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No. 1844000
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i suppose i really am just not a likeable person, here's to another year of overbearing loneliness for me. i hope 2024 goes fine for all nonnas here, though
No. 1844028
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So tired of having to navigate through shit men and all their deception and politics just because I am truly interested in finding my person. Instead of settling for who's in front of me like what men do and then resent women for not living up to their fantasies.
No. 1844112
branded snacks, more pairs of shoes, i could go on and on. it started in childhood. I wish I could've asked for something without being yelled at.
No. 1844126
>>1844074Nonny I understand you more than I can easily convey, and I am 30 so I know what will happen if you continue to let her rule your mind and emotions. You cannot let your mother be the one who you need to step on eggshells for. It's time to turn the tables and YOU be the volatile one. You're gonna have to make her upset, and start to enjoy it. Every time she gets pissed that you leave the house, that's one crack in her delusion that she has absolute control over you. This type of retardation comes from helicopter parenting, wherein worthless boomer retards want to control everything you do yet have NO regard for your true well being, ironically. They will stand guard over you yet insult and hurt you more than anyone.
I never went to the doctor or dentist as a kid/teen yet I was not allowed to leave the back yard and my dad would follow me around even within it. Obeying these helicopter parents will only ensure you decay and rot while they get off to having control over someone, yet stagnating in resentment being a sentry over you and perceived "dangers".
Go to the doctor or dentists and just tell them you have uncooperative parents who will not release your medical records. They will not turn you back, tell them there is no chance to get them and they will perform new patient exams all the same.
Wake up in the morning not worried about how much you're gonna piss off your mom, let it be a marker of you doing the right thing. Work on disconnecting your emotions from hers, as she certainly doesn't change her emotional state to accommodate you. Grey rocking is a good start, not even arguing when she asks where you were. State the fact that you were at the library and dont say a word more. I hope you will find a way to escape this and move away, as that is the true solution for peace.
No. 1844150
>>1844132I'm not humblebragging, it's caused by a medical condition
growth hormone deficiency from childhood but at least it got treated by competent doctors so my case isn't nearly as bad as that girl from American reality TV whose name I forgot. So in my case it's horrible genetics.
No. 1844289
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>>1844281wait what about that last part
No. 1844302
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>>1844299After you erase a scrote, do you feel powerful? Like a main character? Like nothing or no one can really hurt you anymore? Like every single problem or insecurity you had with yourself just washed away at the revelation that you played God with a scrote's life? Like every single instance of a person irl or online calling you every hurtful thing under the sun just doesn't matter anymore, because you now know that you can give and
take away life?
No. 1844324
>>1843982The fact that "Dads yelling at their daughters at the kitchen table over math homework" is such a shared experience makes me feel so much better and feel less alone.
And to piggy back on
>>1843993, yes I agree kek.
For years I've wondered if my dad has aspergers/autism or something. He's absolutely retarded in almost every social situation. He never had any good, "heartwarming, fatherly" advice for me growing up and never knows the right thing to say, but math and numbers make sense to him and he'd scream at me for hours until I cried if I didn't understand a math concept. If I understand 'why' a concept exists then it's easier for me to wrap my head around it and solve it, and him getting redfaced and screaming while spitting on the page "THAT'S JUST HOW IT IS, IT'S JUST MATH" didn't help me at all.
My fiance wants to have kids and the older I get I just remember all of the hours of my parents screaming at me and I don't want to go through that shit again on either end, so I'd just rather not. (Or would I ~break the cycle~? Who knows.)
No. 1844402
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>>1844389>They hang up her fake pictures on walls and always show me her fake images. This can't be real. I would murder/suicide them all
No. 1844419
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I cried in therapy today and I feel so pathetic it's unreal. It was my second visit, I barely am at the stage when I can look her in the eye (still havent looked her in the eyes), I haven't even brought up anything truly bad or dark yet. And I just randomly burst into tears today after a touchy, but supposedly not a deep question. Probably mostly from stress… I don't know. Made me so uncomfortable and even more awkward which I haven't thought was possible. God, I hope it's common.
No. 1844447
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I relapsed into my dumb 14 year old tumblr eating disorder because I'm getting married soon and I'm so absolutely terrified of getting pregnant that I only feel okay having sex when I'm starving myself and spoopy because that's supposed to make you less fertile or whatever, I don't know, I'm insane and irrational.
>inb4 get your tubes tied
I can't, I can't take general anesthesia.
>inb4 nigel gets a vasectomy
He offered but it doesn't make feel safer or better because vasectomies can heal. I'm delusiona atp.
No. 1844480
>>1844460>>1844476I'm on hormonal bc and use condoms when the anxiety is too high, I suppose it is a control thing but I don't think it's because of the marriage itself, there's no cerimony or anything and we already lived together for some time, I think people asking "Oh when are the kids coming?" when learning that we decided to officialize it is what is making me insane.
I'm definitely afraid of losing control of my body in general, and I've never abandoned some disordered habits though I haven't been full blown anachan since my teens, so the looming threat of fetus makes it all worse.
No. 1844518
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I always really wanted to be a surgeon, but I was born with a tremor. If it wasn't for my tremor, I know I could have done it. I had a 4.0GPA in both high school & college. But now I work as an underpaid secretary. In my free time I learn about different surgeries and watch videos of the procedures, just for fun. But it does make me sad. Life is very boring to me and I don't particularly want to keep going.
No. 1844524
I wish I liked doing yoga, I thought it’d be nice as a mild fitness thing but I forgot I fucking hate it and I got annoyed after 5 min. Don’t tell me how to fucking breathe, I don’t know what the fuck I look like in poses so it seems pointless. I guess I’ll never be flexible or have a nice toned body idc and I can’t do fun active things as exercise because of my heart issues fucking me up.
>>1844447Vasectomy has an extremely low rate of failing as long as you get the testing done and follow doctors orders. Depending on the surgery done, they cauterize both tubes or whatever so it’s practically impossible for it to regrow.
No. 1844566
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a cat and a baby possum have been hanging out in my yard for a week now and I dunno what to do. sigh.
No. 1845086
>>184504410 years without meeting?
You dont actually know him, you dont know how he is in person, dont know his habits when living with him.
No. 1845096
>>1845087I think I'm introverted but nice
>>1845094I'd understand that but the girls they're chasing after don't look particularly better than me, none of them are these super sexy stacies. They have a bigger butt and boobs though….
No. 1845121
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Even with being micromanaged, I continue to perform poorly at my workplace due to my ADHD. I send emails to the wrong people, think I have already done a task only to realize months later that I have not, I forget things I was already taught, etc. It is literally embarrassing for everyone and I feel like shit. Tried meds before but they only worked for a couple of hours and felt like a zombie after they stopped working. The whole thing makes me depressed, performing poorly, embarrassing my managers and myself, being treated like a retard, and feeling like the more time I spend at a workplace the worse it will get
No. 1845199
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A minute ago I was so angry and ready to fight someone, and now I'm in bed just tired, still angry but in a dejected way.
No. 1845213
>>1845174I feel like people who move to another country need to
really have a strong desire and goal to be there. What is your goal and what do you hope to achieve? Japan seems like a lonely country in general behind the shiny veneer of politeness. Most foreigners stick together, so it'll be tough finding companionship otherwise. I hope you can find your answer, nona. I wrote this post because I have two friends that went to Japan: one with a clear goal in mind that has lived there for over a decade and another who struggled and went back home after a year.
No. 1845348
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Another useless scrote spamming porn. Be warned, nonas.
No. 1845353
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>>1845348Moids are mad that women don't like them…but continue to give more reasons why women shouldn't even interact with them. No matter how bad my life gets, no matter what hurtful things get said to me, no matter what shitty things are done to me, I can sleep easier knowing I'm not an XY-defective.
No. 1845374
God I wish I could just put out a whole exposé on this group of guys I know. Truly some of the most despicable men. But they're volatile and have threatened violence against me before, and most of the proof I have of the things they've done is my own evidence so they would know it all came from me. They're a group of "goth" "rappers" that are in their 30s, shitty tattoos, whole personality just about doing drugs, some of the genuinely worst music I have ever heard in my life.
The two ringleaders are a 29 year old, fat, greasy, notoriously smelly neet who's only "job" is performing at shows full of about 50 drunk teens. He'll post on his socials about selling out shows, which just means performing with 3 other bands and selling out 100 tickets. He goes after idiot teenage girls even though he truly is the most horrific looking fat 30 year old man you've ever seen because he dresses like a mall goth and reeks.
The other one is a domestic abuser/rapist who still lives with his mom at 30, when he's not couch surfing and mooching off his friends. He's sexually assaulted and physically assaulted multiple women and then blackmailed them into silence. He's a skinnyfat drug addict and an actual narcissist. They both think they're unironically famous when one has less than 5k on his largest social media platform, and the other buys all of his followers and likes and has a bunch of bot comments.
Everyone in their group is flat broke. Legitimately they have no money, they do shows, sell drugs, and mooch off of people to just barely get by. Then they'll use their extra money to buy expensive stuff from dispensaries or flights to other cities solely to flex on their instagram and pretend they have money. They only wear "designer" but it all comes from DH Gate, they flex fake gold. It's just the craziest thing that they honestly believe they're all famous and talented and it's any minute now they're going to be signed and going on world tours and hanging out with A list celebrities.
I hate that narc men can't ever be put in their place because they're always so violent and they'll just go straight to physical violence. Men are such a plague on the earth.
No. 1845390
I want to fall in love and get married, but it feels like men in general are so mentally and emotionally deficient. I don't give a shit how much money he makes, how tall he is, how academically gifted he is, if he makes me laugh or not, hell, I can handle it even if he's below average in looks (as long as he takes care of himself and is clean). All I want is for him to have as much emotional intelligence as women on average do, to be considerate, empathetic, and loving, but that seems like an impossibility. Even the men who are "kind" are just poorly imitating what they see other people do, there's no nuance, original thought, or adaptability behind it. I can't believe women are told to "settle" when men are beneath us by default. I don't blame women who only go for men who are extremely attractive, or have a lot of money, if you're going to be with a mentally deficient ape he might as well be hot or rich.
No. 1845442
>>1845390I feel this post in my soul nonna.
> I can't believe women are told to "settle" when men are beneath us by default.I've been told this so many times,I'm 30+ but how could I settle for a deficient man just for the sake of "being like other women my age,married"?
> I don't blame women who only go for men who are extremely attractive, or have a lot of money, if you're going to be with a mentally deficient ape he might as well be hot or rich.Same.
I really hate this negative view society has on single women. You really think I'd be single if I found someone to actually love? Telling me to settle for the sake of it is stupid and I refuse to give my time to people who aren't worth it.
No. 1845449
>>1845442I remember reading a post about a woman complaining that her husband gets her flowers for her birthday despite her telling him dozens of times that she hates flowers, they don't last and she wants a more practical gift. Of course, both men and women alike jumped on her for not being grateful. Imagine being with someone for decades, getting married to them and having children, yet still not knowing their basic preferences? Preferences that even casual friends would know? Even when men aren't
abusive, they are so careless and thoughtless and actively cause more frustration and dissatisfaction in women's lives. I've seen so many examples of this bullshit with my family and my friends and they are exasperated and miserable constantly but try to pretend like it's normal.
Sadly, being single for women is a good thing. Women don't inherently benefit from being in a relationship. At worst, men physically and/or emotionally abuse the shit out of women, and at best, they become an emotional drain on her keeping her from finding someone who actually loves her and cares about her. People wrongly assume that you're single because you're undesirable, but it's the opposite, men are undesirable, not worth risking your peace of mind for, and you're dealing with it in the best way possible.
No. 1845486
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feel free to make fun of me over this, kek, but, half of what annoys me about people that want to fight or insult others online is that almost none of them would dare do that irl. the one time I saw a woman say an insult about another woman's looks (I think it was the color of her skin?), I side-eyed her and she looked terrified and apologized. wasn't even trying to be scary.
No. 1845535
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how i feel having to be nice to the girl in my friend group that I hate. YOU ARE SO UNBEARABLE ANNOYING AND CRINGY WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SHOW UP I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! I don't consider you one of us and I never will
No. 1845589
>>1845579ayrt, every guy in my course has the gym as their hobby. I'm sure there's some I haven't heard about, but overall the conversations you overhear are about either the gym or cars. There's also absolutely a growing obsession, as you can see the stupid amount of protein foods being added every day. Nobody needs that much protein. It's insane.
>>1845580Can I ask, is it something you do daily? It's mostly the 1 hour+ daily ones that really weird me out. I'm not an expert of course but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to have rest days when it comes to lifting.
No. 1845631
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>>1845604I'm a skinny bitch so try again before I steal your bananas in my monkey pajamas
No. 1845645
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>WFH last since Covid, so moved out to somewhere way away to somewhere cheaper
>2 weeks before Christmas return to office announced
>No luck finding apartment nearby
>First day of mandatory work from office
>Drive 1.5 hours into work
>"Sorry nona there's no desks left. Maybe try get in earlier tomorrow"
Fuck this shit, you had one job to get more fucking desks. I'm staying WFH until I get an official complaint. My team works across three continents, zero need to be in person.
No. 1845651
>>1845647It’s mostly in my clothes and the sheets so no can do
>>1845648Eh I have a history of self harm and these look like an obvious suicide attempt so an excuse wouldn’t fly. Guess I just gotta get committed or hope I don’t die lol
No. 1845656
My family is in Gaza right now, they’re alive, but my youngest sister, who I’ve only met once and is 3 years old, is in critical condition. She has Type 1 diabetes, and there hasn’t been any access to medical supplies where they are. She’s been withering away since her insulin supply ran out mid October. My family does their best to make sure she eats, but she’s dying. I know she is. And as cruel as it is for me to say, I hope it’s soon. I hope she dies fast. The fact she’s alive to suffer through this is awful. I get updates every day from my family, and a lot about her specifically. She’s losing weight so fast. When I saw photos of her before the war, she was a chubby little toddler with a double chin. Now she’s frail, skinny, and her ribs show. I know she’s suffering, and my family is trying to keep her alive but honestly? I think they need to let her go. Even if she does survive this, then what? Our house is gone, her town is rubble, her family is barely hanging on. Her heart stopped twice in December, only for her to be zapped back. She’s gotta be in horrible pain, I think my family is incredibly cruel to keep her alive when her body is ready to die. I know my mom does not want to let her go, my baby sister is her miracle baby. She was the baby that nobody expected to survive, but she did. My mom keeps telling me she’s a fighter, she’s not a fighter. She’s a baby, a baby who’s withering away, and only kept alive because people start her heart when it stops beating.
No. 1845675
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>>1845666They need to teach early in school that attacking a person rather than what they say is basically admitting they are right. It's called Ad Hominem or something. So dumb
>>1845670The era where I can get a robo husbando harem can't come soon enough
No. 1845708
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>>1845696I'm about the same age and my BF is six years younger than me. I mentioned that I was really looking forward to go see the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and he looked surprised and said it was music his dad was into. Devastated.
No. 1845718
>>1845325I understand she's afraid of losing me, but I feel it's unfair to me. She has a husband, a house, and her next step is to save up to start a family in a few years. When we hang out, her husband is with us all the time too. Like, am I not able to get to that point of my life too? Or can I at least attempt? She roots me on for finding a nice guy, she even tried to hook me up with single guys at comic book stores, but I'd rather steer away from nerds as life long partners.
She would be excited when my ex and I would participate in playing video games together, but she pretty much frowned upon my boyfriend booking a hotel for a mini-staycation, which the total of the hotel cost less than a video game. She acted like we're throwing money away, but it's not like she and her husband went to fancy restaurants once a month even when they were still dating.
It's just hypocritical to me that she would react so negatively to me finding a guy who takes good care of me, like her husband takes good care of her.
No. 1845735
>>1845728Her husband is a chan user so not far from the truth, but he's ripped and looks like a runway model so he does have something going for him. My boyfriend is normal, in the sense he is just a Facebooker who only posts about what we eat and classical music. He is not ripped and the only exercise he does is walk.
In turn of all this, I just hope things are okay with her and her husband. I don't know if I should approach her about it or how should I? She wants my boyfriend to hang out with us as a group often but all our conversations revolve around chan memes and he's said he feels left out and uncomfortable about some of the topics being talked about to even try to steer it to something "normal" and appropriate. I do want to build a bridge between both my best friend and my boyfriend. It's just difficult…
No. 1845747
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I was doing so well
But now it's nothing but flashbacks and I didn't want to lose another one of my few nights to myself. Sleep is the best way for this to stop but I wanted a full day damnit. I can control the dreams but I'm tired of just dreaming things better. The other option is weed but is being too high to think of it anymore any different than being asleep?
I'm so tired nonnas. I hate men so much and myself for getting myself trapped in the first place but I need to learn to forgive me eventually.
No. 1845749
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I'm so fucking stupid. Today was good weather for photography, albeit it snowed the day before. I was so excited to take nice wintertime pictures because I love photography and didn't get a good wintertime landscape last year. And while driving to my scenic spot I accidentally got stuck on some snow while I was passing a car, so badly that I had to call a towing company to pull me out because my car is not high. I feel like fucking crap because even though I didn't damage my car I am so sorry for putting her through that, the money wasted on a towing company of course, and the time sunken in for nothing. I have been so stressed out this week. I just wanted a nice picture. Photography is one of the only things that make me happy. Why an I so stupid and impulsive?? My happy moment was ruined by my own actions and carelessness, and now I'm doubly stressed out for some things tomorrow and my foolishness. I don't know why I'm like this.
No. 1845779
>>1845745I really wish she wasn't a hater because she's one the closest of the few I have. My childhood best friend is on the other side of the country from me and she's been ecstatic seeing photos my boyfriend and I take together.
Her dream is for our small friend group to eventually live out on the countryside on a plot of land and raise our families together, like it's such a neat idea that I do want to come true so what better than to make it happen in small steps? My boyfriend also loves the idea and he's totally set on saving up for the dream life, so what's the issue?
No. 1845831
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I wish this place wasn't so inactive. It feels like the only place with interesting topics to discuss or that has a large amount of girls with similar interests to mine. I cant talk to anyone irl about pretty much any of the stuff discussed here. I appreciate that lolcow exists, I just wish it was a lot more active. Ive been here since around 2015 and it seems so dead at times now.
No. 1845872
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What the fuck is going on? All I did was post a pasta about not letting yourself get manipulated by abusers in GIOYC and a schizophrenic moid is doing cartwheels and chimping out over it. I say moid because there isn't a world I can think of where a woman gets so mad at a random post sharing material to prevent the continuation of abuse but who knows here now.. is this site really that doomed? Is it only kiwifags larping as women and underage tiktokers fr??
No. 1845888
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>go through extreme existential crisis and lots of trauma for 2 years
>off meds and don't get help for 2 yrs
>lose everything and almost kill myself
>go back on meds
>lose weight when I don't want to
>my clothes are falling off my body
>start to feel fragile, nihilistic and weak again
>absolute fucking clownery
No. 1845929
>>1845914a hit dog hollers, it probably is an
abusive male
No. 1845934
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>>1845930What did she say?
No. 1845992
>>1845930I know that feel.
When i was working at an ad agency the accounts people left for a meeting and i had to go to one of their desktops to get some files. Except he didn't log off from Slack and i could read the conversation they had on a private group of just them.
They called us employees peasants and slaves and spent the entire day making fun of us, specially me. They spent all the time i was working there making cruel jokes about me and every little thing i did. I also saw the bills they sent to a client, they were charging this person like 20x what i was getting paid, i was literally doing all the work in this account, i was making them a crap ton of money and on top of it they were laughing at me all day calling me names.
No. 1846095
>>1845945I don't see why colour and minimalism are seen as mutually exclusive. I try to have as little clutter as possible in my apartment but the few things I do have are pretty colours
I do love korean style beige decor though, it's not cold and sterile like typical rich people minimalism and always seems cozy and comfy.
No. 1846189
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I had a crush on a coworker for over a year but never interacted with him besides work related stuff because he was taken. I was always reserved around him. Then I finally got over him, I started thinking I deserve something better and he stopped being even slightly attractive in my eyes
>he breaks up with his gf and starts trying to interact with me more
I hate this. I don't want this anymore, it's much too late and I don't get why was I even attracted to him in the first place, besides his height. I don't care about him besides "nice guy coworker I want to keep things clean with". I hate that I tend go "get" the things I desired only when I'm finally over them. Every time it feels like some forces are fucking with me. And even if I was still attracted to him, I would feel weird as fuck trying anything with him, since his ex gf works in the same building with us and could see us, I wouldn't want her to think I was the reason for their break up or something. Meh. Now I will have to put up with this shit and wait till he openly makes a move on me and politely decline. I hope stuff won't get super awkward between us after that, I have enough drama on my shift
No. 1846392
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Can’t figure out if you were a bully all along. Saw you being mean to some girl ages ago but figured she deserved it because I had such a thing for you. Until you turned on me and looked right through me with absolute contempt and laughed as I fucked something up. What happened? We used to be like Gemini?
No. 1846421
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My career/internship mentor says that I need to apply to 10-12 internships a week, so I applied to a bunch of REUs but he said I need to focus on industry internships. This is such a bummer, the research oriented ones are so much more interesting and they pay really well.
And also another minor vent, I got myself a Revlon blow out brush thing and loved it and used it all last semester all the time and I didn't realize until recently I broke a heck of a lot of my hair off! The top of my head is covered in breakage now.
No. 1846448
>>1846387>>1846397cat caught big mouse
brought inside house
he's hiding somewhere
eating it rare
winner has dinner
yummy yummy
mouse in tummy
No. 1846482
I dreamed, or rather had a nightmare, that I was severely suicidal like I haven't been in years. It felt so real. The feeling of it was so real. When I woke up I really had to take a moment to let it sink in I was awake and I was dreaming. It honestly kind of fucked me up.
>>1845939Because women older then 25 like it. Similar to why out of all dumb trends Stanley cups are the bad one. Because teen girls like it. And everyone knows that things teen girls like is bad. At least pumpkin spice latte has turned into taking it in stride but that was also mocked for years on end for the same reasons.
>>1846474You're literally the same as those self-diagnosed autists on reddit and tumblr talking about how neurotypicals are all boring and psychopaths. Get the stick out of your ass and go to therapy. And I say that as a fellow autist.
No. 1846509
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>>1845939I like neutral stuff too. Anything primary is just too busy. Although I have all my lights and lamps wired to my phone (no led strips they are tacky af). So I can switch things up with my mood. I've also got a sweet aurora borealis machine so I can feel like I'm floating in space sometimes. I'm saving up to get some mini projectors so I can do stuff like pic related. But yeah anything strong all the time is too much. I don't know how people managed lime green everywhere in the 60s.
No. 1846596
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I think my facial features are fine, but my looks were absolutely nerfed by a life of chronic self-neglect. I hate myself too much to care for my teeth or my skin. Sometimes I try, but I know that I will never ~get into the routine~ as long as I think of myself as worthless, stupid, unlovable. Some part of me is disgusted by the idea of self-care, even the word alone makes me want to throw up. It sounds cheesy. It makes me feel ridiculous. Sometimes I hate having a body at all.
Picrel is how my skin looks and has looked since I was a child, getting worse every day for 10+ years, exacerbated by a picking compulsion that I do so thoughtlessly it doesnt even feel like self-injury. I've just been casually pinching and scratching myself til I bleed, every single day, for basically my entire conscious life. Again, I want to stop it but I hate myself so… Hurting myself feels right.
The texture is so unbearably gross that I could never allow someone to touch me in this state. I feel guilty just from being looked at, so how could I ever let someone cup my cheek? Or give me a kiss? Assuming anybody would even want to. I can be very charming in personality, but it's ruined with closer examination— both physically and psychologically. I'm deformed. Evolutionary instincts will tell everyone to stay away.
I'm not sure if it's better or worse that I'm gay. I don't care to speculate on a hypothetical het relationship, but at least I wouldn't care if a man settled for me in my ugliness. With women, I believe we all deserve the best, especially any woman who opened her heart to a creature as wretched as I. I try to remind myself that I'm ugly and gross and just too weird to have a relationship, and it's actually very rude of me to entertain any romantic delusions. As long as I'm like this, unhygienic and self-hating, I cannot expect anyone else to want me. My heart hurts… and I'm so lonely… Sometimes I pretend there is someone who sees me and doesnt mind. The fantasy makes me even lonelier because it's so farfetched.
I wouldn't wish this on anybody else, but I do feel isolated by the thought that no one else looks like me. I saw a comparable condition only one time: in a documentary where they briefly interviewed a crackwhore… I'd guess she hated herself even more than I do. My heart aches for her and I hope she's living a better life now, fucked up skin or not. I'm sure there are many others with similar problems, but they wear makeup to hide it. After all, why would you stay ugly if you have that choice? Except I hate makeup from both the feminist and autistic angle. I hate the expense of money and time, I hate the texture, I hate how it limits you. At the same time, I know I would feel 100x more confident and secure if I could show a relatively unblemished face to the world. In that case, makeup is an immediate solution, but besides going against my values and interests, it's also only temporary.
What about when the mask comes off? What about when I have to see my real face again and remember I am so disgusting and hideous? I don't want a quick fix. I need something permanent. I want the scars to fade, and for the bumps to stop rising up, and to never again rip myself up on reflex. The way out is through. I must feel empathy and compassion for myself no matter how I look. It's just so hard to get there.
No. 1846597
my school fucking sucks. no proper announcement whatsoever on the days of enrollment. they've already made a post on the current semestral break along the first day of second semester but no information on the dates for the enrollment process, like wtf. they don't even bother to answer the only person who commented underneath their facebook post, asking for the enrollment. their provided telephone numbers are always unavailable.
their school website is outdated and clunky, the latest year they have on the site is either 2021 or 2022.
i asked my sophomore dormie who assumed that enrollment have already started and even sent me a picture of the needed payment for enrollment as well as the overall tuition next to the finance department. so ofc i assume as well and ended up paying the exact amount for enrollment. because there's only a few days left before school starts and im panicking, stressed out. ofc i ended up paying. now, the fucked up thing is that, the governor for my batch ended up announcing that today was the start of enrollment and told us to check our spam section of our gmail for the instructions. and there it was, a new clunky site for us to navigate our enrollment process and a new method of payment we will only use once for enrollment.
i really hate myself for fucking up, the enrollment fee is expensive. dont worry, i already did enroll except for paying the enrollment fee on the method they wanted us to use. the method is so long winded and unnecessary, i dont understand the change at all, much less the additional site since the school already have like 3 websites we have to use and its not exactly hard to catch up but the recent use is like a minimalistic version of one of them. with less options and widgets. i already emailed the finance dept. if it was fine to pay for enrollment through the previous route of payment (ie paying through either one of the listed bank accounts of the school) but they have yet to reply. i might have to talk to them face to face soon as well, in order to fix my mistake. fuck.
No. 1846622
>>1846596As someone who had important facial and body acne for 10 years straight, I think I can begin to understand a little bit your situation. I'm not suggesting I've been through the same but if it's okay I'd like to give you some encouragment that I wished to have back when I was a preteen getting a lot of sun exposure and eating like crap . Have you ever been to a good dermatologist? Do you know what skin condition do you have? You sound terribly depressed, but don't let self-hate stop you from taking care of yourself, you don't need to ''be worthy'' of skincare, it's not pathetic wanting to have a healthy skin and overall good hygiene. You could focus on making small adjustements in these areas:
>diet and water consumption (increase raw fruit and vegetables, cut added sugars and processed food, drink more water)>purchase a good face cleaning product for sensitive skin and a moisturizer, if you decide to check a dermatologist he/she may prescribe you very specific ones plus medication>implement a reasonable hygiene routine that you feel comfortable with, that includes changing you bed sheets >avoid direct sun exposure during summer, it's terrible for scar tissue>make some exercise, it improves blood circulation and health in generalTreat yourself anon, you seem a very nice girl, very reflective and mature, but don't let that transform into self-consciousness. Not doing anything only makes things worse, it's a vicious cycle. I believe in you ♥
No. 1846657
>>1846040>>1846035>>1846033The other lady who was supposed to get the message was super friendly to me this morning and it made me so angry, but I responded in a neutral way. It just makes me so sad to think adult women can seriously be so petty and hurtful to each other. It just made all the abger flow out of me to know how stupid and childish this all ism
I've got ass burgers somewhat badly and I've literally always been the butt of jokes practically since elementary, and I try to cope as well as I can, idk why these two backstabbing me is hitting me this hard. I genuinely enjoyed my workplace for the last 2 years I've been here. Before I got hired for real, I interned here. I seriously thought I was somewhat well-liked, I guess. And the illusion is shattered. But I'm trying to.not be too paranoid about everyone in the office. Thanks for your words of kindness nonnas, I'll try to get over this asap and get back to my normal optimism.
Here is just a little more spite tho just to get it out of my system. The main woman is such a boymom and is totally delusional about it. She really thinks someone is going to consentually have sex with her failson (doubtful) and then make false rape allegations. Just for fun?
>>1845992Wow, what a gut punch. I hope you work in a better place now. Wishing you well.
No. 1846679
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The media has really regressed in regards to black media. Back in the 90s and early 2000s there were shows with black people but the show had nothing to do with their race. Now any show with black people has to be some statement on racism or a political agenda.
No. 1846782
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Being 24 in a couple of months with no job and little to no savings hurt in a different way nonnas…
No. 1846809
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I NEED TO NUT ON HIS FACE!! Pic unrelated.
No. 1846816
>>1846782It's not too late to turn it around. My sister went to college at 26 and she got a good job at a bank. Meanwhile I'm 30 and I've done nothing. I learned to crochet though. I'm kinda ok at it.
Be like my sister, not me.
No. 1846872
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>>1846658Just dealt with this. Glad I didn't waste my time after a brief text exchange talking about our values. No, there was no mention of a child in his "info" so he was lying to me right after I got done saying how I value trust in relationships. You can't script this shit with moids! Unreal.
No. 1846918
>>1846886True, true, you are very right. What you are saying are pretty much also what I tell my creative friends when they doubt themselves, I think my main issue is that I have no confidence and extremely high standards when it comes to myself.
I have before talked about stories with my friends, since some of them are webcomic artists I mostly talk about ideas I got for comics and they always love the concept and details, so I know at least that I can create good concepts. But I don't want to create something good, I want to create something great. I want to make something sweet that brings a smile to your face, something dark that resonates with the deepest parts of you, something that makes your heart pump and want to hit the table with your fist and go "HELL YEAH", something that makes you want to rethink everything you know, something that just speaks to the emotions of the soul while also having multidimensional characters. But you are so very right, practice makes perfect and I should stop being afraid of picking up the pen.
No. 1846924
>>1846879Sounds like it's coming from personal experience. Is that what happened to you,
No. 1846973
>>1846945I think I know how you feel. I’m job hunting and my parents give me the most useless advice because they’ve been working continuously for 40 years and have no idea what the job market is like. When I complain about scam listings or being jerked around by places that have already hired someone internally my mom insist that it can’t be true and I’m just (super super) unlucky, and my dad keeps saying “well if they’re so shady you wouldn’t want to work for them anyway!”
Dad, I need money to live. Also he and my mom have benefited from nepotism/internal hiring their whole life! If they had to apply for jobs now without their network backing them up they’d be screwed. I feel bad for your mom but yeah, now she knows.
No. 1847194
>>1847167It's less about the skin and more about the attitude. And unfortunately there has been a massive cultural shift where bad attitudes have been shielded behind skin colors whereby legitimate criticism is conflated with racism.
Happens with white people too in certain closed communities because people are prone to demand respect for who they are and not what they DO.
No. 1847207
>>1847196>all these kids bitching about getting paid $16/hr while my clown ass worked for $8.25/hr in the not so distant past I mean, quit? You're angry at people whose job it is to be concerned about work performance and you're surprised that they are holding you to the expectations that you agreed to do in the first place.
Row with the rest of us slaves for a few years and then maybe you can have a more chill job over the unskilled one day too. We all started somewhere.
No. 1847226
>>1847218There's that attitude lol.
It's crazy how you think that's hurting anyone except your own professional prospects.
(taking the bait) No. 1847230
>>1847219I think its cultural trends, immigrants are still more like their motherland than the country people they are immigrating to.
>>1847218Noone is surprised by this
No. 1847233
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>Living with little bro and my BF
>Heading to bed at 11PM
>Get a call from little bro. He's wasted from going out to watch the sports with the lads or some such shite and he cant get a taxi home
>Get in the car and pick him up
>"Sound sis I owe you one"
>He never pays it back
>My sleeps fucked, I have to get up at 6AM meanwhile he doesn't get hangovers and can go to his construction job no bother
Fucking hate hate hate this POS. Clean the flat or something at least once. I know if I kick him out I'll be the bad guy in the family. Mam loves him. Just because I'm older than him I'm supposed to be some awesome cool sister. Fuck.
Just a few more months and we can get a mortgage and move out. Until then I'm stuck with this welt on the human race.
No. 1847234
>>1845570>$16/hrx40 hours a week~$25,100 a year after state and local tax.Meaning you make $2091 per month.
You're telling me there are no areas in any state in existence with a dwelling available for rent in the ~$1000 range? If you're in a city or a high COL area, get a roommate or a partner like what everyone else had to do for decades now, you're not special.
No. 1847261
>>1847254Rhetorical solutions if you want to live beyond your means by living in expensive cities.
What you don't want to admit is that there are dozens of properties available even in some cities for around or less than half of your paycheck. The elephant in the room is that you are bad with your money and need someone or something to blame.
No. 1847269
>>1847254I think mandatory cohabitation is totally unreasonable for grown adults. I think I have a right to solitude if I want.
>>1847261>there are dozens of properties available even in some cities for around or less than half of your paycheck.Yeah, I guess I could live in squalor if I really wanted. I’ve found cheap places like this in my city, the cops were literally outside the place on google street view lol.
No. 1847296
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>>1847283Right. The always claim anything less than pic related is poor. They want a luxury apartment, down town and with all the perks like trash pick up, laundry pick up etc at 800 a month.
No. 1847336
My parents were both alcoholics since I can remember. My mother was diagnosed with depression. My father was diagnosed with bipolar disorder but I know he didn’t take care of it, not with medication not therapy.
I’m afraid of going to the doctor again. I was diagnosed with depression with 12 years old and since then it’s a constant struggle, sometimes I’m with meds, sometimes I go on just fine.
The thing is I feel like…When I get sad, I get extremely sad, almost desperate. It’s like I can’t control it. Something minor happens and my anxiety rises in like 5? 10? Minutes, until it’s uncontrollable. In that moment my mind replays everything that is and went wrong with my life and the suicidal thoughts begin. I feel like I can’t control my own emotions at all and I know that’s not normal but I didn’t tell this to anyone.
I’m afraid this is the sign of something different from depression, because my feelings and reactions are so extreme. For example, one friend cancels a plan with me and my mind will tell me how alone in this world I am and how nobody could ever understand how I feel and how it’s normal that I end up all alone.
I’m too demanding with myself too. I know my worth and I know how well I work but if someone criticises something about my work or just disagrees with me, immediately I start to doubt myself meanwhile I start to hate the other person for not agreeing with me, even when I know I’ll change because I’m a people pleaser.
No. 1847378
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Tearing up that these creature's don't exist anymore, fuck humans
No. 1847455
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>>1846657 I've been a semi-neet hikki living off freelance illustration work.
I am already prepared to kill myself if AI takes my only way to sustain myself, i prefer to die than to go back to any kind of full time job again, much less with the grim prospects at my age and in my shit world country. I just won't do it ever again
No. 1847498
>>1847396>A lot of young teens/adults with cars likely bought it themselves and have been saving for years from what i known from working minimum wage jobsNona was mentioning high school kids that are driving
brand new cars, not the hardworking young adults that bought a cheap cars with 5 to 6 digits of mileage.
No. 1847551
>>1847515We should have been exploring space decades ago. The fact that we're still dealing with dumb ass wars because of religion and third world shit holes is the worst. America needs to mind their business and focus on Nasa programs.
I really wish we would progress further with science and tech, but there's too much crap going on now. I really want us to start building colonies.
No. 1847557
>>1847552Bezos has lifted a fucktone of people out of actual genuine poverty by having so many amazon factories and shipping depos in bumfuck nowhere
>>1847554It'll probably be a few generations yet before the really cool shit starts happening,
No. 1847559
>I really want us to start building colonies.To do what, why? for who? you can't even answer that
>>1847551>with science and techYeah, the things that are making everyone more miserable, poor and oppresed, just throw another 10 trillion at Sillion Valley and Elon Musk. Trust the science guys
>>1847557>Bezos has lifted a fucktone of people out of actual genuine povertyNevermind, you are just the cliche tranny redditor with a stem degree. Just spewing cliche propaganda
No. 1847574
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>>1847211>people with more melanin have a garbage worth ethic even at that pay rateWhile it is true that black women do struggle with unemployment at slightly higher rates than white women and other women, there are factors you have to consider for why that would be. For one, blacks and whites aren’t even viewed and treated the same, even if we’re looking at skillfully and educationally equivalent people of black and white descent. "Employer callbacks for resumes that were whitened fared much better in the application pile than those that included ethnic information, even though the qualifications listed were identical. Twenty-five percent of black candidates received callbacks from their whitened resumes, while only 10% got calls when they left ethnic details intact. Employers claiming to be pro-diversity discriminated against resumes with racial references just as much as employers who didn’t mention diversity at all in their job ads." (Minorities Who 'Whiten' Resumes Get More Job Interviews ( "As we can see in Figure 1, the proportion of positive responses depends strongly on the race of the job applicant. This comparison demonstrates a strong racial hierarchy, with whites in the lead, followed by Latinos, with blacks trailing far behind. These outcomes suggest that blacks are only slightly more than half as likely to receive consideration by employers relative to equally qualified white applicants. Latinos also pay a penalty for minority status, but they are clearly preferred relative to their black counterparts. [T]his white applicant with a felony conviction appears to do just as well, if not better, than his black counterpart with no criminal background. These results suggest that employers view minority job applicants as essentially equivalent to whites just out of prison." (race_at_work.pdf ( “Attaining a higher education also failed to close the gap between black and white workers, the report found. Black men with a bachelor's degree or more and who had 11 to 20 years of work experience made 27.2% less than whites with the same level of education and experience. Black women with a bachelor's degree or more and 11 to 20 years of work experience were paid 10.6% less than white women.
Recent college graduates with less than ten years of work experience also saw gaps in earnings by race. Black women with a bachelor's degree alone were paid 10.7% less than white women, while black men with the same credentials were paid 18% less than their white counterparts.” (Wage gap between blacks and whites is worst in nearly 40 years ( "[A]fter release, wages grow at a 21 percent slower rate for black compared to white ex-inmates. Blacks also enjoy fewer wage returns to work history compared to their white counterparts." (Compounded Disadvantage: Race, Incarceration, and Wage Growth on JSTOR). "Since 1989, whites receive on average 36% more callbacks than African Americans, and 24% more callbacks than Latinos. We observe no change in the level of hiring discrimination against African Americans over the past 25 years, although we find modest evidence of a decline in discrimination against Latinos. Accounting for applicant education, applicant gender, study method, occupational groups, and local labor market conditions does little to alter this result." (Meta-analysis of field experiments shows no change in racial discrimination in hiring over time | PNAS). Then you get to the part where black people are more likely to be fired, but I doubt it’s mostly because of “bad attitudes” or whatever excuse
some of you like to put out. Workplace discrimination is alive and well, and different people get clapped in the workplace for stupid shit while others can start drama and fuck off from their duty, but never worry about being fired….but black people aren’t the ones benefitting from this kind of protection if any of the statistics and studies I listed are anything to go by.” Each year, the EEOC and its state and local partner agencies close more than 100,000 cases — but workers receive some form of assistance, such as money or a change in work conditions, only 18 percent of the time. Employees seeking help are even less likely to get it now than when Law went to the agency. No group of workers alleging discrimination — age, gender, disability, or otherwise — fares well. Race claims, however, are among the most commonly filed and have the lowest rate of success, with just 15 percent receiving some form of relief, often compensation. Complaint data obtained from the EEOC for fiscal years 2010 through 2017 — a rare window into a largely obscured problem in America’s workplaces — shows that the agency closes most cases without concluding whether discrimination occurred. Sometimes, workers’ lawyers say, an EEOC investigation involves no more than asking the employer for a response. A key part of the issue, according to experts and former EEOC employees, is that the agency doesn’t have the resources for its mammoth task. It has a smaller budget today than it did in 1980, adjusted for inflation, and 42 percent less staff. At the same time, the country’s labor force increased about 50 percent, to 160 million. If the agency had additional staff, former EEOC Chair Jenny Yang said, it would likely confirm more workers’ allegations of discrimination. It generally takes more time for investigators to make a finding of discrimination than to close a case based on insufficient evidence, she said. The system’s weaknesses disproportionately hurt black workers. Just over a quarter of all EEOC complaints came from black employees alleging racial discrimination.
When the EEOC was created under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it was initially given few tools to enforce the law. It could investigate complaints, try to mediate between companies and employees, and recommend cases to the US attorney general for litigation, but it couldn’t sue or issue cease-and-desist orders. If an employer didn’t want to follow the law, there was little the agency could do about it. ”We’re out to kill an elephant with a fly gun,” then-EEOC Chair Stephen N. Shulman told the Wall Street Journal in 1967. Its weakness was by design. Many members of Congress were opposed to instituting broad federal protections against workplace discrimination. More than 200 fair employment measures failed in the two decades before the Civil Rights Act passed.One opponent of the act was Rep. Howard Smith (D-VA). Two days before the act passed, he inserted sex discrimination into the protections afforded by Title VII — but not for benevolent reasons. A supportive Democratic colleague, Rep. George Andrews of Alabama, explained the logic. “Unless this amendment is adopted,” Andrews said on the House floor, “the white women of this country would be drastically discriminated against in favor of a Negro woman.”
DuBose supported her decision by citing a 2005 lawsuit that didn’t survive the so-called summary judgment stage, when a judge can toss a complaint without a trial. In that older case, she wrote in the Austal ruling, threats to “kick plaintiff’s ‘black ass’” and the use of racial slurs, including the n-word and “boy,” reflected conduct that was “isolated,” “sporadic,” and “random.” In Law’s case, DuBose wrote, the evidence did not show “the conduct — apart from the racially offensive graffiti — was frequent, severe, physically threatening (with the exception of the nooses), humiliating, demeaning and/or unreasonably interfered with his job.”
In 2017, for instance, Judge W. Keith Watkins of the Middle District of Alabama, who, like DuBose, was appointed by former President Bush, cited Austal as he dismissed seven of 12 workers’ claims in a hostile work environment case out of Enterprise, Alabama.
Black welders and painters testified to regularly hearing slurs, threats, and other derogatory comments over years of employment at a trailer manufacturing company. Watkins pointed to several Austal employees who had experienced “much worse” but were nonetheless unsuccessful in the appeals court. What would qualify as hostile? To answer that, he quoted a 1971 appeals court decision: “environments so heavily polluted with discrimination as to destroy completely the emotional and psychological stability of minority group workers.” (Workplace discrimination is illegal, yet it persists. Here’s why. - Vox).
No. 1847575
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>>1847574Part 2.
>>1847211You can TRY to downplay the factors of why black people would be more likely to be unemployed (and it’s not even SIGNIFICANTLY higher) by trying to say “oh you’re just trying to use racism as an excuse”, but if there’s clear and objective evidence of society tugging strings to make things go the way the majority wants it to go, it would take a retard to deny it. If we can acknowledge that society is rigged to keep women under a giant foot, why can’t
some of you admit that it’s like that for different races? However, despite our problems with unemployment (especially during and after the goddamn pandemic), black women still manage to get up and TRY contributing to society and at larger rates than white women (and every other women) when black women are IN the workplace and are given a duty.
“Typically, Black women have higher labor force participation rates than other women, meaning a higher share of Black women are either employed or unemployed and looking for work. For instance, in 2019, Black women's labor force participation rate was 60.5% compared with 56.8% for white women. Even in 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, their labor force participation rate was 58.8%, compared to 56.2% for women overall. Black mothers – two-thirds of whom are equal, primary or sole earners in their households – have higher labor force participation rates than other moms. This has historically been the case, and 2020 was no exception: 76.0% were in the labor force, compared with 71.3% of white moms, 62.8% of Hispanic moms and 64.3% of Asian moms.” (5 Facts About Black Women in the Labor Force | U.S. Department of Labor Blog ( And although black women only hold 1.6% of VP roles and 1.4% of C-Level jobs, we only make up 7.6% of the total population in the United States. And yet despite how little of us on in this country compared to whites and hispanic women, Black women hold 36% of all management positions and 55% of all service and sales jobs (regarding the overall female labor force) (The Economic Power & Impact of Black Women & Moms (
So, for your information, “people with melanin” do not have a worse work ethic than you and whatever little friends you talk massive shit with. This may piss you off when you read this part, but the black women at your work are probably working harder than you, your sister, and your mother. You didn’t list a single reason as to how they’re “shitting up” your workplace; you are talking shit just to talk shit, but I am seeing and cutting right through it. Already, I side with the black women at your work, because you honestly sound like a smelly bitch with no actual skill or manners.
>>1847252>I realize coasting along at a menial job and squirting out fatherless children is all you aspire to but some of us have our sights on other things.The vast majority of single black mothers are harder workers than you and every single woman in your bloodline. I get that you’re a racist who’s mad at black women having kids and that you’re probably one of those retards who lose sleep at night because “all deh schewpid brown peeple are replacing us!!”, but black women are steadily increasing their education rate and doing rather well in higher education despite only making up such a small percentage of America’s population (Fast Facts: Degrees conferred by race/ethnicity and sex (72)). Despite Affirmative Action (which i'm sure you’re the type to blame black people for that) mainly benefitting white women instead of black people (Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone | TIME), black students still graduate Harvard and Princeton faster (Black students graduate from Harvard and Princeton at higher rates (, and still managed to surpass other students on Harvard’s personality screening for admissions (Divided on affirmative action, Asians unite against personal scores ( It is a fact that white women benefited the most from Affirmative Action, but how come it didn’t save them from scoring lower than black students on Harvard’s personality tests? It’s almost like black students actually have potential and aren’t just in their setting for the “diversity hire” you seem to froth at the mouth about. All despite how much this country and even people across this planet loves to treat them like dirt. Oh and “menial”? “Black women have made the greatest strides recently. In 2017 35% of Employed Black women have jobs in management, business, science, and arts occupations (up from 33% in 2011) compared to 24% of employed Black men. As a matter of fact 65% of working Black women held “white collar” occupations compared to 42% of Black men. Thirty six percent of employed Black men hold “blue collar” occupations compared to 9% of Black Women” (EMPLOYMENT - “Many Black women have found jobs in health care, child care and government, where they were already strongly represented. With a wave of retirements contributing to a worker shortage, employers in these industries have begun to compete aggressively, giving Black women leverage to negotiate up into new, better-paying jobs” (Black women are finding better jobs than ever. A recession could reverse that. - The Washington Post). “More than one in five Black women in the labor force are employed in the healthcare sector—of these 64.7 percent are in license practical nurse or aide occupations and 40 percent work in long-term care” (Research Article Explores Black Women’s Employment in Healthcare | Healthcare Innovation ( If you’re talking about “menial” in the sense that these jobs are underpaid and under-respected, yes, they are menial. These jobs are underpaid and under-respected, just like black women as a demographic. But if you meant “menial” as in “worthless”, you are an absolute fucking retard and I hope you end up with a rude nurse when your ass is too weak and saggy to get up and even use the bathroom yourself.
>>1847256>no, i just have a hubby who loves me!Calling it now, he probably jerks it to either asian or black women on shit like pornhub, but deletes the history before you can even get to his phone (2023 Year in Review - Pornhub Insights) (Porn Statistics [2023]: How Many People REALLY Watch Porn? ( So whenever a black or asian woman pisses you off on the internet, your hubby probably thinks about those races spreading it open for him while you’re on your knees earning grocery money
kek No. 1847654
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There’s so much I regret and so much I wish I could take back and do differently.
I’m going to be sick on myself.
No. 1847682
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>my microwave beeping full volume when I miss the button by a second during the dead of night knowing I am secret cheating my diet
No. 1847805
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On in my day-to-day life i only see people like picrel and they all are mean assholes. My dysmorphophobia tells me i'm morphing into this too.
No. 1847826
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>>1846596Anon, for what it's worth, what you wrote put into words EXACTLY what I've been dealing with for over a decade. And for me, reading your post filled me with compassion and sadness, both for you and by extension for myself. I too have engaged in skin picking for probably hours a day for years, all over my face and body, and have spent a long time feeling immense shame about it. I've felt disgusting but just like you I've not valued myself enough to really care to stop, y'know?
I don't know if it matters but know that you're really not alone, even if it's just one anon (me) saying it. I truly relate to every word. And I've recently started to feel a sort of compassion for myself, after having yet another moment of snapping out of the trance and realizing I am, in fact, harming the skin of a real person. A thinking, feeling person whose skin and body is just trying to protect them. In a way, we're like animals who develop destructive grooming habits from stressful conditions.
It really isn't your fault, anon. I hope you can find some moments of clarity where you see through your depressive haze and realize you're a person too and you don't deserve to have your skin be harmed repeatedly. Sending love.
No. 1847875
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I think I'm gonna leave for a while. The increase in unironic racism in the past few days is starting to get to me and I can tell some of it isn't bait..
No. 1847908
>>1847875It isn't.
t. racist.
>>1847908You forgot
>t.trannyHorse piss pills change nothing, kek
No. 1847930
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Fuck I'm starting to isolate myself, I already pretty much go into social hibernation during winter because I more or less stop functioning the moment weather goes below 0c so it's nothing all that surprising, but since I got a cat last year I don't get lonely as easily so I'm fine with just going to the gym, hang out with my kitty and play video games when I'm not doing schoolwork. I usually always put in a lot of effort into taking care of my relationships by keeping in touch, even if it's more spread out during the winter months, but I barely feel like it now and I don't like it. I barely even talk to the classmates I like even though it's important to create connections now for future networking.
It's not like I'm an extrovert in any way, I am an introvert and actually quite shy but I come from a very extroverted family so I know how to play the game. So maybe it's just my true nature coming out.
No. 1847992
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nonnie. I like my job a lot but the higher up people make me go full tard rage, I'd much rather be there doing something than at home drowning in my own sweat. They legally can't fire me but I'm pretty new and I don't want them to hate me already because they think I'm ""sick"".
No. 1848084
i used to stay home from school for super long periods of time growing up and coming back was always hell and gave me so much anxiety., but i still never managed to get rid of this pattern. now i'm an adult and in summer of 2023 i started playing a sport with my bf. during summer when practice was outside, i showed up pretty much time (it's twice a week), even without my bf sometimes. but since fall and winter we practice inside, which is kind of uncomfortable both socially and physically cause it's a very cramped space. i've also been struggling very hard for other reasons, and as a result we've been showing up to practice very sporadically ever since summer ended. now we haven't been there for almost two months i think, what with the holidays, illness and other things. today however, i want to force myself to go, but holy shit the anxiety and dread is killing me. it feels just like when i used to stay home from school for months and then come back. i have yet to make any friends in this sport and i'm very awkward, so it doesn't help that we've been absent for so long now. i hate myself for feeling like this, it feels like i've ruined any chance of integrating with the others there or making friends, and i feel like an outsider who's unwelcome and looked down upon. i know this is completely irrational and a "me problem" but i can't help it. it's not even a fucking team sport, so it's not like i'm annoying anyone by not being there. i feel like i'm 15 years old and completely incapable of doing shit. i hate myself for being like this, avoiding stuff all the time for no reason and not managing to just chill out and enjoy social activities.
No. 1848092
>>1848084Don't know if it's any help, but I always felt the resentment towards that kid that showed up like once every two months was because they got their days off while the rest
had to come to school, but you're doing some sports that I assume everyone is participating in willingly, so it's completely different situations, so if anything, they'd probably feel bad or compassion for you not being able to have made it in the past two months.
No. 1848134
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I hate the sound of those small dogs barking. it is the worst sound in the world imo. I hear this little shitzu piece of shit dog barking almost every morning and I want to punt it back to the park. Why even get a dog and not train it at all? Doesnt the sound of barking annoy the owners just as much? it lives further down the block, but i hear it echoing and I feel like a genuine autist when I hear that sound of the barking. fuckkk
No. 1848231
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Extremely fed up with my worthless piece of shit father sitting in front of the TV the whole day. I asked him if he could help me clean and he lost his shit at me for disturbing his precious TV time. My mom is a fucking idiot for not getting a divorce. What's the point of having a moid in the house if he doesn't ever help out with anything? I hope I'll be able to move out of this shithole soon.
No. 1848306
>>1823530he died at 3am yesterday….. nonas, PLEASE make sure you go to the doctor if you have an on-going cough.
my poor mummy
No. 1848315
>>1848306I'm so sorry,
nonnie. My uncle also fucked up his life by not going to a doctor ever, and he died on December, he had colon cancer, the tumor was like the size of a newborn and he suffered a lot because it was everywhere, even at the base of his cranium.
Dealing with a person that's stubborn but also weak minded is such a pain, I hope you and your mom are okay.
No. 1848359
>>1848311Awful iran
>>1848314Thanks anon. Yes islam is one of the most misogynistic religions, if not the most. I will never stop fighting against it.
No. 1848557
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>>1848533I want one too, because you can customize them now, but they're way too expensive. They're up to like $200.
I grew up owning a few but they're trapped in my estranged mothers attic and we're obviously not speaking
No. 1848572
>>1848533You might be able to score an old one on FB market place. Also Mattel might still fix up janky American Girl dolls… I heard that they used to do that. So even if the doll has a janky haircut you could still send it back and they will reroot it.
I had only one and she wasn't very fun to play with because she was like my only 18" or so doll and every other doll of mine was like Barbie sized. I would stay up at night and STARE at her on my shelf because I was so scared of her moving KEKKKK.
No. 1848618
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Help me feel better about my ex who has phimosis
No. 1848635
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>>1848618He is your ex now so he doesn't matter. What does matter is that super cute anteater.
No. 1848660
File: 1705014027921.jpg (13.11 KB, 310x364, F-Lo-wNXQAAVA4Y.jpg)

>suddenly remembered Shauna Rae or whatever her name is suddenly because of that thing last year when she dated some guy her age despite looking like a child because of her growth hormone deficiency
>looked her up just now because curious
>she still has some American or Australian TV show about her idk why or how
>seems like her parents are weirdly controlling, maybe out of guilt that their inferior genes gave her brain cancer when she was a baby or something
>wondering why she's so short and childlike because there's a reliable medical treatment for it and she got sick because her cancer fucked up her pituitary gland so there's no way she wasn't prescribed growth hormone injections during her childhood very soon after resuming her cancer treatment
>looked it up
>turns out her parents didn't make her take the treatment because "w-what if the needles hurt muh little baby uwu"
>mfw reading that shit and remembering I would have looked just like that poor girl if my parents were as retarded as hers and would have been even more permanently unemployable and undateable
No. 1848662
nonnie. i ended up taking some benzos but i did attend and now i feel so much better. i'm gonna try to keep it up now and attend every practice when possible.
No. 1848874
>>1848788agree, he was waiting for the right moment to drop it in a "natural way". I'm already imagining him skinny blondie and kinda trashy. but this is my tastes feeding my imagination.
I originally came here to vent that I hate the fact that I'm boy-crazy. I wish I never had to talk to a cute skinny guy ever again because it fucks me up.
No. 1849021
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My team’s project uses a package manager that my office’s network blocks so I have to install dependencies on data or use the building’s public wifi downstairs. Why is everyone who’s in charge of things stupid and dumb and stupid and dumb and
No. 1849097
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Wasted an hour picking which 5 drama cds on my wishlist I wanted to buy from the dlsite sale only to find out they no longer accept Paypal at the cart… just fuck my shit up
No. 1849228
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I wish we had fucked before you decided to hate me.
No. 1849250
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This couple put their newborn child in a plastic doll chair for their own entertainment to see if she would fit.
No. 1849271
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I pulled the vampire card when doing a tarot/oracle reading about my career. It represents a certain beast I once worked with who acted like a mean pickme monster the entire time, this card explains everything about her to be perfectly honest
No. 1849275
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>>1849268Yeah and I feel if the baby had woken up, something could've happened. Imagine seeing some stupid toy in a store and thinking, "can I fit my completely vulnerable newborn baby in that?"
What's worse is that the vid has over a million likes and has droves of people supporting them being terrible parents. A child is not a toy for your enjoyment.
Top comment
No. 1849320
>>1849250I completely thought that was a reborn doll.
Anyway, I cannot believe people take their babies out and about that young. In my family, newborns don't go outside unless necessary and you're selective about who you let hold them. And they're not even supporting the babies whole body.
No. 1849322
>>1849311You need to bring it up nonna, you're only making yourself more and more bitter by being "nice" which is definitely not appreciated, not even noticed. It doesn't have to be an argument or anything, just bring it up that you've noticed that pattern when she's late again next time and if theres anything you could do to prevent that.
I have (had?) a friend like that, it was also such such a long time of wait in her case as in yours and only when I stood my ground she stopped acting like this. Although it may be a bit different in this case because when I reflected on that friendship years after I've realized she was disrespecting me in more ways than just this one so it's not really a friendship worth keeping, regardless of whether she stops being late or not.
No. 1849328
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If you're straight (thank god I'm not and I have other options) how do you cope with a fact that het men will always be mostly attracted to 19-21 year olds? Even if you manage to marry one and you will have kids, when you're both in your 40s he will still look at younger women and then lust after his daughter's friends. Like I've seen the looks on fathers' faces during one of their daughter's birthdays, like how they were checking out her friends, other men's daughters. That's just how it is. How do you cope with that? Even if they won't physically cheat on you, they would still fantasize about it and they would do it if there was no consequences (divorce, loss of money, worse contact with their daughter or something). I would never be able to live with that. That's why I will probably NEVER have a boyfriend, even though I could. Because I know that the moment my youth vanishes, I will never be as attractive to him as a 20 year old. I believe every man thinks the same. Of course, many won't tell you this, because of damage control. But I think that's the truth.
No. 1849410
>>1849390Even if you tell them this they don’t believe it. They just want some sort of “biology-certified” reason for preferring teenage girls. They can’t admit they just have a fetish, kek.
I think we as a society need to shame ugly men more. No “oh but dad bods are actually sooo hot” (they’re not). The men who posted those comments are probably half bald already yet think they’re entitled to certain women.
No. 1849421
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My dog has spent the last three nights barking at the walls. He's a terrier and I guess we have mice or something but just please stop. I'm too tired to be scared. I just want to sleep.
No. 1849436
>>1849225There’s more to autism than just difficulty with eye contact but yes, that does sound very spergy.
I never tell anyone I’ve been diagnosed because they treat me like a retard afterwards, but it’s generally pretty clear to people that I struggle with eye contact and I’ve noticed that a lot of men, particularly at work, seem to get a kick out of seeking out and keeping eye contact with me for as long as possible. Like I do my best to maintain eye contact like a normal person but when I’m talking to one of these dudes it’s more like a staring contest, and the longer I manage to keep it up the more amused they look. They often lean forward towards me until their faces are uncomfortably close and one time this guy kept moving his head from side to side like a snake charmer while I was trying to talk to him about my thesis. I hate men.
No. 1849447
File: 1705063372790.jpg (74.18 KB, 834x509, dfeeerrer.jpg)

I'm letting my dog out you autist schizo holy shit some people really think the world revolves around them. Yeah at 7:30am I run to my back door just to stare at you in your ugly fucking house. No retard I'm waiting on a dog to take a shit. What's YOUR excuse?
By the way take down your christmas tree it's mid january. Schizo
No. 1849564
>>1849328>how do you cope with a fact that het men will always be mostly attracted to 19-21 year olds? Play the game. Keep myself youthful and in good health so that if I need to leave a pig I can do so with ease. Especially a dumbass who thinks peak fertility and fitness happens to teenagers KEK. The fallacy is assuming there is never an even older man who would consider you 'youthful' in your 40s and 50s. If men want to treat us like pocket pussy then I have no qualms about treating them like wallets.
Once a man shows you his ass, be ruthless.
(infighting) No. 1849573
>>1849447I love that drawing.
Fuck your neighbour. If the dog isn't barking he shouldn't care.
No. 1849602
>>1849586>maintains good health and an illusion of "youthful" to keep older moids aroundI said that in the case of leaving scrotes, not "keeping" them. You should absolutely be taking care of your health and fitness regardless, intellectual people don't like to look like hags with diseases by the time they are 40.
>>1849591Okay? No argument there, idiot.
>>1849592So several of you are projecting morons with bad reading comprehension who want to use their assumptions to call another woman shitty scrote names. Fuck you lmao.
Glad I won't ever be as pathetic as "several" of you.
(infighting) No. 1849610
>>1849461As someone who was just approved for medicare; its not fair to you and others, its not right and our system is absolutely fucked.
I did the math last night; and for the meds I am currently taking+ regular check ups bc of meds, its an $8,000 bill with some healthcare tax credits…. That doesnt include emergencies or anything else medically. Its like, either you make enough to get financially fucked, or you dont, and its free ???? For people who are chronically sick, it makes zero sense to make above the magic number for free services. If they make 28k and are approved, and their medical bills are $20k…. Its so close to your stated salary.
Its all going to collapse in on itself. Im scared
No. 1849615
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>>1849602you are pathetic, you are playing their game and pretending you are le based girlboss over it. Meanwhile ugly women land rich popular fit actors without doing effort.
No. 1849622
>>1849599There's at least one male replying because he brought up "gold digging" when OP didn't even say that.
Men will parade their preference for pedophilia around women all day if it'll hurt our feelings, but the second you remind them how they would only be good for what they ought to do which is to provide, the broke ones always screech bloody murder.
In my experience it's always the reverse too. Because I am professionally successful, I attract leech moids who want to take advantage of my money and status but cry golddigger because I think they should foot the dinner bill. Faggot men can cry harder. Fucking useless.
No. 1849644
>>1849636On what earth does this translate to "gold digging" for you?
A man's role is to provide. If he doesn't do that, then you need to leave him like how men with a fetish for teenagers would leave you too once you aged out to him.
This is not to say that you shouldn't have your own career.
Or that you should be concerned with your looks for the sake of the man.
Anything else you need clarified for your stupid ass so you can calm the fuck down finally??
(infighting) No. 1849669
File: 1705075512850.webm (3.62 MB, 1080x1920, 1683124214183906.webm)

>>1845666Men can't take a joke
No. 1849723
>>1849672A shit upbringing where men were turds from the beginning of your life can also lead some women to just set the bar so low that anything less than a woman beater meets the bar for being one of the good ones. I used to think women caping hard for men had lived in a lil bubble all their lives but they can also be some of the hardest coping abuse
victims who refuse to admit that and go denial mode.
No. 1849771
File: 1705079267912.png (822.77 KB, 762x988, 1597073315612.png)

>I have lived my entire life as a woman and have never been as much as catcalled. Abuse is an extreme and most women in civilized countries have not experienced it. Sorry you live in a shithole, nona.
No. 1849777
>>1849771Kek! Literally. I already reported the moid. Just gotta wait for the mods to wake up in their timezone.
Moids always call women 'females'
No. 1849781
>>1849773Wasn’t there that study that found out the average age girls received adult male attention was 10-13? I had already been catcalled plenty of times when out with my friends by 14. On two occasions men tried to take pictures of us not so covertly (gross). If one girl in every classroom is getting raped by her father or step-father, and the majority of teen girls have experienced weird interactions of men sure as hell sure as hell I would think the majority of adult women have gone through
some form of sexual assault. I’m sure the moid baiting has asked every woman he knows individually if they have been SA’d… and this was the same anon not all men-ing right? Just goes to show. Don’t fall for it nonas.
No. 1849791
>>1849784KEK men are so embarrassing wtf
>Esp the hip swelling! You can see when they're ovulating and know when its over cause of the hip shrinkage afterwards what??? i'm crying
No. 1849853
>>1843956Everyone itt, don't reply to moid posts.
Males get so desperate for female attention that they will fight for hours on here over an argument they lost 5 hours ago.
Don't entertain their bullshit, just report and ignore them.
No. 1849867
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Everything tastes like alcohol. I just took a bite of two grains of rice and it tasted like fucking Moscato. My favorite seasoning (dried minced onion) smells like fucking alcohol. I can't do this anymore. I'm in hell. It's like I'm going through a wine induced psychosis.
No. 1849880
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No. 1849886
>>1849880Glad to have your back,
nonnie. Hope you had a wonderful holiday.
No. 1849887
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>>1849880welcome back queen
No. 1849902
>>1849882>>1849884>>1849886>>1849887Thank you so much!
>>1849891I learnt that,against all odds, I was doing so much better while passing all day shitposting here than when I was LARPing as a functional human being. I'm so happy I decided it was time again
No. 1849942
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>>1849937i like the silly reaction images
No. 1849975
>>1849951people have been trying to mention it on the sewage runoff center known as tiktok but it never takes off
let us pray lc remains obscure for the sanctity of its board culture, amen
No. 1849983
I know this is indirectly responding to bait and I’m sorry but I’ve typed it all out now and it IS the vent thread so
>>1849762Men at my last job would openly rate the fuckability of women (celebrities and prospective hires), complain about feminism ruining society, say women can’t drive or do any number of things, made their female colleagues clean up after them and laughed about it, said their female colleagues were incompetent because they were women, and one guy was genuinely bewildered at the prospect of marital rape being illegal in this country because “that’s what they’re for??”. When I approached HR they asked me if I had been groped or threatened and when I said no, they condescendingly told me to “have an adult discussion” and work it out myself, because they don’t get involved with personal disputes. The marital rape guy used to make sexual comments to new female interns and follow it up by giving them directions to the HR office because he knew they either wouldn’t dare report him or HR wouldn’t care. Most of my female colleagues were huge pickmes so any attempt to band together backfired on me. I’m in one of the countries
>>1849760 listed.
Honestly the pickmes messed with my mind more than the scrotes because they constantly made me feel like I was blowing things out of proportion, imagining them, or otherwise not right in the head. When the dude you share a desk with tells you about his porn habits that’s a compliment! It means he trusts you! What are you, a prude? Don’t you have a sense of humour?
No. 1850025
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Why do speed runners keep doing the trend of growing their hair super long? It never looks good. I only watch a handful of RE streamers for doing my own strategies.
No. 1850041
>>1850025There's some troons obviously but a lot of them just find it a hassle to go to the barber or don't care, just like
>>1850034 said.
Plus more speedrunners than you think find trooning to be a symptom of retardation. They're quiet about it for obvious reasons but they do exist.
No. 1850058
>>1850045Kek yeah that doesn't sound like the best idea. She might just be lazy though, just asking you for convenience instead of googling. Does she have an office job right now?
A decent chunk of the older still working generation are still weirdly digitally illiterate even though they've had like 20 years of time to get used to a computer at this point. My mom still asks me to show her how she can attach a word file to an e-mail, I think I've been showing her a couple of times a year for over a decade at this point.
No. 1850186
>>1849946I think you're right
nonny they dont clean the kettle.
>>1849945I just made a cup using the water dispenser hot water instead of boiling tap water in the kettle and it tasted more normal but just not as hot
No. 1850228
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I hate to see that the moid who dumped me weeks ago seems to be living his "best life" despite of how cruel he was to me. I know I should stop watching his social media but I saw him celebrate his best friend's birthday and them going to the gym and stuff and him making party playlists on Spotify, meanwhile I threw up on the bed from the shock when he dumped me over text and I've been crying and spiralling ever since. I have exams coming up and I can't concentrate at all and will most likely cram for them last minute or fail them. I feel pathetic for letting such a POS have so much power over me. Holy fucking shit I'm never getting close to anyone ever again. It's the first time in a decade that I let someone close to me and opened up about my feelings and it damn near destroyed me. I fucking hate seeing his smug grin. I have no idea how people like him even live with themselves.
No. 1850235
>>1850211My mom is married to a man who works from home but literally won't even feed his own dogs that my mom really, really didn't want, even if she prepares the bowls before she leaves at 5 am. It's infuriating to witness.
Please nip that behaviour in the bud before you get stuck in a role pattern of playing maid after you come home from your full-time job while he lazes around, like my mom. Seriously please do yourself a favour and get him to pull his weight around your home or dump him. He sounds lazy as fuck.
No. 1850257
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I really, really don't like One Piece.
>"Well, just ignore it!"
I can't. I literally can't. It's everywhere.
>"Well, at some point there was a popular series that was everywhere!"
Yes, at some point, and then it died.
Death Note was popular, Naruto was popular, Bleach was popular, FMA was popular and eventually, newer series came and cycled the roster of new anime and new arguments.
One Piece is always, fucking there. It's also The Normie Anime and if you don't like it, these idiots like you're the dumb one for not liking it. I don't, I don't like shonen crap and OP is always there.
At this point, I don't even believe there are actual One Piece fans anymore, they're like gambling addicts: they keep watching because they cannot let all of this time they wasted on a boring, mid at best series be in vain. "I've been watching since I was in elementary school, I HAVE to know the end!" Bro just fucking drop it. Please. I beg you. Plus their fanbase is rabid as fuck and cannot understand that there are better things that One Piece. I also get that on the other hand, it grosses a shitton of money so Oda can't really stop drawing, he's beating a dead horse in its grave, but please, at least, stop making it the focus of every anime event. It won't hurt if it would be left out from some best manga nomination from one fucking year. I disliked how rabid Homestuck fans were at cons but thank god it died out, One Piece fans still bitch and screech 20 years later. I've had enough. Stop, wrap it up.
No. 1850258
>>1850211>moid-kun it’s not fucking fairAnon. He knows. He does not care.
He will continue. A thoughtful man would never do this to you.
No. 1850262
>>1850257I witness you homie.
One Piece is dogshit and scrotes get so offended when I say so KEK.
No. 1850271
>>1850244It's a power play over you.
There exists questions that when asked hold you social hostage because if you answer negatory, the asker plays a game where you are suddenly the bad guy for not being commanded to profess what it is you are doing as if they were entitled to your reply like a warden to a prisoner.
I don't care how extreme that sounds. The truth sucks and so do our parents.
No. 1850277
>>1850271>There exists questions that when asked hold you social hostage because if you answer negatory, the asker plays a game where you are suddenly the bad guy for not being commanded to profess what it is you are doing as if they were entitled to your reply.And btw children do the same shit, which is why there are endless memes and stories of kids doing this to them because they can't stop bitching about how annoying kids who ask those questions are.
Tells you all you need to know about being raised by emotionally immature parents who do not know or care how to actually communicate with you.
No. 1850278
>>1850262The thing is that I'm not even an anime die hard fan. I mean sure, I grew up with it and I like it a lot, I always take a look at seasonal drops and buy my regular manga but I can admit when something I like is mid and I can be critical about it. For example, my fav anime and manga has a problem with the pacing the things and some repetitive themes but it's enjoyabile, obviously there are better things but
I like it, you know? One Piece fans can't do that. One Piece fans are rabid and cultish, they can't really point flaws and if you point them out, they scream and cry and take it personally like…are you okay? Who is forcing you to do this? Is something you have to do if you want to be considered an One Piece fan?
Plus for some reason it also attracts TIFs now?? TF??
I want to enjoy my cons again with a lot of different things, now is One Piece this and One Piece that because it exploded in popularity among the normie peers and I get it, but please, PLEASE stop. I know, it's a cash cows but please stop dedicating whole booths to One Piece merch. It was mid in the 2000s, it's still mid if not even worse right now because it's all about asspulls to asspull, there's noway a 25 years series can maintain quality and their fans act like it's
the manga you have to read and
the anime you have to watch. I also find the "it gets better after episode 890" meme sad as fuck because…do they actually know how much time that is? I don't even want that much of my favourite series because I know it will eventually go down in quality. If at the end it will turn out that the "One Piece" was some abstract bullshit like the friendships Rufy made all along his journey, I would laugh hysterically, after that many years, the ending HAS to keep up to the expectations and I doubt that that will be the case. OP fans are coping, imho.
No. 1850353
This is it, I give up. It doesn’t matter how hard I try, or how much I keep trying to push it away.
I’ve had depression for more than years than not and I’m exhausted. I’m so, so tired.
The moment I’m alone, it all comes back, all this anger and despair. And I don’t even know why, it could be anything triggering it, a song lyric, a quote, even if someone doesn’t answer a text.
I feel like no one could ever understand how I feel and why they should? They’re lucky they don’t have to feel this pain.
I don’t want to keep trying to convince myself it will get better someday. I have been repeating the same old pattern for more than 15 years now. No matter what pills I take, how many professionals I meet, all the therapy I did. It all comes back to my mind much worse than before because year after year I feel more and more in pain.
Even when I’m surrounded by people who love me and whom I love, it never feels completely right. Why should I try then?
No. 1850362
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Oh my fucking god. I'm sick of this trend of "boy cats are the best" like WTF??? I just commented on a post about another precious boy cat and boy cat love being soo special, and I got 59 angry replies and only one that supported me. I said it's stupid to favor boy cats over girl cats, it's stupid to judge a cat's potential for love based on their sex and I said that people's perception of the animal's gender may affect the way they treat it and then in return affect how it behaves, and that it's basically the same thing boymoms do when they favor their sons over daughters and say that "boys just love differently, their love feels more special" and other bullshit. I got replies like
>"It's a proven fact that boy cats are more affectionate than girl cats. I think you have some issues"
>"You sound like a Karen"
>"Behave yourself"
>"What an incredible weird thing to say"
and obsessing over specifically boy cats and pretending like their love is something more, different, stronger etc. isn't? Will we now obsess over boy dogs, boy rabbits, boy ferrets, boy hamsters? If I wasn't on the internet I would never even guess people could make up such dumb trend
>"Boys tend to be more loving and more cuddly, it's an observation that tends to be true, not sexist at all"
>"You need to touch grass"
>"OMG its's just a fact about boy cats, get over it! My boy cat is way more cuddly than my girl cats who hiss at me" (gee a wonder why)
And other retarded shit like that. They literally behave like a bunch of angry NPCs and I get a new reply like every hour
No. 1850375
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>>1850362It's impossible to dispute dumb shit anymore because the masses will watch 5 tiktoks about "boy cats", immediately enter it into their belief system with no further thought, and will go fight for justice against the naysayers like you in the comments. They'll forget all about it once the "yum ice cream so good" of tomorrow rolls in.
No. 1850383
I've always been upfront about my views on leaving children alone with men, be it men in the family, friends or strangers. Statistics and just common sense tells us that it's a stupid and dangerous move, I don't care if you have dated that scrote for 2 or 20 years, I wouldn't personally leave a child from my care to a scrote's care, but I'm not a mom and will never be a mom so I can't really be an authority over any kid. Anyways, someone I know just found out her moid's brother has sexually assaulted at least one of her children and I feel like a lunatic for going "I told you so" in my head, the second thought being "and you think your moid didn't know?" and then it hit me this is at least one whole small person that got fucked over a man, and her mom who rather wanted to seem nice and a handmaiden, there's also another kid in the household and I am just fucking mortified. What the fuck makes me people even think of doing shit like this, what the fuck is that, I'm angry at so many things at the same time and I have no idea how the fuck to act once I see her next, I can't blurt awful shit and I don't even know if she has her kids at the moment, sometimes they get placed somewhere for a while after a thing like this but I didn't wanna ask people, I think my mom for sure knows but she would give me the "are you happy now, you were right" speech.
No. 1850424
>>1850421I understand this is lolcow but holy girl is him fucking a possed prostitute really that more likely than him getting his coworkers homo blood on him because the coworker got bashed working a nightshift job?
Like come on..
No. 1850430
>>1850362My boy cat is more clued in and will do sad or distressing meows so I check on him incase he's hurt but he's not he just wants more biscuits.
My girl cat is a bit dumb but I think that's because she's a black cat. She's so so snuggly and affectionate compared to the boy one.
The boy one is so rude and goes to mount her and chases her. She gives it back to him sometimes and if I rescue her she will go straight back to him so I assume it's just playing but it makes me worried when he's getting her so much!
No. 1850444
>>1850437I get where you're coming from but my husband isn't like that.
I saw the photo he took of the blood on the ground and the knife
No. 1850618
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I need to get this off my chest. I've been working at this company for 2,5 years and the first year was hell for me, partly because it was literally my first job among people, and I struggled with social phobia for years and I know I behaved like a retard, asking about the same thing 10 times, not being able to look at people when they talked to me, crying in the bathroom every break or vomiting, but it was also because I was bullied by one of my female coworkers. I blame myself now for just letting her to walk all over me, back then I just didn't know how to defend myself. She noticed I was scared of everything and very gullible and I often took things literally, so she was for example lying to me that our manager is calling me because I did something wrong. And I was going there like a retard, already crying and being afraid of getting fired, and I was a butt of her joke. She kept doing this with other things and it once made me cry, she promised she wouldn't do it again but she did anyway, she said she just liked the "look on my face" when she lied to me. It was sadistic. Once she told me she heard our male coworkers talking about me, they were supposedly wondering if I was a virgin because I was so shy, and she said she told them I was partaking in gangbangs and I'm not as innocent as I look like. To this day I have no idea if she said it to them or if she was bullshitting me to fuck with my head. Then when she found out I'm not stupid and quite competent at work, she tried to "befriend" me, and instead of bullying there were attempts at manipulation. Also constantly picking in the way I look, my hair, the way I dress etc. I was naive enough to tell her I was diagnosed with autism because I hoped that maybe she won't think of me as "slow" and she will be more understanding. But now I know that just showed to her my self esteem was below sea level and opened me to different kind of attacks. Now she was mocking my autistic traits, like my "t rex hands", literally mocking my gestures, and then again being super nice to me, even buying me a gift for christmas, and then again, being incredibly cold when I disagreed on something and giving me silent treatment for 2 days and never responding to me until I started a conversation etc. There was so much stuff. I started talking about her with my therapist because she was fucking with my head so much I thought I was crazy and my therapist said it looks like she has NPD or at least some very strong narcissistic tendencies. She told me to distance myself from her. This girl even asked me about the therapy and if I'm talking to my therapist about her, but I lied and said no. Time passed, thank god I was assigned to a different shift and now we spent less time together, only 4 hours a day, she was still pressing me to hang after work but I declined. 4 weeks ago I got a flu with high fever, I didn't go to work. I live alone and I had to go to the grocery store bc I didn't have anything to eat. She texted me but I didn't respond. When I came back to work she was angry about it. Later I found out from another coworker that this girl supposedly saw me at the store when I was sick and then she told people at work that she saw me and I "didn't look ill at all". 2 days ago there was a big drama because she told me that their shift leader told her that we will have a new shift leader and because of that everyone will be mixed. I told about it to girls from my shift. They were angry because nobody wants to move from our shift and go to the other one with this toxic girl, so we went to our manager, to ask if it's true. She said it's not true and to not believe gossip, she also asked who started this gossip and one of us told her and I think my bully had a conversation about it. Now she doesn't talk to anyone and doesn't even respond to "hi". But this situation caused me to finally open up after 2 years and to talk to girls from my shift about the bullying. And they were shocked. They told me everybody knew she was a two-faced gossiper constantly talking shit behind people's back and even being capable of sabotaging other's work, but they had no idea what I went through with her. They said that hearing about it made them sick and they were surprised I endured it for so long. They asked why I didn't tell them. I said that I always thought that everybody loved her and I was getting crazy, also just a year ago I was sure I would get fired if I said anything about her because she was so loved. They said that even our shiftleaders and manager disliked her and called her "snake" and "poison". But they couldn't do anything with her because she's technically a good employee. They told me they thought she was always jealous of me and that's probably why I was her main target, besides not being able to defend myself. I got an indefinite contract and she got a yearly one. I remember it made her seethe, she didn't understand why I even got one to begin with because I'm not social enough and I don't "take initiative" (that was her argument). They told me "As a person, she's finished here". In the last months she must have also noticed that people talk to her less than before. I was actually the main person often talking with her. She was telling me two of our coworkers and our shiftleaders "run away" from her and it made her angry and she didn't understand why and she wanted me to explain it to her etc. Anyway, I was so, so relieved when I finally told my girls everything, but the way they were affected, angered and moved by the things I told them about her bullying me, it made me want to cry. I didn't think they would care that much, I never believed anyone would care about me. I wish I had my current mindset 2 years ago. If I immediately went to HR with her bullshit, maybe she could've been even fired, or at least moved somewhere else. God I feel so purified. Now she doesn't talk to anyone, I'm still greeting her but she doesn't respond to my "hellos". She will play the victim now, she doesn't talk to anyone besides their shift leader. Well one guy from her shift already think she's the victim because people started to ostracize her. But that's a pattern with her. She told me once how her old female friend suddenly cut ties with her and she didn't understand why because she didn't do anything wrong etc. Or how at her previous job one of her female coworkers told their boss she tried to "boss her around" and manipulate
her etc. She did this shit before. After 2,5 years of gaslighting I finally have clarity in my mind. I'm not crazy, I'm not dumb, I'm not evil. I felt so worthless because of her, so many times, but it's over. Feeling like you have people on your side helps a lot too. I will only talk to her when it's necessary for work and that's it. I just hope she won't try to sabotage my job behind my back, like messing up my projects or my orders, because I know she's capable of it. There are still moments I feel guilty for telling them about her treatment of me, like I did something evil. I'm still amazed how one person can fuck with your head
No. 1850743
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>>1850724>>1850732We're on lolcow we're all a little retarded
No. 1850763
>>1850752>To me she has total emptiness in her eyes, like there's nothing behind those eyes.Thats because genuine NPDs have an empty core, no genuine sense of self or individualization. Just a hollowness to be filled by validation.
People aren't people to NPDs, you are objects in their mind. Idealized internal objects (their partner, their close friends, their obsessions) are nucleii of grandiosity, participate in co-idealization and self-idealization. Devalued internal objects (you) either become persecuted or are projected upon.
No. 1850769
>>1850254> their favourite is to text me "come up" just so they can ask me a mundane question that they couldve asked over text. my mom does this shit to me. "nona stop doing everything you're doing and come attend to me, i need to ask you about the weather (she has a fucking phone connected to the internet in her goddamn hand)"
i can't wait to get out of here
No. 1850812
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the older i get the less sympathy and concern i have for my mom. i mean…i've complained about her so much here – i think i'll be doing so until i can move (sorry to anyone who might skim these rants and is tired of seeing them) – but she was 36 when she had me. it WASN'T actually a situation where you have a kid at 20 and your life is shot. i used to think it was, and i blamed myself for a lot of her pain and mistakes, but it's really stupid that i ever did that.
her degree, for example. she once tried to say "oh i graduated soo late (she got out when i was like 11) because i had you nona :( i couldn't focus on my lessons, i really wanted to go to college too lol" but she entered the military when she was 18, went around the world two fucking times, etc. etc. etc. and it seems to me that she spent those 18 years partying and drinking. like, no hate, but what the fuck, why did you try to pin that on me? you should've taken your ass to college after you got out of the military! and how dare you try to criticize ME for taking 5.5 years to graduate when i had to live through covid?
she also doesn't seem to understand that everything she expects me to suck her dick for (keeping the bills paid, not having men in and out of the house, not being a crazy crackhead who pimped me out, feeding me 2-3 meals a day) was just…..basic maternal shit. you are supposed to do all of that when you have a kid. and that's all you ever did too, the bare minimum. why must you frame it as if it was a herculean effort and you are Literally The Virgin Mary and a perfect mother kek.
i'm somehow only now having these thoughts after 24.1 years of life. goddamn
No. 1850914
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>>1850257Agree. Soy Piece is the absolute worst of all the popular long running anime. Everything about it is off putting to me.
One Piece fans are hilarious in their gaslight too
>Nooo it gets good after 500 episodes , i swearMaybe if you develop stocholm syndrome or a bad case of sunk cost phallacy
No. 1851147
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I can either have an active gym routine or have a tidy home, it's either one or the other as if I just don't have enough space in my head or energy to do both. Like it's a weird trade-off if I want to keep the rest of my life and routines going instead of just adding another routine to my day-to-day life. Anyone else like this?
No. 1851177
When I was 18 I lost my grandmother who basically raised me as a mother for my whole life, the only family I had left. She endured a long and draining sickness and I leaned on my best friend.
My grandmother meant the whole world to me and her passing away was my worst nightmare ever, to this day nothing ever hurt like it did hurt losing her.
My best friend had so many toxic behaviours before but I excused her because I truly loved her and she had some good things too. I defended her without looking back even when I knew sometimes she didn’t deserve it all, her happiness was one of my main priorities too.
One day, when my grandma was still alive, she left her FB page open on my house and I discovered it when someone replied to her message (which I thought it was one my messages btw I wasn’t snooping at all. There, she was having a conversation with one of our mutual friends complaining about me talking all the time about my grandmother. She said something along the lines of “don’t you think anon is always talking about the same thing?”. Our friend told her that it was normal because it was pretty traumatic and that in a few months I would be all alone by myself but she kept insisting that it was boring talking with me at this point because I was always sad and pessimistic. It was her wording…deep inside I knew I couldn’t ever forgive her for it.
I know we were only 18 and childish, so I tried so much to excuse her words (even thought I couldn’t talk with her about the things I saw), I tried to change my attitude and put on a fake smile to not overwhelm her. The worst thing that I have ever imagined was happening to me and all I cared was not to piss her off so she wouldn’t talk bad about me behind my back.
This continued for years. Even when my grandma died, a part of me was always afraid of overwhelming people. With time, I realised that my best friend was always the one to make me feel bad about myself. I could talk about anything and she had to turn my words down to make it about herself. When I kept distance (for obvious reasons) she got mad at me and complained that I was being reclusive and secretive. When I told her something personal, she went to other people to complain.
No. 1851226
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>>1851207i grew up to see my worst bullies being succesful , integrated and well adjusted people. Now i see a normie my age and just think they were probably exactly like them growing up and i think they are still pieces of shit who see me as trash but they've just learned to mask it through adult socialization.
No. 1851521
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hate driving in snow so fucking much. hate hate hate.
No. 1851787
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I started playing a BG3 campaign with my boyfriend and another scrote (friend of both). I'm playing a hideous male halfling (they are litterally MANLETS with the lil pot belly) and since my pg is so hideous I found it funny to put him Lae'zel's underwear for when he is in the camp as an outfit. The result is this ridicolous potty belled manlet in a leather thong and kinda fetishy looking garments. Now my boyfriend is upset because he feels like it gives strange vibes with the other scrote since behind this halfling avatr there is me irl. Idk how to explain it better but he said "trust me I know how they think!" And honestly nonnies… I'm at a loss. How can it give strange vibes? I mean I thought I knew the abyss and stupidity of male's deranged thought process but the transfer between the actual ridicolous looking carachter and me as the human playing behind it… seems extreme? Maybe I'm naif but still. Give me your wise insight anons.
No. 1851806
>>1851650You should do what makes you happy. You shouldnt have to give up your current job just to work in your boyfriend's business when he gets it. Seems like
sus tbh
Also, you dont need to press enter inbetween sentences. this isnt reddit.
No. 1851823
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This piss weather is so annoying, reeeeeeeeee!! I made a new year's resolution to walk outside daily for at least 30 mins and while I don't mind the cold I sure do mind a broken leg! It's so slippery and snowstormy outside! I can always go walk on my treadmill but it's not the same; walking outside is also good for vitamin D and fresh air which I obvi wouldn't get on my little treadmill. Plus I share an entryway with a neighbor and THIS MOLDYMOID never salts or shovels it!! Nonnies, it's so scandalous. He nevers weeps leaves from his mat, either! What's the point of having a mat to wipe your dirty shoes if it's covered by dirty leaves!!!! Men are incapable of basic living upkeep!
Anyway have a good day nonnies, stay safe if you're now snowstorm amerifags like me.
No. 1851874
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Why do some youtubers feel the need to make videos this long?? Like, I usually dont mind 18-30 min videos, 40 if they are really informative. But why the fuck is a video about an anime con this long?
No. 1851876
>>1851806He's concerned about me because I don't really do anything besides work. I don't have friends (due to my upbringing), I'm no contact with my family, my only outlet of social stuff was lolcow (been here since 2016) and I barely even visit here anymore. I read while I walk a 30 min treadmill walk at a brisk pace at home after work and that's pretty much "it" as far as extra activities go.
I feel like maybe it's a bad thing that I would be okay being a hermit that just works (basically an npc) and that I should be happy I have a person caring for me as he really does care for me.
No. 1851897
>>1851876Been here since 2016 and still typing like a newfag. You need to make some actual friends, anon. Having your boyfriend as your only friend is a recipe for disaster
>My upbringingOk, and you're not a child, right? You're an adult. Go make some actual friends. go outside. What is actually stopping you? It's very important to for women to have other friends of the same sex for a reason.
No. 1851947
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reddit spacing is a retarded meme invented by zoomers who only discovered 4chan recently and don't even know what paragraphs are. Whining about it just screams "tryhard newfag"
No. 1851961
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>>1851874I really don't understand either, nonna. Picrel from Rachel Oats, how can you spend 6 hours talking about a fundie sex course? What on earth can you clearly and concisely say in SIX HOURS. Is it just for the ad revenue?
No. 1852071
>>1851897What would friends do for me? The reason my boyfriend wants me to own his father's business is so I'm at work with people who know and care about me. He feels like that would be a lot better for my mental health than being a number that has to perform to a certain degree consistently. I guess since he doesn't have friends except me and his family, I don't think friends are necessary to live. I suppose even the life he leads is lonely to a degree as well. He only interacts with his immediate family or me.
Friendships are difficult for me to understand. Most of mine would consist of backhanded passive aggressive comments (which just made me feel terrible over time) or their moids would make it weird (i.e. once I had a friend and I slept over, she and her boyfriend had sex right next to me while I was asleep and it woke me up, to me, this is utterly unhinged and I decided I was done with it). It isn't worth keeping friends if it is dragging you down.
I am aware that I myself come off as really weird and socially awkward to others so I studied up on communication, social cues, etc. I still get told I'm blunt at work and weird, but I am a lot better than I was. I think my social skills are what they are to some degree. I've definitely improved them, but I am still clearly not as adept as many other people. My parents didn't allow me to go to school and limited my access to outside media (TV, movies, internet, music, etc.) and i would just read (selected) books as a kid. I don't believe there is a substitute for 15 years of social development.
No. 1852102
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I'm not sad, or angry, just dumbfounded I guess.
>be me
>be 12 years old tween
>love kawiwi shit and sperg about vocaloid and Lolita
>popular fashion style is meth chic with a bunch of crystals, butterflies and low-cut pants
>mom allows me to buy what is basically nowadays coquette but wants me to dress normally
>be me now
>mom learns about coquette
>tells me that I should definitely dress this way
>be happy but feel strange about this because my interest in Lolita back then was considered ridiculous
>feel strange as well because I've been struggling my whole life to battle my love for frills and try to have a minimalistic wardrobe after memeing myself to believe that I totally don't want to wear frills and ribbons
>daydream about a cute style that's kind of like gyaru but never tell anyone what's gyaru
I'm a retard, but it's okay. I think I will just, obviously keep my minimalist wardrobe and add a few coquette pieces to wear from time to time.
No. 1852233
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the retardation, infighting, baiting and influx of newfags is getting way out of hand lately. i used to love scrolling the farms on the weekend and having a good kek with anons on here but it's just not enjoyable anymore.
No. 1852524
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I told myself once I get my first real big girl job I'll start learning about proper money management that's deeper than income > spending, and next month that'll be the case, and I don't wanna, I'm bored to death just thinking about it. Literally the only thing giving me a silver lining of motivation is thinking I should do it because there's millions of women that won't have the chance to do so in their life, similar thought process to picrel. That was the only reason I finished getting my license, too.
No. 1852578
>>1846902>They have a whole episode about shaming Zoey for dating a black manLate but I'm sorry, what???? The original show had interracial couplings. Hell Penny dated Shia LaBeouf in that episode against pity dating shitty moids just cause they're disabled or in love with you. It wasn't against him for being white, that wasn't even a thing.
I could see old proud family having Oscar or maybe even Sugar Mama be regressive in some ways about Zoey dating a black dude and have them learn their lesson but this? Wtf?? Why are we going backwards? Mariah Carey's parents' house was targeted for attack cause they were biracial, are we trying to go back to that? Also tbh I always figured Zoey would end up with a super macho black dude because she didn't ever hang with the white kids and the show encouraged nerdy white girls not to change and had gags of Zoey snagging hot jocks. There was an episode where Zoey did try changing to date some dude and her lesson was to be herself and they dated. Now it's "be yourself but stay away from us white girl"?
No. 1852594
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My mom would say something along the lines of “I feel bad for your future husband” while I was growing up. Like oh no what will the poor scrote have to deal with, she was such a ducking pickme, the worst kind of mom to have had 5 daughters. She would always comment on our bodies and say we were too skinny or too fat. She was always talking to guys,cheated on her men, loved male attention, loved dick and we had to pay the price for her infidelity by being kicked out and displaced from the home a bunch. Our stepdad was a creep who admitted looking at high school girls, looked at stepdaughter porn, he creeped on us a lot but we would tell her and she would accuse us of being full of ourselves and we weren’t allowed to wear shorts around him, I’m actually in therapy undoing the damage for what he said, I almost started an onlyfans when I was desperate depressed and just defeated and I thought Since everyone thought of me as a whore I would just become one. He used to call me a whore and he made me strip in front of him and I told my mom and she didn’t care. She got mad AT me. But the whole time she was mad i realize it was like a weird punishment for her like your own crotchfruit from your previous marriage is being listed after by your new partner and you feel threatened by your offspring instead of wanting to protect her. Im the one who has to pay for all that damage, I am so scared of people and I went through a promiscuous phase because I wanted to feel “loved” and this just made my parents call me a whore even more. But the whole time my mom would just say things like “you won’t be so young forever” “No man is gonna wanna marry you “”men don’t like when women dress like that it makes you look easy. Isn’t that right, [insert stepdad or my mom’s other bf’s name here]?” Such a pickme you can’t even look at your own daughter and see the baby you once held, the little girl you read stories to and colored with running around waiting for my next tooth to fall out. You just saw me as another woman, who could steal your ugly ass man who I didn’t even want. Hell I didn’t want him as a stepdad let alone a perverted one. Pickmes never win, ESPECIALLY when they have kids, in fact nobody wins, the kids just an accessory for them but then they get dumped or neglected or the husband is not interested and act weird and emotionally incestuous with their sons but mean and jealous to their daughters. My brother is the youngest and when he was born she said “ohh he loves me so much, more than you guys ever did” and “finally after 5 girls I get a boy!”
No. 1852606
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Why am I so tired? Sleeping for 12 hours more often than not. Which just makes me more tired. It ruins my day and makes me not want to do anything.
No. 1852993
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Unironically hate little boys and how early their male socialization (and their male nature) shows. They always try to take more space and they don't pay attention to their surroundings. I can't count how many times a male kid bumped into me even though there was plenty of space around and he didn't have to bash his body against my back/ass/legs. I NEVER had a little girl bumping into me. Today at a store there was this annoying little fucker, maybe 7 or 8 years old, talking super loud and walking back and forth between aisles because he couldn't decide what toy he wanted and EVERY time he had to bump into me. I'm not ashamed to admit I wanted to slap that little fucker. Well he will grow up to be an entitled porn-addicted scum anyway. When I see a little girl I want to protect her, when I see a little boy I want to throw him into a waste container
No. 1853032
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I'm getting praised for "getting over" my depression but what really happened is I stopped sharing with others and started lying about feeling better because when I tried to get help everyone treated me I was just a lazy piece of shit. I'm completely miserable but I'm being a productive member of society so I guess it doesn't really matter.
No. 1853184
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I met this nice dude during orientation at my very first job. He was older than me, big guy, really kind and gregarious and he treated me like a little sister. On our first official day of work he wasn’t around and I was confused, so I pestered the supervisors until they finally, reluctantly told me he had died in a motorcycle accident the day before. It’s been almost fifteen years and I still catch myself thinking about him and get all sad.
No. 1853538
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>>1853060i am going to imagine by redacted you meant this
No. 1853544
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Messageboards and the internet at large seems so straight out of the gate aggressive these days. Post something completely innocuous and straight away someone’s telling you to kill yourself. Not just on LC. The world in general seems more aggressive with people in public on a hair trigger and just spoiling for a fight so I guess that is reflected on the internet.
No. 1853752
>>1853593I read something recently that spoke something similar to me: "real" suffering is gatekept and unless you're literally crucified history will forget.
get worse or better, the only thing that is certain is change.
I'll never forget some of the things you nonas have told me about your lives and your experiences. I don't even know your names and your legacy is unsung but I appreciate you all for exactly what you are. No. 1853898
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It's bullshit how hard and complicated sustaining a healthy body is in modern society nowadays.
Today, If you want to be strong and at a healthy weight, you gotta buy a bunch of protein and vegetables and cook them yourself. That's fine, everyone had to do that. But you get that money at your sit down bullshit office job that takes 8 sedentary hours of your life away. Then for the rest of your time you have to go to a dedicated place to workout and pump iron, or run around meaninglessly or sweat and do exercises at home alone for no other purpose other than improving your body, which for a lot of people isn't inherently motivating. And yet, having a thin body is expected of people. You gotta have enough shame of what people think about you that it motivates you to run around and sweat pretty much aimlessly so much that your body is thinner.
Plus eating processed foods and drinking alcohol is so normalised and everywhere it's hard to eat like a normal fucking person because you gotta go to your job and dont want to cook bread from scratch for 2 hours. I legit think it's ridiculous.
I could look at it from the perspective of gratitude, our lives are so easy that we dont have to toil and work hard for a few heads of cabbage and grains. Yeah, we should be thankful for that. But I'm still so upset that to achieve a NORMAL body your ancestors likely had just 100 years ago, to put on muscle and get stamina, you have to construct this elaborate plan that makes you look like a villain not only to your own body and convenience, but also to society. I wish it was fucking easier anons. Or maybe I'm a fat pig, who cares.
No. 1853914
>>1853898Too many women torture themselves with this, it feels like drowning. STOP KILLING YOURSELF. WE ARE NEVER TRAPPED UNLESS WE CHOOSE TO BE (Anais Nin)!
At the end of the day, your health is up to
you. Realistically, obsessing over a perfectly healthy diet is probably worse than following a moderate, relatively stress-free one. Simple foods, quality exercise, and positive thinking are really all it takes. Sweet potatoes are preferable to seed oils, but life is also more complicated than anyone could ever understand. Also, a car could hit us tomorrow, or an air conditioning unit could fall on our head.
Also I'm sperging because I've gained weight over the ho;lodiays.
Please be careful about the words you use to describe yourself because they have more influence than it seems.
No. 1854113
>>1854041Ntayrt but to be fair, women wouldn't want the same.
Most women I know aren't sellouts of their dignity and integrity, and even then, would still be conscientious enough to worry about the example they'd be setting for young women if they were to partake.
Women are too good for that shit. It's why meglomaniac shit ass men are often the ones with all the fucking money because they did not care what they had to do to obtain it.
No. 1854213
>>1853898I hear you. My dept is getting a new office and I'm in charge of picking furniture because woman. And I picked standing desks, and I even wanted a little desk treadmill, bc they always whine that I leave my office and go walk around the company's campus with my laptop, but like… Idk if you want me to stay at my desk, then can I do something besides just sit on my ass? Can it be interesting? Can I move? I hate office culture. But they're all complaining about some other woman in another department who got a treadmill and how everyone was mad about it bc they were spending company funds on a $200 treadmill, as though they don't shit out $80k a year on software licenses for dumb shit we barely use. As though $200 is even that much, oh my GOD. $200 for one of our employees to be able to be human while working, oh nooooo! I don't even care about being thin so much as I just want to move and be alive.
WFH rocked so much, I hated coming back to the office, I want to go back, but they won't let me! At least at home I literally already have my standing desk and treadmill. And I didn't have to share a space with some of the most miserable people on earth who literally make themselves be miserable. Idk why everyone has such a big problem with me rarely being at my desk if I'm working. Literally what is the difference if you jabber me while I'm at my desk vs walking around, what is the difference??? Someone was telling me if was against fire code? They need to know I'm not wandering off into Narnia for when they burn the building down, I guess. What, are they gonna identify my charred corpse based on which desk I was closest too??? "We can't get a clear ID, sir, she was in a hallway. RIP Jane Doe… maybe someone will make a podcast trying to identify you, but it's out of our hands."
Then everyone always brings donuts in, and they stink so bad of cheap sugar. And it just makes me gag to walk in there. I'm genuinely not even that much of a health nut, like… I just can't stand it. I mean, how many donuts do you need to eat in your life before you know what they taste like? You really need to have that same experience over and over, same taste over and over? And then bring in some cheap vanilla sheet cake every month for people's birthdays, you need one of those cakes with the shitty cloying "buttercream" every month? It's a special treat for you????? Do you think it's gonna taste any different from the other cheap shitty vanilla sheet cakes you've had in your whole life???? But oh my God, I brought in a pack of tuna to eat with some crackers! I just want a shelf stable cheap food to eat, my GOD. I stunk up the whole break room! It's that chicken of the sea that's got people diving for the gas masks, they're getting intubated in the wahmbulance. Give me a break. The way people are still talking about my goddamn tuna nearly a year later like that's the most important thing that has ever happened to them!!! They are not alive!!
No. 1854308
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I started hula hooping thinking it would work out my torso muscles, but really it's just killing my fucking legs. My legs feel like they lose stability afterwards, that's how much it burns.
>>1854292Sorry, I deleted to fix typo. Tbh I haven't gone up from 10 minutes since then. I was thinking about trying 15 today. In terms of my actual body, I haven't checked my weight or measurements and I doubt they've changed yet.
No. 1854361
Get on my level, noob. Full grades in school, plenty of friends. Absolutely sure I would nail it in life.
Then and only then, when you fall through the cracks it comes as a real shock.
No. 1854366
>>1853682First: you must be a trannie. What woman feels the need to mention they have good hygiene? How many women actually buy vibrators?
Second: your boyfriend doesn't like you anymore. In the rare case that you might be a real woman, then he might be gay.
No. 1854589
>>1854479I used to be a teafag growing up, part of my culture then I started getting tummyaches drinking tea raw and now I'm turned off.
>>1854480AYRT, I was like that too. Esp as a kid, barely drank water, and the only time I'd drink is when it was extremely watered down OJ (75% water to OJ). I believe in you
nonnie, I was able to beat it (kinda..)
No. 1854611
>>1854576As a university student, you should look into an internship or co-op if possible. Paid ones are the only ones worth your time in this industry. You can get a lot of good real-world experience that way
Low level programming also makes me feel retarded. I barely got through my courses. I didn't start to enjoy programming until I had to pick it up for a temporary job at school, that's where I picked up script writing.
What kind of entry-level positions are you applying for?
No. 1854650
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I’ve been stuck on the psychopharmacological merry-go-round for almost 10 years and I am just so tired. My mom threatened to call the police when I wouldn’t take my fluoxetine at 17, something I was prescribed for obsessive compulsive related blah blah blah blah. It didn’t help at all and I didn’t want to put unneccessary chemicals in my body. Same practitioner who prescribed the SSRI put me on Adderall despite not having ADHD to combat the drowsy unmotivated side effects of that medication, despite anxiety being my main issue. I stayed up for days on end paranoid and, well, the usual unnecessary stimulant side effects. Supposedly had bipolar symptoms start around the time I started Uni that involved impulsivity and paranoia and graphomania and that weird word rhyming thing manics do blah blah blah blah. Would that have ever happened if I hadn’t been exposed to this stuff so early in my life? I don’t know. I don’t know anyone in my recent family history with bipolar and yet here I am after being tossed all these meds. Then I had a psychiatrist prescribe Sertraline at I think 350 or 400mg (max recommended dose is 200mg) and I ended up in a psychotic state, diagnosed either Bipolar or Schizoaffective depending on who you ask, my therapist thinks it’s mostly trauma based. Idfk. Sometimes I think this practition is just a scam. Obviously I am not happy either way, meds or no meds, but I think most people just aren’t. My mom flip flops on whether I am bipolar or not yet insists I take my medications to the degree she wants to watch as I take the stupid pills. Now I am on Haldol, Lithium, other things, I feel no ambition no motivation, little love in my life. I sleep 12 hours a day. Am I not getting voices? Yes. Am I not getting paranoid? Mostly. But I have not a creative bone left in my body, the one thing that gave me comfort and happiness as an isolated neglected kid. I miss drawing, I miss creating, I don’t feel like a real human so much of the time. I’m just tired.
No. 1854820
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I'm so well-rounded and attractive that it's really difficult to meet a romantic partner that can match me. ik that's wild to say on an anon imageboard but it's true. I was a nerdy and insecure kid who went through a huge extroverted glow up in my adult years. I've subsequently had countless people approach, fall in love with, want to be friends with, and respect me. Many have described me as extremely rare, radiant, beautiful in mind-body-soul, etc. But despite being widely loved and admired, I'm romantically lonely. I yearn for all-encompassing love and companionship but I only want it with someone who really complements me.
Unfortunately no-one seems to make the cut. The guys who are really smart and kind tend to be physically unattractive to me, while the hot ones tend to be uninteresting and spiritually lacking. I've made the mistake of compromising on missing qualities many times before and ended up with Nigels I didn't actually respect so I can't do it again. While I'm much happier being single, once in a while a wave of loneliness comes and this one swept me into pitifully complaining on lolcow lol. I literally have such a great life otherwise I just want true love
No. 1854833
I had some kids in my care for a long time when I was a teen/young adult, 2 boys and a girl. They're family, but not by blood. They had a rough situation for a long time and so I was their full time guardian for a few years, there's only a 6 year age gap between me and the oldest but it felt like a world of difference when I was caring for them as a teenager. I worked through school to support them, sacrificed a lot just to make sure they were taken care of, I was basically their mom for quite a few years. I grew incredibly close with them, but over time as they got older the two oldest stopped needing me as much and slowly moved back to their actual home. The youngest boy was very attached to me though and stayed with me longer than he really needed to.
But as he got older the men in my life would sexualize my relationship with him in a weird way. When he got about 15, men would make jokes about how "lucky" he was to spend so much time with me and imply really disgusting things. Constantly cracking jokes about me being his "mommy" and stuff. Eventually it wore me down and I felt like I needed to distance myself from him so no one got the wrong idea, and I did. I distanced myself, he grew further apart from me, and now we don't even talk. I have so much guilt, his own mother has recently completely abandoned him. I hate that I let worthless moids get to me, but I thought I was doing the right thing at the time stepping away and pushing him to be more of an independent young man. I miss him all the time. All 3 of them. They were the most difficult and best part of my life.
No. 1854886
I hate that where I live, reporting your assault to the government doesn’t do anything. Spoilering the context cause it’s heavy even for the vent thread. I was raped on camera as a teenager, and these guys threaten to spread the video online. It’s happened before, I had to call my countries equivalent of the FBI in order for it to be taken down from some random porn site. Every now and then, I get another threat, they send me threats to do it again and they found my number even after I changed it. I already contacted the case manager to report the stalking, but I hate the absolute chokehold these scrotes have on me. You’d think I’d be the safest a survivor can get, because of the agents, but they don’t live with me, they can’t protect me 24/7. I’m even more worried because they might have my address, and I don’t live with my parents anymore. I have a toddler daughter I need to protect. It’s not possible for me to just move the second things get rough, it’s gonna take at least a year for me to get another place to live, and even longer to move. I hate porn. I hate scrotes.
No. 1855021
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I panicked and quit another online assessment for a job before even attempting it. I'm such a lost cause and will be terminally useless. I wish the suicidal feelings would come back. I can't even get those back. fuckfuckfuck
No. 1855043
>>1855021Wow nona, your experience sounds alot like mine. I have also had social phobia for a long time (Since about 5th grade) and my first job was hell for it. I also cried in the bathroom multiple times and was getting walked all over by co-workers + supervisor. I had to walk outside and get a talking to from supervisor several times, because of co-workers complaining to him about my fuck ups. Although I also interpreted that as just trying to get me fired, because they were his kiss asses that didn't try to correct me first and were giving me way too hard a time considering it was still my first few weeks on the job.
I'm still horrified at the possibility of ever coming back to a job like that.
>Once she told me she heard our male coworkers talking about me, they were supposedly wondering if I was a virgin because I was so shy, and she said she told them I was partaking in gangbangs and I'm not as innocent as I look like.This was eerily similar to what I had happen as well. Co-workers started trying to get me to admit I was a virgin. After one of them asked if I had sex and I didn't say anything, he goes "Man, I bet you've never even seen a dick before". But I just said "Well, I'm talking to one right now, aren't I?" Everyone went "Oooooh!" and he shut up after that. (Still one of my proudest moments, considering what a pushover I've always been. lmao)
>I was naive enough to tell her I was diagnosed with autismYeah, don't do that. Someone mean enough to pick on you not knowing you're autistic won't suddenly become nicer just because you are. Several times before I've thought about explaining to people picking on me for my quietness that it's due to social phobia, but then I realized they'd probably just start jumping in front of me and trying to scare me more on purpose or something. lmao
> mocking my gestures, and then again being super nice to me, even buying me a gift for christmasYeah, now she's just treating you like you're retarded.
>my therapist said it looks like she has NPD or at least some very strong narcissistic tendencies.Not enough information, but with the hot/cold treatment it could be. Or she could just be a run of the mill asshole. Either way, you may find the gray rocking method to work. Basically make yourself sound as boring and uninteresting to fuck with, as possible. Come back at her with smart aleck replies. It will (hopefully) both deflate her ego and show you're not worth messing with.
I'm not sure ignoring will work, however. I was bullied alot in middle school and that's the only advice I got ad nauseam about it. That's what I was already doing but it kept going. (Maybe it works for people who clearly show disinterest in their body language too, and/or aren't getting picked on for being quiet in particular, but that was never me unfortunately because I've always been as readable as a book and as quiet as a church mouse.) The only time I've accomplished getting someone to fuck off, is when I've made it clearly known through my words.
I don't know how professional the environment you work in is, like if it is white collar or something, but if it's some bottom of the barrel fast food job like I was at then hell, you may even be able to get away with a literal "fuck off". :d
>If I immediately went to HR with her bullshitHR is never your friend. They are there to protect the company, not you. I wouldn't advise you do this again. You are much better off taking such issues to a supervisor than HR.
>I just hope she won't try to sabotage my job behind my back, like messing up my projects or my orders, because I know she's capable of it.My mother had gotten a boss that tried to sabotage her and started threatening with court. I don't think you need to take it that far yet but you can start documenting what is happening and again, continue verbally asserting yourself in other ways. Bullies thrive only on passivity.
No. 1855074
I think I might have PKU.
I will need to see a doctor and check. I hope I'm just being paranoia, but if if turns out to be true, then this means my mother kept it from me my whole life.
Growing up I was forbidden from eating a lot of stuff, my mother specially told me that I wasn't supposed to eat anything that had phenylalanine. She told me that I was allergic, and I didn't know what it was, so I just shrugged it.
I actually have a lot of allergies, so it made sense to me. Some of them are really awful, so I never dared to eat anything that contain phenylalanine. I grew up, and I still control my diet to avoid anything that might cause me allergy. But I now realize that a lot of those things are things that have phenylalanine. Milk, eggs, beans, anything that might have artificial sweeteners such as coke, candies, etc. It's also true that I'm way shorter and paler than most people I know. My grandfather once told me he believed I had albinism. My height is more or less the same as a 11 yr kid. I didn't finish highschool, I failed most of my subjects. I just assumed I had bad genetics, that that's why I had so many allergies and was short. I also have eczema that gets really severe sometimes, and thyroid issues. I am underweight, (I was even more underweight before) to the point doctors accused me of being anorexic, and tried to convince to change my diet and put me on hormones; often arguing that it was cause by my thyroid, by my diet, etc. I just accepted that I lost the genetic lottery a decided not to have kids. My mother tried to explain it all arguing that I was premature, and I believe her.
I was watching a series, and suddenly they mentioned that there's a disease when people get phenylalanine build up in their blood, and I was completely taken aback. I know that this was stupid on my part, but I never even researched what phenylalanine until now. I always thought it was a chemical they used in artificial sweeteners. I am in shock. I have spent most of my life at the doctor's trying to figure out what is causing all these health issues, and if it turns out that this is true, I don't know what I will do. Why did my mother lie like that? What other reason could she have to have told me that I was allergic so I would never eat anything with it? Why would she do that? And if it turns out that I do have PKU, what the fuck am I going to do? How do I even confront her? What do I say? This can't be real, I'm really hoping I'm just being paranoid and exaggerating, and that I just have bad health in general or something. Fuck
No. 1855076
I hate when people at work give me a hard time because they don't understand things. I'm literally a messenger, what I provide is information and a warm response. I don't have any power or influence over anything that you're asking for. So if it doesn't exist, we have bigger problems then me right now. It has nothing to do with my job. If it doesn't exist, and we all agree that you need it or ought to have it available, we need to go beyond ranting at me, interrupting me, saying my ideas are stupid, or belittling me. Also, "calling the governor" does fucking nothing. Anyone who responds to my information with "I need to call my governor, I'm going to call my legislator, my representative", I want to say "Don't waste your breath." or laugh at them, but of course I can't because I don't want to lose my job.
You mad that there's no grant monies through the government? Me too, bitch. You mad that you can't get help with your chronic illness because healthcare workers are scarce? Me too! And as it turns out, because I'm the messenger, I get to be the whipping boy too. Even though I'm also mad about the same goddamn thing.
You know what's frustrating? Working in a state whose services boil down to the government hiring contractors who hire subcontractors who hire out of state subcontractors who hire subcontractors who report to the state once a year and they actually have majority stakeholders in another country. I love America. So nobody ever gets coordinated services, or accurate information - you have to just pray the person you're talking to has been working at the job more than 5 years.
No. 1855099
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i genuinely dont understand how i manage to fail at maintaining female friendships. on one hand, i feel way too autistic for normie girls, like as if they can sniff out my off-puttingness no matter how normal i try to be. and yet i still always yearn for female companionship.
No. 1855108
>>1855043Oh crap not that. (facepalm)
I meant
>>1850618 nona. Sorry
No. 1855113
>>1855107I do drive, unfortunately. Also unfortunately, knitting or crocheting is about the last thing I would ever pick up for fun. i'm glad you like it though.
>>1855109kek all my coworkers are 50-70 y/o male autistic PHD holders, that would be such an awful idea. Plus I guess I just don't like messing with people, I always think if someone did that to me, it would really ruin my day since every waking moment for me is already torture. maybe if I was evil I would have more fun but that's just not me.
No. 1855153
>>1855151i'm ayrt, she's not me,
>>1855152 is.
No. 1855178
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>>1855164>>1855167WTF WHY can't we have fun even on the internet
No. 1855330
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Clearing out my phone so I want to post this one before I delete it. Scrotes are literally demons. It's nothing graphic don't worry.
No. 1855361
>>1855344You can buy frozen chicken breast that keeps a long time, is cheap, and takes just as much time and effort as frozen chicken nuggets.
Frozen broccoli, canned peas, stir fry squash and zucchini, steamed cabbage, all of these arguably take less time and effort and are just as cheap as boxed Mac and cheese. Dried beans, rice, bread with at least some nutritional value. Even pasta with a store bought sauce that you blend extra veggies into, rather than Kraft.
Sometimes someone doing their best still isn’t enough and I don’t know why we have to pretend that it is.
No. 1855452
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I accidentally made friends with a tim, well I knew they were a tim but I talked to them because of sharing a friend an she is actually really cool (i know I shouldn't ma'am them but I'd feel bad if i didn't,I know, Im an idiot.) but she's so nice and she likes all of the stuff I like and we have the exact same sense of humor. Since she's into men i don't feel perved on by her. I actually feel guilty but really conflicted. I used to be all trans rights then I came here and became pretty gc, now I feel like I'm misleading this person but also maybe falling for a trap myself. Like transgender ideology is still pretty sexist and reinforces pretty bad stereotypes and gender roles, I know that but also I hate that I'm judging this person who I probably wouldn't judge at all if I didn't know they were transgender. Can I get some advice? Can I just write it off as "she's one of the good ones" and carry on. Should I quietly avoid her? She's not one of those greasy nasty used to be an incel ones, she seems really quite normal. I just feel like kind of a pos.
No. 1855461
>>1855453Don’t be like this, she came here for advice and is clearly conflicted about it.
>>1855452If you like him I don’t see a problem with entertaining it. Perhaps one day you’ll be able to sneak in some GC views and make him come around. I know we hate trannies around here but some people are just gncs who would have just been effeminate gay males or butch women if the times hadn’t shilled transgenderism. To be frank some males really chill out on female hormones and end up being nicer people. Don’t succumb to the brainwashing and feel guilty though, I was also pro-trans before I came here and realised anons had a point but remain friends with some gendies and can understand the feeling of being dishonest, but you’re not really doing anything wrong and I’ve even introduced some gender critical views to these people, slowly but surely.
No. 1855473
>>1855469This is an extremely controversial opinion on LC but women are not the only
victims of gender ideology and some gnc men also troon because they've been abused and gaslighted.
No. 1855483
>>1855452You can both consider transgenderism a sexist ideology/cult (which it 100% is imo, I'm not defending trannies) and befriend a
victim of it. I come from a religious background/community and while I consider said religion to be misogynistic and opressive, I don't banish all my family and childhood friends who're religious from my life just because we don't see eye to eye on everything. Also
>>1855455. Just be careful he won't rope you into the ideology and don't tolerate sexism.
That said, I don't believe in "good ones" just "not actively harmful
No. 1855494
>>1855452You sound really young and easily influenced, so I'd urge you to be careful around this guy. We've all had experiences with men who seemed normal, kind and genuine but flipped a switch the second they felt like they could drop their act. I'm not saying your TIM friend is like this, but, y'know, statistically speaking, he is.
And please remember that gay men hate women just as much as straight men do. Don't tell him your deepest darkest secrets, don't go out of your way to help him, don't pull him into your friend groups or try to integrate him into other parts of your life. He's your friend, not your child.
Humoring him with the pronouns is one thing, inviting him to the women's bathroom is another. Don't let his niceness blind you to the fact that he's a man, don't put other women in danger because you've guilt tripped yourself into supporting a man's delusions.
No. 1855669
>>1855658It could also be that you are better at smelling bullshit or less lenient when it comes to it, which is a great trait!
For some it's also simply that they don't know what a healthy relationship actually is, I was in a
toxic relationship for 9 months because I didn't have anything decent to compare it to since the one before that was
abusive, so whatever crumb of kindness I got was considered good for me. And considering how fucking awful most men are I think this might be a very common experience.
No. 1855758
>>1855752yeah, that's the plan (more or less); i've pretty much exhausted my savings at this point. i won't really be able to build them back up either, because if i can't get a job that lets me MOVE she's going to be in my account begging for bill and entertainment money (part of the reason why my savings are decimated – buying her "treats" all the time added up fast).
>don't buy her anythingtried that, but if i didn't she just threatened to kick me out kek.
No. 1855795
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>>1855767He sounds like he wants to fuck an alien
No. 1855921
>>1855344i agree with you. my mom was
abusive as fuck but even she ensured i had 3 actual meals a day to eat.
No. 1856016
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>>1856007"girls develop early" sounds like another Vaush-type talking point to lower the age of consent
No. 1856033
>>1856007If anything, boys should start as quickly as possible exactly because "muh man brain too slow" so they can learn discipline in order to control their impulses and behavior. And boys would need to always be with older girls so they can't use their age to intimidate the girls.
That's following the logic I guess. I honestly would prefer if girls could have their own schools and boys could have their own prisons so they can kill each other without traumatizing girls.
No. 1856036
>>1856007As if they need less education and discipline. they should just work harder like women had to and learn from their female classmates examples; they actually get coddled so much.
when it was the other way around they said we were too dumb for school and tried to restrict our rights and access but when it’s men struggling it’s everyone’s problem?
No. 1856043
>>1856018He works abroad but he always takes her side when it comes to us. He infantilises her a lot but he really is a wife guy i guess
I think I already know i’ll just have to suck it up, stay employed somehow, save and get out but it’s all so crappy.
It double sucks when your parents are your biggest problem because it’s their fault you’re even here suffering. At least have the decency to be supportive and normal about things
No. 1856048
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Just lost $12,34 gambling
No. 1856102
>guy 5 years younger than me is obsessed with me, lovebombs, says I'm the most beautiful girl in the world and I could have any guy if
I wanted and become more confident, tells me I'm out of his league etc.
>I decide to give him a chance
>he gets butthurt because I don't give him enough attention and don't text him every day and don't treat him like a baby, calls me cold, calls me weird for not allowing him to choke me during making out sessions because apparently "every other girl liked it and asked for it".
>his death grip was so strong he could barely came from me jerking him off, I had to do it witch such strenght that my wrist was hurting for an hour later kek
>starts playing on my insecurities, calls me "old", tells me my ass got bigger when I literally gained like 2-3 kg and I was just 56 kg and he could still feel my ribs when touching me, he could no longer feel my hip bones though and he liked them
Gods men are so pathetic. At least I didn't let him fuck me. I'm still in my 20s but that fucker made me feel old, even though at first he admitted I looked like 6 years younger. But he knew I had an insecurity regarding my age and he was playing on it when I didn't give him what he wanted
No. 1856109
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I don't know if I'm actually autistic, very low iq or just socially awkward with weird niche interests but I hate how people can always tell something about me is off, even when I'm trying my best to fit in. Like when I'm talking to a normal well-adjusted person I can feel the moment they sense my strangeness and start treating me differently.
I've put so much time and effort into wearing the right clothes, buying the right things, keeping up with celebs and media I don't give a fuck about, being friendly and funny and happy, what is this intrinsic flaw in me that makes me such an outcast and how do I fix it?? I'm sick of people looking down on me because of some nebulous "normalness" I'm lacking. Maybe I should go mask off and start sperging about bugs and rhythm games at work
No. 1856160
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Gonna apply for disability since I can't afford to live without a job for the next few months
Dont want to be accused of being a leech or looked down upon for being jobless when struggling. During the period I'd be on disability I would work on my mental health and build myself up to a place where I'd be able to handle an interview, but for now my therapist said it's clear we're not there yet and recc'd I apply. I feel like such a dumb bitch honestly
No. 1856183
>>1856130Thanks for the encouragement nona, I wish you good luck too.
I feel like in my case I rarely even meet women or have the chance to encounter them. A lot of my interests are male-dominated so idk I don't come across them, and then when I do meet women I'm always grasping at straws for things to connect over. But I will keep trying.
No. 1856255
My mother is a very unfair, mentally unwell person and it's too much for me to handle. I understand how having her adult daughter move back in with her is an imposition, but I wish she would realize that she was given the same grace by my grandparents after her second marriage failed and that time she moved back in with ME, a little baby! Not only that, but they let her stay in the detached garage apartment so she even got her own space. Why is she so mean to me about this even though she did the same thing but with even more baggage–me?
I had to move my entire house into a storage unit after I ended an engagement so then my ex sued me for the house. I stay in my mom's guest bedroom with only my clothes, laptop, and toiletries. All my books, crafts, hobbies, and decor I was not allowed to bring with me so I crammed it into storage with all my furniture and appliances. She took what she wanted of my consumables and appliances and told me to pack up the rest. My mother wouldn't even suffer a couple stuffed animals I wanted to keep in a hammock in the only closet I get even though it would spark a little joy for me to see them. Clutter, she said. The house is "our" house until it's suddenly just "her" house when she is angry at me or needs to use it as leverage whenever she feels she is losing control. She started taking wellbutrin so her anxiety/ocd is somewhat better but ever present.
I made the terrible mistake of cooking myself lunch, so as usual she spied & helicoptered the kitchen to assess my misdoings. She observes my every movement under a microscope and because she is retired she has all day to think about ways to catch me. Anyways, I cleaned up as I cooked, wiped down the stove and countertop, did the dishes, and put everything away. "Sweep the floor." Because a fleck of garlic husk was found. Alright, I said. She then laid into me about my boxes in the garage because I cannot fit anything more in my 20x20 unit. I understand she wants her garage clear but my four boxes doesn't make it unusable and she gets to park her car in it and not me anyways. Then she asks about my debt and if I have paid anything off. Nons…I have only been here since mid November and my debt is into tens of thousands from home rennovations, house credit cards, and now, lawyer retainer fees. She treats me like I spent frivilously and now have to pay off a juvie hundo or two and stop buying avocado toast. How could any adult have paid off anything in under two months?! I tried to explain all this calmly, yet she was accusing me of "getting angry" and policing my tone even though I was not being nasty and did not raise my voice. I reiterated that I was being firm, with slight annoyance. She shot back that I am not being considerate enough of her space and to try to understand matters from her perspective. I told her how sorry I was that I invaded her space, how much of an imposition it is to have her daughter living back home, and that I would try to stay out of her way. She was satisfied…did not pick up what I had put down at all because she unironically believes that about me.
Finally, to cut the tension, mom brought up how she was watching a judge hand over a sentence for some incel neet who was living with his mom and got into trouble. (The subtext here is that she is watching videos of criminal moids living unemployed and playing video games all day at their mommies' places and drawing parallels to vindicate herself as a great parent towards ingrate selfish daughter me even though I wouldn't get away with a FRACTION of what those moids do). But I listened. She explained that the judge gave a speech to the incel neet about how she had to move back in with her mother too and how it was impossible for her to feel like an adult because the judge was still her mother's child. And so, instead of my mother taking away the message that even someone as succesful & intelligent as a judge needed to lean on her parents too, my mom used it as a justification for why I was feeling infantilized and mistreated by her.
Sure. I had to accept her hug at the end of this beratement lest I stoke her into a narcissistic rage.
I cannot tell her no. Since the day I was born I have always been her prop. If you look around her house, all pictures of me are from when I was a small, co-dependent little girl who did not know of better treatment and needed her mother's love for literal survival. I was so easy to control and manipulate back then. There are no pictures of my college graduations, or any of us together as adults, because she hates me and just can't be honest with herself about it cause she knows that's terrible. But it explains her unwarranted resentment towards me so much. Thankfully, she loves my dog even though she bitches about his fur shed because my sweet doggy loves her unconditionally, just like child me once did being an endless supply for her. Now, she holds the fact that I went no contact with her for four years over my head. If only she could remember and admit to herself that the reason why I did it is because she said I deserved to be raped after I came to her seeking emotional comfort after it happened–she made matters about her third divorce because-no matter what-my mom is in competition to minimize my pain and to be the biggest victim in the room. She claims she does not remember this reason and it makes me sick. This erasure and retcon of my boundaries and experiences plays out every damn day with her.
In spite of me taking her to dinners, buying groceries, cooking meals to her liking (she complains about my taste and looks down on it), driving her to events because she is too scared to drive, and doing things to show I am thoughtful of her…she treats me this way.
She'll later go through my room to sigh loudly and fuss as she rummages through my things and "cleans my room" even though I clean for a living and thus my bedsheets are washed, desks dusted, and carpet vacuumed on a weekly basis.
I can admit that my one crime is not putting away my washed laundry which sit folded on the floor or on hangers because I am so fucking depressed and the crowded closet makes it so I am deterred from facing it.
She's sick. I wish I didn't have to be here because I am in a state of constant stress from my past traumas with her episodes. My only escape is being away from this house for as long as I can. At least my management job gives me the alibi to leave suddenly, since she demands a report of where I go and when I am to return. I catch myself wanting to move fast with men I date to escape her which is what I did as a teen. Alas, I know that's not right and will only serve to cause me more shit down the line as I have learned the hard way that men cannot be trusted either.
It's so painful, if I didn't wake up tomorrow then it would be welcomed. I cry out of despair and exasperation of her torment almost every single day. I have nightmares about her…
Repost because I didn't mean to quote.
No. 1856266
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Bought my bum bf a $1700 graphics card for his pc (after he got me nothing for my birthday and Christmas) and his only reaction was to whine about having to buy a better power supply for it and bitching me out for not asking him about that ahead of time. Even though it's the exact fucking thing he said he wanted.
Btw it's not that he can't afford to get me anything. We both work minimum wage, but he got a $100k inheritance. I also buy a the fucking groceries. I'm killing myself, this is so pathetic.
No. 1856303
>>1856287It's okay anon I know it's tl;dr but I'm glad it's relatable.
My ex fiancé is suing me for the house we shared together and I am currently paying off tens of thousands in house-related debt from that time. Even with my salary, I can choose to either make a rent payment or pay off my debt but I cannot afford both. It sucks.
No. 1856358
>>1856266It's ok non, we all did some really embarassing and unequal shit for the men we thought we loved.
I hope you recognize your worth now and realize you can do better.
No. 1856422
>>1856186Now my dad's claiming that it'll take 6-9 months. I've been unemployed since last October it can't be that hard
Also my guy recession is only worsening and I'm stuck on the phone with Medicaid bullshit because they can't verify my identity. I don't know that even after all I fucking apply for and if I get fucking into the dentist that I'll be able to afford the surgery.
The only thing I feel right now is like shooting myself. I already screamed and cried on the floor and I've been on hold for an hour. Feels like my mouth and throat are melting. I'm in a bad fucking state.
No. 1856468
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Ran into motherfuckers on reddit crying sad tears for pedos like chrischan, is it too late to destroy the world yet
No. 1856589
>>1856587i will keep you in my thoughts and hopes
nonnie. i was this way once, albeit two decades younger, but it had started young. it lasted many years. i got over it. its a lot of work and im still imperfect in other ways but it gets so much better.
accept it will be hard. accept it will take a long time, longer than you want, but know that you will change for the better and you CAN. but in doing so
nonnie please dont strive for some form of perfection. you can either embrace the choices you are making, or drop and change them. but either way you will have to decide.
i know you can do it. tackle one issue at a time. that is more than enough. but you will need to do some deep digging into the emotional roots.
No. 1856621
>>1856587at bare minimum please drop the drink
nonny, you can do this!
No. 1856628
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i hate the gender discourse so fucking much like i'm playing NEOPETS and half the neoboards are about ~accepting your pronounds~ bitch i call everyone they/y'all already i just want some funny memes about a 25 yr old website based on having pets. any why are all of the mtf's on it furries and constantly post about furryism but i can't just say "STOP I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR CHOSEN GENDER" god this is so retarded and so am i
No. 1856640
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i was riding my bike past a school and some boys shouted pig at me and then started making porny moaning noises
No. 1856642
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>>1856400i have this poster above my desk and another work of hers
No. 1856673
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I made a promise to not spend money on males this year and I broke it several times already
No. 1856722
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Angry newfags who don't know LC history, don't actually read posts but still act like they're the police pisses me off.
No. 1856745
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I hate that I can just sit there, and then suddenly I remember some fucked up thing that's ongoing. It's typically not even something from the news (often, it's things that are not talked about). Knowing I can't do much to make it all stop makes me want to puke. I don't feel like I have the right to be here, relatively okay, when both humans and animals are tortured for no reason. So much of it is for no fucking reason. Not even money, labor or food (not that those things would make it good).
Eugenicists weren't entirely wrong. It's just that they were often idiotic, self-aggrandizing racists. Many people should be sterilized. It shouldn't even stop there, honestly. A lot of people should straight up die for the good of everything on earth. Sadism is worse than stupidity.
No. 1856773
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Bought this based on recommendations from coworkers. I took the recommended dose for first timers and have spent the last 24 hours with horrible stomach cramps and shitting myself. Apparently Magnesium Citrate is used as a laxative? Fuck me and my stomach and my dumb ass for not doing more research.
No. 1856836
>>1856831I'm in my 30s and getting better matches and more dates than I ever have before. It's cause I have a solid career, have fun, and learned how to take care of myself.
Moids just malding and seething like usual, shit only gets harder for them honestly.
No. 1857097
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>>1855748Already been done
No. 1857101
>>1857070Maybe if you're my 500 lb life tier or have bad hygiene accompanying it. No one cares about people being a little fat
The anon in question though clearly was more bothered by the fat kid watching fetish videos. She probably wouldn't even have commented on his weight if he wasn't being gross in public