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No. 1872842
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Starting this off with some water bottle beef.
No. 1872849
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>>1872842Ooh look
nonnie, it looks like Stanleys have lead. What are the chances….
No. 1872866
>2024 is all about staying organized
maybe if you didn't buy so much unnecessary crap you wouldn't struggle with staying organized in the first place?
No. 1873043
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>>1872866This sounds like a horrible idea, I don't know anyone who uses them.
No. 1873175
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>>1873172Nonnie, that’s just peach fuzz. Everyone’s got it to varying degrees
No. 1873202
>>1873190Those are disgusting. Once you try fancy chocolate there is no going back. It’s like the top rated chocolatier in my country, and they have valentine flavors that all sound divine… I don’t eat any other sweets, plus half of them are gifts. Fuck I’m talking myself more and more into it
>>1873193God damn it
No. 1873231
Recently I feel so disgusted by consoomerism, it's hard not to judge others. Maybe it's my depression talking but why even own so much stuff that isn't a daily necessity? Feels just pointless.
I wish I could back to simpler days or live in a less developed place, I can't deal with all the retarded commercials and choices you are bombarded with everyday. Try to buy tissues? Here, go and choose between 30 different types and brands!
And thanks to Shein, Aliexpress and Temu even broke teens like my sis can shop online daily and discard it by the next season. I also hate that not acting like that, shopping being your main hobby, is nearly seen as weird if you're a woman.
>>1872866I feel like stationary is kind of the earliest type of female consoomerism, you could already see collection videos a decade ago. Did you catch the picture frame on her desk? She has a child, so this woman is likely 25+. Unless she and all the others are all teachers (or actual artists) why tf do they need more than 1-2 pens? Everybody is working on their computer nowadays, there is no way she can ever use up even half of this.
No. 1873250
>>1873202I'd say wait because chocolate prices can go up around this time. On the other hand, quality chocolate is worth it. I'm just not sure if you need that much, I'd go and try to find a single bar at a local shop, you'd save some money and support small business.
>>1873231I feel the same way you do about the consumerism, it's hard not to hate people who act like this and to avoid the overwhelming amount of crap out there and all the expectations to buy said crap.
No. 1873316
>>1873224based taste
nonnie, i had dark chocolate with marzipan filling the first time last year and it's great.
No. 1873666
>>1873578>and if you mention how wasteful and unsustainable it is you get treated like an elitist or some crazy hippie. People don't realize how this crap wasn't a thing 20-30 years ago. The death of physical media and magazines, tech becoming omnipresent, forcing people to carry phones all the time, forcing to use internet, etc. was a fucking mistake. Conditioning people to think online shopping is the norm and killing analog was a mistake. We never should have progressed past 2001.
Additionally I realized how much of unnecessary plastic packaging has nowadays. Packaging in just paper before was norm, there was just a simple cardstock box, a can, etc in case of food. I remember that toy packaging wasn't even that much of plastic, except few wires holding things and big transparent pieces of plastic in front and some cardboard.
No. 1873723
>>1872904You need to stop being so sensitive about the term Karen. No, it isn't a slur. It's overused and mishandled yes but you won't die.
>>1873043Why are they so obsessed with the color pink, it's so subliminal to them. Pink tax is real and has some of these women in the trenches.
(infighting) No. 1873986
>>1873976Sure Karen
>>1873578It honestly doesn’t help that half the time the stuff you find in physical shops are literally the same things you get online but more expensive. Like I 100% would prefer to buy from a physical shop but I have no interest in paying double for no reason. Tbf though, it’s not like I really buy much to begin with so it’s moot point.
>>1873722Both suck but it’s funny how moids and their money are so easily parted. Like Stanley cups are expensive but I’ve seen men waste more money on pieces of cardboard that does absolutely nothing.
(infighting/learn2integrate) No. 1873998
>>1873722How would they know if I call out moids or not? I used to tell my ex a hundred times in a day that we don't need more DnD fan merch or the newest gadgets and he just pouted or pointed out how much of a "hypocrite" I am for buying myself clothes and a bag (actually useful things I need for work, these were not fashion purchases).
I've never not called out a person for being a mindless consumer and I think it's ridiculous to use misogyny as a cheap cop-out just so you can keep buying more lip gloss that will rot in your vanity drawer. If that is what you think our ancestors fought for us to have, I suppose then I'm not a feminist. It baffles me how some people just spend spend spend, throw it away (oops I mean "declutter") and then just spend more to infinity. Don't they ever get tired of wasting money?
No. 1874098
>>1873986>I’ve seen men waste more money on pieces of cardboard that does absolutely nothing.Every time I scroll TikTok at night there are fake (?) lives of grown men opening trading card packs. And it seems to go on forever. I'm sure the live is fake, but some guy still recorded infinity hours of him opening $4 packs of cards.
>>1873666Sweet trips.
>People don't realize how this crap wasn't a thing 20-30 years ago. I agree. Younger people don't realize that the iphone and YouTube changed all hobbies. Even in collector and craft hobbies people were selective and didn't always have a package in the mail. Actual adults would talk about saving up for months to buy something special that was only $100 or $200.
No. 1874185
>>1874175>Younger people don't realize that the iphone and YouTube changed all hobbies. Even in collector and craft hobbies people were selective and didn't always have a package in the mail. I feel like this is also influenced by globalization and cheap shit being produced in china.
I'm in my late 20s and I feel the fatigue of everything being observed and recorded, so many times people get caught on their bullshit because of a tweet they posted a decade ago or a chat message. And when it comes to consoomerism it became insane because now you have to be perfect and aesthetic 24/7.
No. 1874349
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Now babies can have their own Stanley look-a-like! Called the wake up and learn coffee cup. I’m sure a certain beige mom on TikTok would buy this and spray paint this beige to match her “aesthetic”.
No. 1874453
>>1873043I use those to shave the peach fuzz off my face since it's dark. You really don't need many at one time, you can used the same one for months since you are not supposed to do it often.
>>1873046Yes it's true. You aren't supposed to do it so often, maybe once a month tops.
>>1873184I'm sorry, but presuming you live in the US, it probably is worth it, kek. I'm sorry but most chocolate from the grocery store that is cheap sucks so hard. But an alternative is to find a good chocolatier near you and buy from them at a smaller quantity.
>>1874242I like that idea a lot! Alternatively i like to make random sets in and save them on my computer or upload them to pinterest. It's fun to come up with a make believe situation i'd wear them to.
No. 1874860
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In my opinion this counts as consumerism but I find the use of epoxy resin for flooring, furniture, countertops etc. to be a vile and disgusting overuse of a product that you don't actually know is going to be safe for you over time and constant usage. Also it's ugly. Everything around us is plastic.
No. 1874925
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>>1874860I find North American and Aussie housing to be the peak of consumerism. It's way too big and empty, leading people to either buy more furniture to fill it up or live in a suicide house a la r/MaleLivingSpaces. Even with furniture most modern homes end up looking bland, soulless and devoid of warmth and texture, and people with money get McMansions way too big for their needs, only to then turn basements and attics into cringe mancaves or hobby rooms for their gayming consoles and Lego Star Wars.
The decor is something else, too. Moids who want to flex on Reddit will buy useless designer furniture to cosplay Patrick Bateman with except in middle of nowhere Missouri, or DIY that awful wood and glitter resin coffee table. If they're married they'll have EAT stenciled on the kitchen walls courtesy of their spouse.
I'm not even a bitter Europoor, I just miss my grandma's home from the eighties. It was a warm, welcoming little house that was just the right size for her and grandpa. It got gutted, expanded and given the landlord special once my uncle sold it to a millennial couple. Looks like a 3D render now.
No. 1875007
>>1874972Nayrt but I unironically second this idea. These types of posts don't belong in the consoom thread.
>wan wah I want to consoom this 1500$ purseThis needs to get out of here.
No. 1875520
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>>1874972Well the original thread said consoomers can talk about their struggles. And I
did listen to nonnies most told me to buy the chocolate kek. To be fair I talked myself out of buying picrel Patagonia backpack right after. Eating choccy rn, it was worth it.
No. 1875543
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Ember mugs are so retarded. WiFi in our mugs because technology! Those mug warmers are like ten bucks or you could just get a Stanley kek
No. 1875658
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>>1875650I know, I liked the color, weather protection, and roominess but it looks especially retarded from the side
No. 1876028
>>1875766I cycle. I didn’t even know Patagonia was some fancy brand and the bag is on sale, you don’t have to assume women are larping fashion because of one aggressive retard anon.
>>1875865Encyclopedias were such a strange but cute trend. Boomer consoom is so funny. I’ve seen all the stupid bullshit my grandma buys just because they put some old literalwho actor or actress in the commercial and have them talk about their family or life story kek. I guess it’s no worse than influencers.
No. 1876100
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Anyone else who is the receptable of another person's consoomer tendencies? My mother is not a full on consumerist but she has moments and she'll buy stuff for me as an obvious excuse to buy crap. Like getting clothes that were on sale, just cause it's on sale, even tho you can easily tell some of them aren't my size and even tho I know she wouldn't even like some of them if they weren't on sale. Just calm down.
No. 1876298
>>1874925My friend just bought a 2500 sq ft house with her scrote with no plans to have kids and all I can think of is why they signed themselves up for so much cleaning and high utility bills.
Like, I grew up with four other people in a 1600 sq ft house and that seemed perfectly normal back then. What the fuck happened?
No. 1876372
>>1875520Backpacks always tickle my consoomer ‘tism but I I used to be able to find some hugely discounted bags on amazon from decent backpack brands. It made me think that backpacks are one of those things that are heavily marked up
>>1876100I feel bad when my mom buys me clothes because I don’t want to wear them 90% of the time, and I need to have the gift receipt because she refuses to return anything. She also loves buying markdown products at Ulta so her bathroom closet is completely stuffed with body butters, sprays and hand soap.
No. 1876606
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does alcoholism count as a type of consoomerism(no)
No. 1876646
>>1876606>>1876028A patagonia bag on sale is still three to four times the amount of a regular durable bag unless you're getting a knockoff online. I just do not think "hehe should I buy this" questions belong in the consoom thread, used for criticism toward consooming.
>>1876621This seems fake idk
No. 1876823
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>>1876767Military surplus store would be my first suggestion (picrel example), if you're in this thread you're probably in a country with military surplus.
But think about it, is there a reason you have to have a brand new bag? I've bought a couple bags second hand that were in like-new (no smells, stains) condition for great prices, durable and useful for 90% less than you'd pay for them new. Unless you only buy bags specifically for their fresh-out-the-sweatshop scent or something like that, I don't see a reason not to look for something used.
No. 1876839
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>>1876830 canvas like the bags in the screenshot can be weatherproofed btw, you just have to wax them which is quite easy. Plus it's easier to renew wax on canvas than it is a waterproof coating on synthetic fabric, so it's long-lasting as well. Plus a waxed coating is less sensitive than the water repellent coating on bags like Patagonia's.
But if buying new isn't something you have your heart set on, then look around eBay, second hand websites and thrift stores. You can find some good affordable stuff there.
No. 1876938
>>1876823Nonna the bag in your image sucks, it's made of canvas, which is very heavy and needs to be waxed to be waterproof (tiny bag, but weighs 750g lmao) and I can tell from the image alone that the straps and back construction aren't made to carry a large load. It's also not military surplus, it's a shitty bag, sold on a military surplus store because it's cheap and green.
I'm all for shitting on consumerism, but patagonia makes decent products, if your the type of person who actually uses the features that drive up the price. And it's quite easy to find high quality reviews for the products, so your not entirely reliant on their advertising material: No. 1876976
File: 1707041180828.mp4 (7.26 MB, 1080x1920, Happy new year to all of you …)

Perfume consooming must be one of the most retarded forms of consooming to exist
No. 1877028
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>>1876976Oh my god, this gives me whiplash of any time you step into a perfume shop and the amount of different smells that mix with one another creating the worst perfume cloud ever. I'm glad we haven't invented smell-transfering internet yet.
No. 1877054
>>1877051at first I was like
>comparing perfume to cheaply mass made products and then I was like damn perfume
is just a wealthier coonsoom. Just disguised in scents.
No. 1877058
>>1876912>if you take one wrong step you could knock over multiple hundred dollar figuresI'm not seeing many figures that looks like they would be worth multiple hundreds (it's like 99% prize figures thus far) aside from the dollfie dream BJDs (which aren't even really figures).
Claustrophobia to it's absolute limit either way.
No. 1877061
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>>1877051Get off your high horse, I was just correcting anon who thought perfumes go bad. Huge collections are wasteful but they're better than stupid figurines because you can actually use them and get something out of them.
No. 1877069
>>1877068I like perfume well enough, but it's not something I can see owning more than one of at a time.
Also doesn't really go against my point that figures are more useful than perfume.
No. 1877073
>>1877061Right, you can still get actual use (aside from staring at plastic) out of more than half the products I listed. But continue deliberately ignoring what I wrote to justify your addiction.
>>1877054It is, there’s also almost always an ~artisinal~ handmade version of every product that’s sold as better but it’s still consooming if you own hundreds of them. If it’s your vice then go ahead and buy some, but I feel like owning even several dozen is overkill even if you’re a fanatic who wears it every day.
No. 1877082
>>1877069Figurines are more useful if you plan on reselling them but the social credit from smelling good at work events, interviews, public can pay off more imo (landing a great job, nigel, girlfriends). Multiple scents are good for different moods (wearing a chic scent while wearing soft clothes, floral scent on floral styling. Etc) or implying a mood. There's a lot of science behind it and you can even hand them down. I would not underestimate perfume
nonnie. I am a bit of a perfumecoom but its worth it imo.
No. 1877086
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Most perfume doesn't even smell good.
They had a tester out of the Dior one you see everywhere (jirai and coquette chicks always own it) and it just smelt like grandma perfume.
I'm guessing people just buy it for the name and because the bottle is cute.
No. 1877113
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No. 1877172
>>1877086Perfume smells different on everyone. That being said, yeah, a lot of them buy the bottle for the aesthetic.
It's bizarre actually how social media influences perfume. It smells so different depending on the person, the weather, and the age of the perfume, why the fuck would anyone buy something without at least getting a sample first? It's free to spray an expensive perfume on your wrist in a store to see if it suits you, why not do that instead of spending half your rent on one perfume (or a million dupes of that same perfume) that you might hate?
It's also really weird to go on Fragrantica and see all the comments praising a perfume because of how cool and tactile and aesthetic the packaging looks. You're meant to rate the contents of the bottle. You rate the bottle if it's shit, like if there's a known issue with the spray or if the cap is impossible to remove or if it leaks in transit. It's not a fucking stim toy.
No. 1877444
Miss shopaholic is now saying there are people who overconsume more than her and no one is mean to them
No. 1877491
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>>1874925>I find North American and Aussie housing to be the peak of consumerism. It's way too big and empty, leading people to either buy more furniture to fill it up or live in a suicide house a la r/MaleLivingSpaces. Have you ever seen korean apartments? Cost more than 99.9% of all farmers could ever afford yet look like they're made to drive you to anhero.
No. 1877549
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Girl must be feeding an army.
No. 1877555
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No. 1877569
>>1877555Why do i get the feeling this consoomer and other consoomers started consuming when covid first started and they haven't stopped after that.
Like i remember before covid typically the only consoomers i saw were related to merch, toys or cosmetics. Meanwhile now there is a consoomer for everything and people are consooming everything.
No. 1877596
>>1877569even if they're scared about covid why not stock up on useful stuff? almost all of these have reusable alternatives or the cleaning products can easily replaced with zote or vinegar
the only "useful" thing is dental hygiene. they should've just got canned food
No. 1877641
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No. 1877655
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More gambling.
No. 1877691
>>1877641I've never understood how anybody finds slot machines fun. They are so boring. I'd rather be a gatcha fag.
>>1877549Kek, this is actually hazardous. One wrong move and i'll all come crashing down.
>>1877086To be fair, i remember seeing a thread on twitter of a bunch of people talking about how much this perfume stinks. I used to be against perfume as well, but i got on the bandwagon 2 years ago. I like perfumes that smell like the sea.
>>1876976Speaking of perfume, my mother and my sister are unironically perfume hoarders to this magnitude. They could both be featured on the thread if i felt like doxing myself.
No. 1878059
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>>1877655kek its like a zoomer version of bossmanjack
No. 1878117
>>1877655Good on him for realizing he's an addict, not that it'll change anything. He'll be back and lose even more money next time.
>>1877979I thought it was weird that she had all that stuff but I couldn't see any detergents made specifically for babies. It might be more expensive but it's not as expensive as the metric fuckton of scented beads she's hoarding.
No. 1878416
No. 1878425
>>1878298>Why even bother?Easy. People with gambling addiction think that they’ll win back whatever they spent. There’s the hope of possibly winning millions, even if it’s a very slim chance. Gamblers believe in “just one more spin”. It makes it hard to stop. The fun comes from adrenaline and seeing the money go up and down.
The same goes for lottery tickets to an extent. In a way, they have FOMO and don’t want to miss out on the possibility that they could have the winning numbers and get the jackpot.
No. 1878438
>>1878416Imagine taking your phone out to record whenever you take something down from a shelf.
It hated how the mom said "you need this" and the daughter replied with "I need that?". There is nothing wrong with spontaneously buying stuff for your children but the wording rubs me the wrong way and the fact that she encourage her child to say stuff like "i need it" makes it sound like she is raising her kid to be a consumer.
Also unpopular opinion but eating inside a store is trashy No. 1878465
>>1877549This has to be fake, it's all out in the open, collecting endless dust? That's something I noticed in general, nowadays so many consoomers (and normies too) have open shelves or cabinets with glass doors, meaning all their stuff is constantly visible. It would drive me insane to just be visually surrounded by so many things.
>>1877555The way she's hanging all those different toothbrushes and paste flavours..? as if she's about to sell them. Maybe this older even fatter akidearest should just go and work in a drug store to satisfy her autism.
No. 1878514
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>>1877555I'm crying, does she want to live in a drugstore or something? Seeing her stock her hoard is making me have flashbacks. I can literally smell the warehouse.
No. 1878838
>>1878686Those heavily scented laundry products are made in hell. They don't even smell good, they smell like plastic and cancer.
>>1878726I recognize the Crest Optic White. It must be $5-6 a tube now. I used to use it, then they jacked the price up several times.
No. 1878969
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>>1878430She didn't even spend $500, only $317 (which is still absurd), but she's exaggerating the amount at the beginning of the video for consoomer clout or something
No. 1879319
>>1876100My mom is subscribed to skincare and tea monthly boxes and sends me (I live abroad) most of what she gets. I feel terrible because I can't use most of the skincare before it goes out of date.
She's also started buying tons of fabric for me since I got into sewing (but mostly buys discounted, mystery fabric that I feel too amateur to try using, or ugly fabric). I'm hiding that I got into crochet because I don't want her to buy me yarn. My boyfriend always tells me I should be grateful and I partly am, but I also think it's worrying that she's doing this when my parents don't have much money to spare, and despite me asking her to at least slow down the rate at which she buys me things.
No. 1879581
No. 1879595
not sure if this counts as consoom or just Sad Rich People House.
No. 1879602
>>1876100My mother is an
abusive person and vain bitch who throughout my childhood and young adulthood has used consoomerism to try and compensate for what an awful narcissistic parent she is. She's a neat hoarder so I used to either steal shit from her house after I stopped living there or she'd just give me free crap randomly. Being related to her actually makes me even more embittered towards modern consumerism
No. 1879623
>>1879595Holy shit is this her new house? I don't remember her bathroom being like that. This is depressing
>Who doesn't need a towel warmerNO ONE NEEDS THIS
No. 1879679
>>1879595It looks like a glamorous hospital wtf.
>>1879581Decluttering all the time is such a hassle, what even is the point? There has to be a better way to itch that consooming urge. You know she is only getting rid of those starbucks cups because they aren't in trend right now, but when starbucks decides to go crazy with the designs, she will be back to square one.
No. 1879762
>This is progress
Her room and bathroom actually look worse. Unless she means it’s progressively gotten filled with more stuff. Looks stressful having so much littered around.
No. 1879851
>Why do women collect super sonico figures?
She's cheap (lots of prize figures) and you don't have to engage in any source material, same thing with Miku.
Pretty funny to watch her cope about how 'SONICO IS ACTUALLY REALLY FOR WOMEN GUYS'
No. 1879874
nonnie~ her collection is totally sfw! Which is why she owns a half scale figure of Sonico in a bikini!
No. 1879897
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>>1879851Shilling an eroge company mascot to kids is pretty strange…
No. 1880042
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>>1880008Nah I saw two pink ones that had water on the lids. Gross. Does she not dry her cups after washing them?
No. 1880058
>Valentines day date with baby daddy
Does she think this is a flex on the 'haters'? It's a 20 second video of her prancing around and kissing her scrote.
>He surprised me with a sandwhich because he knows if I'm not fed before we go out to eat, I'll order 14 things
She spends all that money useless stuff, but buying food at a restaurant is apparently going too far.
No. 1880096
Who the fucks even decorates their houese for valentine's day. Cant wait for the big valentine's day haul full of dollar store trash.
No. 1880158
Sage for long ass blog but I’m realising people around me are such die hard consoomers and it’s killing me and I can’t bring this up irl without sounding like a bitter bitch. I’m not anti collections or anti fun at all, everyone has their ‘thing’ but be reasonable. I had once a cute elderly Serbian neighbour that had collected seagull ornaments of all things and it was awesome because it was so random/niche and she lovingly dusted them every day and named them all kek
But exhibit a: I work at a video game and merchandise chain in my country and you know, yeah use your discount for stuff you really want and have waited for or whatever, but fuck me some of my co workers are insane. Dropping $500 on three preorders of various mass produced ugly anime statues whilst you already have hundreds worth on hold/others rotting in your room unboxed. Pokémon TCG fanboys are the worst, getting multiples of every ‘elite’ box ($200 a pop) just in case cardboard with a bit of glitter is in it. Half of them can’t name the Pokémon on the cards beyond gen 1, just know that it’s ‘valuable’. One coworker is constantly dressing ‘goth’ which isn’t a problem, but she buys the first shitty thing she sees on shein that’s black and lacy, wears it once, then ‘declutters’ and comes to work bragging about how she cleared enough space to get her next shipment of crappy clothes. She uses cosmetics off temu which sounds like a skin disorder waiting to happen.
Exhibit b: some of my closest friend, live exclusively on tik tok it seems. Like fucking clockwork, they all ran out and got crocs at the same time and jerked off about every new release/wanted ugly collab ones and would get super sad when they missed out after waiting hours online when they released. One even said ‘I don’t really like the colour but it’d be so cool to have them’. Come 2024, they don’t wear them. One started a job working in the outdoors in winter and, instead of getting a sensible down jacket from a place like HellyHansen like I suggested went for a shiny aesthetic one from Patagonia bc her favourite TikTok twink wore it and was surprised when she got pneumonia. Now, surprise surprise, I see them sipping Stanley cups (or not, because they’re empty and are carried around for show because it’s ‘too heavy with water’ wtf). Save me anons, I love these people and they’re not at all bad, it’s just so fucking cringe.
No. 1880327
>>1879595It's extra sad because she's using this to peddle those cheap plastic products from amazon and ali express
>>1879623Just put them on the radiator lol
No. 1880351
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More Valentine's Day pink consooming.
No. 1880364
>>1879851Senran Kagura is
problematic but Super Sonico isn't?
No. 1880378
>>1880376I'm browsing tiktok for more of them, it's hilarious that this girl has a Saya no Uta figure in the background (a loli character from a gore horror VN that gets raped by an old man)
No. 1880382
>>1880364A big sign of loneliness is assigning human emotions to non living objects, like toys for example. Caring this much about “
problematic” media and the supposed age of fictional characters is peak mental illness. Some people act like a plastic figurine of a fictional character is equal to keeping a live child hostage in your room.
No. 1880389
>>1880382not only that but she's an hypocrite because of what
>>1880378 said. She has a shit ton of posters and figurines from '
problematic' anime so i dont understand what makes some series and figurines ok and what makes others ''too uncomfy to have in my shelf uguu''
No. 1880400
And a third girl, this one is a coomer figure collector
>>1880389Oh just to be clear, they are two different people, but the waitress chick with the Saya no Uta figure also made a video of figures she regrets buying and is like
>you don't know where this figure is from, just ignore it No. 1880429
>>1880378I genuinely doubt she gets all this just from her waitress salary, I think she might still live with her parents so that makes it easier?
Also here is her complaining about lolicon figures, just have the hypocrisy example: No. 1880442
>>1878416nobody mentioning she put the flowers in the cart first and then everything else around/on top of them like she wants them to wilt. put some meat and dairy in there with it before you go perusing the aisles
>>1879581one is all you need but the thing that irked me the most is "lilac purple" like she just learned that's the colour name and you can just say lilac, that and the tiktok psuedo-valleygirl they all do no matter what state they're from (I'm not even a burgerfag and I notice it)
>>1879595 sounds the same to me
> and literalleeeiiiiiiiiggghhhh it's lifechanginggggguh? No. 1880473

>>1880193I agree with you. I work in a high-end business as a generationally working-class person and people want blood in their diamonds. people will not buy lab grown even though it's just a quicker way to get basically the same thing but the labour is where the value comes from. it's a real blackpill but it's literally how the wealthy think. I have friends who larp as wealthy that need a housekeeper because the shame of "having to work" or god forbid "doing your own laundry". I'll ALWAYS find vidrel hilarious because it's rich larping as poor, most poorfags would never but here she is ~relating~ to us all.
special shoutout to the time lori and kev tried to flex knockoff lv when people with more taste sense and money than them would never be caught dead in a trinket like that, even if it was real>>1880184it doesn't take one to know one unfortunately. especially if you've been their servant and know how they work. maybe even some of their secrets. they need to pay us better to keep them or we might just end up on lolcor farm of all places
No. 1880478
>>1880462>>1879595All I can conclude from this thread is that TikTok and social media in general are the new: As Seen On TV.
But instead of having badly acted segments you have these people actually telling you that these retarded things are totally necessary because if they have them, you totally need them too.
No. 1880481
>>1880478And it works better, in a scary way.
Like I remember waking up at 6am as a kid but there was nothing on the TV except topshop, those commercials didn't influence me at all. But nowadays you have kids screaming and crying at Stanley Cups.
No. 1880497
Last one of this chick, but this video perplexes me. She says in her videos she didn't know about monogatari and how problematic it was, but she was apparently obsessed with AMVs of it as a teenager and loved Shinobu? So she didn't even know a single thing about it but calls it an obsession that led to her wearing goggles in some of her videos?
The meme of not watching and playing things and just experiencing them over youtube and then making it your personality is real.
No. 1880518
>>1880497I remember when this hair and makeup and lenses were alternative and symbolized a style. they've literally destroyed style. it's gone, they either steal or recycle. and none of it makes any sense together???
this generation's normal is "alternative" when they don't have an alternative to anything, just what's shoved under their nose, down their throats, through their ears. they have 0 sense of self, and I pity them for it. this could have been a genuinely cool kid if she'd (I hate to fucking say it) been sheltered more, at least from the internet. there's 0 tangible need here, the need it to consume and beat the other consumers at the consuming game, where the one prize is less points and points are money. it's all so fucked, I actually went 180 from rage to pity. what the fuck happened nonas
I know we all saw it growing up (oldfag) but holy FUCK this is accelerated beyond imagination
No. 1880526
>>1880522>has NANA knockoff figs from aliexpress mixed in with her weeb shitwho is she even trying to be and like
>>1880507 has this kid watched an anime in her life?
fucking NANA I wont reeee about zoomers I will not let them destroy shit and burn the bridge behind them anymore I'm so fucking sick of their shit
can't even blame millenials on this crop, fuck oath
No. 1880537
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>>1879851Barf. Didn't someone post an unfiltered pic of her face in a previous consoomer thread?
No. 1880606
>>1880537>Didn't someone post an unfiltered pic of her face in a previous consoomer thread?So I think I mixed it up
Why are there so many of these spoiled alt girls collecting Vivienne Westwood?
No. 1880628
>>1880626This is the consoomer thread
nonnie, where artificial value through overpriced brands is hated.
No. 1880646
>>1880640I don't wanna spam the thread with this chick, but did you see her boob bait cosplay tiktok and where she salivates at nerdy gamer guys? In a different era I'd see her on /w/, but her only milk is going back and forth on what's "
problematic", she is fine separating the art from the artist when it's some misogynistic dude from harajuku.
No. 1880647
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>>1880640gordon ramsay with a fucking wig kekkkkk
No. 1880649
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>>1880518>what the fuck happened nonas2016 happened. All the big name scene kids/cool kids dropped the aesthetic or distanced themselves from the community. As far as I recall, there was never a passing of the baton of knowledge and experiences to younger gens.
Most importantly, the internet became far more bigger than we can ever imagine. It used to be that communities were offline and full of individuals trying to create a name for a shared experience or cultural zeitgeist which produced diversity in art, expression, and thought. The internet was just an extension of that. Now you have an "aesthetic" with preset ideas, experiences, and rituals which promises "consoomunity" at the expense of fostering a real voice and power that is needed more than ever. It's sad because old alt groups were weird but had character since they usually were resisting the status quo, now they're just plain weird because that's what they think being alt is.
No. 1880680
honest to god, who needs this much shower shit?
No. 1880727
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kek @ depressiondotgov's reaction to
>>1872157 No. 1880733
File: 1707324886861.jpg (30.33 KB, 720x480, IMG-20240207-WA0002.jpg)

>Snoop Dogg x sketchers
No. 1880752
>>1880646>I'd see her on /w/, but her only milk is going back and forth on what's "problematic"Honestly most of the cows on /w/ don’t have consistent milk, other than PixieLocks. A lot of the threads are dead or focus on small things.
>>1880680Either they’re worried about smelling bad, or have taken “self-care” way too far. Probably both. Most of these hoarders of shower products want people to think they have money and are “cleaner” than everyone else.
No. 1880865
File: 1707334624172.jpg (38.06 KB, 700x1000, 61vgiWP R9L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

>>1880364She says that first figure is just a normal anime girl, but it's completely not. It has gross swollen water balloon tits covered with a skin tight sweater, and hot pants riding up around the pubic mound. Figures don't have to be this way. It pisses me off. They can make figures that don't effectively have visible naked engorged breasts, pussy, and ass. That's a deliberate design choice, especially if the source material is sfw.
No. 1880866
>>1880736She's making definitely bank from those shitty products, all those mindless consoom reels with must-have items that nobody fucking needs are adverts. Her viewers can't afford her house, but you know what they can afford? All the easy to use knickknacks that can be bought for next to nothing on Amazon with a single click. Maybe if they have all the tat she shills, they can pretend they're living in a depressing mansion too.
>>1880680This is what happens when kids don't know what to do without a screen in front of their faces. Leaving the house is too hard so you stay in and make Sephora skincare cocktails with your Tree Hut scrubs and Dove shower gels for five hours instead. They're cheap, they're socially acceptable alternatives to having an actual hobby, and they can use as much of it as they want when they're making videos because they've stockpiled a decade's worth of shower shit.
No. 1880991
>>1880924Would be better than her actual anime
>>1880376I hate to admit but I respect those who actually know about whatever coomer slop they're watching buying merch vs the Tiktok aesthetic larpers blowing their money on shit you know they'd find repulsive once they see the source
No. 1881047
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I just saw this tranny looking thing in an ad, it's almost $200, but the quality is like a $20 prize figure. I don't even object to the idea of people buying "collectables" occasionally as a fun thing, but these days it's all $10 hoardable shit like Funkopops, or infinity priced shit frequently of dubious quality.
>>1881018People in America and the America Lite countries don't even have a concept of people having different values anymore. It's ironic, because the men and women now all want to look like a Suicide Girl, but they are all the same, and will come after you if you disagree.
No. 1881050
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Here's the rest of tranny Jem, if you thought I was joking. Literally has man legs.(retarded bait )
No. 1881087
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>>1880636For the armor rings, I think the majority of them are actually silver/recycled silver in some capacity. I admit I am a bit of a VW consoomer (and yes, it did come from Nana back when I was weeb in hs/college lol) and I have 3 armor ones and 2 knuckle dusters, but the only one that's tarnished is the pic attached. My ones that are all metal show no signs of tarnish (and that's with everyday wear for 3+ years).
No. 1881182
>>1880364Why even buy figures from franchises you know nothing about? Isn't the whole point of anime figures and merch collecting to show your love for a character?
>i got her for her cute designIts literally just a figure of a girl wearing a cardigan and sport-shorts at the size of panties. There is nothing interesting about the character's design I can't see why anyone would buy this unless they already where familiar with the character.
I couldn't watch the rest of the video because she moves like a glitching video game character (probably dur to the filter) and talks like she is constantly running out of breath it's seriously annoying to listen to. Why do people like this even get views? No. 1881424
File: 1707389635153.mp4 (1.81 MB, 720x1280, 657.mp4)

Not as bad as some of other weeb rooms, but this particular individual shares her room with her sister. Her sister has no space for herself except her bed.
No. 1881426
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No. 1881454
>>1881446She's just a fujo, anon.
If anything it's the creepy yaoi dolls that are weird.
No. 1881556
>>1880364Why does she buy all these figures of little girls in suggestive poses and outfits and then acts shocked about them being
problematic? I don't get the fascination zoomers have with consooming coomer lolishit and then bitching about it, there have been pickmes loving Super Sonico and loli stuff Kodomo no Jikan since 2009 but at least they didn't act retarded about it.
That's what I can't stand about gen z, embrace being degenerate or be fucking normal, you don't get to have both
No. 1881558
>>1881018Nta but I also watched various alt groups closely in 00s and they felt like false advertisement, because while that people
looked different, the majority was just the same as everyone else in the worst sense while feeling like superior nonconformists for stupidest shit like hating pink and rhinestones or pretending to find beauty in mutilated corpses. The members of subcultures were instantly recognizable and yeah, you could easily figure out their tastes and interests, but precisely because many of them were
not individuals, they were like copies of each other (I don't mean fashion because it's normal), and it was still based on a certain aesthetic just like today, only today it's not about a specific community with a specific lifestyle and set of interests and it doesn't follow the solid formula of music + fashion + aesthetic.
There was a big fixation on fashion in many such communities, and it would often lead to gatekeeping, because the coolest or the "truest" ones were those who could afford all the clothes and other paraphernalia in the first place (well, or at least make it if it was possible). It's especially true of skinheads (considering the origins, it's ridiculous how it turned into pretty much just buying expensive clothes and shoes), goths, and I thought scene kids as well because I don't know about any discourse you've mentioned but to me it seemed like they were mostly just obsessed with shoes and accessories, and I remember other alt groups criticizing them for this fixation on fashion and lack of "philosophy" behind it (while not being exactly deep themselves). There were still poor attempts at copying the style or mixing styles together (like this tiktok girl itt) and those people were ruthlessly ridiculed, especially if they weren't conventionally attractive. Music was a huge part and there were more "rules" within certain subcultures but all in all, I don't think it was much deeper than today's aesthetics tbh, or I just don't see how it's better.
No. 1881562
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>>1881426Oh kek this one is sort of personal cow for me. She’s a neet who’s in debt to her mom(?) for constantly spending thousands on BL merch and tries to sell low tier crochet dolls. She bought four of those 1k a piece BJDs before finishing their respective series and has since bought at least 3 more. At one point she sold most of her collection only to buy it all back a few months later
No. 1881582
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>>1881562She also tried putting her collection in storage but again apparently that only last until she started getting a trickle of revenue from tiktok kek
No. 1881594
>>1881495I assume it's in the living room or another part of the house, since she mentioned how she can't move her own stuff to the living room. Literally hoarder house behaviour. Even if she's on good terms with her sister it must feel awful for her to not be able to have her own space while her sister's consoom hoard expands exponentially around her. I think the sister is much younger too so she must not have that much choice.
>>1881562Nice, nonna, she pops up occasionally on my feed and I know how much those creepy BJD dolls cost so she caught my eye. How's her relationship with her parents?
No. 1881635
>>1881426If I was her sister I'd be throwing a fit. She made her desk under her sister's bed?? How inconsiderate and selfish, can't believe her parents would ok that.
>>1881562KEKK basically admitting she's only collecting for views, wow. I posted her a few threads ago, she had amassed like 7-9k in debt in just four months, which is what made her want to sell her collection. How is she not embarrassed being in debt to her MOM for BL of all things, I would rather die.
>>1881582She's jobless too? How the fuck is she not freaking out about her future right now? Do we know how old she is? Her parents really need to give her a wake-up call.
No. 1881664
>>1880680Thank you for remember me this account.
No. 1881676
>>1881675That's the video that made me see the compilation of kids crying over stanley cups
The timestamp is 12:55
No. 1881682
>>1881562Talking about BJD collections:
No. 1881687
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No. 1881697
>>1881687Rooms dedicated to a collection which you can't use, only observe are crazy to me. Personal libraries are cool for example, but a room dedicated to figures is a major pain if you have pets or kids. You can't fully utilize the space, lots of dust, pain in the ass to move.
>>1881695I just talked to a friend today how the "tween" phase is dead, with those disney channel comedies targeted at 12-14 year olds and kids make up, it's sad how it's an instant jump to serious business.
No. 1881700
>>1881695The biggest kek is when the little girl is screaming about getting her stanley cup, and her little brother behind her goes 'cool, a rock collection!'
Like damn, these girls are so sad. I blame the parents mostly, but the little girls arent completely innocent either in this trend bullshit
>>1881697I remember being 12 in the early 2000s and i used to go out with friends to the park and get pizza after school. I didnt even touch makeup until i was at least 18 (for graduation) and then again until 19 or 20. Now kids are trying to be as grown up as possible. It feels so pedo-tier
No. 1881701
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is it bad that I kinda wanna buy this?
No. 1881706
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>>1881696Is like those Tumblr/Twitter beggars with their POCs and mental illness to pay a rent, but then you see them spending money on "comfort stuff" like games, dolls, etc.
>>1881700I remember being 12 in the '90s and there were toys aimed to girls like MLP, Barbie, baby dolls, and such. There might be make-up toys but most of the time girls wanted toys to play with.
No. 1881841
>>1881664Fragrance AND a lotion!? Girl you already smell like 3 different things getting out of the shower? This is the type of noseblind consoomer that sprays herself ten times over and becames a walking Geneva Convention gas warfare violation in the streets. But seriously, some people (like my mom) who get migraines are easily
triggered by overpowering sharp smells like perfume. It's sad that consoomers like her don't think about how they come across to others.
No. 1881969
>>1881701No, because I kind of want it too lmao
I'd love to see if/how it would interpret real animals or random objects
No. 1882064
File: 1707433176506.jpeg (Spoiler Image,371.92 KB, 827x1667, 094485D6-42C4-4938-A7DC-CEE36B…)

Not sure if these have been posted about before but I found out about this company gamersupps and their “waifu cups”. Basically anime girls (and gender swapped moid YouTubers?) on BPA plastic. This guy’s collection of coomer stanleys was particularly bad.
No. 1882096
File: 1707436160613.jpg (Spoiler Image,139.17 KB, 1200x675, GAxAiE6WMAA0oq6.jpg)

>>1882064They made an Asmongold one. The cup itself has cat ears and the waifu is a cat girl with barely contained breasts. Kek considering the scrote behind the collab lives in filth with bleeding gums, a receding hairline, and cockroaches crawling over him on stream. They should've made it true to life.
No. 1882149
File: 1707439556947.jpeg (Spoiler Image,400.59 KB, 828x1669, A2E4E8FA-0D7B-4D4E-92E2-6575EE…)

>>1882064Found another one, couldn’t even use the cups but kept buying them wtf
>>1882109>>1882128Ugh don’t even get me started on the actual energy supplement drink they sell. Musty gamers need it for what? To game better?? They’re not even using this shit as a workout boost but to click clack on their keyboards better. A cup of green tea would suffice but of course that doesn’t come in such appealing flavors like “anime girl thigh” and “guacamole gamer fart 9000” (I’m not making that last one up nonnies it is on their website)
No. 1882152
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>>1882149Holy shit moids are so retarded. Put boobs on some alibaba cancer plastic and their monkey neuron activation awakens and buys one of everything.
No. 1882162
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>>1882152samefag, was wondering what was in this and the consoomer barely even fucking knows. They're also releasing waifu drops? I'm going to release anime gf boob sweat drops but they're cyanide
No. 1882176
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>>1882064Kek I keep digging into the subreddit and it these moids are something else. All of them encouraging each other to consoom. Like literal discussion threads ranking these shitty cups. It looks like their brand model runs on FOMO and limited edition art. Found this interaction…gee I wonder why your girlfriend is upset could it be the softcore porn you collect and display? Also the so called girl collector chiming in is a troon so go figure.
No. 1882565
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>>1882064I first heard of these from Pyro collaborating with them. I couldn't believe how cheap it looked, and even he couldn't care to use it for more than one stream
No. 1882663
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Worlds most retarded flavor names. Also love that they don’t even care that the cups are such low quality that many of the brands own flavors will stain them
No. 1882687
File: 1707488626752.jpeg (Spoiler Image,396.24 KB, 827x1659, 68002C10-94E9-4D68-9862-B2C6DD…)

>>1882149Samefag because I keep finding shit. This retard has doubles of every design! He hasn’t even opened them…do moids just buy them to jerk off over them or something?
No. 1882710
>>1882176"as a woman who collects waifu cups"
>as a woman>tranny heart in profile picthe jokes just write themselves KEK no actual woman is buying these
No. 1882768
>>1881876NTA but the video has 31k views and I've seen it suggested to me before. Anon probably watches similar content.
>>1882720>>1882680Anons there's a troon flag in the profile pic kek
No. 1882805
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>>1882064I swear pic related looks like traced idolmaster fanart
No. 1882826
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Did they really try to bait some fangirls with this? Women easily make better things in the fandom, lol
No. 1882939
i hate when people criticize consoomers and then someone replies "reeee her money her choice!!!" i wish people stopped co-opting feminist slogans for trooning or consooming.
>>1882883no one said they're not ugly and worthless. anons like you seriously ruin the atmosphere in any thread with your constant aggressiveness.
No. 1883079
>>1883061Branded sliders are the most baffling designer consoom items imo. You can try them on and compare how comfy they are to the much cheaper non-branded ones. 99.999% of the time people find some way to justify paying three times more for ugly foam shoes with PRADA written on them. The sliders are already scuffed and filthy just from being displayed, if it wasn't for the obnoxious logo nobody would think about buying them. It's the same with all the other tacky designer tat that has massive logos smeared all over. I'm amazed that older women buy this shite because they grew up in a time when you expected a certain level of quality and durability no matter the price.
Do you see many retards filming in your store, nonna? I've seen a few people in department stores literally clipping bag charms to bags on the shelf and filming themselves putting their wallets and keys into the side pockets of these designer bags as if they owned it. And there are tons of tiktokers who do retarded dances with baskets filled to the brim with expensive trendy items then put them all back and leave.
No. 1883113
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>>1883079Luckily I haven't seen too many filming, more just loud obnoxious people on FaceTime and very young children, sometimes literal babies being dragged around with phones glued to their faces. That's not to say it doesn't happen, but I don't live in the US and the shifts I work are usually at times when the mall is pretty dead so maybe I've just never seen it. My biggest brand hate are those Marc Jacobs tote bags. They are so popular and I will never understand why so many people buy them. There's nothing special about them compared to a regular canvas tote bag except the obnoxious branding and insane price tag. I do not understand why people buy sub par products with cringey branding so they can be walking billboards for brands that do not care less about them.
No. 1883144
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>>1882842I worked in a hallmark store that sold kitsch crap to old ladies and every year we'd sell ornaments. Some of these regular customers would spend THOUSANDS on pieces of collector plastic and had been collecting since the dawn of the ornament line. It stunned me just how much money we made alone off Christmas sales when the rest of our profit margin was dwindling drastically. The absolute madhouse the store became around our designated ornament events was a sight to behold.
The worst was the year we had to discontinue a Gone with the Wind ornament due to controversy surrounding the film and the absolute insistence of some of the customers that they still wanted the ornament. Some stores appear to have actually sold her under the table, since she's available online for close to $2.5k but we were threatened with firing for doing it.
No. 1883154
thought you might enjoy this video, nonnas.
No. 1883177
File: 1707521960371.png (270.01 KB, 496x630, kanken.png)

>>1883113>The Tote BagThat must be, together with the Fjällräven Kånken, one of the few bags that I don't get the hype. I know at least Kanken was made to make the kids do not curve their backs, but I don't get the deal with TTB.
No. 1883204
>>1882544AYRT it's supposed to say "Always go big dick" since those are the words he apparently lives his life by…when he does nothing but sit in squalor playing vidya.
>>1882870I used to work at a Gamestop too, and it's exactly as you described. Whenever we got a new shipment of Funko pops or some other equally ugly plastic shit, it'd always be the same people coming in and buying them all. I remember one regular bought a bunch of Funkos of characters he didn't know, just for the sake of collecting them. Between that and my coworkers putting aside a million of them for themselves, that aspect of the job especially sucked the life out of me.
No. 1883250
File: 1707530480961.png (342.86 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240210-030234.png)

Question for non Burgerland nonnas. Did your local supermarkets also get into the weird consoom trend of doing fucking "Superbowl weekend" with suggested snacks or like American football/Superbowl related products? Especially when like legit less than 10% of the population in my country watches American football? It wasn't as bad last year, I noticed that almost every supermarket in my area had a Superbowl weekend related articles. No offense to Burgerland citizen, but you guys probably don't have your grocery stores do that for our Eurofag Soccer tournaments (or the African soccer cup that's currently running) right?
No. 1883479
File: 1707547083705.jpg (645.8 KB, 1080x1710, IMG_20240209_085945.jpg)

I've always pirated games, for Christmas I got myself the persona games on sale because they're not cracked and I didn't feel like setting up an emulator.
It did make me notice a consoom habit on steam though, if I get a notification that a game is 6 or 8€ I will be baited to buy it
>wowww, 30 hours of entertainment for 8€?
>I'd probably get more value out of that than being lazy and buying myself dinner outside
I don't overspend, but I find it interesting to see how sales bait me
No. 1883617
>>1883594hyped kanken anon here: for me it's that it's super functional. the zippers go all the way down the sides so i can just shrug off one the shoulder straps, pull the bag to the front and open the zipper to get inside my bag. i can also carry it comfortably with the handle, while most backpacks with a rounded top part have a really small loop there that makes carrying it with that handle very painful to the hand if your bag is heavy. i also did most of my groceries by foot and i could shove so much food in there to the point that people asked me what bag that was because half of my cart miraculously disappeared in the backpack. again, because the zippers go all the way down to the sides, you can just lay it flat and start putting stuff in there very comfortably.
of course there are downsides to this (no inner pockets, easily can be opened by others aka getting pick pocketed, very thin straps that many find uncomfortably, narrow side pockets that only fit an umbrella or very slim bottles) but i was genuinely surprised how well it met all my needs. you definitely do not need 50 of these though like
>>1808028 and i know many vsco girls and adjacent bought the entire rainbow because of the hype. it is a hundred euro bag in my country (with the bigger/laptop versions being even more expensive) but for once, the hype actually made me buy something i love. i actually ended up buying my second one a few weeks ago because my younger cousin wanted a kanken so i gave her my old one so she can try it out before her parents spend 100 bucks on a bag she finds meh at best. she loves it even though it went through years of use so i'm not getting it back, kek.
sorry for blogging, i guess my post can be applied to stanleys as well. i don't have one but i'm sure there are people out there who love their stanley and had their hydration game revolutionized by it… and then you have the insane consoomers. sad!
No. 1884372
>>1883154Those are some fugly bags, not to mention they will look absolutely ridiculous on short women.
>>1882842I used to work in a popular cheap department store and there would be people who come in every single day hunting down the sale/clearance rack and they would literally wait outside the doors in the morning. It was also pretty normal for people who were tourists, mainly from France or somewhere like the Arab Emerates buying SUITCASES of stuff. I get the people who do this to buy stuff like pajamas for people in their country since it's cheap, but it's still insane to see people drop hundreds on really cheap shit. I also noticed some people who would buy the crap they sold, which to me and people with eyes was clearly cheap fast fashion bullshit, but they would come in after washing their items once complaining about their £9 top having the quality of a £9 top.
>>1882687Literally made from the same material they make jumbo jars of peanut butter. These will be the same moids bullying women for hoarding lipbalms or something.
No. 1884544
>>1884363The point I was making was American football is niche in Yurop. Just like the African soccer cup is niche in Yurop too (the only people in Europe who watch it have some ties to Africa or are real soccer fanatics). Only difference is, here in Yurop we don't have any big time zone difference with Africa (which would justify a lot more a marketing ploy for Eurofags to watch the African soccer cup tbh) whereas for Burgerland's superbowl we have a huge time zone difference, and the niche fans dedicated to it have to stay up until fucking 4am (which to me doesn't make it a solid marketing/consoom ploy because you already cast out different potential customers, working parents, children, etc.).
>>1883450 already answered that you guys get the same consoom/marketing ploys with Eurovision Song Contest which also implied watching on a different time zone and I'm curious how that is supposed to work. I know Australia does get into ESC but that's because it's lunch when the show runs in the evening in Yurop.
No. 1884606
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Questions to the nonnas who are totally/mostly out of the consoom loop, how do you not go insane looking at all of this? Does hiding the name of every brand that you buy help? I've been slowly turning like picrel lately. I feel like money and greed just turn people inhuman, middle classes should never have had access to this level of consumerism at all in the first place. I feel so bad for all the dumb shit I bought over the years and I can tell now how much consumerism made me stupider, but it seems like I will never be able to escape it.
Sorry for blog posting, but this thread had such a huge impact on me. I've been binge watching all of those consoom videos and now I've reached a point of pure hatred and disgust against all industries especially the one targeting women. They will do anything to exploit us.
On one hand I feel absolutely liberated because it feels so easy to rationalise my past shame about being an ugly poor woman, I don't feel the need to buy makeup, clothes or most objects anymore. It's so easy to see how all of this was bullshit all along, I thought I knew it but I never truly internalised it. But on the other hand I'm getting so bitter and sad to see how everything is ruled by consumerism culture, how the environment is dying because of it, and how much people are suffering. I feel absolute dread everytime I buy food that is packaged in plastic because I can't afford the organic plastic free ones from fancy shops. I resent having to buy anything at all even if it's actually something that I need. I know that the notion of "personal carbon footprint" has been invented by big oil industries to deflect and I start raging because at the end of the day I'm just one person and my actions are meaningless. I try to be silent about it because I know most people don't want to hear me complain but it's been really eating me inside this past month.
No. 1884812
>>1884791Are you a kanken enjoyer or something? Its like walking around in Patagonia, you
do look a bit douchey. People buy it for the brand and then make claims about how high quality it is to justify it.
No. 1884833
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No. 1884839
>>1884606I've been thinking about it too a lot, nona.
Recently I had a pretty bad period and stumbled across a twitter post where people were showing off a fancy jacking off machine for sperm donors. And one of the questions that got in my head was "so we make things to jack men off when they got hands, but we still know jack shit about how to help women with their respective reproductive issues?" (not saying pregnancy, mostly very bad periods and hormones affecting mental problems)
And then I thought some more and realized. That this society created millions of products to keep women pretty and ageless and fuckable, but they don't acctually care about the results of that fuckability and the effects of it on our health. Look pretty, no one cares you're rotting inside out.
And I just… basically got blackpilled by my own self. I hate society. I hate the world.
No. 1884863
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>>1884855I didnt say that at all, you're just mad I attacked your Brand? Nobody is trying to take your kanken away girl be calm. It's still attached to a certain aesthetic, just like stanley cups. There's nothing wrong with Swedish anon being so tired of seeing them literally everywhere that she wanted to cover the logo.
No. 1884942
>>1884702I'm also swedish and i used to not care about the hype around kånken, but after traveling around the world and seeing japanese and americans alike happily use it it's given me a sense of of pride lmao you go little fox bag
a lot of people cringe at whatever is popular in their own culture/country, which is itself even more cringe
No. 1884996
>>1884955i don’t even like kanken and think covering up logos is normal but saying shit like
>>1884788>>1884812>>1884846is consoomer mindset. shitting on a brand is fine, thinking it’s ugly and overhyped is fine. it’s completely normal. but going omg that brand is so cringe everyone who owns it is embarrassing and should go out and buy more products to match it is really, really weird.
No. 1885007
she's shilling some unnecessary 125 dollars glass bottle to make cold brew?!
No. 1885063

>>1884833I've always thought the design was cute, but not 4k cute. I doubt the design is copy written in the first place, it's literally just a clover, it's probably easy to find made with just as good materials as the original for cheaper.
>>1883502I've always tried to argue this to people when i look down on shoplifters, the is particularly why i have an issue with them. A lot of people swear up and down that they are showing those companies whose boss when they steal, when the reality is that they are doing is increasing the value of the items that they steal. I find it so childish that people really feel as if they need to have everything they desire. The only way to get back at walmart or target is to not fucking go there in there first place for dumb shit. This video is proof, look how much he is seething about the fact that nobody gives a shit about buying dumb crap from target or figuring out how overpriced it is.
>>1883479I understand the sentiment of pirating games considering how insanely expensive they are nowadays, but i don't buy much games in the first place to really have much of a financial impact on me to feel the need to pirate games. If you focus on games that have 100+ hours of gameplay you never really feel the need to buy new games, but that's just how it is for me personally.
No. 1885092
>I spend $600 a month in therapy
Clearly it's not working. She has no incentive to quit consooming when she makes her income shilling sponsored crap to other people on TikTok. She needs to quit this "I'm a recovering shopaholic in therapy" bullshit. It seems like this is actually just some sales gimmick to try to seem "relatable" and justify overspending and consuming.
>Whenever we would go into the stores or gas stations, anything I wanted was always a no.
>I was finally able to buy the things I always wanted.
This is completely normal? Most parents aren't buying their kids whatever they want. They aren't buying them every toy they see on the self or every candy bar in the gas station. Why is she making it out like she had some traumatic past?
No. 1885183
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>>1884839I really feel this too nona. It's crazy how we barely know anything about women specific health issues. It does feel all connected with how much industries will exploit us. The fact that tampons and pads don't have to be regulated like health product and contains dangerous chemicals makes me so angry.I always wonder how many cancer are created by female targeted product like makeup and stuff like that. Your message made me feel less alone, I'm wishing you the best nona, I hope we get to escape as much from all of this shit as we can with our sanity intact
No. 1885187
>>1885108idk dawg, that kid ain't screaming in the video. in fact I think she states that she
doesn't want an item near the end. could be wrong though, I'm not too versed on literal baby vernacular English
No. 1885197
>>1885188it's mitski screaming kek, I wish she did more song like this, I'm going to check Mannequin Pussy now though
>>1885190Yeah, I remember being genuinely horrified when I learned that 10% of women who are in age to reproduce have endometriosis. Literally nobody gives a shit. Most doctor barely knows about it an won't diagnose it. I think some anons in the book thread talked about a book on all the biases against woman in medecine, it sounded very interesting, I need to read it.
No. 1885995
how often does this dumbass consoomerina have to pack her fucking purse?! this shit has 3+ parts and she's just talking about what's in her stupid compartments for three videos straight.
No. 1886545
>>1886497Nona, I am 29 and still play with dolls. Not in a way kids might play, but like, crafting and sewing and customizing.
And you know what is actually funny? I were able to find my identity and aesthetic through dolls. I like a TON of styles, but I don't need a new wardrobe or shit every single time because I can just make it for one of my dolls like a trial version and figure out if I'll actually like it or not. I have quite a sizeable doll collection, but making my dolls in different styles and aesthetics stopped me from wanting to indulge in something new when I already have all the things I like for myself.
Imaginative play can keep you from overconsume (if you're okay with consooming some doll/craft stuff, but I also saw dress-up games and collaging with the paper shit you get randomly in your mailbox/at the stores as a way to curb trying to get a new aesthetic every month)
No. 1886644
>>1884544ESC is early afternoon in burgerland, so the time zone isn't an issue for us.
>>1886594I think some of the consoomers like to hoard multiple copies of an item because they think these are prized, sought-after, exclusive items, so if they have 3 copies of an item, like the tote bag, while someone else has none, then to the consoomer mindset it is as if they have won some sort of competition of "have" versus "have-not"
No. 1886722
Lord, all the cutesy stuff next to things you’d find in a gooncave.
No. 1886808
>>1886002FINALLY the long awaited final part…
No. 1886991
>>1886808I know this is a minor nitpick but I find it hilarious how she has a lightning cable, a USB-C that she doesn't know the name of and relates to "new iPhones", and a Micro USB that she says is "for androids" when no android phone has used that shit for probably over half a decade at this point and all androids I'm aware of have used USB-C for years.
I feel like iPhone loyalty in this current time is closely wrapped up with consumer brainrot. Not all iPhone users, but the ones who delude themselves into thinking every other phone besides the latest apple model is shit and only for poors.
No. 1887171
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No. 1887222
>>1887146The answers are:
Don't throw hugeass parties, the amount of glasses in your house is enough for a party with friends, asking somebody to bring their own glass is inconvenient and weird
Most people have a baking pan, you don't need specialised ones to bake cute things
No. 1887240
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I need to cam to keep consuming(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1887256
>>1887171This is depressing. Do they want Target to sponsor their kid's party or something?
>>1887240Were those figures and Funko Pops gifts from the moids watching this rancid shit?
No. 1887297
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No. 1887323
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>>1886991Some companies do still use Micro USB, but yeah, is stupid to think an USB-C is only "for new iPhones" when some iPhones still use this cable.
No. 1887331
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Is this really the average ameriburger household? 24+ spatulas?
No. 1887345
>>1887331Some of these are true, but most are exaggeratedand/or outdated. Because of planned obsolescence and the fact that it's cheaper to buy kitchen appliances as a set, a lot of American households end up with an extra fridge or freezer, which people will often put in a garage or basement, typically for beverages. The thing about a dedicated tupperware cupboard is true, too. You just accumulate that shit even when you don't buy it, because people will give you cookies or whatever and never ask for the container back. I don't personally have a TV on the counter because my living room TV is visible from the kitchen, but many people with old "closed concept" homes will have a small TV in their breakfast nook, either on the counter or mounted to the wall.
The spatula, dinnerware, and crockpot things are nonsense, though. No one in their right mind owns more than two spatulas. Or more than one crockpot for that matter. No one under the age of 40 has a "curio cabnet" full of ugly Hummel garbage anymore, that's boomer shit. So is owning "good china." That nonsense is for people with pensions and no student loan debt.
No. 1887350
>>1887331Ok, I live in the south, but a lot of these hit home, kek.
>>1887345>The spatula, dinnerware, and crockpot things are nonsense, though.Oh, sweet, innocent
nonnie. You'd be surprised. It all gets used, too.
No. 1887627
>>1887240I can't believe a human being can get to such a low point, but here we are.
>>1887171This reminds me of how mcdonalds used to do birthday parties. I think it's kind of cute tbh, especially if there was some kind of role play of being the cashier handing out snacks to the children.
>>1887331Unpopular opinion, but i feel like there has to be an explanation that justifies all of this. Maybe she cooks for her church idk.
>>1887365She had to be joking with that. I am aware you can borrow tools from the library, but it's construction stuff, not cooking stuff. I don't get what's wrong with just buying bakeware, you might as well just go to a bakery if you are that anal about buying new cookware.
No. 1887783
>>1887458I basically did say that most of it was normal, anon. I even defended the fridge thing specifically.
>>1887627>Maybe she cooks for her churchMy aunt has a lot of extra cookware and shit like that because she used to own a bakery and is a devout catholic, so she cooks for church events (as well as family and other social functions.)
No. 1887787
>>1887551definitely no whole cabinet here but my mom always had some jello/pudding mix in case of needing to make an impromptu dessert lol. that vid is just homey to me.
No. 1887810
>>1887458As someone from southern Europe, I almost went back to my catholic roots and crossed myself when I saw that video
America is crazy
No. 1887852
nonnie here and we’re all more or less blissfully unaware of the Superbowl (at least, brands/shops haven’t started marketing based on it), but something that really surprised me this week was how many students - particularly middle aged women - didn’t show up for uni classes on Monday because they’d stayed up late to watch it. Our classes were less than 50% attended. I fear it’s only a matter of time.
No. 1888071
don't forget you're here forever!
No. 1888081
>>1888071Just how long does it takes her to pack her stuff for her daily life? I know that in the video it's all slowed down and explained to kids, but she really carries around a bunch of random stuff that are just unpractical even if you're outside for more than 12 hours, hell, I've traveled to the other side of the world with less shit in my purse.
Even organizing all of those random pouches the night before leaving your house sounds like a pain in the ass, and like you could easily forget to pack something or even leave a whole ass pouch that you needed to take with you in a hurry.
No. 1888098
>>1884606based cap.
i understand how you have been feeling nonna. blog but i had a psychotic episode a few years ago during which i was having "visions" of endless landfill trash, i couldnt go in supermarkets or shopping centres without almost throwing up because i could "smell" the infinite rot. i would see everything decaying, imagine the life cycles of plastic packaging so clearly, dreaming of choked oceans. started praying for the apocalypse so i could be freed from these plastic demons by the sword of the redeemer. drove me to burn a lot of shit i owned in a big illegal bonfire because i felt straight up haunted/possessed.
i got over the real psychotic aspect of this but it still makes me nauseated if i think about it for too long, and am still deterred from entering shopping centres/supermarkets. so i guess to answer your question, i dont not go insane.
No. 1888288
>>1887297WHY does she have so much shit everywhere, she's going to get that crap embedded in her flesh if there's an accident. Can these people not be normal in any situation?
>>1888143I've never heard of that before, that's such a good idea.
No. 1888298
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Interesting account: she brands herself as a cleaning influencer but also seems to be a hoarder. Her videos consist of cleaning out her hoard yet in the next one the hoard has materialised again. Some of it is absolutely filthy too.
No. 1888323
>>1887742Yeah she’s cute and obviously self aware and posting over the top for the lols. Some of this is boomer consoomerism though, or at least unwillingness to declutter.
>>1887331If you’re rural anywhere having a separate freezer in the garage is common because you only go grocery shopping one or two times a month
No. 1888329
>>1888301she strikes me as someone who has the gross messy hoarder kind of adhd.
No. 1888345
>>1888329nvm, pretty sure she's a druggie.
No. 1888356
>>1888345I don't get it. She was smoking during her pregnancy, so wasn't the baby already exposed? What's the purpose of not breastfeeding then if the baby already grew up with drugs in her bloodstream?
>>1888329Damn she's really bitter kek. Cow behavior.
No. 1889286
why does she give me "rich kid buying friendship" vibes, kek
No. 1889308
>>1889286I think this is sweet. I don't want to encourage (even more) gift-giving holidays but I'd be stoked to receive a cute blanket and chocolate from a friend.
It's kinda weird to give your nail artist stuff though.
No. 1889357
>>1889286It's cute, but tbh, kayla isn't a favorite because her pink stuff is all ugly and mismatched, meanwhile alondra got all perfectly matched and it was honestly cuter in general.
I honestly wish I could do gifts kind of like this, as in with matching stuff but with a better quality, but they would mostly be neutral colors so it's not a pain in the ass for the gift receiver to use the items separately or the sorts.
If anything, this only shows how she gifts stuff she wishes was given to her, it's so obvious, but I really doubt she would possibly get someone to want to spend like 100 dollars on stuff that she already owns.
No. 1889698
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I hate rooms like these. Just a whole wall use for just crap. One shelf is fine but multiple?
>>1889682You can enjoy food and not be a fatass/anachan anon…it’s not hard.
No. 1889835
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No. 1889875
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>>1889835And it cost $15!
No. 1890227
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>>1890134She's extremely bitter for some reason. No matter what she says it's not normal to live in this level of dirt. Literal cow behaviour.
No. 1890260
>>1889835When your cup has to have more personality than you do. I don't get the obsession with giving accessories to a cup that works as good as any other cup out there. I guess I prefer women collecting cups to whatever men collect though.
Also thanks for posting the MP4, it's annoying when I have to get redirected to TikTok and solve a captcha each time I click on a video
No. 1890362
>>1890329I mean, she's admiting she told them to throw the food around so she could make the video.
How can someone so depressed have children? I wouldn't be surprised if she got depressed after she got them because her husband sounds like a fucking scrote.
No. 1890409
>>1890227I feel like the weirdly aggressive sarcastic tone of these is so she can deflect any criticism, whether it's
valid or not. It's like when you try to tell someone something bad they're doing and they pull the "OH HERE WE GO, IM JUST THE WORST ARENT I". I mean I get being a mom is busy but it should get to this level
No. 1890423
>i love tumblers
we noticed
No. 1890532
>>1889875Next threadpic
nonnie, this is fab
No. 1891455
what is the "own spin" she's talking about?
No. 1891631
No. 1891678
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>>1891631She’s hilarious. Imo it makes sense that Disney would make this junk. It expands their consumer market to the same demographic that paints their kid’s toys to match their aesthetic
No. 1891736
>>1891631God that lip smacking is beyond obnoxious.
>>1891634To be fair most Disney merch is closer in aesthetic to Sanrio stuff (though less pastels for the most part) than the typical sad beige look.
No. 1891881
it never ends…
No. 1892401
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Makeup girlies love to cry about "m-muh shade range!" in makeup and then froth at Flower Knows.
Their quality is shit and they cather only to overly filtered east asian girls that are obsessed with light skin, because it's the only skin type in which their products show up but hey, the packaging is pretty!
No. 1892485
>>1892424Yes but Flower Knows is the only one that's has been insanely popular for the normie makeup girls. Let's say that unless someone is deep into EA pop culture, they don't know about Etude House or others. Them not being upset about what other makeup brands go through (quality and shade range) it's proof it's just consoom lol.
Flower Knows is on fucking Shein, not some obscure monolingual site or some proxies.
No. 1892619
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No. 1892649
>>1892619Whenever people dedicate entire rooms and hoard, sorry,
collect a specific character, it really shows how devoid of a personality they are. I guess the tiktok attention and high of buying is satiating enough.
No. 1892922
it's insane how different and more normal our oily potato looked just two years ago.
No. 1893210
>>1892401Nobody is saying anything because asian makeup brands are like this, even despite this probably not being good enough for even SEA customers. It reminds me of a video i watched where Korean women and their mothers did makeup on each other and the young girls all appeared to have foundations that were ridiculously light for their skin, idk how common that is in reality, but it was insane considering the older women just used foundation that was their shade. Back on point, i have been tempted to buy from this brand, but the reality of owning makeup just because it's pretty is not for me. It will make me not want to use it and it's no more than a glorified desk ornament at that point.
>>1891631>When you want to be kawaii but you are too afraid to commit.>>1889698Tbh i don't see what's wrong with this. One wall is fine.
>>1891881This level of consooming is being proliferated by desperately wanting to be an influencer/online personality but having no personality or anything redeeming about yourself to justify having a platform, so you have to show off trinkets and trash to make people care.
>>1892502I doubt a lot of moids give a shit, as long as she keeps it in her own corner of the house and uses her own money.
No. 1893446
>>1892619>>1892704>>1892793It’s a tranny. He passes well enough so that the Dora obsession thing looks like female autism but knowing he’s a tranny it’s probably a pedo thing.
>lou baby, the only and only self proclaimed superstar, superhero, and princess, finds the generosity in her heart to share glimpses of her endless imaginative mind with the world, through the art of youtube videosOr he’s skinwalking some female artist who has this sort of aesthetic.
No. 1893888
>>1893860she's putting more emotion in her voice in newer videos but she used to sound really emotionless. it fits the dead look in her eyes.
No. 1894210
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>>1893446Here he is next to a woman
No. 1894260
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>>1893890She is dedicated to cosplaying various types of potatoes. Respect her craft, anon.
No. 1894714
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>>1886808I love how she has a weird little justification for everything. "Just in case" "god forbid" fucking kek
No. 1897095
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there should be more kpop consoomerism posted.
No. 1897449
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The lethal amount of energy drinks and the manchild snack array…
Personally, energy drink consoomers are some of the most insufferable in my life. They're expensive, like 3-5$ a can and they drink multiple a Day. None of them live a lifestyle that requires high performance or lengthy work hours. The person in this video is wearing pajama pants. It is one of the most pathetic capitalist slave addictions
No. 1897461
>>1897449I usually don't care that much about how much people are eating, but I really doubt this person is sharing that deathly concoction of energy drinks and high calorie snacks with someone else, so I say that's just obese food.
Hell, even if you told me "well that retard is anorexic/ a male, and only eats that one snack tray with energy drink every day" I would day that it's just hoping to have the highest sugar levels in the world as quick as possible.
Looking at that gave me a headache and stomach burn kek.
No. 1897518
looks like brook is going down the influencer marketing/mlm/ponzi scheme road.
No. 1897764
the juicy stuff is so ugly and reminds me of ed hardy tees that used to be popular 15-20 years ago. also the sight of that cherry pattern gives me flashback to when i was a young teenage baby emo ca. 2006 and we all wore those black/white checkerboard vans slip ons with cherries on them.
No. 1898028
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>>1897764It never stops kek. I felt in a loop, and every ugly bag was almost identical to the one before. Maddening. This has to be ragebait (and it worked on me at least, I couldn't pause the video even though I was hating every second of it).
No. 1898029
No. 1898035
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>>1898029The fuck did I just watch? What is going on? Why does he look like yassified shrek?
No. 1898043
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>>1898029the vibe of this entire video
No. 1898046
I find it so funny some people watch the exact same cocomelon tier content their toddlers watch, but with the added content of consoomerism and gacha addiction kek
tl;dw: this scrote is part of an MLM that does ''live diamond reveals''. They are all trashy aliexpress garbage that sells for cents but they 'inflate' the price. People are obssesed with this because there is a very slim chance you can get a 'diamond' is the diamond real? probably not. It's a fucking scam.
No. 1898137
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i’ve seen my little pony, barbie, bratz, littlest pet shop, strawberry shortcake consoomers… but never a dora consoomer. who the hell needs that many dora toys? it’s a TIM too, but there’s no surprise there
No. 1898226
>>1897764She has the cheapest taste in shit ever, you can't tell the difference in quality between the $20 bags she got from marshalls and the literal designer shit. I personally feel like the loungefly bags unironically mog every overpriced bag she has, what's even the point. Also, she is going to be disappointed to know that you can really only have 2 bath and bodyworks sprays at a time if you want to use them all up without expiring. I know her dumbass will fill up that retarded storage solution she has because she can't deal with the space.
>>1896526I personally only use paypal pay in 4 for very pricey purchases, but i avoid doing it too much, maybe 3 times a year tops because it fucks up your credit score i think.
>>1893192The clothes are ok, but considering how often fitness wear needs to be washed, it means they generally have a shorter lifespan than normal clothes. They do have ok sales, but personally i'd only buy one or two items from them, i wouldn't buy basics from them.
>>1898083The thing is with bags, you only need one or two or sometimes none if you have good pockets, so bag hoarding in general is so retarded. Some loungefly designs are cute, i'll give brooke credit there since i do like a lot of the ones that she has. I just thing it's a case of people needing to learn to appreciate that a something cute exists and move on.
No. 1898958
>>1897465kidney failure breath indubitably
>>1897764atrocious taste. absolutely mindless, so nauseating i couldnt bring myself to actually play the video. its just so insecure and pathetic, this is the shelf of someone who will never be free
No. 1899924
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Consoomerism + theatrics
No. 1899960
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everyone knew this would happen to these women eventually kek
same thing will happen to some women with the Starbucks cups in time
No. 1900011
>>1899995I thought the same thing when she said that. I thought she was mid-thirties. Maybe it’s stress? The looming credit card debt and all that useless stuff surrounding her has got to have an impact on her mental health. Or it would for any typical person.
>>1899960>$50 from MercariThese are so ugly and look like they should be $2-$3.
No. 1901103
>>1900142>If you physically cannot cook, put them back and get the $1 shit… wtf anon
Personally, I believe even poor people deserve to eat proper food, and 7-10$ per meal isn't even that expensive.
No. 1901463
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>>1899055Yes, being depressive sucks and not wanting to take a shower is frustrating, but that advice coming from a woman with shopping and gambling addition? It feels like this.
No. 1901584
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>>1899960Yesterday I bought a milk frother from Marshalls and was annoyed it said “blend” on it. Checked the box and of course it’s from Rae Dunn.
No. 1901669
>>1901103I meant more because of a physical and/or mental illness impeding one's ability to cook, or perhaps they don't have the necessary resources to do so. I lived without an oven and fridge/freezer for a long time and it fucking sucked. That person couldn't afford their rescue inhaler because they were going to buy so much expensive, unhealthy food. Personally, if I had to choose between two $10+ frozen meals or my rescue inhaler, I would put the expensive food back and get something cheaper so I could breathe.
Also, $7~10 per frozen meal is absolutely expensive, what the fuck? If the person in question is yelling because they can't afford to drop $20 on their prescription medication, then what are they doing dropping easily hundreds on actual garbage?
No. 1901846
>>1901599I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so, so many people are like that nowadays too, on Instagram a bunch of accounts go
>She looks great [pointing at purse]>She's ready to go [a recipe for a dish]And so much more, why is this a thing? I feel like a schizo but I hate how the items are always referred to as women, it feels wrong.
No. 1901953
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>driving in neighborhood and see a house with the garage door open
>People having a get together and watching some UFC fight
>Garage has 5 different televisions mounted on the walls crammed together
>4 are streaming the same fight and one is streaming another
I know they were trying to go for a bar feel but 5 fucking big tvs???? Literally for what?? It’s like an ADHD trap for boomers
No. 1903965
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Is this a normal living room for someone who isnt a parent?
No. 1904114
>>1903965Yes, esp if someone works as an artist? Do you think that full shelves equals consoom? It looks neat, well organized, not cramped and clean.
Since when consoom is anyone who owns stuff instead of people getting into weird endless collections and being obsessed with shopping?
No. 1904133
>>1903965tbh it’s weird that this random room is getting so much controversy when anons have posted dozens of modern pink barbie bratz hoards- toys marketed towards literal current 10 year olds-and nothing. hell the dora tranny is definitely
sus. brooke has some issues too, she buys a billion pink hello kitty toys and figurines. it’s far more creepy and deranged when they’re buying toys for actual kids instead of what appear to be the female equivalent of funko pops.
No. 1904138
File: 1709062864075.jpg (1.39 MB, 4032x3024, mustdisney.jpg)

>>1903985She does say she has too many knick knacks which is true, it's abnormal to have that many. Since she's an illustrator I understand the kiddy books, and it would look cleaner without all the random toys. No need for three whole shelves taking up a wall too. Pic unrelated but reminds me of the "unaesthetic" version of just having a bunch of toys
No. 1904150
>>1899960I hope to god she doesn't jump onto something new.
>>1904138The unironed trump flag is really ties the room together.
No. 1904513
File: 1709077883157.png (1.1 MB, 962x756, hobbitses.png)

might have posted about this before but i am a tolkien autist so i have been lurking the r/tolkienbooks subreddit for a long while, and the past few years especially it's become absolute consoom hell. people like picrel trying to justify purchasing the same sought-after hobbit edition (with extremely miniscule differences between releases, if any) a million fucking times. and several other examples like people who collect the same book in every language for no reason, people who have way too many editions of lotr, which often is divided into three volumes so it's 3x books per every edition, etc. it's become a so called hobby and there's daily posts about people "getting into tolkien collecting" which just means purchasing different editions of the same 10 or so books from amazon. a lot of the posts displaying several bookshelves stuffed full of books have just been "collecting" them for a year or so. basically it's just people going on shopping binges online to qualify as a nerd or a fan or whatever, without showing even the slightest interest in the actual content of the books, only the outside is important.
>>1903965>>1903967not the worst ofc but extremely ugly and full of useless plastic shit only there for the display. you wouldn't be able to retrieve a book from the shelves without knocking shit over, which tells me they're not even in use. and why do they need 6 of the same green plushie?
No. 1904535
>>1904513the worst part is that if instead of getting 9000 copies of the same book, if you actually get all the books about the legendarium including HoME and other books curated by christopher, you already end up with a sizable collection.
but that would require actual reading
No. 1904549
File: 1709079960423.png (1.33 MB, 1080x674, psychosis.png)

>>1904535>if you actually get all the books about the legendarium including HoME and other books curated by christopher, you already end up with a sizable collectionyes, and even moreso if you own tolkien's non-middle earth works, related books from other authors like guides, atlases, art books, scholarly works about tolkien, etc. i guess i'm a bit of a consoomer myself, i have pretty much all of tolkien's original works as well as some related books and all of these together still "only" take up two rows in a bookshelf. meanwhile there are people on the subreddit who have multiple bookshelves with only tolkien books because they buy a million copies of the same fucking book in different editions and even exact duplicates. books they will literally never read and have no reason to either.
No. 1904907
>>1903965Playing devils advocate for a little bit, but I honestly don't see a problem with having a display wall like this. Every house I've been into has had at least one wall with shelves of shit the people never touch at all. Usually it's a few old books, vases and various knick-knacks, or for for people with certain interests a few items of choice like a goth having crystals or a boat-enthusiast having ship models. A hunter may have a wall of several mounted animal skulls and a couple of hunting rifles, I've also seen an elderly couple who owned horses have an entire shelf of collectible horse figurines. I think this is far more fun and personal than the people who just put a trendy but boring safe vase, I'd rather see a house with personality.
"Not a parent" also doesn't mean they don't have kids in the family who regularly come over, or sometimes people foster kids from troubled homes and want them to feel safe. And it could also just be a person who works in kids media who just likes the industry so they dedicated one room to it. If a man made a James Bond or football rooom no one would question it.
No. 1904920
>>1904914ayrt, I think
>>1903965 is fine but stuff like
>>1898137 is too much. If there is obvious thought out style behind it I don't mind it (I'm often ok with it even when it's quite cluttered), but when it's pure consumerism because you just want to own more when you don't even have room for it, it simply loses that charm
No. 1905501
>>1899960My SIL has bought me a few of these but I find them so cringey and ugly.
I hate throwing out or giving away items that people give me though, so the cups are just sitting in a cupboard. I do use one of them to clean brushes when I'm painting so that's something.
Anyone else have trouble getting rid of gifts people give them? Even if you don't like said gift?
No. 1906812
>>1903965>>1903967My only major recommendation would be storing the boardgames elsewhere, but if she has company regularly (like a Saturday night boardgame meet) then it's not a problem. They clash too much with the aesthetic she's going for, and that's part of what's making it look "childish". Same with the solid red and blue crate choice, but that's just nitpicking.
What's the show she's watching, anyway? I feel like I keep seeing shots from that.
No. 1906926
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>>1905501Lol nonna sorry for the question but what do the mugs say? Like what phrases. Maybe they thought about you because of the words on them but couldn't find a better looking mug. I've also seen mugs with names on them like picrel
No. 1907694
brook whining because people keep telling her that she has a shopping problem.
mirror link: No. 1907768
File: 1709312194199.mp4 (14.24 MB, 1080x1920, Snapinsta.app_video_10000000_1…)

Consoom or OCD?
No. 1907829
>>1907768>Consoom or OCD?looks like both. also, isn't bed bug spray super poisonous? she should air that shit out after using it
>>1907805>but why do you have to take a disposable version instead of a normal reusable towel?a lot of serious OCD havers purge their stuff constantly because once an item has been contaminated it never gets clean in their eyes, so they waste like crazy
No. 1907984
>>1907867people are really getting annoyed with her because she's decluttering her additional bathroom cabinet AGAIN after having decluttered it only a few weeks ago.
vidrel is the new declutter, this is the declutter she posted mid-january this year: No. 1908041
>>1907694Does anybody know what work she does? I'm curious how she has money for all this crap. Also I agree with the other anon that her personality disorder is really showing in this clip.
>>1907768Probably both but OCD for sure. Though understandable because to be fair, hotels are filthy.
No. 1908102
>>1908041>>1908062she used to have credit card debt and juggled several credit cards to be able to afford her shit. now she has 2.5 million followers and gets a ton of brand deals. someone said accounts like brook make 200k just by doing bloom ads, but she also has tons of other deals go on. videos like vidrel are a good example - she doesn't just get money for shilling that rack, she also gets money for showing off those skincare products. it's save to assume that she has brand deals with most of what she shows off in these videos. even when you think "haha, they are doing ads for a company that doesn't even pay them, how stupid!" - they're not. everything is an ad and they don't disclose it at all.
No. 1908167
>>1907694isn't she the one who originally posted about how she has a spending problem and has $20k in credit card debt? didn't she say she has a problem and was posting her decluttering so she could be held accountable? barely anyone would say anything or cheer on her decluttering videos if she didn't bring it up for attention and pity in the first place.
>>1907867right? love the not so subtle suicide bait at the end too. her bpd is showing, what a cow.
No. 1908182
>>1907961This is a breath of fresh air tbh. It's not Kardashian-style greige backrooms, she's doing DIY instead of consooming, the kitchen is functional and clean as far as I can tell, and she doesn't seem to buy things specifically for the videos that she won't use again.
>>1908167Gotta mention the spending problems for those sympathy views and comments! Feeds her bank account and her ego simultaneously.
No. 1908395
>>1907961You made me remember this woman. At least she admit she has autism to decorate it like that.
No. 1910174
>I think my baby daddy is extremely handsome. Sometimes I just look at him and I’m like damn. And then he’ll be like “Why are you looking at me?” and I’ll be like “No reason”
>Meanwhile scrote looks dead-eyed into the camera munching salad
This is cringe. Last time Brooke was hoping he would make out with her. It’s obvious he’s not interested in her romantically anymore.
No. 1910401
>>1910174Was it necessary to talk with a mouthful of food directly into the camera? This is a rare case where I can't blame him for checking out, I can't imagine what it's like to be around someone like this all the time.
>>1910060I wonder if she was given some? I'm sure she bought most of it but some of it might have been promotion material, maybe.
No. 1910679
File: 1709514934060.mp4 (17.44 MB, 576x1024, bbcb27e169581cca11559c33a79e11…)

Does she just throw shit in the floor? Why is there candy in the bathroom? I could have sworn she just posted cleaning this same bathroom and scrolled back and it was clean 2 weeks ago
No. 1912186
>>1911931Yeah I just squat if it's that
sus, because the paper might protect you from like… piss but definitely not anything more microscopic - it's porous. But if it's peace of mind your after then by all means! I've also been with girls who have a small pack of disinfectant wipes with them in public restrooms and that seems like the best bet if you really need things to be clean.
No. 1916347
File: 1709917229145.png (2.97 MB, 1080x1821, Screenshot_20240308-124452-466…)

girl I follow on Instagram bought a shit load of coffeemonsterzco (who i believe was talked about in one of these threads before) washi tape. the designs of these things are ugly, I don't know what possess someone to consoom so many of them, never mind sticking them in on expensive notebooks like hobonichi.
this same girl has a massive cupboard full of stationery and stickers
No. 1916359
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What is it about tote bags that makes TikTok and Gen Z go nuts?
No. 1916451
>>1916420Ayrt and I don't remember NYT articles being written about them, them being sold out within minutes, lines solely for the bag, limiting the number you can buy, or content being made about them on Insta or FB. Correct me if I'm wrong! Also, I wasn't trying to make this a generational fight, that's why I said "TikTok
and Gen Z"
No. 1916471
I don't understand decorating for a holiday to this extent. An old relative used to decorate for all the seasons, but she would rarely if ever buy anything new and reused the same decor for decades. Holiday consumerism gets really out of hand. Whenever I see all the decor at stores, I cringe a little thinking about how most of it will not be bought and will likely end up in a landfill.
No. 1916482
>>1916471ngl i hate the braindead consoomers in her comments who always reee about how nobody can tell her what to do, it's her money, how dare you be negative about it, etc. i just don't understand how they cannot understand that this type of behavior is not aspirational and she seriously does not need this amount of garbage.
i'm glad her daughter seems to be doing well though, i noticed that she's walking in one of her latest videos.
No. 1916617
>>1916471Some of these things are adorable but I can't imagine keeping this much. It's like she keeps everything
>>1916482I also noticed she's walking more, I'm happy for the kid! But having a hoarder mom doesn't really help
No. 1916676
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Tell me I don't need it
No. 1916686
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>>1916676I can't even talk you out of this because they have a bag I want too kek, another nona posted it saying she bought it as a gift for someone a while back in another thread and it's been on my mind since. The only thing holding me back is that the price is pretty steep for it being pleather
No. 1916710
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When I read approximately how much this whole shelf cost, I shit bricks. I’m not a skincare queen but my CeraVe is 15 bucks and gets the job done. Is all this really necessary??? All together, this shelf is about $2,500. That night repair alone is $245
No. 1916808
i hate the phrase "stinking cute" because it's always consoomers like her who call the ugliest shit "soooo stinking kyooot" like how the fuck is that ugly ass gnome cute??
No. 1916911
>>1916710And then the diets of these people consist of 1$ McDonald's "burguers".
>>1916818>You'd be better off finding a good bag, buying an iron-on embroidered patch from an artist and adding it yourself.NTA, but this is actually such a good idea!!
No. 1916912
>>1916359I'm neither genZ nor tiktoker, but I have a totebag consoom problem myself. They are just so casual and useful for putting stuff in and sometimes I am tempted to buy more because of all the cute designs they come in. I do find them more useful than regular purses. I can crumple them down smaller if I need, I can use them to put groceries in when I go shopping. I have 7 totebags which is definitely excessive, but they are different colors/prints/moods so I pair them with my various outfits.
That being said, I don't know why anyone would want to buy multiple copies of this particular totebag branded with a corporation's name on the side.
No. 1917018
>>1916911>poor diet>no exercise >bad sleep schedule>is a normal human who makes facial expressions >the general passage of timeMy wrinkles surely must be because I haven’t slathered myself in $300 wrinkle prevention.
The sad thing is, I’m only aware of how much that night serum costs because my 12 year old cousin asked for it as a birthday present and I was gonna to get it for her before I knew how expensive it is
No. 1917096
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Consoomerism + virtue signaling
No. 1917173
>>1917108NTA but I agree that dermatologists fucking suck unless you just need a prescription for Retin A or have acne that needs an antibiotic. They always tried to push accutane on me despite that shit being horrible for everyone and not something I’d ever consider due to health issues I already have. It fucking sucks, almost any product breaks me out but I can tolerate pretty much any active. I don’t get it lol. I saw the same derm for like half my life until I finally quit going to his practice when he somehow missed that I had severe infected eczema and tried to diagnose me with some weird form of herpes (???) so I recommend that anyone with eczema or allergic skin issues see an allergist and not a dermatologist. They’re better about actually taking cultures and running diagnostic tests to figure out what’s going on. The severe impetigo that I somehow got as a shut in took 4 different antibiotics and 6 months of absolute misery to fix and I would’ve been fucked if I’d listened to my (supposedly good!) derm.
I don’t use any expensive brand name serums but instead research specific peptides and purchase those. But really, Retin A, moisturizer, and SPF is probably enough.
No. 1917416
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>>1916805he is 50 now, I wonder when they met.
No. 1917433
>>1916676Ya'll making me want to consoom. That is a beautiful bag. Looks like the price went down to 96. If you are willing to spend a lot, I would look for handmade embroidered purse off of etsy. Might as well pay a real person. But with that being said it's also ok to buy yourself something nice once in awhile. As long as you don't have a closet full of 50 different purses.
>>1917310Honestly don't understand why anyone is against real leather. Cows are still gonna be slaughtered for meat. I rather use up all of its body than let it go to waste.
No. 1917498
>>1917096my university library does this kind of tree every year!
>>1917416he's not, she posted that as a joke when she wanted to piss him off. they're close in age.
No. 1917580
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>>1916710I've just closed some reddit thread where some beauty company employee kept going on about how this is perfectly reasonable, because you need different things for different seasons and change up your routine etc.
I remember an old teacher of mine telling the girls in my class we need to start on a moisturizer routine at 18 because it's all downhill, and how what kind of creams she's been using for 20 years to keep her looking young. She did not look a day younger than she was, but to be fair, I can't prove she wouldn't look like shit without the products.
No. 1917624
>>1917580>you need different things for different seasonsThis is true for people who get dry skin in the winter or acne in humidity, but you aren't supposed to hoard all of it at the same time? The products will just go bad by the next time you need them wtf. Plus, you should only need to change/add a product or two not every single thing kek. Sounds like a consoom cope.
>we need to start on a moisturizer routine at 18Idk anon, as someone who gets asked a lot about my skincare because I look young I do believe starting young (like 13 or so) helped. Although, unless you have acne or other issues you don't need more than face wash, moisturizer, and sunscreen (which I only used when I was out in the sun until my 20's). It's nuts that a teacher would tell young girls that
but I did have a middle school teacher who talked to us about sex and the city so some teaches just have no boundaries ig No. 1917639
>>1917624>Idk anon, as someone who gets asked a lot about my skincare because I look young I do believe starting young (like 13 or so) helped.NTA, but I have never touched a single skincare product in my life and people have asked before if I'm still in high school. I'm 24, pale as fuck and ugly. I think it's a mix of "good genetics" (my father looked 25 when he was 30), cooking healthy meals since I turned 18 and not drinking alcohol/smoking/doing drugs. I don't even exercise.
Beauty products and perfumes can also fuck up your endrocyne system if you use them too much. To each their own, but I don't think it's necessary to buy beauty products at all and it's especially not necessary for children, whose body is still developing.
No. 1917734
>I took showers by hours
With all the products you use, no wonder.
No. 1918220
>>1917736I have a waterproof speaker I've used in the shower, and you're right, it has to be really loud to hear over the water (though less loud than if the phone was just on a counter).
>>1917416Kind of funny/based tbh.
No. 1919193
>>1917639Well yeah, duh of course genetics plays a part. But long term, using a moisturizer and sun screen will only benefit you.
>Beauty products and perfumes can also fuck up your endrocyne system if you use them too muchI literally listed three products. Also, it's "endocrine".
>>1917757Wow, it's almost like everyone's skin is different! And ok it's genetics when you and your sister have the opposite problem, apparently. Usually it's acne that comes first which causes people to start trying different products to help it.
No. 1919676
guess who's buying garbage again!
No. 1920286
>>1917096virtue signalling means you show off how kind and accepting you are, this would be wealth signalling maybe, but i agree these women basing their entire personality on YA or smut books is extremely cringe
>>1917734anything to escape being alone with your thoughts huh
No. 1920365
>>1919853In vidrel she went to buy yet another blanket (she’s already posted her collection of dozens) and her kid said something along the lines of “but we already have many blankets”. Imagine being so disordered that even your toddler sees it. Sad.
No. 1920475
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>>1920365I can't believe she's behaving like the adult in the video when it should be otherwise.
No. 1920641
>>1920439Good idea. You could put a "repeat offenders" small section or something like that. Thanks
Another question is what the next threadpic will be. The Stanley cup police pic for this thread was a slam dunk, but idk if this thread had anything that memorable. Maybe the Rae Dunn
>>1899960 apocalypse bunker?
No. 1920854
>>1920459>>1920840thank you for your input nonnies, then we'll leave the thread as is!
>>1920641>next threadpicnot really funny but one of the perfume consoomer collections like
>>1876976 would be nice i guess? previously i would have thought the dora consoomer but i'd dislike it on account of it being a troon's collection.
No. 1920932
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No. 1921041
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>>1920932>>1920970It is owned by an adult who has to make twitter threads in order to keep track of her many purchases
No. 1922892
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No. 1923086
>>1922892You can buy all of this junk from the supermarket for under £15, I wonder what she charges for the box.
>>1923056"Brightening your day" with cheap tat and some random company merch is just plain consumerism, if someone needs mental health aid or whatever the better thing to do would be to meet the person and partake in some sort of experience/activity. Spending time together is way healther than trying to throw some money at the problem, which is what this is imo. Slight tangent, but there was outrage years ago against companies trying to profit from mental health issues, yet noone takes issue with it when it's "small businesses" doing it
No. 1923192
>>1917736do you leave the water running the entire time you're scrubbing your body/washing your hair tho? at least i hope the consoomers who use a dozen of different shower products don't let the water run the entire time…
>>1921433most of it looks like pure dropshipping. the only "creative" part is when they do the packaging which people love to watch. there is something truly hilarious (in a sad way tho kek) about the "support small businesses" trend mainly helping dropshippers. it is rare to stumble on a "small business" that isn't someone just reselling mass-produced shit they bought five time cheaper on a site that's easily accessible to anyone. it's gotten to a point where i wonder how does it still work? why do people keep buying expensive temu-tier shit on etsy and other instagram/tiktok "small business" sites?
No. 1923696
>>1922892This feels like something a Twitter activist would buy herself after a long day of being misgendered online.
>>1923192Do you live in the desert or something? I've never heard of anyone turning the water off during a shower.
>>1923536Correct. Most first-time sellers vastly overestimate how much they'll sell, come completely unprepared, and lose a ton of money. And no amount of experience will help if you get a shit table at a dead con. However, if you get a table at an established con or expo with attendees that have money to spend you're pretty much guaranteed to make bank, so the sellers at that expo should be able to at least claw back their expenses.
No. 1923706
>>1923681"self defence keychain mystery box"
This has to be a new level of consoom insanity. Putting the fact that these aliexpress keychains won't do shit if your attacked. (The cat brass knuckles look especially painful for the wearer)
I cannot understand why you would want to recieve self defense items in a mystery box.
No. 1924304
File: 1710396353796.jpg (18.39 KB, 384x728, hoarding.jpg)

Yes it is!!!
No. 1925309
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does anyone else try and avoid using k-beauty they can't get locally because of hoarding? I swear there is a new product every time and most of the products they sell are bullshit with extracts with very minor amount of research into their actual effectiveness. I love their sunscreen, but it's best to keep it there.
No. 1925337
>>1923706I have the cat brass knuckles but as a key chain and they're not painful to wear, but people do not have the proper training to use them, like the kabuton. The ones that are worrisome are the "pepper spray" (is not pepper spray at all) and the electric taser.
>>1923900There was a Tiktok user that found out that most of these self defense keychains were either from a factory or a reseller, so even if you report one, two more appear.
No. 1925367
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>How many of you have unused products sitting in your bathrooms? Because when you got home you found that product isn’t what you hoped for, or it doesn’t suit your skin, hair or lifestyle. You end up with bathroom cabinets, window sills and shelves full of unwanted stuff, on its way to landfill. When we make products for every need, everyone is able to buy exactly what’s required and ultimately reduce waste.
- Mark Constantine, co-founder of LUSH
No. 1926327
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>>1904513>why do they need 6 of the same green plushie?so fucking rude, kuchipatchi is extremely important.
No. 1927661
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Sorry if it's not the right place to ask but does anyone know how to deal with someone close to you being a consoomer? My friend is in it pretty badly and I'm not sure how to support her. I'm not her mom so I don't wanna shame her too much but I also don't want her to be broke because she has a shopping addiction. She sends me pics of cute things she wants and I feel rude going "yeah it's cute but do you really NEED another bag/necklace/figurine?" every time but it's the only thing I know to do. Spoiler bc cringe comic but it summarizes the problem lol
No. 1928734
>>1927661extremely tough, ive been both you and the friend. its hard to break through to someone who, like a lot of people now, view coping mechanisms as good in and of themselves. in a perfect world, i think we would understand coping as the neutral word it is: something that describes an array of habits and attitudes that we use to face discomfort in our lives. sometimes its fine. i cope with long hours by mentally dividing them into before-lunch and after-lunch chunks (fine). i cope with being unable to control the outcome of an argument between two of my friends by reminding myself its out of my hands (fine). i cope with physical pain after work with beer (not great). i cope with emotional pain over an aging parent by overspending on gifts (bad). i cope with fear of death by engaging in risky partying (terrible).
but for some reason, coping has become sort of a spiritual practice to some. ive been there. i think the only thing that led me out of shopping addiction and other shit i wont blog about was others leading by example. women in my life had more to worry about then i did, but i saw them volunteering or getting into rock hunting or whatever the hell and thought "man id really rather be doing that".
so i guess you can try to engage in a little healthy self care of your own, and drop updates about it to your friend. maybe invite her along on some stuff. you can gently psy op her while also taking care of yourself.
No. 1931040
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owning hundreds of books when you already have hundreds sitting at home unread is fucking CRAZY
No. 1931388
>>1931040And you just know that people like her continue to buy physical books they will never read because the cover is aesthetic and gets them internet asspats. If you want to read, it doesn't matter if you read physical books versus digital ones. Owning items does not give you a fucking personality.
She could sell her physical TBR books for whatever bullshit prices those idiots pay, buy the Kindle version for way cheaper, and get tons of space back while recouping a good bit of her costs, but she can't even bring herself to admit that the Kindle is a good investment.
No. 1931941
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>>1922892I decided to find her website, it's even more of an abomination than I thought. I figured she was just one of those lame corporate art style doodle feminists on Etsy, but no, it's those damn $9 AliExpress "safety" keychains being sold "on sale" for $60. She's using her own abuse story at the age of six to sell these items because they're, paraphrasing, "for your mental well-being of feeling safe/in control if something were to happen again."
Also, I absolutely hate her brand logo on every damn item. It clashes so badly. At least use the color wheel to coordinate it with the item it's printed on. Companies that actually care about what they produce might actually redesign it for each individual product. Sweet Jesus.
No. 1931992
>>1931976at least they can be kept and used an entire life
and go to someone else after her death (library or thrift store), most of the plastic stuff and cosmetic products we see on this thread is going straight to the trash in a few years if that.
No. 1932030
>>1931976>>1931992>go to someone else after her death (library or thrift store)Libraries purge books that aren't being read and thrift stores and second hand book stores throw out inventory that doesn't sell or isn't deemed worthy selling in the first place, because too many shitty books actually drag down the sales on the rest of the inventory. People treat thrift stores as their back-up personal storage which they aren't. If you or your loved ones don't think your stuff is worth keeping or selling then there's a good chance the thrift store doesn't want your crap either.
I'm not saying you can't keep personal collections btw but don't blindly assume that your niche vintage books magically find their way to other collectors through thrift stores or libraries.
No. 1932157
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This has be peak American consoomerism.
No. 1932246
>>1932157Your profile picture is showing,
nonnie. I would recommend changing it.
No. 1933516
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>>1932197IKR I was like "at least remove your charms first????"
No. 1933528
>>1931967>>1932029She's right, but not in the way she worded it. Having a simple skin routine helps you to protect your skin against the weather/dirt, but you don't need tons of products like the ones posted here. BUT is a big scam the companies that tells you to have tons of products for one night (see the Korean skin routine, you do not need to make the full ten steps, only the main one and then add one more per week).
So the important thing is to wash your face in the morning and the night (A Dove soap bar works quite fine, specially if you have oily skin), then use a cream and sun blocker in the day. There, a simple skin routine without falling in consoomerism.
No. 1934149
>>1933862That's also an important detail, and that some hormonal stuff can be treated with pills or creams under prescription, no amount of cream from a grocery store will help you.
I also wash my face in the morning and the night since I also wear light makeup, but I keep a normal diet and eat junk food once in a while.
No. 1934186
>everything on the floor
>4 identical ugly steve madden bags in different colors
>multiple filthy beauty blenders
>"organizing" but is just shoving things in places where it can fit
It's ridiculous how she just lets this all accumulate on the floor. I thought maybe she was staging these videos because the last declutter of her bathroom seemed unbelievable with all the trash on the floor and in the sink. No, she really just has no room anymore and just dumps everything on the ground until the pile is too big. Looks to be a month's worth since there is Valentines and Easter stuff mixed together.
No. 1934201
>>1934186>Have a small shop list.>Leaves with tons of stuff that are not in the list.why
No. 1934289
>"Ever wonder why Brooke the Shopaholic is so obsessed with purses?"
>3 years old and dad needs to go abroad to Japan for work
>Dad asks her to pack a suitcase so she can stay at her aunt's for 3 months, since her mom isn't in her life and no one else can watch her right now
>"That little suitcase was my home. The one thing that gave me reassurance and comfort. Ever since, I've been obsessed with bags."
More sob stories and excuses for her consumerism. The idiots in her comments are eating it up.
First it was "I grew up poor and my parents didn't buy me gas station candy, so I now overshop as an adult!" to "I packed a suitcase once when I was 3 and it comforted me. Now I'm obsessed with bags 30 years later!". I know others, myself included, that had to stay with family for much worse reasons and we aren't obsessed with purses.
No. 1934353
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>>1934186The comments for this video are more harsh than the others I've seen.
>EC of overconsumption No. 1934745
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>>1932157this is seems to be a whole genre.
No. 1937447
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>>1935803>>1935707That entire thread is hilarious. Redditors are so oblivious. Sir, it means you give perverted bowling alley manager vibes.
No. 1938257
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Ignoring that she got it discounted, I find it so hard to understand why someone would spend their last $45 on pure shit food like mcdonalds?
I've noticed it alot in under 30s women who will say they are spending their last bit of cash on a "lil treat". It's so baffling to me.
I was trying to make friends with a girl who then told me she spent her last $75 on getting her nails done as a treat and will now go hungry for 4 days because she has no money for food.
Is this an actual mental disorder? It's so weird? Just don't?