File: 1489302233082.png (515.11 KB, 714x449, Mabinogi irl.png)

No. 183563
File: 1489302448118.png (127.43 KB, 406x201, irl.png)

No. 183564
File: 1489302500918.jpg (389.16 KB, 575x660, 1450652445104.jpg)

No. 183583
File: 1489334583549.jpg (68.76 KB, 579x428, 578238_215381688575610_1960810…)

never 4get
No. 183660
File: 1489425506893.png (1.18 MB, 1773x599, 25766aswa.png)

No. 183682
File: 1489443286195.jpg (55.69 KB, 640x699, 1-25.jpg)

No. 183683
File: 1489443426334.png (647.66 KB, 610x612, cover_17.png)

No. 183700
File: 1489454775721.jpg (74.22 KB, 604x461, 548105e2e691b21281bbfdf8_736.j…)

>>183685Yeah, she was like 15-16 in most of 'before' photos and people's face still aren't fully aged/mature then. Pic related is my favorite though, shows that good lighting/angles/posing is everything.
No. 184166
File: 1489943534182.jpg (4.14 MB, 3240x4500, misa_chiang.jpg)

No. 184169
>>184166basically all chinese cosplayers
(or asian)
No. 184466
File: 1490237216370.png (2.4 MB, 2180x1110, fodyfi.png)

No. 184505
File: 1490275873782.jpg (397.26 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170323_142743_883.jpg)

No. 184509
File: 1490280078337.jpg (194.04 KB, 1037x691, Renard Queenston.jpg)

No. 184580
>>184509>Ren Queenston, also known as Renard Queenston, VULPvibe Records, LapFox Trax, Voodoo Nurse, Halley Labs and NSRRenard (born 1988), is an agender electronic musician and game designer. They live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.t. Wikifur
No. 184643
File: 1490392164668.png (375.26 KB, 500x433, ren.png)

>>184580>agenderBut wait, there's more!
>28 years old>they/them pronouns>repeatedly sexually assaulted his ex-girlfriend, and admitted to it when she called him out for it, but claims to have sexsomnia so he "wasn't aware" he was doing it. No. 184816
File: 1490576688974.jpg (1.69 MB, 2880x3840, IMG_1550.JPG)

Only a mild comparison, but I've been coming across a LOT of cosplayers who look flawless because they butt blast the blur tool. There are worst examples I'd dig up right away but I'm lazy for tonight. Anyways, I kind of actually enjoy going into someone's tagged pics just to see the real them
No. 184843
>>184816guess what, when women get older, their skin doesn't keep looking like in a video game so I see not problem with a little PS-ing.
And yes, it will happen to you too.
No. 184931
>>184843Calm down, older
triggered anon. She doesn't look that way because of age, she looks like that because she's skinnyfat. And even if she were toned, we all know she wouldn't look like pic on the right, nobody ever would.
No. 184994
>>184983You literally said
>when women get older, their skin doesn't keep looking like in a video gameI'm just saying it has nothing to do with age
No. 185012
File: 1490721318696.jpg (896.97 KB, 2560x2560, IMG_1025.JPG)

Never forget this girl who always selfposts on cgl
No. 185016
File: 1490722450499.jpg (181.25 KB, 1219x813, Image.jpg)

No. 185017
File: 1490722848165.jpeg (275.64 KB, 683x1024, 89C1769F-7E18-4DB8-8111-3E6FC2…)

>>185016Zekia looks tragic irl.
No. 185019
File: 1490724521439.jpg (57.14 KB, 1035x531, wowie.jpg)

Asian beauty filters especially, shit is wild
>ngl tho I love them, they make me look cute as fuck No. 185052
>>185043>same file name Looks like anon wants people to shit on her as much as possible.
>>185044I guess gulls think it's a vendetta. I think her shoop is awful and she doesn't look that cute though.
No. 185054
>>185053Fairly certain that it's the same vendetta poster and not a self-post. If you're gonna self-post, why shit all over yourself?
Sage for no contribute.
No. 185208
>>185202I am itching to spill some of the vile shit she has said, but then it would be obvious who I am and I would not be surprised if she lurks here. She has a really sweet persona online too, it's totally shocking how nasty she can actually be.
But yes, you are completely dead on about that.
No. 185314
File: 1490917691411.png (468.85 KB, 573x424, 182409.PNG)

>>184466this is almost endearing
No. 185390
File: 1490987462715.jpg (41.5 KB, 400x400, nF_tQNIa.jpg)

No. 185391
File: 1490987506435.png (157.05 KB, 265x365, sage.png)

>>185390and IRL. Still pretty, but that haircut doesn't do her any favours
No. 185888
File: 1491468346043.jpg (157.76 KB, 1024x769, IMG_1556.JPG)

"7 years makes a difference"
I think that's more than just time that's making a difference, honey.
No. 185889
>>185888Woah the fuck!? No idea who this is, but did she have extensive plastic surgery or is this shop?
I know that time and hair/makeup can make a huge different, but this doesn't even look like the same person (nose, eye shape, lips, face shape)….The after is cute as fuck but damn lol
No. 185943
>>185931you sure you're not being fooled by the lighting and photoshop in the after picture? (smaller nose and face shape)
because how in the fuck can you think that ugly ass party city wig and creepy googly eyes dripping off her irises look better than the before picture? she looks like a circus clown who gives children nightmares. she could really do without all that fake shit and milanoo clothing
No. 185956
File: 1491518586434.png (958.52 KB, 720x960, 1486434616002.png)

>>185889it's shoop. I think it would be fine if her eyes didn't look so over the top.
No. 186113
File: 1491687163787.jpg (43.72 KB, 500x400, Mmorpgs_d5d40c_695452.jpg)

>>183683right for both
>>185012>>185013second post
>>185390>>185391both but you are right about hair
>>185888both but leaning right
File: 1492058939242.jpg (65.66 KB, 604x453, Hia_1jlGNeA.jpg)

>>184643He repeatedly cheated on and raped his other ex as well. I have no idea how 14 year olds on tumblr continue to kiss his ass.
No. 193391
>>193273I wish, I have to actively make myself not play it because every time I come back I end up spending money. I get kinda sad because everyone I knew is gone. Was a closed beta tester who played actively for about 5-6 years.
Mostly quit after Martyrs hacks got out and people started crashing the server.
Lost about 80m worth of stuff when that used to be a lot. I messaged NX and I literally didn't get a reply til a year later if the exact date, always will be salty because I spent way too much money on it.
Who here ruairi? It'd be funny if any of us knew each other since the community was always kinda small.
No. 193394
>>193349you dont know until you get sucked into it, man. nexon will steal all your cash they got the ploys.
>>193391alexina here since alexina was the least popular server. i tried making a character in ruairi and it was 100x more dead than alexina used to be.
No. 193397
>>193394you dont know until you get sucked into it, man. nexon will steal all your cash they got the ploys
Shit, so true. Maplestory got me super addicted and although I didn't spend a bunch I still wasted money i could've used for something better.
No. 193398
>>193394>>193394What ploys? I get that they are super cheeky and put restrictions on like maximum gold etc to force you to go vip but you can just choose not to do that.
I imagine they make most of their money from a small pool of rich kids that compete for influence over the production line/economy of mabi
I've been on alexina for years, didn't know it was an unpopular one :o
No. 193409
>>193398>what ploysjust about everything in mabi that's fun and worth it requires cash.
>rich kidsyep, all the anons and i hanging out here on lolcow are super rich dude
>max goldare we even playing the same game or did they restrict you because you're that new?
No. 193418
>>193394Yeah after the hacking that came from ruairi happened a lot of people left. Kinda shitty since I knew the people who scripted them(never used them of course) . I can't say anything about other servers since I never tried, I just knew Alexinas had a amazing economy I was jealous of. You know how dyes predicted the economy… Idk about now though.
Ruairi has the most hilarious drama, a lot of the top tier people would marry each other than break up and post the nudes in the forums. I remember the large irl picture thread and ha… I did not want to see their privates.
No. 193545
File: 1496585933906.gif (191.42 KB, 1250x373, inventory.gif)

I played for years without ever putting cash in, you only need cash for pets or getting a foothold in the economy. (actually forget pets you can get them in events)
when I finally got to 3mil gold in my bank mabi was like 'upgrade to vip to get more bank storage', which is crazy because it means you need VIP service to even buy any of the items over 3mil (like 9 mil succubus boots)
I never said anywhere that anons on lolcows are super rich…
>you're that newI literally said I've played for years in my last post, maybe read posts before you reply
>>193418Gems and dyes are practically worthless now from being given away in so many events. Dyes have gone from being 100k avg to nothing in a year
+ omg can we posts pics from IRL threads
No. 193550
>>193545aww i couldn't find any
>>193418do you have any of these irl pictures anon
No. 193628
>>193418remember when dyes were 50k then 100k then 300k-700k and now idk what they are. fucking alexina's market is crazy in fluctuation.
also, i'd rather not see anyones nudes from mabinogi considering how everyone looks on the facebook page lmao
No. 194329
>>193273>>193280>>193314God, I miss this game so much, I used to spend hours upon hours playing. I've still never found a game that is that enjoyable to me, the combat system was weird but way more engaging than other MMOS i've tried, and the fashion items were perfect.
I would kill for an updated version of the game with more modern graphics.
No. 195555
File: 1497827800262.jpg (42.57 KB, 359x350, beforeafter.jpg)

>>185888I wonder if she gets every photographer to photoshop her, or asks them to only post pics she's edited herself
No. 195600
>>193418>Ruairi has the most hilarious dramaSPILL THAT DRAMA!!!
The most I know is that the left girl in OP's pic
>>183562 is ruairi's GM
No. 195690
>>185016>>185888I had a weird instance where I met with some of Zekia's friends and her boyfriend and they claimed that she "only used filters" and did not shoop. The delusion was unreal, especially considering how much she shoops her own bf in ig pictures lol.
Her eye surgery is also extremely obvious.
No. 195702
>>195610yeah fuck that autistic guy
>>195690her eyes looked untouched irl though, why get surgery and still look small? it makes no sense
No. 195837
File: 1498036962277.jpg (781.27 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_4606.JPG)

>>195709She's honestly not ugly unshopped, she's just not as smooth and animu.
No. 196323
File: 1498298795310.png (201.95 KB, 490x350, 093029190_312.png)

wow the similarity is uncanny
No. 196335
>>196323Fuck, I've never seen his face before.
No. 196389
File: 1498366290717.jpg (1.81 MB, 2048x2730, 1496878411192 copy.jpg)

>>195555Courtesy of cgl. It looks like she got the tog to shoop her first and then went back later to make herself skinnier, enlarge her eye, smooth out her body shape, make her arm longer, etc.
No. 196475
>>195702Huh. Small world. How did you know Gawayno? I knew him for a few years back when he was a Touhoufag before hating the fandom because they didn't care about him. Last i spoke to him, he was unemployed after graduating with a bachelor's in game design living with his parents because he suffers from autism. His mother won't let him live on his own or move out due to his autism.
You should see his personal portfolio, it's pretty bad kek.
No. 196558
>>196475Please post the portfolio
I know him because he hangs out in dunbarton all the time larping with his friends
No. 196766
File: 1498735474723.jpg (3.91 KB, 160x160, download.jpg)

>>196558>>196596Ask and you shall receive, my friends. As an added bonus, picture is how he looks IRL. Pretty much what you expect from a guy like him. Thank Google for that.
Also, his portfolio links his deviantart and it is shit. His artwork is pretty terrible.'s a pretty bad portfolio. In addition to the terrible web design and color choices, it hasn't been updated since he graduated. He linked it to me when he told me about his shitty Shark Beast game. The funny thing about the game is that it is TERRIBLE. It became a joke between me and friends after we played it and fell through the water and never spawned back on the 2nd level. Used to shit talk it nonstop. He at one point lied to me stating that he had the textured version of his Shark Beast game saved on his computer, when he really didn't. He's made other shitty games on Unity with some of his crappy characters. Whenever he made a new game, he would link me a preview of it on Vimeo telling me about it and how i thought about it. It was usually just prototype shit. He would message me on Steam on and off about how i thought about his shit or rambles about nonsense i didn't care about.
I even once recommended him to get a job from home since his resume states he knows so much. He knows Unity, HTML, C# and many others, you'd figure he'd find a job working using the skills he learned in college. He also has a Bachelor of Arts in Game Design. But i assume he sits his fatass on Mabinogi since he never took the advice. Like i said before, he told me he suffers from autism and his mother refuses to let him go to Cali on his own, that and move out of the house.
Please tell me about your experience with this guy on Mabinogi. He's had me blocked for a few years and i would love to know if he's still a manbaby living with his parents with a dusty degree, while rambling about shit nobody cares about. Does he still talk about his shitty characters that he draws? He wouldn't shut the fuck up about them to me and their shit bio stories. Good to know his art still sucks ass lol.
No. 196791
File: 1498752950441.jpg (699.18 KB, 1280x1280, F134.jpg)

I'm surprised that fans of these cosplayers are totally oblivious to this
No. 196792
File: 1498753248549.jpg (412.14 KB, 784x784, S232.jpg)

No. 196795
File: 1498755005748.png (427.47 KB, 720x557, Screenshot_2017-06-29-12-47-11…)

Does anyone know how Saya the fox really looks like? She left and came back with a whole new face but I think she still photoshops
No. 196798
File: 1498757539808.jpg (106.62 KB, 594x960, sayafox_cosplay_by_ryuuji_sama…)

>>196795Is this her before?
She looks really creepy now.
No. 196815
>>196791This isn't even as bad as it gets. You should've compared her real face to one of her momosweetcosplay era or one of her "just a teeny weeny Japanese uwu" era shoops.
>>196795She used to look like a potato-ey white girl.
No. 197276
File: 1499186360641.jpg (1.11 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_5312.JPG)

No. 197284
>>197276The one thing that really bugs me is that the sword isn't straight lol.
Anyways you can clearly see that light makes a huge difference too (as well as shiny material lol)
I don't think her picture is too much photoshoped though. You can still tell that this is the same person.
No. 197290
File: 1499201799986.png (78.96 KB, 503x500, IMG_1343.thumb.PNG.a7132911dc2…)

Surprised no one posted the Meredith Mickelson fiasco. Long story short, Instagram model gets to runway and looks like a whole different person
No. 197324
File: 1499225334987.jpg (85.11 KB, 700x337, Meredith Mickelson.jpg)

>>197290her fake bee-stung lips make me want to vomit
No. 197327
File: 1499228630958.jpg (161.95 KB, 1302x845, uzGudk8.jpg)

I'm surprised no one mentioned Mon. And tbh, her smile is way prettier irl, I hate the way she shoops it.
No. 197344
>>197290Damn I feel so much better about myself… Her instagram legit made me feel like shit.
She is also profoundly dumb.
No. 197374
triggers me that none of this is natural, just insta posing. Might as well be a boomerang gif.
No. 197375
File: 1499264487373.jpg (100.56 KB, 675x1200, DC3gwjCXsAEgT3j.jpg)

>>197344She's cute imho, but not nearly as gorgeous as in her insta pics. She shoops her eyes to be slanted and her jawline irl is fucked. I'm also concerned about those swollen cheeks.
Alas, insta models are always hiding something
No. 197483
File: 1499360090869.jpg (1.81 MB, 1920x2560, 17-07-06-12-53-07-558_deco.jpg)

To be honest I don't have anything against cosplayer who use ps to make themselve look more like the character. It's still funny to see how they actually look lol.
No. 197505
File: 1499376782955.png (139.67 KB, 664x1108, IMG_5344.PNG)

Such a realistic shoop.
No. 197510
File: 1499380399495.jpg (348.41 KB, 611x959, Screenshot_20170706-183140.jpg)

>>197494Idk I think the ps one looks like her 9 year old sister or so.
I don't think it's that extreme either bc she has a natural babyface
Anyways attached is a older picture I found of her. The other one was posted by a friend so who knows if they shoped it as well
I still think this girl is pretty her ps is just a little bit too perfect for me if that makes sense.
No. 197831
File: 1499643208298.jpg (210.08 KB, 920x413, shoop.jpg)

I wonder how long it'll be until she takes down this video
No. 198593
>>198460probably some sponsored dress for a company that she "models" for. check her ig.
>>198586unless it's really dramatic like
>>197290 or koots, don't do it. it'll come off as vendetta.
No. 198793
File: 1500358159127.jpg (378.25 KB, 1060x1280, z.jpg)

at least she's honest about how she looks
No. 201181
File: 1502131746043.jpg (272.88 KB, 960x1280, IMG_6531.JPG)

I don't understand how people can look at pictures of cosplayers like pic related and think that that's what they look like irl.
No. 203985
File: 1504994842872.png (325.78 KB, 616x358, jhtr.png)

he got the fat part down pretty well i guess, shame is he was decently cute before he move to the U.S. and got all fat and bald in just 3 years rip
No. 204336
File: 1505313996091.png (114.07 KB, 749x841, IMG_7564.PNG)

She genuinely looks cute here. I don't understand her obsession with looking like an alien.
No. 204356
>>203985>>203998lol seeing Chris O'Neill on here with girls trying to look cute is really funny to me. Like Chris was trying to be anything but a sexy cute model.
Besides the animator's lifestyle doesn't really produce a fuckable bunch.
No. 204401
>>204344>He stated before that his hairline was receding, so I can see why he shaved.He had shaved his hair partially for this video before shaving it all off
Chris makes a great creepy uncle lol
No. 205681
>>205595>barely wearing any makeupare you a guy or just a girl who has never worn makeup?
This is a full face of makeup.
No. 206069
>>205796Just because you know what foundation and eyeshadow are doesn't mean you know shit about makeup.
God, I want the robots to leave.
No. 207436
File: 1507192096635.jpg (1.88 MB, 2560x2560, 17-10-05-01-24-40-980_deco.jpg)

No. 207934
>>207919That amount of photoshop is average?!
Her shooping is moomoo tier, the only difference is that she's not completely hideous or fat in real life…
No. 207944
>>207939First of, i have no idea who she even is; secondly just because cosplayers shoop themselves to hell and back, doesn't mean it's right.
I don't konw there you come from, but this is not what a human being looks like! If you showed this to anybody on the street nobody could even tell it's her. That's not an insuts to her looks, i clearly stated that she's not ugly, but i do think that it's fraud to put things like these outside. Not that i care about possible neckbeards fapping to some shooped pic out there, but these 'cosplayers' sadly always also have some little girls worshipping them - and they don't get that looking like this naturally is unachievble…
No. 207976
>>207950She probably sharpens her jaw and slims her nose, but that's pretty average editing for most cosplayers anyhow. I don't care about this girl, but frankly it's a little strange that half this thread is about her when her editing isn't anything extreme, and then there's weird vendetta-y posts like
>>195690 . There are cosplayers like 小柔SeeU who photoshop way more drastically. Tbh this thread is filled with post that are pretty obviously the ugliest photo versus the most flattering photo, like
>>196792 ,
>>197327 , and
>>196791 , but at least they aren't taking up half the thread.
No. 208084
File: 1507652205483.png (2.03 MB, 1866x1186, Screen_Shot_2017-02-23_at_11.1…)

Seriously, compare this to
>>207436 …
No. 208149
>>208142You forgot this part
>where they're making a weird expression.At least compare shots where they're making the same expression, not one where they look like they're in the middle of a word or about to blink. It's dumb to look at a picture where someone has their eyes half open and laughing and compare it to a picture where they're straight faced and go "oh wow look how much uglier and wrinkly they look guys lol"
No. 208330
no, people just want to bitch
>but you guise just use bad candids and perfect photoswell
>>207436 isn't that but it's still more bitching
>obviously bad lighting will make her look bad wehand even when people post photoshoot shit
>>204336>weh she's not wearing enuff makeups guise of course she looks different!!! No. 208700
File: 1507856500954.png (1015.69 KB, 1334x750, IMG_8520.PNG)

>>207436She actually looks pretty similar to the left photo in >>208100's video.
Does anyone else feel like Zekia's drama is manufactured? Like yeah she shoops but so do other people and people don't get into long, drawn out arguments over shooping/not shooping.
No. 208704
File: 1507857393064.png (2.12 MB, 1539x846, 145.png)

>>208701>>208700Samefag, I dropped my picture.
I definitely can see some shoop, but still pretty similar.
No. 221357
>>185019i don't even get this one. She looks adorable on the left!
The right is like some weird dollification shit wtf>>185019
No. 235999
File: 1521703209200.jpg (443.41 KB, 1918x2239, IMG_4110.JPG)

Just someone from back in high school.(vendetta; necro)
No. 236019
File: 1521710340295.png (188.71 KB, 633x344, Im anonymoose legiun _95adee54…)

>>235999>>235999Anon, that's literally just a shift of pose. Wtf.
On the left shes leaning from back to front and keeping her weight on the right leg in the back. Thus her waist is further and due to depth perception appears smaller. On the right she has shifted all her weight on her left leg so her lower abdomen is shifted forward, thus giving an illusion of lack of waist. Her shoulder is slunk forward on the right photo and she has rotated her shoulder back on the left one.
Please stop vendetta-posting about the Stacy who stole your crush in high school. Pic related, you right now.
No. 236029
File: 1521715168091.jpg (234.91 KB, 1728x1262, IMG_4116.JPG)

>>236019Please explain this one away.
No. 236058
File: 1521724714530.jpg (41.56 KB, 650x468, armpositioning.jpg)

>>236030>>236029If you insist, m'lady.
On the right her elbow is more turned to an angle, thus the muscle is flexed, flexed muscles appear larger. Her arm is also squished to her side as someone's pushing it in with a hug.
On the left her shoulder is rotated forward and she is not pressing her arm against her side, evident from that you can see her armpits partially. She's leaning away from her arm, unlike on the right where someone is leaning on her.
You really don't know how human bodies function at all, vendetta-chan.
Here's an easy picture to deduct how arm positioning changes the appearance!
No. 236061
File: 1521725667865.jpg (68.89 KB, 500x392, pose1.jpg)

>>236059>>235999Yes you can, this is literally what she did… These are basic poses everyone uses in group photos.
Where the fuck have you all been for the past three years when bitches were perfecting the craft of appearing thinner?
No. 236237
File: 1521791011565.jpg (162.06 KB, 1919x930, IMG_4106.JPG)

>>236061>>236058That's cute and all but maybe I should have posted this one first of the same photo posted by different people. You can overlay it if you want.
No. 236405
>>236058You seriously think
that is muscle? And that she's flexing with a non clenched hand? It's like Pixyteri calling her flab lines work out lines all over 😂
No. 236735
>>235999Bloating is also a thing and 10/10 women experience it. Possible she was drinking/eating that day or idk just fucking not sucking in?
Vendetta Chan pls learn to love yourself
No. 236740
>>236735Maybe you should go down the other posts to
>>236237 but you do you.
No. 236756
File: 1521989117506.png (400.67 KB, 828x1086, cry___sup_by_kiwa007_d5egrtb.p…)

What does Cry look like?
No. 236787
>>236756I'm not sure that picture of a fat ugly dude was actually his. It might explain his voice being so deep, but a lot of bigger guys have high-pitched voices because of the fat padding their larynx/oestrogen supplies in the fat cells.
Buuuuuut he's lost a lot of popularity because he no longer puts out videos on the reg and almost exclusively streams on twitch now. Sad, I liked his and NCS videos back in 2013 because they were pretty chill instead of screaming/being So RanDuM XDD like Markiplier/septiceye are being today…
He could have made it big like Achievement Hunter/Let's Play if only he put a little more effort in.
No. 236799
File: 1522013529261.jpg (468.34 KB, 847x776, 1459372423175.jpg)

>>236787>if only he put a little more effort inThis.
Don't get me wrong, I love Cry but holy shit, did I hate him when he kept whining about YT being an exhausting job or how it required so much effort to edit videos
>>183562Pic related posted in the omocat thread
No. 236803
>>236799He absolutely had the fanbase and I remember his videos getting good numbers. He was A to A- up on socialblade for a brief amount of time and used to get 20k+ subs per month, now he barely scratches 2k.
But what he did is leave the channel for prolonged amounts of time (and I doubt he was sick even half the time he claimed to be, more like depressed/lazy) and put out twitch reminders only for that streambux (which is funny because he's always making a big deal of denying donations but really just wants the subscribers) for months before picking up games no one wanted to see him play.
No. 239867
File: 1522902723817.png (2.3 MB, 2290x900, 122.png)

Saw this cosplayer posting "candid fan pictures" and then saw her being tagged in actual candid pictures.
No. 240136
File: 1522969547952.png (1.44 MB, 1010x1130, 13.png)

I don't necessarily agree; even the ones posted earlier in this thread (except Misa) look fairly similar to their photos, or at least recognizable. This girl looks completely different.
Pic related, the banner in the background is of her.
No. 244146
File: 1524281337546.jpg (171.38 KB, 1314x480, lindsaysouv.jpg)

No. 244149
>>244148Lindsay Souvannarath, she was arrested for plotting to shoot up the Halifax Shopping Centre with her bf.
She was sentenced to life in prison today and as soon as I saw her online/irl pictures I immediately thought of this thread kek
No. 244181
>>244147Good. Now she can draw her nazi pixels on a prison wall.
How did that school shooter chic work for her? lol
No. 297360
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>Aliexpress stock photo vs. what arrives in the mail
No. 298795
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van doll beast or whatever her name is on IG
No. 299114
File: 1537684781605.jpg (1.72 MB, 2048x2048, pixlr.jpg)

>>298795WOW ok your post shocked me anon kek
I went to her profile and she did a live , took some screenshots. It's obvious when you click around to change the timecodes that she uses angles a lot. And her toothy smile is terrifying. Apart from this she doesn't look too much different (at least, on the live that's available to replay rn)
No. 299870
File: 1537851783830.jpg (114.18 KB, 1108x422, kD4LEhPx_400x400.jpg)

No. 300174
>>298795>van doll beast or whatever her name is on IGjust say the username why did you frame it like they're irrelevant with "whatever her name". Smells like vendetta and they're pretty relevant in your life lol.
In any case the shoop is excessive and makeup is overdone but she could look good if she toned it down.
No. 300522
File: 1537959099422.jpg (310.5 KB, 2048x1475, aAnQpR3N.jpg)

>>300174Because she is irrelevant to me, I reposted someone's collage from PULL. Reading a bit deep?
here's another one.
No. 300527
File: 1537961156973.jpg (141.23 KB, 500x500, aa.jpg)

I'm surprised that iGumdrop hasn't been posted here yet
No. 300532
>>300531bitch where?
she also looks extemely different. she has someone else's nose in her shoop'd pics.
No. 300535
File: 1537966075334.png (659.45 KB, 786x789, h3.png.d3ca0ad44c80f5aa3938a5d…)

Hana dinh/hanbunny photoshops herself to hell and back also tries to trick people into thinking shes jap when shes viet
No. 300577
File: 1537973529908.png (674.17 KB, 720x896, Screenshot_2018-09-26-09-44-57…)

>>300549She pads heavily irl, online she uses pads, prosthetic breasts and photoshop. It looks really gross
No. 301741
File: 1538116620469.jpg (1.75 MB, 2560x2560, 18-09-27-23-35-59-806_deco.jpg)

Xiaoyukiko on IG. She somehow shops herself to look worse?
No. 305266
File: 1538735561246.png (2.21 MB, 1342x960, onlinevsreallife.png)

The two photos on the left are online and the three on the right are IRL. Maybe it doesn't help that the girl in these photos has a reputation online and in the con community for being bitchy and horrible to many other girls and she is ridiculously aggressive in every post she makes about how she'll unfriend you if you don't give her enough attention and how she's too good for everyone, all in all just another desperate girl who's always talking down other girls and looking for a fight. Also, her instagram is just carbon copies of the same pose and the same overfiltered selfie angles every time. It shocked me when I saw candids of her but she is quick to untag herself from them.
No. 305300
File: 1538744854621.jpg (7.81 KB, 225x225, images[1].jpg)

>>305270no anon, both of those are shoops. she's tried to shoop herself "western" for ariel cos and right is her standard anime shoop. pic related is from an IG story.
looks closer to right, but she shoops her chin/nose alot.
No. 306708
File: 1539045066124.jpeg (800.32 KB, 1125x1112, AF4FDFC0-CFFD-4DDA-B4A2-66AA9A…)

Had to post this here, had myself a hearty kek
She’s a nobody from Florida but her inconsistent selfies make me lol every time
No. 306943
>>306902Nta but either way
>>305270 was wrong.
No. 307300
>>306869not OP but i can see the typical beauty app feature changes
eyes bigger and different color, jaw smaller, skin smoother
angles and lighting are everything tho that’s true
No. 311796
File: 1539818017181.jpeg (1.15 MB, 2560x2560, 2D04C58B-F7AB-4CDA-9542-967129…)

>>299903Nah, she looks pretty different in person. It was a real shock when she came to Singapore.
No. 312436
File: 1539899741734.jpg (283.98 KB, 1200x600, big joel.jpg)

Some youtube Essayist(tm). I had a little laugh at his avatar.
No. 326045
File: 1542389310725.png (566.93 KB, 735x434, 1q6g3qo68cy11.png)

No. 327390
>>326045What the actual fuck.
I know instagram and social media pictures should be taken with a grain of salt, but fuck man. How the fuck do these people live with themselves knowing they're so full of shit and fake?
How can you look in the mirror at yourself everyday when you post such blatantly shopped and altered pictures of yourself? How can you be so full of self hate and vanity?
This is some Twilight Zone shit.
No. 330388
File: 1543291066819.jpg (156.95 KB, 768x1152, hbz-kylie-jenner-beauty-transf…)

>>326045She doesn't look nearly as bad as this in most candids
No. 330588
File: 1543338297387.jpg (69.4 KB, 564x846, 282258.jpg)

>>330388Idk if that pic's a good example anon I'm pretty sure red carpet photos are retouched generally. But I agree with your point.
I'm trying to find a good candid on google but honestly I bet they are all taken by shill paparazzi so they're prob edited too. Or at the very least there are hundreds of photos taken and only the best are publicized
No. 330597
File: 1543339214152.jpg (3.68 MB, 2560x1920, inCollage_20180724_194003582.j…)

>>183562This thread reminds me- I have a folder with unflattering pics of ppl I follow/admire. It's called 'Don't Compare Yourself to Others'
Not made with any malicious intent, it reminds me that they look like regular ass people underneath the editing, angles, and filters. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside; I highly recommend it to everyone here.
I'd share some of the pics but they aren't cows and honestly I just tried putting together a few of them to show y'all and it felt very pathetic. kek
Actually here's one of Ariana Grande. I'm the same height so when I saw this outfit I was like wtf she looks terrible. Kinda like I do sometimes when trying to dress myself. Feelsgoodman.jpg
No. 331256
>>330597please post what you got lol
like honestly i dont think what you do is petty at all, its pret healthy tbh
No. 331465
>>331256Ok. I'm just sitting enjoying the rain so I'll make and post some.
I tried to include pics of the "era" that I was most into for the "good" pics.
Also in putting these together i realized how well it worked to humanize these ppl and allow me to move past the feelings of inadequacy I felt. Yay!
Pic dump incoming
No. 331468
File: 1543512009214.jpg (3.24 MB, 1920x2402, inCollage_20181129_091328100.j…)

the good pics are on top and the regular ones on the bottom obv
No. 331472
File: 1543512172368.jpg (2.84 MB, 1920x2402, inCollage_20181129_090907789.j…)

hanestly aka standpoor
she's kinda gross nowadays tho. but tumblr circa 2015 she was popular and cute. In retrospect I prob just thought she was ~cool~ bc she worked at AA and always had cute clothes
No. 331476
File: 1543512358030.jpg (69.88 KB, 275x206, 1543431210520.jpg)

I posted this in another thread too. Lily aka cokedrip aka ifidieiwontcry from tumblr. her current ig is enrouteforthehexconclave or smth
I couldn't remember her tumblr handle from before cokedrip so I couldn't find really good pics from those eras
old pics on the right
No. 331479
File: 1543512484317.jpg (3.23 MB, 1920x2402, inCollage_20181129_090706565.j…)

sheslethal aka boredbrat aka hairlockette
she's really cringey in her live videos too so that made me feel better kek
she has a pretty curated image online so I was surprised when I found the regular looking pic on one of her friend's pages or something
No. 331483
File: 1543512708611.jpg (4.26 MB, 3416x1920, inCollage_20181129_093055689.j…)

Rihanna's body looking attainable (imo) on the left
No. 331485
File: 1543512929348.jpg (2.7 MB, 3416x1920, inCollage_20181129_093411863.j…)

Clare Buley aka Lilith Levesis, who I'm over my fascination with by now. Too lazy to find "good" pics for this one
No. 331487
File: 1543513351026.jpg (2.3 MB, 2560x1920, inCollage_20181129_094012577.j…)

Pics on the right are the reason I started the folder kek
heroingranola aka Holli Vail or Vale or smth
No. 331489
File: 1543513503689.jpg (1.74 MB, 2400x1920, inCollage_20180623_161048021.j…)

and finally, a pic of Miley Cyrus looking like her hairline is falling off her head just like mine does sometimes lmao
all the bad-looking/regular looking pics are saved in my Don't Compare Urself to Others folder; the "good" ones are added for the sake of the thread
No. 331793
>>331483Honestly even though I don't like Rihanna that much, she really does have a body type similar to a lot of people. It's really fucked up how the media alters their looks to the point where they don't look like themselves at all.
>>330597I want to see more thick legged Ariana
No. 331957
File: 1543596201950.jpg (2.37 MB, 3413x1920, inCollage_20181130_082537988.j…)

>>330635Womanlet here; the golden ratio/ ratio of thirds is a useful guide to utilize when dressing petites.
I also noticed that Ari's stylists use this guideline a lot. Her legs wouldn't look so stumpy in
>>330597 if her shoes and leggings were the same colors and because they aren't platform shoes so the sweatshirt is taking up like 1/2 of her length.
I'm no expert but I thought it was worth mentioning if anyone hasn't heard of it before.
No. 332047
File: 1543612692025.jpg (1.87 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20180705_140922917.j…)

Here's the only other Ari pic I have in my folder
No. 332074
File: 1543616640734.jpg (3.3 MB, 2199x3300, 1541706447001.jpg)

>>332047I have one of Elle Fanning
No. 332141
File: 1543623119960.jpg (130.45 KB, 458x513, 20181130_160915.jpg)

>>332074This is a terrible picture woww but imo you can tell she is beautiful despite that
Here's a cap from the new music video. Thought she looked pretty stumpy here. Wtf is that huge cardigan
No. 337467
File: 1544467030063.png (963.75 KB, 926x533, -------.png)

Before and after sucessfully maintaining drug abuse for the Tumblr/IG aesthetic.
This is Lily Bouse (was cokedrip on Tumblr, is now enrouteforthehexconclave on IG)
I also second a thread on her but I doubt the milk would be plentiful.
No. 349555
File: 1546712629583.jpg (203.37 KB, 475x790, 20190105_102306.jpg)

>>331479>>338113A new one of @sheslethal
No. 349574
File: 1546716531952.jpg (110.02 KB, 450x600, file.jpg)

She gained popularity on tumblr for posting pics of her (ed'd) body. Obsessed with Lolita and Lana Del Rey (yawn) and would copy those styles and post provocative pics. Her tumblr was kinda like a diary tho and her life was fucked up and interesting imo. She had a lot of family drama. She occasionally makes cringey wannabe LDR video snippets on ig. I posted her earlier and someone else seemed to know who she was so I just posted that new pic here. You're pretty much correct she's not milky or an "online personality" these days. Looks like she bums around with her bf (who is TIF) and goes to clubs. She goes on instagram live a lot and super cringely dances and lipsyncs while doing her makeup and otherwise admiring herself. She's like borderline calf material, if she was more open/active online about irl she prob would be a cow.
I've followed her since tumblr days. She's kind of captivating to be honest. But still kinda cringey.
No. 349582
>>349578I've been trying to dig up old stuff and a lot of it is gone. Her tumblr used to be @boredbrat & @dollyhazed (and more but they're long forgotten by me), but they are gone now. Her old ass youtube channel is still up called
kody jewel. I found an old, too. If you sift through you can get some okay content. This is old though. I'll try to dig up more. Her name is Kody Sanico I think.
No. 354442
File: 1547512691512.jpg (2.39 MB, 2400x1920, inCollage_20190114_163755391.j…)

Tana is easy pickin's but jfc
No. 354594
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No. 354595
File: 1547546379846.jpg (114.09 KB, 640x651, Cz4E2sE.jpg)

No. 354598
File: 1547547590216.jpg (158.34 KB, 704x657, mimisug.jpg)

MimiSugars probably has the worst case of faceshoop (and also some bodyshoop) I've EVER SEEN. I had never seen/heard of her before, and I saw her at ALA in Morrigan. Then later when i was browsing tags, I saw her post in Morrigan and I was like "hmmm. that looks wrong" THEN I FOUND THIS UNEDITED PIC OF HER TODAY AND I HAD MY SUSPICIONS COMFIRMED.
No. 354626
File: 1547559595381.jpg (300.25 KB, 2048x2048, PFSH9f9.jpg)

I honestly think Kenna is SO pretty irl, but her editing gets out of hand sometimes (I get the white lines are just for effect though). Also, her shaved eyebrows looks really bad and don't suit her even more in motion.
No. 354629
If you like this stuff there is loads on r/instagramreality
and insta @celebface @beauty.false
I was blown away with this one: she literally photoshopped like 4 dress sizes down - and that's how she is going to remember her wedding day.
No. 354631
>>354626She looked so much better with darker hair and some color in her skin.
Anime. Not even once.
No. 354734
File: 1547575486679.png (457.46 KB, 612x791, 20190115_100215.png)

>>354594In the same vein…
Not bad, but def not good
No. 354752
>>354594she's gained a lot of weight recently, can't blame her after the death of mac/failed marriage. plus she used to be really skinny (to the point she got accused of anorexia) so this is better.
i've been noticing it too. in the candids her weight gain is obvious. but she's been posting a lot of heavily shooped shit to look skinny. it's sad cause she's not even fat or anything.
No. 355064
File: 1547634116573.jpeg (615.83 KB, 750x923, 67354F1E-0EE2-4E2E-929D-0FBB47…)

>>354598It’s honestly hilarious how fat she is versus how thin she shoops herself. I saw some of her pictures online and didn’t even realize it was the same person that I had met multiple times through mutual friends. You can actually see the vertical lines from putting it through a ton of editing apps.
No. 358297
File: 1548175725645.jpg (2.47 MB, 2560x1920, inCollage_20190122_084556356.j…)

This girl keeps popping up on my Instagram and her shops have got to be one of the creepiest things I've ever seen
No. 358461
File: 1548200938103.jpeg (178.04 KB, 322x934, F89D21F6-94A9-41A3-A242-F1C8B4…)

>>358297This shoop needs to end now
No. 360310
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No. 380424
File: 1551302035650.jpg (1 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190228_045907.jpg)

Y'all wanna emphasise how much someone edit their photo onlime, at least go find a photo of the person in similar lighting or pose lah. Don't compare with or without makeup lol
Here is a comparison of xiaoyukiko on IG
Left is the one is the event photo she post on Instagram. Right is actually the original photo I found on FB from the photographer himself
No. 380426
File: 1551302222577.jpg (1.14 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190228_050846.jpg)

I am actually super surprised people mentioning xiaoyukiko (probs from singapore coscomm) never mention Plant Lily Cosplay
Here is a comparision
Left is an event photo posted by Lily herself. Right is the photo I found on FB posted by the original photographer
No. 380436
File: 1551302931743.jpg (1.01 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190228_052522.jpg)

Maybe the Plant Lily one was too old (2 years ago?)
Here is a slightly more recent one I found
Left is the photo posted by Lily, right is the photo posted by the photographer himself
No. 380437
>>380424There's literally 0 difference between these photos, or is that your point?
Photographers edit, by the way.
No. 380460
File: 1551305175786.jpg (1002.35 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190228_055841.jpg)

Just here to share things I found lol. Isn't that what you guys being doing on this thread? I just felt perhaps I can share my goods resources too. Chillax man
So, yea. I found Rurusama 's photo too. Different photo but same pose same cos at the same event
Left is what she posted, right is the photo from a photog at the event
No. 380476
File: 1551307131966.jpg (843.48 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190228_062021.jpg)

Thanks for saying the difference in xiaoyukilo's post for me lol
But yea, cus I saw people comparing her event photo, her photoshoot photo and livestream photo so I thought I start with Yukiko's comparision.
Thats actually pretty much the only event photo I can find from xiaoyukiko arh. I understand it is not fair to compare cosplay photos from years ago so I tried to find as recent as possible. That photo is actually from like mid 2017 btw.
And like, I found her most recent event photos, AFA2019 to be exact (in decmember last year, 3 momths back?) The photo like I really cannot see much difference though???
Somemore the photo is from a mass produce photog who shoots alot event photo in one day so do not photoshop for coser.
The right is what Yukiko posted arh. The left is what I found on Tan Lum Hoe's FB
Just in case anyone thinks this way, I am not protecting Yukiko or anything, I just so decided to start with her because I saw people talking about her here already.