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No. 1837807
Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1730346 No. 1837891
>>1837853Web mobile version stopped scrolling for me ever since they changed the UI. Is anyone having the same problem? I have to switch to desktop to even get it to work on my phone
I'm not redownloading the shitty mobile app with all its ads kek
No. 1837976
>>1837853>>1837891I've basically stopped using Reddit on my phone completely. I liked using the old desktop UI on my phone instead of the mobile UI but now you can't access the old desktop UI, only the new desktop UI and it is fucking awful. It used to be a go-to timewaster website when work was slow and it only took a few days for it to fall from my rotation.
Can't wait for it to go Public, I'm sure that will be the last push needed to kill the site for good.
No. 1837983
>>1837949nta but there are several subreddits where you're not allowed to suggest changes to diet/exercise unless the person explicitly asks for tips, or where those topics are just completely off limits. Reasons range from not being "body positive," "concern trolling," or because fat people ostensibly have zero choice in being fat.
I've seen women vent about how being morbidly obese is making them miserable and the replies will be like "here's this indie clothing brand that will find a circus tent to turn into a custom made dress for you, maybe that will help boost your confidence ♥"
No. 1838059
>>1838056Unfortunately not, I'd love that weather. Think west Europe, less than 10m people. I posted a bit in a subreddit about my industry in my country that women don't typically work in so that probably made it hyper obvious.
Honestly I've pretty much given it away with that.
No. 1838062
>>1838028i've lost and gain weight multiple times in my life so i am not ignorant or new to it. I've been atletic and fit and know what it takes.
Last couple years though have been impossible. I work out harder, eat less and less and still gain weight. On top of that every physician refuses to even test me and just tell me "just don't be fat lol". People think i am lying and that i am a lazy slob who is secretly eating mcdonalds or worse, that i am just so retarded that i can't cound my calories right and think a three minute walk is exercise. But i had been working harder than ever before and seeing no results.
Well turned out i do have tyroid issues and need further testing to see whats fucking me up exactly. Some people really do get all the shit without deserving it but it also makes me dislike the HAES degenerates more because their horrible lifestyle is what makes people react like this to anyone with legit issues, its like a boy cried wolf situation, the one time is true no one will believe you
No. 1838068
>>1838028Fatties acting like it’s impossible to lose weight even though people can and do is so funny to me. Especially the rhetoric that women can’t. If a woman has had kids then I’m much more understanding but to be frank it’s healthier for women to be thinner most of the time due to low muscle mass. You can act like the HAES shit is true and that you were just born in a “”bigger body”” kek but you’ll be much happier if you can live life at a normal size. Stop acting like it’s impossible. You’re just discouraging others because you don’t have the ability to do so. And yes, if fat people just didn’t eat they
would get skinny, duh.
No. 1838082
>>1838068Maybe women are telling the truth that losing weight is difficult especially when we age.
What you're saying has contributed nothing to solving the issue. Are you just here to cause infight? Cause you're speaking with authority over the facts that someone learned in medical school while waxing poetic about haes which nobody brought up except you. Stop arguing from emotion.
No. 1838087
>>1838062We're finding out that all of our food and water sources have been contaminated with endocrine-disruptuing forever chemicals that have the double whammy of bioaccumulating inside fat cells.
My guess is that in another couple decades, after enough long-term studies have been performed, that there will be massive scandal from food and pharma mega conglomerates who knew they were poisoning people for profit all along.
This shit is not normal, and too many people have been psyop'd into believing the narrative that large cross-culture populations trending towards obesity have all gotten that way from moralistic failings. Yeah, bullshit.
Just wait and see.
No. 1838103
>>183809922 is a healthy weight but women can still feel they look 'fat' just due to changes in where fat is stored. This gets magnified once people are actually overweight, because even when they lose they may feel discouraged not seeing good progress.
I think weight loss just has to be more complicated than what you eat. I live with other people, we work from home and I see what they eat and they eat about the same as me but are overweight. I think there are differences in things like body temperature or even stuff like unconscious fidgeting that end up affecting our metabolisms so even if two people eat the same amount they have different outcomes.
No. 1838129
>>1838110Honestly if is if you are at deathfat level. No one comes down from that by normal means.
It would be like a decade worth of effort with nonstop diet and training without quitting or relapsing and asking that from a deathfat? , might as well be over.
I think parents who let their kids get fat are child abusers, all those kids will be fatbrained for life, they are set up for failure. Even the ones who make it and loose weight as adults will have a million self esteem issues and personality disorders from growing up obese and they tend to gain the weight back eventually
No. 1838223
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>>1838201It seems like companies overcorrected from all the ana marketing they did back in the 90s and 00s. There's got to be a middle ground somewhere between pic related. As a former fatty being fat is terrible. IMMO we should have pictures of people suffering with health conditions on anything with excessive sugar like we do for cigarettes in my country.
No. 1838237
>>1838201I wonder how they did that because as
>>1838223 said we went from one extreme to another. And while I saw HAES activism evolving for like a decade on tumblr I thought at first that people just thought being rude to moderately fat people was, well, rude and that companies just wanted to show moderately fat, normal looking models in their ads as opposed to pretending you could be morbidly obese and beautiful or healthy.
No. 1838278
My mom is one of those "perma-fat" people, she cannot get rid of her weight because she's already middle aged and has hypothyroidism, she has tried everything in the book, no results, because she's essentially going against her own metabolism which is very, very slow nowadays. Her case is very particular, I really doubt even 70% of fat people are being affected by rare hormonal diseases, most are fat because they've bad habits and diets, hell, everyone else in my family is fat, I used to be fat, and we were fat because we ate way too much. I don't understand the need for a sob story, everyone knows what's up
No. 1838349
>>1838342if people wanted to return to the old internet it would have happened already. Forums weren't killed , they were abandoned, you can host forums if you want, they'll remain abandoned.
Normies are not leaving twitter, in fact no one is leaving none of these centralized hubs of bullshit. If reddit dies then Reddit 2.0 will show up. I say this as someone who wished every big tech company got genocided but i am under no illusions, that Musk is killing twitter is a major cope, in fact the western internet will soon look much closer to the chinese one were everything is centralized on Wechat. Decentralization won't happen
No. 1838424
>>1838378i was close to becoming an Ana-chan out of desperation and no one would believe me, they though i was just a moron who ate candy all day because i don't know better but my metabolism was the main issue fucking me over.
I wonder how many people die believing they are the issue, feeling like shit for being fat then getting terribly sick for going so long untreated. Its a small minority of the people who are fat but its real
No. 1838560
>>1838424sad but true, or they end up damaging their health even more
Anna Nicole Smith was a good example of this - she had to literally starve holocaust-style and do a bunch of illegal drugs to be Playboy to get fit,and it still caught up to her when she got older and wasn't even discovered until the autopsy she had a thyroid issue. i would even guess if she had proper treatment for her thyroid she would have probably been alive today
No. 1838660
>>1838033Im sure she knows she's fat, but anon said she was complaining about it. Is it not logical then to suggest a solution which is to lose weight?
>we all know the motive behind telling some stranger to lose weightWhat does this even mean, most people that give advice to lose weight by excercising or changing your diet come from a place of understanding. It's different ofcourse if you just say "haha fatty just lose weight lel", but i dont see the problem by giving honest advice?
>>1838378PCOS really sucks, when you are already a lighter weight it become more difficult to lose weight. I'm glad you found the cause and are on medication that helps you.
No. 1838665
>>1838378Isn’t PCOS literally alleviated at least somewhat by losing weight? That is what doctors suggest you to do…
>>1838640You’re hilarious. If I miraculously become a starving monster that craves to devour thousands of calories and become fat I would simply ignore the urge because I have… drumroll… self control! The same thing I use to not eat sugar or drink alcohol because there is literally no good reason to. And my body thanks me for it. None of the people in my non-American family became fat after the age of 40 so clearly we’re doing just fine.
No. 1838683
>>1838676What on earth are you yapping about. It’s putting down bodies to assert that weight loss is possible for everybody? The anon I was replying to was pretty condescending in saying “oh you must be young, you’ll be fat when you’re older” because she genuinely can’t accept that it’s not out of your control to be healthy, hence why I explained why that’s blasphemous for me in particular. 70% of the US doesn’t have hypothyroidism. Why does any conversation on this topic devolve into people like you accusing others of just being arrogant skinny people when it’s just being harsh about the truth instead of sugarcoating it. It’s like you’re either HAES or the devil.
This conversation started because an anon said it’s literally impossible to lose weight for women, my arguments are stemming from that.
(derailing) No. 1838762
>>1838676She's simply saying the truth, statistically most people with excess weight are like that because of bad habits + bad diet, not rare hormonal disorders, it
is a lack of selfcontrol for most, because food can become addicting. Your natural lack of appetite or satiety cannot be compared to a learned, harmful habit to eat more than needed
No. 1838850
>>1838786Ironically I think it’s
>>1838750Who’s spending too much time on tiktok watching zoomers make their dumb videos.
No. 1838923
wow this thread is offtopic right now. anyway i can't post screenshots because it was on the subreddit for my town, but someone in my neigbourhood was trapping pet cats and sending them to the pound. this person knew they had owners and didn't try to contact them or anything, just straight to the pound because they didn't like cats in their garden. one person wasn't even able to get their cat back. i made a post warning that this was happening. in the original post i was very careful to specify that i didn't agree with keeping cats outdoors, that i supported the animal shelter, and that this was just a warning for people to be careful because the person trapping doesn't care if it's an outdoor cat or an indoor cat that got loose, they're sending them all to the pound. which btw will euthanize animals if the board finds that they are too sick/are unadoptable. virtually all of the responses were:
>Well cats shouldn't be outside anyway!
yes very true, which is why i pointed it out in the original post.
>Why do you hate animal shelters??
i don't.
>The SPCA doesn't put down animals!
yes they do, like all public shelters.
>They can just get their pets back!
no, not if it's adopted before you can find it or if it has health issues and is put down, and someone has already lost a cat because of this.
>Well if your cat is outdoors it deserves to be trapped!
jesus christ what kind of nightmare neighbour redditors must be. trapping pets and sending them to the pound is like, cartoon villain behaviour. are you going to tie a woman to the train tracks and twirl your mustache next? just talk to your fucking neighbours like a normal person or learn to cope with animals existing sometimes. one person was bragging that they had trapped multiple cats themselves and done the same thing to 'save them' from being hit by cars. idk maybe this person lives next to a mega highway, but if there are enough surviving cats you can do that 7 or 8 times… probably not. and when someone asked them if they knew whether the shelter put down animals, they said they hadn't checked. it reminded me why i stopped using reddit, no one has any reading comprehension and the moral grandstanders are the worst on the internet.
No. 1838938
>>1838931Right? Smells like illiterate, musty old ballsacks in here.
>>1838923You're doing the right thing. Cat hate spergs will always sperg. Note how they didn't read what you said and tried to derail your thread to complain about cats being outdoors (which I agree is wrong - if one of them tries it with me, it's just another example lmao). If someone comes across a cat and makes no effort to find the owner before resorting to the pound (especially if said cat literally has a collar or any other identification), 9 times out of 10, it's a retard doing it out of malice.
No. 1839247
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Not hate but this has to be the funniest copypasta that I've seen in a while
No. 1839296
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>>1838939There's a wandering cat in my neighborhood (not picrel but looks similar). He's a good boi. Knows how to avoid the street, sometimes comes up for pets, properly collared and goes home at end of day. Everyone knows he belongs to a neighbor so nobody would ever be braindead enough to send him to the pound.
Leave them cats alone
No. 1839339
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The covid cautious community is my new lurk, it's amazing for spotting perpetual victims with a penchant for virtue signaling. Excuse the shit quality of the screenshot, but imagine travelling to Europe and the only thing you bring back is this novella of a post complaining about how some Brit made fun of your mask and you couldn't take the banter.
No. 1839417
>>1839339>we are covid cautious people and we make other people maskif he is covid cautious why did he travel in the first place
>In London there were huge crowdsno shit? its a big city people live there. Does this guy seriously think that London is an amusement park and the only people in there are tourists?
>everyone is coughing and sneezing with something…Almost everyone gets a cold during winter time. I do agree that people who dont cover their nose when they sneeze are gross but did this californian really not take the weather and season into consideration before traveling to a country with a colder climate?
>young maskers prefer surgical masks, unclear if they're just protecting orthers or don't know those aren't very good at protecting the wearerI'm not from england france or belgium but different countries made different statements of what masks to wear. The board of health in my country said surgical masks where most effective. I'm not a doctor so i cant confirm it but every country had different rules and ways to deal with covid. you would think a covid conscious he would had researched these countries rules so he knew what to expect
>you had to choose between getting covid inside or lung cancer outsideok i think smoking is disgusting and i live somewhere where most public smoking is banned too so i kinda sympathize with him here kek. But when in Rome do as the Romans do. You just need to suck it up and get used to smokers when you travel to other countries. Besides traveling to another continent with the intention of never being inside a cafe and restaurant is stupid.
>unlike the US there was no visible campaigns to get vaccinatedAgain I can't speak for the countries he visited but due to different factors my country managed to deal with covid quickly and vaccinate most citizens. There was some minor ads at the beginning of winter that encouraged elder and disabled citizens to get the vaccine again. Otherwise no one talks about it anymore and the covid restrictions where lifted forever ago.
Why did he even travel in the first place if he spend the whole time worrying about covid? Isnt i a luxury for americans to go to europe? And he went there just to… be paranoid? I get being cautious if you have a disability that puts you in risk, or if you are old, or if you live in a poor country that doesnt have the capacities to take care of several sick people but otherwise spending your whole life worrying about getting sick is sad
No. 1839446
>>1839417It's weird that they didn't just travel around a single country vs. going to multiple places. They went to see Christmas markets in countries without the best (stereotypical as well as niche) Christmas markets: German-speaking countries. Not like you'd find a ton of masks here, but people are somewhat considerate if you choose to wear one because there were laws about masks for quite a while. The UK and France were not known to be compliant at all, so why go there if covid is a big deal?
I am leaving some room for understanding here since I had to be careful not to contract covid before a needed surgery this fall, and my grandmother got covid and died in November, so yeah, I know what it means to be cautious. But I don't take winter trips across multiple countries and then whine about it. Just go in summer so you can be outside more, then. Or stick to one country. Weird.
No. 1839481
>>1838665>Isn’t PCOS literally alleviated at least somewhat by losing weight? That is what doctors suggest you to do…don't be dense anon, obgyns also tell women with endo to get pregnant even though endo literally makes it difficult to get pregnant, and they throw women with any sort of gynecological issue on birth control which actually makes PCOS and endo worse. Education about obgyns are often so archaic and have very little studies, as the Anna Nicole Smith reference, you shouldn't have to go on extreme diets that make you dizzy and hungry all the time when if doctors actually prescribed the correct fucking medication for once women with those issues wouldn't need to go on 2014 tumblr anorexia diets to lose 10 lbs
also what part of "medication made it to where I could lose weight without literally starving" do you not understand?
No. 1839701
>>1839626PCOS - metformin and spiro
Endo -laproscopies and oralissa
Laproscopies for both really. If your doctor never even mentioned a laparoscopy and you have BOTH you need to find a new doctor
No. 1839804
>>1839535 > I wasn't even overweight (skinny-fat) but to lose a bit of bloat took literal starvationThere's some very vocal women online who are like 400 pound range and claim that they should only weigh 100 based on what they eat. That their pcos alone has put 300 plus pounds on them. People like that are why hearing 'pcos so can't lose weight' causes high scepticism now. They take something with a bit of legitimacy to it and then stretch the limits of what people will buy.
Like any condition where the most vocal ones are taking it to an extreme, they cause pushback for anyone else who shares a condition with them.
No. 1840195
>>1839780>>1839339One thing I find funny about these communities is that they'll talk about how nooo we don't want to use these restrictions forever it's just while it's important! Even though everyone already knows that covid is never going to go away. So by their own logic they do want to keep all restrictions forever.
I've also noticed two distinct types. There's the first one like in these posts that are very sniffing their own farts on how much better and smarter they are, and then there's those that are legitimately very mentally ill getting told their delusions are
valid. There's a concerning amount of posts where even the slightest push back from a therapist is seen as why you shouldn't go to them anymore and instead go to a approved one (one of the subs has a list).
No. 1840213
>>1839804I never said I couldn't lose weight, it was just difficult and would have to starve to lose it
>>1839773it's worsened but it just seems off telling someone whos struggling to lose the last bit of weight they're just not trying hard enough and don't need medication. if they're death fat then yeah, but most women who want to lose fat but aren't technically overweight or obese get overlooked because of that attitude
>>1840045laparoscopy removes cysts and can help with pain and hormone balancing
No. 1840330
>>1840309That's what greatest hits albums and "this is ___" playlists on spotify are made for though. As well as the abundance of playlists curated by listeners. I don't see why every new listener needs a personally curated playlist.
>>1840294There's definitely an attention seeking element in there, it amazes me how some people need to be spoonfed music.
>>1840238You don't even need to search for book ratings, they're right there when googling the title, no browsing needed even. A lot of subs are becoming near unreadable due to the daily floods of new member threads. It's not even hard to filter out.
No. 1847779
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Comments are what you’d expect. Most are removed. Someone brought up the question of how “gay for pay” (doing homosexual acts for money as a heterosexual) on the male side could be considered consensual and they pulled the “umm well actually that’s not unlike most wage labor…” card. As if lifting boxes in a warehouse can be compared to sexual exploitation. This is why I never talk about philosophy being part of my double major; some men always try to shit stir because they think they’re the smartest in the room and will pull a “gotcha!”
No. 1847821
>>1847806The uber redditor.
In reddit its either bots or real users who behave exactly as if they were bots.
No. 1849308
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talking of porn addiction. I can't imagine living with a man who watches porn, let alone one who's willing to destroy his perfect life for it
No. 1853003
>>1849308>to have my life ruinedie to ruin my life
>that my wife was unwilling to doie she rightfully wouldn’t let me degrade her so I paid to degrade another woman
>a nightmare that I am now living every dayie some stupid coomer shit I did to myself
God I hope she gets free of this disgusting leech.
No. 1853028
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please I want to be able to not look at gross old ugly men in my women subs?!
No. 1853029
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>>1853028samefag, open with caution
No. 1853072
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Accidentally came across this sub when searching for izzzyizz. Not using langangue that does anything but praise trannies for breathing is bannable but not saying nasty shit about random women. Do men even watch her videos for the content? Or is it just the coom?
No. 1854830
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The ozempic subreddits (/r/ozempic and /r/ozempicforweightloss) has some humorous posts from entitled people who are using the drug to become "skinny." For those who are unaware, there is a significant shortage of the medication due to the surge in people using it out of vanity.
I'm really sick of the normalization of transhumanism. I won't have any sympathy for these idiots who get sick because they sourced their ozempic from a dodgy medspa. No. 1854835
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>>1854830They should be careful. There are many people reporting bad side effects from it.
No. 1854852
>>1854830Alot of people where I am were managing to get the government to pay for it before they realized just how bad the shortage was getting. And telling all their friends to run to the doc and get it for free! Costs a thousand a pop, the upset stomach gets too much for them after a few grand has already been spent and they come off it only to swiftly regain every pound back.
I still feel bad for anyone perma fucked up by it but I'm sick of people being surprise pikachu faced because the drug known for giving you the runs gave you the runs after you begged for it and gladly let someone else pay the bill.
No. 1855147
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I love r/zerocovidcommunity
No. 1855210
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In my soul I just cannot believe this to be real. Seems like something a Redditor would make up about his quirky girlfriend
No. 1855351
>>1854830i cannot for the life of me understand why these people don't just get on stimulants if they want to be skinny. it would be so much easier to either fake your way to an ADHD diagnosis or find someone in your life who has one, and acquire stimulants that way. and to my knowledge there's rarely shortages of those meds.
>For those who are unaware, there is a significant shortage of the medication due to the surge in people using it out of vanity.ot rant but in my country, some medical companies have left the program that allows prescribed medications to be state-subsidized, and cheaper to patients, so they can sell ozempic at market prices to pharmacies make bigger profits. pharmacies who purchase from these companies can also set prices on these medications themselves, since they're not covered by the cost ceiling, to increase their own profits. hence only the people who are able to pay very high prices will have access to ozempic during shortages, not necessarily diabetics/people who need it the most. it's easy to get angry at the people with no beetus who hog these meds for vain reasons but it's actually the companies and govs' fault for allowing it to happen. arguably blame can also be attributed to doctors who prescribe this to non diabetics.
No. 1855408
>>1855379i did not know that. i assumed because they're so many variants there would be less shortages, whereas with ozempic it's a new drug and not many others like it, if any at all, afaik.
>>1855404ozempic is clearly not good for your health either, and i don't think people who take it for unnecessary weight loss give a fuck anyway
No. 1855445
>>1853327Lol who wants to be wanted by a rapist/moid? brainrot. Any woman with "rape fantasies" is a retard; period. Reddit always solidifies what's fucked up and dysfunctional about men and het women. Het women are mentally fucked in the head
>>1852934 actively policing each other for objecting to moid rape fetishes then coping that ackshually its a "ravishment" fantasy
>>1853042 as if their rape definitions are any different. Men will always have an inherent power imbalance over women and that is the source of the fetish, not this retarded liberal feminist idea of ravishment/controlled "non-con". You cannot by definition control rape.
>>1853080 >>1853327 Muddying definitions is not conducive to womens safety. Its not fair that all women are painted by the same brush because of this retarded logic. Conceding that most women want to be raped is not a win and will only damage women further.
>>1850054An anon wrote about "feeling bad" for the cuckqueen woman who she cheating with a moid on ala intrasexual competition on some misc /ot/ thread not that long ago. Its purely for attention and oneupmanship. Remember that this is an anonymous forum like Reddit so the only purpose is personal gratification. To signal to others (in this case other women) that they are more powerful. Women memeing about desirability and ravishment shit are no different. Men confess to cheating for the exact same reason; because its a fetish, its humiliating for the cheatee, and its oneupmanship/intrasexual signalling that they're more superior than the cheatee and other men. The only difference is women pretend to moralfag about themselves cuckqueening other het women because het women police other women through the guise of "slut shaming" for the sake of men. Men generally don't police slut shaming or cheating because they don't care about women or any woman's opinion on cheating. Cuckqueening is always powerful for a woman, its prime intrasexual behavior hence why homewrecker shit is fetishized by both genders but pretended by women to be negative. Women don't police their ranks unless its to uphold the coddling of men, and the collective reputation of women as men perceive it. Women don't police each other if it hurts other women and girls hence the morons saying a rape fetish is actually "ravishment" when the heavily down voted post in that same Reddit thread had the right idea "please don't tell me its taboo so women won't express it". Retards here attempting to disguise rape fetishists as ravishment are making the same point as raeynad and the rest of these pickme retards. Moral fagging on mens behalf is intrasexual competition in women so most anons shrugged off the anon cheating with some moid and pitied the cuckqueen as the pathetic cuckqueen she was made by the cheating anon. Everyone pretends they hate men while secretly fucking other women over by projecting that we want to raped by men. Look at the replies to that comment thread attempting to characteristic rape as a "ravishment fantasy". As much as a echo chamber this site can be, this is truly harmful.
>>1853046I don't think you've got the right idea. Firstly you're wrong; the naturalistic fallacy doesn't extend to behavior practiced by humans like fucking prostitution or rape fantasies. Rape is something male animals do regularly but no female animals are having "rape fantasies". Also if rape fetishises in women are biological then what do you do? No amount of "debate" will change this shit. What more is there to be discussed here? No one even here on this site wants to discuss it lets be honest; its grounds for wrong think even here too where freespeech is supposed to be greater protected and extended to women. I don't disagree with your observations; obviously you're right that society is misogynistic, that pedowood and the fetish of power imbalance of women and men are touted by het society as love and romance, but just bringing up these obvious observations is not the be all end all to that discussion. Many women refuse to see it in the first place let alone coming up with solutions to this. Whats more women aren't allowed to criticize each other about this shit since they will police each other into conformity status quo that happens to always appease men. Women come up with excuses for rape fetishes like "ravishment", wanting to be "desired" (I'd think wanting to be desired would be related to respect kek but apparently its being overpowered and fucking raped). That is what actually needs to be discussed imo, the coming up with elaborate excuses to defend these moronic women. Instead we should be decrying this stupid shit for what it is.
No. 1855543
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>>1855537Most adhd meds are amphetamines or methylphenidates, you can take those as directed and still have health issues because you're taking what is practically prescription meth. Heart and blood pressure problems are most common and a reason even diagnosed adhders sometimes have to go off their meds
No. 1855586
>>1855559sorry if i came off as too defensive! i have been on a lower dose for 6 years now (so i guess im not in the sample pool you mention) for binge eating and adhd. i was morbidly obese at 16 years old due to ptsd and doctors kept throwing me onto antidepressants and not tackling the issue.
i dont agree with this approach for most children but its what saved my life and eventually allowed me to be healthier now. i can even stick to normal calories on days i skip it, and as i became of age i was able to get therapy i still go to etc.
i do plan to get off one day, but it saved me as i was already pre diabetic at age 16 and going to suffer heart problems if i kept that up anyway. im very chatty and hyper but vyvanse allows me to ground myself and focus far better, personally. i can complete online assignments and get an average amount of work done. but ive also learned to discipline myself and skip it and do mostly okay.
again i plan to get off of it in a couple of yearsso i cant speak for long long term people. just that it certainly helped me. my only concerns would be the heart issues as you mentioned but ive really taken ahold of those with yoga/VERY limited caffeine, no other substances, exercise.
i know a lot of people who take stimulants also vape or smoke which just increases their risk, too
No. 1855600
nonny no you're good, you don't come off defensive at all and I hope I didn't come off as trying to fight. I just genuinely didn't know anyone who functions on adhd meds and wanted to hear about other experiences and hope my perspective isn't accurate. I'm glad you're doing okay with your meds and I'm extra glad they stopped trying to put you on antidepressants!
Hate that they put minors on antidepressants at all without ever trying to help their life issues, but that's a rant for another thread. No. 1855999
File: 1705354352358.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1170x2171, IMG_8550.jpeg)

women on reddit have no standards
No. 1856216
>>1855537No, they are bad, especially if you don't have adhd to begin with. What do you think they do to the brain of someone without adhd? it's already not amazing for people with adhd since you can develop resistance towards them, actually destroying your focus. That's why i don't even take them despite having adhd.
>>1855559You can read my post above, but stimulants shouldn't be the end all be all for adhd. I've taken them and i don't really like them. Imo, they are only helpful if you are in education because of how long you need to focus for and the abnormal amount of attention you need held onto boring shit. Really, the best way to deal with adhd is to have a lifestyle works around it, everything down to how you organise things and what job you end up doing.
No. 1856240
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From a thread on how girls and women outperform males at all levels of education. Men are genuinely so fucking delusional and stupid it makes you wonder how they survive the day to day world. The entire history of humans is dominated by men’s achievements and accomplishments, men’s wars, men’s inventions, men’s theories, men’s literature… but as soon as schooling skews towards women it’s the poor widdle men we should all be catering to.
No. 1856460
File: 1705379562789.jpeg (862.09 KB, 1284x1654, IMG_2074.jpeg)

This is so pathetic. Not a single thought for the women who are trafficked and raped on camera. Hate these stupid pickmes.
No. 1856666
>>1856188When I had facebook, someone I knew (some old 40s something karen I had worked with) put a post up with a photo of what she went to buy at the store and complained it cost $150.
Since it was a small town with 1 store I used the grocery store app to put the items in a cart to see how much it added up to really. $60.
I guess she left out of the pict the cigarettes' I know she chain smokes.
All of that food was just packets of chips, child puddings and just other processed junk. Not one bit of veg or fruit.
No. 1857116
>>1855999I think they’re ok looking but the bar is in hell, kek. Compare it to any 'two pretty girl best friends' post.
>>1857066A lot of them feel sympathy for him because of how obsessed her fans were with calling him jobless and nitpicking him because he broke up with their muh queen. But tbh after I read some of her lyrics about him I kinda get what the fuss is about.
No. 1857146
>>1856660Not to mention they have no respect for authority figures in school (who are mostly women, coincidentally). But sure, it’s the schools’ fault for not giving boys 5 recess breaks in between lessons as MRAs and tradtards like to suggest. It’s because boys are energetic , not because they lack any sort of patience or discipline, right?
Even if there were schools tailored specifically for this “learning style”, boys would still perform poorly. They do worse in single-sex learning environments because they can’t leech off of girls. The only way I could see boys improving is by sending them all to strict military boarding schools where they can’t play fortnite or watch tiktok.
No. 1857217
>>1856460A movie acted by who, ma'am?
>Hurr durr that trafficked porn star who was abused as a child and turned to porn because it was the only thing she knew is totally fictional and I don't care that my husband is watching it so ofc it's totally morally ethical and you're all prudes and puritans and soooo vanilla for being against the normalized widespread abuse of women!!She needs a brutal fucking reality check.
No. 1857231
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>>1857218TL;DR his GF felt uncomfortable having sex. He kept jacking off in bed to her while she was asleep. Makes the whole thing about woo is me, I'm such a
Also yes, very tranny. I'd imagine she felt he'd go all buffalo bill if she tried to dump him.
No. 1857235
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>>1857231Was also in grooming queer teens
No. 1857236
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>>1857214reddit is the most amazing controlled opposition you could ask for because no matter the issue redditors will always turn it into a retarded laughinstock and make it unpalatable.Don't forget how redditors just about killed the atheism movement simply by being cringe.
It doesn't matter your belief system, the best think you could hope for is for your opposition to be redditors.
No. 1857308
File: 1705441225265.jpeg (59.13 KB, 960x896, e4GXs2n.jpeg)

>>1857295look at you twisting every word i said just to be mad
No. 1857324
>>1857295Yeah true. I was raised in a pretty secularised country so I don't really get how
toxic religion can be first hand.
No. 1857397
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>>1856460OP is also into polyamory and is apparently trying to enter a relationship with a guy that is chasing 20-year-old girls. Didn’t post everything because it’s all retarded. Real pickme loser.
No. 1857408
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>>1857397>let’s call him badger You mean Brandon Mayhew?
No. 1858280
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>>1857116 said, I really didn't care much about him initially, but seeing swifites trying to go through insane mental gymnastics and go out of their way to portray him as a bad person got me to actually sympathize with him. Just a few weeks ago, he made a pro-Palestine post, and this was a few hours before Taylor's birthday, the swifties concluded that this was a nefarious plot by him to overshadow her birthday. There's a weird childishness to it, like they keep calling him 'jobless' as if it means anything. the weird thing he hasn't even mentioned Taylor since the break-up. and yet they are still obsessing over him.
No. 1858429
File: 1705483749127.jpg (466.62 KB, 966x2571, Screenshot_20240117-092817.jpg)

there's a retarded e-thot calling people slurs in an attempt to get them to look at her instagram in r/handwriting of all places
No. 1858558
File: 1705500096089.png (202.8 KB, 486x578, Untitled.png)

absolutely pathetic moid fantasy story
No. 1858587
>>1857397Terminally straight women are cucks with no respect for themselves and are proud to flaunt their humiliation to other straight women.
>>1857346Don't apologise, you said nothing "edgy" you spoke the truth. And besides if you did say anything edgy, calling someone edgy is not a counter argument to anything nor a proper response. Maybe the AYRT could self analyze why they found your accurate post "edgy".
No. 1859369
File: 1705539955815.jpeg (Spoiler Image,327.09 KB, 827x1645, 205952AA-2EBC-461C-AF65-F9BCA8…)

Spoilered for tranny in a bikini. Gotta love how that commenter is feigning ignorance while you can clearly see that Dylan troon is built like a goddamn lincoln log. This subreddit is probably catnip to TRAs though considering yuri is in the title.
No. 1859602
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>>1859513>read no cap like thisI need to purge my mind
No. 1859696
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No. 1859780
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Such a weird mentality
No. 1859929
>>1859780>>1859786this unlocked a memory from a few years ago when i was still friends with a lot of woke (obviously begendered) people. i had made a joke about how it took me by surprise that a character was black and that i kept forgetting about it because it was only mentioned once. they were blasting me to hell and back and reeing about how
problematic and
toxic and racist i was because "there are so many obvious signs!!!" the character was a black american boy and apparently i, a white european from germany, should be highly aware of black american boy culture? obviously we have black people in germany too, but they are a tiny minority compared to all the muslims and viets who live here.
No. 1859944
>>1859696>the hook-on bras are a pain in the ass, according to some women. Good.Damn freak. It’s obvious he’s a misogynist, but he outright says he approves women feeling discomfort. The pee thing is even weirder, definitely sounds like a weird fetish with how many times he’s mentioning it.
First reading this I thought OP was a greasy teenage boy, but more than likely it’s some balding incel.
No. 1860443
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>>1859938I don't think I've ever paid attention to a description of character appearance unless it was plot relevant like they were missing an arm or something. I would build my own mental character design based on initial narration and go from there. The book I'm reading now there was a narrative thought about racism and I assumed the MC was black. 30 pages later I learned she was a freckled redhead but I still picture her as black unless I very purposely remind myself.
I think the craziest case of this was when I was a kid and assumed Holly from Artemis Fowl had a big fucking nose and looked like a gargoyle like pic related which was fucking retarded I know.
No. 1860480
>>1849308late but
>m32 been together 12 years>met when they were 22Either his math is wrong or they met two years after they got together??? Bit suss if you ask me
No. 1860560
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>>1860513The actual face I made while picturing grabbing my urethra opening, just pee sitting down jfl
No. 1860889
>>1859780I agree with some of the other anons, I don't think this is weird. It's really normal for white people to imagine all characters as white, because that's how they see themselves, so it would be normal that someone asian or black would do something similar. Also re
>>1859938 it's not exactly "slow" when you consider a lot of asian kids take on anglo names when living in western countries to feel more naturalised. Seems like nonnies just want a reason to be mad.
No. 1861058
>>1855210I'm guilty of doing that a few times LOL. It makes me chuckle when I do it idc if my partner doesnt find it funny.
I only really say "feed me" though
No. 1861080
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God I hope this is fake
No. 1861166
File: 1705681570983.jpg (304.22 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240119_171603_Gal…)

I already posted this in the webtoon thread but I hate how on reddit on any female community males have to invade and make it all about themselves.
>hehehe I'm a male, I'm not weird for being here ladies?And those posts get hundreds of likes and women in the comments yes queening that male.
Meanwhile in male communities the small minority of women get send daily death threats, rape threats, told to leave the community and go back in the kitchen. No. 1861179
>>1861168There are a ton of moids in the comments too, it's like a cockroach infestation. Kek one of the moids even talked about how he prefers otome isekai than shounen because of the romance. Which is definitely him showing what a creep he is because most OI's are dark romance or
abusive in some ways. Also how can a man even relate to the abuse the female Mc is going through in those stories unless he is getting off.
No. 1861226
>>1861224Even more than the
abusive male leads, it's the way that the female leads treat the other female characters with so much disgust that really drives the pickme-ism home. The main villain is a woman in like 90% of these stories.
No. 1861242
>>1857002Kek this is my favorite cope. You just KNOW that if women performed worse than men, they would use that as an argument to prove that women "aren't as smart as men". But when women actually perform better, they need to find another excuse for their mediocrity kekkk
Besides, isn't every type of learning based on repetition? My brother-in-law is currently training to become an electrician, and he still has to attend classes with a teacher explaining stuff. When he's out there cutting wires and whatnot, he's repeating the gestures he's learned.
No. 1861292
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>>1861242They live in fantasy versions of the past that only existed on TV. Because they never grew up though, they never realized none of those were real in the first place.
>>1861246Oh god, yes I hate it and it leads into the Brony mentality thing of “oh it’s a real thing that actually matters now that i, scrote, am into it”. As if whatever they had been interested in had never actually mattered before, to anyone.
But women and fags are often afterthoughts or not human in their eyes, so to them, in their minds, they were the first people to truly give a shit even if that’s factually incorrect.
Anyway reminder an adult MLP fandom existed before bronies/G4 and it was mostly adult female collectors of the toys, usually of G1 ponies.
No. 1861391
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>>1861366People hating on G3 is a red flag to me honestly, like I remember when I was a kid so many bronies doing that and I even bought into it even though I was literally a zoomer who had grown up on G3 up until that point lol.
G3 was not bad at all, some of the lines were a bit fugly but whatever, that’s pretty much the case with every toy line, even G1 Monster High had some huge stinkers. In fact, as someone who grew up with G3 and G4 I’ll go as far as to say G4 toys are actually some of the very worst of the franchise. Even as a kid I didn’t like them very much, and I was still buying toys and dolls at that point. They were so much uglier, so much smaller, so little detail compared to earlier releases. I don’t even mind the G4 designs but they don’t translate well to playline figures at all.
No. 1861462
>>1861166i see the same in doll collecting subs, bonus points if theyre tims. like i dont give a fuck, integrate in the discussions already going on or leave. unfortunately handmaidens are always there to tell them theyre uwu sooo
valid and speshul and welcome even though men could always freely post.
No. 1861773
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No. 1861864
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>>1861837I'm having war flashbacks to some crazy likely lying user who claimed she had sex with 100+ partners and never risked contracting hiv once
No. 1862029
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Eat hot chip and lie
No. 1862465
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No. 1862610
File: 1705800823392.jpeg (679.69 KB, 1284x2211, IMG_2164.jpeg)

Another pickme moron.
>other industries treat people horribly
And? That doesn’t make watching porn acceptable, dumbass.
She’s also okay with her scrote following other girl’s thirst instagrams. Pathetic.
No. 1862708
>>1862648Seems she’s trying to convince other women to let their boyfriends/husbands watch the “zit-popping porn” she makes.
It’s super weird to be following personal instagrams, especially if they’re known minors or trying to imitate teens. Gross.
No. 1862714
File: 1705806597990.jpeg (79.12 KB, 640x443, IMG_3521.jpeg)

It’s what i deserve for venting on Reddit but i fucking hate how autistic they are. You can say something like “I hate going to Walmart” and the responses will be like “You are so classist and racist” “Well back in the Middle Ages there was no walmart because everyone had the black plague and was starving.”
No. 1864756
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Not only are the comments believing this completely made up bullshit, they all keep going on about how the hypothetical creepy dad raised her well and how she did a good job standing up for him. Sorry but that's a weird age gap and people especially high schoolers are going to comment on it. Either way it sounds like a made up fantasy to me
No. 1865209
File: 1706004801201.png (256.85 KB, 1092x850, 2024-01-23 111109.png)

hate men so much!!!!
No. 1865316
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>>1865315Apparently and to no one’s surprise, he is a frequent poster on porn subreddits. I’m loath to imagine where these photos are ending up. It makes me sick to consider that he’s likely circulating them. Pleading with women to be smarter and protect their online safety.
No. 1865317
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>>1865315Sorry forgot the image
No. 1867591
File: 1706207631721.png (141.09 KB, 1148x445, “Its-never-okay-to-hit-a-woman…)

Another man itching to hit women
No. 1868040
File: 1706248296288.jpeg (433.7 KB, 1179x1113, IMG_3192.jpeg)

>>1867591What is with all the posts about hitting women recently? There was another wildly popular one on the frontpage yesterday too
No. 1868460
>>1867591Reminds me of a comment I recently saw on IG where a moid said seeing women getting shot in shows or movies was “cathartic”. Lots of people called him out for being unhinged but he argued that it was “equality” that women experience violence too. I hate these braindead moids that think punching women is “equality”. The answer is no violence at all.
>>1868364They’re being obtuse and want any excuse to be violent towards a woman because of their extreme misogyny. They twist the sentiment and think it somehow gives them a pass. Says a lot about them.
No. 1868664
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No. 1869413
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No. 1869423
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>>1869413>cat haterHope she breaks up with him. Very based of her to stand her ground
No. 1869454
File: 1706386613437.jpeg (188.66 KB, 1284x1165, image0.jpeg)

>Femicide happens in my country
>Redditor posts this in response of condolences post
Guy has comments/posts in r/philosophy, r/antinalism, and whatever cringy subreddit there is.
No. 1869477
File: 1706387757594.jpg (56.4 KB, 500x321, 9eb9687adbf56823483cdbaaaf5271…)

>>1869465Yeah, that says so much about him as a person. Cats do not usually randomly attack humans.
>>1869413>No. We're a package dealExcellent response. A scrote trying to make you part with a beloved pet is a red flag. What's next, cann't hang out with this and that friend because they annoy him?
No. 1869596
>>1869413Cats need very little training and are nowhere near as destructive as dogs. If he's getting scratched and bitten by cats at all, let alone frequently, he's deliberately being an asshole to the cat and getting mad when there are consequences. I hope his girlfriend doesn't budge and dumps his ass.
Also this is the sort of retard who gets massive dogs as a power move and pisses them off badly enough to get mauled. Here's hoping he gets treated by dogs the same way he gets treated by cats.
No. 1870021
>>1867838moids are gross but
>naturallyhuh? she's always been open and honest about having implants and fillers and such. Don't moids claim they hate all that?
No. 1870213
File: 1706465426722.png (115.73 KB, 1123x618, fuckingredditor001.png)

why are redditor moids like this? The gf didn't even say that he wasn't doing enough. it just sounds like she wants him to make her little gifts once in a while or cook with him and yet the comments are full of other dumbass scrotes telling him this is a sign that he's dating an abusive demanding bitch and needs to leave. I hope she finds a nice dude that isn't socially retarded and can make her chocolate strawberries without bitching someday.
No. 1870224
File: 1706466152162.png (99.66 KB, 1110x658, strawberrydilemma.png)

>>1870213(2/2) realized I cropped out the sub name but it's r/ADHD, which is a circlejerk of lazy fucks patting each other on the back for refusing to change and develop better habits, because to acknowledge that this would probably improve their lives and relationships better than switching from medication to medication would be OMG ABLEIST.
No. 1870226
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kek moids think life's not worth living if you're not having sex
No. 1870233
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>>1870226From the same guy, I bet he'll troon out in no time. I hope he does, so he can 41% himself just fine
>>1870224>any cooking task is difficult for meBut I tought cooking was a woman-thing to do, and don't wimmin live life on easy mode? just cooking and chilling at home while man go out to work and die at war
No. 1870243
File: 1706467156795.png (74.34 KB, 1020x358, 24551000.png)

>>1870239it gets better.
I'm struggling to see how making strawberries with chocolate (something I could do in elementary school) isn't the same level of complicated as going to the store to buy a card or flowers. You could just slap some nutella on them on a plate for fuck's sake
No. 1870259
>>1870243>>1870224>chocolate covered strawberries>this cooking task is difficult!literally so easy, melt chocolate and just don't fucking burn it, put strawberries on a stick and dip em, and leave to cool and solidify, barely have to stand for 5 minutes in the kitchen, she's not asking for some neat stellar presentation with a pink heart box with a white ribbon and 100 of them, it's not fucking berries and cream only at Wimbledon, it's not a Birkin bag, just one display of affection to prove to her that you love her enough to walk three steps inside the kitchen, but no, its just too much!
No. 1870262
>>1870213Tbh this is why you don't date young scrotes or at least do not take them seriously if you do so.
It's like squeezing blood from a stone.
Young women want little boys to be thoughtful and conscientious in the domicile but in truth they can only serve for the occasional good time (a concert, a meal–sporadically). The only option is to not date committed and spin several of them at once to maximize your fun, then pick your favorite (or don't…) once you graduate. It's a form of vetting. Men expect women to be the choosers, and so you are implicitly agreeing to low standards when you choose to saddle yourself to an undeserving scrote who thinks making fruit confectionaries is akin to fascism.
Maybe scrotes will learn to not subscribe to the fake fairytale bullshit that women will continue to be disney princess doormats for giving half their paychecks and no receiving no effort.
Abandon men.
No. 1870436
>>1870021They’re retarded and can’t tell when a woman has had plastic surgery
>>1870224>any cooking task is difficult for me to executeSo you’re useless. These “adhd” (lazy) moids can’t do anything. I have adhd and have never had a problem with cooking/baking simple foods. It doesn’t require any skill or even much concentration. God, scrotes are worthless.
No. 1870442
File: 1706477932802.png (93.96 KB, 957x356, Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 4.40.…)

>>1870233Looked through his post history, and…yep. Troonout imminent indeed.
No. 1870661
File: 1706498474821.png (751.44 KB, 1590x1820, regret.png)

I was into lurking subreddits like r/regretfulparents and r/breakingmom for a while, and it's pretty depressing over there. Some of these people are just trapped in awful situations that I truly do pity, but others… eugh. Picrel really stuck with me in particular. Imagine being so thoroughly miserable with yourself that you cope by fantasizing about your friend being raped (I'm almost positive that's the "really really terrible" thing she's talking about) and then being forced to carry her rapist's child to term just because you are THAT jealous of her. Insane.
No. 1870697
>>1870661Wow, I've never seen a person verbalize being so painfully miserable by admission of their own choices while trying to bill themselves as
I hope this is some scrote larp.
No. 1870800
File: 1706512962112.jpeg (371.22 KB, 719x1087, dyingalone.jpeg)

If you thought you don't hate scrotes enough today, get prepared to scroll. some ways, I'm just glad that men have degenerated so far so fast, because it just means that women can finally move on. It's crazy how within basically 20 years scrotes threw out the whole concept of marriage, and now they're throwing a shitfit about the loneliness epidemic as they shrivel up alone.
No. 1871027
>>1870224I hate muh ADHD self-diagnosers and especially men using it as an excuse to be lazy shitheads. I struggled with mine my whole life since I didn't get diagnosed until early adulthood (I'm a thirdie who moved to Canada). I and everyone else thought I was just mentally behind but I've never not been able to cook basic easy meals, clean and keep my home decently tidy even if it did take more time and effort. Literal actual retards can do this. I hate that the internet has made information about mental issues more accessible and, instead of being more understanding, some people just weaponize it to excuse their own shitty behavior and whine.
ADHD isn't a (wo)manchild disorder. If anything I'm better organized than most of my peers just with shittier results to show for, and I used to be irritable and emotional until I got on meds.
>She's gaslighting you to think chocolate covered strawberries is a small thingIt is and that poor girl could do so much better. I bet she'd even be happy with ugly mealy beaten up strawberries and melted Hershey's just for the effort, but he just doesn't want to improve because he doesn't think she's worth it. It's not ADHD. I hate males.
No. 1871087
>>1870661I go on those subs a lot as someone who wants kids but also won’t have one until my 30s, and the common thread is almost always young parents and/or way too many kids.
Literally the first 5 posts I can see right now, one has twins and then had another kid (is 2 not enough??) and tried for a FOURTH, one is a teen mom to an autistic child and then had two more kids with autism, and again, another teen mother with 3 children. I feel like so much of the regret could’ve been avoided by stopping after the first or second child?? Nothing wrong with having more than two children if you WANT THEM and can provide for them (and obviously situations change, like job loss or death of a partner), but I doubt the teen mothers who went on to have 3 kids were ever in a financially stable place after that first kid.
No. 1871349
File: 1706560005518.png (122.68 KB, 1510x364, positivity.png)

>>1870816You might be right. She does say in her only reply that she "used to be such a positive person", although she doesn't specify whether that was before all the kids or not.
No. 1871388
>>1870262The pathetic thing is that he's 19, he's old enough to be an adult. But he's still got that small child mindset that everyone automatically loves him just for existing. So he's putting friction burns on his girlfriend's vagina every day, but only taking her on a real date every three weeks. Pathetic and lazy.
>>1871100They should be ashamed. They only make more because they know that somebody else will take care of them, and the government will be obligated to support them. There's some family with 5 or 8 autistic kids, just way too fucking many, that occasionally used to show up on the news for stupid "aw shucks" segments. If it was all on the parents they would close up shop after 1.
No. 1871474
>>1871388>There's some family with 5 or 8 autistic kidsI feel so bad for all those kids wtf. Autism makes normal sibling relationships hard enough, now imagine when one of them has a stim that sets off the other's sensory issues. Fuck that noise. The government should have offered them money to get sterilized five kids ago.
>the government will be obligated to support themHate when parents think like this. Disability is a shit system that fucks up the lives of people on it. It's never something a parent should wish for their child.
No. 1872140
File: 1706637495222.jpg (188.6 KB, 758x1096, its fine if its your kink.jpg)

When someone posts an article about strangulation during sex as domestic violence, redditors bend over backward to defend their kink. No, it's actually totally okay if you're a BDSM educated adult! Every girlfriend I ever had loved it and wanted me to do it! It's perfectly safe if you just squeeze the artery and only partly squeeze the trachea! We are very responsible!
No. 1872451
File: 1706659134935.png (22.72 KB, 761x291, reddit_undertale.png)

No. 1872782
File: 1706697804415.jpg (Spoiler Image,325.76 KB, 1549x1152, 1000002466.jpg)

TW PORN and I tried to make it slightly less shocking to the senses, but this atrocity is a zoom-in on a gooncaves post, which i wont link because it gives the user attention. Do these men not realize they look like serial killers with this shit? Could you imagine dating a man and finding out he owns this months into a relationship?(TW: Ban)
No. 1872783
File: 1706698004799.webp (Spoiler Image,704.24 KB, 3024x4032, 1000002467.jpg)

>>1872782TW PORN another freakish, homunculic monstrosity. Dude said that's his girlfriends bra. We need labor camps.
No. 1872811
>>1870661Besides the posters with special needs kids, most of these people are bad parents, straight up. “I wish my child was dead and I never spend time with her and never hug her or tell her I love her…
why is she so awful??” like damn idk maybe it’s because you’re a hateful bitch
No. 1872825
>>1870661This is like a cautionary tale, never fuck moids because you could end up pregnant and believing that you definitely want to have children. She seems a lot like how I imagine my friend's mother and father surely feel like, but at least they had a tard monster so it's kind of reasonable.
I feel bad for the kids, they just were born because she decided she wanted them as if her sure misery with her first child wasn't enough because let's be honest, I'm sure she was already miserable with the first one.
Now whatever she does is going to fuck up those kids' lives forever because giving them up will fuck up their lives, still taking care of them while obviously resenting them is fucking up their lives and there's nothing that could be done.
No. 1872892
File: 1706712908753.jpeg (55.24 KB, 640x480, IMG_0637.jpeg)

>>1862648This is autistic of me but because I’ve been through it myself, sometimes I look through a woman’s boyfriend’s/husband’s following list and check if I see porn stars or a ton of random influencer women. I checked an ex’s following list right after we broke up and found out then he was following all sorts of porn stars and random women and I had so much secondhand embarrassment that I decided to pretend we never dated at all. Ik it isn’t the woman’s fault but I can’t help but feel like it’s somehow public humiliation for the female partner. Men used to get mad at me for following picrel and beg me to unfollow him KEK. I don’t even follow a ton of male models, just this one guy, and I don’t masturbate to his pictures or anything like that but I feel like the moids I dated assumed that’s why I follow him and projected onto me. But I would never be with a scrote with a following list full of porn stars and random women ever again (or any scrote in general).
No. 1872902
File: 1706714280775.png (110.67 KB, 743x525, aitah.png)

Just a reminder nonas, men only care about you up until you won't have sex with them. Husband lies and cheats for 13 years with three different women but of course he's the
victim of this all because his wife won't let him coercively rape her. He also left out the part about telling his wife "if you don't fuck me I'm getting sex elsewhere". Who would want to have sex with a man that threatens to cheat if you don't put out? Also admits he lied to their therapist about their relationship and claims the therapy didn't work for them. Scrotes, not even once. No. 1872976
File: 1706718664484.png (62.25 KB, 668x301, Screenshot_20240131-173219.png)

>>1872902Replying twice but jfc what are these comments
No. 1873030
>>1872976It's getting harder for me to consider myself a feminist when you see other women saying "letting him cheat on me because I have cancer is the least I could do!". Like what the fuck. Imagine if the roles were reversed and she was out getting nookie from some other guy while her husband was sick with cancer—he'd probably kill her or file for divorce.
>>1873023I love that they pretend like all the women they've been with are soooo into pain and BDSM shit but they themselves totally don't like it! Such bs—if you didn't like it, you wouldn't do it to her. They just care too much about cooming to object
No. 1873063
>>1873030Nta but I’m Gen Z and every guy I’ve dated has a story of a female ex who was into choking and how they sometimes did it reluctantly. In one case this was a lie or exaggerated because that ex would later try to strangle me during sex despite me telling him no and voicing my hatred for it. But I don’t think the others lied about it given my sex life with them and how it never came up, because i think their sex lives were genuinely terrible before and I questioned wtf were the standards of the women they were with. When we first had sex they had a distorted view of how sex is supposed to go (maybe some fondling but no oral, then jackhammering) and most of the guys I’ve dated had no experience of how to eat a woman out—the explanation was that their exes never asked for it and/or didn’t like oral. I view it somewhat as women collectively needing to be selfish enough in the bedroom to create a fulfilling sex life for themselves, free of misogynistic kinks and the lack of pleasure for the woman. I know normie women who claim to not be “vanilla” and proclaim how they’re into choking and other BDSM-lite stuff and I think these women have probably been influenced by pornsick trends and are possibly desperate to be freaky (but apparently not freaky enough to be actually wet down there) so the moid will stay. I know it’s hard to believe that some women do actually ask to be harmed and doing unpleasurable things but looking at r/antipornography, there’s a lot of women sharing how the younger generation of women and girls can be pornsick as well (just not as bad as moids) and many of them say they developed unpleasurable and painful kinks from porn consumption at a young age.
I’m not trying to excuse moids “reluctantly” doing this either but I also think that there are pickmes who claim to love this crap and a whole generation of young women raised on internet porn who have even more horrid standards of what to expect in their sex lives. Although many times these exes are just fictional women that a moid creates to triangulate and coerce you into sexual acts you don’t want to do. You can tell if they’re lying because like my one ex, their pornsickness and violent tendencies will eventually reveal themselves when they try to strangle you during sex after claiming to not really care for it.
No. 1873288
File: 1706735149894.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1170x2148, IMG_7901.jpeg)

>>1873255Reddit has an overwhelming amount of bots and astroturfing. Someone pointed out that the r/movies sub is restrictive about who posts and that a bulk of the posts appear to be coming from the same users, one who is suspected to be a studio pay pig. There are some very good rundowns on Reddit about the presence of karma bots who'll takeover accounts or create new ones solely for the purpose of karma farming- whether it be vote manipulation, astroturfing, trolling, reposting, usually with the intent to accumulate enough karma to sell the account or profit off clicks, or just spread outrage. Very eye opening and very creepy. It's gotten worse since sub moderators can't use third party crawlers to detect and ban bots like they used to
Picrel from Karmabotkillers explains a little about karma farming and bots
No. 1874550
File: 1706837982766.png (279.92 KB, 1780x1149, r:unitedkingdom.png) a shitshow thread thats still going. Another 'boohoo what about the men!'. Of course gen z will hate feminism and womens rights since they didn't live in the eras of pre-feminism. The whole "men are getting left behind' rhetoric is so pathetic, they can't help or save themselves. Andrew Tate and the redpill rhetoric hasn't helped or improved anything, if anything men just still falling into a black hole kek.
Men just don't have any kind of positive unifying factor to help them. Women have and will group up and collectively help/support each other. Womens shelters, women's rights, scholarships, female related cancer charities, etc etc were set up and found by women FOR women. Then these dumb moids will cry "why is there no x for men???". Because y'all don't give a fuck about each other, can't even do emotional support for each other in friendships. All they do is whine online but have 0 motivation to actually support each other in real life.
And the whole "feminism is for men too because of the patriarchy hurts men too!" fuck off it isn't, their problems aren't our problems. God they they can't help themselves nor each other but will blame feminism for their downfall and loneliness.
No. 1874744
>>1874550alwaysright12 is indeed right. I always see "feminists believe this!!" from anti-fems more than I've seen feminists ever speak about shit. It's become a curse word at this point
MRA shit is appealing to men because it puts down women while also trying to give the appearance they're being oppressed. Like how they abandon their kids, claim their baby mama is alienating them and then try to put out the "men are oppressed" appearance while not doing shit for their kids and leaving the burden of childcare and finances to baby mama
No. 1875096
>>1874550Are women supposed to care about these headlines? What are we even supposed to do? It seems like it’s warning women to not be feminists so humanity doesn’t die out but the general female experience is still so bad (and even worsening if you consider the erosion of women’s rights) that women will still encounter reminders that they’re oppressed on the basis of sex anyways. And even disregarding obvious rights being taken away, there’s so many little mundane things that you can’t unsee in the world where men are favored. It’s the Allegory of the Cave.
Scrotes also have no idea how good they have it generally when it comes to women as a class because women have seldom revolted and gotten violent in our pursuits for our rights. In 2024, there’s still a massive population of women who coddle and center men; I would say that pickme women outnumber the women who aren’t, and I do consider consider libfems and tranny panderers as part of that. I have to laugh actually because the “feminist” arguments moids know of and despise is liberal feminism, which is coincidentally the type which coddles men and repeats that bullshit “feminism is for everyone! Patriarchy hurts men too!” Can you imagine their reaction to radical feminism and female separatism? They have no idea how extreme feminists can get and how much we can actually openly despise them.
No. 1875152
>>1875149A mans finger always points to a woman when he's looking to blame
Basically moid logic is
Women fail at something - women's fault
Men fail at something - also women's fault
I see this same outlook on relationships, if men dump women they will look for any reason to blame women, when women dump men they use divorce initiation as a reason why women are bad
No. 1875153
>>1874550>Womens shelters, women's rights, scholarships, female related cancer charities, etc etc were set up and found by women FOR women. One of the few things that gives me hope is that the more & earlier women get burned out on sexual relationships with scrotes, the more of a chance they will spend their time on other women. Just NOT supporting a scrote is a charitable act towards other women. It levels the playing field when these scrotes don't have a secret fairy godmother doing 80 hours of work a week in the background. No free hooker, no free maid, no free catering service, no free cheerleader, no free taxi service, no free bank of small cash loans. And women can now see all these guys failing spectacularly now that there are fewer women willing to pull their lives along like an ox pulls a plow.
No. 1875172
File: 1706892353341.jpeg (237.19 KB, 1170x1500, IMG_8081.jpeg)

“Able to transition peacefully” in this context meaning: their 14 year old is living in a group home with a shaved head and a chest binder after becoming convinced she’s a troon cause of Reddit. Kek No. 1875226
File: 1706894138626.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x1860, IMG_0645.jpeg)

>>1875149Nta but that reminds me how Japanese universities were caught discriminating against women so that they didn’t have too many female students (picrel). It’s so ironic how women excel academically in some of the roughest countries for feminism. Like for instance, I think women in some Middle Eastern countries have thrived academically when restrictions to education and work are lifted. A lot of female doctors and academics that I know are Middle Eastern.
>>1875153I’ve heard that the free domestic labor at work is partially why men can move up so quickly in work whereas women have all that shit to do when they get home. If more men are single and unmarried then you’re right. However, I’m a woman who lives at home and I notice that when men live at home with their parents, everything is taken care of for them whereas I for women who live with their parents, we’re expected to do our own laundry and other chores. Most men get shamed into eventually moving out though (if they’re capable of feeling shame).
No. 1876585
File: 1707009207133.png (266.05 KB, 1500x300, Illustration2.png)

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie talks about the end of curiousity and intellectual discussion in art and literature because of the fear of having different opinions, getting denied an interview for a children's book because she said trans women are trans women and that her life was heavily influenced by her biology
her article gets posted on r/TRUElit
irony No. 1877303
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No. 1877307
File: 1707071101541.jpg (680.33 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20240204-102450_Red…)

Imagine creating a little boy, made of your own flesh and blood. You made him perfectly, he was made in your image as your body designed him. You love him so much you literally get his birth commemorated on your skin with the name you chose for him. Then he grows up and destroys everything you made jfl. Reminder to always abort your fetus if it's a son!
No. 1877333
>>1877323Anon… I think it's the baby's head, unless she has a weird hairy belly.
>>1877331NTA but I think "Henry" just trooned out.
No. 1877349
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>>1877333>>1877307and looked up the account, apparently her kid is five years old, so this seems to a case of a mom trooning out her kid for attention and social clout.
No. 1879205
File: 1707218449570.png (221.77 KB, 1278x944, ywnbaw.png)

>>1879184Holy shit you weren't lying KEK
>>1879148 No. 1880391
File: 1707301883466.png (375.13 KB, 828x628, FaDoAII.png)

actually peak reddit.
No. 1880833
File: 1707331586308.png (46.34 KB, 968x397, CAPTURE.png)

I got banned from r/fourthwavewomen for critiquing a feminist author, and then I got permanently suspended from Reddit due to "violations of Reddit's content policy"
No. 1880889
File: 1707336140018.png (332.29 KB, 1377x650, btt63fc.png)

>>1880391need to check something
No. 1880956
File: 1707339956935.jpeg (Spoiler Image,39.47 KB, 320x232, subreddits Small.jpeg)

It's crazy how different reddit is these days. It's very sanitized
compared to a decade ago. It's probably the demographics changing but there were so much degenerate shit allowed there that you couldn't imagine would be on there now.
No. 1881012
File: 1707343768990.jpg (141.47 KB, 1079x553, Screenshot_20240207_190550_Red…)

Nothing new that hasn't happened in a hundred lesbian subs already, but I love a good ole men forcing their way into lesbian communities, then bitching about how "terfy" it is. I'm actually amazed this still happens because I was under the impression reddit had successfully repelled all real women and lesbians and all the female/lesbian subs were tranny circle jerks, I'm pleasantly surprised there's enough lesbians left to significantly downvote them. They're also claiming it's a targeted brigade from another transphobic site but I couldn't find anything. Mods are going insane deleting nearly every single comment lmao.
No. 1881074
File: 1707350107416.png (121.14 KB, 779x771, Screenshot 2024-02-07 155630.p…)

remember: men are funnier than women
No. 1881169
File: 1707355923186.jpg (139.41 KB, 1080x1156, Screenshot_20240207_202925_Chr…)

I hate Indian scrotes so much. They are the absolute worst on this planet
No. 1881304
File: 1707369240032.png (82.9 KB, 1172x521, CAPTURE.png)

>>1880833And it's now permanent. From what I understand, all I have to do is be reported three times. If my posts are deemed offensive enough, I'll be banned. I've had this account for 7 years now. I survived the rise and downfall of r/GC, and now it's gone because I critiqued a feminist author on an allegedly feminist subreddit, also my backup accounts are also suspended (they were using the same IP). Meanwhile, there are tens of thousands of misogynists with blatant hatred, hiding behind irony or just saying it's about "privileged bitch karens"
No. 1881493
File: 1707396288784.jpeg (175.72 KB, 1194x867, kNRmSFX.jpeg)

I was lurking the plastic surgery subreddit and came across a dude who had gotten jawline and cheek implants by Barry Eppley (famous in incel circles). I lowkey feel bad for him because this is not an improvement and that surgeon's fee is quite high. No. 1881496
File: 1707396445661.jpg (61.82 KB, 640x671, aykakrx5txq91.jpg)

>>1881493He look so weird now
No. 1881526
nonnie, skincare and not being a disgusting waste of space slob are woman things! Men can't do things like those, even using
manly skincare is for women, because only women are vapid and superficial unlike men who totally never get surgery to improve their looks.
Seriously though, men will never put a single cream on their faces nor wash their bodies, eat like shit and sleep in the same sheets for months and then they wonder why they feel like shit and look like shit.
I hope men's suicide statistics show higher numbers this year because how can a whole half of the worldwide population be this fucking retarded.
No. 1881873
File: 1707423959076.png (286.66 KB, 1439x625, uRrtQ4X.png)

>>1881493r/PlasticSurgery user overlap
No. 1882072
>>1881493>>1881496gigakek at the rest of this dude's photos
No. 1882098
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>>1882072Live action handsome squidward
No. 1882570
File: 1707471844039.jpeg (490.31 KB, 1800x1800, IMG_1933.jpeg)

Reddit mods are the biggest trolls because they pose as caring custodians who are protecting their communities.
This is the most discompassionate AND pedantic interaction I have ever had with another 'human being'.
Sorry that the tragedy of MY father killing himself is too much for YOU. I was addressing someone's suggestion, so how can that be considered trauma dumping?
These people can't possibly have day jobs.
No. 1882848
File: 1707499697396.jpeg (224.99 KB, 664x990, 704F2F4E-8817-400A-BA8E-085C85…)

>>1882176Crossposting from the consoomerism thread. The whole shtick with these cups is that they’re overlayed with softcore anime porn. I can’t believe how active this subreddit is. This moid in particular just can’t understand why his girlfriend isn’t a fan of him collecting and displaying them. Also the “girl collector” chiming in is a tranny. I hate moids so much.
No. 1882851
File: 1707499787276.jpeg (Spoiler Image,262.44 KB, 827x1699, 2743C70E-431E-4216-BD64-67D6EC…)

>>1882848Samefag, here’s a lovely example of the types of designs these losers are obsessed with
No. 1882853
File: 1707499859932.jpg (1.28 MB, 2662x3037, moids-are-not-humans-low-value…)

>Women's sexual selection is fuckin destructive bc that means I won't get laid
>Men who do not have sex are being oppressed by evil women, when will society start caring about men's mental health issues and legalize rape???
>Of course we will experience a high level of male aggression. Not every male will just sit quietly.
>The only way to stop males from committing terrifying violent crimes is by giving women zero rights and making gays illegal, so women are forced to marry men. When women marry men, men can rape women legally, so men are not violent anymore and society works properly.
>Feminism made it illegal for men to rape women, so feminism is to blame that men can't have sex anymore, which makes men violent, so it's women's fault that men will start mass killing and raping women in the future.
(Don't they do that already?)
>Women having the right to choose the men they will have sex with or not is bad, no wonder most religions had to basically enslave them to create a civilized society
Okay ladies, it's time to hit the gym and start learning martial arts and self-defense as much as we can. We should also start considering getting a gun. Seriously, gun control is for men. Every woman should be allowed to carry a gun with them 24/7.
No. 1883024
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No. 1883291
File: 1707533571132.jpeg (869.38 KB, 1125x1828, IMG_5749.jpeg)

I hope this fucker’s future ex-wife doesn’t hesitate and takes him to the cleaners! Also kek @ him posting dm’s implying “see? These cowards are being mean to me, I know I’m right!” No. 1883311
>>1883291fake or not the comments are awful, reddit really loves their male
victims. the dm section is so funny too.
No. 1883457
File: 1707544974387.png (201.81 KB, 768x1209, wrte4.png)

vaush fans coping that their idol is a degen by going "um sweetie, why do you care about what he watches in the first place, your the real pervert"
No. 1883804
File: 1707581036046.png (32.3 KB, 1028x257, troon.png)

they love to attention whore at any given chance.
No. 1884851
>>1883457i only know about bad things from this guy, like screenshots where he talks about raping women on their husbands corpses and wanting the age of consent lowered
one of my uni lecturers shared a video of his to a fb nature group im in and i think he had no idea how bad of a person he is
No. 1885859
File: 1707749866510.jpeg (585.25 KB, 828x1108, IMG_0369.jpeg)

comment section is exactly what you would expect. these moids are so offended by the very notion that they should “get help” for their pedophilic urges No. 1885947
>>1883496Every fucking guy on this sub looks identical
>ugly>receding hairline if not bald>bad skin and wrinkles>square glasses>generally unkempt looking>0.03 seconds away from making the soyjack faceit's like the came out of factory somewhere kek
No. 1885989
File: 1707759685486.png (328.52 KB, 1080x611, 05GCDim.png)

No. 1886016
>>1885859i really don't get why people go on reddit anymore and try to say anything that goes against the hivemind or why people even care so much what the average redditor thinks. they're all a bunch of below average in every way, loser degenerates living on breadcrumbs and tears, the kind of person that if you saw them in real life you would instantly know they were a dumbass faggot and would accordingly avoid. for a bunch of retards who claim that they're soooooo intellectual and openminded, especially in comparison to the average person, any little deviance from their rigidly accepted set of beliefs sets them off. any sort of contrarian opinion is like telling them that they're stupid and their mother doesn't love them…all facts which are true but most people are too polite to say anything. i see so many anons even here who go into this betacuck shithole to try to debate about women's rights or get into a discussion with these freaks on topics usually around sex and gender issues; they predictably get instapermabanned and/or dogpiled and all i can think is…what do you expect from these cowards? for them to admit that they're wrong? change their mind? change yours? have a reasonable rational discussion that doesn't devolve into whining, butthurts and mental gymnastics to justify their immorality? it's such a waste of time to try to have any sort of conversation with these fools unless you want to stroke their tiny, fragile egos and tell them how special they are for being le cool white guy who posts on reddit.
sorry for the rant, i'm in a bad mood.
No. 1886537
File: 1707805438783.jpg (62.39 KB, 604x628, Tumblr_l_10876639637619~2.jpg)

Saw picrel and immediately thought of the sort of shit that gets posted ITT kek
No. 1888529
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No. 1888540
File: 1707954279744.png (498.8 KB, 1080x2629, 1000008073.png)

>>1888531She says that the baby got it from the bed she shares with her husband. One of the comments bring up that the husband might be raping the children which is possible since he already seems to be
abusive and a drunk.
No. 1889020
>>1888529jesus christ, what a post history. the husband was also fucking dudes through grindr. also a john, the crabs came from a prostitute. OD'd on seroquel like a bippie retard when she broke up with him.
the incontinent teenager (husbands daughter) is trooning out too. another red alarm for sexual abuse.
No. 1889169
File: 1708001608705.jpeg (505.66 KB, 1170x2103, IMG_0824.jpeg)

This pedophile that I messaged to fuck off and die is reporting me for that singular message and I keep getting warnings about it. I blocked him so the reports will stop but it isn’t working and somehow Reddit keeps giving me new warnings for the same message. I can’t report anything to get him permanently deleted because he removed everything off of his account after I messaged him and called him out for being a pedophile and ironically in the Christianity subreddit while he was also posting on the same account about wanting to trade pictures of little girls.
He really deleted everything before I could get him permanently banned, I’m so fucking pissed.
No. 1889278
File: 1708012404598.jpg (117.18 KB, 848x227, ugh.jpg)

>do the bare minimum on Valentine's Day
>ZOMG men! I see you I love you let me suck your dick you're so impressive
>2.5k updoots
I hate this website
No. 1890033
File: 1708053877249.jpeg (57.43 KB, 720x539, received_398843006024427.jpeg)

Low hanging fruit but why live like this?
No. 1890411
File: 1708089898743.png (55.04 KB, 937x470, 876578.PNG)

>he doesn't know why he did it
Because he's a sick freak and he thought he would get away with it. 14 is old enough to know better.
No. 1890415
File: 1708090493265.jpg (407.91 KB, 1466x1122, Untitled.jpg)

Reddit moids have the thinnest of skin. It doesn't matter how polite women are they lose it.
No. 1890416
>>1890411Why am I not surprised retards are trying to make it seem like the boy was actually the real
victim in all this because he could've been an SA
victim too.
Hope he ropes once he realizes he's getting charged kek No. 1890902
File: 1708120364582.jpeg (246.72 KB, 750x972, IMG_4095.jpeg)

Why are vegan haters so retarded and cowish kek
No. 1890931
File: 1708122966155.png (870.22 KB, 810x1996, r-dykeconversionpoll.png)

r/dykeconversion's demographics are 80% men and troons. What a surprise!: No. 1891002
>>1890931I absolutely hate how everything that was agreed as "bad" is somehow totally fine if it's for men to get off. Domestic violence? Bad. Domestic violence against women but filmed? No problem then. Racism? Bad. Racism in porn? So progressive. Homophobia and gay conversion? Bad. Homophobia and gay conversion as a "kink" for "lesbians"? uwu don's shame me uwu.
No. 1891019
File: 1708133986246.jpg (267.33 KB, 810x1413, Screenshot_20240216-163329_Boo…)

>>1890931>>1890945Oh, I made the meme. It wasn't part of the post. Sorry for being snarky
>>1890938Here's the original without the meme
No. 1891099
>>1891019I'd bet that 21% women is probably made up of a lot of mtfs thinking "I've transitioned for a whole 6 months, I'm a real woman now" or some other bunch of men realizing "shit this looks bad" and deliberately screwing with the results. Degenerate women exist but I'd bet it's not really 21% of that sub.
>>1890411Men are so degen to their core that even a 14 year old is already doing this shit.
No. 1891361
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>imagine this insecure schizoid being your teacher.
No. 1891369
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>>1891361samefag, sometimes you come across an account that reveals partially everything about a person. This guy is honestly so pathetic, I can't even make fun of him. He is an autistic English teacher who is into Yu-Gi-Oh, with failed dreams of moving to Asia but teaches in Philadelphia and is getting into martial arts. No. 1891401
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>>1891361>>1891369He's an autistic nerd, so what? Going through his profile, he doesn't seem like a perverted Incel NEET like most and appears to be striving to be a good teacher who actually cares for his students, also there's nothing wrong with trying to improve yourself with fitness or martial-arts.
No. 1891857
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FUCKING KEK. Men are the ones refusing to date and marry? Delusional
No. 1891879
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What a comment!
>I REALISE more men commit su!c!d£s, which is what feminism is for. Which is something I strive for too. More the reason to ditch the patriarchal expectation, I literally don’t care what’s going on with your penis.
Accidentally based.
No. 1893488
>>1891857I went to find the post and am honestly dismayed at how many comments defending there are.
Somewhat related, has anyone else noticed an uptick of straight up misogynistic tropes that wouldn't be out of place in the 50s being highly upvoted or on the front page lately? Like yes, reddit has always hated women but I feel like I'm seeing more and more unironic misogyny.
No. 1893772
>you're post wall roastie no men will love, we only like 16-25 year oldsAlso men:
>Reee women have too high standards they give men zero chances reeee No. 1893774
>>1893763I don't understand why people hire babysitters at all, you would think that just glancing at the news would let you know that you can't trust anyone with a child, specially not some retarded ass teenager. Like what do you even do if the child get in an accident at home? How can a retarded 14 years old react to a baby having diarrhea, puking or getting hurt?
The parents of the 9 years old girl are retarded for even considering letting that moid in their house unsupervised, but I hope they fuck up the life of the minimoid by putting him in the sex offenders registry or whatever public registry there is for younger moids being predators.
No. 1893899
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>>1893766You know it's bad when bottom of the barrel 4chan scrotes think it's weird
No. 1893941
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>>1893899This subreddit appeared on my feed and it’s a cesspool of “how dare women cause a generation of male virgins, why don’t women want us” and, simultaneously, “women are AKSHUALLY sexual predators” with the worst “scientific” survey ever conducted cited. If only these incel redditors ever stepped outside for once, they would realize women do not catcall men on the streets, women do not grope men and boys on public transport, women do not bring date rape drugs to the bar. How ridiculous
No. 1894300
File: 1708388122599.jpeg (168.25 KB, 750x1113, IMG_4528.jpeg)

There was an article about how a pornstar commited suicide at 36.Someone commented how the porn industry is terrible for women, and of fucking course scrotes had to come out in force crying about how hard they have it, way harder than women in an industry that abuses them and spits them back out into a world where they practically have no future due to a simple google search.
>”male pornstars suffer in the industry too! Just look at louis theroux!”>”construction and mining indurstries have higher rates of suicide though!”>”ignorant comment! Stupid opinion!” No. 1894316
>>1893941I knew a British moid who would (quite obviously) lead on random women, try to hide the fact he lead them on, and randomly go cold on them while claiming it was the woman that was creepy, he even would send screenshots to other women and pull the "see men can be
victims of sexual harassment too" card but didn't bother to delete multiple messages were he was clearly doing the persuing
No. 1894627
>>1894425Not to mention the amount of women forced into the industry by their
abusive boyfriends only to be robbed of their entire income by them. Off the top of my head I can name Linda Lovelace, Dorothy Stratton and Jenna Jameson. I cannot even think of a notorious male pornstar who was exploited and abused in the same way.
No. 1895059
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Jannies working OT scrubbing any opinion not expressing total outrage over this on all the UK main subs. I know the censorship has always been bad, but it's gotten so much worse recently, especially on the bigger discussion/news subs. And it's gotten so fast too. I've been calling it instajannying. If you don't get to any remotely controversial post or comment chain on one of the bigger subs within an hour, expect to see a slew of [removed] comments. If you even get to the post before it's removed, locked, and further sanitized.
Yet people still keep participating there. I don't fucking understand it. With the small subs, maybe. But any bigger discussion sub is staffed with a team of terminally online powermods that immediately censor or ban you for wrongthink. You can't have any real discussion about anything remotely controversial except on small niche subs, and even then you have to skirt around their prohibitive TOS.
No. 1895295
>>1895163Communities should mostly be self-moderating. Mods jobs should be to deal with spam and trolls. Not censor conversations. I had issues with Ovarit's moderation when I was there.
Trigger-happy mods. Hell, I was even banned from circles I never participated in. The same shit reddit jannies pull. Just let communities self-moderate within reason.
No. 1897661
File: 1708622667938.png (469.83 KB, 1584x1380, screenaddiction.png)

These parenting subs could fill up a thread all by themselves. Anyway, here's the kind of emotional regulation you can expect when you let screens raise your kids.
No. 1897700
>>1897661Hmm I wonder whose job it is to make their own children behave?
>lets her kids bully her into giving them what they want>no consequences for bad behavior, just cries and tries to reason with a fucking toddler?>children want "tablet time" at 4 and 6, implying they're used to having a tablet shoved in front of them to shut them upThe kids both screaming they don't love her is telling me it's learned behavior they're using to bully her into getting what they want. Where did they learn that from? And again, why isn't she giving them
any consequences for that kind of behavior? Kids need firm rules to know you're reliable and they're safe with you, they don't get that from crying and muh anxiety. I hate this retard omg.
No. 1897751
>>1897661Every time someone posts about their horrible kids I check for 4 things- single mom, teen mom, autistic kids, or more than 2 kids? Looked in her post history and the 6 year old is autistic and she has 3 kids. At least one in five of these people who make these posts have autistic kids, and Im sure autism is something inherent & immutable once a kid is born, but other than severe cases I can’t help to think that these kids wouldn’t be such tards if they weren’t handed tablets.
My cousin has severe autism and was nonverbal until he was 10, but his parents always took him everywhere and talked to him even before he responded, and was always taught emotional regulation/punished like a regular kid. Tablet parents aren’t even doing that with their “regular” kids, what chance does an autistic kid have nowadays.
No. 1897811
>>1897773>A lot of women on reddit were pickmes during their timeMost still are, they never learn. On almost all mainstream subs you can find comments made by 30-something or older pickmes humblebragging (lying) about looking 15, having big tits, checking out women together with their husband because they're such cool girls, insisting women are meanie gold digging whores, and if they were OP's wifey they'd totally suck his dick every day. When you go into their post history, they're either trailer trash, single moms, fat and ugly, poly, or all of the above.
No. 1898041
>>1897684Honestly good for her then, because that is far more effort than most tablet parents are ever willing to go through. Hopefully it won't be too late for her kids to get better, but I do worry, especially since the six-year-old little boy already has a phone…
Which, sidenote, is it really customary nowadays for
six-year-olds to have smartphones? Is that actually a thing? I really hope not, but I get the feeling I'm going to be disappointed.
No. 1898099
>>1897751TV/tablet in infancy causes diagnosed autism in boys. Somebody actually did one complete study on it. Heavy TV used resulted in 38% higher risk of autism. think this is probably why males have such different symptoms from females, and a higher rate of diagnosis. When a male develops such a high level of sociopathic solipsism that his mental development is completely impaired, that gets grouped in with whatever causes biological autism. And the two aren't necessarily linked, but coddling parents will cause the first kind of "autism" to form in boys with biological issues.
No. 1898433
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>>1897865>the kids both screaming they don’t love herI wasn’t sure that you could.
No. 1898533
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Scrote divorces wife because she won’t fuck him anymore and when she inevitably does, the sex will be ‘subpar’ so he’s jumping ship. No. 1898627
File: 1708691035468.jpg (Spoiler Image,274.65 KB, 1080x2581, 1000008681.jpg)

Forgot to spoiler
No. 1898708
>>1898533JFC. One of the comments says he previously made a post elsewhere about having a twins. That he went back and deleted after it got called out. This really exemplifies how men will lie by omission as hard as they possibly can, while women will "to be fair" their own stories to death.
>>1897201Notice how every episode of Dateline is about a "life of the party" girl, or a girl who would treat anyone like her best friend.
No. 1901293
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Funny how he mentions none of his parenting efforts or how he treats her. I'd be willing to bet money he 100% deserves it, of course the comments were all boo hooing about muh male domestic abuse kek. We should be abusing them more, long live the Stacy uprising
No. 1901401
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>>1900777>Just had a baby and has severe physical issues from the birth>Actively caring for the child while trying to recover>Husband won't leave her alone for sex and has to develop a system where she can be fucking left aloneI wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Her husband sounds so fucking annoying.
No. 1901421
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>>1897751I tinfoil that autism is over diagnosed with kids these days
I'm saying this as someone with an autism diagnosis I have noticed many parents online doesn't do anything to raise or discipline their kids. when the kids start causing trouble the parents don't wanna admit that its because of their own failure as parents so they start looking for a doctor who will diagnose their kids with autism. Not saying that autism is a fake diagnosis because it isnt but it's interesting how every bratty kid now has autism specially since some of their out-of-order behavior aren't even autism symptoms it's stuff that every kid does until their parents tells them to stop doing it.
No. 1901579
File: 1708902776550.jpeg (46.55 KB, 524x524, IMG_4093.jpeg)

Sage for rant but I fucking hate how redditors always need to bring up irrelevant details about themselves in any topic. I am passionate about urban planning and i posted something recently about Infill development and one retard said something along the lines of “I AM A INTROVERTED DUDE WITH AUTISM I HATE PEOPLE AND WANT TO LIVE IN THE WOODS” like omfg no one cares what does that have to do with infill development??? Did you even read what i had to say? This being Reddit, it was one of the top comments with more redditors and trannies adding their own super funny joke about being socially retarded. This is one example out of plenty. They always find a way to tell everyone they are autistic/introverted/depressed/transgender/etc. The derailling on Reddit is worse than the tradthot thread.
No. 1901983
File: 1708927988080.jpeg (963.71 KB, 1125x1795, IMG_5768.jpeg) asshole, now you have blood on your hands.
No. 1902276
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>>1901983It’s fake af.
The comments are funny tho
No. 1902406
File: 1708955453262.png (115.7 KB, 703x790, kill yourself.PNG)

I can't do this shit no more
No. 1902417
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r/redpillwomen might be one of the most depressing places on the internet
No. 1902575
File: 1708965203172.jpeg (239.39 KB, 814x913, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-vxKZ…)

moid writes creepy fanfiction about getting raped by his stepdaughter. fakest porn shit you can imagine. all comments are supporting OP unironically. the story is so clearly a fetish its disgusting to read.
No. 1903283
>>1902575This seems like a vindictive fetish story he wrote to vent about his wife not giving him all the sex he wants so he creates some fantasy situation where the daughter has sex with him but oh wait he’s not responsible he’s being taken advantage of so you can’t possibly call him a creep because he’s so sad and poor traumatized man we need to focus on the forgotten male
victims! Also why did he need everyone’s sexual backstory before telling his weird reverse rape experience. And I have no way of knowing but if you’re that drunk to the point of passing out would you still be erect and able to ejaculate? Only guys on Reddit are so regularly forced into penetrative sex by a woman while they’re powerless somehow, probably the same moids on the men’s rights sub who unironically say female on male rape is the most common and this is their proof they wrote with one hand.
No. 1903676
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noooo, how dare the younger generations wants stability and not porn and degen shit everywhere.
No. 1904203
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literally cant even go onto the most innocuous subreddits without moids shitting it up. even if it is fake, everyone in the thread is joking about it, so gross.
No. 1904939
File: 1709112687321.jpg (849.09 KB, 1080x2081, Screenshot_20240228_103143.jpg)

Try to guess if the retards can stay on topic. Someone said that "most people who knows about JKR will assume you share her views" kek they really think the internet is real life. I just feel sorry for the OP
No. 1906553
>>1906399amiugly told me my makeup skills were shit. Most of the comments were shockingly complimentary considering how turbo my body dysmorphia is and how ugly I think I am. There was some gross comments buried in a sea of constructive ones. It inspired me to improve, I'm never going to be a MUA but I have gotten better. I gave particular gripes about how I felt my lips were small, my nose was too raised, or my skin was bumpy and only a few commenters declared I was truly uggo
I took the precaution to turn off my DM's so I didn't get any dick pics or harassed. I wouldn't recommend anyone do it regardless. funnily enough no one irl had ever told me my makeup skills were bad but I do live in a midsize southern town kek
No. 1906580
>>1906556NTA, but corpos having pics of your face on a private Instagram with a limited number of people sucks but it's still not the same as posting it on Redditshit for any scrote on the planet to easily download. just don't do it nonnies
I hate Reddit so much, I hate knowing that nearly every person who interacts with me there is a stupid redditard. I hate that I "have" to use it because they killed forums and because the cows I follow there don't have active threads here. Fuck you Reddit. I'm really close to deleting my account (again).
No. 1906624
File: 1709227455453.png (238.78 KB, 616x589, Screenshot_20240229-120842.png)

They're so committed to this specific fanfiction of porn plot transcriptions with tacked on men's activism at the end. Is constantly writing these things actually moving to anyone normal?
No. 1906677
>>1906624I know it's not an unusual way of phrasing it but given the whole context I laughed at
> she had gotten herself pregnant by another manOmg she forced him to ejaculate in her too. Kept getting herself pregnant.
No. 1906791
>>1906586>So do they lie to ugly girls that they’re beautiful as well? Or do they lie in the inbox and tell the truth on the post? Every scrote has an agenda and you can’t trust anything they say.Probably an admixture. I'm surprised how few comments I got actually calling me ugly. Some of the commenters were women and not scrotes, and actually gave me decent advice about modding the shadow for my eye shape. As I said I'm bad at following tutorials, it's tedious, do it for fun, not glamor usually. I've got the kind of dysmorphia that turns me off being photographed, that's how bad it is, there's almost no third person candids of me from the last decade.
Why do scrotes having an opinion on makeup in the first place though? Last time I checked they don't know squat about it.
No. 1906907
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No. 1908932
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No. 1908957
>>1908932>losing MY relationship to a studentthat just makes it sound like he had them as a personal target…
i wish someone with hacker skills could find out where he works and show his posts that literally say "show up to my preschool with those on my hip" this is clearly a derranged man who shouldn't work around kids
No. 1909136
>>1908957Says in multiple posts that he's in lansing michigan
> guns in my purse hehe > knives > 'my kids' ..meaning the pre-k kids > self harm > muh bdsm lifestyle > my biology is closer to a ciswoman than a cisman cause hrt, educate yourself > more guns but under my dress this time > do I need stitches for this stab wound on my wrist? I totally did it on accident despite me having a whole tattoo about slitting my wrists He's real comfortable oversharing shit while every other post is about the kids.
No. 1911360
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And of course, everyone in the comments is coddling the creep. Bet he used photos of his girlfriend's friends.
No. 1911689
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Most of the top comments were like this. OP posted a screenshot of an article titled "Kentucky Senator Argues That 'Child Sex Dolls' Are Beneficial To 'Minor Attracted People' In Disturbing Judicial Committee Statement"
That's not how this works. Sexual abusers get off on the violation. Either they would be uninterested in the doll because it's not a real person they can violate, or they would just use it for practice. I'm so tired of reddit's endless sympathy for pedos and rapists.
No. 1911752
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Does anyone else think this is a fake victim fantasy? Kek
No. 1911771
>>1911752The odds of this being true are so slim, women who do this kind of stuff would have a history of other psychotic behaviours and men don't realise that because it doesn't fit their own
victim narratives and also they purposely seek out such women. So to answer question, i feel like the part about the child abuse could probably be true at the very least because it's just too specific.
No. 1911980
>>1911360delete your selfies
free access to your face can now be easily made into porn
men have ruined social media
this used to be a celebrity problem, then it become a streamer/youtuber/ig famous problem, but it's been quietly happening to very normal women for a while despite it not being well known
No. 1912168
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No. 1912223
>>1911752They added the element of bruising as edivence of rape just because it's common with female
victims, but it makes zero sense for a man if all his limbs were restrained. And if even only his legs are free, a 65-110 kg muscle ape won't be able to be held down against his will.
Also the pettiest nitpick on this fake story, but that is not how you count the present value of money.
No. 1913312
File: 1709730305499.jpg (65.4 KB, 811x450, 7lri4a0k9ac31.jpg)

>>1911956The kind of argument moids use to justify jacking off to lolicon, AI CP, and child sex dolls to "tame their pedophilia" and to "stop them from harming kids IRL" reminds me of the argument moids use where they take porn and try to make it seem like this "heroic content" that's stopping them from going out and raping the first twenty women they see everyday….as if the porn industry doesn't come with moral issues on its own. Scrotes always want to justify keeping their detrimental sex fantasies with the argument that it's at least better than hurting anyone IRL. But why can't they just not hurt people,
and quit enabling their own fantasies at the same time by not being rapists, AND not jacking off to content that enables their animalistic sense of sexuality? Why can't males just fucking be normal? Maybe it has to do with that shriveled up, crusty and defected chromosome they have next to their first, perfect, and X-shaped one.
No. 1913804
File: 1709760666269.png (Spoiler Image,386.43 KB, 669x321, Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 4.18.…)

>>1912861>>1913329No they don't, there are programs and websites like Nudify (and DeepNude for video) that only need one image. This is because they remove the clothes from the original image instead of pasting the target's face into a porn.
(I censored the before-and-after to hide the woman's face (it's a stock image but still) and the explicit porn content)
The days of needing many images are over, scrotes found out that it's easier to undress an existing image than it is to put a face into a porn. Truly no woman is safe, apps like StarryAi (AI image generating and editing app) can even do it from a phone with the right prompting, no need for fancy GPUs or gigabytes of RAM anymore.
No. 1913906
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>>1913837>>1913806Yeah but they didn't have the ability to do it with the click of a button from any device, and undress any image, most of fake nude content was was made by photoshopping a face onto a body. Now you can remove clothes from the same image. How are you going to deny it's your nude when it's a photo in your room?
Also, deepNude and the apps/programs that use it, like RoopCam, can make videos with only one image.
No. 1914036
File: 1709773786277.jpg (903.79 KB, 1080x1840, Male defect.jpg)

Love when they are honest about what they are
No. 1914076
File: 1709775364044.jpg (267.49 KB, 1170x1617, 1000003195.jpg)

Men's creative fiction always tells so much about them and what really goes on in their head. Do they not understand its obvious what they say is fake?
No. 1914312
>>1914275Years ago I found like around 100-150 sub's in which women posts themselves and sustain these subreddits and gave up on feminism because they literally call themselves cum dumpsters, cum sluts, cocksuckers and caption their pics "do you like my 19yo tight asshole daddy" "can I drain your balls daddy" "do you like tiny blonde teens?" "Teen at your service daddy" "paint me with your cum!" And when you go to their accs it's 100% just women engaging in these subreddits I forgot most of them but: r/2000sgirls r/assholegonewild r/cumsluts r/couplesgonewild r/18_19 r/degradethispig r/tinytits r/fauxbait r/asiamgonewild
And more, if you search terms like "cum dumpster" with the safe search turned off then it can be easily found or go to the accounts that post in the name subreddits you can find more and more and more and more and more and… kek
No. 1914505
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No. 1916907
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"even if the mangaka is a pedophile Kenshin is a good manga and he is worthy of respect for that achievement"
Soo they're excusing and praising a pedo now??
>Personally,I don't care about the mangaka's fetishes and creepy tastes
What a disgusting retard
No. 1917479
File: 1709987508035.jpg (Spoiler Image,836.15 KB, 1080x7453, 024011847.jpg)

>>1916079There are worse subreddits which is crazy, how can there be worse things than these rape kinks?! like r/ahegaogirls, i sacrificed myself for these screenshots and went to hell. Yet people will still say that sex or sucking dicks is not degrading or violent. They make me think that I'm not a woman or like they are animals or like I'm slowly finding out that other women are not sentient and I'm living in a fucking matrix and men are chimps too of course or I don't know what. Sexuality is so insanely sado-maso and my brain is making me less of an animal than 99% of people. Female sexuality makes me feel so dizzy like I'm gonna pass out and I already accepted death. This is the mentality of any girl/woman I socialized with since I was 12, in online spaces or irl and I'm in endless shock that they are capable of engaging in sexuality especially in ways like this? Who are these people?!
No. 1918018
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no one reads my posts before replying and downvotes all my questions
No. 1918694
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60 fucking 5
No. 1918698
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To be fair it seems the upvotes come from male lurkers because comments are quite reasonable and against op
No. 1918773
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No. 1919078
>>1918774low self-esteem
why do anons keep asking this question like they aren't intimately familiar with the answer?
No. 1920695
File: 1710176418220.gif (2.09 MB, 300x223, IMG_1302.gif)

Only redditors need alone time. Only redditors are introverted. Only redditors are anything but disabled. Only redditors are INFJ. Only redditors are nihilist. Only redditors can't help the environment. Only redditors can't get a job. Only redditors get annoyed with other people. Only redditors are smart. Only redditors know how to solve the worlds problems. Only redditors know women. Only redditors know what a girly orgasm feels like. Only redditors can predict the future.
No. 1920711
File: 1710177458264.jpeg (200.72 KB, 573x584, IMG_8400.jpeg)

Redditors love to front as if they’re completely judicious, unemotional, intelligent (re: archetypically “masculine”) but invariably they always show themselves to be gullible and quick to their emotions. r/facepalm and similar subreddits are filled with this obvious ragebait nonsense as an autist for Japanese history I have my own opinions on this topic
No. 1920791
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>video game policies
>movie policies
No. 1920820
>>1918781Because it’s unnecessary to make a weird humblebrag and list off all your desirable traits to tell women who are in emotional turmoil that even though their bodies aren’t as hot as hers that it’s not their faults their husbands make them feel like shit. It can easily be said without the paragraphs of self-congratulatory prose and it’s a mantra everyone already says there, that it doesn’t matter what you look like, you could look exactly like his favorite porn star dream girl and he’d still watch porn, cheat, and neglect the relationship.
Also I browse that sub often and notice a bunch of the women in there talk about blowing their shitty porn addict boyfriends every fucking day in some hopes it’ll cause him to show affection? It’s fucking BLEAK, I’ll never know why some women are blinded by “love” so much they become pathetic servants to their obviously uninterested partners.
No. 1920920
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No. 1920981
>>1920950 is right, congratulations anon, you made it.
No. 1921220
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>>1920791I agree. Censoring men showing skin while female characters are allowed to be scantily and wear bikini armors is misandry. Why are women allowed to be half naked while men are forced into covering like some reverse Hijabi? seems a bit misandrist to me. Feminists are just scared of sexy men because they hate men and they love women so they want to censor sexy men in videogames. We must stop this madness and censorship.
No. 1921940
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No. 1921965
>>1921940He’s obviously on the verge of trooning out, which is why he describes his transvestism as a “fundamental” part of himself. In response to her sexual rejection, he gives her the silent treatment, which is coercive and
abusive. TiMs always seem to come out right after they’ve baby-trapped their wives, sadly. Many such cases
No. 1921970
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>>1921960Have another one
No. 1921985
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>>1906399I posted on r/lookyourbest, and I got comments telling me to cut my hair. THESE PPL WERE TRIPPIN, I have a long neck. I swear they give me bad advice on purpose.
>>1906586>they called some ugly girl pretty.I don't know why but I noticed this too. I feel bad but I'm like picrel cause… they don't even give you honest answers. The girls on reddit are also pickmes who will roast you or say you look older than you are as an attempt at a dig and the scrotes are horny af and would do anything for a crumb of e-pussy. Go on a post in r/amiugly and look at one of the profiles in the comments, guarantee if its a man's profile, it has porn
No. 1922115
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This was on the front page of reddit.
No. 1922265
>>1921953It's the.. woman is pregnant, husband has a deep sexual epiphany! phenomenon
>Y'know that kink that we already agreed you'll only indulge once in blue moon.. >Or hey even that one we agreed you won't ever partake in. That hard limit total NO-go thing. Yeah I've decided I simply cannot spend my life with someone who won't embrace this vital part of meThey use a baby that hasn't even been born yet as a way to barter for more degenerate shit because they know what a barrier that creates for a woman to leave. And they happily watch their pregnant wife get all hysterical at the dilemma of feeling like it's somehow her fault if their family unit is ruined by not giving into sexual ultimatums/sexual coercion all dressed up as if it's this super deep thing. Bonus points if it's a particularly hard/complicated pregnancy and she already feels like she's dying before being hit with that shit.
No. 1922274
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Reddit comments are always a great reminder of why you should never commit yourself to a moid. I have never in my life seen a woman speak about her husband in this way. Even the most obnoxious types of wives are usually complaining about shit like having to parent another child (their husband). Women react to men’s stupidity, men simply hate women.
No. 1922322
>>1922274Meanwhile there's all the "did you know that 50 out of every 2 men are now sexless and unhappy and our world is going down in flames becauze men are lonely and more importantly their dicks aren't wet!? Where's muh wife and kids that'd turn me into a happy and fulfilled man? If only I had a woman to.. If only women would, If given a chance I'd.."
Marry and still hate her
No. 1922470
nonnie, pickmes do not speak for me. Fuck off.
No. 1922614
File: 1710294425297.jpg (270.77 KB, 1080x1855, 1000003358.jpg)

This is supposedly written by a woman but the setups of reddit posts are usually so… manufactured that I pass a lot of popular posts and can't help but automatically file them away as creative fiction. (1/3)
No. 1922617
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>>1922614(2/3) like here is this succinct, perfect storybook premise written well, please give me korma
No. 1922619
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>>1922617(3/3) although there is no doubt in my mind ITbros do this creepy shit, the setup was too calculated and the "btw im a woman" was slyly placed as an afterthought in the comments. Engagement farming has become a dopamine currency and everything is fake
No. 1923165
File: 1710330221480.jpg (238.91 KB, 1080x1134, Screenshot_20240313_124353_com…)

Finally a success story. Wish all cheater gooners would follow
No. 1923289
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Context: pic of a dying geriatric man with an iron lung
I hate how they need to objectify women and show their poorsickness even in a post about a guy stuck in an iron lung. Of course said guy made it known that he had lived a full life, going to many places, including strip clubs, because your life isn't complete unless you see women as walking "titties"
Fuck them all. I can't even browse a completely harmless post and comment section, they gotta make it about sex and misogyny
No. 1923594
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Imagine being this pathetic kek
No. 1923897
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FOUND IT. Everything is a sexual fetish to men.
No. 1924752
>>1924525Men can't handle scrutiny about their hideous bodies. And women have been trained to baby their feelings. You did gods work
No. 1924856
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On an /r/gaming post (which is just screenshots of a thread in which JK Rowling is accused of holocaust denial for not believing the nazis burned books about trans stuff.. users who pointed out it’s not gaming related or actual holocaust denial downvoted into oblivion)
No. 1925061
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r/bald is a goldmine filled with all kinds of copium and pics of balding men holding their 5 strands of hair asking if they're balding or not
No. 1925072
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>>1925061Bald men are so gross. Especially when their cue ball heads get shiny
No. 1925234
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>>1925061Oh no no no, not the children's cartoons making fun of toupees and hatecriming bald men
No. 1925845
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>>1925812>Potter PurgeHow I imagine the ridiculous moid writing this
No. 1926384
>>1925812If you want to get unbanned you have to
>condemn jkr as things she isn't>humiliate yourself in form of an apology for ever liking HP>pledge to not buy her products>no debating allowed>"I was just trying to be nice"Fucking kek
No. 1927751
>> year old pregnant with her 65 year old husband’s child. She met him when she was 20 and he was 43, his oldest child is one year younger than her. He tells her he doesn’t want another child because he’s old as shit and will likely die before the kid finishes elementary school, OP is very adamant about having a baby since she feels something’s missing in her life.
/r/pregnant was very supportive, giving anecdotes about how they or someone they know had a baby late in life and the baby is fine. 2X is more harsh, saying it’s screwed up to bring a baby because of the husband’s age and how fucked it would be for a kid to have a geriatric father close to croaking. They also call out that she’s describing the fantasy of being pregnant and caring for a baby, not raising a child who is inevitably going to have health issues.
(this is an imageboard) No. 1927769
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Waifufags are cringe.
No. 1927774
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Based Reddit woman “rapes” bdsm fag. And just like the moid he is he still cums from it. Not that this story is real but if a woman posted how she came from being raped everyone would use her as a “all women secretly wanna be raped” talking point
No. 1927781
>>1927774>But but I came!!!I will never understand this defense when men are falsely accusing women of rape. Majority of porn addicted moids will lose their boners over switching to an awkward position, temperature being slightly uncomfortable, etc yet somehow expect us to believe they were able to fully cum and keep an erection during the most traumatizing moment of their life. At least with the "but women get wet during rape!" defense it's actually
valid since majority of women produce discharge even when not aroused, moids don't just jizz during trauma
No. 1927954
>>1927774The two house thing is an immediate tip off that the story is fake as fuck. A cringe redditoid has a whole ass home in the mountains? Billionaires aren't THAT common, especially in this economy. But the second tip off is
>>1927803 yeah anal requires a lot of prep work, "surprise" anal would be a literal shit storm.
No. 1927963
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No. 1928610
File: 1710681141518.png (124.21 KB, 715x804, sad.png) of a palette cleanser because there's good posts in the thread but a lot of women are still in denial or somewhat in denial. they're close to figuring it out. the point about her husband admitting he's scrutinizing her body for any flaw makes me genuinely sad. no one wants to hear "yeahhhh babe you don't really turn me on because ew your stretch marks". coomers, not even once.
No. 1928739
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This imbecile didn't realize antibiotics fucked up her birth control, the only method she was using with her fwb. And she wants to be coddled for having an abortion, which is her THIRD one. any comments saying uhhh maybe don't let your fwb fuck you raw maybe you will get an std next time get removed and downvoted. Yes queen slay fuck men without a condom just abort the mistakes very girl boss and sex positive
No. 1929175
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Is anyone else surprised that a mod of twoxchromosomes is a woman hating tranny who kicks women out of their own communities?
No. 1929455
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Men deserve to be blinded with laser beams
No. 1929571
>>1929175Speaking of twox, there's a thread up right now about the movie Poor Things and OP thinking it was a bad movie. I swear it's being astroturfed somehow, because every other comment is saying OP has low 'media literacy' and it's suspicious how many comments are parroting the same points.
Also nobody has yet to tell OP how giving men exactly what they want (a hot naive young woman fucking gross men) is somehow subversive of that exact trope. There's also more then one comment of alleged autistic women saying they could relate Poor Things because it was exactly like their own way of thinking which I thought was fucking weird and wild. And I say that as an autistic woman. I genuinely hope they're lying through their teeth.
No. 1929905
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Kek wtf
No. 1929918
>>1929905What he means, but is too retarded to say, is institutionalised living. Kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, they're all institutionalised, you don't have to think for yourself, just do what you're told, and that has a certain liberating and comforting effect, military is the same.
So many men when they leave the military have to think for themselves for the first time in their life.
No. 1930483
File: 1710809753271.jpg (538.55 KB, 1080x1567, Screenshot_20240319_015732.jpg)

Not the first time I've seen a post like this on suicidewatch
No. 1930498
>>1930491I think about this all the time. When a boy grows up in a shitty environment he takes his anger out of everybody else. When a girl grows up im a shitty environment she takes her anger out on herself.
I hate men so much. I especially hate conservative men, they literally mainstreamed this shit straight from /pol/.
No. 1930523
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>>1930483kek, one time being ugly is a benefit.
No. 1930539
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>>1930535You join the skeleton war
No. 1930727
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Flicking through my homepage with my morning coffee, I was surprised to see a post of a lesbian couple having the kind of problem of the wife demanding post-partum sex or to be allowed to cheat, it was the first time reading such a case. Obviously the coffee did not kick in yet as I should have realized the "wife" is a troon lmao. And the wife keeps defending her very involved parent "wife" who apparently has time to irganize dates and go out to tranny orgies but won't take the kid off his wife's hand instead.
Thread: No. 1930741
>>1930731Everyone says "how could she have a child with him" but the fucked up thing is that usually having a child is the
trigger for this kind of behavior, because after you have a kid with someone you're "locked down".
No. 1931632
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Pedos supporting other pedos more disgusting behavior from these greasy anime loving moids on Reddit.
No. 1931681
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Gross baldie coping
No. 1931732
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>>1930029Went on there, found this. Some are peaking
No. 1931990
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Saw this on reddit_lies. I can't believe reddit is going public with their IPO tomorrow kek: No. 1932100
File: 1710929705232.jpg (146.44 KB, 1080x1582, 1000016154.jpg)

>>1930019FemaleAntinatalism is still safe because it's a niche subreddit but the subject is not palatable to most women unfortunately.
No. 1932136
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people were calling him an asshole but he's being actually realistic, someone with learning disabilities can't be a good doctor, he can still help people if he wants, he could become become an EMT or fireman.
No. 1932146
>>1932083I have so much more respect for drug addicts. At least for them, the human trafficking and exploitation is an unfortunate symptom of their habit and not the whole
point. Porn addicts literally revel in human suffering like pigs in shit. I don’t have any empathy for them.
No. 1932553
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could have talked to the parents
No. 1933396
>>1930727This one still has some fight left in her, so I hope she will come around eventually and leave the troon.
>>1932027The fantasy is pretty heavily enforced. Just about every piece of media out there is lies and propaganda for males.
No. 1933406
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In commemoration of Reddit going public today
No. 1933409
>>1932560Their parents don’t tell them no. Reminds me of my parents with my brother, everything’s “just a joke” or “they’re overreacting”. I think even
they would give him a serious bollocking for this though, and they’d make him work to replace the wig.
No. 1933929
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started studying interior design and checked out malelivingspace. this cave is the first thing i see there (1/2)
No. 1933932
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No. 1934003
>>1932570That's not the point. He needs to learn that his actions have consequences. It's now gone beyond some overworked teacher telling both parties to calm down and shake hands, the police are involved, the dad is pressing charges for assault as well as for trashing the wig, the kid could end up getting a criminal record depending on his age. He's shitting himself because for the first time in his life he's facing consequences for his actions.
The little shit's friends are going to be scared by this too. There's no chance that she was the only kid they were harassing. How many other kids are going to be able to focus on their education now that the scrotoid and his pack of failed condoms are cowering in the corner?
No. 1934880
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Tranny janny powertripping after getting called out for attention posting: No. 1935305
File: 1711137012402.png (57.84 KB, 1133x350, Screenshot 2024-03-22 144833.p…)

What a surprise, women are happier when parasites don't leech mental and emotional energy off of them. I really hope we go through a transition period where these inept loser men die off and we progress as a society. The biggest punishment for a failmale is not reproducing his genes.
No. 1935499
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Based company.
No. 1935585
>>1934880What the fuck was the out supposed to be
"This reddit moderator is a trans!"
And water is wet
No. 1935729
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The irony of this being posted on Reddit of all places which is laden with Russian bots and misinformation is palatable No. 1935909
File: 1711182504056.jpg (132.35 KB, 824x830, 20240323_042127.jpg)

I saw a Twitter post that mentioned how they'd go on the adultery subreddit and watch people go from high-fiving each other and gloating about cheating on their partners to full meltdown mode after their partners inevitably find out. Reading this set of quoted images made me absolutely disgusted at the guy, but I was so happy with how the woman handled it. It made him seethe so hard. Good. Cheaters don't deserve shit.
No. 1935910
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>>1935909Samefag, another image for more to the story. What a fucking retard.
No. 1935964
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>>1935910You can’t live without her bro. Only one thing left to do.
No. 1935965
>>1935960That’s genuinely part of the appeal to them. Men fucking hate us so bad but they can’t live without us. This guy will either become a depressed alcoholic or kill himself. I genuinely believe the male human is the worlds most complex parasite. They can’t live without us but they instinctively diminish and destroy us. They are emotional vampires that need to feed off our degradation and misery to make up for the fact that they are a defective, worthless, expendable version of
No. 1935993
>>1935974Men will sit there and say with their full chests that they believe
they have the right to cheat but women dont.
they don’t fall in love when they cheat but men do. How many cheating husbands have annihilated their families after finding that their wife was also getting some on the DL? They don’t think it’s a crime when they cheat, they feel entitled to it. these men really think they have the right to cheat. They see themselves as a stag entitled to a whole harem.
No. 1936033
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The comments in this thread will likely be dogpiled in a few hours but it's very satisfying to see the amount of users being so blunt about why women prefer being single. No. 1936320
>>1935929This is also what the "I need my space" guys will do if you actually can suppress your emotions and agree with them. They want you to fight back and demand things. One of my exes spazzed out on me after he announced that he had just signed on to a 6 year military contract, after he had been dangling quitting and getting married in front of me for years. He really thought I was finally going to get mad and scream and cry, and he was going to look like some long suffering hero with a bitch girlfriend. But I just said, "Oh, OK. That's OK."
>>1935974They darvo as easy as breathing.
No. 1936837
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I mean I know men are this retarded but its like I have a hard time accepting it, like there's no way this wasn't on purpose. How are you this much of a worthless wildebeest.