most cows nowadays are just either vile or sad with no in-between, sometimes there's boring cows that do dumbass shit like post retarded fanart or have shit taste, but that's about it.
You would think that with a generation that depends on the internet to have social interactions cows would be infinite, but all potential cows are too scared of getting canceled.
No. 1837314
>>1837308"Indifference is cowardice" then
you do something about it, dumb ass, I'm out of money and time so is everyone else I've better things to do than care about random trannies and doing useless online activism. You guys are so pretentious and self righteous
No. 1837363
>>1837317The irony is that, once it happens to them personally, those kind of people only then get surprised and enraged over other people that have the same garbage attitude. I get that it can take an emotional toll to get over invested but like
>>1837282 said, it's not an all or nothing thing.
No. 1837425
>>1837419Men immediately sympathize with culprits instead of
victims. That's why they don't want guillotines and death penalty, because they are aware they have a small chance of going apeshit and killing someone and want life sentence cozy time with faggots in jail instead. "Whut if u kill an INNOCENT" aka "I don't wanna die if I pull a Christopher Lee Watts"
No. 1837429
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The 2006 film "Children of Men" is actually a crypto adaption of "Camp of the Saints", a white nationalist novel about refugees and mass migration from the 1970s.
>The Camp of the Saints (French: Le Camp des Saints) is a 1973 French dystopian fiction novel by author and explorer Jean Raspail.[1][2][3] A speculative fictional account, it depicts the destruction of Western civilization through Third World mass immigration to France and the Western world
The refugee subplot and whole racially charged dynamic between white england and the hordes of uprising third worlders makes little sense with the main plot of zero birthrates. The Bexhill uprising scenes from the movie seem to be lifted almost entirely from the book.
I dunno, I've literally never seen anyone else make the connection, but I don't think I'm wrong. Sort of like how The Joker was made as a bullshit superhero movie to shoehorn in a serious plot, I think Children of Men was used to get funding for a film that never would be funded.
No. 1837436
>>1837419Most arguments I see are less about muh ethics and more about the fact that prisoners on death row cost much more in their lifetime than regular prisoners, and that life in prison is a bigger deterrent to criminals than death.
No argument that many criminals deserve death, but I don't think people are as bleeding heart about it as you say. There are practical considerations too.
No. 1837442
>>1837436>life in prison is a bigger deterrent to criminals than deathThis is also a retarded take. Not saying that you in particular are retarded
nonny, but to most criminals, life in prison is not that big of a deal. They still get to study, receive letters from loved ones, get emotional support (for what? for choosing to be a criminal?) pets, still get to work (sure, in prison for prison but their minds are off). For the actual insane ones, they're barely aware of their existence, they don't get to experience doom nor fear, they are some how retarded in the actual sense of the word or autistic so they don't enjoy life anyway. Kill them, cremate them, move the fuck on. They don't deserve the hope to get better.
No. 1837660
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Most women turn into a boy moms because for the first time In their life they have found a man who loves them beyond sex and that makes them unintentionally fall inlove with their son. The son doesn’t care if mommy is pretty, if mommy puts out and he loves mommy just for who she is. This is the first time in a lot of womens lives that they will experience unconditional love from a male and that’s why they go feral over their sons.
No. 1837666
kind of get your point, but still—it's creepy as hell.
No. 1837679
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>>1837677Yeah but even if the dad isn’t giving them love and attention they should go find a new man and not trying to make their teenage son their bf. Looking at the boymom tag on TikTok is wild.
No. 1837681
>>1837660Sad and true
>>1837679A lot of these women are narcissists and they project their need for an emotional and sexual partner onto their sons who are seen as more stable and loyal to them. Even moreso if the son looks a lot like his dad and their relationship has broken down.
No. 1837694
>>1837690No Anon, I think
>>1837651 really truly knows what she's talking about and clearly has a lot of experience (or at the very least extremely rational and well-researched understanding) when it comes to the day-to-day issues that may occur when dealing with individual clients and their confidence being tied to how well you do your job. If they ask for something she doesn't think would work, she'll just say no I'll do it this way and they'll pay her anyway. Customers are notoriously sensible about being told their desires aren't possible. They're also generally reliable and in-and-out of your personal home within an hour. Anyone who doesn't do hair and nails from their house is a retard; Anon has the secret unlocked and will laugh all the way to the bank.
No. 1837695
>>1837688I'm a crunchy goth bitch so I use indigo on my hair. Hairdressers act really condescending about it when I go in for a
cut. Not color,
>Urrrm sweetie don't you know that will turn your hair green? You can't color it anything else now or it will all fall offYes I know, in fact I've been dyeing it black since I was 14. And I hate dumb bitches who think all indigo is the sketchy box kind you get at ethnic stores. Body art quality, pure indigo will not turn your hair anything. It will be hard to remove, sure. But I asked for a HAIR CUT, idiot.
You also reminded me of Brad Mondo who I couldn't stand, hope he's having an awful day.
No. 1837762
>>1837737samefag but i want to add that for murder and in cases where it's unintentional or an accident obviously this wouldn't apply. pretty much only if it's 100% intentional and the person knows what they're doing.
>>1837757very true, it really is just a cope. in general those attachment style things just feel like more bullshit made up labels people made because they have to give a name to every behavior in their life instead of actually analyzing anything and resolving it, similarly to how people call themselves a multitude of gender identities to avoid actually getting to the core of the issue (sexist gender roles). they feel content with just giving it a name and calling it a day. in this case to avoid thinking their bf doesn't care about them and avoid thinking further on it and getting to the root of the issue (him being a bad bf)
No. 1838013
>>1837834I always see INTP on imageboards and similar places but not so much in more normie places. Like it's extremely represented in the friend finder thread here and in 4chan threads, but every time I've had to do MBTI stuff as part of a class in high school or university (at least 3 or 4 times) I'm always an outlier for getting it and they make a big deal out of how it's ostensibly rare for women.
It's a stereotypical autist/NEET archetype: I = reclusive/asocial, N = mind focuses on fantasy/niche topics (as opposed to practical/real world stuff), T = poor emotional skills, P = disorganized/messy. Of course MBTI is hardly scientific and you can interpret these dimensions in more positive ways but I'm just illustrating how a certain kind of person would relate to it.
No. 1838035
>>1837993As a motivated, driven woman who always held a job, cooked, cleaned, planned trips, was thoughtful, gave gifts, etc. for men…yeaaaaah it was barely recirpocated lol.
Men are the lazy sex.
No. 1838124
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>>1838111I want to be adopted by a cute abuelita who will cook delicious meals every day and hit me with her chancla if I don't finish my plate. I sat with my grandmother and patiently watched every episode of María la del Barrio, I deserve my hard earned sloppa.
No. 1838145
>>1838141Ameriburgers coping hard when someone disrespects their precious greasy slop lol.
You can't even talk to an american for 5 minutes and they are bringing up tacos and burritos. That stuff is worse than dog food and the traditional mexican is worse as the secret ingredient is water pollution and non existant food hygiene protocols
No. 1838155
>>1838148mmm baked beans on toast is so good though.
I made chimichangas yesterday for dinner
No. 1838165
>>1838161Doesn't mean you punch down.
What did people being rude back to you do other than turn you into an insecure adult?
No. 1838178
>>1838173>Maybe them knowing they’re ugly ar an early age will prevent them from going to school and bullying their peers.Because all bullies are attractive normies, lol.
Just take the L.
No. 1838286
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>>1838281It’s not even just that. Maybe I’m mentally Ill but I like that boyish charm look. Most men my age if they do look like that are using it to attract much younger women and even when I was young I wasn’t popular with the guys so I never got a chance to have a bf like that.
No. 1838293
>>1838284>act dry and boring >only use you for booty calls>once you loose interest in them they will act like they’re so inlove with you>give them another chance and they go back to acting dry>rinse and repeatOr
>they love bomb you and act super fake>then they cheat>rinse and repeatIt’s all the same shit. It’s boring. When you’re young the love bombing seems exciting but when you’re old it’s just like meh whatever we know where this is going.
No. 1838294
>>1838284>>1838284>act dry and boring >only use you for booty calls>once you loose interest in them they will act like they’re so inlove with you>give them another chance and they go back to acting dry>rinse and repeatOr
>they love bomb you and act super fake>then they cheat or you find out he’s a pedo>rinse and repeatIt’s all the same shit. It’s boring. When you’re young the love bombing seems exciting but when you’re old it’s just like meh whatever we know where this is going.
No. 1838324
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I support being rude to children who are rude to you even as an adult. A 12 year old girl asked me why I’m so ugly and I asked her why she’s such a fat bitch with acne and she cried. You shouldn’t hit children but if they say something rude I’ll say something rude back. Age won’t protect you from me.
No. 1838341
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No. 1838347
>>1838337Anime is full of pandering moid bait, misogyny and pedoshit. More than pretty much all western media. Not to say all western media is good. There is good anime but there's ten awful ones for every good one. I regret wasting time on it for over a decade.
Go back through decades, check out indie or obscure films, or even check out films or media in languages that aren't Japanese nihongoboos, there actually is good western media, most people just don't know where or what to look for
No. 1838383
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Gypsy roses husband seems like he’s a nice guy. He looks mentally retarded and I think he will be a good man for her.
No. 1838394
>>1838290To the 90s? I keep trying but time cops keep dragging me back.
>>1838305A Hail Mary to what? You schizos need to learn how to distinguish the basic differences between people's writing styles. I might as well accuse you of being the only other person in this thread.
>>1838310That good advice, but I'm also not the original nonna, so I have very little skin in the game besides a heartfelt love of riling up tards.
No. 1838463
>>1838111I disagree so much, what have you tried that you disliked? There's quite a bit that is good and a lot of the home cooking never shows up in restaurants.
No. 1838471
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Is it a popular or an unpopular opinion to think Last Meals for death row inmates are stupid? Did their victims get a chance to choose their last meal? They are murderers and rapists, fuck giving them a big fancy last meal. They can kiss the electric chair for their last meal.
No. 1838484
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>>1838473Go back to your dog hate thread.
No. 1838495
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>>1838473Hate how fucked dog breeding has become and wish it was more regulated. Had a friend who bought a purebred pug and if she got too excited or sneezed her eyes would pop out and they would need wet gauze to push them back in.
No. 1838504
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>>1838497Breeding for brachycephalic dogs is getting so out of hand that this problem is considered normal sadly. You can see the same problem with other groups of ill managed pure dog breeds like German Shepherds with their sloped backs, Great Danes with hip dysplasia, or Basset Hounds with blood clotting issues.
No. 1838519
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I love Tom Cruise so much
No. 1838524
like cooking though. I agree on chores tho he can clean his own shit
No. 1838577
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>>1838564>If someones tortures you for twenty years, it's immoral to kill them to escapeSome of you are actually this retarded. You don't even have real opinions, you just choose what you think is a popular opinion and be contrary to it.
No. 1838582
>>1838562that would only work on under 10s.
teens and tweens need to feel the same dark energy we feel when we see a group of them standing around looking at us. they need to know an devastation is imminent. they need to fear our elder experience.
No. 1838588
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>>1838564I didn't know about Gypsy Rose until recently, but after doing a two minute research, she reminds me of Aileen Wuornos. The media and people will try to make it seem like they're these horrifying, monstrous, unintelligent and irredeemable creatures just because they were involved with murder, but I just don't see them that way. The situation isn't a woman having her mom murked because she didn't get a Lamborghini for Christmas. This is a woman who was abused for virtually her entire life, unrelenting rage building up inside for decades, and being driven to fight back in the fucked up line of thinking she was raised in. If anything, it's kind of miracle she didn't turn out "worse" than just killing her mom (and the fat bitch had it coming anyway).
No. 1838637
>>1838599She never even tried telling anyone or contacting authorities about her
abusive situation, went straight to murder and bragging about it online
No. 1838645
>>1838145i lol'd. its the same sort of meme with indian food, fucking revolting sorry indiafrens. makes my skin feel noticeably oily after eating and the flavours are so same-y and boring at that level of heavy spicing. everyone i know who goes to india even second-gen immigrants going "back" get horribly sick from the food, often multiple times. hardcore sloppa.
>>1838148mexico literally has a higher obesity rate than the UK. also mexican food is just beans on flat toast. everything in the world is exactly the same
No. 1838662
>>1838637Didn't Dee Dee convince the authorities that Gyspy was making up all the abuse and was too mentally stunted to even know what abuse was when Gyspy did try to contact them? Or is that just something I heard? Either way it's not like this is a case of Dee Dee just suddenly turning
abusive one day,she would of murdered Gyspy herself anyway to get attention and money. Gyspy just (well her bf) got to it first.
Even if she didn't contact anyone there are plenty of doctors and nurses who should of seen something was up, even with Dee Dee lying and moving around when they asked questions. It would be one thing if Dee Dee just managed to lie her way through some check ups and to get some prescription drugs but it's another that multiple medical professionals got to the point of surgery and didn't notice nothing was wrong.
No. 1838740
>>1838724iirc deedee had documents where she changed gypsys birth year to still make her a minor for a few more years. She claimed their paperwork had been destroyed in hurricane katrina which maybe it was but somehow managed to just give a fake date of birth when getting new documents. God knows how records worked back then to let that happen.
So being a 'minor' on paper police returned her like they tend to do with runaway teens. She had ran off with an older man who just like Godejohn was looking forward to being rewarded with sex for hiding her. One thing I don't get is how deedee told everyone gypsy had the mind of a 7 year old but she's running away to shack up with an older man. Which would at least be teenage behaviour. I think a lack of communication between different services was the major issue. She'd tell different lies to different people and if the right people just got together they'd spot all the inconsistencies along the way.
No. 1838865
>>1838861Yes of course, the grown man, who agreed to murder someone who was nothing to do with him and discussed violent fantasies about murdering is TOTALLY innocent and was manipulated by a girl who wasn’t even allowed to walk and eat, a girl who didn’t even know her real age because she was lied to to that extent, who was on a regular basis chained to a fucking bed.
>immediately went online to gloatAre you talking about the status they posted on deedees Facebook? That was intended to throw investigators off. Nobody ever gloated.
No. 1838880
>>1837688To me, hairdressers (esp. gay men hairdressers) are the pettiest people on earth.
I'm a goth, dyeing my hair blue since I was fuckin 14 (28 now) on my own and I refuse to go to them because I know they're either gonna make fun of me because they think I'm too old or some shit and always push me to go back to my natural color or are kind of…idk how to say it, but I can sense some sort of envy? frustration? In their work? I would trust a scene kid with my hair but not them. I'm not saying that over the years I always did a perfect job, but my blue hair is not fried at all because I learned how to properly care for it.
When I go there, me being out of fashion discourse to the side, it usually goes like this:
"Hello I'm here for a little trim, my hair shape is getting fucked"
>Ohh no dear to have healthy hair you need to cut over the shoulders!"I know, but healthy hair is not my concern right now, it's hair, it's dead either way, as long I'm not balding I'm good"
>"Blue hair is tough!! It's fun to change your hair sometimes but 2-3 times is enough! A whole bleach will break your hair!""The fuck you mean, I only do my roots and dye them."
>Buuuuut it's bad!!! They will fall prematurely!!! If a girl comes to me saying that she wants blue hair, I'm not gonna do it!"I know, that's why I've been doing it on my own since I was 14."
>Omgggg you do it on your own?? It's a miracle that you don't have bald patches!!Everytime they act surprised about me bleaching my hair I wonder if they're incompetent or that shitty at their job.
>Yeah huh, I have mixed, south european and central asian hair. It's thick and oily so since bleach fries hair, I wait for the day they're oily and dirty so I bleach it with no problem, use anti-yellow mask and dye it, done.>Omg then you must be special! I've had countless clients having problems from bleaching!! That's why I don't bleach!"Cool, don't care, can I have my trim now?"
>Okay but I'll cut every damaged part so you're gonna have your hair over your shoulders, alright?"No, fuck off."
Of course my hair is not perfect like virgin hair. No shit, but I always do weekly deep masks, oil my ends when I go to bed, don't use the hair dryer and such and it's almost reaching my ass. Blue. No I don't spend extra time in the shower, I shampoo it, rinse, put conditioner, tie it up in a bun with a hairclip I always keep in the shower, scrub my body, let it down, put on the hair mask and while it sits on my hair, I wash my body, rinse body, rinse hair, done. 20min at max.
I feel like they create problems on purpose so you convince yourself that you need them constantly. Legalized scammers.
I'm also sad when I see people over 25 cutting their hair because "so I'd look professional because children and young people have long hair!" (shit I actually heard). When I go out, girls and women like to touch it and I don't mind but then they say "Ohh I could never grow it out like this! It's too much care (no,
you believe it's too much care because your faggot hairdresser says so) and they don't look mature!"
Who says that? Dirty moids with crumbles in their beard and faggots who are envious because they're balding. Don't listen to them.
Sorry for hair sperging but I love my hair and I wish people would love their own too. Not talking about doing crazy colors or cuts but stop listening to boring hairdressers who only want easy bag
No. 1838917
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I fully expect to see the rise in AI-centered religions in the following centuries and it creeps me out. The way people speak of AI dominating over everything like it’s inevitable and that there are no agendas associated with their funding or programming is so creepy to me. Or how AI WILL teach other AI and then it integrates into something superhuman and then we must worship this new “god”. Never been religious but I’m starting to think people have a religion hole inside them
No. 1838929
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>>1838154I believe you even if the other anons dont, fuck them rude ass kids
No. 1838966
>>1838957rich kids in private schools are absolutely brutal specially in a shit world country.
These kids know their allowance money is more than the teacher's salary and that their parent's connections is basically plot armor. The know it and weaponize it daily
No. 1838973
>>1838861I think there's some element of the apple not falling far from the tree. Gene wise and childhood wise she's primed to end up inheriting a PD or picking up certain behaviours. I won't be surprised if her social media posting now turns messy. Messier than her current 'we have great sex' posts with the husband which is already insanely fucking tone deaf. To prioritize telling the whole world that rn. Don't worry guys the sex is great. Oh ok phew. That's what we needed to know.
But godejohn being manipulated.. he badly wanted to rape Deedee during the attack and had to be talked out of that part by Gypsy. He was inserting all these necro aspects trying make the murder fit sexual fantasies he already had. Poor little Godejohn never got his necrophilia wish. There's manipulation all round. Her needing someone else to do the dirty work. Sicko thinking he had just hit the sexual jackpot. He was always going to some opportunitsic sex offender.
No. 1838993
>>1838978Why would a 10 year old need a gift card for Sephora kek.
No. 1838995
>>1838993>Why would a 10 year old need a gift card for Sephora kek.……to
No. 1838999
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>>1838993>why would a kid need a gift card to SephoraYou’re behind in the trends you’re getting old anon. Haven’t you heard that Gen alpha is obsessed with drunk elephant and skin care?those Stanley cups and drunk elephant are in greens with Gen alpha
No. 1839017
>>1838999Oh yeah let’s start that consooming and insecurity over superficial features at a young age! When I was 10 I wanted to go to toys r us,
not buy overpriced goop to put on my skin because aging past 16 is a nightmare to me. There used to be laws against advertising to children but now they all have tiktok and see horrible idiotic shit every day and don’t even have the ability to question it. Businesses and corporations are rubbing their hands together in glee that so many kids are exposed to manipulative marketing.
No. 1839041
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>>1839036Most of those little girls I see on TikTok using this stuff are in nice houses and shit. Based off that little girls bathroom they for sure are at least upper middle class.
No. 1839056
>>1839041I'm actually assmad that this lady thinks it's okay to film her preteen daughter while she's wearing leggings and post it on the internet. Moids are
goddamned weird about leggings and that poor girl is prime age for creepy comments. ik ik there's way worse stuff going on but it's like her presumably millennial parents learned nothing from the internet safety psas we were force fed in school.
No. 1839073
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>>1839068>Every generation becomes smarter than previous generations(which is statistically proven)lmfao, the trends has literally been inverting since social media came along. Mental illness, short attention spans and lower iq are the growing trend now
No. 1839080
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On the bright side Gen alpha will be the most hydrated generation since they love Stanley cups so much
No. 1839081
>>1839076I think its a weak excuse, surely the well being of your kid is worth more than other parents calling you a karen for not letting your kid have a 24/7 porn and grooming device.
The current bath of middle agers are in arrested development and still want to seem hip and cool and pretend they are 20 years old instead of maybe admitting that their own parents were right about some things
No. 1839084
>>1839078They go to the mall, they're just still on their phones half the time KEK
>>1839071Your answer reminds me of this post
>>>/ot/1837648 No. 1839086
>>1839080do they drink water or is it pepsi and other
toxic sugary watery stuff?
No. 1839094
>>1839078Yeah they used to, doesn't work that way when every one of your peers has a phone, a very large chunk of communication happens through said phone and kids' are notoriously evil towards other kids who don't fit in. Doesn't help parents seem to be way less equipped/able/willing to discipline their children than previous generations. My grandparents would slap my mom on her hands or behind with a belt if she didn't listen (not a practice I agree with necessarily) but parents have definitely gone much softer over the past generations and it reflects in how school-age kids behave even compared to early gen-z/late millenial kids who aren't significantly older.
Kids are indoors more than any generation before them, they're all glued to screens. Sure you kick your kids' asses outside but there won't be anyone else for them to play with or they are there but still stuck on their phone anyway. So nothing changes and the status quo remains.
Basically you can definitely attempt go against the stream and take away your kids' phone or severely limit their screen time but it won't do much as long as we don't get a generation-wide revolution of parents doing the same.
No. 1839099
>>1839076It's weird that children need access to adult spaces? It reminds me of the old times when there was no real teenage phase and people just went straight to adulthood after childhood. I think the being raised by the TV/computer is intentional because of capitalism. Burgerfag here. Parents focus on work and themselves, nuclear families are prioritized over communities with down to earth culture and values. Mass media becomes the sole source of values and culture and narratives that drive individual motivation. Social media is a self-automating ad service that ensures you're always insecure and trying to make/spend more money so you don't feel alienated. Parents don't have time and energy and social skills etc to set up communities and alternative activities and values. Because there are/were no emotionally healthy elders to teach them to be comfortable with that more "traditional" (yikes) life, let alone how to become that next generation of guidance.
>>1839078To be fair, malls have been dying for a long time. As a poorfag millenial kid I didn't do malls unless someone's mom felt sorry for me because I didn't have money or rides. America has been harassing kids for "loitering" when they have nowhere to go without a car, for a long time. And you might get the cops called on you for being too old for playgrounds.
No. 1839100
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>>1839090with a smartphone you could feel equally alienated but with more men grooming you, advertising bombarding you all day and troons convincing you to chop your tits off.
No. 1839133
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>>1839122No anon, 11 years old haven't been watching scat furry porn since forever.
Why can't some people just admit that there are problems that are exclusive or massively worsened by modern times?
No. 1839138
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Blackpillers need to stop discrediting their opinions by acting so mentally ill. Jumping to the defensive and infighting as automatic reflex, assuming all disagreement is from a pickme feeling attacked, even by anons who clearly agree with them otherwise. I'm as disgusted with sex and femininity as any of those anons but I can also have a civil discussion which seems to be beyond them.
No. 1839383
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>>1839381What?? Anon!! How could you say you hate the fugly alien metaphor baby?!?
No. 1839399
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>>1839388>>1839383I agree the baby is funny and also extremely creepy which makes it slightly interesting, but apart from that, garbage.
No. 1839508
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People who look like this are the luckiest people on earth
No. 1839519
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>>1839516She still looks like that even without all the editing. It’s so unfair that some people get to be cute but I have to be one of the fat pizzza faces.
No. 1839522
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>>1839508No, it's people who look like this
No. 1839566
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>>1839508Meh, she just looks so fake to me, sorry. But then I think girls with sort of lazy mean eyes like Kristin Stewart are the most beautiful women ever, and I’ve seen people call her average or ugly and I think “you must be crazy”
No. 1839593
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>>1839508Picrel is the most beautiful woman in the world for me and I wish I looked like her, she even looks so much better with age. My heart goes out to you though
nonnie, I am a kpopfag and the beauty standards are insane. No use in comparing yourself to a bunch of underweight children who have faces full of filler and botox.
No. 1839733
>>1839569The amount of kids I saw post "oh noooo, 2003 kids are turning 20 in 2023" or being genuinely terrified of turning 20 scares me. The fuck are they going to do when they hit 25 or 30? Kill themselves if they are so terrified by 20 already?
I'm an early zoomer and I don't remember my '97 - '00 peers acting like that, we were happy to turn 20.
No. 1839740
>>1839733>>1839736It actually is understandable that so many people are scared of being adults today. Being an adult has always meant more responsibility, but I think now teenagers are more unprepared to become adults more than ever. Especially when you consider that each generation of parents are getting worse and thus not preparing their children to be on their own. We're going to see the "scared of becoming an adult" thing even worse with Gen alpha because their parents are legitimately just not preparing them for anything.
I guess that's my unpopular opinion for this thread.
No. 1839788
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>>1839774Pretty grim tbh because is not like you can tell them to "follow the right path" because there isn't one and right now its not a meritocracy, its a casino.By the time a lot of zoomers graduate the jobs they are preparing for might not even exist anymore
No. 1839812
>>1839768>becoming an adult seemingly only comes with downsides for the "will own nothing and be happy" generationYes, there's that too and I used to have this defeatist mentality around it as well, but in the end I realized that fearing this (unfortunate and most likely inevitable) turn of events will prevent me from doing something for myself and people I care about. I know my opinion might be biased since I live in a post commie country and we have this mentality that things can be worse, so we just enjoy what we have while we still can.
Edited, I replied to the wrong post
No. 1839901
>>1839893It's just a quote of what the make up debates descend into. I don't wear it or feel invested. That's the joke. How serious it gets
And I'm a joke for tagging the wrong post
No. 1839907
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>>1839827When I was 9 I played around with kids' makeup that had that weird, really thick paste-like consistency or colorless powder, all useless. I'm so glad I'm not a child in the tiktok age.
No. 1839970
>>1839952OK, how would you redact that then? Oh glorious anon, master of redaction.
>>1839957Anon, have you seen how hard it is to leave venezuela with this cursed passport that no one wants in their countries? Only people with the nationality of their parents can leave, even in Colombia is a pain in the ass to get a job unless you're Colombian.
No. 1839988
>>1839986Most people have kids because they fucked, got pregnant, and then said “might as well keep it”
nobody cares about their “genetic legacy” other than racial nationalists
No. 1840003
>>1839975That's true, I only feel bad for kids and young women born into this mess, the rest
literally voted for it, several times too
No. 1840044
>>1840031There's nobody keeping people fat. Fat people stay fat because of their own issues.
There is nothing wrong with kindness unless it's two-faced.
No. 1840054
>>1840043Anecdotes from women I've known and others. To be clear, there are insecure fat women who do it too. The whole thing is learned helplessness mixed with
toxic, fake kindness.
>>1840044The current body positivity movement is the definition of two-faced, it's not kindness. They deliberately spread misinformation to dissuade people from weight loss and fitness, promote BED behaviors, bash "smallfats" and shame plus-sized female celebrities if they eat healthy or even appear to be losing weight.
They took something that could've been meant to help women who are disabled (for example) and made it about obesity.
No. 1840056
>>1840054I'm body positive but have never been a science denier. Meaning nobody deserves to feel like shit for their bodies but shouldn't deny the reality of their condition and try to achieve better health.
Why do you presume everyone is as shitty as how you think?
No. 1840061
>>1840055>Many people who post things online about "loving all bodies" don't actually want to see the less fortunate people around them improve.This is just the dark side of human nature though, it really has nothing to do with fat people.
Ever heard of the saying "crabs in the bucket"? People react negatively to bring someone improving down. It doesn't mean every person who genuinely doesn't give a fuck if a stranger loves their own body secretly wants them to fail. People don't care as much as you think.
No. 1840068
>>1840031idk why anons are acting like many skinny women aren't insecure and mean. at my school we had this skinny model type girl who exclusively befriended fat girls so she'd look even skinnier next to them. she would barely talk to normal sized girls. of course not all skinny women are like that but i'm not surprised that a lot of them are.
>>1840055can confirm, i lost half my weight and the people i thought were my friends got mad at me and kept bitching at me for losing weight in an unhealthy way. i lost 2 kilos a month which absolutely is a sustainable, healthy weight loss. when i was still 20 kilos overweight the same friends would try to discourage me from trying to lose more and accused me of having an eating disorder. people like to pretend that this is just a few bad apples but i hear this time and time again from other former fatties. the circles around fatties love the fatties for being fat because they can feel superior. of course true friends still exist, and a bit of jealousy when someone suddenly improves before their very eyes is natural in humans, but actively trying to sabotage someone on their weight loss journey happens extremely often.
No. 1840069
>>1840056>Why do you presume everyone is as shitty as how you think?I'm not sure what you mean by "how I think", because I obviously don't agree with the two-faced people I describe. I don't presume it, either. I've literally seen it in action, repeatedly, play by play. If that doesn't apply to you, it's because I'm not talking about you.
>>1840061I didn't say "every person" thinks that way, I'm saying there are people who do think that way, especially those deeply entrenched in that "movement", and it's bad. Crabs in the bucket mentality is fucked up in every context.
No. 1840086
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>>1840029OT but Venezuela's story is very curious in retrospective, because Chávez, the one behind this disaster, was a professional manipulator, a psychopath and clinically insane, had he been born in any other LATAM country he would've ruined that too, because populism is cancer. Everything was great, until the population decided to vote for Chavez, who appeared okayish, then when he got a hold on the power it was extremely
over and he went the communist dictator route. He started to encourage mass poverty by creating thousands of welfare programs and giving impoverished women the ability to have a paycheck by pumping several kids they couldn't afford. He took by force the most powerful national companies and destroyed them, including the farms, food services and electric stations. He literally hired psychologists and professionals to learn how to manipulate the poor and exploit the weaknesses of our culture, how to speak and talk so anyone would listen him, he decided to literally turn
everything red to mentally instigate violence and division onto the population including welfare items, whole ass buildings, anything related to him. He also put these fucking eyes everywhere to make everyone believe he was this omnipresent being observing everything, someone you couldn't escape. People don't got any idea of how mentally insane this man was, nor how much effort he put into ruining literally everything he touched and traumatizing the population as much as he could.
No. 1840094
>>1840068>of course true friends still exist, and a bit of jealousy when someone suddenly improves before their very eyes is natural in humans, but actively trying to sabotage someone on their weight loss journey happens extremely often.Exactly. It's fucked up how this sort of thing is socially sanctioned under the guise of being "positive about "all bodies". It's insane how binge eating isn't recognized as a form of disordered behavior by those kinds of people, just losing weight or exercising.
I'm not sure why some anons jumped in to blogpost and accuse anyone who notices this of thinking all skinny women who say their friend who happens to be fat looks nice are on a mission to keep them fat instead of the obvious shitty actions and statements you mentioned, but maybe they just don't pay attention (or, in the worst case scenario, they're either anachans or fat people who feel called out for their crab activities).
No. 1840127
>>1840112It's not just skinny women doing it tbf.
>Can't you just turn it around and be like then why aren't you my weight skinny bitch?"Everyone is built different, it's just my metabolism (ie I'm allowed to be this weight, but not you, even if it's healthier for you. source: fat person on the internet who insists they are not unhealthy, obesity is purely a metabolic issue, every fat person is meant to be fat and no one should be losing weight)".
Also, "You are being so rude, you are body-shaming me for being thin just because I body-shamed you for losing weight, this proves you have an eating disorder".
No. 1840138
>>1840133>the original unpopular opinion was specifically about a mindset of some skinny women specifically targeting fat women with fake body positivity to ensure the skinny one is put up on some pedestal of desireYeah, pickmes exist, and so do fat copers. This isn't news, and it makes no sense for you to be so
triggered to see it mentioned, unless
No. 1840145
>>1840141That is what was said in
>>1840031, it's one of many branches of pickmeism. Stop projecting and chill out already.
No. 1840153
>>1840143The meanest bullies I had were fat kek.
One of my fat friends from highschool use to actively seethe over other women's bodies. I never brought it up to her, but other friends of ours pointed out to me in the height of millennials uploading a billion photos for every night out she would always make my worst photogenic moments the album covers but I always thought they were so random and lulz until another friend mentioned do you ever notice how friend won't put nice photos of you in her albums. This was when everyone uploaded the same photos to their own albums on social media and she would only put awful ones up of me. She also skinwalked the ever loving fuck out of me lol. She's massive now.
No. 1840156
>>1840144It's directly connected to the pro-ana early 2000s, when even skinny celebrities were called fat by tabloids all day. This has equally
toxic effects, but it pretends to be progressive.